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29 April, 2016
White girls must not be portrayed as taller than black girls
Social media users are accusing Gap of passive racism because of an
image where a tall white girl rests her arm on the head of a shorter
black girl. Video provided by Newsy Newslook
Retailer Gap apologized on Tuesday after receiving criticism that an ad
for the company’s children’s clothing line was racially insensitive.
The ad featured four members of the Le Petit Cirque group, an "all-kid
humanitarian cirque company," comprised of performers ages 5 to 14. In
the ad, an older white girl rests her elbow on top of a young black
girl’s head, while two other white girls hold poses.
While the ad was supposed to be empowering, many noted on social media
that the black girl was being used as a "prop" or a piece of furniture.
Kristen West Savali of The Root noted that the “ad is what happens when
black faces appear, but no black voices are at the table.”
Following the backlash on social media, Gap replaced the image and apologized to those who were offended.
But while many condemned the ad, others on social media questioned whether people were reading too far into the ad.
Filmmaker Mathew A. Cherry pointed out that Gap used a similar pose in
2015, but with a black girl resting her arm on a younger white girl's
Following complaint, Instagram restores Israeli flag photo that "violated community standards"

When Susanne Katz received a message by Instagram a little over a week
ago notifying her that one of her photographs was taken down because it
"violated community standards," she never suspected it was over a
seemingly innocent picture of her against the backdrop of an Israeli
flag posted about 10 days prior.
The next morning, Katz reposted the photo, a selfie she took at work
depicting a casual look with a messy ponytail in front of an Israeli
flag, and again, it was taken down seven hours later.
She then contacted Instagram to ask why the photograph was taken down but did not receive a response, Katz said.
"Initially I was extremely upset because I consider the Israeli flag
very much a part of my identity as a Jewish Zionist woman. Also, I have
reported actual terrorist activity on Instagram ...Actual graphic
violence and nudity and I get a message back saying my post was reviewed
and it doesn't violate the community standards. So I was in disbelief
that my photo violated anything," Katz said in an exclusive interview
with The Foreign Desk.
The caption reads "Antisemitism infects society with beliefs that define
Jews as demonic, powerful, and a threat to the world. The currently
accepted and false belief is that the "Palestinians" are the native
people of "Palestine" and that the Jewish State is an occupying colonial
state. This single fabrication is the main driving force behind the
current wave of global antisemitism.
The remarkable success that antisemitism has now attained has been made
possible by the new tactic of erasing 3,500 years of Israel's history in
the land prior to the establishment of the modern state in 1948. The
history of the Children of Israel in the Land of Israel, which was once
common knowledge, has been deleted from our collective memories the way
that the giant Buddhist statues in Afghanistan were obliterated."
Several prominent Jewish and rights groups voiced concern on social
media over the incident, and many wrote to Instagram to complain about
the photograph being removed.
Instagram page ‘Humans of Judaism' reposted the photo April 12 with the
caption, "Last night Instagram deleted this photo saying it violated
their standards. I'm #sorrynotsorry if the Israeli flag offends them."
But it wasn't until the Anti-Defamation League got involved, that the
situation was resolved, according to Katz. The photo was reposted on
Instagram Tuesday.
28 April, 2016
Must not mention normal families
Beatrice Hurtig was heating baby food at Ikea’s restaurant in Örebro in
central Sweden when she saw a sign that agitated her, Expressen
“More room between tables for you and your mum and dad in the family corner,” the sign promised.
Hurtig said she got a knot in her stomach and immediately took a snap of
the sign. She sent the photo to Ikea via Facebook and asked them to
take the sign down.
“Children are the ones supposed to read this notice. Imagine a child who
lives with their grandmother, or has a parent who’s out of the picture,
or has parents who simply don’t think they belong in traditional gender
categories,” Hurtig told Expressen.
“It’s wrong on so many levels. Ikea is a good place for an excursion and it should be good for everybody.”
Ikea duly took the sign down. A spokesman said the company agreed it had not been well worded.
“We at Ikea respect all people and want everybody to feel welcome,” Per Henning told Expressen.
Is "Becky" a bad word?
Is good hair blonde hair?
Iggy Azalea wants nothing to do with the drama surrounding the 'Becky' line from Beyonce's newly released album Lemonade.
In a series of tweets on Monday, the 25-year-old criticised the word for being a negative stereotype of white women.
In Beyonce's track Sorry, she sings about a cheating lover - prompting
many people to assume she was talking about Jay Z having an affair - and
tells him to 'call Becky with the good hair'.
'Becky' is a phrase that has been known to refer to a generic white
woman with straight hair, and Iggy implied that the term is racially
'Don't ever call me a Becky,' she tweeted to a fan, before stating that she was criticising the phrase and not Beyonce.
She then tweeted to another user: 'girl BYE. do you know how many time
ppl have called me BECKY? it didnt have any kind of positive intention
behind it. dont start.
'Generalizing ANY race by calling them one sterotypical [sic] name for
said race. i personally dont think is very cool, the end.'
I guess nappy hair is more bother if you want to do anything with it
27 April, 2016
No free speech in Turkey
It is a Muslim country after all
A prominent Dutch journalist has been detained by Turkish police while
on holiday, Dutch officials say, a week after she criticised President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan in print for clamping down on dissent.
Columnist Ebru Umar, who is of Turkish descent and an outspoken critic
of Erdogan, was detained by police overnight in Turkey where she was on
She tweeted on Sunday that she had been released but was not allowed to leave the country.
In the free newspaper Metro last week, Umar called Erdogan a "dictator"
and criticised a Turkish consular official in the Netherlands for asking
all Turks there to report incidents of insults against Erdogan in the
Erdogan is known for his readiness to take legal action over perceived slurs.
Insulting the president is a crime in Turkey punishable by up to four
years in jail, but the law had previously been invoked only rarely.
Since Erdogan became president in 2014, prosecutors have opened more
than 1800 cases against people for insulting him, the justice minister
said last month.
Those who have faced such suits include journalists, cartoonists, academics and even school children.
Tony Blair’s former spin doctor Alastair Campbell is accused of racism after 'crass and clumsy' tweet
Rather good to see Leftist racism condemned for once
Tony Blair's former spin doctor Alastair Campbell has been accused of
racism today after making a 'clumsy' comment about 'non white faces' at a
Premier League football match.
Mr Campbell, 58, is best known for masterminding Labour's public
relations during Mr Blair's time in power, but is also a fanatical
football fan.
After Leicester's 4-0 win over Swansea City yesterday he decided to pay
tribute to the ethnic mix of fans at the King Power Stadium.
He tweeted: 'Fantastic to see fairly high proportion of non white faces
in the crowd at Leicester City. All too rare at most clubs.'
But the comment has been branded 'crass', 'clumsy' and even 'racist' by critics, who he called idiots and plonkers.
Ian Frankum told him: 'What a ridiculous Tweet, are you in a time machine? It's a reflection of the local community. Simple.'
Mr Campbell told him: 'And most clubs aren't, idiot'.
Mr Frankum replied again: 'Thanks for the insult. Look at the rest of
comments and come to West Ham or Arsenal you will see things have
Mr Campbell replied once more: 'As it happens I am aware of that. But most clubs' crowds do not reflect their communities.'
Mr Frankum signed off with a closing remark: 'Put down the shovel Ally.'
James Sharp told Campbell that his comment was 'a bit crass maybe' and another told him it was a 'clumsy political comment'.
Mark Thomas piled in, adding: 'What does it matter? Stop highlighting race'.
26 April, 2016
Free Speech 1, Kamala Harris 0
Judge throws out California attempt to intimidate conservative donors
Kamala Harris has been a hero of the left’s campaign to use donor
disclosure as a tool of political intimidation. Since 2013 the
California Attorney General has been demanding that nonprofits provide
unredacted donor names if they want to solicit donations in the state.
On Thursday a federal court declared her disclosure requirement an
unconstitutional burden on First Amendment rights.
Federal Judge Manuel Real granted a permanent injunction against Ms.
Harris in a lawsuit brought by the Americans For Prosperity Foundation.
The group, which is affiliated with free-market supporters Charles and
David Koch, has argued that as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, it should not be
forced to supply the Attorney General with the organization’s IRS Form
990 Schedule B, which contains its donor names.
In his 12-page decision, Judge Real notes that while Attorney General
Harris argued that she needed donor disclosure to identify lawbreaking
like “self-dealing” or “improper loans,” that was a stretch. “[O]ver the
course of trial, the Attorney General was hard pressed to find a single
witness who could corroborate the necessity of Schedule B forms in
conjunction with their office’s investigations,” the judge wrote.
Ms. Harris claimed the donor disclosure was only for internal purposes
and not for public use or to precipitate any targeting of the donors,
but the judge didn’t buy that either.
Words, words
There is far too much weight given these days to using exactly the
"right" form of words. I suppose it is a hopeless case but I think
we should instead just look at the basic meaning and think about that
Let me give an example of the difference that the "right" word can make
these days. I once said: "All Jews should get back to
Israel. They don't belong here". Did I get condemned for
that? Was I immediately fingered as an antisemite? Not at all. How
come? Because I didn't actually say that. I said it in
Hebrew instead. What I said was: "I think all Jews should make
Aliyah". Both of those forms of words mean the same thing but one
was phrased in a way that bore on a great Jewish controversy.
"Aliyah" literally mean "rising up" -- rising up to Eretz
Israel. And many Jews acknowledge that as a holy duty and feel
guilty and apologetic that they have chosen to live in the fleshpots of
NYC instead. So what I said was actually holy from a Jewish
viewpoint. And some of my Jewish readers wrote to agree with me.
But isn't that crazy? Why do we pay so much attention to
superficialities? I may be wrong but I do genuinely believe that Israel,
despite the attacks on it, is ultimately the safest place for Jewry --
but I was fortunate that I could put that thought in the "right"
way. If I had not been so able, I might have attracted much
opprobrium for saying exactly the same thing.
So I hope that conservatives at least will sometimes look at and think
about the underlying intention of an utterance and overlook or forgive
less felicitous forms of expression.
FOOTNOTE: My reason for thinking that all Jews should make Aliyah
The Ayatollahs have made clear that America is the great Satan.
Israel is only the little Satan. And the 9/11 attacks were on NYC,
not Israel. So, if the Obama-enabled Ayatollahs are suicidal
enough to unleash a nuclear strike, it will most likely be on NYC, not
Jerusalem. Jerusalem is, after all, holy to them too
25 April, 2016
Australia: Now normality is wrong
Skyler Kennedy, from REACH kids, took to her company’s Facebook page and
posted two text messages she received this week from a potential
client. The mother was requesting someone to babysit her three children,
aged three to 11.
“The babysitter will need to be from a Christian background as we are a
faith-driven household. We also request that the babysitter supports our
teaching of anti-gay marriage and lack of support for the gay/rainbow
flag community,” the first text read.
“I’m sorry,” began the second text. “We are just asking for a normal
person, not one with coloured hair or supporting radical gender
theories. We want to raise our kids to be normal, so if there is anyone
else we can get for the night that would be great.”
Ms Kennedy says she initially agreed to help find the woman a Christian
babysitter, but later refused her request after receiving the second
text message.
“I can understand someone wanting a Christian babysitter, or someone
whose religious beliefs align with your own, if you have a very
faith-driven household,” she told news.com.au
“But when they went on to say they wanted someone who was ‘anti gay and
rainbow flag’ [the colours representing the LGBT community], I thought
‘This is really strange’.
“After they sent that text, I said ‘OK, this is ridiculous. I am going
to publicise this, because it seems not right’. I want to make it clear
that my organisation supports diversity and people’s freedom who be who
they are,” she said.
Must not mention that Obama is 'part Kenyan'
Boris Johnson was accused of 'dog whistle racism' and likened to
right-wing 'Tea Party' politicians in the US this morning after his
attack on the 'part-Kenyan' Barack Obama.
The Mayor of London spoke out against the US President after he urged
British voters to stay in the EU and mentioned his African ancestry as
he criticised the decision to remove a bust of Sir Winston Churchill
from the Oval Office shortly after Mr Obama entered the White House.
Mr Johnson - who is favourite to succeed David Cameron as Prime Minister
- suggested the President got rid of the statue as a 'snub' to
Britain's wartime prime minister and a 'symbol of the part-Kenyan
President's ancestral dislike of the British empire'.
But Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell hit out at Mr Johnson and demanded he withdraw the controversial remarks.
He wrote on Twitter: 'Mask slips again. Boris part-Kenyan Obama comment
is yet another example of dog whistle racism from senior Tories. He
should withdraw it.'
This afternoon Mr Johnson defended his remarks and said he did not imply the US leader was anti-British.
Diane Abbott, Shadow International Development Secretary, hit out at Mr
Johnson, describing his remarks as 'offensive' and said they echoed
those of the Tea Party's right-wing, anti-immigration tendency in the
Referring to the removal of Sir Winston's bust, Mr Johnson wrote in The
Sun today : 'No one was sure whether the President had himself been
involved in the decision,' he said.
'Some said it was a snub to Britain. Some said it was a symbol of the
part-Kenyan President's ancestral dislike of the British empire - of
which Churchill had been such a fervent defender.'
'I think the issue really is about democracy - America guards its
democracy very jealously and I think we should be entitled to do so as
Ukip leader Nigel Farage backed up Mr Johnson's claims. He told The
Guardian: 'Look, I know his family's background. Kenya. Colonialism.
There is clearly something going on there.
'It's just that you know people emerge from colonialism with different
views of the British. Some thought that they were really rather benign
and rather good, and others saw them as foreign invaders. 'Obama's
family come from that second school of thought and it hasn't quite left
him yet.'
Mr Johnson's attack on the President came after Mr Obama's controversial
decision to make a major intervention in the EU referendum campaign.
24 April, 2016
UK: Independence supporting taxi driver is quizzed by police after he
covered his house with a giant banner containing a SWASTIKA calling for
British exit from the EU
It is quite common for British conservatives to compare the EU with a
Communist or Nazi government. The EU certainly pours out an
unending stream of new regulations. By some estimations, two
thirds of the law current in Britain emanates from the EU
A UKIP supporter was quizzed by police today after he hung a giant banner containing a swastika on the front of his house.
Taxi driver Timothy 'Dusty' Miller covered the top floor of his
three-bedroom detached home with the banner in a bid to attract Brexit
voters over this summer's EU referendum.
The banner contains a written slogan exclaiming: 'Have we British
forgotten the last attempt to remove our freedom and democracy?'
Separated by the huge swastika, a second line then reads: 'We did not
fight two world wars to surrender and be ruled by a corrupt EU!'
Mr Miller, 66, said he was contacted by police officers this morning
after putting up the 22ft by 8ft banner last night, who told him the
Jewish community were 'incensed'.
Explaining his decision to tie it to his house, he said: 'There is
nothing wrong with the sign, it's perfectly legal. 'The sign is shown in
a historical context referring to nothing other than freedom of
'I can very well understand their views if I was, in any way, promoting
the far right but it's not that at all. 'People want to read that I'm
anti-semitic but that is not the truth. I'm referencing what will happen
if our freedom of democracy was threatened.
'The Nazis and Hitler came for our freedom and democracy and we repelled them.
'Now the EU have come for our freedom and democracy, they have stolen
our freedom and democracy and they have used techniques and mechanisms
to do so.
Must not satirize sexually confused people
Curt Schilling, a former All-Star pitcher and one of the highest-profile
baseball analysts on ESPN, was fired from the network Wednesday, a day
after he drew intense criticism for promoting offensive commentary on
social media.
Schilling, who had worked for the network since 2010 and most recently
offered analysis on “Monday Night Baseball,” was dismissed after sharing
a Facebook post this week that appeared to respond to the North
Carolina law that bars transgender people from using bathrooms and
locker rooms that do not correspond with their birth genders.
The post showed an overweight man wearing a wig and women’s clothing
with parts of the T-shirt cut out to expose his breasts. It says: “LET
HIM IN! to the restroom with your daughter or else you’re a
narrow-minded, judgmental, unloving racist bigot who needs to die.”
To that, Schilling added: “A man is a man no matter what they call
themselves. I don’t care what they are, who they sleep with, men’s room
was designed for the penis, women’s not so much. Now you need laws
telling us differently? Pathetic.”
“ESPN is an inclusive company,” ESPN said in a statement. “Curt
Schilling has been advised that his conduct was unacceptable and his
employment with ESPN has been terminated.”
22 April, 2016
In Apparent Hoax, Man Accuses Whole Foods of Discrimination
Yet another hate speech hoax. Where there is no hate, the Queer/Left have to invent it
In the ongoing showdown between cake bakers and the Rainbow Mafia, a
homosexual pastor in Austin, Texas, accused Whole Foods of decorating a
cake with a slur degrading the “LGBT community.” Jordan Brown asked for
the store’s cake decorator to write “Love Wins,” the prevailing slogan
of the same-sex marriage crowd, across the top of the cake. According to
a video Brown created, the decorator decided to add the word “Fag” to
the confectionery. Brown claimed he didn’t see the offending message
when he bought the cake, only discovering it when he arrived at his car.
Instead of taking the cake back, however, Brown brought it home. After
receiving an unsatisfactory reply from the store, the man decided to sue
the store for discrimination. As The Washington Post notes, Brown
belongs to the Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, an
organization whose mission is “keeping gay money within the
gay-supportive community.”
Quickly, people started calling Brown’s accusation a hoax. The color of
the frosting and handwriting between the phrases “Love Wins” and “Fag”
were different, for one. Then Whole Foods responded. “After a deeper
investigation of Mr. Brown’s claim, we believe his accusations are
fraudulent and we intend to take legal action against both Mr. Brown and
his attorney,” the company said in a statement. It even released
surveillance video of Brown’s purchase, and noted that the person who
decorated Brown’s cake “is a part of the LGBTQ community.”
If Brown pranked himself, it only highlights attention-seeking
narcissism, which is pervasive in the community of people with the
gender disorientation pathology.
An old insanity continues
But it's no joke, as the past has shown. Blaming the Jews for
everything just rose to a new height of absurdity. Now some
Russians are blaming Jews for the collapse of the Soviet Union!

The Rabbi and the President. They get on well
Following the dissemination of an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory by a
politician from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s party, a chief rabbi
of Russia called on the government to stamp out hate speech against
Rabbi Berel Lazar’s appeal Friday to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was
in reaction to the April 10 statement on Jews by Vladislav Vikhorev, a
candidate for Putin’s United Russia who is running to be elected a state
lawmaker in the Legislative Assembly of Chelyabinsk Oblast, a federal
region located nearly 1,000 miles away from Moscow.
During a debate in the city of Chelyabinsk, Vikhorev said that Jews in
the 1990s were behind a “Jewish revolution that put Russian sovereignty
itself on the brink of extinction,” which he said was “a well-planned,
well designed program of destruction of national culture, national
education, national production and the national financial system,”
according to the news website Apostroph.
Lazar enjoys good relations with Putin, whom he credits with curbing
anti-Semitic speech in media and in government, that Lazar says was more
common before Putin came into power.
21 April, 2016
UCLA Muslims want truth-telling posters censored
Students for Justice in Palestine called for UCLA administrators to
create a comprehensive plan that anticipates hate-speech posters, among
other demands, in response to another wave of posters that link SJP to
terrorist groups.
David Horowitz, a conservative writer based in Los Angeles, posted
flyers Friday accusing SJP and the Muslim Student Association of
supporting the murder of Israelis. Jerry Kang, vice chancellor of
equity, diversity and inclusion, sent a campus-wide email in response,
condemning Horowitz’s actions as psychological harassment and
Rahim Kuwra, a member of SJP and doctoral candidate in sociology, said
the Friday posters are the fourth iteration of Horowitz’s attack on SJP
members. On Tuesday SJP released a list of five administrative demands
that aim to mitigate similar attacks on students.
In the statement, SJP said it wants administrators to implement a more
thorough plan of removing posters that contain hate speech. SJP members
acknowledged UCPD and UCLA Facilities Management have established
procedures to remove the posters, but maintain the procedures could be
improved, according to the email.
Christophobic Facebook
Respectful post on homosexual marriage by Australian clegyman
immediately deleted. Restored only after intervention by
Australian politicians
Federal Liberal MP Andrew Hastie has called on Facebook to explain why
it deleted a Sydney academic’s post about same-sex marriage and
reinstated it only after being quizzed by free-speech advocate Tim
The post by John Dickson, an ordained Anglican minister and founder of
the Centre for Public Christianity, was removed on Saturday because it
did not adhere to Facebook’s “community standards”.
The 500-word opinion piece, which called for a more respectful debate
on the issue of gay marriage, had been reinstated on Sunday night, with
Facebook telling Mr Dickson one of its employees had “accidentally”
deleted it.
Mr Hastie said yesterday he had told Mr Wilson, the former human rights
commissioner and a Liberal candidate at the next federal election, about
Facebook’s censorship when he heard about it on Sunday. Mr Wilson later
spoke to someone he knew in Facebook’s government affairs team and the
post was reinstated.
Mr Hastie, the MP for the seat of Canning in Western Australia, said
Facebook should explain its actions. “If they have assumed a new
morality, just be clear about it,” he said. “I find it troubling that
Facebook would censor a respected public figure like John Dickson who
was advocating in a very reasonable and winsome manner. “If that
sort of engagement is going to be censored, I would be worried about the
future of debate in this country.”
A Facebook spokesman declined to say why the post was removed or whether
it had been the subject of complaints. “This comment was removed
in error,” he said. “We promptly restored the comment once we realised
this, and we’re sorry for the inconvenience caused.”
The restored FB post is here
20 April, 2016
Head of German anti-Islam group in court for hate speech
No 1st Amendment in Germany
The founder of Germany's xenophobic and anti-Islamic Pegida movement
faced court Tuesday on hate speech charges for branding refugees
"cattle" and "scum" on social media.
Lutz Bachmann, founder of the far-right "Patriotic Europeans Against the
Islamisation of the Occident" movement, was charged in October with
inciting racial hatred through a series of widely-shared Facebook posts.
The trial was held under tight security in Dresden in the former
communist east, the birthplace of Pegida, which bitterly opposes
Chancellor Angela Merkel's liberal migration policy that brought more
than a million asylum seekers to Germany last year.
The court said the 43-year-old's comments, which date back to 2014, also
"disrupted public order" and constituted an "attack on the dignity" of
If found guilty, Bachmann could face between three months and five years in jail.
The Pegida founder's offending comments were published in September
2014, as the movement started life as a xenophobic Facebook group.
Judging by the behavior of the recent immigrant influx into Germany, I
imagine that a lot of Germans would by now agree with Herr Bachmann, if
they were allowed to

It is hard to imagine a more cosmopolitan establishment these days than
Whole Foods, where, David Brooks joked, the checkers all look like
they’re on loan from Amnesty International. But a gay preacher is
alleging that he is the victim of hate speech from the bakery department
at the Whole Foods in Austin, Texas, where his special order cake
reading “Love Wins” came with some extra frosting:
The lettering of the slur doesn’t match up very well with the lettering
at the periphery. Is it plausible that a Whole Foods in Austin is a
hotbed of anti-gay sentiment? Better send the whole cake to the FBI
Frosting Handwriting Analysis Lab to get to the bottom of this.
Whole Foods is denying their baker did it
19 April, 2016
Scottish cops, stop policing our tweets
Last Friday, using the hashtag #thinkbeforeyoupost, the Greater Glasgow
division of Police Scotland tweeted an image of the acronym, THINK:
Leaving no doubt that these were commands, not suggestions, the police
accompanied this image with the following text: ‘Think before you post
or you may receive a visit from us this weekend. Use the internet
It seemed, initially, to be a bad April Fools’ joke. But the 12 o’clock
deadline had long passed and, in any case, the Scottish police have form
when it comes to pre-emptively threatening Scots for social-media
speech-crime. These are no empty threats, either. Only last month, a man
from Inverclyde was arrested for offensive social-media comments about
Syrian refugees. In the words of one Dunoon inspector, this was
calculated to send ‘a clear message’ that the Scottish bobby takes
‘offensive comments on social media’ very seriously indeed.
What’s striking about this latest example of Police Scotland
authoritarianism is the astounding lack of self-awareness. Here we have a
bunch of policemen threatening to ‘visit’ you over your tweets all in
the name of kindness and keeping you and the internet ‘safe’. What could
be more unnecessary, unkind and unsafe than having a police force so
mind-bogglingly illiberal that it considers off-colour tweets worthy of a
If this talk of safety and being kind to people sounds familiar, it’s
because the same thinking underpins most modern-day censorship. Whether
it’s politicians calling for Twitter to get rid of ‘trolls’, or
authoritarian student leaders banishing from campus anyone they deem
‘unsafe’, the hypocrisy is the same. To rid ourselves of unkind people
on Twitter, we must be unkind to them and lock them up; to turn campus
into a Safe Space, we have to make it unsafe to think or speak in a
certain way. To achieve this tolerant utopia in the future, runs the
argument, we must be profoundly intolerant in the here and now.
Punished for a bit of banter? It’s rugby gone mad
England’s first grand slam since 2003. That will be my abiding memory of
this year’s Six Nations rugby tournament, a competition in which we saw
England bounce back from their World Cup humiliation in rip-roaring
fashion under the impeccable leadership of new boss Eddie Jones.
Typically, though, the perpetually offended want to spoil my and every
other English rugby fan’s fun by dragging political correctness,
complete with accusations of racism, on to the field of play. England
prop Joe Marler has just been banned for two games and fined £20,000 by
World Rugby for calling his Welsh opposite number Samson Lee a ‘gypsy
boy’ during the first half of the England-Wales clash at Twickenham in
March. Lee is of Traveller stock, so it was plainly not a very pleasant
thing for Marler to say. But to brand him a racist for a remark made in
the heat of the moment? Is that fair?
I know it might come as a shock to people who spend their entire lives
in Safe Spaces, but when 30 blokes are knocking seven bells out of each
other for 80 minutes in pursuit of sporting victory and national pride,
things can get a bit heated. I played in Marler and Lee’s position
myself as a schoolboy, and I can tell you that even 16-year-olds can
come up with some pretty colourful language after they’ve been lying at
the bottom of a ruck as studded boots rain down from all sides.
Marler apologised to Lee at half-time and Lee himself dismissed the
comment as ‘banter’, as did Wales coach Warren Gatland. England coach
Jones reprimanded Marler afterwards, and then, as is typical of rugby
players, everyone shook hands and carried on. Officials for the Six
Nations tournament itself also decided (quite rightly) that no further
action need be taken, since no one directly affected by the incident
cared about it.
But this is 21st-century Britain, when people can claim to be offended
on others’ behalf. So Gatland has since been castigated for dismissing
the exchange of unpleasantries as banter and has been forced to
apologise to anyone who might have been offended. And the Welsh Rugby
Football Union has now decided that Marler hasn’t been sufficiently
Marler himself has also been forced into an act of public contrition.
‘I’m not a racist’, he said. ‘What I said to Samson was out of order and
wrong and I am sorry it was said. Whatever happens to me, I will
accept. I’m sorry to anyone who was offended. Saying it was “in the heat
of the moment” isn’t an excuse, but one comment, one mistake, does not
make me a racist.’
Marler has now been banned and fined. All because he said something in a
moment of anger to someone who, it turns out, wasn’t bothered by it.
18 April, 2016
The Politicization of the English Language
Last week, French President Francois Hollande met President Obama in
Washington to discuss joint strategies for stopping the sort of radical
Islamic terrorists who have killed dozens of innocents in Brussels,
Paris and San Bernardino in recent months. Hollande at one point
explicitly referred to the violence as “Islamist terrorism.”
The White House initially deleted that phrase from the audio translation
of the official video of the Hollande-Obama meeting, only to restore it
when questioned. Did the Obama administration assume that if the public
could not hear the translation of the French president saying “Islamist
terrorism,” then perhaps Hollande did not really say it — and therefore
perhaps Islamist terrorism does not really exist?
The Obama administration must be aware that in the 1930s, the Soviet
Union wiped clean all photos, recordings and films of Leon Trotsky on
orders from Josef Stalin. Trotsky was deemed politically incorrect, and
therefore his thoughts and photos simply vanished.
The Library of Congress, under pressure from Dartmouth College students,
recently banned not just the term “illegal alien” in subject headings
for literature about immigration, but “alien” as well. Will changing the
vocabulary mean that from now on, foreign nationals who choose to enter
and reside in the United States without being naturalized will not be
in violation of the law and will no longer be considered citizens of
their homeland?
Did the Library of Congress ever read the work of the Greek historian
Thucydides, who warned some 2,500 years ago that in times of social
upheaval, partisans would make words “change their ordinary meaning and …
take that which was now given them.”
These latest linguistic contortions to advance ideological agendas
follow an established pattern of the Obama administration and the
departments beneath it.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper’s described Egypt’s
radical Muslim Brotherhood as “largely secular.” CIA Director John
Brennan has called jihad “a legitimate tenet of Islam,” a mere effort
“to purify oneself.”
Other administration heads have airbrushed out Islamic terrorism by
referring to it with phrases such as “man-caused disaster.” The effort
to combat terrorism was called an “overseas contingency operation,”
perhaps like Haitian earthquake relief.
The White House wordsmiths should reread George Orwell’s 1946 essay
“Politics and the English Language,” which warned that “political
writing is bad writing” and “has to consist largely of euphemism.”
Obama has said the greatest threat to future generations is “climate
change,” a term that metamorphosed from “global warming.” The now
anachronistic term “global warming” used to describe a planet that was
supposedly heating up rather quickly. But it did not account for the
unpleasant fact that there has been negligible global temperature change
since 1998.
Rather than modifying the phrase to “suspected global warming” or
“episodic global warming,” the new term “climate change” was invented to
replace it. That way, new realities could emerge. Changes of all sorts —
historic snows, record cold, California drought, El Nino storms — could
all be lumped together, supposedly caused by man-made carbon emissions.
Volatile weather such as tornadoes, tsunamis and hurricanes was
sometimes rebranded as “climate chaos” — as if Western industry and
consumer lifestyles were responsible for what used to be seen as fairly
normal occurrences.
The term “sanctuary cities” describes municipalities that in
neo-Confederate fashion deny the primacy of federal immigration law and
refuse to enforce it.
Attorney General Loretta Lynch used the term “justice-involved youth” to
describe young criminals arrested and charged with crimes. From such
terminology, one might think the offenders' “involvement” meant that
they were parole officers or young lawyers.
So what is the point of trying to change reality by making up new names and phrases?
It’s mostly politics. If Hollande had used the label “skinheads” to
describe European right-wing movements, the White House might not have
altered the video. If a half-million right-wing Cubans were pouring
illegally into Florida each year, or if 100,000 Serbs were crossing the
border from Canada, the Library of Congress might not object to calling
them “illegal aliens.” Clapper and Brennan are unlikely to claim that
the Crusades were largely secular or an exercise in self-purification.
The Obama administration probably would not describe rogue police
officers charged with crimes as “justice-involved police.” If cities
with conservative mayors declined to enforce the Endangered Species Act
or federal firearms statutes, they probably would not be known as
“sanctuary cities,” but rather as “nullification cities.”
Orwell also wrote about a futuristic dystopia ruled by a Big Brother
government that created politicized euphemisms to reinvent reality. He
placed his novel in the year 1984, warning Westerners about what was in
their future.
We are now 32 years beyond 1984, but we are at last living Orwell’s nightmare.
Must not slander foreign rulers?
Broadcaster was deliberately offensive to highlight a speech-limiting German law
Incredibly, one of Germany’s most popular satirists, Jan Böhmermann, is
facing prison after he read out a poem mocking Erdogan on the public
channel ZDF. Berlin newspaper Tagesspiegel reported the assessment of
the German foreign ministry: ‘It is highly likely that [Böhmermann] has
committed a crime.’
Böhmermann read the poem on his show, Neo Magazin Royale, on 31 March.
He sat in front of a Turkish flag, beside a small portrait of Erdogan,
and announced that what he was about to read was ‘slander’. And he was
right. In the poem, he referred to Erdogan as, among other things, a man
whose ‘body matter smelled so bad that it was worse than a pig’s fart’.
Other lines included, ‘What he loves is fucking goats / while stomping
on minority votes’; ‘At night, instead of sleep, he has oral sex with
sheep’; and ‘Erdogan is not just thick, he’s a man with a very small
dick’. Turkish subtitles were included.
It’s absurd, obscene stuff. And it is odd that the Turkish president has
become a favoured target for German satirists, who seem strangely
unable to find objects of ridicule closer to home. Still, this time, at
least, the satire has put Germany’s government, and not Turkey’s, on the
Perhaps this was Böhmermann’s intention. He said that while extra3’s
short was protected under Germany’s freedom-of-press laws, his
slanderous poem wasn’t. In other words, he wasn’t exposing the limits to
free speech in Turkey, which are now common knowledge; he was exposing
the limits to free speech in Germany, which too few acknowledge.
Böhmermann’s poem falls foul of paragraph 103 of the German criminal
code, which reads: ‘Whosoever insults a foreign head of state or an
accredited diplomat in Germany… shall be liable to imprisonment of up to
three years or a fine. A slanderous (calumnious) insult could be
punished with up to five years.’ So it was no surprise when Gerd
Deutschler, a Mainz-based prosecutor, told reporters last week that
Böhmermann was being investigated.
This time, the German political establishment was quick to censor
Böhmermann. As soon as news of the poem began to spread, ZDF deleted the
video from its website and combed YouTube for copied footage (although
it has since been put back up on the Bild website here). And, while ZDF
busied itself with the removal of Böhmermann’s poem, chancellor Angela
Merkel personally intervened with a phone call to the Turkish prime
minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, in which she called the poem a deliberate
Indeed, since the poem controversy began, many have been debating the
limits to satire. Yet the very posing of the question of satire’s limits
is problematic. As Kurt Tucholsky put it in 1919, there should never be
any limits to satire. Moreover, the extent to which satire offends
those in authority is often a mark of its success.
The news over the weekend that the Turkish government would be demanding
that Germany prosecute Böhmermann was hardly a surprise. But even
though most commentators are blaming Turkey for Böhmermann’s plight,
make no mistake: his censorship is a problem created in Germany itself.
17 April, 2016
Must not suggest that migrants are often poorly dressed

The "fashions"
American Vogue editor-in-chief Anna Wintour has put her elegant foot in
her mouth by referring to Kanye West’s fashion show as ‘migrant chic’.
The insensitive comment — referring to the shabbiness of the clothes —
has provoked a huge backlash in the U.S., with the public calling on her
to apologise and New York high society agog at the prospect of the ice
queen eating humble pie.
The 66-year-old made her controversial statement this week as she
recalled musician West’s Yeezy Season 3 catwalk show at Madison Square
Garden in New York in February.
‘I got there very early, as I tend to do,’ she said, in comments she doubtless wants to run away from.
‘They put me in this huge VIP section and I was the only person sitting
there for about half-an-hour. Eventually, they did turn up and the Life
Of Pablo concert started and the migrant chic fashion show started and
they were both wonderful.’
Cue outrage on social media. ‘Anna Wintour, you are indelibly callous,’
commented Kate Melson on Twitter. ‘Condoning Kanye’s collection and
describing it as “migrant chic”. Wholly inappropriate.’ TV producer
Mojica Fitz Kennedy remarked: ‘Clueless ladylike misanthrope’, while
another said: ‘The fashion industry is such a vapid and disgusting
Garments must not have sexy pictures on them

TEEN clothing staple Jay Jays has come under fire for its provocative
range of T-shirts, which campaigners label ‘pornographic’ and ‘degrading
to women’.
The retailer, owned by the Just Group, has cancelled its reorder of the
garments, which are marketed at young men, after backlash from parents
on social media.
Lobby group Collective Shout issued a rallying cry over the salacious
T-shirts this week, calling on Jay Jays to “step up and stand up against
the exploitation of girls and women”.
“Stop participating in the objectification of girls and women to sell your products!” the group said in a Facebook post.
Just Group general manager Linda Whitehead responded to campaigners,
writing that she had instructed the buying team to cancel all orders for
the controversial T-shirts and promised a review of selection
But she declined to pull the remaining stock from Jay Jays shelves, as
demanded by Collective Shout, writing in a Facebook comment: “I myself
am a mother of three children. I note your concern and I have just
instructed the buying team to cancel orders for these prints.”
Campaigners argue that images which stereotype and objectify women as
sex objects contribute to gender inequality and violence against women.
15 April, 2016
NJ Man Faces Possible Jail Time For Flying Political Flags
A New Jersey man who's been flying Donald Trump's campaign flag in front
of his home since February could face up to a $2,000 fine or jail time.
Joe Hornick has been flying Trump's "Make America Great Again" flags
outside his home and recently received a ticket citing him for illegally
posting political signage more than 30 days before an election.
The New Jersey presidential primary isn't until June 7.
Hornick is ready to face a judge in the case. If he loses the flag fight
in court. Hornick is prepared to serve a possible 90 day sentence.
"I'm not taking the flag down, and if I do 90 days in jail, I'll do 90 days in jail," he said.
Sometimes the flags come down without Hornick's assistance. Hornick says, the flags have been ripped down five times so far.
"Let them come, let them rip those flags down because I have a warehouse
on alert, and I'll put up a flag every time they tear one down," he
Match.com forced to take down disrespectful advert about red-heads

Dating website Match.com has been forced to apologise for an advertisement following an outcry on social media.
The advert features a woman with red hair and freckles with the slogan:
“If you don’t like your imperfections, someone else will.”
It was featured prominently in tube stations around London, prompting
online criticism and complaints made to the Advertising Standards
A spokesperson for Match.com said in a statement: “We have taken note of the response about our advert concerning freckles.
“Following this feedback, we are in discussions with our relevant partners about removing these posters as soon as possible.”
This is a real issue in England. Red-haired children do get
harassed there quite a lot. I have never seen such harassment in
14 April, 2016
You can't win
There is no parenting topic that gets people more worked up than breastfeeding.
This afternoon hundreds of commenters got worked up over the Today
Show’s choice to post a photo taken from a Willoughby Cafe on their
Facebook Page. The sign reads:
“BREASTFEEDING MUMS — Pop in have a FREE cup of tea if you need a pitt
stop … No need to eat. No need to ask. Please Relax J Willows.”
Cue internet mayhem. Comments included everything from simple statements
about loving the sign to people calling discrimination against bottle
feeders to others calling discrimination against men. And, of course,
one lovely gentleman calling breastfeeding women “slappers that just
love attention” and the café owner “a person who likes his customers to
get their tits out for him.”
As a woman who breastfed my two children, I personally, love the sign.
Breastfeeding is hard bloody work. I have never eaten as much or drunk
as much (non-alcoholic seeing as though I was feeding after all) than
when I was breastfeeding.
The offer of a free cuppa, a comfy chair and zero judgment while feeding
is pretty much the dream of every breastfeeding woman. Well, it
definitely was the dream of this one.
And I assure the gentleman who commented on the post that no woman
breastfeeds for attention nor do they like to “get their tits out”. If
anything, much of the feeding process, particularly in public, involves a
tonne of strategic positing in order to AVOID getting your tits out on
full display.
I have no doubt that both bottle feeding parents, and men in general,
are more than welcome in the café as well. The fact that the owner went
to the trouble to write the sign pretty much promotes the fact the café
is family friendly.
Is this another case of someone trying to do something nice and getting ridiculed in the process?
Hillary Clinton Sure Is Funny
Expect this little skit to hurt Hillary Clinton in the
minority-dominated New York Democrat primary next week. Clinton joined
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio on the stage of an annual Big Apple
press dinner to crack a few political jokes in the boring, rehearsed
presentation politicians do. But boring turned painful when de Blasio
made what some are calling a racist joke.
Clinton had just walked onto the stage after de Blasio "rapped" (what he
was doing shouldn't actually be called rapping) his endorsement of
Clinton. "I just have to say, thanks for the endorsement, Bill. Took you
long enough," Clinton jabbed.
"Sorry, Hillary, I was running on C.P. time," de Blasio replied in a
clearly rehearsed line. The audience gasped. "C.P." time is short for
"colored people" time, stereotyping blacks as being late.
"Cautious politician time," Clinton quipped, delivering the tripped-up punchline. "I've been there."
Clinton and deBlasio faced criticism left and right. "That's not — I
don't like jokes like that, Bill," said Leslie Odom Jr., the black star
of the Broadway hit "Hamilton," who was standing to the right of
Clinton. Salon call the joke "cringeworthy." Townhall said it was
"absolutely painful," and asserted, "It's only racist if Republicans do
13 April, 2016
Mentioning Trump is offensive at Ohio University

The governing bodies for fraternity and sorority life at Ohio University
(OU) have collectively denounced the drawing of a message supporting
Donald Trump on campus because it was “offensive” to Hispanics and
didn’t promote “inclusion.”
In a joint letter sent out to students affiliated with Ohio’s Greek
Life, the student-led executive councils said that they have made a
concerted effort to include everyone in this year’s Greek Week
activities, but an illustration of a wall — captioned “Build That Wall!”
— on a part of campus specifically designed for free expression have
jeopardized those efforts. [Free expression jeopardizes free expression?]
Ohio University President Roderick J. McDavis commented on the incident in an email sent to all OU students Monday.
“Yesterday, I met with students and members of our Hispanic/Latino
community who saw words that troubled them on the Graffiti Wall. Indeed,
this wall is a place of free speech and expression; however, the words
painted were troubling because they had a very different meaning to some
than they may have to others viewing the message or even to those who
painted the message,” McDavis wrote.
British University investigates ‘racist banana’ incident in student halls

Warwick University is to investigate after racist remarks were written on a bunch of bananas in a flat in student accommodation.
Faramade Ifaturoti, 19, believed to be a [black] student at the
university, tweeted an image of the fruit and wrote: “Just entered the
kitchen and look at what one of my flatmates has [allegedly] done. I am
extremely disgusted.”
Two racist terms can clearly be seen written on the fruit in black
marker. While Ms Ifaturoti blamed her flatmates, it was not known who
was responsible and the words could have been written by a visitor to
the flat.
The tweet quickly gathered attention after being posted late on Tuesday afternoon and had been retweeted almost 3,000 times.
The university responded to the original tweet just over an hour later,
saying: “We’re really sorry you’ve had to experience this. It is
completely unacceptable. Please DM us your email and we will escalate.”
A university spokesperson told the Independent: “We are aware that a
racist incident has been widely reported on social media. The university
is investigating this as a matter of urgency.”
Lots of people don't like blacks, even if they are not allowed to say
so. So it comes as a shock when they do say so in some way.
But it is interesting that the n-word in the picture is spelled
"Nigga". British English is non-rhotic, meaning that "nigger" and
"nigga" are pronounced the same. There is a distinction only in
the USA. And "nigga" is used mostly by blacks. So the word was
most likely written by an American black, perhaps the woman herself.
12 April, 2016
Must not suggest that women have different characteristics
Veteran literary figure Gay Talese dared to suggest that men and
women can have different interests and abilities. The feminists
are raging
Verandah Porche didn’t grasp the full significance of what she had done until later.
At the time, sitting in an auditorium at Boston University (BU) at the
Power of Narrative conference, she simply felt curious about something
the keynote speaker, writer Gay Talese, seemed to have left out. Talese
regaled the roughly 550 attendees with tales of his childhood and
reporting tips
Then Talese took questions from the audience. Porche’s question was
first. “In addition to Nora Ephron, who are the women who write
who have inspired you most?” she asked.
“I’d say Mary McCarthy was one,” Talese began. His voice tapered off,
and then he paused. “Of my generation…” A 12-second pause. “None.
I’ll tell you why.”
Then Talese dug the hole out of which he’d spend days trying to climb.
At first, he clearly confined his answer to the past, saying when he was
young, women tended not to do the kind of journalism that interested
him. But then he did something my former journalism professor would have
slashed in red pen: He shifted tenses.
“I think women, educated women, writerly women don’t want to—or do not
feel comfortable dealing with strangers, or people that I’m attracted
to, sort of offbeat characters,” he said. “I didn’t know any women
journalists that I loved.”
Australian Vietnamese up in arms over restaurant named after Communist leader

It was rather nostalgic for me to see the South Vietnamese flag above
again. I stuck a lot of them on top of Leftist posters during the
Vietnam war. Most Vietnamese in Australia are from the South
About 100 people have protested outside Brisbane's Uncle Ho restaurant,
which was closed on Sunday due to "death threats" for naming the eatery
after Vietnamese communist leader Ho Chi Minh.
The city's Vietnamese community said the name and advertising was
ignorant and insulting and they would continue to organise protests
until the name was changed.
They held a peaceful protest outside the New Farm establishment on
Sunday morning, singing national songs and holding placards such as "Ho
Chi Minh is nobody's uncle".
Phoung Nguyen said protesters' attempts to contact the owners of the New
Farm restaurant had failed. She said because their peaceful
approach did not work, they decided to rally. "For Vietnamese,
especially from the south, who risked their lives and ran away from
their country by boat in the 70s and 80s, we hate that name," she said.
"We are incensed. "The posters in there is some sort of promotion for
the Vietnamese army and remind us of the invasion of Saigon.
"It was a terrifying period for all of us, we were the losers and the
winner did not treat us humanely. "Why do you promote an eatery
with all the war, guns, tanks images?"
Millions fled Vietnam as a result of Ho Chi Minh and the communist regime.
The name is now being changed
11 April, 2016
Whites must not disrespect women
Blacks do it routinely but that's OK
West Virginia University's Delta Tau Delta fraternity has been suspended
indefinitely after a member posted a video online showing him making a
string of sexist comments inside a frat house.
The student, Stephen Budkey, made the video as an audition tape for the MTV reality show Real World.
The footage - which he has since deleted from his YouTube page - showed
him making lewd comments about women and described parties that broke
the fraternity's rules.
He refers to women as 'b***hes' and claims to have had sex behind a dumpster in two clips from the nine-minute video.
The full details of what was said in the video are not known because it has been deleted.
However, two clips show Budkey calling women 'b***hes' and boasting about his sex life.
Referring to his bedroom, he says: 'People on audition tapes are always like, "that's where the magic happens".
'That's bulls***, the magic happens everywhere; behind the dumpster,
outside, in a bathroom, in my car, sometimes in my room, you never know.
It happens everywhere.'
In a second clip, he adds: 'This is my room. I'm sorry guys, it's a little messy.
'I'll be honest with you, my b***hes haven't come to clean it up yet but
you know after spring break they'll be there and it'll be real tidy.'
Roy Baker, associate dean of students and director of Greek life at WVU, slammed Budkey for the video.
'It's unfortunate that the actions of one individual sully the
reputation of an entire organization, but the attitudes and behavior
lifted up in this video are inconsistent with the values of Greek life
in general and this University in particular,' he said.
Twitter says black hate speech is OK
Twitter will not suspend Azealia Banks's account after the rapper
tweeted that Sarah Palin should be gang raped because the violent
language 'was not in violation of the Twitter Rules.'
The social media company's response came after a user submitted a complaint and was first reported by Breitbart.
'We reviewed the content and determined that it was not in violation of
the Twitter Rules,' the company said in a statement, according to
Banks's tweets included graphic language that alluded to gang rape and said Palin should be locked in a cupboard
The content that Twitter approved of included tweets that had Banks
calling for Palin to 'get headf****d by a big, veiny, ashy black d**k'
and for 'the biggest burliest blackest n*****s' to 'run a train on her.'
According to Twitter's rule book, the company does not 'tolerate
behavior that crosses the line into abuse, including behavior that
harasses, intimidates, or uses fear to silence another user’s voice.'
Violent threats, 'direct or indirect' are also forbidden: 'You may not
make threats of violence or promote violence,' the rules read.
Also, the rules state users 'may not incite or engage in the targeted abuse or harassment of others.'
10 April, 2016
Must not say that men like women to be slim
And even a feminist mother is not enough to suppress that preference
A son has been publicly shamed by his own mother in a hilarious online rant after he shared a sexist meme on his Facebook page.
The offensive picture was originally posted by Meninist - a Men's Rights
Movement group who believe it is men who are being oppressed in today's
Titled: 'What it takes to be attractive', it featured a photograph of a
man wearing a suit next to a long list of qualities such 'be ripped',
'have money' and 'smell good.'
Next to him was a picture of a naked woman holding a measuring tape around her with just one requirement 'don't be too fat.'
His mother, who has chosen to stay anonymous, posted an incredible public shaming of her son's poorly chosen Facebook post.
His mom ended her hilarious rant telling him: 'Your proctologist called. He found your head'
Must not refer to Scottish products as "British"
Many Scots nationalists are real Nazis. They would gas the English if they could

Sales of Tunnock's tea cakes rocketed by 10 per cent after hardline Scottish nationalists called for a boycott of the treats.
Adverts for the iconic Scottish snacks appeared on the London
Underground at the beginning of the year featuring the words 'Great
British Tea Cake'.
This led extreme Scottish nationalists to stage a protest outside the
company's HQ in Lanarkshire, Scotland and to call for a 'boycott' of
their tea cakes.
But the campaign backfired spectacularly, with Tunnock's revealing on Wednesday that sales had soared following the controversy.
The company says the sales surge was fuelled directly by the publicity
storm which was unwittingly unleashed by the extremist protesters.
And interest in Tunnock's tea cakes has grown so much thanks to the
'boycott' that the firm has now released a range of tea cake themed
Fergus Loudon, operations director at Tunnock's, said: 'It meant the
Tunnock's name was being talked about all over the world and people are
still talking about it.
'It prompted a lot people to go out and buy tea cakes and has been
fantastic for us in terms of sales. There was a definite spike.
'Our sales went up by at least 10 per cent.
Protesters from the self-styled 'Scottish Resistance' group picketed
outside the Tunnock's factory in Uddingston, South Lanarkshire, while a
video appeared online showing a man smashing boxes of Tunnock's tea
cakes while swearing and ranting.
A company spokesman said they remained proud of their Scottish roots and had not meant to cause offence.
8 April, 2016
Black hate speech

Azealia Banks attacked Sarah Palin on Twitter on Sunday in a shocking series of since deleted tweets.
'Honestly… Let’s find the biggest burliest blackest n****** and let them
run a train on her. Film it and put it on worldstar,' wrote Banks in
one of the tweets.
In another she wrote; 'Hideous. At least suk a n**** d*** or summ’
before you start talking s*** about "black people willingly accepting
slavery." Least she can do.'
The rapper lashed out at the former Alaska governor after reading a
satirical article in which Palin was falsely quoted as saying; 'I’m
telling you, I’ve been saying it for years, but nobody’s listening –
slavery wasn’t forced onto African-Americans, they accepted it
Palin responded to Banks on Tuesday, saying she was 'not exercising
enough intelligence' and later added; 'Why don't we strengthen both our
platforms and work together on something worthwhile.'
She then wrote that 'condoning racism' was one of the things that the
women could work on before editing it to 'condemning racism' in the
Palin also announced that she plans on suing Banks over the comments she made on Twitter.
Palin started off her response post on Facebook by saying; 'Hey Female
Rapper - listen up, little darling. No one has any idea what you're
wigging out about in these bizarre, violent rants against me, but you're
obviously not exercising enough intelligence to acknowledge you've been
sucked into believing some fake interview in which I supposedly offered
comments representing the antithesis of my truth.'
She closed her post by writing; 'And now I'll go through my young
daughter's playlist to make sure there hasn't been any inadvertent
addition of any anti-woman, pro-rape garbage that you seem to endorse,
which perpetuates the cultural challenges we face in America.
'I encourage other parents to do the same. 'God bless you Ms. Banks, as you consider a change of heart.'
Palin's first Facebook note was posted on Twitter by Vanity Fair writer
Kia Makarechi before she had a chance to edit 'condoning racism.'
A few hours after she posted that message on Facebook, Palin told
People; 'I've had enough of the unanswered threats and attacks against
my family and me.
'So, for the first time I'm going to enjoy the only retribution some
protected "celebrities" seem to understand – I'm suing Azealia Banks and
can't wait to share my winnings with others who have gone defenseless
against lies and dangerous attacks far too long.'
Palin added; 'Azealia engages in a form of racism and hate that is
celebrated by some in the perverted arm of pop culture, but is condemned
by those who know it's tearing our country apart.
'Others may keep turning a blind eye to problems like Azealia's mouth; I
choose to take a stand against it and the double standards that result
in her actually being rewarded for her divisive tactics and aggressively
inciting violence.'
Media Research Center managed to grab Banks' tweets before they were
taken down, the most vulgar of which said; 'Sarah Palin needs to
have her head shaved off to a buzzcut, get headf***** by a big veiny,
ashy black c*** then be locked in a cupboard.'
Banks has continued to attack Palin on Twitter even after realizing the
article in question was fake, writing Tuesday; 'Like honestly, when has
she ever said anything even remotely coherent or cohesive?'
She also wrote an open letter to Palin on Tuesday, saying; 'Now since
learning that the article was not published officially, I sincerely
apologize for any emotional distress or reputational scarring i may have
caused you.
'In my honest defense, i was completely kidding. I happen to have a
really crass, New-York-City sense of humor, and regularly make silly
jokes in attempts make light of situations which make me uncomfortable.
'As the fabric of the American Nation is EMBEDDED with racism, I merely
made a raCIALly driven joke to counter what i believed to be real,
raCIST rhetoric.'
She said later in her letter; 'I cherish my ability to express myself
freely, yet remain totally aware that for every action, there will be a
'All in All, Woman to Woman, I hope you will accept my sincerest apology.'
Banks then included multiple PS additions to the letter, writing in one;
'“Hey Female Rapper,” was your way to euphemize what you REALLY wanted
to say. What you wanted to say was, “Hey little Stereotypical Black,
In another she said; 'Twitter is not real, neither is your opinion of me!'
And in her final line, she quoted the Peaches song 'F*** the Pain Away,'
writing; 'If Bristol Palin listened to my music she probably wouldn’t
have all those cotdamn kids!!!! ;-P #sis #iud #stayinschool
Obama censors the President of France
There’s an old joke mocking the French for perennially surrendering
under pressure. But, once again, it was the Muslim sympathizers in the
White House who were caught surrendering to political correctness. And
the French were the bold ones.
A transcript on the White House website shows French President Francois
Hollande, who was sitting across a table from Barack Obama, remarking,
“But we’re also well aware that the roots of terrorism, Islamist
terrorism, is in Syria and in Iraq.” But that’s not what you’ll hear in
the video version. According to the Media Research Center, “The White
House website has censored a video of … Hollande saying that ‘Islamist
terrorism’ is at the ‘roots of terrorism.’ The White House briefly
pulled video of a press event on terrorism with Pres. Obama, and when it
reappeared on the WhiteHouse.gov website and YouTube, the audio of
Hollande’s translator goes silent, beginning with the words ‘Islamist
terrorism,’ then begins again at the end of his sentence.”
Hot Air’s Allahpundit makes this critical observation: “[I]t’s [Obama’s]
prerogative to choose his own words. It’s not his prerogative to choose
someone else’s words, particularly when that someone is a foreign head
of state whose country is dealing with a more severe jihadist threat
right now than the United States is.”
But here’s the other thing, he says: “You know what the worst part is?
Hollande didn’t say ‘Islamic terrorism,’ which is the supposedly
objectionable term. He said ‘Islamist terrorism.’ ‘Islamist’ was … a
term that came into use precisely because it gave the speaker an
efficient way to distinguish between ‘moderate Muslims’ and the more
jihad-minded. ‘Islamic’ describes all things Muslim; ‘Islamist’
describes a supremacist view in which Islam is the highest authority of
the state.”
But even that was too much for Obama’s minion editors. It seems any
iteration of the word “Islam” in the context of terrorism is altogether
banned. You can’t exercise a strong foreign policy when you’re in denial
about what defines your enemy.
7 April, 2016
Australia: Must not joke about skin color
Channel Nine’s Today show presenters have been criticised for joking
about being “too white” for a Gold Logie nomination after Lee Lin Chin
and Waleed Aly were recognised by the television awards for the first
Announcing the nominations for the Gold Logie Today’s Karl Stefanovic
made fun of Chin’s first-time nomination and remarked to fellow Nine
presenter Ben Fordham that he wasn’t really white himself.
Fordham said: “Because this whole idea in the past that it’s been all
white, last time I checked, Stefanovic ... where is that from? What part
of the world is that from?” “It’s from the eastern bloc,”
Stefanovic said on Monday’s show.
“Correct, so you’ve been trailblazing long before Waleed and Lee Lin
Chin,” Fordham said. “I might look white on the outside but I’m
dark on the inside,” Stefanovic said.
Fordham questioned why Lisa Wilkinson – who was sitting at another desk
in the studio – hadn’t received a nomination given her many
accomplishments in the media industry.
“Lisa’s too white,” Stefanovic said.
“I got a spray tan and everything and still didn’t make it,” Wilkinson replied.
The exchange was labelled racist by some people on Twitter. The
artistic director of the Melbourne writers’ festival, Lisa Dempster,
tweeted: “Disgusted by Karl Stefanovic & Lisa Wilkinson’s comments
about the #Logies. Not ok, guys.”
The Indigenous SBS broadcaster Michelle Lovegrove wondered: “So skin colour determines a Logie nomination?”
White supremacist father who named his son Adolf Hitler and daughter Eva Braun opens up
The man has been severely punished for his foolish words. The First Amendment has no exception for foolish words
A father who named his son Adolf Hitler and daughter Eva Braun before
they were taken away by social services says he is sick of people
treating him like garbage.
Isidore Heath Campbell, 42, from New Jersey claims he is just
misunderstood, despite his obsession with the evil Nazi dictator, and
believes his children were removed from his home because of their names.
He made the comments in a documentary called Meet The Hitlers, which
follows the lives of everyday people who share the name of the leader of
the Third Reich.
'A person makes a person, a name doesn’t,' Campell says in the documentary which was released on iTunes on Tuesday.
Campbell, who claims he is simply misunderstood, believes New Jersey
child services took away his children simply because he named them after
the evil dictator
'I have different beliefs. I believe in whites (living) with whites,
blacks with blacks, Spanish with Spanish. I don’t see anything wrong
with that.'
Campbell has a tattoo of a Swastika on his neck and arm and the names of his three other children on other parts of his body.
The white supremacist lost custody of his youngest daughter, who he
called Eva Braun, just days after she was born in November 2013.
Campbell first made headlines in 2008 for complaining that a ShopRite
supermarket refused to write his then-seven-year-old son’s name on a
birthday cake.
Just days after the news broke, social services came around and took his children away.
'(Child protective services) stripped my kids down in my house, checked my kids all out. They found no child abuse, no nothing.
'My son's name is Adolf Hitler Campbell. Does that make it OK for them to come and steal your children,' he says.
'They got a court order and they removed my kids. That was it. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.'
New Jersey authorities have insisted they did not take the child from
Campbell and his ex-girlfriend Bethanie Zito because of her name - the
same as Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler's wife - but because of concerns for
their safety.
6 April, 2016
British restaurant uses "n-word"
A trendy London restaurant has been branded 'disgraceful' after a black
woman spotted the words 'no ice n****' printed on her food bill after
dining with a group of friends.
The racial slur was spotted on the itemized receipt by customers at The
Happenstance, near St Paul's in central London, as they tried to settle
their bill following a meal out on Easter Sunday.
The group of women apparently challenged staff over the offensive
message but were reportedly told that 'we don't know how it got there'.
Drake and Morgan, the group which owns the restaurant, has now
apologised for the incident and confirmed a member of staff has been
suspended pending an investigation.
The incident came to light when Jehan, from London, took to Twitter to
share an image of the offensive receipt. He is said to be friends with
the woman who was targeted by the racial slur.
He wrote: 'A friend just received this bill from the white staff at London's happenstancebar.
'Absolutely crazy. The management showed no interest or accountability either.
Drake and Morgan, the owner of The Happenstance restaurant, said an investigation is underway.
A spokesman said: 'We are appalled by the unacceptable behaviour of one
of our waiting staff. He has been suspended from duty pending a full
'We have contacted two members of the group that were at The Happenstance yesterday afternoon and have apologised unequivocally.
The restaurant also wrote on Twitter: 'The waiter is now suspended
pending full disciplinary. His behaviour is unacceptable. We apologise
Strange advertisement in Australia

"A Queensland burger chain has sparked an online debate over their
latest advertisement campaign that depicts a woman giving birth to a
burger alongside the slogan, 'we deliver'.
Burger Urge, which has 15 stores in Queensland, published the
advertisement both online and in a print campaign. The ad - which
says 'We deliver burgers to your door' - has opinions divided, with some
people labelling it as 'sexist' and 'exploitative to women', while
others simply saw it as 'clever advertising'.
Burger Urge shared the advertisement to their Facebook page on March 30
where it was met with a barrage of comments. Many people appeared
to take offence to the ad, labelling it as 'sexist' and going as far as
to call a 'boycott' on the store. 'You can be funny without
exploiting women, get a better ad agency,' one person wrote.
However, the ad was also met with a large amount of support. 'Can
somebody actually tell me why this is offensive. Very funny play on the
word "Deliver" as far as I am concerned. Well done lads,' one person
5 April, 2016
UK: Must not complain to city officials
Dealing with complaints comes with the territory for many a council employee.
But residents in one country town have been told to stop writing to
their council about its decision to reduce a speed limit - because the
complaints are ‘stressing out staff’.
Ferndown Town Council, Dorset, received an influx of letters and emails
after residents in the neighbouring parish of Longham felt their views
had been ignored about plans to reduce the limit on a stretch of main
road which runs between the two communities.
In response, the council’s traffic working party chairman Cathy Lugg,
wrote to residents to explain the decision but also asked them to stop
writing to the town council and instead write to her directly as the
volume of letters was ‘causing extra stress for staff’.
But the response left some residents feeling even more exasperated.
Mandy Willis, from Longham, said: ‘It’s just ridiculous - our council
tax rates are going up and yet as residents we are being told to stop
hassling the council because the staff are stressed.
‘Surely the job of the town council is to communicate with residents who are there to hold them to account for its decisions.
‘If we can’t write to the town council where are we supposed to turn to get issues in the town sorted?’
Is this the moment Australia finally lost the plot to political correctness?
Schools ban the phrase ‘sitting a test’ because some children might have to stand during assessments
Guidelines have been introduced by meaning that school children are now
required to 'take' tests or assessments instead of 'sitting' them.
Taking political correctness to a new level, the unwritten instructions
are being used in the annual NAPLAN (National Assessment Program -
Literacy and Numeracy) tests.
The changes are based on the fact that not every child may do exams in a seated position.
One educator said that there might be children who couldn't sit down for
assessments, reported The Daily Telegraph. 'It could be a disabled
child or one that has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder who has
to answer the questions while standing up.'
The words 'maths' and 'numbers' must also now be referred to as 'mathematics'.
4 April, 2016
Must not tell the truth about black crime
PITTSBURGH television station WTAE has ended its relationship with
anchorwoman Wendy Bell over racial comments she posted on Facebook about
an ambush shooting at a barbecue that left five people and an unborn
baby dead.
In a statement, parent company Hearst Television said Bell’s comments
were “inconsistent with the company’s ethics and journalistic
Bell, who is white, speculated about the identities of the two men who
fatally shot five black people in the poor Pittsburgh suburb of
Willkinsburg on March 9.
In her March 21 post on her anchor Facebook page, she said in part: “You
needn’t be a criminal profiler to draw a mental sketch of the killers
who broke so many hearts two weeks ago Wednesday. ... They are young
black men, likely in their teens or in their early 20s. They have
multiple siblings from multiple fathers and their mothers work multiple
jobs. These boys have been in the system before. They’ve grown up there.
They know the police. They’ve been arrested.”
After a social media backlash, Bell apologised, saying her words “were
insensitive and could be viewed as racist.” The station also apologised,
saying Bell’s remarks showed “an egregious lack of judgment.”
Authorities have not made any arrests in the killings or provided a
description of the possible suspects. Siblings Jerry Michael Shelton,
35, Brittany Powell, 27, and Chanetta Powell, 25, along with two
cousins, Tina Shelton, 37, and Shada Mahone, 26, were killed in the
ambush shooting, police said. Chanetta Powell was nearly eight months
On Wednesday, Bell defended herself, saying she didn’t get a “fair
shake” from the station, and that the story was not about her, but about
“African-Americans being killed by other African-Americans.”
Must not put your hand up to ask a question because you would be violating your classmates' 'safe space'
A student was almost kicked out of a meeting after she violated a 'safe space' by raising her arm at Edinburgh University.
Imogen Wilson wanted to make a point at Thursday's student council session when she was told off by officials.
The vice-president for academic affairs at the university's Student
Association was accused of failing disabled students by not responding
to an open letter.
She immediately raised her arm to disagree but was made the subject of a
'ludicrous' complaint and told not to make the gesture again.
Imogen was also warned for shaking her head during the meeting as it
again breached the 'safe space' which is part of the university's
Student Association rules.
She told The Huffington Post: '...I raised my arms in disagreement, as
we had contacted the writers of the letter and tried hard to organise a
meeting. It was for that reason that a safe space complaint was made.'
Student Association policy says that council members should be respectful and considerate.
Section 6c of the safe space policy is defined as: 'Refraining from hand
gestures which denote disagreement or in any other way indicating
disagreement with a point or points being made. Disagreements
should only be evident through the normal course of debate.'
A vote took place to decide whether Imogen should be removed from the
meeting after she was accused of breaking the rules. The vote was
in her favour: with 18 people for removal and 33 supporting her staying.
First-year Edinburgh student Charlie Peters tweeted against the safe
space policy and set up a petition against it. By yesterday afternoon it
had 1,000 signatures.
'Safe spaces now censor "inappropriate hand gestures" - my university is becoming pathetic,' he told his Twitter followers.
3 April, 2016
Portland Restaurant Sabotaged For Having British Empire Theme
Leftist intolerance never stops
A restaurant in Portland, Oregon is being targeted by protesters who say its British Empire theme is offensive to minorities.
Saffron Colonial focuses on English cuisine, but in addition to
afternoon teas and English breakfasts the restaurant also incorporates
“globally inspired dishes from the height of the British Empire,” such
as a Burmese curry dish.
Owner Sally Krantz says she’s interested in historical dishes and wants
her restaurant to reflect the unique dishes and meal combinations
created through the existence of the British Empire.
And that has some Portland residents outraged. A March 19 open letter by
Stephanie Dünx lays out the core criticisms of Saffron’s theme.
“While molasses cookies and sausage rolls may come to mind for you when
you think of British colonialism, many of us associate it with forced
religious conversion/cultural erasure, famine, and slavery,” the letter
says. “You may argue that those days are long gone, but India has been
independent for less than 70 years, which means there are still people
alive today who have experienced the harms of British colonial rule.”
In addition to her letter, Dünx also organized a protest march to
Saffron Colonial. During the protest, demonstrators plastered Saffron
Colonial’s windows with homemade signs declaring “Closed due to
glorifying colonialism” and similar phrases.
Besides marching to the restaurant, critics have also started to sabotage its Yelp page with negative reviews.
Australia: Must not mention that women often prefer smaller meals
Chicken Parmigiana: IT’S the classic pub meal that sparks a particular kind of craving.
Those watching their waistlines have long been able to order a
half-sized option, but Melbourne’s oldest pub has taken a different
The Duke of Wellington has dubbed its smaller option the ‘Lady Parma’, sparking politically correct outrage on Twitter.
Served with salad instead of mayonnaise-laden coleslaw, the light
version of the Duke Parma — which is $5 cheaper — sparked mockery on
social media by those who dubbed it ‘sexist’.
Sports journalist Adam Collins tweeted an image of the menu, with the
message: “The @DukeMelbourne’s ~Lady Parma~ is smaller, and comes with
salad instead of coleslaw. Can’t make this stuff up.”
“Finally! A parma small enough to keep me to a ladylike size for my
husband. I do so hope it’s pretty & pink,” one follower responded.
“Hopefully it is served with smaller sized cutlery that will fit in our small ~lady hands~,” Louise Crossman tweeted back.
A 25-year-old man with “a small appetite” described the ‘Lady Parma’
moniker as “outdated”, tweeting: “You can just feel the dignity in
saying ‘I’ll have a lady parma thanks’ when ordering.”
Others pointed out that the phenomenon existed at venues across
Melbourne, including steak restaurants where a smaller “ladies” option
was seen on menus.
1 April, 2016
Attention-seeker is slammed for dressing up as a topless Native American chief

On Wednesday, the estranged wife of businessman Geoffrey Edelsten
appeared to upset social media fans when she posed as a topless Native
American chief dripping in oil.
Sun-drenched images of the 26-year-old posing in traditional feathered
headgear and flipping the bird solicited angry comments from one
particular Instagram follower who called her 'racist' and 'insensitive.'
The fan fired off: 'You shouldn't be wearing Native American cultural
dress if you're not from that background. It's cultural appropriation;
racist and insensitive.'
Another defended her writing: 'She's just having fun OK, I'm pretty sure
actual chiefs of tribes are men and wear big coats, plus people wear
these things at summer festival events all the time.'
But the angered fan remained firm replying: ...'I will never get over
the colonization of an entire race that are continually exploited by
white people.
'Besides, I'm not attacking her - she could have Native blood, I don't know her background. Just stating facts.'
The Miami-born aspiring actress posed with her hands against her breasts and with oil dripping from her chest down to her navel.
She shrugged off her antics: 'it was just a bit of harmless fun.'
Racist model says 'I don't think a white person can determine what's racism'
Saying someone can or cannot do somethimng solely because of their race is a pretty fair definition of racism
Being engaged to indigenous AFL star Lance "Buddy" Franklin has given Jesinta Campbell a rather refreshing view of racism.
The 24-year-old David Jones ambassador appeared on The Today Show, and
the topic was how to describe British colonialism in Australia in the
18th century. Should we say they "settled" Australia or "invaded" it?
Jesinta is all on the side of calling a spade a spade, out of respect
for the Indigenous Australians who were here before the arrival of white
"That, for me, is the bottom line," she said. "We were invaded."
"As a white person, it's very easy for me to sit here and say the word
invasion doesn't bother me or it does bother me," she said. "But I
wasn't the original person on this land in Australia.
"And the same when we talk about racism. I don't think a white person
can determine what's racism and what's not, what affects someone and
what doesn't affect someone, 'cause it's not our experience."
The former Miss Australia has become known for expressing her strong opinions.
This is Tongue-Tied 2
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press"
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Is the American national anthem politically incorrect? From the 4th verse:
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."

"HATE SPEECH" is free speech: The U.S. Supreme Court stated the general
rule regarding protected speech in Texas v. Johnson (109 S.Ct. at
2544), when it held: "The government may not prohibit the verbal or
nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea
offensive or disagreeable." Federal courts have consistently followed this. Said Virginia federal district judge Claude Hilton: "The
First Amendment does not recognize exceptions for bigotry, racism, and
religious intolerance or ideas or matters some may deem trivial, vulgar
or profane."
Even some advocacy of violence is protected by the 1st Amendment. In
Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the U.S. Supreme Court held unanimously that
speech advocating violent illegal actions to bring about social change
is protected by the First Amendment "except where such advocacy is
directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely
to incite or produce such action."
The double standard: Atheists can put up signs and billboards saying
that Christianity is wrong and that is hunky dory. But if a Christian
says that homosexuality is wrong, that is attacked as "hate speech"
One for the militant atheists to consider: "...it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" -- Thomas Jefferson
"I think no subject should be off-limits, and I regard the laws in many
Continental countries criminalizing Holocaust denial as philosophically
repugnant and practically useless – in that they confirm to Jew-haters
that the Jews control everything (otherwise why aren’t we allowed to
talk about it?)" -- Mark Steyn
A prophetic comment on Norwegian hate speech laws: As Justice Brandeis
once noted, repressive censorship “breeds hate” and “that hate menaces
stable government,” rather than promoting safety; “the path of safety
lies in the opportunity to discuss freely supposed grievances and
proposed remedies.”
Voltaire's most famous saying was actually a summary of Voltaire's
thinking by one of his biographers rather than something Voltaire said
himself. Nonetheless it is a wholly admirable sentiment: "I disagree
with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
I am of a similar mind.
The traditional advice about derogatory speech: "Sticks and stones will
break your bones but names will never hurt you". Apparently people today
are not as emotionally robust as their ancestors were.
The KKK were members of the DEMOCRATIC party. Google "Klanbake" if you doubt it
A phobia is an irrational fear, so the terms "Islamophobic" and
"homophobic" embody a claim that the people so described are mentally
ill. There is no evidence for either claim. Both terms are simply abuse
masquerading as diagnoses and suggest that the person using them is
engaged in propaganda rather than in any form of rational or objective
Leftists often pretend that any mention of race is "racist" -- unless
they mention it, of course. But leaving such irrational propaganda
aside, which statements really are racist? Can statements of fact about
race be "racist"? Such statements are simply either true or false. The
most sweeping possible definition of racism is that a racist statement
is a statement that includes a negative value judgment of some race.
Absent that, a statement is not racist, for all that Leftists might howl
that it is. Facts cannot be racist so nor is the simple statement of
them racist. Here is a statement that cannot therefore be racist by
itself, though it could be false: "Blacks are on average much less
intelligent than whites". If it is false and someone utters it, he
could simply be mistaken or misinformed.
Categorization is a basic human survival skill so racism as the Left
define it (i.e. any awareness of race) is in fact neither right nor
wrong. It is simply human
Whatever your definition of racism, however, a statement that simply
mentions race is not thereby racist -- though one would think otherwise
from American Presidential election campaigns. Is a statement that
mentions dogs, "doggist" or a statement that mentions cats, "cattist"?
If any mention of racial differences is racist then all Leftists are
racist too -- as "affirmative action" is an explicit reference to
racial differences
Was Abraham Lincoln a racist? "You and we are different races. We
have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any
other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but
this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think
your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while
ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If
this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be
separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated." -- Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862
Gimlet-eyed Leftist haters sometimes pounce on the word "white" as
racist. Will the time come when we have to refer to the White House as
the "Full spectrum of light" House?
The spirit of liberty is "the spirit which is not too sure that it is
right." and "Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies
there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.
While it lies there it needs no constitution, no law, no court to save
it." -- Judge Learned Hand
Mostly, a gaffe is just truth slipping out
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with them
is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were.
It seems a pity that the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher
Epictetus is now little known. Remember, wrote the Stoic thinker, "that
foul words or blows in themselves are no outrage, but your judgment
that they are so. So when any one makes you angry, know that it is your
own thought that has angered you. Wherefore make it your endeavour not
to let your impressions carry you away."
"Since therefore the knowledge and survey of vice is in this world so
necessary to the constituting of human virtue, and the scanning of error
to the confirmation of truth, how can we more safely, and with less
danger, scout into the regions of sin and falsity than by reading all
manner of tractates, and hearing all manner of reason?" -- English poet
John Milton (1608-1674) in Areopagitica
Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response
Leftists can try to get you fired from your job over something that you
said and that's not an attack on free speech. But if you just criticize
something that they say, then that IS an attack on free speech
"Negro" is a forbidden word -- unless a Democrat uses it
"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Leftists don't have principles. How can they when "there is no such
thing as right and wrong"? All they have is postures, pretend-principles
that can be changed as easily as one changes one's shirt
When you have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing
the facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180) could have
been speaking of much that goes on today when he said: "The object in
life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding
oneself in the ranks of the insane."
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.

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