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30 September, 2016
Instapundit ‘Run Them Down’ Tweet Ruled Free Speech
The University of Tennessee will not punish the law professor who
tweeted "run them down" about Charlotte protesters, after a school
investigation found he was exercising his First Amendment rights.
"In short, no disciplinary action will be taken against Professor
Reynolds," law school Dean Melanie Wilson announced Tuesday, saying she
had spent a week investigating the case. "The tweet was an exercise of
his First Amendment rights."
Glenn Reynolds fired off the tweet as protesters upset that police shot
and killed Keith Lamont Scott were gathering on a highway in Charlotte,
prompting a local news alert. "Protesters on I-277 stopping traffic and
surrounding vehicles," the alert read. "AVOID."
Reynolds retweeted the alert, and added: "Run them down."
Crucifix, Trump chalkings reported as 'hate incidents' at UW-L
More than 1-in-10 "hate incidents" reported to the UW-La Crosse "Hate Response Team" were deemed fake or frivolous.
Among the reports that were considered legitimate were the display of a
Crucifix, the mere existence of a Christian student group, and an
off-campus blog post about life as a white student.
A report released by the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse’s "Hate
Response Team" shows that more than 10 percent of reported hate
incidents were determined to be fake or frivolous.
In fact, the report notes that 28 of 192 reports were found to be either
completely fake or "not a bias/hate incident," accounting for 14
percent of all incidents reported.
A Crucifix was reported for representing "oppression and hate of the LGBT+ community."
Meanwhile, of the reports that were legitimate, students complained
about everything from images of the crucifix to a blog post about life
on campus as a white student.
According to The La Crosse Tribune, one student reported feeling unsafe
when discovering a Campus Crusade for Christ poster on campus, claiming
that the cross represents "oppression and hate of the LGBT+ community."
Two other students turned in one of their peers for publishing a blog
post about life as a white student, calling his post offensive to
students of color, and even saying that the proximity of the author’s
off-campus residence made them feel unsafe living on campus.
After the infamous "chalkening" had spread to UW La Crosse’s campus,
several students reported the incident to the Hate Response Team, whose
report shows a drastic increase in activity over the few days it
occurred—18 reports in just three days.
The school had initially responded to the chalkening with a Facebook
post that called it "contradictory to our mission as a university," but
later deleted the post after facing national criticism.
In most cases, students who reported instances of bias refused contact
with the Hate Response Team, with only 34 of 192 reporters requesting
contact from a Hate Response Team advocate.
Of the 192 reports, 56 of them were simply classified as a "statement,"
which the Hate Response Team describes as "not only words that are
spoken, but also instances where hateful messages are conveyed using
sign language, gestures, or similar forms of direct interpersonal
But the Hate Response Team continues to defend itself as being
consistent with the First Amendment rights of students, arguing in its
report that "while the First Amendment protects free expression of ideas
that are sometimes offensive, that does not mean the university is
powerless to respond."
Indeed, the Hate Response Team claims that its mission is to "assist the
victim/target in receiving the appropriate services," but only 34
students requested such services in the past academic year alone.
The Hate Response Team has been highly criticized by several national
institutions, including the Foundation for Individual Rights in
Education (FIRE), which awarded the school its February "Speech Code of
the Month" award.
29 September, 2016
UK: Pakistani actor Marc called Indians 'bastards' in a Twitter rant
Pakistanis tend not to like Indians -- in part because India is more prosperous than Pakistan
Coronation Street viewers are calling for police to investigate
Pakistan-born soap actor Marc Anwar after he was fired from the show for
a racist rant on social media.
Mr Anwar, 45, who plays the role of Sharif Nazir in Corrie, referred to
Indians as 'bastards' and 'piss-drinking c*nts' on Twitter.
On his account - which ironically says 'it's not what you say, but what
you do' - he also wrote: 'Why the f*ck do Pakistani artists want to work
in f*ckface India? Do you love money so much?'
It has prompted a furious backlash on social media, with many describing
themselves as 'disgusted' and others calling for Mr Anwar to be
reported for a hate crime.
Twitter users hit out at Mr Anwar, who has previously campaigned against hate crime with the British Transport Police.
The Sunday Mirror alerted ITV bosses to the Twitter rant and the actor was reportedly sacked within hours
ITV said in a statement: 'We are deeply shocked by the entirely
unacceptable, racially offensive comments made on Twitter by Marc Anwar.
Must not disrespect "Black lives matter" group
If you think that what they do is just vandalism, you are not allowed to say so
A game satirizing the Black Lives Matter movement has been removed from
the Google Play store for violating the store’s "hate speech" policy,
the developers behind the game have revealed.
The game, called #Black Lives Matter, was a satire of the Black Lives
Matter movement which used real quotes from activists and sympathisers
of the movement.
On the game’s website, the developers describe the game as a chance to,
"Defend your police station from crazy protesters and Black Lives Matter
henchmen in this satirical tower defense game!"
However the developers were soon contacted by Google, who said they had
pulled the game from the store for "its clear violation of our
acceptable use policy," with the company pointing to the hate speech
section which states:
"We don’t allow apps that advocate against groups of
people based on their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability,
gender, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender
As Raj Patel, a developer at Limited Software, points out, the app does
not violate this policy as Black Lives Matter is not a race but an
Talking to Breitbart Tech, Patel claimed that the decision was
"absolutely politically motivated," especially because "Google has
expressed public support for Black Lives Matter on multiple occasions."
28 September, 2016
Now "My country" is racist
Anger of PC accused of racism: Officer investigated after telling
pro-Kurd protester 'you don't tell me what to do in my country' during
A police officer is under investigation for racism after telling a demonstrator: 'You don't tell me what to do in my country.'
Marcus Tyson was responding to a screaming pro-Kurd activist who told him to 'get out of here' during an ugly clash.
The Metropolitan Police officer, who has served on the frontline for almost 29 years, thought little more about the incident.
But after a video was posted online, he found himself under
investigation for racism and could now be sacked for gross misconduct.
Yesterday, Pc Tyson blasted his force for overreacting and described their actions as akin to 'Stalinist thought police'.
He accused his superiors of 'oppressive political correctness' and said
many colleagues are 'afraid to do their jobs properly' as a result.
'I would like to know upon what basis they regard my statement as being
racist — it is purely a statement of fact that this is my country,' he
told The Sunday Times.
'The action the Department of Professional Standards has taken against
me is so wildly over the top, it discredits the investigators and brings
their judgment into question.'
The activist made a formal complaint to the Met on August 20, about which Tyson was notified in writing on September 6.
However, the wording in the complaint does not exactly match the wording
of Tyson's comment, which can be heard in the online video.
The woman alleges he said: 'You can't teach me what I can do in my
country.' However, the video captures him saying: 'You don't tell me
what to do in my country.'
Last week he was placed under investigation for allegedly 'breaching the
standards of professional behaviour' by 'using discriminatory
Muslim preacher who branded a woman in skinny jeans a slut then shouted 'the Queen a terrorist' is found guilty of racial abuse
He certainly should have been prosecuted for harassing women but what he said was just nonsense that could have been ignored
An Islamic street preacher has been found guilty of abusing a woman in the street over her skinny jeans.
Unemployed Krissoni Henderson confronted his victim, Noor Alneaimi, in Birmingham's New Street on July 4 this year.
Henderson accosted his Muslim victim over her jeans before calling her a slut and saying he would blow up her house.
He said: 'You shall burn in hell, look at your jeans they are so tight. You will burn in hell for wearing such clothes'.
When she said she would report him, he told her: 'They can't do nothing.
I am going to come down your house and blow up you and your house.'
Ms Alneaimi previously told the court: 'He started calling females on
the street prostitutes, predominantly white women, calling them sluts.
One woman started crying and ran off.
'Then he started hurling abuse at me. He said: 'Look at your tight
jeans. You are a kafir'. I was dressed in Western clothes so I don't
think he thought I was a Muslim.
'He kept saying: 'Satan, Satan, Satan' and it started drawing attention. I moved away because I was becoming frightened.'
27 September, 2016
Must not mention differences between men & women

Eyelash headlights, a handbag hook and a bejewelled interior: Cosmo and
SEAT lashed for launching the most patronising 'car for women' ever
Car manufacturer SEAT is facing a backlash after launching a brand new
vehicle for 'women' at a joint unveiling with lifestyle magazine
It provoked outrage on social media site Twitter with users mocking the two brands for 'trying to take us back to the 60s'.
Hannah Walker tweeted: 'Wow, thanks @SEAT_cars_UK & @Cosmopolitan
for designing a car just for women? Is the steering wheel small for my
delicate hands?'
The SEAT Mii, a collaboration between the manufacturer and magazine,
comes with 'eyeliner headlights' that are 'emphasised in the same way as
make-up emphasises the eye'.
It also has jewel-effect rims and a handbag hook.
The model was unveiled today at Cosmopolitan's FashFest event in London but immediately drew fierce criticism.
SEAT has since hit back by claiming that the car is intended for the
Cosmopolitan reader specifically, rather than the female gender as a
Italian TV presenter is criticised for wearing a crucifix and rosary beads on air to read the news

Italy is still a strongly Catholic country so this is just normal behaviour
An Italian presenter has been criticised for wearing a crucifix and rosary beads while reading the news.
Marina Nalesso, 44, has worn the religious accessories on several
occasions during broadcasts on Italy's state-owned channel TG1.
The Venetian journalist, now based in Rome, often presents the 1.30pm slots.
She said her reason for wearing them was 'for faith and to make a statement', according to the Daily Express.
RAI, the country's national public broadcasting company, permits
religious symbols to be worn by newsreaders, despite demands from some
quarters to have them banned.
One commenter on newspaper site, Il Giornale, said: 'I am an atheist,
but an intelligent one - and the crucifix doesn't bother me, otherwise I
wouldn't live in Italy.'
Gynaecologist Silvio Viale, a radical atheist and member of the
Democratic Party in Turin referred to Ms Nalesso's 'arrogance' at
wearing the religious accessories
26 September, 2016
BBC accused of racism against Scots after use of the word 'Jock' in business story headline
The BBC has been accused of racism after using the term 'Jock' in a headline for a business story on its website.
The 'offensive' word was used as part of a blog post, titled 'Jock Shock', by its Scottish business editor Douglas Fraser.
And Scots took to Twitter to slam what they believe is a 'racial slur'.
SNP MP Carol Monaghan tweeted the BBC story and wrote: 'The use of
"Jock" is as unacceptable as any other racist slur. @BBCScotland is this
considered an appropriate headline?'
Another user said: '@bbcscotlandnews "jock"? Stick your racist language and colonial attitudes where the sun doesn't shine.'
Pam G said: '"Jock"? Care to reword that or are Scottish licence payers
expected to tolerate derogatory & insulting language?'
But many find the word offensive and UK courts have convicted people for using the term in a derogatory manner.
Other people disagreed that 'Jock' was an offensive term.
'The use of "jock" has been controversial in the past.
'Police Scotland dropped action against columnist Katie Hopkins after
comments she made describing Scottish people as "sweaty little jocks"
provoked a flurry of complaints.'
Derek Murray said: 'For generations, Scottish soldiers have been known
as "The Jocks" in the British Army. Racist slur it is not.'
A spokesman for BBC Scotland told The Scotsman: 'The news headline that
was used with an article on the Scottish economy was a play on words on
the term Shock Jock.
'It was produced by our Scottish news team and we do not consider the reference to be offensive.'
Mispronouncing Student’s Name Now Considered a ‘Microaggression’
Hundreds of school districts across the country have taken a pledge to
"pronounce student’s names correctly" to avoid the "microaggression" of
According to ‘My Name, My Identity: A Declaration of Self,’ a national
campaign launched in 2015 by the Santa Clara County, Calif. Office of
Education (SCCOE) and the National Association for Bilingual Education, a
teacher who mispronounces a student’s name can cause that student
"anxiety and resentment".
"Mispronouncing a student’s name truly negates his or her
identity, which, in turn, can hinder academic progress," according to
Yee Wan, SCCOE’s director of multilingual education services.
Rita Kohli, assistant professor of education at the University of
California at Riverside, says it is a sign of "microagression" when a
teacher mispronounces, disregards, or changes a child’s name, because
"they are in a sense disregarding the family and culture of the student
as well."
The Washoe County School District in Reno, Nevada is one of 528 school
districts across the country that have recently implemented a campaign
to "pronounce students’ names correctly" - including names teachers and
administrators find difficult or unfamiliar - in order to be sensitive
to the ancestral and historical significance of a child’s name.
In a 2014 Cult of Pedagogy blog post, former teacher Jennifer Gonzalez
claimed that "mutilating someone’s name is a tiny act of bigotry.
Whether you intend to or not, what you’re communicating is this: Your
name is different. Foreign. Weird. It’s not worth my time to get it
"And before you get all defensive about the bigotry thing, let’s be
clear: Discovering that something you do might be construed as bigotry
doesn’t mean anyone is calling you a bigot. It’s just an opportunity to
25 September, 2016
Men and women should wear the same sort of clothes (?)

FANS are up in arms over the first pictures to emerge from the new
Jumanji reboot, starring Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, Jack Black, Karen
Gillan and Kevin Hart, with many branding the movie "sexist".
Hart took to Instagram to rave about how great the chemistry is between
the stars in the remake of Robin Williams’ 1995 original movie, but
ended up attracting major backlash over the difference between the men’s
outfits and Gillan’s.
In the on-set picture, the males are seen in commando-style outdoor
wear, while Gillan is wearing wildly impractical short-shorts, a crop
top, and knee-high boots — hardly sensible for running through the
Johnson quickly jumped into the commentary underneath Hart’s picture,
explaining that it’s not how it looks. "Her jungle wardrobe will make
sense when you know the plot," he wrote. "Trust me."
But fans were still up in arms, with some even threatening to boycott the movie.
"All the guys are dressed for the jungle," one person commented. "Except
the girl who’s dressed like she’s in the beginning of an adult film. If
the girl’s going to dress like that, pass. I have two young girls."
Note that the black guy is also wearing shorts. Doesn't he count?
Asking a Minority for Help? You're a Microaggressor!
I'm guessing that some students will conclude that it is not safe to
speak to minorities at all. Another example of the many
"unforeseen" and harmful side effects of Leftist policies
At Gonzaga University, students are being indoctrinated under the
watchful eye of the microaggression police. According to a detailed list
of one course’s "Examples of Racial Microaggressions," inquiries like
"Where are you from?" and statements like "You are so articulate" send
derogatory missives to Hispanics along the lines of "You are not
American" and "It is unusual for someone of your race to be
Also off-limits? "Asking an Asian person to help with a math or science
problem." The sheet flags this as inappropriate because it suggests "All
Asians are intelligent and good in math/sciences."
Just so we’re clear: It’s demeaning to suggest Hispanics are intelligent
because their knowledge could possibly come across as "unusual." But on
the other hand, assuming every Hispanic is smart is also wrong. Good
luck finding the middle ground. As if that weren’t ridiculous enough,
National Review reports that the guide was distributed in a "gender
studies class." That’s half the problem right there.
"Context makes all the difference in these situations," writes Katherine
Timpf, "and context is exactly what lists like this ignore. In fact,
without considering the role of context, such a list actually runs the
risk of inhibiting communication — it can freak people out about saying
things that they really don’t have to be freaked out about saying.
Discussions about sensitivity are one thing, but making definitive
claims that a particular phrase always has a particular meaning is not
the way to deal with something as nuanced as language."
Higher education is supposed to encourage thought and generate knowledge
to help students flourish in the real world. Instead, universities are
being held hostage by leftists who implant in their acolytes the absurd
belief that avoiding "microagressions" and diving into gender studies
will provide important life lessons. The reality is that it’s making the
next generation equally dimwitted.
23 September, 2016
National anthem nonsense comes to Australia
Imported from America. Allegiance cannot and should not be forced but
the motivation behind this disrespect is deeply twisted. American
blacks live far better in America than they do anywhere else. American
blacks should be thanking America for that, not insulting America.
Let the complaining blacks go back to Africa and see how they like
it. It is true that blacks run foul of the police a lot in America
but that is an outcome of the high black rate of violent crime.
blacks also have lots of complaints, despite long standing great
efforts by all Australian governments to improve their lot.
Everything has been tried. Their problems are their own, nobody
THE NRL has been dragged into the national anthem protest storm with
rugby league greats calling on players not to stand during the national
anthem at this year’s NRL grand final.
Indigenous greats of the game have called on indigenous players from the
Sharks, Cowboys, Storm and Raiders to stage a protest when Advance
Australia Fair is performed before kick-off at the NRL decider to be
held at ANZ Stadium on October 2.
It comes after San Francisco 49ers star Colin Kaepernick knelt during
the American national anthem in a silent form of protest against
oppression of black and other minority communities in the United States.
Rugby League Week has reported NRL greats Larry Corowa and Joe Williams
have publicly called on players to "send a powerful message to white
Australia: Fury at controversial cartoonist Bill Leak's latest drawing depicting gay marriage campaigners as NAZIS

They've been acting like it lately, with their successful attempt to
shut down a Christian meeting. As the old saying goes: "If
the cap fits, wear it"
An Australian cartoonist has stirred up more controversy after he compared LGBTIQ activists to Nazis.
The drawing by veteran cartoonist Bill Leak appeared in The Australian
and showed a group of men dressed in the uniforms of the Nazi SS, in
LGBTIQ colours and carrying bats with the words 'WAFFEN-SSM' beneath
His latest cartoon was branded homophobic on social media and comes
ahead of a possible national referendum on same sex marriage next year.
The Waffen-SS were an armed wing of Hitler's SS, who were responsible
for running both the extermination and concentration camps in Nazi
Germany, with the 'SSM' in the cartoon instead standing for 'same-sex
Comedian Ben McLeay was just one person who was angered by the cartoon, the SBS reports.
'Bill Leak might be the dumbest man alive but he's not an idiot, he
knows full well what the Waffen were responsible for, and yet he chose
to go ahead with it,' McLeay said.
'It must be infuriating for these people, clutching on tightly to bigotry like it's the door at the end of the Titanic.'
22 September, 2016
Must not say that homosexuals can go straight
A series of billboards in Waco, Texas, suggesting that a person’s
homosexuality can change will come down in October when the group’s
contract expires and won’t be erected again, according a local TV
KTRE-TV reported Sunday that the founder of an activist group called
Interwaco called the billboard owner, Swift Media, to complain about the
billboard’s message: "Ex-Gays prove change is possible."
The billboard also includes the website therapeuticchoice.com, which
links to the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity,
which promotes "principled advocates for persons experiencing unwanted
homosexual attractions."
"The people that own that company don't want any controversy. They don't
want to fall down on either side when I explained to them what
reparative therapy is... they had no idea," Carmen Saenz, founder of
Interwaco, said, adding that the billboard cast a negative light on the
The billboard was rented by the group Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays
(PFOX), a non-profit group "committed to helping ex-gays and parents and
friends of gays who want help, hope and community."
"What we want to let people know is that there is hope if you are
unhappy with your sexual orientation. There is no scientific evidence to
suggest you are born that way. If you are unhappy you can change," PFOX
Executive Director Regina Griggs told KTRE-TV.
John Banzhaf: GWU’s Hate Speech Ban Is Left’s Latest Tactic in War on Free Speech
John Banzhaf, public interest law professor at George Washington
University Law School, joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex
Marlow on Tuesday to discuss his recent column about demands that Milo
"promise to abstain from hate speech" at his scheduled speaking
engagement at GWU or be banned from appearing at the university.
Banzhaf wrote:
"Perhaps responding to the growing chorus of
criticism of colleges which suddenly disinvite speakers when small
groups of students don’t want other students to hear what they have to
say, this piece says that Milo Yiannopoulos "should be allowed to come
to GW, but he shouldn’t be allowed to target minorities within our
student population. Before Yiannopoulos comes, he should assure students
and administrators that he will not actively engage in hate speech at
But this editorial’s author seems to be under the
same delusion that many of his colleagues share: that there is a "hate
speech" exception to free speech.
But the Supreme Court has said time and again that
there is no exception for hate speech under the First Amendment, and
that even the most hateful of speech – the burning of the American flag,
vile slurs of gays and others at funerals for soldiers – is protected
"The people who object when someone says something they don’t like may
very well be trying out a new tactic here", said Banzhaf.
He added: "They’ve been criticized, rightly so, for trying to ban
speakers, so here is somebody suggesting, "No, don’t ban him. I believe
he should be able to come to campus. He should be able to say what he
wants to say. But if he refuses not to engage in hate speech, then he
shouldn’t be allowed to come." So it’s kind of a new tactic"
21 September, 2016
Must not say that blacks are hard to see in the dark
Even though they are. Colour must be INVISIBLE!
Paul Gascoigne has admitted racially abusing a black bouncer during an 'Evening with Gazza' stage show.
The 49-year-old said he couldn't see whether a black security guard was
enjoying his show because Wolverhampton Civic Hall was poorly lit.
District Judge Graham Wilkinson said the ex-player had admitted 'the sort of insidious racism' that needed to be challenged.
He ordered Gascoigne to pay a £1,000 fine and hand over £1,000 in
compensation to his victim. He will also pay around £600 in costs.
Dudley Magistrates' Court was told Gascoigne humiliated Errol Rowe, who
had been assigned to protect him during his 'An Evening with Gazza'
show, by asking him: 'Can you smile please, because I can't see you?'
According to one witness account, Gascoigne said: 'You want to get to
the front of the stage and smile so the audience can see you,' as Mr
Rowe maintained his professionalism in an area of the wings covered by
In a victim impact statement read to the court, Mr Rowe, 38, said he had
two decades of experience in the security industry but had cried after
the show.
'To have your hero as a footballer speak to you in a racial manner makes me feel so upset and angry,' Mr Rowe said.
Intra-Leftist hate speech
Moderate British Leftist Compared To Hitler By Far-Left Union Leader
Tosh McDonald, the president of the ASLEF train drivers union, has
compared former shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn to Hitler.
Speaking at a fringe event at the TUC conference in Brighton on Monday
evening, the union leader attacked Benn for supporting the expansion of
RAF military strikes against Isis from Iraq into Syria.
Benn told the Commons in December Western military action against Isis
was similar to the "fight against Franco" in the 1930s. But as the
Daily Telegraph reports, McDonald said it was Benn and the West who
were like the fascist leaders. "The only comparison I can draw is with
Hitler and Mussolini, bombing the republican lines in Spain," he said.
In December last year, Benn gave a passionate speech in favour of military strikes against Isis.
20 September, 2016
Milo Yiannopoulos can only speak at George Washington University if
he does not say anything that would be unpopular at George Washington
That's the view of free speech at George Washington University
enunciated below. Typical of the Fascist Left. I think there
is rather a good case for transgenderism being a mental illness but
that must never be debated at George Washington University
Milo Yiannopoulos, the technology editor at Breitbart News Network, is
coming to speak at GW in late October. If you’ve never heard of
Yiannopoulos, you’re not alone. Given Breitbart’s limited appeal to the
alt-right and Yiannopoulos’ reputation as troll targeting women, ethnic
minorities and religious groups, his fan base outside the far right is
rather limited.
This man has described Black Lives Matter activists as goons, said that
the Orlando shooter beat his ex-wife "as a good Muslim," wrote that
birth control makes women "slut[s]" and even declared that being
transgender is a mental illness.
Despite all of the controversies, University spokesman Tim Pierce
confirmed that the GW College Republicans scheduled Yiannopoulos to
speak on campus. The student group invited Yiannopoulos to campus to
take a stand against "liberal anti-free speech policies," following the
events of Spring Fling last semester, according to the event's page on
Facebook. The organization said they were inspired to invite
Yiannopoulos after Action Bronson, a rapper whose songs condone rape,
was removed from the Spring Fling lineup.
Yiannopoulos should be allowed to come to GW, but he shouldn't be
allowed to target minorities within our student population. Before
Yiannopoulos comes, he should assure students and administrators that he
will not actively engage in hate speech at GW.
Queensland restaurant British Colonial Co accused of ‘gross racism’
British colonial life did have a style of its own and it is that
style which is being reflected. It is about domestic style, not
conquest or oppression. But again we have here the characteristic
Leftist attempt to abolish the past
A BRISBANE restaurant has been accused of "gross racism" on social media
for promoting itself as celebrating the British Empire’s "push into the
developing cultures of the world".
British Colonial Co, located in Hawthorne, opened in late June but
attracted criticism today over a description on its website, which read:
"Inspired by the stylish days of the empirical push into the developing
cultures of the world, with the promise of adventure and modern
refinement in a safari setting".
As of Monday afternoon, that tagline had been changed to: "A refined and
modern dining experience with the adventure of east meets west in a
plantation style, club setting".
The restaurant serves dishes such as hickory smoked quail with tarragon
polenta and African-influenced eggplant spinach sauce, and a lamb burger
with goats curd, grilled eggplant, hummus, baby spinach and carrot jam.
In a July Facebook post, the restaurant explained some of the inspiration behind its interior design styling.
"‘The sun never sets on the British Empire’ is the oft-repeated
quotation used when trying to explain British colonial style," the post
"In a nutshell, the style is a result of English citizens travelling the
world during the empire’s heyday, bringing with them typically heavy
wooden furnishings and adapting to hot local climates with lighter local
"These travellers also brought back exotic pieces from the Caribbean,
India, the Far East and Africa as a way to show off how far they’d
travelled. They tried to travel relatively light; campaign furniture
(light, foldable and portable) also became a part of the look.
"The results can mean a wild mix of light bamboo or cane furniture,
heavier pieces, plaids mixed with animal prints, dark floors next to
white walls and paisleys mixed with chintzes."
British Colonial Co in Hawthorne. Picture: Chris McCormack
The British Empire colonised many developing countries including
Australia, India, large parts of Africa and Asia, often pushing out and
killing local indigenous communities.
19 September, 2016
"Subcontinental" not such a bad word after all
The Indian subcontinent was being referred to. There is a very
high rate of complaints in Britain about Indian and Pakistani doctors,
so regarding them as a bad lot is defensible
A top NHS surgeon branded a racist after he referred to a group of Asian
colleagues as 'sub-continent elements' has won a three-year fight to
continue practising medicine
Clinical director Peter Hale, 58, had made his candid comments after a
stormy staff meeting about rotas in which three Pakistani junior doctors
and one Indian medic claimed they he was treating them 'like slaves.'
When the four men left a room, Mr Hale was said to have offered to place
a £50 bet that one would agree to work a particular shift only to then
'fly to Nigeria and that there would be a problem with the plane coming
But unbeknown to Mr Hale, his unguarded remarks were being taped after a
mobile phone which had been recording the meeting was left switched on.
The device - which belonged to one of the Asian doctors - caught Mr Hale
making further comments including: 'Some of these sub-continent
elements; what you end up with is long term resentments and grievances
and all sorts of stuff. They are their own worst enemies.
'They're not clear thinkers. They're an unbelievable group of people. Vile actually.'
When the tape recording came to light, Mr Hale was reported to bosses at
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust and he was later sacked
for gross misconduct from Royal Sussex County Hospital.
Investigators claimed the surgeon's remarks could be considered racially
discriminatory as he had referred to an Australian colleague as a man
who 'never lets you down and will go a mile to make sure he helps.'
The four Asian doctors Khawaja Zia, Ved Prakash, Vivek Kaul and Christi
Swaminathan subsequently sued the NHS trust for racial discrimination
claiming they had been under-paid and under-promoted due to their race
and treated as 'slave labour.'
They also claimed they had taken offence to Mr Hale using the phrase
'three-line whip' to ask them to come to a meeting but lost their case.
At the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service in Manchester Mr Hale from
Hassocks, West Sussex, an expert in gastrointestinal conditions, faced
being banned from practising medicine but a disciplinary panel said the
surgeon was not racially prejudiced and no warning was needed.
The tribunal heard members of the group of Asian doctors had planned to covertly record the meeting.
Several medical colleagues had spoken up for Mr Hale describing him as
'transparent, robust, clear-sighted, trustworthy and professional' and
claiming 'bad behaviour ' of several junior doctors was well known
amongst staff in the hospital.
Panel chairman Mr Sean Ell told Mr Hale: 'Your comments followed a
heated and antagonistic meeting at which the complainants made a number
of unprofessional and personal comments which included accusations of
racism and slavery.
'Whatever their grievances may have been, they were not appropriate
comments to have made at that meeting. Their conduct at the meeting
followed similar behaviour towards you and other staff members over a
period of time.
'The Tribunal was satisfied that against that background your comments
were not motivated by racial prejudice, but rather in response to the
conduct of the complainants both during and prior to the meeting.
Although your comments were derogatory and dismissive, the Tribunal is
satisfied that they were not racially motivated.'
Leftist censorship of a newspaper
"The Sun" got it wrong, as newspapers do at times, but they were not
to blame. They were simply reporting as truth what the police told
them. Trusting the British police certainly was unwise but you are
supposed to be able to trust them. Liverpudlian anger should be
directed towards their police, not towards a paper that was misled by
the police
A campaign calling on newsagents to stop selling copies of The Sun in Liverpool has been backed by the city council.
A motion, put forward by a Labour councillor, received unanimous support and was approved without debate.
The newspaper is already widely shunned on Merseyside for its coverage
in the wake of the Hillsborough football disaster and its now
discredited ‘The Truth’ front page.
It is sold in very few places, but the motion went one step further and
called for a city-wide boycott. The city’s mayor even said he
would ban the paper completely if he could.
But critics described the move as ‘stretching toward censorship’ and akin to rules under a dictatorship.
But Bob Satchwell, from the Society of Editors, said: ‘In a free society
people must be free to choose which newspapers they read or sell.
‘The comments from Joe Anderson demonstrate the danger when he says that
if he has his way he would ban the Sun. That is what happens in
dictatorships and banana republics.’
The discredited 1989 article claimed Liverpool fans were drunk, had
pickpocketed the victims and attacked those trying to help the survivors
of the football stadium disaster.
It was based on copy from a Sheffield news agency, whose reporters had
spoken to police officers, but the claims were later found to be part of
a smear campaign to shift blame onto victims.
Other newspapers also ran the allegations, but it was The Sun’s decision
to present them as ‘The Truth’ on the front page that provoked outrage
in Liverpool and an unofficial boycott.
The Sun carried a full page apology in 2004. And in 2012 former editor
Kelvin MacKenzie also said sorry, saying he had been totally misled.
18 September, 2016
Dreadlock controversy
Unfortunately, it wasn't the clothes that made the headlines at Marc Jacob's New York Fashion Week show.
It was the designer's controversial decision to use a cast of
predominately white models - which included Kendall Jenner and Gigi
Hadid - with huge multicolored wool dreadlocks.
Many people online have blasted Marc Jacobs for the move, accusing the brand of cultural appropriation.
'Dreadlocks are part of black culture, something you have no business
trying to sell or appropriate. Do better,' wrote Twitter user
Others questioned why there were so few black models in the show.
'Dreadlocks and yet no black models. Smh,' wrote one user. nother
tweeted: 'Y'all made your models wear dreadlocks but only use two black
models? Bye.'
Marc Jacobs say the look was inspired by rave culture, London 1980s
fashion and and Harajuku girls - black culture was not mentioned.
But some furious Tweeters claimed that white people should be banned from wearing dreadlocks altogether.
Dreadlocks are apparent in many different cultures, from the ancient
Greeks and Egyptians, to right through to modern day India, Africa and
white counterculture.
But in America, it is most closely linked to black culture and is sometimes used as a symbol of black pride.
Angela Merkel refuses to let EU leaders describe migrant crisis as
'chaos' - insisting joint statement refers to 'uncontrolled flows'
Angela Merkel is refusing to let EU leaders describe the migrant
situation as 'chaos' - instead insisting they refer to 'uncontrolled
In their first meeting without Britain, the leaders of the 27 countries
that will remain after Brexit are meeting at Bratislava Castle in
Slovakia to consider how the Brussels club can survive.
At the end of the meeting, they were due to present a joint statement
promising to tighten borders controls so as 'never to allow a return to
the chaos last year'.
However, Mrs Merkel - who has been heavily criticised over her decision
to open Germany's doors to more than a million migrants last year -
insisted the word 'chaos' was deleted.
Instead the leaders will refer to 'uncontrolled flows', an EU source told the Mail.
16 September, 2016
Must not say that male and female brains are different
There are a lot of men who say that they will never understand women but that doesn't count, I guess
Scientists have hit out at a London museum over an exhibit which apparently reveals whether a person’s brain is male or female.
Visitors at Science Museum London can take part by answering a number of
questions – with a ‘sex-o-meter’ analysing the responses.
An arrow then points to a blue or pink section, representing male and female respectively.
But some people have slated the exhibit on social media for its
‘antiquated gender stereotypes’ while researchers have also questioned
its value.
The test says that men can see things better in three dimensions and are
more able to imagine how things rotate while women have better visual
memories and can distinguish more easily between subtle details.
Dr Joseph Devlin, head of experimental psychology at University College London, told CNN he was ‘surprised’ at the exhibit.
He said: ‘The Science Museum has an impressive track record and I really
respect their work in science communication. This particular exhibit is
not at all representative of the work they do.’
Dr Devlin added: ‘Disentangling cause and effect is tricky but to my
mind, claiming that there are 'male' or 'female' brains is disingenuous
and grossly oversimplifies a complex topic.’
"Climate change"? Don’t call it climate change
American cities from Boston to Baton Rouge are getting hammered by
hurricanes, torrential downpours, and blizzards amped up by climate
change. Maybe that’s why Americans are coming around to the idea that
the climate is actually changing. But are all the floods, heat waves,
and other disasters spurring cities to prepare for our overheated
Sabrina McCormick, a sociologist at George Washington University who
once investigated how cities cope with disasters for the United Nations’
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, set out earlier this year to
find out. Her study, recently published in the journal Climatic Change,
breaks down 65 in-depth interviews with city officials and experts in
six cities — Portland, Boston, Los Angeles, Raleigh, Tucson, and Tampa.
It seeks to answer the etiquette question from hell: How does a city go
about preparing for something that its residents would rather not think
about, or even believe in?
In a recent interview, McCormick said she learned that many city
officials believe the key to getting everybody on board to battle
climate change is to avoid uttering the words "climate change." It’s "a
poisonous term to use," one said.
15 September, 2016
German nationalist leader seeks renewed use of Nazi-era term
This is a bit nonsensical. The Nazis just used common German
words. Even the old East (Communist) Germany used "Reich" and
"Volk" (e.g. Reichsbahn; Volkseigene Betrieb). Were the Communists
Nazis? Not exactly
A leading member of Alternative for Germany, the nationalist party whose
recent elections successes have shaken the country’s political system,
faced fierce criticism Monday after calling for a racially charged term
favored during the Third Reich to be rehabilitated.
Party cochairwoman Frauke Petry said in an interview published Sunday
that words such as ‘‘voelkisch’’ shouldn’t be taboo any longer.
The term refers to people who belong to a particular race and was frequently used by the Nazis.
Her remarks prompted a swift backlash from politicians, commentators and
historians who warned that Petry’s party was trying to legitimize ideas
that were once at the core of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi ideology.
The Leftist hunger to find racism everywhere
Now you have to be trained to see it! Some nonsense from Australia
ANTI-racism "training" being used by schools, universities and other organisations has been labelled patronising and divisive.
Say No to Racism workshops are being rolled out to encourage people to take "safe and constructive" action against racism.
The training involves putting participants in realistic situations "with
the opportunity to experience and overcome the barriers to
intervention" while learning the "tools and language" needed for safe
Workshop facilitators promise that after training is completed
participants will be able "to understand the individual and ambiguous
nature of everyday and casual forms of racism".
"(They will) recognise the potential of bystander action in creating anti-racist social norms," they said.
Devised by the City of Darebin, the Say No to Racism project was
initially funded by a $50,000 grant from the Federal Government’s
Diversity and Social Cohesion program.
The council was given the taxpayer dollars "to address the lack of response by the general public to racist incidents".
Workshops were due to be held this month at places including Monash University and Bendigo Senior Secondary College.
A Monash staff member, who requested anonymity, was concerned with the
assumption that racism existed in every "nook and cranny" and that
people had to be trained to see it.
"The great contradiction is that if we are such a racist and intolerant
society why are we such a popular destination for people from all over
the world," the staff member said.
Swinburne adjunct professor of sociology Katherine Betts said an
overemphasis on other people’s backgrounds through such training could
inhibit normal interaction.
"It could discourage making friends with people from different ethnic backgrounds," she said.
14 September, 2016
Abuse of black movie star in "Ghostbusters"
The whole movie was a painful bit of political correctness, with its
all-female cast. And I think that it is the correctness that
angered fans. Note that there was a black character ("Uhura") in
the original "Star Trek" movie and that seems to have passed with very
little comment. Abusing Ms Jones was however unkind. The
abuse should have been directed at the movie-makers. She was just
doing the job given to her
Leslie Jones, one of the stars of the new adaptation of "Ghostbusters,"
recently fell victim to hate speech. Much of the reaction that she
received, primarily on Twitter, had very little to do with the movie and
instead focused on her race and gender.
A few of the hundreds of tweets directed at her read as follows: "Don’t
let the #Ghostbusters bombing get you down. You’re a shoo-in to star in
the Harambe motion picture as the man himself," "Your Ghostbusters isn’t
the first to have an ape in it" and "Big lipped coon" repeated eight
Such unnecessary and hurtful words lend nothing to potentially improving
the actress or movie, and instead seem aimed purely to do emotional
Thus far, the response by Twitter has been minimal and ineffective. Milo
Yiannopoulos, a long-time twitter user associated with the Gamergate
controversy was the first to experience any punishments from Twitter for
misconduct when his account was shut down in response to his attacks on
This is a step in the right direction, but already Yiannopoulos and his
followers argue that in shutting down his account, Twitter is
undermining his First Amendment rights.
Debating homosexual marriage is "hate speech" (?)
The usual intolerance of dissent that characterizes the Left
below. They just KNOW all the right answers and everyone else
should shut up. Stalin thought the same.
The writer is commenting
on a proposal to have a popular vote on whether homosexual marriage
should be allowed in Australia. The Left are showing how
antidemocratic they are by opposing the idea. The people are not
fit to make decisions affecting their own lives, apparently
Here's a question that, on the face of it, seems refreshingly simple to
answer: should public money be used to promote hate speech?
And at first glance the answer would appear to be "no, obviously". But
when you think about it a little bit more deeply, the answer becomes:
"Seriously? Still no, for all sorts of legal and moral reasons. Why are
you even asking this? Do you need a hug and some quiet time?"
However, it's the question which the Coalition party room is going to be
inexplicably struggling with this week as it decides whether or not the
$160 million plebiscite on whether or not to legalise same sex marriage
should be even more expensive by using even more public money to fund
publicity campaigns for the Yes and the No cases.
The problem that the No case, and by extension the federal government,
have with funding such a campaign is that it would encourage activity
which is arguably illegal.
In 2013 the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender
Identity and Intersex Status) Bill 2013 was passed, meaning that it is
illegal to discriminate "on the basis of sex, marital or relationship
status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, breastfeeding, family
responsibilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, and intersex
This little problem, incidentally, is why there was a push to suspend
our anti-discrimination laws for the duration of the plebiscite - an
option which was immediately ruled out by Attorney-General George
Brandis in February, who pointed out that "There are very obvious
practical problems with that, among them... that most
anti-discrimination laws in this country are laws of the states, not the
The fact that a No campaign would appear to be arguing for something
which is prima facie illegal is just one more problem for those seeking
to prevent same sex marriage being recognised in Australia, along with
the enduring problem that there's no sane reason to deny Australian
citizens equal rights because of their sexuality, and the fact that
those most strongly advocating the No case are not exactly the most
charming, persuasive and charismatic people the country has to offer.
13 September, 2016
Cultural appropriation?
When whites adopt anything associated with minority cultures, it is
condemned as "cultural appropriation". So should we condemn Mrs
Obama for torturing her naturally nappy hair into the flowing locks at
present popular among young white women such as the Duchess of
Cambridge? If not, why not?
New Trade Secretary Liam Fox is secretly recorded claiming Britain is
'too lazy' and our businessmen are 'far more interested in playing golf
than securing overseas trade'
There's a lot of truth in what he says -- and he is in a position to know -- but he wouldn't say it publically
Liam Fox has been covertly recorded attacking British businessmen for
being more interested in playing golf than securing overseas trade.
In unguarded remarks, the Trade Secretary said Britain had become 'too
lazy, and too fat on our successes in previous generations'.
Last night his comments were firmly slapped down by No 10 – the third
time he has been rebuked in barely two months. It said Dr Fox was
expressing a personal view and not that of the Government.
Dr Fox made his made remarks on Thursday night during a drinks reception
for the Right-wing Conservative Way Forward group, a recording of which
was obtained by The Times. In an attack on the firms whose interests he
is paid to represent, he said: 'This country is not the free-trading
nation that it once was. We have become too lazy, and too fat on our
successes in previous generations.
'What is the point of us reshaping global trade, what is the point of us
going out and looking for new markets for the United Kingdom, if we
don't have the exporters to fill those markets?
'We've got to change the culture in our country. People have got to stop
thinking about exporting as an opportunity and start thinking about it
as a duty – companies who could be contributing to our national
prosperity but choose not to because it might be too difficult or too
time-consuming or because they can't play golf on a Friday afternoon.'
12 September, 2016
Hate speech from Hillary
And the Leftists slam generalisations about human groups?
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has taken aim at
supporters of Republican rival Donald Trump, saying half of them belong
in a "basket of deplorables" as people who are racist, homophobic,
sexist, xenophobic, or Islamophobic.
Speaking at a LGBTI fundraiser in New York, Mrs Clinton said Mr Trump
had given voice to hateful rhetoric through his behaviour as a candidate
for the White House in the November 8 election.
"To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of
Trump's supporters into what I call the 'basket of deplorables,'" Mrs
Clinton said. "Unfortunately there are people like that. And he has
lifted them up."
Some of those were irredeemable, she said, but they did not represent America.
The other basket of Mr Trump's supporters constituted individuals
desperate for change who felt let down by the government and the
economy, Mrs Clinton added.
Australia: Golliwogs at the Royal Adelaide Show

Golliwogs are basically an American issue only. We had no
slavery, no Jim Crow and no black minstrels in Australia. Until
recently, we didn't even have any Africans. So they should not be
an issue in Australia -- JR
THE Royal Show is a delightful festival of anachronisms. There’s wood
chopping, sheep shearing, displays of needlecraft, crochet and patchwork
There’s thread spinning and bread baking and jam making, and the
hard-working women of the CWA serve up the best scones in town at a
price that even seems unchanged since the 1970s. It’s all brilliant fun.
But there’s one old-fashioned relic I was utterly shocked to discover
proudly on display at the Show this week, instead of being consigned to
the rubbish bin of history where it belongs: the golliwog.
With their frizzy hair, googly eyes and clownish lips, golliwogs are a
grotesque, racist caricature of black people. Modelled on the
African-American minstrels of the 19th and early 20th centuries, they
are a caricature of a caricature. They are "blackface" embodied in a
children’s toy.
They have no place in Australia’s modern, multicultural society.
And there they were at the Royal Show, four of them, proudly displayed
in a glass cabinet among the handmade crochet and lace. All three
prize-winning entries wore red jackets, bow ties and stripey pants, just
like blackface minstrels. How quaint. How appallingly racist. How
offensive and upsetting this display must be for indigenous visitors,
for our many African-Australian residents.
I wondered if perhaps the golliwogs were the creation of some guerrilla
arts activism group, a sort of ironic statement on racism in the 21st
century. But no, there’s an official category in the Royal Show’s "Open
arts and crafts" prize section, listed under "teddy bears and friends:
Class 264 - golly (Traditional children’s soft toy)".
See, we don’t call them "golliwogs" anymore, we call them "golly" dolls,
and say they’re "traditional", which apparently makes them OK.
The Royal Show isn’t the only offender here. Last week I saw golliwogs
for sale in a Norwood newsagency, this time labelled as "rag dolls".
Handy for all those needing to buy racist memorabilia with their X-Lotto
tickets and craft supplies.
Defenders of "golly" dolls say they are innocent relics of a bygone era
and shouldn’t be seen as racist, which is a bit like saying the swastika
should no longer be seen as offensive because it’s more than 70 years
old. It’s an utterly ignorant stance. We know golliwogs are racist.
The last thing I want the gloriously old-fashioned Royal Show to do is
get with the times, but it should at least ditch the golliwogs.
11 September, 2016
Mattress Shop Sorry For 'Disgusting' 9/11 Ad
A Texas mattress shop has apologised for a "disgusting" and "offensive" advert to promote its "Twin Tower Sale".
The advert, now deleted from its Facebook page, features two men toppling into mattress towers emblazoned with the US flag.
In the foreground, shop manager Cherise Bonanno says: "What better way to remember 9/11 than with a Twin Tower sale?
"Right now you can get any sized mattress for a twin price. Full
mattress? Twin price. Queen mattress? Twin price. King mattress? Twin
price. Store-wide sale all day long."
Predictably, the video prompted fury on social media.
Evelyn Sainz Jauregui posted in the comments section: "I find it hard to
believe you knew anyone or any of your employees knew anyone who lost
their lives in 9/11!
EU goes to war against HYPERLINKS
The EU's top court has come under fire after backing Playboy's fight to
stop a website posting links to images published without permission.
Playboy's Dutch publisher, Sanoma, had sought to force website GeenStijl
to remove a hyperlink to photos of television celebrity, Britt Dekker,
which were posted illegally.
In a decision which could have far wider consequences across the
internet, the European Court of Justice decided that posting such links
infringes copyright - when the website doing it is seeking to profit
from pictures published without permission.
GS Media, the company that owns GeenStijl, described the decision as a blow to press freedom.
'It is undisputed that GS Media provided the hyperlinks to the files
containing the photos for profit and that Sanoma had not authorised the
publication of those photos on the internet,' the Luxembourg-based
European Court of Justice (ECJ) said in a statement.
'When hyperlinks are posted for profit, it may be expected that the
person who posted such a link should carry out the checks necessary to
ensure that the work concerned is not illegally published.'
GS Media said after the ruling: 'If commercial media companies - such as
GeenStijl - can no longer freely and fearlessly hyperlink it will be
difficult to report on newsworthy new questions, leaked information and
internal struggles and unsecure networks in large companies.'
The issue of hyperlinking to photos and articles has become a divisive issue with the spread of the internet.
Content owners argue that the ease with which people can post links to
copyrighted material on the internet infringes their rights while
internet users say restricting people's ability to post links goes
against the principle of freedom of information.
The ECJ recognised that the internet 'is of particular importance to
freedom of expression and of information and that hyperlinks contribute
to its sound operation and to the exchange of opinions and information
as well.'
Therefore it could be difficult for individuals posting such links to know if they are doing it legally, the court said.
However, if a person should have been aware because the owner informed
him or he is doing it for profit, then the posting of a link infringes
copyright law, the court said.
9 September, 2016
Chinese realism unwelcome
Tourists are being told to avoid areas of London 'populated by Indians,
Pakistanis and black people' in a Chinese airline's in-flight magazine.
Wings of China, the in-flight magazine for Air China, made the 'racist' comment in a travel article on the UK capital.
The article, printed in both English and Chinese, said: 'London is
generally a safe place to travel, however precautions are needed when
entering areas mainly populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black
Air China is Asia's third largest airline and operates twice daily flights between London and Beijing.
The article continued: 'We advise tourists not to go out alone at night,
and females always to be accompanied by another person when
Dr Rosena Allin-Khan, Labour MP for Tooting which has one of the largest
Indian and Pakistani populations in London, said: 'My initial thoughts
were that the comments were outrageous.
'I think that it is offensive to Londoners and I would like to see it
removed. I would also like to ask the airline why they thought these
precautions needed to be taken.
With mad Muslims and black muggers on the loose in London, the advice is in fact timely -- JR
Must not disrespect Vegans
A chocolate milk brand has come under fire after publishing an advert that has been deemed offensive to vegans.
An image appeared on OAK's Facebook page this week which read:
'Hungrythirsty is pathetic, like a vegan sausage. Kill HungryThirsty
Within hours, angry customers had taken to the site to express their
disdain - with one woman branding it 'disgusting advertising'.
The image appears to have been removed and MailOnline has contacted OAK's parent company Parmalat for comment.
OAK is a popular flavoured milk drink in Australia but the brand has drawn criticism from vegans all over the world.
Bek Varcoe wrote: 'Hate this ad - appealing to the lowest common denominator again...'
Rachel Walker, from Perth, blasted the company as 'pathetic'. She wrote:
'Trying to buy into the bogan, testosterone market. No company should
call a section of the community pathetic. You should be ashamed.'
8 September, 2016
Sometimes stereotypes can not even be mentioned
The book does NOT say Mexicans were lazy. It simply reports accurately that some people said they were
A group of educators and historians say errors and racist terms are used in a proposed textbook.
A book titled "Mexican-American Heritage" is being considered for use in
Texas classrooms. The book is published from the company Momentum
Instruction, a Virginia company headed by former Texas State Board of
Education member Cynthia Dunbar.
On Tuesday, an advisory committee made of historians and scholars
against the book filed a 54-page conclusion on the book pointing out all
its errors.
One excerpt of the book reads:
"Stereotypically, Mexicans were viewed as lazy compared to European
or American workers. Industrialists were very driven, competitive men
who were always on the clock and continually concerned about
University of Texas History professor Emilio Zamora said the advisory
committee against the book found a total of 141 total errors.
Zamora added some of the language used is "disparaging" by calling Mexican-Americans "lazy,"
In a statement sent to CBS Austin’s sister station in Brownsville,
Dunbar said the book has no hidden agenda and "there is no objective to
be in anyway negative."
Leftists Redefine 'Illegal'
Words mean things, which is why the Left is always trying to change
those meanings. Marriage, gender, life, rights — you name it and they’ve
got a redefinition. One of their favorites is bickering over what to
call individuals who have immigrated illegally. For conservatives, the
answer is fairly straightforward — they’re illegal immigrants (or
aliens), sometimes illegals for short. To the Left, they’re
Steve Cortes, a supporter of Donald Trump, appeared with Joy Reid on
MSNBC Thursday, where he explained Trump’s immigration policy: "Number
one, we have to secure our border. Number two, there can be no
citizenship for illegals. You cannot reward criminality." That was not
acceptable to Reid, who fired back, "I’m going to stop you right there.
You are Hispanic, Steve. Are you comfortable with that term, ‘illegals’?
That is a pejorative to a lot of people. Why do you use that term?"
Simple. "Because words matter," Cortes replied. "If you do something
that is against the law, it’s illegal. If you go into a store and you
shoplift, you’re not an undocumented holder of a good, you’re a thief.
If you come to the United States against the immigration laws of the
United States, you’re not undocumented, you’re illegal."
7 September, 2016
Trump's call for high-skill immigration is no 'hate speech'
Would he go hard or would he go soft? That was the mainstream media
template for judging Donald Trump's speech on immigration in Phoenix
last Wednesday.
The verdict: hard. "How Trump got from Point A to Point A on immigration," was the headline in the Washington Post's recap.
Similarly, the often insightful Talking Points Memo blogger Josh
Marshall characterized Trump's discourse as "hate speech." "Precisely
what solution Trump is calling for is almost beside the point."
But that's precisely wrong. Marshall found the Phoenix crowd's raucous
shouts distasteful, and so did I. But a search through Trump's prepared
text and his occasional digressions fails to disclose anything that can
be fairly characterized as "hate speech."
What it does disclose includes some serious critiques and proposals for
recasting our immigration laws which almost everyone agrees need
Start near the end, with the tenth of Trump's ten points. He notes that
we've admitted 59 million immigrants since the last major revision of
immigration law in 1965, and that "many of these arrivals have greatly
enriched our country." No asides about criminals or rapists.
Then he proposes a major policy change, "to select immigrants based on
their likelihood of success in U.S. society, and their ability to be
financially self-sufficient ... to choose immigrants based on merit,
skill and proficiency."
That's not racism or hate speech, and it's not out of line with American tradition, or even current law.
Must not find old bodies unattractive

Playboy Playmate Dani Mathers caused outrage earlier this year when she
took a photo of an unsuspecting woman in a gym change room and put the
photo online with a nasty caption, now she could face prison time.
In July the nude pin up model mocked an innocent woman changing in a gym
on Snapchat with the caption, "if I can’t unsee this then you can’t
either", and now she is set to face criminal charges and six months in
jail after police located the victim, reports gossip site TMZ.
The site says the woman – who is in her 70s – wants to proceed with
prosecution and TMZ claims that their inside sources claim police want
to make an example out of Mathers who broke laws prohibiting the
dissemination of private images.
TMZ say the police have reportedly accused the 2015 Playmate of the Year
2015 of "egregiously violating a member’s right of privacy by taking a
picture of her while naked in the shower, and then humiliating her by
posting the picture with a disgusting caption".
Mather’s claims she never meant to make the post public as she was only trying to send the image to a friend.
6 September, 2016
Must not mention that Muslims avoid pigs
A Hungarian politician has sparked outrage for suggesting placing pigs'
heads on fences at the border will deter refugees from entering the
Gyorgy Schopflin, 76 - part of the country's right wing party - made the
comment when responding to criticism about their attitude towards
The MEP posted on Twitter that by placing the head of a pig on fences at
the border it would 'deter' people try to enter 'more effectively'.
Schopflin, of the Fidesz Party, was replying to Human Rights Watch director Andrew Stroehlein.
The argument on Twitter came after Hungarian officials placed masks made
from vegetables on their border fences in a bid to prevent refugees
trying to enter the country.
Mr Stroehlein tweeted: 'Refugees are fleeing war & torture, Hungary.
'Your root vegetable heads will not deter them.' Mr Schopflin quickly
replied: 'Might do so. Human images are haram. 'But agree, pig's
head would deter more effectively.'
But the politician's response has sparked outrage and Mr Stroehlein has described him as an 'embarrassment to humanity'.
He also said that Schopflin's suggestion was 'disgusting' and accused him of spouting 'xenophobic filth'.
Speaking directly to the MEP, Mr Stroehlein said: 'Your words are disgusting.
'I would expect that from anonymous neo-Nazi trolls but you're an MEP.
Act like one.' He continued: 'You are an embarrassment to Hungary,
to Europe & to humanity.'
Of 177,135 asylum applicants to Hungary in 2015, just 146 were approved, according to government statistics.
In March 2015, the Hungarian government declared a state of emergency in the country due to Europe's refugee crisis.
It deployed an additional 1,500 security personnel to the country's Serbian frontier in a bid to deny refugees entry.
Good advice about women criticized
Indian ladies normally wear their Saris at ankle length so brief Western clothing looks like a sexual invitation to Indian men
After drawing widespread criticism, India's tourism and culture minister
has backtracked after suggesting that female foreign tourists should
not wear skirts in the country.
Talking to journalists in the north Indian city of Agra on Sunday,
Mahesh Sharma said tourists would be handed a "a list of do's and
don'ts" at airports that would advise them "not to wear skirts" or
"venture out alone at night in small cities".
"For their own safety, women foreign tourists should not wear short
dresses and skirts," he said. "Indian culture is different from the
Sharma, whose comments came under fire in India and abroad, clarified on
Monday that he was referring only to religious places, and that he
"spoke out of concern".
Indian minister advises tourists to 'not wear skirts': After heavy
criticism, tourism minister backtracks on earlier remarks, saying he was
referring only to religious sites. © Provided by Al Jazeera After heavy
criticism, tourism minister backtracks on earlier remarks, saying he
was referring only to religious sites. "I was speaking about religious
places, like temples. I did not comment on what women should wear or
not. I am the father of two daughters, I cannot put a ban on what women
wear," Sharma said.
"Such a ban is unimaginable, but it is not a crime to be cautious," he
added. "Different countries issue advisories from time to time,
but I never said change anyone's way of dressing."
Despite the minister's rebuttal, many Indians criticised him online.
"Mahesh Sharma go home & make a sandwich. Don't dictate terms to
women under garb of Indian culture," one Twitter user using the screen
name "SheSays" tweeted.
"How are you less than a Taliban? They also want to control what
to wear, what to eat? " Rajesh Sharma, from the opposition Aam Aadmi
Party, asked.
5 September, 2016
British TV bosses have been forced to apologise after their soap was
accused of racism for a comment a character made about her hair
The episode on Bank Holiday Monday saw Eva Price, played by Catherine
Tyldesley, visit Audrey's hair salon, where she remarked: 'I have more
roots than Kunta Kinte. 'No idea who that is, by the way, just something
my mum used to say.'
Kunta Kinte was a character from the novel Roots: The Saga Of An
American Family, which was adapted into a hit TV miniseries. Based
on a real-life ancestor of author Alex Haley, it tells the story of a
young man taken from Gambia and sold as a slave.
Ofcom confirmed it received more than 250 comments and will asses them and decide whether to investigate.
Viewers complained about the comment on Twitter and to broadcast
regulator Ofcom. A spokesman for TV watchdog Ofcom said: 'Ofcom
has received 278 complaints about Coronation Street, which aired on
'We will assess these complaints before we decide whether to investigate or not.'
Itay furious over Charlie Hebdo earthquake cartoon
It certainly was in dubious taste but Charlie Hebdo aims to shock
A Charlie Hebdo cartoon depicting victims of the Italian earthquake as
lasagna has sparked outrage in the country which is still mourning the
nearly 300 people who died in last week’s tragedy.
"The drawings are repugnant," said Italian Justice Minister Andrea
Orlando, as furious reactions began flooding social media sites.
"I don’t think its useful to comment further as I think that would
produce precisely the sought after effect... that is to create a
scandal," and draw attention to the cartoons, he added.
The drawings in the current edition of the French satirical weekly depict bloodied victims of the quake.
The words "penne tomato sauce" appear above a picture of a bloodied and
bandaged man, while a woman with burns is described as "penne gratin".
To their right, a pile of bodies under layers of rubble is titled
lasagne". The cartoons are captioned "Earthquake Italian style".
The quake struck central Italy on August 24, with the small town of
Amatrice bearing the brunt. The town is the home of the all’amatriciana
pasta dish.
Italian Senate leader Pietro Grasso said that he respected "the freedom
of satire and of irony," but added that "I am free to say that all this
is disgusting".
4 September, 2016
Suspected neo-Nazi is accused of terror offence for 'posting picture of Adolf Hitler with 'kill the Muslims' message online'
The man seems mainly to have done the sort of things Muslims repeatedly do -- so why is he singled out?
A suspected neo-Nazi is accused of a terrorism offence and of writing a
litany of racist, Islamophobic, homophobic and anti-Semitic calls to
arms on social media.
Sean Creighton, 44, allegedly stirred up racial hatred by posting an
image of a man brandishing a rifle in front of a black child.
Creighton, a dad who lives with his parents in Enfield, north London, is
also accused of putting an image of Adolf Hitler along with the message
'kill the Muslims' online.
It is alleged he possessed an electronic document entitled 'White
Resistance Manual 2.4' which is said to contain details of improvised
weapons and explosives.
Heavily-tattooed Creighton appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court today to deny all ten charges against him.
He sat quietly in the dock with a short growth of hair on his head and
stubble while wearing a navy Burberry-style bomber jacket with blue
Among the other posts he is said to have put on social media is an image
of a gun alongside a swastika and the words 'Jews prepare to die'.
And he is said to have posted an image of an injured man alongside words
intended to stir hatred of sexual orientation as well as a cartoon of a
head in a noose.
He is also accused of possessing stickers from Combat 18, the neo-Nazi organisation, with the text 'sink the refugee boats!'.
Creighton is so said to have possessed a badge with 'burn your local mosque' written on it.
Facebook Continues Its Leftist Ways
Over the last few months Facebook has been in the news often, and for
reasons other than its latest stock value. This past May, Fox News
reported on 10 instances where conservatives were singled out for
censorship, and this after Facebook’s own internal investigation in
which it claimed to have found no evidence of overt anti-conservative
bias. However, after several more revelations of censoring conservative
content, Facebook admitted that there had been some censoring of
conservative content — but only by a few workers. The problem is,
Facebook’s anti-conservative bias hasn’t changed.
A recent example is that of middle school teacher Stephan Neidenbach,
who founded a Facebook page entitled "We Love GMOs and Vaccines." To his
surprise he later found the page had been removed by Facebook censors,
because it offended some anti-GMO and anti-vaccine activists. National
Review recounts, "Despite the fact that no polices were violated,
[Facebook] acquiesced to [the activists'] demands and deactivated the
page. … Neidenbach was subsequently banned from the platform for 30
This is yet another example of Facebook’s bias against conservative
pages, whether they be pro-Second Amendment, conservative news or
opposed to a variety of liberal issues. Facebook clearly seeks to tilt
the public’s views on cultural and political issues away from a
conservative perspective and toward leftist and socialist ones. No
matter how much it may deny its bias, Facebook is a powerful platform
that aims to promote and normalize a leftist worldview.
2 September, 2016
Must not suggest that women do most of the cleaning

A 'Batgirl' T-shirt, sold by Target Australia, is going viral after a
mother posted on the store's Facebook page suggesting that the top was
sexist and 'offensive'.
'Target, can you explain why you are selling something as offensive as
this in your stores currently?,' furious mum, Ninac Ollins, from
Melbourne, wrote.
'What message are you intending on sending to young girls?'.
The short-sleeved shirt in question is a pink top aimed at young girls
that has lettering in the form of a to-do list emblazoned onto it.
The top reads: 'Batgirl to do list: Dry clean cape, wash Batmobile, fight crime, save the world'.
We know that working mothers still do more housework than their spouses, we don't need you to perpetuate this inequity
What was annoying Ms Ollins was the fact that, according to her, it perpetuated the sexist status quo.
Just 19 hours after Ninac Ollins had uploaded her feelings onto the
social media site, she received close to 600 likes and a couple of
hundred comments.
Despite her anger, other mothers were divided as to whether they thought
the top was offensive or if they reckoned the mother in question was
just over-reacting.
Some Warmist hate speech
Steven Craig Jones wants to save the planet. He has a site that says so here: pulsar774.tripod.com
So how does he deal with skeptics? He sent Marc Morano the following message:
"you are dead wrong on climate change. it is the number one
international security issue on planet earth in 2016. you climate
deniers need to be put in prison"
He's all charm, isn't he? He makes no attempt to dispute any point
ever made by any skeptic and makes no attempt to present any fact.
Since he believes in anti-gravity that is perhaps just as well.
All he can resort to is Stalinism: Imprison your opponents. A
dismal soul, indeed. He is completely dogmatic, with a completely closed
mind. It might not be good to see him coming towards you on a
dark night if you disagree with him.
The fantasy of being able to save the planet must generate such a warm
glow inside. No wonder he hates any threat to that. How
awful to find that you are in fact completely irrelevant and that your
crusade has been a complete waste of time! The poor dupe.
His email is calisunnerz@gmail.com
1 September, 2016
The Angry Bird Iowa Professor
Last week, the president of the University of Chicago informed incoming
students regarding of the expectations they can have regarding the
university’s stance on freedom of speech. The president reminded
students that the university was a place where differing opinions and
views were welcomed. That there were no "trigger warnings" or "safe
places" where students could expect to be free from ideas or views with
which they may disagree or that offended them. The president of the
University of Chicago was rightly praised for standing up for freedom of
Now in contrast comes this story, also out of the country’s heartland.
According to University of Iowa Pediatrics Professor Resmiye Oral, the
Hawkeyes' mascot Herky promotes anger and violence by the look on his
face. "I believe incoming students should be met with welcoming,
nurturing, calm, accepting and happy messages," she wrote to the
athletic department, requesting that the mascot have a different
expression. "Herky’s angry, to say the least, faces conveying an
invitation to aggressively and even violence are not compatible with the
verbal messages that we try to convey to and instill in our students
and campus community. … As we strive to tackle depression, suicide,
violence, and behavioral challenges and help our students succeed, I
plead with you to allow Herky to be like one of us, sometimes sad,
sometimes happy, sometimes angry, sometimes concentrated."
Evidently, this professor sees the university as some giant daycare
designated to protect the sensitive minds of college toddlers. To date
no student has complained about being mentally oppressed by Herky, but
we in our humble shop know of one toddling professor…
School Reverses American Flag Ban
Editor’s note: In a week that saw an NFL star dissing the national anthem, there’s a bit of good news out there too…
Students at Travelers Rest High School in South Carolina will once again
be able to wave American flags at football games. Principal Lou Lavely
reversed his ban on Old Glory just a few hours after we posted a column
about the controversial decision.
The high school’s stadium is named after my great uncle — Chico Bolin, a
decorated World War II Marine veteran. Uncle Chico restarted the
football program at Travelers Rest in 1949 and named the team the
Devildogs in honor of the Marines.
Following is the school district’s complete statement:
"[A]fter meeting with Travelers Rest student and faculty leadership, and
with the benefit of time to reflect, Mr. Lavely has reached a different
decision. He based this decision on current students' request that he
judge them on their own merits and not based on the actions of past
students. As a result, effective immediately, students are allowed to
bring the American Flag to any and all Travelers Rest High School
events. Instead of restricting possession of the flag, the TRHS
administration will, if needed, address the misuse of the Flag, or any
other inappropriate behavior, on an individual basis."
"I fully support Mr. Lavely’s thoughtful reconsideration, and his
willingness to respond to advice and input from his community," said
Superintendent Burke Royster. "I am appreciative of the Travelers Rest
High School community for sharing its concerns and opinions on this
matter in a respectful, civil manner. I also appreciate and applaud
their desire to promote patriotism and service as a part of the culture
of their school and am in agreement that students' desire to carry and
display the American flag should be encouraged and supported throughout
the District."
This is Tongue-Tied 3
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press"
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The war on "cultural appropriation" is straightforward racism
Is the American national anthem politically incorrect? From the 4th verse:
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

The truth can be offensive to some but it must be said
"HATE SPEECH" is free speech: The U.S. Supreme Court stated the general
rule regarding protected speech in Texas v. Johnson (109 S.Ct. at
2544), when it held: "The government may not prohibit the verbal or
nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea
offensive or disagreeable." Federal courts have consistently followed this. Said Virginia federal district judge Claude Hilton: "The
First Amendment does not recognize exceptions for bigotry, racism, and
religious intolerance or ideas or matters some may deem trivial, vulgar
or profane."
Even some advocacy of violence is protected by the 1st Amendment. In
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the U.S. Supreme Court held unanimously that
speech advocating violent illegal actions to bring about social change
is protected by the First Amendment "except where such advocacy is
directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely
to incite or produce such action."
The double standard: Atheists can put up signs and billboards saying
that Christianity is wrong and that is hunky dory. But if a Christian
says that homosexuality is wrong, that is attacked as "hate speech"
One for the militant atheists to consider: "...it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" -- Thomas Jefferson
"I think no subject should be off-limits, and I regard the laws in many
Continental countries criminalizing Holocaust denial as philosophically
repugnant and practically useless – in that they confirm to Jew-haters
that the Jews control everything (otherwise why aren’t we allowed to
talk about it?)" -- Mark Steyn
A prophetic comment on Norwegian hate speech laws: As Justice Brandeis
once noted, repressive censorship “breeds hate” and “that hate menaces
stable government,” rather than promoting safety; “the path of safety
lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and
proposed remedies.”
Voltaire's most famous saying was actually a summary of Voltaire's
thinking by one of his biographers rather than something Voltaire said
himself. Nonetheless it is a wholly admirable sentiment: "I disagree
with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
I am of a similar mind.
The traditional advice about derogatory speech: "Sticks and stones will
break your bones but names will never hurt you". Apparently people today
are not as emotionally robust as their ancestors were.
The KKK were members of the DEMOCRATIC party. Google "Klanbake" if you doubt it
A phobia is an irrational fear, so the terms "Islamophobic" and
"homophobic" embody a claim that the people so described are mentally
ill. There is no evidence for either claim. Both terms are simply abuse
masquerading as diagnoses and suggest that the person using them is
engaged in propaganda rather than in any form of rational or objective
Leftists often pretend that any mention of race is "racist" -- unless
they mention it, of course. But leaving such irrational propaganda
aside, which statements really are racist? Can statements of fact about
race be "racist"? Such statements are simply either true or false. The
most sweeping possible definition of racism is that a racist statement
is a statement that includes a negative value judgment of some race.
Absent that, a statement is not racist, for all that Leftists might howl
that it is. Facts cannot be racist so nor is the simple statement of
them racist. Here is a statement that cannot therefore be racist by
itself, though it could be false: "Blacks are on average much less
intelligent than whites". If it is false and someone utters it, he
could simply be mistaken or misinformed.
Categorization is a basic human survival skill so racism as the Left
define it (i.e. any awareness of race) is in fact neither right nor
wrong. It is simply human
Whatever your definition of racism, however, a statement that simply
mentions race is not thereby racist -- though one would think otherwise
from American Presidential election campaigns. Is a statement that
mentions dogs, "doggist" or a statement that mentions cats, "cattist"?
If any mention of racial differences is racist then all Leftists are
racist too -- as "affirmative action" is an explicit reference to
racial differences
Was Abraham Lincoln a racist? "You and we are different races. We
have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any
other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but
this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think
your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while
ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If
this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be
separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated." -- Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862
Gimlet-eyed Leftist haters sometimes pounce on the word "white" as
racist. Will the time come when we have to refer to the White House as
the "Full spectrum of light" House?
The spirit of liberty is "the spirit which is not too sure that it is
right." and "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies
there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.
While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save
it." -- Judge Learned Hand
Mostly, a gaffe is just truth slipping out
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with them
is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were.
It seems a pity that the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher
Epictetus is now little known. Remember, wrote the Stoic thinker, "that
foul words or blows in themselves are no outrage, but your judgment
that they are so. So when any one makes you angry, know that it is your
own thought that has angered you. Wherefore make it your endeavour not
to let your impressions carry you away."
"Since therefore the knowledge and survey of vice is in this world so
necessary to the constituting of human virtue, and the scanning of error
to the confirmation of truth, how can we more safely, and with less
danger, scout into the regions of sin and falsity than by reading all
manner of tractates, and hearing all manner of reason?" -- English poet
John Milton (1608-1674) in Areopagitica
Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response
Leftists can try to get you fired from your job over something that you
said and that's not an attack on free speech. But if you just criticize
something that they say, then that IS an attack on free speech
"Negro" is a forbidden word -- unless a Democrat uses it
"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Leftists don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such
thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles
that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt
When you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing
the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180) could have
been speaking of much that goes on today when he said: "The object in
life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane."
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.

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