Warmist crooks above: Keith "One tree" Briffa; Michael
"Bristlecone" Mann; James "data distorter" Hansen; Phil "data destroyer"
Jones --
Leading members in the cabal of climate quacks
Against the long history of huge temperature variation in the earth's
climate (ice ages etc.), the .6 of one degree average rise reported for
the entire 20th century by the United Nations (a rise so small that you
would not be able to detect such a difference personally without
instruments) shows in fact that the 20th century was a time of
exceptional temperature stability.
There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist instinct") in
many people that causes them to delight in going without material
comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such people --
with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example. Many
Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that instinct
too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious committments they
have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them to live in an
ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them to press on us
all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
Reefgate: More Greenie dishonesty about coral reefs -- including secret data again (of course)
Following is a letter from Walter Starck [wstarck@gmail.com] to an
academic journal about a recent article they published which violates
many canons of science. Walter Starck is one of the pioneers in the
scientific investigation of coral reefs.
The article Starck criticises advocates banning fishermen from as much
of Australia's Great Barrier reef as possible and gives as one of the
reasons: "Given the major threat posed by climate change, the expanded
network of marine reserves provides a critical and cost-effective
contribution to enhancing the resilience of the Great Barrier Reef"
Re: McCook, L.J., et al. 2010. "Marine Reserves Special Feature: Adaptive management of the Great Barrier Reef". PNAS 2010: 0909335107v1-200909335.
The above referenced study presents a number of concerns:
The most serious concern is a major conflict of interest involving all
of the 21 authors. It should be noted that the lead author is employed
by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) and all of the
20 additional authors are either employed by them or are recipients of
substantial funding from them.
It is incongruous in the extreme that all these employees and repeated
recipients of generous GBRMPA funding, could, “…declare no conflict of
interest.” when they are in fact assessing the benefits of their own
work and that of the organisation which supports them.
Combined with the rather unrestrained positive spin on the benefits and
cost effectiveness achieved by GBRMPA management, the appearance of this
report is that of a promotion piece which the most productive and
respected beneficiaries of their research funding have been invited to
In such case, it would have been very difficult for them to decline or
to offer much objection to the claims made. At the same time, their
names and status would provide credibility and deterrence of criticism
while greatly increasing the prospect of acceptance for publication in a
prestigious journal such as PNAS.
In addition, PNAS, “Authors must acknowledge all funding sources
supporting the work.” There appears to be no such disclosure in this
PNAS must also, “…make materials, data, and associated protocols available to readers.”
McCook et al. state that, “Another important observation emerging from
this review is the extent of relevant data that are not published or
readily accessible. A full picture of the effects and effectiveness of
zoning on the GBR has required extensive use of gray literature,
previously unpublished data, and collation of separate data sources.”
GBRMPA has been the sponsor of most of the research cited and, through
the permit system, they exercise control over the terms of all other
research conducted there. They are also a major publisher of GBR
literature, both scientific and non-technical. The extent to which
relevant data is not published or readily accessible is their direct
responsibility. As the data referred to for this review has obviously
been assembled, why has it not been made available?
The major claim of a doubling of fish on protected reefs appears to rest
on a single example. This is inconsistent with abundant other evidence
including that which is presented in the report itself. Only one reef
area of the 8 featured in the report showed a 2-fold increase and that
area had the lowest level to begin and lowest difference between fished
and unfished reefs.
In 5 of the 8 areas featured in the report the protected reefs actually
showed a decline in coral trout numbers. On fished reefs, three areas
showed increases in biomass while 5 showed declines. This is hardly the
“extraordinary” 2-fold increase in protected areas being bannered.
McCook et al. state, "The economic value of a healthy GBR to Australia
is enormous, currently estimated to be about A$5.5 billion annually...."
"Relative to the revenue generated by reef tourism, current
expenditure on protection is minor." "Tourism accounts for the vast
majority of reef-based income and employment. ...income from tourism is
estimated to be about 36 times greater than commercial fishing."
These claims are highly misleading. The economic value cited includes
the total value for all tourism in the region when half of all tourists
do not even visit the reef. For those who do, the reef component of the
large majority is a one day, one time participation in a reef tour and
the value of reef tours is similar to the value of commercial fishing.
If one also considers the economic value of recreational fishing, retail
fish sales and seafood meals in restaurants, the total value of fishing
is closer to twice that of reef tours. In addition, the reef tour
industry regularly uses only about 2 dozen out of the 2500 reefs of the
GBR and, on those which are used, the actual area visited would only be
about 1% of the area of even those reefs.
Unfished reefs to optimize scenic value for tourism could easily coexist
with an order of magnitude greater fishing effort, and no detriment at
all to tourism. The attribution of total tourism value to the reef is no
more justifiable than attributing it to the similar numbers who visit
the rainforest or who eat seafood meals while visiting the region.
Such claims have been repeatedly made by GBRMPA and would, if used by a
business, constitute violations of advertising and corporate law. To see
it done repeatedly and included in a report in a leading scientific
journal is a sad indictment of GBRMPA sponsored science as well as basic
Babcock et al., 2010 (in another study published in PNAS on the same day
as McCook et al.) also examined the ecological effects of marine
protected areas. However, this report is much more widely based
geographically and longer term. Although the observed effects were
generally positive, they were decidedly less large, rapid, extensive,
and uniformly positive than those reported for the GBR. All of them also
involved areas subject to much greater fishing pressure than the GBR.
One might reasonably expect that increased protection for the least
impacted areas would result in a less marked beneficial effect rather
than the much more widespread rapid and dramatic benefits claimed by
McCook et al. For example, Babcock et al., “…found that the time to
initial detection of direct effects on target species … was 5.13 ± 1.9
Note that this was the time to initial detection, not the even longer
time required to reach a doubling of population. When compared to the
much greater effects claimed for the GBR over two years, the latter do
indeed appear to be “extraordinary”.
Various key claims are contradicted by other more extensive work by the
same researchers with no acknowledgement or discussion of this.
In reading over McCook et al., some 40 such discrepancies were noted and
more detailed examination would surely reveal more. However, without
going further it should be clear that PNAS has been badly used. The
serious and obvious conflict of interest alone can neither be ignored
nor credibly explained away. If not addressed, it makes a farce of the
declaration of no conflict. It alone must surely be more than sufficient
grounds to retract this study. Although doing this may be unpleasant it
would be far less damaging than to try to examine and defend all of the
sad and disreputable details.
Coming at a time when public credibility in science is being seriously
eroded by ongoing revelations of malpractice in what the public was
assured was inrrefutable fact and settled science regarding climate
change, these “extraordinary” (their own description) claims regarding
the GBR are well positioned to become a “Reefgate”. This is especially
so in that a key claim in this report and widely made elsewhere, is that
a major benefit of protected areas on reefs is the increased resilience
they provide against climate change.
Although controversy regarding the management of the GBR may appear of
minor public interest from a U.S. perspective, it will be national news
here in Australia and PNAS could find itself very much involved in a
most difficult to defend position should prompt and decisive action not
be taken.
A public release on all this will be made here in the near future.
Whatever the decision of PNAS, it would be better made sooner than
The Next Big Thing: In environmental politics, it'll be 'ocean acidification'
Remember you read it here first: The Next Big Thing in environmental
politics will be “ocean acidification.” That was assured this month
when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency caved in to to the
bullying tactics of enviro pressure groups, and proclaimed that EPA
regulators will use the Clean Water Act to remedy a problem that doesn’t
The EPA’s decision came in response to a lawsuit alleging the agency
should have required the state of Washington to designate its marine
waters as impaired by rising acidity. But in doing so, the EPA ignored
sound science and did a disservice to Washington citizens.
Faced with the inconvenient truths that global temperatures have not
been rising during the past decade, and that most of the warming of the
twentieth century occurred before 1945 (when human greenhouse gas
emissions were minimal), global warming alarmists are pushing ocean
acidification as their new justification for restricting oil, coal, and
natural gas production. They claim that as the world’s oceans absorb
atmospheric carbon dioxide, ocean water becomes harmfully acidic to
marine life.
The real-world evidence for an ocean acidification crisis, however, is
even less persuasive than the real-world evidence for a global warming
The world’s oceans are not acidic and are in no danger of becoming so.
Acidity and alkalinity are measured by pH balance, on a scale of 1 to
14. Water with a pH of 7 is neutral. A pH below 7 is acidic, and above 7
is alkaline. The pH of the world’s oceans is slightly higher than
8.1—safely alkaline.
Regardless of human carbon dioxide emissions, the world’s oceans are in
no danger of becoming acidic any time in the foreseeable future. A 2005
study published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature reports ocean pH was
between 8.1 and 8.2 at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution—before
humans began emitting significant amounts of carbon dioxide—and remains
between 8.1 and 8.2 today. The past 250 years of carbon dioxide
emissions have had no significant effect on ocean pH, and there is
little reason to believe that will suddenly, catastrophically change.
On the contrary, peer-reviewed scientific studies confirm higher carbon
dioxide content will benefit rather than harm marine life.
A 2009 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, for example, found sea star growth rates increased, rather
than decreased, in water with double the carbon dioxide of current
oceanic conditions. The study was particularly noteworthy because
alarmists claim ocean acidification will take its greatest toll on
marine invertebrates such as sea stars, which will allegedly have more
difficulty calcifying their external skeletons in water with more carbon
dioxide. A full doubling of carbon dioxide content, however, actually
helped the sea stars.
In a 2007 study published in Global Change Biology, scientists observed
higher carbon dioxide levels correlated with better growth conditions
for oceanic life, producing higher growth rates and biomass yields than
lower CO2 conditions.
A 2005 study in Journal of Geophysical Research reported rising oceanic
carbon dioxide concentrations in the prior two decades correlate with a
22 percent increase in oceanic chlorophyll concentrations. Chlorophyll
concentrations are the building blocks of marine life.
And in a 2008 study published in Biogeosciences, scientists subjected
marine organisms to varying and often-abrupt changes in carbon dioxide
concentrations. The study found marine ecosystems were “surprisingly
resilient” to changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide, and “the ecosystem
composition, bacterial, and phytoplankton abundances and productivity,
grazing rates and total grazer abundance and reproduction were not
significantly affected by CO2-induced effects.”
These scientific studies show quite clearly that higher carbon dioxide
levels substantially benefit marine life. This is similar to the effect
of higher atmospheric carbon dioxide levels on terrestrial life, where
plants convert atmospheric carbon dioxide into more biomass and higher
growth rates.
Study after study shows most marine creatures, from phytoplankton on up
the food chain, thrive and flourish when more carbon dioxide is added to
the environment. It defies reason for environmental activists to assert
a need to designate marine waters as impaired due to higher
concentrations of life-assisting carbon dioxide.
Is climate change a serious threat to humanity or a scam trumped up by
agenda-minded activists? Even the nation's TV weathercasters can't
agree on that scientific dilemma, according to the largest survey of the
profession to date released Monday by George Mason University's Center
for Climate Change Communication.
The majority — 63 percent — say global warming is caused "mostly by natural changes in the environment"
compared with 31 percent who blamed the phenomenon on "human
activities." More than a quarter said they agreed that the phenomenon is
"a scam."
Another 48 percent said global warming should be a "low" priority for
President Obama and Congress; one out of three felt is should be given
"medium" priority; 23 percent felt is was of "high" importance.
The group is well aware of dissent in the research community as well:
Sixty-one percent said there is "a lot of disagreement among scientists"
about the issue.
But should climate change and global warming be a subject for their own
broadcast coverage? Two-thirds said yes — though three-fourths also felt
the subject was better suited for online discussions, "as many report
concern about audience 'backlash,'" the survey said.
Some prominent weathermen, however, are not buying into the theory.
John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel and a forecaster on KUSI in
San Diego, has called global warming a "hoax" and "bad science" — a
case that garnered public attention after some scientists were caught
manipulating data to suit and environmental agenda.
"We are already suffering from this CO2 silliness in many ways," Mr.
Coleman said. "Our energy policy has been strictly hobbled by no
drilling and no new refineries for decades. We pay for the shortage this
has created every time we buy gas.
"On top of that, the whole thing about corn-based ethanol costs us
millions of tax dollars in subsidies. That also has driven up food
prices. And, all of this is a long way from over."
AccuWeather senior forecaster Joe Bastardi is another high-profile
skeptic. "Common sense dictates that a trace gas needed for life on the
planet would not be the cause for destroying life on the planet. Common
sense dictates that what has happened before without man can happen
again with man," Mr. Bastardi said. "Common sense would dictate that you
not believe me, or any one else, but go look for yourself."
AccuWeather — which provides local forecasts for the entire nation and
more than 2 million locations worldwide — stands behind a lively,
reasonable discourse.
"We urge all scientists and members of the public to engage in the
global warming discussion, including AccuWeather.com's experts. We
encourage our scientists to express their personal views without the
constraint of a corporate position they must follow," the company says
in a position statement.
The audience appears to be waiting. "Our surveys of the public have
shown that many Americans are looking to their local TV weathercaster
for information about global warming," says Edward Maibach, director of
the climate center at George Mason and lead investigator for the new
"The findings of this latest survey show that TV weathercasters play —
or can play — an important role as informal climate change educators."
The survey found that 87 percent discussed climate change at community
speaking events or in on-air banter with news anchors; only 37 percent
addressed the topic during their forecast — mostly due to time
constraints. The TV weathercasters also want to be fair: Seventy-nine
percent said global warming broadcast segments must reflect "a balance
of viewpoints." Personal opinions are still a work in progress.
The survey also found that 54 percent of the forecasters agreed that
"global warming is happening," though 25 percent disagreed with the idea
and 21 percent were unsure. Almost half said they needed a lot more
information before forming "a firm opinion."
The survey of 1,373 TV weathercasters was conducted throughout January
and February; the study was funded by the National Science Foundation.
The findings can be seen here
Esquire Mag. Falsely Claims Climate Depot's Morano made an 'obvious
mistake' about sea levels --- Reality Check: Morano Cited Data
Sea levels have been rising slowly since the last ice age -- but
have they been rising faster lately? The Warmists say yes. Marc Morano
and the data say no. But Esquire magazine was too dumb to understand
the question
The April 2010 issue of Esquire Magazine features a more than 6500 word
feature article on Climate Depot's Executive Editor Marc Morano. The
article makes the false claim that Morano told a “howler” and an
“obvious mistake” about sea level during a live Sky News TV Debate in
December 2009.
The article by Esquire writer John Richardson contends that the
following assertion by Morano in the December 12, 2009 TV debate with
Professor Mark Maslin, is incorrect:
Esquire Magazine's Spin: "Morano says, sea levels are not rising. To
prove it [Morano] quotes a study by the Royal Netherlands Meteorological
Institute that actually says sea levels rose nearly eight inches in the
last century. This obvious mistake leads Maslin into his fatal error,
which is patronizing Marc Morano...Despite his own howler about the sea
levels, he hammers away.”
Reality Check: Morano's citation about sea level was that it was “not
showing the acceleration.” Morano never said it was not rising.
Esquire's Richardson simply made a mistake in trying to claim Morano
said sea level was "not rising."
Here is Morano's exact quote on sea level during the debate: Morano:
“Sea Level is not showing the acceleration. The Royal Netherlands
Meteorology Institute said this. One scientist said if sea level is
rising due to global warming, no one has bothered to tell sea level."
Further Reading on sea level:
'No evidence for accelerated sea-level rise' says Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute – December 12, 2008
Excerpt: In an op-ed piece in the December 11 issue of NRC/Handelsblad,
Wilco Hazeleger, a senior scientist in the global climate research group
at KNMI, writes: “In the past century the sea level has risen twenty
centimeters. There is no evidence for accelerated sea-level rise. It is
my opinion that there is no need for drastic measures. It is wise to
adopt a flexible, step-by-step adaptation strategy. By all means, let us
not respond precipitously.”
Professor James Lovelock, the scientist who developed Gaia theory, has
said it is too late to try and save the planet. The man who achieved
global fame for his theory that the whole earth is a single organism now
believes that we can only hope that the earth will take care of itself
in the face of completely unpredictable climate change.
Interviewed by Today presenter John Humphrys, videos of which you can
see below, he said that while the earth's future was utterly uncertain,
mankind was not aware it had "pulled the trigger" on global warming as
it built its civilizations.
What is more, he predicts, the earth's climate will not conveniently comply with the models of modern climate scientists.
As the record winter cold testifies, he says, global temperatures move
in "jerks and jumps", and we cannot confidently predict what the future
Prof Lovelock does not pull his punches on the politicians and
scientists who are set to gain from the idea that we can predict climate
change and save the planet ourselves. Scientists, he says, have moved
from investigating nature as a vocation, to being caught in a career
path where it makes sense to "fudge the data".
And while renewable energy technology may make good business sense, he says, it is not based on "good practical engineering".
At the age of 90, Prof Lovelock is resigned to his own fate and the fate
of the planet. Whether the planet saves itself or not, he argues, all
we can do is to "enjoy life while you can".
THE Kimberley's peak indigenous body has attacked the "disgusting"
tactics of green groups and out-of-town celebrities opposed to
industrial development near Broome, accusing them of fundamental
dishonesty and abusive, dirty politics.
The Kimberley Land Council also said the Wilderness Society and Save the
Kimberley environmental groups were "pitting family groups against each
other" in a bid to undermine traditional owners, who have made the
tough decision to back a job-creating multi-billion-dollar gas hub at
James Price Point on the Dampier Peninsular, 60km north of Broome.
Declaring Aborigines the first conservationists, KLC executive director
Wayne Bergmann said it was "distressing" that Aborigines were being
vilified as "developers" by green groups and said opponents needed to
understand the damage they were doing to local indigenous people.
"Save the Kimberley and the Wilderness Society are pretending to
champion the indigenous cause in order to bolster their own position and
credibility," Mr Bergmann said. "They're not helping Aboriginal people.
Our future does not lie in a contrived alliance with bogus green
groups; our future rests with Aboriginal people stepping up and taking
Celebrities such as John Butler, Midnight Oil drummer Rob Hirst and
Missy Higgins have joined retired Federal Court judge Murray Wilcox in
pushing to stop the gas hub, accusing the Barnett government of riding
roughshod over the rights of local Aborigines.
The KLC says the development, which will service the offshore Browse
basin gas fields, will bring jobs. "The Jabirr Jabirr people are the
only people who can make this decision about their country, and their
decisions need to be respected," Mr Bergmann said in a speech late last
"The Kimberley Land Council works for and takes instructions from
traditional owners. The KLC does not make decisions for traditional
owners. We support the decisions of our people and their right to make
those decisions."
Aborigines needed to use their land to create wealth and jobs, as 75 per
cent of the indigenous population was between 16 and 26, and
unemployment, suicide and crime rates were far beyond those of white
Australia, he said.
Taking exception to suggestions green groups knew more about looking
after their land than Aborigines did, Mr Bergmann said the KLC was
examining other conservation and job-creating initiatives, including
setting up a carbon trading scheme.
"Is it too much to ask that our children have opportunities for their
future, have a safe environment where they can learn about their
culture, language and become well-educated, that they go to school and
that they can function as active participants in our society? That we
put an end to poverty and disadvantage?" he said. "The actions of Save
the Kimberley and some elements of the Wilderness Society, in
particular, show they have no real respect for Aboriginal traditional
owners and their responsibility for their land and sea country."
Save The Kimberley refused to comment, but the Wilderness Society's
Peter Robertson said divisions within indigenous groups had been caused
by both state and federal governments imposing "highly destructive and
risky projects on Kimberley communities and the region's unspoiled
"The reason there is a rising level of tension in parts of the Kimberley
is because governments, in their reckless haste to approve the project,
are placing communities under enormous pressure," Mr Robertson said.
"For example, WA Premier (Colin) Barnett continues to threaten
traditional owners with the compulsory acquisition of their land if they
do not agree to the LNG project (and) this was publicly described by
the Kimberley Land Council as `negotiating with a gun to your head'."
James Lovelock: Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change
The usual Green/Left arrogance and Fascist mentality is fully out in the open here
Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change, according to the British scientist James Lovelock. Illustration: Murdo Macleod
Humans are too stupid to prevent climate change from radically impacting
on our lives over the coming decades. This is the stark conclusion of
James Lovelock, the globally respected environmental thinker and
independent scientist who developed the Gaia theory.
It follows a tumultuous few months in which public opinion on efforts to
tackle climate change has been undermined by events such as the climate
scientists' emails leaked from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and
the failure of the Copenhagen climate summit.
"I don't think we're yet evolved to the point where we're clever enough
to handle a complex a situation as climate change," said Lovelock in his
first in-depth interview since the theft of the UEA emails last
November. "The inertia of humans is so huge that you can't really do
anything meaningful."
One of the main obstructions to meaningful action is "modern democracy",
he added. "Even the best democracies agree that when a major war
approaches, democracy must be put on hold for the time being. I have a
feeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may
be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while."
Lovelock, 90, believes the world's best hope is to invest in adaptation
measures, such as building sea defences around the cities that are most
vulnerable to sea-level rises. He thinks only a catastrophic event would
now persuade humanity to take the threat of climate change seriously
enough, such as the collapse of a giant glacier in Antarctica, such as
the Pine Island glacier, which would immediately push up sea level.
"That would be the sort of event that would change public opinion," he
said. "Or a return of the dust bowl in the mid-west. Another
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report won't be enough.
We'll just argue over it like now." The IPCC's 2007 report concluded
that there was a 90% chance that greenhouse gas emissions from human
activities are causing global warming, but the panel has been criticised
over a mistaken claim that all Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2030.
Lovelock says the events of the recent months have seen him warming to
the efforts of the "good" climate sceptics: "What I like about sceptics
is that in good science you need critics that make you think: 'Crumbs,
have I made a mistake here?' If you don't have that continuously, you
really are up the creek. The good sceptics have done a good service, but
some of the mad ones I think have not done anyone any favours. You need
sceptics, especially when the science gets very big and monolithic."
Lovelock, who 40 years ago originated the idea that the planet is a
giant, self-regulating organism – the so-called Gaia theory – added that
he has little sympathy for the climate scientists caught up in the UEA
email scandal. He said he had not read the original emails – "I felt
reluctant to pry" – but that their reported content had left him feeling
"utterly disgusted".
"Fudging the data in any way whatsoever is quite literally a sin against
the holy ghost of science," he said. "I'm not religious, but I put it
that way because I feel so strongly. It's the one thing you do not ever
do. You've got to have standards."
The truth is out: Green think tank tells environmentalists to leave climate science behind
Leaders of a contrarian environmental think tank, The Breakthrough
Institute, have a way to get beyond the climate science wars: Break the
link between global warming research and the push for low-carbon energy.
Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger, in a new essay in Yale
Environment 360, argue that environmentalists are too eager to link
natural disasters and dangerous weather to man-made climate change.
They say this is a losing hand that has been made even weaker by the
furor over the now-infamous hacked climate science emails, and
controversy surrounding the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
They write:
Climate science, even at its most uncontroversial, could
never motivate the remaking of the entire global energy economy. Efforts
to use climate science to threaten an apocalyptic future should we fail
to embrace green proposals, and to characterize present-day natural
disasters as terrifying previews of an impending day of reckoning, have
only served to undermine the credibility of both climate science and
progressive energy policy.
The essay also suggests that climate advocacy and research have become
too intertwined, with environmentalists seeking to represent the science
as “apocalyptic, imminent, and certain.” The science has been harmed as
a result, they argue, stating:
Greens pushed climate scientists to become outspoken
advocates of action to address global warming. Captivated by the notion
that their voices and expertise were singularly necessary to save the
world, some climate scientists attempted to oblige. The result is that
the use, and misuse, of climate science by advocates began to wash back
into the science itself.
They later conclude:
Climate science can still usefully inform us about the
possible trajectories of the global climate and help us prepare for
extreme weather and natural disasters, whether climate change ultimately
results in their intensification or not. And understood in its proper
role, as one of many reasons why we should decarbonize the global
economy, climate science can even help contribute to the case for taking
such action. But so long as environmentalists continue to demand that
climate science drive the transformation of the global energy economy,
neither the science, nor efforts to address climate change, will be well
Shellenberger and Nordhaus are a contrarian pair with a years-long
penchant for telling the mainstream environmental movement that it’s
screwing up the climate fight in one way or another. Several of their
past essays have been controversial, notably 2004’s "The Death of
Penn State global warming scientist Michael E. Mann regrets he did not
instantly object when a fellow climatologist asked him in 2008 to delete
e-mails subject to Freedom of Information requests.
"I wish in retrospect I had told him, 'Hey, you shouldn't even be
thinking about this,"' Mann told The Morning Call in his first interview
since the university last month launched an investigation into his
conduct. "I didn't think it was an appropriate request."
Despite the request by his British colleague Phil Jones, Mann did not
delete e-mails, a Penn State University panel of inquiry found. But the
panel on Feb. 3 ordered a further investigation, still in progress, over
a general allegation of scientific misconduct by Mann.
Penn State officials said Friday they could not yet provide further information on the probe.
The investigation is a response to the uproar, commonly referred to as
Climategate, over revelations of questionable comments made by climate
scientists in e-mails made public in November. The furor has shaken the
scientific community and fueled doubts about global warming.
Mann, recognized internationally for his studies that conclude the Earth
is heating dangerously fast, denies any wrongdoing and says he is
cooperating fully with the Penn State investigation.
And in a wide-ranging interview, Mann says that
not all global warming science is settled. It's not yet certain, for
example, that the heat is reducing the world population of polar bears
or that it increases the number of hurricanes, he said.
But he said there is almost no doubt the last half of the 20th century
was the hottest 50-year period of the last millennium. That conclusion
is reflected in Mann's famous 1,000-year "hockey stick" chart of
"There have been warming trends and cooling trends in the past," Mann
said. "Over the past 50 years, there has only been a warming trend [With
temperature measurements from cooler areas of the globe being steadily
deleted from the record, what would you expect? Of Canada's roughly 200
meteorological stations, only ONE is now used!]. Contrarians cannot point to a sustained period -- a 20- or 30-year period -- of cooling over the past 50 years. [But they can over the last 500 years -- which is a mere blip in geological time] If they could, you can be sure we would have heard about it."
He said the evidence is solid that manmade global warming presents
threats that must not be ignored, even during controversies over
scientists' e-mails.
Mike Wallace, a climate scientist at the University of Washington, had a
provocative op-ed in the Seatlle Times last Friday. Wallace was a
member of the 2001 NAS panel that was convened at the request of George
W. Bush to evaluate the IPCC top line conclusions (chaired by Ralph
Cicerone, present-day NAS director). That committee reaffirmed the IPCC
conclusions. Wallace was also the Chair of a 2000 NAS report on
reconciling surface and satellite temperature trends. He is no skeptic.
Wallace's op-ed is provocative because it suggests that we've come to
focus too narrowly on climate change, and he lays some of the blame for
this at the feet of the scientific community. Here is an excerpt:
It's tempting to blame the media for fixating on global
warming, but we climate scientists are partly to blame for the
misplaced emphasis. Over the past 20 years we have stood by and watched
as governmental and nongovernmental organizations that deal with
environmental issues became more and more narrowly focused on the
long-term impacts of global warming.
Meanwhile, more imminent issues relating to the sustainability of our
planet's life-support system under the pressures of growing human
population and the widening gap between rich and poor are not getting
the attention they deserve. By failing to foster creation of robust,
broad-based advisory mechanisms, we have allowed the IPCC assessment
reports to become the dominant vehicle for representing the views of
the scientific community on a widening range of environmental issues.
In the IPCC terminology, symptoms of environmental degradation,
regardless of their cause, are labeled as impacts of climate change,
and the societal response to them is framed in terms of mitigating and
adapting to climate change.
Scientists still write papers and speak to the media about
environmental concerns outside of the purview of the IPCC, but with so
much of the world's attention riveted on climate change there is a lack
of institutional infrastructure for calling attention to other issues.
Labeling issues such as reduced agricultural productivity, loss of
biodiversity, pollution and the looming shortage of fresh water as
"impacts of global warming" leaves the public confused and susceptible
to propaganda by groups who oppose environmental regulation of any kind.
With the IPCC increasingly in the spotlight, the denialists can
trivialize the entire environmental crisis simply by casting doubt on
the scientific consensus on global warming.
Climate scientists and their detractors are slugging it out every day
in blogs and editorial pages while legislative initiatives to get
governments to address environmental and resource issues remain stalled,
despite broad public support for them. At the recent Copenhagen
Summit, the nations of the world were reluctant to make binding
agreements to reduce their production of greenhouse gases.
Given the limited public understanding of the intricacies of climate
science, the human tendency to be more concerned with current issues
than with what the climate will be like 100 years from now, and the
glaring inequities in per capita fossil fuel consumption between
countries like the United States and those like India, justifying an
enlightened energy policy on the basis of concerns about global warming
is a tough sell. The negotiations might have gone better had the
justification been framed in terms of conserving the world's dwindling
oil reserves, stabilizing oil prices and promoting energy independence.
The current stalemate is likely to persist as long as scientists allow
climate change to dominate the environmental policy agenda. In order to
promote a more productive dialogue between scientists and
policymakers, the discussion of adaptation and mitigation options in the
policy arena needs to be reframed so that it addresses environmental
degradation and sustainability in the broad sense, not just the impacts
of climate change.
Wallace is right -- about the consequences of a myopic focus, the need
for a more inclusive reframing and the role of the climate science
community in helping maintain the myopic focus, both as silent bystander
(most of the community) and actively involved in the myopic framing
(those activist bloggers).
Along with Mike Hulme, Hans von Sotrch, Judy Curry and others, Mike
Wallace is helping to show that there are a diversity of thoughtful
views among the climate science community. The blog discussions of
climate are typically colored in black and white, whereas the real world
is painted in shades of gray.
Global warming 'will NOT slow down Gulf Stream and plunge Britain into ice age'
Another Greenie scare bites the dust. It did long ago, in fact, but the mass media are now noting it
Fears that global warming will shut down the Gulf Stream and plunge
Britain into a mini-ice age are unfounded, a study shows. There is no
evidence the phenomenon – which brings a constant flow of warm water and
mild weather to northern Europe – has slowed down over the past 20
years, climate scientists say.
‘The changes we’re seeing in overturning strength are probably part of a natural cycle,’ said researcher Josh Willis, from Nasa.
The Gulf Stream is vital to Britain’s mild climate. Without the flow of
warm water from the Mid Atlantic, the British Isles would be 4-6c colder
than they are. Some environmentalists have argued that global warming
could shut off the stream – sending temperatures spiralling down across
Europe as they rise elsewhere.
The controversial scenario was dramatised in apocalyptic Hollywood
blockbuster The Day After Tomorrow and is predicted in some computer
models of climate change.
The idea that a slowdown of the ocean currents would trigger such a
rapid change in climate is pure fantasy, explained Dr Willis. ‘But the
Atlantic overturning circulation is still an important player in today’s
climate,’ he added. ‘Some have suggested cyclic changes in the
overturning may be warming and cooling the whole North Atlantic over the
course of several decades and affecting rainfall patterns across the
U.S. and Africa, and even the number of hurricanes in the Atlantic.’
The study used satellite data to study the pattern of Atlantic currents
between 2002 and 2009. Researchers from Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
found no long-term trend, just short-term variability, according to the
study published in Geophysical Research Letters journal.
The Gulf Stream is one of the strongest currents in the world. It is
driven by surface winds and differences in the density of water.
Fears that the circulation was slowing emerged in a study by the UK
National Oceanography Centre in 2005. The United Nation’s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s last report in 2007 said it
was ‘very likely’ that the Gulf Stream will slow down during the next
100 years. Most climate models suggest it will slow down by one quarter
over the 21st century.
Although the slowing of the Gulf Stream would have a cooling effect on
Europe, the IPCC claims temperatures will still rise overall.
'Smart' meters have security holes, researchers say
Computer-security researchers say new "smart" meters that are designed
to help deliver electricity more efficiently also have flaws that could
let hackers tamper with the power grid in previously impossible ways.
At the very least, the vulnerabilities open the door for attackers to
jack up strangers' power bills. These flaws also could get hackers a key
step closer to exploiting one of the most dangerous capabilities of the
new technology, which is the ability to remotely turn someone else's
power on and off.
The attacks could be pulled off by stealing meters -- which can be
situated outside of a home -- and reprogramming them. Or an attacker
could sit near a home or business and wirelessly hack the meter from a
laptop, according to Joshua Wright, a senior security analyst with
InGuardians Inc. The firm was hired by three utilities to study their
smart meters' resistance to attack.
These utilities, which he would not name, have already done small
deployments of smart meters and plan to roll the technology out to
hundreds of thousands of power customers, Wright told The Associated
There is no evidence the security flaws have been exploited, although
Wright said a utility could have been hacked without knowing it.
InGuardians said it is working with the utilities to fix the problems.
Power companies are aggressively rolling out the new meters. In the U.S.
alone, more than 8 million smart meters have been deployed by electric
utilities and nearly 60 million should be in place by 2020, according to
a list of publicly announced projects kept by The Edison Foundation, an
organization focused on the electric industry.
Unlike traditional electric meters that merely record power use -- and
then must be read in person once a month by a meter reader -- smart
meters measure consumption in real time. By being networked to computers
in electric utilities, the new meters can signal people or their
appliances to take certain actions, such as reducing power usage when
electricity prices spike.
But the very interactivity that makes smart meters so attractive also
makes them vulnerable to hackers, because each meter essentially is a
computer connected to a vast network.
There are few public studies on the meters' resistance to attack, in
part because the technology is new. However, last summer, Mike Davis, a
researcher from IOActive Inc., showed how a computer worm could hop
between meters in a power grid with smart meters, giving criminals
control over those meters.
Alan Paller, director of research for the SANS Institute, a security
research and training organization that was not involved in Wright's
work with InGuardians, said it proved that hacking smart meters is a
serious concern.
"We weren't sure it was possible," Paller said. "He actually verified
it's possible. ... If the Department of Energy is going to make sure the
meters are safe, then Josh's work is really important."
SANS has invited Wright to present his research Tuesday at a conference
it is sponsoring on the security of utilities and other "critical
Industry representatives say utilities are doing rigorous security
testing that will make new power grids more secure than the patchwork
system we have now, which is already under hacking attacks from
adversaries believed to be working overseas.
"We know that automation will bring new vulnerabilities, and our task --
which we tackle on a daily basis -- is making sure the system is
secure," said Ed Legge, spokesman for Edison Electric Institute, a trade
organization for shareholder-owned electric companies.
But many security researchers say the technology is being deployed without enough security probing.
Wright said his firm found "egregious" errors, such as flaws in the
meters and the technologies that utilities use to manage data from
meters. "Even though these protocols were designed recently, they
exhibit security failures we've known about for the past 10 years,"
Wright said.
He said InGuardians found vulnerabilities in products from all five of
the meter makers the firm studied. He would not disclose those
One of the most alarming findings involved a weakness in a
communications standard used by the new meters to talk to utilities'
Wright found that hackers could exploit the weakness to break into
meters remotely, which would be a key step for shutting down someone's
power. Or someone could impersonate meters to the power company, to
inflate victims' bills or lower his own. A criminal could even sneak
into the utilities' computer networks to steal data or stage bigger
attacks on the grid.
Wright said similar vulnerabilities used to be common in wireless
Internet networking equipment, but have vanished with an emphasis on
better security.
For instance, the meters encrypt their data -- scrambling the
information to hide it from outsiders. But the digital "keys" needed to
unlock the encryption were stored on data-routing equipment known as
access points that many meters relay data to. Stealing the keys lets an
attacker eavesdrop on all communication between meters and that access
point, so the keys instead should be kept on computers deep inside the
utilities' networks, where they would be safer.
"That lesson seems to be lost on these meter vendors," he said. That
speaks to the "relative immaturity" of the meter technology, Wright
"Forbush decreases" are probably getting a bit technical for many
readers of this blog but they refer to short periods (a few days) when
the earth is hit by fewer cosmic rays (no relation to me) than usual.
And why is that important? Because Svensmark has shown that cosmic ray
fluctuations affect cloud formation and hence global warming. Clouds
are a major influence on the temperature underneath them.
So whether cloud cover varies during Forbush events would seem to be a good test of Svensmark's theory. A recent German paper has claimed that Forbush events did NOT influence cloud cover so therefore Svensmark is wrong.
I have not yet seen any comment from skeptics on the paper concerned so I
think I might say a word or two until more expert heads than mine get
to work.
Basically, the paper seems pretty silly. They sent an aircraft up to
observe the cloud cover over just a few areas of central Europe. But
it is GLOBAL data that is needed to test the theory. Local weather
influences can easily swamp small effects from cosmic rays -- and it is
small effects that the Warmists are talking about. Their "hockey stick"
graphs (for instance) are normally scaled in tenths of one degree.
Lubos Motl had some sage words about Forbush events last year.
Private British weather forecasters reject global warming
The brief below is from "Positive Weather Solutions". PWS has a much better record at forecasting than does the official British Met office, who are keen global warmers
PWS are of the firm belief that global warming is cyclical, and there is
no substantial, conclusive evidence, to back up the statement that we
are heading towards a 'runaway climate' scenario.
There is significant evidence to suggest the our climate is dominated by cyclical patterns.
The graph depicts analysis of tree ring data taken from 12 locations in
the northern hemisphere, and despite challenges to it from some
quarters, it remains in the belief of PWS, solid evidence of a cyclical
pattern in weather, and furthermore, shows that humans and their related
events in history do indeed coincide with variances. Even if the ring
data as some suggest actually suggests cooling where there is warming,
this too remains a variance, and not an over all definitive trend.
There is also a noticeable blip in the argument for climate change
during the period from around 5000 - 3000 BC, known as the 'climatic
optimum', where temperatures were even warmer than the allegedly runaway
climate temperatures of the future, that we're supposed to be seeing if
global warming were true.
Furthermore, the most reliable form of temperature measurement are
satellite readings taken from the Earth's lower troposphere, and these
show no apparent global warming over the last quarter of a century.
Land based temperature readings are distorted, because of human
influence, industry etc.
In conclusion, there have been three noticeable trend indicators in
history as we understand it. The 'Medieval Climate Anomaly'; 'The
Little Ice Age', and 'The Industrial Era', which have all 'affected' the
climate. However, nature and the Earth in general has re balanced
affairs as it ages, and whereas man has had an influence on the climate,
there remains no outright conclusive evidence that within the next
hundred year or so, temperatures will continue to climb and even if they
do, they will plateau out, and cool down again.
How government cash created the Climategate scandal
By Andrew Bolt
Australian climate scientist policy analyst Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen tells the British parliamentary inquiry into Climategate just how much global warming science is corrupted by politics and money. Excerpts:
I was peer reviewer for IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change)… Since 1998 I have been the editor of the journal,
Energy & Environment (E&E) published by Multi-science, where I
published my first papers on the IPCC. I interpreted the IPCC
“consensus” as politically created in order to support energy technology
and scientific agendas that in essence pre-existed the “warming-as
-man-made catastrophe alarm."…
3.2 Scientific research as advocacy for an agenda (a coalition of
interests, not a conspiracy,) was presented to the public and
governments as protection of the planet… CRU, working for the UK
government and hence the IPCC, was expected to support the hypothesis of
man-made, dangerous warming caused by carbon dioxide, a hypothesis it
had helped to formulate in the late 1980s…
3.3 ... In persuading policy makers and the public of this danger, the
“hockey stick” became a major tool of persuasion, giving CRU a major
role in the policy process at the national, EU and international level.
This led to the growing politicisation of science in the interest,
allegedly, of protecting the “the environment” and the planet. I
observed and documented this phenomenon as the UK Government, European
Commission, and World Bank increasingly needed the climate threat to
justify their anti-carbon (and pro-nuclear) policies. In return climate
science was generously funded and required to support rather than to
question these policy objectives… Opponents were gradually starved of
research opportunities or persuaded into silence. The apparent
“scientific consensus” thus generated became a major tool of public
4.1 ... As editor of a journal which remained open to scientists
who challenged the orthodoxy, I became the target of a number of CRU
manoeuvres. The hacked emails revealed attempts to manipulate peer
review to E&E’s disadvantage, and showed that libel threats were
considered against its editorial team…
4.4 Most recently CRU alleged that I had interfered “maliciously” with
their busy grant-related schedules, by sending an email to the UKCIP
(Climate Impact Programme) advising caution in the use of CRU data for
regional planning purposes. This was clearly reported to [CRU head Phil]
Jones who contacted my Head of Department, suggesting that he needed to
reconsider the association of E&E with Hull University. Professor
Graham Haughton, while expressing his own disagreement with my views,
nevertheless upheld the principle of academic freedom…
4.5 The emails I have read are evidence of a close and protective
collaboration between CRU, the Hadley Centre, and several US research
bodies such as the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where former
CRU students had found employment. Together they formed an important
group inside IPCC Working Group 1, the science group…
The CRU case is not unique. Recent exposures have taken the lid off similar issues in the USA, the Netherlands, Australia,
and possibly in Germany and Canada… It is at least arguable that the
real culprit is the theme- and project-based research funding system put
in place in the 1980s and subsequently strengthened and tightened in
the name of “policy relevance”. This system, in making research funding
conditional on demonstrating such relevance, has encouraged close ties
with central Government bureaucracy. Some university research units have
almost become wholly-owned subsidiaries of Government Departments.
Their survival, and the livelihoods of their employees, depends on
delivering what policy makers think they want. It becomes hazardous to
speak truth to power…
Postglacial climatic history is by no means well understood and the human contributions cannot yet be assessed.
Boehmer-Christiansen responds to comments below. Yes, she is indeed
Australian, but no, she is not a climate scientist but a climate policy
analyst. Moreover:
What fun to read so much about oneself!
For your info: I was 16 years old when I arrived in Adelaide from
Germany; now I have two passports: one Australian and one British. I
use both. Most of my family live in Australia and my children have dual
nationality but live in the UK. My mother died last year in Adelaide
and I did some research on Australian climate policy at Adelaide Uni
during the 1990s. My husband Peter Christiansen was a space physicist
who died very young in the UK but wanted to go back; my father-in-law is
a very famous Australian radio-astronomer, look him up (Prof.W N
Christiansen). Ted Hill was also a relative…
You all missed the most important points: my 7 or so years as research
fellow at SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit) working with energy
economists and emission modellers, and my research fellowship (3 years)
to study the science and politics of the IPCC. I interviewed many
climate scientists, read much by them but would not call myself a
climate scientist. At Hull I taught environmental policy and politics. I
know enough about climate science, however, to know what is not
My political agenda? a) To demonstrate that the sciences (a group of
competing globalised institutions in need of grants - climate science
needs a lot of money), are themselves a major political actor in the
politics of climate change. Its managers are not adverse to a little
And b) to give climate sceptics a voice because I did not trust what
emerged from the IPCC’s policy-makers summaries. The IPCC was only asked
to study man-made climate change (but can’t distinguish from natural
change, as yet), and to serve a treaty that had already decided what
and who was to blame.
And E&E;is back on-line, is peer reviewed and took up the cause of
climate scepticism because of its importance for energy policy. I
believe but cannot prove that we are observing energy interest (not
carbon based) ‘driving’ the science, not vice versa. Do have a closer
look as IPCC working group 3.
Federal Climate Change Programs: Funding History and Policy Issues
Excerpt below from a report by the Congressional Budget Office shows
the huge U.S. Federal funding that Warmists have received. ANY funding
received by skeptics is the merest trifle by comparison
In recent years, the federal government has allocated several billion
dollars annually for projects to expand the understanding of climate
change or to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse-gas (GHG)
Most of that spending is done by the Department of Energy (DOE) and by
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), although a
dozen other federal agencies also participate. The work is coordinated
by committees in the Executive Office of the President.
Successive Administrations have tracked the funding of climate change
programs and the cost of tax incentives related to climate change
through what is sometimes called the “climate change budget.” That
budget typically has included federal efforts in several categories:
Technology programs that develop, demonstrate, and deploy new products or processes to reduce GHG emissions;
Scientific research directed toward explaining the processes of climate change and monitoring the global climate;
Assistance to other countries as they work to reduce GHG emissions; and
Tax incentives that encourage businesses and households to adopt
technologies that curtail the use of fossil fuels and reduce GHG
Funding for Federal Climate Change Programs
From 1998 to 2009, appropriations for agencies’ work related to climate
change totaled about $99 billion (in 2009 dollars); more than a third
of that sum was provided in fiscal year 2009.
In addition, climate-related tax preferences reduced tax revenues, by a
much smaller amount, from what would have been collected in their
absence. For most of that period, federal resources devoted to examining
and mitigating climate change grew slowly and unevenly when adjusted
for inflation.
Regular annual appropriations rose from $4.0 billion in 1998 (measured
in 2009 dollars) to $7.5 billion in 2009. During that period, the
nation’s commitment to climate-related technology development increased
significantly, as has the forgone revenue attributable to tax
Censorship at AGU: scientists denied the right of reply
Has the Journal of Geophysical Research been coerced into defending the climate alarmist faith?
Science is best progressed by open and free discussion in which all
participants have equal rights of contribution. This is especially the
case when a scientific issue is related to a matter of high public
controversy - such as the hypothesis of dangerous human-caused global
In July 2009 we published a paper in the peer-reviewed Journal of
Geophysical Research (JGR) in which we described the results of
comparing global atmospheric temperature since 1958 with variations in
the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) climatic framework. Our analysis
supported earlier research that demonstrates a close link between these
factors, and indicated that a large portion of the variability in
global temperature is explained by ENSO variation, thus leaving little
room for a substantial human influence on temperature.
On November 20, a newly appointed, replacement JGR editor informed us
that a group of scientists led by Grant Foster (aka Tamino) had
submitted a critique of our paper for publication in JGR. To which a
reviewer responded “But as it is written, the current paper [Foster et
al. draft critique] almost stoops to the level of “blog diatribe”. The
current paper does not read like a peer-reviewed journal article. The
tone is sometimes dramatic and sometimes accusatory. It is inconsistent
with the language one normally encounters in the objectively-based,
peer-reviewed literature.” Anonymous referee of the Foster et al.
critique, September 28, 2009.
We were invited to write a response, which we did, submitting it to JGR on January 14, 2010.
On March 16, the replacement editor contacted us again. He included
three referees’ reports, and indicated that on the advice of these
referees he was rejecting our response to the Foster et al. critique,
and that the response would therefore not be published in JGR.
The practice of editorial rejection of the authors’ response to
criticism is unprecedented in our experience. It is surprising because
it amounts to the editorial usurping of the right of authors to defend
their paper and deprives readers from hearing all sides of a scientific
discussion before they make up their own minds on an issue. It is
declaring that the journal editor - or the reviewers to whom he defers -
will decide if authors can defend papers that have already been
positively reviewed and been published by that same journal. Such an
attitude is the antithesis of productive scientific discussion.
In Los Angeles, in the heart of California’s anemic economy, Mayor
Antonio Villaraigosa and the Department of Water and Power (DWP) hope to
massively raise energy rates by a whopping 21% next year, with other
rate increases slated through 2014, for a total 37% hike.
Are the increased rates intended to pay for a budget shortfall? No. Are
they going up because the cost of energy is going up, too? Not
exclusively. The increased rates would raise money to “invest” in
renewable energy. In fact, Villaraigosa thought the hike was so
important that he invited former Vice President Al Gore to present at
the city council meeting via satellite.
The good news is that some common sense remains in the L.A. city council
chambers, and the rate increase has not yet been implemented.
With unemployment at 12.5% in California, it would seem like now is the
worst possible time for a rate hike. That fact, though, will not stop
the environmental left. They will stop at nothing to make sure people
can’t afford essential things like electricity and heating oil, all in
the name of unconfirmed science.
Consumers aren’t the only ones who would take a hit under the plan.
Villaraigosa also proposed a 22% rate increase for businesses and tried
to hide the rate increases under the façade of creating 18,000 jobs His
arguments fell on deaf ears at the Valley Industry and Commerce
Association, where they voted against his proposal saying “They’re just
making those [jobs] up.”
It is just another costly tax increase that threatens to kill whatever
growth there is in the stagnated economy. There is some good news
though. Not many council members are in favor of the plan, and those
that are say the extra money should go toward improving the DWP.
Councilman Paul Krekorian said the plan was “an extraordinary burden on
our homeowners and businesses” and “unacceptable.”
It is a telling sign that even in a place as liberal as Los Angeles,
there is as much opposition to a progressive “green jobs” initiative as
there is in this case. It just might be another indicator of the growing
skepticism about global warming. Not even the presence of former Vice
President Al Gore was enough to sway council members to pass a tax that
would lead to more unemployment, more people unable to pay bills, and
would worsen the recession in a state that is floundering.
An amusing demolition of some sensation-mongering Warmist garbage
below. The paper concerned is so trashy that it should never have
passed peer review but where global warming is concerned we see a lot of
uncritical evaluation of dubious claims
On March 24 the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) issued a News Release [here] that proclaimed the soils of the Earth are now giving off more CO2 because the Earth has warmed over the last 20 years.
Even soil feels the heat
Soils release more carbon dioxide as globe warms
Mary Beckman, PNNL, March 24th, 2010
Twenty years of field studies reveal that as the Earth has gotten
warmer, plants and microbes in the soil have given off more carbon
dioxide. So-called soil respiration has increased about one-tenth of 1
percent per year since 1989, according to an analysis of past studies in
today’s issue of Nature.
The scientists also calculated the total amount of carbon dioxide
flowing from soils, which is about 10-15 percent higher than previous
measurements. That number — about 98 petagrams of carbon a year (or 98
billion metric tons) — will help scientists build a better overall model
of how carbon in its many forms cycles throughout the Earth.
Understanding soil respiration is central to understanding how the
global carbon cycle affects climate.
“There’s a big pulse of carbon dioxide coming off of the surface of the
soil everywhere in the world,” said ecologist Ben Bond-Lamberty of the
Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. “We
weren’t sure if we’d be able to measure it going into this analysis, but
we did find a response to temperature.” …
The research
paper touted in the News Release is: Bond-Lamberty and Thomson, 2010.
Temperature-associated increases in the global soil respiration record,
Nature March 25, 2009, doi:10.1038/nature08930.
Note: The PNNL is a Richland, WA, Department of Energy Office of Science
national laboratory “proudly operated by Battelle”. Battelle Memorial
Institute (Battelle) is “a charitable trust organized as a non-profit
corporation under the laws of the State of Ohio. Battelle is exempt from
federal taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
because it is organized for charitable, scientific, and educational
purposes” [here].
In this essay I discuss whether there is any merit to the findings of the research paper.
Meta-Studies and the File Drawer Effect
The PNNL/Battelle/DOE study is a meta-study or meta-analysis. That means
that the authors did no soil testing themselves. Instead they examined
the studies of others (818 at last count) and “pooled” them.
All meta-analyses have inherent problems including the File Drawer Effect,
also known as publication bias. Researcher-authors are more likely to
submit for publication positive rather than inconclusive results.
Journal editors are more likely to accept articles that report
“significant” findings than research which finds no effect. Studies that
find no effect are shoved in a file drawer; hence the name.
Publication bias is likely in this area of study especially, given the
strong political/funding incentives to find climate change effects.
For example, Martin Grueber, Research Leader, Battelle, wrote last December [here] that:
greatest impact on our energy infrastructure in the near future will
come from research and development focused on global climate change.
Numbers bear this out.
For example, one of the surveys used as a basis for this R&D funding
forecast shows that 60% of the respondents believe concern over global
climate change will have a positive impact on research and development
investments in the United States. More than 80% of those same
respondents believe there will be a budget increase for R&D from
U.S. federal agencies during the next year, and 73% think budget
increases will continue for the next five years.
The Science and Public Policy Institute issued a report last July (written by Jo Nova) [here] that found:
The US government has spent over $79 billion since 1989 on
policies related to climate change, including science and technology
research, administration, education campaigns, foreign aid, and tax
breaks. …
Carbon trading worldwide reached $126 billion in 2008. Banks are calling
for more carbon-trading. And experts are predicting the carbon market
will reach $2 - $10 trillion making carbon the largest single commodity
With that kind of money at play, there is tremendous pressure on
government scientists to find “effects” that they can attribute to
“climate change”. Scientists are only human, after all. When their
careers and their laboratories or institutions are dependent on
government funding, and the government has a declared bias, it is only
natural that “findings” will suit the policies.
Few scientists would be so daring (or foolish) to find no effect, and
those that do are soon terminated. Integrity in government science is
for sale, or subject to extortion, especially in a hugely politicized
science like climatology.
We would all like to think that researchers have integrity, and that
they would report whatever they found honestly. Researchers themselves
would claim that they do have integrity. But the forces at play are so
enormous that bias creeps in, despite good intentions.
The File Drawer Effect is pronounced in climatology. As was revealed in
the Climategate scandal, government scientists conspired to subvert
journals and ostracize contrarian views. A “consensus” in climatology
has been declared, despite the fact that consensus has no place in any
science, particularly in the speculative and uncertain prediction of
future climate.
The PNNL/Battelle/DOE scientists are under significant pressure to find
“effects”. So were the researchers involved in the 818 individual
studies that were meta-analyzed. The meta-study itself was announced
with great ballyhoo in a media blitz.
It would be the height of naivety to claim no bias exists.
Violating the Scientific Method
The 818 individual studies were limited in scope: location, duration,
and methodology. The methodologies including modeling studies as well as
some empirical observation studies. That is, not all of the examined
studies report actual field work, either. Pooling the findings is
equivalent to extending the individual study inferences beyond their
respective scopes, a practice that weakens if not violates the
scientific method.
Most of the studies were focused on temperate forests, and other
vegetation/soil types are thus poorly represented. The authors of the
meta-study characterized a percentage of the forests in the individual
studies as “unmanipulated ecosystems,” but that is a stretch. No
temperate forests are in truth unmanipulated within any historical
context. Nor are temperate forests independent of current political
trends in forest management.
For that matter, forest fires are also non-independent of current
political trends. Forest fires represent the most severe type of soil
carbon and soil metabolic change (disturbance).
Given all that, the meta-study purported to find a minute trend in soil
respiration that is so small that it is dwarfed by the large
uncertainties and biases. Further, no purported trends in gross
sequestration of carbon through photosynthesis were considered in this
meta-study. A slight increase in photosynthesis would offset soil
respiration increases, yielding no net change terrestrial in carbon
The upshot is that the “findings” are extremely weak and apparently
blown completely out of proportion by the media blitz accompanying the
paper — the blitz representing, ironically, a meta-example of
publication bias.
The Numbers Reported Don’t Add Up
Alan Siddons offered some commentary on the meta-study at the Climate Realists website [here], to which Ben Bond-Lamberty and Allison Thomson, the authors of the meta-study replied. The exchange is interesting.
Siddons commented that the findings were more evidence that a climbing
CO2 rate is the result of warming, not the cause. The authors replied
that their study has nothing to do with whether CO2 is a result or cause
of warming.
Siddons then pointed out that the News Release states:
“There’s a big pulse of carbon dioxide coming off of the
surface of the soil everywhere in the world,” said ecologist Ben
Bond-Lamberty of the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory. “We weren’t sure if we’d be able to measure it going into
this analysis, but we did find a response to temperature.”
So it appears that Siddons is correct and the authors are backtracking.
Siddons also pointed out that, “Results like this mean that the
anthropogenic fraction must be readjusted. Is man’s annual contribution
4%? 3%? Less?” The authors replied:
We found that the soil-to-air component of the global carbon
cycle is accelerating; this might not, by itself, have any effect on
atmospheric CO2 levels. Even if it did, the projected CO2 increase from
the soils (0.1 Pg/yr) is around 1% of fossil fuel emissions (8 Pg/yr).
Note: a petagram is 10^15 grams.
However, the News Release stated that:
The scientists also calculated the total amount of carbon
dioxide flowing from soils, which is about 10-15 percent higher than
previous measurements. That number [is] about 98 petagrams of carbon a
year (or 98 billion metric tons).
A 10 to 15 percent increase in CO2 emission from soils is 9.8 to 14.6
petagrams per year. The amount of CO2 released from burning fossil fuels
is 5 to 7 petagrams per year (the authors say 8). Roughly 4 petagrams
are reabsorbed by the oceans and land. The amount of CO2 remaining in
the atmosphere is increasing at a rate of roughly 2 parts per million
per year (which gives a picture of how voluminous the Earth’s atmosphere
The question is: what is responsible for the increase is atmospheric
CO2? Is it burning fossil fuels, or increased soil emissions? The
authors say the increased soil emissions are 0.1 petagrams per year, but
the News Release implies 9.8 to 14.6 petragrams per year. That is a
difference of two orders of magnitude. The numbers are fuzzy at best,
and wild estimates at worst.
The last question Siddons raised has to do with whether climate models
are accurately modeling any of these CO2 fluxes. The meta-study says no:
Soil respiration, RS, the flux of microbially and
plant-respired carbon dioxide (CO2) from the soil surface to the
atmosphere, is the second-largest terrestrial carbon flux. However, the
dynamics of RS are not well understood and the global flux remains
poorly constrained.
although the authors’ in reply to Siddons say, “Our findings don’t show
that “source/sink models” are inadequate.” That’s a little bit like
shutting the barn door after the horse ran off.
Meta-studies suffer from inherent publication bias, and in this case the
biases are huge. They also violate the scientific method. It seems that
in this meta-study, the numbers don’t add up. The uncertainties are
vastly larger than the tiny “effect” the authors claim to have extracted
from research papers by others.
What does it all mean? Mostly nothing. It’s all a bunch of noise, signifying zip, zero, nada.
Why did I write about it? I thought it might be interesting to readers, especially the File Drawer Effect.
We are not a Big Media Machine here. We can’t hold back the tidal waves
of BS that emanate from trillion-dollar vested interests responsible for
promulgating the climate hoax/swindle. But we can poke them in the eye
once in awhile.
The simple reality is none of the solutions proposed by global warmists actually work
With the fourth global Earth Hour put to bed last night, today let’s ask
some inconvenient questions of the global warmists. First, does the
real-world failure of virtually all of your ideas ever give you a
moment’s pause?
From the fiasco in Copenhagen, to the collapse of the UN’s Kyoto accord,
with its absurd, unrealistic, centrally-mandated, carbon
dioxide-reduction diktats, mindful of the old Soviet Union? Does it
never occur to you you’ve barked up the wrong tree rings?
What about the humiliation of Climategate? The circumventing of freedom
of information requests at the Climatic Research Unit of the University
of East Anglia? The growing controversy over the inaccuracy of those
never-ending apocalyptic predictions from the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change?
Does the fact the earliest corporate boosters of Kyoto and carbon
trading were the fraudsters at Enron never cause you to wake up in a
cold sweat?
How about the fact your “allies” on cap-and-trade are the giant U.S.
money houses that just finished wrecking the global economy, now looking
to make another quick killing by brokering trading in highly
speculative carbon credits, the European market for which, aside from
doing nothing to cool the planet, is awash in multi-billion-dollar
What about the 2002 report by Statistics Norway that Norway’s 1991
carbon tax has been largely ineffective in reducing emissions?
Or last week’s story in the Times of London that the U.K.’s energy
regulator has found many of Britain’s wind farms are a bust when it
comes to delivering electricity?
That, in the words of Michael Jefferson, professor of international
business and sustainability and a former lead author of the IPCC: “Too
many developments are underperforming. It’s because developers grossly
exaggerate the potential. The subsidies make it viable for developers to
put turbines on sites they would not touch if the money was not
Gee. Hard to see that one coming, eh? Who knew that when governments
insanely guarantee to pay grossly inflated prices for “green”
electricity for 20-25 years, thus handing developers windfall profits
from the hides of electricity consumers, many don’t deliver the goods?
Does none of this ever penetrate your Pandora world or your Na’vi
brains, as you self-righteously declare yourselves the only people on
Earth who care about your grandchildren? (You do realize Avatar was just
a movie, right?)
When challenged, warmists with their apocalyptic rhetoric that even
responsible climate scientists shun, insist the answers lie in doing
more of what hasn’t worked.
For example, putting Kyoto on steroids. Never mind that doing the same
thing over and over expecting different results is a good definition of
Perhaps this blindness is related to the fact that, particularly in
Europe, which has led on climate hysteria, the green agenda was driven
in large part by Marxists, who, realizing the jig was up when the Soviet
Union collapsed in 1990, quickly shifted their anti-capitalist,
anti-western, anti-growth, anti-American rhetoric to “fighting” climate
change. Not for nothing are they called green on the outside, red on the
Doomed from the start
Thus, it’s hardly surprising we ended up with the Soviet-style, centrally-imposed, Kyoto approach to reducing CO 2 emissions.
Kyoto was doomed from the start for the same reason as the Soviet Union —
you can’t manage an economy, or the environment, by imposing from on
high five-year plans for the production of tin, or 10, 40 or 70-year
plans to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Ironically, the Soviet Union, the “workers’ paradise,” was supposed to
deliver to humanity both economic prosperity and environmental nirvana.
Instead it produced a devastated economy and environmental nightmares.
So, of course, the crafters of Kyoto retroactively rewarded Russia and
the former Soviet satellites by choosing 1990 as the base year for
reducing global emissions, just before the Soviet empire collapsed, thus
handing Russia billions of dollars in “hot air” credits to sell to
unsuspecting suckers like … uh … us. Not because of anything Russia or
(East Germany) actually did to improve its environment, but because its
economy collapsed.
That’s warmist “logic.” Unsurprisingly, none of it has worked. But that never deters them from carrying on to the next disaster.
With their final cry, they demand: “What would you do, instead?” —
ignoring the fact that since they’re the ones demanding a massive change
in how mankind secures and uses energy, the onus is on them to come up
with something that works. Which, of course, they can’t.
A climate change campaign to get everyone to switch off their lights
will not reduce carbon emissions, according to electricity experts.
Earth Hour, organised by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), will see
millions of people switch off their lights for an hour this weekend.
But the fall in electricity use for such a short period is unlikely to
result in less energy being pumped into the grid, and will therefore not
reduce emissions. Even if power stations are turned off, the upsurge
in turning the lights back on one hour later will require power stations
that can fire up quickly like oil and coal. Energy experts said it
could therefore result in an increase in carbon emissions "rendering all
good intentions useless at a flick of a switch".
But WWF said the campaign was about raising awareness and saving energy in the long term, rather than a short-term fix.
Millions of buildings around the world are expected to go dark at 8.30pm
on Saturday including the Sydney Opera House and Big Ben.
WWF Earth Hour is designed to raise awareness of climate change and has been supported by Al Gore and the United Nations.
This year more than 50 million people are expected to take part on every
continent in the globe in the biggest Earth Hour since the event began
three years ago.
Ross Hayman, of the National Grid, said only a small fall in demand is
expected in the UK, meaning the event will not cause less energy to be
put into the grid.
However, he warned that even if there is a significant drop and supply
is turned off, the reduction in energy will be offset by the surge
needed to turn bring energy back onto the grid from firing up coal or
gas stations.
"It might not have an effect on overall carbon emissions because we
might have to use more carbon intensive power sources to restore supply
afterwards," he added.
Mr Hayman said the best thing for climate change would be for people to
insulate their homes and get into the habit of turning appliances off at
"People ought to focus on general efficiency measures to reduce their
energy use overall rather than switch everything off for an hour because
that might not have an efficiency effect on the network overall," he
James Millar, managing director of the sustainable lighting company
Greenled, said when the lights come back on there is "enormous strain
thrust upon the national grid".
“Energy companies always retain spare capacity and will continue to
produce energy at the same rate throughout the hour-long demonstration
which will end up being dumped off the grid with the loss of millions of
tonnes of energy due to lack of demand; thereby, rendering all the good
intentions of Earth Hour useless – at the flick of a switch,” he added.
But Colin Butfield, Head of Campaigns at WWF, said it was not about saving energy for just an hour but raising awareness.
"Earth Hour is an opportunity for people to show that they care about
climate change and want global leaders to take action. Earth Hour is not
about saving energy, it’s a positive inspiring event that will show the
level of public concern about climate change, and for that reason we
will not be measuring energy saved during the hour or reduction in CO2
emissions," he said.
Activists jet 12,000 miles - to climate change meeting
Climate change activists opposed to air travel are travelling to a conference in South America...by plane.
Campaigners from Climate Camp -- who helped blockade Heathrow at the
height of the summer holidays in 2007 -- face claims of hypocrisy having
decided to send two members to an international meeting in Bolivia to
discuss ‘transnational protests’ against climate change.
The 12,000-mile round trip to the Climate Change and Mother Earth’s
Rights conference next month involves changing planes at least twice.
The flights will generate about eight tons of carbon dioxide greenhouse gases.
The money for their tickets -- at least £1,200 for an economy fare -- is
being paid for by donations to Climate Camp from people opposed to
flying and airport expansion.
One of the campaigners making the trip is Agnes Szafranowska. Ms
Szafranowska, a Canadian who now lives in London, organises Climate Camp
workshops and was involved in the Great Climate Swoop on Ratcliffe
power station in Nottingham last October.
Police arrested ten people before the protest began on suspicion of conspiracy to cause criminal damage.
Some 1,000 people took part, and security fencing around the plant was
pulled down. Police made 56 arrests and a number of people were injured,
including one policeman who had to be airlifted to hospital.
Ms Szafranowska failed to answer questions sent to her by email, other
than to say that Climate Camp were preparing a statement. The group’s
Press officer did not return calls.
Anyone who has studied the history of science knows that scientists are not immune to the non-rational dynamics of the herd.
A December 18 Washington Post poll, released on the final day of the
ill-fated Copenhagen climate summit, reported “four in ten Americans now
saying that they place little or no trust in what scientists have to
say about the environment.” Nor is the poll an outlier. Several recent
polls have found “climate change” skepticism rising faster than sea
levels on Planet Algore (not to be confused with Planet Earth, where sea
levels remain relatively stable).
Many of the doubt-inducing climate scientists and their media acolytes
attribute this rising skepticism to the stupidity of Americans,
philistines unable to appreciate that there is “a scientific consensus
on climate change.” One of the benefits of the recent Climategate
scandal, which revealed leading climate scientists manipulating data,
methods, and peer review to exaggerate the evidence of significant
global warming, may be to permanently deflate the rhetorical value of
the phrase “scientific consensus.”
Even without the scandal, the very idea of scientific consensus should
give us pause. “Consensus,” according to Merriam-Webster, means both
“general agreement” and “group solidarity in sentiment and belief.” That
pretty much sums up the dilemma. We want to know whether a scientific
consensus is based on solid evidence and sound reasoning, or social
pressure and groupthink.
Anyone who has studied the history of science knows that scientists are
not immune to the non-rational dynamics of the herd. Many false ideas
enjoyed consensus opinion at one time. Indeed, the “power of the
paradigm” often shapes the thinking of scientists so strongly that they
become unable to accurately summarize, let alone evaluate, radical
alternatives. Question the paradigm, and some respond with dogmatic
We shouldn’t, of course, forget the other side of the coin. There are
always cranks and conspiracy theorists. No matter how well founded a
scientific consensus, there’s someone somewhere—easily accessible
online—that thinks it’s all hokum. Sometimes these folks turn out to be
right. But often, they’re just cranks whose counsel is best disregarded.
So what’s a non-scientist citizen, without the time to study the
scientific details, to do? How is the ordinary citizen to distinguish,
as Andrew Coyne puts it, “between genuine authority and mere received
wisdom? Conversely, how do we tell crankish imperviousness to evidence
from legitimate skepticism?” Are we obligated to trust whatever we’re
told is based on a scientific consensus unless we can study the science
ourselves? When can you doubt a consensus? When should you doubt it?
Your best bet is to look at the process that produced, maintains, and
communicates the ostensible consensus. I don’t know of any exhaustive
list of signs of suspicion, but, using climate change as a test study, I
propose this checklist as a rough-and-ready list of signs for when to
consider doubting a scientific “consensus,” whatever the subject. One of
these signs may be enough to give pause. If they start to pile up, then
it’s wise to be suspicious.
(1) When different claims get bundled together.
Usually, in scientific disputes, there is more than one claim at issue.
With global warming, there’s the claim that our planet, on average, is
getting warmer. There’s also the claim that human emissions are the main
cause of it, that it’s going to be catastrophic, and that we have to
transform civilization to deal with it. These are all different
assertions with different bases of evidence. Evidence for warming, for
instance, isn’t evidence for the cause of that warming. All the polar
bears could drown, the glaciers melt, the sea levels rise 20 feet,
Newfoundland become a popular place to tan, and that wouldn’t tell us a
thing about what caused the warming. This is a matter of logic, not
scientific evidence. The effect is not the same as the cause.
There’s a lot more agreement about (1) a modest warming trend since
about 1850 than there is about (2) the cause of that trend. There’s even
less agreement about (3) the dangers of that trend, or of (4) what to
do about it. But these four propositions are frequently bundled
together, so that if you doubt one, you’re labeled a climate change
“skeptic” or “denier.” That’s just plain intellectually dishonest. When
well-established claims are fused with separate, more controversial
claims, and the entire conglomeration is covered with the label
“consensus,” you have reason for doubt.
(2) When ad hominem attacks against dissenters predominate.
Personal attacks are common in any dispute simply because we’re human.
It’s easier to insult than to the follow the thread of an argument. And
just because someone makes an ad hominem argument, it doesn’t mean that
their conclusion is wrong. But when the personal attacks are the first
out of the gate, and when they seem to be growing in intensity and
frequency, don your skeptic’s cap and look more closely at the evidence.
When it comes to climate change, ad hominems are all but ubiquitous.
They are even smuggled into the way the debate is described. The common
label “denier” is one example. Without actually making the argument,
this label is supposed to call to mind the assertion of the “great
climate scientist” Ellen Goodman: “I would like to say we’re at a point
where global warming is impossible to deny. Let’s just say that global
warming deniers are now on a par with Holocaust deniers.”
There’s an old legal proverb: If you have the facts on your side, argue
the facts. If you have the law on your side, argue the law. If you have
neither, attack the witness. When proponents of a scientific consensus
lead with an attack on the witness, rather than on the arguments and
evidence, be suspicious.
(3) When scientists are pressured to toe the party line.
The famous Lysenko affair in the former Soviet Union is often cited as
an example of politics trumping good science. It’s a good example, but
it’s often used to imply that such a thing could only happen in a
totalitarian culture, that is, when all-powerful elites can control the
flow of information. But this misses the almost equally powerful
conspiracy of agreement, in which interlocking assumptions and interests
combine to give the appearance of objectivity where none exists. For
propaganda purposes, this voluntary conspiracy is even more powerful
than a literal conspiracy by a dictatorial power, precisely because it
looks like people have come to their position by a fair and independent
evaluation of the evidence.
Tenure, job promotions, government grants, media accolades, social
respectability, Wikipedia entries, and vanity can do what gulags do,
only more subtly. Alexis de Tocqueville warned of the power of the
majority in American society to erect “formidable barriers around the
liberty of opinion; within these barriers an author may write what he
pleases, but woe to him if he goes beyond them.” He could have been
writing about climate science.
Climategate, and the dishonorable response to its revelations by some
official scientific bodies, show that scientists are under pressure to
toe the orthodox party line on climate change, and receive many benefits
for doing so. That’s another reason for suspicion.
(4) When publishing and peer review in the discipline is cliquish.
Though it has its limits, the peer-review process is meant to provide
checks and balances, to weed out bad and misleading work, and to bring
some measure of objectivity to scientific research. At its best, it can
do that. But when the same few people review and approve each other’s
work, you invariably get conflicts of interest. This weakens the case
for the supposed consensus, and becomes, instead, another reason to be
suspicious. Nerds who follow the climate debate blogosphere have known
for years about the cliquish nature of publishing and peer review in
climate science (see here, for example).
(5) When dissenting opinions are excluded from the relevant
peer-reviewed literature not because of weak evidence or bad arguments
but as part of a strategy to marginalize dissent.
Besides mere cliquishness, the “peer review” process in climate science
has, in some cases, been consciously, deliberately subverted to prevent
dissenting views from being published. Again, denizens of the climate
blogosphere have known about these problems for years, but Climategate
revealed some of the gory details for the broader public. And again,
this gives the lay public a reason to doubt the consensus.
(6) When the actual peer-reviewed literature is misrepresented.
Because of the rhetorical force of the idea of peer review, there’s the
temptation to misrepresent it. We’ve been told for years that the
peer-reviewed literature is virtually unanimous in its support for
human-induced climate change. In Science, Naomi Oreskes even produced a
“study” of the relevant literature supposedly showing “The Scientific
Consensus on Climate Change.” In fact, there are plenty of dissenting
papers in the literature, and this despite mounting evidence that the
peer-review deck was stacked against them. The Climategate scandal also
underscored this: The climate scientists at the center of the
controversy complained in their emails about dissenting papers that
managed to survive the peer-review booby traps they helped maintain, and
fantasized about torpedoing a respected climate science journal with
the temerity to publish a dissenting article.
(7) When consensus is declared hurriedly or before it even exists.
A well-rooted scientific consensus, like a mature oak, usually needs
time to emerge. Scientists around the world have to do research, publish
articles, read about other research, repeat experiments (where
possible), have open debates, make their data and methods available,
evaluate arguments, look at the trends, and so forth, before they
eventually come to agreement. When scientists rush to declare a
consensus, particularly when they claim a consensus that has yet to
form, this should give any reasonable person pause.
In 1992, former Vice President Al Gore reassured his listeners, “Only an
insignificant fraction of scientists deny the global warming crisis.
The time for debate is over. The science is settled.” In the real 1992,
however, Gallup “reported that 53% of scientists actively involved in
global climate research did not believe global warming had occurred; 30%
weren’t sure; and only 17% believed global warming had begun. Even a
Greenpeace poll showed 47% of climatologists didn’t think a runaway
greenhouse effect was imminent; only 36% thought it possible and a mere
13% thought it probable.” Seventeen years later, in 2009, Gore
apparently determined that he needed to revise his own revisionist
history, asserting that the scientific debate over human-induced climate
change had raged until as late as 1999, but now there was true
consensus. Of course, 2009 is when Climategate broke, reminding us that
what had smelled funny before might indeed be a little rotten.
(8) When the subject matter seems, by its nature, to resist consensus.
It makes sense that chemists over time may come to unanimous conclusions
about the results of some chemical reaction, since they can replicate
the results over and over in their own labs. They can see the connection
between the conditions and its effects. It’s easily testable. But many
of the things under consideration in climate science are not like that.
The evidence is scattered and hard to keep track of; it’s often
indirect, imbedded in history and requiring all sorts of assumptions.
You can’t rerun past climate to test it, as you can with chemistry
experiments. And the headline-grabbing conclusions of climate scientists
are based on complex computer models that climate scientists themselves
concede do not accurately model the underlying reality, and receive
their input, not from the data, but from the scientists interpreting the
data. This isn’t the sort of scientific endeavor on which a wide,
well-established consensus is easily rendered. In fact, if there really
were a consensus on all the various claims surrounding climate science,
that would be really suspicious. A fortiori, the claim of consensus is a
bit suspicious as well.
(9) When “scientists say” or “science says” is a common locution.
In Newsweek’s April 28, 1975, issue, science editor Peter Gwynne claimed
that “scientists are almost unanimous” that global cooling was
underway. Now we are told, “Scientists say global warming will lead to
the extinction of plant and animal species, the flooding of coastal
areas from rising seas, more extreme weather, more drought and diseases
spreading more widely.” “Scientists say” is hopelessly ambiguous. Your
mind should immediately wonder: “Which ones?”
Other times this vague company of scientists becomes “SCIENCE,” as when
we’re told “what science says is required to avoid catastrophic climate
change.” “Science says” is an inherently weasely claim. “Science,” after
all, is an abstract noun. It can’t say anything. Whenever you see that
locution used to imply a consensus, it should trigger your baloney
(10) When it is being used to justify dramatic political or economic policies.
Imagine hundreds of world leaders and nongovernmental organizations,
science groups, and United Nations functionaries gathered for a meeting
heralded as the most important conference since World War II, in which
“the future of the world is being decided.” These officials seem to
agree that institutions of “global governance” need to be established to
reorder the world economy and massively restrict energy resources.
Large numbers of them applaud wildly when socialist dictators denounce
capitalism. Strange philosophical and metaphysical activism surrounds
the gathering. And we are told by our president that all of this is
based, not on fiction, but on science—that is, a scientific consensus
that human activities, particularly greenhouse gas emissions, are
leading to catastrophic climate change.
We don’t have to imagine that scenario, of course. It happened in
Copenhagen, in December. Now, none of this disproves the hypothesis of
catastrophic, human induced climate change. But it does describe an
atmosphere that would be highly conducive to misrepresentation. And at
the very least, when policy consequences, which claim to be based on
science, are so profound, the evidence ought to be rock solid.
“Extraordinary claims,” the late Carl Sagan often said, “require
extraordinary evidence.” When the megaphones of consensus insist that
there’s no time, that we have to move, MOVE, MOVE!, you have a right to
be suspicious.
(11) When the “consensus” is maintained by an army of water-carrying
journalists who defend it with uncritical and partisan zeal, and seem
intent on helping certain scientists with their messaging rather than
reporting on the field as objectively as possible.
Do I really need to elaborate on this point?
(12) When we keep being told that there’s a scientific consensus.
A scientific consensus should be based on scientific evidence. But a
consensus is not itself the evidence. And with really well-established
scientific theories, you never hear about consensus. No one talks about
the consensus that the planets orbit the sun, that the hydrogen molecule
is lighter than the oxygen molecule, that salt is sodium chloride, that
light travels about 186,000 miles per second in a vacuum, that bacteria
sometimes cause illness, or that blood carries oxygen to our organs.
The very fact that we hear so much about a consensus on catastrophic,
human-induced climate change is perhaps enough by itself to justify
To adapt that old legal aphorism, when you’ve got decisive scientific
evidence on your side, you argue the evidence. When you’ve got great
arguments, you make the arguments. When you don’t have decisive evidence
or great arguments, you claim consensus.
Instead of celebrating Earth Hour (last year they called it Earth Day)
by switching off all your lights (8.30pm on Saturday 27th March) we
should celebrate Human Achievement Hour by keeping them on. My suspicion
is that most people will do the latter & only the most useless
& pretentious parts of government will do the former which seems
appropriate. eg Zimbabwean children will hold a candlelit picnic &
the WWF fakecharity are pushing it.
This orbital picture shows, in a way 1,000 words couldn't do, what is
wrong with pure socialism & indeed Luddite "environmentalism". One
may argue correctly that less pure socialism/Luddism we have in Britain
is less destructive but that is an argument only that it is less
horrible not that it is in any way good.
There is a close relationship between electricity use & GNP with the
developed world averaging just under $4 of GNP per kWh, China doing
$2.45, Britain $6.3 & those significantly above being undeveloped,
artificially increasing wealth by having oil, or so failing that
electricity & the rule of law doesn't go beyond the capital city, or
all 3.
There are a noisy minority who would do this in Britain if they could,
though they have less organising ability than Kim. This extremely silly
letter published in the Morning Star inviting us all to prove our
socialist purity by supporting North Korea in the World cup. To be fair
it was followed by a reply saying otherwise but to continue being fair
that was followed by a further reply saying that "many reactionaries
would take comfort" from the 1st reply.
My previous poll on the desired size of government showed that while
there is a normal curve centering around about 17% of GNP being
government spending there was a another small bump at +90% who clearly
can never be even close to placated by anything acceptable to the
overwhelming bulk of us (& of whom I am ungenerous enough to suspect
none live out of anything but the public purse). Placating the Luddite
parasites need not be done & by doing so we have just been paying
Danegeld, since, as my post yesterday showed, the parasites will tell
any lie to build a poorer nation if it will pay them.
UN climate change chief Rajendra Pachauri says sorry — and switches to neutral
The outspoken chairman of the UN’s climate change body is to adopt a
neutral advisory role and has agreed to stop making statements demanding
new taxes and other radical policies on cutting emissions.
In an interview with The Times, Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, apologised for his
organisation’s handling of complaints about errors in its report.
He also apologised for describing as “voodoo science” an Indian
Government report which challenged the IPCC’s claims about the rapid
melting of Himalayan glaciers.
But Dr Pachauri, 70, rejected calls for his resignation and insisted he
would remain as chairman until after publication of the IPCC’s next
report in 2014.
He claimed he had the support of all the world’s governments and denied
that, by remaining in post, he was undermining the IPCC’s chances of
regaining credibility with the public.
“It is not correct to say there are people who don’t trust me,” he said.
He admitted it had been a mistake to give the impression, in many
interviews, that he was advocating specific actions to cut emissions.
Last year, he called for higher taxes on aviation and motoring, said
people should eat less meat, and proposed that hotel rooms should have
electricity meters to charge people extra for using air conditioning.
Speaking in London yesterday, he said he would focus in future on
presenting the science on climate change rather than advocating
“I will try to clarify that I’m not prescribing anything as a solution.
Maybe I should be more careful [in media interviews] in laying down
certain riders. One learns from that and I’m learning.”
On the IPCC’s tardiness in responding to complaints and correcting
errors — such as its claim that all Himalayan glaciers would disappear
by 2035 — he said: “Our response has been much too late and much too
Of his “voodoo science” comment, he said: “It was an intemperate
statement. I shouldn’t have used those words. I have to show respect to
people who have worked on a particular subject.”
However, he said that the review of the IPCC announced this month would
not consider his role or his actions. The review, by a panel drawn from
the world’s leading science academies, will only consider the IPCC’s
Dr Pachauri said he wanted more power over the IPCC secretariat and an
extra $1million (£671,000) a year to fund its work, on top of the
$5million it already receives. The IPCC is planning to recruit more
spin-doctors to help it promote its work and defend itself against
attacks by climate sceptics. Dr Pachauri said that at present the
organisation is “terribly ill-equipped” to communicate with the world’s
He dismissed suggestions that he was too old for the job and said he
would be playing cricket for his institute’s team immediately after
landing back in Dehli.
“I open the bowling and I swing the ball in both directions. I used to
be fast, I’m gentle medium pace now. I work 16-17 hours a day, seven
days a week. If you can find someone 40 years younger to do it, I would
salute that person,” he said.
He rejected claims that he had personally profited from the many
contracts he has to advise companies on climate change. All the money
went to the charitable research institute which he heads, he said. He
gave The Times a copy of his 2008-09 income tax return which showed
earnings of £44,600.
A KPMG report into his financial relationship with The Energy and
Resources Institute concluded: “No evidence was found that indicated
personal fiduciary benefits accruing to Dr Pachauri from his various
advisory roles that would have led to a conflict of interest.”
Last night I attended the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow lecture
in which Professor Anne Glover, the Chief Science Advisor & also on
the committee of NERC told us all about how dreadfully catastrophic
global warming was. I am afraid I was not impressed.
The lecture started by saying how important it is that we stick to the
evidence. The sceptics have even done some good by making people focus
on the evidence & that was what she intended.
Her evidence for warming turns out not to be that catastrophic warming
is actually taking place but that human caused CO2 emissions are rising
dramatically & that this means warming must happen. She used this
graph foreshortened for the period 1850-2000 & with the
perpendicular graph in units of 1 - 25 but without saying in what units.
This caused me to dump the question I intended to ask, which was about
the fact that virtually the entire "scientific consensus" is among the
government paid.
Other evidence, from the Antarctic, being that the CO2 in air is higher
than it has been in millenia (this being from ice cores & is
questioned since it is possible the CO2 leaks more than Oxygen). No
mention of the fact that ice at both poles is increasing & that in
the Antarctic it never stopped doing so.
She acknowledged that sea level in Scotland is actually falling
ie that the land is bouncing back from the last ice age faster than any
sea level rise but that in Bangladesh the rise would matter. During a
previous lecture to a junior school one of the pupils had said they
didn't care about Bangladesh but that she had pointed out to him that in
that case the people of Bangladesh would want to come here - mass
population movement being another of those things global warming is
responsible for.
This was followed by an acknowledgement of the value of having sceptics
around because "there is no such thing as truth or certainty" in
Then the familiar graph showing how temperature, or at least measured
temperature, has risen & also that it has fallen over recent years,
though that was ignored & described as "we're experiencing climate
change now."
Then there was a graph showing the probabilities of various levels of
temperature increase - apparently we have an 85% chance of 2 degree
warming. However apart from saying the graph proved the chances she
didn't say how this relative certainty had been achieved.
This was followed by another showing what catastrophic effects such
increases will have, particularly on food production - though no mention
of the increased growth caused by more CO2 & the only mention of
all the Canadian & Russia tundra that would become fertile was to
say it would be worse at the equator. To be fair to Scotland she did say
that warmer weather here might not be bad particularly with the
"increase in day length in Scotland" - I kid you not. Presumably some
heretofore unknown effect of global warming is that it will tilt the
Earth's axis to lengthen our day.
Another effect of warming is an increase in extreme weather such as
parasites moving. An example is the midge causing Bluetonge disease in
cattle. This previously could only survive in Africa but has now settled
in Scotland entirely because of global warming.
She then lectured us on all the non-carbon energy systems we will have to adopt - except without mentioning nuclear.
This must be achieved by the spontaneous enthusiasm of the populace. The
role of government is "legislation", "information", "eduction" &
Then I learned something I had not appreciated. I have previously
written on how the government's decision to reduce CO2 by 42% by 2020,
means a reduction in electricity production & thus national wealth
of 50%. One of her slides showed that Holyrood has also decided that we
must get rid of 100% of CO2 production in making electricity by 2030.
That would leave us with about 10% from existing hydro & probably
about another 5% from windmills etc. The former requires a 7% annual
recession for 10 year - the latter 9% annual decline for 20 years.
Perhaps I underestimated when I said the former decision, made
unanimously by all parties & MSPs meant they are all clinically
Having slid by that bombshell she assured us that doing all this will
only cost us 1% of GNP, because Stern said so, compared to paying 8% of
GNP to bail out the banks. Apart from anything else that piece of
sleight of hand omits that 1% a year is not the same as 1% in total.
She finished by saying how she had visited the carbon storage project
& how "my jaw dropped in amazement" at the technology. The gentleman
next to me quietly said "this is Scotland's chief science advisor!".
Audience Questions. The first was about Professor Lovelock quoted as saying that it was all to late anyway. She disagreed.
Then I got mine. First I said I had to point out that Professor
Lovelock, having seen the fraud going on, had evidently changed his mind
& said that only the sceptics had kept the debate sane. My question
was about the CO2 graph - firstly that the period of sharpest rise,
roughly 1940 - 75 was, on the other graph she had shown, a period of
reduced temperature. Secondly that she ought to be aware that manmade
emissions accounted for only 3% of the total & that had total CO2
production been shown the graph would have been of a 3% rise rather than
a 2,500% rise.
She replied saying how much she valued the contribution of sceptics it
is just that they "don't provide evidence" for their doubts. Really she
did. Then that what mattered is that the entire system is so well
balanced & there is no countervailing way of reducing CO2 so even a
tiny increase is disastrous.
Since plant growth increases with more CO2 that most certainly is a
method of taking more out but I contented myself by saying that with CO2
being 300 ppm of the atmosphere & mankind producing only 3% of it
that is 9 parts in a million which is not much to cause catastrophe.
She replied by saying that it was so finely balanced that just a 2 - 3C
rise would be enough to melt Greenland. I wished to reply that since we
have had a 4C rise during the climate optimum of 9,000 - 5,000 BC but
Greenland has been unmelted for at least 650,000 years that could not be
correct but was told, quite properly since it is a lecture not a
debate, that my time was up.
She was also asked a couple of questions about nuclear power.
Particularly had she, in her role of chief science advisor, advised the
government that it was impossible to keep the lights on without nuclear?
The questioner, correctly in my opinion, implied that it was her
absolute duty to give good such good advice on the issue. She ducked a
direct answer saying that some less chiefly advisers knew more about
nuclear but agreed that "nobody ever said wind can provide baseload -
baseload is coal, gas & oil" (though presumably not in 2030).
She also rather praised recession as a way of cutting CO2 saying of the
graph shown "if I had extended the graph it would have shown another
While this lecture may do for frightening younger schoolchildren the
Royal Phil is a society with a lot of very qualified members, moreso
than me & I think are entitled to expect something more serious.
Waiting in the Senate is a Cap-and-Trade bill that would impose the
largest tax on the use of energy the nation has ever seen. It lacks any
scientific justification, based as it is on the fraud known as “global
The nation will not survive Cap-and-Trade and James M. Taylor, a Senior
Fellow specializing in environmental policy at The Heartland Institute, a
Chicago-based, non-profit, free market think tank has authored “The Cap
& Trade Handbook” that explains why. It is a slim six pages. (On
May 16-18, the Institute will sponsor the Fourth International
Conference on Climate change.)
Cap-and-Trade seeks to impose restrictions on greenhouse gases in
general and carbon dioxide (CO2) in particular. Taylor notes that “The
portion of the Earth’s greenhouse gas envelope contributed by mankind is
negligible, barely one-tenth of one percent of the total. Carbon
dioxide is no more than four percent of the total greenhouse gas
envelope. (Water is more than 90 percent, followed by methane and
nitrous and sulfur oxides.) Of that four percent, mankind contributes a
little more than three percent. Three percent of four percent is 0.12
There is no proof whatever that CO2 or human activity plays any role in
“global warming” and there is no proof whatever that “global warming”
exists except a natural cycle based on the actions of the sun, the
oceans, cloud cover, and other factors over which humans have no
control, nor influence.
Moreover, the Earth has entered a new, natural cycle of cooling and its
average temperatures have been declining since around 1995. Weather
satellites all confirm this and it began to cause consternation among a
small group of scientists who, under the aegis of the United Nations
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, deliberately perverted
climate data in order to foist the “global warming” fraud on the world.
Since “global warming” is a fraud, Cap-and-Trade is a fraud.
The Obama administration, however, took power vowing to make war on the
sources of energy on which the nation depends for its electrical power
and transportation needs. Coal, which provides just over fifty percent
of all electrical power, is high on their list. Huge national reserves
of oil which provide gasoline and diesel for our transportation needs
continue to be restricted despite talk of “energy independence.” Even
natural gas is being subjected to efforts by the Environmental
Protection Agency efforts to thwart extraction.
The Obama administration is five votes or less away from destroying the
nation. As President Obama has said, “Electricity rates would
necessarily skyrocket.”
This is tantamount to treason.
As Taylor points out, “a 70% cut in carbon dioxide emissions would cause
gasoline prices to rise 145%, electricity prices would rise 129%, and
more than four million jobs would disappear. Average household income
would fall by nearly $7,000 each and every year” if Cap-and-Trade is
enacted. The bill calls for an 83% cut in emissions!
These projections are based on data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration and from the Congressional Budget office.
Gore loses the first 2 years of the climate bet to Armstrong’s scientific forecast
What if Mr. Gore had accepted Professor Armstrong’s proposed ten-year
bet on climate change in 2007? Gore said that the temperature would go
up while Armstrong predicted it would not change from the 2007 average.
We assumed a relatively conservative prediction from Mr. Gore of a 0.03
degrees Centigrade increase per year: the central projection of the
U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Over the years 2008 and 2009, Mr Gore’s forecast was closer than
Professor Armstrong’s to the actual monthly temperature in only four of
the 24 months. Put another way Mr Gore’s forecast was 0.26 degrees too
warm in 2008 and 0.08 degrees in 2009, whereas Professor Armstrong’s was
0.23 degrees too warm in 2008 and 0.02 degrees to warm in 2009.
We use the University of Alabama at Huntsville’s satellite measure of
the global lower atmosphere temperature anomaly as our actual
temperature in order to avoid the problems identified by researchers
and, more recently, the release of the “Climategate” emails, with the
Hadley Centre series used by the IPCC.
Professor Armstrong said that one must be cautious about small samples.
The amount of variability in annual temperature is high relative to the
predicted change, so Armstrong said that he expects to lose in some
years. As shown by a 150-year simulation of the bet, he said that he had
only a bit better than 50% chance of winning a given year, but this
jumps to nearly 70% for ten years. Armstrong said, “it is about as
certain as one can be in forecasting that I would win if the bet were
for 100 years, but I wanted to see what would happen, so I proposed only
ten years.”
You can follow the bet on a monthly basis here at theclimatebet.com. In
addition you can see what one betting market expects to happen.
Public scepticism prompts British Science Museum to rename climate exhibition
The Science Museum is revising the contents of its new climate science
gallery to reflect the wave of scepticism that has engulfed the issue in
recent months. The decision by the 100-year-old London museum reveals
how deeply scientific institutions have been shaken by the public’s
reaction to revelations of malpractice by climate scientists.
The museum is abandoning its previous practice of trying to persuade
visitors of the dangers of global warming. It is instead adopting a
neutral position, acknowledging that there are legitimate doubts about
the impact of man-made emissions on the climate.
Even the title of the £4 million gallery has been changed to reflect the
museum’s more circumspect approach. The museum had intended to call it
the Climate Change Gallery, but has decided to change this to Climate
Science Gallery to avoid being accused of presuming that emissions would
change the temperature.
Last October the museum launched a temporary exhibition called “Prove
It! All the evidence you need to believe in climate change”. The museum
said at the time that the exhibition had been designed to demonstrate
“through scientific evidence that climate change is real and requires an
urgent solution”.
Chris Rapley, the museum’s director, told The Times that it was taking a
different approach after observing how the climate debate had been
affected by leaked e-mails and overstatements of the dangers of global
warming. He said: “We have come to realise, given the way this subject
has become so polarised over the past three to four months, that we need
to be respectful and welcoming of all views on it.”
Professor Rapley, a climate scientist and former director of the British
Antarctic Survey research centre, said that the museum needed to remain
neutral in order to be trusted: “The Science Museum will not state a
position on whether or not climate change is real, driven by humans or
“The climate science community, by and large, has concluded that humans
have intervened in the system in a way that will lead to climate change.
But that is their story. It’s not our story, so that can’t be our
conclusion. If we take sides we will alienate some of the people who
want to be part of the discussion. “Although there is an extreme
faction who very much disagree, there is a much bigger contingent who
are not convinced. We want to welcome them into the debate by being as
neutral and fairhanded as we can be.”
Professor Rapley said that the gallery, which is to open in November
before the climate summit in Cancun, Mexico, would refrain from scaring
visitors with apocalyptic predictions of rising sea levels and would be
honest about the conflicting views on the scale of possible changes to
the climate.
“You can argue about how much effect the carbon in the atmosphere will
have on the system and what we should do about it,” he said. “The role
of the museum should be to lay out honestly and fairly what the climate
science community has found out about the science.
“There are areas of uncertainty which are perfectly reasonable to raise
and we will present those. For example, the extent to which the climate
is as sensitive to the CO2-loading that humans have put in or not.”
Professor Rapley declined to give his own views on climate change,
saying that they were not relevant. However, in 2007 he said: “The more
greenhouse gases we add, the warmer we’ll be. It’s not rocket science.”
Now that health care is done (for the time being), expect global warming
to be high on the Obama administration's "to do" list. But
cap-and-trade legislation and its alternative, a direct tax on
carbon-based fuels, can't be passed via "reconciliation" and are far
short of the needed 60 Senate votes.
As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is itching to
step in and dictate how and how much we can drive, fly, consume, or
make. This the agency made clear in its "endangerment finding," a
necessary precursor to regulation, released last December.
Expect the administration to use 2010 global-temperature data as backup
for the EPA's regulatory power grab. Global temperatures shot upward
around the beginning of this year thanks to El Niño, a warming of the
tropical Pacific that takes place every few years. The average global
temperature has a reasonable chance of beating the last high, set back
in 1998 (also an El Niño year).
Meanwhile, a number of studies point to sources other than greenhouse
gases as explanations for the modest warming trend of the late 20th
century. This could doom the EPA's finding. But do not expect it to go
The EPA did no scientific research of its own to buttress its
endangerment finding, relying on the 2007 report of the United Nations'
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and a similar
"Synthesis Report" from the U.S. Climate Change Science Program as the
basis for its conclusions. According to these reports:
Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the
mid–20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in
anthropogenic [greenhouse gas] concentrations. "Most" means "more than
one-half," and the IPCC says "very likely" means a probability of
between 90 and 99 percent. This claim may have constituted the "settled"
science of climate change in 2007, but things have become greatly
unsettled since then.
The rise in global surface temperatures as measured by the Climate
Research Unit at the University of East Anglia (yes, the "Climategate"
folks) is 0.70 degrees Celsius since 1950, or a little over a tenth of a
degree per decade. But the most recent refereed science literature
argues otherwise.
Soon after the IPCC report, David Thompson and several others (including
Climategate's Phil Jones) published a paper in Nature showing a cold
bias in measurement of sea-surface temperatures from the early 1940s
through the mid 1960s. Accounting for this drops the rise in temperature
to 0.55 degrees Celsius.
At the time of the IPCC report, Canada's Ross McKitrick and I published a
paper in the Journal of Geophysics showing that there was a clear and
systematic "non-climatic" warming — from changes in land use and
problems with station maintenance — in temperatures measured at weather
stations. The bias isn't all that much when measured globally, but it
subtracts another .08 degrees Celsius, leaving 0.47 degrees Celsius.
Earlier this year, Susan Solomon of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration published a bombshell in Science in which she argued
that the lack of recent warming was likely due to fluctuations in water
vapor way up in the stratosphere — changes that bear no obvious
relationship to greenhouse-gas emissions. Given the limited
stratospheric data that we have going back to 1980, her finding reduces
the remaining trend to 0.41 degrees Celsius.
In 2008, V. Ramanathan of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography
summarized the scientific literature on the emissions of black carbon
(aka "soot") and concluded this was responsible for about 25 percent of
global warming. Carbon particles are not greenhouse gases. This drops
the supposedly greenhouse-gas-caused warming to .31 degrees Celsius — 44
percent of the original 0.70.
Note that it's not even necessary to bring in variations in the sun in
order to ascribe more than half of the warming to non-greenhouse
So, where are the studies refuting these findings? They don't exist. The
EPA is wrong. The IPCC was wrong, too, that it is "very likely" that
"most" of the warming since 1950 is from greenhouse-gas changes. The EPA
has lost the scientific linchpin of its proposal to regulate our lives.
While the president will surely brandish the El Niño–driven warmth of
2010 as the reason for the EPA to regulate where the Senate can no
longer act, the EPA needs to accept that the "settled" science of global
warming has shifted tectonically since the last IPCC report.
Having bullied unwilling House members into supporting his health care
package, President Obama can move to his next big legislative goal --
making Americans pay more for energy in an attempt to reduce carbon
Just days from now, Obama's Environmental Protection Agency is expected
to propose new regulations on carbon emissions. If the agency makes them
as draconian as the letter of the law requires, your McMansion could
become a federally regulated stationary source of pollution.
But don't worry: These regulations are not designed to take effect, but
rather to scare the hell out of Congress so that it enacts milder
restrictions. It is a regulatory and legislative game of chicken.
This probably sounds like a bad method for making laws, and it is. But
there's an even worse method: to have a jury of angry Mississippians
decide the issue of global warming once and for all.
Trial lawyers on the Gulf Coast, representing Mississippi property
owners, have sued dozens of energy and chemical companies in a case
called Comer v. Murphy Oil. They allege that dozens of energy firms, by
causing carbon emissions, caused the climate to change and made
Hurricane Katrina more intense than it would have been otherwise. As a
result, they claim, the storm did greater damage to their property than
it would have otherwise.
The federal district court threw the case out of court in 2007 on the
grounds that such claims cannot be decided in court. This was not a
simple public nuisance case, in which a company produced toxic sludge
and caused a town's residents to become ill.
This was a question over global warming and its potential causes and
effects, about which very little is known with scientific certainty. If
presented in court, it would call upon a jury to adjudicate yet-unproven
and probably unknowable questions about how greenhouse gases affect
particular weather patterns -- in this case, how they affected one
particular 2005 weather pattern.
Even worse, this case could potentially implicate everyone in the United
States. Think about it for a moment, assuming not only that global
warming is man-made but also that it fueled Hurricane Katrina.
Do you drive a car, ride the bus or cause carbon emissions of any kind?
If so, you could be named as a defendant in the next lawsuit over
Katrina -- or even in this one. You may not bear as much of the
responsibility as Murphy Oil or Massey Energy, or any of the other
defendants in the case, but you are liable all the same.
So is your neighbor. So is your employer. If you need someone to blame, just throw a rock in the air.
In October, a 2-to-1 panel on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
reinstated the case. (The two were Clinton appointees, in case you were
wondering.) Despite a raging political battle over global warming in
Washington, Judge James Dennis ruled that the suit does not present a
political question that is more properly handled by Congress. For a few
months, it appeared that a Mississippi jury would get to decide whether
the oceans stop rising or not.
Earlier this month, the full Fifth Circuit changed its mind and agreed
to give the case another hearing. It could determine just who bullies
you into paying more for your energy -- President Obama, the Congress or
the trial lawyers.
Governor Shreds New Jersey Climate Change Programs
Kills Emission Reporting, Diverts Green Energy Fund & Defunds Climate Office. Greenie wail below
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has taken a wrecking ball to the
state's touted Global Warming Response Act, according to Public
Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). In recent weeks, the
Christie administration has blocked required reporting from greenhouse
gas sources, diverted $300 million in Clean Energy Funds dedicated to
energy efficiency and proposed to zero out the state's Office of Climate
Change and Energy.
"New Jersey's Global Warming Response Act is now a dead letter," stated
New Jersey PEER Director Bill Wolfe, referring to 2007 legislation
regarded as the crowning environmental achievement of the Corzine
administration. "Whatever progress on climate change we can expect will
have to come from Washington, because Trenton has gone AWOL."
Apparently by mutual agreement of the ongoing Corzine and incoming
Christie administration, a proposed rule to require monitoring and
reporting of emissions of greenhouse gases was allowed to quietly die on
January 20, 2010 - one year after it was first proposed. This emission
monitoring regime is a key mandate of the state's Global Warming
Response Act. Without monitoring and reporting, New Jersey cannot track
emissions or develop a regulatory program to meet the reduction
milestones set forth in the Act.
On October 30, 2009, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency adopted
its first federal greenhouse gas monitoring requirements. Compared to
EPA rules, however, the New Jersey law (and its now abandoned monitoring
plan) is broader, covering more gases, more emissions sources and with
lower thresholds. Ironically, in its public comments this fall, the
state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) urged the EPA to
integrate more stringent state rules into its proposal.
Sweeping executive orders imposing a regulatory moratorium, cost-benefit
analysis requirements, and a policy of rolling back to minimum federal
standards in the first weeks of the Christie administration make it
unlikely that any new plan for greenhouse gas monitoring will ever
emerge again from DEP. Several other major environmental and public
health policies, such as the recently shelved drinking water standard
for perchlorate, a chemical used in rocket fuel, are apparently also
destined for the scrap heap.
This Christie anti-regulatory stance is compounded by diversions of $300
million in Clean Energy Funds dedicated to energy efficiency and
renewable energy programs. In addition, Governor Christie's proposed
budget for FY 2011, beginning this July, will eliminate funding for the
Office of Climate Change and Energy--the office responsible for
implementing the Global Warming Response Act--even diverting revenue
from the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) emission credit
auctions to the General Fund.
"The current governor has decided that investment in a clean energy
future for New Jersey is a luxury that we can no longer afford," added
Wolfe. "In terms of public health and welfare, New Jersey will soon
start to resemble states like Mississippi that can only provide minimal
state services."
Now it's CowGate: expert report says claims of livestock causing global warming are false
It is becoming difficult to keep pace with the speed at which the global
warming scam is now unravelling. The latest reversal of scientific
“consensus” is on livestock and the meat trade as a major cause of
global warming – one-fifth of all greenhouse gas emissions, according to
eco-vegetarian cranks. Now a scientific report delivered to the
American Chemical Society says it is nonsense. The Washington Times has
called it “Cowgate”.
The cow-burp hysteria reached a crescendo in 2006 when a United Nations
report ominously entitled “Livestock’s Long Shadow” claimed: “The
livestock sector is a major player, responsible for 18 per cent of
greenhouse gas emissions measured in CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalents).
This is a higher share than transport.” This led to demands in America
for a “cow tax” and a campaign in Europe at the time of the Copenhagen
car crash last December called Less Meat=Less Heat.
Now a report to the American Chemical Society by Frank Mitloehner, an
air quality expert at the University of California at Davis, has
denounced such scare-mongering as “scientifically inaccurate”. He
reveals that the UN report lumped together digestive emissions from
livestock, gases produced by growing animal feed and meat and milk
processing, to get the highest possible result, whereas the traffic
comparison only covered fossil fuel emissions from cars. The true ratio,
he concludes, is just 3 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions in America
are attributable to rearing of cattle and pigs, compared with 26 per
cent from transport.
Mitloehner also makes the deadly serious point: “Producing less meat and
milk will only mean more hunger in poor countries.” Precisely. The
demonising of cows and pigs is just another example of global warmists’
callous indifference to starvation in the developing world, as in the
case of the unbelievably immoral and reckless drive for biofuels –
pouring Third World resources for subsistence into Western liberals’
fuel tanks – and, notoriously, carbon trading.
Week by week the AGW collapse intensifies. Himalayan glaciers, polar
bears, Arctic ice, Amazon rainforests, all discredited. Now it turns out
the great cow-burp scare is bovine excrement too. The global warming
scam is, to the majority of people, an object of derision. The
scientific community has also at last wakened up. They are smelling the
coffee in more and more institutions these days.
This week the Science Museum in London announced it is revising its
stance so that its Climate Change Gallery will now be renamed the
Climate Science Gallery, to reflect its new position of neutrality in
the climate debate. Chris Rapley, the director, said the museum was
taking a different approach after observing how the debate had been
affected by leaked e-mails and overstatements of the dangers of global
warming. He said: “We have come to realise, given the way this subject
has become so polarised over the past three to four months, that we need
to be respectful and welcoming of all views on it.”
When did you ever hear that sort of thing before? But that is fair
enough: neutrality, a level playing field and an equal voice is all
global warming sceptics have ever asked for. Given those reasonable
conditions, the truth will out and we will win. The signs are that a lot
of scientists have been moved to assert their integrity, encouraged by
the increasingly huge breaches sceptics have made in the defences of the
AGW camp. Others may simply have calculated they may have backed a
loser and it is time to take out some insurance.
Whatever the case, it is a different world now in the war against the
AGW scam. Zac Goldsmith, warmist fanatic and Tory candidate, is telling
environmentalists that green issues are vote losers. He should tell Dave
that and stop him making an even bigger fool of himself. We are
experiencing a tipping point in the climate war and the advantage is
slowly but irresistibly moving towards the sceptics.
One of the common arguments made against wind power is that without
government subsidies, mandates or tax credits, wind turbines would not
be built. But even when companies do receive preferential treatment to
build windmills, just because they’re built doesn’t mean they’re going
to work. For that, there needs to be (drum roll, please)…wind! A report
from Britain says:
“The analysis of power output found that more than 20 wind farms are
operating at less than one-fifth of their full capacity. Experts say
many turbines are going up on sites that are simply not breezy enough.
They also accuse developers of ‘grossly exaggerating’ the amount of
energy they will generate in order to get their hands on subsidies
designed to boost the production of green power.
While it is possible some of the results were skewed by breakdowns,
the revelation that so many are under-performing will be of great
interest to those who argue that wind farms are little more than
expensive eyesores. The analysis was carried out by Michael Jefferson,
an environmental consultant and a professor of international business
and sustainability. He believes that financial incentives designed to
help Britain meet is green energy targets are encouraging firms to site
their wind farms badly.”
In other wind farm news, although the event was called “exceptionally
rare and highly unusual”, Europe’s largest wind farm had to be shut down
because a 14-ton turbine snapped. It’s not the first time a windmill
broke and fortunately no one was hurt. A turbine snapping is no reason
to stop building windmills just as coal mining accidents are not reason
to completely cut off our coal supply. Accidents happen in any industry
and it’s a company’s job to learn from them and improve both quality and
If businesses find it profitable to build supply energy in a variety of
ways without government handouts, increased competition will only
benefit the consumer. Yet, we’re being told we need to transition to a
clean energy economy and that the United States needs to be the leader
in building these technologies because, “the nation that leads the clean
energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy. And
America must be that nation,” said President Obama in his State of the
Union address. If renewable energy eventually competes in the
marketplace, economist Don Boudreaux says, “So what if the Chinese are
world-leading producers of such equipment? Specializing in the
production of other goods and services – things that we produce more
efficiently than the Chinese – we Americans can then buy solar panels
and wind turbines from the Chinese for use in our homes and offices. The
latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates of the factories where the
final assembly of such equipment occurs are irrelevant.” That’s not to
say U.S. can’t be a leader in wind mill production, but market-based
policies are the best way to ensure that America’s renewable energy
production is as competitive as possible.
In addition, the cleanliness in the President’s mission to green our
economy may be a bit over hyped. We not only use fossil fuels to make
turbines but also provide back up power when the windmills don’t spin.
Since it’s too costly to stop and start a power plant, wind simply
creates more emissions. Or, as Todd Wynn of the Cascade Policy Institute
points out, in some instances wind replaces CO2-free sources of energy,
like hydroelectricity: “So when the wind blows, the dams stop
generating electricity, and when the wind stops, the dams continue to
generate electricity. So, in fact, wind power is just offsetting another
renewable energy source. It’s not necessarily offsetting any fossil
fuel generation.”
Wind may be economically viable in some parts of the United States, but
we should let businesses and electricity consumers, not the government,
decide that.
France is facing its own 'spring of discontent' as strikes shut schools,
courts, railways and metro services, and trade unions vowed mass
protests across the country.
President Nicolas Sarkozy on Tuesday scrapped the country's proposed
carbon tax and reshuffled his cabinet in populist tilt after suffering a
crushing electoral defeat over the weekend, when his Gaulliste UMP
party lost every region other than in its bastion of Alsace and the
Indian Ocean island of Reunion.
The vote saw a resurrection of both the Socialist Party and the
far-Right National Front, showing how the delayed effects of rising
unemployment can change the political landscape long after recession has
passed. The jobless rate has risen to 10.1pc, up from 8.7pc a year ago.
A quarter of those aged under 25 are out of work.
The government said its energy tax was being postponed indefinitely in
order not to "damage the competitiveness of French companies", fearing
that it would be too risky for France to go it alone without the rest of
the EU. Brussels has announced plans for an EU-wide tax, but the
initiative already looks doomed.
Chantal Jouanno, the environment secretary, said she was "devastated
that eco-scepticism had prevailed". France's leading green groups wrote a
joint letter to Mr Sarkozy saying they were "scandalised" by his
decision, accusing him of tearing up a pledge to put climate change at
the centre of his presidency.
Medef, France's business lobby, said the demise of the carbon levy was a
"relief". The tax would have been €17 a tonne compared to around €100
in Sweden, but business feared that this would creep up over time.
The trade unions said half of all primary school teachers followed the
call to strike on Tuesday, though officials said the figure was 30pc.
Half the commuter trains were stopped. The CGT union federation said it
planned 180 marches across France to protest pension reform. The
retirement age in France is still 60, far short of North European levels
around 67. The pension deficit will reach €50bn a year by 2020 without
radical changes.
France has hardly begun to pair back the fiscal stimulus of the last
year, though the car scrappage scheme is being phased out in steps. The
budget deficit is expected to rise to 8.2pc of GDP this year, with no
real austerity until 2011. The country faces the same risks as the UK in
delaying retrenchment as public debt surges above 80pc of GDP this
year. Fitch Ratings and Standard & Poor's have begun to mutter that
France may endanger its AAA status if it fails to act soon, though the
Paris clearly has more leeway than London for now.
France's rigid labour markets tend to delay full recovery from downturns
and cause debt to keep rising for longer than in Anglo-Saxon states.
Gilles Moec, from Deutsche Bank, said France came through the recession
in better shape than most European nations in part because it has a low
exposure to exports outside the eurozone. The flip-side is that it risks
being left behind by Germany as the rebound in global trade gathers
Le Figaro said Mr Sarkozy's travails reflect the schizophrenia of the
public psyche. "The problem is that voters thought they had elected a
French Churchill when in fact they were only ready for a MacMillan," it
Even soil feels the heat: Soils release more carbon dioxide as globe warms
The evidence below is weak but if it is correct it is yet more
evidence that a climbing CO2 rate is the RESULT of warming, not the
cause. There are two other apparent ramifications: 1). Results like
this mean that the anthropogenic fraction must be readjusted. Is man's
annual contribution 4%? 3%? Less? 2). This latest natural emission
estimate shows that previous source/sink models have been inadequate, as
Twenty years of field studies reveal that as the Earth has gotten
warmer, plants and microbes in the soil have given off more carbon
dioxide. So-called soil respiration has increased about one-tenth of 1
percent per year since 1989, according to an analysis of past studies in
today's issue of Nature.
The scientists also calculated the total amount of carbon dioxide
flowing from soils, which is about 10-15 percent higher than previous
measurements. That number -- about 98 petagrams of carbon a year (or 98
billion metric tons) -- will help scientists build a better overall
model of how carbon in its many forms cycles throughout the Earth.
Understanding soil respiration is central to understanding how the
global carbon cycle affects climate.
"There's a big pulse of carbon dioxide coming off of the surface of the
soil everywhere in the world," said ecologist Ben Bond-Lamberty of the
Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. "We
weren't sure if we'd be able to measure it going into this analysis, but
we did find a response to temperature."
The increase in carbon dioxide given off by soils -- about 0.1 petagram
(100 million metric tons) per year since 1989 -- won't contribute to the
greenhouse effect unless it comes from carbon that had been locked away
out of the system for a long time, such as in Arctic tundra. This
analysis could not distinguish whether the carbon was coming from old
stores or from vegetation growing faster due to a warmer climate. But
other lines of evidence suggest warming is unlocking old carbon, said
Bond-Lamberty, so it will be important to determine the sources of extra
The Opposite of Photosynthesis
Plants are famous for photosynthesis, the process that stores energy in
sugars built from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis produces the
oxygen we breathe as a byproduct. But plants also use oxygen and release
carbon dioxide in the same manner that people and animals do. Soil
respiration includes carbon dioxide from both plants and soil microbes,
and is a major component of the global carbon cycle.
Theoretically, the biochemical reactions that plants and soil microbes
engage in to produce carbon dioxide suggest that higher temperatures
should result in more carbon dioxide being released. But unlike the
amount of sunlight reaching Earth, soil respiration can't be measured
from space and can't yet be simulated effectively with computer models.
So, the researchers turned to previous studies to see if they could
quantify changes in global soil respiration. PNNL's Bond-Lamberty and
his colleague Allison Thomson, working at the Joint Global Change
Research Institute in College Park, Md., examined 439 soil respiration
studies published between 1989 and 2008.
They compiled data about how much carbon dioxide has leaked from plants
and microbes in soil in an openly available database. To maintain
consistency, they selected only data that scientists collected via the
now-standard methods of gas chromatography and infrared gas analysis.
The duo compared 1,434 soil carbon data points from the studies with
temperature and precipitation data in the geographic regions from other
climate research databases.
After subjecting their comparisons to statistical analysis, the
researchers found that the total amount of carbon dioxide being emitted
from soil in 2008 was more than in 1989. In addition, the rise in global
temperatures correlated with the rise in global carbon flux. However,
they did not find a similar relation between precipitation and carbon.
Zooming In
Previous climate change research shows that Arctic zones have a lot more
carbon locked away than other regions. Using the complete set of data
collected from the studies, the team estimated that the carbon released
in northern -- also called boreal -- and Arctic regions rose by about 7
percent; in temperate regions by about 2 percent; and in tropical
regions by about 3 percent, showing a trend consistent with other work.
The researchers wanted to know if their data could provide more detailed
information about each region. So they broke down the complete data set
by regional climates and re-examined the smaller groups of data using
different statistical methods. The regional data from the temperate and
tropical climates produced results consistent with other results, such
as more carbon being released at higher temperatures, but the
boreal-Arctic climate data did not. In addition, removing only 10
percent of the boreal-Arctic data points was enough to invalidate the
statistical significance of the boreal-Arctic result. Together, the
results support the idea that more boreal data on regional climates is
needed to reach statistical relevance.
"We identified an area where we need to do more work," said Thomson.
More information: Bond-Lamberty and Thomson, 2010. Temperature-associated increases in the global soil respiration record, Nature March 25, 2009, doi:10.1038/nature08930
Incredibly, THIS is how Alarmists feel, that THEY are the ones being
pressured and intimidated to change their views. Bullies feeling sorry
for themselves, sorry that their well-funded tactics are failing...
that's a new one on me.
The excerpt below is from a pastoral letter to Warmists from a
Warmist publication but some of the admissions are interesting. The
calls for more objectivity and openness are revealing in themselves.
Note, as usual, that not one scientific fact in support of AGW is
mentioned: No science in an allegedly scientific publication
The integrity of climate research has taken a very public battering in
recent months. Scientists must now emphasize the science, while
acknowledging that they are in a street fight.
Climate scientists are on the defensive, knocked off balance by a
re-energized community of global-warming deniers who, by dominating the
media agenda, are sowing doubts about the fundamental science. Most
researchers find themselves completely out of their league in this kind
of battle because it's only superficially about the science. The real
goal is to stoke the angry fires of talk radio, cable news, the
blogosphere and the like, all of which feed off of contrarian story
lines and seldom make the time to assess facts and weigh evidence.
Civility, honesty, fact and perspective are irrelevant.
Worse, the onslaught seems to be working: some polls in the United
States and abroad suggest that it is eroding public confidence in
climate science at a time when the fundamental understanding of the
climate system, although far from complete, is stronger than ever.
Ecologist Paul Ehrlich at Stanford University in California says that
his climate colleagues are at a loss about how to counter the attacks. “Everyone is scared shitless, but they don't know what to do,” he says.
Scientists must not be so naive as to assume that the data speak for themselves.
Researchers should not despair. For all the public's confusion about
climate science, polls consistently show that people trust scientists
more than almost anybody else to give honest advice. Yes, scientists'
reputations have taken a hit thanks to headlines about the leaked
climate e-mails at the University of East Anglia (UEA), UK, and an
acknowledged mistake about the retreat of Himalayan glaciers in a recent
report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). But
these wounds are not necessarily fatal.
To make sure they are not, scientists must acknowledge that they are in a
street fight, and that their relationship with the media really
matters. Anything strategic that can be done on that front would be
useful, be it media training for scientists or building links with
credible public-relations firms. In this light, there are lessons to be
learned from the current spate of controversies. For example, the IPCC
error was originally caught by scientists, not sceptics. Had it been
promptly corrected and openly explained to the media, in full context
with the underlying science, the story would have lasted days, not
weeks. The IPCC must establish a formal process for rapidly
investigating and, when necessary, correcting such errors.
The unguarded exchanges in the UEA e-mails speak for themselves.
Although the scientific process seems to have worked as it should have
in the end, the e-mails do raise concerns about scientific behaviour and
must be fully investigated. Public trust in scientists is based not
just on their competence, but also on their perceived objectivity and
openness. Researchers would be wise to remember this at all times, even
when casually e-mailing colleagues.
This is just too true to be good. An unassuming climate scientist from
the Netherlands, Bart Verheggen, who specializes in studying the effects
of aerosols on climate change, (and who has corresponded with me
frequently in a very genteel fashion) has a well-mannered, even tempered
weblog called My View on Climate Change. About half the posts are in
Dutch. Bart is a polite member of the anthropogenic global warming
consensus--he believes strongly that human emission of greenhouse gases
have caused significant temperature rises and pose a threat to
development going forward.
And what's going on on his website is one of the most signficant and
unexpected happenings in all the debate on global warming. For three
weeks now, a discussion on something as unlikely as statistics is coming
close to rewriting climate change history. Because for just about the
first time, scientists from all parts of the spectrum are engaging in
almost real time on an issue of substance that can actually be resolved
in front of the viewing audience. It has engaged the attention of
physicists, statisticians, webloggers and an army of viewers. If you
read through it you will never think of the term 'unit root' in the same
way again.
What's at stake is the legitimacy of a large number of papers using one
set of statistical procedures to correlate the rise of CO2 and
temperatures that is not valid due to the properties of the data
collected. Using the proper method, co-integration, does not appear to
yield the same results. Your world and mine could change--policies,
taxes, mileage standards and decisions on whether to support natural gas
instead of wind power--based on this discussion about statistics. It's
hugely important and I have joined countless others in trying to keep up
with the discussion. It's like being on trial in an alien court with
the proceedings conducted in a foreign language. And I understand quite a
bit of the statistics--maybe even 10%.
Bart wrote a post on March 1 titled, 'Global average temperature
increase, GISS HadCru and NCDC compared.' (That's not Dutch...). It now
has over 735 comments on it.
The issue they are debating is whether the analysis performed by climate
scientists on CO2 rises and temperature is seriously flawed. The
conversation goes way past Dutch and into Greek, but the key point, as
summarized by commenter whbabcock on March 17, is this:
"The issues being addressed in this thread relate to a single question,
“Does available real world data support the hypothesis that increased
concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases increase global
temperature permanently?”
VS has clearly pointed out that, to properly test this hypothesis, one
must use statistical techniques that are consistent with the underlying
characteristics of the data. As noted in the B&R paper, “… the
radiative forcings of greenhouse gases (C02, CH4 and N2O) are stationary
in second differences (i.e. I(2)) while global temperature and solar
irradiance are stationary in first differences (i.e. I(1)).” B&R
refer to five papers that have the same findings – i.e., that radiative
forcings and global temperature are non-stationary to the same order.
Ignoring the properties of the time series data used to test a theory
(hypothesis) can easily suffer the “pitfall of spurious regression.”
That is, you can’t look at the simple correlation between greenhouse gas
concentrations and temperature (or simple transformations of these
data) and accept the hypothesis that one is caused by the other. In the
case before us (i.e., given the characteristics of the time series data
being used), cointegration has been demonstrated as the appropriate
statistical technique. This has nothing to do with the logic or
correctness of the underlying theory being tested. Rather, it has to do
with the statistical properties of the time series being used to test
the theory – two separate issues.
The B&R paper finds that, when cointegration is applied to available
data,” … greenhouse gas forcings do not polynominally cointegrate with
global temperature and solar irradiance.” Hence, available data do not
support the physics based hypothesis.
This type of statistical result simply demonstrates the relationship (or
lack thereof) in available data. It is what is!! This result stands
(unless there are problems in execution – e.g., the analysis was
implemented incorrectly, or the data are faulty, etc.). No appeal to
theory or to alternative analyses of different types of data that
support the hypothesis changes this single analytical result. Again, it
is what is! It is what the data are telling us. In this case the data
are telling us that bumble bees can fly (i.e., real world data –
observations — are inconsistent with the formulated, mathematically
based hypothesis).
What does all this mean? It could mean that the theory is incorrect. Or,
it could mean that the data are not “accurate” enough to exhibit the
“theoretical relationship.” It certainly “raises a red flag” as VS has
noted several times. And, it does mean that one can’t simply point to
highly correlated time series data showing rising CO2 concentrations and
rising temperatures and claim the data support the theory."
Just to be clear, this is not going to prove or disprove global warming.
But a lot of the conjectural studies claiming to be able to project
future scenarios based on the correlation between CO2 and temperatures
may have to be completely rewritten with a much higher standard of
investigation--or else they won't really be usable. And it will
certainly bring up the point that this issue with the data should have
been examined about 20 years ago, when all the hype started.
It would be like reading War and Peace to go over there now and start
from the beginning. But if you really care about the debate on global
warming, you should do so. If you can't, I'm really hoping that someone
will summarize the entire debate in the very near future.
No mention that the land surface of Bangladesh has in fact been GROWING overall in recent years
New Moore Island has been sinking for 30 years. However, the island
itself, known as New Moore, is no more. In fact, it's now completely
submerged under water.
Scientists used satellite imagery to prove their point. Moreover, sea
patrols have confirmed that New Moore Island has sunk. Now the Global
Warming experts say it's because of Climate Change.
However, the fact is, the island has been sinking dramatically during
the past decade. Global Warming experts claim that the sea level is
rising in accordance with rising temperatures. The island is about two
square miles.
The island itself could be the first of many islands to soon disappear.
Reports say that around 10 other islands are at risk of being submerged
by rising waters. It is either caused by rising sea levels or the island
itself might be sinking in mud.
Bangladesh And India Fought Over The Land For Many Years
The land is actually named South Talpatti Island in Bangladesh. However,
India called it "New Moore Island" because it was uninhabited. The land emerged in the Bay of Bengal in the aftermath of the Bhola cyclone in 1970.
Its sovereignty was disputed between Bangladesh and India for years
until the island became submerged. There was never any permanent
settlement on the land. The emergence of the island was first discovered
by an American satellite in 1974.
The satellite image showed the island to have an area of 27,000
square-feet. Later, various remote sensing surveys showed that the
island had expanded gradually to an area of about 110,000 square-feet at
low tide. The highest elevation had never exceeded two meters above sea
The island was claimed by both Bangladesh and India. Neither country established any permanent settlement because of the island's geological instability.
India had reportedly hoisted the Indian flag on the territory in 1981
and established a temporary base of Border Security Forces.
The location of the channel in 1947 may be more relevant than its later
location. River channels often shift their locations from time to time.
You can't predict the weather; or climate change: Our weather
forecasts will always be as unreliable as our predictions of climate
By Roger Highfield (Roger Highfield is the Editor of 'New Scientist’,
a generally Warmist publication, so the stress below on the uncertain
magnitudes involved is a big retreat)
Last year, the Met Office claimed the UK was “odds-on for a barbecue
summer”. The reality was a washout. Then came its predictions of a mild
winter, when it was the coldest for three decades. Now another company
predicts this year’s summer will be sizzling. Can we believe them?
I asked Prof Tim Palmer, now at Oxford University, who pioneered
medium-range climate forecasts. He sighs, and says of the Met’s
forecasts that “we weren’t promised a barbecue summer — unfortunately,
there was a certain amount of unnecessary spin placed on uncertain
Today, at the Royal Society, London, Prof Palmer has gathered experts to
discuss how we should handle uncertainties. Among them are Lord May,
who put chaos theory into biology.
Chaos rules the weather. One can appreciate this with a mathematical
structure called a Lorenz attractor, named after an American
meteorologist. The lines depicting this structure never repeat their
trajectory, just as the weather varies from day to day, but overall the
lines form an owl-eye shape, just as our climate has regularities,
notably warm summers and cold winters.
Although chaos theory limits the accuracy of weather predictions, we can
still understand factors that influence the climate such as the
greenhouse effect, predicted in 1827 by the French mathematician Joseph
Fourier (1768-1830). The name arises because, like glass in a
greenhouse, gases such as carbon dioxide and water vapour let solar
energy in to warm the Earth but also trap some of the planet’s heat.
Without greenhouse gases, the ground temperature would be 30C lower.
The uncertainty in predictions of global warming have not changed much
since pioneering work by the American Jule Charney in the Seventies,
when he worked out the possible impact of climate change. His lower
limit estimates of 1.5 deg warming for a doubling of carbon dioxide
levels are similar to those from the latest climate models.
There is little uncertainty when it comes to explaining why the Earth is
warming, says Prof Palmer. The big issue is what happens next. Some
scientists fear apocalyptic scenarios, others believe the change will be
smooth. All agree that there are major holes in our understanding.
“What has been naggingly difficult has been working out the upper limit
of possible warming,” says Prof Palmer. There is much debate among
scientists, but among the public this comes over as “you are either a
believer or non-believer in climate change, which is a false dichotomy”.
All the time, there is endless pressure to simplify. PR disasters such
as the Met’s seasonal forecast can result when uncertainty is rendered
down to a soundbite. The Met had said it was ''odds-on for a barbecue
summer’’ in its press statement, which had a greater ring of certainty
than the actual 50 per cent probability of above-average temperatures.
Similarly, although the winter had a 50 per cent chance of being milder,
there was a 20 per cent chance of being colder.
This month the Met Office abandoned these forecasts, where many
variations on the same computer model of the climate are run to produce a
fuzzy “ensemble” of forecasts, a method Prof Palmer popularised back in
1989. Palmer believes they are still valid. “The Met has been
criticised too much.”
Uncertainty is a part of everyday life. “The big issue is this,’’ Prof
Palmer explains. “When it comes to a catastrophic 4 deg average global
warming, how big a probability would the public have to be faced with to
back taking drastic action?”
The failure to make the uncertainties of climate change crystal clear
may be another reason why public confidence in climate science has
Lord Oxburgh, the climate science peer, ‘has a conflict of interest’
A member of the House of Lords appointed to investigate the veracity of
climate science has close links to businesses that stand to make
billions of pounds from low-carbon technology.
Lord Oxburgh is to chair a scientific assessment panel that will examine
the published science of the Climatic Research Unit at the University
of East Anglia.
The CRU has been accused of manipulating and suppressing data to
overstate the dangers from climate change. Professor Phil Jones, its
director, has stood down from his post while a separate inquiry, chaired
by Sir Muir Russell, takes place into the leaking of e-mails sent by
him and his colleagues.
Climate sceptics questioned whether Lord Oxburgh, chairman of the Carbon
Capture and Storage Association and the wind energy company Falck
Renewables, was truly independent because he led organisations that
depended on climate change being seen as an urgent problem.
Andrew Montford, a climate-change sceptic who writes the widely-read
Bishop Hill blog, said that Lord Oxburgh had a “direct financial
interest in the outcome” of his inquiry.
Lord Oxburgh has said that he believes the need to tackle climate change
will make capturing carbon from power plants “a worldwide industry of
the same scale as the international oil industry today”.
The CCS Association has stated that carbon capture could become a
“trillion dollar industry” by 2050, but this would happen only if
governments made reducing emissions a top political priority. In an
interview in 2007, Lord Oxburgh said that the threat from global warming
was so severe that “it may be that we shall need . . . regulations
which impose very severe penalties on people who emit more than
specified amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere”.
The university appointed Lord Oxburgh, a geologist and former chairman
of the Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology, after
consulting the Royal Society, of which he is a fellow.
Professor Trevor Davies, the university’s pro-vice-chancellor for
research, said that the university had been aware of Lord Oxburgh’s
business interests but believed that he would lead the panel of six
scientists “in an utterly objective way”. The panel will meet in Norwich
next month.
He added: “We all have an interest in seeing alternatives to fossil fuel
energy sources. This is going to be an issue for us all in future
regardless of climate change.
“The choice of scientists is sure to be the subject of discussion, and
experience would suggest that it is impossible to find a group of
eminent scientists to look at this issue who are acceptable to every
interest group which has expressed a view in the last few months.
Similarly it is unlikely that a group of people who have the necessary
experience to assess the science, but have formed no view of their own
on global warming, could be found.”
He said the scientists has been selected because they had “the right mix
of skills to understand the complex nature of climate research and the
discipline-based expertise to scrutinise CRU’s research”.
Lord Oxburgh, a former chairman of Shell UK, said: “The shadow hanging
over climate change and science more generally at present makes it a
matter of urgency that we get on with this assessment. We will undertake
this work and report as soon as possible.”
The university expects his report to be published before the summer.
The panel members are: Huw Davies, Professor of Physics at the Institute
for Atmospheric & Climate Science at ETH Zürich; Kerry Emanuel,
Professor of Meteorology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
Professor Lisa Graumlich, Director of the School of Natural Resources
and the Environment at the University of Arizona; David Hand, Professor
of Statistics in the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College,
London; Herbert Huppert, Professor of Theoretical Geophysics at the
University of Cambridge; and Michael Kelly, Prince Philip Professor of
Technology at the University of Cambridge. They will be given access to
CRU’s original data and be able to interview its scientists.
Professor Bob Watson, Chief Scientific Adviser to the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, said: “I strongly support the
choice of chair and panel members — all world class — and the terms of
reference. This should lead to a critical evaluation of the quality of
the CRU science.”
Recent news has been all bad for the International Panel on Climate
Change and the former gold standard for global temperatures at East
Anglia University.
Leaders of the organizations have been less than forthright regarding
these facts: "The climate science is not settled," that assumptions in
models used to "predict" catastrophic future warming may have been
wrong, that the rapidity of glacier loss was overstated by multiples of
years (initially denied), that there has been a tendency to leave out
inconvenient scientific data in IPCC's all-important summary for
policymakers, that temperatures today are possibly not unprecedented,
and that there has been no statistically significant global warming in
the last 15 years.
These admissions, prompted by information generated from 3,000 internal
e-mails at East Anglia's Climate Research Unit, have shaken the warming
community to its roots (even the leader of Greenpeace of the United
Kingdom is appalled).
There is, however, great news for planet Earth and the plant and animal
kingdoms, including humanity. With these admissions that the data and
conclusions may be suspect, scientists and policymakers should now
realize that carbon dioxide may not be a significant cause of climate
change and that the addition of CO2 to the atmosphere may be beneficial
to Earth, as it already has been since the beginning of the industrial
revolution around 1860.
Thousands of real field and laboratory experiments by the agricultural
community indicate that Earth's plants have experienced an increased
growth of about 12 percent and Earth's forest an increase of about 18
In fact, these peer-reviewed studies show that an addition of 300 parts
per million of CO2 to Earth's existing 387 ppm would result in average
plant growth of 35 percent and growth of trees by 50 percent.
Other benefits include the fact that plants require less water to grow
as large in a CO2- enriched atmosphere. This makes plants
drought-tolerant as evidenced by plants today encroaching onto the
deserts. Plants also become more tolerant of many environmental
It quickly became obvious that people, scientists and politicians were
not aware of the astonishing benefits of CO2. Because there is not a
single instance of CO2 being a pollutant and my own research of the
literature indicating that there is no convincing evidence of CO2-caused
global climate change, I gave some public talks and found that
objective people were very interested in having a summary of these
benefits to weigh against what they were being fed by proponents of
CO2-caused warming.
This led to my becoming chairman and spokesman for a 501 c(3)
organization, PlantsNeedCO2.org, and a 501 c(4) advocacy foundation,
People easily grasp the magnitude of the benefits of more CO2 but invariably ask, "But isn't CO2 causing global warming?"
While climate science is very complex, these observations deny that
conclusion. First is the fact that detailed studies of ice cores prove
that changes in CO2 levels follow changes in temperature by several
hundreds of years.
Secondly, a law of physics shows that CO2's ability to absorb more heat
declines very rapidly, logarithmically, as more CO2 is added to the
Thirdly, empirical (real) studies of current and historical climates do
not support the hypothesis that CO2 is or has been a major cause of
climate change.
Check it out on PlantsNeedCO2.org. You will soon realize the amazing
benefits that additional CO2 can bring to Earth's ecosystems, habitats,
food supplies and human health.
More CO2 will truly "green" the Earth, while the cries from extremists
to actually reduce atmospheric CO2 would result in a "browning" of Earth
and death or increased misery to hundreds of millions of people living
on the edge of starvation.
H. Leighton Steward, a Texas geologist, is also the author of two
best-selling books challenging conventional wisdom -- "Fire, Ice and Pa
Clouds have a warming effect because in order for water vapour to
condense back into water droplets, the water molecules must first
re-emit the energy they absorbed to become vapour in the first place.
The latent heat which is released in this process is what makes the
local environment feel warmer. But this does not increase the overall
energy in the system. This effect is simply a localized effect, the
result of large amounts of energy actually leaving the system.
Most of the energy in this process is energy that has been stored by the
oceans. This energy is then moved into the clouds via evaporation. When
this evaporated water condenses it releases that energy into the
atmosphere and it feels warmer. But it is a fleeting short lived
increase in local temperature.
This energy would have been absorbed into the oceans somewhere near the
equator. Then it will have been transported North or South by oceanic
convection currents. When this warmer water reaches colder latitudes the
warmer water evaporates. The water vapour caries the energy up to cloud
level. Enormous amounts of energy are then released as the water vapour
condenses into cloud. This released energy quickly leaves the system as
it is lifted high up into the atmosphere by powerful convection
currents in the atmosphere and is re-emitted to space as infrared
As I said the warming provided by this process is fleeting. To call it a
greenhouse effect is to misunderstand what is happening. We feel the
effect of this process in the form of milder localized weather. But this
process is not adding energy to the system, it is actually a process
that removes energy from the system. It is equivalent to standing in a
shop doorway on a cold day. The door is open and the heat from inside
the shop is rushing by you and it feels warmer by the door than it does
inside the shop itself. But standing there with the door open isn't
going to make the shop warmer. It can only make it colder.
Clouds are simply a transport mechanism for energy leaving the Earth's
system. The warming they provide on a temporary local basis is energy
that was absorbed in warmer equatorial regions. We feel its benefit on
its way out of the system.
This process is not a greenhouse effect. It is not a net increase, it is a net loss.
There is no greenhouse effect in the atmosphere, it is a fraud.
A greenhouse is warmed by energy as it comes into the system. Our atmosphere is warmed by energy as it leaves the system.
You may have heard of Peter Spencer, the desperate Australian farmer who
went on a hunger strike to draw attention to the fact that government
bans on clearing vegetation had stolen his assets and destroyed his
business. Peter is just one of many Australian farm families reduced to
desperation and even suicide by seizure or sterilisation of their land
to satisfy the voracious green god.
The most massive injustice occurred a couple of years ago, when, as a
sacrifice to the Kyoto god, the federal government conspired with state
governments to ban vegetation clearing on all property, even freehold.
This was done in an underhand way to allow the government to seize
carbon credits from landowners without paying compensation.
Many well meaning people, while not happy with the tactics and the
refusal to pay compensation for property seized or devalued, think that
there will be some environmental or climate benefits to come from all
Generally there are none.
Even if extraction of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere was a good idea
(and it isn't), no tree can keep extracting it on a long term basis.
Every living thing (including trees, grass, cows and humans) borrows
carbon from the environment as it grow, stops extracting it at maturity,
and hands the valuable carbon back to the environment when it dies and
the body rots. Net life time extraction equals ZERO. It is absolute
scientific nonsense to believe that trees can have a long term effect on
so called greenhouse gases. Like everything politicians touch, short
term appearances and secret agendas are preferred to long term reality.
Banning the clearing of scrub regrowth in our grasslands is also a
backward step environmentally. Everyone can see and understand tree
forests, but no one appreciates the grass forests beneath their feet.
Natural fires created our grasslands long before humans occupied
Australia. They are valuable environmental landscapes far more important
to humans than the stupid carbon credit forests and eucalypt weeds now
invading them. With closer settlement and excessive areas locked up by
governments, fires no longer protect our grasslands and landowners must
use machinery to maintain their grass. Preventing this is like telling a
market gardener he is not allowed to chip weeds invading his vegetable
patch. Every landowner tries to guard the long term value of his land.
No one has a monopoly on knowledge on how to do it. Some properties may
need more trees, some less - if more trees are a benefit, landowners
will grow them without coercion.
Does anyone seriously believe that a few green politicians and activists
can devise one dictatorial land plan for every property from Longreach
to Wagga and then use legal bludgeons, land confiscation and a desk
bound bureaucracy to enforce the co-operation of landowners?
The Senate is currently carrying out an enquiry into some aspects of
this massive land mismanagement. It is a bigger scandal than the home
insulation scheme, and few politicians are free of blame. The Senate
will be surprised at the injustices that will be revealed by this
The Carbon Sense Coalition has (in some haste) made a Submission to this
enquiry. We urge you to read it and print it out for friends. See it here
By Dan Pangburn, P. E. (Licensed Mechanical Engineer), Life Member of
ASME. Excerpt only below. Full article available from the author:
I observed the many conflicting assertions regarding the existence and
cause of Global Warming, particularly as to whether it was significantly
contributed to by human activity.
This led to substantial curiosity as to the truth. As a result I have
conducted research on the issue for thousands of hours for over three
years and have determined that the belief that human activity has had a
significant influence on global climate is a mistake.
Greenhouse Analogy
This may be how the mistake began. Incorrect conclusions may have been
drawn from various observations and discoveries. Some of the discoveries
and developments are:
1. Electromagnetic wave theory which includes that all objects above absolute zero emit electromagnetic radiation (EMR).
2. Radiation heat transfer.
3. Quantum mechanics.
4. Gases absorb (and emit) photons (quanta) of EMR at discrete
wavelengths. (Although probably inconsequential in the present
discussion, theory and extremely fine observations have revealed that
the absorption and emission `lines' are actually narrow statistical
5. Absorption by various atmospheric gases, especially water vapor and
carbon dioxide, of EMR radiated from this planet, make the planet warmer
than it would be if this absorption did not occur.
6. Window glass is transparent to EMR at wave lengths of visible light
but opaque to EMR from objects at room temperature which are radiating
at infra-red (IR) wavelengths.
Since early greenhouses were glass (plastics had not been invented yet)
and glass is predominately transparent to EMR at short wave lengths
(visible) and opaque at long wavelengths (IR), some concluded that this
characteristic is what made greenhouses work. Similarly the discovery
that some gases are nearly transparent at short wavelengths and absorb
certain long wavelengths led to these being called greenhouse gases
Now, however, most greenhouses use plastic film which works very nearly
as well as glass but is cheaper and doesn't break as easily. (The
construction is often double wall with trapped air between the walls to
greatly reduce conductive heat loss). The plastic film is essentially
transparent to EMR at both visible and IR wavelengths which shows that
greenhouses actually work primarily because convection with outside air
is blocked.
Despite this realization the term ghg remains and refers to gases such
as water vapor and carbon dioxide that are transparent to EMR at
visible wavelengths and absorb (and emit) EMR at discreet (but slightly
smeared) IR wavelengths. There are several other ghgs. Some are much
higher EMR absorbers per molecule, but they are of less significance
because they are present in only tiny amounts.
Absorption and emission spectral lines reveal that gases can absorb and
emit EMR only at certain specific wavelengths. When a molecule of ghg
(or any gas) absorbs a photon of EMR (EMR can be considered to be in
packets called photons) and then bumps into another molecule before it
has emitted a photon, its energy changes to a level where essentially it
can not emit a photon. The mechanism of bumping in to another molecule
is thermal conduction in the gas mixture. When a photon is absorbed but
not emitted the absorbed photon has been thermalized.
After the photon has been absorbed by a carbon dioxide molecule but
prior to it bumping in to another molecule the carbon dioxide molecule
is at an energy level where it can emit a photon. The photon that it
emits (if it emits one) is the same wavelength as the photon that it
absorbed. An observed characteristic of gases is that they absorb and
emit at the same discrete wavelengths.
It should be apparent that a time interval must pass between absorption
and emission by any molecule. If that time interval were zero there
would be no evidence that the photon had been absorbed. The amount of
time that passes between absorption and emission is very short, less
than a microsecond, but it must be more than zero. The amount of time
that passes between contacts of molecules in a gas is also very short.
If a photon is absorbed by a carbon dioxide molecule just before it
contacts a nitrogen (or other) molecule, then emission will not have
taken place and the photon is thermalized. Thus a fraction of the
radiation that is absorbed by gas molecules is emitted as EMR (of the
same wavelength that was absorbed) and the remainder is thermalized.
The fraction that is thermalized is determined by the statistical
probability of which occurs first, the variable time to emit after
absorption by a molecule or the variable time to make contact with
another molecule. [All EMR energy in a microwave oven appears as heat
but the physical process involved is entirely different from that
described above.]
Failure to identify thermalization is a major deficiency of the 1997
Kiehl & Trenberth chart which has been relied on heavily by the
Climate Science community. This chart is shown for example at
A color version of this chart is at http://junkscience.com/Greenhouse/stupid.html .
This chart is also shown in the fourth IPCC report at AR4WG1, Chapter 1, page 96.
A 2008 update to this chart can be seen at
It also fails to indicate thermalization.
The Kiehl and Trenberth charts imply that absorbed radiation penetrates
substantially to high altitude and also that all r radiation from high
altitude gets all the way to the ground.
Both of these implications are misleading. With thermalization, EMR flux
declines with distance from the emitting surface.
A rough analysis using a corrected Kiehl and Trenberth type chart
indicates that, at sea level atmospheric pressure, about 11.6% of the
absorbed radiation (most of the IR that is absorbed is absorbed by water
vapor) is thermalized. Thermalization of absorbed radiation is
primarily what warms the atmosphere. The lower per cent of
thermalization that takes place at higher altitude because the molecules
are further apart is not accounted for in any of the assessments
presented here
The latest nonsense: Flowers losing scent due to climate change
Since there has been no global warming for over 10 years, warming is
not the cause of whatever has been observed below. And if there is an
in principle claim that warming deodorises flowers, all those fragrant
blossoms I encountered during my years in the tropics must have been a
figment of my imagination
A rose may stop smelling like a rose. This is the concern of
environmentalists as flowers are losing their scent due to climate
change and air pollution. And their fragrance may be lost forever.
Science and Technology Professor Emeritus at Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia, Dr Abdul Latif Mohamad, said genetically modified flowers
might be the way out.
Climate change is also the reason Kuala Lumpur City Hall is increasingly
turning to shady trees, because flowers which previously formed the
centrepiece of its beautification programme have been wilting fast.
Datuk Bandar Datuk Ahmad Fuad Ismail said City Hall used to spend RM1.5
million ($635,100) a month to plant and maintain flowers in the city,
but the contractor's services were terminated in March last year. City
Hall has taken over the planting, opting for bougainvillea and the
tropical shrubs, Ixora, for their durability and cheaper cost. Under
the previous arrangement, some of the small flowers cost RM3.50 per
"It was getting too costly to beautify the city. Flowers were dying
fast," he said, adding that City Hall would continue to plant shady
trees more suited for soaking up the increasing pollution and coping
with global warming.
Latif said UKM might have offered plausible reasons as to why some
pollinators were not spreading flower seeds, a pattern caused by the
missing "scent trail" with scent tissues burning easily due to global
warming. "The aroma producing chemical compounds in flowers dry up
faster now compared with before."
The only way out, he said, was to genetically modify the flowers so that
the effects would not be permanent and the future generation would not
be robbed of nature's beauty. "The act is almost like producing
essential oils. Scientists add on certain chemicals for stronger scent."
He said scents in flowers last longer in colder climate as plants can
hold on to their essential oils longer. "The flowers may still have
strong scents in colder climate. But locally, we fear this might be lost
With flowers emitting lesser scent, the insects and butterflies are
travelling further and longer to get a share of nectar. Latif said
birds and insects were heading towards hilly areas and deeper into the
jungles where the weather is cooler.
Cutting out meat won't fight climate change: expert
EATING less meat will not reduce global warming and reports that claim
it will help are distracting society from finding real ways to beat
climate change, a leading air quality expert has said. "We certainly
can reduce our greenhouse gas production, but not by consuming less meat
and milk," Frank Mitloehner has said as he presented a report on
meat-eating and climate change at a conference of the American Chemical
Society in California.
Associate Professor Mitloehner, an air quality expert at the University
of California-Davis, has said blaming cows and pigs for climate change
was scientifically inaccurate. He has also dismissed several reports,
including one issued in 2006 by the United Nations, which he has said
overstate the role that livestock play in global warming.
The UN report - Livestock's Long Shadow - which said livestock cause
more anthropogenic greenhouse gases than all global transportation
combined, merely distract from the real issues involved in climate
change and was a distraction in the quest for true solutions to global
warming, he has said.
The notion that eating less meat will help to combat climate change has
spawned campaigns for "meatless Mondays" and a European campaign
launched late last year, called "Less Meat, Less Heat". Former Beatle
Paul McCartney, one of the world's best-known vegetarians, was a driving
force behind "Less Meat, Less Heat".
"McCartney and others seem to be well-intentioned but not well-schooled
in the complex relationships among human activities, animal digestion,
food production and atmospheric chemistry," Prof Mitloehner said.
"Smarter animal farming, not less farming, will equal less heat ...
Producing less meat and milk will only mean more hunger in poor
countries." Developing countries "should adopt more efficient,
Western-style farming practices, to make more food with less greenhouse
gas production" and developed countries "should focus on cutting our use
of oil and coal for electricity, heating and vehicle fuels".
In the United States, transportation creates an estimated 26 per cent of
all greenhouse gas emissions, whereas raising cattle and pigs for food
accounts for about three per cent, he said.
The UN report, issued in 2006, said global livestock rearing was
responsible for 18 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions measured in
carbon dioxide equivalents. The UN report said that was more than the
greenhouse gases produced by transport.
Moonbat's spat over feed-in tariffs continues with a repost from his
nemesis, Jeremy Leggett, defender of the solar industry. For once,
though, we are completely on Moonbat's side. Only now is the enormity of
the government's proposal beginning to sink in, with its intention to
have a full two percent of UK electricity supplied from micro-generation
by 2020. This will largely be delivered by solar panels, the most
profitable option for small installations.
Actually, solar panels are one of the least cost-effective ways of
producing electricity, costing £4,000-6,000 per kilowatt of installed
capacity. Without massive government support, payback times (with
interest) could be a hundred years or more to recoup the typical
installation costs of between £3,000 and £20,000. Given that the devices
have a maximum lifetime of 30 years, that would never have happened.
However, from 1 April, the government is offering 41.3p per kWh produced
– a supposed "feed-in" tariff although it is paid even if the owner
uses all the electricity produced. From this, it estimates that a
typical 2.5kW well sited installation could earn £900 a year and save
£140 a year on the electricity not used – the subsidies calculated to
give a 5-8 percent return on investment.
The income from the electricity sales is not taxed so, for a higher
bracket taxpayer – who would have to pay for the electricity out of
earned income, the payback time can be reduced to as little as 15 years.
By 2020, however, the government estimates that the subsidy – paid by
electricity users – will be costing £8.6 billion annually. Since only
the better off will be able to afford the installation costs, this
amounts to a massive transfer of wealth from the poor to those fortunate
enough to be able to buy the equipment.
To get to this state, the number of installations, currently
approximately 100,000 and, up from an estimated 82,000 at the end of
2004, will need to increase to something like 7-10 million. And, as a
rough estimate, the capital cost could be in the region of £100 billion –
for two percent of our electricity production – with which we could buy
100 percent of our requirement in the form of brand new nuclear power
It is this capital expenditure which will be defrayed by the feed-in
tariff, replacing a composite scheme which included installation grants.
There was an inkling of how profitable solar was becoming last year when
Guardian journalist Ashley Seager spent £8,500 on solar roof panels
(having got a 50 percent grant for a system that cost £17,500) and
claimed the experience to be financially rewarding.
That was before the government's feed-in tariff came into force and,
when it does the owners will be able to sell all the electricity they
produce at 41.3p per kWh, even if they use it all themselves.
Just how insane this really is can be seen from a similar scheme
introduced in Germany in 2004 – with a 57.4 euro cent/kWh subsidy for
domestic users. This pushed solar power capacity to about 9GW,
delivering about 1.35 GW, or about one percent of total German
production - including some massive industrial installations, which get a
slightly lower subsidy rate.
But the cost has been massive. German electricity consumers last year
paid more than £10 billion in subsidies, forcing chancellor Merkel to
cut the tariff by 15 percent this month, with more cuts in the pipeline.
With the UK feed-in tariff – and other tax incentives – solar panels are
now a good investment for anyone who can afford them, which means that
there will almost certainly be a massive uptake. The government may well
reach its 2020 target of two percent but the rest of us will be paying
dearly for the privilege.
Even allowing for a low end installation cost of £4,000 per kW
installed, the load capacity of domestic panels in the UK rarely exceeds
10 percent. This means that the 2GW needed by 2020 to make up 2 percent
of our electrical production would still cost in the region of £80
billion. At this rate, no wonder Merkel finds the subsidies
unaffordable. And yet, David Cameron wants not 2 but 15 percent, jacking
up capital costs to a potential £600 billion.
If the current scheme is already insane, what the Tories are proposing is a multiple of insanity. And we can afford neither.
The US National Snow and Ice Data Center in 2007 warns the Arctic ice
could vanish: "The issue is that, for the first time that I am aware
of, the North Pole is covered with extensive first-year ice—ice that
formed last autumn and winter. I’d say it’s even-odds whether the North
Pole melts out [this year]."
The US National Snow and Ice Data Center in 2010 concedes the Arctic ice
has grown: "A report from the US National Snow and Ice Data Center in
Colorado finds that Arctic summer sea ice has increased by 409,000
square miles, or 26 per cent, since 2007."
Attention BBC: which of Australia's cities is almost dry?
By Andrew Bolt
A word to the BBC’s Sydney reporter Nick Bryant. Mate, Australians now
have the Internet and can read and check the bizarre reports you file
back home, like this one:
Australia is in the grip of “the Big Dry”, one of the worst droughts in a century.
My name is Steve Goreham. I'm an engineer, a former business executive,
and a Yank. I've just published (ink not yet dry) the book: Climatism! Science, Common Sense, and the 21st Century's Hottest Topic to add weight against climate change alarmism and for sound science and energy policy.
Climatism! covers the science, politics, and energy policy impacts of
global climate mania. It's written in a down-to-earth manner for world
citizens to accelerate the demise of Climatism.
Global warming can lead to increased violence in human beings
It might well do so, though the evidence is mixed. I myself wrote
several research papers on the psychological effects of a warmer climate
and in some datasets the hypothesis was supported and in others it was
not. There are basically too many confounding factors to sort it all
out conclusively. Tropical dwellers tend not to be identical to
non-tropical dwellers, for instance, so any differences observed could
be due to those other factors rather than the heat itself. On the
whole, however, I am inclined to go along with the hypothesis.
But it is all theory in this instance. We don't know that the climate
WILL warm and we don't know if any warming is the result of human
influences. Additionally, we don't know how any adverse effect will be
balanced by other effects. It is certainly my observation that people
in warmer climates are more sociable, which is probably a good thing, so
how do we balance that against a slight increase in violent incidents?
It is all a matter of opinion.
The second assertion below, that warming will cut food production, is
utter bunkum. A few degrees of warming would make large areas of
Canada and Siberia arable, with a resultant huge INCREASE in potential
food production. And greater warmth is good for crops in general. Lots
of farmers would be glad to see the end of frost damage, for instance
A new research has shown that as the earth's average temperature rises,
so does human "heat" in the form of violent tendencies, which links
global warming with increased violence in human beings.
Using US government data on average yearly temperatures and the number
of violent crimes between 1950 and 2008, the researchers estimate that
if the annual average temperature in the US increases by 4.4 degree
Celsius, the yearly murder and assault rate will increase by 34 per
100,000 people - or 100,000 more per year in a population of 305
While the global warming science has recently come under fire, the main
premise behind the Iowa State researchers' research paper is
irrefutable. "It is very well researched and what I call the 'heat
hypothesis'," Anderson said. "When people get hot, they behave more
aggressively. There's nothing new there and we're all finding the same
thing. But of the three ways that global warming is going to increase
aggression and violence, that's probably the one that's going to have
the most direct impact - even on developed, wealthy countries, because
they have warm regions too," he added.
The ISU researchers analyzed existing research - including an update on a
study Anderson authored in 1997 - on the effects of rising temperature
on aggression and risk factors for delinquency and criminal behavior.
In addition to the "heat hypothesis," they report that rising global
temperatures also increases known risk factors for the development of
aggression in violence-prone individuals, such as increasing poverty,
growing up amid scarce resources, malnutrition and food insecurity.
They contended that one of the most catastrophic effects of climate
change will be food availability, producing more violence-prone
individuals in the process. "While there is some link between
temperature and aggression, really the effects (of climate change) are
going to be more indirect if those temperature changes affect the amount
of food we can produce, coupled with population growth," said Matt
DeLisi, an associate professor of sociology and director of ISU's
criminal justice program. "Then where the real damage will be done is
malnutrition, because that sets in motion these other developments (risk
factors) that then lead to crime," he added.
The researchers cited ecomigration, civil unrest, genocide and war as
the third way global warming is going to increase violence. They report
research finding that rapid climate change can lead to changes in the
availability of food, water, shelter and other necessities of life.
Such shortages can also lead to civil war and unrest, migration to
adjacent regions and conflict with people who already live in that
region, and even to genocide and war.
Last week TWTW discussed part of the IPCC’s methodology as presented in
the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the 2007 Assessment Report (AR4).
The IPCC conclusion that it is 90% probable that humans caused the
warming in the last 50 years (precise dates not given) requires two key
assumptions: 1) the surface datasets relied upon have been rigorously
maintained, and 2) all the natural causes of warming are known and
included in the models. As readers of TWTW realize, it is likely the
datasets have been highly compromised, rendering the IPCC’s conclusions
indefensible until the datasets are independently verified.
As to natural causes of temperature increases in the past 50 years, the
SPM claims that: “The observed widespread warming of the atmosphere and
ocean, together with ice mass loss, support the conclusion that it is
extremely unlikely that global climate change of the past 50 years can
be explained without external forcing, and very likely that it is not
due to known natural causes alone. {4.8, 5.2, 9.4, 9.5, 9.7}(SPM 1-30-07
p 10).
Put differently, it is only 5% probable that the surface temperature
increases can be explained by changes within the earth and its internal
climate system, and only 10% probable that they can be explained by all
natural changes including changes in solar activity, etc.
This leads to one of nature’s delicious ironies. This winter when much
of the inhabited part of the Northern Hemisphere was suffering from
extreme cold and snow, as referenced in prior TWTW’s, satellite
measurements show that the atmosphere was unusually warm due to a strong
El Niño. Yet, the IPCC excludes natural influences for warming,
specifically mentioning El Niños, which it considers too short to have
an influence. It also excludes the established oscillations of the
oceans such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Atlantic
Multi-decadal Oscillation.
Adding to the irony, on March 6 the Houston Chronicle published an op-ed
written by climate scientists, referenced in last week’s TWTW, titled
“On global warming, the science is solid.” The scientists claim that the
January high temperatures (now February as well) support the IPCC
science. Others have made similar claims. Thus, to defend IPCC science
some advocates are reduced to attacking IPCC’s scientific findings!
Since, in even the IPCC assessment, sea-level rise is not going to be
much of a problem of any foreseeable global warming, Warmists now
often turn to the claim that warming will make the oceans more acidic
and that that will dissolve all the carbonaceous carapaces of shellfish
etc. No more yummy crabs or oysters, for instance. That claim always
depended on scientific ignorance because the oceans are in fact very
alkaline and any foreseeable acidification would simply make them less
alkaline, not acidic. And alkalis don't dissolve shellfish.
Now however, the latest research really blows the nonsense away. The
research below shows that shellfish flourished during periods of much
higher atmospheric CO2 than we have today:
Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations over the past 60 million years
By Paul N. Pearson et al.
Knowledge of the evolution of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations
throughout the Earth's history is important for a reconstruction of the
links between climate and radiative forcing of the Earth's surface
temperatures. Although atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in the
early Cenozoic era (about 60Myr ago) are widely believed to have been
higher than at present, there is disagreement regarding the exact carbon
dioxide levels, the timing of the decline and the mechanisms that are
most important for the control of CO2 concentrations over geological
timescales. Here we use the boron-isotope ratios of ancient planktonic
foraminifer shells to estimate the pH of surface-layer sea water
throughout the past 60 million years, which can be used to reconstruct
atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We estimate CO2 concentrations of more
than 2,000 p.p.m. for the late Palaeocene and earliest Eocene periods
(from about 60 to 52 Myr ago), and find an erratic decline between 55
and 40 Myr ago that may have been caused by reduced CO2 outgassing from
ocean ridges, volcanoes and metamorphic belts and increased carbon
burial. Since the early Miocene (about 24Myr ago), atmospheric CO2
concentrations appear to have remained below 500 p.p.m. and were more
stable than before, although transient intervals of CO2 reduction may
have occurred during periods of rapid cooling approximately 15 and 3 Myr
History may see the interview of CRU's Professor Phil Jones by the BBC's
Roger Harrabin on 12 February 2010 as the opening of the end-phase of
the long-running "alarmists versus sceptics" debate.
The gap between these two schools has never yawned as widely as media
reports often suggest. Both agree that climate is always changing, that
we have recently been in a warming period (with tiny temperature
changes), that "greenhouse theory" has some validity, and that human
activities are capable of impacting climate. The core dispute lies in
the detection and attribution of `anthropogenic global warming' (AGW),
and is brought out in the following exchange:
Harrabin - How confident are you that warming has taken place and that humans are mainly responsible?
Jones - I'm 100% confident that the climate has warmed. As to the second
question, I would go along with IPCC Chapter 9 - there's evidence that
most of the warming since the 1950s is due to human activity.
Sceptics say any human causation was trivial. This dispute was addressed directly:
Harrabin - what factors convince you that recent warming has been largely man-made?
Jones - The fact that we can't explain the warming from the 1950s by solar and volcanic forcing.
"The warming from the 1950s" didn't actually commence until 1975, and
the 1975-2009 warming is identified by Professor Jones as a trend-rate
of temperature increase of 0.161C per decade. This decadal figure is
significant, but only just. In the second interview question, Jones says
a trend of "0.12C per decade is not significant at the 95% significance
The world has been experiencing a long-term gentle warming since the end
of the Little Ice Age. Professor Jones has said elsewhere[i] that this
natural variability has averaged 0.11C per decade. So, the
"extraordinary" recent warming that calls for explanation is the balance
of 0.051C per decade. This is the smoking gun. It is the sole evidence
that a measurable but unexplained increase in global temperatures has
coincided with the post-1950 increase in human-induced greenhouse gas
emissions. Jones says that this correlation is evidence of causation,
because the IPCC has no other explanation.
The first rejoinder by sceptics is that this is an argument from
ignorance. Humanity cops the blame solely because IPCC researchers know
so little about all the vast natural forces and cycles influencing
global temperatures that they can't pin it firmly on any one suspect.
Cast in this way, the strength of the IPPC's case is inversely
proportional to the depth of their climatic understanding. But why
should homo sapiens be the default option?
Secondly, doubters say it is not surprising that IPCC models can't
explain an infinitesimal heat anomaly of five-hundredths of a degree
over a 10-year period. They have a track record of being wrong about
much larger matters, including their prediction of 0.2C warming over the
past decade. Phil Jones says there has been no significant warming
since 1995.
Thirdly, a very important question arises as to the precision of the
instrumental record, as well as all the statistical processing, that
produces this key trend figure of 0.161C per decade. This seems an
impossibly precise figure for all the world's temperatures, over lengthy
periods, in all seasons, using diverse and changing instruments. What
are the margins of error for the thermometers? What are the statistical
confidence intervals for the homogenization of records? What of the
spatial and temporal gaps?
Error bars narrow over time, but the IPCC accepts that even the most
modern gridded readings contain errors of +/- 0.17. When this level is
applied to Professor Jones' trend for 1975-2009 it overwhelms it. The
anomaly which "we can't explain" is so small as to be swamped by the
margins of error.
Doubts about the accuracy of data processing are heightened by the
ongoing unavailability of worldwide raw data and metadata. CRU evaded
Freedom of Information obligations and then confessed that computer data
was lost. This pattern was mirrored by the actions of NIWA in New
Zealand, and perhaps others. What of the `Climategate' accusations of
manipulation, also mirrored in New Zealand? There are a great many known
unknowns, and perhaps just as many unknown unknowns.
The fourth objection is that a trend of 0.161C per decade is NOT outside
the boundaries of internal natural variability. This is where the BBC
testimony of Professor Jones becomes invaluable in settling the
Harrabin - Do you agree that according to the global temperature record
used by the IPCC, the rates of global warming from 1860-1880, 1910-1940
and 1975-1998 were identical?
Jones - The 1860-1880 period is only 21 years in length. As for the two
periods 1910-40 and 1975-1998 the warming rates are not statistically
significantly different.
It is common ground that the warmings commencing in 1860 and 1910 were
not human-caused, so they must have resulted from oscillations or other
cyclical or chaotic aspects of internal variability. An unexplained
warming trend of 0.16C/decade, which has occurred three times in the
last 150 years is, by definition, within the natural variability of the
global climate system.
The first two IPCC reports accepted that the medieval warm period (MWP)
was the warmest period of the millennium, but this was challenged in
2001 by the 'hockey sticks' produced by Mann, Briffa, and others. These
projects, which focused on tree rings in North America and Siberia, were
illuminated by the BBC interview:
Harrabin- There is a debate over whether the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was global.
Jones - For it to be global in extent the MWP would need to be seen
clearly in more records from the tropical regions and the Southern
Hemisphere. There are very few paleoclimatic records for these latter
two regions.
So the `hockey team' go under a bus, along with the IPCC's dogmatic
claim that current temperatures are the warmest experienced for a
thousand years. The MWP which was established by history records still
stands - as yet unchallenged by proxy temperature records.
The fifth argument accepts that all three warmings since 1860 (and the
MWP) could have exceeded the bounds of natural variability, if all were
forced by the same external influence. Possibilities are legion and
include solar flares, cosmic rays, orbital anomalies, undocumented
cycles, aerosols, ocean currents and magnetic realignments. Nobody
actually blames these warmings on volcanoes or solar irradiance, which
are the only two influences considered by Phil Jones.
The sixth problem is that the correlation between the respective
increases of GHGs and temperatures, which has always been poor, has
become non-existent in the past 15years. Whilst CO2 emissions have
rocketed since 1995, Phil Jones confirms there has been no detectable
increase in global warming.
The real value of the Harrabin/Jones interview is the fact that straight
questions received straight answers, for the first time in recent
Professor Jones, as co-inventor of the modern climate change hypothesis,
principal archivist of global temperature records, co-author of the
IPCC's AR4, Nobel laureate, and former CRU director, is the most
authoritative source imaginable. He received written notice of the
questions from a long-sympathetic interviewer, and his responses were
pre-vetted by his lawyers and by the University of East Anglia media
office. There will be no retractions.
Even if humans have in fact been responsible for the "unexplained"
warming of 0.051C per decade over 35 years, it is comforting to note
that allowing this rate to continue will produce only 0.5C by the end of
the century. As only about half of the human-caused warming is
attributed to CO2, the valuation of any net benefit from abandoning
fossil fuels is becoming very obscure indeed.
Five-hundredths of a degree Celsius per decade produces extra nocturnal
warmth at about the same rate as we grow toenails. It is far too
insignificant to be detected by human sensors or even by standard
weather thermometers - which are usually rounded up to the closest whole
degree. It is a statistical fiction, created by computer-splicing of
incompatible datasets, derived from averages of averages of inconsistent
The controversy continues. But with the imprimatur of Phil Jones to the
key fact that recent warming is not unusual, the debate will never be
the same. The two sides are edging closer to a common set of facts; and
it surely cannot be too much longer before common conclusions are drawn
from those facts.
Aesop (620-564 BC) the Greek writer famous for his fables told of the
boy who falsely cried wolf. Environmentalists have falsely cried wolf
and effectively undermine environmentalism the need to live within the
confines of a finite planet. They misled, exaggerated and made a
multitude of false predictions to the detriment of the environment and
people's willingness to be aware and concerned. Rachel Carson's Silent
Spring was a major starting point that blamed DDT for many things
including thinner eggshells none of which proved correct.
Indeed, as Paul Driessen identified in Eco-imperialism: Green Power,
Black Death, banning DDT led to millions of unnecessary deaths from
malaria that exceed deaths from AIDS in Africa.
A myriad of false stories made headlines over the last 40 years. All are
conditional that is they're prefaced by words like, `could' and
`maybe', but the public generally remembers the terse and unconditional
headlines. Ultimately almost all the stories were subsequently proved
incorrect, but that never makes the headlines. Remember such stories as
sheep and rabbits going blind in Chile because of thinning ozone. Well,
as scientists at Johns Hopkins showed, it was due to a local infection.
We heard of frogs born deformed and humans were blamed because of
pollution. Biologist Stan Sessions showed it was due to a natural
parasite. Each week some natural phenomenon is presented as unnatural
and by implication due to human activity. A book is needed to list all
the claims and threats made that have not occurred, have proved false or
are unfounded.
Global warming, and latterly climate change, became the major plank of
environmentalist's religious campaign. They used it to dictate and
control how everyone else should live and behave, as a survey of the web
pages of Greenpeace, the Sierra Club or Friends of the Earth show. The
level of commitment is a real problem. It's exaggerated by the declining
economy and people experience the economic impacts of their tactics and
Leaked emails from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) disclosed what
several scientists had suspected for a long time about the corruption of
climate science. Subsequent exposure of the problems with the IPCC
Reports led distinguished oceanographer Dr. Robert Stephenson of the
U.S. Office of Naval Research and NASA to say, "Even when exposed, the
IPCC leaders claimed it was their "right" to change scientific
conclusions so that political leaders could better understand the
report." "To the world's geophysical community, these unethical
practices and total lack of integrity by the leadership of the IPCC have
been enough to reveal that their collective claims were - and are -
fraudulent." But Bruce Cox, the executive director of Greenpeace "blamed
the hacked emails to being politically motivated."
John Bennett, executive director of the Sierra Club of Canada, made the
same argument, saying: "Mann and his colleagues were simply speaking in
their own high-level code, and a number of things were taken out of
His remarks underscore lack of understanding of climate science, the
serious limitations of the IPCC Reports and what the emails actually
disclose. It is not surprising because on March 10 UN Secretary General
Ban Ki Moon said, "Let me be clear: the threat posed by climate change
is real. Nothing that has been alleged or revealed in the media recently
alters the fundamental scientific consensus on climate change. Nor does
it diminish the unique importance of the IPCC's work."
Environmentalism was what academics call a paradigm shift. Thomas Kuhn
defined them as "a fundamental change in approach or underlying
assumptions." Some attribute the composite photo of the Earth, taken by
astronauts in Apollo 8 as the symbolic start of the new paradigm of
Environmental groups grabbed the concept and quickly took the moral high
ground preaching that only they cared about the Earth. They went to
extremes putting any plant or animal ahead of any human activity or
need. Extreme environmentalists profess an anti-humanity, and
anti-evolution philosophy. Humans are an aberration according to Ron
Arnold, Executive Vice-President of the Center for the Defense of Free
Enterprise. "Environmentalism intends to transform government, economy,
and society in order to liberate nature from human exploitation." David
Graber, a research biologist with the National Park Service claims
Darwin's evolution theory doesn't apply to humans:
"Human happiness, and certainly human fecundity, are not as important as
a wild and healthy planet. I know social scientists who remind me that
people are part of nature, but it isn't true. Somewhere along the line -
at about a billion years ago - we quit the contract and became a
cancer. We have become a plague upon ourselves and upon the Earth. It is
cosmically unlikely that the developed world will choose to end its
orgy of fossil energy consumption, and the Third World its suicidal
consumption of landscape. Until such time as Homo Sapiens should decide
to rejoin nature, some of us can only hope for the right virus to come
Climate scientists at the CRU used the IPCC, a political vehicle
established by the UN, to provide the false scientific basis for all
energy and environmental policies. They created what Essex and McKitrick
called the Doctrine of Certainty in their book Taken by Storm. They
define this as, "The basic not-to-be-questioned assertions of the
Doctrine are:
1. The Earth is warming.
2. Warming has already been observed.
3. Humans are causing it.
4. All but a handful of scientists on the fringe believe it.
5. Warming is bad.
6. Action is required immediately.
7. Any action is better than none.
8. Claims of uncertainty only cover the ulterior motives of individuals aiming to stop needed action.
9. Those who defend uncertainty are bad people.
They conclude, "The Doctrine is not true. Each assertion is either
manifestly false or the claim to know it is false." Remember this was
written before disclosure of the emails and the many IPCC errors.
But the most devastating proof of the scientific inadequacies of the
IPCC Reports is the complete failure of every prediction they have made.
They were as wrong on every issue as the Club of Rome Limits to Growth
predictions. Ability to predict weather accurately is difficult in 24
hours and virtually impossible beyond 72 hours. AGW proponents claimed
weather was different than climate and predictable with a degree of
This is false because climate is an average of the weather. If their
claim was correct forecasts in the brief 20 years since their first
Report in 1990 would be correct. Every one is wrong. They tried to avoid
the problem by switching to a range of scenarios but even the lowest
was wrong. These are facts Ban Ki Moon and environmental groups can
understand. By ignoring them and crying wolf when the wolf is already in
the flock undermines the logical and reasonable adoption of
Environmentalists took over environmentalism and preached to everyone
how they knew best and only they cared. How dare they? We are all
environmentalists. With blind faith they, deceived, misdirected,
threatened, destroyed jobs, careers, opportunities and development. Now
those who paid the price will be less willing to listen or support
genuine environmental concerns.
French firm develops new nuclear reactors that 'destroy' atomic waste
A NEW type of nuclear reactor that could permanently "destroy" atomic
waste is being developed by French scientists, according to chief
executive of Areva, the world's largest nuclear energy company. Anne
Lauvergeon told The Times that the French group was developing a
technology to burn up actinides -- highly radioactive uranium isotopes
that are the waste products of nuclear fission inside a reactor. The
technology could be critical in winning greater global public support
for nuclear energy and cutting emissions of carbon dioxide.
"We have developed the highest safety level with (our existing
reactors)," she said. "In terms of public acceptance, the remaining
issue is the waste. In the future we will be able to destroy the
actinides by making them disappear in a special reactor. We can do it
already in a laboratory. With research and development, we will address
this issue."
The project at Areva is similar to research being carried out at the
University of Texas in Austin, where scientists have designed a system
that would use fusion to eliminate virtually all the waste produced by
civil nuclear reactors. Swadesh Mahajan, senior research scientist at
Austin's Institute for Fusion Studies (IFS), believes that the invention
could hugely reduce the need for geological repositories for waste.
"We want to make nuclear energy as socially and environmentally
acceptable as possible," he said. "Nuclear waste cannot be 100 per cent
eliminated, but the volume, the toxicity and the biohazard could be
reduced by 99 per cent."
The invention could mean, he said, that instead of the world needing to
build 100 geological stores for nuclear waste, only one or two might be
necessary to store decades of waste.
Mike Kotschenreuther, also of the IFS, said that the technology rested
on the use of a spherical hybrid fusion-fission reactor. The waste would
be held in a "blanket" around the reactor core and destroyed by firing
streams of neutrons at it. He acknowledged that big technical
challenges remained, not least that to work effectively the reactor
would have to operate continuously, creating the problem of how to
extract the destroyed waste.
About 440 nuclear plants are operating in 31 countries worldwide, with a
collective generating capacity of 370 gigawatts of electrical power, or
15 per cent of the global total. But electricity produced from nuclear
fission also produces 12,000 tonnes of high-level radioactive waste per
year, including plutonium that can be used to manufacture weapons.
Ms Lauvergeon said that the volume of high-level nuclear waste produced
by all of France's 58 reactors over the past 40 years could fit in one
Olympic-size swimming pool. "Of course, it would be better to have
nothing, but this is fully managed and we have to view this issue in a
balanced way compared to other solutions." Nuclear power produces more
than 80 per cent of French electricity.
The concept of a hybrid fission-fusion reactor was first developed in
the 1950s, but little research was conducted for several decades.
No mention in the scary rubbish below that there has been a slow sea
level rise ever since the last ice age. No mention that it has stopped
in recent years. No mention that the Arctic sea ice is now recovering
from its recent low. No mention that most of Greenland is so far below
zero that none of the projected temperature rises would melt much of it.
No mention that Glacial modeler Faezeh Nick of Durham University
in the UK and her colleagues concluded that “Our results imply that
the recent rates of mass loss in Greenland's outlet glaciers are
transient and should not be extrapolated into the future” No mention
that the latest research,
just published in Nature Geoscience, suggests that the rise in
hurricane frequency since 1995 was just part of a natural cycle, and
that several similar previous increases have been recorded, each
followed by a decline ... etc. etc...
New scientific data says the sea is rising faster than anyone thought
and under worst-case scenarios, much of Miami and South Florida could be
under water by the end of the century, unless drastic measures are
taken soon.
Some of the world’s leading experts on Arctic climate change are meeting
in Miami this week to share the newest science and plot the course for
future science. What does the Arctic have to do with Miami? Everything.
Just ask Lester Hernandez. He and his family live several miles from
the beach. But new scientific projections of accelerating sea level rise
say, within our lifetime, hurricane storm surges could reach his
neighborhood and nearly all neighborhoods east of I-95. "To tell you
the truth,” said Hernandez as he strolled on the sidewalk in his South
Dade neighborhood, “I wouldn't have imagined it."
The challenge is this: the cause of this slow, insidious rise in the sea
level is coming from thousands of miles away at the Greenland ice
sheet. Additionally, new data says the polar ice cap will be completely
without ice during a summer within a few years, which compounds the
problem under the Florida sunshine.
That is the heavy burden carried by the world’s top Arctic scientists
studying the worsening crisis at the top of the world. So it's entirely
relevant that they came to Miami, which lies only feet above sea level.
"So the combination of heavier development on the coast and rising sea
levels coupled with hurricanes,” said University of Miami Rosensteil
oceanographer David Kadko, “Even if they were not more destructive - and
there are arguments that they will be more destructive because of
climate change - will cause huge amounts of destruction of property and,
of course, our insurance rates will go up."
It's not just storm surge from hurricanes that threaten South Florida.
Climate change here already means more diseases from insects, more
acidic oceans that threaten our seafood, dying coral reefs, salt-tainted
drinking water, extreme weather events, more polluted coastlines, more
expensive food, and should the gulfstream shift as some experts fear,
Florida’s famous subtropical climate will change.
Warmists are the sort of cargo cultists that eminent physicist Richard Feynman foresaw
Feynman was a winner of the Albert Einstein Award, the Niels Bohr
International Gold Medal, and the Nobel prize. Famous for his unusual
life style, his books and lectures on mathematics and physics remain
popular to this day. His entertaining book, Surely you're joking Mr
Feynman, painted a picture of a brilliant, complex yet charmingly
mischievous man. He was a prankster, juggler, safe-cracker and bongo
player. With an almost compulsive need to solve puzzles it seems logical
that he became one of the leading Physicists of the 20th century.
Dr. Julian Schwinger described him as “an honest man, the outstanding
intuitionist of our age, and a prime example of what may lie in store
for anyone who dares to follow the beat of a different drum.” Often the
drum was played by Feynman himself.
Impatient with pretension and hypocrisy, he had a talent for
one-upsmanship and loved to be the center of attention—particularly if
the attention was from a beautiful woman. Though lighthearted by nature
his criticism could be devastating. During the investigation of the 1986
Challenger disaster, when interviews of high-ranking NASA managers
revealed startling misunderstandings of elementary concepts, he bluntly
pronounced their safety assessments unrealistic.
In 1974 Feynman gave the commencement address at Caltech, a speech that
was later captured in an essay entitled “Cargo Cult Science.” In it,
Feynman expressed his concern that, even though we live in an age of
scientific wonders, people still believe in all sorts of irrational,
mystical gibberish. More than that, he worried about falling standards
among those who work in the sciences. The heart of the talk centered on
what Feynman termed “Cargo Cult Science.” Feynman explains:
In the South Seas there is a cargo cult of people.
During the war they saw airplanes land with lots of good materials, and
they want the same thing to happen now. So they've arranged to imitate
things like runways, to put fires along the sides of the runways, to
make a wooden hut for a man to sit in, with two wooden pieces on his
head like headphones and bars of bamboo sticking out like antennas—he's
the controller—and they wait for the airplanes to land. They're doing
everything right. The form is perfect. It looks exactly the way it
looked before. But it doesn't work. No airplanes land. So I call these
things cargo cult science, because they follow all the apparent precepts
and forms of scientific investigation, but they're missing something
essential, because the planes don't land.
Feynman goes on to cite numerous examples of bad science and illogical
thinking, and in doing so explains what it means to be an ethical,
honest scientist. In this age where climate scientists are embroiled in
public scandal, it is instructive to compare the actions of the CRU crew
and others so recently in the news with Feynman's ethical standards.
For those not following the Climategate scandal, a number of prominent
climate change alarmists were caught out withholding and ultimately
destroying climate data rather than letting critics review the data
themselves. Here is what Feynman said about such shenanigans:
[T]here is one feature I notice that is generally
missing in cargo cult science. That is the idea that we all hope you
have learned in studying science in school—we never explicitly say what
this is, but just hope that you catch on by all the examples of
scientific investigation. It is interesting, therefore, to bring it out
now and speak of it explicitly. It's a kind of scientific integrity, a
principle of scientific thought that corresponds to a kind of utter
honesty—a kind of leaning over backwards. For example, if you're doing
an experiment, you should report everything that you think might make it
invalid—not only what you think is right about it: other causes that
could possibly explain your results; and things you thought of that
you've eliminated by some other experiment, and how they worked—to make
sure the other fellow can tell they have been eliminated.
It is sad to think that this lesson, which Feynman hoped young
scientists would learn in school or by example, has been forgotten by
climate scientists whose research could potentially impact the
well-being and livelihood of every person on Earth. Feynman continued
his explanation of a scientist's responsibility:
Details that could throw doubt on your interpretation
must be given, if you know them. You must do the best you can—if you
know anything at all wrong, or possibly wrong—to explain it. If you make
a theory, for example, and advertise it, or put it out, then you must
also put down all the facts that disagree with it, as well as those that
agree with it. There is also a more subtle problem. When you have put a
lot of ideas together to make an elaborate theory, you want to make
sure, when explaining what it fits, that those things it fits are not
just the things that gave you the idea for the theory; but that the
finished theory makes something else come out right, in addition.
Feynman summarized it this way: “the idea is to try to give all of the
information to help others to judge the value of your contribution; not
just the information that leads to judgment in one particular direction
or another.” Yet, the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit
breached Britain's Freedom of Information Act by refusing to comply with
requests for data concerning claims by its scientists that man-made
emissions were causing global warming. In one email, Dr. Phil Jones, the
Climate Research Unit's director, asked a colleague to delete emails
relating to the 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Were Professor Jones and his associates not in class the day scientific
integrity was discussed? In America the track record is no better.
Michael Mann, one of the recipients of the scandal causing emails, was
already notorious for refusing to release data and details regarding his
work on the infamous “hockey stick” climate graph. But climate
science's problems do not end with failure to disclose data, methods and
Cargo Cult Climate Science
The most insidious part of what I have labeled Cargo Cult Climate
Science is the willingness of global warming extremists to accept as
true statements that can be proven false with even cursory
investigation. Witness the uncritical acceptance of the claim that
Himalayan glaciers would vanish by 2035, a claim based on
unsubstantiated reports in a news magazine that was folded into the
IPCC's own report without verification. Not only was this claim false,
when it was challenged by Vijay Kumar Raina and a number of
glaciologists from around the world, the IPCC, led by the highly
excitable Rajendra Pachauri, vociferously defended the indefensible
while hurling personal attacks at their critics.
The extended series of faux pas from climate scientists and IPCC
officials have finally caused enough damage that public trust in science
is wavering. According to a new Gallup poll, 48% of Americans now
believe that the seriousness of global warming is generally exaggerated,
up from 41% in 2009 and 31% in 1997. The percentage of Americans who
believe that global warming is going to affect them or their way of life
during their lifetimes has dropped to 32% from a high point of 40% in
2008. Two-thirds of Americans now say global warming will not affect
them in their lifetimes.
Gallup noted that the public opinion tide turned in 2009, when several
measures showed a slight retreat in public concern about global warming.
This year, the downturn is even more pronounced. In 2003, 61% of
Americans said increases in the Earth's temperature over the last
century were due to human activities while 33% said they were due to
natural changes in the environment. Now, a significantly diminished 50%
say temperature increases are due to human activities, and 46% say they
are not.
The rapid decline of public confidence in global warming has sent a
chill through scientific circles. In an editorial in the February 19,
2010, issue of Science, Peter Agre, president of AAAS, and Alan Leshner,
the chief executive officer of AAAS and Science's executive publisher,
attempted to calm the nervous scientific community. Here are Agre and
Leshner trying to tame the tempest:
Inappropriate behavior by scientists also weakens the
bridge between science and society, at times to a degree out of
proportion to the incidents. Widely publicized examples of scientific
misconduct, or even mere accusations of misconduct, can tarnish the
image and diminish the credibility of the entire scientific enterprise.
Likewise, undisclosed conflicts of interest, whether real or apparent,
can call into question the integrity of the whole scientific community.
Scientists also jeopardize the credibility of science by
overinterpreting or misstating scientific facts. Recent examples include
misinformation on the prospects of Himalayan glaciers and the effects
of climate change there, and newly discovered problems with a 1998
report linking vaccines to autism.
This lame apology is as close as the scientific establishment can come
to admitting that climate science has been playing fast and loose with
the facts and that a number of its investigators are ethically
challenged. Things have been blown “out of proportion” and some are even
“mere accusations” of misconduct. They also tacked on the admonition
that “scientists should not tolerate threats to the integrity of
science, whether they come from outside the scientific community or from
within it.” I guess those threatening the integrity of science from the
outside are all those despicable deniers.
Grow up gentlemen, science has fouled its own nest. Climate science by
doing shoddy work and science in general by providing the miscreants
with unconditional support until the public outcry grew too loud to
ignore. And if conflict of interest was the yardstick the IPCC's
Pachauri would be long gone by now. But Pachauri is only a side show.
At the center of the IPCC's problem is that they choose to believe a
scientific theory that is based on incomplete understanding—that human
generated CO2 is responsible for global warming. Not only has it become
clear that CO2 is not the primary driver of climate change but claim
after claim, prediction after prediction made by the warmists has failed
to come true—the planes don't land.
AGW cultists waiting for some global warming to arrive.
Like the cargo cultists, the AGW cult has confused cause and effect.
Higher atmospheric CO2 levels do occur naturally as climate warms, but
it has always been a result of the warming, a contributing factor, not
the principal cause of the warming.
Judith Curry heads the Georgia Tech School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. Some excerpts from an interview with her below
Q. Where do you come down on the whole subject of uncertainty in the climate science?
A. I’m very concerned about the way uncertainty is being treated. The
IPCC [the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]
took a shortcut on the actual scientific uncertainty analysis on a lot
of the issues, particularly the temperature records.
Q. Don’t individual studies do uncertainty analysis?
A. Not as much as they should. It’s a weakness. When you have two data
sets that disagree, often nobody digs in to figure out all the different
sources of uncertainty in the different analysis. Once you do that, you
can identify mistakes or determine how significant a certain data set
Q. Is this a case of politics getting in the way of science?
A. No. It’s sloppiness. It’s just how our field has evolved. One of the
things that McIntyre and McKitrick pointed out was that a lot of the
statistical methods used in our field are sloppy. We have trends for
which we don’t even give a confidence interval. The IPCC concluded that
most of the warming of the latter 20th century was very likely caused by
humans. Well, as far as I know, that conclusion was mostly a
negotiation, in terms of calling it “likely” or “very likely.” Exactly
what does “most” mean? What percentage of the warming are we actually
talking about? More than 50 percent? A number greater than 50 percent?
Q. Are you saying that the scientific community, through the IPCC, is
asking the world to restructure its entire mode of producing and
consuming energy and yet hasn’t done a scientific uncertainty analysis?
A. Yes. The IPCC itself doesn’t recommend policies or whatever; they
just do an assessment of the science. But it’s sort of framed in the
context of the UNFCCC [the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change]. That’s who they work for, basically. The UNFCCC has a
particular policy agenda—Kyoto, Copenhagen, cap-and-trade, and all
that—so the questions that they pose at the IPCC have been framed in
terms of the UNFCCC agenda. That’s caused a narrowing of the kind of
things the IPCC focuses on. It’s not a policy-free assessment of the
science. That actually torques the science in certain directions,
because a lot of people are doing research specifically targeted at
issues of relevance to the IPCC. Scientists want to see their papers
quoted in the IPCC report.
Q. You’ve talked about potential distortions of temperature measurements
from natural temperature cycles in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and
from changes in the way land is used. How does that work?
A. Land use changes the temperature quite a bit in complex
ways—everything from cutting down forests or changing agriculture to
building up cities and creating air pollution. All of these have big
impacts on regional surface temperature, which isn’t always accounted
for adequately, in my opinion. The other issue is these big ocean
oscillations, like the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and the Pacific
Decadal Oscillation, and particularly, how these influenced
temperatures in the latter half of the 20th century. I think there was a
big bump at the end of the 20th century, especially starting in the
mid-1990s. We got a big bump from going into the warm phase of the
Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation was
warm until about 2002. Now we’re in the cool phase. This is probably why
we’ve seen a leveling-off [of global average temperatures] in the past
five or so years. My point is that at the end of the 1980s and in the
’90s, both of the ocean oscillations were chiming in together to give
some extra warmth.
If you go back to the 1930s and ’40s, you see a similar bump in the
temperature records. That was the bump that some of those climate
scientists were trying to get rid of [in the temperature data], but it
was a real bump, and I think it was associated with these ocean
oscillations. That was another period when you had the Pacific Decadal
Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation chiming in
together. These oscillations and how they influence global temperature
haven’t received enough attention, and it’s an important part of how we
interpret 20th-century climate records. Rather than trying to airbrush
this bump in the 1940s and trying to get rid of the medieval warm
period—which these hacked e-mails illustrate—we need to understand them.
They don’t disprove anthropogenic global warming, but we can’t airbrush
them away. We need to incorporate them into the overall story. We had
two bumps—in the ’90s and also in the ’30s and ’40s—that may have had
the same cause. So we may have exaggerated the trend in the later half of the 20th century
by not adequately interpreting these bumps from the ocean oscillations.
I don’t have all the answers. I’m just saying that’s what it looks
Q. So where does climate research go from here?
A. I personally don’t support cap-and-trade. It makes economic sense but
not political sense. You’re just going to see all the loopholes and the
offsets. I think you’re going to see a massive redistribution of wealth
to Wall Street, and we’re not going to reduce the carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. We need a massive investment in technology. We do need to
help the developing world that is most vulnerable now to the impacts of
climate variability, not even the stuff that’s related to carbon
dioxide. There are a lot of things going on—floods, hurricanes,
droughts, and whatever—that can’t even be attributed to global warming
right now. By reducing the vulnerability of the developing world to
these extreme events, we’ll have gone a long way to helping them adapt
to the more serious things that might come about from global warming.
Q. Do you think the IPCC is going to have a reduced role?
A. If they are going to continue to be relevant, they need to tighten up
their act in terms of making the process more open and transparent. How
do you actually get to be a lead author of the IPCC? I have no idea who
actually makes those selections. Things like that. All the data sets
need to be out there and available and documented, so we don’t have
these issues that we ran into with the hacked e-mails. The UNFCCC has
become a big free-for-all. The G20, or some other group of nations, is
where you’re going see the action.
Q. Do you subscribe to the argument that today’s climate models are crude and need to be taken with a grain of salt?
A. No, I think the climate models are becoming quite sophisticated. We learn a lot from the simulations. But you have to keep in mind that these are scenario simulations. They’re not really forecasts.
They don’t know what the volcano eruptions are going to be. They don’t
know what the exact solar cycles are going to be. There will be a whole
host of forcing uncertainties in the 21st century that we don’t know.
Q. You’ve said that climatologists should listen more to bloggers. That’s surprising to hear, coming from a scientist.
There are a lot of people with Ph.D.s in physics or chemistry who become
interested in the climate change story, read the literature, and follow
the blogs—and they’re unconvinced by our arguments. There are
statisticians, like McIntyre, who have gotten interested in the climate
change issue. McIntyre does not have a Ph.D. He does not have a
university appointment. But he’s made an important contribution,
starting with criticism of the hockey stick. There’s a Russian
biophysicist I communicate with who is not a climate researcher, but she
has good ideas. She should be encouraged to pursue them. If the
argument is good, wherever it comes from, we should look at it...
Zamboni makes the ice-resurfacing carts that are a familiar sight at any
hockey game, and also at any number of Winter Olympics — Turin, Salt
Lake, Nagano, and way back into the past. But the company has been
frosted out at Vancouver. Instead, the ice resurfacing is being done by
what are called “electric Zambonis.” “Zamboni” is a bit like “Hoover”
and “Aspirin” — it’s become a generic term — and it turns out the
“electric Zambonis” are not Zambonis at all, but are manufactured by a
company called Resurfice that landed the contract because the Vancouver
organizers were determined that 2010 should be the “Green Olympics.”
In the men’s 500-meter speed skating at Richmond, all three of
Resurfice’s “electric Zambonis” brought on to smooth out the ice failed.
If anything, they made the ruts and bumps worse. It looked like one of
those Obama-stimulus scarified repaving jobs out there. Those of us who
do a little backwoods skating on North Country ponds and lakes know the
damage you can do to yourself hitting a ridge even at low speed. So you
don’t want to run into one at 40 miles per hour. The cameras and
microphones caught furious coaches from everywhere from the Netherlands
to China expressing their disgust to officials at the amateur ishness of
the Vancouver organizers. The event was delayed, and the American
skater Shani Davis eventually withdrew, not wanting to jeopardize his
chances of a gold in the 1,000 meters by taking a spill on the 500
meters’ scarified ice. You train for years, you build your entire life
to this one moment, and then the politically correct eco-gimmick screws
you over. Officials attempted to reassure coaches and skaters that a
non-electric Zamboni would be flown in from Calgary to prevent further
Still, at least nobody’s dead. In Australia, the Labor government, eager
to flaunt its green credentials, instituted a nationwide
environmentally friendly roof-insulation program using energy-efficient
foil insulation. It certainly reduces the carbon footprint of many
Aussies’ homes: At the time of writing, 172 of them have burned down. It
reduces your personal carbon footprint, too: Four installers of the
foil have been fatally electrocuted. As the Sydney Daily Telegraph’s Tim
Blair noted, the foil-insulation program has a higher fatality rate
than Oz forces in Afghanistan. And, if the electrician survives long
enough to get the installation completed, the good news is that, unlike
the electric Zamboni, the electric attic always has plenty of juice:
Colin Brierley had the foil insulation put into his Gold Coast home and
was electrocuted a week later. The environmentally friendly electric
shock entered through his knees, exited from his head, and led to a nice
stay in hospital in an induced coma.
Australians are not happy to discover their ceilings double as the Bride
of Frankenstein’s recharge slab. Having belatedly canceled the program,
Peter Garrett, the environment minister, is nevertheless insistent that
he bears no responsibility for the burnt-out rubble and charred
He is a celebrity politician, formerly the lead singer of the rock band
Midnight Oil, but he has no intention of getting burned by what they’re
calling “Midnight Foil.” As Australia’s deputy prime minister, Julia
Gillard, breezily told a TV interviewer, “Peter Garrett can’t be in
every roof in this country as insulation is being installed.”
They never are, are they? Likewise, the European Union grandees and
eco-poseurs of the U.S. Congress who mandated sudden, transformative
increases in “biofuel” production and at a stroke turned the food supply
into part of the energy industry and made grain more lucrative as fuel
than as sustenance weren’t there in Haiti, Indonesia, Ivory Coast,
Pakistan, Mexico, and even Italy when the food riots broke out. Nor was
Al Gore able to be up there on every one of California’s 14,000
abandoned wind turbines. They’re not entirely useless, not if you’re an
ornithosadist who enjoys seeing our feathered friends sliced and diced
by the Condor Cuisinarts.
These are the “green jobs” that Barack Obama says will both save the
planet and revitalize the economy: electric Zambo nis, foil insulation,
wind turbines, corn-powered cars. They will put America back on the
cutting edge. In reality, like the spiked cutting edges of the electric
ice resurfacer, they’ll leave the economy full of artificial speed bumps
that, when not actually sending you crashing to the ground, will make
it harder and harder ever to get going. The Germans subsidize “green
jobs” in the wind-power industry to just shy of a quarter million
dollars per worker per year. The Spanish government pays $800,000 for
every “green job” on a solar-panel assembly line. This money is taken
from real workers with real jobs at real businesses whose growth is
being squashed to divert funds to endeavors that have no rationale other
than their government subsidies. As the Spanish are discovering, this
model is not (le mot juste) sustainable. In the meantime, Rajendra
Pachauri, head of the IPCC, piles up his lucrative corporate-consulting
contracts, and Al Gore is on course to become the world’s first
carbon-credit billionaire.
At Copenhagen, Europe attempted to do to the developed world’s entire
economy what Peter Garrett’s foil insulation did to poor old Colin
Brierley of Windaroo in the Gold Coast. They were stopped only by
Brazil, China, and India, three countries with more conventional (i.e.,
non-suicidal) concepts of national interest. It took the Chinese
Politburo to prevent the Western world’s hurling itself into the blades
of a Condor Cuisinart. It’s hard not to conclude that many of our ruling
elites are in the grip of a mass psychosis — and at this stage, even
Aussie-style electroshock therapy may not work.
This is yet another example of things that don’t add up in the world of GISS temperatures in Australia. Previously, we’ve discussed Gladstone and Darwin.
Ken Stewart has been doing some homework, and you can see all the graphs on his blog. Essentially, the Bureau of Met
in Australia provides data for Mt. Isa that shows a warming trend of
about 0.5 degrees of warming over a century. GISS takes this, adjusts it
carefully to “homogenize urban data with rural data”, and gets an
answer of 1.1 degrees. (Ironically among other things, “homogenisation”
is supposed to compensate for the Urban Heat Island Effect, which would
artificially inflate the trend in urban centers.)
To give you an idea of scale, the nearest station is at Cloncurry, 106km
east (where a flat trend of 0.05 or so appears in the graph). But,
there are other trends that are warmer in other stations. Averaging the
five nearest rural stations gives about 0.6 degrees; averaging the
nearest ten stations gives between 0.6 and 0.88 degrees.
Mt Isa and surrounds with temperature trends
But, they increase the slope of the trendline from less than
0.5 to more than1.1 degrees Celsius per 102 years by lowering the
earlier data by 0.3C. They say they do this because they homogenise
urban data for discontinuities caused by station shifts, Urban Heat
Island (UHI), etc., by their stated method: “…[U]rban stations are
adjusted so that their long-term trend matches that of the mean of
neighboring rural stations. Urban stations without nearby rural stations
are dropped.” ( http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/)
The Mt Isa Graph The Giss (red) line shows a steeper warming trend, because earlier data is adjusted down.
But in the end, the temperatures don’t fit linear trends very well. In
Bourketown, for example, there was a rise, but it was mostly during 1945
– 1988, and in the last twenty years, as Ken points out, there has been
a significant fall.
Burketown 327km north east By themselves, these minor revisions wouldn’t be worth getting
excited about, but the fact that they keep occurring and that they are
so blatant and always in a warmer direction surely becomes too many
nails in the coffin.
One can only assume that the people “adjusting” never thought anybody
would check. And if billions of dollars were not on the table, probably
nobody would have.
Why does such a well-informed man as Martin Rees support global warming?
When there are NO scientific facts (only a poorly thought-out 19th
century theory) behind claims of man-caused global warming, one has to
wonder why many prominent scientists support it. There are probably a
variety of reasons but, given the Left-lean of academe, the opportunity
it offers for more control over the despised "masses" is the obvious
In some cases, however, there may be other forces at work. An obvious
second motive is the hunger for self-advertisement. Making scary
utterances and posing as a "saviour" of the planet is obviously great
for personal publicity. I suspect that Martin Rees is in the second
category. He has got himself into all sorts of prominent positions and
he is in addition a small man. Small men are often quite hilariously
preoccupied with being taken seriously. Note in the interview excerpted
below that he mentions not one scientific fact. He just says: "I am
an expert. Believe me". Quite contemptible.
Maybe I should play the same game. I am a much-published psychologist
so you should trust my expert diagnosis of what moves Martin Rees.
I find the last sentence in the excerpt below quite sickening. The
likes of Martin Rees seem to think that their sh*t doesn't stink. He
certainly conveys the contempt for the masses that I have mentioned.
Lord Rees of Ludlow, astrophysicist and Astronomer Royal, is running a
little late. Not delayed by the hiccups of mere mortals, mind - the
Tube, traffic, sick children - but a high-level meeting on global
nuclear arms control and disarmament. As president of the Royal Society
and Master of Trinity College Cambridge, Professor Martin Rees is one
of Britain's foremost scientific brains, a cosmologist of world renown
and a revered public intellectual.
When he arrives back in his office in an elegant Georgian terrace on
Pall Mall, his PA, clearly practiced, places a cup of tea in his hand as
if it were a relay runner's baton. He sits down deep into a blue velvet
armchair looking, quite frankly, exhausted. A small man still blessed
with the lean physique of a marathon runner, Rees is quietly spoken, but
you sense the steel within. The corridor leading to his office speaks
of the pantheon of scientific greats that have preceded him as Royal
Society presidents or fellows: Samuel Pepys, Charles Darwin, Charles
Babbage, Sir Joseph Banks. Behind his work table, an oil portrait of Sir
Isaac Newton, nearby a remarkable and contemplative pencil sketch of
Albert Einstein.
The Astronomer Royal's field might be theoretical physics and the very
frontiers of science, but right now his greatest preoccupation is Carl
Sagan's "little blue dot", our own planet Earth, and the imperatives
posed by climate change are foremost in his mind. I ask him if he is
aware that an Australian opposition leader effectively lost his post due
to climate change scepticism among his political colleagues and he
allows a small laugh: "Yes, yes, yes."
Then, a pause and the gentleman scientist leaves no doubt about what he
thinks about that: "It is unfortunate that there is a debate about the
science, and the reason that comes about is that many members of the
public can't discriminate between genuine expertise and strongly-held
opinions that aren't based on expertise. "To give an analogy: if you
suffer from some unusual disease, you may go on the internet and get all
kinds of alternatives [for treatment], but you would be very foolish if
you attached as much weight to all the blogs on the internet as you
would to a qualified specialist on the subject.
"And I think that in assessing the evidence for potentially dangerous
climate change, it is very important that members of the public should
behave in the same way that they would if some medical issue was at
stake. They should accept that not everyone's opinion is of the same
value and that those who have credentials and have studied the subject
do deserve to be listened to."
In his celebrated book, Our Final Century, Rees pondered the threats
faced by humans in the 21st century, from natural events such as
super-eruptions to man-made catastrophe such as nuclear terrorism,
bio-engineered viruses and over-population. The prognosis, from such an
eminent thinker, is disquieting: humankind, he estimated, has a 50 per
cent chance of surviving the next century.
Today, however, the scientist is keen to temper this world view with a
glass-half-full message: salvation is possible in the hands of
intelligent, global-thinking leaders working hand-in-hand with an
ethical and united scientific community...
The trust in experts among Warmist true believers is sort of touching. There is another example of it here. The many times that experts have been wrong seem unknown to them. And they accuse conservatives of being "authoritarian"! Those who live in glass houses ...
Green crooks
People who commit their lives to going green are just better people.
They're more moral, more honest. At least, they keep telling us that,
and apparently many students believe it, say University of Toronto
They initially quizzed the students on their impressions of people who
buy eco-friendly products, and for the most part, they considered such
consumers to be more “more cooperative, altruistic and ethical” than
ordinary consumers...
Then the researchers took it an extra step: They ran a test to see who
would be more likely to cheat and steal: Greens? Or conventional
shoppers? They divided the greens and conventional shoppers, and then
gave the students a test that tempted them to steal money. The
researchers found:
The green consumers were more likely to cheat than the
conventional purchasers, and they stole more money when asked to
withdraw their winnings from envelopes on their desks.
This concept of moral license has been demonstrated before, writes Wray
Herbert in his blog for the Association for Psychological Science.
(W)hen they have reason to feel a little superior, that
positive self image triggers a sense of moral license. That is, the
righteous feel they have some latitude to stray a bit in order to
compensate. It’s like working in a soup kitchen gives you the right to
cheat on your taxes later in the week.
Maybe that’s why sanctimonious stewards of the environment like Al Gore
are comfortable lecturing the rest of us while living large in
An Example Of Why A Global Average Temperature Anomaly Is Not An Effective Metric Of Climate
Roy Spencer and John Christy of the University of Alabama at Huntsville
have reported in their Global Temperature Report that February 2010 was
the 2nd warmest February in 32 years (e.g. see Roy’s summary).
Their spatial map of the anomalies, however, shows that most of the relative warmth was in a focused geographic area; see:
The global average is based on the summation of large areas of positive and negative temperature anomalies.
As I have reported before on my weblog; e.g. see "What is the Importance
to Climate of Heterogeneous Spatial Trends in Tropospheric
it is the regional tropospheric temperature anomalies that
determine the locations of development and movement of weather systems
[which are the actual determinants of such climate events as drought,
floods, ect] not a global average temperature anomaly
Small Government Advocates Must Not Lose Sight of EPA Ambitions
Even as the public remains understandably preoccupied with President
Obama’s proposed government takeover of healthcare, it is imperative for
free market activists to remain vigilant against environmental
In the past few months, the credibility of the “science” underpinning
catastrophic claims of global warming have been sullied and discredited
thanks to the growing “Climategate” scandal and updated research.
However “inconvenient” these revelations may be from the perspective of
centralized planners within the Obama Administration, it has not slowed
their statist ambitions.
Consider for a moment the President’s remarks from his State of the
Union address: “I know there have been questions about whether we can
afford such changes in a tough economy,” he said. “I know that there are
those who disagree with the overwhelming scientific evidence on climate
change. But here's the thing -- even if you doubt the evidence,
providing incentives for energy-efficiency and clean energy are the
right thing to do for our future -- because the nation that leads the
clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy.
And America must be that nation.”
Come again?! Regardless of what the evidence says, we are pressing ahead
with “incentives” — make that regulations — that stymie fossil fuels in
deference to so-called green technology. Meanwhile Russia and China are
moving forward with oil and gas development that could leave the U.S.
in the dust as it tinkers with unproven, unreliable “alternative” energy
A new Gallup poll shows that a growing number of Americans now see fit
to dismiss global warming alarmism. Emails leaked to the Internet from
the Climate Research Unit (CRU) with the University of East Anglia in
Great Britain that show researchers willingly manipulating and fudging
data to show their desired result could be partially responsible here
for the public shift.
However, free market groups like The Competitive Enterprise Institute
(CEI) should also be credited for raising awareness about the higher
energy prices that would be attached to Kyoto-type regulatory schemes
favored by President Obama. Small wonder, that in the teeth of a tough
economy the Waxman-Markey “cap and trade” bill has died in the Senate.
Unfortunately, in 2007 the U.S. Supreme Court, in Massachusetts v. EPA,
ruled that the agency needed to bring its practices more in line with
the requirements of the Clean Air Act. There was no strict regulatory
requirement outlined in the decision but the EPA finally responded with
an endangerment finding last December that declared greenhouse gas
emissions endanger public health and welfare and therefore must be
subjected to regulation and government control. This is where the danger
comes in because within the framework of environmentalism, there is no
sure way to check the grand designs of government schemers.
“Our health care system is only part of the economy and it’s already
half socialized,” Myron Ebell, CEI’s director of global warming policy,
observed at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). “The
energy sector is still virtually a free market. If we allow government
to take over the energy sector, they will be in your house telling you
how much air conditioning you can use or how much heating.”
That’s no joke.
In California, government agents are ambitious to gain control over
thermostats. The plan is outlined in a 236-page state document called
“Title 24.”
There is an antidote now in circulation that deserves the full support
of free market forces. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) has introduced a
bipartisan resolution that would block the EPA under the Congressional
Review Act (CRA), an unheralded, but highly valuable provision included
as part of The Contract With America. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) was a
principle sponsor of the CRA, which was signed into law by President
Clinton… ahem.
Tea Party activists and other concerned Americans who have joined
together in an effective campaign against ObamaCare must also join
forces here with Sen. Murkowski to blunt the big government plans
brewing inside the EPA.
It would be simpler if President Obama leveled with energy industry
officials and the American people and admitted he's doing everything in
his power to suffocate this country's ability to find and develop
critically needed new energy supplies. But instead of being honest about
it, Obama hides behind misleading rhetoric about the wonders of "green"
energy, even as his minions erect a multitude of new bureaucratic
roadblocks to the development of the oil and natural gas resources
needed to keep American homes heated, factories humming, and laptops
processing. These new resources could also create millions of new jobs,
generate trillions of dollars in tax revenues, and spark economic
expansion in rural areas like western Pennsylvania and upstate New York
that have known only decline for generations.
Last week, it was Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announcing that no new
permits will be issued for outer continental shelf development until
2014 at the earliest. Salazar has also used bureaucratic obfuscation to
delay new energy development on Western lands. There are billions of
recoverable barrels of oil and trillions of cubic feet of natural gas in
those areas, enough to put the United States well on the way to
complete energy independence. Obama is instead spending billions of tax
dollars on renewable energy resources that can't possibly supply even a
fourth of this nation's critical energy needs for many decades to come.
This week, it's Lisa Jackson, Obama's Environmental Protection Agency
head, putting another pillow over the face of the energy industry: A
"comprehensive research study to investigate the potential adverse
impact that hydraulic fracturing may have on water quality and public
health." Her agency will spend $1.9 million on the first year of the
study and unspecified amounts in the years thereafter. Hydraulic
fracturing is when water and minute amounts of nontoxic chemicals are
injected deep underground into rock formations to free previously
unreachable stores of oil and gas. The technology opens up immense
natural gas resources like the Marcellus Shale area of economically
blighted rural regions of western Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland and
West Virginia.
Jackson forgot to mention "concerns" about hydraulic fracturing come
only from environmental groups seeking to stop all uses of fossil fuels
like oil, coal, and natural gas. Jackson's announcement followed the
Washington premiere of the anti-fossil fuel "GasLand" propagandamentary
produced by some of these same groups. Two more facts Jackson didn't
mention: Never in the 60-year history of hydraulic fracturing has it
been linked to a single proven public health threat to water quality;
and the EPA has already studied hydraulic fracturing, most recently in
2004, when it found no threat. Clearly, this new study is about stopping
fossil fuel development, not protecting public health.
Joost van Kasteren and engineer Henk Tennekes on the unholy alliance between Philips and the Greens:
Come to think of it, banning incandescent bulbs makes only marginal
sense. The energy savings of CFL’s are small. They are somewhat more
efficient when you take into account only the number of lumens per watt
of electrical power, but they cost a lot more to produce. Also, their
real life expectancy often is much less than the 7,000 hours promised in
the ads. And don’t forget that they contain a few milligrams of
mercury, which contaminates the environment when they are not disposed
of properly. Most of them aren’t – a scary thought.
Is it fair to judge light bulbs on the efficiency with which they
convert watts into lumens? The combined lobby from Big Business and Big
Environment has attempted to convince us that old-fashioned bulbs waste a
lot of energy. They ignore the inconvenient truth that the efficiency
of common light bulbs is in fact a full 100%. All the “waste heat” helps
to heat the house. In wintertime, when days are short and cold, every
contribution to home heating is welcome. In summertime the days are long
and there is hardly any need for artificial lights. The incandescent
bulb may give only a little bit of light, but it also produces a lot of
useful heating.
There is yet another problem: the quality of the light produced by CFL’s
and LED’s. Their light is unnatural; it is unsuitable for an atmosphere
of coziness in living rooms, not to mention bedrooms.
On 17th, I put up a post headed: "Now it's coconut trees that are bad".
One of the claims made by the Greenie nut was that there is connection
to dengue fever from coconuts. Dengue fever is a very nasty tropical
flu-like illness. Since Dengue is a mosquito-borne virus, any
connection would be obscure, to say the least. Coconuts are waterproof
nuts shaped rather like a football so the claim that they "collect
water" (for mosquitoes to breed in) is quite weird. But it turns out
that there is a connection after all. But it's not what the Greenie
A reader notes the advice here,
under "how to manage dengue fever". We read... "Drink plenty of
fluids, e.g., juice, water AND COCONUT WATER." [my emphasis]
Apparently, in addition to being a liquid, it's also loaded with
vitamins and minerals which other fluids don't replenish, but whose
replacement aids the body to fight the disease.
MA: Recycling efforts are futile
Residential recycling rates in Massachusetts have not budged in the past
decade, even as environmental concerns have sparked “sustainability’’
movements and fueled markets for hybrid cars and green products.
For years, environmentalists have preached the importance of recycling
to relieve pressure on burgeoning landfills and reduce greenhouse gases
released from decomposing trash. But to a startling degree, the refrain
seems to have fallen on deaf ears.
In 2008, according to preliminary statewide statistics, just over
one-quarter of all residential trash was recycled, roughly the same
percentage as 1997, according to a Globe review of figures kept by the
state Department of Environmental Protection. “It has plateaued for
some years,’’ said Laurie Burt, the department’s commissioner. “Clearly
we have to get at that untapped capacity.’’
Burt said Massachusetts recycling efforts still compare favorably with
other states, and state environmental officials are crafting a 10-year
plan designed to reduce the amount of refuse that ends up in landfills.
But to date, personal recycling in many communities has shown little
progress. Some cities including Boston, Everett, and Fall River recycle
less than 15 percent of their rubbish. And in a number of communities,
including many with eco-friendly reputations, recycling rates have
stalled or fallen off.
Newton, for instance, recycled at a robust 46 percent in 2001. By 2008,
despite a range of initiatives designed to prod residents to separate
their papers and plastics, it recycled just 29 percent of all rubbish.
Lincoln, at 53 percent in 2002, dropped to 34 percent. Danvers, at 29
percent a decade ago, plunged to 15 percent, according to Department of
Environmental Protection figures.
Recycling advocates say they are frustrated by the lack of progress and
perplexed that decades of public awareness campaigns and heightened
consciousness around conservation haven’t made more of a dent. Most have
come to the sobering conclusion that people have simply decided it’s
not worth the hassle, however minimal.
“Knowledge doesn’t equal behavior,’’ said Claire Sullivan, who directs
the South Shore Recycling Cooperative, which works to boost recycling in
13 towns south of Boston. “A lot of people just can’t be bothered,
which is extremely disheartening. They take the path of least
resistance. So if it’s easier to throw it away, they’ll throw it away.’’
Residential recycling rates are reported by cities and towns and
compiled by the state. A number of communities, mainly those that do not
provide public trash collection, do not report totals.
Renamed by one witty website as "Paleo-clamatology," it appears that
clams can tell us very accurate stuff about historical climate change.
William Patterson's specialty isn't clambakes but isotope chemistry, and
he's using it to analyze clamshells buried for centuries off Iceland's
coastline. That and radiocarbon dating of the shells confirms what
anyone who knows anything about climate change already knows: the
Medieval Warm Period (AD 800 to 1300) and the Little Ice Age (1300 to
1850) were real.
But the shellfish shell out more stories. Since changes in the chemistry
of the shells reveal day-to-day changes in weather, Patterson was able
to confirm the lesser known and little discussed Roman Warm Period (200
BC to AD 600) and the Dark Ages Cold Period (AD 600 to 800).
The clamshells also give credibility to the Norse Sagas that detailed
year-to-year ups and downs in the weather during the Icelandic and
Greenland Viking era that created social havoc among the inhabitants.
Patterson illustrated the problems this way: “A one-degree decrease in
summer temperatures in Iceland results in a 15% decrease in agricultural
yield. If that happens two years in a row, your family’s wiped out.”
This would indicate that cold periods are more to be feared (shorter
growing seasons mean less food) than warm periods (longer growing
seasons mean more food).
Today, as throughout history, the watchword is "adapt or die."
Citing a temperature chart (pdf) in a Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences report showing the history of climate change, the
Paleo-clamatology article notes that the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods
will, "surely stick in the craw of many who think we are living in
unprecedented times of warmth."
And global atmospheric CO2 levels were lower during those periods than now.
A comment posted on the NatureNews website puts Patterson's work in perspective:
"Very unlikely he'll get funding for those additional studies. He's
already put the lie to many of the dominant funders' approved
assumptions and conclusions, and will not be given any help in doing
further damage to the orthodoxy. Sorry, Patterson. Time to clam up!" ;)
If nothing else, when planet-savers whine about the shrinking polar
icecap killing the polar bears libertarians can answer with, "Hey, they
obviously survived the other big warm periods or there wouldn't be any
polar bears today, so don't sweat it."
Our nation's capital has always been a place of paradoxical twists. From
canings on the Senate floor in the 1800s to President Reagan and
Speaker Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill sharing drinks at the end of the day, it
takes a lot for Washington to be surprised. Even so, we find ourselves
surprised at events on Capitol Hill likely to take place over the coming
We start at the Supreme Court, where on March 1, Jeffrey Skilling's
attorneys presented their oral arguments appealing his conviction for
the Enron debacle. Relatively soon - no later than May 21 - and a
stone's throw away, the Senate will vote to prevent a fraud that makes
Skilling look like an altar boy.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Alaska Republican, has introduced a bipartisan
bill, and is guaranteed a vote, that would stop the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) from moving forward on new rules aimed at
regulating greenhouse-gas emissions by overturning its finding that
global warming poses a clear and present danger to public health and
welfare. On Wednesday, the governors of 18 states and two territories
joined 98 industry groups in sending letters in support of the senator's
While Skilling's fraud has been proved in court, the EPA's fraud is only
now being exposed to the light of day - and based on opinion polls, it
is being found guilty in the court of public opinion.
The fraud behind the EPA's regulations is threefold: the science, the economics and the results.
Concerning the science, with the hacked/leaked e-mails of Climategate
becoming public, we know that key scientists behind the 2007 report of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - the bible of the
climate-industrial complex - used tricks to cover up data that showed an
unexpected decline in temperature and tried to suppress research that
cast doubt on the notion that humans are responsible for catastrophic
warming. And once the press in the United Kingdom started investigating
the IPCC's predictions in detail, it found that one claim after another
was based on faulty, non-peer-reviewed literature.
For instance, the IPCC reported that Himalayan glaciers would melt in a
few decades because of global climate change, but the best research
indicated that was incorrect. Other alarmist claims made by IPCC that
have been shown either to lack supporting evidence or simply to be wrong
include the pace and impact of the loss of the Amazonian rain forests,
the effects of climate upon rainfall and food production in Africa, and
even something so straightforward as the proportion of Holland that sits
below sea level. Despite all these flaws and others, the EPA relied on
the IPCC to find that CO2 emissions pose a threat sufficient to take
command of the U.S. economy.
The EPA claims that its regulations won't increase costs or otherwise
harm the economy. This is laughable. The regulations can't work if the
costs of fossil fuels don't increase and force the public to shift to
less reliable, more expensive alternative fuels. An independent analysis
from Harvard University found that to reach President Obama's CO2
target, gas prices would have to more than double - to $7 a gallon. When
the Treasury Department looked at Congress' preferred alternative to
EPA regulations, "cap-and-trade," it found that the average household
would spend an extra $1,761 per year. And that is the less-expensive
alternative to the EPA's top-down regulations.
Worst of all, the economic downturn brought on by the EPA's regulations
will do nothing to reduce CO2 emissions because fast-growing economic
competitors such as China and India, not hampered by U.S. energy
restrictions, will continue to generate huge growth in their emissions.
Indeed, China alone already emits more CO2 than the U.S. and Canada
combined. And research by physicist Richard A. Muller at Lawrence
Berkeley Laboratory shows that every 10 percent reduction in emissions
in the United States is negated by one year's growth in China's
Another ironic link between Skilling and the EPA's greenhouse gas
regulations: The Obama administration is using the threat of EPA
regulations to play hardball with Congress. The administration's threat
is, "Pass cap-and-trade, or we'll do even worse things to the economy
through EPA regulations." The funny thing is, Skilling and his former
cronies at Enron Corp. were early promoters of the cap-and-trade scheme
to fight warming. If this extortion works, Congress essentially will be
adopting an idea that the disgraced and dismantled Enron developed. As
with so many companies now supporting cap-and-trade, Enron saw the
scheme as a way to get a government-backed leg up on its competition.
Convicted book-cooker Skilling is serving jail time for his misdeeds.
What should the punishment be for those trying to bilk Americans based
on science that we know to be flawed and an economic scheme that we know
to be fraudulent in operation and results?
For many years, the climate alarmist movement pushed the development of
corn ethanol as the “fuel of the future” on the grounds that it would
decrease fossil fuel emissions. As I detail in my book, The Really Inconvenient Truths,
massive efforts were devoted to promoting this technology, with a
textbook baptist-bootlegger alliance between green groups and Big Corn
(most notably Archer Daniels Midland). Politicians joined in happily,
with Al Gore stumping for Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar because of her
support for ethanol and countless Presidential candidates in Iowa
talking up the fuel.
The result of that push has, it seems, been an increase in fossil fuels. For the latest on this, see Corned grief: biofuels may increase CO2 at Watts Up With That?
The indirect effects of increasing production of maize
ethanol were first addressed in 2008 by Timothy Searchinger and his
coauthors, who presented a simpler calculation in Science. Searchinger
concluded that burning maize ethanol led to greenhouse gas emissions
twice as large as if gasoline had been burned instead. The question
assumed global importance because the 2007 Energy Independence and
Security Act mandates a steep increase in US production of biofuels over
the next dozen years, and certifications about life-cycle greenhouse
gas emissions are needed for some of this increase. In addition, the
California Air Resources Board’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard requires
including estimates of the effects of indirect land-use change on
greenhouse gas emissions. The board’s approach is based on the work
reported in BioScience.
Hertel and colleagues’ analysis incorporates some effects that could
lessen the impact of land-use conversion, but their bottom line, though
only one-quarter as large as the earlier estimate of Searchinger and his
coauthors, still indicates that the maize ethanol now being produced in
the United States will not significantly reduce total greenhouse gas
emissions, compared with burning gasoline. The authors acknowledge that
some game-changing technical or economic development could render their
estimates moot, but sensitivity analyses undertaken in their study
suggest that the findings are quite robust.
Promotion of technologies based on theory rather than practice has been a
hallmark of the green movement. Every indication seems to be that their
foolish promotion of ethanol has been written out of their history,
rather than being treated as a cautionary tale to learn from.
Lunar and planetary influences on terrestrial weather cycles
The Metonic cycle is a 19-year period when the lunar declination is at
the culmination of movement on the same date as it was 19 years ago, as
well as the same light phase. The Saros cycle is ~17 days longer than 18
years, and it is a repeating pattern of the position of the Earth /
Moon and inner planets due to harmonic interactions, that cause the
Solar / lunar eclipses to repeat predictably at this period. The 18.6
year Mn cyclic patterns of the variation of the moon’s declinational
movement, results from the progression of the nodes that varies the
declinational angle from the ~18.5 degrees minimum to ~28.5 maximum.
If we start with the studies of what works in climate forecasting, the
Milankovitch cycles, and expand on what has turned out to be true about
solar cycles according to Theodor Landscheidt, ( the only one to
correctly forecast the long solar minimum we are passing through).
The evidence points to the long term natural variability factors, as
being the effects of the rotation or the galaxy, and the swirl imparted
to the local area of the spiral arm we seem to reside in
(Milankovitch), and further modulation of this movement, by the outer
planets effects on the barycenter of the solar system, that the sun’s
center of mass moves around, as it tries to stay magnetically and
gravitationally centered.
Landscheidt found the driving forces of this planetary inertial
dampening of the system, and defined it to the point of predictability,
the next step would be to analyze the additional effects of the
interactions of the moon and inner planets, which have this rhythmic
pattern to their orbital relationships, and their relations to the
weather patterns they share.
The 18.6 year Mn pattern of Minimum to Maximum extremes, drive the
decade long oscillations of the ocean basins, in combination with the
timing of the Synod conjunctions of the outer planets, as a compounding
signal, varying the resultant strengths and weakness of the combined
cycles. More in tune to the Saros cycle than just the 18.6-year
periodicity. The Lunar declinational tides in the atmosphere are the
major mixing mechanism for the transportation, of tropical ocean warmth,
and moisture over the landmasses, into the mid-latitudes and Polar
Regions, where it can radiate away into space, regulating the earth’s
thermal budget.
Because of the semi boundary conditions caused by mountain ranges, the
Rockies, Andes, Urals, Alps, Himalayas, which results in topographical
forcing of the turbulence of these tides, into a four fold pattern of
types of Rossby wave, and resultant Jet stream patterns. There develops
separate regimes of regional circulation in the lee sides of these
The greater height of the Himalayas causes a large area extending across
the Pacific Ocean to be sheltered from strong westerlies, except at
high latitudes. The trade winds flow into these sheltered areas, due to
forcing by the lunar declinational tides, the periods of oscillation are
the products of the Saros Cycle driving periods, with the impulses from
the outer planets effects coming in and out of phase as they move
through the 172 year period discovered by Landscheidt.
To derive a signal for producing a forecast out of all these compounded
signals, It is important to synchronize by the relative strengths for
determining the combined output. The annual signal is the strongest,
then the 240-cycle pattern of lunar declinational movement next, on top
of this the solar activity levels of addition or subtraction from the
ambient ion drives, along with the following outer planet periodic
The homopolar generated fields of the Earth, which have an average
strength of ~90 volts DC per meter as you go from the Equator toward the
poles or up from the surface. These fields and voltages are influenced
by changes in the interplanetary magnetic field strength. When the Earth
feels stronger shifts in the magnetic field strength, small changes are
made in the rotational speed of the earth, as length of day [LOD]
changes, due to the additional magnetic driving, or slowing of the
angular momentum.
At the same time there is a shift in the standing charge gradient, from
the poles [negative] to [positive] at the equator, in phase and
proportion to the driving magnetic field strength changes. The magnetic
impulses in the solar wind, from the rotation of the ~12 degree tilt of
the magnetic pole of the sun off from the vertical axis of rotation,
alternates the polarity of the magnetic fields introduced into the solar
wind. Which have driven the moon / earth into the declinational dance
that creates the lunar declinational atmospheric tides in phase in the
The center of mass (COM) of the earth is leveraged by the barycenter of
the earth / moon system, acting as the fulcrum, suggested by Archimedes,
from which the moon poises a counter balancing movement for the COM of
the Earth, moving it some 800 to 1200 kilometers, above and below the
average ecliptic plane value. The actual value is determined by the
included angle of the moon determined by the 18.6 year Mn cycle of
variation. At the same time by a slightly different period by the
retrograde motion of the moon, that cause the more easily seen light
phases, also moves the COM of the Earth in and out from the sun, the
distance the barycenter is out from the COM of the Earth.
At the culminations of Lunar declinational movement, the polarity of the
solar wind peaks and reverses, in phase with and/or because of, the
relative motion of the Earth’s COM to the average location of the
ecliptic plane, causing a surge in the pole to pole differential in
charge potential, of the ion flux generated in the Earth’s homo polar
generated fields.
Because the combination of the peak of Meridional flow surge in the
atmosphere, and reversal of ion charge gradient globally occurs
synchronously, most severe weather occurs at these times. The mechanism
is due to changes in the ion gradient across frontal boundaries,
impeding precipitation rates as the homopolar generator effects are in
charge mode, and increasing the precipitation rates as it goes into the
discharge phase.
The interaction of the inner planets, (of which the Earth is the only
one with a large moon and strong active magnetic fields), and the moon
in the pattern found in the Saros cycle timing drives a resultant
background pattern in the weather that is further compounded by the
interactions of the Earth passing the four greatest outer planets
(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) which also have strong magnetic
fields and large amounts of magnetically permeable materials in their
make up.
By the basic electromagnetic rules of the relationships between magnetic
fields, permeable materials and, shifts in induction due to changes in
field strength. The magnetic fields present in the solar wind as it
streams out toward any/all of the planets should have a concentration of
magnetic field lines, in strength relative to the magnetic
conductance, of the sum of magnetically permeable materials invested in
that planetary body, irrespective of the strength of existing planetary
permanent magnet fields.
Periods of increased magnetic conduction through the solar wind will
appear to slow down particles and smooth up the flow, along the ecliptic
plane, as most of the increase in magnetic flux will be in the greater
density of the extended loops coming off the poles of the sun, and
coupling back down through the poles of the affected planets.
In the early stages of the deployment of the Ulysses satellite I was
able to find these patterns in the snatches of data via news service
press releases, about the surges in magnetic fields seen in the Earth’s
vicinity, were also seen elsewhere as well. The periods were also
reveled, as Ulysses went over the poles of the sun, and special mention
was made that the polar flux surges, were much more intense (than
expected) but still in phase with “the normal” cyclic patterns as seen
from the Earth.
I did not get to influence the selection of “data stream sections of
interest” studied and written about during the life span of the Ulysses
project, and the data base was never available to the general public,
and is now archived away off line, hopefully still awaiting further
study to prove/disprove the existence of concentrations of magnetic flux
coupling through the planets as a source of inductive drivers of the
weather, that could be further studied, and algorithms derived to adjust
new improved forecast methods.
What I have come to surmise is that as the earth has Synod
(heliocentric) conjunctions, with the outer planets, the earth passes
into a concentrated magnetic flux stream, (about 30 degrees wide) that
is felt as increases in homopolar driving forcing, increases in global
charge gradient, and the LOD of the Earth to decrease to the point of
most intense coupling, then increase back to the ambient levels for the
normal annual pattern. The amount of this effect is proportional to the
strength of the total magnetic flux coupled through the Earth, then on
through the outer planet(s) in question.
Magnet field strength of coupling is relative to the volume of total
magnetically permeable material involved. The addition of another
planetary body in the conduction pathway causes an increase above what
the two bodies would conduct separately. When more than two planets are
involved, the coupling becomes greater as a result of the composite of
the total conductance increases, each body tends to try to focus the ion
stream following the magnetic flux concentration to center on itself.
Sometimes producing convoluted shifts in field strength that are
responsible for power outages, when induction frequencies reach the band
pass of power transformers, and are out of phase with the 50/60 Hz.
As the earth passes any of the outer planets heliocentrically, the
increase in magnetic flux felt by the earth due to the outer planet(s)
increases the charge gradient from poles to equator, and adds to the
displacement volume of air mass from equator to mid-latitudes and the
total ion charge gradient across frontal boundaries, and the moisture
content in the air masses to carry positive ions, which requires
molecules missing valance electrons.
These additional surges of moisture laden positively ionized air combine
with the normal patterns of declinational atmospheric tidal movement,
to add strength to them when in phase, and decrease it some when out of
phase. This shift in balance can be the determining factor, when
watching hurricanes fizzle, or rapidly gain strength as they develop,
consideration of these forces will add much to the knowledge of their
behavior, and hence the predictability of tropical storms in both
What I have found in tornado production times, rates, and patterns in
the coming and going of the 18.6 year Mn pattern of lunar declinational
tidal interactions, carries over into driving the patterns of Global
decade long oscillations across ocean basin patterns of production, as a
composite of the combined effects of the Saros cycle period of inner
planet effects and the combining of the ~172 year repeating patterns of
outer planet influences on the sun and inner solar system. This greater
compounded signal is what makes weather and climate appear chaotic.
The further investigation of the compounding cycles of the
electromagnetic entanglements, between the planets playing in the solar
wind, show up in the ionosphere, and resultantly being felt at the
surface, are the drivers of “Natural Patterns of Variability” in the
long term global circulation patterns, that are responsible for driving
the climate.
The Saros cycle is better at predicting tornado production
patterns, as the inner planets are considered in as well, where the 18.6
year Mn period just shows clumps and more of a homogeneous blending of
sizes of outbreaks around the same time periods of the 27 day
declination cycle, the 6558 days sorting periods (by synchronizing the
109.3 day period of four fold Rossby wave repeating pattern), yield a
better defined systemic clumping of surges of production.
My Research and Process Refinement
By 1990, I was plotting local weather data for the surrounding
counties in North Central Kansas, and it seemed to work better than the
NWS forecasts, just by sorting weather data by going back 2 Metonic
cycles 38 years to the same date, then pulling data from either side by
the Saros cycle periodicities. By the time I started to acclimate a
couple years of forecast results, I saw that it was doing a better job
forecasting for the previous year than the supposed current.
I had the chance to go to Boston for a week, I tried to talk to
some people at M.I.T., they just referred me to the reference library,
where they had synoptic maps back to 1800’s, and file drawers full of
high resolution satellite photos. I got busy pulling out daily prints of
the 1800 IR photos, laid them out side by side, to see what the 27.32
day pattern repeated like, looking at it from space.
I laid out three cycles of about 27 days long. The second set of
27 did not look much like the 1st and 3rd set, so I got out some more,
ended up with four sets of 27, 27, 28, 27 days, still the 1st and 3rd
looked similar, but so did the 2nd and 4th to each other, but not so
much to the 1st and 3rd. Pulled out four more sets of 27, laid them in a
second row beneath the first. I was able to see a four-fold pattern of
Rossby wave patterns that repeated as sets of fours.
By this time Peter Stone had gotten a free moment, that I could talk to
him about why I was there, and I took a set of four photos (all from the
days of Maximum North Lunar declination culmination) to his office and
laid them out so he could see them, but not the date stamps at the tops,
asked him how long apart they were taken, and he guessed that they had
to be only hours apart because they were so similar. When shown the
dates, and that they were almost a month apart, he got interested enough
that my 10 minute visit stretched into 35 minutes, before he had to
catch his flight, to be the Keynote speaker at the Madrid International
The food freaks tell food manufacturers that saturated fats and trans
fats are harmful to health (both claims are a fantasy but tell a big
enough lie often enough ....) so many manufacturers have moved to the
next workable possibility -- which is palm oil. But now that's no good
either! Using palm oil harms the environment, we hear. It probably
does but it is the fanatics that have created the problem, not the food
manufacturers. If Greenpeace were a serious organization (I will wait
for the laughter at that idea to subside), it is the food freaks they
should be attacking. But food freaks and Greenies seem to be largely
the same people so there is not much hope of that
GREENPEACE has accused the world's leading food and drinks company,
Nestlé, of having an ad featuring an office worker eating orang-utan
fingers removed from YouTube. The video, which was launched overnight,
parodies Nestle's KitKat ads and shows an unwitting office worker taking
a break to enjoy a KitKat but instead bites into an orang-utan’s
finger, causing blood to stream down his face. The video can be viewed
at www.greenpeace.org/kitkat.
“Nestlé today admitted that they have been using palm oil from the
destroyed rainforest homes of the last orang-utans in some of their
products, but having our video removed proves they are still trying to
hide that fact," Greenpeace Head of Campaigns, Steve Campbell, said.
"This is an apparent attempt to silence the truth that some of its most
popular brands use palm oil from destroyed rainforests and peatlands.
“We’ll continue to put the video up on other websites until Nestlé
removes all rainforest destroying palm oil from its supply chain."
Protests took place overnight across Europe at Nestlé’s headquarters and
factories in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands after the company's
admission to using palm oil. They called on Nestlé staff to urge the
company to stop using palm oil from the world’s worst suppliers in
Globally, Nestlé is a major consumer of palm oil. In the last three
years, its annual use has almost doubled, with 320,000 tonnes of palm
oil going into a range of products, including KitKat, according to
SOURCE. (Reference on trans fats here. Reference on saturated fats here)
The real danger: Future low solar activity periods may cause extremely cold winters in North America, Europe and Russia
By Jarl R. Ahlbeck. (The writer is D.Sc. and lecturer at Abo Akademi University, Finland)
The observed winter temperatures for Turku, Finland (and also generally
for North America, Europe and Russia) for the past 60 winters have been
strongly dependent on the Arctic Oscillation index (AO). When the Arctic
Oscillation index is in "positive phase", high atmospheric pressure
persists south of the North Pole, and lower pressures on the North Pole.
In the positive phase, very cold winter air does not extend as far
south into the middle of North America as it would during the negative
phase. The AO positive phase is often called the "Warm" phase in North
In this report I analyzed the statistical relation between the
Quasi-Biennial Oscillation index (QBO is a measure of the direction and
strength of the stratospheric wind in the Tropics), the solar activity,
and the Arctic Oscillation index and obtained a statistically
significant regression equation.
According to this equation, during negative (easterly) values of the
QBO, low solar activity causes a negative Arctic Oscillation index and
cold winters in North America, Europe and Russia, but during positive
(westerly) values of the QBO the relation reverses. However, the
influence of the combination of an easterly value of the QBO and low
solar activity on the AO is stronger and this combination is much more
probable than the opposite. Therefore, prolonged low solar activity
periods in the future may cause the domination of a strongly negative AO
and extremely cold winters in North America, Europe and Russia.
Warmists have been predicting drought that would kill off the Amazon
rainforests. Recent data have however suggested the opposite: That the
forests actually flourished during a dry period. Warmist scientists
were horrified, of course and we now see a study designed to claw back
that pesky finding. In the end, however, they still ended up with a
pretty pesky conclusion: That drought has no overall effect on the
forest: "There was no co-relation between drought severity and
greenness". See the GRL abstract below:
Amazon forests did not green-up during the 2005 drought
By Arindam Samanta et al.
The sensitivity of Amazon rainforests to dry-season droughts is still
poorly understood, with reports of enhanced tree mortality and forest
fires on one hand, and excessive forest greening on the other. Here, we
report that the previous results of large-scale greening of the Amazon,
obtained from an earlier version of satellite-derived vegetation
greenness data - Collection 4 (C4) Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), are
irreproducible, with both this earlier version as well as the improved,
current version (C5), owing to inclusion of atmosphere-corrupted data in
those results. We find no evidence of large-scale greening of intact
Amazon forests during the 2005 drought - approximately 11%–12% of these
drought-stricken forests display greening, while, 28%–29% show browning
or no-change, and for the rest, the data are not of sufficient quality
to characterize any changes. These changes are also not unique -
approximately similar changes are observed in non-drought years as well.
Changes in surface solar irradiance are contrary to the speculation in
the previously published report of enhanced sunlight availability during
the 2005 drought. There was no co-relation between drought severity and
greenness changes, which is contrary to the idea of drought-induced
greening. Thus, we conclude that Amazon forests did not green-up during
the 2005 drought.
Simplistic Warmist assumptions about Siberian permafrost detonated
You’ve heard it a thousand times before – greenhouse gases are causing
the Earth to warm, there is more warming in the Arctic than other parts
of the planet, and the permafrost is melting away. Remind the world that
permafrost holds carbon and methane that can be released into the
atmosphere, throw in some pictures of a drunken forest, claim that the
permafrost melting is some type of global warming time bomb, and you
will be embraced by the global warming alarmists. Do a web search on the
subject of global warming and permafrost melting for 1,000s of
additional ideas.
We have covered the permafrost issue before, and over and over, this
story seems to be far more complex than one might expect. A recent
article in Global Change Biology is yet another addition to the
complicated warming = melting of permafrost issue.
We have covered the permafrost issue before, and over and over, this
story seems to be far more complex than one might expect. A recent
article in Global Change Biology is yet another addition to the
complicated warming = melting of permafrost issue. The article was
produced by four scientists with Wageningen University in The
Netherlands, the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Siberian Division in Yakutsk.
Blok et al. start off explaining “Climate change has caused rapid
environmental changes at northern high latitudes. Atmospheric warming is
expected to continue in the future, especially in the Arctic region.
Climate models predict a mean annual temperature rise of 5°C in the
Arctic by the end of this century. A rise in temperature may have
important consequences for the stability of permafrost soils, which are
thought to store twice as much carbon as is currently present in the
atmosphere. Siberian permafrost soils in particular contain a
significant reservoir of easily decomposable organic carbon. Given that
the decomposition of organic matter is largely controlled by permafrost
conditions, there are fears that if the permafrost thaws, much of the
carbon stored will be released to the atmosphere. Thawing permafrost
might thus trigger important feedback effects between further climate
change and soil carbon release.”
We’ve heard this all before.
Blok et al. then start throwing some doubt into the picture as they note
“It is unclear how permafrost will respond to a warmer climate: a
recent discovery of ancient permafrost that survived several warm
geological periods suggests that vegetation cover may help protect
permafrost from climate warming.” Furthermore, they remind us “However,
higher air temperature does not necessarily lead to higher soil
temperature: it has been demonstrated that increases in air temperature
sometimes lead to vegetation changes that offset the effect of air
warming on soil temperature.”
One of the expected changes in the Arctic is an expansion of dwarf birch
(a.k.a., Betula nana, or more simply, B. nana); the plant grows to
about three to four feet tall with shiny red-copper colored bark and
leaves than are rounded with a bluntly toothed margin. The plants shade
the ground, alter snow cover, and ultimately change land-surface
properties that might protect permafrost from higher summer
Blok et al. headed to northeastern Siberia at a site where “Regional
climate data (Chokurdakh airport weather station, 1999–2006) show mean
annual air temperatures of -10.5°C and average July temperatures of
10.4°C.” In case you cannot think in degrees Celsius, -10.5°C for
average annual temperature equates to 13°F – their study site is far
from paradise! They explain “We selected circular plots of 10m diameter,
located in the two different sites. In total, there were 20 plots: 10
plots per site. The two sites were chosen because of their difference in
relative cover of plant functional types; together the two sites cover
most of the terrain types in the area.”
To the bottom line we go! As seen in the figure below, they found that
as the plots were covered by more and more dwarf birch, the active layer
thickness decreased. The active layer is the not-frozen (in summer)
soil layer above the permafrost, and as seen in a different light, the
plot shows that the permafrost is thicker in plots with greater coverage
of dwarf birch.
Blok et al. comment “However, under multiple scenarios of climate change
it is expected that tundra biomass will increase, mainly because of B.
nana and combined with the observed negative relationship in natural
vegetation, our experimental results suggest that increased shrub
biomass may slow down the expected future increase in permafrost thaw
with climate warming.” Furthermore, “Similar findings were observed in a
model study, where permafrost thaw was found to be less under a shrub
canopy than under unvegetated ground.”
Next up, Blok et al. note “Global temperature data show that the mean
annual air temperature in northeast Siberia increased by 1.5–2°C between
2001 and 2007, compared with the 1951–1980 average. This is much higher
than the observed 0.5°C average global surface temperature rise during
this period. Permafrost temperature records, however, do not show a
general warming trend during the last decade, despite large increases in
surface air temperature. Data from several Siberian Arctic permafrost
stations do not show a discernible trend between 1991 and 2000. Our
results suggest that an expansion of deciduous shrubs in the Arctic
triggered by climate warming may buffer permafrost from warming
resulting from higher air temperatures.”
Next, we learn “Failure to fully understand the effect of climate change
and related vegetation shifts on permafrost thermodynamics is hampering
predictions on future permafrost thaw. We have presented the first
experimental evidence that the expansion of deciduous shrubs in the
Arctic triggered by climate warming may reduce summer permafrost thaw.
This vegetation change may partly offset the permafrost degradation
expected to result from the air temperature rise predicted for the
coming decades.”
Blok et al. conclude “These results suggest that the expected expansion
of deciduous shrubs in the Arctic region, triggered by climate warming,
may reduce summer permafrost thaw. Increased shrub growth may thus
partially offset further permafrost degradation by future temperature
increases. Permafrost models need to include a dynamic vegetation
component to accurately predict future permafrost thaw.”
Enough said!
More HERE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
Hilarious "Scientific" Support Of AGW In SF Chronicle Earns Beatdown
Here's one from a few days ago I ran across, which already has garnered
over 840 comments, most of them seemingly taking the writer, Peter
Gleick, to task for his climahysterical article. Let's see, shall we?
Here is the best argument against global warming:
. . . .
Oh, right. There isn't one.
There is no good argument against global warming. In all the brouhaha about tiny errors recently found in the massive IPCC report,
the posturing by global climate deniers, including some elected
officials, leaked emails, and media reports, here is one fact that
seems to have been overlooked:
First, it is not an argument against global warming. It is against man
caused (anthropogenic, man induced, whatever you want to term it) global
warming, or, as you folks call it, climate change, since you, in such a
self-described scientific manner, link everything into it. Hot, cold,
wet, dry, snow, tornadoes, hurricanes or lack thereof, frogs dying,
species being found, allergies, etc and so on. Second, it is not
incumbent upon us "deniers" to prove our theory, based on 4 billion
years of history. You have to prove yours.
Third, those "tiny" errors are not actually tiny. Many of them are
primary points within the UN IPCC, used to "prove" their whole position.
Those who deny that humans are causing unprecedented climate
change have never, ever produced an alternative scientific argument
that comes close to explaining the evidence we see around the world that the climate is changing.
I'll leave that to the professionals at this moment, but, I did notice
something, Pete. Do you mind if I call you Pete? Nowhere in you article
do you provide a scientific argument that explains how the current
warming period is caused "most likely," to us, in the IPCC vernacular,
by Mankind. Sucks to be you. Oh, hey, can you explain the "no
statistical warming over the last 15 years," or that the Medieval Warm
Period was warmer than today, as told by Phil Jones?
How about all the "missing" data? Or that temperature upticks precede
CO2? Or.....well, we all know the reality. Can we move Peter from stage 1
of the 5 stages of grief?
Here is the way scientists think science works: Ideas and
theories are proposed to explain the scientific principles we
understand, the evidence we see all around us, and the mathematical
models we use to test theories. Alternative theories compete.
Gore, the self-anointed climate change alarmist-in-chief, told supporters on a March 15 conference call
that severe weather in certain regions of the country could be
attributed to carbon in the atmosphere – including the recent rash of
rainy weather.
There's your "scientific" theory, Pete. If everything can be blamed on global warming, it is no longer science, it is tautology.
Scientists are used to debating facts with each other, with
the best evidence and theory winning. Well, this is a bar fight, where
the facts are irrelevant, and apparently, the rules and tools of
science are too. But who wins bar fights? As the Simpsons cartoon so
brilliantly showed, bullies. Not always the guy who is right.
Al Gore is not a scientist, Pete. Nor is Barack Obama, nor are the
Democrats (and Lindsay Graham) who are pushing this. Nor are a good
chunk of those who wrote the IPCC. Hmmph. Strange, huh?
Former Vice President Al Gore's insistence on Monday that global warming
was behind a spate of bad weather could fall on some very deaf ears.
American's concerns over environmental worries are at the lowest level
in two decades, according to a new Gallup poll. "Many environmental
issues are at a 20-year-low concern," the poll found.
It also found that public worries over eight green-related issues — from
air pollution to the state of rain forests — have dropped by as much as
nine percentage points in the last year alone. "Americans worry most
about drinking-water pollution and least about global warming," said
Gallup analyst Jeffrey Jones.
Indeed, the poll found that half of the respondents worry "a great deal"
about the safety and purity of their drinking water; 28 percent said
they fretted about global warming. Between the two, 31 percent worry
about the extinction of plant and animal species, one-third are
concerned about the loss of tropical rain forests, 38 percent are
troubled by air pollution and 44 percent fear the pollution of soil and
water by toxic waste. Forty-five percent worry about the maintenance of
fresh water for "household needs," while 46 percent are concerned about
the pollution of rivers, lakes and reservoirs.
The decline in concern is "rather dramatic" in some cases, Mr. Jones
said, citing 1989 Gallup figures. At that time, 72 percent of Americans
worried about river pollution, while 63 percent were troubled by air
pollution. "One major reason Americans may be less worried about
environmental problems is that they perceive environmental conditions in
the United States to be improving," Mr. Jones said.
The poll found that 46 percent of the respondents now rate the overall
quality of the environment in the country as "excellent" or "good," up
from 39 percent a year ago. The public's concerns about the economy may
have also trumped their environmental worries, the researchers found.
The survey of 1,014 adults was conducted March 4-7.
What rubbish! Urban CO2 domes claimed to increase deaths
The "researcher" below found that CO2 concentrations in city air were
higher than in the country. No surprise. So how to draw some
attention to himself with the finding? He couldn't say that CO2 is bad
for you as our bodies make it all the time. So he turned to the old
standby: CO2 makes the place hotter -- and that is OBVIOUSLY bad. But
is it? If so there must be a lot of very ill people in the tropics. I
grew up in tropical Australia and I can assure one and all that the
tropics are perfectly healthy as long as you have Western public health
measures. His claim that heat increases pollution may even be true but
so do lots of things that we would not want to be without. And no
mention that heat can be beneficial too. Lots more people die in winter
than in summer, for instance
Everyone knows that carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas driving
climate change, is a global problem. Now a Stanford study has shown it
is also a local problem, hurting city dwellers' health much more than
rural residents', because of the carbon dioxide "domes" that develop
over urban areas. That finding, said researcher Mark Z. Jacobson,
exposes a serious oversight in current cap-and-trade proposals for
reducing emissions of heat-trapping gases, which make no distinction
based on a pollutant's point of origin. The finding also provides the
first scientific basis for controlling local carbon dioxide emissions
based on their local health impacts.
"Not all carbon dioxide emissions are equal," said Jacobson, professor
of civil and environmental engineering. "As in real estate, location
His results also support the case that California presented to the
Environmental Protection Agency in March, 2009, asking that the state be
allowed to establish its own CO2 emission standards for vehicles.
Jacobson, director of the Atmosphere/Energy Program at Stanford,
testified on behalf of California's waiver application in March, 2009.
The waiver had previously been denied, but was reconsidered and granted
subsequently. The waiver is currently being challenged in court by
industry interests seeking to overturn it.
Jacobson found that domes of increased carbon dioxide concentrations -
discovered to form above cities more than a decade ago - cause local
temperature increases that in turn increase the amounts of local air
pollutants, raising concentrations of health-damaging ground-level
ozone, as well as particles in urban air.
In modeling the health impacts for the contiguous 48 states, for
California and for the Los Angeles area, he determined an increase in
the death rate from air pollution for all three regions compared to what
the rate would be if no local carbon dioxide were being emitted. The
results of Jacobson's study are presented in a paper published online by
Environmental Science and Technology.
The cap-and-trade proposal passed by the U.S. House of Representatives
in June 2009 puts a limit on the amount of greenhouse gases that each
type of utility, manufacturer or other emitter is allowed to produce. It
also puts a price tag on each ton of emissions, which emitters will
have to pay to the federal government.
If the bill passes the Senate intact, it will allow emitters to freely
trade or sell their allowances among themselves, regardless of where the
pollution is emitted. With that logic, the proposal prices a ton of
CO2 emitted in the middle of the sparsely populated Great Plains, for
example, the same as a ton emitted in Los Angeles, where the population
is dense and the air quality already poor.
"The cap-and-trade proposal assumes there is no difference in the impact
of carbon dioxide, regardless of where it originates," Jacobson said.
"This study contradicts that assumption." "It doesn't mean you can
never do something like cap and trade," he added. "It just means that
you need to consider where the CO2 emissions are occurring."
Jacobson's study is the first to look at the health impacts of carbon
dioxide domes over cities and his results are relevant to future air
pollution regulations. Current regulations do not address the local
impacts of local carbon dioxide emissions. For example, no regulation
considers the local air pollution effects of CO2 that would be emitted
by a new natural gas power plant. But those effects should be
considered, he said.
"There has been no control of carbon dioxide because it has always been
thought that CO2 is a global problem, that it is only its global impacts
that might feed back to air pollution," Jacobson said.
In addition to the changes he observed in local air pollutants, Jacobson
found that there was increased stability of the air column over a city,
which slowed the dispersal of pollutants, further adding to the
increased pollutant concentrations.
Jacobson estimated an increase in premature mortality of 50 to 100
deaths per year in California and 300 to 1,000 for the contiguous 48
states. "This study establishes a basis for controlling CO2 based on
local health impacts," he said. Current estimates of the annual air
pollution-related death toll in the U.S. is 50-100,000.
NWF tries to send overpopulation efforts down memory hole and replace with global warming fears
An interesting email from Michael Potts:
I was looking at the website and articles of the National Wildlife
Federation and noticed they seem to have made a concerted effort to
wipe out all mention of their previous focus on overpopulation and
replace it with a new focus on global warming using some Orwellian
memory hole tactics.
Not sure there's a news article in it, but it's very interesting to see
how the entire section of their website that was devoted to
overpopulation is now all global warming. Rather than re-hash the
details here, i've posted a question on Yahoo Answers which has all the
relevant links that show their efforts to send the Ehrlichean
"population bomb" meme down the memory hole. See here
How did that cooling get massaged away?
By Andrew Bolt
Danish engineer Frank Lansner is curious.
Before global warming was fashionable, it was agreed the world has
cooled dramatically in the 1940s and 1950s. Here’s how National
Geographic in 1976 presented northern hemisphere. temperatures (or go here):
Now that warming is fashionable, that cooling has been “adjusted” into something much less significant, making the warming over the century seem more dramatic:
The original 1976 temperatures from National geographic for
1935-75 shows almost 0,5 degrees Celsius decline. This is why scientists
world wide became worried about a coming ice age.
In 2008 according to CRU (and thus to some extend GHCN) the temperature
decline 1935-75 has been reduced to approximately 0,15 degrees Celsius.
The decline appears reduced approximately 0,34K
So approximately 70% of the decline in temperatures after 1935-40 has been removed, it seems....
In other words, the need to examine the correctness of the massive
corrections to temperature data simply cannot be exaggerated. But most
of the global warming movement documentation is built on huge
corrections in temperature that are not peer reviewed. Not even made
public. So the claim that global warming movement documentation is peer
reviewed is to some degree nonsense as long as the crucial underlying
basic data are not for the world to see.
If temperature sets across the northern hemisphere were
really showing that 1940 was as hot as 2000, that makes it hard to argue
that the global warming that occurred from 1975 to 2000 was almost
solely due to carbon, since it wasn’t unusual (at least not for half the
globe), and didn’t correlate at all with our carbon emissions, the vast
majority of which occurred after 1945.
The US records show that the 1930’s were as hot as the 1990’s. And the
divergence problem in tree rings is well known. Many tree rings showed a
decline after 1960 that didn’t “concur” with the surface records.
Perhaps these tree rings agree with the surface records as recorded at
the time, rather than as adjusted post hoc? Perhaps the decline in
the tree rings that Phil Jones worked to hide was not so much a
divergence from reality, but instead was slightly more real than the
surface-UHI-cherry-picked-and-poorly-sited records?
MEANWHILE, Dr Roy Spencer uses a new technique to compare the warming
measured by rural stations in the US to that measured by urbanising
ones, and says adjustments for the urban heat island effect don’t seem
to be enough:
Grandaddy of green, James Lovelock, warms to eco-sceptics
Just occasionally you find yourself at an event where there is a sense
of history in the air. So it was the other night at the Royal Society,
when a small gathering of luminaries turned up to hear that
extraordinary nonagenarian, the scientist James Lovelock.
They had all come: David MacKay, chief scientist at the Department of
Energy and Climate Change; Michael Green, Lucasian professor of
mathematics at Cambridge; Michael Wilson, producer of the James Bond
movies; Chris Rapley, director of the Science Museum; and more. You knew
why they had answered the Isaac Newton Institute’s invitation. They
wanted to learn where one of the most interesting minds in science stood
in the climate debate.
Lovelock has been intimately involved in three of the defining
environmental controversies of the past 60 years. He invented an
instrument that made it possible to detect the presence of toxic
pollutants in the fat of Antarctic penguins — at roughly the same time
as Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, her hugely influential book about
pollution. In the 1970s the same instrument, his electron capture
detector, was used to detect the presence of chlorofluorocarbons — CFCs —
in the atmosphere. Although Lovelock mistakenly pronounced these
chemicals as no conceivable toxic hazard, the scientists F Sherwood
Rowland and Mario Molina later won the Nobel prize in chemistry for
proving they were destroying the ozone layer.
Then, in 1979, Lovelock published the book-length version of his Gaia
theory, which postulates that the Earth functions as a kind of
super-organism, with millions of species regulating its temperature.
Despite initial scepticism from the Darwinists, who refused to believe
that individual organisms could act in harmony, the Gaia theory has been
widely accepted and now underlies most atmospheric science.
What, I wondered, would be the great man’s view on the latest twists in
the atmospheric story — the Climategate emails and the sloppy science
revealed in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC)? To my surprise, he immediately professed his admiration for the
climate-change sceptics.
“I think you have to accept that the sceptics have kept us sane — some
of them, anyway,” he said. “They have been a breath of fresh air. They
have kept us from regarding the science of climate change as a religion.
It had gone too far that way. There is a role for sceptics in science.
They shouldn’t be brushed aside. It is clear that the angel side wasn’t
without sin.”
As we were ushered in to dinner, I couldn’t help wrestling with the
irony that the so-called “prophet of climate change”, whose Gaia theory
is regarded in some quarters as a faith in itself, was actively cheering
on those who would knock science from its pedestal.
Lovelock places great emphasis on proof. The climate change projections
by the Meteorological Office’s Hadley Centre — a key contributor to the
IPCC consensus — should be taken seriously, he said. But he is concerned
that the projections are relying on computer models based primarily on
atmospheric physics, because models of that kind have let us down
before. Similar models, for example, failed to detect the hole in the
ozone layer;
it was eventually found by Joe Farman using a spectrometer.
How, asks Lovelock, can we predict the climate 40 years ahead when there
is so much that we don’t know? Surely we should base any assumptions on
things we can measure, such as a rise in sea levels. After all, surface
temperatures go up and down, but the rise in sea levels reflects both
melting ice and thermal expansion. The IPCC, he feels, underestimates
the extent to which sea levels are rising.
Do mankind’s emissions matter? Yes, they undoubtedly do.
No one should be complacent about the fact that within the next 20 years
we’ll have added nearly a trillion tons of carbon to the atmosphere
since the industrial revolution. When a geological accident produced a
similar carbon rise 55m years ago, it turned up the heat more than 5C.
And now? Well, the effect of man-made carbon is unpredictable.
Temperatures might go down at first, rather than up, he warns.
How should we be spending our money to prevent possible disaster? In
Britain, says Lovelock, we need sea walls and more nuclear power.
Heretical stuff, when you consider the vast amount that Europe plans to
spend on wind turbines.
“What would you bet will happen this century?” a mathematician asked
him. Lovelock predicted a temperature rise in the middle range of
current projections — about 1C-2C — which we could live with. Ah, but
hadn’t he also said there was a chance that temperature rises could
threaten human civilisation within the lifetime of our grandchildren?
He had. In the end, his message was that we should have more respect for
uncertainties and learn to live with possibilities rather than striving
for the 95% probabilities that climate scientists have been trying to
provide. We don’t know what’s going to happen and we don’t know if we
can avert disaster — although we should try. His sage advice: enjoy life
while you can.
Tomorrow's Forecast: Weather, With a 50% Chance of Climate
By James Taranto
Saturday night found us braving rough weather in New York's Meatpacking
District. First the wind ripped our umbrella into pieces, then we got
drenched in rain. While waiting to check our coat at the trendy night
spot that was our destination, we looked out the door and saw a downpour
so intense that it would have been described as biblical had it
continued for another 40 days, 39 nights and change.
No wonder the weather was so bad! According to Al Gore, it wasn't just
weather, it was climate. As the Business and Media Institute reports:
Gore, the self-anointed climate change alarmist-in-chief,
told supporters on a March 15 conference call that severe weather in
certain regions of the country could be attributed to carbon in the
atmosphere--including the recent rash of rainy weather.
"The odds have shifted toward much larger downpours," Gore said. "And we
have seen that happen in the Northeast, we've seen it happen in the
Northwest--in both of those regions are among those that scientists have
predicted for a long time would begin to experience much larger
But wait. That seems inconsistent with this month-old report from the Hill:
A top Obama administration scientist on Monday struck back
at climate skeptics who claim that record snowstorms this winter have
undercut evidence of global warming. "It is important that people
recognize that weather is not the same thing as climate," said Jane
Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
So weather isn't the same thing as climate, except when it is. You can
"prove" anything with such heads-I-win-tails-you-lose logic. A decade
ago, Gore almost managed to use it to become president.
On a related note, consider this report from London's Guardian:
When Al Gore was caught running up huge energy bills at home
at the same time as lecturing on the need to save electricity, it turns
out that he was only reverting to "green" type.
According to a study, when people feel they have been morally virtuous
by saving the planet through their purchases of organic baby food, for
example, it leads to the "licensing [of] selfish and morally
questionable behaviour", otherwise known as "moral balancing" or
"compensatory ethics".
Do Green Products Make Us Better People is published in the latest
edition of the journal Psychological Science. Its authors, Canadian
psychologists Nina Mazar and Chen-Bo Zhong, argue that people who wear
what they call the "halo of green consumerism" are less likely to be
kind to others, and more likely to cheat and steal. "Virtuous acts can
license subsequent asocial and unethical behaviours," they write.
The Guardian's headline is "How Going Green May Make You Mean." We're
inclined to think the chain of causation runs the other way--that people
who are jerks to begin with gravitate toward verdant sanctimony.
Britain's yellow and not so pleasant land: Freezing winter leaves countryside looking ragged around the edges
England's green and pleasant land is looking a little faded around the
edges right now. And the countryside of Wales and Scotland isn't faring
much better. After the coldest winter in three decades, huge areas of
Britain's pastures, meadows and downs have emerged bedraggled, tired
and brown.
The problem is most noticeable in the South West, where normally
glorious verdant fields look like they have struggled through a harsh
summer drought. In Dorset's Hardy Country, the mighty Maiden Castle, an
enormous fort built by ancient Britons, is perched on a murky brown
mound. And the centuries old Cerne Abbas Giant - famously carved on a
chalk hillside - is barely visible against the yellowing grass.
The phenomenon means dairy farmers will have to feed forage to their
cattle until spring arrives and sheep will be eating last year's grass
during the lambing season. Farmers believe the seasons are about three
weeks later than usual, but they say that when the sun comes out, the
colour will return to the fields in days.
Traditional British grasslands usually fade and turn yellow over winter.
Unlike the grass varieties used in gardens, they are not hardy enough
to survive persistent sub-zero temperatures. But after the mild
winters of the last few years, the scale of the brown fields has come as
something of a shock. Chris Barber, 45, who farms 35 acres in
Martinstown, Dorset, said: 'It happens every year to a degree, but
nothing like this. 'It's because we've had such a long spell of cold and
the grass wants to grow, but there's no warmth or sun to do so. 'When
there is a bit of warmth it will come back quickly with the
photosynthesis. 'It's more common this year in the permanent pastures
which is unusual. It does mean that during the lambing season the ewes
are eating last year's grass. 'We had a good summer last year so there
is plenty of food about. I would say we're three weeks later than
Mike Pullin who farms nearby said: 'The grass is actually a purple-red
colour. What happened was the roots became wet and that froze, making
the grass dormant. We've had frost and snow for long periods and that
means we will be later turning the cattle out.'
Over the last 30 years, spring has arrived earlier and earlier and now
typically arrives three weeks sooner than it did in the 1960s. However,
this year's cold winter has delayed the first signs of spring,
restoring the seasons to their pre-1970s pattern.
COCONUT palms may be symbols of the tropics to many, but a scientist
says they are damaging the natural environment and may help spread
dengue fever. Cape Tribulation Tropical Research Station director Dr
Hugh Spencer has spent the past six years studying the impact the palms
have had on native beach vegetation.
He has found the thin 50-100m line of forest that lies between the reef
and rainforest - called the littoral zone - is constantly under siege
from coconut palms, which edge out native trees, pounding them into
submission by constantly dumping fronds and fruit on them. Coconuts
that are left to rot on the ground collect water, providing perfect
breeding grounds for the dengue-carrying mosquito.
To prevent the palms from conquering the beachfront at Cape Tribulation,
Dr Spencer and a small group of volunteers have been regularly removing
juvenile palms the only way they know - by hand. Where there used to
be entire groves, native plants such as pandanus and she-oaks are slowly
reclaiming the beach. "We're getting very, very good recruitment of
natural vegetation," Dr Spencer said. "We've literally removed
thousands of coconuts. We're all volunteers. Nobody gets paid in this
place. "It basically means that we are protecting and recovering the
most endangered of our forest types."
Cairns Regional Council general manager infrastructure services Ross
McKim said the council did not have a policy either. But it did have a
duty of care denutting palms to reduce the risk of liability. "Council
is aware that the removal of coconut palms can be an emotive issue and
actively manage the trees that are featured along the foreshores and
parks of the region," Mr McKim said. "Council undertakes denutting and
palm frond removal and manage those trees already in place, rather than
remove what trees are currently there. "While we are aware that these
plants may not be native to Australia, council appreciates these palms
play an important part in creating the tropical feel of the region."
Dr Spencer previously took more direct action to eliminate palms from
the beachfront by boring holes in a number of palms and poisoning them.
The actions angered other locals, who referred to him as a "coconut
killer". Dr Spencer said his relationship with his critics appeared to
have simmered. "I kind of get the feeling that there is more of a mood
of acceptance that they really are a problem," he said. "I get the
feeling that is starting to filter though, but I don't have any proof.
"I'm not having many people getting their knickers in a twist about
coconuts being removed any more."
A kneejerk response towards anyone who challenges the Green/Left is
to say that the challenger is "in the pay" of someone -- usually "Big
Oil" -- and usually without a scrap of evidence to that effect. The
email below from Thomas Lux [beegdawg007@gmail.com], however, suggests
that one influential Greenie activist is so busy with his propaganda
efforts that it is hard to believe that he has any other job and
therefore really COULD be "in the pay" of someone
I did a bit more research into William M. Connolley and others. I'll pass this along.
My interest in this is simply that of a retired engineer who initially
believed in the AGW premise. When I was a believer, I did a lot of
research into alternative energy issues like solar, wind, wave power
etc.. As a civil engineer, I find most alternative energy methods to be
of interest, and some even make economic sense. For example, solar
hotwater for most homes is now actually quite practical.
However, one day in the fall of 2008, while blissfully engaged in
browsing the internet to find new alternative energy methods, I stumbled
across an article on the British High Court's rebuke of the Al Gore
video "An Inconvenient Truth". I subsequently came across several Lord
Monkton articles and my interest in this subject was ignited.
Since than, I have read over 200 articles and papers concerning AGW. Now
that I am much better informed, I believe the CO2/AGW hypothesis to
be utter nonsense. After recognizing that it is unlikely that a trace
gas like CO2 which exists as less than .04% of the environment could
cause any climate catastrophe, I started wondering about he political
motives surrounding the promotion of such an obviously ridiculous
premiss. After all, not all leftist politicians are that dumb, so
certainly some of the politicians promoting the AGW theory must realize
that it is a seriously flawed view of climate change.
I have reviewed dozens of articles and papers, have read much of the
IPCC report, and have followed closely all of the news in regards to AGW
and climategate, so I now feel as though I am very up to speed on the
AGW fraud which is going on in Europe, America and the U.K.. I do
believe that there is a effort to control what the world knows about
global warming. I am not sure to what extent governments are involved in
After witnessing first-hand the antics of William M. Connolley, Stephan
Schultz and KimDabelsteinPetersen, I now believe that a key tactic in
this effort is to manipulate what is written in Wikipedia about all that
relates to the AGW theory in such a way as to promote the AGW argument.
Wikipedia is the most used online encylopedia in the world.
If this is what is going on, and if there is government involvement
here, this manipulation of Wikipedia would be should be a story even
bigger than Climategate. This would also be a story which should be told
because of the fundamental threat that such manipulation of information
poses to freedom and democracy.
My primary reason for believing that WMC is being paid for his editing
of Wikipedia is this: When one considers the amount of time WMC devotes
to editing Wiki articles, doing research to edit Wiki articles,
blogging, emailing, writing climate related articles, giving interviews,
and "talking" about Wiki articles, there is simply not enough time left
for WMC to have another job.
William M. Connolley.. an overview here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_M._Connolley
Following is an article on how Connolley was finally removed as a Wiki
Administrator.. SYSOP... for abusing his power by blocking tow posters
who disagree with him. Note here that Stephan Schultz attempts to come
to WMC rescue when he sides with WMC in the review process.
Wiki articles in which WMC participates often end up becoming restricted
articles which means that he and only other “experts” can edit the
articles. What seems like a restriction for WMC ultimately is a great
advantage because other casual observers – even though they may possess
subject expertise – are not allowed to edit the Wiki articles which are
under restriction until they have proved themselves worthy by meeting
time consuming Wikipedia standards for expert editors.
Example of a restricted article as a result of WMCs aggressive editing
A simple example of WMC edit designed to slant a Wiki topic toward the
AGW believers and away from real science. This edit may seem harmless
until you realize WMC and friends edit in this manner roughly 20,000
times a year.
Connolley has edited only 748 times in the past 30 days. He has been
editing an average of 1100 times in 30 days. However, wikipedia does not
provide any real protection against a person editing using several
different monikers so “WMC” could actually now be editing as several
different people..
These three have averaged 56 edits PER DAY for the past 30 days.
Normally, they edit more than 60 times per day. Almost all of the
editing for this bunch is for a dozen or so articles which somehow
related to the AGW theory. For example, search “global warming”,
“climategate”, “CO2 and Climate”, etc.. For anyone with a real job or
real normal life, it is virtually impossible to compete with these three
self proclaimed arbiters of all things climate related.
SlimVirgin is a fascinating story which provides some clarity on how the
manipulation of Wikipedia takes place. Although she was once barred
temporarily from editing Wikipedia articles, SlimVirgin is again editing
at the rate of nearly 2000 edits per month. Her's is a fascinating
story. SlimVirgin is a Cambridge 1984 graduate named Linda Mack. She now
goes by the name Sarah McKewan. Pierre Salinger (JFK's press secretary
and brother in law) claimed that Linda Mack, a.k.a SlimVirgin was an MI5
agent who was planted in his office following the Lockerbie Scotland
plane bombing.
A fascinating story – truly hard to believe! There is so much intrigue
surrounding SlimVirgin that it is very easy to believe that she is on
someone's payroll also. She appears to be a near brilliant woman who has
no apparent source of income and who edits Wikipedia more than 60 times
a day.
Judd Bagley, is an expert researcher whom you may want to contact
because of the insight he has in regards to SlimVirgin, has been
involved with exposing the practice of naked short selling and mob
connections to Wall Street. In his research, Bagley comes across a
character named Gary Weiss.
GW, a.k.a. Lil GW and mantmorland, is connected to SlimVirgin. It has
also been alleged that GW is connected with gangsters and a cabal of
extraordinarily powerful hedge fund managers who have, for a decade,
manipulated Wall Street And, like SlimVirgin and William M. Connolley,
Weiss is a compulsive and prolific writer who seems to bang away at his
keyboard 16 hours a day to control what is known about the topic of
hedge fund manipulation of Wall Street.
As I mentioned immediately above, the global warming "debate" mainly
consists of skeptics pointing to scientific facts and Warmists replying
with personal abuse and accusations. The Warmist reply is, in other
words, almost always an example of an ad hominem fallacy -- one
of the classic informal fallacies that one encounters in the study of
formal logic. The rough translation of the fallacy into sporting
terminology is, "Playing the man and not the ball". In other words, one
very rarely gets a survey of the relevant facts from Warmists. Appeals
to authority (another informal fallacy) are about the best they can do.
Being a typical scientific skeptic, therefore, I take very little
interest in personalities and would never have gone to the trouble to do
the analysis above. As it was sent to me by someone else who had done
all the work, however, I thought I might as well put it up.
In accordance with that orientation, I do not intend to reproduce or excerpt a recent interview with Marc Morano.
I have the highest regard for Marc but just don't think that
personalities should be the issue. I might note, however, that Marc
does a good job of deflecting all the expected ad hominem accusations directed against him (accusing him of being a "creationist" etc.)
A young German physicist named Jörg Rings
was however, much seized by the interview, and did an analysis of it.
So was it the science he analysed? No way! He analysed Marc's
"tactics" and concludes that they are very clever.
Finally, in the "Comments" section of his post (08:33 of 15.03.10) he observes as follows: "Und - ich werde jetzt nicht Godwins Zorn herabrufen - gewisse historische Figuren waren auch 'extremely clever and dangerous'".
That translates as: "I am not going to call down wrath of Godwin -
certain historical figures were also 'extremely clever and dangerous'".
In other words he compares Marc to Hitler! How's that for an ad hominem argument! It's a classic!
It really is amusing how low Warmists have to stoop in their Kampf (struggle) with reality!
Jim Inhofe slams Al Gore on climate 'hoax'
Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) attacked former Vice President Al Gore on the
Senate floor Monday, calling climate change "the greatest hoax ever
perpetrated on the American people" and claiming that Gore is now
"running for cover."
The “hoax” line is an Inhofe standby, but he raised the level of attack
on Monday. In front of the backdrop of a blown up Weekly Standard cover
featuring Gore, Inhofe railed on the former vice president. "After
weeks of the global warming scandal, the world's first climate
billionaire is running for cover. Yes, I'm talking about Al Gore,"
Inhofe charged. "He's under siege these days. The credibility of the
IPCC is eroding. The EPA's endangerment finding is collapsing. And
belief that global warming is leading to catastrophe is evaporating.
Gore seems to be drowning in a sea of his own global warming illusions
nevertheless. He's desperately trying to keep global warming alarmism
alive today."
Inhofe also floated a political conspiracy theory focused on Gore. He
cited a secret “high-level meeting with all [Gore's] global alarmists,”
called a recent Gore op-ed in the New York Times a "sure-fire sign of
desperation" and compared Gore to an ostrich.
“When it comes to reform and openness and transparency and peer review,
and when it comes to practicing good science, Gore stands alone,” Inhofe
said. “He wants the world to put its head in the sand and pretend
nothing's happening. It reminds me of the two boy ostriches chasing the
two girl ostriches. They're chasing them, the one girl ostrich said,
'What do we do? They said, let's hide so each girl ostrich stuck their
head in the hole and the boy ostriches gallop up to the clearing and one
of them said, 'Where did the girls go?' This is what we're looking at
here. They're hiding their head in the sand and Gore's writing this
Inhofe spoke for approximately a half hour before yielding the floor. He
also mentioned the climate change legislation being worked on by Sens.
Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and John Kerry (D-Mass.), saying that if any
form of a cap-and-trade bill passes "people are going to be the losers."
The Elmer Gantry of global warming (For those who read Sinclair Lewis)
Instead of having his Nobel Prize rescinded for espousing climate fraud,
the prophet of doom is set to receive an honorary doctorate of laws and
humane letters from the University of Tennessee for his work. 'Vice
President Gore's career has been marked by visionary leadership, and his
work has quite literally changed our planet for the better," UT
Knoxville Chancellor Jimmy G. Cheek said in a prepared statement.
We are not making this up, though we will not dispute Gore's having had
visions. He has warned us of sea levels rising so high and so fast that
we should see boats moored on the top of the Washington Monument. Polar
bears would drown en masse for lack of ice at the same time snow
measured in feet blanketed large parts of the country.
We used to call it weather. He called it climate change and made a
fortune doing so. Revelations that the Fourth Assessment Report
produced by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was based
on anecdotes, student dissertations and non-peer-reviewed articles in
foreign magazines have not dissuaded him. Everybody makes mistakes,
Gore says. And channeling Dan Rather's explanation of his bogus claims
about President Bush's National Guard service, he says the evidence may
be forged but the story is still true.
Confronted with the inconvenient truths such as CRU director Phil Jones
admitting there has been no warming trend for at least the last 15
years, Gore monotones: "What is important is that the overwhelming
consensus on global warming remains unchanged." He doesn't need no
stinking facts.
Well, the seas are not about to swallow us anytime soon, the Himalayan
glaciers will not vanish before dinnertime, and the only thing the polar
bears have to worry about is overpopulation. We have documented his
falsehoods and those of the IPCC and the researchers at Britain's
Climatic Research Unit. We have also pointed the money they have made
off their climate scams.
According to the Guardian, a British newspaper, Gore has investments in
one company that has received more than half a billion dollars in
subsidies from the Department of Energy. Financial disclosure documents
released before the 2000 election put the Gore family's net worth at $1
million to $2 million. A mere nine years later, estimates are that he is
now worth about $100 million. He could become the world's first carbon
Gore has not changed the planet for the better. He has pushed policies
that have stunted economic growth and increased joblessness, poverty and
hunger around the world. He's a climate charlatan, the Elmer Gantry of
global warming, and it matters not if his latest undeserved award is
printed on recycled paper.
They don't discuss the subject too openly outside their own circles, but
environmentalists make crystal clear on their Web sites that they want
to stop all coal-based power production in this country. They claim coal
can never be made clean, so it must be eliminated before it's too late
to do anything about global warming. Ted Nace puts it succinctly in a
Grist Web site post: "The stakes, for all life on the planet, surpass
those of any previous crisis."
That may sound extreme, but Nace is merely expressing mainstream
environmentalist thinking. The Sierra Club, for example, tracks the
status of all coal-fired power plants in this country on its "Stop the
Coal Rush" page. The environmentalists have been remarkably successful
in preventing construction of new coal-fired power plants, with 126
having been stopped since 2001, according to the Sierra Club data. And
Nace crows that not a single one was started in 2009. Even so, nearly
half of all electricity used in the United States is generated by
coal-fired power plants, down from a high of 57 percent in 1987.
Regardless of whether one agrees with the goal of eliminating coal-fired
power production, it is critically important that policymakers and
voters alike understand the duplicitous game being played on them by
environmentalists. It is seen most vividly when environmentalists talk
about how they plan to replace coal with an array of "green" alternative
energy sources, including biomass, solar, wind and ethanol.
What they don't want to talk about is the fact that there's no way those
sources are going to replace coal-fired power production by 2030. And
they don't want to talk about the fact that there's another
extraordinarily plentiful and much cleaner energy source — natural gas —
that can readily replace coal and lower energy costs more effectively
than any alternative source. In fact, the same environmentalists who are
shutting down coal plants are also opposing increased natural gas
production. In other words, it's their green way, or nothing.
President Obama and Ken Salazar, his Interior Department secretary, are
following right along with the environmentalist playbook on these
matters. Salazar recently announced that his department will issue no
permits for off-shore natural gas exploration and production before
2012, at the earliest, even though experts agree there are trillions of
cubic feet of natural gas waiting to be harvested.
Salazar thus short-circuits the 2008 lifting of presidential and
congressional bans on such activities. That means no new off-shore
energy development will be approved during Obama's first term in the
White House. Meanwhile, Obama is showering billions of tax dollars on
alternative energy resources that the Energy Department says won't even
be close to replacing coal by 2030.
AUSTRALIA’s two leading scientific agencies will release
a report today showing Australia has warmed significantly over the past
50 years, and stating categorically that ‘’climate change is real‘’.
The State of the Climate snapshot, drawn together by CSIRO and the
Bureau of Meteorology partly in response to recent attacks on the
science underpinning climate change, shows that Australia’s mean
temperature has increased 0.7 degrees since 1960. The statement also
finds average daily maximum temperatures have increased every decade for
the past 50 years.
The report states that temperature observations, among others
indicators, ‘’clearly demonstrate climate change is real’’, and says
that CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology ‘’will continue to provide
observations and research so Australia’s responses are underpinned by
clear empirical data’’.
The report also found that the 2000s were Australia’s warmest decade
on record; that sea levels rose between 1.5 and three millimetres a
year in Australia’s south and east, and between seven and 10 millimetres
in the north between 1993 and 2009; and that sea surface temperatures
have risen 0.4 degrees since 1960.
Why is this surprisingly scanty propaganda pamphlet bizarre, and not quite honest?
First, no one is doubting that “climate change is real”. Climate changes all the time. This is not the debate.
Second, we’re talking about global warming, so why does the CSIRO and
BOM’s pamphlet give only Australian temperatures? Is that because it
knows that to show world temperatures stayed flat since 2001 actually
casts doubt on just how much man’s gases are driving the
post-mini-ice-age warming?
Third, given the CSIRO praised the since-discredited An Inconvenient
Truth, claiming ”its scientific basis is very sound”, can we really
trust its advocacy science?
Fourth, the CSIRO and BOM’s document does not address any of the recent
challenges to the processes which produced the concensus that man is
almost certainly to blame for most of the recent warming. Nor does it
mention recent debate about adjustments made to Australian temperature
records of the kind that increase the reported warming trend.
Fifth, what’s most at issue (other than man’s contribution to any
warming) is whether any warming will in fact be disastrous, and
something we must spend billions to help avert. The record so far of
alarmists such as Al Gore, Tim Flannery, Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, the IPCC
and even the CSIRO itself is that the catastrophism is wildly
exaggerated and we might often do better to keep our money in our
pockets for the day that we’re called on to cope with whatever happens
in the far-off future. But on this, again, this document adds zero to
our understanding.
But, of course, this brazenly political document got the unquestioning
hero treatment on the ABC’s AM program, in what sounded like the two
fingers to its chairman.
How much can this propaganda sheet be trusted to tell you the
let-the-cards-fall-where-they-may truth? Judge from this example:
"...total rainfall on the Australian continent has been relatively
Stable? Why didn’t the CSIRO and BOM tell the reassuring truth - that total rainfall has in fact increased?
British government adverts banned for overstating climate change
TWO government advertisements that use nursery rhymes to warn people of
the dangers of climate change have been banned by the Advertising
Standards Authority (ASA) for exaggerating the potential harm. The
adverts, commissioned by Ed Miliband, the energy secretary, used the
rhymes to suggest that Britain faces an inevitable increase in storms,
floods and heat waves unless greenhouse gas emissions are brought under
The ASA has ruled that the claims made in the newspaper adverts were not
supported by solid science and has told the Department of Energy and
Climate Change (DECC) that they should not be published again. It has
also referred a television commercial to the broadcast regulator, Ofcom,
for potentially breaching a prohibition on political advertising.
The rulings will be an embarrassment for Miliband, who has tried to
portray his policies as firmly science-based. He had commissioned two
posters, four press advertisements and a short film for television and
cinema, which started appearing in October last year in the run-up to
the Copenhagen climate talks. They attracted 939 complaints — more than
the ASA received for any advertisement last year. The deluge posed
problems for the ASA, which is not a scientific body, so it decided to
compare the text of Miliband’s adverts with the reports of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Based on that comparison, it ruled that two of the DECC’s adverts had
broken the advertising code on three counts: substantiation,
truthfulness and environmental claims. Of the two banned adverts, one
depicted three men floating in a bathtub over a flooded British
landscape, and the text read: “Rub a dub dub, three men in a tub — a
necessary course of action due to flash flooding caused by climate
change.” It then explained: “Climate change is happening. Temperature
and sea levels are rising. Extreme weather events such as storms, floods
and heat waves will become more frequent and intense. If we carry on at
this rate, life in 25 years could be very different.”
The second showed two children peering into a stone well amid an arid,
post-climate-change landscape. It read: “Jack and Jill went up the hill
to fetch a pail of water. There was none as extreme weather due to
climate change had caused a drought.” It then added: “Extreme weather
conditions such as flooding, heat waves and storms will become more
frequent and intense.”
It was these additional claims, rather than the nursery rhymes or
illustrations, that fell foul of the ASA, which ruled it was not
scientifically possible to make such definitive statements about
Britain’s future climate. The ASA said: “All statements about future
climate were based on modelled predictions, which the IPCC report itself
stated still involved uncertainties in the magnitude and timing, as
well as regional details, of predicted climate change.” It added that
both predictions should have been phrased more tentatively.
The ASA did, however, reject other complaints, including one suggesting
the DECC adverts were misleading because they presented human-induced
climate change as a fact.
Miliband said: “On the one issue where the ASA did not find in our
favour, around one word in our print advertising, the science tells us
that it is more than 90% likely that there will be more extreme weather
events if we don’t act.”
Greg Barker, shadow minister for climate change, said: “It is so
unnecessary to exaggerate the risks of global warming, and also
FOR the better part of a decade, I have upset many climate activists by
pointing out that there are far better ways to stop global warming than
trying to persuade governments to force or bribe citizens into slashing
their reliance on fuels that emit carbon dioxide.
What especially bugs my critics is the idea that cutting carbon would cost far more than the problem it is meant to solve.
"How can that be true?" they ask. "We are talking about the end of the world. What could be worse or more costly than that?"
They have a point. If we actually face, as Al Gore recently put it, "an
unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale preventative measures to
protect human civilisation as we know it", then no price would be too
high to stop global warming. But are the stakes really that high?
The answer is no. Even the worst-case scenarios proposed by mainstream
climate scientists, scenarios that go far beyond what the consensus
climate models predict, are not as bad as Gore would have us believe.
For example, a sea-level rise of 5m - more than eight times what the UN
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change expects, and more than twice
what is probably physically possible - would not deluge all or even most
of mankind.
Of course, such a rise would not be a trivial problem. It would affect
about 400 million people, force the relocation of 15 million, and imply
costly protection of the rest. But it would certainly not mean the end
of the world. Estimates show the cost in terms of adaptation would be
less than 1 per cent of global GDP. The price of unchecked global
warming may be high, but it is not infinite.
According to the best global-warming economic models, every tonne of CO2
we put into the atmosphere will do about $7 worth of damage to the
environment. What this means is that we should be prepared to pay an
awful lot to stop global warming, but anything more than $7 a tonne
would be economically indefensible.
This idea is hard for many to accept. If we have a solution to a serious
problem such as global warming, they argue, how can we possibly say
that it is too expensive to implement? Well, we do exactly that all the
time. There are many potential solutions to serious problems that we do
not implement, or that we implement only partially, because the costs
associated with them are greater than the benefits.
For example, traffic accidents claim an estimated 1.2 million lives
every year. We have the ability to solve this problem, eliminating half a
trillion dollars in damages and sparing untold anguish. All we have to
do is lower the speed limit everywhere to 5km/h.
Obviously, we will not do this. The benefits of driving moderately fast
vastly outweigh the costs. For a variety of reasons, a world moving at
only 5km/h would be utterly unacceptable to most of us.
Consider, too, homeland security. On the one hand, the more we spend on
anti-terrorism measures (and the more inconvenience we are willing to
tolerate), the safer we feel. On the other, even though everyone agrees
that a successful terrorist attack is unacceptable, there is a limit to
how much we are willing to spend to keep ourselves safe.
Why are we willing to calculate costs and benefits when it comes to
traffic safety and terrorism, but not when devising policies to deal
with global warming? Perhaps it is because we experience the downside of
excessive traffic regulation or security measures every day, while the
downside of bad climate policy is more of an abstraction. It shouldn't
be, for the risks posed by bad climate policy deserve as much attention
as the risks of worse-than-expected climate impacts - maybe more.
Remember how biofuel requirements were supposed to help reduce carbon
emissions? In fact, the artificially inflated demand for ethanol and for
the corn to manufacture it wound up driving up food prices (which
pushed about 30 million poor people into the ranks of the malnourished).
It ate up more arable land, which led to the destruction of rainforests
and created a situation that will result in more CO2 emissions over the
next 100 years.
The biofuel lesson is salutary. If we panic and make the wrong choices
in response to global warming, we risk leaving the world's most
vulnerable people even worse off. If we are to have a constructive
dialogue about the smartest policy responses to global warming, we need
to replace our fixation on far-fetched Armageddon scenarios with realism
about the true costs of this challenge.
Australia: Establishment scientists accuse climate change sceptics of 'smokescreen of denial'
More assertions -- but "models" instead of facts. You can't model
anything as complex as climate. We would have accurate weather
forecasts if you could
AUSTRALIA'S leading scientists have hit back at climate change sceptics,
accusing them of creating a "smokescreen of denial". The CSIRO and the
Bureau of Meteorology will today release a State of the Climate
document, a snapshot of Australia's climate data and trend predictions.
The apolitical science organisations have weighed into the debate as
they believe Australians are not being told the correct information
about temperatures, rainfall, ocean levels and changes to atmospheric
The State of the Climate report offers Australians an easy-to-understand
snapshot of data. "Modelling results show that it is extremely
unlikely that the observed warming is due to natural causes alone," it
states. "Evidence of human influence has been detected in ocean
warming, sea-level rise, continental-average temperatures, temperature
extremes and wind patterns."
CSIRO chief executive Dr Megan Clark said both organisations felt it was
time "to give Australians the facts and information they are looking
for and to do so in a way that is very transparent and available". "We
are seeing a real thirst for knowledge from many Australians and we are
responding to that huge public demand. There is a lot of noise out there
and a lot of reference to other countries and people want to know
what's happening in this country."
Dr Clark said the CSIRO had been observing the impacts of human-induced
climate change for many years and had moved on from debate about it
happening to planning for the changes to come.
Australia: Families in fear of 'fuel poverty' as energy costs pushed up by Greenie nonsense
SOARING electricity prices will force more working families into "fuel
poverty" where they simply cannot afford to pay for power. That is the
grim prediction from an energy ombudswoman, who revealed that the number
of people fearing they will have their electricity disconnected had
surged by a third. In New South Wales alone more than 18,000
households had their power cut off last financial year and, with about
$200 added to the average bill last July, that number is only expected
to grow.
But the worst pain is expected from increases of up to 62 per cent over the next three years.
The largest retailer, Energy Australia, has an extra 36,000 customers on
bill extension or payment plans - 30 per cent more than last year. The
second-largest retailer, Integral Energy, has 19,000 more customers in
assistance schemes - up 10 per cent.
But the real concern is that more big increases will be too much for
many of these households to bear. Clare Petre, NSW Energy and Water
Ombudswoman, said yesterday: "We are already receiving complaints from
people who can pay now but are worried about their capacity to pay in
the future."
Pricing regulator IPART proposed rises of 44-62 per cent over three
years to pay for a backlog of network maintenance and the Federal
Government's proposed ETS. Ms Petre said these increases could cause
"fuel poverty". "It may well, that's our concern, particularly if the
[ETS] comes in," she said.
Fuel poverty - a household spending more than 10 per cent of income for
an adequate 21C warmth - contributed to nearly 37,000 English and Welsh
deaths in 2008-09. In Australia, it isn't the cold, it's the heat. High
temperatures were linked to 374 deaths in Victoria last year. IPART
said a single aged pensioner would spend 7-12 per cent of income on
electricity after the ETS and an average household up to 6 per cent
Port Macquarie mum Cassandra O'Meara said she was looking for ways to
cut use after her family's power bill went from $500 to $1700 thanks to a
new pool and plasma TV. "It's just ridiculous," Mrs O'Meara said of the
cost jump yesterday.
New technique shows Roman Warm Period Warmer than Present Day
By Dr. David Whitehouse
A promising new technique to reconstruct past temperatures has been
developed by scientists at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada and
Durham University, England, using the shells of bivalve mollusks.
Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science the
scientists say that oxygen isotopes in their shells are a good proxy
measurement of temperature and may provide the most detailed record yet
of global climate change.
Most measures of palaeoclimate, such as those from tree rings, provide
data on only average annual temperatures, and then they are affected by
many other factors such as the rainfall effect on tree ring width.
William Patterson, lead author of the study, says that as mollusks grow
the colder the water, the higher the proportion of the heavy oxygen
isotope, oxygen-18 in the shells. Because shell growth depends upon
seasonal temperature variations it is possible to see much finer changes
than tree rings. Because they only live for between 2 – 9 years it has
the potential to reveal fine temporal detail for specific periods.
The study used 26 shells obtained from sediment cores taken from an
Icelandic inlet. The shells were extracted along their growth axes and
the carbonate powder analysed for stable oxygen isotopes using a mass
Although the mollusks record water temperatures, not air temperatures.
But the two are closely linked - especially close to the shore, where
most people in Iceland lived.
Oxygen isotope values for the two oldest bivalves in the study show a
cold spell between 360 BC to 240 BC that has some of the coldest
temperatures in the entire series of observations that stretch to about
1660 AD. Following this period it seems that temperatures increased
rapidly such that temperatures from 230 BC are significantly higher. In
fact a shell from 130 BC recorded the highest temperature in the entire
2,000-year dataset.
Between 230 BC and 40 AD there was a period of exceptional warmth in
Iceland that was coincident with the Roman Warm Period in Europe that
ran from 200 BC to 400 AD. This Icelandic shell data series suggests
that the RWP had higher temperatures that those recorded in modern
By 410 AD there had been a return to cooler temperatures presaging the
onset of a cold and wetter era called the Dark Ages Cold Period between
400 AD and 600 AD.
The subsequent warming trend in Iceland took place from 600 AD to 760 AD
about a century before prolonged warming began in Europe than in the
subsequent centuries led to the Medieval Warm Period that was about as
warm as the Roman one.
Iceland was initially settled between 865 AD – 930 AD, and it is often
assumed this happened when the climate was favorably warm for sea
voyages and settlement. The reconstructed temperatures in this study
suggest they were high just before Iceland’s initial settlement began
but deteriorated shortly afterwards.
The study's findings suggest that details of climate recorded in Icelandic sagas are reasonably accurate.
In the 1000s the Icelandic “Book of Settlements” reports a famine so
severe “men ate foxes and ravens” and “the old and helpless were killed
and thrown over cliffs.” According to his shells, it was a difficult
period with summer water temperatures peaking at only 5-6 degree C, down
from as high as 7.5-9.5 degree C only 100 years earlier.
The high time resolution possible because of the short lives of the
clams enables intricate changes to be deduced. A warming trend occurred
after 1120 AD however by 1320 AD the climate began cooling again
recording record lows for the 2,000 year dataset. Such lows are also
seen in Greenland ice cores. The cool period was prolonged. Western
settlement in Greenland was abandoned by 1360 AD and by 1450 AD
settlements in the east were abandoned as well.
Isotope data from shells is clearly a highly promising technique with
many advantages over paleoclimatic reconstruction using tree rings. The
ability to monitor seasonal climatic extremes will be very valuable not
only for climate but also to shed light on the rise and collapse of
Another crucial aspect of climate science that this research could be
important for is the statistical extraction of human climatic
"fingerprints" from climate models and real-world data. It is commonly
said that one of the most important human fingerprints on the climate is
the rapidity of the changes seen in global average temperatures seen in
the past few decades. This new line of research has the potential to
provide fine temporal resolution of past climatic changes possibly
demonstrating similar changes to that seen currently which took place
without todays putative anthropogenic forcing. It would be fascinating
to see this approach used to produce a detailed timeline of the changes
of the past two thousand years from many site worldwide, especially for
the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods so that they could properly be
compared to what is going on today.
Memorandum submitted by Stephen McIntyre (CRU 32) to the Science and Technology Committee, House of Commons, Parliament, UK
1. Reconstructions of temperature over the past 1000 years have been an
highly visible part of IPCC presentations to the public. CRU has been
extremely influential in IPCC reconstructions through: coauthorship, the
use of CRU chronologies, peer review and IPCC participation. To my
knowledge, there are no 1000-year reconstructions which are truly
"independent" of CRU influence. In my opinion, CRU has manipulated
and/or withheld data with an effect on the research record. The
manipulation includes (but is not limited to) arbitrary adjustment
("bodging"), cherry picking and deletion of adverse data. The problem is
deeply rooted in the sense that some forms of data manipulation and
withholding are so embedded that the practitioners and peer reviewers in
the specialty seem either to no longer notice or are unoffended by the
practices. Specialists have fiercely resisted efforts by outside
statisticians questioning these practices - the resistance being evident
in the Climategate letters. These letters are rich in detail of
individual incidents. My submission today will not comment on these
individual incidents (some of which I've commented on already at Climate
Audit), but to try to place the incidents into context and show why
they matter to the research record. I will not comment in this
submission on CRUTEM issues only for space reasons.
2. Together with Ross McKitrick, I have published several peer-reviewed
articles on 1000-year reconstructions and reconstructions, made invited
presentations to a panel of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, to a
subcommittee of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee and a Union
Session of the American Geophysical Union and have in-depth personal
knowledge of CRU proxy reconstructions. I was a reviewer of the IPCC
2007 Assessment Report. I am the "editor" of a prominent climate blog,
www.climateaudit.org, which analyzes proxy reconstructions. I am
discussed in many Climategate Letters.
Temperature Reconstructions
3. Keith Briffa was Lead Author of the IPCC 2007 section on "recent"
paleoclimatology, the Climategate Letters showing that he worked closely
with Mann associate, Eugene Wahl (not a listed IPCC expert reviewer).
Mann was Lead Author of the corresponding IPCC 2001 section, with the
Climategate Letters showing that he worked closely with Briffa and
4. Jones, Briffa and Osborn were on the editorial boards of multiple
climate journals and participated actively both in peer review and the
assignment of peer reviewers.
5. CRU scientists (and Climategate correspondent Michael Mann) were
coauthors of all three reconstructions in the IPCC 2001 report and
coauthors of six (of ten) multiproxy reconstructions in the IPCC 2007
6. CRU tree ring proxies (in particular, Tornetrask, Yamal/Polar Urals,
Taymir) were used in all ten IPCC 2007 multiproxy reconstructions.
7. One of the underlying problems in trying to use tree ring
width/density chronologies for temperature reconstructions is a decline
in 20th century values at many sites - Briffa's 1992 density (MXD)
chronology for the influential Tornetrask site is shown at left below.
The MXD chronology had a very high correlation to temperature, but went
down in the 20th century relative to what it was "expected" to do and
relative to the ring width (RW) chronology (which had a lower
correlation to temperature.) So Briffa "adjusted" the MXD chronology, by
a linear increase to the latter values (middle), thereby reducing the
medieval-modern differential. This adjustment was described in private
as the "Briffa bodge" (Melvin and Briffa 2008).
8. Although there was no scientific basis for such an arbitrary
adjustment, peer reviewers of Briffa et al (1992) did not object.
"Bodging" then seems to entered into the CRU toolkit to get
reconstructions to "look" right, as evidenced by the Climategate
documents containing annotations that the method contains "fudge
factors" or "very artificial corrections for decline" (e.g.
9. Although the bodge was reported in the original article, the bodge
was not reported in the numerous multiproxy studies relying on the
Tornetrask reconstruction nor in the IPCC reports nor was it considered
in calculation of confidence intervals.
Withholding Adverse Data
10. There are many incidents in the Climategate Letters of withholding
data. I'll review one incident which, in my opinion, has a direct impact
on the research record.
11. Briffa et al. (1995) produced an influential chronology from the
Polar Urals site (Figure 2- left), which combated the idea of a
widespread Medieval Warm Period, supposedly showing a very cold 11th
century in Siberia, with 1032 supposedly being the coldest year of the
millennium. Further measurements (Figure 2- right) yielded a chronology
in which the 11th century was warmer than the 20th century. Neither CRU
nor any other climate scientist ever published this update. The data at
right has never been publicly archived and was obtained only through
quasi-litigation at Science. (One of the Climategate Letters expresses
regret that the data was made available.)
12. The failure to publish this data set has two important adverse
results. The inconsistency between different tree ring chronologies is
disguised. In addition, the data set was unavailable for third parties
interested in producing multiproxy reconstructions.
13. There has been considerable suspicion that CRU cherry-picked the
Yamal chronology over the updated Polar Urals chronology or a still
unavailable combined chronology attested in Climategate Letter
14. Instead of showing the updated Polar Urals chronology (figure
3-left), Briffa (2000) replaced it without discussion with a chronology
from nearby Yamal, one with an extremely pronounced hockey stick shape.
This chronology became a mainstay of subsequent multiproxy
reconstructions, while the unpublished Polar Urals chronology was
ignored. Measurement data for the three Briffa (2000) chronologies -
Yamal, Taymir and Tornetrask - was not archived at the international
tree ring measurement archive. Briffa resisted requests to archive the
measurement data, which was not archived until September 2009 (and then
only after Phil Trans B was asked to require its archiving.)
15. Replacement of the Yamal chronology with the Polar Urals chronology
alters the ranking of the medieval and modern periods in, for example,
the Briffa (2000) composite reconstruction, impacting IPCC assertions in
respect to the confidence of their belief in unprecedented modern
warmth. As an IPCC reviewer, I requested that this be disclosed. In his
capacity as IPCC Lead Author, Briffa refused. In the absence of any
explanation of the substitution, there is reason to be concerned about
the reasons for using one series rather than the other.
16. The Yamal chronology was very much in the news just before
Climategate broke, with questions being asked at Climate Audit about
replication and homogeneity, neither of which had been previously
addressed in peer reviewed literature.
17. The Climategate Letters (e.g. 878654527.txt) also show evidence that
Briffa's concern over non-linear recent growth - a concern that was not
disclosed in Briffa (2000).
18. A similar cherry-picking issue arises with the preferential use in
multiproxy studies of the Briffa (2000) Tornetrask version in preference
to the Grudd (2006) version, which has a medieval period that is
relatively "warmer" than the modern period.
19. The above examples show influential CRU site chronologies. However,
the number of proxies in a typical IPCC multiproxy reconstruction is
sufficiently small that the choice between two versions of a single site
chronology can impact the overall reconstruction. For example, Figure 5
compares the published Briffa (2000) reconstruction (left) with a
version derived merely by substituting the Polar Urals update for
Yamal(right). The medieval-modern differential changes with one
seemingly inconsequential change of version.
Figure 5. Briffa (2000) Reconstruction (before fitting to temperature).
Left - version from Briffa (2000); right - varying the Tornetrask and
Urals versions to newer versions.
The "Trick ... to Hide the Decline"
20. Climate scientists have argued that the term "trick" can denote a
clever way "to bring two or more different kinds of data sets together
in a legitimate fashion by a technique that has been reviewed by a broad
array of peers in the field." (Penn State Inquiry). This is incorrect
as applied to representations of the Briffa MXD reconstruction.
21. The "trick" arose in the context of pressure on IPCC 2001 authors to
present a "nice tidy story" and to avoid a situation where the Briffa
reconstruction "diluted the message" (see
http://climateaudit.org/2009/12/10/ipcc-and-the-trick/) . Two different
variants of the "trick" appear in contemporary graphics.
22. Figure 6 (left) shows the actual Briffa MXD reconstruction (data
available for the first time in the Climategate Letters) and (right) the
version in IPCC 2001 Fig 2-21 (digitized on right. The IPCC "trick" was
not a "clever" mathematical method - it was merely the deletion of
inconvenient data after 1960. Post-1960 values were even deleted in the
reconstruction archived version at NOAA[1].
23. The deletion of post-1960 values of the Briffa MXD reconstruction
gave the IPCC (2001) temperature reconstructions a rhetorical appearance
of consistency that did not exist in the underlying data (as shown
24. A somewhat different "trick" was used in the World Meteorological
Organization 1999 report (shown in Figure 8 below). Jones substituted
instrumental temperatures for MXD reconstruction values after 1960,
resulting in an entirely false rhetorical impression of the efficacy of
tree ring reconstructions. Far from this technique being "legitimate",
Mann himself at realclimate[2] had stated precisely the opposite about
the splicing of temperatures and reconstructions into a single graft:
No researchers in this field have ever, to our knowledge, "grafted the
thermometer record onto" any reconstruction. It is somewhat
disappointing to find this specious claim (which we usually find
originating from industry-funded climate disinformation websites)
appearing in this forum.
25. The Climategate Letters obviously contain many dispiriting examples of poor conduct, including the following.
26. Withholding of data from potential critics:
Jones: We have 25 or so years invested in the work. Why should I make
the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something
wrong with it.[3]
Osborn to Science: I don't have any core measurement data and therefore
have none to give out! [4] [Climategate Letters and documents show that
CRU had the requested measurement data[5]]
Mann to Osborn: I'm providing these [MBH residuals] for your own
personal use, since you're a trusted colleague. So please don't pass
this along to others without checking w/ me first. This is the sort of
"dirty laundry" one doesn't want to fall into the hands of those who
might potentially try to distort things.[6]
27. Use of the peer review process to suppress or delay adverse publications:
If published as is, this paper could really do some damage. It is also
an ugly paper to review because it is rather mathematical, with a lot of
Box-Jenkins stuff in it. It won't be easy to dismiss out of hand as the
math appears to be correct theoretically[7]
Recently rejected two papers (one for JGR and for GRL) from people
saying CRU has it wrong over Siberia. Went to town in both reviews,
hopefully successfully. If either appears I will be very surprised[8]
I am really sorry but I have to nag about that review - Confidentially I
now need a hard and if required extensive case for rejecting[9]
I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin
[Trenberth] and I will keep them out somehow - even if we have to
redefine what the peer-review literature is ! [10]
28. Soft reviews of submissions by close associates. The Climategate
documents provide multiple examples of soft reviews of submissions by
colleagues Mann[11], Schmidt[12], Santer[13] and Wahl and Ammann[14].
Presumably there are many others. The review of articles in which a
reviewer has a personal relationship is a recognized conflict of
interest in medical journals. For example, the World Associate of
Medical Editors statement[15] says:
a reviewer may have difficulty providing an unbiased review of articles
by investigators who have been working colleagues. Similarly, he or she
may find it difficult to be unbiased when reviewing the work of
29. The Climategate Letters are replete with examples of unprofessional language, which on occasion rises to defamation:
The important thing is to deny that this has any intellectual
credibility whatsoever and, if contacted by any media, to dismiss this
for the stunt that it is.[16]
If *others* want to say that their actions represent scientific fraud,
intellectual dishonesty, etc. (as I think we all suspect they do), lets
let *them* make these charges for us![17]
some cool statement can be made saying we believe the "prats have really
fucked up someway" - and that the premature publication of their paper
is reprehensible.[18]
I'm saddened to hear that this bozo is bothering you too, in addition to
NCAR, NSF, NAS, IPCC and everyone else. Rest assured that I won't ever
respond to McIntyre should he ever contact me, but I will forward you
any email he sends related to this. I assume Scott feels the same way..
personally, I don't see why you should make any concessions for this moron.[19]
Mr. Fraudit never goes away does he? How often has he been told that we
don't have permission? Ho hum. Oh, I heard that fraudit's Santer et al
comment got rejected. That'll brighten your day at least a teensy
I noticed that ClimateFraudit had renewed their interest in you. I was
thinking about sending an email of sympathy, but I was busy preparing
for a quick trip to Hawaii[21]:
I would immediately delete anything you receive from this fraud.[22]
Hi Andy, The McIntyre and McKitrick paper is pure scientific fraud. [23]
I've seen this junk already. Look at the co-authors! DeFrietas, Bob Carter: a couple of frauds.[24]
30. One of the most dispiriting aspects of the Climategate Letters is
the evidence of CRU's contribution to the poisoned atmosphere of present
climate science. In 2003, CRU criticized us for supposedly not
attempting to reconcile differences between our methodology and Mann's
methodology. In October 2003, Osborn observed:
The single worst thing about the whole M&M saga is not that they did
their study, not that they did things wrong (deliberately or by
accident), but that neither they nor the journal took the necessary step
of investigating whether the difference between their results and yours
could be explained simply by some error or set of errors in their use
of the data or in their implementation of your method. [25]
31. Osborn proposed a draft statement, which, had it been accepted by
CRU, would probably have prevented much, if not most, of the following
... we are withholding further comments until we can - by collaboration
with M&M if possible - be certain of exactly what changes to data
and method were made by M&M, whether these changes can really
explain the differences in the results, and eventually which (if any) of
these changes can be justified as equally valid (given the various
uncertainties that exist) and which are simply errors that invalidate
their results.[26]
32. In November 2003, I entered into negotiations with CRU, agreeing to
their review of our pending follow-up to our 2003 article, on the
condition that CRU agreed to issue a short statement if their review
confirmed that we had raised valid concerns:
If you identify any flaws in our document, we will rectify them, and you
are at liberty to hold us to public account if we fail to do so....
If you find our document raises valid and meritorious concerns, you will
give us a short statement to that effect which we are entitled to
33. In a follow-up email, I re-assured CRU that I did not have the
faintest interest in publishing results that were at cross-purposes.
We have entered into discussions about a possible review by UEA/CRU in
complete good faith. We do not have the slightest interest in presenting
incorrect or defective results or to create debate which is merely at
34. CRU then refused to carry out the review, choosing to attempt to
frustrate us in secret behind the scenes. Jones, as a member of the
editorial board of Climatic Change, actively lobbied so that Mann would
not be required to disclose source code and supporting data that would
have enabled us to reconcile results. Despite his adverse interest,
Jones appears (according to a Climategate Letter) to have acted as a
reviewer of our 2004 submission to Nature, intervening not to ensure the
reconciliation of results proposed by Osborn, but to frustrate any
criticism of the Mann reconstruction.
In spite of recent revelations, the IPCC express is barreling along.
There may be some form of inquiry, but will it be significant? The
engineers and conductors are assuring the passengers they will do better
next time. Some passengers are leaving, disturbed by issues such as the
non-existent melt of the Himalayas, disappearance of the relationship
between storm damage and warming, unfounded claims of elimination of
fifty percent of rain-based agriculture in Africa and forty percent of
the Amazon rainforest.
However the passengers in first class continue to insist that these are
minor inconveniences and the main line is solid and clear. They ignore
the three great train wrecks ahead – the datasets of NOAA-NCDC,
NASA-GISS, and Hadley-CRU.
As stated in the Summary for Policymakers, the claim that it is at least
ninety percent probable that humans caused the warming in the last half
of the 20th Century is based on several assumptions. One: temperature
trends are accurately determined; and two: the natural causes of
temperature change are known.
Of course, this methodology requires rigorously maintained measurements
of temperature. As discussed in the science editorial below, these
datasets are doubtful and before any policy on global warming is
adapted, they must be verified. The second requirement of this
methodology, complete knowledge of the natural causes of temperature
change, will be discussed in next week’s TWTW.
As partially described in the Nature editorial reproduced below and in
referenced articles, climate alarmists are claiming they are victims
suffering from abuse by skeptics. Certainly ad hominem attacks have no
place in science, but many of today’s “victims” had no issue with ad
hominem when they were the perpetrators.
This leads to a somewhat amusing incident. On March 3, the web site of
Scientific American posted a story on the satellite, Mars Express, fly
by of the one of the moons of Mars, Phobos. The story was entitled
“Probe flies by ‘alien space station.’” The author claimed that Fred
Singer told President Eisenhower that the moon “might be an ancient
abandoned spacecraft.” Of course, this was a complete fabrication and to
their credit, when informed, the editors took down the posted article
with apologizes and a statement it was not done by their staff. However,
there was no explanation of who was responsible.
More disturbing news is that the EPA is up to its old tricks of
manipulating the court system to expand power at the exclusion of the
public, the legislative process, and those most impacted by such
expansion of power. According to the AP, EPA announced a legal
settlement with the Center for Biological Diversity. The EPA is sued by
the friendly special interest group demanding EPA must expand its powers
to deal with a perceived, though often spurious harm, and then reaches a
settlement which is sanctified by the courts. The EPA will promulgate
more regulations, in this instance, considering “ways the states can
address rising acidity levels in oceans, which pose a serious threat to
shellfish and other marine life.” The claim is that increased atmosphere
carbon dioxide is responsible for the rising ocean acidity.
In his book heaven+earth, geologist Ian Plimer points out the science is
a sham. The oceans are a base with a pH between 7.9 and 8.2. They have
remained that way millions of years even when volcanoes greatly
increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere many times beyond what
it is today without any change in ocean pH. Even the terminology is
scientifically incorrect, since the oceans are alkaline; the issue
should be “reducing ocean alkalinity,” not increasing acidity. But
reducing alkalinity would not have the same emotional appeal.
Of course, there will be a public hearing process on the rules, but as
demonstrated in its endangerment finding, EPA will claim it is required
to do so by the courts, and will ignore the science. As long as the
courts defer to the EPA for scientific expertise, the public is not
The AP article and a review of the experimental science by Sherwood, Keith, and Craig Idso are referenced below.
On another note, in a past issue TWTW pointed out there no scientific
basis for EPA to intensify its regulations on ozone and it is likely
that the new regulations will be economically harmful. The public
comment period will close on March 22. For further information please
see here
Roy Spencer has posted the satellite temperature measurements for
February. Due to the El Niño occurring in the Pacific, as with January,
February is above the norm. Roy also is applying a new technique to
estimate the Urban Heat Island effect. See here.
ClimateGate (CG) and other’Gates’ undermine the credibility of the IPCC and of AGW
By S. Fred Singer, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project
If I were to submit comments to the British House of Commons panel on Climategate, I would focus on the science:
1. We have yet to discover just how Jones et al managed to produce a
substantial surface warming [between 1979 and 1997] when satellites
showed practically none in the troposphere -- in conflict with all GH
2. I suspect that it had to do both with the SELECTION of weather stations and with the applied CORRECTIONS to the trends
3. Further, I had noticed that the Mann analysis of proxy data [Nature
1998] conveniently stops in 1979. When I questioned him on this matter, I
got the very unsatisfactory reply that there were no suitable data
available -- suggesting to me that he was hiding such information.
4. Accordingly, one needs to procure and analyze post-1980 proxy data to
see if they support CRU (and NCDC and GISS) or the MSU satellite
IPCC Rainforest eco-tastrophe claim confirmed as bunk
Official UN website still shows it as fact, though
More bad news today for the International Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), as another of its extravangant ecopocalypse predictions, sourced
from green campaigners, has been confirmed as bunk by scientists.
The UN body came under attack earlier this year for suggesting that 40
per cent of the Amazonian rainforests - dubbed the "lungs of the planet"
by some for their ability to turn CO2 into oxygen, and also seen as
vital on biodiversity grounds - might disappear imminently. This
disaster would be triggered, according to the IPCC's assessment, by a
relatively slight drop in rainfall of the sort to be expected in a
warming world.
Unfortunately it now appears that just such conditions have already occurred, and in fact the Amazonian jungles were unaffected.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the baseless IPCC projection originated in a
study produced in 2000 by hard-green* ecological campaigning group WWF,
which was also implicated in the IPCC's equally invalid prediction that
the glaciers of the Himalayas will all have melted within a generation
from now.
According to the WWF report (pdf), which was not subject to scientific
peer review - it was written by a freelance journalist and published by
WWF itself - drying-up of forests will lead to runaway wildfires that
will destroy the jungle and perhaps the entire planetary ecosystem. The
document is full of terrifying phrases such as "the year the world
caught fire". It warns of imminent doom caused by drought cycles:
The world faces a positive feedback cycle in which climate
change, exacerbated by forest fires and deforestation, increases the
frequency of the El Niño phenomenon, which in turn causes more forest
The world faces warmer more violent weather, and more forest fires
... scientists believe the whole Amazon itself is threatened, with the
rainforest being replaced by fire-prone vegetation. This has global
consequences ...
It was bad enough that the IPCC included this sort of speculative
scaremongering in its 2007 Fourth Assessment Report. But now it has been
conclusively disproven - so much so that even IPCC members pour scorn
on it, though they haven't retracted or amended their original
endorsement of it.
NASA-funded scientists analysing the past decades of satellite imagery
of the Amazon basin say that in fact the rainforests are remarkably
resilient to droughts. Even during the hundred-year-peak dry season of
2005 the jungles were basically unaffected.
"We found no big differences in the greenness level of these forests
between drought and non-drought years," says Arindam Samanta of Boston
university, lead author of the new study based on NASA's MODIS sat data.
"Our results certainly do not indicate such extreme sensitivity to
reductions in rainfall," adds Sangram Ganguly of the NASA-affiliated Bay
Area Environmental Research Institute, another study author.
Even the IPCC itself now regrets listening to WWF.
"The way that the WWF report calculated this 40 per cent was totally
wrong," according to IPCC member Jose Marengo, commenting on the new
Which might beg the question of why his colleagues referenced the bogus
WWF polemic in their 2007 report on what the world can expect: and why
they still publish it today on the web as part of their considered
Samanta, Ganguly and their colleagues also consider that their results
debunk another controversial paper published in 2007, which said that
the 2005 drought was actually good for the rainforests, causing them to
"green up" due to more sunlight from cloudless skies. These results are
"not reproducible", according to the new analysis, which indicates that
in fact nothing much changed down on the Amazon during the 2005 dry
Samanta, Ganguly et al's paper, Amazon forests did not green-up during
the 2005 drought, is published in Geophysical Research Letters
(subscriber link).
*It's WWF's position, for instance, that economic growth is evil and
will destroy the planet. We should actually be praying for a prolonged
and massive recession with no recovery afterwards.
The organisation started out as a fairly mainstream outfit intended to
protect wildlife, but has nowadays widened its remit into protecting the
entire planet from unsuitable human activities. The initials WWF no
longer stand for anything in particular.
Americans' Global Warming Concerns Continue to Drop
Multiple indicators show less concern, more feelings that global warming is exaggerated
Gallup's annual update on Americans' attitudes toward the environment
shows a public that over the last two years has become less worried
about the threat of global warming, less convinced that its effects are
already happening, and more likely to believe that scientists themselves
are uncertain about its occurrence. In response to one key question,
48% of Americans now believe that the seriousness of global warming is
generally exaggerated, up from 41% in 2009 and 31% in 1997, when Gallup
first asked the question.
These results are based on the annual Gallup Social Series Environment
poll, conducted March 4-7 of this year. The survey results show that the
reversal in Americans' concerns about global warming that began last
year has continued in 2010 -- in some cases reverting to the levels
recorded when Gallup began tracking global warming measures more than a
decade ago.
For example, the percentage of Americans who now say reports of global
warming are generally exaggerated is by a significant margin the highest
such reading in the 13-year history of asking the question. In 1997,
31% said global warming's effects had been exaggerated; last year, 41%
said the same, and this year the number is 48%.
Fewer Americans Think Effects of Global Warming Are Occurring: "In a
sharp turnaround from what Gallup found as recently as three years ago,
Americans are now almost evenly split in their views of the cause of
increases in the Earth's temperature over the last century."
Many global warming activists have used film and photos of melting ice
caps and glaciers, and the expanding reach of deserts, to drive home
their point that global warming is already having alarming effects on
the earth. While these efforts may have borne fruit over much of the
2000s, during the last two years, Americans' convictions about global
warming's effects have waned.
A majority of Americans still agree that global warming is real, as 53%
say the effects of the problem have already begun or will do so in a few
years. That percentage is dwindling, however. The average American is
now less convinced than at any time since 1997 that global warming's
effects have already begun or will begin shortly.
Meanwhile, 35% say that the effects of global warming either will never
happen (19%) or will not happen in their lifetimes (16%). The 19%
figure is more than double the number who held this view in 1997.
All this was inspired by the principle-which is quite true in
itself-that in the big lie there is always a certain force of
credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily
corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than
consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of
their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small
lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but
would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never
come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not
believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so
Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly
to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to
think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent
lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down,
a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who
conspire together in the art of lying. -Adolf Hitler , Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X[1]
Currently in the mainstream media there is a constant barrage of
repetition concerning the issue of human emissions of carbon dioxide.
You cannot open a newspaper or turn on the radio without being told how
we must reduce our carbon footprint and do our bit for the environment.
Terms such as Man Made Global Warming, Greenhouse Effect and more
recently, Climate Change have cast a shadow of gloom over our very
existence. A mass global guilt trip has been successfully laid on the
ordinary people of the world which makes even the Catholic Church look
like part-timers.
It has been said by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
that the debate is over. That we humans are responsible for a rise in
CO2 over the last 150-200 years or more taking levels from 280 ppm
(parts per million) up to 385 ppm. It is also claimed that CO2 is a
greenhouse gas and causes global warming because it traps heat from the
Sun. And that because of our CO2 emissions, the temperature on Earth is
set to go on rising until the polar ice caps melt and the sea levels
rise, swamping coastal towns and villages and displacing millions of
In fact such catastrophic predictions have been so numerous that CO2
levels have been increased by the very act of their verbalisation. Most
worrying is the fact that there are currently, very real efforts
underway to curb our carbon emissions and force us to pay a premium for
the right to emit carbon dioxide based on these claims which, it has to
be said, although the debate is apparently over, have yet to be
The reason that so many people have accepted that they are to blame,
regardless of the fact that these claims remain unsubstantiated, is
simple. To be told that you are responsible for harming the very
environment on which you depend for life is enough to fill you with the
utmost fear, unbearable guilt and sheer terror. Therein lies the
problem. When we are in a state of fear or shock or we feel a sense of
intense guilt we lose the ability to think properly. Rational and
logical thought is shut down to a point where we cease to even question
what we are told.
With regard to these claims about human emissions of CO2 I have remained
resolutely unconvinced. This has freed my mind of the fear and guilt
associated with such claims, currently affecting millions worldwide, and
has enabled me to ask a few pertinent questions which I among many
others feel need answering in order to establish the truth about such
Not least of all, can these claims be tested? By which I mean that if a
claim is made to the effect that CO2 traps heat for instance, can this
claim be tested? The answer of course is yes it can.
The purpose of this book then is to address these claims or rather
accusations against us with regards our CO2 emissions with a rational,
logical, guilt-free and above all, questioning mind.
I have for as long as I can recall been aware that carbon dioxide is a
kind of plant food. It is used in commercial greenhouses all over the
world to increase yields. If as the IPCC claim CO2 levels are becoming
dangerously high because of human emissions, first we must ask, are we
obliged to take the IPCC at their word? Second we need to know what
current levels are and how do they compare with historical levels. Third
and most importantly we must ask what CO2 levels represent a benefit to
the environment and how high can levels be before they produce a
detrimental effect.
Since the answer to the first question is a resounding NO, then we must
also apply this questioning to all the other claims of the IPCC and the
anthropogenic global warming lobby, or to put it another way, "Always,
without exception, question authority."
So what is all the fuss about CO2 and what does that have to do with
us? The accusations are twofold. First, that human CO2 emissions are
responsible for a 100 parts per million overall rise globally during the
last 200 years. Second that CO2 harms the environment because it traps
in heat causing global warming. These are the claims being made against
we humans and the purpose of this book is to address these accusations
and to clear up any ambiguity.
I shall begin by looking first at CO2 levels and some of the data on
which the accusations are based. Then I shall look at CO2 itself and
question whether it or any other material or substance for that matter,
has the ability to trap heat or cause a "Greenhouse Effect" and thus,
"Global Warming".
What are the current levels of CO2 and what is the total human carbon
footprint? Strangely, considering the enormity of the implications,
there are only two sources of data being considered as the basis for
claimed levels of atmospheric CO2 content. Even more telling is that the
data being relied on is not in the least supported by the many other
available sources of evidence for atmospheric CO2 content such as tree
rings, lake sediments, stalagmite formation and chemical gas analysis,
all of which have been dismissed as irrelevant by the IPCC.
The first source are samples from ice cores obtained from various
glaciers which apparently represent atmospheric gas content for the last
200 years. Ice core samples however, like those who collect them, are
not particularly reliable. Ice core data is highly imprecise at best and
according to some scientists such as Zbigniew Jaworowski, Ph.D. in his
paper: IceCoreSprg97.pdf, at worst, a blatant cherry picking exercise.
Above all, the Earth is over 4.5 billion years old so obtaining any
definitive information regarding specific atmospheric CO2 levels over
such a miniscule time frame as 200+ years is not only meaningless but
unsurprisingly, the subject of much debate. After all CO2 levels have
fluctuated up and down by thousands of parts per million for billions of
years so obviously we can understand nothing whatsoever by looking at a
200 year period.
Even so, we are expected to be willing to undergo evolutionary reversal
based on unreliable, unsubstantiated and highly insignificant data. The
only other source of data being relied upon for CO2 levels comes from
spectrophotometric measurements at Mauna Loa, a volcano in Hawaii. Mauna
Loa is not just any old volcano. It happens to be the largest and one
of the most active volcanos in the world. Consequently it will itself,
no doubt, be producing large amounts of CO2. Yet we are told that these
measurements at Mauna Loa agree with those at other locations.
It is worth mentioning that CO2 measurements have only been collected at
this location for a mere 50 years. However from this scant and highly
dubious data it is stated that CO2 levels have been steady at 280 parts
per million for hundreds of thousands of years but due to human
emissions and in particular the industrial revolution, during the last
200 years levels have risen by more than 100 ppm to 385 parts per
All the same, lets be generous and give the proponents of anthropogenic
global warming the benefit of the doubt. For the moment, lets accept
that the figure of a 100 ppm rise in CO2 over the last 200 years is
accurate. All that the AGW proponents need do then, is show that we
humans are responsible for this increase and that it poses a significant
threat. But since no one has ever attempted to record the carbon
dioxide usage or production of every plant, animal and natural process
involved in the carbon cycle, this cannot even be quantified, let alone
All that is known, is that there are huge exchanges of CO2 between the
atmosphere and the surfaces of the oceans, the land, organic matter and
the large numbers of organisms. The approximate annual human
contribution to the overall atmospheric CO2 content is apparently about 8
billion (some say six billion) tons per year. Humans emit approximately
8 billion tons of CO2 per year.
It sounds like a lot doesn't it? But if we compare that to the total
amount of CO2 in the atmosphere we can put that figure into perspective.
Approximately 8 gigatons is the total human annual output of CO2. It is
said that the atmosphere contains an average of about 750 gigatons of
CO2 which is roughly 385 ppm. (parts per million) 8 gigatons into 750
gigatons = 93.75 385 ppm ö 93.75 = 4.1066666666666665 ppm.
So assuming these figures are correct, our annual contribution of CO2 to
the total average of 385 ppm is at most, a fraction over 4.1 parts per
million. 4.1 ppm is the entire annual CARBON FOOTPRINT of the whole of
the human race. That means that if all 6.8 billion of us reverted to a
state before the discovery of fire we could reduce atmospheric CO2 by a
staggering 4.1 ppm per year, out of a claimed total average of 385 ppm.
Let me say that again. Even if all 6.8 billion humans on Earth gave up
ALL forms of transportation, ALL forms of industrial activity, ALL forms
of energy production and even reverted back to a Stone Age state before
the discovery of fire, living in cold damp caves as hunter gatherers
and eating raw food, bearing in mind that most of us would die of
starvation and/or hypothermia, we could only reduce overall atmospheric
CO2 content by about 4.1 parts per million per year against a supposed
average background level of 385 ppm.
That is assuming of course that all anthropogenic CO2 ends up in the
atmosphere and remains there for a significant length of time. So what
does this figure 4.1 ppm really mean? Is 8 billion tons significant or
not? It is estimated that each year the surface oceans and the
atmosphere exchange 90 billion tons of CO2. Vegetation and the
atmosphere, 100 billion tons, marine biota and the surface oceans, 50
billion tons and the surface oceans and the intermediate and deep oceans
as much as 40 billion tons of CO2.
It is important to point out that this data is not precisely known and
these annual numbers are very rough estimations but they show clearly,
just how insignificant the 8 billion tons from human activity each year,
really is. The effect of variability in these figures by itself, is
enough to swallow without a trace, the so called Anthropogenic
contribution to CO2.
To put it another way, our total annual output may be 4.1 ppm, but the
estimated annual CO2 exchange rate between the surface oceans, the
vegetation and the atmosphere alone, is well over 100 ppm (ignoring the
fluctuation of these levels). Considering this figure is estimated and
variable, are we to believe that the difference, if corrected up or down
to account for that variation, would be less than 3 or 4 ppm per year?
Of course, these estimated numbers ignore completely the many other
factors which need to be considered when looking at the effect of Carbon
Dioxide and the role it plays in the environment, not least of all the
way plants themselves behave in the presence of higher levels of CO2.
It is well known that in an environment which has increased CO2 levels,
plant growth is much more vigorous, doubling and even quadrupling crop
yields. For instance, in a commercial greenhouse the CO2 level strived
for is usually 1200+ ppm. This is known as Threefold Enrichment, three
times normal atmospheric levels. These larger plants are then going to
cause a negative "feedback loop" on atmospheric CO2 content as their
larger size then in turn requires even more CO2. Thus placing further
demands on atmospheric levels. This poses the question, if CO2 is
increasing for other more credible reasons such as naturally warming
oceans for example, what might happen to CO2 levels when this current
warming ends but the demand from these larger plants still persists?
During daylight hours plants are using CO2 and producing Oxygen in the
process know as photosynthesis. The peak of that usage is when the Sun
is at its strongest, at around noon. At night however this process is
reversed and instead of using CO2, plants are using Oxygen and producing
CO2. During each 24 hour period, as the light from the Sun moves east
to west across the Earths surface, CO2 and Oxygen are being used up and
reproduced like a giant Mexican wave (in terms of gasses), creating
massive variations in CO2 and Oxygen levels.
At the same time that this is happening, great areas of the oceans are
also being warmed by the Sun causing the release of yet more CO2. It is
clear then that at no point during any 24 hour period do CO2 levels
remain constant let alone month to month or year to year. This daily
rate of change in terms of parts per million, as said, completely
negates the annual 4.1 ppm total human CO2 contribution.
Is it any wonder that this figure of 4.1 ppm is never mentioned in the
mainstream media? Who in their right mind would believe that 4.1 ppm per
year can affect global CO2 levels which can fluctuate by more than
10-20+ times that in a single day regardless of human activity?
Much more HERE.
(PDF. See the original for links, graphics etc. -- and forgive the
spelling. I have fixed the spelling in the excerpt above. The author
is obviously a scientist rather than a liberal arts graduate)
If only the weather were as predictable as the alarmists
It seems that a group of US warming alarmists have been emailing one
another discussing an offensive against those nasty people who question
their theory. I was looking at those emails and one of them, apparently
from David Schindler says: "I'd add that Edmonton is near snowless and
has been shirtsleeve weather for most of 2010 instead of the usual
-40C... but of course there are no major media here, so only the locals
Unlike most global warming theory, which is based on models projecting
into the future what the theorists think will happen, given the
assumptions they make, this claim is easily verified in the here and
now. So I did. First, I wondered if the "usual" temperature in Edmonton
is -40C, as the author claimed.
According to the BBC the average minimum temperature in Edmonton, for
January, is -20 and the average high is -9. For February it is -17 and
-6 respectively. The record low is -50, so it appears that -40C is not
usual at all, but would be highly unusual. I went to the Canadian
Weather Office for more official data. They say the daily average in
January, in Edmonton, is -11.7, not -40 as Schindler claimed in his
email. For February, the weather office says the average is -8.4. They
say the January "extreme minimum" was -44.4, set in 1943 and for
February the extreme minimum was -46.1, set in 1939.
The record lows for Edmonton are barely colder than what Schindler
claimed is the "usual" weather in Edmonton. The official data shows the
"usual" weather is nowhere near -40C, either an a daily average, or as
the daily low. Temperatures of -40 are not "usual."
What about Edmonton having "shirtsleeve" weather this year? Since
Schindler said this was "for most of 2010" and since he wrote the email
on February 27th, it is fair to look at average temperatures for January
and February in Edmonton. Obviously there is no objective definition of
"shirtsleeve weather," so that is more ambiguous than the now-debunked
claim that the usual temperature is -40C. But I sincerely doubt anyone
reading this would actually define the weather in Edmonton, this year,
as shirtsleeve weather. I would dare Prof. Schindler to spend much time
outside, in his shirtsleeves, during even the warmest of the days this
year in Edmonton. At best there were a few hours that might qualify as
"shirtsleeze" weather. A few hours over 58 days is not "most of 2010."
For the last third of January the temperature never got higher than
-5.1C (yes that is negative) and the minimum temperature went down t0
-21.5C. Here is the maximum temperature, per day, for February: 1st,
-6.4C; 2nd, -7.4C; 3rd, -4.7C; 4th, -6.6C; 5th, -8.9C; 6th, -6.7C; 7th,
-5.9C; 8th, -5.6C; 9th, -2.4C; 1oth, 1.7C; 11th, -1.7C; 12th, -8.6C;
13th, -14.6C; 14th, -6.1C; 15th, 4.8C; 16th, 1C; 17th, 2.3C; 18th, 2;
19th,-2.4C; 20th, -6.3C; 21st, 0.4C; 22nd -5.1C; 23rd, -5.1C; 24th,
4.2C; 25th, 5.5C; 26th, 7.3C; 27th, 0.6. I end with the day of
Schindler's email since he was referring to the weather to that date.
Considering that when Schindler made his claim, there had been only 58
days in 2010, it certainly was easy to check how accurate he was. He
said that "most of 2010," as of that day, had been shirtsleeve weather.
The official data shows the average day to be below freezing. Only a few
days crept above freezing and just a handful had highs in the 40s (F).
Even defining "shirtsleeve weather" very broadly it is impossible to say
that "most of 2010" was "shirtsleeve weather." Mr. Schindler grossly
exaggerated the warming.
I have also looked at his other claim, that the "usual" temperature in
Edmonton is -40C. I don't know if "usual" is supposed to be the mean
temperature or the usual low temperature. Normally I would take his
comment as referring to the usual mean temperature. Unfortunately for
him, neither would substantiate his claim. The most favorable
interpretation would be to say he meant the mean low temperature for
those months. But that is still far off the mark since the mean couldn't
be that close to the record low. For the record, the mean temperature
for Janaury, 2010 in Edmonton was -12; for February it was -8. In
addition to exaggerating Edmonton's "warm" weather, Schindler grossly
exaggerated it's "usual" cold weather as well. This seems par for the
course with the alarmists, hence the designation "alarmist."
Perhaps Mr. Schindler thought he could get away with it because, as he
said, "there are no major media here." Unfortunately for him, there is
weather data available. Of course, that is before they "adjust" the data
with unknown formulas in their climate models. No doubt when they
finish that process Edmonton will have had the "warmest" winter in
recent memory.
But, doesn't Mr. Schindler's claim—even if it were true—confuse weather
with climate? After all, we constantly hear that record colds don't
disprove warming theory since the one is weather, and the theory is
about climate. Of course, when we have extraordinarily warm days the
warming alarmists bleat about it constantly. So apparently the "weather
isn't climate" slogan only applies to weather that contradicts their
theory, not weather that is alleged to confirm it. As far as I know, all
weather, of whatever kind, for however long, is considered proof of
warming. I've yet to find out what the alarmists say would falsify their
I also note, with some amusement, that one of the prominent names among
the emailers about countering the evil skeptics was Paul Ehrlich.
Ehrlich is certainly an alarmist, if ever there was one. His history of
unsubstantiated looming disasters are well known. And, again par for the
course, his solutions were always massive government control of
individuals. His first alarmist work was The Population Bomb, which
said: "By 1985 enough millions will have died to reduce the earth's
population to some acceptable level, like 1.5 billion people." He
predicted a massive famine in America with populations plunging to
around 2.6 million by 1999. (Yep, still waiting for that one as well.)
He predicted the oceans wouldbe destroyed by 1979 and said: "If I were a
gambler, I would tekae even money that Engliand will not exist in the
year 2000." If anyone deserves the lable "alarmist" it is Ehrlich. I
know of no prominent left-wing environmentalist who has been as
hysterical, on as broad range of topics as Ehrlich. I should also note
that I can't think of anyone in the field of public academia who has
been so consistently wrong either.
Given Ehrlich's history of paranoid alarmism I'm not suprised he is now
in a warming alarmist. Given his track record, when it comes to being
right, I find his presence in the warming camp actually rather assuring.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday it will consider
ways the states can address rising acidity levels in oceans, which pose a
serious threat to shellfish and other marine life. The agency's
decision was announced in a legal settlement with the Center for
Biological Diversity. The environmental group sued the EPA last year for
not requiring Washington state to list its coastal waters as impaired
by rising acidity under the Clean Water Act. Such a listing would have
"It's one of the most important threats to water quality right now,"
said Miyoko Sakashita, a senior attorney at the group's San Francisco
office. "It's affecting waters around the world, and it's particularly
stark in the waters off the West Coast." Oceans are becoming more
acidic as they absorb excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere — a
problem Sakashita referred to as "global warming's evil twin."
The changing chemistry of the waters affects many types of sea life, but
especially anything that grows a shell or hard covering. Some
scientists believe it is likely to blame for die-offs in Northwest
oyster stocks over the past several years. "Protection of the nation's
water quality, including the health of our ocean waters, is among EPA's
highest priorities," the agency said in a statement. "EPA is interested
in learning more about how to protect our ocean and coastal waters from
Previously, states have taken steps to address rising acidity levels in
lakes and streams under the Clean Water Act, but this is the first time
the EPA has agreed to consider ocean acidity. The Center for Biological
Diversity is petitioning each coastal state to address the issue,
In the settlement agreement, the EPA said it would take public comment
on the increasing acidity of oceans, on ways states can determine if
their coastal waters are affected, and on how states can limit
pollutants that cause the problem. Such measures could include regional
cap-and-trade systems to limit carbon-dioxide emissions from the
burning of fossil fuels or requiring industrial plants to reduce their
emissions as a condition of any discharge permits granted under the
Clean Water Act, Sakashita said.
She compared it to the way the states have used the Clean Water Act in
the past to regulate mercury emissions and acid rain. The problem is
global, she said, but any steps toward reducing emissions help. "It
would be complementary to any other types of climate solutions we have
out there," she said.
The American Petroleum Institute, which represents hundreds of oil and
gas companies, sought unsuccessfully to intervene in the lawsuit. It
claimed that its members have refineries in Washington state whose
permits under the Clean Water Act to discharge wastewater off
Washington's coast could be affected by the lawsuit's outcome.
"API is now reviewing the settlement and looks forward to seeing EPA's
notice for comments on the ocean listings issue," spokesman Bill Bush
said in an e-mail.
Lord Rees, President of Royal Society criticized for ‘surrender to politically driven Climate Change dogma’
The feeble defence today (BBC Radio4*) of the failed science of Man-made
climate change by Lord Martin Rees President of the Royal Society is a
“dereliction of his duty to defend the integrity of science and a
surrender to the politically driven agenda of the UN which is mounting a
‘Custer’s last stand’ review of IPCC procedures in a desperate bid to
save its credibility”, said Piers Corbyn astrophysicist and founder of
WeatherAction long range weather and climate forecasters.
Piers further said: “Martin Rees is a great scientist but his support
today of failed science over evidence-based factual observations is a
betrayal of the scientific method in favour of anti-scientific dogma.
One wonders at what point should political expediency ever over-rule
evidence-based science?”
“His defence of the refuted** theory of man-made climate change on the
grounds that ‘CO2 has been rising recently at an unprecedented rate and
very simple physics’ is without foundation.
“Firstly the claim that current rates of rise of CO2 are unprecedented
is neither relevant nor justifiable. Recognized published peer-reviewed
work shows:
(i) measured data over hundreds, or thousands, or millions of years
proves CO2 changes have no nett driving effect on world temperature or
climate, indeed the relationship is observed to be the other way around –
for example at the end of ice-ages temperature rises drive CO2 rises
with a lag of centuries.
This means that current changes of CO2 are also of no consequence. This
is demonstrated by world cooling for the last 8 years while CO2 has been
rapidly rising.
(ii) ice core data smooths out rapid fluctuations in CO2 levels which
occurred in the past and other methods of measuring CO2 in more recent
times show rapid changes**.
The claim of unprecedented rises in something of no consequence is scaremongering nonsense.
“Secondly the ‘very simple physics’ he claims to draw on is just too simple and leaves out other pretty simple physics.
The supposed large magnifying effect of water vapour which is a more
significant contributor to infra-red absorption and emission than the
trace gas CO2 has been widely challenged along with other assumptions of
the CO2 centred theory. More fundamentally wherever those
considerations lead a number of feedback effects totally negate any
impact CO2 changes may have on surface temperatures. For example extra
CO2 enhances plant growth and photosynthetic transpiration which is a
powerful cooling effect and the more CO2 the more the cooling. So any
extra surface warming due to extra CO2 in the atmosphere is negated by
extra cooling caused by extra photosynthetic transpiration. Warming also
enhances plant growth so if at one point there were insufficient plants
to do the cooling and therefore warming occurred that would enhance
plant growth and extend the growing season until there are sufficient
plants to provide cooling to negate any warming.
“Martin Rees and the IPCC should be prepared to defend their CO2-driven
climate change position but they have still failed to produce any
observational evidence for their hypothesis and the BBC consistently
avoids allowing any air time to Climate Realist scientists who can
easily refute the CO2 hypothesis. Nevertheless I am glad Martin Rees did
not repeat the banal claims of Professor Corine Le Quere of the
University of East Anglia that ‘There is no other explanation for it (=
recent(?) Climate change)’. Perhaps he realizes that our WeatherAction
verification of predicted chains of events leading from solar activity
to extreme weather events is evidence that the Sun causes ‘it’.
Why won't more politicians talk about Climategate?
Americans honor the courageous informant, the gutsy citizen who stands
against the savagery of the profit-mongering conglomerate. Well,
sometimes. It appears, believe it or not, that there are those who
aren't religiously tethered to this sacred obligation.
For now—because of revelations of the ClimateGate scandal, in which
hacked e-mails revealed discussions among top climate scientists about
the manipulation of evidence—Phil Jones, head of the University of East
Anglia's Climatic Research Unit in Britain, has stepped down from his
position. Michael Mann, architect of the famous "hockey stick" graph, is
now under investigation by Pennsylvania State University. Similar
inquiries should follow.
Yet Barbara Boxer, the Democratic chairwoman of the Senate Environment
and Public Works Committee, is off hunting bigger game. "You call it
'ClimateGate'; I call it 'E-mail-theft-gate,'" Boxer clarified during a
committee shindig. "We may well have a hearing on this; we may not. We
may have a briefing for senators; we may not." Boxer, as steady as they
come, went on to put the focus where it belongs: on hackers. She warned:
"Part of our looking at this will be looking at a criminal activity
which could have well been coordinated. ... This is a crime."
If this hacker(s) is unearthed on U.S. soil (or anywhere in the Middle
East, actually), Boxer can jettison the guilty party to Gitmo for some
well-deserved sleep deprivation. But surely there is time for some sort
of investigation? This is, after all, the senator who ran a vital
committee hearing in 2008 so that an Environmental Protection Agency
whistle-blower, who accused the Bush administration of failing to
address greenhouse gas emissions appropriately, could have his say.
Boxer's rigid devotion to rule of law is also admirable. But this is the
senator who championed the Military Whistleblower Protection Act and
fought for whistle-blowing rights for defense contractor employees (to
ferret out bureaucratic waste) and for nurses (to protect patients'
All of which sound like sensible protections for the truth-seeking citizen. Because taxpayers matter.
So take Kevin Trenberth, who was caught claiming it was a "travesty"
that climate scientists could not "account for the lack of warming at
the moment"—though such anxiety never slowed him from weaving unnerving
tales of calamity. Trenberth runs the Climate Analysis Section at the
National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., which
obtains 95 percent of its funding from taxpayers.
Take the taxpayer-funded EPA, which was handed the incredible power to
arbitrarily (and without Congress) regulate all carbon dioxide, through
the Clean Air Act, in part because of the science in question.
Take NASA, which—despite a 2-year-old Freedom of Information Act request
asking for research detailing its historical data—continues to ignore
taxpayers. Are these state secrets?
Surely this insularity is one reason 59 percent of Americans, according
to a new Rasmussen poll, believe it is "somewhat likely" that some
scientists falsified research data to support their own global warming
theories. (Thirty-five percent of Americans believe it's "very likely.")
Fortunately, President Barack Obama has an unwavering admiration of
truth tellers, asserting during his campaign that their "acts of courage
and patriotism, which can sometimes save lives and often save taxpayer
dollars, should be encouraged rather than stifled."
Well, we don't need acts of courage and patriotism. Not yet. Just start
with a committee hearing, and work your way up. Because the real crime
here would be to continue to irresponsibly pass more experimental
legislation that fundamentally undermines our affluent economy and free
society on the word of those whom we might not be able to trust.
Dallas residents have been up in arms over the new "smart meters"
installed in their backyards. Digital smart meters, which can monitor
electric, natural gas, and water usage, allow utility companies to
remotely read usage levels and control the delivery of services. Many
claim their monthly electric bills have spiked to outrageous levels
since being installed. Some have held meetings, set up websites and
blogs, started petitions and confronted installers, refusing to allow
them to switch out the meters at their homes.
This isn't anti-technology Luddism, this is legitimate concern. Wired
recently ran an article, "Security Pros Question Deployment of Smart
Meters," which is concerned with the fact that the whole "smart grid" is
being deployed nationwide before security guidelines have even been
developed. "The most common vulnerability," says the article, is
"cross-site request forgery" in which a hacker can hijack an
authentication cookie stored in a user’s browser and obtain access to
the system as that user. Encryption schemes, it seems, are lagging
behind advances in encryption cracking. Add to that the fact that smart
meters have a remote shut-off capability and you can see the potential
for mayhem.
But libertarians see much greater potential for misuse and abuse.
Already, enviro-manipulators are counting the days until everyone's
energy usage – electricity, gas, water – can be monitored and posted on a
public website where every neighbor can monitor everyone else's usage.
An article in Grist, "Smart meters save energy, water, and dollars,"
describes a pilot program in which smart water meters take hourly
readings and participants can check each other's consumption on a social
networking site. Then the author adds, "Nothing like a little peer
pressure to get you to turn off the tap."
Yes, imagine your nosy neighbor seeing the spike in your water usage
chart whenever you water your plants, make ice cubes, or flush your
commode when you get up to pee at two AM every night. Why not just hand
them binoculars?
But given the history of ever-escalating government intrusion into our
private lives, libertarians warn it won't be long before that "peer
pressure" evolves into "mandatory compliance." We can all look forward
to visits from the Energy Compliance Cops knocking on our doors with
warnings and fines and subpoenas and arrest warrants and, inevitably,
SWAT cops with battering rams and deadly weapons. That's not paranoia,
that's tomorrow's reality. Ask any peaceful pot smoker.
Obama facing opposition to his attempt to impose Warmist regulations
With the "science" of global warming collapsing like a house of cards,
the Copenhagen "climate change" conference accomplishing absolutely
nothing and a massive energy tax hike going nowhere in the U.S. Senate,
President Barack Obama is now faced with a conundrum. He can either read
the handwriting on the wall, or seek to accomplish through regulation
what he couldn't accomplish through legislation: the handover of U.S.
environmental policy to radical environmentalists.
Does any of this sound familiar?
This is frankly the same dynamic we are witnessing in the health care
debate. There, Obama says he will use procedural loopholes to ram his
version of a socialized medicine proposal through the U.S. Congress
against the expressed will of the American people.
Once again, it appears that Obama simply cannot comprehend the meaning
of a word understood by literally millions of toddlers: "No."
As he seeks to push his health care proposals on the one hand, Obama
will no doubt attempt to frame the debate along partisan lines. On the
energy front, it won't be so easy.
That's because West Virginia Senator John D. Rockefeller – who is among
the President's staunchest allies in the U.S. Senate – is standing up to
Obama and the radical environmentalists' power grab. Rockefeller has
recently introduced legislation that would place a two-year moratorium
on the EPA's ability to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants and
other stationary emitters, which is precisely the regulatory authority
Obama is threatening to use if Congress doesn't pass his "cap and trade"
bill this year.
In unveiling his legislation, Rockefeller noted that his primary
objective was to "safeguard jobs," but he bluntly reminded Obama that it
was "Congress, not the EPA" which bears responsibility for setting the
nation's energy policy. Additionally, three other Democratic Senators
recently joined Alaska Republican Lisa Murkowski in supporting a
resolution that would overturn the EPA's "scientific" finding of fact
regarding greenhouse gases – a finding that forms the basis of Obama's
promised regulatory push.
Whether it's through regulation or legislation, though, the bottom line
is that Obama is seeking to dramatically raise energy prices on American
consumers. In fact, documents obtained from his own Treasury Department
show that the so-called "Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act"
(a.k.a. "cap and trade") could drain as much as $200 billion from U.S.
taxpayers, or $1,700 per family.
Other estimates place the per-family costs as high as $3,100 a year.
Clearly, that sort of tax hike isn't something the American taxpayers
can afford in any economic environment – let alone this one – even if
the legislation were to accomplish its stated objectives of reducing
global carbon emissions.
But that's another fundamental problem.
Neither "cap and trade" nor excessive EPA regulation will do anything to
stop countries like China from building dozens of new "dirty" coal
plants over the next decade – and perhaps beyond. And frankly, neither
will the $50 billion a year that Obama is seeking to steer into a United
Nations "climate change fund" for developing nations – part of an
international shakedown which columnist Charles Krauthammer has
correctly dubbed "wealth redistribution via global socialism."
Speaking of China (and enviro-scams), it's also worth noting that
America's new "bailout banker" is one of several countries benefiting
from billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars that were supposed to create
"green jobs" here in America – yet another example of the true face of
Fortunately, Sen. Rockefeller and others like him are standing up for
American jobs by refusing to let Obama hand the reins of the EPA over to
the same environmental kooks who recently ran the U.N.'s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change into the ground.
Perhaps these courageous Democrats can finally teach the President the
meaning of the word "No," although from the looks of it voters may have
to do that for themselves in 2012.
Floridians have suffered through the coldest winter in almost 30 years.
In some parts of South Florida, it’s been colder than anytime in the
last 83 years. So many records were smashed that if they were stacked,
they would rival the thickness of Al Gore’s investment portfolio. In
fact, Gore’s claims that global warming will produce dramatic and
cataclysmic warming appear to be melting faster than any glacier.
Gore is hardly alone in his poor forecasting record. Ten years ago,
David Viner from the University of East Anglia said “Snowfall will
become a very rare and exciting event.” “Children just aren’t going to
know what snow is.” Reality check: On February 13th, 49 of 50 states
had snow on the ground.
Here are more cold hard facts from Frozen Florida: Miami Beach had its
coldest January-February since record-keeping began in1927. It was the
second-coldest at West Palm Beach since records were started in 1888.
Naples had its 3rd coldest January-February since records began in 1942.
Only in the winters of 1940, 1958, 1977 and 1981 did the
January-February average temperature approach the bone chilling cold of
People took desperate measures to stay warm. Families used space heaters
to fight off the cold. Many were not experienced at using portable
heating devices and fires broke out in some homes. Several people had to
be treated for carbon monoxide poisoning from using charcoal grills
inside their homes. On one of the coldest mornings, the power demand was
so great that 35,000 customers lost power.
The first 13 days of 2010 were cold across all of Florida. During this
period, temperatures at West Palm Beach ranged between 43 and 32 degrees
with an average of 39. The average temperature is 56 degrees. On nine
of those mornings the low was in the 30s. A friend of mine who lives in
West Palm Beach told me his car thermometer actually read 27 degrees on
the morning of the 10th. Amazingly on the 10th the high temperature at
Fort Lauderdale, Miami, West Palm Beach and Naples were all at or below
50 degrees.
At West Palm Beach, the average temperature from January 2nd to the 13th
was 49.9 degrees. That made it the coldest 12-day period since records
began in 1888 beating out January 16th to the 27th 1977 by a full
degree. On the morning of January 7th the low temperature fell to 37
degrees at Palm Beach International Airport. That broke the record of 38
set in 1903.
The agricultural losses have been enormous, with estimate crop losses of
$500 million. The agricultural areas of Glades, Hendry, Collier
counties had up to 7 days of below-freezing temperatures. Citrus trees
were damaged as temperatures in the orange groves fell below the
critical 28 degrees for more than four hours. Some 100,000 tropical fish
being raised on a fish farm froze to death costing the farmer an
estimated $535,000. The Miami Metro Zoo closed its doors for the first
time in 30 years due to the record cold. The Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission said Iguanas were falling from trees and some
were dying as a result of temperatures falling below 40 degrees.
The record cold weather is continuing into March. Low temperatures in
the upper 30s and low 40s continued into the first weekend. The El Niño
winds over Florida will continue well into March which means the state
could have more record cold later this month.
Ask anyone in South Florida what they think of global warming. They’ll probably tell you “my lips are too numb to talk!”
Apologists for Global Warming Alarmists Respond to Climategate
Apparently the U.S. National Academies of Science is preparing to push
back against the damage that has been done to the cause of global
warming alarmism and The New York Times is prepared to weigh in with
“news” that boosts the sullied reputation of alarmists.
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has obtained copies of the
emails documenting this new strategy and they are posted at
GlobalWarming.org. It’s very evident from the messages that this
strategy is animated more by a political agenda than it is by a detached
approach to science.
“The response of these alarmist scientists to the Climategate scientific
fraud scandal has little to do with their responsibilities as
scientists and everything to do with saving their political position,”
Myron Ebell Director of Energy and Global Warming Policy at CEI said in a
press release. “The e-mails reveal a group of scientists plotting a
political strategy to minimize the effects of climategate in the public
debate on global warming.”
As TimesCheck has previously reported, The Times finally acknowledged
the “climategate” scandal in a front page piece that does not exactly
vindicate global warming skeptics. As Ebell points out in a piece he
wrote for FoxNews.com, the reporter, John Broder, is quite sympathetic
toward the alarmist position.
“Broder’s analysis follows the party line that has been worked out among
the leading alarmist climate scientists since the scandal broke on
November 19, 2009,” Ebell observes. “And Broder makes no effort to
conceal where his sympathies lie. He writes: “But serious damage has
already been done,” and then discusses polling data that shows
increasing public disbelief in the global warming crisis. From my
perspective, that’s serious good that has been done, not damage, but
then I’m not an unbiased, objective Times reporter.”
The other problem here highlighted in Ebell’s piece is the promotion of
alarmist talking points that substitutes for straight reporting.
“The battle is asymmetric, in the sense that scientists feel compelled
to support their findings with careful observation and replicable
analysis, while their critics are free to make sweeping statements
condemning their work as fraudulent,” Broder tells readers.
But as climategate demonstrates, there has been very little in the way
of careful, methodical observation. As it turns out, many of the
scientists have declined to share their data and methods in an effort to
conceal evidence of data manipulation and distortion.
Former Vice-President Al Gore has already written an op-ed in the New
York Times explaining away the climategate scandal and advancing
alarmist claims. Readers can expect some of these talking points to find
their way onto the news pages.
Global Warming Alarmism is a Grave Threat to our Liberty
Speech by Václav Klaus, 2010 Club for Growth Economic Winter
Conference, Palm Beach, Florida, March 5, 2010. Václav Klaus is
President of the Czech Republic
Thank you for giving me the chance to address this distinguished
audience and for asking me to speak on one of the issues I consider
absolutely crucial. I am convinced that the ideology of
environmentalism, particularly its extreme variant, the global warming
alarmism, and its widespread acceptance by politicians, journalists and
all kinds of leftist intellectuals is the main threat to freedom and
prosperity we are facing today.
I feel very strongly about this issue and keep warning against it by
writing and speaking – in my own country, the Czech Republic, in Europe,
in America and elsewhere. My last speech devoted to this topic was in
Cairo, Egypt, less than a month ago. Three years ago, I put my arguments
into a book with the title “Blue Planet in Green Shackles”, which is
now available in 15 languages, including English but also for example
Arabic or Japanese. My experience tells me that making speeches,
lecturing, writing articles and books, giving interviews and
participating in media discussions is helpful but not sufficient. These
efforts have to be supplemented by political activity and if I
understand the ambitions of the Club of Growth and of this conference
correctly it is an attempt in this direction. That is most commendable.
This is the reason why I accepted the invitation to come all the way
from Prague to Palm Beach. An additional positive effect is that the
temperature here is much warmer than in Prague just now. You are
“locally” warmed and I will confirm back in Prague that you survive such
a dangerously warm climate without major inconveniencies.
To criticize environmentalism is for me not a new, suddenly discovered,
fashionable or trendy activity. At the beginning of the 1970s I came
across the first publications of the infamous Club of Rome, which tried
to scare us by predicting an imminent exhaustion of natural resources
and by asking for a radical change in our behavior. Its supporters had
been arguing already then very dramatically that we should reduce our
consumption of fossil fuels but – and we should not forget it – for
different reasons than now. As an economist, I knew it was a wrong
argumentation and the subsequent four decades proved it quite
convincingly. Today, we have more proven deposits of basic raw materials
and energy resources than 40 years ago. I felt already then that this
was an arrogant, elitist and dirigistic doctrine attempting to stop
economic growth, the overall social development and human progress.
At that time, I myself lived under a very oppressive, destructive and
totally irrational, and therefore unproductive, communist regime and was
not able to participate in the worldwide polemics with these views.
People like me were not allowed to travel to the West, or even to dream
about having a chance to publish articles or make speeches abroad. Yet, I
was very frustrated and could not understand how it was possible that
such an irrational doctrine was not easily and convincingly refuted and
rejected in the free western world.
In 1989, communism collapsed and we were finally free. To my great
surprise, the environmentalist doctrine was still alive and even
flourishing in its new incarnation called global warming doctrine. In
1992, the Rio Earth Summit endorsed the doctrine of global warming and
climate change as a leading ideology of our times. I expected that the
ideology of the free world would be based on freedom, parliamentary
democracy and market economy – concepts that were absolutely crucial for
us in the former communist countries in the moment of our radical and
revolutionary transition from communism to free society. Life under
communism made us extremely sensitive, if not oversensitive to all
possible symptoms of violation and erosion of our freedom. That is the
reason why I feel endangered now. The subtitle of the above mentioned
book asks “What is endangered: Climate or Freedom?” My answer is
resolute: climate is ok, what is under threat is freedom.
The reason is that environmentalism and its most extreme version, global
warming alarmism, asks for an almost unprecedented expansion of
government intrusion and intervention into our lives and of government
control over us. We are forced to accept rules about how to live, what
to do, how to behave, what to consume, what to eat, how to travel and
many other things. Some of us had experienced similar examples of such
manipulation with ourselves in the communist era and feel obliged to do
everything we can to avoid similar developments in the future.
It is, however, not only about freedom. Environmentalism also wants to
suppress economic growth, reduce prosperity and hinder human progress.
When I was recently in Egypt on the occasion of the launching of the
Arabic version of my book, it became obvious to me that the people there
care more about the continuation of their economic development than
about freedom as we understand it. Some of us know that freedom and
prosperity cannot be separated but it is evident that environmentalism –
as the recent Copenhagen conference demonstrated – wants to impair
prosperity and stop human progress especially in the developing world.
And that is unacceptable.
The environmentalists ask for substantial reduction of carbon dioxide
emissions. When it happens – with our current technologies – it will
substantially increase the costs of energy for everyone because it would
imply restrictions on the use of oil and coal, which are no doubt much
cheaper than all alternative energy sources. Cheap energy is the source
of much of our life-style and our prosperity. When energy prices go up,
the costs of nearly all other goods and services go up as well. All
carbon taxes, cap-and-trade schemes and wind and solar power subsidies
are steps in the wrong direction, leading to a severe and protracted
economic hardship for little or no benefit.
My lifelong experience tells me that I have to start protesting very
loudly when someone tells me: “Don’t trust the market, trust me and us.”
This is what I had been hearing for 40 years of my life under communism
and I am not ready to accept it now. The belief in the possibility of
controlling the Earth’s climate by reducing the anthropogenic emissions
of carbon dioxide, I call it the theory of climate control, is as
irrational, arrogant and pretentious as the communist planning that
people like me were objects of for so many years.
As I said, politicians bought into this doctrine at the Rio Earth Summit
in 1992, fell in love with it and started organizing a whole set of
economically damaging and freedom endangering measures. They came to the
conclusion that playing the global warming game is an easy, politically
correct and from the point of potential election gains very profitable
card to play (especially when it is obvious that they themselves will
not carry the costs of the measures they are implementing and will not
be responsible for their consequences).
There are plenty of arguments suggesting that the real threat for human
society is not global warming itself. The real threat comes when
politicians start manipulating the climate and all of us.
In my views, I am not being influenced by the recent scandals connected
with the work of the IPCC and some of its leading exponents. All of that
has been known for years to everyone who was interested. The same is
true about all the relevant arguments used in today’s debate. They are
available and it is difficult to add anything fundamentally new to them.
It is necessary to keep stressing several basic facts and arguments
that are well-known, but unfortunately largely ignored.
First, the statistically well-documented increase in global temperature
has been until now very small and not bigger than the temperature
fluctuations in the last centuries and millennia. Throughout the whole
20th century, with all the problematic data collection and adjustments –
it was only 0.74 °C. I am surprised again and again that – because of
the power of the environmentalist propaganda – people suppose it was
much more.
Second, it is undisputed that there has been no statistically
significant net global warming in the last twelve to fourteen years. I
know that this is not a proof of the impossibility of long-term climate
changes but it is a relevant piece of information which should not be
ignored or downplayed. New data and new theories are emerging every day
and some of them suggest the probability of future cooling, not warming.
Third, the scientific dispute about the causes of the undergoing climate
changes is not over, it continues. Despite contrary assertions, there
is no scientific consensus about it. What is more and more evident is
that CO2 is losing the position of the main culprit and that its
potential impact has already been more or less “consumed.” Simple,
monocasual theory of functional relationship between CO2 and temperature
is evidently untenable. There is absolutely no linearity between CO2
emissions and temperature.
Fourth, the idea of a static, unchanging climate is, no doubt, foreign
to the history of the Earth. The climate has always been changing and
will always be.
I am convinced that the impact of the small climate changes we have
experienced (and may experience in the foreseeable future) upon human
beings and all kinds of their activities is – because of their size –
practically negligible. In its model simulations, the IPCC suggests that
– because of higher temperatures – the world GDP in the year 2100 will
be 2.9% lower than without any warming. I repeat, only 2.9% if we do
nothing and let the warming – predicted by the IPCC – continue. The same
models suggest that the GDP per capita in the developed countries will
be eight times higher than now and in the developing countries about
five times higher than that of the developed world today.
These figures are not mine, these are the figures of the leading
exponents of the global warming doctrine. The question must be therefore
raised: should we drastically limit CO2 emissions today by 20, 30, 50,
or 80% and, thereby, abandon our way of life for the sake of such a
small effect considering that the future generations will be far better
off than we are today? My answer is that 2.9% of the future GDP is a
minor loss. A loss generated by a completely useless fight against
global warming, planned by the contemporary global warming alarmists,
would be far greater.
Politicians, their bureaucrats as well as many well-meaning individuals
who accept the alarmist view of anthropogenic climate change probably
hope that – by doing so – they are displaying intelligence, virtue and
altruism. Some of them even believe they are saving the Earth. We should
tell them that they are merely passive players in the hands of
lobbyists, of producers of green technologies, of agrobusiness firms
producing ethanol, of trading firms dealing in carbon emission rights,
etc., who hope to make billions at our costs. There is no altruism
there. It is a political and business cold-hearted calculation.
Before concluding, I have to repeat my question: “What is endangered?” My answer is: “our freedom, and our prosperity.” *
One last comment. I very often see that people confuse two different
things – a necessary protection of the environment (necessary because
there is no doubt that we have to take care of the rivers, lakes, seas,
forests and air) and an irrational attempt to fight or to protect the
climate. I am very much in favor of rational efforts when it comes to
environmental protection, but I resolutely reject any attempts to change
or – as I frequently hear – to combat climate.
There’s no question that alternative and renewable fuels and energy
sources are the way to go – if they’re feasible. Solar, wind,
geo-thermal and others all promise clean and renewable energy for our
future. But one of the more irritating things concerning some of those
energy sources are the claims that they’re technologically ready for
prime time. Geo-thermal being the exception (but a very minor source),
wind and solar aren’t at all where they need to be to provide for the
energy needs of the world. That doesn’t stop the usual suspects from
implying they are.
One of the recent stories that helped blunt those sorts of assertions
was that of Spain’s attempt to go green. The result was a loss of jobs
and heavy subsidies for the solar power industry. Well apparently it is
time to resurrect Spain and the solar industry and the New York Times
Although Spain’s long-term goal had been to produce 400
megawatts of electricity from solar panels by 2010, it reached that
milestone by the end of 2007.
In 2008 the nation connected 2.5 gigawatts of solar power into its
grid, more than quintupling its previous capacity and making it second
to Germany, the world leader. But many of the hastily opened plants
offered no hope of being cost-competitive with conventional power, being
poorly designed or located where sunshine was inadequate, for example.
That’s wonderful, but in 2009, Spain’s power demand declined by 4.3% to
251,305 GWh. So while solar is a least contributing, it’s not
contributing much. And there are still serious and obvious problems with
solar power. The example used comes from Florida:
Across 500 acres north of West Palm Beach, the FPL Group
utility is assembling a life-size Erector Set of 190,000 shimmering
mirrors and thousands of steel pylons that stretch as far as the eye can
see. When it is completed by the end of the year, this vast project
will be the world’s second-largest solar plant.
But that is not its real novelty. The solar array is being grafted
onto the back of the nation’s largest fossil-fuel power plant, fired by
natural gas. It is an experiment in whether conventional power
generation can be married with renewable power in a way that lowers
costs and spares the environment.
The fact that they’re experimenting with solar is a good thing. It needs
a lot of that. However the fact that this covers 500 acres of land is
notable. 500 acres. It is the world’s 2nd largest solar array. And its
contribution? At its peak, it will produce 75 megawatts of power. That’s
about enough to power 11,000 homes.
Sitting right next too it is a natural gas fired power plant. In fact,
that’s the plant on which these panels are grafted. It covers far fewer
acres than does the solar array and it produces 3,800 MW of power –
enough to power 557,333 homes.
The difference couldn’t be more obvious. Solar is much too inefficient
in terms of power provided/land use to be practical as a stand alone
source. To produce the same power the gas fired plant does would require
an array that covers over 25,000 acres.
And there are other drawbacks as well.
This project is among a handful of innovative hybrid
designs meant to use the sun’s power as an adjunct to coal or gas in
producing electricity. While other solar projects already use small
gas-fired turbines to provide backup power for cloudy days or at night,
this is the first time that a conventional plant is being retrofitted
with the latest solar technology on such an industrial scale.
The project’s advantages are obvious: electricity generated from the
sun will allow FPL to cut natural gas use and reduce carbon dioxide
emissions. It will provide extra power when it is most needed: when the
summer sun is shining, Floridians are cranking up their air-conditioning
and electricity demand is at its highest.
The plant also serves as a real-life test on how to reduce the cost
of solar power, which remains much more expensive than most other forms
of electrical generation. FPL Group, the parent company of Florida Power
and Light, expects to cut costs by about 20 percent compared with a
stand-alone solar facility, since it does not have to build a new steam
turbine or new high-power transmission lines.
“We’d love to tell you that solar power is as economic as fossil
fuels, but the reality is that it is not,” Lewis Hay III, FPL’s chairman
and chief executive, said on a recent tour of the plant. “We have got
to figure out ways to get costs down. As we saw with wind power, a lot
has to do with scale.”
In other words, solar has a place as an add on, an adjunct, a gap filler
for peak times (if it is sunny), but as a stand alone, the technology
is not ready for prime time. As noted most stand-alone solar arrays have
small gas-fired turbines to provide backup for cloudy days an night.
And those backups are used – a lot.
It also requires heavy government subsidy since the cost of producing
solar power is so high (inefficiency due to technology and its
limitations on cloudy days and obviously, at night).
The whole point of this is to get real about the alternatives and
understand that while everyone would love to see them come into their
own as dependable sources of energy that can replace dirtier sources,
the technology doesn’t yet exist. Until it does, I’m not at all ready to
trade the eye-pollution of acres and acres of solar panels for a few
megawatts of power – not when we’re the largest producer of natural gas
(the cleanest burning fossil fuel we have) in the world.
When solar is ready (and that means dependable and steady power on the
minimum of land) I’m ready to see it deployed. But until then, if it’s
going to be pimped, it would be nice if those pimping it would include
the good, the bad and the ugly when they talk about it. Of course if
they did that, it wouldn’t be pimping, would it?
In many countries, electric utilities struggle to keep up with demand,
and often fail. The World Bank estimates that almost 1.5 billion men,
women, and children lack reliable access to electricity. They want it,
but they can't have it. In new-agey ??California, it's the other way
around. The centerpiece of California's energy policy is really the
absence of energy.
If that sounds crazy -- and it is! -- consider this impressive web of
regulation that the government has spun: Elected officials enacted a
moratorium on new nuclear power plants. New coal plants are illegal.
Large scale hydropower is unthinkable for California's environmentally
sensitive voters, because it harms fish. Natural gas plants emit half as
much carbon as coal plants, but they are banned in much of California
because they cannot get air quality permits for particulate emissions.
In 2006, the State Water Resources Control Board ruled that 19 coastal
natural gas power plants were in violation of the Clean Water Act for
using a process called "once-through cooling," by which ocean water is
pumped into a power plant in order to condense steam into water to be
reused. This can harm aquatic wildlife, so, at the behest of
environmentalist groups, the SWRCB ordered coastal power plants to make
costly refurbishments. According to the Energy Commission, "[I]t is
likely that plant operators will choose retirement in the face of costly
California doesn't have generation capacity to spare, so it will have to
replace these plants, most of which are located in the southern part of
the state. But the south California air basin is out of compliance with
air quality standards for particulate emissions. It is well nigh
impossible for utilities to obtain an air quality permit for a natural
gas plant from the South Coast Air Quality Management District.
Existing nuclear power is also under attack. In 2006, the legislature
passed a bill requiring the Energy Commission to assess the nuclear
plants' vulnerability to earthquakes. In fact, the legislation was
designed to stack the deck against nuclear when these plants come up for
relicensing. It is unlikely that California utilities can meet demand
for electricity without these 21 power plants. Yet California's elected
officials, in Sacramento and elsewhere, seem to think that conventional
energy is unnecessary as long as the Golden State aggressively pursues
conservation and renewable energy.
That's the theory anyway. However, the state's pro-green, anti-energy
policies make it difficult even for the generation of alternative
California is the country's leading dairy state, and the Energy
Commission has identified methane emitted by cows as a major source of
renewable energy. But it is impossible to make use of this "bio-methane"
from California's dairy farms because air quality agencies refuse to
permit a generating facility. The state's deserts are obvious locations
for generating solar power. Yet California Senator Dianne Feinstein is
trying to block the construction of solar power plants in the Mojave in
order to protect a species of turtle.
California's mountain ranges are ideal for wind power. For many
environmentalists, however, wind turbines are unacceptable, because the
giant, rotating blades kill things that fly. The New York Times recently
quoted a California wind power developer saying, "Regulators are
concerned about birds; now they're concerned about bats..." Next they'll
be concerned about taxpayers.
Just kidding on that last point. Renewable energies are far more
expensive than burning fossil fuels but that's only a start. To meet the
state's current renewable energy targets (20 percent of the state's
electricity was supposed to come from renewable energy sources by this
year), the Public Utilities Commission reports that California utilities
would have to build seven transmission lines, at a cost of $12 billion,
to move electricity generated by renewables in remote regions to the
urban centers where the electricity is consumed.
However, there could be a catch. Transmission lines are almost
impossible to build in California due to the onerous permitting process
designed to mitigate environmental impact.
No problem! said Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. When it became clear
that the state couldn't meet its 2010 goals, he simply moved the
goalposts. He signed an executive order that increased the unworkable
renewable energy targets and postponed them -- by a decade.
California's story should be a cautionary tale of how not to manage
energy policy. Instead, it is touted by politicians and all too often
swallowed hook, line, and sinker by gullible journalists....
The following scornful email was sent to Benny Peiser by retired
palaeoclimatologist William Ruddiman [rudds2@ntelos.net]. I append to
it Benny Peiser's reply. The thing that strikes one about the email is
that he quite correctly notes a slight long term warming trend since
the little ice age but fails to address the two principal points at
issue: Whether or not mankind is the cause of the observed warming and
whether the warming is great enough to be cause for alarm. The fact
that the graphs of temperature change that you normally see are scaled
in tenths of one degree probably tells you all you need to know about
the latter question
Ruddiman is however an outlier among Warmists. He claims that the
invention of farming 8,000 years ago caused global warming! Back to the
I am sorry to see your stream of posts about 'global cooling' coming to
an end, no doubt because of the inconvenient rebound of global
temperature in 2009. I had really been enjoying watching your
global-coolers embarrass themselves. To mainstream scientists like me,
the reasoning behind their arguments fall far below that of the average
7-year-old. If your readers doubt this, ask them to find the nearest
available 7-year-old, show him or her a plot of global temperature for
the last 100-150 years, and ask 6 questions:
1. Did the overall temperature trend in the last 125 years go down or up?
2. Were there times when the upward trend leveled out or went down?
3. Afterward, did temperatures warm to levels even higher than before?
4. Do the last 5 or so years show a small cooling trend?
5. Does this recent cooling trend differ in any obvious way from the earlier ones?
6. Do you think the upward warming trend is likely to resume in the future? (see below)
The answers to the first 5 questions are obvious: up, yes, yes, yes, and
no. So question 6 is the key. It requires the child to look at the
record of past temperature changes, think about the lessons learned (a
tiny bit!, but more than your global coolers), and draw a simple
So-- how did your nearest available 7-year-old respond? I doubt that
he/she would find the recent cooling different in any obvious way from
the range of several previous ones. If so, this 7-year-old judged that
the long-term warming trend will resume and will likely reach even
higher levels (as it seems to have begun to do in 2009). And if so, your
nearest available child understands natural climatic variability far
better than you.
Benny Peiser replies:
One of the problems with true believers is that they tend to misrepresent the actual position one takes. My own stance
is well known and has been reported repeatedly on CCNet and other media
outlets: "It is quite possible that global temperatures might start
rising again in the foreseeable future. Admittedly, no one knows exactly
if and when this will happen – and if, whether the renewed warming
trend will be pronounced, moderate or insignificant. In all likelihood,
we will not know for the next twenty or thirty years who will be right
or wrong - the climate sceptics or the alarmists. Nevertheless, as long
as the global warming standstill continues, more or less, and as long as
the political deadlock between the West and the rest of the world
lingers, international climate politics will remain firmly on ice."
Global warming benefits outweigh harms
Without the greenhouse effect to keep our world warm, the planet would
have an average temperature of minus 18 degrees Celsius. Because we do
have it, the temperature is a comfortable plus 15 degrees Celsius.
Other inconvenient facts ignored by the activists: Carbon dioxide is a
non-polluting gas that is essential for plant photosynthesis. Higher
concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere produce bigger crop harvests and
larger and healthier forests--results environmentalists used to like.
There are legitimate reasons to restrict emissions of pollutants into
the atmosphere. Recycling makes sense and protecting the environment is
good for everyone. But we should not fool ourselves into thinking we can
change the temperature of the Earth by doing these things.
The Missing Effects of Global Warming
For the past decade, according to highly accurate measurements taken
from satellites, there has been no global warming. Even though
atmospheric CO2 has continued to accumulate—up about 4 percent in the
past 10 years—the global mean temperature has remained flat. That should
raise obvious questions about CO2 being the cause of climate
change.Orbiting satellites gather temperature readings around the globe,
accurate to 0.1 degree Celsius. Warming in the upper atmosphere should
occur before any surface warming effect, but NASA’s data show that has
not been happening. Interestingly, in the 18 years those satellites have
been recording global temperatures, they actually have shown a slight
decrease in average temperatures. The images shown in Figure 6 reveal
that the expected “fingerprint” of warming in the upper atmosphere is
In spite of warnings of severe consequences from rising seas, droughts,
severe weather, species extinction, and other disasters, the record
shows little if any evidence of such effects. With scientific evidence
being ignored, emotional arguments and anecdotal data are ruling the
day. The media subjects us to one frightening image of environmental
nightmares after another, linking each to global warming. Journalists
and activist scientists use hurricanes, wildfires, and starving polar
bears to appeal to our emotions, not our reason. They are far more
concerned with anecdotal observations of such things as frozen sea ice
inside the Arctic Circle than they are with understanding why it is
happening and how frequently it has occurred in the past.
Real-World Observations
A report by a team of 40 scientists from a dozen countries, released in June 2009, found the following:
• “The average temperature history of Antarctica provides no evidence of twentieth century warming.”
• “The results of several research studies argue strongly against
claims that CO2-induced global warming would cause catastrophic
disintegration of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets.
• “The mean rate of global sea level rise has not accelerated over the
recent past. The determinants of sea level are poorly understood due to
considerable uncertainty associated with a number of basic parameters
that are related to the water balance of the world’s oceans and the
meltwater contribution of Greenland and Antarctica.”
• “[D]espite the supposedly “unprecedented” warming of the twentieth
century, there has been no increase in the intensity or frequency of
tropical cyclones globally or in any of the specific oceans.”
After warnings that 2007 would be the hottest year on record and a
record year for hurricanes, we experienced, in 2008, the coolest year
since 2001 and, by some measures, the most benign hurricane season in
the Northern Hemisphere in three decades.
Even though recent changes in our atmosphere are all within the bounds
of the Earth’s natural variability, a growing number of people seem
willing to throw away trillions of dollars on fruitless solutions. It’s
ridiculous to allow emotional appeals and anecdotal data to shape our
conclusions and influence our expenditures when real science and
technology are at our fingertips.
Based on the seasonal and geographic distribution of any projected
warming, a good case can be made that today’s temperature is not as
beneficial for humans as a warmer world temperature would be.
Steve Short [steve@ecoengineers.com] posted this interesting analysis
of the effect of albedo during the period 1983 -2001. It interesting
that the conclusion of this article is that the warming during that
period can be attributed to reduced albedo resulting from reduced cloud
cover. Surprise that isn't it ? Completely natural
According to Pinker (2005), global surface solar irradiance increased by
0.16 W/m^2/year over the 18 year period 1983 – 2001 or 2.88 W/m^2 over
the entire period. This was a period of claimed significant
anthropogenic global warming. This change in surface solar irradiance
over 1983 - 2001 is almost exactly 1.2% of the mean total surface solar
irradiance of recent decades of 238.9 W/m^2 (K, T & F, 2009).
According to NASA, mean global cloud cover declined from about 0.677
(67.7%) in 1983 to about 0.644 (64.4%) in 2001 or a decline of 0.033
(3.3%). The 27 year mean global cloud cover 1983 – 2008 is about 0.664
(66.4%) (all NASA data)
The average Bond Albedo (A) of recent decades has been almost exactly 0.300, hence 1 – A = 0.700
It is possible to estimate the relationship between albedo and total
cloud cover about the mean global cloud cover and it may be described by
the simple relationship:
Albedo (A) = 0.250C + 0.134 where C = cloud cover. The 0.134 term presumably represents the surface SW reflection.
For example; A = 0.300 = 0.25 x 0.664 + 0.134
This means that in 1983; A = 0.25 x 0.677 + 0.134 = 0.303
in 2001; A = 0.25 x 0.644 + 0.134 = 0.295
Thus in 1983; 1 – A = 1 – 0.303 = 0.697
and in 2001; 1 – A = 1 – 0.295 = 0.705
Therefore, between 1983 and 2001, the known reduction in the Earth’s
albedo A as measured by NASA would have increased solar irradiance by
200 x [(0.705 – 0.697)/(0.705 + 0.695)]% = 200 x (0.008/1.402)% = 1.1%
This estimate of 1.1% increase in solar irradiance from cloud cover
reduction over the 18 year period 1983 – 2001 is very close to the 1.2%
increase in solar irradiance measured by Pinker for the same period.
Within the precision of the available data and this exercise, it may
therefore be concluded that it is highly likely that Pinker’s finding
was due to an almost exactly functionally equivalent decrease in Earth’s
Bond albedo over the same period, resulting from global cloud cover
reduction. Hence surface warming over that period may be reasonably
attributed to that effect.
Excerpt from a speech recently given in Australia by warming
evangelist James Hansen of GISS. The speech should jar Warmist
politicians. He's really pissing on them
Science has shown that preservation of stable climate and the remarkable
life that our planet harbours require a rapid slowdown of fossil fuel
emissions. Atmospheric carbon dioxide, now almost 390 parts per million,
must be brought back to 350ppm or less. That is possible, with actions
that make sense for other reasons.
But the actions require a change to business-as-usual. Change is opposed
by those profiting from our fossil-fuel addiction. Change will happen
only with courageous political leadership. Leaders must draw attention
to the moral imperative. We cannot pretend that we do not understand the
consequences for our children and grandchildren. We cannot leave them
with a situation spiralling out of their control. We must set a new
Yet what course is proposed? Hokey cap-and-trade with offsets, aka an
emissions trading scheme. Scheme is the right word, a scheme to continue
business-as-usual behind a fig leaf. The Kyoto Protocol was a
cap-and-trade approach. Global emissions shot up faster than ever after
its adoption. It is impossible to cap all emissions as long as fossil
fuels are the cheapest energy. There is zero chance India and China
will accept a cap. And why should they? Their emissions, on a per capita
basis, are 10 times less than those of Australia or the US.
Fossil fuels are not really the cheapest energy. They are cheap because
they are subsidised, because they do not pay for damage they cause to
human health via air and water pollution, nor their environmental damage
and horrendous consequences for posterity.
An honest effective approach to energy and climate must place a steadily
rising price on carbon emissions. It can only be effective if it is a
simple flat fee on all carbon fuels, collected from fossil fuel
companies on the first sale, at the mine, wellhead or port of entry.
The fee will cause energy costs to rise, for fossil fuels, not all
energies. The public will allow this fee to rise to the levels needed
only if the money collected is given to the public. They will need the
money to adapt their lifestyles and reduce their carbon footprint. The
money, all of it, should be given as a monthly "green cheque" and
possibly in part as an income-tax reduction. Each legal adult resident
would get an equal share, easily delivered electronically to bank
accounts or debit cards, with half a share for children up to two
children per family.
Sure, some people may waste their green cheque on booze or babes. Such
people will soon be paying more in increased energy prices than they get
in their green cheque. Others will make changes to keep their added
energy cost low, coming out ahead.
There will be strong economic incentive for businesses to find products
that help consumers reduce fossil fuel use. Every activity that uses
energy will be affected. Agricultural products from nearby fields will
be favoured, for example, as opposed to food flown in from half way
around the world. Changes will happen as people compare the price tags.
The rising price on carbon will spur energy efficiency, renewable
energy, nuclear power, all sources that produce little or no carbon
dioxide. Bellyaching howls from coal moguls must be ignored. Let them
invest their money in renewable energies and nuclear power.
The United Nations will today announce an independent review of errors
made by its climate change advisory body in an attempt to restore its
credibility. A team of the world’s leading scientists will investigate
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and ask why its
supposedly rigorous procedures failed to detect at least three serious
overstatements of the risk from global warming.
The review will be overseen by the InterAcademy Council, whose members
are drawn from the world’s leading national science academies, including
Britain’s [Warmist] Royal Society, the United States National Academy
of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
The review will be led by Robbert Dijkgraaf, co-chairman of the
Interacademy Council and president of the Royal Netherlands Academy of
Arts and Sciences. He has been asked to investigate the internal
processes of the IPCC and will not consider the overarching question of
whether it was right to claim that human activities were very likely to
be causing global warming.
The review, which will be announced in New York by Ban Ki-Moon, the UN
Secretary General, and Rajendra Pachauri, the IPCC’s chairman, is
expected to recommend stricter checking of sources and much more careful
wording to reflect the uncertainties in many areas of climate science.
The IPCC’s most glaring error was a claim that all Himalayan glaciers
would disappear by 2035. Most glaciologists believe it would take
another 300 years for the glaciers to melt at the present rate. It also
claimed that global warming could cut rain-fed North African crop
production by up to 50 per cent by 2020. A senior IPCC contributor has
since admitted that there is no evidence to support this claim. The
Dutch Government has asked the IPCC to correct its claim that more than
half the Netherlands is below sea level. The environment ministry said
that only 26 per cent of the country was below sea level.
The allegations about climate scientists are believed to have
contributed to a sharp rise in public scepticism about climate change.
Last month an opinion poll found that the proportion of the population
that believes climate change is an established fact and largely man-made
has fallen from 41 per cent in November to 26 per cent.
The Met Office, which produces the global temperature record used by the
IPCC in its reports, has proposed a separate review of its data after
admitting that public confidence in its findings had been undermined.
The Met Office relies on analysis by the University of East Anglia’s
Climatic Research Unit, which is under investigation over allegations
that its director manipulated raw data and tried to hide it from
Thomas Jefferson Noted Global Warming in 19th Century
Climate change crusaders insist that the earth is warming largely due to
the emission of greenhouse gases by motor vehicles and factories.
But Thomas Jefferson wrote about global warming back in the early 19th
century, before there were any emissions from cars, coal-fired power
plants, and other developments of the Industrial Age.
In a letter to Philadelphia physician and professor Nathaniel Chapman
dated Dec. 11, 1809, nine months after he left the presidency, Jefferson
wrote: “The change which has taken place in our climate is one of those
facts which all men of years are sensible of and yet none can prove by
regular evidence. They can only appeal to each other’s general
observation for the fact.
“I remember that when I was a small boy, say sixty years ago, snows were
frequent and deep in every winter, to my knee very often, to my waist
sometimes, and that they covered the earth long. And I remember while
yet young to have heard from very old men that in their youth the
winters had been still colder, with deeper and longer snows. In the year
1772, thirty-seven years ago, we had a snow two feet deep in the
Champain parts of this state, and three feet in the counties next below
the mountains . . .
“While I lived at Washington, I kept a Diary, and by recurring to that I
observe that from the winter of 1802-03 to that of 1808-09 inclusive,
the average fall of snow of the seven winters was only 14½ inches, and
that the ground was covered but sixteen days in each winter on average
of the whole. The maximum in any one winter during that period was 21
inches fall, and 34 days on the ground, the minimum was 4½ inches fall
and two days on the ground . . .
“Williams in his history of Vermont has an essay on the change in the climate of Europe, Asia and Africa.”
It’s clear, then, that the earth was warming during Jefferson’s time.
It’s also clear that the climate change could not be attributed to man’s
The above introduces an interesting discussion about why computer
programs used in science are unreliable. I am not competent to comment
at that technical level, but there is a more fundamental problem:
computer models are being used for purposes beyond their competence,
because science is intruding into areas beyond its competence. Modern
science began when men suspected that some things might have a
scientific explanation.
Surprisingly, this radical idea turned out to be true; and it has
transformed the world in many ways. But modern modern scientists insist
that everything has a scientific explanation. This preposterous idea is
destroying all the previous advances of science. Modern science modestly
limited itself to hypotheses which could be proved or disproved by
scientific method; modern modern scientists feel entitled, and even
obligated, to speak authoritatively to every question, including those
hypotheses which cannot be tested by scientific method. We are returning
to the "science" of medieval times, when the truth of a proposition was
judged according to the fervent earnestness of its advocates.
The great physicist John von Neumann once disposed of a mathematical
argument by saying, "With four adjustable parameters, I can fit an
elephant; with five I can wiggle his trunk." When a mathematical model
has as many adjustable parameters as computer climate models have, those
parameters can be arbitrarily adjusted to "prove" any conceivable
hypothesis. When a climate scientist says that he can eliminate natural
causes as a possible explanation for observed climate change, he
demonstrates breath-taking incompetence and/or breath-taking dishonesty.
It is mathematically and scientifically impossible to make such a
determination. The only legitimate application for such models is blind
pattern recognition, by which I mean recognition of recurring patterns
without understanding the underlying causes.
1) Adjust your parameters until the model matches past data; 2) test the
model against future data, and refine it; 3) continue testing and
refining until the model produces accurate predictions. Nobody at the
IPCC is doing that. They adjust the parameters and the data to match the
global warming hypothesis. That is why none of these climate models has
yet made its first successful prediction.
Blind pattern recognition is not rigorous science. It has proven
remarkably successful at predicting the behavior of financial markets;
but any competent and honest economist will tell you, Do not bet any
money that you cannot afford to lose. Your financial nest egg should be
invested in a diverse array of assets designed to survive any
conceivable economic event. No one can predict the stock market, and no
one can predict the climate.
The uncertainties in climate data are so large that climate science is
useless for policy analysis. Even if the data could be measured
precisely, the uncertainties in the science and mathematics are so large
that it would still be useless. When a climate scientist presumes to
make radical policy recommendations based on computer models, we must
add breath-taking arrogance to his aforementioned list of virtues. He
seats himself on the very throne of God.
The above is an email from DuPree Moore [dupreemoore@bellsouth.net]
Russians Debunk Permafrost Scam
Siberia not melting, methane gases remain stable
Russia's leading scientists have debunked false claims by environmental
activist groups and left-leaning media groups that global climate change
is causing significant warming of the Siberian permafrost and resulting
in a large-scale release of potent methane gas. "The world's largest
frozen peat bog is melting," the August 11 issue of New Scientist
proclaimed. "An area stretching for a million square kilometers across
the permafrost of western Siberia is turning into a mass of shallow
lakes as the ground melts."
"A vast expanse of western Siberia is undergoing an unprecedented thaw
that could dramatically increase the rate of global warming," the London
Guardian asserted on August 11. "If we don't take action very soon, we
could unleash runaway global warming that will be beyond our control
and it will lead to social, economic, and environmental devastation
worldwide," the Guardian quoted a spokesman for the activist group
Friends of the Earth as saying.
"Cranked-up greenhouse gases are taking the perma out of Siberia's
permafrost and turning it to mud," the September 1 Arkansas Times piled
on in an article titled "No Global Warming?"
None of those articles mentioned any evidence or quoted any climate
experts contradicting the global warming assertions. But plenty of
evidence exists. "The Russian Academy of Sciences has found that the
annual temperature of soils (with seasonal variations) has been
remaining stable," reported the August 22 Russian News and Information
Agency. "If anything, the depth of seasonal melting has decreased
"Unscrupulous scientists are exaggerating and peddling fears about
permafrost thawing and swamp methane becoming aggressive," Professor
Nikolai Alexeyevsky, doctor of geography and head of the land hydrology
department at Moscow State University, told the Russian News and
Information Agency.
"The alarmists' misrepresentation of the Siberian permafrost is not
surprising," said Pat Michaels, past president of the American
Association of State Climatologists and senior fellow at the Cato
Institute. "So long as governments hand out billions of dollars each
year for climate research, there is no incentive to report the truth.
The only sure way to keep receiving climate research funding is to keep
claiming impending climate catastrophe."
"This is just another scare story," added Vladimir Melnikov, director of
Russia's Institute of the Earth's Cryosphere, the world's only
institute dedicated to investigating the ways in which ground water
becomes ice and permafrost. "This ecological structure is balanced and
is not about to harm people with gas discharges." Melnikov also
disputed the claims that rapidly thawing permafrost is causing the
formation of small lakes in Siberia. "Scientific findings and experience
suggest that small lakes result from irregularities when laying oil and
gas pipes and other engineering systems. But the scale on which new
formations are appearing is small, and they do not pose any threat."
"The boundaries of the Russian permafrost zone remain virtually
unchanged," agreed Yuri Izrael, director of the Russian Academy of
Sciences' Institute of Climatology and Ecology. "At the same time, the
permafrost is several hundred meters deep. For methane, other gases, and
hydrates to escape to the surface, it would have to melt at tremendous
depths, which is impossible."
Our glaciers are growing, not melting. More falsehoods from Al Gore
"Almost all of the ice-covered regions of the Earth are melting — and
seas are rising," said Al Gore in an op-ed piece in the New York Times
on February 27. Both parts of Gore's statement are false.
Contrary to Gore's assertions, almost all of the ice-covered regions of
the Earth are growing, not melting — and the seas are not rising. Let's
look at the facts. If you click on the words "are melting" in Gore's
article, you're taken to a paper by Michael Zemp at the University of
Zurich. Mr. Zemp begins his paper by warning that "glaciers around the
globe continue to melt at high rates."
However, if you bother to actually read the paper, you learn that Zemp's
conclusion is based on measurements of "more than 80 glaciers."
Considering that the Himalayas boast more than 15,000 glaciers, a study
of "more than 80 glaciers" hardly seems sufficient to warrant such a
catastrophic pronouncement. Especially when you learn that of those 80
glaciers, several are growing. Growing. Not melting. "In Norway, many
maritime glaciers were able to gain mass," Zemp concedes. ("Able to gain
mass" means growing.) In North America, Zemp also concedes, "some
positive values were reported from the North Cascade Mountains and the
Juneau Ice Field." ("Displaying positive values" means growing.)
Remember, we're still coming out of the last ice age. Ice is supposed to
melt as we come out of an ice age. The ice has been melting for 11,000
years. Why should today be any different? I'm guessing that most
Canadians and Northern Europeans are very happy that the ice has been
Unfortunately, that millenniums-long melting trend now appears to be
changing. No matter how assiduously Mr. Gore tries to ignore it, almost
all of the ice-covered regions of the Earth are now gaining mass. (Or,
displaying positive values, if you will.) For starters, let's look at
those Himalayan glaciers. In a great article, entitled "World misled
over Himalayan glacier meltdown," Jonathan Leake and Chris Hastings show
that the IPCC's fraudulent claims were based on "speculation" and "not
supported by any formal research."
As a matter of fact, many Himalayan glaciers are growing. In a defiant
act of political incorrectness, some 230 glaciers in the western
Himalayas - including Mount Everest, K2 and Nanga Parbat - are actually
growing. "These are the biggest mid-latitude glaciers in the world,"
says John Shroder of the University of Nebraska-Omaha. "And all of them
are either holding still, or advancing." And get this. Eighty seven of
the glaciers have surged forward since the 1960s. So much for Mr.
Gore's "more than 80 glaciers."
(I don't know how many Himalayan glaciers are being monitored, but my
guess would be fewer than a thousand, so it's possible that hundreds
more are growing. There aren't enough glaciologists in the world to
monitor them all.)
But we don't need to look to the Himalayas for growing glaciers.
Glaciers are growing in the United States. Yes, glaciers are growing in
the United States. Look at Washington State. The Nisqually Glacier on
Mt. Rainier is growing. The Emmons Glacier on Mt. Rainier is growing.
Glaciers on Glacier Peak in northern Washington are growing. And Crater
Glacier on Mt. Saint Helens is now larger than it was before the 1980
eruption. (I don't think all of the glaciers in Washington or Alaska are
being monitored either.)
Or look at California. All seven glaciers on California's Mount Shasta
are growing. This includes three-mile-long Whitney glacier, the state's
largest. Three of Mount Shasta's glaciers have doubled in size since
Or look at Alaska. Glaciers are growing in Alaska for the first time in
250 years. In May of last year, Alaska’s Hubbard Glacier was advancing
at the rate of seven feet (two meters) per day - more than half-a-mile
per year. And in Icy Bay, at least three glaciers advanced a third of a
mile (one-half kilometer) in one year.
Oh, by the way. The Juneau Icefield, with its "positive values," covers
1,505 square miles (3,900 sq km) and is the fifth-largest ice field in
the Western Hemisphere. Rather interesting to know that Gore's own
source admits that the fifth-largest ice field in the Western Hemisphere
is growing, don't you think?
But this mere handful of growing glaciers is just an anomaly, the
erstwhile Mr. Gore would have you believe. Well, let's look at a few
other countries.
Perito Moreno Glacier, the largest glacier in Argentina, is growing.
Pio XI Glacier, the largest glacier in Chile, is growing.
Glaciers are growing on Mt. Logan, the tallest mountain in Canada.
Glaciers are growing on Mt. Blanc, the tallest mountain in France.
Glaciers are growing in Norway, says the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE).
And the last time I checked, all 50 glaciers in New Zealand were growing.
But this is nothing. These glaciers are babies when you look at our
planet's largest ice masses, namely, the Antarctic and Greenland ice
sheets. Contrary to what you may have heard, both of those huge ice
sheets are growing. In 2007, Antarctica set a new record for most ice
extent since 1979, says meteorologist Joe D'Aleo. While the Antarctic
Peninsula area has warmed in recent years, and ice near it diminished
during the summer, the interior of Antarctica has been colder and the
ice extent greater.
Antarctic sea ice is also increasing. According to Australian Antarctic
Division glaciology program head Ian Allison, sea ice losses in west
Antarctica over the past 30 years have been more than offset by
increases in the Ross Sea region, just one sector of east Antarctica.
The Antarctic Peninsula, where the ice has been melting, is only about
1/50th the size of east Antarctica, where the ice has been growing.
Saying that all of Antarctica is melting is like looking at the climate
of Oregon and saying that this applies to the entire United States.
There was not any evidence of significant change in the mass of ice
shelves in east Antarctica nor any indication that its ice cap was
melting, says Dr. Allison. "The only significant calvings in Antarctica
have been in the west." And he cautioned that calvings of the magnitude
seen recently in west Antarctica might not be unusual. "A paper to be
published soon by the British Antarctic Survey in the journal
Geophysical Research Letters is expected to confirm that over the past
30 years, the area of sea ice around the continent has expanded."
What about Greenland? Greenland's ice-cap has thickened slightly in
recent years despite wide predictions of a thaw triggered by global
warming, said a team of scientists in October 2005. The 3,000-meter
(9,842-feet) thick ice-cap is a key concern in debates about climate
change because a total melt would raise world sea levels by about 7
But satellite measurements show that more snow is falling and thickening
the ice-cap, especially at high altitudes, according to the report in
the journal Science. The overall ice thickness changes are
approximately plus 5 cm (1.9 inches) per year or 54 cm (21.26 inches)
over 11 years, according to the experts at Norwegian, Russian and U.S.
institutes led by Ola Johannessen at the Mohn Sverdrup center for Global
Ocean Studies and Operational Oceanography in Norway. Not overwhelming
growth, certainly, but a far cry from the catastrophic melting that
we've been lead to believe.
Think about that. The Antarctic Ice Sheet is almost twice as big as the
contiguous United States. Put the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets
together, and they're one hundred times bigger than all of the rest of
the world's glaciers combined. More than 90 percent of the world's
glaciers are growing, in other words, and all we hear about are the ones
that are shrinking.
But if so many of the world's glaciers are growing, how can sea levels
remain the same? They can't. The sea level models are wrong. During
the last ice age, sea levels stood some 370 feet (100 meters) lower than
today. That's where all of the moisture came from to create those
two-mile-high sheets of ice that covered so much of the north.
And just as the ice has been melting for 11,000 years, so too were sea
levels rising during those same years. But the rising has stopped.
Forget those IPCC claims. Sea levels are not rising, says Dr. Nils-Axel
Mörner, one-time expert reviewer for the IPCC. Dr. Mörner, who received
his PhD in geology in 1969, is one of the greatest - if not the
greatest - sea level experts in the world today. He has worked with sea
level problems for 40 years in areas scattered all over the globe.
"There is no change," says Mörner. "Sea level is not changing in any
"There is absolutely no sea-level rise in Tuvalo," Mörner insists.
"There is no change here, and there is zero sea-level rise in
Bangladesh. If anything, sea levels have lowered in Bangladesh." "We do
not need to fear sea-level rise," says Mörner. "(But) we should have a
fear of those people who fooled us."
So there you have it. More falsehoods from Al Gore, the multimillionaire
businessman who some say is set to become the world's first carbon
billionaire. Our glaciers are growing, not melting — and the seas are
not rising.
I agree with Dr. Mörner, but I'd make it a tad stronger. We should have a fear of those people who have conned us.
The Obama administration works with lobbyists to distort reality
Barack Obama promised many things on his way into office. Key among
these was transparency and a vow to banish lobbyists from insider roles
in the policy process. Using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the
Competitive Enterprise Institute has confirmed that both promises are
being aggressively violated.
In 2008 and 2009, Mr. Obama told Americans on no fewer than eight
occasions to "think about what's happening in countries like Spain [and]
Germany" to see his model for successful "green jobs" policies, and
what we should expect here.
Some Spanish academics and experts on that country's wind- and
solar-energy policies and outcomes took Mr. Obama up on his invitation,
revealing Spain's policies to be economic and employment disasters. The
political embarrassment to the administration was obvious, with White
House spokesman Robert Gibbs asked about the Spanish study at a press
conference, and the president hurriedly substituted Denmark for Spain in
his stump speech.
Team Obama was not amused, and they decided to do something about it.
The crew that campaigned on change pulled out the oldest plan in the
book - attack the messenger. The U.S. government's response to foreign
academics, assessing the impact in their own country of that foreign
government's policies, was to come after them in a move that internal
e-mails say was unprecedented. They also show it was coordinated with
the lobbyists for "Big Wind" and the left-wing Center for American
Progress (CAP).
What emerged was an ideological hodgepodge of curious and unsupported
claims published under the name of two young non-economist wind
advocates. These taxpayer-funded employees offered green dogma in oddly
strident terms and, along the way, a senior Obama political appointee
may well have misled Congress.
Congress was naturally curious about how the administration would end up
attacking foreign academics, so Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr.,
Wisconsin Republican, asked how these unprecedented offensives were
launched, given that National Renewable Energy Lab and the Energy
Department immediately offered conflicting statements to the media and a
congressional oversight office. Mr. Sensenbrenner asked for details
from Cathy Zoi, assistant secretary of energy for energy efficiency and
renewable energy at the Department of Energy (DOE) and until recently,
the CEO of Al Gore's climate-advocacy group. She dodged four pointed
However, the documents we uncovered reveal that her office was fully
aware of the answers to these questions, but elected to keep the
information to itself. What transpired is difficult to discern with
precision, as DOE continues to withhold numerous responsive documents.
But it is clear that senior staff in Ms. Zoi's office, and another under
her authority, were told by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA)
of its concern over the foreign economic analysis because of the media
and policymaker attention it was receiving.
The questions raised about green jobs also threatened the vast increase
in Department of Energy spending to pursue green jobs. The Obama
administration has poured cash into renewable-energy efficiency and
renewable energy with abandon. One such program at the department has
grown from a budget of $1.7 billion in 2008 to $18 billion in 2009.
What is clear is that the Department of Energy then worked with Center
for American Progress and the industry lobby AWEA to produce an attack
that would serve all their interests.
That may not be all because we have appealed energy's decision to
withhold numerous documents. Incredibly, it refuses to release documents
exchanged between it and the pressure group CAP and lobbyist AWEA on
the grounds that these are "inter-agency memoranda." So, lobbyists and
lavishly funded political advocacy groups are, for purposes of secrecy,
mere extensions of the Obama administration. Transparency in the Age of
Obama means so transparent, you can't see it.
Wars come and go, cities are destroyed and rebuilt, monuments are
erected, and life goes on. This is the traditional view of war, but
right now the world is engaged in the latest battle of a “climate war”
that has been going on since the 1970s when the Club of Rome concluded
in a report titled, “The real enemy then, is humanity itself”, that the
world’s population had to be reduced.
Whereas wars in the modern era have killed millions and communism as
practiced in the former Soviet Union and the early decades of Red China
under Chairman Mao killed millions more on a scale with which war could
not compete, the advocates of population reduction rival the worst
despots to have ever walked among us.
With the revelations from leaked emails between the conspirators who
kept the global warming fraud going for many years, the so-called
“climate scientists” who, in fact, had created phony computer models and
engaged in endless studies to “prove” that global warming posed a
threat to mankind, the term “Climategate” was coined to describe their
Billions are at stake so far as the “climate scientists” are concerned.
They have received millions for their research in the United States and
in England. Presumably other nations, too, have provided such grants and
the result of the research must always be a continuation of the “global
warming” fraud. Beyond the scientists are those who profit from the
sale of “carbon credits” to permit “greenhouse gas emissions”, and the
millions that environmental organizations such as Friends of the Earth,
the Sierra Club, and others rake in.
It is no surprise, then, that those who have been victimized by the
fraud will see a coordinated campaign of opinion editorials in
newspapers, advertisements, and other means to keep the “global warming”
fraud intact. These efforts have been renamed “climate change”, but
therein lies the utter mendacity of the campaign because the Earth has
always passed through cycles of climate change and always will.
On February 15th, the Boston Globe published an opinion editorial by
Kerry Emanuel, the director of the Program in Atmosphere, Oceans, and
Climate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was filled with
the usual “global warming” themes; the repetition of the lie that
carbon dioxide and other minor atmospheric gases are causing a huge
shift that is warming the Earth. Smoothly, the inaccuracies of climate
computer models are dismissed as “uncertainties” resulting in “divergent
The finest weather-related computer models available are unable to
account for the action of clouds, an essential element in weather
everywhere, nor can they include the unknown effects of countless
undersea volcanoes in the world’s oceans that are another contributing
factor. At best, if your local weatherman can accurately predict what
will occur in the next two to four days, he’s doing fine.
Predicting what the climate—not the weather—will be decades and even
centuries from now is pure fiction. It is the claim that is central to
“global warming” and/or “climate change.”
In a rebuttal to Emanuel’s opinion editorial, Bill Gray, Professor
Emeritus, Colorado State University, noted that “A high percentage of
meteorologists and/or climate scientists do not agree that the climate
changes we have seen are mostly man-made. Thousands of us think that the
larger part of the climate changes we have observed over the last
century are of natural origin.” He added, “Over 31,000 American
scientists have recently signed a petition advising the U.S. not to sign
any fossil fuel reduction treaty.”
Myron Ebell, director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, has just
released a statement based on the release of still more emails between
desperate “climate scientists” whose careers depend on the “global
warming” fraud.
“According to recently disclosed e-mails from a National Academies of
Science listserv, prominent climate scientists affiliated with the U.S.
National Academies of Science, have been planning a public campaign to
paper over the damaged reputation of global warming alarmism.”
The emails explored the ways the public could be distracted from the
revelations of Climategate and enticed back to believing that “global
warming” is based in real science and occurring. Among the suggestions
were “Op eds in the NY Times and other national newspapers would also be
Referring to this as a climate war is no exaggeration. One email said,
“Most of our colleagues don’t seem to grasp that we’re not in a
gentlepersons’ debate, we’re in a street fight against well-funded,
merciless enemies who play by entirely different rules.” One of those
rules most certainly is to tell the truth!
What the public has never grasped is that this is not a science-based
war. It is entirely political in nature and the Green's enemy has been
the resource industries, oil, natural gas, and coal that provide the
means by which energy is generated for industrial use and for societies
that depend on electricity to function. The subtext of the war is the
deliberate destruction of human life on the planet on a mass scale.
That explains why it is especially troubling that President Obama
continues to refer to global warming as real and advocates
“cap-and-trade” legislation, the largest tax on energy use in the
history of mankind. It is the reason he continues to divert millions to
“clean energy” and “green jobs”, neither of which have ever proven to
equal traditional energy sources or provide sufficient employment to
merit support.
So now the climate wars shift into a new phase, one intended to
obfuscate and confuse the public again in the quest to foist the
greatest fraud and attack on mankind in human history
Reef ecosystems were able to persist through massive environmental
changes imposed by sharply falling sea levels during previous ice ages,
an international scientific team has found. This provides new hope for
their capacity to endure the increasing human impacts forecast for the
21st century.
In the world's first study of what happened to coral reefs when ocean
levels sank to their lowest recorded level – over 120 metres below
today's levels – a study carried out on eight fossil reefs in Papua New
Guinea's Huon Gulf region has concluded that a rich diversity of corals
managed to survive, although they were different in composition to the
corals under more benign conditions.
“Of course, sea levels then were falling – and today they are rising,"
said Professor John Pandolfi of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral
Reef Studies and The University of Queensland. "But if we want to know
how corals cope with hostile conditions, then we have to study what
happens under all circumstances. “We've seen what happens to corals in
the past when sea levels rose and conditions were favourable to coral
growth: we wanted to see what happened when they fell and conditions
were adverse. “When sea levels drop you get a catastrophic reduction
in coral habitat and a loss of connectivity between reefs.
In the Huon region, the team found, coral reefs survived the hard times
low of sea levels with as much richness of species – but with a
different composition to what they had during the good times. “As a
rule the coral colonies during the period of low sea levels were closer
to the sea floor and slower-growing in comparison with times of high sea
levels.” “What we have found suggests that reef systems are able to
survive adverse conditions given suitable shallow rocky habitat.
"An interesting finding of this study is that complex coral ecosystems
were maintained during the less optimal periods of low sea level. These
may have been critical to the re-establishment of nearby reefs once
environmental conditions began to improve.” “The fossil record shows
that reefs have been remarkably successful in surviving large
environmental disturbances.
More HERE (I have left out the propaganda and just kept the factual bits)
Journal abstract follows:
Community dynamics of Pleistocene coral reefs during alternative climatic regimes
By Danika Tager et al.
Reef ecosystems built during successive periods of Pleistocene sea level
rise have shown remarkable persistence in coral community structure,
but little is known of the ecological characteristics of reef
communities during periods of low sea stands or sea level falls. We
sampled the relative species abundance of coral, benthic foraminifera,
and calcareous red algae communities from eight submerged coral reefs in
the Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea, which formed during successive sea
level fall and lowstand periods over the past 416 kyr. We found that
dissimilarity in coral species composition increased significantly with
increasing time between reef-building events. However, neither coral
diversity nor the taxonomic composition of benthic foraminifera and
calcareous red algae assemblages varied significantly over time. The
taxonomic composition of coral communities from lowstand reefs was
significantly different from that of highstand reefs previously reported
from the nearby Huon Peninsula. We interpret the community composition
and temporal dynamics of lowstand reefs as a result of shifting energy
regimes in the Huon Gulf, and differences between low and highstand
reefs as a result of differences in the interaction between biotic and
environmental factors between the Huon Gulf and Huon Peninsula.
Regardless of the exact processes driving these trends, our study
represents the first glimpse into the ecological dynamics of coral reefs
during low sea level stands when climatic conditions for reef growth
were much different and less optimal than during previously studied
highstand periods.
Home weatherization has neither created many jobs nor weatherized many homes
A year ago, President Barack Obama peered into our economic future and
saw foam sealant and weatherstripping. In the midst of a punishing
recession, Obama would wield that incomparable jobs-creating tool, the
caulk gun. What the Works Progress Administration was to Franklin
Roosevelt, the government-funded weatherization of homes would be to
“If you allocate money to weatherize homes,” Obama effused to an
audience in Elkhart, Ind., “the homeowner gets the benefit of lower
energy bills. You right away put people back to work, many of whom in
the construction industry and in the housing industry are out of work
right now.” And it’s a step to “a new energy future.”
Obama was hawking another one of his cost-free, best-of-all-worlds
scenarios, one that has been exposed in all its self-deluding inanity in
the space of a year. As a writer parodying such magical thinking long
ago observed, “Sun-beams may be extracted from cucumbers, but the
process is tedious.” A sun-beam extraction program might have been just
as effective, and nearly as timely.
Obama poured $5 billion into weatherization as part of last year’s
stimulus and wanted to spend billions more in a second stimulus. The
Department of Energy managed to get the money to the states, where it
has swelled the coffers for weatherization and done little else.
According to a Department of Energy inspector general report last month,
“only 2 of the 10 highest funded recipients completed more than 2
percent of planned units.” New York had completed 280 out of 45,400
planned units as of December, Texas had completed 0 of 33,908, and
California 12 out of 43,400. That’s 292 homes in three states with a
total population of roughly 80 million.
So much for the 87,000 jobs the administration promised “right away.”
The inspector general report is unsparing: “The job creation impact of
what was considered to be one of the Department’s most ‘shovel ready’
projects has not materialized,” and neither have “the significant
reductions in energy consumption.” Besides that, weatherization has been
a stimulative triumph.
What both Obama and the British Conservatives don't want you to know about green jobs and green energy
Green jobs are a waste of space, a waste of money, a lie, a chimera. You
know that. I know that. We’re familiar with the report by Dr Gabriel
Calzada Alvarez of the Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain which shows
that for every “green job” that is created another 2.2 jobs are LOST in
the real economy.
We also know that alternative energy is a fraud – only viable through
enormous government (ie taxpayer subsidy) and utterly incapable of
answering anything more than a fraction of our energy needs. As Shannon
Love puts it here:
"Here’s a fact you won’t see mentioned in the public policy debate
over “alternative” energy: There exists no alternative energy source,
no combination of alternative energy sources, and no system of
combinations of alternative energy sources that can fully replace a
single, coal fired electric plant built with 1930s era technology.
Nada. Zero. Zilch."
So why are our political leaders setting out quite deliberately to deceive us?
There have many disgustingly revealing stories this week about the
dubious practices of the Climate Fear Promotion lobby, but for me the
most damning of all was Chris Horner’s scoop at Pajamas Media concerning
high level cover-ups by the Obama administration. Like his soul mate
Dave Cameron on this side of the pond, Obama finds the narrative about
global warming so compelling and moving that he doesn’t want it spoiled
with any inconvenient truths regarding green jobs and green energy.
Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, has
discovered that when two European reports came out – the Spanish one
above; and another one from Denmark on the inefficiency of wind farms –
the Obama administration recruited left-wing lobbyists to attack them.
After two studies refuted President Barack Obama’s
assertions regarding the success of Spain’s and Denmark’s wind energy
programs, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveals the
Department of Energy turned to George Soros and to wind industry
lobbyists to attack the studies.
Via the FOIA request, the Competitive Enterprise Institute has
learned that the Department of Energy — specifically the office headed
by Al Gore’s company’s former CEO, Cathy Zoi — turned to George Soros’
Center for American Progress and other wind industry lobbyists to help
push Obama’s wind energy proposals.
The FOIA request was not entirely complied with, and CEI just filed
an appeal over documents still being withheld. In addition to
withholding many internal communications, the administration is
withholding communications with these lobbyists and other related
communications, claiming they constitute “inter-agency memoranda.” This
implies that, according to the DoE, wind industry lobbyists and Soros’s
Center for American Progress are — for legal purposes — extensions of
the government.
We see something similar going on here in Britain. The taxpayer funded
Quango The Carbon Trust is continually pumping out propaganda on behalf
of the powerful wind energy lobby; as too is the BBC which cheerfully
funded a political broadcast (masquerading as a cri de coeur) by Green
activist George Moonbat on its The Daily Politics show earlier this
week. In December it was discovered that civil servants working for the
government had suppressed evidence that wind farms damage health and
disrupt sleep.
Do our political leaders think we’re stupid? Or so supine and malleable
that we simply won’t mind being lied to if it’s for our “own good”?
Still incoherent. Specific events and the short term matter when it suits Warmists but not otherwise
In my previous column, we saw that defenders of Global Warming are
trying to have it both ways when it comes to finding confirmations of
their theory. They appeal to opposite sorts of natural phenomena as
confirming evidence: Lack of snow in Vancouver, receding glaciers and
recent milder winters on the one hand and this year’s record-setting
snows on the other.
This raises the question whether they would take any observational
evidence as disconfirming their theory. If not, then we may wonder if
global warming is nothing more than pseudo-science.
A response taken now by some defenders is that what they are really
talking about is climate change, not weather change. This being the
case, as meteorologist Jeff Masters points out, “no single weather event
can be blamed on climate change.” And no single weather event — such as
Snowmageddon — can be cited as disconfirming it.
His point is that the predictions made by climate change proponents are
not the simple “All swans are white” sorts of predictions discussed by
Popper and countering the theory is not as simple as just finding one
non-white swan to prove it false. Rather, they are statistical in
As Masters notes, “one can ‘load the dice’ in favor of events that used
to be rare — or unheard of — if the climate is changing to a new state…
[T]he dice have been loaded in favor of more intense Nor'easters for the
U.S. Mid-Atlantic and Northeast.” According to the hypothesis, Climate
Change predicts no specific intense storm but only an increase in their
frequency in the long run.
Consistent with such long-term statistical predictions are short-term
anomalies. Flipping a coin one thousand times will produce “heads” on
half the throws. But somewhere in the process a series of throws may
come up “tails” twenty times in a row. Such an anomaly does not
necessarily overthrow the long-run prediction.
This fact has recently given a haven of refuge to the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Administrator Jane Lubchenco.
NOAA’s mission purportedly includes, “'informing climate change
mitigation and adaptation.”
Asked recently about East Anglia University’s Dr. Phil Jones’ admission
that “for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically
significant’ warming,” Lubchenco responded “that it is inappropriate to
look at any particular short period of time to discern the long-term
trend.” She went on to say that one could find competing trends if one
singles out any ten or fifteen-year period in the last century but “that
longer history shows unequivocal increases in global average
Now wait a minute. This is the same Jane Lubchenco who warned, of “an
ecological tsunami [in the oceans] of unprecedented proportions.”
Elsewhere, when asked about climate change‘s effects on ocean life she
replied, “as a result of the warming waters … corals are bleaching with
increased frequency... it also is melting ice in the Arctic, and many
species that are dependent on ice for their homes, from polar bears to
ice seals… are becoming increasingly threatened with extinction.”
Her agency recently released a report on how climate change will affect
the US in the next 20 years or so, which predicted a reduction in
Western mountain snowpacks adversely affecting water supplies, more heat
related illnesses and deaths due to rising average temperatures and a
rise in respiratory diseases.
But if we are now talking about climate change as a long-run phenomenon,
shouldn’t it be illegitimate to make such short range predictions? And
is it not as questionable to refer to climate change as the explanation
for a specific event like corals bleaching or melting Arctic ice, as it
would be to point to a specific weather event like missing snows in
Vancouver as explainable by it?
Lubchenco goes a step further, demanding immediate action. She said
earlier this year in a Yale interview: “Climate change is real, it’s
causing changes in our own backyard… and therefore there is urgency in
moving ahead with reducing heat-trapping pollution as soon as possible.”
Again, if we are talking about it as a long-term phenomenon, where even a
fifteen-year cooling period is not supposed to be inconsistent with its
gradual development, then surely the long-developing nature of climate
significantly undermines the case for urgent, immediate action.
Lubchenco would clearly like to have it both ways and construe climate
change in whatever way best suits her immediate needs, a strategy which
seems to be incoherent. It is certainly no basis for formulating any
public policy radically reducing carbon emissions in the near term.
Some people seem to be unwilling to accept that the era of the global warming panic that couldn't even be questioned is over.
In 1967, Paul Ehrlich predicted that hundreds of millions of people
would starve to death in the 1970s and 1980s. Later, he updated his
prediction and argued that most of the U.S. population would starve to
death before 2000. His whole career has been built on making absolutely
preposterous statements of this kind.
Of course, he always had to suffer by the knowledge that most people
have always realized that he is a kook, a lunatic obsessed with
doomsdays, and a parasite on the Academic system. Is there a method for
him to prove that he was right and most Americans would prematurely
disappear from the world? Maybe.
The Washington Times has revealed e-mails showing that right now,
he may have finally found out the magic formula. Together with Stephen
Schneider and others, such as Paul Falkowski, the director of an energy
institute at Rutgers who wants to replace fossil fuels by biofuels from
duckweeds (aquatic plants) that will be growing on the surface of all
ponds and oceans in the world (yes, he's another nut), Ehrlich decided
that it's time to destroy the climate skeptics - i.e. most of the
world's population. One of the participants of the project described its
goal as: "an outlandishly aggressively partisan approach to gut the
credibility of skeptics."
Very nice. I just wonder whether the participants have also found a
method to do these things while hiding that they're a criminal cabal
that deserves to be put in jail if not on an electric chair.
The number of people who continue to be as mad as Paul Ehrlich is
strictly finite but it is still much greater than one. For example, Mr
David Adam, a green ink-spiller in the Guardian, has made a "shocking"
revelation: "Climate emails inquiry: Energy consultant linked to
physics body's submission"
If you don't understand the "juice" of the title, he is complaining that
it must be a sin for the Institute of Physics to have listened to one
expert in the energy industry - among many witnesses they have listened
to! Holy crap. If I were doing such things where the practical
consequences of possible policies - mainly for the energy industry - are
far more important than the underlying science as a pure theory, then
most of the people I would invite would be economists or energy experts.
Mr Adam, do you really think that in March 2010, it's still possible to
defend the idea that energy experts are devils who can't ever be
listened to or invited anywhere? Do you want to defend a complete
isolation - or elimination? - of the energy companies? Have you lost
your mind? Is The Guardian aware that they're employing a crazy person?
I can imagine that this poor guy will soon complain that he is getting
unfriendly e-mails and exchanges with the other people. Will you really
be surprised? You are trying to attack the dignity - if not the
existence - of one of the most important sectors of the economy that
everyone else needs to survive. What else would you expect than
unfavorable messages if not something worse, moron?
It's kind of amazing that they don't see what's important here. All of
their focus is on the tricks how to brainwash the people and force them
to believe the "best science" that this group can offer. But their "best
science" is no longer good enough.
All the brainwashing tricks and types of frauds, cherr-picking,
censorship, lies, libels, and distortions have already been used by them
in the past: but they won't work again because most of the public has
learned something during the last 3 months and has already acquired a
kind of "immunity" against these types of deception that they won't
"unlearn" anytime soon.
Selected, unfiltered, and one-sided ads won't help them in any way
because it will be clear that these ads fail to be impartial. And the
detailed content won't impress anyone, either. That's because they don't
have any real counter-arguments against the observations revealed in
the last 3 months (and before that) - simply because no such
counter-arguments exist. They're not interested in the content - how the
climate actually works. They're only interested in the methods how to
promote a particular "type" of reasoning and particular results. It has
worked for years. But it won't work again.
They can't fix this "subtle" problem by collecting $15,000 after an
e-mail conversation. The problem is much deeper than something that can
be bought for $15,000. The problem is that their lives are built upon
lies and this fact has been getting increasingly self-evident to
This observation, famously made by Talleyrand at the Congress of Vienna
as the powers debated the fate of the turncoat King of Saxony, reminded
the crowned heads of Europe that all of them had at one time or another
worked with Napoleon. Talleyrand himself had served the emperor as
foreign minister and trusted ally before switching to the other side as
Napoleon’s power waned — and his megalomania grew.
These days, it’s The New York Times that is redefining treason. Three
weeks ago, anyone who pointed at the lack of public confidence in
climate science was aiding and abetting those horrible climate
‘deniers.’ Treason against Planet Earth! You had to be some kind of
dread ‘right wing blogger’ or talk radio host to point out that blunders
and arrogance had undermined the credibility of climate scientists and
ended any short term chance of serious global agreement on urgent
measures to stop global warming.
But a story this morning by John Broder gently lets Times readers know that something has gone badly wrong.
WASHINGTON — For months, climate scientists have taken a
vicious beating in the media and on the Internet, accused of hiding
data, covering up errors and suppressing alternate views. Their response
until now has been largely to assert the legitimacy of the vast body of
climate science and to mock their critics as cranks and know-nothings.
But the volume of criticism and the depth of doubt have only grown,
and many scientists now realize they are facing a crisis of public
confidence and have to fight back. Tentatively and grudgingly, they are
beginning to engage their critics, admit mistakes, open up their data
and reshape the way they conduct their work.
Admit mistakes? Open up their data? Change the way the work? You mean
there was something wrong with the way climate science was operating
last year? Is the Times telling us that the climate scientists–on the
basis of whose work the whole world is debating complex and far-reaching
changes in its economic structure and political governance–were using
slipshod and careless procedures that need to be fixed?
Gosh, one has to ask, if these terrible things were going on for such a
long time, why didn’t the New York Times notice this earlier on? Why
didn’t the New York Times break this important story back when it was
news, rather than lamely sweeping up at the end of the parade? Could it
be that a climate of politically-correct group-think inhibited the
editors and reporters at the country’s newspaper of record from
recognizing a one of the major stories of the decade? Could the
environmental writers at the Times be just a teensy bit too close to
their sources?
The Times seems to have forgotten the most important aspect of the news
business. For years now ’skeptic’ has been a dirty word at the Times
when the subject of climate change comes up. Excuse me, but reporters
are supposed to be skeptics. They are supposed to be cynical, hard
bitten people who trust their mothers — but cut the cards. They are
supposed to think that scientists are probably too much in love with
their data, that issue advocates have hidden agendas, that high-toned
rhetoric is often a cover for naked self interest, that bloviating
politicians have cynical motives and that heroes, even Nobel Prize
laureates, have feet of clay. That is their job; it is why we respect
them and why we pay attention to what they write.
Reporters are not supposed to be wide-eyed gee-whiz college kids
believing everything they hear and using the news columns of the paper
to promote a social agenda. They are wet blankets, not cheerleaders,
Eeyores, not Piglets and they can safely leave all the advocacy and
flag-waving to the editorial writers and the op-ed pages.
This is not just a question of liberal bias. The same wide-eyed
gee-whiz culture shaped much of the reporting on the run-up to the Iraq
War. Maybe the word we are looking for when trying to describe what’s
wrong with the mainstream press isn’t ‘liberal’ — maybe the term is
something like ‘credulous’ or ‘naive.’ The gradual substitution of
‘professional journalists’ for the old hard boiled hacks may have given
us a generation of journalists who are used to trusting reputable
authority. They honestly think that people with good credentials and
good manners don’t lie.
Today’s journalists are much too well-bred and well-connected to stand
there in the crowd shouting “The emperor has no clothes!” They’ve
worked with the tailors, they have had long background interviews with
the tailors, they’ve been present for some of the fittings. Of course
the emperor’s new clothes are fantastic; only those rude and uncouth
‘clothing deniers’ still have any doubts.
Meanwhile, over on the aforementioned op-ed pages, our old friend Al
Gore is still crying a river of denial, blaming everyone but himself for
the abject failure of the world to accept his views without checking
the facts for themselves. If the New York Times and its peers had come
at this story with more skepticism and rigor from the beginning, climate
scientists would have realized long ago that if they hope to convince a
skeptical world they need to be ultra-careful, ultra-cautious and even
ultra-conservative in their public statements and recommendations. They
would have understood long ago that because their science is important,
they have to do it more carefully and more publicly than other people.
That may be harsh and it may be ‘unfair’ in some sense, but when you are
dealing with the interests of billions of people you have to expect a
little bit of scrutiny — though not, apparently, from the New York
The very idea that critics would have to use the Freedom of Information
Act to pry back-up data from a scientist on a matter of great public
importance is insane. That data should have been out there years ago,
without anyone having to ask. If it’s considered ‘normal’ in climate
science for researchers to keep their raw data under lock and key, and
refuse to subject it to skeptical and hostile review, then climate
science isn’t science.
The Times and its peers in the mainstream press need to ask themselves
why something this obvious, this important, this newsworthy passed them
by. If they don’t figure that out and make some wrenching changes, they
will continue to watch helplessly as their credibility and readership
inexorably shrink.
The meltdown that worries me most in this whole dismal story isn’t the
meltdown of the Himalayan glaciers. It’s the evident meltdown of basic
journalistic standards among a whole generation of reporters and editors
that keeps me up late at night; I don’t just worry about what they
missed on this story, or on the Iraq story–I wonder what else they are
missing every day.
John Broder’s story this morning is good as far as it goes, but it looks
more and more as if our greatest newspaper has been so wholly conquered
by the spirit of enlightened upper-middle-class progressivism that it
has lost the ability to view its own assumptions with the necessary
skepticism. That is terrible news; the world is changing rapidly in
ways that simply don’t fit the thought templates that upper-middle-class
baby boomers developed over the last twenty years. Increasingly, the
mental map that shapes the way the Times looks at the world simply fails
to match what is happening out there, yet the Times seems less able
than ever to see that.
Before you can report an inconvenient truth you have to be able to
recognize it; this is the test that the Times‘ coverage of the
‘climategate’ story has failed.
The United States and Britain are threatening to withhold support for a
$3.75 billion World Bank loan for a coal-fired plant in South Africa,
expanding the battleground in the global debate over who should pay for
clean energy. The opposition by the bank's two largest members has
raised eyebrows among those who note that the two advanced economies are
allowing development of coal-powered plants in their own countries even
as they raise concerns about those in poorer countries.
While the loan is still likely to be approved on April 6 by the World
Bank board, it has revealed the deep fissures between the world's
industrial powers and developing countries over tackling climate change.
Both camps failed to reach a new deal in Copenhagen in December on a
global climate agreement because of differences over emissions targets
and who should pay for poorer nations to green their economies.
Some $3 billion of the loan to South African power utility Eskom will
fund the bulk of the 4,800-megawatt Medupi coal-fired plant in the
northern Limpopo region and is critical to easing the country's chronic
power shortages that brought the economy to its knees in 2008. The rest
of the money will go toward renewables and energy efficiency projects.
The battle playing out in the World Bank was prompted by new guidance
issued by the U.S. Treasury to multilateral institutions in December on
coal-based power projects, which infuriated developing countries
including China and India.
The guidance directs U.S. representatives to encourage "no or low carbon
energy" options prior to a coal-based choice, and to assist borrowers
in finding additional resources to make up the costs if an alternative
to coal is more expensive.
In a letter to World Bank President Robert Zoellick, board
representatives from Africa, China and India said such actions
"highlighted an unhealthy subservience of the decision-making processes
in the bank to the dictates of one member country".
Eskom has proposed to develop Medupi with the latest supercritical
"clean coal" and carbon storage technologies available on the market,
which is used by most rich countries. Still, Medupi will be a major
polluter that could make it harder for South Africa to meet its
emissions targets.
A U.S. Treasury official told Reuters the United States was in the
process of reviewing the Eskom proposal and will develop a position that
"is consistent with administration policy and with facts surrounding
the project."
World Bank Vice President for Africa, Obiageli Ezekwesili, said South
Africa's energy security was key because the country's growth, or lack
of it, was felt throughout Africa. "There is no viable alternative to
safeguard Africa's energy security at this particular time," she told
Reuters. "This is a transitional investment that they are making toward a
green economy and that should count for something."
But the politically connected Center for American Progress in Washington
argued in a report last week that the World Bank is a standard-setter
for development banks and should push sustainable economic development
models in client countries. "This is a problem for an institution with
the moral and financial responsibility to foster large-scale investment
in sustainable economic development," it said.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was specifically
designed by Maurice Strong as a political vehicle to further his
objective of crippling the industrial nations
Scientists at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) built a dam to contain a
lake full of dirty water. Someone behind the dam drilled a hole and
sprang a leak. The flow is small but growing and the color of the water
gets dirtier and dirtier and the size of the hole will increase as the
extent of the corruption expands. Now a second major leak has developed
in a different area as people dig through the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports. The structure of the organization made
this almost inevitable. However, the structure was necessary to achieve
the political rather than a scientific goal.
Bureaucratic Structure
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was specifically
designed by Maurice Strong as a political vehicle to further his
objective of crippling the industrial nations. An acknowledged master of
bureaucratic systems he set up every segment of the organization for
the maximum public relations effect. This meant emphasis on emotional
impact, especially by exploiting fear. The first need was to direct and
control the science. It was achieved at the 1985 meeting in Villach
Austria chaired by Canadian bureaucrat Gordon McBean with Phil Jones and
Tom Wigley from CRU in attendance. The second need was for maximizing
the fear factor to force political action.
Early stories from the leaked emails identified the obvious illegal and
unacceptable activities that do not require understanding of climate
science. These related to the work of the CRU members who effectively
controlled the chapters on atmospheric chemistry, paleoclimatic
reconstruction of past climate conditions, the computer models, and the
Summary for Policymakers (SPM). Their objective was to prove their
hypothesis that human CO2 was causing global warming and subsequently
climate change. Apart from the SPM all of their work was concentrated in
Working Group I (WGI) to produce the Physical Science Basis Report.
This Report is then accepted, without question, by Working Group II
(Impacts, Adaptation and Variability) and Working Group III (Mitigation
of Climate Change) and becomes the basis of their research. Working
Group II is the Report that has the greatest number of works that are
now being exposed as non peer-reviewed and in some instances
unpublished. They assume warming is going to occur and the rate will
increase. This means that all the studies are focused in a single
direction and taken to extremes. Glaciers will melt rapidly. Sea level
will rise quickly. Drought will increase in intensity. (Here and here)
This last argument is an example of how wrong these reports are.
Increasing droughts is counterintuitive because with warming evaporation
increases putting more moisture in the atmosphere and increasing the
precipitation potential.
Working Group II: Speculation As Fact Equals Corruption
There are several problems with the articles cited, especially in the
WGII Reports. First the IPCC pushed the peer review issue to extremes by
claiming they only used such articles, then peer reviewing each other’s
work. They used the issue to divert skeptics by telling them to get
peer reviewed publications knowing they could control it. When one
article by-passed their guard and was published by Geophysical Research
Letters they got the editor fired. Now we discover they used a multitude
of non-reviewed articles often from very biased sources such as the
World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace as references. Second they used these
articles to apply political pressure, yet the entire process claims to
be unbiased and apolitical. IPCC Chair Pachauri gave this as the reason
for including the false Himalayan ice-melting reports. Pachauri is now
in defense of his actions but the extent of his involvement is so bad
that even Greenpeace are calling for his dismissal.
Pachauri replaced Watson as Chair and the CRU were glad to see him go.
Mike Hulme to Phil Jones on April 22, 2002 said, “Watson has perhaps
thrown his weight about too much in the past.” He then added, “The
science is well covered by Susan Solomon in WGI, so why not get an
engineer/economist since many of the issues now raised by CC are more to
do with energy and money, than natural science.” In other words, we
have the science controlled but the deceptions need to carry over to the
political and economic arena.
The irony of Pachauri’s involvement is that the CRU emails disclose his
appointment was of concern to the gang because he was seen as a
President Bush appointee. On 19 April 2002 Tom Wigley wrote to Phil
Jones passing on an Executive Summary that read, “the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) plenary voted for Dr. Rajendra Pachauri
as the sole chair of the IPCC. Dr. Pachauri, an economist and engineer,
will replace Dr. Robert Watson, an atmospheric chemist, as chair of the
IPCC. This outcome was actively sought by the Bush Administration at the
behest of the most conservative elements of the fossil fuel industry.
This development threatens to undermine the scientific credibility and
integrity of the IPCC and may weaken the job this extraordinary body has
done to bring the world’s attention to one of the most pressing
environmental problems.”
Attempts to Put Fingers in The Dam
The leaks in the dam they built at CRU and the IPCC get bigger and
bigger. Only a fraction of the dirty water has escaped but will continue
to emerge. Meanwhile the cover-up has begun. Pennsylvania State has a
whitewash with an internal review committee. They also announce they are
conveniently not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. They did
not interview major players in the fiasco including Steve McIntyre who
discovered Michael Mann’s hockey stick fraud. In England the temporary
director of the CRU says Jones will be completely vindicated and
reinstated. The person appointed to do the English investigation has a
history of total commitment to the global warming alarmists view. Some
of the IPCC affiliates, such as Andrew Weaver are climbing out of the
lake and running for the trees. The mainstream media continues to ignore
the issue, but the millions of eyes and minds on the Internet are
exposing the cracks in the dam and the sewage that is emerging.
Clash over 'global warming' ratcheted up another degree
Congressman wants funding stopped
The clash over "global warming" has been ratcheted up another degree
this week, with one member of Congress demanding U.S. taxpayer funding
for the research be halted and scientists who have been accused of
slipshod and deceptive work planning a campaign of retaliation against
their critics.
The controversy moved to the front burner late last year when a series
of e-mails was hacked from the Climate Research Unit at the University
of East Anglia in Britain that indicate scientists were hiding and
manipulating data and trying to marginalize critics.
The revelations were significant, because the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency signed two findings Dec. 7 that concluded greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere "threaten the public health and welfare of
current and future generations." The EPA's rulings could mean thousands
of dollars in additional taxes for individual consumers.
Now, Energy and Commerce Committee Ranking Member Joe Barton, R-Texas,
is citing the doubts about the integrity of "climate change" science in a
letter asking for an accounting of U.S. taxpayer support for the United
Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the IPCC. The U.S.
since 1994 has given some $50 million to the panel, and contributions
under Obama now have doubled.
Barton, writing to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, asked the State
Department to stop any contributions until an up-to-date audit is
released. "In recent months, the IPCC has come under significant
criticism for the quality of its principal work product: the periodic
assessments of the causes of climate change and related impacts from a
changing climate," Barton wrote. "Various reports have identified
problems concerning quality-control procedures, peer review, and
political influence on the assessment writeups, raising serious
questions about the scientific integrity of the enterprise," he said.
The congressman asked Clinton to provide details of U.S. funding and
state what controls – if any – have been placed on the funds....
Forget climate change — the real threat to the planet and all of us
riding on it comes from screwball scientists and their schemes to “save”
us from nonexistent threats. The latest plot sounds like it might have
been hatched by a Bond villain: a series of simulated volcanic
explosions to fill the atmosphere with a manmade chemical sunblock that
would shield the entire planet.
Can you imagine anyone saying this stuff with a straight face? Yet
that’s just one of a number of dead-serious proposals in the growing
field of “geoengineering.” Another scheme involves spraying seawater
into the sky around the planet to create more clouds, lowering the
global temperature. I hope you’ve invested in a good umbrella.
What’s even more disturbing is that our government is actually taking
this nonsense seriously. The National Science Foundation just awarded
$382,000 of YOUR money to University of Montana researchers just to
study the ethics of geoengineering.
They should have asked me — I could solve that one for free: Ethics
won’t matter one whit if we’re all dead after scientists blow their
volcanic loads and dump the sea into the sky.
I wasn’t around when the dinosaurs got wiped out — I’m not that old —
but the leading theory says it started with a meteor impact. The space
rock itself didn’t kill off the creatures…instead, the real culprit was a
massive cloud of dust kicked up by the impact, blocking out the sun.
Sound familiar?
I’m not convinced the climate is changing in the first place — and even
if it is, it’s certainly not because of anything we’ve done. The
planet’s a lot older and stronger than us. But if we give in to this
manufactured panic and let the mad scientists engineer the environment
for us, we’ll go the way of the dinosaurs ourselves.
Bali-Hoo: U.N Still Pushing for Global Environmental Control
Despite the debacle of the failed Copenhagen climate change conference
last December, the United Nations is pressing full speed ahead with a
plan for a greatly expanded system of global environmental governance
and for a multitrillion-dollar economic transfer scheme to ignite the
creation of a "global green economy." In other words: Copenhagen
without the authority — yet — of Copenhagen.
The world body even has chosen a time and a place for the culmination of
the process: a World Summit on Sustainable Development to be held in
Rio de Janeiro in 2012, the 20th anniversary of the famed "Earth Summit"
that gave focus and urgency to the world environmentalist movement.
The 2012 summit date is significant for another reason: It marks the end
of the legal term of agreement for the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas
emissions, which includes carbon reduction targets, and provided the
legal basis for an international cap-and-trade market for carbon,
centered in Europe. The U.S. first signed then backed away from the
Kyoto deal without ratifying it; until its apparent collapse, the
comprehensive Copenhagen deal was intended to include the U.S. and
supplant Kyoto with a new, legally binding regime.
The new Rio summit will end, according to U.N. documents obtained by Fox
News, with a "focused political document" presumably laying out the
framework and international commitments to a new Green World Order.
Just exactly what that environmental order will look like, and the
extent of the immense financial commitments needed to produce it, are
under discussion this week at a special session in Bali, Indonesia, of
the United Nations Environment Program's 58-nation "Governing
Council/Global Ministerial Environmental Forum," which oversees UNEP's
The GC/GMEF, as it is known, is made up of environmental ministers and
top-level bureaucrats from a roster of supervising nations — the U.S. is
one of them — and its meeting is surrounded by a galaxy of
environmentalist non-government organizations (NGOs) and environmental
journalists from around the world.
Idyllic Bali is a favored venue for U.N. environmental meetings, in part
because of its seclusion from too many outside eyes, and because its
Pacific location and small size make it a highly congenial hothouse for
environmental enthusiasm. In 2007, it served as a launching pad for the
Bali Action Plan, which laid the negotiating basis for the Copenhagen
treaty process.
The latest Bali session runs from Feb. 24 to 26, and is accompanied by a
welter of other UNEP activity ranging from sessions on international
waste management and chemical disposal, to the start of a process aimed
at a new international treaty covering the storage and disposal of
environmental mercury.
But the major topics are a global system of governance and what amounts
to the next stage of a radical transformation of the world economic and
social order, in the name of saving the planet.
Alongside that, as always, are discussions of vast sums of money that
should flow to developing nations to help them make the transition to
the new, greener world. As one of the papers written in advance of the
meeting to "stimulate discussion" puts it, "the situation ... presents
genuine opportunities for a dramatic shift from what can be termed
'business as usual.'"
For the anonymous bureaucrats who wrote the discussion papers, "business
as usual" apparently means the current world economy, which the
anonymous authors disparagingly term the "brown economy," or the
"current dominant economic model." It is, according to the UNEP
documents, a model in crisis, "which currently consumes more biomass
than the Earth produces on a sustainable basis," and also "depletes
natural capital" and "risks perpetuating and exacerbating persistent
poverty and distributional disparities."
The new green economy under discussion at Bali will be something very
different: For starters, it is much more vague, and as far as the
discussion paper authors are concerned, it will stay that way.
The paper paints the coming green order in nebulous and utopian terms.
It "implies the decoupling of resource use and environmental impacts
from economic growth." It involves "substantially increased investment
in green sectors, supported by enabling policy reforms." The investments
will "provide the mechanism for the reconfiguration of businesses,
infrastructure and institutions, and for adoption of sustainable
consumption and production processes." It will lead to "more green and
decent jobs, reduced energy and material intensities in production
processes, less waste and pollution, and significantly reduced
greenhouse-gas emissions."
But when it comes to measuring the achievement of those goals, the paper
says, "it is counter-productive to develop generic green economy
indicators applicable to all countries given differences in natural,
human and economic resources." In the process of turning brown to green,
"a green economy in one country may look quite dissimilar to a green
economy in another country."
All of which may make judging the value of investment in the ecological
transformation difficult to evaluate, except for insiders. But then, the
paper suggests that the world may have an additional governing
structure composed of exactly those insiders. As the paper puts it:
"Moving towards a green economy would also provide an opportunity to
re-examine national and global governance structures and consider
whether such structures allow the international community to respond to
current and future environmental and development challenges and to
capitalize on emerging opportunities."
The discussion paper, published — but not distributed — on Dec. 14,
2009, assumes that the goal of the green economic transformation is the
same as that of the ill-fated Copenhagen conference: a 50 percent
reduction in global carbon dioxide emissions by 2050. That, the paper
says, will require a staggering $45 trillion dollar to accomplish — much
of it in transfers from rich nations to poorer ones.
The paper, however, paints that as a bargain — "an average yearly
investment of just over $1 trillion." About half of that would go for
"replacing conventional technologies with low-carbon, environmentally
sound alternatives."
What was that most homeowners and apartment dwellers most feared in the
recent record-breaking blizzard that hit the northeast? The answer is
losing electricity and that is why the news of the event was always
filled with reports of what towns had lost electricity due to downed
tree limbs. This was followed by news of how quickly the utilities were
making repairs.
Simply stated, when you lose electricity, you lose light and warmth, and
you are instantly back to the dark ages before magical power flowed
into your home through outlets throughout your house or apartment. No
power leaves people searching for flashlights or, if they have planned
for it, firing up a generator. That is why energy is so critical, not
just to our everyday lives, but to the future of the nation. It is, in
many respects, life itself.
On March 4, yet another environmental organization, this one called
Natural Capitalism Solutions, will hold a teleconference, the purpose of
which is to demonstrate “how utilities can benefit financially by
shifting power generation from existing coal-burning plants to a
combination of efficiency and renewable energy technologies.”
Let’s put this in context. Currently, coal-burning plants provide just
over half of all the electricity generated in the nation. Coal is
abundant and cheap. Wind and solar energy is neither. It is expensive by
almost comparison and, worse, it is unreliable. Unlike the other energy
sources, it provides few jobs.
Under the cold conditions of recent winter events, some wind turbines
simply froze and ceased to function. In more temperate conditions, there
is always the likelihood that the wind will not blow, thus
necessitating the constant maintenance of back-up facilities that
require coal or natural gas. This raises the obvious question, why
bother with wind? Solar energy is subject to the same inconveniences if
the sun is obscured by cloud cover and must constantly be monitored to
remove dust on the panels that interferes with efficiency.
So-called renewable or clean energy currently represents about one
percent of all the energy produced nationwide. If it weren’t for massive
amounts of government cash and subsidies, there would be little or no
renewable energy.
The U.S. is home to huge reserves of coal. It is often called the Saudi
Arabia of coal. The same applies to oil. For all the talk of “energy
independence”, the U.S. through its energy policies has been embarked
since around the 1970s on something I call energy suicide.
If there is one thing the Greens truly hate it is the fuels we use to
maintain our economy and our lifestyle. High on the list is coal, but it
is essential to understand that the Greens are at war with oil and
nuclear power as well. While fifty-five nuclear plants are being built
worldwide, the U.S. lags behind the rest of the world thanks to the
opposition of the Greens.
The purpose of cap-and-trade legislation, the next horror the Obama
administration wants to foists on us, is to make the use of coal very
expensive by claiming that it generates so much “greenhouse gas” that
global warming is always just around the corner. This is no global
warming and those greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, vital to all
life on Earth as plant food. Nevertheless, reports are seeping out of
the festering wound we call Congress that thirteen U.S. Senators are
urging the Majority Leader and the authors of cap-and-trade “to
specifically grant the EPA authority to regulate greenhouse gas
emissions from coal-fired plants.”
Without legitimate scientific justification, EPA should not be able
regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, but that is not
likely to stop it from trying since real science or facts of any kind
have rarely deterred its destructive agenda.
This is just another example of the Greens incessant and relentless
attack on a major source of America’s vital source of life, its
electrical power, and a major fuel source to generate it.
To return to the teleconference, those charged with the management of
utilities would have to be mentally impaired or stupid beyond belief to
give serious consideration to wind or solar power. It will be argued
that those advocating this idiocy are naïve or just seeking energy
alternatives for whatever noble notions they claim to have, but there is
no such thing as “natural” capitalism. There is just capitalism and,
the last time I checked, it operates on the basis of profit achieved in
the most cost efficient and productive way to be competitive in the
interest of its investors, its employees, and its consumers.
I think those in Congress and involved in the mind-boggling matrix of
thousands of Green groups are engaged in doing as much harm as they can,
as swiftly as they can, to the American economy and our future as a
Australia: Police may lay charges over fatal results of rushed Greenie scheme
Peter "The Skull" Garrett should be in the dock too. He is the
responsible Federal environment minister who seemed not to know his a*s
from his elbow and basically seems to have supervised nothing in his
THE Federal Government's home insulation debacle took another twist
yesterday with police confirming criminal charges could be laid over the
three Queensland deaths. Detectives have been interviewing witnesses
and gathering forensic evidence in all three cases, which occurred
between October 2009 and February this year.
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland officers are continuing separate
investigations. They were still interviewing people last week and
moving towards a potential prosecution of individuals or companies.
Individuals could face two years jail and a maximum $100,000 fine if
found guilty of offences causing death.
The latest moves come as a NSW company ABC Insulation became the first
installer to be penalised. It was hit with a $10,000 fine after a dodgy
installation resulted in extensive fire damage to a western Sydney home.
In Queensland, authorities said they were working quickly to complete
reports into the fatalities. Police said they were investigating the
deaths, but added it would be up to the coroner in each case to decide
whether police explored criminal charges.
The directors behind two Queensland companies linked to fatalities were newcomers to insulation installation.
Matthew Fuller, 25, was electrocuted and his 18-year-old girlfriend,
Monique Pridmore, received serious burns while installing foil
insulation in a Meadowbrook home in Logan last October. He was working
for QHI Installations, a company contracted by Brisbane-based
Countrywide Insulation to do the work. Countrywide Insulation was
founded by former bankrupt Jude Kirk, whose previous business interest
was in telemarketing. A spokesman for Countrywide said it had not had
any contact with authorities since an interview before Christmas.
Countrywide reportedly secured 2000 insulation contracts before it was
Also under investigation is the death of 22-year-old Mitchell Sweeney,
who was electrocuted while working in the ceiling of a house at Millaa
Millaa, southwest of Cairns, on February 4. He was employed by Gold
Coast company Titan Insulations. Company records show Titan was co-owned
by 26-year-old Nicholas Lindsay, a Building Services Authority-licensed
builder, who established the company with Frederick Palomar in 2009.
Titan was struck off the registered installers list before the program
was scrapped, but Mr Lindsay is still able to operate as a builder.
Ben Aarons, the owner of the home where Mr Sweeney was killed, said he
had not had any contact with authorities or Titan since the day of the
accident. "I haven't heard a thing. They left a few rolls of
insulation here but I don't think they'll be back to pick it up," he
said last week. "The power was off for about 12 days. They got an
electrician in to check everything about three weeks ago and it was
given the all-clear. "But the Sweeney family lost a son so it's no big
deal to go without power for a little while."
A third Queenslander killed was 16-year-old Rueben Barnes. Mr Barnes
was killed on November 18 while installing insulation at Stanwell near
Rockhampton. He was working for Arrow Property Maintenance, a company
based in Rockhampton since 2006.
Methane frozen beneath Arctic sea bed being released at a faster rate than estimated
There seems to be some attempt to portray this finding as being a cause for alarm -- e.g. here.
All that it in fact shows, however, is that previous estimates were
wrong -- an all too common event among Warmists. It does NOT show that
methane release has accelerated in recent years
Vast quantities of methane are stored in ocean sediments, mostly in the
form of clathrates, but methane is also trapped in submerged terrestrial
permafrost that was flooded during the last deglaciation. There is thus
concern that climate warming could warm ocean waters enough to release
methane cryogenically trapped beneath the seabed, causing even more
warming. Shakhova et al. report that more than 80% of the bottom water,
and more than 50% of the surface water, over the East Siberian Arctic
Shelf, is indeed supersaturated with methane that is being released from
the sub-sea permafrost, and that the flux to the atmosphere now is as
great as previous estimates of that from the entire world ocean.
Extensive Methane Venting to the Atmosphere from Sediments of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
By Natalia Shakhova et al.
Remobilization to the atmosphere of only a small fraction of the methane
held in East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) sediments could trigger
abrupt climate warming, yet it is believed that sub-sea permafrost acts
as a lid to keep this shallow methane reservoir in place. Here, we show
that more than 5000 at-sea observations of dissolved methane
demonstrates that greater than 80% of ESAS bottom waters and greater
than 50% of surface waters are supersaturated with methane regarding to
the atmosphere. The current atmospheric venting flux, which is composed
of a diffusive component and a gradual ebullition component, is on par
with previous estimates of methane venting from the entire World Ocean.
Leakage of methane through shallow ESAS waters needs to be considered in
interactions between the biogeosphere and a warming Arctic climate.
More data selectivity from NASA -- Britain's CRU is not alone
Comment from Tasmania
On the subject of surface stations, one can click here
to go anywhere on a world map and bring up temperature graphs of the
surface stations in that area. The stations are the ones used by NASA’s
GISS to help calculate global mean temperature.
For Tasmania it appears that up until 1993 there were 25 stations being
used. At the end of 1992 most of those stations were dropped for data
gathering purposes, leaving only the ones at Launceston and Hobart
Airports for the next six years. This wiped out many rural areas, all
our high stations and also those on the colder, more exposed West
Two coastal stations appear to have been resurrected around 2008 -
Eddystone Point on the warmer north-east tip of Tasmania and Cape Bruny
on Bruny Island south of Hobart in the D’entrecasteaux Channel. They
are probably now automated.
I have no idea why so many stations were dropped all at once, but
interestingly, in examining the charts I found that almost all had
recorded a sharp drop of between 1.2 to 1.4 degrees Celsius in the four
years from 1988 to 1992, which of course would have been a rather
uncomfortable fact for those pushing the AGW theory. Without the
colder areas and combined with the known UHI effect at airports,
Tasmania would presumably have been contributing warmer mean
temperatures to the global calculations after 1992.
However, at the risk of being accused of “cherry-picking”, Launceston
Airport may still be an inconvenient truth for the AGW lobby,
particularly Tasmania’s “catastrophic man-made global warming”
alarmists, Christine Milne, Bob Brown and the Greens.
The trend line has been remarkably stable and refusing to record any
local or global warming in that area. The first recorded annual mean
temperature was 12.1 degrees in 1939 and 70 years later in 2009, 11.8
degrees. The 1939 mean temperature has only been exceeded five times in
that 70 years and only twice with any significance - by 0.4 of a degree
in 1962 and 0.6 in 1988.
A brief look at other parts of Australia show that many stations were
dropped after 1992. It would be interesting to see the results if other
posters here checked the stations in their own areas. Any takers?
Apparently a pliant media and academe are not enough to defeat a small band of truth tellers
Undaunted by a rash of scandals over the science underpinning climate
change, top climate researchers are plotting to respond with what one
scientist involved said needs to be "an outlandishly aggressively
partisan approach" to gut the credibility of skeptics.
In private e-mails obtained by The Washington Times, climate scientists
at the National Academy of Sciences say they are tired of "being treated
like political pawns" and need to fight back in kind. Their strategy
includes forming a nonprofit group to organize researchers and use their
donations to challenge critics by running a back-page ad in the New
York Times. "Most of our colleagues don't seem to grasp that we're not
in a gentlepersons' debate, we're in a street fight against well-funded,
merciless enemies who play by entirely different rules," Paul R.
Ehrlich, a Stanford University researcher, said in one of the e-mails. [Not false prophet Ehrlich again!]
Some scientists question the tactic and say they should focus instead on
perfecting their science, but the researchers who are organizing the
effort say the political battle is eroding confidence in their work.
"This was an outpouring of angry frustration on the part of normally
very staid scientists who said, 'God, can't we have a civil dialogue
here and discuss the truth without spinning everything,'" said Stephen
H. Schneider, a Stanford professor and senior fellow at the Woods
Institute for the Environment who was part of the e-mail discussion but
wants the scientists to take a slightly different approach.
The scientists have been under siege since late last year when e-mails
leaked from a British climate research institute seemed to show top
researchers talking about skewing data to push predetermined outcomes.
Meanwhile, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the
authoritative body on the matter, has suffered defections of members
after it had to retract claims that Himalayan glaciers will melt over
the next 25 years.
Last month, President Obama announced that he would create a U.S. agency to arbitrate research on climate change.
Sen. James M. Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican and a chief skeptic of
global-warming claims, is considering asking the Justice Department to
investigate whether climate scientists who receive taxpayer-funded
grants falsified data. He lists 17 people he said have been key players
in the controversy....
Not all climate scientists agree with forcing a political fight.
"Sounds like this group wants to step up the warfare, continue to circle
the wagons, continue to appeal to their own authority, etc.," said
Judith A. Curry, a climate scientist at the Georgia Institute of
Technology. "Surprising, since these strategies haven't worked well for
them at all so far."
She said scientists should downplay their catastrophic predictions,
which she said are premature, and instead shore up and defend their
research. She said scientists and institutions that have been pushing
for policy changes "need to push the disconnect button for now," because
it will be difficult to take action until public confidence in the
science is restored. "Hinging all of these policies on global climate
change with its substantial element of uncertainty is unnecessary and is
bad politics, not to mention having created a toxic environment for
climate research," she said. Ms. Curry also said that more engagement
between scientists and the public would help - something that the NAS
researchers also proposed.
Paul G. Falkowski, a professor at Rutgers University who started the
effort, said in the e-mails that he is seeking a $1,000 donation from as
many as 50 scientists to pay for an ad to run in the New York Times. He
said in one e-mail that commitments were already arriving.
A powerful and vital aspect of the fully free society would be that only
those burdens may be imposed on citizens that they have been
convincingly shown, via due process of law, to deserve. This is roughly
how the criminal law works. This is why the prosecution carries the onus
of proof and not the defense–all the defense (the skeptic!) needs to do
is point out serious holes in the case being mounted by the prosecution
and the jury will acquit.
In contrast, when in the old Soviet Union a police officer suspected
someone of criminal activity, this would pretty much close the case and
the accused would have to try to do something awfully difficult, namely,
prove a negative: “I am not guilty.”
The New York Times reports in a recent issue that AGW–anthropogenic
global warming–scientists are beginning to mount a defense of their work
in light of the growing skepticism that follows some of the recent
(more or less serious) malpractice by some of them. As The Times
presents the story, some of the scientists are pretty much baffled by
the persistent skepticism. They appear to believe that their education,
research, and academic credentials should suffice to make the case for
what they earnestly believe.
This suggests that the protesting scientists share the attitude with the
police officers of the former Soviet Union: A suspect is guilty until
proven innocent. These –though by no means all– scientists appear to
want the skeptics to conclusively disprove AGW.
But in a debate about the AGW hypothesis it isn’t the doubters who owe
the proof, just as in a court of criminal law (as noted above) it is not
the defense that owes the proof but the prosecution. And this is quite
sensible: the assertion that someone has done the crime is provable if
true since there is a reality corresponding to it; the assertion that
someone hasn’t done the crime is not except for showing that the case in
support of guilt is weak, not true beyond a reasonable doubt. (Proving
negatives is only possible once the argument for the positive is in
place, otherwise on is shooting in the dark!)
What the scientists need to realize is that a sizable portion of the
public holds to the idea: the onus of proof is on those asserting the
AGW theory. And it needs to be a solid proof at that since the
consequences of accepting it imply Draconian burdens to be imposed on
the public, burdens no one ought to suffer unless there is powerful
proof that it is deserved.
Al Gore & Co. are very enthusiastic about imposing these burdens not
just on Americans and other citizens of developed countries but on
virtually everyone across the globe, even those whose chances to finally
emerging out of poverty will be severely undermined by them. Given the
prospect of such public policy consequence, the pro-AGW scientists
simply must realize that many of us don’t want a plausible theory, not
even a probably true one. What we want is something that nails the case
firmly, without any reasonable doubt left. But this of course the
scientists haven’t managed to produce and there is evidence that among
them there are quite a few skeptics –e.g., reportedly among physicists.
In other words the pro-AGW scientists need to realize that they don’t
run the show and cannot expect to lord it over the rest of us merely
because they have a strong suspicion about AGW. That will not suffice
for free men and women, not by a long shot.
Perhaps it is a sign of the waning influence of the classical liberal
political and legal tradition that we are witnessing with these
scientists insisting that their current case alone should suffice and we
need all comply, never mind reasonable doubt. That would be a
devastating development for it could establish a precedent that is
completely antithetical to how a government in a free country must treat
the citizenry. It would, in short, begin to usher in dictatorship. I
doubt even scientists confident of their belief in AGW want something
like that to happen. [I wonder ... JR]
British meteorologists concede that they can't predict even three months ahead
But predicting 50 years ahead is a cinch!
Britain was in for a season of mildness, the Met Office announced,
shortly before the coldest winter in 31 years. That followed the
prediction of a barbecue summer that went on to leave the nation with
some very soggy sausages. Now the Met Office is to abandon the seasonal
forecasts that have brought it so much recent humiliation.
While the move will be seen inevitably as a climbdown, the Met Office
insists that it comes after widespread public polling over the past few
months. “All our research shows that the public aren’t interested in
seasonal weather forecasts, but they do want a monthly forecast, which
we’ll be running on our website,” an official said.
Some experts, though, argue that the forecasts were too experimental for
public consumption, and were harming the reputation of the Met Office.
“I don’t think these forecasts are much value to the public,” said
Professor Mike Hulme, at the University of East Anglia. “When people see
them going wrong, they see everything else the Met Office does is
wrong, and it weakens the rest of their science.”
Even the chief executive of the Met Office, John Hirst, gave a less than
full-hearted endorsement of his own forecasting team during this
winter. “Our recent seasonal forecasts have been disappointing,” he
told The Times. “Our initial prediction that this winter was likely to
be mild in the UK is going to be wide of the mark.” It was, instead, the
coldest winter in decades. “To be fair, we’ve always said this is a
developing area of forecasting,” Mr Hirst added. “We’ve also emphasised
the probabilities and uncertainties involved in these forecasts.”
Others, though, have criticised the way the forecasts were overhyped.
The much derided “barbecue summer” headline was a piece of PR spin —
added long after the forecasters had done their work. In fact, the
forecasters had predicted a warmer than average summer and were
perfectly candid in admitting that there was no indication of what the
rainfall would be. In the event they were vindicated, because June, July
and August were all warmer than normal. It was the rainfall that washed
out the barbecues, not the temperatures. Predicting whether a season
will be wet or dry is far more difficult than temperatures because rains
are more susceptible to the vagaries of winds and other capricious
weather patterns.
The prediction of a mild winter this year was an enormous howler,
however. Even so, the forecasters had warned of a cold end to the
winter, around February, thanks to a huge disturbance in the atmosphere
triggered by El Niño in the Pacific. This launched a massive plume of
warm air high into the atmosphere that led to bitterly cold Arctic air
being shunted down through Europe. That part of the forecast came true.
Long-range forecasts need to be handled with care. This is cutting-edge
science, only about 25 years old, but has scored more success in the
tropical regions, such as forecasting seasonal rains in Africa, where
the impact of oceans on the weather is more predictable.
But in the mid-latitudes, where Britain sits, the ocean and atmosphere
are less predictable, which leaves the forecasts riddled with
uncertainties. They have to be expressed in infuriatingly woolly
language, using statistical probabilities, while the public wants
something that is much more clear-cut. That is why seasonal weather
forecasts will in future be restricted to the experts.
Attacking someone’s religion is a practice guaranteed to elicit heated
responses. This is certainly true when one dares to question the
deeply-held tenets of the First Church of Environmentalism. The green
commandment “thou shalt recycle” is an especially touchy subject. Yet,
at the risk of damnation, let us consider another bit of blasphemy:
there is no good reason — environmentally, economically or otherwise —
to recycle glass.
One of the reasons that we are told we have to recycle is that it takes
so long for many wastes to decompose in a landfill. This argument
presupposes that there is something inherently wrong, even dangerous,
about burying an inert material under the soil in a relatively small
plot of land. The decomposition argument is not the only evidence used
by recycling zealots to advance their case, but it’s an especially
important exhibit.
Wastes that end up in landfills can be broken down into two broad
categories: organic and inorganic. Organic wastes, like foodstuffs and
paper, break down pretty quickly; twenty years is the generally-accepted
rule of thumb decomposition period for organic waste in a landfill.
Plastics are the organic exception to this rule, but that’s another
column. Global warming alarmism has changed the way that the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) views the organic decomposition
process. When organic wastes decompose, they create methane, which can
then be recovered and thus used to generate electricity. This energy is,
according to EPA, renewable, greenhouse-gas-neutral power and is
therefore prized. Indeed, under the proposed Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade
bill, power generated through the use of landfill gas would be exempt
from what would effectively be a carbon tax.
Of course, burning those organic wastes directly is still officially
frowned upon. That would be “incineration” and incineration is bad. The
irony here is that it is enormously difficult to obtain EPA permission
to separate the organic components of a waste stream and burn them
“tomorrow” to generate renewable energy, but it’s perfectly fine –
environmentally friendly even – to bury those same materials under a
mound of earth and slowly recover their energy value over the course of
two decades.
In general, inorganic wastes take a very long time to decompose.
Inorganic wastes include metals like aluminum and steel and, to return
to the focal point of this piece, glass. Depending on the source, the
decomposition rate for glass is variously quoted as thousands to
millions of years. The first question that leaps to mind is a basic one:
Who cares? Undecomposed glass does not, can not, harm the environment
or endanger human health by any possible stretch of the most vivid
imagination. Chemically speaking, you can’t get much more inert than
glass. Further, as I have previously pointed out, we’re hardly hurting
for landfill space that an excess of glass waste could somehow use up.
The second question that quickly follows is this: What does the term
“glass decomposition” even mean? Glass is primarily comprised of fused
silica, i.e., sand. If the concern here is that it takes thousands or
millions of years before silica crystals that make up the empty bottle
of your favorite libation finally break apart into smaller pieces,
here’s a suggestion: grab a ball-peen hammer and smash the offending
bottle into smithereens. Problem solved. (Safety warning: please don’t
forget to don your safety goggles should you perform this valuable
environmental service).
The big problems with glass recycling are that: a) the primary raw
material (sand) used in glass production is plentiful and cheap, and b)
the supply of recycled glass far exceeds demand. There are a couple of
reasons for the latter. The first has to do with the chemical
composition of recycled glass. While glass is primarily made up of
silica, it also contains trace amounts of other chemicals that are
specific to the application in question. The chemical compositions of
the glass in windshields, beverage containers and panes of window glass
are all subtly different; each product is carefully engineered to
optimize performance related to a specific end use.
Ground, recycled glass, called “cullet” in the industry, is a mish-mash
of diverse chemical components. Accordingly, glass manufacturers can
only use a small amount of cullet when producing their products. If they
use too much cullet they run the risk of compromising the integrity of
whatever they are manufacturing. In recognition of this inherent
problem, recycling proponents have labored valiantly to create new
markets for cullet, but those markets don’t even come close to
addressing the gross over-supply of waste glass. When you drop that
empty bottle of brew in your recycle bin, chances are that it will
ultimately end up in a landfill.
The other problem with recycled glass involves color. Like it or not,
manufacturers who utilize glass products are charged with producing
specific colors. Heineken beer bottles are green, while Miller favors
clear glass and Michelob chooses a brown hue for their brand of suds.
When bottle manufacturers utilize cullet, they introduce a wild-card
that has the potential to throw their color-matching train off track.
Accordingly, color-matching is another reason why recycled glass is used
sparingly. The problem is especially acute when it comes to green
glass. While the market for recycled glass of any color is limited, the
demand for green glass is practically non-existent. Some municipalities
that require residents to recycle glass have tried to exempt green glass
from their recycling ordinances, to little avail. Environmental groups
will not tolerate such apostasy, even when blasphemy is grounded in
marketplace reality.
Glass recycling programs are perhaps the ultimate example of
environmentally inspired, pointless government intervention in the free
market. A recycled commodity with essentially no value has been declared
by government mandate an essential resource when it is anything but.
Want to prove the point? After you have dutifully set aside your
recyclables, try this: sort out your aluminum cans and your glass
bottles and place them in separate piles upon your front lawn. I’ll
guarantee you that some enterprising scavenger will collect the aluminum
in short order, because those cans will bring a profit. The glass
bottles? They will go untouched, leaving your neighbors to wonder what
in the heck you are trying to pull. When it comes to the environmental
movement’s recycling dogma, one has to wonder the same thing.
I will leave it to skeptical climatologists to make systematic
comments on the report below but a few comments from me anyway: The
peer-reviewed papers concerned almost certainly are based on data from
some years back -- and there have been a lot of changes in recent years
that make the conclusions laughable. Take the claim that the Earth is
continuing to warm at the rate of about 0.16C a decade. Who knew?
That's nowhere in the data for the last 10 years. And even Phil Jones
of CRU admits that there has been no statistically significant warming
since 1995. "Not statistically significant" means "so small that it
could have been caused by chance alone".
On a more personal note, the claim that more rain is falling in high and
low latitudes and less in tropical and sub-tropical regions is really a
laugh. I live in the sub-tropics and we are having huge amounts of
rain -- with most dams in the region overflowing and rarely seen high
levels in those that are not overflowing: "Dams are holding the most water ever recorded in Queensland's history". To sum up the report below in one word: Crap -- JR
EVIDENCE that human activity is causing global warming is much stronger
than previously stated and is found in all parts of the world, according
to a study that attempts to refute claims from sceptics. The
"fingerprints" of human influence on the climate can be detected not
just in rising temperatures but in the saltiness of the oceans, rising
humidity, changes in rainfall and the shrinking of Arctic Sea ice at the
rate of 600,000sq km a decade.
The study, by senior scientists from Britain's Met Office Hadley Centre,
the University of Edinburgh, Melbourne University and Victoria
University in Canada, concluded that there was an "increasingly remote
possibility" that the sceptics were right that human activities were
having no discernible impact. There was a less than 5 per cent
likelihood that natural variations in climate were responsible for the
The study said that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
had understated mankind's overall contribution to climate change. The
IPCC had said in 2007 that there was no evidence of warming in the
Antarctic. However, the panel said the latest observations showed that
man-made emissions were having an impact on even the remotest continent.
The panel assessed more than 100 recent peer-reviewed scientific papers
and found that the overwhelming majority had detected clear evidence of
human influence on the climate. Peter Stott, head of climate monitoring
and attribution at the Met Office, who led the study, said: "This
wealth of evidence we have now shows there is an increasingly remote
possibility of climate change being dominated by natural factors rather
than human factors."
However, a section of the study that said changes in hurricane activity
were poorly understood is likely to be seized on by sceptics, who argue
that disasters such as Hurricane Katrina have been falsely blamed on
man-made global warming.
Publication of the research in the journal Wiley Interdisciplinary
Reviews: Climate Change comes as two inquiries are being held into
accusations, based on leaked e-mails, that scientists at Britain's
University of East Anglia mani- pulated and suppressed climate data.
The study found that since 1980, the average global temperature had
increased by about 0.5C (0.9F) and that the Earth was continuing to warm
at the rate of about 0.16C a decade.
This trend is reflected in measurements from the oceans. Warmer
temperatures had led to more evaporation from the surface, most
noticeably in the sub-tropical Atlantic, said Dr Stott. As a result,
the sea was getting saltier. Evaporation in turn affected humidity and
rainfall. The atmosphere was getting more humid, as climate models had
predicted, and amplifying the water cycle. This meant more rain was
falling in high and low latitudes and less in tropical and sub-tropical
The "Climategate" scandal, which broke in November 2009, revealed what
many skeptics had privately suspected. Prominent climate scientists at
the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) had
collaborated to keep data out of skeptics' hands, subverted the peer
review process, and used questionable methods to construct the
temperature record on which the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel
Climate Change (IPCC) based its recommendations.
Now a new "Climategate" scandal is emerging, this time based on
documents released by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)
in response to several Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) suits filed by
the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). The newly released emails
further demonstrate the politicized nature of climate science, revealing
a number of questionable practices that cast doubt on the credibility
of scientific data provided by NASA.
The emails reveal that GISS, like CRU, has done a poor job of preserving
and managing its data. Although there is no evidence that GISS has
destroyed its data, as CRU did in the late 1980s, Dr. Reto Ruedy of GISS
admits in an email that "[The United States Historical Climate Network]
data are not routinely kept up-to-date." In another email, he reveals
that NASA had inflated its temperature data since 2000 on a questionable
basis. "[NASA's] assumption that the adjustments made the older data
consistent with future data… may not have been correct," he says.
"Indeed, in 490 of the 1057 stations the USHCN data were up to 1C colder
than the corresponding GHCN data, in 77 stations the data were the
same, and in the remaining 490 stations the USHCN data were warmer than
the GHCN data."
Unfortunately, it seems that the discrepancy privately highlighted by
Dr. Ruedy was not coincidental, but part of a broader pattern of
misrepresentation on the part of GISS. Between 2002 and 2005, GISS chief
James Hansen issued press releases headlined "2005 Warmest Year in a
Century;" "2006 was Earth's Fifth Warmest Year;" and "The 2002
meteorological year is the second warmest year in the period of accurate
instrumental data." In other words, global warming is happening and
that immediate action is necessary.
However, as Canadian researcher Steve McIntyre points out, these
releases were inconsistent with other NASA documents that suggest that
the warmest year in U.S. history was actually 1934. In response to
McIntyre, Hansen emailed Dr. Donald E. Anderson, saying that, "If one
wished to be scientific, instead of trying to confuse the public … one
should note that single year temperatures for an area as small as the
U.S. (2% of the globe) are extremely noisy." In a similar email to Dr.
Anderson on August 14, 2007, Hansen described the previously touted
temperature "records" as "minor," "negligible," and "less than the
In fact, further corrections revealed by the emails indicate that U.S.
temperatures on average had only increased by 0.5 degree Celsius since
1934, rather than 1 degree, as originally claimed.
The released emails from both the University of East Anglia and NASA
illustrate how far the "scientific consensus" on climate change has been
politicized -- to the point of unreliability. Dependent on an alarmist
atmosphere for continued government funding, state-sponsored scientific
organizations have a strong incentive to hire ideologically committed
Taken together, these revelations all show that we actually know much
less about the workings of the climate than politicized scientists and
advocates like Al Gore say we do. Yet virtually all calls to "action" to
prevent climate change are based on the belief that the extent to which
greenhouse gases have overwhelmed natural forces in affecting the
climate is a settled question.
Despite all this, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is forging
ahead with its politically motivated finding that greenhouse gases
endanger public health and welfare and need to be expensively regulated.
Thankfully, as the evidence of the bankruptcy of much of the "settled"
climate science continues to accumulate, public outcry may help bring
this politically motivated agenda to an end.
Though hopefully not for a long time. If and when it hapens again it will be a REAL disaster
Earth's glacial cycles have varied dramatically over time; at one point
glaciers may have covered nearly the entire planet. Correlating various
paleoclimate proxies such as fossil and isotope records from that time
hinges on the ability to acquire precise age estimates of rocks
deposited around the time of this so-called "Snowball Earth." Macdonald
et al. (p. 1241) report new high-precision U-Pb dates of Neoproterozoic
strata in the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada, to calibrate the
timing of carbon isotope variation in rocks from other locations around
the globe. Based on the estimated past positions of where these rocks
were deposited, glaciers probably extended to equatorial latitudes. The
overlap with the survival and, indeed, diversification of some
eukaryotes in the fossil record suggests that life survived in localized
ecological niches during this global glaciation.
The Neoproterozoic was an era of great environmental and biological
change, but a paucity of direct and precise age constraints on strata
from this time has prevented the complete integration of these records.
We present four high-precision U-Pb ages for Neoproterozoic rocks in
northwestern Canada that constrain large perturbations in the carbon
cycle, a major diversification and depletion in the microfossil record,
and the onset of the Sturtian glaciation. A volcanic tuff interbedded
with Sturtian glacial deposits, dated at 716.5 million years ago, is
synchronous with the age of the Franklin large igneous province and
paleomagnetic poles that pin Laurentia to an equatorial position. Ice
was therefore grounded below sea level at very low paleolatitudes, which
implies that the Sturtian glaciation was global in extent.
Democrat lawmakers move to restrain EPA on climate change
As climate change legislation stalled in the Senate, the Obama
administration noted that it had a workable -- although admittedly
unwieldy -- Plan B. If Congress wouldn't cap U.S. emissions, officials
said, the Environmental Protection Agency would do it instead. Now,
even Plan B may be in trouble.
On Thursday, Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-W.Va.) introduced a bill
that would put a two-year freeze on the EPA's ability to regulate
greenhouse gases from power plants. His was the latest of various
congressional proposals -- from both chambers and both parties --
designed to delay or overturn the EPA's regulations. It is unclear how
far Rockefeller's bill will go. Even if it passed, it could face a
presidential veto. But environmentalists are worried that the measure
could attract moderate Democrats, who are worried, in turn, about
driving up the prices of fossil fuels such as oil and coal.
And, in a broader sense, activists are concerned about a loss of
momentum for action on climate change. Since the House passed a climate
bill last summer, there has been disappointment in Copenhagen, gridlock
in the Senate and increased skepticism in opinion polls. Now, some
environmentalists say, it turns out the old worst-case scenario -- a
crackdown by the EPA as the only option -- might not be as bad as it can
Rockefeller's legislation would not affect the EPA's plans to limit
greenhouse gas emissions from cars and trucks. But it would prevent the
agency from implementing -- or even doing much work on -- caps on
emissions from such "stationary sources" as power plants and factories.
Experts say the bill could postpone regulations for as much as four
Rockefeller said the two-year delay would allow time for
Congress to impose its own rules on emissions and, perhaps, for
technological breakthroughs to reduce emissions from burning fossil
fuels. "Today, we took important action to safeguard jobs, the coal
industry and the entire economy," Rockefeller said. West Virginia is a
major coal producer. Rockefeller added, "Congress, not the EPA, must be
the ideal decision-maker on such a challenging issue."
Oil and mining industries started lobbying for Rockefeller's
proposal as soon as it was introduced, although Lou Hayden, a policy
analyst for the American Petroleum Institute, said Rockefeller didn't go
far enough. Petroleum industry groups have said that higher fuel costs
would be a heavy weight on the U.S. economy. "We don't know why [the
freeze on EPA authority] isn't made permanent," Hayden said.
Several other Democrats have already signaled their unease about
the administration's tackling climate change without explicit
congressional approval.
Frog die-off: Don't tell me Warmists got that one wrong too!
Not a single mention of climate change in the report from Australia
below: How unusual. A few years ago global warming was the universally
acclaimed culprit worldwide
In the world of amphibians, it is the equivalent of finding the
Tasmanian tiger. A species of frog presumed extinct for nearly 30 years
has turned up in the Southern Tablelands. The yellow-spotted bell frog
was once ubiquitous in the northern and southern tablelands of NSW, but
was almost wiped out after the chytrid fungus arrived from Africa in the
early 1970s.
It was found alive and well in 2008 by government researcher Luke
Pearce, who was searching for a native fish, the southern pygmy perch.
Instead, he spotted the bell frog, which has distinctive markings on its
groin and thighs. But Mr Pearce had to wait until last October before
he could return with David Hunter, the threatened species officer of the
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, to confirm the
finding. "We heard this bell frog call," Mr Pearce said. "[We] went
down looking for it and actually nearly stepped on it. It was quite
amazing. This frog was just waiting there to be found."
In one stretch of stream on a farm in an unspecified part of the
Southern Tablelands, an estimated 100 yellow-spotted bell frogs have
been found. Six tadpoles have been taken to Taronga Zoo to establish a
breeding program. "If it has a predisposition to being resistant to
this fungus, as opposed to having site attributes resulting in
resistance, that will afford it much greater protection when we start
putting it elsewhere," Dr Hunter said.
Michael McFadden, an amphibian keeper at Taronga Zoo, said the fungus
had caused the loss of seven frog species in Australia. It was thought
to have wiped out two species that have been found in the past few
years. In all, almost a quarter of the state's frog species have been
affected by the fungus, including 15 threatened varieties such as the
green and golden bell frog, the corroboree frog and the spotted tree
frog. "Highland species of frogs crashed really hard," he said.
Two years ago, the armoured mist frog of northern Queensland was found
after not being seen since the early 1990s. "This is the equivalent of
discovering the Tasmanian tiger, in terms of amphibians, in terms of
frogs," the NSW Environment Minister, Frank Sartor, said of the latest
ABOUT 50 ships, including large ferries carrying thousands of people,
are stuck in the ice in the Baltic Sea and many were not likely to be
freed for hours. Swedish maritime authorities said the vessels were
awaiting help from ice breakers. Two passenger ferries had been freed.
Johny Lindvall of the Swedish Maritime Administration's ice breaker unit
said all the six ferries besides one were shuttling passengers between
Sweden and Finland, while the Regal Star ferry had been on its way to
Estonia. Sweden's TT news agency first reported that the two largest
ferries, the Isabella and the Amorella, were in total carrying 2630
passengers, but later revised the number to 1841. The Isabella has been
freed, while the Amorella and the Regal Star were among the ferries
that are still stuck, Mr Lindvall said.
Viking Line head Jan Kaarstroem told TT that his company's ferries were
well equipped to handle ice and that all the passengers were safe.
Two ice breakers are in the area where the ferries are stuck, while a
third is on its way after helping commercial vessels further north in
the Bay of Bothnia, Mr Lindvall said. That ice breaker “will not get
there until midnight at the earliest, so they'll be stuck there until
tomorrow morning at least”, he said.
Many of the commercial vessels had got stuck in the narrow Bay of
Bothnia, where the ice is thicker, and around the autonomous Aaland
islands. All the ferries meanwhile had run into trouble just outside
the Stockholm archipelago made up of more than 20,000 islands, Lindvall
said. “They got caught outside the archipelago, where there is moving
ice. It's hard to navigate,” he said, adding that he had not seen a
situation with so many ships stuck at once since the mid-1980s.
Sweden has suffered an unusually harsh winter this
year, with temperatures across the country almost continuously lying
well below freezing since December. And with gusting, freezing winds whipping the Baltic over the past week, it was easy for ships to get stuck, Mr Lindvall said.
The large ferries are equipped to break their way through the thin
layers of ice that often cover parts of the Baltic they traffic. That
is perhaps why a number of them decided to ignore a warning the Swedish
Maritime Administration had issued this week, according to Ulf Gullne,
also of the administration's ice breaker unit. “The problem is that
these big ferries think they can handle the ice. They have extremely
powerful engines, but in this case the ice was simply too difficult for
them,” he told Swedish public radio.
But Viking Line head Kaarstroem told TT the Amorella and the Isabella had already left port when the ice warning came.
SOURCE (Update: All the ships have now been freed)
The University of East Anglia CRU comes clean: there WAS a medieval warm period
Admitted by none less than Phil Jones's boss
Finally, after all this time we start hearing the truth out of a government inquiry.
Next to him, holding a metaphorical hand, was Professor
Edward Acton, his vice-chancellor, who interrupted at intervals to tell
the committee what a splendid fellow Jones was and how his unit was
doing magnificent work warning the world.
Acton conceded that not everything pointed in the same direction.
It’s acknowledged that several hundred years ago Earth became much
warmer. If we knew why, we could explain a lot. “The early medieval
period is something we should spend more time researching,” he mused.
The infamous ‘hockey stick graph’ is now debunked even by those who used to worship it.
If you use a graph as evidence, then the data you used to make it up is therefore equally exposed as being faulty.
All around it was a bad day for warmism and Dr Phil Jones.
The sight of another scientist being skewered makes for
painful viewing. Whatever your view on man-made global warming, you had
to feel sorry for Professor Phil Jones, the man behind the leaked emails
from the University of East Anglia
The greatest scandal connected to global warming is not exaggeration,
fraud or destruction of data to conceal the weakness of the argument. It
is those who are personally profiting from promoting this fantasy at
the expense of the rest of us.
Al Gore is the most visible beneficiary. The world's greatest
climate-change fear-monger has amassed millions in book sales and
speaking fees. His science-fiction movie, "An Inconvenient Truth," won
an Academy Award for best documentary and 21 other film awards. He was
co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his "efforts to build up
and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to
lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such
Meanwhile, Mr. Gore was laying his own foundations. As he was whipping
up hysteria over climate change, he cannily invested in "green" firms
that stood to profit in the hundreds of millions of dollars (if not
more) from increased government regulations and sweetheart deals from
connected politicians and bureaucrats. The multimillionaire climate
dilettante was given a free pass by reporters, who refused to ask him
hard questions about the degree to which he was profiting from the panic
he was causing.
With the global-warming story line unraveling, the New York Times
allowed Mr. Gore to run what amounted to an unpaid advertisement for his
brand of climate-change hysteria. This screed, published Saturday,
reiterated his claim that the world faces an "unimaginable calamity
requiring large-scale, preventive measures to protect human civilization
as we know it." That's pretty good rhetoric for the person with the
largest carbon footprint in the world.
Mr. Gore is not the only one profiting from climate fraud. Rajendra K.
Pachauri, chairman of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace prize with Mr. Gore, is also
the director general of the Energy and Resources Institute. The New
Delhi-based research group has received substantial financial grants to
examine the issue of the world's vanishing glaciers, a purported crisis
that was highlighted in the 2007 IPCC climate-change report. The
glaciology unit is headed by Syed Hasnain, who in 1999 claimed that
Himalayan glaciers would be gone by 2035, which became a noted scare
quote in the IPCC report.
A more detailed study found that glacial melt was far less pronounced
and widespread than claimed by the global-warming proponents. Mr.
Pachauri denounced this skepticism as "voodoo science." However, in
January, Murari Lal, who wrote the glacier section of the 2007 IPCC
report, admitted that the alarmist claims were not backed by
peer-reviewed science but had been included in the report for a
political purpose, which was to "impact policy-makers and politicians
and encourage them to take some concrete action." No word on whether Mr.
Pachauri will return his institute's grant money, but we doubt it.
The greatest potential profits are possible in the ill-defined "carbon
trading" industry, currently valued at $126 billion. The trade in carbon
emission credits - a key aspect of the beleaguered "cap-and-trade"
energy bill now stalled in Congress - will make quick fortunes for the
"carbon brokers" assisting companies with reducing their carbon
footprints. But because carbon quotas and the acceptable means of
measuring them will be determined by the government, this will benefit
those who combine presumed expertise with political access, which in the
Obama administration means the climate-change alarmists.
Mr. Gore is heavily involved in this scam through Generation Investment
Management LLP, which he chairs, and Mr. Pachauri also has been accused
of making millions from carbon trading. The dubious science of
cap-and-trade and its productivity-killing implications make the bill
unlikely to be passed in an election year, but any moves toward this
framework will enhance the fortunes of these and other well-connected
adherents to the global-warming cult at the expense of businesses and
private citizens.
Given the clear conflicts of interest of those who both promote and
profit from climate-change alarmism, the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize should
be rescinded.
Rather amazingly, this was published on the site of Australia's very Left-leaning ABC
Somehow the tables have turned. For all the smears of big money funding
the "deniers", the numbers reveal that the sceptics are actually the
true grassroots campaigners, while Greenpeace defends Wall St. How times
have changed.
Sceptics are fighting a billion dollar industry aligned with a trillion
dollar trading scheme. Big Oil's supposed evil influence has been vastly
outdone by Big Government, and even those taxpayer billions are trumped
by Big-Banking.
The big-money side of this debate has fostered a myth that sceptics
write what they write because they are funded by oil profits. They say,
follow the money? So I did and it's chilling. Greens and
environmentalists need to be aware each time they smear with an ad
hominem attack they are unwittingly helping giant finance houses.
Money for Sceptics: Greenpeace has searched for funding for sceptics and
found $23 million paid by Exxon over 10 years (which has stopped).
Perhaps Greenpeace missed funding from other fossil fuel companies, but
you can be sure that they searched. I wrote the Climate Money paper in
July last year, and since then no one has claimed a larger figure.
Big-Oil may well prefer it if emissions are not traded, but it's not
make-or-break for them. If all fossil fuels are in effect "taxed",
consumers will pay the tax anyhow, and past price rises in crude oil
suggest consumers will not consume much less fuel, so profits won't
actually fall that much.
But in the end, everyone spends more on carbon friendly initiatives than
on sceptics-- even Exxon: (how about $100 million for Stanford's Global
Climate and Energy Project, and $600 million for Biofuels research).
Some will complain that Exxon is massive and their green commitment was a
tiny part of their profits, but the point is, what they spent on
sceptics was even less.
Money for the Climate Industry: The US government spent $79 billion on
climate research and technology since 1989 - to be sure, this funding
paid for things like satellites and studies, but it's 3,500 times as
much as anything offered to sceptics. It buys a bandwagon of support, a
repetitive rain of press releases, and includes PR departments of
institutions like NOAA, NASA, the Climate Change Science Program and the
Climate Change Technology Program. The $79 billion figure does not
include money from other western governments, private industry, and is
not adjusted for inflation. In other words, it could be…a lot bigger.
For direct PR comparisons though, just look at "Think Climate Think
Change": the Australian Government put $13.9 million into just one quick
advertising campaign. There is no question that there are vastly more
financial rewards for people who promote a carbon-made catastrophe than
for those who point out the flaws in the theory.
Ultimately the big problem is that there are no grants for scientists to
demonstrate that carbon has little effect. There are no Institutes of
Natural Climate Change, but plenty that are devoted to UnNatural Forces.
It's a monopsony, and the main point is not that the scientists are
necessarily corrupted by money or status (though that appears to have
happened to a few), but that there is no group or government seriously
funding scientists to expose flaws. The lack of systematic auditing of
the IPCC, NOAA, NASA or East Anglia CRU, leaves a gaping vacuum. It's
possible that honest scientists have dutifully followed their grant
applications, always looking for one thing in one direction, and when
they have made flawed assumptions or errors, or just exaggerations, no
one has pointed it out simply because everyone who could have, had a job
doing something else. In the end the auditors who volunteered — like
Steve McIntyre and AnthonyWatts — are retired scientists, because they
are the only ones who have the time and the expertise to do the hard
work. (Anyone fancy analysing statistical techniques in
dendroclimatology or thermometer siting instead of playing a round of
Money for the Finance Houses: What the US Government has paid to one
side of the scientific process pales in comparison with carbon trading.
According to the World Bank, turnover of carbon trading reached $126
billion in 2008. PointCarbon estimates trading in 2009 was about $130
billion. This is turnover, not specifically profits, but each year the
money market turnover eclipses the science funding over 20 years. Money
Talks. Every major finance house stands to profit as brokers of a paper
trade. It doesn't matter whether you buy or sell, the bankers take a
slice both ways. The bigger the market, the more money they make
shifting paper.
Not surprisingly banks are doing what banks should do (for their
shareholders): they're following the promise of profits, and urging
governments to adopt carbon trading. Banks are keen to be seen as good
corporate citizens (look, there's an environmental banker!), but somehow
they don't find the idea of a non-tradable carbon tax as appealing as a
trading scheme where financial middlemen can take a cut. (For banks
that believe in the carbon crisis, taxes may well "help the planet," but
they don't pay dividends.)
The stealthy mass entry of the bankers and traders poses a major force.
Surely if money has any effect on carbon emissions, it must also have an
effect on careers, shareholders, advertising, and lobbying? There were
over 2,000 lobbyists in Washington in 2008.
Unpaid sceptics are not just taking on scientists who conveniently
secure grants and junkets for pursuing one theory, they also conflict
with potential profits of Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, BNP Paribas,
Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Barclays, Morgan Stanley, and every other financial
institution or corporation that stands to profit like the Chicago
Climate Exchange, European Climate Exchange, PointCarbon, IdeaCarbon
(and the list goes on… ) as well as against government bureaucracies
like the IPCC and multiple departments of Climate Change. There's no
conspiracy between these groups, just similar profit plans or power
Tony Abbot's new policy removes the benefits for bankers. Labor and the
Greens don't appear to notice that they fight tooth and nail for a
market in a "commodity" which isn't a commodity and that guarantees
profits for big bankers. The public though are figuring it out.
Commissioner Bart Chilton, head of the energy and environmental markets
advisory committee of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC),
has predicted that within five years a carbon market would dwarf any of
the markets his agency currently regulates: "I can see carbon trading
being a $2 trillion market." "The largest commodity market in the
world." He ought to know.
It promises to be larger than the markets for coal, oil, gold, wheat,
copper or uranium. Just soak in that thought for a moment. Larger than
Richard L. Sandor, chairman and chief executive officer of Climate
Exchange Plc, agrees and predicts trades eventually will total $10
trillion a year." That's 10 thousand billion dollars.
Ultimately the atmosphere is what it is regardless of fiat currency
movements. Some people will accuse me of smearing climate scientists and
making the same ad hominem attacks I detest and protest about. So note
carefully: I haven't said that the massive amount of funding received by
promoters of the Carbon Catastrophe proves that they are wrong, just as
the grassroots unpaid dedication of sceptics doesn't prove them right
either. But the starkly lop-sided nature of the funding means we'd be
fools not to pay very close attention to the evidence. It also shows how
vapid the claims are from those who try to smear sceptics and who
mistakenly think ad hominem arguments are worth making.
And as far as evidence goes, surprisingly, I agree with the IPCC that
carbon dioxide warms the planet. But few realise that the IPCC relies on
feedback factors like humidity and clouds causing a major amplification
of the minor CO2 effect and that this amplification simply isn't there.
Hundreds of thousands of radiosonde measurements failed to find the
pattern of upper trophospheric heating the models predicted, (and
neither Santer 2008 with his expanding "uncertainties" nor Sherwood 2008
with his wind gauges change that). Two other independent empirical
observations indicate that the warming due to CO2 is halved by changes
in the atmosphere, not amplified.[Spencer 2007, Lindzen 2009, see also
Spencer 2008]
Without this amplification from water vapor or clouds the infamous "3.5
degrees of warming" collapses to just a half a degree — most of which
has happened.
Those resorting to this vacuous, easily refutable point should be shamed
into lifting their game. The ad hominem argument is Stone Age
reasoning, and the "money" insult they throw, bounces right back at them
— a thousand-fold.
Joe Romm is one of the leading climate alarmists around and operates the
ClimateProgress blog, which is associated with the left-wing Center for
American Progress. Romm is one of the people the warming groupies turn
to in order to learn their "talking points" in dealing with those big,
bad, nasty skeptics.
Romm has been particularly unpleasant to Roger Pielke, Jr., perhaps
because Pielke is also on the left side of the political spectrum but is
most decidedly not a warming alarmist. Like most skeptics he does not
deny warming (the deniers label is just one of the many inaccuracies
that the alarmists like to push). But he also thinks the problems are
grossly overstated and questions some of the science used to justify
various political agendas.
Romm has used the usual tactic of sneer and smear that the alarmists
seem to love. As much as they talk about science they really won't
debate the science, instead they question the morality of their
opponents, or their intelligence. That is not debate, that is the
argument from intimidation that Rand exposed long ago.
Pielke offered to debate Romm and people put up a lot of money, to go to
the charity of the choice of the debate victor. Romm immediately came
up with multiple excuses as to why such a debate will never happen
—mainly more of the same sneer and smear tactics again.
The matter started when Andy Revkin, a faithful alarmist who writes for
The New York Times, said that Pielke should be part of the IPCC review
of documents. In his typical hyperbolic fashion Romm called that
suggestion "the most illogical climate post on Earth." It's not a bad
suggestion, or a wrong suggestion. Nor is it just illogical. It is the
most illogical post on Earth, which I guess means the most illogical
post ever posted to the best of our knowledge. Wow! No sir, Romm isn't
prone to exaggeration.
Romm then went on to attack Pielke in the same hyperbolic fashion saying
that Pielke "is the single most disputed and debunked person in the
entire realm of people who publish regularly on disasters and climate
change." Wow! Now you know what to expect when he talks about the single
warmest winter if the history of the planet and other such rot. Sneer,
smear and gross exaggeration—that is the arsenal of the the warming
alarmist in a nutshell.
Pielke offered to debate Romm and gave Romm virtually total control of
the debate. Romm could veto any moderator for the debate. He could veto
any resolution to be debated. He can pick the time and place of the
debate. Foreign Policy magazine agreed to host the debate. And a donor
would put up $20,000 to the charity of Romm's choice. None of that was
good enough. Romm says that you can't trust audience votes at a debate
because "antiscience ideologues" (the term he uses for scientists who
disagree with his hysterical exaggerations) go to debates intending to
I was wondering how they would explain three major debates I knew about
—one in New York, one in London and one in Montreal— where the shift in
audience perception was decidedly in favor of the skeptics. Apparently
the reason the sneer, smear and exaggerate alarmists believe the
audience is lying, even though many of the audience members are regular
attendees at the series of debates.
Pielke says he is "offering Joe a chance to come out from behind his
blog, where he bullies and systematically misrepresents my views. He has
a chance to air his arguments about me in public and where I can
respond to them directly. He will have a chance to explain why my views
are so very wrong. At the same time, regardless of the outcome of the
debate itself, we can do some good for people who need help, thanks to a
generous donor."
Romm, of course, says that he won't debate because he doesn't want to
give Pielke any publicity. That claim is disproved by the 75 posts he
has written on his own site going after Pielke, including a recent 4,000
word extended attack. Pielke says: "Should Joe Romm turn down this
offer, he will reveal his true colors to all -- a bully who hides behind
his blog and who would rather call people names than engage in a
serious policy debate on a topic of critical importance to our
generation. There is no reason for Joe to turn this offer down, other
than knowing that his arguments cannot stand up to scrutiny were he to
emerge from behind his blog."
Mr Pielke doesn't understand that the entire purpose of the argument
from intimidation is precisely to bully people into adopting a
viewpoint. It is meant to bully. I think Rand's formulation of the
argument was one of her more insightful contributions. She defined it:
There is a certain type of argument which, in fact, is not
an argument, but a means of forestalling debate and extorting an
opponent’s agreement with one’s undiscussed notions. It is a method of
bypassing logic by means of psychological pressure . . . [It] consists
of threatening to impeach an opponent’s character by means of his
argument, thus impeaching the argument without debate. Example: “Only
the immoral can fail to see that Candidate X’s argument is false.” . . .
The falsehood of his argument is asserted arbitrarily and offered as
proof of his immorality. In today’s epistemological jungle, that second
method is used more frequently than any other type of irrational
argument. It should be classified as a logical fallacy and may be
designated as “The Argument from Intimidation.” The essential
characteristic of the Argument from Intimidation is its appeal to moral
self-doubt and its reliance on the fear, guilt or ignorance of the
victim. It is used in the form of an ultimatum demanding that the victim
renounce a given idea without discussion, under threat of being
considered morally unworthy. The pattern is always: “Only those who are
evil (dishonest, heartless, insensitive, ignorant, etc.) can hold such
an idea.”
Personally, when I see this argument used I conclude the user has an an
empty intellectual quiver. They resort to the sneer and smear tactic
because ultimately it's all they have. One reason, but only a small one,
that I have to wonder if the skeptics aren't right, is because their
opponents, the alarmists, act precisely the way individuals without good
evidence act when debating opponents. They don't face the arguments
head on, they instead use tactics to try and silence their opposition.
We saw precisely that in the emails from Climategate. Of course the
alarmists immediately started screaming: "There's nothing to see here
folks, move along." But the more people actually looked at the emails
the more they concluded that there was most definitely something there
worth discussing. Of course, Romm's talking points on the matter was to
dismiss them and resort to sneer and smear. Consider this memorandum
submitted to the British Parliament by the Institute for Physics. These
are not scientific lightweights, nor are they known to be skeptics. In
their submission to Parliament they said:
1. The Institute is concerned that, unless the disclosed
e-mails are proved to be forgeries or adaptations, worrying implications
arise for the integrity of scientific research in this field and for
the credibility of the scientific method as practised in this context.
2. The CRU e-mails as published on the internet provide prima facie
evidence of determined and co-ordinated refusals to comply with
honourable scientific traditions and freedom of information law. The
principle that scientists should be willing to expose their ideas and
results to independent testing and replication by others, which requires
the open exchange of data, procedures and materials, is vital. The lack
of compliance has been confirmed by the findings of the Information
Commissioner. This extends well beyond the CRU itself - most of the
e-mails were exchanged with researchers in a number of other
international institutions who are also involved in the formulation of
the IPCC's conclusions on climate change.
They also say that the emails "reveal doubts as to the reliability of
some of the reconstructions and raise questions as to the way in which
they have been represented; for example, the apparent suppression, in
graphics widely used by the IPCC, of proxy results for recent decades
that do not agree with contemporary instrumental temperature
measurements." They write that the emails show an intolerance that
"impedes the process of scientific 'self correction', which is vital to
the integrity of the scientific process..." And they indicate the
"possibility of networks of like-minded researchers excluding
The Institute says that the entire climate change network needs
investigation, not just the one center in England. They write "there is
need for a wider inquiry into the integrity of the scientific process in
this field."
What went out with the Climate Research Unit, and Romm's actions, both
seem manifestations of the same sort of attitude. Even though they act
like people who know they are wrong, I suspect they are true believers
who think they are absolutely, 100% correct—they are the fundamentalists
of science, with an infallible, inerrant scripture (the IPCC report)—at
least they like to think way. And like fundamentalists, they get
downright nasty when someone questions the infallibility of their
beliefs. The intolerance of fundamentalists exists because of their own
insecurity. Deep down they fear they might be wrong. The more they fear
that their arguments are false the more intolerant they become.
This is the essay Australia's ABC tried to ban. See story here
On June 23, 1988, a young and previously unknown NASA computer modeller,
James Hansen, appeared before a United States Congressional hearing on
climate change. On that occasion, Dr. Hansen used a graph to convince
his listeners that late 20th century warming was taking place at an
accelerated rate, which, it being a scorching summer's day in
Washington, a glance out of the window appeared to confirm.
He wrote later in justification, in the Washington Post (February 11,
1989), that "the evidence for an increasing greenhouse effect is now
sufficiently strong that it would have been irresponsible if I had not
attempted to alert political leaders".
Hansen's testimony was taken up as a lead news story, and within days
the great majority of the American public believed that a climate
apocalypse was at hand, and the global warming hare was off and running.
Thereby, Dr. Hansen became transformed into the climate media star who
is shortly going to wow the ingenues in the Adelaide Festival audience.
Fifteen years later, in the Scientific American in March, 2004, Hansen
came to write that "Emphasis on extreme scenarios may have been
appropriate at one time, when the public and decision-makers were
relatively unaware of the global warming issue. Now, however, the need
is for demonstrably objective climate forcing scenarios consistent with
what is realistic".
This conversion to honesty came too late, however, for in the
intervening years thousands of other climate scientists had meanwhile
climbed onto the Hansenist funding gravy-train. Currently, global
warming alarmism is fuelled by an estimated worldwide expenditure on
related research and greenhouse bureaucracy of more than US$10 billion
Scientists and bureaucrats being only too human, the power of such sums
of money to corrupt not only the politics of greenhouse, but even the
scientific process itself, should not be underestimated. In recognition
of these events, the term Hansenism is now sometimes used to describe
the climate hysteria which had, until recently, gripped western media
sources and political, business and public opinion in a deadly grasp.
Histories of science contain an account of the ideological control of
Soviet biology during the mid-20th century by plant scientist Trofim
Lysenko, who by 1940 had risen to be Director of the influential
Institute of Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Lysenko and
his supporters rejected the "dangerous Western concepts" of Mendelian
genetics and Darwinian evolution. They preferred the Lamarckian view of
the inheritance of acquired characteristics; for instance, that cows
could be trained to give more milk and their offspring would then
inherit this trait.
Whilst this was not an unreasonable hypothesis to erect in the early
19th century, by the 1930s the idea had been tested in many ways and was
known to be wrong. Requiring its application to agricultural and allied
biological research in the USSR was disastrous, not least in the
vicious persecution of scientists that took place, and the legacy of
this sad episode still disadvantages Soviet biology today.
Lysenkoism grew from four main roots:
* a necessity to demonstrate the practical relevance of science to the needs of society;
* the amassing of evidence to show the "correctness" of the concept as a substitute for causal proof;
* noble cause corruption, whereby data are manipulated to support a cause which is seen as a higher truth; and
* ideological zeal, such that dissidents are silenced as "enemies of the truth".
The first of these roots has been strongly represented in Australian
government attitudes to the funding of science as far back as the 1980s.
The remaining three roots exemplify closely the techniques that are
currently used by global warming alarmists in pursuit of their aims – as
recently exposed for all to see by the Climategate and IPCCgate
Lysenkoism damaged mainly Soviet science and society, whereas Hansenism
has now been exerting its pernicious influence worldwide for more than
twenty years. The climate alarmism involved has long been undermining
the precious public trust from which science draws its traditional
influence and sustenance, and now Climategate has opened up new
sinkholes all over the place.
Hansenist climate alarmism has also damaged the standing of many leading
science journals and science organizations, which have replaced their
formerly careful editorial and organizational balance with environmental
alarmism and naked global warming advocacy.
Future historians of science are likely to judge the 1988-2009 frenzy of
climate change alarmism as even more damaging than Lysenkoism, because
of the distrust that collapse of the global warming paradigm has already
inculcated about using science to inform modern policy making.
Instead of exercising the leadership that is desperately needed to
correct this, and to restore public faith in science and scientists,
public utterances from Australia’s senior research advisors show that
they have so far lost the plot that they are no longer even in the
Thus we have Megan Clark, CEO of CSIRO, boasting on Brisbane ABC 612
radio that “there are 40 CSIRO scientists on the IPCC panel”, as if this
were something to be proud of. Meanwhile, the Chairman of Universities
Australia, Peter Coaldrake, describes the Climategate scandal as “this
tabloid decimation of science”. Next, Margaret Sheil, CEO of the
Australian Research Council, has said she is deeply concerned about the
backlash generated by emails from the East Anglia Climate Research Unit
[and] the criticisms of Rajendra Kuma Pachauri, head of the IPCC.
Finally, Chief Scientist Penny Sackett has, so far as I can determine,
remained silent since her “me too” February 9th comment in support of an
anodyne statement of blessing for climate sceptics issued by the U.K.’s
chief scientist, John Beddington. How much influence the views of these
independent scientists have had on Dr. Beddington can be judged from
reading the apocalyptic study that he has just released regarding the
effects of imaginary future climate change in Britain (Land Use Futures:
Making the Most of Land in the 21st Century). This study is described
in a letter by Dr. Gerrit van der Lingen in today’s Christchurch Press
A group of 300 ivory tower scientists, economists and
planners in the UK, led by the British Government’s scientific advisor,
have come up with a new apocalypse scenario, still based on the belief
in catastrophic man-made global warming (February 27-28). They probably
felt they had to do this because Climategate and the revelations of
serious errors in the IPCC report have fatally exposed the
man-made-global-warming scam. Their vision lacks any scientific
credibility and totally ignores human nature. Their action is nothing
more than a rear-guard action.
Moreover, Copenhagen has shown that the balance of world power has
shifted to the so-called BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and
China). Western countries, including New Zealand and Australia were
totally side-lined in Copenhagen. It is now extremely unlikely that an
international climate agreement will ever be reached. Thanks to the BRIC
countries, we can now all heave a sigh of relief.
Breathtakingly, in the light of all this, our Australian research
managers’ expressed concern remains that the revelations of Climategate
and IPCCgate have caused a public re-examination of the science of
global warming, with a consequent shift in public opinion. Apparently
they have nary a thought for the deep scientific malaise and malfeasance
that has now been exposed for the whole lay world to see – part of
which is being investigated currently in a British parliamentary
committee investigation.
On the heels of revelations about meteorological data tampering
overseas, irregularities have also been discovered in the way that
Australian temperature data have been manipulated. And, across the
Tasman, NIWAgate is developing apace, as the N.Z. National Institute of
Water & Atmosphere battles to provide a parliamentary accounting for
its historic temperature archive, which may yet prove to include the
“dog ate my homework” excuse for the apparent absence of some records.
Yet no comment at all has been offered on any of this - and related
matters of science ethics, procedures and policy - by Australia’s
science leaders.
It is crystal clear that there is only one way to restore public
confidence in climate policy and research in Australia, and that is for
an independent and authoritative investigation to be carried out into
the matter before an experienced judge assisted by scientifically expert
As Senator Fielding’s four scientific advisors – all of whom are
experienced and independent climate scientists – have recommended in
their due diligence report (item 7) on the advice being provided to
Climate Minister Wong by her department: "Parliament should defer
consideration of the CPRS bill and institute a fully independent Royal
Commission of enquiry into the evidence for and against a dangerous
human influence on climate. We add ..... that the scientific community
is now so polarised on the controversial issue of dangerous global
warming that proper due diligence on the matter can only be achieved
where competent scientific witnesses are cross-examined under oath and
under strict rules of evidence”.
THE CASE FOR GLOBAL-WARMING ALARMISM is melting faster than those
mythical disappearing Himalayan glaciers, but Al Gore isn't about to
back down now.
In a long op-ed piece for The New York Times the other day, Gore cranked
up the doomsday rhetoric for which he has always had a weakness. Human
beings, he warned, "face an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale,
preventive measures to protect human civilization as we know it." His
1,900-word essay made no mention of his financial interest in promoting
such measures -- Gore has invested heavily in carbon-offset markets,
electric vehicles, and other ventures that would profit handsomely from
legislation curbing the use of fossil fuels, and is reportedly poised to
become the world's first "carbon billionaire." However, he did mention
"global-warming pollution" no fewer than four times, declaring that "our
grandchildren would one day look back on us as a criminal generation"
if we don't move decisively to reduce it.
By "global-warming pollution," Gore means carbon dioxide (CO2), which is
a "pollutant" in roughly the way oxygen and water are pollutants: Human
existence would be impossible without them. CO2 is essential to
photosynthesis, the process that sustains plant life and generates the
oxygen that human beings and animals inhale. Far from polluting the
world, carbon dioxide enriches it. Higher levels of CO2 are associated
with larger crop yields, increased forest growth, and longer growing
seasons -- in short, with a greener planet. A study published in Science
in December suggests that elevated CO2 can even help prevent losses of
Of course carbon dioxide also contributes to the greenhouse effect that
keeps the earth warm. But the vast majority of atmospheric CO2 occurs
naturally, and it is far from clear that the carbon dioxide contributed
by human industry has a significant impact on the world's climate.
On the other hand, it is quite clear that the economic and agricultural
activity responsible for that anthropogenic CO2 has been enormously
beneficial to myriads of men, women, and children. In just the last two
decades, life expectancy in developing nations has climbed appreciably
and infant mortality has fallen. Food production per capita has soared.
Hundreds of millions of Indian and Chinese citizens have been lifted out
of poverty. Whatever else might be said about carbon dioxide, it has
helped make possible a dramatic increase in the quality of many human
But there is no awareness of such tradeoffs in Gore's latest screed. He
brushes aside as unimportant the recently exposed blunders in the 2007
assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
These include claims that Himalayan glaciers could disappear by 2035,
that global warming could slash African crop yields by 50 percent, and
that 55 percent of the Netherlands -- more than twice the correct amount
-- is below sea level.
Gore seems equally untroubled by Climategate, the scandal involving
researchers at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit,
who apparently schemed to manipulate temperature data, to prevent their
critics from being published in peer-reviewed journals, and to destroy
records and calculations to keep climate skeptics from double-checking
Both the IPCC errors and the CRU scandal have triggered major
investigations, and opinion polls show a falloff in the percentage of
the public that believes either that global warming is cause for serious
concern or that scientists see eye to eye on the issue. Yet Gore
insists, against all evidence, that "the overwhelming consensus on
global warming remains unchanged."
To climate alarmists like Gore, everything proves their point. For years
they argued that global warming would mean a decline in snow cover and
shorter ski seasons. "Children just aren't going to know what snow is,"
one climate scientist lamented to reporters in 2000. The IPCC itself was
clear that climate change was resulting in more rain and less snow.
There were vivid scenes of melting snow and ice in Gore's film, An
Inconvenient Truth.
Undaunted, Gore now claims that the blizzards that have walloped the
Northeast in recent weeks are also proof of global warming. "Climate
change causes more frequent and severe snowstorms," he posted on his
blog last month.
Gore is a True Believer; his climate hyperbole is less a matter of
science than of faith. In almost messianic terms, he urges Congress to
sharply restrain Americans' access to energy. "What is at stake," he
writes in his New York Times essay, "is our ability to use the rule of
law as an instrument of human redemption."
But while Gore prays for redemption via government compulsion, the pews
in the Church of Climate Catastrophe are gradually emptying. The
public's skeptical common sense, it turns out, is pretty robust. Just
like those Himalayan glaciers.
Mass Loss from Alaskan Glaciers Overestimated? Previous Melt Contributed a Third Less to Sea-Level Rise Than Estimated
The melting of glaciers is well documented, but when looking at the rate
at which they have been retreating, a team of international researchers
steps back and says not so fast. Previous studies have largely
overestimated mass loss from Alaskan glaciers over the past 40-plus
years, according to Erik Schiefer, a Northern Arizona University
geographer who coauthored a paper in the February issue of Nature
Geoscience that recalculates glacier melt in Alaska.
The research team, led by Étienne Berthier of the Laboratory for Space
Studies in Geophysics and Oceanography at the Université de Toulouse in
France, says that glacier melt in Alaska between 1962 and 2006
contributed about one-third less to sea-level rise than previously
Schiefer said melting glaciers in Alaska originally were thought to
contribute about .0067 inches to sea-level rise per year. The team's new
calculations put that number closer to .0047 inches per year. The
numbers sound small, but as Schiefer said, "It adds up over the
decades." While the team looked at three-fourths of all the ice in
Alaska, Schiefer noted, "We're also talking about a small proportion of
ice on the planet. When massive ice sheets (such as in the Antarctic and
Greenland) are added in, you're looking at significantly greater rates
of sea-level rise." Schiefer said the team plans to use the same
methodologies from the Alaskan study in other glacial regions to
determine if further recalibrations of ice melt are in order. These
techniques use satellite imagery that spans vast areas of ice cover.
Previous methods estimated melt for a smaller subset of individual
glaciers. The most comprehensive technique previously available used
planes that flew along the centerlines of selected glaciers to measure
ice surface elevations. These elevations were then compared to those
mapped in the 1950s and 1960s. From this, researchers inferred elevation
changes and then extrapolated this to other glaciers.
Two factors led to the original overestimation of ice loss with this
method, Schiefer said. One is the impact of thick deposits of rock
debris that offer protection from solar radiation and, thus, melting.
The other was not accounting for the thinner ice along the edges of
glaciers that also resulted in less ice melt.
Schiefer and his colleagues used data from the SPOT 5 French satellite
and the NASA/Japanese ASTER satellite and converted the optical imagery
to elevation information. They then compared this information to the
topographical series maps of glacial elevations dating back to the
While the team determined a lower rate of glacial melt during a greater
than 40-year span, Schiefer said other studies have demonstrated the
rate of ice loss has more than doubled in just the last two decades.
"With current projections of climate change, we expect that acceleration
to continue," Schiefer said. This substantial increase in ice loss
since the 1990s is now pushing up the rise in sea level to between .0098
inches and .0118 inches per year -- more than double the average rate
for the last 40 years.
Global warming may be normal at this point in glacial cycle
Happened last time (followed by Glacier UK), say profs
German and Russian scientists say that it is normal for an interglacial
period like the one just ending to finish with one or more brief - in
geological terms - spells of warming before the glaciers return.
According to boffins based at the Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung
(UFZ) and at the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the Earth's history
thus far there have been eras where the glaciers covered much of Europe,
lasting about 100,000 years. These are separated by warmer interglacial
periods lasting around 10,000 years. We are currently at the end of an
interglacial era called the Holocene.
The scientists, looking into the last interglacial period - the Eemian -
which ended around 115,000 years ago, say they have found that that it
ended with "significant climate fluctuations" before the rule of the
glaciers returned.
The scientists got their results by examining ancient lake sediments
exposed by modern open-cast mining in Russia and Germany. They believe
that the end of the Eemian interglacial epoch saw "possibly at least
two" warming events, according to a statement issued by the UFZ. "The
observed instability with the proven occurrence of short warming events
during the transition from the last interglacial to the last glacial
epoch could be, when viewed carefully, a general, naturally occurring
characteristic of such transition phases," concludes UFZ boffin Dr
Tatjana Boettger.
Boettger and her fellow researchers say that the Eemian ice-free period
wound up with sudden - in these terms - warming spells and serious
changes in vegetation. Then the glaciers surged south, at their high
tide 21,000 years ago reaching as far as Berlin.
This Weichselian Glacial era ended around 15,000 years ago, leading to
the conditions which have been seen for all of human history with the
ice caps confined to the polar regions. The UFZ says that this Holocene
era reached its "highest point so far around 6000 years ago" and that we
might now expect to see sudden warmings and changes as at the end of
the Eemian - followed by a slow descent into another freezing glacial
"Detailed studies of these phenomena are important for understanding the
current controversial discussed climate trend so that we can assess the
human contribution to climate change with more certainty," comments Dr
Frank W Junge of the Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Saxon
Academy of Sciences, SAW) in Leipzig.
The profs' paper: "Instability of climate and vegetation dynamics in
Central and Eastern Europe during the final stage of the Last
Interglacial (Eemian, Mikulino) and Early Glaciation" can be read here
(subscriber link).
How They Distort Global Temperatures: The Urban Heat Island Effect
Now you see why the CRU and IPCC limited the number of stations they
were using and restricted them to mostly urban stations to get the
result they wanted
How much do calculations of global temperatures represent the real
temperature of the Earth? Every day new stories appear about temperature
records with errors or deliberate omissions. An important part of the
debate is something called the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE). A new
article by Dr. Edward Long says, “The problem would seem to be the
methodologies engendered in treatment for a mix of urban and rural
locations; that the ‘adjustment’ protocol appears to accent to a warming
effect rather than eliminate it. This, if correct, leaves serious
doubt for whether the rate of increase in temperature found from the
adjusted data is due to natural warming trends or warming because of
another reason, such as erroneous consideration of the effects of urban
In another paper we learn that, “The GISS adjustments to the USHCN data
at Dale Enterprise follow a well-recognized pattern. GISS pulls the
early part of the record down and mimics the most recent USHCN records,
thus imposing an artificial warming bias.”
What are they talking about? History Of The UHIE Problem: German
scientist A. Kratzer, working on the impact of pollution on trees in the
Ruhr Valley in the 1930s, discovered urban temperatures were higher
than the countryside. War interrupted the work, but shortly after T. J.
Chandler studied the temperature of London, England. With a thermometer
on his car he recorded temperatures along specific routes. When plotted
they showed a distinctive concentric pattern with higher temperatures in
the centre. In 1952 Chandler published “The Climate of London” and
B.W.Atkinson later showed precipitation patterns were also affected.
Several cities were studied since and though each showed the concentric
temperature patterns. The form is a distinctive dome of warm air with a
centre height of about 1,000 feet over the hottest part of the city.
.... Temperature contrast between city and countryside is most extreme
in cold climates and the dome is sometimes visible in northern cities on
cold calm winter mornings. During the day, the dome rises like a hot
air balloon and dissipates only to form the next night. With strong
winds it is pushed downwind away from the city....
Physical Cause: Main reasons for the temperature differences are colour
and structure of surface materials, which determine their ability to
absorb and release heat. Concrete, asphalt, bricks and wood absorb heat
quickly during the day and cool quickly at night while water grass and
trees do the opposite. It‘s a major argument for the preservation of old
parks and the creation of new ones in urban areas. Trees are more
important in the city than outside.
Greatest surface changes are in the centre of the city, an area called
the Central Business District (CBD), which is almost 100% solid surface
and impervious to water. Urban drainage systems carry water away quickly
while in the country it remains and evaporates slowly or is transpired
by plants creating cooling. When water evaporates it takes heat energy
from the surrounding air or from the surface, which creates cooling just
like when you sweat. Impervious surfaces exist in the suburbs but only
50 percent is covered. Roofs of houses, garages, driveways, roads and
sidewalks all absorb heat in the day and radiate it back to the
atmosphere at night. Storm sewers remove water very quickly.
Most weather stations are at airports and cities have expanded and
enclosed the airport so the UHIE increased. When you separate urban
weather stations from rural ones anywhere in the world a different trend
of temperatures appears. Urban stations show distinctive warming while
there is very little change in rural stations....
Now you see why the CRU and IPCC limited the number of stations they
were using and restricted them to mostly urban stations to get the
result they wanted. You also understand why Tom Wigley told Jones in a
leaked email of November 6, 2009 that, “We probably need to say more
about this (Difference between land and ocean temperatures). Land
warming since 1980 has been twice the ocean warming and skeptics might
claim that this proves that urban warming is real and important.”
Exactly Tom!
More HERE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
Al’s latest global warming whopper
Al Gore's defense of global-warming hysteria in Sunday's New York Times
has many flaws, but I'll focus on just one whopper — where the
"Inconvenient Truth" man states the opposite of scientific fact.
Gore says, "The heavy snowfalls this month have been used as fodder for
ridicule by those who argue that global warming is a myth, yet
scientists have long pointed out that warmer global temperatures have
been increasing the rate of evaporation from the oceans, putting
significantly more moisture into the atmosphere — thus causing heavier
downfalls of both rain and snow in particular regions, including the
Northeastern United States."
It's an interesting theory, but where are the facts? According to
"State of the Climate" from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, "Global precipitation in 2009 was near the 1961-1990
average." And there was certainly no pattern of increasing rain and snow
on America's East Coast during the post-1976 years, when NOAA says the
globe began to heat up.
So what was it, exactly, that Gore's nameless scientists "have long
pointed out"? A 2008 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, "Climate Change and Water," says climate models "project
precipitation increases in high latitudes and part of the tropics." In
other areas, the IPCC reports only "substantial uncertainty in
precipitation forecasts."
In other words, the IPCC said that its models predicted some increases
in rain or snow — not observed them. And only in high latitudes or the
tropics, which hardly describes New York or Washington, DC.
In fact, recent research actually contradicts Gore's claims about
"significantly more water moisture in the atmosphere." In late January,
Scientific American reported: "A mysterious drop in water vapor in the
lower stratosphere might be slowing climate change," and noted that "an
apparent increase in water vapor in this region in the 1980s and 1990s
exacerbated global warming."
The new study came from a group of scientists, mainly from the NOAA lab
in Boulder. The scientists found: "Stratospheric water-vapor
concentrations decreased by about 10 percent after the year 2000 . . .
This acted to slow the rate of increase in global surface temperature
over 2000 to 2009 by about 25 percent." Specifically, the study found
that water vapor rising from the tropics has been reduced, because it
has gotten cooler there (another inconvenient truth). A Wall Street
Journal headline summed it up: "Slowdown in Warming Linked to Water
Moisture in the lower stratosphere (about 8 miles above the earth's surface) has been going down, not up.
Aside from clouds, water vapor accounts for as much as two-thirds of the
earth's greenhouse-gas effect. Water vapor traps heat from escaping the
atmosphere — but clouds have the opposite effect (called "albedo") by
reflecting the sun's energy back into space. And snow on the ground from
the IPCC's predicted precipitation in high latitudes would have the
same cooling effect as clouds.
What the new research suggests is that changes in water vapor may well
trump the effect of carbon dioxide (only a fraction of which is
man-made) and methane (which has mysteriously slowed since about 1990).
This raises an intriguing question: Since the Environmental Protection
Agency declared that it has the authority to regulation carbon emissions
because of their presumed effect on the global climate, why hasn't the
EPA also attempted to regulate mist and fog?
You know the saying: Ignorance is bliss. Unfortunately for the American
taxpayer, when it comes to the wind turbine industry, ignorance is not
as blissful as it is infuriating. According to a new report by the
Investigative Reporting Workshop (in coordination with ABC's World News
with Diane Sawyer and the Watchdog Institute), Obama can now add wind
turbines to his growing list of failures within the stimulus package.
Renewable energy industry is growing; wind turbines are a key avenue of
that growth. Obama has said he would like to be a leader in clean energy
but that the United States is struggling to make this goal a reality.
He's right, but that's only half the story. The Workshop reports that
$2.1 billion in stimulus grants have been given to wind, solar and
geothermal companies to make good on Obama's objective but almost 80% of
those went to foreign companies. A bankrupt Australian company nabbed
the largest grant so far-$178 million. With that, Babcock & Brown
built "a Texas wind farm using turbines made by a Japanese company."
Even Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), hardly a foe of Obama's stimulus
package, was disappointed with the news that foreign companies were
receiving-4 to 1-stimulus funds and jobs on renewable energy-related
projects. In an interview with ABC News he said: "Very few jobs here,
lots of jobs in China. That is not what I intended or any other
legislator who voted for the stimulus intended...It is fine that the
Chinese make them. But why don't we use the stimulus money to start
building up an industry to build them here, that was the very point of
the stimulus."
Of the 80% of stimulus grants going to wind facilities, the majority of
those are turbines which prevail in popularity both with renewable
energy advocates, professional and laymen alike. If the 4 to 1 ratio is
frightening, never fear: According to StimulusWatch.org, several
organizations around the country are receiving your tax dollars-I mean
stimulus money-to fund large-scale wind turbine projects. The National
Science Foundation is receiving $435,231 in grant money to work on a
wind turbine project in Buford, Wyoming. Likewise, the Department of
Energy received nearly $25 million to "design, construct, and ultimately
have responsibility for the operation of the Large Wind Turbine Blade
Test Facility" through the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center. According
to the report, no jobs are being created through those projects.
While the stimulus funds for energy projects are creating little to no
jobs in the United States, they number they produce overseas is
maddening. Allow the numbers to illuminate: The Renewable Energy Policy
Project did a study and estimated that for every 1 megawatt of wind
energy that is developed, 4.3 jobs are created. There were about 1,219
turbines built by foreign-owned manufacturers which equates to 2,279.5
megawatts. If you crunch the Renewable Energy Policy Project's numbers,
the installation of these turbines may have created as many as 6,838
manufacturing jobs -- anywhere but here.
Such news may cause taxpayers to pause and evaluate the cost-benefit
ratio of the turbines. Estimates vary but some sources say it can cost
$300,000 to transport the turbines and a 2007 estimate by Windustry
reported that a commercial scale wind turbine cost $3.5 million
If one wind turbine produces 1.8 megawatts of energy -- enough energy
for 500 households per year -- and each household spends on average
$2,150 on their energy bill per year, the turbine saves $1.75 million
per year in energy. At a cost of $3.5 million installed, a wind turbine
will have earned its proverbial keep in two years.
While the math works out, the economics still don't. Turbines are only
entirely beneficial if American taxpayer dollars were given to companies
here to give to American workers here to construct them and if they
worked like a charm once they were built. Unfortunately, therein, as the
Bard would say, lies the rub.
In Minnesota, for example, a state which spent $3.3 million on eleven
wind turbines, but which regularly experiences cold, winter weather,
discovered this year their turbines freeze up when it's freezing.
Apparently the hydraulic fluid which propels the turbines was supposed
to work in colder temperature but failed to. There's a plan in progress
to heat the fluid but as Minnesota native Ed Morrissey of Hot Air
reported: "That will drastically reduce the net energy gain from each
turbine, depending on how much heating the turbine fluid needs to stop
congealing in the winter. Since cold weather here lasts anywhere from
4-6 months, that makes it mighty inefficient as an energy resource."
Blame could rest on the shoulder of the state on one side, the
manufacturer on the other, and obviously this is an isolated incident.
But if each American family only saves a few dollars every month after
the wind turbines run efficiently and after they pay for themselves but
their tax dollars were sent overseas for others to build them in the
first place, is there a true cost benefit besides the warm, fuzzy
feeling that we're all utilizing clean energy? Like his stimulus
package, Obama's ideas work only if the theory is put into practice.
PETER Garrett is under fresh pressure over using discredited science and
dodgy data to declare a conservation zone over the Coral Sea. Mr
Garrett faces a renewed attack after a scathing new study found he used
"distorted" and "biased" data to make the conservation order. This comes
with the newly demoted Environment Protection Minister still under fire
over the home insulation fiasco.
The former Midnight Oil rocker proclaimed the interim conservation zone
last May in a push by green groups headed by the US based Pew foundation
to turn 1 million sq km of the Coral Sea into a "no-take zone". But,
in a report commissioned by Marine Queensland, the state's peak fishing
industry body, marine biologist Ben Diggles, found the research cited by
Mr Garrett was based on "discredited science".
The Marine Queensland study, obtained exclusively by The Courier-Mail,
said Mr Garrett based his decision on research sourced and partly funded
by the Pew foundation. Much of the discredited research is over claims
of the "rich biodiversity of the Coral Sea" and reports 50 per cent of
marlin, swordfish and tuna stocks had declined in 50 years, based on
data supplied by Japanese longliners.
Marine Queensland, Coral Sea Alliance, pro-fishing groups and the
Opposition last night said the findings cast serious doubt about the
"credibility and competency" of the embattled minister. They said the
high-profile nationwide bio-regional review was "on the brink of
disaster" and called for Mr Garrett's immediate sacking.
Last night a spokesman for Mr Garrett dismissed any links to Pew
foundation and said any future decisions would be made on the "basis of
good science".
Opposition environment spokesman Greg Hunt said Prime Minister Kevin
Rudd needed to order an immediate review. "Mr Garrett has a history and
a habit of making his decision and ignoring his facts," he said. "This
is another example of a minister who is out of control. "Mr Garrett
should clearly have lost his job as the architect of the botched home
insulation program, however the only remaining part of his portfolio, is
now itself under serious question. His credibility as a minister is
simply untenable."
Climate chief’s e-mails and procedures ‘broke code of honour’
The integrity of climate change research is in doubt after the
disclosure of e-mails that attempt to suppress data, a leading
scientific institute has said. The Institute of Physics said that
e-mails sent by Professor Phil Jones, head of the Climatic Research Unit
at the University of East Anglia, had broken “honourable scientific
traditions” about disclosing raw data and methods and allowing them to
be checked by critics.
Professor Jones admitted to the House of Commons Science and Technology
Committee yesterday that he had “written some very awful e-mails”,
including one in which he rejected a request for information on the
ground that the person receiving it might criticise his work.
In a written submission to the committee, the institute said that,
assuming the e-mails were genuine, “worrying implications arise for the
integrity of scientific research in this field and for the credibility
of the scientific method as practised in this context”. The e-mails
contained “prima facie evidence of determined and co-ordinated refusals
to comply with honourable scientific traditions and freedom of
information law”, it added.
The institute said that it was concerned by suggestions in the e-mails
that Professor Jones and other scientists had worked together to prevent
alternative views on global warming from being published. It said: “The
e-mails illustrate the possibility of networks of like-minded
researchers effectively excluding newcomers.” The institute said that
doubts about the veracity of climate science could be overcome if
scientists were required to make all their data “electronically
accessible for all at the time of publication [of their reports]”.
Professor Jones stood down from his post during an independent inquiry
into allegations that he manipulated data and attempted to evade
legitimate requests for data under the Freedom of Information Act. The
committee did not ask him about several of the most damaging e-mails he
had sent, including one in which he asked a colleague to delete
information that had been requested. The committee had been asked not to
press him too closely because he was close to a nervous breakdown.
Professor Jones denied that he had tried to prevent alternative views
being published by influencing the process of peer review under which
scientific papers are scrutinised. He said: “I don’t think there is
anything in those e-mails that supports any view that I have been trying
to pervert the peer review process . . .” He added that it “hasn’t been
standard practice” in climate science for all data to be disclosed. [That's a great commentary on standart practice in climate "science"]
Lord Lawson of Blaby, the former Conservative Chancellor and a leading
climate sceptic, said that those who wanted to check the university’s
research should not have been forced to resort to making requests under
the Freedom of Information Act. He said: “Proper scientists, scientists
of integrity, wish to reveal all of their data and all of their
methods. They don’t need freedom of information requests to force it out
of them.”
Royal Statistical Society also critical of official climatologists
And the hits just keep on coming for UEA/CRU and Dr. Jones. Now I wonder, where the heck is the American Meteorological Society?
Earlier we reported on The Royal Society of Chemistry making a statement
to the Parliamentary inquiry saying they as an organization support
open data sharing. They join the Institute of Physics in making a strong
statement on the practices of UEA/CRU. Now the Royal Statistical
Society has weighed in with much the same opinion.
1. The Royal Statistical Society (RSS) is the UK’s only professional and
learned society devoted to the interests of statistics and
statisticians. Founded in 1834 it is also one of the most influential
and prestigious statistical societies in the world. The Society has
members in over 50 countries worldwide and is active in a wide range of
areas both directly and indirectly pertaining to the study and
application of statistics. It aims to promote public understanding of
statistics and provide professional support to users of statistics and
to statisticians.
2. The Society welcomes this opportunity to submit evidence to the
Science and Technology committee on the disclosure of climate data from
the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia inquiry.
3. The Society’s response relates to the first of the questions on which
the committee invites submissions: “What are the implications of the
disclosures for the integrity of scientific research?”
4. The RSS believes that the debate on global warming is best served by
having the models used and the data on which they are based in the
public domain. Where such information is publicly available it is
possible independently to verify results. The ability to verify models
using publicly available data is regarded as being of much greater
importance than the specific content of email exchanges between
5. The position of the RSS regarding public dissemination of scientific
data is that where the results of scientific analyses have been
published or are otherwise in the public domain, the raw data, and
associated meta-data, used for these analyses should, within reason,
also be made available.
6. The qualification, within reason, is important because there are some
cases where preservation of confidentiality is required to protect the
rights of individuals to privacy. There are also occasions where the
need to protect sensitive areas means that publication of all details is
inappropriate. An example would be the exact locations of rare breeding
species. Similarly, there are other occasions where overriding
commercial interests may suggest that publication is inappropriate.
7. However, it is the view of the RSS that such commercial interest will
only justifiably be invoked infrequently. An analogy with the common
approach to patents is appropriate here. Companies may choose to keep
their research secret and not patent it. However, if a patent is sought,
the details of the invention must be revealed. Analogously, in the
field of drug development, a pharmaceutical company is reimbursed not
just because of the molecules it has discovered but also because of the
knowledge it has acquired regarding the effects of those molecules. It
cannot justifiably seek reimbursement for that knowledge and not make it
available. Hence, by the point at which it seeks a commercial return,
the data on efficacy and safety should be in the public domain.
8. It is also clearly unreasonable to require that any given scientist
having published some research is then condemned to answer each and
every question that might possibly arise from it.. For example, requests
under the Freedom of Information act or the Environmental Information
Regulations could overwhelm small groups of scientists. To avoid this it
is best if data are stored in data centres that are professionally run
and properly funded.
9. More widely, the basic case for publication of data includes that
science progresses as an ongoing debate and not by a series of
authoritative and oracular pronouncements and that the quality of that
debate is best served by ensuring that all parties have access to the
facts. It is well understood, for example, that peer review cannot
guarantee that what is published is ‘correct’. The best guarantor of
scientific quality is that others are able to examine in detail the
arguments that have been used and not just their published conclusions.
It is important that experiments and calculations can be repeated to
verify their conclusions. If data, or the methods used, are withheld, it
is impossible to do this.
10. The RSS believes that a crucial step in improving the quality of the
debate on global warming will be to place the data, the analysis
methods and the models in the public domain.
Politicians would have us believe there's a Brave New World of renewable
energy out there. But like the book, the reality of our current energy
policy is more of a dystopia. Case in point: With great fanfare last
October, President Obama took a trip to Florida to celebrate raising the
electricity bills of Sunshine State residents.
Well, not really. But that is in effect what happened. Florida Power
and Light had three new solar power plants coming online, and the
president was eager to show that he was following through on his
campaign promise to increase America's supply of renewable energy. So he
attended the unveiling of one of the plants. What the president didn't
mention is the plant cost $152 million, funded by a 31 cent increase in
monthly electricity bills.
That's not counting the cost of outrageous federal subsidies. Energy
Department estimates show federal subsidies of solar power amount to
$24.34 per megawatt hour of solar energy produced, compared with 25
cents per megawatt hour for fossil fuel power plants -- nearly 100 times
The levelized cost of generating solar power is four times as much as
the energy produced by conventional coal and natural gas power plants.
The cost of this Florida power plant visited by Obama is expected to be
six times the cost of a conventional fossil fuel plant, according to the
Institute for Energy Research.
And the new solar plant the president visited will only provide enough
electricity to supply 3,000 of Florida Power and Light's more than 4
million customers. Even with astounding federal subsidies, the
Department of Energy estimates solar energy generated only 0.02 percent
of U.S. electricity in 2008.
On the campaign trail last year, Obama said that his administration's
goal was to have 10 percent of America's electricity needs supplied by
renewable energy by 2012 and have 25 percent of our electricity supplied
by renewable sources by 2025.
It's too soon to call this a broken campaign promise, but these figures
are so wildly unrealistic it's safe to write it off already.
In 2008, just 7 percent of America's electricity consumption came from
renewable energy sources. According to the Department of Energy's (rosy)
estimates, fossil fuels supply 84 percent of America's energy needs.
Even with a gigantic push toward renewable energy, fossil fuels are
still projected to supply 78 percent of America's energy by 2025.
Far and away, the biggest source of America's renewable energy is
hydroelectric power. But the same environmental groups making the push
for renewable energy are decidedly opposed to building more dams. (The
Sierra Club opposed its first dam project in 1913.) Wind power costs 1
1/2 to two times as much as conventional power and will likely require
major upgrades of our power grid.
So where are these new sources of renewable energy going to come from?
It would take a civilization-altering technological breakthrough to meet
the president's goals. Don't bank on it.
Meanwhile, renewable energy isn't getting cheaper, so radical
environmentalists are trying to make conventional power plants more
expensive. One energy expert who wished to remain anonymous describes
this as the "Tonya Harding energy policy." You can't beat the
competition, so you kneecap it with taxes and regulatory hurdles. This
certainly explains cap-and-trade legislation.
There are plenty of legitimate environmental and national security
concerns that justify shifting away from carbon-based energy sources. We
should vigorously pursue new technologies to meet our energy needs. But
the best way to meet America's future energy goals is to make sure our
energy policy doesn't impoverish us in the here and now.
Coldest winter for more than 30 years... but British Met Office defends its long range forecast
They can't get it right months ahead but they can get it right 50 years ahead????
Perhaps someone should ask workers at the Met Office to take a rain
check on their optimism. After predicting just a 20 per cent chance of a
colder than average winter, they were left embarrassed again when
official figures revealed it was the coldest for more than 30 years.
Temperatures in December, January and February struggled to stay above
zero, with the UK's average a chilly 1.5c (35f), making it the deepest
freeze since 1978-79.
And in Scotland and Northern Ireland it was the coldest winter since
1962-63. Altnaharra in northern Scotland recorded the lowest
temperature of -22c (-8f) on the morning of January 8. The previous day
brought England's lows, of -17.6c (0.32f) in Woodford on the edge of
Manchester and -17.7c (0.14f) in Benson, Oxfordshire.
The figures - released yesterday to mark the first day of spring -
sharply contrast with the forecast of the Met Office last autumn. Its
'long-range' predictions for the winter, said there was a 50 per cent
chance of it being mild and just a 20 per cent risk of it being colder
than the average temperature of 3.7c (39f). In mid-December the
forecast was revised to say there was a 45 per cent chance that January
and February would be colder than average.
In January, as Britain was warned to expect a 'windchill Saturday', with
blasts of wind forcing daytime temperatures as low as -10c, a senior
Met Office official admitted it should have done better. Asked on BBC
TV: 'Why didn't you see this coming?', Keith Groves replied: 'I'm
disappointed that our seasonal forecasts didn't give a prediction or
stronger probability of a colder winter.' It was also forced to defend
its long-range forecasting last autumn, when the much-feted 'barbecue
summer' proved to be a washout.
And last night the Met Office was on the back foot again. Spokesman
John Hammond said: 'You have got to bear in mind that it is a relatively
new forecast. Only 20 years ago you would be looking at a one or
two-day forecast and questioning its accuracy. Now we take those for
'Given our geographical position we are very much at a crossroads of
weather patterns and that makes it more challenging, but that is part of
the game. We will continue to do the research and make sure [forecasts]
improve in the future.'
I love, love, love Al Gore's new screed, Why I Hate You Backstabbing
Anti-Environmentalist Wingnuts (okay, it's not really titled that)
spanning a full three pages in the New York Times' online edition. It
features gems like:
...even though climate deniers have speciously argued for
several years that there has been no warming in the last decade,
scientists confirmed last month that the last 10 years were the hottest
decade since modern records have been kept.
Gore fails to mention, of course, that modern records have only been
kept for about a century. That's kind of like saying your puppy is
completely house trained because, after nine months of defecating on the
rug, you took him for a walk in the park and he happened to go in the
bushes. Then, this:
Some analysts [argue]... that a cap-and-trade approach is
too unwieldy and difficult to put in place. But...there is no readily
apparent alternative that would be any easier politically.
So, even though everyone hates this solution, we should push forward,
because, well, Al Gore wants to. And he doesn't even address the fact
that cap-and-trade is unwieldy and difficult because there is no
scientific consensus on the matter. Eat your vegetables, America.
As Jay Richards at The American points out, the biggest problem with
Gore's piece is the angle at which he approaches the debate. His
approach to critics is to tell them: "you're wrong because it's hot
outside!" while completely dismissing evidence that things are not
getting hot, or that things may be hot but there's no evidence of a
warming trend, or that there might be discord over what to do about it.
Instead, Gore's dreamy-eyed puppy love for Climategate scientists oozes
out between bombastic declarations of emergency, and petulant insistence
that the taxpayer simply must pay for his dreaded plans.
From the standpoint of governance, what is at stake is our ability to use the rule of law as an instrument of human redemption.
The last guy I knew who was lobbying for human redemption seemed to have slightly less inflammatory rhetoric.
Australia: Weather forecasters ignored -- rightly -- because the warning was wrong. Nothing adverse happened
I wonder why people have no confidence in them? But they can predict
global warming, of course -- even though predicting the pathway of a
tsunami should have been a cinch compared to the complexity of
predicting the climate 50 years hence
LIFESAVERS have blasted hundreds of surfers who defied tsunami warnings
and hit the waves on Gold and Sunshine coast beaches yesterday. Crowds
of onlookers along the coast also were criticised for ignoring tsunami
warnings issued by the weather bureau to avoid coastal areas. Many
ventured to vantage points with their children, despite the unknown
Although all beaches and both coasts were closed, recreational board
riders ignored the alert en masse. Many swimmers also flouted the
warning while thousands of spectators risked a tidal surge by lining the
beaches. "It's disappointing," Surf Life Saving Queensland duty
officer Kevin Dunn said. "Most people did the right thing but the board
riders seem to do what they want. They don't understand the
repercussions and how serious it could have been."
The Quiksilver Pro world surfing championship tournament at Snapper
Rocks was postponed until later in the day, leaving superstars including
Kelly Slater and Mick Fanning high and dry. Despite excellent surf,
Quiksilver Pro tournament director Rod Brooks said organisers were
taking no chances after spectators were injured by a freak wave during a
recent surfing contest in California.
Recreational surfer Geoff Martin, 48, shrugged off the tsunami warning
and a plea from his mum not to venture into the ocean. He said the clean
1.5m waves rolling through Currumbin were too good to miss. "My mum
rang me about seven o'clock this morning and said: 'I hope you're not
going surfing'," he said. "Of course, I was straight down the beach."
The Gold Coast City Council activated its Disaster Management Centre and
set up an evacuation centre for residents of low-lying areas, but the
lack of any serious wave action meant the initiatives became a training
Across the Sunshine Coast every major beach was officially closed though
scores of swimmers took to the water from Caloundra to Noosa. At
Maroochydore, surfboard riders barely missed a beat, gathering off main
beach to chase waves throughout the day. Just before midday
neighbouring Coolum Beach patrol captain Peter Gardiner said he could
count at least four swimmers who had ventured into the water despite
lifesaver warnings that the danger remained.
Mr Gardiner kept Coolum beach shut down though to mid-afternoon after
reports of slight disturbances in southern waters came in just before
Al Gore, Hansen and the other global warming frauds have a lot to answer for
But even mass-murder doesn't bother Leftists, of course
A baby girl survived three days with a bullet in her chest as she lay
alone beside the dead bodies of her parents and toddler brother in
Argentina. The Daily Mail reported Francisco Lotero, 56, and Miriam
Coletti, 23, shot their seven-month-old daughter and two-year-old son
before killing themselves.
The pair allegedly agreed to a suicide pact over fears about global warming.
The couple's son, Francisco, died instantly after being shot in the
back, the paper reported. The baby girl, whose name has not been
released, escaped the apparent murder attempt after a bullet from her
dad's handgun missed her vital organs.
Worried neighbours alerted police three days later, after discovering
the bodies. Paramedics then rushed the blood-soaked baby to a hospital.
The miraculous survivor is now recovering in a hospital in the town of
Goya in northern Argentina and is out of danger, according to the
Police discovered an apparent suicide note by the girl's parents in
which they outlined their global warming fears. The New York Daily News
reports the letter was found on a table expressing the couple's anger
at the government for not responding to the environmental crisis.
A good example of why an independent, non-governmental climate science
organization is needed as an alternative to government controlled
research was provided this week by researchers working for the U.S. and
British governments.
Researchers with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the British
Antarctic Survey reported this week that global warming is causing
Antarctic ice shelves to disappear. "The loss of ice shelves is
evidence of the effects of global warming," USGS scientist and lead
author Jane Ferrigno is quoted in USA Today.
While it is true that some ice shelves in Antarctica are fracturing and
falling into the sea, such events are natural occurrences whether the
ice sheet is expanding or contracting. And, as objective data report,
Antarctic temperatures are cooling and the Antarctic ice sheet as a
whole is expanding.
Satellite instruments measuring atmospheric temperatures between
latitudes 60 degrees and 90 degrees south show temperatures have been
steadily declining since the satellites were first launched in 1979.
During the past 30 years, Antarctic temperatures have fallen by 0.3
degrees Celsius, the satellite instruments report.
Similarly, satellite instruments measuring the extent of the Antarctic
ice sheet report the sheet has been at record extent for much of the
past three years, and has been growing steadily since 1979.
University of Arizona atmospheric science professor William Sprigg, who
chaired the International Technical Review Panel for the IPCC’s first
report, told an environmental conference in Phoenix earlier this month
that a new research body independent of government funding and
government control should be created to serve as an alternative voice to
the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and
other national climate research programs. The misleading claims
regarding Antarctic ice sheets by U.S. and British government scientists
perfectly illustrate this point.
Finding isolated instances of ice sheets calving and falling into the
sea may help federal agencies justify their enormous and ever-growing
climate budgets, but it does not prove that global warming is causing
the Antarctic ice sheet to disappear. In the real world the very
opposite is happening, and all too often it takes an independent voice
to point this out.
Research by hurricane scientists may force the UN’s climate panel to
reconsider its claims that greenhouse gas emissions have caused an
increase in the number of tropical storms. The benchmark report from
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said that a
worldwide increase in hurricane-force storms since 1970 was probably
linked to global warming. It followed some of the most damaging storms
in history such as Hurricane Katrina, which hit New Orleans and
Hurricane Dennis which hit Cuba, both in 2005. The IPCC added that
humanity could expect a big increase in such storms over the 21st
century unless greenhouse gas emissions were controlled.
The warning helped turn hurricanes into one of the most iconic threats
of global warming, with politicians including Ed Miliband, the energy
secretary, and Al Gore citing them as a growing threat to humanity. The
cover of Gore’s newest book, Our Choice, even depicts an artist's
impression of a world beset by a series of huge super-hurricanes as a
warning of what might happen if carbon emissions continue to rise.
However, the latest research, just published in Nature Geoscience,
paints a very different picture. It suggests that the rise in hurricane
frequency since 1995 was just part of a natural cycle, and that several
similar previous increases have been recorded, each followed by a
Looking to the future, it also draws on computer modelling to predict
that the most likely impact of global warming will be to decrease the
frequency of tropical storms, by up to 34% by 2100. It does, however,
suggest that when tropical storms do occur they could get slightly
stronger, with average windspeeds rising by 2-11% by 2100. A storm is
termed a hurricane when wind speeds exceed 74mph, but most are much
stronger. A category 4 or 5 hurricane such as Katrina generates speeds
in excess of 150mph.
“We have come to substantially different conclusions from the IPCC,”
said Chris Landsea, a lead scientist at the American government’s
National Hurricane Center, who co-authored the report. He added: ”There
are a lot of legitimate concerns about climate change but, in my
opinion, hurricanes are not among them. We are looking at a decrease in
frequency and a small increase in severity.” Landsea said he regarded
the use of hurricane icons on the cover of Gore's book as "misleading".
Although the new report appears to criticise the IPCC it could mark a
new start, showing that the beleagured body can recognise its mistakes
and correct them as mistakes or new science emerge. The Nature
Geosciences study was actually commissioned by the World Meteorological
Organisation (WMO), a UN agency which helps oversee the IPCC, in an
attempt to resolve the bitter scientific row that had emerged over the
relationship between global warming and tropical storms. That row dates
back to the hurricane season of 2004 when four major hurricanes hit
north and central America. It prompted senior IPCC scientists to give a
press conference at Harvard University warning that global warming
would cause many more such storms.
The claims attracted worldwide attention but Landsea pointed out there
was no science to substantiate them and was so angry that he resigned
his post as a senior IPCC author in January 2005, issuing a letter
accusing the IPCC of having become “politicised”. He added in the
letter : “All previous and current research in the area of hurricane
variability has shown no reliable, long-term trend up in the frequency
or intensity of tropical cyclones.”
The following year seemed to have proved him wrong when North and
Central America were hit by a series of tropical storms plus seven major
hurricanes, including Katrina, which devastated New Orleans. However
he and other researchers have spent the years since then gathering
historical evidence showing that hurricane frequency and intensity vary
according to an entirely natural cycle, each lasting around 50-80 years.
The last such surge began around 1925 and lasted until about 1955.
Conversely there were declines in frequency between both 1910-1925 and
from 1955-1995.
Such findings have generated continuing tension among storm researchers
and criticism of the IPCC’s stance, so the WMO brought together 10
leading scientists from all sides of the argument to try to resolve it.
Led by Thomas Knutson, a renowned hurricane researcher at Princeton
University, the group also included Landsea and Kerry Emanuel, professor
of meteorology at MIT. Kerry was a leading proponent of the idea that
global warming meant more severe hurricanes.
Julian Heming, an expert in tropical storms at the Met Office, said:
“Several of the authors have clashed in the past so the fact that they
have co-authored this paper shows they have been prepared to adjust
their stance on the basis of the recent research. ”
The IPCC’s reaction to the paper is uncertain but the organisation has
confirmed it is reviewing several recent questions raised over its
research and considering corrections where appropriate. One senior IPCC
scientist, Professor Chris Field, has said he wants the IPCC to bring in
new systems for checking and correcting its reports as important
mistakes and new findings emerge.
Last Friday environment and climate ministers meeting in Bali also
ordered a separate independent review of the IPCC’s leadership under Dr
Rajendra Pachauri. It followed articles in The Sunday Times
highlighting the IPCC’s false claim that climate change could melt most
Himalayan glaciers by 2035.
The ministers — led by Hilary Benn, the Environment Secretary, and his
counterparts from Germany, Norway, Algeria and Antigua and Barbuda —
said they were not questioning the basic science behind global warming.
Instead, they were concerned with the “aggressive” way in which Dr
Pachauri had responded to criticism, including denouncing Indian
research suggesting that the glaciers were not melting so rapidly as
“voodoo science”.
A spokesman for Gore said the cover of Our Choice was not a scientific
diagram but "an artist's rendering of an earth where unchecked global
warming has wreaked havoc."
The expansion of plantations has pushed the orang-utan to the brink of
extinction in Sumatra, where it takes 840 years for a palm oil
plantation to soak up the carbon emitted when rainforest is burnt
Using fossil fuel in vehicles is better for the environment than
so-called green fuels made from crops, according to a government study
seen by The Times.
The findings show that the Department for Transport’s target for raising
the level of biofuel in all fuel sold in Britain will result in
millions of acres of forest being logged or burnt down and converted to
plantations. The study, likely to force a review of the target,
concludes that some of the most commonly-used biofuel crops fail to meet
the minimum sustainability standard set by the European Commission.
Under the standard, each litre of biofuel should reduce emissions by at
least 35 per cent compared with burning a litre of fossil fuel. Yet the
study shows that palm oil increases emissions by 31 per cent because of
the carbon released when forest and grassland is turned into
plantations. Rape seed and soy also fail to meet the standard.
The Renewable Transport Fuels Obligation this year requires 3¼ per cent
of all fuel sold to come from crops. The proportion is due to increase
each year and by 2020 is required to be 13 per cent. The DfT
commissioned E4tech, a consultancy, to investigate the overall impact of
its biofuel target on forests and other undeveloped land.
The EC has conducted its own research, but is refusing to publish the
results. A leaked internal memo from the EC’s agriculture directorate
reveals its concern that Europe’s entire biofuels industry, which
receives almost £3 billion a year in subsidies, would be jeopardised if
indirect changes in land use were included in sustainability standards. A
senior official added to the memo in handwriting: “An unguided use of
ILUC [indirect land use change] would kill biofuels in the EU.”
The EC hopes to protect its biofuel target by issuing revised standards
that would give palm plantations the same status as natural forests.
Officials appear to have accepted arguments put forward by the palm oil
industry that palms are just another type of tree.
A draft of the new rules, obtained by The Times, states that palm oil
should be declared sustainable if it comes from a “continuously forested
area”, which it defines as areas where trees can reach at least heights
of 5m, making up crown cover of more than 30 per cent. “This means, for
example, that a change from forest to oil palm plantation would not per
se constitute a breach of the criterion,” it adds.
Clearing rainforest for biofuel plantations releases carbon stored in
trees and soil. It takes up to 840 years for a palm oil plantation to
soak up the carbon emitted when the rainforest it replaced was burnt.
The expansion of the palm oil industry in Indonesia has turned it into
the third-largest CO2 emitter, after China and the US. Indonesia loses
an area of forest the size of Wales every year and the orang-utan is on
the brink of extinction in Sumatra.
Last year, 127 million litres of palm oil was added to diesel sold to
motorists in Britain, including 64 million litres from Malaysia and 27
million litres from Indonesia. Kenneth Richter, biofuels campaigner for
Friends of the Earth, said: “The billions of subsidy for biofuels would
be better spent on greener cars and improved public transport.”
Large areas of sub-tropical Australia have just had the heaviest rainfall in 100 years
Warmists have spent years telling us that global warming would bring drought, so ...
A MAN has drowned after falling off his motorcycle into a flooded creek
as parts of Queensland receive their heaviest rain in 100 years. The
57-year-old Mirani man was last seen riding his motorcycle on Sunday
night. Police were notified he was missing at 7.55pm (AEST) on Sunday
and searched the Devereux Creek area near Marian. They located the
man's body in the creek.
A police spokesman said it appeared heavy rain may have made the creek
area boggy and dangerous. Parts of southwest Queensland have had their
best rainfall in 100 years as a monsoon trough squelches over the
Northern Territory border. Birdsville, in the state's far southwest
corner, has received 168mm over the past 24 hours - its heaviest rain
in at least 100 years. Bedourie has recorded 188mm, the best on record
since 1938.
The record rain has sparked flood warnings for several rivers across the
state, including the Thomson, Paroo, Fitzroy and Barcoo rivers.
Today the trough - dubbed a landphoon by forecasters - is expected to
move further into the south-west causing heavy rain as far south as
Cunnamulla with the potential for more downpours of 100mm plus.
Meteorologist Martin Palmer from Weatherzone said in south-east
Queensland the rain was expected to intensify by lunchtime moving in
from Toowoomba. "We should pick up around 40mm may be even 50mm in and
around Brisbane itself, but tomorrow looks like it's going to be the day
for the south-east, "Mr Palmer said.
"There's a massive amount of rain showing up towards the Sunshine Coast,
up towards Hervey Bay and Bundaberg. Down towards Brisbane and the Gold
Coast, were looking at between 60 and 80mm over the 24 hours." The
falls are expected to ease from tomorrow night into Wednesday morning
but would not completely dry out.
With localised flash flooding expected over much of southern Queensland
later today, Emergency Services are reminding us of the dangers,
especially for children....
The Weather Bureau warns that the southeast, Channel Country, Maranoa
and Warrego, southern Central West, Central Highlands, Coalfields,
Darling Downs and southeast could get heavy rain due to an intense
monsoonal low.
You're not a real American if stories like this don't make you happy,
and excited. As you read this fascinating WSJ piece on the North Dakota
oil boom, notice how:
**Aggressive oil exploration has brought prosperity to a lagging
state--where unemployment is now 4.3%. "Booming Bakken oil production
has helped North Dakota escape the worst of the economic downturn. The
state's unemployment rate was 4.3% in December—more than five percentage
points below the national level—and the state government projects a
surplus for the current budget cycle."
**The REAL oil experts--those whose livelihood depends on PRODUCING OIL
AT COMMERCIALLY VIABLE PRICES--sure as hell haven't given up on finding
oil here on the good old North American landmass. "'It's a true
game-changer,' said Jim Volker, chairman and CEO of Whiting Petroleum
Corp. a Bakken oil producer. 'We still think there's a significant
amount of oil reserves in the United States left to be discovered.'" And
I LOVE this quote from Harold Hamm, chairman of Continental Resources:
"Most people felt like they could kind of write off the oil industry in
the U.S., and that's just a long way from the truth. The fact of the
matter is that a lot of people quit looking for oil."
**Those bad old greedy oil companies have taken the time to build their
own rail-line to transport the shale oil. Isn't this what we call the
"multiplier effect" of private industry growth?
**Those bad old greedy oil companies have within a few short years
developed new production techniques that have converted essentially
worthless rocks to valuable engines of petro-industry growth...even as
oil prices have slumped from $80/barrel to $50/barrel.
**At $78/barrel, North Dakota's oil production will be worth $6.24
billion, with a B, per year. Not bad for a state with less than 1
million people.
**Mark Papa, the chairman of EOG Resources, almost casually describes
why his company decided to risk "$20 to $40 million" after a string of
early failures: "The first three or four wells, it was not clear that
there would be a viable economic solution. But we just felt like, well,
it's worth investing $20 to $40 million in this because if it works
there's a huge upside." IOW: the promise of POTENTIAL huge profits DOES
encourage expensive investment, including LABOR.
**The sheer technological advances spun off from this aggressive oil
exploration have made it profitable to extract Bakken oil when prices
are above $50/barrel, when just a couple of years ago it required
$80/barrel, and shortened the time to drill a well from 56 days to 24.
Plus these same advances promise to increase production in other parts
of the world. "Marathon Oil Corp. hopes to use what they learn in North
Dakota to produce oil and gas overseas. 'It's been a great laboratory
for us," said Dave Roberts, who heads exploration and production for
So we can all agree that no real American wouldn't be thrilled by a
story like this, especially in hard times when unemployment is bumping
the 10% mark, right? Good news, right?
But can you imagine even one member of the Obama Cabinet being happy
with this story? Just imagine how they would spin it against the bad old
greedy oil companies, capitalists, exploiters, save the shales, Cheney,
Haliburton, Bush, Blahblahblaaahhhhh...
Whatta gang of phonies they are. Claim to be focused on jobsjobsjobs,
yet they do everything they can to crush energy production of oil (and
coal) right here, huge and strategic industries that could expand by
millions of high-paying jobs.
Well, they will ultimately, and epically, FAIL miserably. Because one Harold Hamm is worth a thousand Barack Haman Obamas. [The middle name there is not a mistake. It is an allusion to the Book of Esther -- JR]
Quote of the Week: “In Nature’s infinite book of secrecy A little I
can read.” Soothsayer in Antony and Cleopatra, William Shakespeare
As the winter weather continues to rage in much of the Northern
Hemisphere in ways not expected, this week we have not witnessed any
new, remarkable revelations on ClimateGates we saw over the past few
months, but the internal turmoil these revelations created continues.
Even the New York Times appears to be resigned that it is unlikely the
interested parties will have a grand climate change treaty ready for the
December Conference of Parties meeting in Mexico. Three months ago many
thought such a treaty was inevitable by then if not before. If only the
New York Times will tell its readers exactly why.
The UN chief negotiator for a treaty has resigned, IPCC Chairman R.K.
Pachauri is under fire, surface temperature data are being investigated,
and exaggerations in the IPCC reports are coming to the fore. Of course
IPCC defenders dismiss the issues as exaggerations from a few dissident
skeptics or, as US Senator Bernie Sanders claims, Nazi deniers.
The leaders of the UN Environmental Program (EP), made up of delegates
from 58 countries, are weathering the storms huddled up in Bali with
special interest groups scheming Plan B. Early reports indicate EP is
making a major effort to be ready for the 2012 World Summit on
Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro which is timed to be the 20th
Anniversary of the “Earth Summit” in Rio that led to the Kyoto Protocol
which will expire that year. No doubt more news will follow.
The US EPA has thus far responded to the petitions for reconsideration
of its finding that carbon dioxide emissions endanger human health and
welfare as expected: with a resounding NO! “The science is settled.” Or
as the headline of one article puts it: “Fifteen Years With No Global
Warming Doesn’t Mean There’s No Global Warming, Says EPA Chief.” No
doubt this story will also develop further.
One characteristic that is common to the advocates is their scientific
certainty and how appalled they act should anyone should question them.
Thus, they dismiss any major errors of fact, data, or conclusions as
only a few misplaced words in some 3,000 pages of text.
The “News You Can Use” begins with meteorologist Joseph D’Aleo’s
[ICECAP.us] explanation of the wild winter then continues with three
articles on polar ice caps. After this are a collection of articles on
current UN IPCC and EP activities as well as EPA issues. Following this
are more articles on climate change and other topics.
Several articles deserve special mention. One is the article on the
Vermont Senate voting to not extend the operating license of a nuclear
power plant that provides one-third of the state’s electricity. The
license expires in 2012. The issue is tritium leakage (tritium is an
isotope of hydrogen). The second article of special mention is astronaut
Buzz Aldrin’s defense of abandoning a mission to the Moon in favor of
going to Mars.
ClimateGate (CG) and other ’Gates’ undermine the credibility of the IPCC and of AGW
By S. Fred Singer, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project
The reports of the UN-IPCC have long provided the basis of the so-called
‘scientific consensus.’ Climate statements of assorted national
academies of sciences, including the venerable Royal Society, turned out
to be nothing more than rehash of the IPCC conclusions, rather than
independent assessments. Similarly, the statements issued by various
professional societies simply relied on the IPCC – without adding any
analyses of their own.
In turn, this apparent consensus misled not only the media and the
public but also the wider scientific community, which had remained
largely unaware of the ongoing debate and of the work of the many
reputable climate experts who disagreed with the IPCC. Thanks to the
e-mails of ClimateGate (CG), we now know of the efforts by a small
clique to suppress publication of such dissenting views by subverting
the scientific peer-review process – often with the connivance of the
editors of leading professional journals.
All this is now changing. The e-mails leaked from the University of
East Anglia server strongly suggest that the basic temperature data had
been manipulated, yielding the reported strong surface warming of the
past 30 years. Again, we had long suspected this, because the data from
weather satellites showed little warming trend of the atmosphere since
1979. Available proxy data seemed to confirm this result (see “Hot Talk
Cold Science” [1997] -- HTCS Fig 16). But according to theory – and
every greenhouse climate model -- tropospheric trends should be
substantially greater than surface trends.
This disparity between the trends derived from weather station data and
from satellite data was already apparent in 1996 (see HTCS Fig 9), and
was amply confirmed in a special study of the US National Academy of
Sciences [“Reconciling observations of global temperature change” 2000].
The NAS report could not reconcile the disparity and never explained its
cause. But it has become evident now that the cause may be a greatly
exaggerated surface trend – brought about by the CG cabal. We will
learn the details once we unravel just how the data were manipulated.
The ‘manufacture’ of a ‘man-made’ warming trend, when there is none,
likely involved (i) selection of stations that showed a trend, and (ii)
inadequate correction for purely local warming influences such as the
‘urban heat island’ effect (see HTCS Figs 7 and 8; and the recent
extensive publications of Joe D’Aleo and Anthony Watts).
In a sense then, the other ‘Gates’ discovered since CG – GlacierGate and
all the rest – are a distraction from the main story. They were all
found in IPCC Volume 2, which deals with climate impacts, i.e. with the
consequences of global warming. They indicate a general sloppiness and
make a mockery of the much touted IPCC standards and procedures. They
have severely shaken the public’s and the media’s faith in the IPCC.
But the main story is still CG – because it impacts directly on IPCC
Volume 1, which deals with climate science and the causes of climate
change rather than with climate impacts. To sum up: CG demonstrates just
how the IPCC [2007] arrived at its erroneous conclusion about
anthropogenic global warming (AGW) in the latter half of the 20th
century. They used bad data. It’s no surprise then that none of the
evidence the IPCC put forth in support of AGW can stand up to scrutiny –
as already shown in the reports of the NIPCC (“Nature, not human
activity, rules the climate” and “Climate change reconsidered”) [2008
and 2009].
The godfather of climate hysteria is in hiding as another of his wild
claims unravels ? this one about global warming causing seas to swallow
us up. We've not seen or heard much of the former vice president, Oscar
winner and Nobel Prize recipient recently as the case for disastrous
man-made climate change collapses.
Perhaps he's off reading how scientists were forced to withdraw a study
on a projected sea level rise due to global warming after finding two
"technical" mistakes that undermined the findings. The study, published
in 2009 in Nature Geoscience, allegedly confirmed the conclusions of
the 2007 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) that sea levels would rise due to climate change. The IPCC put
the rise at 59 centimeters by 2100. The Nature Geoscience study put it
at up to 82 centimeters.
Many considered the study and the IPCC's estimates too conservative in
their warnings. After all, Al Gore, in his award-winning opus, "An
Inconvenient Truth," laughingly called a documentary, foretold an
apocalyptic vision of the devastation caused by a 20-foot rise in sea
levels due to melting polar ice caps "in the near future."
Now Mark Siddall, from the Earth Sciences Department at England's
University of Bristol, has formally retracted the study. "One mistake
was a miscalculation; the other was not to allow fully for temperature
change over the past 2,000 years," he said. According to Siddall,
"People make mistakes, and mistakes happen in science." They seem to be
happening a lot lately, and more than just mistakes. We are talking
about outright fraud, the deliberate manipulation and destruction of
Last November, Al Gore was hailed by Newsweek as "The Thinking Man's
Thinking Man." Since then we and he have been given much to think
about, starting with the damning e-mails from researchers associated
with the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in
Britain. The e-mails revealed an organized attempt to "hide the decline"
in global temperatures, to manipulate data to fit preconceived
conclusions, and to discredit and shun reputable skeptics.
A key finding of the IPCC, which along with Al Gore won the Nobel Peace
Prize in 2007, was revealed last month to be utterly bogus. The IPCC
claimed glaciers in the Himalayas would likely disappear by 2035. The
only thing they had to back it up was a 1999 non-peer reviewed article
in an Indian mass-market science magazine.
It's been revealed that researchers at the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration have been systematically eliminating weather
stations, with a clear bias toward removing colder latitude and altitude
locations. The number of reporting stations in Canada dropped from 600
to 35, with only one station used by the NOAA as a temperature gauge for
Canadian territory above the Arctic Circle.
The past is prologue. Two years ago, Justice Michael Burton of London's
High Court ruled Gore's film could be shown in British schools only if
material explaining its errors were included in the curriculum. Burton
documented nine significant errors in Gore's film and wrote that some of
Gore's claims arose from "alarmism and exaggeration."
The first error Gore made, according to Burton, was in his apocalyptic
vision of the devastation caused by a rise in sea levels caused by
melting polar ice caps. Burton wrote that Gore's predicted 20-foot rise
could occur "only after, and over, millennia" and to suggest otherwise
"is not in line with the scientific consensus."
One by one, Gore's prophecies of doom and those of the climate
charlatans he inspired are being exposed as the work of con artists.
From the CRU to the IPCC, the climate dominoes are falling one by one.
His silence speaks volumes.
Energy Secretary Steven Chu didn't reach the pinnacle of his profession
by treading the well-worn path of modern group-think. It's regrettable
that the Nobel Prize-winning physicist is stuck in that rut now. Mr.
Chu took great pains in a Feb. 19 speech to a Denver energy summit in
arguing the case for human-induced climate change. "We have to convince
all of America that this is a nonpartisan issue. ... This is our
economic future," he said.
You have to feel for a man of science trying to make the jump to
politics. In science, facts speak for themselves. In politics, facts are
often run to ground by baloney. As energy secretary, Mr. Chu has traded
fact for fiction and now spends his days selling President Obama's
discredited climate-change policy.
Surely, Mr. Chu must be aware that the case for human-induced climate
change, the cause that he has embraced as the paramount mission of his
secretariat, has been exposed as fraught with fraud. Two weeks ago, Yvo
de Boer, the United Nations' pre-eminent climate-change official,
announced his resignation amid a groundswell of derision over his
failure to confront the global-warming hoax. Evidence of falsified data,
errors in the U.N.'s own Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
report and biased ground-based temperature data are all part of the body
of bogus science that has become known as Climategate.
On Wednesday, when Mr. Chu toured the site of Abu Dhabi's Masdar City -
touted as "the world's first carbon-neutral, zero-waste city" - he felt
compelled to voice climate-change-equals-jobs rhetoric similar to that
which he delivered in Denver. When completed, the sparkling
6-square-kilometer model city will be equipped with the world's priciest
energy technologies, including solar, hydrogen and geothermal power
plants - energy toys that a few opulent oil sheiks can afford to play
with, but a country the size of America cannot. What he saw there will
not be "our economic future," at least not anytime soon.
Mr. Chu's official government biography crows that he has "devoted his
recent scientific career to the search for new solutions to our energy
challenges and stopping global climate change - a mission he continues
with even greater urgency as secretary of energy."
The Cabinet secretary could learn from the example of the wise Viking
King Canute. Legend has it that when His Majesty learned that his
flattering courtiers were claiming he was "so great, he could command
the tides of the sea to go back," he had his throne carried to the
seashore. When the tide rose, he commanded the waves to halt. When his
command had no effect, he pointed out to all that though the deeds of
kings might appear great to men, they were nothing compared to the
forces of nature.
Likewise, the energy secretary would be smart to apprehend the limits of
his power. Climate will change - or cease changing - but not by his
leave. The real challenge of helping Americans develop clean, affordable
and plentiful energy sources should be enough to occupy his days in
A definite badge of honour for skeptics. Sanders calls himself a socialist but so did Stalin
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is comparing climate change skeptics to
those who disregarded the Nazi threat to America in the 1930s, adding a
strident rhetorical shot to the already volatile debate over climate
change. "It reminds me in some ways of the debate taking place in this
country and around the world in the late 1930s," said Sanders, perhaps
the most liberal member of the Senate, during a Senate hearing Tuesday.
"During that period of Nazism and fascism's growth-a real danger to the
United States and democratic countries around the world- there were
people in this country and in the British parliament who said 'don't
worry! Hitler's not real! It'll disappear!"
Sanders’ reference to the Nazi threat is sure to enrage Republicans who
are already skeptical of the science behind climate change. But Sanders
wasn't the only one throwing bombs at a hearing that was ostensibly
about the EPA's fiscal 2011 budget. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), who has
called global warming a "hoax," is asking for an investigation into the
science used in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC), the governing body on climate science.
Earlier in the hearing, Inhofe had chided Sanders: "I know the senator
from Vermont wants so badly to believe that the science on climate
change is settled but it's not."
The heated exchanges came as EPA administrator Lisa Jackson sparred with
lawmakers over her agency's decision to regulate greenhouse gases,
something that Senate Republicans — and some Democrats — have opposed.
"How can you justify doing something administratively that was
overwhelmingly rejected by the United States Senate and say defiantly
'we don't care what you say, Congress, we're going to go ahead and do it
under the clean air act," Inhofe asked.
Jackson said her agency was in its right to regulate carbon. "The
supreme court said the EPA must make the determination whether or not
greenhouse gases are harmful to the public welfare. Rather than ignore
that obligation I chose as a public administrator to make the order,"
Jackson replied.
On Monday, Jackson told lawmakers that the EPA would delay regulation of
most greenhouse gas producers until 2016. Her announcement came in the
wake of a letter from eight coal state Democrats, who, like Republicans,
fear the effect of the regulations will have on the economy.
That was little comfort for Republicans. "Some would say it's merely a
cynical ploy to delay job killing," said Senator Kit Bond.
As the rhetoric escalates, a handful of senators are actually
negotiating on a climate bill. Committee Chairwoman Barbara Boxer
announced that Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.), Lindsey Graham (D-S.C.)
and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) were "getting close to getting the 60 votes
we need" for bipartisan energy legislation. But Inhofe countered that
they were nowhere near close enough for cap and trade legislation.
Tens of millions of dollars is being funnelled into the State
Government's energy efficiency programs with little or no evidence to
prove they are an effective use of taxpayers' money. A report tabled in
State Parliament has revealed none of the power-saving schemes were
independently evaluated and the outcomes were "difficult to isolate".
The bipartisan committee's report also found few of the state's 1.39
million households or 390,000 businesses were participating in the green
initiatives, despite generous rebates.
The poor take-up of power-saving schemes comes as Queensland grapples
with its status as the most energy intensive state in the country.
The report highlights the "enormous task ahead" to attract households
and businesses to power-saving programs It found one in 780, or a
fraction of 1 per cent of businesses, were taking part in the ecoBiz
program, which encourages eco-efficient practices in the workplace.
Just one in five households have signed up for the much touted $60
million Climate Smart Home Service scheme. The program is worth $450
per house, with a $400 government subsidy and includes 15 free
energy-saving light bulbs plus water-saving shower heads.
Committee member and Opposition energy spokesman Jeff Seeney said
despite costing millions of taxpayer dollars, there was no evidence the
Climate Smart Home Service achieved its energy-efficiency goals. "We
have grave reservations about the expenditure of such amounts of public
money with no attempt to quantify the outcomes achieved," Mr Seeney
Other key concerns were that green initiatives were duplicated across
government levels and that the large number of programs, guides, rebates
and incentives was confusing and unnecessarily complex. There were
also questions about a lack of co-ordination across government levels
and between agencies.
Energy Minister Stephen Robertson said he would respond to the report's recommendations "in due time".
After much reading in the relevant literature, the following
conclusions seem warranted to me. You should find evidence for all of
them appearing on this blog from time to time:
The Greenie message is entirely emotional and devoid of all
logic. They say that polar ice will melt and cause a big sea-level
rise. Yet 91% of the world's glacial ice is in Antarctica, where the
average temperature is around minus 40 degrees Celsius. The melting
point of ice is zero degrees. So for the ice to melt on any scale the
Antarctic temperature would need to rise by around 40 degrees, which
NOBODY is predicting. The median Greenie prediction is about 4 degrees.
So where is the huge sea level rise going to come from? Mars? And
the North polar area is mostly sea ice and melting sea ice does not
raise the sea level at all. Yet Warmists constantly hail any sign of
Arctic melting. That the melting of floating ice does not raise the
water level is known as Archimedes' principle. Archimedes demonstrated
it around 2,500 years ago. That Warmists have not yet caught up with
that must be just about the most inspissated ignorance imaginable. The
whole Warmist scare defies the most basic physics. Sadly, what the
Vulgate says in John 1:5 is still only very partially true: "Lux in tenebris lucet". There is still much darkness in the minds of men.
The repeated refusal of Warmist "scientists" to make their
raw data available to critics is such a breach of scientific protocol
that it amounts to a confession in itself. Note, for instance Phil
Jones' Feb 21, 2005 response to Warwick Hughes' request for his raw
climate data: "We have 25 years or so invested in the work. Why should I
make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find
something wrong with it?" Looking for things that might be wrong with a
given conclusion is of course central to science. But Warmism cannot
survive such scrutiny.
Most Greenie causes are at best distractions from real
environmental concerns (such as land degradation) and are more
motivated by a hatred of people than by any care for the environment
Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an
absurdity that "liberals" will defend to the death regardless of the
evidence showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real
‘Global warming’ has become the grand political
narrative of the age, replacing Marxism as a dominant force for
controlling liberty and human choices. -- Prof. P. Stott
Comparing climate alarmist Hansen to Cassandra is WRONG.
Cassandra's (Greek mythology) dire prophecies were never believed but
were always right. Hansen's dire prophecies are usually believed but are
always wrong (Prof. Laurence Gould, U of Hartford, CT)
The modern environmental movement arose out of the wreckage
of the New Left. They call themselves Green because they're too yellow
to admit they're really Reds. So Lenin's birthday was chosen to be the
date of Earth Day. Even a moderate politician like Al Gore has been
clear as to what is needed. In "Earth in the Balance", he wrote that
saving the planet would require a "wrenching transformation of
For centuries there was a scientific consensus which said
that fire was explained by the release of an invisible element called
phlogiston. That theory is universally ridiculed today. Global warming
is the new phlogiston. Though, now that we know how deliberate the
hoax has been, it might be more accurate to call global warming the New Piltdown Man. The Piltdown hoax took 40 years to unwind. I wonder....
Bertrand Russell knew about consensus: "The fact that an
opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not
utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of
mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than
Motives: Many people would like to be kind to others so
Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people
want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing
all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the
real motive is generally to promote themselves as wiser and better
than everyone else, truth regardless.
Policies: The only underlying theme that makes sense of all
Greenie policies is hatred of people. Hatred of other people has been a
Greenie theme from way back. In a report titled "The First Global
Revolution" (1991, p. 104) published by the "Club of Rome", a Greenie
panic outfit, we find the following statement: "In searching for a
new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the
threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit
the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The
real enemy, then, is humanity itself." See here for many more examples of prominent Greenies saying how much and how furiously they hate you.
The conventional wisdom of the day is often spectacularly
wrong. The most popular and successful opera of all time is undoubtedly
"Carmen" by Georges Bizet. Yet it was much criticized when first
performed and the unfortunate Bizet died believing that it was a flop.
Similarly, when the most iconic piece of 20th century music was first
performed in 1913-- Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" -- half the audience
walked out. Those of us who defy the conventional wisdom about climate
are actually better off than that. Unlike Bizet and Stravinsky in 1913,
we KNOW that we will eventually be vindicated -- because all that
supports Warmism is a crumbling edifice of guesswork ("models").
"The desire to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it" -- H L Mencken
Al Gore won a political prize for an alleged work of science. That rather speaks for itself, doesn't it?
I am not a global warming skeptic nor am I a global warming
denier. I am a global warming atheist. I don't believe one bit of it.
That the earth's climate changes is undeniable. Only ignoramuses
believe that climate stability is normal. But I see NO evidence to say
that mankind has had anything to do with any of the changes observed --
and much evidence against that claim.
Seeing that we are all made of carbon, the time will come
when people will look back on the carbon phobia of the early 21st
century as too incredible to be believed
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180)
must have foreseen Global Warmism. He said: "The object in life is
not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in
the ranks of the insane."
The Holy Grail for most scientists is not truth but research
grants. And the global warming scare has produced a huge downpour of
money for research. Any mystery why so many scientists claim some
belief in global warming?
For many people, global warming seems to have taken the
place of "The Jews" -- a convenient but false explanation for any
disliked event. Prof. Brignell has some examples.
Global warming skeptics are real party-poopers. It's so wonderful to believe that you have a mission to save the world.
There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist
instinct") in many people that causes them to delight in going without
material comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such
people -- with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example.
Many Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that
instinct too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious
committments they have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them
to live in an ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them
to press on us all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
The claim that oil is a fossil fuel is another great myth
and folly of the age. They are now finding oil at around seven MILES
beneath the sea bed -- which is incomparably further down than any
known fossil. The abiotic oil theory is not as yet well enough
developed to generate useful predictions but that is also true of fossil
fuel theory
"In science, refuting an accepted belief is celebrated as an advance in knowledge; in religion it is condemned as heresy". (Bob Parks, Physics, U of Maryland). No prizes for guessing how global warming skepticism is normally responded to.
"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to
acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of
duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin." -- Thomas H. Huxley
Time was, people warning the world "Repent - the end is
nigh!" were snickered at as fruitcakes. Now they own the media and run
the schools.
"One of the sources of the Fascist movement is the desire to
avoid a too-rational and too-comfortable world" -- George Orwell, 1943
in Can Socialists Be Happy?
Against the long history of huge temperature variation in
the earth's climate (ice ages etc.), the .6 of one degree average rise
reported by the U.N. "experts" for the entire 20th century (a rise so
small that you would not be able to detect such a difference personally
without instruments) shows, if anything, that the 20th century was a
time of exceptional temperature stability.
Recent NASA figures
tell us that there was NO warming trend in the USA during the 20th
century. If global warming is occurring, how come it forgot the USA?
Warmists say that the revised NASA figures do not matter
because they cover only the USA -- and the rest of the world is warming
nicely. But it is not. There has NEVER been any evidence that the
Southern hemisphere is warming. See here. So the warming pattern sure is looking moth-eaten.
There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a brutal gang of facts. - Duc de La Rochefoucauld, French writer and moralist (1613-1680)
The latest scare is the possible effect of extra CO2 on the
world’s oceans, because more CO2 lowers the pH of seawater. While it is
claimed that this makes the water more acidic, this is misleading.
Since seawater has a pH around 8.1, it will take an awful lot of CO2 it
to even make the water neutral (pH=7), let alone acidic (pH less than
In fact, ocean acidification is a scientific impossibility.
Henry's Law mandates that warming oceans will outgas CO2 to the
atmosphere (as the UN's own documents predict it will), making the
oceans less acid. Also, more CO2 would increase calcification rates. No
comprehensive, reliable measurement of worldwide oceanic acid/base
balance has ever been carried out: therefore, there is no observational
basis for the computer models' guess that acidification of 0.1 pH units
has occurred in recent decades.
The chaos theory people have told us for years that the air
movement from a single butterfly's wing in Brazil can cause an
unforeseen change in our weather here. Now we are told that climate
experts can "model" the input of zillions of such incalculable variables
over periods of decades to accurately forecast global warming 50 years
hence. Give us all a break!
A "geriatric" revolt: The scientists who reject Warmism
tend to be OLD! Your present blogger is one of those. There are
tremendous pressures to conformity in academe and the generally Leftist
orientation of academe tends to pressure everyone within it to agree to
ideas that suit the Left. And Warmism is certainly one of those ideas.
So old guys are the only ones who can AFFORD to declare the Warmists to
be unclothed. They either have their careers well-established (with
tenure) or have reached financial independence (retirement) and so can
afford to call it like they see it. In general, seniors in society
today are not remotely as helpful to younger people as they once were.
But their opposition to the Warmist hysteria will one day show that
seniors are not completely irrelevant after all. Experience does count
(we have seen many such hysterias in the past and we have a broader
base of knowledge to call on) and our independence is certainly an
enormous strength. Some of us are already dead. (Reid Bryson and John Daly are particularly mourned) and some of us are very senior indeed (e.g. Bill Gray and Vince Gray) but the revolt we have fostered is ever growing so we have not labored in vain.
Scientists have politics too -- sometimes extreme politics. Read this: "This
crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism... I
am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils,
namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by
an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In
such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and
are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts
production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to
be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to
every man, woman, and child." -- Albert Einstein
The "precautionary principle" is a favourite Greenie idea --
but isn't that what George Bush was doing when he invaded Iraq? Wasn't
that a precaution against Saddam getting or having any WMDs? So Greenies all agree with the Iraq intervention? If not, why not?
A classic example of how the sensationalist media distort science to create climate panic is here.
There is a very readable summary of the "Hockey Stick" fraud here
The Lockwood & Froehlich paper
was designed to rebut Durkin's "Great Global Warming Swindle" film.
It is a rather confused paper -- acknowledging yet failing to account
fully for the damping effect of the oceans, for instance -- but it is
nonetheless valuable to climate atheists. The concession from a
Greenie source that fluctuations in the output of the sun have driven
climate change for all but the last 20 years (See the first sentence of
the paper) really is invaluable. And the basic fact presented in the
paper -- that solar output has in general been on the downturn in
recent years -- is also amusing to see. Surely even a crazed Greenie
mind must see that the sun's influence has not stopped and that
reduced solar output will soon start COOLING the earth! Unprecedented
July 2007 cold weather throughout the Southern hemisphere might even
have been the first sign that the cooling is happening. And the fact
that warming plateaued in 1998 is also a good sign that we are moving
into a cooling phase. As is so often the case, the Greenies have got
the danger exactly backwards. See my post of 7.14.07 and very detailed critiques here and here and here for more on the Lockwood paper and its weaknesses.
As the Greenies are now learning, even strong statistical correlations may disappear if a longer time series is used. A remarkable example from Sociology:"The
modern literature on hate crimes began with a remarkable 1933 book by
Arthur Raper titled The Tragedy of Lynching. Raper assembled data on the
number of lynchings each year in the South and on the price of an
acre’s yield of cotton. He calculated the correlation coefficient
between the two series at –0.532. In other words, when the economy was
doing well, the number of lynchings was lower.... In 2001, Donald Green,
Laurence McFalls, and Jennifer Smith published a paper that demolished
the alleged connection between economic conditions and lynchings in
Raper’s data. Raper had the misfortune of stopping his analysis in
1929. After the Great Depression hit, the price of cotton plummeted and
economic conditions deteriorated, yet lynchings continued to fall. The
correlation disappeared altogether when more years of data were added."
So we must be sure to base our conclusions on ALL the data. In the
Greenie case, the correlation between CO2 rise and global temperature
rise stopped in 1998 -- but that could have been foreseen if
measurements taken in the first half of the 20th century had been