Index to my blog comments -- Part 3
Recycling misinformation about conservatives
Was Reagan a peacenik?
What should we think of political moderates?
Conservatism in the Torah: No favoritism for the poor
Is conservatism no more than belief in a fixed human nature?
More on the emotional difference between Leftists and Rightists
Trust: Is a cynical, cautious, untrusting attitude basic to conservatism?
Does being conservative tend to make you suicidal?
Conservatives are happier
Conservative policy preferences: Michael Oakeshott's conclusion
How conservative is Tony Blair?
Is "comfort with contradiction" basic to conservatism?
The big tent
Conservatives are happier because they are less angry
The latest "Conservatives are stupid" accusation
A conservatism hater
Are conservatism and racism indistinguishable?
Reason to be thankful every day
Are conservatives less creative than liberals?
Another Leftist claim of psychological dysfunction among conservatives
Nigel Farage, the Leader of the UK Independence Party, gets the European Parliament right
Leftist psychologists prove that a conservative is someone who has been mugged by reality
“Turkeys voting for Christmas”. That's what the intellectual elite think of working class conservative voters.
Grabbing traditions that the Left have not yet managed to destroy
ANZAC day in Brisbane
St Andrew's day reflections
More academic evidence of the importance of genes and the UNIMPORTANCE of your home environment
Are conservatives lazy thinkers?
Ideology and "what works"
Do people become more conservative as they age? Comment on Dangelis and open-mindedness
Why Are Conservatives Happier Than Liberals?
Journalist Chris Mooney is feeling his way towards an understanding of the psychology of politics
Conservatives have the gift of contentment
Why Conservatives Are Happier Than Liberals
The martial paradox
Are conservatives "Right-wing"?
A conversation about conservatism, race and IQ
Comment on "Inside the conservative brain: What explains their wiring?" by AVI TUSCHMAN
The genetics of politics
Are conservatives more emotional?
"Essentialism": A new stick to beat conservatives with
Are libertarianism and conservatism totally different?
A conservative vision for social justice (?)
Supermac: A true conservative (Harold Macmillan)
WHY do the old swing Rightwards?
Are Republicans more open to new product choices?
Are better looking women conservatives?
Conservatives Are No More Biased About Science Than Liberals Are
The natural state of affairs
Is Operetta the right musical entertainment for conservatives?
Avoiding that pesky evolutionary thinking: Surviving Yersinia pestis
Do conservatives have better self-control?
Thanksgiving, food and conservatism
Is a grateful heart the mark of a conservative?
Must not say that the poor mostly keep themselves poor
Scrutinizing Scruton
Why Are We Still Working?
Are conservatives healthier?
The poor die sooner and that's not because of anything in their environment
Bad research claiming that spanking children 'does more harm than good'
Reflections about my forebears -- and "whiteness" studies
Hillary Clinton Denounces the ‘Alt-Right,’ and the Alt-Right Is Pleased
The contented versus the discontented people
Taller people tend to be conservative
The relationship between conservatism and racism
Defining conservatism
Why the white working class votes against itself (?)
Are conservatives moral?
Australia's new political divide: 'globalists' versus 'patriots'
'The best country in the world' and Australian patriotism: Contrasted with some other countries
The latest attempt to "psychologize" conservatives
That Nordic beauty ideal again
Muscular men less likely to support social and economic equality, study suggests
Doing nothing can be good conservative policy
Do Republicans Really Work Against Their Constituents' Interests?
No, Free Speech Is Not Threatened By The Right
What I learned as a guest house proprietor
Shock! Horror! Conservatives are more cautious
Are there conservative intellectuals?
Monarchists’ opposition to a referendum reveals their contempt for democracy (?)
Attractive people are more likely to be conservatives -- because they have it 'too easy'?
Is there a conservative sense of humor?
Far-right views now mainstream in Europe: Warning issued after Poland blames Jews for their own destruction, Hungary declares that Europeans should not 'mix' with Africans and Croatia thanks Argentina for welcoming Croatian Nazi sympathizers
A rebuttal to a conservative critique of Peterson
Is Jordan Peterson a conservative?
What Jordan Peterson Doesn't Understand About Religion and Free Speech
Jordan Peterson’s tragic folly (?)
Alt-Right: Are Racists Mentally Ill? Some Psychiatrists Say Yes
Homelessness and the family
Freedom FROM
Sir Johannes Bjelke-Petersen (1911 - 2005)
The late Lawrence Auster 1949 – 2013
Bad conservatives?
A new theory for why Republicans and Democrats see the world differently: Our political divisions aren’t red versus blue, but fixed versus fluid
Living on the dole
There was a time when all Republicans were RINOs
The recent rise of nationalism among conservatives
Why Republican Governors Are More Popular
White Supremacists are LEFTISTS
Spice Company Says Republicans Are More 'Calculated' Than Nazis
An evangelical Christian conservative versus a Catholic conservative
Caution as the heart of conservatism
Is Boris Johnson a conservative?
Conservatism and The Problem of Nationalism
Conservatism = patriotism?
Scruton and nationalism
That Rightward shift
Minnesota AG Keith Ellison May Have Just Screwed Up Case Against George Floyd Cops
Opinions divided on whether Australia could effectively ban extremist far-right organisations
Boris is NOT a small government conservative
If Amy Coney Barrett means what she just said, she should resign from the Supreme Court right now
It's great to see Jordan Peterson back in form
Peterson: Why I Love Great Britain
Tory imperial measures plan ‘utter nonsense’ and will add costs, says Asda chair
Testosterone Treatment Turns Democrat Voters More Conservative
Should minorities be angry at the Queen?
Will Secular Conservatives Have Conservative Grandchildren?
In Oregon, the Death Penalty Is Dealt a Fatal Blow
‘Symbols of hate’: The lingering afterlife of Croatian fascism in Australia
Emil O Kierkegaard
Clarifying the meaning of "Right-wing"
Left-Right divide no longer relevant in modern politics?
The Surge of Populism -- and Nationalism
Left/Right policy switches
Conservative Values Make People Happier
The collapse of conservatism
Conservatives fail dismally worldwide and in Australia
Have I "radicalised"?
Are conservatives happier?
The WAR against OUR Past: inside the ideological project to undermine our history and collective memory
Donald Trump
Leftist group releases video comparing Trump to Hitler
The Donald and an excerpt from a Left/anarchist conspiracy theory
Donald Trump: Personality versus policy in winning elections
A psychological attack on Trump supporters!
The Left are amusing: The "authoritarianism" explanation for Trump support
Trump’s voters aren’t authoritarians, new research says. So what are they?
Is Trump like Hitler?
Trump and the Jews
An Authoritarian-in-chief? Jeff Jacoby says that Trump is not fit for the Presidency.
Is Trump just another Fascist?
Does RACISM explain the rise of Donald Trump?
In defence of Trump's trade policies
Trump and his critics. Article from a libertarian perspective
Is Trump just another Fascist? (2)
Trump, Nazism and the Overton window
Why Trump prevailed despite the cloud of sexual assault accusations over him: Feminist misconceptions
Is Trump antiscience?
Mr Trump's manner of speaking
The "majority of the popular vote" myth
Scientific proof that Trump voters are racist?
Infrastructure: The latest anti-Trump propaganda from the NYT
Is President Trump our Messiah?
Seeds of fascism sprout anew in Trump’s America (?)
"Daddy's girl" in the era of Trump
Yale historian warns Trump’s rise perfectly mirrors frightening ascent of Fascism and Nazis in the 1930s
Donald Trump and How America Lost Its Mind
New Zealand gets its own Donald Trump
Trump coins show that Trump widens the range of the possible
Trump and Christianity
Trump plays the race card yet again by targeting affirmative action on campus (?)
Unemployment under Trump
Fascism 'goes unnoticed until it's too late': Albright sounds dire warning on Trump
Ex-Treasury secretary compares Trump to Mussolini
Donald Trump’s Mommy Issues
Trump and conspiracy theories
Let me try my hand at prophecy: About Mr. Trump's Emergency declaration
Jeff Jacoby has been conned -- about Trump and his staffers
A Leftist obsession: Mr Trump is mentally damaged
Predestination and Donald Trump
Conservative critics of Trump's tariffs are WRONG
Tariffs -- The Taxes That Made America Great
Here we go again: Trump is insane!
Lessons from history in support of Trump
Trump is unravelling before our eyes -- or so says the Washington post
Another claim of mental incompetence in Trump. Claim he had father issues. Previously said he had mother issues
The opening campaign speech in Florida, 2019
Conservative writers have recently posted strong criticisms of the Trump/Pelosi spending deal. They are wrong
The psychology of Trump hate
Trump is the most open President America has ever had -- by far
Leftist inversion of reality on Trump
Did Trump incite a violent demonstration at the Capitol?
Trump’s All-Tariff Revenue Plan Won’t ‘Starve the Beast’
Is Trump a Fascist?
These notes all originated as a blog post. For more blog postings from me, see
AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. I update those frequently.
Much less often, I update Paralipomena , A Coral reef compendium and an IQ compendium. I also put up occasional updates on my Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on THE PSYCHOLOGIST.
Email me here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are here (Academic) or here (Personal). My annual picture page is here; Home page supplement; Menu of longer writings