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May 31, 2018
British government attack on free speech for teachers
The Leftie Tories have launched another attack in their relentless war
on conservatives with their new guidance to independent schools on what
‘values’ teachers may and may not mention in the classroom.
Schools and teachers are advised that they will be failed by Ofsted if
they even suggest that they do not agree with same-sex marriage or civil
partnerships. This new rule is buried in section 20 of a long document
entitled The Independent Schools Standards: Advice for Independent
Schools. It establishes a chilling principle: if you disagree with the
government or do not toe the politically correct line, you will be out
of a job.
It should never be a requirement that a person must agree with a
particular law or idea in any circumstance. One of the fundamental
purposes of freedom of speech is that all citizens are allowed to freely
debate and discuss any laws, ideas, theories and literature. Freedom of
speech should be allowed for teachers, and especially those in faith
schools who would be prevented from teaching that marriage is between a
man and a woman according to the tenets of the Christian, Jewish,
Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Baha’i and many other
If it were a requirement to agree with any or all existing laws,
Parliament would grind to a halt as MPs could not debate or amend any
existing laws. The whole campaign for Brexit would also be illegal, as
it requires opposition to the European Communities Act 1972.
This government is highly duplicitous. Its modus operandi is to make an
announcement one day which sounds conservative. As soon as this happens,
however, you can be sure that it will say or do something else ten
times worse in the other direction.
It would be easy to dismiss these new guidelines for independent schools
and think ‘this only affects independent schools’ or ‘it doesn’t really
matter’ or ‘this is not something I’m bothered about so it won’t affect
me’. Yet one action leads to another and another, and before you know
it freedom of speech will have been removed entirely.
As Edmund Burke said: ‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’
Must not attribute intelligent ape ancestry to any black
But you can call George Bush a chimp
ABC has canceled its hit reboot Roseanne, and lead Roseanne Barr has
been dropped by her agency after the actress sent a racist tweet about
former Obama White House adviser Valerie Jarrett on Tuesday.
Barr's comment, which has now been deleted, was sent in response to a
tweet that accused Jarrett of helping "hide" misdeeds for the Obama
"muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj,” Barr wrote,
using Jarrett's initials. Jarrett, 61, is African American and worked
for Obama from 2009 to 2017.
Barr apologized for the tweet, describing it as "a bad joke."
"I apologize to Valerie Jarrett and to all Americans. I am truly sorry
for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks," Barr said. "I
should have known better. Forgive me — my joke was in bad taste."
May 30, 2018
Binghamton University, State University of New York: Campus police
surveil students, threaten prosecution over anti-racism flyers
On March 28, 2018, a group of Binghamton University, State University of
New York (SUNY Binghamton) students posted approximately 200 flyers in
the university’s Downtown Center. The flyers criticized the
administration’s response to recent incidents of perceived racist
expression on campus.
A campus police officer stopped a student posting flyers and questioned
him about them, claiming that he had broken state law. Campus police
later announced that an investigation had been opened into the flyers.
The students then began distributing flyers directly outside the
Downtown Center and were interrupted by a campus police officer again,
who explained that “people came to [him] and were offended by” their
flyers. He went on to warn the students that they would be asked to stop
distributing flyers if their recipients littered them.
FIRE wrote to SUNY Binghamton President Harvey G. Stenger on April 18,
asking the university to end its investigation immediately and ensure
that campus police officers receive proper training on students’ right
to distribute expressive materials on campus.
University of Kentucky goes totalitarian
Adopts Soviet style policy
The University of Kentucky’s Bias Incident Response Team threatens to
seriously chill freedom of speech for the university’s more than 30,000
students and faculty. Bias response teams like Kentucky’s are burgeoning
on campuses around the country. As FIRE exclusively reported in 2017,
hundreds of universities nationwide now maintain these Orwellian
systems, which ask students to report — often anonymously — their
neighbors, friends, and professors for any instances of biased speech
and expression. Currently, of the 467 colleges and universities rated in
FIRE’s Spotlight database, 153 of them — roughly one third of schools —
have bias reporting policies, along with many other institutions
nationwide. One such policy, at the University of Michigan, is currently
the subject of a First Amendment challenge in federal court.
The University of Kentucky’s policy highlights the threats to free
speech and freedom of conscience posed by these comprehensive campus
First, the term “bias incident” is defined so broadly as to include
large amounts of constitutionally protected speech. The University of
Kentucky defines a bias incident as “[a]ny activity that intimidates,
demeans, mocks, degrades, marginalizes, or threatens individuals or
groups” based on a wide range of personal characteristics. Broadening
the definition yet further, a bias incident can be “intentional or
With this definition, the university is encouraging students to report
on one another, and on their professors, for saying virtually anything
that offends anyone else. This burgeoning “if you hear something, say
something” anti-bias campaign has serious implications for freedom of
speech and conscience on campus.
29 May, 2018
The silencing of British schoolteachers is out of control
How the education ‘blob’ uses intimidation to quash dissent
The perilous state of free speech in universities is today well-known.
Although less visible, there is an equally censorious atmosphere among
schoolteachers. The classic, 1950s sci-fi flick The Blob is a
particularly apposite metaphor for the highly politicised groupthink of
the teaching profession. It features a massive, amorphous creature that
devours all with which it comes into contact, getting bigger, angrier
and redder the more it does so.
My friend Aisling discovered the power of the blob firsthand just after
the Brexit vote. Around 70 per cent of teachers were estimated to be
pro-EU. Once Aisling’s primary-school colleagues found out she had voted
Leave, she had to stop going to the staffroom because of the daily
haranguing she received. She started sitting in the IT room instead,
until the day she was ‘forced out’ and ‘pursued from room to room by the
IT manager’. ‘The sense of consensus was total’, she says.
When press stories claimed that Brexit had led to a rise in hate crimes
in schools, Aisling began to fear for her career. The more she tried to
explain that her reasons for voting Leave were innocent, the more she
was putting her job in jeopardy. Other teachers were making her out to
be a racist – and therefore a danger to children. She left the school
soon after.
Other teachers have reported similar experiences. But it is not only
Brexit that exposes the teaching profession’s problem with free thought.
The blob will brook no dissent even over questions like how to teach –
once seen as a matter of individual, professional judgement.
On social media, the trend runs wild. On Twitter, I recently criticised a
new, faddish pedagogic technique. (I felt it to be a just a rehashed
version of 1970s-style progressivism). The teacher who developed it
responded to disagree and we had a robust debate in good faith.
But the response of other teachers was shocking. A number of them began
trawling the internet for information on me and started sharing it among
themselves. Unsettling tweets started appearing, making thinly veiled
references to things like my qualifications, where I have previously
lived and even my late father. Then came the bizarre – and completely
false – accusations that I was part of a criminal conspiracy. These
attempts to intimidate me into silence were made not by bedroom-bound
losers, but by teachers. Among them were even prominent speakers and
bloggers on education and in one case, a well-known author.
Recent stories, collected by the teacher and blogger, Andrew Old,
confirm the extent to which some teachers are now prepared to go in
order to silence debate. Old discusses the increasingly popular
technique of ‘school-shaming’, in which schools – particularly more
traditional ones – are subjected to ‘campaigns of online intimidation
and abuse, negative media coverage and vexatious Freedom of Information
requests’. For instance, the Great Yarmouth Charter Academy was forced
into the media spotlight by a school-shaming social-media campaign
because the new headteacher had introduced some strict behaviour rules.
In another case, a new teacher was forced to scrap her blog following a
Twitterstorm over her views against progressive education policies. A
teacher-trainer allegedly advised her that it would be easy to find out
where she worked and so her job could be at risk.
Yes, there’s a major free speech problem on our campuses
At 16 years old, Norvilia Etienne’s mother told her a story that changed
her life forever, setting her course to become a courageous,
compassionate champion for the vulnerable.
Not long after, in 2016, Norvilia would experience a second rude
awakening, this time at the hands of so-called “tolerant” administrators
at Queens College in New York City.
As a teenager herself, Norvilia’s mother was already struggling alone to
care for a young son when she found out she was pregnant a second time.
With her boyfriend making it clear he’d take no responsibility for
their child, Norvilia’s mother felt deeply pressured to resort to
abortion as her only escape.
If not for her grandmother’s faith-fueled encouragement, it’s likely Norvilia never would have drawn a breath.
Instead, she gave birth to Norvilia and doubled down to make ends meet.
As you can imagine, Norvilia was stunned to hear for the first time, as a
teenager, just how close she came to becoming another statistic prior
to her birth. In fact, she was downright angry. But that anger soon
turned to a joy that fuels Norvilia’s passion to help young women and
girls facing the very same pressures, which weighed heavy on her own
mother’s heart just a few years ago.
In that youthful vigor, Norvilia arrived on campus as a freshman at
Queens College in New York City—long dubbed “The Abortion Capital of
America”—ready to offer hope and help to her classmates. In short order,
she began setting up an on-campus pro-life club affiliated with
Students for Life of America.
And that’s where the trouble started for Norvilia. Despite checking all
the boxes to become an officially recognized club, Norvilia’s
application was slow-walked to its inevitable rejection, all because it
supported a view—Norvilia’s—that had been silently disqualified ahead of
Neither Norvilia nor any of our society’s future legislators, judges,
and voters should have to ask for a permission slip to speak on campus.
The First Amendment is their permission slip.
And thankfully, this is what our courts continue to recognize. Since we
launched our Center for Academic Freedom a decade ago, we’ve secured
nearly 400 victories for free speech on America’s college and university
campuses—including Queens College, which finally backed off its
restrictive policy after almost two years of fighting.
28 May, 2018
Hard to know when Twitter will censor and un-censor you
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has announced new policies to police behavior on
the site which to the casual observer probably seem just fine.
According to BuzzFeed News, Dorsey says the goal now is to focus on
"conduct and behaviors on the system," which may be in violation of
Twitter's terms of service.
A few of the "signals" that Twitter will use are whether you're tweeting
a lot of people you don't follow, "how often you’re blocked by people
you interact with," and the most ominous sounding signal of all:
"whether your account is closely related to others that have violated
its terms of service."
This is all well and good if you think the the behavior of millions of
people can and/or should be controlled by a handful of millennials
working in one of the most liberal cities in the United States.
Worse yet, they all work for a guy who thinks that there is just a little too much political diversity in this country:
The problem with the people who create popular social media platforms is
that they never have the chance to be normal users of them. As such,
they are a bit removed from what makes the platform attractive to the
common folk, even if they are the ones who created it.
For the most part, Twitter has been the Wild West of the prominent
social media platforms. Anyone can follow anyone. There are a lot of
crazy people. It's messy.
All of the above are what made Twitter popular and Jack Dorsey very wealthy.
Like Americans of yesteryear who headed to the West, no one goes to
Twitter looking for a safe and easy time. At least they didn't when the
site was getting popular.
As with almost everything fun now, the Social Justice Warriors showed up
and ruined everything. They wake up with their feelings hurt then spend
every bit of energy they have for the day finding more things that they
can complain about.
It doesn't take more than ninety seconds of looking at Dorsey's tweets
and actions as CEO to realize he identifies heavily with the SJWs.
All pretense of Free speech is gone in Britain
In today's Britain, you are free to speak only at the discretion of
the authorities. And if you defy that you can be tried in secret
and a gag placed on reporting the trial. It is completely
Stalinist. Tommy Robinson's offence was to report on the trial of a
gang of Muslim pedophiles
On Friday, as reported here yesterday, the saga of Tommy Robinson
entered a new chapter. British police officers pulled him off a street
in Leeds, where, in his role as a citizen journalist, he was
livestreaming a Facebook video from outside a courthouse. Inside that
building, several defendants were on trial for allegedly being part of a
so-called "grooming gang" -- a group of men, almost all Muslim, who
systematically rape non-Muslim children, in some cases hundreds of them,
over a period of years or decades. Some ten thousand Facebook viewers
around the world witnessed Robinson's arrest live.
The police promptly dragged Robinson in front of a judge, where, without
having access to his own lawyer, he was summarily tried and sentenced
to 13 months behind bars. He was then transported to Hull Prison.
Meanwhile, the judge who sentenced him also ordered the British media
not to report on his case. Newspapers that had already posted reports of
his arrest quickly took them down. Even ordinary citizens who had
written about the arrest on social media removed their posts, for fear
of sharing Robinson's fate. All this happened on the same day.
A kangaroo court, then a gag order. In the United Kingdom, rapists enjoy
the right to a full and fair trial, the right to the legal
representation of their choice, the right to have sufficient time to
prepare their cases, and the right to go home on bail between sessions
of their trial. No such rights were offered, however, to Tommy Robinson.
The swiftness with which injustice was meted out to Robinson is
stunning. No, more than that: it is terrifying. On various occasions
over the years, I have been subjected in person to an immediate threat
of Islamic violence: I have had a knife pulled on me by a young gang
member, and been encircled by a crowd of belligerent men in djellabas
outside a radical mosque. But that was not frightening. This is
frightening -- this utter violation of fundamental British freedoms.
From one perspective, to be sure, Robinson's lightning-fast arrest,
trial, and jailing should not have come as a surprise. "There has been a
campaign to 'get Tommy' -- or what looks remarkably like it -- for some
time," a source in the UK told me Saturday morning.
The apparent justification for Robinson's arrest is that he was on a
suspended sentence. In May of last year, he was taken into custody while
reporting from outside a courthouse in Kent, where another group of
Muslim defendants was being tried, also on "grooming" charges. That
arrest was also unjustified. At least, however, Robinson was given a
suspended sentence. This time, presumably, it was determined that the
mere act of reporting yet again from outside another courthouse amounted
to a violation of the terms of his suspended sentence.
27 May, 2018
Racist name of Dam Busters dog will not be censored in 75th anniversary screenings
The racist name of a dog in The Dam Busters will not be censored in new
screenings of the 1955 film, which has been restored to mark the 75th
anniversary of the mission it depicts.
The classic British movie features a black Labrador called N****r, a
mascot of the RAF 617 squadron, whose pilots dropped Barnes Wallis’s
“bouncing bomb” on German dams during the Second World War.
The dog’s name led the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) to
toughen the film’s rating from U to PG last month ahead of screenings in
400 cinemas across the country.
The regulator said the stricter classification was intended to “send a
clearer warning to parents that the film contains discriminatory
language of a nature that will be offensive to many”.
The name has previously been censored for TV broadcasts, while some
American versions have used dubbing to edit the dog’s name to Trigger.
There are also plans to rename the labrador in Peter Jackson’s long-awaited remake.
But StudioCanal, the distributor of Michael Anderson’s 1955 original,
confirmed it would play unedited at the anniversary screenings.
“While we acknowledge some of the language used in The Dam Busters
reflects historical attitudes which audiences may find offensive, for
reasons of historical accuracy we have opted to present the film as it
was originally screened,” it said in a statement.
The dog, RAF wing commander Guy Gibson’s pet, features regularly in the
film. His name, taken from Gibson’s real-life labrador, becomes a plot
device when it is is adopted by the squadron as a codeword for a key
bombing target.
Stephen Fry, who has written the screenplay for Jackson’s remake, said
in 2011 that the dog would be renamed in his script. He told the BBC
there was “no question in America that you could ever have a dog called
the N-word”.
He added: “It’s no good saying that it is the Latin word for black or
that it didn’t have the meaning that it does now – you just can’t go
back, which is unfortunate.
“In the film, you’re constantly hearing ‘N-word, N-word, N-word, hurray’
and Barnes Wallis is punching the air. But obviously that’s not going
to happen now. So Digger seems OK, I reckon.”
Tourists in "racist" KFC clash
I think I know what went on here. In my experience, blacks in
restaurants DO tend to speak loudly and inconsiderately by Northern
European standards. It's an exuberant culture -- whereas in Northern
Europe it is a major value not to bother or intrude on other
people. Germans are not used to tolerating black culture
KFC is involved in a scandal after police in Berlin were called on a
group of British tourists in one of their restaurants “for being black
and talking too loudly”.
The group said they were told to leave for being too loud — but they
claim they were doing nothing wrong and were targeted because of their
skin colour.
Staff at the KFC branch said the tourists had been throwing food and
insulting staff members, leaving the manager no choice but to “protect
staff and guests”.
Kellon Pierre, 38, who was part of the group, said they weren’t throwing food and that the allegation was a “huge lie”.
He also accused the police who arrived at the scene of “gross over-reaction”.
Five police cars arrived at the restaurant in Berlin during the incident on Monday.
German police flatly denied any accusations of racism.
In the video, officers who arrived at the scene can be seen trying to
reason with the group and eventually escorting them out of the
They can be heard telling the group in English to “go out right now”.
Throughout the video the officers tell the woman filming to put down the
camera but she refuses, saying she has a right to film for her own
German police said they were planning to press charges for being filmed without their consent.
As she leaves, the woman filming tells diners in the restaurant that they are being kicked out “because we’re black”.
Pierre told Die Welt: “We were the only black people in the restaurant
and we were the only ones asked to be quieter, even though other people
laughed too.”
Outside the restaurant, an officer says: “You wait here. Nobody goes home. I want a passport off everybody.”
25 May, 2018
Judge Rules Trump Blocking People On Twitter Violates Free Speech
LOL. This is the laugh of the day: Liberals WANTING to hear
from Mr Trump. The normal Leftist response to conservative speech
is to block their ears!
In an unprecedented move, a federal judge has officially ruled to prevent Trump from blocking users on Twitter.
No, this is not a story from The Onion. This is a real life judge who
suddenly thinks its okay to make decisions about who Trump can interact
with on social media.
Even though President Trump and family get DEATH THREATS on a daily basis, Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald doesn’t seem to care.
Here’s the report from The Hill:
A federal district court judge on Wednesday ruled that President Trump
can’t block people from viewing his Twitter feed over their political
Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald, of the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of New York, said President Trump’s Twitter account is a public
forum and blocking people who reply to his tweets with differing
opinions constitutes viewpoint discrimination, which violates the First
The court’s ruling is a major win for the Knight Foundation, which
brought the lawsuit on behalf of seven people who were blocked from the
@realDonaldTrump account because of opinions they expressed in reply
How Google Put Pro-Lifers at Disadvantage in Ireland’s Upcoming Referendum
Ireland is currently engaged in a contentious fight over the right to
life of the unborn—and it’s hardly being fought on an even playing
Ireland is set to vote Friday on a measure that would either remove or
retain the eighth amendment to its constitution, which recognizes the
right to life of the unborn and thus bans all abortions except those to
save the life of the mother.
Pro-life Irelanders have faced a wall of opposition. First, there is the
media, which is largely pro-choice and has covered the debate from a
decidedly pro-choice angle. That’s hardly surprising given that
Ireland’s National Union of Journalists is itself openly pro-choice.
Perhaps more stunningly, every major political party in the country has
come out in favor of removing the right to life of the unborn from
Ireland’s constitution. In addition, multiple pro-choice organizations
were found to have illegally accepted substantial funding from George
Soros’ Open Society Foundations to promote the liberalization of
Ireland’s abortion laws.
So it was against an overwhelmingly pro-choice backdrop that the
pro-life No campaign opted to make its case online. There, it assumed it
could make its case without it being twisted by the media.
But recent events prove that optimism was misplaced. On May 8, the No
campaign placed a substantial online ad buy with Google. Less than 24
hours later, Google announced that it was “suspending” all
advertisements related to the referendum within Ireland until the
referendum was complete, effectively locking both campaigns out of
advertising on their platforms, including YouTube.
By this time, the Yes side had already lobbied online for weeks.
Google explained to the press that it had concerns about the electoral
integrity of the referendum. Google has since failed to comment, either
publicly or privately, as to what those concerns are or if they are
suggesting our referendum process has somehow been compromised.
Interestingly, the No campaign received a text from Google informing it
of the ban just six minutes before it was publicly announced, but the
Yes campaign’s press release—which welcomed the ban—was dated from the
day before, meaning it received much more advance warning.
Facebook had previously announced a ban on foreign advertisements during
the referendum period, which both campaigns welcomed as proportional
and reasonable.
Google said its ban was “fair” because it banned all campaigns equally,
but the fact is that the No campaign was more effective at using online
methods to reach voters. The Yes campaign has openly admitted that.
Google shut down its platform to all campaigns despite knowing it would
disproportionately harm the No campaign. Google had access to all the
analytics from the advertisements on both sides. It knew exactly where
each side would devote its resources and that the No side was stronger
To put all this into an American perspective, this is basically as if
Google, two weeks from the midterm elections, decided it was going to
ban all election ads after having been lobbied furiously to do so by one
of the parties because that party suddenly realized it was losing the
digital fight; announced it was doing so because it had concerns the
mid-terms might be compromised; and then refused to answer any questions
when people rightfully asked, “What do you mean our elections are
Google apparently believes electoral integrity is important enough to
raise a general concern about, but not important enough to actually
specify its concerns.
The Google decision is particularly worrying when you consider the
broader implications of it. Google dominates online advertising and so
has a significant ability to shape public awareness and opinion. So far,
it’s been hesitant to use that ability to its own ends in this debate.
But if Google is now willing to constrain political speech, knowing it
could potentially change the outcome of a referendum, questions must be
asked as to how far Google will go.
24 May, 2018
Professor Gets Cut After 30 Years for Singing Pharrell Williams Song
An adjunct professor at Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU)
appears to have lost his job of 30-plus years after students reported
him to the administration after he sung a Pharrell Williams song in
Eric Triffin has since 1986 served as an adjunct at SCSU, where he’s
taught dozens of public health classes to thousands of students without
complaint. The campus newspaper called him an “Unsung Hero” in 2015, and
students call him “kind hearted” and “lively.”
He’s known for his upbeat personality, and usually begins class by
asking a student to pick and play a song. Oftentimes, Triffin sings
along. This hadn’t been a problem for years, until one student picked
“Best Friend” by Pharrell Williams this past February.
But that song features a line noting “I’m a happy n-----,” and Triffin,
as usual, sung along. Immediately, a student called him out for using a
racial slur. By the next day, the Black Student Union released a video
demanding “nonviolent action and mediation.”
“Students of color should not be subjected to faculty and staff using
racial slurs,” said Black Student Union president Eric Clinton in the
video. “To the administration, please do not excuse the actions taken by
professor Eric Triffin.”
The incident picked up so much steam that the school’s president, Joe
Bertolino, emailed the entire campus to announce the school was
"investigating the matter fully and will take appropriate action as a
result of the findings."
SCSU immediately placed Triffin on suspension. He continues to be barred from class.
Miss USA pageant commentator star Carson Kressley has come under fire
for comparing the event to a novel about a woman forced to choose
between her son or daughter's life in Auschwitz
Sarah Rose Summers from Nebraska beat 50 other women to win the crown at this year's Miss USA competition.
As the contest was narrowed down to the final competitors, the former
Queer Eye host said: 'It's like "Sophie's Choice!" They're all so good.
But I think I can make some choices.'
Kressley then reeled off a list of the various states whose pageant
winners were in the final to supermodel Lu Sierra, who was hosting the
coverage, from Shreveport, Louisiana, with him and she swiftly moved the
conversation on.
One Twitter user pointed out: 'Miss USA pageant commentator just said
choosing between the 15 finalists was like 'Sophie's choice.'
'Just as a reminder, "Sophie's Choice" is a movie about a woman who was
forced to choose which of her two children to save and which was sent to
the Auschwitz gas chamber.'
23 May, 2018
I Wrote a Post Critical of Twitter's New Rules-GUESS WHAT HAPPENED NEXT
In case you missed it, I wrote a post yesterday about Twitter's new
behavior rules and the fact that they never really tell anyone they
suspend which rules are being broken. As I usually do, I hit Twitter to
promote it, this time adding what I thought was a tongue-in-cheek
I tweeted my usual late-night blend of ridiculous content uneventfully
until I went to bed. When I tried to tweet this morning, I was locked
out of my account. They do that when someone tries to hack you and it's
happened to me several times before so I wasn't too worried. I knew the
procedure, and went through it to regain access.
That's when things got weird.
Despite having used two separate verification codes texted to me by
Twitter -- one to change my password and one to log back on after -- I
was told that there was a technical problem. It was odd, but not
disturbing. This went on for several minutes.
Once I was finally back in, however, I found that I was unable to tweet.
If I tried from the Twitter web page I got a message saying "Something
went wrong." There were two different messages on Tweetdeck though. If I
attempted to retweet the error message said "Unknown Error" and if I
tried to tweet I got this:
My tweeting habits and content haven't changed in the decade I've been
using the platform. I did do a purge of people who aren't following me
back last night, but I've been doing that regularly since late 2008.
It's regular Twitter maintenance.
The only real new behavior variable is the post I wrote criticizing Twitter's application of the rules.
Twitter does have some cover here because they haven't really suspended
me. My account is still up, I just can't do anything with it and anyone
checking gets a message informing them that it is restricted.
Many of you are probably thinking, "So what, who cares about Twitter?"
I'm not on Twitter because I need online friends, I'm there because it
has essentially become my publicist in the last decade. It is a business
thing for me. When I'm setting up meetings and gigs I am invariably
asked (within the first minute or so) about how many Twitter followers I
have. If I am unable to use my Twitter account, it negatively impacts
my work both directly and indirectly.
If you are a conservative who doesn't even like Twitter, you should
still be concerned. The point of my post yesterday was that the rules
are vague and it appears that only conservatives have to play by them.
For those unfamiliar with my Twitter presence, let me just say that I am
occasionally not nice. OK -- often not nice. However, it's been that
way for nine and a half years and almost 200K tweets.
It might be sheer coincidence that the first real problem Twitter has
ever had with my account came just after I wrote the critical post, but I
don't believe in coincidence.
Aaron Schlossberg, a New York-based lawyer, became Internet famous on
Wednesday for the worst of reasons: a racist rant that went viral
Schlossberg was captured on a smartphone video yelling at employees in
the restaurant Fresh Kitchen in midtown Manhattan. His complaint was
that the workers were speaking Spanish to customers. ‘And my guess is
they’re not documented,’ Schlossberg said to an employee, who appeared
to be a manager. ‘So my next call is to ICE to have each one of them
kicked out of my country.'”
Was he high?
22 May, 2018
Gap tries to appease Chinese regime over t-shirt map that omits other countries
The clothing retailer Gap has apologized to China for not recognizing
its territorial claims on a T-shirt featuring a map of China sold in
North America, The Washington Post reported.
The shirt featured a map of China that leaves out the self-governing
nation of Taiwan and also a region China calls ‘Southern Tibet,’ in the
region bordering India. …
The company also said it would work to avoid such mistakes [sic] in the future by strengthening its review of products.”
China demands that its myths be respected
Google now deindexing some web pages based on FDA’s administrative agency findings
This would be OK if there were no dud agencies but government bodies often get things wrong
“It takes a lot to get Google to deindex a page, and thus hide it from
searchers (at least from U.S.-based searchers). Unlike with YouTube,
where Google exercises considerable editorial discretion, Google Search
is generally aimed at indexing the Web, good and bad.
Until recently, there have been only a few categories of content that
Google would deindex based on someone’s request (setting aside Google
deindexing things itself based on a perception that someone is gaming
its search algorithms, or that some site contains malware, and focusing
just on Google search within the U.S.):
1. Legal obligation (mostly copyright ….
2. Confidential personally identifying information ….
3. Court orders addressed to third parties (chiefly in libel cases) ….
It has just emerged, though, that Google has decided to deindex based on a fourth category:
4. Administrative agency findings that sites illegally distribute material that risks physical harm to consumers:
Right now, this category appears to include just warning letters from
the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations, generally sent to off-shore
online pharmacies that illegally sell prescription drugs to the U.S. A
Google representative told me that this is supposed to be a narrow
policy, limited to fact findings by "administrative agencies that are
charged with protecting consumers' physical safety from harm by products
or services that they consume.
21 May, 2018
UN Poses Danger to Free Speech, Parents’ Rights
A dangerous alliance between United Nations bureaucrats and LGBT
activists poses a new danger to free speech, free exercise of religion,
and parental rights—not just for Americans but for people around the
Under the leadership of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Ambassador
Nikki Haley, the Trump administration should strengthen protections of
the fundamental human rights of Americans that are guaranteed in the
U.S. Constitution and international treaties.
That would mark a significant break from the approach of the Obama
administration, which joined forces with a handful of Western nations,
the U.N. bureaucracy, and progressive activists to push policies based
on rapidly changing ideas about sexual orientation and gender identity.
They did so with zero authority: None of these concepts are contained in
any of the international treaties that the U.N. is authorized to
Now these policies are threatening to cost our rights—and the U.S. could
foot the bill. The U.S. is responsible for 22 percent of the United
Nations’ total budget and contributed $10 billion to the U.N. in 2016
One of the most egregious examples of bureaucratic overreach occurred in
the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Rather than focus on the U.N. General Assembly’s mandate to “promote and
protect” the effective enjoyment of fundamental human rights that are
in the texts of treaties, this U.N. office launched the Free and Equal
This highly visible and well-funded global campaign aims to socialize
same-sex marriage, criminalize so-called “hate speech,” and normalize
transgender ideology, even though these terms are not in the text of any
U.N. treaties.
This campaign is not only a massive overreach by U.N. bureaucracy, but
it threatens to silence public debate on controversial topics like
marriage and sexuality throughout the world.
Unfortunately, this campaign is just the beginning. Charles Radcliffe,
Free and Equal’s founding director, has stated that a dozen U.N.
agencies have made public commitments to advance sexual orientation and
gender identity policies in individual member states and that more than
100 countries have implemented changes in their domestic laws in
response to U.N. sexual orientation and gender identity recommendations.
Glen Cove’s Proposed Code Of Conduct Sparks Debate Over Facebook & Free Speech
GLEN COVE, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) – Lawmakers on Long Island are getting
ready to vote on a controversial proposal, which involves whether the
local government can dictate what its workers share on social media.
As CBS2’s Carolyn Gusoff reported, freedom of expression has never been
freer than it is online, but what you post can pose a problem in the
Following the lead of private companies, Glen Cove is about to launch
its own Facebook page. But first, the mayor is drafting a code of
conduct that would restrict publicly posted comments from city workers.
“We don’t want them to put things up there that aren’t correct, that are
inaccurate in some way, that will mislead the public,” Mayor Timothy
Tenke said.
Nothing would be allowed that might “negatively affect the public
perception of the city, office of the mayor or individual departments.”
But that has some city council members concerned about free speech.
“We want to ensure that employees have their first amendment rights and
do not feel that’s being trampled on,” City Councilman Joseph Capobianco
Capobianco argues municipalities are different from private companies
and employees, as citizens, have the right to comment on their
“I think there should be no restrictions on their ability to comment on the job we are doing,” he said.
20 May, 2018
Transgender Social Media Star Slammed for Appropriating Black Culture with Pink Wig
A popular transgender social media beauty expert is being accused of appropriating black culture by wearing a pink wig.
Nikita Dragun, popular for her stylish sexual appropriation of the
female gender, is a social media star with 2.3 million Instagram
followers and 1.2 million YouTube subscribers.
But, when he posed wearing a pink wig in an Instagram photo, Dragun
sparked allegations of cultural appropriation, “Allure” magazine
“Her latest Instagram photo is recalling those allegations of racial
insensitivity after the wig Dragun is wearing prompted some commenters
to accuse her of cultural appropriation.
“In the photo, Dragun is seen posing in Harajuku, wearing a wig in a
cotton-candy-pink shade — an appropriate aesthetic choice since she's
holding a huge cloud of candyfloss. What's not appropriate, some
commenters are saying, is the style of the wig: long twists that many
viewers felt too closely resembled locs [dreadlocks].”
Dragun has self-identified as being of Mexican-Asian descent.
“Allure” notes that the transgender icon has been accused of similar transgressions against black culture in the past:
“Some commenters spoke up when she posted a photo wearing a look that
resembled cornrows; she also sparked arguments in the comments when she
posted a photo of herself wearing a multicolored wig that many insisted
are locs and, thus, appropriation.”
Seaside bakery is blasted over 'political correctness' for selling Gingerbread People rather than traditional Gingerbread Men
A bakery has sparked a debate on political correctness after re-branding its Gingerbread men 'Gingerbread people'.
The owners of High Street bakers JL Bean in the seaside town of
Cleveleys near Blackpool decided to make their biscuits gender neutral
last year.
But the decision has recently caused a backlash, with some customers claiming it is political correctness gone mad.
Jeff Dugdale was astonished when his wife told him about the new rule at
the bakers, which was founded in 1933 and is the oldest in the town.
He told the Blackpool Gazette: 'Seemingly now you have to call
gingerbread men 'gingerbread persons' when ordering. 'As far as I can
see there is no law in place for this type of PC nonsense.'
His wife asked for a gingerbread man she was told it 'wasn't a
gingerbread man' but a 'gingerbread person' and 'that was how they had
to be advertised'.
Over 100 regular customers then took to social media to complain.
Bakery boss Paul Lewis told the newspaper: 'My wife just put this little
'gingerbread persons' label on them as a whim, and that was last year.
'It was never anything to do with political correctness and we've not really had any comeback until now.
'I noticed the comments on Facebook and most of them were quite jokey
but I was surprised at how seriously some of the people were taking
things. I think maybe there's been a bit of a misunderstanding.'
Wife Charmaine Lewis added: 'It was nothing meant by it. It was tongue in cheek.
18 May, 2018
Does it dehumanize middle-aged white men to refer to them as "Gammon"?
Middle aged white men tend to go pink in complexion as they
age. Some English Leftists refer to such people as "Gammon"
because Gammon (roasted ham) is also pink. With age, most people
move to the Right so it is also a political comment
Gammon is now being used to mock right-wing males over their supposed red faces and 'fleshy' builds
Labour supporters have been accused of mocking right-wing males by likening the colour of the meat to their supposed red-faces.
A social media user first used the term during BBC's Question Time
debates on Brexit in 2016. He said he had grown tired because the "Great
Wall of Gammon" have had their way long enough.
His tweet read: "Whatever happens, hopefully politicians will start
listening to young ppl after this. "This Great Wall of gammon has had
its way long enough."
The following year, social media users continued to share pictures of
men who appeared red faced, all middle-aged, white and male, with the
phrase "Great Wall of Gammon".
Matt Zarb-Cousin, Jeremy Corbyn's former spokesman also used the term to
describe a man who was protecting Jacob Rees-Mogg, and had become red
faced after protesters interrupted his speech.
Mr Zarb-Cousin said on Twitter: "So the full video of the Jacob
Rees-Mogg incident shows a middle aged gammon in a white shirt violently
attacking protesters as they start to leave after a non-violent
Is the insult racist?
Tweeters replying to Mr Zarb-Cousin's tweet reignited the row over the weekend.
Joining the furore, Northern Irish MP Emma Little-Pengelly said the term
is racist because it singles out people with a certain "skin colour".
She said: "I'm appalled by the term 'gammon' now frequently entering the
lexicon of so many (mainly on the left) & seemingly be accepted.
"This is a term based on skin colour & age - stereotyping by colour
or age is wrong no matter what race, age or community. It is just
Georgia Passes limited Campus Free-Speech Law
By Stanley Kurtz
On May 8, Georgia governor Nathan Deal signed into law a bill (SB 339)
providing important protections for campus free speech at public
universities in his state. The bill, skillfully moved through the
legislature by its sponsor, Senator William Ligon, is based on model
campus free-speech legislation published by Arizona’s Goldwater
Institute. (I co-authored that model, along with Jim Manley and Jonathan
On the one hand, Georgia’s Campus Free Speech Act is a very important
step forward. On the other hand, Georgia’s public universities worked
overtime to remove some critical protections from the bill. That means
we’re likely to see another round of legislative jousting over campus
free speech in Georgia next year.
Let’s first count up the positives.
Georgia’s new campus free speech law discourages speaker disinvitations
by guaranteeing that public universities are open to any speaker whom a
student group or members of the faculty have invited. The law also
instructs the Board of Regents to establish a range of sanctions for
speaker shout-downs. The new law then sets up an annual oversight system
under control of the Board of Regents (and therefore independent of the
university administration) to ensure that administrative discipline for
shout-downs, and for other violations of free expression, is properly
carried out. The new law also instructs the Board of Regents to assess
administrative successes or failures at maintaining a posture of
institutional neutrality on matters of public controversy. The Regents
are also instructed to suggest remedies for any failings on this point.
The annual oversight report on the administrative handling of free
speech, discipline for shout-downs, and institutional neutrality, is to
be submitted to the governor, the legislature, and the public. A bad
report would give legislators reason to reconsider the universities’
annual appropriation. A report that whitewashed genuine problems would
subject the Board of Regents and those responsible for appointing them
to public criticism.
Despite these important advances, Georgia’s public universities managed
to strip SB 339 of provisions that would have decisively banned
so-called free-speech zones. Georgia’s public universities have a
disturbing history of suppressing speech by restricting it to tiny
“zones.” It is shameful that Georgia would pass a campus free-speech law
that fails to definitively outlaw these zones.
This is especially so since Attorney General Sessions made news last
fall by singling out the use of free-speech zones to prevent an
Evangelical Christian student at Georgia Gwinnett from speaking to
fellow students about his faith. The Justice Department has filed a
“statement of interest” in that case. And I’ve written about the
particular hostility shown by administrators at Georgia’s public
colleges toward Christian speech.
SB 339 does contain some limited provisions that may make it more
difficult for universities to construct such zones, but that outcome is
highly ambiguous and far from assured. There is no doubt that Georgia
still needs to act decisively to outlaw campus free-speech zones.
17 May, 2018
Australia: Hardline feminist Clementine Ford's Lifeline speech is
CANCELLED after thousands demanded the charity remove her as keynote
speaker for tweeting 'all men must die'
Clemmie is a troubled soul. On her own admission she had a
mental health crisis recently. Definitely not someone to be advising
Suicide prevention group Lifeline has cancelled an event featuring
hardline feminist Clementine Ford after a petition against her
appearance attracted almost 14,000 signatures.
A change.org petition, set up last month, argued her previous tweets
saying 'kill all men' and 'all men must die' made her unsuitable to
address the 'Recognise, Respond, Refer' event in Melbourne on May 29.
A Lifeline spokesman Alan Woodward said the event, which was to be
moderated by former Ten newsreader and Australian #MeToo campaigner
Tracey Spicer, was cancelled because they regarded it as 'divisive'.
'The decision was made following feedback we had received and our
assessment the event had drawn strong views,' he told Daily Mail
Australia on Tuesday morning. 'We felt we couldn't proceed in the spirit
of open discussion as intended.'
One woman questioned how Lifeline could give her a platform, considering
many men with mental health problems relied on the service.
'It's hard enough for men to call a helpline to talk about how they are
feeling,' she said on the Facebook page of former Labor leader Mark
Latham. 'Now I feel men may not utilise this important lifeline for
Don't Mention Jesus or Bible, University Tells Graduation Speaker
A nursing graduate at Colorado Mesa University was told she could not
mention Jesus or read a Bible verse during remarks she was supposed to
deliver at a pinning ceremony.
The university made it clear that references to Jesus would not be
tolerated. But it reconsidered after being threatened with a lawsuit by
Alliance Defending Freedom.
Karissa Erickson was one of two students selected from the nursing class
to deliver remarks at the ceremony. She was instructed to turn in her
remarks before the event for an administrative review.
She concluded her remarks with these words:
“God has always has a purpose. I find comfort in Jesus’s words, and I
pass them on to you. John 16:33: ‘These things I have spoken to you,
that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but
take courage, I have overcome the world.’”
Ms. Erickson was told by three university officials that they would have
to “look into whether it was okay or not to mention religion.”
Two days later, she was instructed in an email to “take out the last
section where you start (sic) that you find comfort in Jesus’ words and
cite a Bible verse.”
“Speeches should be free of any one religious slant,” one university
official told her. “We just have to be professional and careful in a
public ceremony as some people don’t appreciate those references.”
Ms. Erickson was also told the university did not allow Bible verses or
remarks about any specific religion because “someone might get
offended,” Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Travis Barham wrote in a
letter to the university.
“She (the university official) made it clear that Miss Erickson had to
remove references to Jesus and the Bible verse from her speech or ‘there
will be repercussions. This program will not tolerate it,’” Barham
Barham said the university has a fundamental misunderstanding of the First Amendment.
“America’s Founding Fathers regularly opened public ceremonies with
prayer, and federal appeals courts have consistently ruled that
universities can do the same at their graduation ceremonies,” Barham
said in a prepared statement.
Colorado Mesa University came very close to what would have been a very costly and embarrassing legal battle.
“We applaud the university for quickly recognizing that the First
Amendment protects a graduating student’s right to mention her faith in
her own speech and has never required universities to purge ceremonies
of all things religious,” Barham said
16 May, 2018
Australia: It’s racist for white people to lodge complaints…
By Bernard Gaynor
About: "Offending White Men: Racial Vilification, Misrecognition and Epistemic Injustice" by Louise Richardson-Self"
It ended with these words:
"As such, members of the culturally dominant group must commit to
engaging with resistant imaginings with a critical openness to the other
and their testimony, and they must develop their capacities as
listeners and a propensity to epistemically esteem the other in
recognition of their alterity, if we are to prevent such injustices in
the future."
If you don’t understand any of that, don’t worry. I don’t really either. But let me attempt to unpack it for you anyway.
As far as I can tell, according to Louise Richardson-Self, a lecturer in
philosophy and gender studies at the University of Tasmania, I am a
racist because I lodged a complaint with the Australian Human Rights
Commission regarding Linda Burney’s statement that opponents to 18c of
the Racial Discrimination Act were ‘white men’.
One way of arriving at that conclusion was reading the abstract of her
latest work, Offending White Men: Racial Vilification, Misrecognition
and Epistemic Injustice:
"In this article I analyse two complaints of white vilification, which
are increasingly occurring in Australia. I argue that, though the
complainants (and white people generally) are not harmed by such
racialized speech, the complainants in fact harm Australians of colour
through these utterances. These complaints can both cause and constitute
at least two forms of epistemic injustice (willful hermeneutical
ignorance, and comparative credibility excess). Further, I argue that
the complaints are grounded in a dual misrecognition: the complainants
misrecognize themselves in their own privileged racial specificity, and
they misrecognize others in their own marginal racial specificity. Such
misrecognition preserves the cultural imperialism of Australia’s
dominant social imaginary—a means of oppression that perpetuates
epistemic insensitivity."
The second and perhaps easiest way to get there was the fact that my
name is mentioned 21 times in the 25 misery-filled pages of feminist woe
that make up this little ‘study’.
Louise also made a few other comments that caught my eye.
"For instance, in the very first sentences of her work she implied that
the Racial Discrimination Act is flawed because it permits a person of
any race to lodge a complaint. No doubt, that’s evidence of some kind of
‘imaginary’ yet all-too-real white privilege and, after all, she did go
on to note that white people are lodging complaints because of the
‘ostensibly’ neutral language of the Act."
And she does have a point: what’s the bloody point of a Racial Discrimination Act if white people can complain?
Fortunately, the courts have interpreted the Act in such a way that
labelling somebody a white so-and-so is not deemed to be racist because
the majority of Australians are white.
That makes sense in a totally progressive way. It also explains, by the
way, why the Australian Human Rights Commission did nothing with my
complaint against Burney.
It is perfectly fine to claim that the only people who want to get rid
of this Act are white but it is decidedly risky to make an assessment
about the race of those who want to keep it.
And it’s also racist to ‘celebrate’ Australia Day, but it is hunky dory
to get up on a stage on ‘Invasion Day’ and claim that white Australians
are responsible for land theft, child stealing, state-sanctioned murder
and that the nation as we know it should be burnt to the ground.
And the reason for this is simple: according to Louise, holding the view
that all should be treated equally before the law is nothing more than
white privilege and fails to understand that such concepts constitute
‘cultural imperialism’.
Louise even went out of her way to make this clear, stating:
Here I am assuming that the complainants genuinely believe that ‘white
vilification’ and non-white vilification are qualitatively equivalent.
I’ll take her assumption away. Racism against a white person is exactly the same as racism against any other person.
Louise obviously disagrees and, instead, yearns for a world where people
are treated differently as a result of their skin colour.
There is a word for that worldview. Unfortunately, it has lost all
meaning today because it’s been completely high-jacked by feminist
loonies intent on cultural suicide…
Twitter Censors Chevron Play
An email from Phelim McAleer
We are facing a backlash - just because we want to tell the truth.
Twitter is now trying to stop us from spreading the news about my new
play. Yesterday my wife Ann, who is a producer on the The $18-Billion
Prize, created a Twitter Moment to try and bring attention to the show.
But Twitter intervened and made sure no one could retweet the tweet, in
fact they couldn't even view Ann's tweet because according to Twitter it
contained "potentially sensitive content".
Yup - that's right - a play that is almost exclusively relying on court
transcripts is not safe for sensitive eyes. They really do not want the
truth out there.
This is disgraceful but unfortunately it's not surprising. Twitter and
the left just don't want the truth to be known. The $18-Billion Prize
has faced opposition from the moment I decided to bring it to San
Francisco. No one would rent us a theater and not one publicist or
lighting designer in the whole city would work with us. They want to
shut down the truth but I'm not going to let them.
The show will go on. We are going to have our preview on Friday night
and our grand opening on Saturday but we need your help to ensure this
happens. Please go www.ChevronPlay.com and buy a ticket and if you can't
make it to San Francisco give a donation - you can buy a poster or a
script. Anything you give will be used to ensure the truth about how the
world's biggest fraud was carried out by "environmentalists" and how
the mainstream media supported them in their deception.
The mainstream media are trying to ignore the play - we haven't had one
request for an interview even though they promoted the fraud all along.
Now that I'm exposing the fraud they all want to look the other way. So
let's make sure the coverup stops here. Please go to www.ChevronPlay.com
and make sure the truth can get on stage in San Francisco.
Phelim McAleer
15 May, 2018
Psychologists: ‘There is no alternative to free speech’
Colleges and universities across the country are struggling with the
question of who decides what is acceptable speech on campus. When does a
controversial topic become hate speech? When should it be allowed as
free speech?
Two Cornell researchers say psychological science’s extensive study of
bias offers an important lens through which to view these conflicts, as
we strive to understand and reduce them.
There is no alternative to free speech, say co-authors Stephen Ceci and
Wendy Williams in “Who Decides What Is Acceptable Speech on Campus? Why
Restricting Free Speech Is Not the Answer.” Their analysis appeared May 2
in Perspectives in Psychological Science as the lead article in the
“There is no alternative to free speech, because every controversial
topic has a substantial group of people who view it as hate speech,”
said Ceci, the Helen L. Carr Professor of Developmental Psychology. “If
we define unacceptable speech in terms of topics students say should be
banned because they make them feel marginalized or uncomfortable, then
we remove all controversial topics from consideration.”
Added Williams, professor of human development: “Feeling discomfort and
angst at hearing words is not a legal reason to shut down other people’s
rights to say those things.”
Since the 1950s, psychological science has demonstrated that many types
of bias can prevent opposing sides from accepting the validity of each
other’s arguments, the authors say.
Selective perception makes opponents on an issue literally see things
differently. In 1954, researchers showed a film of a 1951 football game –
Princeton versus Dartmouth, well-known for its competitive, rough play –
to two groups: one of Princeton fans and the other of Dartmouth
boosters. Each team’s supporters saw the majority of flagrant violations
as having been committed by opposing players.
For people with selective bias, “it’s not just that they interpret their
perceptions differently; they actually see different things,” Ceci
In “myside” bias, people look for evidence that supports their opinions
and ignore or downgrade evidence that contradicts them. “Blind-spot bias
comes from deep identification with a cause. We believe we are
especially enlightened, while our opponents’ affiliation with the
opposite side leads them to be biased,” Ceci said. Similarly, naïve
realism makes people feel their views are grounded in reality but their
opponents’ are not.
These and many other biases explain why a sizable percentage of students
favor banning nearly every controversial topic, the authors said.
NZ: Auckland politician Derek Battersby apologises to fellow board members

His comments on Asian drivers, women and police shootings were widely
condemned by politicians and political commentators. A Stuff poll
showed nearly two thirds of the public thought he should resign.
Battersby apologised shortly after the posts came to light, and he later
sent a formal apology to his fellow politicians that has now come to
Whau Local Board member David Whitley said Battersby's apology was
enough as it humbled Battersby by turning around and saying he had made a
"He can be a grumpy old man."
Whitley said Battersby had made a lot of effort in the community and it
was a bit over the top for someone who has done so much.
Whau Local Board member Catherine Farmer said Battersby's apology only
came about because he was forced to recognise his own behaviour.
"Until then he believed his behaviour and words were completely acceptable which they weren't."
14 May, 2018
Laurier free speech advocate Lindsay Shepherd honoured in Ottawa
When graduate student Lindsay Shepherd stood up to her professors at Sir
Wilfrid Laurier University last fall, she didn’t know she would become
the focus of the fiery debate over free speech on campus.
She never expected she would end up being ostracized by her peers or
that when she travelled to another university for a conference, the
student union there would feel compelled to open a “healing space” for
those upset by her presence.
“On the one hand, you had the general public who were completely
supportive of my position and its implications, and then there were my
fellow grad students … who all of a sudden thought I was a transphobic,
white supremacist Nazi and completely flipped,” Shepherd told a
gathering in Ottawa on Saturday as she accepted the 2018 Harry Weldon
Canadian Values Award from the public policy group POGG Canada.
Shepherd was hauled before a discipline committee at Laurier last
October after she chose for a seminar on grammar to use a video of
controversial University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson being
interviewed on TVO’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin. Shepherd, who
recorded the discipline hearing and later shared it with the media, won
an apology from the university for her treatment.
Since then, Shepherd has been targeted by leftist activists and Antifa
protesters. Downtown Waterloo was plastered with stickers urging the
university to “(expletive) expel Lindsay Shepherd already.”
The experience has hardened Shepherd, who said she used to lean to the
left politically but is now frightened by the left and “political
“This is the culture and times that we’re living in,” she said. “It’s a
culture of victimhood. It’s a culture, really, of losers.”
The remark drew cheers from the audience, which was overwhelmingly white
and older. One man sported a red “Trump is my President” T-shirt and a
“Make Canada Great Again” cap.
The talk also featured University of Ottawa professor Janice Fiamengo,
whose planned lecture in March at the Ottawa Public Library was met by
protesters who blocked access to the library and eventually scuttled the
talk by pulling the fire alarm.
There were no protests at Saturday’s gathering, which was held in a meeting room at the Best Western Hotel on Carling Avenue.
Edgar Simpson, president of POGG Canada (It stands from Peace, Order and
Good Government), said it’s important that free speech advocates like
Shepherd be heard.
“We bring up the issues that are not being talked about,” Simpson said.
“Unfortunately, today, as soon as the politically correct side is
stated, that’s the end of the discussion.
“Well, we beg to differ.”
Lawsuit claims UM disciplinary code curbs free speech
A new free speech advocacy group, Speech First, has filed a federal
lawsuit against the University of Michigan, alleging the U of M's
disciplinary code is unconstitutional.
Specifically, the lawsuit claims the U of M's speech code and its bias
response system chills free speech and expression and violates the First
"We believe that the school maintains policies and has taken action that
have the purpose and effect of limiting speech that certain students
may find offensive," said Nicole Neily, president of Speech First.
"Terms like 'bullying', 'harassment' and 'bias-related misconduct' are
very vague so it's very difficult for students to know what they can be
in trouble for," said Neily.
The lawsuit says U of M defines harassment as "unwanted negative
attention perceived as intimidating, demeaning, or bothersome to an
According to the lawsuit, the U of M Bias Response Team, which receives
complaints of bias and is charged with investigating and possibly
punishing them, says bias "can be a hurtful action based on who someone
is as a person. The most important indication of bias is your own
The lawsuit said that because the U of M definition of bias is
highly subjective, "any student who offers an opinion that may be deemed
by another student to be 'hurtful' to his or her 'feelings' risks an
investigation from the university’s disciplinary apparatus and the
potential for punishment ranging from 'restorative justice' and
'individual education' to formal disciplinary action."
"They're not just going with what's objectively offensive. It's what
somebody perceives," said Neily. "So under that regime, the most
sensitive student effectively dictates the terms under which others may
Neily said even if a student isn't punished, just the prospect of an
investigation may deter some from expressing unpopular or controversial
13 May, 2018
Male Professor Faces Discipline for Telling a Female Professor a Joke
Jokes are very risky these days
Last month, a King’s College professor told a harmless joke on an
elevator during an International Studies Association conference — and
now, he’s facing disciplinary charges.
According to an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Professor
Richard Ned Lebow was on a crowded elevator when Simona Sharoni, a
professor of gender studies at Merrimack College, asked him what floor
he needed, and Lebow jokingly answered, “ladies’ lingerie.”
Seems harmless, right? At the very least, nothing to write home about,
right? Apparently not. Sharoni got so offended by the joke that she
filed a complaint with the International Studies Association. “I am
still trying to come to terms with the fact that we froze and didn’t
confront him,” she wrote in the complaint.
It gets worse: ISA actually determined that Lebow’s joke had violated the group’s code of conduct.
After finding out he was under investigation, Lebow attempted to resolve
the matter himself — adult-to-adult and bureaucracy-free — by writing
to Sharoni. He didn’t exactly apologize but he did insist that he
“certainly had no desire to insult women or to make you feel
uncomfortable,” adding that what he had said was simply a “standard gag
line” that he’d heard often when he was young in the 1950s.
Free Speech Or A Threat? Vermont Supreme Court Decision Highlights Continuing Tension
Last week, the court overturned the conviction of a man who put Ku Klux
Klan flyers on the Burlington homes of two women of color. The court
said the state didn’t prove the action met the threshold of ‘threatening
The decision highlights the on-going tension around protecting speech even when it's potentially threatening or hateful.
In 2015, two women found KKK flyers at their homes. None of their
neighbors had gotten them. The flyers show a robed Klansman,
holding a burning cross and the phrase “join the Klan and save our
Police arrested and charged William Schenk with two counts of disorderly
conduct. He pleaded guilty, but the supreme court later overturned his
In its decision, the court said prosecutors didn't prove that Schenk's
actions went far under Vermont's disorderly conduct statue to be threat.
Jared Carter, an assistant professor at Vermont Law School, said the
state had to prove that Schenk’s actions — leaving the flyers —
constituted an immediate threat to the two women.
“And that since the activities here were primarily speech — the delivery
of some fliers, heinous fliers but speech nonetheless — the state, as a
matter of fact, and a matter of law could not meet its burden of
proof,” Carter said.
11 May, 2018
“People are muzzled”: why Australia isn’t discussing unsustainable immigration
Many Australians are reluctant to publicly criticise our unsustainable
immigration intake due to fears they will be labelled a racist or white
supremacist, a new study has found.
The paper by The Australian Population Research Institute found
that 65% of participants think that those who publicly question mass
migration are seen as xenophobic. It seems debate is being suppressed as
a result, with freedom of speech falling by the wayside.
“What’s interesting is a large chunk of people want immigration reduced,” explains Catharine Betts, who wrote the report.
“But when asked do you feel uncomfortable talking about this, a lot of
them say they are. They’re worried people will get the wrong idea.
People are muzzled.”
The study also exposed an increasing chasm between how the political
elite and the general public conceptualise population policy. Though 54%
of those surveyed want an immigration cut and 74% think Australia is
full, only 4% of politicians publicly favour migration restrictions.
Sent to jail for a minority opinion
Authorities in western Germany arrested serial Holocaust denier Ursula
Haverbeck on Monday after the 89-year-old failed to show up at prison
last week to start her sentence.
"After the convict failed to report to the relevant penal institution
within the deadline, prosecutors in Verden on May 4, 2018 issued an
order to execute the sentence and have charged police with its
implementation," prosecutors said. Police found Haverbeck at her home on
Monday and transferred her to prison to begin her two-year term.
Haverbeck was sentenced for incitement by denying the mass murder of millions of Jews during the Nazi era in Germany.
Haverbeck, who German media often refers to as the "Nazi Grandma,"
has never spent time in prison despite several previous convictions for
denying the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were murdered by the
Nazis between 1941 and 1945.
She was supposed to start her prison sentence in the town of Bielefeld last Wednesday.
10 May, 2018
Must not praise marriage
The judge chairing the public inquiry into undercover police who had sex
with their activist targets has caused an outcry by saying that
officers were less likely to enter illicit relationships if they were
happily married.
Sir John Mitting’s “old-fashioned” views angered those who were duped
into relationships, marriage and even having children with police
officers who infiltrated the environmental and animal rights protest
movements. His comments, and wider unease over his handling of the
inquiry, are likely to lead to a boycott of proceedings by victims.
The inquiry has already cost more than £9 million but is not expected to
hear any evidence until next year. It was ordered in 2014 by Theresa
May as home secretary, but has been beset by delays.
People with disabilities are not disabled people -- go figure
AN ADELAIDE television host who offered to organise a charity event for
children with disabilities has been criticised for the language he used
in his Facebook post.
Andrew ‘Cosi’ Costello is the host of Channel 9’s South Aussie With Cosi travel show and is a former breakfast radio host.
He was a contestant on the 2008 season of The Biggest Loser and has won
several awards for his documentary reporting on homelessness.
On Monday, Costello posted a message to his 100,000 Facebook followers,
offering parents of children with disabilities a free day out at the
“I’m looking for 50 South Aussie families living with a child with a
disability. I want to shout you all a free day out at the movies! If you
have a disabled child or even better, tag anyone you know in this
position that deserves a free day out,” he wrote.
“I’m lucky enough to have healthy kids so I want to help those that find
life a bit harder with their kids. Life’s tough for these SA families
so I’m pumped to be able to ease the burden for a few hours.”
The post was accompanied by a photo of Costello with one of his daughters.
But the radio host has been criticised for using the term “disabled child”.
He was contacted by a parent of a child with a disability, who
recommended he amend his post to use the phrase “children with a
“I know you mean well, but can you please at least consider using appropriate language,” the woman wrote.
9 May, 2018
"Colonial" is a bad word
Here we go again: The 92-year-old George Washington University mascot
known as the “Colonial” should be removed, a student petition says,
because it is “offensive.”
“The use of ‘Colonials,’ no matter how innocent the intention, is
received as extremely offensive by not only students of the University,
but the nation and world at large,” the petition reads. “The
historically, negatively-charged figure of Colonials has too deep a
connection to colonization and glorifies the act of systemic
If the petition gets 500 signatures, the Student Association will have
to respond, according to The Hatchet. It currently is just two
signatures shy of that figure.
Syracuse University expels fraternity involved in racist video
It was intended for private viewing only. It was so extreme
that it should have been obvious that it was satirical. It was
ridiculing racism. But satire is often lost on the Left.
They are too full of rage to have much of a sense of humor.
Extreme abuse -- as at the White House correspondents' dinner -- is their idea of funny
Syracuse University has permanently expelled the Theta Tau fraternity
after footage emerged earlier this week of its members participating in a
racist and anti-Semitic skit, Chancellor Kent Syverud said in a video
statement Saturday.
Theta Tau leadership was informed of the university's decision earlier
Saturday, Syverud said, noting the school had suspended the fraternity
soon after being made aware of the footage, which he called "racist,
anti-Semitic, homophobic, ableist and sexist."
Students on the Syracuse campus this week were outraged after The Daily
Orange, an independent student newspaper, obtained and posted a video in
which a fraternity member makes another one swear to hold onto hatred
for African-Americans, Hispanics and Jews, using racial slurs for those
Later, another student, using a derogatory word for Jews, makes a veiled reference to gas chambers in Nazi Germany
8 May, 2018
Is same-sex marriage more important than free speech? In Phoenix, it is
Breanna Koski is a painter. Joanna Duka is a calligrapher. Together,
they create beautiful artwork for special occasions, especially
But shortly after the two young friends launched Brush and Nib Studio,
they met an unexpected obstacle blocking their artistic expression: The
city of Phoenix.
A city ordinance requires Koski and Duka to create their custom artwork
for all wedding ceremonies, whether traditional or same-sex. As
committed Christians – the pair met at a Bible study – this conflicts
with their deeply held religious beliefs.
The two happily serve all individuals regardless of their sexual
orientation. Their consciences, however, don’t allow them to promote
weddings that they consider inconsistent with their faith.
Even worse than the city’s compelled artistic expression, the Phoenix
law also forbids them from publicly expressing their beliefs on the
matter of marriage. So much for free speech.
Since Phoenix’s sweeping ordinance violates their right to free
expression, both artistically and on matters of faith, Koski and Duka
took their concerns to the justice system.
Last year, a Maricopa County Superior Court judge ruled against the two
entrepreneurs. Late last month, they appealed that decision, with oral
arguments taking place on April 23.
"We pour our hearts and souls into the custom artwork we create and we
care deeply about the messages they express," Duka said at a press
conference following the hearing.
"We would like to tell you more, but right now Phoenix law limits even what we can share with you today."
Those were her last words; the city succeeded in shutting her up.
Same-sex marriage is the law of the land. But so is freedom of expression and freedom of religion.
Chinese Commenters Push Back Against Claims That Chinese Prom Dress Is 'Cultural Appropriation'
Last Saturday, a random 18-year-old named Keziah tweeted out a picture
of herself wearing a Chinese dress with the caption “PROM.” A random man
named Jeremy Lam retweeted her photo with the caption “My culture is
NOT your goddamn prom dress.” Lam’s tweet went viral and has made Keziah
the recipient of thousands of hateful messages accusing her of
“cultural appropriation” of Chinese culture.
We’ve come to expect that kind of thing from the Twitterverse. The
hatred and oppression of the left is nothing new. But here’s what
happened next:
Mixed in with the bullying and the negativity were countless comments
from Chinese people coming to Keziah’s defense — and pushing back
against the idea of “cultural appropriation.” People from different
cultures appreciating one another, these commenters were saying, is a
good and necessary thing.
Popular video game designer Mark Kern tweeted, “I am Chinese, thank you
for wearing this. Please enjoy.” Chinese Twitter user @thekawaiicrew
tweeted, “What good is our culture if we can't share it with others?”
@will_morris117 wrote, “You should probably learn about your own culture
then. Because no one from China would have a problem with her wearing a
cheongsam to a formal event.”
Keziah — showing amazing strength for an 18-year-old suddenly subjected
to the bullying of thousands — fought back, echoing the sentiments of
the Chinese commenters. “To everyone causing so much negativity,” she
wrote on Twitter, “I mean no disrespect to the Chinese culture. I’m
simply showing my appreciation to their culture. I’m not deleting my
post because I’ve done nothing but show my love for the culture. It’s a
f***ing dress. And it’s beautiful.”
I am so glad the girl was not crushed by the abuse. The Left are so full of hate that they don't care whom they hurt -- JR
7 May, 2018
'Day for Freedom' protest in London: Milo Yiannopoulos and Tommy Robinson to speak at controversial far-right rally
A band of far-right speakers including Tommy Robinson and Milo
Yiannopoulos are expected to speak at a 'Day for Freedom' rally in
Whitehall today.
Thousands have registered their interest in an online Facebook event,
which suggests controversial YouTubers Count Dankula and Sargon of Akkad
will also appear at the event near Downing Street.
Mr Robinson - real name Stephen Yaxley - is the former leader of the
English Defence League and a correspondent for Canadian right-wing vlog
channel The Rebel Media.
The rally, which organisers say is to "defend free speech", will begin at Whitehall in central London at 3pm.
Mr Yiannopoulos, often referred to as a leading member of the 'alt
right' movement, is a Trump-supporting anti-feminist, recently disgraced
for describing victims of child sexual abuse as "whinging selfish
YouTuber Mark Meechan - best known as Count Dankula - is expected to
appear. Meechan became an outspoken free speech advocate after he was
fined £800 for teaching his girlfriend's pet dog to perform a Nazi
Sargon of Akkad - real name Carl Benjamin - is known for his criticism
of feminism, Islam, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the notion of
"straight white male privilege".
In March, Mr Benjamin was forced to end a talk at King's College London
prematurely when a group of masked "anti-fascist" protesters stormed the
building, setting off fire alarms and smoke bombs.
In a statement, Mr Robinson said: "This is bigger than me or any of us
as individuals so we have to stand up together to defend our freedom of
No enthusiasm for university free speech code in Britain
The UK’s complex tangle of regulations governing free speech on
university campuses should be replaced by one clear set of guidelines
for both students and institutions, according to the universities
In a speech at a closed-door seminar on free speech on campus, the
minister, Sam Gyimah, will suggest the Department for Education oversees
the creation of the first new set of guidelines – since the free speech
duty was first introduced in 1986 – to “provide clarity”.
Gyimah’s idea would bind both students and universities to a common code
of practice on free speech, although there appears to be little
enthusiasm for this among either university or student leaders.
Alistair Jarvis, chief executive of Universities UK, will also attend
the seminar. He said a recent parliamentary inquiry had found no
systemic problems with free speech at British universities.
He said: “Universities are committed to promoting and protecting free
speech within the law. Tens of thousands of speaking events are put on
every year across the country, the majority pass without incident. [Only the non-conservative ones]
6 May, 2018
College Shuts Down Professor over Speech on Science, Free Expression
Adam Perkins, King’s College London lecturer in Neurobiology of
Personality, was scheduled to deliver a talk at his institution. But
King’s College cancelled the event because they considered it too “high
risk.” What was he going to say that was so “risky” that he needed to be
shut down?
A version of the speech appears as a new article on Quillette. His
theme? “The Scientific Importance of Free Speech.” Whoa, now that’s
He starts off with a bang. “We need free speech in science because
science is not really about microscopes, or pipettes, or test tubes or
even Large Hadron Colliders. These are merely tools that help us to
accomplish a far greater mission, which is to choose between rival
narratives, in the vicious, no-holds-barred battle of ideas that we call
Perkins makes an interesting reference to Darwinian evolution. Although
one cannot deduce whether or not he’s a critic, and it would be safe to
assume not, it is nonetheless interesting that he chose to include
natural selection as a subject where scientific “argument” and “debate”
are “allowed.”
"But scientific domains in which a single experiment
can provide a definitive answer are rare. For example, Charles Darwin’s
principle of evolution by natural selection concerns slow, large-scale
processes that are unsuited to testing in a laboratory. In these cases,
we take a bird’s eye view of the facts of the matter and attempt to form
an opinion about what they mean.
This allows a lot of room for argument, but as long
as both sides are able to speak up, we can at least have a debate: when a
researcher disagrees with the findings of an opponent’s study, they
traditionally write an open letter to the journal editor critiquing the
paper in question and setting out their counter evidence."
Perkins also writes:
"When one side of a scientific debate is allowed to
silence the other side, this is an impediment to scientific progress
because it prevents bad theories being replaced by better theories. Or,
even worse, it causes civilization to go backward, such as when a good
theory is replaced by a bad theory that it previously displaced."
He goes on to discuss socialist rejection of Mendelian genetics,
Lysenko’s advocacy of the idea that acquired characteristics can be
heritable, as well as the 1986 catastrophe of the Space Shuttle
Challenger. Perkins’s conclusion seems to be that society must allow
scientific debate on evidence because if it does not, we create an
unhealthy scientific environment that will cause harmful real-world
Amazon protects Third World censors
On Tuesday, Moxie Marlinspike, founder of the secure messaging app
Signal, posted a letter sent to him from Amazon threatening to suspend
the company’s AWS account for using a technique called domain-fronting
on its network. The technique is used to protect messages sent via the
Signal’s messaging app from being tracked or censored in countries such
as Egypt, Oman, Qatar and UAE, where the service is banned.
The move was admonished by anti-censorship and free speech advocates at
the American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier
“Amazon is acquiescing to their business interests by banning the
ability to do domain-fronting on their infrastructure,” said Daniel Kahn
Gillmor, senior staff technologist at the ACLU. “What Amazon is
effectively doing, by barring domain-fronting, is sending a message that
nobody can rely on Amazon to help them enjoy freedom of speech. That’s a
sad outcome. Amazon had the opportunity to stand up for the right thing
here and they don’t appear to be taking it.”
The action by Amazon follows a similar move by Google, who earlier this
year also threatened to push Signal off its platform if it continued to
use the domain-fronting technique on its servers.
Domain-fronting, akin to hiding in plain sight, is used to obscure
the true endpoint of a connection. The networking technique, first
detailed in a paper (.PDF) by academics at the University of California
Berkeley in 2015, uses HTTPS to communicate with a censored host while
appearing, on the outside, to be communicating with a completely
different, permitted host — in this case, Amazon and Google.
According to the Amazon letter sent to Signal and posted by Marlinspike,
Amazon chastised him for using the Souq.com domain as part of Signal’s
domain-fronting routine.
“You do not have permission from Amazon to use Souq.com for any purpose.
Any use of Souq.com or any other domain to masquerade as another entity
without express permission of the domain owner is in clear violation of
the AWS Service Terms,” the letter read. “We will immediately suspend
your use of CloudFront if you use third-party domains without their
permission to masquerade as that third party.”
Marlinspike wrote, “With Google Cloud and AWS out of the picture, it
seems that domain-fronting as a censorship circumvention technique is
now largely non-viable in the countries where Signal had enabled this
4 May, 2018
Backlash against high school student who wore a Chinese dress to her prom

I feel sorry for the young lady. She no doubt thought she looked nice -- only to cop abuse. Bad for her confidence
A HIGH school student has come under fire after posting pictures of herself in her prom dress.
Keziah Daum, from Utah in the United States, posted a series of photos
of herself with her friends on the way to her high school prom.
But her decision to wear a qipao — a traditional Chinese outfit dating
back to the 17th century — has prompted a wave of criticism online.
The post began making the rounds after another user — Jeremy Lam —
retweeted it with the caption “My culture is NOT your goddamn prom
In a series of subsequent tweets, Lam explained that the dress
represented “extreme barriers marginalized people within (Chinese)
culture have had to overcome”.
“For it to simply be subject to American consumerism and cater to a
white audience, is parallel to colonial ideology,” he tweeted.
While his tweets criticising Duam’s decision to wear the dress went viral, users were divided on whether it was an issue.
Some agreed, arguing that it constituted cultural appropriation and was inappropriate.
But others argued that it wasn’t a big deal, saying her choice to wear it was an act of admiration for the culture.
Meghan McCain SLAMS Jim Acosta For hate speech towards Trump Supporters
On Tuesday, ABC’s “The View” co-host Meghan McCain slammed CNN’s Jim
Acosta for disgusting comments he made recently, where he insulted Trump
supporters and basically called them stupid.
While discussing the White House Correspondents’ Dinner that took place
last Saturday, McCain mentioned Acosta’s recent comments about Trump
She was explaining that the vile language and comments from the WHCD as
well as from Acosta was exactly why so many loathe the media.
“When you hear people like Jim Acosta say Trump supporters’ elevators
‘don’t go to the top floor,’ there’s this idea that the media
-especially people in DC- hate the Trump administration, hate
Republicans, hate people in the middle of the country.”
“A lot of Republicans I know were very angry about this. I thought it
was distasteful. The dinner should be in the spirit of celebration.”
At the WHCD, the comedian, Michelle Wolf, attacked Sarah Sanders
personal appearance, criticized Kellyanne Conway’s appearance and said
she wants a tree to fall on her, and “joked” about the practice of
killing an innocent, unborn child.
McCain was also referring to comments made by Acosta last month during
an interview with Variety, where he not only trashed the intellect of
Americans, he also said they “don’t have all of their faculties.”
Here’s what Acosta said:
“The problem is that people around the country don’t know it’s an act.
They’re not in on the act and they take what he says very seriously and
they take attacks from Sean Spicer and Sarah Sanders and what they do to
us on a daily basis very seriously.”
“They don’t have all their faculties in some cases — their elevator might not hit all floors.”
This is how the media describes regular Americans in the era of Trump.
3 May, 2018
French President Emmanuel Macron Called Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's Wife 'Delicious'

An odd word for an old lady -- but he does like old ladies -- being
married to one. Lucy Turnbull (age 60 years) will be on cloud nine
however -- to be called that by none less than the President of France
Was it a Freudian slip by French President Emmanuel Macron? A joke
linked to French gastronomy? Or even, a week after his visit to
Washington, a parody of President Donald Trump’s infamous comments about
Macron’s wife?
Whatever the case, Macron raised eyebrows in Sydney on Wednesday by
calling Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s wife “delicious.”
Wrapping up a joint news conference during his brief Australian visit,
Macron moved to thank the Turnbulls for their hospitality.
“I want to thank you for your welcome, thank you and your delicious wife for your warm welcome,” he said.
The comment quickly sparked some lighthearted reaction on social media
and in the Australian press amid lively conjecture about the French
leader’s intent.
“Macron just said he wanted to thank Malcolm Turnbull and his ‘delicious
wife’. You can take the man out of France but …,” tweeted Alice
Workman, a journalist.
Black College sends stern message to person sending hate speech to transgender students
Probably fabricated hate speech -- notes actually sent by the alleged
target. Blacks have been implicated in a number of such episodes
ATLANTA — Nearly a week after students at Spelman College say messages
of hate were left at their door because one of them is transgender,
another note surfaced on April 30.
After discovering the note, Spelman College sent a letter to students and staff denouncing it.
Last week, 11Alive's Natisha Lance spoke to two students who were the targets of the hate speech.
"We don’t want you. F*** you freaks. Keep Spelman safe. No queers."
Spelman senior Amber Warren said she found that hateful note directed at
her scribbled on a piece of ripped lined notebook paper.
"I’m just hurt because I feel like I worked so hard to create safe
spaces for everybody," she told 11Alive. "Even though I did all this
work, it’s not about individuals, it’s really about unity."
Warren is the president of Afrikete, the historically black women’s
college LGBTQ organization. She said it was not the first message of
hate directed toward her. Warren said the first message came at the
announcement of pride week.
"Keep your (transgender slur) out of our bathrooms thanks," she remembers the message saying.
2 May, 2018
A tourist becomes the first person to be punished under Malaysia's
'fake news' law with a one-week jail term for criticising ‘slow’
A Malaysian court has today handed a Danish citizen a one-week jail term
for breaking a law against 'fake news', the first person to be punished
under controversial legislation.
The law, passed in early April, makes the deliberate dissemination of
false information punishable by up to six years in jail and a hefty
fine. It has sparked outrage from rights groups, which believe it is
aimed at cracking down on dissent.
Salah Salem Saleh Sulaiman, a 46-year-old of Yemeni descent, admitted
making and posting on YouTube a video accusing emergency services of
responding slowly after a Palestinian Hamas member was gunned down in
Kuala Lumpur.
Fadi al-Batsh, said to be a rocket-making expert, was on his way to dawn
prayers on April 21 when he was assassinated by motorbike-riding
gunmen, a killing his family have blamed on Israel's spy agency. The
Jewish state has denied it was behind the murder.
The Yemeni, who did not have a lawyer and was wearing white robes and a
green skullcap during a court appearance in Kuala Lumpur, said he was
not aware of Malaysia's laws.
Australian comedian is banned from Facebook for 'hate speech' and 'racism' - for bagging New Zealanders' ACCENTS
The Kiwi accent is certainly unusual. They have lost an entire
vowel. They say "fush n chups" instead of "fish n chips".
Losing a consonant is not uncommon. Outside Scotland all English
speakers have lost the guttural "ach laut", as in the Scottish
"loch". We still have it in our spelling -- as in "night" but we
no longer pronounce the "gh". And Cockneys have lost Theta.
They say "wif" instead of "with". The Kiwis however seem to be the
only group to have lost a vowel.
But the big issue is that the
comments were just jocular. There is no hate involved. Australians
and Kiwis are of the same stock so hate would be absurd. There are
small cultural differences but they evoke only humour. Though
Kiwis are undoubtedly tired of Australian jokes about sheep. And
Australians in New Zealand must never mention underarm bowling in
An Australian comedian has taken to social media to share his thoughts on the age old rivalry between Australia and New Zealand.
It's one of those classic questions - like Ali or Frazier, Lennon or
McCartney, and Ford or Holden - that anyone who has set foot in this
corner of the globe will be more than happy to share their opinion on.
In the video, which has more than 324,000 views on YouTube, Mr
Butterfield takes aim at what he sees as the many differences between
the countries.
In the video titled 'The Actual Difference Between Australia and New
Zealand,' posted in response to video by YouTuber 'How to DAD,' Mr
Butterfield says the NZ national icon, the kiwi, is 'small, hairy and
boring,' and that at least the koala 'has a little bit of personality'.
He says the country is known for 'some small budget movie ten years ago'
and is also not a fan of the Haka, saying that Australia has its own
version - quality players, but did concede that the All Blacks were
'very, very good at rugby.'
Referring to the many adventure activities available across the ditch,
Mr Butterfield said if he had a choice between jumping off a bridge with
a rope or trying to understand NZ locals at the pub, he would choose
the bridge minus the rope.
The video has incurred the wrath of not just New Zealanders but also of Facebook's powers-that-be.
Mr Butterfield said in a Twitter post the video was 'removed by Facebook
for Hate Speech and 'Racism which is the most ridiculous response that I
could ever imagine.'
The touring stand-up comedian in his early twenties also revealed that
he was suspended from Facebook for seven days following the video
'I understand Facebook is a private company and they can do whatever
they want but… this is a humungous public forum and they are censoring
it,' he said in a follow up YouTube video.
Youtube comments to the original video appeared to be free of any
seriously offended remarks with one commenter stating, 'I'm from New
Zealand but I found this video hilarious.'
Another commenter to Mr Butterfield's Twitter post revealing the ban
said that, 'the video was comedy not hate speech… FB just doesn't
understand kiwis and strayans.'
During Mark Zuckerberg's testimony before the US Congress on April 10,
the Facebook CEO said that he could see artificial intelligence taking a
front line role in automatically detecting hate speech on Facebook in
five to 10 years.
'Until we get it automated, there's a higher error rate than I'm happy with,' he said.
1 May, 2018
France deports radical Islamist preacher accused of hate speech
France on Friday deported an influential Islamic preacher whose mosque
in the southern city of Marseille was shut down last year over
accusations of hate speech.
The expulsion of Algeria-born El Hadi Doudi back to his home country
came after his appeal with the European Court of Human Rights was
rejected earlier
this week.
Doudi, 63, had long been on the radar of Marseille police, who
considered him an "authority" on Salafist interpretations of Islam, a
Sunni branch which demands a strict conservative lifestyle.
While a majority of Salafists disdain violence, some followers embrace the use of force to promote their beliefs.
France has been wrestling with how to counter the influence of
extremists after a string of deadly jihadist attacks by people later
found to have moved in Salafist circles.
Several members of Doudi's mosque -- one of Marseille's largest before
its closure in late 2017 -- are suspected of having gone to fight
alongside jihadists in Iraq and Syria in recent years.
Duke university admin refuses to react against two naughty words
Larry Moneta, vice president of student affairs, issued a statement via
Twitter on Thursday in response to a student's use of a racial epithet
in a Snapchat.
His tweet early Friday morning about the idea of prohibiting free speech
on college campuses, however, sparked a firestorm of responses on
social media from students and alumni alike in the wake of a second
racially charged incident coming to light later that morning.
Moneta went on to say that those that want to ban hate speech should
read "Free Speech on Campus," a book by Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of UC
Berkeley Law, and Howard Gillman, chancellors and professor of law at UC
The Friday tweet by Moneta was posted before an email was sent to
Central Campus residents at approximately 11:18 a.m. about the second
incident, which consisted of a racial epithet being written on a
student's door in the 300 Swift apartment complex.
Responding to the racial epithet left on the student's door at 300
Swift, Moneta told The Chronicle Friday that he doesn't plan for a major
initiative following the pair of incidents.
“I don’t have a plan for a major initiative,” Moneta said. “You want to
be careful—you want to react appropriately and not just run around to do
things that have no meaning. I think we need to just sit back and think
about what is going on that a few people would feel like that was a
good way to behave.”
This is Tongue-Tied 3
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press"
Posts by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.)
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The war on "cultural appropriation" is straightforward racism
Is the American national anthem politically incorrect? From the 4th verse:
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

The truth can be offensive to some but it must be said
"HATE SPEECH" is free speech: The U.S. Supreme Court stated the general
rule regarding protected speech in Texas v. Johnson (109 S.Ct. at
2544), when it held: "The government may not prohibit the verbal or
nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea
offensive or disagreeable." Federal courts have consistently followed this. Said Virginia federal district judge Claude Hilton: "The
First Amendment does not recognize exceptions for bigotry, racism, and
religious intolerance or ideas or matters some may deem trivial, vulgar
or profane."
Even some advocacy of violence is protected by the 1st Amendment. In
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the U.S. Supreme Court held unanimously that
speech advocating violent illegal actions to bring about social change
is protected by the First Amendment "except where such advocacy is
directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely
to incite or produce such action."
The double standard: Atheists can put up signs and billboards saying
that Christianity is wrong and that is hunky dory. But if a Christian
says that homosexuality is wrong, that is attacked as "hate speech"
One for the militant atheists to consider: "...it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" -- Thomas Jefferson
"I think no subject should be off-limits, and I regard the laws in many
Continental countries criminalizing Holocaust denial as philosophically
repugnant and practically useless – in that they confirm to Jew-haters
that the Jews control everything (otherwise why aren’t we allowed to
talk about it?)" -- Mark Steyn
A prophetic comment on Norwegian hate speech laws: As Justice Brandeis
once noted, repressive censorship “breeds hate” and “that hate menaces
stable government,” rather than promoting safety; “the path of safety
lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and
proposed remedies.”
Voltaire's most famous saying was actually a summary of Voltaire's
thinking by one of his biographers rather than something Voltaire said
himself. Nonetheless it is a wholly admirable sentiment: "I disagree
with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
I am of a similar mind.
The traditional advice about derogatory speech: "Sticks and stones will
break your bones but names will never hurt you". Apparently people today
are not as emotionally robust as their ancestors were.
The KKK were members of the DEMOCRATIC party. Google "Klanbake" if you doubt it
A phobia is an irrational fear, so the terms "Islamophobic" and
"homophobic" embody a claim that the people so described are mentally
ill. There is no evidence for either claim. Both terms are simply abuse
masquerading as diagnoses and suggest that the person using them is
engaged in propaganda rather than in any form of rational or objective
Leftists often pretend that any mention of race is "racist" -- unless
they mention it, of course. But leaving such irrational propaganda
aside, which statements really are racist? Can statements of fact about
race be "racist"? Such statements are simply either true or false. The
most sweeping possible definition of racism is that a racist statement
is a statement that includes a negative value judgment of some race.
Absent that, a statement is not racist, for all that Leftists might howl
that it is. Facts cannot be racist so nor is the simple statement of
them racist. Here is a statement that cannot therefore be racist by
itself, though it could be false: "Blacks are on average much less
intelligent than whites". If it is false and someone utters it, he
could simply be mistaken or misinformed.
Categorization is a basic human survival skill so racism as the Left
define it (i.e. any awareness of race) is in fact neither right nor
wrong. It is simply human
Whatever your definition of racism, however, a statement that simply
mentions race is not thereby racist -- though one would think otherwise
from American Presidential election campaigns. Is a statement that
mentions dogs, "doggist" or a statement that mentions cats, "cattist"?
If any mention of racial differences is racist then all Leftists are
racist too -- as "affirmative action" is an explicit reference to
racial differences
Was Abraham Lincoln a racist? "You and we are different races. We
have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any
other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but
this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think
your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while
ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If
this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be
separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated." -- Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862
Gimlet-eyed Leftist haters sometimes pounce on the word "white" as
racist. Will the time come when we have to refer to the White House as
the "Full spectrum of light" House?
The spirit of liberty is "the spirit which is not too sure that it is
right." and "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies
there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.
While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save
it." -- Judge Learned Hand
Mostly, a gaffe is just truth slipping out
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with them
is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were.
It seems a pity that the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher
Epictetus is now little known. Remember, wrote the Stoic thinker, "that
foul words or blows in themselves are no outrage, but your judgment
that they are so. So when any one makes you angry, know that it is your
own thought that has angered you. Wherefore make it your endeavour not
to let your impressions carry you away."
"Since therefore the knowledge and survey of vice is in this world so
necessary to the constituting of human virtue, and the scanning of error
to the confirmation of truth, how can we more safely, and with less
danger, scout into the regions of sin and falsity than by reading all
manner of tractates, and hearing all manner of reason?" -- English poet
John Milton (1608-1674) in Areopagitica
Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response
Leftists can try to get you fired from your job over something that you
said and that's not an attack on free speech. But if you just criticize
something that they say, then that IS an attack on free speech
"Negro" is a forbidden word -- unless a Democrat uses it
"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Leftists don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such
thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles
that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt
When you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing
the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180) could have
been speaking of much that goes on today when he said: "The object in
life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane."
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.

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