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30 April, 2017
CNN Host: Ann Coulter’s ‘Hate Speech’ Threatened Student Safety

CNN host W. Kamau Bell declared on Thursday the cancellation of college
speakers like Ann Coulter is a matter of protecting students from
so-called hate speech, and has nothing to do with free speech.
In an appearance on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” host Wolf Blitzer asked
Bell, who hosts the series “United Shades of America,” what were his
thoughts about college free speech issues and the uproar at UC-Berkeley
over conservative speakers showing up on campus.
Bell said that he is a proud resident of the “People’s Republic of
Berkeley, California” and stated a riot that occurred there had
disrupted a farmers’ market he frequents. He then went on to say that
Berkeley was right to shut down right-wing speakers.
“That’s not about free speech,” the CNN host said. “The reason why
people’s speeches are being canceled is because it’s a safety issue. If
your free speech leads to hate speech, and it makes people feel unsafe,
then universities have the right to protect the kids on campus.”
Striking ignorance of Cary Moon on hate speech
Ms Moon is among the candidates vying for Mayor of Seattle
Cary Moon made what has to be one of the most ignorant statements
uttered by an educated candidate running for office. In an interview
with Dave Ross, Moon claimed so-called “hate speech” is not protected.
She is, in no uncertain terms, so incorrect. The mere utterance of her
claim is as offensive as it is uninformed.
“I think hate speech is not protected,” she said. “Dialogue is good.”
Dialogue is good? That’s rather ironic since Moon takes a position that
some of you who utter protected speech, which could lead to dialogue,
should be thrown in jail or fined.
Is hate speech protected?
Hate speech is, indeed, protected speech. Anyone with even a basic
understanding of the First Amendment knows this. Anyone running for
office where you have an influence over the enforcement of laws has a
duty to understand this.
When pressed as to who defines unprotected hate speech, she claimed: “Well, the ACLU and the courts figure it out pretty well.”
The ACLU and the courts are on the same side: hate speech is protected.
In fact, just this week, the ACLU defended Ann Coulter’s right to speak
on campus, despite critics labeling her speech as hateful.
“Controversial, critical, confrontational, and challenging speech is an
essential part of any successful college education,” wrote Lee Rowland,
Senior Staff Attorney, ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project.
“Without it, institutions of higher education cannot truly be said to be
preparing students for the world outside of the ivory tower.”
28 April, 2017
Principal at Florida school comes under fire for trying to protect white students in a black school
It's no secret that white students often get a hard time in a black school so they need any protection they can get
Hoffman has come under fire since she emailed her staff at Campbell Park
Elementary last Tuesday instructions for next year’s classroom rosters.
Among the instructions, she wrote: ”white students should be in the same class."
Campbell Park has 606 students, 49 of them are white, 20 are Hispanic students, 18 are multiracial and 3 are Asian.
Hoffman told parents she made the comment in an effort to "make students
feel more comfortable." Parents pressed the principal why she didn't
make the same rules for students of other races. Hoffman emailed her
staff last week apologizing for her "poor judgment."
Must not depict black neighborhoods honestly

A Florida artist sat down to an hours long meeting with Black Lives Matter Monday after people labeled his artwork racist.
Jerry Sparkman, a Sarasota architect, came under fire for an artwork
display of the Newton neighborhood along Martin Luther King Boulevard,
reports WFLA.
The display, called “The Face of MLK,” depicts the Newton neighborhood
and includes syringes, white powder and basketball shoes. Some people
took issue with the painting, calling it “racist” and a
misrepresentation of the area.
“This is how the black community is depicted, not as human beings, but
as prostitutes and drug dealers. All to promote the stealing of and
gentrification of the black community,” Ruth Beltran wrote in a Friday
Facebook post.
Sparkman sat down for a two-hour Black Lives Matter meeting to educate
himself and to repeatedly apologize for any offense he might have
caused. Members harped on the painting’s “racist” qualities and asked
Sparkman if he understood it was racist.
27 April, 2017
Florida School Up to Its Necklace in Legal Trouble
Making a fashion statement wasn’t the point of a 9th grader’s cross
necklace in Florida. Making a statement of faith was. And to her LGBT
activist teacher, that was the problem. At Riverview High School in
Hillsborough, a freshman girl barely set down her books on her desk when
Ms. Lora Riedas pointed to her small cross pendant and said, “I need
you to take your necklace off.” Stunned, the girl asked why. The teacher
refused to answer and instead barked that it was “disrespectful” and
repeated her demand. Not wanting to seem disrespectful, the teenager did
what she was told.
Upset, her parents contacted our friends at Liberty Counsel who sent a
letter to the superintendent explaining that it was the teacher who was
disrespectful. “In banning cross necklaces from three different students
in her classroom, Ms. Riedas has ‘intentionally violate[d] or den[ied] a
student’s legal rights.’ The right to wear a cross necklace is clearly
established. There is no question that students have the right to wear
religious jewelry, despite any specious claim of ‘gang affiliation’ by
Ms. Riedas. Subsequent to her cross ban, Ms. Reidas has subjected at
least one of the students ‘to unnecessary embarrassment or
disparagement,’ in singling the student out for false allegations of
student behavior violations.”
This is exactly the kind of anti-faith hostility that flourished under
the Obama administration. Of course, one look at Ms. Riedas’s classroom
and it’s obvious where that hostility stems from. Plastered with rainbow
flags, buttons, and propaganda, the teacher is a forceful LGBT
advocate. At the beginning of the year, Liberty Counsel points out, she
even put rainbow stickers on her students' folders without their
permission. When one student peeled hers off, she noticed that she was
treated with more hostility than her peers. Talk about hypocrisy! This
teacher is banning crosses on one hand and engaging in “wholesale LGBT
activism” on the other. If anything’s offensive, it’s that! “Ms. Riedas
has further engaged in impermissible LGBT political activism in the
classroom, and has indicated her intent to further do so during
instructional time,” the letter claims. “Ms. Riedas is planning to
promote GLSEN’s ‘Day of Silence’ coercive political activities during
instructional time in her classroom this April 21, 2017.”
None of this is a surprise to Ms. Riedas’s Twitter followers. The
teacher’s feed is full of advice about “how to talk to kids about what
it means to be an LGBT ally” and how to engage on the transgender
bathroom issue. And according to school policy, posting these things
isn’t the problem — posting them during class hours is. As Liberty
Counsel reminds Riverview High, “It is the policy of the Board that
students, staff members, and District facilities not be used for
promoting the interests of any non-school agency or organization, public
or private, without the approval of the superintendent.”
Together with her attorneys, this brave 9th grader is asking for the
right to express her faith, which is already guaranteed to her by the
Constitution. Students should never have to check their beliefs at the
school house door — or anywhere else for that matter.
Holocaust denial materials prompt concerns after distribution at Australian universities
Posters questioning the historical accuracy of the Holocaust have
sparked concerns among students at the Australian National University
(ANU) and at least two other universities where they were distributed.
On Friday students found flyers and posters at the ANU campus that give
support to the views of controversial British writer David Irving, who
has questioned the overwhelming body of evidence supporting the
existence of the Holocaust.
The materials point to a website that includes questions about whether gas chambers existed at concentration camps.
ANU Students Association president James Connolly said the posters made
reference to the new movie Denial, which dramatized a court case
involving Mr Irving.
"There were a series of flyers and posters that had been found around
the gym ... that challenged the historical authenticity of the
Holocaust," Mr Connolly said.
"The impetus for the posters had come from a new film called Denial — the subject of the film was about Holocaust denial.
"It was challenging whether that film had resolved the matter of whether the Holocaust had actually happened."
Mr Connolly said it was not clear who distributed the flyers, but they were similar to ones that appeared on campus last year.
University 'appalled' by flyers
Mr Connolly said the materials were taken down immediately. "I was aware
that it had happened in Victorian Universities," he said. "Holocaust
denial is hate speech — it's usually peddling an agenda of anti-Semitism
and it really has no place in an environment which values tolerance and
A statement from the university also condemned the materials. "The
University is appalled by the distribution of derogatory material on
campus," it said. "The Vice-Chancellor has made it clear that the
distribution of derogatory and inappropriate material is completely
unacceptable. "ANU Security removed the fliers, and is reviewing CCTV
footage to identify the perpetrators."
Melbourne University confirmed similar flyers were also distributed on
its campus two weeks ago. A small number of flyers were also found in a
carpark at Monash University. Police were notified of both incidents in
26 April, 2017
Nationalist politician 'doesn't want Muslims coming to Australia'
Queensland MP Bob Katter has been accused of racism after he was filmed admitting he opposed Muslim immigration to Australia.
The video, filmed in a New South Wales pub, shows a man quizzing the
leader of Bob Katter’s Australia Party on his stance towards Muslims.
“You don’t like much, do you really?” the man asks.
“We’re nice to you white blokes, I think we are,” Mr Katter replies.
The man then demands to know whether the Federal Member for Kennedy is “in bed with One Nation”.
“I don’t want any Muslims coming here,” Mr Katter says, before backtracking. “I shouldn’t say that.”
“You don’t want any of them coming here at all – do you, Bob Katter?” the man taunts.
Mr Katter then walks away.
Mr Katter today responded to the video taking aim at the media storm.
"There is something wrong in the media when you can address this issue
formally and intelligently in the Parliament with reason and you get
absolutely nothing; and some loud mouth Bludgerigar puts a video
out and we get nation-wide publicity. I’ll be writing Pauncho a
letter of thanks," he said.
"We will say again, and again, bring in the tormented, not the tormentors.
"As I’ve said on the public record many times, it is imperative the
people from the Middle East and North Africa are barred from entering
Australia. The time is long overdue to stop people from terrorist
regions coming to Australia," Mr Katter said.
Hair company apologises for advert featuring white women
A HAIR product company that specialises in enhancing the natural curls
of African-American women has apologised for an advert featuring white
Shea Moisture sparked heavy criticism on social media for the online
commercial in which the women, along with a woman of colour, talking
about “hair hate” and how Shea is their go-to product.
“Wow — we really f-ed this one up! Please know that our intent was not,
& would never be, to disrespect our community,” the company’s
official Twitter account, @SheaMoisture, posted.
Longtime customers expressed outrage over the brand’s comparison of
embracing red hair to embracing natural black texture, a highly
politicised issue in the US.
Shea Moisture posted a longer apology on its Facebook page, including:
“You guys know that we have always stood for inclusion in beauty and
have always fought for our community and given them credit for not just
building our business but for shifting the beauty landscape.”
25 April, 2017
'No Israelis served here': Backpacker’s outrage over 'racist' sign after she was told to leave a body piercing shop
A sign hanging up in a body piercing shop that reads 'no Israelis served
here' has sparked outrage. The sign was pictured inside Cold Steel
Piercing in Cairns, in far north Queensland.
Several locals attempted to enter the shop when the store owner asked if
they were from an Israeli background. When the customers replied they
were Israeli, the store owner - named Mark - then allegedly told the
customers they could not be served and pointed to the anti-Semitic sign.
Owner Mark, who said the sign has now been taken down, claims it was
there because of his personal beliefs over the Israeli-Palestinian
'It is not because of religion or racism but because of my own beliefs
in the ongoing issues in Palestine,' he told Daily Mail Australia.
'I did not have it up with the intention to insult and I thought people would understand it was not a racist agenda.'
Cultural appropriation revs up
It seems like a week doesn't pass where I don't see something about tiny
houses on my Facebook timeline. As a reaction to both the disastrous
Obama economy and the climate change hysteria, people -- generally
Brooklyn-style hipsters -- are building and living in comically small
You'd think an ever-smaller "carbon footprint" would be a hit across the
Left, but we all know by now that nothing is ever good enough for the
Social Justice Warrior. Because silly houses have apparently become
"poverty appropriation."
That's right -- your goofy home could HURT SOMEONE'S FEELINGS:
Such appropriation isn’t limited to the Tiny House trend, or even to the
idea of simplicity. In major cities, people who come from high-income
backgrounds flock to bars and restaurants that both appropriate, and
mock, low-income communities. Perhaps the most egregious example is San
Francisco’s Butter Bar, a trendy outpost that prides itself on being a
true-blue, trailer park-themed bar, serving up the best in “trashy”
cuisine and cocktails. With tater tots, microwaved food, and deep-fried
Twinkies on the menu, the bar also serves cocktails that contain cheap
ingredients, such as Welch’s grape soda. The bar has an actual trailer
inside, and serves cans in paper bags, so that bar flies can have a
paid-for experience of being what the owners of this bar think of when
they think of trailer trash.
I'd like to think this essay means we've reached Peak Whine, but I don't think humanity is that lucky.
While the tiny house thing isn't my cup of tea, and some of the prices
are ridiculous for the square footage you're getting, so what? Is your
life negatively impacted by people living in smaller homes despite being
able to afford larger ones?
24 April, 2017
Obama Disability Demands Raise Serious Free Speech Issues
In March, the University of California at Berkeley began removing 20,000
college lectures from the Internet. It did so in response to the
Justice Department telling Berkeley that posting the lectures violated
the Americans with Disabilities Act, because they were not fully
accessible to the blind and deaf.
The Americans with Disabilities Act says that services do not have to
made accessible to the disabled if doing so would impose an “undue
burden” on the provider. The Obama Justice Department paid only lip
service to this provision in its August 30, 2016, letter telling
Berkeley that it was in violation of Title II of the Americans with
Disabilities Act. It claimed there was no “undue burden” in forcing
Berkeley to make all of those lectures available to the blind and deaf,
even though the cost apparently would have exceeded $1 million, a
prohibitive amount for a free web site that does not make a profit.
Moreover, it claimed there was no “fundamental alteration” of the
service required, even though the Justice Department’s demands for
accessibility required more than just verbatim captioning or
transcription, effectively requiring Berkeley to create new content.
This gave short shrift to limits on the reach of the ADA, which does not
require regulated entities to “fundamentally alter” their programs and
services to accommodate the disabled.
In response, Berkeley announced that it will:
...cut off public access to tens of thousands of video lectures and
podcasts in response to a U.S. Justice Department order that it make the
educational content accessible to people with disabilities…On March 15,
the university will begin removing the more than 20,000 audio and video
files…a process that will take three to five months -- and require
users sign in with University of California credentials to view or
listen to them.
A third-party digital library copied the lectures from Berkeley’s web
site, and plans to make them available to the public on its web site,
but it remains to be seen whether this will trigger
intellectual-property takedown demands or lawsuits.
As the Cato Institute’s Walter Olson noted last year, such removals of
internet content could harm disabled people with mobility impairments:
“Even if the welfare of disabled persons is treated as the only
important outcome, the application of the ADA is probably going to do
harm, because online alternatives to classroom instruction are
particularly valuable to disabled persons, notably those with impaired
Ann Coulter finds an unlikely ally in her free-speech spat with Berkeley: Bill Maher
An unlikely person has come to the defense of conservative pundit Ann
Coulter in her ongoing push to give a speech at the University of
California at Berkeley: liberal television host and comedian Bill Maher.
Coulter was scheduled to give a speech at the university on April 27,
but the university canceled it Wednesday, citing security concerns. In
recent months, the campus has been the site of several political
protests, some turning violent.
Though the school reversed its decision and extended a new invitation
for Coulter to speak on campus on May 2, she rejected the offer.
Instead, she has vowed to speak in Berkeley on the original date and is
accusing the university of trying to restrict her rights to free speech.
Maher addressed the controversy on his show, HBO’s “Real Time with Bill
Maher,” on Friday night — by first acknowledging how surprising his
defense of Coulter might seem to his viewers.
“I know, we don’t like Ann Coulter’s views,” he said, to audience
laughter. “I like her as a person. I’ve never agreed with one thing she
ever said.”
Maher referred to his own similar situation with Berkeley, when some
students petitioned to remove him as the university’s commencement
speaker in 2014. School officials ultimately stuck by Maher, allowing
him to speak.
“They got their act together and I wound up doing it, and apparently
that’s what’s going to happen to (Coulter), I think,” Maher said. “But
Berkeley, you know, used to be the cradle of free speech, and now it’s
just the cradle for f—ing babies.”
Speaking to S.E. Cupp, a conservative political commentator and guest on
his show, Maher compared the cancellation of Coulter’s speech to “the
liberals’ version of book burning.”
“And I feel like this goes on all over the country on campuses,” Maher
told Cupp. “They invite someone to speak who’s not exactly what liberals
want to hear, and they want to shutter it. … And it’s got to stop.”
23 April, 2017
Must not mention that mixed race people have lighter skin
Former world No 1 Ilie Nastase in racism storm after comment about Serena Williams' pregnancy
Ilie Nastase could face censure after apparently making a racist comment
about Serena Williams' pregnancy on the eve of Romania's Fed Cup
play-off against Great Britain.
At a press conference to preview the tie in Constanta, which starts on
Saturday, Romania's captain was heard to say of Williams' baby, due in
the autumn: "Let's see what colour it has. Chocolate with milk?"
Williams announced on Wednesday she is expecting her first child with
fiance Alexis Ohanian, who is white, and will take time away from the
Court: 75-Year-Old Vet Not Guilty for Displaying U.S. Flags Above VA Fence
A U.S. veteran who was charged in 2016 with the federal crime of
desecrating Veterans Administration property by displaying two
napkin-sized flags on top of a VA fence was found not guilty yesterday,
according to the U.S. District Court for the Central District of
Robert Rosebrock, a 75-year-old veteran, had placed the tiny U.S. flags
atop the fence at the Great Lawn Gate entrance to Veterans Park in Los
Angeles on Memorial Day, May 30, 2016. He and other veterans regularly
gathered there to protest what they say is the VA's failure to use the
park properly for the benefit of veterans.
"Now that the court has rightly dismissed the government's outrageous
flag-displaying charges against Mr. Rosebrock, we hope that he and his
fellow patriots will be allowed to honor the flag and commemorate their
fellow veterans as they deem appropriate," said Judicial Watch President
Tom Fitton in an April 18 statement.
Robert Rosebrock faced a six-month prison sentence if found guilty.
21 April, 2017
The Anti-Free Speech Movement
UC Berkeley, birthplace of the Free Speech Movement, has stabbed free speech in the back once again.
Last week it effectively canceled a long planned speech by David
Horowitz. Today it canceled a long planned speech by Ann Coulter
scheduled for April 27.
As they did with Horowitz, UC officials, citing safety concerns, first
tried to bureaucratically shrink the Coulter speech out of existence by
informing Young Americans for Freedom, sponsors of the event, that
Coulter could speak only in the afternoon when students were in classes;
that only students could attend; and, in a Kafkaesque twist, that the
location of the speech would be distant from the center of campus and
not be announced until just before it occurred.
Coulter agreed to these conditions. But she added two stipulations
that called the bureaucrats’ bluff that this was about public safety
rather than the suppression of the free speech of conservatives. She
asked that the Chancellor not require police to stand down in the face
of anticipated violence by thugs, as he has in the past; and she asked
that the UC administration make it clear than any student trying
violently to disrupt the speech would be expelled.
The University replied by cancelling Coulter’s speech outright.
UNC free speech bill silenced in House committee
RALEIGH, N.C. — A bill to "restore and preserve campus free speech"
throughout the University of North Carolina system failed in a House
committee on Wednesday amid concerns that it would do more to infringe
on free speech than it would to protect it.
Calling the state's infamous Speaker Ban in the 1960s a mistake, Reps.
Chris Millis, R-Pender, and Jonathan Jordan, R-Ashe, the sponsors of
House Bill 527, said UNC campuses should be open to all ideas, even
those that some students and faculty find objectionable.
"Intellectual diversity is extremely important," Millis told members of
the House Committee on Education - Universities. "That's what we should
be fostering."
Jordan, whose district includes Appalachian State University, decried
the use of so-called "free expression zones" on campus, saying the
entire campus should be a free expression zone.
Tom Shanahan, general counsel for the UNC system, said the Board of
Governors and individual campuses already have free speech policies in
effect that extend into such areas as codes of conduct for students and
rental agreements for campus facilities. Controversial speakers
frequently appear on campuses without any problem, he said, so there is
no need for legislation setting up more policies.
"What's wrong with verifying that our constitutional rights are
protected?" Millis asked, noting that there are currently no guarantees
other than "trusting administrators" that campuses remain true to free
speech policies.
The committee deadlocked 6-6 on the measure, effectively killing it for the session.
20 April, 2017
All mention of golliwogs must be wiped out
A Devon collector says online auction rules are 'nonsense' after he was
banned from selling a 'racist' Robertson's jam golliwog badge on eBay -
until he covered its head with a smiley face. Trevor Crocker, 56, put
the iconic collectible pin from his childhood for up sale in a bid to
make some money while having a clear out.
But he was baffled to when eBay sent a message telling him the one-inch
pin "promoted or glorified hatred, violence, racial or religious
intolerance". The listing was removed by eBay - but bizarrely Trevor was
able to re-list it and successfully sell it when he covered the pin's
'face' with a smiley sticker.
Mr Crocker, who is from Exeter, said: "It is absolute nonsense what they
are coming out with. We don't understand why they took it off in the
first place. It was just a Golden Shred toy from the 1960s.
"They let us relist it, it sold for £18. Not bad for a little badge. We
didn't think it would cause this much upset. eBay were making us feel we
were racist."
Mr Crocker said the badge had been listed under the name 'Vintage
Robertson's Golden Shred Cricketer Badge' when the row began. But days
later after attracting bids the item was removed and he received a
message stating eBay prohibited the sale of any items featuring a
golliwog doll.
A message said: "We have made the decision to prohibit the same of
golliwog dolls and many associated products from our site globally."
Snowflakes condemn even indirect reference to disasters
Adidas has apologized for sending out a marketing email using an
unfortunate choice of words to praise customers who completed the Boston
Marathon on Monday.
The subject line of the email sent Tuesday by Adidas Running read: 'Congrats, you survived the Boston Marathon!'
On social media, customers quickly reminded the company about the real survivors of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
Three people were killed and more than 260 others were wounded when two bombs exploded near the finish line in the attack.
The sports apparel company quickly apologized in an emailed statement,
saying it was 'incredibly sorry' for the 'insensitive' subject line.
'We are incredibly sorry. Clearly, there was no thought given to the
insensitive email subject line we sent Tuesday,' the tweet reads.
19 April, 2017
Cafe scolded over 'no burkas' sign - but the owner claims it's for safety after a MACHETE attack
A New Zealand cafe has landed in hot water after banning customers
wearing burkas, but the owner claims it's a safety measure after a
machete attack.
Coffee and Gems store, in New Zealand's Auckland, displayed a sign on
the door reading 'No Burkas, No Hoodies, No Sunglasses, No Helmets'.
Auckland Auckland Councillor Cathy Casey took to social media to vent
her outrage over the sign, before lodging a complaint with the Human
Rights Commission.
The Albert-Eden-Roskill ward councillor told NZ Herald she believed the sign was discriminatory and illegal.
'It looks as though the business is basically flouting the Human Rights
Act. I've checked the Act and it says you can't discriminate on the
grounds of religion and the grounds of sex.'
She said she planned to contact the owner of the store, which sells
coffee and second hand jewellery, as soon as they open after the Easter
long weekend.
'If the Human Rights Commission rule that it's discriminatory then it is and it's kind of wider than just that one shop.'
Ms Casey's photograph of the store divided Facebook commenters, with
some arguing it was discrimination but others claiming it was a safety
The owner of the store, Llannys Burgess, told NZ Herald she put the sign
up years ago after a man attacked a customer with a machete, leaving
her fearing for her safety.
Beauty blogger is slammed after creating bloody make-up tutorial inspired by United Airlines behaviour
A recent incident on a United Airlines flight in which passenger Dr.
David Dao was forcibly removed from his seat has already inspired its
fair share of parodies - but critics are saying a beauty blogger's
make-up tutorial inspired by the bloody incident takes things too far.
Though the video was self-proclaimed 'satire' whose intent was to
allegedly to mock United Airlines, many felt the tutorial was
insensitive and humiliating for Dr. Dao more than anyone.
Now, after being faced with an overwhelming backlash, the video has been
taken down from YouTube, and an official apology issued.
Mykie, the Los Angeles-based make-up artist behind the since-deleted
tutorial, is the force behind the YouTube channel Glam & Gore, which
boasts nearly two million subscribers.
On April 11, Mykie tweeted: 'Hey United I was wondering if you wanted to
come on my channel to show my subs your method of making someone gory.
Yours is very realistic.'
She must have inspired herself, as soon after, she uploaded a
'satirical' make-up tutorial to YouTube titled 'Re-Accommodated Makeup
Tutorial - Inspired by United Airlines.'
Many of Mykie's loyal fans saw the humor intended in the video, but many
others unfamiliar with her grotesque style couldn't help but feel the
'tutorial' was anything but tone-deaf.
Though many agreed that United Airline's actions against Dr. Dao were
unfair and unwarranted, critics saw Mykie's tutorial as a glamorization
of Dao's pain as opposed to a more direct attack on the airline itself.
As the backlash brewed, Mykie removed the video, but did not initially
issue an apology. On her Twitter, she simply said, 'Not everyone
appreciates satire [and] that's alright.'
18 April, 2017
Britain’s Tesco supermarket chain criticised for promoting beer at Easter
Most Brits are not religious
A UK supermarket chain has been accused of cashing in on Good Friday and
being “extraordinarily ignorant” of the day’s true meaning.
Tesco, Britain’s largest grocer, was forced to apologise over a Good
Friday beer advert after being attacked by Christians, reported The Sun.
The advert, which was printed in some newspapers in the run up to
Easter, read: “Great offers on beer and cider. Good Friday just got
Reverend Richard Coles, a presenter on BBC television, shared a picture
of the advert and described it as an “RE [religious education] fail”.
In reply to another social media user, he said: “It gets the Good of
Good Friday wrong — and it will cause offence to many of their
Must not call even a white man a gorilla if he has some black ancestry

The Mayor of Liverpool has called on News UK to sack columnist Kelvin
MacKenzie claiming an article he wrote contained a “racial slur” against
Everton footballer Ross Barkley.
The alleged “racial slur” against Barkley centred on MacKenzie’s opinion
that he was a “one of our dimmest footballers”. The columnist added: “I
get a similar feeling when seeing a gorilla at the zoo.”
But the columnist said he had “no idea” of the 23-year-old England
international’s heritage, as Barkley has a Nigerian grandfather.
Mayor Anderson reported the comments to Merseyside Police and IPSO – the
Independent Press Standards Organisation – while MacKenzie was
suspended by News UK.
17 April, 2017
Leftist hate speaker draws flak
The history professor at California State University, Fresno who
appeared to advocate for the death of President Donald Trump on Twitter
has apologized profusely and taken a temporary leave of absence in an
undisclosed location because he now fears for his personal safety.
The professor, Lars Maischak, composed the tweets around the end of
February. The tweets called for Trump to “hang” in order to “save
American democracy.” “The sooner and the higher, the better.” The only
“cure” for racist people is a bullet to their head, the tweets also
said. Maischak used hashtags including “#TheResistance” and
Maischak says he now deeply regrets composing and publishing the tweets.
“I ask forgiveness of those who felt threatened or offended by them,”
Maischak wrote in a statement obtained by the Los Angeles Times. “It was
never my intent to harm anyone, nor to encourage others to harm
Maischak lamented that he has received a “flood of threats and
hate-mail” for tweeting that the president and various racists should be
Maischak is now facing an investigation by the Secret Service. He has offered his complete cooperation, he said.
The professor had just 28 Twitter followers before his incendiary remarks on Twitter made him instantly infamous.
Hate speech against whites
When AOL bought Huffington Post, everyone knew they were getting royally
screwed on the deal. Now, it’s come to this. A racist, black blog
poster at the Huffington Post decided to write an article discussing how
it’s time to take away the right to vote of white males.
The black racist Shelley Garland who wrote the article isn’t really that
well known, which is why she was looking for attention with this post.
She must have figured, with all the other crazy shit that comes out of
the Huffington Post, no one would notice.
But the backlash against the Huffington Post and AOL has been so fierce
that the Huffington Post has been forced to delete Garland’s racist
article. They didn’t really apologize for the racist article. Instead,
the Huffington Post says “We apologise for the oversight.”
Shelley Garland is an activist and feminist completing a Master of Arts
degree in philosophy and “working on ways to smash the patriarchy.”
“Could It Be Time to Deny White Men the Franchise?” she asked Thursday in the title of her blog post.
“It is time to wrestle control of the world back from white males, and
the first step will be a temporary restriction of the franchise to
them,” according to Garland.
16 April, 2017
Must not tell the truth about WWII
The WWII government of France at Vichy was an unelected government of
French politicians installed by the Nazis. Marine Le Pen is
perfectly correct to say that they did not represent France. But
national guilt must be proclaimed apparently
Far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen’s rivals have slammed her
for comments on the deportation of Jews from France during World War
During a television interview on Sunday a reporter asked her about the
country’s previous official apology for wartime events including the
rounding up of Jews who were held in a Paris cycling stadium, Vel d’Hiv,
before being transported to Nazi concentration camps.
Le Pen replied that “France” was not responsible of the notorious event.
“It was the responsibility of those who were running the country.”
“For years, France has been mistreated in people’s minds,” she said. “ I
want our children to be proud of being French again because we have
taught them a lot of reasons to criticize their country. They only see
its darkest historical aspects.”
The French state at the time was administered by the collaborationist
Vichy regime under Marshal Philippe Pétain, while the “Free French”
government-in-exile, based in London, was led by Gen. Charles de Gaulle.
Shortly after her broadcast comments, Le Pen’s headquarters issued a
press release in which she said that, “In my view, during occupation the
Vichy regime did not represent France. France and the Republic were in
But the clarification did not stop the criticism, from Jewish groups and presidential rivals.
The Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions denounced what
it called revisionist remarks that unveiled the true face of the
National Front.
It recalled that the Vel d’Hiv roundup was organized by René Bousquet,
chief of the Vichy Police, on July 16-17, 1942, representing the French
state as it then was.
Under orders from the Nazis, 4,500 French police and “gendarmes”
arrested around 13,000 Jews in Paris and the region, including 4,000
children, to be sent to concentration camps.
The Union of French Jewish Students also strongly condemned Le Pen’s comments.
Independent presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, Le Pen’s
closest main opponent according to polls for the first round of
voting (23 percent to her 24 percent), described her remarks as “a heavy
political and historical error.”
“The truth is that the Vel d’Hiv was a crime committed by the French
state,” said the candidate of the center-right Republicans, François
Fillon, running third in the first-round polls.
Big reaction to anti-black sign in Australia
"Refugees" from South Sudan have been particularly troublesome in Melbourne
THE racist note displayed at a Melbourne milk bar was bad enough - but
then came the online comments from ordinary members of the public.
A notice stuck to a window of a milk bar in the western Melbourne suburb
of Melton caused outrage for many when it became public on Friday. The
sign said black teenagers aged between 14-18 were not welcome because
they "always steal".
Many were outraged at the racist tone of the note. But others who left
comments online were supportive, some making shocking remarks that were
even more offensive than the original note. The majority cannot be
published here.
"I can't blame the store owner if being targeted by these A**s," said
one commenter. "Wouldn't you put a stop to it if a certain group came to
your home and stole from you regularly?"
Another added: "Yes we have gone back in time. We have let primitive
Africans into the country who rape steal and assault people. What a
lovely situation we are in. At least we don't offend anybody...."
One particularly vile post said: "Its not racist because blacks aren't humans."
The milk bar owner initially tried to explain the note by releasing CCTV
footage of eight dark skinned youths in the store, some of who menaced
him while their mates stole from the shelves. He told 7 News they always
came into his shop and stole things which made him "very angry".
The note was an impulsive reaction to the incident with the eight
youths, he said, but claimed there had been at least 20 other similar
incidents in the past.
A common theme from many Australians on various forums was that it wasn't racism if Sudanese people had stolen from him.
Many people made direct links to Melbourne's youth gang crisis and
spiralling crime rate. "The black c**** are on the news rioting and
rampaging every night," wrote one. "Assimilation, and they don't do it."
Some used the incident to call for greater controls over who could come
to Australia. "The immigration restriction act of 1901 [now repealed]
was this country's greatest achievement."
Some of the messages were not overtly offensive or racist but supported
the store owner's actions and the right to defend his business.
A typical response was: "Should he just fling open his doors and say
help yourself? Obviously there's a hell of a lot more to this story than
is here. He's been driven to this no doubt. The police have probably
done little to nothing to help him."
14 April, 2017
A praying mantis civilization?
The male praying mantis is said to gyrate in seductive manner to attract
the attention of the female, who after mating with him, promptly bites
off his head. Strange as this ‘mantis-cide’ might seem for us human
beings, our actions and some of the notions that permeate our crania can
make us appear stranger than these creatures.
Of course, we often convince ourselves that a few letters behind our
names or attendance at some would-be prestigious institution renders our
utterances akin to the voice that emanated from the burning bush on
Mount Horeb. And in today’s ‘enlightened’ world, ideals that we hold
dear, or at least are entitled to have, we keep submerged or are afraid
to proclaim because it might not be politically correct to voice them.
In countries such as the United States it seems that simply to verbalize
one’s dislike of homosexuality or same-sex unions/marriages makes one
liable to severe public criticism. One must accept such behaviour
because it is politically correct to do so. There might come a time when
heterosexuals will have to march and promote their “straight rights”.
They could be viewed with derision for having abnormal attraction for
the opposite sex.
Must not diss global warming
Even if you are black
At a Buckhead mayoral forum, Atlanta councilman Kwanza Hall raised some
eyebrows with an answer to a question about global warming. Calling
himself “kind of bit a conspiracy theorist,” he said Tuesday he’s
skeptical of climate change.
“I got a question mark on the global warming thing,” he said. “I do
believe in sustainability. I’m a science-minded person and I have a
science background. But stuff is in the media too much … it’s hard for
me to be convinced some times.”
Hall, one of about a dozen contenders seeking to succeed a term-limited
Kasim Reed as mayor of Atlanta, went on to talk about the importance of
conservation and a vibrant tree canopy in the city. But his opponents
quickly piled on.
Hall later said in a lengthy statement he believes in “overwhelming
scientific consensus that tells us that our planet is warming and it is
caused by humans.” He also pledged that in his administration, Atlanta
would be powered by 100 percent clean energy by 2050.
13 April, 2017
Sean Spicer criticised after saying Adolf Hitler 'didn't use chemical weapons'
Spicer is actually right. Hitler's Zyklon B was an insecticide, quite different from gas used in battlefield applications
Sean Spicer, President Donald Trump's White House press secretary, came
under fire on Tuesday after suggesting that Adolf Hitler did not use
chemical weapons, and apparently referring to Nazi death camps as
"Holocaust centres".
Mr Spicer made his remarks while suggesting that Syria's Bashar al-Assad
had sunk lower than Hitler by using sarin gas in last weeks attack in
Idlib, which killed more than 80 people including children, and
attacking Russia for continuing to back Assad.
The press secretary said: "We didn't use chemical weapons in World War
Two. You had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn't descend to using
chemical weapons.
"So the question is if you're Russia ask yourself is this a country, is
this a regime you want to align yourself with. You have signed on to
international agreements. At what point do they realise they are getting
on the wrong side of history in a really bad way? This is not a team
you want to be on."
Hitler did not use chemical weapons on the battlefield, but he used gas chambers while murdering six million Jews.
Mr Spicer was asked for a clarification of his comments moments later at his daily press briefing at the White House.
Fresno State lecturer faces backlash for ‘Trump must hang’ tweet
Threats of violence are not normally regarded as protected speech
Lars Maischak, an American History lecturer at California State
University, Fresno, is facing backlash over a February tweet that
declared President Trump "must hang".
“To save American democracy, Trump must hang. The sooner and the higher,
the better,” American History lecturer Lars Maischak wrote Feb. 17,
linking to an image comparing the president to brutal dictators like
Hitler and Pol Pot.
Two days later, he tweeted: “#TheResistance Has anyone started
soliciting money and design drafts for a monument honoring the Trump
assassin, yet?”
The tweets, which are still live on Mr. Maischak’s account, were first
reported by Breitbart News over the weekend, prompting the school’s
president to issue a statement condemning the faculty member’s comments.
“Professor Maischak’s personal views and commentary, with its inclusion
of violent and threatening language, is obviously inconsistent with the
core values of our University,” Fresno State President Joseph I. Castro
said, a local ABC News affiliate reported.
12 April, 2017
Must not mention urban renewal in a formerly black neighborhood
Eisenberg posted a statement on Facebook that, with good reason, can be
construed as racist. Referring to a 2010 Slog post by Dominic Holden,
"Urban Decay Officially Consumes All of 23rd and Union," he wrote:
I had forgotten about this article. I am not sure which is more
depressing. The 2010 boarded up shut down 23rd & Union, or the
protests because it is showing new signs of life and vitality.
Why might this be seen as racist? Because the system that underdeveloped
the Central District when it was the largest black community in the
Pacific Northwest, and began redeveloping it after the displacement of
that community, is not neutral.
This system, which the social scientist Kenneth T. Jackson describes in
great detail in Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United
States, has a long and deep history in urban America, and involved
powerful federal and private institutions.
Make no mistake about this: The system was and still is racist. And to
say otherwise is to say or imply that blacks caused "urban decay"
because they are simply black, and not because of greedy landlords,
housing segregation, redlining, underfunded schools, and the near
complete absence of meaningful economic opportunities in these
A victory for free speech in Colorado
Free-speech activists in the US state of Colorado are celebrating after
the state passed a new bill prohibiting public universities from
restricting speech on campus. The Colorado Senate Bill 62 was signed
into law by Colorado governor John Hickenlooper.
Previously, students at many Colorado colleges were only allowed to
engage in debate and political activity on campus within designated
‘free speech zones’.
The bill was greeted with bipartisan support, and has been recognised as
a model for defending free speech in public universities. It reinforces
the free-speech rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the US
Constitution, and emphasises public universities’ obligation to
safeguard those rights. This extra measure was aimed at tackling
Colorado colleges’ authoritarian policies, which were often implemented
in breach of the First Amendment.
According to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE),
Colorado has just one public university with a ‘green-light rating’,
meaning it doesn’t limit speech on campus.
11 April, 2017
The Average N*gga Is The Most Racist Mofo On Earth

Who’s more racist, black people or white people? It’s black people! You
know why? Because we hate black people too! Everything white people
don’t like about black people, black people really don’t like about
black people.” – Chris Rock
*Be warned, this editorial will NOT include flowery language, textbook grammar or picture-perfect syntax. F*ck that shit.
This time around, my point is very simple: Black people are infinitely
more racist than any other racial group in the world (including whites).
And no, we shouldn’t have a license to insult others just because our
ancestors were slaves (over 100 years ago) — that’s a bogus and worn out
excuse. Anyone who supports this notion is utterly and deliriously
retarded and deserving of a hard slap to the fucking face.
I’m tired of being politically correct, and I’m tired of making an
effort to publish thoughtful material when you simple niggas would
prefer to read about NeNe Leakes getting into a fistfight with Kandi
Burruss on the Real Housewives of Atlanta.
So for the next 800 words or so, Ima tell you motherf*ckers like it is —
no filter. Here it goes: (ahem) I can’t stand black people. You happy
now? I said it. That’s what you Negroes have been waiting for me to
admit since 2013. Well niggas, whoomp there it is.
What I can’t stand most about black people is how oblivious they are to
how incredibly fucked up they are. We (and I’ll include myself briefly)
are the ONLY racial group that rationalizes our dysfunctional behavior,
but will turn right around and criticize the imperfections of other
racial groups (especially whites and Latinos).
The most recent example that comes to mind is the outrage that was
sparked when Bill O’Reilly took a shot at Congresswoman Maxine Waters,
calling her hair a “James Brown wig”. I won’t waste time commenting on
her appearance — although O’Reilly has a point, ol girl’s wig is
slightly James Brown-ish (she might wanna start calling herself the
“Godmother of Soul”).
You niggas have been trolling O’Reilly ever since he made that remark,
flooding social media with angry Tweets and even angrier Facebook posts.
It’s as if y’all have forgotten how much you have ridiculed Donald
Trump over the past year and a half (even Snoop Dogg’s black ass
pretended to assassinate Trump in a fucking music video). And may I
remind you of how often black comedians rattle off racially insensitive
jokes while the people they’re making fun of are sitting in the
Let a white comedian, or Hispanic, or Asian, attempt to make a “black
joke” in front of you niggas — it would spark a riot and probably result
in that individual getting his ass booed off stage, getting beat down
on stage, or getting shot behind stage. That’s a double standard — it’s a
blatant, disgusting example of hypocrisy, and most of all, it’s a
reflection of how insecure, whiny and nauseatingly weak (yes, weak!)
black people actually are.
Must not mention poverty in Africa?
Filipina actress goofs

Model-TV host Isabelle Daza has earned the ire of netizens for her post
on Instagram that mentioned hunger-plagued children in Africa.
In one of her Instagram stories on Saturday, Daza took a picture of
herself trying on a brown hat with the text: “Buy this hat for my Africa
looks or FEED children in Africa for the same price?”
“What would Angelina Jolie do?!” Daza added, referring to the American
actress and humanitarian who was appointed special envoy of the United
Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in 2012.
Daza’s controversial post has already been deleted as of writing, but
many netizens were able to take a screenshot and called her out for
being “insensitive,” “dense,” “racist,” “privileged,” and “matapobre.”
Hunger and malnutrition are major issues hounding Africa, the poorest continent in the world.
10 April, 2017
Korean pop groups not taking American sensitivities into account
Earlier this month, K-Pop girl group Mamamoo landed in some hot water
after a video clip of the quartet in what many interpreted to be
blackface aired at their Seoul concert.
As Popcrush reports, the group ran a parody video of themselves
performing Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars's "Uptown Funk," in which they don
the same outfits featured in the original video, as well as some
ill-conceived and highly offensive facepaint.
It was an incident that (rightly) incurred significant backlash from
their international fanbase, who took to Tumblr and Twitter alike to
take the group to task. As a result, the group apologized via Facebook
the next day, admitting that there was "no excuse" for their
"insensitive actions."
“We were extremely ignorant of blackface and did not understand the
implications of our actions,” they posted. “We will be taking time to
understand more about our international fans to ensure this never
happens again. We hope that you will help to educate us on these and
other issues so that we can become better people and better artists.”
Unfortunately, this is not the first time blatant racism has been
spotted in K-Pop, which has a history of notorious missteps when it
comes to race. Over the years, many of K-Pop's biggest stars, from CL to
Taeyang to Keith Ape, have faced criticism for their tone-deaf,
blatantly appropriative actions.
And to bring this all back to Mamamoo, one of the group's members,
Hwasa, came under fire for singing the N-word in her cover of Beyoncé's
"Irreplaceable" just a few weeks ago.
Mamamoo isn't even the first K-Pop group or artist to don blackface — in
2012, Big Bang's G-Dragon (who have been called the "biggest band in
Asia") posted a horrific photo that many believed was a reference to
Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teen who was gunned down by a vigilante
neighborhood watchdog.
Of course, G-Dragon's rep told Spin that the photo was a "HUGE misunderstanding."
It's baffling to realize that we still need to explain how and why the
concept of blackface is so offensive. Putting on face paint to pretend
to be a different race is never OK. Blackface has a fraught history
rooted in minstrel shows, where white actors would don greasepaint and
act out racist stereotypes of black people.
And brownface, which has also recently become an issue in K-Pop, also
minimizes an entire race of complex, nuanced people down to a costume.
Agony in Canada over non-display of tribal flag
If that's the only example of "racism" that they can pinpoint, they are doing pretty well
Lakehead University is a postsecondary institution that prides itself on its connection to the Indigenous community.
Can Lakehead truly make these claims when there is still anti-Indigenous
racism present on its campuses and within the city of Thunder Bay
itself? And what is to say for the role of the Thunder Bay Police
Service, and the role of other city institutions in upholding and
perpetuating this system of ongoing racism and violence against
Indigenous people?
In conducting research into this issue, The Argus spoke with Tannis
Kastern, an Indigenous woman and Lakehead student that sits on the LUSU
(Lakehead University Student Union) Board of Directors.
“I do believe that discrimination,colonialism, and privilege are very much predominant and alive on this campus,” said Kastern.
While the issue does not solely pertain to Lakehead, Kastern believes
there is a racial divide, whether intentional or not, amongst students.
This lack of solidarity only serves to drive a wedge even deeper into
the racial divide.
“It [Lakehead’s campus] is very divided,” says Kastern.
There are prominent issues of inequality regarding Indigenous students
on Lakehead’s campuses that have gone unnoticed by many students in LU’s
population. For example, the flag display in the Agora is set out to be
a sign of unity and togetherness, but there is a particularly notable
“Why don’t we get the Fort William First Nation (FWFN) flag here?”
asks Kastern. “We’ve got every other country’s flag hanging in the
Agora, except for Fort William which this campus sits on.”
This is an absence that is unacceptable, particularly in light of the
university’s claims to have strong ties to the Fort William First
Nation. What is even more unsettling is the response of administration
when asked about putting up the FWFN flag in The Agora.
9 April, 2017
Must not make light of street demonstrations
They say there is no such thing as bad publicity. This was not what
Pepsi anticipated when they released their latest advertisement, which
has left a not-so-sweet taste in the mouths of many forcing the company
to apologise and pull down the advert.
The advert at the center of the storm featured a young model – Kendall
Jenner – who abandons a photoshoot, stuffs her wig in the hands of a
clueless black female assistant and joins a street protest.
In what now looks like an attempt of art imitating life gone horribly
wrong, the Pepsi advertisement was accused of being racist and
trivializing the “Black Lives Matter” protests that have been going on
in the US to protest against the killings of blacks by police.
In the advert christened “jump in” the model is seen standing up to
police and offering them a can of Pepsi, which magically softens the
mean-looking policemen who thankfully accept the can.
The advert is re-enacting the iconic image that captured 28-year-old
Ieshia Evans, the young black woman standing up to a line of heavily
armed policemen during a Black Lives Matter protest last year.
However, Pepsi opened a can of worms after the advert blew up on their
faces, forcing them to release a statement admitting failure.
“Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and
understanding. Clearly, we missed the mark and we apologise…we are
pulling the content and halting any further roll out,” said the
As expected, the Internet did not spare Pepsi the backlash and mockery.
The advert was fiercely criticized for downplaying the massive
sacrifices made by the Black Lives Matter protest and suggested it was
tone-deaf and insensitive to the many lives lost in the civil rights
Must not joke about nooses
A well-known New York butcher is being investigated for a hate crime
after he was accused of giving a noose to a black deliveryman along with
a hateful message, according to police sources.
The New York Daily News reports that according to its police sources,
Joe Ottomanelli, of Manhattan’s Ottomanelli & Sons Meat Market,
fashioned a noose out of yellow rope, gave it to 36-year-old deliveryman
Victor Sheppard and told him, “If you ever have any stress, just put it
around your neck and pull it. I could even help you with it.”
Sheppard told the Daily News that he froze when Ottomanelli presented the noose to him as a “gift” Tuesday morning.
“I started shaking,” Sheppard said. “He was laughing. I don’t know what kind of joke that is.”
Sheppard went to the 6th Precinct police stationhouse and filed a report
immediately, the Daily News reports. An investigation into the incident
has been launched by the Hate Crimes Task Force.
Ottomanelli, 58, told the Daily News on Thursday that he has no beef
(heh) with Sheppard and that the whole thing was a joke. “We were just
fooling around,” Ottomanelli said, and added that he never thought that
what he considered a joke would be taken as a racial attack.
7 April, 2017
Black is beautiful but you must not praise whiteness
Nivea, a German-based skin care brand, has pulled a “White Is Purity”
advertisement after it caused quite a stir for being racially
The ad, which featured a woman with dark hair flowing down her back
while wearing a white robe in a brightly lit room, was a promotion for
the brand’s Invisible for Black and White deodorant and featured the
tagline, “Keep it clean, keep bright. Don’t let anything ruin it,
The post was shared on Nivea’s Middle East Facebook page and sparked
immediate outrage on social media, with people accusing the company of
being insensitive and racist.
Must not tell the truth about Hispanics
Here are some words mayoral candidate Manuel Medina now uses to describe
the San Antonio Express-News and/or columnist Brian Chasnoff:
offensive, ignorant, narrow-minded, racist, hateful, insensitive,
xenophobic, thoughtless and bigoted.
That's because of Chasnoff's column last week reporting that, despite
Medina saying he's lived in the United States ever since he immigrated
from Mexico at age 3 with his mother, public records show he worked at a
Mexican university from 1997 to 2008, was divorced and married in
Mexico, and even ran for public office in the country as recently as
The column, as you'd expect, did not go over well with the Medina camp.
So on Monday, he gathered a group of a few dozen supporters to rally
outside the daily's downtown building. After leading with the pledge of
allegiance and calling himself "a proud American from the United States
of America," Medina and his supporters proceeded to get very, publicly
angry at the Express-News for reporting things.
"I will not tolerate the Express-News publishing this type of rhetoric,
especially when it has negative effects on our children, our families
and our city," Medina shouted as supporters chimed in with words like
"racist" and "bigot."
Medina contends Chasnoff's column demonized naturalized citizens in
order to "score political points." In case you hit the paywall, here's
what a rundown of what the column actually reported:
- A Mexican social security statement shows Medina working at
Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila in Torreón, his father's home, from
1997 to 2008, earning some 225 pesos (or, going by today's exchange
rate, about $12) a day. Medina told Chasnoff he was living in Texas and
just working for the Mexican university as an occasional "visiting
professor, administrative aide and study abroad proponent."
- Records also show that in 2005, Medina ran what was basically a
Mexican state legislative seat as a member of the Institutional
Revolutionary Party, or PRI, in Torreón. He lost by about 1,200 votes.
Medina's explanation is that he was living in Texas but simply ran for
public office in Mexico to "expand my political consulting business"
into another country — which, while it may seem a little gauche, is not
exactly unheard of.
- Again, according to public records, Medina divorced his first wife in
Torreón in late 2006 and then remarried in Torreón nine days later.
- Medina became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 2009.
6 April, 2017
Muslim hate speech not tolerated in Singapore
In a major development, Singapore on Monday ordered the expulsion of an
Indian imam after he was handed a nearly USD 3,000 fine by a local court
for making divisive remarks against Christians and Jews during his
Friday sermon at a mosque.
Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel pleaded guilty to a charge of promoting
enmity between different groups on grounds of religion or race at the
State Courts.
He was handed a fine of Singaporean dollars 4,000 (USD 2,860), the Channel News Asia reported.
What did he say?
In February, a video was circulated online of the imam reportedly
reciting a prayer in Arabic that said, "God help us against Jews and
Christians", among other things.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), in a separate statement, said Nalla has paid the fine and will be repatriated.
"Any religious leader from any religion who makes such statements will be held accountable for their actions," the MHA said.
"Under Singapore law, we cannot, regardless of his religion, allow
anyone to preach or act divisively and justify that by reference to a
religious text," it said.
M-103 controversy in Canada
Motion 103, also known as M-103, is a motion proposed during the 42nd
Canadian Parliament by Iqra Khalid, a Liberal MP representing
Mississauga—Erin Mills. The motion states that the members of the House
of Commons call on the Government of Canada to condemn Islamophobia in
Canada and "all forms of systemic racism and religious
discrimination"... The motion passed by a vote of 201–91 on March 23,
The motion has no legal force but a lot of people are fearful that it
could be given legal teeth. They are particularly concerned about
the loose way in which "Islamophobia" is used. Any criticism of
Islam is routinely called "Islamophobia" by the Left. So is the
motion blocking off free speech about Islam? It certainly could
easily be seen that way.
There have been disturbances over the matter in Canadian streets because
a lot of people feel that Islam is highly criticizable -- while the
Left do their usual defence of Islam. Muslims can do just about
everything without criticism according to the Left.
5 April, 2017
Must not be inspired by Trump

Halloween is still six months away, but a controversial 'Border Wall'
costume inspired by President Trump's immigration enforcement policy has
already come come under fire for being 'racist' and 'offensive'.
Costume Agent's unisex costume has the words 'Mexico Will Pay' splashed
across a onesie that features a white and black brick wall pattern, and
it is retailing for $19.95 for adult sizes and $12.95 for a teen
The getup, which is officially named 'Trump Mexico Will Pay Zip Up
Costume Jumpsuit', is being sold on Amazon, and critics are flocking to
the site to give the item abysmal one-star reviews.
'Disappointed in Amazon for promoting this type of item. Some people
think it's a joke, for others is an insult. This item promotes hatred.
Take this down Amazon!!' one person commented.
Controversial Auckland University club disbands
More Leftist hate-speech
A controversial Auckland University student club is calling it quits
after its members were threatened with violence and accused of racism.
The Auckland University European Students Association has withdrawn its
application to affiliate with the university on the eve of Orientation
Yesterday the group's plan to hold a stall and recruit members on campus
next week drew widespread criticism. Many feared it was a thinly veiled
white nationalist group.
But in an overnight post on its Facebook page the president of the
fledgling club said it had become extremely dangerous to continue in the
face of "appalling rhetoric" by people on and off campus regarding the
group and what it supported.
"The constant threats to our safety, exposure of privacy, and general
abuse the group and individuals have received is simply unacceptable,
dangerous and extremely worrying," wrote the president, who did not give
his or her name.
"It is truly saddening that these actions go entirely against what those
who have had a problem with us support and promote on their respective
platforms and outlets."
He said people had formed their own incorrect opinions about the group,
which had never intended to be political or engage in anything other
than a mutual interest in history and culture.
"However, due to an extremely high number of physical threats and severe
and unfounded accusations of racism and fascism we see that the costs
outweigh the benefits to taking this club any further.
4 April, 2017
Professor Speaks On Free Speech And Political Correctness After Hecklers Try To Shut Down His Event
HAMILTON, ONTARIO -- Canada's McMaster University was the site of a
clash between free speech advocates and trans-sexual rights
demonstrators this week, at what was supposed to be a debate about a new
law in that country criminalizing offensive speech on the basis of
gender identity. The law, Bill C-16, mandates that individuals use the
preferred pronouns of gender non-binary people or be faced with
One of the speakers, University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan
Peterson, has gained national attention in 2017 for his public stand
against the idea that government can put regulations on individuals'
speech and has produced a detailed series of academic lectures on
YouTube explaining the philosophical and ethical backing for his
The subject of the event was: "Drawing the Line: an open discourse on political correctness and freedom of speech"
When he attempted to speak, Peterson faced continued shouting from
hecklers in the audience, the blaring of air horns and cowbells, and
chants such as: "Trans-phobic piece of shit" and "This is where we draw
the line." At times, his suporters unsuccessfully chanted back: "Let him
After the attendees left the event, a group of students formed a wall
around Professor Peterson outside and gave him a chance to speak.
PROFESSOR JORDAN PETERSON: So what I would recommend perhaps is that all
of you who want to hear me talk, leave. Go outside and I'll come
outside and talk to you.
[exits the building surrounded by students]
When you are faced with unreasonable opposition, it is best to let
unreasonable opposition speak, because they manifest themselves as
unreasonable. And then everyone can see it. So that is part of the
reason you want free speech.
[interruptions begin again]
At least they're at the back of the crowd this time.
STUDENT: Let's insulate Dr. Peterson.
PETERSON: So, no, security can't help. No matter what they do, they are
wrong. If they let this go on, they are wrong. If they intervene, they
causing trouble for students, no matter who the students are or what
they're doing, they are wrong then too. So, it is okay, listen. [The
yelling man] is just about hoarse, he'll take care of himself.
So I can tell you a little bit about why I was opposed to Bill C-16, and
there is a variety of reasons. I think the most important one is that
it is the first piece of Canadian legislation that has ever been put
forward that actually requires people to use a particular set of words.
There is other legislation that does govern to some degree what you
can't say -- you can't incite a crime... but we've never had a piece of
legislation ever that would require you to use a certain vocabulary --
no matter what that vocabulary is. And the fact that it happens to be
about trans-gender terminology is beside the point.
Debate on political correctness finds the birthplace of Mardi Gras

Even the 133-year-old Comic Cowboys are bowing to the king of modern-day communication - political correctness.
The Cowboys, in a letter Friday to Mobile City Councilman Fred
Richardson, promised to "cease from comments which may be hurtful to our
citizens" following outrage about the 2017 parade that included floats
with derogatory statements toward African Americans.
As one AL.com commentator pointed out Friday: "A sad day indeed when the Comic Cowboys capitulate to political correctness."
The outrage prompted Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson and City Councilman
Joel Daves to resign their membership from the krewe that has long
paraded their satire on the city's streets during Fat Tuesday with a
simple message of "Without Malice."
The reaction to this year's parade in Mobile, where Mardi Gras is the
king of all the city's annual events, has been split. Opponents say the
entire production was akin to allowing racist language to parade on city
streets before tens of thousands of onlookers. Meanwhile, supporters of
the Comic Cowboys have fired back, calling the opponents oversensitive
while using popular terms such "snowflake" to describe those easily
In Mobile, critics of the Comic Cowboys parade said the signage paraded
through downtown Mobile was racist. Among the most criticized was a sign
mocking the Black Lives Matter movement by depicting a cartoon version
of a black man running with a TV, accompanied by the legend: "BLACK
LIVES MATTER DEMANDS JUSTICE But apparently it will settle for BIG
Another sign suggested that Trump's African American outreach could be a pledge to "Make America Mo' Great Again."
At least three signs poked fun at the city of Prichard, a predominately black and poor community north of downtown Mobile.
3 April, 2017
Toronto: When traditional names foster a "hostile environment"
I think the only "hostile environment" is in this guy's head
Brad Gallant, a member of Qualipu Mi’kmaq First Nation, is at the Human
Rights Tribunal of Ontario demanding the City of Mississauga stop
supporting sports teams with names and logos he insists are “insensitive
to the ancestry of indigenous people.”
At issue are five minor hockey teams which play in Mississauga: The
Mississauga Reps and Braves, whose logos are similar to the Chicago
Blackhawks; the Mississauga Chiefs, which uses an arrowhead in its logo;
the Meadowvale Mohawks; and the Lorne Park Ojibwa. Since Gallant lodged
his complaint two years ago, the Meadowvale team has changed its name
to the Hawks and Lorne Park has merged with another club to become the
Lorne Park Clarkson Wild.
Gallant first e-mailed the city in February 2015 asking them to stop
subsidizing the teams with discounted ice time until they changed their
“offensive” names. He no longer wanted his kids to have to play on
hockey clubs that used caricatures of their heritage or in arenas with
banners and trophies with logos that created “a hostile environment.”
According to Michael Cleland, area manager with Hershey facilities,
sports and community development for Mississauga, it was the first
request of its kind they’d ever received.
City staff held a sit-down meeting with Gallant on March 18, 2015 and
explained that sports teams operated independently of the city. They
choose their own names and logos. Mississauga simply facilitates the ice
time and the municipality’s policy clearly states that it takes “no
responsibility for the decisions made” by these groups.
Must not compare Hollywood to Nazi Germany
Seems pretty fair to me. The Green/Left ideology and intolerance is much the same
A disturbing trend is emerging among some of the Hollywood elite—reactionary, outspoken insensitivity.
Last week, on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Tim Allen, actor from “Toy Story,”
“The Santa Clause” and most recently “Last Man Standing,” compared being
a conservative in Hollywood to being in 1930s Germany. Based on a basic
understanding of history, it’s fair to say that he equated himself to
being like a Jewish person living in a ghetto.
The comparison is repulsive, absurd and intolerant. Because Allen is a
celebrity and is saying something taboo, though, he gets a free pass.
Try to defend it, but all in all, he compared having someone disagree
with him to one of the worst genocides in human history. And Jimmy
Kimmel and the audience laughed all the way through it.
2 April, 2017
Arizona college student fights for ‘mankind,’ penalized for refusing gender-neutral term
A battle for “mankind” is taking place inside a Northern Arizona
University classroom. An English major at NAU contacted an educational
watchdog this week after she was penalized for refusing to use a
gender-neutral term in lieu of “mankind.”
“Included with [class rules] were several examples of what was and
wasn’t OK to use,” student Cailin Jeffers told Campus Reform Tuesday.
“In one of these examples she stated that we could not use the word
‘mankind.’ Instead, we should use ‘humankind.’ I thought this was
absurd, and I wasn’t sure if she was serious.”
Dr. Scott took one point out of 50 off Ms. Jeffers‘ paper and noted that
the Modern Language Association is working to have gender-neutral
guidelines adopted on a national level.
“I will respect your choice to leave your diction choices ‘as is’ and to
make whatever political and linguistic statement you want to make by
doing so,” the professor wrote. “By the same token, I will still need to
subtract a point because your choice will not be made in the letter or
spirit of this particular class, which is all about having you and other
students looking beneath your assumptions and understanding that
‘mankind’ does not mean ‘all people’ to all people. It positively does
An email was sent to the entire class shortly afterward, which stated
the “crucial” need to recognize that “our word choices mean a great deal
and have consequences in terms of what we reveal about our assumptions
about ourselves and others, and the world generally.”
Ms. Jeffers said that in a private meeting with her professor she was
told that using the term ‘mankind’ is sexist, and that she should “make
an effort to look beyond my preset positions and ideologies, as is the
focus of the class.”
Efforts by Campus Reform to obtain a comment from Dr. Scott or NAU’s Dean of the College prior to publication were unsuccessful.
Must not associate blacks with cotton picking
It’s prom season, and many teenagers are going the extra mile to win the
heart of their crush before popping the prom date question. Some
adorable “promposal” pictures are showing up on social media.
Among the promposal images, there’s one in which three teenage girls display a sign that’s crude and racially insensitive.
Their cardboard sign, supposedly to a Black classmate, says, “You may be
picking cotton, but we’re picking you to go to prom with us.”
According to Yahoo.com, the two White girls and one Black girl holding
the sign are believed to attend Monarch High School in Coconut Creek,
Florida. A receptionist there told Yahoo Style that the principal knows
about the photograph.
The outlet said the image is a screenshot from a now-defunct Instagram
account, which was posted to Twitter by a former Monarch High School
student identified as Jon Aro.
Just a poorly thought-out joke
This is Tongue-Tied 3
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press"
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The war on "cultural appropriation" is straightforward racism
Is the American national anthem politically incorrect? From the 4th verse:
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

The truth can be offensive to some but it must be said
"HATE SPEECH" is free speech: The U.S. Supreme Court stated the general
rule regarding protected speech in Texas v. Johnson (109 S.Ct. at
2544), when it held: "The government may not prohibit the verbal or
nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea
offensive or disagreeable." Federal courts have consistently followed this. Said Virginia federal district judge Claude Hilton: "The
First Amendment does not recognize exceptions for bigotry, racism, and
religious intolerance or ideas or matters some may deem trivial, vulgar
or profane."
Even some advocacy of violence is protected by the 1st Amendment. In
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the U.S. Supreme Court held unanimously that
speech advocating violent illegal actions to bring about social change
is protected by the First Amendment "except where such advocacy is
directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely
to incite or produce such action."
The double standard: Atheists can put up signs and billboards saying
that Christianity is wrong and that is hunky dory. But if a Christian
says that homosexuality is wrong, that is attacked as "hate speech"
One for the militant atheists to consider: "...it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" -- Thomas Jefferson
"I think no subject should be off-limits, and I regard the laws in many
Continental countries criminalizing Holocaust denial as philosophically
repugnant and practically useless – in that they confirm to Jew-haters
that the Jews control everything (otherwise why aren’t we allowed to
talk about it?)" -- Mark Steyn
A prophetic comment on Norwegian hate speech laws: As Justice Brandeis
once noted, repressive censorship “breeds hate” and “that hate menaces
stable government,” rather than promoting safety; “the path of safety
lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and
proposed remedies.”
Voltaire's most famous saying was actually a summary of Voltaire's
thinking by one of his biographers rather than something Voltaire said
himself. Nonetheless it is a wholly admirable sentiment: "I disagree
with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
I am of a similar mind.
The traditional advice about derogatory speech: "Sticks and stones will
break your bones but names will never hurt you". Apparently people today
are not as emotionally robust as their ancestors were.
The KKK were members of the DEMOCRATIC party. Google "Klanbake" if you doubt it
A phobia is an irrational fear, so the terms "Islamophobic" and
"homophobic" embody a claim that the people so described are mentally
ill. There is no evidence for either claim. Both terms are simply abuse
masquerading as diagnoses and suggest that the person using them is
engaged in propaganda rather than in any form of rational or objective
Leftists often pretend that any mention of race is "racist" -- unless
they mention it, of course. But leaving such irrational propaganda
aside, which statements really are racist? Can statements of fact about
race be "racist"? Such statements are simply either true or false. The
most sweeping possible definition of racism is that a racist statement
is a statement that includes a negative value judgment of some race.
Absent that, a statement is not racist, for all that Leftists might howl
that it is. Facts cannot be racist so nor is the simple statement of
them racist. Here is a statement that cannot therefore be racist by
itself, though it could be false: "Blacks are on average much less
intelligent than whites". If it is false and someone utters it, he
could simply be mistaken or misinformed.
Categorization is a basic human survival skill so racism as the Left
define it (i.e. any awareness of race) is in fact neither right nor
wrong. It is simply human
Whatever your definition of racism, however, a statement that simply
mentions race is not thereby racist -- though one would think otherwise
from American Presidential election campaigns. Is a statement that
mentions dogs, "doggist" or a statement that mentions cats, "cattist"?
If any mention of racial differences is racist then all Leftists are
racist too -- as "affirmative action" is an explicit reference to
racial differences
Was Abraham Lincoln a racist? "You and we are different races. We
have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any
other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but
this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think
your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while
ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If
this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be
separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated." -- Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862
Gimlet-eyed Leftist haters sometimes pounce on the word "white" as
racist. Will the time come when we have to refer to the White House as
the "Full spectrum of light" House?
The spirit of liberty is "the spirit which is not too sure that it is
right." and "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies
there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.
While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save
it." -- Judge Learned Hand
Mostly, a gaffe is just truth slipping out
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with them
is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were.
It seems a pity that the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher
Epictetus is now little known. Remember, wrote the Stoic thinker, "that
foul words or blows in themselves are no outrage, but your judgment
that they are so. So when any one makes you angry, know that it is your
own thought that has angered you. Wherefore make it your endeavour not
to let your impressions carry you away."
"Since therefore the knowledge and survey of vice is in this world so
necessary to the constituting of human virtue, and the scanning of error
to the confirmation of truth, how can we more safely, and with less
danger, scout into the regions of sin and falsity than by reading all
manner of tractates, and hearing all manner of reason?" -- English poet
John Milton (1608-1674) in Areopagitica
Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response
Leftists can try to get you fired from your job over something that you
said and that's not an attack on free speech. But if you just criticize
something that they say, then that IS an attack on free speech
"Negro" is a forbidden word -- unless a Democrat uses it
"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Leftists don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such
thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles
that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt
When you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing
the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180) could have
been speaking of much that goes on today when he said: "The object in
life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane."
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.

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