Volume 1, Number 49 --
- by Steve McKinzie (mckinzie@dickenson.edu)
This week (September 21st-27th), the nation celebrates
National Banned Book Week, a week-long propaganda fest and consciousness-raising
extravaganza of the American Library Association's Office for
Intellectual Freedom. The week's promoters parade a list of books
that they charge have been banned in libraries and schools across
the nation, talk about the importance of First Amendment Rights,
and lament the rise of censorship from what they consider to be
the ill-informed and malicious enemies of freedom and American
democracy -- a group that includes the usual conservatives of
various flavors and, of course, that enemy of everything dear
to the national consciousness, the Christian Right.
Now to begin with, most Americans have serious problems
with the sort of radical libertarianism that the American Library
Association (ALA) espouses. Most Americans don't buy into the
notion that public libraries should buy anything no matter how
pornographic, or that schools should teach anything, no matter
how controversial. The majority of Americans believe in community
standards, and they stubbornly insist that schools, libraries,
and other social institutions ought to support those standards.
Even so, the real difficulty with the American Library Association's
Banned Book week isn't its philosophy, however much people may
question the ALA's anything-goes-approach to building a library
collection and managing a school's curriculum.
No, the real problem is the dishonesty involved.
Banned Book Week isn't really what it says it is.
The ALA has gone in for some serious mislabeling here. It has
misleadingly categorized the week -- a serious charge when you
remember that librarians are supposed to be dispassionate and
accurate catalogers or labelers of things.
In all honesty, what is the real state of censorship
and book banning in America? Well, very few -- if any -- books
in this country are currently banned. You can buy almost any
title that you want, download tons of information from the Web
that you need, and you can check out all sorts of things at your
public library. Nor is censorship dangerously on the rise as
the ALA is apt to insinuate.
The disparity between what actually is and what the
week's promoters claim stems from their exaggerated notions of
what constitutes censorship. In the eyes of the ALA and its Office
for Intellectual Freedom, any kind of challenge to a book is to
be considered an effort at banning and any kind of complaint about
a title an attempt at unconscionable censorship. For a book to
be labeled a banned book in their mind, someone needs only question
its place in a given library's collection, or openly wonder if
a specific title belongs in the children's section. To be reckoned
a censor, one has only to suggest in public that a book may not
be appropriate in a given high school English class.
Kathy Monteiro, a teacher in McClintock High School
in Tempe, Arizona complained about her high schoolers' mandatory
reading of Huckleberry Finn. She thought the book was racist.
Parents in High Point, North Carolina questioned the appropriateness
of Richard Wright's Native Son and Alice Walker's Color Purple.
They thought the adult themes inappropriate for the grade level.
Both these protests were officially recorded as examples of attempted
censorship by ALA's Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom. All three
titles were placed on the Banned Book List.
Let's get real. Such challenges are not attempts
at censorship, and such complaints about books used in a classroom
are not efforts to have certain titles banned. The people involved
in these controversies about what students are required to read are merely
speaking their minds, and no matter how much I disagree with their
contentions, (I enjoy anything by Mark Twain and think Richard
Wright's Native Son to be something of a classic) they have a
right to argue their point. They should be able to speak up without
fear of being considered enemies of the Republic or being chastised
as censors of great literature.
Parents who challenge the inclusion of a given text
in a specific literature class and citizens who openly protest
a library's collection development decision are only speaking
out about things that they believe in. It is a grand America
tradition and one that we should encourage as much as we can.
We shouldn't be trying to ban free speech in the name of free
speech. Let people speak out about what they care about, without
being branded a censor or labeled a book banner.
In short, the American Library Association needs
to lighten up. At the very least, they should rename their week.
As anyone can see, Banned Book Week isn't really about banned
books. It is about people having differing opinions and caring
enough to make those opinions known.
The nation could use a lot more of that, not less.
Mr. McKinzie is the Social Sciences Librarian at Dickinson College
I have extracted this article from the Google cache as it seems to be no longer online at its original source.
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