Index to my blog comments -- Part 2
Biblical exegesis
My take on an ancient controversy: The apostolic succession
The thirty-nine articles of the Church of England
Calvinism, Servetus and predestination
Why Genesis chapter 1?
Hellfire and the immortal soul are pagan doctrines
Do the Scriptures need interpreting?
Some more exegesis -- on hellfire
Predestination -- and a small reflection on the Calvinist culture into which I was born
The meaning of "soul" in the Bible
JOHN 8:58 does not necessarily mean what it seems . "Jesus said unto them, "truly I say to you, before Abraham was, I am". (RSV).
The meaning of "amen" in the Bible
The afterlife -- Old Testament versus New
Camels: Bible critics assume what they have to prove
Fred Phelps was true to the Bible
Whence the New Testament canon?
Bible study resources
Black dolls used to represent the baby Jesus in two Australian nativity scenes
1 Peter chapter 1:3-5
Did Jesus really speak in the mystical manner portrayed in John 14?
John 1:1 -- one more foray
The origin of Genesis chapter 1
Are the 10 Commandments in Exodus 20 an interpolation?
The puzzle of Genesis 1:6-9 and Sumerian cosmology
Has Judas been misunderstood?
Does Matt. 5:38-41 command pacifism?
Note to Margaret Court: the Bible isn't meant to be read that literally -- about homosexuality
Bring back the church militant?
Homosexuality: The scripture that the mainstream churches can't find
Arabian gold
The Pope is right
The Bible on marriage, gender, and sexuality
Obedience to the authorities and Romans 13
Sirach 44: We SHOULD remember great men
How accurate is our Hebrew Bible?
Australian Anglican Church on a path to schism over blessings of same-sex unions by national body
Church of England priest who disrupted consecration of first female bishop loses religious discrimination tribunal after claiming he was forced to retire aged 70 because of his belief that women shouldn't be ordained
A black trainee vicar was blocked from becoming a Church of England priest after a white bishop voiced concerns about his belief that Britain was not institutionally racist
Jesus of Nazareth and White Evangelical Fragility
Progressive Anglicans ‘devastated’ by schism over same-sex marriage
Former Anglican archbishop Peter Hollingworth faces judgment day over sex abuse crisis
Push to have disgraced former governor-general Peter Hollingworth defrocked to be heard by Anglican Church panel
Did Christianity find a shocking Biblical text—and keep it quiet?
7 day creation could be pagan
How old was Adam and when did he live?
The Church of England: I was wrong
Does the Bible say that Israel is the land of the Jews?
The success of Anders Behring Breivik
"Psycho-analysing" terrorist Breivik
Breivik wins again
Was Breivik inevitable?
The Breivik salute
Christianity and religion generally
Dodgy Leftist science: Is Christianity bad for you?
Wow! A piece of psychological research that favours Christians!
Some rambling reflections on the flexibility of denominational loyalty among the Protestant laity
Is Protestantism of New Testament or of German origin?
Are religious people better adjusted psychologically?
How did religion evolve?
Does religion rot your intelligence?
Religious people are 'less intelligent'?
Religion and theology. Bultmann
People who are less reflective are more religious?
Deranged Leftist hate of Christians
Religion and social health
A favorite hymn: "LIGHT'S GLITTERING MORN".
Is monogamy Biblical?
Is the Pope a Protestant? Discussing the first major document issued by the new Pope -- EVANGELII GAUDIUM
Protestant/Catholic rivalry not what it was
I am outraged at the spinelessness of the Presbyterian church in Queensland
Religion and morality
The "Nazi" Pope. Pius XII
A true man of God and a righteous Gentile
A foolish Pope? Projected Papal encyclical on global warming
The encyclical "Laudato si" by Pope Francis
Is the Pope a Fascist?
Are you an atheist? Non-believers 'lack empathy' while religious people are less intelligent, claims study
How different are Jehovah's Witness beliefs?
What influence does religion have?
Do religious people understand the world LESS? Study claims belief in God makes you struggle with reality
Weasel words from the Salvation Army
Hate speech is acceptable in Trump’s America – as long as it comes from Christian fundamentalists (?)
A bishop, a Cardinal and now a Pope: Unproven accusations
Australian churches and their institutions are generally legally free to hire and fire on religious grounds regardless of anti-discrimination law
The strange death of Protestant Britain
Why a great Protestant hymn breaks my heart
Are American evangelicals fading away?
The case of His Eminence Cardinal George Pell
In praise of the Roman Catholic clergy
Women are more susceptible than men to falling under the control of cults
Christ's last lesson
The Legacy of Archbishop Fulton Sheen
Dogmatic atheists
JobKeeper payments made to school linked to ‘extremist cult’ (Brethren)
Women who preach
A famous hymn: "And did those feet ... ?"
Shock! Church of England refuses to back same-sex marriage"
Christian frailty
The Bhagavad Gita
How beneficial is Christianty?
The Lord's Prayer and the Holy Name
Real Reasons for the Current Societal Breakdown
These notes all originated as a blog post. For more blog postings from me, see
AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. I update those frequently.
Much less often, I update Paralipomena , A Coral reef compendium and an IQ compendium. I also put up occasional updates on my Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on THE PSYCHOLOGIST.
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