Index to my blog comments -- Part 8
Female IQ findings: O vast incorrectness!
Sternberg's "triarchic" theory of intelligence
IQ: Another shonky "study"
Curlypet has a new book out
Changes in IQ -- the Flynn effect
Birth order does not affect IQ
Strange new IQ study and the effect of age
The genetics of reading ability
Racial differences in intelligence reviewed in a mainstream psychology journal
Some academic articles on IQ: abstracts from the journal Intelligence
Dr. Frank Ellis: A man who spoke an unspeakable truth
Flynn the fool: Hanging his hat on the Eyferth study
The best measures of IQ also differentiate blacks and whites most strongly
Melanesian IQ
Skin colour and brain activity genetically linked?
"Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent" (?)
Is the Brain Like a Muscle, Really?
IQ and ideology: A little puzzle
Amusing crap about IQ: A murder in your area lowers your IQ?
That old hatred of IQ again
IQ rediscovered -- including its heritability and its link to social class
Israel, India, China and IQ
That dreaded IQ again: Satoshi Kanazawa
The latest bit of bright-eyed optimism about IQ
Nisbett answered by Rushton & Jensen
Leaky Jonathan has discovered Nisbett
Kristof of the NYT thinks he has made a great discovery
The NYT and IQ again. Kristoff on Nisbett
Motivation and IQ among blacks
The Obama effect: Have blacks in general suddenly become smarter?
Another potshot at conservative IQ
"Smart fraction" theory
Another lame attempt to wriggle out of the Race/IQ correlation
Race, IQ and wealth: A preliminary reply to Unz
Some more observations about Ron Unz and IQ
Mexican IQ is probably bimodal
IQ tests are 'meaningless and too simplistic' claim researchers -- comments on Hampshire
Does poverty reduce your IQ?
IQ and the Richwine affair
The Flynn effect resolved
Kees Jan can't: "cultural load"
Genetics and politics
Nutrition and IQ
Black Brain, White Brain?
Quick thinkers are born not made: The speed at which we process new information is written in our genes
The Swedish brothers IQ study
The Swedish study of wealth does NOT disprove genetic influence
Your poverty is in your brain
The association between intelligence and lifespan is mostly genetic
The chimpanzee effect confirmed
IQ differences between populations are genetic
IQ, Sex roles and tradition: A reflection
Is a meritocracy closer than we think?
Breastfeeding and IQ
Are firstborns smarter?
IQ and health: More discomfort for the Left
Poverty and IQ again
Does poverty reduce your IQ?
Ho Hum! More Leftist nonsense about IQ -- from Oliver James
Are high IQ people socially inept?
Religion and intelligence. Edward Dutton's findings
How to study IQ when you are not studying IQ
WHAAT? Premature babies are brighter??
People like people -- but high IQ people need their solitude
Why the high intelligence of Indian Americans?
More genes linked to IQ
What I want you to know about my 'gifted' son
More nonsense research on IQ. Are high IQ people more racist?
Academic says people who are against legalising gay marriage are 'not intelligent enough to take part in meaningful debate' (?)
We're just too clever to find a boyfriend! It may sound insufferably smug, but these women say their high intellect means they struggle to meet someone
Another squirm about IQ
IQ: Matzo with sauce get it nearly right
The EQ dream
Smart people are less likely to go mad
IQ: It's all in the genes
The rise and fall of average IQ test scores
Genetic Intelligence Tests Are Next to Worthless (?)
For James Watson, the Price Was Exile. At 90, the Nobel winner still thinks that black people are born intellectually inferior to whites
Wealth is less to do with hard work or luck and more to do with your genes, DNA study shows
IQ and achievement
Does black IQ matter?
"Cracker" culture and black under-achievement
IQ and factor analysis
The pathetic standard of Leftist argumentation about black IQ: Metcalf
The NYT acknowleges genetic differences
Mainstream sense on IQ
Levitt on IQ
Gladwell on IQ
New IQ data show that the Flynn effect is now dead
I make men take an IQ test – if they don’t pass, I ditch them
What If Black People Are Just Stupid?
How malleable is IQ?
Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology?
Aging and the brain
IQ within and between groups
Looking for Flynn effects in a recent online U.S. adult sample: Examining shifts within the SAPA Project
Are we seeing the collapse of Muslim civilization? And is that disturbing?
Some post-Christmas thoughts on Christianity versus Islam
Muslim "lone wolves"
Explaining Muslim terrorism
Muslim Brutality versus the Western tradition
Muslims and Hispanic illegals: Can we judge the present by the past?
Muslim anger and global warming
Like Most People, President Obama Gets The Crusades Wrong
Islam's great gap -- 650 to 800 AD -- and the destruction of Roman civilization. Was North African piracy the revenge of Carthage?
Islamic radicalism blamed on "conservatism"
Psychologizing Jihadis
Why Islamic aggression and violence? The Left have no answers
Now New Matilda is defending the Paris terrorists
Sex as a motivator and its role in Islam
Australian conservative politician wants to combat adverse opinions about Muslims in Australia
Do we need a civilizational regress to deal with militant Islam?
Anti-Muslim feeling is associated with LEFTISM
Democracy is not for everyone: Life was BETTER under Saddam Hussein, Iraqis say
The Real Reason the Islamic State Successfully Recruits Fighters
A far-Left Australian Jew on Muslim homosexuality
Why is it that only a tiny minority of Muslims in the Western world take up terrorism?
Muslims are the sea in which the Jihadi fish swim
The Scanlon report sets out to get the survey results it wants -- underestimating opposition to Islam in Australia
America's melting pot and America's Muslims
Two words that may not be spoken in the same breath: "Muslim" and "gay"
London Closes 500 Churches; Opens 423 New Mosques. The creeping Islamization of London is almost complete, with hundreds of official sharia courts operating in the capital, and mosques opening where famous Christian churches have stood for many hundreds of years.
The 2019 massacre of New Zealand Muslims by Brenton Tarrant
"Islamophobia" and antisemitism
Why Do Liberals Love Hamas So Much?
Jews and Israel
Abuse as a response to threat
Are antisemites mad?
The Church of England and Die Judenfrage
Is God a racist?
The fate of the Jews
"Some of my best friends are Jews"
Why oh why do a few Jews make it hard for Jews generally??
I'm at it again: "Die Judenfrage" and religious identity
Why Jews Vote Democratic – Redux
Are Jews a nation?
Jews need allies
Jews as a race
Jews and victimology
How ancient is Judaism?
More on the antiquity of Judaism
Another small meditation on antisemitism
The Sabbath
The death of a Jew-hater: Rachel Corrie
A wicked proposition
Richard Wagner's Jewish Friends
Why do American Jews vote Democrat?
The Passover and Jewish endurance
ACLU defends anti-Israel speech
Is criticism of Israel antisemitic?
The hateful extremism of the British government
Do the Ashkenazim share some genes with Palestinian Arabs? Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians
The ADL has lost its way
The biggest enemy of Gazans is HAMAS
Why do many Leftists hate Jews?
These notes all originated as a blog post. For more blog postings from me, see
AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. I update those frequently.
Much less often, I update Paralipomena , A Coral reef compendium and an IQ compendium. I also put up occasional updates on my Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on THE PSYCHOLOGIST.
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