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31 January, 2016
And Then A Human Being Showed Up
I’m making an educated guess at the following events. A few weeks ago I
recorded and posted a video pointing out something about hate speech on
Facebook. The video, posted to YouTube was then flagged as hate speech
and taken down.
I appealed and, just before shabbat, I got the following in my email:

Here’s how this works. I post a video that the other side doesn’t
like. They have a few dozen people with probably a few fake accounts
each all lined up to click and report my video as hate speech.
YouTube, without human intervention, takes it down and marks ME as a hater.
When I appeal, a human being (because in the end this kind of thing can
only be decided by a human) reviews it, understands what happened and
clearly reverses the perverse decision.
The bit I’d like to know, and I don’t know anyone at YouTube who can
tell me, is whether all those accounts who spuriously reported me are
then penalised. Clearly this is a coordinated attack. Does it carry
consequences for the other side? Are they able to use the same accounts
over and over to report more spurious “hate” speech that is just truth
they don’t like?
This is my question for YouTube: does spurious reporting carry consequences for the other side?
MLK quote not "inclusive" enough
Since 1986, the University of Oregon has housed a quote by Martin Luther
King Jr. in the lobby of the Erb Memorial Union. “I have a dream that
my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will
not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their
character. I have a dream…”
However, this hasn’t always been the quote that filled the entrance of
the EMU and there was talk of the quote changing again. The quote is not
going to change, but that decision was not made without some hard
thought by the Student Union Board.
Laurie Woodward, the Director of the Student Union said that when she
approached the union with the question of if they wanted to keep the
current MLK quote or supplement a new one, one of the students asked,
“Does the MLK quote represent us today?”
“Diversity is so much more than race. Obviously race still plays a big
role. But there are people who identify differently in gender and all
sorts of things like that,” sophomore architecture major, Mia Ashley
29 January, 2016
British PM under fire after calling Calais refugees 'a bunch of migrants'
I really have no idea what this is about. Why is it wrong to
refer to migrants as migrants? Maybe someone can enlighten
me. Was what he said not sorrowful enough or something? --
David Cameron was branded 'shameful' and 'callous' today after he
described people in the Calais refugee camp as 'a bunch of migrants'
during Prime Minister's Questions.
Mr Cameron is facing calls to apologise for using 'inflammatory
language' as he ridiculed Jeremy Corbyn's visit to the makeshift French
camp known as the Jungle last weekend.
The Prime Minister lost his temper with the Labour leader and Shadow
Chancellor John McDonnell after they criticised Google's controversial
£130million tax deal.
He said: 'They met with a bunch of migrants in Calais and said they
could come to Britain - the only people they never stand up for are
hardworking British families.'
Junior ministers immediately defended Mr Cameron insisting he was making
clear his opposition to handing migrants in Calais a 'free pass' to
enter the UK and Speaker John Bercow later ruled his language had not
been 'unparliamentary'.
Mr Cameron's words have been branded 'disgusting' by opposition MPs
while refugee rights campaigners said he was being 'flippant to score
political points'.
"Survive" is a dangerous word
Australian advertising for a sports drink attracts ire

Frucor brand Maximus Australia is facing a growing public outrage over
their new outdoor campaign. The posters, rolled out on Australia day to
three outdoor locations, feature the words “I Survived Australia Day”
with a picture of their energy drink. Critics are claiming that the
banner that was put up to advertise Maximus sports drink on Wednesday
trivialises “the suffering of Australia’s First Peoples” for
appropriating the term Survival Day.
For context, one of the alternate names for January 26 is ‘Survival
Day’; Indigenous media outlet NITV used the term throughout their
coverage. The term emphasises that “despite colonisation, discrimination
and comprehensive inequalities, we continue to practise our traditions,
look after the land and make our voices heard in the public sphere. We
28 January, 2016
Julie Delpy apologizes for saying African Americans have it easier than women in Hollywood because 'people don't bash them'
What she said sounds realistic to me -- but realism is no excuse, apparently
Julie Delpy is the latest actor to issue a statement apologizing for her
response to a question about the lack of diversity at this year's
Academy Awards.
'I’m very sorry for how I expressed myself,' Delpy told Entertainment Weekly about comments she made last week.
'It was never meant to diminish the injustice done to African American
artists or to any other people that struggle for equal opportunities and
rights, on the contrary.
'All I was trying to do is to address the issues of inequality of
opportunity in the industry for women as well (as I am a woman).'
Appearing at the Sundance Film Festival for the premiere of her film
Weiner-Dog on Friday, Delpy said that African Americans have it easier
in Hollywood than women because 'people don't bash them.'
Delpy told The Wrap; 'Two years ago, I said something about the Academy
being very white male, which is the reality, and I was slashed to pieces
by the media.'
She then added; 'It’s funny - women can’t talk. I sometimes wish I were
African American because people don’t bash them afterward.'
Delpy also said on Friday; 'It’s the hardest to be a woman. Feminists is
something people hate above all. Nothing worse than being a woman in
this business. I really believe that.'
In her apology Delpy also said; 'I never intended to underestimate
anyone else’s struggle! We should stay alert and united and support each
other to change this unfair reality and don’t let anyone sabotage our
common efforts by distorting the truth.'
She then closed out the statement by saying; 'Again I’m so sorry for
this unfortunate misunderstanding, people who know me, know very well
that I can’t stand inequality and injustice of any kind.'
Anti-patriotic sign in Australian resort town
The response was a mature one: Abuse them back. No attempt to shut them down etc.
Bega District News reports a blackboard sign was put up in the Mister
Jones Open Studio and Espresso Bar in Bermagui, on NSW's south coast, on
January 25 and it read: "Yes, we're open on national dickhead day" – a
reference to the venue being open for business on Australia Day.
On the night of January 25 it was posted on the Meanwhile in Australia
Facebook page, which is "liked" by about 700,000 people. By
mid-afternoon on Australia Day, it had more than 3000 shares, almost
6700 likes and 1770 comments with many deriding the sign.
While most of those who shared the post were individuals, some were
pages such as Truthophobes - Exposing the Truth about Islam, Aussies
against Islam and Sharia law, Reclaim Australia Rally - Canberra and
Australians United Against Sharia Law.
It appears the official Mister Jones Facebook page has been taken down,
but a new page called the Mister Jones Coffee Shop has been set up,
possibly by a Facebook group called Aussie Infidels early on the morning
of January 26.
This new page published a photo of two of the coffee shop's staff under
the line "here are two good reasons for birth control", the phone number
of the shop's owner and has encouraged people to contact the shop and
leave feedback.
27 January, 2016
Must not portray refugees as poorly dressed
Carnival costumes for children to dress up as wartime refugees have been
taken off the German edition of Amazon's website over fears they offend
Although the outfits have now been removed from other amazon stores including Italy, they are still available in the UK.
Pictured holding a suitcase, the child models are pictured wearing old
fashioned clothing, intimidating wartime civilian wear which some people
have said mocks the plight of migrants.
The subject of refugees is extremely sensitive in Germany, especially in
the wake of New Year sex attacks allegedly carried out by foreigners
who entered the country as asylum seekers.
Instances of suspected racism quickly attract attention by those keen to
prevent right-wing groups using them to stoke further hatred of
As a result, when the Amazon's offering of refugee costumes was posted
online it quickly attracted massive amounts of criticism from online
commentators who branded the costumes 'inhuman and distasteful'.
Baby names beginning with K are suspect
Proud father Wayne Rooney has welcomed his new baby boy into the world
but has already faced criticism for naming his son Kit with followers
pointing out the initials of his three children are KKK.
Showing off his new bundle of joy on Instagram this morning, the
footballer posted a picture of Kit at just a few minutes old alongside
the caption: 'Meeting Kit for the first time. Home time now.'
The 30-year-old and his wife Coleen announced the arrival of their third son - naming him Kit Joseph Rooney - on Sunday.
However, just hours after revealing the first photograph of their new
arrival, Wayne's Twitter followers started trolling him – pointing out
that all three of his children's initials are KKK.
Their eldest son Kai, who is now six, was born in November 2009, while second son Klay, arrived in May 2013.
Dozens of people pointed out on social media that the initials for all
three children stood at KKK and drew comparison to the 'Ku Klux Klan' –
the white supremacist organisation.
Darren Taylor wrote: 'Has Rooney really called his kids the KKK?'
While Anthony Tierney wrote: 'Wayne & Colleen Rooney do know there
are 25 other letters in the alphabet right? Calling your kids KKK not
the cleverest idea ever #Rooney'
26 January, 2016
Hate speech and intolerance deserve regulation by colleges (?)
I have reproduced below a student editorial from Penn State. I
have given it in full because it does have a superficial reasonableness
about it and in some circumstances I might even agree with it. As
the saying goes, however, the Devil is in the detail and what college
speech codes end up doing is banning criticism. Not all criticism
is banned. You can criticize Christians and conservatives all you
like. But that is about it. Criticize anybody or anything
else and you are guilty of "hate speech".
So college
speech codes are fundamentally anti-intellectual. Criticism should be
the lifeblood of higher education. All orthodoxies should come
under fierce scrutiny there. And if not there, where? Disrespect
of everybody and everything should be permissible there. As it is,
speech in many colleges is as restricted as it was in Stalin's Russia
or Mao's China: Not exactly an inspiring model, is it? Has
the land of the free become a land of stifling orthodoxy? In
America's seats of higher learning it has. And the orthodoxy
concerned is in fact rather similar to Mao Tse Tung thought. An
outbreak of Little Red Books would be no surprise
The pretext of
speech codes is that they aim to protect the feelings of
minorities. But that is creating a fool's paradise. The
world outside the academy is a cold, hard place and everybody,
minorities included, needs to be prepared for that -- not sheltered in
some sort of adult kindergarten.
And people tend to like
others who are like themselves so minorities will always be
discriminated against in one way or another -- mostly covertly these
days. So minorities need to learn to deal with that, not break
down in a crying heap every time someone criticizes them.
And, as
it happens, some minorities are in any case not at all inclined to
break down in a crying heap every time someone criticizes them. As
all the research shows, blacks tend to have very high self-confidence
and self-esteem. Their feelings are not easily dented. And
Muslims of course think they have the right religion and feel quite
superior about it. So they too are not easily ground down.
Most minorities could actually do with more humility in my
observation. It would get them further in life
As a good academic, I avoid empty assertions and would not like to be
accused of them. So below are some thoughts from Chapter 4 of
Mao's Little Red Book that do, I think, remind us of college speech
(1) Words and actions should help to unite, and not divide, the people of our various nationalities.
(2) They should be beneficial, and not harmful, to socialist transformation and socialist construction.
(3) They should help to consolidate, and not undermine or weaken, the people's democratic dictatorship.
(4) They should help to consolidate, and not undermine or weaken, democratic centralism.
(5) They should help to strengthen, and not discard or weaken, the leadership of the Communist Party.
They should be beneficial, and not harmful, to international socialist
unity and the unity of the peace-loving people of the world.
At a medium sized college in the southwest of Minnesota, freedom of speech has come under fire on a national scale.
Southwest Minnesota State University recently garnered national
attention for a provision, and then revision, within their student code
of conduct. Previously, the university specifically prohibited any
jokes, comments, or public talks that exhibited what they deemed
“cultural intolerance.”
Any insults, slurs, or phrases that discriminated against or belittled a
larger group of people could be punishable by the school. The
university faced harsh criticism from the Foundation for Individual
Rights in Education, which monitors schools levels of freedom of speech
on campus. Before the revision, SMSU received a “red light” rating.
While this may have been done in the name of free speech, such a
revision essentially allows and facilitates hate speech on campus.
Universities and academic places should be inherently inclusive of all
cultures, and the rule in its original form had intentions in the proper
Punishing students who outwardly slander races, religions, or other cultural groups should be within the rights of a university.
A college’s main priority ought to be the support and facilitation of a
civil, respectful education for all its students. and students who
create hostile environments for others at the university do nothing to
benefit the academic culture.
Harassment is just that; it has no place in a scholastic setting.
Providing a safe, conducive learning environment for all students is the
duty of universities, and that should not be sacrificed in the name of
respecting intolerance.
Students in San Francisco region call for ‘hate speech’ limits to silence preachers
The dear little petals don't want to hear anything that might make
them angry. They should get angry about the pap that passes for
education these days
De Anza College students have gathered more than 550 signatures on an
online petition urging administrators to regulate “hate
speech/discrimination,” following recent campus visits by loud Christian
The petition calls for the college and district administrations to
disallow speech that leaves students feeling verbally abused on the
basis of their ethnicity, gender, religion or sexuality.
Elias Kamal, a political science major who started the petition, wrote
“free speech is a vital part of society,” but added that harmful speech
that angers students should not be permitted.
FHDA Chancellor Judy Miner took questions from DASB senators and spoke about the issue for 10 minutes at the Wednesday meeting.
“We will never be able to prevent people from saying things that are
hurtful, that are offensive,” Miner said. “Unless someone is blocking an
entrance or doing something that is unsafe, they have a right to hand
out their leaflets or to approach people and ask them to think about
what they’re doing.”
25 January, 2016
Canada: After a legal battle that dragged on for three years, Gregory
Alan Elliott has been found not guilty of harassing lesbians

Feminist Guthrie: The judge noted a lack of “reasonableness” in
Guthrie’s assertion she could expect to use Twitter to make negative
comments about Elliott and not be exposed to his response or self
In 2012, Elliott was charged with criminal harassment after arguing with
feminist activists on Twitter. He’s suffered through a tortuous court
case that has cost him nearly one hundred thousand dollars.
Anyone following this case knows that Greg is only guilty of the crime
of wrongthink. He was arrested for critically engaging with people who
disagreed with him. It wasn’t any different from what people do on
social media platforms every day.
Greg’s tweets were far milder than some of the vile garbage I’ve seen
come through my notifications. He never threatened anyone, and he never
gave anyone reason to fear for their safety.
All he did was argue with people that hated him so much they demanded he be shut down.
I don’t believe Stephanie Guthrie or her cronies felt victimized for a
second. We’re talking about people who have posted images of themselves
drinking from mugs with “male tears” written on them, after all.
They wanted Elliott to pay for having challenged them, nothing more.
The charges in Elliott’s protracted legal case have prohibited him from
using the Internet, forced him to quit his job, and left him bankrupt.
The last three years of Greg’s life have been hell, and he won’t ever get them back.
Despite all this, I am joyful, Greg is joyful, and his sons are joyful.
Free speech has won the day, and Greg won’t have to deal with the
prospect of months of jail time or heavy fines.
People opposed to speech rights won’t get the satisfaction of seeing Greg behind bars.
Most importantly, legal precedent has been established to defend free expression.
Canada is infamous for its ineffectual provisions for freedom of speech.
Establishing the legal default to favour allowing offensive speech is a
boon for speech rights in Canada.
How Twitter quietly banned "hate speech" last year
Seven years ago, Twitter began its rise to prominence by billing itself
as a space where people could speak freely because nobody was censored.
The company's rules enshrined this ideal, promising "we do not actively
monitor and will not censor user content, except in limited
circumstances." But in 2015 all of that changed.
There were changes in Twitter's rules here and there before 2015,
usually to make it easier for the company to ban people engaging in spam
and fraud. But as more high-profile Twitter users began to experience
abuse and harassment firsthand, the company began to reverse its earlier
At last, in December, the company quit embroidering its rules page with
links and simply re-wrote its rules from top to bottom. Now, as Jeong
points out, the company no longer promises an uncensored service.
Here's how the company puts it:
"We believe in freedom of expression and in speaking
truth to power, but that means little as an underlying philosophy if
voices are silenced because people are afraid to speak up. In order to
ensure that people feel safe expressing diverse opinions and beliefs, we
do not tolerate behavior that crosses the line into abuse, including
behavior that harasses, intimidates, or uses fear to silence another
user’s voice".
Call it what you want, but this is a ban on hate speech
Not a lot of logic there. When they criticize "behavior", do they
mean speech? An important distinction seems to be lost
there. Are they just afraid to mention "speech"?
Further, they do not want voices to be silenced but they are going to
silence some voices. But banning abuse seems reasonable.
That will strike a lot of Leftists dumb if Twitter really does do that.
And threats have never been protected free speech.
24 January, 2016
Facebook's new plan to CENSOR "right wing hate speech" -- but not ISIS recruiters
Ironically, Facebook's new "Online Civil Courage Initiative" was
announced by liberal Jews, in Germany. How historically illiterate can
they be?
Facebook says this new initiative is about "combating extremism and hate speech on the Internet.”
Oh, do they mean ISIS using social media to recruit terrorists?
Of course not! One Civil Courage spokesperson said: "This is
necessary because right-wing extremism, racism and antisemitism are
present in all walks of life in Germany.”
Really? Did a thousand white pride skinheads in Cologne, Germany go on a mass sexual assault spree?
Are you worried about more Muslim rape sprees taking place? From
now on, when you try to type about it, Facebook will block you.
They won't censor the Islamic State, though. Just "right wing extremists." Which they define as people who disagree with them...
Must not warn against men named Mohammed

The headline on a poster showing four convicted Hamilton rapists could incite hate speech against Muslim people.
The headline on a poster showing four convicted Hamilton rapists could incite hate speech against Muslim people.
A poster with photos and details of four rapists with the heading
"Beware Mohammed" has been plastered on a transformer at a busy Hamilton
The poster is not illegal, because the details are factually correct.
However, Canterbury University dean of law Ursula Cheer said there may
be grounds to lay a complaint to the Human Rights Commission on the
possibility of inciting hate speech.
The poster, which is glued to a transformer near the corner of Alexandra
and Collingwood streets in the CBD shows the pictures of convicted men
Abdirahim Sheik Mohamed Guled (Mohamed Guled), Keyse Aiwi Abdi, Mohamed
Essa and Mohammed Sahib.
All but Essa were working for taxi companies at the time of the offending. Essa posed as a taxi driver.
22 January, 2016
Must not criticize anti-Israel bias
The story so far: Shurat Ha’din makes a simple video showing how
Facebook tolerates hate speech toward Jews and Israel more than toward
I make a simple video showing that features of Facebook allow hate
speech about Jews to be hidden (by page administrators often) from the
largest population of Jews, in Israel. My video gets shared by Shurat
Ha’din and even Channel 10 news starts talking to me. I uploaded my
video to YouTube because YouTube videos are easier to share on
And then this happened:

Yup, that’s right, my video highlighting hate has been classified as
hate and removed and I get a "Community Guidelines" strike against my
name for hate speech!
Clearly this is the usual scheme of a team of Jew haters ganging up to
report my video as hate speech. Perhaps a human reviewed the title, even
that’s doubtful and bang it’s gone and I stand convicted of
disseminating "hate speech".
I have appealed the decision: I’m given a single line of text box to mount my "appeal":
"I produced a video highlighting the hate speech of OTHERS on Facebook; I
didn’t even mention specifics of the hate speech. This video is still
live on Facebook (of which I’m highly critical)"
Had I been given a little more space I would have written:
"I produced a video highlighting the hate speech of OTHERS on Facebook; I
didn’t even mention specifics of the hate speech. This video is still
live on Facebook (of which I’m highly critical) yet YouTube has allowed
itself to be "gamed" by people who would silence those who draw
attention to real hate speech. Israeli Channel 10 TV News have recorded
an interview with me about this video and your take down of it"
First amendment is racist?
If this is what America's top universities have to offer, we may be in for a steep decline. Take this gem from Duke University.
"According to a columnist for the Duke University student
newspaper, America’s “obsession with the First Amendment” is really just
“an expression of white supremacy.”
“I am thinking about how an urgent and overdue
conversation about racism—on our campus and across our country — has
been derailed by a diversionary and duplicitous obsession with the First
Amendment,” graduate student Bennett Carpenter wrote in university
newspaper The Chronicle. “I am thinking about how quickly the
conversation has shifted from white supremacy to white fragility — and
how this shift is itself an expression of white supremacy.”
Apparently unaware of the irony of using a newspaper column to call for
restrictions on free speech, Carpenter argued that Americans give too
much deference to the First Amendment and should focus more on censoring
violent speech.
The good news is, if you happened to go to college before this
millennial nightmare set in, you have nothing to fear from those that
came after you. Today, America's best and brightest go to our top
universities and are trained to be outraged into a catatonic state by
anything that might moderately reinforce a stereotype.
21 January, 2016
Now it is 'offensive' to say how 'grateful' you are for MLK!
Or you've got to say it in the right way, or something
Zac Efron's somewhat short-sighted way of celebrating Martin Luther King
Jr Day has landed him in a lot of hot water on social media.
The Dirty Grandpa star has become the target of an onslaught of online
anger after posting a photo of himself cruising down a California street
in a convertible accompanied by a message saying he is 'grateful' for
the civil rights activist and also for his own huge online following.
'I'm grateful for a couple things today: Martin Luther King Jr & 10
million followers on IG #MLKDay [sic],' he wrote on Monday.
Social media users didn't appreciate Zac celebrating MLK Day and his own on popularity in the same posting
To top off the strange contrasting subjects in the post, Zac also ended
it with a pair of dark brown hand emojis, with one in a raised fist and
another pointing a finger upwards.
His followers on Twitter and Instagram immediately responded with
disgust, with one summing up the situation with a post reading: 'How did
Zac Efron attempt to make MLK day about himself I am so baffled'.
'This is one of the most offensive/diminishing/disrespectful things anyone has said in relation to MLK today.
Robert E. Lee
The freedom-fighters of the Confederacy are so often subjected to
hate speech from the Left that I am putting up the note below as a small
Today we take a moment to remember the birth anniversary of Robert E.
Lee (1807-1870), one of the greatest military commanders in American
history. He was also a great man of faith who gave his all for the cause
of Liberty and states' rights.
There were many honorable men of the Confederate States of America,
whose objective was, first and foremost, the protection of states
rights, and decidedly not the continuation of abhorrent institution of
slavery. For a better understanding on the issues of the day, read this
perspective on Abraham Lincoln, which was not included in your
grade-school civics class. The honor we give these men has its roots in
the founding of this great nation.
Mark Alexander notes in his essay, “Lincoln’s Legacy at 200,” that “the
causal case for states' rights is most aptly demonstrated by the words
and actions of Gen. Lee, who detested slavery and opposed secession. In
1860, however, Gen. Lee declined President Abraham Lincoln’s request
that he take command of the Army of the Potomac, saying that his first
allegiance was to his home state of Virginia: ‘I have, therefore,
resigned my commission in the army, and save in defense of my native
state … I hope I may never be called on to draw my sword.’ He would,
soon thereafter, take command of the Army of Northern Virginia, rallying
his officers with these words: ‘Let each man resolve to be victorious,
and that the right of self-government, liberty, and peace shall find him
a defender.’”
20 January, 2016
Leftist racism
Why does the race of a fashion model matter? All that should matter is whether she effectively sells clothes
Fans of model Kendall Jenner were delighted when it was announced last
week that she was lending her good looks to Mango's new Tribal Spirit
collection - one of her first campaigns of 2016.
But critics have taken to social media to question why a white model was
chosen to represent a collection said to be inspired by the African
Savannah, which will include a tribal print dress.
The reality TV star-turned-supermodel is modelling the first of four
trends to be showcased in advertising campaigns for Spring/Summer 2016,
and the Spanish retailer said each would be represented by 'the face
that best defines it'.
But on social media many couldn't have disagreed more, and Ldndxv was
one of many who took to Twitter to share her comments with the
retailer. 'Seriously Mango,' she wrote. 'You should know better.
Leave cultural appropriation in 2015.'
Pablo Godoy Estel agreed, saying the company's 'cultural appropriation'
was a shame. Sharpay Evans added sarcastically: 'Mango's new campaign
Tribal Spirit is inspired by the African Savannah and Kendall Jenner, a
white girl, is the model?'
Publisher pulls kids' book over slave cake controversy
Simplifying things for young children is not allowed
Scholastic is pulling a controversial new picture book about George Washington and his slaves, the publisher said on Sunday.
A Birthday Cake for George Washington was released on 5 January and had
been strongly criticized for its upbeat images and story of Washington’s
cook, the slave Hercules, and his daughter, Delia.
"While we have great respect for the integrity and scholarship of the
author, illustrator and editor, we believe that, without more historical
background on the evils of slavery than this book for younger children
can provide, the book may give a false impression of the reality of the
lives of slaves and therefore should be withdrawn," the publisher said
in a statement.
The book, which depicts Hercules and Delia preparing a cake for
Washington, has received more than 100 one-star reviews on Amazon.com.
As of Sunday evening, only 12 reviews were positive. The book also set
off discussions on Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media.
While notes in A Birthday Cake for George Washington from author Ramin
Ganeshram and illustrator Vanessa Brantley-Newton pointed out the
historical context of the 18th-century story and that Hercules
eventually escaped, some critics faulted Ganeshram and Brantley-Newton
for leaving out those details from the main narrative.
19 January, 2016
An incorrect Robert E. Lee day
Below is the first part of an editorial in the Boston Globe which
says that Robert E. Lee day should give way to Martin Luther King
day. How disgusting it is to see Leftists declaring admiration
for King -- a Republican whose vision of a race-blind America they
subvert every day with their racist "affirmative action"
Leftism is pervasively simplistic and
classifying people by race has long been one of their favoured
simplifications. They had to let go of their old anti-black
simplifications so now put out anti-white simplifications. When it
comes to public policy, they just can't think in any other way than in
IT TOOK A ghastly church massacre in Charleston, S.C., last summer — a
massacre perpetrated by a young racist who flaunted emblems of racial
hatred and subjugation — to finally bring down the Confederate battle
flag from the grounds of the South Carolina statehouse. That should be
reason enough to finally end as well the insulting practice of linking
the holiday that honors Martin Luther King Jr. with a commemoration of
Confederate General Robert E. Lee.
In three Southern states — Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas — the day
set aside nationally to pay tribute to the martyred civil rights leader
is simultaneously designated for celebrating the life of the
Confederacy’s most famous military leader. In most of the country, it
would be unthinkable to honor with a holiday the general who led the war
to rupture the United States and perpetuate African slavery. Yet Lee
has long been revered in the South, and the red-letter day bearing his
name is defended in the name of Southern heritage and as homage to a
worthy man.
But "Southern heritage" is no excuse for piggy-backing Lee’s celebration
onto the third Monday in January, a day reserved nationwide for
remembering King and his extraordinary story. It is true that Lee’s life
was being celebrated in the South long before MLK, let alone the civil
rights movement, was born. Today, however, it is hard to see the dual
holiday as anything but an ongoing affront to King’s legacy and the
reverence it inspires.
Prof, grad students say college response to Paris attacks an ‘implicit bias towards white life’
It is a bit hard to follow what is being said below but it seems to
have given offence when emails about the terrorist attacks in Paris did
not mention minorities. What the emails should have said is left
A professor and two graduate students in the University of Denver’s
Department of Communications Studies today assert in an op-ed for
college’s newspaper, The Clarion, that university emails regarding the
November terrorist attacks in Paris were "biased towards white life."
"It is our opinion that, despite these emails, DU participates in making
its ‘marginalized communities’ feel unwelcomed because of an implicit
bias toward white life not extended to the lives of nonwhite people. Our
discussion of Paris is not meant to ignore the loss of life there, but
to point out the valorization of white life assumed by DU," they write.
Professor Armond R. Towns and graduate students Raisa Alvarado and Jamie
Guzmán say the university shows "no concern with life returning to
‘normal’ when ‘terrorists’ attack Muslims," and that "the assumption is
that DU is most impacted by events that occur in Western countries," not
in, for example, "Mexico, Kenya, Baltimore, Palestine, or Baghdad."
18 January, 2016
Debate in UK Parliament today to ban Trump for Hate Speech
Donald Trump is an unpopular man, and nearly 573,000 Britons at last
counting dislike him so much that they petitioned to have him banned
from the United Kingdom under the terms of the nation’s immigration
policy, which permits the country to block the entry of people who
engage in "unacceptable behavior." Like, for example, hate speech, which
is what many Trump critics say is a hallmark of his campaign.
The government responded to the petition to indicate that: "For good
reasons the Government does not routinely comment on individual
immigration and exclusion decisions. The Home Secretary may exclude a
non-European Economic Area national from the U.K. if she considers their
presence in the U.K. to be non-conducive to the public good."
However, now that the number of petitioners has crossed the 100,000
threshold, it’s tripped a trigger that can’t be taken back: The petition
must be considered for parliamentary discussion, and it will in fact be
debated in parliament, alongside a rival petition to oppose the ban.
Audiences can even watch the proceedings live online on January 18.
Britain and the European Union have laws about free speech that are very
different from those in the United States. While freedom of expression
is valued, not all speech is protected, and hate speech can be (and is)
banned or otherwise regulated.
The Home Secretary is the one with final authority to make any such
determination, though the Prime Minister has spoken out on the issue,
clearly indicating that he condemns Trump’s comments.
Chairwoman Helen Jones, who will be overseeing the debate, stresses that
the Members of Parliament cannot reach a final decision or cast a
binding vote, as these powers lie in the hands of the Home Secretary.
If he is banned, it could raise some interesting issues, aside from
potential problems with his real estate interests in regions like
Scotland. Barring people on the grounds of hate speech might sound
quaint — and for some U.S. liberals perhaps even an example of just
desserts — but it could also set a dangerous precedent.
Other countries have refused entry to people on the grounds that they’re
too liberal, or are promoting anti-government thinking that might take
down totalitarian dictatorships or cause people to question abusive
leaders. Immigration bans like these go both ways, preventing haters and
hated alike, and for that reason, it may be best to let sleeping Trumps
Hate speech hysteria at Western Washington University
Western Washington University classes resume Tuesday, more than a month
after anonymous hate speech directed at students of color led to a
campus shutdown and the arrest of a student on malicious-harassment
After he suspended classes for a day and launched an investigation into
anonymous hate speech directed at Western Washington University’s
students of color, WWU President Bruce Shepard got an earful from
While many people on campus supported his decision, others told him he’d
overreacted, or said the threatened students should have brushed off
the anonymous comments.
"I think that’s the wrong way to think about this stuff," Shepard said
Monday. "I think that really misses the point." The point, he believes,
is that racism is widespread, and that it’s wrong to ask people of color
to deal with it by growing a thicker skin.
Tuesday marks WWU’s first regular day since Shepard suspended classes
Nov. 24, a day after anonymous hate speech directed at Western students
spread on social-media sites.
And while Shepard says it was "absolutely the right call, given what we
knew," he has asked an outside consultant to review the decision and the
events leading up to it.
One student was arrested, and the investigation is now closed, Shepard said.
The November hate-speech incident occurred shortly after
student-government leaders talked about opening a discussion on whether
the school’s mascot, a Viking, was inclusive.
Soon afterward, profanity-laced hate speech directed at students of
color began appearing on social media. One of the posts, on the
anonymous social messaging application Yik Yak, said: "Let’s lynch her."
Those words, investigators believe, referred to student-body President Belina Seare, who is black.
On Nov. 30, Bellingham police arrested WWU sophomore Tysen Campbell, who
is white, and charged him with malicious harassment for the online
threat. A court date has not yet been set.
Campbell also remains suspended from WWU, and his case is being reviewed as part of the student conduct process.
17 January, 2016
AussieBum chief reacts to claims Australia Day undies are offensive to Indigenous culture

The "cultural appropriation" nonsense again
AussieBum's chief executive says he was naive to the fact its Australia
Day underwear featuring dot paintings, boomerangs and a cartoon
depiction of a traditional Aboriginal person could cause upset.
The company has received criticism for its festive undies on social
media, kicked off by National Indigenous Television host Nathan Appo who
tweeted: "I think it's disrespectful to indigenous people of this
county on so many levels."
AussieBum CEO Sean Ashby said the company had received three formal
complaints via email, the first of which he acted on, recalling an
original design which featured the Australian flag on top of what looked
like Uluru.
"It wasn't even Uluru, it was a mountain, however, I can also see it could be interpreted that way," Mr Ashby told the ABC.
"I saw [the design] as inclusive but then when I had one person email me
and point out some really obvious issues, which quite frankly I was
naive to ... the penny dropped and that product was taken straight off
the line."
"I find the 'Ausday' hipster and brief designs very
offensive to myself and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island
Australians (many on social media already), and to all Australians,
given there is a stylised, stereotypical and offensive version of an
Aboriginal person standing on one leg," the complaint email read.
"Along with the imagery of Uluru and boomerangs
accompanying this image in the promotional material for this design,
this amounts to cultural appropriation and racism, rather than
celebration or respect for Aboriginal peoples and their cultures."
More Leftist superficiality
It's not talk about abortion that conservatives object to. It
the reality of it. You can say what you like about it but it's
still killing babies. If it's hate speech to object to the killing
of babies, let's have more hate speech
Public discourse around abortion rights has for too long shrouded the
common medical procedure in euphemisms and shame. That's the message of a
new ad campaign from the nascent direct action group Reproaction.
With ads in the Hill-focused news site Politico, the organization aims
to counter a tide of hate speech vilifying a procedure that the
Guttmacher Institute has said about one in three U.S. women undergo.
"For so long, folks have talked about abortion . with shame or with
euphemisms or as if there's something wrong with it," Erin Matson,
co-director of Reproaction, told RH Reality Check. "We're excited to
have a campaign that is affirmative and focuses on the positive value in
people's lives."
Ads intended to destigmatize abortion care could roll out as soon as
Thursday and are expected to run throughout the month, Matson said.
Timed to coincide with the anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court
decision Roe v. Wade, the digital-only ads follow a December campaign by
the group that sought to hold anti-choice leaders accountable for hate
speech and violence surrounding reproductive health.
15 January, 2016
Fury over Charlie Hebdo cartoon suggesting Alan Kurdi - the drowned
migrant boy whose body was found on Turkish beach - would have grown up
to be a Cologne sex attacker

What's wrong with saying: "Like father, like son". It's
often true. There is a lot of criminality among Muslim
refugees in Germany so with that example before them it's perfectly
likely that the children will emulate their fathers
French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was facing a furious backlash
tonight after suggesting that a drowned immigrant toddler would have
grown up to be a sex pest.
Images of the dead Alan Kurdi - originally reported as Aylan - shocked
the world when they were broadcast and published last September.
Since then, Hebdo has published a number of cartoons focusing on the little Syrian boy, whose body was found on a Turkish beach.
The latest links Alan, who was a Muslim, with the gangs of migrants who
allegedly carried out coordinated sexual assaults in the German city of
Cologne on New Year's Eve.
Alan is shown as a grown-up, pig faced sex pest running after a terrified woman as he tries to grope her.
Twitter users called the image 'disgusting' and 'tasteless', and
compared it to the Nazi magazine Der Sturmer, which mocked Jews in the
run up to the Holocaust in the 1930s.
'All of the people who work at Charlie Hebdo are some of the most
bigoted & racist people in the world, actually,' wrote Twitter user
Chris Erion.
The controversial cartoon comes on the first anniversary of a terrorist
attack on the magazine by al-Qaeda gunmen, which left 11, including
cartoonists, dead.
The attackers had accused Hebdo of insulting the Prophet Mohamed, and having a vendetta against Muslims in general.
Must not blame migrant intake for traffic jams
Over a million immigrants have arrived in Britain in recent
years. And in bureaucratically-strangled England the provision of
new and improved infrastructure such as roads and bridges is very
slow. So you have a lot more drivers using basically the same
roads as before. And since British traffic was very prone to jams
before, the result is predictable. The guy below expressed
that thought a little clumsily but he was in fact perfectly logical
Deal or No Deal host Noel Edmonds has been criticised on Twitter after
suggesting migrants were to blame for a traffic jams that caused him to
abandon a journey.
The 67-year-old tweeted to his 11,000 followers this morning: 'Just
tried to get somewhere. Allowed loads of time but abandoned journey. Am I
alone in feeling Britain is full?'
He followed it up by saying: 'But just supposing, I know it's a
ridiculous thought, crazy even, totally insane obviously, but supposing
UKs full?'
14 January, 2016
Ricky Gervais reacts after being slammed for 'transphobic' Caitlyn Jenner jibe
Ricky Gervais has defended his decision to target Caitlyn Jenner in his
Golden Globes opening monologue, after being accused of being
'Suggesting a joke about Caitlin [sic] Jenner is automatically
transphobic is like suggesting a joke about Bill Cosby is automatically
racist,' wrote the Globes host.
Gervais posted a series of tweets defending his work on Sunday, in which
he set out to poke fun at a who's who of Hollywood, from Ben Affleck to
Mel Gibson and Charlie Sheen.
Addressing the A-list audience he had said: 'I’m going to be nice
tonight. I’ve changed. 'Not as much as Bruce Jenner, obviously…
now Caitlyn Jenner. What a year she’s had.
'She became a role model for trans people everywhere, showing great
bravery in breaking down barriers and destroying stereotypes. She didn’t
do a lot for women drivers, but you can't have everything, can you?'
The attack on Caitlyn's driving was an obvious reference to the February
2015 collision in which the former Olympian, then identifying as Bruce
Jenner, rear-ended a car, starting off a chain reaction in which a woman
lost her life when her vehicle was forced into oncoming traffic.
Yet compared to the other A-listers on Ricky Gervais' hit list, Jenner
got off lightly - with Gervais making a point of commending her decision
to publicly transition.
Despite this the reaction was swift, with the comedian attacked for even mentioning the reality star.
Australian lamb ad dubbed violent towards vegans, racist
THE latest Australia Day lamb ad has come under fire for racial insensitivity and promoting violence towards vegans.
This year’s campaign, which brings together Lambassador Sam Kekovich and
legendary SBS newsreader Lee Lin Chin, is based around a mission to
save Aussies abroad from having to go without a lamb barbecue on
Australia Day.
Chin leads an army, including Fitzy & Wippa, across the likes of
Tokyo, London and Bali, on a journey to bring home a number of prominent
One of the people Chin’s army brings home includes a vegan whose apartment is set on fire.
It is this scene that has sparked complaints, including on the Facebook
page of Meat and Livestock Australia, which created the ad.
Others have complained about the use of the term "boomerang" arguing it
is insensitive to indigenous Australians, especially leading into
Australia Day.
A spokeswoman for the Advertising Standards Bureau said it had received
close to 300 complaints since the ad was launched — the majority about
discrimination against vegans.
The spokeswoman told News Corp Australia a meeting of the ASB board will
be convened to review the ad — possibly prior to Australia Day.
"It will go to our next board meeting. The board will decide on whether
to dismiss or uphold the ad. If it is dismissed it has to then be
removed," she said.
The ad is clearly a lark, not to be taken literally. So what's wrong
with disrespecting Vegans? They're deluded. Human beings,
like many higher mammals, are omnivores. Being Vegan is unnatural
and risky to your health
13 January, 2016
Facebook's 'hate speech' double standard
In December 2015, the NGO Shurat Hadin – Israel Law Center started an
experiment on Facebook to see if the social-media giant was indeed
guilty of double standards when it comes to Israel and the Palestinians.
The group decided to create two similar Facebook pages called "Stop
Israel" and "Stop Palestinians" and started posting similar articles,
visuals and statements on each site. For instance, the anti-Israel page
had a post that read "The Zionist bites Palestine part after part and
the world is silent. We’ll stop them any way we can" – while the
anti-Palestinian site posted "Greater land Israel should return soon
from the hands of the Muslim enemy back to Jewish sovereignty! We’ll do
it in any way we can."
More posts purposely filled with hatred and incitement against both
sides and from both pages continued to flow. The verbiage was almost
similar on all posts except for the obvious targeting of one side by the
other. The result? Facebook shut down the anti-Palestinian page while
the anti-Israel page continued to run.
On British TV shows, even blacks are not allowed to be critical of homosexuals
It is normal for blacks worldwide to express dislike of
homosexuality. In Jamaica they call male homosexuals
"poopmen". But below we read that a black on a popular TV show was
censured for it. That is mildly surprising because the
all-purpose get-out card that Leftists use to excuse bad behaviour by
minorities -- "It's his culture" -- literally applied in this
case. So, clearly, protecting homosexuals trumps everything
else -- probably because they are the most disgusting to normal

Judgement day in the Celebrity Big Brother house came swiftly and
unapologetically for UKIP candidate Winston McKenzie, who was booted out
of the house Friday over his crippling homophobic views.
McKenzie’s homophobia caused a stir before he even entered the house
this season, when he described how he’d handle living with a gay
housemate in a pre-show interview.
It’s Day 1 In The "Celebrity Big Brother" House And We Already Have A Raging Homophobe
"I could cope with a homosexual in the house. I guess I’ll just have to
and with my back against a brick wall all the time," he said.
McKenzie had an opportunity to revise or clarify his disdain for LGBT
people during a task in the house days later, which he failed
Asked to match housemates with previous quotes they’d given to the
press, Winston’s 16 housemates were stunned to learn he’d previously
said he believed gay people adopting children is tantamount to "child
Winston stood firm in his view, and was quickly shown the door by a 13-1
vote. He said in an exit interview that he was most shocked by being
dropped by people he respected and had formed relationships with,
including producer David Gest and Flavor of Love star Tiffany Pollard.
12 January, 2016
Twitter's new crusade against violent speech
The company has gone after a popular -- albeit controversial -- Twitter
user. It revoked the "verified" status of Milo Yiannopoulos, a British
journalist at Breitbart News, on Friday evening.
Yiannopoulos has over 140,000 Twitter followers and is known for his
provocative, unapologetic commentary. He's been vocal in the contentious
movement known as GamerGate, which claims to promote ethics in gaming
journalism but has been condemned for its treatment of women.
On Twitter, Yiannopoulos, who is gay, has taken aim at women. Like this
tweet from December: "Is it any wonder successful gay men hate
feminists, when women, in tax terms as elsewhere, are so ... well,
On Friday evening, Yiannopoulos tweeted a screenshot of an email from
Twitter stating that his verification had been revoked. "I've been sat
at the naughty table!" he wrote.
The screenshot, which Twitter told CNNMoney is valid, states that
additional violations on his part could result in being removed from the
platform all together.
"I think this is the first step to getting me off the platform," he told
CNNMoney on Sunday. "Ridicule and criticism are being re-branded abuse
and harassment."
Germany springs to action over hate speech against migrants
Can the truth be hate speech?
Donald Trump may be testing the boundaries of tolerance on the U.S.
campaign trail. But here in Germany, the government is effectively
enforcing civility, taking aim at a surge of hate speech against
refugees and Muslims.
As Western Europe’s most populous nation grapples with a historic wave
of mostly-Muslim migrants, politicians and activists are decrying a rash
of incendiary speech bubbling to the surface of German society. In a
country whose Nazi past led to some of the strictest laws in the West
protecting minorities from people inciting hatred, prosecutors are
launching investigations into inflammatory comments as judges dole out
fines, even probation time, to the worst offenders.
German authorities, meanwhile, have reached a deal with Facebook, Google
and Twitter to get tougher on offensive content, with the outlets
agreeing to apply domestic laws, rather than their own corporate
policies, to reviews of posts.
11 January, 2016
Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" on sale in Germany for the first time since World War II
What difference does it make? It is readily available online
A critical edition of Adolf Hitler's autobiography Mein Kampf will hit
bookstores in Germany for the first time since World War II as the
copyright of the racist political treatise expires.
For 70 years, the southern German state of Bavaria - who was handed the
copyright of the book by the Allies in 1945 following Hitler's death -
refused to publish the anti-Semitic manifesto out of respect for victim
of the Nazis.
But Mein Kampf, which means My Struggle, fell into the public domain on January 1.
Ian Kershaw, a Briton who is a leading biographer of Hitler, joined
Friday's book presentation and said it was 'high time for a rigorously
academic edition of Mein Kampf' to be made available.
'For years, I have considered the lifting of the ban on publication long overdue,' Kershaw said.
'Censorship is almost always pointless in the long term in a free
society, and only contributes to creating a negative myth, making a
forbidden text more mysterious and awakening an inevitable fascination
with the inaccessible.'
But the Jewish community in Germany criticised the decision to reprint
the anti-Semitic book, questioning whether it was necessary to propagate
the inflammatory text again.
Charlotte Knobloch, leader of the Jewish community in Munich, said she could not imagine seeing 'Mein Kampf' in shop windows.
Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, told AFP that not
only would 'Holocaust survivors be offended by the sale of the
anti-Semitic work in bookstores again', but that he also failed to see a
need for a critical edition.
EU considers scrapping citizen petitions which force parliament to
consider appeals with enough support after a million people call for gay
marriage to be axed
There are some things you must not ask
The EU is backtracking over a proposal that allows citizen appeals to be
heard in parliament after one million people signed a petition calling
for gay marriage to be scrapped.
European leaders now want to review the scheme amid fears it is being
hijacked by minority campaign groups pushing their agenda on
controversial and 'emotionally charged' issues.
The legislation, called the European Citizens' Initiative, allows
petitions that have gathered more than one million signatures to be
heard before parliament.
But President Jean-Claude Juncker has signalled his desire to review the
scheme after an anti-gay marriage group collected one million
The minutes of a meeting on December 9 revealed EU lawyers warned the
group's petition met all the requirements of the legislation, and the
organisation was legally-bound to allow it to be heard.
Members were concerned the proposed citizens' laws did not move the EU
project forward, rather they involved 'highly controversial and
emotionally charged issues of greater interest to minorities'.
10 January, 2016
'Being white makes you a winner': Thai beauty campaign 'showing dark skinned people as losers'
Thais tend to think Hitler was a pretty cool guy too. They have different sensitivities to Westerners
A Thai company has pulled an advert for skin-lightening pills following
an outcry on social media over a product sold with the tagline 'white
makes you a winner'.
The advertisement for Seoul Secret's supplement called Snowz featured a
veteran Thai actress Cris Horwang, 35, attributing her professional
success to her pale complexion.
'It's not easy to stay at this point for a long time,' she says in the
video. 'If I stopped taking care of my body and white complexion, all
that I have invested will be gone.'
As she speaks, a smiling, younger woman enters the picture and Cris' own image darkens to charcoal black.
She's seen casting an envious look at the other woman who stands by her side.
'A newcomer will replace me and turn me into a dark star,' she says in
the video, using a Thai idiom to refer to her fame fading.
Whitening creams and pills are wildly popular in Thailand, where pale
skin is upheld as the standard of beauty in the media and among many
Thais, and is associated with a higher social status.
Before its removal, the Seoul Secret video received more than 100,000
views on YouTube, and a flood of inquiries on the company's Facebook
page about how to order the product.
But other social media sites drew posts railing against the advert for
being racially offensive and reinforcing the country's narrow beauty
'It indicates that dark skin people are losers, and this is clearly
racist,' a Thai commentator named Tammaijang wrote on the web forum
H&M sparks fury for selling 'offensive' striped scarf which looks like Jewish prayer shawl
Is anybody hurt by this?
High-street retailer H&M has come under fire for selling a striped
scarf which looks remarkably similar to a traditional Jewish garment
used for prayer.
The controversial striped accessory is currently on sale for £12.99 on the shop's UK website.
But Twitter users noticed the design was reminiscent of a tallit scarf,
in the same cream colour with black stripes and knotted ends.
The tallit scarf is traditionally worn during prayer and led many to voice their outrage.
Twitter user Rav Ruttenberg wrote: 'Dear fashion, please step off other
people's ritual items (or symbols of liberation really)' and posted a
link to the H&M item.
Jason Rosenbaum posted: 'Wow. I'm not easily offended but that is one offensive scarf.'
An H&M spokesperson told FEMAIL: 'We are truly sorry if we have offended anyone with this piece.
'Everyone is welcome at H&M and we never take a religious or
political stand. Stripes is one of the trends for this season and
something we were inspired by. Our intention was never to upset anyone.'
The spokesperson added to i100: 'The quantities were small and the products are no longer available in some markets.'
8 January, 2016
Democrats Hate Free Speech
Not that it stands any chance of passing the Republican-controlled
House, but several Democrats teamed up to lay their anti-free speech
cards on the table. House Resolution 569 condemns "violence, bigotry,
and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States," and thanks
to a few Democrats, it’s now before the House Judiciary Committee.
Robert Spencer writes for Front Page Magazine, "That’s right: ‘violence,
bigotry and hateful rhetoric.’ The implications of those five words
will fly by most people who read them, and the mainstream media, of
course, will do nothing to elucidate them. But what H. Res. 569 does is
conflate violence — attacks on innocent civilians, which have no
justification under any circumstances — with ‘bigotry’ and ‘hateful
rhetoric,’ which are identified on the basis of subjective judgments.
The inclusion of condemnations of ‘bigotry’ and ‘hateful rhetoric’ in
this Resolution, while appearing to be high-minded, take on an ominous
character when one recalls the fact that for years, [Muslim Congressmen
Keith Ellison and Andre Carson], and his allies (including groups such
as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations, CAIR) have
been smearing any and all honest examination of how Islamic jihadists
use the texts and teachings of Islam to incite hatred and violence as
‘bigotry’ and ‘hateful rhetoric.’
This Resolution is using the specter of violence against Muslims to try
to quash legitimate research into the motives and goals of those who
have vowed to destroy us, which will have the effect of allowing the
jihad to advance unimpeded and unopposed."
Black British actress slams Starbucks over 'racist' statue of black boy in pith helmet and loin cloth in London coffee shop

The image is presumably meant to portray a coffee planation worker so may be broadly accurate
Thandie Newton has accused Starbucks of racism after spotting a statue
of a black boy wearing a pith helmet and loin cloth in one of its London
coffee shops.
The outraged actress posted a photograph to Twitter, showing the model -
which was being used to hold Colombian coffee beans - on the counter of
the chain's shop in Soho.
She then wrote: 'Seriously @Starbucks? At the counter — Loin cloth and
Safari hat on a black child. Happy New Year circa 19th century.'
The chain replied saying: 'We are very concerned to learn of this
incident & we can’t apologize enough. We have removed the figure
& are investigating.'
7 January, 2016
US loves 'all-white' Downton Abbey, says Australian satirist. Barry
Humphries claims show is popular because 'there are no black people in
Like all good satire, it probably has an element of truth in it

Some put its astonishing global popularity down to the gripping family
dramas, others to its idyllic picture of an age gone by. But
according to Dame Edna Everage, Downton Abbey has only found success in
America ‘because there are no black people in it’.
Australian comic Barry Humphries, 81, most famous for his drag act as
Dame Edna, quipped that the predominantly white cast made the programme
more palatable for U.S. audiences.
However, he seemed to ignore the fact that Downton does have a black
character - American jazz musician Jack Ross - who appeared in four
episodes of series four. His remarks also go against the fact that
Empire was the fifth most watched show in America last year, with more
than 17million viewers, and has an almost entirely non-white cast.
Humphries made the comments in an interview with The Radio Times in
which he lamented how the rise of political correctness and ‘puritanism’
is sterilising modern comedy.
He also claimed that the BBC blocked him from making jokes about Labour
leader Jeremy Corbyn unless he also poked fun at David Cameron.
Humphries’ remarks about Downton are the latest in a long line of controversial jokes that have peppered his career.
In 2003, his agony aunt column in magazine Vanity Fair was axed after a
reader asked if she should learn Spanish and he advised against it,
adding: ‘Who speaks it that you are really desperate to talk to? The
help? Your leaf blower?’
It caused outrage, with many taking the comments to be offensive to
Mexicans. The remarks were defended as satirising rich Americans but the
scandal led to a full page apology being printed.
Speaking of the incident in the Radio Times interview, Humphries said:
‘Now we would read it as Edna satirising snobbish people who think maids
and Spanish-speaking people are inferior.
‘[Actress] Salma Hayek was on the cover and rallied a lot of Mexicans,
and death threats were received by [editor] Graydon Carter.
Unbelievable! And my column was suspended. You lose your job.’
He said it is ‘quite important’ to him that he causes offence, adding:
‘It’s very easy to become a safe figure and tempting, too, to want to be
all things to all people.’
True to this form, he said of Downton Abbey: ‘Why do you think Downton
Abbey is so popular in the States? Because there are no black people in
The ITV programme is broadcast on channel PBS in America, and the final
series – which concluded in the UK last year – began on Sunday night.
Despite its story being so quintessentially British, the show is hugely
popular in America, with episodes often attracting upwards of 10million
It has no shortage of celebrity fans across the Atlantic, with Katy
Perry, George Clooney and Sarah Jessica Parker all known to be devotees.
First Lady Michelle Obama reportedly begged to have episodes sent to her
in advance because she could not wait for them to reach American
In his new interview, Humphries also lamented the state of modern comedy.
He said: ‘Imagine if the BBC tried to do Till Death Us Do Part again
today, with Alf Garnett ranting against black people? It couldn’t be
done. There is a new puritanism that we are experiencing, a
The comedian said this became particularly apparent to him during a
recent BBC appearance when he found executives telling him which jokes
he could and couldn’t tell.
He said: ‘I wanted to say something about Mr Corbyn and a faceless,
nameless person at the BBC said, "Then you have also have to say
something about Mr Cameron". As if there wasn’t any bias at the BBC at
He said this attitude has seeped through the entire Corporation, making
it a shadow of itself compared to when he worked there during the
1960s. ‘It’s not such a free place any more. There’s a fear of
treading on people’s toes and I don’t like it,’ he said.
Bazza backs Germaine

AUSTRALIAN comedian Barry Humphries has weighed into Germaine Greer’s
row over Caitlyin Jenner, describing the former Olympian as "a mutilated
Humphries — who is about to return to the stage as Dame Edna Everage —
said he backed Australian feminist Greer, who caused an uproar with her
claims last October that transgender women are "not real women".
According to Greer, "trans" women such as Jenner are men "who believe that they are women and have themselves castrated."
Humphries, who has made millions as arguably the world’s most famous
female impersonator, told London’s Telegraph he agreed with his fellow
Aussie expat.
"I agree with Germaine! You’re a mutilated man, that’s all," he says.
"Self-mutilation, what’s all this carry on? Caitlyn Jenner — what a
publicity-seeking ratbag. It’s all given the stamp — not of
respectability, but authenticity or something. If you criticise anything
you’re racist or sexist or homophobic."
Humphries, 81, is about to embark on Dame Edna’s final farewell tour in the US and Canada.
6 January, 2016
Black cricketer disrespects female interviewer on Australian TV

An experienced and dedicated female sports journalist, Mel
McLaughlin, was trying to interview black cricketer Chris Gayle about
sports matters but got only personal comments about herself from
him. That has offended a lot of people as inappropriate and
disrespectful to a woman but he has so far refused to apologize. It will
hurt his career, however. Various sorts of retribution against
him have been proposed or promised.
Black males are often very
bold in approaching women so his behaviour should perhaps be seen in
that context. From his point of view he probably sees nothing to
apologize for. In Leftist terms, it's his "culture".
anthropological terms it could be seen as part of a generally low level
of self-restraint among people of sub-Saharan African origin, as seen in
their very high rate of criminal offending wherever they are in the
Perhaps it should be mentioned that the lady has been publicly embarrassed on TV before -- by another black sportsman.
Also relevant is that Gayle has behaved similarly on past occasions but has learnt nothing from it. Another female journalist labels him as a "creep", which he no doubt is by general Australian standards
Gayle sent social media into meltdown when he openly flirted with
McLaughlin in his on-field interview after he was dismissed for a
brilliant 41 (15 balls).
"I wanted to have an interview with you as well, that’s why I’m here," the Jamaican said live on national television.
"I get to see your eyes for the first time, it’s nice. Hopefully we can win and go for a drink after.
"Don’t blush baby."
A clearly uncomfortable McLaughlin finished the interview with class,
but Channel 10 Head of Sport David Barham, at home watching the match on
television, said McLaughlin was angered by the experience.
Australia: A mature response to offensive speech

Veteran journalist Samantha Maiden
A journalist labelled a "mad f---ing witch" by Immigration Minister
Peter Dutton hopes he doesn't find himself on the backbench for
accidentally sending an offensive text message to her.
On Sunday night, Mr Dutton confirmed he had apologised to the journalist
for the text, which was intended for his embattled colleague Jamie
Mr Briggs stepped down from his position as cities minister after acting
inappropriately towards a female colleague while on an overseas trip.
Samantha Maiden, the national political editor for News Corp's Sunday
papers, published a column on Sunday morning highly critical of Mr
Briggs' conduct.
Mr Dutton responded by sending a text intended for Mr Briggs in which he
called Maiden a "mad f---ing witch". Instead, it was sent to Maiden's
text message inbox.
On Monday, Maiden said there were "more substantial issues" to consider
in the aftermath of Mr Briggs' resignation. "Peter Dutton has
stuffed up, he's owned up and he's 'fessed up," Maiden told ABC radio on
Monday morning.
"I would be lying if I was trying to manufacture outrage ... I'm not offended by it.
When asked if Mr Dutton should resign for the "witch" text, Maiden told
Nine's Today program she "would hope not". "I think that Mr Dutton
is a good minister; he's a hard worker, he's made a strong contribution
to the government," she said.
5 January, 2016
Students protest Sig Ep, Alpha Phi raid, call on UCLA to address racism
The events described below happened last October. I put the
matter aside at the time to await further developments. But there
seem to have been none. The whole matter has slipped off the
radar. Google reveals nothing except reports of the original
occurrence. Was the suspension of the accused students
lifted? Probably. There is a defence of the
"offensive" students here
which may have taken the heat off them. The bottom line seems to
be that they WERE mocking the erratic singer Kanye West, not Africans
generally. That is still pretty risky, however
Students dressed in black marched to Chancellor Gene Block’s office
Thursday afternoon to protest the "Kanye Western" themed raid held
Tuesday night, which was organized by the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity
and Alpha Phi sorority.
About 200 protesters held signs with messages such as "Black culture is
not a theme," and chanted "Black Bruins Matter," among other messages.
At the raid, which many students described as racist, partygoers dressed
in baggy clothes, plumped lips and padded bottoms. Some students were
also seen with brown paint and black soot on their faces.
Jerry Kang, vice chancellor for equity, diversity and inclusion, said
both Alpha Phi and Sigma Phi Epsilon have been placed on immediate
interim suspension of all social activities pending the outcome of an
Turkey's Erdogan uses Hitler's Germany as an example in his push for a stronger presidency
Outside Europe and the Anglosphere countries Hitler is not seen as
very bad and may even be admired as "strong". And in Muslim
countries he is a hero. So Erdogan, a Muslim, was just forgetful
of Western sensitivities when he used a Hitler comparison
Turkey's president caused a storm yesterday when he used Adolf Hitler's
ruling system to defend a controversial plan to expand the powers of the
President Erdogan, the strongman of Turkish politics for more than a
decade, is seeking a new constitution to transform his post into a
powerful 'super-presidency'.
Asked on his return from a state visit to Saudi Arabia whether an
executive presidency was possible in Turkey while maintaining the
unitary structure of the state, Erdogan said: 'There are already
examples in the world. You can see it when you look at Hitler's Germany.
'There are later examples in various other countries,' he told reporters.
Erdogan wants to change the Turkish constitution to turn the ceremonial
role of president into that of a chief executive, a Turkish version of
the system in the United States, France or Russia.
Emboldened by his Justice and Development Party's (AKP) landslide
election win in November, Erdogan has suggested holding a referendum on
the proposed constitutional reforms.
However the Turkish president's office last night said he was not
advocating a Hitler-style government when he called for a state system
with a strong executive.
A statement from Erdogan's office said the Turkish president has
declared the Holocaust, anti-semitism and Islamophobia as crimes against
humanity and that it was out of the question for him to cite Hitler's
Germany as a good example.
'Erdogan's 'Hitler's Germany' metaphor has been distorted by some news
sources and has been used in the opposite sense,' the presidency said in
a statement.
4 January, 2016
'Bikini Body' is a bad phrase
Women's Health magazine is saying goodbye to the phrases 'Bikini Body' and 'Drop Two Dress Sizes' in 2016.
Editor-in-chief, Amy Keller Laird, penned a thoughtful essay on Tuesday
announcing the retirement of the 'shaming' cover lines as part of the
fitness magazine's New Year resolutions, explaining that the decision
was inspired by Women's Health readers.
'Since our goal is always to pump you up, and never to make you feel
bad, here’s our pledge: They’re gone,' she wrote of the phrases.
'They’ll no longer appear on Women’s Health covers.'
The editor noted that the magazine had stopped using words such as
'shrink' and 'diet' in 2015 at readers' request, but a recent survey
showed that Women's Health fan's also weren't thrilled with taglines
about achieving 'bikini bodies' or shrinking in size during unreasonable
amounts of time.
It appears that Women's Health has been slowly removing the unwanted
phrases and replacing them with words such as 'strong' and 'sexy' over
the past year, particularly in the last few months.
The last time 'Bikini Body' was splashed across the magazine's cover was for the June 2015 issue starring Gwyneth Paltrow.
Confederate flag is the 'American Swastika'?
I call it a symbol of justice denied. In his famous letter to Horace
Greeley, Abraham Lincoln admitted that the war was nothing to do with
slavery. It was about central government power -- "the union" in
Lincoln's terms. Kids are taught to recite a pack of sententious
lies called the Gettysburg address -- in which he claimed to stand for
"goverment of the people by the people for the people" -- exactly what
he had just denied to the South
Quentin Tarantino considers the Confederate flag the 'American swastika'
- and feels it is 'about damn time' that people questioned its place in
the American South.
Tarantino's comment was made during an interview to promote his latest
film, The Hateful Eight, which is due to hit the big screen on January 8
in the UK.
The film is set a few years after the American Civil War and it puts the spotlight on strained race relations in the country.
3 January, 2016
Is Twitter shooting itself in the foot?
It will now censor discussions of "sensitive topics". So far, the
draconian restrictions below only apply to PAID ads, not to
general tweets. I can see it encouraging more general tweets but I
can't see it making much money.

This policy evokes a strong "negative reaction" in me. How can anyone
figure out how one of the permanently offended class will react to
anything? Hello, White Christmas??
Donor disclosure as a brake on free speech
Leftists will corrupt anything
Not content with using the IRS to harass conservative organizations, the
Democrats have turned to using the court system to demand that
conservative organizations divulge their donor list. As Breitbart
The San Francisco Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overruled a U.S.
District Court judge to give authority to California Attorney General
Kamala Harris to obtain the donor list from the Koch Brothers-backed
Americans for Prosperity Foundation.
The ‘Americans for Prosperity Foundation’ was founded by Charles and
David Koch as a national foundation in 2004 and registered in all
states, including California, as a nonprofit organization promoting
limited government and free markets by educating individuals around the
country about practical ways to improve their circumstances.
It became one of the most influential American conservative political
advocacy organizations after the 2009 inauguration of President Barack
Obama, when AFP helped transform the Tea Party movement into a potent
political force to oppose the Obama agenda, such as the stimulus,
Obamacare, and cap-and-trade.
AFP is especially loathed by unions for supporting limits on the
collective bargaining rights of public-sector trade unions,
right-to-work laws, and raising the federal minimum wage.
But AFP became the number one target of elected Democrat officials and
their constituencies for the role the organization played in breaking
Democrat majority control of the House of Representatives in 2010 and
the U.S. Senate in 2014.
AFP has complied with the filing requirements with the Internal Revenue
Service each year for over a decade and disclosed its nationwide list of
major donors’ names and addresses on tax form "Schedule B" for a
nonprofit charity. Federal criminal statutes protect the constitutional
right to privacy by forbidding the IRS to make any unauthorized
disclosure of charity donors to a 501(c)4 non-profit.
This is the left's subtle way of enforcing conformity with their
socially extreme views and stifling dissent. It's for this reason that
even some voices who once suggested a compromise on campaign donations:
unlimited giving, but full disclosure- are now reconsidering. As Charles
Krauthammer noted in a column for the Washington Post:
"Open the floodgates, and let the monies, big and small, check and
balance each other. And let transparency be the safeguard against
corruption. As long as you know who is giving what to whom, you can look
for, find and, if necessary, prosecute corrupt connections between
donor and receiver."
This used to be my position. No longer. I had not foreseen how donor
lists would be used not to ferret out corruption but to pursue and
persecute citizens with contrary views. Which corrupts the very idea of
full disclosure.
It is now an invitation to the creation of enemies lists. Containing,
for example, Brendan Eich, forced to resign as Mozilla CEO when it was
disclosed that six years earlier he’d given $1,000 to support a
referendum banning gay marriage. He was hardly the first. Activists
compiled blacklists of donors to Proposition 8 and went after them.
Indeed, shortly after the referendum passed, both the artistic director
of the California Musical Theatre in Sacramento and the president of the
Los Angeles Film Festival were hounded out of office.
Referendums produce the purest example of transparency misused because
corrupt favoritism is not an issue. There’s no one to corrupt.
Supporting a referendum is a pure expression of one’s beliefs. Full
disclosure in that context becomes a cudgel, an invitation to
This isn't about ferretting out corruption- it's about naming and
shaming. That's the only explanation for investigation of a group that's
been in full compliance with the law. This just serves as another
reminder: liberals aren't interested in winning the debate, they're
interested in ending it.
2 January, 2016
Again: Must not dress up as Native Americans
This stupid "cultural appropriation" idea again. A demolition of it here
[Actor] Chris Hemsworth and wife Elsa Pataky have come under fire for
dressing up as Native Americans at a New Year's Eve fancy dress party.
Taking to Instagram on Thursday night, 39-year-old Spanish actress Elsa
shared a snap of the couple with family and friends at the event.
Posing behind a 'Wanted' sign, the couple pose in their Native American
costumes alongside fellow guests while Luke Hemsworth appears to stand
guard in a Sheriff suit and cowboy hat.
Fans were quick to condemn the pair for their choice of attire, with one
Instagram user commenting: 'This is so disappointing to see. Native
Americans are real, their culture is real.'
Meanwhile, another suggested the couple's costumes were an example of
cultural appropriation, writing: 'Can't put into words how wrong this
is.' [Do try]
Meanwhile other fans took the liberty to defend the couple on social
media, insisting the fancy dress party was just a light-hearted social
occasion with no nasty intent. [Which is surely true]
Must not disrespect artists

As far as I can see, most modern art is crap. So if I had a
young kid at the moment, I would buy him one of these shirts. Why
should I not? A lot of people share my view of modern art.
Artists are questioning the creativity (and biases) of Old Navy's design team.
Mother and professional artist Kelly McKernan posted a photo of two Old
Navy toddler shirts to Facebook on Tuesday. The shirts were each
emblazoned with the slogan, "Young Aspiring Artist," but the word
"Artist" was crossed out and replaced with "Astronaut" or "President."
McKernan asserted that the shirts promoted an anti-art mentality in children, and chastised Old Navy for approving the design.
"This is deeply disappointing," McKernan wrote in the photo caption. "As
a mother and a career artist, I'm astounded that a company as large and
influential as you are could approve of a design that encourages
toddlers to stifle their creativity."
Other commenters agreed, noting how the shirt seemingly looks down upon artistic professions.
1 January, 2016
Another moan from the easily offended
From these moaners, you would never guess that alcohol is a normal part of life in the Western world
A Frozen-themed non-alcoholic 'champagne' has been pulled from shelves
following a wave of protest from alcohol awareness groups.
The sparkling grape fruit juice - sold as a 'party drink' and packaged
in a corked wine bottle for as little as £1.69 - left some parents
scratching their heads.
However not everybody was up in arms about the product. One woman posted
a picture on Twitter of her two children clinking champagne glasses,
with the caption: 'Happy birthday to our girl #birthdaymorning
The animated fantasy film is one of the highest-grossing movies in box
office history, and its popularity has spawned a wave of merchandise -
from Elsa dresses, wigs and dolls to even furniture.
But some felt that Frozen-themed 'champagne' was taking things a step too far.
Discount site HomeBargains.co.uk, who have since pulled the product from
their site, described the drink as a 'grown-up alternative to juice and
pop at parties' for 'little princes and princesses across the land who
want to be more sophisticated'.
It was described as 'perfect at birthdays, family events, BBQs or after a
long day building snowmen with Olaf' and sold for £1.69 a bottle.
However, drink awareness campaigners were furious, claiming the product 'normalised' alcohol consumption.
Dr Sarah Jarvis, medical advisor for DrinkAware said: 'The Chief Medical
Officer recommends an alcohol-free childhood for good reason.
'Young people's bodies are still developing and their brains may be more
susceptible to the effects of alcohol than those of adults, even at
levels within the government's recommended upper limits for adults.'
Jackie Ballard, Chief Executive of Alcohol Concern, told Mashable.'Too
often alcohol is sold as if it was a normal commodity and alcohol-like
products are used to entice people into the world of alcohol.
Must not speak the truth about bad attitudes among blacks
That there ARE a lot of bad attitudes among blacks is shown by their high rate of criminal offending
Oliver Letwin's words in a secret memo blaming 'bad moral attitudes'
among black people for the 1980s riots 'border on criminality', equality
campaigners said today.
The Tory MP has been accused of racism after he warned Margaret Thatcher
in 1985 not to back a black entrepreneur scheme, saying they would just
'set up in the disco and drug trade'.
Mr Letwin, who is David Cameron's policy chief, also argued that social
unrest could not be caused by deprivation because poor white people had
lived in slums for years without rioting.
Civil rights campaigner Darcus Howe said today: 'If a black man had said
something quite like that he’d have been called into Scotland Yard and
he might be charged with incitement to riot. It is bordering on
Mr Letwin's comments were discovered in files released yesterday under
the former 30-year rule by the National Archives at Kew, west London.
He was a member of Mrs Thatcher's policy unit and wrote the memo in the
wake of the Broadwater Farm riot in Tottenham, north London, in 1985.
The country had been rocked by social unrest after riots erupted in
mostly black urban areas.
After the document emerged last night Mr Letwin later apologised
'unreservedly' and admitted he was 'wrong' and his controversial memo,
initialled and probably underlined by Lady Thatcher, was 'badly worded'.
Oliver Letwin and co-author Hartley Booth wrote a memo for Mrs Thatcher
after major rioting in Tottenham. They commented on government
policy and what they thought were the root causes of unrest.
They wrote: 'The root of social malaise is not poor housing, or youth "alienation", or the lack of a middle class.
'Lower-class, unemployed white people lived for years in appalling slums
without a breakdown of public order on anything like the present scale;
in the midst of the depression, people in Brixton went out, leaving
their grocery money in a bag at the front door, and expecting to see
groceries there when they got back.
'Riots, criminality and social disintegration are caused solely by
individual characters and attitudes. So long as bad moral attitudes
remain, all efforts to improve the inner cities will founder.
'David Young's new entrepreneurs will set up in the disco and drug
trade; Kenneth Baker's refurbished council blocks will decay through
vandalism combined with neglect; and people will graduate from temporary
training or employment programmes into unemployment or crime'.
This is Tongue-Tied 2
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
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Is the American national anthem politically incorrect? From the 4th verse:
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

"HATE SPEECH" is free speech: The U.S. Supreme Court stated the general
rule regarding protected speech in Texas v. Johnson (109 S.Ct. at
2544), when it held: "The government may not prohibit the verbal or
nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea
offensive or disagreeable." Federal courts have consistently followed this. Said Virginia federal district judge Claude Hilton: "The
First Amendment does not recognize exceptions for bigotry, racism, and
religious intolerance or ideas or matters some may deem trivial, vulgar
or profane."
Even some advocacy of violence is protected by the 1st Amendment. In
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the U.S. Supreme Court held unanimously that
speech advocating violent illegal actions to bring about social change
is protected by the First Amendment "except where such advocacy is
directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely
to incite or produce such action."
The double standard: Atheists can put up signs and billboards saying
that Christianity is wrong and that is hunky dory. But if a Christian
says that homosexuality is wrong, that is attacked as "hate speech"
One for the militant atheists to consider: "...it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" -- Thomas Jefferson
"I think no subject should be off-limits, and I regard the laws in many
Continental countries criminalizing Holocaust denial as philosophically
repugnant and practically useless – in that they confirm to Jew-haters
that the Jews control everything (otherwise why aren’t we allowed to
talk about it?)" -- Mark Steyn
A prophetic comment on Norwegian hate speech laws: As Justice Brandeis
once noted, repressive censorship “breeds hate” and “that hate menaces
stable government,” rather than promoting safety; “the path of safety
lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and
proposed remedies.”
Voltaire's most famous saying was actually a summary of Voltaire's
thinking by one of his biographers rather than something Voltaire said
himself. Nonetheless it is a wholly admirable sentiment: "I disagree
with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
I am of a similar mind.
The traditional advice about derogatory speech: "Sticks and stones will
break your bones but names will never hurt you". Apparently people today
are not as emotionally robust as their ancestors were.
The KKK were members of the DEMOCRATIC party. Google "Klanbake" if you doubt it
A phobia is an irrational fear, so the terms "Islamophobic" and
"homophobic" embody a claim that the people so described are mentally
ill. There is no evidence for either claim. Both terms are simply abuse
masquerading as diagnoses and suggest that the person using them is
engaged in propaganda rather than in any form of rational or objective
Leftists often pretend that any mention of race is "racist" -- unless
they mention it, of course. But leaving such irrational propaganda
aside, which statements really are racist? Can statements of fact about
race be "racist"? Such statements are simply either true or false. The
most sweeping possible definition of racism is that a racist statement
is a statement that includes a negative value judgment of some race.
Absent that, a statement is not racist, for all that Leftists might howl
that it is. Facts cannot be racist so nor is the simple statement of
them racist. Here is a statement that cannot therefore be racist by
itself, though it could be false: "Blacks are on average much less
intelligent than whites". If it is false and someone utters it, he
could simply be mistaken or misinformed.
Categorization is a basic human survival skill so racism as the Left
define it (i.e. any awareness of race) is in fact neither right nor
wrong. It is simply human
Whatever your definition of racism, however, a statement that simply
mentions race is not thereby racist -- though one would think otherwise
from American Presidential election campaigns. Is a statement that
mentions dogs, "doggist" or a statement that mentions cats, "cattist"?
If any mention of racial differences is racist then all Leftists are
racist too -- as "affirmative action" is an explicit reference to
racial differences
Was Abraham Lincoln a racist? "You and we are different races. We
have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any
other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but
this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think
your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while
ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If
this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be
separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated." -- Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862
Gimlet-eyed Leftist haters sometimes pounce on the word "white" as
racist. Will the time come when we have to refer to the White House as
the "Full spectrum of light" House?
The spirit of liberty is "the spirit which is not too sure that it is
right." and "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies
there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.
While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save
it." -- Judge Learned Hand
Mostly, a gaffe is just truth slipping out
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with them
is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were.
It seems a pity that the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher
Epictetus is now little known. Remember, wrote the Stoic thinker, "that
foul words or blows in themselves are no outrage, but your judgment
that they are so. So when any one makes you angry, know that it is your
own thought that has angered you. Wherefore make it your endeavour not
to let your impressions carry you away."
"Since therefore the knowledge and survey of vice is in this world so
necessary to the constituting of human virtue, and the scanning of error
to the confirmation of truth, how can we more safely, and with less
danger, scout into the regions of sin and falsity than by reading all
manner of tractates, and hearing all manner of reason?" -- English poet
John Milton (1608-1674) in Areopagitica
Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response
Leftists can try to get you fired from your job over something that you
said and that's not an attack on free speech. But if you just criticize
something that they say, then that IS an attack on free speech
"Negro" is a forbidden word -- unless a Democrat uses it
"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Leftists don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such
thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles
that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt
When you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing
the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180) could have
been speaking of much that goes on today when he said: "The object in
life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane."
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.

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