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30 November, 2016
UK: Darts legend Eric Bristow has caused uproar after a series of
insensitive tweets about the ongoing football sex abuse scandal
The MBE, known as The Crafty Cockney, went on the rampage saying that if
he had been abused by ex-youth football coach Barry Bennell he would
have 'sorted that poof out'.
The series of posts drew fierce criticism, including from Steve Walters,
one of the former footballers to have spoken out about his abuse at the
hands of the convicted paedophile and former Crewe coach.
So far more than 20 former footballers have come forward alleging they were victims of child abuse as junior players.
In a series of tweets tonight, Bristow, who appeared in I'm A Celebrity
Get Me Out of Here in 2012, said: 'Might be a looney but if some
football coach was touching me when i was a kid as i (sic) got older i
would have went back and sorted that poof out.
'U got to sought him out when u get older or dont look in the mirror glad i am a dart player proper men.
'Trouble is nowadays u cant tell the truth what do u feel out there tweet me.
'Everybody that works on tv is frightened to say the truth because they
are frightened to lose their job, life shouldnt be like that.'
Sounds like there are still some manly men left in Britain. "Sort him out" means to give him the bashing he deserves
Is Donald Trump a racist?
By Casey Lartigue Jr. (Lartigue is a black American journalist)
Leading up to the US presidential election, there were news reports
about white supremacists supporting a candidate. Yes, in 2008, white
supremacist David Duke said Barack Obama as president would be "a visual
aid" and "indisputable proof" that whites had lost control of the U.S.
I was then a regular commentator on National Public Radio's "News and
Notes," the man-bites-dog topic of our Roundtable discussion on August
13, 2008: "White Supremacists Voting For Obama?"
Fast-forward eight years, Donald Trump is replacing Obama in the White
House and as the poster boy for racists angling to make themselves
White hate groups have lost relevance, but they know how to market
themselves to media focused on conflict and crazies. Reflecting eight
years later: Did white supremacists recruit well during the Obama years?
Should voters have been concerned about their endorsement? Although
Americans tell pollsters that the country is headed in the wrong
direction, Obama, the most visual aid of hate groups, remains popular in
polls and easily won re-election in 2012.
It is now an American ritual to charge presidential candidates as being
racist. In 2012, Democrat vice-president Joe Biden said Republican
nominee Mitt Romney wanted to put black people "back in chains."
In 2008, the Republican ticket of McCain/Palin was accused of "racist fear-mongering."
In 2000, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
(NAACP) ran an ad tying Republican candidate George W. Bush to the
dragging death of a black man in Texas.
In 1996, Republican candidate Bob Dole was accused of providing "aid and comfort" to racists with his tough talk.
During the 1980s, Republican Ronald Reagan was allegedly turning back
the clock to slavery and his successor George H. W. Bush was a kinder,
gentler bigot using racist code language.
Even Democrat Bill Clinton briefly had some explaining to do, for not
opposing use of the Confederate flag as governor of Arkansas and because
of his close relationship to segregationist J. William Fulbright (yes,
the Fulbright Program bears his name).
It will upset those grieving over the 2016 election, but I do not
believe Donald Trump is a racist. Insensitive, combative, arrogant, yes,
but being politically uncouth does not mean racist.
Trump's critics point to a 1970's discrimination suit filed against
Trump's company, his campaign against young black men (falsely) accused
of rape in Central Park, and numerous incendiary comments.
Trump struck the nest of angry bees ready to attack. He will need to
feed the swarm some honey by instructing the Justice Department to
investigate hate groups.
Critics who see racism spelled in their morning cereal are likely to see
racism even in sensible things Trump does. Trump has nominated a school
choice advocate as his secretary of education. I briefly met Betsy
Devos years ago, she is an education reformer who is for change, and she
will not change the subject. The Black Alliance for Educational Options
immediately hailed her nomination.
George Mason University economist Walter Williams has said, "If the
Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan wanted to sabotage black academic
excellence, he could not devise a more effective way of doing so than
the schools serving black children."
Black high school graduates read and do math at the level of white and
Asian middle school children, have much higher dropout rates, and attend
dangerous public schools. You may disagree with charters and vouchers,
but is increasing educational choices for children in bad situations the
work of an undercover white supremacist?
I predicted Trump would defeat Clinton, I believe he will be an adequate
president, and hope he will come to his senses with some of his
proposed policies. His harsh campaign language may have been his
bargaining tactic with international leaders. As a businessman who has
negotiated incredible deals over the past four decades, is he really for
cutting off trade and possible deals?
Ah, the point is not to reason with or about Trump. The rioters and
strategists trying to block Trump's inauguration will find out in four
to eight years that he did not destroy the U.S. or the world.
By then, they will be accusing another candidate of being racist and
quoting white supremacists trying to make themselves look relevant.
29 November, 2016
Must not disrespect Mrs Obama
An Alabama police officer has been fired for sharing racist memes, including one about Michelle Obama.
Talladega Police Officer Joel Husk was terminated Wednesday for
violating the department’s social media and code of conduct policies,
City Manager Patrick Bryant said.
Husk had posted several memes on his Facebook page, including one
showing Obama and Melania Trump. “Fluent in Slovenian, English, French,
Serbian, and German,” it said over Trump’s photo. Over Obama’s, it read:
“Fluent in Ghetto.”
Bryant, the city manager, said statements that are “deemed to be biased
or racially insensitive or derogatory” can affect the community’s trust
in the police department and, when that happens, “we have to take action
to correct it.”
“As public employees, and especially law enforcement officers, we have a
standard of excellence to uphold,” Bryant told The Washington Post.
Must not use the Holocaust in a work of entertainment
It must be remembered only in solemn ways
The wife of Vladimir Putin's spokesman caused outrage after performing a holocaust- themed ice skating performance.
Tatyana Navka and her partner Andrew Burkovsjy take each other's hands
and start their routine - which features a mime of people being shot -
wearing the same striped pyjamas as death camp prisoners, complete with
the Star Of David emblazoned on to show that they are Jewish.
The pair were competing on the Russian television programme Ice Age.
Ms Navka, who won Winter Olympic gold in 2006 and is also a two-time
world champion, is married to Dmitry Peskov, Putin's chief spin
For much of the hit, the pair have beaming grins on their face that are
typical of ice skating, and do spins and twirls that appear to have
little in connection with their gruesome theme.
The Saturday night peak time Nazi-themed item was said to be based on
the Italian movie Life is Beautiful, a 1997 tragicomedy about an
Italian-Jewish man's fight to survive in a Nazi concentration camp.
Navka posted images of the performance on her Instagram account and
wrote that she hoped to pay remembrance to the Holocaust so future
generations would never have to experience anything so terrible.
28 November, 2016
"Cultural appropriation" in Canada
A group of students at Queen’s University is the target of vitriolic
attacks for attending an off-campus costume party at which the theme was
“Countries of the World.” Among other things, the mostly white
participants dressed up as Buddhist monks, Middle Eastern sheiks, Viet
Cong fighters and Rastafarians.
Toronto comedian Celeste Yim came across pictures from the event and was
immediately incensed, branding the behaviour of the students
“shockingly racist” “offensive” and “tasteless.” Things went crazy from
there. Predictably, the Queen’s administration quickly condemned the
party, and said it was investigating.
To which I ask: Investigating what?
When did going to a costume party become a racist activity? I’ve
attended many in my life, certainly lots in my twenties, where people of
varied ethnic backgrounds (and sometimes not) dressed up in all sorts
of crazy ways, depicting people of all racial makeups. A friend who is
black once donned Lederhosen for an Oktoberfest bash. Today that would
be cultural theft, I suppose.
Should I have felt wronged when a neighbour of Chinese descent showed up
for a Halloween party dressed as a “Canadian hoser,” replete with red
plaid over-shirt, tuque, and a couple of missing front teeth? I doubt
there was a soul in the house thinking, “Way to perpetuate a negative
I understand that lines can be crossed; jokes, sometimes in the form of
costumes, fall flat or are just plain offensive. At the same time, I
think we need to be extremely careful about making a distinct connection
between what we witnessed at Queen’s and overt racism.
Must not hint that illegals mostly do humble work
Kelly Osbourne can't ditch the label "racist" after she made insensitive remarks about Latinos on "The View."
Osbourne penned a letter in her upcoming memoir "There Is No F---ing
Secret," titled, "Dear Racists," where she addresses comments she made
on the "The View" about Latinos cleaning toilets.
"If you kick every Latino out of this country, who's going to clean your
toilets, Donald Trump?" she said during the Aug. 2015 episode.
The 32-year-old reality TV star is adamant she got cut off before
getting across her full point, but notes that no one would believe her
anyway, she told Entertainment Weekly.
When Osbourne made her comment, co-host Rosie Perez quickly interjected
to denounce the remarks before Osbourne was instantly berated on social
media as a racist.
27 November, 2016
Criminals must not be called offenders any more, says Scottish Government
How about "ex-cons"?
Criminals released from prison will no longer be called “offenders” in
the Scottish criminal justice system under controversial plans to make
them feel more welcome in communities.
SNP ministers have called on organisations working with ex-prisoners and
people who have completed community sentences to use the terms “person
with convictions” or “person with an offending history” instead.
In a new strategy designed to reduce Scotland’s high prison population
and drive down reoffending rates, the Scottish government insisted that
renaming “offenders” would support reintegration and reduce stigma.
It has ordered partner organisations working in criminal justice to “be
aware of the power of language” and use “inclusive” terms for people
after they have paid their debt to society.
Criminologists backed the move
UK: In defence of Honey G
Anna Gilford (aka Honey G) caused a mini media storm when she hit the
stage at this year’s X Factor auditions, performing Missy Elliott’s
‘Work It’. The white, middle-class 35-year-old from the north-west
London suburbs appeared sporting a shiny tracksuit-top, mirror shades
and a baseball cap.
Before you could say Straight Outta Harrow, the liberal commentariat was
accusing her of ‘mocking black culture’, and labelling her ‘racist’.
The singer Lily Allen said Honey G was ‘offensive’, and rapper Professor
Green claimed Gilford’s character was ‘an injustice’. The Guardian went
into overdrive, describing Honey G as a ‘disturbing cultural
According to Lola Okolosie, Honey G is a ‘modern-day blackface’ that highlights ‘how race really operates in post-Brexit UK’.
But these self-righteous critics aren’t standing up to racism – they’re
trivialising it, and turning culture into something sacred and static in
the process.
I spent most of my teen years listening to ska and reggae bands like The
Specials, The Beat and UB40. I appreciated that these bands were from
the Midlands, not Jamaica. But I was struck by their ability to embrace
the music of the Caribbean, despite not hailing from that part of the
world. Their music was ‘cultural appropriation’, but it was also British
cultural diversity at its best.
If those bands appeared now they’d no doubt be attacked for their
Eurocentric imitation of black music. As Frank Furedi has noted on
spiked, cultural borrowing is viewed today by ‘cultural crusaders’ not
as a universal form of human co-operation and appreciation, something to
be encouraged, but as a form of cultural theft that must be reined in
or censored. For these crusaders, culture is owned solely by the people
it originated with. This idea undermines universal values, our common
If so-called cultural appropriation is painted as so problematic,
solidarity and understanding between people of different backgrounds and
cultures becomes all but impossible.
25 November, 2016
"Why can’t I talk about the facts?" asks an Australian government minister
IMMIGRATION minister Peter Dutton won’t step back from his comments regarding a small portion of the Lebanese Muslim community.
Australians were “sick” of over the top political correctness, the
Minister told media after a Greens Senator said his comments might be
factual but they weren’t “productive”.
Mr Dutton rejected suggestions his comments were whipping up racism.
Instead, he blamed the “tricky elite”, Opposition leader Bill Shorten
and Greens MPs for making the remarks a big deal to win political
“I want to have an honest discussion,” he said. “The vast majority of
Lebanese Australians are law-abiding, hard working, good decent people
who are besmirched by the small element within the community who are
doing the wrong thing. “I made that clear.”
Earlier, Greens Senator Nick McKim had attacked Mr Dutton for telling
politicians in Question Time on Monday 22 out of the last 33 people
charged with terrorist-related offences in Australia were from a second
and third generational Lebanese-Muslim background.
“Undoubtedly the advice he’s got is accurate but just because something
is fact doesn’t mean that it’s reasonable or productive to talk about
it,” Senator McKim said on Sky News.
“What we’ve got is a deliberate attack from Mr Dutton by quoting these
numbers on a particular subsection of the Australian community.”
Mr Dutton had been clarifying this comment to a Sky News interview last
week: “The reality is Malcolm Fraser did make mistakes in bringing some
people in the 1970s and we’re seeing that today.”
On Thursday, Mr Dutton questioned why he couldn’t talk about facts. “Mr
McKim gave the game away today when he said ‘What Dutton has said is
factual and reasonable but shouldn’t be spoken about’,” he said.
“Australians are sick of that. “They want to have an honest discussion.”
Must not disapprove of Hillary Clinton
A Florida shopping mall has formally apologized to a family and placed
its Santa in “counseling” after the man jokingly told a little girl
Hillary Clinton was on his “naughty list.”
The man, who has not been named, was working as a mall Santa at the Seminole Towne Center in Sanford, Florida.
After a 10-year-old girl told him what she wanted for Christmas, the Santa informed her she was on his “nice list.”
“Do you know who is on my naughty list? Hillary Clinton,” he then allegedly said.
The girl’s mother complained to mall officials.
24 November, 2016
Allegations from the past about Jeff Sessions
President-elect Donald Trump has picked Sessions for the job of
attorney general so the following unsubstantiated allegations have been
re-animated by the media
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony during hearings in March
and May 1986, that Sessions had made racist remarks and called the NAACP
and ACLU "un-American."
Thomas Figures, a black assistant US attorney who worked for Sessions,
testified that Sessions called him "boy" on multiple occasions and joked
about the Ku Klux Klan, saying that he thought Klan members were "OK,
until he learned that they smoked marijuana."
On why he never spoke up against Sessions' alleged use of the term,
Figures testified: "I felt that if I had said anything or reacted in a
manner in which I thought appropriate, I thought I would be fired."
Sessions angrily denied the allegations at the time. His office did not respond to a recent request for comment.
If the allegations were true how come Sessions fought the Ku Klux Klan
in Alabama and desegregated schools? What should we
believe? Unsubstantiated allegations or his actual deeds?
British actress cleared over "disrespectful" mention of Kunta Kinte
In female haircare circles, having "roots" refers to blonded hair wich has grown out, showing its natural dark roots
An episode of Coronation Street which sparked hundreds of complaints
over claims of racism did not breach the broadcasting code, the TV
watchdog has ruled.
Ofcom investigated an episode broadcast on ITV in August in which a
character described her hair as having 'more roots than Kunta Kinte'.
The remark refers to Roots, the novel by American author Alex Haley,
which features an 18th century African slave of that name. A 1977 TV
miniseries based on the book was a global sensation.
The comment sparked an online backlash, with outraged viewers branding
it 'racist' and 'culturally insensitive'. Ofcom also received 472
complaints about the episode.
The 'Kunta Kinte' remark was made as the character Eva Price, played by
Catherine Tyldesley, 32, paid a visit to a hair salon. Looking in
the mirror at her dyed hair, she said: 'I have more roots than Kunta
Kinte. No idea who that is, by the way, just something my mum used to
23 November, 2016
"Hamilton" as cultural appropriation
"Hamilton" is a frenetic Broadway musical play that attempts to rewrite history. There is a discussion of it here.
It aroused controversy when one of its actors used it to spout common
Leftist complaints to the Vice President elect when he was in the
audience for a performance. He was not allowed to peacefully enjoy the
The story is set in the early days of American independence.
Leftists love it, mainly, as far as I can gather, because it has black
actors playing white historical figures.
But isn't that cultural appropriation? If it is angrily abused
cultural appropriation when whites act like various minorities,
why is it not cultural appropriation when blacks play whites? That
nobody in fact objects is just the usual Leftist hypocrisy as far as I
can see. Leftists have no lasting principles, just poses that suit
the moment.
I particularly dislike "modern" versions of traditional plays and
operas. I like the actors to appear in the costumes of the period
and before backdrops that represent scenes of the period. So I
wouldn't go to see "Hamilton" if you paid me.
And I guess that there might be a lot of that reaction among
conservatives generally. I think it comes down to conservatives
being at ease with reality while Leftists either want to deny,
denounce or distort it. So that may be part of the reason why
Trump and some other conservatives were irritable about the show.
Another reason is that American conservatives and, to a degree,
Americans generally, tend to be respectful of their founding
fathers. So to represent them by black men prancing around in
hip-hop singing and dancing routines appears disrespectful and jarring
-- and was probably meant to be disrespectful and jarring. So
Trump and many others would have been primed to dislike anything to do
with the show, hence the complaints about it.
Australian Leftist politician says paternalistic things to a conservative woman politician
Cameron is a former Scottish unionist, and there are no more bitter haters than they
The Left of the Labor Party claim they have the moral authority on most
issues, but particularly women’s issues, including sexism, women’s
rights and equal opportunity in the workplace.
Think of Labor’s feminist warriors, including Deputy Labor Leader Tanya
Plibersek and senior frontbencher Penny Wong. Some women look up to
these politicians to call out wrongs perpetrated against women.
Neither are shrinking violets and both of them are from the Left.
But where was the outrage last night - and indeed today - about what
their fellow Left factional warrior Doug Cameron said to Employment
Minister Michaelia Cash while the Senate was debating the Registered
Organisation Commission Bill.
“Senator Cormann, I know you have to be there to hold the Minister’s hand,” Senator Cameron said.
“So maybe just hold the Minister’s hand and stop interjecting, would be a good start. That would be a good start.”
“The Minister can’t handle the Bill on her own … She needs Senator
Cormann there to chaperone her through this Bill. I’ve never see this
before with a senior minister in the Government.”
Basically, Senator Cameron accused Senator Cash of needing a man beside her to do a job properly.
Can you imagine the outrage if Immigration Minister Peter Dutton or
Treasurer Scott Morrison said this? The feminazis would be lining up to
attack such a ridiculous comment.
But where are they today? No where.
I know politics is robust and requires a thick skin but if we want women
to be treated fairly and with respect than this rubbish needs to be
called out. Senator Cameron, you should be ashamed of yourself.
But more than that, the shame sits more heavily on the women in the
Chamber who said nothing while he spewed his ridiculous comments.
22 November, 2016
The Leftist hate speech keeps coming
The hater below is of Hispanic origins
A Democrat congressman told the U.S. House of Representatives on
Wednesday that the next president of the United States is a bigot, a
demagogue, a liar, a sexual predator and a con artist.
Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.) said in a floor speech at the end of the
day’s proceedings that President-elect Donald Trump could not be treated
like any other politician or like any other Republican.
“Because he is not. Trump represents something much more dangerous,” he
said. “While none of us want to be in this case, we have a duty to treat
him like the threat that he is – a threat to our values, a threat to
our people, and a threat to our national identity.”
Gallego noted that Trump is 70 years old, and he said it was unrealistic to expect him to change.
Gallego then called Trump, in turn, a “sexual predator,” “a demagogue,” “a bigot,” “a liar” and a “con artist.”
In each case the epithet was accompanied by a brief reference to
incidents that arose during the campaign – including claims of sexual
assault about Trump, Speaker Paul Ryan’s criticism of his remarks about a
Mexican-American judge, and Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Ted
Cruz’ criticisms of Trump’s character during the GOP primary .
Gallego said Trump would not be an ordinary president. “Rather than
helping him protect the country, we must protect the country from the
new president.”
After further criticism of Trump’s actions, policies, business
activities, and transition-related controversies, Gallego concluded by
saying many shared the “fervent hope” that the president-elect does not
govern the same way as he has campaigned.
“Here in Congress, however, we cannot afford to give him that benefit of
the doubt. We must not lift a finger to help him scam our country,” he
said. “We must instead put every effort into stopping him.”
Gallego, a former member of the Arizona House of Representatives, was
elected to the U.S. Congress in 2014. He is a former U.S. Marine and
Iraq War veteran, and serves on the House Armed Services Committee.
TV reporter fired after writing Facebook post praising Donald Trump
A TEXAS television reporter is out of a job after she criticised
President Obama and praised President-elect Donald Trump on her personal
Facebook page — claiming the country went “downhill” under the outgoing
Scarlett Fakhar said she was recently canned from her local news gig at
Fox in Houston for posting last week that she was “happy and relieved”
over Trump’s unexpected White House win.
Fakhar had said in the post, which has since been deleted, that Obama
made the “entire county hate one another” and claimed God “had a hand”
in the election. She also said she could “barely sleep from how happy
and relieved she was” after Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton.
“Fox 26 Houston fired me today for expressing my conservative views on
my private Facebook page,” Fakhar posted Thursday. “That is all I will
say for you. But I want you to know how much your support has gotten me
through this. God bless you all.”
A spokesman for KRIV confirmed to The Post that Fakhar, 25, was no longer with the station, but declined further comment.
Note: Fakhar is a Pakistani name. Care in pronouncing it would be advisable, I imagine
21 November, 2016
Leftist censorship never stops
Fake news became a major problem during the tail end of the election,
leading Google and Facebook to ban fake news sites from using their ad
platforms. However, because we all know someone who’s fallen for a fake
news story, Melissa Zimdars, an assistant professor of communication at
Merrimack College in Massachusetts, put together a list of “False,
misleading, clickbait-y and satirical ‘news’ sources” to help the
plebeian public sort out real from fake.
There’s just one problem: Zimdars includes legitimate conservative news
outlets on her list. Kira Davis writes at RedState (one of the outlets
dubbed “fake” by Zimdars):
Zimdars includes conservative media giants IJReview,
The Blaze, and Redstate – all organizations that provide aggregate
reporting and opinion pieces. Having worked for all three organizations
at one point or another, I can say with full certainty that not one is a
‘fake news’ site – or even misleading.
In fact, RedState writers go to great lengths to
debunk false stories they find in the media. RedState has produced some
of the top conservative talents, including former Editor-in-Chief Erick
Erickson, and regularly features articles submitted by members of the
House and Senate and from presidential candidates.
The RedState Gathering is covered by major media, and has top caliber
speakers and was even the site of the announcement of a Presidential
campaign (Rick Perry.) RedState content is regularly featured in the
mainstream press and has been quoted frequently by even such old-school
journalism outlets as The New York Times many times this year alone.
IJReview is based in Washington D.C. and has a very
strong and lucrative relationship with Facebook, even teaming up with
the social media behemoth to produce one of the primary debates. Their
reputation on Capitol Hill is well-known, and politicians and
high-profile media personalities regularly contribute guest posts.
The Blaze provides a lot of opinion pieces some
people like Zimdars might disagree with, but they most certainly do not
post ‘fake news’ or even misleading headlines. MSNBC regularly produces
sensational headlines that aren’t backed up by the research but funny
enough; they are nowhere on this list. No mainstream liberal reporting
agency is on this list.
If these are the types of sites Google and Facebook intend to block as
“fake news,” then I’d rather just deal with the obviously fake and
click-bait headlines on my newsfeed. But as this election has
reinforced, liberals cannot deal with it when they don’t get their way.
Pure Leftist hate
The rant below is remarkable. It says nothing at great
length. There is no information of substance conveyed. It is
presumably meant to be funny for a Leftist audience. It appeared
in a Left-leaning major Australian newspaper. But underneath the
slight veneer of humour, it is pure hate. The hate just
poured out of the writer -- and kept pouring. I reproduce the
whole thing so people can witness how much hate there is there.
She no doubt feels pleased with herself for writing it but she clearly
has "issues", as they say these days. I suspect that underneath an
acceptable social facade, she is a generally hostile person -- JR
Jacqueline Maley
Of all the lunacies of the post-fact world, my favourite is the fiction
being peddled that "left-wing elites" in the media and elsewhere
revealed their horrendous bias by expressing dismay at the prospect of a
Trump presidency.
Voicing some discomfort at the prospect of a pussy-grabbing
protector-isolationalist becoming leader of the free world does not a
left-wing loon make.
Any political candidate who has been endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan is
leaving a lot of room out there on their left flank. You don't have to
be Che Guevara to have inadvertently found yourself sitting in that
space, desolate in the knowledge that the best you can do to stop the
juggernaut is to un-follow The Donald on Twitter.
But progressive and free-thinking Trump first-responders (and since last
week, we are all, from Senegal to Seattle, Trump first-responders) do
have a problem with Melania Trump, first lady-elect, the woman
ostensibly closest to the man but at the same time strangely incidental
to him.
Melania – Slovenian immigrant, mother, and "perfect 10", to use the
technical, Trumpian term – is either her husband's greatest victim or
his worst enabler.
She is definitely an important source of what the white-coat doctors
call "narcissistic supply", but she may also be that woman with a
desperate look in her eyes madly trying to blink her way into
communicating that she needs to escape this nightmare way more than we
Feminists are at a loss as to how to deal with Melania because it's
generally uncool to mock blameless wives and mothers, and yet, this is a
woman whose entire life appears predicated on the fact that she is hot.
Which is not what Mary Wollstonecraft et al fought in the trenches for.
How do we solve a problem like Melania?
Images of Trump frankly spying on his wife as she cast her vote on
November 8 were telling. Did he expect her to vote Democrat? Since
winning the vote, otherwise disempowered women have used the privacy of
the ballot box as a way to rebel secretly against their husbands, but
poor Melania was not afforded this inalienable right.
Perhaps she wanted to put a nice big tick in the Hillary box but was
forced to divert at the last minute when she felt her husband's
reptilian eyes boring into her back.
Funnily enough, the next day the entire world woke up with that same feeling.
Feminists are at a loss as to how to deal with first lady Melania Trump.
The little we do know about Melania has been communicated by mostly her
husband. He began lobbying for her back in 2000 when she was his new
girlfriend and he pestered the then editor of GQ, Dylan Jones, to
feature her nude in his magazine.
More recently, Melania was the subject of a GQ profile that revealed she
had a secret half-brother in Slovenia but told us precisely nothing
about the kind of person she is. She spoke in cliches and revealed
nothing of herself except for the fact that she sticks to her "role" and
would never ask her husband to change a nappy or put their son to bed.
Trump says Melania will make an "unbelievable first lady".
The very title of "first lady" is bold confirmation of what many
workplaces, and (dare I say it), society as a whole, have been
slow to acknowledge – that men holding down serious jobs can do them
properly only if they have a woman behind the scenes sponging up the
detritus of daily life.
In the case of an average account manager, or a business owner, that
means your wife pays the internet bill and makes sure the children's
hair is sufficiently crazy for the school's annual "Crazy Hair Day" (or
as it's known to one of my circle, "F---ing Crazy Hair Day").
Presidential wives probably have staff to take care of Crazy Hair Day,
but they would have many other irritating and time-consuming help-meet
tasks, like scheduling the secret service detail around school assembly,
and arranging state dinner seating plans to minimise awkwardness
between guests experiencing diplomatic conflict.
In Melania's case, seating arrangements will be further complicated by
the fact that her husband is on record as being very gropey. Angela
Merkel or Teresa May will want to watch their legs sub-table,
particularly given Trump would probably deny any groping not on the
facts, but on the justification that neither leader is a "10" so why
would he bother?
First ladies are permitted, of course, to take up a few of their own
causes, and Melania has said she will focus on the scourge of online
bullying, prompting many to wonder aloud whether she had glanced at her
own husband's Twitter account recently.
In the post-truth world it would not be surprising if Melania decides
next week to take up the banner for victims of sexual assault, or become
patron of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
People will call her a hypocrite but perhaps, underneath the Barbie-doll
bust and the mask-like features, she is trolling her husband in open
It's the only place she has to hide.
20 November, 2016
Twitter Initiates Mass Purge Of Prominent Alt-Right Accounts Following Trump Victory
Twitter has initiated a major purge of prominent accounts associated
with the alt-right exactly a week after GOP President-elect Donald
Trump’s stunning electoral victory.
One of the first and most prominent accounts caught up in the deletion
is Richard Spencer, president and director of the National Policy
Institute, an alt-right think tank focused on white identity and related
policy issues.
Twitter removed Spencer’s verified account, formerly available at @RichardBSpencer, Tuesday evening.
“This is corporate Stalinism,” Richard Spencer told The Daily Caller
News Foundation. “Twitter is trying to airbrush the Alt Right out of
existence. They’re clearly afraid. They will fail!”
Not only did Twitter kill Spencer’s personal account, but Twitter also
suspended the National Policy Institute’s official account (@npiamerica)
and its online magazine (@RadixJournal), in addition to a separate book
publishing company run by Spencer called Washington Summit Publishers
The ban took place the same day Spencer appeared on NPR and The Daily Show.
Numerous Twitter users expressed shock at the suspension, while others tried to come up with explanations for the purge.
Paul Town, one of the alt-right trolls responsible for feeding Olivia
Nuzzi at The Daily Beast a false and outlandish narrative on how Pepe
the cartoon frog came to be associated with white nationalism, was also
Other suspended users, among many, include Pax Dickinson, Ricky Vaughn and John Rivers — all notable alt-right accounts.
The move by Twitter threatens to diminish the explosive power of the
alt-right, which has made use of Twitter to brutally troll journalists
and political pundits, in addition to supporting Trump and spreading its
political philosophy in front of millions of people.
While Twitter has in the past slowly cracked down on accounts near the
alt-right, such as those of WeSearchr CEO Chuck Johnson and journalist
Milo Yiannopoulos, the major purge Tuesday evening of prominent
alt-right accounts is so far unprecedented.
In response to the purges, many alt-right users are heading over to Gab,
a Twitter substitute platform with a much more aggressive free speech
Australia: A moderate response to a stream of abuse upsets the abuser
A Leftist female with an Arabic first name abuses an
anti-immmigration Senator and is enraged when he responds with great
brevity. He sent no abuse back but that was not good enough,
apparently. The sense of entitlement on the Left is gargantuan
is considering a law to make sure that illegal immigrants can never be
given citizenship. One for Trump to consider?
This afternoon she sent the Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Senator an email
“imploring him to block the lifetime ban on refugees bill”, and within
three minutes she had a response.
Just two words:
“Go away.”
"I was so shocked", the 25-year-old told Mamamia after receiving the reply.
"I couldn’t believe a grown man and public servant, who is being paid
with my tax dollar to represent my best interests in parliament, would
have the audacity to treat a citizen with such disregard and so
childishly. A man who has been elected by the people, telling the people
to 'go away' is the exact opposite of democracy."
"Seeking asylum is a basic human right, and this proposed bill is a
deliberately cruel and unusual measure added to already cruel and
obscene policies enforced by the Australian government," she said.
It should be noted that Nour's email to the Senator contained some
strong words. She wrote, "I understand that you are a One Nation Party
senator, which obviously means you are a racist, close minded, outdated
neanderthal but I’m hoping that somewhere in your hateful, horrible
heart there is a tiny smidgen of goodness that is willing to do the
right thing and BLOCK the Life Time Ban On Refugees Bill – as is your
18 November, 2016
More censorship coming from Google and Facebook
The war on "fake news" seems to be aimed explicitly at stories
favouring Trump. A war on ALL fake news would be welcome but with
Leftists in charge of the censoring, the result will be even more
one-sided news coverage than we have already had. See the story
below this one for some examples of fake news from the Left
President-elect Donald Trump is already reshaping the Internet. A great
cleanup has begun, a weeding-out of the fake news stories and hateful
commentary that surfaced so often during the presidential campaign,
usually on social media sites.
This reckoning — undertaken by internet giants like Google, Facebook,
and Twitter over the past few days — might make the online environment
tidier and more trustworthy, but also, perhaps, a little less free.
They are taking aim at fake pro-Trump stories like one reporting a phony
endorsement of Trump by Pope Francis that attracted millions of
readers, or the one about Hillary Clinton’s nonexistent $200 million
mansion in the Maldives.
Meanwhile, the surging white nationalist “alt-right” movement has used Twitter as one of its favorite communications channels.
Acting now, after the election, is a transparently political move by
companies that could have cracked down on this stuff years ago. Instead,
Facebook and Google earned big audiences and big dollars by selling ads
on phony news sites that spread outrageous falsehoods. And Twitter
barely flinched while some of its users terrorized others with abusive
and threatening messages.
Last week, Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg initially dismissed
criticism that fake news on his site influenced the election.
That assertion has reportedly been challenged by some of his own
employees, who are said to be forming an unofficial task force to
examine how the powerful company could better police spurious
Then on Monday Facebook joined Google in announcing that sites that
routinely publish false stories will be barred from joining their
advertising networks. One could easily conclude the crackdown is coming
now because the center-left leadership of these companies suspects that
the anything-goes policy helped elect Trump.
Wave of Fake ‘Hate Crimes’ Sweeps anti-Trump Social Media
Fake reports of “hate crimes” committed by fans of President-elect
Donald Trump are sweeping the nation. Meanwhile, real crimes continue to
be committed by anti-Trump rioters in dozens of cities across America.
One fake “hate crime” involved a Muslim woman at the University of
Louisiana at Lafayette who claimed that she had her hijab torn off by
two white males. Lafayette police now report that she “admitted that she
fabricated the story.”
Other incidents are being reported as “crimes” that are not crimes at
all. CNN published a list of “hate crimes” on Saturday that includes an
incident where a group of middle school students chanted “Build the
wall!” in a cafeteria. That is not a “crime”; it is juvenile behavior by
boorish 12- and 13-year-olds.
Another “crime” on CNN’s list comes from a university where “somebody
chalked the words ‘Trump,’ ‘Build wall’ and ‘[Expletive deleted] your
safe space’ in front of the library. That’s right: they used actual
Other than that, there’s not much. Elizabeth Nolan Brown of Reason.com
has posted a more extensive list of cases where police were unable to
verify the allegations being made, including an alleged attack on a gay
man in Santa Monica, California.
Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA) documented three men showing up at a Veterans
Day parade with Confederate flags. Provocative? Deliberately. Offensive?
Yes, to most. Hate crime? No.
And yet Huffman blamed Donald Trump: “We need to prepare for more of
this because the Trump campaign has legitimized and given public space
to some shadowy groups that used to hide from public view.”
(For the record, Trump supported efforts to remove the Confederate flag from the South Carolina state capitol.)
Meanwhile, thousands of people flood city centers in Los Angeles,
Portland, New York and elsewhere, in some cases setting fires, smashing
windows and vandalizing anything they can.
Night after night, the protests have continued, organized by radical
left-wing organizations such as MoveOn.org and ANSWER, in rejection of
the results of a democratic election.
And some of the rhetoric of the protests has been bigoted, and violent.
One sign at a Los Angeles protest Saturday read: “This Machine Kills
Some of the protests have resulted in violent attacks on police, and dozens of arrests.
And there have been real hate crimes against Trump supporters, including
a videotaped beating of a white man who was targeted because he was
accused of voting for Trump.
The wave of anti-Trump crimes — “hate crimes” and otherwise — committed
by anti-Trump thugs overwhelms, by several orders of magnitude, whatever
crimes are being attributed to Trump supporters.
The narrative about a wave of “hate crimes” inspired by Trump is a
deliberate fabrication, meant to tarnish the President-elect. It is a
continuation of false accusations, during the campaign, that Trump
represented the second coming of Hitler.
It is an attempt to organize a new opposition, based on lies, and the
deliberate sowing of mistrust at a time when Americans have been called —
by both presidential candidates — to come together.
17 November, 2016
Hate speech from Harry Reid
Leftists are always seeing in others the hate and racism that boils inside themselves
Nevada Senator Harry Reid released the following statement about the
election of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States:
“I have personally been on the ballot in Nevada for 26 elections and I
have never seen anything like the reaction to the election completed
last Tuesday. The election of Donald Trump has emboldened the forces of
hate and bigotry in America.
“White nationalists, Vladimir Putin and ISIS are celebrating Donald
Trump’s victory, while innocent, law-abiding Americans are wracked with
fear – especially African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Muslim
Americans, LGBT Americans and Asian Americans. Watching white
nationalists celebrate while innocent Americans cry tears of fear does
not feel like America.
“If this is going to be a time of healing, we must first put the
responsibility for healing where it belongs: at the feet of Donald
Trump, a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and fueled his
campaign with bigotry and hate. Winning the electoral college does not
absolve Trump of the grave sins he committed against millions of
Even dictators don't like to be called fat
Kim Jong-un North Korea has reportedly made an official request to state
officials in China pleading with them to stop referring to Kim Jong-un
as fat.
Kim Fatty III is a popular nickname for the North Korean leader in neighbouring China.
Other popular nicknames include Jin Pang Pang (Kim Fat Fatty) and Jin San Fei (Kim Abundant III).
Kim Jong-un is believed to have piled on 38kg in recent years due to his
love of Swiss cheese, whiskey and scallops, according to The Sun.
16 November, 2016
Must not find Mrs Obama unattractive
The ancient Romans had a saying: "De gustibus non disputandum
est" -- translatable as "Concerning taste there can be no
dispute". That tolerance apparently does not apply when commenting
on Mrs Obama's looks. The negative judgment of two women below
about Mrs Obama's looks has been vigorously disputed
But, like it
or not, the de facto worldwide standard of female beauty is Nordic --
narrow faces, fine features, white skin, blue eyes and blonde
hair. Even some Japanese ladies blond their hair. To black
males, a white wife is a trophy. Mrs Obama has no Nordic
attributes at all. If her skin were white she would be ugly.
She has received acceptance for political reasons only
We may
deplore the Nordic standard but saying that people should adopt other
standards for females that they like to look at is pissing into the
wind. It won't happen. It will have zero influence.
Brown hair can be accepted in lieu of blonde but that is the only
variation to the top standard.
I too will be glad to see Melania in the White House

TWO American women — a mayor and local business leader — are under
pressure to resign over a racist post about First Lady Michelle Obama
that has sparked a social media row.
Clay County Development Corp director Pamela Ramsey Taylor made the post
following Donald Trump’s election as president, saying: “It will be
refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the
White House. I’m tired of seeing a Ape in heels.”
Clay Mayor Beverly Whaling responded: “Just made my day Pam.” The post,
first reported by WSAZ-TV, was shared hundreds of times on social media
before it was deleted.
The Facebook pages of Taylor and Whaling couldn’t be found Monday. A
call to the Clay County Development Corp. went unanswered and Whaling
didn’t immediately return a telephone message.
An online petition has been launched, calling for Whaling and Taylor to be fired.
The petition titled ‘Terminate Clay County Mayor and County Development
Corp Director For Calling Michelle Obama an “Ape in Heels”’, has had
more than 33,000 online supporters so far.
The non-profit development group provides services to elderly and
low-income residents in Clay County. It is funded through state and
federal grants and local fees.
No free speech for conservatives on Australian public TV
Australia's ABC does often have a token conservative on its TV shows,
hoping mainly to humiliate them. But usually, the conservative
does get to say something. This time the conservative had barely
opened his mouth before a Leftist interrupted him to contradict
him. And the show host sided with the Leftist
A petition calling for The Project to apologise to Steve Price after he
was 'bullied' by Carrie Bickmore live on-air has received 17,000
The Change.org petition says the 61-year-old radio presenter was a
victim of "leftist bullying" after a heated with columnist Jamila Rizvi
last week which ended with Bickmore telling Price to watch his tone.
Price, a 2GB presenter and regular guest on The Project, was commenting
on Donald Trump's election victory on Wednesday night when Rizvi, a
vocal Hillary Clinton supporter, cut him off.
"The people in real America, in small town America, weren't buying the bulldust that was coming out of the elites," Price said.
When Rizvi interjected, calling the idea of a real America "b-------", Price got personal.
"This is the reason why Donald Trump won, because people like you lecture and hector people."
Bickmore jumped to Rizvi's defence and warned Price to not "keep that
tone" as the guests bickered between themselves. But it appears a large
number of people think Rizvi was in the wrong.
The petition started three days ago calls for The Project to apologise to Price, describing the incident as "leftist bullying".
"Nobody, no matter what side of politics they fall on, should have to
experience the abuse and degradation of what Steve had to go through on
that program," petition founder Thomas Nicholls wrote. "What happened on
The Project is unacceptable and should be condemned. Whether you are on
the left, right, or somewhere in between, nobody should experience what
Steve experienced."
15 November, 2016
Strange results for a racist and sexist candidate
The net is awash with Lefist claims that Trump ran a racist and
sexist campaign. But Americans as a whole clearly did not see it
that way. It's just another of the habitual distortions of reality that
Leftists constantly practice
[Trump] managed to win over many women and Latinos. White women, for
example, voted for Trump over Clinton by a ten-point margin, according
to CNN’s exit polling. Depending on which exit poll you believe, Trump
may also have won anywhere from 19 percent to an astonishing 29 percent
of the Latino vote, despite his anti-Latino rhetoric. Clinton’s supposed
bulwark among college-educated voters also failed: White college
graduates backed Trump by a 4-point margin, including 45 percent of
college-educated white women.
It shouldn’t surprise us that women voted for Trump as strongly as they
did: White women also voted for Romney and McCain by similar margins.
But Clinton also underperformed Obama’s 2012 showing among Latino women
by eight points. Clinton’s gender-based appeal not only backfired among
men, but fell flat among many women. In 2016, the suburban, mostly white
women Clinton tried hard to court seemingly made their decisions based
on other factors.
And race? Per The New York Times’s exit poll, Trump outperformed Mitt
Romney among all racial groups surveyed. Most shockingly, Trump gained
fewer percentage points among whites than among other blocs of voters.
Trump won only 1 percent more white voters than Romney, but bested him
by 7 points among blacks, 8 points among Latinos, and 11 points among
Asian Americans. These are not the numbers you would expect from a win
driven primarily by white supremacist backlash.
Corporate hate speech backfires
Grubhub is a food delivery company that won't be delivering much food to Trump voters from now on
Grubhub CEO Matt Maloney is dumb, dumb and dumber. After the election he
sent a condescending, baseless, whacko email that gives the impression
to his employees that if you voted for Trump or believe in Trump's
campaign message that you should send in your resignation. He even says
that if Trumped worked there, many of his comments would have resulted
in his immediate termination.
Would Maloney also want anyone who agrees with Trump to immediately stop buying their service?
On November 8, Grubhub was trading at $37.83 and now it's at $35.25.
That is nearly a 7% drop while the rest of the market hit historic
highs. His dumb political statements have so far cost Grubhub
shareholders $200 million. What an idiot. The Grubhub board should hold
an emergency session and fire him in order to reassure their
shareholders that their company is in good hands and to send a message
to customers that political intolerance is unacceptable.
Maloney has since produced a press release saying he is misunderstood.
Baloney. He meant every word of what he said because he bought in like a
child the nonsense narrative that Trump is a racist, homophobe,
intolerant Nazi like figure.
Meanwhile, Trump supporters on Twitter are appropriately bashing Maloney
relentlessly, but in a much smarter way than Maloney slammed them
14 November, 2016
Even Oprah must not praise Trump
While speaking to the Associated Press on Thursday, Oprah Winfrey
admitted that she was in disbelief at Donald Trump's win and Hillary
Clinton's shocking defeat on Tuesday.
But the media mogul was seemingly so impressed by the President-elect's
meeting with President Obama that her feelings took a different turn, as
she tweeted, "Everybody take a deep breath! Hope Lives!"
Winfrey went on to explain the reasoning behind her optimism: "I could
sense, maybe I'm wrong, but I could sense from Donald Trump's body
language even when he came out for the acceptance speech, that brotha
has been humbled by this world thing."
Winfrey's comments have not been received well online, as several
people, including Patton Oswalt (who tweeted "Oprah what the f---ck?
This is not one of my favorite things") and W. Kamau Bell, have taken to
Twitter to express their disappointment in Winfrey's new point of view.
Many former Oprah followers responded to her comments as understood by
several people as tone-deaf or condescending.
Accusations of "privilege" are used to shut up white students
Comments below from a student at Southern Illinois University
Progressives preach for equality and diversity, but do not tolerate
diversity of thought. Many students on college campuses are not able to
voice their opinions out of the fear of being racist, homophobic, or
xenophobic. This intolerance has gotten so out of hand that people no
longer ask questions and just assume the worst. Because if you come from
a position of “privilege”, you have no life struggles. These elections
are the perfect example of this.
A number of individuals are so dumbfounded by Trump’s victory, but they
should not. These are the consequences of silencing individuals and not
allowing them to speak their minds. They spoke with their votes. The
left has created a hostile environment for debate and different
opinions, it is hard to convince people to agree with you when you
silence them because of their “privilege”.
13 November, 2016
Police: Reported crime against woman in Muslim headscarf was a hoax
As usual
A young Muslim woman claimed she was attacked and robbed of her
headscarf and wallet by two men, one of whom wore a Trump hat, but
police are now saying it was a hoax. The attack supposedly took place in
Louisiana where the woman is a student. Here’s how NBC News initially
reported it:
The first police reports started trickling in within 10 hours of Donald Trump’s victory speech.
A Muslim student from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette reported
being attacked by two men on Wednesday morning. The victim told
investigators that one wore a white “TRUMP” hat while they hit her with a
metal object and shouted obscenities as she fell to the ground.
University police say the suspects fled with the woman’s wallet and
This story really checks all the boxes. It took place in the south. It
appeared to involve obvious bigotry by the thieves. And, of course,
there’s a connection to Trump. The ACLU of Louisiana quickly put out a
statement condemning the attack:
The ACLU of Louisiana is outraged at the news of a young Muslim woman
being assaulted and robbed of her hijab in Lafayette yesterday morning.
The report that her attackers also shouted slurs and wore Donald Trump
clothing is especially troubling in light of Mr. Trump’s frequent use of
anti-Muslim rhetoric on the campaign trail.
Only it never happened as the AP reports:
A Louisiana college student has acknowledged she fabricated a report
that she was assaulted and robbed of her wallet and Muslim headscarf by
two men, one of whom she described as wearing a white “Trump” hat,
police said Thursday.
The Lafayette Police Department said in a statement that it is no longer
investigating the 18-year-old woman’s claims, which were made within
hours of Donald Trump’s presidential victory.
Google mail asks a conservative blogger to mark historian Victor Davis hanson as "spam"
I had just left victor davis hanson's website/blog after posting a
comment to an article he had written, about "the non-elite elites," and
how for all of their money and education and 1% status, they are
dishonest and conniving w/ the truth. this was in relation
to the just concluded election.
The post included a not so flattering example of the google ceo/owner's
connivance with the clinton campaign on seeking advice on how he could
advance it.
No sooner had i signed off of hanson's website did i receive a notice
from google mail advising me to label hanson's site as
"spam." god damn their little dictatorial asses trying to
influence me on what i read, and trying their damnedest to curtail the
reach of hanson's voice.
11 November, 2016
Democrat bigotry helped Trump
A touch of realism from the Left:
The Democrats are not the party of true unity. We claim to welcome a
diverse range of people, but let’s face it: “diverse” has come to mean
women and minorities. In our noble effort to give them a voice, we have
devalued the voices of white people and men. And it’s not racist or
intolerant of them to push back.
To be clear, the ideology of Donald Trump’s most radical (and visible)
supporters is evil. But what about his quieter, possibly more moderate
supporters, the silent majority that pollsters didn’t expect to vote for
him? I can imagine how the Democrats’ message might appear unwelcoming
to them.
During the early days of the campaign, American politician Madeleine
Albright said it was feminists’ duty to vote for Hillary Clinton because
she was a woman. That is to say that feminist voters should favor her
because she’s female. And in preparing to celebrate Hillary Clinton’s
historic victory, some of my Democrat friends told me they were sick of
men in the White House.
And I get it. I really wanted a female president. I wanted her to
inspire girls and shatter stereotypes about female leaders. But sexism
in favor of women is still sexism, just as racism in favor of minorities
is still racism. Whites and men are not wrong for voting against that.
Must not suggest that Africans live in villages
Commentator made a probable guess in the absence of precise information
FORMER Australian Test [cricket] captain Ian Chappell has come under
fire for a comment that has offended South African viewers watching the
first Test at the WACA.
Chappell was commenting on play for Channel 9 when South African rising
star Kagiso Rabada skittled the Australian middle order and snared a
five-wicket haul in his side’s 177 run win.
Chappell was full of praise for the talented 21-year-old and joined
fellow commentator Ian Healy in labelling the quick [bowler] a future
superstar of the game. He said he was stunned by Rabada’s raw talent and
pace at such a young age.
Unfortunately, Chappell didn’t leave it at that. When Healy asked
him how Rabada could have developed such speed in his bowling, Chappell
replied: “You’d have to ask all the batsman in his village”.
In reality, Rabada grew up in Johannesburg where he attended the
prestigious St Stithians Boys College. His father is a neurosurgeon.
The comment did not go unnoticed on social media with Chappell’s comments labelled racist.
Among those to take exception was respected South African radio
commentator Neil Manthorp who tweeted: ‘So Jo'burg doesn't qualify as a
village? Staggering, isn't it? Surprised they didn't ask who was looking
after his herd while he's here.”
10 November, 2016
Australian TV host caught saying Trump was 'staring at wife Melania's
t**s' and his supporters 'need an IQ test' when she thought she was
If she was right I am pleased that Trump still likes staring at his
wife's tits. They're undoubtedly good tits but he has seen them
Television presenter Virginia Trioli has been caught live on air saying
Donald Trump supporters should be forced to take an 'IQ test' and
claiming he was staring at his wife's 't**s' as he went to vote.
The ABC Breakfast host was covering the US election at 10am on Wednesday
and assumed the feed had crossed to an advertisement when she had an
'honest' chat with her team, according to The New Daily.
Pictures of presidential candidate Donald Trump staring at his wife's
ballot paper as she cast her vote in Manhattan went viral on Wednesday,
but Trioli accidentally told viewers he was more likely 'looking at
Melania's t**s'.
The ABC's Media Manager, Sally Jackson, said they would not be
commenting on the gaffe as 'there was nothing to add to what's been said
at this point'.
Other viewers agreed with her comments, saying it was the journalist's 'best work'.
Trump supports "Redskins" name
For years, supporters of the the name of the Washington football team
have provided the one sanctuary where it was socially acceptable to
shout a dictionary defined racial slur from the top of your lungs.
Donald Trump—in his relentless war against human decency—has changed
that reality dramatically in the last year. Bully anyone at anytime, and
if someone asks you to stop, then you are just being—altogether
now—politically correct (although that passionate defense of saying what
you like doesn’t seem to apply to Trump’s critics or victims).
That’s why it shouldn’t be surprising to hear Trump’s closing argument
in this election includes an entire commercial devoted to supporting the
word “Redskins.” The 30-second ad—which is also insulting to the
thinking ability of non-native football fans—begins with four white
guys, chugging brews and sitting down to watch the game, although no
beer bellies on these fellas. They look like Abercrombie & Fitch
models with spray-on stubble.
Then a low, rumbling voice: “Yeah, you thought you were safe, sitting in
your recliner in your man cave, cold beer and a bowl of chips. Ha, you
thought you’d escaped politics by focusing on football. Wrong. Hillary
Clinton wants to mess up your football, too. Hillary wants to change the
name of the Redskins.”
9 November, 2016
Pew: Donald Trump Voters Are Tolerant, Hillary Clinton Voters Intolerant
The facts show that all the Leftist abuse of Trump and his supporters
is exactly the opposite of the truth -- Lying Hillary and friends at
work again in their usual way
A large Pew survey shows that Donald Trump’s supporters are more
tolerant, open-minded, respectful and understanding than are Hillary
Clinton’s vibrantly diverse supporters in her coalition of ethnic,
sexual, professional and progressive factions.
“Clinton backers – particularly highly educated ones – have more
difficulty respecting Trump supporters than the other way around,” Pew
acknowledged in the Nov. 1 report.
That data is a mirror image of the media-magnified portrayal of Trump’s
supporters that Democratic partisans have constructed throughout the
2016 campaign.
That image has been fostered by undercover Democratic groups which used
extensive funding to arrange camera-ready fights at Trump’s rallies, by
Clinton’s scripted eagerness to portray Trump’s supporters as
irredeemable or insanely hostile to gays, migrant foreigners and Islamic
believers, and by the media’s eagerness to showcase conflict at Trump
But Pew’s data shows that:
"nearly six-in-ten registered voters who back Clinton
(58%) say they have a “hard time” respecting someone who supports Trump
for president; 40% say they have “no trouble” with it. Nearly the
opposite is true among Trump supporters, with 56% saying they have no
trouble respecting someone who backs Clinton and 40% saying they do have
trouble with it."
That’s a 17-point tolerance difference between the two parties.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump holds a campaign rally at
the Bank of Colorado Arena on the campus of University of Northern
Colorado October 30, 2016 in Greeley, Colorado.
Oregon: Tease get a reaction
Only the humorless Left could fail to see that this was not a serious proposal
During a report at a Monday school board meeting, Lake Oswego School
District Superintendent Heather Beck publicly announced there recently
was an “anti-Semitic” picture posted in the LOHS cafeteria and a
“racist” comment on a Facebook page run by LOHS students. Beck said the
district will respond with professional training and discussions with
The incident was announced to parents by LOHS Principal Rollin
Dickinson. In a letter to parents Monday, Dickinson said he became aware
of a “deeply disturbing” post on Nov. 2 on the Class of 2017 Facebook
page, “a private account managed by students.” Dickinson said that three
weeks ago, a poll of potential senior pranks was created, and those
ideas included: "We create a club called Ku-Klux-Klub and find every
black kid and sacrifice them." He said no one “Liked” the post, but no
one objected to it until one student finally came forward and told a
teacher, who told him.
“We were able to determine that the student who wrote the posts was not a
current LOHS student but a former LOHS student who now attends an
out-of-district high school,” Dickinson’s letter said. “One of our
students volunteered to take the poll down.”
School Board Chair Sarah Howell said the people who report such incidents should be commended for their courage.
“It’s disappointing when people stand by and do nothing in these
situations, so I’m very grateful (to) whoever brought this to your
attention,” Howell said.
8 November, 2016
Troublesome pronouns in Canada
Premier Kathleen Wynne thinks we should replace words such as “mother”
and “father” with gender-neutral (neutered?) terms such as “birth
parent.” The federal Liberals, meanwhile, with Bill C-16, want to add
gender identity and gender expression to the list of “prohibited grounds
of discrimination.”
You can debate whether any of these measures are warranted, but there’s no question they are antithetical to free speech.
Just ask University of Toronto psychology Prof. Jordan Peterson. He was
warned by university administrators to stop speaking publicly about his
insistence on using gender-specific terms – “he” and “she,” in
particular. “I don’t recognize a person’s right to determine what
pronoun I use to address them,” he said in a YouTube posting. Peterson
argues that Bill C-16, if passed, will make it a criminal offence to
fail to use a person’s preferred pronoun regardless of whether that
preference makes any rational sense.
O'Reilly Defends Offensive Chinatown Segment: We're Not Politically Correct
Watters asked passersby in Chinatown questions like whether it was
the "year of the dragon" or if they knew how to do karate. He also asked
a young man if he could give him Chinese herbs from his parents' store
that would help with "performance." Watters then called
Asian-Americans "gentle" and "patient". Oh, the pain!
Fox host Bill O'Reilly is standing by a tone-deaf segment that aired on
his show last week and mocked Asian-Americans, saying in a radio
interview Tuesday that "The O'Reilly Factor" is not a "politically
correct" show.
O'Reilly told "The Bernie and Sid Show" that he feels the backlash to
the controversial "Watters World" segment, in which contributor Jesse
Watters interviewed and mocked Asian-Americans on the streets of New
York City's Chinatown, was a coordinated attack by liberal media
outlets. Originally, he said, there had been few complaints.
"All of sudden, 36 hours later, we get this barrage," he said. "And the
wording was almost exactly the same from all these left-wing websites,
almost exactly the same. So we know it was a coordinated attack."
O'Reilly said Watters had done what he described as a similar segment in
Little Italy the week prior, and that Watters would not be fired for
the Chinatown piece just because people live in a "perpetual state of
grievance." He did note that he would have edited the package
differently, but said it was "gentle fun."
“He’s not getting fired," O'Reilly said. "We are a program that is not politically correct.”
7 November, 2016
An incorrect sailing ship?
The appearance of a Chilean naval vessel in Sydney Harbour, which had
been used as a “torture chamber” by the Pinochet regime, has sparked
protests from Chilean-Australians who say it should be removed from
The Esmeralda, a four-masted tall ship that is nearly 400ft long, is in
Sydney as part of its 61st training cruise and has been docked at Garden
Island since Thursday morning.
Considered a national symbol of Chile, it is used as a sail training
vessel by the country’s navy and spends about half the year sailing
around the world.
But its tours have sparked controversy after a series of human rights
reports revealed that the ship was used to detain victims of the Augusto
Pinochet’s regime in September 1973.
A 1986 US Senate report suggesting that as many as 112 people –
including 40 women – were held on the ship, with rape, electric shocks,
mock executions and beatings among the crimes reportedly carried out on
The Chile Solidarity Committee, a Sydney-based organisation of about 50
people, intends to protest against the vessel’s appearance on Saturday.
“Regardless of what the present purpose of the ship is, crimes were committed there,” he said. “People got killed there".
That Pinochet was just giving Communists some of their own back is not
mentioned. Pinochet deposed a law-defying Marxist President
at the express and desperate invitation of the Chilean parliament.
Allende had just burnt the electoral rolls so it wasn't hard to see what
was coming. That he used far-Leftist methods to suppress far-Leftist
violence is reasonable if not ideal. The Leftist view that they should
have a monopoly of violence and that others should follow the law is a
total absurdity which shows only that their hate overcomes their reason
Australia's Human Rights Commission intolerant of debate
Nothing could be a more powerful example of the need to reform Section
18C of the Racial Discrimination Act than the commission's extraordinary
overreaction to a cartoon by Bill Leak.
The fact the Human Rights Commission is so intent on pursuing a
cartoonist for The Australian can only underscore how ludicrous the use
of this law has become.
It is now too easily distorted into a symbol of intolerance rather than
tolerance, of quelling dissent or differences of opinion with a
particular view of the world, of punishing and vilifying those who
question claims of victimhood.
The skill of cartoonists, the best cartoonists, lies in provoking their
audience with their work. They mean to disturb comfortable assumptions,
to reveal hypocrisy, to cause people to think again with a few clever
lines of drawings and words.
In this case, a cartoon showing an Aboriginal police officer and a
beer-carrying Aboriginal father who couldn't remember his kid's name may
have been deeply offensive, especially to the many caring Aboriginal
parents. But it also cut to the heart of a highly sensitive issue in
Australian society agitated about the high incarceration rates as well
as the at times shocking treatment of Aboriginal kids.
Just why are so many Aboriginal kids caught up in the juvenile justice
system? Why are so many roaming the streets? There are obviously many
complex reasons for this societal failure, including a history of racism
in Australia.
But certainly one reason is because of the high levels of alcoholism and
abuse leading to major parental neglect in so many Aboriginal
communities. Simply ignoring this on the grounds that to dwell on this
ugly truth is somehow racist doesn't make the problem go away.
Yet it was Leak's cartoon - rather than the painful reality of community
dysfunction – that instantly created outrage. Apparently nowhere more
so than at the Human Rights Commission. After a complaint from
members of the public, encouraged by one of the commissioners, Triggs
wants Leak to produce evidence he was not being racist in his cartoon.
That's because the current version of 18C makes illegal behaviour that
is "reasonably likely, in all circumstances, to offend, insult,
humiliate or intimidate" due to race, colour, national or ethnic origin
on the other person.
6 November, 2016
Whites must not perform black music
‘X Factor’ novelty rapper Honey G has once again come under fire for
cultural appropriation, this time from grime artist Kano and singer Lily
The two were being interviewed by Annie Mac for ‘The Exchange’, when the controversial act came up in the conversation.
Lily was the first to voice her opinion, telling the presenter: “As far
as I can tell she is a white lady that dresses up in Ali G, Goldie
Lookin Chain kind of attire,
“She has done really well on ‘X Factor’ and ITV is pouring money into her. I’m not black but I find it offensive.”
Kano then added that he found Honey G to be a “joke”, calling her prominence on ‘X Factor’ “so wrong on so many levels”.
Honey G has previously been forced to speak out in the past over the
suggestion that her performances are culturally appropriative or
racially insensitive, insisting the racism accusations were
She took things a step further shortly after this, when she suggested
that she was having the “race card” used against her and even being
“discriminated against” because she was white.
Speaking on the issue, Honey G said: “It makes me question whether they have a problem with someone rapping who is white.
“I’m not the only white person in the world who likes black music. There’s no evidence, proof or truth that I am a racist.”
Must not convey that you find Indian food unpleasant
In a Deepavali-related video by TheSmartLocal, titled “Singaporeans Try:
Indian snacks”, its staff were shown making faces while trying “snacks
that many of our Indian friends know and love”.
Singaporean poet Marc Nair, who was recently conferred the Young Artist
Award, called the video “racist, reductive and revolting” on his
Facebook page. “Please don’t foist your ignorance and squeamish
responses on the rest of us,” he wrote. Playwright Joel Bertrand Tan
lambasted the site for its close-mindedness, calling it “horrible”.
Some Indian snacks are rather strange to non-Indians. I personally
enjoy them all. But everyone has their own tastes so why not say
what they like? Overall, Indian food is a great success worldwide so
Indians can be proud of their cuisine while accepting that not everyone
will like all of it.
4 November, 2016
Can you be racist about DEATH? Reveller was banned from a student
Halloween party because his 'Grim Reaper' black face paint might have
caused racial offence
A reveller who painted his face black as part of a 'Grim Reaper' fancy
dress outfit says he was left humiliated after being barred from a
university party in case he caused racial offence.
Ryan Lytwyn, 22, wore a creepy cloak and smeared his face black to emphasise his ghoulish white and red eyes.
But when he reached the door of the Edinburgh University Student Union Halloween event he was immediately turned away.
He fell foul of strict Union rules on fancy dress, which include a ban
on dressing up as Mexicans, gangsters, mental health patients and 'camp
Ryan, who graduated with a degree in politics from the university
earlier this year, said: 'Everyone thinks it's ridiculous. I felt like I
was accused of blacking up which in itself is offensive to me. It's
also quite bizarre to compare the Grim Reaper to that as well.
'I asked them if my makeup had caused offence and the manager answered no, but that some might find it offensive.
'I asked them if anyone had complained and they said no one had complained but that they might complain.
'They told me I had to leave unless I removed the makeup. To be singled out in the queue was embarrassing.'
YouTube blocks a video...on left wing censorship: Site's algorithm blacklists educational footage
Last month, YouTube was accused of censorship after it emerged it has
been removing the ability for users to make money from their videos if
they express politically incorrect or offensive views.
And the latest video to fall victim to the site's new censorship rules is, ironically, one on left wing censorship.
The video, titled 'The Dark Art of Political Intimidation', was placed
in 'restricted mode', making it inaccessible to schools, libraries and
those with a YouTube filter.
The PragerU series is the brain child of radio host, Dennis Prager, who wanted to give students an alternative take on history.
According to its website, PragerU's mission is 'to explain and spread
what we call "Americanism" through the power of the Internet.'
On YouTube, PragerU has five-minute videos that 'clarify profoundly
significant and uniquely American concepts for more than 100 million
people each year.
'These values are Judeo-Christian at their core and include the concepts
of freedom of speech, a free press, free markets and a strong military
to protect and project those values.'
The video was posted last week by Kimberly Strassel, a columnist for the
Wall Street Journal, as part of the PragerU series, and explained why
'intimidation, harassment, and blackmail have become the norm in
American politics'.
The Wall Street Journal wrote in a post: 'Within several hours of
PragerU posting the video, YouTube placed it in "restricted mode",
making it inaccessible to schools, libraries and young Americans whose
parents have enabled YouTube technology filters.'
A spokesperson for YouTube told the Wall Street Journal that 'video
restrictions are decided by an "algorithm" that factors in "community
flagging" and "sensitive content'".
This suggests that the algorithm was activated by people flagging the
video, and in the process doing exactly what the video accuses people of
3 November, 2016
Olympic star Louis Smith banned by British Gymnastics over leaked video of him mocking Islam
But you can mock Christianity all you like, of course
Olympic silver medallist Louis Smith has been suspended for two months
by British Gymnastics over a controversial video leaked online that
showed him mocking Islam.
Footage, filmed by Smith but leaked to the media, showed him and fellow
gymnast Luke Carson laughing whilst pretending to pray and shouting
'Allahu Akbar'. He has said that he has since received death threats.
British Gymnastics said it would investigate the incident and an
independent panel has now found the 27-year-old from Peterborough guilty
of a breach of the organisation's Standards of Conduct. Carson was
given a reprimand.
Smith, who has won four Olympic medals, including silver in the pommel
horse at the 2016 Rio Games, last month posted a message on his official
Twitter feed in which he apologised for the incident.
Politically correct Halloween directive points to an Orwellian future
A comment from Australia. 18C is an Australian law against "hate speech"
FOR the first time ever, Halloween tonight will be genuinely scary. Not
because of the costumes the kids will be wearing, but because of the
costumes that they won’t be wearing.
The University of Florida, a bastion of sanctimonious political
correctness worthy of our own quasi-Marxist tertiary institutions,
posted on its website a fortnight ago:
“If you choose to participate in Halloween activities, we encourage
you to think about your choices of costumes and themes. Some Halloween
costumes reinforce stereotypes of particular races, genders, cultures,
or religions. Regardless of intent, these costumes can perpetuate
negative stereotypes, causing harm and offence to groups of people.
Also, keep in mind that social media posts can have a long-term impact
on your personal and professional reputation.”
Halloween is traditionally a time for terrifying kids, but this sinister
censorship threat takes creepiness to a new level. In fact, it points
to a totalitarian future that is scarier than the worst Halloween
In the first sentence, “choose to participate” and “think about your
choices” are weasel words that actually mean “we have made the decision
for you”. This is made clear in the disgusting, unambiguous threat in
the final sentence, which is tantamount to an Orwellian promise to keep
tabs on you via social media and punish you and your entire career
should you deviate from the politically “correct” path.
Wearing a Donald Trump mask might land you in hot water with feminists if there’s any mock groping involved.
But the truly repellent part of this Big Brother directive comes in the
claim that costumes can be “offensive” to cultural identity groups, be
they “races, genders, cultures or religions”. Sound familiar? This is
the old 18C trick.
Here’s how it works.
I’d like to go along to the students’ Halloween fancy dress party as
Frank N. Furter, the pansexual, cross-dressing mad scientist from The
Rocky Horror Show. That’d be cool! Except it isn’t.
Some killjoy trawling students’ Facebook pages reports me for “mocking” the LGBTQI community.
Perhaps, instead, I’ll go along dressed as a Mad Mullah. Topical
costumes are always fun. It’s Halloween after all, and what’s scarier
than a bloke with a long black beard in a white robe wandering into your
party clutching a copy of the Koran? (It’s actually just an old Bible
but I crossed that out and wrote “Koran” on it instead.) Plus, it’s a
pretty cheap costume and even better, my girlfriend decides to accompany
me dressed in a giant black bin-liner with a slit cut out for her eyes.
What a hoot.
Oops. Stupidly we allow ourselves to be photographed getting drunk,
someone sticks it on Instagram, and there goes not only the rest of our
education but our careers as well, because we have “offended” Muslims.
This we did, they tell us, (a) by mocking their “cultural” clothing and
religion and (b) by getting pissed while doing so.
OK, I need to be more imaginative. We’ve just been studying 12 Years A
Slave in our cultural-political-media course, so why not go as my hero,
Solomon Northup, in that scene where he survives getting lynched? That’s
classic Halloween stuff! All I need is a rope around my neck, a bloody
torn shirt, bare feet and to paint my face black …
Oh damn. There goes my career again.
Then how about I go as Donald Trump and my girlfriend goes as Miss
Universe. Then, as we walk together into the party, I turn and grope
her! That’d be funny. We’d be bound to win!
Unfortunately, the feminists report me and my girlfriend to the university.
The truly repellent part of the University of Florida’s Big Brother
directive to “think about your (costume) choices” comes in the claim
that they can be “offensive” to cultural groups.
You may think I’m joking, but this same self-censorship will be going
through the minds of many Australians this year for the same insidious
reason: political correctness gone creepy.
Remember, it was only recently that our own basketball star Alice Kunek
was hounded by Australian Race Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane for
wearing “blackface”. Her crime? Posting on Instagram a photo of herself
going to a fancy dress party as her favourite singer, Kanye West.
Unless such intolerant commissioners are removed and the insidious 18C
repealed, our kids can look forward to a very bleak future.
2 November, 2016
Cultural appropriation nonsense at Halloween (2)
Hilary Duff is apologising for her and her boyfriend’s costumes of a
pilgrim and Native American, respectively, which she now understands
“offended” many people. After photos emerged of Duff as a scantily-clad
pilgrim and her new man wearing a Native American headdress and face
paint, social media exploded with comments condemning the couple for
their insensitivity and offensive cultural appropriation. Duff says she
truly “sorry” from the bottom of her heart.
On Friday, the actress and Jason Walsh attended a Casamigos
tequila-sponsored Halloween party in Beverly Hills, and by Saturday she
and her new boyfriend trainer were getting slammed on Twitter. In
addition to being called “racist,” many people noted that wearing a
traditional Native American headdress is “not a costume,” and that the
couple’s outfits showed how “ignorant” they are.
On Sunday, the former Disney star realised the errors of her ways and
apologised. Duff wrote on Twitter, “I am SO sorry to people I offended
with my costume. It was not properly thought through and I am truly,
from the bottom of my [heart emoji] sorry.”
Cultural appropriation nonsense at Halloween (1)
Telling a Texan not to wear cowboy boots is like telling Colonel Sanders not to fry chicken.
Fraternities and Sororities were instructed to avoid Halloween party
costumes and themes that might “appropriate another culture or
experience,” according to The College Fix.
Students were issued a 29-point checklist to ensure they avoid any controversial or offensive trick or treat regalia.
Here’s a brief list of the costumes and themes considered harmful by the University of Texas:
Cowboys and Indians — anything “Squaw” or any generalized depiction of an indigenous person or peoples;
“South of the Border” and “Fiesta” themes;
“Ghetto Fabulous” or “Urban” themes;
“Pimps and Hoes” theme;
“Trailer Trash” theme;
“Chicks and Hicks” “Rednecks.”
In other words, no tacos, tee-pees or Daisy Dukes at UT-Austin Halloween parties.
The university also urged party-goers to avoid sensationalizing
transgender celebrities such as the “Jenner formerly known as Bruce.”
Schools across the fruited plain have been warning students that
Halloween is less about trick-or-treating and more about not triggering
micro-aggressions among overly sensitive and easily offended
The University of Florida is offering counseling for any student offended by a Wonder Woman or Zombie or Papa Smurf costume.
“Some Halloween costumes reinforce stereotypes of particular races,
genders, cultures, or religions,” school administrators wrote in a blog
post. “Regardless of intent, these costumes can perpetuate negative
stereotypes, causing harm and offense to groups of people.”
However, the University of Texas does believe there are some costumes considered appropriate for the academic community.
They suggested kids could dress as superheroes or an athlete or perhaps a letter of the alphabet.
Although, students might want to steer clear of the letters “L”, “G”, “B”, “T” and “Q.”
1 November, 2016
Must not imitate black entertainers
Amy Schumer is brushing off critics who say her parody of Beyonce's "Formation" video is racially insensitive.
The video features a sweaty Schumer dancing to the song alongside Goldie
Hawn, Wanda Sykes and Joan Cusack. Some Twitter users are slamming the
video on charges of cultural appropriation.
Beyonce's version of the clip showed the singer sitting atop a New
Orleans police car sinking in floodwaters. It also includes images of a
hooded black child facing police and graffiti scrawled on a wall that
reads "Stop Shooting Us."
Schumer's YouTube video has three times as many negative votes as positive recommendations.
One commenter wrote on the video, "Racist... culturally appropriating
other people's creations... you steal a song specifically representing
empowerment of marginalized black women & mock the song? You are
literally what's wrong with society. You should be ashamed of yourself.
So disgusting.?"
Another added, "wow. just wow. racist much??"
Sometimes you can't win
When a school took account of an Aboriginal girl's culture, that was
"racist". When they did NOT treat her differently that was also
Australia: The mother of an Aboriginal girl has taken racial
discrimination action against her 10-year-old daughter's private school.
The mother, who is also a teacher, lodged a complaint against a teacher
and staff member from Ipswich Girls Grammar School with the Queensland
Civil and Administrative Tribunal.
She said her daughter was embarrassed when she was told by her teacher
to sit outside during a history class because of a YouTube video that
showed a dead Aboriginal man,The Courier Mail reported.
The teacher said she was trying to be accommodating of the girl's
culture of not naming the dead and gave her the choice to watch the
'We, her parents, had never given the school any indication that (our
daughter) is unable to participate in any academic or school activities
for cultural reasons,' the mother said in a statement.
The teacher also refuted any claims she bullied the student by
submitting a card she gave her that read: 'thank you for a great year in
your class.'
Ipswich Girls Grammar School denies any claims of racial and cultural discrimination at the school and by the teacher.
However, the parents claim their daughter has been subject to racial
discrimination and a culturally insensitive curriculum for the past six
In another incident, the mother said her daughter was teased when she
did not dress 'like a colonial' for a history class excursion.
The girl's father said the colonial era represented 'massacres, displacement and genocide' of the Aboriginal people.
'Asking an Aboriginal student to dress like a colonial was offensive, racist and discriminatory,' the mother said.
This is Tongue-Tied 3
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press"
Posts by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.)
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The war on "cultural appropriation" is straightforward racism
Is the American national anthem politically incorrect? From the 4th verse:
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

The truth can be offensive to some but it must be said
"HATE SPEECH" is free speech: The U.S. Supreme Court stated the general
rule regarding protected speech in Texas v. Johnson (109 S.Ct. at
2544), when it held: "The government may not prohibit the verbal or
nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea
offensive or disagreeable." Federal courts have consistently followed this. Said Virginia federal district judge Claude Hilton: "The
First Amendment does not recognize exceptions for bigotry, racism, and
religious intolerance or ideas or matters some may deem trivial, vulgar
or profane."
Even some advocacy of violence is protected by the 1st Amendment. In
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the U.S. Supreme Court held unanimously that
speech advocating violent illegal actions to bring about social change
is protected by the First Amendment "except where such advocacy is
directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely
to incite or produce such action."
The double standard: Atheists can put up signs and billboards saying
that Christianity is wrong and that is hunky dory. But if a Christian
says that homosexuality is wrong, that is attacked as "hate speech"
One for the militant atheists to consider: "...it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" -- Thomas Jefferson
"I think no subject should be off-limits, and I regard the laws in many
Continental countries criminalizing Holocaust denial as philosophically
repugnant and practically useless – in that they confirm to Jew-haters
that the Jews control everything (otherwise why aren’t we allowed to
talk about it?)" -- Mark Steyn
A prophetic comment on Norwegian hate speech laws: As Justice Brandeis
once noted, repressive censorship “breeds hate” and “that hate menaces
stable government,” rather than promoting safety; “the path of safety
lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and
proposed remedies.”
Voltaire's most famous saying was actually a summary of Voltaire's
thinking by one of his biographers rather than something Voltaire said
himself. Nonetheless it is a wholly admirable sentiment: "I disagree
with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
I am of a similar mind.
The traditional advice about derogatory speech: "Sticks and stones will
break your bones but names will never hurt you". Apparently people today
are not as emotionally robust as their ancestors were.
The KKK were members of the DEMOCRATIC party. Google "Klanbake" if you doubt it
A phobia is an irrational fear, so the terms "Islamophobic" and
"homophobic" embody a claim that the people so described are mentally
ill. There is no evidence for either claim. Both terms are simply abuse
masquerading as diagnoses and suggest that the person using them is
engaged in propaganda rather than in any form of rational or objective
Leftists often pretend that any mention of race is "racist" -- unless
they mention it, of course. But leaving such irrational propaganda
aside, which statements really are racist? Can statements of fact about
race be "racist"? Such statements are simply either true or false. The
most sweeping possible definition of racism is that a racist statement
is a statement that includes a negative value judgment of some race.
Absent that, a statement is not racist, for all that Leftists might howl
that it is. Facts cannot be racist so nor is the simple statement of
them racist. Here is a statement that cannot therefore be racist by
itself, though it could be false: "Blacks are on average much less
intelligent than whites". If it is false and someone utters it, he
could simply be mistaken or misinformed.
Categorization is a basic human survival skill so racism as the Left
define it (i.e. any awareness of race) is in fact neither right nor
wrong. It is simply human
Whatever your definition of racism, however, a statement that simply
mentions race is not thereby racist -- though one would think otherwise
from American Presidential election campaigns. Is a statement that
mentions dogs, "doggist" or a statement that mentions cats, "cattist"?
If any mention of racial differences is racist then all Leftists are
racist too -- as "affirmative action" is an explicit reference to
racial differences
Was Abraham Lincoln a racist? "You and we are different races. We
have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any
other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but
this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think
your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while
ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If
this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be
separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated." -- Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862
Gimlet-eyed Leftist haters sometimes pounce on the word "white" as
racist. Will the time come when we have to refer to the White House as
the "Full spectrum of light" House?
The spirit of liberty is "the spirit which is not too sure that it is
right." and "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies
there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.
While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save
it." -- Judge Learned Hand
Mostly, a gaffe is just truth slipping out
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with them
is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were.
It seems a pity that the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher
Epictetus is now little known. Remember, wrote the Stoic thinker, "that
foul words or blows in themselves are no outrage, but your judgment
that they are so. So when any one makes you angry, know that it is your
own thought that has angered you. Wherefore make it your endeavour not
to let your impressions carry you away."
"Since therefore the knowledge and survey of vice is in this world so
necessary to the constituting of human virtue, and the scanning of error
to the confirmation of truth, how can we more safely, and with less
danger, scout into the regions of sin and falsity than by reading all
manner of tractates, and hearing all manner of reason?" -- English poet
John Milton (1608-1674) in Areopagitica
Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response
Leftists can try to get you fired from your job over something that you
said and that's not an attack on free speech. But if you just criticize
something that they say, then that IS an attack on free speech
"Negro" is a forbidden word -- unless a Democrat uses it
"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Leftists don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such
thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles
that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt
When you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing
the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180) could have
been speaking of much that goes on today when he said: "The object in
life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane."
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.

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"Leftists as Elitists"
Socialized Medicine
QANTAS -- A dying octopus
BRIAN LEITER (Ladderman)
Obama Watch
Obama Watch (2)
Dissecting Leftism -- Large font site
Michael Darby
Paralipomena (2)
AGL -- A bumbling monster
Telstra/Bigpond follies
Optus bungling
Bank of Queensland blues
There are also two blogspot blogs which record what I think are my main recent articles here and here. Similar content can be more conveniently accessed via my subject-indexed list of short articles here or here (I rarely write long articles these days)
Mirror for this blog
Mirror for "Dissecting Leftism"
Alt archives
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Johnray links
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General Backup 2
My alternative Wikipedia
Selected reading
Rightism defined
Leftist Churches
Leftist Racism
Fascism is Leftist
Hitler a socialist
What are Leftists
Psychology of Left
Status Quo?
Leftism is authoritarian
James on Leftism
Irbe on Leftism
Beltt on Leftism
Van Hiel
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