Warmist crooks above: Keith "One tree" Briffa; Michael
"Bristlecone" Mann; James "data distorter" Hansen; Phil "data destroyer"
Jones --
Leading members in the cabal of climate quacks
Against the long history of huge temperature variation in the earth's
climate (ice ages etc.), the .6 of one degree average rise reported for
the entire 20th century by the United Nations (a rise so small that you
would not be able to detect such a difference personally without
instruments) shows in fact that the 20th century was a time of
exceptional temperature stability.
There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist instinct") in
many people that causes them to delight in going without material
comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such people --
with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example. Many
Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that instinct
too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious committments they
have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them to live in an
ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them to press on us
all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
me first defend my qualifications. I am a professional ecologist with
published peer-reviewed papers on pollution issues, atmospheric
dispersion, oceanic models and environmental impact assessment. I have
critiqued computer models of both atmospheric and oceanic dispersion of
pollutants (as well as running such models myself) and I have published a
major review of the UN’s previous system of ‘dilute and disperse’
regulatory mechanisms based on computer models and environmental
prediction – work that paved the way to legal reform at the UN and the
introduction of the Precautionary Principle and Clean Production
I detail this history in a chapter in my book and
outline why I think it places me in a unique position to comment on the
UN’s summary of the science. I cite 20 of my own papers and consultants
reports, half of which are in peer-reviewed journals.
In all of
that work I managed a multi-disciplinary team of natural scientists,
engineers and sociologists. I have extensive experience of how panels,
committees and institutions deal with complex science and most
especially where large investments are made by the science community and
major policy decisions by government and industry follow the scientific
recommendations. In all of this time – over 30 years, I have come to
know all the tricks, and for a great deal of that time, my research
group in Oxford was funded largely by Greenpeace to expose those tricks
and defend ‘the environment’. My group was also (eventually) taken on by
our own government, the EU and the UN to advise on how to put things
As you know from my work on integrating renewable energy
into the landscape, I accepted the standard model of CO2 impact up
until about 2003. I had no reason to doubt it – presuming as everyone
does that the greenhouse effect was ‘basic physics’.
I always
regarded the modelling of impacts – especially regionally, as
problematic, but assumed the atmospheric physics was simple science (it
One of my former colleagues – Jackson Davis, professor of
marine biology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, with whom I
worked on marine pollution policy at the UN, went on to work with the
Framework Climate Convention and the IPCC, and drafted the Kyoto
Naturally, when I first reviewed the science and the
IPCC reports, I sent him a draft of my work – and as you know, he
endorsed the book.
I have not claimed to be a ‘climate scientist’
– the press do that, of course. But what constitutes a ‘climate
scientist’ anyway? The chair of the IPCC is a railway engineer by
profession! I have met computer specialists who qualify as climate
scientists but who are little more than mathematicians with very limited
knowledge or understanding of ecosystems. Likewise, there are
atmospheric physicists who know nothing of the oceans, and
oceanographers who know nothing of solar cycles (despite a wealth of
oceanographic literature linking solar cycles to ocean temperatures),
and vice versa.
The world of science is full of specialists and
there are very few generalists. Almost nobody has the time to do what I
did and spend three years reading the peer-reviewed literature across
all the disciplines. Not even the Chair of IPCC.
So – in my
defence, I have no qualms about wading in – indeed, I think I am well
qualified to do so. Since writing the book I have visited climate labs
in the USA and talked with people here – I have been received with
respect and discussions have gone into great depth. Also, the first
review of Chill has appeared in a climate journal, the Holocene –
reviewed alongside Sir John Houghton’s updated classic on the issue (he
is former chair and founder of IPCC) – and the reviewer concludes both
books should be essential reading for any student of the topic. I
actually have four outstanding requests to publish in peer-reviewed
science journals on the climate issue – few people appreciate how much
time it takes to prepare a paper to that standard of scholarship, and
that it is a cost that has to be borne by the writer (academics do not
have this problem!).
That said – I also need to point out that
contrary to perceptions, I am not in major disagreement with the IPCC’s
findings. You have to distinguish between the summary and press comment,
and the actual working groups and the careful language they used.
can all agree that the world has warmed during the 20th century. The
question is whether that would have happened as part of a natural cycle,
or whether it is mainly driven by carbon emissions. Contrary to
perceptions, the IPCC infers that it is mainly due to carbon because the
Panel’s understanding of natural cycles is very low and because the
models do predict the warming that has been observed. In their key
statement they say: the observed warming is unlikely to be due to known
natural causes acting alone (my emphasis). They are well aware that
other factors may be at play – in particular the relation of the solar
magnetic cycle and the flux of radiation to the oceans. In my analysis
of their work I conclude that the Panel is heavily weighted toward
computer modellers and physicists and under-represented by
palaeoecologists with a deeper understanding of cycles.
argument forms the basis of my book – which is a summary of the
arguments based upon the peer-reviewed literature (something I feel
well-qualified to do) and where I conclude that recent evidence shows
that the IPCC has erred and is reluctant to admit its error. I will go
into more detail in the next posting on why I think this is the case and
why recent changes in the climate and new publications confirm my view
that the majority of the warming is natural and that we may be heading
for significant cooling (as noted in last week’s New Scientist – ‘What’s
wrong with the Sun’).
This conclusion has huge implications for
policy. It means that if we achieve 50% emissions reduction (globally a
very big ask) we will be dealing with such a small proportion of the
driving force that it will have no significant effect on what the
climate does. We should therefore focus on a policy of adaptation not
mitigation. And yes, there are other reasons to wean ourselves off
fossil fuels – but we can do that with greater regard for other
objectives in sustainability, such as community, biodiversity and
when it looked like Cycle 24 was going to take off the sunspot numbers
turned around and started declining. As some scientist have finally
concluded we really do not know what is happening on the sun.
the past, disappearing sun spots has been a precursor to long term
periods of colder winters and summers. The Dalton Minimum was the most
recent period from 1790 to 1830, weather stations experienced an
average drop of 2.0C for 20 years. The Maunder Minimum was also a
prolonged period of minimum sunspots from about 1645 to 1715, a period
know as the Little Ice Age, during which Europe and North America were
subjected to bitterly cold winters. Some years, rivers remained frozen
well into summer.
The exact mechanism for the cooling is not
know, but the historical records show that fewer spots leads to a colder
climate. The current sunspots trends could indicate some long term
cooling is on the horizon if history is a valid indicator.
is some irony here, Mother Nature is turning down the earths thermostat
and our government is setting in motion programs and legislation that
will take control of our thermostats, all to stop the earth from warming
from CO2 emissions. Either way, there are long term economic impacts.
Stay tuned.
No wonder the Green/Left hate history and do their best to ignore it
is the second sentence taken from the position statement at the
Schools' Low Carbon Day site, part of their justification for wanting to
worry schoolchildren about the climate: "Without very significant
action, temperature changes of at least 2°C, and possibly 3°C or 4°C are
expected to happen by the end of this century."
Why would anyone
believe this? The first, and most superficial, reason is that most of
us rely on newspapers, magazines, and TV for information on climate. We
have recently been faced with scary stories about global warming, later
modified to the general-purpose, timeless, and incontrovertible
'climate change'. This sleight of hand allowed whatever natural
disasters took place (floods, blizzards, hurricanes, etc) to be blamed
on fossil fuels, while still retaining the same underlying threat of
scary hotness to come.
This is not new. It is merely the media
exercising its preference for bad news over good. Here are some media
nuggets from the past, alongside the temperature trends for the time:
1) Cooling: approx. 1885 - 1915.
'Prof. Schmidt Warns Us of an Encroaching Ice Age.' New York Times, October, 1912.
2) Warming: approx. 1915 - 1945.
'Next Great Deluge Forecast by Science: Melting Polar Ice Caps
to Raise the Level of the Seas and Flood the Continents.' New York
Times, 15 May, 1932.
3) Cooling: approx. 1945 - 1975.
threat of a new ice age must now stand alongside nuclear war as a
likely source of wholesale death and misery for mankind.' Nigel Calder,
International Wildlife Magazine, 1975.
4) Warming: approx. 1975 - 2005.
'Scientists no longer doubt that global warming is happening, and
almost nobody questions the fact that humans are at least partly
responsible.' Time Magazine, 09 April, 2001.
5) Cooling next? The headlines have already started:
Mini Ice Age Starts Here: The bitter winter afflicting much of the
Northern Hemisphere is only the start of a global trend towards cooler
weather that is likely to last for 20 or 30 years, say some of the
world’s most eminent climate scientists.' Daily Mail, 10 Jan, 2010.
How can we get these short-term trends into perspective? At
any time at any location on the planet, it will either be warming on
average or cooling on average, depending on the period of time and/or
the spatial area the averaging is taken over. Average your temperatures
over a few years, and you have one trend, average over a few hundred
years, you have another, over a few thousand, another still. So it is a
messy business.
And to make matters worse, we have no
temperature records at all except for the most recent centuries. A lack
of thermometers, and earlier still, a lack of humans, over most of the
life of the planet means that we guess at past temperatures using
proxies, such as tree-rings (since one of many things influencing tree
growth is temperature), isotope ratios in ice cores (since this ratio
depends on the air temperature at the time of capture), and numerous
other items such as fossils or pollen found in earth cores (since it may
be possible to tie some of them to temperature bounds). Ancient
documents and carvings permit speculation about harvest times, and major
weather-related events such as floods and droughts. Archeological digs
reveal details about diets and buildings, and geological explorations
reveal previous sea levels, and the movements of continents.
the really big picture, covering millions of years, we know (or think we
do) that the planet was mostly ice-free at the poles. The relatively
short periods when there are 'permanent' icecaps are known as Ice Ages.
We are in one right now.
During Ice Ages, which can last many
hundreds of thousands of years, there are warm spells known as
Interglacial Periods, or just Interglacials.
During these
interglacials, the ice cover disappears every summer in the temperature
zones, such as most of North America, and Northern Europe. We humans
thrive in such areas during interglacials, since we can grow crops, and
not be displaced by inconvenient ice sheets. There is some evidence
that the previous interglacial was warmer than our one (7).
Let us now home-in on the last 5,000 years:
can see that on this big picture, we are in a cooling trend in what may
well be near the end of our interglacial period. Superimposed on this
trend, are many appreciable excursions, many of which are associated
with clear effects on human settlements and civilisations.
let us home in on the past 1000 years or so. The global Medieval Warm
Period and the Little Ice Age are shown clearly on the temperature
reconstruction used by the IPCC in 1990-2001.
There are
hundreds of studies of the Medieval Warm Period showing up in many
places across the globe - see Jo Nova's report here (9). However, it
was not politically convenient for the IPCC to have such a period warmer
than our own. In 2001-2003, they replaced it with the infamous
'hockey-stick' plot also shown in the diagram below, in blue. The
dismal story of how this artefact was created and jealously guarded for
years, is vividly told in Montford's book, The Hockey Stick Illusion
(10). It is not an edifying tale, but it is well worth reading for
insight into the unscientific attitudes and methods of the small core of
alarmists whose temperature reconstructions were so gratefully adopted
by the IPCC.
We have been on a gentle warming trend pulling out
of the Little Ice Age in the 19th and 20th centuries at overall rates of
around 0.6 to 0.7C per century in estimated global average temperature,
with shorter-term periods of more rapid warming, or of cooling,
superimposed in approximately 30-year long spells. These can be seen on
the next graphic, constructed using Hadley Centre data (12) to
demonstrate the striking similarity in warming/cooling cycles in the
19th and 20th centuries, despite, of course, the large differences in
ambient CO2 levels between them.
But what of real temperatures,
as opposed to reconstructions or constructed 'global averages'? The
longest temperature record using thermometers is the Central England
Temperature (CET) set, which extends back to the 17th century. The
Czech physicist Lubos Motl has stepped through this set year by year,
calculating the overall temperature trend for the previous 30 years at
each step (13). He found nothing unusual about these trends in the 20th
'In the late 17th and early 18th century, there was
clearly a much longer period when the 30-year trends were higher than
the recent ones. There is nothing exceptional about the recent era.
see, the early 18th century actually wins: even when you calculate the
trends over the "sufficient" 30 years, the trend was faster than it is
in the most recent 30 years. By the way, the most recent 1980-2009
tri-decade didn't get to the top 10 results at all; if you care, it was
at the 13th place. You can also see that the local trends are
substantially faster than the global trends: that's because the global
variations are reduced by the averaging over the globe.
helps confirm that nothing at all unusual has been observed in
temperatures in modern times. Nothing unusual. Nothing untoward.
Nothing to get alarmed about. The same is true of other climate
measures such as rainfall, storm intensities and frequencies, sea
surface temperatures, and polar ice fluctuations. The alarms of the
alarmists are going off only in their computers, and not in the world
So what can we say about the future? If we naively
project the cooling/warming cycles alone, we can expect a cooling phase
for the next 20 to 30 years or so, superimposed on a continuing slow
More HERE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
Obama's "Green" policies killing American jobs already
to 1,000 jobs at Bucyrus International Inc. and its suppliers could be
in jeopardy as the result of a decision by the U.S. Export-Import Bank,
funded by Congress, to deny several hundred million dollars in loan
guarantees to a coal-fired power plant and mine in India.
300 of those jobs are at the Bucyrus plant in South Milwaukee, where the
company has 1,410 employees and its headquarters. The remaining jobs
are spread across 13 states, including Illinois, Minnesota and Indiana.
Thursday, the Export-Import Bank denied financing for Reliance Power
Ltd., an Indian power plant company, effectively wiping out about
$600 million in coal mining equipment sales for Bucyrus, chief executive
Tim Sullivan said.
The fossil fuel project was the first to come
before the government-run bank since it adopted a climate-change policy
to settle a lawsuit and to meet Obama administration directives.
Obama has made clear his administration's commitment to transition away
from high-carbon investments and toward a cleaner-energy future,"
Export-Import Bank Chairman Fred Hochberg said in a statement. "After
careful deliberation, the Export-Import Bank board voted not to proceed
with this project because of the projected adverse environmental
The bank's decision is puzzling, Sullivan said, because
the power plant will meet international standards and the bank's
environmental criteria.
The plant is under construction in Sasan,
central India, and is scheduled to be up and running in 2012. Coal
mining will take place for the plant whether it's done with Bucyrus
machines or equipment from China and Belarus, Sullivan said.
the Obama administration jumps all over this and corrects a wrong
fairly quickly, I am confident this business is going elsewhere,"
Sullivan told the Journal Sentinel on Saturday. "The bank's decision
has had no impact on global carbon emissions but has cost the U.S.
nearly 1,000 jobs," he added.
The Export-Import Bank would not elaborate on the board's 2-1 vote - including Hochberg's - to deny the loan guarantees.
U.S. State and Treasury departments recommended against making the loan
guarantees. Neither agency could be reached for comment Saturday.
Political backlash
Gov. Jim Doyle and Sen. Herb Kohl, Republican Rep. Paul Ryan and Mayor
Tom Barrett, the Democratic candidate for governor, voiced their
objections to the Export-Import Bank decision, which may be irreversible
since there isn't an appeals process.
Doyle said he met with
Hochberg to stress the importance of the mining equipment sale, which
was contingent on the loan guarantees, for sustaining jobs here.
was absolutely stunned by their decision. It was the most shortsighted,
unconscionable decision you could imagine, and I can't see any
justification for it," the governor said.
Doyle said he hopes the bank's decision can be reversed before India turns to China or Belarus for mining equipment.
decision could set a precedent that would keep other nations from
buying U.S. mining equipment, especially since China offers discount
financing on machines built there, which puts the U.S. at a competitive
"My discussions with the bank chairman were hardly
confidence-building," Doyle said. "They really could not justify their
decision except somehow, somebody told them that if the word coal is
anywhere in a plan, then they can't move forward with it."
is scheduled to be in Racine on Wednesday. Doyle said he wants to meet
with the president and urge him to ask the Export-Import Bank to
reconsider its decision. "I am a green-energy guy," Doyle said. "But I
also understand that we need coal as a major source of energy. What that
means is, we need to develop and support the technologies and
businesses that are involved in the production of energy from clean
coal. Bucyrus is one of those businesses."
Barrett, too, said he would press the issue with Obama.
Isle of Eigg off the west coast of Scotland was hailed as the green
future, when islanders installed a solar, wind and hydroelectric power
solution to power their homes. All renewables, all the time. The green
energy wet dream in action. When Eigg won a share in a £1 million
prize in January for its devotion to green, the judges declared:
Good Energy CEO Juliet is vice chair of the judging panel that
decided that Eigg, which reduced its CO2 emissions by 32% in a year,
deserved a share in the top prize money. Here’s why: The day-to-day life
on a small Hebridean island lashed by the Atlantic Ocean may present
its own challenges, but the extreme weather makes it an ideal place to
harness the elements and generate renewable power.
So how’s that working out, exactly? Not so well: Power rationed on ‘green island’ Eigg:
Weeks of what passes for heatwave conditions in the Inner Hebrides
have caused water levels on the island’s three main burns to drop
uncharacteristically low, cutting off the island’s hydroelectricity
supply. The normally powerful Atlantic gusts in the tiny island south
of Skye have also reduced to a pleasant breeze leaving the island’s wind
turbines idle for hours on end.
Green energy is great,
as long as you don’t mind going without power when the weather doesn’t
cooperate. If Eigg was touted as the ideal place for renewable power and
it doesn’t work, what hope is there for the rest of the world’s
renewables efforts?
UPDATE: The UK mainland has the same reality
to deal with as energy from renewables dropped 7.5%. Try selling more
bird shredder farms on the back of that performance.
Reality is a hard taskmaster for Britain as a whole too
A mournful report frpm The Guardian below
renewable energy revolution suffered an abrupt setback this winter when
the power supplied from wind, hydro and other "clean" sources fell,
despite years of promises and policies to end the nation's dependence on
fossil fuels and slash global warming pollution, the Guardian can
The news comes as the government will tomorrow unveil a
major report (pdf) into how it will pay for the hundreds of billions of
new spending needed to meet the UK's targets for renewable energy and
cutting climate change emissions by setting up a new Green Investment
Bank (GIB).
Figures from the Department of Energy and Climate
Change (pdf) show that the proportion of electricity supplied from
renewable sources such as wind and hydro power fell 7.5% in the first
three months of this year compared to 2009.
The drop was
officially blamed mostly on a dry winter, which reduced power from water
turbines, and low wind speeds, leading to the lowest absolute supply
from those two sectors for four winters – as far back as the DECC
figures recorded.
Experts also expressed concern that renewable
energy could also have suffered from a hiatus in investment and from
competition from cheap gas from overseas, as the government figures
showed the UK became a net importer of gas for the first time in more
than 40 years in January to March.
The latest renewable energy
figures will be seized by critics and other experts who have long argued
that the UK needs fewer reports and targets and more action to support
and fund the long-promised low carbon transformation....
Green Investment Bank Commission, set up by Chancellor George Osborne
while the Conservative party was in opposition, is expected to recommend
a bonfire of green business quangos, whose more than £2bn a year in
grants could be used to fund the bank.
It also wants an estimated
£40bn from sale of permits to pollute under the European trading scheme
from 2012 to 2020 to be ringfenced to support the drive to decarbonise
Britain's economy.
Pension funds, other institutional investors
and even ordinary savers would also be offered a chance to contribute to
the low-carbon revolution by buying green bonds and green individual
savings accounts, under the plans.
The coalition government has said it will publish details of the new bank after the autumn spending review.
DECC Energy Statistics for the first quarter of 2010 show renewable
electricity fell from 6.7% to 6.2% of total supply. Supply from coal
power also fell, while nuclear and gas generation increased, bringing
the total electricity supply up slightly, by 1.1%, although consumption
of electricity fell fractionally. Total energy consumption, including
heating, fell by 1.1%.
RenewableUK, the industry lobby group,
said the ongoing increase in wind power would reduce problems from
relying on hydro schemes as climate change was expected to bring an era
of less reliable rainfall.
However Sir David King, the
government's former chief scientist and director of the Smith School of
Enterprise and the Environment at Oxford University, said the figures
highlighted the need for new nuclear generators to help cut emissions
and keep power supplies reliable. "We can't rely too heavily on wind
because it always requires a gas-fired turbine to be able to be switched
on to provide alternative energy," he said. [With rare realism]
American Physicist Joins Attack on Global Warming Theory
Another well-qualified voice is added to the growing dissent in debunking the discredited greenhouse gas theory
Charles R. Anderson makes his announcement on his website (June 28,
2010) in joining a growing band of professional scientists,
international academics and climate experts prepared to put their
reputations on the line and denounce the orthodox views held by an
influential clique of discredited government climatologists.
catalyst for the sudden willingness to speak out against the once widely
accepted theory of global warming may be an impressive new online
publication, ‘A Greenhouse Effect on the Moon?’ by Dr. Martin Hertzberg,
Alan Siddons and Hans Schreuder.
The controversial paper refutes
the greenhouse effect (GHG) by showing that by properly testing the
theory it can just as easily be ‘proven’ that the Moon also exhibits a
greenhouse effect: a nonsense proposition that discredits the entire
NASA Refuses to Reveal Secret Data
writes, “Despite the fact that NASA scientists are among the foremost
promoters of catastrophic global warming due to man's use of fossil
fuels and carbon dioxide emissions, NASA scientists have long known that
the moon exhibits a warming effect which is similar to the effect which
on Earth is said to be due to greenhouse gases.”
Like others who
now dispute the GHG theory Anderson berates the secrecy that has kept
so much of the data under wraps. NASA is currently facing court action
for refusing to disclose its data to independent analysts seeking to
check the validity of its global warming claims.
continuing theme of this blog is going to be the nature of peer review
and how it is not at all the reliable source of information on alleged
global warming that leftists think it is. There are many avenues to
explore in connection with this issue, but for now I simply want to
quote a statement from the Chronicle of Higher Education for June 18th
of this year (page A80). The quote is from a piece entitled, “We Must
Stop the Avalanche of Low-Quality Research,” by Mark Bauerlein, Mohamed
Gad-El-Hak, Wayne Grody, Bill McKelvey, and Stanley W. Trimble. Here is
the quote:
“Experts asked to evaluate manuscripts, results, and
promotion files give them less-careful scrutiny or pass the burden along
to other, less-competent peers. We all know busy professors who ask
Ph.D. students to do their reviewing for them. Questionable work finds
its way more easily through the review process and enters into the
domain of knowledge.... Aspiring researchers are turned into
publish-or-perish entrepreneurs, often becoming more less cynical about
the higher ideals of the pursuit of knowledge. They fashion pathways to
speedier publication, cutting corners on methodology and turning to
politicking and fawning strategies for acceptance.
“Such outcomes
run squarely against the goals of scientific inquiry. The surest
guarantee of integrity, peer review, falls under a debilitating crush of
findings, for peer review can handle only so much material without
breaking down. More isn’t better. At some point, quality gives way to
“Academic publication has passed that point in most, if not all disciplines – in some fields by a long shot.”
is from an article that has nothing to do with global warming or
climate science. It is simply talking about the state of academic
publication these days, and it finds that state far from ideal. It
nevertheless bears on global warming because everyone who believes in
global warming talks about how reliable the science behind it is, and to
prove it is reliable they point to peer review. But why believe that
peer review is reliable? This quotation suggests it is not.
a paper entitled "A strong bout of natural cooling in 2008," which was
published in Geophysical Research Letters, Perlwitz et al. (2009)
recount some interesting facts about which many climate alarmists would
rather the public remained unaware, including the fact that there was,
in Perlwitz et al.'s words, "a precipitous drop in North American
temperature in 2008, commingled with a decade-long fall in global mean
Perlwitz et al. begin their narrative by noting
that there has been "a decade-long decline (1998-2007) in globally
averaged temperatures from the record heat of 1998," citing Easterling
and Wehner (2009). And in further describing this phenomenon, they say
that U.S. temperatures in 2008 "not only declined from near-record
warmth of prior years, but were in fact colder than the official 30-year
reference climatology (-0.2°C versus the 1971-2000 mean) and further
were the coldest since at least 1996."
With respect to the
geographical origin of this "natural cooling," as they describe it, the
five researchers point to "a widespread coolness of the tropical-wide
oceans and the northeastern Pacific," focusing on the Niño 4 region,
where they report that "anomalies of about -1.1°C suggest a condition
colder than any in the instrumental record since 1871."
pushing the cause of the global and U.S. coolings that sparked their
original interest back another link in the chain which -- in their
estimation -- connects them with other more primary phenomena, they ask
themselves what caused these latter anomalous and significant oceanic
Perlwitz et al. first discount volcanic eruptions,
because they say "there were no significant volcanic events in the last
few years." Secondly, they write that solar forcing "is also unlikely,"
because its radiative magnitude is considered to be too weak to elicit
such a response. And these two castaway causes thus leave them with
"coupled ocean-atmosphere-land variability" as what they consider to be
the "most likely" cause of the anomalous coolings.
In regard to
these three points, we agree with the first. With respect to Perlwitz et
al.'s dismissal of solar forcing, however, we note that the jury is
still out with respect to the interaction of the solar wind with the
influx of cosmic rays to earth's atmosphere and their subsequent impact
on cloud formation, which may yet prove to be substantial. And with
respect to their final point, we note that the suite of real-world
ocean-atmosphere-land interactions is highly complex and also not fully
understood. Indeed, there may even be important phenomena operating
within this realm of which the entire scientific community is ignorant.
And some of those phenomena may well be strong enough to totally
compensate for anthropogenic-induced increases in greenhouse gas
emissions, so that other natural phenomena end up dictating the
ever-changing state of earth's climate, as could well be what has been
happening over the last decade or more.
In light of these
considerations, therefore, as well as the substantial strength and
longevity of the planet's current cooling phase, the path of wisdom
would seem to us to be to wait and see what happens next, in the
unfolding biogeophysical drama of earth's ever-changing climatic path to
the future, before we undertake to attempt to change what we clearly do
not fully comprehend.
New Study: CO2 only rose after ice age ended, not before; global wind-shift to blame
global shift in winds is what led to the end of Earth’s last ice age—
an event that ushered in a warmer climate and the birth of human
civilization. It is believed that, in the geological blink of an eye,
ice sheets in the northern hemisphere began to collapse and warming
spread quickly to the south.
Most scientists say that the
trigger, at least initially, was an orbital shift that caused more
sunlight to fall across Earth's northern half. But they could not
explain how the south dealt with the shift so fast.
And now a
team of researchers looked for an answer towards a global shift in winds
and proposed a chain of events that began with the melting of the large
northern hemisphere ice sheets about 20,000 years ago.
melting ice sheets reconfigured the planet's wind belts, pushing warm
air and seawater south, and pulling carbon dioxide from the deep ocean
into the atmosphere, allowing the planet to heat even further.
hypothesis makes use of climate data preserved in cave formations,
polar ice cores and deep-sea sediments to describe how Earth finally
thawed out. "This paper pulls together several recent studies to
explain how warming triggered in the north moves to the south, ending an
ice age," said study co-author Bob Anderson, a geochemist at Columbia
University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory.
"Finally, we have a
clear picture of the global teleconnections in Earth's climate system
that are active across many time scales. These same linkages that
brought the earth out of the last ice age are active today, and they
will almost certainly play a role in future climate change as well,” he
"It's the great global warming of all time. We're trying
to answer the puzzle: why does the Earth, when it appears so firmly in
the grip of an ice age, start to warm?" said the study's lead author,
George Denton, a glaciologist at the University of Maine.
have long suspected that carbon dioxide played a major role in the last
ice age but have had trouble explaining the early warming in the
southern hemisphere, where glaciers in Patagonia and New Zealand were
melting before carbon dioxide levels rose significantly.
scientists suggest that a change in ocean currents, triggered by the
freshening of the North Atlantic, caused this early warming.
computer models using ocean circulation to explain the rapid warming in
the south have been unable to recreate the large temperature jumps seen
in the paleoclimate record.
Now, with the evidence for shifting southern hemisphere westerlies, the rapid warming is readily explained.
The study has been published in the journal Science.
just remind ourselves, shall we, why the BBC is constitutionally
incapable of reporting on global warming in a fair, balanced or indeed
honest way. On 26 January 2006, the BBC’s not-notably-sceptical
Environment Analyst Roger Harrabin organised a conference at BBC TV
Centre called Climate Change – The Challenge To Broadcasting.
it should really have been called The Challenge To Impartiality. It was
co-hosted by the director of television Jana Bennett, the director of
news Helen Boaden and held under the auspices of the BBC and two
environmental lobby groups – The International Broadcasting Trust and
the Cambridge Media and Environment Programme. The keynote speaker was
the fanatically warmist ex-Royal Society President, Robert May, who
proceded to assure the audience of around 30 key BBC staff and 30
invited guests, most of them environmental activists, that – as Bob
Carter puts it in his superb Climate: The Counter Consensus – “the
science supporting global warming was so certain that it was the BBC’s
public duty to cease providing airtime to alternative viewpoints.” The
BBC has been hideously biased in its coverage of AGW ever since.
Panorama is a case in point. Here is a blog by the programme’s producer
Mike Rudin describing the piece of glib Warmist propaganda he is
foisting on the licence-fee paying public this evening. See if you can
spot the weaselry in this summing-up paragraph:
There is
genuine uncertainty and disagreement about the exact scale and speed of
human-induced global warming and crucially what we should do about it.
But I was surprised to find how much agreement there is on the
fundamental science.
Yep, what Rudin is trying to do is revive Al Gore’s discredited idea that there is a “Consensus” on global warming.
here’s the cheaty way he goes about demonstrating it. He sends his
reporter Tom Heap out to solicit the views of various “experts” with a
chart called a Wall of Uncertainty.
(Top Gear may have its “Cool
Wall”, but we have built a “Wall of Certainty” – Rudin confides to
readers of his blog, showing this isn’t just a serious programme. It’s
FUN too).
The expert panel is pretty evenly balanced. For the
Warmists Professor Bob Watson, Bob Ward of the Grantham Institute. For
the sceptics, Bjorn Lomborg and Professor John Christy at the University
of Alabama in Huntsville. What Lomborg and Christy don’t appreciate
until its far too late – ’twas ever thus with the BBC – is that the
entire exercise is a total stitch up. They are there to give the
illusion that all sides are being consulted. But note how loaded are the
questions which they are asked:
“How certain are you that mankind is warming the climate?”
“How certain are you that C02 and the other things are greenhouse gases?”
“How certain are you that we are emitting more CO2 which is one of the greenhouse gases?”
the answer to all these questions, even from the most ardent sceptic
Christy, is a “very.” That’s because there’s really no other honest
answer to any of them.
But what does this prove? Absolutely
nothing other than that on the subject of climate change, you’d be
better off sticking your hand in a bag of amphetamine-injected
rattlesnakes and hope not to be bitten than you would trusting the BBC.
disgraceful programme – and you should be ashamed Jeremy Vine, for
giving it your imprimatur by introducing such dross – quite deliberately
misrepresents the sceptic position using a Straw Man argument, before
drawing conclusions about the state of the AGW which are entirely
dishonest. Here is what Rudin thinks the programme means:
Contrary to some of the newspaper headlines and blogs that suggest all
global warming science is a con, they agreed that mankind is causing the
planet to warm up.
Note that use of the straw man
again. NOBODY believes that “all global warming science is a con.” NO
ONE. Because if they did, when you think about it, that would mean
discounting the expertise of climate scientists like Richard Lindzen and
Fred Singer, which obviously no climate sceptic is ever likely to do
being as they are trusted, revered gurus of the climate realist
Mortford has a book out titled The Hockey Stick Illusion. It highlights
how modern science is done (I read its 400+ pages in two days because
it was fascinating). The main issues are not abstruse statistics, but
rather detailed, parochial empirical issues.
Recent warming only
seems alarming if recent temperatures are outside of normal historical
fluctuations. As the medieval warming period when Vikings settled
Greenland was obviously very warm, at least in Greenland, one might
think that current temps are not that alarming. Thus, in 1998, when
Michael E. Mann, Bradley and Hughes published a paper documenting that
current temperatures are many standard deviations of their average since
at least 1000 AD, it became the signature graph for the Global Warming
Tree rings, or isotopic composition of ice cores (the
ratio of 18O to 16O) and other things are related to temperature, and
these are the types of things used to estimate temperature prior to
1880. As the 20th century temperature increase that has everyone worried
is only 0.6 degree centigrade, one needs some serious precision to
claim that temperatures in the past 1000 years did not vary above this
level. There's no fundamental law that related tree rings or oxygen
isotopes to temperature, these things just have an imprecise theory and
some empirical support, but it's not calibrated like some calorimeter.
To think you can know the temperature in 1100 with the kind of accuracy
that Mann et al present is really absurd.
The problem is there
are many temperature proxies, various tree rings, ice cores, all with
different results (over 400 of them). Mann et al eventually used 112 (or
159) of them for their paper, which allows for a lot of cherry picking.
Further, some series are truncated, some extrapolated, using seemingly
innocuous phrases like "if records terminate slightly before the 1980
training interval, they are extended by persistence". That's one bizarre
way to treat missing data. They also extrapolated certain time series
that did not start or end at convenient times, all with a bias towards
their end ('We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period' said one
infamous email).
There's lots of fun data issues and rhetorical
strategy presented in this book that highlights how real science is
done. You have two sides with pretty strong end-views--global warming is
unprecedented, or not--and while both claim to simply be interested in
the objective truth, after 10+ years invested in one conclusion it
defies credulity to think a researcher can address this question
objectively any more. Basically, we have two sets of partisan scientists
presenting their case, like paid lawyers.
As David Goodstein
notes in his recent book On Fact and Fraud: Cautionary Tales from the
Front Lines of Science, a great quote from the great Richard Feynman:
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself —and you are the
easiest person to fool.... After you’ve not fooled yourself, it’s easy
not to fool other scientists. You just have to be honest in a
conventional way after that.”
The winner of this debate will be
those who fooled themselves the least. Like a financial economist
rigging his backtest, this may generate a publication but in the long
run the data are what they are, and its best to have the facts on your
side because eventually the facts win. Very few are committing conscious
fraud, but rather, fraud of the more common sort, that of where a
seemingly innocuous inaccuracy saves tons of explanation in their mind.
Oscar Wilde noted, education is an admirable thing, but it is well to
remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be
taught. Big debates are usually not centered on not singular facts or
theories, but their many observations, knowing which are relevant, which
are not. Knowing how to weight correctly is mainly an exercise in
meticulous research and wisdom, and it especially helps to have correct
or at least popular a priori prejudices.
The idea that CO2 has a "greenhouse" (temperature-raising) effect on the earth is increasingly being mocked as violating basic laws of physics.
The latest mocker is Claes Johnson, a mathematics professor at the
Kungliga Tekniska högskolan in Sweden. (Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
translates as Royal Institute of Technology. KTH is one of Sweden's
most distinguished universities). See below
AGW Myth of Back Radiation
alarmism is based on an idea of "back radiation" or "re-radiation"
from an atmosphere with greenhouse gases, but the physics of this
phenomenon remains unclear.
To test if "back radiation" is a
real phenomenon, we suggest the following experiment: On a night with
moon-light so feeble that you can cannot read a newspaper, place
yourself in front of a mirror letting the moonlight reflect from the
newspaper to the mirror and back again, and check if you can now read.
You will probably find that the paper is still unreadable, as if "back
radiation" does not give more light.
To give this experiment
theoretical support we consider the mathematics of wave propagation from
a source at x=0 (Earth surface) to a receiver at x=1 (atmospheric
layer) described by the wave equation (as a model of Maxwell's equations
describing light as electromagnetic waves):
U_tt - U_xx = 0 for x in the interval (0,1)
solution U(x,t) being a combination of waves traveling with velocity +1
and -1 along the x-axis, and with subindices indicating differentiation
with respect to space x and time t. The boundary condition at the
receiver may take the form
AU_t(1,t) + U_x(1,t) =0
with a positive coefficient A signifying:
* A = 0: soft reflection with U_x(1,t) = 0 * A large : hard reflection with U_t(1,t) = 0 * A = 1: no reflection: transparent absorption of all incoming waves at x = 1.
The basic energy balance is obtained by multiplying the wave equation by U_t and integrating with respect to x to give:
E(t) is the energy of the wave over the interval (0,1). Assuming that
E(t) stays constant so that energy is no accumulating in the interval
(0,1), we have that
Output Energy = A U_t(1,t)^2 = Input Energy.
particular, with soft reflection with A = 0, the Input Energy is also
zero. We learn that it is not possible to "pump the system" by
reflection at x = 1: If you change from transparency with A = 1 to
reflection with A = 0, the system reacts by refusing to accept Input
Ergo: Reflection/back radiation cannot increase the insolation to the Earth surface.
radiation seeks support in a description of light as a stream of
particles proposed by Newton, which was replaced by Maxwell's wave
theory in the late 19th century).
What Does The U.S. National Climate Data Center (NCDC) Say About Global Temperatures & "Tipping" Points?
With all the recent talk about the warmest month, the warmest first
5-months of a calendar year, or the warmest calendar year-to-be (maybe),
it's probably a good time to review past NCDC global temperature data
in a context that goes beyond the extremely short-term periods of 1
month, 5 months or even a calendar year. As a reminder, it's fair to
point out that alarmist-profiteers, such as politicians, global warming
scientists, celebrities and reporters, want everyone to focus on
short-term movements and the fear of "tipping points," and ignore the
more critical, longer-term historical context. (click on any image to
Graphs 1A and 1B reveal that global temperatures have been experiencing
a modest flat to cooling trend over recent years. Note that chart 1B
actually includes the huge spike in temperatures due to nature's super El Niño
- even with that impressive spike, global temperatures barely increased
at a +0.60°C increase per century. Think about it - that's 13 years of
essentially very tepid warming (darn close to being flat) despite all
the wild, hotter-than-hell predictions of the likes of John Kerry,
Obama, Al Gore and James Hansen.
Charts 2A and 2B represent longer-term periods of distinct non-warming
and warming periods, per the NCDC data. The great "global-warming" scare
is primarily based on the 25 year period ending in 2001 (graph 2B). The
temperature increase of a +1.60°C per century trend for that recent
period is not even close to being "unprecedented" warming, and is barely different than the warming that is shown in graph 3B.A
+1.60°C per century trend is a temperature blip that will absolutely
not cause any of the popular catastrophic claims as eagerly publicized
by the vast majority of Democrats/leftists/liberals/progressives.
graphs 3A and 3B show the NCDC instrumental temperature record dating
back to the late 19th and early 20th century. Beginning in 1880,
there was an extended cooling period. Graph 3B represents the 33 year
warming duration that got its start around 1912. In terms of length and
overall warming, the 1912-1944 warming is almost identical to the "Great
Warming" of 1977-2001. Taking the above temperature data and
putting it in a longer NCDC temperature record view, the below graph
provides the needed context.
all the warming and cooling periods are combined, there has been
overall warming of +0.6°C since 1880, which is entirely normal,
considering the realism that world temperatures have been on a natural
warming trend since the incredible coldness of the Little Ice Age. Even
with the large increase of CO2 levels since 1880, the overall warming is
nothing extraordinary or dangerous. And just to be clear, the natural
cycles of warming and cooling will keep global temperatures from jumping
to the ludicrous heights (as the red dots represent on the above chart)
that warming alarmist scientists and eco-activists speculate about. One last graph and note:
the "Great Warming" of 1977 to 2001 actually occur? All the previous
charts are based on the NCDC "adjusted" global temperatures not the raw,
original thermometer readings.
As the above chart reveals, the
NCDC scientists have made every conceivable effort to adjust more recent
temperatures to be warmer, and to make pre-1945 warming cooler.
Although it's clear that global warming has taken place, there is a very
high likelihood that a significant portion of recent global warming is of a human fabrication.
Finally, have real-world temperatures reached a "tipping point"? The
real-world facts don't support that hysterical speculation in the least -
it's only in a eco-sexual fantasy dream of an Al Gore, and his ilk,
where that climax occurs.
The story of the IPCC’s claims about threats to the Amazon rainforest takes another bizarre turn
week the beleaguered global warming lobby was exulting over what it
took to be the best news it has had in a long time. A serious
allegation, which last January rocked the authority of the UN’s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, was “corrected” as untrue by
The Sunday Times, the newspaper which most prominently reported it. The
reputation of the IPCC, it seemed, had been triumphantly vindicated. The
growing tide of scepticism over climate change had at last been
reversed. But this episode leaves many questions unanswered.
“correction”, gleefully quoted by everyone from the WWF and The New York
Times to The Guardian’s George Monbiot related to what was known as
“Amazongate”. This was one of the series of controversies which exploded
round the IPCC last winter, when it was shown that many of the
high-profile claims made in its 2007 report had been based on material
produced by environmental activists and campaigning groups rather than
on proper, peer-reviewed scientific evidence.
One example, also
reported in The Sunday Telegraph, was the IPCC’s much-publicised claim
that climate change, leading to a reduction in rainfall, was threatening
the survival of “up to 40 per cent” of the Amazon rainforest. The only
source the IPCC could cite for this in its report was a document from
the environmental advocacy group WWF. But last week The Sunday Times, in
its prominent “correction” to its own story, conceded that the IPCC’s
claim was “supported by peer-reviewed scientific evidence” after all.
Not identified, however, was the nature of this peer-reviewed evidence.
Where is it?
The story of “Amazon-gate” has unfolded through
three stages. Step one was the passage in the IPCC report almost
identical to one made in a non-peer-reviewed WWF paper of 2000 on forest
fires in the Amazon. Specifically the IPCC stated that “up to 40 per
cent of the Amazonian forests could react drastically to only a slight
reduction in precipitation”. But the only source the WWF in turn had
been able to cite to support this was a paper published in Nature in
1999, from a team led by Dr Daniel Nepstad, formerly employed by the WWF
but now the “senior scientist” with another advocacy group closely
linked to the WWF, the Woods Hole Research Center. Certainly Nepstad’s
paper was peer-reviewed: however its subject was not climate change but
the impact on the Amazon rainforest of “logging and fire”. It found that
“logging companies in Amazonia kill or damage 10-40 per cent of the
living biomass of forests”. This had nothing whatever to do with global
warming but was cited as the origin of that “up to 40 per cent” figure
later used by the WWF and the IPCC.
Step two, when all this was
reported last January, was a disclaimer from the WWF, emphasising that
its 2000 report did “not say that 40 per cent of the Amazon forest is at
risk from climate change”. But it went on to say that the real source
for its 2000 paper (which had been “mistakenly omitted”) was another
paper, “Fire in the Amazon”. This was also written by Dr Nepstad, as
head of yet another advocacy group linked to Woods Hole, the Amazon
Environmental Research Institute. Although it was now being suggested
that this paper should have been cited as the original source for the
IPCC’s claim, it too was not peer-reviewed. Thus, twice over, the IPCC’s
claim appears to rest both on non-peer-reviewed science and on studies
not related to global warming at all.
So great was the IPCC’s
embarrassment over these revelations that the story moved to a third
stage. Various scientists, led by Dr Nepstad, suggested further studies
which might justify the claim. But an exhaustive trawl through all the
scientific literature on this subject by my colleague Dr Richard North
(who was responsible for uncovering “Amazongate” in the first place),
has been unable to find a single study which confirms the specific claim
made by the IPCC’s 2007 report. If one exists we would very much like
to see it.
There are several studies based on computer models
which attempt to estimate the possible impact of climate change on the
Amazon rainforest, but none of these have so far supported that 40 per
cent figure. Other researchers in turn have been highly critical of
these models, suggesting that they are too crude to replicate the
complex workings of the Amazonian climate system and that all observed
evidence indicates that the forest is much more resilient to climate
fluctuations than the alarmists would have us believe.
did more to excite attention over the effect of climate change on the
rainforest than the exceptional drought of 2005, just when the IPCC’s
2007 report was being compiled. Since then, however, abnormally heavy
rainfall in the region has brought disastrous floods to Brazil, both
last year and again last week.
In other words there is a real
mystery here. Nothing so far made public seems to justify an assertion
that the IPCC’s specific claim is “supported by peer-reviewed scientific
evidence”. In view of all the controversy this issue has aroused over
several months, it might seem odd that, if such evidence exists, it
hasn’t been produced before. Is it not now a matter of considerable
public interest that we should be told what it is?
footnote to this sorry tale, no one crowed more hysterically over this
story last week (or got it more wrong) than The Guardian’s George
Monbiot. Inter alia, he accused me and Dr North of having been
“responsible for more misinformation than any other living journalists.
You could write a book on all the stories they have concocted, almost
all of which fall apart on the briefest examination.”
I would
remind him that, on the only occasion he tried to do this, boasting that
it had taken him just “26 seconds” to catch me out, he was soon forced
to apologise to his readers that he had got his point hopelessly wrong,
and that I was right. Silly old Moonbat should learn when it is wiser to
hold his peace.
all of this, all of the claims and counterclaims, and the models, and
Dr. Lewis’s letter, and the cited scientific documents, all run aground
on one ugly fact:
The data shows no change in Amazon rainfall in a century of measurements
3 shows three different ground-based observational datasets, along with
the recent Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite data.
3. Four Amazon rainfall datasets, covering the rectangular area shown
in violet in Fig. 2 (2.5°N–12.5°S, 72.5°W–50°W). Note the generally good
agreement between the four datasets (including the TRMM satellite data)
main feature of this dataset is its stability. Note the lack of any
trend over the last century, and the lack of any large excursions in the
rainfall. It stays between two and two and a half metres per year.
There are no really wet years, and no really dry years. 95% of the years
are within ± 10% of the average rainfall. There are individual dry
years, but no prolonged periods of drought.
So while Dr. Lewis
says (correctly) that rainforest can change to savannah, he is not
correct that 40% of the Amazon is at risk from a “slight reduction” in
rainfall. More to the point, there is no evidence to indicate that we
are headed for a reduction in Amazon rainfall, “slight” or otherwise.
That is a fantasy based on climate models.
The reality is that
despite the globe warming by half a degree or so over the last century,
there has been no change in the Amazon rainfall. As usual, the IPCC is
taking the most alarmist position possible … and Dr. Lewis is doing all
he can to claim that the IPCC alarmism is actually good science.
for both the IPCC and Dr. Lewis, here at the end of a long, twisted,
and rainy jungle trail, we find that the facts inconveniently disagree
with their claims.
They are still doing what was recognized as bogus at least 30 years ago
you gave me the following paper after replacing the author’s examples
of econometric and energy models with climate models, I could not have
told it had been written in 1981.
Ascher, W. (1981). The forecasting potential of complex models. Policy Sciences, 13(3), 247-267. doi:10.1007/BF00138485
Here are some extracts.
On the contrast between bad performance record and large volume of research:
forecasters are completely ignorant of the performance record, or are
attracted solely by the promotional advantages of the scientific aura
of modeling, they can only be attracted to its potential benefits not
yet realized.
On the difficulty of retrospective evaluation of model performance when there are competing scenarios:
no scenario is designated as most likely, the scenarios must be
regarded as exogenous factors, whose likelihoods are not at issue in the
modeling exercise. The model produces a set of projections, each
posited as correct if the corresponding condition or scenario were to
hold, but without implying that any particular one will hold or that
some are more likely than others. In this case, the retrospective
evaluation of forecast accuracy must proceed by first establishing which
condition actually prevailed, and then measure the discrepancy between
the projection tied to that condition and the actual level of the
predicted trend. If it is still too early to evaluate a set of
conditional forecasts retrospectively, the spread of conditional
forecasts of the same trend for the same year can be used as one
indication of uncertainty or minimum error, but only if the conditional
is the same for every forecast of the set.
On using model consensus to judge model validity:
the agreement across models need not be an indication of validity;
they could all be wrong. For example, all energy models predicting the
1975 levels of U.S. electricity, petroleum, and total energy
consumption projected these levels higher than they actually turned out
to be. This confident consensus was no guarantee that the models were
correct then; any consensus among models’ predictions in the future may
be equally misleading.
… [S]imilar models undergoing similar
judgmental censorship by modelers holding similar outlooks on the
future can so easily reassure all parties that the future is seen with
On using the fact that models are physically based as an argument for model correctness:
models are formulated by specifying assumptions and hypothesized
relationships as explicit, usually mathematical propositions. While this
procedure is often very helpful in uncovering inconsistency and
vagueness in the initial ideas or verbal formulations, it cannot
establish the correctness of the model’s propositions. Models express
assumptions, but do not validate them. If the modeler tries to ensure
the validity of the model’s propositions by focusing on disaggregated
behavior of presumably greater regularity, the problem of reaggregating
these behaviors to model overall patterns becomes another potential
source of error. If the modeler only includes relationships proven by
past experience, there is no guarantee they will hold in the future.
There is no procedure or format of model specification that guarantees
the validity of this specification.
On the effort required:
rigorous, elaborate analysis [of models and their outputs]is time
consuming and expensive, there has been a natural tendency for
forecasters to pour their efforts into grand, once-and-for-all projects,
carried out only infrequently and yet used long after they are
produced because the immense effort makes them seem definitive.
On the likelihood of modelers to reconsider:
the modeler has spent years developing optimization routines, apparent
violations of … assumptions are more likely to be accommodated by
patchwork modifications, or disregarded altogether as short-term
aberrations, than they are to trigger the abandonment of the model
… [M]odel revision, which seems to the cynic to be an
ad hoc effort to keep a fundamentally misspecified model more-or-less
in line with reality, is often regarded by the model builder as the
normal routine of science.
New Australian PM won't act on climate without consensus
Which she knows she won't get. Clever: Makes her sound good to the ratbags but costs nothing
failed to convince the public a carbon tax was necessary, Prime
Minister Julia Gillard says. Ms Gillard said she was concerned about
the government's proposed emissions trading scheme because community
consensus had not been achieved.
Asked if she was behind the
delay of the ETS because it was hurting Labor, Ms Gillard said she had
concerns. "I was concerned that if you were going to do something as
big to your economy as put a price on carbon, with the economic transfer
that implies... you need a lasting and deep community consensus to do
it," Ms Gillard told the Nine Network. "I don't believe we had that
last and deep community consensus."
The prime minister said she
believed Australia should have a price on carbon. "I will be prepared
to argue for a price on carbon... so that we get that lasting and deep
community consensus," she said. "But we are not there yet."
Gillard said the government could take practical measures. "I believe
in climate change. I believe it's caused by human activity and I believe
we have an obligation to act," she said. "And I will be making some
statements about some further things we can do to address the challenge
of climate change as we work to that lasting and deep community
Al Gore forgot about gravity (If he ever knew about it)
rather obvious but amusing stuff below. A melting Greenland would NOT
raise North Atlantic sea levels. I gather that the post is based on a
paper by Mitrovica et al. in Nature 409, 1026 (2001). Whether one
icecap would melt and not the other seems improbable a priori but in
fact temperature movements are far from uniform across the globe. And a
scenario whereby Greenland would melt but not Antarctica could be
envisaged. I gather that Antarctica is colder on average than
I have tidied up the English below a bit. The
German name of the site translates as "Climate Onion", which captures
rather well the multi-layered effects at work on the climate
sea-level rise is caused by several factors, among which the most
important the expansion of the water column due to rising ocean water
temperatures and the melting of the polar ice-sheets. Both effects are
obvious and do not require further explanation.
However, the
shrinking of the polar land-ice masses does not lead to a sea-level rise
uniformly distributed over the globe. Quite to the contrary, its
fingerprint is substantially heterogeneous. If the Greenland ice sheet
melts, most of the sea-level rise would occur in the southern
Hemisphere. If, on the other hand, it is the West-Antarctic Ice sheet
that collapses, Nature's wisdom would produce a targeted maximum of
sea-level rise right in front of the White House. This surprising effect
is caused by very well-known physics - gravitational attraction - but
it is seldom found in the public discussion of global sea-level rise.
mechanisms by which this spatial distribution of sea-level response to
the collapse of polar ice sheets is not difficult to understand either,
albeit its magnitude may be surprising for many of us.
sea-levels in the Arctic, North Atlantic and North Pacific are affected
by the additional gravitational pull of the large ice mass locked on
top of Greenland. So Northern levels are a bit higher than they
'should be'. If this ice mass melts, the volume of the global ocean will
increase accordingly and thus sea-level would tend to rise on average.
But at the same time the gravitational pull that maintained the sea-leve
in the Nordic seas will also disappear, and sea-level will tend to drop
in those areas close to the present position of the ice-sheets.
calculation of the final spatial distribution of this gravitational
effect is somewhat complex, but can be done. Other effects come into
play as well, but their magnitude is just able to slightly modulate the
overall fingerprint of the gravitational pull. For instance, melting of
the polar ice sheets and the subsequent distribution of water masses
over the the whole ocean changes the rotational speed of the Earth - in a
similar way as an ice skater turns more slowly when he extends his arms
away from his body. This in turn slightly affects sea-level as well
turns out that for the Arctic Ocean, the gravitational effect
overwhelms the increase in ocean volume; so that melting of Greenland
ice causes a drop of sea-level in this ocean (see Figure). For Northern
Europe, both effects roughly cancel (see the zero isoline separating the
dark blue and light blue colors). Sea-level rises unabated in the
Southern Hemisphere. In the case of Antarctic ice melting, we roughly
find a mirror image, with sea-level dropping in the Southern Ocean and
rising in the Northern Hemisphere. For the case of melting of ice
sitting on the West-Antarctic peninsula, the maximum sea-level rise
occurs in the Western North Atlantic.
Greenland glaciers and
glaciers on the Antarctica Peninsula- the area in the Antarctic
continent at greatest risk of melting, may react in different ways to
overall warming. West Antarctic glaciers terminate below sea-level and
thus are exposed to a much greater degree to ocean heat flux and warmer
water temperatures. It is therefore possible that the West Antarctic Ice
sheet may turn to be less stable to higher temperatures than Greenland.
On the other hand, temperatures are projected to rise more in the
Arctic region than over Antarctica, so that in this end it is not quite
certain which one of the polar ice sheets will be the major contributor
to the ocean mass. This introduces further uncertainties to sea-level
projections at regional scales.
# Up to 30cm (a foot) of new snow so far today around Queenstown's ski areas.
# Up to 50cm (20 inches) of fresh snow in the Alps.
# Second Californian ski area to open in July.
# Cairngorm in Scotland wraps up seven month season.
Argentina's resort start to open and more snow in Chile and South
Africa. www.skiinfo.co.uk reports that more of Europe's glacier ski
areas are opening and that they, along with the centres already open,
are benefitting from heavy snowfalls in recent days.
More ski
areas have also been opening in the southern hemisphere, where resorts
in New Zealand are reporting up to 25cm of new snow so far today. In
addition a third US area has announced plans to open its slopes in July.
have been low temperatures and heavy snow on glaciers in the Alps in
the past few days. With all three summer ski areas now open in France,
this means 10 areas are offering powder snow conditions on their slopes
at the moment!
In Austria the Hintertux glacier has reported 45cm
(18 inches) of new snow it has a 590m vertical with 20km of pistes
open, and a 195.cm (6.5 foot) base. The Dachstein glacier has a210cm (7
foot) base and is reporting powder conditions. It's beginner park and
super park are both open.
The Kitzsteinhorn glacier above Kaprun
has also reopened, reporting another 5cm (two inches) of fresh snow on
Tuesday, on top of weekend falls and a full 750 metres of skiable
The Mölltal glacier will re-open this Sunday, 27 June
at 8am with about 9 km of groomed slopes open daily to 4pm through to
the end of August. The centre currently reports up to 3.6m (12 foot)
snow depths on the glacier.
Italy will also be up to four summer
ski areas open by the weekend when Cervinia re-opens with fresh snow. It
will join the still-open Presena glacier above Passo Tonale where just
two advanced to expert runs are open, as well as Passo Stelvio and Val
Senales, which has reported 20cm of new snow in two falls over the past
few days.
In Switzerland it's still only Zermatt, Europe's highest ski area, which has 8km of runs open.
France the ski lifts began running again at the weekend at Tignes on
the Grande Motte glacier and in neighbouring Val d'Isere which joined
Les 2 Alpes which re-opened a week ago.
In Tignes there's 20km of
piste and a giant terrain park open, the snow base is 120cm (four feet)
and there's been another 5cm of fresh snow. The slopes are open from
7:15am to 1pm, and located at an altitude ranging from 3,000 to 3,456
metres. The glacier features 12 ski lifts and can be accessed in seven
minutes by the underground funicular.
Les 2 Alpes has 80cm (2.6
feet) of snow at 2600m and 2.8m (over 9 feet) up at 3200m with 12 slopes
and the terrain park open at one of Europe's largest summer ski areas.
only other places to ski in Europe are in Norway, where three glacier
ski areas are open at Folgefonn with up to four metres of snow lying,
Galdhoppigen with up to five metres of snow lying and Stryn with up to
4.5 metres of snow lying.
In Scotland more than 60 skiers took to
the slopes at CairnGorm Mountain on the summer solstice on Monday 21st
June 2010 to enjoy some midsummer skiing on the snow still lying there
in the Ptarmigan bowl.
They were able to take advantage of the
two rope tows which had been set up there by the resort's operators
CairnGorm Mountain Ltd. Skiers had travelled from as far away as the
Isle of Mull in order to be able to say that they had skied at midsummer
at CairnGorm.
The 21st was the 147th day of skiing at CairnGorm
since the season started on 28 November 2009 and brings to 145,007 the
total number of skier days at the resort in what by any account has been
an extraordinary season. There were 23 days when skiing was not
possible due to high winds or access blocked by snow.
Last year 65,000 skiers visited the resort and only three years ago they had their worst season ever with only 38,000 skiers.
North America the ski season ended a weekend later than expected in
Utah when Snowbird decided to open last weekend after all, extending
their 2009/10 season to 189 total days....
Conditions at most ski
areas in Chile are looking good after the centres there reported
receiving up to two feet (60cm) of snow in the past week, most of it
just before the weekend. Chapa Verde has a 60cm (two foot) base and
Chapelco 50cm (20 inches).
However Valle Nevado and the South
American ' three Valleys' that surround it have some of the best
conditions on the continent with more than 1.6m (over five feet) of
accumulated snowfall to date. Portillo, which delayed its opening by a
week, is now on schedule to open this weekend.
In southern Africa
there's snow sports as well as World Cup football. Africa's Tiffindell
is open for skiing and Afriski in Lesotho has had more new snow taking
its base depth to 65cm (2.2 feet) with a 400m long slope open.
Australia there's been no new natural snowfall for over a week now but
temperatures are continuing to stay quite low so most resorts with
snowmaking are making more, and resorts like Falls Creek, Mt Hotham and
Perisher have 40 or 50cm (16-20 inches) of snow on snowmaking areas,
Thredbo has a little less.
More ski areas have been opening in
New Zealand. Treble Cone, which has received excellent pre-season snow,
will open tomorrow (Thursday 24 June) with the first lift running at
8.30am. There'll be Amisfield bubbles for the first 150 skiers on the
lifts. Whakapapa is scheduled to open on Saturday 26th June.
makes a good point below about how CFC restrictions were mandated
without a full understanding of the effects, but I hope he is accepting
the shrinkage in the ozone hole "for the sake of the argument" only. As
far as I can see, the fluctuations in the ozone hole in the 20 years
since restrictions were in force are at best a random walk -- with the
hole biggest quite recently: in 2006!
One of the central
points presented in The Resilient Earth is the fundamental immaturity of
climate science and how unreasonable it is to ask for accurate
predictions working from the current state of both climate theory and
available data. We used the formulation of the three pillars of
science—theory, experiment and computation—as the framework of our
argument. As an example why we take this stand consider a recent article
in the journal Science.
A new study, appearing in the June 13th
issue of Science, has found that the healing of the ozone layer, which
is projected to occur sometime in the second half of the 21st century,
may significantly affect the climate in Antarctica, and therefore, the
global climate.
The Montreal Protocol, signed by 191 countries,
helped phase out CFC production worldwide by 1996. Observations over the
past few years indicate that ozone depletion has largely halted and is
now expected to fully reverse. The ozone hole over Antarctica is closing
and the climate of the Southern Hemisphere may change as a consequence,
reversing the cooling trend seen there over the last 20-30 years. How
does this help prove our case that climate science is immature and not
able to provide the confident predictions of impending global warming
and climatic disaster put forth by the IPCC and other pundits?
are powerful greenhouse gases, having an effect on the atmosphere
similar to CO2 or methane. Basically, CFCs should cause the atmosphere
to warm but, by destroying part of the ozone layer, they have had the
opposite effect on Antarctica, causing that continent to cool instead.
And now, because reducing CFC emissions is allowing the ozone layer to
reform, removing CFCs is projected to cause more warming—exactly the
opposite effect that was expected. So here is a linkage between chemical
compounds in the atmosphere that had not been previously understood. In
other words, the theory was incomplete. But that is not all.
projections from the measured data, the experiment pillar, does not
provide a clear picture of how fast the changes will take place or how
significant they will be. In their prediction of future climate, many
IPCC models did not consider the expected ozone recovery and its
potential impacts on climate change. Other models that try to model the
ozone changes predict that the Antarctic ozone hole will achieve full
recovery in the second half of this century, which may have profound
impacts on the surface winds and on other aspects of the Earth's
climate, including surface temperatures, locations of storm tracks,
extent of dry zones, amount of sea ice, and ocean circulation. The data
are inconclusive and the models disagree.
“Our results suggest
that stratospheric ozone is important for the Southern Hemisphere
climate change, and ought to be more carefully considered in the next
set of IPCC model integrations,” said Seok-Woo Son, lead-author of the
study and a postdoctoral research scientist at Columbia's Fu Foundation
School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS). Meaning that the
current IPCC models, the ones that all the global warming predictions
are based on, are not correct. You can read more about this from the
Science Daily website here.
As a result of this paper's findings
we can say that climate theory was found to be incomplete, the data were
inconclusive, and the various climate models don't agree but need to be
updated to reflect the new findings. And as often happens when dealing
the the complex system that regulates Earth's climate, the result of one
human action seems to be having an effect opposite from the predicted.
This points out a final point about predictions made by scientists—no
computer model can predict the unforeseen, unintended consequences of
future human actions. Many times an action is taken (eliminate CFC
emissions) in order to achieve a result (save the ozone layer) and ends
up having an unexpected side effect (warming Antarctica). Now consider
that there are thousands of papers published in scores of journals every
week—what new gaps in our understanding will be uncovered next? Do you
still think that the IPCC can accurately predict what Earth's climate
will do over the next 100 years?
Wang, B., Yang, Y., Ding, Q.-H., Murakami, H. and Huang, F. 2010.
Climate control of the global tropical storm days (1965-2008).
Geophysical Research Letters 37: 10.1029/2010GL042487.
authors write that "the impact of the rising sea surface temperature
(SST) on tropical cyclone (TC) activity is one of the great societal and
scientific concerns," and that "with the observed warming of the
tropics of around 0.5°C over the past four to five decades, detecting
the observed change in the TC activity may shed light on the impact of
the global warming on TC activity."
What was done
pursuit of their ultimate objective, Wang et al. examined cross-basin
spatial-temporal variations of TC storm days for the Western North
Pacific (WNP), the Eastern North Pacific (ENP), the North Atlantic
(NAT), the North Indian Ocean (NIO), and the Southern Hemisphere Ocean
(SHO) over the period 1965-2008, for which time interval pertinent
satellite data were obtained from the U.S. Navy's Joint Typhoon Warning
Center for the WNP, NIO and SHO, and from the U.S. NASA's National
Hurricane Center for the NAT and ENP.
What was learned
five researchers report that "over the period of 1965-2008, the global
TC activity, as measured by storm days, shows a large amplitude
fluctuation regulated by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the
Pacific Decadal Oscillation, but has no trend, suggesting that the
rising temperature so far has not yet [had] an impact on the global
total number of storm days," implying that "the spatial variation of
SST, rather than the global mean temperature, may be more relevant to
understanding the change of the global storm days."
What it means
to the climate-alarmist claim that global warming increases tropical
storm activity on a global basis, the results of this study reveal that
long-held contention to still be without merit, even with more than four
decades of pertinent data in hand.
The use and abuse of a single graph to justify action on climate change shows the need for healthy scepticism
By AW Montford ("Bishop Hill")
the moment it appeared in 1999, it was clear the ‘hockey stick’ graph
was going to be very, very important. The graph, which appeared in a
paper by US climatologist Michael Mann and others published in 1999, is a
reconstruction of global temperatures over the past thousand years.
Since for most of that period there were no weather stations monitoring
temperature, a variety of proxy temperature measures, like tree rings,
needed to be used.
Two things are striking about the graph.
Firstly, the period from the year 1000 right through to the
mid-nineteenth century shows relatively steady temperatures, despite the
widespread belief that there was a ‘medieval warm period’ from around
about 950 to 1250 AD. Secondly, the temperatures in Mann’s graph lurch
sharply upwards - hence the ‘hockey stick’ nickname - particularly
during the twentieth century, suggesting that the world had been getting
sharply warmer and would continue to do so.
Within a week of the
graph’s publication there was an article about it in the New York
Times. This was pretty amazing considering Michael Mann, the lead author
of the paper, had only received his PhD a few months before. A couple
of years later, it turned up in the Third Assessment Report of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), appearing five or six
times, full size, full colour. It was fairly clear that the hockey-stick
graph was important.
There was a BBC report some years later in
which the reporter explained that it was really quite hard to
overestimate how important the graph has been. In Canada, for example,
the government even sent a leaflet out to every home in the country
showing the conclusions of the graph: that current warming temperatures
were historically unprecedented. That indicates how important, how
influential this piece of research was. Indeed, it has been cited more
than possibly any other paper in the field.
But then, in
2002/2003, a Canadian geologist called Stephen McIntyre came on to the
scene. Having been a recipient of one of the Canadian government’s
leaflets, he just thought the graph looked a bit, well, odd. So he went
through the original research, and because of its rather dramatic shape
showing steady temperatures for centuries and centuries and then a
sudden lurch upwards in the twentieth century, McIntyre thought this
just all seemed a bit dodgy.
This was partly due to McIntyre’s
professional background in mining: in mining, the hockey-stick graph is a
familiar phenomenon. It is a way for mining companies to encourage
people to invest in them, so it probably set his alarm bells ringing.
McIntyre was to find two things wrong with Mann’s hockey-stick graph.
The first was that the data behind the graph was inappropriate. Most
temperature reconstructions use a very small number of tree-ring series.
Mann’s hockey stick was rather different in that he used a much larger
number, but the important tree-ring series within it were from one
particular kind of tree called a bristlecone pine which grows for
hundreds, possibly thousands of years and can be found in western
The problem, however, was that it was known that this
kind of tree showed a growth spurt in the twentieth century, which meant
that the pattern of the tree rings effectively had a hockey-stick
shape. This was awkward since it was widely acknowledged that this spurt
was not being driven by climate. Remarkably, one of Mann’s co-authors
had even admitted this in a later paper, stating that the
twentieth-century growth spurt was a mystery, but it was not climatic.
So these tree rings were known to be problematic.
further research in 2004, McIntyre discovered a fragment of code from
Mann’s statistical method – principal components analysis – on one of
Mann’s own websites. There was an error in it, the effect of which was
to overemphasise the bristlecone pines. So, while you had hundreds of
tree-ring series, the only ones that mattered were the ones that were
hockey-stick shaped.
This meant that it didn’t matter what data
you put into Mann’s algorithm, if there was one series within it that
had a hockey-stick shape there is a strong chance that, depending on the
number of other series, a hockey-stick graph would emerge as the
result. The algorithm was heavily weighted in favour of hockey sticks.
It effectively disregarded any data that conflicted with, or
contradicted, the hockey-stick finding.
It is now agreed – and
expert panels have since looked at this – that the bristlecone pines are
inappropriate as a proxy measure of temperature and that the
statistical methodology used was biased.
Still, the argument that
is now given as to why the hockey-stick graph was okay is that the
other temperature reconstructions that have been created give broadly
the same shape. It is debatable just how similar that shape is – many of
them aren’t hockey-stick shaped at all, showing very high temperatures
in the medieval period. They are more U-shaped, if you like. But the
other factor here is that all these other temperature reconstructions
use the bristlecone pines as well. Now, if you’ve got bristlecones in
amongst a small number of tree-sing series, then you will invariably get
a hockey-stick result.
So, to summarise: Mann’s method used a
very large number of tree-ring series, but his statistical method
ignored anything that was not hockey-stick shaped. In other
reconstructions, fewer sets of data are used, but as a result the
dubious bristlecone pine data has a greater impact on the final result.
put his case against the hockey-stick graph down on paper in 2005,
leading to quite a furore. The argument continues to this day. The IPCC
is still trying to stand by Mann’s work, probably because it oversold
the hockey-stick graph in the past and now finds it quite difficult to
step back from it. It is even included in the Fourth Assessment Report
of 2007. The IPCC is maintaining this argument that yes, there may have
been problems with the statistics and with the data, but it gives
broadly the same answer as the other temperature reconstructions. My
impression is that the IPCC would like to drop it gently now without
ever admitting what it got wrong.
After Climategate
In the
wake of Climategate in late 2009, when a large number of emails and
data from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East
Anglia found their way into the public domain - leading to some fairly
embarrassing revelations about the working methods and attitudes of both
CRU researchers and their collaborators elsewhere - the climatology
community is in a bit of a state of flux. There are people within that
community who are maybe just shifting position a little and trying to
put a bit of distance between themselves and the more advocacy-based
scientists. Whether that leads to an eventual disowning of the
hockey-stick graph itself remains to be seen.
I think from this
point on we will hear far less about scientific consensus from the
climatology community and far more about uncertainty and dissenting
views. This is not to say we have heard the end of global warming –
there’s too much money floating around for people just to drop it.
Climatology has had huge amounts of money flung at it while the big
energy companies have investments in renewable technology based on
farming enormous subsidies.
These financial pressures are key to
distorting the debate about climate. The problem for many climatologists
is that they cannot come out and say that global warming isn’t a
problem anymore because so much of their funding depends upon it. This
is also one of the problems that the IPCC has: the very people who can
answer the question on the future direction of climate also depend on
the answer to that being that ‘yes, it’s a problem’ to continue
receiving funding. It is a difficult problem, and it is one that you get
when you have government-funded science.
As for McIntyre,
although he is demonised as a Big Oil-funded troublemaker by green
activists and advocacy-based scientists, he’s proven very difficult to
attack because of his position: he does believe global warming is real,
and he does think it is a problem. At the same time, he’s just the type
of guy that is going to go out and find the truth no matter where it
lies. There is a story that upon hearing the argument that if the
hockey-stick graph is wrong, then the planet could be much more
sensitive to rises in CO2 levels than previously thought, and therefore
global warming could be even worse, McIntyre just shrugged his shoulders
and said: ‘If that’s the answer, then that’s the answer and we’ll just
have to find it out.’ His integrity as someone who will pursue the truth
wherever it may lie is very hard to question.
In the aftermath
of McIntyre’s work and Climategate, there is a growing middle ground
where people have decided that everyone bashing one another just isn’t
helping to clarify matters. What we have to do is follow the science.
And that means that we have to be open, we have to be questioning, and
scientists have to engage with people outside their own fields.
The oil-addiction theorists are really disgusted by the desires of stupid, greedy, uppity consumers
addicted to oil. It’s official. The Western world is hooked on the
black stuff and Americans are the biggest energy junkies of them all.
oft-quoted, little-criticised idea has been around for years, but there
has been a veritable addiction-to-oil blowout since the BP-hired
drilling platform, Deepwater Horizon, sank in the Gulf of Mexico on 20
April, killing 11 rig workers and depositing tens of thousands of
barrels of oil into the sea on a daily basis.
The most
high-profile airing of the oil-addiction idea came in President Barack
Obama’s televised Oval Office address to the nation last week. ‘For
decades, we have known the days of cheap and easily accessible oil were
numbered’, he told viewers. ‘For decades, we’ve talked and talked about
the need to end America’s century-long addiction to fossil fuels. And
for decades, we have failed to act with the sense of urgency that this
challenge requires. Time and again, the path forward has been blocked -
not only by oil industry lobbyists, but also by a lack of political
courage and candor.’
The addicted-to-oil thesis is not a dry
discussion of energy policy - rather it is a pointed attack on
consumers. Underpinning this idea is a sense that relatively well-off
Westerners are too stupid and too greedy to realise that their use of
oil is a bad thing.
So Gregor Peter Schmitz, writing in Spiegel
International last week, tried to give some context to the risky
business of deepwater oil production. ‘[T]here is also a simple reason
that BP and other oil companies are drilling at depths of up to 1,500
metres (4,900 feet), far from the coast. They are servicing a greed for
cheap energy and resources that fuels 250million automobiles on
America’s roads, keeps the country’s countless air-conditioners running
and provides water for fantasy cities in the middle of deserts. There
are 300million Americans - around five per cent of the global population
- but they consume around 25 per cent of the world’s oil.’
clearly regards Americans as petulant children, unwilling to accept the
painful medicine of reducing oil consumption. He also criticises the
fact that Obama himself is pretty vague about actually introducing
incentives and taxes to move away from oil. Schmitz puts this down to
the electoral disaster that befell former president Jimmy Carter when he
told the US electorate that they had to reduce their energy usage:
‘That’s not the kind of thing Americans want to hear. In 1980, voters
drove Carter out of office. In his speech, Carter called for 20 per cent
of the United States’ energy to come from solar power by 2000 and for
an end to dependence on foreign oil. Today, only one per cent of the
energy America consumes comes from solar power, and two-thirds of its
oil is imported from abroad.’
Yet Schmitz was left standing like a
novice driving some solar-powered electric trike next to that Michael
Schumacher of Grand Prix-level tree-hugging, anti-consumer bullshit,
Naomi Klein. In an article published in the Guardian last weekend, Klein
declared that the Gulf oil spill is nature’s slap in the face to us
uppity humans who had the conceit to believe we could shape the world to
meet our needs. ‘This Gulf coast crisis is about many things –
corruption, deregulation, the addiction to fossil fuels. But underneath
it all, it’s about this: our culture’s excruciatingly dangerous claim to
have such complete understanding and command over nature that we can
radically manipulate and re-engineer it with minimal risk to the natural
systems that sustain us.’
Klein argues that until the year 1600,
or thereabouts, people saw the planet as a living organism, as Mother
Earth, which provided for us but could also punish us, too. Then along
came the idea that we could control nature, summed up by England’s
quintessential Renaissance Man, Francis Bacon. Nature, he said, could be
‘put in constraint, moulded, and made as it were new by art and the
hand of man’.
Against Bacon’s rational, human-centred worldview,
Klein offers us mysticism. She praises those ‘standing not in wonder at
humanity’s power to reshape nature, but at our powerlessness to cope
with the fierce natural forces we unleash. There is something else too.
It is the feeling that the hole at the bottom of the ocean is more than
an engineering accident or a broken machine. It is a violent wound in a
living organism; that it is part of us. And thanks to BP’s live camera
feed, we can all watch the Earth’s guts gush forth, in real time, 24
hours a day.’
Klein’s view is part of a veritable carnival of
irrationality surrounding the Gulf oil spill. But while only the most
foolish petrolhead would argue that there are no downsides to using oil -
it does cause pollution, getting hold of it is sometimes tricky and
dangerous, and it will probably become increasingly scarce in decades to
come - there is a serious need for a sense of perspective. America uses
so much oil because it is the wealthiest, most developed nation on
Earth. Americans live in a remarkable variety of conditions from the
freezing winters of Alaska to the baking heat of the Arizona desert. Yet
they are able to survive with high living standards thanks to heating,
transport, refrigeration, agriculture and water supplies made possible
by human ingenuity - and fossil fuels.
When we find a viable
alternative means of powering all these things, fossil fuels will become
a minority interest. The reason that we have not done so already is
because the alternatives - like solar, wind and wave power - have proven
to be technically difficult to implement and considerably more
expensive than fossil fuels. Realistically, we are a long way from being
able to stop using oil, coal and gas.
In this light, it should
be clear that our use of oil is not an ‘addiction’; we are simply making
the most of a fantastic natural resource. We might as well say that we
are addicted to food because we eat every day. Perhaps as a writer,
Klein is ‘addicted’ to her computer keyboard because she uses it so
frequently. A more sensible way of looking at the situation is that she
uses the computer keyboard because it is a useful tool to enable her to
share her thoughts with the world. Then again, perhaps Klein submits her
articles to the Guardian by smearing tree sap on to some homemade
papyrus and then gets the finished scroll delivered to London by a team
of friendly dolphins.
The use of the term ‘addiction’ is no
accident. It is an attempt to psychologise and pathologise what is in
fact the attempt to satisfy perfectly rational human desires using the
tools and resources available to us. The spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a
significant problem which will take a lot of human energy - and a
plenty of fossil-fuel energy - to sort out. Both the companies involved
and the US government must take responsibility for doing that. But the
most dangerous pollution of all is the hypocrisy of the relatively
wealthy, who damn the very things that enable them to live so
comfortably and who would happily condemn the rest of us to a life of
shivering immobility.
The article below by
centre/Left economist Ross Gittins is about models of the Australian
economy but everything said is at least as true of climate models
new prime minister but the same old problem: the mining industry claims
the resource super-profits tax would damage it and the economy, whereas
the government claims it would be great for the industry and the
And both sides have "independent modelling" to support their claims.
that doesn't make you sceptical about the use of modelling in the
political debate, it should. But if you need more, try this: the two
seemingly diametrically opposed modelling exercises were undertaken by
the same commercial firm, KPMG.
It's taking people - even those
close to the political action - a long time to wake up to the truth that
the use of modelling in political arguments is just a way of conning
the electorate. The less you know about economic models and how they
work, the more impressed you are by their seemingly authoritative
The economy is a highly complex mechanism, which
economists don't understand all that well. When you construct a
mathematical model of the economy, you end up with a hugely
oversimplified version of the real thing.
Often you can't test
what you'd like to test - and what the punters assume you tested -
because the model isn't sophisticated enough or because the data series
you'd need don't exist. You end up with a model full of "proxies" (the
best substitutes you can find). You can't model shades of grey, so you
make do with black and white.
In other words, you have to make
lots of assumptions. Economists don't know how the economy works; they
just have rival theories about how it works. So their models are based
on one theory or another.
The results thrown up by models are
based heavily on the assumptions used. Use this set of assumptions, get
that result. Use a different set, get a different result. Tell them what
results you'd like and competent modellers can find the assumptions
that produce what you want.
Economists don't accept the results
of someone else's modelling until they know what assumptions were used
and decide whether they consider them realistic or consistent with their
own prior beliefs. Ideally, they want to determine which particular
assumptions are driving the results.
Honest use of modelling
results highlights the key assumptions used. But that is never the way
modelling results are used in the political debate. Rather, the people
who paid for the modelling quote a version of the results as impressive
as possible and quite unqualified. The assumptions on which the results
are based are never mentioned. They're trying to con the uninitiated.
government paid KPMG Econtech to model the long-run effects on the
economy of the resource super-profits tax and the cut in the rate of
company tax. The government says the results were a "reform dividend" of
a 0.7 per cent increase in long-run gross domestic product and a
long-run increase in real average after-tax wages of 1.1 per cent.
the long run is 15 or 20 or 30 years (we're not told), that's a pretty
modest dividend. And the key assumption? Apparently, that the changes
would make the tax system more economically efficient (because economic
theory says they would).
Get it? If you thought the modelling was
testing whether the changes would be good for the economy, you were
conned. All the modelling tells us is by how much the changes would
benefit the economy if they're economically efficient as assumed . given
all the other assumptions.
Kelly is Professor of Electronics at Cambridge. The paper records
Professor Kelly's impressions as he reads through some CRU papers, the
papers that Oxburgh was supposed to evaluate
Andrew Montford
has succeeded in prying some important documents from the Oxburgh
“inquiry”. These raise several important issues. The attachments here include Michael Kelly’s notes – see page 81 on.
offer a few glimpses of sanity that were suppressed by Oxburgh in the
“report”. Here is an interesting comment about IPCC (leaving aside, for
now, the lack of “humility” in Jones’ exchanges with Mann):
to and throughout this exercise, I have remained puzzled how the real
humility of the scientists in this area, as evident in their papers,
including all these here, and the talks I have heard them give, is
morphed into statements of confidence at the 95% level for public
consumption through the IPCC process. This does not happen in other
subjects of equal importance to humanity, e.g. energy futures or
environmental degradation or resource depletion. I can only think it is
the ‘authority’ appropriated by the IPCC itself that is the root cause.
question. How does this “morphing” take place, especially when the
scientists in question act as Lead Authors and Coordinating Lead Authors
of IPCC. Kelly continues:
(4) Our review takes place in a
very febrile atmosphere. If we give a clean bill of health to what we
regard as sound science without qualifying that very narrowly, we will
be on the receiving end of justifiable criticism for exonerating what
many people see as indefensible behaviour. Three of the five MIT
scientists who commented in the week before Copenhagen on the leaked
emails, (see http://mitworld.mit.edu!video/730) thought that they saw
prima facie evidence of unprofessional activity.
“Receiving end of justifiable criticism”. I presume that Kelly is staying pretty quiet these days.
Kelly previously made a complaint that would not be opposed by the severest IPCC critic:
I take real exception to having simulation runs described as
experiments (without at least the qualification of ‘computer’
experiments). It does a disservice to centuries of real experimentation
and allows simulations output to be considered as real data. This last
is a very serious matter, as it can lead to the idea that real ‘real
data’ might be wrong simply because it disagrees with the models! That
is turning centuries of science on its head.
I think it is easy to see how peer review within tight networks can
allow new orthodoxies to appear and get established that would not
happen if papers were wrtten for and peer reviewed by a wider audience. I
have seen it happen elsewhere. This finding may indeed be an important
outcome of the present review.
It would have been an “important outcome of the present review” had this finding appeared in the Oxburgh “report”. Or here;
overriding impression that this is a continuing and valiant attempt via
a variety of statistical methods to find possible signals in very noisy
and patchy data when several confounding factors may be at play in
varying ways throughout the data. It would take an expert in statistics
to comment on the appropriateness of the various techniques as they are
used. The descriptions are couched within an internal language of
dendrochronology, and require some patience to try and understand.
find no evidence of blatant malpractice. That is not to say that,
working within the current paradigm, choices of data and analysis
approach might be made in order to strain to get more out of the data
than a dispassionate analysis might permit.
The line between positive conclusions and the null hypothesis is very fine in my book.
worry about the sheer range and the ad hoc/subjective nature of all the
adjustments, homogenisations etc of the raw data from different places
Canada's mad Jap is another Greenie who doesn't like answering questions
The genial public mask is not the reality
we walked in to Cafe Crepe, I happened to notice Dr. David Suzuki
sitting alone, having a bite to eat. For three years, I have been
writing letters (see below) and trying unsuccessfully to communicate
with Dr. Suzuki so I thought that perhaps I could just briefly introduce
myself and give him a friendly handshake to go along with my name. As
politely and as respectfully as I know how, I approached Dr. Suzuki to
take the liberty of introducing myself. Actually, we have met before
but that was years ago at the opening ceremonies of the
Kitasoo/Xais-Xais cultural center in Klemtu.
"Dr. Suzuki, I
wonder if I might introduce myself," I said, or something like that.
"I'm Vivian, Vivian Krause," I said. He kindly stood up to shake my
hand, I believe, but my name didn't seem to ring a bell so I added,
"I've been trying to write you letters." Still, he didn't seem to place
my name so I added, "I have a web-site, 'Fair Questions,' " I mentioned,
adding that I would really appreciate it if I could speak with him or
meet with him.
Then, he placed me, or so it seemed. "You're the
fish farmer," he said. I had barely begun to explain that yes, I used
to work in fish farming - seven years ago - but before I could say much
Dr. Suzuki looked me straight in the eye and started telling me to f**k
off. Not just once. Then, suddenly, he seemed to catch himself, and
quickly sat down.
I was so stunned, I was speechless (which doesn't happen very often).
Dr. Suzuki went back to eating his crepe, or whatever he was eating.
was rather offended. My camera happened to be hanging around my neck
as just minutes earlier, I had been taking photos of my daughter and her
girlfriends. As it turned out, I picked up my camera and took a photo,
maybe two, I won't know how many I took until I get the film developed.
that point, Dr. Suzuki stood up again and came towards me. He seemed
very angry, maybe even furious. "Look," he said, "What do you want? " he
asked me, twice, I believe. He was yelling at me by this time - or so
it felt. He seemed so angry that I was afraid that he was going to hit
me so I started to back up - which is not very easy to do at Cafe Crepe
on Granville. I told him that what I want to know is how much American
money his foundation has received, how many millions, or perhaps tens of
millions. U.S. tax returns that I have seen show that U.S. foundations
have paid about $US 10 Million to the David Suzuki Foundation.
"Why?" he asked me, adding, "What do you care?"
answered Dr. Suzuki's question by saying that the reason that I care is
because hundreds of people have lost their jobs because of his crusade
against salmon farming. That isn't the only reason that I care but it
is the reason that I happened to mention. (Another reason that I care is
that with his false claims about PCBs in farmed salmon, and sea lice,
it seems to me that Dr. Suzuki has sold our country up the river on the
safety and sustainability of salmon farming, but I didn't get into
The reason that I care so much about jobs is because not
all of us have a house on the water in Point Grey, another property in
Toronto, another one in Australia, and another one on Quadra Island,
like David Suzuki. Some of us have to struggle just to pay for one home
that we don't even own - let alone a university education for our kids.
When I worked in salmon farming in 2002 and 2003, a woman at the
Englewood fish processing plant in Beaver Cove told me, "If I don't earn
it, my son doesn't play hockey." That plant has since been closed. I
just can't forget about her and her son.
Dr. Suzuki then told me,
"Look, I'm just here for my granddaughter's graduation." That didn't
surprise me. His granddaughter has been at our home on more than one
occasion. Dr. Suzuki's granddaughter and my daughter are classmates. I
had no intention of upsetting his evening or ours so I asked him if
perhaps I could call him next week, or if he would prefer to call me.
"No," he said, sitting down, looking into his plate again as his wife
arrived at the table.
It says something about the due diligence of Warmist ideologues when they can't even get a simple enemies list right
new "study" (and I use the term lightly), published in the Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences, attempts to counter the steady
decline in the public's belief in scary climate projections by
marginalizing those scientists who disagree with the "consensus" view of
climate science defined by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change. One of the co-authors of the new study on "Expert
Credibility in Climate Change" is none other than Stephen H. Schneider,
the Stanford biologist who famously told Discover Magazine that, in
order to prompt action on climate change, "we have to offer up scary
scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention
of any doubts we might have.each of us has to decide what the right
balance is between being effective and being honest."
The new
study examines the publications and other activities related to climate
science and climate policy of 1,372 climate researchers (myself
included) and sorts them into two bins, one that is supposedly
"convinced by the evidence" which led the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) to conclude that it is "very likely" that
anthropogenic greenhouse gases have been responsible for "most" of the
"unequivocal" warming of the Earth's average global temperature in the
second half of the 20th century," and another group that is "unconvinced
by the evidence." One qualifies for the "unconvinced group" by having
"signed statements strongly dissenting from the views of the IPCC."
I was not surprised to find that I made the "unconvinced" list. But I
was surprised to find out that they think I'm Canadian (I'm not), that I
still work at the Fraser Institute (I don't), and that I have only
published four-count' em, four!-publications on climate change!
the researchers didn't feel the need to do much diligence when looking
for publications of the sampled population. In my case, they probed
Google Scholar searching for "K. Green." As I've virtually never
published under "K. Green," it's not surprising they'd come up with so
little. Just searching Google Scholar with my full name of "Kenneth P.
Green" would have gotten them this list of 13 climate-related
publications, while searching for "Kenneth Green" associated with one of
my places of employment would have gotten them this list of 113
publications, about half of which are mine. Of course, working in think
tanks rather than academia, the vast majority of my publications are in
the "grey literature," which Google Scholar doesn't seem to capture
fully, but which the head of the IPCC recently defended for inclusion in
their assessment reports-the very documents claimed to define the
scientific consensus. According to my AEI bio, I've put out more than 50
publications on climate change just since 2006. Googling ""Kenneth P.
Green" "climate" comes up with 179,000 hits!
So, call me a
skeptic if you will, but at least give me the credit I deserve. Coming
in at only 319 out of about 500 skeptics? Absurd! I demand a recount!
An attack of humility from Warmist observers of Arctic ice
More sea ice appeared than anticipated, nearing its mean level from
1979-2007. But then ice levels plummeted through May and into June.
Scientists have never seen the Arctic with less ice at this time of year
in the three decades they've been able to measure it, and they expect
below average ice for the rest of the year.
But looking ahead,
the ultimate amount of sea ice melt is hard to determine. Some trends,
like the long-term warming of the Arctic and overall decreases in the
thickness of sea ice, argue for very low levels of sea ice. But there
are countervailing factors, too: The same weather pattern that led to
higher-than-normal temperatures in the Arctic this year is also changing
the circulation of sea ice, which could keep it in colder water and
slow the melting.
"For this date, it's the lowest we've seen in
the record, but will that pattern hold up? We don't know. The sea ice
system surprises us," said Mark Serreze, director of the National Snow
and Ice Data Center.
The loss of summer sea ice over decades is
one of the firmest predictions of climate models: Given the current
patterns of fossil fuel use and the amount of carbon dioxide already in
the atmosphere, sea-ice-free summers in the arctic are a virtual
certainty by the end of century, and possibly much sooner. As the globe
heats up, the poles are disproportionately affected. Warmer temperatures
melt ice, revealing the dark sea water that had previously been
covered. That changes the albedo, or reflectivity, of the area, allowing
it to absorb more heat. That, along with many other feedback loops
makes predicting change in the Arctic immensely difficult.
2007, the extent of sea ice in the Arctic declined rapidly. The drop
from the previous year was so precipitous that it garnered worldwide
attention and media coverage. In the last couple of years, the extent of
sea ice in the Arctic, measured by the amount of square miles it
covers, has recovered. This series of events, which underscored the
year-to-year variability of the measurement, has made researchers
cautious about describing events in the Arctic.
"In hindsight,
probably too much was read into 2007, and I would take some blame for
that," Serreze said. "There were so many of us that were astounded by
what happened, and maybe we read too much into it."
parliament has overturned a 30-year ban on building nuclear reactors.
The legislation will allow construction of up to ten from next year to
replace the ageing ones that still produce 40 per cent of the country's
The vote was passed on a majority of two, with 174 voting for and 172 against.
to combat global warming have led to a revival of interest in nuclear
power. Countries such as Britain, Italy and Finland are also planning
to bring new reactors on line. Opinion polls now suggest most Swedes
favour keeping nuclear plants.
But the vote does not necessarily
secure a future for the country's reactors. The centre-left opposition,
currently running neck and neck with the ruling centre-right in polls
before a September election, will rescind the new law if they win the
vote, said Tomas Eneroth, Social Democratic spokesman on energy.
1980, Swedes voted in a referendum to phase out existing reactors by
2010. Fears of nuclear power were then heightened by the 1986 Chernobyl
In 1997, however, the Scandinavian country scrapped
plans for a phase-out of atomic energy, citing the need for
cost-effective power for its large manufacturing and processing
a Czech climate skeptic blog, has posted today an interesting article
"Judithgate: The IPCC was only one Solar Physicist" (google rough
translation). Her name is Judith Lean. On the basis of this "consensus
of one" solar physicist, the IPCC proclaimed solar influences upon the
climate to be minimal.
Objection to this was raised by the
Norwegian government as shown in the AR4 second draft comments below
(and essentially dismissed by the IPCC): "I would encourage the IPCC to
[re-]consider having only one solar physicist on the lead author team of
such an important chapter. In particular since the conclusion of this
section about solar forcing hangs on one single paper in which J. Lean
is a coauthor. I find that this paper, which certainly can be correct,
is given too much weight"...:
Klimaskeptic.cz continues [google
translation + editing]: "As I wrote elsewhere (article on pmode ACRIM),
Judith Lean, along with Claus Frohlich, are responsible for the
scandalous rewriting of graphs of solar activity.
showed that the TSI (measured in watts) between 1986 and 96 increased by
about one third. Judith Lean and Claus Frohlich (authors of the single
study noted above) "manipulated" the data.
People who were in
charge of the satellites and created the original graphs (the world's
best astrophysics: Doug Hoyt, Richard C. Willson), protested in vain
against such manipulation.
Wilson: "Fröhlich has made changes
that are wrong ... He did not have sufficient knowledge of (satellite)
Nimbus7 ... pmode composites are useful for those who argue that global
warming may be primarily due to anthropogenic causes."
The entire basis of greenhouse theory is coming under question
a new essay, a climate skeptic scientist uses simple examples to
challenge the conventional greenhouse gas theory of man-made global
The reason Earth faces no danger from this benign trace
atmospheric gas is eloquently illustrated in, ‘Why Conventional
Greenhouse Theory Violates the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.’ Author Alan
Siddons offers his new essay as a follow up to his recent paper, ‘A
Greenhouse Effect on the Moon’ that he co-authored with Dr. Martin
Hertzberg and Hans Schreuder.
Schreuder endorses his colleague's
latest challenge to claims of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), who assert that rises in atmospheric levels of carbon
dioxide may cause runaway global warming because, “Just like the
legendary phlogiston, academia has elaborate formulae for it yet it has
never been proven to exist.”
Global Warming Theory Violates Law of Thermodynamics
a respected climate researcher, refutes "the silly
heating-via-reradiation hypothesis." Laying down his challenge the
former radiochemist says, "my critics be damned" as his essay repeats
the points of the earlier 'Moon Paper.'
"If a body can heat
itself by absorbing its own radiation, and thereby emit more radiation,
then it is necessarily emitting more radiation than it’s receiving."
This, argues the skeptic, is absurd as it runs counter to the 1st law of
Although gaining credibility within the online
science community for his insightful analysis, Siddons admits that one
or two of the more conservative climate skeptics, such as Richard
Lindzen, have still to come round to his way of thinking.
holds that, "CO2 absorbs in the infrared and reradiates heat downward,
thus heating the earth." This is challenged by Siddons who disputes this
"incontrovertible fact" by applying real-world analogies such as solar
ovens and mirrors to prove his point.
Real World Examples Challenge Greenhouse Gas Theory
shows that solar ovens, by use of multiple reflections, allow their
interior to receive more rays from the sun, so the food gets much hotter
than it otherwise would be. He explains, “The operant principle is akin
to how stage lighting works. In the zone where the beams intersect, the
photon density is greater so more light is delivered.”
researcher goes on to show that the two light beams pass through each
other, “they do not clash like the Light Sabers in Star Wars movies.”
just as with a solar oven, objects under the intense beam of meeting
spotlights not only make their target brighter (increasing the amount of
light being reflected) but also increase the amount of light (energy)
being absorbed, as any perspiring stage performer will testify.
Challenging the Back-radiation Notion
then takes this logic to the next step; “Now, you’ve been told that
terrestrial infrared is re-radiated back to the earth’s surface and
heats it. So let’s test this notion by turning a spotlight off and
seeing if we can mimic a second spotlight with a mirror, which will
provide re-radiation.”
As we know, the mirror will have no idea
of what it’s reflecting. It can just as easily be visible light or
infrared 'heat rays.' What we find is that whatever rays are reflected
into our mirror they can never be reflected back any brighter.
urges his readers to test this principle, “Close as you hold the mirror
to the bright spot, there’s no effect. You might notice, though, that
offsetting the mirror a bit can illuminate a zone that’s in shadow. In
this case, light reflected from the bright spot brightens a darker area.
But the mirror cannot make the bright spot brighter.”
Thus we
see no increase in the light intensity from so-called 'back radiation'
with this experiment and thus no added heat to make up for the missing
second spotlight. Reflected Radiation Cannot Increase the Total Energy Emitted
from exploiting real-world examples, thereby instructs the
non-scientific reader in the lesson that “radiant energy can only light
something that has less radiance. Brighter illuminates darker.”
author then urges the reader to get a better sense of this by omitting
the spotlight altogether and to imagine a surface radiating light on its
“There's no difference between them, and it shouldn't need
explaining that the mirror image is not illuminating the very object
that it's reflecting. But if the mirror isn't illuminating that object,
the mirror isn't heating it either.”
A mirror adds no radiance to
the object whose radiance it is reflecting. Yet a mirror’s re-radiation
is entirely in one direction and many times greater than a gas which
emits in all directions and which only absorbs a fractional amount of
light in the first place. This alone proves that re-radiation cannot
heat the earth.
Thus, we find that there is no "back-radiation"
of any sort because we can detect no illuminative or thermal effect. Or
more simply, heat does not flow from colder to warmer surfaces and
therefore the greenhouse gas theory is disproved.
SOURCE (See the original for links, references etc.)
British Government Shuns Low-Carbon Agenda In Budget
George Osborne has today left low carbon businesses disappointed with
arguably the least green budget address in recent memory.
The low
carbon economy and the need to cut carbon emissions barely received a
mention as the chancellor's first budget address focused almost
exclusively on the spending cuts and tax rises required to tackle the
UK's budget deficit.
There were a few bright spots for green
businesses as the chancellor confirmed that the coalition government
would "bring forward" plans for a green investment bank, although he
provided no further detail on how such a bank would operate.
also said that the Treasury would "explore" proposals to replace Air
Passenger Duty with a per plane levy that the Chancellor said would help
to cut carbon emissions. However, a report on the proposal will not be
delivered until the autumn, despite the reform being included in both
the Conservative and Lib Dem manifestos.
Groups campaigning for a
carbon tax and an overall increase in green taxation will have been
left furious, after the Chancellor provided no further detail on how the
government plans to impose a floor price on carbon and announced that
there would be no increase in fuel duty.
There are also likely to
be concerns over cuts to the system of capital allowances, which could
limit the tax breaks firms enjoy when investing in energy efficient
However, those calling for increased investment in low
carbon infrastructure, such as the Institution of Civil Engineers, were
offered some cause for encouragement as Osborne insisted that the new
government would not cut capital spending.
He confirmed that the
coalition would move forward with plans for a series of rail upgrades,
extended metro systems in Manchester and Tyne and Wear; an upgrade to
Birmingham New Street; and electric rail links between Sheffield and
There were also elements of good news for green
businesses and start ups after Osborne announced that he would cut
corporate tax four per cent over the next four years.
But overall green business commentators were left disappointed by the budget.
was a major focus in the Chancellor's speech, but from an economic and
fiscal perspective, rather than in relation to the environment," said
Richard Gledhill, partner for sustainability and climate change at
PricwaterhouseCoopers. "Climate change has hardly featured."
were also fears that government spending on green projects could be
slashed as part of the Whitehall's autumn spending review, after Osborne
confirmed budgets at non-protected departments, including DECC and
Defra, will fall by an average of 25 per cent over four years.
former Beatle predicted in an interview that the BP oil spill in the
Gulf of Mexico might expedite a move to cleaner, renewable energy
sources in the world.
Sir Paul could have stopped while he was
ahead, but McCartney went on to compare people who don't believe in
global warming to "those who don't believe there was a Holocaust."
we need disasters like this to show people," McCartney said in an
exclusive interview with The Sun. "Some people don't believe in climate
warning -- like those who don't believe there was a Holocaust."
continued, "But the facts indicate that there's something going on and
we've got to be aware of it if we want our kids to inherit a decent
world, not a complete nightmare of a planet -- clean, renewable energy
is for starters."
McCartney also defended President Obama's
handling of the two-month-old crisis. "I don't accept the criticism of
Barack over the oil spill," said McCartney, who met the president for
the first time earlier this month. "I think he's been great. It's tough
if we Brits whinge that he's whingeing at us. Tough, then don't spill
A representative for McCartney in London said the singer would have no further comment.
Horner, a senior fellow at Competitive Enterprise Institute and author
of two books on environmental policy, blasted McCartney's comments.
Posh Spice unavailable? I've seen quite a few reasons to look elsewhere
than actors and crooners for deep thoughts on weighty policy matters,"
Horner wrote in an e-mail to FoxNews.com. "And this is certainly one of
Horner's message continued: "They've got computer model
projections, Leonardo [DiCaprio] and the Cute Beatle. In the other
corner are observations proving the models wrong, ClimateGate, NASA-Gate
and the host of IPCC-Gates. "I'm comfortable with the balance of
authorities here."
astonishing levels of hyperbole and calls for action on carbon dioxide
(CO2) in particular, have encouraged many to take the message into
schools, whether from the inside by professionals in education or
government, or from the outside by those such as the 'Mothers Against
Climate Change' whose website pushing 'Schools' Low Carbon Day' is the
source of the quotations which I want to address in this series of 8
posts (1), each concentrating on a single chunk from their position
statement. Although their mysterious website gives me no good reason to
do so, I will treat it as coming from genuine concern over the future of
our children. This is the first sentence of their statement on why we,
and presumably our children too, should be worried about climate:
'Few scientists now doubt that due to human activity - burning fossil fuels and deforestation - the climate is changing.'
let me consider the literal interpretation of this sentence. It is true
in the banal sense that everything participating in the climate system
has some kind of effect on it. Be it cosmic rays, solar radiation, ice
at the poles, ocean currents, mountain ranges, termites emitting
methane, humans burning coal, or butterflies flapping their wings, the
climate system spans so wide a range of space, time, and energy scales
that they can all play their part along with countless others. One
consequence of this swirl of varying factors and their interactions, is
that the climate has always changed in the past, is changing now, and
will not stop changing in the future. The challenge for those interested
in climate science is disentangling their effects, using the very
modest (compared with the scales of the system) and often very noisy
data we have available.
So, let me now interpret the sentence as
meaning that few scientists now doubt that human activity is a dominant
driver of climate due to our recent burning of fossil fuels, and to
deforestation. I want to concentrate here on the word 'few' and whether
it might be better applied to the core group in and around the IPCC
which has so successfully promoted alarm, rather than to the many
scientists who have not been at all impressed by such promotions. The
many thousands of scientists who have investigated the effects of
climate change rather than their causes, I regard as of secondary
importance here since 'causes' are our key concern for the time being.
suppose many people would believe the sentence because, in essence,
they trust the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), or
organisational leaders such as some in the Royal Sociey of London who
were keen to champion the IPCC position. But the IPCC is not worthy of
our trust. Its story is one of goal-centred manipulation of people,
processes, and publications from the very outset, see for example (2)
and (3). It was invented not to explore climate change and report back,
but instead to construct, and vigorously promote, a political platform
calling for halting, reversing, or dramatically modifying
industrialisation based upon a need to avert dramatic and dangerous
temperature rises due to associated carbon dioxide releases. For many
years, since at least the late 1960s, there has been a febrile and
hostile-to-humanity culture amongst some environmentalists, and it
continues to this day. Their doom-laden pronouncements are well-suited
to sensation-seeking media, and have surely helped create the
opportunities so well exploited by the IPCC, see for example (4) and
The early moves in the 1980s and early 90s were spotted and opposed by 47 atmospheric scientists in a published statement (6):
D.C., FEBRUARY 27, 1992---As independent scientists, researching
atmospheric and climate problems, we are concerned by the agenda for
UNCED, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development,
being developed by environmental activist groups and certain political
leaders. This so-called Earth Summit is scheduled to convene in Brazil
in June 1992 and aims to impose a system of global environmental
regulations, including onerous taxes on energy fuels, on the population
of the United States and other industrialized nations.
policy initiatives derive from highly uncertain scientific theories.
They are based on the unsupported assumption that catastrophic global
warming follows from the burning of fossil fuels and requires immediate
action. We do not agree.'
The IPCC structure allowed
many hundreds of scientists to take part in reviewing and writing
reports. They were then by-passed by a handful of core activists with
final editorial rights over press releases, other publicity, and the far
more widely read and promoted 'Summary Reports for Policy Makers'.
Criticisms of the IPCC working group reports can readily be found on the
internet. See for example (7) and (8). Some IPCC authors chose to
resign (e.g. 9), others soldiered on in the hope of improving things
(e.g. 10). The latest group of IPCC reviewers, clearly chosen to spread
participation over as many countries as possible, rather than by
expertise alone, is an ongoing reflection of a political rather than a
scientific imperative (11).
There are many other theories of
climate change, theories brushed aside by the IPCC but not refuted by
it. A very brief and readable account of some of them is given here
(12). Furthermore, despite their going against the new conventional
wisdom, several hundred peer-reviewed scientific papers have been found
which do not support specific aspects of the IPCC position (13). The
climategate emails confirmed that there were journals in which such
works would have had little or no chance of being published (e.g. 14
& 15).
So the 'few' in our sentence of interest here, clearly
can apply to those scientists at the heart of the IPCC machinations.
The way in which the infamous 'temperatures like a hockey stick chart'
was produced, protected and promoted (16), and the climategate emails
(17) themselves, reinforce this picture of a handful of plotters and
schemers, so wedded to their cause that all critics are seen as enemies
to be attacked. Wegman (18) reported a fairly close-knit network of 43,
and the climategate emails feature a few of them. Others report around
50 to 60 or so key players at the heart of it all (19). The claims of a
consensus by the IPCC have often been challenged, for example in this
analysis by Monckton (20), and recently a law professor, treating IPCC
as if were presenting a legal brief, found grounds to condemn their
materials and their methodology (21).
There are some signs that
the tide may be turning. The leaders of the Royal Society of London, a
body explicitly excluding advocacy when founded, went overboard in their
support for dramatic actions based on concerns over CO2. But this year,
enough of its fellows objected to being misrepresented, and the society
has agreed to review its postion, hinting at a more reasoned and
temperate approach (22).
There also many open-letters and
petitions from well-qualified scientists critical of CO2 being given
such a prominent role in climate dynamics. For example, there is such a
letter supported by some 395 scientists and others from relevant subject
areas published in Germany last year (2009): (23). Several such
petitions or open letters or senate testimonies, have been published
over the years (e.g. see 24 and 25). More recently, an environmentalist
author has written about his discoveries when he looked more deeply into
the IPCC (26):
'I was shocked by what I found. Firstly,
there’s no real consensus among the scientists in the UN working groups,
especially around oceanography and atmospheric physics. The atmospheric
physics of carbon dioxide for example is presented as being pretty
straightforward: it is a greenhouse gas, therefore it warms up the
planet. But even that isn’t settled. There’s a huge amount of scientific
disagreement on how much extra heating in the atmosphere you will get
from carbon dioxide. It is even broadly accepted that carbon dioxide on
its own is not a problem...
'So behind the appearance of
consensus and settled science, there is now this tremendous battle going
on. The dissenting scientists are described by certain journalists and
environmentalists as ‘denialists’ and ‘sceptics’ funded by the oil
industry. This is simply not the case. There are top-level atmospheric
physicists, oceanographers and solar scientists who do not agree that
the case is proven for global warming...'
In summary,
the reality is that a few dozen scientists were exploited by the
political activists behind the IPCC, giving their views on CO2 and
climate a prominence utterly undeserved, and which were too readily
adopted as gospel by thousands of other scientists or geographers more
concerned with the effects rather than the causes of climate change, e.g
those investigating natural habitats, and who would no doubt have found
that adding a passing reference to 'global warming' did their grant
applications no harm at all. To those who gained from the
self-reinforcing tidal wave of grants and job opportunities in 'climate
science', must be added those investors who see billions of dollars of
profit in carbon trading, those NGOs such as WWF who enjoyed a surge in
donations, and those politicians who see the required massive taxation
and government intervention in society as highly desirable ends in
On the other hand, there are a great many scientists
who differ, and who have been seriously un- or under-represented in the
world of politics, as well as in some scientific and environmentalist
circles wedded to what has now become the establishment view. The word
'cabal' is more apt than the word 'consensus' when it comes to
scientists and the role of CO2 in climate, the dramatisation of which
has provided advantages for many thousands of people in science, in
finance, and in politics. That does not make it right, nor does it make
it sensible. Nor does it make the critical scientists deserve the
put-down of 'few'. For those most qualified to discuss causes of climate
change, they may well be the majority.
More HERE (See the original for links, references etc.)
Evangelicals and global warming
2005, evangelicals have divided into two roughly opposing camps over
the question of anthropogenic global warming. Official statements of
the Southern Baptist Convention through its resolution process, its
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and the Cornwall Alliance have
typically rejected the theory of anthropogenic global warming and
catastrophic climate change predictions. They assert that it is more
likely that global warming will be moderate and have moderate or even
helpful effects on the environment over all. They also argue that the
reduction of carbon dioxide emissions is unlikely to have significant
impact on global warming. These groups have focused primarily on the
impact of climate-change policy on developing economies and the poor. On
the other side, the Evangelical Environmental Network, through its
Evangelical Climate Initiative and (as it seems) the SBECI have affirmed
the existence and danger of anthropogenic global warming and have
called for action to prevent it.
Despite conflict among
evangelicals over the existence of anthropogenic global warming, there
has been a great deal of consensus on the theological basis for
addressing environmental degradation. Most evangelical statements appeal
to the fact that God is the creator of the world as a basis for
understanding the value of nonhuman creation, and many note that God is
its owner. Virtually every evangelical statement on the environment and
climate change acknowledges that God has commissioned humanity with the
responsibility of stewardship/dominion over the earth and that the
execution of this responsibility has been perverted by sin, with
negative impact on the environment. Evangelicals have also, almost
without exception, affirmed the responsibility of Christians to care for
the poor as an important factor in considering environmental policy.
major motivation for all of the evangelical statements on climate
change has been a genuine concern for humanity’s treatment of God’s
creation. Another motivation, no less important, has been an apologetic
concern to engage non-Christians with a Christian witness. The heart of
the evangelical witness in the world is the gospel of salvation by grace
through faith in Christ Jesus alone. Seeking the conversion of men,
women, and children is the sine qua non of evangelicalism. The priority
of missions and evangelism has made evangelicals cautious about the
potential of social ministry to overtake and swamp concern for the souls
of men. As a result, evangelicals have traditionally subordinated
social ministry to evangelism by seeing social ministry as a means to
win a hearing for the gospel. Evangelicals have heeded the warning of
James 2:14–16 that a faith that does not meet real physical needs is of
no practical value.
Care for the poor, while a real good in and
of itself, also serves the furtherance of the gospel. This strategy
explains, in part, why evangelicals have taken great pains to tie their
concern for the environment to concern for the poor. Some appeal to
Christ’s command to love our neighbor; most affirm our responsibility to
care for the poor. The connection between care for the poor and
environmental concern is the fact that both the environment itself and
human treatment of the environment by the private and public sectors
will affect the poor, especially in developing countries.
the public-policy response to global warming proposed by some
evangelicals makes actually helping the global poor more difficult. The
resources of the developed world are vast, but they are still limited.
Addressing global warming through capping carbon dioxide emissions at 20
percent of current levels by 2050 will be hugely expensive. Directing a
large portion of our resources at this problem will mean that other
problems cannot be met. We may be able to meet some needs, but we cannot
meet them all. Furthermore, if global warming prevention strategies
have a negative impact on the economies of developed countries (as seems
likely), this will further shrink the pool of available resources for
addressing the pressing needs of the global poor.
If helping the
poor in developing nations is made more difficult by the public policy
proposals of evangelical environmentalists, then these policies would
also undercut the traditional evangelical strategy of using social
ministry to win a favorable hearing for the gospel. Drastic reductions
of carbon dioxide emissions call for sacrifice on the part of both rich
and poor nations. The rich however, are better able to absorb these
changes with only marginal adjustments to their lifestyle. The global
poor face the more difficult choice. To poor nations, the choice between
electricity from expensive and/or unreliable carbon neutral sources and
inexpensive, reliable fossil fuel burning sources is no choice at all.
If required to build only carbon neutral power plants, which they cannot
afford, they will not have power at all. The result will be continued
exposure to a wide range of environmental hazards that lead to disease,
malnutrition, and early death.
To hear a Western (i.e., rich!)
evangelical environmentalist tell the poor that they must sacrifice the
technologies that would improve the length and quality of life for them
and their families in order to achieve a merely speculative benefit they
will never see can only make the poor less likely to listen to the
gospel that the evangelical brings. Such disillusionment will only
deepen when it is realized that those evangelicals continue to enjoy the
same lifesaving technologies they are effectively asking the poor to
but surely, the curtain is being lifted on Lord Oxburgh's inquiry into
the science of CRU. Today I received a response to my FoI request for
the emails of Sir Brian Hoskins and Professor David Hand (both of
Imperial College, London) related to the Oxburgh inquiry. They are going
to make a bit of a splash I think.
The emails can be downloaded
here. There's a file for each man's correspondence and another for the
attachments to Hand's emails. There's a lot of administrative stuff, but
there is much of interest and some that made me laugh out loud.
particularly liked the bit where Oliver Morton of the Economist asks
Oxburgh who chose the papers for the inquiry. Oxburgh replies:
Thanks for your message - the answer is that I don't know! What I
received was a list from the university which I understand was chosen by
the Royal Society. The contact with the RS was I believe through
[redacted - probably Martin Rees] but I don't know who he consulted.
[Name redacted], when I asked him, agreed that the original sample was
A summary of the Hand emails is here. The Hoskins emails are here.
Scientific issues are always open to debate and challenge. Warmism is clearly not science. It just pretends to be
part of his ongoing investigations into the IPCC Fourth Assessment
Report, David Holland has used FoI to get hold of a pile of emails from
Professor Brian Hoskins, then of the University of Reading and now at
Imperial College. Readers will remember that Professor Hoskins
amusingly rubber-stamped the list of papers chosen by UEA for the
Oxburgh report.
I thought I'd highlight one particular email,
which stands on its own as being something of an indictment both of the
Royal Society and the IPCC. It's an email from an IPCC bigwig, Susan
Solomon, who was in charge of the admin for the Working Group 1 report
for the Fourth Assessment Report. Solomon sent it to Rachel Garthwaite
of the Science Policy Unit of the Royal Society. Regular readers may
remember Ms Garthwaite as the person who stopped answering my questions
about who it was who wrote the IPCC's position papers on climate.
email dates from 2006, nearly 9 months before the release of the Fourth
Assessment Report. Garthwaite is trying to organise speakers to attend a
Royal Society lecture to coincide with the report's publication. The
email appears to be from Garthwaite with Solomon's inline responses:
RG: Thank you for calling last week and my apologies for having
taken so long to get back to you. I am out of the office all of this
week but wanted to reassure you that the Royal Society is still very
keen to hold an event to showcase the WG1 report and we have taken your
comments regarding the potential content of the meeting very seriously.
SS: thanks - I think it was very helpful.
RG: In terms of ensuring there are no climate sceptics present at
the meeting, obviously this will be difficult to ensure if the meeting
is open to members of the public.
SS: I didn't say anything along these lines. I fully expect some to be present in the audience.
RG: However we have no intention of inviting any known sceptics to
the meeting, and certainly would not have invited representation on any
discussion panel should we decide to have one.
SS:Yes, that
is the point - they should not be invited to take the podium as speakers
or panelists because that is simply not an appropriate representation
of the state of understanding and uncertainty. The public has been
confused enough by one side says this, the other that. This issue has
gone far beyond that and this meeting should reflect that.
astonishing to see these two organisations, which are supposed to be
neutrals in the climate debate, getting down and dirty, taking sides and
doing their darndest to make sure their side wins. No sceptics allowed.
In fact, Rachel Garthwaite goes on to try to persuade Solomon that the
Royal Society event should be about policy matters rather than
scientific ones.
RG: In terms of ensuring that the
content of the meeting does not breach IPCC rules we will of course
include both yourself and Tim Palmer in the organisation of the meeting
to ensure the content reflects these rules while still meeting the needs
of the Royal Society (ie that there is some element of policy
SS: As you know, WG1 is the physical science
report. I am concerned to understand what it is you are proposing.
Please clarify what it is you are envisioning regarding 'some element of
policy discussion'.
It's funny to see the Royal Society
trying to argue that one of their events should be about policy rather
than science. Does anyone seriously doubt that the Royal Society has
become simply another arm of the government, a body to give a scientific
gloss to whatever it is the government wants to do?
The claim
that climate skeptics are intellectual lightweights and a tiny mirority
in the scientific community has produced a lot of outrage among those
implicated. So I reproduce below one of the better critiques of the
paper. It is from a Warmist -- Prof. Judith Curry:
been looking at the database quite extensively. Even if you accept that
the datbase is accurate and individuals have been accurately
categorized, the big flaw in the analysis is this.
scientific litmus test for the paper is the AR4 statement:
“anthropogenic greenhouse gases have been responsible for “most” of the
“unequivocal” warming of the Earth’s average global temperature over the
second half of the 20th century”.
The climate experts with
credibility in evaluating this statement are those scientists that are
active in the area of detection and attribution. ”Climate” scientists
whose research areas is ecosystems, carbon cycle, economics, etc speak
with no more authority on this subject than say Freeman Dyson.
define the 20th century detection and attribution field to include those
that create datasets, climate dynamicists that interpret the
variabiity, radiative forcing, climate modelling, sensitivity analysis,
feedback analysis. With this definition, 75% of the names on the list
disappear. If you further eliminate people that create datasets but
don’t interpret the datasets, you have less than 20% of the original
The strong convictions of the other (larger) group of
ecologists, economists etc strongly supporting the IPCC view, well it
doesn’t seem to be coming from their own investigations on
detection/atribution, but presumably from faith in the IPCC “system”,
political reasons, whatever. In any event, their opinions on this
should not carry any particular weight.
If you asked these 20%
that are the experts on detection and attribution if they would prefer
the litmus test statement to read “very likely” or “likely”, i suspect a
large number would feel much more comfortable with the “likely” level
of certainty, including many in main public supporters group. I think
that some of the people in the skeptics group would actually be ok with
the “likely” confidence level (e.g. Pielke, Michaels).
Also, with
regards to the large number of people active in detection/attribution
research that were not categorizable by the tenets of this study, i
suspect there is a pretty much normal distribution, with many people
being undecided, unconvinced by the high level of certainty often
portrayed by the public spokespersons on each side.
Finally, a
few comments on the utility of publication count and citation count as a
useful metric for expertise, credibility, or impact in climate
research. I would agree that there is probably a minimum level of
publication numbers/citations to establish expertise, credibility or
impact. But beyond this minimum, the numbers don’t scale all that well
with overall impact in the field. Some of the true giants in the field
don’t have very high numbers, and nearly all of the people (even
associate/support scientists) involved in the creation of datasets that
everyone uses (e.g. CRUT) have very high numbers.
I found the
table including “fellows of a learned society” to be more interesting,
which includes the scientists deemed by their peers to have had the
greatest impact, and are sorted by number of publications rather than
citations. Yes, some deserving people are not on this list particularly
skeptics, but overall i think it is a better list to use for the
non-skeptics in terms of evaluating influence. And if you cull this
list to include only the scientists active in detection/attribution
(which i have done), i think you have a more accurate list of the most
influential scientists on this subject
So i think this is an
interesting database (not convinced of its accuracy and not sure how to
intepret some of the discrepancies i’ve identified). But I don’t think
it was appropriately analyzed in the PNAS paper in context of
“credibility” , particularly in how the scientists were classified.
NY Times Reporter Honored For Greenie Activism Disguised as Journalism
journalists give an award to one of their own, you’d think they’d honor
reporting that rises above that of others in journalistic quality. But
that isn’t what happened when The Deadline Club, the New York branch of
the Society for Professional Journalists, gave its Daniel Pearl Award
for Investigative Reporting to The New York Times’ Charles Duhigg.
Duhigg was the author of the series “Toxic Waters.”
that award on Duhigg should be an affront to the memory of Daniel Pearl,
who lost his life investigating Islamic terrorists in the heart of
darkness. Duhigg, on the other hand, echoed the campaign of radical
environmental groups seeking to scare people about the safe use of
pesticides. These groups aren’t true environmentalists, but instead try
to instill fear in anyone who eats produce, drinks water, or breathes
Duhigg’s reign of toxic terror focused on alleged dangers in
drinking water. Consider the headline from the Aug. 22, 2009
installment of his series, “Debating How Much Weed Killer Is Safe in
Your Water Glass.” The award-winning journalist allowed himself to be
used as a pawn in a campaign against a long-used and important
agricultural chemical, atrazine. That levels of atrazine in drinking
water are barely measurable didn’t deter him.
“Recent studies
suggest that, even at concentrations meeting current federal standards,
the chemical may be associated with birth defects, low birth weights and
menstrual problems,” Duhigg wrote. Especially in the Midwest, he found
some spikes of atrazine concentration above the regulatory limit.
also noted implied and overt allegations of reproductive abnormalities.
However, those data come from frog studies that have been roundly
dismissed by the scientific bodies that have objectively reviewed them,
including the Environmental Protection Agency – no fan of industry. And
the federal guidelines, which limit the annual level of pesticide
contamination, not the occasional spikes, were in fact not violated.
fact is atrazine has been safely and extensively used for more than 50
years to increase corn yields and reduce the need for other pesticides.
other reports, Duhigg parsed local municipal water system records for
evidence of malfeasance, chicanery, and greed in the monitoring of water
systems nationwide. He was helped in his onerous endeavor by the
stalwarts at the Natural Resource Defense Council, a well-known
anti-chemical, anti-business activist group, best know heretofore for
promulgating (with the crucial assistance of CBS News) the great Alar
scare of 1989. The NRDC helped to gather damning evidence of water
The reporter and the activists did indeed find
widespread evidence of lax regulation and less-than-ideal adherence to
numerous regulatory strictures, with occasional spikes in the
concentration of various pollutants and chemicals nationwide. But they
found nothing that would impact human health.
This pattern was
repeated over the course of the “Toxic Waters” series, with plentiful
notations of briefly spiking pollution levels, but few of sufficient
intensity or duration to warrant regulatory intervention. Duhigg
attacked the EPA repeatedly for giving waterborne chemicals too easy a
pass. But atrazine, for one example, has been evaluated rigorously by
numerous scientific and regulatory bodies, including the EPA, and has
been found to not even be a potential health hazard.
At the
series’ conclusion, an objective outsider’s appraisal would have
detected numerous “concerns” but no actual instances of human health
impact from all the alleged violations. No surprise there; trace levels
of chemicals are to be expected in our water (and air and food).
new "green energy" biomass plant proposed for Leith would take at least
40 years to become carbon neutral, according to a new study. In the
meantime, critics claim, the £360 million plant would actually set back
Scotland's drive to cut carbon emissions.
A report by the Manomet
Centre for Conservation Sciences in Massachusetts, US, said burning
wood for power generation had generally been seen as "carbon neutral"
because new trees would be planted to replace those used in the process.
But it said a more complex picture was emerging, with the time taken
for trees to grow meaning the creation of a "carbon debt" which would
last for decades.
It said: "For biomass replacement of coal-fired
power plants, the net cumulative emissions in 2050 are approximately
equal to what they would have been burning coal."
On top of that,
most of the two million tonnes of biomass needed every year for the
Leith plant would come in by sea from North America, Scandinavia and
eastern Europe, adding further carbon emissions.
Edinburgh North
& Leith Labour MSP Malcolm Chisholm has written to finance secretary
John Swinney, highlighting the findings of the report.
He said:
"The Manomet research suggests electricity from biomass creates a huge
carbon debt which will only be repaid decades later from forest
"Biomass fuels have a carbon footprint greater than
coal burning for the first decades of their use and these are the most
important decades in which to get CO2 reductions.
from biomass would not therefore support the Scottish Government targets
for defined CO2 emission cuts each year between now and 2050."
his letter to Mr Swinney, he added: "I hope the Scottish Government
will reconsider its enthusiasm for electricity from biomass in the light
of this research."
recently showed up in the online pages of the New York Times
(naturally) opinion section asking “How good does life have to be, to
make it reasonable to bring a child into the world?”
introduces us to the philosophical pedigree, starting with Arthur
Schopenhauer in the 19th century and leading up to today’s South African
philosopher David Benatar, that argues a good life is of no benefit the
person that lives it, but a bad life causes suffering for the person
that lives it. (This line of reasoning is technically known as “vita
combibo, tunc vos intereo.” Look it up.)
This is where it starts
getting really good. Singer plumbs the depths of his gigantic intellect
to draw forth an example that will make it all clear to us lesser
“Here is a thought experiment to test our
attitudes to this view. Most thoughtful people are extremely concerned
about climate change. Some stop eating meat, or flying abroad on
vacation, in order to reduce their carbon footprint. But the people who
will be most severely harmed by climate change have not yet been
conceived. If there were to be no future generations, there would be
much less for us to feel to guilty about.
So why don’t we make
ourselves the last generation on earth? If we would all agree to have
ourselves sterilized then no sacrifices would be required…
course, it would be impossible to get agreement on universal
sterilization, but just imagine that we could…we can get rid of all that
guilt about what we are doing to future generations — and it doesn’t
make anyone worse off, because there won’t be anyone else to be worse
role does the media play in curbing climate change? That's the question
a diverse group of participants will grapple with at Deutsche Welle's
annual Global Media Forum in Bonn which opens on June 21....
annual media conference in Bonn brings together an eclectic mix of
environment campaigners, entrepreneurs, journalists, artists,
scientists, lawmakers and civil rights activists from around the world.
"The Global Media Forum is international, it's interdisciplinary and
interactive," said Ralf Nolting, head of Deutsche Welle Media Services,
the organizers of the conference.
The aim of the meeting is to
get key players from a range of fields at one table to identify problems
and come up with solutions – this time the subject is the role of the
media in covering climate change.
Countering climate change denial
little doubt that it's a timely topic. A recent international study
conducted by market research institute Synovate in cooperation with
Deutsche Welle, which polled 13,000 people, shows that a rethink of
attitudes towards climate change and sustainability is sorely needed.
Welle chief Erik Bettermann said he was particularly concerned about
the growing denial of the seriousness of the problem. “We've been
forced to conclude that knowledge of the effects of climate change is
widely accepted, but at the same time the number of those who think
'it's not that bad,' is increasing – it's 10 percent after all,"
Bettermann said. In 2008, that number was found to be at four percent.
others, the former BBC correspondent, now psychotherapist, Mark Brayne
will look at some of the psychological reasons for climate change
Ralf Nolting said it was an important trend one couldn't
afford to ignore. "It's simply the genetic disposition of people the
older they get – that includes most people in key positions," Nolting
"In short, if someone has turned coal into energy all his
life as an operator of a coal-fired electricity plant, then it's
suddenly a psychological problem for him to accept solar cells or wind
quite ignore the carrots and sticks which ensure that most climate
scientists toe the line -- which is why it is always the facts that
matter, not opinion of any sort:
Scientists who believe in
man-made climate change are more esteemed than those who actively oppose
the concept, according to a new paper. The study, which claims
scientists who blame man for our changing planet are more highly
regarded than those who do not, has been criticised by opponents who
question its methods.
The analysis of climate scientists claims
the "vast majority" of climate change researchers agree on the issue,
and that those who oppose the consensus are "not actually climate
researchers or not very productive researchers".
But experts said
the paper divides scientists into artificial groups, does not consider a
balanced spectrum of scientists, and is inherently biased due to the
nature of the peer review process.
Judith Curry, a climate expert
at the Georgia Institute of Technology – who was not part of the
analysis – called the study "completely unconvincing" while John Christy
of University of Alabama claimed he and other climate sceptics included
in the survey were simply "being blacklisted" by colleagues.
study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, examined 1,372 scientists who had taken part in reviews of
climate science or had put their name to statements regarding the key
findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
were grouped as "convinced" or "unconvinced", and researchers examined
how many times they had published papers on the climate. The results
showed that "unconvinced" scientists accounted for just three of the 100
most prolific authors on the subject, while "convinced" scientists also
averaged more citations.
Opponents criticised the authors of the
report for polarising all scientists into two distinct groups, rather
than taking into account different shades of support for theories on
climate change. Roger Pielke Jr, of the University of Colorado, told
sciencemag.org that some scientists were put into a group despite
holding a more moderate viewpoint.
In one case a scientist who
argued against immediate reductions to greenhouse gas emissions – a
political rather than a scientific position – was categorised as
"unconvinced", he said.
Critics also said the paper focuses
solely on scientists who have made their position on climate change
public – failing to consider those "unconvinced" scientists who choose
not to speak out – and that the peer review process meant the consensus
view was unfairly favoured.
also hilariously wrong. As Roger Pielke Jr. notes on his weblog, his
father, who firmly believes in man's impact on the climate, is rated as a
skeptic, while James Hansen, who has repeatedly criticized the IPCC
consensus (albeit for being too conservative) is mentioned as a
supporter of the IPCC.
This will contribute to the feeding frenzy
on climate change and distract (as it is meant to do) from real
discussion of climate change issues.
Very much of a piece with
the other junk coming out these days. Very much a symptom of a group
that can no longer respond to the real arguments.
More HERE. And Roger Pielke Jr. has some detailed criticisms and Marc Morano has a roundup of commentaries on the paper -- commentaries that point out serious methodological weaknesses in it.
Plant Scientists: 'UK Crop Yields Unaffected By Climate Change'
that climate change will seriously affect crop yields in Britain by
encouraging diseases are unfounded, scientists at Harpenden's Rothamsted
Research have discovered.
Oil seed rape, the crop which carpets
much of Hertfordshire in yellow in the summer, suffers from a disease
that affects yield known as phoma stem canker, predicted to spread as
the climate warms with with more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
newly-published research by Rothamsted scientists shows that another
disease, light leaf spot, will retreat with climate change, while yield
loss from stem canker can be countered by treatment.
Overall, the
new research predicts, yield will drop only slightly, and, through the
use of disease prediction systems, could even improve.
Federal Judge Blocks Obama's Offshore Drilling Moratorium in Gulf of Mexico
a victory for drilling proponents, a federal judge struck down
President Obama's six-month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling in the
Gulf of Mexico on Tuesday, saying the administration rashly concluded
that because one rig failed, the others are in immediate danger, too.
White House promised an immediate appeal. White House spokesman Robert
Gibbs said the president believes strongly that drilling at such depths
does not make sense and puts the safety of workers "at a danger that the
president does not believe we can afford."
The Interior
Department had halted approval of any new permits for deepwater drilling
and suspended drilling of 33 exploratory wells in the Gulf.
companies that ferry people and supplies and provide other services to
offshore drilling rigs asked U.S. District Judge Martin Feldman in New
Orleans to overturn the moratorium. They argued it was arbitrarily
imposed after the April 20 explosion on the Deepwater Horizon drilling
rig that killed 11 workers and blew out the well 5,000 feet underwater.
It has spewed anywhere from 67 million to 127 million gallons of oil
into the Gulf.
Feldman sided with the companies, saying in his
ruling the Interior Department assumed that because one rig failed, all
companies and rigs doing deepwater drilling pose an imminent danger.
"The Deepwater Horizon oil spill is an unprecedented, sad, ugly and
inhuman disaster," he wrote. "What seems clear is that the federal
government has been pressed by what happened on the Deepwater Horizon
into an otherwise sweeping confirmation that all Gulf deepwater drilling
activities put us all in a universal threat of irreparable harm."
His ruling prohibits federal officials from enforcing the moratorium until a trial is held. He did not set a trial date.
Interior Department said it needed time to study the risks of deepwater
drilling. But the lawsuit filed by Hornbeck Offshore Services of
Covington, La., claimed there was no proof the other operations posed a
threat. Company CEO Todd Hornbeck said after the ruling that he is
looking forward to getting back to work. "It's the right thing for not
only the industry but the country," he said.
Earlier in the day,
executives at a major oil conference in London warned that the
moratorium would cripple world energy supplies. Steven Newman, president
and CEO of Transocean Ltd., owner of the rig that exploded, called it
an unnecessary overreaction. BP PLC was leasing the rig. "There are
things the administration could implement today that would allow the
industry to go back to work tomorrow without an arbitrary six-month time
limit," Newman told reporters on the sidelines of the conference.
moratorium was declared May 6 and originally was to last only through
the month. Obama announced May 27 that he was extending it for six
In Louisiana, Gov. Bobby Jindal and corporate leaders
said that would force drilling rigs to leave the Gulf of Mexico for
lucrative business in foreign waters. They said the loss of business
would cost the area thousands of lucrative jobs, most paying more than
$50,000 a year. The state's other major economic sector, tourism, is a
largely low-wage industry.
bio-tech company Monsanto can sell genetically modified seeds before
safety tests on them are completed, the US Supreme Court has ruled.
lower court had barred the sale of the modified alfalfa seeds until an
environmental impact study could be carried out. But seven of the nine
Supreme Court Justices decided that ruling was unconstitutional.
The seed is modified to be resistant to Monsanto's brand of weedkiller.
US is the world's largest producer of alfalfa, a grass-like plant used
as animal feed. It is the fourth most valuable crop grown in the
Environmentalists had argued that there might be a risk
of cross-pollination between genetically modified plants and
neighbouring crops. They also argued over-use of the company's
weedkiller Roundup, the chemical treatment the alfalfa is modified to be
resistant to, could cause pollution of ground water and lead to
resistant "super-weeds".
But Monsanto says claims its products were dangerous amounted to "bad science fiction with no support on the record".
is the first experimental step in an innovative plan to recuperate
Peru’s disappearing Andean glaciers. The World Bank clearly
believes the idea – the brainchild of 55-year-old Peruvian inventor,
Eduardo Gold – has merit as it was one of the 26 winners from around
1,700 submissions in the “100 Ideas to Save the Planet” competition at
the end of 2009.
Although he is yet to receive the $200,000
(£135,000) awarded by the World Bank, his pilot project is already
underway on the Chalon Sombrero peak, 4,756 metres above sea level, in
an area some 100km west of the regional capital of Ayacucho.
There are no paint brushes, the workers use jugs to splash the whitewash
onto the loose rocks around the summit. It is a laborious process
but they have whitewashed two hectares in two weeks.
generates more cold, just as heat generates more heat,” says Mr Gold.
“I am hopeful that we could re-grow a glacier here because we would
be recreating all the climatic conditions necessary for a glacier to
If you had $200,000 to gift to Peru, a place
where the GDP per capita is less than $5,000, would you spend it on a
program to paint black rocks white in the hope of storing water and
changing the local weather?
Reader John P points out that if you
check the World Glacier Monitoring Service you will see that the
equilibrium line altitude (ELA) of glaciers in the Peruvian Cordillera
Blanca is above 4900 m, that means that snow falling below that altitude
does not remain over the whole year and melts. Even if it falls on the
glacier ice, much less on whitewashed rocks. Besides, the impact of a
few hectares of rock is minimal when compared with the atmospheric
circulation or the impact of surrounding terrain.
You might
wonder who in their right mind would spend that kind of money, and the
answer is no one — at least no one would spend their own money — but
your money, my money, paper money — sure. It’s good advertising for the
World Bank, it creates news stories for the cause, and generates another
set of vested servants agitating for a carbon credit currency.
The project description hints that as cold begets cold, so money begets money:
The project also will attempt to have the change in albedo over a
“unit” surface area equated with carbon credits in order to generate a
sustainable source of revenue generation for future project applications
another kind of whitewash that generates revenue. Think about the
possibilities? If painting things white “generates” money in carbon
credits, then white cars ought to get a pump discount…
The list
of Global Winning projects for 2009 refers to the act of pouring buckets
of whitewash on rocks as an “Artisanal Industry”. I think the real
craftmanship comes in writing grant applications. What will we see in
2010? Here’s a thought: white paint isn’t that marvellous at reflecting
light. It has an emissivity of something like 0.9, but polished
aluminium has an emissivity of 0.04, (reflecting lots more!).
Suggestions for 2010? How about gift wrapping Mt Kilamajaro rocks in
Warmists have been riding the
wrong horse. A new paleoclimate study shows that it is methane, not
CO2 that affects warming. CO2 levels are tied to ocean circulation.
A small caution: The report below is based on a press release. There seems to be no peer-reviewed paper as yet
examining 800,000-year-old polar ice, scientists increasingly are
learning how the climate has changed since the last ice melt and that
carbon dioxide has become more abundant in the Earth's atmosphere.
two decades, French scientist Jérôme Chappellaz has been examining ice
cores collected from deep inside the polar ice caps of Greenland and
Antarctica. His studies on the interconnecting air spaces of old snow --
or firn air -- in the ice cores show that the roughly 40 percent
increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the Earth's last
deglaciation can be attributed in large part to changes in the
circulation and biological activity of the oceanic waters surrounding
Chappellaz presented his findings today in Knoxville,
Tenn. during the Goldschmidt Conference, an international gathering of
several thousand geochemists who converge annually to share their
research on Earth, energy and the environment. The event, hosted by the
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
is taking place June 13-18.
By measuring the carbon isotopes in
the firn air, scientists can pinpoint the source of atmospheric carbon
during the millennia. Because living organisms at the surface of the
oceans tend to take up the lighter of the carbon isotopes, 13C, and this
isotope is then released when the organisms decay, scientists know the
higher concentration of 13C is originating from the oceans.
the organisms die, sink to the ocean depths, and decompose, releasing
carbon that remains stored in the cold, deep waters for centuries. But a
growing concentration of the isotope 13C in the air during the last
deglaciation indicates that this "old" carbon from decomposition was
released from the southern polar waters, where the Antarctic Circumpolar
Current transports more water than any other current in the world.
Here, oceanic circulation is increasing in intensity and the deep water
is releasing carbon dioxide at the surface.
For two decades,
Chappellaz has examined polar ice cores to decipher how the primary
greenhouse gases -- carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide -- have
changed in concentrations and ratios since ancient times and what has
caused those changes. He notably showed for the first time the tight
link existing between atmospheric methane and global climate at
glacial-interglacial time scales.
There is an earlier Chappellaz paper here
which simply reports cyclic fluctuations in methane levels. As far as
one can gather, the latest work goes further and looks for a
relationship between methane levels and temperature.
Antarctic glacier melt maybe 'not due to climate change'
and international boffins, having probed an Antarctic glacier which is
thought to be a major cause of rising sea levels worldwide, report that
increased polar ice melting may not be driven by climate change.
The massive ice river in question is the Pine Island Glacier, aka PIG to those in the field.
of Antarctica’s recent contributions to sea level rise have changed
from near-zero to significant and increasing," says Stan Jacobs of
Columbia uni in the States. "Increased melting of continental ice also
appears to be the primary cause of persistent ocean freshening and other
The PIG has flowed more and more rapidly into the
Amundsen Sea since scientists have begun monitoring it, adding fresh
water to the world's oceans. Like certain other regions the glacier is
bucking the overall south-polar trend which has actually seen hundreds
of thousands of square kilometres of new sea ice accumulate around
Antarctica in recent decades.
Many scientists have theorised that
the PIG's accelerating flow is due to global warming. However, recent
research - including surveys beneath the bottom of the floating,
projecting ice sheet by Blighty's Autosub robot probe - indicate that
this may not be the case. (The Autosub, famously, was powered by some
5,000 ordinary alkaline D-cell batteries on each trip beneath the ice,
getting through some four tonnes of them during the research.)
appears from the Autosub's under-ice surveys that the PIG's ice flow
formerly ground its way out to sea across the top of a previously
unknown rocky underwater ridge, which tended to hold it back. Many years
ago, however, before the area was surveyed in much detail, the
glacier's floating outflow sheet separated from the ridge top which it
had been grinding away at for millennia and so picked up speed. This
also allowed relatively warm sea water to get up under the sheet and so
increase melting and ease of movement.
“The discovery of the
ridge has raised new questions about whether the current loss of ice
from Pine Island Glacier is caused by recent climate change or is a
continuation of a longer-term process that began when the glacier
disconnected from the ridge," says Dr Adrian Jenkins of the British
Antarctic Survey.
Jenkins, Jacobs and their colleagues write:
"Once the grounding line began its downslope migration from the ridge
crest prior to the 1970’s, a period of rapid change was inevitable, and
since that time oceanic variability may have had relatively little
influence on the rate of retreat".
Or in other words the glacier
would have shown the same acceleration and thinning it has shown since
the 1990s with or without climate change, perhaps accounting for its
very rapid melting and the local contrast with the general picture of
increased Antarctic sea ice.
The scientists' research is published by Nature Geoscience
Prof. Jon Krosnick: Another crooked (and stupid) Warmist
'When you don't like the poll numbers, make up your own poll'
University's Jon Krosnick (Krosnick@Stanford.edu) has either been
distorting climate polling to suit his ideological position for years or
he is an utterly incompetent pollster. The solid bet is on the former.
Krosnick's polling results are so woeful that both Pew Research Center
Survey and Gallup polling recently took the time to harshly reprimand
him for his shoddy work.
See: Warming propagandist Prof. Krosnick
exposed: Pew research 'says that Krosnick's survey is marred by faulty
methodology. ...used words that encourged a positive response'
propaganda Prof. Krosnick slapped down by Gallup Polling! Recent
polling 'shows demonstrable drops in Americans' acknowledgment of and
concern about global warming')
Krosnick has been skewing polling results on global warming for years and has been getting caught every time.
Flashback 2008: Krosnick's long history of climate propaganda:
'Krosnick invents a consensus position: climate change is occurring. But
this is a meaningless assertion, devoid of any scientific value the
public can expect psychologists to be engaged in brainwashing them into
accepting political propaganda' -- 'Krosnick conducted a poll amongst
the public, to see if their beliefs match those of the scientists, but
neglected to poll scientists to establish their views'
The latest
Krosnick academic embarrassment started with his June 8, 2010 oped in
the New York Times. (See: Huh? Stanford U. Prof. Krosnick: 'Huge
majorities of Americans still believe earth has been gradually warming
as result of humans & want gov't regs to stop it')
apparent eagerness to skew, propagandize and present intellectually
dishonest and shallow polling analysis, simply stuns anyone with even a
rudimentary familiarity with recent global warming polls.
Financial Post's Lawrence Solomon reveals some of Krosnick's tactics in a
June 21, 2010 article. According to the Financial Post, Krosnick did
not release his full report for public scrutiny nor did he show the
public the context for his questions.
The Financial Post reports
that Krosnick lumped the phrase “global warming” in with “the
environment.” Here is the question Krosnick asked: “What do you think
will be the most serious problem facing the world in the future if
nothing is done to stop it?” According to the paper, when put this way,
25% of the public responded with “Global warming/the environment.” But
Krosnick doesn't tell us how many of that 25% choose global warming
versus the myriad of other environmental issues.
What is most
shocking about this point is that for two years running, all major
polling has consistently revealed that not only is global
warming/climate change the issue of least concern, but it is the lowest
concern among all ENVIRONMENTAL issues! ....
For Krosnick to try
to pull this low-brow tactic of combining climate and environment as
though the public treats them identical, reveals that he is either
ignorant of wealth of recent polls or he is deliberately trying to con
the public and his own Stanford University.
The Financial Post further explains some of the sleazy polling tactics Krosnick regularly employs:
gets different results than other pollsters do by asking questions that
some might consider bizarre. For example, when people told him that
they didn't believe global warming was happening, he asked them to
pretend they did by asking them,
“Assuming that global warming
is happening, do you think a rise in the world's temperature would be
caused mostly by things people do, mostly by natural causes, or about
equally by things people do and by natural causes? He then lumped the
pretend response from people who don't believe in global warming with a
similar question asked of people who weren't pretending about their
belief in global warming. ...
Poor Professor Krosnick. One
headline last week said it all: Krosnick's Polling Con Job: 'When you
don't like the poll numbers, make up your own poll'
The poor
professor has not only been caught apparently manipulating data, but his
methods have now been exposed for the entire world to see. Krosnick's
academic integrity has now been elevated to the level of the “used car
salesman” tactics of the UN IPCC and the Climategate professors.
slide above comes from the presentation of Hans von Storch to the
InterAcademy Review of the IPCC, presented earlier this week in
Montreal. The slide references the misrepresentation of the issue of
disasters and climate change by the IPCC. von Storch is very clear in
his views: "IPCC authors have decided to violate the mission of the
IPCC, by presenting disinformation".
Not only did the IPCC
misrepresent the science of disasters and climate change, but went so
far as to issue a highly misleading press release to try to spin the
issue and put an unprepared IPCC WG2 chair on the BBC to try to defend
the undefensible. I was promised a response from the IPCC to my
concerns, a response that has never been provided.
A former head
of the IPCC, Robert Watson, says the following in the context of the
2035 glacier issue, but could be equally applied to the disaster issue:
"To me the fundamental problem was that when the error was found it was
handled in a totally and utterly atrocious manner".
Review of the IPCC is fully aware of this issue, and it will be
interesting to see what their report says on the topic. Meantime, the
IPCC is continuing its preparations for its next assessment in
business-as-usual fashion.
energy is getting more and more popular - and therefore unaffordable.
Because the subsidies are guaranteed for years, the costs have risen to
high double-digit billions. Even the industry recognizes that it cannot
go on like this.
German Government support for solar power is
leading to significant price increases for large electricity users in
industry and for private users. Consumer organisations estimate that
electricity prices are likely to rise by ten percent next year alone due
to subsidies for green electricity. Industrial electricity prices in
Germany are already high; through the promotion of green electricity
they will reach peak prices in Europe
The ultimate cost drivers
are mainly photovoltaic systems. Year after year their numbers are
climbing much faster than predicted. Compared to previous estimates, the
increase in capacity has risen tenfold this year. For each system, the
Renewable Energy Act guarantees a feed-in tariff for 20 years, which is
currently six times higher than the price of conventionally generated
electricity. The additional costs are passed on to all electricity
consumers. While prices for photovoltaic systems have fallen sharply in
recent years, state subsidies have been only reduced moderately. As a
result, the facilities have become very lucrative for operators.
According to calculations by the Rhine-Westphalian Institute for
Economic Research, the net cost to the taxpayer of all photovoltaic
systems installed between 2000 and 2010 adds up to € 85.4 billion.
promotion of renewable energy threatens to get out of control, warns
Martin Kneer, chief executive of the Metal Trade Association. Excluded
from the levy are only a few hundred companies, including extremely
energy-intensive facilities, such as aluminium smelters.
A recent
open letter by Johannes Lackmann has alarmed the photovoltaic industry.
Lackmann is no enemy of renewable energies. On the contrary: He is
firmly rooted in the green energy industry and was for many years
president of the Association of Renewable Energies. Lackmann warns that
companies in effect are placing themselves on par with outdated
industries, which make up the lack of competitiveness by being
subsidized. The Renewable Energies Act, which promotes green power,
should not be used as a pillow. In his view, the photovoltaic industry
threatens to overdo things – at the expense of electricity consumers.
describes the consequences of a development that is heading for new
highs this year. Because the promotion of green energy is so lucrative,
more solar panel systems are now mounted on German rooftops than ever
thought possible: The trade magazine "Photon" calculates that solar
cells with a capacity of 8,800 Megawatts (MW) are added in 2010: the
Rhine-Westphalian Institute for Economic Research (RWI) believes a
figure of up to 9000 MW for more realistic. Compared to 2006, the newly
installed capacity has increased by a factor of eleven. Even in 2007 it
was assumed that a maximum 700 MW will have been added by 2010.
completely unrestrained run on photovoltaic systems has immense
consequences for all electricity consumers. For each installed system
the Renewable Energy Act guarantees a fixed feed-in tariffs for 20
years, which exceed the market price of conventional electricity many
times over. Facilities which go on line this year receive on average 31
cents per kilowatt-hour. This price is guaranteed by law until 2030. For
comparison: at the power exchange EEX one kilowatt hour of
conventionally generated electricity can be bought for around five
cents. The difference is financed by all electricity consumers. Only for
some energy-intensive industries there are exceptions.
to calculations by the RWI, the net cost for all photovoltaic systems
built between 2000 and 2010 over the respective 20-year funding period
add up to €85.4 billion in real terms. This value corresponds to more
than one quarter of Germany’s federal budget. Regardless, the
contribution of solar power to total electricity consumption in Germany
is very low despite the large sums of funding. It is around one percent.
to calculations by the Consumer Federation (VZBV) the newly added
photovoltaic systems in 2010 alone will cost German consumers €26
billion for the production life of 20 years. According to VZBV this will
cause an increase in the price of electricity by ten percent in 2011.
The energy suppliers have already announced price increases. The energy
supplier RWE announced on Friday it would raise prices by 7.3 percent
from August due to higher costs for green electricity.
The reason
for this massive build up is obvious: while costs for the solar panels
have fallen sharply in recent years, the feed-in tariffs have declined
only slightly. The module manufacturers can still get quite high prices,
which bring them high profits. At the same time, the feed-in tariffs
guarantee plant operators a good business.
Negotiations about
cuts in solar feed-in tariffs have been going on for months. The solar
industry is vehemently resisting any downgrading - and is using
political support by individual states. The lobby wants to prevent cuts
planned by the Federal government by means of the Parliament’s lower
chamber. The Conciliation Committee of the Bundesrat and Bundestag has
set up a working group which is expected to come up with a compromise by
5 July. The final word, however, lies with the Bundestag.
the perspective of Johannes Lackmann, the industry’s resistance to cuts
is doing it no favours. He considers the proposal by the Federal
government to cut the subsidies as overdue. Lackmann wants an automatic
mechanism by which the feed-in tariffs are adjusted every six months
without a long debate. From the perspective of the RWI, however, the
Renewable Energy Act should be completely abolished. It does not even
create incentives for investment in research and development: "Leading
German solar companies spend less than two percent of sales on research
and development. This puts them below the figure of Siemens," says
Manuel Frondel, Head of Environment and Resources at the RWI. He thinks
that targeted technology promotion is more useful than subsidizing the
solar industry.
is the latest developed nation to see emissions trading plans delayed
but has vowed to see legislation passed in time for the UN climate
conference in Mexico at the end of the year.
The government has
conceded it would not get climate legislation passed on schedule through
the upper house in the current session of parliament ending this week. A
mandatory emissions trading scheme is an important plank in the ruling
Democratic Party of Japan’s climate change policy which has ambitious
targets to cut greenhouse emissions by 25 per cent below 1990 levels by
The United States and Australia have also seen
government-supported cap and trade schemes run into trouble in the upper
houses of their federal legislatures. Australia has put off its scheme
until at least 2013 while the Obama administration is trying to rescue
chances for the passing of a climate and energy bill in the US Senate
this year amid fading hopes.
Reuters reports Japan’s environment
minister Sakihito Ozawa telling a news conference the government’s aim
now is to have the wide-ranging climate bill enacted by late November.
But an upper house election in July threatens to reduce the government’s
numbers leaving no guarantee it will be able to pass the controversial
bill as it stands afterward.
And pretty much all important organisms were the same 130,000 years ago as what they are today
to a new paper, "The deuterium excess records of EPICA Dome C and
Dronning Maud Land ice cores (East Antarctica)", by B. Stenni and 14
European co-authors -- which was published in Quaternary Science Reviews
29 (2010) -- new high-resolution ice core data from two sites in
eastern Antarctica show temperature proxies more than 4°C higher during
the last interglacial (~130,000 years ago) than the present
The high resolution data provides more accurate determination of the
temperature proxies, shown at lower left of each graph above.
you are a young Earth creationist, it should be obvious to you that the
paper shows that comments that 4 °C or even 2 °C of warming would be
threatening for life don't seem compatible with the reconstructions of
the climate. Pretty much all important organisms were the same 130,000
years ago as what they are today.
The graph shows that the
typical maximum-minimum temperature difference associated with the
glaciation cycles is as high as 12 °C, at least at various places. Any
man-made correction that is much smaller than that should simply be
viewed as unimportant - a tiny modification within the natural
variability. Still, there will be people who will never be convinced by
any empirical evidence.
In his article "Reluctance to let go",
Sean Carroll urged the mankind to eliminate both religions and global
warming realists. He doesn't seem to realize that the mental defects
that lead him to his proclamations about the climate are at least as
irrational as the spiritual drivers that lead other people to religions
such as Christianity. And the Academia is unfortunately contaminated by
thousands of similar Carrolls.
Excerpt from another report on the IPCC4 conference
years now, alarmists have arrogantly ignored the cooling we’ve
experienced worldwide since 1999, continuing their demands that we
sacrifice everything – jobs, money, comfort, progress and ultimately,
freedom -- to halt fictitious “runaway global warming.” Such unfounded
hysteria seems all the more inane after hearing the unvarnished truth
from the experts at ICCC-4, beginning with their predictions that the
global cooling will likely continue for the next few decades.
Don Easterbrook was one of many attending scientists attributing
natural climate variations to solar irradiance and deep ocean currents.
His ICCC-4 announced paper, The Looming Threat of Global Cooling, noted
the undeniable link between the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
shifting to its warm mode in 1915 and 1977 and global warming resulting
both times. Conversely, in 1945 and 1999 the PDO moved to its cool mode
and the globe cooled right along, despite a rapid increase in
atmospheric CO2 during the period. What’s more, climate changes in the
geologic record show a regular pattern of alternate warming and cooling
with a 25-30 year period for the past 500 years. Easterbrook thereby
concludes that we should “expect global cooling for the next 2-3 decades
that will be far more damaging than global warming would have been.”
1 – From Don Easterbrook. Since 1900, global temperatures have closely
correlated with the PDO Index. This belies AGW and portends a coming
big chill
Easterbrook noted a strong correlation between PDO
and solar activity, as did geophysicist Victor Manuel Velasco Herrara,
who believes an even longer cold spell (60-80 years) has begun --
triggered by a decrease in solar activity. Habibullo Abdussamatov
agrees, and illustrated how the 18 Little Ice Ages that occurred in the
past 7500 years can all be attributed to “natural bicentennial
variations in the average annual values of the total solar irradiance
(TSI)” and its secondary subsequent feedback effects (natural changes in
the albedo, water vapor abundance, etc.). Abdussamatov demonstrated
that each time the TSI reached a peak (up to 0.2%) a period of global
warming began “with a time lag of 15±6 years defined by the thermal
inertia of the Ocean (despite the absence of anthropogenic influence).”
Contrarily, “each deep bicentennial descent in the TSI caused a Little
Ice Age.” Based on the present cycle, the astrophysicist expects “the
beginning of the new Little Ice Age epoch approximately in 2014.”
specialist William Gray also brought along some mighty convincing
charts proving that most of the warming experienced in the past thousand
years can be attributed to deep ocean circulations, strengthened and
weakened by century-scale salinity variations. While the relationship of
Sea Surface Temperatures to evaporation, rainfall and wind patterns,
albedo and, ultimately, air temperature is complex and beyond the scope
of this article, suffice it to say that this translates to ocean – not
carbon -- driven global temperatures.
Gray believes the Medieval
Warm Period (MWP) was a result of a multi-century slowdown of the
Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC), similar to that experienced in
the 20th century and corresponded to similar warming. Conversely, the
Little Ice Age (LIA) was a period of stronger than average MOC, as we
are beginning to see today. Gray, too, predicts that strengthening
ocean currents portend global cooling over the next few decades, even as
carbon dioxide levels continue to climb.
So how is it that
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National
Climatic Data Center just declared this year’s January-May period the
warmest on record?
“If we torture the data long enough, it will confess”
readers are no doubt well aware that, thanks in large part to the
efforts of WUWT’s indefatigable Anthony Watts, we’ve known for years
that over 90% of American stations misreport temperature data by between
1ºC and 5ºC. Furthermore, “smoothing” adjustments to “homogenize”
station data to that of surrounding stations and dismissal of the
biasing phenomenon known as the Urban Heat Island Effect have grossly
exaggerated 20th-century warming.
Not coincidentally, Dr. Craig
Loehle concluded that after subtracting UHIE and other measurement
artifacts, a 59 year natural cycle of warming and cooling remains. And
while that cycle matches that of the PDO to a tee, the MSM respond as
though only “deniers” could possibly suggest a link.
But last
November we learned just how far ideologues at England’s Climate
Research Unit were willing to go when glaring evidence that its
scientists had doctored climate data to remove previous warm periods
from the history books while exaggerating modern warming and suppressing
modern cooling surfaced.
And further investigation uncovered by
a team lead by ICCC-4 presenter Joe D’Aleo revealed that the two
primary U.S. sources of global temperature have also been manipulating
land-based instrumental readings. NOAA has been strategically deleting
cherry-picked, cooler-reporting weather observation stations from the
temperature data and NASA has intentionally replaced the dropped NOAA
readings with those of stations located in much warmer locales.
Firms paid to shut down wind farms when the wind is blowing!
biggest wind farm companies are to be paid not to produce electricity
when the wind is blowing. Energy firms will receive thousands of pounds
a day per wind farm to turn off their turbines because the National
Grid cannot use the power they are producing.
Critics of wind
farms have seized on the revelation as evidence of the unsuitability of
turbines to meet the UK's energy needs in the future. They claim that
the 'intermittent' nature of wind makes such farms unreliable providers
of electricity.
The National Grid fears that on breezy summer
nights, wind farms could actually cause a surge in the electricity
supply which is not met by demand from businesses and households. The
electricity cannot be stored, so one solution – known as the 'balancing
mechanism' – is to switch off or reduce the power supplied.
system is already used to reduce supply from coal and gas-fired power
stations when there is low demand. But shutting down wind farms is
likely to cost the National grid – and ultimately consumers – far more.
When wind turbines are turned off, owners are being deprived not only of
money for the electricity they would have generated but also lucrative
'green' subsidies for that electricity.
The first successful test
shut down of wind farms took place three weeks ago. Scottish Power
received £13,000 for closing down two farms for a little over an hour on
30 May at about five in the morning. Whereas coal and gas power
stations often pay the National Grid £15 to £20 per megawatt hour they
do not supply, Scottish Power was paid £180 per megawatt hour during the
test to switch off its turbines.
It raises the prospect of
hugely profitable electricity suppliers receiving large sums of money
from the National Grid just for switching off wind turbines.
Lee Moroney, planning director of the Renewable Energy Foundation, a
think tank opposed to the widespread introduction of wind farms, said:
"As more and more wind farms come on stream this will become more and
more of an issue. Wind power is not controllable and does not provide a
solid supply to keep the national grid manageable. Paying multinational
companies large sums of money not to supply electricity seems wrong."
this year, The Sunday Telegraph revealed that electricity customers are
paying more than £1 billion a year to subsidise wind farms and other
forms of renewable energy.
The proceeds of the levy, known as the
Renewables Obligation (RO), are divided between the main renewable
energy sources, with wind receiving 40 per cent, landfill gas 25 per
cent, biomass 20 per cent, hydroelectric 12 per cent and sewage gas 3
per cent.
Professor Michael Laughton, emeritus professor of
electrical engineering at the University of London, said: "People will
find it very hard to understand that an electricity company is getting
paid the market rate plus a subsidy for doing nothing. It is essentially
a waste of consumers' money."
A National Grid spokesman said:
"The trial demonstrates that wind can help balance supply and demand
just like other generation types: this is potentially useful to us on
warm but windy summer days when generation outstrips the low demand –
and a higher proportion of generation is made up of wind and inflexible
The spokesman added: "The trial is something supporters
of wind energy should welcome, as it gives evidence to their case that
wind generation does not bring insurmountable problems to balancing
supply and demand."
A spokesman for RenewableUK, the trade body
which represents the renewable energy industry, said all suppliers to
the National Grid periodically were asked to reduce output to control
the balancing mechanism. He said it was simply evidence of the growing
part wind energy had to play in Britain's supply needs that turbines
would occasionally be taken off the National Grid.
He added:
"REF exists to misrepresent any piece of information and turn it into a
scandal or crisis. The reality is the National Grid's job is to ensure
we have adequate capacity to meet demand at any one time."
If you think
cars are dirty, just think about their precedessors like horse-drawn
contraptions, steam locomotives and traction engines
One of
the greatest legacies of the rise of the motor vehicle is the favour it
did to the horse.... when horsepower meant exactly that, the horse had a
terrible time of it.
Working horses in cities could live for as
little as three years before they were fit for nothing more than dog
food and glue, and it was only the coming of internal combustion that
allowed them to shed the yoke of thankless service to humankind's
unrelenting quest to improve its lot.
My relationship with horses
has always been quite poor. They don't like me, and I'm not sure I
really like them, or at least not as a means of transport. But I
wouldn't want the witless beasts to suffer. A horse's brain is
incredibly small, and quickly filled with the comprehension of its own
misery, to the exclusion of all other thought, I reckon.
also poo a lot. These days we see the brass-bedecked brewer's dray-horse
as a happy throwback to a time of bucolic and pre-global innocence when
life was sedate and conducted to the strains of olde English airs such
as Early One Morning, Angels Guard Thee and The Ash Cloud. But no one
mentions all the poo - tons of it, everywhere, and covered in flies.
followed a troop of horses through town the other day, on a motorcycle,
and every few dozen yards one of them deposited another malodorous
mini-roundabout on the Queen's highway. It was like a shit slalom.
this was just a dozen or so horses, not the many thousands that once
tramped the roads of London. So the piston engine not only saved the
horse from its burden, it saved us from its ordure. This was a good
The steam engine also did its bit to save the horse, but
dropped its own industrial excrement in the form of soot produced by
burning coal. I reckon this was better than the horse poo, but still not
Before you all write in, I know the significance of coal
in industrialising the world and making it a better place. I realise
that coal, in a roundabout sort of way, saved trees as well. But I also
think we may have forgotten just how dirty it was.
Walk into an
old railway tunnel, a place not washed by the rain or cleaned up by
ambitious local councils, and notice how blackened it is, even to this
day, more than 40 years since the demise of steam on our mainline
railways. Coal did that.
When steam engines were everywhere, and
coal was burned in the home and in urban power stations, everything
looked like that, including people's faces.
I have spoken
recently to old men who recount how they had to swap the interchangeable
collars of their shirts by the time they arrived at work because the
ones they had put on after breakfast were by then already filthy. So the
cult of coal gave us the fashion for coloured shirts with white
collars, which is pretty unforgivable.
I sometimes think that
everything must have tasted of coal in the olden days. That slightly
dusty, faintly sulphurous quality is a tasting note revered by wine
connoisseurs, but imagine if cornflakes were like that, or a prawn
salad. Horrible. Internal combustion saved us from all this as well.
point is this: the world is actually becoming cleaner, all other things
concerning usage being equal. If everyone who now has a car had a horse
or a traction engine, we would be consumed by cack within days.
the car as we know it will soon be replaced. We don't know by what, but
I bet it will be cleaner still, and whatever it is will be dirty
compared with what comes after that. Pretty soon the world will be so
clean that it will be perfectly possible to eat safely off any vaguely
flat surface, or have your appendix out in the middle of the road.
message, I think, is clear. Left to its own devices, humanity naturally
embraces the thing we are constantly being nagged about - reduced
emissions. How marvellous is that?
Green/Left War on Land Owners, Home Owners and Shareholders
Comment from Australia
Carbon Sense Coalition today claimed that the war on carbon was just
another battle in the long war on property rights by populists in
Speaking yesterday at the well attended annual
meeting of Property Rights Australia in Emerald, the Chairman of “Carbon
Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes, said that Mark Twain was right – “No man’s life
liberty or property is safe while parliament is sitting”.
added: “The war on property rights is always carried out under the
spurious slogan of “the public interest”. “It is always secretly
serving a private interest. “Mainly it is being used by politicians to
buy votes from swinging voters or to attract green preferences.
‘global warming’ and ‘carbon pollution’ are their preferred vote
winners. As these scams are exposed as grubby schemes to serve private
interests in the carbon trading and alternate energy industries, new
slogans will be found. “But always it will be an attack on the right of
property owners to use and enjoy the security of their own property.
have been robbed of their rights by bans on controlling woody weeds and
regrowth on their properties. Seaside property values are being damaged
by sudden changes in zoning laws and development plans using the excuse
of possible sea level changes. Shareholders in mining companies have
seen the value of their retirement funds slump under the threat of super
taxes needed by the federal government to balance the books after the
extravagant stimulus packages and roof insulation disasters. Real job
opportunities for aboriginal people are destroyed by ‘Wild Rivers’
legislation. Fishermen are being deprived of the right to fish, and
foresters are locked out of the forests.
“And at this moment many
property rights are being trampled to force feed the unnatural growth
of the wind, solar and natural gas industries, using various spurious
climate excuses. Those whose assets are suffering include landowners,
miners, tax payers, shareholders and electricity consumers.
Forbes advised members of Property Rights Australia to focus on the real
problem, which is in parliament. “It is not other property owners such
as miners, gas producers and native title claimants who are your main
enemy – they too have bits of paper signed by politicians giving them
rights which are often vague and, too often, overlap and degrade your
property rights. These overlapping property rights are at the root of
all discord between various classes of property owners.
advice to all land owners is “Know your rights, get good legal advice,
negotiate hard with other conflicting property owners, but keep out of
court battles with them – the only winners in that battle are the
lawyers. “Focus your legal weapons and court actions on government
property invaders, and make sure your politicians feel the heat.
as the global warming scam is exposed, watch for their next excuse for
grabbing control of your lives and property. “There will be one –
bio-diversity, sustainability, soil conservation, ocean acidity, saving
something cuddly, energy conservation, or, most likely, all of the
Guess who holds a patent for a carbon-trading plan
Disgraced Fannie Mae CEO set to cash in for millions
Clinton and Obama budget adviser Franklin Raines owns a key
carbon-emissions patent he developed as CEO of the government-sponsored
mortgage giant Fannie Mae, positioning him and his partners to make
millions of dollars if it is used in any carbon-capping scheme
implemented by the Obama administration.
Raines and his
associates led Fannie Mae and Congress to believe Fannie Mae owned the
patent, despite public records to the contrary, a WND investigation has
Raines and his partners carried out their plan by quietly
filing for and receiving a second nearly identical carbon-emissions
patent that superseded the first patent, according to government
records. The second patent was never assigned to Fannie Mae or any other
As WND reported, an Enron-like accounting scandal enabled
Raines to earn $90 million in his five years as Fannie Mae CEO, from
1999 to 2004....
As WND reported, Raines and two other top Fannie
Mae executives agreed to pay $24.7 million, including a $2 million
fine, to settle a civil lawsuit filed in December 2006 accusing them of
manipulating Fannie Mae earnings, allowing executives to pocket hundreds
of millions in bonuses from 1998 to 2004.
Raines was forced to give up Fannie Mae stock options valued at $15.6 million as part of the settlement.
July 17, 2008, the the Washington Post ran a profile piece on Raines
stating he "has been quietly constructing a new life for himself" in
which he takes "calls from Barack Obama's presidential campaign seeking
his advice on mortgage and housing policy matters."
By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President, Science and Environmental Policy Project
On Tuesday, IPCC Chairman R.K. Pachauri gave a rather remarkable interview on BBC,
claiming that he welcomes a vigorous debate on the science of climate
change. (See quote above.) Of course, the skeptics may continue to be a
bit skeptical. Pachauri has called them “flat earthers” who should apply
asbestos to their faces.
Given the revelations of ClimateGate,
perhaps Pachauri is concerned about his job – one from which he claims
he receives no income. Or, perhaps, he has genuinely undergone a
remarkable transformation.
We shall have to wait and see. An
early indicator may be if the IPCC actually tries to test some of the
critical assumptions in the computer models, such as that water vapor
amplifies (is a positive feedback to) the slight warming produced by
increased atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Another indicator could be
attempting to establish empirical parameters on the effects of aerosols
that are “hiding true global warming.” The acid test will be permitting
skeptics to write dissenting views in the “Summary for Policymakers.”
(One can always dream.)
The BP oil spill continues to have
considerable political ramifications, with vengeance as a motivating
factor for some. BP has been forced to set up, early, a $20 Billion fund
to provide relief for those economically impacted by the spill –
including those put out of work by the government’s declaration of a
moratorium on all deep water drilling. As explained in last week’s TWTW,
the administration attempted to justify this moratorium, claiming it
was recommended by highly qualified engineers. The engineers would have
none of that and stated they made no such recommendation for existing
Efforts to control the extent of the spill are still
underway. Unfortunately, in spite of administration claims that it has
been in charge since day one, there still appears to be no one in charge
and conflicting statements are the order of the day.
and the environmental industry are gearing up to make the most of this
spill. Numerous articles and television broadcasts are long on
adjectives and lurid photographs, but short on facts. What is the actual
extent of the environmental damage? Clearly, no one can predict how
long the aftereffects will remain, but it appears that once the well is
shut off, most of the effects will disappear rather quickly.
about the wildlife that is so frequently shown in photographs? US Fish
and Wildlife has established a control center, monitoring affected
birds, sea turtles, mammals, and reptiles. These are classified by alive
or dead and by visibly oiled, no visible oil, or status pending.
Visible oil on a dead animal does not mean the animal died from oil
exposure. As of June 17, with 58 days of records, of the 1468 alive and
dead birds collected, the total number of visibly oiled, dead birds was –
196 – a far cry from the impression one receives in the news reports.
The data tables can be found at this web site
fate of the cap and tax law (Kerry-Lieberman bill – S-1733) is
uncertain. The administration is using the oil spill to justify
penalizing oil as well as coal – thus further penalizing American
prosperity. Proponents are also bringing up the issue of American
security – reliance on oil from the Mid-East. Thus, it is useful to
examine the source of imported crude oil by region as reported by the Energy Information Administration for 2009.
the 4,279,908 barrels of crude oil and similar products imported by the
US, only 620,938 (14.5%) came from the Persian Gulf states which is
less than the 899,370 barrels (21%) that came from Canada. The five
major nations from which US imports oil are, in order: Canada, Mexico
(10.5%), Venezuela (9.2%), Saudi Arabia (8.6%), and Nigeria (6.9%).
is important to distinguish the uses of various fuels. Oil is the
major transportation fuel and only about 1% of US electricity is
generated from it. By contrast, coal is principally an electricity
generating fuel with almost 50% of US electricity generated from it. As
it is now being restructured, the targets of cap and tax will not only
be electricity, but also transportation.
Last week, TWTW mentioned the review in Science of Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway. This week the George C. Marshall Institute issued its comments
on this book which focused on the attack on three of the Institute’s
founders: Frederick Seitz, Robert Jastrow, and William Nierenberg. The
comments on Seitz suffice for all. Oreskes-Conway accuse Seitz of
consulting with R.J. Reynolds to discredit studies showing a link
between cigarette smoking and cancer.
The Institute admits that
Seitz did consult with R.J. Reynolds – to guide a multi-year,
multi-million dollar investment in human health research and development
at Rockefeller University, a leading bio-medical research institution.
This effort funded the research by Dr. Stanley Prusiner, who received a
Nobel Prize for his work on prions. Strangely, the Science article made
no mention of this scientific research. If this scientific research is
somehow “tainted”, how should one consider research at Duke University,
founded with tobacco money, or Stanford University, founded with
railroad money, or that at many other universities?
A Congressional candidate with a degree in Physics from Harvard is an outspoken skeptic
Mike Stopa is running for U.S. Congress from the third district of Massachusetts. His site is here
Global Average Sea Surface Temperatures Continue their Plunge
Surface Temperatures (SSTs) measured by the AMSR-E instrument on NASA’s
Aqua satellite continue their plunge as a predicted La Nina approaches.
The following plot, updated through yesterday (June 17, 2010) shows
that the cooling in the Nino34 region in the tropical east Pacific is
well ahead of the cooling in the global average SST, something we did
not see during the 2007-08 La Nina event (click on it for the large,
undistorted version):
The rate at which the Nino34 SSTs are
falling is particularly striking, as seen in this plot of the SST change
rate for that region:
To give some idea of what is causing the
global-average SST to fall so rapidly, I came up with an estimate of the
change in reflected sunlight (shortwave, or SW flux) using our AMSR-E
total integrated cloud water amounts. This was done with a 7+ year
comparison of those cloud water estimates to daily global-ocean SW
anomalies computed from the CERES radiation budget instrument, also on
What this shows is an unusually large increase in reflected
sunlight over the last several months, probably due to an increase in
low cloud cover.
At this pace of cooling, I suspect that the
second half of 2010 could ruin the chances of getting a record high
global temperature for this year. Oh, darn.
the "Scientific American" still employ scientists? They certainly
still employ credulous journalists. I reproduce the first part of a
rave by a panic-stricken little fluff-head below and follow with some
comments by "eminence grise" Fred Singer. See also the article following the one below
EPA found there is only a 1% chance of avoiding the increasing
incidence of climate-caused catastrophes like floods, droughts and sea
level rise without passage of this year’s American Power Act (APA) to
place a cap on carbon emissions and then lower the pollution permittted
each year.
This week the EPA released its findings on the
environmental impact of the legislation: a 75% chance of a livable
climate with passage of APA, only a 1% chance without it. Armageddon
that is preventable, by our actions.
Yet, despite these truly
dire findings for the real cost to us of inaction, news stories covered
the estimate of the financial impact if we do act (20 – 40 cents a day
or less than a postage stamp) but completely omitted any mention of the
only 1% chance at a future in which to spend pennies, if we don’t act.
99% chance of catastrophe without legislation that is under threat of
filibuster by the Senate GOP should be news to all US voters, including
the increasing numbers of climate-related disaster victims, not just to
readers of Wonkroom and the NRDC.
Especially when the odds are
much better of keeping global average temperature rise below 2° C (or
3.6° F) if we pass climate legislation this year....
EPA's New Analysis of Cap and Trade: Same Old Faulty Logic
Environmental Protection Agency released its economic analysis of the
Kerry-Lieberman cap and trade legislation, the latest cap and trade bill
to be released in the Senate. The result was nearly the same as the
EPA’s analysis of the Waxman-Markey cap and trade bill passed in the
House of Representatives last year: postage stamp per day costs. Instead
of $176 per household for Waxman-Markey, Kerry-Lieberman would cost
households $146 by 2050. Unfortunately for Americans, nothing
substantial in the EPA analysis has changed; it is still unreasonable,
faulty, and fragile. The reality remains that cap and trade is a
substantial energy tax that will cause trillions of dollars in economic
damage and kill jobs.
Inappropriate Use of Discounting
misleading in the EPA analyses of cap and trade is the use of
discounting. A discount rate is an interest rate used to find present
value of an amount to be paid or received in the future. In other words,
present value analysis answers the question: How much would I have to
have today in order to meet my financial obligations or pay certain
costs in the future? Discounting is a legitimate tool in finance and for
cost-benefit calculations. But discounting can give a much distorted
view of costs, as is done by those misrepresenting the EPA analysis.
Here’s an example to help clarify:
Imagine that a time machine
takes analysts back to 1969 — a time when the average price of a new car
was about $3,500. Once back in 1969, the exercise is to explain to
Congress how much a new car will cost 40 years later in 2009. Having
already lived to see 2009, we know the average price for a new car is
about $23,000. But telling the Congress of 1969 that in 40 years cars
will cost $23,000 would give an exaggerated notion of the cost increase,
because inflation alone will have increased prices by a factor of 5.8.
If inflation is taken into account, the price of a new car in 2009 is
about $4,000 in 1969 dollars. This conveys the most meaningful measure
of the cost.
Taking this inflation-adjusted (1969 dollars) $4,000
price of the average new car in 2009 and discounting it in the EPA
fashion would generate a present value in 1969 of $562. This is clearly
much less than the cost of an average car in 2009, even after adjusting
for inflation.
What then is this $562? It is the amount when
invested for 40 years, at an interest rate guaranteed to be 5 percent
above inflation that would buy the $23,000 car. In other words, if a
person in 1969 invested $562 at 9.72 percent interest (5 percent above
inflation), letting the entire interest compound and paying no taxes, it
would now amount to $23,000, enough to buy a new car.
The same
holds true for the EPA’s use of discounting. The discounted value is not
the amount households will have to pay each year, even with
discounting. In the most generous case, the present value is the amount
that would have to be paid for one year, right now, if the present value
for each of the 40 years were paid in one lump sum right now — that is,
if the cost for all 40 years were paid at once. So no matter how it is
sliced, there is no sense in which a postage stamp (or even one dollar)
per day reflects the annual cost of the cap-and-trade legislation.
Doesn’t Fully Measure Costs
EPA uses household figures and measures consumption changes only.
First, a household is not necessarily a family. The average household
size is 2.6 people. Adjusting household size to a family-of-four
standard adds another 53 percent.
Secondly, consumption changes
are typically less than income changes, as families respond to income
losses by saving less. When income drops, people prevent consumption
from dropping by dipping into savings. In turn, lower savings reduces
the ability of families to cope with other shocks and reduces their
future income. Further, consumption comes from after-tax dollars, so
losses in tax revenue do not show up in data on household consumption.
The real economic cost is the loss of income. Change in national income,
as measured by gross domestic product (GDP), is a better measure of the
overall economic impact of a policy.
In the end, Americans will
be much poorer and the economy would be trillions of dollars weaker with
climate change legislation in place than without it, as Heritage
Foundation analyses of past cap-and-trade bills have shown.
Generous Assumptions
EPA reports that “The APA is estimated to lead to a significant decline
in electricity generation from non-CCS fossil fuels — a 23% decrease
from 2010 levels by 2030 and an 81% decrease by 2050. This is in stark
contrast to the expected steady increase in non-CCS fossil fuel
electricity generation without the APA policy – a 22% increase by 2030
and a 56% increase by 2050.”
To get there, the EPA includes
generous assumptions, specifically on the use of carbon capture and
sequestration (CCS), the use of offsets and the increase in nuclear
power. With CCS, even after extraordinary technological and economic
hurdles have been cleared, there are more political and environmental
obstacles to storing 15 supertanker’s worth of liquid CO2 every day. The
considerable regulatory and legal hurdles to CCS have been noted by the Congressional Budget Office:
generators would be unlikely to adopt technologies for the capture of
CO2 and its sequestration in the ground unless an extensive regulatory
structure was put in place to address issues involving property rights,
rights-of-way for pipelines, and liability for emissions that escape
from the ground.”
Anyway, it’s no surprise the costs are higher in the EPA’s model where CCS is delayed.
use of offsets is another highly contentious program that is subject to
fraud and will produce dubious results. With offsets a coal plant
operator can forego cutting CO2 emission and, instead, pay someone else
to do so. For instance, a company could pay a logger not to cut down
trees, or they could pay someone to grow trees since trees absorb
Or a developing country can build a cleaner coal plant
saying they were going to build a dirtier one while cashing a check from
a developed country for the alleged carbon offset. Laurie Williams and
Allan Zabel, two lawyers working for the EPA who oversaw California’s
cap and trade and offsets programs, have serious doubts about the
effectiveness of the offset provision. They make a similar case with
forest owners:
“[I]f the landowner wasn’t planning to cut his
forest, he just received a bonus for doing what he would have done
anyway. Even if he was planning to cut his forest and doesn’t, demand
for wood isn’t reduced. A different forest will be cut. Either way,
there is no net reduction in production of greenhouse gases. The result
of this carbon “offset” is not a decrease but an increase — coal burning
above the cap at the power plant.”
Another sign of problems with
domestic and international offsets is that the Kerry-Boxer bill devoted
90 pages to outlining the regulatory structure for certifying and
handling offsets.
Furthermore, trying to increase the production
of nuclear energy in the United States, without proper regulatory and
waste management reform, will stick us with only a handful of
reactors—just the ones the government subsidizes through loan
guarantees. Although the nuclear title in Kerry-Lieberman is strong on
regulatory reform, it does little to address waste management and
includes a host of subsidies for nuclear. This doesn’t get us the
nuclear renaissance assumed in the EPA economic analysis.
No Green Stimulus, No Environmental Benefit, Minimal Oil Reduction
the most generous scenario in this EPA report shows that costs will be
forced on the economy—higher energy prices and lost income. For every
year reported, household consumption drops compared to a world without
Boxer-Kerry. This is a climate bill and, even according to the EPA, it
will reduce economic activity. Spinning this as a job-creating, green
stimulus bill is simply untrue.
Regardless of whether the lower
cost estimates are true, this bill provides negligible environmental
benefit. Global temperature reduction from Kerry-Lieberman would be .077
degrees Fahrenheit by 2050 and 0.200 degrees by 2100. And despite the
best attempt for politicians to marry the Gulf oil spill and cap and
trade legislation, even the EPA analysis shows cap and trade will do
very little to cut petroleum use (page 31).
Yet, after President
Obama’s speech in the Oval Office, former Vice President Al Gore said,
“Placing a limit on global warming pollution and accelerating the
deployment of clean energy technologies is the only truly effective
long-term solution to this crisis.” Cap and trade is an effective
solution to raise energy prices for years to come and choke our economy,
but that’s about it.
Sen. Joe Lieberman believes American households are "willing to pay
less than $1" a day to stop global warming. The Connecticut independent
needs a lesson in the history of government program costs.
and Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts introduced in May a
nearly 1,000-page climate bill they say is necessary for cutting the
man-made carbon dioxide emissions they believe are warming the earth.
Their goal, through the legislation's cap-and-trade components, is to
reduce CO2 emissions 17% below 2005 levels 10 years from now by setting
prices on carbon.
A 74-page study by the Environmental Protection
Agency released Tuesday said that the cap-and-trade provisions of the
American Power Act would cost an average U.S. household from $80 to $150
a year. Lieberman was clearly pleased by the analysis.
But he
nonetheless warned that "there'll be some people who will want to
demagogue that politically" — before resorting himself to a bit of
demagoguery by noting that the EPA's cost estimate is "less than $1 a
Lieberman should be disabused of this fantasy and shamed
into telling the country the truth. The cost will be higher, much
higher. A Heritage Foundation analysis of a similar cap-and-trade bill
found that the legislation would by 2035 cause a total GDP loss of $9.4
trillion, reduce the average family's net worth by $40,000 and cost 2.5
million jobs.
In making his less-than-a-dollar-a-day claim,
Lieberman ignores a law of the Potomac: Government programs are never as
inexpensive as those who support them say they will be. Neither are the
taxpayers as unmolested as the lawmakers who pile on larger loads of
mandates promise they will be. It is the nature of government programs
and regulations to cost more than their advertised price.
As we
have noted before, no program has exceeded its projected costs more
egregiously than Medicare. When it was created in 1965, the public was
told that its hospital portion would cost a mere $9 billion by 1990. The
real cost, though, was $66 billion.
For all parts of the Medicare program, the cost was projected to be $12 billion by 1990. Yet it actually cost $107 billion.
a fourth part — the prescription drug benefit — was added to Medicare
in 2003, Washington was still having trouble calculating future costs.
When the program was being debated, the public was told it would cost
$400 billion in its first decade. After it was passed, forecasts assumed
the program would cost $534 billion across its first 10 years. Then,
within the space of a few months, the projection jumped to $1.2
The cost of Medicaid, the government's health care
system for the poor, has followed an upward trend similar to that of
Medicare. Launched in 1965, it was supposed to cost $9 billion by 1990.
But after that quarter of a century, Medicaid's real cost was $67
A special hospital subsidy was added to Medicaid in 1987
that Washington said would cost $100 million in five years. Yet the
government spent $11 billion on it.
The architects of Medicare
and Medicaid should have learned from Social Security, which began
collecting payroll taxes 28 years earlier. The tax rate needed to keep
that monster fed has grown sharply, from 1% to 12.4%, (total of the
combined "contributions" from both employee and employer).
than a dollar a day? Not a chance. And Lieberman should know better.
He's been in Washington long enough to appreciate that spending
estimates in that town are worth less than a congressman's word.
if the EPA estimate is correct, there is also the question of
effectiveness. Why should Americans be forced to spend even a single
dime on a program that's not needed and would be grossly ineffective?
Not needed, because the scientists who believe in global warming are
just guessing. And grossly ineffective because, according to
climatologist Paul C. Knappenberger, the American Power Act would cut
global temperatures by only 0.077 of a degree Fahrenheit by 2050 and 0.2
of a degree by 2100.
At less than a dollar a day, it's still a
poor investment because there simply is no return. Paying for Lieberman
and Kerry's vanity legislation would be like paying for a ride on a
unicorn: The promise will never materialize.
principle of parsimony says that simpler explanations are to be
preferred. Even I as a poor dimwitted social scientist know that to be a
basic axiom in science. So why is it an amazing discovery that "The
timing and the amplitude of temperature changes [in the Northern
Hemisphere] are reproduced in the tropical temperatures. The patterns
are incredibly similar."?
Surely normal, well-known principles
of gaseous and heat diffusion would lead us to expect that without
invoking carbon dioxide?
And the "discovery" that warming tends
to be global will surely come as no surprise to Al Gore and all the
other preachers of global warming! They too appear to assume that
normal, well-known principles of gaseous and heat diffusion would lead
us to expect warming to be global.
To help others get on top of
this momentous discovery, I follow the BBC summary of the article below
with the original journal abstract
A "global pattern" of
change in the Earth's climate began 2.7 million years ago, say
scientists. Researchers found that, at this point, temperature patterns
in the tropics slipped into step with patterns of Ice Ages in the
Northern Hemisphere.
They report in the journal Science that atmospheric CO2 could be the "missing link" to explain this global pattern.
findings, they say, reveal a "feedback process" that could have been
magnified by greenhouse gases. This loop of feedback could have
intensified both the Ice Ages in the Northern Hemisphere, and
temperature fluctuations in the tropics.
Professor Timothy
Herbert from Brown University in Rhode Island, US, led the research. He
and his colleagues, in the US and China, analysed mud cores from the
seabed in the four tropical ocean basins - the Arabian Sea, the South
China Sea, the eastern Pacific and the equatorial Atlantic Ocean.
mud cores are laid down over millions of years - as sediments of dead
plant and animal material sink to the ocean floor. So by analysing the
chemical composition of this material - specifically the chemical
remains of one ancient and tiny marine organism - the scientists were
able to produce a timeline of temperature changes.
The team
"found a fingerprint in the sequence of temperature changes" - a pattern
that began 2.7 million years ago, Professor Herbert explained. He told
BBC News: "The timing and the amplitude of temperature changes [in the
Northern Hemisphere] are reproduced in the tropical temperatures. The
patterns are incredibly similar."
He added that the study
provided the first direct evidence of a global pattern in climate change
that dated back almost three million years. Professor Herbert added
that the "best global mechanism" to explain this link was the level of
atmospheric greenhouse gases.
Dr Carrie Lear, a palaeoclimate
scientist from Cardiff University in the UK, agreed that carbon dioxide
was the likely "culprit". She told BBC News: "This study reveals a
feedback process that has magnified climate change since the inception
of Northern Hemisphere glaciation 2.7 million years ago. "It seems the
tropical warming caused by high CO2 levels set off a chain of events
resulting in additional greenhouse gases, including water vapour, being
released to the atmosphere, thus causing further warming."
Lear said that such studies of past climate change were "invaluable in
understanding the current climate system, and hence predicting future
Tropical Ocean Temperatures Over the Past 3.5 Million Years
By Timothy D. Herbert et al.
the timing and amplitude of tropical sea surface temperature (SST)
change is an important part of solving the puzzle of the
Plio-Pleistocene ice ages. Alkenone-based tropical SST records from the
major ocean basins show coherent glacial-interglacial temperature
changes of 1° to 3°C that align with (but slightly lead) global changes
in ice volume and deep ocean temperature over the past 3.5 million
years. Tropical temperatures became tightly coupled with benthic
{delta}18O and orbital forcing after 2.7 million years. We interpret the
similarity of tropical SST changes, in dynamically dissimilar regions,
to reflect "top-down" forcing through the atmosphere. The inception of a
strong carbon dioxide–greenhouse gas feedback and amplification of
orbital forcing at ~2.7 million years ago connected the fate of Northern
Hemisphere ice sheets with global ocean temperatures since that time.
The threat from ocean acidification is greatly exaggerated
By Matt Ridley
As part of an `interview’ with me, New Scientist published a critique by
five scientists of two pages of my book The Rational Optimist. Despite
its tone, this critique only confirms the accuracy of each of the
statements in this section of the book. After reading their critiques, I
stand even more firmly behind my conclusion that the threats to coral
reefs from both man-made warming and ocean acidification are unlikely to
be severe, rapid or urgent. In the case of acidification, this is
underlined by a recent paper, published since my book was written,
summarising the results of 372 papers and concluding that ocean
acidification `may not be the widespread problem conjured into the 21st
century’. The burden of proof is on those who see an urgent threat to
corals from warming and acidification. Here is what I wrote (italics),
interspersed with summaries of the scientists’ comments and my replies.
coral reefs, which are suffering horribly from pollution, silt,
nutrient run-off and fishing - especially the harvesting of herbivorous
fishes that otherwise keep reefs clean of algae. Yet environmentalists
commonly talk as if climate change is a far greater threat than these,
and they are cranking up the apocalyptic statements just as they did
wrongly about forests and acid rain
Andy Ridgwell says `I
agree that at least for some reef systems, other, and more local human
factors such as fishing and pollution may be the greater danger’ and
Jelle Bijma says `I do agree that, for example, pollution and
overfishing are also important problems, some even more important than
the current impact of ocean acidification’. It was not therefore
accurate of Liz Else to say that the critics accuse me of failing `to
recognize that there is more to the health of corals than the amount of
bicarbonate in the sea’ They do not – she has misrepresented their views
and mine.
Charlie Veron, an Australian marine biologist:
'There is no hope of reefs surviving to even mid-century in any form
that we now recognise.' Alex Rogers of the Zoological Society of London
pledges an 'absolute guarantee of their annihilation'. No wriggle room
Chris Langdon agrees that such claims `may be
extreme’. None of the others provides any evidence to support such
extreme claims. Yet these remarks were widely reported in the media.
is true that rapidly heating the water by a few degrees can devastate
reefs by 'bleaching' out the corals' symbiotic algae, as happened to
many reefs in the especially warm El Niño year of 1998. But bleaching
depends more on rate of change than absolute temperature. This must be
true because nowhere on the planet, not even in the Persian Gulf where
water temperatures reach 35°C, is there a sea too warm for coral reefs.
Hoegh-Guldberg says that `the observation that corals grow in the
Persian Gulf today at temperatures of 35 °C does not mean that coral
reefs will be able to adapt rapidly to the current upward shift in sea
temperatures’ in other words, he concedes the point I was actually
making: bleaching is caused by rate of change of temperature, not
absolute level of warmth. This is not understood by many commentators on
the subject in both the environmental movement and the media. I am glad
to have it confirmed, because it corrects a widespread
Lots of places are too cold for coral reefs - the Galapagos, for example.
says that `There are in fact several reef communities in the Galapagos,
so the inference that the Galapagos is "too cold" is incorrect (or at
best, mis-interpretable), although I agree that colder temperatures are
likely an important factor in the dominance of non-reef coral
communities in this location.’ Which is it? `Incorrect’ or `an important
factor’? He concedes my point in his last phrase: `the dominance of
non-reef coral communities in this location.’ The very few reefs are in
the warmer parts of the Galapagos. Incidentally, Charles Darwin once
wrote: `There are no coral-reefs in the Galapagos Archipelago, as I know
from personal inspection’.
It is now clear that corals rebound quickly from bleaching episodes, repopulating dead reefs in just a few years,
of the five challenge this statement. As an example, a study of Fiji’s
reefs following a bleaching episode (Lovell and Sykes 2008.
International Coral Reef Symposium) states: `Though variable,
substantial recovery to pre-bleaching levels was seen within 5 years in
many areas.’
which is presumably how they survived the warming lurches at the end of the last ice age.
Ridgwell and Hoegh-Guldberg claim that current rates of temperature
change are unprecedented. Ridgwell says that the deglacial transition
`was a few degrees centigrade in about 4000 to 5000 years. In the
future, we are looking at a few degrees in a hundred years - perhaps 50
times faster (certainly, one to two orders of magnitude higher).’
Hoegh-Guldberg refers to a rate of change `that is many times higher
than even the most rapid shifts in conditions seen over the past million
years or more.’
These are astonishing statements to anybody
with even a cursory knowledge of the scientific literature on the ending
of the last ice age. The current rate of temperature change since 1975
is estimated at about 0.161 degC per decade (and is incidentally not
statistically distinguishable from that in the 1860-1880 or 1910-1940
periods – see Roger Harrabin’s interview with Phil Jones here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8511670.stm).
By contrast the deglacial transition was characterized by `local,
regional, and more-widespread climate conditions [which] demonstrate
that much of the Earth experienced abrupt climate changes synchronous
with Greenland within thirty years or less’ (Alley 2000. Quaternary
Science Reviews 213-226), including `a warming of 7 °C in South
Greenland [that] was completed in about 50 years’ (Dansgaard, White and
Johnsen 1989, Nature 339: 532). That is a change roughly nine times as
fast as has happened since 1980 – in Greenland or anywhere else.
study gives even bigger numbers, saying that the `abrupt warming
(10 ± 4 °C)’ at the end of the Younger Dryas and the
warming at the end of a short lived cooler interval known as the
Preboreal Oscillation `may have occurred within a few years’
(Kobashi et al 2008 Earth and Planetary Sciences 268:397).
was this rate of change confined to Greenland. As one article
summarises, `temperatures from the end of the Younger Dryas Period
to the beginning of the Holocene some 12,500 years ago rose about 20
degrees Fahrenheit in a 50-year period in Antarctica, much of it in
several major leaps lasting less than a decade.’ (Science Daily, Oct 2
1998). It is remarkable how few scientists working on other aspects of
planetary ecology seem to know about these recent conclusions of much
faster changes in the past. No climatologist would these days claim that
current rates of change are unprecedented in `the past million years or
It is also apparent from recent research that corals become more resilient the more they experience sudden warmings.
of the five challenges this statement, which is based on a paper by
Oliver and Palumbi 2009 (MEPS 378:93), which concluded that corals are
`tougher than we thought’ (interview with Science News May 22, 2009) and
on Baker et al 2004 (Nature 430:741), who say: ‘The adaptive shift in
symbiont communities indicates that these devastated reefs could be more
resistant to future thermal stress, resulting in significantly longer
extinction times for surviving corals than had been previously assumed.’
Some reefs may yet die if the world warms rapidly in the twenty-first century, but others in cooler regions may expand.
agrees `that eventual colonisation and expansion of corals into regions
previously too cold will, in theory, be possible at some point in the
future’ so there is no inaccuracy in my statement. He merely says that
it is `unclear’ whether dispersal and colonisation can occur fast enough
to keep up with increasing temperatures.
Local threats are far more immediate than climate change.
agrees `that at least for some reef systems, other, and more local
human factors such as fishing and pollution may be the greater danger’
but says this may not be true for those in protected areas – because the
local threats there have been reduced. That is merely a statement of
the obvious. But the greatest threats to coral reefs come outside
protected areas.
Ocean acidification looks suspiciously like a
back-up plan by the environmental pressure groups in case the climate
fails to warm: another try at condemning fossil fuels.
A statement of my opinion based on what follows.
The oceans are alkaline, with an average pH of about 8.1, well above neutral (7).
confirms this: `Yes, it is true that the surface oceans are slightly
alkaline at a pH of 8.1’ but then says that `the declining pH of the
surface ocean is one of the most firmly established facts in climate
change science.’ Is he implying that I dispute this? I do not.
Incidentally, the pH of the ocean varies hugely, being below neutral in
some inshore areas influenced by run off from the land. On some coral
reefs it goes as low as 7.5 at night and as high as 9.4 in the day
(Revelle and Fairbridge 1957).
Remarkably there are parts of the
sea with pH already far lower than it can possibly go as a result of
carbon emissions. In one hydrothermal spot off Iceland, it is
5.36-7.29.Yet four-decade-old mussels have learned to cope with even
this acidity, though growing half as fast as in normal waters
(Tunnicliffe et al 2009, Nature Geoscience 10.1038).
They are also extremely well buffered.
Langdon agrees: `And yes, the oceans are well buffered’.
Very high carbon dioxide levels could push that number down, perhaps to about 7.95 by 2050 - still highly alkaline
it is here that Bijma thinks I `introduce confusion about the term
"acidification"’ merely because by saying that 7.95 is still highly
alkaline, I am accurately reminding the reader that there is no
prediction of the oceans becoming technically `acid’ – ie having a pH
lower than 7. Far from introducing confusion, I was attempting to reduce
the very confusion so often encountered by readers who think that
acidification will lead to oceans that are actually acid. In any case,
my statement is accurate.
and still much higher than it was for most of the last 100 million years.
agrees: `Ocean pH in the past (at least, according to published
reconstructions) was indeed lower than now during the Cretaceous, and
probably lower than anything we will manage in the future.’
argue that this tiny downward shift in average alkalinity could make it
harder for animals and plants that deposit calcium carbonate in their
skeletons to do so. But this flies in the face of chemistry: the reason
the acidity is increasing is that the dissolved bicarbonate is
increasing too –
Langdon agrees: `Matt is correct that bicarbonate concentrations are increasing’.
increasing the bicarbonate concentration increases the ease with which
carbonate can be precipitated out with calcium by creatures that seek to
do so.
Here there seems superficially to be a
disagreement, but in reality there is none. Ridgwell, Langdon and Bijma
say that carbonate levels fall rather than rise as a result of
increasing dissolved carbon dioxide. But I don’t say that carbonate
levels rise. I say that the biological precipitation of carbonate by
organisms is easier at higher bicarbonate levels.
And Langdon
confirms this: `Matt is correct that the skeleton and shell building of
some species is unaffected or even increases under reduced pH’. My
evidence? For example, Ries et al 2009 (Geology37:1131) found that in
seven of the 18 species of calcifiers they observed `net calcification
increased under the intermediateand/or highest levels of pCO2’. And that their results `suggestthat the impact of elevated atmospheric pCO2 on marine calcificationis more varied than previously thought, while Hendriks et al 2010 (Estuarine,
Coastal and Shelf Science 86:157) found that the ion chemistry
inside the bodies of calcifiers is more important than that outside
them, and there is evidence that some of them – eg coccolithophores –
actually find it energetically easier to deposit carbonate shells at
slightly lower pH.
Even with tripled bicarbonate concentrations, corals show a continuing increase in both photosynthesis and calcification.
source was the Herfort et al 2008 paper, which Ridgwell says is
irrelevant, because of its experimental design. That’s his opinion,
which others in the field do not share. In any case, my statement was a
correct and precise description of the result.
This is
confirmed by a rash of empirical studies showing that increased carbonic
acid either has no effect or actually increases the growth of
calcareous plankton, cuttlefish larvae and coccolithophores.
disagrees: `Call it inconvenient but the vast bulk of scientific
evidence shows that marine calcifiers such as coccolithophores, corals
and oysters are being heavily impacted already by ocean acidification.’
He provides no reference.
By contrast, I cite Iglesias-Rodriguez
et al 2008 (Science 320:336). They state: `From the mid-Mesozoic,
coccolithophores have beenmajor calcium carbonate producers in the
world's oceans, todayaccounting for about a third of the total marine
CaCO3 production.Here, we present laboratory evidence that calcification andnet primary production in the coccolithophore species Emilianiahuxleyi are significantly increased by high CO2
partial pressures.Field evidence from the deep ocean is consistent with
theselaboratory conclusions, indicating that over the past 220
yearsthere has been a 40% increase in average coccolith mass’.
As for oysters, Miller et
al. 2009 (PLOS ONE 4: 10.1371) found that oyster larvae `appeared to
grow, calcify and develop normally with no obvious morphological
deformities, despite conditions of significant aragonite
undersaturation,’ and that these findings `run counter to expectations
that aragonite shelled larvae should be especially prone to dissolution
at high pCO2’.
As for sea urchins, Lacoue-Labarthe et
al. 2009 (Biogeosciences 6) report that `decreasing pH resulted
in higher egg weight at the end of development at both temperatures (p
< 0.05), with maximal values at pH 7.85 (1.60 ± 0.21 g and 1.83 ±
0.12 g at 16°C and 19°C, respectively).’.
As for corals, Suwa et al. 2010 (Fisheries science 76) report that `larval survival rate did not differ significantly among pH treatments.’
Lest my critics still accuse me of cherry-picking studies, let me refer them also to the results of Hendriks et
al. (2010, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 86:157). Far from being
a cherry-picked study, this is a massive meta-analysis. The authors
observed that `warnings that ocean acidification is a major threat to
marine biodiversity are largely based on the analysis of predicted
changes in ocean chemical fields’ rather than empirical data.
they constructed a database of 372 studies in which the responses of 44
different marine species to ocean acidification induced by
equilibrating seawater with CO2-enriched air had been actually measured.
They found that only a minority of studies demonstrated `significant
responses to acidification’ and there was no significant mean effect
even in these studies. They concluded that the world's marine biota are
`more resistant to ocean acidification than suggested by pessimistic
predictions identifying ocean acidification as a major threat to marine
biodiversity’ and that ocean acidification `may not be the widespread
problem conjured into the 21st century…Biological processes can provide
homeostasis against changes in pH in bulk waters of the range predicted
during the 21st century.’
This important paper alone contradicts
Hoegh-Gudlberg’s assertion that `the vast bulk of scientific evidence
shows that calcifiers… are being heavily impacted already’.
conclusion, I rest my case. My five critics have not only failed to
contradict, but have explicitly confirmed the truth of every single one
of my factual statements. We differ only in how we interpret the
facts. It is hardly surprising that my opinion is not shared by
five scientists whose research grants depend on funding agencies being
persuaded that there will be a severe and rapid impact of carbon dioxide
emissions on coral reefs in coming decades. I merely report accurately
that the latest empirical and theoretical research suggests that the
likely impact has been exaggerated.
words are emanating again from the president on climate change and
energy independence, this time as "a response" to the Gulf oil
catastrophe. Somewhere between the war rhetoric and comparisons to the
moon landing, President Obama last night (vaguely) told Congress to pass
the energy legislation that’s been languishing there since last summer.
that to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s speculation on June 8
that the Senate can pass it “this year” and obvious election
difficulties for conservative Democrats if they vote for it, and it
would appear that we’re headed toward a lame duck session in Congress.
leadership of the House of Representatives could very easily change
hands in the next Congress, and it is likely that major changes—though
probably not involving a switch in majority—are on the horizon in the
Senate. So, if the Senate indeed does pass far-reaching climate
legislation after the election but before the new Congress sits, a
compromise House-Senate bill will likely be negotiated by the party that
the people have just thrown out of power.
Whatever the Senate
passes, and whatever the House agrees to do with it, the legislation
will fail to effect any change on climate. The House’s radical
Cap-and-Trade bill, rushed through last June 26 (before any one had read
it) will have virtually no effect on global warming, even by the year
2100, even if every nation that agreed to emissions targets under the
United Nations’ (also ineffectual) Kyoto Protocol did the same.
Lugar’s (R-Ind.) current Senate proposal isn’t cap-and-trade. Instead,
it’s a hodgepodge of subsidies for energy sources no one would normally
buy, and an unrealistic fuel economy mandate for autos. It does even
less for climate than the legislation the House passed last year.
are other Senate bills out there, too, from John Kerry (D-Mass.) and
Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), which are pretty similar to the House bill;
there is also a bill from Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) which mandates costly
and inefficient “renewables” that can’t make it on their own economic
merits, and various other bills that are variants upon either
cap-and-trade or renewable mandates.
None are popular. No matter
what people think about global warming, good or bad, indifferent, strong
or weak, or nonexistent, they simply aren’t willing to pay thousands of
dollars for fuel taxes, emissions permits, or energy subsidies.
The administration gets this. They knew that people didn’t want their health care program, either. They simply don’t care.
serious question is whether the President and his chief of staff will
indeed have the political muscle to push a climate bill through after
the November elections. A smarter move for the White House might be to
just punt and wait for the next Congress, which will be guaranteed to do
nothing on climate change, pushing the issue into EPA’s regulatory lap.
While letting the EPA control our energy economy through force of
regulation is a really bad idea, it would be less suicidal for the next
Senate class up for re-election in 2012.
I hope the White House does NOT take my advice.
the pomp of an Oval Office address, nothing is really new here. The
fact that the White House is now floating the notion of passing
ineffectual, expensive, and unpopular climate change legislation through
a lame duck Congress is merely consistent with its previous behavior.
rolling "dead zone" off the Gulf of Mexico is killing sea life and
destroying livelihoods. Recent estimates put the blob at nearly the size
of New Jersey.
Alas, I'm not talking about the Deepwater Horizon
oil spill. As terrible as that catastrophe is, such accidents have
occurred in U.S. waters only about once every 40 years (and globally
about once every 20 years). I'm talking about the dead zone largely
caused by fertilizer runoff from American farms along the Mississippi
and Atchafalaya river basins. Such pollutants cause huge algae plumes
that result in oxygen starvation in the gulf's richest waters, near the
Because the dead zone is an annual occurrence, there's no
media feeding frenzy over it, even though the average annual size of
these hypoxic zones has been about 6,600 square miles over the last five
years, and they are driven by bipartisan federal agriculture, trade and
energy policies.
Indeed, As Steven Hayward notes in the current
Weekly Standard, if policymakers continue to pursue biofuels in response
to the current anti-fossil-fuel craze, these dead zones will get a lot
bigger every year. A 2008 study by the National Academy of Sciences
found that adhering to corn-based ethanol targets will increase the size
of the dead zone by as much as 34 percent.
Of course, that's
just one of the headaches "independence" from oil and coal would bring.
If we stop drilling offshore, we could lose up to $1 trillion in
economic benefits, according to economist Peter Passell. And, absent the
utopian dream of oil-free living, every barrel we don't produce at
home, we buy overseas. That sends dollars to bad regimes (though more to
Canada and Mexico). It may also increase the chances of disaster
because tanker accidents are more common than rig accidents.
wait a minute -- isn't that precisely why we're investing in
"renewables," to free ourselves from this vicious petro-cycle? Don't the
Billy Sundays of the Church of Green promise that they are the path to
This is infuriating and dangerous nonsense, as Matt
Ridley demonstrates in his mesmerizing new book, "The Rational
Optimist." Let's start with biofuels. Ethanol production steals precious
land to produce inefficient fuel inefficiently (making food more scarce
and expensive for the poor). If all of our transport fuel came from
biofuel, we would need 30 percent more land than all of the existing
food-growing farmland we have today.
In Brazil and Malaysia,
biofuels are more economically viable (thanks in part to really cheap
labor), but at the insane price of losing rainforest while failing to
reduce the CO2 emissions that allegedly justify ethanol in the first
place. According to Ridley, the Nature Conservancy's Joseph Fargione
estimates rainforest clear-cutting for biofuels releases 17 to 420 times
more CO2 than it offsets by displacing petroleum or coal.
As for
wind and solar, even if such technologies were wildly more successful
than they have been, so what? You could quintuple and then quintuple
again the output of wind and solar and it wouldn't reduce our dependence
on oil. Why? Because we use oil for transportation, not for
electricity. We would offset coal, but again at an enormous price. If we
tried to meet the average amount of energy typically used in America,
we would need wind farms the size of Kazakhstan or solar panels the size
of Spain.
If you remove the argument over climate change from
the equation (as even European governments are starting to do), one
thing becomes incandescently clear: Fossil fuels have been one of the
great boons both to humanity and the environment, allowing forests to
regrow (now that we don't use wood for heating fuel or grow fuel for
horses anymore) and liberating billions from backbreaking toil. The
great and permanent shortage is usable surface land and fresh water. The
more land we use to produce energy, the less we have for vulnerable
species, watersheds, agriculture, recreation, etc.
"If you like
wilderness, as I do," Ridley writes, "the last thing you want is to go
back to the medieval habit of using the landscape surrounding us to make
The calamity in the gulf is heartrending and tragic. A
thorough review of government oversight and industry safety procedures
is more than warranted. But as counterintuitive as it may be to say so,
oil is a green fuel, while "green" fuels aren't. And this spill doesn't
change that fact.
government will cut the revenue of most existing solar-power plants by
30 percent, a move that may bankrupt hundreds of companies that produce
electricity using photovoltaic panels, a local trade group said.
industry ministry, after negotiating with trade groups for weeks, plans
to reduce the number of hours a day during which they may earn
subsidized prices for clean energy, said Tomas Diaz, director of
external relations at the Photovoltaic Industry Association in Madrid.
incomprehensible that the government is doing this,” Diaz said in a
telephone interview after solar industry representatives met today with
Deputy Industry Minister Pedro Marin. “We feel cheated.”
executives, whose companies have invested more than 18 billion euros
($22 billion) in the last three years in Spain, have pressed the
government for weeks to maintain prices guaranteed for 25 years under a
2007 law. The decision, which hasn’t been approved by the cabinet, would
mean bankruptcy for most of Spain’s 600 photovoltaic operators, Diaz
Why Hybrids and Electric Cars are Currently Pointless Purchases
you ever noticed an ongoing trend occurring in the motoring world
today? Right now car manufacturers around the world seem to be pretty
worked up about trying to save planet Earth by producing electric cars
and hybrids. Even sports cars like the Tesla Roadster have started to
make themselves known and have found buyers. I suppose this is what
happens when they get caught up in the hype caused by concepts like
global warming, the supposedly shrinking supply of oil worldwide and
people suddenly thinking that they are actually contributing to the
facts stated before this. I personally have no interest in hybrids and
electric powered vehicles and I would like to tell you why.
start with those pesky hybrids first. So you’re running a Toyota Prius,
a Honda Civic Hybrid or that new Honda CRZ hybrid coupe that isn’t
really fast in the first place. Why do you need to buy a car with two
engines in the first place? While it is possible to get 50mpg out of a
Prius it is also very possible to get the same mileage from a Honda Jazz
VTEC, a Suzuki Swift 1.3-litre or a Volkswagen Polo Bluemotion 1.2. In
fact you can get more mileage from those cars than you can get in the
Prius. So why bother with the extra weight of the electric motor and
heavy as heck batteries in the first place?
Car manufacturers
aren’t thinking straight. They should just manage packaging of the cars
and make them as efficient as possible instead of coming up with
solutions that have actually the same impact and outcome as a properly
and thoroughly engineered econo-mobile. Instead of the easy way out,
they should be pumping their R&D fund into researching lean burn
technology and other ways to make the internal combustion engine cleaner
and more powerful. This isn’t something new but it is possible to make a
1.2-litre petrol engine make over 70 miles per gallon if they tried
hard enough.
All this hybrid stuff does not really work as the
petrol powered engine still has to kick in at speeds above 40km/h and
who actually drives at 40km/h on the highway? It is pretty pointless as
no one actually drives 40km/h anywhere except in a basement car park or
when they are in a traffic crawl.
Okay. They may be in traffic
jams most of the time and this is when the electric motor takes over.
But when the traffic clears, its petrol power all the way, most of the
I also recently bumped into a Prius driven by someone who
must have been heavy footed as he was flinging it into a corner and then
gunning it out of the corner. How can you save the world with a hybrid
if its driven like a pizza delivery boy trying to make the delivery on
time? A re-education on how to drive is necessary to make high mileage
in a hybrid. And actually driving like Mr Goodie Two Shoes isn’t too
much fun (even though it’s right). You can get similar or better fuel
efficiency in any BlueMotion Volkswagen. Ergo, the hybrid is a pointless
piece of engineering.
Now most of you out there think that by
running an electric vehicle like the sporty Tesla, you actually cut down
of emissions, toxic gases and as a result you are saving the world. But
this isn’t true as you are still using electricity to charge those
heavy and bulky batteries that are used to power the electric motors in
the electric cars. Now the power supply that you use comes mainly from
power producing stations that generate electricity from diesel, gas and
coal. Which is actually worse than any petrol or diesel powered new car
sold on the market nowadays.
The thing is that the coal, gas or
diesel power plants do not have any overly stringent pollution control
systems like those you find in any modern car today. In a car you may
have up to two catalytic convertors that clean up the air and in a large
power plant I don’t suppose they have a ‘EURO V’ compliant system in
place. So when you plug in your electric vehicle to the power grid, you
add to the demand of power. If there are 1,000 electric vehicles in use
that plug into the power grid at night, imagine a jump in power
consumption. Such a jump will cause the electric company to ensure more
power is being produced and this would increase the use of gas, coal and
diesel at the power plants to ensure there is enough power supplied in
the grid. This increases the amount of emissions released by power
Now some of you may think that not all power plants are
polluting. Of course if you 100% know that your electric car was powered
by a hydro-electric dam or by wind generators or by solar power then
you’re right, but I have to say that more than 80% of the power you get
comes from the traditional gas, coal and diesel generators. For example,
40% of the pollutant emissions in the United States come from power
generation. This is followed by transport emissions, of which airlines
contribute even more than motoring. So if you plug in your car to the
power grid, you just transfer the emissions to the power plants.
the only thing you are helping is that you are centralizing all the
emissions and pollutions to an area where the power is made. But the
outcome is still the same. Imagine if last time your car made 5% of the
pollution in your area and 95% is made by the power station in your
area. Now with your electric car you don’t make the 5% worth of
pollution as it is now transferred to the power plant. It still comes up
to 100% although it is further away from you. This doesn’t solve the
problem. It just transfers the problem elsewhere. Like sweeping stuff
under the carpet.
Then you get to the batteries used by these
hybrid and electric cars. Most are nickel-based and there are only a few
locations worldwide that nickel is mined from. Most of the nickel comes
from Canada, Russia, South America and China. As mentioned by that
pretty famous motoring journalist Jeremy Clarkson and a fact that is
able to be confirmed by you readers out there if you do a search on the
internet, is that the nickel is sourced from Russia or Canada, shipped
to China, processed there and then sent to Japan to be packaged as
batteries. In Japan, the batteries are then sent to the car
manufacturing factory which may be another hundred or so miles away from
the battery plant. The car is then shipped to car markets all around
the world. So imagine the carbon footprint of these batteries even
before they end up in your car that you bought in say, Austin, Texas.
of batteries, they are not cheap and do not last a lifetime. It has
been said that these batteries (like the lithium ion battery pack) have
an operating lifespan of around five years. If you intend to run your
electric car for more than that you may have to change the batteries. Or
if you’re unlucky it may last less than that. According to some it may
cost $5,000 or more for a set of batteries.
Then you have to
consider the cost of disposing the old batteries. Is it non-polluting?
How are old batteries disposed off? Do you really know? If old batteries
end up in India where it gets pulled apart by teenage boys trying to
earn a Rupee is that environmentally friendly?
Even if the
batteries last over five years will it hold a charge efficiently or do
you need to charge more often? Is this an efficient thing to do? And if
it does cost $5,000 to change a battery the cost is prohibitive to most
people. Who would want to spend that much money on a 5 year old car
especially if the market value of that car may be as much as the cost of
the batteries? This would actually make owning an electric car even
worse than owning a petrol powered car.
Now couple the facts
above with the point that electric cars, while efficient in producing
power with its linear power curve and instantaneous torque, have a
ridiculously low range of travel. It truly is useless unless you are a
person that works within five to twenty miles from your office. An
electric vehicle has only a useful range of about 100miles or 160km. How
little is this? Actually very little. In fact if you want to drive
enthusiastically, and it is pedal to the metal most of the time your
range actually drops dramatically. I know some of us commute more than
20 miles a day and having the range and speed limited to increase the
range does not help at all.
Now you add the fact of refueling to
the picture. One of the most tedious things in motoring is going to a
petrol station, getting out and refueling your car. If you had a 20 mile
commute, your full tank in a Honda Civic or even a gas guzzling
Corvette ZR1 may last you a whole week but in a electric car you may
need to charge every day or every two days depending on whether you
drive like Mother Teresa or Michael Schumacher. It is going to be
tedious to park at your garage, get out, pull out a cord from either the
car or from the charging station, open up the car’s charging port, plug
it in and wait for about six hours for the car to have a decent charge.
The George C. Marshall
Institute has published a reply to the book, "Merchants of Doubt", which
is just another vehicle for the usual "ad hominem" accusations from
Warmists. Such accusations are of no scholarly or scientific worth but
non-scholars sometimes are influenced by them so some reply is needed.
Below is a summary of the full reply which the Institute has circulated
by email. The full reply is available here.
anybody is vulnerable to "ad hominem" accusations, Naomi Oreskes, one
of the authors of "Merchants of Doubt" is. She is a history professor
in her early '50s who got an absurd paper published in a major journal
which reported UNANIMOUS support for man-made global warming among
scientists. See here
for one commentary on the dishonest way she arrived at that finding.
So let me pay Naomi in her own coin: She is a dishonest political hack
-- and ugly too
Replete with half-truths and
mischaracterizations, Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway's book besmirches
the reputations of three great American scientists to silence dissent
within the ranks of scientists and stifle debate among policy makers
about how to respond to global warming. Their message is both
anti-science and anti-democratic. Whether the goal of reducing
greenhouse gas emissions is desirable or not is irrelevant, the merits
of their scholarship and its implications are clear.
they create a tobacco strawman and knock it down to set the tone of a
grand conspiracy to harm the public. Specifically, the work overstates
the linkage between Dr. Seitz, a past president of the National Academy
of Science - the nation's most senior scientific establishment, and a
past president of a leading biomedical institution, the Rockefeller
University in New York City, and R.J. Reynolds. Yes, Seitz helped
establish an advisory committee to direct a research and development
program upon his retirement as president of Rockefeller. Why? Because
Reynolds and Rockefeller University (as well as the Rockefeller family)
had a long-standing relationship and it was an opportunity to provide
input into a multi-million dollar program in basic medical and human
health research. Seitz assembled a team of eminent health scientists to
provide insight and advice. What did the research contribute? A Nobel
Prize, for one, while others included studies of the effect of renin on
blood pressure, factors affecting cell development, and contributors to
arterial sclerosis.
The very documents Oreskes and Conway cite
to build the tobacco strawman reveal that Seitz and his colleagues did
nothing more than direct an advanced research program. The underlying
citations state the Seitz-led research program was independent of
Reynolds and conducted by scientists and scientific institutions of the
highest regard. Other than asserting guilt by association, Oreskes and
Conway present no evidence that Seitz and his many colleagues were
participants in some grand conspiracy. That conspiracy exists only in
their minds.
Next Oreskes and Conway claim Seitz and the George
C. Marshall Institute wrongly defended the creation of a ballistic
missile defense. Yes, Seitz and his colleagues, Dr. Robert Jastrow and
Dr. William Nierenberg, believed it was morally repugnant to allow
citizens to stand defenseless before the prospect of nuclear
annihilation as an intentional U.S. government policy. Construction of a
defense was technically possible and would enhance the security of the
United States, they believed. Others didn't and the debates across the
foreign policy and scientific establishments were as charged and
vociferous as any seen before or since. The facts are: the Soviet Union
fell, President Reagan's advocacy of missile defense was part of the
equation contributing to their fall, the emerging missile defense offers
the prospect of security against rogue states and terrorists for whom
traditional deterrence likely fails, and a world where nuclear weapons
were rendered obsolete (Dr. Jastrow's 1983 book outlines steps toward
this end) remains a goal of presidents of both political parties.
comes the charge that Seitz et al engaged in personal attacks on
prominent climate scientists in hopes of fostering doubt about whether
humans were causing global warming. If Oreskes or Conway had bothered
to speak with anyone who actually knew or worked with these men, they
would have quickly learned that they were men of principle, motivated by
concerns about the erosion of scientific literacy and dangers of
manipulation of science for political ends arising from that erosion.
What caused them to look at climate change science? Curiosity about the
scientific basis of claims of apocalyptic global warming and worry
about the implications that political leaders would draw from
potentially inflated claims. Each had decorated scientific careers and
each had been leaders of world-class scientific institutions and
participants on government-sponsored scientific panels. Jastrow was a
professor of Earth Sciences at Dartmouth and founder of the Goddard
Institute for Space Studies and Nierenberg was the head of the Scripps
Institution of Oceanography. Each had considerable experience working
at the nexus of science and public policy and understood the role that
scientific information played in shaping policy and political outcomes.
and Conway claim an opposition to government regulation motivated the
Institute's founders' positions on climate change. Speculating about
what Drs. Jastrow, Seitz, and Nierenberg felt about global warming is
unnecessary as they clearly described their concerns, "If the changes in
our atmosphere are likely to cause consequences, we must understand the
problems and promote sensible policies to remedy them. What would be
unwise is to lapse into apocalyptic thinking or ostrichlike denial. We
believe ourselves far more sophisticated, more enlightened, than
preceding generations. Until we can calmly and objectively approach our
environmental challenges without promoting public hysteria and exciting
short-sighted, self-interested reaction, we cannot claim that we are."
(Scientific Perspectives on the Greenhouse Problem, Jameson Books, 1990:
In fact, their work is remarkably prescient. Writing 20
years ago, Seitz, Jastrow and Nierenberg identified the critical
variables affecting estimates of temperature and man's impact of climate
that remain the central focus of the scientific debate today. They
were: adjustments for uncertainty in the temperature observations (the
quality of the surface temperature record has been shown to be in
question); the effect of the ocean thermal lag (the role of the oceans
and the movement of heat and carbon dioxide in the oceans remains an
area of active study); adjustments for natural variability (our
understanding of the natural patterns of Earth's climate is still under
development); and procedures for estimating 21st century warming (a
process based entirely on computer models and forecasts which have known
For its part, the Marshall Institute is not a
"merchant of doubt." Our long-held position is simple - take action on
climate change commensurate with the state of knowledge and have that
action be flexible so it can adjust as our understanding of man's impact
on the climate changes. Do we oppose cap-and-trade or Kyoto Protocol
like policies? Yes. They are expensive and will yield little
environmental return. Do we propose actions to take? Yes. Did Oreskes
and Conway bother to inquire about them? No.
Oreskes and
Conway's work is the latest in a long line of one-sided, fear mongering
pseudo-exposes whose purpose is to incite and intimidate. Readers are
left with a clear message --Doubt and dissent are dangerous and
scientists that question the conventional view of climate change are
corrupt charlatans in the pocket of industry. Doubt and dissent are
cornerstones of the advancement of knowledge and the scientific process.
Greenie attempts to brainwash young minds
post below is by physicist and statistician John Shade. His whole blog
is devoted to coverage of the way kids are being propagandized
remarkable spread of alarm about climate is worthy of much study. How
did it take place? What led so many people to get so exercised when the
case for alarm is so thin, being based as it is on the output of
computer models preset to produce dramatic results linked to CO2 but
requiring the insertion of a positive feedback mechanism never observed
in practice, nor even likely to exist since it would presuppose a
climate more unstable than is credible given the historical
reconstructions we have.
These reconstructions include periods of
far higher CO2 levels, major variations in solar input, dramatic
transformations of the earth's surface, and extended periods of
substantial volcanic activity. Over more recent periods, we have
evidence that the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods were at least as warm,
and possibly warmer, than the late 20th century climate, and that rates
of temperature rise in the Central England Temperatures (the longest
instrument record we have) have been higher than anything we have seen
recently, and that the slow rises of global mean temperatures in the
19th and 20th centuries were both at about the same rates (0.6 to 0.7C
per century) despite substantial differences in ambient CO2 levels. In
summary, nothing particularly unusual has been observed in our climate
in recent times.
We have a variable climate system, on a very
large range of space and time scales, and we would be wise to resist
over-reacting to the various cooling and warming cycles we have seen
over the past few hundred years. (Especially if that over-reaction leads
to reducing our energy supplies and our wealth, both of which increase
our ability to cope with these inescapable cycles.)
The specious
analogy with greenhouses being driven by differential radiative effects
falls at the first hurdle, since that is not how they work. They work by
suppressing convective and wind-driven mixing with the outside air, and
these two processes of convection and wind, coupled with the transport
and phase changes of water, are also the dominant movers of heat within
the lower atmosphere in which we live.
Yet read the following
extract (I have put it italics) from the website promoting Low Carbon
Day for schools in the United Kingdom, and try to imagine what you would
feel if you believed these words:
'Few scientists now doubt
that due to human activity – burning fossil fuels and deforestation -
the climate is changing. Without very significant action, temperature
changes of at least 2°C, and possibly 3°C or 4°C are expected to happen
by the end of this century. Hundreds of millions of people may not have
enough water. Floods, heat waves and droughts may affect millions more.
The ensuing migration could make the world a very unstable place. And
that's not to mention the 30% of species at risk of extinction. The
effects of climate change are already being felt in Asia and Africa.
truth is the worst will probably not happen in our lifetime. But it
will happen in our children's lifetime. And it will happen big time
during their children's lifetimes. Children born today will not be in a
position of influence for 40 years, and by then it will be too late. The
inertia in the climate system means that without action from us, by the
time they can change the world, catastrophic warming will almost
certainly be factored into the system.
And so we believe as adults we have a duty to change the world for them.’
you were as convinced as them, perhaps you would be stirred to
political action, or even lifestyle changes. But would you want to push
the same message into schools? Is this not a totalitarian impulse you
might wish to resist? Even as a believer, would you not want your
children to have a more carefree time, allowing them to concentrate on
their basic education rather than imposing adult anxieties and
responsibilites on them? I guess some of us would, and some of us
wouldn't. But right now, I am concerned that we are not being given the
A great many people, the UK political class included,
seem intent on capturing the hearts and minds of the young, and turning
them into eco-worriers (what have I done wrong, what am I doing wrong?)
and eco-agitators (I must make sure my parents and others do the right
things). This seems to be the intention of this 'group of concerned
'Schools Low Carbon Day 24.06.10 is being organised
by a registered charity set up by a group of mothers concerned about
climate change. Schools Low Carbon Day is about educating children about
climate change and inspiring children and their families to change
their behaviour to reduce carbon emissions.'
New measures of Arctic ice thickness disappointing for Warmists
electromagnetic "bird" dispatched to the Arctic for the most detailed
look yet at the thickness of the ice has turned up a reassuring picture.
meltdown has not been as dire as some would suggest, said geophysicist
Christian Haas of the University of Alberta. His international team flew
across the top of the planet last year for the 2,412-kilometre survey.
They found large expanses of ice four to five metres thick, despite the
record retreat in 2007.
"This is a nice demonstration that there is still hope for the ice," said Haas.
survey, which demonstrated that the "bird" probe tethered to a plane
can measure ice thickness over large areas, uncovered plenty of
resilient "old" ice from Norway to the North Pole to Alaska in April
The thickness had "changed little since 2007, and remained
within the expected range of natural variability," the team reports in
the Geophysical Research Letters.
There is already speculation
about how the ice will fare this summer, with some scientists predicting
a record melt. Haas said he doesn't buy it. He said the ice is in
some ways in better shape going into the melt season than it has been
for a couple of years. "We have more thick ice going into the summer
than we did in 2009 and 2008," he said.
Much will depend on the
intensity of the winds, and how the ice fractures and is blown around,
he said. "But any talk about tipping points, a sudden drop and no
recovery ... I don't think it is going to happen."
The more
likely scenario is that the ice will continue a decline that has been
under way for at least 30 years, he said. There is likely to be plenty
of variability in that decline, he added, with "extreme" melts in some
years, followed by "significant recoveries like we saw last year."
of the problem with ice forecasting is that it is based largely on data
from satellites. They are good at measuring the size of an area that is
covered by ice, but tell little about the thickness of the ice -- which
can measure in mere centimetres in the case of new ice, or metres in
the case of ice that is several years old. "That makes a big difference
in terms of how well it will survive the summer," said Haas.
international team, supported largely by the German government, is
adding a much-needed "third dimension" to the picture, by measuring ice
thickness over large swaths of the Arctic. Instead of manually drilling
cores into ice, they've taken to the air with a probe that dangles
beneath a plane and can make thousands of measurements a day.
year's survey was the most extensive yet, and entailed towing the
scanner beneath a DC-3 aircraft refitted as a flying laboratory. The
Germans picked up the $300,000 cost of flying the plane across the
The 100-kilogram instrument, a 3.5-metre-long white
cylinder with a yellow tip, was cradled under the plane for takeoff and
landing. Then it was lowered with a winch until it was just 20 metres
above the surface, as the plane cruised along 100 metres above the ice
at 240 kilometres an hour.
Every five metres along the
2,412-kilometre survey route, it emitted low-frequency electromagnetic
signals. The signals penetrate the ice and propagate another signal when
they hit liquid water, reflecting the thickness of the ice.
survey showed the technique works on the large scale, the scientists
report. And it gave an unprecedented view of the resilient metres-thick
ice between Ellesmere Island and the North Pole, northeast of Greenland
and into the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas in the Western Arctic.
team is planning more surveys for 2011 and 2012 as part of a program to
check observations made with Europe's new "CyrosSat" satellite,
launched this spring to study the world's ice.
news for inefficient "organic" farmers. This would make them villains
if Warmists were rational -- but they're not so all is well for faddy
Modern high-yield farming lowered the amount of
greenhouse gases pumped into the Earth's atmosphere toward the end of
the 20th Century by a massive amount, according to a surprising study
from researchers at Stanford University.
Technological advances
in agriculture helped reduce greenhouse gas output by reducing the need
to convert forests to farmland, the study said. Such conversion involves
burning of trees and other naturally occurring carbon repositories,
which increases emissions of carbon, methane and nitrous oxide.
not for yield improvement techniques, which have dramatically helped
corporate farms produce more crops with less land, authors of the study
said an additional 13 billion tons of CO2 would have been loosed into
the atmosphere per year.
"Our results dispel the notion that
modern intensive agriculture is inherently worse for the environment
than a more 'old-fashioned' way of doing things," said Jennifer Burney,
lead author of a paper on high-yield farming to be published online by
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Overall, the
study estimated that new farming methods averted emitting as much as
the equivalent of 590 billion metric tons of CO2. That translates into
as much as a third of the world's total greenhouse gas output since
1850, a date often cited as the start of the Industrial Revolution in
the West.
The production and use of fertilizer has led to
significant greenhouse gas emissions, Burney said, but that increase
pales in comparison with what might have been had more forests and
grasslands been shifted to agricultural uses.
"Every time forest
or shrub land is cleared for farming, the carbon that was tied up in the
biomass is released and rapidly makes its way into the atmosphere,"
said Burney, who is a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford.
co-author of the paper at Stanford, Steven Davis, added that the
evidence points to spending on agricultural research as one of the best
and cheapest ways to prevent new emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse
To conduct the study, the academics looked at agricultural
production between 1961 and 2005 and compared it to hypothetical models
that estimated the amount of land that might have been converted if not
for the so-called "green revolution" in modern farming. They found that
improvements kept at least 317 billion tons of CO2 out of the
atmosphere and possibly as much as 590 billion tons.
The researchers conclude by arguing for improvement of crop yields as part of any policy meant to reduce greenhouse gases.
Heard a great story the other day from Matt Ridley, author of the absolutely essential The Rational Optimist.
bumped into an engineer who was hoping to land one of the lucrative
contracts for the massive, insanely expensive offshore wind farm
programme which Dave’s new “Greener Than Anyone” administration hopes
will reduce Britain’s carbon footprint while simultaneously creating
that the philosopher’s-stone-type marvel that some men do call Green
“What’s the chance of them being built on time?” Ridley asked.
“Zero,” said the engineer.
“And once you’ve stuck these things in the sea-bed, how long do you think they’ll last?” Ridley asked.
“Oh, virtually no time at all.”
if these offshore wind farms are going to be impossible to put up and
are going to fall down as soon as you do, why are you vying for this
multi-billion pound government contract?” asked Ridley.
“Duh,” said the engineer.
Mary Tudor died, she predicted, they would find Calais engraved on her
heart. My prediction when my old mucker Dave Cameron pops off, they
will find “wind farms” engraved on his. Of all the damage his lousy
administration will do to this country of ours, none will be so mighty,
permanent or thoroughly inexcusable as his wind farm programme.
further cause for gloom from the excellent German blogger P Gosselin,
whose reports on what’s happening in Germany gives us an idea of the
disasters coming our way soon.
Originally estimated to
cost €189 million, the Alpha Ventus park has been plagued by cost
overruns and delays. In late summer and autumn of 2008, bad weather
made installation of the first 6 turbines impossible. Then the
equipment to install the monster turbines was not available. Next there
were major problems with the transformer facilities.
A few
weeks ago the temperature of the bearings in the turbine made by Areva
Multibrid was too high and thus they had to be taken out of operation.
Now the turbines have to be removed from their 500+ ft. high towers and
the bearings have to be replaced. Repair works will take weeks and
extend into late summer. It’s still unclear if the other four of the
Multibrid turbines have a problem. The remaining 6 turbines are made by
Repower and are reported to be running smoothly. There are no reports on
how high the costs for the troublesome dismantling and repair works
will run.
And if that weren’t bad enough, the construction
works on the massive Bard Offshore 1 commercial windparks have been
delayed as a 300-foot foundation column crashed onto the construction
ship Wind Lift 1 three weeks ago. Now other turbines have to be
thoroughly inspected. The Bard project foresees the installation of 320
five-megawatt class turbines over the coming years. The cost for the
first 80 Bard turbines alone is climbing far beyond original estimates.
First they were estimated to cost over €500 million. Now it’s estimated
costs will exceed a billion euros. German online newspaper projects the
costs will even reach €1.2 billion.
The promoters of the
offshore projects cannot say they weren’t warned of the risks of
installing windparks in the North Sea’s harsh conditions. The Nysted
offshore windpark and Horns Rev park in Denmark are examples, and have
struggled with big problems. For example in 2007 a transformer
malfunction occurred at Nysted just 4 years after being commissioned,
causing a months-long shutdown. At the Horns Rev windpark there were
problems with the turbines only 2 years after they had gone into
operation. World leading turbine manufacturer Vestas had to remove all
80 turbines, haul them onshore and perform extensive repairs. Luckily
these turbines were only of the smaller 2 to 2.3-MW class, and so much
easier to do repair works. Repairs and maintenance on the 5-MW monsters
will be much tougher and expensive.
But as long as windpark companies continue to have the full backing of wasteful governments, costs won’t matter.
only strategy they have is to say "trust us", which is a bit of a laugh
in view of their compulsive secrecy about their data and the
"adjustments" they make to it
Scientists and academics from
some of Australia's top national institutions met in Sydney today to
discuss how to improve public awareness of the science behind climate
change. [Way to go! If they manage that NOBODY will believe in
global warming! What will people say when they find that it is all
based on very shaky guesswork?]
Representatives of the
Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies, the
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and
the Bureau of Meteorology want to develop a "national communication
charter" to win back public support for action on climate change.
Australian government postponed its carbon trading scheme earlier this
year until 2013 citing a lack of public and political support for
reducing carbon emissions.
A number of recent polls have
suggested that controversy over the UN Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change data on Himalayan glaciers and the University of East
Anglia leaked emails debacle have damaged public perception of climate
One poll by the Lowy Institute for International Policy
showed that the number of Australians who wanted action on climate
change immediately had dropped from 68 per cent in 2006 to 46 per cent
this year.
Australia's chief scientist Penny Sackett addressed the conference, which was closed to the public.
Foley, president of the Federation of Australian Scientific and
Technological Societies, told the Melbourne Age that scientists wanted
Australians to have better access to the latest climate change evidence.
want... the public and parliamentarians who are making decisions on
what we have to do to manage or deal with climate change actually
understand what the science is and are able to cut through the noise
that's been coming about," she said.
Foley said a well organised
and well funded movement of climate sceptics had increasingly captured
the public's attention. "We are concerned the debate around climate
change has become a left-wing versus right-wing debate, or a kind of
religious argument, when it should really be about the strength of the
scientific evidence," she added.
In March, the CSIRO and the
Bureau of Meteorology published a snap shot report on climate change
showing Australia had warmed significantly in the past 50 years and
warning that "climate change is real".
The government committed
AU$30m (US$25.6m) for a national campaign to educate the public on
climate change in the budget last month, and one of the aims of today's
meeting was to develop a strategy to advise officials on how best to
spend the money.
The Maunder who
identified the "Maunder minimum" was Edward Walter Maunder (1851-1928)
who while working at The Royal Observatory, Greenwich discovered the
dearth of sunspots during the 1650-1700 period. But there is another
Maunder still alive who has long been a big wheel in climate studies.
Is he related to the previous Maunder? He does not say. But what he
does say is well worth noting. I reproduce below most of one of his
The information given on this web page, and the
other pages given below, is provided by Dr John Maunder, President of
the Commission for Climatology of the World Meteorological Organization
from 1989 to 1997, who over the last 55 years has been involved in the
"weather business" in various countries, including New Zealand,
Australia, Canada, US, Ireland, Switzerland, and the UK , through
activities in national weather services, universities and international
organizations, and publications including four books : "The Value of
the Weather" (1970), "The Uncertainty Business - Risks and Opportunties
in Weather and Climate" (1986), "The Human Impact of Climate Uncertainty
- Weather Information, Economic Planning, and Business Management "
(1989), and the "Dictionary of Global Climate Change" (1994). The
information is prepared so as to provide a "need to know" background on
climate change, and "global warming" with the aim to promote a better
understanding of this complex matter.
Among other things the
author was the only New Zealander invited, along with 100 other experts,
to the "original" international conference on ".., the role of carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gases in climate variations and associated
aspects " held in Villach, Austria in October 1985. The findings of this
conference led to the development in 1988 of the Intergovenmental Panel
on Climate Change (IPCC).
There are a variety of viewpoints on
this subject (covering the full range from those who consider that we
ARE the weather makers, to those who consider that we are NOT the
weather makers and that climate change is mainly a natural event). I
have provided web links to a selection of what I consider to be relevant
sites, covering both sides of the story.
1. For a direct link to my web page on "Climate Change: Is "Nature" or "Man" in Control? see
2. For a direct link to my web page on "The Maunder Minimum" ... A second coming? see
Hockey Schtick is honored to present the English release of Rescue from
the Climate Saviors, a lay explanation of the physics underlying the
fictitious dogma of climate alarmism. KE Research GmbH, a German public
policy consultancy firm, prepared the report based on interviews and
editing assistance from noted German theoretical physicists Ralf D.
Tscheuschner & Gerhard Gerlich, authors of the peer-reviewed paper
"Falsification of the Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects within the
Frame of Physics", and numerous other German climatologists, physicists,
and scientists. KE Research encourages all to freely distribute the
report by any means (in unchanged form) and is forwarding copies to all
members of the US Senate and House of Representatives, and legislators
Conclusions of the report include:
1. The terms “greenhouse effect” and “greenhouse gas” are misnomers and obstruct understanding of the real world.
2. Earth has a natural “cooling system”. If the planet warms, it will automatically raise its cooling power.
3. An increase of earth temperatures is only achievable if the
heating power is stepped up: first to “load” matter with more energy
(i.e. to raise temperatures) and then to compensate for the increasing
cooling, which results from the increase of IR radiation into space.
4. CO2 and other IR-active gases cannot supply any additional heating
power to the earth. Therefore, they cannot be a cause of “global
warming”. This fact alone disproves the greenhouse doctrine.
5. The “natural greenhouse effect” (increase of earth temperatures by 33°C) is a myth.
6. IR-active gases do not act “like a blanket” but rather “like a
sunshade”. They keep a part of the solar energy away from the earth’s
7. IR-active gases cool the earth: 70% of the entire
cooling power originates from these molecules. Without these gases in
the air, the surface and the air immediately above the ground would heat
up more.
8. The notion that a concentration increase of
IR-active gases would impede earth’s cooling is impossible given the
true mechanisms explained above.
9. As a consequence the very
foundation of the “Green Tower of Climate Dogma” crumbles. Computer
models alleging to forecast warming based on “greenhouse effects” are
worthless, and any speculation about the “impact of climate change”
accordingly dispensable.
10. Since the greenhouse hypothesis
has been disproven by the laws of physics, it is only a matter of time
until the truth becomes public opinion.
human emission of CO2 cause global warming? This is a scientific
question and can be answered using the scientific method with observed
global mean temperature data.
A graph of global mean temperature from the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia is shown in the above graph
first period is from 1910 to 1940 & the second period is 60-years
latter from 1970 to 2000. After human emission of CO2 for 60-years, the
rate of change of global mean temperature of 0.15 deg C per decade from
1970 to 2000 is nearly identical to that of 0.16 deg C per decade from
1910 to 1940. That is, after a 5-times increase in human emission of
CO2, there was no increase in the rate of increase of global mean
temperature. This data contradicts the theory that human emission of CO2
causes global warming.
In addition, the data shows that the pattern of the global mean temperature is cyclic as shown in the following graph.
This graph shows the following:
1) 30-years of global cooling from 1880 to 1910. 2) 30-years of global warming from 1910 to 1940. 3) 30-years of global cooling from 1940 to 1970. 4) 30-years of global warming from 1970 to 2000.
on the above pattern, assuming there is no shift in climate in the
coming 20 years compared to the last 130 years, it is reasonable to
5) 30-years of global cooling from 2000 to 2030.
this prediction is realized then the cyclic nature of global mean
temperature will be confirmed. Otherwise, it will be rejected. This will
be clear just in the next five to ten years.
If this cyclic nature of global mean temperature is confirmed, this will disprove man made global warming.
past six months has seen a series of unprecedented setbacks for the
cause of catastrophic man-made climate change: the collapse of the Kyoto
process; the release of incriminating Climategate emails; the discovery
of the shoddy standards of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC); the mounting evidence that a job-creating green
industrial revolution is a fantasy; and the growing suspicion by the
public that it has been sold a bill of goods.
The British Royal
Society recently released a statement that “Any public perception that
the science is somehow fully settled is wholly incorrect,” thus
contradicting its own former president, and true believer, Lord May. And
if the science isn’t settled, there can hardly ever have been
“consensus” on the issue.
A forthcoming paper by Mike Hulme,
Professor of Climate Change at the University of East Anglia, from which
the Climategate emails emerged, admits that the actual group involved
in the “consensus” that “human activities are having a significant
influence on the climate” was in fact “only a few dozen,” rather than
the thousands invoked by the IPCC.
Last week, economist Richard
Tol, one of the IPCC’s own lead authors, suggested that the whole IPCC
process should be suspended until the selection of authors has been
fixed. This week, the IPCC’s head, Rajendra Pachauri, who has previously
accused skeptics of flat Earthism and “voodoo science,” suddenly had a
Damascene conversion as to the validity of dissent. “I am not deaf,” he
wrote, “to those who do not agree with the scientific consensus on
man-made climate change. Nor, indeed, to those who do not agree with the
findings — or, in some cases, the existence — of the IPCC.”
while such newfound humility (even though still embracing bogus
“consensus”) is welcome, every country on Earth is still officially
committed to catastrophic man-made warming as a reality that demands a
draconian policy response. The erection of such a massive commitment on
such shaky foundations begs for explanation, and must be put in both a
larger political and psychological context.
overestimation of human significance — in this case both for doing harm
and correcting it by policy — may be the fundamental reason for broad
acceptance of man-made climate change theory. The notion that man’s
sinful and selfish ways will be punished goes back to the myth of the
Flood. In many ways, belief in climate apocalypse reflects similar
moralistic disapproval of “materialist” Western society, and the claim
that its wealth has been bought at the expense of others, including now
that of “future generations.”
This quasi-religious belief is
particularly appealing to the political and bureaucratic classes,
because it provides new justifications for intervention to correct the
imperfections and ongoing inequities of perpetually demonized
capitalism. In a classic example of psychological “projection,” however,
alarmists claim that it is their opponents who are tainted by “greed”
and “self-interest.”
One insufficiently addressed question is why
scientists would allow themselves to be recruited to essentially
political objectives. Another is why they seem so resolutely committed
to increasingly shaky theories, and lash out at critics. Surveys have
shown that natural scientists tend to be left-liberal in their leanings.
Many perhaps believe that a world with more top-down economic control
and greater transfers to poor nations is desirable whatever the
realities of climate science, and that given the possibility (however
remote) of man-made climate catastrophe, that it is appropriate to adopt
the “precautionary principle.”
Such a mindset can be buttressed
by the way science is done. In his classic book The Structure of
Scientific Revolutions, Thomas Kuhn noted that scientific groups
adopted, and committed to, “paradigms,” which then became fundamentally
unquestionable. That stance was hardened further when moral values, such
as being “socially useful,” were involved.
The IPCC came with its moralistic paradigms pre-installed.
noted that “professionalization” of any paradigm leads to “an immense
restriction of the scientist’s vision and to a considerable resistance
to paradigm change.” He even suggested that a scientist, as a captive to
a paradigm, is “like the typical character of Orwell’s 1984, the victim
of a history rewritten by the powers that be.”
Kuhn also
suggested why catastrophic man-made climate change theory — even if it
is found to have been greatly exaggerated, or even falsified — will take
a good deal of killing. “The transfer of allegiance from paradigm to
paradigm,” he wrote, “is a conversion experience that cannot be forced.”
The problem is that there is no other clear and simple climate theory
to which to be “converted” at the moment.
Kuhn noted that the
Earth-centred Ptolemaic system of astronomy, based on elaborately
waltzing planets, “worked” for a long time, but eventually became a
monster whose complications overwhelmed its usefulness. Then along came
Copernicus. The resultant destruction of the Earth-centred universe led
to enormous soul-searching, as did Darwin’s vaporizing of the assumption
of biological “progress” towards divine ends.
For most modern
liberals, including many scientists, the market sun still goes round the
government Earth, and it’s a paradigm they are reluctant to change.
Policy skeptics, by contrast, who are still trying to establish the
revolutionary and counterintuitive insights of Adam Smith, point out
that carbon rationing, green industrial strategy and aid transfers under
the aegis of “clean development” are — whatever the science — economic
the new BP Statistical Review shows, coal, which last year’s report
pointed out was the fastest-growing source of energy, was the only major
source of fossil fuel energy that didn’t fall last year. It remained
flat, while oil and natural gas consumption fell; total primary energy
consumption was down 1.1 per cent.
Coal is highly polluting, but
also reasonably a cheap and geographically distributed source of energy.
Analyst/economist/blogger Gregor MacDonald has written a lot about the
world’s increasing use of coal in recent years.
We’ve put
together a chart showing that coal - as a proportion of primary energy
consumption — is reaching levels not seen for several decades. Since
1971, to be precise:
In fact, as Gregor points out, oil’s share is falling:
of it is used for electricity, but with oil production becoming ever
more difficult and expensive, the rise of coal raises a somewhat
uncomfortable prospect if one believes that demand for transport liquids
is relatively inflexible. Transport liquids are also rather difficult
to substitute for, in contrast to electricity.
And there does
appear to be growing interest in converting coal to liquid fuel
(coal-to-liquids or CTL). South Africa is the only existing scale
producer of CTL,according to the World Coal Institute. But China is
very keen, declaiming its leadership in the field with six projects
under development. There are projects planned in Australia and the US.
the US, a pro-CTL group touts the fuel as a way of improving US energy
security. But as environmental group the Natural Resources Defense Fund
points out, CTL involves almost double the emissions of conventional
oil-derived transport fuel.
Sen. Graham Admits Legislation is Not About Climate
not giving up on more government control of the private sector through
“cap and trade” legislation. This much can be derived from recent news
coverage. Remarkably, Sen. Lindsey Graham admits that “energy”
legislation has nothing to do with the environment; a crucial point that
goes missing in coverage
President Obama is using the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill as a new rationale for energy legislation
that has been stalled on Capitol Hill. The New York Times comes oh, so
close to properly informing its readership of the sincere motivations
standing behind “cap and trade” schemes in one of its latest reports.
the newspaper’s enthusiasm for statist policies precludes from asking
the right questions where the sleight of hand at work in Washington D.C.
is actually quite evident.
The key player here in Sen. Lindsey
Graham as he has been working in close concert with Democratic
colleagues and Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.). TimesCheck has noted in
the past how Graham became the new Republican liberal media darling in
light of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) rightward shift. Graham withdrew his
support for a repacked “cap and trade” bill after Sen. Majority Leader
Harry Reid (D-Nev.) suggested that climate change would take a back seat
to immigration.
Until the actual causes of the BP oil spill are
exposed and understood, he remains reluctant to reactive “cap and trade”
in total but has expressed support for a water down energy bill
sponsored by Sen. Joe Lieberman. The Times reports as follows:
Graham said that until the causes of the BP oil spill were identified
and addressed, he would not vote for any sweeping climate change
legislation. Instead, he endorsed a bill introduced last week by Senator
Richard G. Lugar, Republican of Indiana, that sets higher fuel economy
standards for cars, provides incentives for the development of
alternative fuels and imposes stricter efficiency standards on
buildings. The Lugar proposal includes no cap on carbon emissions but
would seek to reduce greenhouse gas pollution through energy-saving
`I’m not going to take a vote on the floor without a
rational policy because we’re in the middle of a major oil spill,” Mr.
Graham said. “I’m not going to put that on the table until I find out
what happened in the gulf and make sure it doesn’t happen again.’
Lieberman said the oil spill made it more urgent to enact comprehensive
energy and climate change legislation. He acknowledged, however, that
the measure he and Mr. Kerry sponsored lacked the votes it needs and
would probably be carved up and served in combination with other bills
like Mr. Lugar’s.”
But the most important quote from Sen. Graham
that deserves mention is left out of the equation. When he asked about
his support for an earlier bill the Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and
Lieberman had co-sponsored, Graham made the following admission:
not a global warming bill to me,” he said. “Because global warming as a
reason to pass legislation doesn’t exist anymore.” He also explained:
“There is no bipartisan support for a cap-and-trade bill based on global
In other words, the overarching purpose here is
government control and government regulation as opposed to environmental
edification. That’s big news but the point is lost on the liberal news
media, which sympathizes with government takeovers of the private
The public should know that the political class was
merely using global warming as a duplicitous and misleading rationale to
distract away from expensive and intrusive policies. But the tone and
direction of the Times report suggests that policymakers maintain noble
“Images of gushing oil and dying pelicans in the Gulf
of Mexico have stirred anger and agony in Washington,” the report says.
“But are they enough to prod the Senate to act on long-delayed clean
energy and climate change legislation?
“Energy, maybe,” the
report continues. “Climate, probably not. There is growing sentiment for
a measure that penalizes BP, imposes higher costs and tougher
regulations on offshore drillers and takes some steps toward reducing
overall energy and petroleum consumption.”
No matter what the
rationale, the political class is determined to subtract away from
private enterprise and to further burden America’s already beleaguered
taxpayers. That’s the story.
Horrors for the Warmists. They
normally ignore totally the possibility that solar changes may be what
drive earth's temperature changes. Note however below that it's not
only the sun that is changing. For once the sun IS acknowledged below
as a source of climate change -- and in the Warmist "New Scientist" at
That solar activity has dropped and we have had a lot of
unusually cold weather in the last 2 years is just coincidence of
course. Not that you would know we have had any unusually cold weather
from the "massaged" statistics of Hansen & Co. As in Orwell, Big
Brother "revises" the past
SUNSPOTS come and go, but recently
they have mostly gone. For centuries, astronomers have recorded when
these dark blemishes on the solar surface emerge, only for them to fade
away again after a few days, weeks or months. Thanks to their efforts,
we know that sunspot numbers ebb and flow in cycles lasting about 11
But for the past two years, the sunspots have mostly been
missing. Their absence, the most prolonged for nearly a hundred years,
has taken even seasoned sun watchers by surprise. "This is solar
behaviour we haven't seen in living memory," says David Hathaway, a
physicist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama.
sun is under scrutiny as never before thanks to an armada of space
telescopes. The results they beam back are portraying our nearest star,
and its influence on Earth, in a new light. Sunspots and other clues
indicate that the sun's magnetic activity is diminishing, and that the
sun may even be shrinking. Together the results hint that something
profound is happening inside the sun. The big question is what?
stakes have never been higher. Groups of sunspots forewarn of gigantic
solar storms that can unleash a billion times more energy than an atomic
bomb. Fears that these giant solar eruptions could create havoc on
EarthMovie Camera, and disputes over the sun's role in climate change,
are adding urgency to these studies. When NASA and the European Space
Agency launched the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory almost 15 years
ago, "understanding the solar cycle was not one of its scientific
objectives", says Bernhard Fleck, the mission's project scientist. "Now
it is one of the key questions."
Sun behaving badly
are windows into the sun's magnetic soul. They form where giant loops
of magnetism, generated deep inside the sun, well up and burst through
the surface, leading to a localised drop in temperature which we see as a
dark patch. Any changes in sunspot numbers reflect changes inside the
sun. "During this transition, the sun is giving us a real glimpse into
its interior," says Hathaway.
When sunspot numbers drop at the
end of each 11-year cycle, solar storms die down and all becomes much
calmer. This "solar minimum" doesn't last long. Within a year, the spots
and storms begin to build towards a new crescendo, the next solar
What's special about this latest dip is that the sun is
having trouble starting the next solar cycle. The sun began to calm down
in late 2007, so no one expected many sunspots in 2008. But computer
models predicted that when the spots did return, they would do so in
force. Hathaway was reported as thinking the next solar cycle would be a
"doozy": more sunspots, more solar storms and more energy blasted into
space. Others predicted that it would be the most active solar cycle on
record. The trouble was, no one told the sun.
The latest solar cycle was supposed to be the most active on record. The trouble was, no one told the sun
first sign that the prediction was wrong came when 2008 turned out to
be even calmer than expected. That year, the sun was spot-free 73 per
cent of the time, an extreme dip even for a solar minimum. Only the
minimum of 1913 was more pronounced, with 85 per cent of that year
As 2009 arrived, solar physicists looked for some action.
They didn't get it. The sun continued to languish until mid-December,
when the largest group of sunspots to emerge for several years appeared.
Finally, a return to normal? Not really.
Even with the solar
cycle finally under way again, the number of sunspots has so far been
well below expectations. Something appears to have changed inside the
sun, something the models did not predict. But what?
The flood of
observations from space and ground-based telescopes suggests that the
answer lies in the behaviour of two vast conveyor belts of gas that
endlessly cycle material and magnetism through the sun's interior and
out across the surface. On average it takes 40 years for the conveyor
belts to complete a circuit (see diagram).
When Hathaway's team
looked over the observations to find out where their models had gone
wrong, they noticed that the conveyor-belt flows of gas across the sun's
surface have been speeding up since 2004.
The circulation deep
within the sun tells a different story. Rachel Howe and Frank Hill of
the National Solar Observatory in Tucson, Arizona, have used
observations of surface disturbances, caused by the solar equivalent of
seismic waves, to infer what conditions are like within the sun.
Analysing data from 2009, they found that while the surface flows had
sped up, the internal ones had slowed to a crawl.
These findings
have thrown our best computer models of the sun into disarray. "It is
certainly challenging our theories," says Hathaway, "but that's kinda
It is not just our understanding of the sun that stands to
benefit from this work. The extent to which changes in the sun's
activity can affect our climate is of paramount concern. It is also
highly controversial. There are those who seek to prove that the solar
variability is the major cause of climate change, an idea that would let
humans and their greenhouse gases off the hook. Others are equally
evangelical in their assertions that the sun plays only a minuscule role
in climate change...
peer-reviewed studies published within the past 2 weeks alone have
indicated alarmist claims of anthropogenic, unprecedented, rapid glacier
melt are overblown:
1. Climate Change Will Affect the Asian Water Towers
* IPCC claim of Himalayan glacier melt by 2035: * "overstated by several hundred years" * "oversimplified" * "impact less than anticipated" * IPCC false claims were "a first-rate disaster" * "some scientists saw the error and tried to alert senior authors, but it was "too late" to get the report corrected"
2. 100-year mass changes in the Swiss Alps linked to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
* "half of the glacier loss in the Swiss Alps is due to natural
climate variability— a result likely to be true for glaciers around the
world." * "current glacier retreat might be equally due to natural climate variations as it is to anthropogenic greenhouse warming." * "Glacier mass loss was particularly rapid in the 1940s and since the 1980s. "
3. Is the recessional pattern of Himalayan glaciers suggestive of anthropogenically induced global warming?
* "the rate of recession of most of the glaciers in general is on decline" * "These observations are in contradiction to the widely popularized concept of anthropogenically induced global warming."
* "It is believed that the rise of temperature of around 0.6°C since
mid-nineteenth century is a part of decadal to centennial-scale
climatic fluctuations that have been taking place on this Earth for the
past few thousands of years."
New Miskolczi Paper: CO2 not cause of Global Warming
Miskolczi, a former NASA physicist, has a forthcoming paper to be
published in Energy & Environment which shows empirically that
change in the greenhouse effect due to CO2 would likely have been
detected if it had been present in the last 61 years. Miskolczi also
demonstrates that the IPCC-claimed positive feedback from water vapor
does not exist.
The Stable Stationary Value of the Earth’s Global Average Atmospheric Planc-weighted Greenhouse-Gas Optical Thickness
by Ferenc Miskolczi Energy & Environment, 21:4 2010.
the line-by-line method, a computer program is used to analyze Earth
atmospheric radiosonde data from hundreds of weather balloon
observations. In terms of a quasi-all-sky protocol, fundamental infrared
atmospheric radiative flux components are calculated: at the top
boundary, the outgoing long wave radiation, the surface transmitted
radiation, and the upward atmospheric emittance; at the bottom boundary,
the downward atmospheric emittance. The partition of the outgoing long
wave radiation into upward atmospheric emittance and surface transmitted
radiation components is based on the accurate computation of the true
greenhouse-gas optical thickness for the radiosonde data.
relationships among the flux components have been found and are used to
construct a quasi-all- sky model of the earth’s atmospheric energy
transfer process. In the 1948-2008 time period the global average annual
mean true greenhouse-gas optical thickness is found to be
Simulated radiative no-feedback effects of
measured actual CO2 change over the 61 years were calculated and found
to be of magnitude easily detectable by the empirical data and
analytical methods used. The data negate increase in CO2 in the
atmosphere as a hypothetical cause for the apparently observed global
A hypothesis of significant positive feedback by water
vapor effect on atmospheric infrared absorption is also negated by the
observed measurements. Apparently major revision of the physics
underlying the greenhouse effect is needed.
northern summer months mean winter in the Antipodes so we drove to
Anthony Watts‘ presentation in the dark even though it was only 6 pm.
He was the principal author of Watts Up With That?, a climate change
skeptic’s blogsite that gets about 3 million hits per month. And now he
was in Australia on a speaking tour. The site has a large following in
Australia probably due to two things. The first is his symbiotic
relationship with the Herald Sun’s Andrew Bolt, who is Australia’s
blogger/mainstream journalist — a combination you don’t often see — who
appears to combine the strongest features of both and who quotes Watts
continuously and extensively so that climate skepticism has become as it
were, the new occult knowledge. Second, Watts’ focus on the weather
taps into a major preoccupation in Australia: crops.
As a
consequence there is, one may be surprised to learn, a Climate Skeptics
Party in Australia and a huge appetite for knowing Watts Up With That.
Climate change is a much bigger political issue in Australia than in the
USA. The audience filed into the auditorium with a near-religious
reverence for Watts. He was preceded by two speakers, one an economist
and the other an expert on the effect of solar cycles on climate. The
first argued that CO2 was undervalued and the second explained the
effects of sunspots on cloud formation. But it was Watts presentation
that stole the show. Why?
Not for any superiority in
presentation. What distinguished it from theirs was that Watts talk
wasn’t really about a logical argument. It was about how to create a
logical argument of sufficient authority to challenge the establishment.
He was describing an open source research project, though perhaps much
of the audience failed to realize it. Watts reeled them in as good
speakers do, by telling them a story. He described how he had originally
been a Global Warmist who had experienced a Pauline conversion on the
most innocent of grounds. He had fascinated by measuring instruments and
gadgetry and always had been. After retiring from a career as a TV
weatherman he began to wonder whether a change in the specification of
the paint used to coat temperature measuring stations might have
anything to do with the rise in recorded readings. It was a simple
enough idea. When temperatures were first collected the temp stations
consisted of a whitewashed birdhouse like structure with a mercury
thermometer in it. As recently as the 60s the whitewash was still used
to maintain a consistency in experimental apparatus. And then the
weather service changed the spec to paint. So he asked: Watts Up With
Watts bought a bunch of standard measuring stations and
coated one with whitewash and the other with the newly specified paint
and found the painted stations gave higher readings than the stations
finished in the older calcium carbonate. This disturbed him but as way
led on to way it brought him face to face with another discovery. Most
of the temperature stations had been sited, for ease of reading, right
next to buildings else urban sprawl had overtaken them so that stations
formerly standing in a field were now in the middle of parking lots,
sewage plants, airports and heat sinks of a similar nature. Watts was
now confronted with the possibility that his whole belief structure was
wrong because the data on which it was established was erroneous.
Somewhere along the line a light bulb went on his brain and the fun
My guess is that the former weatherman understood
something that neither of two pure academicians who preceded him fully
grasped. If he was going to challenge the established storyline he was
going to need power. Where did it come from? Power comes from owning
information; second power comes from being able to gather info that
nobody else can. So he began an open source project to study as many
temperature recording sites as he could. Watts’ biggest asset was not
his scientific background but an organizational/businessman’s ability
and the media practicioner’s understanding of how to use publicity. In
this instance he decided to use his blog to solicit volunteer data
gathering. The result was SurfaceStations.Org.
2007 Watts launched the “SurfaceStations.org” project, whose mission is
to create a publicly available database of photographs of weather
stations, along with their metadata, in response to what he described as
“a massive failure of bureaucracy to perform something so simple as
taking some photographs and making some measurements and notes of a few
to a few dozen weather stations in each state”. The project relies on
volunteers to gather the data.[8] The method used is to attract
volunteers of varying levels of expertise who undertake to estimate the
siting, usage and other conditions of weather stations in NOAA’s
Historical Climatology Network (USHCN) and grade them for their
compliance with the standards published in the organization’s Climate
Reference Network Site Handbook.[9]
Soon after launching the
project, when 40 or so of the 1221 USHCN climatological surface
temperature monitoring stations had been surveyed, Watts stated that his
preliminary findings raised doubts about NOAA’s temperature reporting.
“I believe,” he said, “we will be able to demonstrate that some of the
global warming increase is not from CO2 but from localized changes in
the temperature-measurement environment.”[10] By 2009, the project had
documented over 860 stations using over 650 volunteers.[11] In a report
entitled Is the U.S. Surface Temperature Record Reliable?, published by
the Heartland Institute,[11] Watts concludes that “the errors in the
[U.S. temperature] record exceed by a wide margin the purported rise in
temperature…during the twentieth century.
presentation at the hall consisted of seemingly unending stream of
slides from his volunteers showing not just US, but foreign weather
stations sited in the most laughable of ways: in the path of jet
exhaust, air conditioning heat dumps, fermenting sewage plants, concrete
heat sinks, in close proximity to machinery, motors, engines,
incinerators and even atop tombstones. He then proceeded to flash a
series of infrared images of the same sites showing the surrounds of the
temperature stations all lit up. Then he piled Google Earth image upon
Google Earth image of the temperature collection sites in winter showing
the snow stretching far and away but for the little islands of heat in
which the gauges were located.
It was a tour de force. He
understood the power of irrefutable reptition. Following the old rule of
“tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them and tell them what
you told them”, Watts pitched his message to the denominator everyone
could grasp. He had a weatherman’s instinct for making a complex subject
concrete and in your face. But he could do this only because he had
mobilized a legion of part time snoops, guys who would drive out to
airports near them, walk around universities to snap photos of
temperature stations, go down some dirt road to find an obscure little
measuring device or spends hours on Google Earth zooming in on a known
coordinate. He could do this because he had a dataset — a dataset not
even the weather service had. His open source project gave him more
information about the condition of their terrestrial network than the
weather service had.
deep inside a federal newsletter on March 16 was something called a
"notice of solicitation of comments" from the Bureau of Labor Statistics
at the Department of Labor.
"BLS is responsible for developing
and implementing the collection of new data on green jobs," said the
note in the Federal Register, which is widely read by government
bureaucrats and almost never seen by the general public. But the notice
said there is "no widely accepted standard definition of 'green jobs.'"
To help find that definition, the Labor Department asked that readers
send in suggestions.
The notice came only after the department
scoured studies from government, academia and business in search of a
definition. "The common thread through the studies and discussions is
that green jobs are jobs related to preserving or restoring the
environment," the notice said. Beyond that blinding insight, a precise
definition has eluded Labor Department officials.
On Capitol
Hill, a staffer for Sen. Charles Grassley, ranking Republican on the
Senate Finance Committee, was poring through the Federal Register and
spotted the note. Then he went to the Department of Labor website, where
he found a number of announcements like these:
-- U.S. Department of Labor Announces $100 Million in Green Jobs Training Through Recovery Act
-- U.S. Department of Labor Announces $150 Million in "Pathways Out of Poverty" Training Grants for Green Jobs
-- U.S. Department of Labor Announces Nearly $190 Million in State Energy Sector Partnership and Training Grants for Green Jobs
the staffer's mind, two and two came together. The Labor Department is
shoving money out the door for "green jobs," yet at the same time is
admitting it doesn't know what a "green job" is.
Cue Grassley, a
longtime watchdog of funny business in the federal bureaucracy. In a
June 2 letter to Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, Grassley noted that there
was an enormous amount of money in the $862 billion stimulus bill for
those still-undefined green jobs.
"According to the
administration, the Recovery Act contains more than $80 billion in
clean-energy funding to promote economic recovery and develop
clean-energy jobs," Grassley wrote. "However, it has come to my
attention that the (Labor Department) is just now attempting to define
what a 'green job' is. Interestingly, this comes more than a year after
the Recovery Act was signed into law and after millions of dollars in
funding have already been distributed for green jobs."
Since the
Labor Department is looking for a definition after spending hundreds of
millions of taxpayer dollars on green jobs, Grassley asked, then what
definition of green jobs did it use when it spent the money? The
question applies beyond the Labor Department. What about all the other
government agencies that are spending zillions on green jobs? They don't
have a widely accepted definition, either.
Grassley voted
against the stimulus. But since it passed, he wants to hold the
administration accountable for the money. "This inquiry is a measure of
oversight to make sure the money is spent the way supporters of the
legislation said it would be spent," he says. "I'm asking how the
administration is distributing the money for what it said would go to
clean-energy jobs. If the criteria were too broad or poorly defined, the
money might be going for other kinds of spending."
So far, the Labor Department has not yet responded to Grassley, and a spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.
even as it searches for the definition of a green job, the Labor
Department is assuring Congress that everything is going gangbusters on
the green-job front. "The demand for green-job training opportunities is
enormous," Solis told a Senate committee in March, adding that the
Labor Department had by that time already spent $500 million on green
jobs, with more to come. "The department has been unable to keep pace
with the record number of applications for grants."
Last year,
Republicans complained that the Obama administration planned to spend
billions on an ill-defined concept of green jobs. Now, billions have
been spent, and many more will be spent, and the administration still
can't tell you what a green job is. Just look at the Federal Register.
President Obama says he values accountability. How about accounting for those green-job billions?
Thatcher was the first leader to warn of global warming - but also the
first to see the flaws in the climate change orthodoxy
persistent claim made by believers in man-made global warming – they
were at it again last week – is that no politician was more influential
in launching the worldwide alarm over climate change than Margaret
Thatcher. David Cameron, so the argument runs, is simply following in
her footsteps by committing the Tory party to its present belief in the
dangers of global warming, and thus showing himself in this respect, if
few others, to be a loyal Thatcherite.
The truth behind this
story is much more interesting than is generally realised, not least
because it has a fascinating twist. Certainly, Mrs Thatcher was the
first world leader to voice alarm over global warming, back in 1988.
With her scientific background, she had fallen under the spell of Sir
Crispin Tickell, then our man at the UN. In the 1970s, he had written a
book warning that the world was cooling, but he had since become an
ardent convert to the belief that it was warming. Under his influence,
as she recorded in her memoirs, she made a series of speeches, in
Britain and to world bodies, calling for urgent international action,
and citing evidence given to the US Senate by the arch-alarmist Jim
Hansen, head of Nasa's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
found equally persuasive the views of a third prominent convert to the
cause, Dr John Houghton, then head of the UK Met Office. She backed him
in the setting up of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) in 1988, and promised the Met Office lavish funding for its
Hadley Centre, which she opened in 1990, as a world authority on
"human-induced climate change".
Hadley then linked up with East
Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) to become custodians of the most
prestigious of the world's surface temperature records (alongside
another compiled by Dr Hansen). This became the central nexus of
influence driving a worldwide scare over global warming; and so it
remains to this day – not least thanks to the key role of Houghton (now
Sir John) in shaping the first three mammoth reports which established
the IPCC's unequalled authority on the subject.
In bringing this
about, Mrs Thatcher played an important part. It is not widely
appreciated, however, that there was a dramatic twist to her story. In
2003, towards the end of her last book, Statecraft, in a passage
headed "Hot Air and Global Warming", she issued what amounts to an
almost complete recantation of her earlier views.
She voiced
precisely the fundamental doubts about the warming scare that have since
become familiar to us. Pouring scorn on the "doomsters", she questioned
the main scientific assumptions used to drive the scare, from the
conviction that the chief force shaping world climate is CO2, rather
than natural factors such as solar activity, to exaggerated claims about
rising sea levels. She mocked Al Gore and the futility of "costly and
economically damaging" schemes to reduce CO2 emissions. She cited the
2.5C rise in temperatures during the Medieval Warm Period as having had
almost entirely beneficial effects. She pointed out that the dangers of a
world getting colder are far worse than those of a CO2-enriched world
growing warmer. She recognised how distortions of the science had been
used to mask an anti-capitalist, Left-wing political agenda which posed a
serious threat to the progress and prosperity of mankind.
other words, long before it became fashionable, Lady Thatcher was
converted to the view of those who, on both scientific and political
grounds, are profoundly sceptical of the climate change ideology. Alas,
what she set in train earlier continues to exercise its baleful
influence to this day. But the fact that she became one of the first and
most prominent of "climate sceptics" has been almost entirely buried
from view.
The IPCC consensus on climate change was phony, says IPCC insider
I append below this comment by Lawrence Solomon a few further comments of my own -- JR
UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change misled the press and
public into believing that thousands of scientists backed its claims on
manmade global warming, according to Mike Hulme, a prominent climate
scientist and IPCC insider. The actual number of scientists who backed
that claim was “only a few dozen experts,” he states in a paper for
Progress in Physical Geography, co-authored with student Martin Mahony.
such as ‘2,500 of the world’s leading scientists have reached a
consensus that human activities are having a significant influence on
the climate’ are disingenuous,” the paper states unambiguously, adding
that they rendered “the IPCC vulnerable to outside criticism.”
Professor of Climate Change in the School of Environmental Sciences at
the University of East Anglia – the university of Climategate fame — is
the founding Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
and one of the UK’s most prominent climate scientists. Among his many
roles in the climate change establishment, Hulme was the IPCC’s
co-ordinating Lead Author for its chapter on ‘Climate scenario
development’ for its Third Assessment Report and a contributing author
of several other chapters.
Hulme’s depiction of IPCC’s
exaggeration of the number of scientists who backed its claim about
man-made climate change can be found on pages 10 and 11 of his paper,
found here.
Hulme has always been a bit of a puzzle. Although sitting at the
centre of Warmism, he has long sounded a very reluctant Warmist. And
his latest paper is a very scholarly one revealing a wide knowledge of
the relevant literature -- and since knowledge of the relevant facts is a
very good antidote to Warmism, one can see where the reluctance is
coming from.
2). A curious feature of the paper is his use of
Marxist language. He speaks of "producing knowledge" rather than
"establishing the facts", for instance.
3). A more amusing
feature of his paper is the deference he shows towards social scientists
who claim that the IPCC doesn't pay much attention to them. What
credibility the IPCC has depends very much on its pretensions to
promulgating good physical science. If it included rantings from
sociologists and their ilk it would stand out like dog's balls what a
Leftist madhouse it was. One would have thought that Hulme would have
known that and acknowledged it. I personally hope that the next IPCC
report DOES include lots of input from social scientists. That would
make it a very easy target indeed -- particularly for me, given my
social science background.
4). My synthesis of the 3 points
above is that Hulme is a very smart man who not only knows the truth but
also knows on what side his bread is buttered and also is good at
hedging his bets. He keeps on side with everyone, including Marxists
and sociologists (but I repeat myself) while still telling enough of the
truth to survive the forthcoming collapse of the Church of Climate
change with some honour intact. Two quotes from Hulme below which echo
what unbelievers have been saying for a long time.
(2008) examined 13,000 cited references in Working Groups 2 and 3 of
IPCC AR4 for evidence of work related to the `futures' community - work
either published in core futures journals or by known futures experts.
His argument was that for an assessment which is so heavily
futures-oriented, the inclusion of futures research in the 2007 Fourth
Assessment was depressingly thin; the IPCC would benefit from assessing
research from a community which specialises in `the philosophical and
methodological aspects of prediction and forecasting'
such as `2,500 of the world's leading scientists have reached a
consensus that human activities are having a significant influence on
the climate' are disingenuous. That particular consensus judgement, as
are many others in the IPCC reports, is reached by only a few dozen
experts in the specific field of detection and attribution studies;
other IPCC authors are experts in other fields
-- JR
More crooked Warmist statistics: Butterflies are NOT emerging earlier
Comment on Kearney et al., 2010 by Marc Hendrickx
have obtained the same data used in this study as Kearney et al. and am
unable to confirm the results for the historical observation data. I
count 239 observations made in Oct-Dec from 1942 to 2009. The annual
data show a wide range of earliest observation dates (Figure 1), and at
face value the use of 5 year or 10 year averages appears to be a
convenient statistical method that hides the very wide spread of
observation dates.
Applying a linear regression to a graph of
the earliest observation date for each year indicates a trend of -0.7
days per decade. However, with an R2 of 0.0091 the trend has no
statistical significance. Based on a 10 year average of earliest
observance dates, Kearney et al., 2010 claim -1.5 days per decade with
R2 of 0.766. This is an artifact of averaging the dataset, and
misrepresents the wide spread of observation dates and resulting
uncertainty in trends.
Regardless of any trend noted, there
remains a major problem using this "opportunistic" data as a proxy for
emergence. This has been poorly discussed in the paper and requires
further comment. Indeed the caption for Figure 1a is incorrect and
misleading. The graph is in fact a measure of earliest "observance"
times, not emergence. This should be amended here and elsewhere in the
paper (eg Abstract).
Using this "opportunistic" data to
establish emergence is like dating a volcanic eruption based on
collection dates of samples housed in a museum. The historical trends
identified simply reflect variation in the time collectors have ventured
out to observe and collect butterflies. The databases in question do
not record a single observation of natural emergence of H.Merope. Indeed
no work has been published that records natural emergence times for the
butterfly concerned.
In order to establish a change in
emergence, the authors should actually be observing emergence. The proxy
used is simply not close enough. I understand this is difficult because
the "bugs" are small and difficult to observe under natural conditions.
There remains considerable temporal bias in the data, with over
50% of total observations post dating 1990. There is also a
considerable bias in observation locations, with the vast majority
collected in Melbourne's east and none in the vicinity of Laverton, the
weather station that was used to characterise temperature change over
the whole of the study area (Figure 2).
The other issue relates
to the use of this Laverton weather station to characterise temperature
over the very large and geographically diverse study area, amounting to
approximately 12,000km2 (37.60-38.54 S, 144.17-145.48 E). The paper does
not mention well documented Urban Heat Island effects over Melbourne
that encompasses Laverton that have clearly affected temperature at this
station over the period of study (see Morri and Simmonds, 2000 and
Torok et al., 2001).
Close examination of other stations in the
study area shows a wide variety of temperature trends (Figure 2). It
seems the authors have chosen one station that favours their theory
without adequately explaining why others should be rejected. The choice
of Laverton with its inherent problems of Urban Heat Island effects are
not sufficiently explained.
Trends for other stations (eg
Durdidwarrah) fall well within the limits of natural temperature change
indicated by Kearney's Figure 1d and provide an indication that observed
temperature trends over parts of the study area can be adequately
explained by natural factors without recourse to warming through
increased green house gases.
Based on these points, I believe that the authors' conclusions remain unsupported by the data presented.
In addition, there is apparently an error in the discussion section where the trend from the previous version (-1.6) is used.
Michael R., Natalie J. Briscoe, David J. Karoly, Warren P. Porter,
Melanie Norgate, and Paul Sunnucks. "Early emergence in a butterfly
causally linked to anthropogenic warming" Biol. Lett. published online
before print March 17, 2010
Morris C.J.G and Simmonds I., 2000.
Associations between varying magnitudes of the urban heat island and the
synoptic climatology in Melbourne, Australia. International Journal of
Climatology 20: 1931-1954.
Torok S.J, Morris C.J.G., Skinner C.
and Plummer N., 2001. Urban Heat Island features of southeast Australian
towns. Australian Meteorological Journal 50:1-13.
Crok of the Netherlands had an interesting exchange with the
Netherlands-based InterAcademy Council this week – see his blog post
Noticing that the InterAcademy Council’s IPCC Review was
holding hearings in Montreal and that presenters were being imported
from Europe (e.g. Robert Watson, Hans von Storch), Marcel wrote to the
IAC at 4 pm on Thursday June 10 (see here for full letter):
Given the fact that the meeting is in Montreal and that both
McIntyre and McKitrick live relatively close from there (compared to
Watson and Von Storch for example), this means that the IAC Panel has
decided deliberately not to seek evidence from them.
screams for an explanation in my opinion. A clear explanation from the
IAC Panel about this decision would therefore be highly appreciated.
Kearney, titled as Spokeperson for InterAcademy Council Review of IPCC,
Amsterdam, and Director of Media Relations, U.S. National Academy of
Sciences, Washington, D.C. wrote back to Marcel at 6:52 pm Friday June
11 (00:52 a.m. Saturday June 12 Dutch time) saying that members of the
panel were interviewing
“dozens of scientists and other
stakeholders with insight and views on the IPCC process, such as
Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick” as follows:
Given that
the InterAcademy Council committee reviewing IPCC processes and
procedures expects to deliver a peer-reviewed report by Aug. 30, it has
limited time for presentations at its public meetings and therefore has
chosen speakers who are current leaders of IPCC or who can offer
representative and varying perspectives of IPCC processes based on prior
IPCC experience.
Meanwhile, members of the committee are
interviewing dozens of scientists and other stakeholders with insight
and views on the IPCC process, such as Stephen McIntyre and Ross
McKitrick. A questionnaire also has been sent to hundreds of scientists
and stakeholders, and posted to our website so the public has an
opportunity to offer input. The presentations, interviews, and answers
to questionnaire all will be taken into consideration as part of the
committee’s review.
“Interviewing dozens of scientists
and other stakeholders with insight and views on the IPCC process, such
as Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick”.
In fact, neither Ross
nor I have been interviewed by them nor have we been approached by
anyone from the InterAcademy review as to our availability for an
interview – something that might have been easily arranged while members
were in Canada. One really wonders why organizations like this make
untrue statements, when they are certain to be checked.
InterAcademy Council did something else that was, shall we say, a bit
sly. When Marcel wrote to them on Thursday, not only had we not been
included in the “dozens” to be interviewed, we had not even been
included in the “hundreds” to whom questionnaires had been sent.
4:53 pm Eastern June 11, they sent me the standard questionnaire. An
hour or so later, they emailed Marcel, saying that they were
“interviewing dozens of scientists and other stakeholders with insight
and views on the IPCC process, such as Stephen McIntyre and Ross
The email enclosing the questionnaire began:
The InterAcademy Council has established a committee to conduct an
independent review of the policies and procedures of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). A critical element of
the committee’s analysis is the opinions of knowledgeable experts and
thoughtful observers regarding IPCC’s processes and procedures for
producing assessments. Only a few such individuals can interact with the
committee at each meeting. Consequently, the committee has carefully
selected a limited number of thoughtful individuals to provide written
comments. On behalf of the committee chair, Harold Shapiro, and
vice-chair, Roseanne Diab, I would like to invite you to respond to the
questions below.
They told Marcel that the questionnaire
had been sent to “hundreds” of scientists, but their email to me told
me that “the committee has carefully selected a limited number of
thoughtful individuals” and that I was fortunate enough to be chosen. It
must have been a lucky day for me as I got several emails from people
in Africa telling me that they had also carefully selected me as their
beneficiary. If all of these careful selections prove out, it will have
been a good day.
Prof. Bellamy joins march against British wind farm
of protesters were joined by conservationist David Bellamy on Saturday
in a march against a proposed wind farm. Campaigners said about 350
people took part in the protest through an area of the Lammermuir Hills
in the Scottish Borders, where 48 turbines could be built. The Say No
To Fallago group argues that unspoiled countryside will be threatened by
the construction.
Developers insist the area is remote and would
enjoy access to a nearby power line - and accused Bellamy, who is a
professor of adult and continuing education at Durham University and a
special professor of botany at Nottingham Unviersity, of being
"discredited" for his views on climate change.
A formal decision on the application is due from a second public inquiry.
a statement, Professor Bellamy said: "The outcome of the public inquiry
into this wind farm application will be a watershed moment. "If it is
approved, the Scottish Government will be declaring open war on
Scotland's countryside - no landscape will be safe from
industrialisation by these high rise wind machines."
spokesman Mark Rowley said: "We have really touched a nerve and we feel
that those who cherish the importance of Scotland's rural landscapes are
behind us."
Andrew Shaw, managing director of developer North
British Wind Power, said just six houses are within about three miles
(4.8km) of the site. He added: "The site is also crossed by a massive
power line which inevitably involves degradation of the area. But it
also means the wind farm could be connected to the grid."
Mr Shaw
said "posturing" from protesters should not be allowed to cloud the
decision of the public inquiry. And he criticised Prof Bellamy's
involvement, adding: "He was discredited by many in the scientific
community a long time ago."
No sign of global warming on Australia's ski fields
Quite to the contrary. The slopes are open unusually early
ski-fields have enjoyed the best opening of the season in years, the
resorts say, with enough snow and selected lifts operating for revellers
to take to the slopes on skis and boards.
Snow began falling on
the mountain resorts of Mount Buller and Mount Hotham in the past week,
and both have bolstered coverage with man-made snow.
The sun was shining, the sky blue and the air crisp and dry at both resorts yesterday.
the first time on the Queen's birthday opening weekend since 2003,
three of the 13 ski lifts at Hotham were operating and three runs were
open: Summit Trainer, Playground and the Big D, said resort spokeswoman
Gina Woodward. "It hasn't got warmer than minus 3 for at least the last
week," she said. "That's pretty cold for Australia - there's no sign of
climate change around here right now."
Skiers had an average of
13 centimetres of snow under their skis on the runs. "Last night it
dropped down to minus 6.3 and we made another 15,000 cubic metres of
snow," Ms Woodward said. "Things are looking good for the coming weeks."
Mount Buller, people were skiing on this opening weekend for the first
time since 2007, said Buller Ski Lifts spokeswoman Rhylla Morgan. Snow
depth ranged from 18 to 45 centimetres. Four of the 22 lifts were
operating, with Bourke Street, Baldy and Shaky Knees runs open.
been an absolutely amazing opening weekend … the mountain looks
absolutely spectacular," Ms Morgan said. "We started grooming [the
slopes] a few days ago. This morning, when the sun came up, the runs
were completely smooth and looked like carpet."
Ms Rhyll said the
temperature was expected to peak at about 3 degrees yesterday, and was
expected to drop to about -5 or -6 overnight, which was ideal for making
snow. "We had about 15 centimetres of natural snowfall just before the
weekend," she said. "We have prime conditions for making snow … to give
Mother Nature a hand. "To have this much of the mountain open and
people skiing on the opening weekend is cause for celebration."
10,000 people were venturing to Mount Buller for the opening weekend,
and in their hundreds to Mount Hotham, according to official estimates.
THEORY: The reason the Obama Administration
is not allowing flyovers or proper reporting on the Gulf Spill is that
it’s MUCH MUCH MUCH worse than the government is letting on
don't entirely buy this theory at this stage but I do find hard to
understand a lot of what Obama has done and said. If only America still
had an oil-man as President! -- JR
Let us prove or disprove
this theory, as speculated on this site, The Oil Drum, that the reason
the Obama Administration is employing draconian tactics to hamper full
reporting and visual images of the Gulf Spill Disaster is that it’s a
MUCH, MUCH, MUCH worse problem than the government is letting on.
So far, the mystery’s involved:
(1) maintaining a no-fly zone over the spill
(2) preventing reporters from getting close to the spill
(3) using military at Grand Isle, Louisiana under tight security lockdown…for SOMETHING
(4) warehouses full of oil containing boom that aren’t being used
the refusal to act on any of the plans Governors Jindal, Barbour and
others have been trying to get the federal government to focus on
feels like the Oil Drum piece might be on to something, in that they
speculate the oil’s not leaking from the Deepwater Horizon shaft, but
instead it’s leaking up from the sea floor itself… and that the oil’s
somehow coming up not from a hole that can be plugged, but from a gash
in the seabed that can’t be fixed.
If this is true, then BP is
not to blame for what’s happening, as much as Obama wants to pin
everything on this one British company to destroy it (and all the
British pensions that are linked to its stock).
If this is true,
then it’s a disaster only a demigod can avert and contain. Thank
goodness all that Hope and Change from 2008 installed just such a
Lightbringer with the power to lower the oceans and heal broken souls…
and, we assume based on his own proclamations of godlike wonder, repair
the sea floor.
Read what they’re saying over at Oil Drum, then
come back here and let’s see how deep we can all dig into this… and see
if the theory proves true that the reason the Obama White House is not
acting in this matter is because they know there is nothing they can do
to stop this, and aren’t yet prepared to announce the real scope of the
problem at hand.
recent months, global warming alarmists have lamented that they need to
do a better job communicating to the public. Apparently, they have
found their voice in: argumentum ad hominem. Naomi Oreskes and Erik
Conway have authored a new book titled “Merchants of Doubt.” TWTW will
reserve specific comments on the book until later. For now, it is
sufficient to discuss the review of this book, and eight others from the
alarmist chorus, by Philip Kitcher, Department of Philosophy at
Columbia University, as published in Science Magazine. One quote from
the book, used in the review, provides an adequate summary:
are many reasons why the United States has failed to act on global
warming, but at least one is the confusion raised by Bill Nierenberg,
Fred Seitz, and Fred Singer.”
Governments have spent tens of
billions of dollars on global warming alarmism. The environmental
industry has spent hundreds of millions touting it. Yet, these three
gentlemen are singled out as a principal reason for the derailment of
the global warming express. Their powers of persuasion must be
Throughout his review, the good Professor of
Philosophy fails to differentiate between Medieval science, when
knowledge was believed to come from authority (expert opinion), and
modern, empirical science where knowledge comes from rigorous
application of the scientific method – with all relevant physical
evidence considered. He considers expert opinion satisfactory.
Professor states that the issue may be too complex for many to
understand. That argument would, of course, apply to both sides. But
complexity is not a sufficient reason to accept the views of those who
claim to be authorities, yet ignore the physical evidence contradicting
their views.
Thursday by a 53 to 47 vote, the US Senate defeated a proposal to
remove from EPA the power to regulate carbon dioxide. Perhaps the length
of the bill was confusing. After passing legislation ranging over 1,000
pages long without reading it, senators may have been perplexed by a
simple bill which had a published length of eight lines.
dire, false claims from the environmental industry were predictable.
Comments by some senators were equally absurd. Senator Barbara Boxer (D.
California) declared voting for the bill was equivalent to repealing
the laws of gravity.
The Kerry-Lieberman cap and tax bill is in
difficulty because it has provisions for off-shore drilling – which,
thanks to the BP spill, is in great disfavor. Proponents of cap and tax
are now endeavoring to produce another bill without off-shore drilling.
BP oil spill continues to illustrate the inability of the Federal
Government to work effectively with BP and local governments to contain
the damage from the spill. EPA’s erratic actions concerning use of
chemical dispersants were presented last week. According to reports, EPA
also objected to the proposal from Governor Jindal of Louisiana to
build berms to protect the coastal wetlands and shorelines. The berms
would have openings, thus would not be 100% effective. Apparently, EPA’s
thinking is that a break in the berm is similar to a breach in the dyke
– a small breach will flood the entire area – and did not consider the
possibility of partial protection from a berm.
Upon request from
the administration, seven members of the National Academy of Engineering
made recommendations on drilling in light of the BP disaster. According
to their statements, the engineers recommended that new deep-water
drilling permits be suspended for six months and a temporary pause in
drilling be implemented for already-permitted deep-water wells so that
additional testing can be done. The administration claimed the engineers
recommended a six month moratorium on all such drilling which they did
not. Fortunately, the engineers stood up to this distortion.
week’s TWTW referenced articles on NASA-GISS predicting that 2010 may
become the hottest year on record, surpassing its surface record
established in 1995. On his web site, Roy Spencer reports that the May
satellite data indicates a temperature of 0.53 degrees C above the
satellite norm and temperatures, thus far for 2010, are slightly less
than the satellite record established in 1998. The Hadley Center did not
agree with NASA-GISS in its projections of surface temperatures for
2010, but stated NASA-GISS extrapolates Arctic temperatures where Hadley
Center does not.
The comments prompted a visit to the Danish
Meteorological Institute web site which posts daily mean temperature
measurements above the 80th parallel. See here.
Up to the last few weeks, the daily mean temperatures were generally
above the mean values calculated for the period 1958 to 2002. The
calculated mean values range from about 243 degrees K to 275 degrees K,
or slightly above freezing at 273.15 degrees K (0 degrees C).
is interesting is reviewing the graphs of the data over the previous
years. In the winter, the measured temperatures frequently varied from
the mean values by ten degrees or more. In the spring and fall, measured
temperatures frequently varied from the mean values, but by a lesser
extent. But the measured temperatures for the approximately 70 days of
summer, when temperatures were above freezing, were strikingly
consistent, showing little variation from the calculated mean,
throughout the entire 51 year period covered.
It will be interesting to compare these measurements with NASA-GISS extrapolations in the upcoming summer.
wondered how the whole planet could suddenly “get warmer” during an El
Nino, and then suddenly cool again? William Kininmonth has the answer.
As I read his words I’m picturing a major pool of stored “coldness”
(bear with me, I know cold is just a lack of heat) which is periodically
unleashed on the surface temperatures.
The vast deep ocean
abyss is filled with salty and near freezing water. In years where this
colder pool is kept in place we have El Ninos, and on years when the
colder water rises and mixes up near the surface we have La Ninas. The
satellites recording temperatures at the surface of the ocean are
picking up the warmth (or lack of) on this top-most layer. That’s why it
can be bitterly cold for land thermometers but at the same time the
satellites are recording a higher world average temperature, due to the
massive area of the Pacific.
In other words, just as you’d
expect, the actual temperature of the whole planetary mass is not rising
and falling within months, instead, at times the oceans swallow the
heat on the surface and give up some “coldness”. At other times, the
cold stays buried deep down and the heat can collect and loll about on
the surface.
William Kininmonth was chief of Australia’s National
Climate Centre at the Bureau of Meteorology from 1986 to 1998. Below,
he describes how a vast pool of cold water filled the deep ocean abyss
over 30 million years, and why this water and the currents that shift it
have a major impact our climate. The so-called Bottom Layer is not just
pockets or pools, it forms around Antarctica, then sinks and flows
along the bottom all the way across the equator and into the Northern
Hemisphere. Bear in mind the average depth of the ocean is around 4
kilometers, and yet almost all the water below a depth of 1000 m is
around 4°C or colder.
The Antarctic Bottom Water itself is
close to 0°C. The equivalent heat energy of the entire atmosphere is
stored in just the top few meters of water. It gives us all some
perspective on the relative importance of different factors affecting
the climate. His thoughts are in response to the latest debate essay
from Dr Andrew Glikson, so the figures 1 and 2 come from that article.
points out that small changes in the rate of the Thermohaline
Circulation (also known as the Ocean’s Conveyor Belt) makes a huge
difference to all corners of the globe, and that the climate models make
large assumptions about the flow of energy. Since the cold bottom layer
was created by a kind of “Antarctic Refridgerator” (set into play by
the circumpolar current) this colossal cold pool of water will
presumably hang around until the continents shift. That’s quite a few
election cycles.
A 2000-Year History of Climate Change in Alaska reveals a Medieval warm period there too
claim (without proof) that the Medieval warm period was a local North
Atlantic phenomenon. Alaska, however is in a very different climate
zone from the North Atlantic. It is in fact in the Pacific, funnily
We have heard a lot of late about Alaska and other
parts of the Arctic experiencing temperatures that are without precedent
over the last one to two millennia, along with all sorts of calls for
the United States to repent (of its usage of fossil fuels) and thereby
return the climate of the planet back to what it was like before the
Great Flood (of CO2 into the atmosphere). But are we really that
powerful, in terms of what some people claim we have done to earth's
climate in the past and what they say we can do about it in the future?
an important study that appeared a few years ago in the Proceedings of
the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Hu et al. (2001) addressed this
question by noting that "knowledge of natural climatic variability is
essential for evaluating possible human impacts on recent and future
climate changes." Hence, as they continue, they say they "conducted
multiproxy geochemical analyses of a sediment core from Farewell Lake in
the northwestern foothills of the Alaska Range," obtaining what they
describe as "the first high-resolution quantitative record of Alaskan
climate variations that spans the last two millennia." So what did they
The team of five scientists say their results "suggest
that at Farewell Lake SWT [surface water temperature] was as warm as the
present at AD 0-300 [during the Roman Warm Period], after which it
decreased steadily by ~3.5°C to reach a minimum at AD 600 [during the
depths of the Dark Ages Cold Period]." From that point in time, they
say "SWT increased by ~3.0°C during the period AD 600-850 and then
[during the Medieval Warm Period] exhibited fluctuations of 0.5-1.0°C
until AD 1200." Completing their narrative, they say that "between AD
1200-1700, SWT decreased gradually by 1.25°C [as the world descended
into the depths of the Little Ice Age], and from AD 1700 to the present,
SWT increased by 1.75C," the latter portion of which warming initiated
the Modern Warm Period.
In commenting on these findings, Hu et
al. remark that "the warmth before AD 300 at Farewell Lake coincides
with a warm episode extensively documented in northern Europe -- whereas
the AD 600 cooling is coeval with the European 'Dark Ages'." They also
say that "the relatively warm climate AD 850-1200 at Farewell Lake
corresponds to the Medieval Climatic Anomaly, a time of marked climatic
departure over much of the planet." And they say that "these concurrent
changes suggest large-scale teleconnections in natural climatic
variability during the last two millennia, likely driven by atmospheric
Noting that "20th-century climate is a major societal
concern in the context of greenhouse warming," Hu et al. conclude by
reiterating that their record "reveals three time intervals of
comparable warmth: AD 0-300, 850-1200, and post-1800," and they say that
"these data agree with tree-ring evidence from Fennoscandia, indicating
that the recent warmth is not atypical of the past 1000 years," in
unmistakable contradiction of those who claim that it is.
great importance of these observations resides in the fact that they
testify to the reality of the non-CO2-induced millennial-scale
oscillation of climate [see Climate Oscillations (Millennial
Variability) in our Subject Index] that brought the world, including
Alaska, significant periods of warmth comparable to, or in some cases
actually greater than, that of the present some 1000 years ago, during
the Medieval Warm Period, and some 1000 years before that, during the
Roman Warm Period. These earlier periods of warmth were unquestionably
not caused by elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (which were 100
ppm less during those periods than they are today), nor were they due to
elevated concentrations of any other greenhouse gases; they were
manifestly due to something else, which fact makes it very clear that
the warmth of today could be due to that same "something else" as well.
rant and rave, as climate alarmists do, about what's been happening in
Alaska and other parts of the Arctic over the past few decades and
claim, without reservation, that it is the result of CO2-induced global
warming is unconscionable, especially when hard scientific evidence such
as that provided by Hu et al. - and many others (see our Subject Index
for much, much more) - has been around for years. It is clearly not
science that is fueling the fervor for fossil fuel abandonment, it is
politics, pure and simple -- or perhaps we should say politics not so
pure and not so simple.
Senate just claimed the title of the world's most delusional body by
refusing to strip unelected EPA bureaucrats of the power to regulate
carbon dioxide as a pollutant. This was the day freedom died.
wonders why we have a Congress at all. The 53 profiles in cowardice
that could not get a cap-and-tax bill through the U.S. Senate voted
Thursday to let the Environmental Protection Agency keep the
unprecedented power Congress did not expressly give it. It is power that
the EPA arrogated to itself through regulation to control every aspect
of the American economy and our very lives.
This country was born
over anger at taxation without representation. Regulation without
representation may spark another revolt come November. The Tea Party
movement began precisely because of such arrogant disregard for the
wishes of the American people. Unlike health care reform, this time the
cowardly lions of the Senate couldn't even do it themselves and ceded
their authority to the EPA.
It was only a motion to proceed to
consideration of Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski's resolution (S.J. Res. 26)
which, under a forgotten provision of the Contract With America, lets
legislators veto a "major rule" by any regulatory agency within 60 days
of publication. It needed just 51 votes; it got 47.
All 41
Republicans, including newbie Scott Brown of Massachusetts, voted not to
shred the Constitution. The motion attracted, for various reasons, the
votes of six Democrats — Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln, Ben Nelson,
Mark Pryor, the departing Evan Bayh and even Jay Rockefeller, who for
once chose jobs over ideology.
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin
accused the Republicans of choosing "political science over the real
science," even after the EPA's junk science based on the manipulation of
data by the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has been
exposed as a manufactured fraud.
The case for climate change has
collapsed — a fact recognized, finally, by Republican Sen. Lindsey
Graham, who, with Democrat John Kerry and independent Joseph Lieberman,
once hoped to work out some kind of compromise legislation with a token
nod to domestic energy production.
Last week, Graham told
reporters he would vote against the climate bill he helped author. "The
science about global warming has changed," Graham told reporters
Wednesday on why he was backing an energy bill by Sen. Dick Lugar. "I
think they've oversold this stuff, quite frankly. I think they've been
alarmist and the science is in question."
Hardly a profile in
courage, since the legislation wasn't going anywhere, but welcome aboard
nonetheless. The science behind cap-and-trade is not only in question,
it's nonexistent. The Earth is demonstrably cooling, and the trend will
likely continue for decades, according to scientists who don't tamper
with the data.
So delusional are Senate Democrats that
California's Barbara Boxer, in trying to advance her own failed
cap-and-tax bill, said on the Senate floor: "I'm going to put in the
record ... a host of quotes from our national security experts who tell
us that carbon pollution leading to climate change will be over the next
20 years the leading cause of conflict, putting our troops in harm's
way." So, forget that Iranian nuke.
This is a Congress full of
hypocrites who complain about executive branch power under Republicans
but are willing to give the EPA unprecedented power because they don't
have the votes for cap-and-trade. "Who elected the Environmental
Protection Agency?" asked Wyoming Republican John Barrasso. It is a
question we, and the voters, ask too.
By Holger Krahmer (Holger Krahmer is a German Liberal and a member of the European Parliament's environment committee)
financial crisis and subsequent recession in the United States have
prompted some to begin calling for a completely new kind of economy.
This new economy would be based on environmental values, a so-called
"Green New Deal" to be ushered in by President Obama and leaders in
Europe. The plan includes cap-and-trade legislation, new spending on
"green" jobs, subsidies for favored firms and technologies, and trade
restrictions against out-of-favor products and industries.
United States is the world's most crucial economic engine, and before it
goes much further down this road, it might want to look at Europe's
experience with a similar deal. It has done little to help the
environment but much to harm consumers and the broader economy.
Europe, green ideas have been in fashion for two generations and have
driven policy to a much greater extent than in the United States.
Despite this, we have not witnessed a sizable green wave of new jobs, as
evidenced by our unemployment rates, which are routinely several
percentage points higher than in America.
The green movement has
succeeded in generating increased government spending and subsidies at
taxpayer expense. Much of this spending has been directed toward
inefficient renewable-energy projects, such as solar and wind power. In
my own country, these subsidies appease Germany's mighty pro-green
lobby, but they have done little to put downward pressure on
unemployment, and their contribution to Germany's overall energy mix is
Germany, like the United States, is a major industrial and
manufacturing powerhouse. It continues to rely on fossil fuels and will
do so for a long time to come. There is no escaping this fact, no
matter what the Green New Deal enthusiasts say.
To that end, it's
important that Washington not make some of the mistakes we in Europe
have made. Specifically, U.S. political and industry leaders should be
careful not to follow Europe's path of buckling under to "greenmail,"
which undermines sound policy and genuine sustainable economic growth.
is what has happened in Europe: Caving to pressure from alarmist
environmental groups, European companies such as Carrefour, Metro AG and
Unilever have elected to halt the purchase of certain food, industrial
and paper products from developing countries. The green groups claim
these products, made in Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America, harm
rain forests and other critical habitats.
However, several
reputable studies show that nothing could be further from the truth.
Instead, the global trade in goods created in these areas provides jobs
and incomes to those desperately in need of economic advancement. These
economic advances make environmental improvements in their home
countries possible. The irony is that by refusing to trade with
producers from these developing countries, European companies are making
the global environment worse, not better.
Consider the global
trade in paper products that are produced in Southeast Asia. This has
been one of the great economic success stories of the region, as
undeveloped countries such as Indonesia tap their environmental
resources - in this case, renewable forests - to create products for
exchange in global markets. The resulting pulp and paper industries
employ hundreds of thousands of people across Southeast Asia, giving
them good jobs and a chance to provide steady livelihoods for themselves
and their children. This has been crucial to establishing a middle
class and promising a better economic future for all in the region.
radical environmental groups, mostly based in Europe, claim that the
purchase of paper goods from these countries harms wild habitat. This is
untrue. Countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia have some of the
strongest wildlife and rain-forest protections in the world. They have
set large swatches of their land off-limits, out of the reach of
industrial interests. Their commitment to their own natural environments
far exceeds anything in Europe's own environmental history.
facts rarely stop green pressure groups once they fixate on a target.
The eco-activists pressure Western companies - via greenmail campaigns -
to stop purchasing these goods, thus harming the economic prospects of
Southeast Asia. The activists believe this is part of the larger Green
New Deal they are orchestrating. But it's a raw deal for the workers of
developing countries and the consumers of Europe and the United States.
And it does nothing to protect the environment.
Of course, this
fits well with the agenda of the environmental left, which wants to
limit consumer choice for wealthy Westerners and prevent the poor in
developing countries from kick-starting economic growth. For too long,
Europe has been complicit in perpetuating these deeply inhuman policies.
It will be an even greater economic and humanitarian shame if America
follows suit.
By Stanley W. Trimble (Stanley W. Trimble is professor of geography at UCLA)
must preface my remarks by saying that I believe that there has indeed
been climate warming over the past few decades and I believe that human
action may be one of the causes. While Climategate may bring into
greater question some of the work underlying climate warming, it
decidedly does not disprove it.
Having said that, I must add that
Climategate is, in my view, the greatest science scandal in my
lifetime. Beyond any scientific implications are the implications of the
behavior of the East Anglia scientists and their correspondents -
suppressing information, denigrating those who don’t agree with them,
trying to deny others access to scientific journals, questioning
motives, and conniving to disfellow skeptical colleagues. These are the
earmarks of zealotry. While maybe not illegal, they are most certainly
unethical. Civilized people, much less scientists, just don’t do those
things - but then, apparently they do.
Some time ago, I published a piece about the double standard in environmental science.
from experiences in my own specialty (soil erosion) the main message
was that it was much more difficult to publish a skeptical piece or
“good news” than a jeremiad. I said that I suspected that environmental
zealots, acting in the usual arrogant politically correct guise, tried
to suppress skeptics and even viciously discredit them when possible.
But my proof was limited to mainly circumstantial evidence and the
actions of a few environmental extremists; and there was no smoking gun
to expose a general conspiracy to do these unethical deeds. But with
Climategate, there is.
Indeed, Climategate seems to prove most of the points I made in that essay. I wish to make only five points here: 1.
The rush by some climate warmers to dismiss this scandal, claiming it’s
just vernacular conversation ("boys will be boys!"), is bankrupt. These
apologists need to get a grip on reality. This stuff was not taken out
of context: indeed, the context is quite clear. They were wrong and the
climate warming establishment should acknowledge this. And if they
don’t, we have every right to suspect they are in on it too.
Was East Anglia targeted by the hackers because they knew this
skullduggery was going on - or did the hackers simply tap into a random
sample of widespread skullduggery? If the latter, we truly have
something to worry about and it raises the stakes by perhaps orders of
magnitude. Is this merely the tip of a dark and dangerous iceberg?
Climategate leaves no doubt that at least some zealots connive to
exclude skeptical environmental science from refereed scientific
journals. Then, the ploy is to invoke democracy ("The overwhelming
majority of papers in peer-reviewed journals support..."). Where would
this have left Darwin or Einstein?
4. The environmental zealots
like to paint skeptics or “deniers” (or “denialists") as on the make for
money - money generally characterized as coming from, you guessed it,
“big corporations.” But even if that’s so, it’s the science that should
be on trial, not the funding. What we do know, and what many Greens
don’t want the public to know, is that some of them are riding their own
gravy train. Neither funding agencies nor scientific journals want to
hear about environmental successes. They want environmental problems,
the bigger, the better.
Of course, this means more money for
research, more likely publication of one’s papers in scientific journals
(bad news is good news), and the approbation of like-minded academic
colleagues. And with that, one’s career accelerates with lucrative
promotions, speaking tours, and prestigious awards. As I noted in my
aforementioned article, it’s no accident that prestigious journals keep
picking the same people to review papers and books and especially to
write op-ed
If the Science Is Solid, Why Stoop? An Environmental
Scientist Parses Climategate 55 pieces. They know what they want and the
revelations from Climategate show us why. To summarize, any academic
careerist is well advised to be an environmental zealot. That’s where
the rewards are. Skeptics are sidelined as soon as possible. It’s the
Greens who are getting the largesse, academic and otherwise, not the
5. As we can see from Climategate, climate warmers can
do some dastardly things to the scientific process and to scientific
colleagues. But the most despicable thing they do is to call skeptics
What they are doing, of course, is trying to connect
environmental skeptics with Holocaust deniers. If their science is so
solid, why must they stoop to such measures? And why hasn’t the rest of
the climate warming establishment condemned this and other vilification
tactics? I’m proud to be a skeptic. Skepticism, in my view, is the
watchword of good science. It is the process of challenging, perhaps
even if Hegelian, that keeps the scientific enterprise honest and moving
forward. The recent editorial by Donald Kennedy, then editor-in-chief
of Science, proclaiming that the climate war was over, that the
“warmers” had won and no one else need apply, is in my view a travesty -
and Orwellian. (Donald Kennedy, editorial, “Climate: Game Over,”
Science 317, issue 5387, July 27, 2007, 425-27.)
Any idea in applied science is always open to question. Period. (PDF) H/T PopularTechnology.
consumption of animal products is necessary to save the world from the
worst impacts of climate change, UN report says. To show my respect for
their wisdom, I am having roast lamb for my dinner today
global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from
hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change, a UN
report said today.
As the global population surges towards a
predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050, western tastes for diets rich in
meat and dairy products are unsustainable, says the report from United
Nations Environment Programme's (UNEP) international panel of
sustainable resource management.
It says: "Impacts from
agriculture are expected to increase substantially due to population
growth increasing consumption of animal products. Unlike fossil fuels,
it is difficult to look for alternatives: people have to eat. A
substantial reduction of impacts would only be possible with a
substantial worldwide diet change, away from animal products."
Edgar Hertwich, the lead author of the report, said: "Animal products
cause more damage than [producing] construction minerals such as sand or
cement, plastics or metals. Biomass and crops for animals are as
damaging as [burning] fossil fuels."
The recommendation follows
advice last year that a vegetarian diet was better for the planet from
Lord Nicholas Stern, former adviser to the Labour government on the
economics of climate change. Dr Rajendra Pachauri, chair of the UN's
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has also urged people
to observe one meat-free day a week to curb carbon emissions.
panel of experts ranked products, resources, economic activities and
transport according to their environmental impacts. Agriculture was on a
par with fossil fuel consumption because both rise rapidly with
increased economic growth, they said.
Ernst von Weizsaecker, an
environmental scientist who co-chaired the panel, said: "Rising
affluence is triggering a shift in diets towards meat and dairy products
- livestock now consumes much of the world's crops and by inference a
great deal of freshwater, fertilisers and pesticides."....
Ten Myths of Addressing Global Warming and the Green Economy
debate on policy responses to climate change is fueled by an array of
myths, ranging from assumptions that high carbon taxes will generate
needed clean innovations to the belief the U.S. is the natural leader in
the clean energy sector. If we are to effectively address climate
change while at the same time become globally competitive in the clean
energy industry, policies need to be guided by careful and reasoned
In the report ITIF dismantles the top ten myths in the debate, which are:
1. Higher prices on greenhouse gases are enough to drive the transition to a clean economy
2. The U.S. can make major contributions to solving climate change on its own
3. Cap-and-trade is a sustainable global solution
4. We don’t need innovation; we have all the technology we need
5. “Insulation is enough” (e.g. energy efficiency will save us)
6. Low growth is the answer…just live simply
7. Information technology (IT) is a significant contributor to climate change
8. Going green is green (e.g., it makes economic sense to go green)
9. We are world leaders on the green economy, and it’s ours for the taking
10. Foreign green mercantilism is good for solving climate change (and good for the U.S.)
It's rare for a climate debate not to descend into acrimony, but I attended one last week that didn't.
one pitted against each other the sociologist and New Labour
philosopher king Anthony 'Third Way' Giddens, former director of the
London School of Economics, and former Chancellor Lord Nigel Lawson.
Giddens was speaking at the invitation of Lawson's new climate policy
think tank. This doesn't have a collective view and won't challenge the
"science" and so won't be boxed in by the "skeptic" label, which it
rejects - but wants to provide a focus for some analysis of the policy.
it was very well timed, because the public debate is in a kind of
paralysis. During the election, the issue was almost completely absent,
while in the debates, it merited one question, prompting identical
pledges of self-sacrifice from the three party leaders.
the political elite is almost entirely signed up to mitigation policies,
the reality is that they can't introduce them, because it means
electoral suicide. Mitigation entails a world of pain - with jobs lost,
higher energy costs and a lower standard of living. This appeals to a
few puritans - the kind of people who mourned the end of rationing,
perhaps - but not the general public. So we've seen Australia drop its
emissions trading scheme, and in the US, the only Republican backer of a
climate bill change sides.
Benny Peiser, director of the Global
Warming Policy Foundation, suggests another reason for the lack of
momentum. Up until about two years ago, he points out, environment
ministers would regularly meet at global conferences, and make grand
proclamations. They set the policy. But since then, finance ministers
and prime ministers and presidents have taken control of the policy, and
they've done the maths. So what pledges politicians continue to make,
are ever more meaningless.
A recent poll here failed to show an
increase in the number of self-described "skeptics", but agnosticism and
indifference rule. Which, when you think about it, is a very pragmatic
and typically English response to religious or political ideologues.
The debate
First their positions, in a nutshell, then their responses to an interesting set of challenges from the audience.
said "the science" showed humans were wreaking terrible havoc on
natural systems, that this science was robust, and the science also had a
clear policy message: we must change our ways. "We're interfering in
the climate in a radical and irreversible way ... We must take action
now," he said. But Giddens had a Plan B. He added that even if all this
was mistaken, oil prices would rise in the future, and energy
conservation and "energy security" were key policy areas. These provided
alternative justifications for his desired policies, which were pretty
much the same either way.
Lawson said the science was anything
but robust ("It's more uncertain the more you look"), but that didn't
matter so much as choosing the right policy responses. For Lawson,
efforts to reduce CO2 emissions were all futile gestures - they wouldn't
work, and they'd only end up costing us dearly. That's because China
and India will not halt economic development, which for now, is largely
dependent on abundant and cheap fossil fuels. He described the UK
Climate Change Act, which commits the UK to tough reduction targets, as a
piece of "post-Imperial arrogance." "CND [Campaign for Nuclear
Disarmament] was a more intelligent form of unilateralism than carbon
unilateralism," said Lawson.
You can see the weaknesses. For
Giddens, the scientific elite makes the policy: and the One True Policy
is to stop emitting carbon now! But the science doesn't really favour
any policy - that will be for us to decide democratically, presumably
after we've weighed up the costs and risks of all the policies.
in radical and irreversible anthropogenic climate change like Giddens
view Lawson's adaptation-first argument as reckless and insane, and
probably morally negligent, too - although if Giddens holds this view,
he was too polite to express it here. But the adaptationists' argument
is based on the premise that future generations will be wealthier than
we are, so the costs of adapting will be lower as each year passes.
is winning, and it's gained some surprising support recently - even
from some academics who raised the climate alarm in the first place, in
the Hartwell Paper.
So I could sense some hedging of bets.
Giddens said the value of adaptation policies had been underestimated,
and he was surprisingly wary of many of the environmentalists' emblems -
particularly wind power. At the same time, he had a hunch that things
would be far worse than predicted, based on the idea that the IPCC was a
bureaucratic process that needed to compromise, and tended to play down
the scariest scenarios.
Lawson chuckled and disagreed, pointing
out that the IPCC had ceased being an independent body and become a
political one: its goal was causing governments to change policies. He
recommended that after the next climate jamboree in Cancun in December
the coalition government take a completely fresh look and rethink its
Both found the energy choices being made today unrealistic. "Wind power would only ever be marginal," agreed Giddens.
was typically dismissive of the LibDems' position - that nuclear power
must receive no subsidy, but that wind power would be allowed "massive
and exorbitant subsidies … it's a curious prejudice that leads to this
doctrine". Wind power is really as carbon intensive as anything
conventional, because it needs fossil fuels as a backup for when the
wind doesn't blow - a point Giddens acknowledged. Lawson pointed out the
pioneers of wind power had all stopped: Denmark, Spain and now Germany -
as all had to admit it didn't make sense. Giddens sort of agreed:
knock-on effects were complicated, but wind had not paid back the
investment. There was a net cost to the German economy". Giddens thought
money would be better spent researching other areas - such as energy
storage. Lawson agreed - it had been almost thirty years since he'd been
energy minister, and there had been no progress in energy storage since
In response to the concerns raised by retired engineer
Bill McAuley, editor of Imperial Engineer, Lawson regretted that the
carbon obsession was crowding out other research, even environmental
research. Lawson told the story of a researcher who wanted to look into
the issue of toxic waste, but was told he wouldn't get funding unless he
could find a connection to climate change. Of course, there was no
connection, and he didn't get his funding. Additional concerns were
raised about the costs for industry and business. These rarely get a
look-in on mainstream environmental coverage.
An environmental
lawyer rose to his feet and attempted a grand summing up. Couldn't we
all conclude, he claimed, that everyone agreed on one thing: that we all
had to lower carbon consumption, and without pausing for punctuation,
he continued that we would then need global legislation to enforce this,
and "international courts" too.
Imagine - a lawyer calling for
international eco-courts. Think of the air miles for environmental
lawyers! That's what you call chutzpah, and you don't really pull one
like this over on Nigel Lawson. He thanked the lawyer for his creative
interpretation, but said it didn't reflect his position at all.
And all too soon, the debate had to end.
thought that occurred to me, listening to the mitigation vs adaptation
argument, was much how the label "denier" betrays an almost
existentialist fear. The adaptationists' argument is powerful precisely
because it illuminates a fatal weakness in the approach that
environmentalists had adopted throughout the past 15 years, and which
until recently. had been so successful. The Achilles heel is the
presumption that "the science" dictates "the policy", and we must all
accept their (mitigation) policies without question.
is a very well-aimed bullet indeed: if you shoot the "scientific" case,
or merely question the logic, then the whole cut-carbon mitigation
strategy loses its justification. And it isn't just the specific
policies but perhaps an entire belief system and world view that dies
with it.
By eminent young (41) Dutch economist, Richard Tol
has been said about the procedures of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change. But at the end of the day, everything comes down to
people. The average IPCC author is smart enough to violate the spirit of
any rule while complying with its every letter. The right group of
people would produce a sound and honest report even if there were no
rules at all.
That is why my submission to the review panel of
the Inter Academy Council focuses on the selection of lead authors. The
panel will announce its findings at the end of summer – and the IPCC
will announce the authors for the Fifth Assessment Report next week.
is very unfortunate. I think that the IPCC should suspend the AR5
process, fix the procedures for nominating and selecting authors, and
postpone the report to 2015. I’d rather bet on New Zealand winning the
world cup.
That said, the leaders of Working Group 2 are making
an effort. I have been critical of the IPCC. I think that climate change
is real, really caused by humans, and a problem that should be solved –
but I also think that there are bigger, more urgent environmental
problems (let alone other problems) and that the policies put forward by
our dear leaders are ineffective, misdirected and needlessly expensive.
Nonetheless, WG2 has put me forward as a convening lead author of one
of the chapters in AR5.
I tentatively accepted, knowing that this would be a lot of difficult work under immense scrutiny.
what? Although the Irish government nominated me, it will not
financially support my participation – not even travel costs – because
of … substantive differences over environmental policy.
I posted about how the UN TEEB report had an error in the very first
chapter relating to forest cover. There are two more errors I'll cover
now, relating to two more items on this scary list:
However, the
levels of many of the benefits we derive from the environment have
plunged over the past 50 years as biodiversity has fallen dramatically
across the globe. Here are some examples:
• In
the last 300 years, the global forest area has shrunk by approximately
40%. Forests have completely disappeared in 25 countries, and another
29 countries have lost more than 90% of their forest cover. The
decline continues (FAO 2001; 2006).
• Since 1900, the world
has lost about 50% of its wetlands. While much of this occurred in
northern countries during the first 50 years of the 20th century,
there has been increasing pressure since the 1950s for conversion
of tropical and sub-tropical wetlands to alternative land use (Moser
et al. 1996).
• Some 30%of coral reefs – which frequently
have even higher levels of biodiversity than tropical forests – have
been seriously damaged through fishing, pollution, disease and
coral bleaching (Wilkinson 2004).
• In the past two decades,
35% of mangroves have disappeared. Some countries have lost up to 80%
through conversion for aquaculture, overexploitation and storms
(Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005a).
• The
human-caused (anthropogenic) rate of species extinction is estimated to
be 1,000 times more rapid than the “natural” rate of extinction
typical of Earth’s long-term history (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Let's take the wetlands claim first.
Their reference for the 50% reduction claim is Moser et al. 1996,
referenced as: Moser, M., Prentice, C. and Frazier, S. (1996) A Global
Overview of Wetland Loss and Degradation. Available at
www.ramsar.org/about/about_wetland_loss.htm (last access 6 May 2008).
link no longer works, this is the correct link. However the report was
wrong to cite this source, as this claim is only quoted in the article.
Here is the excerpt where it was quoted:
In a very generalized overview, OECD (1996) states:
"Some estimates show that the world may have lost 50% of the
wetlands that existed since 1900; whilst much of this occurred in the
northern countries during the first 50 years of the century, increasing
pressure for conversion to alternative land use has been put on tropical
and sub-tropical wetlands since the 1950s.
No figures are
available for the extent of wetland loss worldwide, but drainage for
agricultural production is the principal cause; by 1985 it was estimated
that 56-65% of the available wetland had been drained for intensive
agriculture in Europe and N America; the figures for tropical and
subtropical regions were 27% for Asia, 6% for S America and 2% for
Africa, making a total of 26% worldwide. Future predictions show the
pressure to drain land for agriculture intensifying in these regions."
is the correct source. It is referenced in Moser as: OECD/IUCN. 1996.
Guidelines for aid agencies for improved conservation and sustainable
use of tropical and sub-tropical wetlands. OECD, Paris.
I found it here. Here is what the source says:
The drainage of wetlands has always been seen as a progressive,
public-spirited endeavour which enhanced the health and welfare of
society, to alleviate the dangers of flooding, improve sanitation,
and reclaim land for agriculture. Some estimates show that the world
may have lost 50 per cent of the wetlands that existed worldwide
since 1900; whilst much of this occurred in the northern countries
during the first 50 years, increasing pressure for conversion to
alternative land-use has been put on tropical and sub-tropical wetlands
since the 1950s. In northern countries, the consequences of this loss
such as decline in fisheries productivity, greater intensity of major
flooding, and loss of biological and landscape diversity, and
amenity value has led to efforts to preserve and restore wetlands.
No figures are available for the extent of wetland loss worldwide,
but drainage for increased agricultural production is the principal
cause; by 1985 it was estimated that 56 - 65 per cent of the available
wetland had been drained for intensive agriculture in Europe and North
America; the figures for tropical and subtropical regions were 27 per
cent for Asia, 6 per cent for South America and 2 per cent for
Africa, making a total of 26 per cent worldwide. Future predictions
show the pressure to drain land for agriculture intensifying in these
Wetlands may be lost completely by drainage or
infilling, but many of the benefits can be lost even if the wetland
itself remains, but in a degraded state. Pollution or the overuse of
wetland products (e.g. by deforestation) are examples of this.
don't cite any source for their 'some estimates show' claim, but it
hardly matters because they openly admit "No figures are available for
the extent of wetland loss worldwide". Remember the original claim:
"Since 1900, the world has lost about 50% of its wetlands"
an estimation with no source to a verified fact, in just three
sources. This is like a citation version of the telephone game.
Monsanto Company is learning a valuable lesson in Haiti: no good deed
goes unpunished at the hands of radical anti-corporate elements of
Western society.
Like so many other concerned citizens, Monsanto
responded to the tragic January 12 earthquake that further devastated
this impoverished country. It worked for months with Haiti’s
Agricultural Ministry to select seeds best suited to local climates,
needs and practices, and to handle the donation so as to support, rather
than undermine, the country’s agricultural and economic infrastructure.
Monsanto’s extensive inventory, they jointly chose conventionally bred
hybrid (not biotech / genetically modified / GM) varieties of field corn
and seven vegetables: cabbage, carrots, eggplants, onions, tomatoes,
spinach and melons. Instead of giving the seeds to farmers, the company
worked with the USAID-funded WINNER program, to donate the seeds to
stores owned and managed by Haitian farmer associations. The 475 tons of
hybrid seeds will then be sold to many thousands of farmers at steep
discounts, and all revenues will be reinvested in local agriculture.
companies and donors are providing fertilizers, insecticide and
herbicides that will likewise be sold at a discount. The companies,
Agricultural Ministry, farmers associations and other experts will also
provide technical advice and assistance – much as the USDA’s Cooperative
Extension System does – on how, when and whether to use the various
hybrids, fertilizers, and weed and insect-control chemicals.
goal is simple. Help get the country and its farmers back on their feet,
improve farming practices, crop yields and nutrition levels, and
increase incomes and living standards.
The reaction of
anti-corporate activists was instantaneous, intense, perverse,
patronizing and hypocritical. Monsanto wants to turn Haiti back into “a
slave colony,” ranted Organic Consumers Association founder Ronnie
Cummins. Hybrid and GM seeds will destroy our diversity, small-farmer
agriculture and “what is left of our environment,” raged Chavannes
Jean-Baptiste, leader of the Peasant Movement of Papaye.
self-anointed “peasant representatives” waded in. The seeds are
genetically modified and “will exterminate our people.” Farmers won’t be
able to afford the seeds or feed their children. The fertilizers are
carcinogenic. Fungicides on the seeds are toxic poisons. “Seeds are the
patrimony of humanity.” We support “food and seed sovereignty.”
Traditional seeds and farming practices “provide stable employment” for
the 70% of Haitians who are small farmers. And of course, “Down with
Various U.S. churches and foundations chimbed in.
“Spontaneous” protests were organized in several Haitian and American
cities. At one, hundreds of marchers wore identical shirts and hats,
which even at a combined value of just $5 represented two weeks’ income
for average Haitian farmers: 40 cents a day. One wonders how many would
have shown up without these inducements.
Indeed, this abysmal
income underscores the terrible reality of life in this island nation,
even before the earthquake, and the perversity of this campaign against
“corporate control of the food system.” Instead of “seed sovereignty,”
the activists are ensuring eco-imperialism and poverty sovereignty.
years ago, Haiti was largely self-sufficient in food production and
actually exported coffee, sugar and mangoes. Today, the country imports
80% of its rice and 97% of the 31 million eggs it consumes monthly.
Two-thirds of Haiti’s people are farmers (roughly equivalent to the
United States just after the Civil War), but their crop yields are among
the lowest in the Western Hemisphere.
Few of Haiti’s rural
families have running water or electricity, and women spend hours a day
cooking over open fires. Many contract serious lung diseases as a
result, and life expectancy is twelve years lower than for people on the
Dominican Republic side of the island.
Google satellite images
reveal a lush green eastern DR two-thirds of Hispaniola – in stark
contrast to the deforested, rutted, brown, impoverished Haitian side,
from which enormous quantities of soil are washed into the ocean every
year. Roads are so rutted and awful that Peace Corps workers report
traveling four hours by truck to go 60 miles. Many rural people cannot
afford to feed their children, leaving hundreds of kids in poor highland
areas literally starving to death.
Hybrid seeds can help
Haitians climb out of this morass. They’re no silver bullet, but they
are one of the cheapest, easiest and best investments a farmer can make.
By simply planting different seeds and adding fertilizer, farmers can
dramatically increase crop yields. A similar Monsanto donation of hybrid
maize (corn) seeds and fertilizer to Malawi farmers in 2006 generated a
500% increase in yields and helped feed a million people for a year.
the United States, organic and conventional farmers alike plant
numerous hybrids. They cost more than traditional, open-pollinated
seeds, but the payoff in yield, revenue, and uniformity of size, quality
and ripening time makes the investment decision easy. Between 1933 and
2000, U.S. corn yields likewise expanded fivefold – thanks to hybrids,
fertilizer, irrigation and innovative crop management practices – and
today, hybrid or GM hybrid crops are planted on virtually every American
Some of the Haitian corn donation will be used to improve
chicken farming and egg production. Most will likely be used in staples
like sauce pois – corn mush topped with black or red beans combined
with coconut milk, hot peppers, onions, garlic and oil. The thickness of
the bean sauce reflects a family’s income, and “wealthy” families often
accompany the sauce with rice, instead of corn mush. The veggie seeds
will add variety to family diets, and provide a source of income via
sales at local markets.
The hybrids will also help Haiti adopt
truly sustainable farming practices: higher crop yields, greater
revenues and better nutrition for more people, at lower cost, from less
land, using less water and fewer pesticides, requiring less time in
fields, and enabling more farmers to specialize in other trades and send
their children to school. In short, greater opportunity and prosperity
for millions.
And yet, activists continue to spew forth
invective, preposterous claims and disinformation – primarily through
the Huffington Post and several other websites. Hybrid seeds don’t
regenerate, they assert; wrong – they do and can be replanted, though
they will not pass all their best traits down to subsequent generations,
which is one reason farmers typically buy new seeds. The seeds are
poisonous, they fume; false – the seeds are treated with fungicides that
are used safely all over the USA, Western Europe and Latin America, to
keep seeds from being destroyed by fungus before they germinate.
(For additional information and discussions, see plant geneticist Anastasia Bodnar’s Biofortified website.)
will not force farmers to plant hybrid seeds – or say they can’t
replant what they collect from previous harvests. Indeed, hybrids were
widely just 30 years ago by Haitian farmers, who know what they are
looking for in a crop, how to assess what they have planted and
harvested, and whether they want to invest in specific seeds. They
should be allowed to make their own decisions – just as others should be
permitted to plant whatever traditional, heirloom or open-pollinated
seeds they wish.
“We reject Monsanto seeds,” say anti-hybrid
activists. They might, and that’s fine. But thousands of other Haitian
farmers want to plant Monsanto seeds. Their right to choose must also be
respected – not denied by intolerant protesters, who are largely funded
and guided by well-fed First World campaigners.
After years of
vicious assaults by agro and eco purists, Monsanto’s corporate skin is
probably thick enough to survive these lies and often highly personal
attacks. Other companies, however, might lack the fortitude to provide
their expertise and technology after future disasters, in the face of
such attacks.
That is almost certainly an objective for many of
these anti-technology, anti-corporate groups. Monsanto has no maize
financial interests in Haiti and only a tiny vegetable operation, and I
have no financial interest in Monsanto. But for the world’s most
destitute people, it would be a tragedy of epic proportions.
Transcript of an interview with Anthony Watts on the ABC: Australia's
main public broadcaster. The interviewer is Michael Duffy, a former
Labor Party politician, but a rational one
Michael Duffy:
First up, climate sceptic Anthony Watts. Anthony is a weatherman with
KPAY AM radio in California, he's been a weatherman for 25 years. He
also runs a very popular climate change sceptic blog,
WattsUpWithThat.com, and as well in 2007 he founded SurfaceStations.org.
This is a very interesting website, it invites readers to visit
America's official climate monitoring stations and describe their
physical location, often with the help of photos that are then posted on
the website.
The results can be quite surprising; they show
stations next to air conditioner outlets, for example, or in the middle
of asphalt-coated car parks. Anthony Watts is about to begin a speaking
tour of Australia. I caught up with him at his home in California late
last week.
Your blog WattsUpWithThat.com is hugely popular, I think it's the most visited climate site in the world, isn't it?
Watts: It is. It caught me quite by surprise but it now regularly
exceeds two million visits per month and we get visitors from all over
the world. When we compare the traffic to other climate sites,
surprisingly it is the largest climate related informational site in the
Michael Duffy: Can you tell us a bit about the work that
you've done on America's network of climate monitoring stations? I know
this is very important and we might need to take our listeners through
it step by step. First of all, can you tell us something about the size
of the network?
Anthony Watts: The size of the network is 1,221
different stations around the US, so it's quite large. It's taken us
three years now to get over 1,000 stations surveyed. What we discovered
was that there was a very simple rule that the Weather Service had put
in place a long time ago called the 100-foot rule which basically said
that you're to keep the weather station measurement instruments 100 feet
away from other biasing influences such as buildings, asphalt, trees,
structures, heat sources, whatever. And in our survey we discovered that
89.7%, almost 90% of all the stations that we surveyed, over 1,000 of
them, didn't meet the government's own criteria of 100 feet.
Michael Duffy: What does one of these stations look like?
Watts: Typically a station looks like one of three kinds, depending on
where it's at. The old traditional station is what's called a Stevenson
screen, it looks like a slatted wooden box on stilts and it has a rain
gauge next to it, and inside the wooden box they have an old style
mercury thermometer that records the maximum and minimum temperatures
for the day.
The newer electronic station looks like what some
people describe as a beehive on a post, like a series of stacked dinner
plates that are sitting on top of a metal pole about four and a half
feet high. And then it has a cable that runs into the structure where
the observer's office or their domicile or home is and they read the
temperature remotely there. That caused a problem with a lot of the
placements because the Weather Service personnel when they were
converting these in the '80s and '90s weren't given any specific
construction tools other than a shovel and a pickaxe and so oftentimes
they could not get the trenching where they had to lay the cable past
things like sidewalks or roadways out to where the old weather station
used to be, which might have been further away from the building. So
we've found a trend towards these new electronic thermometers moving
closer to buildings and closer to heat sources.
Michael Duffy:
You talked earlier about the 100-foot rule, why is that important, why
is the siting of each of these stations significant?
Watts: The Weather Service and the National Climatic Data Centre created
a new network in response to the problems that they recognised that
started in 2002 called the Climate Reference Network where they add an
even more stringent set of exposure rules, much more stringent and much
more detailed than the 100-foot rule. They rated them by categories and
by quality.
The reason for keeping things away from the
thermometer is that if you start building up things around a
thermometer...let's say the thermometer is originally in a grass field
and around that grass field you get development, buildings go up,
roadways get put in, sidewalks get put in and so forth. And then all of a
sudden you have things that are close to the thermometer that retain
heat overnight, such as asphalt, and as anyone can tell you, if you have
a very hot day and then you at midnight go out to a football field in
the middle of the football field and measure the temperature there on
the grass and then walk over to the football field's parking lot and
measure the temperature there, you're going to see a significant
And so what happens is that this overnight release of
heat from things like asphalt, concrete and buildings bias those
night-time temperatures upwards. And when you average temperatures, the
highs and the lows for the day, that shifts the average temperature
Michael Duffy: Checking that large number of stations must have been quite an effort, how did you go about it?
Watts: I employed social networking. I'd never done a project like this
before, and so we took a bit of a gamble. I worked with Dr Roger Pielke
at the University of Colorado to get the project initially set up, and
he supervised the method and the way we were gathering data, and then we
used blogs and other types of social networking environments to
advertise the project and created a series of simple steps that people
could follow to locate the station, photograph and document the station,
get a GPS reading and then submit that information to our central
website where it could be posted, checked for quality control and then
evaluated for the station rating tag.
Michael Duffy: Have you visited many of the stations yourself?
Watts: I've done a large number of them. I've done I would say now
about 180 different stations, in California, in Nevada (I did most of
those stations), in Texas, Oklahoma and Southern Kansas and parts of
Arkansas I did a number of stations, and I did that because we had a
huge gap, a missing gap of stations there that needed to be filled in. I
also did some in Idaho and in Oregon for the same reason. So yes, I've
done about 180 stations, and the experience that I had parallels what
the rest of the observers had and that is the vast majority of them
don't follow the basic simple exposure rules set down by the Weather
Service, the 100-foot rule.
Michael Duffy: You must have driven a lot of miles.
Anthony Watts: I would say I've logged 8,000 miles in driving to surveying stations over the past three years.
Duffy: It's quite an effort, and I should say to our listeners that
you've got some very striking photographs on your website, and we'll
give a link to that website. Can I ask you then, to summarise, what have
you found having visited so many of the stations, how well are most of
them sited?
Anthony Watts: The project summary is basically this;
the majority of stations are out of compliance with the Weather
Service's own siting rules, and while the compliance itself is clear and
no-one denies that, the question then becomes how has that affected the
temperature record. Dr Pielke, his research group and myself are now in
the process of finishing a paper for submission to a peer reviewed
scientific journal that illustrates what we found in the way that siting
difference has affected the US temperature record. And I can say with
certainty that our findings show that there are differences in siting
that cause a difference in temperatures, not only from a high and low
type measurement but also from a trend measurement and a trend
So we believe that the United States temperature
record is biased by this problem, and that the problem also extends
worldwide. We have found similar kinds of problems throughout the world.
For example, in Rome the airport there has a similar problem. In Sydney
there's a weather station downtown that has similar kinds of problems.
Baltimore had a station close because they had been giving erroneously
high readings and the Weather Service recognised it. So the problem is
real and the problem has contributed to a change in the data. Right now
we're just finishing up calculations of the magnitude.
Duffy: In which direction does the bias lie? Are you suggesting that the
temperature has not got as hot as the American official historical
record suggests?
Anthony Watts: That's correct. It's an
interesting situation. The early arguments against this project said
that all of these different biases are going to cancel themselves out
and there would be cool biases as well as warm biases, but we discovered
that that wasn't the case. The vast majority of them are warm biases,
and even such things as people thinking a tree might in fact keep the
temperature cooler doesn't really end up that way.
In fact if you
have a thermometer underneath a tree, while it might suppress the
daytime high a little bit because it suppresses the amount of direct
sunlight, it also elevates the night-time low in a much greater fashion,
particularly in the summer because the leaves of the tree reflect the
infrared radiation back down towards the ground. What we've discovered
is that this effect is fairly pronounced.
In fact the National
Weather Service, after we were going around and looking at different
stations and identifying these problems, they were following us and
actually closing stations in our wake. They closed the Marysville
station which was originally the one that tipped me off to this problem,
and they also closed one in Telluride Colorado that was right under a
tree, they closed it specifically for that reason because they realised
the night-time temperatures were no longer accurate.
Duffy: Can you tell us anything at all about the scope of the bias that
you're presently calculating? Do you think it might actually pretty much
negate any suggestion there's been an increase in temperature?
Watts: It does not negate it completely, it is a contributor. First of
all I want to make it clear that there is an effect from carbon dioxide
in our atmosphere, I'm not disputing that. However, what we are
disputing is that in the surface temperature records of the US and the
world, the effects of urbanisation, the poor siting and a combination of
those two can affect the temperature record in such a way that it
biases the temperature record upwards.
Michael Duffy: It's the
case, isn't it, that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
has put out a paper referring to other papers by Matthew Menne and
Thomas Peterson, and they claim that people have already done the sort
of calculation you're now doing and come up with a result that in fact
these poor sitings have not affected the trend. What would your response
to that be?
Anthony Watts: I think before I respond to what
their results were, I should tell you a little bit about their
methodology. They borrowed (and I use that term loosely) some of my
early data that I had published up to the website to help my volunteers
locate stations. We had 43% of the network surveyed at that point, and I
had never published any other data beyond that, and I advised them when
they started doing this work that that data that they used had not been
quality controlled yet, it was there just for the purposes of locating
stations, and the data contained in it hadn't been quality checked, and
it was far from complete. It had biases in it related to the spatial
representation in the US, those holes that I tried to fill in, for
example, in the middle of the country, in rural areas in the middle of
Texas and Oklahoma and Idaho, away from cities. That data didn't have
those things. And so what they ended up with was a set of data that was
mostly urban, mostly around cities, not quality controlled and not
complete, and they used that data because they were so keen on
discrediting our work that they rushed to get that out.
And I
made complaints with the journal saying that the use of my data to
publish a paper that I hadn't even finished yet was wrong and it
violated professional standards, and they went ahead anyway and did it.
So I think that their methodology speaks to the credibility of the
Michael Duffy: And do you have any idea when your forthcoming paper will appear?
Watts: We are very close to finishing the final copy on it, and we have
two independent review teams do statistical analysis on it. I did not
do any statistical analysis myself, my job was the data gathering and
the quality control process. So we are very close to finishing that,
literally within days. The question will be how long will it take to go
through the journal and peer review process.
Some papers we have
seen from the sceptical side of science have taken as long as 18 months
to get processed and go through that whole chain of review. We hope it
will be sooner than that. We'll be submitting it to the same journal for
review that Mr Menne's and Mr Peterson's papers went to. Hopefully they
will see that as a value to get a counterpoint view and move it through
as quickly as their paper got reviewed and published which was on the
order of about five to six months. So we hope that we'll be able to get
the same kind of expedience in our review.
Michael Duffy: We'll
keep an eye on that and look forward to covering it when it comes out.
Anthony Watts, thanks for joining us today, and good luck when you come
to Australia.
Greenies building a fallback position for the demise of belief in global warming
governments are meeting this week to try to set up a new international
body that would put the global destruction of the natural world on an
equal footing with the threat of climate change.
The proposed new
organisation would be modelled on the Intergovernmental Panel for
Climate Change (IPCC), which was set up 22 years ago. Since then, it
has launched global warming and climate change to the top of the
political and economic agenda.
The meeting, at Busan in South
Korea, follows growing evidence in the last few years about the huge
rate of destruction of species and the ecosystem services they provide
for humans – from regulating local weather and fertilising soil to
providing a rich gene pool for medical researchers.
Another major
report this summer, commissioned by the United Nations, is expected to
say that the economic benefits of policies to protect and restore
biodiversity are worth 10 to 100 times the costs
"If the true
value of ecosystem services – economic, social and spiritual – were
factored into decision-making, wetlands, forests and reefs would be
viewed and treated very differently," said French ecology secretary,
Chantal Jouanno, and campaigner Janet Ranganathan in an article for the
"How to ensure cross-governmental participation and buy-in is therefore the key question for countries gathering at Busan.
"The future health of the natural world, and humanity's wellbeing, may depend on it."
proposed "IPCC for nature" could provide regular, independent reports
on the state of global and regional biodiversity – reflecting the IPCC's
five-yearly assessments of the state of climate science, forecasts for
impacts and advice about how to tackle the problem.
Perhaps more
important would be the symbolic significance of an organisation which
sent out a message that governments and global organisations were
finally taking the biodiversity crisis as seriously as they have climate
change, say supporters.
"Climate change may have captured public
attention, but the global collapse of ecosystems and loss of
biodiversity is equally threatening to human wellbeing," said
Ranganathan, a vice-president of the World Resources Institute.
"The IPCC helped give climate change a global profile. The time has come for an IPCC for nature."
creation of the body, provisionally named the Intergovernmental
Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), was first
formally proposed last year.
This week delegates from 97
governments and 50 organisations are meeting for what could be the
official go-ahead for the new body.
Biodiversity scare just as poorly founded as global warming
Commentary on the report above
The UN is using protection of the natural world as a reason to make
massive changes to the global economy? This sounds familiar, which I’m
sure is why Morano posted it. Whenever the UN puts out a report that
involves the world spending a lot of money, I get suspicious, so I
decided to take a look at the interim report (the final isn’t going to
be published until later this year). Here is the report.
started at Chapter 1. On the second page of Chapter 1 (page 12 on the
pdf) there is a short list of items showing how the earth has lost its
However, the levels of many of the
benefits we derive from the environment have plunged over the past
50 years as biodiversity has fallen dramatically across the globe.
Here are some examples:
• In the last 300 years, the
global forest area has shrunk by approximately 40%. Forests have
completely disappeared in 25 countries, and another 29 countries
have lost more than 90% of their forest cover. The decline continues
(FAO 2001; 2006).
• Since 1900, the world has lost about 50%
of its wetlands. While much of this occurred in northern
countries during the first 50 years of the 20th century, there has been
increasing pressure since the 1950s for conversion of tropical and
sub-tropical wetlands to alternative land use (Moser et al. 1996).
• Some 30%of coral reefs – which frequently have even higher
levels of biodiversity than tropical forests – have been seriously
damaged through fishing, pollution, disease and coral bleaching
(Wilkinson 2004).
• In the past two decades, 35% of mangroves
have disappeared. Some countries have lost up to 80% through
conversion for aquaculture, overexploitation and storms (Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment 2005a).
• The human-caused
(anthropogenic) rate of species extinction is estimated to be 1,000
times more rapid than the “natural” rate of extinction typical of
Earth’s long-term history (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005b).
you read this list you can see why we need to take urgent action.
Forests have disappeared in 25 countries, and in 29 they have lost 90%
of their forests. Half of the worlds wetlands have gone in only a
century. Species are going extinct 1,000 times more quickly because of
humans. This is frightening.
This also sounds familiar. Making
startling claims about how much damage humans are doing to our planet is
nothing new. But just because something is startling doesn’t mean it
isn’t true, and these claims have citations, so let’s look at them.
source for the claims about the 30% reduction of coral reefs isn’t
peer-reviewed, but otherwise it at least matches the source.
source for the claims about Mangroves isn’t peer reviewed, although that
source references a Science article, and the claim does match the
source. So far, two of these five claims at least match their source.
the rest are all estimations or patently false. Not only that, but none
of the references for the entire first chapter of the TEEB report are
peer-reviewed. They are nearly all (UN) government reports or
environmental institute reports. Not only do they entirely rely on
non-peer-reviewed material, but their claims don’t even match their
cited sources. Let’s start with the first claim:
” In
the last 300 years, the global forest area has shrunk by
approximately 40%. Forests have completely disappeared in 25
countries, and another 29 countries have lost more than 90% of their
forest cover. The decline continues (FAO 2001; 2006).”
FAO 2001 and 2006 are referenced as:
FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(2001) Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000. [Found here]
FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
(2006) Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005. [Found here]
of these claims are in the FAO reports. In fact, one of the claims is
roundly contradicted by their own source. They claim that “Forests have
completely disappeared in 25 countries”, yet the FAO report says (page
14 of 2005 report):
“Seven countries or areas have no
forest at all, and an additional 57 have forest on less than 10 percent
of their total land area.”
This is repeated and gone
into more depth in the report but the numbers are the same. Only 7
countries are without forests, not 25. The other claims are not in the
report, the article doesn’t talk about forest loss before the 1940′s
when countries started to report the state of their forests. Also, there
is no mention at all of “another 29 countries have lost more than 90%
of their forest cover”. Where did these claims come from?
UN document. Surprised? This time it is the Millennium Ecosystem
Assessment, Chapter 21, Forest and Woodland Systems. Here is part of the
first claim in the ‘Main Messages’ section at the beginning of the
In the last three centuries, global forest
area has been reduced by approximately 40%, with three quarters of this
loss occurring during the last two centuries. Forests have completely
disappeared in 25 countries, and another 29 countries have lost more
than 90% of their forest cover.
This is practically verbatim to the TEEB claim. They clearly cited the wrong source.
The claim itself is suspect. The first part, about 40% reduction, appears here (pg. 588):
From today’s perspective, however, reagricultural impacts on
overall forest cover appear to have been slight. Since that time,
the planet has lost about 40% of its original forest (high certainty),
and the remaining forests have suffered varying degrees of
fragmentation and degradation (Bryant et al. 1997; Matthews et al.
2000; Ball 2001; Wade et al. 2003). Most of this loss has occurred
during the industrial age, particularly during the last two centuries,
and in some cases much more recently. Some analyses have yielded
substantially smaller estimates. Richards (1990), for example, estimates
global loss of forests to have been only about 20%.
reading this leads to some uncertainty, they admit that some research
indicates that it has only been 20% loss. Also, all of those references
(except Wade et al. 2003) are done by environmental groups. But the real
deception is in the statistic itself. The implication of including this
statistic is that this loss of forest is bad, but clearly this isn’t
the case as the study itself admits in the very next sentence:
Much of the progress of human civilization has been made possible by
the conversion of some forest areas to other uses, particularly for
agricultural expansion.
Even if the 40% statistic is
accurate, it is hardly a cause for concern in and of itself. It reflects
mankind’s progress to this point, to be able to tame the outdoors and
provide ourselves with food.
The second half of the claim
“Forests have completely disappeared in 25 countries, and another 29
countries have lost more than 90% of their forest cover” is not
mentioned in the report at all. If you find it in there please let me
know. As I mentioned before, it is contradicted by their cited source,
which claims only 7 countries have no forest and the FAO report makes no
mention of the 90% claim.
I’ll address the other two errors in another post, this one has gotten quite lengthy.
uncertain why, but UN reports seem to have difficulty correctly citing
their claims. It doesn’t seem as though using one UN report is any
better than using another UN report (FAO paper versus Millennium
Assessment), so why can’t they keep their citations straight? Also, the
reliance on other UN reports seems to cast serious doubt on the report
itself. Of the 16 references for Chapter 1, 7 of them are from UN
reports (along with 4 news articles and 5 reports from environmental
groups). I don’t know what the full report will look like this summer,
but just the very first chapter of this report is pretty pathetic.
Schutte, V.G.W., Selig, E.R. and Bruno, J.F. 2010. Regional
spatio-temporal trends in Caribbean coral reef benthic communities.
Marine Ecology Progress Series 402: 115-122.
alarmists are quick to contend that earth's coral reefs are headed to
hell in a handbasket, as it were, with Pelejero et al. (2010) arguing
that the oceanic changes we are facing today, in pCO2 and in pH, "are
happening ~100-times faster than during glacial-interglacial
transitions," and that "the average surface pH levels that oceans have
reached today are already more extreme than those experienced by the
oceans during the glacial-interglacial changes and beyond, probably
being more extreme than at any time during the last 20 million years."
What was done
a study designed to determine regional-scale trends in coral cover on
Caribbean reefs over the last 35 years in each of seven sub-regions --
which effort could logically be expected to shed light on the impacts of
the highly-hyped oceanic changes lamented by Pelejero et al. -- Schutte
et al., as they describe it, "analyzed the spatio-temporal trends of
benthic coral reef communities in the Caribbean using quantitative data
from 3,777 coral cover surveys of 1,962 reefs from 1971-2006."
What was learned
et al. determined that from 1971 to 1980, annual Caribbean-wide coral
cover averages were highest and without trend, with all but two values
falling between 30 and 40%. Then came the largest one-year decline in
coral cover of the entire record -- a precipitous drop from about 37% to
12% between 1980 and 1981 that corresponded in time, in their words,
"with the beginning of the Caribbean-wide Acropora spp. white band
disease outbreak," after which (from 1982 to 2006) they note that "coral
cover has been relatively stable," with values ranging from about 15%
to 22%.
What it means
Clearly, the temporal history of
Caribbean coral cover change does not bear any resemblance to the
gradual and continuous decline that could have been expected from the
concomitant increase in oceanic pCO2 and decrease in pH. Indeed, after
suffering the sharp one-year decline caused by the white band disease
outbreak, coral cover once again stabilized, which phenomenon, in the
words of Schutte et al., "could be interpreted as relatively good news"
-- which it truly is -- although they state that this pattern "could
also be a temporary plateau preceding a potential collapse in coral
cover." Then, again, we could just as easily say it could also be a
temporary plateau preceding a potential increase in coral cover. (Isn't
speculation wonderful?)
THE DEEPWATER HORIZON SPILL continues to foul the Gulf of Mexico,
pundits and policymakers everywhere are once again reaching for the
The BP disaster, proclaims Washington eminence David Gergen, is "a wake-up call to end our addiction to oil."
"a real climate bill," warn the editors of The Washington Post,
"America might be addicted to oil a lot longer than it needs to be."
must "begin to wean ourselves from our addiction to oil," intones
Senator John Kerry on ABC, while syndicated columnist Thomas Friedman
lambastes "the powerful lobbies and vested interests that want to keep
us addicted to oil."
To be sure, this isn't a new trope. Barack
Obama liked to say during his presidential campaign that we are
bankrolling "both sides of the war on terror" through our "addiction to
oil." George W. Bush, a onetime oilman, memorably announced in his 2006
State of the Union address that "America is addicted to oil." According
to Nexis, the media database, the metaphor dates back at least as far as
1974, when psychiatrist Thomas Szasz wrote in the New York Times that
"oil addiction is equivalent to drug addiction."
But it's not.
explosion of BP's oil rig in the Gulf has been a calamity in so many
ways, above all the loss of 11 human beings. With hundreds of thousands
of gallons of crude oil gushing daily from the crippled wellhead, the
environmental impacts have been excruciating. BP is responsible for a
dreadful mess, one that will take years and many millions of dollars to
clean up.
Awful as the catastrophe has been, however, life without oil would be far, far worse.
consume oil not because they are "addicted" to it, but because it
enriches their lives, making possible prosperity, comfort, and mobility
that would have been all but unimaginable just a few generations ago.
The life of a heroin junkie is pitiful, desperate, and unproductive; his
addiction undermines his health and overpowers his self-control. Almost
by definition, an addiction is something one is healthier without. But
oil-based energy improves human health and reduces poverty -- it makes
life longer, safer, and better. Addictions debase life. Oil improves and
expands it.
"Oil may be the single most flexible substance ever
discovered," writes the Manhattan Institute's Robert Bryce in Power
Hungry, a new book on the myths of "green" energy. "More than any other
substance, oil helped to shrink the world. Indeed, thanks to its high
energy density, oil is a nearly perfect fuel for use in all types of
vehicles, from boats and planes to cars and motorcycles. Whether
measured by weight or by volume, refined oil products provide more
energy than practically any other commonly available substance, and they
provide it in a form that's easy to handle, relatively cheap, and
relatively clean." If oil didn't exist, Bryce quips, we'd have to invent
Of course there are problems created by oil, as the
Deepwater Horizon calamity so heartbreakingly demonstrates. But most
things of great value come with downsides. There are 40,000 traffic
fatalities in the United States each year, but no rational person
suggests doing away with cars, trucks, and highways. Airplanes sometimes
crash and boats sometimes sink, but air and sea travel are not derided
as "addictions" we need to break. Iatrogenic deaths due to hospital
infections, medication errors, or unnecessary surgery number in the
scores of thousands annually, but who would recommend an end to modern
medical care?
Someday there may be an energy source that is as
abundant, efficient, clean, and economically viable as oil. But nothing
available today fits that bill -- certainly not biofuels, wind farms, or
solar power. Besides, it isn't only energy products -- gasoline,
kerosene, diesel fuel, propane -- that we get from petroleum. Crude oil
refining also makes possible plastics, synthetic fibers, lubricants,
waxes, asphalt. "Other products made from petroleum," notes the US
Energy Information Administration, "include ink, crayons, bubble gum,
dishwashing liquids, deodorant, eyeglasses, CDs and DVDs, tires,
ammonia, [and] heart valves." The list could be expanded almost
The United States consumes more than 300 billion
gallons of oil per year, nearly two-thirds of it imported. There is no
denying the drawbacks associated with oil, but its advantages ought to
be equally undeniable. American wealth, progress, and autonomy -- the
most dynamic and productive economy in history -- would be impossible
without it. What we have isn't an addiction, but a blessing.
States Senators went on record this afternoon and the result was
unfortunate. 53 Senators voted against a resolution offered by Senator
Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) that would have disapproved of the Environmental
Protection Agency’s backdoor global warming regulations. Today’s
outcome was a victory for anti-growth environmentalists, but a
devastating loss for the American people.
The EPA’s regulations
will marginalize any potential economic recovery by making investment
and job creation more expensive. Why? Because the costs of regulation
are staggering. The EPA estimates the average permit will cost
applicants $125,000 and 866 hours of labor. Some businesses will simply
close. The lucky ones will move overseas, cancel expansion plans and
just lower wages. All of those are bad options considering the American
economy has lost nearly 8 million jobs over the past 30 months.
the outcome of today’s vote, many liberals recognize the EPA cannot be
left to its own devices, which means there will be other, more subtle
efforts to limit the EPA’s regulatory dragnet.
Chief among them
is a proposal offered by Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-WV). His proposal
would simply delay the implementation of the EPA’s regulation. Delaying
these destructive regulations is not inherently bad, but it does not
address the fact that bad regulations are indeed coming. It creates
regulatory uncertainty is bad for the economy and bad for the American
According to Greenwire (subscription required), Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) promised the Senate would vote on
Rockefeller’s proposal before the elections. The article implied Reid’s
promise was designed to prevent the Murkowski resolution from passing.
potential alteration of the EPA’s regulatory scheme comes from Senators
Tom Carper (D-DE) and Robert Casey (D-PA), both of whom voted against
Senator Murkowski’s resolution. Their approach is rumored to “protect”
small businesses while focusing the economic pain on only the biggest
emitters. Any student of economics knows those so-called “big emitters”
will pass those costs along businesses and families. Even worse, the
plan would only “protect” the little guy until 2016.
While those
two policy prescriptions are misguided, the real danger is that Senators
will use this failure as an excuse to move forward legislatively on a
cap-and-trade scheme or renewable electricity mandate. A Heritage
analysis found that the House-passed global warming bill would destroy
2.5 million jobs and $9.4 trillion in economic growth. Similarly, an
analysis of a renewable electricity mandate would reduce employment by
more than 1 million jobs, add to our national debt and undermine our
quality of life.
By voting against the Murkowski resolution, Senators have failed to address the primary concern of Americans—the economy.
UN’s New Climate Chief Says There May Never Be A Global Treaty
Figueres, a Costa Rican who on July 8 will take the helm of the United
Nations body that organizes global climate-change treaty talks, said an
all- encompassing deal is unlikely to happen in her lifetime.
must instead focus on making incremental efforts to end global warming
because the response “is going to require the sustained effort of those
who will be here for the next 20, 30, 40 years,” Figueres, 53, told
reporters today in Bonn, where the latest two-week round of talks is
taking place.
“I do not believe we will ever have a final
agreement on climate change, certainly not in my lifetime,” Figueres
said. “If we ever have a final, conclusive, all-answering agreement,
then we will have solved this problem. I don’t think that’s in the
cards.” [...]
Tensions remain. Beck and Bangladeshi envoy Quamrul
Chowdhury both said a legally binding treaty needs to be agreed on at
the next major summit in Cancun in November and December.
from the European Commission and Japan have already said a treaty is
unlikely this year and more probable at a 2011 summit in South Africa.
Brazil’s Serra said a deal is preferable this year, though unlikely, and
that Cancun should be seen as a “stepping stone.”
“If we can’t
deliver at Cancun, and if we are shown the road to Cape Town or any
other cities, it will be unfortunate,” Chowdhury said. “To build trust
we have to come up from our boxes, from our party positions. We have
made some effort but we have to cover many more miles.”
said it’s up to nations to decide whether they want to devise a new
legally binding treaty in Cancun, which is to start in late November.
She said the ever-changing science means any agreed upon goals may need
to be revised further.
your special (21 May) report on denial you speak of “climate deniers”.
This is a curious term (who denies the existence of climate?) that
appears to be deployed to smear reputable scientists who react
sceptically to the “hockey stick” peddled by Sir John Houghton and the
You (Jim Giles page 42) ride to the defence of Sir John,
former chair of the IPCC, who denies ever having said, “Unless we
announce disasters no one will listen”. Apparently no one can trace the
source of this quotation so you denounce it as a denialist smear.
Here are some things he has said, on a record (Sunday Telegraph interview 10.9.95) from which he has not resiled.
“If we want a good environmental policy in the future we’ll have to have a disaster.”
who might be responsible for this disaster? Apparently not just us:
“God tries to coax and woo, but he also uses disasters. Human sin may be
involved; the effect will be the same.”
And “God does show anger. When He appeared to Elijah there was earthquake wind and fire.”
your readers can spot the difference between Sir John Houghton’s
non-alarmist scientific take on climate change and that of a Muslim
cleric who was recently widely reported (e.g. Iranian cleric:
Promiscuity, sin cause earthquakes but God may be holding his fire) to
have attributed the risk of earthquakes in Iran to sin – in the form of
loose women wearing short skirts.
The author of Chill explains why he’s sceptical about manmade global warming — and why greens are so intolerant
Peter Taylor
science around climate change is not as settled as it’s presented as
being. I used to think it was, until about 2003 – and then, feeling that
the remedies being proposed for climate change would be more damaging
to the environment than climate change itself, I took it upon myself to
look at the science.
In my book on biodiversity, Beyond
Conservation, I had mentioned in one of the chapters that perhaps the
man-made global warming theory was not all it was being cracked up to
be. The changes we are seeing now, I wrote, suggested that some other
processes were at work. I then took time out, visited the science
libraries, and checked the original science upon which today’s models
are based.
I was shocked by what I found. Firstly, there’s no
real consensus among the scientists in the UN working groups, especially
around oceanography and atmospheric physics. The atmospheric physics of
carbon dioxide for example is presented as being pretty
straightforward: it is a greenhouse gas, therefore it warms up the
planet. But even that isn’t settled. There’s a huge amount of scientific
disagreement on how much extra heating in the atmosphere you will get
from carbon dioxide. It is even broadly accepted that carbon dioxide on
its own is not a problem. So, you can double the amount of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere and get half to one degree warming, which is
within the natural variability range over a period of 50 years from now
at the current rate of emissions.
The role of water vapour in
planetary warming is also open to questioning. While it is presented as
being a heat amplifier, in fact because it can turn into cloud it could
actually regulate temperature instead. As it turned out, at the very
beginning of the UN discussions, Richard Lindzen, a professor of
meteorology at MIT, and a leading expert appointed to the committee
because of his meteorological expertise, was saying precisely that: the
amplification effect asserted cannot be relied upon to increase warming
because the vapour could turn into cloud. This needed to be proved
before basing assumptions on it. But Lindzen was overruled. Despite
still being a key part of the IPPC process, he is now vilified by the
press and by the environmental movement. So even on the most basic
science of the atmospherics, there is doubt.
Or take
oceanography. Most of the heat of the planet is not contained in the
atmosphere; it is in the oceans. And what happens in the oceans is
absolutely vital to the dynamics of heat moving around the planet. So
while of course it is possible to warm up the planet to an additional
extent as a result of human activity, if the planet then lets more heat
out than it would normally do, then it will balance out. That is to say,
you have only to produce less cloud over the oceans and the oceans will
release heat to space. Like CO2 itself, the atmosphere doesn’t actually
hold heat – it simply delays its transmission to space.
The real
dynamic of the planet is to do with clouds, yet this area of science –
oceanography and cloud cover – is incredibly uncertain. When I first
looked at the basic science, the findings were surprising. Over the
global warming period – which I limit to the past 50 or so years – the
globe didn’t warm at all between 1950 and 1980, even though carbon
dioxide emissions were going through the roof due to the postwar
expansion of industry; global temperatures stayed pretty much flat.
real global warming took off in the 1980s and 90s, through to about
2005. (In the last 10 years it’s actually plateaued.) That period of 25
years, from around 1980 to 2005, coincided with changes in the ocean and
cloud cover – that is, there was less cloud and more sunlight getting
through to the ocean. And this can be seen in the satellite data on the
kind of energy that’s coming through (short-wave energy, which is the
only energy that heats water – infra-red energy coming from CO2 cannot
heat water). So when you look at the real-world data, the warming of
that entire period seems to be due to additional sunlight reaching the
added the ‘x-factor’ into their man-made global warming equations and
wrongly doubled the greenhouse gas effect. It’s due to vectors, says new
Independent analysts who recently examined NASA's
Earth’s energy budget numbers have found climatologists working for the
U.S. space agency have not been applying the mathematical rules
applicable to vectors in their greenhouse gas equations, at least since
The monumentally embarrassing oversight multiplied the
heating properties of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) by an extra
factor of two: the so-called hidden ‘x-factor.’ Whether the error was
intentional or accidental may never be proved. One NASA climate expert
quit over the global warming controversy.
New astronomical model outperforms Warmists in predicttion
Dr. Nicola Scafetta writes:
I believe that you may be interested in my last published work.
paper suggests that climate is characterized by oscillations that are
predictable. These oscillations appear to be linked to planetary motion.
A climate model capable of reproducing these oscillation would
outperform traditional climate models to reconstruct climate
oscillations. For example, a statistical comparison is made with the
GISS model.
Here’s the abstract at Sciencedirect:
Empirical evidence for a celestial origin of the climate oscillations and its implications
By Nicola Scafetta
Abstract: We investigate whether or not the decadal and
multi-decadal climate oscillations have an astronomical origin. Several
global surface temperature records since 1850 and records deduced from
the orbits of the planets present very similar power spectra. Eleven
frequencies with period between 5 and 100 years closely correspond in
the two records. Among them, large climate oscillations with
peak-to-trough amplitude of about 0.1 $^oC$ and 0.25 $^oC$, and periods
of about 20 and 60 years, respectively, are synchronized to the orbital
periods of Jupiter and Saturn. Schwabe and Hale solar cycles are also
visible in the temperature records. A 9.1-year cycle is synchronized to
the Moon’s orbital cycles. A phenomenological model based on these
astronomical cycles can be used to well reconstruct the temperature
oscillations since 1850 and to make partial forecasts for the 21$^{st}$
century. It is found that at least 60\% of the global warming observed
since 1970 has been induced by the combined effect of the above natural
climate oscillations. The partial forecast indicates that climate may
stabilize or cool until 2030-2040. Possible physical mechanisms are
qualitatively discussed with an emphasis on the phenomenon of collective
synchronization of coupled oscillators.
A free preprint copy of the paper can be found here. (PDF available in right sidebar)
Copeland and I made some similar observations in the past, but we did
not examine other planetary orbital periods. Basil also did a follow up
guest post on the random walk nature of global temperature.
This paper opens up a lot of issues, like Barycentrism, which I have tried to avoid because they are so contentious.
More HERE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
Warmist can't take the heat
by Andrew Bolt in Australia
HMM. So how has Alarmist of the Year Tim Flannery got away with it for so long? Answer: because he seems nice.
and because journalists just won't hold our leading global warming
spruiker to account for his litany of dud predictions, exaggerations,
falsehoods and bizarre conflicts of interest.
But on Wednesday -
and give him credit - he wandered into our studio at MTR 1377 for some
reason best known to himself. Was it a false confidence, born of years
of near unquestioned adulation? Was it that being named Australian of
the Year in 2007 made him feel above any pesky but-but-butting from the
few media sceptics?
Or was it - as the following transcript
suggests - that Flannery, now head of the Rudd Government's Coast and
Climate Change Council, has an eerie ability to forget inconvenient
truths about his past finger-wagging?
Whatever. What we do know
is that our chat this week was the first time I can recall that
Flannery, the highly influential author of The Weather Makers and
chairman of the Copenhagen Climate Council, has been confronted at
Read on, to see how even this giant of warming alarmism
dealt with it. You may well then wonder if the great warming scare of
the past decade would ever have taken off had more journalists
fact-checked the wilder claims and predictions of not just Flannery, but
other professional scaremongers such as Al Gore, David Suzuki, Peter
Garrett, Rob Gell and Bob Brown.
Flannery started our interview
by paying out on Prime Minister Kevin Rudd for walking away from what
he'd sold as "the great moral and economic challenge of our time".
I'm unlikely to vote for him because my trust has been eroded away. He
promised to deliver an emissions trading scheme and he's then withdrawn
that with very little justification.
Bolt: He said he wouldn't
move now until the rest of the world did something, which is a direct
repudiation of what he said before. But, Tim, part of the reason that
he's backed down is that there's been a great swing in sentiment against
this kind of thing. There's a rising tide of scepticism. How much are
you to blame for some of that?
Flannery: There is some swing in
sentiment. And I think it's very hard to maintain any issue with that
sort of very high level of support for a long time ...
Bolt: But,
Tim ... I'm wondering to what extent are you to blame for rising
scepticism about some of the more alarming claims about global warming.
Well, many of the things that scientists highlight may happen are very
alarming. They're not alarmist but they are worrisome. Rises in sea
level for instance are a significant issue.
Bolt: Well, let's go
through some of your own claims. You said, for example, that Adelaide
may run out of water by early 2009. Their reservoirs are half full now.
You said Brisbane would probably run out of water by 2009. They are now
97 per cent full. And (you said) Sydney could be dry as early as 2007.
Their reservoirs are also more than half full. How can you get away with
all these claims?
Flannery: What I have said is that there is a water problem. They may run out of water.
Bolt: 100 per cent full, nearly!
And thankfully, Andrew, governments have taken that to heart and been
building some desalination capacity such as in Perth.
Bolt: Only in Perth.
Flannery: No, there's plans in every capital city ...
No, no. You said Brisbane would run out of water possibly by as early
as 2009. There's no desalination plant, there's no dam. It's now 100 per
Flannery: That's a lie, Andrew. I didn't say it would run
out of water. I don't have a crystal ball in front of me. I said
Brisbane has a water problem.
Bolt: I'll quote your own words
(from the New Scientist June 16, 2007): "Water supplies are so low they
need desalinated water urgently, possibly in as little as 18 months."
That was, on the timeline you gave, by the beginning of 2009. Their
reservoirs are now 97 per cent full.
Flannery: Yeah, sure. There's variability in rainfall. They still need a desal plant.
Bolt: You also warned that Perth would be the 21 century's first ghost metropolis.
May ... Right? Because at that stage there had been no flows into that
water catchment for a year and the water engineers were terrified.
Bolt: Have you seen the water catchment levels? Here, see, they're tracking above the five-year level ...
Flannery: You want to paint me as an alarmist.
Bolt: You are an alarmist.
Flannery: I'm a very practical person.
Bolt: You said (in The Guardian, August 9, 2008) the Arctic could be ice-free two years ago.
Flannery: No, I didn't ...
I'm asking ... whether (you) repent from all these allegations about
cities running out of water, cities turning into ghost cities, sea level
rises up to an eight-storey-high building. Don't you think that is in
part why people have got more sceptical?
Flannery: I don't,
actually, because some of those things are possibilities in the future
if we continue polluting as we do. And we've already seen impacts in
southern Australia on all of those cities. Everyone remembers the water
restrictions and so forth ...
Bolt: You warn about sea level rises up to an eight-storey building. How soon will that happen? Thousands of years?
Flannery: Could be thousands of years.
Bolt: Tens of thousands of years?
Flannery: Could be hundreds of years ... The thermodynamics of ice sheets are very, very difficult to predict.
Bolt: Should we ... have nuclear power plants (to cut our warming emissions)?
In Australia, I don't think so. We've got such a great load of assets
in the renewable area that I don't think there's an argument here that
they are ever going to be economic.
Bolt: Four years ago you did. What changed your mind?
Flannery: No, I never did. I've always had the same argument.
No, no, no. Here's your quote: "Over the next two decades Australians
could use nuclear power to replace all our coal-fired power plants. We
would then have a power infrastructure like France and in doing so we
would have done something great for the world." That was your quote.
Flannery: I don't recall saying that at all.
Bolt: You wrote it. You wrote it in The Age (on May 30, 2006). There it is, highlighted.
Flannery: Well, very good.
Bolt: That's the point, you know, you make these claims and when people confront you, you walk away from them.
But that was about "may" ... Australia may be able to do that. It's not
what I recommend and I never have recommended it ... We are going to
see a whole lot of other technologies and innovations which are now well
under way which we could use instead of nuclear power.
Bolt: Such as?
Flannery: Such as concentrated PV technology, geothermal technology, wave power, wind power ...
Bolt: You're an investor in geothermal technology, aren't you?
Flannery: Yeah, I am. Indeed.
Bolt: How come you don't declare that (in most media interviews promoting geothermal power)?
Flannery: Well, I've just done it.
You've invested in a (Geodynamics geothermal) plant in Innamincka and
you said the technology was really easy. How come that plant ...
Flannery: Not really that easy.
Well, yes. It's actually had technological difficulties and it's been
delayed two years because it's not that easy, after all, is it?
And we could have gone on - to discuss the $90 million grant the Rudd Government last year gave to Flannery's Geodynamics.
to ask about the preferential treatment the Government also gave to
Field Force, a "green loans" company Flannery spruiked for.
Or to ask how much Flannery profits from preaching doom.
Or to wonder how this green crusader could lend his name to Sir Richard Brazen's planned joy rides in space.
to ask him to explain his concession last year that, despite his great
scares of rising heat, "there hasn't been a continuation of that warming
trend" and "the computer modelling and the real world data disagrees".
Yes, you may think I'm just picking on details. But details are like pixels - put enough together and they form a picture.
details, unquestioned, form a terrifying picture that has helped to
panic millions of people into believing their gases could kill our
But, once challenged, those same details of Flannery form a
very different picture - of self-serving scaremongering with not much
more than hot air to sustain it.
More secrecy and indifference to due process from government Warmists
Oxburgh inquiry did make some limited criticism of the frauds at UEA
but basically exonerated them. Steve McIntyre was curious to learn
about how they came to their conclusions:
In response to my
inquiry asking for a copy of any document setting out the terms of
reference of the inquiry, Lord Oxburgh stated:
"I am afraid that I am not able to be very helpful as none of the documents about which you inquire exists"
And later:
"The only written record, apart from any notes that individuals may
have kept privately but of which I am unaware, is our final report that
was agreed unanimously. Similarly the terms of reference were given to
me verbally and are encapsulated in the introductory paragraphs of our
In response to a previous inquiry, Kerry Emanuel, a member of the Oxburgh panel, stated:
"As for the written documentation, such as our charge, we were at
one point asked not to circulate those, and while that restriction may
no longer be in force, I feel a little reluctant to pass those along
without checking first. The cleanest way for you to get that material is
to ask Ron Oxburgh for it"
The article below is from "Nature" -- normally a fanatically Warmist
publication. "The times they are a'changing" -- slowly
Great Aletsch Glacier is ill. Over the course of the twentieth century,
the largest Alpine glacier, in Valais, Switzerland, receded by more than
two kilometres, and Switzerland's 1,500 smaller glaciers are not faring
any better.
Is it all down to man-made global warming? Not
according to a recent study, which finds that about half of the glacier
loss in the Swiss Alps is due to natural climate variability — a result
likely to be true for glaciers around the world.
"This doesn't
question the actuality, and the seriousness, of man-made climate change
in any way," says Matthias Huss, a glaciologist at the University of
Fribourg in Switzerland, who led the study. "But what we do see is that
current glacier retreat might be equally due to natural climate
variations as it is to anthropogenic greenhouse warming."
is the first detailed attribution of known climate forces on glacier
behaviour," says Georg Kaser, a glaciologist at the University of
Innsbruck in Austria, who was not involved in the study. "Given the
importance of glaciers to local water supply, this is essential
Researchers have long suspected that glaciers
respond sensitively to natural climate swings such as those caused by
the rhythmic rise and fall of North Atlantic sea surface temperatures by
up to 1 °C roughly every 60 years. This Atlantic multidecadal
oscillation (AMO), driven by changes in ocean circulation, is thought to
affect phenomena including Atlantic hurricanes and rainfall in Europe.
most places, historical records of glacier retreat and local climate
are too sparse for researchers to separate the effect of this natural
cycle from that of man-made warming. In the relatively well-monitored
Swiss Alps, however, Huss and his team managed to gather some 10,000 in
situ observations that had been made over the past 100 years, and
constructed three-dimensional computer models of 30 glaciers. By
comparing a time series of daily melt, snow accumulation and ice and
snow volume readings of the glaciers with a widely used index of the
AMO, they teased out the impact of natural climate variability. Although
the mass balance of individual glaciers varied, the long-term overall
trend followed the pulse of the AMO.
Since 1910, the 30 glaciers
have lost a total of 13 cubic kilometres of ice — about 50% of their
former volume. Brief periods of mass gain during cool AMO phases in the
1910s and late 1970s were outweighed by rapid losses during warm phases
in the 1940s and since 1980, when temperatures rose and more
precipitation fell as rain than as snow. The scientists believe that
these changes are due to the combined effects of the natural cycle and
anthropogenic global warming, which now seems to have a greater role
than early in the twentieth century.
Natural climate variability
is likely to have driven twentieth-century glacier shrinkage and
thinning in other parts of the world, says Kaser. For example, his own
research on the glaciers of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania suggests that
their dramatic recession is mainly due to multidecadal fluctuations in
air moisture.
"The widespread idea that glacier retreat is the
sole consequence of increased air temperature is overly simplistic," he
says. "Glaciologists have known for more than 50 years that glaciers are
sensitive to a variety of climate variables, not all of which can be
attributed to global warming."
Questions about the effect of
global warming on glaciers hit the headlines earlier this year, after an
error was found in the latest assessment report from the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), based in Geneva,
Switzerland, which wrongly stated that most Himalayan glaciers could
disappear by the year 20353. The resulting furore put the IPCC's
credibility under scrutiny, and has triggered an independent review by
the InterAcademy Council in Amsterdam, which represents 15 national
academies of science.
But scientists don't expect the latest
findings on Swiss glaciers to rekindle the controversy. "Without studies
like this, climate science would actually be less credible than it is,"
says Martin Beniston, a regional climate modeller at the University of
Geneva in Switzerland, who was not involved in the study. "Problems
related to global warming are caused by a subtle mix of human activity
and natural changes, and these new findings are a rare opportunity to
illustrate this complexity in a comprehensible way. It is a question of
scientific honesty to admit that not all the effects of climate change
are solely the result of increased greenhouse gases."
adds that recognizing the role of natural climate shifts doesn't
diminish the problem. "Even if greenhouse gases contribute just 50% to
glacier retreat, this is anything but negligible." Although Himalayan
glaciers may not be as vulnerable as the IPCC report originally
suggested, the European Alps, where most glaciers are already in
decline, could lose up to 90% of their glaciers by the end of the
century, says Kaser.
The authors of the latest study cautiously
suggest that a phase shift in the AMO might give a reprieve to Great
Aletsch and other Alpine glaciers in the next decades, but Beniston is
doubtful. "We may see a temporary slowdown, but I fear in the long run
the still fairly modest greenhouse effect will outweigh any Atlantic
spent a lot of time and, well, energy warning against costly carbon
controls, yet we must admit the fruits of our earnest labors pale in
comparison to those of Senator Barbara Boxer. That's odd because Boxer
is an avowed environmentalist and chair of the Environment and Public
Works Committee. Her honest job description might be, "To pass the most
annoying, burdensome legislation possible."
However, it's hard to
argue with the lady's results. Her resolute leadership has torpedoed
two major climate bills -- so far. While we continue to disagree with
Boxer vehemently, her record of unmitigated failure is a "platform"
around which we can rally.
Democratic challenger and popular
blogger Mickey Kaus tried to make an issue of her ineffectiveness in the
run-up to today's primary. He invited her to a debate on May 25, which
she refused to attend. Kaus had a cardboard box stand in for her on the
podium. With the aid of some audio clips, he debated the box. One of the
audio clips was of Boxer flipping out when a member of the U.S.
military referred to her as "ma'am." The most effective dig was yet to
come after the debate, on Kaus's campaign website: "The box gave an
honest answer when asked to list Sen. Boxer's major legislative
Boxer's bungling of global warming legislation
has been impressive. If we had decided to plant a mole in the Democratic
Party to scuttle the legislation, we're honestly not sure we could have
done any better. In late 2007, for example, soon-to-retire Senator John
Warner, a powerful Republican representing Virginia, lent bipartisan
cover to a major cap-and-trade energy rationing scheme he co-authored
with Joseph Lieberman. After passing through committee that December,
the Warner-Lieberman climate legislation had the big mo, and gave us a
big headache.
Then Boxer got hold of it. Over the next six
months, she changed it, adding hundreds of pages. By the time she
unveiled her version of the bill, the topic had become stale. The
legislation fizzled and the defeat was embarrassingly bipartisan.
Cap-and-trade is a Democratic Party platform plank, but ten senators
from Boxer's own party sent her a letter explaining that they could not
vote for her bill.
June 29, 2009 left the high water mark for
climate change policy. On that day, the House of Representatives enacted
a cap-and-trade scheme, the Orwellian-titled American Climate and
Energy Security Act. It was the first time the Congress had put a price
on carbon, a.k.a. taxed energy. Environmentalists were thrilled, and we
were dismayed.
We needn't have feared, because Boxer released the
companion bill in the Senate. She outraged Republicans on her committee
by refusing to deliberate the bill. In particular, she barred any
economic analysis. Republicans boycotted, thereby denying Boxer a quorum
for a vote. She found a procedural loophole, and passed it out anyway.
Her Democratic colleagues in the Senate were put off by Boxer's partisan
pique. The legislation was immediately shelved and now John Kerry is
trying to put together a new bill, without the aid of Boxer.
political kiss of death no doubt arises from her peculiar notions of
how climate policy works. In an October 2009 interview with C-Span, she
praised a recent, precipitous drop in U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.
Now, she was right about that. Emissions had fallen. But regulation had
next to nothing to do with it. The drop was caused by an economic
recession. Inadvertently, Boxer praised economic stagnation and undercut
the Obama administration's entire rationale for green jobs. She
affirmed a causal connection between greenhouse gas emissions reductions
and decreased economic growth.
On energy and climate policy, we
could not be further from the positions staked out by Boxer. And that's
why we find it so heartening that she looks set to sail through her
party's Potemkin nomination process. As long as she is in charge of
climate policy, we can all breathe a little easier.
The real purpose of recycling is not to ‘save the planet’ but to remind us how wasteful and destructive we are
should treat people with respect instead of having a bunch of bin
inspectors, bin police.’ Eric Pickles, the communities secretary in
Britain’s new Lib-Con coalition government, has announced that the
government will not be pressing ahead with a ‘bin tax’ or
‘pay-as-you-throw’ schemes designed to charge householders based on the
amount of non-recycled waste they dispose of.
Yet Pickles is
proposing a new approach that is simply a bit more ‘carrot’ than
‘stick’. (On the same day, however, Bristol city council announced plans
to introduce smaller bins and fine residents up to £1,000 if they don’t
separate their waste correctly. Plus ça change…) The incentive schemes
Pickles is offering in place of a ‘bin tax’, which would reward people
for recycling rather than punish them for not recycling, still assume
that the tedious business of separating our waste for recycling is the
best way of dealing with rubbish. Which it isn’t.
The power to
trial pay-as-you-throw schemes was legislated for in the UK Climate
Change Act of 2009. Five local authorities were allowed the opportunity
to test out the scheme. However, none of them actually tried it.
Pickles’ new alternative is based on a different scheme piloted in
Windsor and Maidenhead, a local authority west of London. An American
company, RecycleBank, is working with the council to offer householders
rewards for recycling. Residents sign up for a RecycleBank account and
then receive points for how much material they put in their recycling
bins. They can then exchange those points for discounts at local shops
or give their points, as cash, to charity.
Getting rewarded for
doing ‘the right thing’ seems like a pretty good idea. ‘It does not put
the costs up’, Pickles told BBC News. ‘Actually, what it does is it
increases the recycling rate and puts money into the local economy.’ But
this money is not being magicked up out of thin air. Rather it
represents the saving made by councils by not having to pay the punitive
costs for sending rubbish to landfill because instead they are
encouraging local residents to sort the rubbish out. As RecycleBank boss
Matthew Tucker told spiked last year: ‘For every tonne that we help a
council divert from landfill, we take a percentage of that saving. If
the council doesn’t save, we don’t make any money.’ (For a fuller
discussion of the pros and cons of recycling, see Recycling: an
eco-ritual we should bin, by Rob Lyons).
The saving comes from
the severe regime put in place to encourage councils (with a financial
gun to their heads) to stop using landfill to dispose of waste. There
are two elements to this. Firstly, there is the landfill tax. This is
charged on every single tonne of ‘active’ waste (in other words,
anything that might decompose, including wood and plastic as well as
food) that goes to landfill. The current rate is £48 per tonne. On top
of this, councils are also set targets for a maximum total amount of
waste going to landfill. If they breach those levels, a fine of £150 per
tonne is imposed.
There are numerous other ways to dispose of
waste other than landfill and recycling. For example, many more councils
in the UK now use incinerators (or, to use the proper parlance,
energy-from-waste facilities) to burn waste and generate electricity. If
a combined heat and power scheme is tacked on, then the waste heat can
also be used to heat local offices, factories and homes. So some
councils have quickly built energy-from-waste facilities to get round
these fines and taxes.
However, there are also recycling targets
imposed by law in addition to the landfill taxes, targets and fines,
with the aim that one third of waste will be recycled within five years.
is Alice-in-Wonderland economics. Landfill is so much cheaper than
recycling that in order to get councils to change their waste disposal
policies, absolutely swingeing charges must be put on to landfill. Only
then does recycling start to make financial sense. Yet with a little
ingenuity, we can get most of the benefit of recycling more cheaply and
more conveniently.
For example, one of the main justifications
for recycling is to cut greenhouse gas emissions. In turn, one of the
main sources of such emissions in relation to waste is the methane gas -
the same stuff that powers your cooker or central heating - produced
when waste rots at the dump. But modern landfill schemes can capture
this gas - called biogas - and burning it already makes a small but
pretty reliable contribution to UK energy production.
recycling itself doesn’t need to be such an almighty pain in the neck.
While Pickles and others have highlighted the rewards side of the
Windsor and Maidenhead success story, the other element is something
called co-mingling. Basically, instead of following endless arcane rules
on which kind of rubbish goes into each of the veritable epidemic of
multi-coloured containers that local authorities currently provide, with
co-mingling there are just three containers: wet waste, like food; dry
recyclables, like paper, plastic, card, metals and so on; and everything
else. The dry recyclables are then separated out by machine at a depot.
The machines aren’t quite as good as doing it all by hand - yet - but
they’re still pretty good.
By taking out much of the confusion
and hassle associated with separating waste, householders are more
likely to do it. This convenient solution, however, doesn’t play well
with greens. This is partly because of an obsession with recycling every
last iddy-biddy bit of waste. But the main reason why co-mingling
irritates greens is because if you take away the complexity of
recycling, the ritual of thinking about it and doing it - if it’s barely
any more than shoving stuff in the bin, just like it used to be - then
we don’t have that daily eco-message drummed into our heads: ‘We are
greedy, wasteful people who throw too much stuff away.’
would be no point in spending lesson after lesson at primary school
teaching kids about how to recycle, and why to recycle, if it’s just
sticking stuff in the same bin. For greens, the attraction of complex,
confusing systems of recycling is that they remind us, as we carry them
out, what wasteful and destructive creatures we are. It is more like
penance than a practical activity.
When pressed, the more
sensible recycling advocates will admit that separating out our waste -
like another fashionable idea, banning plastic shopping bags - has
little impact on the environment. They will also admit that recycling
schemes will always require a certain amount of subsidy. (What’s a few
hundred million quid between friends when the national debt is heading
rapidly towards a trillion pounds?) Household recycling is a waste of
money and time that only makes sense as a form of self-punishment for
the eco-sin of consumption.
In other words, those who want us to recycle our rubbish are really trashing us.
hope our media in future will apply the same healthy skepticism to the
UN’s never-ending global gabfests on climate change as they are to the
looming G8/G20 fiasco scheduled for later this month in Canada.
whether it’s another UN meeting on global warming of the type we saw in
Copenhagen last December or the upcoming G8/G20 in Muskoka and Toronto,
both are examples of pointless, wasteful globalization run amok.
see world leaders descend on unsuspecting cities with armies of sherpas
and bureaucrats in tow, needlessly disrupting the lives of the locals
in response to artificial dates set on a calendar, rather than prior
negotiations producing any international agreement of substance. Both
are unnecessary, outdated dinosaurs in an age of instant global
In both cases, the physical preparations for
holding these wasteful extravaganzas, and the uber-excess exhibited in
staging them, overshadow any previously agreed to motherhood statement
that may emerge. (Copenhagen failed to produce even that.)
both processes see the leaders of the developed world decreeing to
people in the developing world how they must live, an exercise in
futility and arrogance, which presumes human behaviour can be changed by
international edicts imposed from the top down, rather than by
internal, domestic support built from the ground up.
interesting sidelight of comparing G8/G20 meetings to climate change
negotiations is that the same people who call themselves
anti-globalization protesters when it comes to the former, typically and
hypocritically, support the latter, even though climate change treaties
are globalization on steroids.
My QMI colleague Greg Weston
broke on Sunday a story that has become emblematic of the justified
public anger in Canada over the $1 billion taxpayer-financed cost of
staging the G8/G20 in Muskoka and Toronto.
While spent mainly on
security, the budget includes such inanities courtesy of Prime Minister
Stephen Harper’s government as constructing a fake lake in the Toronto
media centre, ostensibly so international media unable to follow the G8
leaders to Muskoka — meaning virtually all of them — will know what our
cottage country is like and promote it as a tourist destination to their
domestic audiences. In other words, it’s just another example of
outrageous, wasteful spending.
Just as it was when the UN held
another of its never-ending global warming gabfests in Bali, Indonesia,
one of the world’s most exclusive holiday resorts, in December 2007.
This, presumably, so delegates flown in from around the world on the
public’s dime courtesy of their captive, domestic taxpayers, could look
appropriately hot and sweaty as they expressed concern about “global
warming” in outdoor media interviews, while racing between meetings in
five-star, air conditioned hotels, generating in 12 days enough
greenhouse gas emissions to power a mid-sized African country for a
The next big UN meeting on climate change is scheduled for
December in (of course) Cancun, to pick up wherever it was Copenhagen
left off.
Let’s hope, this time, the media treat this event with
the skepticism it deserves, as they are the G8/G20 in Canada. Including
asking any delegate pointing to the Gulf of Mexico and crying crocodile
tears about the horrendous BP oil spill, exactly how they got to Cancun
— as in by jet, or by flapping their magic green fairy wings? Because
denouncing BP, which deserves it, is easy. Getting off oil is hard.
is a report published a few years ago called Making Sense of Chemical
Stories, which attempts to point out some very basic concepts that most
people are not grasping about chemicals. We need to see things clearly
and not through a telescope of activism which makes it impossible to
see the whole picture. We live in a world where pollution has become
“the cause” for celebrities of every ilk. Movies, television and sports
notables will come out and take a position on subjects of which they
know little or nothing about. We have been inundated by so many articles
and television shows regarding chemicals that we in the developed world
(which owes so much to chemicals) have become chemophobic.
in the developed world is thought of as being impossible. Why? DDT
largely eliminated it in developed countries! Our economy, which
supports a life style that most would not be willing to give up, came
about as a result of an innovative chemical industry. Our ability to
feed ourselves, and huge portions of the rest of the world, is a direct
result of that research. Research that resulted in the Green Revolution,
for which Norman Borlaug was largely responsible, literally saved
millions of lives with extensive use of high yield varieties of crops,
synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Chemistry!
During my young
years it was not uncommon for mothers to take their dry foods such as
pasta, rice and beans and dump them into a boiling pot of water and wait
with a strainer to filter out the dead bugs that would float to the
top. We would be outraged now if that happened. The chemical industry
provided the answers for that. Pesticides were developed that gave us
not only abundant foods, but mostly pest free foods.
Why then do
we strive to be kept away from “that stuff”? Why do we have the attitude
that all manufactured chemicals must be avoided at any cost? The
universe (that includes us by the way) is made up of chemicals. I see
advertisements that claim something is chemical free. If it is chemical
free it doesn’t exist. We can’t survive without them because we are
them. In fact Americans live longer, healthier lives than Americans have
ever lived as a result of our chemical rich society and environment.
have great cartoon in my computer that shows two cavemen sitting in a
cave and one of them says, “Something is just not right. Our air is
clean, our water is pure, we get plenty of exercise, everything we eat
is organic and free range, and yet nobody lives past 30.”
In 1840
when everything was “natural” the average life span was approximately
40. Today, when everything that is important in our lives was created by
manufactured chemicals the average life span is about 80. What part of
that is so hard to grasp? We live longer as a direct result of those
chemicals and it is obvious that these chemicals, when properly used,
are not damaging the environment or us, no matter what the activists
say, the BP oil spill notwithstanding.
A cup of coffee contains
11 chemicals that are considered carcinogenic. You will be exposed to
more carcinogens in that one cup of coffee than all the carcinogenic
potential of all of the pesticide residue on all of the food you will
eat in one year.
City councils all over the country have taken up
the cause of banning potentially harmful substances that have already
been tested, regulated and approved for use by the Environmental
Protection Agency. We have to ask; why they have decided to take up this
task? Is it because they spent three hundred million on research and
came to a different conclusion than did the EPA? Is it because these
city councils are filled with toxicologists and chemists who looked at
the original research and decided that the scientists who performed the
research were lackeys of the chemical companies and their work should be
dismissed? Or is it perhaps a case of merely taking the word of
anti-chemical activists who may have even less scientific acumen and
less qualified to determine the worth of these products than these local
politicians. Then again, they may even number themselves among them.
Try and picture a society that would elect all of their officials from
the Sierra Club or PETA.
A city council in California wanted to
ban dihydrogen monoxide because it burns human tissue in its gaseous
state and prolonged use in its solid state could cause severe tissue
damage. What is dihydrogen monoxide? Water! Were they embarrassed when
they found out what it actually was? Probably not, after all, their
intentions were good. I would rather their actions were correct.
EPA is spending a fortune to promote IPM and Green Pest Control. The
School Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) has been introduced and
re-introduced in Congress. Why? Because they “know” so many things that
simply aren’t true and they have the power and money to promote these
untruths. Name one thing you know for sure about IPM. You can’t. It is
indefinable and Green Pest Control is even worse. Everyone has his own
ideas about IPM. Such foolishness is seen for what is worth in the third
world where children are dying because of a lack of pesticides. Is it
our desire to become one with the third world? The actions of
anti-pesticide activists indicate that is exactly what they want, and
EPA is part and parcel of this outcome.
When we read labels at
the grocery store it gives the impression we are being poisoned because
we clearly don’t understand the chemical terms. Whether chemicals are
naturally occurring or manufactured they have been given names and
reading those names do not give most of us any clue as to whether they
are safe or not. In short, we don’t know what is good or what is bad.
DDT has saved more lives than any chemical naturally occurring or
otherwise in human history, and yet we hear how terrible it is. And I
will state this again. Everything everyone “knows” about DDT is a lie.
Those who actually read books about the “research” done by Rachel Carson
realize that she was not a great scientist. She was a great writer, but
it turned out to be science fiction.
(I would like to recommend
reading Klaus and Bolander’s 1972 issue of “Ecological Sanity” and
Roberts and Tren’s “The Excellent Powder, DDT’s Political and Scientific
History”, which just came out. )
If we actually look at the
facts we will find that most of what comes from the greenies is a lie.
Not necessarily lies of commission, which they are guilty of, but mostly
lies of omission. The end result is the same. For them to satisfy their
egos and enact their entire slate of feel good policies people must
die. Why? Because their policies kill people! We have the evidence of
science and the truth of history, which proves it beyond any shadow of a
doubt. The “conventional wisdom” of the activists was nothing more than
the “philosophical flavor of the day”, and has not become traditional
wisdom. Wisdom becomes traditional when it stands the test of time.
Greenie wisdom has not stood against the march of time or the uncovering
of the facts, that is why they have to move from one "crisis" to
another. Something must always be on a back burner for them to expoit
because it soon becomes obvious that the latest one is a lie, such as
anthropogenic climate change AKA Global Warming. No matter how many
times a lie is told (even if everyone believes the lie) it will never
become the truth! As Benjamin Franklin said, “truth will very patiently
wait for us”. What is of concern is how much damage will be done until
we find it. The world has suffered upwards of 90 million deaths from
malaria and upwards of 13 billion unnecessary cases as a result of
banning DDT in 1972. How much patience can the world afford while truth
waits for us?
Recently there appeared a CNN special report called
“Toxic America” which falsely claimed “that trace levels of
environmental chemicals are causing myriad disease in America, from
cancer to diabetes and more. Dr. Elizabeth Whelan from the American
Council on Science and Health stated “It was worse than I could have
imagine. “ She went on to say that “The most shocking part of it was
that they recruited people from certain towns who thought that they were
harmed by chemicals, and brought them all together to talk about how
dangerous these substances are.” ACSH's Dr. Gilbert Ross agreed with
Whelan saying that, “Their segment about so-called ‘toxic towns’ was
bizarrely unscientific. When a physician bills himself as an expert and
gathers people in a room who believe they were sickened by chemicals,
taking a show of hands to see who believes they were harmed, there’s no
scientific basis to that whatsoever.”
These "chemical scare”
specials from the media are a no win situation for real scientists
unless the entire scientific community stands up and condemns them. The
emotional drama of parents who have lost children to cancer, and who
believer trace chemical elements are reasonable for their death, will be
so emotionally overwhelming to any viewing audience that no matter how
accurately you present the actual science and no matter how logical your
arguments are; emotions will triumph over actual science every time.
And our corrupt media and the green movement knows it.
we are told should bear some resemblance to reality. At the end of WWII
the world’s population was approximately 2 billion people. Currently we
have about 6.7 billion. It took thousands of years to get to 2 billion
and yet in less than 75 years we have soared to 6.7 billion and we live
in a chemical rich society. When tested, our bodies will show over 2
hundred different chemicals produced by the chemical companies…and we
live longer healthier lives than ever in human history. Somewhere there
is a serious disconnect between what we see going on in reality and what
we are being told. Is it possible that what we are being told is merely
the propaganda of an irrational and misanthropic movement with an
agenda? Could be!
This week, the Senate is
expected to vote on S.J. Res. 26, Senator Lisa Murkowski’s resolution
that would overturn the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) carbon
dioxide endangerment finding that was infamously issued on December 7th,
The resolution is cosponsored by most of the Senate
Republican Caucus as well as Democrat Senators Blanche Lincoln (LA) and
Ben Nelson (NE), leading “aides predict it will easily clear the 51-vote
threshold for passage,” as reported by Roll Call.
The American
people can only hope. The EPA’s alarmist decision greatly understates
the impact of restricting and reducing carbon emissions — which means
limiting energy use — on global population sustainability and economic
growth. The American people (and everyone else) depend upon petroleum,
gasoline, diesel, coal, and natural gas to do just about everything,
including getting to work, delivering goods and services, heating their
homes in the summer and cooling them in the winter, and providing hot
But it goes deeper than that. The population explosion
over the past 200 years is entirely owed to the Industrial Revolution
that was fueled in large part by increased energy output. The necessary
consequence of dramatically reducing energy consumption — and the food
production, medical advancement, and economic growth that depends on it —
would have to be a commensurate, significant decrease in the human
Really, it all depends on just how draconian the
agency’s restrictions of carbon emissions are. How much of a price will
be placed on carbon emissions by the agency? If it’s too high, the
impact could be devastating, resulting in the means of sustaining the
world’s population being suddenly restricted or gradually reduced.
Either way, people will die.
in its finding, the agency claimed that the increased concentration of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere “threaten[s] the public health and
welfare of current and future generations” with increased heat waves,
more-intense hurricanes, floods, storm surges, rising sea levels,
erosion, wildfires, drought, and even allergens and pathogens. The EPA
also predicts the displacement of indigenous populations, the eventual
decrease of food production and agriculture, and the reduction of forest
With predictions that dire, one would expect that
the finding shall become the foundation for the EPA to incrementally
regulate, restrict, and eventually prohibit emissions of carbon dioxide
by motor vehicles and industry.
Maybe, if the people are lucky,
the very air we all exhale shall remain unregulated, although given the
broad nature of the finding, there certainly would be nothing to stop
regulation in this arena — except for the Constitution. Liberty lovers
may be out luck, however. The lack of constitutional authority for a
federal agency to issue such a dictatorial proclamation has already been
ignored by the Supreme Court in 2007, when the nation’s highest court
ruled that carbon dioxide could be regulated by the EPA as a
Making matters worse, in its finding the EPA
disregarded the downward trend in global temperatures over the past
decade despite increased carbon emissions, as documented by APS Physics
Christopher Monckton of Brenchley. It ignored the failed projections of
increased temperatures by the International Panel on Climate Change and
other proponents of the man-made global warming hypothesis. It
suppressed internal dissent at the agency, as when Dr. Alan Carlin
submitted comments against the EPA’s finding.
The EPA even
overlooked the impact of the Climategate scandal where it was revealed
that global temperature data was manipulated and exaggerated by
climatologists, and then utilized to promote public policies such as the
endangerment finding, the punitive carbon emissions cap-and-tax now
being considered in Congress, and the damaging Copenhagen Protocols that
would have been an extension of the Kyoto-era restrictions on energy
That alone should be cause for Senators to vote in the
affirmative on Murkowski’s resolution repealing the EPA’s endangerment
finding. It is devoid of all of the most important recent revelations in
climate science, including the serious doubt that has been cast upon
the premise that man is even responsible for fluctuations in the Earth’s
In the end, the finding — and whatever tyrannical
restrictions on energy use result from it — will ultimately prove more
dangerous than man-made global warming ever could have been. As written
by Monckton, “The correct policy approach to a non-problem is to have
the courage to do nothing.”
what my friend, Dr. Kenneth P. Green, a scholar with the American
Enterprise Institute, had to say about the energy and environment
“advisor” to President Barack Obama:
“Carol Browner’s selection
as ‘energy coordinator’ (sometimes called energy czar) virtually
guarantees that the Obama administration’s energy and environmental
policies will be anything but moderate.”
“Her two terms as
Environmental Protection Agency boss were marked by adversarialism,
punitive enforcement actions, draconian tightening of environmental
regulations and the message that business is destructive of the
environment and dishonest about the cost of environmental regulations.”
that was just the nice things he had to say about Browner. It is worth
noting that Browner has been the lead spokesman about the BP oil spill
for the Obama administration after it became obvious that Ken Salazar,
the Secretary of the Interior, was generating negative public reaction
to his ‘get tough’ approach and there have been few public statements
issued by Dr. Steven Chu, the Secretary of Energy.
The current
administrator of the EPA is Lisa Jackson who learned her trade working
under Browner until she was picked to head the New Jersey Department of
Environmental Protection. A Browner acolyte, Jackson has presided over
an EPA run amuck.
Jackson will be remembered for leading the EPA
fight to get carbon dioxide declared a “pollutant” that can then be
regulated under the Clean Air Act. This is the same reasoning put forth
by the constantly renamed Cap-and-Trade Act that is was a “climate” bill
and has now become something else. It is based on the same totally
bogus “science” that gave us “global warming” until Mother Nature
decided that the Earth should begin to cool about a decade ago.
Obama just announced that, just like the much-hated healthcare reform
bill, he is going to devote himself to getting Cap-and-Trade passed by
Congress. Combined, they should be called The Destroying America’s
Economy Act.
Suffice to say that, other than oxygen, carbon
dioxide is the other gas on which all life on Earth depends. It’s what
all vegetation “breaths” and, coincidently, it is what all humans and
other animals exhale. It has nothing to do with the climate.
Green points out that, “When it comes to climate change, she is a
disciple of Al Gore for whom she worked from 1988 to 1991,” adding that
“Browner believes that ‘climate change is the greatest challenge ever
faced’ and that the EPA is the agency to face it.”
I have been
watching the EPA in action since it was created in the 1970s by Mr.
Watergate himself, Richard Nixon. It has since expanded like a cancer
cell, doing a lot of damage along the way. There must be a sign on the
wall of EPA headquarters that says, “If it’s a chemical, we will ban
it.” On May 24, the EPA announced it was discussing the perils of oil
dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico. Please, let’s do nothing to disperse
the oil!
From its earliest days, the EPA set out to ban or limit
the use of any and all pesticides nationwide. They have never stopped.
It is essential to understand that what passes for EPA “science” is
merely a charade to advance their agenda.
It can cost up to $15
million or more for a company to get a pesticide registered for use. If
you take away the pesticides, all that’s left is the pests, but this
simple truth is lost on the EPA. They have come up with a proposed new
“permit requirement that would decrease the amount of pesticides
discharged to our nation’s waters and protect human health and the
environment.” If you really want to protect human health, you have to
kill the billions of insect and rodent pests that have always spread
So far in the last month, the EPA has announced they
will release “a draft health assessment for formaldehyde that focuses on
evaluating the potential toxicity of inhalation exposures to this
Also announced was news that the EPA “is initiating a
rulemaking to better protect the environment and public health from the
harmful effects of sanitary sewer overflows and basement backups.” They
are “reviewing” Florida’s coastal water quality standards, a move that
will wreak havoc on its agricultural and tourist industries.
EPA announcement noted that “It just got harder for a TV to earn the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star. Starting May 1,
2010, TV’s that carry the government’s Energy Star label are, on
average, 40 percent more efficient than conventional models.” This is
all done in the name of “reducing greenhouse gas emissions” when, in
fact, this is the baseless justification for the global warming hoax.
at this point, you are beginning to think the EPA is just a tad
intrusive regarding your basement backup problems, the kind of
television set you should purchase, and other previous decisions such as
how much water your toilet can use or the banning of incandescent light
bulbs nationwide, you will be happy to know that in May the EPA took
the time to “encourage ways to travel green by checking into an Energy
Star labeled hotel.”
While in the hotel, you are advised to “turn
off the lights and TV when leaving the hotel room”, “adjust the
thermostat to an energy-saving setting so it doesn’t heat or cool the
room while empty”, “to open curtains to take advantage of daylight when
possible”, and “re-use linens to save both water and energy.”
by now, you’re getting the feeling that the EPA is more intrusive into
the most mundane aspects of your life than any other government agency
or combination of agencies, you’re right.
And very little of it
has anything to do with protecting your health or the environment. It
has everything to do with advancing a fanatical green agenda intended to
threaten every form of energy production, manufacturing process,
property rights, and your right to make a wide range of personal
lifestyle decisions.
Horner requested information from National Aeronautical and Space
Administration (NASA) through Freedom of Information (FOI) and now
reports, “We have asked the court to order NASA – which has evaded our
Freedom of Information Act requests for three years – to turn over
documents related to global warming activities undertaken by federal
It’s the pattern of blocking seen throughout the official climate science community
the University of Virginia asked the courts to block requests for
information from Attorney General Cuccinelli on the Michael Mann
situation. What do they have to hide? We’re talking about scientific
claims at the basis of massive global energy and economic policies. The
taxpayer funds the work and will be impacted, yet they’re denied access.
Who Is In Control?
image is a major concern for NASA, so why have they allowed James
Hansen, Director of their Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) to
act as he has? There is now evidence suggesting the problem has gone on
for a long time; “the equation upon which all Global Warming Theory
studies are built is inherently flawed.” They then make a most
devastating claim, “Worse, however, than the flaw in the equation, is
that this fact has remained covered up by NASA from the first Lunar
landing until now, nearly 41 years.”
NASA needs to understand
weather and climate because it affects the launch orbit and landing of
space vehicles. In the early years they produced excellent work like
Herman and Goldberg’s 1978 book Sun, Weather and Climate. Early
interests somehow changed. “Much of the institute’s early work involved
study of planetary atmospheres using data collected by telescopes and
space probes, and in time that led to GISS becoming a leading center of
atmospheric modeling and of climate change.”
Apparently Hansen
caused much of the shift as he pushed his political agenda. NASA GISS
employee Gavin Schmidt provided support especially by active
participation in RealClimate the attack group organized to defend the
Climatic Research Unit (CRU).
Many people wondered how much of his work time went to Realclimate activities and how much represented NASA’s positions.
Hansen deflected attention from his activities by claiming he was muzzled for political ends.
former boss Dr. John S. Theon, retired Chief of the Climate Processes
Research Program at NASA completely discredited this idea. “Hansen was
never muzzled even though he violated NASA’s official agency position on
climate forecasting (i.e., we did not know enough to forecast climate
change or mankind’s effect on it). Hansen thus embarrassed NASA by
coming out with his claims of global warming in 1988 in his testimony
before Congress” – EPW
Hansen knew the situation because in
public he presented himself either as Director of GISS or as a private
citizen. He’s entitled to his views as a private citizen, but it’s an
affront to imply that when speaking to a group on climate his position
will not influence public opinion. Of course, his private views will
influence his professional views.
Theon made his own views on
global warming public after he retired in a communication to the
Minority Office at the Environment and Public Works Committee on January
15, 2009. “I appreciate the opportunity to add my name to those who
disagree that global warming is man-made,” His major concern was the
models. “My own belief concerning anthropogenic climate change is that
the models do not realistically simulate the climate system because
there are many very important sub-grid scale processes that the models
either replicate poorly or completely omit,”
He made a
disturbing comment about the data, which beyond the models is at the
very heart of the climate problem. “Furthermore, some scientists have
manipulated the observed data to justify their model results. In doing
so, they neither explain what they have modified in the observations,
nor explain how they did it. They have resisted making their work
transparent so that it can be replicated independently by other
scientists. This is clearly contrary to how science should be done. Thus
there is no rational justification for using climate model forecasts to
determine public policy,”
Is Theon referring to Hansen when he
talks about manipulating data to prove the models? Why didn’t Theon rein
in Hansen? He explains the limitations of his position with Hansen. “I
was, in effect, Hansen’s supervisor because I had to justify his
funding, allocate his resources, and evaluate his results. I did not
have the authority to give him his annual performance evaluation,” In
the Minority Office report Theon describes Hansen as a “nice, likeable
fellow,” but worries “he’s been overcome by his belief—almost
religious—that he’s going to save the world.” And that’s the problem.
Either ignorance of climate science or a deliberate attempt to mislead or both
uses his bureaucratic position as Director of NASA GISS, to pursue a
political agenda. He inflated the issue of human induced global warming
to a global fraud in 1988 testimony before a House and Senate committee
when he said; “the greenhouse effect has been detected and it is
changing our climate now” This shows either ignorance of climate science
or a deliberate attempt to mislead or both. The phrasing suggests
incorrectly the greenhouse effect is new. There is no evidence, except
in the computer models, that it is causing current climate change. He
capped this with another unsupportable statement that he was, “99
percent certain that the warming trend was not a natural variation but
was caused by a buildup of carbon dioxide and other artificial gases in
the atmosphere.”
NASA GISS Controls And “Adjusts” Data
its focus on modeling and climate change NASA GISS established itself
as the source of global temperatures. It’s probably the record Theon
refers to in his comment about data because it has consistently been the
centre of controversy.
One was discovery of the so-called the
Y2K error, which resulted in a significant change in the US temperature
record. The claim 1998 was the warmest year on record and 9 of 10 of the
warmest years were in that decade was amended to 1934 being the warmest
and 4 of the top 10 were in the 1930s.
Emails related to this
incident obtained through freedom of information prompted the comment,
“Climate activist and arch-druid of the AGW movement James Hansen caught
out telling porkies? Now that would be a tragedy for the Climate Fear
Promotion industry! “ (Porkies is English slang for lies.)
year global annual temperatures are produced by different agencies and
every time the NASA GISS data shows a more pronounced warming. “Each
time Hansen announces that the GISS has discovered a better way to
statistically modify actual US ground temperatures, warming becomes even
more pronounced and any cooling less pronounced.”
adjustments enhance the warming trend to support Theon’s comment that,
“some scientists have manipulated the observed data to justify their
model results.” Even with adjustments model projections overestimate the
warming, but then exact replication would raise more suspicions.
“Hansen is a political activist who spreads fear even when NASA’s own data contradict him”
the July/August 2008 issue of Launch Magazine NASA Astronaut and
Physicist Walter Cunningham wrote, “Hansen is a political activist who
spreads fear even when NASA’s own data contradict him,”… “NASA should be
at the forefront in the collection of scientific evidence and debunking
the current hysteria over human-caused, or Anthropogenic Global Warming
(AGW). Unfortunately, it’s becoming just another agency caught up in
the politics of global warming, or worse, politicized science.”
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
are NASA’s own words about transparency. “NASA is expanding
transparency, participation, and collaboration and creating a new level
of openness and accountability. We are focusing on embedding open
government into three integrated aspects of our operations—policy,
technology, and culture.”
Actions of NASA GISS under James Hansen makes them a mockery.
Roman Warm Period (Europe -- Mediterranean) -- Summary
alarmists contend that the degree of global warmth over the latter part
of the 20th century, and continuing to the present day, was greater
than it was at any other time over the past one to two millennia,
because this contention helps support their claim that what they call
the "unprecedented" temperatures of the past few decades were
CO2-induced. Hence, they cannot stomach the thought that the Medieval
Warm Period of a thousand years ago could have been just as warm as, or
even warmer than, it has been recently, especially since there was so
much less CO2 in the air a thousand years ago than there is now.
they are equally loath to admit that temperatures of the Roman Warm
Period of two thousand years ago may also have rivaled, or exceeded,
those of the recent past, since atmospheric CO2 concentrations at that
time were also much lower than they are today. As a result, climate
alarmists rarely even mention the Roman Warm Period, as they are happy
to let sleeping dogs lie. In addition, they refuse to acknowledge that
these two prior warm periods were global in extent, claiming instead
that they were local phenomena restricted to lands surrounding the North
Atlantic Ocean.
In another part of our Subject Index we explore
these contentions as they apply to the Medieval Warm Period. In this
Summary, we explore them as they pertain to the Roman Warm Period,
focusing on studies conducted in lands surrounding the Mediterranean
Working with a core of 2.5 meters length, which they sampled
at intervals of 2 cm in the upper 1 meter and at intervals of 5 cm
below that depth, Martinez-Cortizas et al. (1999) derived a record of
mercury deposition in the peat bog of Penido Vello in northwest Spain
that extends to 4000 radiocarbon years before the present, which they
analyzed for a number of parameters. This work revealed, in their words,
"that cold climates promoted an enhanced accumulation and the
preservation of mercury with low thermal stability, and warm climates
were characterized by a lower accumulation and the predominance of
mercury with moderate to high thermal stability."
Based on these
findings and further analyses, they derived a temperature history for
the region that they standardized to the mean temperature of the most
recent 30 years of their record. This work revealed that the mean
temperature of the Medieval Warm Period in northwest Spain was 1.5°C
warmer than it was over the 30 years leading up to the time of their
study, and that the mean temperature of the Roman Warm Period was 2°C
Even more impressive was their finding that several
decadal-scale intervals during the Roman Warm Period were more than
2.5°C warmer than the 1968-98 period, while an interval in excess of 80
years during the Medieval Warm Period was more than 3°C warmer. Thus,
Martinez-Cortizas et al. concluded, and rightly so, that "for the past
4000 years ... the Roman Warm Period and the Medieval Warm Period were
the most important warming periods."
Four years later, Desprat et
al. (2003) studied the climatic variability of the last three millennia
in northwest Iberia via a high-resolution pollen analysis of a sediment
core retrieved from the central axis of the Ria de Vigo in the south of
Galicia. By so doing, they found "an alternation of three relatively
cold periods with three relatively warm episodes." In order of their
occurrence, these periods were described by Desprat et al. as the "first
cold phase of the Subatlantic period (975-250 BC)," which was "followed
by the Roman Warm Period (250 BC-450 AD)," which was followed by "a
successive cold period (450-950 AD), the Dark Ages," which "was
terminated by the onset of the Medieval Warm Period (950-1400 AD),"
which was followed by "the Little Ice Age (1400-1850 AD), including the
Maunder Minimum (at around 1700 AD)," which "was succeeded by the recent
warming (1850 AD to the present)."
Commenting on their
findings, Desprat et al. offered the opinion that "solar radiative
budget and oceanic circulation seem to be the main mechanisms forcing
this cyclicity in NW Iberia," noting that "a millennial-scale climatic
cyclicity over the last 3000 years is detected for the first time in NW
Iberia paralleling global climatic changes recorded in North Atlantic
marine records (Bond et al., 1997; Bianchi and McCave, 1999; Chapman and
Shackelton, 2000)." And this body of findings suggests that the
establishment of the Current Warm Period over the course of the past
century or so may have been nothing more than the most recent
manifestation of this naturally-recurring phenomenon.
After two
more years had passed, Kvavadze and Connor (2005) analyzed various sets
of data pertaining to the ecology, pollen productivity and Holocene
history of Zelkova carpinifolia, a Tertiary-relict tree whose pollen is
almost always accompanied by elevated concentrations of the pollen of
other thermophilous taxa; and because Zelkova carpinifolia requires heat
and moisture during the growing period, they say that the discovery of
fossil remains of the species in Holocene sediments "can be a good
indicator of optimal climatic conditions."
More specifically,
they indicate that "Western Georgian pollen spectra of the Subatlantic
period show that the period began in a cold phase, but, by 2200 cal yr
BP, climatic amelioration commenced," noting that "the maximum phase of
warming [was] observed in spectra from 1900 cal yr BP," which interval
of warmth was Georgia's contribution to the Roman Warm Period.
cooler phase of climate, during the Dark Ages Cold Period, "occurred in
Western Georgia about 1500-1400 cal yr BP," according to the two
scientists; but it too was followed by another warm period "from 1350 to
800 years ago," which was, of course, the Medieval Warm Period.
portions of this latter warm epoch, they report that tree lines
"migrated upwards and the distribution of Zelkova broadened." In
addition, they present a history of Holocene oscillations of the upper
tree-line in Abkhasia -- derived by Kvavadze et al. (1992) -- that
depicts slightly greater-than-1950 elevations during a portion of the
Medieval Warm Period and much greater extensions above the 1950
tree-line during parts of the Roman Warm Period, which observations
imply much warmer conditions than what prevailed there around AD 1950,
which was the "present" of Kvavadze and Connor's study.
contemporaneously, Pla and Catalan (2005) analyzed chrysophyte cyst data
they collected from 105 lakes located within the Central and Eastern
Pyrenees of northeast Spain to produce a Holocene history of
winter/spring temperatures. A significant oscillation was evident in
this thermal reconstruction in which the region's climate alternated
between warm and cold phases over the past several thousand years. Of
particular note were the Little Ice Age, Medieval Warm Period, Dark Ages
Cold Period and, once again, the subject of this summary: the Roman
Warm Period.
Last of all, we come to the paper of Garcia et al.
(2007), who introduced the report of their work by noting that "despite
many studies that have pointed to ... the validity of the classical
climatic oscillations described for the Late Holocene (Medieval Warm
Period, Little Ice Age, etc.), there is a research line that suggests
the non-global signature of these periods (IPCC, 2001; Jones and Mann,
2004)." Noting that "the best way to solve this controversy would be to
increase the number of high-resolution records covering the last
millennia and to increase the spatial coverage of these records," they
proceeded to do just that.
Working with a number of sediment
cores retrieved from a river-fed wetland that is flooded for
approximately seven months of each year in Las Tablas de Daimiel
National Park (south central Iberian Peninsula, Spain), Garcia et al.
employed "a high resolution pollen record in combination with
geochemical data from sediments composed mainly of layers of charophytes
alternating with layers of vegetal remains plus some detrital beds" to
reconstruct "the environmental evolution of the last 3000 years."
doing so, the six Spanish researchers were able to identify five
distinct climatic stages: "a cold and arid phase during the Subatlantic
(Late Iron Cold Period, < B.C. 150), a warmer and wetter phase (Roman
Warm Period, B.C. 150-A.D. 270), a new colder and drier period
coinciding with the Dark Ages (A.D. 270-900), the warmer and wetter
Medieval Warm Period (A.D. 900-1400), and finally a cooling phase
(Little Ice Age, >A.D. 1400)."
Noting that "the Iberian
Peninsula is unique, as it is located at the intersection between the
Mediterranean and the Atlantic, Europe and Africa, and is consequently
affected by all of them," Garcia et al. significantly advanced the
likelihood that the classical climatic oscillations described for the
Late Holocene -- of which the Roman Warm Period is a prime example --
were indeed both real and global in scope, as well as not-CO2-induced,
which means that earth's current level of warmth need not be CO2-induced
as well.
Freer Trade is Key to a Cleaner Environment and Green Growth
remarks on World Environment Day, the Director-General of the World
Trade Organization (WTO), Pascal Lamy, pointed out that, “Trade opening
has much to contribute in the fight against climate change and to the
protection of the environment.”
Indeed, the most practical
improvements in energy efficiency and protecting the environment over
the past decades haven’t stemmed from government regulatory mandates. As
shown in the analysis of the Index of Economic Freedom, the most
progress has been driven by advances in freer trade and economic
freedom. These unleash greater economic opportunity and prosperity,
generating a virtuous cycle of investment, innovation, and dynamic
economic growth. Echoing the same message, the WTO chief further noted:
The entire world is well aware of the environmental dangers posed to
our planet. But the ability of governments to respond to these dangers
is tied closely to the resources at their disposal. Countries which have
had success in alleviating poverty and raising living standards tend to
be more adept at creating the conditions for a cleaner environment.
efforts aimed at imposing stricter environmental standards through a
national or global regulatory body run great risk of being not only
fruitless, but also counterproductive. They undercut the economic growth
and efficiency indispensable to effective efforts to protect the
environment. Such regulations are likely to be little more that
feel-good actions! The fundamental flaw of those favoring new government
directives is the fallacy that there must be a trade-off between
economic growth and environmental protection. They seem to think that to
get more of one, you have to have less of the other. The truth is just
the opposite: to get more environmental protection you need more growth,
not less.
It is encouraging that many Americans see that truth.
As a March 2010 Gallup survey reveals, more Americans believe that
economic growth should take priority over environmental protection when
the two goals collides, with fewer willing to support environmental
measures that may have a negative economic impact!
if the nanny state wasn't intrusive enough already, busybodies in the
California Assembly are sticking their noses in where they don't belong,
passing a bill to ban plastic shopping bags. This is a classic case of
perennial meddlers looking to boss people around for no good reason.
shopping bags are far from an environmental menace. In fact, the
environmental impact of plastic shopping bags also pales in comparison
to the environmental impact of paper and canvas bags. According to
the Environmental Literacy Council, plastic bags are better for air
quality than paper bags because they weigh less and are more compact,
requiring one-seventh the number of trucks to ship the same number of
bags. And fewer truck trips carrying lighter loads mean less oil
consumption and less pollution.
The council also reports that
plastic bags are more environmentally benign in landfills, since they
require only a fraction of landfill space compared with paper bags.
Don't let environmental activists fool you regarding reusable canvas bags, either.
canvas bags are likely to become downright gross in no time. The next
time you buy ice cream, notice how much of it sticks to the outside of
the carton, ready to turn a canvas shopping bag into a gooey mess and a
feeding station for ants and cockroaches. Notice, too, how much juice
leaks from the fruit salad container and how much bacteria-infested gook
leaks from meat packages. Keeping canvas bags sanitary and reusable
will require frequent additional cycles for your washer and dryer. These
extra laundry cycles, of course, result in more energy use, more air
pollutants from electricity generation, and more water pollution from
And, since most people don't keep an immaculate
calendar dictating which days and at what times they will stop by the
grocery store, they will have to keep the trunks of their cars stuffed
with numerous heavy, bulky canvas bags. As a result, every automobile
trip -- wherever the destination -- would mean more automobile weight
due to the stash of canvas bags. More automobile weight means more
gasoline will get burned and more pollutants be released into the air.
addition, the popular notion of plastic shopping bags entangling and
choking marine life is an urban myth, more befitting of a Mark Twain
tall tale than a serious discussion on the environment. According to
U.S. Marine Mammal Commission senior analyst Dr. David Laist, "Plastic
bags do not figure in entanglement. The main culprits are fishing gear,
ropes, lines and strapping bands."
He adds that, "The impact of
bags on whales, dolphins, porpoises and seals ranges from nil for most
species to very minor for a few species. For birds, plastic bags are not
a problem, either."
In reality, the only environmental harm
caused by plastic shopping bags is the sight blight that happens when
people litter. But why should plastic shopping bags be treated any
differently in this regard than soda cans, water bottles, juice boxes
and other items? It seems that a far better solution is to impose
heavier fines on littering, which would have the additional benefit of
reducing all forms of litter.
But why bother with a simple, unobtrusive solution when you can find a new excuse to be a buttinsky?
Warmism assumes that it keeps
heat in. The following is the conclusion of a short paper by a
modeller who looks at all influences on heat loss together. He also
finds, as paleoclimatologists do, that CO2 levels are a response to,
rather than a cause of, temperature changes. The author is Fred H.
Haynie, who refers to himself as a "Retired Environmental Scientist".
An example of his academic journal articles is here. "OLR" is "outbound longwave radiation".
used the model to calculate average monthly CO2 concentrations for each
of the regions and included those values in a regression. The resulting
significant coefficient for CO2 was negative -- indicating it
accelerates OLR rather than resisting it.
This is unlikely a
direct effect and more likely by indirectly lowering the resistance of
some other process. The contributions of CO2 and the Unknown factor tend
to balance out and when CO2 is not included in the regression, the
contribution of the Unknown is only around 0.02 and decreasing slowly.
following plot is for the Arctic where the effects of water on OLR are
the least. Also, the apparent statistical significance of both CO2 and
the unknown factor could be to non-linearities that are not identified
in the models.
Globally, the measurable effects of atmospheric
water on reducing the rate of OLR are orders of magnitude greater than
any probable effects of atmospheric CO2. Any possible “greenhouse”
effect of atmospheric CO2 is not measurable with monthly, regional
averages; being lost in the error associated with the water variables
and model design.
The concentration of atmospheric CO2 is likely
being controlled by the global three dimensional distribution of the
different phases (vapor, condensed, and frozen) of water. As such, it is
probably a good lagging response to global climate change.
A correspondent summarizes Haynie's paper as follows:
Assumption: The earth loses thermal energy by radiating to space, i.e., by outbound long wave radiation (OLR).
Assumption: Components in the atmosphere slow down the rate of energy loss.
If a CO2 greenhouse effect is measurable, it should be a statistically
significant contributor to the total atmospheric resistance to OLR.
these assumptions against climate scenarios provided by NOAA, the
factors of precipitable water, precipitation rate, and sea surface
temperature are found to be statistically significant.
On the
same basis, and using data from Scripps, CO2’s impact comes out as
slightly negative, indicating that it accelerates OLR rather than
resisting it.
However, since other factors exceed any CO2 signal,
it’s safer to say that its impact is lost in the noise and as such is
simply not measurable.
Warming in Last 50 Years Predicted by Natural Climate Cycles
By Roy Spencer
of the main conclusions of the 2007 IPCC report was that the warming
over the last 50 years was most likely due to anthropogenic pollution,
especially increasing atmospheric CO2 from fossil fuel burning.
a minority of climate researchers have maintained that some — or even
most — of that warming could have been due to natural causes.
instance, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and Atlantic
Multi-decadal Oscillation (AMO) are natural modes of climate variability
which have similar time scales to warming and cooling periods during
the 20th Century. Also, El Niño — which is known to cause
global-average warmth — has been more frequent in the last 30 years or
so; the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) is a measure of El Niño and La
Niña activity.
A simple way to examine the possibility that
these climate cycles might be involved in the warming over the last 50
years in to do a statistical comparison of the yearly temperature
variations versus the PDO, AMO, and SOI yearly values. But of course,
correlation does not prove causation.
So, what if we use the
statistics BEFORE the last 50 years to come up with a model of
temperature variability, and then see if that statistical model can
“predict” the strong warming over the most recent 50 year period? That
would be much more convincing because, if the relationship between
temperature and these 3 climate indices for the first half of the 20th
Century just happened to be accidental, we sure wouldn’t expect it to
accidentally predict the strong warming which has occurred in the
second half of the 20th Century, would we?
Temperature, or Temperature Change Rate?
kind of statistical comparison is usually performed with temperature.
But there is greater physical justification for using the temperature
change rate, instead of temperature. This is because if natural climate
cycles are correlated to the time rate of change of temperature, that
means they represent heating or cooling influences, such as changes in
global cloud cover (albedo).
Such a relationship, shown in the
plot below, would provide a causal link of these natural cycles as
forcing mechanisms for temperature change, since the peak forcing then
precedes the peak temperature.
Predicting Northern Hemispheric Warming Since 1960
most of the recent warming has occurred over the Northern Hemisphere,
I chose to use the CRUTem3 yearly record of Northern Hemispheric
temperature variations for the period 1900 through 2009. From this
record I computed the yearly change rates in temperature. I then
linearly regressed these 1-year temperature change rates against the
yearly average values of the PDO, AMO, and SOI.
I used the period
from 1900 through 1960 for “training” to derive this statistical
relationship, then applied it to the period 1961 through 2009 to see how
well it predicted the yearly temperature change rates for that 50 year
period. Then, to get the model-predicted temperatures, I simply added up
the temperature change rates over time.
The result of this exercise in shown in the following plot :
is rather amazing is that the rate of observed warming of the Northern
Hemisphere since the 1970’s matches that which the PDO, AMO, and SOI
together predict, based upon those natural cycles’ PREVIOUS
relationships to the temperature change rate (prior to 1960).
I want to emphasize that my use of the temperature change rate, rather
than temperature, as the predicted variable is based upon the
expectation that these natural modes of climate variability represent
forcing mechanisms — I believe through changes in cloud cover — which
then cause a lagged temperature response.
This is powerful
evidence that most of the warming that the IPCC has attributed to human
activities over the last 50 years could simply be due to natural,
internal variability in the climate system. If true, this would also
mean that (1) the climate system is much less sensitive to the CO2
content of the atmosphere than the IPCC claims, and (2) future warming
from greenhouse gas emissions will be small.
SOURCE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
Global Temperature Is Warmest on Record, NASA’s Hansen Says: Reality Check
Some natural warming plus a lot of crooked data manipulation behind the claim
was indeed a global pop in temperatures despite the harsh (in places
record) winter in the Northern Hemisphere. The El Nino was at least a
moderate strength El Nino. It and the record negative arctic oscillation
helped make the higher latutudes warmer and suppress clouds and winds
in the subtropics and tropics, helping keep water temperatures in this
the widest latitudal belt above normal.
The Atlantic
Multidecadal Oscillation which went into its warm mode in 1995 rebounded
from a slide with the helps of these effects. Drought in India and
southeast Asia after two successive monsoon failures related to low
solar, high latitude volcanoes and summer El Ninos also contributed to
the pop.
As La Nina comes on and the PDO dives, and tropical
activity and increasing winds in the Atlantic cool the waters, the
global temperature will dive again like it did in the late 1990s and
late 200s.
Hansen, NOAA NCDC, Hadley CRU/UKMO all have reason to
find warmth and verify their scary projections from their Tinkertoy
models despite the many shortcomings found in these models. Hansen has a
proven history of manipulating data to come closer to verifying
E-mail messages obtained by CEI in a Freedom of
Information Act request reveal that NASA concluded that its own climate
data was inferior to those of the CRU and NOAA. In 2007, a USA Today
reporter asked if NASA’s data “was more accurate” than other
climate-change data sets, NASA’s Dr. Reto A. Ruedy replied with an
unequivocal NO! “My recommendation to you is to continue using NCDC’s
data for the U.S… and [East Anglia] data for the global…”
GIStemp program recalculates old temperatures with every new data run.
Like CRU and NOAA, NASA has managed to cool off the prior warm period
(like Michael mann did with the Medieval Warm Period. See below
(enlarged here) how in 1980, Hansen had the 1960s 0.3C colder than the
1950s. By 1987, it was just 0.05C colder and by 2007 it had become 0.05C
This was also done with the 1930s and 1940s, a
notoriously warm period where most of the nation (and North America)
heat records were set. See below (enlarged here)
NASA makes
frequent changes to the data as noted. John Goetz in a guest post on
Watts Up With That noted how NASA changed 20% of the station data 16
times in the 2 1/2 years ending in 2007. Recall also in 2007, Steve
McIntyre found a ‘millennium bug’ in the NASA software that caused
excess warmth post 2000. NASA quickly adjusted the data down 0.12 to
0.15C. This also pushed 1934 back into the lead as the warmest year that
lasted all of one year (NASA kept the old data the same because the
world was watching) before NASA returned all that warmth and then some.
See below
Hansen is a man on a mission to save the planet and
this includes civil disobedience. As Michael Goldfarb described it
“Recently, but presumably still in his capacity as a private citizen and
defender of the Earth, Hansen wrote an op-ed for the Guardian in which
he described coal-fired power plants as “factories of death.” This on
the heels of testifying in a British court on behalf of six Greenpeace
activists on trial for causing $60,000 in criminal damage to a
coal-fired power station in England.” Could this civil disobedience
carry over to the data?
The cooling with the recent two year La
Nina has put pressure on NOAA and NASA to accelerate adjustments – NOAA
removed urban heat island adjustments for the USHCN in 2007 and
announced a new warmer version of GHCN (V3) coming soon. NASA’s
adjustment upward of this decade last year (shown in table above as much
as 0.19C for a year) put them in a position to make the claim in the
More HERE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
Politics outweigh science in global warming debate
Global Political Agenda
matter what the latest science or temperature readings tell us about
the true causes and consequences of global warming, anthroprogenic
global warming alarmists continue to embrace more regulation, greater
government spending, and higher taxes in a futile attempt to control
what is beyond our control: the Earth’s temperature. One of their
political objectives, unstated of course, is the transfer of wealth from
rich nations to poor nations or, as the social engineers put it, from
the North to the South.
At the Bali Conference on Climate Change
in December 2007, the poor nations insisted the cost of technology to
limit emissions and adapt to the effects of climate change on their
countries ought to be paid for by rich nations. Most anticipated a
windfall of money flowing into their countries to develop technology or
purchase carbon credits. In that scenario, selling allotments for CO2
emissions would provide a temporary boost to their cash flow while
severely limiting the economic development of countries forced to
purchase the carbon credits.
The December 2009 Copenhagen
Conference was an attempt to formalize just such a transfer of wealth,
one that would be an economic disaster for the developed nations of the
world. The real economic costs of this income redistribution in the
United States would be huge. Various studies have forecast that the
United States would lose between three and four million jobs and the
average U.S. family would lose $4,000-7,000 a year in income.
Racing Against the Facts
the science to back up their wild forecasts and claims, and in the face
of overwhelming evidence for natural temperature variation, proponents
of AGW alarmism resort to the precautionary argument: “We must do
something just in case we are responsible, because the consequences are
too terrible if we are to blame and do nothing.” They hope to stampede
governments into committing huge amounts of taxpayers’ money before
their fraud is completely exposed—before science and truth save the day.
many politicians are going along with this scheme, some because they
have deluded themselves into thinking they can eventually reverse global
warming by stabilizing CO2 emissions, others more cynically to curry
favor with the media or political contributors.
There is
certainly no scientific justification for a self-imposed and indeed
cockamamie scheme of cap-and-trade that would raise energy costs, reward
middlemen, and result in massive fraud. For a tiny fraction of the
trillions of dollars such a system would eventually cost the United
States, we could pay for development of clean coal, oil-shale recovery
systems, and nuclear power, and have enough left over to maintain and
upgrade our essential system of temperature-monitoring satellites.
Real Science Is Key
global warming and what, if anything, humans can do to affect it are
scientific questions that can be answered only by science and scientific
data. Yet global warming alarmists invariably try to make their case by
resorting to rhetoric, dogma, opinion, and emotion. The closest thing
to scientific data in their articles is the occasional chart claiming a
poorly understood correlation between atmospheric CO2 and the Earth’s
Correlation is not causation. For five years,
Michael J. Economides, a professor of chemical and biomolecular
engineering at the University of Houston, has had a standing offer of
$10,000 for a single peer-reviewed paper showing causality between CO2
and increased temperature. None exists!
On the other hand,
scientists who understand the factors affecting the Earth’s
temperature—as much as they can be understood—rebut the alarmists with
papers replete with facts, science, charts, and data tables.
so many uninformed and misguided politicians ignoring the available
science, however, our nation’s priorities will drift away from hard
science and toward decadence. The politicization of science is
tantamount to killing it. It is our collective responsibility to
champion the use of responsible science to inform politicians.
are hopeful signs some once-true believers are beginning to harbor
doubts about anthropogenic global warming. We can only hope the focus of
the discussion returns to scientific evidence before we perpetrate an
economic disaster on ourselves and generations to come.
Infantile Australian climate professor pronounces debate as "infantile"
The Age — formerly a decent newspaper — never fails to take an opportunity to parrot PR for Team AGW. Last week they gave a free shot to Will Steffen, Executive Director, ANU Climate Change Institute.
SCIENCE adviser to the federal government has described the debate in
the media over the basics of climate change science as ”almost
infantile”, equating it to an argument about the existence of gravity.
takes a tax-payer funded Professor to equate AGW to gravity. It must
have taken years of education to be able to issue pronouncements like
this eh? If Australian taxpayers were hoping to get a bit more than just
bluster and name-calling from certain public servants, they’re bound to
be asking for their money back soon.
Not to put too fine a point
on it, but the existence of gravity is proven each day you don’t get
flung off the planet when you get out of bed. We can measure gravity to twelve significant digits, but our value for climate sensitivity to carbon dioxide varies from 0 to 10. Pick a number. We can’t even get one significant
digit fixed. Quantifying gravity involves dropping a rock with a clock
and a ruler. Quantifying carbon’s effect on climate change involves
understanding cloud-formation, ice sheet changes, evaporation, humidity
levels in air 8000 m above Singapore, and ocean currents at the bottom
of the endless abyss that we can’t even measure.
at a Melbourne summit on the green economy, Professor Will Steffen
criticised the media for treating climate change science as a political
issue in which two sides should be given a voice.
Is it political? Heck No. It’s not about
managing our economy, assessing risks, choosing between different
courses of action… err… it’s pure science. Prof Steffen has modeled our
future, there’s no need to involve the
economists-consumers-engineers-investors-medical-experts-or those pesky
kids we’re supposedly saving-the-planet-for. Managing the country is
pure science now; free speech and democracy-babble, who needs it!
censorship of speech, and appeal to authority is the antithesis of
science, and Steffen simplifies things ad absurdium. In Australia, he
appears to have been appointed Carbon-King-of-Bluster. Find me a
sentence where he substantiates a claim with something that amounts to
more than “…it’s true because I say so”.
It’s a
no-brainer. If you go over the last couple of decades you see tens of
thousands of papers in the peer-reviewed literature, and you have less
than 10 that challenge the fundamentals – and they have been disproved,”
Professor Steffen said after an address at the Australian Davos
Connection’s Future Summit.
“Tens of Thousands” of
papers eh? So why doesn’t he dig out a few and help his colleague Dr
Andrew Glikson who is at least honest enough to engage in a debate and try to answer the question: Can
you name any paper that supports the claim that positive feedback
occurs and will double or triple the direct effect of carbon dioxide? Without
that amplification the big scare campaign is all over (and so is much
of the funding that feeds the associated junkets, conferences, grants,
Institutes, and certain “science advisers” to the government ).
which 10 papers exactly have been disproved? Steffen can’t name them,
won’t try, and helpfully leaves things vague as a one-size-fits-all
whitewash. Pure bluster. Adam Morton dutifully prints all that without
checking, as if it’s a pronouncement from the Mount and one of the ten
Don’t give me the excuse that he’s written giant
documents with thousands of references, so the evidence is there
“somewhere”. It only takes a few minutes to name and explain one paper.
Waving vaguely at tomes is part of the shell game. If he wants rational
discourse, this is where it starts, with details.
now, this almost infantile debate about whether ‘is it real or isn’t it
real?’, it’s like saying, ‘Is the Earth round or is it flat?’
the only one trying to debate whether “it’s” real or the world is flat
is him. No one else wants to reduce public conversation to meaningless
descriptors as much as he does. What “it” is he talking about? Does he
mean “climate change”? He’d sure like us to debate that, because he’d be on safe preschool-climate-science terms where he could win: Yes Esmeralda, the climate does change! But the rest of us keep asking him to debate the real issue instead of his fake-o-strawman-substitute.
change] is a hugely important question and yet we are not having a
rational discourse in the media in Australia on this question. That is
my biggest frustration.
This is quite funny really. (I laughed). So Steffen is frustrated that the discourse is irrational?
This is the man who uses his academic authority to mock opponents (that
he won’t debate) with strawman arguments that are irrelevant. He claims
he wants rational discourse, but works hard to stifle any discussion
that doesn’t agree with him. He actively contributes to the nightmare of
government spin and irrationality.
Asked about the scepticism of
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, he said scientists respected leaders
from both sides of politics who showed respect for scientific expertise.
“Respect for expertise” is code for argument from authority: Trust me I’m an expert. It’s the cop-out.
scientists don’t have any respect for the fawning servants of
bureaucracy or fame. We admire those who can reason, and not those who
pour confusion on conversations with confounding pomposities. The
ingratiates who take our money but call us names, while they dodge
debates and hail vainglorious victories over points we never raised:
these we mock
following is from a newsletter put out by Greenies who OPPOSE wind
power. The email followed a strategy discussion of how to defeat a bad
wind energy bill (the disastrous Massachusetts Wind Energy Siting
What I have reproduced is fairly long but there is in
fact more to it. If you ask to be put on the mailing list of John Droz
jr. (aaprjohn@northnet.org) you can get the whole of it. Droz is a
physicist and his site is here
I first got involved with the Wellfleet (Cape Cod, Massachusetts)
situation in November, what I (and others in our community) knew about
wind turbines would fit in a thimble. However, we knew enough to
understand that erecting 400 foot, kinetic industrial towers in the
middle of a national park was an insane idea. It seemed like such a
sacrilege, that we barely knew where to start arguing with the
proponents. What do you say to someone who is so seriously unhinged
that he or she actually thinks that it’s a great idea to industrialize a
national park?
We rapidly grew to appreciate the human
health hazards (e.g. acoustic effects), the profoundly detrimental
environmental consequences (e.g. for wildlife), the impact on property
values and, most tragically, the despair and ruin that they caused in
the lives of decent, well-meaning people burdened to live in the shadow
of these behemoths.
The knowledge that seemed least relevant to
me – because the other consequences were so dire – was the efficacy of
the technology: does wind energy actually work? Does it accomplish
anything consequential? Those were way down on my list of concerns.
knew enough to know that the proponents had no business erecting the
damn things in the National Seashore. But others repeatedly said that
it would be crazy – and self-defeating – to address the larger policy
issue with any sort of traditional cost / benefit analysis. Are we
getting our money’s worth? Does the yield justify the investment? That
sort of thing. And it was deemed especially foolhardy even to suggest
to a bunch of Prius driving liberals in Wellfleet who are hell bent on
saving the world that wind energy doesn’t actually work. Furthermore it
seemed to me that we had plenty of ammunition in our battle to let
sleeping dogs lie – or to let the windmill supporters live with their
illusions about the promise of wind energy – as long as they could be
convinced that putting them in the park was dangerous and outrageous.
So I didn’t really do my homework and answer these questions for myself.
however, after encountering the vapid, idiotic, pompous and patronizing
delusional drivel of the Superintendent of the Cape Cod National
Seashore (an unapologetic promoter of his grand vision of a string of
token wind energy projects within the boundaries of the park — you know
who I mean as you have similar proponents in your community) -- over and
over and over again – I am completely of the opposite view.
now see that his arguments are hollow (meaningless, bloated, irrelevant,
not applicable and false) — and his advocacy of industrializing the
park is morally bankrupt. He keeps trying to inflate the shell of his
argument (the “national mission to promote alternative energy”), but
repeatedly ignores the substance of his core responsibility: “to
preserve and protect the natural landscape in its original condition for
all future generations.”
Gradually, it has become apparent that
not only is it maddening to listen to such bombast — as if he had been
granted a special dispensation from on high to pursue his brilliant
plan, but it is downright dangerous to allow such contentions to linger
unchallenged that this could EVER possibly be a good idea, or that these
promoters have any clue what they are talking about.
We simply
must call a spade a spade here in order to deny such imposters the
opportunity to wrap themselves in the cloak of their presumed authority,
or to "frame" the debate, as some of our representatives have attempted
to do.
The central argument against wind turbines in this debate is simple and devastating: they don't work!
— They will not solve our energy issues (e.g. they don't reduce our dependence on imported oil).
— They will not solve our environmental problems (e.g. they don't consequentially reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions).
— They are not a substitute for conventional energy sources (e.g.
because they are not reliable, have no Capacity Value, are much more
expensive, etc.).
Why should citizens take this approach?
take this as the point of departure, instead of seeking to elicit
sympathy for the very real suffering of folks in nearby communities
subjected to wind development?
The reason is simple: if you
allow the proponents to retain this “high moral ground” – the fictional
idea that wind turbines actually accomplish something useful and that at
least THEY are trying to do something about global warming, energy
independence, etc. while YOU are in denial – and whining about a bit of
noise that is “no louder than a refrigerator” ---- then you have likely
lost right off the bat.
Making it mostly about you makes it is all too easy for these promoters to paint us as NIMBY’s and nincompoops.
They will come across as virtuous and wise — you as selfish and uninformed.
They want to change the world with their cutting edge technology — you are living in the past.
They care about our grandchildren’s grandchildren — you are a
crybaby because you can’t stand paying a few more cents per KWH on your
electric bill.
They are bold visionaries — you are the reason we’re here in the first place.
Who do you think is holding the stronger hand here?
suppose you turn this around and you first DEMAND that they prove their
case: that they provide scientific proof that the technology actually
works BEFORE you move on to catalogue all of the adverse consequences.
You can do this by asking a few innocent questions:
Please show me the independent, objective studies (using real-world
data, not models) that show that wind energy actually is technically,
economically and environmentally beneficial?
* Please
explain to me how we're going to get electricity if these things only
produce power when the wind blows — and not too slow, or too fast? What
are we going to do if the wind only blows at night – when we don’t need
electricity – but doesn’t blow during the daytime in August – when it’s
hot as hell where I live? Isn’t a lot of that “production” worthless?
Has anyone ever invented a practical, affordable method of “storing”
electricity for future use?
* What do we do if we have
three calm days in a row? Or a calm month? How do I watch the World
Series? How do I use my computer?
* How do we manage
the wildly fluctuating flow of electricity produced – or not produced –
by the wind turbines? Isn’t modern electricity essentially a river of
current that needs to be predictably available to be useful – not a
flood, but certainly more than a trickle and, heaven forbid, not a dry
gulch? Isn’t that sort of a problem – especially if the oft-stated goal
of “increasing alternative energy to 20% of our total output by 2020”
is actually realized?
* What about the economics? The
average residential US customer pays 10¢/KWH for electricity. In Denmark
(where they have installed many more wind turbines) the average
residential customer pays 35¢/KWH. How will paying this huge 350%
increase be beneficial to citizens? How does this jive with the
marketing PR that says wind energy is inexpensive?
* Will
this wind project actually replace any conventional fossil-fuel
electric plants? How many can we get rid of? Can we dispense with them
entirely? Can we turn them on and off at will – like dimming the
lights – to compensate for the unpredictable, skittering output from the
wind mills? If we do a granular analysis of wind energy (not giving
credit to useless gross production that is produced in the middle of the
night, when nobody wants it, for example), what is the actual reduction
in CO2 emissions that we can hope to achieve – starting from the
assumption that consumers and businesses don’t consider availability of
electricity “optional” and aren’t willing to put up with haphazard,
unpredictable delivery of this miraculous form of energy that they take
for granted?
* To replace a single medium sized
conventional electric power plant we would only need several thousands
of these 410 foot behemoths covering hundreds of square miles of
territory. Exactly how many square miles of land will be needed to
appreciably reduce coal use? Since they aren't making more land, how is
this a "renewable" or "green" concept?
* My favorite:
those who claim that "forward thinking environmentalists" should give
their support to projects like the wind turbine proposal in Wellfleet
for wind turbines in the middle of the national park.
Take the opposite approach by saying: OK, Let’s do it! Let’s harness
the “wind resource” within the park in the service of all humanity. But
let’s not stop with a few. Since this is such a great idea, let’s
REPLICATE this wonderful idea throughout the entire park system. If
it’s good enough for the National Seashore, it’s good enough for the
Grand Canyon, Yosemite, and Yellowstone too! We can’t afford to let all
of those other “wind resources” go to waste!
* Surely,
this is not too great a price to pay. Why, if we were just “forward
thinking” enough to agree to ruin thousands of pristine habitats similar
to Wellfleet – or to convert the entire State of Rhode Island into a
wind farm, for example -- we could “replace” ONE small power plant,
right? Well, no, we couldn’t actually “replace” the power plant, since
we would have to keep it running “just in case” the wind didn’t blow (or
blew at the wrong time). But who cares: at least we’d be doing
something, and we’d surely all feel a lot better about ourselves! No one
could say we didn’t do our part.
Then you ask the proponents how
many billions of dollars they want to spend on this adventure – not for
a single project, but the total figure.
Then you ask them where
they’re going to put them? How do you put them in cities and towns
without adversely affect citizens (e.g. by bombarding them with high
intensity infrasound and “flicker” and constant mechanical noise)? How
do you put them in conservation preserves, in the unsettled areas,
without destroying habitat and driving off wildlife? It really makes
sense to "save the world" by destroying its inhabitants?
you ask them how many miles of transmission lines we’ll have to
construct – at what cost, and what consequences will this have – and how
much power will we lose getting the electricity from the desolate,
windy points (where the windmills live and the wildlife has fled) to the
settled areas, hundreds of miles away?
Then you ask them who’s
going to pay for all of this? And how will that be accomplished? And
what happens to all of these projects if the legislature (or the federal
government; or the voters) have a change of heart – or fall upon hard
economic times – and the river of government subsidies slows to a
Then you ask them why they keep talking about foreign
oil and “energy independence” when only about 1% of electricity is
produced by burning oil – and virtually all of our electricity currently
comes from home-grown sources?
Then you ask them why shouldn’t
we be focusing some of those billions of dollars of investment on
conservation; and on reducing vehicle emissions; and on switching over
to natural gas (which is plentiful, relatively clean, and cheap) –
rather than splurging on all of those exotic, noisy mammoth wind mills?
Here is the bottom line.
let these agenda promoters reduce the argument to whether or not “we”
are willing to make the sacrifice in the service of a noble and
necessary cause. (BTW by “we” they mean people they don’t know and
don’t care about in communities with wind projects.) Tell them you think
that the whole idea is nuts – and make them prove it to you otherwise.
So what do they actually LIKE about the idea? Remind me again?
are neither virtuous nor wise. The developers are mostly cynical
profiteers out to make a buck, who pull the necessary strings and grease
the necessary palms to win their approvals. They are opportunists who
travel to financially stressed rural areas and entice unsuspecting
farmers to sign their lease agreements which neuter their rights to
their own land. Most of the others are ill-informed and idealistic –
and maybe a bit impulsive – who have no idea what they’re in for once
the blades begin to spin. They reassure energy committees and the town
fathers that everything will be fine. Talk is cheap!
“It’s no
louder than a refrigerator!” “You won’t even know it’s there.” “They
are beautiful, shining symbols of our freedom – and of our energy
I’m not immune to the sufferings of others – on
the contrary, it breaks my heart – and I am acutely aware of the many
other adverse consequences that derive from the installation and the
operation of these massive machines. But after being in the trenches
on this issue I am quite sure that it is a mistake to shoulder the
burden of pointing out all of the bad consequences of their "brilliant"
idea — instead of demanding to see the proof as to WHY are they
recommending it in the first place?
What’s so inspiring about a
stupid idea that doesn’t work – AND one which devastates residents,
divides communities and ruins habitat in the process?
of Warmism have more serious psychological problems than most of their
followers. "They display all the features of paranoid personality
disorder", he says, including anger, intolerance of criticism, and what
psychiatrists call a grandiose sense of their own importance.
"Ultimately, their belief is a mental health problem.
I have changed the quote around a bit though. It was originally written
about "denialism" and, as such, is both an excellent example of
projection (seeing your own faults in others) and yet another example of
Leftists "psychologizing" opposition to their beliefs. Adorno et al. started that ball rolling way back in 1950 and it has been rolling ever since.
Logically, it is of course just another example of an ad hominem fallacy -- attacking the arguer rather than the argument -- and, as such, has no scholarly worth whatever.
of the "authorities" quoted in the pro-Warmism article linked above is
George Lakoff. You can read more about the laughable Lakoff here
tactic embodied in projection is a good one polemically. If you get
in first and accuse others of your own faults, it does tend to blunt
people's recognition of your faults. In the end, however, it is the
argument, not the arguer that is of interest and it must stand or fall
on the evidence, nothing else.
The article from which I took the
quote conflates all sorts of denial of the conventional academic
wisdom, which is very sloppy. Some sorts of academic wisdom appear
well-founded (such as the link between smoking and various diseases)
while others (such as the adverse effects of secondhand smoke) are contrary to some very strong evidence.
together many disparate sorts of skepticism would seem to me to be an
excellent example of the oversimplified thinking that Adorno and his
successors have claimed is characteristic of conservatives. More
"ROBUST FINDINGS" about global warming
Greenie activist Jo Abbess has recently set out at length some details and evidence of "robust findings" in an IPCC report about global warming. The first such finding is:
atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and CH4, and their associated
positive radiative forcing, far exceed those determined from ice core
measurements spanning the last 650,000 years
Ridley [peter.ridley@fsmail.net] noted that the abbess has a comments
facility on her blog so valiantly submitted a comment in reply.
Needless to say, however, the abbess has not published the comment. So I
thought I would. It follows:
Has that method used for reconstructng past atmospheric compositions using air recovered from ice cores, which Professor Richard Alley refers to as the “Gold Standard”, been subjected to a proper assay showing that it is not in fact fools gold?
do I ask this? It is because I have not yet been able to find any
worthwhile research providing convincing evidence that air “trapped” for
hundreds and hundreds of years within ice retains unchanged the
composition that existed at the time of initial capture. As I understand
it that air is first “trapped” in snow as it forms and falls and is
then retained within the increasingly densified ice as it is compresses
beneath more falling snow.
As Jaworowski et al. have pointed out,
most recently in 2007 at the time that the non-scientific AR4 SPM was
issued – ahead of the finalised report upon which it was supposed to be
based was written - there are numerous physical and chemical processes
that distort the original composition.
Although scientists who
regard those reconstructions as Alley does claim to take account of
these processes there is one about which little if any worthwhile
research seems to have been undertaken. This is the preferential
fractionation of CO2 and CH4 into higher levels during the many years in
which firn exists.
This fractionation arising from the smaller
relative sizes of these gases compared with the major constituents, N2
and O2. The fractionation has the effect of increasing the concentration
at higher levels in the firn at the expense of the lower levels, giving
a false impression of lower concentrations levels of these smaller
trace gases in earlier ice.
Perhaps you’d like to point to
convincing evidence that this effect either does not take place or is
properly accounted for in the attempts to reconstruct atmospheric
composition in the past, especially pre-industrialisation.
we’ve properly covered that “robust finding” we should be able to
address Robust Finding (4) quite quickly and move on to the next.
Climate fraud in the Australian scientific establishment
A very fresh example is a document published in March 2010 as a joint
effort between the CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology called “State of the Climate”. In the preamble to the document, this statement is made:
Bureau of Meteorology has been observing and reporting on weather in
Australia for over 100 years, and CSIRO has been conducting atmospheric
and marine research for over 60 years
Now the CSIRO might be
forgiven for not having a corporate memory more than 60 years long, but
why did they and the Bureau of Meteorology only use 50 years of data to
produce the following graph when they had more than 100 years of data
they could have used?
Figure 71: Dubious graph from CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology document
the reason they did not use a longer time period is that it would not
have shown the warming trend that they needed to portray. They started
their graph in the 1970s cooling period despite having a data record
more than twice as long.
Evidence of how low these institutions have fallen is on the back page of the State of the Climate document, on which it is stated: Australia will be hotter in coming decades
average temperatures are projected to rise by 0.6 to 1.5 ºC by 2030. If
global greenhouse gas emissions continue at current levels, warming is
projected to be in the range of 2.2 to 5.0 ºC by 2070. Warming is
projected to be lower near the coast and in Tasmania and higher in
central and north-western Australia. These changes will be felt through
an increase in the number of hot days."
It is very likely that human activities have caused most of the global warming observed since 1950
"There is greater than 90% certainty that increases in greenhouse gas emissions have caused most of the globalwarming since the mid-20th century. International research shows that it is extremely unlikely that the observedwarming could be explained by natural causes alone. Evidence of human influence has been detected in oceanwarming, sea-level rise, continental-average temperatures, temperature extremes and wind patterns. CSIROresearch has shown that higher greenhouse gas levels are likely to have caused about half of the winter rainfallreduction in south-west Western Australia."
observations clearly demonstrate that climate change is real. CSIRO and
the Bureau of Meteorology will continue to provide observations and
research so that Australia’s responses are underpinned by science of the
highest quality."
Consider the claim above that, "CSIRO research
has shown that higher greenhouse gas levels are likely to have caused
about half of the winter rainfall reduction in south-west Western
Australia.” in the light of Figure 8 in this book showing that all the
warming in the Perth temperature record in the last 100 years occurred
in one year, 1976. These once-worthy institutions are relying upon a
credulous public to swallow their absurd claims without question.
CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology management and research staff will
eventually claim that they were relying upon IPCC research. But as one
of the Climategate conspirators, Tom Wigley, said in an email dated 25th November, 1997:
scientist who wishes to maintain respect in the community should ever
endorse any statement unless they have examined the issue fully
On the subject of scientists not making statements
unless they have examined the issue fully themselves, consider this one
quoting Australia’s Chief Scientist, Professor Penny Sackett on 4th December, 2009:
planet has just five years to avoid disastrous global warming, says the
Federal Government’s chief scientist. Professor Penny Sackett yesterday
urged all Australians to reduce their carbon footprint.
Chief Scientist’s statement is idiotic and patently false, more worthy
of a Chief Shaman. There is no physical evidence anywhere on the planet
that “disastrous global warming” will start by 2014, or any time at all.
The position of Chief Scientist should be the last line of defence of
the Australian public from the depredations of any rent-seekers and
carpetbaggers. Instead she has joined the chorus that wants to condemn
the Australian nation to penury. The Bureau of Meteorology and the CSIRO
have failed the Australian public dismally. That is putting it mildly.
In truth, they have conspired against the Australian nation.
Sackett’s most credible defence for making that idiotic statement might
be that she has never associated with any climate scientists. Someone
who did, Professor James Lovelock, is quoted by the Guardian newspaper
on 29th March, 2010 as saying:
"The great
climate science centres around the world are more than well aware how
weak their science is. If you talk to them privately they’re scared
stiff of the fact that they don’t really know what the clouds and the
aerosols are doing. They could be absolutely running the show. We
haven’t got the physics worked out yet.
I have seen this happen
before, of course. We should have been warned by the CFC/ozone affair
because the corruption of science in that was so bad that something like
80% of the measurements being made during that time were either faked,
or incompetently done."
Figure 72: Global Historical Climate Network raw and adjusted temperatures, Darwin Airport
on the subject of alarmist scientists fraudulently concocting data,
Figure 72 above shows the manipulation applied to Darwin’s temperature
record in order to manufacture a warming trend. The blue line is the
original raw data which shows a significant cooling trend of 0.7°C per
century. The red line is the adjusted data used to promote global
warming alarmism. The black line shows the adjustment applied – a total
of 2.2°C in sixty years! We can see that professionals did this job,
because they added a little bit of cooling in the 1920s to make the
uptrend seem more significant.
Figure 73: Data manipulation applied to the Prague, Czech Republic temperature record
to Darwin, the warming scientists added over 2.2°C to the beginning of
the Prague record to change an inconvenient cooling trend into a
supportive warming one.
The corruption of the world’s temperature data sets by this sort of manipulation prompted the UK Met Office to announce on 25th
February, 2010 that it is going to re-examine more than 150 years of
global temperature records. The Met Office expects to take three years
to complete the task, giving an indication of how corrupted the data set
has become.
New Paper With Stunning Admission By Climate Alarmist Scientists: Actual CO2 Emissions Are Unknown; Please Send Money!
here. In an AAAS magazine publication, there is an amazing admission
that actual CO2 emissions, human and natural, are unknown. Present CO2
emissions quoted as "truth" are nothing more than back-of-envelope
guesstimates. Climate alarmist scientists now admit they have no clue
about the quantities of CO2 emissions, nor the sources of all CO2
emissions. At this point, everyone should be questioning the sanity of
proceeding with the draconian economic solutions proposed by scientists
to curb human CO2 emissions.
But true to form, the scientists are demanding more monies to "fix" their ignorance problem.
"How can you control GHG emissions when you cannot accurately
identify their sources? And how can you blame the rise in atmospheric
CO2 solely on humanity if you cannot reconcile actual emissions with
atmospheric measurements? The answer is that you cannot. To try and
shore up the case for emissions control—including all those calls for
“cap and trade” and a carbon tax—the authors want to establish a global
network to provide a “top down” assessment of anthropogenic
The solution, they say, is to send more money. More
money for more instruments, more money for more studies, and more money
for more computer models. In the meantime, governments and the public
are expected to take concrete actions to curb GHG emissions based on
climate science's self-professed inaccurate predictions. They guess and
everyone else sacrifices."
U.S. Climate Data Reveals Past Global Warming Far Exceeds Modern Temperature Change
U.S. has sponsored much climate research over recent decades, including
the study of ice cores from Greenland. The National Climate Data Center
(NCDC), a NOAA organization, maintains the Greenland ice core
temperature data, which can be downloaded from their web site.
this Greenland ice core temperature data allows for an analysis of
temperature change from minimum (trough) temperature to maximum
temperature (peak) over extended time spans. Likewise, temperature
change from maximum to minimum can also be analyzed. Sooo, what does
that NCDC ice core temperature data actually indicate about temperature
1. Huge temperature swings have occurred naturally over thousands of years, prior to any human CO2 emissions.
The Modern warming increase (see pink arrow/dot on chart) since the
bottom of the Little Ice Age (around 1840) has been minuscule versus all
previous warming period temperature changes when compared to their
respective cooling period trough that preceded.
3. Over the 9,000
years, the average temperature increase from the trough of the
preceding cooling period to the next temperature peak has exceeded
2.0°C. In contrast, the Modern warming has barely reached a 0.7°C
increase since the Little Ice Age cooling trough.
4. There have
been nine significant warming trends leading to temperature peaks over
last 9,000 years; and, all exceed the Modern warming trend in terms of
absolute degree change (increase).
5. There have been nine
significant cooling periods over the same time span. Many cooling
periods have seen temperatures decline by over 2.0°C.
6. The
average number of years between temperature warming peaks is
approximately 990 years. Since the last peak around 1040 A.D., it has
now been 970 years, which suggests the current warming period is close
to peaking before the next natural cooling period dominates.
All scientists agree that all extreme temperature changes prior to the
20th century were of natural origin. In contrast, it's only climate
alarmist scientists who believe that the temperature change since the
Little Ice Age is all man-made (see pink arrow/dot).
Extreme Natural Temp Changes Greenland
The Greenland ice core data ends in early 20th century; the pink arrow
and dot have been added to indicate the "consensus" temperature increase
through 2009 since the LIA end mid-19th century.
A succinct comment on wind power from Terry McCrann
Terry McCrann is a veteran Australian financial analyst
Could any rational person—indeed, even gutless half-rational
politician—build our energy supply on the total unreliability of
so-called wind power.
This is what our total wind `power’
industry across southeastern Australia—NSW, Victoria and South
Australia—delivered in one week in May. To all intents and effective
purposes: ZERO power…
When the wind don’t blow the power
don’t flow. Further, often the wind don’t blow at the same time, right
across southeastern Australia… Further wind can go from very high power
deliverability to very little in very short time spans.
you don’t only need installed back-up power almost equivalent to the
wind industry, to pick up the slack when it comes, but you need to keep
it running, rendering utterly pointless having the wind power anyway.
Despite all the starry-eyed and empty-headed gazing at the power of
the sun, wind is the only `practical’ alternative `renewable’ energy
`source’ anytime soon.
Almost all our politicians are
committed to 20 per cent alternative/renewable energy by 2020. It means a
commitment to blackouts and brownouts—quite apart from unnecessarily
higher power charges.
For people who like their comments less succinct, there is a very extensive demolition of wind power here -- from a Greenie! Some Greenies are interested in the facts!
first claim of this federally funded $6-million exercise is meaningless
and trivial, the second claim is almost surely wrong. Their
recommendation is that the United States should put a price on carbon to
staunch emissions of CO2; it is pointless, counterproductive, and very
The climate certainly has warmed considerably since
10,000 years ago (the end of the last Ice Age) -- and much less since
1850, the end of the Little Ice Age. No one disputes these facts. But
the climate has not warmed during the past decade -- in spite of the
steady rise in human-caused emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon
dioxide. According to a BBC interview of Dr Phil Jones, head of the
Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia (CRU-UEA, of
Climategate fame), there has been no warming trend since 1995.
2007 report of the UN-sponsored IPCC furnished no credible evidence for
anthropogenic global warming (AGW). None at all - see here the Summary of the NIPCC report . "Nature - Not Human Activity - Rules the Climate"
The NRC-NAS panel did not add any new relevant information - nor did it have the expertise to do so.
IPCC panel was made up of many qualified atmospheric scientists, active
in research. The NAS panel was politically chosen and listed among its
`climate science experts' a sociology professor and a professor of
'sustainable development' - whatever that may mean. That certainly
doesn't inspire much confidence in the NAS conclusions.
"This is
our most comprehensive report ever on climate change," said Ralph
Cicerone, president of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), at a
briefing to discuss the effort, more than 2 years in the making and
involving 90 scientists. It "analyzes the reality of climate change and
how should the nation respond. ... It emphasizes why the United States
should act now."
Ironically, this report comes at a time when the
venerable and respected Royal Society (London) is having second
thoughts about their past record of climate alarmism. In the words of
outgoing RS president Lord Martin Rees (May 28, 2010): "Science is
organized scepticism and the consensus must shift in light of the
Looking back, this may well have been a low point for
the NAS, which will inevitably discredit all other NAS activities. But
it will provide a useful lesson to other scientific organizations that
have uncritically jumped on the AGW bandwagon
folks have been reading about how this could be the warmest year on
record, as James Hansen continues to push his "distorted" view of the
temperature. How can I say that?
Here is an excerpt from an article that Dr. David Whitehouse recently put out:
claims that, according to his Gisstemp database, the year from April
2009 to April 2010 has a temperature anomaly of 0.65 deg C (based on a
1951 - 1980 average) making it the warmest year since modern records
began. It is a fractionally warmer than 2005 he says, although an
important point to be made is that statistically speaking, taking into
account the error of measurement and the scatter of previous datapoints,
it is not a significant increase..."
Here is the simple rebuttal to Hansen.
The satellite measurements he is using now did not start until 1978..
so he is comparing two different ways of measuring temperatures. You had
no way of knowing what temperatures were like in the 1930s and 1940s
like you do now, and have no way of knowing that your measurement
techniques now with satellite would yield your reconstructed results
that you are comparing them to. It's deception, pure and simple, when
you don't reveal that.
2) The PDO was cold from 1951-1978...
just what did you think was going to happen when the Pacific was cold?
(The Atlantic turned cold in the '60s and '70s, so you had the planet
grooved to be cold before the satellite era started.)
3) The PDO
went warm in 1978, the AMO in the early 90s... therefore, these warm
years are occurring when both oceans were warm in tandem... you couldn't
ask for a better natural set up to to warm the Earth!!!! Warm the
oceans next to the continents and what do you think happens to the
continents? They warm. And what happens to the ice cap that is
surrounded by the continents? It decreases. If we are warming so much,
how do you explain the Southern Hemisphere on its way to a record high
sea ice level this year?
4) The fact remains, the temperature is
well under the IPCC forecast spread and the Hansen forecast. Warm or
not, they are busting.
5) There has been no stratospheric
cooling, nor hot spots over the tropics in the mid- and upper
troposphere, quite the opposite. It may be warming in the stratopshere,
which is a precursor to the cooling that I think is coming the next
20-30 years. Wet bulb temperatures over the tropics may have fallen over
the past few years (lower specific humidity), which may be the reason
that GLOBAL ACE indices are so low.
6) The global temperatures,
and this is why they are so desperate to spread this stuff, are about to
crash over the next 12 to 18 months. He has acknowledged that, but
won't acknowledge the PDO switching could lead to the more permanent
cool down, because it would destroy the whole agenda-driven ideas on
7) The OBJECTIVE SOLUTION... see what happens over the
coming years with the change in PDO and then AMO. If you are so sure,
what are you afraid of? The Earth is not going to blow up by NATURAL
means over the next 30 years, and there is no tipping point.
8) Lastly, I am not afraid of the right answer. Obviously, they are as they continue to try to manipulate the data.
debate with Paleoclimatologist Dr Andrew Glikson about the evidence for
Climate change has reached a telling point. There is a gaping hole.
four rounds of to and fro, I’ve been asking for evidence that the
predicted (critical) “hot spot” was there above the equator, and we were
drilling down to this point. It’s the weak link in the chain of
evidence, and if the climate models are wrong on this element, you can
kiss goodbye to the catastrophe. Everything else might be right, but
there’s no major warming if there’s no strong amplifying (positive)
feedback, and and there is no amplifying feedback from water vapor if
there is no hot spot. Indeed, I quoted evidence from three peer reviewed
studies that show that we’re headed for a half a measly degree of
warming rather than a baking 3 – 6 degrees.
In Round 2 Glikson
didn’t mention Lindzen, Spencer or Douglass (the three independent
papers which suggest that predicted feedbacks are missing or negative).
Instead he suggested “Sherwood 2008” found the hot-spot. I pointed out
that Sherwood used wind-gauges instead of thermometers. To believe he is
right we need to throw out thousands of thermometer readings and
calculate the temperature indirectly from the wind-speed instead.
Round 3, Glikson didn’t mention Sherwood. But he posted graphs showing
the troposphere had warmed. I pointed out that his graphs demonstrated
what I had been saying — the upper troposphere had warmed at the same
rate as the surface. If the hot spot was there it would have warmed
nearly twice as fast.
In Round 4 (in comments after round 3),
Glikson didn’t mention the graph. But he pointed to Santer 2008. I
replied that Santer didn’t find the hot spot, he just found fog in the
data and fog in the models and stretched the error bars so wide that
finally the models just overlapped with one set of observations. Santer
had no new data. Nine years after the data came in, all he did was to
increase the error bars and suggest that maybe our equipment wasn’t good
enough to find the hot-spot. It’s rather devastating: if we can’t build
weather balloons that get a useful temperature reading, how the heck
can we create models that estimate the temperature from 10,000 m below
based on dozens of factors that are even harder to measure? The hot-spot
should have been at least 0.6°C and radiosondes are individually
calibrated to 0.1°C. Somehow we’re supposed to believe that hundreds of
radiosondes had missed it?
In round 5, Glikson didn’t mention
Santer. It’s as if this devastating point didn’t exist. Andrew Glikson
is genuinely trying to come up with other evidence, and he’s not just
ducking out completely (as many would), but he is ducking the point that
matters, the weak link in the AGW chain. Really, seriously, everything
about the Tower of Global Warming was built on the foundation of an
increasing column of water vapor. Does he realize that all the other
circumstantial evidence is predicated on a guess that the Earth’s
climate had net positive feedbacks, when almost all other long-lived
natural systems have net negative feedbacks?
All of the other
points I’ll briefly sum up here below. I’ve had helpful responses from
Michael Hammer with some very original work, and also from William
Kinninmonth. I will post these both soon (separately).
UVA’s Defense of Michael Mann: Back Off, He’s a Scientist!
University of Virginia doesn't want to comply with the VA AG's
investigation of warmist Michael Mann. Their reasoning? Scientists
aren't subject to the same laws as the rest of us
University of Virginia has filed a petition to set aside civil
investigative demands (CIDs) issued to it by the Commonwealth’s attorney
general, Ken Cuccinelli.
CIDs are akin to grand jury subpoenas.
Cuccinelli’s inquiry was prompted by public disclosure — via the
ClimateGate leaks — of the highly questionable academic practices of
former UVA assistant professor Michael Mann. The disclosure of Mann’s
activities involved the apparent leaking of emails, computer code, and
annotations to the code, all of which were subject to and being pursued
under the United Kingdom’s Freedom of Information Act.
against the request that they produce records related to Mann’s use of
taxpayer-funded grant money, UVA reeled off a litany of rationales —
mostly general and repetitive — regarding why they do not need to
UVA’s reason #8 — out of nine, its placement inherently
recognizing its weakness — headlines the opening rhetoric of its
petition and is being used by the school as a public relations hook:
"Enforcing the CIDs will interfere with recognized First Amendment
principles and important public policies protecting the academic freedom
of institutions of higher learning from government intrusion into
research and scientific inquiry".
You know, like Stanford
University was immune from inquiry into misusing taxpayer funds
earmarked for scientific research during the most notorious
pre-ClimateGate academic scandal.
Oddly, Time magazine’s coverage
at the time was not concerned about “academic freedom” being
imperiled: “Scandal in the Laboratories: Inquiries at Stanford turn a
harsh light on how university research is funded.”
Gasp! “Inquiries”?
was no more exempt from laws, oversight, or conditions on how it spends
taxpayer funds than are Mann or UVA. As a result, Stanford president
and current Mann defender Donald Kennedy soon found himself out the
UVA’s current tack is simply to hope for public — and
possibly judicial — sympathy to result from the escalating pressure
campaign from what I call Big Science. Big Science is outraged that its
constituents should be subject to laws applied to the little people and
is desperate to expansively rewrite the concept of “academic freedom” as
license to be free from compliance with those laws.
While Mann’s
defenders were quick to unholster Hollywood-style shrieks of
“McCarthyism,” the more appropriate analogy seems to be Tinseltown’s
current victimization/canonization of Roman Polanski. He’s an artist!
These laws you speak of, well, they exist, and surely have some merit,
just… didn’t you see Chinatown?
The “I’m a scientist!” defense is the academy at its most cartoonish.
down on this unseemliness, the UVA then invokes Thomas Jefferson(!)
while making the argument that laws are for others, and not preferred,
protected classes of people. In its petition, UVA cites a 1950s Supreme
Court opinion — Sweezy v. New Hampshire — for the following dicta: "To
impose any strait jacket upon the intellectual leaders in our colleges
and universities would imperil the future of our Nation. … Teachers and
students must always remain free to inquire, to study and to evaluate …"
the ellipses do not suppress “… and to commit fraud, or otherwise
disregard the laws of the land.” And no fancy Latin canon of
construction — noscitur a sociis, ejusdem generis, in pari materia …
take your pick, they all fail — informs a conclusion that the UVA
argument is what the Sweezy Court intended.
But what of the two
prongs of that risible “any strait jacket” business the school hangs its
hat upon? Of two plausible readings of this, the less plausible is that
“any” indicates the Supreme Court deemed academics, of “any” sort no
less, to be beyond prosecution — so long as the perpetrator claims a
research purpose (and with nothing less than the fate of the nation at
risk were things otherwise! Sigh.)
Alternately, the university
begs the question: where do standards applied to the rest of us end and a
“strait jacket” begin? Or, where does protection of intellectual
discourse — not actually at issue here, despite UVA hand-waving to the
contrary — end and selective immunity from the laws of the land begin?
These are now questions for the Virginia courts.
Sweezy is an
Eisenhower-era opinion, written shortly before Ike’s farewell address.
The address is famous for warning of a “military-industrial complex,”
but also for warning: "Be alert to the equal and opposite danger
["opposite" of stifling academic freedom] that public policy could
itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite."
Sadly, this has come to pass, with the University of Virginia among its most zealous defenders.
invocation of the wholly inapplicable Sweezy illustrates the
barrenness of its legal cupboard, and no distraction will change that
the precedent it cites is wholly irrelevant to Mr. Cuccinelli’s inquiry
into possible civil fraud. The university expends great effort to make
the issue other than what it plainly is.
“Academic freedom” has
of course never meant selective sanctioning of unlawful behavior. And
the attorney general is not, as the university claims to the court,
“engag[ing] in scientific debate.” That the university cannot or will
not see this only further makes the case that it is not capable of
Which raises a final point. In its petition,
UVA proves far too much. For example, it references two other inquiries
into aspects of ClimateGate. Where, pray tell, was the outrage by Big
Science or academia over these two?
The answer is that the
pretense of self-policing by the University of East Anglia and by Mann’s
current home, Penn State, were both exercises in wagon-circling. When
they were announced, Big Science remained mum because this was
transparently so, as evidenced by their stacking panels with sympathetic
parties highly unlikely to conclude otherwise than they did.
these, UVA rather disingenuously claims “the subsequent investigations
have not found any fraudulent conduct.” Of course they didn’t — neither
inquired into fraud! Instead, both narrowly tailored their reviews to
less treacherous waters.
By this mischaracterization to the
court, UVA stretches the truth while doing its credibility no good.
Which nicely summarizes the entire Mann affair.
week, the Senate will determine whether it sides with “we the people”
or if our elected “representatives” support a drastic expansion of
government that will trample our liberties for no measurable
environmental benefit.
On June 10, the Senate is expected to vote
on a resolution offered by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) that would
block the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from regulating carbon
dioxide emissions under the Clean Air Act.
Formally known as
Resolution of Disapproval, Murkowski’s effort would negate EPA’s
so-called “Endangerment Finding” that effectively gives the agency
regulatory authority over manmade greenhouse gases in the name of
combating global warming.
If Congress does not step in to block
EPA, the agency can use the Clean Air Act as a blunt tool to widen its
jurisdiction into almost every nook and cranny in our lives. Every
sector of our economy -- transportation, power generation and
manufacturing -- would be subjected to EPA’s bureaucratic reach.
every business that uses fossil fuels to heat, cool, light or run its
manufacturing operations or emits greenhouse gases would need permits
from EPA to function.
Ironically, even EPA recognizes that the
size and scope of this regulatory monstrosity is too much for it to
handle. Accordingly, the agency was forced to issue a “Tailoring Rule”
to initially exempt facilities that emit less than a threshold level of
greenhouse gases for six years.
Unless the scope of the
regulatory scheme is limited, EPA readily acknowledges that agencies
involved in the permitting process would be overwhelmed with
applications. For example, EPA says, “state permitting authorities would
be paralyzed by permit applications in numbers that are orders of
magnitude greater than their current administrative resources could
accommodate.” EPA estimated it could cost over $15 billion to process
just one type of permit nationwide.
Now we are being treated to
the bizarre, and legally questionable, spectacle of EPA trying to limit
its authority under the Clean Air Act, because it knows its own
regulatory scheme is unmanageable.
From a Constitutional
perspective, it’s the role of our elected representatives to impose such
a far-reaching regulation legislatively, and not to allow a rogue
executive branch agency such as EPA to do so administratively. Elected
officials can be held accountable for their deeds; bureaucrats cannot.
If lawmakers truly believe that global warming is worth wrecking the
economy, then let them stand up and be counted.
Enter Lisa
Murkowski. The Congressional Review Act – the law Murkowski is using to
block EPA – was passed to address such an outrageous power grab. It
gives Congress an opportunity to review and if necessary overrule a
regulation by passing a joint resolution. To take effect the resolution
would need to pass both the Senate and House of Representatives and is
then signed by the president.
A simple majority of 51 votes is needed to pass the Senate, and the vote is expected to be very close.
the troubled state of our economy and public concern over the growth
and intrusion of government in our lives, one might think the politics
favor strong support for passage of the resolution.
Yet blocking
EPA is not a slam dunk. California Senator Barbara Boxer (D) is leading
the charge to defeat Murkowski’s effort. Opposition from Boxer is not
surprising especially since Obama and the other progressives want to use
the threat of EPA regulation to force industry to the cap-and-trade
bargaining table.
Given the choice of regulatory death by EPA or
cap-and-trade, industry will take their chances with bargaining with
legislation in the hopes of getting the better deal.
What is
surprising, however, is that Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown (R) has
not yet expressed support of the resolution. Brown, whose election was
propelled by Tea Party activists, should oppose EPA’s power grab that
will significantly expand government power and burden our economy.
late Senator Ted Kennedy, whose seat Brown won in January, was a big
supporter of cap-and-trade. He liked his government as big as he could
get it. Brown needs to show the world that change has truly come to
Senator John Rockefeller (D-West Virginia) is from
a coal-producing state but has yet to come out in support of the
Murkowski Resolution. Instead, Rockefeller introduced a bill that would
merely delay EPA’s regulatory onslaught for a couple of years. Some
believe his bill only serves to provide political cover for himself and
moderate Democrats who want to be on the record as being “opposed” to
EPA but stopping well short of taking a stand for their constituents.
upcoming vote on Murkowski’s resolution is fundamentally about our
representative democracy: Which government body determines the fate
America – elected representatives or unaccountable bureaucrats?
Party members and other citizens who believe in limited government and
are now actively engaged in the political process will be carefully
watching the Senate vote and taking names.
Just what is it that greens like George Monbiot find so offensive about prosperity, abundance, happiness?
“Grinch of the Guardian” Monbiot has launched a bitter assault on the
most lively, uplifting and downright brilliant pop science masterpiece
you are likely to read this year. Matt Ridley’s The Rational Optimist
(4th Estate).
Ridley argues a case so palpably true, so richly
supported by so much evidence, that it ought not to need stating: life
is getting better for almost all of us – and at an accelerating rate.
The habit of exchange and specialisation, unique to the human species,
has enabled us to evolve a kind of collective brain, a communal
intelligence which allows us to make stupendous technological advances
while other creatures – yes even those brilliant dolphins – remain stuck
pretty much where they were 100,000 years ago.
The fact that
Ridley’s argument sounds fresh and controversial rather than a statement
of the bleeding obvious speaks volumes for the prevailing pessimism of
our age. (And all ages actually. Every generation thinks things aren’t
as good as they used to be…)
Entirely typical of this knee-jerk
pessimism is Monbiot’s petulant attack on the man he describes as “a
state-hating free marketeer”. He dwells lovingly on Ridley’s disastrous
experiences as chairman of Northern Rock, before laying in to the vilely
repellant optimism of this despicable Big-Government-hater’s loathsome
"…it’s the same old cornutopian nonsense we’ve heard
one hundred times before (cornutopians are people who envisage a utopia
of limitless abundance)"
Fine. But what Monbiot doesn’t manage to
do in this frenzy of puritanical spleen and ad hom is in any way to
demonstrate that Ridley is wrong.
Monbiot makes a number of
accusations against Ridley, all of which Ridley very easily rebuts on
his website. Ridley’s thesis stands.
The world IS getting better.
One of the many excellent examples Ridley gives to prove this is when
he compares the amount of time it has taken through the ages to be able
to afford an hour’s reading light. In 1800 a tallow candle would have
cost you six hours’ work. In 1880 a kerosene lamp would have cost you
fifteen minutes work. In 1950 a conventional filament bulb would have
cost you 8 seconds’ work. Today, it will cost you less than half a
second of your working time.
Clearly, to scowling
Lord-Whiteadder-style puritans like Monbiot this is anathema. Maybe
that’s why they’re so keen to push up energy prices. And if Chris Huhne
and Dave Cameron get anywhere with their massive “low carbon” energy
programme, maybe they’ll succeed.
Why, who knows, with luck,
Monbiot and his fellow Watermelons might even take us back to that
glorious era in 1750 BC when they knew how to treat energy with the
respect it deserves. Back then, an hour’s reading time for a sesame oil
lamp would have cost you more than 50 hours’ work.
Major Australian science organization "hiding the decline" too
This time in methane levels
Treasury and the CSIRO are supposed to be among the most trusted
institutions in Australia. They are both supposed to be founded in
objective rationalism.
The Treasury building in Canberra houses
the greatest collection of economic analytical and policymaking
brainpower in Australia. The same, in the fields of science, goes for
the CSIRO in Melbourne. Together they should form the rock-solid
foundation of policymaking in Australia.
We need to be able to
trust Treasury to advise the government based on the best possible
economic analysis. Arguably its most important task is to deploy its
economic heft against usually well-intentioned "good ideas at the time",
or failing that to at least limit their damage.
From the CSIRO
we need, very simply, good science. As its own strategic plan puts it:
"We are committed to scientific excellence and working ethically and
with integrity in everything we do."
Both have, in their separate
ways, breached that trust. This is a very serious matter for the
governance of Australia. If we can't trust Treasury to give us rational
economics and we can't trust the CSIRO to give us good, or even just
honest, science -- as in both cases they have generally done for a good
three-quarters of a century or more -- we are adrift in a sea of
For that, indeed, is what links the two failures: in each case an apparent triumph of theology over reason. First the CSIRO.
March, it joined with the Bureau of Meteorology to produce a "snapshot
of the state of the climate to update Australians about how their
climate has changed and what it means". Although the pamphlet had a
neutral title, "State of the Climate", it was clearly designed to bring
the great weight of the apparent credibility of these two organisations
to bear against, and hopefully crush, those pesky climate change
But as one of the peskier of them, Tom Quirk -- our
version of Canada's even peskier Stephen McIntyre -- discovered, there
was a very curious omission in one of the CSIRO graphs. It showed the
rise and rise of concentrations in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and
its fellow greenhouse gas methane. It was an almost perfect replica of
the infamous (Michael) Mann Hockey Stick. After being virtually stable
for 900 years, concentrations of both CO2 and methane went almost
vertical through the 20th century. But as the eagle-eyed Quirk noticed
and wrote about on Quadrant Online, methane was plotted only up to 1990,
while the plots for CO2 continued to 2000.Why so, when the CSIRO
measures methane concentrations and has data up to last year?
the answer lie in the inconvenient truth that methane concentrations
have plateaued since the mid-1990s? Yet here is the CSIRO, the
organisation dedicated to scientific truth, pretending -- even stating
-- that they're still going up, Climategate style. This is bad enough,
but just as with Treasury, real policies are built on this sort of
"analysis". The first version of the so-called carbon pollution
reduction scheme included farming to address the methane question. But
as Quirk has shown in a peer-reviewed paper, atmospheric methane is
driven by a combination of volcanos, El Ninos and pipeline (mostly dodgy
old Soviet) leakage.
A second curious, and even dodgier, thing
happened after Quirk's Quadrant report. CSIRO "updated" its main graph
to include the more recent methane data. No admission was made and the
graph's scale made it all but invisible and did not show the plateauing.
Further, the CSIRO published a more detailed second graph showing what
has happened in the past 30 years, as opposed to the first graph's 1000
years. But only for CO2, despite the fact that it had exactly the same
data for methane.
In short, the CSIRO is a fully signed-up member
of the climate change club. It wanted to project the horror story of
continually rising greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. So
it simply disappeared inconvenient evidence to the contrary, in the
process announcing it cannot be trusted ever again to deliver objective
scientific evidence.
Arctic Ice Volume Has Increased 25% Since May, 2008
Navy requires accurate sea ice information for their operations, and
has spent a lot of effort over the years studying, measuring, and
operating in Arctic ice both above and below, such as they did in the
ICEX 2009 exercise.
So, if you are planning on bringing a $900
million Los Angeles class submarine through the ice, as the captain
might say to the analyst after receiving an ice report: “you’d better be
damn sure of the ice thickness before I risk the boat and the crew”.
Below is a blink comparator of U.S. Navy PIPS sea ice forecast data, zoomed to show the primary Arctic ice zone.
blink map above shows the change in ice thickness from May 27, 2008 to
May 27, 2010. As you can see, there has been a large increase in the
area of ice more than two metres thick – turquoise, green, yellow and
red. Much of the thin (blue and purple) ice has been replaced by thicker
This was quantified by measuring the area percentage in the
Arctic Basin of the 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, and 4-5 metre ranges. The graph
below shows the results. This technique assumes an equal area
projection, which should be fairly accurate north of 70N.
2008, less than half of the ice (47%) was greater than two metres thick.
Now, more than 75% of the ice is greater than two metres thick. In
2008, 18% of the ice was more than three metres thick. This year that
number has increased to 28%. There has been nearly across the board ice
thickening since 2008. There was slightly more 4-5 metre ice in 2008,
due to the big crunch in the summer of 2007....
Now let’s look at
the volume percentages. In 2010, 87% of the ice (by volume) is greater
than two metres thick. But in 2008, only 64% of the ice (by volume) was
greater than two metres thick.
A few weeks ago, when extent was
highest in the JAXA record, our friends were asking for “volume, not
extent.” Their wishes have been answered. Ice volume has increased by
25% in the last two years, and those looking for a big melt are likely
going to be disappointed.
Do you think it odd that this increase isn’t prominently mentioned on the PIOMAS site? It seems very relevant
More HERE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
Climate: The Extremists Join the Debate at Last!
Lord Monckton debunks the Abraham video point by point
of the numerous propaganda artifices deployed by the now-retreating
climate-extremist movement has been the careful avoidance of any debate
with anyone on the skeptical side of the case who happens to know
anything about climate science or economics.
As the extremists
lose the argument and become more desperate, that is changing. John
Abraham, a lecturer in fluid mechanics at a bible-college in Minnesota
has recently issued – and widely disseminated – a hilariously mendacious
83-minute attempted rebuttal of a speech by me about the climate last
October in St. Paul, Minnesota.
So unusual is this attempt to
actually meet us in argument, and so venomously ad-hominem are Abraham’s
artful puerilities, that climate-extremist bloggers everywhere have
circulated them and praised them to the warming skies.
As usual,
though, none of these shallow bloggers makes any attempt actually to
verify whether what poor Abraham is saying actually has the slightest
contact with reality.
One such is George Monbiot, a scribbler for
the British Marxist daily propaganda sheet, The Guardian. What is
Monbiot’s qualification to write about climate science? Well, like
Abraham, he is a “scientist”. Trouble is, he’s a fourteenth-rate
zoologist, so his specialization has even less to do with climate
science than that of Abraham, who nevertheless presents himself as
having scientific knowledge relevant “in the area”.
Here’s the
thing. All of the sciences are becoming increasingly specialized. So
most “scientists” – Abraham and, a fortiori, the accident-prone Monbiot
among them – have no more expertise in predicting or even understanding
the strange behavior of the complex, non-linear, chaotic object that is
the Earth’s climate than the man on the Clapham omnibus.
pretend otherwise, of course. Almost four years ago, when I wrote a
2500-word article in the Sunday Telegraph pointing out that the notion
of a very large climate warming attributable to future increases in CO2
concentration was scientifically ill-founded, Monbiot wrote a scathing
1800-word response in the Daily Kommissar, in which he made a dozen
laughably elementary scientific errors.
Monbiot made the mistake
of pretending that he understood the fundamental equation of radiative
transfer, of which he had plainly not previously heard.
Here it
was I who had the advantage: before writing the article in the Telegraph
I had spent three months tracking the equation down, because – though
it converts changes in the flow of radiation at a planetary surface to
changes in temperature, and is therefore essential to discovering how
much warming a given increase in CO2 concentration will deliver – the
IPCC’s 2001 and 2007 climate assessment reports do not mention it once.
why not? Well, put simply, the equation shows that at the temperatures
prevailing on Earth you need a very large increase in radiative flux to
achieve a pathetically small increase in temperature. That’s not the
sort of thing the climate-extremists want known, so they carefully don’t
mention it, which is one reason why puir wee Moonbat hadn’t heard of
Ever since I compelled the Daily Apparatchik to publish a
letter from me correcting Monbiot’s invincible ignorance of elementary
planetary physics and undergrad math, Monbiot has seized every chance to
have a go at me whenever one of his climate-extremist Comrades asserted
that I’d gotten something wrong.
And how he crows at the news of Abraham’s “evisceration” of my Minnesota speech.
approach is novel. He’s saying not that I got one thing wrong but that I
got just about everything wrong. And how plausible is that? A couple of
pointers. First, it’s now June 2010, and I spoke in October 2009,
almost eight months ago. I’ve made a lot of speeches since. Why has it
taken Abraham so long to cobble together his ramblings?
answer – and, as I shall show, it is the right one – is that his
deliberately dishonest personal attack on my integrity and reputation is
an ingenious fiction, he knows it, and he has therefore had to go to
some elaborate and time-consuming lengths to conceal the steps he has
taken to hide the truth and make this nonsense look plausible.
during the eight months of “investigation” (Abraham’s word) that he
carried out, at no single point did he ever contact me to ask me to
clarify one of the numerous references which, he said over and over
again, were not clear in my slides.
That failure on his part to
check with me when he could not find the sources of my data was clearly
deliberate. He didn’t want to give me any advance notice that he was
planning to launch a widely-disseminated attack on me, because otherwise
I might have pointed out his errors to him in advance, and that would
have made it a great deal more difficult for him to get away with
publishing them.
In a short space I won’t have time to cover more
than a representative selection of Abraham’s errors. Let’s begin,
though, with the question of sources.
“Monckton’s data don’t even agree with themselves”
says I displayed two graphs, both citing NOAA as the source, showing
the downward global mean surface temperature trend since 2001, but – by
an elaborate point-by-point comparison – he shows that the two graphs
are slightly different from one another. Why, he asks, can’t I even make
sure that my own data agree with themselves? His implication is that
presenting temperature data is something that laymen really can’t be
expected to get right.
What Abraham has done, here as elsewhere,
is to wrench my data deliberately out of the context in which I actually
(and accurately) presented then, and then to lie about it.
truth is that the first graph, plainly labeled
“scienceandpublicpolicy.org”, is the SPPI’s well-known
global-temperature index, compiled monthly from four separate
global-temperature datasets, as Abraham well knew because I explained in
my talk. It was not a NOAA graph, and was not labeled as such.
Naturally, therefore, it differed at some points from the NOAA graph.
went on and on about how a graph shouldn’t have been labeled with the
name of an institution such as “scienceandpublicpolicy.org” unless it
was that institution that had compiled the graph. That, of course, as he
could have discovered if he had bothered – or, rather, dared – to
check, was indeed the institution that had compiled the graph, taking
the arithmetic mean of the global-temperature anomalies from the
HadCRUt, NCDC, RSS, and UAH datasets.
But – and this was the
point I made, though Abraham was remarkably careful not to say so – I
had showed the SPPI’s four-sources graph in testimony before Congress,
to show that there had been global cooling for seven or eight years, and
Tom Karl, the director of NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, who had
been present, had failed to admit after questioning from a leading
Congressman that global temperatures had indeed been falling for the
best part of a decade. He had wriggled and waffled.
So the
Congressman had asked me to write proving my result, and I had done so
by preparing the second graph, from Tom Karl’s own NCDC (it was labeled
as such), which had also showed a pronounced downtrend in global
Abraham knew this, because I had said so in my
talk. But he also knew that practically no one watching his 83-minute
presentation would go to the lengths of looking up what I had actually
said. He knew he could get away with a flagrant and deliberate
misrepresentation – provided that at all points he was careful never to
consult me while planning and circulating his attack.
“Monckton’s data are not properly sourced”
when the source is in fact plainly stated on my slides, Abraham is
prone to say I have not provided the source. I had shown a graph, which I
had said was compiled by satellite, of temperatures at the summit of
Mount Kilimanjaro, where there has been no warming for 30 years.
graph was plainly labeled “UAH”, which – as a mere Bible-College
lecturer in fluid mechanics might not know, but anyone with any real
knowledge of climate science would of course know – is the University of
Alabama at Huntsville, one of only two organizations producing
regularly-published satellite-based global temperature records.
More evidence that Greenie motivation is more devious than it appears
Even the Warmist below can see that
a pop quiz. A, B, C, and D are four rich industrialized countries in
Western Europe with similar living standards. Country A's carbon dioxide
emissions stand at 9.24 tonnes per capita per year. The corresponding
figures for countries B, C, and D are 5.81, 5.62, and 5.05 tonnes a
year, respectively.
Can you guess which of these four countries
has become the darling of the environmental movement, hailed as a model
for a low carbon economy?
It is country A, Denmark -- even though
its per capita CO2 emissions are almost twice as much as countries B
(France), C (Switzerland), and D (Sweden).
In a piece entitled
"The Copenhagen that Matters", New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman
speaks for many environmentalists when he says,
Denmark is the most energy efficient country in the E.U.; due to carbon
pricing, through energy taxes, carbon taxes, the 'cap and trade' system,
strict building codes and energy labeling programs. Renewable resources
currently supply almost 30 percent of Denmark's electricity. Wind power
is the largest source of renewable electricity, followed by biomass...
My fellow Americans, the fact that the recent Copenhagen climate
summit was a bust in terms of solving our energy/climate problems
doesn't mean that we can ignore those problems -- or that we can ignore
how individual countries, like Denmark, have effectively addressed them.
is no doubt that Danes emit far less CO2 than Americans. But compared
to some other Western European countries, Denmark's performance is
distinctly modest.
Why then, do many greens hold up Denmark as
the ideal low-carbon economy? Why not France, or Switzerland, or Sweden,
which emit significantly less CO2 per capita?
The answer is that
their preference for the Danish model has little to do with greenhouse
gas emissions or with climate change, and more to do with the ideology
and metaphysics of the Green movement.
In France, nuclear power
accounts for about three quarters of all the electricity generated,
while about 15 percent comes from hydro power. Switzerland gets about 55
percent of its electricity from hydro power and about 40 percent from
nuclear. And in Sweden, about 45 percent comes from hydro power, while
another 45 percent comes from nuclear power.
Denmark, meanwhile,
generates no nuclear power and very little hydro. A significant portion
- some 30 percent - of Denmark's electricity is generated by wind power
but still, much of the rest is generated by traditional coal power
Among many environmentalists, nuclear energy and
hydroelectricity are anathema even though they do not emit CO2. There
tends to be particular hostility towards nuclear energy, even though the
scientific and engineering evidence shows that modern nuclear power
plants are safe, clean, and economical.
The green movement's
antipathy towards nuclear power is part of a broader ideological
distrust of scientific-technological fixes for solving our environmental
problems. It is founded on a deep pessimism about human development,
and scientific and technological progress.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
can perhaps be no better example of ideological distrust of
scientific-technological fixes than in the case of genetically
engineered (GE) crops. Commonly known (somewhat misleadingly) as
genetically modified organisms (GMOs), many greens abhor GE in
agriculture with an intensity that matches or even exceeds their
antipathy towards nuclear power.
GE food crops have been largely
banned in Europe due to the opposition of environmentalists, but have
been widely grown and consumed in the United States since 1996. More
than 60 percent of field corn, 85 percent of soybean, 75 percent of
canola, and 80 percent of cotton grown in the U.S. comes from GE crops.
In all these years, GE crops have not been found to be any more harmful
to humans or the environment than non-GE crops. On the contrary, the
environmental benefits of GE crops have been substantial.
that have been genetically engineered to be resistant to the herbicide
glyphosate (e.g., roundup-ready corn, roundup-ready soybean) have
enabled farmers to adopt no-till and reduced-till farming practices,
allowing for the conservation of topsoil, preservation of more natural
vegetation, and sequestration of much of the soil organic carbon.
that have been genetically engineered to be pest resistant (e.g., Bt
Cotton, Bt Corn) have brought about dramatic reductions in chemical
pesticide usage. For example, the introduction of Bt Cotton in India has
caused chemical pesticide usage in the cotton crop to fall by half even
as output has doubled.
Such achievements, significant though
they are, merely scratch the surface of agricultural biotech's immense
potential for doing environmental good. A promising new technology is a
rice plant genetically engineered to be more efficient in utilizing
nitrogen than conventional rice, thereby reducing the amount of nitrogen
fertilizer needed by half. According to Greenpeace estimates,
greenhouse gas emissions from the worldwide production and use of
nitrogen fertilizer is equivalent to the total CO2 emissions from all
the power plants in the United States. Nitrogen efficient GE crops could
thus be crucial to mitigating climate change.
Agriculture - of
any kind - is, by definition, a human intervention in nature with
ambiguous environmental consequences. Agricultural biotechnology, with
its potential to greatly increase marketable yields of existing
farmlands, can play a major role in resisting the pressure to cultivate
virgin land to feed a global population estimated to grow from six
billion people now to nine billion people by 2050.
A Paradox
anybody following the debate over nuclear power and GE crops, it soon
becomes clear that the Green position on science and technology is
rather paradoxical. On one hand, many Greens eagerly invoke science to
emphasize the severity of our environmental problems, especially global
warming. On the other hand, they are quick to reject
scientific-technological fixes for these same environmental problems.
the Green climate change narrative, great importance is given to
scientific data and reasoning. When climate change skeptics question the
seriousness of human induced climate change, arguing that the
scientific evidence is insufficient, environmentalists respond (rightly,
in my opinion) that the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence
indicates that global warming is indeed a real and serious problem.
it come to GE crops, however, their position is reversed. Here, Greens
reject the overwhelming scientific evidence that GE crops are no more
dangerous than non-GE crops and claim that the scientific evidence is
not sufficient to make a reasonable determination.
Green rejection of scientific-technological fixes for environmental
problems is structurally very similar to the rejection of climate
science by global warming skeptics.
The fact of the matter is
that science is not in the business of absolute certainties -- that is
the domain of religious revelations. Science can never establish with
absolute certainty that climate change is human induced and will be
devastating if left unchecked. Science is no more than a certain outlook
and a certain technique ('the scientific method') that uses reason,
observation, and experimentation to investigate phenomena and acquire or
modify knowledge of the material world.
It is a reasonable
scientific inference, based on the available evidence, that
human-induced climate change is real and serious. It is also a
reasonable evidence-based scientific inference that GE crops are not
inherently more harmful to humans or the environment than non-GE crops.
Indeed, the level of scientific certainly regarding the safety of GE
crops is far greater than any long-term prognosis regarding climate
change, if only because it is so much easier to conduct controlled
scientific experiments with GE crops than with the global climate.
science/anti-science paradox is evident in Al Gore's celebrated
documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth." The entire movie takes the form of
Gore delivering a science lecture, arguing that human induced climate
change represents a clear and compelling danger. In criticizing climate
change skeptics, Gore denounces ideological influences on science,
comparing it with Soviet practices.
Gore recommends a solution
proposed by scientists Robert Socolow and Stephen Pacala -- the only
policy framework for global warming mitigation discussed in the movie.
This approach calls for reducing CO2 emissions by using a using a
combination of seven "stabilization wedges," or techniques, e.g. more
efficient vehicles and carbon capture and storage. In the movie, Gore
graphs how the wedges can reduce CO2 emissions but he makes one glaring
omission: Socolow and Pacala's approach calls for seven wedges while
Gore shows only six. The missing wedge? Nuclear power.
even while emphasizing the scientific evidence for climate change, Gore
deliberately ignores a scientific-technological fix that could help
solve it.
Britain’s Met Office warned that cities might become a lot warmer at night, which of course will kill old people:
In 30 years time the Met Office predicts that average temperature will
have risen by 3.6F (2C), but that this will be accompanied by an
increased frequency of extremely hot spells. In the summer of 2003,
thousands more elderly people died than normal due to the hot weather.
Across Europe, there were up to 35,000 “excess deaths”. This was
largely due to high night time temperatures. When temperatures do not
drop below 68F (20C), the body finds it harder to recover from the heat
stress experienced during the day.
According to the Met, the cause of hot city nights is a combination of global warming and the urban heat island effect.
That would be the same urban heat island effect that the Met tried to disprove in 2004:
major argument used by sceptics of global warming is flawed, a UK Met
Office study in Nature magazine says. This argument maintains that much
recorded climate data is inherently unreliable because of where weather
instruments are situated. Most are in or near cities, which produce
their own heat; so the rapid warming measured over the last century
could be just a record of urbanisation. The Met Office believes its
study shows this “urban heat island” idea is wrong.
lesson is simple, when skeptics point to the urban heat island effect,
they are flawed and wrong. When the urban heat island effect can be
used to prop up the global warming hoax, it is sound science. Any
U of East Anglia Learns Nothing -- still in coverup mode
breach of calls for openness and transparency in climate science, the
University of East Anglia, together with Eugene Wahl and Caspar Amman,
have refused to provide documents critical to the inquiry that Muir
Russell should be undertaking.
One of the most notorious
Climategate emails was Jones’ request to Mann, Briffa, Ammann and Wahl
that they delete correspondence pertaining to AR4 review, which included
correspondence carried out between Eugene Wahl and Keith Briffa in
violation of IPCC procedures. Jones even told FOI Briffa that Briffa
“should say” that no such correspondence existed.
The Climategate
letters contain references to attachments to Wahl’s surreptitious
correspondence with Briffa, but the attachments themselves were not
included in the Climategate documents.
On April 5, 2010, I sent
an EIR (FOI) request to the University of East Anglia for the
attachments (as well as an attachment of the Wahl and Ammann version
used in the First Order Draft, sent to Briffa directly and not now
available at IPCC.) My request was as follows:
Pursuant to the Environmental Impact Regulations, I request copies of
the following documents (reference is attached to Keith Briffa letter):
Wahl_MBH_Recreation_JClimLett_Nov22.pdf (attachment mentioned in Jan 4, 2005 458. 1104855751.txt)
Wahl-Ammann_3321_Figures.pdf; Wahl_Ammann_3321_Final_21Feb.doc – attachments mentioned in Feb 21, 2006 647. 1140568004.txt
Wahl_Ammann_3321_Final_21Feb-Revision1.doc – attachment mentioned in 650. 1140838402.txt Feb 24
AW_Editorial_July15.doc; AR4SOR_BatchAB_Ch06_ERW_comments.doc;
Ch06_SOD_Text_TSU_FINAL_2000_12jul06_ERW_suggestions.doc – attachments
to 716. 1153470204.txt July 18, 2006
Ch06_SOD_Text_TSU_FINAL_2000_25jul06KRB-FJ-RV_ERW_suggestions.doc – attachments to 733. 1155402164.txt from July 27, 2006
Thank you for your consideration, Regards, Steve McIntyre
On May 5, 2010, I received a response from UEA extending the response time
Further to your request for information received 5 April 2010, I am
writing to advise you that we are, pursuant to Regulation 7(1) of the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004, extending the statutory
deadline for our response to your request from the 20 working days set
out in Regulation 5(2) to the 40 working days allowed by Regulation
7(1). This will alter the deadline from 5 May 2010 to 2 June 2010. I
apologise for the late notification of this extension but it was only
this week that it became clear that we would require the extension.
This extension is claimed because of the age and relative obscure
provenance of the information requested, we quite simply are having
difficulty identifying and locating some of it. An initial search
indicates that some of the information is not held but I wish to ensure
that we have not overlooked any possible location prior to making that
formal assertion.
It is my opinion that, at this particular
time, it is impracticable to either comply with the request or to
formulate any other response within the statutory period as set out in
Regulation 5(2) We are addressing your request currently and I expect
that we will be able to provide a substantive response in advance of the
revised deadline.
Today, on the last day of the extension period, they refused virtually everything that I had requested....
post up a longer chronology showing precisely where the Wahl
correspondence fits into Climategate – Mosher and Fuller and touch on it
in CRUtape but additional context has emerged over time. The Wahl
correspondence was undertaken in direct contravention of IPCC rules and
procedures. Briffa knew that the correspondence violated IPCC rules –
the correspondence is marked burn-after-reading. It’s quite natural that
Wahl and Ammann (and CRU) want to keep these violations secret.
I’m sure that Muir Russell panelist David Eyton of BP understands.
Times says, “Nasa analysis showing record global warming undermines the
skeptics.” However, a closer look at the information which the Times
bases its headline on shows that a combination of selective memory and
scientific spin play a large role in arriving at it.
conclusion is based on a new paper written by James Hansen and submitted
to Reviews of Geophysics. The paper released by Hansen has not been
peer reviewed, and he admits that some of the newsworthy comments it
contains may not make it past the referees.
Hansen claims that,
according to his Gisstemp database, the year from April 2009 to April
2010 has a temperature anomaly of 0.65 deg C (based on a 1951 – 1980
average) making it the warmest year since modern records began. It is a
fractionally warmer than 2005 he says, although an important point to be
made is that statistically speaking, taking into account the error of
measurement and the scatter of previous datapoints, it is not a
significant increase.
The Nasa study said: “We conclude that
there has been no reduction in the global warming trend of 0.15-0.20 deg
C per decade that began in the late 1970s.”
This is a selective
use of a trend line that joins a datapoint in the late 1970s with the
most recent one ignoring the details in the data in between. The fact is
that one could have taken a datapoint a decade ago and tied it to the
same point in the late 1970s and deduced an even greater rise in
temperature per decade. So another way of describing the data is that
the rate of increase has actually declined.
Another point to be
made is that an increase of 0.2 deg C per decade, if it is real and
sustained, is 2.0 deg C per century, an increase not that unprecedented
in the climatic record of the past 10,000 years, and substantially less
than the widespread predictions of a higher increase.
In the
Times article, the Met Office in the form of Vicky Pope, said that their
data showed that the past year was “just below” the 12-month record
achieved in 1998. Remember, 2009 annual temperature was, according to
the Met Office, statistically indistinguishable from every year between
Vicky Pope then says that Nasa might be right because
the Met Office had underestimated the recent warming detected in the
Arctic! There are few weather stations in the Arctic and the Met Office,
unlike Nasa, does not extrapolate where there are no actual temperature
readings. It is curious to hear this given the criticism that Met
Office scientists have expressed in the past about the way the Gisstemp
dataset is pieced together this way!
Vicky Pope does say however
that, “the Met Office continues to predict that 2010 is more likely than
not to be the warmest calendar year on record, beating the 1998
record.” This is also a curious statement since she adds that Met Office
analysis showed that the four months to the end of April were probably
the third warmest for that time of year.
In only the past few weeks however the Met Office has been saying something different.
the Sunday Times of May 23rd Vicky Pope says that 2010 could be the
hottest year on record due to the current El Nino. She also says that
the 2010 January – April temperature was the seventh warmest on record
meaning that out of the past ten years (allowing for the 1998 El Nino)
most of them have been warmer during the January – April period, though
not statistically so.
In the Sunday Times article Kevin
Trenberth, head of climate analysis at the National Center for
Atmospheric Research in Colorado, adds what is missing from the article
mentioned earlier: “We have seen rapid warming
recently, but it is an example of natural variation that is associated
with changes in the Pacific rather than climate change.”
the Times article poor journalism is compounded with scientific spin
from James Hansen’s article to give a misleading impression about the
state of the science and what the data actually shows. It will be
interesting to see if 2010 breaks any records in the Gisstemp or Met
Office datasets. If it does the next question to ask would be, is it
statistically significant as one would expect the occasional high point
due to errors of measurements causing measured datapoints being
scattered around a constant mean (the case post 2001).
It would
be highly misleading and scientifically fraudulent to look at one
datapoint that is higher than the rest yet within the error bars of the
previous years and say, “look, a record.” This will not undermine the
skeptics but science itself.
idiot below doesn't seem to realize that his findings make a mockery of
Warmism. Saying that "greenhouse" gases are rising at a great rate
while at the same time there is actually no warming going on is not the
best way of supporting your theory. Note that he doesn't mention any
facts about temperatures
It is windy, cold and isolated. Cape
Grim is at the most north-west point in Tasmania. It is also home to
some of the cleanest air on the planet and for that reason, it is the
most important air measuring station in the southern hemisphere.
Cape Grim research station, perched on the cliffs overlooking the
Southern Ocean, is recording the most precise account of the earth's
changing atmosphere.
But it is not all good news - over the last
12 months scientists have identified two potent greenhouse gases that
are accelerating rapidly. Paul Fraser from the CSIRO has been coming
to the station since it opened in 1976 and he says that over the last 30
years, carbon dioxide levels have increased by 15 per cent. "Almost
entirely that increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is due to
fossil fuels and that's entirely man-made," he said.
In fact, 40
different types of greenhouse gases are measured at Cape Grim. But it
is two new gases recently identified that are accelerating rapidly.
One, nitrogen trifluoride, is used in the manufacture of plasma
televisions. The other is sulphuryl fluoride, a fumigant used on crops.
Fraser says in the long-term, the two gases will have climate-warming
potential. "I think they're rising at between 5 and 10 per cent per
year so they're jumping up quite rapidly from virtually zero
concentrations not long ago," he said.
Mega-pesky: Climate change 'INCREASES island size'
NUMBER of Pacific islands previously thought to be losing ground to
rising sea levels caused by climate change have actually grown larger,
according to scientists.
A study published in this week’s New
Scientist magazine has revealed that despite long-held fears that
islands in the Pacific Ocean would be washed away in coming decades due
to rising sea levels from global warming, the islands are actually
responding to the threat by growing larger.
The study of 27
islands by the University of Auckland and the South Pacific Applied
Geoscience Commission in Fiji found that over the last 60 years only
four of the islands had shrunk, with the others either remaining stable
or growing.
In the same period sea levels have risen by 120 millimetres, or 2 millimetres a year.
reason lies in the how the islands were formed over time, the study
said, as weather patterns change the islands appeared to respond.
of coral forms the foundation of Pacific islands and, as living coral
provides a continuous supply of material, wind and wave action helps a
constant build-up of debris to form on the islands.
Major weather
events like cyclones serve to further add to the islands foundations.
When Hurricane Bebe swept past Tuvalu in 1972 debris washed up on the
island caused a 10 per cent increase in the main islands size.
is one of the first island groupings predicted to sink under rising sea
levels caused by climate change with altitude of just 4.5 metres.
However the study revealed that seven of its islands have grown by an
average of 3 per cent since 1950.
Similar findings were made in nearby Kiribati where three of the larger populated islands grew by between 10 and 30 per cent.
the study warned that rising sea levels would still be a threat in many
parts of the world, and that factors such as erosion could not be
discounted as threats to the islands.
Impoverished SE Europeans turn to wood for heating
one of the usual "unforeseen" effects of Greenie policies -- but a
return to the pre-industrial era is what they want so maybe the Greenies
will approve of this -- despite the atmospheric pollution it must
Rising electricity prices are increasing the use of
wood for heating in South Eastern Europe to alarming levels, posing a
serious threat to health and the environment, experts warned. Background
South Eastern Europe region is dependent on imported energy, primarily
oil and natural gas, according to a recent report by the Energy
Community, a regional body intended to integrate South East European
countries into the EU's internal energy market.
Several of the countries are also heavily dependent on imported electricity, the report said.
addition, the erratic electricity consumption pattern of poorer parts
of the population was singled out as a key reason for concern. Erratic
consumption is driven by the fact that fuel wood is used by the poor for
heating, but during the heating season electric heaters are often used
when fuel wood demand spikes. This exacerbates seasonal and
weather-related peaks in electricity demand. Extreme peaks can then
cause black-outs or require rationing, the report says.
told EurActiv that only a "miracle" saved South Eastern Europe from a
long-lasting regional blackout following the January 2009 gas crisis
in South East Europe are largely unable to address the problem of
energy poverty, understood as the incapacity of people to heat their own
homes, warned Stefan Bouzarovski, a lecturer in human geography at the
University of Birmingham in the UK.
Speaking on 1 June at a
conference hosted by IFRI, the French Institute for International
Relations, Bouzarovski said that district heating systems inherited from
the communist era were "not the solution" for heating households in the
At the same time, as power prices soared and salaries
stagnated, the use of wood for heating has increasingly become an
alternative to electricity, he said. The situation might worsen as the
price per kilowatt/hour is expected to increase across the region, he
Bouzarovski said little had changed since the United
Nations published a report entitled 'Stuck in the Past: Energy,
Environment and Poverty in Serbia and Montenegro'.
According to
this study, nearly half the population has been marginalised by the
energy-poverty nexus. More than half the population uses wood and
lignite coal as a major source of energy for heating and cooking,
creating high levels of indoor air pollution and leading to chronic
illnesses, the report says.
Bouzarovski warned not only of the
impact of this on the environment in terms of deforestation and carbon
dioxide emissions, but also to human health, as most households that
rely on wood fuel have no proper ventilation.
He said the most
problematic countries were not only the Western Balkan applicants, but
also EU members Bulgaria and Romania. He lamented the lack of targeted
EU programmes for the "energy poor".
Bouzarovski said that
although many people had moved to cities over the last twenty years, the
use of fuel wood had not decreased. This, he implied, was an indication
that fuel wood was used not only in the countryside, but in the cities
as well.
He also warned of violent micro-conflicts between forest
authorities and poachers, which he said were already taking place but
had received little attention.
Let the
hand-wringing begin. Though Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, have announced
a separation rather than a divorce after four decades of marriage, much
of the press already has ramped up the tragedy. Hey, maybe they'll get
back together. Or, maybe not. Still, many journalists already are in
mourning over the loss of the "storybook couple," with a few daring
ancillary stories drawing attention to Mr. Gore's impending single
status and the couple's division of property.
Which brings us to
business writer and Anxiety Institute founder Alan Caruba, who believes
the "separation" is a ruse to protect those assets should there be a
federal investigation of certain environmentally minded activities. Sen.
James M. Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican, already has called for the
Justice Department to have a look-see.
"Al Gores big, big problem
these days is something dubbed 'Climategate,' the revelation that the
science of global warming is entirely fabricated and utterly false," Mr.
Caruba says, noting that Mr. Gore established the $1 billion Generation
Investment Management LLP to invest in assorted green technologies,
assisted by Goldman Sachs veteran David Blood.
"There was, Mr.
Gore told everyone, a climate crisis, and in the process, he grew rich,
hailed [as] the first 'carbon billionaire' for his various investments,"
Mr. Caruba continues. "As bad as the bursting of the housing bubble has
been, the next bubble will be a very green one. And, at the heart of it
will be the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Al Gore, and his partner in
crime, the U.N. climate change program.
"If Al Gore and Tipper
are legally separated, it will likely provide a measure of protection
for the millions he has. This, I suggest, is probably the real reason
for the separation. It is as coldly calculated as his global-warming
lies. Even their forty-year marriage must be sacrificed," Mr. Caruba
Green-eyed monster sets his sights on balance of power
Comment on Australia's Green party
Brown looked as animated as we have ever seen him this week, basking in
the opinion poll ratings he has worked hard at stoking over many years,
successfully presenting himself as the trustworthy, likeable and
moderate face of a movement that is anything but.
While the
Greens leader acknowledges the electorate is "volatile" he has his eyes
on holding the balance of power in the Senate, after this week's
Newspoll showed the Greens have more than doubled in popularity since
the 2007 election to 16 per cent.
As people become increasingly
disillusioned with the government (down to a 35 per cent primary vote)
and wary of the opposition (on 41 per cent), there is now a real
prospect of serious power in the hands of the unaccountable, job-killing
ideologues of the green movement.
We can see their handiwork
across the country, and they've barely warmed up. It's not just the
unbuilt dams, or the green tape preventing proper fire management of
bushland. In Cape York, the "sleazy deal", as Noel Pearson calls it,
between the Queensland government and the Wilderness Society to take
over Aboriginal land as part of the so-called "Wild Rivers" deal,
threatens indigenous people's fledgling economic base for no
environmental benefit. Pearson says the greens want to keep them in
passive welfare dependency, only now "the welfare cheque will be on
recycled paper".
On the other side of the country, the Kimberley
Land Council's executive director, Wayne Bergmann, accuses the green
movement of treating indigenous people like "museum pieces" and
attempting to sabotage their pursuit of economic development.
tyrannical tactics of various eco-socialist groups, which often combine
to play good cop/bad cop in relentless pursuit of a goal, are unopposed
by a lily-livered, increasingly complicit corporate Australia.
front, all we see is the clever pitching of the political wing of the
green movement as safe, sensible and decent. Brown and his colleague
Christine Milne present a plausible set of clean hands as the political
process turns ugly en route to an election.
The end result is an
electorate on the move has at least "parked" some of its votes with the
Greens, while they wait for Tony Abbott to prove his suitability for the
highest office.
The bleeding of support from Kevin Rudd has been
breathtakingly fast and sustained now for two months. Ploys such as the
resources super profit tax on mining to prop up the budget have played
badly, despite Rudd's airy dismissal of criticism as "a load of
balderdash, what a load of absolute bunkum".
The rally outside
Parliament House yesterday of parent groups, with a tiny makeshift
school canteen, protesting at waste in the Building the Education
Revolution program, even as the latest victims of roof insulation fires -
a Holocaust survivor and an immigrant Iranian family - hit the
headlines, give an insight into the depth and breadth of the
government's troubles as an election nears.
As the Lowy Institute
poll, released on Monday, showed, even on Rudd's preferred strengths,
foreign policy and the handling of the global financial crisis, the
electorate has marked the Prime Minister poorly. For "Responding to the
Global Economic Crisis", Rudd's big selling point in the upcoming
election, the government scored just six out of 10. The same lacklustre
score came for "promoting good relations with China", despite Rudd's
Mandarin-speaking promise.
On combating climate change (the
"greatest moral challenge of our time"), the government scored just
5/10, and on Japanese whaling and asylum seekers it failed, with 4/10.
Only on maintaining a strong alliance with the US" came its highest mark
of 7/10.
In a panel discussion after the poll's release at Lowy
headquarters in Bligh Street on Monday, the former Labor powerbroker,
and chairman of the Committee for Sydney, Stephen Loosley, found it hard
to maintain his usually urbane imperturbability, dismissing criticism
of "Kevin 747" as "Tea Party populism".
That morning's bombshell
radio interview by the former premier Morris Iemma and Michael Costa
only added to Loosley's concerns. Iemma has revealed in a new book by
political writer Simon Benson the role Rudd had in his downfall,
reneging on a promise to help him fight the unions over electricity
privatisation. Iemma said Rudd asked him to delay the privatisation bid
until after the 2007 federal election and in return "when the time
comes, we can f--- [the unions] together".
But when the time
came, Rudd told him: "It's a state issue, I can't get involved." The
privatisation which was to have funded transport infrastructure
collapsed, and so did Iemma's career, and health. Iemma told 2GB: "I had
a commitment, a deal with the Prime Minister and it should have been
His former treasurer Costa was even more scathing: "I
speak to Labor people and I'm not talking about conservative voters
here. I'm talking about dyed-in-the-wool Labor people that have really
turned off this bloke [Rudd]. That car radio test is the test that you
apply - if a bloke comes on and you hear him speak for a couple of
seconds and you turn off your radio you know he's lost the public and I
think this bloke's lost the public."
With such hatred of Rudd
from within the NSW Labor Right, Loosley could only shake his head
grimly, and continue on the panel valiantly to praise the Prime Minister
for foreign policy work such as the G20.
The understatement of
the morning came from fellow panellist Arthur Sinodinos, the former
Howard adviser turned banker, regarded as the pre-eminent tactical guru
in Liberal circles. He described Rudd's problems as a "lack of tactical
That is not a label you could ever apply to the Greens.
The Royal Society has a history of being dogmatic but wrong
their motto. Freely translated, the motto means "don't trust anyone".
An email below from Claude Allegre to Benny Peiser
[benny.peiser@thegwpf.org]. Allegre is a prominent French geochemist
and Leftist politician. He is referring to the frantic Warmism of the
Royal Society in recent years.
The Royal Society is a
splendid institution of which I am proud to be a member. However,
despite it wonderful motto NULLIS IN VERBA the Society has a long record
of dogmatic attitudes, some of which have turned out to be wrong:
defending Alchemy in the early days, refusing the Leibniz notation
dy/dx, refusing to accept radioactivity until Rutherford, more recently
by claiming the non-human possibility for mad-cow disease.
Why not to be more open to arguments?
CO2, Global Warming and the Royal Society
An email from Norm Kalmanovitch [kalhnd@shaw.ca]. Norm is a practicing geophysicist with over 35 years of experience
concept of human caused global warming is entirely predicated on the
assumption that the rapid increase in fossil fuel consumption will raise
the atmospheric CO2 concentration to levels that will cause
catastrophic warming of the Earth. The IPCC defined an atmospheric CO2
concentration of 650ppmv as the absolute maximum tolerable level beyond
which catastrophic global warming will be a certainty. This was
presented at the climate conference in Nairobi Kenya, in 2006 along with
the prediction that at the current increasing rate of CO2 emissions, by
2100 the atmospheric CO2 will be well in excess of 1200ppmv (1248ppmv
according to IPCC 2007 lead Author Andrew Weaver’s November 27, 2008
presentation to the University of Calgary).
The global reference
for atmospheric CO2 concentration is the Mauna Loa Observatory and this
data is used by the IPCC as their only reference. The CO2 concentration
data which can be downloaded directly from the site at:
the past ten years CO2 emissions have climbed from 24.75gt/year in 2000
to over 32gt/year by 2009, but the increase in atmospheric CO2
concentration remained a virtually straight line, averaging
1.977ppmv/year with the high value of 2.56ppmv/year occurring in 2003
and the low value of 1.55ppmv/year occurring in 2005.
official CO2 concentration for 2009 from Mona Loa Observatory is
387.35ppmv, and with the average rate of increase in concentration for
the past decade of just 1.977ppmv/year, by year 2100 the concentration
will only be 567.25ppmv, having increased by just 179.90ppmv over the
next 91 years.
This is less than half of what the IPCC predicted
and more importantly it is below the 650ppmv maximum that the IPCC
deemed safe. Essentially without even criticizing the faulty science
behind AGW, it can be shown, based on the actual statements of the IPCC,
that the world faces no threat from global warming as a result of
increased CO2 emissions.
If one were to bring physical science
into the argument it is easily demonstrated that this 179.90ppmv
increase in CO2 concentration will not increase the greenhouse effect by
the 1.5307°C predicted by the forcing parameter of the climate models,
but by something well under 0.2°C (because of the effect of this on an
already near saturated wavelength band accessible to CO2).
fraudulent global warming alarmism becomes even more apparent when one
looks forty years into the future to 2050. The optimum target declared
by the IPCC is 450ppmv. At the current rate of increase of
1.977ppmv/year by 2050 the CO2 concentration will have only increased by
81.057ppmv bringing the atmospheric CO2 concentration to 468.407ppmv;
just 18.4ppmv over what the IPCC sees as an ideal target; yet this is
occurring as CO2 emissions continue to increase unabated at ever
increasing rates.
If the atmospheric CO2 concentration data
demonstrates that we face zero danger from human caused global warming
for the next forty years; why is the IPCC still insisting that the world
devastate its economy and starve the poor to prevent this danger?
brings the global temperature manipulations by the IPCC that were
exposed in the “climategate emails” from the “slap on the wrist”
conviction of not properly sharing data, to the realm of “crimes against
humanity” because of all the damage caused by this fraud.
1990 the IPCC properly demonstrated a temperature graph based on at
least 18 temperature proxy studies. This graph showed the Medieval Warm
period being substantially warmer than today which eliminated any
alarmism from observed global temperature increases. The graph also
showed the Little Ice Age which correlates with the Maunder Minimum and
Dalton Minimum demonstrating solar influence and not emissions influence
as the cause of the observed warming.
In 1998 immediately after
the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, a new temperature proxy
appeared that was based on a small sampling of tree ring data
statistically manipulated to eliminate both the Medieval Warm Period and
the Little Ice Age, and further manipulated with the addition of
thermometer data to the proxy data to justify the proxy by having it fit
the observed temperature data better than the previous proxies. This is
referred to in the emails as “Mike’s Nature trick”.
In 2001 with
the global temperature data starting to refute the AGW premise and the
date for ratifying the Kyoto Accord fast approaching, the IPCC rejected
the previous temperature graph based on 18 proxies and replaced it with
the graph based on the single fraudulently contrived MBH98 temperature
The original version of this graph presented in the 1998
paper only included temperature data up to 1995 because there was a drop
in global temperature in 1996 and 1997 which would limit the impact of
the graph. When the IPCC published this graph in the 2001 Fourth
Assessment report they embellished the alarmism by extending the
temperature data on the graph to include the temperature spike from the
1998 el Niño, but did not include the data for either 1999 or 2000
because 1999 was cooler than 1997, and this eliminated the alarmist
impact of the 1998 temperature spike.
The problem with the Hockey
Stick Graph is that in matching the four global temperature
representations it clearly showed the global cooling from 1942 to 1975.
This is a big problem for the AGW hypothesis because the warming that
occurred from 1910 to 1942 only represented a 14% increase in CO2
emissions; but the cooling that took place from 1942 to 1975 occurred as
emissions increased by over 500%, completely refuting any claim of
correlation between CO2 emissions and global warming.
This led to
the out and out fraud of physically changing the actual temperature
data at the Hadley CRU. The Hadley CRU data shown in the IPCC 2007
Fourth Assessment Report is clearly different than the same Hadley CRU
data as well as all the other data representations including the Hockey
Stick Graph shown in the IPCC 2001 Third Assessment Report.
Royal Society has put themselves in a very difficult position, by
failing to expose the faulty science behind AGW right from the onset in
1988 with the contrived scientifically baseless computer model
projections of catastrophic global temperature increases related to CO2
emissions. The simple question is whether the Royal Society can
extricate itself after being so entrenched in the global warming
alarmist’s camp.
PS: Over this last decade with the 29.3%
increase in CO2 emissions, there has been zero global warming and in
fact the Earth has been cooling since 2002. This reveals the true nature
of the IPCC which still promotes global warming alarmism as the Earth
continues to cool.
James Lovelock: Climate Change May Not Happen As Fast As We Thought
Nice to hear any expression of uncertainty from the dogmatic Green/Left
To boil down any of [James] Lovelock's thoughts to a few sentences is
to do him a serious disservice, but here goes. As he sees it, climate
change is now all but out of control. We should certainly cut our
greenhouse-gas emissions, but focus most of our efforts on adapting to a
world that, sooner or later, will turn troublesome beyond words. As
part of that, he has long claimed the only sustainable method of
generating the electricity Britain needs is nuclear power – and that in
large swathes of the world, solar and wind power are already proving to
be a dangerous distraction. From time to time, he dispenses optimism, of
a sort: he's not having the standard-issue predictions of
steadily-rising global temperatures, and thinks that though the Earth
could suddenly heat up in a way that few models have so far predicted,
we might also have longer to prepare than some people think.
knows? Everybody might be wrong," he says. "I may be wrong. Climate
change may not happen as fast as we thought, and we may have 1,000 years
to sort it out."
If that sounds comforting, bear in mind that
the subtitle of his latest book, The Vanishing Face of Gaia, is "the
final warning" – and when it comes to the kind of climate change-related
schemes that dominate the headlines, he tends to sound withering, to
say the least. Copenhagen, he tells me, was not just "futile" but "a
monumental extravagance – I'm never convinced that big people-gatherings
like that can solve the truly important issues." His most dismissive
words, however, are reserved for the Stern Review: "If you mix up some
science that's incomplete with some economics which is almost as bad,
you're going to get an absolutely dreadful progeny."
In the
context of Hay, Lovelock's most sobering point takes on a grim hilarity.
The argument is simple enough: even if the public were to get newly
excited, and politicians were united by fresh resolve, the human race
might face an insurmountable problem – that even the kind of great minds
who come to Hay might not have the IQ required for such a massive
"The main problem is that we're not really clever
enough as a species," he says, with a wry look. "We haven't developed
far enough. The Earth's evolving, and we're evolving with it – but it's a
damn slow process. It's taken us a million years to change from being
semi-intelligent animals to what we are now: still animals, and still
semi-intelligent. I don't think we can handle big problems like the
The negotiations in Copenhagen were a complete shambles, resulting only
in a non-binding, let’s-meet-again memorandum that the various
participating countries “recognized” having seen.
Greenpeace activist, and Independent Commentator Joss Garman characterized the “Copenhagen Accord” thus:
“deal” is beyond bad. It contains no legally binding targets and no
indication of when or how they will come about. There is not even a
declaration that the world will aim to keep global temperature rises
below 2 C. Instead, leaders merely recognise the science behind that
vital threshold, as if that were enough to prevent us crossing it.
only part of this deal that anyone sane came close to welcoming was the
$100bn global climate fund, but it’s now apparent that even this is
largely made up of existing budgets, with no indication of how new money
will be raised and distributed so that poorer countries can go green
and adapt to climate change.
In the EU, the vaunted European Trading System continues to come apart at the seams. According to James Kanter at the NYT:
traders, for example, have been arrested for tax fraud; evidence has
emerged of lucrative projects that may do nothing to curb climate
change; and steel and cement companies have booked huge profits selling
surplus permits they received for free.
And the EU is backing away from previous plans to tighten its carbon reduction targets. According to Greenwire,
months, Europe has mulled whether to increase to 30 percent its current
commitment to reduce CO2 emissions 20 percent from 1990 levels by 2020.
E.U. leaders in Brussels, including the bloc’s climate chief, Connie
Hedegaard, have seemed to favor such a commitment, while influential
member states like Germany and France have expressed skepticism of such a
pledge without binding support from other major industrial powers like
the United States.
A study, released today by the European
Commission, expresses concern that Europe’s trading system for limiting
emissions will remain less effective than planned without reductions in
carbon allowances over the next decade. But addressing that problem may
have to take a back seat for now, Hedegaard said.
here in the U.S., climate alarmism has sunk so low that Senator John
Kerry risks choking himself to death as he ties his tongue into knots to
pretend that his climate bill, the misleadingly named “American Power
Act,” is not a climate bill. Depending on the date, Senator Kerry
disingenuously characterizes as a job creation bill, or a bill to end
dependency on foreign oil, or as a bill to rejuvenate the moribund US
nuclear energy sector…or anything but what it is, which is a bill full
of direct and indirect taxes on carbon: that is, on coal, natural gas,
oil, and gasoline.
Pundits give the bill little chance of passage
in this Congress, and if Democrats take anything like the whuppin’
they’re expected to get in November, I wouldn’t look for a reprise of
the “American Power Act” any time soon.
[Personal note to
Senator Kerry: Dear Senator, will you please stop perpetuating the
fiction that you can createjobs by forcing up the cost of power (and
making it less reliable) in the United States. All you’re going to do
with your fraudulently titled climate bill is kill jobs, reduce economic
growth, export more of America’s industrial base to other countries,
and perpetuate the misery of this lackluster economy. Even worse, you’ll
hurt the people you claim as your primary constituency – the poor –
more than the wealthy, as the poor spend more of their budget on energy
than those with greater wealth.]
Poll numbers continue to
decline when it comes to people expressing serious concern about climate
change, or willingness to pay anything to remedy it.
The New
York Times points out that public belief levels are plummeting even in
Jolly Old Britain, (and not-so-jolly old Germany) both of which have
been, until recently, a seething hotbed of climate alarmism:
has this shift in public opinion been more striking than in Britain,
where climate change was until this year such a popular priority that in
2008 Parliament enshrined targets for emissions cuts as national law.
But since then, the country has evolved into a home base for a thriving
group of climate skeptics who have dominated news reports in recent
months, apparently convincing many that the threat of warming is vastly
A survey in February by the BBC found that only 26
percent of Britons believed that “climate change is happening and is now
established as largely manmade,” down from 41 percent in November 2009.
A pollconducted for the German magazine Der Spiegel found that 42
percent of Germans feared global warming, down from 62 percent four
years earlier.
My colleague, Steve Hayward,
thinks that future historians will peg 2008 as the year that climate
alarmism jumped the shark. If so, it’s clear that in 2010, the Fonz is
on the sharp declining phase of the jump, headed back down to the water.
On every front, climate alarmists are losing, from international
negotiations, to domestic legislation, to public opinion. Even the UK’s
Royal Society is being forced to reconsider their position on climate
We can hope that climate alarmism will be replaced by a
new era of climate realism, where the focus is on fostering resilience:
building institutions, and helping other countries build institutions
that would give them resilience in the face of any sort of climate
change, manmade or natural, modest or major. Instead, however, my guess
is this won’t happen. The alarmists are unable to give up the sense of
panic they need to preserve to promote radical policies.
what I suspect will happen is that the entire issue of climate change
will go sub rosa, and be embedded in discussions of energy,
sustainability, energy security, renewable energy, protecting
biodiversity, or anything that lacks the words “climate change” in the
NASA Gagging Policy: Climate Scientist Quit over Controversy
By John O'Sullivan
a bad week for NASA, evidence shows the beleaguered space agency gagged
its climate scientists. But the policy is starting to backfire as
ex-employee speaks out.
Confirmation of the gagging policy comes
from ex-NASA high-flier, Dr. Ferenc Miskolczi, who upset his former
employers with the 2007 publication of his paper, ‘Greenhouse effect in
semi-transparent planetary atmospheres,’ in the Quarterly Journal of the
Hungarian Meteorological Service.
Miskolczi claims his
illustriously-funded government employers tried to silence him to
preserve public credibility in its policy on global warming. The noble
doctor refused to be gagged and out of scientific principle chose to
quit and speak out.
The root of the problem was in the ex-NASA
man’s debunk of the greenhouse gas (GHG) theory. Dr. Miskolczi claims
he “proves that the classic solution [greenhouse gas theory]
significantly overestimates the sensitivity of greenhouse forcing.”
But No NASA Gag on Warming Advocates
contrast and compare to what ‘New Scientist’ reported in 2006 when
pro-green doomsayer, James Hansen was chastised by his employer for
daring to suggest any such gag was in force. Hansen has been a prominent
and public climate doomsayer ever since.
Back then Dean Acosta,
deputy assistant administrator for public affairs at NASA, denied that
there was any effort to silence Hansen. “That’s not the way we operate
here at NASA,” Acosta said. “We promote openness and we speak with the
Pointedly, unlike Miskolczi, Hansen didn’t resign from
his well-paid post. Yet, unlike Miskolczi, his petulant outburst
garnered much pro-green media interest.
Greenhouse Gas Theory ‘Bogus’
free from the shackles of NASA censorship, Dr. Miskolczi is finally
coming to the fore as a serious critic of the theory behind man-made
global warming. He is gaining note for proving that the Earth has an
in-built ‘safety mechanism’ that prevents runaway global warming from
greenhouse gases.
The top Hungarian physicist, in fact,
identified that the greenhouse effect upon which the whole man-made
global warming theory is based, is probably bogus. The highly-principled
researcher discovered that the sum of all radiation absorbed in the
atmosphere is equal to the total internal kinetic energy of the
atmosphere. That in turn then is equal to the total gravitational
potential energy.
In other words, the planet is most capable at
keeping itself in a heat energy balance and is not vulnerable to
so-called runaway warming. Thus, there is no ‘tipping point’ to fear
from any atmospheric increase of a trace gas such as carbon dioxide.
Support for Climate Skeptic
disgruntled former NASA man’s views are much in tune with
world-renowned Swedish climate professor, Hans Jelbring. It seems other
scientists are becoming more open in their agreement with such findings.
recently, science author Heinz Thieme and 130 German scientists have
also come out to refute the greenhouse gas theory as a plausible
explanation of the mechanism of Earth’s climate.
This is not what
NASA and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) want the
public to hear as President Obama’s Democrat administration struggles to
force through swingeing cap and trade taxes in the backdrop of an
already over-stretched U.S. economy.
NASA’s Dr. Curry: NASA Numbers “drastic oversimplification”
so persuasive is Dr. Miskolczi among his scientific peers that no
advocate of the GHG theory (that relies on the Stefan-Boltzmann “black
body” numbers) has yet been able to refute him. As I recently reported,
NASA is now in a considerable disarray over what exactly is the correct
equation. In fact, their education department is currently printing
high-school textbooks disagreeing with the orthodox theory. So what’s
going on?
As explained to me lately in e-mail correspondence by
NASA’s Dr. Judith Curry: “Everybody would agree that the simple black
body planetary energy balance model is a drastic oversimplification, it
is used only for illustrative purposes.”
So I asked Dr. Curry if
NASA could show the taxpaying American public a more exact set of
equations than the crude Stefan-Boltzmann “black body” numbers: no
Indeed, Stefan-Boltzmann who devised the “blackbody”
equation never intended his numbers to be applied to a three-dimensional
rotating planet. So why NASA’s reluctance to accept a more
sophisticated and accurate new climate equation-or, at least use the
tried and tested numbers that safely got Neil Armstrong landed on the
New Revelations Encourage Scientists to Speak Out
up to join Dr. Miskolczi in the skeptic attack on the debunked
greenhouse theory are dozens of eminent international scientists in
tandem with a startling new research paper that proved NASA Apollo Moon
mission scientists, forty years ago, had a better set of climate
equations than the “black body” numbers that NASA’s own Dr. Curry says
are,” only for illustrative purposes. Why doesn’t NASA now come clean
about this?
Concern about the science behind the man-made global
warming theory grew after the November 2009 Climategate. The official
British Oxburgh Inquiry into alleged ‘cherry-picking’ of climate data
confirmed scientists acted with subjective advocacy and being
over-zealous ‘poor statisticians.’
NASA to stall and Help Climate Bill in 2010?
Senators John Kerry and Joseph Lieberman, who unveiled their climate
bill earlier this month, will be sweating that NASA keeps this under
wraps as they seek to force through their controversial climate bill
passed before the break for Independence Day on July 4.
So if
NASA truly has no gagging policy over the climate controversy then
perhaps it should come clean and make a statement on these latest
developments and remove all doubt?
Chicxulub: A Lesson In How shaky a climate-relevant "consensus" can be
this site posted an article about the extinction event 65.5 million
years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period. That extinction coincided
with a large asteroid impact at Chicxulub, Mexico, and occurred within
the time of Deccan flood basalt volcanism in India. A new review article
by 41 scientists, published in the March 5, 2010, edition of Science,
was cited that summarized what science thinks it knows about the
extinction. That article reinforced the single cause asteroid impact
extinction scenario. Now, in an excellent example of how the scientific
process works, and why scientific consensus is such a bogus term, the
May 21 issue of Science has published a number of letters that take
exception to the previous article's conclusions.
The controversy
over what killed the dinosaurs has raged among paleontologists for three
decades. As previously reported, the asteriod impact theory seems to
have gained the upper hand recently, though there are compeeting
theories constantly arising (see “Chicxulub Resurgent” and “Shiva The
Dinosaur Killer,” respectively). In the Science review article “The
Chicxulub Asteroid Impact and Mass Extinction at the
Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary,” Peter Schulte and 40 colleagues from
from 33 institutions and universities, put forward a comprehensive
review of the evidence surrounding the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
Their conclusion: “The correlation between impact-derived ejecta and
paleontologically defined extinctions at multiple locations around the
globe leads us to conclude that the Chicxulub impact triggered the mass
extinction that marks the boundary between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic
eras ~65.5 million years ago.” More succinctly, the asteroid did it.
this may sound like the fabled “scientific consensus” has been reached,
the article instead has triggered a firestorm. In a letter, entitled
“Cretaceous Extinctions: Multiple Causes,” J. David Archibald and 28
colleagues from 22 different institutions have taken strong exception to
the conclusions stated by Schulte et al. Here is the first paragraph of
their letter:
In the Review "The Chicxulub Asteroid Impact and
Mass Extinction at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary" (P. Schulte et
al., 5 March, p. 1214), the terminal Cretaceous extinctions were
confidently attributed to a single event, the environmental consequences
of the impact of an extraterrestrial body. The list of 41 authors,
although suggesting a consensus, conspicuously lacked the names of
researchers in the fields of terrestrial vertebrates, including
dinosaurs, as well as freshwater vertebrates and invertebrates. Although
we the undersigned differ over the specifics, we have little doubt that
an impact played some role in these extinctions. Nevertheless, the
simplistic extinction scenario presented in the Review has not stood up
to the countless studies of how vertebrates and other terrestrial and
marine organisms fared at the end of the Cretaceous.
The letter
signatories clearly come down on the side of the multiple causes theory,
or as Douglas Erwin puts it, the “Murder on the Orient Express” model.
But what about the asteroid? Archibald et al state, “it is telling that
in all other instances of mass extinction in the past 600 million years,
no signature of an extraterrestrial impact has ever been reliably
detected, despite extensive searches.” Sounds like fighting words to me.
But the fun is only getting started.
In their letter,
“Cretaceous Extinctions: The Volcanic Hypothesis,” Vincent Courtillot
and Frédéric Fluteau, of the Institut de Physique du Globe in Paris,
France, argue for their favorite dinosaur eradicating hypothesis: killer
volcanoes. In fact, they protest that Schulte et al misused their work
to dismiss the volcanic hypothesis...
VERY specious reasoning -- How did he get a Ph.D.?
know the wheels really have come off the climate bandwagon when you get
blatantly unscientific nonsense statements like the howler below from
'Real Climate’s' Gavin Schmidt.
Self-styled climate expert,
Schmidt has sought to explain how advocates of the greenhouse gas theory
can 'calculate' that a benign minor trace gas, carbon dioxide, can lead
to runaway global warming due to its alleged superior radiant
properties. Here’s how Schmidt works the numbers:
"The factor of
two for A (the radiation emitted from the atmosphere) comes in because
the atmosphere radiates both up and down." – Gavin Schmidt
Up and
down? You mean – unlike other gases- but why no side to side and then
shake it all about,too, Gavin? But no, as Schmidt would have you believe
it’s just that two times - for the ‘up’ and the ‘down’- the crucial
factor of two that sets this greenhouse gas apart from others and allows
junk theorists to multiply their dodginess.
How's that for
contravening the First Law of Thermodynamics? Why pause to think, it's
so easy to say. Did you get that all you atmospheric scientists out
This and other gems are cogently exposed in a discerning
article authored by American radio-chemist, Alan Siddons, entitled 'The
Greenhouse Hustle'
Siddons applies useful graphic representations
to prove that, “Only to the extent that it absorbs energy can a CO2
molecule be a source of heat – and since its frequency response is
limited, so too is its ability to heat. CO2 fails to intercept anything
close to the full span of the earth's radiant spectrum.”
to the enlightened insight of more credible climate researcher such as
Siddons the blogosphere is becoming an increasingly uncomfortable
stomping ground for snake oil peddlers such as ‘Real Climate’s' Gavin
new evidence of a NASA scientist faking a fundamental greenhouse gas
equation shames beleaguered space administration in new global warming
fraud scandal
Caught in the heat are NASA’s Dr. Judith Curry
and a junk science equation by the space agency’s Dr. Gavin Schmidt
creating disarray over a contentious Earth energy graph
internal row was ignited by the release of a sensational new research
paper discrediting calculations crucial to the greenhouse gas theory.
on the heels of my recent scoop that the U.S. space agency may have
suppressed evidence from the Apollo Moon landings that invalidated the
greenhouse gas (GHG) theory, an internecine fury among NASA employees
over fudged equations is set to further embarrass the current U.S.
Administration’s stand on global warming.
Word is getting round
that junk equations were threaded into the GHG theory to artificially
inflate the heating effect of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by a
factor of two.
The spark to this cataclysmic revelation was lit
in April 2007 after a public gaffe (see below) by the space
administration’s Dr. Gavin Schmidt, who fronts popular pro-global
warming website, ‘Real Climate.’
What ignited this latest
Climategate-linked rumpus is a sensational new research paper, ‘A
Greenhouse Effect on the Moon?’ otherwise called the ‘Moon Paper.’
for the paper scientifically proved that since at least 1997 climate
scientists knew that guesswork was underpinning the whole greenhouse gas
theory. In fact, so flaky are these numbers that they can be rendered
to show a GHG effect on Earth’s moon, where no greenhouse gases exist!
Thus, skeptics argue, the burning embers of political heat generated by
the discredited theory should now finally and unequivocally be
But more sinisterly, it turns out that NASA climate
scientists, with access to better climate equations used for the Apollo
Moon mission, forsook those in favor of dodgy Dr. Schmidt’s ‘back of an
envelope’ numbers.
With nothing short of religious fervour,
government-funded climatologists, in cahoots with the IPCC, trumpeted
this flim-flam to political leaders who now claim they can limit global
warming to ‘two degrees’ on the back of green cap and trade energy
taxes. Priceless!
The ‘Moon Paper’ spectacularly reveals that
Apollo mission scientists devised a three-dimensional model for
accurately determining Earth’s energy budget far more practicable than
the rudimentary flat blackbody numbers of Stefan-Boltzmann. But those
numbers contradicted any greenhouse warming effect and have thus been
ignored by global warming tax advocates.
In addition, it appears
Siddons has uncovered intentional fraud, as explained in an earlier of
his online publications, ‘The Greenhouse Hustle’ that reveals the
almighty multiplication ‘error’ of NASA climatologist, Gavin Schmidt.
2007, Schmidt blogging on ‘Real Climate’ sought to explain how
government climatologists obtain the “full surface energy balance
equations” referred to by Dr. Judith Curry (below).
Schmidt wrote
that he and his colleagues took the Stefan-Boltzmann blackbody numbers
and multiplied them by an additional factor of two to devise NASA’s
official Earth energy budget. But why multiply by two? Schmidt explains:
“The factor of two for A (the radiation emitted from the atmosphere)
comes in because the atmosphere radiates both up and down.”—Gavin
Schmidt (Real Climate, April 10, 2007)
It is Schmidt’s lunatic
“up and down” elaboration on Stefan-Boltzmann’s numbers that Siddons
proves contradicts the laws of physics. Gases do not radiate “up and
down”- their radiation is isotropic, meaning the intensity is equal in
all directions-not just ‘up and down’ as Schmidt describes. Thus
multiplying CO2 by a factor of two is at the very least junk science, or
worse: criminal fraud.
Pointedly, Schmidt soon entered the dark
side by appearing to cover up his gaffe. Within a month he snuffed out
all debate by closing the comments thread on his heavily censored
Stefan-Boltzmann Blackbody Equations
Our junk
science back story involves explaining how climate doomsayers misused
the long-established Stefan-Boltzmann blackbody equation to invent the
greenhouse gas theory of climate. The theory incorporates the
two-dimensional flat body numbers to ‘calculate’ how much of the Sun’s
energy enters and leaves the Earth’s atmosphere.
But the problem is Stefan-Boltzmann never intended for his numbers to be applied to a three-dimensional rotating planet.
merely repeated the errors shown in the Kiehl and Trenberth diagram
(1997). The Kiehl-Trenberth graphic calls Schmidt’s “up and down” effect
the ‘back-radiation’ with a heat flux. Thus we may reasonably infer
that Schmidt’s shenanigans are inextricably intertwined with those of
his fellow warmist climatologists, K. E. Trenberth and J.T. Kiehl who,
13 years ago, first applied the bogus “full surface energy balance
Yet the idea that the science or the energy budget is
“settled” is blown apart by Trenberth, himself. When asked by his
colleague, Tom Wigley, “where’s the Global warming?” Trenberth admits
they can’t answer the question. “The fact is that we can’t account for
the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t…
Our observing system is inadequate.” (Leaked Climategate email: Oct. 14,
2009: Filename:1255496484.txt)
Trenberth then re-iterated his
confusion to the American Meteorological Society in January 2010 when
lamenting the current woeful state of climate models.
Schoolboy Errors in NASA’s High School Textbooks
and Schmidt’s lack of the wherewithal to provide a convincing
calculation of Earth’s energy budget is further glaringly exposed by
NASA’s Education Department which publishes high school textbooks,
‘Energy Social Studies; Investigating the Climate System: A Balancing
Act’ for 9-12th graders.
In the publication is a graph that
contradicts the Kiehl-Trenberth/Schmidt energy graph but clearly agrees
with the numbers applied by climate skeptics and the original Apollo
moon mission.
I pointed out the confusion to Dr. Judith Curry who
responded, “Everybody would agree that the simple black body planetary
energy balance model is a drastic oversimplification, it is used only
for illustrative purposes.”
Why Confuse the Public with ‘Oversimplified’ Data?
I then put it to Dr. Curry that neither NASA nor the IPCC publish
anywhere anything other than the off beam Stefan-Boltzmann equations to
illustrate the GHG theory. And why present the public (and presumably
policy makers) with such a “drastic oversimplification” if NASA has
tucked away a more accurate and robust equation ready to silence its
No response. Yet Dr. Curry did assure me that, “Climate
models (including very simple ones, not just the global general
circulation models) include a full surface energy balance equation to
determine surface temperature.”
But Dr. Curry left me no wiser as
to what the “full surface energy balance equation” actually is. I,
along with millions of taxpayers, hope to high heaven it’s not Gavin
Schmidt’s snake oil.
NASA Sued in Court by CEI for Hiding Data
truth, the passing of time is showing that NASA has stooped to break
the law to stop anyone seeing what their “full surface energy balance
equation” is-if it exists. We know this because the space agency has
defied all such Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from the
Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) for several years. The ongoing
scandal has been dubbed NASA-Gate.
CEI is now taking NASA to
court for refusing to permit independent auditors the chance to assess
the reliability of both government-funded science as well as the
validity of current U.S. Administration’s expensive green energy policies.
a minimum, NASA-gate raises serious questions about competency and the
integrity of certain government space agency employees. Dr. Curry’s
final words: “I’m contacting NASA about this.” Reference:
K.E., J.T. Fasullo, and J. Kiehl, 2009: Earth’s Global Energy Budget.
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol 90, No 3, pp
By Hans Jelbring email: hans.jelbring@telia.com
main reason for claiming a scientific basis for “Anthropogenic
Greenhouse Warming (AGW)” is related to the use of “radiative energy
flux models” as a major tool for describing vertical energy fluxes
within the atmosphere. Such models prescribe that the temperature
difference between a planetary surface and the planetary average black
body radiation temperature (commonly called the Greenhouse Effect, GE)
is caused almost exclusively by the so called greenhouse gases.
using a different approach, it is shown that GE can be explained as
mainly being a consequence of known physical laws describing the
behaviour of ideal gases in a gravity field. A simplified model of
Earth, along with a formal proof concerning the model atmosphere and
evidence from real planetary atmospheres will help in reaching
The distinguishing premise is that the bulk part of
a planetary GE depends on its atmospheric surface mass density. Thus
the GE can be exactly calculated for an ideal planetary model
atmosphere. In a real atmosphere some important restrictions have to be
met if the gravity induced GE is to be well developed. It will always be
partially developed on atmosphere bearing planets.
A noteworthy
implication is that the calculated values of AGW, accepted by many
contemporary climate scientists, are thus irrelevant and probably quite
insignificant (not detectable) in relation to natural processes causing
climate change.
More HERE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
is a Swedish climatologist. He says above that it is the WHOLE
atmosphere that determines warming, not just the tiny and trivial CO2
fraction. Note as an aside that Mars has 15x higher level of that
wonderful CO2 in its atmosphere than we do yet it shows no sign of a
"greenhouse effect". But Mars has a very thin atmosphere. So then it
follows that the "greenhouse effect" on earth is just a result of its
bulk atmosphere, mainly nitrogen and oxygen -- as Jelbring points
Temperature variations in the past have been underestimated
"We cannot conclude that the previous 50-year period has been unique in the context of the last 500-1000 years"
By Bo Christiansen (from the Danish Meteorological Institute)
In the past the Earth's temperature has varied both due to external
forcings such as the volcanic eruptions, changes in the sun, and due to
internal variability in the climate system. Much effort has in recent
years been made to understand and project man-made climate change. In
this context the past climate is an important resource for climate
science as it provides us with valuable information about how the
climate responds to forcings. It also provides a validation target for
climate models, although paleoclimate modelling is still in its infancy.
It should be obvious that we need to understand the past climate
variability before we can confidently predict the future.
we do not have systematic instrumental measurements of the surface
temperature much further back than the mid-19th century. Further back in
time we must rely of proxy data. The climate proxies include tree
rings, corals, lake and marine sediment cores, terrestrial bore-hole
temperatures, and documentary archives. Common to all these sources is
that they include a climate signal but that this signal is polluted by
noise (basically all non-climatic influences such as fires, diseases
etc.). From these different noisy proxies information such as the global
mean surface temperature is sought to be extracted.
A famous
and pioneering example is the work by Mann et al. 1998, in which the
mean NH temperature is relatively constant with a weak decreasing rend
from 1400-1900 followed by a sharp rise in industrial times - the
so-called "hockey stick". There has been much debate about this
reconstruction, and its robustness has been questioned (see e.g.).
However, some other reconstructions have shown similar shape and this
has encouraged some to talk about the 'hockey team' (e.g., here). This
partial agreement between different reconstructions has also led to
statements such as 'It is very likely that average Northern Hemisphere
[NH] temperatures during the second half of the 20th century were higher
than for any other 50-year period in the last 500 years' by the IPCC.
different reconstructions show a 'hockey stick' would increase its
credibility unless the different reconstructions all shared the same
problems. We shall see below that this is unfortunately the case.
proxies are infected with noise. To extract the climate signal - here
the NH mean temperature - from a large set of noisy proxies different
mathematical methods have been used. They are all, however, based on
variants of linear regression. The model is trained or calibrated by
using the last period where we have access to both proxies and
instrumental data. This calibration period is typically the last 100
years. When the model has been trained it is used to estimate the NH
mean temperature in the past (the reconstruction period) where only the
proxies are known. To test such methods it is useful to apply them to
long simulations from climate models.
Like in the real-world
situation we split the total period into a calibration period and a
reconstruction period. But here we know the NH mean temperature also in
the reconstruction period which can therefore be compared with the
reconstruction. The proxies are generated by adding noise to the local
temperatures from the climate model. The model based scheme decribed
above is known as the 'pseudo-proxy' approach and can be used to
evaluate a large number of aspects of the reconstruction methods; how
the different methods compare, how sensitive they are to the number of
proxies, etc.
Inspired by previous pseudo-proxy studies we
decided to systematically study the skills of seven different
reconstruction methods. We included both methods that directly
reconstruct the NH mean temperature and methods that first reconstruct
the geographical distributed temperatures, The method used by Mann et
al. 1998 was included as well as two versions of the RegEM method later
used by this group. Perhaps surprisingly the main conclusion was that
all the reconstruction methods severely underestimate the amplitude of
low-frequency variability and trends (Fig. 1).
Many of the
methods could reproduce the NH temperature in the calibration period to
great detail but still failed to get the low-frequency variability in
the reconstruction period right. We also found that all reconstruction
methods have a large element of stochasticity; for different realization
of the noise or the underlying temperature field the reconstructions
are different. We believe this might partly explain why some previous
pseudo-proxy studies have reached different conclusions.
It is
important to note the two different kinds of errors which are examples
of what is known in statistics as ensemble bias and ensemble variance.
While the variance may be minimized by taken the average over many
reconstructions the same is not true for the bias. Thus, all the
reconstruction methods in our study gave biased estimations of the
low-frequency variability. We now see the fallacy of the 'hockey team'
reasoning mentioned above; if all reconstruction methods underestimate
the low-frequency variability then considering an ensemble of
reconstructions will not be helpful.
The question that arises now
is if the systematic underestimation of low-frequency variability can
be avoided. Based on an idea by Anders Moberg and theoretical
considerations I formulated a new reconstruction method, LOC, which is
based on simple regression between the proxies and the local
temperatures to which the proxy is expected to respond. To avoid the
loss of low-frequency variance it is important to use the proxy as the
dependent variable and the temperature as the independent variable. When
the local temperatures have been reconstructed the NH mean is found by
averaging. Pseudo-proxy studies (Fig. 2) confirms that the low-frequency
variability is not underestimated with this method.
the new reconstruction method will overestimate the amplitude of
high-frequency variability. This is the price we must pay; we can not
totally remove the influence of the noise but we can shift it from low
to high frequencies. The influence of the noise on the high-frequency
variability can be reduced by averaging over many independent proxies or
by smoothing in time.
I have applied the new reconstruction
method, LOC, to a set of 14 decadally smoothed proxies which are
relatively homogeneously geographically distributed over the
extra-tropical NH. This compilation of proxies was used in the
reconstruction by Hegerl et al. 2007. The proxies cover the period
1505-1960, the calibration period is 1880-1960, and observed
temperatures are from HadCRUT2v.
The result is shown in Fig. 3
together with eight previous reconstructions. The new reconstruction
has a much larger variability than the previous reconstructions and
reports much colder past temperatures. Whereas previous reconstructions
hardly reach temperatures below -0.6 K the LOC reconstruction has a
minimum of around -1.5 K. Regarding the shape of the low-frequency
variability the new reconstruction agrees with the majority of the
previous reconstructions in the relative cold temperatures in the 17th
century and in the middle of the 19th century as well as in the relative
warm temperatures in the end of the 18th century. I consider these real
world results mainly as an illustration of the potential of the new
method as reconstruction based on decadally resolved proxies are not
particularly robust due to small number of degrees of freedom. Work is
in progress to apply the new method to an annual resolved and more
comprehensive proxy compilation.
Where does all this lead us? It
is very likely that the NH mean temperature has shown much larger past
variability than caught by previous reconstructions. We cannot from
these reconstructions conclude that the previous 50-year period has been
unique in the context of the last 500-1000 years. A larger variability
in the past suggests a larger sensitivity of the climate system. The
climate sensitivity is a measure how how much the surface temperature
changes given a specified forcing. A larger climate sensitivity could
mean that the estimates of the future climate changes due to increased
levels of green-house gases are underestimated.
SOURCE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
The BBC: Official Voice of Ecofascism
By James Delingpole
change now represents so urgent a threat to mankind that the only way
to deal with it is by suspending democracy. (Hat tip: DR at Bishop Hill)
James Lovelock makes this kind of terrifying argument in books or
newspaper interviews at least one can reasonably dismiss it as the potty
burblings of an otherwise amiable and harmless old man.
When the
BBC does it, however, I’d suggest the time has come to start tooling up
and heading for the hills. Have a listen to this recent radio broadcast
by the BBC’s “Ethical Man” Justin Rowlatt and tell me whether you find
it as scary as I do.
It purports to be a balanced examination of
Lovelock’s controversial remarks in a Guardian interview: "I have a
feeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may
be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while."
But it’s clear right from the beginning what the documentary’s line is: What do we want? Ecofascism. When do we want it? Now!
Rowlatt’s opening: "Climate change is a divisive issue. I believe that
it is a real threat and needs to be tackled. I know many people
disagree. But whatever you believe you should be concerned about how
our society responds to the issue because there is a growing view
that mitigating climate change means we have to change our view of
In support of this dubious thesis (the fact that you
“believe”, Justin Rowlatt, is surely a glorious irrelevance), Rowlatt
wheels on an array of extreme greens to argue what he’d no doubt dearly
love to say himself but can’t because of those tricky BBC rules on
Somebody called Halina Ward of the Foundation For
Democracy And Sustainable Development says: "We don’t have to be driven
by what 50% plus 1 of the population wants to say that we
represent a majority view."
Somebody called Michael Jacobs,
formerly Gordon Brown’s advisor on Climate Change, says: "I don’t think
it’s right to call something anti-democratic if it has the consent
of the public even if you couldn’t say that they were actively in
favour of it."
And here’s Rowlatt’s exchange with somebody called
Mayer Hillman, senior fellow emeritus of the Left-leaning Policy
Studies institute:
HILLMAN: The planet has a finite capacity
to absorb the further burning of fossil fuels and still leave a safe
climate for the future, and there’s every indication that we – and I
mean the public in this country and elsewhere – are not prepared to
make the changes necessary to achieve that. On the other hand
democracy requires that those changes cannot be imposed on the public
if they are unwilling to accept the implications of that, which is
living within the planet’s capacity to absorb further greenhouse gas
ROWLATT: So what are you saying – we suspend democracy?
HILLMAN: I think in the same way that I understand James Lovelock
has suggested that, I fear I have to share his view on that. There’s no
way that the public are going to willingly say “I will forgo
The fact is that we’ve got to live on such a low use
of fossil fuels for our daily activities. Therefore it’s got to be
required of them and if they don’t go along with it, then we are – I
fear – heading for absolute disaster. We are on a trajectory towards
rendering the planet steadily uninhabitable.
ROWLATT: Some people would say, Mayer, that you sound like an eco fascist.
HILLMAN: Well I have had that term applied to me. I don’t mind these
sticks and stones. I think it’s irrelevant how I sound. I’m just
trying to talk commonsense.
No fewer than six out of the seven
expert witnesses called by Rowlatt are ardent environmentalists. And
that’s not counting the parti pris presenter, Rowlatt himself.
from the Institute of Economic Affairs is wheeled on mildly and
politely to put the case for democracy and economic commonsense. But
then it’s back to the eco-fascists for the final word.
Says Hillman:
have an obligation to look after the interests of future generations
because they’re going to have to live in a world which is in a
deteriorating condition. And we already, some of us, can see the lives
that our children and grandchildren are going to have to live within,
and it is pretty horrific and it is because we’re not prepared to
make the changes necessary. Democracy allows people the freedom not
to be obliged to do things that we know we must do, so how can one
possibly say yes but the principle of democracy must prevail over and
above protection of the global environment from excessive burning of
fossil fuels? Given the choice, I would sadly – very, very sadly –
say that the condition of the planet in the future for future
generations is more important than the retention of democratic
Tell you what I find so bothersome about
this whole noisome documentary: it’s that Rowlatt – and he’s by no means
atypical of the BBC on this score – is quite utterly incapable of
appreciating what a poisonous doctrine he is tacitly endorsing.
is nothing normal, balanced or reasonable about a programme – made at
licence payers’ expense by Britain’s state broadcaster – to argue the
case for replacing democracy with fascist tyranny. Let alone to present
it in such a grotesquely biased way.
It’s no better than picking
up on a remark by some fringe racist that “black people should be sent
back to where they came from” and then inviting a panel including Nick
Griffin and five other Neo-Nazis, plus a token Yasmin Alibhai Brown, to
discuss whether this argument makes sense.
As the “science” in
support of AGW collapses it is of course inevitable that the methods
used by the Alarmists to defend their crumbling citadel will grow ever
more desperate and underhand. But for the BBC to play so active a role
in this dirty propaganda war is quite inexcusable.
Global Warming, The Royal Society, and William Hazlitt
Hazlitt (1778 - 1830) was one of our finest essayists, and his
condemnation of public bodies and societies is characteristically
“Age does not improve the morality of public bodies.
They grow more and more tenacious of their idle privileges and
senseless self-consequence. They get weak and obstinate at the same
time. Those who belong to them have all the upstart pride and
pettifogging spirit of their present character ingrafted on the
venerableness and superstitious sanctity of ancient institutions“ [see:
‘On Corporate Bodies’, essay taken from from Table-Talk; or, Original
Essays (1821-22; ‘Paris’ edition, with somewhat different contents,
I think Hazlitt would have had some rather harsh words for the present doleful state of our Royal Society
some time now, I have feared for science in the public eye, believing
that the over-hyping of ‘global warming’ would, at some stage soon, be
revealed for what it is, a ‘consensus’ abuse of true, cautious science. I
have also felt that one of the biggest losers in this debacle could
well be our venerable Royal Society, in which recent attempts to
enforce, from the top, a single, “settled” or “closed” view of the
science of climate change are starting to unravel somewhat dramatically
[see here, and here, and here, and here, and here, among others].
believe that Hazlitt describes perfectly what we have been witnessing
taking place in the Royal Society under recent Presidents:
within circle is formed, an imperium in imperio: and the business is
to exclude from the first circle all the notions, opinions, ideas,
interests, and pretensions of the second. Hence there arises not only
an antipathy to common sense and decency in those things where there is a
real opposition of interest or clashing of prejudice, but it becomes a
habit and a favourite amusement in those who are ‘dressed in a little
brief authority,’ to thwart, annoy, insult, and harass others on all
occasions where the least opportunity or pretext for it occurs.”
Fundamental Principles
what has been occurring is contrary to the fundamental principles, the
very tenor, of the Society. For around 150 years, the following
quotation formed part of an ‘Advertisement’ published in its house
journal, the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (Phil.
Trans.), which was first issued on March 6, 1665 [the version I copy
here comes from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society,
Volume 340, Issue 1292, 1822]:
“... it is an established rule of
the Society, to which they will always adhere, never to give their
opinion, as a Body, upon any subject, either of Nature or Art, that
comes before them.”
For reasons not fully known, as Nigel Calder
points out, this admirable reticence was dropped from the Transactions
some time during the 1960s. Was this the moment, I wonder, when the
Royal Society began to lose its way? Again, I think I know what Hazlitt
would have observed:
“Corporate bodies are more corrupt and
profligate than individuals, because they have more power to do
mischief, and are less amenable to disgrace or punishment. They feel
neither shame, remorse, gratitude, nor goodwill. The principle of
private or natural conscience is extinguished in each individual (we
have no moral sense in the breasts of others), and nothing is
considered but how the united efforts of the whole (released from idle
scruples) may be best directed to the obtaining of political advantages
and privileges to be shared as common spoil.”
Back To Basics
we now, at last, have at least 43 brave Fellows of the Society willing
to stand out against the Magisterium, and who are demanding that
cautious, basic science be put back into any statements emanating from
the Society on climate change. The dust is flying.
And, let me
stress, it does not matter one iota that not all the critics are climate
scientists per se. It is the abuse of basic science sensu lato that so
jars. To put it simply:
* How can any scientist worth their salt accept predictions based on only one, partial variable?
* How can any scientist worth their salt accept that a retrospective
regression fit constitutes ‘foundational’ evidence, or even, science?
* How can any scientist worth their salt accept predictions based on
models for which we know virtually nothing about some 80 per cent of
the factors involved, including some of the more fundamental, such as
water vapour and clouds?
We now have a momentous chance to save
science from political exploitation and organisational PC-speak. But the
stakes are high. If we fail, science may be downgraded in the eyes of
the public for a very long time.
As the Royal Society belatedly
rediscovers its own 1663 motto, derived from an epistle by Horace,
namely Nullius in Verba (‘Take nobody's word for it’), all its Fellows
should perhaps re-read William Hazlitt, who so wisely warned:
“It is hard for any one to be an honest politician who is not born and bred a Dissenter.”
Scepticism, dissent, is the very essence of science too.
It was only DDT that
originally brought bedbugs under control. Absent DDT they have now
bounced back. Once New Yorkers find that out ....
first May thought that her husband had heat rash. “We were staying at a
smart hotel in Cape Cod. Then I developed these hive-like welts on my
back and legs.” May (not her real name; she is terrified of giving me
that) is middle class, in her late fifties and lives on the Upper West
Side, New York, in a well-maintained four-room apartment. When she and
her husband returned to the city, one doctor prescribed antihistamines,
surmising the couple had reacted to shellfish. She called a
dermatologist. “He took one look and said, ‘You both have bedbug bites’.
My husband turned our mattress over and we saw them. That’s when — no
joke, no exaggeration, however ridiculous it may sound — our nightmare
The infestation would last five months and cost May and her husband $15,000 to treat.
cockroach has scuttled in retreat. Bedbugs have become New York, indeed
America’s, latest bug noire. These tiny, yellowish creatures (which
grow to 4-5mm long), fiendishly difficult to eradicate and understand,
have become an obsession for landlords, renters, pest-control experts
and scientists. Why do they feed so hungrily on human blood? Why have
they proliferated? Why are they so hardy? How can you eradicate them?
let the bedbugs bite” now has a particularly hollow ring to it: we are
almost powerless to stop them. There has been a 71 per cent increase in
bedbug infestations since 2001, according to the US National Pest
Management Association. In 2004, there were a reported 537 complaints
and 82 “violations” (verified infestations) for bedbugs in New York; in
2009, there were 10,985 complaints and 4,084 verified infestations.
“That’s just the reported cases,” says Jeremy Ecker, of Bed Bug
Inspectors, a firm that uses two specially trained dogs to sniff out the
bugs in apartments before advising occupants and pest exterminators on
the best action. “The problem is everywhere, it’s growing and it’s
mostly invisible because of people’s embarrassment. People are too
ashamed to say anything. If they admit to having bedbugs they’re
frightened of losing their apartment, of being asked not to go into
work, of getting rid of their possessions. We see people in extreme
May says: “We were terrified of our landlord finding
out. He could have used it to throw us out or make life difficult.”
Landlords also embrace ignorance if they find out about an infestation,
wary of accepting the costly responsibility of tackling bedbugs that
have colonised an entire building, or of frightening off potential
renters. May describes five months of hell: from seeing the blackish
blotches (her and her husband’s dried blood and/or bedbug faeces) on the
mattress, then constant vacuuming and washing of laundry and clothing,
bagging up clothes and household items, vacuuming books, picture frames,
wall sockets, throwing furniture and possessions away, sleeping on an
air mattress in clothes she would immediately bag up the next morning
for laundry . . .
A female bedbug (official name Cimex
lectularius) can reproduce 400 offspring so this was not an hysterical
overreaction: to eradicate bedbugs requires ruthless planning, “even
before the exterminators come in”, May says.
It seems laughable
that the hokey-sounding bedbug could cause such havoc — and indeed, a
spokeswoman for New York City’s Health Department says: “Anyone who has
had an infestation knows that it can stressful and unpleasant but while
bedbugs are a nuisance, they do not present a health risk or spread
But they are far from dismissable creatures, according
to those who have suffered them and the scientists researching them.
“It’s a plague, an epidemic,” says a National Pest Management
Association spokeswoman — and although her organisation represents pest
exterminators this is not a fear-generating marketing campaign.
would not be extreme or hysterical to call this a pandemic,” says Tim
McCoy, a bedbug research scientist at Virginia Tech University. “We
haven’t reached the halfway point in bedbug numbers, they’re still on
the rise.”
They show no respect, says Ecker, of class or creed:
“We’ve inspected the fanciest apartments on the Upper East Side and
one-room studios downtown. Doesn’t matter how big or clean or small or
dirty your place is, bedbugs will make themselves at home.”
blogs simmer with debate, advice and commiseration. And they have
become a political issue. Michael Bloomberg, New York’s Mayor, has
approved the creation of a bedbug “advisory board” to “evaluate, study,
identify and develop appropriate strategies” against the blood-sucking
Earlier this month Linda B. Rosenthal, a New York State
Assembly member for the Upper East Side and Hell’s Kitchen districts,
renewed her demand for legislation that would force building owners to
disclose a five-year history of bedbug infestations to renters. She also
proposed the city offer a tax credit of up to $750 per person to those
whose homes have been affected by bedbugs. “The whole city is
afflicted,” says Rosenthal says. “The cost of dealing with bed bugs is
exorbitant and while $750 won’t cover it, it will help. It would be much
better if the health department put out clear advice on how to rid an
entire building of bedbugs, rather than leaving to it individual
The problem is about to become international (it is
already, but under-publicised). Experts agree that the prime method of
bedbug transmission is travel: you go somewhere —like May to a hotel —
sleep on an infested bed and pass the bugs on. Bedbugs also nestle in
clothing and suitcases. Experts are split on whether they “jump” from
person to person on public transport. But they can live on train and
cinema seats, on furniture, and take over buildings by burrowing in
crevices, nooks and crannies.
New York and other metropolitan
centres are bedbug paradises: high populations, high numbers of
apartments, people always on the move. Bedbug infestations in London and
the Midlands have increased threefold in the past decade. The National
Pest Management Association will soon publish a report revealing bedbug
infestation figures across the US — and also some choice international
findings: 90 per cent of pest-control companies it surveyed in Europe
had dealt with bedbug infestations, a spokeswoman reveals.
it comes to their vampiric feeding, Tim McCoy —who like Jeremy Ecker,
lets them sup his blood for research —notes that sometimes you can feel
them, sometimes not. But, he says, they scent people emitting CO2 and
heat and scuttle from up to 15ft feet away for their grub. The most
horrible and noticeable thing about a fully grown, fully fed bedbug is
that it is bright red, after drinking the blood of its human host.
such as McCoy, do not react to the bites; many others, such as May and
her husband, do. “The bedbugs seemed to congregate near the bed, the
couch, the netted seating on the office chairs,” she says. “You imagined
them crawling on you. I saw one on my husband’s back. We tried to
exterminate them ourselves and realised we couldn’t.”
Forget the
many products on the market or exterminators making claims of being able
to turf them out of your house easily and cheaply. The only effective
treatment, McCoy says, is a series of expensive, extreme-heat treatments
— at around 49C (120F) — administered by expert exterminators. Despite
calls for extreme pesticides such as DDT and Propoxur to be relegalised,
McCoy thinks both may prove ineffectual. “Use the wrong chemicals in
the wrong way and you could damage yourself and your home.”
took me so long to get back into my own bed,” says May says. “We are
clean, normal people — and this, emotionally, took us to the brink.
Living the way we did, having to rid ourselves of things, clean, keep it
secret: this was as bad as going through divorce, losing a job. We are
ordinary, middle-class New Yorkers. When it was over it was like, ‘Can
we come out of the air-raid shelter now?’”
For the moment, the
scientific mystery of bedbugs’ fortitude endures. McCoy says that the
pest’s level of resistance “is off the charts. Spray the most extreme
chemical on them and they topple over as if they’re giggling, then they
get up again. We also don’t know why they can go so long — two months —
without a blood meal, or how they find their way back to their host.”
biggest mystery is the origin of this pandemic. The bedbug was all but
eradicated in the US by the 1950s with the use of strong pesticides. “We
think travel to and from the Third World bought them back to the US;
then the use of softer treatments (such as against the flea) may have
helped them to flourish,” McCoy says. “Other theories are unproveable
but, for example, we’ve seen them on the walls of organic-reared chicken
sheds. Some foreign workers are married to other foreign workers in
hotels and, well, is that how they got into hotels? We don’t know.”
bedbug isn’t dangerous to human health, so US bodies such as the
Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes
of Health won’t fund research, McCoy says. He and May — scientist and
sufferer — both warn: remain vigilant. They check the headboards of the
hotel beds they sleep in, lift mattresses, shine torchlights into
crevices, and vacuum those crevices. For two years after her
infestation, May took a magnifying glass to check each dot and speck in
her apartment: “It was always something else, but I was wounded. I know
it sounds crazy. I’m not, and I’m not alone.”
McCoy says we
should remember that “it is just a bug, there is no quick-fix and it
will be expensive, but you can deal with it”. He is sure of one thing:
“One day we will find a way of understanding and dealing with bedbugs.
Then the cockroach will rise again.”
It was just another instance of Green/Left data selectivity
By Steve Goddard
generated an animation of 2007 sea ice thickness from the US Navy’s PIP
database, and noticed something remarkable. Watch the video below,
particularly inside the red square – the animation runs from May through
October, 2007. The color scale on the left indicates the thickness of
the ice. Watch:
At the beginning of May, ice thickness was about
three metres in the center of the red square. By mid-June it was getting
thicker, and by early September it was close to five metres thick!
During the notorious summer of “record melt” which we have been told
about ad nauseum, the ice thickness near the most affected area
increased by 60%. What could have caused this? Simple – the ice was
compacting to the north as it was pushed by southerly winds. It lost
area – while it gained thickness.
The NSIDC news from September, 2007 touched peripherally on this idea, without actually mentioning the critical point.
region over Siberia experienced fairly low pressure during the same
time period. Winds blow clockwise around high-pressure areas and
anticlockwise around low-pressure areas. The combination of high- and
low-pressure areas thus fostered fairly strong winds over coastal
Siberia that were partly from the south, pumping warm air into the
region and also contributing to a warming Arctic. At the same time,
these winds from the south acted to push ice away from the coast and
into the central Arctic Ocean, further reducing ice extent in the
coastal areas
A good analogy would be shoveling the snow off your
driveway. As you push the shovel forwards, the area of snow decreases –
but the thickness of the snow increases in front of the shovel.
on to 2010. Note in the images below that ice in the Chukchi and East
Siberian seas is thicker this year than it was on this date in 2007. In
some locations it is as much as 5 metres thick in 2010.
May 27, 2007 Ice inside the vulnerable square (where much of the anomalous 2007 “melt” occurred) was 0.5 to 3 metres thick
May 27, 2010 Ice inside the vulnerable square is 0.5 to 5 metres thick
AGW chameleon changes it’s colours constantly. It complains about area
and extent when convenient, and about thickness when convenient. I am
coming to the conclusion that the 2007 melt was more of a marketing
event than a climatological event. The graph below gives a feel for just
how much of a non-event it was. 2007 was 1.5 standard deviations off
the 30 year extent trend, but apparently a lot of the supposedly
“melted” ice just crumpled up into more survivable thick ice.
One of the ice experts must have known this. Surprising that it took the “breathtakingly ignorant” WUWT to point it out.
More HERE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
The Missing Climate Model Projections
Roy W. Spencer points out that the lack of balance vitiates the climate model predictions
strongest piece of evidence the IPCC has for connecting anthropogenic
greenhouse gas emissions to global warming (er, I mean climate change)
is the computerized climate model. Over 20 climate models tracked by the
IPCC now predict anywhere from moderate to dramatic levels of warming
for our future in response to increasing levels of atmospheric carbon
dioxide. In many peoples’ minds this constitutes some sort of “proof”
that global warming is manmade.
Yet, if we stick to science
rather than hyperbole, we might remember that science cannot “prove” a
hypothesis….but sometimes it can disprove one. The advancement of
scientific knowledge comes through new hypotheses for how things work
which replace old hypotheses that are either not as good at explaining
nature, or which are simply proved to be wrong.
Each climate
model represents a hypothesis for how the climate system works. I must
disagree with my good friend Dick Lindzen’s recent point he made during
his keynote speech at the 4th ICCC meeting in Chicago, in which he
asserted that the IPCC’s global warming hypothesis is not even
plausible. I think it is plausible.
And from months of comparing
climate model output to satellite observations of the Earth’s radiative
budget, I am increasingly convinced that climate models can not be
disproved. Sure, there are many details of today’s climate system they
get wrong, but that does not disprove their projections of long-term
global warming.
Where the IPCC has departed from science is that
they have become advocates for one particular set of hypotheses, and
have become militant fighters against all others.
They could have
made their case much stronger if, in addition to all their models that
produce lots of warming, they would have put just as much work into
model formulations that predicted very little warming. If those models
could not be made to act as realistically as those that do produce a lot
of warming, then their arguments would carry more weight.
each modeling group (or the head of each group) already has an idea
stuck in their head regarding how much warming looks “about right”. I
doubt that anyone could be trusted to perform an unbiased investigation
into model formulations which produce very little warming in response to
increasing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations.
As I have
mentioned before, our research to appear in JGR sometime in the coming
weeks demonstrates that the only time feedback can be clearly observed
in satellite observations — which is only under special circumstances —
it is strongly negative. And if that is the feedback operating on the
long time scales associated with global warming, then we have dodged the
global warming bullet.
But there is no way I know of to
determine whether this negative feedback is actually stabilizing the
climate system on those long time scales. So, we are stuck with a bunch
of model hypotheses to rely on for forecasts of the future, and the IPCC
admits it does not know which is closer to the truth.
As a
result of all this uncertainty, the IPCC starts talking in meaningless
probabilistic language that must make many professional statisticians
cringe. These statements are nothing more than pseudo-scientific ways of
making their faith in the models sound more objective, and less
One of the first conferences I attended as a graduate
student in meteorology was an AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical
meteorology, as I recall in the early 1980’s. Computer models of
hurricane formation were all the rage back then. A steady stream of
presentations at the conference showed how each modeling group’s model
could turn any tropical disturbance into a hurricane. Pretty cool.
a tall lanky tropical expert named William Gray stood up and said
something to the effect of, “Most tropical disturbances do NOT turn into
hurricanes, yet your models seem to turn anything into a hurricane! I
think you might be missing something important in your models.”
still think about that exchange today in regard to climate modeling.
Where are the model experiments that don’t produce much global warming?
Are those models any less realistic in their mimicking of today’s
climate system than the ones that do?
If you tell me that such
experiments would not be able to produce the past warming of the 20th
Century, then I must ask, What makes you think that warming was mostly
due to mankind? As readers here are well aware, a 1% or 2% change in
cloud cover could have caused all of the climate change we saw during
the 20th Century, and such a small change would have been impossible to
Also, modelers have done their best to remove model
“drift” — the tendency for models to drift away from today’s climate
state. Well, maybe that’s what the real climate system does! Maybe it
drifts as cloud cover slowly changes due to changing circulation
It seems to me that all the current crop of models do
is reinforce the modelers’ preconceived notions. Dick Lindzen has
correctly pointed out that the use of the term “model validation”,
rather than “model testing”, belies a bias toward a belief in models
over all else.
It is time to return to the scientific method before those who pay us to do science — the public — lose all trust of scientists.
Dr. Martin Hertzberg: Climate change beyond our control
with a theory search diligently for data that might contradict the
theory so that they can test its validity or refine it. Propagandists
with a theory carefully select only the data that agrees with the theory
and dutifully ignore any data that might contradict it.
else to explain Baxter Pharr's claim for “overwhelming and simple”
evidence for human-caused global warming? He states: “Over the past
600,000 years, every time the fossil record shows an increase in CO2
concentration in the Earth's atmosphere there is a corresponding
increase in global temperatures.”
The record he cites is the
Vostok ice-core data, but he fails to ask the obvious question. When
global temperatures increased and the CO2 concentration increased, where
did all that CO2 come from during the hundreds of thousands of years
before any significant human emission of CO2? That is a question
dutifully ignored by the propagandists Pharr cites.
The same
data also show that temperature changes preceded CO2 changes by 600 to
1,000 years indicating that it was the temperature changes that caused
the CO2 changes, not the reverse. That is another critical piece of data
the propagandists ignore: As oceans cool during glacial cooling, they
absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. As oceans warm during interglacial
warmings, they emit CO2 into the atmosphere.
The ocean contains
50 times more CO2 than the atmosphere and it is its average temperature
and the solubility of CO2 in sea water that controls the atmospheric CO2
concentration. Current human emission of CO2 is of trivial significance
in determining its atmospheric concentration
It has been known
for almost a hundred years that the cause of those long-term cycles of
cooling and warming are the variations in the Earth's orbital
parameters: changes in its orbital ellipticity around the Sun, changes
in its obliquity, and the precession of its axis of rotation. Shorter
term variations over hundreds of years such as the Medieval Warm Period
(considerably warmer than today) and the Little Ice Age, are caused by
variations in Solar activity. Changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations
are about as significant for weather as a few farts in a hurricane!
also regurgitates the claim that CO2 concentration at 390 parts per
million “are at their highest level in over 1 million years.” That claim
is a fraudulent concoction of the IPCC. For example, direct
measurements of atmospheric CO2 from 1936 to 1944 averaged over 410
parts per million.
In our current system for generating
electricity from coal, natural gas and nuclear energy, we have
absolutely no dependence on foreign sources. Our problem is imported
petroleum for the transportation sector of our economy. Despite the
commercials of environmental lobbyists, renewable energy sources such as
wind and solar will not produce a single drop of the petroleum
currently needed for that sector.
Our present system for the
production of electricity “ain't broke, and if it ain't broke, don't fix
it.” The nation has real problems such as the tragic explosion at the
Upper Big Branch Coal mine in West Virginia and the recent explosion and
oil spill in the Gulf. Coal mine safety and pollution of the Gulf are
critical problems that need to be addressed and solved.
Kerry-Lieberman proposal of carbon emission control, on the other hand,
is chasing a phantom: the entirely non-existent problem of human caused
global warming/climate change. Implementation of such legislation will
waste hundreds of billions of dollars and do serious damage to the
nation's infrastructure and its economy. The overwhelming weight of
scientific evidence shows that it will have absolutely no effect on the
world's weather, which is well beyond human influence or control.
Lubos Motl reflects on an article by Roger Harrabin
Harrabin wrote a pretty interesting BBC report from the fourth
Heartland climate conference in Chicago: Climate sceptics rally to
expose 'myth'
You shouldn't be shocked that the text is far from
impartial. The myth is written in quotation marks while Harrabin
himself complains that the vegetarians have been underrepresented, among
other bizarre attempts to attack the skeptics.
But otherwise, he
offers some meaningful insights into the sociology of climate change -
and to the internal diversity of the climate realists in particular. You
should see Bob Carter's report which is even more sensible but I
will stay with Harrabin's text.
First, he has correctly figured
out that "left and right wing thinkers are uniting over climate change
skepticism" (it's the description of the audio box). Of course, skeptics
are correct and their arguments are supported by impartial objective
evidence rather than political dogmas.
So it shouldn't be shocking that you will find left-wingers as well as right-wingers among climate skeptics.
the difference between these two groups can't disappear, anyway. Steve
McIntyre turned out to be a key example of a "climate pacifist". Many
people in the audience were disappointed to hear that Steve McIntyre
doesn't want the hockey stick graph to be described as "fraud" and the
players in the ClimateGate should only be treated as people who are
wrong about something, not as evil people who did something bad.
to say, a vast majority of participants disagreed with this statement
much like I did (although they were almost certainly more surprised than
I was because they don't follow every detail of these events in the
same detail as your humble correspondent: Steve has been consistent
about these attitudes at least for a few years, although arguably not
from the beginning). But McIntyre has also offered the political
explanation of his attitudes:
"As a Canadian, he said, he was
brought up to believe that governments should govern on behalf of the
people - so if CO2 were reckoned to be dangerous, it would be the duty
of politicians to make laws to cut emissions."
I completely
disagree with this "straightforward" conclusion, too. Even if CO2 were
found to be dangerous for the global mean temperature, a rational
comparison of costs and benefits would still have to take place, and a
competition between possible ways how to attack the problem would have
to follow.
In my opinion, it is extremely unlikely that the
result of this analysis would be that there should exist laws to cut the
production of CO2. Even if one CO2 doubling led to 5 °C of warming, as
the insane upper ends of the IPCC intervals suggest, it would still be
counterproductive for the industry to be regulated away in the coming
decades. The problems caused by this warming would still be smaller than
the costs of the elimination of the appropriate portion of the
Moreover, there would almost certainly exist
geoengineering methods to compensate for the impact of CO2 that would be
vastly cheaper than the CO2 regulation. And a task for sane governments
would be to help these methods to materialize - and to fight against
anti-civilization tendencies that want to undermine the economy and the
sources of income for the government itself.
In this sense the
debate is not a "left vs right" debate. The suppression of the industry
would be a bad decision for the capitalist economies much like the
socialist economies - and all the grey hybrids in between. This is about
a careful evaluation of costs and benefits and an impartial comparison
of the alternatives - and Steve McIntyre is simply not doing that.
of all these reasons, Steve may be viewed as a part of the irrational
and pro-government problem who just happened to discover that something
is seriously wrong with the basic pillars of the system but who failed
to deduce the appropriate conclusions. His not-so-right-wing politics is
arguably the main cause behind this failure.
Needless to say,
Steve wasn't the only person with similar political leanings. For
example: "Sonia Boehmer Christiansen, the British-based climate
agnostic (her term), brought to a juddering halt an impassioned
anti-government breakfast discussion with a warning to libertarians that
they would never win the policy argument on climate unless they could
carry people from the Left with them."
Oh, really? Do people
from the Left possess a universal veto power? Is it really them who
ultimately decides - or should decide - about every policymaking
question? We've had this arrangement for 40 years and thank you very
much, I don't want it anymore. I prefer to execute anyone who represents
a credible threat of a return to these "good old times" when the
left-wingers may decide about everything. [Motl is a Czech and the
Czechs escaped from Communist rule only a couple of decades ago so one
can understand his bitterness about Left-wingers]
some policies will reflect the libertarian thinking or not will depend
on the results of political competition which are a priori unclear, not
on predetermined assumptions that the leftists can decide about anything
and everything. One doesn't have to "carry people from the Left with
us". It's enough to convince voters that the left-wing attitude to most
of these policy questions is wrong.
At any rate, Christiansen's
statement helps to show the vast pre-existing bias and arrogance of the
leftists - and she's just an "agnostic". Be sure that the typical
left-wing AGW alarmists are even more self-confident about the
assumption that the eternal power belongs to them.
She also said: "Governments needed taxes, she said - and energy taxes - were an efficient way of gathering them."
really? It's a sensible law in many civilized countries that the
taxation of all sectors has to be fair - i.e. the tax rate should be
uniform. And how important energy consumption is in this big picture? In
the U.S., energy consumption represents about 14 percent of the GDP and
the figure was close to 6 percent in 1999. So energy taxes are not an
important source of taxes. On the other hand, attempts to suppress
energy production could be devastating for all other sectors that are
the main sources of the government money.
The energy sector has
been reduced to a small fraction of the GDP because of technological
progress and it's important for the modern society that it is so. There
are many other sectors whose importance has dropped, if counted as the
percentage of GDP. Food is important but it's a small part of GDP in the
developed countries simply because people may be expected to do much
more than just to survive and because only a small part of the people
have to work in agriculture and the food industry. In the same way, the
Internet connectivity is extremely important for the modern society -
but it's relatively cheap, too. You don't want to artificially make any
of these things expensive.
In the Czech Republic, the social
democratic party distributed billboards that promise to confiscate the
money of ?EZ, the main electric utility that may be considered very
profitable these days, and use them for 13th or 14th pensions. Well,
believe me, you can't get too far with these policies. As Margaret
Thatcher said, the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out
of other people's money. The Czech Republic may eventually face some
genuine problems after these socialist scumbags win the parliamentary
elections that will take place in a week. Let's hope that the victory
won't be enough for them to form the government.
Roy Spencer is
both a sensible guy and a guy who doesn't share most of these left-wing
preconceptions. He's also a Christian, so quite naturally, many of us
might disagree about some of his ideas concerning the origin of life.
But I agree with many other statements by Roy Spencer. For
example, many climate auditors would criticize the CRU data of Phil
Jones for their being disorganized. Roy Spencer said that he could have
similar problems with presenting the data he was using or producing 20
years ago - and I could probably say the same thing.
billions of dollars have gone into this or similar climate research and
it's just bad that much of the basic data have been lost or became
unusable. In some sense, it's the fault of the politicians and managers
who were generously distributing money into the climate research. They
have just donated the money to the wrong people. They should have given a
much higher fraction to honest workers and their IT support who would
guarantee that the basic straightforward data and calculations are kept
and calculated properly and that they may be available whenever they're
There are good reasons to think that this hasn't been a mistake but a part of the design.
Spencer also said that the UAH and CRU recent temperature data broadly
agree and one is unlikely to gain much by "auditing" just one of them. I
agree with this, too. I don't understand the point of many of these
"audits". The key questions are not whether 1934 was by 0.02 °C or 0.05
°C warmer in the U.S. than 1998. The key question is whether these
approximately known effects - warming rates comparable to 0.8 °C per
century whose non-negligible portion is due to CO2 - matter for the
society. And it's primarily a political question so the main reason why
people disagree about this question is that their political attitudes
Various climate scientists explicitly said that they
didn't come to the conference because they were afraid of the pressure
from their home institutions and of isolation. That's how it works - the
AGW alarmists de facto control the thinking and travel plans of
many/most people in these institutions in the same way as the Orwellian
totalitarian regimes did in the past.
Richard Lindzen has
declared that the MIT is looking forward to his retirement - the
retirement of someone who is arguably the best Earth scientist at the
MIT. This fact itself proves how much the institution has been
contaminated by people who care about very different things than quality
At the end of the article, Harrabin discusses the talk
of Christopher Monckton who is, according to Harrabin, "not a scientist
at all". I actually disagree with this proposition. He may have gotten
into the discipline through less conventional channels but these days,
despite some occasional imperfections, he's almost surely a better
scientist than the average AGW alarmists who are paid as climatologists.
learned a lot, he understands the basic principles of science as well
as the big picture and many (although not all) details, and he is
incredibly skillful in the art of organizing the insights. Lord Monckton
also has some political attitudes and they may be inconvenient for many
people, namely the leftists, but he knows how to separate these issues.
And Monckton's inconvenient politics simply can't reduce the value of
his scientific conclusions and propositions, even though there is
probably a "political consensus" in the Academia that his political
opinions are not welcome.
This "consensus" says much about the Academia and it is not pretty.
The woolly world of Britain's centre/Left energy boss
one can explain how Britain cuts emissions by four fifths without
closing down virtually all of the economy, writes Christopher Booker
events last week led me to muse on the links between the man who is now
our Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Chris Huhne, and the
extinction of the woolly mammoth. A team of scientists suggest in Nature
Geoscience that the sudden extinction of the mammoths some 12,000 years
ago, as the world emerged from the last ice age, may have had a
dramatic effect on the Earth’s climate. They argue that the emission by
these giant herbivores of nine million tons a year of methane, a
greenhouse gas 25 times more powerful than CO2, was so significant that
their disappearance led to a sharp drop in global temperatures, and the
world temporarily froze over again in the re-glaciation known as the
Younger Dryas.
This is a theory so batty one scarcely knows
whether to laugh or cry. If that comparatively tiny amount of methane
was so powerful, how did the world manage to remain so cold during the
million years of ice ages when eructating megafauna were abundant?
Clearly those scientists were so carried away by the obsession with
climate change that they hadn’t the slightest idea what they were
talking about. But even more is this true, it seems, of the man now in
charge of Britain’s energy policy.
Last week Mr Huhne was
virtually the only politician in Europe imploring Brussels to stick to
its latest proposal, that the EU should raise its target for cutting CO2
emissions in the next 10 years from 20 per cent to 30 per cent. As the
EU faces its worst ever economic crisis, other countries, led by France
and Germany, are horrified. They cannot imagine how they could afford
even a 20 per cent cut.
But Britain already stands alone as the
only country in the world committed by law – the 2008 Climate Change Act
– to cutting its emissions in the next 40 years by a staggering 80 per
cent, at a cost estimated by Mr Huhne’s energy department at £18 billion
every year until 2050. (The ministry claims that this would amount to
£404 billion, but it can’t do its sums properly: 40 times 18 is not 404 –
the total is £734 billion.) The fact is that there is no one in the
world, least of all Mr Huhne, who can explain how we could cut our
emissions by four fifths without shutting down virtually all our
existing economy.
What carries this even further into the higher
realms of lunacy is that such a Quixotic gesture would do nothing to
halt the world’s fast-rising CO2 emissions, already up 40 per cent since
1990. This point is made very forcefully in a new book, Climate: The
Great Delusion (Stacey International), by a much-respected French
engineer, Christian Gerondeau.
As this convert from global
warming orthodoxy to hard-headed scepticism explains, it is now more
obvious than ever that the developing countries, led by India and China
(the world’s largest CO2 emitter), haven’t the slightest intention of
cutting back their emissions. China plans to build a new coal-fired
power station every week until 2030. Each year it now adds more to
global CO2 emissions than the entire contribution made by Britain (which
is responsible for less than 2 per cent of the world total).
is no way, Gerondeau argues, for us to prevent the world’s CO2
emissions from doubling by 2100. Fortunately, he goes on to explain why
this will have remarkably little effect on climate: he has come to agree
with all those eminent scientists who believe that this is largely
shaped by natural factors beyond our control, such as the sun and ocean
currents. Whatever little Britain chooses to do is thus quite
We can choose to commit economic suicide if we wish
(and as our politicians, who voted all but unanimously for the Climate
Change Act, seem agreed we should). But the fast-growing economies of
China and India will sail on regardless, their added emissions making
our own contribution look wholly insignificant.
No one is more
committed to all these delusions than the man Mr Cameron has made
responsible for our energy policy. Mr Huhne’s opinions on climate
change, wind turbines and the rest are as remote from any practical
reality as those of the scientists who came up with that fatuous little
theory about mammoths.
Global warming may have played a part in
the extinction of the mammoths. We might hope it will soon also be
responsible for the political extinction of our woolly-minded energy
minister - before he closes down our economy for no sane reason at all.
After much reading in the relevant literature, the following
conclusions seem warranted to me. You should find evidence for all of
them appearing on this blog from time to time:
The Greenie message is entirely emotional and devoid of all
logic. They say that polar ice will melt and cause a big sea-level
rise. Yet 91% of the world's glacial ice is in Antarctica, where the
average temperature is around minus 40 degrees Celsius. The melting
point of ice is zero degrees. So for the ice to melt on any scale the
Antarctic temperature would need to rise by around 40 degrees, which
NOBODY is predicting. The median Greenie prediction is about 4 degrees.
So where is the huge sea level rise going to come from? Mars? And
the North polar area is mostly sea ice and melting sea ice does not
raise the sea level at all. Yet Warmists constantly hail any sign of
Arctic melting. That the melting of floating ice does not raise the
water level is known as Archimedes' principle. Archimedes demonstrated
it around 2,500 years ago. That Warmists have not yet caught up with
that must be just about the most inspissated ignorance imaginable. The
whole Warmist scare defies the most basic physics. Sadly, what the
Vulgate says in John 1:5 is still only very partially true: "Lux in tenebris lucet". There is still much darkness in the minds of men.
The repeated refusal of Warmist "scientists" to make their
raw data available to critics is such a breach of scientific protocol
that it amounts to a confession in itself. Note, for instance Phil
Jones' Feb 21, 2005 response to Warwick Hughes' request for his raw
climate data: "We have 25 years or so invested in the work. Why should I
make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find
something wrong with it?" Looking for things that might be wrong with a
given conclusion is of course central to science. But Warmism cannot
survive such scrutiny.
Most Greenie causes are at best distractions from real
environmental concerns (such as land degradation) and are more
motivated by a hatred of people than by any care for the environment
Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an
absurdity that "liberals" will defend to the death regardless of the
evidence showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real
‘Global warming’ has become the grand political
narrative of the age, replacing Marxism as a dominant force for
controlling liberty and human choices. -- Prof. P. Stott
Comparing climate alarmist Hansen to Cassandra is WRONG.
Cassandra's (Greek mythology) dire prophecies were never believed but
were always right. Hansen's dire prophecies are usually believed but are
always wrong (Prof. Laurence Gould, U of Hartford, CT)
The modern environmental movement arose out of the wreckage
of the New Left. They call themselves Green because they're too yellow
to admit they're really Reds. So Lenin's birthday was chosen to be the
date of Earth Day. Even a moderate politician like Al Gore has been
clear as to what is needed. In "Earth in the Balance", he wrote that
saving the planet would require a "wrenching transformation of
For centuries there was a scientific consensus which said
that fire was explained by the release of an invisible element called
phlogiston. That theory is universally ridiculed today. Global warming
is the new phlogiston. Though, now that we know how deliberate the
hoax has been, it might be more accurate to call global warming the New Piltdown Man. The Piltdown hoax took 40 years to unwind. I wonder....
Bertrand Russell knew about consensus: "The fact that an
opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not
utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of
mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than
Motives: Many people would like to be kind to others so
Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people
want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing
all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the
real motive is generally to promote themselves as wiser and better
than everyone else, truth regardless.
Policies: The only underlying theme that makes sense of all
Greenie policies is hatred of people. Hatred of other people has been a
Greenie theme from way back. In a report titled "The First Global
Revolution" (1991, p. 104) published by the "Club of Rome", a Greenie
panic outfit, we find the following statement: "In searching for a
new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the
threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit
the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The
real enemy, then, is humanity itself." See here for many more examples of prominent Greenies saying how much and how furiously they hate you.
The conventional wisdom of the day is often spectacularly
wrong. The most popular and successful opera of all time is undoubtedly
"Carmen" by Georges Bizet. Yet it was much criticized when first
performed and the unfortunate Bizet died believing that it was a flop.
Similarly, when the most iconic piece of 20th century music was first
performed in 1913-- Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" -- half the audience
walked out. Those of us who defy the conventional wisdom about climate
are actually better off than that. Unlike Bizet and Stravinsky in 1913,
we KNOW that we will eventually be vindicated -- because all that
supports Warmism is a crumbling edifice of guesswork ("models").
"The desire to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it" -- H L Mencken
Al Gore won a political prize for an alleged work of science. That rather speaks for itself, doesn't it?
I am not a global warming skeptic nor am I a global warming
denier. I am a global warming atheist. I don't believe one bit of it.
That the earth's climate changes is undeniable. Only ignoramuses
believe that climate stability is normal. But I see NO evidence to say
that mankind has had anything to do with any of the changes observed --
and much evidence against that claim.
Seeing that we are all made of carbon, the time will come
when people will look back on the carbon phobia of the early 21st
century as too incredible to be believed
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180)
must have foreseen Global Warmism. He said: "The object in life is
not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in
the ranks of the insane."
The Holy Grail for most scientists is not truth but research
grants. And the global warming scare has produced a huge downpour of
money for research. Any mystery why so many scientists claim some
belief in global warming?
For many people, global warming seems to have taken the
place of "The Jews" -- a convenient but false explanation for any
disliked event. Prof. Brignell has some examples.
Global warming skeptics are real party-poopers. It's so wonderful to believe that you have a mission to save the world.
There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist
instinct") in many people that causes them to delight in going without
material comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such
people -- with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example.
Many Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that
instinct too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious
committments they have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them
to live in an ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them
to press on us all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
The claim that oil is a fossil fuel is another great myth
and folly of the age. They are now finding oil at around seven MILES
beneath the sea bed -- which is incomparably further down than any
known fossil. The abiotic oil theory is not as yet well enough
developed to generate useful predictions but that is also true of fossil
fuel theory
"In science, refuting an accepted belief is celebrated as an advance in knowledge; in religion it is condemned as heresy". (Bob Parks, Physics, U of Maryland). No prizes for guessing how global warming skepticism is normally responded to.
"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to
acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of
duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin." -- Thomas H. Huxley
Time was, people warning the world "Repent - the end is
nigh!" were snickered at as fruitcakes. Now they own the media and run
the schools.
"One of the sources of the Fascist movement is the desire to
avoid a too-rational and too-comfortable world" -- George Orwell, 1943
in Can Socialists Be Happy?
Against the long history of huge temperature variation in
the earth's climate (ice ages etc.), the .6 of one degree average rise
reported by the U.N. "experts" for the entire 20th century (a rise so
small that you would not be able to detect such a difference personally
without instruments) shows, if anything, that the 20th century was a
time of exceptional temperature stability.
Recent NASA figures
tell us that there was NO warming trend in the USA during the 20th
century. If global warming is occurring, how come it forgot the USA?
Warmists say that the revised NASA figures do not matter
because they cover only the USA -- and the rest of the world is warming
nicely. But it is not. There has NEVER been any evidence that the
Southern hemisphere is warming. See here. So the warming pattern sure is looking moth-eaten.
There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a brutal gang of facts. - Duc de La Rochefoucauld, French writer and moralist (1613-1680)
The latest scare is the possible effect of extra CO2 on the
world’s oceans, because more CO2 lowers the pH of seawater. While it is
claimed that this makes the water more acidic, this is misleading.
Since seawater has a pH around 8.1, it will take an awful lot of CO2 it
to even make the water neutral (pH=7), let alone acidic (pH less than
In fact, ocean acidification is a scientific impossibility.
Henry's Law mandates that warming oceans will outgas CO2 to the
atmosphere (as the UN's own documents predict it will), making the
oceans less acid. Also, more CO2 would increase calcification rates. No
comprehensive, reliable measurement of worldwide oceanic acid/base
balance has ever been carried out: therefore, there is no observational
basis for the computer models' guess that acidification of 0.1 pH units
has occurred in recent decades.
The chaos theory people have told us for years that the air
movement from a single butterfly's wing in Brazil can cause an
unforeseen change in our weather here. Now we are told that climate
experts can "model" the input of zillions of such incalculable variables
over periods of decades to accurately forecast global warming 50 years
hence. Give us all a break!
A "geriatric" revolt: The scientists who reject Warmism
tend to be OLD! Your present blogger is one of those. There are
tremendous pressures to conformity in academe and the generally Leftist
orientation of academe tends to pressure everyone within it to agree to
ideas that suit the Left. And Warmism is certainly one of those ideas.
So old guys are the only ones who can AFFORD to declare the Warmists to
be unclothed. They either have their careers well-established (with
tenure) or have reached financial independence (retirement) and so can
afford to call it like they see it. In general, seniors in society
today are not remotely as helpful to younger people as they once were.
But their opposition to the Warmist hysteria will one day show that
seniors are not completely irrelevant after all. Experience does count
(we have seen many such hysterias in the past and we have a broader
base of knowledge to call on) and our independence is certainly an
enormous strength. Some of us are already dead. (Reid Bryson and John Daly are particularly mourned) and some of us are very senior indeed (e.g. Bill Gray and Vince Gray) but the revolt we have fostered is ever growing so we have not labored in vain.
Scientists have politics too -- sometimes extreme politics. Read this: "This
crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism... I
am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils,
namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by
an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In
such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and
are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts
production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to
be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to
every man, woman, and child." -- Albert Einstein
The "precautionary principle" is a favourite Greenie idea --
but isn't that what George Bush was doing when he invaded Iraq? Wasn't
that a precaution against Saddam getting or having any WMDs? So Greenies all agree with the Iraq intervention? If not, why not?
A classic example of how the sensationalist media distort science to create climate panic is here.
There is a very readable summary of the "Hockey Stick" fraud here
The Lockwood & Froehlich paper
was designed to rebut Durkin's "Great Global Warming Swindle" film.
It is a rather confused paper -- acknowledging yet failing to account
fully for the damping effect of the oceans, for instance -- but it is
nonetheless valuable to climate atheists. The concession from a
Greenie source that fluctuations in the output of the sun have driven
climate change for all but the last 20 years (See the first sentence of
the paper) really is invaluable. And the basic fact presented in the
paper -- that solar output has in general been on the downturn in
recent years -- is also amusing to see. Surely even a crazed Greenie
mind must see that the sun's influence has not stopped and that
reduced solar output will soon start COOLING the earth! Unprecedented
July 2007 cold weather throughout the Southern hemisphere might even
have been the first sign that the cooling is happening. And the fact
that warming plateaued in 1998 is also a good sign that we are moving
into a cooling phase. As is so often the case, the Greenies have got
the danger exactly backwards. See my post of 7.14.07 and very detailed critiques here and here and here for more on the Lockwood paper and its weaknesses.
As the Greenies are now learning, even strong statistical correlations may disappear if a longer time series is used. A remarkable example from Sociology:"The
modern literature on hate crimes began with a remarkable 1933 book by
Arthur Raper titled The Tragedy of Lynching. Raper assembled data on the
number of lynchings each year in the South and on the price of an
acre’s yield of cotton. He calculated the correlation coefficient
between the two series at –0.532. In other words, when the economy was
doing well, the number of lynchings was lower.... In 2001, Donald Green,
Laurence McFalls, and Jennifer Smith published a paper that demolished
the alleged connection between economic conditions and lynchings in
Raper’s data. Raper had the misfortune of stopping his analysis in
1929. After the Great Depression hit, the price of cotton plummeted and
economic conditions deteriorated, yet lynchings continued to fall. The
correlation disappeared altogether when more years of data were added."
So we must be sure to base our conclusions on ALL the data. In the
Greenie case, the correlation between CO2 rise and global temperature
rise stopped in 1998 -- but that could have been foreseen if
measurements taken in the first half of the 20th century had been