Index to my blog comments -- Part 6
Female triumphalism
Sisters make you conservative?
Having sisters: Another elephant discovered
Are women who don't want children blue lobsters?
Debunking Myths about Gender and Mathematics Performance?
Whine! whine! whine! Would YOU be devastated if you found that most physicists are men?
Is the female of the species really more intelligent than the male?
Julia Gillard: A failed feminist flop and a warning to women in politics
Feminists will always be a disgruntled minority of harpies huddled in a corner moaning to one-another Will feminism produce great works of art?
It takes a woman .... to scratch another woman's eyes out
"Women's spaces" -- segregation, apartheid?
Psychologists preaching feminism again
Dads Who Do Dishes Raise Ambitious Daughters(?)
Feminism as a form of racism
Male/female body-type preferences
As a controversial book says women who’ve never wed should treasure their freedom... is it possible to be a happy spinster?
Some biology that feminists ignore
Are feminists mentally ill?
Australian feminist gets a man fired for free speech
Some typical feminist lack of perspective
Yes means Yes and No means No -- except when you are Ched Evans
Feminist, Em Rusciano, wants to censor Mark Latham
Female computer science professor blasts the sexist geeks she says show 'staggering' bias against women
Foolish Aboriginal model wants acceptance as a model only
British footballer Ched Evans cleared of rape charges, following retrial. Feminists furious
Hillary not stopped by a glass ceiling
Feminist lack of reality-contact again
How to deal with sexual harassment
Women’s Mental Health and Well-being 5 Years After Receiving or Being Denied an Abortion: A Prospective, Longitudinal Cohort Study
Rough old feminist broad wants more imperial honours for women
Is feminism incompatible with romance?
Shortage of eligible men has left women taking desperate steps to preserve their fertility, experts say
Equal pay for equal work? No tsank you! As Harry Lauder used to say
Where have all the good men gone? These sassy, sophisticated, solvent women say they are struggling to find other halves that can measure up
Google Manifesto: Does Biology Explain Gender Disparities in Tech?
We're just too clever to find a boyfriend! It may sound insufferably smug, but these women say their high intellect means they struggle to meet someone
Female beauty
Fat and neurotic feminist needs a dash of Pauline wisdom
2018 Will Be the Year Feminists Target Little Boys
Feminism is leading to democide
#MeToo isn’t enough. Now women need to get ugly (?)
Sexual harassment in Hollywood
Treat women with respect
Why American men are getting less marriageable
Could an overweight woman with a facial deformity and wearing a boiler suit win the Miss America competition?
Why I favor the Equal Rights Amendment
Smart women need to marry down to become mothers because there aren't enough smart men to go around, researchers warn
Australian culture is backward? Only from a feminist viewspoint
The transgender posse vs. Scarlett Johansson -- and "trouser roles"
Proof that girls and boys are born to be different: Study finds that brain differences between the sexes begin in the womb
'Fearless Girl' arrives in Melbourne
Deciphering "gender"
Why 'Joker' Is Being Called A 'Toxic Rallying Cry For Incels'
Marriage rates are on the decline because of fewer 'economically-attractive' men as women are focused to choose between remaining single or 'settling' for less successful partners
Women are more likely to have male jobs in POOR countries
Feminists are sexy, rubbishy study finds
Women board members increase businesses' profits tenfold, report finds
I Hate Men is the title of a young woman's new book which officials tried to ban as an incitement to hatred - but the author (a French bisexual blogger) is a mass of contradictions who happily makes brownies for her mild-mannered husband
Psychologist reveals why boys and girls SHOULD be raised differently
Are short women attractive to men only because they look like they are easier to 'physically dominate and CONTROL'
Misogynistic 'radicalisation' of boys online has these experts calling for change
London police chief Cressida Dick told to resign to restore women’s confidence in police
Do children's books encourage gender stereotypes? Titles with a male protagonist tend to focus on professions and tools, while those led by a female centre on affection and communication, study claims
Are short women attractive to men only because they look like they are easier to 'physically dominate and CONTROL'
Dodgy sex: Australian Parliament House is no different to other workplaces
Why young women aren’t smiling for you any more
Incels are a rising threat in the US, Secret Service report finds
The game of marriage chicken
Why girls’ schools succeed at producing women who lead
Why the sexual revolution has been a disaster for women today - but a gift for men
I'm a proud stay-at-home girlfriend: Here are my rules
The Problem of Patriarchy Finally SOLVED
Who is Andrew Tate and why is he banned from social media?
Is Andrew Tate a traditionalist?
The great androgyny myth rides again
Catholic women vent frustration over sex, power and abuse (?)
The hidden cost of sex for women
Andrew Tate is flooding Australian schoolboys with an aggressive ideology contemptuous of feminist correctness
It's not hate to allow women to have their own spaces and their own events
Are looks the whole of male-female attraction?
Men have a problem – and it won’t be solved by either Andrew Tate or Caitlin Moran
Some alternative thoughts on male/female dating in the internet era
Australian government effort to nip toxic masculinity in the bud.
Tradwife says marriage must be protected ‘at all costs’
The causes and cures of lethal male domestic violence
PETRONELLA WYATT: I'm single, childless and alone. Feminism has failed me and my generation
Hatred of feminism linked to violence, report finds
The Goodes episode in Australian football: Proof that Australians are racist?
Waltzing New Matilda again: Aborigines and Adam Goodes
Adam Goodes isn’t booed for the colour of his skin. He is booed for acting like a pillock
A Leftist martyr is born
Stan Grant on Adam Goodes
Attention-seekers using the Adam Goodes controversy to get publicity for themselves
Health, medicine and diet
Bex and the demonization of APCs
The diabetes boogeyman: Does diabetes make you fat rather than the other way around?
That evil diabetes -- weak social correlates
Eskimos, fat and food superstitions
THE GREENFIELD FILE -- The story of a fraud
The Avandia beatup
Claim: Mediterranean diet can add 3 years to your life... even if you don't start until you're 70 (?)
Check your carnist [meat-eating] ideology
Another nail in coffin of the antioxidant religion
Should we all live on beans?
Some fun with medical backflips
A Massachusetts omen for Obamacare
The diet dictators and sugar
Doctors: We were wrong. Fat is now OK in the diet
Is milk bad for you?
Spinning like a top over statins
UK: Food Fascism getting into high gear over sugar
Warning: Pregnant women may wish to avoid Tylenol/Panadol
WHO "research" showing bacon and red meat cause cancer ‘a farce’, says Australia’s Agriculture Minister (Rightly)
This should kill off the Statin religion (but it won't, of course)
The war on sugar -- another example of how governments are incompetent, careless and can't be trusted
Anti-Vaccination Cranks Versus Academic Freedom
Having a big family makes your children either badly behaved or low achievers at school, study claims
FDA, free Speech and Pharmaceutical Regulation
High doses of Vitamin D can be bad for you
The New England Journal of Medicine promotes research secrecy
Another medical scientist who has got no clue
The BPA scare again
Agricultural subsidies are bad for your pocket but are they also bad for your health?
Boy, eight, dies of SCURVY. Crazy parents or vicious social workers?
Are potatoes bad for you?
Obesity and the Mediterranean diet
Being fat does NOT kill you
New scare about hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer
Food faddism over fats kills Orang Utans
Beware PFOS! A big, loud, extraverted, blonde publicity hound comes to Australia to warn us about it
A new/old "privilege": Thin privilege
Vegetarians live longer but what does that tell us? Nothing basically.
Can a "correct" diet make you smarter?
The aluminium scare
"Healthy eating" censorship
School nurses: The Premier of Queensland is a liar
Eat as much steak and sausage as you like
The anti-salt craze is dying
Salt: killer or scapegoat?
The war on salt (NaCl) again
SALT -- SALT -- SALT: Dispelling the myths
"Frankenfoods" (GMOs) and the unfortunate Keith Kloor @keithkloor
The Mediterranean diet is good for elderly Scots (?)
Another brainless study about living near a highway being bad for you
Teetotalling is bad for you
A nod and a wink: Decoding academic text about diet and health
Maternal deaths and the elephant in the room: Obamacare
Another nail in the coffin of statins: They raise the risk of Type 2 diabetes by nearly a third
Is your blood pressure too high?
Public patients waiting four times longer than private patients for some operations at Australian public hospitals
The poor get sick sooner and die younger in both the USA and the UK
Trans fats: A failure of logic?
Will Posting Nutritional Information on Menus Prod Diners to Make Healthier Choices?
PFOS again: Professor ‘bragged about burying bad science’ on 3M chemicals
Greenies are cheering as research finds that air pollution gives you diabetes-- but does it?
Does being fat give you heart disease?
Political correctness destroys medical research
Are eggs bad for you again?
Is fast food bad for you?
Socialized Medicine: Saving Money By Killing Grandma
The haphazard care offered by Britain's NHS can kill
Do sweet drinks give you heart attacks?
Experts link diet soft drinks to ‘increase risk of heart attack, stroke and dementia’
Another grim week leaves private health insurance in Australia on life support (?)
Running can help you live longer. And more isn’t always better
If you get cancer in Australia you now have DOUBLE the chance of surviving compared to sufferers in Britain - Why?
Government health provision: Finland versus the USA
Some forms of hormone replacement therapy can LOWER breast cancer risk, research indicates
Star attacked for questioning coronavirus panic measures
Reaction to Coronavirus overblown
Coronavirus: Money or lives: at some point we must say ‘enough!’
Coronavirus: Why per capita deaths in Italy so vastly exceed deaths in America
Will the Coronavirus change the world for the better?
Women are genetically superior. Coronavirus is killing more men than women
President Trump should issue the Buy American executive order to end China’s control of our medicines
Does warm weather inhibit the Coronavirus?
Much-touted Bangladesh study of masks is a snark
GPs hit out at restrictions on supposed Covid treatment Ivermectin
Vaccine protest comes to Brisbane
Australian Woman Recounts Harrowing Experience of Being Held in COVID-19 Quarantine Camp
How a simple house renovation left a celebrated professor with just DAYS to live
A-B and heart disease foolishly revisited
Canada Is Euthanizing Its Sick and Poor. Welcome to World of Government Health Care
Is red meat bad for you?
A big climb-down for statin use
Covid: Natural immunity is best
Ibuprofen Kills Thousands Each Year, so What Is the Alternative?
Mediterranean diet rich in nuts, oils and leafy veg slashes risk of an early death in women by a QUARTER, study suggests (?)
Do masks work? Debunking the debunker: Pueyo's attempt to debunk Cochrane fails
Treason of the Science Journals
Sending little kids to childcare is not good for them
Novel Estimates of Mortality Associated With Poverty in the US
Dietary influences on colorectal cancer
Salt may increase risk of stomach cancer by 40%, study suggests
How junk food causes cancer - as Morgan Spurlock, maker of "Super Size Me", dies from disease aged 53
Cancer-causing microplastics are found in 100% of men's testicles in new study
Fresh health warning over ultra-processed foods as 30-year study warns they marginally raise your risk of an early death
Is fake meat bad for you?
Harvard scientists find new incredible benefit of following Mediterranean diet (?)
Troubling nursing home statistics: Deaths RISE after vaccination
Scientists raise alarm over common sunscreen ingredient being found in frozen pizzas and candies
Fizzy drinks are the new tobacco for young people... that's why I believe that Coca-Cola should be banned from sponsoring the Olympics
Study finds women who regularly eat ultra-processed foods are more likely to develop lupus
What, Exactly, Is so Great About the Mediterranean Diet?
BPA plastic chemicals in the womb have been found to be linked with higher levels of autism
Drinking from plastic bottles can raise blood pressure due to microplastics entering the bloodstream, study suggests
When a HARMLESS chemical must be restricted (?)
Harvard researchers pinpoint TWO ultra-processed foods that surge heart attack risk - as well as 8 that surprisingly don't
These notes all originated as a blog post. For more blog postings from me, see
AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. I update those frequently.
Much less often, I update Paralipomena , A Coral reef compendium and an IQ compendium. I also put up occasional updates on my Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on THE PSYCHOLOGIST.
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