There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist instinct") in
many people that causes them to delight in going without material
comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such people --
with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example. Many
Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that instinct
too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious committments they
have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them to live in an
ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them to press on us
all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
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30 September, 2015
Another Climate Prediction Fizzles: DC Climate Rally for Pope shrinks from expected 200,000 people to just ‘hundreds’
The hopes were so high back in August for a massive climate rally to
support Pope Francis’ climate push. But reality has now sunk in
Climate Prediction: August 25, 2015: WaPo: "For Pope Francis’s D.C.
visit, environmental rally of up to 200K planned’ – Several
environmental groups are planning a major climate rally that will draw
hundreds of thousands to the National Mall on Sept. 24, the day Pope
Francis speaks to Congress and is expected to address the public
afterwards. The permit for the gathering — which will make the moral
case for reducing greenhouse gas emissions linked to global warming — is
for 200,000 people. The Moral Action on Climate Network, along with the
Earth Day Network, League of Conservation Voters, Sierra Club and other
groups, have timed the rally on the Mall the same day of the pope’s
Reality: September 24, 2015: "Pope’s Visit To D.C. Inspires Hundreds To
Rally For Climate’ Rally – ‘On Thursday morning — as Pope Francis
prepared to make history by addressing Congress — hundreds of activists
gathered on the National Mall. Holding signs, petitioning for
signatures, and offering spirited remarks to an expectant crowd, the
activists represented a spectrum of causes and religious denominations,
from young evangelicals to Black Lives Matter leaders."
Understanding the Climate Science Boom
Like an economy, a scientific discipline can undergo periods of boom and
bust. Is climate science experiencing an unsustainable boom? Certainly
its growth has been astounding. Over the past 20 years, the number of
scientific papers related to “anthropogenic climate change” has risen
twelve-fold, according to a search using Google Scholar. But whether or
not climate science will ultimately suffer a bust may depend on the
causes of its surge. While several factors have contributed, the role of
Big Players—namely, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and
various government agencies that dole out huge sums as research
grants—has been critical. It also raises a red flag.
One reason is that a change in the priorities, funding, or prestige of
Big Players can turn a boom into a bust. But another reason may yield
greater cause for concern, William N. Butos and Thomas J. McQuade
explain in the Fall 2015 issue of The Independent Review. Although large
organizations that set the direction for scientific inquiry or business
activity can conceivably accelerate progress, their tremendous size and
influence—and the way they interact with social phenomena such as
opportunism and ideology—distorts the feedback loops that otherwise help
make science and markets self-correcting processes.
Climate science may or may not be experiencing a bubble that will burst
in the foreseeable future. But this uncertainty is beside the point. The
major lesson, Butos and McQuade write, “is that in science, as in the
economy, Big Players of any sort distort normal systemic activity,
render the emergent outcomes unstable and unreliable, and create an
ideal breeding ground for incentives that motivate ideologically biased
people to circumvent normal constraints in the name of pursing a
‘greater good.’”
Hollywood Joins the Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement
I published an op-ed in the Philadelphia Inquirer recently challenging
the mindsets of student activists lobbying to force college
administrators to purge coal and oil stocks from their investment
Now, reportedly, but not surprisingly, Leonardo Di Caprio and a few
other left-leaning Hollywood personalities are jumping on the divestment
bandwagon. He, along with some like-minded individuals and
organizations spearheaded by a shadowy special-interest group called
“Divest Invest”, apparently believe (with fervent faith in “green”
energy shared and perhaps envied by Pope Francis) that their actions
will save the planet from destruction by greedy capitalists.
Insofar as today’s environmentalists adhere to a religion claiming
humankind to be doomed unless something is done to lighten our
collective carbon footprint, I may be on dangerous theological ground.
But I am happy that Mr. DiCaprio is a least putting his money in his own
proverbial mouth. Owing to the shale “fracking” revolution of the past
decade, stocks in fossil fuel producers have fallen sharply. The
divesters therefore stand to sustain capital losses on the equity shares
they sell now or in the foreseeable future.
On the other hand, while climate-change believers see the environmental
benefits of solar and wind farms once they are in place, they studiously
ignore the rather substantial carbon footprints of manufacturing wind
turbines and solar panel cells as well as of disposing of them at the
ends of their useful lives.
Are wind-turbine factories powered by wind, or are solar-panel factories
(many of which are located on China’s mainland) sun powered? I don’t
think so. Moreover, some of the components of solar panel cells are
toxic. One cannot simply bury them in the local landfill once worn out,
even if that is 20 years in the future. Wind turbines also kill birds
and roughly 1 million bats every year.
So, where do the stock divesters draw the line in the green energy
supply chain? At the manufacturing stage, or at an earlier one at which
the steel, aluminum or other critical inputs necessary to produce
windmills and solar panels are made? At the mine, where iron ore and
other mineral ores are extracted using fossil-fuel powered capital
equipment? At the stage when factories are built and brought online? At
the Middle Ages, when all humans were short-lived locovors? Or at the
Garden of Eden?
Hollywood types and college students seem to think that wind turbines
and solar panels are created out of thin air. They plainly are not
conceived immaculately. Because renewable energy sources are not yet
economically viable on commercial scales and would not be so even on
more modest scales in the absence of taxpayer-financed subsidies, Mr.
DiCaprio and his fellow divesters are posing as saviors of the planet by
trying to impose their personal preferences on all other Americans and
ignoring the production processes for their pet environmental solutions
for global warming or other contributors to so-called climate change.
Although I am pleased that the divestors are paying personally to
indulge those discriminatory preferences, as everyone in a free market
must do, I question Mr. DiCaprio’s motives, among which is to sell
tickets to the soon-to-be-released Revenant, to curry favor with fellow
guests at Hollywood cocktail parties and to be invited to testify before
starry-eyed members of congressional committees.
Assuming that Divest Invest and the managers of college endowment
portfolios hold enough shares in oil and gas companies to matter,
dumping them will lower share prices and create opportunities for
non-politically correct investors to get back into the market on
favorable terms. But remember that my investment advice carries no
guarantee of positive future returns!
Big Green’s immorality
Is it moral to cause people to starve in Africa, because you prefer to burn corn for fuel here in America?
Is it moral to have as a goal to create regulations that drive energy
and electricity costs up with the poor being disproportionately harmed?
Or, is it moral to invest and produce domestic energy that lowers energy
costs for all, which obviates the need for burning food for fuel?
If you answered the latter, welcome to supporting the free enterprise
approach to wealth creation that lifts all boats rather than the green
agenda designed to exacerbate energy poverty around the world.
Over the course of the past five to seven years, America has been on the
precipice of an unprecedented energy revolution that would drive costs
for electricity down, creating a virtuous economic cycle fueled by
increased manufacturing sector growth and the resulting high paying
The sticking point has been President Obama’s radical environmental
regulatory agenda. An agenda that is less about climate change,
and more about fundamental economic transformation. Christiana
Figueres, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change, stated as much when at a recent conference in
Brussels she said, “This is the first time in the history of mankind
that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a
defined period of time, to change the economic development model that
has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial
When viewed through the rubric of this admission that climate
regulations are really about displacing capitalism as the dominant
economic system, then it is understandable why President Obama persists
in pursuing limited value regulations that destroy America’s opportunity
to maintain our position as the dominant economic power in the world.
Whether it be an oil pipeline running across the Canadian border, or the
oil and natural gas miracle produced by ingenuity, private investment
and hard work that has led to an abundance beyond any futurists
imagination, to Obama and the radical greens, they are threats that must
be stopped.
The immorality of choosing transformation to an economic system that
thrives on the theft of both intellectual and personal property in order
to give it to someone who is more politically favored over one that
breeds good jobs and hope for people of all economic classes is obvious.
Yet, these greenies who worship at the altar of the goddess Gaia and
justify spiking trees and jeopardizing lives to stop timbering, have
somehow become perceived as the idealistically moral, while those who
fight to preserve a system that has made America the greatest nation to
ever exist on the earth are vilified.
It is Harold Hamm of Continental Resources, and others like him who have
risked, cried and fought to find a way to extract oil and natural gas
from shale at an affordable cost, bringing it to market and driving
prices of energy down who are the heroes.
They have been the ones whose actions based upon a desire to make a
profit, have stimulated the economy through less expensive gasoline and
lower costs for natural gas fueled electricity generation. The
prime beneficiaries of these cost savings are millions of families who
have not seen their wages go up for years, but now pay less for the
gasoline in their car.
Unfortunately, it is these same families who have not benefitted from
lower electricity bills, as Obama’s climate cops have forced more than
72 gigawatts of electricity to be taken off line, negating the energy
supply advantage by destroying the electricity suppliers.
When a family needs to heat their home and wants to buy a wood burning
stove, Obama’s EPA jihadists will have removed all but the most
expensive alternatives from the marketplace due to a wood burning
And Obama’s power plant rule is expected to increase electricity costs
by 16 percent in spite of our nation’s energy abundance with the poorest
consumers bearing the brunt of the cost burden both in personal home
heating and the lack of job opportunities as the manufacturing boom is
The green agenda is nothing more or less than an attack on America’s
poorest citizens by those who envy our nation’s wealth and want to
transfer it overseas, no matter who gets hurt.
This is the green immorality, and it is time that people recognize it as just that.
Time to Prosecute the EPA Like Any Other Company
Last month, the EPA caused a spill of toxic waste into the Animas River
in Colorado. That event demonstrates that even the federal agency
responsible for regulating the disposal of hazardous waste can make
mistakes that lead to environmental contamination. It also proves that
the federal government plays favorites in criminal environmental
If private parties had been responsible for the spill, the odds are good
that the federal government would have opened a criminal investigation.
The government has prosecuted private companies and private parties for
other negligent spills. Just ask Edward Hanousek.
A railroad roadmaster, Mr. Hanousek was responsible for a rock quarrying
project at a site near the Skagway River in Alaska. One evening in
1994, while Mr. Hanousek was at home, a backhoe operator trying to
remove rocks from a nearby railroad track hit a pipeline. The accident
caused 1,000-5,000 gallons of heating oil to spill into the nearby
Mr. Hanousek was charged with criminal negligence under the Clean Water
Act. He was convicted for the negligent discharge of oil and sentenced
to six months in prison, another six months in a halfway house, and six
more months of supervised release.
The Daily Signal is the multimedia news organization of The Heritage
Foundation. We’ll respect your inbox and keep you informed.
If a 1,000- to 5,000-gallon spill into the Skagway River merited
criminal prosecution, the EPA’s 3-million-gallon spill of toxic mine
water into the Animas River spill justifies criminal prosecution, too.
But there is more. In past cases, the government has successfully argued
that corporate officers and managers should be held liable for the
misdeeds of subordinates even if the officers and managers had no hand
in any illegal conduct.
The Justice Department persuaded courts to adopt the tort doctrine of
“respondeat superior”—“let the master answer”—for the acts of his
employees. Under that theory, the EPA administrator and regional
director should be personally charged with the negligent discharge of
hazardous waste.
Yet the Justice Department does not apply the same rules to private
parties and government officials. The public should ask, “Why not?”
If private parties should be held criminally liable for negligent
violations of the federal environmental laws, why not EPA employees? If a
company president should be held liable for the misdeeds of the firm’s
low-level personnel, why not the EPA administrator? The same rules
should apply whether the responsible party works in the private sector
or the public sector.
It should be no defense that senior EPA federal officials could not
perform their supervisory duties if they must manage the day-to-day work
of every subordinate. The same is true of a company’s president, and
the federal government has not excused senior business officials on the
theory that they cannot hold upper-level positions while doing a
company’s lower-level work.
Even if the EPA administrator were too remote from this spill to be held
responsible, that conclusion would not apply to the director of the
region. Each director has only one region to manage, not the entire
nation. After all, a plant manager does not receive immunity from
prosecution for the misdeeds of his employees even though he cannot
monitor everything going on in his plant. If so, why should senior
federal officials in a parallel position get off scot-free?
Even the EPA recognizes that its officials should be held to the same standards that the government applies to private parties.
“We’re going to continue to work until this is cleaned up,” Regional
Director Shaun McGrath told a local gathering of Colorado residents,
“and hold ourselves to the same standards that we would anyone that
would have created this situation.”
There is no reason to let government officials slide when the government prosecutes private parties for the same conduct.
It’s time for the government to choose: Either stop prosecuting private
parties for negligence or make the senior EPA officials stand in the
dock. Sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander.
Australia: Ideology distorts climate measurements
Jennifer Marohasy replies to some ignorant propaganda
For the true believer, it is too awful to even consider that the
Australian Bureau of Meteorology could be exaggerating global warming by
adjusting figures. This doesn’t mean, though, that it’s not true.
In fact, under prime minister Tony Abbott, a panel of eminent
statisticians was formed to investigate these claims detailed in The
Australian newspaper in August and September last year.
The panel did acknowledge in its first report that the bureau
homogenised the temperature data: that it adjusted figures. The same
report also concluded it was unclear whether these adjustments resulted
in an overall increase or decrease in the warming trend.
No conclusions could be drawn because the panel did not work through a
single example of homogenisation, not even for Rutherglen. Rutherglen,
in northeastern Victoria, is an agricultural research station with a
continuous minimum temperature record unaffected by equipment changes or
documented site moves but where the bureau nevertheless adjusted the
This had the effect of turning a temperature time series without a
statistically significant trend into global warming of almost 2C a
According to media reports last week, a thorough investigation of the
bureau’s methodology was prevented because of intervention by
Environment Minister Greg Hunt. He apparently argued in cabinet that the
credibility of the institution was paramount — that it was important
the public had trust in the bureau’s data and forecasts, so the public
knew to heed warnings of bushfires and cyclones.
Hunt defends the bureau because it has a critical role to play in providing the community with reliable weather forecasts.
This is indeed one of its core responsibilities. It would be better able
to perform this function, however, if it used proper techniques for
quality control of temperature data and the best available techniques
for forecasting rainfall.
There has been no improvement in its seasonal rainfall forecasts for two
decades because it uses general circulation models. These are primarily
tools for demonstrating global warming, with dubious, if any, skill at
actually forecasting weather or climate.
Consider, for example, the millennium drought and the flooding rains that followed in 2010.
Back in 2007 and 2008, David Jones, then and still the manager of
climate monitoring and prediction at the Bureau of Meteorology, wrote
that climate change was so rampant in Australia, “We don’t need
meteorological data to see it”, and that the drought, caused by climate
change, was a sign of the “hot and dry future” that we all collectively
Then the drought broke, as usual in Australia, with flooding rains.
But the bureau was incapable of forecasting an exceptionally wet summer
because such an event was contrary to how senior management at the
bureau perceived our climate future.
So, despite warning signs evident in sea surface temperature patterns
across the Pacific through 2010, Brisbane’s Wivenhoe dam, originally
built for flood mitigation, was allowed to fill through the spring of
2010, and kept full in advance of the torrential rains in January 2011.
The resulting catastrophic flooding of Brisbane is now recognised as a
“dam release flood”, and the subject of a class-action lawsuit by
Brisbane residents against the Queensland government.
Indeed, despite an increasing investment in supercomputers, there is
ample evidence ideology is trumping rational decision-making at the
bureau on key issues that really matter, such as the prediction of
drought and flood cycles. Because most journalists and politicians
desperately want to believe the bureau knows best, they turn away from
the truth and ignore the facts.
News Corp Australia journalist Anthony Sharwood got it completely wrong
in his weekend article defending the bureau’s homogenisation of the
temperature record. I tried to explain to him on the phone last Thursday
how the bureau didn’t actually do what it said when it homogenised
temperature time series for places such as Rutherglen.
Sharwood kept coming back to the issue of “motivations”. He kept asking
me why on earth the bureau would want to mislead the Australian public.
I should have kept with the methodology, but I suggested he read what
Jones had to say in the Climategate emails. Instead of considering the
content of the emails that I mentioned, however, Sharwood wrote in his
article that, “Climategate was blown out of proportion” and “independent
investigations cleared the researchers of any form of wrongdoing”.
Nevertheless, the content of the Climategate emails includes quite a lot
about homogenisation, and the scientists’ motivations. For example,
there is an email thread in which Phil Jones (University of East Anglia)
and Tom Wigley (University of Adelaide) discuss the need to get rid of a
blip in global temperatures around 1940-44. Specifically, Wigley
suggested they reduce ocean temperatures by an arbitrary 0.15C. These
are exactly the types of arbitrary adjustments made throughout the
historical temperature record for Australia: adjustments made
independently of any of the purported acceptable reasons for making
adjustments, including site moves and equipment changes.
Sharwood incorrectly wrote in his article: “Most weather stations have
moved to cooler areas (ie, areas away from the urban heat island
effect). So if scientists are trying to make the data reflect warmer
temperatures, they’re even dumber than the sceptics think.”
In fact, many (not most) weather stations have moved from post offices
to airports, which have hotter, not cooler, daytime temperatures.
Furthermore, the urban heat island creeps into the official temperature
record for Australia not because of site moves but because the record at
places such as Cape Otway lighthouse is adjusted to make it similar to
the record in built-up areas such as Melbourne, which clearly are
affected by the urban heat island.
I know this sounds absurd. It is absurd, and it is also true. Indeed, a
core problem with the methodology the bureau uses is its reliance on
“comparative sites” to make adjustments to data at other places. I
detail the Cape Otway lighthouse example in a recent paper published in
the journal Atmospheric Research, volume 166.
It is so obvious that there is an urgent need for a proper, thorough and
independent review of operations at the bureau. But it would appear our
politicians and many mainstream media are set against the idea.
Evidently they are too conventional in their thinking to consider such
an important Australian institution could now be ruled by ideology.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
29 September, 2015
Britain's new nuclear power station will just be a very expensive sop to the Warmists
On his visit to China this week, the chancellor of the exchequer, George
Osborne, announced a £2 billion loan guarantee to Chinese companies to
build a new nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point in Somerset. Since the
plant will be built by private firms taking on eye-watering amounts of
debt that will be paid off over decades, the loan guarantees are
essential in order to keep the interest rates on that debt down to a
minimum. Otherwise, lenders would have to build in a substantial risk
premium in order to justify doling out the cash.
Hinkley Point C should be good news for a variety of reasons. Nuclear
power stations, despite accidents at badly built or elderly plants at
Chernobyl and Fukushima, have an excellent safety record compared with
other sources of power. They are reliable, providing ‘base load’ power
for roughly 90 per cent of the time (compare that with 25 per cent of
the time for wind turbines) and have low running costs because they need
comparatively little fuel once they are up and running.
Moreover, after decades of nuclear being out of fashion, getting one
plant built would hopefully open the door to many more. Having built and
fired up the first UK nuclear plant since Sizewell B in 1995, the
experience gained would enable future plants to be built more cheaply.
Generating power from a number of different sources – coal, gas,
nuclear, renewables – would provide greater security of supply, too.
But the deal the UK government has struck for Hinkley Point C looks very
expensive. The operator, EDF, has been promised a guaranteed price for
its power of £92.50 per megawatt hour. (Another station in the pipeline,
Sizewell C, has been offered a guaranteed £89.50 per megawatt hour.)
That made some sense when it was thought that prices for fossil-fuel
generation of electricity would shoot up over the next decade. But
prices have recently fallen for coal and gas, bringing the wholesale
price for electricity down to around £44 per megawatt hour. That’s one
hell of a premium, one that will be index-linked to inflation and
guaranteed for 35 years – time enough to pay off the plant. As
commentators have pointed out, a nuclear plant should be able to operate
for 60 years. EDF will be raking it in for decades after that. One
consultancy described the Hinkley Point deal as ‘economically insane’.
Nuclear power should be much cheaper than that, and currently, it is.
The electricity from Sizewell B now costs around £60 per megawatt hour.
But the layering of regulation upon regulation to make nuclear very,
very, very safe has resulted in ballooning costs. The government
wouldn’t be touching this deal with the proverbial barge pole were it
not for the overriding concern of climate change. Ministers know that a
low-carbon economy is impossible without nuclear, especially if we
replace all our current gas heating and petrol cars with electric
It’s a ‘price worth paying’, if you believe environmentalists. But that
just seems like bad policy. Whatever damage climate change might cause,
making energy much more expensive will definitely do quite a lot of
damage, from making some kinds of industrial production uneconomic
through to freezing poor pensioners to a hypothermic death in winter.
Isn’t there a better way?
It would help nuclear’s cause if we started slashing some of the
regulation required to build new plants, though that seems highly
unlikely. It would also help if we started to factor in the hidden costs
of renewable energy when discussing which path to take. Gas-fired power
stations are required to make up for shortfalls in renewable energy
supply. But turning such plants on and off constantly – or running them
unconnected to the grid when renewables are supplying power – is
extremely inefficient, bumping up the cost. That extra cost should be
added to the price of renewable power when we make comparisons. We also
know that whereas renewables take up a lot of space – cluttering every
spare hill with more turbines – nuclear has a comparatively tiny
But maybe we should just admit that we can’t do all that much about a
low-carbon economy right now. According to the International Energy
Agency, even if we were fairly aggressive about introducing renewables,
the world would still need fossil fuels for three quarters of our energy
needs in 2035. For developing countries in particular, energy needs to
be plentiful and cheap – and for now, that means coal and gas.
Instead, maybe we should be investing in developing better technology
that is low carbon and economical to run. ‘Sceptical environmentalist’
Bjorn Lomborg has been banging on about this for years, and earlier this
month David Attenborough fronted a call for an ‘Apollo-style’ programme
to develop better renewables.
Focusing on research and development in the short term seems a much
better bet than blowing a fortune on renewables and overpriced nuclear
power stations. The costs in the long run would be much lower than
rushing in now, and we could develop new power sources that would have
benefits way beyond merely being low carbon.
As for Hinkley Point? It’s a crap deal, especially as the completion
date keeps slipping back and the reactor design in question hasn’t
actually worked in practice yet. For example, a similar reactor at
Flamanville in France, due to come online in 2012, is now estimated to
be up and running in 2018 – six years late and three times over budget.
If Hinkley Point C could feasibly lead in the long run to a new
generation of nuclear power stations at a much lower cost, it might be
worth pressing ahead. But we can’t afford to keep cranking up energy
bills for the sake of being seen to ‘do something’ about climate change.
Perp-walking the climate skeptics
It’ll be a sight to behold. A perp walk of PhDs. A roundup of
skeptical scientists who resisted joining the global-warming panic.
Picture it. White lab coats paddy-wagoned up to the courthouse and
marched inside, single file, in leg chains, for a mass booking. Scrums
of TV cameras jostling for position.
The perp walk of the “climate deniers” is a recommendation advanced with
a straight face by 20 academics at Rutgers, Columbia and other
institutions of purported higher learning.
These academic ayatollahs aren’t joking. (Ayatollahs never are.)
They have petitioned President Obama to collar climate-alarmism
dissenters, along with their supposed corporate puppeteers, and
prosecute them all under the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization
(RICO) provision of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970.
Yes, seriously. Round ‘em up, lock ‘em up. It’s the would-be Beer Hall Putsch of the 20 Profs, 2015.
Let’s call them the Shameless 20. There’s depressingly little media or academia outcry over their essentially fascist agenda.
Maybe this reflects the low status to which smug, lockstep liberalism has sunk in the muck of its own ideological catechism.
To the 20 — and no doubt many sympathizers — global-warming skeptics are
conspirators egged on and financed by diabolical corporate oligarchs.
The oligarchs, like cartoonish villains in a Batman movie, are bent on
crushing humanity under a Yeti-size carbon footprint. And all for money.
They must be “stopped as soon as possible,” say the Shameless 20, “so
that the world can get on with the critically important business of
finding effective ways of stabilizing the Earth’s climate....”
Sinister pecuniary motives are automatically ascribed to the skeptics.
But the most noble of motives are assumed for activist alarmists who
divvy up tens of millions of dollars in government and foundation grants
for churning out cataclysmic global-warming scenarios in the guise of
objective scientific inquiry.
The Shameless 20 began their petition to President Obama with a
shamelessly obsequious gesture, hailing his “aggressive and imaginative
use of government.”
Now, said the 20, His Most Exalted High Excellency the Prez must go a
hop, skip and jump further. Forget Hillary and her mishandling of
classified information. Let’s address the greater threat of the Enemy
Within — scientists who balk at signing off on the fashionable,
politicized postulates and policy prescriptions of climate change.
Some brave souls — not many, some — have dared to question the
authoritarian nature of the Shameless 20’s recommendation. Physicist
Peter Webster, an MIT PhD and professor of earth and atmospheric
sciences at Georgia Institute of Technology, pointed out to them: “You
have signed a death warrant for science.”
Such words, though, no doubt are lost on the Shameless 20, who are also obviously the Clueless 20.
Beyond the ominous letter from the 20 is this ominous consideration:
President Obama may not need any goading to unkennel the doberman
pinschers of the Department of Justice and other bureaucracies and turn
them loose on scientists who question political orthodoxy on climate.
Obama has done more than any politician, excepting possibly Al Gore, to
politicize a complex issue that’s still being researched and debated in
scientific circles. Obama has falsely declared the issue of climate
change “settled.”
He has perpetuated the urban myth that “97 percent” of scientists believe humans are the cause of global warming.
This “97 percent” myth traces back to a paper by activist academics at
Queensland U., Australia. The academics said they read the summaries of
11,000 climate research reports to get an idea where science stands on
the issue.
If Obama ever actually reads the paper he relies on to support his
political agenda and shut off scientific inquiry, he’ll discover the
following: 66.4 percent on the summaries cited in the Queensland U.
paper took no position on the human role in global warming. The paper’s
authors said so themselves.
It needs to be restated, over and over, that there aren’t really “climate deniers.”
There are skeptics. And some of them are among the world’s most
brilliant scientists, such as Princeton’s Freeman Dyson, often
identified as the successor to Albert Einstein.
Dr. Petr Chylek specializes in space and remote sensing sciences at the
Los Alamos National Laboratory. He’s a fellow of the American
Geophysical Union. And a skeptic. He says:
“It seems that some of the most prominent leaders of the climate
research community, like prophets of old Israel, believe they can see
the future of humankind and that the only remaining task is to convince
or force others to accept and follow....” He adds:
“Let us admit that our understanding of climate is less perfect than we have tried to make the public believe.”
The skeptics note that there has been climate change throughout the
planet’s history. At the contentious core of the issue are these
1. How much warming is attributable to human activity and how much to
“natural variation” as a result of solar activity, atmospheric
hydrological feedbacks and other known factors influencing climate? This
is a question of intense, ongoing debate.
2. And in any case, what can realistically be done — if anything at all
at this stage — to alter the course of climate without driving up
electricity and gasoline prices and hobbling the economy, thereby drying
up R&D funds for potential breakthroughs on clean energy
In regard to No. 2, keep in mind that solar and wind, currently, are
reckoned to come nowhere close to meeting future energy needs. Also,
China is the world’s biggest producer of “global warming greenhouse
emissions” and not subject to EPA rules and regs.
A Cal Tech-trained physicist now at NYU puts the climate issue in
clarifying perspective. Human influences on climate are “physically
small in relation to the climate system as a whole,” says Steven Koonin.
He notes that “human additions to carbon dioxide in the middle of the
21st Century are expected to directly shift the atmosphere’s natural
greenhouse effect by only 1 percent to 2 percent.”
Koonin goes on to say: “Since the climate system is highly variable on
its own, that smallness sets a very high bar for confidently projecting
the consequences of human influence.”
Uh oh. Koonin had better watch what he says. This former science adviser
to President Obama just might find himself among the chain gang of
perp-walked PhD skeptics rounded up by his old boss on a RICO rap.
Pope Doesn't Say Much About Climate After All
"Global warming" or "climate change" not mentionedMany
observers feared (or hoped) that Pope Francis would pontificate on
man-made global warming and the need for government solutions in
Thursday’s address to Congress. But it wasn’t to be. Here’s the extent
of his remarks on the topic:
"This common good also includes the
earth, a central theme of the encyclical which I recently wrote in order
to enter into dialogue with all people about our common home. We need a
conversation which includes everyone, since the environmental challenge
we are undergoing, and its human roots, concerns and affects us all. In
“Laudato Si,” I call for a courageous and responsible effort to
redirect our steps and to avert the most serious effects of the
environmental deterioration caused by human activity. I am convinced
that we can make a difference and I have no doubt that the United States
— and this Congress — have an important role to play. Now is the time
for courageous actions and strategies, aimed at implementing a culture
of care and an integrated approach to combating poverty, restoring
dignity to the excluded, and at the same time protecting nature."
first hearing, there’s really not much for conservatives who are
conservationists to disagree with there. But there are two key problems:
the pope’s assertion that climate change is “caused by human activity,”
and who he addressed his comments to — Congress. The science is far
from settled on the cause or reach of climate change (humans do impact
the environment, but how much is the question), and most proposals
before Congress involve hampering economic activity — i.e., exacerbating
and not “combating poverty” — to fight a supposed menace we don’t fully
SOURCE When Energy Efficiency Becomes HarmfulOne
of the benefits claimed by the environmental Left in regards to the
Clean Power Plan is its impact on Americans' health. According to an EPA
fact sheet, the regulations are expected to eradicate 3,600
pollution-related premature deaths annually once fully implemented — a
finding mimicked by a supposedly independent study that wasn’t so
independent after all.
The EPA fact sheet also asserts that
90,000 asthma attacks will be prevented each year. “Because these
pollutants can create dangerous soot and smog, the historically low
levels mean we will avoid thousands of premature deaths and have
thousands fewer asthma attacks and hospitalizations in 2030 and every
year beyond,” the EPA website states. Of course, any effort to clean up
the environment — albeit without unconstitutional government mandates —
is praiseworthy. The danger comes when authority figures begin dictating
rules in the name of “settled science.”
Which raises an
interesting point about the EPA’s asthma claims, courtesy of our friends
across the pond. A new study out of Great Britain, a nation that’s
likewise in the process of slashing carbon emissions, suggests energy
efficiency may actually be harmful to our health. The Guardian reports,
“The number of Britons with asthma could almost double by 2050 because
the air inside homes is becoming more polluted as they become more
energy-efficient, a new report warns.”
How so? “Airborne
pollutants created by cooking, cleaning and using aerosols such as
hairsprays will increasingly stay indoors and affect people’s health as
homes are made ever more leak-proof to help meet carbon reduction
targets, a report by Professor Hazim Awbi claims.”
Ironic, isn’t
it, that spending more time indoors — and expecting to be shielded from
the elements thanks to “green” directives — can theoretically leave you
worse off than enjoying the outdoors, where the atmosphere is designed
to regulate fossil fuels naturally. It’s the law of unintended
There’s a reason human progress is best left to
the free market. Life expectancy and wealth are remarkably higher today
thanks to the fossil fuel industry. And the private sector has managed
to increase efficiency and drastically decrease pollution through new
technologies. Beware of leftists bearing gifts in the name of “settled
SOURCE The Cost of RegulationBad laws create bad behaviorVolkswagen
is in hot water with the EPA, after revelations that 11 million of its
vehicles employ covert software designed to trick emissions testers.
While being tested, the cars switched to a more efficient mode in order
to beat the regulations, afterwards switching back to a higher
performance (and hence higher emissions) method of operation.
course, the company is being widely condemned as criminal, negligent,
and downright evil. The charge is not wholly without merit; Volkswagen
did break the law, and they did misrepresent their vehicles to
consumers, none of which should be tolerated. But there’s a more
interesting point here, which is the way regulations affect the behavior
of companies, and the waste that results.
One of the mistakes
regulators frequently make is assuming that they can simply control
behavior by decree. When the EPA issues a ruling that emissions cannot
exceed a certain level, it goes without saying that companies will abide
by the rule, and that will be that.
In reality, people respond
to incentives, and if you use the law to try to stop people from doing
something that benefits them, you can bet that many, if not most, will
try to find away around compliance. A great example of this is the tax
code. The extreme complexity of the tax code has resulted in a huge
industry of accountants and lawyers devoted to finding loopholes,
deductions, and other ways to protect their clients’ money from the IRS.
If taxes were low, flat, and fair, the immense amount of resources
devoted to this industry could be employed in actually producing
something, rather than in merely avoiding the tax collector.
Environmental regulations work the same way.
Volkswagen had to
spend time and money to develop and install the software used to beat
emissions detectors in 11 million of their cars. They had to cover their
tracks to ensure they weren’t caught, and now they are facing huge
fines, legal fees, and plummeting stock prices as a result of the
scandal. Innocent employees will lose their jobs, and perfectly good
cars will be pulled off the market, reducing the supply of vehicles and
therefore driving up the cost. The spillover effects are likely to
damage the entire German auto industry for years to come.
this represents a huge waste of resources, a waste that could have been
avoided in the absence of strict emissions regulations in the first
place. All of that time and money could have been spent producing better
cars, or giving consumers a discount. All of those resources could have
been used productively, instead of to the non-productive activity of
evading regulations. You can argue that it’s Volkswagen’s fault for not
playing by the rules, but economics recognizes that people will always
be self-interested, and as long as there are regulations, there will be
people trying to evade them. Volkswagen is certainly neither the first
nor last company to spend money to get around environmental rules.
of imposing mandates that invite unproductive cheating, why not allow
consumers a choice? If Volkswagen’s cars are so bad, why not let
consumers reject them? And if they are not all that bad, why not let
people buy them? We never would have emerged from the grimy,
soot-covered youth of the industrial revolution if factory owners had
spent all their time dealing with regulations instead of coming up with
new technologies. The same incentives apply today. So while we should
rightly condemn Volkswagen for cheating, we owe it to ourselves to ask
why it was necessary for them to cheat in the first place, and whether
we are actually made better off by a system that diverts productive
activity towards illicit, black market behavior.
SOURCE Australian coal industry to benefit from China carbon trading, says MCAAustralia's
struggling coal industry stands to gain from China's surprise move to
adopt a carbon trading system that puts a price on emissions, says the
Minerals Council of Australia.
MCA chief executive Brendan
Pearson said Australia had "a big advantage in this new era" because its
coal exports were ideally suited to the new-generation, coal-fired
power plants China was rolling out to help cut emissions.
from being a threat, there is a real opportunity for Australia's coal
sector in China's efforts to reduce emissions at lowest cost," Mr
Pearson told Fairfax Media.
"There is a huge misconception that lower emissions and coal use are incompatible. That is dead wrong."
the last eight years China's embrace of new coal generation has
achieved emissions reductions 10 times those achieved by the European
Union's emissions trading scheme."
The MCA is confident China will continue its huge rollout of high-energy, low-emissions, coal-fired power plants.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
28 September, 2015
Big British power generator pulls out of Government's £1bn green energy projectDrax
blames cuts in support for renewable energy for its decision not to
build a carbon capture and storage facility next to its North Yorkshire
power station
A £1bn green energy plan backed by the Government
has been dealt a major blow after one of the UK’s top power companies
pulled out of the project.
Drax blamed cuts in support for
renewable energy for its decision not to build a carbon capture and
storage facility next to its North Yorkshire power station.
"We’ve also got concerns about the government’s future support for the low carbon agenda"
Peter Emery, Drax
reversals” in Government policy had led to “a severe impact on our
profitability” and made it too risky to proceed with the White Rose
carbon capture plant, Peter Emery, the Drax board member chairing the
group that oversees the project, told the Financial Times.
also got concerns about the government’s future support for the low
carbon agenda and that’s left us in a position where we are no longer
confident we can persuade our shareholders that this is an attractive
investment, given the obvious risks,” he added.
“The Government has to make difficult decisions based on affordability and, in turn, so are we."
The Conservatives’ measures to rein in green subsidies have put renewable energy projects under pressure.
carbon capture projects have been built in the UK, despite the
Government offering a £1bn incentive eight years ago. Energy ministers
are understood to be committed to developing the technology in this
Drax had invested £3m into developing its carbon capture
project, which takes harmful gases from burning coal and traps them
Drax had invested £3m into developing its carbon capture project
partners in the plant's consortium - France’s Alstom and the BOC
industrial gas group - said Drax's decision was "disappointing" but
vowed to complete the deal.
Drax's moves leaves just one carbon
capture and storage project running in the UK. Shell is retro-fitting
the technology onto SSE's gas-fired plant at Peterhead in Scotland. Up
to 10m tonnes of CO2 will be sent through the Golden Eye pipeline to
storage sites in deep rock formations below the North Sea.
Warren, chief executive of the Carbon Capture Storage Association, said:
“While it is disappointing news for Drax that they will not be
participating as an investor in White Rose, it is clearly positive that
they recognise the value of this exciting project and are fully behind
its development at the Drax site.
It is also encouraging to hear
that Capture Power remains committed to the delivery of the project and
the UK CCS commercialisation programme. White Rose is key to delivering
real benefits to the Yorkshire and Humber region by developing the CO2
infrastructure that provides the foundation for a low-carbon industry in
the region.
"The coming months are absolutely critical for CCS
in the UK and the Government must successfully deliver two projects from
the CCS competition in order to achieve its goals of delivering a
cost-competitive CCS industry in the 2020s. Failure to secure this
investment will set back CCS by more than a decade with profound
implications for the UK's energy, industrial and climate policies."
SOURCEFeds Decide Against Endangered Listing for Greater Sage-GrouseIn
a video posted on Twitter on Tuesday Interior Secretary Sally Jewell
announced that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife has determined that it is not
necessary to protect the greater Sage-grouse in 11 western states by
listing it as threatened under the Endangered Species Act.
I’m proud to mark a milestone for conservation in America,” Jewell said
in the video. “Because of an unprecedented effort by dozens of partners
across 11 western states, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has
determined that the greater Sage-grouse does not require protection
under the Endangered Species Act.”
“An unprecedented,
landscape-scale conservation effort across the western United States has
significantly reduced threats to the greater sage-grouse across 90
percent of the species’ breeding habitat and enabled the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS) to conclude that the charismatic rangeland bird
does not warrant protection under the Endangered Species Act (ESA),” a
press release announcing the decision stated. “This collaborative,
science-based greater sage-grouse strategy is the largest land
conservation effort in U.S. history.”
A group of attorneys
responded to the decision with a blog expressing the “relief” felt by
western states that would have been impacted by the listing.
September 22, energy developers in the West breathed a sigh of relief
when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) announced that the greater
sage-grouse does not require protection under the Endangered Species
Act (ESA),” BakerHostetler’s North America Shale Blog said in an online
posting on Wednesday. “The FWS noted that in 2010 it believed that
‘habitat loss, fragmentation, and inadequacy of existing regulatory
mechanisms’ could warrant ESA listing for the grouse.
“Yet five
years later, focused public-private conservation partnerships have borne
fruit, as FWS now says that “[b]ased on the best available scientific
and commercial information, we have determined that the primary threats
to greater sage-grouse have been ameliorated by conservation efforts
implemented by federal, state, and private landowners,’” the blog
“BakerHostetler’s 80-attorney energy team is comprised of
lawyers across the U.S. who are leaders in their respective fields in
representing oil and gas clients,” according to its website.
The blog called the decision a “joint stewardship success story” that will benefit the energy boom in the United States.
past five years have seen a world-class boom in U.S. unconventional oil
production, with a sizable share of that coming from the Intermountain
West and basin and range country the sage-grouse inhabits. Indeed,
Colorado, Montana, Utah, and Wyoming, which provide core sage-grouse
habitat, have seen crude oil output double since the FWS began to
consider listing the grouse in 2010,” the blog stated. “These states now
produce approximately one of every 12 barrels of crude oil pumped in
the U.S. each day.”
In the video, a vast landscape of sagebrush is shown as Jewell’s narrates.
greater sage-grouse is an amazing bird – unique to the vast sagebrush
landscapes of the American West,” Jewell said. “One that historically
used to ‘darken the skies’ as vast numbers took flight.”
also listed the threats to the Sage-grouse, including wildfires, weather
and human development, but the overall message conceded that the states
can manage their land and its resources without federal regulations.
FWS’s September 30, 2015 deadline to review the status of the species
spurred numerous federal agencies, the 11 states in the range, and
dozens of public and private partners to undertake an extraordinary
campaign to protect, restore and enhance important sage-grouse habitat
to preclude the need to list the species,” the announcement stated.
effort featured: new management direction for BLM and Forest Service
land use plans that place greater emphasis on conserving sage-grouse
habitat; development of state sage-grouse management plans; voluntary,
multi-partner private lands effort to protect millions of acres of
habitat on ranches and rangelands across the West; unprecedented
collaboration with federal, state and private sector scientists; and a
comprehensive strategy to fight rangeland fires,” it added.
SOURCECrazy Capers of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact ResearchThe
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, commonly known as “PIK”
has been among Germany’s foremost climate doomsayers, oops, I mean
Hardly a day goes by without one or the other
PIK press releases telling the world that “we’ll all die if we do not …
[decarbonize, or whatever]”. Some of their pronunciations even want you
to think “we’ll all die, even if we do… [decarbonize, or whatever]” and
that has nothing to do with the coming “Blood Moon” of Sep. 27/28, 2015,
supposedly portending that the end of the world is nigh.
What are the poor schmucks like you and me to do in such a no-win situation?
PIK is led by its founder and current president, Prof. Dr. HJ
Schellnhuber, recently nominated member of the Pontifical Academy of
Sciences, etc. Another outspoken doomsayer of the PIK is Prof. Dr. S.
Rahmstorf. Actually, I think he’s running much of the daily
doom-and-gloom show. From the (not exactly) melting Arctic sea-ice and
the (not exactly) drowning polar bears, to the (not exactly)
disappearing Antarctic ice shield and the (not exactly) dieing penguins,
Rahmstorf and/or Schellnhuber have a finger-wagging answer for
The fact that they are more wrong than right is
immaterial, at least in their view – spare me with details. Actually,
you can count yourself lucky to even get an answer to any question you
may have about their numerous proclamations of climate doom and related
items; presumably they are too busy to crack the whip over their new
supercomputer to spit out the “correctly” prognosticated scenarios for
10,000 years from now or so. Just too bad that none of them will be
around by then to be held accountable for their wrong predictions.
As of late, PIK’s messages of doom appear to be getting bolder and more deceptive than ever before.
example, one of their latest “photos” shows “The ‘eternal ice’ of
Antarctica,” as reproduced here (PIK-photo on left). Nice shot – if it
were not “photo-shopped” to the hilt, as I suspect, despite their claim
to the contrary. As it so happens, a very similar photo (shown on the
right) taken approximately a year later by another expedition certainly
looks more realistic (Jo Cox).
What’s even more deceptive in
PIK’s picture is the caption with the phrase “eternal ice” that appears
to have melted away, except for a few pieces still floating forlorn on
the sea and two, possibly superimposed, images of icebergs. Well, that
picture was taken near the Rothera Research Station,located close to the
northern tip of the continent Antarctica at the latitude of 67.5 S and,
therefore, barely within the Antarctic, as defined by southern polar
circle. As the crow flies, that is about 2,500 km from the South Pole
and, therefore, it is certainly not in a region of “eternal sea-ice.”
“photo” by PIK comes with the latest warning of “Burning all fossil
energy would raise sea-level by more than 50 meters – and eliminate all
ice of Antarctica.” Further on, it states “Crossing this [2 degree C]
threshold, however, would in the long run destabilize both West and East
That 2 degree C threshold or, for that matter, any
other “degree threshold” are purely figments of their exuberant
imagination. There is no climate threshold in nature, no “tipping point”
or other boundary of sorts; they are all myths. The height of PIK’s
doomsayer irresponsibility must be the continued insistence on
theircomputer simulation’s predictions being “right.”
PIK’s Computer Simulations
computer models are modeling the world “climate” and claim, for
example, that anything past a two degree (C) warming will spell disaster
for much of mankind. Of course, as they see it, the use of fossil fuels
is the source of that claimed calamity. The German and some other
governments have bought into such claims and want to do away with most
or all of coal, oil, and natural gas for all purposes within three
decades or so, or even sooner.
PIK’s latest news is even more
astounding: On Sep. 11, 2015, their website referred to a new study to
be published soon with the headline “Burning all fossil energy would
raise sea-level by more than 50 meters – and eliminate all ice of
Antarctica.” PIK’s computer spoke; we are all doomed… You can read up on
all the gory details at Science Advances. Oh, no need to rush though,
the study says “We examine the [Antarctic] ice-sheet evolution over the
next ten thousand years with the Parallel Ice Sheet Model…” so you’ll
have a few years to digest the info. By then, a revised model may give
you the exact date …
Just remember though, 10,000 years
ago,Canada, central Europe and much of Asia were covered with a thick
layer of ice that disappeared, presumably, because some of our early
ancestors lit fires in some caves producing copious amounts of carbon
The “beauty” of all these computer models is that they
can neither be proven nor disproven within a reasonable time frame.
However, in the past 25 years or so, ALL of the highfalutin 100+
world-climate-prediction-super-computer models failed totally. None of
them predicted the “warming-pause” but each thought to know best. Dr. T.
Ball recently described the problem in detail in his post “Is It Time
to Stop the Insanity of Wasting Time and Money on More Climate Models?”
Even the most assertive (“extremely likely”) model predictions for a
decade out made just a few years ago were well above the actual observed
temperatures. Does anyone really think that such models can even
vaguely predict the earth’s climate 10,000 years from now?
On the
basis of such models, some deluded people appear to truly believe that
the world can (and should) replace all that carbon-based energy with a
few windmills and solar panels. However, that’s not yet the height of
delusion; for example, Germany has also committed to phase out all
nuclear power generation within a few years from now to be replaced with
wind and sun energy, all at the same time.
Wind Energy
if and when the wind blows strongly, the current 10,000+ windmills in
Germany produce electric power. Even if you want to disregard the blight
of such in the former natural landscape, even if you are willing to
forget their disastrous effects on birds, bats, butterflies and other
creatures, and even if you forget the demands for new country-side roads
to just build and maintain the windmills, they are not the panacea
claimed. In fact, many of these the windmills consumepower for blade
pitch control, yaw (directional) control, blade icing prevention, gear
and/or hub heating, even when they produce some. But it’s “good
business” for their builders and owners as they have
government-guaranteed construction benefits as well as feed-in tariffs
and delivery-preference over other energy sources. In other words, they
are buying their standby power for a few cents per kWh and selling their
product at a guaranteed multiple of that—whenever the wind blows. It’s
like having your cake and eating it too; a win-win situation for the
windmill developers and a guaranteed-loss situation for all electricity
How unprofitable the wind-power is in much of Germany
has been shown in a study on 1,200 systems there over the last 13
years. That study shows that 2/3rds of the wind-farms within Germany
were operating with a loss, despite the subventions.
Of course,
such a system only is possible with large government subsidies. In
reality though, the “government” is you and me and every other taxpayer
who is forced to pay that bill, including your and my children and
grandchildren – and well into the future. However, I’ve not mentioned
the even more crazy aspect of the wind-power systems, namely their
typical operating life span before major repairs or costly “upgrades”
are needed.
Windmill Operating Life
The purveyors of such
“modern” versions of 12th century windmill technology are keen to quote a
20-25 year operating life for their monstrosities. Actual experience
though is different. The average time for wind turbines operating
without major problems is more like eight years. After that, very costly
repairs to gear boxes and other “improvements” are needed. For example,
the hamlet of Wildpoldsried in southern Germany recently blasted two
wind-turbine towers into oblivion after only ten years of operation.
Among the reasons given was the “difficulty to get spare parts.”
wonder, from small villages in southern Germany to cities in Sweden,
such wind-power installations are being replaced well before their
previously touted “best before date” with newer, more “modern” and/or
“more efficient” designs. Oh yeah, the new designs will be lasting so
much longer than the old ones, paying for themselves (as well as the
previous systems not yet paid for by lower than expected income from
insufficient electricity production), provide a steady source of
financial return for the communities, the investors, and the government
coffers to boot.
In fact though, these communities and investors
are doubling down on a losing proposition. Perhaps they would also like
to buy some snake oil from me? I promise it will cure all ills, in no
time flat, if not sooner.
Alternatively, how about an investment in PIK’s computer predictions?
SOURCEMark Levin Lambasts Environmental Movement: 'An Attack on Capitalism Is an Attack on Liberty'Nationally
syndicated radio show host Mark Levin, on his show Tuesday, lambasted
the environmental movement as an attack on capitalism, and by proxy, an
attack on liberty.
Levin said of the environmental movement, “It
is an attack on capitalism, and by the way, an attack on capitalism is
an attack on liberty. They’re intertwined.” Levin continued, “You cannot
have a truly free society if the people aren’t free, if the people
aren’t free to trade and to participate in commerce the way they wish to
without certain limits.”
Levin said of the environmental movement:
whole global warming thing is a fraud. It’s being advocated by radical
leftists, the old communists, through a new generation in Europe that
they call the degrowth movement that they have exported to the United
States. And it has become a religion, and the arguments become more and
more idiotic and extreme, as I pointed out in ‘Liberty and Tyranny’ and I
point out in ‘Plunder and Deceit.’
“But let’s make no mistake
about it. It is an attack on capitalism, and by the way, an attack on
capitalism is an attack on liberty. They’re intertwined. You can’t have a
truly free society--and don’t give me Europe--you cannot have a truly
free society if the people aren’t free to trade and to participate in
commerce the way they wish to without certain limits, with certain
limits, obviously, legally and so forth. But redistribution of wealth,
or the government’s gonna take this and give it to that or the
government’s gonna nationalize something or other. Okay. That’s tyranny.
this entire movement, this environmental movement, is a communist red
movement. I’m not talking about those with their eyes wide open and
idealists in this country who clearly are not. I am talking about the
movement, the people behind it, the brains behind it, the people who run
it, like the people who advocate this position: Naomi Klein.
“Naomi Klein: ‘Capitalism increasingly is a discredited system because it’s seen as system that venerates greed above all else.’
me stop you there. Aren’t people who demand government benefits greedy?
And they don’t earn them, so they’re worse than greedy. They’re
stealing. They wanna use the law, politics, and government to steal from
somebody else. Are they not greedy, though? Oh, you’re gonna get free
health care. Well that’s greedy. You haven’t earned it. You haven’t
produced it. What do you mean you’re gonna get free … They’re greedy
too. Except, they don’t produce it.
“She says, ‘There’s a benefit
to climate discussion to name a system that lots of people already have
problems with for other reasons,’ and I read this to you before but
it’s worth underscoring. She said, ‘I don’t know why it’s so important
to save capitalism. It’s pretty battered brand. This focus on climate is
getting us nowhere. Many, many more people recognize the need to change
our economy. If climate can be our lens to catalyze this economic
transformation that so many people need for other even more pressing
reasons then that may be a winning combination. This economic system is
failing the vast majority of people.’
“So this red movement is the environmental movement, is the anti-capitalism movement.
its attack, you know, a lot of you--particularly younger people--you
love these Apple products. Apple wouldn’t exist but for capitalism, but
for cutting edge technologies and technological advances. And I’ve read
to you before, and I want to underscore this, Ayn Rand, in her book,
‘Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution,’ that’s how
she was defining this growing but nascent environmental movement. ‘Cause
it’s not an environmental movement. It’s an anti-america,
anti-capitalism, anti-free enterprise, anti-entrepreneur, anti-private
property movement.”
SOURCEIn Blow To Environmentalists, Judge Overturns NYC Foam Container BanA
New York judge overturned a law banning the use of foam containers in
New York City Monday, in a blow to environmental efforts being pushed by
Mayor Bill de Blasio.
The law went into effect in January, but
New York supreme court judge Margaret Chan overturned it on the grounds
the material could be recycled in a cost-effective manner, reported The
Polystyrene foam containers are used throughout the
food industry for commonplace things like egg-cartons and to-go cups.
Cities across the country have similar bans on foam containers,
including Washington, D.C., Albany and Seattle.
Until Monday, New York was the largest city in America to enforce such a ban.
referred to evidence the city could save $400,000 annually if 40
percent of its wasted plastic foam was not trashed, and with “machinery
improvements,” as much as 75 percent of the foam could be recycled. She
found 21 companies would buy used containers from the city.
department commissioner Katheryn Garcia failed to state “the basis of
her conclusions” in favor of the law, given the evidence contrary to her
findings “clearly before her,” Chan wrote in her decision.
products cause real environmental harm, and we need to be able to
prevent nearly 30,000 tons of expanded polystyrene waste from entering
our landfills, streets and waterways,” de Blasio’s office said in a
statement following the judge’s ruling, according to The Guardian. His
office is “reviewing options to keep the ban in place.”
SOURCEAustralian conservatives' warning to new PM: don't touch Direct Action climate policyWest
Australian Liberal Dennis Jensen welcomed the assurances of Environment
Minister Greg Hunt, who said Australia would not be altering its
climate change abatement measures in response to the Chinese
But asked if the party's right still had concerns
about what Mr Turnbull might do, Dr Jensen said, "absolutely".
"It's one of the conditions of the leadership change that we are
sticking with the policy we had," he told Fairfax Media. "It's
also in the [Coalition] agreement with the Nationals, as I understand
"We fought a very damaging leadership contest on this very
climate policy [in 2009], and we will now need to tread with enormous
care, put it that way," he said.
Another conservative, who wished
to remain anonymous, said: "Turnbull gave two assurances to people who
jumped into his camp: no change to marriage plebiscite and no change to
Direct Action.
"But I fear we will now be softened up in the next
couple of months leading into Paris talks with the argument that we
didn't want to get ahead but now that the world has acted, we need to do
more, and if that happens, things could become very interesting for
The warning to the green-inclined new Australian Prime
Minister reflects concerns among climate sceptics about Mr Turnbull's
longer-term plans for the area.
It came as a slew of policy
options in tax, education, and other areas ruled out by the Abbott
government were placed back on the table, and as China, the world's
biggest polluter, prepared to announce a landmark cap and trade scheme
to tackle climate change and the country's appalling air quality.
Xi was also expected to pledge a "significant financial commitment" to
help poorer nations move away from fossil fuels in a joint announcement
with his US counterpart, Barack Obama.
While Mr Turnbull declined
to comment, Mr Hunt was sent out to reassure nervous Liberals that the
development out of Beijing would not lead to a similar move from
"China's on track to be plus-150 per cent on its
emissions from 2005 to 2030. We're on track to be minus-26 to minus-28
per cent, so any form of action by any country is welcome, but for us,
we're getting the job done, we're doing it without a carbon tax, we're
doing it by lowering electricity prices ... and we're reducing emissions
in one of the most effective ways in the world," he told Sky News.
said Australia was doing its part, and while China's move was positive,
it was up to each country to work out what was best for it.
and the US – the two largest economies and greenhouse gas polluters –
are attempting to lead global action on climate change, and use their
international clout to pressure other countries, including Australia, to
do more.
Under Direct Action, the Australian government is
paying companies and farmers to make emissions cuts, while also setting
"baselines" for large polluting companies to try to put limits on their
A national Chinese emissions trading scheme would
expand on existing pilot projects in seven Chinese cities already up and
The national market would open in 2017 and would cover
industries including power generation and iron, steel and cement makers,
according to the White House officials who briefed reporters in
Australia's Direct Action scheme has been criticised
by some observers for lacking teeth and not being able to drive enough
cuts to meet the country's international targets to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions by 26 to 28 per cent from 2005 levels by 2030.
some believe Direct Action could ultimately be turned into a form of
emissions trading – called "baseline and credit" – in coming years if
there is sufficient political will.
The Coalition government has
said it will revisit climate policies in 2017-18 as part of an
increasing focus on meeting the 2030 goals. Meanwhile, the Labor
opposition has committed to introducing an emissions trading scheme as
part of its platform for the next federal election.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
27 September, 2015
The Vatican’s Advisors: An Unholy Alliance with the UN Global Warming AgendaIn
the preparation and promotion of its widely touted encyclical, Laudato
Si: On Care for Our Common Home, the Vatican relied on advisors who can
only be described as the most extreme elements in the global warming
debate. These climate advisors are so far out of the mainstream
they even make some of their fellow climate activists cringe. Many of
these advisors oppose individual freedom and market economics and stand
against traditional family values.
The Vatican and Pope Francis
did not allow dissent or alternative perspectives to be heard during the
creation and promotion of the encyclical. The Vatican only listened to
activist voices within the climate movement.
Even more startling,
many of the Vatican’s key climate advisors have promoted policies
directly at odds with Catholic doctrine and beliefs. The proceedings of
the Vatican climate workshop included activists like Naomi Oreskes,
Peter Wadhams, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, and UN advisor Jeffrey Sachs.
Francis’ advisors, and the UN climate agenda he is aligning himself
with, are strong supporters of development restrictions, contraceptives,
population control, and abortion. Despite these strange
bedfellows, the encyclical is clear in condemning abortion,
contraception, and population control.
There has been nothing
short of an “Unholy Alliance” between the Vatican and promoters of
man-made climate fear. The Vatican advisors are a brew of
anti-capitalist, pro-population control advocates who allow no dissent
and are way out of the mainstream of even the global warming
Here are profiles of some of the key radical voices with whom the Vatican has associated itself.
* UN Advisor Jeffrey Sachs
Sachs, a special advisor to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon,
participated in a 2014 Vatican workshop on sustainability as well as in
the Vatican summit on climate that took place in April 2015. Sachs was
reportedly the author of the Pontifical statement, Climate Change and
the Common Good: A Statement of the Problem and the Demand for
Transformative Solutions, issued on April 29, 2015.
Sachs, who is
also the director of The Earth Institute, believes climate skeptics are
responsible for the deaths of people due to alleged man-made, global
warming driven, extreme storms. Sachs tweeted on November 10, 2014, that
“Climate liars like Rupert Murdoch & the Koch Brothers have more
& more blood on their hands as climate disasters claim lives across
the world.”
Sachs is such a devoted salesman for UN “solutions”
to global warming that he declared: “We’ve got six months to save the
world or we’re all doomed.”
Many of Sachs’ views are at odds with Catholic teachings. Catholic activist Liz Yore detailed Sachs’ view on overpopulation.
a 2007 international lecture, Sachs claimed that ‘we are bursting at
the seams.’ The focus of Sachs’ overpopulation mantra is primarily the
continent of Africa. He argues that if only poor African countries would
just lower their fertility rate, the world and Africa would thrive
economically. This fear mongering is nothing new. Sachs is standing on
the shoulders of Paul Ehrlich, architect of the ‘sky is falling’
deception perpetrated in his 1968 book, The Population Bomb.”
concluded: It is “incomprehensible that the Vatican would be duped into
thinking that the United Nations and its Millennium and Sustainable
Development goals share common solutions for the world’s problems. The
Catholic Church welcomes children as a gift from God. The UN Secretary
General and Jeffrey Sachs want to limit children.”
In 2009, Sachs
addressed the annual conference of the Party of European
Socialists. He described the “profound honor” of addressing the
far-Left Party of European Socialists and said they were heirs and
leaders of the most successful economic and political system in the
world — Social Democracy. Social equity, environmental sustainability,
and fiscal redistribution are the successful elements in managing a just
society, Sachs maintained. This is, he argues, in marked contrast to
the U.S., whose taxes are too low and where the poor are ignored.
2009, in advance of the Copenhagen UN climate meeting, Sachs called for
a carbon levy, claiming that millions were suffering because of drought
caused by Western-induced climate change. Sachs has advocated for a
carbon tax and a financial transactions tax, a global health fund, a
global education fund, and a global climate fund. Sachs’ Earth Institute
at Columbia has included members of an external advisory board such as
George Soros and Rajendra Pachauri, former UN IPCC chairman. Soros has
funded Sachs via his Open Society Institute.
* German climate adviser Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
Joachim Schellnhuber, who has called for the “creation of a CO2 budget
for every person on the planet,” was appointed a member of the
Pontifical Academy of Sciences in June 2015 and was one of the four
presenters of Pope Francis’ new encyclical on the environment.
Schellnhuber was also a key player at the Vatican climate presentation
in 2014.
Schellnhuber is an atheist who believes in “Gaia, but
not in God.” In 2015, Schellnhuber boasted about having climate
skeptics excluded from participating in drafting the Pope’s climate
encyclical. The April 2015 Vatican climate summit in Rome banned a
skeptical French scientist from attending because the organizers
reportedly “did not want to hear an off note” during the summit.
is a scientific activist who is mocked even by his fellow warmist
colleagues. See: Warmist Ray Bradley trashes prominent warmist Hans
Joachim Schellnhuber for “spouting bullsh*t”; Phil Jones says, “We all
agree on that.”
At a meeting in Japan in 2004, Scientist Tom
Wigley found prominent EU warmist Schellnhuber to be “a bit of a
laughing stock among these people.”
Schellnhuber has also
declared human society needs to be managed by an elite group of “wise
men.” He referred to this idea as his “master plan” for the “great
transformation” of global society.
Schellnhuber’s views on
population also are at odds with Catholic teachings. Echoing the claims
of overpopulation guru Paul Ehrlich, he has claimed that when the Earth
reaches nine billion people, which is projected to occur soon, “the
Earth will explode” due to resource depletion.
Schellnhuber also
berates those who disagree with him, calling his critics “vicious liars”
and mocking Americans as “climate illiterate” for being skeptics.
* Naomi Oreskes
historian Naomi Oreskes has been actively involved in helping produce
the Papal encyclical. Oreskes wrote the introduction to Pope Francis’
book version of the encyclical.
Oreskes is perhaps best known for
her calls for placing restrictions on the freedom of speech of global
warming skeptics. Oreskes believes climate skeptics who dissent from the
UN/Gore climate alarmist point of view should be prosecuted as mobsters
for their tobacco lobbyist style tactics. See: Merchants of
Smear: Prosecute Skeptics Like Gangsters?! Warmist Naomi Oreskes likes
the idea of having climate ‘deniers’ prosecuted under the RICO act
(Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act).
Critics of Oreskes fired back that it is Oreskes herself – not the skeptics — who uses the tactics of the tobacco lobby.
a researcher, Oreskes’ body of work has not fared well among her
peers. She has been criticized by warmist and skeptical scientists
alike. See: Statistician from the U. of Mass Amherst performs very
polite savaging of claims of Naomi Oreskes.
Warmist scientist Tom
Wigley wrote that Oreskes’ work is “useless”. Wigley wrote: “Analyses
like these by people who don’t know the field are useless. A good
example is Naomi Oreskes’ work.”
Warmist scientist William M.
Connolley slammed Oreskes for “silly” and “shoddy” work. Connolley, a
former UN IPCC scientist, wrote that he “eventually concluded that
Oreskes was hopelessly wrong.” He explained that a high-profile Oreskes
“paper seems to have been written around pre-arranged conclusions…it is
unlikely that anyone outside the incestuous field of climate history
scholarship will notice or care.”
Others have been equally
uncharitable in describing Oreskes research. See: Warmist Naomi Oreskes
taken down — “consistently misrepresents the meaning of statistical
significance and confidence intervals” – “Oreskes, the historian, gets
the history wrong”
Oreskes has been undeterred, continually
ratcheting up climate alarmism to the point of silliness. See: Forget
Polar Bears, cats & dogs to die! Warmist Naomi Oreskes prophesizes
the climate deaths of puppies and kittens – Oreskes: “The loss of pet
cats and dogs garnered particular attention among wealthy Westerners,
but what was anomalous in 2023 soon became the new normal.”
Pope Francis is allowing Oreskes, who equates climate change to a “Nazi
atomic bomb,’” to write the introduction to the book-form of his
HERE (See the original for links)
On climate change, Pope Francis isn’t listening to the world’s poorBjorn Lomborg
global elite has little idea what afflicts the poor, says Pope Francis.
He’s right — but that observation sometimes applies to him, too.
his US visit, the pope is already creating headlines about the urgent
need to respond to climate change. Invoking the need to “protect the
vulnerable in our world,” he calls for an end to humanity’s reliance on
fossil fuels.
This comes after his June declaration that global
warming is one of the pre-eminent problems facing the poor. The elite,
he said, are out of touch if they don’t realise this: “Many
professionals, opinion makers, communications media and centres of
power, being located in affluent urban areas, are far removed from the
poor, with little direct contact with their problems.”
But do the
world’s poor believe that carbon cuts are a top priority? Since March
2013, the United Nations has sought citizens’ ranking of 16 policy
priorities. More than 8 million people have participated, with nearly 3
million living in the least developed nations.
In fact, an
education is the top priority for the world’s most disadvantaged,
followed by better health care, better job opportunities, an honest and
responsive government and affordable, nutritious food.
Both for
the entire world and among the worst-off, climate comes 16th out of 16,
after 15 other priorities. It’s not even a close race.
educated women from low-income countries are among the most vulnerable
people on Earth, with the weakest voice in global discussions. Their top
priorities are, again, health, education and jobs. Action on global
warming ranks dead last. And in Africa, global warming also comes behind
every other priority.
It’s only among those from the richest nations on Earth that global warming becomes more of a priority.
then, it ranks 10th. The world’s poor overwhelmingly say they want
better health care and education, more jobs, an honest government and
more food.
Pope Francis is right that the global elite often
forget what the world’s poorest want. But it’s not action against
climate change they clamour for, as he and many other well-meaning
people claim.
Faced with this clear rejection, many climate
campaigners somewhat patronisingly suggest that the poor don’t know
what’s best for them. Warming, they note, worsens many problems
afflicting vulnerable people — such as malaria.
Yes, rising
temperatures mean malaria mosquitoes can become endemic in more places,
possibly increasing infections, so not tackling global warming could
worsen malaria.
But this is a blinkered way of looking at the world’s challenges, and leads us to the wrong responses.
at it this way: We could make a similar argument about malaria itself.
If we don’t tackle it, millions will die — but a lot of other problems
become worse, too. Lack of malaria treatment disrupts development, as
sick children get fewer nutrients and their schooling suffers.
Malaria-endemic societies have lower economic growth rates, so millions
will be left in poverty longer.
What’s more, climate-change
policies such as the cuts on fossil fuels are a terribly inefficient way
to help malaria victims. The Kyoto Protocol’s carbon cuts could save
1,400 malaria deaths for about $258 billion a year.
By contrast,
just $716 million spent on direct anti-malaria policies could save
300,000 lives. Each time climate policies can save one person from
malaria, smart malaria policies can save more than 77,000 people.
is true for a wide range of issues. Carbon campaigners are right that
climate change could reduce agricultural yields. But helping directly
with more research, better crop varieties, more fertilisers and less
biofuels will cost much less and do much more good, faster.
spectre of worse hurricanes is often raised as an argument for cutting
CO2. But extreme weather mostly hurts the poor because they’re poor.
When a hurricane hits Florida, few people die; a similar hurricane in
Honduras or the Philippines can kill thousands and devastate the
economy. Helping people out of poverty directly is thousands of times
more effective than relying on carbon cuts.
Those who claim to
speak for the poor and say that climate change is the world’s top
priority are simply wrong. The world has clearly said it is the least
important of the 16 priorities the UN focuses on.
And when those
campaigners suggest the poor don’t know what’s best for them because
carbon cuts will stop global warming from making all other problems
worse, they’re wrong again. The poor are typically much better helped
directly rather than via climate aid.
This doesn’t mean we should
ignore global warming. It’s a real problem, and our advanced
civilisation can address multiple problems at the same time. But we need
to tackle warming much more smartly, with fewer resources and more
impact. And we should truly listen to the world’s poorest, and focus
much more on their real priorities.
SOURCESilence of the scientists: how the global warming RICO letter backfiredby Thomas Richard
reported here last week, we exposed how 20 scientists sent a letter to
President Obama and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, which urged
them to jail climate skeptics using provisions in the RICO Act. Today,
three more climate scientists have chimed in on the affair at the
popular climate site, NoTricksZone, and their responses to the
now-infamous global warming RICO letter are both shocking and revealing.
The letter, dated Sept. 1, argued that the "systemic
efforts to prevent the public from understanding climate change
resembles the investigation undertaken against tobacco" and called for
jailing individuals and organizations involved in providing more
balanced coverage in the climate change arena. After the letter was
outed by both Politico and Climate Depot, a firestorm on both sides of
the climate debate quickly erupted. Here is what three climate experts
had to say about the silencing of the scientists:
Judith Curry, a climate scientist at Georgia Tech who once argued for
the disbandment of the IPCC, shared what she thought of the letter at
the websiteNoTricksZone: "I am astonished by the naiveté of these
scientists, who are damaging their reputation by their naive meddling in
a complex policy debate." Noting that the U.S. would be picking a new
president in 2016 and who could very well be Republican, she seemed
amazed they didn't "realize that the tables could easily be turned on
them if the political winds change."
Not only that, but those
political winds would affect the "green advocacy groups and the
scientists that engage with them." As a climate scientist, Curry also
writes that the "science is sufficiently uncertain to allow several
rational narratives for what has caused 20th century warming and how the
21st century climate will evolve." Aside from the damage they are
inflicting on their own reputations, they are also damaging the public's
"perception of scientists as trustworthy sources of information."
biggest concern, though, is that the "coercion of scientists implied by
this letter will discourage objectivity in scientific research and will
discourage scientists from entering/staying in the field of climate
research." She also writes on her blog that what these scientists did
with this letter is the "worst kind of irresponsible advocacy, which is
to attempt to silence scientists that disagree with you by invoking
RICO. It is bad enough that politicians such as Whitehouse and Grijalvi
are playing this sort of political game with science and scientists,"
she says, "but I regard it as highly unethical for scientists to support
defeating scientists with whom you disagree by such methods."
climate expert, Dr. Sebastian Lüning, considers the whole affair to be
unprofessional. He writes that, "Rather than criminal lawsuits, we
urgently need an objective 'scientific court' where arguments of both
IPCC and skeptic sides are technically and open-mindedly discussed." Dr.
Lüning thinks it is "undemocratic and unprofessional to silence
scientists by legally threatening them if they do not subscribe to the
official interpretation / party line."
He also writes that
history is rife with examples where the pioneers in science, "such as
Galileo Galilee or Alfred Wegener would have ended up in prison." The
former, Galileo, did end up "sentenced to formal imprisonment" during
the Inquisition. One day later, his sentence was commuted to house
arrest, "where he remained under for the rest of his life."
latter, Wegener, first advanced the theory of plate tectonics and was
ridiculed by the scientific community for not being part of the
"consensus" that the oceanic crust was too firm for the continents to
move. Other geologists considered him an outsider, and a symposium was
"specifically organized in opposition to his theory." As any fifth
grader looking at a map of the world will tell you, it's pretty obvious
that South America fits quite nicely into Africa, like two puzzle pieces
on the same board.
And last but not least, Professor Nicola
Scafetta of Duke University provided a succinct comment: "Let us hope
that this evident politicization of science ends soon."
SOURCE Strong evidence that Svensmark's solar-cosmic ray theory of climate is correctby Magnus Cederlöf
respected climate theory that cosmic rays impact global temperatures
due to influence on cloud formation is given a real boost thanks to new
evidence. svensmark
Swedish climate researcher, Magnus Cederlöf
has performed a detailed analysis of climate data relating to cloud
formation and found that there is strong correlation in favour of the
theory of Henrik Svensmark (pictured). Svensmark is a physicist and
professor in the Division of Solar System Physics at the Danish National
Space Institute (DTU Space) in Copenhagen.
Magnus Cederlöf reports:
the comments to my last post, led the signature "Slabadang" me on an
interesting track. He claimed that the clouds varied in tune with the
solar radiation. If this would be the clouds would have a negative
feedback and thus balance the climate. I downloaded the satellite data
from CERES to check his data.
Below is how the global cloud cover
varies with the global solar radiation. The reason that solar radiation
varies over the year is that the Earth is in an elliptical orbit around
the sun. When we in the northern hemisphere has winter, we are
therefore closest to the sun. However, it is the angle to the sun which
means we have winter.
The global cloud cover and solar radiation variation over the year. The cloud cover is an average of the years 2000 to 2014.
it is a poor correlation between cloud cover and solar radiation if you
look at the Earth as a whole. However piling a completely different
picture up if you instead look at the two hemispheres:
For the
two hemispheres, there is thus a very good correlation between solar
radiation and cloud cover. The reason that you can not see any
correlation globally is likely that these variations are so much less
that they drown out the noise of the large variations in the
It is thus clear that cloud cover increases when
solar radiation increases. Then the sun's rays do not reach the earth's
surface and then counteracts the clouds changes. The same must therefore
apply to the carbon dioxide effect. When it increases, the clouds that
counteract the temperature change. Here we have again an example that
there is a negative feedback and not a positive feedback that the whole
scare propaganda in climate science based.
Note also that the
clouds are much larger in the southern hemisphere than it is in the
northern hemisphere. The reason for this is that there are more clouds
over the oceans, and there's a lot more sea in the southern hemisphere.
Climate sensitivity
is thus more clouds in the southern hemisphere, and the temperature is
also lower. Looking at 1000hPa level (near surface), the average
temperature of the southern hemisphere 14.4C and for the northern
hemisphere 16.5C. After millions of years of energy storage in the
oceans of the southern hemisphere, then the temperature is still much
One can not interpret it otherwise than that the oceans
hold temperature. A major reason for this must be that the clouds in the
southern hemisphere allows the sun's rays do not reach the earth's
In the southern hemisphere, the average cloud cover
65.5% and in the northern hemisphere 57.6%, according to CERES-date. If
the average solar radiation is 237W / m2 can then southern hemisphere
approximately 7.9% of 237W / m2 = 18.7W / m2 less sun than the Northern
Hemisphere. Now this is probably a little high counted for even if the
cloud cover is 100%, the clouds themselves to radiate towards the
Earth's surface.
The difference in temperature between the
southern and northern hemisphere is thus 2.1c and the difference in
solar is about 18.7W / m2. It allows every Watt / m2, equivalent to
about 0.11 degree. A doubling of carbon dioxide levels will provide
approximately 3.7W / m2, it therefore corresponds to approximately 0.4
degrees (climate sensitivity).
Now I have probably figured a
little low, since the change in insolation probably figured a little
high, and there may also be other reasons that the temperature between
the hemispheres differ. But it is still very far from the many degrees
of climate sensitivity horror forecasts suggest. I have previously
calculated the climate sensitivity of about 0.3 degrees by looking at
seasonal variations (here).
SOURCEScientists Debunk Arctic ‘Death Spiral’ ClaimsCurrent
conditions in the Arctic are completely within normal climatic
variability, according to peer-reviewed studies. Any ‘meltdown’ linked
to climate change is not shown in the scientific evidence. arctic sea
ice melt
Western mainstream media has been giving
prominence to the claims of a team of global warming alarmist
researchers who have alleged the Arctic is showing the first signs of
dangerous anthropogenic climate change. Articles have been written
outlining "tipping points" in the region that together form a chain
reaction leading to apocalyptic consequences.
These alarmists have stated that “Global heating and climate disruption
has already forced Arctic sea ice into a new state of 'death spiral'
meltdown and it is anticipated to disappear in Summer months within a
decade, or even a few short years, many decades ahead of previous
They then go on to push an end of the
world scenario of “The ALREADY accelerated escape of massive amounts of
the powerful, heat trapping greenhouse gas, methane, buried in the
frozen permafrost of northern Canada, Siberia and underwater ocean
This is the state of the hysteria
that is based on global warming starting a chain reaction of positive
feedback loops. Peer-reviewed scientific research highlighted
below shows that the main drivers of these predictions all fail.
Arctic Sea Ice Variability
Research shows that the Arctic has a long history of temperature swings
and of sea ice cover (SIC): “Grumet et al. (2001) used sea salt
Na+ fluctuations in a 700-year ice core record from the Penny Ice Cap
(southeastern Baffin Island) as a proxy for Spring sea ice concentration
and found that there was an apparent near-doubling in [SIC] over the
past century,”
Also the East Arctic was ice free and
experienced greater warming than at present a few thousand years ago.
In a respected research paper titled “Decadal-scale sea ice changes in
the Canadian Arctic and their impacts on humans during the past 4,000
years: the authors quote that:
“Our data show that from
~6500 to 2600 BP, there were large oscillations in summer SST from 2–4°C
cooler than present to 6°C warmer and SIC ranged from 2 months more sea
ice to 4 months more open water. The warmer interval corresponds to the
period of pre-Dorset cultures that hunted muskox and caribou.
Subsequent marine-based Dorset and Neo-eskimo cultures correspond to
progressively cooler intervals with expanded sea ice cover. The warming
took ~50–100 years and lasted ~300 years before replacement by colder
intervals lasting ~200–500 years"
Another example of
an ice free arctic is provided by the historically documents event of
the Danes and Scandinavians sailing through the arctic during the
Medieval Warm Period in 1122 AD. This is corroborated in an article
title “Variations in Climate” by Alexander Beck, ME linked below.
He states:
is precisely at this time that we find the Danes and several
Scandinavian nations going through the Arctic open seas. Colonies are
established by them in the highest northern latitude of Greenland, and
the upper part of North America…”
This history of
variability in temperature regime and sea ice concentration in the
Arctic puts the current warming of areas of the arctic into perspective.
It cannot be said that current conditions are unprecedented.
But it is alleged that the planet will now be pushed over a tipping
point because of the addition of anthropogenic CO2. The drivers of this
scenario are now examined.
Positive Feedback of Melting Permafrost Mitigated
permafrost actually results in peat lands becoming increased sinks for
CO2. Active peat lands have been shown to be a net sink for CO2 and
therefore any methane released by the melting of the permafrost and
their re-invigoration is mitigated. As the permafrost
degrades there is an increase in the amount of CO2 taken up by the peat
lands which at the same time release some Methane. The overall effect is
not one of a huge increase in greenhouse gases as one buffers out or
mitigates the others effect on the atmosphere.
Strack explains the net flow of CO2 in detail in the renowned book
“Peat lands and climate change”. This free publication states:
studies have documented increased rates of C storage as peat following
surface permafrost degradation”. Also on page 13: “Currently peat-lands
globally represent a major store of soil carbon, sink for carbon
dioxide... “
The authoritative book adds: “Thus in
response to permafrost degradation peatlands are likely to become larger
sinks for CO2.” (see Page 59).
HERE (See the original for links)
NOAA: Hurricane Drought Hits Record 119 MonthsAs
of today, no major hurricanes, defined as Category 3 or above, have
struck the continental U.S. in a record-breaking 119 months, according
to hurricane data kept by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric
Administration’s (NOAA) Hurricane Research Division (HRC) dating back to
Last year, President Obama warned that hurricanes will become “more common and more devastating” because of climate change.
Obama is now the longest serving president (since the 1851 start of
NOAA's data) not to see a major hurricane strike the U.S. during his
time in office. He is also the first president since Benjamin Harris was
in office 122 years ago to have no major hurricane strike during his
The last major hurricane to make landfall on the U.S. mainland was Hurricane Wilma, which came ashore on October 24, 2005.
That year was one of the most active hurricane seasons in recorded history, according to NOAA.
Katrina, Rita and Wilma all wreaked havoc on the U.S. during an intense
two-month period between August 29 and October 24 of 2005.
during the nearly 10 years since Wilma struck the U.S., no major
hurricanes have made landfall and none are expected by the end of the
current hurricane season.
According to the Saffir-Simpson
Hurricane Wind Scale, major hurricanes classified as Category 3 or above
have sustained wind speeds of more than 111 miles per hour and are
capable of causing “devastating” or “catastrophic” damage.
The previous record was an eight-year span during the 1860's in which no major hurricanes struck the U.S.
current hurricane drought is “a rare event” that is “unprecedented in
the historical record,” according to Timothy Hall, a hurricane
researcher at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
Hall also said there is only a 39 percent chance that the current hurricane drought will end next year.
at the Centre for Marine Sciences at the University of the West Indies
traced hurricane activity over the past 1,000 years by studying sediment
deposits in Jamaica’s Grape Tree Pond, which gets very little
precipitation outside of hurricane season.
“Our results
corroborate evidence for the increasing trend of hurricane activity
during the Industrial Era; however, we show that contemporary activity
has not exceeded the range of natural climate variability exhibited
during the last millennium,” according to a paper published August 5 in
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
25 September, 2015
UK: It's an inconvenient truth, but the global warming zealots are to blame for the deadly diesel fiascoAmid
all the reporting of Volkswagen’s rigging of emission tests on its
diesel cars, one inconvenient truth has been overlooked by the BBC and
many media organisations. It is that we very largely owe the prevalence
of these death-traps to the pernicious tyranny of the Green lobby.
they are death traps can scarcely be denied. They spew out vastly more
nitrogen oxide and nitrogen dioxide than petrol cars, both of which
gases are potentially damaging, and 22 times more particulates — the
minute particles that penetrate lungs, brains and hearts.
to Martin Williams, professor of air quality research at King’s College
London, diesel cars account for roughly 5,800 premature deaths a year
in the UK alone. Other experts put the figure even higher.
are also mostly responsible for alarming increases in air pollution in
our major cities, a particularly serious worry for the hundreds of
thousands of people who suffer from asthma.
In a well-ordered
society, you might expect the government to have discouraged the
proliferation of diesel vehicles. In fact, egged on or bullied by the
Greens and climate-change zealots, politicians over the past 20 years
have been doing the precise opposite. It seems hard to believe, I know,
but it’s true.
Twenty years ago, diesel cars
constituted a tiny minority. But following the signing of the Kyoto
Protocol in 1997, most Western countries, including Britain, were
legally obliged to reduce carbon dioxide emissions — alleged by some to
cause climate change — by 8 per cent over the following 15 years.
cars produce slightly less — but only slightly — carbon dioxide than
petrol ones. In 2001 the Labour government introduced a new tax regime
whereby cars were taxed according to how much carbon dioxide they
produce, a development that enormously favoured diesel over petrol.
(Duty at the pump has been the same for petrol and diesel since 2000.)
Brown, then Chancellor, also introduced tax incentives to encourage
company car buyers to plump for diesels. Across the EU, car
manufacturers were encouraged to develop diesel models.
As a
consequence, about half of new cars in Britain are now diesels. In some
European countries such as France and Italy, where there have been
similar inducements, the proportion is even higher.
When recently
buying a new car, I was attracted to a diesel partly because its annual
tax was only £40, in comparison to £150 for the petrol version,
otherwise identical. Happily, my wife, who had read about the polluting
effects of diesels, overruled me. Even I had been almost gulled by Green
lobbyists and the blandishments of politicians into doing something
that I would have regretted.
You may say ministers didn’t realise
that diesels discharge dangerous emissions — but you would be wrong. A
1993 report published by the Department of the Environment was fully
aware of the potentially lethal effects of diesel cars.
A senior
civil servant, who worked for the Department of Transport at the time,
is quoted in yesterday’s Guardian newspaper as saying: ‘We did not
sleepwalk into this. To be totally reductionist [ie, in the simplest
terms], you are talking about killing people today rather than saving
lives tomorrow.’
In other words, if this mandarin is to be
believed, it was thought preferable in Whitehall to accept the
inevitable deaths of many thousands of people as a result of promoting
diesels in return for the hoped-for long-term gain of saving an unknown
number of lives at some time in the future as a consequence of reducing
carbon dioxide emissions.
Isn’t this mad? And immoral? In the
first place, Britain accounts for only 2 per cent of all global man-made
carbon dioxide emissions, so a small reduction in that amount is hardly
likely to avert the catastrophe which climate-change zealots believe is
around the corner. And, in the second place, it’s by no means clear
that any such Armageddon lies in store for mankind.
am neither a climate-change zealot nor what is invidiously termed a
‘denier’. But the fact that there has been no recorded increase in
global temperature over the past 17 years — a period during which carbon
emissions have soared because of the rapid economic growth of countries
such as China and India — suggests to me that we should treat the more
hysterical claims of the Green lobby with caution.
But this is
not an area of rational debate. If it were, politicians would not have
given in to the bullying of the extremists who persuaded them to put the
theoretical effects of climate change before the actual and proven
damaging effects of pumping out nitrogen oxide and dioxide, and
carcinogenic particulates.
It’s true, of course, that over the
past decade or so car manufacturers have succeeded in reducing these
nasty gases emitted by diesels, but they have not eliminated them. That
is why Volkswagen found itself cooking the evidence, and trying to
hoodwink the American authorities into believing that its cars discharge
a lot less nitrogen oxide than they actually do.
Indeed, it is
one of the ironies of this story that America — which, to the outrage of
the climate-change lobby, did not ratify the Kyoto Protocol because of a
certain scepticism about man-made climate change — is far sterner about
vehicle pollution than any European country, including our own.
they got it the right way round? A baby being pushed by her mother in a
buggy, a cyclist and even an ordinary pedestrian walking along the
pavement of a busy street are being exposed to unnecessary risks as a
result of the completely foreseen dangers of diesel vehicles.
if you are the blameless owner of a diesel car, which is liable to
cause damage to other innocent people, you are justified in feeling that
you have been misled by weak-minded politicians, who have, in turn,
surrendered their good sense to a raucous and unreasoning mob.
mob have got their priorities in a serious twist. Surely responsible
environmentalists should have concentrated on the here and now, and
opposed the explosion in the number of diesel cars. But many in the
Green movement have their eyes fixed on a threat over the horizon which
may or may not exist, and care far less about present dangers.
is also why most of them champion exorbitant wind farms, which are
lethal to birds and scar the countryside, and why they induce pliable
politicians to replace coal-burning power stations with far less
efficient wood-burning ones. Vast forests are felled, and huge
quantities of wood transported halfway across the world at a
considerable cost to the environment.
In their
deafness to different points of view — in fact, in their rank
intolerance of opposing voices — these people often remind me of
religious fundamentalists. They shout down, or seek to censor, those who
don’t agree with them.
The pity is that mainstream media such as
the all-powerful BBC are themselves cowed and meekly quiescent, so that
a highly intelligent and well-informed climate-change sceptic such as
the former Tory Chancellor Nigel Lawson is virtually excluded from the
Volkswagen has emerged from this story as a devious and
untrustworthy conglomerate. But the biggest lesson of this debacle is
that successive British governments have sacrificed the interests of
ordinary citizens as they have caved in to the demands of a dangerous
bunch of zealots.
SOURCEWarming on VenusSince
I have recently put up two posts on the surface temperature of Venus, I
thought I should hand the discussion to an expert, my favorite
Pilsener, astrophysicist Lubos Motl. I am not going to reproduce
the whole of his article below, just enough to give you the ideaSteve
Goddard wrote an interesting article about the temperature of Venus. It
essentially argues that the "extra warming" by hundreds of degrees that
we see on Venus is mostly due to the adiabatic lapse rate - while the
greenhouse effect contributes just a small portion (a dozen of percent
at most).
Although I find his text somewhat sloppy about various
"details", I had to independently agree with the broad and important
conclusion - after some checks and self-corrections - and I will try to
convince you about the conclusion. This conclusion does mean that people
like Carl Sagan, James Hansen, and others who have been using Venus as
the model for the Earth's greenhouse effect were wrong even morally.
of the warming is caused by things that have nothing to do with the
absorption of infrared radiation, indeed. But as you might expect, most
of my text will be about some of the "details" because they can be
subtle and they include some elementary but interesting physics.
I argued in an article about the importance of black bodies, the stable
absolute temperature at distance "R" from the Sun goes like
"1/sqrt(R)". Because Venus orbits 0.72 AU away from the Sun, the surface
temperature should be something like 288 K / sqrt(0.72) = 339 K which
is 66 °C if the albedo, the composition of the atmosphere, and details
of the greenhouse effect were equal to those we know and love.
a little bit greater albedo (reflectivity), and Venus indeed has a
greater albedo than the Earth, Venus' surface temperature could actually
be equal to the temperature on the Earth. However, in reality, it is
the evil sister of the Earth: that's why Venus is the symbol of almost
all women. ;-)
The surface temperature is about 300-400 °C warmer
than what we calculated now. Because the atmosphere is almost entirely
composed out of carbon dioxide, and this gas dominates all standard
processes because it can do whatever the minor gases can do, we can
attribute the whole additional surface warming by 300-400 °C to the
carbon dioxide.
But what does the CO2 do to make the surface warmer? Is it the greenhouse effect?
concentration of CO2 on Venus is something like 300,000-500,000 times
greater than the same quantity on the Earth (92 times higher total
pressure; 3,000-5,000 times higher a percentage, depending on whether we
calculate the molar/mass percentage) - but the warming attributed to
this gas is only 100-200 times greater than it is on the Earth (at most 3
°C from all the CO2, including the natural one).
Clearly, the
warming increases much more slowly than linearly with the amount of CO2
when the concentrations get really large. However, it increases faster
than logarithmically when they're large: 300,000 is equal to 2^{18} or
so and 18 CO2 doublings should give about 18 x 1.2 °C = 22 °C (no water
feedbacks on Venus): that would be a sensible calculation if the
greenhouse effect were the cause.
The actual warming is more than
10 times as large, so if you believed that the extra 300-400 °C on
Venus' surface are due to the greenhouse effect - a belief that will be
addressed below -, you would have to conclude that the "climate
sensitivity per doubling" in the context of the Venus (huge
concentrations) has to be about 10 times bigger than it is on the Earth,
at very low CO2 concentrations that we are familiar with. The logarithm
would still be a relatively good enough approximation - much better
than the linear curve - but the sensitivity would have to be pretty
radically adjusted when we enter completely new physical regimes.
Steve Goddard essentially wants to argue that the greenhouse effect
plays no significant role on Venus: it's negligible relatively to the
temperature differences from our black-body calculations that are caused
by other effects (independent of the chemical composition). We will see
that although he doesn't explain much physics of why the warming should
be independent of the composition, he is essentially right.
claims that the surface of Venus would be equally warm if CO2 were
replaced by nitrogen, N2. (Goddard only wants to replace 90% of the CO2,
to keep most of its greenhouse effect which is created by the 10%, but
even with the full replacement, the results won't change much.) That's
the statement we will discuss in the rest of this article. Goddard
9000 kPa atmospheric pressure would occur on earth at an
altitude many miles below sea level. No such place exists, but if
it did – it would be extremely hot, like Venus. A back of the envelope
estimate – temperatures on earth increase by about 80C going from 20 to
100 kPa, so at 9,000 kPa we would expect temperatures to be in the
ballpark of : 20C + ln(9000/(100-20)) *80C = 400C
This is
very close to what we see on Venus. The high temperatures there
can be almost completely explained by atmospheric pressure – not
composition. If 90% of the CO2 in Venus atmosphere was replaced by
Nitrogen, it would change temperatures there by only a few tens of
To summarize, the adiabatic lapse rate is
a key effect that drives the temperature difference between the
tropopause - many kilometers above the surface - and the surface of a
planet. In fact, a pre-existing lapse rate is an essential pre-requisite
for the greenhouse effect, too (without it, the absorption and emission
would be balanced): the greenhouse effect may be understood as a slight
change of the pre-existing lapse rate.
The lapse rate has the
capacity to add hundreds of degrees Celsius to the surface temperature
of Venus, regardless of the composition of the atmosphere.
though I was originally critical about Goddard's text, I do think he has
demonstrated - or we have demonstrated, assuming that you agree that
many things were missing in his text - that the statement that the
"extra hundreds of degrees of Venusian heat" are mostly due to the
greenhouse effect is simply wrong.
SOURCENew Marshall Institute Report: Connecting Climate and National Security The George C. Marshall Institute is pleased to announce the publication a new study Connecting Climate and National Security.
This study examines the validity of the belief that a changing climate is intrinsically an issue of national security:
Obama Administration has proclaimed climate change to be a present and
future threat to the security of the United States. Two different
National Security Strategies articulate the case for environmental
forces creating security challenges domestically in the U.S. and around
the world and two successive Quadrennial Defense Reviews show that the
U.S. military is shifting its strategic thinking as well as resource
allocations to accommodate these new threats. Together, they demonstrate
that the institutionalization of environmentally-induced conflict as a
U.S. security concern is complete. Anthropogenic climate change,
characterized by a rise in global temperature and projected effects
thereof, is expected to lead to all sorts of calamities here and abroad.
"But is it true? These government documents and the bevy of
think tank reports that echo this theme would leave one with the
impression that the answer to this question is "yes." And, by saying
yes, one is left with little choice but to accept changes in strategies,
programs, and budgets to respond or reflect those challenges as well as
likely agreeing to policies that demand the mitigation of greenhouse
gas emissions in order to respond to the principal root of the problem."
present study advances ideas and arguments made by the Marshall
Institute in our 2012 report, Climate and National Security: Exploring
the Connection, which concluded: "In summary, efforts to link climate
change to the deterioration of U.S. national security rely on improbable
scenarios, imprecise and speculative methods, and scant empirical
Connecting Climate and National Security is available for free download
Not all energy is created equalThe
oil export ban is a relic of a bygone era during which ideas like “peak
oil” and “energy scarcity” were the conventional wisdom.
has taken action that actually advances free markets and limits
government intrusion. I was in the room when, on September 17, the House
Energy and Commerce Committee–with bipartisan support–advanced
legislation to lift the 1970s-era ban on crude-oil exports. HR 702, “To
adapt to changing crude oil market conditions,” is expected to receive a
full floor vote within a matter of weeks.
The export ban is a
relic of a bygone era during which ideas like “peak oil” and “energy
scarcity” were the conventional wisdom. Despite all those who cried
“wolf,” the U.S. is now the world’s largest combined oil-and-gas
Ending this obsolete ban would unleash America’s energy
producers on the global market, increasing domestic production and
creating jobs. Additionally, reports from experts at the non-partisan
Energy Information Administration and Government Accountability Office,
plus consultants at IHS, indicate that it will also lower prices at the
Like everything that seems to happen in Washington, DC,
these days, this initial victory may have a price tag that prevents its
final passage.
Getting the Democrats on board with removing the
barrier to exporting America’s abundance may likely require giving them
something they want. Morning Consult recently reported: “Momentum is
building in Congress to repeal the antiquated ban on exporting crude
oil. Lawmakers and energy industry representatives are talking about
other energy policies that could be swapped or combined to achieve that
objective. Renewable energy tax credits are part of the equation.”
“renewable energy tax credits” are mainly two: the wind Production Tax
Credit (PTC) and solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC). Like the oil-export
ban, the wind PTC is an archaic policy that has no place in today’s
modern reality of energy abundance.
Passed by Congress in 1992,
the PTC pays the wind industry for every kilowatt-hour of electricity
generated over a ten-year period. No other mature energy source–natural
gas, oil, or coal–can claim a similar carve out based on how much
product they sell.
The subsidy is so lavish that wind developers
can sometimes sell their electricity at a loss and still profit. The
New York Times has described this as wind’s “cannibal behavior” on the
power grid.
The PTC costs taxpayers like you and me billions of
dollars each year. Americans pay for wind twice: first in their federal
tax bills, then in their local utility bills. According to a new study,
commissioned by the Institute for Energy Research, electricity generated
from new wind facilities is between three and four times as expensive
as that from existing coal and nuclear power plants.
The Senate
Finance Committee claims a two-year extension would cost $10 billion
over the next decade. After decades of subsidies and multiple PTC
extensions, wind still generates less than 5 percent of our electricity.
Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) 83% (R-KS), who has long opposed the PTC
extension, told me: “With a skyrocketing $16 trillion debt and an
industry that is more than capable of standing on its own, there is no
reason why the federal government should continue to subsidize the wind
energy industry. Proponents of the Wind PTC continue to call for an
extension-for the umpteenth time. This handout costs taxpayers billions
and has caused significant price distortions in wholesale electricity
markets that translate into real costs for everyday consumers. If we
want a robust economy, it’s time to stop picking winners and losers in
the energy marketplace and finally end the wind PTC.
After two
decades of pork, the wind looters need to stand on their own two feet.
Most of the people in the wind industry I talk to know this, and I am
confident that those individuals and others in the energy industry will
enjoy many marketplace successes once we put a stop to the purely
political policies that we have seen to date.”
Despite the
mountain of evidence against wind subsidies-including increasing reports
of health issues and concerns over bird kills–this summer, before the
August recess, the Senate Finance Committee rushed through a package of
expired tax provisions, including the wind PTC. Now, wind lobbyists are
looking for a legislative “vehicle” to latch on to, preferably one with
bipartisan support, to push through another PTC extension without a fair
hearing, which is exactly why they’re eyeing the oil-export bill.
to The Hill, Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) said he could consider lifting
the ban “only if it’s tied to a permanent extension of the wind and
solar tax credits.”
Swapping the PTC for oil exports is a bad
deal, as lifting the ban deserves to pass in its own right. But what
many don’t realize is that trading the PTC for oil exports is also a
Faustian bargain that furthers President Obama’s destructive
climate-change agenda.
The PTC and the president’s climate agenda
are related because Obama’s sweeping new carbon regulations, known as
the “Clean Power Plan”-finalized in August-require states to drastically
cut carbon dioxide emissions. It does this by shuttering low-cost coal
plants and building new wind and solar facilities. The problem: wind and
solar are uneconomic without massive taxpayer handouts like the PTC and
ITC and market-distorting mandates like state Renewable Portfolio
This scheme is the centerpiece of Obama’s climate
legacy, which he hopes to cement in December at the United Nations
climate conference in Paris.
These carbon regulations will
inflict severe burdens on American families–especially the poorest among
us who can least afford to pay higher energy prices. A recent study by
the National Black Chamber of Commerce, for instance, found that Obama’s
carbon rule would increase Black and Hispanic poverty by 23 and 26
percent, respectively. For all that pain, the regulations will, perhaps,
reduce global temperature rise by 0.018 degrees Celsius in 2100-an
undetectable amount.
Buried in hundreds of pages of “analysis,”
the Environmental Protection Agency projects the wind industry will add
more than 13 GW of electrical capacity each year from 2024-2030. For
context, 13 GW is exactly how much capacity wind added in 2012, a record
year. It is also the year in which rent-seeking wind barons rushed to
build as many new turbines as possible to qualify for the PTC, which
expired at the end of the year. The following year, after the PTC
expired, wind additions collapsed by more than 90 percent–which
highlights the fact that the wind industry cannot survive in a free
This makes the wind PTC vital to Obama’s carbon
regulations. His plan depends on exponential wind growth, and the wind
industry depends on government handouts like the PTC to avoid total
collapse, let alone grow.
By not accepting a wind PTC tradeoff,
Congress can deal a blow to corporate wind welfare and Obama’s carbon
regulations in one shot. Congress must strip the PTC out of tax
extenders and refuse to use wind subsidies as a bargaining chip. The two
are totally unrelated. One is a liquid fuel used primarily for
The other: a way to generate electricity, albeit
inefficiently, ineffectively and uneconomically. One helps our trade
deficit problem and increases revenues as FuelFix reports: “liberalizing
crude trade spurs more domestic production, with a resulting boost in
government revenue from the activity.” The other: a hidden tax that
hurts all Americans.
By rejecting an extension of the wind PTC
and lifting the ban on oil exports, Congress would end corporate welfare
for wind lobbyists, deal a blow to Obama’s costly carbon regulations,
and free America’s entrepreneurs to provide abundant, affordable, and
reliable energy for all.
SOURCEFrancis Confuses Corporatism and CapitalismPope
Francis arrived Tuesday for his first visit to the U.S. He will not
only tour a Philadelphia prison and a Harlem school to showcase his
trademark concern for the poor and downtrodden, but he will give the
first-ever papal address to Congress Thursday on a range of topics. The
political angle is that Democrats have finally found a pope with whom
they can agree on the issues of climate and poverty — all while ignoring
traditional Catholic teaching on marriage and the sanctity of life.
arrived here by way of the Communist paradise poverty-stricken
totalitarian island known as Cuba, where he spent four days and met not
with dissidents but with Fidel Castro — whom he reportedly thanked for
his contributions to world peace. Notably, Francis arrived by plane, not
by homemade raft on the shores of Florida as do many of the poor people
fleeing Cuba's oppressive regime for the Land of Liberty.
Indeed, if Francis truly cares for the poor, he showed it quite poorly in this instance.
capitalism in general, he said in his recent apostolic exhortation
Evangelii Gaudium, “Today everything comes under the laws of competition
and the survival of the fittest, where the powerful feed upon the
powerless. As a consequence, masses of people find themselves excluded
and marginalized: without work, without possibilities, without any means
of escape. ... Such an economy kills.”
It's no wonder he has an eager audience in the Democrats and Castros of the world.
it's important to understand that Francis' views on capitalism are
informed by his experience in his home country of Argentina — a nation
beset with powerful families and businesses influential in government.
In other words, it's not the free market and it's not capitalism. It's
cronyism and corporatism.
It’s also ironic, writes Thomas Sowell,
considering “Argentina was once among the leading economies of the
world, before it was ruined by the kind of ideological notions [Francis]
is now promoting around the world."
God does warn His people
about loving money, and greed and inequity are part of sinful human
nature no matter the economic system. But which country's poor are
better off — Cuba's, Argentina's or America's? The truth is that no
economic system has done more than capitalism to lift the poor out of
Tyranny kills, not Liberty.
Furthermore, Jesus
never told his followers to perform charity by giving their money to the
Romans instead. Contrary to the assertions of far too many, Jesus was
not a socialist — He always preached individual responsibility for our
brothers and sisters, not collective statist mandates.
In many
respects, Francis' care for the poor is welcome. All Christians ought to
see every opportunity to help the disadvantaged among us. But it's the
pope's methods we object to. He is a proponent — at least tacitly — of
liberation theology, a synthesis of Marxism and Christianity born in
South America in the 1970s and 80s. Liberation theology embraces
collectivization, the subordination of the individual in favor of the
group, and the forced redistribution of wealth and property without fair
compensation. Furthermore, Marxism is profoundly anti-religion, making
its blending with Christian teaching like mixing oil and water.
noteworthy that Francis has thus effectively reversed the position of
John Paul II, who was a staunch opponent of such noxious theology, and,
together with Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, brought down the
Soviet Empire. Try to imagine John Paul glad-handing Fidel Castro while
dissidents languished in prison.
On the subject of climate
change, the onerous regulations and top-down government solutions
favored by Francis and his fellow alarmist travelers (and we do mean
travelers in fuel-burning jets all over the world) are exactly the
policies that will hurt the poor the most.
In his recent
encyclical, Francis declared, "The earth, our home, is beginning to look
more and more like an immense pile of filth." He blames the problem on
consumerism, corporate greed, overreliance on technology and the
poisonous political atmosphere in and among many nations. He called for a
radial change in how people conduct their political and economic
affairs and suggested that the time has come for each of us to alter our
individual lifestyles in response to climate issues.
But The
Wall Street Journal retorts, "Well, he should have seen East Germany
before the fall of the Berlin Wall, or the air in Beijing today.
Coercive governments are the worst befoulers of the environment.
Democratic capitalism has created the wealth and electoral consent to
clean the air and water, and only continued economic growth will create
the resources to deal with climate change if it does become a serious
threat to the Earth."
Francis says, “Humanity is called on to be
aware of the need to change lifestyles, production and consumption”
because the world is filled with a “culture of waste.” We're all for
using energy judiciously and curbing waste, but not under the pretense
of a UN-Vatican mandate, which is essentially the prescription Francis
In short, while Francis has authority over doctrinal
issues in his own church, his message on climate and economics is dead
wrong and it should be rejected.
SOURCEHillary Flip-Flops on Her Keystone Pipeline LegacyOn
Tuesday, Hillary Clinton expounded a bit on the legacy she formed while
secretary of state. She’s previously boasted of playing a “leading
role” in starting the review process for building the proposed Keystone
pipeline, which was designed to transport crude oil from Canada to
American refineries in the Gulf of Mexico.
It’s been gummed up
in bureaucratic review since 2010, though Clinton said then she would be
“inclined” to approve it. But now, she wants the pipeline buried. “I
think it is imperative that we look at the Keystone pipeline as what I
believe it is — a distraction from important work we have to do on
climate change,” Clinton told a crowd in Iowa. “Therefore I oppose it.”
decision was not based on principles good for the economy, but rather
political gain with her ecofascist base. Fellow Democrat candidate
Martin O'Malley said, “On issue after issue, Secretary Clinton has
followed — not forged — public opinion. Leadership is about stating
where you stand on critical issues, regardless of how they poll or focus
group.” (The ironic thing is the public supports the Keystone pipeline
by an overwhelming margin.)
The result of Clinton’s inaction as
secretary resulted in lost jobs and lost economic activity. Now, after
the Left has stonewalled the project for years, Clinton wants to simply
sweep it aside. Furthermore, she had the “courage” to make this
announcement while the media focused squarely on Pope Francis' visit.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
24 September, 2015
Aren't we clever? Or so the latest crop of bright-eyed Warmists seems to think
The story below is that global average temperatures are not a good
index of global warming. That seems to me to be a contradiction in
terms but let logic go by for now. The claim is that we should
look at the occurrence of extreme events instead. And we should
look at them not in terms of overall averages but rather at what occurs
in different parts of the globe. The logic of that is also suspect
(It's called "cherry-picking") but let that go by too.
So with
the benefit of much indulgence, we have a large claim that global
warming began much sooner that is usually said. But on what is
that claim based? If we go back to the original academic journal
article -- a pesky habit of mine -- we find more limited claims.
And, most crucially, we find that the whole thing is just a modelling
exercise, not a survey of real world data. I think we just need to
know one sentence from the journal article. Here it is -- from
the "Conclusions" section of the paper:
"This study suggests that
for much of the world, the anthropogenic emergence of temperature
extremes has already occurred as of the present date, at least in model simulations"
just computer games for grown-ups. No Warmist model has predicted
anything accurately yet so let that be a guide to you in assessing this
We Could Have Discovered Climate Change As Early As the 1940s if We Had Just Looked
The signs of global warming are hitting us over the head today — if
you’ll remember, the fire and drought-ridden summer of 2015 was the also
hottest in recorded history — but how long has our planet actually been
feeling the heat? In parts of the tropics, anthropogenic climate change
has been tinkering with the thermometer since the 1940s.
That’s the surprising conclusion of a new modelling study published
today in Environmental Research Letters. Running 23 global climate
simulations that combine historical trends (beginning in 1860) with
future emissions scenarios, researchers at the University of New South
Wales estimated when the very first fingerprints of climate warming —
extreme temperatures and shifts in the mean annual temperature — would
have become measurable across the world, had we been paying any
attention. Near the equator, the writing was on the wall decades before
the concept of anthropogenic climate change had been realised.
“Remarkably our research shows that you could already see clear signs of
global warming in the tropics by the 1960s but in parts of Australia,
South East Asia and Africa it was visible as early as the 1940s,” said
lead study author Andrew King in a statement. (That’s decades before the
the fore-thinking researchers at Exxon discovered global warming!)
Climate change is hitting high latitude ecosystems the hardest — the
Arctic, for instance, is warming twice as fast as the world at large.
For that reason — and the fact that most big research universities are
located in countries with seasons — what’s happening in the tropics has
been largely ignored. But as the new study shows, tropical ecosystems
may offer an even better long-term thermometer. Lacking a distinct
summer and winter, the tropics have a much narrower distribution of
temperatures year-round, which makes it easier, statistically speaking,
to spot small deviations and outliers years.
And while the tropics are experiencing smaller levels of warming than,
say, boreal forests, climate change stands to wreak even more ecological
havoc around the equator....
SOURCE. The paper is
"The timing of anthropogenic emergence in simulated climate extremes" by A.D. King et al. It is such useless stuff that I will not reproduce any more of it.
Surface temperature of Venus
In my last post yesterday, I pointed out that there is no need to
posit a "runaway greenhouse effect" to explain the high surface
temperature of Venus. A reader has emailed me with the
following thoughts on the subject
OK, so let's look at Venus' adiabatic process, as that is the secondary
reason for its atmosphere being as hot as it is at the surface.
Most important question to ask is this: "Where does the heat come from in the first place?"
Pressure alone does not maintain heat; pump a tyre up all you want, it will have cooled to ambient temperature if left alone.
So .... whilst the adiabatic process can maintain a temperature within
an atmosphere, there is still the need to add "new" heat to the system
to prevent the gas column from cooling down. If Venus' surface was not
as volcanic as it has been proven to be, the entire atmosphere would by
now have cooled down and with it the surface.
If there is no "new" heat added at the bottom of the adiabatic process
then the entire gas column has no option but to cool, considering that
the gas column radiates heat into space at all times, so heat is lost
all the time.
The surface temperature would end up in direct consequence of the solar
energy reaching it; in Venus' case, as no solar energy reaches the
surface, the surface would continue cooling until somewhere along the
gas column an equilibrium was reached between solar radiative energy
input and gas column radiative energy output.
When such an equilibrium is reached, no further cooling will take place
and the whole system becomes an easy to calculate temperature profile
based on solar input and absorptivity vs. emissivity of the gas column.
Thus, on Venus, as on Earth, it is the surface that heats the gas column
and the adiabatic process recycles this heat, losing at the top of the
gas column and gaining at the surface. It's gravity versus specific
gravity that drives the adiabatic process, which in itself does not
create heat, it merely recycles it by expanding and contracting the same
gas mass.
The surface of Venus has been shown to be mostly smooth, caused by
recent and active volcanism; that activity means that the surface is
constantly renewed and is thus close to the temperature of molten rock.
This process is in turn driven by the gravitational forces which in turn
are driven by its proximity to the Sun; same as on Earth but to a
lesser degree, thankfully.
So the surface of Venus will be hot due to underlying volcanism and not due to its hot atmosphere!
Additionally, the formula for adiabatic "heating" is looking at the
phenomenon upside down .... The atmosphere cools with increasing
altitude, it does not warm with decreasing altitude! Hah! Same result,
different way of looking at the reality.
It all starts and finishes with the output of our Sun, the ONLY driver
of our climate. All other influences are secondary and a consequence of
the solar input in the first place.
Carbon dioxide or any other gas has no function in making or keeping Earth or Venus "warmer than it should be."
I am still a skeptic
The Associated Press has just revised their stylebook to say that both
"climate skeptic" and "climate denier" are now deplored. Journalists
should now say "climate change doubters" or "those who reject mainstream
climate science".
Anthony Watts
has said that he too will adopt AP usage. He does generally try
to maintain some respectability in establishment circles so that
decision is to be expected of him. And he may be wise to do so.
I however have zero inclination to make nice with frauds and charlatans,
so will continue to call myself and similar others "skeptics".
I in fact probably deserve the title of skeptic more than almost anyone
else. My many papers in the journals attest that I am totally
skeptical of the mainstream claims within my own field of political
psychology and that is only my starting point.
I also don't believe in Jesus Christ, Karl Marx or Global warming.
I further don't believe in the adverse health effects of dietary fat,
salt or sugar. And I most certainly don't believe that Leftists
are "compaseionate".
Am I the world's most skeptical person? Could be. And
perhaps because I am not burdened by any false beliefs, I live a
very happy life.
UPDATE: Someone has suggested that, as well as saying what I do not
believe in I should also say what I DO believe in. And that is very
easy. I believe in all the things that Leftists consider stupid and
old-fashioned: Honesty, truth, frankness, objectivity, integrity,
morality, humility, generosity, kindness, laughter, courage, justice
(without adjectives) and, above all, the central importance of children
and the family. How crazy can you get? I am old now so what I think
matters little but I am pleased that my mathematician son has similar
values. He even laughs at my jokes!
Why are those at the top of organisations so much more gullible on climate?
I’ve noticed a repeated pattern throughout the world that the people who
run organisations tend to be the most extreme of the climate
extremists. Why?
Some examples: the Pope, US president, Nurse (former head of Royal Society), Richard Branson.
Here are some suggestions:
* Those who can do … do. Those who can’t do … become managers. In other
words, those who understand how things work in the world, tend to be
interested in things that work. After all … it’s no great skill for us
humans to interact with other humans. And management is really not that
difficult – any decent parent knows how to be a manager, but only a few
of us have the skills, education and experience to various aspects of
the world.
* Heads of organisations are seldom great thinkers. Instead, they are
great at convincing other people to hand over ideas, power, etc. In
other words, it is not what you know, but who you know who knows what
you need to know – and the head’s ability to persuade underlings to hand
over what they know to the heads who don’t know. So, the heads become
powerful, by creating a coalition of people to feed them information,
rather than knowing the information for themselves. As such they are
extremely vulnerable to false information and “group-think”.
Particularly ideas of their social grouping which they like … because to
put it quite simply, they lack the knowledge/intelligence to know when
they are being fed bullshit.
* You don’t get to be head of some big organisation without a great deal
of arrogance. And there can be nothing more arrogant than the idea that
us humans could significantly change the climate. But also heads of
organisations tend to live “consensus” decision making. Not that they
seek a consensus, but instead, if they perceive a “consensus” even if
all the individuals are cautious about a subject, they will tend to see
“consensus” as showing that there is no need for caution. So, often
heads, despite their almost total ignorance on a subject, will, if a
“consensus” is present, be far less cautious than their advisers on a
subject. Which works – when the advisers have all formed their own views
– but is a recipe for disaster when they all come to their view from
the same source.
* World leaders today have a particular problem with climate. Because
unlike those of us, who have pretty much stayed in the same place for
decades on end, and whose own experience tells us the climate extremists
rhetoric is bullshit, someone who has constantly moved location in
their political career and doubtless goes on exotic foreign trips to
relax rather than walk out their own front door … they haven’t a clue
what is “normal” for even their own “local” climate. That’s because they
don’t have a “local” climate.
Bryozoans to the rescue!
Some Warmists are hedging their bets. They have found something else that is not in their dinky models
FOR years scientists have been telling us that climate change is bad. And at the rate it is happening, it is.
The polar ice caps are melting much quicker than previously thought with
experts predicting sea levels could rise by as much as a metre within
the next 100 to 200 years.
For Australia this means more destructive storm surges causing more widespread flash flooding.
But now it seems there is a positive to all this ice melting.
A team of scientists who have been studying the sea life in the West
Antarctic have found the melting ice has boosted the number of creatures
living on the sea floor.
Not only that but these particular marine animals, bryozoans or moss animals, are now acting like a carbon sink.
A what?
Basically, these creatures suck up CO2. And because their numbers have
doubled over the past two decades, scientists estimate they are sucking
up so much CO2 it is equivalent to about 50,000 hectares of tropical
The findings were published in the journal, Current Biology, this week.
“It was a surprise that life had been invisibly responding to climate
change for more than a decade below one of the most obviously visible
impacts of climate change: the ‘blueing’ poles,” David Barnes of the
British Antarctic Survey (BAS) said. “We’ve found that a significant
area of the planet — more than three million square km — is a
considerable carbon sink and, more importantly, a negative feedback on
climate change.”
Mr Barnes says it is well known the polar ice caps melting has had a negative effect on Earth.
He explained when sea ice melts it exposes more darker patches. So the
poles go from being a reflective white to a much darker blue therefore
absorbing more heat and melting more ice.
According to the study, it was once thought that Arctic forests and new
algal blooms where ice shelves disintegrated were, to some extent,
working against climate change.
Scientists now believe, based on studies of West Antarctic bryozoans,
that other organisms living on the sea floor “could be more important
than both” when it comes to accumulating and burying carbon.
In the new study, Mr Barnes and his colleagues collected specimens
across West Antarctic seas and calculated the density of creatures on
the sea bed using high resolution images.
The data, which was collected over 20 years, revealed a marked increase
in the production of carbon in the bodies of West Antarctic bryozoans.
The researchers calculated that growth of the bryozoans has nearly
doubled, with the animals taking in more than 2 x 10x5 tons of carbon
per year since the 1980s.
They also estimated the bryozoans absorbed around 2.9 x 10x6 tonnes of
CO2 per year, which is equivalent to about 50,000 hectares of tropical
What has the researchers more excited is that they believe this carbon
is likely to become trapped and buried at the bottom of the ocean.
Mr Barnes said there were surprising differences in the amount of carbon
taken up in different regions in Antarctica linked closely to the sea
ice losses at each location.
He said the South Orkney Islands — the world’s first High Seas Marine
Protected Area — was a “bang on a carbon hotspot, without us realising”.
“The forests you can see are important with respect to the carbon cycle
and climate change, but two-thirds of our planet is ocean, and below it
the life you can’t see is also very important in climate responses as
well,” he said..
Scientists now hope to study the Arctic to find out if similar things are happening there.
EPA’s Gold King Whitewash
By Paul Driessen
“EPA and ER had simply ‘miscalculated’ how much water had backed up…. We
were ‘very careful.’ The highly acidic, toxic flood was ‘worse
aesthetically’ than in reality. Contaminants were ‘flowing too fast to
be an immediate health threat.’ … The river is ‘restoring itself’ back
to ‘pre-spill conditions’. We just need a ‘focused dialogue’ moving
Can anyone imagine EPA or President Obama making such statements in the
wake of a private industry accident? Just recall the hysteria over the
Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska, Deepwater Horizon (Macondo) blowout in the
Gulf of Mexico, PCB contamination in the Hudson and Fox Rivers, Duke
Energy coal ash spill in North Carolina, and other accidents.”
Tom Sawyer would be proud. Rarely has there been a finer whitewash than
EPA’s with the Gold King Mine disaster. Let’s hope that the whitewash
eventually erodes, so that we can get to the truth about Gold King,
learn from the disaster, and make better decisions about how to clean up
thousands of abandoned mines—while still harvesting the vital raw
materials that make modern life possible.
On August 5, as most people now know, an Environmental Restoration (ER)
company crew—supervised by officials from the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and Colorado Division of Reclamation, Mining and
Safety (DRMS)—used a big excavator to dig away tons of collapsed rock
and debris (“overburden”) that since 1995 had created a natural dam and
blocked the entrance to the Gold King Mine, above Silverton, Colorado.
The mine had been abandoned since 1923, except for a brief period in the
late 1980s, and water had been seeping out of the caved-in portal for
years. The water was acidic and contained iron, lead, cadmium, mercury,
and other heavy metals.
The crew kept digging—until the greatly weakened rock and earth dam
burst, unleashing (at least) a 3-million-gallon toxic flash-flood that
rapidly contaminated the Animas and San Juan Rivers, all the way to Lake
Powell in Utah. To compound the disaster, EPA then waited an entire day
before notifying downstream mayors, health officials, families,
kayakers, farmers, ranchers, and fishermen that the turmeric-orange
water they were drinking, paddling in, or using for crops and livestock
was contaminated by heavy metals.
Three million gallons of water and sludge would fill a pool the size of a
football field down seven feet (120 x 53.3 x 2.3-yards). As
professional geologist Dave Taylor had warned in a letter to the editor
of a local newspaper a week before the blowout: Faults, fractures, other
mines, topographic features, rainfall, and snowmelt in the area meant
water had probably backed up hundreds of feet upward into mine drifts,
raises, stopes, rooms, and other passageways that begin at 11,458 feet
above sea level. Other experts had given the EPA and DRMS similar
warnings as much as two years earlier.
Water was likely accumulating at the rate of 500 gallons per minute,
Taylor said, building a “head pressure” of 1 PSI for every 2.3 feet of
vertical rise. That meant a sudden release would send toxic water and
sludge flash-flooding with incredible power down nearby creeks and
rivers. Which is exactly what it did. Not surprisingly, the official
downplaying and whitewashing began almost immediately.
EPA and ER had simply “miscalculated” how much water had backed up. It
was just trying to stick a pipe into the top of the mine to safely pump
liquid out for treatment. We were “very careful.” The highly acidic,
toxic flood was “worse aesthetically” than in reality. Contaminants were
“flowing too fast to be an immediate health threat.” Barely a week
after the spill, the river is “restoring itself” back to “pre-spill
conditions.” We just need a “focused dialogue” moving forward.
Can anyone imagine EPA or President Obama making such statements in the
wake of a private industry accident? Just recall the hysteria over the
Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska, Deepwater Horizon (Macondo) blowout in the
Gulf of Mexico, PCB contamination in the Hudson and Fox Rivers, Duke
Energy coal ash spill in North Carolina, and other accidents. Those
cases drew vicious, long-lasting condemnation:
The affected waters will be polluted for years or even decades. Wildlife
will be wiped out. There is no safe threshold for chemicals. They are
toxic and carcinogenic at parts per billion. Criminal corporate
polluters should be jailed and fined big-time. We will keep our boots on
their necks.
Astounding incompetence and negligence
Gold King is an unconscionable disaster that should never have happened.
EPA is the government agency that wants to control every puddle of
water, every cubic foot of air and carbon dioxide, every car, household,
hospital, mall, office building, highway, farm, and factory in America.
Its cavalier incompetence and gross negligence in this case are
Environmental Restoration, the private EPA contractor that caused the
toxic flood, had produced a June 2014 work plan for the planned cleanup.
Regarding the lack of access to the mine since 1995, when the entrance
partially collapsed, the plan warned:
This condition has likely caused impounding of water behind the
collapse. In addition, other collapses within the workings may have
occurred, creating additional water impounding conditions. Conditions
may exist that could result in a blowout of the blockages and cause a
release of large volumes of contaminated mine waters and sediment from
inside the mine, which contain concentrated heavy metals.
That work plan, Dave Taylor’s letter, and prior experience with the
nearby Red & Bonita Mine (discussed later in this article) meant
both EPA, DRMS, and ER knew the high risks in advance. And yet they went
ahead, with no containment pond to catch runaway water, and no
emergency procedures to deal with a blowout and toxic spill. They didn’t
even follow their own ill-conceived plan.
(The EPA contingent had actually begun work at Gold King in September
2014 and had removed some 20 feet of “overburden” material that was
blocking the entrance. However, it halted the operation when it
determined that its analysis of the mine layout was partly in error; it
then backfilled the area with crushed rock, compacted the fresh
material, and made plans to return in August 2015—which it did. In the
process, the team may have blocked two water drainage pipes that had
been installed at the floor of the portal.)
During 2015, EPA intended “to remove the blockage [to the mine entrance]
and reconstruct the portal at the Gold King Mine, in order to best
observe possible changes in discharge caused by the installation of a
bulkhead” in the Red & Bonita Mine, the plan says. Despite warnings
of a water impoundment, the plan of operations assumed there would be
little water in the mine. It reads in part:
Use removed material to create manlift access ramp to area above portal….
Excavate loose material from the top of the high wall.
Hang wire mesh on the high wall as excavation to the sill of the portal proceeds.
Excavate to the sill and into the competent rock face at the portal.
Gradually lower the debris blockage with the appropriate pumping of the impounded water……
EPA had posted 191 photographs of the area and the crew’s
progress—covering the period right up to and for several hours after the
flash-flood. These made the agency and contractor negligence very
apparent. However, a day after my article and link to the
photo archive was posted, the entire collection mysteriously
disappeared. Most of those pictures and many others relating to the
incident and the belated emergency response were finally reposted and
can now be seen in this collection and in this one.
None of the photos shows the crew creating a manlift or excavating from
the top of the high wall. They make it clear that the crew simply dug
and hauled away enormous volumes of overburden, from above the portal
downward—until the remaining rock and soil could no longer hold back 3
million gallons of water, and a toxic orange flood roared out of the
(The August 6 long distance photos at 12:51 and 12:53 suggest how much
rock and debris had filled in the portal area. The August 4 image at
10:28, with the Caterpillar excavator, shows that extensive overburden
had already been removed on the first day.
The August 5 photo, at 10:51, clearly shows the portal and extent of
excavation; the Cat has already been moved, because the dam has begun
giving way. By 10:54 water is flooding out. By 10:56 a real gusher
washes away part of the road and at 11:08 a half-submerged Chevy
Suburban is adrift in the flash-flood which, as EPA notes in its
internal report, lasted nearly an hour. The August 6 close-up at 12:53
shows the portal after the flood had washed the remaining natural dam
Adding insult to the injury and flagrant negligence, a month after the
spill, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) told the Navajo
Nation that FMEA would not provide disaster relief – and EPA began
removing emergency water tanks it had provided to Navajo ranchers. This
was after the first water tanks it provided were still contaminated
with oil from a previous operation! But EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy
did say she was “absolutely, deeply sorry this happened.”
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
23 September, 2015
Why do we hear nothing from the Greenies about Third World cooking fires?
Using wood and cow dung to make cooking fires is widepread throughout
South Asia. It is so prevalent that much of South Asia has a
"brown cloud"
hanging over it most of the time. It's pollution so bad that it can be
seen from space. And that has been known since 2002.
Breathing in the originating smoke down on the ground is an obvious
health hazard -- far worse for you than CO2 will ever be. Just try
breathing in the smoke from a cooking fire yourself if you doubt
So if those wonderfully "compassionate" Green Leftists who worry so much
about the health impacts of global warming were actually sincere, they
would be exerting great efforts to protect Asians from this scourge,
don't you think?
But there is only one way to give the poor of the Third world an escape
from such hazards: Give them at least a mini version of a modern
kitchen. And that mostly means supplying them with electricity.
Horrors! say the Greenies. We can't have that! Generating
more electricity will add to global warming. So Greenies oppose
all efforts by Third world countries to supply their people with
electricity. They even bully Western banks into not lending money
for hydro-electric dam building. Greenies hate dams too.
So let the poor of the world die of lung disease! That is the Greenie gospel. You see how "caring" they are.
The article below puts some numbers on the problem. Over 3 million
people die from the smoke each year. But note that the study
only covers outdoor cooking. But a lot of Third world cooking is
indoors, which obviously gives much more exposure to smoke. So
many millions more must be the overall death toll -- JR
The contribution of outdoor air pollution sources to premature mortality on a global scale
J. Lelieveld et al.
Assessment of the global burden of disease is based on epidemiological
cohort studies that connect premature mortality to a wide range of
causes1, 2, 3, 4, 5, including the long-term health impacts of ozone and
fine particulate matter with a diameter smaller than 2.5 micrometres
(PM2.5)3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. It has proved difficult to quantify
premature mortality related to air pollution, notably in regions where
air quality is not monitored, and also because the toxicity of particles
from various sources may vary10. Here we use a global atmospheric
chemistry model to investigate the link between premature mortality and
seven emission source categories in urban and rural environments. In
accord with the global burden of disease for 2010 (ref. 5), we calculate
that outdoor air pollution, mostly by PM2.5, leads to 3.3 (95 per cent
confidence interval 1.61–4.81) million premature deaths per year
worldwide, predominantly in Asia. We primarily assume that all particles
are equally toxic5, but also include a sensitivity study that accounts
for differential toxicity. We find that emissions from residential
energy use such as heating and cooking, prevalent in India and China,
have the largest impact on premature mortality globally, being even more
dominant if carbonaceous particles are assumed to be most toxic.
Whereas in much of the USA and in a few other countries emissions from
traffic and power generation are important, in eastern USA, Europe,
Russia and East Asia agricultural emissions make the largest relative
contribution to PM2.5, with the estimate of overall health impact
depending on assumptions regarding particle toxicity. Model projections
based on a business-as-usual emission scenario indicate that the
contribution of outdoor air pollution to premature mortality could
double by 2050.
"Nature", 2015
The Climate Skeptic’s Guide To Pope Francis’ U.S. Visit: Talking Points About The Pope & Global Warming
Do Catholics have to believe in man-made global warming in order to be
good Catholics? No. The Pope’s view on climate science and its alleged
“solutions” are not part of the faith and moral teachings of the church.
When the Pope speaks on climate change, he is not speaking
authoritatively on Catholic doctrine. He is merely offering his opinion.
Catholics are not bound to follow the Pope’s view on global warming.
Is climate change a part of Catholic teachings now? No. Climate change
is not part of Catholic doctrine. It is just another political issue to
be debated among Catholics and the general public. The Federalist’s
Rachel Lu: “The pontiff clearly has high authority to speak (at least to
Catholics) on questions of faith and morals, but when it comes to
predictive pronouncements on the Earth’s climate, he is not a definitive
expert. Nor does he claim that mantle in Laudato Si.”
Does the Pope’s encyclical present accurate climate science? No. Noted
climate statistician Dr. William Briggs was blunt in his assessment.
“Most of the scientific claims cited in Pope’s encyclical are not true,”
Briggs said. “For example, the claim that the world’s temperature has
been increasing is demonstrably false: it hasn’t, and not for almost two
decades. Another is the claim that storms are increasing in size and
strength: also false; indeed, the opposite is true. Another is the claim
that thousands of species are going extinct: false, and easily proved
to be so,” Briggs added.
Who is advising Pope Francis? Sadly, there has been nothing short of an
“Unholy Alliance” between the Vatican and promoters of man-made climate
fear. The Vatican advisors can only be described as a brew of
anti-capitalist, pro-population control advocates who allow no dissent
and who are way out of the mainstream of even the global warming
establishment. Regrettably, the Vatican only listened to extreme
voices within the climate movement with whom even other climate
activists are not comfortable. Many of the Vatican’s key climate
advisors have promoted policies directly at odds with Catholic doctrine
and beliefs on such issues as population, contraceptives, abortion, and
euthanasia. But despite these advisors, “Population control is condemned
at some length, and in no uncertain terms, in the encyclical itself,”
as The Federalist’s Rachel Lu points out.
Did the Vatican allow a climate debate at the Vatican before the
encyclical was issued? No, none at all. In fact, the Vatican went out of
its way to exclude skeptics from participating in their meetings. The
Vatican banned a skeptical French scientist from its climate summit. The
scientist who was invited then uninvited said the reason was that the
Vatican “did not want to hear an off note” during the summit with UN
Is the Pope hoping to use the encyclical to bring Catholic teachings to
the secular environmental Left? Father Dwight Longnecker explains the
strategy behind the encyclical: “The Pope successfully integrates a
theology of creation into the ecology debate. He affirms, as so many
environmentalists affirm, that ‘all things are connected.’ In doing so
he then connects the rights of the unborn, the needs of the poor, the
rights of immigrants, the needs of the elderly and disabled, and the
rightful demands of the workers.” Many non-Catholics who are interested
in reading the Papal encyclical will learn about Catholic teaching on a
host of moral issues that they have probably have never been willing to
listen to before. There is a lot in this encyclical that the global
warming establishment will not like. For example, warmists will be
challenged by Pope Francis when he states that it is “incoherent” to be
concerned with climate change while at the same time supporting
The Pope’s strategy may be working. None other than Al Gore is being
swayed. Gore said: “I was raised in the Southern Baptist tradition, I
could become a Catholic because of this Pope. He is that inspiring to
Should Catholics ask God for a successful outcome to the UN climate
summit in Paris? No. But Pope Francis did summon a lobbying tone when he
urged prayers for the passage of a UN climate treaty, specifically
exhorting Catholics “to ask God for a positive outcome” for a Paris UN
agreement. Pope Francis: “We believers cannot fail to ask God for a
positive outcome to the present discussions, so that future generations
will not have to suffer the effects of our ill-advised delays.” So no
matter how nuanced and faithful to Catholic teachings this encyclical
seeks to be, the Pope urging Catholics to “ask God for a positive
outcome” to the current UN global warming treaty process will overpower
every other message. The Pope is essentially endorsing a specific UN
political climate treaty and implying that God is smiling upon the
treaty process.
Is the state of the planet as dire as Laudato Si claims? No. The Pope’s
general point that man has a moral duty to care for creation is
traditional Catholic moral teaching. However, Catholics need not
agree with his encyclical’s opinion on the dire state of the planet. The
Pope declared in the encyclical: “The Earth, our home, is beginning to
look more and more like an immense pile of filth.”
But Alex Epstein, author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, responded:
“If the pope from 300 years ago could see our world today, he’d say it
was actually cleaner and healthier than his own era.” Another climate
skeptic responded: “We live in luxury that even kings a few centuries
ago could only dream of. You only have to look at the filth and squalor
in which previous generations lived to know that most people in the past
would have given anything to be born now.”
As noted in its article “Sorry Pope Francis, the State
of the Planet Is Getting Better,” “If it’s covered in trash, it’s a
strange kind of trash that has caused global crop yields to increase by
160% since 1961 and deaths from droughts to be reduced by 99.8% since
the 1920s.
It’s an odd kind of ‘mistreatment’ of the planet over the life of the
Industrial Revolution that’s resulted in the global life expectancy
rising from 26 years in 1750 to 69 years in 2009. This is in spite of
the fact that Earth’s population increased from 760 million to 6.8
billion and incomes (in real dollars) rose from $640 to $7,300 during
the same period.”
Doesn’t the encyclical discuss other things besides climate? Yes. In
fact, climate is a very small part of it, less than 2%. But it was the
focus of intense media coverage. The Federalist‘s Rachel Lu points out:
“It’s very misleading to refer to Laudato Si as ‘the climate change
encyclical.’ Climate change is one of a variety of environmental
problems with which the pontiff is concerned, but even his general
interest in the environment is embedded within a broader critique of
If the encyclical essentially has clauses that allow for debate, why is
there such a media uproar? The encyclical has many carefully worded
clauses and caveats, but key newsworthy parts were the Pope’s foray into
climate science and his alignment with a UN climate treaty.
How does the Pope link economics and climate change together? Some
observers have speculated that the Pope’s South American poverty
perspective makes him very suspicious of modern capitalism, and thus
more open to the centralized planning ideas of the UN climate agenda. A
leader of the UN IPCC stated that their goal is to “redistribute wealth”
by climate policy. By contrast, Pope John Paul II grew up in
Soviet-dominated Poland and saw what centralized planning and
restrictions did to human liberty and development.
Are Catholic climate skeptics still in good standing with the Church?
Yes. The Pope’s opinion on scientific and economic matters is not the
same as his authority on issues of faith and morals. Climate skeptics
can agree with his teaching that we have a moral duty to care for
creation without agreeing about man’s impact on climate change.
Is there a ‘consensus’ inside the Vatican on global warming? No. There
is major climate dissent inside the Vatican. Skeptical Vatican Cardinal
George Pell took a swing at the Pope’s climate encyclical, declaring the
Catholic Church has “no particular expertise in science.” Pell,
who now serves at the head of the Vatican bank, declared in 2006: “In
the past, pagans sacrificed animals and even humans in vain attempts to
placate capricious and cruel gods. Today they demand a reduction in CO2
How did previous popes deal with the issue of global warming? Previous
popes allowed debate and dissent. In 2007, during the tenure of Pope
Benedict XVI, the Vatican hosted a climate summit through the Pontifical
Council for Justice and Peace and invited many different perspectives
in the climate debate to participate. The 2007 event included
atmospheric physicist and climate skeptic Dr. Fred Singer, skeptic and
theologian Dr. E Calvin Beisner, and the climate skeptic president of
the World Federation of Scientists, Dr. Antonio Zichichi. In 2007,
Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice
and Peace, sought out different perspectives on climate change. Also in
2007, Pope Benedict was on record denouncing the type of alarmist
activists that Pope Francis invited into the Vatican in 2015. Pope
Benedict condemned what he termed the “climate change prophets of doom.”
Does Pope Francis have a degree in chemistry? Via the myth-busting This claim is “false.” “According to the pontiff’s official
biography on the Vatican’s web site, Pope Francis ‘graduated as a
chemical technician’ before entering the priesthood, received a degree
in philosophy and theology from the Colegio de San José in San Miguel …
the only mention of the Pope’s chemistry education was the notation that
he graduated as a ‘chemical technician’; whether his training
constituted the equivalent of a university degree, and where he
undertook that course of study, was not specified.”
The Pope relies on UN science claims to promote climate action. How
reputable is the UN IPCC? The UN IPCC is a political organization
masquerading as a “science” body. Many UN lead authors have now resigned
from the IPCC or had their names removed due to the politicization of
science to fit the climate “narrative.” The former chief of the UN IPCC,
Rajendra Pachauri, declared global warming “is my religion.” Former
Thatcher advisor and climate skeptic Christopher Monckton explains: “It
is not the business of the Pope to stray from the field of faith and
morals and wander into the playground that is science. Do not invite
only one narrow and boisterous scientific viewpoint that has been
repeatedly discredited as events and the science and the data have
Why are skeptics in an uproar over the Pope’s climate actions?
Climate skeptics have been shut out of the debate by the Vatican, and
opponents have exploited and exaggerated the Pope’s support of their
side to use his influence. Having a pope personally lobby for a UN
agreement and hype climate fears is confusing to Catholics who may
falsely believe one’s views on climate change and alleged “solutions”
are now part of being a good Catholic. A major difference in what this
pope has done versus previous popes is that he is taking the extra step
of endorsing a UN climate treaty. This is a game changer from previous
popes and previous Vatican statements on climate. It is especially
frustrating for Catholic skeptics to be pitted against the Pope on
climate issues because their political opponents disagree with him on
just about all of the moral issues raised in the encyclical, but they
have ignored their disagreement to “cherry pick” this one issue.
Why are many Catholic pro-life activists upset at the Vatican’s climate
campaign? Many pro-life activists believe the Vatican is aligning itself
with a UN climate agenda that is at odds with major aspects of Catholic
teachings and doctrine. The UN’s climate agenda includes heavy doses of
development restrictions, promotion of contraceptives, population
control, abortions, etc. Despite these strange bedfellows, the
encyclical is clear in condemning abortion, contraception, and
population control. Pro-life activists believe the Pope is causing
Catholics who oppose climate fear predictions and UN “solutions” to feel
as if they are not properly following their faith.
Will the Pope’s endorsement of the UN climate agenda harm the world’s
poor? Yes. The Vatican is being misled on development and poverty issues
as they relate to “climate change.” The Vatican’s well placed and long
established concern for the developing world’s poor is being hijacked by
a radical UN agenda that seeks to prevent life-saving fossil fuel
energy development in the world’s poorest regions.
The Pope’s concern that climate-change impacts are going to harm the
world’s poor the most was entirely misplaced. Preventing
poverty-stricken nations of the world from obtaining affordable and
plentiful fossil fuels means they cannot develop and thus insulate
themselves from climate change whether it be man-made or natural. The
Pope’s claim that “it is man who has slapped nature in the face” needs
to be weighed against the fact that fossil fuels have allowed mankind to
stop nature from slapping man in the face.
The more we develop with fossil fuels and increase our wealth and
standard of living, the more we can inoculate ourselves from the ravages
of nature. Centrally planning energy economics by restricting fossil
fuels due to unfounded climate fears in the developing world is immoral.
The Vatican and the Pope should be arguing that fossil fuels are the
“moral choice” for the developing world for people who don’t have
running water, electricity, or other basic needs.
Is the case for man-made global warming getting stronger or weaker? The
science behind man-made global warming fears is actually weakening
considerably. The 97% “consensus” claims are a fallacy – studies by UN
lead authors now say such 97% claims are “pulled out of thin air” with
no basis in fact. Extreme weather was stable or declining on almost
every measure, and global temperatures have been in a standstill for
over 18 years. On everything from sea levels to polar bears, the
climate narrative is failing. In addition, prominent scientists (many
politically left) who used to believe in man-made global warming fears
are now reversing themselves and becoming skeptics, including many UN
Insanity on steroids! Economies collapsing, Middle East imploding – and Obama & Pals obsess over … the climate!
Paul Driessen
The Middle East is imploding. Islamic State butchers are annihilating
Christian and other communities. Putin is sending arms to Assad. Under
the Obama-Iran nuclear deal, the mullahs will get $100+ billion to
expand their proxy terror war on Israel and the West. Saudi Arabia has
100,000 empty air-conditioned tents but won’t take any of the millions
who’ve been driven from their homes. Neither will most of the other 22
Arab League nations or 57 Organization of Islamic Cooperation member
Instead, millions of mostly Muslim migrants, militants and refugees are
heading to Europe – with limited money, education, job skills, or desire
to assimilate. They demand entry into EU countries whose energy,
economic, employment and welfare systems are already foundering or
nearing collapse.
EU nations have hobbled their nuclear and carbon-based energy systems so
completely that unsubsidized German and Danish electricity prices are
almost ten times higher than in US states that still rely on coal-fired
generation. Industrial giant Siemens is cutting 1,600 jobs in its power
and gas division, companies are hard-pressed to compete internationally,
and 0.5% annual economic growth is deemed “robust.”
So naturally, President Obama, Pope Francis, the European Commission,
United Nations, and many poor countries are obsessed with – climate
change! It’s insanity on steroids. The alarmist assertions are absurd.
“Climate change is already disrupting our agriculture and ecosystems,
our water and food supplies,” Obama recently inveighed. “If we do
nothing, Alaskan temperatures are projected to rise between six and
twelve degrees by the end of the century.”
Projected by whom? Who concocts these fables? Nature-driven climate
change has disrupted lives throughout human history. Seas have risen 400
feet since the last mile-thick glaciers melted off the northern half of
Asia, Europe and North America. How did “imperiled” Pacific islands
survive that?
Some Alaskan glaciers have been retreating for decades, but Hubbard is
growing and Glacier Bay’s ice retreat began around 1750. Arctic sea ice
has increased some 26% (400,000 square miles) since 2012, in a cycle
that’s continued for millennia. The sea ice “was thick in the 1920s,
thin in the 1930s and 1940s, thick again in the 1960s and 1970s, and
thinner in recent decades,” oceanographer Igor Polyakov noted in 2004.
“Not only in the summer, but in the winter the [Bering Sea region] was
free of ice, sometimes with a wide strip of water up to at least 200
miles away from the shore,” Swedish explorer Oscar Nordkvist reported in
1822. “We were astonished by the total absence of ice in the Barrow
Strait,” Francis McClintock, captain of the Fox, wrote in 1860. “I was
here at this time in 1854 – still frozen up – and doubts were
entertained as to the possibility of escape.” How did cars and power
plants cause all that?
Meanwhile Greenland’s ice mass has grown by some 200 cubic kilometers
(48 cubic miles) just since 2014. Vikings built homes, grew crops and
raised cattle in Greenland between 950 and 1300, before they were frozen
out by the Little Ice Age and encroaching pack ice and glaciers.
Antarctic sea ice set another record in May, the US National Snow and
Ice Data Center reports, climbing 12% above the long-term 1981-2010
average, to reach 12.1 million square kilometers (800,000 square miles) –
almost as much as Alaska and Texas combined!
If it’s global warming and climate change, shouldn’t melting phenomena be constant and global?
Pope Francis nevertheless plans to meet with President Obama September
23, to discuss “dangerous manmade climate change” and how to ensure
“preferential treatment of the poor,” by building “clean” energy
economies and stopping “carbon pollution.” Their concerns and solutions
are illusory.
They disdain fossil fuels and capitalism – though they have brought
greater health and well-being to more people than any other systems in
history. They prefer the socialism, centralized government control,
higher energy prices, fundamental economic transformations and wealth
redistribution schemes advanced by the UN and Climate Crisis, Inc. By
denying the world’s poorest people energy, jobs and economic growth,
this agenda will sentence them to perpetual poverty, disease and early
death. By mandating the use of biofuels, wind turbines and solar panels,
it will turn food into fuel, increase malnutrition, convert wildlife
habitats into enormous inefficient energy facilities, and kill countless
millions of birds and bats.
The pope and president dismiss these impacts. They insist that climate
change is a far worse problem, and that modern energy, housing and
living standards for the world’s poor would not be “sustainable.” They
believe “morality,” “climate justice” and “preferential treatment” mean
protecting people from hypothesized, exaggerated and fabricated climate
disasters 25, 50 or 100 years from now – by destroying millions of jobs
and keeping the world’s poor energy-deprived and impoverished now and in
The pope and president denigrate plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide as
“carbon pollution” and say this 0.04% of Earth’s atmosphere has replaced
the powerful natural forces that have always driven climate and weather
fluctuations and events. They disregard satellite and weather balloon
data and records from East Anglia University, which show there has been
no planetary warming since at least late 1997, if not 1995.
They studiously ignore the fact that even full implementation of EPA’s
fraudulent and destructive Clean Power Plan would at best prevent a
global temperature increase of only 0.03 degrees F and a sea-level rise
of barely 0.01 inches by 2100. And those “benefits” assume CO2 is the
culprit in climate change.
Like other climate alarmists, they refuse to recognize that some 2,300
coal-fired power plants are already operating worldwide, and almost
2,200 more are being proposed, developed or built. Nearly 900 are
planned for China and India alone. In barely ten years, Asia’s energy
consumption will increase 31% and some two-thirds of that demand will be
oil, natural gas and coal. So a US shutdown would do nothing.
Developed countries have dug a tiger trap – and walked into it. Their
constant rants about “catastrophic manmade climate change” are driving
policies that shut down carbon-based energy, economic growth and job
creation in Formerly Rich Countries, while telling developing nations to
hold us for climate ransom.
Following Obama’s recent GLACIER conference in Anchorage, China, India
and Russia (three of the four biggest CO2-emitting nations) refused to
sign a nonbinding declaration seeking greater international action to
combat Arctic melting and climate change. Nearly all developing
countries oppose agreements calling for binding emission targets or even
“obligatory review mechanisms” of their voluntary efforts to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions. Meanwhile, they now insist on $100 billion to
$400 billion per year in climate change “mitigation, adaptation and
compensation,” plus free energy technology transfers.
Denmark is dropping plans to phase out coal-fired power plants and be
fossil-fuel-free by 2050. Britain is junking its wind energy subsidies
and pushing ahead with fracking for gas to fuel more power plants. But
meanwhile, Mr. Obama is thumbing his nose at Congress and American
voters and unemployed workers – and imposing ever more restrictions on
coal and natural gas use, and more taxpayer subsidies for wind, solar
and biofuel programs, on top of water, ozone and other regulations. This
will cost trillions of dollars, inflict heavy costs on poor and middle
class families, and bring few or no health or ecological benefits.
The agenda being driven by President Obama, Pope Francis, the UN and
Climate Crisis, Inc. means our huddled masses will be forced to share
ever-greater scarcity, ever-lower living standards, ever-fewer jobs and
opportunities. But of course it all will be apportioned “fairly and
equitably” – by ruling elites and their cronies, whose desk jobs,
six-figure salaries and upper crust life styles will be protected by the
same executive powers they employ to protect the planet from climate
raptors and hobgoblins.
It’s time for Congress to pass bills dismantling and defunding Obama’s
energy and climate dictates – and dare Democrats to vote against them
and in favor of this destructive Executive Branch power grab.
Via email
Gohmert to EPA Director: 'You Want to Be in Charge of All the Waters of United States'
Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) grilled Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy Thursday over the agency’s handling of
an EPA contractor’s accidental spilling of toxic wastewater from the
Gold King mine in Colorado into the Animas River.
McCarthy said that she was unaware that anyone at the EPA was under
criminal investigation for their handling of the incident. “Your agency
is above the law,” Gohmert said.
“You want to be in charge of all the waters of the United States, and
you couldn’t even figure out to get ready for a possible discharge,”
Gohmert continued, likely in reference to the EPA’s Waters of the United
States rule, which expands the agency’s control over small bodies of
water under the Clean Water Act.
Gohmert said he was blown away by McCarthy’s indications that the EPA did not anticipate that this type of spill could occur.
“Sir, I didn’t say that,” McCarthy interjected.
“Oh, okay, so you just went into it knowing this kind of damage could occur but not preparing for it,” Gohmert replied.
The August 5th spill affected waters in Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico
and has severely affected the Navajo Nation - some of whom have slammed
the government’s inaction on the toxic spill which contaminated their
drinking water.
“Since you’ve been at the EPA, how many people or industries, companies
have been charged with criminal violations?” Gohmert asked.
“I don’t have that number, sir,” she replied.
“You have charged plenty of people, right?” he asked.
“We have conducted enforcement activities that we should conduct, yes,” McCarthy acknowledged.
“How many people at the EPA are under investigation right now for this massive discharge that you created?” he asked.
“I’m unaware of any criminal investigation, sir,” she replied.
“Ah, well I guess there’s the rub, isn’t it?” Gohmert emphasized. “Your
agency is above the law and all the damage you do to the environment,
and you want to be in charge of all the waters of the United States, and
you couldn’t even figure out to get ready for a possible discharge.
Real-World, Observational Evidence Contradicts Model-Driven Global Warming Narrative
Abundant, affordable, reliable energy, combined with economic freedom
and limited, responsive government according to the rule of law, are
indispensable to overcoming poverty. No society has risen out of poverty
or can long stay out of it without both.
That is why, like the over 300 scientists, policy experts, religious
leaders, and others who have signed “An Open Letter on Climate Change to
the People, their Local Representatives, the State Legislatures and
Governors, the Congress, and the President of the United States of
America,” I oppose policies to prevent or reduce global warming
allegedly caused by human emissions of carbon dioxide.
Real-world, observational evidence contradicts model-driven predictions
of dangerous manmade global warming. Computer climate models, on
average, simulate twice the warming observed over the relevant period;
over 95 percent simulate more warming than observed, implying that their
errors are not random but driven by bias; and none simulated the
absence of warming over the last 18 years and 7 months. In contrast to
the invalidated climate models, observational evidence—the essence of
real science—strongly supports the conclusion that human carbon dioxide
emissions contribute very little if anything to global warming, so
reducing emissions, at a cost of trillions of dollars worldwide that
could otherwise be spent to solve real and much more urgent problems,
would have little or no effect on global warming.
But shifting from abundant, reliable, affordable fossil fuels to
diffuse, intermittent, expensive wind and solar drives up energy costs,
harming everyone, especially the poor. Applied in developed nations,
policies requiring such a shift will slow, stop, or reverse economic
growth, destroy millions of jobs, and make all goods and services more
expensive, again harming the poor more than anyone else. Applied in
developing nations, they will condemn the world’s poorest to ongoing
generations of abject poverty and the high rates of disease and
premature death that it produces.
Applying such policies through a global agreement limiting carbon
dioxide emissions, as President Obama, United Nations officials, and
some other world leaders hope to do at the climate summit in Paris in
December, would require a massive, global bureaucracy unaccountable to
the people whose lives it would rule. That would undermine economic
freedom, limited government, and the rule of law, and threaten the
sovereignty and independence of every nation.
People with economic freedom and even moderate wealth can thrive in any
climate, from the Arctic to the Sahara. Slaves and the poor cannot
thrive anywhere.
Thus, as expressed in a “Petition: For the Sake of the Poor, Don’t Fight
Global Warming,” our leaders should oppose policies to limit carbon
dioxide emissions, whether at sub-national levels (like statewide
Renewable Energy Portfolios), national levels (like the U.S. federal
Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed “Clean Power Plan”), or
global levels, including any treaty or agreement binding nations around
the world.
Credentialism and its outcomes
I originally wrote this article for my EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL blog but it obviously has a place here too -- JR
In the 20 years during which I was an active academic researcher, I was
repeatedly appalled by the low intellectual standards that I found in
papers by colleagues. They repeatedly ignored basic scientific
caution and, all too often, concluded what they wanted to conclude,
regardless of what their data actually showed. I got a couple of
papers a year published in the academic journals pointing that sort of
thing out. See
I have no background in climatology and only the most basic background
in physics and chemistry -- but even from that low starting point I have
often found that in climate-related articles there are the most glaring
follies too. One instance is attributing the high surface
temperature of Venus to a "runaway greenhouse effect" -- when that
temperature is perfectly well explained by basic adiabatics -- as the
outcome of the pressure exerted by the huge Venusian atmosphere.
And just basic logic seems often to be overlooked. So I have
always suspected that climate science is just as impoverished
intellectually as science in the fields that I am more familiar with.
And an exquitiste demonstration of that has just been put up by
Willis Eschenbach.
He takes a climate paper from a most prestigious academic journal --
"Nature" -- and tears it to very small shreds. "Nature" is of
course a great temple of global warming. I have done some pretty
savage shredding of other people's papers in my time but the
comprehensive shredding by Eschenbach leaves me way behind. It is a
So how come? How come science is often so unscientific?
Credentialism plays an obvious part. The number of years of formal
education that a person gets on average has been steadily climbing for
many years. Teachers, for instance, once learnt their job as
apprentices but now a four-year degree is normally required. And
the inevitable outcome of credentialism is a great expansion of the
higher education sector. All those degree-hungry people have to be
taught. And the teachers concerned have to earn their stripes. To
prove yourself as an academic you need to do research and get the
results published in some respectable outlet.
But all men are not equal and those who are capable of rigorous
scientific thinking is apparently few. The sort of article that I
and Eschenbach find absurd is the product of the credentialled but
incapable. There are just far too many academics around who are
not up to the job. But they are needed because there are so many
students to be taught.
Is there a solution? I think there is. But it will be as
unpopular as it is simple. Student loans and grants should be
given only to those who can be shown to be in the top 5% of IQ.
Some people who fail such a test will still be able to enroll if they
can self-fund but the overall effect should be a large reduction in
student numbers. And with fewer students to be taught,
universities can be more selective about the teachers they hire.
And better selected teachers should do better conceived and executed
research -- JR
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
22 September, 2015
Reversing the destruction of agricultural land
Viv Forbes below does not mention a relevant matter. He directs our
attention to a talk by Savory which is an absolute eye-opener and we
must be profoundly grateful for Savory's work. But Savory
does justify his proposals as assisting with global warming. That
is just good politicking however. By doing that Savory gets more
people onside. But his work is good for much more than global
warming. It is truly a great leap forward in the management of
agricultural land. I have always seen soil erosion as the environmental
challenge that most needs attention but because the Greenies are really
motivated by hatred of people rather than real care for the environment,
I have yet to see concern about soil erosion from them -- JR
People send me things; lots of things - compliments, abuse, information and advice.
One correspondent is “Coochie” a wannabee grass-farmer who lives in town
but reads all the latest stuff on managing grazing animals. He reads
things like “Mother Earth” and “Stockman Grass Farmer”.
Coochie recently rebuked me.
“Please tell Farmer Fred that grazing animals are far better than
‘carbon neutral’. In fact they are the only hope for reversing
desertification of the world’s grasslands and open forests. If managed
properly, grazing herds will remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,
reduce soil erosion, improve soil fertility and increase vegetative
cover. They should earn ‘carbon credits’.”
I was all ears.
“You and Fred should study the work of Allan Savory. Allan is an
observant honest ecologist who has spent his life worrying about
desertification, which can be both a cause and a result of climate
change. Initially, he hated grazing animals – he thought they were
causing desertification and destroying his beloved wildlife.
“But a life-time of study of the whole system showed him it was neither
the cloven hooves nor the animal numbers that caused desertification.
The problem was how they grazed – how long, how intense. When hard-hoof
animals are concentrated on small areas of land for short periods of
time, they break up the hard crust and cover it with litter, dung and
seeds. Then, when the herd moves on to seek new clean pastures, the
abandoned areas recover quickly with improved soil and replanted
pasture. This process restores the health of grasses and soil, returning
much life-supporting carbon to the soil in the process.
“What turns grasslands into deserts is constant grazing by a few animals. Herds must be concentrated and moving.”
I insisted that Fred come over and
listen to Alan Savory, telling us "How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change"
After he listened to it, Fred was stunned. He was always sceptical of
our “funny ideas” on rotational grazing but suddenly he understood.
“Well, my boy” he said. “So much for all that rot from your Professor
mate attacking us graziers and lauding soft-footed animals. It makes
sense – soft-footed rabbits spread everywhere and destroyed everything
with their constant nibbling; but one or two massive moving herds of
bison, bunched and harassed by wolves and Indians and assisted by
occasional fires, created the marvellous grasslands of the Prairies.
“Our cattle and sheep can be much more than grass harvesters and
providers of periodic protein for people and predators. They can
cultivate soil, prepare seed beds, spread seeds and mulch, and fertilise
our grasslands and pastures in just one pass; but only if we
concentrate them properly, and then give the pasture a decent
rest-and-recovery period.”
“This Un-Savory chap will probably be expelled from the Deep Green Brotherhood for such blasphemy.”
Coochie was ecstatic: “With plenty of plant-sustaining emissions from
coal in the skies, and soil-sustaining emissions from cattle in the
soils, then coal and cattle can paint the grasslands green again.”
Jean-François Gariépy on the corruption of science
He is a brain researcher and is pretty spot-on in what he says
below. Warmism is a glaring example of a complete ethical collapse
in science. He is burning his bridges at a rather young age. But I
did too. I was so disgusted with the poor standards of "research"
in the social sciences that I resigned my tenured university teaching
job at age 39
This week, I resigned from my position at Duke University with no intent
to solicit employment in state-funded academic research positions in
any foreseeable future. Many reasons have motivated this choice,
starting with personal ones: I will soon be a father and want to be
spending time with my son at home.
Other reasons have to do with research academia itself. Throughout the
years, I have been discovering more and more of the inner workings of
academia and how modern scientific research is done and I have acquired a
certain degree of discouragement in face of what appears to be an
abandonment by my research community of the search for knowledge. I
found scientists to be more preoccupied by their own survival in a very
competitive research environment than by the development of a true
understanding of the world.
By creating a highly-competitive environment that relies on the
selection of researchers based on their "scientific productivity," as it
is referred to, we have populated the scientific community with what I
like to call "chickens with no head," that is, researchers who can
produce multiple scientific articles per year, none of which with any
particularly important impact on our understanding of the world. Because
of this, science is moving forward similarly to how a headless chicken
walks, with no perceivable goal.
This issue reveals itself in a series of noxious conditions that are affecting me and my colleagues:
a high number of scientific articles are published with fraudulent data,
due to the pressures of the "publish or perish" system, making it
impossible to know if a recent discovery is true or not. The fact that
the peer-review system does not care about looking at the data is not in
any way reassuring about this concern. Furthermore, a large portion of
the time of a scientist is spent on frivolous endeavors such as
submitting a grant request to 5-10 agencies in the hope that one of them
will accept. Finally, our scientific publication system has become so
corrupted that it is almost impossible to get a scientific article
published in an important journal without talking one-on-one with the
editor before submitting the article.
Some of my best friends at Duke have told me that I sounded "bitter"
when I expressed these concerns. I assure you that I am not and that I
am writing these lines with the nonchalance and bliss of a man who has
found other ways to be happy and to satisfy his own scientific
curiosity, ways that do not involve the costly administrative war of
attrition for state money that modern scientists are condemned to engage
in. My friends have also pointed out that I should not be "discouraged"
by the difficulties faced as a scientist, that I should continue to
"fight." Again, they are wrong; discouragements due to failures have
never kept me down. I have never been afraid of failures and of
retrying, and retrying again; my scientific successes are what
discouraged me, because I know how they were obtained.
My most important scientific articles were accepted in major journals
because the editors had a favorable prejudice toward me or my
co-authors; because I was making sure that I had a discussion with them
before I submitted; or because the reviewers they chose happened to be
close colleagues. No doubt the articles contained very good findings—I
wouldn't have spent years of my life on them if they didn't. However,
the real criteria that systematically led to publication, as opposed to
the dozens of other journals where they were rejected, was the kind of
prejudices described above.
The scientific publication system portrays itself as a strict system for
the evaluation of the importance of individual scientific contributions
to knowledge, but anyone who has participated to this system and became
good at it knows that the true factors that influence the publication
of a scientific work have to do with social networking and, in many
cases, straight-out corruption. Most of this "I scratch your back, you
scratch mine" system operates without wrongful intentions from anyone
involved. In fact, I am certain that most people who contribute to it
are well-intended people who end up obtaining power here or there in the
scientific system and use this power to favor scientists who they
genuinely think are good. However, the end result is the same, no matter
what the intention is: a corrupt system where favoritism is the norm. A
system that I have benefited from for long enough.
It is not surprising that such systems develop given human nature and
considering that the publishing of just one article in a major journal
means that a researcher can claim his share of a multi-billion dollar
flow of money coming from the government or private foundations for
his/her future work. No matter what one thinks of this system (I've
heard everything from "It's terrible" to "It's totally fine"), the fact
is that I do not have the energy to be a part of it for the rest of my
life. I can work 12 hours a day, I can work on weekends, I can work at
night, I can handle high-stress environments and I thrive in
competition. I could sell a life vest to someone living in the Sahara
Desert. Call me at 3 AM and tell me that an animal's life is in danger
and I'll be dressed for surgery in less than 15 minutes. However,
nothing in this world can exhaust me as much as the personal conviction
that my work is not noble.
Of course, this does not mean that I will abandon all of my activities
related to the search or dissemination of knowledge. I will still teach
my courses in Biology and Artificial Intelligence at the University of
the People. I will still publish my book, The Revolutionary Phenotype,
which contains an important novel theory on the emergence of life. My
wish is that this new theory will be taken for what it is and evaluated
publicly by whoever wants to comment on it, not by two or three
reviewers hiding behind anonymity.
Euclid's geometry stood on its own, because of the truths it contained,
and his books have survived all scientific systems that have existed for
the last few thousands of years, remaining perhaps still today the most
concentrated series of useful truths ever gathered in a single place. I
hope the same happens with my theory, but I want to make sure that
whatever remains of it in a thousand years will be what it deserves in
and of itself, not some superficial hype artificially generated by the
leveraging of my own popularity, social network or other meaningless
considerations. Unfortunately, my experience with research academia
suggests to me that the traditional scientific publication system is not
an appropriate vessel for my theory to obtain such an objective
I will still, also, publish the Season 2 of, for which we have
gathered amazing guests. I will still go talk science and have fun with
the Drunken Peasants. And I will still spend my days trying to prove the
Goldbach conjecture, although you probably won't ever hear about it
because I probably won't succeed. In fact, my leave will likely give me
more time to concentrate on these important activities. The reality is
that throughout the years, my attention has drifted away from research
academia, because I found other ways to satisfy my scientific curiosity
that seemed more appealing and more genuine to me.
There is a general rejection of these alternative paths to knowledge
dissemination in academia, but I have grown out of caring about it.
Selling knowledge and prestige are the bread and butter of universities,
so we should not be surprised to see the main recipients of the flow of
money coming from well-wishing parents and governmental funding
agencies dismiss the validity of other, less socially costly paths to
knowledge dissemination.
This reminds me of an event which vastly contributed to my
discouragement about academia, and which I think illustrates the vacuity
with which certain editors of scientific journals treat the review of
scientific works that may have taken years to perform. I was in a
scientific meeting in Switzerland a couple of years ago and I was having
a discussion with the editor of one of the two most important
scientific journals in the world. He was asking me and my PI about
different young scientists to know what we thought about them. He did
not seem so concerned about the quality of their work or the insight
they provided on the world. He was asking about their reputation. I
remember a question that he asked very seriously but that was hilarious
to me:
"And David Eagleman, I saw his book, is he a good one?"
The editor later proceeded to explain to us why he was inquiring about the reputation of these scientists:
"I'm asking to make sure that I accept articles from reputable people.
Because you see, at ******, we want to do real science, not
Richard-Dawkins-type science."
It is hard to express how many mental facepalms I have experienced in my
head when he completed that sentence. A swirl of facepalms, a googol of
facepalms +1, an embedded infinity of facepalms. I remember discreetly
shedding some tears for an hour that night at the conference's bar, not
because that man was unjustifiably mean to one of the most intelligent
scientists in the world, but because I had come to the realization that
our system of scientific publication is governed by people who have no
idea what knowledge is.
I want to thank all the academics I have been interacting with in my
career; especially those from Duke and the Université de Montréal.
Academia is a weird thing; it is populated with very intelligent,
motivated and brilliant people, who are operating in a system that is
simply defective to the point of impeding on the very ability of these
individuals to engage in a true search for knowledge. In this sense, I
am leaving research academia for the same reason that I joined it 12
years ago: in search for a better way to satisfy my hunger for a
scientific understanding of the world.
85% of British power can be via renewables by 2030, says Greenpeace
But only with a 60% reduction in demand for domestic heating!
And we need a money tree too, of course. It's all just theoretical
Britain can produce 85% of its power via renewable energy by 2030
provided it undergoes significant changes in energy production and use,
according to a new study by Greenpeace.
The study attempts to counter the argument that only fossil fuels and
nuclear power can keep the lights on for the next few decades. It
foresees wind leaping from today’s level of 13 gigawatts (GW) of wind
farms in operation – enough to power around 10 million homes – to a
level of 77GW in 2030, with solar rising from just more than 5GW to
However, the renewables drive would need to be accompanied by a 60%
reduction in demand for domestic heating through a home insulation
programme and other initiatives, according to the report by energy
system analysts, Demand Energy Equality.
“For a long time the government and the fossil fuel industry have
peddled the argument that renewables can’t keep the lights on if the
wind’s not blowing. This hasn’t been based on evidence, but out of date
instincts seemingly from staring out the window to see how windy it is,”
said Doug Parr, chief scientist at Greenpeace.
“For the first time, we have the evidence showing it is possible to keep
the power system working and decarbonise the electricity system. We
need to go for renewable energy with the help of new smart technology
and reducing demand for power too.
“It is hugely ambitious but definitely doable, and it will take the same
kind of enthusiasm and financial support from government, normally the
sole preserve of the nuclear and fossil fuel industries.”
The plan, which would require a major change in government policies,
envisages fossil fuels playing a role via combined gas-fired heat and
power projects. Many homes and buildings would also need to move away
from gas-fired boilers to their own ground source heat pumps or an
electricity source.
The report is published in the run up to the UN-sponsored climate change
talks in Paris and at a time when the Conservative government has axed a
series of green subsidy schemes to wind and solar on the grounds of
The feasability of decarbonising the UK’s power generation system, which
was dependent for a long time on carbon-heavy coal, has long been
argued over. Few believe that carbon dioxide can be eliminated entirely
from energy production, or at least in the short term.
In 2014, around 30% of UK electricity was generated by coal-fired power
plants, 30% by gas, 19% by nuclear and around the same amount by
renewables, according to the Department of Energy and Climate Change.
The new analysis shows a low-carbon energy sector is possible but only
if our relationship with energy changes at the national, household and
personal level.
Update: Leader of effort to prosecute skeptics under RICO ‘paid
himself & his wife $1.5 million from govt climate grants for
part-time work?
The Leader of a 20 scientist effort to prosecute climate skeptics under
RICO revealed as hypocritical 'Climate Profiteer'! 'From 2012-2014, the
Leader of RICO 20 climate scientists paid himself and his wife $1.5
million from government climate grants for part-time work.
George Mason University Professor Jagadish Shukla ( a
Lead Author with the UN IPCC, lavishly profits off the global warming
industry while accusing climate skeptics of deceiving the public and
demanding RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) be
used against them for disagreeing with his view on climate change.
Shukla, the "leader of RICO20 climate scientists runs his government
grants through a 'non-profit'," Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. wrote on
September 20.
The group "pays Shukla and wife Anne $500,000 per year for part-time
work," Pielke Jr. revealed. "The $350,000-$400,000 per year paid leader
of the RICO20 from his 'non-profit' was presumably on top of his
$250,000 per year academic salary," Pielke wrote.
"That totals to $750,000 per year to the leader of the RICO20 from
public money for climate work and going after skeptics. Good work if you
can get it," Pielke Jr. added.
Scientists Debunk Arctic ‘Death Spiral’ Claims
Current conditions in the Arctic are completely within normal climatic
variability, according to peer-reviewed studies. Any ‘meltdown’ linked
to climate change is not shown in the scientific evidence. arctic sea
ice melt
Western mainstream media has been giving prominence to the claims
of a team of global warming alarmist researchers who have alleged the
Arctic is showing the first signs of dangerous anthropogenic climate
change. Articles have been written outlining "tipping points" in the
region that together form a chain reaction leading to apocalyptic
These alarmists have stated that “Global heating and
climate disruption has already forced Arctic sea ice into a new state of
'death spiral' meltdown and it is anticipated to disappear in Summer
months within a decade, or even a few short years, many decades ahead of
previous estimates.”
They then go on to push an end of the world scenario of
“The ALREADY accelerated escape of massive amounts of the powerful, heat
trapping greenhouse gas, methane, buried in the frozen permafrost of
northern Canada, Siberia and underwater ocean shelves, is of EMERGENCY,
This is the state of the hysteria that is based on
global warming starting a chain reaction of positive feedback
loops. Peer-reviewed scientific research highlighted below shows
that the main drivers of these predictions all fail.
Arctic Sea Ice Variability
Research shows that the Arctic has a long history of
temperature swings and of sea ice cover (SIC): “Grumet et al.
(2001) used sea salt Na+ fluctuations in a 700-year ice core record from
the Penny Ice Cap (southeastern Baffin Island) as a proxy for Spring
sea ice concentration and found that there was an apparent near-doubling
in [SIC] over the past century,”
Also the East Arctic was ice free and experienced greater
warming than at present a few thousand years ago. In a respected
research paper titled “Decadal-scale sea ice changes in the Canadian
Arctic and their impacts on humans during the past 4,000 years:
the authors quote that:
“Our data show that from ~6500 to 2600 BP, there were large oscillations
in summer SST from 2–4°C cooler than present to 6°C warmer and SIC
ranged from 2 months more sea ice to 4 months more open water. The
warmer interval corresponds to the period of pre-Dorset cultures that
hunted muskox and caribou. Subsequent marine-based Dorset and Neo-eskimo
cultures correspond to progressively cooler intervals with expanded sea
ice cover. The warming took ~50–100 years and lasted ~300 years before
replacement by colder intervals lasting ~200–500 years.”
Another example of an ice free arctic is provided by the
historically documents event of the Danes and Scandinavians sailing
through the arctic during the Medieval Warm Period in 1122 AD. This is
corroborated in an article title “Variations in Climate” by Alexander
Beck, ME linked below.
He states:
“…it is precisely at this time that we find the Danes and several
Scandinavian nations going through the Arctic open seas. Colonies are
established by them in the highest northern latitude of Greenland, and
the upper part of North America…”
This history of variability in temperature regime and sea
ice concentration in the Arctic puts the current warming of areas of the
arctic into perspective. It cannot be said that current conditions are
HERE (See the original for links)
Australia: Green groups urge new PM to take the pressure off them
Environment groups are urging Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to abandon any plans to change the tax status of green charities.
A demonstration is expected outside the Victorian Parliament on Monday
to coincide with hearings in Melbourne of a federal inquiry into the
administration and transparency of environment groups.
Green groups see the the inquiry, set up by the Abbott government in
March, as a "vendetta" and fear changes that will remove the tax
deductibility for donations to organisations pushing for environmental
Tony Abbott was particularly scathing of legal wrangling by environment
groups to delay a proposal for a massive expansion of coal exports
through the Great Barrier Reef.
Mark Wakeham? from Environment Victoria said about 1000 demonstrators
were expected to protest over the inquiry. "It does appear to be an
attack on environment groups," Mr Wakeham said. He accused the Abbott
government of attempting to silence critics.
Environmental groups had been singled out ahead of other charities, he said.
"We'll be highlighting we've got a legitimate role to play in a
democracy. That might be inconvenient for governments at times, but only
for governments that don't have credible environmental policies."
But the inquiry has also heard submissions from the Minerals Council of
Australia, stating some environmental groups have exploited their tax
deductible status to pursue "ideological campaigns" and encourage
illegal behaviour, such as blockades.
The Queensland Resources Council said many environmental groups were not
operating within the rules of a charity or pursuing "practical"
environmental work.
The Victorian government urged the inquiry to "take into account the
various ways in which environmental organisations fulfil their goal of
improving the natural environment".
Mr Wakeham said the change of prime minister was a chance to press a "reset button"
Liberal senator Arthur Sinodinos?, a key driver in Malcolm Turnbull's
toppling of Mr Abbott last week, appeared on Sunday to flag a more
conciliatory approach in the politics of the environment.
"I think you'll see that there'll be a bit of an end to the idea that
the environment and development have to be at loggerheads, that somehow
it's a zero sum game. It's not," Senator Sinodinos told ABC TV.
"Good environmental policies can also be good economic policies and good
economic policies give you a capacity to deal with environmental
The inquiry into the Register of Environmental Organisations has received almost 700 submissions.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
21 September, 2015
The vanishing island (?)
The excerpt below is part of a big and colorful feature in the Sydney
Morning Herald. It claims that a small island in the Pacific is
being swamped by global warming -- but gives no actual proof of
that. Since the satellites have detected no global warming for
over 18 years now, that would be very difficult to do.
A careful
reading of the article reveals two things: 1). It is tsunamis
that are the main problem for the islanders; and: 2). There has
been a sea level rise in that part of the Pacific which is much greater
than the global average.
So here comes my favorite weapon:
Logic. If the water level rise is not global, how can it be an
effect of global warming? It is clearly a local effect due to
variations in ocean currents and the like. And as a LOCAL effect,
it has nothing to do with GLOBAL warming.
OK. What I have
just said is probable rather than logically entailed but there would
need to be evidence of some process linking the two phenomena. But
since one of the phenomena does not even exist, that would be
hard. The SMH does not attempt one.
So what we have below
is just the usual dishonest propaganda that we so often get from
Left-leaning rags like the SMH. They do pull their punches to a
degree at one point but an uncritical reader would conclude that the
fate of the island is tied to global warming --JR
Taro Island: a sometimes picturesque coral atoll adrift in the ocean at the north-western tip of the Solomon Islands.
Barely a kilometre long and less across and almost none of it more than
two metres above sea level, it is barely a smudge on a map. Yet this
smudge - with its nearly 600 permanent residents, its hospital, churches
(four), school, police station and courthouse - is set to take an
unwanted place in history. Though tiny, it is the capital of the
province of Choiseul. Soon it may be the first provincial capital in the
world to be abandoned due to climate change.
In the wash of environmental and geopolitical changes that flow from the
warming of the planet, Taro is a drop in the ocean. But it is also an
early marker of what lies ahead. As Peter Dutton joked with Tony Abbott
about water lapping at the doors of Pacific Islanders, the people of
Taro were weighing warnings that their home would be among the first -
of dozens? hundreds? thousands? - of largely blameless communities
swallowed by the ocean as sea levels rise.
Plans have been drawn up. The people are ready. But they have a nagging
question. Who will pay the hundreds of millions needed to make it
happen? They are waiting for an answer.
Roswita Nowak already knows what it’s like to abandon her home; she’s done it three times.
Shortly after 8am on April 2, 2007, the mother of eight was making the
short stroll from her home at Taro’s northern end to her work in a
government office when she was distracted by an unfamiliar sound. “I
looked down [toward the village centre] and could see people running,
and then I heard this ‘sssshhhh’, and saw the water rushing. Then there
was shouting: ‘Tsunami! Tidal wave!’ Everyone started to panic, running.
People were shouting, ‘We have to go, leave everything, we’re going
now.’ And for the women, the first thing we thought of was our
While others headed for boats on the shore, Nowak dashed for home - a
slightly raised four-room house where she had left six of her kids
minutes before. She calmed them best she could, and waited. “I was
Soon her husband, Fleming, a police officer, arrived. He said, “The boat
is ready, let’s go.” Their 15-year-old son, Stanislaus, picked up his
five-year-old sister, Helena, and everyone ran to the beach at the
atoll’s north, where a dinghy was waiting. “We got into the boat,” Nowak
remembers, “and immediately the tide went out and we just sat there on
the dry seafloor and had to wait for the water to come back in, not
knowing what it would do.”
They were lucky. The water came back forcefully enough to lift them but
not tip them out. So they headed about two kilometres east across rough
seas to the Choiseul mainland and scrambled up a hill to a small camp
used by a logging company.
The evacuation of Taro was messy. There weren’t enough boats so it took
more than two hours of trips back and forth. Some people were dropped
off on an exposed coral reef, only for the oscillating sea to return and
swamp them up to their chests as they tried to walk to the shore. The
town’s people relocated to the jungle logging camp for five days,
largely exposed to the elements. Other parts of the country were much
less fortunate. The tsunami, triggered by an earthquake about 160
kilometres south, killed 52.
The island has been evacuated twice more since, during heavy seismic
activity in a week in April last year. To some extent, this is the risk
that comes with life in a low-lying area dissected by geological fault
lines. But the advice from scientists and hard-headed officials is that
the risk is worsening rapidly.
Satellite data suggests sea levels in the south-west Pacific are rising
up to five times faster than the global average - 7.7 millimetres a year
in the capital Honiara, to the south, and up to 16.8 millimetres a year
in the ocean to the country’s north.....
As always, climate change driven by greenhouse gases is interacting here
with natural forces. Separating the two isn’t necessarily
straightforward, but scientists say the human hand is already evident.
They cannot say with confidence that tropical cyclones in the area will
become more intense due to climate change, but they know that storms are
heading further south. When we arrive, the people of Choiseul are
counting the cost of tropical cyclone Raquel, which took at least one
life and destroyed homes, palm plantations and seaweed crops at the
start of July. Along Taro’s shore, recently felled trees lie in the
ocean waiting to be cleaned up.
It is, by several months, the latest in the season a cyclone has hit the
area - a reflection, meteorologists say, of changing atmospheric
patterns and ocean temperatures being the warmest on record.
GLOBAL WARMING STOPPED in 1998? NO it didn't. If you say that, you're going to PRISON
Lewis Page
In extraordinary developments, assorted scientists and other academics
have waded into the debate over the widely-acknowledged absence of
global warming seen over the last 15+ years.
The various researchers, one group of whom are based at Stanford, say that actually the hiatus simply didn't happen.
"There never was a hiatus, a pause or a slowdown in global warming,"
states Noah Diffenbaugh, associate prof, in a suitably blunt tinned
quote issued by Stanford. Diffenbaugh and his colleagues arrived at this
result by applying new statistical methods of their own devising, as
opposed to the "classical" statistics techniques generally used by
climate scientists to date.
With perhaps unfortunate timing, no less an organisation than the UK Met
Office has this week referred in writing to the existence of a
"slowdown" in global warming, and even suggested that it might continue
for some time.
A different group of academics has also denied that the hiatus exists. They write:
There has been much recent published research about a putative “pause”
or “hiatus” in global warming ... there is no evidence that identifies
the recent period as unique or particularly unusual.
This group is quite well known in the climate debate: the lead author is
Stephan Lewandowsky, a psychologist who has previously produced
research proving to his satisfaction that climate sceptics are mostly
lunatics who refuse to let their children be vaccinated, believe that
Barack Obama was not born in the USA, think that MI6 assassinated
Princess Diana, and - just to round things off - also believe that the
Moon landings were faked and that Saddam Hussein really did have large
stocks of WMDs. Lewandowsky is joined for his latest outing by Naomi
Oreskes, not really a scientist but a historian (though her bachelor
degree was in mining) famous for her book Merchants of Doubt, which says
that climate sceptics are the same as those who cast doubt on the idea
that cigarettes are bad for you, in that they are likewise corruptly
working for sinister corporate interests.
On top of all that, an American senator - writing in the new Jeff Bezos
owned Washington Post - has also likened climate scepticism to
pro-tobacco propaganda. Senator Whitehouse pointedly mentioned the
famous American RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations)
law, which allows US enforcement agencies sweeping powers to probe into
such things as suspected Mafia-owned businesses or front organisations
and so backtrack to the criminal kingpins which control them - and put
everyone involved in prison.
That's not terribly unusual in today's climate climate, but now a group of scientists has written to President Obama, saying:
We appreciate that you are making aggressive and imaginative use of the
limited tools available to you in the face of a recalcitrant Congress.
One additional tool – recently proposed by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse –
is a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act)
investigation of corporations and other organizations that have
knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change
We strongly endorse Senator Whitehouse’s call for a RICO investigation.
Signatories to the letter include the well-known Kevin Trenberth, famous
for having written in an email to fellow climatologists regarding the
"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't."
The email was not intended for public consumption, but it was leaked during the "Climategate" episode of 2009.
Obviously the call for a RICO probe into climate-sceptic organisations
may be uncomfortably relevant for some of us here on the Register
climate desk (though by no means all, we take no editorial stance on
climate matters at the Reg and plenty of the Vultures espouse orthodox
warmist beliefs on the subject).
In particular your correspondent today is often accused of being an evil
denier swine in the pay of the Koch brothers or similar*, so presumably
cuffs will be snapped onto wrists during the next editorial visit to
the States - or perhaps Britain will join in the RICO probe and we'll
find the door getting kicked in here at Vulture Central.
But this isn't terribly scary in the context of being a Reg writer,
especially one covering a divisive subject such as climate, or iOS
devices. It's not unheard of for people to call for or promise a
Vulture's death, occasionally by unusual and painful means, so merely
being chucked in the slammer by the future joint inter-agency
international RICO climate witch hunt taskforce is no big deal.
Anyway, the alternative is a lot worse. Doing a bit of porridge can't
possibly be as bad as having to share the Ecuadorian embassy broom
cupboard with Julian Assange, so your correspondent plans to go quietly
as and when the cops turn up. ®
*Ironically in a RICO context, one organisation that names your
correspondent today as an "individual involved in the global warming
denial industry" and "involved in the PR spin campaigns that are
confusing the public and stalling action" actually is backed by a
racketeer: that is the DeSmogBlog blog, funded by John Lefebvre, who was
convicted in 2007 of financial and gambling-related crimes which had
netted him more than $100m.
It's especially chuckleworthy to be accused of being involved in an
industrially-funded PR spin campaign by Jim Hoggan, the man who runs
DeSmogBlog for Lefebvre. Hoggan actually is a PR man and actually does
take money from the green industry which benefits from his supposedly
pro-bono DeSmog campaigning.
Here's a for-the-record note from the past for anyone wondering about
all the funding channelled to your correspondent or the Reg by the Koch
brothers or other sinister figures. (TL,DR: There is none and has never
been any. This isn't being done for money, we just call it as we see
it.) And you can ask anyone in the IT business; the Register editorial
department doesn't do PR.
Anyway, it's not so bad being on the DeSmogBlog denier list and having
one's name listed alongside such others as Freeman Dyson, Burt Rutan and
various other Nobel prize winners, moon-walking astronauts and so on.
Nobody In Trump's Crowd Believes In Global Warming
Still-allegedly-running presidential candidate Donald Trump took
questions from his audience Thursday at a New Hampshire rally, which
predictably led to an unleashing of racist bile. But sprinkled in
between the ignorance was Megan Andrade, a University of New Hampshire
student who told Trump she volunteers for the League of Conservation
"I'm here to ask you what your plan is to reduce pollution that is
driving climate change and endangering public health." she told the real
estate man.
"Let me ask you a question, how many people here believe in global
warming? Who believes in global warming? Who believes in global warming,
raise your hand?" Trumps asks, getting precious little response.
"Wow. Not much, huh? Nobody? One person? Huh," says Trump. "Oh, you believe, huh?"
And that, for Trump, is that. He moves on. "We're going to do two more questions, two more questions," he says.
Republican believers in climate change may've just stayed mum. In a poll
of New Hampshire Republican primary voters that the GOP polling firm
American ViewPoint conducted for LCV and the Natural Resources Defense
Council Action Fund, slightly more than half said there is solid
evidence for climate change.
Trump has said in the past that he doesn't see climate change in a
problem and has referenced the phenomenon of "global cooling," which is a
go-to for deniers of the science.
Global Warming Gives Us The First Storm-Free Peak Hurricane Season In Nearly Four Decades
Remember the freak weather global warming was supposed to cause? It’s to
the point where the Obama administration feels that this is a national
security priority (it isn’t). Nevertheless, Mother Nature decided to
play another prank on environmentalists with their global warming
nonsense by giving us the first storm-free peak hurricane season in
nearly four decades:
September 12 marks the peak of the Atlantic Ocean hurricane season, but
this year the day passed without any named storms. Odder still, the
recently restless Pacific Ocean had a quiet day, too. In fact, across
the entire Northern Hemisphere, not a single tropical storm swirled.
Global warming is preventing the ice caps from melting, wreaking havoc
on Antarctic research stations by preventing easy access for resupply
ships due to the accumulation of sea ice, and expanded the Arctic Ice
Cap by 533,000 square miles. Global temperatures have stagnated for
nearly 16 years, and we’ve seen some of the quietest tornado seasons on
record. In 2013, it was the calmest tornado season in six decades. In
2015, the tornado count is 59 percent below average.
No wonder why the CIA shut down its climate research program.
A nice tribute to Fred Singer -- aged 90 and still kicking
by Roy W. Spencer, who calls Fred a "trailblazer"
Those of you who follow our efforts to bring some balance to offset
global warming alarmism also likely know of our honorary godfather, Fred
Singer. Fred has been a tireless crusader, including helping to
establish the NIPCC as an answer to the U.N.’s IPCC.
But people like Fred (and myself) didn’t start out in global warming,
which is a relatively modern invention. For example, my original claim
to fame was developing methods for measuring global precipitation from
satellite-borne microwave radiometers, starting in the early 1980s. Fred
started out well before me in satellite remote sensing, serving as the
first director of the National Weather Satellite Service during 1962-64.
I was still in elementary school at that time.
Now, as my 60th birthday approaches in December, I find myself going
through my old files and throwing away everything except items of
historical interest. Yesterday, I hit upon a stack of old microwave
rainfall retrieval papers, and I stumbled upon one I had totally forgot
It turns out that Fred Singer wrote one of the very first papers on the
possibility of measuring precipitation from satellites with microwave
radiometers. The original idea was put forth in brief qualitative terms
in a German article authored by Konrad Buettner in 1963. Then, in 1968,
Fred and co-author G. F. Williams, Jr., put some theoretical equations
and aircraft test flights behind the idea. The article was Microwave
Detection of Precipitation over the Surface of the Ocean, in the May
1968 issue of Journal of Geophysical Research.
As an expert in this field, I can tell you that Fred’s treatment of the
issue was surprisingly sound and insightful for such an early piece of
work. It postulated effects which we now have widespread support for
from satellite measurements.
I just wanted to bring attention to his early pioneering work in
satellite microwave remote sensing, which eventually led to a wide
variety of passive microwave imagers flying in space: ESMR, SMMR, SSM/I,
TRMM, SSMIS, AMSR, GMI, and others. I’m sure there are other satellite
areas he also helped to pioneer, too.
Great work, Fred!
Australia: The smoke and mirrors surrounding the anti-coal campaign
Coal divestment is the new black. Following the Anglican Church and
others, the most recent organisations to jump onto the trend are
Newcastle Council (despite the city being built on coal) and the
University of Sydney. Both are withdrawing their investments from coal
or other organisations that fund coal.
But like many fads, it doesn’t seem to be built on sound facts. It is
more based on doing what others are doing to avoid the feeling of being
left behind.
Let us look at the facts. Firstly, divestment probably won’t have a
substantial impact on Australia’s coal production. Sydney University has
an investment fund of about $1.4 billion, while Newcastle Council has
$270 million. But the big banks reportedly have $36bn invested in coal,
and the Future Fund has recently indicated it will continue to invest
its $117bn in non-renewables.
Even if most of Australia’s investors engaged in divestment, there are
so many other potential investors around the globe that it is hard to
see any dramatic impact on the industry. And good luck to the divestment
campaigners convincing investors in less democratic countries to stop
funding Australian coal.
Despite this campaign, the official forecasts are for substantial
increases in Australian coal production. The Department of Industry
forecasts our coal exports will increase by 1.2 per cent per year to
2050. This is an increase of 54 per cent on today’s production.
To reiterate: coal production is predicted to grow by an enormous
amount, not decline. And the Department also states that coal accounts
for about 64 per cent of Australia’s electricity generation, and is
forecast to remain at about this level by 2050.
The divestment campaign also needs to face the inconvenient predictions
about coal demand, including that India has plans to almost double its
coal production by 2020, and most new electricity stations under
development in India are expected to be coal-based. The Department of
Industry assesses that it would be “exceptionally challenging” for India
to reduce its use of coal-fired electricity (to limit greenhouse
emissions). The International Energy Agency’s 2014 World Energy Outlook
forecasts global coal demand increasing by 15 per cent by 2040 (in its
central scenario).
Not a ringing endorsement of the divestment campaign, which seems likely
to having similar success to King Canute’s command that the tide
stop coming in.
Of course, official forecasts might be wrong, and around the globe by
2050 we might all be using solar panels and Tesla batteries. But this
would be driven by the lower cost of these alternatives, not the
divestment campaign.
Nevertheless, let us humour the divestment campaign for a moment and
assume it causes a decline in Australia’s coal production.
Unfortunately for the campaign, what is most likely is that production
would simply increase overseas shifting from Australia — which has high
environmental standards — to other countries where environmental
standards are often lower.
World coal production would remain about the same, environmental
outcomes would worsen, and Australia would lose substantial export
income. The value of Australia’s coal exports are expected to be $37
billion in 2014-15. It is hard to see how this is an improvement. Of
course, the divestment campaign could also try to stop coal expansion
elsewhere, but (again) good luck trying to do this in less democratic
Surely the divestment campaign is about reducing global coal use, not
moving coal production to other economies. So let us (further) humour
the divestors, and suppose that it does cut the worldwide use of coal.
The campaign would no doubt argue that this would help human health.
The World Health Organisation has argued that there will be 250,000
deaths per year due to global warming in 2030. This is a very large
figure, granted. But there are larger figures. The WHO has also
estimated that indoor smoke from open fires and stoves caused 4.3
million deaths per year in 2012. Coal plays an essential role in
replacing these cooking sources.
While we should never base decisions solely on lives lost versus lives
saved, it is clear that the use of coal could easily be a net saver of
life. And this isn’t count the innovations that can limit the greenhouse
emissions of coal, or help avoid deaths from a warmer climate. It also
doesn’t count the important impact of coal in reducing human poverty. So
much for the ‘human life’ argument.
The divestment campaign also misses the patronising nature of its
stance. Many of the campaigners would be strong opponents of Western
imperialism. But they are perfectly happy to imply (or even state
explicitly) that developing countries are bad global citizens for using
coal. The campaigners would consider it is wrong to tell countries such
as India and China what to think or believe, but it is good to tell them
what fuels to use. The hypocrisy should be self-evident.
If they are truly concerned about the use of coal in India and China,
the campaigners should persuade those countries to reduce their use,
rather than lecturing them from a distance. However, that would require
genuine effort, rather than mere trendsetter posturing.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
20 September, 2015
Massachusetts: Pilgrim nuclear plant says it may shut down
Another step towards shutting down America's electricity supply.
Massachusetts has just lost its coal plants. What's left?
Not much. They will be importing more and more power from Canada and
elsewhere -- which will force already high electricity bills even
higher. But it's only the "little people" of Taxachusetts
that will suffer. And what Leftist really cares about them? The
grandees of Beacon Hill who cut down the coal plants can easily afford
higher electricity bills. Their heating in winter and
airconditioning in summer will be unaffected -- JR
Officials at the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station are considering whether
they can afford the multimillion-dollar safety improvements and other
reforms required by federal officials. If not, they say, they might
close the plant.
After the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission downgraded the plant’s
safety rating this month, Pilgrim joined two reactors in Arkansas as the
least safe in the country. Expensive repairs are needed to raise the
safety rating of the 43-year-old plant, run by Entergy Corp. since 1999.
“If the corporation finds that the cost of making the improvements of
the plant exceed the value of the plant, the corporation may decide to
shut the plant down,” said David Noyes, the plant’s director of
regulatory and performance improvement.
He added: “No business decision has been made about Pilgrim. We’re
looking at specific conditions, and analyzing weaknesses associated with
the plant. As of right now, we don’t know the costs.”
The plant could also be shut down by the regulatory commission. A
succession of unplanned shutdowns of its reactor in recent years, and
inspections that revealed significant safety problems, resulted in the
plant being moved to the next-to-lowest performance category two weeks
None of the nation’s 99 reactors are in the lowest category, but if
Pilgrim fails to comply with federal requirements, the commission will
move it there. Such action would require the plant to close, at least
The commission said the plant’s level of risk is “low to moderate.”
Entergy officials said the odds of an event occurring that would damage
its reactor core, before they made recent repairs, was one in every
142,857 years.
Pilgrim, which provides an average of about 12.5 percent of the state’s
electricity, is located in Plymouth, 35 miles from Boston. About 5
million people live and work within a 50-mile radius of the plant.
In a recent letter to Entergy officials, Governor Charlie Baker urged
Entergy to “make certain that the plant meets the highest safety
“We cannot risk the well-being of the residents of the Commonwealth,” Baker wrote.
Baker added that he was troubled that Entergy “has failed to take
appropriate corrective actions to address the causes of several
unplanned shutdowns dating back to 2013.”
Baker has said he sees Pilgrim as part of a “balanced approach” to the
state’s energy needs, while other state lawmakers have long called for
the plant to be closed.
Entergy was awarded a 20-year operating license in 2012 to continue
operating Pilgrim, but opponents are hoping to use the downgrade to
pressure the company to shutter the plant now. On Wednesday, state
Senator Dan Wolf, a Harwich Democrat, met with advocates from the Sierra
Club, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts
Public Interest Research Group, and others.
They discussed how to advance bills in the Legislature that require the
company to pay fees to store its spent nuclear fuels at Pilgrim, and
that would force Entergy to show that it has enough money to cover the
costs of securing its spent fuel after the plant closes.
“These bills will get across to Entergy that they need to bake these
costs into running the plant and think of its financial viability,” Wolf
said. “They’re going to have to make financial decisions.”
Entergy officials declined to provide information about the plant’s
operating costs or revenue. Although the company’s stock price has
plummeted by nearly 30 percent this year, nuclear regulatory officials
have maintained that Entergy is solvent.
In a letter sent this summer to an environmental group in New York,
William Dean, director of the NRC’s Office of Nuclear Reactor
Regulation, wrote that Entergy’s “current financial qualifications are
adequate to continue safe operation at Pilgrim.”
In response to questions from the Globe about the company’s finances,
Lauren Burm, an Entergy spokeswoman, wrote: “Entergy does not disclose
in our investor relations or Securities and Exchange Commission filings,
individual plant profit, or operating cost information. It is
considered proprietary business information.”
Entergy officials have six months to present the NRC with a detailed
improvement plan. Commission officials will then send teams of
inspectors to the plant to review the causes of the unplanned shutdowns
over the past three years and to determine whether equipment needs to be
replaced and whether the plant’s management needs to improve safety.
The commission bills Entergy for the inspections, which federal
officials estimate will cost nearly $2 million. Entergy officials said
they have already spent about $70 million to provide safety and security
upgrades to the plant since the 2011 radiation leak at Japan’s
Fukushima nuclear station, which has the same basic design as Pilgrim.
“We have a number of actions already ongoing to address performance gaps
identified,” Noyes said. “We have existing action plans and we plan to
execute those.”
State energy officials declined interview requests about how Massachusetts would make up for the lost power if Pilgrim closes.
If a closure were to happen soon, it would come as the state has made
drastic cuts to its reliance on coal. Last year, the Mt. Tom power plant
in Holyoke became the last of the state’s three coal plants to schedule
a permanent shutdown. The Salem Harbor Power Station closed last year,
while Brayton Point in Somerset is scheduled to stop operating in 2017.
The state now gets about 58 percent of its energy from natural gas,
while oil supplies about 9 percent, coal about 3 percent, and renewable
energy about 2 percent. The rest comes from hydroelectric power and
other sources. The state would probably have to import more natural gas,
which would have an impact on its carbon emissions. Nuclear power
doesn’t emit carbon.
“The administration continues to engage with the Legislature on
Massachusetts’ energy needs and is committed to addressing the impact of
power plant retirements on energy markets,” Katie Gronendyke, a
spokeswoman for the state Executive Office of Energy and Environmental
Affairs, said in a statement.
Rubio Joins Ernst To Stop EPA'S Water Overreach ...
Today, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) joined lead sponsor U.S. Senator
Joni Ernst (R-IA) and 45 senators to introduce a joint resolution
disapproving the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) that expands the
scope of federal authority over land and waterways in the U.S. under the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, commonly known as Waters of the
United States “WOTUS” rule.
The resolution would nullify this ill-conceived rule, sending a message
to the EPA and USACE that they failed to address the concerns raised by
farmers, ranchers, manufacturers and small businesses across the
“Hardworking Americans have had enough of Washington bureaucrats telling
them how to use their land,” said Rubio. “The EPA and the Army Corps of
Engineers are irresponsible to go forward with this job-killing rule
despite the serious concerns raised by farmers, ranchers, manufacturers
and small business owners across the country.
“I’m proud to join Senator Ernst and my Senate colleagues in preventing
this harmful overreach and expansion of government jurisdiction from
taking place,” Rubio added.
Even Good Climate News Flipped to Alarmism
Veterans of the climate policy debate have known for years that no
matter what, those worried about emissions can take any new information
to conclude: “Things are worse than we thought! We need our preferred
policies more than ever!” A Working Paper from earlier this year shows
just how far this trend can be pushed, whereby elite researchers took
the U.N.’s reduction in the bottom range of man’s likely influence on
global temperatures to argue for increased worry about the future.
“When Is Good News Bad?”
To show that I am not attacking a straw man, let me quote liberally from
the Abstract of the paper, “Climate Uncertainty: When Is Good News
Bad?” published early this year by Freeman, Wagner, and Zeckhauser (two
of whom are at Harvard):
"Climate change is real and dangerous. Exactly how bad it will get,
however, is uncertain. Uncertainty is particularly relevant for
estimates of one of the key parameters: equilibrium climate
sensitivity—how eventual temperatures will react as atmospheric carbon
dioxide concentrations double. Despite significant advances in climate
science…the “likely” range has been 1.5-4.5°C for over three decades. In
2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) narrowed it
to 2-4.5°C, only to reverse its decision in 2013, reinstating the prior
range. In addition, the 2013 IPCC report removed prior mention of 3°C as
the “best estimate.”
…Intuitively, it might seem that a lower bottom would be good news. Here
we ask: When might apparently good news about climate sensitivity in
fact be bad news? The lowered bottom value also implies higher
uncertainty about the temperature increase, a definite bad. Under
reasonable assumptions, both the lowering of the lower bound and the
removal of the “best estimate” may well be bad news."
To paraphrase, the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), which came out
in 2013, lowered the “likely” range of global warming as the result of a
doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Specifically, in the Fourth
Assessment Report (issued in 2007), the IPCC had put the bottom end of
the range at 2 degrees Celsius, but by the AR5 six years later, it was
forced to lower the range by half a degree Celsius in light of the
mounting evidence that temperatures were not responding as much to CO2
emissions as the computer models had projected.
At the time of the AR5’s release, many of the moderate (sometimes known
as “lukewarmer”) analysts announced the good news—see for example
climate scientist Judith Curry’s summary. Yet as the block quotation
above illustrates, Freeman, Wagner, and Zeckhauser study various
conditions in which the latest IPCC report would be bad news, meaning we
should be more worried about human-caused climate change.
Turn That Smile Upside Down
To be clear, I want to explicitly confirm that there is nothing
demonstrably incorrect in the analysis from Freeman et al. Although
their arguments will probably only appear comprehensible to professional
economists, the underlying logic of their case is straightforward
enough: People are “risk averse,” meaning they care not just about the
mean of an uncertain distribution but also about its variance.
For example, imagine Lottery A has a 50% chance of paying $900 and a 50%
chance of paying $1,100, whereas Lottery B has a 50/50 chance of paying
$300 and $1,700, respectively. Both lotteries have the same expected
payoff—namely, $1,000—but Lottery B has a wider variance. It is riskier.
Most people would probably choose Lottery A versus B, because it is
closer to a “sure thing” of $1,000. Indeed, many people are so risk
averse that they would take a guaranteed $900 (say) rather than play
Lottery B, even though Lottery B’s expected payoff (of $1,000, remember)
is higher than $900.
In this context, Freeman et al. develop a model of social preferences
over climate outcomes in an environment of uncertainty. They document
conditions under which even ostensibly “good news” that results in a
reduction in the lower bound of predicted temperature increase
nonetheless constitutes an inferior “lottery,” compared to a prior
“lottery” in which we had a smaller variance but with the same (or even
higher) mean prediction of temperature change.
This is the technique by which Freeman et al. take the IPCC’s good news
and make it bad. The reduction in the lower bound on the range of
climate sensitivity—from 2°C down to 1.5°C—other things equal is
obviously a good thing, from the perspective of avoiding future climate
change damage.
However, Freeman et al. point out that other things aren’t equal. The
change in the range could mean that humans now assign a higher variance
to future temperatures. Coupled with risk aversion, this could imply
that we are worse off than we thought as of the Fourth Assessment
Report, and that citizens should be more willing to have their
governments engage in costly mitigation policies to halt carbon dioxide
Where There’s a Will, There’s a Model
To repeat, there is no demonstrable mistake in the analysis of Freeman
et al. However, we should still interpret their paper with a large
degree of caution.
In the first place, they most definitively do not show that the latest
IPCC report actually is cause for increased alarm. Rather, they merely
show that it might be. For example, on pages 5-9 of the paper they come
up with specific numerical examples consistent with the broad IPCC
statements, which—when plugged into their formal model—yield the answer
of “bad news.” Yet to repeat, the IPCC’s statements themselves do not
directly yield this answer, because they are not specific enough.
Special: Seven Simple Steps to Help Lower Your Blood Pressure
More generally, however, we have to recognize that academic economists
are very clever people and can come up with models to prove just about
anything. (You think I’m bluffing?) Ask yourself this: Suppose the AR5
had instead raised the lower bound from 2°C to 2.5°C. Would Ivy League
economists have produced a paper showing that this actually reduced the
need for a carbon tax?
Of course, we can’t know for sure what would have happened in that
alternate universe, but I am pretty sure that if the latest IPCC report
had raised the bottom end of its projections, then the overwhelming
interpretation would have been: “Human activities more damaging than we
originally thought! The ‘social cost of carbon’ estimate has been
increased by such-and-such percent. It’s more urgent than ever to impose
a carbon tax and other restrictions.”
As I have pointed out repeatedly here at IER, the economic case for
aggressive government policies to restrict carbon dioxide emissions is
dubious at best. Indeed, we can use the IPCC’s own AR5 report to make a
convincing argument that the economic costs of a 2°C cap would outweigh
the benefits (in terms of avoided climate change damage).
As such, the argument from the leading economists on this issue is not
one of “settled science” regarding a “clear and present danger” that is
already upon us. Instead, the hot topics—epitomized in the work of
Martin Weitzman, for example—involve uncertainty about the future. The
claim is not that aggressive government restrictions will pay for
themselves, but rather that they might be a good idea. Since we can’t
prove that a climate catastrophe won’t occur, we can come up with formal
economic models in which aggressive policies are justified.
To repeat, these researchers at Harvard and other elite institutions are
very smart, and they haven’t made a mathematical mistake in their
models. But the public should pause and ask if these sophisticated
maneuvers match the more populist rhetoric they’ve heard on the issue.
When even good news—in the form of a lowered estimate on the likely
range of human influence on the climate—is construed as cause for worry,
don’t people start to get suspicious that this is not a neutral
scientific debate?
Debate no more! Jailed for scientific dissent?! Twenty climate
scientists, including Top UN scientist, call for RICO investigation of
climate skeptics in letter to Obama
Warmist scientists including UN IPCC Lead Author Kevin Trenberth to Obama:
'We appreciate that you are making aggressive and imaginative use of the
limited tools available to you in the face of a recalcitrant Congress.
One additional tool – recently proposed by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse –
is a RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act)
investigation of corporations and other organizations that have
knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate
change, as a means to forestall America’s response to climate change. We
strongly endorse Senator Whitehouse’s call for a RICO investigation.'
Via Politico: 'Twenty climate scientists called for RICO investigation
in a letter to Obama and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch. The
scientists argue that the systemic efforts to prevent the public from
understanding climate change resembles the investigation undertaken
against tobacco. They draw inspiration from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse who
said on the Senate floor that there might be a similar conspiracy here,
and a civil trial could provide the tools of discovery needed to find
Top UN scientist Dr. Kevin Trenberth and 19 other scientists have become
so tired of debating global warming that they are now apparently
seeking to jail those who disagree with them.
Scientific ‘Consensus’ Can’t Agree On The Existence Of The Global Warming Hiatus
A rift is growing in the so-called consensus on global warming that’s as
wide as the Atlantic Ocean. Scientists just can’t seem to agree on
whether or not the 15-year hiatus in warming actually exists or not.
A recent study by Stanford University scientists reinforces the claim
made by federal government researchers earlier this year that the hiatus
in global warming was essentially a fluke in the surface temperature
data and never actually existed.
The Stanford study comes just months after scientists with the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) made adjustments to
surface temperature data that eliminated the 15-year hiatus in global
warming. The data adjustments were highly controversial among climate
scientists, but now Stanford researchers have put forward new data they
say confirm there was no hiatus in warming.
“Our results clearly show that, in terms of the statistics of the
long-term global temperature data, there never was a hiatus, a pause or a
slowdown in global warming,” Stanford climate scientist Noah
Diffenbaugh said in a statement following the study’s release.
But scientists across the Atlantic aren’t buying American scientists’
claims the hiatus in warming never happened. Just a couple days before
the release of the Stanford study, the UK’s Met Office — the premier
climate research unit in the country — released findings that the hiatus
in warming could last a few more years because of natural cooling
cycles over the Atlantic Ocean.
“Observational and model estimates further suggest [Atlantic
Multidecadal Oscillation] shifts have an effect on global mean
near-surface temperatures of about 0.1?C,” the Met Office wrote in its
September climate outlook. “A rapid AMO decline could therefore maintain
the current slowdown in global warming longer than would otherwise be
the case.”
Though the Met Office did say this year’s El Nino is likely to make 2015
as warm or warmer than 2014 — which was declared the warmest year on
record by government meteorologists. Met Office scientists also
cautioned that “there are signs in the observations and near term
climate predictions that are consistent with a resumption of warming.”
But even if warming resumes this next year, which is made more likely by
El Nino, the Met Office still acknowledges there is in fact a slowdown
or hiatus in global warming. The Met Office says “the rate of warming
has slowed over the most recent 15 years or so.” This stands in stark
contrast to Stanford and NOAA scientists that say the hiatus in warming
never even existed.
The hiatus or pause in warming has been heavily researched in the past
few years, and scientists have put forward dozens of explanations to why
warming has dramatically slowed. The temperature record showed a lack
of warming from the late 1990s the early 2010s, which meant that most
climate models were over-predicting how much warming would be caused by
man-made carbon dioxide emissions.
Now, more and more scientists are saying the pause was just an
aberration in the data. NOAA scientists eliminated the hiatus from the
temperature record by adjusting temperatures taken by ocean buoys
upwards to match those taken from ships. The Stanford study analyzed old
temperature data sets along with newly corrected records to bolster its
findings that there was no pause in warming.
“By using both datasets, nobody can claim that we made up a new
statistical technique in order to get a certain result,” Bala
Rajaratnam, a Stanford statistician and scientist, said in a statement.
“We saw that there was a debate in the scientific community about the
global warming hiatus, and we realized that the assumptions of the
classical statistical tools being used were not appropriate and thus
could not give reliable answers,” said Rajaratnam.
New Australian Prime Minister not going Green
How many compromises was Turnbull prepared to make to get the keys to The Lodge? Plenty, as it turns out.
The first compromise, and perhaps the most surprising, was on climate
policy. Turnbull has long been a vocal critic of Tony Abbott and Greg
Hunt’s risible Direct Action policy. Yet no sooner had he taken the
reins of national government than he was complementing Greg Hunt on the
policy and vowing to keep it.
In Question Time yesterday, Turnbull went out of his way to praise Direct Action.
“We are talking about a very specific policy that was carefully put
together by the Minister for the Environment, that was carefully
considered by the Government, and it is working,” he told the House of
Greg Hunt confirmed that Direct Action would stay, telling reporters
that “the emissions reduction fund has been a spectacular success. So
the policy is continuing.”
Endorsing Direct Action is a massive backflip for Turnbull.
Way back in 2010, Turnbull was savagely critical of Direct Action as a
wasteful public subsidy for big polluters. “I've always believed the
Liberals reject the idea that governments know best,” he said in a
well-publicised speech in Parliament. “Doling out billions of taxpayers'
money is neither economically efficient, nor will it be environmentally
Keeping Direct Action appears to be the first big compromise Turnbull
was prepared to make, no doubt to win over some of the hardline climate
denialists on the Liberal back bench. Let’s remember that Turnbull was
rolled as Liberal leader in 2009 on precisely this issue, after he
negotiated with Kevin Rudd and the Labor government to introduce a
bipartisan emissions trading scheme.
It’s difficult to believe Turnbull really thinks Direct Action is a good
policy. There is not a single independent expert in the land that
thinks Direct Action can actually meet the Coalition’s 28 per cent
emissions reduction target by 2025. The simple math tells us it will
fail: the most recent Direct Action auction of emissions reduction bids
bought around 15 per cent of the emissions reductions the government
needs, but spent a quarter of the Direct Action budget.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
18 September, 2015
Now for the Warmist mosquito scare
I was born and bred in the tropics, where mosquitoes sometimes seem
so numerous that you almost expect them to pick you up and fly off with
you. And, you know what? There are a lot of animals in the
tropic too. Yet somehow the animals survive without the benefit of
mosquito nets and mosquito repellent. Fur coats help a lot, of
course. Is there any reason to think that furry animals that have
evolved in other mosquito-prone environments would do less well? I
can't see it.
And anyway, the study of local warming below was
done in a period of exceptional overall temperature stability so tells
us nothing about global warming. And IF global warming does ever
happen we could easily help the Caribou by aerial sprayng of DDT --
which we now know has no adverse impacts for humans or birds.
Before it was banned, people used to be fogged with DDT to kill various
bugs -- and the people concerned came to no harm from it
And note Chip Knappenberger's comment below -- JR
The Atlantic is worried the caribou won’t survive massive mosquito
swarms that are allegedly spawning earlier every year, harassing
malnourished mothers and killing their young.
Arctic mosquito swarms are huge, sometimes containing millions of
insects that can easily kill baby caribou and even harm mature adults as
well. But environmentalists and liberals are claiming that a warming
Arctic will only increase the frequency and severity of these death
“Mosquitoes responded to this early melt by hatching ahead of schedule,”
writes The Atlantic’s Ross Andersen. “They also grew faster, meaning
they spent less time in the vulnerable, developmental state that makes
them easy prey for birds. More of them survived to adulthood, and that’s
bad news for caribou.”
Special: New Probiotic Fat Burner Takes GNC by Storm
“Arctic mosquito swarms are the stuff of legend,” writes Andersen. “Some
of them contain hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of insects.
That’s enough to harass a pregnant caribou until she stops worrying
about food. And it’s enough to kill caribou calves outright.”
Andersen’s article is based on a new study by Lauren Culler of the
Dickey Center’s Institute for Arctic Studies at Dartmouth, who spent two
summers studying mosquitos in Greenland. She found that in 2012, a very
warm year in the Arctic, mosquitoes were breeding earlier.
“Caribou have no defense against mosquitoes,” Culler told Andersen, “except to run.”
“If the Arctic continues to warm, and there is every indication that it
will, the summer tundra may soon be abuzz with larger and larger clouds
of biting, blood-sucking insects,” Andersen warns in his article.
It’s a reasonable concern, but one that doesn’t ask an important
question — how did caribou herds survive past warm periods? It’s a
question that was asked by Cato Institute climate scientist Chip
Knappenberger asked over Twitter.
The Earth’s climate has not been static in the last 15,000 years (there
are cave paintings of caribou in Europe that are at least this old), as
the world has warmed and cooled since that time.
The Middle Ages, for example, saw a warming spell that lasted until the
late 1300s when a period known as the “Little Ice Age” came about and
caused temperatures in Europe and other parts of the Northern Hemisphere
to plunge.
Photographer with a tiny brain says he has documented the effects of global warming in the Arctic Circle
The period of the study was 3 years during the "hiatus", so whatever
effects were observed were not the product of temperature change.
The guy just swallowed the kool-Aid and ASSUMED that warming was going
on over that period -- JR
For the three-year Arctic Arts Project, Kerry Koepping visited some of
the most remote areas in the world to visually 'measure' climate change.
The experienced snapper captured a smorgasbord of ice, water, fire and
fauna during 15 trips to Canada, Greenland, Iceland and Norway - each a
month long. Among the locations Kerry shot from a helicopter over
Iceland's Holuhraun Volcano and captured the melting glaciers in Alaska.
One snap showed 1300-year-old Vatnajokull, also known as the Crystal
Cave, had receded by 100 meters in just 12 months and is not expected to
exist in its current form after the 2015 summer melt.
Kerry, from Colorado, USA, said: "We used a guide as some locations are
easy to reach, but others pose significant challenges. "The last
expedition was a schooner sailing trip into Scoresby Sound, Greenland.
"We had to pick up the ship in Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland, said to be
the most remote community in the world. Then we sailed for 10 days.
"To be in an ice cave surrounded by ice that dates back to the Vikings
is pretty heady stuff. Knowing that it will be gone in a mere few months
is humbling.
"The Arctic is rather epic. It's beautiful yet stark, vast yet detailed. It really makes me feel quite small.
They were only able to reach some of the locations with the help of local guides
"I think it is important that the Arctic has a voice. A voice that's not
politically based, not corporately based - here's the visual, here's
the data, now you make your decision on how you will affect change?"
Kerry has been photographing landscapes for the last 30 years but this
was the first time working on an environmental project.
He added: "I've always been an outdoors person but finding the polygon hummocks in Alaska was a life changer.
"When photographing the Arctic, I tune in to the hidden storylines
within the subject and try to communicate that sense back to the viewer.
"I feel a sense of responsibility, knowing that I may be one of only a few people on earth witnessing a given subject."
Sierra Nevada snowpack hit a 500-year low in 2015. Global warming?
Since there has been no global warming for a long time, it cannot
have affected current CA snow. Snow cover is mainly an effect of
precipitation, so this is just another effect of the CA drought, which
is part of a natural cycle. CA has been through drought many times
-- JR
When California Governor Jerry Brown stood in a snowless Sierra
Nevada meadow on April 1 and ordered unprecedented drought restrictions,
it was the first time in 75 years that the area had lacked any sign of
spring snow.
Now researchers say this year's record-low snowpack may be far more historic - and ominous - than previously realised.
In a paper published on Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change,
scientists estimate that the amount of snow in the Sierra Nevada
mountains was the lowest it had been in more than 500 years.
"We were expecting that 2015 would be extreme, but not like this," said
senior study author Valerie Trouet, a paleoclimatologist at the
University of Arizona.
The report is the latest in a series of studies that have sought to
characterise the depth of California's four-year drought and place it in
a broader historic context. It joins a growing body of research warning
that global warming will reduce the amount of snow blanketing
California mountains - a development that will reduce the state's
available water, even as its population continues to grow.
"This is probably the biggest water supply concern our state is facing,"
said Mark Gold, associate vice chancellor for environment and
sustainability at the University of California, Los Angeles who was not
involved in the new study. "On a scale of one to 10, it's 11."
The issue, according to UC Davis hydrology expert Helen Dahlke, is that
with climate change, there will be much less snow and more rain.
"That water will just be going into the ocean unless we can figure out a
way to capture some of that water quickly," said Dahlke, who was not
part of Trouet's study team.
Snowpack is a key factor in California's water supply: In a normal year,
melting Sierra Nevada snow provides the state with one-third of its
water. Another third is pumped from underground aquifers, and the rest
comes from rivers and reservoirs.
Due to its importance as a water source, officials began monitoring the
snowpack in the 1930s, and have established 108 measuring stations
throughout the Sierra Nevada.
This spring, researchers found that the amount of water contained in the
snow on April 1 was only 5 per cent of the average snow water
equivalent since monitoring began. In the case of the Phillips measuring
station - where Brown ordered mandatory water-use reductions - the
snowpack usually reached a height of 5 feet at that time of year.
In order to reconstruct past snow conditions, Trouet and her colleagues
analysed data from the reporting stations as well as two tree ring
studies. The first used measurements from 1500 living and dead blue oak
trees to estimate rainfall back to the year 1400. The second included
tree-ring data from a different group of trees to model temperatures for
the same period.
"What we know about snow and how it varies from year to year is that
there are two important climatic factors that play a role," Trouet said.
"One of them is the amount of precipitation that falls and the other is
the temperature at the time that precipitation falls. With higher
temperatures your precipitation is going to fall as rain."
When researchers put all the data into a chronology, they saw just how
exceptional the 2015 snowfall was: The chance that a "snow drought" of
this magnitude would affect the entire Sierra Nevada more than once
every 500 years was less than 5 percent, they concluded.
For lower mountain elevations, where temperatures are warmer, the return
period was estimated to be 1000 years. At higher elevations, where
temperatures are much more likely to reach freezing and cause any
precipitation to fall as snow, the return period was just 95 years.
The researchers noted that while California's total precipitation in
2015 fell within the bounds of natural variability, winter temperatures
were among the highest ever recorded. That means less snow and more
rain, which the state is ill-equipped to collect and store.
Although it's been 500 years since the snowpack was this sparse, global
warming threatens to make these conditions more frequent, according to
the researchers.
"With anthropogenic warming, those high temperatures are going to be
rising," Trouet said. "We can assume that the return interval is going
to get shorter."
Benjamin Cook, a climate scientist at NASA Goddard Institute for Space
Studies, said the study was "another piece of the puzzle in an
increasingly converging picture of a really exceptional California
Other scientists said the paper highlighted the precarious nature of snowpack as a key California resource.
"We've been very lucky to have a natural system in place that's worked
very well for decades and decades," Gold said. "But models show that
snowpack is likely to be down because of increased temperatures, and
it's a concern. Is our system set up to manage this at all?"
Lucas Silva, a soil and biogeochemistry researcher at UC Davis who was
not involved in the study, said he was glad the topic was getting
attention in a major journal, even though he expressed doubt that
tree-ring data could accurately pinpoint past drought conditions.
A single tree ring could be influenced by several years of environmental
stress caused by any number of factors, he said. "I'm curious and
interested, but sceptical that they can really tell that this is about
water only," Silva said.
And while forecasters said it was increasingly likely that a powerful El
Nino would result in a wet fall and winter, those storms may not
contribute to large snowpack.
"Temperatures this winter may be warmer than usual," wrote Daniel Swain,
a Stanford University graduate student in environmental and earth
system science who wasn't involved in the study. "In that sense, the
present paper is very relevant. Even with increased precipitation, snow
at lower elevations may actually be below average."
Global Warming: Why We Don't Need To Worry Even If It's Really True
Though some will call us "deniers," the truth is we are merely global
warming skeptics. We're not skeptical of climate change, though, because
we know the climate has been changing since the beginning and will
continue to change throughout time. We've made this point several times.
What we're skeptical of is man's role in that change. Maybe there is an
anthropogenic factor. But it's impossible to say with any degree of
certainty just how much of an impact, if any, man makes. The climate is
too complex, the variables too numerous.
But for the sake of argument, let's say that due to man's carbon dioxide
emissions, Earth is warming at the rate the alarmists claim it is. What
should we do? Those driving the global warming scare want to sharply
cut human carbon dioxide emissions. But those cuts aren't free. NERA
Economic Consulting says that the Environmental Protection Agency's
carbon rule for power plants alone would cost consumers $366 billion
over 14 years.
For all that money, we'd cut the rise in global temperature by 0.02
degrees and sea level increases by 0.01 inch. And these costs don't
include restrictions that could be imposed on automobile emissions,
carbon taxes, any sort of carbon-trading regime or the over-the-rainbow
renewable energy programs that politics have produced.
The better path is to do what humans have always done — adapt.
Hoover Institution senior fellow Terry Anderson tells of recent
anthropological research at Penn State University, which, "built on a
complete sequencing of the Neanderthal genome, shows that Neanderthals
survived many periods of abrupt climate change, including a 'volcanic
winter' caused by a massive eruption near what is now Naples."
"If they survived and adapted to abrupt climate change," writes
Anderson, "surely modern man ought to be able to adapt to long-term
changes, provided climate policies don't stifle human progress and
economic growth."
That last point is critical. The worst thing policymakers could do is
enact schemes whose costs hurt economic development. Our capabilities to
offset any problems created by a warming planet are weakened if the
economy struggles. If we gut our prosperity through attempts to cut CO2
emissions, we would make dealing with warming more difficult than it
should be.
This is especially true in poor nations.
"A country such as Bangladesh with a per capita income of $3,190 does
not have the wherewithal to build sea walls and tidal diversions as rich
countries such as the United States can with a per capita income of
$53,750," writes Anderson. "Getting to the point where they might be
able to better adapt will require economic growth."
None of the above means we're changing our approach to the global
warming scare. We're not giving in to trendiness, pressure from
celebrities and other faux climate experts, or struggling to be popular.
We remain skeptics — not of science but of the hype, the politics, the
exaggerations, the cooked temperature record and the wild claims that
have been made about man-caused climate change. The science is ongoing —
and no more settled than the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Environmental Expert Informs Lawmaker: CO2 ‘Does Not Have Health Impacts’
An environmental expert from Texas told a Democrat congresswoman
for the same state at a hearing on Friday that the greenhouse gas
emissions targeted by the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power
Plan are not related to health issues, including respiratory diseases
like asthma.
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) asked Bryan Shaw, chairman of the
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, about the health care costs
in their state for people with respiratory disease from air pollutants.
“Have you factored in the cost that it would take the state to continue
to afford this kind of health care cost with most of our people being
poor that are living in low-income areas that are damaged more
frequently by these heavy environmental violations?” asked Johnson, who
said she is a nurse “by education.”
“Congresswoman, the Clean Power Plan is directed at reducing greenhouse
gases, which do not impact the respiratory issues,” answered Shaw, who
was one of three witnesses at a hearing of the House Committee on
Science, Space and Technology’s Subcommittee on Environment entitled,
“State Perspectives: How EPA’s Power Plan Will Shut Down Power Plants.”
Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) questioned witnesses at a House
hearing on the EPA's Clean Power Plan on Sept. 11, 2015.
( Starr)
The following exchange then transpired:
Johnson: “Wait a minute. Repeat what you just said.”
Shaw: “The co-benefits, in other words, the rule is based on reducing the greenhouse gases…”
Johnson: “I know what the rule says, but you said it does not impact respiratory?”
Shaw: “That’s correct. Greenhouse gas emissions do not have an adverse
impact on respiratory health. High CO2 levels do not cause respiratory
issues. I know it’s easy to make that conclusion because some of the
rhetoric from EPA sort of suggests that the Clean Power Plan is going
to, by reducing greenhouse gases, lead to improvement in respiratory
conditions. That’s not due to reductions of CO2.”
Johnson: “What is it due to?”
Shaw: “It’s due to their co-benefits. They’re suggesting that the
process that they’re mandating to reduce greenhouse gases will also
accidentally, if you will, or at the same time, likely cause reduction
in other emissions that they do perceive to cause respiratory impacts.
The challenge with that, though, is that they’re actually assuming that
it’s going to provide health benefits even though your area is already
in attainment for the PM2.5 standard. Yet, they’re assuming that
reducing PM2.5 even lower leads to health benefits, even though their
standards say the Houston area is already meeting the standard, and
therefore, we’re not having adverse health effects associated with
That’s my concern -- is that it’s misleading whenever they’ve told
us that you’re going to have these health benefits associated with this
rule. Most of those are unsubstantiated. The areas where there could be
a benefit of those areas that are nonattainment for ozone or something
along those lines, those are being addressed through other rules, and
we’re making strides to comply with those regulations, so CO2 does not
lead to respiratory challenges.”
Johnson: “So you’re challenging the goal of EPA. Their goal is health and safety of the people that inhabit the planet.”
Shaw: “Yes ma’am, the purpose of this rule is to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, and as part of that, the stated goal there is -- primarily
the benefits they claim are a slight increase -- excuse me -- decrease
in sea level rise -- unmeasurable – as well as a hundredth of a degree
Fahrenheit reduction in increase in global temperature. Those are
unmeasurable and those are not quantifiable from the benefit standpoint;
therefore they went to the accidental co-benefits associated with it,
not what the purpose of the rule was to claim benefits to the rule.”
Johnson: “So you’re saying it has absolutely nothing to do with the
health status, that the science that has indicated that is not pure
Shaw: “I’m suggesting that the goal and the objective of the Clean Power
Plan and what led to this rule is climate change, climate variability,
and that the contaminant that they’re specifically seeking in this, the
greenhouse gases, and more, particularly carbon dioxide, which is the
focus of the rule, does not have health impacts.
Carbon dioxide at the levels we that breathe it is actually good for
plants. We breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. You have to get
much higher levels of carbon dioxide than we’re ever going to see in the
ambient air to get health effects associated with CO2 to the human
health. So the goal of the plan is to address climate change, and yet
that impact based on models--
Johnson: “And climate change has no impact on health?”
Shaw: “The model suggestions of what this rule would accomplish
would be an unmeasurable decrease in sea level and one hundredth of a
degree Fahrenheit in temperature change, so even the best estimate of
what the climate change impact and benefit of this rule is so small as
to be unquantifiable.”
Johnson: “So what we continue to see climate change, with a lot of
flooding, a lot of air contamination: This is not going to impact
Shaw: “For one, the IPCC -- the Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change
-- has indicated that the adverse weather that we’re seeing has not been
correlated with climate change. So there’s certainly a science argument
to be made and some additional data to be there, but it’s not clear
that the global climate change is going to have those impacts, and it’s
certainly clear that this rule would not have a measurable impact on any
of those measurable change in climate change.”
Johnson: “Could you submit to me your research findings and the origin of them?”
Shaw: “Sure, I will be happy to provide you some of the background information on that.”
According to his bio, Shaw is an associate professor in the Biological
and Agricultural Engineering Department of Texas A&M University
(TAMU) with many of his courses focused on air pollution engineering.
The majority of his research at TAMU concentrates on air pollution, air
pollution abatement, dispersion model development, and emission factor
Shaw was formerly associate director of the Center for Agricultural Air
Quality Engineering and Science and served as Acting Lead Scientist for
Air Quality and Special Assistant to the Chief of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Shaw also served as a member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Science Advisory Board (SAB) Committee on Integrated Nitrogen,
the EPA SAB Environmental Engineering Committee, and the Ad Hoc Panel
for review of EPA's Risk and Technology Review Assessment Plan.
Additionally, he is a member of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture–Agricultural Air Quality Task Force.
Shaw was appointed to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality by
Gov. Rick Perry in 2007 and is now chairman of the commission.
Republican governor faces pressure not to submit to Obama's climate plan
Free-market groups are putting pressure on Michigan Republican Gov. Rick
Snyder to back down from his recent decision to comply with President
Obama's strict new emission rules for power plants.
Snyder made the decision Sept. 1, nearly a month after Obama finalized
the rules, called the Clean Power Plan. The plan places states on the
hook to reduce their emissions a third by 2030, while incentivizing
renewables and putting pressure on coal plants to close. It is the
centerpiece of the president's climate change agenda.
A group of 16 states, including Michigan, is poised to sue the
Environmental Protection Agency over the rule as soon as it is published
in the Federal Register.
A letter obtained by the Washington Examiner, sent Monday night to
Snyder by more than two dozen groups opposing the plan, says Snyder's
choice undermines the legal effort to vanquish the regulation in court.
The letter asks that the GOP governor reconsider his decision and stick
to the game plan laid out by Michigan's attorney general in joining the
lawsuit months ago.
"A state plan only provides the illusion of control," reads the letter,
led by the advocacy group American Energy Alliance. "Instead of helping
President Obama implement the rule, we believe the best approach is for
states to reject state plans until the courts decide whether Obama even
has the authority to impose his national energy takeover.
"For the sake of Michiganders and all Americans, it is worth the wait," the letter adds.
American Energy Alliance is the advocacy arm of the Institute for
Energy, a nonprofit think tank that analyzes government regulations
affecting the energy sector.
Other groups sending the letter include: Tea Party Patriots, Federalism
in Action, State Budget Solutions, Energy Makes America Great, Campaign
to Free America, Americans for Limited Government, Institute for
Liberty, as well as the Hispanic Leadership Fund, National Black Chamber
of Commerce and 60 Plus Association.
A number of the groups say the Clean Power Plan will drive up the cost
of electricity, cause the energy grid to become more unstable, while
overstepping states' rights.
Many of the 16 states preparing to sue EPA filed litigation in a
previous attempt to squash the rule. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals
said the states' challenge was premature and threw it out. The federal
judges said they could not take action on a regulation that at the time
was not finalized.
Now that the rule is final, the states are waiting for it to be
published in the Federal Register so they can re-submit litigation.
The letter urges Snyder to wait out the lawsuit. "As you know, Michigan
recently joined sixteen other states suing EPA over the carbon rule. As
Michigan Attorney General [Bill] Schuette explained, the regulation is
'yet another executive action taken by President Obama and the EPA that
violates the Clean Air Act and causes the price of electricity to
increase, placing jobs at risk and costing Michigan families more.'"
"Choosing to submit a state plan before legal resolution of this
regulation relinquishes state control of electricity and ultimately
empowers federal bureaucrats," the letter says.
Snyder said Sept. 1 that complying with the Clean Power Plan was best
way to keep federal regulators out of Michigan's business. "The best way
to protect Michigan is to develop a state plan that reflects Michigan's
priorities of adaptability, affordability, reliability and protection
of the environment," he said.
"We need to seize the opportunity to make Michigan's energy decisions in
Lansing, not leave them in the hands of bureaucrats in Washington,
D.C.," he said.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
17 September, 2015
California oilfield wastewater panic ignores first rule of toxicology
So oilfield wastewater sprayed on CA cops contains toxins! How
awful! What the Greenies don't mention is the first law of
toxicology: The toxicity is in the dose. We ingest minute
amounts of toxins all the time and it does us no harm. But even
plain old drinking water can kill you if you drink too much of it.
Wastewater for crop usage is purified according to official standards
and there is no evidence it does any harm.
“You can't find what you don't look for,” UC Berkeley researcher Seth
B.C. Shonkoff recently told the LA Times, referring to the chemicals
that state regulators don’t know to test for in the recycled wastewater
the California oil industry sells for use on crops here in the top
agricultural producing state in the US.
Chevron produces more than 10 times as much water as it does oil at its
Kern River oil field in California’s Central Valley, for instance —
760,000 barrels of water a day versus 70,000 barrels of oil. Half of
that water is treated and sold to the Cawelo Water District in
Bakersfield, which mixes it with fresh water and sells it exclusively to
Nobody knows if that water contains chemicals from fracking or other
extreme oil extraction techniques, because the companies aren't required
to test for them before selling the water. Nobody knows what those
chemicals are, anyway, because companies aren't required to make that
information public.
And that’s just a fraction of the lucrative new market in recycled oil
field water Chevron is pioneering as the climate-exacerbated drought
gripping the American West show no signs of abating any time soon.
According to the LA Times, the company recycles 21 million gallons of
produced water every day in California, selling it to farmers who use it
on about 45,000 acres of cropland in Kern County, the nation’s “No. 2
crop county” since 2013.
Farmers rely on government regulators to guarantee that the recycled oil
water they buy is safe, the Times reports, but given that state
regulators don’t even know what those chemicals are, it can't very well
be testing for them. But that could all change soon.
The California legislature passed a law in 2013 that establishes a
regulatory framework for fracking, acidization and other unconventional
well stimulations techniques, including mandatory air quality and
groundwater monitoring and public disclosure of all chemicals used. The
full regulations go into effect July 1, 2015 (six months before the
scientific study and environmental impact study ordered by the law will
be completed, but that’s another story).
Last month, state water authorities announced that all recycled oil
field water would have to be tested for every chemical copmanies report
using in the extraction process, and set a June 15, 2015 deadline for
companies to report the results of those tests. Currently, the only
tests required by the state are for naturally occurring toxins.
Environmental advocacy group Water Defense has already done its own test
of the water Chevron is selling to California farmers, however, and
says, “Our findings are appalling: laboratory analysis of irrigation
water in the Cawelo Water District found not only oil, but known toxins
and potential carcinogens including methylene chloride. Are these
chemicals in the food we eat? We need to be investigating our waterways
for the full range of contaminants that are going into them.”
David Ansolabehere, general manager of the Cawelo Water District,
criticized Water Defense’s methods, per the LA Times, but at the same
time announced that his agency and Chevron would voluntarily contract a
third party to conduct tests in accordance with the new requirements.
The biggest question that needs to be answered in all this, of course,
is whether or not there has been significant contamination of our food
supply. At present, it’s not clear whether or not oil contamination in
water used on crops could ever actually make its way into an almond or
cherry or any other California-grown produce you might ever consume. But
it certainly will help when we know what to look for.
Of course, this is just one of many issues the oil industry has with
water that needs to be resolved. California oil wells coughed up some
3.1 billion barrels of water along with 200 million barrels of oil in
2014, much of it too salty or chemical-laden to be treated in a
cost-effective manner.
Some 831 million barrels of that wastewater was injected into disposal
wells last year, even as evidence was coming to light that California
regulators had improperly allowed as many as 2,500 injection wells to
operate in groundwater aquifers that should have been protected under
the federal Safe Drinking Water Act.
In response to the drought — and the fact that California has only one
year of water left in its reservoirs — Governor Jerry Brown announced
emergency urban water use restrictions earlier this year. Those
restrictions were heavily criticized for not including the oil and
agricultural industries.
State regulators, meanwhile, gave oil companies another two years to
continue injecting wastewater into protected aquifers while they seek
the proper exemptions from the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Obama's Alaska Global Warming Story Backfires
President Obama attempted to gin up concern about global warming during
his recent high-profile trip to Alaska, but he inadvertently called
attention to major flaws in alarmist global warming theory. If Obama
wants to use Alaska as a poster child in the global warming debate,
skeptics will be all too happy to oblige.
“I’m going because Alaskans are on the front lines” of global warming,
Obama declared in a White House video. He also claimed Alaska is warming
twice as fast as the rest of the planet.
Obama listed a litany of alleged global warming harms occurring in
Alaska. He claimed warming is destabilizing permafrost, threatening
homes and infrastructure. He claimed rivers are becoming warmer and more
acidic, threatening tourism. He claimed sea level is receding, causing
shoreline erosion. He claimed wildfire season is longer and more
intense. He claimed Arctic sea ice is shrinking.
Despite all the verbal posturing, objective facts show Obama is
misrepresenting the facts regarding global warming and Alaska. Let’s
start by examining his claim that Alaska is warming twice as fast as the
rest of the planet.
Obama made this claim by singling out a time period covering the past 60
years. Since 1955, our planet has undergone three separate and distinct
temperature trends. From 1955 through the late 1970s, global
temperatures cooled. From the late 1970s through the late 1990s, global
temperatures warmed. From the late 1990s through the present, global
temperatures have flat-lined.
In Alaska, according to the Alaska Climate Research Center (ACRC),
temperatures cooled from 1955 through the 1973, warmed significantly
between 1973 and 1980, and have been flat ever since. There has been no
global warming in Alaska since the 1970s. Claiming Alaska has been
warming at twice the global average during the past 60 years is a very
imprecise (at best) and misleading (at worst) way of pointing out that
Alaska warmed during a brief 7-year period more than three decades ago
and did not experience any warming during the rest of the 60-year
period, including the past 35 years.
Alaska’s lack of recent warming is most strikingly presented in another
temperature chart published by the ACRC. The ACRC compiled temperature
data for 19 locations in Alaska from 1977 through 2014. In 16 of the 19
locations, as well as Alaska as a whole, temperatures have cooled over
the course of these past 37 years. By just about every measure, Alaska
is cooling, not warming.
Obama also claims warming temperatures are destabilizing Alaska
permafrost. Yet how can permafrost be destabilizing when its necessary
prerequisite – warming temperatures – is not even happening? And even if
permafrost were melting, why would this be a climate catastrophe?
Permafrost, by definition, is soil that is frozen solid. Frozen soil
supports very little life. Soil that is not frozen supports abundant
life. Sure, there may be some short-term disruptions of the frozen soil
while it undergoes transformation to non-frozen soil, but the long-term
benefits of soil that supports abundant life far outweigh the long-term
benefits of soil that does not support abundant life.
Obama claims rivers are becoming warmer and more acidic. Again, how are
rivers becoming warmer when Alaska air temperatures have not risen
during the past 35 years? Obama offered no scientific evidence to
support his claim, and his claim defies the objective temperature record
and common sense.
The president claims sea level is receding, causing all sorts of woes.
Yet, haven’t we been told over and over again that global warming is
causing sea level to rise, not recede? And if rising sea levels were
supposed to be such a bad thing, then why is sea level recession all of a
sudden such a bad thing?
Obama claims Alaska’s wildfire season is longer and more intense. How
can wildfire season be longer when temperatures are colder? And
regardless of such flaws in his logic, objective data show wildfires
throughout the United States are becoming less frequent as our planet
modestly warms. Indeed, the past few years have been some of the fewest
numbers of wildfires on record.
Obama’s final claim, that Arctic sea ice is receding, is counterbalanced
by expanding Southern Hemisphere sea ice. Global warming’s impact on
polar sea ice appears to not be so global after all.
Tying these objective facts together, the inescapable conclusion is
Alaskans are indeed “on the front lines” of global warming – just not in
the way Obama would lead us to believe.
Carpenter Crafting Eco-Friendly Altar of Poplar wood For Eco-Friendly Pope’s U.S. Visit
I could make some smart remarks about why Poplars should be neither
grown (intrusive roots) nor harvested (wetland tree) but I will forbear
for once
Deacon Dave Cahoon is working at his St. Joseph’s Carpentry Shop in
Poolesville, Md., to construct 14 pieces of furniture for the altar that
will be used when Pope Francis offers Mass at the Basilica of the
National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. later
this month.
The handcrafted pieces are not only specifically designed for the Pope,
but also for a Pope who believes in climate change and mankind’s role in
“Deacon Cahoon said he was inspired by Pope Francis’s recent encyclical
on ecology, Laudato Si, to use materials for the altar that did
not involve any exploitation of the environment or of native workers,”
the Catholic Standard reported.
Cahoon is part of a team of 12 craftsmen putting together the Pope’s
altar, which was designed by Catholic University architecture students
Ariadne Cerriteli, Matthew Hoffman, and Joseph Taylor and is made of
poplar wood.
This is not, however, the first time Cahoon has built an altar for a
Pope. Back in 2007 he constructed the altar used by Pope Benedict XVI in
National’s Park.
“It’s just by the grace of God,” Cahoon told The Standard of building altars for two Popes at his Poolesville, Md., shop.
“You go along for the ride, and all along the way you see the work of the Holy Spirit,” Cahoon said.
Lawmaker seeks impeachment of EPA chief
A Republican lawmaker from Arizona wants the head of the Environmental Protection Agency impeached.
A resolution introduced Friday by Rep. Paul Gosar calls for the removal
of Gina McCarthy as EPA administrator for making false statements on
multiple occasions during congressional testimony. The resolution has 20
"Perjury before Congress is perjury to the American people and an
affront to the fundamental principles of our republic and the rule of
law," Gosar said. "Such behavior cannot be tolerated. My legislation
will hold Administrator McCarthy accountable for her blatant deceptions
and unlawful conduct."
The congressman accuses McCarthy of committing perjury on three
occasions concerning the EPA's new Waters of the U.S. rule, also known
as the Clean Water Rule. The rule, which Gosar and other Republicans
oppose, gives the federal government control of various types of
waterways — such as ditches and tributaries — normally under the
jurisdiction of the states.
The resolution is the latest saga in the battle between congressional
Republicans and the EPA, which many Republicans accuse of executive
Agriculture groups, mining companies and other groups in rural regions
have expressed concerns that the water rule might pile unwanted
regulations on them.
During multiple hearings spanning from February to July, Gosar said
McCarthy testified that regulations on previously non-jurisdictional
waters were developed based on scientific data. However, memos between
officials at the Army Corps of Engineers, which is helping implement the
water rule, indicate that was not necessarily true.
Gosar also said McCarthy provided false statements under oath when she
claimed that the EPA had met all of the rule's legal and scientific
deficiencies raised by the Army Corps of Engineers. Gosar said memos and
testimony from Army Corps officials dispute those claims.
"Administrator McCarthy committed perjury and made several false
statements at multiple congressional hearings," Gosar said, "and as a
result, is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors — an impeachable
"Administrator McCarthy is a dedicated public servant who performs her
duties with the utmost respect for the law," wrote the EPA in a
statement sent to the Washington Examiner in response to the resolution.
"This exercise has zero merit and is nothing more than political
theater. Protecting public health and the environment for all Americans
should not be a political issue. All sides want clean, safe air for
their children. We are fulfilling our jobs — as Congress has directed
us, and as courts have reaffirmed for us — to protect public health and
the environment."
This is the third time Gosar has tried to impeach an official from the
Obama administration, the first two being former Attorney General Eric
Holder and Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen. Holder
left office in April, while Koskinen is still heading the IRS. Gosar, a
three-term congressman, hails from a district in Arizona that includes
large swaths of rural land. He will be up for re-election in 2016.
The Clean Water Rule rule went into effect Aug. 28. A federal judge in
North Dakota placed a temporary injunction against the EPA the day
before the water rule was set to be enforced, after 13 states filed a
lawsuit in North Dakota citing concerns it would harm states. The EPA
worked around the ruling and went ahead with enforcing the water rule in
all states except those included in the lawsuit.
"The Clean Water Rule is fundamental to protecting and restoring the
nation's water resources that are vital for our health, environment and
economy," the EPA wrote in a litigation statement in response to the
temporary injunction.
“Renewable” Energy – Powerful Words Make Us Do Stupid Things
The term “renewable” is now magical when applied to energy policy.
We understand intuitively that fossil fuels are fixed, not
renewable. Even if they are abundant now, every bit of coal, oil,
or natural gas we use means there is less available, and their use
causes a host of environmental and national security problems. If
an energy supply were renewable, it would be a desirable replacement for
fossil fuels. This was the simple logic of the federal Energy
Policy Act of 2005, including a provision to establish a renewable fuel
standard. Renewability equals goodness. A host of interest
groups, including many environmentalists, have lined up to support
almost any energy source that can carry the adjective renewable.
We can be smarter than this. It turns out that some of policies to
encourage renewable energy look just plain stupid. We need better
criteria for evaluating energy alternatives, because we must reduce
fossil fuel. (Stay tuned, I’ll return to this in the future.)
I suggest three better ways to think about energy policy – energy return
on energy invested, also called net energy; power density; and life
cycle assessment. All three are more abstract and less intuitive
than renewability. Yet all three would contribute to better energy
Energy return on energy invested (EROI) mirrors the idea of returns on
financial investments. This metric accounts for the fact that any
energy source requires other energy sources to capture, move, and
transform that energy source into heat, electricity, or work. So
the wood for our winter heating requires gasoline and oil for the chain
saw, diesel fuel for the machinery to get the logs out of the, more gas
to cut and split the wood, diesel to get the couple of cords of wood to
our house, and human work (food energy) to haul, stack, and haul it
again to the stove. The EROI for wood is the measure of the amount
of heat we get for our house from burning the wood divided by the sum
of all the energy needed to harvest, process, and deliver the
wood. If the result of that calculation is greater than 1.0 then
the net energy or EROI is positive; we got more energy out of the system
then we put into the system.
Energy systems should be thought of in the same way we think of saving
money. We would not put $100 in the bank today with the promise of
getting $95 back a year from now. So we should not promote energy
systems that put in 100 units of energy to get 95 units back, even if
the system is deemed “renewable.” We appear to have done this in
the case of ethanol from corn, the primary fuel mandated from the EPA’s
renewable fuel standard.
There is a vigorous debate in the academic literature about whether corn
ethanol’s EROI is positive or negative. Scientists supported by
the government argue that the EROI is positive, although the amount of
net energy is not large. At best the energy out in the form of
ethanol is only slightly more than the total energy it took to make this
alcohol. Others scientists, notably David Pimentel of Cornell
University, suggest that the net returns are negative. The sum of
energy to plant, fertilize, irrigate, harvest the corn, to convert the
corn to sugars, and to make ethanol from that sugar is greater than the
energy in the ethanol. Virtually all of these energy inputs are fossil
fuels. If Pimentel and others like him are correct, we are using more
fossil fuel energy to make a gallon of ethanol from corn than that
gallon of ethanol contains. But it is “renewable,” so it must be
good. This strikes me as a stupid policy. It would use less
fossil fuels to just use them directly.
A second metric for evaluating alternative energy systems is power
density. This is a measure championed by the Canadian geographer and
energy expert Vaclav Smil. Smil’s several books on energy are must
reads for anyone who wishes to weigh in on energy issues; Energy in
Nature and Society is the most comprehensive of them. Power
density, which is more abstract than EROI, measures the flow of energy
in spatial terms. Think of it as measuring how compact or dense an
energy system is. The greater the power density of the system the
less space it will consume on the planet per unit of usable energy
produced, an important consideration when we are trying to find energy
to support more than 7 billion humans. One of the reasons that
fossil fuel systems have been so successful is that they exhibit a high
power density, therefore take up less space compared to
alternatives. This fact makes finding good alternatives to fossil
fuels more challenging than just calling those alternatives “renewable.”
Looking at another popular renewable energy — wind power — we see the
usefulness of power density as a metric. Since the wind blows
often, if not regularly, it is assumed that its renewability makes it a
desirable energy alternative. But it has a very low power density,
meaning that it will take a lot more space for the wind infrastructure
to deliver the same amount of usable energy we get from fossil fuels, as
we can see below from estimates made by Smil.
This much lower power density explains why even modest wind power
development in Maine is so visible, in some cases degrading vista’s
important to Maine’s tourism economy. Wind power’s low power
density, and therefore big footprint per unit of energy delivered, also
accounts for its negative impacts on birds and bats.
A final approach to evaluating alternative energies is Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA). Here analysts attempt to measure the full costs
of energy systems “from cradle to grave,” including what economists call
the external effects. These are the spillover costs when an
activity imposes costs on other people that are not accounted for by
typical markets where energy resources are traded. LCA would
attempt to calculate the full costs of the system, from its initial
development to its eventual deconstruction once obsolete.
Going back to ethanol from corn, LCA would measure the costs of
increased soil erosion and nutrient loading in the Mississippi River and
other water bodies adjacent to the dramatically expanded acreage
dedicated to corn production because of the Renewable Fuels
Standard. It would measure the increased hypoxia in the Gulf of
Mexico as these nutrients are flushed down the Mississippi.
Renewable is one of those words with many vague meanings. That is
part of its power. It was embraced originally by environmentalists
keen to find alternative energy systems to fossil fuels. The
problem was that it was also embraced by special interests who saw a way
to enhance their narrow interests (sell more industrial corn, develop
wind farms) in the guise of improving the environment and national
security by offering “renewable” energy alternatives. Lurking
behind the rhetoric of renewability were serious environmental problems
that we ignored at our own risk.
We can be smarter.
How Obama’s Environmental Policies Are Undermining the US Military and National Security
When President Obama declared earlier this year that “climate change”
represents “an immediate risk to our national security” he was
absolutely right.
Only, the key detail he forgot to mention is precisely why it represents
such a risk: because his administration’s crazed faith that renewable
energy represents a solution to “climate change” is severely impacting
the defensive capabilities of the US military.
Consider the case of two giant wind projects scheduled imminently for development near vital US defense facilities.
Both have been given the go-ahead in the teeth of opposition from senior
members of the US military. Neither is likely to be cancelled because
they accord with the Obama administration’s green priority commitments
— which apparently take precedence over trivial issues like
hurricane predictions, air defense warnings, and terrorism prevention.
Security risk #1: the Desert Wind project in North Carolina
Comprising 150 turbines, each more than 500 feet tall, this is very
shortly to be built on the doorstep of the Hampton Roads Naval military
base — home to one of America’s only two Relocatable Over the Horizon
Radar (ROTHR) sites.
This state-of-the-art ROTHR facility is a key part of US homeland
defense, charged with monitoring criminal operations, terrorist threats,
and menacing activity of non-friendly countries in the Gulf of Mexico
and northern South America. It also deals with hurricane predictions and
climate change monitoring.
The government’s own studies have warned that turbines and radar facilities do not mix:
"Current generation wind turbines are extremely
large, radiowave-reflecting structures. The turbine blade span can
exceed the wingspan of a 747 jumbo jet and the turbine tower heights are
equivalent to a 40-story office building. The blades rotate every few
seconds so the reflected radio waves are Doppler shifted up to a couple
of hundred knots by the velocity of the blade surfaces. OTH radars
detect moving targets against a background of backscatter from the
earth’s surface, or clutter, by virtue of the speed-induced Doppler
separation between their reflections and those of the stationary
clutter. However the secondary reflection of those clutter signals off
nearby turbines introduce a spectral contamination to the clutter
backscatter which spreads it into target Dopplers. This creates a
background against which the target returns must now compete, and the
radars’ ability to detect targets is reduced, in much the same way that
municipal light pollution of the night sky prevents astronomers’ ability
to see stars."
This is why the Commanding Officer of the Texas military base near where
the only other US ROTHR facility is located pronounced himself
“extremely concerned” about the problems caused by industrial wind
turbines. Also, last year, General John F Kelly of the US Marine Corps
expressed to the House Armed Services Committee similar objections. He
"I remain concerned about the planned construction of
wind farm sites in North Carolina that will interfere with our ROTHR
radar system in Virginia. I am also concerned over wind projects in
Texas that will impact ROTHR systems in that state. These wind farms
could and likely will adversely impact our ROTHR systems….We are working
within the Department of Defense and with developers and stakeholders
to develop potential mitigation solutions but I have little confidence
we will succeed."
General Kelly’s concerns are understandable given that the government
study quoted above recommends that wind developments of Desert Winds’
magnitude be sited a minimum of 28 miles from a ROTHR receiver if they
are not seriously to degrade its performance. But Desert Winds is just
14 miles away from the ROTHR receiver. Despite this, the Navy was
mandated in October 2014 to sign an agreement with the Spanish-owned
wind developer Iberdrola. Astonishingly, the agreement says that the
Desert Wind project can only be temporarily shut down by a “special”
National Security declaration — one signed by the president. Otherwise,
it can go about its business unimpeded by any objections the military
may care to raise about lost operational performance.
Security Risk #2: Pantego Wind in North Carolina
This development of 50 turbines, each around 500 feet tall, is scheduled
to be built near Seymour Johnson AFB in Goldsboro, NC. One of the
base’s primary missions is to train fighter pilots to fly low-level
routes (eg to avoid radar).
Hence this letter from the base’s conscientious CO — Col Jeannie Leavitt
— to the NC governor outlining her concerns about how the wind project
would affect the base’s mission and operational performance.She wrote:
"…windmill structures and rotating blades have a
demonstrable negative effect on the F-15E’s main radar and its terrain
following radar system. The effects are significant at both medium and
low altitude flight levels."
Subsequently, the CO authorized an in-depth study of the problem. It identified at least three serious concerns:
It would make low-altitude air-to-air intercept
training virtually impossible, leaving pilots unable to complete their
It would interrupt low-altitude tactical navigation
and maneuvring, making training less realistic and leaving combat fliers
less proficient.
It would multiply the number of 400+ foot obstacles
in the training zone by a factor of five, raising safety of flight risk,
especially at night.
As a result, the developer (a company called Invenergy, based, almost
inevitably, in Chicago) offered to reduce the number of turbines —
though several were still to be left in the flight path of SJ pilots.
When Seymour Johnson objected to this non-solution, it was overruled
during a Department of Defense Siting process.
Through gritted teeth, Col Leavitt, 4th Fighter Tactical wing commander,
was forced to issue a statement praising the “careful balance” of an
agreement which capitalized “on the potential of renewable energy in
eastern North Carolina, while allowing the 4th Fighter Wing to continue
its F-15E, low-level flying mission.
To be clear, there is little if any credible evidence that renewable
energy is making any difference towards mitigating climate change. It’s
so unreliable it requires constant back up from conventional fossil-fuel
power stations operating on spinning reserve. And its contribution to
global energy production remains so small as to be negligible.
However, there is plenty of evidence to show that the Obama
administration’s prioritization of wind energy is impairing America’s
defence capabilities. This has been known for at least five years, as
acknowledged during a June 2010 hearing of the House Armed Services
Committee called “Wind Farms: Compatible with Military Readiness?” Rep
Solomon Ortiz, the chairman, noted:
"This IS a serious problem! Is there anything that we
can do to preserve the military capabilities threatened by wind
development at military bases? In the short term, no."
Perhaps, though, we should leave the last word on the absurdity of the
situation to Rep Conaway, during a later part of the hearing, when
questioning a starry eyed eco-zealot — one Dr. Dorothy Robyn — from the
Department of Defense.
Rep Conaway:
"So renewable energy comes in front of other
requirements that DOD has?… I have had four-stars tell me that they have
to hide all these extra costs, so they can look green. They also say
that renewable energy is not mission-critical to what they are doing.
You are not going to power an MRAP with a battery or wind."
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
16 September, 2015
Another Greenie romanticizer
It's not easy to tell what would be the ideal state of affairs for a
Greenie -- probably because there isn't one. There is no such
thing as a happy Greenie. They have antipathies rather than
goals. Insofar as they do have goals, however, the leading
candidate would be "sustainability" -- but what that means is not at all
clear. Modern industrial civilization would have to be regarded
as highly sustainable because of the way it goes from strength to
strength and creates new resources all the time. A lot of the oil
and gas presently in use was not a resource until fracking made it so.
But one does get the rather strong impression that modern industrial
civilization is NOT sustainable from a Greenie viewpoint.
with its kneejerk opposition to anything that is modern,
Environmentalism does give the strong impression that some sort of
primitive rural economy from the distant past would be the Greenie
ideal. And that ideal goes back to 19th century Germany. And
in the early 20th century it found a vigorous exponent in the world's
first Green party -- Hitler's Nazi party. And other Fascists such
as Benito Mussolini and Australia's B.A. Santamaria were also rural
So the appeal of a romanticized rural past is
obviously great, particularly to Fascists of various kinds, with the
modern-day Ecofascists now being the prominent exponents.
what this ideal past is like is very unclear. It seems to
correspond to no known period in any civilization. It is a blurry
dream rather than an historical reality. Usually, however, some
sort of primitive farming seems to be the dream.
But there is an
even more extreme faction that even disrespects farming. The
hunter-gatherer life is the ideal. The fact that modern day
hunter gatherers have a rather thin time of it seems to be dismissed
with a wave of the hand.
Every now and again, however, someone
does attempt a systematic exposition of what a more primitive life would
entail -- and presents arguments for its desirability. And a
recent book that idealizes the hunter/gatherer life has recently
appeared. It is reviewed by historian Martin Hutchinson below.
Hutchinson refers below to the recent discoveries at Gobekli Tepe -- in modern-day Turkey -- which have been held to suggest that it was religion not farming that gave birth to civilization.
[Some] Modern commentators, including Yuval Noah Harari in his
interesting book “Sapiens – a brief history of humankind” (Harper, 2015)
believe that the coming of agriculture around 10,000 years ago was a
disaster for humanity, forcing people to work much harder than the
previous hunter-gatherers for a less stable and reliable subsistence.
Yet when you look at the transition in depth, it was rational for those
who undertook it, as well as being to the immeasurable benefit of their
descendants. The hunter-gatherer existence was not some Arcadian
paradise, and without leaving it, civilization’s advance would have been
Harari, whose writing is elegant and witty yet whose attitudes are a
dreadful intolerant blend of the Millennial (for which chronologically
he does not quite qualify), the leftist, the militantly secular and the
urban, describes the transition to agriculture as “History’s Biggest
Fraud.” He points out that, although agriculture enabled the planet to
support many more people, the living standards of the early farming
peasants appear to have been far inferior to those of the
hunter-gatherers who preceded them. He rhapsodizes about the good
fortune of the first hunter-gatherers who crossed the Bering Strait
about 12,000 BC, and had the entire continent of North and South America
to forage from, filled with beasts that had never seen humans, and
therefore became easy prey to their Stone Age weaponry and cunning.
That’s all very well, but the transition to agriculture did not first
occur on the American continent; indeed it had still not fully occurred
there when Columbus arrived 10,000 years later. According to Harari, it
first occurred near the village of G?bekli Tepe, today in southern
Turkey. By 8,000 BC, that wasn’t virgin land, full of juicy prey, it was
among the planet’s most heavily populated areas.
A little application of Thomas Malthus will tell you that the
hunter-gatherers around G?bekli Tepe were not enjoying an idyllic
existence of plentiful prey and easy living. Population expands until it
comes up against the constraints of the food supply, at which point
starvation prevents it from expanding further. By 8,000 BC humans had
been living around G?bekli Tepe for tens of thousands of years and the
population had therefore reached its theoretical maximum, so the locals
were living on the edge of starvation. Theoretically, they could migrate
to a more fertile, less populated region, but with G?bekli Tepe at the
center of humanity’s overcrowding problem, the nearest area that was not
overpopulated was several thousand miles away – too far for the locals
even to know about, let along migrate to in a single lifetime.
There is another problem with the Malthusian force in a hunter-gatherer
society, as distinct from an agricultural society – it acts both ways.
In an agricultural society once the land is fully cultivated according
to the technology of the time, there is no more food and so the
population begins to starve if it keeps growing. But a growing
population doesn’t actually diminish the amount of food available (or
not significantly – new laborers’ huts take up little land area) – it
may even increase it somewhat, through switching to more labor-intensive
However in a hunter-gatherer society, not only does population growth
increase demand for food, it also decreases supply, as herds of prey
become first depleted, then extinguished. Harari points out how many
species were wiped out by our hunter-gather ancestors, even without
population pressure; one can imagine that in the area around G?bekli
Tepe, where population had been close to capacity for millennia, the
Malthusian population pressure must have been exceptionally severe, on
both sides of the equation.
Switching to agriculture was not therefore an irrational decision in the
short-term, destroying the lives of those who undertook it, but a
decision rational in both the short-term and the long-term, that was
essential to keep alive the people around G?bekli Tepe as their
traditional hunting grounds depleted even the smallest, least edible
game. Harari describes with a sneer how G?bekli Tepe is also the site of
the first temple complex, built even before the inhabitants settled
down to agriculture. Maybe this too was a rational response; these
desperately hungry people, for whom further hunting was futile because
of the lack of prey, asked the gods for help and the gods responded,
providing them with the means and the know-how to feed themselves, free
at last from the worsening Malthusian pressure that had blighted the
lives of previous generations.
The long-term benefits of agriculture were immense; apart from enabling a
gigantic population increase, from 5-10 million in 10,000 BC to 500
million by 1500 it allowed that larger population to develop
civilization. As hunter-gatherers, they had no possessions; hence could
develop little art, no writing (where would they keep the heavy scrolls
or books?) and no significant music. Also, as Harari points out, without
temples they could enjoy only the simplest of religions.
To see the long-term benefits of agriculture, I take you forward almost
10,000 years, to an ancestral portrait I have just inherited, which is
of my great-great-great grandmother Mary Kenworthy, the wife of a
modestly prosperous Yorkshire farmer, dated 1833. They were not by any
means rich, but they were literate; Mary’s husband used to read the
newspaper to the villagers in the kitchen every Sunday evening.
They had art – the portrait, painted by Mary’s cousin, is no masterpiece
but it is very competent and clearly influenced stylistically by
contemporary high culture, a long way after the fashionable painter Sir
Thomas Lawrence (1769-1830). They had a fair range of reading matter; I
have Mary’s daughter’s childhood copy of John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s
Progress” which I can recommend to those who haven’t read it. Musically
they were luckier than us, being influenced by high rather than low
culture, although apart from church hymns and anthems Mary’s exposure to
professionally produced music was probably confined to the occasional
touring performance of Handel’s “Messiah.” Religiously they were
especially fortunate, attending their local parish church of St. Chad’s
Uppermill, Saddleworth, a fine structure with a graveyard full of family
headstones and a gallery erected by an especially prosperous Kenworthy
ancestor in 1711.
In short, my Kenworthy ancestors, neither rich nor prominent, had a
lifestyle that hunter-gatherers could not have enjoyed in their wildest
dreams, at a far higher civilizational and cultural level, none of which
would have been possible but for the move to agriculture (and which was
only modestly touched by the more recent Industrial and Scientific
Revolutions—the railways had not yet reached Saddleworth by 1833.)
They were of course on the cusp of another change. Twenty years later,
with the family fortunes badly damaged by Sir Robert Peel’s economically
suicidal 1846 Repeal of the Corn Laws, Esther’s daughter was compelled
to join the Industrial Revolution, marrying a moulder, son of a spindle
forger, unquestionably proletarian (albeit skilled proletarian) toilers
in the textile mills of nearby Oldham. For fifty years the family was
thereby proletarianized, before a subsequent generation managed to
scramble its way back into the middle class around 1900.
Like the Agricultural Revolution of 8,000 BC the Industrial Revolution
of 1800-1900 imposed unpleasant short-term costs. But I am today
materially considerably richer than was Mary Kenworthy, and have already
lived much longer than she did. Moreover, with TV, the Internet, cheap
books, CDs and DVDs, my cultural and intellectual life is much richer
than hers, provided I have the sense to avoid the culture imposed on me
from below, whereas she could rejoice in the culture imposed on her from
The central conclusion is clear: the traditional 19th Century view is
correct that hailed the advent of agriculture as a major advance in
civilization, without which nothing else would have been possible.
Whatever the short-term costs (which lessened only as agricultural
technology began to improve) the switch was necessary for survival to
the unfortunates attempting to be hunter-gatherers while their prey was
becoming extinct.
More important, without the advent of agriculture we would by now have
lost the orally transmitted Homer and there would have been no
Aristotle, Shakespeare, Newton or Einstein. Far from being defrauded,
the early farmers toiling all week and worshiping in their new temple at
weekends could rejoice in their survival and in their contribution to
the future of humanity.
NOAA gets it right on CA drought. Warmists buck
Natural weather patterns, not man-made global warming, are causing the
historic drought parching California, says a study out Monday from
federal scientists.
"It's important to note that California's drought, while extreme, is not
an uncommon occurrence for the state," said Richard Seager, the
report's lead author and professor with Columbia University's Lamont
Doherty Earth Observatory. The report was sponsored by the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The report did not appear in a
peer-reviewed journal but was reviewed by other NOAA scientists.
"In fact, multiyear droughts appear regularly in the state's climate
record, and it's a safe bet that a similar event will happen again," he
The persistent weather pattern over the past several years has featured a
warm, dry ridge of high pressure over the eastern north Pacific Ocean
and western North America. Such high-pressure ridges prevent clouds from
forming and precipitation from falling.
The study notes that this ridge — which has resulted in decreased rain
and snowfall since 2011 — is almost opposite to what computer models
predict would result from human-caused climate change.
The NOAA report says midwinter precipitation is projected to increase
because of human-caused climate change over most of the state. Seager
said a low-pressure system, not a high-pressure system, would probably
form off the California coast because of climate change.
Low pressure creates clouds and precipitation.
Some outside climate scientists criticized the report, saying it didn't take into effect how record warmth worsened the drought.
"The authors of the new report would really have us believe that is
merely a coincidence and has nothing to do with the impact of
human-caused climate change?" Penn State meteorologist Michael Mann
wrote Monday in The Huffington Post. "Frankly, I don't find that even
remotely plausible."
Mann said the NOAA report focuses primarily on the lack of
precipitation, not the unusually high temperatures measured in the
oceans as well as across California.
"This study completely fails to consider what climate change is doing to
water in California," wrote Kevin Trenberth, head of climate analysis
at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. He said the work
"completely misses" how hotter air increases drying by evaporating more
of it from the ground.
Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather
Poorer nations suffering from extreme weather disasters, so much so that
their citizens are seeking refuge in safer terrains outside their
borders, want rich nations like the United States to pay for reparations
and to relocate populations.
Preparatory talks ahead of the United Nations Conference on Climate
Change to be held in Paris in December has representatives from
developing nations asking for more than an already agreed upon $100
billion per year for climate change mitigation measures. They want
additional compensation for weather-related disasters as well as a
"displacement coordination facility" for refugees. And they want all
this to be legally binding as part of the larger anticipated Paris
The U.S. and wealthier nations in the European Union are balking.
The rationale for the additional funds and refugee facility is based on
donor country failures to follow through cohesively on aid pledges
following weather-related disasters. For example, last March, Cyclone
Pam devastated islands in the South Pacific but attention quickly turned
to the massive earthquake in Nepal soon thereafter. That left small
nations such as Vanuatu, which was devastated, to manage its own cleanup
without much in the way of international assistance.
Poorer nations blame extreme weather-related disasters on climate change
stemming from emission-polluting countries that have more developed and
wealthier economies.
The U.N. Paris conference aims to reach an international, legally biding
agreement on climate change that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions
and thwart global temperature rise. A separate agreement is being eyed
to address losses and damages from extreme weather events, thought to be
a result of climate change.
As it stands, the Warsaw Mechanism, adopted in 2013 at the U.N. climate
conference in Poland, established a structure to address losses and
damages associated with climate change impacts. However that mechanism
is due to expire this year when a new climate agreement is reached.
Poorer nations who say they are on the front lines of climate change and
suffer the worst of its extreme weather ramifications aren't pleased by
the expiration. They want loss and damage provisions to be extended and
expanded upon.
Reports indicate a compromise will be sought whereby the Warsaw
Mechanism is extended, yet carved out from any legally binding
Meanwhile, environmental groups are lobbying to make reparations even
more punitive and require polluting companies in the private sector to
step up and also pay for extreme weather-related damages.
Property and casualty losses have been a point of contention for years
in climate-change discussions. How to handle refugee claims is a
relatively new issue that comes at a time when Europe is facing a
separate refugee crisis of its own, with hordes of people seeking asylum
from war-torn countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Nine civil
wars are raging in countries from Pakistan to Nigeria.
Adding climate refugees to those numbers may be too much for government
representatives to take on at the moment. Without question, however, a
refugee facility needs to be discussed if not negotiated, as do further
compensation measures for poor countries.
The $100 billion-a-year-commitment by 2020 seems like a lot of money,
but increasingly it isn't looking like enough funding. With extreme
weather events on the rise, so too will be the costs of cleanup and the
tolls on people's lives.
China cooling on "renewables"
China’s wind and solar developers are getting much less than they
anticipated in handouts from the government because of a quirk in
subsidy policies, threatening to stymie growth in the world’s biggest
market for clean energy.
The issue relates to the support China pays power suppliers as
enticement to develop clean energy projects. Surcharges slapped onto
electricity bills to fund the subsidies are too low, leaving a gap
between what was promised and what’s being paid out, said Meng Xiangan,
vice chairman of the China Renewable Energy Society, an industry group.
Left to continue, the trend may foreshadow a reckoning for what has
become the engine of growth in the global renewables industry. While
China’s hunger for energy is un-sated, less money flowing to developers
could ultimately constrain China’s capacity to generate power from
nonpolluting sources.
“This will weaken enthusiasm for investment and go against the development of renewable power in the long run,” Meng said.
Additional delays could ultimately eat into cash flow at companies such
as China Longyuan Power Group Corp., China Datang Corporation Renewable
Power Co. and others.
About 30 billion yuan ($4.7 billion) to 40 billion yuan may be owed by
the government to developers in unpaid subsidies, said Li Junfeng,
director general of the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and
International Cooperation. Some developers have been waiting since
before 2012 for payments they’ve yet to receive, Li estimates.
Global Warming Goes To Court
“No challenge? poses a greater threat to future generations than climate
change” declared President Obama in his most recent state of the union
address last January. Environmental activists applauded, but they are
not satisfied. Despite the Obama Administration’s executive initiatives,
including aggressive new limits on carbon emissions from power plants,
there is widespread agreement in the climate action lobby that
governments everywhere are not doing enough.
After years of testifying before administrative agencies and lobbying in
legislatures with disappointing results, many climate activists see the
courts as their last best hope. Over the past few years, lawsuits have
been filed in almost every American state and in many foreign countries
asserting that the judiciary has the authority and the responsibility to
order the executive and legislative branches of government to take more
aggressive actions to combat climate change.
Because the judicial role is generally understood to be that of law
interpreter and enforcer, not law maker, plaintiffs in these climate
change lawsuits must persuade the courts that existing law requires them
to order their coequal branches of government to do what they have
previously failed or even declined to do. In the United States, most
plaintiffs have relied on the common law doctrines of public nuisance
and public trust. Pursuant to both theories, the idea is that the public
has preexisting rights that are being violated by government’s failure
to adequately mitigate climate change. In other countries, climate
change lawsuits are more often founded on alleged government obligations
under international law and on public rights implicit in international
legal principles.
The difficulty for plaintiffs in all of these climate change lawsuits is
that their legal theories have little basis in positive law or judicial
precedent. The common law theories relied on by U.S. plaintiffs require
courts to make vast leaps from prior judicial rulings, while the
international law claims made elsewhere require courts to extract
concrete legal rules from vague principles like fairness,
sustainability, and the precautionary principle.
In the U.S. and other countries with strong rule of law traditions, most
judges, even if sympathetic with the climate activists’ concerns, are
reticent to engage in the sort of creative interpretation required to
reach a ruling favorable to the plaintiffs. Doing so feels uncomfortably
like policy making, particularly in light of the extensive efforts over
the past decades to get legislative and executive officials to take
action. But in all things, including judging, there are exceptions—hence
the climate activists’ strategy of filing a multitude of lawsuits in
courts of all sorts. Sooner or later, a court will be persuaded that the
alleged climate crisis justifies judicial intervention.
This scattershot strategy has recently borne fruit in the Netherlands.
In a ruling dated June 24, 2015, the Hague District Court (Chamber for
Commercial Affairs) ordered the government of the Netherlands to
implement climate change mitigation measures sufficient to achieve at
least a 25 percent reduction (from 1990 levels) in Dutch carbon dioxide
emissions from all sources (public and private) by 2020. Current
government policies are projected to achieve a 14-17 percent reduction
by 2020, with an 80 percent reduction by 2050. Indeed, the government is
in full agreement with the plaintiffs and the court that an 80 percent
reduction by 2050 is necessary to assure that carbon dioxide
concentrations do not exceed 450 ppm by 2100.
Given that the plaintiffs and the government agree on the ultimate goal
while disagreeing only on how to get there, why isn’t this an issue
properly resolved in the executive and legislative branches of the Dutch
government? Because, says the Dutch court, that government’s policy
choices violate the rights of Dutch citizens.
The plaintiff in the case is the Dutch environmental organization
Urgenda, described by the court as “a citizens’ platform . . . involved
in the development of plans and measures to prevent climate change.” As
part of a global strategy to persuade courts that they have authority to
trump the climate policy decisions of the legislative and executive
branches of government, Urgenda’s lawsuit resulted in a rare but
significant victory for climate activists. The ruling will now be cited
as precedent in pending and future lawsuits not only in the Netherlands,
but across the globe.
It was inevitable that sooner or later a court would be persuaded to
declare that the threat of climate change requires judicial
intervention. But whatever one thinks about climate change science and
the severity of the threat to human populations, the Dutch court
decision is a clear usurpation of the policymaking role of the
Recognizing the brazen nature of their mandate, the Dutch judges take
pains to explain why they believe they are not violating the separation
of powers as it exists under Dutch law. “The task of providing legal
protection from government authorities, such as the State, preeminently
belongs to the domain of a judge.” “With this order,” they proclaim,
“the court has not entered the domain of politics.”
For that claim to be credible, the plaintiffs must have preexisting
rights that are violated by their government’s failure to enact the
policies favored by plaintiffs. How are the rights of Dutch citizens
infringed by their government’s choosing policies that will achieve at
best a 17 percent reduction in carbon emissions as opposed to policies
that would achieve a 25 percent reduction, bearing in mind that these
projections of future carbon levels are highly speculative? Would a
projected 20 percent reduction in emissions be sufficient, or must the
predicted reduction be at least 25 percent?
It turns out the rights found to be violated by Dutch climate policy are
rooted in: (1) an assortment of international agreements and the
statutory and constitutional responsibility of the Dutch government to
provide a “healthy and safe living environment,” (2) previous Dutch
policy projected to cut emissions by 30 percent by 2020, and (3) an
international scientific consensus, with which the Dutch government
agrees, that 450 ppm of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is the maximum
that can be allowed to assure that average global surface temperatures
will not rise more that 2 degrees centigrade (from 1850).
Based on a lengthy review of all of this, and notwithstanding the
court’s admission that it “does not have independent expertise in this
area,” the court concludes that existing Dutch climate policy
constitutes a negligent breach of a duty of care owed the plaintiffs and
all Dutch citizens.
A sampling of the international norms on which this duty of care is
based includes “fairness,” the “precautionary principle,”
“sustainability,” the “principle of a high protection level,” and the
“prevention principle” (whatever any of those mean). “With due regard
for all the above,” write the Dutch judges, “the answer to the question
whether or not the State is exercising due care with its current climate
policy depends on whether according to objective standards the
reduction measures taken by the State to prevent hazardous climate
change for man and the environment are sufficient.”
In assessing the legal sufficiency of the Dutch government’s climate
policies, a court might be expected to look to previous cases, if not
the settled laws of the Netherlands. Instead, the court offers a long
series of policy conclusions including, for example: “the costs of the
measures ordered by the court are not unacceptably high,” “as a
developed country the Netherlands should take the lead,” and “it [is
not] evident that the State has insufficient financial means to realize
higher reduction measures.” And just for good measure, the court
declares that it “adopts an evolutive approach,” meaning “the Court is
not bound by its previous decisions” because “the interpretation of the
rights and freedoms is not fixed but can take account of the social
context and changes in society.”
Coming from a court in a nation that purports to adhere to the rule of
law and the constitutional separation of powers, these declarations are
astonishing. The Dutch court takes upon itself the clearly legislative
task of determining what costs are acceptable to the Dutch people and
their government. Resources expended on carbon emission reduction are
resources not available for other public purposes. Choosing among the
alternatives is not a judicial function. And the court’s declaration
that rights and freedoms are contingent on social context and changes in
society as monitored by the judiciary is a transparent abandonment of
the rule of law.
Americans and Europeans will ignore this Dutch court decision at their
peril. The ruling will be cited widely as similar cases come before
courts around the globe. It should be roundly dismissed for what it is—a
blatant affront to democratic government and a dangerous departure from
the rule of law.
‘Settled Science’ Is a Myth
Never trust a politician who quotes “settled science.” It used to be
“settled science” that the universe was eternal and static, that fat
makes you fat, and that the sun revolves around the earth. Before
“global warming,” the scare was “global cooling” — a new Ice Age would
end life on earth as we know it.
Recent events have confirmed that science is rarely settled. Last week,
the journal Science reported that 62 of 100 psychology studies had been
overstated — when the original studies were repeated, the results were
far less remarkable than originally claimed. Similarly, “settled
science” myths like the consensus on man-made catastrophic climate
change and the gender pay gap have also been debunked.
One fundamental characteristic of science is that it can be proven
wrong. The scientific method only guides us to truth if every theory is
open to investigation. Often, the greatest scientific progress happens
when one theory disproves another — and “settled science” gets thrown
out the window.
Psychology and the Incentives to Exaggerate Results
In 2011, University of Virginia Psychologist Brian Nozek set up the
Reproducibility Project to test the strength of studies across the
field. He recruited 250 researchers and chose 100 studies published in
2008. Working closely with the original researcher, Nozek’s group
reproduced each study, and published their results last month.
As the New York Times reported, the project “found no evidence of fraud
or that any original study was definitively false,” but a majority were
overstated. “Strictly on the basis of significance — a statistical
measure of how likely it is that a result did not occur by chance — 35
of the studies held up, and 62 did not,” the Times reported.
Jelte Wicherts, associate professor of methodology and statistics at the
Netherlands’ Tilburg University, admitted surprise at the results. “I
think we knew or suspected that the literature had problems, but to see
it so clearly, on such a large scale — it’s unprecedented.”
These new results mean it is far less likely that the psychology in
these studies accurately describes human behavior in general.
“Scientists have pointed to a hypercompetitive culture across science
that favors novel, sexy results and provides little incentive for
researchers to replicate the findings of others, or for journals to
publish studies that fail to find a splashy report,” explained the New
York Times’ Benedict Carey.
The “publish or perish” mentality among many professors and scientific
researchers leads to a frenzied rush to promote more exciting studies,
and few reasons to go back and check the work of others.
“We see this as a call to action, both to the research community to do
more replication, and to funders and journals to address the
dysfunctional incentives,” Nozek said.
Motives Behind the Climate Change ‘Consensus’
Media outlets and politicians like Barack Obama and John Kerry like to
point to a “scientific consensus” (98 percent!) that the climate is
changing, fossil fuels are to blame, and that we need strict regulations
on oil and coal in order to stave off a global apocalypse. As Forbes’
Larry Bell points out, however, a large number of scientists rejects
this alarmism.
In fact, more than 31,000 American scientists have signed the Oregon
Petition, opposing the “consensus” on climate change. The petition
opposes restrictions on fossil fuels and flatly denies the global
warming alarmism.
“There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon
dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the
foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere
and disruption of the Earth’s climate. Moreover, there is substantial
scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce
many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments
of the Earth.”
A 2010 George Mason University survey of 571 media broadcast
meteorologists found that 63 percent believe global warming is caused by
natural, not human causes.
A 2012 survey from the American Meteorological Society found that only a
quarter of scientists agreed with the UN Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change that humans are primarily responsible for recent warming.
89 percent accept that the planet is warming, but only 30 percent said
they were worried about it.
In 2008, the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and
Geophysics of Alberta surveyed 51,000 Canadian scientists. 99 percent of
the 1,077 who responded said climate is changing, but only 26 percent
blamed “human activity like burning fossil fuels.” 68 percent disagreed
that “the debate on the scientific causes of recent climate change is
Bell explains that the oft-cited “98% of all scientists believe in
global warming” comes from a 2009 American Geophysical Union survey sent
to 10,257 scientists — 3,000 of whom responded. Of those, 82 percent
answered “yes” to the question “Do you think that human activity is a
significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?”
Of this increasingly small group, only 77 scientists had been able to
publish more than half of their papers in peer-reviewed climate science
journals. 75 of them said “yes” to that question. 75 is 98 percent of
77, but that does not mean that a vast majority of all American
scientists support the alarmist position. Those 75 scientists don’t even
necessarily believe human activity has harmed the environment, since
human impacts could make it better or worse.
In 2007, Congress gave the National Academy of Sciences $5,856,000 to
conduct a study on climate change. The study concluded that Earth’s
temperature has risen over the past 100 years (shocker) and that human
activities have increased the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. The study
could not prove a link between the two, nor that this constituted an
imminent threat.
“Regardless of evidence the answer is predetermined,” explained Dr.
Richard Lindzen, Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “If government wants carbon
control, that is the answer that the Academies will provide.”
The Gender Pay Gap
The liberal talking points also break down when it comes to the gender
pay gap. Last week, The United Kingdom’s Press Association released a
study showing that — contrary to popular belief — women actually make
more money than men, until they reach their 30s. Only from that point on
do men make more than women.
Ann Pickering, HR director at the telecom company O2, explained that
“women are playing catchup when it comes to reaching senior well-paid
positions.” In other words, the workforce is still biased towards men,
but the results show up later.
Forbes’ Tim Worstall presented a much more cogent argument, however.
“It’s obviously not gender discrimination because…women earn more than
men before they have children. It’s thus the children, not the gender,
which is the cause.”
Worstall calculates that, if a woman has two children during her 30s and
takes the full amount of maternity leave available, she will spend 2
years — 20 percent of that decade — taking off work. This would
certainly make her earnings seem less than a man’s, even if he was hired
at the same rate.
Also, “it is well attested that many women with children think that the
children are rather more important than the career,” Worstall adds.
Women who voluntarily leave the workforce to care for children at home
also skew the data.
Finally, Worstall follows the data to a third situation — that of
unmarried and childless women, who make more money than their unmarried
and childless male counterparts during their 30s.
In the United States, politicians like to cite the statistic that, on
average, women make 76 cents for every dollar a man makes. CNN Money
debunked this myth as far back as 2006, however. “All the wage-gap ratio
reflects is a comparison of the median earnings of all working women
and men who log at least 35 hours a week on the job, any job. That’s
it,” writer Jeanne Sahadi explained.
This widely-cited statistic “doesn’t compare those with equal work,
equal training, equal education, or equal tenure.” The author also
acknowledged that the pay gap can easily be explained by women’s
alternate choices, especially if or when they decide to have children.
Why Science Seems Unreliable
Each of these situations lead to skepticism about the results of
scientific studies. If psychology has been overstated, global warming is
not a consensus, and the gender pay gap is more complicated, these
facts seem to warrant an investigation into why ‘science’ can seem so
The answer lies in the nature of science itself. The scientific method —
studying facts and coming up with theories to explain them, then
testing those theories — has great explanatory power, but is never fully
Science accepts or rejects ideas based on supporting or refuting
evidence, which helps us understand how the world works. But no
scientific conclusion is forever closed to further investigation, and
new evidence or perspectives can bring down even the most accepted
In short, if any politician tells you his program is supported by
“settled science,” tell him that the only true settled science is that
science is always open to further investigation.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
15 September, 2015
Lord Monckton reacts below to Snyder's 'climate scam' piece in the
NYT, warning of a 'next genocide'. I thought I was pretty acerbic
at times but Monckton leaves me far behind.
There is a small coda
to this Snyder nonsense that I would like to mention: As Monckton
documents below, Snyder explicitly compares climate skeptics to
Hitler. In my comment on Snyder yesterday I pointed out that was
actually Snyder who was comparable to Hitler! Fair enough?
Apparently not. I got a tweet about that from someone who calls himself
The Tracker -- @IdiotTracker . His tweet in full was:
@ClimateDepot That is possibly the dumbest attempt at guilt by
association I've ever seen. And I've read @JoanneNova's blog. #sad"
shows absolutely no awareness that it was Snyder who was attempting to
create guilt by association. Selective vision at its finest! Only
Leftists are allowed to talk about Hitler, apparently. I don't in
fact think I was attempting to create guilt by association. I
think I was making an accurate historical comparison, while Snyder
certainly was not
The Marxstream news media have always been champions of every passing
totalitarian fad, however murderous. Hitler only got away with the
slaughter of 6 million Jews because the Western news media fawned upon
him and demanded appeasement almost until the first shots were fired in
the Second World War. Likewise, the totalitarian press fawned upon
Communism, even as it killed 100 million in the 20th century alone, to
such an extent that some papers could scarcely bring themselves to cheer
when the Berlin wall was torn down.
Naturally, therefore, they all signed up dutifully to the climate scam,
the new and ingenious but false and intrinsically genocidal pretext for
the global government centered on the U.N. that, barring a miracle, will
be established in Paris this December. In support of this ghastly
endeavor, the New York Times ran an outstandingly repellent opinion
piece on Sept. 12 by a useless professor of tiddlywinks and raffia work
at Yale, one Snyder (by name and nature) describing those of us who dare
to question the climate scam as adopting “an intellectual stance that
is uncomfortably close to Hitler’s.”
Let us put that revolting and stunningly inapt comparison into its
context. This is what the evil Snyder wrote and the New York Times(“all
the junk that’s fit to debunk”) published, under the headline, “The Next
“Hitler spread ecological panic by claiming that only land would bring
Germany security and by denying the science that promised alternatives
to war. By polluting the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, the United
States has done more than any other nation to bring about the next
ecological panic, yet it is the only country where climate science is
still resisted by certain political and business elites. These deniers
tend to present the empirical findings of scientists as a conspiracy and
question the validity of science – an intellectual stance that is
uncomfortably close to Hitler’s.”
I have no idea how much taxpayer money this egregious waste of space has
accumulated over the decades. Every cent of it was wasted.
Let us take apart Snyder’s tortuous attempt not only to deny that Hitler
was a greenie but also to make out that he was somehow “anti-science.”
First, Hitler did not “spread ecological panic”; he exploited
environmentalism as a method of ruthless control.
The National Socialist Workers’ Party of Germany was the first in the
world to adopt the “green” mantle, for Hitler and his goons were ahead
of the pack in appreciating what Snyder and his overpaid, under-educated
fellow goons in the batik and tie-dyeing department at Yale
kindergarten well understand: If you are arrogant enough to want to
control the populace, the “green” agenda – let us call it “Agenda 21? –
is the very best program to provide nonsensical excuses for the
governing elite to interfere expensively in every tiny detail of our
And Hitler’s problem was not that he “denied the science that promised
alternatives to war.” He wanted war, and he embraced the science that
made it possible.
The reason for Snyder’s more than usually dumb comparison was, of
course, so that he could clamber onto the “global-warming” bandwagon
just as all the wheels are coming off. Snyder, plainly no scientist,
labors under the elementary delusion that CO2 is “pollution.” For what
does a communist need to know about science? One thing and one thing
only – the party line. And Snyder knows the party line all right, for it
is spouted interminably in the knitting and crochet-work department at
Yale and Harvard and other places where they used to think and now
merely chant currently fashionable hard-left slogans.
Snyder is, in effect, accusing the Republican Party and the few business
interests not yet profiteering monstrously from the climate fraud of
being as genocidal as Hitler. The truth, of course, is that the real
genocide is happening unseen every day in Africa, where for a tenth of
what we are already squandering on the non-problem that was “global
warming,” we could give everyone cheap, reliable, clean, fossil-fueled
electric power, lift them out of poverty, disease and death, and hence
stabilize the population, minimizing its environmental footprint.
To get the scare going, the climate communists made certain definite
predictions that have just as definitely not come to pass. Those first
predictions in 1990 were to the effect that by now there would have been
almost three times as much global warming. It is legitimate, therefore,
to raise questions about why there has been negligible global warming
in the oceans throughout the entire 11 years of systematic measurement,
and none at all in the lower atmosphere for 18 years and eight months,
according to the satellites.
It is Snyder, then, who is anti-science – or would be, if he or anyone
in the origami and card-tricks department at Yale were bright enough.
All the predictions of doom in which he believes because they constitute
the party line have been proven utterly false. All the ice gone in the
Arctic by 2013: Nope, it’s still there. Droughts increasing (Snyder’s
hate speech is illustrated with a photo captioned to the effect that
droughts are worsening): Nope, the area of the globe under drought has
been declining for 30 years. Sea-level rise accelerating (Snyder’s
article has a photo caption alleging that “in Bangladesh millions of
people have been displaced by floods and the rising sea level”): Nope,
sea level off Bangladesh has actually fallen throughout the recent
record. Storms increasing: Nope, there’s been no land-falling hurricane
in the U.S. for longer than at any time since records began, and global
storminess has remained much the same throughout the satellite era.
Should Snyder have been allowed to preach so much malice and hate so
openly, so mendaciously, and with so scandalously little intellectual
rigor or moral justification? One might have hoped for better from the
coloring-by-numbers department at Yale. Your Constitution, though, says
hate speech is fine, and the Supreme clots will uphold it as long as the
speaker is left-wing.
However, the New York Times,though it takes full advantage of the
constitutional right of free speech, has shown itself to be culpably
determined not to allow any point of view but its own to be argued in
its pages, particularly on any question – such as climate – that lies at
the heart of the communist party line that it espouses. Do not hold
your breath for an early reply to Snyder’s goose-stepping in that
once-great paper’s shabby columns.
Let us hope that the Grand Old Party will remember Snyder’s words of
sheer, hate-filled wickedness and make absolutely sure that every penny
that might otherwise have gone to the face-painting and dressing-up
department at Yale in funding for any purpose is cut off and put
straight back into the pockets of the hard-pressed taxpayers from which
it was wrenched.
It is Snyder who is the little Hitler here. Like Hitler, he believes
that only one point of view is permissible on the question of the hour.
Like Hitler, he espouses what history will reveal to have been entirely
the wrong point of view. Like Hitler, he accuses his opponents of
genocide while advocating it himself by demanding that the U.S. should
adopt the brutal, genocidal climate-communist party line. Like Hitler,
he uses the environment as a threadbare cloak for rank totalitarian
advocacy. Like Hitler, he hates his own country enough to spit upon it
and to wish to do it harm for absolutely no good reason. Like Hitler, he
distorts the scientific truth and exploits it in an unprincipled
fashion for the sake of spreading hatred. Like Hitler, he knows little
or no science himself. Like Hitler, he flagrantly, knowingly,
repeatedly, hatefully states the direct opposite of the objective truth.
What, then, to do about Snyder? No doubt there are still a few
red-blooded Americans at Yale, mingling among the etiolated, apolaustic
epicenes who mince about the place. Let them, passing Snyder as he
scurries earnestly toward the stenciling-and-crayons department, throw
him a mocking Nazi salute and, at the tops of their voices, yell “Heil
The odious Snyder deserves the minting of a new word. For there are two
species of totalitarian socialism on this planet, alas, and that
shambling, bleating wretch is the very embodiment and quintessence of
both. There is communist socialism, which believes that everything that
moves should be nationalized and that everything that doesn’t move
should be arrested or left to rust, and down with the United States. And
there is fascist socialism, which believes grinding the poor under its
jack-booted heel and cozying up to big business and allowing it to be
independent just so long as it toes the party line, and down with the
United States.
The New York Times and its dismal professor of silly walks and
cupcake-baking are communists and fascists rolled up into one. They are
fasmunists. It’s an ugly word for ugly people. Heil Snyder!
Physicists Predict Rapid Fall In Solar Activity -- to mini ice age levels
A new model of the Sun’s solar cycle is producing unprecedentedly
accurate predictions of irregularities within the Sun’s 11-year
heartbeat. The model draws on dynamo effects in two layers of the Sun,
one close to the surface and one deep within its convection zone.
Predictions from the model suggest that solar activity will fall by 60
per cent during the 2030s to conditions last seen during the ‘mini ice
age’ that began in 1645.
Results were presented by Prof Valentina Zharkova to the National Astronomy Meeting in Llandudno on 9 July 2015.
It is 172 years since a scientist first spotted that the Sun’s activity
varies over a cycle lasting around 10 to 12 years. But every cycle is a
little different and none of the models of causes to date have fully
explained fluctuations. Many solar physicists have put the cause of the
solar cycle down to a dynamo caused by convecting fluid deep within the
Sun. Now, Zharkova and her colleagues have found that adding a second
dynamo, close to the surface, completes the picture with surprising
“We found magnetic wave components appearing in pairs, originating in
two different layers in the Sun’s interior. They both have a frequency
of approximately 11 years, although this frequency is slightly
different, and they are offset in time. Over the cycle, the waves
fluctuate between the northern and southern hemispheres of the Sun.
Combining both waves together and comparing to real data for the current
solar cycle, we found that our predictions showed an accuracy of 97%,”
said Zharkova.
Zharkova and her colleagues derived their model using a technique called
‘principal component analysis’ of the magnetic field observations from
the Wilcox Solar Observatory in California. They examined three solar
cycles-worth of magnetic field activity, covering the period from
1976-2008. In addition, they compared their predictions to average
sunspot numbers, another strong marker of solar activity. All the
predictions and observations were closely matched.
Looking ahead to the next solar cycles, the model predicts that the pair
of waves become increasingly offset during Cycle 25, which peaks in
2022. During Cycle 26, which covers the decade from 2030-2040, the two
waves will become exactly out of synch and this will cause a significant
reduction in solar activity.
“In cycle 26, the two waves exactly mirror each other – peaking at the
same time but in opposite hemispheres of the Sun. Their interaction will
be disruptive, or they will nearly cancel each other. We predict that
this will lead to the properties of a ‘Maunder minimum’,” said Zharkova.
“Effectively, when the waves are approximately in phase, they can show
strong interaction, or resonance, and we have strong solar activity.
When they are out of phase, we have solar minimums. When there is full
phase separation, we have the conditions last seen during the Maunder
minimum, 370 years ago.”
Journal abstract:
Heartbeat of the sun derived with principal component analyses and prediction of solar activity on millennium scale
by Valentina Zharkova et al
In this talk we present new results of principal component analysis of
the solar background magnetic field and sunspot magnetic field measured
in the cycles 21-24 by Wilcox Solar Observatory and SOHO/MDI. We report a
pair of principal components (PCs) of magnetic field waves covering
more than 30% of the data variance and attribute these components to
dynamo waves generated in two layer dynamo model. We derive mathematical
laws describing these dynamo waves and describe their link to the solar
activity index of sunspot numbers. Using the derived laws we predict
the solar activity backward and forward for two millenniums and reveal
close fit to all the observed activity features and the presence of a
long-term activity cycle of 320-400 years in addition to the regular 22
year cycle. Preliminary interpretation of the PCA results with the
modified Parker's two layer dynamo model accounting for both cycles (22
and 350 years) is also discussed.
Britain facing a decade of colder summers – but we'll still have global warming
Global warming is now a sort of rosary: You just keep chanting it no matter what
After a somewhat underwhelming summer, it might not come as much of a
surprise. British summers could get cooler over the next decade,
according to the Met Office.
But don’t throw away the barbecue just yet, as it’s not all bad news.
Summers are also likely to be significantly drier than in recent years, a
report predicts.
The changes are being driven by north Atlantic sea temperatures, which
are expected to drop by around half a degree over the next decade.
While this does not sound like much, it could be enough to cool our summers by an average of 1C over ten years.
But higher temperatures elsewhere might cancel out the effect on Britain, the Met Office said.
And at the same time, the UK’s tendency for wet summers could be about to change, with far fewer showers ahead.
The Met Office has had a controversial record on forecasting summer
weather. In April 2009, it predicted that Britain was ‘odds-on for a
barbecue summer’ – which instead went on to be one of the wettest on
Professor Adam Scaife, of the Met Office’s Hadley Centre for long-range
forecasting, said sea temperatures in the north Atlantic have risen in
recent years, but are now expected to fall.
He told the Daily Mail the cooling effect on the UK was likely to be
‘less than a degree’, adding that other influences – such as global
warming and a weather phenomenon called El Nino which heats up the
Pacific Ocean – could possibly cancel out the temperature drop.
Professor Rowan Sutton of Reading University, one of the experts who
reviewed the report’s findings, told a press conference: ‘Let me be
absolutely clear: This does not mean we are heading for the next ice
age. ‘Absolutely not. We are talking about a modest cooling. Maybe
half a degree centigrade for example in the north Atlantic. ‘That
might not sound very much but it is potentially enough to affect
weather patterns in Europe and elsewhere.’
He said that a drop in Atlantic temperatures ‘favours cooler and
possibly drier summers in northern Europe’. British summers could be
‘significantly drier’, he added.
Professor Sutton also said it was too early to tell whether the slower
global warming seen in the past ten years – sometimes called the ‘global
warming slowdown’ – was coming to an end.
While average temperatures worldwide have risen in the past decade,
increases have been far slower than they were in the last 30 years of
the 20th century.
The experts said other factors that could affect our weather include a
potential volcanic eruption – when ash blocks out the sun’s rays causing
cooler temperatures.
The El Nino phenomenon is also likely to raise temperatures in the Pacific by 2-3C.
The knock-on effects of this could heighten the risk of a particularly cold end to winter in the UK, forecasters said.
Global warming hiatus could be coming to an end: UK’s Met Office
And pigs might fly. Lots of things COULD happen! Speculation is
all that Warmists have got. Amusing that it the report above they
predicted cooling but below they are predicting warming. They sure
spread their bets
Record temperatures and changes to climate patterns in the world’s
oceans are among signs that a global warming pause is coming to an end,
Britain’s Met Office said in a report on Monday.
The report comes just over two months before negotiators from almost 200
countries meet in Paris to thrash out a U.N. deal to curb global
climate change.
In 2013, a United Nations report on climate science made an observation
that temperatures had increased at a slower rate in the years since 1998
than the preceding 50 years.
But on Monday, the Met said in a report that observations of climate
patterns in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans combined with record global
temperatures last year and expectations 2015 and 2016 would be near
record highs pointed to a changing trend.
"All of these signals are consistent with what we would expect to see at
the end of the slowdown," Adam Scaife, one of the reports authors, said
at a press briefing.
Last year was the warmest since records began in the 19th century, according to the U.N. World Meteorological Organization.
The El Nino weather phenomenon - a warming of sea-surface temperatures
in the Pacific - is likely to contribute to another year of record
temperatures in 2015. But Scaife said man-made contributions to global
warming would also play a part.
"A lot of things can occur without the influence of human beings.
However, they are now occurring on top of the influence coming from
man’s activity," Scaife said.
"When an El Nino comes and raises the global temperature...that is the extra bit that creates a record," he said.
One of the main goals of the U.N. climate pact is to stop global
temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius above
pre-industrial levels, what scientist say is needed to prevent the most
catastrophic effects of climate change such as worsening floods,
droughts, storms and rising seas.
U-turn! Diesel car owners betrayed in Britain
Diesel cars were supposed to be "Green"> Now they are apparently becoming "Brown"
Diesel drivers could face charges of up to £12.50 to travel into city centres across England in a bid to reduce air pollution.
The charges, expected to be introduced by 2020, are likely to affect
diesel vehicles entering parts of London, Birmingham, Leeds, Derby,
Nottingham and Southampton.
It comes as part of the Government’s bid to reduce levels of the
pollutant nitrogen dioxide (NO2), which official figures claim is
responsible for 23,500 deaths in Britain a year, and has led to soaring
rates of respiratory illnesses in children. A further 29,000 deaths a
year are thought to be caused by sooty particles also produced by diesel
But last night motoring organisations and green groups reacted furiously
to the proposals – pointing out drivers had been encouraged by
Government tax incentives to buy diesel cars when they were thought to
be less polluting because they produced less of the greenhouse gas
carbon dioxide (CO2).
These drivers now face the prospect of increased costs for using their vehicles.
Critics also attacked the Department for Environment, Food and Rural
Affairs for attempting to ‘bury bad news’, with the plans revealed in a
consultation paper released just before Jeremy Corbyn was announced as
Labour leader on Saturday morning.
Alan Andrews of lobby group ClientEarth, which brought proceedings
against the Government for failing to meet clean air targets, said: ‘If
they genuinely had good things to shout about... they would not have
sneaked it out at 9.30am on Saturday.’
London officials have said all but the cleanest diesel cars entering its
Ultra Low Emission Zone from September 2020 will have to pay £12.50.
This is on top of the existing congestion charge, currently at £10.
Buses and lorries will have to pay £100, but classic cars, agricultural
and military vehicles and excavators will be exempt. Petrol cars
registered before 2006 would also have to pay, but diesel vehicles that
meet Europe’s 2015 emissions standards will not.
The other cities earmarked for the charges are likely to follow suit, with exact details to be set by local authorities.
Britain has breached the safe limits set by Brussels for NO2 in the
atmosphere, and has until December 21 to submit plans to the European
Commission on how it will meet tough EU targets. Earlier this year the
Supreme Court also ordered the Government to cut NO2 levels.
The report divides the UK into 43 clean air areas. Scientists estimate eight will still breach pollution requirements by 2020.
These include the six city centres likely to be the target of the new
charges, a stretch of road in Wales and an ‘Eastern Zone’ – including
parts of Essex and East Anglia – that would come under London measures.
The report says that although the new measures would reduce London’s NO2
levels to a safer target, Eastern Zone levels would still breach
The report includes no details of measures which would help motorists
who bought diesel vehicles in good faith, such as a scrappage scheme.
AA spokesman Paul Watters last night branded the proposals ‘unworkable’.
He said: ‘We obviously need cleaner air, but we need to address it in a
much more mature way and work towards these goals, rather than just
saying “We’ll ban diesels”.
‘Drivers are confused, they have been encouraged to have low CO2 cars which were diesels and now this.’
Jenny Bates, of Friends of the Earth, said: ‘The Government’s response
to the UK’s air pollution is breathtaking. It’s inadequate and it has no
detail. Children and pensioners have got another five to ten years of
breathing illegally filthy air before there is any action.’
Britain's government is shooting itself in the foot with array of green taxes
A punishing array of green taxes is damaging Britain’s competitiveness
while failing to drive up investment or lower emissions in a significant
way, the EEF has warned. In a major report, the industry body said a
“decade of tinkering” had left businesses strangled by red tape and
energy bills that were much higher than those faced by European
The manufacturers’ organisation said tax breaks and not tax hikes were
the only way to keep Britain at the forefront of innovation while
lowering emissions. Paul Raynes, the EEF’s director of policy said: “The
current system of energy taxation is too complex and is hurting
Britain’s competitiveness.
So instead of simply hitting firms with the big stick of ever-higher
carbon taxes and levies, we should be offering them the carrot of tax
breaks to invest in advanced low carbon technologies.”
George Osborne, the Chancellor, has announced a review of the green tax
landscape designed to simplify and streamline the regime.
The EEF, which represents more than 20,000 companies, is calling on the
Government to reduce the overall burden of energy taxation by the end of
this parliament. It also wants policymakers to scrap the carbon floor
price, which doubled to £18.08 per tonne of CO2 this year.
The shock announcement of the early closure of one of Britain's biggest
power stations, at Ferrybridge in West Yorkshire – seven years before it
needed to be closed – has come as a body blow to Britain's energy
The top-up carbon tax was intended to provide an incentive to invest in
new wind farms and nuclear plants by making it more expensive to run
coal and gas plants that emit carbon. The EEF estimated the levy would
cost consumers £23bn between 2013 and 2020. However, it said just £6.5bn
of this would feed through to investment in renewables.
The EEF also called on the Government to scrap the “overly-complex”
Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC), an energy efficiency scheme that it
said would cost businesses £900m this year alone but translate into just
£334m of investment over the next decade.
It wants policymakers to introduce a new tax break that would allow
companies to offset their climate change levy bill against investment in
enegy efficiiency improvements. While the EEF estimated this could cost
£1.5bn between 2016 and 2020, it claimed that a new incentive scheme
could deliver ten times as much new green investment.
“Government should use the energy taxation review as an opportunity to
step back, and make some bold decisions that we believe can reduce
energy costs as well as cutting back on carbon emissions, and improving
the environment,” said Mr Raynes.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
14 September, 2015
NYT says Hitler was right!
Predicts disastrous food shortages
There is
an article in the NYT under the heading "The Next Genocide" by Timothy
Snyder, a professor of history at Yale University -- who knows nothing
about economics or anything much modern. So he is a Warmist. It's
such an easily summarized load of old cobblers that I am not going to
reproduce any of it for once.
What he says -- correctly -- is that Hitler's
Drang nach Osten
was motivated by a fear of running out of resources, food resources, in
particular. Hitler wanted Eastern European farms to produce the
food needed to feed Germany's growing population.
And I acknowledge that I did learn one thing from our historian about
that. He says that concern about food supplies was motivated by
the food shortages that occurred in Germany during WWI. I had never made
that connection but it is obviously right.
All the rest is amazingly uninsightful and ill-informed, however.
He misses the obvious point that Hitler's modern successors in having
panic fits over things running out are the Greenies. A reasonable person
might have concluded that since Hitler was wrong about things running
out, one should also question the Greenie fear of things running
out. That is too obvious for our one-eyed historian,
however. Greenies as Hitler's successors? Perish the
Instead he basically argues that Hitler was right! He says that
food shortages are a real possibility if we do not do something about
it. He asserts without proof that various wars in Africa were
caused by competition for resources and that resources everywhere are in
danger of running out because of global warming. That
tribalism in Africa causes a lot of conflict he acknowledges but he
thinks he can see more deeply than that.
So what will happen when global warming creates worldwide food
shortages? China! The millions of troops of the People's
Liberation Army will descend on us all and take our land.
So what is wrong with that argument? Just about everything. To
take the searingly obvious, global warming would be GOOD for crops.
Crops thrive in warmth. I come from the tropics and I can assure
you that vegetation there almost leaps out and grabs you, it is so lush
and vigorous. Leave your car outside untended for 6 months and at
the end of six months you could find it covered with creepers. I
have seen it happen.
It's true that many pest species also thrive in warm weather but now
that DDT has decisively been shown to be harmless to humans and birds, a
widespread revival of DDT use would cope with that problem very easily.
And warming would be greeted with frabjous joy in both Canada and
Siberia. And note what a big place Siberia is. It is 5 million sq. miles
versus 3 million sq. miles for CONUS. The cropland that would be
produced by a warmer South in Siberia boggles the imagination.
And clever Canadian farmers already produce a great bounty of grains
from the chilly North. How much more they would produce if the
land just beyond present useability warmed up! They would start
cropping there very rapidly.
And already in the world as we have it, the characteristic problem of
agricultural productivity is glut, not shortage. Governments all
over the developed world do various things to discourage their farmers
from farming. In the USA, the Agriculture Department pays farmers
to leave part of their land fallow. Why? Because, left to
their own devices, farmers would produce so much that food prices would
fall greatly and thus trap farmers in a sort of Malthusian trap.
They would get poorer by producing more. French farmers right at
this moment are mounting big anti-government protests over the fact that
they get so little money for what they produce.
So the whole basis of Prof. Snyder's scare is total crap. Food has
never before been so plentiful and hence cheaper -- and there is no end
to that in sight. The French government would fervently hope that
it were but they are not going to get so lucky.
And Snyder's portrayal of China's present food situation would appear
not to have been updated since Mao. Under capitalism, those
incredibly productive Chinese farmers have turned China from a net food
importer to a net food exporter -- to the considerable grief of
Australian wheat farmers. Under Mao, Australian wheat put bread on
the table for a lot of China. That is no more. China now
has a surplus of grains -- among many other farm products. Look at
the origin of bargain cans of almost any food in your local supermarket
and you will find that it mostly comes from China these days. As well
as making most of the world's electrical goods, China now to a
significant extent also feeds the world. It's an amazing example
of what capitalism can do.
One small thing that Snyder gets right is that there has been a
distressing corn shortage in poorer countries in recent years -- thus
bumping up the price and tending to make poor people go hungry. He
shows no knowledge that it is precisely his Greenie friends who are
behind that, however. Mandates to add ethanol to gasoline supplies
in the USA have diverted much of the huge U.S. corn crop from export
and into distilleries producing alcohol. It's an inefficient way
of producing alcohol but that's another story. So Greenie meddling
with the market can produce food shortages but even amid some shackles
the market still produces plenty.
Snyder is a complete ignoramus -- JR.
The prophecies never stop
Warmism is the modern world's doomsday cult. There have been
many others -- all failed. The claim that CO2 causes significant warming
is entirely religious and contrary to the available data
Many of the world's greatest cities - currently home to more than one
billion people - will go underwater should we burn all of the planet's
available fossil fuels, scientists have warned.
Carbon emissions given off during the burning of oil, gas and coal will
lead to further melting of the entirety of the Antarctic ice sheet and a
destructive sea level rise, they claim.
While the west Antarctic sheet has formed the focus of most climate
change studies, a new report published in Science Advances claims the
continent's east may also be under threat.
Professor Anders Levermann, a study co-author, told The Independent: 'If
we want to pass on cities like Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Calcutta,
Hamburg and New York as our future heritage, we need to avoid tipping in
east Antarctica.'
The study concluded that 'unabated carbon emissions', leading to
sea-level rise, threatens the Antarctic Ice Sheet 'in its entirety'.
It stated: 'If we were to release all currently attainable fossil fuel resources, Antarctica would become almost ice-free.
'With unrestrained future CO2 emissions, the amount of sea-level rise
from Antarctica could exceed tens of meters over the next 1,000 years
and could ultimately lead to the loss of the entire ice sheet.
'It is unclear whether this dynamic discharge would be reversible and, if so, on which time scales.'
Professor Levermann's colleague Ken Caldeira told the Independent we
could not continue to extract fossil fuels and release it into the
atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
'If we don't stop dumping our waste CO2 into the sky, land that is now
home to more than a billion people will one day be underwater.'
It comes as scientists earlier this year warned the world must prepare
itself for a rapid increase in the speed of climate change.
According to the study, the rate at which temperatures are rising in the
northern hemisphere could be 0.25C per decade by 2020 - a level not
seen for at least 1,000 years.
The study, carried out by U.S. researchers from the Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory in Washington, focused on changes over 40-year
periods to determine what changes individuals could see over a lifetime.
Overall, the world is getting warmer due to increasing greenhouse gas emissions that trap the sun's heat.
But, given natural climate variability over short times scales, the
likely effect of global warming over humanly relevant periods such as
the length of a person's life is not so well understood.
The Myth of Climate Tipping Points
Written by Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser
Tipping is fine but “climate tipping points” are nonsense. I’m talking
about climate models that have predicted such “points of no return.” You
could view them as the terminal (maximum) speed in a free fall, only to
come to a sudden stop when you hit the solid ground.
For example, the disgraced chairman of the IPCC (UN Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change), R. Pachauri, declared in 2007 that the world
had only about four years to save itself. The perceived danger: a
runaway (tipping point exceedance) global warming that he claimed to
result from carbon dioxide released by burning fossil fuels. The
following year, 2008, one of Germany’s high priests of climate doom,
Prof. S. Rahmstorf, Head of Earth System Analysis at the Potsdam
Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) produced a graph showing the
then observed decline of sea-ice in the Arctic’s summer (Fig. 1).
klaus fig 1
Then, in 2011, Rahmstorf publicly mused about more ice loss in the
Arctic and “Two types of tipping points.” (The IPCC defines tipping
point “as a threshold for abrupt and irreversible change”). To explain
his theory, he showed a conceptual graph where, initially an increasing
decline of Arctic minimum sea-ice that reaches a point of inflection
after which the decline will be slower but still lead to a near ice-free
situation not much later, reproduced here in Fig. 2.
Just to make sure that the readers got the message he wished to convey,
he claimed [translated]: "There is no reason for any “all-clear signal”
[with respect to sea-ice in the Arctic].”
Then, in 2012, in another lecture, lo and behold the ice had declined
even further compared to 2008 and he expanded on it (see the red line in
Fig. 3). The decline appeared to be rapid and unstoppable. Surely, the
point of inflection in the models (black line) had well been past.
Rahmstorf again made certain that the audience took home his message by
emphasizing it with statements like [translated] "Last month, the
[Arctic] ice cover was only approximately half the size of that in 1979”
and “the actual development shows that the ice melt is much faster than
the models predicted” and “unfortunately the problem [of Arctic ice
melt] has in the past been strongly under-estimated; and it keeps
thinning.” The entire lecture is available at
Now to the Real World
In the following, I’d like to look at a few examples of that tipping point theory and what became of it.
1. Global Warming & Arctic Sea-Ice
Ten years ago or so, the IPCC and many “climate modellers” were all in
rage: They claimed that the world was in a run-away overheating
situation. They also claimed to know why: rising carbon dioxide (CO2)
concentrations in the atmosphere.
Despite steadily rising CO2 levels since then, the warming trend has
stalled for 18+ years now. Obviously, nature missed to learn from
Rahmstorf’s lecture and the IPCC predictions or we all would be fried by
This “climate tipping point” was (according to PIK’s models) to be
particularly apparent in “the most sensitive” area for that, namely the
Arctic. If you compare Rahmstorf’s 2008 graph (Fig. 1) with his updated
version shown in 2012 (Fig. 3), you really might have fallen for that
theory. In fact, Rahmstorf even stated that “the ice extent is declining
much more rapidly than predicted by the (then current) computer models.
To top off the finger-wagging, he added “and it is getting thinner.” If
that statement was not give the message of being past a tipping point
already, I don’t know what it was meant to convey.
Once again, nature did not listen. In recent winters and summers, the northern sea-ice extent returned to normal (Fig 4).
Perhaps then, we ought to look further south in “the Arctic,” like the
North American or Laurentian Great Lakes (GLs) to get a better picture.
2. Laurentian Great Lakes (GLs)
Now, personally I don’t think that the freshwater Great Lakes are part
of the Arctic though it can be quite cold around their shores in winter
(and, sometimes, even in summer). However, considering the definition
for Arctic sea-ice, the latitude of the upper GLs (Lakes Superior, Huron
and Michigan) are certainly within the latitudinal bounds of Arctic
sea-ice measurements.
Anyway, the water levels of the GLs have been recorded for over 150 years and such records are widely available.
Beginning with 1980 or so, the level in Lakes Huron and Michigan (LHM,
which is identical because of the wide gap at the Straights of
Mackinac), was getting higher and higher to reach a new 150-year record
in 1986 (Fig. 5). Many lake shore property owners then feared a “tipping
point” breach and clamoured for the government(s) “to do something.”
Of course, governments need a while to respond to new situations, so,
for a number of years they didn’t do anything to curb the rise. But they
didn’t need to do anything after all; nature changed her mind and
decided to lower the water level all by her little self. By the year
2000, the water level in LHM had declined sharply, nearly two meters
below the 1986 level and it stayed there for a dozen or so years. In
fact, a new all-time (150-year) record low level was reached in 2012.
Needless to say, all the people who wanted the government to “do
something” about the perceived “for-ever-rise” in the mid-1980’s changed
their tune and were then clamouring for the opposite government action,
namely to “stop the drop.” Large “Stop the Drop” banners could be
seen at all kinds of places around the lake. Had we reached or even
surpassed yet another “tipping point?” It looked that way to many.
Just when everyone was convinced that the lake levels of the 1970s were
never to be seen again, Mother Nature changed her mind, once again.
Between 2013 and 2015 (this year), LHM levels shot up by 1 m (3.5 ft)
and are currently 1.2 m above the 2012 record low. In fact, they are now
again much closer to the record high of 1986 than to the record low of
2012 (Fig. 6).
All nature needed to provide was a regular amount of rain and snow, and a
couple of cold winters in a row with little wind. If you wonder how
those determine the water levels in LHM, see below in section (3), if
not, you can jump right to section (4).
3. Your Ice Cubes
Your ice-cubes-to-be in the fridge freeze from the outside, not the
inside. The air in the freezer needs to be colder than the freezing
point of the water (0 C) for that to happen. With lakes, it’s the same.
When the air is colder than that, they tend to freeze over – unless the
warmer (4 C) bottom water mixes with the 0 C surface water and keeps it
from freezing. With deep lakes like L. Superior and L. Huron (maximum
depths 406 m and 229 m, respectively), there is an enormous amount of
latent heat energy stored in that relatively warm (4 C) but nevertheless
quite cold water. Just a little breeze will do to create the wave
action necessary to stir things up sufficiently for the surface not to
freeze over.
However, when it’s calm AND cold, the surface will develop a layer of
ice overnight. A few more days and nights of the same will do the trick.
The entire lake surface freezes over and may stay that way for the next
few weeks or months. Without any strong wind action or ship traffic to
break it up (like it happens in the Arctic summer, see my previous post
on Breaking Ice in the Arctic), that layer of ice reduces the
evaporation rate to a fraction of the normal.
The reason is the large difference between vapour pressure of water
molecules on the surface of (unfrozen) water and cold ice. In winter,
the moisture content of air is very low. For that reason people need to
humidify their houses in order to keep at least happy if not healthy.
Without humidification, you are nature’s target for getting zapped by a
high voltage discharge at every step or so; it can be annoying.
Now back to the water and ice. In order to evaporate H2O (water)
molecules from any surface, the evaporation energy needs to be supplied.
That is easily obtained on an open water surface (at 0 C) by the warmer
water below. In contrast, a poor heat conductor like ice can only take
it from the ice immediately below the surface and only with a
considerable delay from the water below the ice. Together with the much
lower vapour pressure of cold ice, it results in much less evaporation
from the lake in a cold winter with ice cover. The magnitude of that
difference can be astounding, up to 0.5 m (1.5+ ft) of lake level drop
in a “warm” winter (without ice cover) and next to no drop in a cold
winter with full ice cover.
I quite agree, this is a bit counter-intuitive but true nonetheless. Of
course, people who model nature’s escapades from a cozy “climate office”
may find it difficult to explain that to their super computer; perhaps,
a (permanent) move to the real Arctic would teach the right lesson.
4. Tipping Point Theory—and Practice
The gurus who have warned of climate tipping points and predicted a
runaway-warming, melting ice, rising sea levels and so forth invoking
the tipping point idea were all quite coy about exactly what numerical
value(s) they considered as the tipping point(s) in this or that
measurement. In fact, I suspect they had no idea themselves – and for
good reason – as there are no tipping points in such things as
temperature, ice extent, etc. They are physical measurements that are
observed on earth over a wide range and can vary tremendously at any
given location and in short time. There are no points of no return in
such natural variations many of which can exhibit large amplitudes and
lengthy cycles.
For example, at the same time of year (late-August) at a friend’s place
up north, the conditions have varied over the years from near freezing
to 30+ C, from dead calm to violent storms, from lush green plant cover
to the severe droughts with the maple trees shedding their leaves for
lack of water and oak leaves just shriveling on the stem while still
green, and a 2 m lake water level change first to a 150-year record high
and then back to a 150-year low. In all those extremes over several
decades, I have not noticed any tipping point from which there was no
return to longer-term normal levels or even the opposite extremes.
How quickly nature can reverse course was also seen in Australia not
long ago. After years of below-normal precipitation the Great Artesian
Basin aquifer had lost much of its water. Then, in 2011 and 2012, so
much rain fell that it replenished the reservoir for many years to come.
Of course that water was evaporated from the ocean and it was claimed
to have lowered the ocean level by 7 mm or 1/3 inch. You can also look
at more historic events, for example the decades-long droughts in the
southwest of the U.S. that forced many of the pueblo cultures to abandon
their long-held settlements. Since that time the areas have undergone
more recovery and drought cycles.
In other words, the entire climate tipping point theory is pure bunk.
SOURCE (See the original for links and graphics)
Enron Environmentalism: Carbon Credits Scam Pumps out More 'Greenhouse Gases'
Written by James Delingpole
A UN-endorsed carbon offset scheme designed to reduce emissions has
actually increased them massively, a study by a green think tank has
As well as pumping much as 600 million tonnes more greenhouse gases into
the atmosphere, the carbon credits scheme has been abused by countries
like Russia and the Ukraine which have used them as a money making scam.
Vladyslav Zhezherin, one of the co-authors of the study by the Stockholm
Environment Institute says: “This was like printing money.”
Another co-author Anja Kollmuss has told BBC News. “We were
surprised ourselves by the extent [of the fraud], we didn’t expect such a
large number.”
“What went on was that these countries could approve
these projects by themselves there was no international oversight, in
particular Russia and the Ukraine didn’t have any incentive to guarantee
the quality of these credits.”
To which the two obvious questions are: Have any of these people actually been to Russia or the Ukraine?
This stuff that these greenies have been smoking sounds totally amazing. How do we go about getting some?
The corruption they describe is by no means a recent thing. It dates
back to Enron whose entire business model was based on dodgy carbon
credits, which it used not to save the planet but to close down its
rivals in the coal industry.
In the early 1990s Enron had helped establish the
market for, and became the major trader in, EPA’s $20 billion-per-year
sulphur dioxide cap-and-trade program, the forerunner of today’s
proposed carbon credit trade. This commodity exchange of emission
allowances caused Enron’s stock to rapidly rise.
Then, as now, this crony capitalist scam was only made possible by the enthusiastic endorsement of greenie-lefty politicians:
"Al Gore took office in 1993 and almost immediately
became infatuated with the idea of an international environmental
regulatory regime. He led a U.S. initiative to review new projects
around the world and issue ‘credits’ of so many tons of annual CO2
emission reduction. Under law a tradeable system was required, which was
exactly what Enron also wanted because they were already trading
pollutant credits. Thence Enron vigorously lobbied Clinton and Congress,
seeking EPA regulatory authority over CO2."
And also the support of other key figures in the Green Blob, such as the all-powerful environmental NGOs.
"From 1994 to 1996, the Enron Foundation contributed
nearly $1 million dollars – $990,000 – to the Nature Conservancy, whose
Climate Change Project promotes global warming theories. Enron
philanthropists lavished almost $1.5 million on environmental groups
that support international energy controls to “reduce” global warming.
Executives at Enron worked closely with the Clinton administration to
help create a scaremongering climate science environment because the
company believed the treaty could provide it with a monstrous financial
Everyone involved in the green circle jerk stood – and stands – to
benefit from the scam. These include: privileged countries like
India and China
"The largest and easily the most lucrative component
of the CDM market, administered under the UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC), is a peculiar racket centred on the manufacture
of CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons), classified under Kyoto as greenhouse
gases infinitely more potent than CO2. The way the racket works is that
Chinese and Indian firms are permitted to carry on producing the
refrigerant gas known as HCFC-22 until 2030. But a by-product of this
process is HCFC-23, 11,700 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than
CO2. The firms can then destroy the HCFC-23, claiming allocations of
carbon credits worth billions for doing so…"
Eco-Blofelds, like the shady one-world-government freak and Communist sympathiser who devised the Rio Earth Summit:
"Thus we pay billions of dollars to the Asian
countries for the right to continue emitting CO2 and other greenhouse
gases here in the West, including the £60 million contributed by British
taxpayers to keep our civil servants warm. As a result we enrich a
small number of people in China and India, including Maurice Strong, who
now lives in exile in Beijing, having been caught out in 2005 for
illicitly receiving $1 million from Saddam Hussein in the “Oil for Food”
scandal. He played a key part in setting up China’s carbon exchange, to
buy and sell the CDM credits administered by the UNFCCC – of which
Strong himself was the chief architect."
Green gangster NGOs, like the WWF, which stood to make millions from the carbon protection racket:
"If it then emerged, however, that a hidden agenda of
the scheme to preserve this chunk of the forest was to allow the WWF
and its partners to share the selling of carbon credits worth $60
billion, to enable firms in the industrial world to carry on emitting
CO2 just as before, more than a few eyebrows might be raised. The idea
is that credits representing the CO2 locked into this particular area of
jungle – so remote that it is not under any threat – should be sold on
the international market, allowing thousands of companies in the
developed world to buy their way out of having to restrict their carbon
emissions. The net effect would simply be to make the WWF and its
partners much richer while making no contribution to lowering overall
CO2 emissions."
And what a racket this is. In 2011, the global carbon trading market was
worth $176 billion – which, as Jo Nova noted, was the same value as
total global wheat production. One industry supplies about 20 per cent
of the total calories consumed by the seven billion people on the
planet. The other pays for Al Gore’s waterside homes, private jet travel
and intimate massages.
Residence time of CO2 much exaggerated
Written by Dr Klaus L.E. Kaiser
Some scientists claim that anthropogenic (human-produced) CO2 (carbon
dioxide) lasts in the atmosphere for hundreds or even thousands of
years. Of course, they also think that CO2 is the mother of all
evils and, therefore, argue that the world needs to decarbonize, forget
about using fossil resources (coal, oil, gas), and reduce the population
from seven billion to one billion humans.
Well, if that’s so, the world must be suffering from CO2 exhalations by
the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Romans, and everyone else who lived
since that time.
How much CO2 is in the Air?
On a percentage basis, there is approximately 0.04% (or 400 ppm [parts
per million]) CO2 in the air; (all numbers here are rounded to the
nearest integer, just to keep things simple and not to get lost in small
numerical details). Well, 0.04% does not sound like much, but when you
consider the entire atmosphere, it’s a lot of tiny carbon dioxide
molecules. Just to give you an idea as to how many there are, we need to
count all gas molecules in the air first.
Gas Molecules in the Air
The air consists to 99% of nitrogen and oxygen. On a volume basis, each
Mole (a unit of measurement) of all these gases (nitrogen, oxygen, CO2,
etc.) occupies the same space, as was learned a couple of hundred years
ago. One Mole of gas occupies 23 [L], (L= liters) or roughly 5 gallons
of space (at common air pressure). Further, there are 6x10^23 molecules
in that space of 23 L of gas. That number is known as the Avogadro
Constant (AC), named after Italian chemist Amedeo Avogadro (1776-1856).
Using a rough estimate of 5x10^18 [m^3] air in the atmosphere and 1000
[L]/[m^3], and the AC, the total number of all molecules in the entire
atmosphere is then:
1.3x10^44 molecules of “air” of which there are 0.04%, or
6x10^40 molecules of CO2.
Now, in regular notation, that’s:
60,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules of CO2 in the atmosphere, give or take a few.
I am using the long notation here, rather than a power function, simply
for the reason to show to you that, if you believe the claims of a long
residence time of CO2 in the air, our forbearers are to blame for the
claimed and CO2-ascribed “climate change.” That would clearly follow
from the (also) claimed longevity (residence time) of human-produced CO2
(provided that it had any effect on climate change at all)
As you might appreciate, the longevity or residence time of carbon
dioxide in the air is a critical value when it comes to determine if
that so-called greenhouse gas CO2 could even remotely have any effect on
the climate.
Residence Time of CO2 in Air
The mean residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere has been determined by a
number of people using quite different approaches. Their results show
an astounding range of conclusions, diverging by nearly three orders of
magnitude between the short and long residence time or longevity
Of course, most agree that the CO2 in the atmosphere is constantly being
removed from the air and either biologically assimilated into plant
matter, both on land and in the water, or is chemically precipitated in
water as a carbonate salt. After all, the world’s vast limestone and
dolomite mountains with ammonite and other organisms’ shells clearly
show that they were precipitated from the water.
The question then is strictly how long it takes for the average CO2
molecule in the air to be so taken up and converted. That conversion, by
the way, also makes the oceans alkaline, a fact that few “climate
modelers” seem to understand.
The residence time or longevity of CO2 in air plays an important role in
the “carbon capture” and storage ideas as well. As pointed out by RH
Essenhigh,if that residence time is less than 100 years, the whole
carbon capture idea is nonsense, regardless of whether CO2 has any
effect on the climate or not.
Cleopatra’s CO2
If the human-produced or naturally-produced CO2 in the atmosphere were
really as long-lived as some like to claim, i.e. hundreds or thousands
of years, it would stand to reason that the plants near you are now
still living on CO2 expelled by Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt (51-12 BC) or
her good friend Mark Antony and all their contemporaries. Cleo reigned
for 21 years and died at age 39. Having exhaled breath with 50,000 ppm
CO2, say 20,000 times a day at 0.25 L each, she alone must have emitted
in her lifetime in the order of 4,000 m^3 of pure CO2. That’s about 10^5
Mole or 3x10^28 CO2 molecules. Now add to that similar amounts for her
friends, enemies, and other contemporaries and you are getting into
serious numbers.
Using the logic of the people who claim a 1,000+ year residence time of
CO2 in the atmosphere, it follows that there are still gazillions of CO2
molecules in the air from ancient times. Hence, the present “global
warming” or “climate change” clearly was brought on by Cleo and her
associates. Though some of Cleo’s CO2 molecules may indeed still be
around today, it could not be proven or disproven, other than with
statistics. However, it also would be entirely irrelevant in the natural
The problem with that (Cleo) type of math is that it implies that any
HUMAN-PRODUCED CO2 molecules, including those exhaled by Cleopatra, are
different from those that are continuously blasted into the air by
volcanoes and other natural sources.
That’s simply not true; ALL CO2 MOLECULES ARE EQUAL!
Living nature does not differentiate between your, mine, or Cleo’s CO2
emissions at all. Nor do the molecules stay around in the atmosphere for
thousands of years, not even hundreds, and not even tens of years. For
example, the rate of removal of carbon isotopes from the atmosphere
after nuclear tests showed a half-life in air (mean residence time) of a
few years only, see attached figure.
Nature Devours all CO2 Equally
The photosynthetic plants or algae near you that try to make a living by
assimilating CO2 from their surroundings to grow and reproduce don’t
give the slightest hoot as to where or when that CO2 originated that
they are now converting to plant matter. For them, one CO2 molecule is
as good as the next. The growing plants and alkaline oceans devour all
CO2 molecules equally, regardless whether they were exhaled by a
dinosaur 100 million years ago, or by Cleopatra 2,000 years ago, or
emitted from a volcano yesterday, or by your car’s exhaust system this
The miniscule differences that exist for some isotope ratios of carbon
or oxygen atoms in the CO2 are similarly irrelevant for the growth of
today’s plants that want to prosper and procreate. That’s why the
increased atmospheric CO2 makes California’s giant sequoia and redwood
trees grow faster than before, that’s why florist shops are able to
offer you all those spectacular flowers (grown in high CO2 and other
nutrient level conditions), or why pine seedling growers use high CO2
levels to get them off to a good start. All plants live on CO2 and the
more of it (higher concentration) the better.
The Scientific Falsehood
For the same reason, it is scientifically false to claim that
anthropogenic CO2 remains in the air for hundreds or even thousands of
years (while claiming that other CO2 is short-lived). It may be
(partially) correct ON A STATISTICAL BASIS but that is completely
irrelevant when it comes to the mean residence time of the AVERAGE CO2
MOLECULE in air. That is two to three orders of magnitude shorter than
“thousands of years.”
Numerous independent studies have conclusively shown that the mean
residence time of CO2 in the air is in the range of five to 10 years
only. TV Segalstad of the University of Oslo reviewed the findings of
some 30 publications and they were all in a narrow range with a mean
residence time of seven years or so.
You might ask then what’s wrong here? Perhaps a simple analogy can demonstrate the fallacy of the Cleo-type math.
If you had 400 coins of equal denomination and market value but various
years of minting, would it make any difference to the amount of money
remaining in your possession, after you had spent a few of such coins,
as to which year of minting those spent coins were? Clearly, none at
all, but some climate scientists try to tell you otherwise when it comes
to CO2 molecules. For those people, it makes a difference in the amount
left in your wallet as to when these coins or CO2 molecules were
“minted,” or by whom, or for what reason.
Of course, that’s rubbish!
However, if you’re still unconvinced, you have my permission to blame any and all of today’s problems on Cleopatra and Marc.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s puzzling about-face on cancer study
My guess is that they did not wish to upset environmentalists by bringing out yet another "no effect" finding
THERE HAVE long been questions about whether living near a nuclear power
plant raises the risk of cancer, but no credible scientific link has
been established between radiation emissions from reactors and the
disease. That hasn’t stopped some people from worrying about it, nor
have calls for more research into the issue abated.
Responding to such concerns, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission three
years ago commissioned the nonprofit National Academy of Sciences to
update a 1990 National Cancer Institute study of cancer cases in
populations around 52 power plants. (That report said there was no
“excess occurrence” of the disease).
At the time, the NRC said it was moving forward with the new pilot
study, because “more modern analysis methods, combined with up-to-date
information sources, will provide contemporary cancer information.”
Seven nuclear power plant sites were designated for the five-year
project, including two in Connecticut.
This week, however, the NRC called a halt to the pilot program, saying
it was going to take too long, cost too much, and — apparently — produce
no new findings. The agency said it already knows, based on a raft of
routine environmental data, that radiation leaks don’t cause neighbors
of nuclear power plants to get cancer. Any releases that do take place
are “too small to cause observable increases in cancer risk near the
facilities,” it said in a statement Tuesday.
Existing science backs that up, but the NRC’s reasoning for scuttling
the study is puzzling and raises concerns. It was known from the start
that the research and analysis would take years to complete. And while
the cost — $8 million over five years, including the $1.5 million
already spent — may be significant, it is hardly the “prohibitively
high” price tag cited by Brian Sheron, who runs the NRC’s Office of
Regulatory Research. Cindy Folkers, with the national antinuclear group
Beyond Nuclear, called it “a drop in the bucket” for an agency with an
annual budget of about $1 billion.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
13 September, 2015
First pick your glacier
Sarah Palin pointed out that Obama had picked out one of the Alaskan
glaciers that seem to be shrinking while ignoring others that are
growing. The story below is a reply to that.
In the
reply, however, they made a crucial and damaging admission:
Glacier mass is primarily a function of precipiation (snowfall, mainly)
rather than of changes in air temperature. So much so that glaciers can
in fact GROW amid a warming climate.
That makes
their chart below doubly amusing. It shows that glaciers have
overall been losing mass right up to the present time. Since there
has been no global warming during the last 18 years of that time, the
chart proves that overall glacial mass proves NOTHING about global
warming. The shrinkage is due only to reduced
But why would precipitation be
reducing? Hard to say for sure. But there is one easy
answer: Reduced precipitation is due to COOLING. Cooling reduces
evaporation off the sea and so there is less moisture to come down as
rain/snow. So the seas in most areas adjacent to glaciers are
likely COOLING! Logic is pesky stuff, is it not? -- JR
Glaciers normally grow through snow accumulation in the winter and then
recede by melting in the summer. But lower levels of snow accumulation
or higher temperatures will lead to an imbalance in that process and the
glacier will retreat and lose mass over time.
But Palin pointed out that not all glaciers are losing ice. In a post on
the opinion website IJ Review, she highlighted the Hubbard Glacier in
Alaska. According to NASA, the Hubbard has indeed been advancing since
measurement of the glacier began in 1895, at rates ranging from 13
meters to 36 meters per year. Here is how Leigh Sterns, a glaciologist
at the University of Kansas, explained the glacier’s growth for NASA:
“Hubbard’s advance is due to its large accumulation area; the glacier’s
catchment basin extends far into the Saint Elias Mountains. Snow that
falls in the basin either melts or flows down to the terminus, causing
Hubbard to steadily grow.”
In short, regional variations and increasing snowfall thanks to climate
change could cause some glaciers around the world to grow, even as
global temperatures rise. In fact, the pace of the Hubbard Glacier’s
advance has increased since 1984, which coincides with a period of
increased precipitation rates.
Just as overall global temperatures are more relevant than what happens
in individual areas, the overall trend for glaciers is more relevant,
too. The global and Alaskan glacial trends are toward massive loss of
ice as the world has warmed. The World Glacier Monitoring Service, which
runs under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Programme,
the World Meteorological Organization and other partners, reports that
the latest data continue “the global trend in strong ice loss over the
past few decades.” This general trend is apparent in the chart below,
from the WGMS.
On CNN, Tapper pushed back at Palin, saying that “90 percent of
glaciers, according to scientists, 90 percent of them are—are shrinking,
are melting.” According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, based
at the University of Colorado at Boulder, that’s true for alpine
glaciers, which are most susceptible to retreat: “Over 90 percent of the
measured alpine glaciers in the world are retreating, in almost every
major glaciated region.” The NSIDC explains that the causes are
“varied,” but “the underlying primary causes are a warming climate and
the effects of increased soot and dust in areas of higher agricultural
and industrial activity.” Both the Exit and Hubbard glaciers are alpine,
of differing types—the former is a valley glacier, with its flow
confined by valley walls and the latter is a tidewater glacier, which
terminates into the ocean.
According to the most recent WGMS data, only 22 of the 126 glaciers it
analyzed were adding mass, while 104—about 83 percent—were losing mass.
In spite of that trend, a minority of glaciers, such as the Hubbard,
will likely continue to expand even with warmer temperatures. For
example, a study published in 2014 in Nature Geoscience described the
stable or growing glaciers of the Karakorum region in Asia. The reason
for those glaciers’ deviation from the global trend has to do with
localized changes to winter precipitation—snowfall, essentially, helps
the glaciers stay stable or grow. The authors concluded that “[o]ur
findings suggest a meteorological mechanism for regional differences in
the glacier response to climate warming.” In other words, local weather
patterns play a role in how glaciers respond to climate change.
Most glaciers in Alaska and around the world are losing ice as the world
warms. Palin suggested that Obama was cherry-picking his glacier to
make a point, but she was guilty of that trick herself.
Here's why the Warmists are being careful about the Pacific "blob"
The blob was covered on this blog on 11th. It's a body of
slightly warmer water in the Northern Pacific. It is leading to
slightly warmer temperatures than normal in Alaska. At a time when
EVERYTHING is due to global warming, you would think that Warmists
would be seizing on the phenomenon as "proof" of global warming.
But Warmist scientists are in fact saying it is just "weather".
Why? The recent paper below might give us a clue. It shows
that Pacific temperatures were 2 degrees HOTTER 8,000 years ago, long
before humans were doing much. So demonstrably NATURAL warming
leaves the present blip for dead, suggesting that the blob is natural
too --JR
Southern Ocean contributions to the Eastern Equatorial Pacific heat content during the Holocene
Julie Kalanskya et al.
Temperature reconstructions from a shallow core (375 m) from the Peru
Margin are used to test the influence of Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW)
on the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) thermostad and thus the effect
of southern high latitude climate on interior ocean heat content (OHC).
Temperature estimates, based on Mg/Ca measurements of planktonic and
benthic foraminifera (Neogloboquadrina dutertrei and Uvigerina spp .,
respectively) show higher temperatures in the early Holocene, a cooling
of ?2° by 8 kyr B.P. and after relatively stable temperatures to the
present. The temperature signal is similar in direction and timing to a
rather robust Holocene climate signal from the southern high latitudes
suggesting it originated there and was advected to the core site in the
EEP. Based on the N. dutertrei and Uvigerina Mg/Ca temperature and ?13C
records we conclude that SAMW acted as a conduit transporting the
southern high latitude climate to the interior of the equatorial
Pacific. We propose that the early Holocene warmth is related to a
southward migration of the Subtropical Front, which enhanced the
influence of warm subtropical water in the region of SAMW formation and
was then transported to the EEP thermostad. The early Holocene warmth
recorded in the EEP thermostad has a muted sea surface temperature
expression indicating this mechanism is important for sequestering heat
in the ocean interior.
Greenie secrecy again -- time to open it up?
Leaders of the scientific community, nudged by the media (including
Nature), are acknowledging that a culture of science focused on
rewarding eye-catching and positive findings may have resulted in major
bodies of knowledge that cannot be reproduced.
Private-sector, academic and non-profit groups are leading multiple
efforts to replicate selected published findings, and so far the results
do not make happy reading. Several high-profile endeavours have been
unable to reproduce the large majority of peer-reviewed studies that
they examined. Meanwhile, the US National Academies is preparing to
publish a high-profile report on scientific integrity that will flag
irreproducibility as a key concern for the research enterprise.
As the spotlight shines on reproducibility, uncomfortable issues will
emerge at the interface of research and 'evidence-based' policy.
Consider, for example, the Secret Science Reform Act of 2015, a US bill
that would “prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from proposing,
finalizing, or disseminating regulations or assessments based upon
science that is not transparent or reproducible”. Passed in March by the
House of Representatives essentially along party lines (Republicans in
favour, Democrats opposed) and now awaiting action by the Senate, the
bill has been vigorously opposed by many scientific and environmental
They argue, probably correctly, that the bill's intent is to block and
even roll back environmental regulations by requiring that all data on
which the rules are based be made publicly available for independent
replication. One of the main objections is that a lot of the scientific
research that informs regulatory decisions is not of the sort that can
be replicated. For example, a statement of opposition from numerous
scientific societies and universities explains that: “With respect to
reproducibility of research, some scientific research, especially in
areas of public health, involves longitudinal studies that are so large
and of great duration that they could not realistically be reproduced.
Rather, these studies are replicated utilizing statistical modeling.”
Precisely. Replication of the sort that can be done with tightly
controlled laboratory experiments is indeed often impossible when you
are studying the behaviour of dynamic, complex systems, for example at
the intersection of human health, the natural environment and
technological risks. But it is hard to see how this amounts to an
argument against mandating open access to the data from these studies.
Growing concerns about the quality of published scientific results have
often singled out bad statistical practices and modelling assumptions,
and have typically focused on the very types of science that often
underlie regulations, such as efforts to quantify the population-wide
health effects of a single chemical.
Although concerns about the bill's consequences are reasonable, the idea
that it would be bad to make public the data underlying environmental
regulations seems to contradict science's fundamental claims to
objectivity and legitimacy. In June, a commentary in Science by an array
of leading voices, including the current and future heads of the
National Academies, flagged “increased transparency” and “increased data
disclosure” as crucial elements of science's “self-correcting norm”
that can help to address “the disconcerting rise in irreproducible
findings” (B. Alberts et al. Science 348, 1420–1422; 2015). This is more
or less the position taken by the Secret Science bill's sponsor,
Representative Lamar Smith (Republican, Texas): “The bill requires the
EPA to use data that is available to the public when the Agency writes
its regulations. This allows independent researchers to evaluate the
studies that the EPA uses to justify its regulations. This is the
scientific method.”
This battle for the soul of science is almost surreal in its avoidance
of the true issue, which is ideological. One side believes that the
government should introduce stricter environmental regulations; the
other wants fewer restrictions on the marketplace. Science is the
battleground, but it cannot adjudicate this dispute. At its core, the
disagreement is about values, not facts. But just as importantly, the
facts themselves are inevitably incomplete, uncertain, contested and, as
we have been learning, often unreliable.
Like a divorced couple bitterly fighting over the custody of their
child, both sides in the Secret Science debate insist that they have
only the interests of science at heart. Republicans are using a narrow,
idealized portrayal of science — that it produces clear and reproducible
findings — as a weapon to undercut environmental and public-health
regulation of the private sector. But many scientists, environmentalists
and Democrats have long used similar portrayals to justify the same
regulations, and to bash Republicans as anti-scientific when they did
not agree.
More and more, science is tackling questions that are relevant to
society and politics. The reliability of such science is often not
testable with textbook methods of replication. This means that quality
assurance will increasingly become a matter of political interpretation.
It also means that the 'self-correcting norm' that has served science
well for the past 500 years is no longer enough to protect science's
special place in society. Scientists must have the self-awareness to
recognize and openly acknowledge the relationship between their
political convictions and how they assess scientific evidence.
Wait, Polar Bears Can Hunt on Land?
A recent study published in the journal PLOS ONE finds that polar bears
aren’t nearly as helpless as ecofascists want us to believe. In fact,
they can even hunt on land. Shocking, we know. In the study abstract,
authors Robert Rockwell and Linda Gormezano say, “Climate change is
predicted to expand the ice-free season in western Hudson Bay and when
it grows to 180 days, 28–48% of adult male polar bears are projected to
starve unless nutritional deficits can be offset by foods consumed on
But that nutrition can be found in snow geese and their eggs, as well as
even caribou. Rockwell writes, “Polar bears are opportunists and have
been documented consuming various types and combinations of land-based
food since the earliest natural history records.”
Additionally, “Analysis of polar bear scats and first-hand observations
have shown us that subadult polar bears, family groups, and even some
adult males are already eating plants and animals during the ice-free
This isn’t to say that ice melt won’t present challenges, but it is to
say, once again, that the science isn’t settled. Combine this with
recent news that polar bears are quite adept at diving, and the fact
that their population has multiplied from 5,000 bears in the ‘60s to
25,000 bears today, and climate alarmists should just chill.
Hydrocarbons are the Major Source of Energy
Written by Dr. Klaus L.E. Kaiser
One Paul Gilding recently posted an article with the title “Fossil fuels
are finished—the rest is just detail.” That sure made my (thinning)
hair curl. What a nonsense!
This poor man (?) has no idea what he is talking about. 'Fossil fuels'
(more correctly, hydrocarbons) are driving the world and will continue
to do so for a very long time; in fact they are the major energy source
going—and growing by leaps and bounds!
To prove my point, let’s look at some energy/fuel facts, like the
bar-graph showing the world energy production by source in the year
2013, source: Manhattan Inst.
As you can see, fossil fuels account for approximately 85% of the entire
world energy consumption. When you add to that the fossil energy used
to build and maintain windmills, and to “pre-heat” solar renewable types
of energy (see my post on “More alternative energy follies,” it’s
probably more than 90% of all energy consumed. Even the “biomass” energy
component needs plenty of electric or other power that, in turn, is
largely supplied by fossil resources. In most cases, these fossil energy
consumptions are not even accounted for in most “renewable” energy
production numbers; details, details…
Altogether, the idea that fossil fuels are finished is simply
preposterous. The facts are entirely different from that claim and
fossil fuels are in more demand than ever. In absolute terms, coal
energy alone still rises at a rate of about three times that of
renewables’ energy and oil and natural gas are close behind coal. But
not just the demand is steadily increasing, lo and behold, the available
and known resources are as well.
Are we Running out of Hydrocarbons?
Whether you believe it or not, I do remember a specific assignment from
early public school (60+ years ago), namely to write an essay (OK, say a
list of points) on what would become of the world without the sun
shining. It was both a serious and fun task at the time.
The question of “what would become of the world without
carbon/hydrocarbon energy resources” is not much different, at least in
my mind. The attached graph will demonstrate that, fossil energy is
still by far the biggest and most reliable way for power generation.
Whether you drive a car, fly in an airplane, enjoy a trip on a ship,
turn on the lights, or just want some heat, most of all that energy is
provided by fossil fuels. Even much of your “free” (as per sunshine and
wind advocates’) energy is, in fact, fossil resource based.
The world may indeed run out of fossil carbon energy resources at one
point. However, that point in time gets continuously pushed further into
the future. Not only is the current consumption being met with new
finds to compensate for it, between the new technologies and newly
discovered finds, the future supply is increasing at a steady rate. For
example, on Aug. 30, 2015, the Wall Street Journal, reported on a
massive new natural gas find offshore Egypt’s coast in the Mediterranean
Many discoveries of similar kind are also made in other areas, onshore
and offshore, all around the world. So, it’s incredibly naive and false
to claim that fossil fuels are finished. Nothing of that sort is
happening, neither in available resources or consumption terms.
Another point
There is also another point I’d like to mention. It’s the relative large
amount of coverage given by some search engines to news items of the
kind I’m referring to here. For example, Gilding’s own blog page at has not a single comment on his article and shows a grand
total of “4 followers.”
However, when searching for the query given below, you’d think his works
are in great demand, see for yourself. The major search engine results
for the query (on Aug. 30, 2015): “gilding” +“fossil fuels are finished”
are as follows:
Clearly, there appears to be a discrepancy between the results offered
by these three search engines. I cannot say which one is better but am
wondering about the reason for that sizable difference. Could it be
because of a bias in the direction of a particular view? You be the
judge on that but there’s one thing which I’m quite sure:
Gildings musings about fossil fuels being finished are total baloney.
SOURCE (See the original for links and graphics)
Greenie irrationality at Sydney university
The Greenie religion is a powerful one. Universities started
out as religious bodies and it seems that we are returning to
that. And the religion is not much different: Preaching doom
for evildoers
Last week, Ideas@theCentre argued that Newcastle Council has entered an
alternative reality by withdrawing deposits from banks that fund coal
and (potentially) companies involved with alcohol.
Given the Newcastle region's dependence on coal industry and wineries,
it is hard to imagine a more bizarre divestment decision.
But this week, we have another organisation entering the Twilight Zone:
Sydney University is reportedly cutting its investments in mining
companies while increasing investment in alcohol, soft drinks and
tobacco. Sydney University is effectively saying it is OK for me to
unwillingly receive second hand smoke, but it is wrong to replace
unhealthy wood fires with electricity from coal.
Air pollution from indoor fires causes 4.3 million deaths around the
world per year and the divestment movement opposes replacing these fires
by coal-fired electricity. Yet again, a first world organisation (with
reportedly $1.4 billion under investment) is dictating to developing
countries that they shouldn't use coal, when coal could save more lives
than would ever be lost due to global warming. The University is being
paternalistic towards the third world, while at the same time academics
at the University criticise Western imperialism.
In addition, as Peter Kurti has previously pointed out in relation to
the Anglican Church's coal divestment strategy, coal's cheap energy has
been instrumental in raising the living standards of hundreds of
millions in developing countries around the globe.
The University's divorce from reality is compounded by the increased
investment in tobacco, and it is hard to see how they could possibly
justify that as better than investment in coal.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
11 September, 2015
Here come the Climate Police: Carbon Footprints must be monitored by Big Brother on every building & street
Fascism, Communism, Environmentalism: Three peas in a pod
Cities are taking steps to combat climate change, given the scant
progress made by international treaty negotiations. Los Angeles,
California, home to around 4 million people, has one of the most
ambitious targets: to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions by 35% below 1990
levels by 2030. The city has calculated its carbon 'footprint' and found
that road vehicles constitute 47% of total carbon dioxide emissions,
and that electricity consumption constitutes 32%1. So how should Los
Angeles target its policies?
Knowing that certain roads, types of vehicle or parts of a city dominate
road emissions and why people drive at specific times would tell city
planners where and how to lower emissions efficiently. Improvements in
traffic congestion, air quality, pedestrian conditions, and noise
pollution could be aligned. But tracking emissions road by road and
building by building is beyond the capacity of most cities.
Luckily, scientists are gathering the data that city managers need — in
studies that match sources of CO2 and methane with atmospheric
concentrations. Now the research community needs to translate this
information into a form that city managers can use. Emissions data need
to be merged with socio-economic information such as income, property
ownership or travel habits, and placed in software tools that can query
policy options and weigh up costs and benefits. And scientists should
help municipalities to raise awareness of the power of detailed
emissions data in tailoring climate and development policies.
Carbon hotspots
Cities account for more than 70% of global fossil-fuel CO2 emissions,
the main driver of climate change. If the top 50 emitting cities were
counted as one country, that 'nation' would rank third in emissions
behind China and the United States2. Urban areas are set to triple
globally by 2030 (ref. 3).
Much of this emitting landscape falls within the control of mayors, city
planners, businesses and community groups that have responsibility for
residents' health and well-being. A 2014 survey lists 228 global cities —
representing nearly half a billion people — that have pledged
reductions equivalent to 454 megatonnes of CO2 per year by 2020 (see Shenzhen in China, for example, aims to put an
extra 35,000 electric vehicles on the road by the end of 2015. The
German city of Munich aims to produce enough green electricity by 2025
to meet all its power requirements.
Yet such pledges account for only about 3% of global urban emissions and
less than 1% of total global emissions projected for 2020 (ref. 4).
Rich cities dominate these pledges, yet low- and middle-income countries
are experiencing the greatest urban growth.
Slashing emissions requires mapping them on finer scales of space and
time that reflect the human dimensions at which carbon is emitted: by
individual buildings, vehicles, parks, factories and power plants. These
should be tracked at least yearly. Such granular estimates are needed
for several reasons: to verify emissions rates; to confirm progress
towards reduction and support carbon trading, permits or taxation5; to
enable more-targeted and financially efficient decisions about
mitigation options6; and to identify and fix unintentional releases
from, for example, leaking gas pipes or malfunctioning methane-capture
equipment in landfills.
Cities already approach air-quality improvement, regional development,
transport planning and waste disposal on a house or road scale. Adding
low-carbon policies to these efforts could benefit them all. For
example, reducing traffic congestion would lower air pollution and
traffic accidents and improve commutes. And targeting residents'
immediate needs widens public acceptance.
The problems
Although methods to account for community-scale emissions have been
designed by non-profit organizations such as the World Business Council
for Sustainable Development and the World Resources Institute (see, most cities lack independent, comprehensive and
comparable sources of data. The expertise and staff required to build
this information are costly. Transparency of data and methods is also
crucial to enable verification by third parties and to build trust.
Scientists are starting to meet these challenges. In the past five
years, 'bottom-up' estimations of carbon emissions from fuel reporting,
traffic data, building information and human activity are being merged
with 'top-down' atmospheric measurements over cities of CO2, methane and
14CO2 — an isotope of CO2 that reflects fuel combustion7. Such efforts
began in the late 2000s in Paris and in the US cities of Indianapolis,
Boston, Salt Lake City and Los Angeles; more are planned for São Paulo,
Brazil, and cities in Australia, China, the United Kingdom and Canada.
These studies cost millions of dollars, and involve at least a dozen
monitoring sites and analysis of remotely sensed data and modelling
efforts. Many of these data sets are now publicly available.
Links between ground-based and satellite remote sensing are improving.
For example, Japan's Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) has
shown8 that spaceborne CO2 measurements can constrain the 'domes' of the
gas that lie above cities. This work will continue with NASA's Orbiting
Carbon Observatory 2 (OCO-2), which launched in July 2014.
Future space missions (such as OCO-3, planned for 2018) will have a
'city mode' that will monitor urban areas and power plants monthly. The
European Space Agency's Sentinel-5 mission (to launch in 2016) should
provide near-global measurements of large methane emitters on the urban
scale every few days or weeks. Work is also under way to characterize
infrastructure in high-resolution images. Complemented by ground-based
information such as traffic data from mobile phones, this could reveal,
for example, which types of building or location account for
disproportionate urban emissions and why.
Much needs to be known to make the science suitable for policymakers and
planners. For example, what level of granularity and accuracy is most
useful? How many atmospheric monitoring stations are sufficient to
calibrate or anchor emissions inventories? How does this scale with city
size or types of emission (road versus industrial, say)?
Existing information systems are cumbersome, and although good at
quantifying emissions, they are unable to explain the roots and controls
of carbon flows. Researchers need to understand the relationships
between urban carbon fluxes and the social norms, technology, economics
and institutional constraints that drive emissions. This is especially
important in low- and middle-income countries.
International collaboration
More collaboration among disciplines is needed. For example, engineers
have modelled how emissions change when transit systems or compact urban
development strategies are introduced. But technological and
infrastructure changes are rarely modelled within socio-ecological
systems9. Social scientists are examining the connections between
wealth, population size or density and carbon emissions10, but not
within realistic, economically constrained, engineered landscapes.
Translating urban carbon science into solutions requires two key steps.
First, it must become 'operational'. Like weather stations, data and
forecasting, the measurement, monitoring and modelling of urban carbon
flows is a global need that is best accomplished collectively. This
requires long-term collaborative funding and institutional support
beyond the typical three-year research-grant cycle.
Second, an independent intergovernmental centre (with regional
representation) is needed to ensure standardization and priority. This
could be funded jointly by governments, foundations and
intergovernmental institutions. Such an 'urban carbon solutions centre'
must generate practical results, tools and carbon-mitigation options
with the involvement of community groups, mayoral staff and energy
providers. Cities could pay the solutions centre to provide information
tailored to their locale. Some work could be undertaken by the private
With detailed knowledge of carbon flows, cities might succeed in reducing global emissions where nations have failed.
Nature 525, 179–181 (10 September 2015) doi:10.1038/525179a
Conclusions divorced from Reality!
By Rich Kozlovich
Maury Siskel is a retired scientist in Texas who sends me stuff every
day. Mostly serious stuff, but occasionally he’ll send a joke, a
humorous story, or some cartoons - some funny and some political. The
interesting thing about humorous stories is they so often reflect how we
humans live our lives. Maury and Dog sent this story last night, and I
think it’s reflective of why people fall for so much clabber from the
world’s activists.
"On the outskirts of a small town, there was a big, old pecan tree just
inside the cemetery fence. One day, two boys filled up a bucketful of
nuts and sat down by the tree, out of sight, and began dividing the
nuts. "One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me," said one boy.
Several dropped and rolled down toward the fence.
Another boy came riding along the road on his bicycle. As he passed, he
thought he heard voices from inside the cemetery. He slowed down to
investigate. Sure enough, he heard, "One for you, one for me, one for
you, one for me ...."He just knew what it was. He jumped back on his
bike and rode off. Just around the bend he met an old man with a cane,
hobbling along.
"Come here quick!" said the boy, "You won't believe what I heard! Satan
and the Lord are down at the cemetery dividing up the souls!" The man
said, "Beat it kid! Can't you see it's hard for me to walk?" When the
boy insisted though, the man hobbled slowly to the cemetery. Standing by
the fence they heard, "One for you, one for me. One for you, one for
me." The old man whispered, "Boy, you've been tellin' me the truth.
Let's see if we can see the Lord!" Shaking with fear, they peered
through the fence, yet were still unable to see anything. The old man
and the boy gripped the wrought iron bars of the fence tighter and
tighter as they tried to get a glimpse of the Lord.
At last they heard, "One for you, one for me. That's all. Now let's go
get those nuts by the fence and we'll be done...."They say the old man
had the lead for a good half-mile before the kid on the bike passed
So, what’s the moral of this story? What message could I possibly take
away from this? How about this - people will fall for anything if they
start out with the wrong conclusion already in their heads!
This tale has a young boy hearing an ambiguous and incomprehensible
conversation and quickly arriving at a conclusion. If we conclude from
this story he came from a Christian ethic we can understand his
conclusion, but it was a conclusion he didn't bother to investigate. He
panics and then runs off in an emotional state and involves another
party, an old man. But he was just a kid you might say. True, but what
really makes this story work is bringing in an old man. Someone who
should have known better, and then having him fall for the same
fallacious conclusion as the young boy, both becoming embued with an
irrational panic!
But what's the big deal - after all, this was just a story! It’s not
real! No, but the theme is very real! Unfortunately for humanity much of
what poses as science in the real world follow the concept of this
story - fallacious conclusions! Conclusions charged with emotion and
filled with logical fallacies, such as the “Anecdotal fallacy - using a
personal experience or an isolated example instead of sound reasoning or
compelling evidence, the Appeal to probability – is a statement that
takes something for granted because it would probably be the case (or
might be the case), the Base rate fallacy – making a probability
judgment based on conditional probabilities, without taking into account
the effect of prior probabilities, and then there’s the Unwarranted
assumption fallacy - The fallacy of unwarranted assumption is committed
when the conclusion of an argument is based on a premise (implicit or
explicit) that is false or unwarranted. An assumption is unwarranted
when it is false.” Much of what impacts us from scientistst involved in
the world of activism ends up being conclusions in search of data to
promote some cause or other."
Rachel Carson promoted the idea DDT was destroying the world’s bird
population in her book Silent Spring. That was a lie and she had to know
it. Rachel Carson is touted as a great scientist. She wasn’t a
scientist at all. She did no research. Carson was a writer with a
science degree writing for the Fish and Wildlife Service writing about
the research done by others. As a result we know she had to have access
to the actual bird counts performed by the Audubon Society. She had to
know the bird population of North American increased dramatically during
the DDT years, including the Bald Eagle. And the robin was the most
populous bird in North America. In short– she deliberately lied – and
the world accepted it, as did most in the scientific community. People
who had to know better!
Now we've "returned to the future", with the cycle of lies constantly
being repeated by activists. They claim neonicotinoid pesticides cause
Colony Collapse Disorder - that's a lie. As that lie finally unfolds
they shift back to the Carson premise claiming neonicotinoids are
killing birds - that's a lie too. They report "declines in certain
groups and species of birds" but fail to report those declines preceded
the introduction of neonics by decades. They also fail to report “other
birds that rely on wetlands, such as waterfowl, have been increasing
over the same period.” Clearly they should know better, but academics
willingly jump on board with that same pattern of lies they accepted
about DDT. It would appear fifty plus years of fact based reality
haven't made a dent in their willingness to draw preconceived unfounded
Let's try and get this once and for all - the greenies lie - lies of
commission and lies of omission! That's why logical fallacies play such a
large role in their pronouncements. In his book, Economic Facts and
Fallacies Thomas Sowell said logical fallacies,
"are not simply crazy ideas. They are usually both plausible and logical
– but with something missing. Their plausibility gains them political
support. Only after that political support is strong enough to cause
fallacious ideas to become government policies and programs are the
missing or ignored factors likely to lead to “unintended consequences,” a
phrase often heard in the wake of economic or social policy disasters.
Another phrase often heard in the wake of these disasters is, ‘It seemed
like a good idea at the time.” That is why it pays to look deeper into
things that look good on the surface at the moment."
This is true of virtually every issue promoted by the anti–everything
activists, along with their myrmidons in government and science. The
universities are now so addicted to government grant money they can no
longer to be trusted regarding anything they promote or publish.
Dr. Jay Lehr, one of the original founders of the USEPA, says:
" is following the government money, and it’s a problem in
all industries. We’ve totally distorted science, not all of it, but
certainly at the university level. They know they have to say what the
government wants to hear in the grant proposal process in order to get
their money.
"U.S. EPA rules the roost, and if they’re not out to prove or say bad
things about chemicals of all kinds, they won’t likely get the money.
This is all driven by the environmental advocacy groups that control
U.S. EPA today. It’s a horrible thing, and what it has done to science
mostly at the academic level is bad. But U.S. EPA’s goal is to remove
every useful chemical from the environment."
Every year Retraction Watch lists hundreds of papers that have to be
retracted, and many of them due to fraud. In one period in 2012 two
hundred and thirty papers were retracted out of about fifteen hundred.
And those were the ones caught. It's my belief there are far more that
should be retracted and aren't because of the collusion among
"scientists" of like persuasion. Government grant money has made science
rich. When science becomes rich it becomes politics. When politics
dominates science the term scientific integrity becomes an oxymoron.
De Omnibus Dubitandum – Question Everything. That's my personal motto,
and is supposed to be the personal motto of every scientist in the
world. Well, truth is no longer the Holy Grail of science, it's grant
money. So what's to be done? Society must take oversight of science into
its own hands, and that oversight should include serious penalties for
fraud. When fraud is exposed, as was done in the now infamous Tulane
endocrine disruption study, someone should be charged criminally. In the
Tulane study not one person was charged with a crime. And as far as I
can tell - that never happens in science - making science a Sacred Cow!
That needs to be changed!
The term "citizen scientist" came into existence in 2014 and includes
anyone “whose work is characterized by a sense of responsibility to
serve the best interests of the wider community" or "'a member of the
general public who engages in scientific work, often in collaboration
with or under the direction of professional scientists and scientific
institutions'" an amateur scientist.” That’s who we all have to become,
but without allowing ourselves to be enfolded into the scientific
community and used as "helpers", as is the current defining trend. If
citizen science is to be effective it should be a movement of heterodoxy
- having the courage to stand up to the conventional wisdom and tell
the world -"you're wrong, and I'm going to tell you why!"
We cannot entrust policy promoted by “scientists”, because we know the
scientific community isn't trustworthy. If we don’t stand up to be
counted we will all end up like the old man and the young boy, panic
stricken and running like chickens with their heads cut off, which is
just what the activists want. A society that's panic stricken, ignorant
and compliant to a movement that's irrational, misanthropic and morally
Green Gurus Caught in Dirty Ponzi Scheme
We’re not sure what’s less surprising: That a renewable energy endeavor
turned out to be a Ponzi scheme, or that it has ties to the Clintons.
The Associated Press reports, “Three people were charged Thursday with
running a $54 million Ponzi scheme built on promises of a green energy
technology that would turn trash into fuel and ‘carbon-negative’ housing
developments, neither of which were ever fully developed, federal
prosecutors said. …
Prosecutors said the trio lied to investors that their ‘biochar’
technology and ‘carbon-negative’ housing in Tennessee made millions, but
they had almost no earnings and used the money to repay earlier
investors and for themselves.”
According to U.S. Attorney Zane Memeger, “The scheme alleged in this
indictment offered investors the best of both worlds — investing in
sustainable and clean energy products while also making a profit.
Unfortunately for the investors, it was all a hoax and they lost
precious savings. These defendants preyed on the emotions of their
victims and sold them a scam.”
Sounds like the entire Obama climate change charade. The criminal
charges come years after a separate civil lawsuit. “The scam allegedly
ran from 2005 until 2009, even after the Securities and Exchange
Commission filed a civil lawsuit against Wragg and Knorr’s Mantria Corp.
They were ordered in 2012 to pay $37 million each,” the AP adds.
The kicker? “Two months before the SEC civil lawsuit, the company was
publicly recognized for its stated commitment to ‘help mitigate global
warming’ by former President Bill Clinton’s Clinton Global Initiative.
The company was cited for its plans to develop the biochar technology
that it said would sequester carbon dioxide and reduce emissions in
developing countries. Wragg appeared on stage with Clinton at the event
in September 2009.”
Envirofascists slam Big Oil for ostensibly putting profits before
principle, yet that’s exactly what happened in this case. And wouldn’t
you know it? The defendants are in good company with the Clintons.
When will EPA tell the truth about Colorado's Animas River spill?
Will the public ever know why a government agency charged with
protecting the environment instead dumped deadly chemicals into one of
the largest sources of drinking water in the West?
The answer is: No. Not as long as Barack Obama’s rogue bureaucracies are
permitted to operate as though they are above the law. And not as
long as the U.S. Congress refuses to assert its rightful powers under
Article I of the Constitution.
Having a representative government means government is supposed to be
subservient to the people’s elected representatives. It does not
mean allowing unelected mega-bureaucrats to continue acting with
impunity – increasingly in direct contravention of the law.
On August 5, Obama's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unleashed one
of the worst natural disasters in American history. Ignoring
specific warnings, one of the agency’s cleanup crews destroyed a dam
near the long-abandoned Gold King Mine near Silverton,
Colorado. This so-called accident sent more than three
million gallons of toxic wastewater – containing cadmium, lead, arsenic
and other pollutants – pouring into Cement Creek, a tributary of the
Animas River.
The pollution turned the Animas a bright yellowish-orange color -- impacting water supplies in three different states.
Compounding the crisis, EPA officials waited more than twenty-four hours
to notify the public of this toxic spill. And when EPA
administrator Gina McCarthy finally got around to visiting the area (a
week later) – she refused to visit Silverton.
After the initial spill, things went from bad to worse for those relying
on the river. For example Navajo farmers – unable to use water
from the river – were provided with emergency water reserves from the
EPA. Unfortunately this water was contaminated, too – prompting
another attempted EPA cover-up.
According to The Guardian, EPA officials originally told Navajo leaders
the individual reporting the contamination was “unstable” and
deliberating “agitating” in an attempt to undermine the agency.
The Navajo leader, Russell Begaye, took the EPA at its word – at least
until he observed the pollution for himself.
“I couldn’t believe what I was seeing,” Begaye told the paper after
inspecting the water and finding oily streaks in it. “I couldn’t believe
the EPA’s higher-ups basically told me a lie.”
Such dishonesty from the agency has been epidemic in the aftermath of
this spill. No wonder many in the affected areas think this
disaster was no accident – but rather part of an EPA conspiracy to
secure additional environmental “cleanup” funding for the area.
“I don’t put anything past the EPA,” Utah state lawmaker Mike Noel
recently told Newsweek. “I’ve seen the way they use their
regulating powers to shut down projects, harm mining, harm farmers.”
So what did the EPA know? And when? After weeks of prodding
from multiple media outlets, the agency finally released heavily
redacted documents on August 22 revealing its advance knowledge of the
elevated risks associated with the Gold King Mine project.
“Conditions may exist that could result in a blowout of the blockages
and cause a release of large volumes of contaminated mine waters and
sediment from inside the mine, which contain concentrated heavy metals,”
one of the documents dated June 2014 noted.
Unfortunately, an “unresponsive, secretive and unsympathetic” EPA is
blocking the release of additional, un-redacted documents being sought
by a congressional committee investigating the disaster. According
to the U.S. House Science Committee, the EPA is refusing to provide
“documents pertaining to the Gold King Mine spill” sought in connection
with an upcoming hearing.
Congress must act now to assert its constitutional
authority. For starters, McCarthy and other EPA officials
must deliver these documents and provide truthful testimony regarding
how they turned the Animas River into a new Crayola color -- or be found
in contempt.
Meanwhile lawmakers must zero in on the EPA’s multi-billion budget like
never before – starting with legislation introduced earlier this year by
U.S. Rep. Sam Johnson specifically targeting its wasteful programs.
If House leadership is willing to shut down debate over appropriations
bills (including the EPA’s budget) over an arcane Confederate flag,
surely this merits an even bolder response.
The EPA is not above the law. It must be held accountable -- not
only for this spill, but the broader damage it is doing to the U.S.
UK: Greenie has a spasm of realism about fracking
Environmentalists should keep cool heads over fracking, says Friends of
the Earth's former climate campaigner. Bryony Worthington - now
Labour shadow energy minister - says fracking will create less CO2 than
compressing gas in Qatar and shipping it to Britain.
But she insists shale gas should only be developed if its emissions are captured and stored underground.
The current FoE position is that more fossil fuel exploitation will further destabilise the climate.
Nonetheless, Baroness Worthington's intervention may prove significant.
She is a professional climate and energy analyst, and one of the
architects of the UK's radical Climate Change Act.
"We have to be realistic," she told BBC News. "We are going to be using
gas for a long time because of the huge role it plays for heating homes
and for industry.
"The important thing is to minimize the carbon emissions from gas. That
means if we can get our own fracked gas, it's better to use that than
importing gas that's been compressed at great energy cost somewhere
Assigning responsibility
She believes NGOs (green groups) have been opportunistic in gathering
support for green causes by taking an absolute position on shale gas.
"We have the mother of all challenges getting emissions of greenhouse
gases out of our energy system - environmentalists should not be
adopting a priori objections to technologies but appraising them with a
cool head," she argued.
Her former colleague, Friends of the Earth's director Craig Bennett,
replied: "Fracking won't help us tackle climate change. Even people in
the industry agree that shale gas wouldn't make any big difference to
our energy sector until the mid-to-late 2020s, which is exactly when the
UK needs to start getting out of gas, wherever it comes from.
"Building a whole new gas infrastructure will keep us addicted to
expensive fossil fuels for decades to come, just when other European
countries will be benefiting from much cheaper renewables."
Both Baroness Worthington and Mr Bennett agreed on the need to speed the
development of carbon capture and storage (CCS), the process in which
CO2 emissions are stripped out of power station exhausts and forced into
rocks underground.
The Labour peer is urging the government to consider whether firms
bringing fossil fuels into the UK should be obliged to take
responsibility for capturing the resulting CO2 emissions and burying
This would re-frame the CO2 issue by treating CO2 as a waste product
like any other, to be disposed of by the firm that used the fossil fuel.
North Sea future
She concedes that emissions from mobile sources like transport cannot be
captured, but says oil importers could pay for the storage of
equivalent amounts of carbon emissions in developing countries.
She said: "The UK has great potential to lead Europe on the development
of CCS. But we need to consider how best to fund and incentivise it.
"The idea of requiring oil and gas extractors and importers to play
their part is certainly worthy of exploration, especially done in a way
that helps harness market forces to find the least cost solutions."
The Conservative peer Matt Ridley is offering his qualified support, as
injecting CO2 into North Sea oil fields would enhance recovery of
hard-to-get oil. He told the BBC: "A mechanism for supporting CCS
without hitting electricity prices further is worth considering to give
the North Sea a new lease of life.
"Given that fossil fuels are being hit with ever higher taxes, such as
the UK's unilateral carbon price floor, perhaps it makes sense to
replace that with a requirement that fossil fuel producers and importers
divert funds to CCS projects."
However, Craig Bennett said: "Betting everything on carbon capture and
storage is highly risky. There has been a billion-quid taxpayer subsidy
on the table for CCS for a decade and yet it's still not happening. It's
increasingly looking like a pipe dream."
The government strongly supports fracking. The Green Party opposes it.
The Lib Dems support the technology, with tight environmental
conditions. They also support CCS.
Labour has been cautiously in favour of fracking, although the front-runner for the leadership, Jeremy Corbyn, is anti-fracking.
Is there a connection between 2014 (the “world’s warmest year”), the
even warmer 2015 and dying fish in the north Pacific? The thing that
connects them is, as you may have guessed, warm water, or more
specifically warm water where it should not be.
Something strange is happening to the north Pacific. It is setting sea
temperature records, scrambling weather patterns, damaging ecosystems,
and nudging up the global temperature. The scientists who have observed
it call it after what it looks like on temperature maps of the Pacific –
behold the “blob.”
“We knew almost two years ago that there was something strange happening
in the north Pacific,” says Dr Bill Peterson, of NOAA’s Northwest Fish
Science Center in Newport, Washington. It seems that the Summer warmth
of 2014 was not dissipated later in the year. He told the GWPF, “Usually
in the Gulf of Alaska huge storms in the wintertime mixes the water
down super deep and cools the ocean quite a lot…but we didn’t have those
storms in the Winter of 2014-15.”
The lack of storms has been linked to a persistent high-pressure ridge
in the north Pacific. Some believe this was a consequence of unusual
atmospheric circulation over the North Pacific and the North Atlantic.
But whatever the cause, during the winter of 2013-14 a large region of
the north Pacific became much warmer than normal. Dr Peterson: “So the
water stayed warm all Winter, and when Spring came the water was already
warm by several degrees than normal, and then of course it got warmer
because of the Sun.” It was totally unprecedented. Scientists have
looked back at data as far as 1905 and nothing like the “blob” has ever
happened before. “These temperatures are above anything we have seen
before,” adds Dr Peterson.
The abnormally warm water of the “blob” influenced global surface
temperatures adding more than enough to elevate 2014 into the world’s
warmest year by the two hundredths of a degree it needed to “beat” 2010.
Such a small increase is not statistically significant given errors of
+/- 0.1°C, but it emphasises the point that without the Pacific “blob”
2014 would have been somewhat cooler than 2010, and probably cooler than
other years as well.
Another reason why 2014 was so warm was also because of an El Nino that
seemed to start and then decline. Nobody understands why the event
fizzled out; perhaps it was because of the influence of the “blob.”
This year has been the warmest on record which makes it almost certain
it will be warmer than 2014. This is due to the blob and the resurgence
of the El Nino in recent months, which many are predicting will be as
strong as the 1998 event. See NOAA and the WMO.
The warmth of 2015 so far and the expectation that it will get even
warmer has already given rise to headlines that the “pause” has ended
and that global warming has resumed. However one does not follow from
the other.
The “blob” and the El Nino are weather events not climate, natural
fluctuations and not long-term trends. Seen in relation to the much
discussed “pause” in global annual average surface temperatures since
the late 90s, their contribution to world temperature does not represent
a resumption of long term anthropogenic warming in the same way that
the cool year of 2007 did not represent the onset of a rapid decline in
global temperature. Both warm and cool natural fluctuations are to be
expected, and it takes more than one, or even two years of higher
temperature to rule out normal statistical variations and declare the
“pause” has ended. Also, El Ninos are followed by La Ninas, so while
2016 is expected to be warm, subsequent years may be somewhat cooler,
just as 1999 and 2000 were considerably cooler than 1998.
Dr Nick Bond of the University of Washington was the first to identify
the Pacific “blob.” Asked about what would happen to it now he told the
GWPF, “It should last into 2016, based on the projections from climate
models used for seasonal prediction.” He added, “The winds and weather
expected this winter due to El Nino should cool off the western portion
of the blob, but maintain the warm waters along the west coast of North
It would be fair to say that no one really knows how the “blob” and the
El Nino will interact. There are many contradictory views, here, here
and here.
But could there be a connection between the “blob,” the forthcoming very
strong El Nino and anthropogenic climate change? Bill Peterson stresses
that what is currently happening is, “certainly weather – natural
variability.” But of course unusual events are looked at in a new light
in these days of global warming and climate projections. What in the
past would have been attributed to a once in a century event is now
suspected of complicity with increasing CO2. Some scientists are
certainly thinking this but no one will say that right now. It will not
be possible to prove such a link for a decade at least.
The “blob” and the El Nino are developing and will make 2015 the warmest
year of the instrumental era by a significant margin. It will be
interesting to see how some protagonists try to wring out a resumption
of long-term climatic change due to anthropogenic global warming out of
two extreme weather events.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
10 September, 2015
Warmists as racketeers
Alarmist climate science is essentially a criminal enterprise.
Now that I’ve got your attention, just hang on to that adjective “alarmist”.
Every time the make some doom-laden claim, they get given more money. As
each prediction fails, it gets pushed on twenty years and nobody cares,
because everyone knows you can’t go up against the la cosa nostra
verdi. Every time they get caught out saying one thing in public but
exactly the opposite in private, they weasel out of it. They do a
criminal things like identity theft, and appear to be above the law.
They intimidate anyone who stands up to them and get away with it too,
and if they can’t get you, they’ll go after your family.
Attempt to speak out about them in the media, all the strings get pulled
and whatever platform you were silly enough to imagine you had just
disappears beneath your feet. You can kiss goodbye to ever getting
anything published again. Stand up to them, you’ll lose not only your
reputation and career, but also your livelihood.
Every time we find a flaw in the science, it somehow always seems to err
towards a warmer Earth. That could be an honest error but seriously
Boys and Girls, we don’t need to be experts in the bell curve to realise
something is up. On any reasonable balance of probability, you’d expect
something a bit roughly fifty-fifty. You don’t need to be Descartes to
see that one. You sit down at a poker table with someone who is crushing
all opposition with every hand all night and there’s one thing you know
for sure – they’re cheating.
It’s premeditated, deliberate and totally cynical. Science is their whore, they’ll ride her as they see fit.
We’re into end of days with climate science and a few incidents of late
should have disabused you of any lingering hope of any fig-leaf attempt
at practising anything vaguely recognisable as serious science. The Karl
et al paper was quite frankly a reversion to pulling the entrails out
of some small animal and reading the portents for the planet.
It’s the new paradigm, theory now mugs the facts.
How anyone could have put their name to such an abomination is beyond
me. Just to top that depth of degradation, the Royal Society on being
challenged on why no global warming for nearly two decades, finally
conceded that fact but smugly replied the pause would have to extend to
fifty years before they started to entertain a doubt.
Get your head straight about these people, they’re nothing better than
just cheap street-corner hoods in thousand dollar suits pretending to be
What Has the Pause Done to the Warming Rate?
Christopher Monckton of Brenchley has a must-read post today on Watts Up
With That. “The long and model-unpredicted Great Pause of 18 years 8
months in global mean lower-troposphere temperature as recorded in the
RSS satellite monthly dataset is inexorably driving down the longer-run
warming rate, when the IPCC’s predictions would have led us to expect an
acceleration,” he reports.
Here’s the cool thing (literally). Thanks to the pause, the trend during
the full satellite record works out to just 1.21ºC per century. That is
substantially below the IPCC’s central estimate in 1990, which (along
with NASA scientist Jim Hansen’s overheated prediction in 1988), put
global warming on the political map.
Monckton comments:
"In 1990, the IPCC had predicted near-straight-line
warming of 1 K to 2025, equivalent to almost 2.8 K/century. Of this
warming, more than 0.7 K should have happened by now, but only 0.26 K
has actually occurred. The IPCC’s central estimate in 1990, though made
on the basis of “substantial confidence” that the models on which it
relied had captured all the essential features of the climate system,
has proven – thus far, at any rate – to be a near-threefold
The IPCC knows its models are predicting too much warming. In the graph
below, Monckton enlarges the right-hand corner of Figure 10.1(a) from
the IPCC’s 2013 Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). CMIP3 is the ensemble of
models used in the 2007 Fourth Assessment Report (AR4), CMIP5 is the
ensemble used in AR5. Although CMIP5 predicts less warming than CMIP3
ensemble, it still increasingly diverges from reality.
Note also that a 21st century warming of 1.21ºC is well within the
bounds (0.3ºC-1.7ºC) of the IPCC’s lowest projection (RCP2.6), which
assumes a 70% reduction in cumulative greenhouse gas emissions from 2010
to 2100 compared to baseline projections. In short, the RSS data show
about the same warming rate that climate campaigners urge policymakers
to achieve via draconian restrictions on carbon-based energy.
SOURCE (See the original for links and graphics)
Many global warming studies may be wrong as carbon dating found to be highly unreliable for organic matter over 30,000 years old
Radiocarbon dating, which is used to calculate the age of certain
organic materials, has been found to be unreliable, and sometimes wildly
so - a discovery that could upset previous studies on climate change,
scientists from China and Germany said in a new paper.
Their recent analysis of sediment from the largest freshwater lake in
northeast China showed that its carbon clock stopped ticking as early as
30,000 years ago, or nearly half as long as was hitherto thought.
As scientists who study earth’s (relatively) modern history rely on this
measurement tool to place their findings in the correct time period,
the discovery that it is unreliable could put some in a quandary.
For instance, remnants of organic matter formerly held up as solid
evidence of the most recent, large-scale global warming event some
40,000 years ago may actually date back far earlier to a previous ice
"The radiocarbon dating technique may significantly underestimate the
age of sediment for samples older than 30,000 years,” said the authors
of the report from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Germany’s Leibniz
Institute for Applied Geophysics.
“Thus it is necessary to pay [special] attention when using such old
carbon data for palaeoclimatic or archaeological interpretations," they
Their work was detailed in a paper in the latest issue of the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
For over 50 years, scientists and researchers have relied on carbon dating to find the exact age of organic matter.
Prior to that, they had to depend on more rudimentary and imprecise
methods, such as counting the number of rings on a cross-section of tree
This all changed in the 1940s when US chemist Willard Libby discovered
that carbon-14, a radioactive isotope, could be used to date organic
His theory was that all living creatures have a constant proportion of
radioactive and non-radioactive carbons in their body because they keep
absorbing these elements from the environment.
Some examples of climate change can be seen over much shorter time
periods. National Geographic photographer James Balog deployed
revolutionary time-lapse cameras designed to capture a multi-year record
of the world's changing glaciers in the Arctic. Photo: AP
But as soon as the creature dies it stops absorbing these and sheds any
trace of carbon-14 at a decay rate of 50 per cent every 5,700 years.
By measuring the remaining amount of carbon-14 in a sample, scientists could estimate the time of death up to 60,000 years ago.
Before that, all traces of radiocarbon would be too small to detect.
But the method had one major flaw: it didn’t account for changes in the
proportion of radioactive and non-radioactive carbon in the environment;
and if these had changed, the estimate would most likely be wrong.
Many events can affect the levels of carbon-14 in the atmosphere, such
as the burning of fossil fuel or the detonation of an atom bomb.
In the new study using samples taken from Xingkai Lake near the
Sino-Russian border in Heilongjiang province, the scientists used both
radiocarbon dating and another method known as optically stimulated
Using light to measure the amount of free electrons trapped in quartz,
the team was able to tell how long the samples had been kept away from
sunlight, and therefore estimate when it was that they first fell in the
By comparing results from the two methods, they found that carbon dating became unreliable beyond a range of 30,000 years.
The great lakes are widely believed to have appeared in China due to the
massive melting of ice sheets during an exceptionally warm period some
40,000 years ago, and sediment from Xingkai Lake served as key evidence.
But the new study suggests that the sediment might be over 80,000 years old, possibly formed during an ice age.
"The carbon-14-based mega-lake hypothesis was even incorporated into
modelling work to interpret regional climate dynamics,” the paper
“[It] traces its link to atmospheric circulation systems such as the Asian monsoon.”
The new finding is important because it aligns with rising concern about
the reliability of carbon dating, said Professor Liu Jinyi, specimen
curator with the Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and
Palaeoanthropology in Beijing.
"Many alternative methods to date objects are now available, but carbon
dating is still the most popular because we have used it for a long time
with such ease and comfort," said Liu, who was not involved in the
"But the method should be limited to young samples, and more efforts should be made to improve its accuracy," he added.
Bavaria jibs at cost of "renewables"
The German state of Bavaria will press the federal government to reduce
supports for renewable energy, a high-ranking local policymaker said on
Tuesday, calling the cost of green power a threat to economic growth.
“We have to step on the brakes of electricity costs. Germany’s energy
transition must not become a decisive disadvantage and a risk to our
welfare,” said Ilse Aigner, deputy prime minister of the south-western
German state and minister for energy.
Aigner’s views matter because Bavaria has to be in line with Germany’s
overall energy goals and her party, the Christian Social Union (CSU),
has leverage over Chancellor Angela Merkel’s coalition government, led
by the CSU’s bigger sister party, the CDU.
She could therefore influence a federal debate planned for this autumn,
after the Berlin government settled a number of energy-related disputes
in July.
Critics say that the 21 billion euros ($23 billion) that German
industrial and household consumers pay annually to subsidise green
energy, largely through surcharges under the renewable energy act (EEG),
slow competitiveness and spending in the broader economy.
Reform measures are due to be agreed by mid-2016, ushering in renewable energy tenders instead of fixed prices from 2017.
Renewable energy already amounts to over 25 percent of the national
electricity mix, driven by the political desire to move to a low-carbon
In Bavaria, it is 30 percent and growing, thanks to a high sun intensity
encouraging photovoltaics, as well as hydroelectric, biomass, and
geothermal industries.
Bavaria’s industry leaders, including heavyweights such as BMW and
Siemens, say high electricity prices already hurt them as well as
neighbouring Austria, whose power market is aligned with Germany’s.
More genetic engineering hysteria
No evidence of harm but bans on the way
Meat and milk from the offspring of cloned animals could be banned in Britain after a decisive vote at the European Parliament.
Shoppers have been unknowingly eating the so-called ‘Frankenfoods’ for
the past four years because they can be sold without any labelling.
But yesterday MEPs voted for legislation that would permanently ban the
cloning of farm animals in Europe and stop the sale of products from
clones or their descendants.
Cloning of animals for food is currently subject to a temporary ban in
the EU’s 28 member states, but the sale of products from the offspring
is allowed.
The new legislation will stop the importation of products derived from
cloned animals or their offspring, meaning embryos or sperm from clones
could no longer be used by farmers.
Until now there have been no restrictions on importing semen which has
come from a cloned animal. This has made it likely that tens of
thousands of pigs and cows in Europe are the offspring of cloned stud
animals from America, where cloning for commercial purposes is allowed.
MEPs yesterday argued that the majority of European shoppers are against
consuming products from cloned animals and their offspring. Italy’s
Giulia Moi, who proposed the clone ban, said it would protect the health
of future generations.
She said: ‘This sends the message to our trade partners that we are not
willing to put our own health, our families’ health, and future
generations’ health at stake using products of dubious quality of this
nature. ‘We want to be sure that we don’t go down a path from
which there is no return.’
The proposal for legislation was yesterday approved by the European
Parliament in Strasbourg by 529 votes to 120. Labour and Green MEPs
voted for the move, which the Tories and Ukip tried to block.
MEPs will now begin negotiating with the European Commission and member states on a draft law to introduce a ban.
Labour MEP Paul Brannen, who is the party’s agriculture spokesman, said:
‘There are strong concerns over the welfare and conditions of cloned
animals, and that is why we have voted for the EU ban on animal cloning.
‘Labour MEPs believe animal welfare, food standards and biodiversity in
our farming system will be protected, and we will continue to work for
Fellow Labour MEP Glenis Willmott added: ‘Cloning farm animals might be a
scientific advancement, but it has no environmental, social or health
benefits. It takes animal husbandry in entirely the wrong direction,
merely making intensive farming even more intensive.
‘There is substantial evidence that cloned animals and the surrogate
mothers who carry them can suffer health and welfare problems.’
But a Defra spokesman said: ‘The Food Standards Agency has advised that
food from cloned farm animals and their descendants is safe to eat. Any
such ban would be disproportionate in terms of both food safety and
animal welfare. All farm animals are protected by EU and national
welfare legislation.’
Meat, milk, cheese and other dairy products from the offspring of cloned
animals have been allowed since 2011, when the British Government and
European Commission sabotaged calls for a ban.
Four current reports below: Refugees, flowering trees, uranium and Pacific islands
Moron-talk: Global warming plays havoc with Auburn cherry blossom festival (?)
What complete rubbish! For a start, there has been no
statistically significant global warming for 18 years. So observed
variations in seasons over that period cannot be attributed to
that. All that is being observed is that seasons vary from year to
year -- as they always have.
Like many Brisbane people, I like crepe myrtles. I have eight of them in my back yard. There must be millions of them in Brisbane.

I have 17 metres solid of blossoming trees in my back yard in January -- in three colours
tropical North Queensland, where I originally come from, we used to
call them Christmas bushes, because they began flowering in early
December. In sub-tropical Brisbane flowering normally begins in
January. It can be early January or late January. And in
some years you can get some blossom in late December. It's just a
natural cycle. It always has been variable and it always will
be. And there is no doubt that the flowering times of cherry trees
will also vary by weeks -- JR
Cherry blossom festivals bring to mind beauty, tranquillity and the
traditional Japanese song Sakura Sakura: "Cherry blossoms, cherry
blossoms, Across the spring sky, As far as you can see."
But the flowering of 180 trees at Auburn's annual cherry blossom
festival has sent many young women into a giddy spin. "It's not quite
like an Acca Dacca concert," said Greg Hodges, the curator of the
Botanic Gardens with the Auburn City Council.
"People go crazy, it is like watching an old Elvis movie. There are
girls jumping up and down screaming; it is not the sort of thing you
expect in a garden," he said. "It is such a quaint beauty in this
day and age, and people get very excited."
A record 10,000 people visited last Saturday, and similar crowds – those
wearing kimonos or Cosplay costumes get in free – are expected to visit
the Botanic Garden's Japanese Garden cherry blossoms this weekend too.
Signs warn visitors not to shake the trees, even though catching a petal
or capturing a photo with falling blossoms is a good omen in the eyes
of some Asian visitors.
For organisers of cherry blossom festivals in Washington DC, Tokyo and
Auburn, the trickiest part of the annual event is forecasting when the
trees will flower, and hoping they bloom during the scheduled dates.
Specialists at the Royal Botanical Gardens Sydney say global warming is
affecting when traditional late-winter and early-spring plants – from
wattles to jacarandas –are flowering. Seasonal variations in rainfall
and temperature can complicate timing, too.
Contrary to what most people think, a warm winter causes the cherry
trees to bloom later. Mr Hodges said the trees – a mix of
flowering pear, apple, cherry and apricot trees – required a prolonged
cold period in winter before they will bloom.
Because this winter was cold, about 70 per cent of the trees are
already past their prime, making him wish he had started the festival a
week earlier. The white cherry and the flowering pears are still coming
on, he said. Last year, he had the opposite problem. A warm 2014 winter
meant there were "hardly any blossoms" in the first week.
Because these festivals are so popular, environmental groups such as WWF
in the United States use them to highlight the impact of global
warming. During the annual cherry blossom festival in Washington DC, WWF
held a public talk on "A Blossoming Problem: The Disruptive Impacts of
Climate Change on Nature's Calendar" to discuss how global warming
affected cherry blossoms and other plants and animals.
A Japanese study also studied the impact of climate change on culturally
significant events such as the timing of flowers on the trees.
It found 92 per cent of festival organisers said global warming was
occurring, and it was affecting when trees burst into bloom. Organisers
dependent on income from these festivals were more concerned about
climate change than others.
Greenie group doesn't want refugees
Aid to live safely and sustainably far more effective, says Sustainable Population Party
Sustainable Population Party rejects the moral posturing and political
one-upmanship surrounding the current Syrian refugee crisis, and calls
for sustainable global solutions to the human tragedy of forced
In an ABC Radio interview today, World Vision CEO Reverend Tim Costello
says “the [refugee] intake is the pimple on the hippopotamus” and “not
really the main game.”[1]
Reverend Costello added “It's actually giving people hope in the camps
that they're secure, they're going to be fed, that they don't need to
flee - and above all... go back home. That's what they want to do. They
just want to go back home, not come here, not go to Europe.”
William Bourke, President of the Sustainable Population Party agrees,
saying “Whilst an increased intake should be considered, the current
game of moral one-upmanship by politicians is unhelpful and regrettable.
The government’s plans to increase the intake by 12,000 will cost a
conservative $500 million, or around $40,000 per refugee.[2]
“How many people would $40,000 per year help to live safely in UN camps?
According to the UNHCR, a donation of $300 per annum ‘can buy an
Emergency Assistance Package to give a family the essentials for
survival and shelter’.[3] If we conservatively assume a family is four
people, that’s $75 per person. For every one person Australia resettles,
we therefore forego the opportunity to help over 500 people in what
World Vision’s Tim Costello calls ‘the main game’. Given the scale of
the Syrian crisis, $500 million would be better spent helping over 6
million people than 12,000.
”Rather than simplistic moral posturing over increased permanent
resettlement numbers, we align with Reverend Costello’s overriding aim
to help people live safely now, and ultimately sustainably in their
homeland. To achieve this ultimate goal, we also need to address
underlying drivers of resource scarcity and conflict in Syria, including
rapid population growth.
“Syria’s population has exploded from 3.5 million in 1950 to 23 million
today. This growth dilutes natural resources like food and water, and
ties into “economic problems, education costs and living costs."[4] At
the current extreme growth rate, Syria will reach around 35 million by
2050. This increasing resource scarcity fuels growing conflict between
militias and religious groups.
“To help address the global population crisis, Australia should also
increase its total family planning and reproductive health services
foreign aid from $50 million to at least $500 million immediately and to
at least $1 billion by 2020, Mr Bourke added.
Press release
Australia's inaction on climate change set to dominate Pacific Island talks
Polynesians and Melanesians are not the most sophisticated people so
believe the bull they are told about their low-lying islands getting
submerged -- even though it isn't happening -- rather the reverse in a
few cases -- JR
Australia and New Zealand are expected to face strong criticism from
Pacific Island leaders disappointed the nations are not doing more to
combat climate change.
The issue will likely dominate this week’s Pacific Islands Forum leaders
summit in Port Moresby, ahead of the United Nations climate change
conference in Paris later in the year.
Pacific leaders want the world to work on restricting the global warming
temperature rise to 1.5C, fearing a 2C target will risk the survival of
many tiny islands.
Natural disaster recovery will be fresh on their minds. The summit
starts on Monday, six months after Cyclone Pam, which flattened much of
Vanuatu and caused heavy flooding on Tuvalu, Kiribati and the Marshall
Host nation Papua New Guinea is grappling with the opposite problem –
what could be its worst drought in 20 years and a potential food crisis.
The prime minister, Peter O’Neill, has said El Niño conditions have been exacerbated by the effects of climate change.
The Solomon Islands and Vanuatu are also experiencing a dry spell.
Fiji’s prime minister, Frank Bainimarama, who is boycotting the summit
and will instead send along his foreign minister, had a crack at Tony
Abbott at last week’s meeting of his rival club of Pacific leaders – the
Pacific Islands Development Forum – that excludes Australia.
He urged Abbott to abandon the “coalition of the selfish” and put the
welfare of small Pacific Island neighbours ahead of coal industry
The Abbott government has announced a carbon emissions reduction target
of 26-28% on 2005 levels by 2030, which has been criticised for lacking
New Zealand’s target is a cut of 30% below 2005 levels by 2030.
The summit is expected to sign off on a joint climate change and disaster management strategy for the Pacific.
Australia’s proposed India uranium deal given cautious green light despite ‘risks’
The government-dominated treaties committee has given a cautious green
light to a proposed uranium deal with India, but only if the
nuclear-armed nation agrees to a number of safeguards.
India is not a signatory of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT)
nor the comprehensive test ban treaty (CTBT), yet the emerging world
leader is in dire need of energy.
As such, the committee report notes that: “It would be fair to say that,
in this debate, there are no small risks or benefits. Every issue the
committee has dealt with in this inquiry bears significant potential
benefits and risks.
“The question for the committee is, then, given the benefits for
Australia and India from the proposed agreement, can the risks be
tolerated and ameliorated,” the report asked.
To counteract the potential risks of the treaty, including the
possibility for Australian uranium to be used in the formation of
nuclear weapons, the committee has made six recommendations.
Among them, the recommendation that the bilateral treaty only be
ratified if India manages to achieve the full separation of civil and
military nuclear facilities, and that the country establishes a new,
fully independent, nuclear regulatory body.
It also recommends the International Atomic Energy Agency verify that
inspections of nuclear facilities live up to international standards.
India, which is nestled between nuclear-armed neighbours Pakistan and China, is estimated to possess up to 110 nuclear warheads.
Australia should commit “significant diplomatic resources” to encourage
India to sign the CTBT and facilitate a regional nuclear arms limitation
treaty, the report recommends.
Labor changed its party platform banning the sale of uranium to
countries that have not signed the NPT in 2011, paving the way for the
deal with India.
The report highlighted the huge economic benefits of the treaty.
“From Australia’s perspective, selling uranium to India would double the
size of an export industry, both in terms of income and employment
opportunities,” the report said. “Moreover, it will do so in regional
and remote Australia at a time when lower commodity prices are having an
economic impact on these regions.”
The Australian Safeguards and Non-proliferation Office estimates India’s
import requirements for uranium could grow to 2,000 tonnes a year,
valued at $200m. The Minerals Council of Australia thinks that could
result in a net gain of 4,200 uranium mining jobs.
India currently gets about 50% of its energy from coal, which the report
noted is the lesser option when compared with nuclear power. Presently,
only 2% of India’s energy is generated by nuclear power.
The committee acknowledges that keeping India isolated due to its status
as a non-signatory of the NPT has not resulted in the country ditching
its nuclear arsenal. The bilateral treaty, it argued, would give
Australia leverage to make changes and strengthen safeguards.
The Greens, in additional comments to the committee’s report, said the
agreement was putting “short-term political expedience above global
“As such, the Australian Greens cannot support this agreement and urge others to do likewise,” the comments said.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
9 September, 2015
More on the latest scare from NASA
Scientists from Australia's CSIRO have backed it. As a result,
Geologist Geoff Derrick emailed Dr Rintoul, a so-called scientist
from CSIRO -- as below:
To Dr Steve Rintoul:
Dear Steve
The CSIRO was once a respected science organisation.
By putting your name to these rancid projections from NASA on Antarctic
and Greenland ice and sea levels (see below) , you have as much
scientific credibility as Obama, which is close to zero.
I hope Steyn's book is now in your library. What is contained
therein should be motivation enough to examine the integrity of the
alarmist world you frequent, which clearly dances to the tune of
pseudoscience and unwarranted projections and scaremongering.
I wish it were otherwise. If you disagree with the NASA rubbish, then you should say so.
Does not the following statement from the NASA item concern you as a
supposed scientist? Is it ignorance, bad expression, or a healthy
combination of both??
"The (OMG) project will examine the role of ocean currents and ocean temperatures in melting Greenland's ice from below. . "
The last time I looked, the ice sheet of Greenland is largely contained
in a massive crustal depression, with NO contact with any ocean along
it's substrate. In the case of your Antarctic scaremongering , you
should also check out the high crustal heat flow adjacent to the
West Antarctic peninsula - that has more effect than any amount of
carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
NASA and the CSIRO obviously accept as gospel what is written in this
article, such as breathless commentary that the Antarctica is "losing
118 gigatons of ice per annum over the past decade". This equates
to about 130 km3 pa, so given that there are 26 million km3 of ice
around Antarctica, we could expect it to be ice free in about 200,000
years. Be still my beating heart.
Note that the graph is calibrated in tenths of a degree and also note the clear flattening from 2000 on
Via email
IPCC is run by smallish old-boys network
That's what the article below tells us. It also suggests that the result may be blinkered findings
Patterns of authorship in the IPCC Working Group III report
Esteve Corbera et al.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has completed its
Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). Here, we explore the social scientific
networks informing Working Group III (WGIII) assessment of mitigation
for the AR5. Identifying authors’ institutional pathways, we highlight
the persistence and extent of North–South inequalities in the authorship
of the report, revealing the dominance of US and UK institutions as
training sites for WGIII authors. Examining patterns of co-authorship
between WGIII authors, we identify the unevenness in co-authoring
relations, with a small number of authors co-writing regularly and
indicative of an epistemic community’s influence over the IPCC’s
definition of mitigation. These co-authoring networks follow regional
patterns, with significant EU–BRICS collaboration and authors from the
US relatively insular. From a disciplinary perspective, economists,
engineers, physicists and natural scientists remain central to the
process, with insignificant participation of scholars from the
humanities. The shared training and career paths made apparent through
our analysis suggest that the idea that broader geographic participation
may lead to a wider range of viewpoints and cultural understandings of
climate change mitigation may not be as sound as previously thought.
Wake up Obama, climate change has been happening forever
By Betsy McCaughey
President Obama hiked to Exit Glacier in Alaska last week, with
photographers in tow, to send the world a message: The glacier is
Obama blames it on the increasing use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil
and natural gas, which he wants to restrict not only in the United
States but worldwide. The photo-op was designed to build support for an
international climate agreement he’s pushing hard to sell, so far with
little success.
Trouble is, the president needs to get his facts straight. Exit Glacier
has been shrinking for 200 years — since 1815 — long before widespread
industrialization and automobiles. As the president ended his trip, he
sounded the alarm again: “This state’s climate is changing before our
News flash, Mr. President: Alaska has been buffeted by cyclical swings
in climate for thousands of years. That’s true for the rest of the
world, too. There was a 300-year-long Medieval heat wave, followed by a
Little Ice Age that began around 1300, and then the 300-year warming
period we’re in now.
The Anchorage Daily Times ran a front-page story in 1922 recording the
“unheard-of temperatures” in the Arctic and glaciers disappearing. “The
Arctic Ocean is warming up and icebergs are growing scarcer.”
Oblivious to the history of constant climate change, Obama pointed to
Exit Glacier and said: “We want to make sure our grandkids can see
He may get his wish, but it won’t be because of anything he’s doing. The
current warming trend appears to be over, speculates Roger Cohen, a
fellow of the American Physical Society. The Alaska
Climate Research Center reports almost no evidence of warming trends in Alaska since 1977.
Many scientists are predicting the onset of two or three centuries of
cooler weather — which would mean bigger glaciers. That’s despite the
world’s growing use of fossil fuels. No matter what humans do,
temperature trends go up, and then down; glaciers expand and then
recede; sea levels rise and then fall, explains Will Happer, professor
emeritus of physics at Princeton.
That doesn’t mean pollution controls are futile. We all want to breathe
clean air. But don’t blame climate change on humans. There are bigger
forces at work here.
Scientists disagree about what these forces are, and are researching
better ways of accurately measuring temperature trends via satellite.
Amid all this controversy and uncertainty about global climate change,
Obama blindly insists that his theory of global warming “is beyond
dispute” and attacks his critics as “deniers.”
Sounding more like an Old Testament doomsayer than a president, Obama
warned in his Alaska speech that unless carbon fuels are restricted, “we
will condemn our children to a planet beyond their capacity to repair:
Submerged countries. Abandoned cities. Fields no longer growing.” Sounds
scary, but he’s on thin ice backing up those predictions.
Despite Obama’s professed concern for the people of Alaska affected by
climate change, his visit was more about theatrics than helping locals.
Alaska’s Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R) lambasted
Obama’s job-killing new restrictions on oil and gas drilling in the
Arctic. Obama says the region’s “very fragile,” but Murkowski is more
worried that the economy is fragile. “It’s clear this administration
does not care about us and sees us as nothing but a territory,” she
It’s a demonstration of Obama’s appalling lack of priorities. The
president told his Alaska audience that “few things will disrupt our
lives as profoundly as climate change.” Really, Mr. President? How about
the epidemic of cop shootings in the United States, or the drowned
toddlers washing up on Mediterranean shores as families flee the Middle
East, or ISIS beheading thousands of Christians?
Obama says that with climate change, more than any other issue, “there
is such a thing as being too late.” Tell that to a cop’s widow or the
father who watched his family drown.
Obama’s deceitful, unsustainable energy decrees
Wind and solar reap taxpayer loot, while hydrocarbon energy, industries and jobs get pummeled
Paul Driessen
“That’s not the American way. That’s not progress. That’s not
innovation. That’s rent-seeking and trying to protect old ways of doing
business, and standing in the way of the future.”
That wasn’t the Wall Street Journal lambasting the mandate- and
subsidy-dependent renewable energy consortium. It was President Obama
demonizing critics of his plans to replace carbon-based energy with
wind, solar and biofuels, stymie the hydraulic fracturing revolution
that’s given the United States another century of oil and gas – and
“fundamentally transform” and downsize the US and global economies.
The president thinks this legacy will offset the Iran, Iraq, Islamic
State and other policy debacles he will bequeath to his successors. His
presidential library exhibits won’t likely mention those foreign policy
fiascoes or the ways his energy policies mostly benefit the richest 1%
of Americans, especially political cronies and campaign contributors –
while crippling the economy and pummeling millions of families and
businesses that depend on reliable, affordable oil, gas and coal energy
for their income and welfare.
Mr. Obama and his regulators have already imposed enormous financial,
labor, ozone, water, climate, power generation and other burdens on our
economy – mostly with trifling benefits that exist only in computer
models, White House press releases, and rosy reports from advocacy
groups that receive billions of dollars from his Environmental
Protection Agency, Department of Energy and other agencies. On August
24, he announced another billion-dollar program to force America to
produce 20% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030: mostly
wind and solar, plus a little more geothermal and biomass.
Those sources now provide less than 8% of all electricity, so this is a
monumental increase. If the president wants to take credit for any
alleged benefits, he must also accept blame for the abysmal failures.
One of the biggest is Solyndra, the solar company that got $535 million
in taxpayer-guaranteed loans just before it went belly-up. A four-year
investigation found that Solyndra falsified its financials, sales
outlook and other business dealings and omitted material facts. However,
the Department of Energy failed in its due diligence obligations and
apparently buckled under White House pressure to approve the financing.
Par for the course, though, the Justice Department will not seek
criminal indictments of any Solyndra officials, nor penalize any DOE
apparatchiks for their willing incompetence. After all, a principal
investor in the company (George Kaiser) was a major donor to Obama
Of course, dozens of other companies also dined at the federal trough,
before going under and costing us taxpayers many billions of dollars.
But the administration wants more money and mandates – and more rules
that destroy conventional energy competitors – to drive his climate and
“transformation” agendas.
Meanwhile, he ignores the one truly and steadily innovative business
that has generated real energy, jobs, wealth and tax revenues during his
presidency – and largely kept the tepid Obama economy afloat: fracking.
In fact, his bureaucrats are working to ban the technology on federal
lands and regulate it into a marginal role elsewhere, even as the
industry reduces its water use, keeps gasoline prices low, finds ways to
produce oil at $45 per barrel, and proves its practices do not
contaminate drinking water.
The president also ignores inconvenient facts about his “clean,
eco-friendly” renewable energy utopia. For example, wind and solar
facilities require vast land acreage and are increasingly moving into
sensitive wildlife habitats, threatening protected and endangered birds,
bats and other species.
The proposed 550-mile Atlantic Coast natural gas pipeline from West
Virginia shale gas fields across Virginia to southern North Carolina
would impact about 4,600 acres (12% of the District of Columbia), and
nearly all that land would be restored to croplands or grassy habitats
as soon as the pipe is laid. The fuel is destined mostly for existing
gas-fired electrical generating units on a few hundred total acres. If
all that gas were used to generate electricity, it would produce 190,500
megawatt-hours of electricity per day.
In stark contrast, generating the same electricity with wind would
require 46,000 400-foot turbines on some 475,000 acres of land – plus
thousands of acres of towering transmission lines to urban centers
hundreds of miles away. They would be permanent and highly visible
eyesores and wildlife killers, crossing deforested mountain ridges and
scenic areas, and generating electricity maybe 20% of the time. Building
them would require millions of tons of concrete, iron, copper, rare
earth metals from China’s ruined Baotou region, and petroleum for the
monstrous bird- and bat-chopping turbine blades.
Energy analyst Robert Bryce says meeting the Obama EPA’s Clean Power
Plan emission goals would require blanketing 34 million acres (an area
larger than New York State) with wind turbines.
A 2013 study estimates that US wind turbines already kill some 573,000
birds a year – 83,000 of them bald and golden eagles and other raptors.
Far better data from Europe, however, suggests that the annual US death
toll is closer to 13 million birds and bats. And our wildlife agencies
exempt wind companies from endangered species and other environmental
laws. More turbines will multiply the carnage.
Moreover, we would still need the gas-fired units, operating
inefficiently on standby spinning reserve status and going to full power
dozens of times daily, whenever the wind stops blowing. Ditto for
Using solar panels to generate 190,500 MWH per day would require 1.7
million acres of land – akin to blanketing Delaware and Rhode Island
with habitat-destroying panels – plus long transmission lines and
gas-fired units. Los Angeles recently refused to buy power from a
much smaller 2,557-acre solar project proposed for the Mojave Desert,
because of impacts on desert tortoises and bighorn sheep.
President Obama never mentions any of this – or the fact that greater
natural gas use is reducing carbon dioxide emissions, which he claims
have replaced the sun and other powerful natural forces in driving
climate change. This April, US CO2 emissions fell to their lowest level
for any month in 27 years. But now that he’s sent coal marching toward
history’s ash heap, natural gas is next on his target list.
To top it off, all the billions of dollars, crony corporatism, campaign
cash for helpful politicians, feed-in tariffs and Renewable Fuel
Standards (mandates and diktats) – and all the habitat and wildlife
impacts – will raise the wind, solar, geothermal and biomass share of
the nation’s energy mix from 8% today to only 10% in 2040, to supply our
growing population, Energy Information Administration analysts project.
Since 2006, US households received over $18 billion just in federal
income tax credits for weatherizing homes, installing solar panels,
buying hybrid and electric vehicles, and other “clean energy”
investments. But the bottom 60% of families received only 10% of this
loot; the top 10% got 60% of the total and 90% of the subsidies and tax
credits for ultra-expensive electric vehicles, like the $132,000 Tesla
Model S. Worse, that $18 billion could have drilled wells to provide
safe drinking water for five billion people!
The United States depends on energy-rich fossil fuels, plus nuclear and
hydroelectric power – not pie-in-the-sky ideas or smoke-and-mirrors
solutions to imaginary climate catastrophes. So does the rest of the
world. We cannot afford pseudo-environmental ideologies, climate
fabrications and dictatorial decrees.
Germany’s Energiewende (mandated energy transformation) program also
seeks to replace coal and nuclear energy with wind, solar and biofuels.
It has made German electricity prices (including $31.5 billion in hidden
annual subsidies) nearly ten times higher than in US states that still
rely on coal for power generation. The program has already killed
countless jobs and threatens to send still more energy-intensive
companies overseas – to countries that justifiably refuse to slash their
hydrocarbon use, CO2 emissions or economic growth in the name of
controlling Earth’s eternally changing climate.
Every winter, German, British and other European policies literally kill
thousands of poor and elderly people who can no longer afford to heat
their homes properly. Where is that vaunted liberal compassion?
Why would the United States want to proceed lemming-like down a
similarly delusional energy pathway to economic ruin and the needless
deaths of birds, bats and our most vulnerable citizens? Other than
reelecting Mr. Obama, what did we do to deserve this? And how can we
undo the damage?
Via email
The Resilience of an American Pika Metapopulation to Global Warming
The American pika (Ochotona princeps) is an insanely cute critter often
found in above-timberline rock fields in the western U.S.
Because they often live near mountain peaks, there’s been concern that
global warming could push them over the top, to extinction. Writing in
the Journal of Mammalogy, Smith and Nagy (2015) state that American
pikas (Ochotona princeps) “have been characterized as an indicator
species for the effects of global warming on animal populations,” citing
the works of Smith et al. (2004), Beever and Wilkening (2011) and Ray
et al. (2012). Indeed, as they continue, “a consideration of the effects
of climate, primarily recent warming trends due to climate change, has
dominated much of the recent literature on American pikas and their
persistence.” Hoping to provide some additional insight on the subject,
the two Arizona State University researchers set out to investigate the
resilience of a pika metapopulation residing near Bodie, California,
USA, that was exposed to several decades of natural warming.
The investigation, which Smith and Nagy characterized as “the longest
study of any pika species,” focused on the Bodie metapopulation for two
primary reasons. First, it is “situated at the warmest locality of any
longitudinal study of the American pika.” As such, its area of habitat
is comparatively warm and fully capable of inducing warm temperature
stress. Second, the population has been well-studied, having been
censused (for patch occupancy data) several times since the early 1970s.
Given these two characteristics of the Bodie metapopulation (location
and well-studied) the two researchers were able to test for a
relationship between pika extinctions/recolonizations and chronic/acute
temperature warming. So what did their analysis reveal?
With respect to chronic temperature warming, Smith and Nagy report that
despite a relatively high rate of patch (islands of pika-suitable
habitat) turnover across the study location, there was “a near balance”
of pika patch extinctions and recolonizations during the past four
decades of intense data collection (see figure below). Furthermore, a
series of statistical analyses that were performed on the patch turnover
and historic temperature data revealed there was “no evidence that
warming temperatures have directly and negatively affected pika
persistence at Bodie.” In fact, the only significant correlation they
found among these two parameters occurred between mean maximum August
temperature and the number of pika recolonizations the following year,
which correlation was positive, indicating that higher August
temperatures lead to a greater rate of pika recolonization the next
year, a result which the authors describe as “in the opposite direction
of the expectation that climate stress inhibits recolonizations.”
With respect to acute temperature warming, defined as the number of hot
summer days exceeding a temperature threshold of 25°C or 28°C, Smith and
Nagy write that “neither warm chronic nor acute temperatures increased
the frequency of extinctions of populations on patches, and relatively
cooler chronic or acute temperatures did not lead to an increase in the
frequency of recolonization events.”
Taken together, the above findings demonstrate that the Bodie
metapopulation of American pikas is “resilient at the individual (Smith,
1974) and population scales” to both chronic and acute temperature
warming, and has “been so for at least 60 years.” And, as an “indicator
species” for the effects of global warming on animal populations, the
future for American pikas and other animal species looks bright!
The Fall of Mann: "A Disgrace to the Profession": The World's
Scientists on Michael E Mann, his Hockey Stick and their Damage to
by Mark Steyn
Number One on the Climatology Hit Parade - Michael E Mann's book, Dreary Predictions, is down to Number 20.
We're a few days away from the official launch of my new book, and it's
already doing quite nicely at Amazon in print and Kindle - and not too
shabby north of the border, too. And it's Number One on the Climatology
Hit Parade. Keep an eye on our right-hand sidebar for news of any media
appearances by yours truly when the book is officially released next
"A Disgrace to the Profession" is about the most famous science graph of
the 21st century and its inventor - Michael E Mann, the Big Climate
enforcer and self-conferred Nobel Laureate who decided to sue me three
years ago. Usually in these situations, the defendant is supposed to
fall silent for the half-decade or more it takes the dysfunctional court
system to get around to hearing the case. But I decided to go a
different route. I liked this line on the book from Laura Rosen Cohen in
a post called "Fighting Back Works":
"It's probably the longest, funniest, most savvily organized and
meticulous "screw you" in the history of Western literature. It's
probably a new genre. I don't know of any precedent for a literary
vehicle of this kind.
Instead of waiting for the opportunity to flush more of his hard-earned
money down the toilet, waiting for the sclerotic US justice system and
Michael Mann to crush him into pulp, using their process as punishment,
Steyn has gone on the offensive.
And it's a delightfully offensive book."
But it's not just me being "delightfully offensive", but a gazillion
scientists - as the Prussian notes, in a piece called "Fall of Mann":
"I've been following the Mann / Steyn war pretty much since it began.
The most recent twist is that Steyn, proving that Mann should really
have listened to me when he had the chance, has put out a new book, "A
Disgrace To The Profession": The World's Scientists – in their own words
– on Michael E. Mann.
I'm eagerly awaiting my copy. The book – which consists of comments by
various leading climate scientists on what they think of Mann and his
ludicrous stick – dovetails nicely with my own intellectual path on this
I first got into the subject of Mann and the Stick when it was being
loudly trumpeted that Mann's hockey stick had been proved by National
Academy of Sciences. Looking at what the Academy actually reported, this
turned out to be misleading. The Academy cleared Mann of deliberate
falsification, but concluded the stick was a pretty shaky piece of
science. Mann seemed to agree.
Then came the beginning of the Steyn lawsuit. I was torn. On the one
hand, I have a lot of respect for Steyn; on the other hand, I hated –
still hate – seeing accusations of scientific dishonesty made lightly. I
was also utterly unimpressed by Mann lying about his Nobel prize.
Then I found out about his habit of bullying other researchers, and
generally being a megalomaniacal windbag, and was serially dishonest
about, e.g., whether he'd been exonerated by different groups. Even so, I
was not willing to accuse Mann of scientific dishonesty.
Then I found out what some other scientists were saying..."
Do read the rest of what the Prussian has to say. Meanwhile, reader Kelly Haughton writes:
"Thank you for doing the public service of fighting back against the
Mann lawsuit. It appears to me that you are doing a great job.
I view your new book as a way of starting the trial for the lawsuit
before the judge is willing to go forward. I love the idea of doing that
since Mann is primarily trying to silence you while the suit is tied
up. I am assuming you will be entering this book in evidence when the
trial begins. Ultimately, the book proves you believed what you wrote in
the original blogpost and have good reasons to believe all of the
points made.
So if Mann really believes in his suit, he should sue to prevent the
publishing of your new book. If he does not sue about the new book, it
will weaken his original suit.
It makes me wonder what, if any, reaction to the publishing of your
book, Mann's lawyers will recommend. Not sure there is a good one.
If Mann were to sue to prevent the publishing of the new book, the whole freedom of speech argument becomes even stronger.
If they do nothing, they will need to plan a defense against the
material in the book. That is quite a bit of work that they were not
planning on doing. Not to mention it would be difficult.
They will probably continue to delay and delay. And hope you go away.
Assuming they go for delay, I hope you have enough material for Volume 2."
Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. I like the idea of the book as "a way
of starting the trial ...before the judge is willing to go forward". But
we may be looking at four or five volumes before His Honor starts
catching up. As for Mann's lawyers, I wouldn't presume to speculate on
what they would recommend. The two main ones are rather agreeable in
person, which is more than I can say for their client on the one
occasion he deigned to show his face in court.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
8 September, 2015
NASA says sea levels will rise by a metre over the next century
And what is the basis of that prophecy? It's not an academic journal article. It's just a press release, which is here.
And the whole scare is based on one alleged fact: "Seas around the
world have risen an average of nearly 3 inches since 1992".
One writer has looked carefully at the data concerned and concludes:
is nothing abnormal about sea level rising by 3 inches over a 23-yr
period. Nor is a 3 mm/yr sea level rise over a multi-decade period
unusual. There is simply no anomaly requiring an
explanation. The claim that the 3 inches if sea level rise from
1992-2015 is inline with 3 feet of sea level rise in the 21st century is
patently false and demonstrably disprovable. The accurate
statement that sea level is rising faster now than it was 50 years ago
is cherry-picking of the highest order."
EXPERTS fear an ice sheet the size of Queensland is melting so quickly
it will cause massive storm surges capable of decimating Australia’s
coastal cities within the next century.
Satellite images recently captured by NASA show large sections of
Greenland and Antarctica are vanishing at a much faster rate than
previously thought.
Because of this scientists now believe sea levels will rise by a metre
over the next 100 to 200 years. And this is not good. Dr Steve Rintoul
from the CSIRO told if the NASA predictions prove true
Australia could expect more devastating flash floods similar to the one
suffered by Brisbane four years ago.
[The Brisbane floods were
due to negligent use of Brisbane's big flood-control dam
(Wivenhoe). They were not a "flash flood"]
He said as the average sea level rose, so did the risk of destructive
storm surges. “What that means is that the frequency and severity of
coastal flooding increases and those floods are more serious as the
average sea level rises,” he said. “Most Australians live along the
coast, and this is where we are going to feel the impact of sea levels
“There is also about 150 million people that live within one metre of
present day sea level, and so if sea levels rise by one metre, those
people will be displaced. Many of our major cities around the world are
close to sea level and also much of our industry and infrastructure is
also close to the coast.
The implications of rising sea levels are quite serious because a one
metre rise would cause serious disruption not just to people on low
level islands but to infrastructure and the economy in countries that
have a coastline.” ... blah blah blah
A Prayer For The Earth: Answering The Pope’s Call. A One Act Mini-Play
Statistician Briggs is being naughty
Father: “In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”
Penitent: “Bless me father, I have sinned. It’s been about six months since my last confession.”
Father: “Go on…”
Penitent: “I visited a prostitute twice. I gave her counterfeit money
the second visit. I took drugs maybe three, four times. I haven’t gone
to mass since my last confession. I didn’t make my kids go, either. But
that’s because my ex took them after we divorced. Um…last time I was at
mass, I dropped the wafer thing, which I know is not supposed to happen.
Father: “Anything else?”
Penitent: “Well, I was in a hurry last week, so…”
Father: “There is no shame here, my son. You must confess all.”
Penitent: “I was late for work, so I didn’t recycle. I threw a pop can
in the regular trash. And…well, I knew it was wrong. I hid the can under
some coffee grounds so the EPA police wouldn’t see it. That’s it,
that’s everything.”
Father: “That’s it?”
Penitent: “Yes.”
Father: “This is very bad.”
Penitent: “I know.”
Father: “Failing to recycle hurts the Earth, you know.”
Penitent: “Yeah.”
Father: “And that can was also money. The deposit. You threw away money, money that could have helped The Poor™.”
Penitent: “I figured one of those bums or illegals might fish it out. They’re always going through the trash.”
Father: “No person is illegal, my son.”
Penitent: “Even those who break the law? No—I’m kidding. I’m joking. Nervous tension. You know how it is.”
Father: “Our bishop said we must be on ‘environmental alert‘. That we
must examine our lifestyles with respect to the Earth. We need to
meditate on how Brother Sky and Sister Moon feed and nurture us. The
bishop said we need to ‘have a greater awareness of environmental and
ecological issues’. He wants us to moderate our lifestyles. That’s it.
That’s key. I’ve thought a lot about that and I feel we need to put the
Earth first and foremost in our lifestyles. With every action, we need
to ask, ‘Is this good or bad for the Earth?'”
Penitent: “It was just one can, and—”
Father: “That’s how it starts! A can is tossed into the wrong bin might
seem like a small crime, but it’s a gateway. It opens the door. It
starts you on a dark path. Today it’s a can, tomorrow you use a large
wattage light bulb when you could have got by with one half as bright.
And once you do that, what’s to stop you switching on the air
conditioning? Next thing you know you’re leaving the car on idle at red
lights, forgetting, even, that you have a carbon footprint. You mustn’t
forget that your behavior influences others. If everybody threw cans
away, the planet itself could face global warming! We could see a
temperature rise of nearly a quarter of a degree by the century’s end.
And then where would we be?”
Penitent: “I know. I am sorry.”
Father: “Yes, I can sense that you are. It’s well that you came in, and
today of all days. It proves the Earth is watching out for you. Today,
in case you have forgotten, is the day the Holy Father set aside to pray
for the Earth. To pray for the ‘Care of Creation’. The Pope wants us to
ask God’s forgiveness ‘for sins committed against the world in which we
live.’ Your blithe can was one of these sins. ”
Penitent: “I see that.”
Father: “Pope Francis said we are experiencing an ‘ecological crisis’.
He said, ‘living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is
essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary
aspect of our Christian experience.’ No more cans in the trash!”
Penitent: “Yes. I mean, no, father. Never again.”
Father: “Very well. I can feel that you are contrite. The Pope wants us
to ‘reaffirm [our] personal vocation to be stewards of creation.’ So for
your penance I want you to meditate on what the Earth means to you. And
re-read the EPA’s Steps to an Environmentally Pure Life. Make that your
prayer for Creation.”
Penitent: “I will.”
Father: “I absolve your from your environmental sins. Go in peace and sin no more.”
Penitent: “Thank you, father.”
Cooling coming?
New study Shows Climate Dominance By The 200-Year Solar Cycle …Cooling coming in the 21st Century!
A large number of investigations of paleoclimate have noted the
influence of a 200 year oscillation which has been related to the De
Vries/Suess cycle of solar activity. As such studies were concerned
mostly with local climate, we have used extensive northern
hemispheric proxy data sets of Büntgen and of Christiansen/Ljungqvist
together with a southern hemispheric tree-ring set, all with 1 year time
resolution, to analyze the climate influence of the solar cycle. As
there is increasing interest in temperature rise rates, as opposed to
present absolute temperatures, we have analyzed temperature
differences over 100 years to shed light on climate dynamics of at least
the last 2500 years. Fourier- and Wavelet transforms as well as
nonlinear optimization to sine functions show the dominance of the 200
year cycle. The sine wave character of the climate oscillations permits
an approximate prediction of the near future climate.”
I can't see how they can use data from only 100 years to examine a
200 year cycle but maybe I am missing something. If they are right
we have just passed the peak of the cycle and are in for declining
temperatures from now on
UK: Anti-fracking protesters to be labelled 'extremists' by police thanks to Government terror strategy
And the attention-seekers are squealing
Anti-fracking protesters could be viewed as potential extremists under
the government’s new counter-terrorism strategy, police have told
The bizarre advice was offered during a training session as part of the
Prevent strategy, which aims to stop youngsters being brainwashed by
Islamic extremists.
The group of 100 teachers were told that people campaigning against
fracking in their local area could be regarded as having extreme views.
They were also warned that environmental activists and anti-capitalists
could be deemed a threat, with the Green MP Caroline Lucas given as an
Dylan Murphy, a history teacher present at the training day, said: ‘The
thing that set alarm bells ringing in my head was when he started
talking about environmental activists. ‘I thought, “Are you equating
anti-fracking protests and environmental protesters with neo-Nazis and
Yesterday, critics voiced concerns that officers appeared to be widening
the remit of counterterrorism strategies in schools to include protest
Amanda Brown, assistant general secretary of the NUT teaching union,
said: ‘I’m quite alarmed that a police officer, who people would trust
and think is offering the right advice, would say that it might be
considered as extremism that someone is expressing their right, in a
democracy, to express a view.’
[Demonstrators do more than express a view]
The training session was delivered to teachers from several different
schools in Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, the Times Educational Supplement
One teacher said the officer referred to the behaviour of Ms Lucas – who
was arrested for her part in blocking a road at an anti-fracking
demonstration in 2013 – as an example of extremism.
A source at West Yorkshire Police confirmed that the officer at the
session had referred to the MP as an example but did not intend to
suggest that she was a violent extremist.
The source also confirmed that the attending teachers, drawn from across
the Kirklees district, were warned about anti-capitalist and
environmental extremists, as well as far-Right and al-Qaeda-inspired
Ms Lucas said she is ‘shocked’ and is planning to write to the police to complain.
‘Equating peaceful political demonstrations with violent extremism is
both offensive and deeply misguided,’ the MP said. ‘It’s this kind of
thinking that has led police in this country to waste vast amounts of
taxpayers’ money in infiltrating environmental groups.’
Under controversial new guidelines, teachers are required to monitor
their pupils and flag up any concerns they may have about
The latest version of the Prevent strategy was published in 2011 and
lists international terrorism as well as terrorism connected with
Northern Ireland and the extreme Right, as threats.
No mention is made of environmental or anti-capitalist groups.
The government has defined extremism in its Prevent strategy as: ‘Vocal
or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy,
the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance
of different faiths and beliefs.’
Russ Foster, assistant chief commissioner at West Yorkshire Police,
said: ‘The police acknowledge the right of people to protest in a lawful
manner. However, should an individual seek to use violence in
furtherance of their view, then Prevent would seek to engage with them.’
Of Photo-Ops, Glaciers, and Climate Change
Last week, President Barack Obama traveled to Alaska to opine on the
perils of climate change. The backdrop for his rumination was the Exit
Glacier, which has retreated 187 feet in the past year (and 1.25 miles
in the last 200 years). “This is as good of a signpost of what we’re
dealing with when it comes to climate change as just about anything,” he
Obama isn’t the first politician to use a retreating glacier as a
backdrop both to opine on the perils of warming and to advocate for
active government intervention in the economy to mitigate the supposed
effects of climate change.
Back in 2007, Nancy Pelosi, majority leader in the U.S. House of
Representatives and a bipartisan group of representatives, traveled to
Greenland for a day, in theory to learn about global warming and observe
Sermeq Kujalleq (Jakobshavn Glacier), “the world’s fastest glacier”
near Ilulissat. It has become a mandatory stop of the global warming
tour. As this Greenlandic tourist website proclaims:
Climate change becomes more of a hot topic each day. The Ilulissat
Icefjord, and the Greenland Ice Cap that produces it, are increasingly
in the spotlight. We Greenlanders are thankful for the growing interest
in an issue that we live with and adapt to constantly, but even more so,
we are proud to be at the center of important research with global
implications. Visiting the Ilulissat Icefjord is not only about seeing a
large calving glacier or melting icebergs before it’s too late. It is a
unique opportunity to be active in the climate change conversation here
at ‘ground zero’ and to let your experiences in Greenland inspire your
life back home.
I visited Ilulissat shortly after Pelosi and spent several days there
due to a strike by Air Greenland. Wandering the town after spending
several hours exploring the glacier on foot, by air, and by boat, it was
hard to conclude that Pelosi did not spend too much time studying
global warming. She was in town for a day, and almost every store in
town had a thank you note from the Majority Leader from her time
shopping. And while the speed of Sermeq Kujalleq is impressive and might
be worrying if representative of all glaciers, Pelosi, and crew
neglected to mention is that the adjacent Sermeq Avannarleq (“The dead
glacier”) is remarkably stable.
Back to President Obama. The Exit Glacier may be in retreat, but other
Alaskan glaciers are growing. What Obama did essentially was cherry-pick
to force conclusions that the evidence would not necessarily support
(much like he did to justify the Iran deal). And that assumes that
climate change and global warming would actually be as bad for the
economy and humanity as some of the doomsayers preach. After all, as
I’ve argued over at the American Enterprise Institute, between 1900 and
2000, the average global temperatures rose 0.65 Celsius. During the same
period, global average life expectancy pretty much doubled to over 60
years old. Average global per capita income increased almost ten-fold
over the same period from $680 to $6,500. If rate of warming is the
concern, the end of the “little ice age” between the 14th and 19th
century should have brought a retraction in global health and economy,
but it didn’t. Likewise, height of Islamic civilization coincided with
the “medieval warm period.”
A few months ago, I was talking to a Navy meteorologist about her job.
She had done her training at Pennsylvania State, one of the best
programs for meteorology. She was explaining how difficult it was: she
needed to study the same hard science and advanced mathematics as other
scientists, but while physicists, biologists, chemists, and others can
strictly control laboratory conditions to isolate variables,
meteorologists and climatologists cannot. That makes predictions—and
often the science itself—far more difficult. While evidence suggests
some anthropogenic impact on warming, politicians and scientists
emphasizing the human aspect are undercut by the repeated failure of
their models to predict warming trends, even if such failures might
simply be the result of the extraordinary complexity of the atmosphere.
With the Iran deal apparently done (if the Iranians themselves don’t
throw a wrench into it), both President Obama and Secretary of State
John Kerry have suggested they will focus their remaining efforts on
tackling climate change. Let’s hope that Obama and Kerry will be
prepared for a more serious debate and will have the self-confidence and
mastery of the facts to argue rather than mudsling or engage in vacuous
photo-ops on the taxpayer dime.
Global warming or natural variability?
A new paper attributes spring floods in Texas and Oklahoma to manmade
global warming. Still, critics say it could also be an issue of natural
It's long been said that human-driven emissions of greenhouse gases into
the atmosphere make the earth warmer. As temperature increases, so does
the amount of moisture in the atmosphere. In times of rain, that
results in more water coming down. Meanwhile, some scientists believe
that human-caused warming of the oceans adds to El Niño cycles,
something that also affects the atmosphere. A new paper published in
Geophysical Research Letters ties these things together as a cause of
May 2015 floods in Texas and Oklahoma.
Chip Knappenberger is a former research coordinator at the Virginia
State Climatology Office and is now serving as assistant director of the
center for the study of science at the Cato Institute. He says it's
possible the authors of the paper are misidentifying things.
Knappenberger: "Well, it is easy, I think, to fool yourselves into
thinking you're finding a global-warming signal in the realm of natural
variability, because natural variability is a tricky thing,” he says.
“It takes all sorts of forms and timescales, and if you're not fully
aware of all that, you can find something that looks like what you think
anthropogenic global warming signals look like somewhere in that noise
of natural variability. It seems to me, looking over this study, that
there is a possibility - a pretty strong possibility - that is what's
going on here."
This is not the only research tying manmade global warming to natural
disasters. Knappenberger doubts this will be the last that will be heard
about such findings.
"They're never going to see otherwise because there is this notion that
anthropogenic global warming has this sort of magical quality,” he tells
OneNewsNow. “No matter what you're looking for, you can typically blame
it on global warming. From droughts to floods to blizzards to record
heat to tornadoes, it's a contrast of opposites, but you can always come
back to Aha! Anthropogenic global warming is the cause of that.
"So, when you get down to it, it has a very magical quality that way,
and things with magical qualities tend to run with how you think science
should be. If you can explain everything with one theory, it's probably
not likely what's going on."
Even so, atmospheric scientists point to man's burning of fossil fuels
as the principle driver of global warming or climate change.
"Putting more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere through human activity
does have an effect on the overall atmosphere and weather systems,”
Knappenberger acknowledges. “But whether you can identify that effect
and whether that effect rises above the natural noise to become
significant in a way that we should worry about it is where the argument
"I'm here to say that natural variability still plays a large role
especially on local and regional spatial scales, more so than [does]
global warming."
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
7 September, 2015
British Met Office boss slams Greenie for exaggerating warming
It's not a sudden onrush of honesty. He just doesn't want
warming predictions to be falsified too soon. He could well still
be alive in 15 years time and he doesn't want to be laughed at
One of Britain’s top climate scientists has launched a blistering attack
on actress Emma Thompson and the BBC, accusing them of ‘scaremongering’
over the speed of global warming – and risking a worsening of the
refugee crisis.
Richard Betts, head of climate impacts research at the Met Office and a
professor at Exeter University, launched his attack on Twitter about an
interview Ms Thompson gave to Newsnight presenter Emily Maitlis last
He followed it up with a longer critique – an extract of which this
newspaper publishes today – on the website of HELIX, a prestigious
EU-wide climate research programme which he also directs.
The actress, a Greenpeace activist who that morning had taken part in a
protest against Shell’s plans to drill for oil in the Arctic, warned
that if the drilling went ahead, the world would be a staggering 4C
hotter by 2030.
She said: ‘If they take out of the Earth all the oil they want to take
out, if you look at the science, our temperature will rise 4 degrees
Celsius by 2030, and that’s not sustainable.’
Ms Maitlis did not challenge her.
In his first tweet, Prof Betts asked: ‘Who briefed Emma Thompson? Clearly not someone who actually knows about climate science.’
He added: ‘Has it occurred to scaremongers like Emma Thompson that
exaggerating climate change could drive more migration unnecessarily?
Other scientists were equally critical. Dr Ed Hawkins, at Reading
University, told this newspaper: ‘Climate change poses substantial risks
to humans and ecosystems, but what Emma Thompson said about the
timescales of predicted warming was inaccurate.’
In his blog post, Prof Betts points out that the authoritative UN
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change gives a ‘wide range of
estimates of the speed of future warming’ – but none of them is anywhere
near 4C by 2030.
He adds that under the highest scenario for future emissions, ‘the
earliest time of reaching 4C above pre-industrial was around 2070, and
the latest sometime after 2100’.
Ms Thompson hit back yesterday, saying: ‘I’d like to say to him [Richard
Betts]: Are you insane, have you been to the Arctic, have you seen the
state of the glaciers? I’ve talked to the experts... this is not
A BBC spokeswoman said: ‘In a longer interview Emily would have pressed
Thompson to justify her assertion.’ She refused to say whether the BBC
would be correcting Ms Thompson’s statement.
Comment by Professor Richard Betts, Met Office head of climate impacts research:
In a recent BBC Newsnight item, the actress Emma Thompson spoke
passionately and in no uncertain terms about 4C warming by the year
2030, and stated that ‘in a few years… whole swathes of the Earth will
become uninhabitable’. These statements do not reflect what the science
actually says.
Some might argue that the focus should be on worst-case catastrophic
scenarios, leaving no room for doubt, in order to promote urgency in
emissions cuts.
It’s certainly easy to see why this might be tempting, as global
emissions have continued to rise despite clear indications that
unchecked climate change poses large risks.
This seems to be the case in Emma Thompson’s recent BBC Newsnight item.
Does this matter? What’s the harm in a bit of exaggeration if it’s in a
good cause? To my mind, there are three reasons why it’s a problem.
Firstly, making wild predictions that don’t come true obviously harms
your credibility. It’s the old ‘boy who cried wolf’ story – he made up
the story of the wolf, so when it eventually did come, nobody believed
him. There was a wolf, but only later on.
When the world has not become a barren wasteland within a few years, it
will be easy for critics to say that the whole climate change problem
has been exaggerated.
It has not been exaggerated – at least not by mainstream science – but
that will be easily overlooked when harking back to these claims.
Secondly, if people come to believe that catastrophic impacts are only
round the corner, this could lead to wrong decisions made in panic.
A lot is being done to make us more resilient to the climate change
we’ve already set in motion – new flood defences, plans for reservoirs
and water supplies, and so on. But these are expensive, and doing these
too early could cost billions. And if people are scared into moving away
from their homelands because they think it will be uninhabitable, this
would only add to the existing refugee crisis, for no good reason.
Finally, even if the world does make major emissions cuts very soon,
this will take time to filter through into tangible effects on global
warming. There is already more warming in the pipeline which is
unavoidable. Therefore anything projected for the next few years is
already unavoidable.
If ‘whole swathes’ really will become uninhabitable ‘in a few years’,
then there is absolutely nothing we can do about it, however urgently we
cut emissions.
Whether Shell drills for Arctic oil or not, the changes for the next few
years are already locked in. Emma Thompson’s apocalyptic vision is
therefore one of despair, not something that can credibly be avoided
through action, however drastic.
Fortunately, while Ms Thompson’s concerns are valid in the longer term, her timing isn’t supported by the science.
Higher levels of climate change and the associated risks are further off than she fears, and hence could still be avoided.
Whether we choose to attempt to do this or to try instead to live with
the risks is a choice the world needs to make. There are no easy
options, and such a choice is hugely important. It needs to be properly
informed by sound science, communicated responsibly to the world.
Pesky Greenland: When all else fails, blame the sun
Warmists normally pooh-pooh the influence of the sun. But
Greenland is very important to Warmists. It's one of the few bits
of the Arctic that is not sea ice -- so it's the only bit that could
raise sea-levels if its ice melted. But it doesn't always melt
when it "should". So we see a lot of "post hoc" explanations
below. Such explanations are in principle of little value.
Good science is predictive. You can explain anything after the
The sun’s activity could be affecting a key ocean circulation mechanism
that plays an important role in regulating Greenland’s climate,
according to a new study. The phenomenon could be partially responsible
for cool temperatures the island experienced in the late 20th century
and potentially lead to increased melting of the Greenland ice sheet in
the coming decades, the new research suggests.
Scientists have sought to understand why Greenland cooled during the
1970s through the early 1990s while most of the Northern Hemisphere
experienced rising temperatures as a result of greenhouse warming.
The new study suggests high solar activity starting in the 1950s and
continuing through the 1980s played a role in slowing down ocean
circulation between the South Atlantic and the North Atlantic oceans.
Combined with an influx of fresh water from melting glaciers, this
slow-down halted warm water and air from reaching Greenland and cooled
the island while temperatures rose across the rest of the Northern
Hemisphere, according to the new study accepted for publication in
Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical
The new research also suggests weak solar activity, like the sun is
currently experiencing, could slowly fire up the ocean circulation
mechanism, increasing the amount of warm water and air flowing to
Starting around 2025, temperatures in Greenland could increase more than
anticipated and the island’s ice sheet could melt faster than
projected, according to Takuro Kobashi, a climate scientist with the
Department of Climate and Environmental Physics at the University of
Bern in Switzerland and lead author of the new study.
This unexpected ice loss would compound projected sea-level rise
expected to occur as a result of climate change, Kobashi said. The
melting Greenland ice sheet accounted for one-third of the 3.2
millimeters (0.13 inches) rise in global sea level every year from 1992
to 2011.
“We need to really consider how solar activity will change in the
future,” said Kobashi. “If solar activity becomes really low, as
scientists expect, the Greenland ice sheet will melt faster than we
expected from the climate model with just greenhouse gas [warming].”
The new study compared past solar activity with historical temperature
records to figure out if the cooling Greenland experienced during the
late 20th century was part of a long-term pattern.
The team used ice cores drilled from the Greenland ice sheet to
reconstruct snow temperatures for the past 2,100 years. A relatively new
technique, which measures argon and nitrogen gases trapped in the ice,
allowed the scientists to measure small changes in temperature at 10- to
20-year increments.
The ice cores showed that for the past 2,000 years changes in Greenland
temperatures have generally followed any temperature shifts occurring in
the Northern Hemisphere. The new research found that the change in
Greenland temperatures vacillated up and down around the average change
in Northern Hemisphere temperatures over time. The vacillations
coincided with changes in the sun’s energy output that occurred over
multiple decades, according to the new study.
When the sun’s energy output increased, there was a bigger drop in
Greenland’s temperature compared to the change in average temperature
across the Northern Hemisphere. When the sun’s energy output decreased,
there was a larger increase in Greenland’s temperature compared to the
change in average temperature that occurred across the Northern
Climate models showed that changes in solar activity could prompt shifts
in ocean and air circulation in the North Atlantic that affect
Greenland’s climate, according to the new study.
Water circulation in the Atlantic follows a steady pattern of movement,
called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Warm
water flows from the South Atlantic toward the North Atlantic,
transferring heat toward Greenland. As the water cools, it sinks to the
ocean floor and travels south toward the tropics, completing the
circular pattern.
During a period of high solar activity, more energy from the sun reaches
Earth and is transferred to tropical waters. When this
warmer-than-usual water reaches the North Atlantic, it is not dense
enough to sink. With nowhere to go, the water causes a traffic jam and
the water circulation pattern slows down.
Changes in solar activity can also alter the atmospheric circulation
pattern over the Atlantic, which in turn affects ocean circulation, but
how this process works is still unknown, said Kobashi.
In the late 20th century, there also was a compounding problem. Large
amounts of freshwater gushed into the North Atlantic as climate change
caused increased melting of glaciers, icebergs, and the Greenland ice
sheet. Freshwater, being more buoyant than salt water, entered the
intersection where cool water drops to the ocean floor and travels south
to the tropics. Climate models showed that the water in the
intersection became less salty and less likely to sink. Models also
showed that additional freshwater came from an increase in rainfall,
according to the new study.
The traffic jam worsened and the water circulation pattern that
transfers heat from the South Atlantic to the North Atlantic slowed.
This slow-down caused the air above Greenland to cool and temperatures
there to drop, according to the new study.
Because the oceans take a long time to heat up or cool down, the
temperature changes in Greenland lagged 10 to 40 years behind the high
solar activity, showing up from the 1970s through the early 1990s,
according to the new study.
The new study suggests low solar activity could have the opposite effect
and lead to warmer temperatures in Greenland in another decade. When
there is less solar energy reaching the Earth, water reaching Greenland
easily sinks and returns to the tropics along the ocean floor. The water
circulation pattern speeds up, quickly funneling heat toward Greenland
and warming the island.
The new study makes a good case that the solar maximum in the 1950s
through the 1980s may have played a role in the cooling Greenland saw in
the late 20th century, said Michael Mann, a climate scientist
with the Department of Meteorology at Penn State University in
University Park, Pennsylvania, who was not involved in the new study.
Another recent study by Mann and his colleagues proposed that trapped
greenhouse gases from fossil fuel burning caused warming across the
Northern Hemisphere and triggered an increase in ice melt. This led to
the slowdown in ocean circulation and a cooler Greenland.
Both studies suggest buoyant meltwater from melting glaciers would have
interrupted the sinking of the AMOC and its return to the tropics along
the bottom of the ocean. But the new research suggests solar activity is
the main driver behind the changes to the ocean circulation pattern.
“I’m open-minded that the real answer is more complicated, and it may be
a combination of the two hypotheses,” said Mann. “This article paves
the way for a more in-depth look at what is going on. The challenge now
will be teasing apart the two effects and trying to assess the relative
importance of both of them.”
Kobashi contends that solar activity explains the change in ocean
circulation and Greenland warming since 1995, which he says cannot be
explained by increasing greenhouse gases alone.
The abrupt Northern Hemispheric (NH) warming at the end of the 20th
century has been attributed to an enhanced greenhouse effect. Yet,
Greenland and surrounding subpolar North Atlantic remained anomalously
cold in 1970s- early 1990s. Here, we reconstructed robust Greenland
temperature records (NGRIP and GISP2) over the past 2100 years using
argon and nitrogen isotopes in air trapped within ice cores, and show
that this cold anomaly was part of a recursive pattern of antiphase
Greenland temperature responses to solar variability with a possible
multidecadal lag. We hypothesize that high solar activity during the
modern solar maximum (ca. 1950s-1980s) resulted in a cooling over
Greenland and surrounding subpolar North Atlantic through the slow-down
of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) with atmospheric
feedback processes.
Reference: Modern solar maximum forced late 20th century Greenland
cooling by T. Kobashi, J. E. Box, B. M. Vinther, K. Goto-Azuma, T.
Blunier, J. W. C. White, T. Nakaegawa and C. S. Andresen published in
Geophysical Research Letters DOI: 10.1002/2015GL064764
Some more adhocery: Guardian Says They Could Have Predicted The Hiatus Which They Also Say Never Happened
Steve Goddard is the clipping collector. They are very damning


Scientists Discover There are 2.64 Trillion More Trees on Earth, Washington Post Whines About Deforestation
They often put out tree counts. This shows how much faith we
should put in such counts. Apparently there are too many salmon in the
Pacific Ocean now as well. Europe was down to less than 10% forest
cover 200 years ago, now it is over 30% due to a combination of
developing silviculture (tree farming) and substituting coal for wood as
fuel in smelters and glassworks
Leave it to the Washington Post to spoil good news with climate alarmism.
Science and environment reporter Chris Mooney reported that a new study
of trees concluded the world’s tree population was 7.6 times greater
than previously estimated. The researchers calculate that there are more
than 3 trillion trees on the planet, 2.64 trillion more than they’d
thought there were.
To the average person that sounds like great news. However, Mooney and
the scientists he consulted claimed this is not good news.
Mooney quoted Thomas Crowther, one of the study’s authors, who said, “We
can now say that there’s less trees than at any point in human
civilization.” Crowther is a postdoctoral researcher at the Yale School
of Forestry and Environmental Studies.
The rest of the Post story and the scientists it quoted complained about
the threat of climate change and deforestation. Mooney quoted one of
the 38 co-authors of the study, but turned to three other individuals
not involved in the research to provide commentary about it.
One of them, conservation biologist at the United Nations Foundation
Thomas Lovejoy who is also a supporter of climate alarmist Al Gore --
speculated that the study, “does not say there’s more forest. It just
says there’s more trees in the forest.” Lovejoy also suggested that the
existence of an additional 2.64 trillion trees does not change the the
current understanding of deforestation rates throughout the world.
The study was originally inspired by a request from Plant for the
Planet, a youth organization which “leads the United Nations Environment
Programme’s ‘Billion Tree Campaign.’” Plant for the Planet asked
Crowther to provide a baseline number of trees so they would know how
many more to plant in order to reach their one billion goal.
Unsettled science
Aerosols from Moderate Volcanos Now Blamed for Global Warming Hiatus
While looking for quotes on an upcoming post about Ocean Heat Content, I
ran across the press release for a new paper (in press) by Neely et al,
which blames the recent slowdown in global warming on smaller more
moderate volcanos.
Many readers will recall the October 2011 article by Paul Voosen titled
"Provoked scientists try to explain lag in global warming". The
article presented the different responses from a number of climate
scientists, including John Barnes, Kevin Trenberth, Susan Solomon,
Jean-Paul Vernier, Ben Santer, John Daniel, Judith Lean, James Hansen,
Martin Wild, and Graeme Stephens, to the question, “Why, despite
steadily accumulating greenhouse gases, did the rise of the planet’s
temperature stall for the past decade?” The different replies led
Roger Pielke, Sr. to note at the end of his post "Candid Comments from
Climate Scientists":
"These extracts from the Greenwire article illustrate why the climate
system is not yet well understood. The science is NOT solved"
Judith Curry provided running commentary in her post "Candid Comments
from Global Warming Scientists". If you haven’t read it, it’s a
worthwhile read.
Neely et al 2013 (in press) blames moderate volcanos.
According to a press release from the University of Colorado Boulder:
"A team led by the University of Colorado Boulder looking for clues
about why Earth did not warm as much as scientists expected between 2000
and 2010 now thinks the culprits are hiding in plain sight — dozens of
volcanoes spewing sulfur dioxide.
The study results essentially exonerate Asia, including India and China,
two countries that are estimated to have increased their industrial
sulfur dioxide emissions by about 60 percent from 2000 to 2010 through
coal burning, said lead study author Ryan Neely, who led the research as
part of his CU-Boulder doctoral thesis. Small amounts of sulfur dioxide
emissions from Earth’s surface eventually rise 12 to 20 miles into the
stratospheric aerosol layer of the atmosphere, where chemical reactions
create sulfuric acid and water particles that reflect sunlight back to
space, cooling the planet."
The paper (in press) is Neely et al (2013) Recent anthropogenic
increases in SO2 from Asia have minimal impact on stratospheric aerosol.
The abstract reads:
"Observations suggest that the optical depth of the stratospheric
aerosol layer between 20 and 30?km has increased 4–10% per year since
2000, which is significant for Earth’s climate. Contributions to this
increase both from moderate volcanic eruptions and from enhanced coal
burning in Asia have been suggested. Current observations are
insufficient to attribute the contribution of the different sources.
Here we use a global climate model coupled to an aerosol microphysical
model to partition the contribution of each. We employ model runs that
include the increases in anthropogenic sulfur dioxide (SO2) over Asia
and the moderate volcanic explosive injections of SO2 observed from 2000
to 2010. Comparison of the model results to observations reveals that
moderate volcanic eruptions, rather than anthropogenic influences, are
the primary source of the observed increases in stratospheric aerosol."
Bottom line: There’s still no consensus from climate scientists about
the cause of the slowdown in the warming rate of global surface
And of course, the sea surface temperature and ocean heat content reveal
another reason: there hadn’t been a strong El Niño to release
monumental volumes of warm water from below the surface of the tropical
Pacific and shift up the sea surface temperatures of the Atlantic,
Indian and West Pacific Oceans. Refer to my essay “The Manmade
Global Warming Challenge” and my ebook Who Turned on the Heat?
Australian senators Keep Hammering the Great Wind Power Fraud
Following almost 6 months of solid graft, 8 hearings in 4 States and the
ACT, dozens of witnesses and almost 500 submissions, the Senate Inquiry
into the great wind power fraud delivered its ‘doorstop’ final report,
which runs to some 350 pages – available here: Senate Report
The first 200 pages are filled with facts, clarity, common sense and
compassion; the balance, labelled “Labor’s dissenting report”, was
written by the wind industry’s parasites and spruikers – including the
Clean Energy Council (these days a front for Infigen aka Babcock &
Brown); theAustralian Wind Alliance; and Leigh Ewbank from the Enemies
of the Earth.
Predictably, Labor’s dissenting report is filled with fantasy, fallacy
and fiction – pumping up the ‘wonders’ of wind; completely ignoring the
cost of the single greatest subsidy rort in the history of the
Commonwealth; and treating the wind industry’s hundreds of unnecessary
victims – of incessant turbine generated low-frequency noise and
infrasound – with the kind of malice, usually reserved for sworn and
bitter foreign enemies.
And the wind industry’s stooge on the Inquiry, Anne Urquhart – is still
out their fighting a faltering, rearguard action – long after the battle
for wind power supremacy was lost – a bit like the tales of ragged, 80
year old Japanese soldiers that kept fighting the Imperial War, until
they were dragged out of the jungle and into the 21st Century. Nevermind
the facts, when delusion will do!
Among those Senators on the Committee – who pulled no punches in getting
the truth out – were Liberal Senator from WA, Chris Back and STT
Champion, Liberal Democratic Party Senator, David Leyonhjelm from NSW.
While the wind industry and its parasites have been praying to the
Wind-Gods that the whole thing might just ‘blow over’, those Senators on
the Inquiry – not in thrall of Infigen, Vestas & Co – are still in
there fighting for a fair-go for rural communities, across the Country;
and power consumers, everywhere.
Always pleased to disappoint the beleaguered and dwindling band of wind
worshippers in this country, STT is delighted that Chris Back and David
Leyonhjelm show no sign of letting up.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
6 September, 2015
Why the Earth Is Heating So Fast: On the Dangerous Difference Between Science and Political Science
Bill McKibben doesn't seem to read his own headline. He
presents NO evidence below that "the Earth Is Heating So Fast".
Mainly because it isn't. The satellites do not lie.
he mentions is a speculative paper by committed Warmists in a Warmist
publication which says (unsurprisingly) that we should stop mining
"fossil" fuels. What Jesus said of Satan is true of Bill McKibben:
"There is no truth in him" (John 8:44)
President Obama is visiting Alaska this week?—?a territory changing as
rapidly as any on earth thanks to global warming. He’s talking
constantly about the danger that climate change poses to the planet (a
welcome development given that he managed to go through virtually the
entire 2012 election without even mentioning it). And everything he’s
saying is right: we are a nation, and a planet, beset by fire, flood,
drought. It’s the hottest year in earth’s recorded history. July was the
hottest month ever measured on planet earth.
[Not according to the more comprehensive satellite measurements]
But of course the alarm he’s sounding is muffled by the fact that
earlier this year he gave Shell Oil a permit to go drill in the Arctic,
potentially opening up a giant new pool of oil.
[So???] ....
Earlier this year, before Obama made his decision to let Shell go
a’drilling, a team of scientists published a key paper in one of the
planet’s most rigorous
[rigorously in favor of global warming]
scientific journals, Nature. After extensive calculation of the
atmosphere’s carbon concentration, these scientists listed the deposits
of coal, oil and gas we had to leave alone if we wanted to keep climate
change from going past the 2 degree Celsius red line set by the planet’s
nations, a target solemnly agreed to by…President Obama at the climate
talks in Copenhagen in 2009. Here’s what those scientists said:
“development of resources in the Arctic and any increase in
unconventional oil production are incommensurate with efforts to limit
average global warming to 2 °C.”
In this case, the scientists are serving as proxies for physics. They’re
not expressing an opinion; they’re reporting on the world’s actual
limits. It’s as if physics is saying, “I’m unhappy with this situation.”
Or…not unhappy.
Now, presidents can’t do everything physics demands on climate change.
For one thing, Republicans get in the way. And for another we obviously
can’t shut down all use of fossil fuels overnight, though in terms of
climate change that would be smart. All we can do is move as quickly as
possible towards a renewable future. Which is precisely why we shouldn’t
even consider opening up a vast new pool of oil, one that we won’t even
be able to tap for 10 or 20 years. When you’re in a hole the first rule
is stop digging?—?and yet we’ve just given Shell a giant shovel.
The point is, we’ve got to stop pretending. The idea that you’re doing
the right thing when you meet in the middle is, in this case, a
dangerous delusion. It’s as if King Solomon had really wanted to cut the
baby in half; some things simply can’t be split down the middle.
America should not be in debt
How America’s abundance can be harnessed to stop our debt spiral
By Rick Manning
off limitsElectricity is the lifeblood of industry.
Inexpensive, reliable electricity is an essential element that business
leaders consider when choosing where to locate a job-creating factory,
and this is one of the United States’ natural competitive advantages.
America is blessed with abundant natural resources, including natural
gas reserves that have caused President Obama to call our nation the
“Saudi Arabia” of natural gas. We have a new abundance of oil with the
potential of massive amounts of recoverable oil reserves, along with at
least one field that would dwarf Texas and North Dakota combined when
the technology is developed to release it. Our nation has 28 percent of
all the recoverable coal in the world, enough to meet our needs for 261
As virtually everyone knows, this potential economic boon is a direct
result of the ingenuity of people in the oil and gas industry who have
developed innovative ways to safely release shale oil and natural gas to
the surface and those who have created safer ways to extract coal from
the earth. And it is these creators who Obama’s environmental team are
desperately trying to regulate out of existence through manufactured
concerns about methane, coal-fired power plants and other global warming
But this is not a piece about the environmental regulations, but rather
one about the economic peril facing our nation should Obama’s agenda
Here is the economic reality our nation faces: America has a national
debt of approximately $18.6 trillion. The last time the national debt
was paid down by any amount was 1957, fifty-eight years ago. Even in the
so-called balanced budget years in the 1990s, the national debt went
up, putting the lie to one more Clinton legacy.
But why does the national debt matter at all, and what impact might it have on America’s economic future?
The way to understand the national debt is to think of it as a credit
card balance in your household — a balance that you are constantly
adding to, and the payments you make only cover the interest payments.
Eventually, even those interest payments swamp your ability to pay them
if the principal becomes too large.
That is where the United States is headed unless something drastic happens.
The Office of Management and Budget projects that America will add
approximately $3 trillion more to the national debt if we stay the
course and don’t go on a spending spree. In these projections they
estimate that total interest payments, including those owed to Social
Security and Medicare, on the debt will double from last year’s 2014
payments to just under $800 billion in 2020. These assumptions are based
upon a return to normal interest rates. Should the market demand higher
rates of return on U.S. debt, the problem gets even worse.
These same estimates have revenues increasing from $3 trillion to $4.3
trillion from 2014 to 2020 with our nation’s economic growth holding
steady between 2.3 and 3.1 percent, while spending increases over the
same period by slightly less than $1.5 trillion.
Why is all this important?
Because it demonstrates that the current economic path is unsustainable,
and only two solutions present themselves: spend less money and/or
increase revenues.
On the spending side, it is unlikely that Congress and the President
will have the political will to substantially cut, much less stop, the
growth of the majority of spending, which rests in the entitlement side
of the equation and is on autopilot.
While not giving up that fight, the best way to win it is to lower the
demand for government services like Medicaid, welfare and unemployment
insurance by changing the economic landscape in our nation by ratcheting
up GDP growth dramatically.
And this brings us back to inexpensive electricity, and the high-paying domestic jobs that are created as a consequence.
Should the Obama administration have their way on the strangling
environmental regulations that are projected by the U.S. government to
increase electricity costs by 16 percent over the next two decades – as
well as threaten the availability of stable electricity supplies – we
will have squandered any opportunity to grow out of the debt death
spiral in which our economy finds itself.
If Obama’s job-killing climate agenda is stopped, creating increased
revenue flows without the need for new taxes, our nation will still need
to tackle the spending side of the equation to balance the budget and
lower our national debt to GDP levels to healthy levels. However, if we
fail to defeat Obama’s environmental agenda, it becomes almost
impossible to reverse the vicious economic cycle of debt that has
ensnared us.
Obviously, there are a myriad of other factors like currency, trade
rules, and labor costs which factor into the economic growth equation,
but America’s natural resource abundance is our worldwide competitive
advantage. Eliminating that advantage through environmental rules
deliberately designed to drive up energy costs can only be classified as
Congress can take the first step in thwarting Obama’s environmental
strangling of America’s economic growth by defunding the enforcement of
his anti-coal burning utility regulation and methane regulations this
month, allowing the next President to decide if our nation should be
fundamentally transformed into dust left on the ash heap of history.
Dumbcluck Pushes Solar Power--In Arctic Town That Sees Little Sun in Winter
President Obama promoted solar energy to residents of Kotzebue, an
Alaskan town located 26 miles north of the Arctic Circle that gets less
than six hours of sunlight for 34 days in early December through early
“I know you guys have started putting up solar panels and wind turbines
around Kotzebue. And because energy costs are pretty severe up here, for
remote Alaskan communities, one of the biggest problems is high energy
costs,” the president said in a speech he delivered during a three-day
tour of the state in which he stressed the dangers of climate change.
“One of the reasons I came up here is to really focus on what is
probably the biggest challenge our planet faces. If there’s one thing
that threatens opportunity and prosperity for everybody, wherever we
live, it’s the threat of a changing climate,” said Obama, the first
president to venture north of the Arctic Circle.
“We are the number-one producer of oil and gas. But we’re transitioning
away from energy that creates the carbon that’s warming the planet and
threatening our health and our environment, and we’re going all in on
clean, renewable energy sources like wind and solar. And Alaska has the
natural resources to be a global leader in this effort,” the president
“So we’re going to deploy more new clean-energy projects on Native
lands, and that’s going to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, promote
new jobs and new growth in your communities,” he added.
Kotzebue – a town of about 3,000 residents that bills itself as the
“Gateway to the Arctic” – is one of 15 major communities in Alaska’s Far
North Region that are located north of the Arctic Circle, according to, the state’s official tourism agency.
The Arctic Circle is the boundary for the “midnight sun”, a phenomenon
caused by the tilt in the Earth’s axis in which the sun does not set in
the summer or conversely rise in the winter.
On December 22, the winter solstice, the sun rises in Kotzebue at 10:12
am and sets at 3:42 pm – for a total of just five and a half hours of
sunlight. During the 34 days between December 3rd and January 6th,
Kotzebue’s days are less than six hours long.
In Barrow, the northernmost town in Alaska which is located 330 miles
north of the Arctic Circle, there are 67 winter days in which the sun
does not shine at all, according to
Levin on Obama’s Climate Agenda: It's Not About The Environment, But Destroying the American Lifestyle
Nationally syndicated radio show host Mark Levin argued on Tuesday that
the real purpose behind President Obama’s climate agenda is destroying
the American lifestyle, not saving the environment.
“This isn’t about the environment,” said Levin. “He’s a Degrowther. This
is about destroying the American lifestyle, and at the heart of the
American lifestyle is the American energy system.”
Here is a transcript of what Mark Levin had to say:
“Let me do this again, let me do this again. Obama
despises capitalism. He’s a Marxist. He’s an Alinskyite. That’s a fact.
He’s buddies with Ayers. He’s buddies with Wright. So, he despises free
markets. Notice the word ‘free.’ He despises them. He’s a control freak
as most egomaniacs are. He wishes to reshuffle society, to socially
engineer it. He’s stuck in what was once a constitutional system as he
tries to break free from it time and time again, as he usurps it. This
isn’t about the environment. He’s a Degrowther. This is about destroying
the American lifestyle, and at the heart of the American lifestyle is
the American energy system -- fossil fuels.
“Quote, from page 111 out of the degrowth movement in
Europe, which Obama is fully aware of because he’s part of it:
‘Sustainable degrowth is a downscaling of production and consumption
that increases human well-being and enhances ecological conditions and
equity on the planet.’ Mr. Producer let us post this chapter again on my
social sites. It’s free.
‘It calls for a future where societies live ...’ --
I’m quoting from them -- ‘where societies live within their ecological
means, with open, localized economies and resources more equally
distributed, through new forms of democratic institutions. It’s an
essential economic strategy to pursue in overdeveloped countries like
the United States for the well-being of the planet of underdeveloped
populations, and yes, even of the sick, stressed, overweight consumer
populations in overdeveloped countries.’
“This is why I emphasized Kerry emphasizing global, global, global.
“This is international redistribution of rights. And
what these Marxists leftists believe is, we have too much. We have too
much material; we have too much wealth; we have too much energy. It’s
not about reducing carbon pollution. It’s about reducing your lifestyle,
your well-being.”
Sea Level Analyst: “Not Possible To Torture Coastal Tide-Gauge Data Into Yielding A Sea-Level Rise Anywhere Near 3.3 mm/yr”!
By David A. Burton
Many may not be aware of this, but satellite altimeters are incapable of
measuring sea-level at the coasts, among other significant problems.
Coastal tide gauges, on the other hand, measure sea-level at this
important location – which is where it really matters. Tide gauge
measurements of sea-level are far more reliable than satellite
altimetry, and of much longer duration. The longest tide-gauge records
of sea-level measurements are nearly ten times as long as the combined
satellite measurement record, and twenty times as long as any single
satellite measurement record.
No sign of any acceleration
NOAA has done linear regression analysis on sea-level measurements
(relative sea-level) from 225 long term tide gauges around the world,
which have data spanning at least 50 years. (Note: the literature
indicates that at least 50-60 years of data are required to determine a
robust long term sea-level trend from a tide gauge record.) There’s no
sign of any acceleration (increase in rate) in most of those tide-gauge
More than 85% of stations show less rise than 3.3 mm/year
The rate of measured sea-level rise (SLR) varies from -17.59 mm/yr at
Skagway, Alaska, to +9.39 mm/yr at Kushiro, Japan. 197 of 225 stations
(87.6%) have recorded less than 3.3 mm/yr sea-level rise. At 47 of 225
stations (20.9%) sea level is falling, rather than rising. Just 28 of
225 stations (12.4%) have recorded more than 3.3 mm/yr sea-level rise.
The average SLR at those 225 gauges is +0.90 mm/yr. The median is +1.41 mm/yr.
That appears to be slightly less than the true global average, because a
disproportionate number of those 225 stations are northern hemisphere
stations affected by post glacial rebound (i.e., the land is rising
faster). On the other hand quite a few long-term tide gauges which are
substantially affected by subsidence (i.e., the land is sinking), often
due to extraction of water, oil, or natural gas, or due to the location
having been elevated with fill dirt which is compacting (Ex.:
I downloaded the two sea-level measurement spreadsheet files (U.S. and
global) from NOAA’s page, and combined them into a single Excel
spreadsheet. For ease of sorting I changed the U.S. station ID numbers
by adding an “A-” prefix. I also added “average” and “median” lines at
the end of the spreadsheet.
The average of all 375 NOAA-analyzed stations is 1.28 mm/yr, and the median is 1.71 mm/yr:
NOAA says that the average is 1.7-1.8 mm/yr. Some of the difference
between the calculated average and NOAA’s figure for MSL rise may be due
to the addition of model-derived GIA adjustments to the measured rates
when calculating the average to account for post glacial rebound (PGR).
My guess is that they’re using Prof. Richard Peltier’s figures.
Unfortunately, those figures are only very loosely correlated with what
is actually happening at the tide-gauge locations.
Prof. Peltier also estimates that melt-water load from the melting of
the great ice sheets (~10k years ago) is causing the ocean floors to
sink by enough to cause a 0.3 mm/yr fall in sea-level, absent other
factors. That number (0.3 mm/yr) is usually added to calculated “global
average” sea-level rise rates, inflating the reported average, even
though the resulting sum is not truly sea-level, and is not useful for
projecting sea-level for coastal planning. It’s an attempt to calculate
what the rate of sea-level rise would be were it not for the
hypothesized sinking of the ocean floor.
50-60 years of data needed to establish trend
Unfortunately, many of the tide station records in NOAA’s expanded list
of 375 are too short to be appropriate for measuring sea-level trends.
The literature indicates that at least 50-60 years of data are needed to
establish a robust sea-level trend from a tide station record. But the
shortest record in NOAA’s list is Apra Harbor, Guam, with just 21 years
of data. The text at the top of NOAA’s page says, “Trends with the
widest confidence intervals are based on only 30-40 years of data.” But
that is incorrect. I suspect they wrote it before they added the gauges
with very short records.
So I also made a version of this spreadsheet in which stations with records shorter than 50 years are omitted.
Considering only tide stations with records of at least 50 years, the
average and median rates of MSL rise (of the 225 remaining stations) are
0.90 mm/yr and 1.41 mm/yr, respectively:
I also tried limiting it to stations with records of at least 60 years,
with very similar results: average 0.77 mm/yr, and median 1.37 mm/yr.
The average (0.90 mm/yr) is probably unrealistically low, due to the
disproportionate number of stations in northern Europe which see low or
negative rates of measured sea-level rise due to post glacial rebound.
The fact that the average is less than the median also suggests that
there are a disproportionate number of low-end outliers.
I also tried another approach, in which I excluded the most extreme
latitudes. I started with just the “50+ year” stations, and included
only stations within a latitude range of 45 (i.e., I excluded stations
above 45 north or below 45 south). The resulting average and median for
137 stations were 2.22 mm/y and 2.02 mm/yr, respectively:
That approach largely solves the problem of low-side bias introduced by
stations which are affected by PGR (which lowers the calculated
average), but it doesn’t solve the problem of high-side bias introduced
by stations affected by subsidence (which raises the calculated
average). So the average (2.22 mm/yr) is probably unrealistically high.
The fact that the average is greater than the median also suggests that
there are a disproportionate number of high-end outliers.
So I tried another approach, this time explicitly eliminating
“outliers.” I started with just the “50+ year” stations, but excluded
the 40 stations with the lowest rate of sea-level rise (including most
of those experiencing falling sea-level), and the 30 stations with the
highest rate of sea-level rise (including most of those experiencing
severe land subsidence, like Galveston, which is built on sinking fill
The resulting average and median rates of sea-level rise (calculated from 155 stations) are both 1.48 mm/yr:
That figure, 1.48 mm/yr, is the current best estimate of globally
averaged coastal sea-level rise. At first glance excluding more low
outliers than high outliers might seem to bias the result to the high
end. But I think it is justifiable because of the disproportionate
number of northern European and North American stations at locations
where the land is rising due to post glacial rebound. The fact that the
median and average are equal suggests that there aren’t disproportionate
numbers of either high or low outliers.
I also tried excluding the low and high 35 stations, and the result was
an average MSL rise of 1.36 mm/yr, and median 1.41 mm/yr, which suggests
that it includes more low outliers than high outliers.
Note that 1.48 mm/yr is less than six inches per century. Also if you
add Peltier’s +0.3 mm/yr GIA to that calculated 1.48 mm/yr global
average rate of MSL rise, the sum is within NOAA’s 1.7-1.8 mm/yr range.
It is not possible to torture the tide-gauge data into yielding a
globally averaged rate of relative sea-level rise anywhere near 3.3
SOURCE (See the original for links)
Australian conservative Think-Tank praised for role in carbon tax demise
THE Institute of Public Affairs is in the running to win an international prize for its role in repealing the carbon tax.
THE right-wing think tank is a finalist for the $US100,000 ($A142,000)
Templeton Freedom Award, granted by American non-profit organisation The
Atlas Network.
A glowing description of the IPA's campaign strategy against the carbon
tax, which was passed under the Gillard government in 2011 and repealed
by the Abbott government in 2014, is detailed on The Atlas Network
The report lauds the IPA's influence in the Australian media landscape.
"Starting from the day the tax was announced, the IPA took an active
role in the mainstream media to counter the misinformation that
advocates of the carbon tax were peddling," the report reads.
"The IPA's research and analysis of the economics underpinning the case
for the carbon tax appeared in print media outlets 209 times between Jan
1, 2010, and July 31, 2014.
"IPA research scholars also featured on radio and television stations
around Australia, with 363 radio appearances between 2008 and 2013 and
261 television appearances in the same time frame."
The report praises the effectiveness of then IPA policy director Tim
Wilson's efforts in representing a "contrarian perspective".
IPA deputy executive director James Paterson is quoted in the report
saying revenue raised by the carbon tax was used to "grow the welfare
state, subsidise politically favoured industries and engage in
economy-wide welfare distribution".
The report concludes: "The carbon tax repeal has signalled that
Australia is more open for business by eliminating costly compliance
measures that served as a significant financial and time burden on
Australian businesses and provided a significant barrier to entry for
the energy market, especially for potential large investors."
The IPA will find out if it has won the prize at a New York event in November.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
4 September, 2015
Scientific Reaction to Velikovsky - Symptomatic of Climate Science Debacle
The immediate reaction of the Green/Left to the article below will be
an "ad hominem" one. They will say that Tim Ball has now proven
himself a loony. "He believes in that crazy Velikovsky guy", they
will say.
That is of course NOT the point of the article
below at all. Ball does NOT say that he accepts the Velikovsky
theories. He does however note that some of Velikovsky's predictions
have been borne out, which is more than you can say about Warmist
The point of the article below is that Velikovsky was greeted with censorship, not reasoned debate. Sound familiar?
it happens, I long ago read all three of Velikovsky's books and found
them interesting. His cosmological explanations however require a
much more changing solar system than is plausible so I do not accept his
explanation for the interesting phenomena that he draws together.
If his work had been regarded as an interesting starting point we might
by now have some improvenents in historical knowledge (and note that
Tim Ball is mostly an historian). But that was not to
be. Velikovsky upset too much of that wonderful "consensus" so
minds snapped shut.
Many years ago, a colleague approached the President of the University
with our plan to hold a conference on the ideas of Immanuel Velikovsky.
He angrily rejected the plan saying he would not allow anything on
campus associated with that charlatan. The President was a physicist and
Velikovsky had challenged prevailing scientific views.
In some ways, it doesn’t matter whether Velikovsky was right or wrong.
The problem was the reprehensible actions of the scientific community.
His treatment holds many lessons for today’s debate over climate change.
Complexity of the corruption by the few scientists who hijacked climate
science is revealed by comparison. They quickly established their views
as the prevailing ‘truth’ through the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) by deliberately misusing climate science and also
misusing basic science. They isolated anyone who challenged either part
of their false science in the same way Velikovsky was marginalized.
Dogma Replaces Dogma
Western science and religion battled for hundreds of years. Many
conflicts involved new ideas and their final victories were considered
turning points in the fight for people’s beliefs. In winning, science
became more dogmatic than the religion it replaced.
Gradually the focus shifted from a conflict with religion to rejection
of new ideas by practitioners of the prevailing scientific views.
Historically, new scientific ideas were vigorously resisted and their
proponents attacked by religion. That comment is now true within
science. Usually most people don’t care or don’t understand the
significance of the new ideas. Copernicus put the Sun at the centre of
our solar system but it doesn’t matter for most as long as the sun rises
and sets.
A critical change in the adoption and infiltration of ideas came with
extension of government-controlled education. From kindergarten through
university, it became indoctrination not education.
Graduation is allowed once you’ve demonstrated a grasp of the current
‘truths’. Questioning those truths poses a threat to your assessment and
even progress. The quandary is that this contradicts advancement of
knowledge and understanding, especially of science. Consider the general
reaction to Gore’s comment about global warming theory that “the
science is settled.”
Rapid spread and lack of understanding of the anthropogenic global
warming (AGW) theory occurred because it quickly became part of school
curricula. This was exacerbated because knowledge of science is
necessary, but the subject was mostly covered in social sciences. It
reflects the political nature of the subject and resulted in extensive
indoctrination of ignorance. Graduates of this ignorance now control
education, science and politics at all levels.
The Velikovsky Affair
Velikovsky was a Russian medical doctor with a lifelong interest in
providing possible explanations for events recorded in historic records.
A multi-linguist, he read original works from several middle-eastern
cultures. He was on sabbatical in the US researching a book when World
War II began. He stayed and began producing works on what the
establishment categorized as catastrophism. Putting him in that category
is part of the attack on his ideas from mainstream scientists.
Consider the pejorative nature of this quote from Wikipedia. “Velikovsky
began to develop the radical catastrophist cosmology and revised
chronology theories for which he would become notorious.” Why “radical”
or “notorious”; these are judgmental adjectives used because he dared to
suggest there is another interpretation of the evidence.
His views became problematic when Macmillan published Worlds in
Collision in 1950. The book immediately became a best seller. There were
several problems for establishment thinking.
Catastrophic events were contrary to the prevailing philosophy of uniformitarianism.
He was trained in medicine not geology or astronomy.
He was Russian, a serious problem in the McCarthy era.
He dared to suggest that historical records were of
actual events – an idea problematic in climate science even today.
Worse, he used the Bible as a source of evidence.
Wikipedia comments again show the bias. “Even before its appearance, the
book was enveloped by furious controversy, when Harper’s Magazine
published a highly positive feature on it, as did Reader’s Digest with
what would today be called a creationist slant.” Ah, the dreaded
anti-science word creationism.
He was not indoctrinated by formal education in
academic science – the bastions of dogmatism and intellectual tunnel
His ideas did not conform to established astronomical views on planetary motion.
He published his ideas in popular magazines and trade
books that went directly to the public who might challenge official
He followed success of World’s in Collision with another bestseller Ages in Chaos.
His work was interdisciplinary at a time of
specialization. Worse, it blended science with the humanities and the
social sciences.
Velikovsky’s story is fascinating, but my focus is on the reactions of
the establishment, especially of Harlow Shapley. He had a checkered
career apparently shaped by his rigid thinking and personal animosities.
After graduating from Princeton, he worked at the Mount Wilson
Observatory, then Harvard College Observatories. He attended the
Institute on Religion in an Age of Science, which is at best a most
pointed title. He was influential in forming government funded science
institutions including the National Academy of Sciences. The latter has
an ignominious part in the global warming debacle.
Macmillan was the only publisher in history who surrendered a best
seller at peak sales. Shapely denied any involvement in the action.
Velikovsky subsequently exposed his role in a letter to the Harvard
Crimson. Macmillan was vulnerable to Shapley’s threats of curtailing
academic textbooks because that was their major source of income. As
with all these matters, the action is blameworthy, but the cover up
compounds the error. Velikovsky discusses the events in Stargazers and
Velikovsky’s major ideas built on the claim that Earth has experienced
natural global disasters throughout its history. The major cause of
natural catastrophes was brushes with other objects in the solar system
and beyond. It’s probably thanks to Velikovsky that Walter and Luis
Alvarez were able to propose the claim that a collision with an asteroid
65 million years ago led to extinction of dinosaurs. The father/son
connection serendipitously allowed cross-discipline discussion between
physics and geology. The intellectual isolation of specialization has
undermined the ability to understand.
Science is the Ability to Predict
In the end, Velikovsky succeeded because he passed the ultimate test of
science: the ability to predict. More important, they were in
contradiction to prevailing views.
He made many and apparently, none is incorrect to date. The interesting
one was the temperature of Venus which was almost double what the
textbooks said.
The same textbooks that incorrectly use Venus as an example of runaway CO2 induced Greenhouse Effect.
Failure of the University President to approve a conference on
Velikovsky was symptomatic of the dogmatic, closed minds that pervade
modern science.
The few scientists involved with the AGW debacle deliberately exploited and practiced that condition.
Their actions indicate they saw this as a battle, but it was against the
truth and as Aeschylus said, “In war, truth is the first casualty.”
Love those "adjustments" and "data filling"
Oceans getting toasty? They're just guessing
A new study by Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) proposed a new
estimate on upper 0-700m ocean warming rate from 1970 to 2014: 0.55 ±
0.14 × 1022 J yr?1 (168TW). This
indicates a quicker upper ocean warming than previous estimates (i.e.
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report,
Ocean heat content (OHC) change contributes substantially to global sea
level rise (30%~50%), and provides a key metric for the earth’s energy
budget (90% of the earth’s energy imbalance is stored in the ocean), so
it is a vital task for the climate research community to estimate
historical OHC. While
there are large uncertainties regarding its value.
IPCC AR5 provided five independent estimates of historical OHC change
from 1970 to 2010 by five different international groups ranging from
74TW~137TW. Among these values, the minimum is as much as a half of the
maximum, implying
large divergence in the assessment of the ocean warming rate. That’s because there are several major error sources during OHC estimation.
Dr. Cheng Lijing, Prof. Zhu Jiang from IAP carried out a series of
studies examining and quantifying the error sources in OHC estimates,
including systematic biases in ocean temperature observations:
expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data (Cheng et al. 2014), insufficient
vertical resolution of historical temperature profiles (Cheng and Zhu,
2014a), choosing a proper climatology, and how to
infill the data gaps
(Cheng and Zhu, 2014b). These improvements lead to a new reconstruction
of historical upper (0–700 m) OHC change, which is presented in this
study as the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) version of
historical upper OHC assessment.
Cheng and Zhu then worked with John Abraham from University of St.
Thomas, USA, and obtained upper 0–700 m OHC trend which is 0.55 ± 0.14 ×
1022 J yr?1 (168TW) from 1970 to 2014 (Figure 1a, in red), stronger
than IPCC-AR5’s estimates. The long-term trend reveals the signal of
anthropogenic forcing since industrial revolution, and inter-annual
variability is dominated by El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
Furthermore, they show that Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase
5 (CMIP5) simulations have limited ability in capturing the interannual
and decadal variability of historical upper OHC changes during the past
45 years (Figure 1b).
Co-author John Abraham has described this research in his bog posting for The Guardian. Here is an excerpt:
"My colleagues and I have a new publication, which better characterizes
this heating and also compares climate model predictions with actual
measurements. It turns out models have under-predicted ocean warming
over the past few decades.
"But how would you measure the ocean? How would you make consistent,
long-term measurements that would allow people to compare ocean heat
from decades ago to today? How would you make enough measurements
throughout the ocean so that we have a true global picture?
"This is
one of the most challenging problems in climate science,
and one that my colleagues and I are working hard on. We look
throughout measurement history; first measurements were made with canvas
buckets, then insulated buckets, and other more progressively complex
devices. Many measurements were made along ocean passageways as ships
transported goods across the planet.
"As more ship travel occurred, and more measurements were made, the
coverage of temperature measurements across the globe increased. So,
over time, we say the temporal and spatial resolution increased. As
these changes occurred, you have to be careful that any trend you see
isn’t just an artifact of the resolution or the instrument accuracy.
"We also pay attention on one particularly important measurement device
called the eXpendable BathyThermograph (XBT). This device, originally
designed to make crude measurements for navies, has been used for years
by climate scientists. There is
systematic bias
in XBT data, which creates spurious “ocean warm decades” from 1970s to
early 1980s as reported in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.
"What my colleagues determined was that we could reduce past errors in the ocean heat content (OHC) record by
correcting systematic measurement biases,
filling in gaps
where no information is available, and by choosing a proper comparison
climate. This new paper doesn’t solve all of the OHC issues, but it
makes a great stride in clearing up past questions.
"Lead author, Dr. Lijing Cheng (who works for the International Center
for Climate and Environment Sciences in China) applied four separate
improvements to data. He focused his attention on the heating in the
upper 700 meters of ocean waters because that depth has the best
measurements and it also is the region where much of the global warming
heat goes.
"Going back to 1970, we find that the upper 700-meter water layer
temperature has increased approximately 0.3°C (approximately 0.55°F).
While that may not sound like a lot, we have to remember this is a huge
amount of water and consequently it requires an enormous amount of
"We separated the world’s oceans into the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian.
All three of these oceans are warming with the Atlantic warming the
most. We also calculated the ocean heating by using 40 state-of-the-art
climate models. Over the period from 1970, the climate models have
under-predicted the warming by 15%.
"A remarkably close match that gives us a lot of confidence in the
models. On the other hand, the models were not able to predict
shorter-term fluctuations in ocean heating contained within the observed
time period."
Ocean heat content (OHC) change contributes substantially to global sea
level rise, so it is a vital task for the climate research community to
estimate historical OHC. While
there are large uncertainties regarding its value,
in this study, the authors discuss recent progress to reduce the errors
in OHC estimates, including corrections to the systematic biases in
expendable bathythermograph (XBT) data, filling gaps in the data, and
choosing a proper climatology. These improvements lead to a better
reconstruction of historical upper (0–700 m) OHC change, which is
presented in this study as the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP)
version of historical upper OHC assessment. Challenges still remain; for
example, there is still no general consensus on mapping methods.
Furthermore, we show that Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, Phase 5
simulations have limited ability in capturing the interannual and decadal variability of historical upper OHC changes during the past 45 years.
Global upper ocean heat content estimation: recent progress and the
remaining challenges by Cheng L. J. Zhu, and J. Abraham published in
Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 8. DOI:10.3878/AOSL20150031
Obama Is Ignoring the Science on Climate Change
President Obama gave a doom and gloom speech yesterday at the Global
Leadership in the Arctic (GLACIER) conference in Alaska to build
momentum for the U.N. climate deal in Paris this December.
So far less than one third of countries have submitted plans to cut carbon dioxide emissions by the Wall Street Journal’s count.
According to Obama, “Climate change is happening faster than we’re
acting” and the world is facing a future of more fires, more melting,
more warming, more suffering.
But there are at least two major problems with his focus on global warming as he’s presented it in Alaska.
Ignoring Evidence On Climate Change
Obama continues to ignore science that doesn’t fit his narrative and has
ignored sound evidence from people who disagree with him. Many of the
environmental trends Obama has warned of do not appear to fit current
In his speech he warned that,
“If [current] trend lines continue the way they are, there’s not going
to be a nation on this earth that’s not going to be impacted
negatively…More drought, more floods, rising sea levels, greater
migration, more refugees, more scarcity, more conflict.”
However, Judith Curry, professor at Georgia Institute for Technology and
participant in the International Panel on Climate Change and National
Academy of Sciences, writes that when politicians talk about an
undeniable climate “consensus” they are brushing over “very substantial
disagreement about climate change that arises from:
Insufficient observational evidence
Disagreement about the value of different classes of evidence (e.g. models)
Disagreement about the appropriate logical framework for linking and assessing the evidence
Assessments of areas of ambiguity and ignorance
Belief polarization as a result of politicization of the science
All this leaves multiple ways to interpret and reason about the available evidence.”
Curry, and others with evidence countering the president’s narrative of
an accelerating and catastrophic warming, are labeled by Obama as
“critics,” “cynics,” “deniers,” and on “their own shrinking island.”
Yet data of observed reality collected from the U.N.’s International
Panel on Climate Change and the U.S. National Climate Data Center does
not show increasing frequency of extreme weather across the globe,
whether you look at hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, or floods.
With so much yet unknown or unclear, one has to wonder if we are entirely misdiagnosing the problem.
What Will New Measures Do?
Obama hasn’t given Americans, or the world, an answer to perhaps the
most important question: what kind of impact will global warming
measures accomplish?
For starters, Federal subsidies and tax credits for wind and solar have
cost billions of dollars while only increasing wind and solar
contribution to the American energy by only 5 percent. In addition, it
has tied both industries to government dependence with only minor
Energy efficiency mandates have reduced choices for Americans through the back door of regulation.
That has meant more expensive kitchen appliances or car models that must
prioritize carbon dioxide emissions over other preferences like size,
safety, or performance, not to mention an insult to the ability of
Americans to make good energy efficiency choices for themselves.
And the Clean Power Plan, should it survive the serious legal problems
with the regulations, promises to create a $2.5 trillion loss in GDP,
hundreds of thousands of jobs lost, and a total income loss of $7,000
per person by 2030.
Those hardest hit will be people in manufacturing and with lower incomes.
Rich with irony, Obama warned that if we don’t act on climate change
there would be “entire industries of people who can’t practice their
Tell that to those in the coal industry facing the gauntlet of the Clean
Power Plan and a slew of other federal regulations, or miners and oil
companies in Alaska in the crosshairs of the Obama administration’s zero
carbon economy.
As it turns out, these mandates and subsidies also prove to be barriers
to the progress and innovation the Obama administration wants.
Where does it get us on the path to addressing global warming?
Just shy of nowhere, or less than 0.002 degrees Celsius using an EPA model.
Jim Hansen, far from Obama’s global warming “deniers,” called the Clean
Power Plan “practically worthless,” even though it is the centerpiece of
the Obama administration’s climate agenda.
The administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, responsible
for the Clean Power Plan, has testified before Congress that the Clean
Power Plan isn’t about reducing global temperatures but “an investment
opportunity” and “the tone and tenor” of international climate
Too many government policies, at home and abroad, make opportunity
further out of reach under the misguided notion of making a dent in
global warming.
In the process they thwart the opportunity, mobility, and wealth that can empower people to deal with environmental challenges.
Hidden emails reveal a secret anti-fossil fuel network involving the
White House, Democrat governors, wealthy donors and foundations, and
front groups
By Marita Noon
Most of us feel that time goes by faster as we get older. It does. When
you are five years old, one year represents 20 percent of your life.
Yet, when you are fifty, that same calendar year is only 2 percent of
your life — making that single timeframe much smaller. Those of us
involved in fighting the bad energy policies coming out of Washington
have a similar feeling: the second term of the Obama Administration
seems to be throwing much more at us and at such speed that we can
barely keep up. Likewise, they are.
We knew that President Obama was planning to fundamentally transform
America, but even many of his initial supporters have been shocked as
his true intentions have been revealed. Following his November 2012
reelection, his administration has removed any pretense of representing
the majority of Americans and has pursued his ideological agenda with
wild abandon — leaving many of us feeling incapacitated, thrown to the
curb as it speeds by.
His legacy climate change agenda is at the core of the rapid-fire
regulations and the disregard for any speed bump the courts may place in
front of the administration. When the Supreme Court smacked it down for
failing to consider economic impacts of the mercury and air toxics
standards for power plants, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
responded with a shrug, as their goal had essentially already been met.
On August 27, a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction — blocking
the EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers from enforcing the Waters of
the United States rule in the thirteen states that requested the
injunction. The response? The Hill reports, “The Obama administration
says it will largely enforce the regulation as planned.”
Having failed to push the unpopular policies through Congress, the
administration has resorted to regulatory overreach — and assembled a
campaign to use friendly governors and state attorneys general offices,
in collaboration with pressure groups and ideologically aligned
benefactors, to advance the agenda.
The White House knows that the public is not with them. While polls show
that slightly more than half of the American public believe the
“effects of global warming are already happening,” it repeatedly comes
in at the bottom of the list of priorities on which Americans think
Obama and Congress should focus. The President’s pet policy fares even
worse when pollsters ask if Americans agree that “government should do
more to curb climate change, even at the expense of economic growth.”
Only 12 percent “strongly agree.” Additionally, the very age group —
young voters — that helped propel Obama into the Oval Office, is the
group least convinced that climate change is a reality and the least
“likely to support government funding for climate change solutions.”
It is, presumably, for this reason that a scheme hatched by
now-disgraced former Oregon Governor Kitzhaber’s highest-paid aide Dan
Carol — “a former Democratic opposition researcher,” who, according to
the Oregonian, “worked on behalf of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama” —
received an enthusiastic response from the White House and its allies.
Remember, Kitzhaber resigned from office on February 13, 2015, amid
allegations of criminal wrongdoing for the role his fiancée, Cylvia
Hayes, held in his office and whether she used that role to obtain
private consulting work promoting the climate change agenda. Carol, who
was paid close to double Kitzhaber’s salary, according to a new report
from Energy & Environment Legal Institute, left his public position
“after appearing to have too closely intertwined government and the
tax-payer dependent ‘clean energy’ industry with interest group
The goal of what was originally called “Dan’s concept” was to bring
about a “coalescence of private financial and ideological interests with
public offices to advance the officeholders’ agenda and political
aspiration” — more specifically: “to bring the Obama Administration’s
plans to reality and to protect them.”
This was done, according to dozens of emails obtained through federal
and state open record laws “through a coordinated campaign of parallel
advocacy to support close coordination of public offices” and involved a
“political operation with outside staff funded by some of the biggest
names in left-liberal foundation giving,” including, according to the
emails, Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, the Rockefeller Brothers, and the
Hewlett Foundation. The first emails in the scandal began in mid-2013.
Kitzhaber wasn’t the only governor involved — he’s just the only one, so
far, to resign. Many Democrat governors and their staff supported the
scheme. You’d expect that California’s Governor Jerry Brown or
Virginia’s Terry McAuliffe are part of the plan — called, among other
names, the Governors Climate Compact — as they are avid supporters of
the President’s climate change initiatives. What is surprising is
Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear’s “quiet engagement.” He decried Obama’s
Clean Power Plan (final rule announced on August 3, 2015), as being
“disastrous” for Kentucky. In a statement about the Plan, he said, “I
have remained steadfast in my support of Kentucky’s important coal and
manufacturing industries, and the affordable energy and good jobs they
provide the Commonwealth and the nation.” Yet, he isn’t opposing the
rule and emails show that he is part of the “core group of governors
quietly working to promote the climate agenda.”
In response to the records request, Beshear’s office “asserts that ‘no
records’ exist in its files involving the Steyer campaign.” According to
the E&E Legal report, there are “numerous emails from other
governors copying a senior Beshear aide on her official account, emails
which Beshear’s office surely possesses, unless it has chosen to destroy
politically damaging emails.” An email bearing that aide’s name,
Rebecca Byers, includes Kentucky as one of the states “that can’t commit
to the GCC [Governors Climate Compact] publicly now but would welcome
quiet engagement.”
Other states indicated in the emails include Minnesota, Rhode Island,
Illinois, Connecticut, California, Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts,
Tennessee, Delaware, Maryland, Colorado, New York, Vermont, and
Virginia. Three newly-elected Republican governors have been targeted by
the campaign — Larry Hogan (Md.), Charlie Baker (Mass.), and Bruce
Rauner (Ill.). Reelected Republican Governor Rick Snyder (Mich.) has
apparently joined the “core group.”
I’ve read the entire report — which had me holding my breath as if I were reading a spy thriller — and reviewed the emails.
The amount of coordination involved in the multi-state plan is shocking.
The amount of money involved is staggering — a six-month budget of
$1,030,000 for the orchestrators and multi-state director and $180,000
to a group to produce a paper supporting the plan’s claims. And, as the
55-page report points out, this collection of emails is in no way
complete. As the report notes, “Context and common sense indicate that
the emails E&E Legal obtained and detail in this report do not
represent all relevant correspondence pulling together the scheme they
describe. Public records laws extend to those records created, sent or
received by public servants; private sector correspondence is only
captured when copying public offices, with the caveat that most of the
White House is exempt. Further, however, the records we have obtained
reflect more than the time and other parameters of our requests; they
are also a function of the thoroughness of offices’ responses, the
willingness of former and current staff to search nonofficial accounts,
and even several stonewalls as noted in the following pages.”
The E&E Legal report was of particular interest to me in that it
followed the theme of my extensive coverage of Obama’s green energy,
crony corruption scandal. Many of the same names, with which I’d become
familiar, popped up over and over again: Terry McAuliffe, who received
government funding for his failed electric car enterprise; Cathy Zoi,
who worked for the Department of Energy; and, of course, John Podesta,
who ran the Center for American Progress and who helped write the 2009
Stimulus Bill, and who then became a “senior advisor” to President Obama
and is presently campaign manager for Hillary Clinton.
It also caught my attention because little more than a month ago —
perhaps with a hint that this report was forthcoming — the Huffington
Post published a story claiming that groups like mine were part of a
“secret network of fossil fuel and utility backed groups working to stop
clean energy.” Calling me — along with others — out by name, the author
states, “The strategy of creating and funding many different
organizations and front groups provides an artificial chorus of voices
united behind eliminating or weakening renewable energy laws.” He
concludes that the attacks “are the result of coordinated, national
campaigns orchestrated by utilities and fossil fuel companies through
their trade associations and front groups.”
Oh, how I wish we were that well-coordinated and funded. If we were, I
would have written this column last week when the E&E Legal report
was released. Instead of receiving the information from the source, a
New York City journalist forwarded it to me.
Yes, I am part of a loosely-affiliated network of people who share
similar concerns. Once a year, I meet with a group of private citizens
and activists over property rights issues. I am on an email list of
individuals and groups opposing wind turbines — often for different
reasons. I have a cadre of scientists I’ve met at different meetings
upon whom I do call for their varied expertise. Individuals often email
me tips and news stories. True, most of the folks on my nearly
5,000-person email distribution list are part of the energy industry —
though there are plenty of concerned citizens, too. In 2014, the average
donation to my organization was under $500.
Imagine what we could do with the same amount of money and coordination
the E&E Legal report revealed, after all we have the public on our
side — average citizens whose utility bills are going up by double
digits due to the policies espoused by President Obama and his
politically connected allies who benefit from Americans’ tax dollars.
I hope you’ll join our chorus — you can subscribe and/or contribute to
my efforts. We are not working in the shadows and are, in fact, proud of
our efforts on behalf of all Americans, their jobs, and energy that is
effective, efficient, and economical.
If this small — but organized and well-funded — group pushing Obama’s
agenda were allowed to run rampant, without the roadblocks little
pockets of opposition (like my group) erect though public education and
exposure of the facts (such this E&E Legal report), it is scary to
think about where America would be today. Remember, you are either part
of the problem or part of the solution.
Obama coal plan will boost electricity bills 16%, drive companies offshore
As President Obama jetted to Alaska Monday to talk up his climate change
plans, burning through nearly 17,000 gallons of fuel, a new report
showed that his "Clean Power Plan" will increase consumer electric bills
16 percent and speed plans by job-creating manufacturers to flee
America's high fuel costs.
The free-market focused Institute for Energy Research said that Obama's
plan to replace coal-fired plants with renewable energy makers like
windmills and solar will force companies to spend up to four times more
on energy and hit consumers.
"The so-called Clean Power Plan is expected to decrease carbon dioxide
emissions in the generating sector by 32 percent from 2005 levels by
2032. To do this, massive amounts of coal-fired generating capacity will
be shuttered and wind and solar power will be built in their
stead—technologies that cost 2 to 4 times more than the coal capacity
that is being shuttered," said the group in a report issued Monday.
They also cited the impact on consumers: "According to the Energy
Information Administration (EIA), residential electricity prices are
expected to be 16 percent higher in real prices than today due to the
proposed regulation and others imposed on the generating sector by EIA."
Obama and his supporters have been touting the positive impacts of the
plan, but the report attempts to put a price on the initiative.
He was expected to discuss climate change in Alaska and the results of
doing nothing. Air Force One burns about five gallons per mile, for a
total of 16,875 gallons used to promote climate change initiatives in
Several states have sued to stop his plan.
The report, which quotes multiple government and other official sources,
said that the development of energy in the United States, leading to
cheaper prices, has lured many American companies back to the homeland
to set up shop. Even some Chinese firms are relocating to the U.S.
because of cheaper energy.
But it warns that the attractiveness of the United States will end with the new Obama regulations.
"Low energy prices and American ingenuity have brought manufacturing
back to this country. However, all this is likely to change as President
Obama's regulations go into effect, making electricity and natural gas
prices escalate, forcing companies to accept higher domestic operating
costs or move offshore," warned the report.
The report concluded: "President Obama is making energy prices escalate
due to stringent environmental regulations being promulgated by the EPA.
Due to the timing of these regulations, most of the price increases
will not been seen by the public until his second term is up.
Nonetheless, the headway the United States made to bring manufacturing
back to America is being threatened. The result will be a loss of jobs
that we cannot afford."
Australia: "Organic" farmer loses his attempt to impose organic practices on his neighbours
An organic farmer in Western Australia whose crop was contaminated with
genetically modified (GM) canola from a neighbouring farm has lost his
court appeal for compensation.
Steve Marsh of Kojonup lost organic certification over most of his
farmland in 2010 after genetically modified seeds and swathes blew onto
his farm.
Mr Marsh went to court, seeking more than $80,000 in compensation.
But last year the Supreme Court dismissed the case, saying neighbour
Michael Baxter had not acted negligently and could not be held
responsible just for growing a GM crop in a conventional way. It
also awarded Mr Baxter costs.
The Court of Appeal has now dismissed appeals on the case and the costs in a two-to-one decision.
Earlier this year it was revealed that Monsanto had contributed to Mr
Baxter's costs while Mr Marsh's campaign has been supported by the Safe
Food Foundation.
Outside the court, Mr Baxter said he had been confident of
winning. "We certainly never doubted all the way through that we
were probably going to be on the winning side," he said.
"This should never have even gone to court because between farmers, we
should've just had a chat over the fence, had a couple of beers, you
know, this would've been all sorted out.
"He's an organic farmer, he can't spray, he can't use chemicals, you
know he's got red mite, he's got aphids, he's got rust, he's got all the
diseases in the world, does he worry about that?
"They blow over the fence, I get them all the time. "Do I whinge, do I complain? No, not at all."
Mr Baxter said he had no relationship with Mr Marsh anymore.
"He took the hard line, he made the decision," he said.
He thanked the Pastoralists and Graziers Association for their support.
The decision was another blow for Mr Marsh. "I guess what this has
demonstrated is that common law does not protect farmers against GM
contamination, that's obviously very clear," he said.
"This argument that it's like a leaf blowing next door or something blowing next door, it's quite ridiculous.
"This product's got a technology in it, it's got a patent on it to start
with, so you can't tell me a leaf blowing next door or an aphid or a
weed is the same as GM technologies."
Mr Marsh said he was considering whether to appeal to the High
Court. "It was obviously a two-one decision so they weren't all
against us," he said.
Mr Marsh was asked whether he was prepared for the possibility of losing his farm.
"You've got to deal with what you've got to deal with - if you don't
stand for what you believe is right then that's it," he said.
The court had sought to rule on costs, but that will be decided on
submissions in the coming weeks after a request from Mr Marsh's
counsel. Costs are estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands of
Mr Baxter has said the funds he received from Monsanto were considered
to be a loan, and the support was no different to what Mr Marsh had
received from other groups.
Safe Food Foundation Director Scott Kinnear described Mr Marsh as a "hero" for "standing up" to GM technology.
Speaking outside the court, Mr Kinnear said the farmer would continue to
have the organisation's support if he decided to appeal further.
"We have to sort this issue out, we have to sort it out either in the
courts, or politically it needs to be sorted out," he said.
Mr Kinnear said Mr Marsh was already "down significantly on
funds". "He's lost his sheep, which was a significant part of his
income," he said. "We have to help him get back to where he was."
Pastoralists and Graziers Association grain growers' committee chairman
John Snook said the decision had big implications for farmers.
"What it means is [farmers] can grow GM canola with certainty, they
don't have to be worried about being potentially attacked and sued by an
organic neighbour," he said. "We have always stood by Michael
Baxter and will continue to do so until this issue is completely
Appeals Court president Justice Carmel McLure decided in favour of Mr Marsh and his wife, who were both appellants.
She found the interference with the appellants' use and enjoyment of
their property was both substantial and unreasonable and constituted a
private nuisance.
Justice McLure said Mr Baxter "had actual knowledge of the risk of
decertification when he engaged in the conduct which caused the harm to
the appellants". She said Mr Marsh was entitled to damages amounting to
But Justice David Newnes and Justice Graeme Murphy decided in favour of Mr Baxter.
They said Mr Marsh's choice of farming operations did not mean Mr
Baxter's lawful use of his own land "constituted a wrongful interference
with the appellants' use or enjoyment of their land".
They also said Mr Marsh and his wife had "put their land to an
abnormally sensitive use" and they could not "unilaterally enlarge their
own rights" and impose limitations on their neighbours to a greater
extent than would otherwise be the case.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
3 September, 2015
Obama’s war on the poor continues
By Rick Manning
The past few years have been marked by Obama releasing new regulation
after new regulation designed to increase the price of low-cost,
readily-available fuel so that higher-cost, less-available alternatives
become economically viable. The resulting higher electricity costs
represent the most regressive form of regulatory taxation imaginable as
the less fortunate have almost no way, short of being cold, of avoiding
the costs.
The stated objective of lowering carbon emissions might make sense if
these very regulations weren’t projected to have the perverse effect of
encouraging the continued and expanded burning of these fuels in
countries with significantly lower environmental standards while costing
hundreds of thousands of American jobs.
When coupled with the Obama Administration’s goal of establishing a
Trans-Pacific Partnership that will encourage outsourcing manufacturing
to nations with virtually non-existent environmental protections, the
net result would be fewer well-paying jobs here at home to help raise
the middle class and more pollution worldwide.
But this may be considered an esoteric argument. One Obama EPA
regulation that would have an obvious devastating impact on the very
poor is the EPA’s rule on residential wood heaters. This regulation
would make the cost of manufacturing heaters that burn wood
prohibitively expensive denying consumers a low-cost means to safely
heat their homes using wood.
In spite of the belief of those who cash government paychecks every
other week, many people in our nation depend upon burning wood for heat
in the winter even in the affluent Washington, D.C. area. Nationally,
one in ten homes depends upon wood heat in some form with just under two
percent using it as their primary source.
The need is so great that the men at Chesapeake Church in Calvert
County, Maryland, spend a couple of weekends in the late fall and winter
chopping and delivering wood to those who depend upon burning that wood
to stay warm.
This is not a vanity, return-to-the-rustic-days-of-old crackpot fantasy
of better living that entices Birkenstock-wearing enviros to cook and
heat with wood. No, it is survival for people who find themselves
struggling to put food on the table.
Yet, the elitists at the EPA are trying to regulate safe, wood-burning
heaters out of existence, leaving the poor to use dangerous alternatives
to survive sub-freezing temperatures.
Fortunately, Representative David Rouzer (R-N.C.) has introduced
legislation to repeal this War on the Poor regulation saying, “The
federal government has no business telling private citizens how they
should heat their homes.”
It is expected that Rouzer will be working with his colleagues in the
House in September to attach language to the upcoming government funding
bill which will stop the wood-burning heater rule in its tracks.
With winter on the way, Congress needs to act to protect the less
fortunate by allowing them to choose affordable alternatives to safely
heat their homes. The only better option would be to force the EPA
Administrator Gina McCarthy to trade places for a few weeks in February
with those who depend upon wood heat in sub-freezing temperatures and
see if she changes her mind about her Agency’s attempt to force the poor
to sacrifice basic necessities on the altar of climate change.
Bicycles don't belong on busy city streets
Jeff Jacoby is talking about his native Boston but his words have wide applicability elsewhere
The Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain is more than a renowned
horticultural jewel; it is also a splendid venue for cyclists, with
miles of meandering paths and gorgeous views of Boston. The Charles
River Esplanade is another bikers' oasis, part of an 18-mile loop along
the river that separates Boston from Cambridge. For commuters, the
Southwest Corridor Park that stretches from Back Bay to Forest Hills is a
marvel of urban design that offers terrific biking in the heart of the
Busy thoroughfares aren't meant for cyclists. They are meant for the
cars, trucks, and buses that transport the vast majority of people
moving through the nation's cities.
If you want to ride a bicycle in Boston, you've got plenty of great places to do it.
Massachusetts Avenue during business hours isn't — and shouldn't be — one of them.
The death last month of cyclist Anita Kurmann, who was fatally struck by
a tractor-trailer turning from Mass. Ave. onto Beacon Street, was a
terrible tragedy. The 38-year-old medical researcher was at least the
13th cyclist killed in a collision with a motor vehicle on city streets
since 2010. That number is sure to rise if Boston keeps encouraging
people to ride bicycles where bicycles don't belong.
Busy thoroughfares aren't meant for cyclists. They are meant for the
cars, trucks, and buses that transport the vast majority of people
moving through the nation's cities. Those vehicles weigh thousands of
pounds, operate at 300-plus horsepower, and are indispensable to the
economic and social well-being of virtually every American community.
Bicycles can be an enjoyable, even exhilarating, way to get around. So
can horses, skis, and roller skates. Adding any of them to the flow of
motorized traffic on roads that already tend to be too clogged, however,
is irresponsible and dangerous.
According to the latest Census Bureau data, more than 122 million people
commute each day by car, truck, or van. Fewer than 900,000 bike to
work. Do the math: For every cyclist pedaling to or from work, there are
136 drivers. Add the passengers who commute by bus and streetcar, and
that ratio is even more lopsided. When it comes to urban transportation,
bike riders play a trifling role — literally less than a rounding
error. Far more people walk to work.
This isn't "sharing the road." It is a foolhardy policy of treating
bicycles — flimsy, slow, and distracting — as the equivalent of motor
vehicles, which are faster, more powerful, and vastly more numerous.
But that doesn't deter the bicycle lobby, which could give lessons in
brass to Donald Trump. Advocates demand more and more access to city
streets, no matter how frustrating to the vast majority of drivers for
whom those streets are designed. On many major roads, lanes for cars
have been shrunk in order to carve out cycling lanes. "Share the Road,"
signs pointedly admonish drivers, as though sound traffic management
calls for treating flimsy, slow, and distracting bikes as the equal of
faster, more powerful motor vehicles.
And "sharing" the road, increasingly, isn't enough: Signs now decree
"Bicycles May Use Full Lane," warning motorists that the biker ahead of
them causing traffic to crawl has every right to be in the middle of the
lane. And if there's only one lane of traffic in each direction, so
that traffic on a city street is effectively reduced to the speed of a
lone cyclist? Too bad.
All of which might be marginally more tolerable if bikers operated under
the same restrictions that drivers do. But cyclists pay no taxes, don't
have to be insured, undergo no safety inspections, and needn't register
their vehicles. They don't get pulled over for riding without
reflectors or headlamps, don't have to carry an operator's license, and
aren't required to pass either a written or a road test in order to
pedal in the streets. And have you ever seen a cop ticket a cyclist who
ran a red light, weaved recklessly among lanes, or made an illegal turn?
Me neither.
Bikes aren't treated like cars for a very good reason: Bikes aren't like
cars. Which is exactly why they don't belong on busy city streets.
Cyclists and traffic don't mix. It's not just foolish to pretend
otherwise. It's deadly.
Oil, America's Inexhaustible Resource
By Stephen Moore
“The United States of America cannot afford to bet our long-term
prosperity, our long-term security on a resource that will eventually
run out, and even before it runs out will get more and more expensive to
extract from the ground.” —Barack Obama, 2011.
In August 1859 on the eve of the Civil War, Col. Edwin Laurentine Drake
completed the first commercial oil well in the United States on Oil
Creek just outside of Titusville, Pa. Over the next century and a half,
oil and gas companies have extracted tens of billions of barrels of oil
from the ground from California to New York and nearly everywhere in
During that time period, one thing has been constant: Doomsayers and
declinists have predicted that we would soon drill the last barrel of
oil. Famously in the 1920s, the U.S. Department of Interior projected
less than a few decades' worth of recoverable oil in the United States.
Jimmy Carter declared in 1980 that by 2000 we’d be nearly out of oil —
running on empty.
Last month, the Department of Energy reported that the U.S. hit a new
energy milestone: We produced 9.52 million barrels a day. That was very
close to the highest output level in recorded history. So much for
running out.
Something else has happened in recent weeks that almost no one — least
of all President Obama — would have predicted. The price of oil fell
below $40 a barrel. Adjusted for inflation, that makes oil cheaper today
than at almost anytime in history. Adjusted for wages, we work less to
buy gasoline and oil today than nearly ever before.
Welcome to the age of oil and gas abundance. One of the people who
predicted all of this 40 years ago was the late, great economist Julian
Simon. When cultural icons like doomsayer Paul Ehrlich of Stanford
University were assuring us that the end was nigh when it came to oil,
food, copper, tin and farmland, and that the earth would soon be
freezing over because of cooling trends, it was Julian Simon who
declared they were all wrong. He was regarded as a lunatic, in today’s
left-wing jargon, a “denier,” but he was right, and the “scientific
consensus” was entirely and almost negligently wrong.
The experts at the Institute for Energy Research recently published an
inventory of American energy given current technological capabilities.
Their research shows that we have 500 years worth of coal and natural
gas and at least 200 years worth of oil. The wellspring of energy in
America will never run dry.
The reason we never run out of “finite” resources is that human
ingenuity runs forward at a far faster pace than the rate we use up oil,
gas or food. The shale oil and gas revolution — thanks to fracking
technologies — nearly tripled overnight our oil and gas reserves. We now
produce three times as much food with one-third as much manpower at
one-third the cost than we did in 1950.
That the left-wing doomsayers have been time and again discredited in
their Malthusian warnings has several policy implications. First, would
you keep buying stock from a broker who kept giving you all the wrong
advice and losing your money?
Then why do we listen to the same crowd of doomsayers who still say we
are running out of oil or that the earth is going to heat up into a
fireball? Their credibility and their “scientific consensus” have rarely
been right. They are like the boy who cries wolf over and over.
Second, there are high costs to false fears. President Obama has many
times justified the $100 billion we’ve wasted on renewable energy
subsidies by the claim that we’re running out of oil.
Third, many of the same Malthusians who told us we were running out of
oil and food are the intellectual giants behind the global warming
industry. These are the ones who say that the debate is over on global
warming, that they can’t possibly be wrong, that the science is settled
and that those who question their religious-like conviction have been
bought off by the Koch brothers or big oil. Given their abysmal track
record, is it asking too much of them to consider that they might just
be wrong?
Several years ago, I declared on a television show that America will
never run out of oil and gas, and that our supplies are inexhaustible. I
was flooded with angry letters and emails. My favorite note came from a
junior high school science teacher who wrote me: “How could you say
such a stupid thing? Even my sixth-graders understand that oil is a
finite resource.” Well, a sixth-grader might believe that tripe.
What is disconcerting is that the president of the United States, the
media and many “scientists” still believe it. Paul Ehrlich once said
that one thing the world will never run out of “is idiots.” Alas, he was
right for once.
Severe winters caused by global warming, says new study
”If your winter has been brutally cold in Tokyo or Toledo in recent
years, you can thank global warming in the Arctic", a new study suggests
"Snowfalls across Europe and Asia were the highest in decades last year,
while frigid cold in the northeast U.S. led to natural gas shortages
and price spikes that year. This year, Boston got buried under more than
9 feet (2.7 meters) of snow, an all-time high.”
Such weather disasters will be more likely due to rising global
temperatures, the article continues, because changes in Arctic air
flows “produce favorable conditions for severe winters in East Asia or
North America.
We’re apparently supposed to believe that the hotter it gets, the colder
it gets. The research was led by Jong-Seong Kug of Pohang University of
Science and Technology in South Korea.
They did test this story during the “polar vortex” of
2013-2014, But now its backed by ‘studies’ (& just in
time for the climate change conference).”
So now when you are neck deep in snow & your city runs out of grit, you can blame AGW.
Today's words of wisdom come from Ruth Dixon's review of Lord Stern's latest opus
Stern is...selective in his choice of data. He frequently ignores
mainstream scientific evidence (such as that found in the authoritative
reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)) in
favour of outlying estimates....
The type of small-scale solar PV [Stern] describes is a good way to
supply electricity for lights, phone and internet access to remote
communities, but it is fanciful to suppose that such systems can provide
enough power for cooking....
Even in his own words, Stern makes clear that he does not view objectivity as an overriding concern...
Obama takes veiled shot at Australian PM on Climate?
Speaking to a global leadership conference on the Arctic, President
Obama says that those who want to ignore the science 'are on their own
shrinking island' and any world leader that doesn't take climate change
seriously is 'not fit to lead.'
As the highest profile leader to rebuff Obama's pressure on climate,
Australian prime minister Tony Abbott famously called much of the
science behind catastrophic climate change 'absolute crap' and
successfully repealed Australia's deeply unpopular carbon tax.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: "So the time to heed the critics and the cynics and the
deniers has passed. The time to plead ignorance is surely passed. Those
who want to ignore the science they are increasingly alone. They are on
their own shrinking island. [...] Any leader willing to take a gamble
on a future like that, any so-called leader who does not take this issue
seriously or treats it like a joke, is not fit to lead."
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
2 September, 2015
Some real fun below
If deliberate deception is fun. It's fun to expose it anyway.
"Slate's" crooked "Bad astronomer", Phil Plait, is at it again.
Read here and here to see two of his recent attempted deceptions eviscerated.
we read below is no exception. He is just a global warming
apparatchik. There is no truth in him (John 8:44). How do we know
He says that sea levels have been rising since 1992, which
is correct. They have been rising for much longer than that, in
fact. He also says the rise is due to global warming, which is not
correct. How do we know that? Look at the chart below. You
can see that the graph of rises climbs steadily. It did NOT stop
18 years ago when global warming stopped. So clearly the two
phenomena are unrelated. Sea levels did not stop rising when
warming stopped. QED.
really are the most disgusting crooks. Fortunately they are also
transparent crooks if one looks at all closely at their claims
Do you think global warming is something that only affects us sometime in the future, decades or centuries from now?
Think again. Our planet heating up is affecting us now, and has been for
decades. We’re already seeing a lot of serious problems due to it:
extreme weather, more devastating hurricanes, wildfires, and sea level
Of all these, the last seems most like science fiction. Seriously, the
levels of the ocean are going up? It can’t be much, right?
Think again, again. NASA just released results from several satellite
observations going back to 1992. Those 23 years of data show that the
oceans of the planet have risen substantially in that time: over 6
centimeters (2.5 inches) on average, with some places on Earth seeing
more than 22 cm (9 inches)!
The cause of all this is obvious and very real: global warming. As human
activity — primarily dumping 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere every year — causes the Earth’s surface temperature to go
up, a lot of that energy is absorbed by the oceans, causing them to
expand. Some of it is absorbed at the poles, melting ice there.
Sea ice melting at the north pole is bad enough, but the land ice
melting is nothing short of catastrophic. Climatologists have already
shown that the melting of the West Antarctica ice sheet may be
unstoppable. We may be locked in — that is, inevitably going to suffer
from — a full meter of sea level rise, three feet. This may take a
century or more, but it’s coming. And while that may seem like a long
time, think of it this way: A meter per century is a centimeter every
year, an inch every 2.5 years.
Mind you, that’s vertical rise. Look at the slope of a beach and you can
see that a small rise vertically means a lot of horizontal reach to the
ocean, too. We’ll see beaches disappear, coastlines changed. More
immediately, we’ll see storm surges do far more damage as it takes less
rise in the water levels to inundate cities. Remember what the surge
from Hurricane Sandy did to NYC? We’ll be seeing more and more of that.
This is the new normal. And the scary thing is not so much that the new
normal is bad, it’s that with more warming, rising sea levels, and
changing weather patterns, the new normal will continue to get worse.
There may not be a normal any more.
And all that time, the temperatures will rise, the glaciers will melt,
the sea levels will rise, and we’ll be that much deeper into a
catastrophe that is already well underway.
Ethical collapse at the University of Western Australia
They will do anything to prop up their Warmist psychologist Stephan Lewandowsky and his very odd research methods
The Lewandowsky, Gignac, and Oberauer paper in PLOS ONE has been
substantially corrected. I had alerted the journal last fall that there
were serious errors in the paper, including the presence of a
32,757-year-old in the data, along with a 5-year-old and six other
minors. The paleoparticipant in particular had knocked out the true
correlation between age and the conspiracy belief items (the authors had
reported there was no correlation between age and anything else.)
Deeply troubling issues remain. The authors have been inexplicably
unwilling to remove the minors from their data, and have in fact
retained two 14-year-olds, two 15-year-olds, a 16-year-old, and a
17-year-old. This is strange given that the sample started with 1,001
participants. It is also wildly unethical.
To provide some context, let me lay out the timeline:
October 4, 2013: Lewandowsky was alerted on his own website that there was a 32,757-year-old and a 5-year-old in his data.
There was no correction. Recall that he had reported analyses of the age
variable in the paper, and that these analyses were erroneous because
of the 32,757-year-old.
August 18, 2014: On the PLOS ONE page for the paper, I alerted the
authors to the 32,757-year-old, the 5-year-old, and the six other minors
in their data (along with several other problems with the study.)
There was no correction.
September 22, 2014: I contacted PLOS ONE directly and reported the
issue. I had waited over a month for the authors to correct their paper
after the notification on August 18, but they had mysteriously done
nothing, so it was time to contact the journal.
August 13, 2015: Finally, a correction was published. It is
comprehensive, as there were many errors in their analyses beyond the
age variable.
I'd like to pause here to say that PLOS ONE is beautiful and ethically
distinctive. They insisted that the authors publish a proper correction,
and that it thoroughly address the issues and errors in the original.
They also placed a link to the correction on top of the original paper.
The authors did not want to issue a proper correction. Rather,
Lewandowsky preferred to simply post a comment on the PLOS ONE page for
the paper and call it a corrigendum. This would not have been salient to
people reading the paper on the PLOS ONE page, as it requires that one
click on the Comments link and go into the threads. Notably,
Lewandowsky's "corrigendum" was erroneous and required a corrigendum of
its own... It was also remarkably vague and uninformative.
A serious ethical issue remains – they kept the minors in their data
(except the 5-year-old.) They had no prior IRB approval to use minors,
nor did they have prior IRB approval to waive parental consent. In fact,
the "ethics" office at the University of Western Australia appears to
be trying to retroactively approve the use of minors as well as ignoring
the issue of parental consent. This is ethically impossible, and wildly
out of step with human research ethics worldwide. It also cleanly
contradicts the provisions of the Australian National Statement on
Ethical Conduct of Human Research (PDF). In particular, it contradicts
paragraphs 4.2.7 through 4.2.10, and 4.2.12. The conduct of the UWA
ethics office is consistent with all their prior efforts to cover up
Lewandowsky's misconduct, particularly with respect to Lewandowsky's
Psych Science paper, which should be treated as a fraud case. UWA has
refused everyone's data requests for that paper, and has refused to
investigate. Corruption is serious problem with human institutions, one
that I increasingly think deserves a social science Manhattan Project to
better understand and ameliorate. UWA is a classic case of corruption,
one that mirrors those reported by Martin.
Here is the critical paragraph regarding minors in the PLOS ONE correction:
"Several minors (age 14–17) were included in the data set for this study
because this population contributes to public opinions on politics and
scientific issues (e.g. in the classroom). This project was conducted
under the guidelines of the Australian National Health and Medical
Research Council (NH&MRC). According to NH&MRC there is no
explicit minimum age at which people can give informed consent (as per
What is required instead is to ascertain the young person’s competence
to give informed consent. In our study, competence to give consent is
evident from the fact that for a young person to be included in our
study, they had to be a vetted member of a nationally representative
survey panel run by (partner of, who collected
the data). According to information received from the panel provider,
they are legally empowered to empanel people as young as 13. However,
young people under 15 are recruited to the panel with parental
involvement. Parental consent was otherwise not required. Moreover, for
survey respondents to have been included in the primary data set, they
were required to answer an attention filter question correctly, further
attesting to their competence to give informed consent. The UWA Human
Rights Ethics Committee reviewed this issue and affirmed that “The
project was undertaken in a manner that is consistent with the
Australian National Statement of Ethical Conduct in Human Research
The above may be difficult for people to parse and unpack. Here are the essentials we can extract from it:
1. There was no prior IRB approval for the use of minors. (UWA's review was retroactive, amazingly.)
2. Parental consent was not obtained for minors who were at least 15 years of age.
3. Obtaining parental consent for 13 and 14-year-olds was delegated to a
market research company. However, the term "consent" is not used in
this case. Rather, the authors claim that the market research company
recruited these kids with "parental involvement". It's not clear what
this term means.
4. The UWA "ethics" committee is attempting to grant retroactive
approval for the use of minors and the lack of parental consent, as well
as the delegation of consent obtainment to a market research company.
They cite the National Statement of (sic) Ethical Conduct in Human
Research, even though it contains no provision for retroactive approvals
or cover-ups. In fact, the Statement does not contemplate such
absurdities at all.
Every one of the above four points is revolutionary. This is an ethical
collapse. Researchers worldwide would be stunned to hear of this. No IRB
approval for the use of minors? No parental consent? A new age
threshold of 15 for parental consent, and 13 for participation?
Delegating parental consent to a market research company? An IRB acting
as a retroactive instrument? An IRB covering up the unapproved use of
minors? I'm not sure we've ever encountered any one of these things.
Having all of these happen at the same time is a singularity, an ethical
event horizon that dims the sun.
Notably, their citation of the NH&MRC page is a sham. The page makes
no mention of age or minimum ages. It ultimately defers to Chapter 4.2,
which takes for granted that there is IRB approval to use minors, as
well as parental consent. (See the Respect and Standing Parental Consent
sections.) It does not contemplate a universe where IRB approval is not
obtained. It's extremely disturbing that staff at UWA would try to
deceive the scientific community with a sham citation.
I contacted UWA about these issues some months ago. As far as I can
tell, they refuse to investigate. It's as though their ethics office is
specifically designed to not investigate complaints if they think they
can escape scrutiny and legal consequences. Mark Dixon of the UWA
anti-ethics office said the following in an e-mail:
"However, this project was designed for a general demographic. Surveys
targeted to a general population do not prohibit the collection of data
from minors should they happen to respond to the survey."
"You are probably aware that the survey written up in the article was an
online survey, where consent is indicated by the act of taking the
"Inclusion or omission of outliers, such as the '5 year old' and the
'32,000 year old', are reasonable scholarship when accompanied by
explanatory notes. However, it would be unusual to actually delete data
points from a data-set, so I don't understand your concern about the
remaining presence of such data-points in the data-set."
"You expressed concern that the survey “… did not even ask participants
for their ages until the end of the study, after participation and any
"consent" had been secured". Demographic information is routinely
collected at the end of a survey. This is not an unusual practice."
To say that these statements are alarming is an understatement. He
thinks research ethics doesn't apply to online studies. He thinks we
don't need to obtain consent for online studies, that simply
participating is consent. He thinks 5-year-olds and 32,757-year-olds are
"outliers" and that it is reasonable to retain them (is he aware that
the age variable was analyzed?) He thinks researchers can ask someone's
age at the end of a study. This person retains the title "Associate
Director (Research Integrity)", yet he appears to know nothing of
research or research integrity. The best explanations here are that he
has no training in human research ethics and/or he's corrupt. This is
such an extraordinary case.
For lay readers, let me note the following:
1. An online study is a study like any other study. The same research
ethics apply. There's nothing special about an online study. Whether
someone is sitting in front of a computer in a campus lab, or in their
bedroom, the same ethical provisions apply.
2. We always require people to be at least 18 years of age, unless we
are specifically studyinging minors (which would require explicit IRB
3. We always include a consent form or information sheet at the start of
an online study. This form explains the nature of the study, what
participants can expect, how long it should take, what risks
participation may pose to the participant, any compensation they will
receive, and so forth. Notably, the form will explicitly note that one
must be at least 18 to participate.
4. We always ask age up front, typically the first page after a person
chooses to participate (after having read the consent or information
5. We always validate the age field, such that the entered age must be
at least 18 (and typically we'll cap the acceptable age at 99 or so to
prevent fake ages like 533 or 32,757.) All modern survey platforms offer
this validation feature. A person cannot say that they are 5 years old,
or 15 years old, and proceed to participate in an IRB-approved
psychology study. We can't do anything about people who lie about their
ages – either in an online study or an in-person study on campus – but
if they submit a minor age, it's a full stop. Because of this, there
should never be minors or immortals in our data.
At this point, I think PLOS ONE should retract the paper. We can't have
unapproved – or retroactively approved – minors in data. UWA is clearly
engaged in a cover-up, and their guidance should not inform PLOS ONE's,
or any journal's, decisions. This exposes the structural ethical
vulnerability we have in science – we rely on institutions with profound
conflicts of interest to investigate themselves, to investigate their
own researchers. We have broad evidence that they often attempt to cover
up malpractice, though the percentages are unclear. Journals need to
fashion their own processes, and rely much less on university "finders
of fact". We should also think about provisioning independent
investigators. In any case, UWA's conduct deserves to be be escalated
and widely exposed, and it will be. This is far from over – we can't
just sit passively given the severity of the ethical breaches here, and
we won't.
Substantive note: The correction does not address one of the substantive
errors in the original. Gender is the largest predictor of GMO
attitudes. They never reported this, but rather implied that gender did
no work. A lot of times boring variables like age and gender explain a
lot of variance, and in this case gender explained more than any other.
(Women trusted GMOs less, using Lewandowsky's primitive linear
correlations on the scale index. It's unclear whether women actually
distrusted GMOs – i.e. where the women clustered on the items. A
correlation doesn't tell you this. A bad researcher would say "women
distrusted GMOs" given a negative correlation coefficient, without
specifying descriptives or their actual, substantive placement on the
scale, which could in fact be pro-GMO, just less pro than men.)
The Old Farmer’s Almanac Versus Global Warming Alarmists
Climate change, previously known as global warming, is a national
security issue according to President Obama. This was the message he
delivered to recent U.S. Coast Guard Academy graduates. Funny, but when I
think of national security issues other things come to mind, such as
the rise of ISIS, cyber hacking by the Russians and Chinese, nukes in
“Death to America” Iran, or our open borders.
Global warming, touted by noted climate scientist Al Gore, has morphed
into climate change since actual planetary warming stopped in 1998, when
Mr. Gore was still the Vice-President. Since then we have been treated
to cold snowy winters, not only here but elsewhere in the world.
What about the upcoming winter? Will we finally see the predicted
warming? The Old Farmer’s Almanac just released its forecast for the
upcoming winter. “Super cold with a slew of snow for much of the
country, even in places that don’t usually see to much of it, like the
Pacific Northwest.”
Special: New Probiotic Fat Burner Takes GNC by Storm
Who cares what a folksy book of hocus pocus for farmers says about the
weather? We know better. Al Gore, Barack Obama, and the supposed
consensus of 97 percent of climate scientists all say global warming,
climate change, is real. They base their reasoning on “solar cycles,
climatology, and meteorology” which happens to be what the Old Farmer’s
Almanac uses for its forecast too.
So who’s right? Last year the Almanac predicted, “Snowfall will be above
normal in most of the Northeast.” Turns out Boston set a new record for
the snowiest season. Eight years ago, “Al Gore predicted that the North
Pole could be completely liquidated by 2014 due to the impending threat
of global warming.” Instead the Arctic ice cap is growing.
It seems global warming only exists in the world of computer models. And
how accurate are these predictions? When tropical storm Sandy became a
hurricane, the forecast track was all over the map, literally. Most
models had her heading to Bermuda and only a few tracks leading to the
New York metro area. This was only five days before she made landfall in
New Jersey.
Special: The Method Used by Most to Pay off Large Credit Card Balances
Yet similar models used by Al Gore and the 97 percent consensus are
guiding U.S. energy, economic, and foreign policy. It seems the Old
Farmer’s Almanac is more accurate than the models used by the global
warming alarmist smart set. But the Almanac isn’t being used to guide
policy, instead it’s simply put out there to use or not use as you
“Some meteorologists generally pooh-pooh the Almanac’s forecasts as too
unscientific to be worth much,” but what about the government’s
predictions about global warming or climate change? Pooh-pooh the
pronouncements of Al Gore or Barack Obama and you are a “denier.” Who
are the real deniers? Those questioning and challenging a decade of
spurious government predictions? Or those doubling down in the face of
ongoing contradictions to their predictions of impending calamity?
How about some science? Create a model and test its validity. If it
predicts accurately, we’ll listen. If not, shut up and go back to the
drawing board.
Biotech Foods Can Save People and the Environment
Approximately 800 million people are currently malnourished, and the
world’s population is expected to rise by 2 billion by the year 2050. If
we use current technologies—or, Heaven forbid, roll back use of modern
agricultural practices—we will have to plow down literally millions of
acres to relieve the projected hunger expected to come as a result of
the growing population. Fortunately, a widespread embrace of
biotechnology and genetically modified (GM) crops can help ensure there
is enough food for all.
Earth is bountiful and fecund, but it does not yield its treasures
without hard work. Earth’s natural ability to produce the food necessary
to feed human and animal populations has been enhanced greatly since
the agricultural revolution more than 10,000 years ago. Our forbearers
applied ingenuity and innovation to the improvement of crops; increased
the efficiency of our land and water use; and improved methods of
distribution, storage, and defense against animal and plants pests.
Even so, millions of people still suffer from privation and starvation.
The world’s farmers currently produce more than enough food to feed
Earth’s 7 billion people, using approximately 6 million square miles—an
amount of land equal in size to the United States and Europe. Where
malnutrition, famine, and starvation still occur, it is caused by broken
distribution systems due to wars (civil and otherwise), poor
infrastructure, flawed political and economic institutions, and
authoritarian regimes that use starvation as a political tool.
That won’t always be the case, however. The planet’s population is
expected to peak during this century at approximately 9 billion. It will
then likely taper off rapidly. In order to feed that peak population
and their pets with diets similar to those currently enjoyed by people
in developed countries, we will have to triple the production of food by
2050. Even if all farmers adopt the modern farming practices with high
inputs of fertilizers and pesticides, the most we can realistically hope
to do is double crop production on the current amount of land we are
There is only so much arable land and water usable for crop production.
Substantially expanding the amount of land under active cultivation,
which would be exceptionally difficult, would be a disaster for wildlife
and native plants. The lands most likely to be converted to agriculture
are forests, rangelands, and other wildlands, especially in the
tropics—the most biodiverse region on Earth, where most population
growth is occurring and where hunger and where malnutrition is most
Fortunately, there is another way of raising yields: The judicious use
of biotechnology to produce hardier, disease-resistant, pest-resistant,
vitamin-fortified crops that more efficiently use water and can be grown
more readily on marginal lands can increase global food production by
the threefold margin needed for the world’s 9 billion people. And it can
be done while only marginally increasing the amount of acreage in
Unfortunately, environmental extremists have targeted the use of
bioengineering. They raise baseless fears about “Frankenfoods” escaping
the lab, and they argue no technology should be used until it can be
shown to pose absolutely no risks whatsoever to humans or the
Arguing biotech researchers are “playing God,” environmental groups such
as Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and the U.S. Public Interest Research
Group have threatened to lead a consumer boycott of companies that use
bioengineered foods and to create a flood of negative publicity.
Several countries have banned the use of bioengineered foods, and the
Free Thought Project lists 400 mostly small companies that claim not to
use bioengineered products. More countries and companies jumping on the
“ban the genetically modified organisms” bandwagon could devastate
farmers who have begun to rely on biotech foods to raise yields while
reducing their use of costly pesticides.
These scares are decidedly unscientific. Responding to environmentalist
scare tactics, the National Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society, the
World Health Organization, the American Medical Association, and every
major research body that has looked into the health and safety of
genetically modified crops have endorsed their use.
A research assessment published in Critical Reviews in Biotechnology in
2014 examining 1,783 studies on the safety and environmental impacts of
genetically modified foods confirmed this. The Italian researchers
couldn’t find a single credible example of GM foods posing any harm to
humans or animals. Nor did they find any evidence GM crops have any
negative environmental impact.
Unlike crops developed through traditional crossbreeding techniques,
genetically modified foods are among the most extensively studied
scientific subjects in history. Simply put, they are safe.
Extreme environmentalists ignore the very real dangers of doing without
the new technologies. Turning our back on nutritional, safe,
bioengineered foods would irresponsibly condemn millions of people to
unnecessary suffering and, in some cases, even death. Nowthat would be
“playing God” with a vengeance.
How Environmental NGOs use junk science, hysteria about fracking-induced earthquakes to trash energy projects
Regulators do a good job of monitoring fracking-induced earthquakes, putting mitigation plans in place
In Part 1 of this column I examined how ENGOs and their “experts” used
flimsy science and exaggerated claims to call for the end of fracking in
NE British Columbia. In Part 2, I deflate their criticisms of
fracking-induced earthquakes.
frackingThere is currently a public discussion in British Columbia
around fracking-induced tremors because of news reporting about an Aug.
2014 4.6 magnitude earthquake north of Fort Nelson, BC. that was
confirmed to be caused by Progress Energy fracking operations, as well
as a 4.4 tremor on Aug. 17 2015 that is suspected of having the same
In a recent Canadian Press story we ran in Beacon Energy News, a retired
geoscientist who authored a report for a far-left think tank claimed
LNG development in BC would increase seismic activity by five times. An
“earthquake expert” from a far-left university claimed the USA suffered
earthquakes of 5.0 to 6.0 because of fracking. And, wholly predictably,
an eco-activist called for BC to stop fracking altogether.
What nonsense. Upon even a cursory examination, the anti-fracking argument falls flat on its face for a number of reasons.
One, Progress Energy said it doesn’t need to ramp up drilling – as
claimed by David Hughes, the geoscientist – to supply Pacific NorthWest
LNG’s planned plant and export terminal near Prince Rupert.
“Our upstream drilling activity will remain relatively consistent with
current levels over the life of the LNG project or may even decline and
therefore pose no incremental risk,” said spokeswoman Stacie Dley in an
email to CP.
Two, the BC Oil and Gas Commission has industry standard rules in place
to minimize fracking-induced quakes. And so far they seem to be working.
The regulator recorded 193 fracking-caused quakes between August 2013
and October 2014 in the Montney Trend, a siltstone formation stretching
from near Dawson Creek to the Rocky Mountain foothills. Of about 7,500
fracking operations, only 11 triggered events felt at the surface. None
caused injuries or damage.
A 2012 report showed that 297 seismic events were triggered by fracking but only one was felt at surface.
To geologists, an earthquake is an earthquake regardless of its
strength. But the seismic incidents recorded by the Commission’s
instruments were micro-earthquakes, most of them between 1.8 and 3 on
the Richter scale. Fracking-induced earthquakes above 4.0 are very rare.
And if the Commission’s protocols continue to work as designed, the number of felt quakes will continue to be tiny.
Three, earthquakes have not been linked to fracking in the US, as
claimed by John Clague, a Simon Fraser University earthquake expert
quoted in the CP story.
American induced-earthquakes are almost always caused by waste water
disposal wells, which are entirely different from fracking. For every
barrel of oil produced from a well, about eight to 10 barrels of water
are brought to surface. The “produced water” is re-injected under high
pressure into the reservoir at special disposal wells, which in a few
cases have been found to create fractures several miles away. The result
has been a big increase in earthquake activity in Oklahoma and to a
lesser extent in Texas.
A recent study by a team of researchers from Southern Methodist
University made that very clear, but American media – including CNN –
got it all wrong and said the study attributed the quakes to fracking.
The scientists were so frustrated with the technically illiterate
reporters that Dr. Michael Hornbach said, “[W]e’re not talking at all
about fracking. In fact, it’s been driving us crazy, frankly, that
people keep using it in the press.”
So, what do the facts of this story tell us?
To date both Canadian and American experience says that fracking
generally induces a small number of micro-earthquakes and a very tiny
number of larger earthquakes that are felt on surface but do not damage
property. Regulators in British Columbia and Alberta – and American
jurisdictions like Texas – have strict protocols in place that require
fracking crews to cease operations in the event of a larger quake and to
not start up again until a mitigation plan has been approved.
In other words, absolutely no justification for the demand by Eoin
Madden of the Wilderness Committee “to press pause, take a step back,
and say, ‘Do we want to fragment the whole of northeastern BC so we can
extract gas out of it this way, or is there a different way for us?”’
At least, no justification based upon science and the known facts.
Obama’s Focus in Oil-Rich Alaska Is Climate Change--As Putin Deploys Warships
As President Obama prepares to become the first sitting president to
travel north of the Arctic Circle this week, the administration’s
concerns revolve largely around climate change.
This contrasts with the more overtly geostrategic approach to the
contested region being pursued by Russia, which this year carried out
large-scale military maneuvers in the region involving Northern Fleet
vessels and aircraft.
Secretary of State John Kerry is hosting a major conference in
Anchorage, which Obama will attend on Monday, ahead of the president’s
visit Wednesday to the small town of Kotzebue in the Alaskan Arctic.
The focus of the Anchorage event and the president’s three-day visit to
the state is climate change, as Obama made clear in his weekly
Citing wildfires, storm surges, shoreline erosion and melting glaciers,
Obama said Alaskans are already living with the effects of climate
change, adding that “if we do nothing,” temperatures in Alaska are
projected to rise by 6-12 degrees by 2100.
“This is all real,” he said. “This is happening to our fellow Americans right now.”
Although Obama also spoke in the broadcast about ongoing U.S. oil and
gas needs and the importance of relying more on domestic than foreign
supplies, climate change appears to be center stage during the Alaska
The one-day event being chaired by Kerry is called the “Conference on
Global Leadership in the Arctic: Cooperation, Innovation, Engagement and
Resilience” – or GLACIER.
According to the department, representatives from the U.S. and some 20
other nations with direct or indirect Arctic interests “will discuss
individual and collective action to address climate change in the
Arctic” and “raise the visibility of climate impacts in the Arctic as a
harbinger for the world, and the Arctic’s unique role in global climate
Further down the agenda, participants will also discuss other issues,
such as emergency response and unregulated fishing in the region.
“It’s obvious that the president has chosen climate change as one of his
legacy issues,” a senior State Department official briefing on the trip
said from Anchorage on Friday. “It is the broader global issue of
climate change, but as he’s learned more about the American Arctic and
the rather significant impact that climate change is having on his
country, he’s made the time to come up here and take a look at it
By contrast, Russia’s interests in the region center on expanding its
military presence in support of its claims to a region believed to have
significant untapped resources – especially as sea routes become more
accessible due to receding sea ice, attributed to rising temperatures.
President Vladimir Putin in late 2013 announced that he had instructed
military commanders to “devote special attention to deploying
infrastructure and military units in the Arctic,” to protect Russia’s
national interests.
Russia then reopened a Soviet-era military outpost on the New Siberian
(Novosibirsk) islands – an archipelago in Russia’s far northeast – and
said more would follow.
The Defense Ministry announced a decision to set up an Arctic Strategic
Command, and the move to expand military presence in the Arctic was
underscored by Putin in a revised military doctrine at the end of last
National identity, economic priority
An often-cited 2008 U.S. Geological Survey report found that “the Arctic
accounts for about 13 percent of the undiscovered oil, 30 percent of
the undiscovered natural gas, and 20 percent of the undiscovered natural
gas liquids in the world.”
The United States, Russia, Canada, Norway and Denmark all have territory
bordering the Arctic, but it is Russia that has been most aggressive in
asserting its claims. It graphically underlined its intentions in 2007
when it dispatched a mini-submarine to plant a titanium Russian flag on
the Arctic floor in a symbolic assertion of sovereignty.
A titanium capsule bearing a Russian flag is planted by a mini submarine
on the Arctic Ocean seabed under the North Pole, during a record dive
in 2007. (AP Photo/Association of Russian Polar Explorers)
Early this month, Moscow submitted to a United Nations body a claim for
463,000 square miles of the Arctic, including the North Pole, calling it
an extension of its undersea continental shelf. More than a decade ago,
the U.N. rejected a similar submission, asking Russia to provide more
scientific evidence to back it up.
A new Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) study
examining Moscow’s Arctic policy explains the significance to Russia of a
region that accounts for around one-fifth of its gross domestic product
and 22 percent of its exports.
“For Russia, the Arctic is an important issue of national identity, as
well as an enormous economic priority (20 percent of Russia’s GDP is
generated in the Arctic) and security necessity where national resources
are spent,” it says.
“[E]nvironmental considerations (although noted in its strategic
documents) and indigenous communities are largely an afterthought.”
“For the United States, it is the exact opposite,” CSIS Europe program
director Heather Conley and research associate Caroline Rohloff write.
“The United States does not see itself as an Arctic nation and it
prioritizes the environment and scientific research first with economic
development and security a distant second due to insufficient national
resources and political support.”
Russia’s extensive Arctic claim was submitted to a U.N. body called the
Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, in line with the 1982
U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
Other countries, notably Denmark and Canada, also have claims in the
region, although the U.S. has not submitted any, since it is has not
ratified UNCLOS.
“For me, it comes as no surprise that the Russians’ claim is so large,”
the senior State Department official said. “They have half the coastline
of the Arctic Ocean and they have devoted a lot of science to
documenting their claim, and they’re going through the proper process
within the Law of the Sea Treaty.”
“And my only regret is that the United States is not able to have
standing under that treaty because we have not acceded to it yet,” said
the official, adding that the administration remains hopeful that Senate
will ratify it.
UNCLOS opponents argue among other things that the treaty will subject
U.S. sovereignty to an international body and involve burdensome
environmental regulations. The military and business interests support
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
1 September, 2015
Electric fishing boat is a bit of a joke
Unless it spends time at sea not under power (dangerous) it has to be
back in port only 10 hours after it left. Pesky if it runs
into a storm
The world’s first electric commercial fishing vessel will be powered by a
Corvus lithium polymer Energy Storage System (ESS) integrated with a
Siemens propulsion system
Corvus Energy announced a Corvus ESS with a Siemens BlueDrive PlusC
marine propulsion system will power the Selfa Elmax 1099 electric
fishing boat designed and built by Selfa Arctic AS. The 11 meter
electric vessel will have a 195 kWh ESS consisting of 30 Corvus AT6500
lithium polymer battery modules. The fishing boat, designed to operate
entirely on Corvus battery power over a planned 10-hour working day,
will also have a small 50kW auxiliary generator and can be charged
overnight by plugging into the electrical grid.
Norwegian fishing company Øra AS will operate the first Selfa Elmax 1099
designed by Norwegian shipbuilder Selfa Arctic AS. The electric vessel
to be named “Karoline” will be commissioned in Trondheim Norway this
August and will be presented to the country's Minister of Fisheries,
Elisabeth Aspaker, in the same month. The Karoline will then be tested
in the demanding conditions off the coast of Tjeldsundet in Northern
Norway. In September, the boat will be moved to Tromso Norway to be part
of the daily operations of Øra AS. While fishing the vessel will
operate emissions free, eliminating all greenhouse gasses including CO2.
The boat will also generate less noise and vibration than a standard
diesel engine powered fishing vessel.
“We have been working on this electric boat design for some time, and
Corvus batteries are part of the design solution. Their innovative
battery technology enables the vessel to meet the needed performance
specifications, that is, to operate electrically for a full fishing
day.” Said Erik Ianssen, Selfa Arctic AS President & CEO. “With
successful sea trials completed we are planning serial production of the
Watch students wake up about warming
It’s back to school time. For many students, that means back to indoctrination time.
But there are those fighting back. CFACT’s Collegians are working
hard to challenge the liberal orthodoxy all too rampant on America’s
colleges and universities. Our chapters are often among the most dynamic
groups on campus.
For decades we’ve trained young people to think critically for themselves and share that gift with others.
A good case in point, our student leaders at the University of Alabama,
Birmingham shared a simple graph of satellite temperature measurements
recently with their classmates. The graph reveals that there has
been no meaningful change in global temperatures for most of those
students’ lives.
Watch the double take students do when confronted with the straight
facts that there has been no dramatic global warming as they’ve been led
to believe.
The good news? Students got it. Some were upset. Virtually
all were surprised. The only thing they needed was access to the truth.
You’ll be heartened to see these bright youngsters casting aside the
politically-correct hype they’ve been fed and forming valid conclusions
based on sound scientific data.
When students get the unvarnished facts, all of our futures are bright.
Scientists' computer models on global warming are unreliable
Here we go again, the scientists at NOAA/NASA showing their bias toward
promoting global warming and the need for massive government
intervention. Can we say enough to these meaningless Chicken Little
proclamations and get back to real science?
They indicate July 2015 beat their previous warmest month (July 2011) by
2 one-hundredths of a degree and this totals to an increase of 8
one-hundredths of a degree Celsius over the prior record (July 1998).
However, their stated statistical margin of error is 14 one-hundredths
of a degree. Therefore, the margin of error is seven time greater than
the July 2015 increase recorded and almost 2 times the recorded change
since July 1998. Can we really say this is a significant and meaningful
warming trend?
At the current level of 400 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the
Earth’s atmosphere, we are significantly below other periods in the
Earth's history where the levels of 6,000 parts per million have been
recorded and there was no human contribution. This only confirms that
actual human contribution to carbon dioxide is insignificant as compared
to the Earth's vegetation and the oceans.
Almost all of the computer models in the past 30 years that made
predictions for 15-20 years into the future have proven to be wrong and
have grossly overstated the warming. Therefore, how can we trust these
very unreliable computer models? Throw in the fact that they all ignore
any impact from the sun and the Earth's oceans, and they truly become
The UK "Guardian" says below: Please keep subsidizing our demographic
In terms of timing, last week’s government decision to slash subsidies
that help families and small businesses install solar panels could not
have been worse. This year promises to be the hottest on record. At the
same time, international negotiations on the establishment of climate
change controls are scheduled to reach their peak in Paris in a few
The world is looking to developed nations to set an example on how to
cut the carbon emissions that are triggering global temperature rises
and the British government could once have played an authoritative role
in these talks. Unfortunately, David Cameron’s administration has
decided, over the last few months, to abandon nearly all its commitments
to protecting the environment and to its pledges to create new green
technologies that could wean us off our urge to burn fossil fuels.
In June, it announced cuts to the financial support available to
developers of new onshore wind turbines, the cheapest form of renewable
power available. Now it has followed up this cutback with one that will
greatly reduce the financial help that is given to those seeking to
install solar panels to generate electric power. Both industries, solar
and onshore wind, will inevitably suffer.
It is an unfortunate development, not just from the perspective of
national prestige, but in terms of lost opportunity. Britain has the
chance to take a lead in developing renewable technologies, including
wave and tidal energy plants. Yet within a few months of coming to
office, the current Conservative administration has made it clear it
wants to have nothing to do with green technology. It is a short-sighted
attitude. Britain has much to gain from developing expertise in this
field because, sooner or later, the world is going to end up depending
on renewable power.
Continued support for green technology, such a solar power, is therefore good for Britain and for the rest of the world.
Climate issues we do need to address
We need to fix the climate of fraud, corruption, and policies that kill jobs, hope and people
Paul Driessen
Reeling stock markets across the globe hammered savings, pension funds,
innovation and growth. US stocks lost over $2 trillion in market value
in eight days, before rallying somewhat, while the far smaller Shanghai
Composite Index lost $1 trillion in four days of trading, the Wall
Street Journal reports.
Battered economies continue to struggle. Investment banks are pulling
out of developing countries. An already exploding and imploding Middle
East now confronts a nuclear arms race and human exodus.
Complying just with federal regulations already costs American
businesses and families $1.9 trillion per year, the Competitive
Enterprise Institute calculates. That’s more than all 2014 personal and
corporate income tax receipts combined – and Obama bureaucrats issued
3,554 new rules and regulations last year.
EPA’s 2,691-page Clean Power Plan is designed to eliminate coal mining
and coal-fired power plants – and minimize natural gas substitutes. The
CPP requires that gas use can increase by only 22% above 2012 levels by
2022, and just 5% per year thereafter. On top of that, new natural
gas-fueled generating units that replace coal-fired power plants
absurdly do not count toward state CO2 reduction mandates.
That means millions of acres of new wind and solar installations that
generate expensive, unreliable electricity – and survive only because of
subsidies, tariffs, anti-fossil fuel mandates, and exemptions from
endangered species, environmental impact and other requirements that
block fossil fuel projects.
Anti-energy, anti-growth policies imposed in name of preventing
“dangerous manmade climate change” impact everything we do. For
minority, elderly and working class families, they bring soaring
electricity costs, rising unemployment, unproductive lives on government
assistance, diminished health and welfare, and shorter life spans. They
hogtie economies and kill jobs, prolong and worsen economic quagmires,
crush aspirations and opportunities, perpetuate poverty, and foster
anger, unrest and conflict.
None of these hard realities seems to bother President Obama, though. In
fact, he is determined to use the December climate conference in Paris
to lock the United States into binding treaty commitments to slash the
common folks’ fossil fuel use, CO2 emissions, economic growth and job
creation even further.
Anyone who cares about living standards, lifting billions of people out
of abject poverty, and reining in the power of unaccountable US, EU and
UN bureaucrats needs to pay attention and get involved.
Earth’s climate is doing pretty much what it always has: responding to
powerful natural forces, changing, and driving atmospheric patterns and
weather events that benefit some, harm others and sometimes wreak
devastation. It is not doing what gloom-and-doom computer models and
headlines predicted.
We do not need to “fix” or “control” the climate. We couldn’t if we
tried. We do need to fix the climate of fraud, corruption and
destructive policies that kill jobs, dreams and people. We need to
realize that most countries will not commit economic suicide. They may
sign a climate treaty – but for reasons that have nothing to do with
environmental protection … and only if their obligations are distant and
Mr. Obama has said from the outset that he would use executive decrees
to “fundamentally transform” the United States and ensure that
electricity prices “necessarily skyrocket.” He has kept his word.
He and his friends in the UN, EU, Big Green and Climate Crisis Industry
have also made it clear that they intend to use the Paris conference to
negotiate the future distribution of the world’s wealth and resources,
determine what economic growth and living standards are “ecologically
feasible,” and transform the global economic development model:
replacing sovereign nations and free enterprise capitalism with global
governance and decision-making based on “sustainable development” and
“dangerous manmade climate change” mantras. 1992 climate conference
organizers even said saving the world requires that they cause
“industrialized civilization to collapse.” They intend to keep their
Impoverished people in developing countries reject this agenda. They
want sustained development, not sustainable development. They want
decent jobs and modern houses, hospitals and living standards.
Thus, under the proposed Paris treaty, only developed countries will be
required to slash fossil fuel use. “Poor” nations (including China,
India, Brazil, Indonesia and Russia) will not be obligated to reduce
their carbon-based energy use or carbon dioxide/greenhouse gas emissions
by any specific amounts or dates – though some say they “intend to try”
to reduce emissions or may present non-binding targets some years from
now. Most will dramatically increase their oil, gas and coal use, and
CO2/GHG emissions.
The real bribe to induce poor nations to sign a new treaty is a binding
commitment that increasingly less developed, less energy-powered, less
rich countries will give “poor” nations (or at least their ruling
elites) $100 billion per year in climate adaptation, mitigation and
reparation payments. That’s to cover damages that developed nations have
supposedly inflicted on Earth’s climate. FRCs (Formerly Rich Countries)
will also be required to give “poor” nations advanced energy and other
technologies, at no cost.
Even more insane, the entire basis for this agenda, this treaty, these
commitments and non-commitments, is bald assertions – driven by garbage
in/garbage out computer models and deceptive, fraudulent science – that
humanity faces “unprecedented” global warming, rising ocean, weather and
other calamities.
About the only unprecedented event in the past century is that no
category 3-5 hurricane has hit the USA in nearly a decade. Climate
alarmists refuse to discuss that. Their other assertions are pure
Claims that 2014 was the “hottest year on record,” and July 2015 was
“the hottest July” since “at least 1880,” are based on city and airport
temperatures that are always several degrees higher than those at nearby
rural sites. (Satellite data show no warming for 18 years.) The
“superheated planet” alarums involve hundredths of a degree: less than
the margin of error. They are based mainly on only 1,200 measuring
stations for Earth’s entire surface – with few in the coldest regions,
and millions of acres of missing data simply extrapolated from urban
numbers. The “hottest ever” charade also assumes reliable temperature
data exist for the entire USA and planet all the way back to 1880! It
defies belief.
(For more examples of climate scare deceit, see Climate Hype Exposed,
Heartland’s Top 10 Global Warming Lies, the Aussie temperature scam, the
Gore-a-thon analysis, and much more.
Imagine your life without electricity, or only when it’s available, or
costing so much you can’t afford it and your now-bankrupt former
employer couldn’t afford either. Imagine the EPA and UN controlling the
juice that powers everything in your life: transportation,
manufacturing, communications, entertainment, life after dark, life in
hot and cold weather, the enormous infrastructure and energy demands
that feed your smart phone. No wonder Google scientists finally admitted
renewable energy is a pipedream.
Too many environmental laws no longer focus on protecting the
environment. They have become bureaucratic weapons to protect chosen
industries and destroy those connected to carbon-based fuels.
Denying people access to abundant, reliable, affordable hydrocarbon
energy is immoral – and often lethal. It is an unconscionable crime
against humanity to implement policies that pretend to protect the
world’s energy-deprived masses from hypothetical manmade climate dangers
decades from now – by perpetuating energy deprivation, poverty,
malnutrition and disease that kill millions of them tomorrow.
Letting this climate fear mongering continue also means fewer jobs, more
welfare, lower living standards, and deteriorating health and welfare –
except for ruling elites. But so far too few politicians, candidates,
clergy and business leaders have shown the courage to speak out – even
as every Democratic would-be successor to Mr. Obama seems hell-bent on
going even further than he has on all these policies.
Our next president and congress must focus on job and economic growth,
and overall human welfare. They must review and roll back destructive
regulations, root out the fraud and corruption, and restore honesty,
transparency and real science to our political and regulatory system.
Via email
Global warming made me do it
By T. Gamble
As with any social change, there are consequences to the acceptance of
new moral and societal standards. So it is with the newest move to
accept transgender decisions as “normal,” a-la Bruce Jenner’s change
from a man to female Caitlyn. These type situations invariably involve
great stress upon the nucleus of the family as it adjusts to the new
person and struggles with the decision.
South Georgia is not immune to these types of circumstances.
I heard of a young man in a neighboring county who has decided to become
a woman. His family is adamantly opposed to the idea. I will only
reveal his first name, Ryan. Ryan wishes to go the whole route,
including a complete and full sex change. His friends and family are
committed to stopping Ryan no matter the costs.
It is, as one can imagine, an epic struggle. Ryan fights for his right
to be who he wants to be, even if it means altering his body and
alienating his family. His family will do anything to avoid what they
believe is a rash and permanent decision that should not happen. Court
battles and heated arguments are on the horizon.
The church has gathered a prayer group to pray for Ryan. He has gathered
a strong ally from several gay and transgender organizations. Who will
win this battle is anybody’s guess, but Hollywood has noticed. I have
decided to soon produce a new movie about this heart-wrenching matter.
It will be told from the view of the family. It will be named “Saving
Ryan’s Privates.”
I anticipate the movie will be a roaring success, but if it is not, I
will blame it on global warming. In fact, from here on out, I will blame
all my shortcomings on global warming. This will surprise my wife. Not
the fact I blame things on global warming, but the fact I admit I have
any shortcomings.
You see, global warming is now blamed for everything, including the
almost certain demise of the polar bear, even though there are more
polar bears now than at any time in the history of polar bear counting.
It is also why we had the most snow ever in Boston this year. After all,
Earth’s average temperature has risen 0.9 degrees in the last century.
Yes, it once got to 98 degrees on a hot summer day, but now it reaches
Scientists claim certain animals are now migrating further north. Who
knew they were so sensitive as to move once temperatures increased 1
degree? I guess they would all just go extinct if they lived in my
house, where temperatures can vary 4 to 6 degrees on any given day.
If I am late to work, global warming caused it, as we all know cars
don’t run as well in high heat. Punch a co-worker in an argument? Well,
now, now … tempers do tend to flare in high heat. Miss a mortgage
payment? The human brain can’t function well in high heat. Got too drunk
last night? High heat requires plenty of fluids. Yep, it is all because
of global warming.
See you at the Academy Awards — unless global warming gets me first.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
Home (Index page)
This site is in favour of things that ARE good for the environment. That
the usual Greenie causes are good for the environment is however
disputed. Greenie policies can in fact be actively bad for the
environment -- as with biofuels, for instance
Context for the minute average temperature change recorded: At any
given time surface air temperatures around the world range over about
100°C. Even in the same place they can vary by nearly that much
seasonally and as much as 30°C or more in a day. A minute rise in
average temperature in that context is trivial if it is not meaningless
altogether. Scientists are Warmists for the money it brings in, not
because of the facts
Cromwell's famous plea: "I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think
it possible you may be mistaken" was ignored by those to whom it was
addressed -- to their great woe. Warmists too will not consider that
they may be wrong ..... "Bowels" was a metaphor for compassion in those
Warmism is a powerful religion that aims to control most of our lives. It is nearly as powerful as the Catholic Church once was
Leftists have faith that warming will come back some day. And they mock
Christians for believing in the second coming of Christ! They
obviously need religion
Global warming has in fact been a religious doctrine for over a century.
Even Charles Taze Russell, the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses,
believed in it
A rosary for the church of global warming (Formerly the Catholic
church): "Hail warming, full of grace, blessed art thou among climates
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb panic"
Pope Francis is to the Catholic church what Obama is to America -- a mistake, a fool and a wrecker
The plight of the bumblebee -- an egregious example of crooked "science"
This Blog by John Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.), writing from Brisbane, Australia.
I am the most complete atheist you can imagine. I don't believe in Karl
Marx, Jesus Christ or global warming. And I also don't believe in the
unhealthiness of salt, sugar and fat. How skeptical can you get? If
sugar is bad we are all dead

Inorganic Origin of Petroleum: "The theory of Inorganic Origin of
Petroleum (synonyms: abiogenic, abiotic, abyssal, endogenous, juvenile,
mineral, primordial) states that petroleum and natural gas was formed by
non-biological processes deep in the Earth, crust and mantle. This
contradicts the traditional view that the oil would be a "fossil fuel"
produced by remnants of ancient organisms. Oil is a hydrocarbon mixture
in which a major constituent is methane CH4 (a molecule composed of one
carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms). Occurrence of methane is
common in Earth's interior and in space. The inorganic
theory contrasts with the ideas that posit exhaustion of oil (Peak Oil),
which assumes that the oil would be formed from biological processes
and thus would occur only in small quantities and sets, tending to
exhaust. Some oil drilling now goes 7 miles down, miles below any fossil
As the Italian chemist Primo Levi reflected in Auschwitz, carbon is ‘the
only element that can bind itself in long stable chains without a great
expense of energy, and for life on Earth (the only one we know so far)
precisely long chains are required. Therefore carbon is the key element
of living substance.’ The chemistry of carbon (2) gives it a unique
versatility, not just in the artificial world, but also, and above all,
in the animal, vegetable and – speak it loud! – human kingdoms.
David Archibald: "The more carbon dioxide we can put into the
atmosphere, the better life on Earth will be for human beings and all
other living things."
Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough - Michael Crichton
"The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement" -- Karl Popper
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
"The desire to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it" -- H L Mencken
'Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action' -- Goethe
“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.” -- Voltaire
Lord Salisbury: "No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by
experience of life as that you should never trust experts. If you
believe doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe theologians,
nothing is innocent; if you believe soldiers, nothing is safe."
Calvin Coolidge said, "If you see 10 troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you." He could have been talking about Warmists.
Some advice from long ago for Warmists: "If ifs and ans were pots and pans,there'd be no room for tinkers".
It's a nursery rhyme harking back to Middle English times when "an"
could mean "if". Tinkers were semi-skilled itinerant workers who fixed
holes and handles in pots and pans -- which were valuable household
items for most of our history. Warmists are very big on "ifs", mays",
"might" etc. But all sorts of things "may" happen, including global
Bertrand Russell knew about consensus: "The fact that an opinion has
been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd;
indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a
widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.”
There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a brutal gang of facts. - Duc de La Rochefoucauld, French writer and moralist (1613-1680)
"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate" -- William of Occam
Was Paracelsus a 16th century libertarian? His motto was: "Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest"
which means "Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself."
He was certainly a rebel in his rejection of authority and his reliance
on observable facts and is as such one of the founders of modern
"In science, refuting an accepted belief is celebrated as an advance in knowledge; in religion it is condemned as heresy". (Bob Parks, Physics, U of Maryland). No prizes for guessing how global warming skepticism is normally responded to.
"Almost all professors of the arts and sciences are egregiously conceited, and derive their happiness from their conceit" -- Erasmus
"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to
acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of
duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin." -- Thomas H. Huxley
Time was, people warning the world "Repent - the end is
nigh!" were snickered at as fruitcakes. Now they own the media and run
the schools.
"One of the sources of the Fascist movement is the desire to avoid a too-rational and too-comfortable world" -- George Orwell, 1943 in Can Socialists Be Happy?
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics
are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell
“Affordable energy in ample quantities is the lifeblood of
the industrial societies and a prerequisite for the economic development
of the others.” -- John P. Holdren, Science Adviser to President Obama. Published in Science 9 February 2001
The closer science looks at the real world processes involved in
climate regulation the more absurd the IPCC's computer driven fairy tale
appears. Instead of blithely modeling climate based on hunches and
suppositions, climate scientists would be better off abandoning their
ivory towers and actually measuring what happens in the real world.' -- Doug L Hoffman
Something no Warmist could take on board: "Knuth once warned a correspondent, "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Prof. Donald Knuth, whom some regard as the world's smartest man
"To be green is to be irrational, misanthropic and morally defective.
They are the barbarians at the gate we have to stand against" -- Rich Kozlovich
This is one of TWO skeptical blogs that I update daily. During my
research career as a social scientist, I was appalled at how much
writing in my field was scientifically lacking -- and I often said so in
detail in the many academic journal articles I had published in that
field. I eventually gave up social science research, however, because
no data ever seemed to change the views of its practitioners. I hoped
that such obtuseness was confined to the social scientists but now that I
have shifted my attention to health related science and climate
related science, I find the same impermeability to facts and logic.
Hence this blog and my FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC
blog. I may add that I did not come to either health or environmental
research entirely without credentials. I had several academic papers
published in both fields during my social science research career
Update: After 8 years of confronting the frankly childish standard of
reasoning that pervades the medical journals, I have given up. I have
put the blog into hibernation. In extreme cases I may put up here some
of the more egregious examples of medical "wisdom" that I encounter.
Greenies and food freaks seem to be largely coterminous. My regular
bacon & egg breakfasts would certainly offend both -- if only
because of the resultant methane output
Since my academic background is in the social sciences, it is
reasonable to ask what a social scientist is doing talking about global
warming. My view is that my expertise is the most relevant of all. It
seems clear to me from what you will see on this blog that belief in
global warming is very poorly explained by history, chemistry, physics
or statistics.
Warmism is prophecy, not science. Science cannot foretell the future.
Science can make very accurate predictions based on known regularities
in nature (e.g. predicting the orbits of the inner planets) but Warmism
is the exact opposite of that. It predicts a DEPARTURE from the known
regularities of nature. If we go by the regularities of nature, we are
on the brink of an ice age.
And from a philosophy of science viewpoint, far from being "the
science", Warmism is not even an attempt at a factual statement, let
alone being science. It is not a meaningful statement about the world.
Why? Because it is unfalsifiable -- making it a religious, not a
scientific statement. To be a scientific statement, there would have to
be some conceivable event that disproved it -- but there appears to be
none. ANY event is hailed by Warmists as proving their contentions.
Only if Warmists were able to specify some fact or event that would
disprove their theory would it have any claim to being a scientific
statement. So the explanation for Warmist beliefs has to be primarily a
psychological and political one -- which makes it my field
And, after all, Al Gore's academic qualifications are in social science also -- albeit very pissant qualifications.
A "geriatric" revolt: The scientists who reject Warmism tend to
be OLD! Your present blogger is one of those. There are tremendous
pressures to conformity in academe and the generally Leftist orientation
of academe tends to pressure everyone within it to agree to ideas that
suit the Left. And Warmism is certainly one of those ideas. So old
guys are the only ones who can AFFORD to declare the Warmists to be
unclothed. They either have their careers well-established (with
tenure) or have reached financial independence (retirement) and so can
afford to call it like they see it. In general, seniors in society
today are not remotely as helpful to younger people as they once were.
But their opposition to the Warmist hysteria will one day show that
seniors are not completely irrelevant after all. Experience does count
(we have seen many such hysterias in the past and we have a broader
base of knowledge to call on) and our independence is certainly an
enormous strength. Some of us are already dead. (Reid Bryson and John Daly are particularly mourned) and some of us are very senior indeed (e.g. Bill Gray and Vince Gray) but the revolt we have fostered is ever growing so we have not labored in vain.
A Warmist backs down: "No one knows exactly how far rising carbon concentrations affect temperatures" -- Stefan Rahmstorf, a scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
Jimmy Carter Classic Quote from 1977: "Because we are now running out
of gas and oil, we must prepare quickly for a third change, to strict
conservation and to the use of coal and permanent renewable energy
sources, like solar power.
Climate is just the sum of weather. So if you cannot forecast the
weather a month in advance, you will not be able to forecast the climate
50 years in advance. And official meteorologists such as Britain's Met
Office and Australia's BOM, are very poor forecasters of weather. The
Met office has in fact given up on making seasonal forecasts because
they have so often got such forecasts embarrassingly wrong. Their
global-warming-powered "models" just did not deliver
Here's how that "97% consensus" figure was arrived at
97% of scientists want to get another research grant
Hearing a Government Funded Scientist say let me tell you the truth, is
like hearing a Used Car Salesman saying let me tell you the truth.
A strange Green/Left conceit: They seem to think (e.g. here)
that no-one should spend money opposing them and that conservative
donors must not support the election campaigns of Congressmen they
agree with
To Greenies, Genghis Khan was a good guy, believe it or not. They love that he killed so many people.
Greenie antisemitism
After three exceptionally cold winters in the Northern hemisphere, the
Warmists are chanting: "Warming causes cold". Even if we give that a
pass for logic, it still inspires the question: "Well, what are we
worried about"? Cold is not going to melt the icecaps is it?"
It's a central (but unproven) assumption of the Warmist "models" that
clouds cause warming. Odd that it seems to cool the temperature down
when clouds appear overhead!
To make out that the essentially trivial warming of the last 150 years
poses some sort of threat, Warmists postulate positive feedbacks that
might cut in to make the warming accelerate in the near future. Amid
their theories about feedbacks, however, they ignore the one feedback
that is no theory: The reaction of plants to CO2. Plants gobble up CO2
and the more CO2 there is the more plants will flourish and hence
gobble up yet more CO2. And the increasing crop yields of recent years
show that plantlife is already flourishing more. The recent rise in CO2
will therefore soon be gobbled up and will no longer be around to
bother anyone. Plants provide a huge NEGATIVE feedback in response to
increases in atmospheric CO2
Every green plant around us is made out of carbon dioxide that the
plant has grabbed out of the atmosphere. That the plant can get its
carbon from such a trace gas is one of the miracles of life. It
admittedly uses the huge power of the sun to accomplish such a vast
filtrative task but the fact that a dumb plant can harness the power of
the sun so effectively is also a wonder. We live on a rather
improbable planet. If a science fiction writer elsewhere in the
universe described a world like ours he might well be ridiculed for
making up such an implausible tale.
Greenies are the sand in the gears of modern civilization -- and they intend to be.
The Greenie message is entirely emotional and devoid of all
logic. They say that polar ice will melt and cause a big sea-level
rise. Yet 91% of the world's glacial ice is in Antarctica, where the
average temperature is around minus 40 degrees Celsius. The melting
point of ice is zero degrees. So for the ice to melt on any scale the
Antarctic temperature would need to rise by around 40 degrees, which
NOBODY is predicting. The median Greenie prediction is about 4 degrees.
So where is the huge sea level rise going to come from? Mars? And
the North polar area is mostly sea ice and melting sea ice does not
raise the sea level at all. Yet Warmists constantly hail any sign of
Arctic melting. That the melting of floating ice does not raise the
water level is known as Archimedes' principle. Archimedes demonstrated
it around 2,500 years ago. That Warmists have not yet caught up with
that must be just about the most inspissated ignorance imaginable. The
whole Warmist scare defies the most basic physics. Yet at the opening
of 2011 we find the following unashamed lying by James Hansen:
"We will lose all the ice in the polar ice cap in a couple of
decades". Sadly, what the Vulgate says in John 1:5 is still only very
partially true: "Lux in tenebris lucet". There is still much darkness in the minds of men.
The repeated refusal of Warmist "scientists" to make their raw
data available to critics is such a breach of scientific protocol that
it amounts to a confession in itself. Note, for instance Phil Jones'
Feb 21, 2005 response to Warwick Hughes' request for his raw climate
data: "We have 25 years or so invested in the work. Why should I make
the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something
wrong with it?" Looking for things that might be wrong with a given
conclusion is of course central to science. But Warmism cannot survive
such scrutiny. So even after "Climategate", the secrecy goes on.
Most Greenie causes are at best distractions from real
environmental concerns (such as land degradation) and are more
motivated by a hatred of people than by any care for the environment
Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an absurdity
that "liberals" will defend to the death regardless of the evidence
showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real Leftists
‘Global warming’ has become the grand political narrative of
the age, replacing Marxism as a dominant force for controlling liberty
and human choices. -- Prof. P. Stott
Comparing climate alarmist Hansen to Cassandra is WRONG.
Cassandra's (Greek mythology) dire prophecies were never believed but
were always right. Hansen's dire prophecies are usually believed but are
always wrong (Prof. Laurence Gould, U of Hartford, CT)
The modern environmental movement arose out of the wreckage of
the New Left. They call themselves Green because they're too yellow to
admit they're really Reds. So Lenin's birthday was chosen to be the
date of Earth Day. Even a moderate politician like Al Gore has been
clear as to what is needed. In "Earth in the Balance", he wrote that
saving the planet would require a "wrenching transformation of
For centuries there was a scientific consensus which said that
fire was explained by the release of an invisible element called
phlogiston. That theory is universally ridiculed today. Global warming
is the new phlogiston. Though, now that we know how deliberate the
hoax has been, it might be more accurate to call global warming the New Piltdown Man. The Piltdown hoax took 40 years to unwind. I wonder....
Motives: Many people would like to be kind to others so
Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people
want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing
all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the
real motive is generally to promote themselves as wiser and better
than everyone else, truth regardless.
Policies: The only underlying theme that makes sense of all
Greenie policies is hatred of people. Hatred of other people has been a
Greenie theme from way back. In a report titled "The First Global
Revolution" (1991, p. 104) published by the "Club of Rome", a Greenie
panic outfit, we find the following statement: "In searching for a
new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the
threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit
the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The
real enemy, then, is humanity itself." See here for many more examples of prominent Greenies saying how much and how furiously they hate you.
After fighting a 70 year war to destroy red communism we face another
life-or-death struggle in the 21st century against green communism.
The conventional wisdom of the day is often spectacularly wrong. The
most popular and successful opera of all time is undoubtedly "Carmen" by
Georges Bizet. Yet it was much criticized when first performed and the
unfortunate Bizet died believing that it was a flop. Similarly, when
the most iconic piece of 20th century music was first performed in
1913-- Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" -- half the audience walked out.
Those of us who defy the conventional wisdom about climate are actually
better off than that. Unlike Bizet and Stravinsky in 1913, we KNOW that
we will eventually be vindicated -- because all that supports Warmism
is a crumbling edifice of guesswork ("models").
Al Gore won a political prize for an alleged work of science. That rather speaks for itself, doesn't it?
Jim Hansen and his twin
Getting rich and famous through alarmism: Al Gore is well-known but note
also James Hansen. He has for decades been a senior, presumably
well-paid, employee at NASA. In 2001 he was the recipient of a $250,000 Heinz Award. In 2007 Time magazine designated him a Hero of the Environment. That same year he pocketed one-third of a $1 million Dan David Prize. In 2008, the American Association for the Advancement of Science presented him with its Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award. In 2010 he landed a $100,000 Sophie Prize. He pulled in a total of $1.2 million in 2010. Not bad for a government bureaucrat.
See the original global Warmist in action here: "The icecaps are melting and all world is drowning to wash away the sin"
I am not a global warming skeptic nor am I a global warming
denier. I am a global warming atheist. I don't believe one bit of it.
That the earth's climate changes is undeniable. Only ignoramuses
believe that climate stability is normal. But I see NO evidence to say
that mankind has had anything to do with any of the changes observed --
and much evidence against that claim.
Seeing that we are all made of carbon, the time will come when
people will look back on the carbon phobia of the early 21st century as
too incredible to be believed
Meanwhile, however, let me venture a tentative prophecy.
Prophecies are almost always wrong but here goes: Given the common
hatred of carbon (Warmists) and salt (Food freaks) and given the fact
that we are all made of carbon, salt, water and calcium (with a few
additives), I am going to prophecy that at some time in the future a
hatred of nitrogen will emerge. Why? Because most of the air that we
breathe is nitrogen. We live at the bottom of a nitrogen sea. Logical
to hate nitrogen? NO. But probable: Maybe. The Green/Left is mad
enough. After all, nitrogen is a CHEMICAL -- and we can't have that!
UPDATE to the above: It seems that I am a true prophet
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180)
must have foreseen Global Warmism. He said: "The object in life is not
to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the
ranks of the insane."
The Holy Grail for most scientists is not truth but research
grants. And the global warming scare has produced a huge downpour of
money for research. Any mystery why so many scientists claim some
belief in global warming?
For many people, global warming seems to have taken the place of
"The Jews" -- a convenient but false explanation for any disliked
event. Prof. Brignell has some examples.
Global warming skeptics are real party-poopers. It's so wonderful to believe that you have a mission to save the world.
There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist
instinct") in many people that causes them to delight in going without
material comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such
people -- with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example.
Many Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that
instinct too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious
committments they have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them
to live in an ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them
to press on us all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
The claim that oil is a fossil fuel is another great myth and
folly of the age. They are now finding oil at around seven MILES
beneath the sea bed -- which is incomparably further down than any
known fossil. The abiotic oil theory is not as yet well enough
developed to generate useful predictions but that is also true of fossil
fuel theory
Help keep the planet Green! Maximize your CO2 and CH4 output!
Global Warming=More Life; Global Cooling=More Death.
The inconvenient truth about biological effects of "Ocean Acidification"
Cook the crook who cooks the books
The great and fraudulent scare about lead
Green/Left denial of the facts explained: "Rejection lies in this,
that when the light came into the world men preferred darkness to light;
preferred it, because their doings were evil. Anyone who acts
shamefully hates the light, will not come into the light, for fear that
his doings will be found out. Whereas the man whose life is true comes
to the light" John 3:19-21 (Knox)
Against the long history of huge temperature variation in the
earth's climate (ice ages etc.), the .6 of one degree average rise
reported by the U.N. "experts" for the entire 20th century (a rise so
small that you would not be able to detect such a difference personally
without instruments) shows, if anything, that the 20th century was a
time of exceptional temperature stability.
Recent NASA figures
tell us that there was NO warming trend in the USA during the 20th
century. If global warming is occurring, how come it forgot the USA?
Warmists say that the revised NASA figures do not matter because
they cover only the USA -- and the rest of the world is warming nicely.
But it is not. There has NEVER been any evidence that the Southern
hemisphere is warming. See here. So the warming pattern sure is looking moth-eaten.
The latest scare is the possible effect of extra CO2 on the
world’s oceans, because more CO2 lowers the pH of seawater. While it is
claimed that this makes the water more acidic, this is misleading. Since
seawater has a pH around 8.1, it will take an awful lot of CO2 it to
even make the water neutral (pH=7), let alone acidic (pH less than 7).
In fact, ocean acidification is a scientific impossibility.
Henry's Law mandates that warming oceans will outgas CO2 to the
atmosphere (as the UN's own documents predict it will), making the
oceans less acid. Also, more CO2 would increase calcification rates. No
comprehensive, reliable measurement of worldwide oceanic acid/base
balance has ever been carried out: therefore, there is no observational
basis for the computer models' guess that acidification of 0.1 pH units
has occurred in recent decades.
The chaos theory people have told us for years that the air
movement from a single butterfly's wing in Brazil can cause an
unforeseen change in our weather here. Now we are told that climate
experts can "model" the input of zillions of such incalculable variables
over periods of decades to accurately forecast global warming 50 years
hence. Give us all a break!
you doubt the arrogance [of the global warming crowd, you haven't seen
that Newsweek cover story that declared the global warming debate over.
Consider: If Newton's laws of motion could, after 200 years of unfailing
experimental and experiential confirmation, be overthrown, it requires
religious fervor to believe that global warming -- infinitely more
untested, complex and speculative -- is a closed issue
Scientists have politics too -- sometimes extreme politics. Read this: "This
crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism... I
am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils,
namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by
an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In
such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and
are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts
production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to
be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to
every man, woman, and child." -- Albert Einstein
The "precautionary principle" is a favourite Greenie idea -- but
isn't that what George Bush was doing when he invaded Iraq? Wasn't
that a precaution against Saddam getting or having any WMDs? So Greenies all agree with the Iraq intervention? If not, why not?
A classic example of how the sensationalist media distort science to create climate panic is here.
There is a very readable summary of the "Hockey Stick" fraud here
The Lockwood & Froehlich paper
was designed to rebut Durkin's "Great Global Warming Swindle" film.
It is a rather confused paper -- acknowledging yet failing to account
fully for the damping effect of the oceans, for instance -- but it is
nonetheless valuable to climate atheists. The concession from a
Greenie source that fluctuations in the output of the sun have driven
climate change for all but the last 20 years (See the first sentence of
the paper) really is invaluable. And the basic fact presented in the
paper -- that solar output has in general been on the downturn in
recent years -- is also amusing to see. Surely even a crazed Greenie
mind must see that the sun's influence has not stopped and that
reduced solar output will soon start COOLING the earth! Unprecedented
July 2007 cold weather throughout the Southern hemisphere might even
have been the first sign that the cooling is happening. And the fact
that warming plateaued in 1998 is also a good sign that we are moving
into a cooling phase. As is so often the case, the Greenies have got
the danger exactly backwards. See my post of 7.14.07 and very detailed critiques here and here and here for more on the Lockwood paper and its weaknesses.
As the Greenies are now learning, even strong statistical correlations may disappear if a longer time series is used. A remarkable example from Sociology: "The
modern literature on hate crimes began with a remarkable 1933 book by
Arthur Raper titled The Tragedy of Lynching. Raper assembled data on the
number of lynchings each year in the South and on the price of an
acre’s yield of cotton. He calculated the correlation coefficient
between the two series at –0.532. In other words, when the economy was
doing well, the number of lynchings was lower.... In 2001, Donald Green,
Laurence McFalls, and Jennifer Smith published a paper that demolished
the alleged connection between economic conditions and lynchings in
Raper’s data. Raper had the misfortune of stopping his analysis in
1929. After the Great Depression hit, the price of cotton plummeted and
economic conditions deteriorated, yet lynchings continued to fall. The
correlation disappeared altogether when more years of data were added."
So we must be sure to base our conclusions on ALL the data. In the
Greenie case, the correlation between CO2 rise and global temperature
rise stopped in 1998 -- but that could have been foreseen if
measurements taken in the first half of the 20th century had been
Relying on the popular wisdom can even hurt you personally: "The scientific consensus of a quarter-century ago turned into the arthritic nightmare of today."
Greenie-approved sources of electricity (windmills and solar
cells) require heavy government subsidies to be competitive with normal
electricity generators so a Dutch word for Greenie power seems graphic
to me: "subsidieslurpers" (subsidy gobblers)
"Tongue Tied"
"Dissecting Leftism" (Backup here)
"Australian Politics"
"Education Watch International"
"Political Correctness Watch"
"Greenie Watch"
Western Heart
"Marx & Engels in their own words"
"A scripture blog"
"Some memoirs"
To be continued ....
Coral reef compendium.
Queensland Police
Australian Police News
Paralipomena (3)
Of Interest
Dagmar Schellenberger
My alternative Wikipedia
"Food & Health Skeptic"
"Eye on Britain"
"Immigration Watch International".
"Leftists as Elitists"
Socialized Medicine
QANTAS -- A dying octopus
BRIAN LEITER (Ladderman)
Obama Watch
Obama Watch (2)
Dissecting Leftism -- Large font site
Michael Darby
Paralipomena (2)
AGL -- A bumbling monster
Telstra/Bigpond follies
Optus bungling
Vodafrauds (vodafone)
Bank of Queensland blues
There are also two blogspot blogs which record what I think are my main recent articles here and here. Similar content can be more conveniently accessed via my subject-indexed list of short articles here or here (I rarely write long articles these days)
Mirror for this blog
Mirror for "Dissecting Leftism"
Alt archives for "Dissecting Leftism"
Longer Academic Papers
Johnray links
Academic home page
Academic Backup Page
General Backup
General Backup 2
My alternative Wikipedia
Selected reading
Rightism defined
Leftist Churches
Leftist Racism
Fascism is Leftist
Hitler a socialist
What are Leftists
Psychology of Left
Status Quo?
Leftism is authoritarian
James on Leftism
Irbe on Leftism
Beltt on Leftism
Van Hiel
Pyszczynski et al.
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basic home page
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Another picture page (Best with broadband. Rarely updated)
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article concerned can generally be viewed by prefixing to the filename
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