From John Ray's shorter notes
June 20, 2017
Rough old feminist broad wants more imperial honours for women
Rather amusing to see a radical feminist arguing for the relevance of imperial honours. Few Australian Leftists would. Though it is rare for anyone to refuse a gong.
But her basic argument is the same as Hitler's. Hitler was in fact more reserved. He only thought that Jews were unfairly privileged whereas Jenna Price thinks that men in general are unfairly privileged.
What Hitler overlooked is that Jews had earned their eminence in Germany by hard work and superior brains. What Ms Price overlooks is that it is difficult to achieve eminence in any field while you are at home minding babies. I am all in favour of women staying at home minding babies and I think they should be honoured for it. They once were until feminists began deriding them and calling them "breeders".
But however you cut it, women are just not in large numbers in occupations that are likely to generate especial honour. Some are but they are simply not there are often as men are. And the imperial awards reflect that. The demand from Ms Price that women be at least equally represented in the awards is then procrustean. It seeks to impose an un-natural equality or a pretence at equality that is just not there in the real world. Procrustes would gladly have taken her as his wife.
But her demand is of course just another iteration of the manic and incessant Leftist demand for equality in all things -- an equality that has never existed, does not exist and never will exist.
I have written at greater length about Ms Price here
Once again the honours list has failed Australian women.
This cannot continue. It's a complete dishonour to the thousands of women across Australia who deserve to be recognised at the highest level.
The awards announced on Monday will show that the percentage going to women has sunk even lower than the five-year average, already an embarrassingly low 31 per cent. In the general division of the Order of Australia, it's 467 males and 206 females. Just 30 per cent women.
That said, there's no choice but to entirely recast the Council for the Order of Australia. If the organisation that oversees the awarding of honours to Australians can't get anything close to a semblance of Australia in those who receive these awards, the entire leadership needs to go. It must be replaced by people who are agents of change.
It needs to meet the government targets for 50 per cent of women on government boards. Of the 18 councillors, four are women. Of the four women, one, Elizabeth Kelly, comes from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet. Two others are state reps. And community rep and former sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick, who must be losing her mind at the slow rate of change.
So why is this organisation failing? Here are some answers.
Chairman? Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston. Secretary? Mark Fraser. Official secretary to the Governor-General. Ex-officio representatives? Senator George Brandis. Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin.
All decent people but from worlds dominated by men. The military. The Liberal Party. None famous for equality. How is it possible to reshape this reflection of Australian spirit if all you see reflected is the people with whom you grew up, with whom you went to school; and now work alongside?
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