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30 November, 2014
Community says that "redskins": is NOT obscene
The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced
the body's consideration on Tuesday of censoring the word "Redskins" on
the public airwaves.
"There are a lot of names and descriptions that were used over time that
are inappropriate today," FCC chairman Tom Wheeler told reporters,
according to Reuters, on a conference call. "And I think the name that
is attributed to the Washington football club is one of those."
The consideration of a ban stems from a petition brought to the
commission by George Washington University law professor John Banzhaf to
revoke the license of Washington, DC-area radio station WWXX-AM, a
sports outlet owned by Redskins owner Daniel Snyder. Banzhaf claims the
team's name amounts to an obscenity.
What community regards "Redskins" as obscene?
Last week, a Sports Illustrated/Marketing & Research Resources poll
of NFL fans found that about four out of five do not regard "Redskins"
as offensive. Similarly, an Associated Press poll of the broader public
reported that 79 percent want the team to keep the name. An Annenberg
survey of Native Americans conducted a decade ago reported just 9
percent of respondents judging the team's name "offensive."
British Abortion Industry Wants Radical Law Prohibiting Pro-Life Free Speech
According to the BBC, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) is
calling for a law to move pro-life protestors ten metres or 33 feet away
from abortion facilities in the United Kingdom.
The BPAS launched a campaign called “Back Off”, which asks the
government to create access zones to prevent women from coming in
contact with pro-lifers on the sidewalks. This measure would be similar
to the “buffer zone” law abortion proponents passed in Massachusetts in
However, earlier this year the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the law
because the judges believed it was “inconsistent with the First
Amendment,” and it “restricts access to ‘public way[s]’ and
‘sidewalk[s],’ places that have traditionally been open for speech
In the United Kingdom one of the most prominent pro-life groups is
Abort67 and they work through education to help women make an informed
decision about abortion. The group utilizes images of aborted babies and
presents fetal models to depict various stages of a child’s development
in the womb. Although some people think images shouldn’t be used in
front of clinics, Ruth Rawlins, the group’s leader, believes women have
the right to know everything before having an abortion.
She said: “We’re just here to show the truth, firstly, about abortion,
and what abortion does to the pre-born child. The images are disgusting,
we don’t like looking at these images, but the reason that they are so
offensive can only be because the act of abortion is so offensive. So
we’re simply showing the public the service that BPAS are providing.”
28 November, 2014
Incorrect immigration cartoon
On Friday, we posted a Gary Varvel cartoon at indystar.com that offended a wide group of readers.

Many of them labeled it as racist. Gary did not intend to be racially
insensitive in his attempt to express his strong views about President
Barack Obama's decision to temporarily prevent the deportation of
millions of immigrants living and working illegally in the United
But we erred in publishing it.
The cartoon depicted an immigrant family climbing through a window of a
white family's home as Thanksgiving dinner was served. I was
uncomfortable with the depiction when I saw it after it was posted. We
initially decided to leave the cartoon posted to allow readers to
comment and because material can never truly be eliminated once it is
circulating on the web. But we are removing the cartoon from the opinion
section of our website, as well as an earlier version posted on
Facebook that showed one character with a mustache.
This action is not a comment on the issue of illegal immigration or a
statement about Gary's right to express his opinions strongly. We
encourage and support diverse opinion. But the depictions in this case
were inappropriate; his point could have been expressed in other ways.
Must not speak the truth about black thugs
(Hopkins is a British TV personality and a newspaper columnist)
Katie Hopkins has sparked controversy once more by saying police officer
Darren Wilson should 'get a medal' for shooting unarmed black teenager
Michael Brown who she called 'a thief and a thug'.
'Brown was not shot for being black. Brown was shot for being a thief
and a thug. Give the officer a medal. Justice with knobs on,' Ms Hopkins
In response, several Twitter users accused Ms Hopkins of 'attention seeking', 'antagonizing', and trying too hard'.
Ms Hopkins, whose post has been favourited 306 times and had 264
retweets so far, is not the first person to tweet her opinion on the
controversial case.
When St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCullough announced the grand
jury's conclusion that 'no probable cause exists' to indict Officer
Darren Wilson at 8.30pm CT, around 52,200 tweets per minute were posted.
27 November, 2014
Don Lemon Sparks sour response With Marijuana Comment In Ferguson
The CNN anchor was describing the scene from outside the Ferguson police
station Monday night, just moments after the announcement that police
officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted for killing unarmed teenager
Michael Brown. Speaking with Anderson Cooper, Lemon reported hearing
the sounds of gunfire and seeing protesters jumping on cars.
And then he said: "Obviously, there is the smell of marijuana in the air."
But to viewers at home, that wasn't obvious at all. The comments immediately sparked backlash on Twitter:
Professors' Rights to Free Speech at Risk Nationwide
Working for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, a
nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to defending civil
liberties on campus, we've seen faculty nationwide punished for speaking
their minds as of late. The list of examples is long:
In September 2013, University of Kansas Professor
David Guth was placed on administrative leave following a tweet he
posted to his personal Twitter account condemning the National Rifle
Association. Though the tweet comprised only constitutionally protected
speech, the controversy surrounding it inspired the Kansas Board of
Regents to enact a new policy on "improper use of social media" that
allows the state's public institutions of higher education to punish
faculty for a range of protected expression online.
Back in January, Bergen Community College Professor
Francis Schmidt posted a picture on Google+ of his young daughter
wearing a T-shirt that said, "I will take what is mine with fire &
blood"--a quote from the popular HBO show Game of Thrones. An automatic
email was sent to Schmidt's Google+ contacts, which was forwarded to
administrators who deemed it a "threatening email." BCC placed Schmidt
on unpaid leave until a psychiatrist attested to his mental fitness and
told him he could be terminated if he made "disparaging" comments about
the college. BCC finally cleared Schmidt's record only under pressure
from the law firm of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan.
Twice a year for over 20 years, Professor Patti Adler
included a presentation on prostitution in her "Deviance in U.S.
Society" course, which included a skit in which teaching assistants
volunteered to portray prostitutes and answer questions as their
characters. The course was a perennial favorite at the University of
Colorado at Boulder, but in December 2013, administrators told Adler
that a former teaching assistant had objected to the presentation.
Because some students might be "uncomfortable" (though no students said
they were), Adler was given a choice between resigning or canceling the
course. Under public pressure, CU-Boulder eventually allowed Adler to
return and continue teaching, but by then, participation in the
presentation had already been significantly chilled, forcing Adler to
discontinue it.
In March 2012, Appalachian State University Professor
Jammie Price was placed on administrative leave for criticizing the
university's handling of sexual assault cases and screening a
documentary that took a critical look at the adult film industry in her
sociology course. Students alleged that Price had created a hostile
environment, and App State found her guilty without affording her due
process and ordered her to complete training on how to teach "sensitive
Professor Suzanne Sisley worked for years to obtain
the necessary governmental approval for her study on the therapeutic
effects of marijuana, to be conducted at the University of Arizona,
where she had worked since 2007. In June 2014, however, the university
abruptly terminated her employment amidst accusations that she supported
a recall petition against a senator who had blocked state funding for
her study. Arizona lawmakers wrote to UA to express concern that
Sisley's termination appeared to be politically motivated and to note
the severe chilling effect this could have on future research.
This summer, University of North Carolina at
Wilmington Professor Mike Adams finally reached the end of his
seven-year federal lawsuit alleging that UNC Wilmington denied him a
promotion because of conservative political viewpoints he had expressed
in non-university publications. The university was ultimately ordered to
pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorneys' fees and back pay.
Adams created positive First Amendment precedent in the Fourth Circuit
for everyone, regardless of views, but this legal battle demonstrates
the extreme lengths to which professors sometimes must go simply to
defend their right to free speech.
26 November, 2014
Do Online Death Threats Count as Free Speech?
Exhibit 12 in the government’s case against Anthony Elonis is a
screenshot of a Facebook post he wrote in October 2010, five months
after his wife, Tara, left him. His name appears in the site’s familiar
blue, followed by words that made Tara fear for her life: ‘'If I only
knew then what I know now . . . I would have smothered your ass with a
pillow. Dumped your body in the back seat. Dropped you off in Toad Creek
and made it look like a rape and murder.'’
Exhibit 13, also pulled from Facebook, is a thread that started when
Tara’s sister mentioned her plans to take her niece and nephew —
Elonis’s children — shopping for Halloween costumes. Tara responded and
then Elonis did, too, saying their 8-year-old son ‘'should dress up as a
Matricide.'’ He continued: ‘'I don’t know what his costume would entail
though. Maybe your head on a stick?'’ This time, Elonis included a
photo of himself, holding a cigarette to his lips.
After Tara saw these posts — and another one, from the same time, which
begins: ‘'There’s one way to love ya but a thousand ways to kill ya. I’m
not gonna rest until your body is a mess, soaked in blood and dying
from all the little cuts'’ — she went to court in Reading, Pa., and got a
protection-from-abuse order against her husband.
On Nov. 7, three days after Tara got the ruling, Elonis linked to a
video satire by the comedy troupe the Whitest Kids U’ Know. On camera, a
member of the group mocks the law against threatening to kill the
president. Elonis mimicked the group’s lines but subbed in his own text,
to make it about Tara. ‘'I also found out that it’s incredibly illegal,
extremely illegal to go on Facebook and say something like the best
place to fire a mortar launcher at her house would be from the cornfield
behind it because of easy access to a getaway road and you’d have a
clear line of sight through the sun room,'’ he wrote. ‘'Yet even more
illegal to show an illustrated diagram.'’ Elonis added a diagram with a
getaway road, a cornfield and a house. ‘'Art is about pushing limits,'’
his post concluded. ‘'I’m willing to go to jail for my Constitutional
rights. Are you?'’
At the same time that he was posting about Tara, Elonis used Facebook to
threaten his co-workers at an amusement park in nearby Allentown, where
he worked. In one photo, from Halloween, Elonis held a fake knife to a
co-worker’s neck. They were both dressed in costume, but Elonis added
the caption, ‘'I wish.'’ His boss saw the image and caption and fired
Elonis. He also called the F.B.I. In December 2010, Elonis was charged
under a federal law that makes it a crime to use a form of interstate
communication (like the Internet) to threaten to injure another person.
A jury convicted Elonis, and he spent more than three years in prison.
On December 1, the Supreme Court will hear Elonis’s First Amendment
challenge to his conviction — the first time the justices have
considered limits for speech on social media. For decades, the court has
essentially said that ‘'true threats'’ are an exception to the rule
against criminalizing speech. These threats do not have to be carried
out — or even be intended to be carried out — to be considered harmful.
Bans against threats may be enacted, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor wrote
in 2003, to protect people ‘'from the fear of violence'’ and ‘'from the
disruption that fear engenders.'’ Current legal thinking is that threats
do damage on their own.
I think SCOTUS will throw out this case, as they should. I am not
sure that the guy belongs in prison, though. He sounds quite a
sicko. Permanent confinement to a mental institution would
probably be best for him.
Dartmouth student: America must ‘fix free speech’ with censorship
An Ivy League student says that America “has gone too far in allowing
people to say whatever they want,” and asserts that the country needs to
censor free speech.
In an editorial in The Dartmouth titled “ Fixing Free Speech,” Traynor
claims the extent in which the First Amendment protects American’s right
to express their views and ideas is “distasteful.”
“[T]his country has gone too far in allowing people to say whatever they
want, and should curtail speech that is obviously harmful to society,
such as hate speech,” writes Traynor. “This kind of speech, despite
being clearly distasteful, has long been upheld as legal in America
because of the First Amendment.”
Traynor claims that censoring speech in America would never progress to
the degree of authoritarian regimes such as China because of cultural
norms and social media presence.
“[G]iven America’s deeply-held cultural norms and the power of the
Internet and social media, such a scenario is highly unlikely,” writes
Traynor. “We need only small but significant change to the freedom of
speech in this country: namely, the prohibition of unambiguously
destructive, hateful speech.”
Traynor goes on to cite examples of other democracies that do not
legally protect certain kinds of speech, and suggests Americans can
learn from them.
“South Africa outlaws ‘advocacy of hatred that is based on race,
ethnicity, gender or religion’ and war propaganda,” writes Traynor.
“Many European countries, as well as Australia and New Zealand, have
similar laws regarding racist speech.”
He continues to ask readers how America can justify allowing speech that
other democracies “have wisely deemed to be against their modern
However, Traynor’s proposition did not settle well with readers who
voiced their concerns about censoring speech through comments posted
below the article.
“Mr. Traynor, your views are repulsive, and I am ashamed of you for
propagating them. There are no ‘sensible restrictions on free speech,’
and whoever thinks that stifling speech eliminates hatred, anger, and
violence, is plainly wrong. The answer to hate speech is more speech,
not less.”
I find Mr Traynor's speech offensive. So should he be censored?
25 November, 2014
Is it offensive to call women 'girls'?
A lot of elderly ladies that I know refer to one-another as "girls"
-- but apparently men must not call any adult females "girls"
Last week Pharrell Williams defended himself against accusations that
'the worst song ever' Blurred Lines made light of sexual assault. After
giving his version of events, (it's about rejection, repeat to fade …),
Williams said he considered himself a feminist. As a visual flourish of
sorts, he turned around to show the back of his jacket which read 'girls
are everything'.
But … Williams is 44 years old. Is it OK for a man of his age, a man who
says he supports equality, to call an album GIRL? And if it's not, well
why is it permissible for Beyonce to proclaim that 'Girls run the
world'? And for Amy Poehler to call her web series 'The Smart Girls at
the Party'? And hey, for the love of political correctness, what about
Lena Dunham?
What about those times when women - real, human, grown-ups with Facebook
accounts - have said to one another, 'Let's organise a girl's night
out' and everybody knew that did not mean children. And do we dare
confront the thorniest question of them all: the Ryan Gosling 'Hey Girl'
memes? I mean, are we human or are we DANCER?
When I first started working as – soft brag alert - an editor at Fairfax
media I was told to familiarise myself with the stylebook. One of the
top rules was this: Under no circumstances are writers to refer to any
woman over the age of 18 as a 'girl'. So, if the stylebook of a large,
mainstream media company can lay down the law, surely it's ok to
question what the hell is going on when men as old as Williams are using
it … willy-nilly?
It's not simply that the word is reductive, (which it is). But that, as
sociology professor Lisa Wade pointed out last year, 'The sexualisation
of girls and the infantilisation of adult women are two sides of the
same coin. They both tell us that we should find youth, inexperience,
and naivete sexy in women, but not in men."
Fifty years after the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley
And speech is still unfree there
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Free Speech Movement, a
massive student mobilisation in defence of free speech that took place
at the University of California, Berkeley campus during the autumn of
1964. It inspired an unprecedented wave of student protest across the US
and helped to define the radical legacy of the 1960s. The memory of
this movement has resurfaced at times of intense political engagement of
the student body. On these occasions, the meaning of the campaign and
its broader significance have been fiercely contended.
This autumn [2014] the debate erupted once again, reaching the national
media in the US. As someone who is not steeped in this tradition, I was
intrigued by how the memories and myths of 1964 still haunt and
galvanise the Berkeley campus. But what are we talking about when we
talk about free speech at Berkeley?

Dirks, current Chancellor
In early September 2014, Nicholas Dirks, Berkeley’s chancellor, sent a
message to the campus community that read, at first sight, like the
usual start-of-the-year message that you would expect from somebody who
is running a university. Dirks invited students and staff to “honor the
ideal of Free Speech” while fostering civil, constructive dialogue in an
environment in which everybody can feel safe and respected. What could
go wrong with such a well-meaning message? In fact the reactions, on
campus and in the outside world, have been swift and forceful.
Many commentators have analysed the message in legal terms. They have
observed that the chancellor described free speech and civility as “two
sides of a single coin”, arguing that “we can only exercise our right to
free speech insofar as we feel safe and respected in doing so”. But
protected speech is not necessarily civil, courteous speech. On the
contrary, speech that needs protection is often uncivil, angry and
offensive to many.
According to the current interpretation of the First Amendment to the
American Constitution, civility is not a precondition for free speech.
To introduce a criterion of civility would be an unacceptable limitation
to the right to free speech. Furthermore, as Berkeley students remarked
in their newspaper The Daily Californian, civility is a slippery
notion: who gets to decide what counts as uncivil behaviour? The
chancellor? The campus police? That an authority should be granted such
an enormous discretion would hollow out the right to free speech. After
all, the now-celebrated Free Speech Movement looked rather uncivil to
its opponents in 1964.
24 November, 2014
Free speech must be defended, but not Julien Blanc’s incitement to violence against women
Sarah Ditum
Pick-up artist Julien Blanc has been denied permission to enter the UK,
where he planned to run a series of seminars sharing his “seduction”
techniques. For some commenters, Blanc’s case is a free speech issue:
unpleasant as his rhetoric is (and everyone seems to agree that his
unstinting use of the word “bitch” and crass insistence that anyone with
“a fat girlfriend” has failed at life is unpleasant), the government
has no business limiting his ability to promulgate. But the issue with
Blanc is not one of speech, but of acts. The line where freedom of
expression runs out should be a hard and clear one: free speech ends
where direct incitement to personal violence begins, and Blanc crosses
that line with ease.
In his videos, he prescribes techniques such as “the choke opener” and
“just grabbing girls’ heads … head on the dick” for men approaching
women – in other words, he instructs his audience to commit acts of
violence on women. On his website, he promises to teach his subscribers
“how to overcome every single objection she might have when you’re
pulling her to sooth her mind, and fuck you the same night”. It’s a
prospectus (he calls it the “Pimp Method”) where consent is not even up
for discussion. “There is no such thing as rejection because it’s
never over,” he says in one video.
There is a word for refusing to accept “no” as an answer to your sexual proposition: the word is rape.
She is right. Incitement to violence is not normally given free speech protection.
Dutch defy blackface hysteria
Does Black Pete represent the darkness of midwinter or does he represent Africans?

The Netherlands is known as the liberal bastion of Europe - with
relaxed attitudes to drugs and sex - but when it comes to Christmas,
things are a little different.
According to tradition, around mid-November St Nicholas, or Sinterklaas,
is supposed to arrive in the country from Spain where he spreads
Christmas cheer, with most towns holding parades.
However, Sinterklaas also has a helper - Zwarte Pieten, or 'Black Pete' -
who has attracted criticism in recent years over allegations the
character is racist.
As part of the tradition hundreds of Dutch paint their faces black,
rouge their lips, and don fuzzy wigs, before marching through town
centres with Sinterklaas, who is usually played by a white man.
While the tradition has been observed in the Netherlands for hundreds of
years, recently it has been a flashpoint for tensions with the black
At one march in Gouda ninety people were arrested after fights broke out
between anti-Pete protesters and those taking part in celebrations.
Supporters of the 'Black Pete' tradition argue that the character has
nothing to do with race like American comics such as Al Jolson, and
instead represents the black of winter.
Recent polls across the Netherlands show strong support for the
character, with between 85 and 90 per cent saying they want him to stay.
The country's Prime Minister Mark Rutte also weighed into the debate,
coming out in support of the tradition, saying: 'We should not disturb a
children's party in this way.'
Despite the controversy, Sinterklaas parades have continued throughout
the Netherlands, including in the city of Voorschoten near The Hague.
Dutch Christmas celebrations begin around mid-November, when Sinterklaas
is supposed to arrive in the country from Spain, and continues until
December 5 when presents are handed out on pakjesavond - literally
meaning 'packages evening'.
Between those dates Sinterklaas supposedly travels around the country,
along with Black Pete, taking part in parades and spreading Christmas
The tradition is taken very seriously by the Dutch, with news channels
running a nightly report for children updating them on Sinterklaas's
activities that day.
23 November, 2014
More incorrectness in sport
People in sport tend to be tough in more ways than one so caution about delicate sensitivities does not come naturally to them
The crisis engulfing Wigan Athletic over the appointment of Malky Mackay
has deepened after owner Dave Whelan gave an interview in which he
claimed "Jewish people chase money" and insisted using the word "chinks"
is not racist.
Whelan is facing the full force of the Football Association's rules on
discrimination barely 24 hours after choosing to give Mackay a job in
defiance of its ongoing investigation into racist, sexist and homophobic
text messages exchanged by the Scot during his period at Cardiff City.
Then came Whelan's interview with The Guardian in which the 77-year-old
former Blackburn Rovers player attempted to defend some of the deeply
offensive text messages exchanged by Mackay and former colleague Iain
Asked about a text being investigated by the FA which allegedly referred
to "chinks", Whelan said: "If any Englishman said he has never called a
Chinaman 'a chink' he is lying. There is nothing bad about doing that.
It is like calling the British Brits, or the Irish paddies."
Whelan also sought to defend a message he said had been sent by Mackay
which said of Phil Smith, a football agent who is Jewish: "Nothing like a
Jew that sees money slipping through his fingers."
Whelan was quoted by The Guardian as saying: "I think Jewish people do
chase money more than everybody else. I don't think that's offensive at
all. It's telling the truth. Jewish people love money, English people
love money; we all love money."
Whelan, when contacted by The Daily Telegraph, denied he had intended to
infer Jewish people liked money "more than everybody else", as well as
standing by his statement that "chink" was not an offensive term.
His remarks were condemned by Simon Johnson, the former FA executive who
is now chief executive at the Jewish Leadership Council.
Labour MP Emily Thornberry apologises for white Transit van and England flags tweet

A little background is needed here: In England, "White van man" is a
contemptuous term for a delivery driver, who is seen as representative
of the working class. Class hatreds are ferocious in England but are
usually denied. The other thing you need to know is that the St George
flag has become a common emblem for English patriotism and opposition to
immigration. And the party (UKIP) that was expected to win (and did
win) the by-election is an anti-immigration party, so the picture in
effect said: "Only the despised working class vote for UKIP". And for a
Labour Party MP to show contempt for the workers is fatal. In only a
matter of hours she had to resign from her front-bench job. She is a
former barrister (Trial Lawyer), who sent her children to private
schools -- so it is highly probable that her tweet did indeed reflect
snobbish views
A Labour front bench MP has apologised after she tweeted a photo of a
house in Rochester adorned with three England flags, which saw her
accused of holding working class voters in “contempt”.
Emily Thornberry, Labour shadow attorney general and MP for Islington
South and Finsbury in north London, was on the campaign train in
Rochester today.
At around 3pm, she tweeted a photo of a two-storey house with a white
Transit van parked outside and three St George flags hanging from its
window, alongside the caption “image from #Rochester”.
Thornberry, who lives in a £3million home in London, later told The
Telegraph she posted the photo because she thought it was "remarkable"
as she had never seen a house "completely covered in flags before".
Users of the social media website were quick to point out that the image
may have been ill-judged, and made her appear out-of-touch with voters
at a time when Labour is attempting to battle against Ukip in the town.
Others defended the MP, and said her post may have been misconstrued
21 November, 2014
Must not disrespect a terrorist organization?
The IRA is a murderous Irish Catholic organization with much blood on
its hands. Roughly, Glasgow people are half Irish in ancestry and
half Catholic in religion. Football in Glasgow is divided on
ethnic/religious lines, with two major teams, one Catholic and one
Protestant (Celtic and Rangers). The Protestant Orange Lodge has
long memories and a big following in Glasgow. So when the
Protestant fans chanted derision of the IRA, they were simply expressing
the ingrained ethnic divisions of their city.
Getting the
fans to be more polite is a bit of a laugh in Scotland, given
traditional Scottish aggression. Glasgow has one of the world's
highest murder rates -- mostly caused by the Jimmies sticking shivs
(homemade stabbing knives) into one-another during drunken Saturday
night fights
‘Stop banging the drum’ is a plea seldom heard in the hyperbolic world
of English football, but the supporters’ band that hammered away to the
chant of ‘F*** the IRA’ in Glasgow was asked to do just that as
embarrassment turned to anger at the Football Association.
‘Ban the Band’ is an appealing headline, but this is more than just
punning, with England due to play the Republic of Ireland in Dublin next
The Football Association sent a representative into the crowd at
half-time in Glasgow to ask the drummers to cease and desist. In May the
FA wrote to England fans asking them to stop singing ‘No Surrender’ but
were ignored.
Against Scotland on Tuesday night, the problem escalated to the point
where the band is effectively on a final warning from the governing body
The next step is for manager, players and the FA to sign a statement
disowning the chants. Only then will a line be drawn between the nation
itself and the songs sung in its name.
BBC Radio Norfolk host sparks rape outrage by claiming women should 'keep their knickers on' during debate on rapist footballer
Nick Conrad, a talk show host, has apologised following the live
discussion about the future of rapist Evans - a former Sheffield United
footballer, who was freed from jail last month.
Married father-of-one Mr Conrad, 29, said on his phone-in show that if
women 'don't wish to give out the wrong signals, it's best probably to
keep your knickers on and not get into bed' with a man.
He also said: 'It's the old adage about if you yank a dog's tail don't be surprised when it bites you.'
I don't particularly agree with his remarks but they represent a widely held view so should be debated, not penalized
20 November, 2014
Must not quote anyone accused of rape
Officials working at London Underground were forced to apologise after a
quote from alleged rapist Bill Cosby was posted at a tube station.
Cosby has been accused of sexually abusing 14 women and raping at least three - one more than 40 years ago.
A board placed at Tooting Bec tube station in south London, which staff
use to post a 'thought of the day' to cheer up commuters, featured a
quote from Cosby.
The whiteboard said: "'A word to the wise is not necessary. It's the stupid ones that need advice" - Bill Cosby.'
It was placed in such a position that everybody exiting through the
barriers at the busy Northern Line Tube station, in south west London,
saw it on Monday.
Transport for London has apologised for the 'misjudged' quote.
Cosby has faced historical allegations of sexual abuse.
In November 2006 he settled a civil lawsuit with Andrea Constand, a
former Temple University employee who claimed he had drugged and
sexually assaulted her in his mansion two years earlier.
Her lawyers said they had the names of 13 other women who had come
forward voluntarily with similar accounts of drugging or abuse at the
hands of Cosby. But the settlement was reached before the women gave
Cosby has never been criminally charged in any of the cases.
During an interview at the weekend Cosby remained silent when asked about the allegations.
He's innocent until found guilty in a court of law but that doesn't
matter now, apparently. We now have trial by accusation.
And even if he is guilty (which I think is probable) he may still have
said wise or amusing things. And they don't become less wise or
less amusing according to who said them. That is the "ad hominem"
logical fallacy.
Students at Booker T. Washington High School walk out over racist tweet

ANGRY students in the US have staged a mass walkout over a racist tweet
posted on their school’s official account referring to young black men
as a white father’s worst nightmare.
The post — retweeted by the high school’s assistant principal — showed
seven white girls accompanied by seven black teenagers at what looked
like a school formal.
The caption read, “Every white girl’s father’s worse nightmare or nah?”
Amy Strickland, assistant princial of Booker T. Washington High School
in Norfolk, Virgina, retweeted the image in June but students only
became aware of it recently.
The tweet was originally posted by the parody account “OrNahhTweets’’ but it is not clear where the picture originated.
ABC news channel 13 News Now reports that the tweet was deleted after
the station contacted Norfolk Public Schools for comment. The entire
Twitter account was eventually deleted.
The parents of Nicole Brown Simpson would be likely to agree with the
tweet. There are frequent reports of black men murdering or
attacking white women who get involved with them. I have posted
quite a few of them on POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH. Not all black men are violent but it's a big risk.
19 November, 2014
Google has free speech right in search results, court confirms
A San Francisco court ruled last week that Google has the right to
arrange its search results as it pleases, which confirms the company’s
long-held position, while underscoring the stark difference in how U.S.
and European authorities seek to regulate the search giant.
The new ruling, which is the first since 2007 to address Google’s rights
under the First Amendment, came after a website called CoastNews argued
that Google had unfairly pushed it far down in its search results –
even though, CoastNews claimed, its site appeared at the top of results
created by Bing and Yahoo. CoastNews suggested the poor rankings were
because Google wanted to eliminate CoastNews as a potential competitor.
Google responded by filing an “anti-SLAPP” motion, a legal tactic used
to quickly challenge lawsuits that seek to stifle free speech. In a
one-paragraph ruling, Judge Ernest Goldsmith granted the request, saying
CoastNews’ claims against Google related to “constitutionally protected
FCC Versus Free Speech
For centuries, our nation’s press has become accustomed to exercising
its own news and editorial judgments largely free from government
interference. It’s all part of the First Amendment guarantee of freedom
of the press. But now, all of that could be about to change, if Obama
administration officials have their way.
In May 2013, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced its
intention to proceed with what it described as a “Multi-Market Study of
Critical Information Needs” that would probe into how members of the
news media make editorial decisions on the stories they cover.
At the time, the FCC said the “pilot” study would enable the agency “to
ascertain the process by which stories are selected… perceived station
bias… and perceived responsiveness to underserved populations.”
Government officials would, of course, determine what they perceive as
“bias” and who they decide are “underserved populations.”
Here are some of the invasive—and, in fact, chilling—questions FCC
Critical Information Needs (CIN) agents were to ask private news media
companies, some of whose broadcast licenses could depend upon providing
the FCC the “right” answers:
“What is the news philosophy of the station?
“Who decides which stories are covered?”
“How much does community input influence news coverage decisions?”
“What are the demographics of the news management staff?”
“What are the demographics of the news production staff?”
The FCC plans also called for government monitors “crawling” the
Internet sites of newspapers, local governments, blogs, non-profits, and
citizen journalists. All of which is an affront to the law and the
First Amendment.
18 November, 2014
Ban elderly road signs

Road signs showing an old couple hunched over and struggling to cross
the road should be banned because they make employers think older people
are "frail and disabled".
Ros Altman, an advocate for pensioners, said the signs, which tells
drivers to slow down for the elderly crossing the road, present old
people as "stooped over and needing a walking stick" when the vast
majority are fit and healthy.
Dr Altman wants the signs banned and plans to bring up the issue with
the women and equalities minister Jo Swinson at a meeting next month.
She said: 'I would like to see the signs banned - just drop them.
"I don't understand what purpose they serve - in this day and age, do we
really need a say that says 'Warning: old people?' It's not very
helpful to anybody. "It just feeds into the social stereotypes
that suggest old people are disabled.
But many old people ARE slow and shaky
British cops confront granny who put ‘racially offensive’ gorilla in window

For years, knitting fanatic Anne Feast has entertained local children
with quirky displays of handmade animals in her front window. But
when she put a gorilla there, police went, well…bananas.
Two police community support officers knocked on her door and told the
pensioner there had been a complaint about the ‘black body’, warning her
that it was a ‘potentially racially offensive object’.
The grandmother-of-two said that even after she had pointed out that it
was merely a knitted gorilla called Cilla, she was asked to take it down
– a demand she ignored.
But now it appears the officers had invented the complaint, with their
force insisting they acted on their own initiative after spotting the
toy during a routine patrol.
Mrs Feast knits as a hobby and has two suitcases full of her creations.
She always keeps one on display in the front window of the home in Ely,
Cambridgeshire, that she has lived in with husband Philip, 71, for 14
years, and changes them regularly.
But a Cambridge police spokesman has now said: 'At no point was the woman asked to remove the gorilla from her window'
17 November, 2014
Black racism again -- and an attempted wriggle-out
New York Democratic Congressman Charlie Rangel sat down for a
wide-ranging interview with Huffington Post Live, during which he
defended his earlier use of the term ‘white crackers’ as a “term of
Rangel began by standing by his earlier comments that the Southern GOP
believes that “slavery isn’t over,” and that they won the Civil War.
”Take a look and see, what are the symbols that the majority of
slave-holding states, if they identify with the tea party, and if they
do, where are the warriors of the Civil War, the Confederates?” he said,
“They’re all over these states and even today are denying it!”
But host Marc Lamont Hill then pushed Rangel on comments he made in
2013, calling the Tea Party “white crackers.” ”I thought that was a term
of endearment,” he explained.
Even Hill laughed out loud at that. “You thought ‘cracker’ was a term of endearment?”
Rangel then preceded to give perhaps the most backhanded apology of all
time: “They’re so proud of their heritage and all the things they
believe in. I can tell you this: with all of the feelings I have against
the people, that have been against justice, fair play and equality, and
the freedoms as we know it. If I offended them for calling them a
‘white cracker,’ I apologize. For the rest of it, there’s a lot that has
to be done here.”
“With the names I’ve been called, I never really put ‘cracker’ in that
category,” he continued. “But I certainly would like to have dinner with
some of the people I’ve offended…”
Watch your shirt!
A moment of triumph for humanity spoilt by small-minded feminists
The British scientist on the Rosetta Project who came under fire over
wearing a shirt with semi-dressed cartoons while appearing on TV after
the Philae landing, has apologised.
Dr Matt Taylor spoke about the European Space Agency's mission to land a
robot on a comet for the first time in history, while dressed in a
colourful bowling shirt featuring scantily clad women.
Soon afterwards, #shirtgate and slightly more humorous #shirtstorm,
began trending on Twitter in response to the London-born father-of-two.
Today, during a Rosetta project briefing on the European Space Agency's
YouTube channel, a visibly upset Dr Taylor addressed the internet furore
and said sorry.
'I made a big mistake,' the 40-year-old, who has a PhD in space plasma
physics from Imperial College London said. 'And I have offended
many people. I'm very sorry about this.'
Even before the landing, the Rosetta Project scientist caused a stir on
the social network because of his unorthodox appearance, involving
bright shirts and an array of body art - including a tattoo on his leg
of the space probe landing on the comet, which he got in January.
Many vented their anger on Twitter, claiming that Dr Taylor's choice of
shirt was sexist and particularly inappropriate as science is a field
long dominated by men.
Feminists always say that women should not be judged by their clothing -- but it's OK to judge men that way?
16 November, 2014
Must not sell war memorabilia
There is quite a lively trade in war memorabilia, including Nazi
memorabilia, but this one is out of line for some unknown reason

Original Nazi Christmas decorations used by the SS have sparked outrage after appearing on an online auction site.
The four Christmas Tree baubles which are described as 'fancy' are red
with the Nazi Swastika painted in the centre of a white circle.
Appearing on the Czech Republic website Aukro, the seller who identifies
himself as Anti95 says they are 'original decorations used by SS units
over 70 years ago' and are being offered at a starting price of £59.
He wrote: 'I offer Christmas decorations of SS units. 'The
decorations are authentic and not damaged. 'They are made of blown glass
and they are in original colours and good condition. He added: 'The
offer is for collecting purposes only.'
But the decorations have caused fury both online and across the Czech
Republic which was annexed by Hitler in 1938 and not liberated until the
end of the war.
Commenting on the auction website's Facebook page, disgusted Jana
Bodinkova said: 'It makes me sick. 'My granddad would cry if he
saw this. 'It is incredible that we have something like this here
Vaclav Ceska, 59, from the capital Prague said: 'This is is absolutely disgraceful.
The owner of the baubles claimed he was 'not a member of any movement
aimed at suppressing human rights and freedoms or the movement which
support national, racial or class hatred to other group of people'
'I don't support movements like the SS either.'
Labour party woman condemns "joke" about lynching a Conservative female politician

A senior Labour frontbencher has broken ranks to condemn remarks made by
a fellow MP about lynching a Tory minister. Women and equalities
spokesman Gloria De Piero rounded on John McDonnell, calling his
comments about Employment Minister Esther McVey at an anti-war comedy
night on Remembrance Sunday ‘clearly unacceptable’.
Her criticism contrasted with Labour’s weaker response, which stopped
short of admonishing the Left-wing MP. A Labour spokesman said his views
‘don’t represent the views of the party’, adding: ‘He speaks for
Mr McDonnell refused to apologise or withdraw his comments, and turned
his fire on the Daily Mail for reporting them. He called the article
revealing what he said ‘a badge of honour’.
He spoke about visiting Liverpool, where Miss McVey faces a campaign to
oust her. To applause, he said: ‘I spoke at a packed public meeting... a
group in the audience completely kicked off quite critical of the whole
concept because they were arguing, “Why are we sacking her? Why aren’t
we lynching the b******?”’
Female Tory MPs condemned his remarks. Education Secretary and Women and
Equalities minister Nicky Morgan said they were ‘outrageous’, and asked
why other women Labour MPs had failed to criticise the remarks,
tweeting: ‘Is it OK when [it is] one of their MPs?’
14 November, 2014
More black racism
A [black] Texas teacher has been "suspended without pay pending
discharge" after accusations that she sent racially charged tweets about
the incidents in Ferguson, Missouri, a representative for the
Duncanville Independent School District said at a press conference.
Vinita Hegwood, a high school English teacher at Duncanville High School
near Dallas, allegedly sent the tweets from her personal Twitter
account Friday.
"Who the (expletive) made you dumb (expletive) crackers think I give a
squat (expletive) about your opinions. #Ferguson Kill yourselves," read
one of the messages.
Later that evening another tweet appeared, saying, "You exhibit nigga
behavior, I'm a call you a nigga. You acting crackerish, I'm a call you a
cracker." Hegwood is African-American.
It's not clear exactly to what or whom she was referring, but the
protests in Ferguson, Missouri, have often hinged on race, as Michael
Brown was a black teen killed by Officer Darren Wilson, a white
Mexicans seem to be the latest group who must be shielded from imitators
Imitation is often said to be the sincerest form of flattery but Leftists don't seem able to consider that
It was to be a Mexican fiesta, complete with sombreros and ponchos. But
Sydney University's annual staff Christmas party will be without a theme
this year after students and academics complained it was racist.
The university's vice-chancellor, Michael Spence, has been forced to
email all staff and tell them to ignore the suggested theme and dress
code on the invite, which was sent to hundreds of staff.
"Some of you have since written to me or other senior members of the
university to express concern about the theme of the party, particularly
in light of recent tragic events in southwest Mexico that you may have
seen reported in the media," Professor Spence wrote in his email.
"Our celebrations will proceed on 10 December, but I have today asked
the event organisers to amend our plans so that the party has no
particular theme."
Eden Caceda, an office-bearer with the university's Autonomous
Collective Against Racism, told Fairfax Media that students were deeply
offended by the invitation.
"We found it to be culturally insensitive, especially considering the
horrible events that happened lately with the 43 children in Mexico," Mr
Caceda said.
Mexican gang suspects have confessed to slaughtering 43 missing students and dumping their charcoaled remains in a river.
"We felt the vice-chancellor was perpetrating insidious stereotypes about Mexican people and its culture."
Mr Caceda, a second year arts student, said some people had suggested
that the collective's stance was taking political correctness too far.
"I would say that is not the case. If you have any Mexican heritage in
you, you would see this party as offensive and uninformed.
"I am Hispanic and I have some traditions from Mexican culture and the
vice-chancellor's invite said 'bring your own sombreros and ponchos',
which reduces Mexican culture to just a costume," Mr Caceda said.
"My family has a poncho and it is really important to us, and these people are treating it like a costume."
Mr Caceda said the collective managed to have a Day of the Dead party
cancelled last year. The Day of the Dead remembers family and friends
who have died.
"There is a push back on the idea that you can turn any culture into a dress-up," Mr Caceda said.
13 November, 2014
"Girl" is a dodgy word
The president of the Professional Golfers Association of America, Ted
Bishop, was fired for “insensitive gender-based” statements — codespeak
for completely innocuous remarks — prompting the PGA to issue a
nauseating response: “We must demand of ourselves that we make golf both
welcoming and inclusive to all who want to experience it. ... We
apologize to any individual or group that felt diminished, in any way,
by this unacceptable incident.”
And what did Bishop say that was so heinous? He took issue with comments
made by British golfer Ian Poulter criticizing Ryder Cup golf captains
Nick Faldo and Tom Watson. Bishop tweeted that Poulter was a “Lil Girl,”
while, on Facebook, Bishop wrote: “Tom Watson and Nick Faldo ... get
bashed by Ian Poulter. Really? Sounds like a little schoolgirl squealing
during recess.”
If you’re waiting for the bombshell language, sorry to disappoint, but
there isn’t any. In other words, a top executive was canned for calling
someone a squealing school girl in a tongue-in-cheek social media post.
Who in their right mind could possibly feel “diminished” by that? And
what do Bishop’s comments have to do with being, or not being,
“welcoming” or “inclusive?” What does that even mean? Have these people
lost their minds from hanging out in the clubhouse bar too long?
A Lesson on Free Speech and Sharia in Knoxville
A recent legal victory by Freedom X upheld the right of private citizens
to discuss openly sharia law at a Knoxville, Tennessee, high school.
"This is a victory for free speech," Freedom X's President William J.
Becker rightly explained, in yet another instructive example of
Islamists seeking to subvert the United States Constitution's First
A local Knoxville chapter of ACT! for America began the case by
arranging an April 24 evening town hall at Farragut High School (FHS).
The event featured Dr. Bill French, Center for the Study of Political
Islam founder under the pen name Warner, and Matt Bonner, regional
director of the Crescent Project, a Christian evangelization ministry
for Muslims. They intended to address the encroachment in America of
sharia, vaguely described in one online report as "Islamic laws
governing worship and lifestyle." Becker correctly clarifies that
"Sharia is incompatible with our constitutional and legal protections"
in numerous ways.
Both local and national Muslims groups, however, greeted the event with
harsh opposition. Abdel Rahman Murphy, a Muslim chaplain at the
University of Tennessee in Knoxville, emailed then FHS principal Mike F.
Reynolds on April 8 requesting the event's cancellation. The town hall
flyer had "kind of an aggressive tone," Murphy argued to reporters.
"Feel free hosting" the event "anywhere else by renting out a banquet
hall," Murphy added, "but to host it at a public place...is not
comfortable for the rest of us."
A Knoxville school official was "happy to announce" ACT!'s uninviting.
Hooper boasted of the school's decision, arguing that "this event in a
public school would send an implicit message of endorsement for the
bigoted views of the speakers." Knoxville schools must "remain a safe
place for all students," concurred Remziya Suleyman from the
Tennessee-based Muslim organization, American Center for Outreach.
The Knoxville ACT! chapter's president John Peach held the event in a
church, not seeking other public venues for fear of another
cancellation. "Sharia is not well-understood and we wanted to inform the
public" as "concerned Americans," Peach said. An "American...should"
not "be afraid to speak out on public matters in a public forum."
On August 4th, Peach and French with Becker as counsel sued the school
district for violating his First Amendment constitutionally protected
rights. "It is unfortunate we have to educate the educators," Becker
stated in filing the lawsuit to coincide with the school year opening,
but the First Amendment's "freedom of speech...distinguishes America
from Muslim nations."
"CAIR and other terror-affiliated groups are exploiting our laws,"
Becker analyzed, "to erode...freedom of speech...part and parcel of a
greater plan" for an "Islamic caliphate." "Unfortunately...as Muslim
activists play the victim card," this trend will grow, even though
blasphemy laws are unconstitutional.
Because "litigation would have been futile," Becker rejoiced, the school's attorneys settled just 21 days after his filing.
12 November, 2014
BBC football commentator in own goal after branding Ipswich
supporters 'the great unwashed' on air when he thought the mic was off
Must not say what you think
BBC radio football commentator Brenner Woolley branded Ipswich Town fans
the 'great unwashed' in a live broadcast of the Blues' 2-1 win over
Brenner Woolley, who's reported on Ipswich games for more than 10 years
at the station, scored his embarrassing own goal when he thought he was
off air. He made the howler in the half-time break in the clubs'
2-1 win over Wolves at Portman Road on Tuesday night (Nov 4).
But Woolley's derogatory comment was picked up by supporters listening
to the online worldwide live match commentary service provided by team's
'Player' service on the club's website. They were not broadcast
over the normal airwaves.
Nick Gibbs, editor of The Ibiza Sun newspaper, said Woolley blundered as
he discussed the post-match telephone call-in show with co-commentator
and ex-England star Mick Mills.
Mr Gibbs, who was listening in, said Mr Woolley said: 'I'll give you
these headphones at full-time so you can hear the great unwashed!'
He said their chat, supposed to be private, could be heard for about 10 minutes during the half-time interval.
Other angry fans, known as the Tractor Boys, have called for the broadcaster to apologise at the next game.
One, named Martyn wrote on Twitter: 'I think Brenner Woolley should be
made to stand in the middle of the pitch, at halftime on Saturday, and
apologise to the fans
Australia: Must not disrespect Vegans
What's a Vegan doing in a hamburger restaurant anyway?
A Hunter restaurant owner says he has received threats and is afraid for
the safety of his workmates after comments on Facebook about a vegan
Mark Clews, part-owner of Tuk Tuk – in the Tempus Two complex at
Pokolbin – was deluged with online complaints and phone calls after he
said a customer's clothing was probably made in a "sweat shop"
"Well we had our first ever vegan in yesterday. Wearing a tie dyed
T-shirt, I'm serious, didn't matter that it was made in a Chinese sweat
shop. Anyway it went as well as could be expected," he continued,
adding the woman was told her felafel burger would be cooked on the same
grill as meat but ate it anyway."
After the comment, Mr Clews was hit with a torrent of complaints on his page.
"To publicly shame a customer with special dietary requirements, comment
on her attire and be so blatantly nasty is inexcusable. I will never
step foot in this establishment," one reviewer said.
"Rude and disgusting," another added.
In screen-shots of posts, Mr Clews refuses to apologise and labels detractors "vegan Nazis".
Although he originally stood by his "flippant" comments on social
media, Mr Clews later told the Newcastle Herald he would apologise
to the customer if she came back.
Mr Clews said disgruntled social media users had tracked down his mobile
number and made threatening calls up until midnight. He feared for his
safety and that of his family: "What I have learnt is some people have
thinner skins than I."
11 November, 2014
Cover her up! Hotel gets dressing down over 'sexist' blonde builder hoarding that's been likened to 'soft porn'

A hotel has been forced to cover up a building site hoarding after complaints that it is sexist.
Malmaison, in Manchester, had put up a risque 7ft image of a scantily
clad woman holding a power tool to hide ongoing construction work.
But author and Manchester University Professor Jeanette Winterson
likened the image to 'soft porn'. She said: 'Plenty of women on
business stay at the Malmaison. 'To get to their hotel room at the
end of a long day they must take in, or blank out, the message that
women at work are really soft-porn babes. 'The hard-hat babes send out a
message that aligns with male fantasy not female reality. 'And
that's a problem.
'Suppose you are a girl who wants to go into the manual trades. Does the
image of a skinny model in a strapless frock, pouting with a drill, do
anything for your self-confidence and ambition?'
In response, the hotel placed a tongue-in-cheek banner over the image saying 'we've been asked to cover up'
In response, the hotel placed a tongue-in-cheek banner over the image saying 'we've been asked to cover up'
Feminists hate attractive women
Rapper Nicki Minaj accused of 'glorifying Hitler' over alleged use of Nazi imagery in her latest video

All the people in the video have African features: A long way from blond-haired, blue-eyed Nazis
Rapper Nicki Minaj has been accused of blatantly using Nazi imagery and
‘glorifying Hitler’ in the newly released video for her song Only, which
also features Chris Brown, Drake and Lil Wayne.
The animated video, which features Minaj as a dictator, is clearly
inspired by the black and white Nazi-propaganda films of German director
Leni Riefenstahl.
An army of soldiers wear red armbands reminiscent of those worn by the
Nazis [or the Communists], while large red banner flags appear with an
overlapping Y-M symbol in a design eerily similar to a swastika.
YM stands for Young Money, the record label founded by rapper Lil Wayne,
who appears in the video as industrialist Henry Ford, along with Drake
who appears as the Pope, while Chris Brown appears as a military leader.
'Hey @NickiMinaj thanks for the blatant Nazi imagery in your new video!
really great allusion to persecution & genocide' tweeted Melissa
On Reddit, was video was discussion is length under the heading 'The new
Nicki Minaj video Only is glorifying Nazism and Hitler'.
Minaj, who hosted the MTV Europe Music Awards in Glasgow, Scotland on Sunday evening, has yet to respond to the criticism.
10 November, 2014
Must not call Africans cave-men, even if they behave that way
Large numbers of Africans are violent and barely literate but we must not mention that
A member of parliament from Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPO)
called asylum seekers cave men on Facebook, triggering calls from other
parties for his resignation.
Christian Hoebart's comments highlighted a febrile debate on immigration
in the country, where recent polls have shown FPO neck and neck with
traditional centrist parties, attracting about a quarter of votes.
His message, posted late on Friday, criticised a rally of mostly African
asylum seekers held in the town of Traiskirchen near Vienna.
"I (could not) show understanding for yesterday's brouhaha of asylum
seekers from Africa, so I called (them) emotionally ... 'soil and cave
men', who cannot appreciate how good they've got it with us – their host
country Austria," he wrote.
Other opposition politicians called for Hoebart, an FPO leader in the province of Lower Austria, to quit his political posts.
"To call humans that maybe fled from murder and rape of Isil (Islamic
State)-murder gangs in Iraq and Syria 'soil and cave men' is open
racism, which – similarly to the Nazis – would like to classify certain
humans as Untermenschen (under-humans)," said Albert Steinhauser from
the Austrian Greens.
"I was put in the limelight by our front of do-gooders and
wannabe-world-improvers," Hoebart wrote on Facebook, defending his
comments. He said that anyone who could think would know that cave men
simply meant humans who are "many many years behind our culture".
No free speech in Australia?
When Immigration Minister Scott Morrison unexpectedly cancelled United
States pick-up artist Julien Blanc's visa on Thursday it capped off a
week that started with an online campaign and ended in a real-world
Blanc was in Australia to host a series of seminars on how to attract
women. His repertoire includes choking women, grabbing their heads and
pushing them toward his groin and advising his followers how to destroy a
woman's "bitch shield".
Critics were quick to condemn what they said was Blanc's promotion of
abuse towards women. Social media lit up with the hashtag
#takedownjulienblanc, which trended for the rest of the week. Thousands
of people tweeted and posted comments on Facebook against Blanc; almost
35,000 signed an online petition.
"Julien Blanc is sexually assaulting women and then teaching rooms full
of men to do the same. He should be arrested,"one Twitter user wrote.
The hashtag phenomena, spilled over into the real world, culminating in a
protest on the banks of the Yarra River on Thursday night. The river
cruise boat that was hosting him cancelled the event before it started
and asked police to remove men who had come to hear Blanc speak after
they refused to leave.
Although Blanc has left the country, in his wake he has left an argument over freedom of speech.
His advice may be deplorable, but Blanc's seminars are not illegal.
Should he have been allowed take to the stage without disruption, let
alone kicked out of the country?
Simon Breheny, director of the legal rights project at the Institute of
Public Affairs, said it would have been better to let his seminar go
"The answer to bad speech is more speech. If someone says something I
don't like, rather than calling in the police and saying this guy should
be fined or sent to jail, we should explain to people why we think
those ideas are bad and why we shouldn't listen to him," he said.
"Why is it that a government bureaucrat gets to decide what ideas you
and I hear at forums we freely choose to attend? That's a very
concerning idea."
Blanc has not commented, but one of his colleagues at dating company
Real Social Dynamics has downplayed the incident, saying the controversy
stems from one video being taken out of context.
"I think Julien's video was absolutely stupid," co-founder Owen Cook,
who uses the name Tyler online, wrote on the company's web forums.
"It was totally out of context and he posted it to get shock, not
realising the full outcome. I'm sorry about the video."
9 November, 2014
Illegal Pete’s owner says he won’t change the name of his restaurant
The owner of a Denver Mexican restaurant chain says he won’t change the
name of his eatery despite calls from community members who charge its
meaning is offensive to illegal immigrants.
"I will not change the name of our company," Illegal Pete’s owner Pete
Turner wrote in a lengthy letter on the company’s blog detailing its
20-year history.
Although Turner writes that he “appreciates” those who took the time to
voice their concerns, he stands by the name and goes on to discuss what
the word illegal means to him.
“When it came to the name Illegal Pete’s, I settled on the name of a bar
in a novel. The name resonated with me for the obvious reason that my
name is Pete, but of equal importance, it was my father’s name.”
Turner says Illegal Pete’s refers to Turner’s father’s reputation as a
“good-natured hell raiser” and was not meant to imply anything
U.S. Army says word 'Negro' OK to use when describing 'black or African American' personnel
The Army recently published regulations stating that 'Negro' is an acceptable term for describing black personnel.
The policy published as recently as October 22 said that Negro is an OK
term for, 'a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of
CNN reported that the regulations also said that 'Haitian' is an acceptable term.
An Army spokesman named Lt. Col. S. Justin Platt came forward after CNN
brought the terminology to light on Wednesday. He said, 'The
racial definitions in AR600-20 para. 6-2 are outdated, currently under
review, and will be updated shortly.'
'The Army takes pride in sustaining a culture where all personnel are
treated with dignity and respect and not discriminated against based on
race, color, religion, gender and national origin,' he added.
7 November, 2014
NY: Some more Leftist racism
During the recently concluded governor's race, Barovick was an avid
supporter of the Democratic incumbent Andrew Cuomo. Moreover, he enjoyed
eviscerating Cuomo's opponent, Rob Astorino. His weapon of choice was
Twitter. All told, he has composed 20,500 tweets and has 3,119
Never funny, he was snarky at best. He was also vicious. At 9:12
p.m., Monday, election eve, Barovick tweeted: "In light of election,
.@SheriffMoss mulling offer to be new spokesmodel for either Cream of
Wheat, or Uncle Ben's Rice."
In case you weren't paying attention, Chemung County Sheriff Chris Moss
is an African-American who ran for lieutenant governor on the Astorino
Barovick's ridicule was obvious and crude. By tying Moss to products
whose packaging included stereotyped images of black men, he had finally
crossed the line.
The blowback was instantaneous. Barovick was widely condemned by other Twitter users.
At 7:28 a.m., the next day, Astorino campaign spokesman Bill O'Reilly,
tweeted: "I'll give you 'till noon to retract this racist tweet. After
that, I'll assume you really meant it. "
Barovick should've cut his losses right there. Instead he threw gasoline
on the fire with another snotty tweet at 9:20 a.m., telling O'Reilly,
"Let me save you the trouble of waiting, Mr. O'Reilly. I meant it. Oh,
and sorry about your campaign's loss."
Then Moss, himself, joined the fray with a series of tweets. He called
Barovick's comments "a blatant racist smear" and blamed the Cuomo
campaign for attempting "to gin up racial disharmony."
Fans Blast Ellie Goulding For Allegedly Racist, Insensitive Costume

Like many people across the globe, pop star Ellie Goulding took to
social media on Halloween to show off her costume. Her getup, a Native
American ensemble featuring an elaborate headpiece, was a hit with many
fans. But for every “like” Goulding elicited on Instagram, there was a
comment bashing her costume as racially insensitive and offensive.
“Oh Ellie,” one commenter wrote. “I’m so disappointed. No different than wearing blackface.”
Other fans shared similarly harsh words. “Next time don’t mock a
dying race you insensitive and ignorant excuse of a person,” the fan
Goulding’s response was brief and unaggressive: “I only wore that
beautiful and unauthentic headpiece for about five minutes,” she wrote
on Twitter. She also said she’ll be donating money to Running Strong, an
organization that gives grants to young Native Americans.
Crystal Speer, a representative from the Native American Heritage
Association, says her organization has no official response to the
controversy. She did offer a personal opinion, though. “I do think
the reaction is a bit much,” she told MailOnline. “People these days
will jump at anything to get offended at.”
Conservative parliament member Philip Davies had some much more pointed words for Goulding’s critics.
“I never cease to be amazed at how easily people will take offence – and
usually this is white, middle-class, Guardian-reading, sandal-wearing,
politically correct do-gooders who are offended on someone else’s
behalf,” Davies said. “The people concerned are never usually offended
6 November, 2014
"Colored" is a bad word
I wonder what the NAACP think of that?
A middle school teacher in Guntown, Mississippi, allegedly referred to
two of the students as “colored” back in October while threatening to
send them to the office for making jokes in class.
It’s just the latest in a long list of racist remarks or actions
directed at Black students in American classrooms. At a time when
academics and educational experts are studying the most effective ways
to lift the academic success of Black students, these incidents
highlight the precarious position Black students are in when their
educational success depends on a classroom leader who may actually
despise them.
Dominique Witherspoon and Paris Howell were the two girls targeted by
the teacher’s comments and the worst part is that they will still be
facing that same teacher every day during the school year.
Despite both girls saying the teacher’s comments were hurtful and make
them feel uncomfortable, the girls’ parents say the instructor has not
been fired.
It all started when the two girls were joking around in class.
The teacher told the girls to quiet down, but the jokes continued on.
According to Witherspoon, that’s when the teacher said, “Be quiet before I send your colored selves to the office.”
How Ted Cruz Exposed the Free-Speech Haters
[2009 in the "Citizens United" case:] In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme
Court ruled in favor of freedom of speech and against the
We-Can-Ban-Books Administration.
The court's defense of freedom of speech outraged certain members of the
United States Senate. They offered an amendment to amend the First
Amendment, which in its final form was advanced by Sen. Dick Durbin of
This proposed constitutional amendment said in part: "Congress and the
States may regulate and set reasonable limits on the raising and
spending of money by candidates and others to influence elections."
This means: If you happen to be one of the "others" and Congress deems
that you have raised and spent beyond what is "reasonable" in order to
tell people Barack Obama seeks to curtail American liberty, the
government can shut you up.
The proposed amendment also said: "Congress and the states shall have
the power to ... distinguish between natural persons and corporations or
other artificial entities created by law, including by prohibiting such
entities from spending money to influence elections."
This means the government can prohibit a family-owned grocery store chain from speaking about an election.
On June 18, when this proposed constitutional amendment came up in the
Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Sen. Ted Cruz did a
simple thing: He offered an amendment to replace this amendment with the
exact words of the First Amendment.
The subcommittee defeated the First Amendment. Every Democrat on the panel voting against it.
On July 10, when the proposed constitutional amendment came up in the
full Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Cruz again offered the First
Amendment as a substitute. Every Democrat on the full committee voted
against it.
There are politicians in America today who do not like your First
Amendment rights -- and will vote against them when given the chance.
5 November, 2014
Atheist bullies strike again: Delaware high school coaches cave on post-game prayer
If something happens once you can dismiss it as an anomaly. If something
happens twice you pay attention and examine for trends. However, when
it happens repeatedly you've got more than a trend, you have a
deliberate strategy and plan.
And so it is with the incessant and relentless attack of atheist groups
against prayer and religious activity involving football. We've reported
here about the attack levied against my own Alma Mater, the University
of Tennessee - and mentioned the attack against Clemson University Coach
Dabo Sweeney - and also the case brought against Georgia's Madison
County High School for their donated monument which has two New
Testament biblical verses inscribed. Well, the atheist bullies from FRFF
are at it again!
As reported by Fox News, "An atheist group succeeded in sidelining
football coaches at a Delaware high school from post-game prayers, but
the holy huddle will continue as a players-only affair, according to a
report. The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) sent
a letter to Cape Henlopen School District Superintendent Robert Fulton
earlier this month to allege a "serious constitutional violation"
occurring at Cape Henlopen High School: Coaches participating in
postgame prayers with players.
One photograph in a local newspaper showed head coach Bill Collick in a
prayer circle with his team on Oct. 3, The News Journal reports. "He's
got his hands on players and he's bowing his head and he's participating
in a prayer circle with students," said Elizabeth Cavell, an FFRF staff
attorney who drafted the letter to Fulton. "Our objection to that is it
violates the Establishment Clause of the Constitution, which has been
interpreted to say that public school districts and their employees
cannot advance or endorse religion while acting in their official
That interpretation is severely flawed if applied to this case, as well as most of the cases FFRF has lobbied.
What FFRF is strategically doing is advancing a secular humanist agenda
to eradicate the Judeo-Christian faith heritage in America - and they've
decided to attack sporting events, specifically football at public
institutions to make their point. Their cohort in this insanity, Mikey
Weinstein, at the oxymoronic Military Religious Freedom Foundation, has
embarked upon the same crusade against our armed forces.
Separation of church and state was a concept - a principle - written in a
letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury (CT) Baptist Convention
articulating that America would not have an established state religion
or a Head of State who was also a Head of Church - there would be a
So a coach kneeling with his players during a post-game prayer circle is
in keeping with the First Amendment of freedom of religion and the free
exercise thereof!
British comedian in misogyny row as students demand cancellation of university gig over 'laddish' rape jokes
Students today backed a petition calling on their university union to cancel a ‘sexist’ comedian’s gig.
Self-described ‘proper lad’ Dapper Laughs - real name Daniel O’Reilly -
is due to bring his Socially Unacceptable tour to the Cardiff University
Students’ Union, Y Plas (The Place), in February.
However, a petition demanding the union cancel the Londoner’s gig
because of his ‘trivialisation of rape, unprotected sex and dehumanising
of women’ has amassed almost 500 signatures in two days.
It states ‘misogynistic humour should not be supported by an organisation that stands for equality’.
Petition organiser Vicky Chandler, 21, a final-year journalism student,
said: ‘Dapper Laughs is that bloke that every woman knows who dresses up
sexism as banter.’
‘His jokes are so disrespectful to women and giving him a TV show and
letting him perform at the university is normalising inappropriate
Dapper Laughs, who hails from Clapham, south-west London, came to fame
for his online videos where he gives ‘lad advice on romancing the ladies
and being a geezer’.
In his videos, which are peppered with very explicit language, he can be
seen yelling sexual comments at women on the street or from his car as
he drives past.
However, defenders saying that Dapper Laughs is nothing more than a
comic persona for Daniel O'Reilly, claiming that any sexism in his jokes
is intended to be ironic.
Students’ Union president Elliot Howells said Dapper Laughs had been
booked to play their Y Plas venue by an external promoter and had not
been vetted by the organisation.
4 November, 2014
Lingerie campaign by Victoria's Secret sparks outrage on Twitter over use of the phrase 'perfect body'
Lingerie brand Victoria's Secret has come under fire for an 'irresponsible' advert for their new 'push up denim range of bras.
Featuring Angels Behati Prinsloo, Lily Aldridge and the face of the
brands new perfume Jasmine Tookes, the ad looks much like the many
others released by the brand over the years, with the three sculpted
abs, gazelle like legs and perfect white teeth smiling out at us.
But what has upset many is the wording used across the poster, which states simply 'The Perfect Body'.
It is this implication that the nigh un-achievable figures of the
models, who often tower over 5ft 10in, is the ultimate shape for women
that has prompted outrage.
So strong in fact is the strength of feeling about the wording of the
advert that a petition has been launched urging the lingerie brand to
take it down.
I would have thought that the ad was a weapon in the war on
obesity. It gives the message that slim is beautiful --
which it is. Fat certainly isn't
Social media users criticise Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson for tweeting about legally driving with 'beer in cup holder'
There is no speed limit on major roads in Australia's Northern
Territory. I myself rather enjoyed driving at 100 mph there. And
my little Japanese car never missed a beat
He described hitting the road in Australia’s Northern Territory as ‘one of the best drives of my life’.
But a tweet by Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson also included a comment that stirred some of his followers.
The British star posted a photo from the dashboard of a car he was
driving on a gravel road in Australia’s 'top end' where he and his crew
have been filming a special episode of the show, and captioned it: ‘One
of the best drives of my life. Gravel road. M6. Sun going down. iPod
playing Blind Faith. Beer in cup holder.'
A couple of social media users were quick to respond to the
54-year-old’s mention of an alcoholic drink in the vehicle, despite it
being perfectly legal.
‘If you drink and drive, you're a bloody idiot’ wrote Twitter user @JustJimWillDo.
The post, shared on Twitter and Instagram, doesn’t provide detail about
whether Jeremy drank the beer while driving, something he is legally
entitled to do.
The show’s executive producer said that the hosts were ‘neither drunk
nor out of control at any point during the making of the programme’.
3 November, 2014
Defiant Babies 'R' Us refuses to remove 'sexualized' Kardashian Kids clothing from its stores
Childrenswear retailer Babies 'R' Us is refusing to remove a range of
Kardashian Kids clothing from its stores - despite an intensive campaign
from a group of mothers who insist the designs are too 'sexualized' for
their children.
Kansas-based mother Amie Logan started an online petition earlier this
week asking the retailer to remove the 'damaging' garments after seeing
the new collection, which is designed for baby girls aged zero to 24
months, on shelves and online.
But despite the overwhelming amount of support that the petition has
received - it currently has more than 2,500 signatures - the retailer
revealed to MailOnline that it will not be removing any of the offending
clothing from any of its stores.
A spokesperson for Babies 'R' Us said: 'We have no plans to stop selling this collection.'
The collection, which is an extension of Kim, Khloe and Kourtney's
globally-successful Kardashian Kollection for adults, includes a $25
leatherette mini skirt - with 'attached diaper cover' - a $33 fur faux
animal print vest and a $23 leatherette skirt.
Some hysterical mothers by the sound of it.
South Dakota city refuses to remove birthday wishes for Jesus from its snowplows
Snow plows in Sioux Falls, South Dakota will be keeping their explicitly
Christian theme, WRAL reports. Mayor Mike Huether said that "unless…I
get some Supreme Court case that says I have to" remove the explicitly
religious messages that are painted on the city's snow plows, he would
not remove them. The plows were paid for by the taxpayers of the city.
The messages were painted by students at Lutheran High School and Sioux
Falls Lutheran School. One of them contains the words "Jesus Christ"
painted in the style of the Coca-Cola label, with the biblical
quotation, "Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst."
The other simply says, "Happy Birthday, Jesus."
The head of the ACLU of South Dakota, Heather Smith, said that "when the
speech is displayed on public equipment that will be in use and could
be viewed by the public as a state-sponsored message, the speech then
becomes very problematic."
Jesus sure seems to be threatening to a lot of people.
2 November, 2014
The huge advantage of having "correct" opinions
Today, in an article for Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Apple CEO Tim Cook
makes an announcement: "I’m proud to be gay, and I consider being gay
among the greatest gifts God has given me."
"The company I am so fortunate to lead has ... taken a strong stand in
support of a workplace equality bill before Congress, just as we stood
for marriage equality in our home state of California."
While he "doesn't consider himself an activist," Cook has personally
lobbied on gay rights issues in his home state of Alabama and at the
United Nations.
All of this sounds familiar—haven’t we heard this story before?
A southern-born CEO invoking religion regarding his views on
homosexuality, lobbying for what he believes in, and using his company
to financially and publicly support those views?
Indeed, we have a heard a story like this before.
Before Tim Cook, this perfectly described another CEO and son of the south: Daniel Truett Cathy of Chick-fil-A.
Walmart pulls "Pashtun Papa" Halloween costume after being accused of racism

The giant American retailer Walmart has been forced to withdraw its
"Pashtun Papa" Halloween costume after being accused of peddling racist
The outfit sold for $39.95 and featured the loose-fitting shalwar
kameez, of the sort favoured by Muslims living in Afghanistan and
Pakistan, along with a shaggy grey beard.
"Whether you're making a serious political statement or staging a
political parody," said the online description, "this authentic-looking
outfit is sure to fit the bill!" "Nothing is sacred this
Halloween. Shock your friends with this Islamic costume."
The Pashtun tribe live predominantly in north-west Pakistan and across Afghanistan, and make up the bulk of the Taliban.
The image sparked outrage - particularly in Muslim countries where thousands of people took to Twitter to condemn the outfit.
"This is offensive and discriminatory," said one user. "Will you even think of having a KKK costume."
As the criticism mounted throughout the day, Walmart was forced on to the defensive.
A spokeswoman told Buzzfeed that the costume had been sold by a
third-party vendor and that it would be removed from the company's
website immediately.
It's not racist if I wear a Scottish kilt but it is racist if I dress as a Pashtun?
This is Tongue-Tied 2
Posts by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.)
Alternative (monthly) archives for this blog are here
Is the American national anthem politically incorrect? From the 4th verse:
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

"HATE SPEECH" is free speech: The U.S. Supreme Court stated the general
rule regarding protected speech in Texas v. Johnson (109 S.Ct. at
2544), when it held: "The government may not prohibit the verbal or
nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea
offensive or disagreeable." Federal courts have consistently followed this. Said Virginia federal district judge Claude Hilton: "The
First Amendment does not recognize exceptions for bigotry, racism, and
religious intolerance or ideas or matters some may deem trivial, vulgar
or profane."
Even some advocacy of violence is protected by the 1st Amendment. In
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the U.S. Supreme Court held unanimously that
speech advocating violent illegal actions to bring about social change
is protected by the First Amendment "except where such advocacy is
directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely
to incite or produce such action."
The double standard: Atheists can put up signs and billboards saying
that Christianity is wrong and that is hunky dory. But if a Christian
says that homosexuality is wrong, that is attacked as "hate speech"
"I think no subject should be off-limits, and I regard the laws in many
Continental countries criminalizing Holocaust denial as philosophically
repugnant and practically useless – in that they confirm to Jew-haters
that the Jews control everything (otherwise why aren’t we allowed to
talk about it?)" -- Mark Steyn
A prophetic comment on Norwegian hate speech laws: As Justice Brandeis
once noted, repressive censorship “breeds hate” and “that hate menaces
stable government,” rather than promoting safety; “the path of safety
lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and
proposed remedies.”
Voltaire's most famous saying was actually a summary of Voltaire's
thinking by one of his biographers rather than something Voltaire said
himself. Nonetheless it is a wholly admirable sentiment: "I disagree
with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
I am of a similar mind.
The traditional advice about derogatory speech: "Sticks and stones will
break your bones but names will never hurt you". Apparently people today
are not as emotionally robust as their ancestors were.
Thomas Jefferson on free speech: “It does me no injury for my
neighbors to say there are 20 gods, or no god. It neither picks my
pocket nor breaks my legs.”
The KKK were members of the DEMOCRATIC party. Google "Klanbake" if you doubt it
A phobia is an irrational fear, so the terms "Islamophobic" and
"homophobic" embody a claim that the people so described are mentally
ill. There is no evidence for either claim. Both terms are simply abuse
masquerading as diagnoses and suggest that the person using them is
engaged in propaganda rather than in any form of rational or objective
Leftists often pretend that any mention of race is "racist" -- unless
they mention it, of course. But leaving such irrational propaganda
aside, which statements really are racist? Can statements of fact about
race be "racist"? Such statements are simply either true or false. The
most sweeping possible definition of racism is that a racist statement
is a statement that includes a negative value judgment of some race.
Absent that, a statement is not racist, for all that Leftists might howl
that it is. Facts cannot be racist so nor is the simple statement of
them racist. Here is a statement that cannot therefore be racist by
itself, though it could be false: "Blacks are on average much less
intelligent than whites". If it is false and someone utters it, he
could simply be mistaken or misinformed.
Categorization is a basic human survival skill so racism as the Left
define it (i.e. any awareness of race) is in fact neither right nor
wrong. It is simply human
Whatever your definition of racism, however, a statement that simply
mentions race is not thereby racist -- though one would think otherwise
from American Presidential election campaigns. Is a statement that
mentions dogs, "doggist" or a statement that mentions cats, "cattist"?
Was Abraham Lincoln a racist? "You and we are different races. We
have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any
other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but
this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think
your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while
ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If
this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be
separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated." -- Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862
Gimlet-eyed Leftist haters sometimes pounce on the word "white" as
racist. Will the time come when we have to refer to the White House as
the "Full spectrum of light" House?
The spirit of liberty is "the spirit which is not too sure that it is
right." and "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies
there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.
While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save
it." -- Judge Learned Hand
Mostly, a gaffe is just truth slipping out
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with them
is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were.
It seems a pity that the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher
Epictetus is now little known. Remember, wrote the Stoic thinker, "that
foul words or blows in themselves are no outrage, but your judgment
that they are so. So when any one makes you angry, know that it is your
own thought that has angered you. Wherefore make it your endeavour not
to let your impressions carry you away."
"Since therefore the knowledge and survey of vice is in this world so
necessary to the constituting of human virtue, and the scanning of error
to the confirmation of truth, how can we more safely, and with less
danger, scout into the regions of sin and falsity than by reading all
manner of tractates, and hearing all manner of reason?" -- English poet
John Milton (1608-1674) in Areopagitica
Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response
Leftists can try to get you fired from your job over something that you
said and that's not an attack on free speech. But if you just criticize
something that they say, then that IS an attack on free speech
"Negro" is a forbidden word -- unless a Democrat uses it
"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Leftists don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such
thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles
that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt
When you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing
the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180) could have
been speaking of much that goes on today when he said: "The object in
life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane."
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.
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