There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist instinct") in
many people that causes them to delight in going without material
comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such people --
with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example. Many
Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that instinct
too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious committments they
have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them to live in an
ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them to press on us
all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
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31 May, 2016
Climate skepticism a winner for Trump
Americans who fear Muslim terrorists love Donald Trump, as do Americans
who want to keep out illegal Mexican immigrants. Trade protectionists
and foreign-policy isolationists also love Trump. These voting groups,
all part of the Trump coalition and all marginalized by elites because
of their stance would see themselves as vindicated and count themselves
as winners should Trump become president of the United States.
But other important groups, little discussed by the punditry, also
embrace Trump for validating the causes that animate them, also form
part of the Trump coalition and also stand to be vindicated.
Trump’s success comes of his ability to recognize major visceral issues
and then to champion them unapologetically, often through seemingly
outlandish positions like making Mexicans pay for a wall. His
politically incorrect, categorical positions not only win the public’s
approval, they win for Trump intense loyalty.
Global-warming skeptics represent an immense and often passionate
demographic. Though skeptics receive little favourable coverage in the
mainstream press, polling over the years consistently shows the American
public is evenly split on whether human activity imperils the climate,
with the most recent Gallup Poll finding only 41 per cent answering yes
when asked if “global warming will pose a serious threat to you or your
way of life in your lifetime.”
Trump, who has repeatedly mocked global warming as a hoax, is their guy.
“Global warming is a total, and very expensive, hoax!” reads one of his
tweets. “This very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit has got to stop.
Our planet is freezing, record low temps, and our GW scientists are
stuck in ice,” reads another. Unlike the Obama administration, which
demeans global-warming skeptics and even treats them as criminals, a
Trump administration would legitimize their views, enable them to speak
their minds freely and end a longstanding indignity.
While many conservatives doubt Trump’s conservative credentials, he’s a
clear hit with conservatives who have a loathing for the United Nations,
and see it as a world government in waiting as well as ineffectual,
bureaucratic and costly. Anti-UN conservatives also form a sizable
demographic. In a Gallup Poll earlier this year, just 17 per cent of
Republicans said the “United Nations is doing a good job in trying to
solve the problems it has had to face.”
These conservatives support Trump for railing against “the utter
weakness and incompetence of the United Nations.” He’s said the UN “is
not a friend of democracy, it’s not a friend to freedom, it’s not a
friend even to the United States of America where, as you know, it has
its home.” Trump’s answer is a much-diminished United Nations, which the
U.S. would fund to a much lesser degree.
Trump may also become the candidate for championing Israel, another
issue that inflames passions. Until recently, Democrats and Republicans
alike backed Israel, but the base of the Democratic party is turning
against Israel, and at July’s Democratic convention the pro-Palestinian
Bernie Sanders faction will cast Israel as an oppressor of peace-seeking
Palestinians. The vitriol certain to be expressed against Israel is
likely to alarm Jews, who historically have overwhelmingly voted
Democratic, making them open to a Trump charm offensive.
That courtship has already begun. “When you live in a society where
athletes and movie stars are the heroes, little kids want to be athletes
and movie stars. In Palestinian society, the heroes are those who
murder Jews. We can’t let this continue,” Trump recently told AIPAC, a
pro-Israel lobby, to cheers and applause.
The Trump coalition isn’t based on any single ideology or any consistent
set of rational policies — it is a populist assemblage of largely
disparate groups whose common bond is their exclusion from the
orthodoxy. These are passionate voters, for whom voting is very
SEC issues climate chaos “guidance”
What about risks from anti-energy policies imposed in the name of stopping climate change?
Paul Driessen
President Obama continues to use “dangerous manmade climate change” to
justify a massive regulatory onslaught that will “fundamentally
transform” America’s energy, economic, business, industrial, social,
legal and constitutional systems before he leaves office.
The more science batters alarmist claims, the more people realize that
plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide makes life on Earth possible, the more
China, India and other developing countries burn oil, gas and coal and
increase their CO2 emissions to lift billions out of poverty,
malnutrition, disease and brutally short lives – the more the
administration issues draconian climate edicts.
Almost every department, agency and bureaucrat that didn’t eagerly
volunteer has been dragooned to aid the campaign: from the EPA and
Agriculture, Interior, Defense and State Departments, to the Overseas
Private Investment Corporation. The Securities and Exchange Commission
is the latest agency to re-up.
Pressure from climate and environmental activist groups “persuaded” the
SEC to release its initial “interpretive guidance” on climate change in
January 2010. It purported to help companies decide when they must
disclose how their business might be affected by actual physical climate
change, by direct impacts from laws, regulations or international
agreements, or indirectly by effects on business trends.
In March 2016, the Commission told ExxonMobil and Chevron they had to
let shareholders vote on whether the companies must explain how their
profitability might be affected by climate change and laws to prevent
it. Both resolutions were rejected, but proponents vowed to return as
often as it takes to win.
On April 13, 2016, the SEC published a 341-page Concept Release intended
to “seek public comment” on ways to modernize, improve and enhance
Regulation S-K business and financial disclosure requirements for
registered companies’ annual and other reports. It asks whether new
specific disclosure requirements should be added to ensure greater
transparency and aid investors in determining whether companies are
being socially responsible, properly handling diversity and inclusion
concerns – and adequately addressing needs and risks associated with
climate change, resource scarcity and sustainable development.
Many people certainly view these as legitimate concerns. They certainly
are on the minds of certain investors and interest groups – especially
CERES, Environmental Defense, and the California State Teachers and
Public Employees Retirement Systems, all of which seek to advance their
narrow parochial interests on climate change, “appropriate” energy, and
particularly taxpayer subsidies for their favorite causes and cronies.
The issues are certainly being used to drive Obama Administration
However, prudent investors (as well as employees, consumers and voters)
might want greater disclosure, transparency and honesty regarding the
full panoply of risks associated with laws and regulations imposed in
the name of stabilizing Earth’s always-unstable climate and weather …
mandates, preferences and subsidies enacted to support “eco-friendly”
wind, solar and biofuel “alternatives” to oil, natural gas and
coal … and campaign contributions that keep supportive legislators
and judges in office.
This climate crisis edifice owes its existence to assertions that fossil
fuel emissions have replaced natural forces in climate change, and any
future changes will be disastrous. As those claims are further debunked,
or enough voters and legislators become disgusted about the $1.5
trillion spent every year on climate crisis programs, the risks won’t
come from climate change. They will come from a vengeful public.
No wonder Al Gore, Mike Mann and their comrades refuse to debate,
jealously guard their kingdom, and chortle as state AGs prosecute
“climate deniers” for racketeering. Prudent investors might want to
study these issues in greater depth and raise a few questions that
Obama’s SEC prefers not to entertain.
* As scientist John Christy told Congress in February, the climate
agenda is driven by data that have been massaged and manipulated,
assertions and predictions that are contradicted by Real World data and
observations, and “demonstrably deficient” computer models that predict
global temperatures way above what have actually been measured, and
cannot even reproduce past temperatures. Climatology remains an immature
science that cannot even explain major historical climate events, much
less predict the future.
Those problems are compounded by phony “hockey stick” temperature
graphs, ClimateGate emails, once reputable scientific journals rejecting
papers that contest climate catastrophe claims, and headline-grabbing
disaster “studies” that are based on rank speculation or written by
environmental activists.
Are the alleged physical impacts of climate change real, or merely
generated by computers and activists? Are they due to fossil fuels, or
to natural forces that have driven climate and weather throughout
* Regardless of how much the United States, Europe and other developed
countries slash their fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions,
developing nations will continue using those fuels at a feverish pace.
Atmospheric CO2 concentrations will thus continue to climb beyond the
400 ppm (0.04%) level. Job losses, reduced living standards and
countless other sacrifices by Americans, Europeans, Canadians and
Australians – especially by poor, working class and minority families –
will not affect this trend.
Will we even be able to detect the effect of developed nation sacrifices
on Earth’s climate, against normal, natural fluctuations? Why aren’t we
measuring the harmful effects of anti-fossil fuel laws, regulations and
treaties? How are these policies and actions moral, socially
responsible or sustainable?
* Many positive profit projections and other indirect benefits to
business trends are based on assertions that manmade climate chaos is
real and massive subsidies for renewable energy will continue. Negative
effects on profits and corporate reputations are assumed to result from
associations with fossil fuels.
But if governments begin to reject climate alarmism or eliminate
mandates, subsidies, guaranteed loans, feed-in tariffs and exemptions
from endangered species laws, companies built on this house of cards
will collapse. A number of EU and Chinese wind and solar companies have
already gone belly-up or lost up to 90% of their market value, as demand
for their products waned. Meanwhile, companies now vilified for
producing or using fossil fuels that sustain our economies, jobs and
living standards would benefit.
Coal, oil and natural gas still provide over 80% of all US and global
energy. Largely because of abundant natural gas produced via fracking.
US CO2 emissions declined in 2014, while the EU’s rose 0.7 percent.
Shouldn’t wind turbine companies have to disclose that generating just
20% of US electricity with wind power would require some 186,000
turbines, 19,000 miles of new transmission lines, 18,000,000 acres of
land, and 270,000,000 tons of concrete, steel, copper, fiberglass and
rare earths, plus millions of dead birds and bats every year? Is that
Shouldn’t insurance companies and reinsurers have to “disclose” that
their higher rates and profits are based on 20-foot higher sea levels
and more violent hurricanes conjured up by bogus computer models?
Doesn’t that amount to deceptive advertising, fear-mongering and
corporate social irresponsibility?
* If President Obama and the SEC are going to demand full disclosure,
honesty, transparency and accountability, those fundamental principles
should also apply to government officials. They rarely do.
Justice Department lawyers have knowingly lied to judges in immigration
cases. Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes and other officials have
been caught in multiple bald-faced lies. The IRS deliberately targeted
conservatives, and then destroyed records and lied about its actions.
EPA bungled a mine cleanup, polluted waterways in four states and lied
about the impacts. NOAA and EPA have engaged in systematic
misrepresentations and data manipulation on climate change. No one has
been punished.
The impacts on company profits, investors, employees, families and
communities have been extensive. Government agencies want more and more
power and control over our lives – but refuse to accept any
accountability for incompetence, malfeasance, deliberate lies or the
serious harm they cause.
This is why Americans are fed up. Perhaps the 2016 elections will finally bring long overdue change.
Via email
14,000 Abandoned Wind Turbines Litter the United States
The towering symbols of a fading religion, over 14,000 wind turbines,
abandoned, rusting, slowly decaying. When it is time to clean up after a
failed idea, no green environmentalists are to be found. Wind was free,
natural, harnessing Earth’s bounty for the benefit of all mankind,
sounded like a good idea.
Wind turbines, like solar panels, break down. They produce less
energy before they break down than the energy it took to make
them. The wind does not blow all the time, or even most of the
time. When it is not blowing, they require full-time backup from
conventional power plants.
Without government subsidy, they are unaffordable. With governments
facing financial troubles, the subsidies are unaffordable. It was a nice
dream, a very expensive dream, but it didn’t work.
California had the “big three” of wind farm locations — Altamont Pass,
Tehachapi, and San Gorgonio, considered the world’s best wind sites.
California’s wind farms, almost 80% of the world’s wind generation
capacity ceased to generate even more quickly than Kamaoa Wind Farm in
Hawaii. There are five other abandoned wind farms in Hawaii. When they
are abandoned, getting the turbines removed is a major problem. They are
highly unsightly, and they are huge, and that’s a lot of material to
get rid of.
Unfortunately the same areas that are good for siting wind farms are a
natural pass for migrating birds. Altamont’s turbines have been shut
down four months out of every year for migrating birds after
environmentalists filed suit. According to the Golden Gate Audubon
Society 75-110 Golden Eagles, 380 Burrowing Owls, 300 Red-Tailed Hawks
and 333 American Kestrels are killed by the turbines every year. An
Alameda County Community Development Agency study points to 10,000
annual bird deaths from Altamont wind turbines. The Audubon Society
makes up numbers like the EPA, but there’s a reason why they call them
bird Cuisinarts.
Palm Springs has enacted an ordinance requiring their removal from San
Gorgonio Pass, but unless something else changes abandoned turbines will
remain a rotting eyesores, or the taxpayers who have already paid
through the nose for overpriced energy and crony-capitalist tax scams
will have to foot the bill for their removal.
President Obama’s offshore wind farms will be far more expensive than
those sited in California’s ideal wind locations. Salt water is far more
damaging than sun and rain, and offshore turbines don’t last as long.
But nice tax scams for his crony-capitalist backers will work well as
long as he can blame it all on saving the planet.
Met Office: Gulf Stream Slowdown Due To Nature Not Climate Change
Natural long term cycles in the ocean and not climate change are behind
the well publicised slow down in the Gulf Stream that has been observed
in recent years, according to new research from Met Office scientists.
The observed decrease in the so called Atlantic Meridional Overturning
Circulation – of which the Gulf Stream is a part – over the past decade
was preceded by a period where the circulation intensified, they report
in a new paper.
From the UK Meteorological Office (Met Office):
Any substantial weakening of a major North Atlantic ocean current system
would have a profound impact on the climate of north-west Europe,
including the UK.
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation – part of which is known
as the Gulf Stream – has been observed over the past 10 years, and has
been seen to weaken over that time, raising the question of whether the
weakening has been caused by climate change. New Met Office research
published today instead suggests that the trend is likely due to
variability over decades.
Laura Jackson of the Met Office Hadley Centre is the lead researcher.
Commenting on the paper, published in the journal Nature Geoscience, she
said: “The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation plays a vital
role in our climate as it transports heat northwards in the Atlantic and
keeps Europe relatively warm.”
Reanalysis captures Gulf Stream changes
The Met Office research produced a new ocean ‘reanalysis’ combining a
state-of-the-art model of ocean dynamics with ocean observations from
satellites, and ocean floats sampling below the surface. This has
captured year-to-year variations and recent decadal trends with
unprecedented accuracy.
Laura Jackson said: “Our research produced a picture of how the ocean
has evolved over the last couple of decades. The reanalysis reproduces
the observed decrease in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
over the past decade, but finds that this was preceded by a period
where the circulation intensified. This suggests that decadal timescale
variability likely played a key role in the weakening of the circulation
seen over the last decade.”
The researchers are keen to stress that this does not rule out the
possibility that the observed weakening is a combination of decadal
variability and a longer term decrease that would only be detectable
after more years of observations.
The Abstract
The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) has weakened
substantially over the past decade. Some weakening may already have
occurred over the past century, and global climate models project
further weakening in response to anthropogenic climate change. Such a
weakening could have significant impacts on the surface climate.
However, ocean model simulations based on historical conditions have
often found an increase in overturning up to the mid-1990s, followed by a
decrease. It is therefore not clear whether the observed weakening over
the past decade is part of decadal variability or a persistent
weakening. Here we examine a state-of-the-art global-ocean reanalysis
product, GloSea5, which covers the years 1989 to 2015 and closely
matches observations of the AMOC at 26.5°?N, capturing the interannual
variability and decadal trend with unprecedented accuracy. The
reanalysis data place the ten years of observations—April 2004 to
February 2014—into a longer-term context and suggest that the observed
decrease in the overturning circulation is consistent with a recovery
following a previous increase. We find that density anomalies that
propagate southwards from the Labrador Sea are the most likely cause of
these variations. We conclude that decadal variability probably played a
key role in the decline of the AMOC observed over the past decade.
Laura C. Jackson, K. Andrew Peterson, Chris D. Roberts and Richard A.
Wood; Recent slowing of Atlantic overturning circulation as a recovery
from earlier strengthening; Nature Geoscience (2016)
Global Warming Scaled Back, Say Two New Studies
Climate models may be running 2 to 4 times too hotRonald Bailey
year was the hottest year in the surface temperature record according
to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In
contrast, 2015 was the third warmest year according to the satellite
temperature record. Given record breaking heat in the first few months
of 2016, NOAA is now projecting that there is a 99 percent chance that
the current year will be the hottest on record - basically about 1.5
degrees Celsius above the 1891-1910 baseline. The 1.5 degree Celsius
increase is significant because last December the nations of world
agreed at Paris U.N. climate change conference to try to keep future
average temperatures below that threshold.
A strong El Nino which
greatly warms the Eastern Pacific Ocean is responsible for boosting
average global temperatures in the past year. That phenomenon is now
abating and may soon be replaced by a La Nina which will dramatically
cool the waters of the Eastern Pacific and drag down the global average.
Clearly natural variations in temperature can and do drive temperature
trends in the short-run, but what about the long-run?
Two new
studies look at the long-run projections of climate computer models and
suggest that they are running too hot. One critical parameter is
equilibrium climate sensitivity, which is conventionally defined as the
amounf of warming that can be expected from doubling atmospheric carbon
dioxide. In the current issue of the journal, Earth and Space Science,
mathematician J. Ray Bates, from the Meteorology and Climate Centre at
the University College Dublin, calculates climate sensitivity focusing
specifically the meteorological dynamics in the tropics that are mostly
ignored in climate models. Basically, the tropics are more effective at
expelling extra heat into space than the models project.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change widened its range of climate
sensitivity estimates to 1.5 to 4.5 degrees Celsius in its latest
report, dropping the lower bound from 2 degrees. The new study suggests
that climate sensitivity could be much the lower, about 1 degree C for
doubling atmospheric carbon dioxide. If this were true, then the
climates models are proejcting future temperarture increases that are 2
to 4 times hotter than the actual likely trend. It is worth noting that
the satellite data find that the global rate of temperature increase
since 1979 has been +0.12 degree Celsius per decade which suggests that
the lower estimates of climate sensitivity may be correct.
study published in Nature by the researchers at European Center for
Nuclear Research, or CERN finds that the world was much cloudier in the
pre-industrial age than previously thought. The researchers suggest that
a cloudier world was a cooler world. Computer climate models assume
that man-made atmospheric pollutants like sulfur dioxide have increased
modern cloudiness which has further shielded the planet from higher
temperatures. If it turns out that early eras were somewhat cloudier
than represented in the models that means that future warming has again
been overestimated.
But always remember: The science is settled!
SOURCEAustralia: Homeowners kept in dark about climate change risk to houses, says Greenie report
They are asking for information that does not exist. There is
no way sea level rise can be predicted. No Greenie prediction has
come true yet -- and they have made many, most of which were hilariously
wrong. The Climate Institute is a privately funded Warmist
organization that is at present struggling for funding. The
"report" referred to would seem to be an attempt to drum up funding for
The risk that houses in some areas of Australia are likely to become
uninsurable, dilapidated and uninhabitable due to climate change is kept
hidden from those building and buying property along Australia’s coasts
and in bushfire zones, a Climate Institute report says.
The report says there is untapped and unshared data held by regulators,
state and local governments, insurers and banks on the level of risk,
but that most homebuyers and developers are not told about the data and
do not have access to it.
“Even when public authorities, financial institutions and other
stakeholders possess information about current and future risk levels,
they are sometimes unwilling, and sometimes unable, to share it with all
affected parties,” the report released on Monday says.
“Thus, foreseeable risks are allowed to perpetuate, and even to grow via
new housing builds. The full scale of the risk may only be recognised
either through disaster or damage, or when insurance premiums become
unaffordable. Any of these events can in turn affect housing values.”
The economic costs are high and could ultimately represent a real risk
to the financial sector itself, the report says. While insurers,
regulators and governments have started to recognise this risk, banks
who approve the mortgages for at-risk properties have not yet begun
working towards a solution.
For example, the report says, banks could integrate the impact of
climate into their risk assessment processes, work with other
stakeholders in the public, private and civil society sectors to
research and develop ways to minimise climate impact risk to housing,
and address losses that will occur in an equitable way.
It also says that state, federal and local governments could do more to
protect buyers, by including climate risk in planning, development and
approval processes, mandating the disclosure of all available hazard
mapping, and requiring that all dwellings be built or renovated as
fit-for-purpose for the maximum projected impacts of climate change.
Extreme weather and climate change risks associated with a property should also be disclosed at the point of sale.
“Even if these ‘uninsurable’ and ‘unadaptable’ properties are only a
tiny minority of the total housing stock, the eventual devaluation could
be financially devastating to individuals,” the report says. “It could
also be damaging to banks, other financial companies and public balance
sheets at all levels of government.
An author of the report and the manager of investment and governance at
the Climate Institute,Kate Mackenzie, said the sector had to be
proactive before houses became damaged, otherwise there could be a
costly and messy battle over who bore responsibility.
For example, she said, councils could be liable for not providing flood
data and for permitting a vulnerable development to go ahead, the
developer for building it, the home owners for not realising the risk,
the building code authority, the banks for financing the development and
the mortgages, or the insurers.
“There’s definitely a big need for governments to show leadership on this,” she said.
“There have been a few very good recommendations made in the past by
public policy reviews which really haven’t been followed up at the
federal level or at the state level or through Coag, which would provide
a mechanism for a national adaptation strategy.”
These included the reports from an Australian Treasury taskforce, the
natural disaster insurance review, and two Productivity Commission
inquiries, she said.
Her report concludes: “A sense of exasperation is evident among those
who have spent any length of time seeking to address the economic and
policy challenges posed by extreme weather.”
Some researchers are already taking the matter into their own hands and
developing products to help buyers manage risk. Last month, the website
Coastal Risk Australia was launched. It combines Google maps with
detailed tide and elevation data, as well as future sea-level rise
projections, to help people see whether their house or suburb is likely
to be inundated.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
30 May, 2016
Trump freaks the Greenies
WHEN you think of saving the planet, Donald Trump probably isn’t exactly the first name to come to mind.
He’s previously described global warming as “an expensive hoax!”, warned
Obama that the Environmental Protective Agency is “an impediment to
both growth and jobs”, and admitted he’s “not a big believer in man-made
climate change”.
But the Republican frontrunner’s latest speech was something next-level.
Speaking at the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference in Bismarck, the
capital of oil-rich North Dakota, Trump proudly trumpeted a series of
anti-environmental measures to be enforced if he becomes President.
If elected President, Donald Trump said he would pull the United States
out of the UN global climate accord, and slash environmental regulations
on the energy industry if elected President.
“We’re going to cancel the Paris climate agreement,” he said, vowing to
oppose “draconian climate rules”. He also pledged to axe any funding for
United Nations programs related to global warming.
The Paris Agreement is basically a big international effort to reduce
global warming and move towards more clean sources of energy.
America’s own commitments are to cut emissions by 26 to 28 per cent
under 2005 levels by 2025.
But now, Trump has basically dumped all over that, effectively sending a
global message that America is not with the rest of the world on this
Less than a fortnight ago, he said he wanted to rewrite the agreement,
claiming it wasn’t fair for the US. “I will be looking at that
very, very seriously, and at a minimum I will be renegotiating those
agreements, at a minimum,” he said in an interview with Reuters. “And at
a maximum I may do something else.”
He also said we should never give “foreign bureaucrats control over how much energy we use”.
But with the pledge to scrap it entirely, Trump has clearly cranked
things up a notch. He’s previously stated that he doubts other big
emitters — namely China — will actually meet the pledge to scale up its
use of renewable energy technologies, thus he believes the US shouldn’t
have to.
China signed the Paris Agreement last month, and pledged to honour its commitment. It was the 21st country to do so.
Here’s the thing: the Paris Agreement can’t come into force until at
least 55 countries accounting for 55 per cent of global emissions
formally agree to “join”. The US is the world’s second biggest emitter
(next to China), and biggest historical emitter.
While Trump’s speech was met with loud applause from oil executives,
environmental activists have been quick to criticise his comments,
deeming his proposals “frightening”.
“Trump’s energy policies would accelerate climate change, protect
corporate polluters who profit from poisoning our air and water, and
block the transition to clean energy that is necessary to strengthen our
economy and protect our climate and health,” said Tom Steyer, a
billionaire environmental activist.
In the same speech yesterday, Trump said he wanted to approve the
Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada. “I would absolutely approve
it, 100 per cent, but I would want a better deal,” he announced. “I want
it built, but I want a piece of the profits. That’s how we’re going to
make our country rich again.”
The Keystone XL pipeline is a proposed pipe of 1897km, which would run
from the oil sands in Alberta, Canada, to Nebraska in the US. It would
have the capacity to carry 830,000 barrels of oil each day. Canada
already sends 550,000 barrels of oil per day to the US, so this
proposal would heavily increase that, making the US less dependent on
the Middle East.
President Obama refused to approve the XL pipeline late last year, on
the basis that the consequences for the planet would be too great. For
the environmental movement, this decision was a huge symbolic victory.
Environmental experts have cited a number of reasons to oppose the
pipeline’s approval. Some say developing the oil sands will make fossil
fuels a lot more available, meaning there’ll less likely be a push
towards renewable energy.
They’ve said Keystone will multiply emissions and speed up climate
change — a view shared by Obama — which will plague Americans with toxic
air pollution and have severe consequences for Americans’ health.
But Trump is having none of it. “As bad as President Obama is, Hillary
Clinton will be worse,” he warned. “She will escalate the war with the
American worker like never before and against American energy.”
He attacked both Clinton and Bernie Sanders, saying their policies would
kill jobs and force the US “to be begging for oil again” from Middle
Eastern producers.
He was especially hard on Clinton, saying her “agenda is job
destruction” and warning that she would put coalminers out of work.
“Hillary Clinton will unleash the EPA to control every aspect of our
lives, and every aspect of energy,” he said. “They’ll make it impossible
for the workers.”
Democrats urged the Interior Department Friday to reverse four
decades of easy lease approvals for coal in favor of clean energy and
climate change goals
"The fact that 90 percent of federal lease sales since 1990 had single
bidders suggests that Western coal markets are structurally
non-competitive," reads a letter sent by 14 Senate Democrats to Interior
Secretary Sally Jewell on Friday.
"Too often the government has been a passive auctioneer, rather than a
steward," the letter reads. "Given the diverse sources of electricity
generation available today and the high costs of climate change, the
current policy is unwise and outdated."
The letter was led by Sen. Maria Cantwell of Washington and Sen. Barbara
Boxer of California, the top Democrats on the energy and environment
committees, respectively.
Jewell enacted a moratorium on new coal leases earlier this year, as the
Interior Department re-evaluates how it treats coal under the federal
leasing program in light of the social costs of mining and its
environmental impacts.
The senators say they want the agency to get the science right, given
coal's contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions, blamed by
scientists for raising the temperature of the Earth. They also want the
agency to address the "huge disparity" between the high cost of burning
coal and the "low, short-term return from selling it."
The senators point out that the effects of mining a ton of the public's
coal may rebound for centuries and damage other opportunities to use the
land for recreation, water supply management and wildfire resilience,
as well as for grazing cattle and harvesting timber.
The senators want Jewell to get the leasing policy right, giving it
"teeth." They say previous policies have encouraged the government to
make obtaining mining leases an easy process due to the energy shortages
of the 1970s.
"Given the diverse sources of electricity generation available today and
the high costs of climate change, what may have been a wise policy in
the context of fuel shortages and disruptions in the 1970s is now unwise
and outdated," they write.
In the 1970s, most U.S. power plants were fueled by petroleum. The Arab
oil embargo placed electricity supplies in jeopardy, forcing the
government to push the industry toward greater coal use. Some power
producers from that era, perplexed by the current direction of the
administration, readily point out the irony.
Unprecedented? Central England Warming Of 1692 – 1737 Twice As Fast As Late 20th Century Warming!
The Warmunists are fond of stating that the warming in the late
twentieth century was unusual and unprecedented, and could only have
been caused by rising CO2. They refuse to recognize that the early
twentieth century warming was just as rapid. Of course that statement is
also based on the lack of data for earlier times.
But there ARE data for earlier times. The Central England Temperature
(CET) data set extends all the way back to 1659 and has been maintained
to this day. Here is a window into an early 90-year section of that data
set, overlaid with the last 90 years.
Figure 1 is CET and GHCN temperatures from 1925 to the present, compared
to CET temperatures from 1660 to 1750. The 45-year span from 1692 to
1737 is highlighted in red.
If the trends for all three 90-year data sets are compared, they are nearly identical, from 0.084 to 0.091°C per decade warming.
But the 45-year span from 1692 to 1737 was warming at nearly five times
that rate, 0.4°C per decade. This warming rate is more than twice as
fast as the late twentieth century rate, for twice as long.
Central England warmed by two degrees, three degrees if one measures
from the coldest year to the warmest in that interval. For comparison,
here is the GHCN data for the modern period.
Figure 2 is the modern era from GHCN with the modern warming in red and the early twentieth century warming in green.
Please note that I have picked the time period with the most warming in
that interval, including from the bottom of the 1976 La Niña to the top
of the 1998 El Niño. The early twentieth century warming began with the
1914-15 El Niño. If the El Niño and La Niña events are removed, both
warming periods have a trend of about 0.16°C per decade. The
0.4°C/decade warming period from 1692 to 1737 must have been very scary
for the eighteenth century climatologists.
It all came to an abrupt end, however, in 1739 and 1740. The temperature
dropped three degrees practically overnight in climate terms. See
figure 1. What caused that? A volcano!
On the southern end of Hokkaido, in Japan, there is a large caldera
called Shikotsu. It is now filled with a lake. This caldera was formed
about 35,000 years ago. On the edge of the caldera three volcanic vents
have been intermittently active since then. One of those, Tarumai, (or
Tarumae) is active to this day, including four VE5, very large eruptions
in 6950 BCE, 800 BCE, 1667, and 1739. Though both the 1667 and 1739
eruptions were classed as VE5, the 1739 event pushed enough gas into the
stratosphere to affect global climate.
“In the northern hemisphere density of yearly tree ring [sic] have
changed in AD 1740 (Briffa et al., 1998) suggesting the eruption of 1739
affected global climate.”
Sheveluch, on Kamchatka, is also implicated, but that eruption was only a VE3.
The resulting cold caused the “Great Irish Frost” of 1740, where Irish
harbors and rivers froze over, preventing import of grain, frost killed
the potato crop, and 20 to 30% of the Irish population died of cold and
famine. The cold affected all of northern Europe, but was a disaster for
Ireland due to the politics of the time. For a scholarly treatise on it
see The Irish famine of 1740–1741: famine vulnerability and “climate
migration”, here. The implication is that the good years prior to 1740,
made Ireland in particular, vulnerable to a cold snap. This is the thing
to be feared in our future rather than continued warming.
British Households could be charged annual ‘insurance premium’ for access to electricity grid
Every UK household could have to pay an annual “insurance premium” for
access to the UK electricity grid, under plans to overhaul the way
networks are paid for.
Energy regulator Ofgem is worried that people who can afford to install
solar panels and generate their own power for much of the day may end up
not paying their fair share of the costs of the UK’s electricity pylons
and cables.
Dermot Nolan, chief executive, told the Telegraph the question of how to
charge for networks in an equitable way a “huge challenge” facing the
UK energy system in coming years. Currently, the cost of maintaining and
upgrading the networks is factored into the prices energy suppliers
charge for electricity, accounting for about £140 a year on a typical
household bill.
Households that install their own panels will need to buy less
electricity, so will avoid paying as much toward the costs of the
“One of the biggest challenges for the country in energy… is how will you charge for the grid in that kind of situation?”
Mr Nolan said the regulator was thinking about the issue “pretty
intensively” and had not yet decided the solution. However, he said one
option would be for households to “basically pay an insurance premium
for access to the grid”.
Mr Nolan said the issue would be “difficult” to resolve as “people might
feel ‘I’ll pay it when I need it’” but this would not reflect “the fact
there is an infrastructure there and you have to pay for it”.
Rebutting Climate Alarmism with Simple Facts
The answers below are not necessarily the ones I ewould give but they should be useful nonetheless -- JR
What to do if you don’t believe that man-made emissions of carbon
dioxide (CO2) are causing a global warming catastrophe? Here are some
ready-made responses, the next time someone questions you.
Q. You don’t believe in global warming?
Yes, I do. The earth has warmed by roughly 0.8 degrees Celsius over the past century or so.
Q. You don’t believe in climate change?
Yes, I do. The earth’s climate has changed several times, just in the past 1,000 years.
Q. CO2 levels are rising and the earth is warming.
Carbon dioxide concentrations have risen from roughly 0.028% of the
earth’s atmosphere in the late 1800s to the current 0.040%. However,
solar output has also increased significantly in that time. If the
correlation between solar variability and the climate swings of the past
few thousand years is any indication, this rise in solar activity
offers a valid explanation for the overall increase in temperatures seen
over the past century.
Q. Solar activity and temperature trends don’t match up in recent years.
Solar activity actually peaked somewhere around the middle of the 20th
Century, and at elevated levels not seen since the Medieval Warm Period
(1,000 years ago) or the Roman Warm Period (1,800 years ago.) Solar
activity remained at this high level through the start of the 21st
Century, with temperatures rising at the same time. While the UN’s
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) claims that changes in
solar “irradiance” have little impact on climate, other research argues
that accompanying variations in the solar wind and solar magnetic field
contribute significantly to changes in global climate. In fact, Russian
scientists studying solar variability now worry that declining solar
activity could lead to globally cooler temperatures by 2030.
Q. But CO2 levels are the highest in 800,000 years.
CO2 levels in the atmosphere are currently among the lowest ever
recorded in the earth’s long history. The past 800,000 years is a
convenient timeframe to cite, however, since the earth has undergone
repeated glacial cycles in that time—which has reduced atmospheric CO2.
Q. CO2 is a greenhouse gas. More CO2 means more warming.
CO2 possesses a major limitation as a greenhouse gas, and one that casts
doubt on its ability to function as the sole agent of climate change.
As demonstrated in laboratory studies, CO2 exponentially loses
heat-trapping capacity as its concentration increases. This happens
because, even in minuscule quantities, CO2 quickly becomes opaque to a
certain spectrum band of infrared radiation. Essentially, CO2 rapidly
absorbs all of the infrared radiation it can. Adding additional
quantities of CO2 to the atmosphere will not contribute much additional
heat-trapping function. CO2 is also a “well-mixed gas,” which means that
its concentrations are distributed throughout the atmosphere.
Consequently, its heat-trapping function is essentially reaching a
saturation point throughout the troposphere and stratosphere.
Q. But higher CO2 levels mean higher temperatures. I saw that graph in “An Inconvenient Truth.”
Al Gore left out a key point when citing the parallel relationship
between historical levels of atmospheric CO2 and temperature. Carbon
dioxide dissolves in water, with cold water able to hold more CO2 than
warm water. When the climate cools, the oceans cool—and draw in more CO2
from the atmosphere. When the climate warms, as seen at the start of
the most recent interglacial period (roughly 18,000 years ago), the
oceans gradually warm, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. (A good
visualization for this is a bottle of soda kept in hot sunlight. If the
temperature rises high enough, the bottle will leak or burst— because
the warmer soda water is no longer able to hold all of the dissolved
CO2.) The point is, when global temperatures change, atmospheric CO2
inevitably follows along.
Q. Scientists say that CO2 is warming the earth.
Yes, CO2 is a greenhouse gas, and it helps to maintain warmth in the
atmosphere. But as noted above, CO2’s heat-trapping function is
essentially saturated by the current level of 0.04%. Furthermore,
climate models actually project that most of the presumed “man-made”
warming will come from an increase in atmospheric water vapor. The
principal idea of “anthropogenic global warming” (AGW) is that the small
amount of additional warming contributed by CO2 (before it becomes
saturated) will cause more water vapor to enter the atmosphere. Since
water vapor is the primary greenhouse gas of the atmosphere (and is
responsible for roughly 80% of the “greenhouse effect”), this water
vapor will create “positive feedback” for further warming.
Unfortunately, the AGW theory essentially disregards the cooling
feedback caused by clouds (since atmospheric water vapor inevitably
transitions to cloud cover.) Clouds provide net cooling by reflecting
solar radiation back into space, shading ground surfaces, and producing
rain (which not only cools surface temperatures but also scrubs
atmospheric CO2.)
Q. But 97% of scientists believe in global warming.
What’s most amusing is that, truthfully, no one really knows how many
scientists there are in the world. Or what they all think about global
warming. Or how many of them work in relevant scientific disciplines.
However, the “97% consensus” is a flawed statement. Only 32.6% of the
papers examined in the infamous John Cook study actually stated a
position endorsing anthropogenic global warming. However, 97% of those
said that “recent warming is mostly man-made.” And so what we have is a
misleading statement that has become misrepresented and cited as fact.
(Interestingly, there is a website called The Petition Project that
lists more than 30,000 scientists who have publicly declared their
disagreement with the theory of catastrophic man-made warming.)
Q. 2015 was the hottest year ever, and now 2016 is even hotter.
The warm temperatures experienced in 2015-2016 are the direct result of a strong El Nino.
Q. El Nino is caused by global warming.
El Nino is a naturally occurring phenomenon. It happens when prevailing
winds start to fade after several years of progressively “piling up”
water in the western Pacific Ocean. This surplus, warm water washes back
over the eastern Pacific, releasing tremendous amounts of heat. 2015’s
spike in temperatures was due to El Nino. It would be dishonest and
inaccurate to claim that 2015’s increase in surface temperatures was
simply due to man-made warming. And even climate “alarmists” admit that
El Nino is not a manifestation of man-made warming.
Q. The “pause in global temperatures” is just people denying that the earth is getting hotter and hotter.
Satellite measurements from both UAH-Huntsville and RSS clearly show a
“pause” in global temperatures (I.e. a net flatlining of temperatures)
over the past 15-20 years. As the current El Nino fades, it’s reasonable
to expect a resumption of recent global temperatures. More
significantly, the “pause” has been the subject of numerous debates and
research papers. Climate alarmists don’t deny that it has happened, and
instead offer varying explanations. Even Michael Mann, creator of the
infamous “Hockey Stick” graph, says that the pause occurred and was not
Q. NOAA says there’s no “pause” in global warming.
There is legitimate concern as to the accuracy and reliability of recent
temperature measurements being reported by the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA.) Last year, NOAA reported adjustments
to global temperature records that suddenly “erased” the pause. I.e.
Earlier decades were revised to be “cooler,” while recent years were
suddenly marked as “warmer” by factoring in measurements that included
seawater temperature readings from the engine manifolds of ocean-going
vessels. Various academic papers have debunked NOAA’s “new” temperature
findings, but NOAA’s revised measurements continue to be used to make
claims such as “warmest year ever.” The questionable methods utilized by
NOAA to assemble its “pause buster” study are now the subject of a
Congressional investigation.
Q. But the oceans are becoming acidic.
The oceans remain comfortably alkaline, as they have for millions of
years. As noted above, atmospheric CO2 levels have typically ranged far
higher throughout the earth’s history, yet the oceans never became
acidic. In fact, if they had, submarine fossil layers would have readily
dissolved. Claims of the ocean “becoming acidic” are actually a
misrepresentation of variations in the ocean’s pH scale. Seawater has
typically measured roughly 8.18 on the pH scale. Recent, pH levels of
8.10 have been noted, which would mean slightly less alkaline oceans.
But it’s misleading to say that the oceans are “becoming acidic,”
particularly when ocean pH often varies greatly, based on season and
Q. But the glaciers are melting.
Even NASA has stated that Antarctica’s ice cover is growing, not shrinking.
Q. But there are more hurricanes and more tornadoes.
The U.S. has reached a record 127 months without a major hurricane. The
U.S. is also at its lowest 3-year tornado total since 1950.
Q. But we need to cut dangerous carbon pollution.
The “carbon pollution” you hear so much about is carbon dioxide, also
known as CO2. It’s what all animals (including humans) breathe out, and
what plants absorb. In fact, rising CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere
have led to a progressive “greening” of global plant life in recent
decades. Because atmospheric CO2 is at such historically low levels, the
world’s plants and oceanic phytoplankton are currently rejoicing in
this slightly more abundant supply of nourishment.
To conclude, it’s helpful to study the basic issues involved in the
climate debate (as well as recent geologic history) when considering
various aspects of global warming.
Far from bleached, reef’s in the pink
West Australian coral is doing fine while Queensland (Eastern) coral
is extensively bleached. So any pretense that the Queensland
situation is part of a global phenomenon is at least dubious.
There's some very confused thinking about El Nino and La Nina
below. The journalist appears to have the two mixed up
Scientists have discovered that the World Heritage-listed Ningaloo Reef
off the West Australian coast — the largest fringing reef in Australia —
has escaped any recent coral bleaching and that some areas are in the
same condition as 30 years ago.
CSIRO ecologist Damian Thomson said yesterday a major study of the reef
that ended this month had found that Ningaloo was unaffected by the
current bleaching "event” that has hit Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef
and other reefs off WA’s northern coast.
He said the research — funded by CSIRO and BHP Billiton through a $5.4
million partnership — showed Ningaloo was more resilient than expected.
"It’s really pleasing that Ningaloo hasn’t undergone any bleaching — it’s fantastic news actually,” Mr Thompson said.
The clean bill of health will be welcomed by the tourism industry around
Exmouth, a town reliant on thousands of visitors visiting the reef
every year between April and July to snorkel with migrating whale
sharks. Later this year, tourists will also be able to swim with
humpback whales, which is expected to double the length of Exmouth’s $6m
tourist season.
Conservationists are worried about the human impact on the reef and have
also raised concerns in recent years about increased oil and gas
exploration — including by BHP — close to Ningaloo Marine Park.
Mr Thomson said while coral bleaching remained a possible future threat
to the reef, the sheer number of people visiting the area was its major
"It’s a relatively small tract of reef when you look at the extent of
the Australian coastline, but the number of people that love holidaying
there or going there for other activities, it is very well used. That is
probably the main challenge, managing that.”
Mr Thomson said bleaching tended to occur on Australia’s west coast
during La Nina years, when strong currents from Indonesia pushed warm
water south to Ningaloo. But during the recent El Nino, those strong
currents had not occurred, resulting in cooler waters.
CSIRO research surveyed 70 sites at Ningaloo and found no coral bleached
at locations where bleaching was recorded in 2010. At Osprey, on the
western part of Ningaloo, results were as good as those taken in 1987.
Ningaloo was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2011 for its
biological diversity and conservation significance.
The findings are for the first year of field work undertaken by the
Ningaloo Outlook project, which aims to increase the ecological
understanding of the reefs.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
29 May, 2016
Climate change could destroy Statue of Liberty, Venice and many other parts of the world's heritage, UN report warns
And pigs could fly. There is NO evidence for any of the prophecies
below. It is just speculation based on global warming theory -- a
theory with so many holes in it, it might as well be a sieve.
present day events described are just cherry-picking. One could
easily pick other events leading to the opposite conclusion -- like the
fact that the world's biggest body of glacial ice -- Antarctica --
is INCREASING in size, suggesting a future sea-level FALL. Or how
about Munshi's demonstration that the increasing CO2 levels in the
atmosphere are NOT the result of burning coal and oil?
cannot prove a generalization by picking a few bits of data here and
there. You need statistics that cover ALL events of the type
discussed. And sea level rise is not ordinarily detectable in most
of the world
The Statue of Liberty and many of the world’s most important heritage
sites could soon be destroyed by global warming, the UN has warned.
Historic sites including Orkney and the world’s most important coral
reefs already feeling the effect of the increasing temperatures and
climate disruption that is coming with global warming. But that same
trend could completely destroy them and other parts of the world’s
heritage, according to a new report.
The danger shows the “urgent and clear” need to address climbing
temperatures to protect many parts of the world’s heritage, according to
the report, which was compiled by the Union of Concerned Scientists
(UCS), UN heritage body Unesco and the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP).
The study took in 31 natural and cultural World Heritage sites, spread
across 29 countries. It looked at the ways that the effects of climate
change – including intense weather and damage to animal’s habitats –
would effect them in the future.
Climate change will - or is already - exacerbating problems faced by
some of the world's most famous and popular heritage sites, such as the
Galapagos Islands, which helped Charles Darwin form his theory of
evolution, the study found.
Threats to the unique wildlife caused by 205,000 visitors a year,
invasive species and illegal fishing are now being joined by rising
seas, warming and more acidic oceans and extreme weather.
In the UK, at Stonehenge, warmer winters are likely to boost populations
of burrowing animals that could disturb archaeological deposits and
destabilise stonework.
Hotter drier summers could increase visitor numbers and change the plant
species which stabilise the chalk downlands, causing more soil erosion,
while Stonehenge, Avebury and Silbury Hill face increased rainfall and
flash floods.
More severe problems threaten the Heart of Neolithic Orkney World
Heritage site, where many archaeological sites are on the coast due to
the importance of the sea in Stone Age life, and at least half are under
threat from coastal erosion
Five-thousand-year-old Skara Brae, the best-preserved Stone Age dwelling
complex in Western Europe with houses and stone furniture, is the most
high profile site at risk of eventual loss of coastal erosion, the study
Lead author of the report and deputy director of the climate and energy
programme at UCS, Adam Markham, said: "Orkney and the whole of Scotland
is the poster child for eroding archaeology sites.
"There are thousands of them and many of them are being lost to coastal erosion and storms.
"If sea level rise and storms get worse because of global warming then
we are going to be losing huge amounts of British heritage directly into
the sea," he warned.
Other sites around the world that are at risk from coastal erosion
include Easter Island, with its famous head statues, many of which are
situated close to the sea, he said.
The Grand Canal in Venice by sunset. © Getty Images The Grand Canal in
Venice by sunset. Elsewhere sites which bring in important tourism
revenue could be particularly badly hit, such as Uganda's Bwindi
Impenetrable National Park where rising temperatures could affect the
habitat of endangered mountain gorillas.
Mr Markham said: "The report is representative of the kind of threats
these iconic places are experiencing, some are in direct and immediate
"At every one of these sites we can see the impacts of climate change
already. Not in every place is it threatening it yet but it will
threaten it in the future."
New York's Statue of Liberty was badly hit by Hurricane Sandy, with £68
million given for repairs and protection to the area, while more intense
hurricanes are expected with climate change and sea level rises likely
to cause more significant storm surges.
And Venice, with its extraordinary Byzantine, gothic, renaissance and
baroque architecture, is under immediate threat from rising sea levels
and work to protect it from flooding has cost £4 billion, the report
Mechtild Rossler, director of Unesco's World Heritage Centre, said:
"Globally, we need to better understand, monitor and address climate
change threats to World Heritage sites.
"As the report's findings underscore, achieving the Paris Agreement's
goal of limiting global temperature rise to a level well below 2C is
vitally important to protecting our world heritage for current and
future generations."
It takes The Donald
Republican presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump, acknowledges
love from a fan while speaking to 7,500 people at the Williston Basin
Petroleum Conference in Bismarck on Thursday. Trump, whose support from
North Dakota national convention delegates put him over the top for
securing the party’s nomination earlier Thursday, told the crowd he’d
eliminate regulation he says is killing the fossil fuel industry as well
as be favorable to additional pipeline projects and exports of American
Trump, whose support from North Dakota national convention delegates put
him over the top for securing the party’s nomination earlier in the
day, told the crowd he’d eliminate regulation he says is killing the
fossil fuel industry as well as be favorable to additional pipeline
projects and exports of American oil.
Thunderous applause greeted Trump’s declaration that in his administration there’d be an “America-first energy plan.”
“We will accomplish a complete American energy independence,” Trump
said. “We’re going to turn everything around. We are going to make it
He thanked the North Dakota delegates for putting him over the top. “I will always remember that,” Trump said.
For those hoping to witness a dose of the sharp rhetoric that’s been a
staple of his unconventional and eyebrow-raising campaign, he didn’t
Trump vowed to reverse the energy policy of President Barack Obama’s
administration, which he said has been devastating to industry and
inflicted pain on states such as North Dakota that rely heavily on the
energy sector.
“If President Obama wanted to weaken America, he couldn’t have done a better job,” Trump said.
Among the policies he’d push to undo is the Environmental Protection
Agency’s emissions rules targeting coal-fired power plants. The U.S.
Supreme Court earlier this year voted 5-4 to halt implementation of the
rules governing new and existing power plants for now.
“How stupid is that?” Trump said of the emissions rules.
He also slammed the Environment Protection Agency’s Waters of the United
State rule, which he said would cause significant damage to American
energy production and kill jobs.
Trump had the crowd in the palm of his hand, a sea of people dotted with
Trump hats and shirts with his campaign slogan, “Make America Great
Again.” He drew wave after wave of raucous applause when outlining how
optimistic he is at the prospect of North Dakota and the country’s
energy future.
“You’re at the forefront of a new energy revolution,” said Trump, adding
that the country has unlocked energy reserves previously unimaginable
with new technologies, such as hydraulic fracturing. “We’re loaded. We
had no idea how rich we are.”
The first 100 days of a potential Trump administration also riled up the
crowd: He said he’d rescind executive orders by Obama that he believes
are job killers as well as work to eliminate the emissions and water
When considering any federal regulations, Trump said his litmus test would be simple.
“Is this regulation good for the American worker?” Trump said.
Those who heard Trump speak gave his speech an enthusiastic thumbs-up.
“I think from what we see on TV he had a much more detailed
presentation. He was really well-informed on the issues,” Whitney Bell,
of New Town, said.
Bell said the crowd was fantastic and responded well to Trump's message,
which he reiterated was more detailed than mere sound-bites.
Jason Bohrer, president of the Lignite Energy Council, said he was impressed with Trump’s focus on deregulation.
“I heard what I wanted to hear and more. Trump is a different kind of
politician; he communicates in a way that a lot of other people don’t,”
Bohrer said.
North Dakota Petroleum Council President Ron Ness said he was thrilled
by how the speech went as well as the overwhelming reaction from the
“I’ve been to a lot of Class B state championships in this building;
this was equal to that,” Ness said. “The energy just rolled in.”
Ness said his America-first message resonated with people and he expects it to become a staple of his campaign.
“That speech was loaded with specifics. He backed that up with a lot of
numbers. I didn’t hear anything that isn’t achievable,” Ness said.
Trump tapped Rep. Kevin Cramer, R-N.D., earlier this month to help in
providing him with energy policy advice. Cramer wrote a white paper on
energy policy relating to federal regulations, the importance of the
fossil fuel industry and other topics, which hasn’t yet been released.
Cramer was one of the first members of Congress to openly endorse Trump prior to his last opponents dropping out of the race.
North Dakota Republican Party chairman Kelly Armstrong said he heard
what he needed to hear from Trump on eliminating government regulations,
reducing taxes and protecting the energy industry. As chairman,
Armstrong is one of North Dakota’s 28 delegates to the national
Republican Party convention July 18-21 in Cleveland.
“Tremendously good for the people of North Dakota,” Armstrong said of Trump’s positions.
Independent Scientists WARN: ‘Most Currently Published Research Findings Are FALSE…’
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical
research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted
physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in
this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two
decades as an editor of [The New] England Journal of Medicine” — These
are the words of Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime
editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), which is
considered to be one of the most prestigious peer-reviewed science
journals in the world.
psi 1The Lancet, another top, well respected peer-reviewed medical
journal also publishes research findings that are unreliable and many
times false. The current editor-in-chief, Dr. Richard Horton recently
spoke out about the fake science often published in the prestigious
medical journal. “The case against science is straightforward: much of
the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted
by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory
analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession
for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has
taken a turn towards darkness,” he warns, as reported by
Many of the industry-sponsored studies being published today are used to
promote new drugs and vaccines. One thing is for sure: Money has its
influence on “science.” To make matters worse, what ultimately gets
published and promoted is what is ultimately believed by medical
The most disturbing realization about today’s leading published
“science” is that it’s leaving out important information from the
public. Dr. Horton points this out, extensively. This scientific fraud
exists in the most prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals, and it’s
been going on for decades. He has observed instances where data is
manipulated to promote a particular theory. He says there’s hardly any
accountability when bad practices are used. He even calls himself out
for being part of the problem, aiding and abetting some of the worst
It’s not just theory. Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD, from the Neural Dynamics
Research Group in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at
the University of British Columbia, reveals that pharmaceutical
companies and vaccine manufacturers explicitly know about multiple
dangers with their products but that information is withheld from the
In her research paper, “The vaccination policy and the Code of Practice
of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI): are they
at odds?” Tomljenovic reveals eight disturbing assertions obtained from
documented meetings between 1983 and 2010 involving the UK Department of
Health (DH) and the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
For many years, the two health authorities have been engaged in
“Deliberately concealing information from the parents for the sole
purpose of getting them to comply with an ‘official’ vaccination
schedule.” Lucija Tomljenovic points out that this “could thus be
considered as a form of ethical violation or misconduct.”
“Instead of reacting appropriately by re-examining existing vaccination
policies when safety concerns over specific vaccines were identified by
their own investigations,” Tomljenovic points out, the “JCVI either a)
took no action, b) skewed or selectively removed unfavourable safety
data from public reports and c) made intensive efforts to reassure both
the public and the authorities in the safety of respective vaccines.”
The fraudulent methods by which drug and vaccine research is conducted
and published is appalling. Peer-reviewed studies consistently downplay
safety concerns of new drugs while over-inflating vaccine benefits. Even
though many vaccines have “unresolved safety issues,” they are pushed
just so health authorities can increase vaccination rates. This is
clearly not scientific or in the public interest.
The drug makers would like you to think that you are deficient and in
need of their formulations, but you are not their property, and you are
not their experiment.
Party of Science?
The argument over Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) has exposed an
interesting method of delegitimizing opposing points of view. For many
supporters of AGW, “the science is settled” because 97% of scientists
have decreed man-caused catastrophic climate change to be stone-cold
fact (despite overwhelming evidence of fraud, data manipulation and
deceit .)
Yes, they have “SCIENCE!” on their side and only a fool or a Luddite
would argue with “SCIENCE!” Therefore, if you disagree with them, you
are, by definition, a fool and your argument can simply be ignored.
It’s an incredibly simplistic, yet effective tactic. By assuming the
mantle of the “Party of Science”, they attempt to claim the intellectual
high-ground , making their beliefs beyond reproach. How could anyone
argue against the facts unless they deny “SCIENCE!”?
Lately, however, “SCIENCE!” seems to have taken a back seat to
“feelings”, as these “Party of Science” members repeatedly deny
honest-to-goodness science in deference to their agenda. A few examples:
For years, we’ve been told that fracking is hazardous to the
environment. The process of fracturing shale rock miles below the
surface of the earth to increase oil production has driven many of the
“Party of Science” into fits. Movies have been made decrying this “evil
practice” and professing to show the harm this process does to ground
water. Of course, those movies are nothing more than Michael Moore-esque
agitprop, virtually devoid of anything that approaches actual facts.
But that does not stop such high-ranking members of the “Party of
Science” as New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, as he continues to uphold
his ban on fracking in his state, to the detriment of his state’s
economy and citizens, even in the face of a federal report showing that
that it is not harmful.
Recently, the University of Cincinnati completed a three-year study into
the potential harm of fracking to local water supplies. The results?
There is absolutely no evidence that fracking contaminates local ground
water whatsoever. Great news, right? Well, not to those who funded the
Under pressure from the backers of the study, the University will not
release the results. According to lead researcher Amy Townsend-Small,
“our funders, the groups that had given us funding in the past, were a
little disappointed in our results. They feel that fracking is scary and
so they were hoping our data could point to a reason to ban it.”
Women in Combat:
In a move referred to as “another historic step forward”, Defense
Secretary Ash Carter ruled that women would now be allowed to serve in
all combat roles in the US Military, including front-line roles. The
stated reason for this decision was to increase the potential pool of
people upon which to draw to fill these roles. The unstated reason, of
course, is to increase diversity within our armed forces, whether it
makes sense to do so or not.
And, of course, it doesn’t make sense. Recently, both the US Army and
the US Marine Corps conducted studies to determine the impact that women
serving in front-line combat positions would have on those combat
units. The results showed that, while some women can perform at or above
the minimally required levels currently in place, the overall
effectiveness of the combat unit is dramatically reduced.
Well, to be fair, that was the result of the Marine Corps’ study. It
turns out that the Marines, as they tend to do, took their job seriously
and actually performed comprehensive and complete testing, in
accordance with the Department of Defense’s required methodology. And
then released the full and complete report for analysis.
The Marine Corps study has been and continues to be ignored.
The US Army’s study, however, came back with the politically desired
results. But soon after that study was released, it was discovered that
the women in their tests were given extra training, special treatment,
and were held to lower standards. When the details of this
now-questionable study were requested by Congressman Steve Russell
(R-OK), a former Army Ranger, he was informed, after weeks of delay,
that the records had been destroyed. Convenient, don’t you think?
But how old-fashioned to think that facts should mean anything when the
“Party of Science” knows what’s best for us. Putting women in front line
combat roles is fair and diverse and stuff. So what if it puts all of
our military men and women at a greater risk?
Minimum Wage Laws:
The push for a so-called “living wage” has become almost a mantra among
the “Party of Science” crowd. Someone, somewhere, somehow decided that
$15/hour is a “living wage.” Where that number came from is still a
mystery, but who cares? #Fightfor15! #LivingWages!
And as fun as it has been to watch rich, well-positioned politicians and
other members of the community formerly known as “reality-based”
pretend to live on what they assume to be starvation wages (“oh my, when
did the price of dried kiwi and quinoa become so high?”), this fight is
causing real harm in the real world.
For example, the city of Seattle, WA recently implemented a $15 minimum
wage. The result? Huge job losses inside the Seattle city limits,
compared to huge job growth in the surrounding communities. Also,
business growth inside Seattle has slowed to a crawl, while it is
booming elsewhere. So instead of helping low wage earners, higher
minimum wages actually hurts them. Who could have seen that coming?
And it will only get worse. Businesses that normally depend on unskilled
and younger workers are looking at automation, in order to reduce their
staffing needs. Yes, Virginia, when it costs less to buy a machine to
do your job than it does to hire you, business owners will buy the
It is interesting to note that some “Party of Science” members do
recognize their cognitive dissonance. As he signed into law an
increase in the California’s minimum wage, Gov. Jerry Brown freely
admitted that higher minimum wages are not economically viable. But who
cares about that? It makes sense morally and politically! (Try saying
that from the unemployment line as opposed to the Governor’s mansion.)
Genetically modified crops are safe. Party of Science doesn’t care.
Vaccines do not cause autism. Party of Science doesn’t care. Gender
identity is not fluid and transgenderism is a psychological disorder
similar to anorexia and should be treated as such. Not so, says the
Party of Science, and you shall not only accept, but celebrate the
choices made by these brave yet tortured souls.
I could try to analyze why so many people work so hard to make the rest
of us reject reality for their fantasies, but I think the motivation
behind this effort was explained quite brilliantly many years ago:
“You believe that reality is something objective, external, existing in
its own right. You also believe that the nature of reality is
self-evident. When you delude yourself into thinking that you see
something, you assume that everyone else sees the same thing as you. But
I tell you, Winston, that reality is not external. Reality exists in
the human mind, and nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can
make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the
Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be
the truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking
through the eyes of the Party. That is the fact that you have got to
relearn, Winston. It needs an act of self- destruction, an effort of the
will. You must humble yourself before you can become sane.” – O’Brien
(George Orwell – ‘1984’)
Bill Nye the Scientism Guy
Facts don’t support his hypothesis, so he shouts louder, changes subjects and attacks his critics
Willie Soon and István Markó
True science requires that data, observations and other evidence support
a hypothesis – and that it can withstand withering analysis and
criticism – or the hypothesis is wrong.
That’s why Albert Einstein once joked, “If the facts don’t fit your
theory, change the facts.” When informed that scientists who rejected
his theory of relativity had published a pamphlet, 100 authors against
Einstein, he replied: “Why 100? If I were wrong, one would be enough.”
In the realm of climate scientism, the rule seems to be: If the facts
don’t support your argument, talk louder, twist the facts, and insult
your opponents. That’s certainly what self-styled global warming
“experts” like Al Gore and Bill Nye are doing. Rather than debating
scientists who don’t accept false claims that humans are causing
dangerous climate change, they just proclaim more loudly:
Our theory explains everything that’s happening. Hotter or colder
temperatures, wetter or drier weather, less ice in the Arctic, more ice
in Antarctica – it’s all due to fossil fuel use.
Climate scientism aggressively misrepresents facts, refuses to discuss
energy and climate issues with anyone who points out massive flaws in
the manmade climate chaos hypothesis, bullies anyone who won’t condemn
carbon dioxide, and brands them as equivalent to Holocaust Deniers.
In a recent Huffington Post article, Mr. Nye “challenges climate change
deniers” by claiming, “The science of global warming is long settled,
and one may wonder why the United States, nominally the most
technologically advanced country in the world, is not the world leader
in addressing the threats.”
Perhaps it’s not so settled. When the Australian government recently
shifted funds from studying climate change to addressing threats that
might result, 275 research jobs were imperiled. The very scientists
who’d been saying there was a 97% consensus howled that there really
wasn’t one. Climate change is very complex, they cried (which is true),
and much more work must be done if we are to provide more accurate
temperature predictions, instead of wild forecasts based on CO2
emissions (also true).
Perhaps Mr. Nye and these Australian researchers should discuss what
factors other than carbon dioxide actually cause climate and weather
fluctuations. They may also encounter other revelations: that climate
science is still young and anything but settled; that we have little
understanding of what caused major ice ages, little ice ages, warm
periods in between and numerous other events throughout the ages; that
computer model predictions thus far have been little better than tarot
card divinations.
As for Nye’s assertions that “carbon dioxide has an enormous effect on
planetary temperatures” and “climate change was discovered in recent
times by comparing the Earth to the planet Venus” – those are truly
bizarre, misleading, vacuous claims.
The relatively rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 over the last 30 years
has produced only 0.2°C (0.4°F) of global warming – compared to a 1°C
(1.8°F) total temperature increase over the past 150 years. That means
the planetary temperature increase has slowed down, as carbon dioxide
levels rose. In fact, average temperatures have barely budged for nearly
19 years, an inconvenient reality that even the IPCC (Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change) now recognizes.
This is an “enormous effect”? By now, it is increasingly clear, the
proper scientific conclusion is that the “greenhouse effect” of rising
atmospheric carbon dioxide is very minor – as a recent article explains.
Mr. Nye and his fans and fellow activists could learn a lot from it.
Objective readers, and even Mr. Nye, would also profit from reading a
rather devastating critique of one of The Scientism Guy’s
“science-is-easy” demonstrations. It concludes that the greenhouse
effect of CO2 molecules is of course real, but Mr. Nye’s clever
experiment for Al Gore’s “Climate Reality Project” was the result of
“video fakery” and “could never work” as advertised. When will Messrs.
Nye and Gore stop peddling their Hollywood special effects?
For that matter, when will they stop playing inter-planetary games? Mr.
Nye and the popular media love to tell us that carbon dioxide from oil,
gas and coal could soon turn Planet Earth into another Venus:
over-heated, barren, rocky and lifeless. Princeton Institute of Advanced
Study Professors Freeman Dyson and Will Happer show that this is utter
For one thing, Venus is far closer to the sun, so it is subjected to far
more solar heat, gravitational pull and surface pressure than Earth is.
“If we put a sunshade shielding Venus from sunlight,” Dr. Dyson notes,
“it would only take 500 years for its surface to cool down and its
atmosphere to condense into a carbon dioxide ocean.” It’s not the high
temperature that makes Venus permanently unfriendly to life, he adds;
it’s the lack of water.
Second, the amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide are grossly
disproportionate. Earth has barely 0.04% carbon dioxide (by volume) in
its atmosphere, whereas Venus has 97% and Mars has 95% CO2. Mars much
greater distance from the sun also means it has an average surface
temperature of -60°C (-80°F) –underscoring yet again how absurd it is to
use planetary comparisons to stoke climate change fears.
Third, Earth’s atmosphere used to contain far more carbon dioxide. “For
most of the past 550 million years of the Phanerozoic, when
multicellular life left a good fossil record, the earth’s CO2 levels
were four times, even ten times, higher than now,” Dr. Happer points
out. “Yet life flourished on land and in the oceans. Earth never came
close to the conditions of Venus.” And it never will.
Fourth, Venus’s much closer proximity to the sun means it receives about
twice as much solar flux (radiant energy) as the Earth does: 2637 Watts
per square meter versus 1367, Happer explains. The IPCC says doubling
atmospheric CO2 concentrations would be equivalent to just 15 W/m2 of
additional solar flux. That’s nearly 100 times less than what Venus gets
from being closer to the Sun.
Fifth, surface pressure on Venus is about 90 times that of the Earth,
and strong convection forces increase the heating of surface air, he
continues, making Venus’s surface even hotter. However, dense sulfuric
acid clouds prevent most solar heat from ever reaching the planet’s
surface. Instead, they reflect most sunlight back into space, which is
“one of the reasons Venus is such a lovely morning or evening
Of course, none of these nerdy details about Earth-Venus differences
really matter. We already know plant life on Planet Earth loved the
higher CO2 levels that prevailed during the Carboniferous Age and other
times when plants enjoyed extraordinary growth.
However, even burning all the economically available fossil fuels would
not likely even double current atmospheric CO2 levels – to just 0.08%
carbon dioxide, compared to 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 0.9% argon and
0.1% for all other gases except water vapor. And doubling CO2 would get
us away from the near-famine levels for plants that have prevailed for
the past tens of millions of years.
Carbon dioxide is absolutely essential for plant growth – and for all
life on Earth. Volumes of research clearly demonstrate that crop,
garden, forest, grassland and ocean plants want more CO2, not less. The
increased greening of our Earth over the past 30 years testifies to the
desperate need of plants for this most fundamental fertilizer. The more
CO2 they get, the better and faster they grow.
More than 70% of the oxygen present in the atmosphere – and without
which we could never live – originates from phytoplankton absorbing
carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Keep this in mind when Bill Nye The
Junk Science Guy tells you carbon dioxide is bad for our oceans and
Dr. Willie Soon is an independent scientist who has been studying the
Sun and Earth’s climate for 26 years. Dr. István Markó is a professor of
chemistry at the Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium and
director of the Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory.
Via email
Australia’s secret ETS starts in five weeks
Quietly, surprisingly, Australia’s climate change policy has become a
bipartisan emissions trading scheme, or ETS … well, almost. The parties
might try to manufacture differences for the election campaign, although
they haven’t yet, and anyway they don’t really exist.
From July 1, coincidentally the day before the election, the Coalition’s
“safeguard mechanism” within its Direct Action Plan will come into
One-hundred and fifty companies, representing about 50 per cent of
Australia’s total carbon emissions, will be capped by legislation at
their highest level of emissions between 2009-10 and 2013-14.
If they emit less than their caps, they will get credits, called
Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs), which were created by the
Gillard government’s 2011 legislation; if they emit more, they have to
buy ACCUs on the market.
The caps specifically include the electricity sector and the ACCUs are
“financial products” under both the Corporations Act and the ASIC Act,
and can be traded, so an ETS market will be established from July 1.
It is, in short, a classic cap-and-trade ETS, similar in effect to the
one legislated by the ALP in 2011, but which unwisely started with a
fixed price that could be labelled a carbon tax, and was repealed on
July 17, 2014 by the Abbott government, with high-fives and champagne.
What hasn’t been announced or included in the Coalition’s legislation
yet is that the caps will start to be reduced from next year, which will
make it even more similar in some ways to the Gillard government’s
Clean Energy Act 2011.
The legislation that included the Coalition’s ETS was passed by the
Senate — with the support of both the ALP and the Greens — on its last
day of sitting in 2015, in December.
As it happens, that was the day before the Paris climate conference,
called COP 21, got underway, at which an agreement to keep the global
temperature increase to 2 degrees was signed by 189 countries, including
The emissions caps imposed on 150 companies are described by the
government as a “safeguard mechanism” to support the Emissions Reduction
Fund that is the centrepiece of the Direct Action Plan, in which
companies bid at auction for the right to be paid to reduce their
emissions. Those auctions have so far resulted in 143 million tonnes of
abatement at an average price of $12.10 per tonne, which is much lower
than had been forecast by the scheme’s opponents.
The Department of Environment’s website says: “The safeguard mechanism
will protect taxpayers’ funds by ensuring that emissions reductions paid
for through the crediting and purchasing elements of the Emissions
Reduction Fund are not displaced by significant increases in emissions
above business-as-usual levels elsewhere in the economy.”
But depending on the gradient of cap reduction that is decided next
year, the safeguard itself could end up becoming the central pillar of
Australia’s response to the Paris agreement.
That’s because the government almost certainly can’t afford to pay for
enough abatement under the auction system to meet its Paris commitments,
given the state of the budget.
In fact, the safeguard mechanism becomes a way for the government —
Coalition or Labor — to adjust the budget deficit: reducing the
“safeguard” caps faster would reduce the amount that the ERF would have
to pay out.
The interesting question is why no one is talking about any of this.
Obviously the 150 companies involved know about it, and it’s all
described in full on the department website, but the fact that Australia
has effectively legislated an emissions trading scheme is virtually a
So far, climate change has been absent from the election campaign and
will probably remain so — because fundamentally the parties agree now.
The only disagreement is likely to be rate of the reduction in the caps,
and no one is ready to talk about that yet.
In fact, the idea of a cap-and-trade scheme has been part of the
Coalition’s climate policy since well before Greg Hunt went from shadow
minister to Minister for the Environment in 2013. He made it a condition
of his appointment by Tony Abbott that the science of climate change
would be accepted and the emissions reduction target would not change.
Within that, he and Abbott constructed a policy position that could more
or less credibly be argued as achieving the abatement targets, while at
the same time satisfying three requirements: differentiating their
policy from the ALP, not increasing electricity prices and not upsetting
the far right of the Coalition.
When Malcolm Turnbull became leader and Prime Minister last year,
amazingly, he did not fully understand his party’s climate policy, and
in particular the inclusion of a cap and trade ETS, because Hunt had
never discussed it in Cabinet. Apparently, he was pleasantly surprised,
but decided to maintain radio silence, as part of his broader efforts to
keep the conservatives onside.
The whole process has been a remarkable strategy by Hunt: he has
effectively steered an emissions trading scheme into Australia’s
response to climate change through a ferociously polarised political
It’s arguably a bit like Nixon in China — only a conservative minister could have done it.
The key has been not talking about the ETS part of the policy and to
emphasise the lack of a price on all emissions. He hasn’t exactly kept
it secret, since it’s in the legislation, but nor has he talked about it
publicly and nor has anyone else.
Both the Greens and the ALP passed the legislation in December, even
though they probably could have blocked it. Why? It’s because they
basically agree with it and want to use the mechanism if elected.
Will it work? That depends on the gradient of the cap reductions when
they start. The key is that an ETS has now been legislated in Australia
and can be adjusted to fit requirements, either budgetary or political.
Will it result in higher electricity prices? Almost certainly. Shhh.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
27 May, 2016
20th century global warming may have been due to decreasing aroma from trees
The finding below are particularly interesting in the aftermath of
Munshi's demonstration that the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere is NOT
of anthropogenic origin. So therefore anthropogenic CO2 emissions
CANNOT explain the slight degree of global warming seen in C20. So
what does explain it? The best explanation so far is Svensmark's
theory that variations cosmic rays reaching earth affect cloud
formation and that earth was substantially shielded from such rays by
enhanced solar activity in C20.
The finding below builds on that
and looks at another factor that could affect cloud formation. It
finds that aromatic output from trees can encourage clouds. So the
extensive deforestation that occurred during C20 could have reduced
clouds and caused some warming. Now that deforestation has on a
global scale run most of its course, therefore, we should have a C21
temperature stasis -- which is exactly what we do have. We may
have seen the complete end of a warming period
What I say above
is just an attempt to put in layman's terms what Lubos Motl says
below. My apologies to Lubos if he thinks he had already done that
CLOUD, the experiment that measures the birth of clouds at CERN, has released new papers:
CLOUD has done lots of measurements of the processes that are needed to
create clouds which, as many kids have noticed, usually cool down the
The experiment has been taking place at CERN because the cosmic rays
(emulated by the CERN's sources of beams) are important for the creation
of the cloud (condensation) nuclei. Even in the new papers, cosmic rays
are found to increase the nucleation rate by 1-2 orders of magnitude.
Recall that the Sun's activity may influence the cosmic ray flux, and
therefore its variations may be responsible for "climate change".
Svensmark's theory generally argues that a stronger solar activity means
a more perfect shielding of the cosmic rays, therefore less cloudiness,
and therefore warmer weather.
However, the focus of the new papers is on something else than the
cosmic rays: the molecules that should be present for the cloud nuclei
to emerge and surpass the critical mass.
It's been generally thought that the sulfuric acid was almost necessary.
Chimneys (or volcano eruptions etc.) should increase cloudiness.
However, there have been inconclusive hints in some papers that some
organic molecules are enough. You may have worried: How could have the
clouds existed in the past, before the chimneys were built?
Jasper Kirkby and collaborators have found out that the molecules known
as "aroma of the trees" may indeed do the same job and that is decisive
in the pristine environments without chimneys.
More precisely, the molecules that can do the job are the "highly
oxygenated molecules" (HOMs) which are produced by ozonolysis of
?-pinene. The lesson for "global warming" seems clear: deforestation may
decrease the amount of aroma from the trees, and therefore the amount
of clouds, and it may therefore lead to global warming.
This may be the explanation of the changes in the 20th century and
because the deforestation is over, so may be "global warming".
Season Approaches: U.S. Hits Record 127 Months Since Major Hurricane Strike
With hurricane season set to start next week, Tuesday marks a record 127
months since a major hurricane has made landfall in the continental
United States, according to statistics compiled by the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Hurricane Research Division,
which keeps data on all the hurricanes that have struck the U.S. since
The last major hurricane (defined as a Category 3 or above) to hit the
U.S. mainland was Hurricane Wilma, which made landfall in Florida
on Oct. 24, 2005.
Although a major hurricane typically strikes the U.S. about once every
two years, no major hurricanes have made landfall in the U.S. for more
than 10 and a half years.
The second longest stretch between major hurricane strikes was between
the major hurricane that struck in August 1860 and the one that struck
in September 1869, NOAA records show. The third longest stretch was
between the major hurricane that struck in September 1900 and the one
that struck in October 1906.
Wilma was one of four major hurricanes – including Hurricanes Dennis
(July 10, 2005), Katrina (Aug. 29, 2005) and Rita (Sept. 24, 2005) -
that came ashore in the U.S. during the 2005 hurricane season. (The
season starts on June 1 and runs through November 30.)
Hurricanes Wilma, Rita and Katrina killed almost 4,000 people and caused
an estimated $160 billion in damage that year, making it “one of the
most active hurricane seasons in recorded history,” NOAA said in a
statement marking the 10-year anniversary of the 2005 hurricane season.
Because of the massive death and destruction caused by Wilma, Rita,
Katrina and Dennis, their names have been retired by the National
Weather Service.
“On average, 12 tropical storms, 6 of which become hurricanes, form over
the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, or Gulf of Mexico during the
hurricane season,” according to NOAA.
“Over a typical 2-year period, the U.S. coastline is struck by an
average of 3 hurricanes, 1 of which is classified as a major hurricane
(winds of 111 mph or greater)” on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind
Scale. Such storms are capable of causing “devastating” or
“catastrophic” damage.
The current drought in major hurricane activity is a “rare event” that
occurs only once every 177 years, according to a study published last
year by researchers at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
(GISS) entitled The Frequency and Duration of U.S. Hurricane Droughts.
NOAA’s official “2016 hurricane season outlook will be issued on May
27th,” Dr. Gerry Bell, hurricane climate specialist at the agency’s
Climate Prediction Center, told
However, there is a chance the 127-month record will be broken this year
with the decline of the 2015-2016 El Nino, a warming of the ocean
surface, that was one of the three strongest on record. There is a 75
percent chance of a transition to La Nina, a cooling of the ocean
surface, by this fall, according to NOAA.
Dr. Philip Klotzbach, a meteorologist and hurricane specialist at the
University of Colorado, tweeted that based on data going back to 1878,
major hurricane activity is more likely to happen during the La Ninas
that follow El Ninos.
According to The Weather Channel, last winter’s El Nino “played a
significant suppressing role in the 2015 Atlantic hurricane season…. The
odds may shift a bit toward a more active Atlantic hurricane season in
2016, but El Nino’s absence doesn’t guarantee that outcome.”
An analysis of five hurricane seasons following strong El Ninos found
that the number of Category 3 or above hurricanes ranged from one
(1973,1983) to five (1958).
In a statement on its website last year, NOAA expressed concern that the
“unprecedented stretch” between major hurricanes could induce Americans
living in coastal areas to suffer from “hurricane amnesia” and not be
adequately prepared for the next hurricane strike.
“It only takes one storm to change your life and community,” warned a
NOAA website for this month’s Hurricane Preparedness Week, which lists
seven steps “to prepare for a potential landfalling tropical storm or
hurricane” accompanied by storm surges and heavy rainfall.
“Storm surge is the abnormal rise of water generated by a storm’s winds.
This hazard is historically the leading cause of hurricane related
deaths in the United States,” according to NOAA. “Flooding from heavy
rains is the second leading cause of fatalities during landfalling
tropical cyclones.”
President Obama, so far, is the only president since Benjamin Harrison
not to have a major hurricane make landfall in the U.S. during his term.
Harrison, whose term of office did not include a major hurricane
strike, served from 1889 to 1893.
'Climate Change Inquisition' Backtracks, but Fight Isn't Over
Some good news, some not-so-good news. The witch hunt launched by “AGs
United for Clean Power” against organizations espousing views
incredulous toward man-made global warming suffered somewhat of a
setback this week after the group rescinded a DC-based subpoena
targeting the Competitive Enterprise Institute. That’s the good news.
Unfortunately, the original subpoena has not been dropped, which leaves
the possibility of an unconstitutional prosecution of CEI and other
like-minded associates still very much in play.
According to the CEI, “Following the pledge in a May 13 letter to CEI’s
attorney, U.S. Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude Walker (AG Walker)
has withdrawn the District of Columbia subpoena action against the
Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), yet the original Virgin Islands
subpoena remains, meaning AG Walker can move at any moment to continue
his unconstitutional intimidation campaign against the free market group
and others who oppose his view of climate change. CEI’s motion for
sanctions against AG Walker is pending in court and the group continues
its pushback against the AG’s wrongdoing.”
In April, Heritage Foundation fellows Hans von Spakovsky and Cole
Wintheiser astutely branded the anti-free speech assault the “American
Climate Change Inquisition” — a harrowing throwback to the Spanish
Inquisition that “systematically silenced any citizen who held views
that did not align with the king’s.” The rule of law will hopefully
quash the modern day Climate Change Inquisition once and for all. But
for now, groups like CEI and still being held hostage.
Obama Raided $500M for Zika to Finance UN’s Green Climate Fund
Last week, the Senate passed legislation to address and prevent the
spread of the Zika virus. However, the Senate failed to pay for it, and
instead approved a $1.1 billion “emergency” spending supplemental bill
that is not subject to the budgetary caps that were agreed to last year.
While congressional inattention to the budget crisis is inexcusable, it
is even more disturbing that the Obama administration already has the
authority to pay for a Zika response from existing agency budgets, but
chose not to.
I’ve said several times on the Senate floor, over the last two weeks,
that the Zika virus is a serious threat and should be dealt with
responsibly by funding immediate vaccine research and aggressive
mosquito population control.
The threat to adults from Zika is relatively small, but the threat to
pre-born children is very high. Our national priority rightly focuses on
protecting the life of these young children in the womb, since each
child has value, no matter their age or size.
But an international medical emergency has now become a U.S. budget
emergency, a major debt crisis that will impact our children as well.
If there was a way to both respond to Zika and prevent new debt
spending, wouldn’t it be reasonable to do that? The Department of Health
and Human Services, Department of State, and International Assistance
Programs currently have about $80 billion in unobligated funds.
A small fraction of this could be reprogrammed and redirected to respond
to the Zika emergency and not add any additional debt to our nation’s
children. This is exactly the type of authority the Obama administration
asked for in 2009 during the height of the H1N1 virus scare.
This is not a partisan idea, it is a reasonable one in light of the medical emergency and the financial reality of our nation.
In a floor speech last week, I also shed light on the fact that Congress
last December provided the Obama administration with authority to pull
money from bilateral economic assistance to foreign countries.
You might ask—so what did the administration spend the infectious
disease money on earlier this year? You guessed it… climate change.
They can use those funds to combat infectious diseases, if the
administration believed there is an infectious disease emergency. In the
middle of the Zika epidemic, the administration did use their authority
to pull money from foreign aid and spend it, but they didn’t use it for
You might ask—so what did the administration spend the infectious disease money on earlier this year?
You guessed it… climate change.
In March, President Obama gave the United Nations $500 million out of an
account under bilateral economic assistance to fund the U.N.’s Green
Climate Fund.
Congress refused to allocate funding for the U.N. Climate Change Fund
last year, so the president used this account designated for
international infectious diseases to pay for his priority.
While I understand that intelligent people can disagree on the human
effects on the global climate, it is hard to imagine a reason why the
administration would prioritize the U.N. Green Climate Fund over
protecting the American people, especially pregnant women, from the Zika
Unfortunately, it gets worse.
So, the administration found a way to offend our ally Israel, delay the
Zika response and, if Congress allows him, add another billion dollars
to our national debt.
The U.N. Green Climate Fund is connected to the U.N. Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), an affiliated organization of the
United Nations.
The UNFCCC recently accepted the “State of Palestine” as a signatory,
which should trigger a U.S. funding prohibition. U.S. law forbids any
taxpayer dollars to fund international organizations that recognize
“Palestine” as a sovereign state.
So, the administration found a way to offend our ally Israel, delay the
Zika response and, if Congress allows him, add another billion dollars
to our national debt. That is a busy month.
The White House should not throw money at the U.N. while a vaccine for a
virus known to cause severe, debilitating neurological birth defects is
put on the back burner.
Zika is an important international crisis, but every crisis does not
demand new “emergency funding” that is all debt. If there is a way to
avoid more debt, we should take that option, it is what every family and
every business does every day.
Canada:Putting the fox in charge of the henhouse
The climate activist group,, released a video on May 18 which starts:
“The Canadian government has announced it will work with provinces,
territories, First Nations, and people across the country to develop a
national climate strategy by the end of 2016 to determine how Canada
will tackle climate change in the upcoming years.”
That sounds fine, as long as the “people across Canada” includes experts
who actually understand the field, namely, scientists, economists, and
engineers, regardless of whether they side with political correctness on
the issue or not continues, “During May and June, the government has asked
Members of Parliament to hold public consultations for this climate
strategy with the constituents in their ridings.”
This is OK as well, as long as the consultations are done in such a way
as to encourage a broad range of public input, not just what the
government and climate activists find convenient. The recent climate
consultation by the Government of Ontario was highly biased and a good
example of what the federal government must avoid if their town hall
consultations are to be seen as anything other than pep rallies.
“This process will offer a one in a generation opportunity for people to
call for an ambitious national climate strategy,” continues
Well, yes, if people think Canada actually needs a national strategy.
Since different regions may be affected by climate change in quite
different ways, strategies specific to one region may make no sense in
other regions. It is only if one accepts the need for national
greenhouse gas emission reductions that a national strategy would seem
to make sense, and, of course, such an idea is not shared by many
Canadians. then says that they will be speaking out at the town halls in
favour of the “People’s Climate Plan,” which aims to keep the majority
of fossil fuel reserves in the ground and “builds a 21st century economy
run 100% on renewable energy by 2050.”
Again, in a free society, is entitled to promote their
viewpoints, regardless of whether it makes sense, or as many engineers
and scientists maintain, is dangerously irrational. So, it is important
that those of us who do not support the climate change plans of
and their fellow climate activists attend and speak out at climate
change public consultations.
In asking for public input on the government’s plans, Environment and
Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna said, “The climate challenge
cannot be resolved by government alone. That is why we need your help.
We need your ideas and solutions. And we need everyone to be engaged in
this national effort. Thank you for participating. I look forward to
your ideas.”
This sounds encouraging. Indeed, even says in their video,
“We’ll organize to demand that our MPs hold fair and inclusive
consultations in our ridings.”
But then warns, “Next, we’ll fill up the room during government
consultations with people from our local communities in support of the
‘People’s Climate Plan.’”
“And then, before the climate strategy is unveiled in the Fall, we’ll
mobilize en-mass to hold the government accountable for taking bold, and
ambitious, climate action.”
Many Canadians will find it intimidating to speak out in opposition to
such organized and aggressive activism. Yet, the approach is
still acceptable in a free society, provided the government controls the
agenda and McKenna’s apparently welcoming approach is actually carried
out in practice at public consultations.
But there’s the rub. Many of town halls appear unlikely to welcome
anything aside from the point of view climate activists hold dear.
The list of climate change town halls across Canada shows that they fall into three categories.
I. Those organized and run by government alone
Provided meeting coordinators respect alternative perspectives and
sanction activists who attempt to restrict free speech, these
consultations can provide meaningful input to government climate plans.
The town hall to be held on July 5 in North Vancouver by MP John
Wilkinson appears to fall into this category. As does the town hall
being led by McKenna and MP for Winnipeg South Terry Duguid in Winnipeg
tonight. In both cases, prospective attendees are directed to RSVP to
government representatives.
II. Those organized and run by eco-activists alone
These should be allowed, of course, but the results of such town halls
should not be considered representative of general public opinion since
people who disagree with climate activists are unlikely to attend.
Eco-activists can be highly abusive at times to anyone who does not
agree with them.
The town hall meeting to be held this evening in Ottawa South falls into
this category. To RSVP for the meeting, the public are directed to
complete a online form, something few people will do if they do
not agree with activists. MP David McGuinty stated in personal
communications that his office is not organizing the event; he is simply
a guest speaker. McGuinty said he does not foresee holding a public
climate change town hall in his riding.
III. Those run by climate activists and government working together
These are inappropriate. MPs are elected to represent all of their
constituents, and no group—not industry, not eco-activists and not even
groups like ours, the International Climate Science Coalition—should
have privileged access or control over public consultations.
The town hall being held tonight in Saskatoon is an example of this
apparently unacceptable cooperation between government and
eco-activists. On the Facebook page dedicated to the event, it could not
be clearer: “The Saskatoon-West riding office in conjunction with
Climate Justice Saskatoon has organized this event for the Saskatoon
community at large.” Saskatoon West MP Sheri Benson should consider
withdrawing from, or taking sole control of, the meeting.
Similarly, on the Facebook page for the “Climate Action Town Hall -
Nelson,” (being held this evening in British Columbia), it is stated,
“Conversation will be facilitated by community members representing the
West Kootenay EcoSociety, Citizens Climate Lobby and the Nelson
Interfaith Climate Action Collaborative.” Imagine how receptive these
groups will be to public input that does not conform to their views.
Again, Kootenay-Columbia MP Wayne Stetski should distance himself from
the meeting, or take sole control of it and appoint neutral
The goal of public consultations should be to help government determine
real public opinion about issues of national importance. This cannot
happen as long as parties with such clear agendas are organizers of the
hearings. The fox must never be in charge of the henhouse.
Australia: El Nino over, BoM says, so winter rain could be on the way
A miracle has occurred. The BoM has not blamed anything below on global warming
The latest El Nino cycle is over, which could lead to a wet winter, according to the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM).
The bureau's modelling shows ocean surface temperatures across the
tropical Pacific have cooled to neutral levels over the past
fortnight. Waters beneath the surface have also cooled.
Forecaster Michael Knepp said conditions were back to neutral and the
bureau was now on La Nina watch. During La Nina events, rainfall in
winter and spring is above average over northern, central and eastern
"[There's] a greater than 50 per cent chance that we might be in La Nina
conditions later in the year," Mr Knepp said. "That's not a certain
thing, just something to keep an eye on over the next few months."
International climate models indicate the tropical Pacific Ocean will
continue to cool. Six of eight models suggest La Nina is likely to form
during winter.
Mr Knepp said more rainfall could be expected across the region if
predictions were correct, but the outlook accuracy at this time of year
was low.
El Nino has contributed to drought conditions over the majority of
Queensland. Currently, 85 per cent of Queensland is drought declared.
The bureau said almost the entire western half of Victoria was
experiencing severe rainfall deficiency. The rainfall deficiency
in Tasmania covers much of the state.
Areas of serious to severe deficiency remain through inland Queensland and into northern New South Wales.
Large areas of South Australia and Western Australia are also experiencing serious rainfall deficiency.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
26 May, 2016
Trump executive proposes a wall to protect Irish golf resort from coastal erosion
This has got nothing to do with global warming. Sea level rises
in Ireland are in fact on the low side. What IS true is that
Western Ireland is exposed to the full force of big Atlantic storms --
and they do cause coastal erosion. And it is common to put in
place structures designed to halt such erosion.
To do so in
politically correct Ireland does however require a permit and that
permit is required under legislation enacted out of global warming
fears. It is not Trump who fears the effects of global
warming in Western Ireland. It is the Dáil Éireann (Irish
That Trump seeks a permit to build a wall does not mean that he agrees with being required to seek such a permit
Donald Trump wants to build another huge wall, this time to keep out the
rising seas threatening to swamp his luxury golf resort in Ireland.
The Republican presidential candidate has called climate change a "con
job" and a "hoax." But in an application filed this month in County
Clare, Ireland, the Trump International Golf Links and Hotel cites the
threat of global warming in seeking a permit to build a nearly
two-mile-long stone wall between it and the Atlantic Ocean. The beach in
front of the 18th green is disappearing at a rate of about a yard each
Trump's application, first reported Monday by Politico, cites local
regulations pertaining to "rising sea levels and increased storm
frequency and wave energy associated with global warming." An attached
environmental impact statement says that almost all the dunes in western
Ireland are retreating "due to sea level rise and increased Atlantic
Trump campaign spokesman Alan Garten did not respond Monday to messages from The Associated Press seeking comment.
Trump, who has roiled the immigration debate by proposing to build a
massive wall along the Mexican border, has repeatedly taken to Twitter
to express skepticism that human activity is causing the world to warm,
raising sea levels as the polar ice caps melt. He has also said he would
seek to "renegotiate" the global accord to cut climate-warming carbon
emissions agreed to by President Barack Obama in December.
"The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in
order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive," Trump tweeted in
"The entire country is FREEZING - we desperately need a heavy dose of
global warming, and fast! Ice caps size reaches all time high," Trump
tweeted in 2014.
Environmental groups pounced on the application as evidence of hypocrisy.
"Donald Trump clearly cares more about the fate of his golf courses than
the health of the millions of families already affected by the climate
crisis," said Adam Beitman, a spokesman for the Sierra Club.
Study finds that warming INCREASES Greenland snowfall
They think their models can explain it but models can explain
anything. The truth is that nobody knows exactly how or why.
The 2 degrees of Global Warming predicted may not, on balance,
melt ANY Greenland ice -- so no sea level rise! Tragic!
The history of Greenland’s snowfall is chronicled in an unlikely place:
the remains of aquatic plants that died long ago, collecting at the
bottom of lakes in horizontal layers that document the passing years.
Using this ancient record, scientists are attempting to reconstruct how
Arctic precipitation fluctuated over the past several millennia,
potentially influencing the size of the Greenland Ice Sheet as the Earth
warmed and cooled.
An early study in this field finds that snowfall at one key location in
western Greenland may have intensified from 6,000 to 4,000 years ago, a
period when the planet’s Northern Hemisphere was warmer than it is
While more research needs to be done to draw conclusions about ancient
precipitation patterns across Greenland, the new results are consistent
with the hypothesis that global warming could drive increasing Arctic
snowfall — a trend that would slow the shrinkage of the Greenland Ice
Sheet and, ultimately, affect the pace at which sea levels rise.
“As the Arctic gets warmer, there is a vigorous scientific debate about
how stable the Greenland Ice Sheet will be. How quickly will it lose
mass?” says lead researcher Elizabeth Thomas, PhD, an assistant
professor of geology in the University at Buffalo College of Arts and
Sciences who completed much of the study as a postdoctoral fellow at the
University of Massachusetts Amherst.
Precipitation is predicted to increase in the Arctic as temperature
increases and sea ice retreats. Yet the mechanisms controlling
precipitation in the Arctic are poorly understood and quantified only by
the short, sparse instrumental record. We use hydrogen isotope ratios
(?2H) of lipid biomarkers in lake sediments from western Greenland to
reconstruct precipitation seasonality and summer temperature during the
past 8?kyr. Aquatic biomarker ?2H was 100‰ more negative from 6 to 4?ka
than during the early and late Holocene, which we interpret to reflect
increased winter snowfall. The middle Holocene also had high summer air
temperature, decreased early winter sea ice in Baffin Bay and the
Labrador Sea, and a strong, warm West Greenland Current. These results
corroborate model predictions of winter snowfall increases caused by sea
ice retreat and furthermore suggest that warm currents advecting more
heat into the polar seas may enhance Arctic evaporation and snowfall.
Thomas, E. K., J. P. Briner, J. J. Ryan-Henry, and Y. Huang (2016); A
major increase in winter snowfall during the middle Holocene on western
Greenland caused by reduced sea ice in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea;
Geophysical Research Letters, 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL068513.
More Greenie greed
A French logging company and official partner of the World Wildlife Fund
(WWF) is deforesting a huge area of rainforest in southeast Cameroon
without the consent of local Baka “Pygmies” who have lived there and
managed the land for generations, Survival International has learned.
Rougier is described as an “integrated forest & trade company” and a
large “forest operator” in a WWF press release and report. It is
felling trees in an estimated 600,000 hectare area, which is more than
is permitted under Cameroonian law.
Rougier has also been denounced by Friends of the Earth for its
activities in Cameroon, which have included illegal price-fixing,
illegal logging outside a concession, felling more trees than
authorized, and illegally exporting rare timber.
WWF has stated that it would never partner with a company operating on
indigenous land without the consent of the indigenous people. In
entering this partnership with Rougier, it has violated its own policies
on indigenous peoples.
Survival recently wrote to the CEO of Rougier asking whether he believed
his company had acquired the Baka’s consent for the logging. In
response Rougier simply said that: “Baka communities are aware of our
existence and operation.”
Under Cameroonian law, the Baka are often criminalized as “poachers”
when they hunt to feed their families. In a map produced by Rougier, all
Baka forest camps within one concession are labelled as “poachers’
In February, Survival filed an OECD complaint against WWF for funding
abusive anti-poaching squads in Cameroon, who have used violence and
intimidation to deny tribespeople access to their land.
According to a recent report produced by the EU, not a single logging
company is operating legally in Cameroon. Experts say that no logging
activities are being carried out at sustainable levels.
Evidence shows that tribal peoples are the best conservationists and
guardians of the natural world. Despite this, WWF has preferred to
partner with international corporations that destroy the environment’s
best allies – tribal peoples.
Survival’s Director Stephen Corry said: “If further proof were needed
that WWF is more interested in securing corporate cash than really
looking out for the environment, here it is. The absurd language it has
used to try and hide this partnership with a logging firm – calling
Rougier a “leading producer of certified African tropical timber” –
should fool no-one, and reveals a lot about the nature of this
partnership. It’s a con. And it’s harming conservation. Survival is
fighting these abuses, for tribes, for nature, for all humanity.
Conservation organizations should be partnering with tribal peoples to
protect the environment, not the companies destroying it to make a quick
EPA Conducts Two Secret Meetings A Year To Decide How To Dole Out BILLIONS In Slush Fund Money
Two internal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) committees secretly
control how billions of dollars are spent, a Daily Caller News
Foundation investigation has found.
Congress appropriates about $1 billion annually for EPA’s Superfund
program, and the agency has accumulated nearly $6.8 billion in more than
1,300 slush fund-like accounts since 1990.
Two committees consisting entirely of EPA officials meet behind closed
doors twice annually to decide how the agency spends those funds on
highly polluted – and often dangerous – Superfund sites. All reports to
and from the groups, as well as the minutes of their meetings and all
other details, are kept behind closed doors.
“The National Risk-Based Priority Panel and the Superfund Special
Accounts Senior Management Committee engage in pre-decisional
deliberations which are internal to the agency and not open to the
public,” an EPA spokeswoman who requested anonymity told TheDCNF.
She was referring to Exemption Five of the Freedom of Information Act,
which is the most often abused exemption federal officials cite to
justify withholding information about government activities and
“The public is given ample time to weigh in on during the public comment
period once the site is proposed for [National Priorities List (NPL)]
addition,” the spokeswoman continued. “EPA considers those comments
before making a final decision.” (RELATED: Colorado Town Finally
Succumbs To EPA Control After Resisting For Decades)
These committees, however, are involved in financial decisions, rather
than adding a site to the NPL – how the EPA finalizes a Superfund
designation, so the comment period does nothing to advance public
understanding of how the two committees spend billions of tax dollars
every year.
“Established in January 2009, the Special Accounts Senior Management
Committee … is responsible for EPA’s national oversight and management
of special accounts,” the agency’s website says. The committee “ensures
appropriate management, transparency, and accountability … with special
Meanwhile, the agency has collected $6.3 billion in approximately 1,308
special accounts from lawsuits and settlements with parties responsible
for polluting superfund sites, but details beyond regional balances are
withheld from the public, TheDCNF previously reported.
It’s nearly impossible to determine where the estimated $3.3 billion
spent so far went, or who will get the remaining $3.5 billion (after
adding interest). The EPA will also continue collecting funds from new
superfund sites, such as the recently proposed Gold King Mine, where the
agency spilled 880,000 pounds of dangerous metals into drinking water.
Additionally, the EPA’s Inspector General has criticized numerous
aspects of the special accounts, including the agency’s overall
bookkeeping. The watchdog previously recommended transferring $65
million out of special accounts, for example.
The second group – the Superfund National Risk-Based Priority Panel –
determines which unfunded sites require immediate attention based on
several factors, such as the risk to the nearby community.
But the panel’s secrecy prevents residents from knowing where nearby
hazardous places stand as an agency priority. This is particularly
important, since 329 Superfund sites could expose dangerous contaminants
to humans, according to EPA.
This confidentiality is necessary “to prevent polluters from taking
advantage of the EPA’s funding decisions,” the EPA told the Center for
Public Integrity in 2007. “Agency insiders,” however, told the center
the real reason was to avoid congressional scrutiny.
That revelation is crucial, considering EPA withholds details about the
special accounts, as well as sites endangering humans, from Congress.
Not having such information effectively prevents Congress from
exercising its constitutionally mandated oversight of executive branch
agencies like EPA.
The EPA, for example, refused to divulge information about the sites
exposing humans to dangerous contaminants to Senate Committee on
Environment and Public Works democrats – including then-Sen. Barack
Obama and Ranking Member Barbara Boxer ?of California, CPI reported.
Some of the documents were eventually obtained, but were marked
“privileged,” and could only be reviewed under EPA supervision.
Boxer’s spokeswoman did not respond to repeated DCNF requests for comment.
EPA’s move to raise ethanol mix in gasoline fuels alarm over engine damage
The Environmental Protection Agency’s move to add more ethanol to
gasoline will wreak havoc on lawn mowers, snow blowers, boats and even
cars, say critics.
Mixing an additional 700 million gallons of ethanol and other biofuels
into the nation’s fuel supply to meet a goal of 18.8 billion gallons in
2017 will raise the biofuel percentage to 10.44 percent, or past the
“blend wall” after which car engines can be damaged, said Heartland
Institute research fellow Isaac Orr.
“It’s hard for anyone to argue that the renewable fuel standard has been
a good policy, and the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to
increase the amount of ethanol in the nation’s fuel supply means this
train wreck of a policy will continue for at least another year,” Mr.
Orr said in a Thursday statement.
“Owners of small engines like lawn mowers, snow blowers, and boats are
hurt by ethanol mandates because ethanol is hard on these engines,” he
Janet McCabe, acting assistant administrator for the EPA’s Office of Air
and Radiation, called the 2005 Renewable Fuel Standard “a success story
that has driven biofuel production and use in the U.S. to levels higher
than any other nation.”
“This administration is committed to keeping the RFS program on track,
spurring continued growth in biofuel production and use, and achieving
the climate and energy independence benefits that Congress envisioned
from this program,” she said in a Wednesday statement.
Ethanol is popular with lawmakers in farming states like Iowa, but the
mandate faces increasing opposition from others, including some
environmentalists, who object to clearing more land for farming in order
to grow the corn-based fuel.
Free-market champions say the standard no longer makes sense because oil
and natural gas have become so plentiful thanks to advances in
extraction technology, starting with hydraulic fracturing. The ethanol
mandate also raises the cost of fuel.
At the time, Congress was attempting to reduce emissions as well as U.S.
dependence on foreign oil. Since then, the United States has become the
world’s largest producer of natural gas and doubled its oil production,
sending prices plummeting.
The EPA’s proposed increase is lower than the statutory volume imposed by Congress in 2007, but the amount is still too high
Don’t blame global warming for sizzling temperature, it’s your fault
A message from India to Indians
Sizzling at 51 degrees celsius, Phalodi, a small town in Rajasthan, has
set the country’s new all-time record for hottest temperature. In any
case April turns out to be the hottest month ever, 7th month in a row
when temperatures have exceeded what had been the highest recorded so
far. This is not a record to be proud of but is an indication of how
economic growth has created an atmosphere where chopping a tree does not
evoke any concern.
The rise in temperatures is indirectly proportionate to the decimation
of green cover. The more the chopping of trees, the higher is the
I have never felt what it is like to be in 51 degrees but have lived in
northwest areas which have often exceeded temperature hikes of 47
degrees. Even in such temperature extremes, the moment I pass through a
cluster of trees a wave of relatively cold breeze is such a great
feeling. The temperature difference is striking. At least, a
difference of 2 to 3 degrees between a dense tree shade and what you
feel when you are on a highway. Even in a concrete jungle like New
Delhi, where the scorching temperature exceeding 47 degrees is biting
enough, imagine the soothing effect if an increased green cover had
brought the average temperature down by 3 to 4 degrees.
Don’t blame it on global warming; blame yourself for the rising heat. You kept quiet when trees were being chopped mercilessly.
In a desperate race to achieve a higher growth rate, chopping a tree
does not anymore evoke any reaction. It is considered an inevitable
price that has to be paid for development. Ruthless chopping of trees in
metros and elsewhere to pave way for infrastructure projects, expansion
of highways from two-lane to four lane, and from four-lane to six-lane,
and the disappearing of water bodies and cutting down of trees for
residential complexes has led to what is called as urban ‘heat island’
effect. Cities and towns are increasingly becoming ‘heat islands’. The
higher the concentration of concrete buildings/structures, the more is
the ability to absorb solar radiation.
The National Green Tribunal has recently served a notice to Punjab
government for the axing of 96,000 trees to widen a 200-km long road
stretch between Zirakpur and Bathinda. But to my dismay I haven’t seen
any form of public protests or citizens’ reaction to such a large scale
chopping of trees. We have quietly accepted that trees have to be axed
for the sake of development. As I have often said that if a tree is
standing, the GDP does not go up but if you chop down a tree, the GDP
goes up. Now it is our choice whether you want a higher GDP by cutting
down trees or you want a kind of development where trees become part of
sustainable living.
The Neem Foundation tells us that temperature below a fully grown neem
tree is often 10 degrees less. I read an interesting article in The New
Indian Express (April 24, 2016) where the author tells us the difference
in temperature between green patches and the city centre in several
cities. In Bangalore for instance the difference in temperature
prevailing at the GKVK Agricultural University and just outside the
campus is four degrees. Even when the temperature in the Majestic bus
stand was 35 to 36 degrees, it was around 32 degrees in a nearby park.
According to a study by Prof T V Ramchandra and his team of the Energy
& Wetlands Research Group Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian
Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore city has seen a rapid expansion
in urban growth. In 2012, the researchers estimated that the built-up
area had grown by a whopping 584 per cent over the preceding four
decades. This obviously came at a heavy price. Vegetation cover declined
by 66 per cent and 74 per cent of the water bodies disappeared.
Bangalore no longer carries the same charm as it used to earlier. I have
heard many residents complain of the haphazard growth. But then who
cares. After all, it is urbanization that the mainline economists and
planners are always pushing for. People are being made to believe that
concrete jungles are the future, if they have to develop.
IndiaSpend, a data-driven and public-interest journalism group, has
analysed the IISc study in a form that can be easily understood.
Accordingly, four major cities in the country have seen a rapid
decimation of its green cover. Bhopal tree cover fell from 66 per cent
to 22 per cent in the past 22 years. Now this is something too serious
to worry about. Instead, by 2018, which means another three years, the
green cover in Bhopal will come down to 11 per cent. You can surely call
it a sign of growth but don’t complain when the temperatures soar to
record breaking levels.
Ahmedabad has only 24 per cent of its green cover left, coming down from
46 per cent in the past two decades. But hold your breath. If you are
living in Ahmedabad or plan to translocate to this city, think again. By
2030, Ahmedabad will be left with only 3 per cent of its green cover.
Kolkata too will be left with a green cover of 3.7 per cent by the year
2030, and Hyderabad will have only 1.84 per cent of its tree cover left
by the year 2024, which is not far away. The rate of speedy urbanization
is clearly leading to a massive erosion of what is called as green
lungs of a city. The rise in temperature is therefore a natural outcome.
The combined effect of urbanization is what is leading to soaring
temperatures. Considering that urbanization is the easiest way to
enhance GDP growth, I see no reason why people should be complaining.
You asked for it.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
25 May, 2016
Are SQUID the big winners from climate change?
This is data-less speculation. I have read the original article (Global proliferation of cephalopods)
and confirm that the researchers had NO data on global warming or ocean
temperature in their study. What they examined was what fishermen
have been catching and they found that catches have shown increasing
percentages of cephalopoda as time has gone by. That is all they
found. And ANY explanation of that is speculative.
obvious explanation would seem to be that bony fish are a more
attractive catch so fishermen go where bony fish are most found and
deplete stocks of them. But bony fish are predators of cephalopoda
so cephalopoda thrive under reduced predation.
With the
Green/Left it is always important to look at what they do NOT say -- and
there is a prize example of that here. If they really believed
that cephalopoda stocks were increased by global warming, it would have
been perfectly easy to examine that. But they did not.
they could have done is analyse their data separately for the grand
temperature hiatus (1945 to 1975) and the recent hiatus (1999 to 2014)
and assess whether catches remained static during those periods.
If so, that would prove their theory. It would have been perfectly
easy to divide up their data in that way so why did they present
results for their study period (1953 to 2013) as a whole only? Can
I guess? Because cephalopod numbers did NOT level off in those
So I think we have here indirect evidence that
climate change did NOT influence cephalopod numbers. The claim that it
did is just more Warmist deceit
Although many fish species are in serious decline due to rising ocean
temperatures and over fishing, it seems squid and octopuses are
The cephalopods have increased in numbers over the past 60 years, according to new research.
Squid, octopuses and cuttlefish are known to be highly adaptable and
grow rapidly, which may be giving them an advantage as ocean
environments change.
An international team of biologists, led by researchers at the
University of Adelaide, compiled a database of global catch rates of
cephalopod to investigate long-term trends in abundance.
They published their findings in the Cell Press journal, Current Biology.
Dr. Zoë Doubleday, lead author of the study at the University of
Adelaide, said: 'Our analyses showed that cephalopod abundance has
increased since the 1950s, a result that was remarkably consistent
across three distinct groups.'
Fury as big British bird charity backs more wind turbines: Warnings
of a bird 'massacre' after charity says thousands more could be built
with little risk to the countryside
The RSPB has caused a flap by suggesting that thousands more wind
turbines could be built – with minimal risk to birds and the
The charity, which has previously been accused of being more interested
in political lobbying than protecting birds, says climate change is one
of the greatest long-term threats to wildlife.
And it warns that Britain must find ways of switching to green energy that are ‘in harmony with wildlife’.
However, the suggestion that building at least 25,000 onshore wind
turbines – up from the current 5,000 – could help solve the problem has
infuriated rural campaigners.
You Forgot the Birds, a group of landowners that includes former England
cricketer Ian Botham, said the structures would blight the landscape
and cause a bird ‘massacre’.
Ian Gregory, the group’s campaign director, accused the charity of ‘retreating into an ideological bunker’.
He said: ‘How are birds supposed to weave their way through thousands of
wind turbines spinning at up to 180mph? It is difficult to think of a
less bird-friendly way of dealing with climate change.’ Mr Gregory
acknowledged that the RSPB report notes that turbines can pose a
collision risk for birds but questioned whether its main concern was
damage to the blades.
The row is the latest in a series of clashes between the RSPB and
landowners, who accuse the charity of heavy-handed policing of the
The report details how on and off-shore windfarms, solar power, wave
power and other forms of renewable energy could be harnessed to meet
Britain’s electricity needs by 2050.
Martin Harper, the RSPB’s director of conservation, said: ‘Climate
change is one of the greatest long-term threats to wildlife. And, with
rising sea levels, increased flooding and changes to our weather it is
also affecting people and our economy. So, doing nothing is not an
An RSPB spokesman said: ‘We support the principles of renewable energy
using a common sense approach. In many cases a turbine can be located
without a detrimental impact on wildlife. Over the years we have been
involved in over 1,000 planning applications for wind turbines, and only
maintained objections to around 5 per cent.’
Green light for fracking across rural England after council gives the go ahead for test drilling at North Yorkshire site
Fracking in one of the most beautiful parts of the British countryside
received the go-ahead last night, opening the door for a dash for shale
Green campaigners condemned the decision by North Yorkshire County
Council, warning it could be a landmark ruling paving the way for
drilling in rural areas across England.
The fracking operation at Kirby Misperton, near Malton, will be the
first in Britain for five years. Full-scale production can begin if
tests show gas could be extracted on a commercial scale.
Energy companies with licences to explore for hidden reserves are now
likely to apply for consent for test drilling at dozens of rural sites
across England.
Fracking, a highly controversial method of mining, involves injecting
water, sand and chemicals at high pressure into rocks deep underground
to open up fractures in the rock to release trapped gas and oil.
Critics say the process causes noise and contamination – and small
earthquakes were triggered near Blackpool in 2011 by a firm exploring
for shale gas, leading to a temporary moratorium.
Adela Pickles, from the campaign group Frack Free Ryedale, said: ‘This
is the starting gun for fracking in the UK. ‘It has established a
planning precedent in North Yorkshire which means that it is going to be
a lot harder for planning committees to turn down future applications.’
Third Energy, the company behind the North Yorkshire scheme, has produced gas at the site for more than 20 years.
It has been granted consent to carry out test fracking and production
from an existing well drilled three years ago. The process will target
rocks nearly two miles below ground.
The test fracking is expected to take around six weeks and consent has been granted for nine years of production.
Gas from the well would be pumped to a nearby power station, generating electricity for local homes and businesses.
The planning authority received more than 4,000 objections, mainly on environmental grounds.
The well is less than four miles from the North York Moors National
Park, where a £2.4billion potash mine was controversially given planning
consent last year.
Locals fear the schemes will deal a devastating blow to the local tourist industry.
Third Energy said work at Kirby Misperton will not begin for many
months, but there are fears of mass protests of the kind witnessed three
years ago in the Sussex village of Balcombe, where test drilling for
oil took place.
Third Energy chief executive Rasik Valand insisted fracking was safe
while Ken Cronin, of the UK Onshore Oil and Gas, said the vote was ‘an
important first step’.
He said the industry did not yet know ‘what we can get’ from fracking in
the UK and whether ‘gas will come out of the ground’ in sufficient
quantities to be profitable.
Local Tory MP Kevin Hollinrake said he broadly welcomed the decision but
warned it had to be ‘regulated properly’ and done in a way that
‘protects the beauty of the countryside’.
He told the Mail: ‘This is a national policy, it was passed by a
majority of 250 votes in 2015. It’s no good saying you’ll back it as
long as it’s not in your area.’
Fracking licences were granted in 27 areas last August and in December
MPs voted to allow it to take place below national parks and other
protected sites.
David Cameron has said he wanted to go ‘all out’ for fracking, as a UK
shale gas industry would provide greater energy security and keep prices
Energy minister Andrea Leadsom said last night: ‘We’re very clear that fracking is a fantastic opportunity.
It’s good for jobs, the economy and strengthens our energy security. We
already have tough regulation in place to ensure that fracking is safe.’
The Real Energy Deniers
By Viv Forbes
When man first appeared on Earth he had no implements, no clothes, no
farms and no mineral fuels – his only tools were his brains, hands and
Everything that enables mankind to live comfortably in a world where
nature is indifferent to our survival has been discovered, invented,
mined or created by our inventive ancestors over thousands of years.
The history of civilisation is essentially the story of man’s
progressive access to more efficient, more abundant and more reliable
energy sources - from ancestral human muscles to modern nuclear power.
There are seven big steps on the human energy ladder – fire, farming,
solar power, gunpowder, coal, the steam engine and nuclear power.
Man’s first and greatest energy step was discovering how to harness fire
for warmth, cooking, hunting, metal working and warfare.
For centuries the main fire-energy fuels were organic natural resources
such as wood, charcoal, peat, grass, animal dung and fats/oils extracted
from animals and plants. As human population increased, these energy
sources became scarce as the land and seas around towns and villages
were stripped of their natural carbon fuels.
The second step on the energy ladder was built when some smart
hunter/gatherers discovered how to access more reliable energy from
domesticated animals and plants. Sheep, cattle, goats and pigs provided a
steady supply of carbon-based food energy, and dogs, horses, donkeys
and camels multiplied human energy for transport, hunting and warfare.
Farmers also nurtured fruiting trees and grasses such as einkorn, wheat,
rice, barley, oats, corn and sugar cane. These provided more dependable
and abundant food energy for humans and their animals.
About this time humans ascended the third step on their energy ladder –
the ability to harness wind/hydro/solar power for sailing ships,
windmills, water-wheels, grain mills and drying food. The low energy
density and unpredictability of these weather-dependent energy sources
was obvious, even to our ancestors.
The fourth big step was the invention of gunpowder by the Chinese, which
gave humans the first glimpse of the enormous power of concentrated
chemical energy. This led to the widespread use of explosives for
hunting, armaments, mining, civil engineering and entertainment.
The fifth energy step was a bigger one - the discovery of how to obtain
and use coal, and centuries later, oil and gas. The energy density and
abundance of these hydro-carbon fuels gave an enormous boost to human
access to energy, and massively relieved the pressure on forest fuels
and animal fats.
The sixth step on the energy ladder was truly gigantic - British
inventors and engineers built the first practical steam engine. That
invention transformed the world. Suddenly steam engines were moving
trains and ships, pumping water, generating electricity and powering
factories, traction engines and road vehicles. Most steam engines were
driven by coal, but wood, other hydro-carbons, concentrated solar energy
or nuclear power could be used.
Steam cars and electric cars got a good work-out over 100 years ago, but
neither could compete with a new invention - the oil-powered internal
combustion engine. This small but powerful engine resulted in the
replacement of steam and electric motors for mobile engines but the
mighty steam engine still dominates electricity generation.
These two engines, running on powerful hydrocarbon fuels, feed and
mobilise our world. The transformation is remarkable. Just 3-4
generations ago, a team of up to twenty bullocks took days or weeks to
haul a wagon-load of wool bales, forest logs or bagged wheat to markets,
and the bullocks needed fresh supplies of feed and water every night.
In 1896, Henry Lawson described it well in two stanzas from his great
Australian poem “The Teams”:
A cloud of dust on the long white road,
And the teams go creeping on
Inch by inch with the weary load;
And by the power of the green-hide goad
The distant goal is won.
But the rains are heavy on roads like these;
And, fronting his lonely home,
For weeks together the settler sees
The teams bogged down to the axle-trees,
Or ploughing the sodden loam.
Cattle and sheep to feed the cities were moved by drovers who spent
weeks or even months on the road. Today one diesel-powered road train or
semi-trailer can carry its own fuel and water plus a load of livestock
to the distant cities in a day or so. Refrigerated trucks do even better
– swiftly carrying dressed sides of meat from the abattoir direct to
butcher shops.
The seventh step in the human quest for additional energy was the
harnessing of atomic energy for generating electricity, fuelling naval
vessels, in medical procedures and creating even more powerful explosive
As mankind was ascending the seven steps of the energy ladder from the
stone-age to the nuclear age, governments were also expanding their
scope, power and cost.
Mankind has always had tribal leaders, but when farming developed,
leaders or powerful land-owners discovered that other farmers and their
fixed assets could easily be taxed to pay for their own “protection”.
This encouraged the development of central governments with their
officials, tax collectors, police and soldiers. To defend their
generally increasing appetite for tax revenue, governments needed a
continual supply of real or imagined dangers to justify their taxes.
From this point on, government power has increased with each real or
invented community crisis – from village control, to district, state,
federal and continental governments. The latest such “crisis” concerns
“global warming” or “the climate crisis”, which is being milked to
promote global carbon taxes and global government.
Nothing stands still on planet Earth. Since the dawn of time, Earth has
seen continual geological and climatic change – shifting continents,
rising and falling sea levels, volcanos and tsunamis, droughts and
floods, migrations and extinctions, hurricanes and heat waves, ice ages
and warm eras.
Humans flourished in the warm eras and suffered in the cold dry eras.
Access to abundant, reliable energy enables man to survive these and the
future climate challenges which are sure to come.
Today’s massive global human population owes its existence, prosperity
and comfort to our economical and reliable energy supplies, particularly
the hydrocarbon fuels – oil, coal, and gas. The world supports more
people with fewer famines; and those with access to abundant reliable
energy supplies have stabilised their populations and contribute most to
caring for nature, culture and the poor. And the carbon dioxide
recycled by the usage of hydrocarbon fuels is greening the world and
adding to food supplies as native and farmed plants flourish in the
warm, moist, carbon-rich atmosphere.
This long history of energy progress is now under threat from strong
forces using any environmental alarm to deny human access to efficient
energy. Using every sensational scare that can be whipped up, they tax,
oppose, hamper or restrict farming, forestry, fishing, grazing, mining,
exploration, hydro-carbon fuels, steam engines, combustion engines and
nuclear power. The “zero-emissions” zealots want us to step backwards
down the energy ladder to the days of human, animal and solar power.
They have yet to explain how our massive fleet of planes, trains,
tractors, harvesters, trucks, road trains, container-ships and
submarines will run on windmills, treadmills, windlasses, solar energy,
and water wheels.
But their energy-destroying policies will reduce global prosperity and
population back towards levels prevailing in those times. Some see that
as a desirable goal.
These green zealots are the real deniers – the energy deniers.
US Activates First New Nuclear Reactor In 20 Years
America’s first new nuclear reactor in 20 years went online early Monday morning after 44 years of construction.
The reactor is now operating at low power levels and will soon begin
producing and selling 1,150 megawatts of electricity to the Tennessee
Valley, powering roughly 1.3 million homes when combined with the
plant’s other reactor.
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) started construction on Watts Bar
Unit 2 reactor 44 years ago. Work ended in 1985 after more than $1
billion was already spent, due to a construction scandal involving
contractors paying off corrupt agency officials. The project was 80
percent complete before the scandal stopped construction. The TVA
revived the project in 2007, at a time when nuclear power seemed poised
to make a comeback.
Building the new reactor was initially projected to cost $2.2 billion,
but costs increased to $4.7 billion due to overruns and new compliance
standards implemented in the aftermath of the Fukushima disaster.
“This milestone is the result of the hard work by Watts Bar employees
supported by the entire TVA nuclear team,” Joe Grimes, the plant’s chief
nuclear officer, told a local news channel. “While this achievement is
important, safety remains our top priority.”
America currently operates 99 nuclear reactors across 61 commercially
operated nuclear power plants, according to the Energy Information
Administration. The average nuclear plant employs between 400 and 700
highly-skilled workers, has a payroll of about $40 million and
contributes $470 million to the local economy, according to the Nuclear
Energy Institute. The Watts Bar plant will support an estimated 1,000
full-time jobs.
Of the 59 new nuclear reactors under construction worldwide, only four
of them are being built in the U.S., just enough to compensate for
shutting down older reactors. The average American nuclear reactor is
35-years-old, nearly obsolete by modern design standards and near the
end of its operating license. Within the past two years, six states have
shut down nuclear plants and many other reactors are risking premature
Instead of building more modern reactors, the government is planning to
simply extend the operating licenses against the advice of its own
technical staff. The country’s youngest nuclear plant, Tennessee’s Watts
Bar 1, entered service in 1996. America’s oldest operating reactors —
Oyster Creek in New Jersey and Nine Mile Point in upstate New York —
entered service in 1969.
Nuclear energy provides 19 percent of the nation’s electricity, but
struggles to compete against heavily subsidized solar and wind power or
cheap natural gas.
Australia: How to become an honoured meteorologist
Tell lies. He says below: "I don’t know a meteorologist
who doesn’t understand and accept that putting carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere will lead to warming of the surface of the earth. It’s
meteorology 101. This is not 40 per cent or 70 per cent. It’s 100 per
Yet we read elsewhere:
"Barely half of American Meteorological Society meteorologists believe
global warming is occurring and humans are the primary cause, a newly
released study reveals"
And has he heard of this guy?
Prof. Nicholls knows on which side his bread is buttered
Monash meteorologist honoured by prestigious fellowship. Emeritus
Professor Neville Nicholls’s lifelong passion and commitment to science
has been formally recognised with a prestigious Australian Academy of
Science (AAS) fellowship.
Professor Nicholls, School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment in the
Faculty of Science, set his sights on science at the age of eight, when
his aunt gave him a book on wildlife of the British Isles.
Professor Nicholls took his interest in science further by training as a
meteorologist with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology, after which he
returned to research to further investigate how and why the climate is
“Weather and climate variations affect almost everything we do,
particularly the extremes like heatwaves, tropical cyclones, droughts
and bushfires, which destroy lives and property. The better we can
predict those phenomena, the more we can help improve the quality of
life,” Professor Nicholls said.
Climate change is a particular area of interest to Professor Nicholls,
who is surprised at the perception of a scientific divide on the issue.
“I don’t know a meteorologist who doesn’t understand and accept that
putting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere will lead to warming of the
surface of the earth. It’s meteorology 101. This is not 40 per cent or
70 per cent. It’s 100 per cent. There is a perception that there is a
big battle between scientists. There isn’t.”
Professor Nicholls has described himself as “doubly honoured” by the
peer-nominated fellowship, both as an individual researcher and as a
member of the meteorology community.
“I feel privileged to be only the third meteorologist ever to be elected
to the Academy. From the operations to the research, meteorology is
important because of the impact it has on people’s lives, so I am doubly
honoured,” Professor Nicholls said.
Press release from Monash Media & Communications
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
24 May, 2016
Top Scientist Resigns: 'Global Warming is a $Trillions Scam — It has Corrupted Many Scientists'
The following is a letter to the American Physical Society released to
the public by Professor Emiritus of physics Harold 'Hal' Lewis of the
University of California at Santa Barbara.
From: Hal Lewis, University of California, Santa Barbara
To: Curtis G. Callan, Jr., Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society
Dear Curt:
When I first joined the American Physical Society sixty-seven years ago
it was much smaller, much gentler, and as yet uncorrupted by the money
flood (a threat against which Dwight Eisenhower warned a half-century
Indeed, the choice of physics as a profession was then a guarantor of a
life of poverty and abstinence — it was World War II that changed all
that. The prospect of worldly gain drove few physicists.
As recently as thirty-five years ago, when I chaired the first APS study
of a contentious social/scientific issue, The Reactor Safety Study,
though there were zealots aplenty on the outside there was no hint of
inordinate pressure on us as physicists. We were therefore able to
produce what I believe was and is an honest appraisal of the situation
at that time.
We were further enabled by the presence of an oversight committee
consisting of Pief Panofsky, Vicki Weisskopf, and Hans Bethe, all
towering physicists beyond reproach. I was proud of what we did in a
charged atmosphere.
In the end the oversight committee, in its report to the APS President,
noted the complete independence in which we did the job, and predicted
that the report would be attacked from both sides. What greater tribute
could there be?
How different it is now. The giants no longer walk the earth, and the
money flood has become the raison d’être of much physics research, the
vital sustenance of much more, and it provides the support for untold
numbers of professional jobs.
For reasons that will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS
Fellow all these years has been turned into shame, and I am forced, with
no pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society.
It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions
of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has
carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most
successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a
Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself
to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book
organizes the facts very well.)
I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that
stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition
of the word scientist.
So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this
challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along
with it.
For example:
1. About a year ago a few of us sent an e-mail on the subject to a
fraction of the membership. APS ignored the issues, but the then
President immediately launched a hostile investigation of where we got
the e-mail addresses.
In its better days, APS used to encourage discussion of important
issues, and indeed the Constitution cites that as its principal purpose.
No more. Everything that has been done in the last year has been
designed to silence debate
2. The appallingly tendentious APS statement on Climate Change was
apparently written in a hurry by a few people over lunch, and is
certainly not representative of the talents of APS members as I have
long known them. So a few of us petitioned the Council to reconsider it.
One of the outstanding marks of (in)distinction in the Statement was the
poison word incontrovertible, which describes few items in physics,
certainly not this one. In response APS appointed a secret committee
that never met, never troubled to speak to any skeptics, yet endorsed
the Statement in its entirety.
(They did admit that the tone was a bit strong, but amazingly kept the
poison word incontrovertible to describe the evidence, a position
supported by no one.)
In the end, the Council kept the original statement, word for word, but
approved a far longer “explanatory” screed, admitting that there were
uncertainties, but brushing them aside to give blanket approval to the
The original Statement, which still stands as the APS position, also
contains what I consider pompous and asinine advice to all world
governments, as if the APS were master of the universe. It is not, and I
am embarrassed that our leaders seem to think it is.
This is not fun and games, these are serious matters involving vast
fractions of our national substance, and the reputation of the Society
as a scientific society is at stake.
3. In the interim the ClimateGate scandal broke into the news, and the
machinations of the principal alarmists were revealed to the world. It
was a fraud on a scale I have never seen, and I lack the words to
describe its enormity. Effect on the APS position: none. None at all.
This is not science; other forces are at work.
4. So a few of us tried to bring science into the act (that is, after
all, the alleged and historic purpose of APS), and collected the
necessary 200+ signatures to bring to the Council a proposal for a
Topical Group on Climate Science, thinking that open discussion of the
scientific issues, in the best tradition of physics, would be beneficial
to all, and also a contribution to the nation.
I might note that it was not easy to collect the signatures, since you
denied us the use of the APS membership list. We conformed in every way
with the requirements of the APS Constitution, and described in great
detail what we had in mind—simply to bring the subject into the open.
5. To our amazement, Constitution be damned, you declined to accept our
petition, but instead used your own control of the mailing list to run a
poll on the members’ interest in a TG on Climate and the Environment.
You did ask the members if they would sign a petition to form a TG on
your yet-to-be-defined subject, but provided no petition, and got lots
of affirmative responses. (If you had asked about sex you would have
gotten more expressions of interest.)
There was of course no such petition or proposal, and you have now
dropped the Environment part, so the whole matter is moot. (Any lawyer
will tell you that you cannot collect signatures on a vague petition,
and then fill in whatever you like.)
The entire purpose of this exercise was to avoid your constitutional responsibility to take our petition to the Council.
6. As of now you have formed still another secret and stacked committee
to organize your own TG, simply ignoring our lawful petition.
APS management has gamed the problem from the beginning, to suppress
serious conversation about the merits of the climate change claims. Do
you wonder that I have lost confidence in the organization?
I do feel the need to add one note, and this is conjecture, since it is
always risky to discuss other people’s motives. This scheming at APS HQ
is so bizarre that there cannot be a simple explanation for it.
Some have held that the physicists of today are not as smart as they
used to be, but I don’t think that is an issue. I think it is the money,
exactly what Eisenhower warned about a half-century ago. There are
indeed trillions of dollars involved, to say nothing of the fame and
glory (and frequent trips to exotic islands) that go with being a member
of the club.
Your own Physics Department (of which you are chairman) would lose
millions a year if the global warming bubble burst. When Penn State
absolved Mike Mann of wrongdoing, and the University of East Anglia did
the same for Phil Jones, they cannot have been unaware of the financial
penalty for doing otherwise.
As the old saying goes, you don’t have to be a weatherman to know which
way the wind is blowing. Since I am no philosopher, I’m not going to
explore at just which point enlightened self-interest crosses the line
into corruption, but a careful reading of the ClimateGate releases makes
it clear that this is not an academic question.
I want no part of it, so please accept my resignation. APS no longer represents me, but I hope we are still friends.
Harold Lewis is Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of
California, Santa Barbara, former Chairman; Former member Defense
Science Board, chmn of Technology panel; Chairman DSB study on Nuclear
Winter; Former member Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Former
member, President’s Nuclear Safety Oversight Committee; Chairman APS
study on Nuclear Reactor Safety Chairman Risk Assessment Review Group;
Co-founder and former Chairman of JASON; Former member USAF Scientific
Advisory Board; Served in US Navy in WW II; books: Technological Risk
(about, surprise, technological risk) and Why Flip a Coin (about
decision making).
When denying science is a progressive moral imperative
The Left has long claimed that it has something of a monopoly on
scientific expertise. For instance, long before Al Gore started making
millions by claiming that anyone who disagreed with his apocalyptic
prophecies was “anti-science,” there were the “scientific socialists.”
“Social engineer” is now rightly seen as a term of scorn and derision,
but it was once a label that progressive eggheads eagerly accepted.
Masking opinions in a white smock is a brilliant, albeit infuriating and
shabby, rhetorical tactic. As the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously
said, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.”
Science is the language of facts, and when people pretend to be
speaking it, they’re not only claiming that their preferences are more
than mere opinions, they’re also insinuating that anyone who disagrees
is a fool or a zealot for objecting to “settled science.”
Put aside the fact that there is no such thing as settled science.
Scientists are constantly questioning their understanding of things;
that is what science does. All the great scientists of history are
justly famous for overturning the assumptions of their fields. The real
problem is that in politics, invocations of science are very often
marketing techniques masquerading as appeals to irrefutable authority.
In an increasingly secular society, having science on your side is
better than having God on your side – at least in an argument.
I’m not saying that you can’t have science in your corner, or that
lawmakers shouldn’t look to science when making policy. (Legislation
that rejects the existence of gravity makes for very silly laws indeed.)
But the real intent behind so many claims to “settled science” is to
avoid having to make your case. It’s an undemocratic technique for
delegitimizing opposing views and saying “shut up” to dissenters.
For example, even if the existence of global warming is “settled,” the
policies for how to best respond to it are not. But in the political
debates about climate change, activists say that their climatological
claims are irrefutable and so are their preferred remedies.
If climate change is the threat they claim, I’d rather spend billions on
geoengineering to fix it than trillions on impoverishing economic
policies that at best slightly delay it. It doesn’t matter; I’m the
Luddite buffoon for thinking ethanol subsidies and windmills are
Even more outrageous: If you dispute, say, the necessity of spending
billions on windmills or on killing the coal industry, you are not
merely wrong on climate change, you are “anti-science.”
Intellectually, this is a monument of asininity so wide and tall, even the mind’s eye cannot glimpse its horizon or peak.
For starters, why are liberalism’s pet issues the lodestars of what
constitutes scientific fact? Medical science informs us fetuses are
human beings. The liberal response? “Who cares?” Genetically modified
foods are safe, sayeth the scientists. “Shut up,” reply the liberal
activists. IQ is partly heritable, the neuroscientists tell us. “Shut
up, bigot,” the liberals shriek.
Which brings me to the raging hysteria over the plight of transgendered people who need to use the bathroom.
The New York Times recently reported about A. J. Jackson’s travails in a
Vermont high school. “There were practical issues,” Anemona Hartocollis
writes. “When he had his period, he wondered if he should revert to the
girls’ bathroom, because there was no place to throw away his used
Now, one can have sympathy for the transgendered – I certainly do –
while simultaneously holding to the scientific fact that boys do not
menstruate. This is a fact far more settled than the very best climate
science. Perhaps it’s rude to say so, but facts do not cease to be facts
simply because they offend.
In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio is pushing to fine
businesses that do not address customers by their “preferred name,
pronoun and title (e.g., Ms./Mrs.) regardless of the individual’s sex
assigned at birth, anatomy, gender, medical history, appearance, or the
sex indicated on the individual’s identification.” The NYC Commission on
Human Rights can penalize offenders up to $250,000.
Many liberals believe that “denying” climate science should be a
criminal offense while also believing that denying biological science is
a moral obligation.
In the law, truth is a defense against the charge of slander, but for
liberals, inconvenient truth is no defense against the charge of
Uncovering Misconduct at the EPA
On Wednesday, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
held a hearing to examine employee misconduct at the EPA. Misconduct has
continued at the EPA despite repeated reform efforts and multiple
hearings. Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) opened the hearing by calling
the EPA “one of the most toxic places in the federal government to
work.” That is a big claim, and one that should alarm conservatives and
libertarians who consciously worry about corruption, protectionism, and
bureaucracy in the federal government.
The hearing noted abuse and waste by federal employees at the expense of
American taxpayers. Even more concerning to the committee members and
those in attendance: nobody gets punished. Even in cases where EPA
employees have cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars, nobody has been
fired. If there are no consequences to robbing the American people, EPA
employees will continue to take advantage of their positions.
Examples of employee abuses that have gone unpunished include repeatedly
stealing from the EPA office and selling what was taken at pawn shops,
and, commonly, spending thousands of taxpayer dollars while traveling.
More than 60 cases have been closed in the past several months.
While specific examples given at the hearing were horrifying, it is
important not to turn people into scapegoats. These employees must be
held personally responsible for their actions, however, they are largely
a product of a poisonous, bureaucratic culture at the EPA and are part
of a wider trend of abuse and fraud that plagues nearly every government
Waste goes beyond employee misconduct. As described in Sen. Rand Paul’s
(R-Ky.) waste report published on April 25, there are 13 federal
agencies currently conducting duplicative research on climate change.
The agencies are spending more than $2.7 billion on independent research
(the EPA contributes $20 million to that total). “One would think
perhaps [other agencies] could just use data, research, and models from
NOAA or [NASA] instead of reinventing the wheel,” argues the report,
“paying 13 different agencies to do the same thing is pretty darn
“We are committed to holding our employees accountable,” testified
Stanley Meiburg, Acting Deputy Administrator at the EPA, “we’ve made
considerable progress.”
Meiburg attempted to highlight “positive changes” at the Agency,
however, the room was not convinced. As conservatives, we know that
waste of any kind at the federal level is not the result of isolated
events. While Meiburg and the EPA are working to hold their employees
accountable, we must all work to hold government bureaucracy
accountable. Feckless spending and unquestioned abuse cannot be
'He's just a hypocrite'. Fans unleash on Leo
Leonardo DiCaprio has long been seen as a champion for the environment but his latest act has many fans fuming.
Reports out of the US say that Leo partied with the style set in Cannes
right up to the last minute, before taking a fuel-guzzling private jet
to pick up a Big Fish award from Riverkeeper in NYC for caring about the
Page Six reports that many of his loyal fans and fellow
environmentalists have branded The Revenant star a hypocrite for his non
eco-friendly method of transport.
The 41-year-old also used the private jet to whisk him back to France less than 24 hours later, so he could attend a gala event.
Mere months ago Academy Award winner used a large portion of his Oscars speech to bring awareness to global warming.
“Climate change is real,” the star warned. “It is happening right now, it is the most urgent threat facing our entire species.”
But since he’s been caught more than once for jet-setting around in
private planes, many onlookers are starting to question his authority in
being an advocate for the environment at all.
“Everyone saying he's some hero for protecting the environment,” a
follower wrote on his Instagram account. “He’s just a hypocrite.”
Fans say Leonardo should practice what he preaches after he took a
private jet to and from the awards. © Woman's Day Fans say Leonardo
should practice what he preaches after he took a private jet to and from
the awards. Another chimed in: “This is the guy who flew on a Private
Jet 8,000 miles to accept an award. Environmentally friendly much?”
Others simply said they were now unfollowing the star for not practicing what he preaches.
It seems Leo's flippant use of the non eco-friendly mode of transport
has struck a chord with fans who previously applauded the star for his
environmental advocacy.
Plus ça change plus c'est la même chose
(The more there is change, the more things remain the same)
From Harpers Magazine of 1958
Communism is the solution to global warming!
Or so a Communist paper would have us believe:
By old-time Communist Deirdre Griswold
Environmentalists in capitalist countries are in a quandary over what to
do about global warming. Even some of those most active in warning
about the devastating consequences of atmospheric greenhouse gases have
no solutions to propose except those based on “market mechanisms.” The
main such scheme is called “carbon pricing.”
“The World Bank and International Monetary Fund are pressuring
governments to impose a price tag on planet-warming carbon dioxide
emissions,” reported the New York Times on April 28. This “solution” has
been notably advanced by former Vice President Al Gore, whose company,
Generation Investment Management, promotes carbon pricing.
The task of such a scheme is to convince investors that they will profit
from higher prices for carbon fuels once those prices have been imposed
across the board by governmental action. So it’s a win-win situation.
Right? The capitalists continue to profit while higher prices lower the
demand for carbon fuels, thereby helping the environment. That’s how
this idea is being sold.
There are just two little problems.
First, it’s those who can least afford it — the workers — who will be
stuck with the bills. The capitalists can pass on higher costs to their
customers, but the workers can’t pass on to anybody else the higher
costs of gasoline, coal, natural gas or the electricity generated from
fossil fuels. And they’re not likely to have the upfront money it takes
to buy a new car or a new furnace to benefit from less-polluting
Second, there’s no proof that carbon pricing will decrease the demand
for fossil fuels. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking. The recent fires in
Alberta, Canada, are just one of the many disasters that show global
warming is proceeding at an even faster pace than predicted earlier.
So if carbon pricing isn’t the answer, what is? What can be done that
doesn’t depend on the capitalist market and keeping rich investors
Where public ownership of the means of production allows for government
planning of the economy, real changes can be made — now. Not just if and
when investors can be convinced that their profits can be enhanced
through greener speculation. The People’s Republic of China has shown
much progress on this front.
China takes real steps away from CO2
The latest news is that a big change has been made in China’s economic
plans regarding energy production. The country is continuing to move
swiftly away from coal as a major source of energy. On April 25, the
Chinese government announced that it would not build 200 new coal-fired
power generators that had previously been part of its long-term economic
It had already begun closing coal mines — thousands of them — while
vastly increasing its solar, wind, hydro and nuclear capacity. It has
allocated billions of dollars to relocate coal miners to new jobs. Now
its plans have eliminated the construction of coal power plants that
would have generated 105 gigawatts of power — “more than all the
electricity-generating capacity of Britain from all sources.” (New York
Times, April 26)
Coal is abundant in China. It has fueled the country’s rise as an
industrial power. But it has also created terrible air pollution, in
addition to adding CO2 to the atmosphere.
Clearly, China’s long-term economic planners are not tied to the profit
system. They have the freedom to revise their plans based on much more
important considerations than the capitalist market. That is not to say
that there is not capitalism in China. Obviously, there is. But it is
not the dominant economic system, nor does the capitalist class control
the Chinese state.
China has the ability to control its economy and plan economic growth.
It has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. This
ability comes from a great socialist revolution that took decades, in
which the masses vanquished the landlords, the capitalists and their
imperialist backers.
The future of humanity hangs on the ability of the masses everywhere to
break free of class and national oppression and take control of their
own destiny.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
23 May, 2016
Warmists can be amusing: Lewandowski in particular
I have been posting about the Green/Left 6 days a week for many
years, so you would think I would be suffering from burnout by
now. But on the contrary, I often find the whole thing
amusing. The stuff that Warmists come out with in great
seriousness is often so silly that one has to laugh. And Stephan
Lewandowski really is a lamebrain.

Here he is
He is a psychologist and has latched onto the old "ad hominem" Leftist
idea that he can discredit conservative arguments by showing that
conservatives are not right in the head. Psychologists have been
trying to do that at least since 1950 and they have come up with some
lulus in the course of pursuing that goal.
The oddest one
was their claim (p. 343) that Communist dictators such as Stalin,
Khrushchev and Castro are conservative. But if Communist leaders
and ideologues are conservatives, who is a Leftist? More on
here and
And the "research" concerned has been much acclaimed! It's pretty
clear who the twisted minds actually are. It is conservatives who
are the normals.
One would feel sorry for Leftists if they were not so aggressive.
They are so desperate for self-validation that they will believe just
about anything that tends to support their beliefs.
Lewandowski burst onto the Warmist scene with an alleged study of
climate skeptics which did indeed do the job of finding them not right
in the head. The only problem was that there was absoutely no
evidence that the people he "studied" were in fact a representative
sample of climate skeptics. There are in fact some grounds for
concluding that many of those studied were in fact from the
Green/Left. Be that as it may, Lewandowski clearly has the typical
psychologist's insouciance about sampling and thus conducted a study of
no demonstrable generalizability. He might as well have filled
out all his questionaires by himself.
Lewandowski is such a nut that he even got himself disowned by the
Warmist establishment. All Warmists hate the "hiatus" in warming
that has dominated this century and a couple of them have tried
various tricks to "abolish" it -- to show that there really has been no
"hiatus". And
Lewandowski was one of those. His work was so shoddy, however that in
the Fyfe et al. paper
the Warmist heavies disowned the claim and reaffirmed that there was a
21st century temperature slowdown, which they explained as due to
"special" factors. The joint authors of that paper were: John C. Fyfe,
Gerald A. Meehl, Matthew H. England, Michael E. Mann, Benjamin D.
Santer, Gregory M. Flato, Ed Hawkins, Nathan P. Gillett, Shang-Ping Xie,
Yu Kosaka & Neil C. Swart. Mann and Santer are particularly
well-known Warmists.
Anyway, on to Lewandowski's latest brainwave -- under the heading:
"A blind expert test of contrarian claims about climate data". I
think I had better reproduce
its abstract before I go any further:
"Although virtually all experts agree that CO2 emissions are causing
anthropogenic global warming, public discourse is replete with
contrarian claims that either deny that global warming is happening or
dispute a human influence. Although the rejection of climate science is
known to be driven by ideological, psychological, and political factors
rather than scientific disagreement, contrarian views have considerable
prominence in the media. A better understanding of contrarian discourse
is therefore called for. We report a blind expert test of contrarian
claims about climatological variables. Expert economists and
statisticians were presented with representative contrarian statements
(e.g., “Arctic ice is recovering”) translated into an economic or
demographic context. In that blind test, contrarian claims were found to
be misleading. By contrast, mainstream scientific interpretations of
the data were judged to be accurate and policy relevant. The results
imply that media inclusion of contrarian statements may increase bias
rather than balance"
He starts out well -- with a straw man argument. He says
that skeptics "either deny that global warming is happening or dispute a
human influence". There are some skeptics who hold those
positions but by far the majority of skeptics concede the theory of some
CO2-induced warming but just see no evidence or reasonable argument
that it is anything but trivial in magnitude or urgent in any way.
In technical terms, they dispute the climate "sensitivity".
But you can accurately summarize what Lewandowski does above by saying
that he examined skeptical arguments by not examining skeptical
arguments. It is that bad. Another lulu! Only a true believer
would give it any credence. I think anyone can see that the
hole in the bucket is the "translation" of skeptical arguments
into some allegedly equivalent argument in another field. I'm
betting that my translations would have been very different. And
the selection of "experts" was probably another hole in the
bucket. Academe is heavily Leftist so getting sympathetic experts
on board would have been a no-brainer.
Anyway, he provided me with the hour of entertainment that it took to write the above notes.
Australia: Warmists just LOVE the Great Barrier Reef
It enables them to tell SO many lies. That coral "bleaching"
(expulsion of symbiotic algae) has been happening for millions of years
goes unmentioned below -- as is the fact that corals have in the past
coped with far greater temperature variations than anything we have
seen recently. And corals are still with us, funnily enough.
do respond to temperature, among other things, but the "bleaching" is
mainly in order to recruit different varieties of symbiotic algae.
And corals are hardier than they look. In "bleached" form they
can survive for quite a while on just their normal filter feeding.
"Bleached" corals are NOT dead.
And the present ocean warming is
clearly due to El Nino, a temporary warming that is part of a natural
cycle. It's actually the La Nina that normally follows El Nino
that is the biggest concern. Corals are more likely to "bleach" in
response to cooling than they are to warming.
And let me
again mention my favourite fact about coral: In 1954 the USA
exploded a 15 megaton thermonuclear device over Bikini atoll. And
Bikini atoll had lots of coral. So there is no coral there at all
now? Far from it. The corals there now are huge, abundant
and thriving. So if coral reefs can recover from an H-bomb blast,
why is a pissy one degree temperature rise in GBR waters of concern?

Corals at Bikini atoll today
that all that goes unmentioned below, isn't it? You would not
suspect any of it from the screeches below. The words below are
"an orchestrated litany of lies", to quote a distinguished judge on
another matter. The Waremists just want more funding and are
prepared to lie and deceive to get it. Global warming is a global
racket dreamt up by scientists for the benefit of scientists
The Federal Government’s plan to save the Great Barrier Reef is “totally
inadequate,” and if whoever forms government doesn’t commit at least
$10 billion this election the natural wonder is likely to be doomed,
scientists at James Cook University have said.
This extraordinary warning comes from leading water quality expert Jon
Brodie and Emeritus Professor Richard Pearson, who are speaking out
after they published a paper this week. In an interview this morning,
Brodie said the Reef “will never be in its full gory again, we can’t
expect that, [but]it’s going to get worse unless we do something”.
The Scientists said the twin threats of poor water quality and climate
change could put the Reef in “terminal” decline within five years,
unless whoever forms government comes to office with a comprehensive,
cohesive, and adequately-funded rescue plan.
The Coalition Government has released a plan, known as Reef 2050, but it
scarcely mentions climate change and Brodie said it is “totally
inadequate”. “I’m probably the leading water quality expert for the
Great Barrier Reef over the last 30 years and I’m saying the water
quality [aspect of the plan]is absolutely inadequate,” he said.
“It was meant to be a comprehensive plan, of course, but as has been
pointed out by everyone, and particularly the Australian Academy of
Science, it’s totally inadequate,” he said.
The James Cook University scientists said catchment and coastal
management programs need to be funded in the order of $1 billion per
year over the next ten years. “We need a plan to fix up water quality as
best we can, to provide some resilience against the oncoming climate
change impacts,” Brodie said.
The Great Barrier Reef has made headlines over recent months as 93 per
cent of the Reef, which is the only living structure that can be seen
from space, has been affected by coral bleaching.
Fuelled by warming waters, the coral bleaching event was the worst in
recorded history. The uncompromising heat was a result of an El Nino
climate system, superimposed over baseline temperatures already pushed
up by climate change.
“Before climate change kicked in we simply never saw bleaching,”
Professor Terry Hughes has previously told New Matilda. “It’s quite
confronting that we’ve now got to the stage that every El Nino event –
and they happen every few years – is a threat to the Great Barrier
Reef,” said Hughes, the Director of the Australian Research Council’s
Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies.
The threats posed by climate change are exacerbated by plague-like
outbreaks of Crown of Thorns Starfish, which are triggered by poor water
quality. According to the James Cook University Scientists, the next
outbreak is most likely to occur around 2025.
If we don’t make serious inroads at improving water quality by then, the fate of the Reef looks grim.
Brodie and Emeritus Professor Pearson are calling for management of the
Reef to be extended beyond the bounds of the World Heritage Area, north
to the Torres Strait, south to Hervey Bay, and inland to include the
Great Barrier Reef catchment.
This would of course come at a cost. But Brodie points out that while
$10 billion over ten years “may seem like a lot of money, we know that
amount would be effective and it’s small by comparison to the economic
worth of the Reef, which is around $20 billion per year”.
Current Federal funding, he said, “is almost nothing”. And that doesn’t
look likely to change. “So far in the election campaign, we’ve seen no
major commitments about the Great Barrier Reef at all from anybody
really,” Brodie said.
The Great Barrier Reef Campaign Director at the Australian Marine
Conservation Society, Imogen Zethoven said “the massive coral bleaching
taking place right now on the Reef and the latest science over recent
months all point in one direction: The outlook for the Reef is dire and
we must act now.
“Things are worse than we thought for the Reef’s future, we are close to
the brink of what this fragile ecosystem can tolerate without a
credible plan for restoring it to good health,” she said.
“Australia’s current plans to protect the Reef are inadequate,
short-sighted, lack appropriate funding and will not prevent its
British "ECO" house doesn't work
The building's high lustre varnish finish has gone and the gardens are
in need of tender. It is the futuristic eco-mansion that enthralled
viewers of hit TV show Grand Designs and was branded “awe-inspiring” by
host Kevin McCloud. But all is not well at this luxury holiday home in
the Lake District.
It appears to have been abandoned – and families who have booked stays there are getting worried.
Ultra-modern, seven-bedroom Dome House Boutique nestles in the hillside above Bowness-in-Windermere and has stunning views.
Architect and owner Robert Gaukroger spent two years building the unique property, all recorded by Channel 4 cameras.
It was designed to double as a family home and luxury self-catering
holiday apartments. Yet over the past few weeks, locals have noticed it
stands empty.
The gardens are looking scruffy and overgrown and there is no sign of the visionary proprietor.
His absence has been noted by paying customers. Some claim they have
been left chasing £1,000 deposits and say they have struggled to get
hold of Gaukroger to find answers.
And websites that formerly described the property in glowing terms are no longer accepting bookings.
Mum of-three Claire Farn was hoping to spend a week at the Dome in
August after paying £1,000 for two families to stay. She heard nothing
back for a month when she asked if her booking was still valid.
What may have worried her more is that Gaukroger has been trying, in vain, to sell the house for some time.
Last year the property was put on the market for £2.3million. Within
months the price had plunged to £1.45million. It now appears to have
been removed from sale altogether.
Earlier this year it emerged Gaukroger was planning to split the
building into separate apartments and sell them off. There is little
evidence to show that venture got off the ground, with architect
Gaukroger still listed as the registered owner of the property.
The 7,000 sq ft contemporary wooden structure has a curved wild grass roof and suites with Scandinavian furnishings.
When presenter McCloud took his famous walk through the completed
property in 2010, he raved over its pool, hot tub and sauna, four-poster
beds and stunning views.
At the time, the owner was equally enthusiastic. He said: “Not only do
I have a home but what looks like a flourishing business. After Grand
Designs we had 100 bookings in a week.”
But since then some customers have complained about silence from the firm when they try updating bookings.
Mrs Farn heard nothing from Dome Boutique for a month. She received an
email offering a full refund only on Friday morning after the Dome
Boutique was contacted by the Sunday People. She said: “We couldn’t get
in touch with anyone and were really worried about our holiday.
“I’d seen it on Grand Designs and thought it would be amazing to stay
there. I found them on eBay for about £1,400-a-week. They said they
could do a deal if we contacted them directly to avoid the eBay fees.”
After paying for the holiday they received a booking confirmation. But then things went quiet for weeks.
Claire said: “We started to get nervous. Then their website disappeared
and so did the listing on eBay. We’ve tried phoning but there was
either no answer or it was engaged.
“We finally got a response on Friday saying there had been problems and promising a refund.
“But do they realise how stressful this has been? Why didn’t they reply a month ago?”
Other customers turned to Facebook to try to find out what was going on.
One wrote: “Dreadful behaviour, the way they’re treating people who
have booked and paid up front for accommodation. Not at all honorable!”
Another posted: “I have a family booking for July 2016. I have emailed
the owners but have not had a reply. Does anyone have an update? This
may be serious for many people.”
In another post he wrote: “I have booked July. I cannot get a response
from them. It’s all very suspicious. I have paid £1,490.” Neighbours
said they had seen no guests at the Dome for 10 to 12 weeks.
One said: “If it is in trouble, it’s a real shame. It should be
thriving. At the height of the season that place should be making
“We know it’s been on the market for a while but they’ve not been able
to find a buyer by the looks of things. It’s getting a little overgrown,
they’ve not been maintaining it. “It’s in a fantastic location and is a
wonderful building.”
A spokesman for Dome House admitted they had been experiencing problems
and offered refunds. They said: “We have had a number of issues,
including the pool heat and house heating system, which due to the
bio-mass system had cause problems.
“The property had to cancel a booking at Easter. We already have May
blocked out as a planned break. The follow summer season was intended
to be the last season the property was to be offered as self-catering
accommodation with a view to converting the property to affordable
“We have been looking into whether these bookings could be accommodated.
Due to the nature of the bio-mass wood heating it does seem the house
does not lend itself to self-catering with this system. If the electric
back-up heater for the pool and heating fails it is unsatisfactory.
“With this in mind we are writing to guests to arrange refunds for the
small number of bookings we have left.” Gaukroger and wife Milla told
the Grand Designs show the whole project cost in excess of £1million.
They took out a £600,000 mortgage but had only another £100,000 in the bank when costs began to spiral.
They were relying on other business deals to finance the project but the
economic climate worsened and the couple were left with a
half-finished house. Further problems saw them unable to pay
creditors or the mortgage and a repossession order was issued. But
after the house appeared on Grand Designs a woman offered them a loan.
Gaukroger said: “She said it was clear this was my dream and she wanted
to help.”
After completion the couple had to open part of the building as a bed
and breakfast to earn cash to pay off the loan. They later changed it to
When he put the property on the market last year Gaukroger said he was
going to complete a postgraduate architectural qualification in London
while building a new family home in Kent.
He said: “We have a loan to pay that we don’t want hanging over our heads. We will never be able to replace this house.”
One guest who had stayed there wrote on Trip Advisor: “Total
disappointment. No heating or hot water in half the house. The pool was
not working. There was a leaking radiator and a faulty freezer.”
Another said: “Although the house is potentially an amazing property, it did not meet our expectations.”
Salby Sees Little CO2 Driving Mechanism …Skeptical View Of CO2 Science Is In Fact ‘Textbook Science’
We routinely read from fellow skeptics that they wish Dr. Murry Salby’s
research could be made available in written form, or perhaps in a
peer-reviewed paper.
Indeed we do have access to his Youtube lecture research (at least a
written summary of it) from an even better source than peer-reviewed
paper: Dr. Murry Salby’s 2012 university-level textbook: Physics of the
Atmosphere and Climate.
Here is a pdf link to the full textbook written by a world-renown expert
on atmospheric physics (he’s published several dozen papers in the
scientific literature on the subject). We therefore can effectively say
that a skeptical view of the CO2-dominated climate paradigm is actually
textbook science, not “fringe” science for the “3 percent”.
Below I’ve compiled a short list of some of the written statements from the textbook:
(a) temperature changes occur first and lead to CO2 emission from
natural sources (e.g., more ocean outgassing upon warming, more CO2
retention as the ocean cools), indicating that warmer temperatures are
driving up CO2 concentrations significantly more than human activity or
fossil fuels;
(b) CO2 only accounts for a small portion of the greenhouse effect relative to water vapor/cloud; and
(c) our presumptions about paleoclimate CO2 concentrations are probably
inaccurate (too low and too stable), as significant temperature
fluctuations would have caused wider fluctuations in CO2 concentrations
than current proxy-based reconstructions indicate.
Page 546:
“Together, emission from ocean and land sources (?150 GtC/yr) is two
orders of magnitude greater than CO2 emission from combustion of fossil
fuel. These natural sources are offset by natural sinks, of comparable
strength. However, because they are so much stronger, even a minor
imbalance between natural sources and sinks can overshadow the
anthropogenic component of CO2 emission.”
And page 249:
“The vast majority of that [greenhouse] warming is contributed by water
vapor. Together with cloud, it accounts for 98% of the greenhouse
Page 249/50:
“Surface temperature depends on the atmosphere’s optical depth. The
latter, in turn, depends on atmospheric composition through radiatively
active species. Water vapor is produced at ocean surfaces through
evaporation. Carbon dioxide is produced by decomposition of of organic
matter. These and other processes that control radiatively active
species are temperature dependent.”
Page 253:
“Revealed by natural perturbations to the Earth-atmosphere system, the
sensitivity accounts for much of the observed variation of CO2 emission
on interannual time scales (Fig. 1.43). It establishes that GMT cannot
increase without simultaneously increasing CO2 emission – from natural
Page 253:
“The results for the two periods are in broad agreement. Together with
the strong dependence of CO2 emission on temperature (Fig. 1.43), they
imply that a significant portion of the observed increase in r?CO2
derives from a gradual increase in surface temperature.”
Page 546:
“Warming of SST (by any mechanism) will increase the outgassing of CO2
while reducing its absorption. Owing to the magnitude of transfers with
the ocean, even a minor increase of SST can lead to increased emission
of CO2 that rivals other sources.”
Page 254:
“The resemblance between observed changes of CO2 and those anticipated
from increased surface temperature also points to a major inconsistency
between proxy records of previous climate. Proxy CO2 from the ice core
record (Fig 1.13) indicates a sharp increase after the nineteenth
century. At earlier times, proxy CO2 becomes amorphous: Nearly
homogeneous on time scales shorter than millennial, the ice core record
implies virtually no change of atmospheric CO2. According to the above
sensitivity, it therefore implies a global-mean climate that is
“static,” largely devoid of changes in GMT and CO2.
Proxy temperature (Fig. 1.45), on the other hand, exhibits centennial
changes of GMT during the last millennium, as large as 0.5–1.0? K. In
counterpart reconstructions, those changes are even greater (Section
1.6.2). It is noteworthy that, unlike proxy CO2 from the ice core
record, proxy temperature in Fig. 1.45 rests on a variety of independent
In light of the observed sensitivity, those centennial changes of GMT
must be attended by significant changes of CO2 during the last
millennium. They reflect a global-mean climate that is “dynamic,”
wherein GMT and CO2 change on a wide range of time scales. The two
proxies of previous climate are incompatible. They cannot both be
These statements fully correspond with some of the main themes of his lectures.
Orwellian Global Warming Dreams
In March a group of Democratic attorneys general formed “AG’s United for Clean Power.”
It sounds nice enough, doesn’t it? New York Attorney General Eric
Schneiderman, standing beside a grinning Al Gore, announced that the
gang was going after any energy providers and distributors who may have
committed thought crimes such as questioning the human cause of the
0.8oC global warming since 1880.
MIT atmospheric scientist Richard Lindzen said the appropriate response
to this tiny warming is to shrug and say, “So what?” It is a tiny
fraction of the daily temperature change in most places, and a smaller
fraction of the seasonal temperature change. But at the AGs’ meeting Al
Gore called it a “climate crisis.”
The state AGs are in lockstep with federal Attorney General Loretta
Lynch, who recently said she is considering legal actions against
“climate change deniers” (a nonexistent species, since no one denies
that climate changes).
You may wonder how this could be possible in the United States, where freedom of speech is guaranteed in the Constitution.
Imagine a society in which one is under near-ubiquitous surveillance.
Such a vision is remarkably close to the reality of 21st century
America, if the words of Supreme Court Justice Steven Breyer are to be
believed. In statements regarding a recent case he said, “If you win
this case, then there is nothing to prevent the police or the government
from monitoring 24 hours a day the public movement of every citizen of
the United States.”
We’re already under a voluntary microscope with tools like Facebook.
Small wonder that politicians desire a similar bonanza. With total data
coverage, attorneys general will find it easy to harm those who are not
in total support of correct political priorities. Justice Breyer thought
such a possibility resembled, too closely for comfort, the dystopian
society George Orwell wrote of in his novel 1984.
In more than this we resemble Orwell’s Oceania, which had its own form
of twisted English called Newspeak. Newspeak was carefully devised to
meet the ideological needs of Ingsoc, or English Socialism. It made it
difficult, nearly impossible, for the common prole to have incorrect
ideas. Newspeak, as a mode of expression, acted to develop correct
mental habits and make all other thoughts inconceivable.
“It was intended,” wrote Orwell, “that when Newspeak had been adopted
once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought, that is, a
thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc, should be literally
unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words.”
This brings me to global warming. The term occurs frequently in Al
Gore’s 1992 book, Earth in the Balance (I stopped counting at 81 times).
But when Mr. Gore stood beside the attorneys general there was not even
a nostalgic reference to global warming. It has passed out of the
memory tubes governed by Newspeak.
The problem with global warming is its precision. The words global and
warming have precise and well-understood meanings. Global refers to an
all-encompassing entity, in this case geographically specified—the
planet Earth. Earth is a medium-sized planet located in space
approximately 1.5×1011 m from its closest star. And Earth is warmer, on
average, now than it was in the past—well, the late 14th through early
19th centuries, anyway. (It’s also cooler now, on average, than it was
in the Holocene Climate Optimum, and probably also the Minoan Warm
Period, the Roman Warm Period, and the Medieval Warm Period, but polite
conversation doesn’t encompass such inconvenient truths.)
This is hardly groundbreaking. Our planet has had many periods of warming and cooling.
The AGs insist the direct cause of escalating temperatures is rising
atmospheric concentration of CO2—the gas of life—driven by the European
and American economic boom post World War II. They warn that warming
will become catastrophic unless emissions are stopped.
But the modest warming has stopped while emissions have skyrocketed.
This is opposite to the warming computer models predicted. There has
been no warming trend from 1997 to the present. (The short-term warming
of the first few months of 2016 is due to an unusually, but not
unprecedentedly, strong El Niño in the south Pacific and does not
constitute a trend.)
Today those who question the idea of a runaway global warming caused by
human CO2 emissions are called deniers. What precisely the deniers deny
is never quite specified. That is the point in Newspeak. It is
sufficient to wrap words related to rationality and objectivity in the
single word denier. Greater precision would be dangerous.
It is the flat line of no warming for almost 20 years that also makes “global warming” unacceptable. It is too precise.
Changing to terms such as Al Gore’s “climate crisis” has the conscious
purpose of subtly changing the meaning, by cutting out most of the
associations that would otherwise cling to the more precise term.
Climate crisis and climate change are terms that can be uttered almost
without taking thought, whereas global warming is a phrase over which
one is obliged to linger at least momentarily. So linger a while before
the attorneys general make it a thought crime to hold a different
Portland Public Schools bans material that casts doubt on climate change
The Portland Public Schools Board on Tuesday decided to ban any
classroom materials that cast doubt on climate change. The resolution
passed unanimously and requires that textbooks and other material
purchased by the district present climate change as a fact rather than
Material will also need to present human activity as one of the phenomenon's causes.
In testimony to the board, Bill Bigelow, a former Portland teacher, told
district officials that "we don't want kids in Portland learning
material courtesy of the fossil fuel industry."
Bigelow said that material that treats climate change as anything other
than fact is published by companies making concessions for fossil fuel
companies. He pointed to words such as "might," "may" and "could" in
educational materials.
The story started making waves on Friday when The Blaze, a conservative
news site founded by Glenn Beck, picked it up. U.S. News and World
Report also picked it up, which incited one commenter to say, "Well this
is special....ban books because you dont (sic) agree with the context.
Sounds like teaching professionals promoting a very personal and liberal
Republican representatives in Congress agree, but it seems America's
conservative politicians are alone in this regard — much of the world's
right-leaning leaders have urged action on climate change. In the U.S.,
the Environmental Protection Agency has been doing the same, calling it a
public health issue.
Even entertainers have gotten into the action. Jimmy Kimmel earlier this
month urged viewers to be skeptical of a documentary endorsed by former
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin that casts doubt on climate change. Instead,
Kimmel said during a segment on his late-night show, Americans should be
listening to scientists.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
22 May, 2016
Some pretty pictures of snow and ice that allegedly prove global warming
I am not going to reproduce any of the pictures as it is just typical
Leftist cherry-picking. You can pick pictures to show almost
anything. It is statistics you need if you are to
generalize. And, overall, polar ice has been INCREASING.
how come all the pretty pictures? Mainly because glaciers are
always changing -- mostly in response to precipitation. Glaciers
that are getting more snowfall than usual will be advancing and glaciers
getting less will be retreating. And there are always glaciers
doing both. The Franz Josef glacier in New Zealand is a good
example. Up unti a few years ago was notable for its rapid
advance. Now it is retreating.
Kilimanjaro is another
example. Once it was almost bare of snow but it has since bounced
back. And it's only at the stage that suits their religion did the
Warmists mention either of them
And their deception is not even
clever. For Kilimanjaro they show a comparison between 1993 and
2000. But what about 2016? For that see below:

More snow than ever. That shows you how they operate. They are arrant crooks
their logic is very strange. Their two pictures of flooding in
Australia were taken only two months apart. So does that prove
global warming? Did drastic warming happen over just two
months? Hardly. All they show is that Australia's floods are
short-lived, which all Australians know. Our chronic problem is drought
guess I could go on to dismantle all their trickery but I am not going
to give any more time to gross propaganda. Just some of their text
excerpted below. Click SOURCE to see the pictures
They have been locked in ice for hundreds, if not thousands of years,
but newly released images have revealed just how fast the landscapes of
Antarctica and the Arctic have changed.
The incredible pictures, released by Nasa, show how melting, and flooding, have transformed iconic landscapes around the world.
While some of the images, taken years apart, reveal long-term impacts
that have been attributed to climate change, others show changes on a
shorter scale due to shifting seasons or storms.
The shocking image comparisons are perhaps at their most dramatic when picturing the glaciers in Alaska.
An image taken in the summer 1917 of the Pederson Glacier shows
mountains of ice floating in water. Yet, a photograph taken in the same
spot in 2005 shows green pastures and a sparse covering of snow and ice
in the surrounding hills.
In another pair of images taken of Northwestern Glacier, in Alaska,
almost all the ice can be seen to have melted within just 65 years. In
the summer of 1940, the glacier glacier can be seen snaking down from
the peaks into the water, where chunks of ice float.
By summer 2005, the picture is completely different. Where once there
was white snow and ice, the dark grey and black of the rock, with the
occasional hint of green vegetation, dominates while the water is
completely clear. Just a few hints of snow remain hidden among the
highest peaks in the distance.
The ice and snow on the top of Africa's tallest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro
in Tanzania, can be seen disappearing. On the left shows a thick cap of
snow on February 17, 1993 and on the right it has reducted in February
21, 2000 Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa
Southern Australia, October 9, 2010Flooding in southern Australia
December 12, 2010. A series of thunderstorms led to flooding in
southern Australia in 2010 affecting 200,000 people. The left image was
taken on October 9, 2010 while the image on the right was taken December
12, 2010
Other images show dramatic changes caused by flooding and fire, urban development and deforestation.
Warming stops depression
Warmists are constantly making hokey claims about warming being bad
for you. So it should be of some interest to read below a proper
academic study which shows that warmth can be beneficial. It might
in fact make us all more cheerful
Whole-Body Hyperthermia for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial
By Janssen CW et al.
IMPORTANCE: Limitations of current antidepressants highlight the need to
identify novel treatments for major depressive disorder. A prior open
trial found that a single session of whole-body hyperthermia (WBH)
reduced depressive symptoms; however, the lack of a placebo control
raises the possibility that the observed antidepressant effects resulted
not from hyperthermia per se, but from nonspecific aspects of the
OBJECTIVE: To test whether WBH has specific antidepressant effects when
compared with a sham condition and to evaluate the persistence of the
antidepressant effects of a single treatment.
double-blind study conducted between February 2013 and May 2015 at a
university-based medical center comparing WBH with a sham condition. All
research staff conducting screening and outcome procedures were blinded
to randomization status. Of 338 individuals screened, 34 were
randomized, 30 received a study intervention, and 29 provided at least 1
postintervention assessment and were included in a modified
intent-to-treat efficacy analysis. Participants were medically healthy,
aged 18 to 65 years, met criteria for major depressive disorder, were
free of psychotropic medication use, and had a baseline 17-item Hamilton
Depression Rating Scale score of 16 or greater.
INTERVENTIONS: A single session of active WBH vs a sham condition
matched for length of WBH that mimicked all aspects of WBH except
intense heat.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Between-group differences in postintervention Hamilton Depression Rating Scale scores.
RESULTS: The mean (SD) age was 36.7 (15.2) years in the WBH group and
41.47 (12.54) years in the sham group. Immediately following the
intervention, 10 participants (71.4%) randomized to sham treatment
believed they had received WBH compared with 15 (93.8%) randomized to
WBH. When compared with the sham group, the active WBH group showed
significantly reduced Hamilton Depression Rating Scale scores across the
6-week postintervention study period (WBH vs sham; week 1: -6.53, 95%
CI, -9.90 to -3.16, P?<?.001; week 2: -6.35, 95% CI, -9.95 to -2.74,
P?=?.001; week 4: -4.50, 95% CI, -8.17 to -0.84, P?=?.02; and week 6:
-4.27, 95% CI, -7.94 to -0.61, P?=?.02). These outcomes remained
significant after evaluating potential moderating effects of
between-group differences in baseline expectancy scores. Adverse events
in both groups were generally mild.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Whole-body hyperthermia holds promise as a
safe, rapid-acting, antidepressant modality with a prolonged therapeutic
JAMA Psychiatry. 2016 May 12. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2016.1031
Is the green’s ‘Daddy Warbucks’ helping the planet or himself?
Any comprehensive review of green energy and its politics and policies
has to include the name of wealthy liberal Tom Steyer — who has been
called the environmental movement’s new “Daddy Warbucks.” Having
made his billions from his tenure atop Farallon Capital Management—much
of it from coal projects around the world — Steyer apparently had an
environmental epiphany and now wants to atone for his past sins by
trying to save the planet from manmade climate change.
He is using his wallet to try to elect candidates who will promote
policies and energy plans that agree with him. And that plan is “green.”
As I’ve previously reported, he spent nearly $75 million in the 2014
midterms and intends to top that for the 2016 election cycle. Steyer–– a
long-time donor to Democratic causes –– was a 2008 Hillary Clinton
supporter. After her campaign failed, he emerged as a bundler for Obama
in 2008 and again in 2012. Additionally, Steyer is a Clinton Foundation
donor, and last year, at his San Francisco home, he held an expensive
fundraiser for Clinton’s 2016 presidential run.
Along with researcher Christine Lakatos, whose Green Corruption File was
recently praised on the Michael Savage Show, I’ve repeatedly addressed
Steyer’s involvement through our work on President Obama’s Green-Energy
Crony-Corruption Scandal. Anytime there is a pot of government money
available for green energy, as Lakatos found, Steyer’s name seems to be
attached to it. Some of the most noteworthy include: Sungevity,
ElectraTherm, and Project Frog — all funded by Greener Capital (now EFW
Capital), which is a venture firm that invests in renewable energy, with
Steyer as a known financial backer.
Steyer claims to have “no self-interest” in his political activism. The
Los Angeles Times quotes him as saying: “We’re doing something we think
is good for everyone.” Yet, as Forbes columnist Loren Steffy points out,
he is spending his fortune lobbying for “short term political gains”
rather than into research and development “aimed at making renewables
economically viable.”
While he may say what he is doing is good for everyone, the policies
he’s pushing are good for him — not for “everyone.” The Washington Post
called him: “The man who has Obama’s ear when it comes to energy and
climate change.” In California, where he has been a generous supporter
of green energy policies, he helped pass Senate Bill 350 that calls for
50 percent renewable energy by 2030. California’s current mandate is 33
percent by 2020—which California’s three investor-owned utilities are,
reportedly, “already well on their way to meeting.” It is no surprise
that California already has some of the highest electricity rates in the
country. Analysis released last week found that states with policies
supporting green energy have much higher power prices. In October,
Steyer spent six figures for an ad campaign calling for the next
president to adopt a national energy policy similar to California’s: “50
percent clean energy mix in the U.S. by 2030” — which will raise
everyone’s rates.
With Steyer’s various green-energy investments, these rate-increasing
plans are good for him but bad for everyone else — especially those who
can least afford it. And, it is the less affluent, I recently learned,
he’s targeting with predatory loans for solar panels through Kilowatt
Financial, LLC, (KWF) — a company that listed him as “manager” on
corporate documents. KWF recently merged with Clean Power Finance and
became “Spruce.” The financing structure used, according to the Wall
Street Journal (WSJ), allows “homeowners to get solar systems at no
upfront cost and then to pay monthly for the use of the power generated.
Homeowners end up saving on their total electricity use, while
financing companies get steady revenue over 20 years.” WSJ, points out,
the KWF financing can be offered to “people who wouldn’t be approved
In the KWF model, contracted payments come from homeowners and “create a
steady and reliable income stream, part of which is owned by its
venture investors, including Kleiner Perkins.” About the arrangement,
KWF chairman and Chief Executive Daniel Pillmer said: “Kleiner Perkins
will make a lot of money.” Apparently, the money to be made is from
selling the loans that are then securitized on Wall Street — much like
the “sub-prime” mortgage crisis that offered loans to people who
couldn’t qualify with “traditional lenders.” KWF’s website brags: “We
support financing terms for almost every customer and provide ways for
dealers to participate in the pricing process to generate even more
approvals and create even lower consumer rates.” KWF offers “Instant
Approvals, even for customers with lower credit scores” and
“Same-as-Cash and Deferred Payment Offers.” In these types of payment
plans, a low rate is usually offered in the beginning and increases
retroactively if all the terms of the loan are not met.
In this model, the homeowners don’t actually own the solar systems —
which means KWF receives the benefit of the federal tax incentives, such
as the 30 percent federal “Investment Tax Credit,” designed to benefit
the owner of the solar system.
It is practices like this that have drawn the ire of Congress. Several
congressional Democrats sent a letter to the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau that warned about the similarities between the solar
industry and what led to the subprime mortgage crisis: “easy initial
financial terms, increased demand and a rapidly expanding industry.”
These factors create a high risk potential that could, ultimately, be
harmful to consumers. Similarly, Republicans sent a letter to the
Federal Trade Commission that noted pressure from Wall Street is
reportedly leading companies who use “potentially deceptive sales
tactics” — which doesn’t sound like it is something that is “good for
Yet, it is these very types of finance products, promoted by Steyer’s
Kilowatt Financial that Greentech Media reports are “doing well.”
While Steyer claims to want to give everyone a “fair shake,” his pet
policies increase costs for everyone, and offer a hand-shake for Wall
Street. Steyer and his billionaire buddies win, “everyone” else loses —
and that is a big part of the green-energy crony-corruption scandal
Who Are the Real Deniers of Science?
The left has long claimed that it has something of a monopoly on
scientific expertise. For instance, long before Al Gore started making
millions by claiming that anyone who disagreed with his apocalyptic
prophecies was “anti-science,” there were the “scientific socialists.”
“Social engineer” is now rightly seen as a term of scorn and derision,
but it was once a label that progressive eggheads eagerly accepted.
Masking opinions in a white smock is a brilliant, albeit infuriating and
shabby, rhetorical tactic. As the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously
said, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.”
Science is the language of facts, and when people pretend to be
speaking it, they’re not only claiming that their preferences are more
than mere opinions, they’re also insinuating that anyone who disagrees
is a fool or a zealot for objecting to “settled science.”
Put aside the fact that there is no such thing as settled science.
Scientists are constantly questioning their understanding of things;
that is what science does. All the great scientists of history are
justly famous for overturning the assumptions of their fields. The real
problem is that in politics, invocations of science are very often
marketing techniques masquerading as appeals to irrefutable authority.
In an increasingly secular society, having science on your side is
better than having God on your side — at least in an argument.
I’m not saying that you can’t have science in your corner, or that
lawmakers shouldn’t look to science when making policy. (Legislation
that rejects the existence of gravity makes for very silly laws indeed.)
But the real intent behind so many claims to “settled science” is to
avoid having to make your case. It’s an undemocratic technique for
delegitimizing opposing views and saying “shut up” to dissenters.
For example, even if the existence of global warming is “settled,” the
policies for how to best respond to it are not. But in the political
debates about climate change, activists say that their climatological
claims are irrefutable and so are their preferred remedies.
If climate change is the threat they claim, I’d rather spend billions on
geoengineering to fix it than trillions on impoverishing economic
policies that at best slightly delay it. It doesn’t matter; I’m the
Luddite buffoon for thinking ethanol subsidies and windmills are
Even more outrageous: If you dispute, say, the necessity of spending
billions on windmills or on killing the coal industry, you are not
merely wrong on climate change, you are “anti-science.”
Intellectually, this is a monument of asininity so wide and tall, even the mind’s eye cannot glimpse its horizon or peak.
For starters, why are liberalism’s pet issues the lodestars of what
constitutes scientific fact? Medical science informs us fetuses are
human beings. The liberal response? “Who cares?” Genetically modified
foods are safe, sayeth the scientists. “Shut up,” reply the liberal
activists. IQ is partly heritable, the neuroscientists tell us. “Shut
up, bigot,” the liberals shriek.
Which brings me to the raging hysteria over the plight of transgendered people who need to use the bathroom.
The New York Times recently reported about A.J. Jackson’s travails in a
Vermont high school. “There were practical issues,” Anemona Hartocollis
writes. “When he had his period, he wondered if he should revert to the
girls' bathroom, because there was no place to throw away his used
Now, one can have sympathy for the transgendered — I certainly do —
while simultaneously holding to the scientific fact that boys do not
menstruate. This is a fact far more settled than the very best climate
science. Perhaps it’s rude to say so, but facts do not cease to be facts
simply because they offend.
In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio is pushing to fine businesses
that do not address customers by their “preferred name, pronoun and
title (e.g., Ms./Mrs.) regardless of the individual’s sex assigned at
birth, anatomy, gender, medical history, appearance, or the sex
indicated on the individual’s identification.” The NYC Commission on
Human Rights can penalize offenders up to $250,000.
Many liberals believe that “denying” climate science should be a
criminal offense while also believing that denying biological science is
a moral obligation.
In the law, truth is a defense against the charge of slander, but for
liberals, inconvenient truth is no defense against the charge of
Sheer ignorance of EPA head
At the 2016 Planet Forward Summit last month, EPA Administrator Gina
McCarthy riled “climate deniers,” accusing them of ignoring myriad data
for political expediency. “Climate deniers are not about a lack of
data,” she asserted. “They’re … deniers as to whether or not the
solutions, once you recognize the problem, are going to be to their
advantage or not.”
However, last July, when asked by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, “What
percentage of the atmosphere is CO2?” McCarthy replied: “I don’t have
that calculation for you sir.”
And just a few months prior, in March 2015, Sen. Jeff Sessions pointed
out to McCarthy the terrible track record when it comes to computer
projections. McCarthy response? “I do not know what the models actually
are predicting that you’re referring to,” McCarthy conceded. She
continued, “[O]n the whole it makes no difference to the validity and
the robustness of climate science that is telling us that we are facing
an absolute challenge that we must address [emphasis added].”
So the woman who admittedly doesn’t even look at the data has the
chutzpah to lecture “deniers” about denying said erroneous data. Who
again is seeking to take advantage?
Exxon still skeptical
A Greenie has a moan below
This spring, though free of my personal Exxon holdings, I couldn’t
resist taking a peek at the company’s mailing to shareholders in advance
of its 2016 annual meeting, in Dallas on May 25. The proxy package
opens with a letter from Exxon Chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson. Reading
it, I had a momentary flash of hope. “Your vote is important to us,” he
writes, referring, in part, to a raft of shareholder proposals whose
adoption could have real impact on the company’s environmental policies
and practices. My hopes were dashed, though, as I continued reading.
Each suggested reform was followed by the same stern directive: “The
Board recommends that you vote against this proposal.”
One shareholder proposal calls on Exxon to appoint an independent
climate expert to its board of directors. This would be a good way for
the company to show that it is committed to giving more serious
attention to the global-warming challenge. In recommending a “no” vote,
Exxon explains that periodic briefings by Exxon staff and outside
experts provide the board with all the information it needs on climate
change. It also argues that Exxon board members should have “expertise
in managing large, relatively complex organizations and be accustomed to
dealing with complex situations with worldwide scope.” I couldn’t help
wondering: What “situation” is more complex or wider in scope than
potentially cataclysmic climate change? And what issue is more
fundamental to the viability of a global corporation that has staked its
future on the burning of fossil fuels?
Another group of shareholders — the United Steelworkers — seeks fuller
disclosure of Exxon’s lobbying outlays. In calling for an annual report
on the company’s efforts to influence environmental laws and policies
that may affect Exxon business interests, the Steelworkers point to
Exxon’s membership in the American Legislative Exchange Council, which
spearheads many of the most strident state-level campaigns attacking
policies favorable to renewable energy. Exxon urges shareholders to
reject fuller lobbying disclosure, asserting that its periodic reports
to Congress and various state and local jurisdictions, “as required by
law,” provide “sufficient transparency and accountability.” Why make it
any easier for scrappy shareholders, or the public at large, to track
the company’s massive and often secretive lobbying campaigns?
Perhaps most disturbing is the board’s dismissal of a shareholder
proposal urging Exxon to endorse an upper limit on the amount of global
warming that our planet and its inhabitants can endure. The proposal
suggests that the global average temperature should not be allowed to
rise more than 2º C above its pre-industrial level — hardly a radical
notion, as it simply echoes the terms of the Paris climate accord,
agreed to by 195 nations in December. In fact, the Paris agreement warns
that an even lower ceiling, keeping the global average temperature
within 1.5º C of the pre-industrial level, will be needed to preserve
some semblance of climate stability.
How does Exxon explain its rejection of these caps, overwhelmingly
accepted by nations large and small, industrialized and developing? It
says that it prefers to pursue “practical, achievable solutions … rather
than focusing on a future global temperature stabilization outcome that
ultimately will be dictated by many variables beyond the company’s
In other words, because Exxon’s actions alone will not shape the
dimensions and depth of a future climate crisis, widely credited
scientific warnings about the need to keep global warming within
specific bounds can be held at arm’s length. Managing Exxon’s massive
internal operations (drilling, refining, distribution) and its sale of
5.8 million barrels of petroleum products per day is tough enough
without the added headache of worrying about the company’s contribution
to climate change.
Another shareholder, the New York State Common Retirement Fund, calls
for a report on how domestic and international climate change policies
will affect Exxon’s oil and gas holdings. This, too, is rejected. Exxon
reasons that demand for its products is growing, not shrinking, and that
it will take many decades for the world to shift to a lower-carbon
economy. With all that growth in fossil fuel use, shareholders needn’t
be concerned that the company’s “proven hydrocarbon reserves are, or
will become, stranded.” This, of course, ignores the inconvenient truth
that existing national and international policies, not to mention future
ones, will require us to leave substantial portions of known reserves
of oil, gas, and coal in the ground. How else might we keep our planet
from burning its way through the temperature limits set by the Paris
Navigating America toward a more sustainable energy future won’t be
easy. Vision, rather than obfuscation and denial, must guide the efforts
of governments, corporations, and institutions. Someday, we can only
hope, the world’s leading oil and gas company will face up to this
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
20 May, 2016
Munshi on the warpath again
I am a great admirer of the work of Jamal Munshi. He really
hits Warmists where it would hurt if they were real scientists. As
it is, of course, neither evidence nor logic is really of interest to
In the paper below, he hits at the most basic assertion of
Warmism: That fossil fuel emissions influence the amount of CO2 in the
I have read the full paper and have no quarrel with
its theory or methodology. I am however a little uneasy at the
criterion used for statistical significance. He uses the more
severe standard emanating from all the recent work on unreproducible
results. And none of the effects he observed survive application
of that criterion. By the traditional .05 criterion, however, we
do see a weak but significant effect. So the findings could in
fact be sen as consistent with industrial CO2 emissions having an effect
-- but a very slight one. But there is certainly nothing like the
dominant effect that Warmists assume
Changes in the 13C/12C Ratio of Atmospheric CO2 1977-2014
Data for the 13C fraction in atmospheric CO2 from six different
measurement stations in the sample period 1977-2014 are studied to
estimate its dilution by fossil fuel emissions. No correlation between
the annual rate of fossil fuel emissions and annual change in the 13C
fraction of atmospheric CO2 is found. We conclude that the 13C data for
atmospheric CO2 do not serve as empirical evidence that changes in
atmospheric CO2 since the Industrial Revolution can be attributed to
fossil fuel emissions.
Is Antarctica about to lose a huge chunk of ice?
These guys are incredible. From the headline above you would
think that the event concerned is imminent. Read a bit further
down, however, and you find that they are talking about next
century. They cannot predict next week's weather but they can
predict next century's? This is the most gross speculation and, as
such, deserving of no attention
Giant slabs of sea ice carving off of glaciers and crumbling into the
sea could become a common sight if the climate continues to warm, warn
The bleak outlook comes from a new study in which researchers claim that
the Antarctic ice could shrink by 186 miles (300 km) if the climate
change continues unabated.
Such a huge loss of sea ice would result in global sea levels rising by
almost three metres over the course of the next few centuries, they add.
An international group of scientists, comprising researchers from the
UK, Australia, New Zealand and the US, made the predictions based on
measurements of a huge glacier in the Antarctic.
Totten Glacier drains one of the largest ice masses in the world, the East Antarctic Ice Sheet.
By studying how the glacier has grown and shrank over time, they found
that it may be teetering on the edge of a critical threshold.
Scientists say that if climate change continues on the ‘business as
usual’ trajectory – without intervention – the glacier could cross this
threshold sometime in the next century, leading to an irreversible
melting on a massive scale and causing the glacier to retreat rapidly.
The evidence coming together is painting a picture of East Antarctica
being much more vulnerable to a warming environment than we thought,’
said Professor Martin Siegert, co-director of the Grantham Institute at
Imperial College London.
‘This is something we should worry about. Totten Glacier is losing ice
now, and the warm ocean water that is causing this loss has the
potential to also push the glacier back to an unstable place.’
According to the researchers, the glacier’s rapid retreat would cause it
to withdraw up to 300 kilometres inland over the following centuries.
The vast quantities of water locked up in the ice would be released,
contributing as much as 2.9 metres to global sea-level rise.
Antarctica has been a complex system to study, as despite the warming
average global temperature, the region has gained ice mass - contrasting
the rapid loss seen in the northern polar regions.
But despite these gains, the warming waters are causing chunks of ice to crumble into the sea, just as is seen in the north.
While the gains may outweigh the losses at the moment, as more of the
ice sheet crumbles, it exposes more of the ice to warming waters which
causes further melting.
Wow! Somebody who knows what he is talking about on coral bleaching
There is a long article
on Watts
that reviews the science of what is known of the coral reef
life-cycle. It has lots of surprises for people who have heard
only the cries of disaster from Warmists. The single fact that
stood out to me was that coral bleaching is most often a response to
COOLING, not warming.
The article gives particular attention to the utterances of Warmists
like Hoagy and completely demolishes them. It gives good grounds
for regarding Hoagy as nothing but a fraud.
I have previously noted that coral bleaching is not coral death and that
corals are very resilient to damage but this article gives chapter and
verse of that. Anyone interested in the health of coral reefs
needs to read this article. You will laugh at all future Warmist
claims if you do.
Increased vegetation in the Arctic region may counteract global warming
Climate change creates more shrub vegetation in barren, Arctic
ecosystems. A new study shows that organisms, such as bacteria and
fungi, are triggered to break down particularly nutritious dead parts of
shrubbery. Meanwhile, the total amount of decomposition is reducing.
This could have an inhibiting effect on global warming.
Climate change creates more shrub vegetation in barren, arctic
ecosystems. A study at Lund University in Sweden shows that organisms,
such as bacteria and fungi, are triggered to break down particularly
nutritious dead parts of shrubbery. Meanwhile, the total amount of
decomposition is reducing. This could have an inhibiting effect on
global warming.
A large amount of the Earth's carbon and nitrogen is stored in arctic
ecosystems where the ground is permanently frozen, known as permafrost.
Climate change causes such soil to heat up. Johannes Rousk at Lund
University, together with colleagues Kathrin Rousk och Anders Michelsen
from the University of Copenhagen and the Center for Permafrost
(CENPERM), have conducted field studies outside Abisko in the very north
of Sweden, studying what happens to the decomposition of organic
material as the climate gets warmer.
"As the Arctic region becomes warmer, more shrubs start to grow, rather
than moss which is difficult to break down. The shrubs have leaves and
roots that are easy to break down and secrete sugar. What we have shown
is that decomposition organisms, such as bacteria and fungi, are
triggered to look for nutrient-rich organic materials that contain more
nitrogen, while decomposition as a whole is reduced," says Johannes
When the nutrient-rich material is decomposed, the nutrient-poor part of
the organic material is enriched, probably causing the amount of carbon
to increase. Current climate models do not consider the connection
between increased shrub vegetation as a result of ongoing climate
change, and soil becoming less nutritious.
"It will be exciting to see how this will affect the soil carbon
turnover in the long term. Perhaps our results will help complement
future climate models," says Johannes Rousk.
Today no one knows what less nutritious soil in the Arctic ecosystem and
an overall decreased decomposition of organic material will lead to.
However, Johannes Rousk dares to venture a guess:
"I suspect it will have an inhibiting effect on global warming," he says.
Journal Reference: Kathrin Rousk, Anders Michelsen, Johannes Rousk.
Microbial control of soil organic matter mineralisation responses to
labile carbon in subarctic climate change treatments. Global Change
Biology, 2016; DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13296
Relax: Extensive Study Says GMOs Are Beneficial
A new report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and
Medicine, titled “Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and
Prospects,” bodes well for advocates of genetically engineered
(modified) crops. According to NBC News, the study found:
“There is no evidence of large-scale health effects on people from genetically modified foods
"There is some evidence that crops genetically engineered to resist bugs
have benefited people by reducing cases of insecticide poisoning
"Genetically engineered crops to benefit human health, such as those
altered to produce more vitamin A, can reduce blindness and deaths die
to vitamin A deficiency
"Using insect-resistant or herbicide-resistant crops did not damage
plant or insect diversity and in some cases increased the diversity of
"Sometimes the added genes do leak out to nearby plants — a process
called gene flow — but there is no evidence it has caused harm.
"In general, farmers who use GM soybean, cotton, and corn make more
money but it does depend on how bad pests are and farming practices.
"GM crops do reduce losses to pests
"If farmers use insect-resistant crops but don’t take enough care, sometimes pest insects develop resistance”
There’s nothing particularly alarming in those bullet points, and in
fact the news is mostly positive. And this study agrees with what
numerous other studies show — GMOs are safe and effective.
This only adds to the silliness of Vermont to mandate GMO labels. If
Democrats are so worried about hunger in both America and around the
world, why do they continue waging a war against a promising and
health-smart solution?
That good ol' Green/Left projection again
She sees in skeptics what is true of herself. If you want to
see what is true of Lreftists, see what they say of conservatives.
As ego-maniacs they know only themselves. So she attributes
attitudes to self-interest, in the traditional Marxist way. She
fails to face the fact that Warmism suits her very well
Speaking at Planet Forward 2016, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy says
that climate change is “impacting public health” and “every human being
on the face of this Earth”. McCarthy says that ‘Climate deniers are not
about a lack of data. They’re deniers as to whether or not the
solutions, once you recognize the problem, are going to be to their
advantage or not.”
ADMINISTRATOR MCCARTHY: “…if you think that climate change isn’t
impacting public health then you have to open your eyes and take a
closer look because the data is there, the understanding is there. And,
so while EPA struggles to bring good quality air to everybody, safe
drinking water, healthy safe places for kids to live and work, we also
have to recognize that an unstable climate is impacting every human
being on the face of this Earth, and if we do not do something, you are
the very people whose future is being robbed and taken from you.” […]
FRANK SESNO: “How about more science in our leaders? How about more data?”
ADMINISTRATOR MCCARTHY: “You know I don’t know if it’s more data or
forcing people to look at the data. I mean really. Climate deniers are
not about a lack of data. They’re deniers as to whether or not the
solutions, once you recognize the problem, are going to be to their
advantage or not.”
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
19 May, 2016
China building at sea level
yesterday, I wrote about China's island-building in the East China
sea. I pointed out that there were both good military and good
economic reasons for building the islands and that they are there to
What is amusing about it, however, is that the islands are just
slightly above sea level -- which shows that China does NOT believe the
global warming story. If they really did expect a sea level rise
they would not be spending billions of Renminbi on building things that
were due to be swamped soon.
GM farming is creating superweeds and resistant bugs: Controversial technology has created a 'major agricultural problem'
Everything said below may be true. Resistance to the chemicals
men use to suppress disfavoured plants and organisms has long been
common. So the issue is not what present practices do so much as
what alternative practices would do.
In the absence of GM
crops much more pesticide spray would have been used. Might that
not have created MORE resistant organisms than present practices
create? It seems likely. So use of GM crops may be no
miracle but it seems likely that it is better than any
alternative. What we have below is in fact typical Leftist
argumentation: Failure to tell the whole story
Superweeds and toxin resistant pests have been created by GM farming, according to a landmark study.
New research from the American National Academies of Science reveals
that many promises for the controversial technology have not been
fulfilled. Significantly, the experts concluded that the emergence
of mutated weeds and pests created by GM farming is 'a major
agricultural problem'.
In some cases, superweeds have taken over vast tracts of previously productive farmland in North America.
Farmers have had to resort to drastic measures, including spraying with
highly toxic chemicals such as DDT and even using flamethrowers, to try
and destroy them.
There is also evidence that some insect pests have developed a
resistance to toxins inserted into GM crops. As a result, they survive
to damage important commercial crops, such as GM cotton, which is grown
in India.
GM crops were first developed more than 20 years ago on the back of
promises to increase yields, cut the use of chemical sprays and boost
farmers' profits.
One group of crops, such as soya and maize or corn, had genes inserted
into them to make them immune to chemical weedkillers like Monsanto's
Roundup or glyphosate. Farmers could then douse their crops in these
chemicals, killing off the weeds but allowing the GM plants to survive.
However, many weeds, such as Palmers pigweed, which can grow seven feet
tall, subsequently developed resistance to glyphosate and are difficult
to control as a result.
The study said: 'In many locations some weeds had evolved resistance to
glyphosate, the herbicide to which most genetically engineered crops
were engineered to be resistant.'
A second group of crops, such as cotton and corn, had a toxin inserted
into them – known as Bt – which would kill any pests that fed on the
plants. However, pink bollworms have developed resistance to a toxin
inserted into GM cotton.
The US researchers found: 'Evidence shows that in locations where
insect-resistant crops were planted but resistance-management strategies
were not followed, damaging levels of resistance evolved in some target
In light of these concerns, the academics concluded that strict policing
regimes are needed to vet new crops and the way they are grown.
They must have sold a lot of these keyboards, it is like every Warmist is using them!
New Paper on Climate Sensitivity Supports Low (?1C) Estimates
Just a quick-fire post on climate sensitivity, because that is, after all is said and done, what all this business is about.
We keep hearing from alarmists on here and elsewhere that ‘uncertainty’
in estimates of climate sensitivity means that we cannot disregard the
high end estimates generated from the GCMs, meaning, effectively, that
current urgent CO2 emissions reductions are justified. This is despite
the fact that empirically derived observationally based estimates are
generally lower than those estimates emergent from the GCMs. Climate
scientists have attempted to justify the higher estimates and downplay
the lower estimates, most notably a recent attempt from Marvel, Schmidt
et al—which fell flat on its face here and here.
A new paper by (fairly unusually in climate science) a single author,
Prof. J. Ray Bates, on climate sensitivity has just been published:
Estimates of 2xCO2 equilibrium climate sensitivity (EqCS) derive from
running global climate models (GCMs) to equilibrium. Estimates of
effective climate sensitivity (EfCS) are the corresponding quantities
obtained using transient GCM output or observations. The EfCS approach
uses an accompanying energy balance model (EBM), the zero-dimensional
model (ZDM) being standard. GCM values of EqCS and EfCS vary widely
[IPCC range: (1.5, 4.5)°C] and have failed to converge over the past 35
years. Recently, attempts have been made to refine the EfCS approach by
using two-zone (tropical/extratropical) EBMs. When applied using
satellite radiation data, these give low and tightly-constrained EfCS
values, in the neighbourhood of 1°C. These low observational
EfCS/two-zone EBM values have been questioned because (a) they disagree
with higher observational EfCS/ZDM values, and (b) the EfCS/two-zone EBM
values given by GCMs are poorly correlated with the standard GCM
sensitivity estimates. The validity of the low observational
EfCS/two-zone EBM values is here explored, with focus on the limitations
of the observational EfCS/ZDM approach, the disagreement between the
GCM and observational radiative responses to surface temperature
perturbations in the tropics, and on the modified EfCS values provided
by an extended two zone EBM that includes an explicit parameterization
of dynamical heat transport. The results support the low observational
EfCS/two-zone EBM values, indicating that objections (a) and (b) to
these values both need to be reconsidered. It is shown that in the EBM
with explicit dynamical heat transport the traditional formulism of
climate feedbacks can break down because of lack of additivity.
Take home message:
The central conclusion of this study is that to disregard the low values
of effective climate sensitivity (?1°C) given by observations on the
grounds that they do not agree with the larger values of equilibrium, or
effective, climate sensitivity given by GCMs, while the GCMs themselves
do not properly represent the observed value of the tropical radiative
response coefficient, is a standpoint that needs to be reconsidered.
More inconvenient peer-reviewed science for those who wish to promote
the idea of a global ‘climate emergency’ supposedly based upon sound
science and a >90% consensus of experts. Mind you, with the way
Cook’s 97% ‘consensus’ was confected, Prof. Bates would probably be
included as one of those experts—even after publishing this paper!
Obama preaches his Climate Change religion
President Barack Obama told graduates at Rutgers University in New
Brunswick, N.J., “to insist upon and shape an informed debate” about
climate change, adding that climate change is not subject to “political
“Climate change is not something subject to political spin. There is
evidence. There are facts. We can see it happening right now,” he said
in a commencement address.
Obama said the debate about climate change is “a perfect example” of
astronomer Carl Sagan’s quote, “We can judge our progress by the courage
of our questions and the depths of our answers, our willingness to
embrace what is true rather than what feels good.”
“Now, I recognize it doesn’t feel like the planet is warmer right now. I
understand. There was hail when I landed in Newark, but think about the
climate change issue,” he said.
“Every day, there are officials in high office with responsibilities who
mock the overwhelming consensus of the world’s scientists that human
activities and the release of carbon dioxide and methane and other
substances are altering our climate in profound and dangerous ways,” the
president said.
“A while back, you may have seen a United States senator trotted out a
snowball during a floor speech in the middle of winter as ‘proof’ that
the world was not warming,” Obama said, referring to Sen. James Inhofe
(R-Okla.), chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public
“I mean, listen, climate change is not something subject to political
spin. There is evidence. There are facts. We can see it happening right
now. If we don’t act, if we don't follow through on the progress we made
in Paris, the progress we've been making here at home, your generation
will feel the brunt of this catastrophe,” Obama said.
“So it’s up to you to insist upon and shape an informed debate. Imagine
if Benjamin Franklin had seen that senator with the snowball, what he
would think. Imagine if your 5th grade science teacher had seen that.
He’d get a D. And he’s a senator!” Obama added.
“Look, I'm not suggesting that cold analysis and hard data are
ultimately more important in life than passion, or faith, or love, or
loyalty,” he said. “I am suggesting that those highest expressions of
our humanity can only flourish when our economy functions well, and
proposed budgets add up, and our environment is protected.
“And to accomplish those things, to make collective decisions on behalf
of a common good, we have to use our heads. We have to agree that facts
and evidence matter, and we got to hold our leaders and ourselves
accountable to know what the heck they’re talking about,” Obama said.
Failure to tackle food demand could make 1.5C limit unachievable
The ecofascists go even further than Hitler and Stalin. They
want to choose your breakfast, lunch and dinner for you. For your
own benefit, of course. Some amusing gloom below, though
In Paris in December last year, 195 countries agreed to try and keep
global temperature rise to “well below” 2C above pre-industrial levels,
and to “pursue efforts” towards 1.5C.
Many had expected the 1.5C temperature goal to drop out of the draft
text during the fortnight of negotiations. Now, as the dust settles
after the landmark agreement, scientists are grappling with the
feasibility of meeting this more ambitious target.
But there was one sector that was largely absent from the talks in
Paris. It’s something that we rely on everyday, and continuing to ignore
it could mean waving goodbye to that 1.5C goal. It’s food.
30% of emissions
Agriculture and the production of food, or “agri-food” for short, is a very significant emitter of greenhouse gases.
Producing our three square meals a day causes emissions of CO2 through
agricultural machinery and transporting crops and animals, nitrous oxide
from the use of fertilisers (synthetic and manure), and methane from
livestock and flooded paddy fields for rice.
Furthermore, the demand for food has led to global expansion of farmland
at a rate of about 10m hectares per year during the last decade. Some
of this cleared land is – or was – tropical rainforest, adding more
emissions and reducing the capacity of land to absorb and store carbon.
When you consider emissions according to the services we use on a
day-to-day basis, agri-food accounts for approximately 30% of all
greenhouse gas emissions. As you can see from the chart below, that
means producing and cooking the food we eat causes approximately the
same amount of emissions as those from personal travel, lighting,
heating and air conditioning, and washing machines put together.
Rising demand and emissions
During the mid-20th century, global food production benefitted from a
“Green Revolution”, where improvements in farming technology across the
world gave a huge boost to crop yields. But, more recently, there has
been a worldwide deceleration in yield growth of major crops.
At the same time, as the world’s population grows and becomes richer,
the demand for food is expected to increase by 60% or more by 2050.
Given recent trends, demand is likely to rise more quickly than supply
towards the middle of the 21st century. This will increase pressure to
convert land for farming.
Putting these drivers together suggests that emissions from agri-food
will continue to grow. Changing farming practises could offset some of
this increase, but achieving such changes is easier said than done.
A paper published this week, for example, reviews the various ways we
can cut emissions from raising livestock. Options include using feed
additives to reduce how much methane is created in the stomachs of
animals, and sequestering carbon in the soils of grasslands where they
graze. But limited take-up of new farming methods and high costs means
that less than 10% of what is technically possible is currently
economically viable.
So what does this mean for keeping temperature rise below 1.5C?
The emissions pathway we’d need to follow for a 66% chance of staying
within 1.5C suggests that food-related emissions at current levels would
take up our entire greenhouse gas budget in 2050.
That means unless things change – radically – our demand for food could
leave no space for emissions from any of the other services we require
to live our daily lives.
In short, our demand for food alone could virtually guarantee that the Paris aspirations are unachievable.
Colorado Supreme Court embraces the rule of law, not the fear mongering of the anti-fossil-fuel movement
On Monday, May 2 the Colorado Supreme Court ruled on what the New York
Times (NYT) called: “a lengthy battle for energy production.” The
court’s unanimous decision to strike down two cities’ limits on fracking
is a victory for oil-and-gas companies and a “disappointment” to
anti-fossil-fuel activists. Several states, including Colorado’s
neighbors, New Mexico and Texas, have faced similar anti-oil-and-gas
initiatives that have also been shot down.
The Colorado Supreme Court reached the same conclusion as the lower
court: the fracking bans put in place by Fort Collins and Longmont are
“invalid and unenforceable” because state law trumps the local
ordinances. A report from Colorado Public Radio states: “The ruling will
have an impact on other Front Range communities — including Broomfield,
Lafayette, and Boulder — that have approved restrictions on fracking.
The court clearly said that these efforts are illegal.”
The consequences of the decision are “comparatively small,” according to
NYT, as the land now opened up for exploration represents only a
fraction of Colorado’s oil-and-gas development. “More significant, said
experts on both sides of the conflict, is that the rulings shut down
future efforts to stop fracking in local jurisdictions.” Colorado
Attorney General Cynthia Coffman said that she fears the ruling will not
end the divisive debate. “Instead some activists will continue to push
anti-development initiatives undermining the state’s record of local
cooperation on these policy issues.”
The NYT points out: “Spurred by the rise of hydraulic fracturing,
Colorado has become one of the nation’s largest producers of oil and
gas. The state has more than 50,000 active oil and gas wells.”
According to a press release, the Colorado Petroleum Council “welcomed
the decisions for upholding the state’s primacy in overseeing oil and
natural gas permitting and curtailing ‘arbitrary bans’ on fracking that
could cost local jobs, deprive state and local governments of tax
revenue and limit access to energy resources.”
Upon hearing the news, I tweeted: “Great news! Colorado Supreme Court
Strikes Down Local Fracking Bans.” Almost immediately, @AllNewSux
responded: “@energyrabbit Hooray…now we can all drink poisoned water
here in Colorado!”
What is @AllNewSux thinking? He is regurgitating outdated propaganda as
study after study — though funders are disappointed with the results —
determine, as did the three-year study by the University of Cincinnati
released in February: “hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas wells … does
not contaminate ground water.”
The University of Cincinnati study, reports the Free Press Standard:
“aimed to measure methane and its sources in groundwater before, during
and after the onset of fracking.” It concluded, “dissolved methane was
detected in all sampled wells, however, no relationship was found
between the methane concentration and proximity to natural gas wells.”
The results of the study were released by Dr. Amy Townsend-Small, the
lead researcher, during a February 4 meeting of the Carroll County
Concerned Citizens in Carrollton, Ohio — part of a coalition of
anti-fracking groups. Townsend-Small stated: “We haven’t seen anything
to show that wells have been contaminated by fracking.” Her revelations
must have been a shock to the group whose pre-meeting promotion included
this comment: “We saw the debate about fracking’s impact on groundwater
methane in Pennsylvania and the results of failing to have predrilling
or baseline data for comparisons. Dr. Townsend-Small’s study provides
landowners with that baseline data and helps to differentiate shale
sources from non-shale sources of methane.”
The Free Press Standard asked Townsend-Small about plans to “publicize
the results.” She said there were “no plans to do so.” Why? “I am really
sad to say this, but some of our funders, the groups that had given us
funding in the past, were a little disappointed in our results. They
feel that fracking is scary and so they were hoping this data could lead
to a reason to ban it.”
Just a few months earlier, October 2015, a Yale study, reported in
Nature World News, came to the same conclusion: “Fracking does not
contaminate drinking water.” The article, which ties in an earlier EPA
report, states: “Yale researchers have confirmed that hydraulic
fracturing — also known as ‘fracking’ — does not contaminate drinking
water. The process of extracting natural gas from deep underground wells
using water has been given a bad reputation when it comes to the impact
it has on water resources but Yale researchers recently disproved this
myth in a new study that confirms a previous report by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) conducted earlier this year.”
Then there is the 2014 research from Duke University’s Nicholas School
of the Environment that found: “(The) gas data appear to rule out gas
contamination by upward migration from depth through overlying
geological strata triggered by horizontal drilling or hydraulic
fracturing.” Addressing the study, Hoppy Kercheval, in the West Virginia
MetroNews, said: “Fracking opponents should be held accountable as
well, and this new research illustrates some of their alarmist
proclamations are just wrong.”
In 2013, the “highlights” of a study on the Fayetteville Shale in
north-central Arkansas announced: “No relationship between methane and
salinity in groundwater and shale-gas wells.”
A year earlier, an EPA study that sampled well water at 61 homes in the
famed Dimock, PA area, and “found health concerns in only five of them.”
According to the Washington Times, “drilling is not the root of the
problems in Dimock” as “the substances found include arsenic, barium and
manganese, all of which are naturally occurring.”
The aforementioned studies don’t include myriad comments from public officials stating the same thing.
Perhaps, this preponderance of evidence is what caused so-called expert
Anthony Ingraffea to base his recent testimony at the federal trial
regarding whether Cabot Oil & Gas was a “nuisance to two families”
on “speculation.” In its coverage of the “sparsely attended” February
2016 trial, points out: the plaintiffs were “unable to
establish that chemicals from hydraulic fracturing got into their water,
or that the drilling caused illness.” Coverage at the conclusion of the
trial added: the plaintiffs “maintained that the methane contamination
disrupted their lives and deprived them of the enjoyment of their
During the trial, the plaintiff’s expert witnesses, both known
anti-drilling activists, each acknowledged that they had no direct proof
of claims they were there to support. Under cross-examination,
hydrogeologist Paul Rubin admitted that he had not identified a specific
pathway from any of Cabot’s natural gas wells to the plaintiff’s water
supply. Regarding his “theory” about causation of the plaintiff’s
allegedly impacted water, Ingraffea, was asked: “In fact, you’re going
to tell me I think or I’ll ask you that’s speculation on your part, it
is not?” He responded: “You can call it that, sure.” The questioning
continued: “You don’t have any direct proof of that, right?” Ingraffea
agreed that he didn’t have direct proof and said his theory was “most
likely” the cause.
Additionally, the trial discovered that the plaintiff’s water troubles
actually began months before Cabot began drilling nearby. The judge
repeatedly called out the plaintiff’s attorney for going “over the
line.” U.S. Magistrate Judge Martin C. Carlson dismissed the property
damage claim against Cabot, because as reports: “the
plaintiffs introduced no evidence that their property values had been
affected.” Additionally, one of the plaintiffs, Scott Ely, “spent
$700,000 to build his 7,000-square-foot home — after the water went
bad.” Carlson, however, ruled that the plaintiffs had “elicited enough
evidence that Cabot had been a nuisance.” A jury awarded $4.24 million
to the two families based on nuisance.
Anti-fracking activists, like @AllNewSux, likely point to the award
(which is being appealed) and see it as proof that fracking contaminates
ground water. Though, a careful read reveals that no such evidence was
found — only the “most likely,” theory, and speculation common among
anti-fossil fuel claims.
One has to wonder how many more studies and court cases have to be
carried out before the fear mongering and activist community finally
stop wasting public money to kill jobs and raise energy costs.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
18 May, 2016
The bugs that COOL the planet: Tiny bacteria could be the Earth's greatest defence against climate change
Is this included in the models? Guess not. Note that the
theory below is the exact opposite of orthodox Warmism. Warmists
cling to the theory that more clouds will WARM the earth. The
thinking below says that they will COOL the earth. Is that the
"settled science" we hear about? Most evidence suggests cooling
Humankind's battle against climate change is being helped by an organism
which too small to be seen by the naked eye, yet which exists in
unimaginable numbers in the oceans.
The bacterial group Pelagibacterale could be the most abundant creature
on the planet, accounting for about a third of all cells on the ocean
surface. As many as half a million exist in every teaspoon of sea water.
Scientists have now discovered that this tiny bacterium is one of Earth's greatest defences against climate change.
The bug plays a key role in a reverse-feedback loop that creates more
clouds as the climate warms, helping to shade the planet from the sun's
As the climate warms, Pelagibacterale grow rapidly. The bacteria produce
the chemical dimethylsulfide (DMS) which, through a series of chemical
processes, increases cloud droplets.
The resulting clouds are both more abundant and a whiter colour, which
reduces the amount of sunlight hitting the ocean surface and lowering
Dr Ben Temperton, lecturer in biosciences at the University of Exeter,
was a member of the international team that has for the first time
identified Pelagibacterales as a major source of DMS.
'This shows that the Pelagibacterales are an important component in climate stability.
'If we are going to improve models of how DMS impacts climate, we need to consider this organism as a major contributor.'
Pelagibacterales have some of the smallest genomes of all free-living
organisms, and small genomes take fewer resources to replicate. This
allows the bacteria to multiply rapidly when conditions are right.
'The production of DMS is like a pressure release valve', says Dr
Temperton. 'Kinetic regulation like this is not uncommon in bacteria,
but this is the first time we've seen it in play for such an important
biogeochemical process.'
The CLAW hypothesis explains how a reverse-feedback system helps to regulate the Earth's climate.
Warmer temperatures allow micro-organisms to thrive, producing dimethylsulfide (DMS) gas which leads to more cloud cover.
These clouds reflect sunlight back into space, slowing temperature increases on the planet.
CLAW is named from the initial letters of the scientists who proposed
it: Robert Charlson, James Lovelock, Meinrat Andreae, and Stephen
Lovelock is best known for his Gaia hypothesis, which sees the planet Earth as a vast self-regulating organism.
The Gaia notion was put forward over 40 years ago, and is sometimes
criticised for being a quasi-religious contradiction of the principles
of natural selection.
Today’s Climate Fraudster Of The Day – Andrew Freedman
More accurate satellite temperatures show that April 1998 was warmer,
and this April was just another El Nino spike – which will quickly
disappear. April temperatures have generally been declining over the
past 18 years. Why did Andrew forget to mention that?
Rules, Rules and More Rules to Combat Climate Change
EPA head Gina McCarthy announced first-ever standards to reduce the
amount of methane the oil and gas industry releases into the air. The
announcement this week was days away from a supposed mid-May deadline to
pass rules for the Obama administration, one last-ditch attempt to slow
the economy down.
The rules are yet another push by the Obama administration to further
cement its climate change fighting chops — in other words, expand
federal control. In her announcement, McCarthy claimed the rules are
supposedly to help make the oil and gas industries safer, but that’s a
transparent attempt to make the regs easier to stomach.
Kyle Isakower, a vice president of policy at the American Petroleum
Institute, said, “The industry is already leading the way on methane
reductions, because it is good for the environment and good for
business. Imposing a one-size-fits-all scheme on the industry could
actually stifle innovation and discourage investments in new
technologies that could serve to further reduce emissions.”
But Obama is living out the twilight of his time in the White House, so what’s he got to lose?
Speaking of losing, this new rule came out on the day ObamaCare lost a
big court battle. Lose one battle, begin another one, Obama says. Toss
down a pile of regulation and let the bureaucrats in Washington sort it
out. Maybe some of it will survive challenges in court. It’s a terribly
cynical way of “fundamentally transforming America.”
Speaking of energy, the Senate passed its first normal appropriations
bill since 2009 — funding energy and water development. But it’s not a
conservative bill. Being generous, the Senate gave $261 million more
than what the Obama administration asked. Hello, fiscal conservatism?
Stick It, Mike
It doesn't take much to annoy the "Distinguished Professor of
Atmospheric Studies" as Micheal Mann refers to himself. I mentioned him
and his dubious hockey stick graph in only one paragraph of my column
published two weeks ago, but Mann responded angrily in a long letter to
the editor in The Conway Daily Sun, one of the papers in which it ran.
Mann might be realizing the thin ice he's standing on has nothing to do
with global warming. It's cracking under his feet because scientists are
not coming forth to assist him with amicus briefs in the court case he
brought against Mark Steyn. Mann accused Steyn of "defamation of a
Nobel prize recipient," which Mann falsely claimed he was.
He had to modify that wording when the Nobel Committee declared he never
received one. Mann is learning that Steyn, when he refused to withdraw
his charge that Mann's graph was a fraud, wants his day in court. I
think he also realizes that Steyn will take him apart.
When I first saw the hockey stick graph, it took me less than a minute
to know it was BS. Picture a hockey stick laying horizontally with the
blade sticking up in the air to your right. The "shaft" of Mann's hockey
stick purports to show a fairly stable temperature for 900 years -
until the 20th century when the "blade" shot up, ostensibly because of
fossil fuels burned by expanding industries beginning in 1900.
Though I took a course in meteorology and climatology in college, I do not claim to be an expert. History is my subject.
As a boy I was fascinated by stories of pre-Columbian discoveries of
North America. I was ten in 1961 when I learned about Norwegian
archaeologist Helge Ingstad's discovery of the Viking settlement at
Newfoundland's L'Anse Au Meadows. Viking voyages to North America had
been described in Icelandic Sagas from the period of 1000 AD during what
is now called the "medieval warming period."
Back then, historians called it "the little climate optimum." In the
sagas, Viking voyagers described shorelines of today's Canadian maritime
provinces that didn't make sense until researchers realized that ocean
levels were higher when the Vikings sailed by them a thousand years ago
due to melting of the ice caps. The shaft of Mann's hockey stick graph
ignores all this. By showing a straight line where he should show a
significant bump, Mann totally ignored the medieval warming period.
I also knew the Viking Greenland settlement was abandoned when the
climate turned cold during the "Little Ice Age" a few centuries later,
but this centuries-long period isn't depicted in the straight shaft of
Mann's ridiculous hockey stick either. Those two anomalies were all I
needed to understand that the "distinguished professor" of atmospheric
studies was peddling academic and scientific BS.
Seldom do I respond to letters to the editor. An editor advised me
twenty years ago to trust my readers. "They've read what you wrote and
they've read the responses. Trust them to make up their own minds." It
was good advice, and I've followed it closely ever since. The only
exception I've made is when the facts I offered are questioned. Then, as
now, I'll respond with evidence. Also, I'll admit, Mann's hubris is too
rich to ignore.
On Twitter, Mann claimed he "disabused" me as a denier. The word means
to "persuade someone that a belief or idea is mistaken," and the purpose
of this column is to disabuse readers of that tweet that I'm persuaded
of any such thing.
Anthropogenic climate change has been invented by the left. They hope
that by propagating that narrative, they can justify taking over what
Vladimir Lenin referred to as "The Commanding Heights" of the economy,
which they have proceeded to do under the Obama Administration.
While climate certainly affects humans, the evidence for humans
affecting climate is thin or none no matter what the "distinguished
professor" may claim. Mann's hockey stick graph is all about political
propaganda, not science.
Mann and his devoted followers seem to exemplify what the 18th century
British scientist Joseph Priestly wrote: "A philosopher who has long
been attached to his favorite hypothesis, and especially if he have
(sic) distinguished himself by his ingenuity in discovering or pursuing
it, will not, sometimes, be convinced of its falsity by the plainest
evidence of fact. Thus, both himself and his followers are put upon
false pursuits and seem determined to warp the whole course of nature to
suit their manner of conceiving its operations."
My hope is to watch the trial during which I expect Mark Steyn to make a
fool of him and his hockey stick, and thereby render him forever the
extinguished professor of atmospheric studies.
52 climate activists arrested in Wash. railroad protest
SEATTLE — Authorities cleared the railroad tracks of protesters and
arrested 52 climate activists Sunday morning in Washington state after a
two-day shutdown.
About 150 people spent the night in tents and sleeping bags on the
tracks near two refineries in northwest Washington, according to BNSF
Railway spokesman Gus Melonas.
They were asked to leave at about 5 a.m. and most gathered their
belongings and left the area near Anacortes, Melonas said. "It was
peaceful," he said. "Eighty percent removed their belongings and cleared
The 52 people arrested were cited for trespassing, according to the
Skagit County Department of Emergency Management. One person was also
cited for resisting arrest.
Skagit County Sheriff Will Reichardt said that before anyone was
arrested, officers advised protesters that they could move to another
designated location and demonstrate.
A spokeswoman for the protesters said she expected everyone arrested would be processed and released.
Emily Johnston said protests would continue around Anacortes on Sunday,
but she didn’t expect people to return to the railroad tracks.
Johnston, who had participated in a blockade of the Seattle harbor to
protest Shell Oil’s plans to drill for oil in the Arctic, said the
success of protests like the one in Anacortes can mostly be seen in the
way they inspire people to speak out about climate change. "People
power matters," Johnston said.
She also spoke about the contrast between arresting people for
protesting about saving the planet and the lack of government action
against the fossil fuel industry.
"We really need to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable," Johnston said.
The rail line has been closed since Friday because of the protests, and
trains will begin running again Sunday afternoon after a cleanup and
safety sweep of the tracks, he said.
Protesters in kayaks, canoes, on bikes, and on foot also took part in
demonstrations near Anacortes, about 70 miles north of Seattle, to
demand action on climate and an equitable transition away from fossil
fuels such as oil and coal.
Hundreds marched to the refineries Saturday and a smaller group blocked
the railroad, all demanding energy policy changes. The railroad had
rerouted rail traffic to avoid the area.
The railroad spur provides transportation for the nearby Shell and
Tesoro oil refineries, as well as animal feed and other products.
The protests are part of a series of global actions calling on people to
"break free" from dependence on fossil fuels. Similar demonstrations
were held around the country during the weekend.
In upstate New York, climate activists gathered Saturday at a crude-oil
shipment hub on the Hudson River in an action targeting crude-by-rail
trains and oil barges at the Port of Albany.
A group of activists sat on tracks used by crude oil trains headed to
the port. Albany is a key hub for crude-by-rail shipments from North
Dakota’s Bakken Shale region.
Other events were held during the weekend in Los Angeles, Chicago, and
Thornton, Colo., as well as in Germany, Turkey, New Zealand, Brazil, and
In the New York protest, about 40 activists from several Northeast
groups attempted to line up across the river in kayaks Friday to
practice blocking oil barges, but police and Coast Guard boats herded
them into a cluster that paddled past a riverfront park where a banner
saying "Water not oil" was hung.
Police blocked access to a railroad bridge over the river where
activists had planned to unfurl banners. Another group on Saturday sat
on tracks used by crude oil trains headed to the port.
For three years, residents of a low-income housing project beside the
oil train route have been fighting expanded crude oil shipments at the
port by Global Partners, a fuel transport firm based in Waltham, Mass.
"We have to stop these explosive bomb trains from rolling through our
communities across the continent," Marla Marcum, a member of the Climate
Disobedience Center in Arlington, Mass., said on Friday. "We have to
keep fossil fuels in the ground and bring the focus to renewables."
Mark Romaine, chief operating officer of Global Partners, said Friday
the company is committed to safety and has been inspected more than 270
times in the last three years with only a handful of minor infractions
that were promptly corrected.
"It’s clear we take our jobs and our responsibility to the community, to
safety, and the environment very seriously," Romaine said.
The organizers of the Washington state demonstration targeted two
refineries that are among the top sources of greenhouse gas emissions in
the state. Tesoro has started shipping Bakken crude oil to its
refinery, and Shell is proposing an expansion project that would
similarly bring in Bakken crude oil by train.
Officials with Shell and Tesoro said they respect the right of people to
demonstrate peacefully, and that safety is their highest priority.
Crowd estimates of Saturday’s march ranged from several hundred to about
1,000 people, Skagit County spokeswoman Bronlea Mishler said.
Bud Ullman, 67, who lives on Guemes Island, participated in the march, which he described as good-spirited, peaceful.
"The scientists are right. We have to get away from our dependence on
fossil fuels, and it has to be done in a way that takes into serious
consideration the impact on workers, families, and communities," he
Many of the groups that organized the event also participated in large
on-water kayak protests against Shell’s Arctic oil drilling rig when it
parked last year at a Seattle port.
New England Greenies find they can't have their cake and eat it too
They shut down a nuclear plant so now have to turn to power generated
by hydrocarbon fuels. So their CO2 output is INCREASING!
For the first time in five years, power plants across New England are
producing more carbon emissions, dealing a setback to Massachusetts’
legally mandated efforts to reduce greenhouse gases and raising concerns
that reduced production of nuclear energy will undercut environmental
Last year, the region’s power plants released 5 percent more carbon
dioxide than the year before, the first year-to-year increase since
2010, according to ISO New England, an independent company in Holyoke
that operates the region’s power grid.
The uptick comes as Massachusetts works to curb carbon emissions in
nearly every sector of its economy, in hopes of reaching its 2020
Massachusetts is legally required to reduce greenhouse gases 25 percent
below 1990 levels by that date — part of a national effort to stave off
global warming.
“We need this part of the puzzle to continue to fall precipitously in
order to have a chance of meeting the 2020 goal,” said Ian Bowles, who
served as energy and environmental affairs secretary during the Patrick
administration and now helps finance renewable energy projects. “We need
steep, sustained declines in emissions here, and not a step back.”
State officials acknowledge the need for greater reform, and have urged
lawmakers to pass legislation that would substantially increase the
amount of hydroelectric power that is fed into the region’s grid.
“Action is needed on existing policies . . . to further diversify our
energy portfolio and meet the goals set forth in the Global Warming
Solutions Act,” said Katie Gronendyke, a spokeswoman for the state’s
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. “The
administration continues to work toward our state’s emission reduction
The cold winter of 2015 may have contributed to the state’s unexpected
rise in carbon emissions by increasing the use of electric heaters —
which run on power produced by plants that, in turn, contribute to
carbon emissions.
But the bigger factor was probably the 2014 closing of the Vermont Yankee nuclear plant, specialists said.
Nuclear power is largely carbon-neutral, and the loss of Vermont Yankee
spurred the need for replacement energy, resulting in a 13 percent
increase in the use of natural gas-generated electricity.
Such plants last year provided about half of the region’s electricity, according to ISO New England.
While natural gas is thought of as a clean energy source that produces
fewer greenhouse gases than coal or oil, burning it still releases
substantial amounts of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere.
A second nuclear plant, the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station in Plymouth,
is scheduled to close in 2019; that will again cost the state a
carbon-neutral source of electricity.
Overall, carbon emissions in New England have declined by about 25
percent in the past 15 years, and state officials released a report in
January that suggested Massachusetts was still on course to meet its
climate goals, set forth in a 2008 law that created a framework for
reducing heat-trapping emissions.
But the report acknowledged that a significant amount of projected
emissions declines depend on the expansion of cleaner energy sources.
Over the next few weeks, lawmakers will debate whether to compel
utilities to enter into long-term contracts to buy hydroelectric power
from Canada, or other renewable energy from outside of Massachusetts.
For much of the past decade, power plants contributed about 22 percent
of the region’s carbon emissions, substantially less than cars and other
forms of transportation, which emit more than 40 percent.
Most of the rest comes from homes, businesses, and industrial sources.
While not the largest source of greenhouse gases, the power sector
offers the best opportunity to make drastic reductions, officials and
advocates say.
“The electricity sector is by far the lowest-hanging fruit,” said Ken
Kimmell, who served as commissioner of the state’s Department of
Environmental Protection during the Patrick administration. “We need to
make disproportionately large cuts there to meet our overall goals.”
Kimmell, now president of the Union of Concerned Scientists, said the
region will have to make fundamental changes in its electricity
production to reduce its carbon footprint, especially as more residents
drive electric vehicles.
“We need to be supplying that electricity through renewable energy,” Kimmell said.
In the state’s January report, officials estimated that nearly 17
percent of required emissions cuts would come from hydropower, or other
clean energy imports.
An additional 23 percent would come from increased energy efficiency,
and nearly 16 percent would come from new fuel-economy standards.
But environmental advocates have raised doubts that the state can reach the 2020 target thresholds.
In January, lawyers for the Conservation Law Foundation, an
environmental advocacy organization based in Boston, argued before the
state’s top court that the Baker and Patrick administrations had
violated the law by failing to enact the policies necessary to meet the
mandated levels.
Advocates have insisted that the state has fallen behind and needs a
major course correction — well beyond action on the hydro plan — to meet
the law’s requirements.
Even if lawmakers pass a hydroelectric bill, the expensive power lines might never get built, they say.
Some would be likely to pass through New Hampshire, where the proposal
remains highly controversial, and others would require an expensive
extension into Vermont.
In 2014, before Pilgrim’s owners announced that it would be closed, a
collaborative effort by local environmental groups called the Global
Warming Solutions Project projected that Massachusetts was on pace to
reduce emissions by 20 percent below 1990 levels, well short of the
A more recent report by the Conservation Law Foundation, which factors
in the closing of Pilgrim, estimated that the state is more likely to
cut its emissions between 16 and 19 percent without major policy
That begins with becoming less reliant on natural gas, environmental
advocates say — even though it is cleaner than oil and coal.
“We are over-dependent on natural gas for power in New England,” said
Caitlin Peale Sloan, a staff attorney at the Conservation Law
Foundation. “Natural gas is no longer a part of the solution in the
fight against carbon emissions in New England, but part of the problem.”
Jack Clarke, the director of public policy at Mass Audubon, said the state is running out of time.
“Going backward is a major concern,” he said.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
17 May, 2016
Do Warmists actually think? Mismatch between CO2 and temperature changes
It sometimes seems not. This post is a reaction to the
generally correct statement in the excerpt below to the effect that CO2
levels have been rising steadily for a long time now. The problem
is the second statement: That increased CO2 levels cause warming.
In combination, those two statements are inconsistent with the
evidence. In particular, warming levels behave quite differently
from CO2 levels. The two are simply not correlated. They
don't covary. And without correlation there is no causation.
instance, CO2 levels DID rise steadily in C21 but temperatures did
not. It was only in 2015 under the influence of El Nino that
temperatures rose. And as luck would have it, that was precisely
the one year in which CO2 levels stagnated. 2015 CO2 levels
at Mauna Loa just fluctuated up and down from month to month around the
400ppm mark.

The 4th column is the actual average CO2 level in ppm.
So at no point in C21 did temperatures and CO2 levels rise at the same time. They were two independent phenomena.
figures from Cape Grim showed more change but from August on the CO2
level was stuck on 398 ppm. And late 2015 was precisely the time
when El Nino was most influential and the temperature rise was
greatest. Putting it another way, any warming from August on
(inclusive) was NOT an effect of a CO2 rise -- because there was
no CO2 rise. That rather knocks out most of the warming in 2015 as
due to CO2. So again, temperature and CO2 did not mirror one

Warmists below just don't see that a steady CO2 rise accompanied by no
temperature rise is a problem. They are robotic propagandists not
Within the next couple of weeks, a remote part of north-western Tasmania
is likely to grab headlines around the world as a major climate change
marker is passed.
The aptly named Cape Grim monitoring site jointly run by CSIRO and the
Bureau of Meteorology will witness the first baseline reading of 400
parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, researchers
"Once it's over [400 ppm], it won't go back," said Paul Fraser, dubbed
by CSIRO as the Air Man of Cape Grim, and now a retired CSIRO fellow.
"It could be within 10 days."
The most recent reading on May 6 was 399.9 ppm, according to readings
compiled by the CSIRO team led by Paul Krummel that strip out influences
from land, including cities such as Melbourne to the north
Mark Butler, Labor's shadow environment minister, said the Cape Grim
landmark reading was "deeply concerning". "While the Coalition
fights about whether or not the science of climate change is real,
pollution is rising. And it's rising on their watch," Mr Butler said.
Cape Grim's readings are significant because they capture the most
accurate reading of the atmospheric conditions in the southern
hemisphere and have records going back 40 years.
With less land in the south, there is also a much smaller fluctuation
according to the seasonal cycle than in northern hemisphere sites.
That's because the north has more trees and other vegetation, which take
up carbon from the atmosphere in the spring and give it back in the
So while 400 ppm has been temporarily exceeded at the other two main
global stations since 2013 - in Hawaii and Alaska - they have dropped
back below that level once spring has arrived because of that greater
seasonal variation.
David Etheridge, a CSIRO principal research scientist, said atmospheric
CO2 levels had fluctuated around 280 ppm until humans' burning of fossil
fuels and clearing of forests set in process rising levels of
greenhouse gases almost without pause since about 1800.
"It's been upwards pretty much all of the time," Dr Etheridge told
Fairfax Media. "This is a significant change, and it's the primary
greenhouse gas which is leading to the warming of the atmosphere."
Ben Rhodes spins climate change
“Climate refugee” claims reflect deliberate mendacity and belief that we and reporters are stupid
Paul Driessen
Employing his college degree in fiction writing, White House
communications strategist Ben Rhodes wrote deceitful talking points on
the Benghazi attack and one-sided Iran nuclear deal – and later bragged
about manipulating “clueless reporters.” Perhaps he’s also orchestrating
administration climate spin.
Rising ocean tides will bring “waves of climate refugees” to America and
Europe, President Obama has declared. “Environmental migrants” are
already fleeing shrinking islands in the Pacific, and it is a
“dereliction of duty” for military officers to “deny the reality” of
dangerous manmade climate change.
Even if we act in accord with the Paris climate “accords” (none dare
call it a treaty) and “can stem the increase” in global temperatures,
Interior Secretary Sally Jewell insists, “very rapid” climate changes
“are expected to force the relocation of hundreds of Alaskans from their
Manmade climate change is a “threat multiplier,” a Pentagon report
asserts. It will “exacerbate” many of the challenges the United States
faces today, including infectious diseases and terrorism, destructive
extreme weather events, disputes over who has rights to dwindling land
areas and basic resources like water and food, and intense disagreements
over how to absorb millions of climate refugees.
Echo-chamber journalists disagree only over the identity of America’s
first climate refugees: Alaskan Natives in Newtok being inundated by
rising seas and melting ice and tundra – or 25 Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw
families whose little island in the Mississippi Delta has been eroding
away since 1950?
Not to be outdone, ultra-liberal radio talk show host Thom Hartmann told
me, “You’ve got five million climate change refugees fleeing into
Europe right now because of droughts in Syria.” When I called this
nonsense and said they are trying to escape war and ISIS butchers who
are beheading little children, for the tenth time in a ten-minute
interview, he railed that I “should be in jail” as a “climate denier.”
Unfortunately for Rhodes & Company, inconvenient truths eviscerate manmade climate chaos claims.
Throughout Earth and human history, climate change has ranged from
regional to hemispheric, from beneficial to harmful to destructive. It
has included Roman and medieval warm periods, little ice ages, and five
“mammoth” glacial epochs that buried continents under mile-high walls of
ice. Natural climate change inflicted a Dust Bowl that sent millions of
Americans scurrying in search of better lives, and decades- or
centuries-long droughts that brought entire civilizations to their
Roman, Mayan, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Chinese and other cities and
cultures prospered in warm periods and collapsed in cold and drought
eras, climate historian Dennis Avery observes. This happened “over and
over, in a centuries-long rhythm of affluence followed by long success,
followed by long and utter failure.” Entire cities in the eastern
Mediterranean were abandoned for centuries.
Storm activity rose by 85% in the second half of the 16th century,
during the Maunder Sunspot Minimum, while the incidence of severe storms
increased four-fold, writes historian Brian Fagan. British Navy
logbooks show more than twice as many major land-falling Caribbean
hurricanes during the cold decades of the 1700’s as during the warm
years of 1950–2000.
Little ice ages and extended droughts brought crop failures and mass
starvation, Avery notes. Rome shrank from a million inhabitants in its
heyday to barely 30,000 a century later. The Mayan civilization plunged
from perhaps 15 million to one million, as its cities were abandoned in a
century-long drought.
Climate mood swings in the past 50 years have been far less dramatic
than in previous millennia. Few people will have to flee the tiny
portion of future climate change that might be attributable to humans.
The Climate Crisis Consortium ignores these eons, millennia and
centuries of natural climate change. It wants us to believe Earth’s
climate was stable and benign until the Industrial Age – and humans can
now control climate and weather merely by controlling carbon dioxide
levels. It’s all Hollywood nonsense.
Oceans have risen 400 feet since the last ice age glaciers melted.
Pacific islands rose with them, as corals expanded their habitats with
every new inch of sea water. Seas are now rising at seven inches per
century – and EPA’s anti-coal Clean Power Plan would prevent barely 0.01
inches of rise over the next 100 years.
Greenland’s icecap is shrinking because of subterranean magmatic
activity – not global warming. Arctic regions have long experienced
warming and cooling cycles, as recorded by Francis McClintock and other
whalers and explorers, dating back some 300 years. Polar bear
populations are at an all-time high: 25,000.
Antarctic ice masses continue to grow, and the continent’s average
annual temperature of minus-55 F means it would have to warm by 88
degrees year-round for that ice to melt. Even Al Gore in his wildest
rants doesn’t say that is likely. So his beachfront home is safe from
the 20-foot sea rise he has predicted.
Meteorologist Anthony Watts concludes that the only reliable long-term
surface record comes from 400 official US rural thermometer stations
that were never corrupted by location changes, airport heat or urban
growth. Those stations show no significant warming for the past 80
years. The “record warming” we keep hearing about comes from data that
have been “adjusted” or “homogenized” (ie, manipulated) upward to
conform to computer model projections, IPCC proclamations and White
House press releases.
Other studies have concluded there has been no increase in the severity
or frequency of thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes or winter blizzards
for decades. Indeed, no Category 3-5 hurricane has struck the United
States since October 2005 – a record lull that exceeds any hurricane
hiatus since at least 1900.
Malaria was common in the USA, Europe and even Siberia until the 1950s,
when window screens, DDT and better medical practices wiped it out. It
has nothing to do with global warming or climate change. Its continued
prevalence is due to incompetent health ministries that refuse to learn
from past successes.
The notion that a warmer world with more atmospheric CO2 will bring crop
failures and famines is sheer delusion. Higher carbon dioxide levels
are actually “greening” the planet and making crops, forests and
grasslands grow faster and better. New hybrid and biotech seeds,
combined with modern fertilizers and farming practices, are yielding
bigger harvests, even during droughts, as India is proving right now.
There is no manmade climate crisis. Solar, galactic and oceanic cycles
rule – not carbon dioxide. The biggest threat to agriculture and humans
would come from another little ice age, not moderate warming.
In reality, the enormous amounts of energy packed into coal, oil,
natural gas and nuclear fuels create the wealth, and power the wondrous
technologies, that give us the greatest advantages mankind has ever
enjoyed – to survive, adapt to and deal with climate changes and weather
The worst thing we could do is lock up that reliable, affordable,
compact energy – and switch to expensive, heavily subsidized, wildly
unpredictable wind and solar energy … and to biofuels that require
millions of acres of land and billions of gallons of precious water.
Those who control energy control lives, livelihoods and living
standards. Allowing climate alarmists and anti-energy zealots to dictate
what energy sources we can use, and how much each of us is “permitted”
to have, would put all of us at the mercy of their unaccountable whims,
ideologies and fraudulent science.
Their callous policies are already killing millions of people every year
in impoverished nations, by depriving them of the energy and
technologies that we take for granted. Do we really want to be next?
Shouldn’t we be helping the world’s poor take their rightful places
among the healthy and prosperous?
The only “evidence” the alarmists have for a looming climate cataclysm
are Al Gore movies, Mike Mann hockey sticks, computer “scenarios” that
bear no resemblance to Real World events, and more spin and scare
stories from White House novelist Ben Rhodes.
We need a president who will send the Paris climate treaty to the US
Senate, where it can be properly vetted and rejected … overturn EPA and
other regulations that are based on manipulated data and falsified
pseudo-science … and lead the world back from the precipice of climate
Via email
Climate Scientist: Heat From Global Warming Won’t Trigger Refugee Crisis
A new study claiming temperature increases will drive “500 million
people” out of the Middle East and North Africa has already drawn the
ire of a few scientists.
The study, published Monday in the journal Climatic Change, predicts
that global warming would drastically change the regions’ enviroment,
causing huge heatwaves. These temperature increases would force a
population of 500 million to migrate to other areas, causing
considerable political instability. The study indicated that a mass
migration would occur even if the world manages to meet President Barack
Obama’s goal of limiting global warming to 2.0° Celsius.
On the other hand, rising temperatures from global warming could likely
only cause minor changes in behavior, a dissenting climate scientist
told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Chip Knappenberger, a climate scientist at the libertarian Cato
Institute, thinks rising temperatures will cause people to change their
behavior, not cause mass migration. Knappenberger previously authored
scientific research, published in the scientific journal Nature, saying
increasing numbers of heat waves causes people to adapt their behavior
to the changing conditions, ultimately leading to fewer deaths and
little migration.
“Too often, stories of projected larges-scale negative outcomes from
global warming run contrary to known and reasonable anticipated
responses. This seems to be another such instance,” Knappenberger told
The Daily Caller News Foundation.”When it comes to questions about heat
and human health, it turns out that we are very good at adapting to
it—an adaptation that becomes better the more we are exposed to extreme
Knappernberger and many other climate scientists, believe that humans
are very adaptable to extreme heat and can easily handle temperature
changes, especially if the heat waves are a regular occurrence.
“Across the U.S., for example, the population has become much less
sensitive to heat waves over the past 40-50 years—even as the
frequency/magnitude of heat waves has increased. In fact, the hottest
places in the country exhibit the lowest rates of heat-related
mortality. In hot places, Miami, Dallas, Phoenix, for example, people
know how to live with the heat,” Knappenberger continued. “I imagine
that the same is true in the Middle East and Northern
Africa—traditionally hot places where the lifestyles are well-adapted to
such conditions.”
In developed countries, hot cities have the lowest rates of heat-related
mortality while cooler cities in the northeast have the highest rates.
Once people get accustomed to heat, they take the actions necessary to
survive it. Scientific studies show heat waves that occur a few years
after especially deadly heat waves result in far fewer deaths as the
population has readily adapted.
Knappenberger concluded: “As air conditioning becomes more widespread—
made possible through cheap and reliable energy sources— this adaptation
can come close to becoming complete,” Knappenberger concluded.
Heat deaths in wealthy countries have been declining since 1960 despite predicted temperature increases.
A study from the University of Edinburgh shows that electric and
hybrid vehicles emit as many, if not more, atmospheric toxins than
fossil fuel-burning vehicles
The study, conducted by Victor Timmers and Peter Achten at the
University of Edinburgh, and published by the journal Atmospheric
Environment, found that heavier electric vehicles produce as many
pollutants as their lighter weight conventional vehicles.
Electric vehicles tend to produce more pollutants from tire and brake
wear, due in large part to their batteries, as well as the other parts
needed to propel them, making them heavier.
These pollutants are emitted when electric vehicle tires and brakes
deteriorate as they accelerate or slow down while driving. Timmers and
Achten’s research suggests exhaust from traditional vehicles is only
about one-third of the total emissions.
Further, the particulate matters are worse than fuel emissions, because they cause more health problems.
“We found that non-exhaust emissions, from brakes, tires and the road,
are far larger than exhaust emissions in all modern cars,” Achten wrote
in the study.
He continued: “These are more toxic than emissions from modern engines
so they are likely to be key factors in the extra heart attacks, strokes
and asthma attacks seen when air pollution levels surge.”
The study does not include the production of energy needed for each
vehicle, from coal or other fossil fuel sources. It only calculates the
driving of the car.
The increase in pollutants are generated from factors like tire wear
dust and brake pad dust, and tend to increase as the electric vehicles
and hybrids get heavier — due in part because of the added weight of the
cars’ lithium batteries.
Adversely, the study shows the popularity of electric vehicles are
unlikely to have much of an effect on the level of pollutants. In fact,
electric vehicles actually emit 90 percent of particulate emissions,
while traditional vehicles push out 85 percent of particulate emissions
in traffic.
These proportions will only increase as electric vehicles become more popular.
The study’s authors concluded that future policies should focus more on the weight of electric and hybrid vehicles.
The Edinburgh study comes on the heels of research conducted in March by
the investment firm Devonshire Research Group, a company that
specializes in valuing and devaluing tech firms, showing that Tesla
electric vehicles are “not as sustainable as they may seem.”
The study also shows that Tesla’s CEO, techno-wonder Elon Musk, could
expose the company to “serious brand risk and an unknown legal
In fact, according to the research, everything about the Tesla — from
its headlights, to its chassis, to the way it is produced — contributes
to environmental degradation.
Damaging emails from Warmists released
Unfolding is the latest chapter in the sad state of climate science and
the tragic consequences scientists face when they decide to go political
without having the experience to do so.
One has to wonder what these people were thinking when they expected
dissenters to just roll over and waive their precious free speech
A Virginia judge has ruled in favor of The Competitive Enterprise
Institute (CEI) in a Virginia Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against
George Mason University, which was ordered yesterday to release
documents and e-mails related to a group of scientists calling for the
prosecution of organizations that promote manmade climate change
skepticism – all under the US Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act (RICO).
WUWT sees the scandal surrounding the controversy as one that is even
more serious than the 2009 “Climategate” – an affair where e-mails
exposed climate scientists exaggerating climate trends, manipulating the
peer-review process, and skirting the freedom of information act.
A total of 5 PDFs have been released concerning George mason University,
and with climate scientist Jagadish Shukla with a leading role.
As one reads the e-mails, it quickly emerges that some of the involved
scientists (unwittingly) meandered out of their academic realm, with
which they are comfortable and familiar, and into a political one that
is very unfamiliar to them. Their scheme was ultimately aimed at
intimidating and silencing scientific dissent.
Early on they were even advised that their case was very weak, and
probably best left aside. For example Ed Maibach admitted (000003) that
they really didn’t have much of a case:
Yet he seemed unable to resist the opportunity of getting “lots of media attention” (000006):
Maibach even fancied front page coverage in the Washington Post. What harm could it do to try?
We also see Shukla announcing (000003) how he decided to become
politically active, that he was “new” at it, and wrote that the issue is
more about politics than science:
Moreover he added that he had a “dedicated activist” on board for the
science-based, world-saving political endeavor on which they were about
to embark:
Clearly the political arena was a new one for scientist Shukla – one he
seriously underestimated. Unfortunately he would soon find out, that at
that the level he was entering, it was absolutely no place for political
Threatening organizations and scientific dissenters with the powerful
crime-fighting RICO Act was taken extremely seriously by dissenting
individual scientists, bloggers, organsations etc. They in turn
responded accordingly and moved vigorously to defend their rights
against what they viewed as a serious fundamental human rights threat.
Before too long revelations and allegations surfaced – and the arena
became heated.
By early October, after serious allegations were made about Shukla’s
salary and compensation, the blowback became too harsh. Shukla penned a
letter (000033) backpedaling, claiming that their letter to IGES
outlining their RICO effort was “misinterpreted” and that it “was not at
all the case“:
He asserted the scientists didn’t mean to send the message that by
involving RICO they were trying to silence individual and blogger
dissent. Their purpose, instead, was only to punish organizations that
might be funding the dissent. Those on the other side saw it
differently. Indeed, words do need to be chosen carefully.
Moreover in the letter Shukla claims “much published credible evidence“,
giving the impression of a solid case. Yet recall how in July he was
told (000003) by Maibach that they had little to go on, that the chances
of the Department of Justice (DOJ) pursuing the case were “slim to
As one reads all the e-mails, it becomes apparent that the
scientists-gone-activist have really woven themselves into a real mess,
now that they have been exposed.
It’s a painful way for scientists to learn that it’s better to stick to science – and to let the politicking to others.
In any case they sought publicity – and now they’re getting it.
No balance. Media rarely mention that in many ways global warming would be a good thing
Last week, a study in the prestigious journal Nature revealed just how
much CO? increases have greened the Earth over the past three decades.
Because CO? acts as a fertilizer, as much as half of all vegetated land
is persistently greener today. This ought to be a cause for great joy.
Instead, the BBC focused on warning that the paper shouldn’t make us
stop worrying about global warming, with threats like melting glaciers
and more severe tropical storms. Many other major news outlets did not
even report on the study.
Our climate conversation is lopsided. There is ample room to suggest
that climate change has caused this problem or that negative outcome,
but any mention of positives is frowned upon. We have known for decades
that increasing CO? and precipitation from global warming will make the
world much greener – by the end of the century, it is likely that global
biomass will have increased by forty percent.
Similarly, we know that many more people die from cold than from heat.
The biggest study on heat and cold deaths, published last year in
Lancet, examined more than 74 million deaths from 384 locations in 13
countries from cold Sweden to hot Thailand. The researchers found that
heat causes almost one-half of one percent of all deaths, while more
than 7 percent are caused by cold.
As global warming pushes temperatures up, more people will die in heat
waves; a point emphasized by campaigners like UN climate chief,
Christiana Figueres. What we don’t hear from her is that fewer people
will die from cold. One study for England and Wales shows that heat
kills 1,500 annually and cold kills 32,000. By the 2080s, increased
heat-waves will kill nearly 5,000 in a comparable population. But ‘cold
deaths’ will have dropped by 10,000, meaning 6,500 fewer die altogether.
Only mentioning the negatives distorts and degrades the political
conversation. Any reasonable person can recognize both positives and
negatives among the policy proposals of both Tories and Labour. It is an
extreme partisan that insists either side offers only negatives.
Yet, this is the position enforced by the climate alarmists – last seen
in a letter to The Times from Lord Krebs and company, essentially
telling the newspaper to stop reporting less-than-negative climate
stories. While it is true any individual news story rarely represents
the whole truth, it is revealing that such campaigners don’t send out
similar letters to correct the daily deluge of alarmist stories.
The idea that climate is bad for all good things and good for all bad
things belongs in a morality play. In the real world, we should look at
all the available information. When the BBC warns of more severe
tropical storms, it has some validity. The UN’s climate panel expects to
see fewer but stronger hurricanes. But it is an incomplete picture.
As the world develops, it has become much less vulnerable: a hurricane
hitting Florida kills few people while a similar event in Guatemala
kills tens of thousands. Indeed, climate-related deaths have dropped
from half a million per year in the 1920s to less than 25,000 per year
in the 2010s. A recent Nature study expecting more severe hurricanes
from global warming still found that damages would halve from 0.04 per
cent to 0.02 per cent of global GDP, because the increased ferocity
would be more than made up by increased prosperity and resilience.
When the BBC warns of melting glaciers it is reminiscent of Al Gore’s
concern that 40 per cent of the world get drinking water from the
Himalayas, and melting glaciers mean “those 40 per cent of the people on
Earth are going to face a very serious shortage.” Yet, a new study of
60 climate models and scenarios shows this warning fails to take into
account the fact that global warming will mean precipitation increases.
Indeed, water flow will actually increase over this century, which is
likely beneficial in increasing “water availability in the Indus Basin
irrigation scheme during the spring growing seasons.”
If our climate conversation managed to include the good along with the
bad, we would have a much better understanding of our options. Climate
economics does just that, taking all the negatives (like rising sea
levels and more heat deaths) and all the positives (a greener planet,
fewer cold deaths). A climate economics approach finds that today –
contrary to the alarmists’ massive insistence on negatives-only stories –
global warming causes about as much damage as benefits. Over time,
climate becomes a net problem: by the 2070s, the UN Climate Panel finds
that global warming will likely cause damage equivalent to 0.2 per cent
to 2 per cent of global GDP. This is certainly not a trivial cost, but
nor is it the end of the world. It is perhaps half the social cost of
alcohol today.
This suggests that a policy which could eradicate global warming for 1
per centof global GDP would probably be a good deal. Unfortunately, we
do not have such a deal on the table. The Paris climate treaty will cost
around 2 per cent of global GDP and fix much less than a tenth of the
problem. Less effective but more ambitious climate policies cost at
least 6 per cent of global GDP per year and likely much more. Wind and
solar, which covers less than half of one percent of global energy,
costs dozens of times more than their climate benefits. Electric cars
provide perhaps a thousandth in climate benefit of their substantial
public subsidies. Biofuels are just hugely costly while increasing
When we shift the climate conversation to describe positives along with
negatives, and focus on costs and benefits of policies – essentially
treating this challenge like any other policy agenda – it becomes
obvious how many of today’s accepted climate policies are poor.
Little wonder climate campaigners do not want this sort of conversation.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
16 May, 2016
We Can't Blame Climate Change For The Canadian Fires
Last week I wrote a piece on my personal blog titled: "On forest fires
climate activists aren't just insensitive, they are also wrong", which
addressed some of the reporting that incorrectly claimed that climate
change was responsible for the Fort McMurray fire.
The truth of the matter was presented by Elizabeth May:
"Some reports have suggested that the wildfires are directly caused by
climate change. No credible climate scientist would make this claim, and
neither do I make this claim."
The reason Ms. May made that statement is that she recognizes that
legitimate forest fire experts know better than to make such claims. So
what do knowledgeable researchers in the field say? The go-to person on
this topic is Dr. Mike Flannigan from the University of Alberta. He is
an expert on fire and weather/climate interactions.
Dr. Flannigan has been very careful with his language and has repeatedly
stated: " it's impossible for scientists to say global warming caused
this specific fire" and "this is an example of what we expect -- and
consistent with what we expect for climate change." His wording is
carefully chosen and deliberate. It presents a warning about future
conditions while making no claims about current conditions.
Dr. Flannigan warns of a future when, according to his research, we will
be able to see the effect of climate change on fire frequency. The
problem is, as he has also said, science cannot make that claim yet. So
the question to be asked is why are the activists making such broad
claims when the experts in the field refuse to make the same claims?
From my reading the articles it is clear that many of the journalists
were not really listening to what the forest scientists, like Dr.
Flannigan, were saying and were instead just looking for quotes to
insert into articles that simply reinforced their pre-existing biases.
They did not recognize the difference between correlation and causation
and so failed to understand what the forest scientists were trying to
tell them.
A number of climate activists, meanwhile, are apparently confused by the
weather in Alberta. They do not appear to understand that El Nino, not
climate change, is responsible for the warm, dry winter. This fact was
well-expected as experts predicted the warm, dry winter months ago.
In a final attempt to link climate change to the fire, many activists
have alternatively claimed that the recent El Nino itself is the result
of climate change. But when you ask the experts they dismiss that claim
as well. Consider Dr. Fredolin Tangang who served from 2008 to 2015 as
vice-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and
is one of the foremost international experts on El Nino. As he put it:
"There is no conclusive evidence that the occurrence of El Nino
(frequency and intensity) is influenced by climate change...El Nino
occurrences did not switch in frequency or intensity due to climate
Dr. Tangang does acknowledge that an El Nino can enhance the effects of
climate change. To paraphrase Dr. Tangang: El Nino frequencies and
intensities are not linked to climate change but since El Nino will heat
up an area it could have an additive effect. That is, if an area is
already hot, then El Nino will make it hotter.
So what actually caused the fire to be so severe? Well it appears to be a
combination of the effects of El Nino and historic forest management
decisions. To explain: after the Slave Lake fire in 2011 the Alberta
Government sought advice on the fire situation. The result was the Flat
Top Complex Wildfire Review Committee Report which made a number of
recommendations and concluded:
"Before major wildfire suppression programs, boreal forests historically
burned on an average cycle ranging from 50 to 200 years as a result of
lightning and human-caused wildfires. Wildfire suppression has
significantly reduced the area burned in Alberta's boreal forests.
However, due to reduced wildfire activity, forests of Alberta are aging,
which ultimately changes ecosystems and is beginning to increase the
risk of large and potentially costly catastrophic wildfires."
Essentially the report acknowledged that the trees surrounding Fort
McMurray are hard-wired for fire and if they are not managed properly
then these types of catastrophic fires will become more common. The warm
weather may have accelerated the fire season, but the stage was set for
such a fire and not enough work was done to avoid it.
I have been repeatedly asked: "what does it hurt to say that the fire
was caused by climate change?" Well, the whole point of the Flat Top
Complex Report (which was written in 2011-2012 remember) was to help
identify ways to avoid future catastrophic fires like the one that hit
Fort McMurray.
As a pragmatist I recognize that we live in a world where our
governments have finite budgets and need to allocate resources wisely;
to do that they need good information. Bad information makes for bad
decisions, and attributing the forest fire to climate change would mean
advancing bad information over good.
That can only increase the likelihood that policy-makers will make poor
decisions which we can all agree is not something we want to see.
SOURCE. More on the Canadian fires
Another finding that increased CO2 is greening the earth
Increased greening over 25% to 50% of the global vegetated area
Greening of the Earth and its drivers by Zaichun Zhu et al.
Global environmental change is rapidly altering the dynamicsof
terrestrial vegetation, with consequences for the functioningof the
Earth system and provision of ecosystem services1,2. Yet how global
vegetation is responding to the changing environment is not well
established. Here we use three long-term satellite leaf area index (LAI)
records and ten global ecosystem models to investigate four key drivers
of LAI trends during 1982–2009. We show a persistent and widespread
increase of growing season integrated LAI (greening) over 25% to 50% of
the global vegetated area, whereas less than 4% of the globe shows
decreasing LAI (browning). Factorial simulations with multiple global
ecosystem models suggest that CO2 fertilization effects explain 70% of
the observed greening trend, followed by nitrogen deposition(9%),
climate change (8%) and land cover change (LCC) (4%). CO2 fertilization
effects explain most of the greening trends in the tropics, whereas
climate change resulted in greening of the high latitudes and the
Tibetan Plateau. LCC contributed most to the regional greening observed
in southeast China and the eastern United States. The regional effects
of unexplained factors suggest that the next generation of ecosystem
models will need to explore the impacts of forest demography,differences
in regional management intensities for croplandand pastures, and other
emerging productivity constraints such as phosphorus availability.
Obama White House showed ‘bad faith’ in global-warming case, judge rules
Third rebuke of administration’s transparency this year
The White House showed “bad faith” in how it handled an open records
request for global warming data, a federal court ruled Monday, issuing
yet another stinging rebuke to the administration for showing a lack of
For President Obama, who vowed to run the most transparent government in
U.S. history, Judge Amit P. Mehta’s ruling granting legal discovery in
an open records case — the third time this year a judge has ordered
discovery — is an embarrassing black eye.
In this most recent case, the Competitive Enterprise Institute was
trying to force the White House office of science and technology policy
to release documents backing up Director John C. Holdren’s finding that
global warming was making winters colder — a claim disputed by climate
Mr. Holdren’s staffers first said they couldn’t find many documents.
They then tried to hide their release by saying the documents were all
internal or were similar to what was already public.
Each of those claims turned out not to be true.
“At some point, the government’s inconsistent representations about the
scope and completeness of its searches must give way to the
truth-seeking function of the adversarial process, including the tools
available through discovery. This case has crossed that threshold,” the
judge wrote.
EPA’s New Methane Rule Won’t Slow Global Warming, Actually Increases CO2 Emissions
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) unveiled new rules Thursday
attempting to reduce methane emissions from hydraulically fractured, or
fracked, oil and natural gas — these rules, however, may actually lead
to more global warming.
The agency does not list the amount of temperature increases adverted in
the rule’s press release, even though the rule exists just to limit
global warming. Industry groups estimate the rule would only cause a
temperature drop of 0.0047 degrees Celsius by the year 2100, an amount
so small it couldn’t even be detected.
The regulation even has the potential to make global warming worse, as
it will make producing natural gas harder, leading to more release of
CO2 emissions — the alleged primary driver of global warming — according
to a 2014 EPA report.
The report concluded that U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2012 fell to
their lowest levels in 17 years, largely due to hydraulically fractured
natural gas out-competing coal as a power source.
“The Regulatory Impact Analysis for the final rule shows that the rule
is expected to have extremely minor impacts on production – less than
1/10th of 1 percent,” a spokesperson for the EPA told The Daily Caller
News Foundation about inhibiting the production of fracked natural gas
via regulation.
The EPA has noted that rising natural gas use from fracking is
responsible for falling greenhouse gas emissions, saying in an April
report, “a decrease in the carbon intensity of fuels consumed to
generate electricity has occurred due to … increased natural gas
consumption and other generation sources.”
Methane only accounted for 10.6 percent of total U.S. greenhouse-gas
emissions in 2014, according to the EPA report. Most of these methane
emissions were from agriculture, not the natural gas industry, which
only accounted for about 2.6 percent of emissions.
Critics say that the EPA’s methane rules could significantly increase the costs of fracking.
“The methane rules are designed to make drilling new wells much more
expensive. It is one step toward achieving the goal of ‘leave it in the
ground,'” Myron Ebell, director of the Center for Energy and Environment
at the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute, told TheDCNF.
“Other steps include the BLM’s methane rule for production on federal
lands, the EPA’s forthcoming methane rule for existing production, and
the Interior Department’s coal leasing moratorium on federal lands.”
A report by the firm ICF International, which cited 75 scientific
studies and EPA reports, concluded that methane emissions are declining
in both absolute terms and per unit of natural gas produced, despite an
enormous increase in the amount of gas produced. Absolute methane
emissions from natural gas fell by 15 percent between 1990 and 2014, and
emissions per unit of natural gas produced dropped by 43 percent over
the same period.
The report found that net greenhouse gas emissions are decreasing, which
does not bode well for anti-fracking campaigns or the EPA’s new methane
regulations. The new gas production has caused America to transition to
clean burning natural gas-fired power plants, which emit far less CO2
than conventional coal power, leading to a 12 percent decline in
greenhouse gas emissions since 2005.
The Sierra Club and other environmental groups assert the environmental
advantages of fracking are negated by increased methane emissions, but
this claim isn’t supported by science.
“These regulations aren’t about climate. They are about increasing the
cost of reliable, affordable energy to make Mr. Obama’s pet energy
sources, such as wind and solar, appear more cost effective than they
actually are,” Thomas Pyle, president of the conservative, said about
the methane rule in a press release. “And while these regulations won’t
impact the climate, they will increase the cost of natural gas for
American families that just want to keep their houses warm, have hot
water, and use their dryers.”
Checkmating The Left On Global Warming
Liberal politicians like Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and
John Kerry tell us global warming is the greatest threat to our national
security and future generations, requiring the transformation of our
economy to expensive and unreliable wind and solar power. If the left is
sincere about this assertion, then they should support all energy
sources that reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This presents
conservatives an excellent opportunity to call the left’s bluff or make
them put their money where their collective mouth is.
Wind and solar, after all, are not the only power sources that produce
little or no carbon dioxide emissions. Natural gas power emits only half
as much carbon dioxide as coal power, and hydro power and nuclear power
emit no carbon dioxide emissions at all. Natural gas and nuclear power
are available on-demand, unlike wind and solar power that are extremely
limited on cloudy days, low-wind days and at night. Hydro power is not
quite an on-demand power source, but it is much more reliable and
predictable than wind and solar. Because wind and solar require
conventional power backup, hydro and nuclear power actually reduce
carbon dioxide emissions even more effectively than wind and solar, and
natural gas emissions become comparatively smaller relative to wind and
Conservatives have long championed natural gas, hydro and nuclear power
because of their relative affordability. Natural gas power and
hydroelectric power are cost-comparative with coal power. Nuclear power
is about 50% more expensive, but new technologies and more common-sense
government regulation offer the promise of significant reductions in
future costs. Even without any such future cost reductions, nuclear
power remains substantially more affordable than wind and solar.
So why does the left demand wind, solar or nothing? This is a very good
question that conservative policymakers can target. Global warming is a
greater threat to the American people than global terrorism, you say?
Fine, then stop obstructing the hydraulic fracturing (fracking) process
that is responsible for approximately half of our natural gas
production. Global warming is a greater threat to the American military
than Russian fighters that simulate attacks on our Navy vessels in
international waters? Then stop demanding we dismantle hydroelectric
dams that produce affordable, emissions-free electricity. Global warming
is a greater threat to our military than a rapidly militarizing China?
Then allow America to generate more of our electricity from nuclear
power, as do nations such as France.
The American people understand that wind and solar power are
intermittent, unreliable and prohibitively expensive. The left, however,
distracts public attention away from these costs and shortcomings by
claiming no price is too expensive to solve the greatest crisis facing
America and the world today. Conservatives need to remind American
voters that even if the dubious global warming crisis is real, we can
address it – right now and in a bipartisan manner – by removing the
political obstacles that stifle low-carbon natural gas production and
emissions-free hydro and nuclear power.
Pressuring the left via natural gas, hydro power and nuclear power will
produce one of two possible outcomes. Under one outcome, the left agrees
to stop opposing these low- and zero- emission power sources. The left
achieves its desired carbon dioxide reductions while conservatives
successfully safeguard our economy from expensive and unreliable wind
and solar. Under the other outcome, the left refuses to budge in its
opposition to everything except wind and solar. In the process, the left
will lose substantial political credibility; after all, the left can
hardly make the argument that global warming is our nation’s greatest
threat while it rejects a multitude of reasonable, affordable and
effective means to substantially reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Global sea-level expert John Church made redundant by Australian research organization
Warmist John Church is most unchurchly. His claims have little to do with reality. See here and here. He deserves the boot
For John Church, a leading authority on sea-level rise caused by global
warming, there was much that was fitting – and yet callous – about being
sacked at sea.
The veteran scientist was well into one of dozens of research voyages he
had taken since joining CSIRO as a post doctoral student in 1979.
His vessel, the RV Investigator, was midway between Antarctica and New
Zealand and steaming north on the 170 degree longitude when he received
Thursday's call to tell him he was "potentially redundant".
Sitting with a supporter in the ship's conference room, Dr Church was
told his services were no longer needed. "I was OK during the call but
it is certainly not a nice feeling to have what you have worked for -
for so many years - thrown on the scrapheap," the 64 year-old told
Fairfax Media after finishing a 12-hour stint on watch.
Dr Church's achievements include developing sophisticated models linking
sparse tidal gauge information around the world with satellite data to
reveal how much sea levels are rising.
The current mission is retracing previous journeys along the 170 W
longitude line to measure precisely how key parameters such as
temperature, salinity and acidity are changing.
As Dr Church notes, including in a Nature paper published last month,
sea-level increases are accelerating as a warming planet melts glaciers
and swells oceans.
From increases of a few tenths of a millimetre annually in the 1000
years before about 1850, the rate jumped 1.7 mm on average in the 20th
century. Since 1993, the rise has quickened to about 3 mm a year, he
Despite this trend, CSIRO will slash about half the climate staff –
about 70 scientists - in its Oceans & Atmosphere division. New hires
will be made in climate adaptation and mitigation, the agency promises
but numbers cited so far are much smaller.
As with other CSIRO staff, Dr Church will get a chance to save his job.
The sole scientist on board to be told of a pending redundancy, he was
granted until June 16 – or three weeks after the voyage ends in
Wellington, New Zealand – to argue his case.
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elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
15 May, 2016
Global warming won’t just change the weather—it could trigger massive earthquakes and volcanoes (?)
There's a grain of truth in what he says. Drastic warming would
cause crustal uplift in circumpolar regions -- but all the rest is
speculative, entirely dependent on CO2 causing warming. That there
is no correlation between the two seems not to bother him
Bill McGuire is not optimistic about humanity’s future. In his book,
Waking the Giant: How a changing climate triggers earthquakes, tsunamis,
and volcanoes, he explains why.
By his estimation, carbon dioxide emissions from human activity since
industrialization began have changed the trajectory of earth’s climate
for the next 100,000 years. We are already experiencing the mayhem and
destruction that these changes can wreak, and, in the long term, things
are only going to get worse.
On the face of it, the hypothesis that a few degrees’ rise in the
average temperature of the atmosphere can cause the earth’s tectonic
plates to move sounds ludicrous. Yet, McGuire, professor of geophysical
and climate hazards at University College London, shows through careful
analysis of historical records that the relationship between the weather
and the “solid” earth is incontrovertible.
We caught up with him recently to talk about his hopes and fears. Here’s an edited and condensed version of our conversation.
Q. How is that human activities in the last two centuries could have an
effect on the earth’s climate for the next 100,000 years?
McGuire: The climate system takes so long to respond and return to
normal. We had a period about 55 million years ago, called the
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). It was a period of about 10,000
years, where global temperatures rose by about 6°C [11°F]. This is
extremely rapid in geological terms. We had palm trees in Russia;
crocodiles swimming in the Arctic ocean.
It sounds incredible, but the really scary thing is that we could now see our temperatures go up by 6°C in a few hundred years.
What we are doing now, and if we carry on doing it for the next few
centuries, is raise temperatures in 1/50th of time it took to do the
same in the PETM. The rate at which we are raising the global average
temperature is simply unprecedented.
Q. But wasn’t there a time when the global temperatures were even higher, like 15°C higher than pre-industrial times?
What we’ve done now is that we’ve taken all the carbon from hundreds of
millions of years, which has been locked up in fossil fuels, and we’ve
stuck it in the atmosphere in a time of two hundred years.
Then there are the feedback effects that will kick in. Human-caused
warming will trigger natural events, which will increase temperatures
further. One of those is the release of methane permafrost, especially
that stuck under the Arctic.
We don’t need to wait till 2100 to trigger that. People who are working
on this say that we could see the release of this permafrost at any
time. There’s potential for tens of billions of tonnes of methane to be
released just like that [snaps fingers]. Some of these releases could
bring global warming prediction ahead by as much as 30 years.
People don’t understand these events. They think it’s a gradual ramping
up of the temperature. The real impacts are extreme events—storms,
droughts, floods—but also potentially even more extreme events, like
these methane outbursts.
Q. OK, so, say that happens. Temperatures go up. When do we then see the effects on the solid earth?
We could see that very soon. The big worry is Greenland. It has 2-3 km
(1.2-1.9 miles) of ice on top of its lithosphere. That weight is pushing
down the crust. Taking that ice off could trigger earthquakes.
We’re seeing that in Alaska. A lot of ice has been lost in the last 100
years, and the faults there are lot more active now. Previously, because
of the weight, they couldn’t move but they were accumulating strain
because of the earth’s movement.
Trump Names Energy Adviser Who’s Dubious Of Global Warming Claims
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has enlisted a
congressman who is a strong proponent of fracking and a skeptic of
global warming to be one of his key energy advisers.
Rep. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota has been asked by the campaign to write a white paper on energy policy.
“Cramer said in an interview his paper would emphasize the dangers of
foreign ownership of U.S. energy assets, burdensome taxes, and
over-regulation,” Reuters reported.
According to the Associated Press, North Dakota ranks second only to
Texas in oil production in the United States, thanks to a fracking boom
that has generated billions of dollars of wealth for the state. North
Dakota enjoys the lowest unemployment rate in the nation at 3 percent.
Trump has signaled during the course of the primary campaign that he
supports continued natural resource development in the United States. He
promised the coal miners of West Virginia in the lead up to Tuesday’s
election in the Mountain State that he would put them back to work.
Thousands have lost their jobs thanks to EPA regulations adopted by the
Obama administration to address “climate change.”
Cramer is a global warming skeptic. “These mandates and these wind farms
are all based on this fraudulent science from the EPA,” he has said,
“meaning their claim that CO2 is a pollutant and is causing global
warming. … The idea that CO2 is somehow causing global warming is on its
face fraudulent.”
As reported by Western Journalism, while President Obama has argued the
science community has definitively proved man-man climate change as a
fact, thousands of scientists question those findings.
The co-founder of the Weather Channel, John Coleman, also doubts the
global warming claims, writing in an open letter last fall:
“The ocean is not rising significantly. The polar ice is increasing, not
melting away. Polar Bears are increasing in number. Heat waves have
actually diminished, not increased. There is not an uptick in the number
or strength of storms (in fact storms are diminishing).
I have studied this topic seriously for years. It has become a political
and environment agenda item, but the science is not valid.”
For Oil Drillers, Obama Methane Rule Is Worse Than originally Proposed
The Obama administration, yielding to environmentalists demanding action
to address climate change, issued limits on methane emissions from oil
and gas wells that are even tougher than those it proposed last year.
The final regulations unveiled Thursday will add an estimated $530
million in additional costs per year by 2025, according to the
Environmental Protection Agency. That’s at least 25 percent higher than
the preliminary version released in August, and it comes as low oil
prices force the industry to pare spending on new exploration.
The administration estimates the costs will be offset by savings from
averting severe storms, floods and other consequences of climate change.
Those savings will total $690 million a year by 2025, according to the
EPA. By contrast, the 2015 proposal was estimated to cost $320 million
to $420 million in 2025, with potential benefits of as much as $550
"The commonsense steps we’re rolling out today will help combat climate
change and reduce air pollution that immediately harms public health,"
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy told reporters on a conference call. The
mandates, applying immediately to new and modified wells, are a
"critical first step in tackling methane emissions from existing oil and
gas sources."
Climate Policies
The rule, part of a broader administration campaign to combat climate
change, is one of the last major environmental measures President Barack
Obama is likely to issue before leaving the White House.
The oil and gas industry is the leading source of methane, an intense
but short-lived greenhouse gas shown to warm the atmosphere 84 times
more than carbon dioxide when measured over two decades.
Under the rule, companies will have to upgrade pumps and compressors,
while expanding the use of so-called “green completion” technology meant
to capture the surge of gas that can spring out of newly fracked wells.
Such green completion techniques have been required at new and modified
natural gas wells since 2015, but Thursday’s rule would broaden the
requirement to oil wells too.
Environmentalists’ Pleas
The EPA expanded the final regulation in response to concerns from
environmentalists, who said the draft proposal didn’t go far enough. For
instance, the agency dropped its proposed waiver for low-producing
wells that generate less than 15 barrels per day of oil or its
equivalent. That could have exempted thousands of wells each year from
the rule’s new leak detection requirements.
The EPA also yielded to environmentalists’ pleas for more frequent
inspections, by requiring companies to hunt for methane at compressor
stations four times a year instead of twice, as initially proposed. At
wells and associated equipment, however, the agency stuck with a
semiannual timetable.
The final rule "represents a solid improvement over the original
proposal," said Conrad Schneider, advocacy director for the Clean Air
Task Force, which had lobbied for the changes. "We feel great that EPA
is finalizing the first-ever standards for methane emissions from any
industry, and it’s totally appropriate that they’re doing it from the
No. 1 emitter."
Battered Sector
The regulation drew an angry response from oil and gas leaders, who
insisted even the softer proposal was unnecessary in light of the
industry’s work to cut methane emissions. Because methane is the primary
ingredient in natural gas, energy companies have a financial incentive
to keep it bottled up as it moves from the wellhead to compressor
stations and into storage tanks.
The rule effectively asks an already battered industry to do more with
less, amid low oil and gas prices, dwindling rig counts and thousands of
lost jobs, said Sandra Snyder, a lawyer specializing in environmental
regulation at Bracewell LLP.
“Industry has been making great strides to voluntarily reduce its
methane emissions because doing so makes economic sense,” Snyder said.
“Imposing additional reporting and regulatory paperwork obligations is
even more burdensome at this time.”
Industry officials also warn that aggressive new mandates -- on top of
other, still-proposed regulations clamping down on gas that is vented or
burned on federal land -- could wipe out small, independent producers.
Companies could spend more paring incremental methane emissions than
they will recover by selling the natural gas they keep from leaking,
industry groups said.
‘Burdensome Regulations’
“It doesn’t make sense that the administration would add unreasonable
and overly burdensome regulations when the industry is already leading
the way in reducing emissions,” said Kyle Isakower, vice president of
regulatory and economic policy for the American Petroleum Institute.
Environmentalists said the EPA’s changes made the rule more
comprehensive. "The studies that we’ve done tell you that leaks and
equipment malfunctions are randomly distributed across the industry and
different types of facilities," said Mark Brownstein, vice president of
the Climate and Energy Program at the Environmental Defense Fund.
"Really the only way you get at it is if you are vigilant in terms of
inspecting and maintaining your facilities."
The EPA rule will help the U.S. move closer to fulfilling Obama’s pledge
to slash oil and gas sector methane emissions by 40 percent to 45
percent from 2012 levels by 2025. The new methane rule alone won’t be
enough to meet the goal, but it provides a legal stepping stone to
requirements for 1 million existing wells too.
Obama’s Promise
Obama promised during a March summit with Canadian Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau that the U.S. would go after existing oil and gas sources.
The EPA formally kicked off that process Thursday by releasing a draft
information collection request asking oil and gas companies to turn over
two waves of data about emissions, pollution-reducing equipment and
associated costs. All owners and operators will be asked to respond to
the first request, seeking information an Obama administration official
said would be readily available. A smaller subset of facility owners
would be to provide more detailed data.
Although most of the requirements for new wells would apply immediately,
energy companies have a year to submit leak detection and repair plans.
Green completion technology will be required at new oil wells within
six months, but energy companies would still be forced to reduce
emissions at those sites in the meantime, including by burning excess
Plugging Leaks
Some oil and gas companies have moved aggressively -- and voluntarily --
to plug methane leaks. But investors still worry the industry is moving
too slowly to solve what could be an existential risk, said Andrew
Logan, director of the oil and gas program at Ceres, a network of
investors with $14 trillion in assets that promotes sustainable business
"If the industry doesn’t address methane, natural gas risks becoming
part of the problem instead of part of the solution to climate change,"
Logan said in a phone interview. "For an industry that is really betting
the farm on natural gas as its key to relevancy in a low-carbon world,
that’s a huge problem."
The EPA estimates the final standards will reduce 510,000 short tons of
methane in 2025 -- roughly the same effect as slashing 11 million metric
tons of carbon dioxide. The EPA didn’t calculate a dollar amount for
lower rates of asthma and other potential public health benefits tied to
the reduction in volatile organic compounds and other conventional
Critics hinted at a possible legal challenge of the new methane rules,
like the court battle that has stalled Obama’s Clean Power Plan.
"If these ‘commonsense standards’ for the EPA’s methane rule are
anything like the ‘commonsense standards’ used for their power plant
rules, we’re in for another long battle of correcting the agency’s
mistakes," said Myron Ebell, director of the Center for Energy and
Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
McCarthy stressed that the rule was grounded in science, squarely within
the EPA’s authority under the Clean Air Act and "will be solid in the
"It is tremendously cost effective," she said. "It is a rule that industry will be able to comply with."
Pop bottle science ‘grossly exaggerates’ CO2
One of the half dozen ways in which the proponents of what is
increasingly known worldwide as “the global warming hoax” violate the
basic fundamentals of scientific procedure is the selective manipulation
and distortion of basic data.
The recent letter succeeds in providing a most graphic example of such
blatant violation. The writer refers to a so-called “science class
experiment” in which a comparison of heat retention is supposedly
demonstrated with pop bottles. He conveniently omitted the fact that the
concentration of pure CO2 was 2,500 times higher than in the
Since the molecular weight of CO2 is approximately 50 per cent higher
than that of the components of air, the single CO2 molecule within the
other 2,500 molecules in air would have a tendency to absorb more heat,
but to an overall negligible effect.
The use of pure CO2 in the CO2 pop bottle therefore exaggerates the heat retention effect of the CO2 by 2,500 times.
I find this intentional attempt to grossly exaggerate the effect
of CO2 to be appalling and disgraceful. It is disturbing that such
deceitful measures are actually used in classrooms
This leads me to have serious questions regarding the ethics of any
teachers agreeing to such practises, as well as all global warming
alarmists in general. Snider suggests that this farcical “experiment”
should be performed in local schools. I would hope that our local
teachers place a higher value on ethics and respect for their students.
Some Canadian insanity
One of the busiest and most beautiful lakes in Alberta is Wabamun Lake.
What makes this even more extraordinary is that the area is also dotted
with coal-fired power plants. They’re small, close to zero-emission,
reliable, and provide cheap power.
Putting up the same number of wind turbines, for example, would turn the
whole area into an ugly hundred square mile wind factory and bird
sacrifice zone.
But that’s what Rachel Notley and the NDP are planning to do, remember: eliminate the clean coal power plants.
Well, Enmax, the power company for Calgary, recently announced that they
are cancelling their contract to buy coal-fired power. Three other
Alberta power companies have done the same thing: TransCanada, AltaGas
and Capital Power.
You'd think Notley's government would be thrilled. Except that when all
these energy companies bail out of coal-fired power, the province has to
pick up the contract.
So now the NDP is panicking, obviously. The Alberta government is
already collapsing under debt. Now they realize they will be on the hook
for billions of dollars of coal-fired power that they themselves just
made useless.
Did the NDP not know this would happen when they went on about “getting out of coal”?
South Australia is now coal-free -- so it imports coal-powered electricity from a neighboring state
Empty Greenie boasting
South Australia’s last coal-fired power station closed on Monday this
week, leaving the state with only gas and wind power generators.
The Northern Power Station, in Port Augusta on the northern end of the
Spencer Gulf, has joined Playford B – the state’s other coal-fired power
station which has already been retired.
The coal mine at Leigh Creek that supplied brown coal to the power
stations also closed earlier this year, so there is no easy option for
re-opening the power stations.
The immediate impact of the closure was a brief wobble in wholesale
electricity prices, with more energy brought in from Victoria’s brown
coal power stations (adding to carbon emissions).
But how could it affect the state in the long term?
Could South Australia run out of power?
Average electricity demand in South Australia is 1.4 gigawatts, and the
state record for peak demand of 3.4 gigawatts was set in January 2011.
In the past two years the highest demand was 2.9 gigawatts.
Rollout of rooftop solar panels is one of the reasons demand from the
grid has been going down. The impact on the peak demand – the time of
day when most people are using appliances – is less clear, because if
the peak occurs after sunset, solar panels will not reduce it.
With the closure of the 520 megawatt Northern Power Station, South
Australia is left with 2,800 MW of capacity in its gas-fired generators,
which can be fired up when needed, and 1,500 MW of wind farms, which of
course produce energy only when the wind blows. Most gas generation
capacity comes from the Torrens Island A (480 MW) and B (800 MW)
installations, built in the 1960s and 1970s, respectively.
There have been discussions about retiring Torrens Island A (it was
mothballed for a period in 2014), but the departure of Northern appears
to have delayed those plans.
The state also has a total of about 600 MW of rooftop solar, but, as
noted above, this technically counts as reducing demand rather than
adding to supply.
South Australia is also connected to Victoria via two transmission
lines, one at Heywood (recently upgraded to 650 MW) and one at Murray
Link (220 MW). This gives the state access to a potential 870 MW of
Victorian power.
If South Australia gets close to record demand, the state clearly
outstrips the capacity of the local gas generators. If the wind isn’t
blowing, then the state will depend on the interconnectors.
But there is an unfortunate factor that transmission lines tend to fail
under very high temperatures, which correspond to the times of highest
It may sound unlikely, but South Australia is at risk of failing to meet demand.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
13 May, 2016
5 Years Later, Deaths Caused by Radiation Leak at Fukushima: 0
Good disproof of the Leftist contention that there is no safe level of radiation. Moderate doses can even be beneficial
Since the horrific earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reactor meltdown in
Japan on March 11, 2011, there have been no deaths directly caused by
the radiation leak from the nuclear plant in Fukushima, which is located
on the northeast side of Japan.
The latest update (in April) by the World Nuclear Association on the
Fukushima disaster states, “there have been no deaths or cases of
radiation sickness from the nuclear accident.”
Also, in a May 11 e-mail to, Jaya Mohan, information officer
for the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic
Radiation (UNSCEAR), said “no deaths directly caused by radiation
exposure after the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power plant
have been reported.”
That conclusion corresponds with what the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA) reported in August 2015, and what UNSCEAR confirmed in
2013 and projected for the future.
In its 2015 report, the The Fukushima Daiichi Accident, the IAEA stated,
“No early radiation induced health effects were observed among workers
or members of the public that could be attributed to the accident.”
The IAEA noted that the “latency time for late radiation health effects
can be decades,” but said “given the low levels of doses reported among
members of the public, the conclusions of this report are in agreement
with those of the UNSCEAR to the United Nations General Assembly.”
The UNSCEAR had reported in May 2013, two years after the Fukushima
accident, “Radiation exposure following the nuclear accident at
Fukushima-Daiichi did not cause any immediate health effects. It is
unlikely to be able to attribute any health effects in the future among
the general public and the vast majority of workers.”
“No radiation-related deaths or acute effects have been observed among
nearly 25,000 workers (including TEPCO employees and contractors)
involved at the accident site,” reported the UNSCEAR. (TEPCO is
the acronym for the Tokyo Electric Power Company.)
“On the whole,” said UNSCEAR, “the exposure of the Japanese population
was low, or very low, leading to correspondingly low risks of health
effects later in life.. The actions taken to protect the public
(evacuation and sheltering) significantly reduced the radiation
exposures that would have otherwise been received.”
Three TEPCO workers were killed “directly by the earthquake and tsunami,
but there have been no fatalities from the nuclear accident,” reported
the World Nuclear Association in April 2016.
The earthquake on March 11, 2011, triggered a massive tsunami, which
killed about 19,000 people and destroyed more than a million buildings.
A combination of factors caused by the earthquake and tsunami led three
of the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi to go into meltdown – the nuclear
fuel rods could not be cooled and subsequently got too hot and started
to melt, which led to several explosions and the release of radiation.
EPA regulations Causing Huge Increase in Housing Prices
In a five-year period, government regulation increased the price of
building a home by nearly 25%, a report from the National Association of
Home Builders finds. When it comes to buying a new home, the average
homebuyer is paying $84,671 more today than he or she was in 2011. Most
of these costs come from developing the lot — even before concrete is
poured or framing goes up. Thanks, Environmental Protection Agency.
According to the NAHB, in this half decade, regulation has accounted for
a nearly 30% increase in the cost of a house. “By comparison,
disposable income per capita increased by 14.4% from 2011-2016,” NAHB
wrote. “In other words, the cost of regulation in the price of a new
home is rising more than twice as fast as the average American’s ability
to pay for it.”
Pricing Americans out of homes is a government-caused problem. When will
the government think it should impose a government-inspired “solution”?
Before the 2008 housing bubble, statists decided that every American
should be able to take out a home loan. Will they repeat history and
think of a similar situation in a few years? Government regulation
weighed down our economic growth. Now it’s come for new homeowners.
New US federal rule would permit thousands of eagle deaths
From the recent AP article announcing a plan that would allow wind
companies and other power providers to "kill or injure up to 4,200 bald
eagles a year without penalty" the USFWS gave out official numbers
pertaining to the current population status of Golden eagles. A
population I might add that has been rapidly declining in the western
Fish and Wildlife Service estimates there are about 143,000 bald eagles in the United States, and 40,000 golden eagles."
I will explain very clearly why this statement is not even close to
being true and I will use official USFWS data to prove it. When I am
finished it will be very clear to most that the USFWS is either very
incompetent, very corrupt and probably both.
Look closely at these official golden eagle population figures released
in 2013. The estimated population for an area totaling 422,391 square
miles is a measly 526 golden eagles. In addition the USFWS openly admits
that this region is also host to the highest density of nesting golden
eagles in the world........
"The highest known density of nesting golden eagles is in central
California among the rolling hills of Alameda and Contra Costa
The large geographical area of 422,391 square miles given in the USFWS
table, amounts to about 16% of the entire land mass covering the lower
48 states. If there were equal numbers of golden eagles spread out over
the entire lower 48 states there would still only be about 3950 golden
eagles. This is a figure more than ten times lower than the 40,000
golden eagle population released by the Interior Department on 5/4/2016
Of course declaring 10 times too many eagles means that ten times as
many turbines can be built for the wind industry and ten times as many
eagles can be legally killed. Then one must consider that there are
virtually no golden eagles remaining in the eastern half of the lower 48
states, so how big is this lie being told?
The truth of the matter is that our golden eagle population in the
western US has not only been rapidly declining we have a government
agency hiding this fact and then lying to the public with highly
embellished fake population statistics.
It is for many reasons like the example just given from my research,
that I can boldly proclaim the Interior Department to be a corrupt
government agency in collusion with the wind industry.
Denmark’s Electricity Subsidies Increase by 1000%
The European Commission hopes that its Energy Union strategy will make
the EU’s energy supply more secure, affordable and climate-friendly. But
the energy market is highly fragmented, and focused on national
The price that the average European household pays per kWh of
electricity has risen from 12 cents in 2005 to 18 cents in 2014.
However, the prices in individual countries varies significantly. In
Bulgaria and Hungary, households currently pay around 10 cents per kWh.
In Germany and Denmark, energy is three times more expensive.
Factors that influence cost include a country’s geographical location,
energy resources, and world market prices. But energy policies are
increasingly a significant factor.
Energy subsidies are growing across the majority of countries in the
European Union. Only Austria and Sweden decreased their subsidies from
2008 to 2012. The rest of the EU increased by 57%. Leading the way?
Denmark and Greece, which increased subsidies by over 1000%, and
Germany, which accounts for roughly 25% of all energy subsidies in the
But despite more subsidies, electricity prices are still increasing.
While household electricity prices have risen by 50% from 2005 to 2014,
the average price for industrial consumers has increased by 66%.
These prices also vary significantly across the EU. In Germany and the
Netherlands, prices for medium-sized industries have remained fairly
stable, increasing by approximately 25%. In the United Kingdom and
Poland, however, prices have gone up by as much as 100%.
To build a successful Energy Union, the Commission has a tough job ahead
of itself: harmonising the different national policies, building a
transnational infrastructure, and getting member states to work
together, towards a common goal.
Climate: The Real ‘Worrisome Trend’
By Meteorologist Joe D'Aleo
Who is pushing this end-of-hydrocarbon-energy to prevent an
end-of-world-calamity agenda? The list is long and includes politicians
and UN globalists (look up Agenda 21) who seek more power and control
over every aspect of your life.
Scientists, environmentalists, green NGOs and corporations are all
chasing the $1.5 trillion per year that feeds the climate crisis and
renewable energy industry. The lengthy list also includes scientifically
illiterate population-control socialists and Hollywood cause seekers,
who are all supported by environmental journalists who never question
any “green” causes or scare stories.
Many use the “precautionary principle” to justify drastic actions that
perversely have truly drastic consequences, intended or unintended.
Bad Policy, Bad Impacts
Eco-fanaticism has already pummeled Europe. In the past ten years, the
price of electricity in Europe has climbed by an average of 63 percent.
Polling indicates that 38% of British households are cutting back
essential purchases like food, to pay high and rising energy bills.
Another 59% of homes are worried about how they will pay energy bills
when the Paris accord is enforced.
Poor and middle class families are impacted worst of all.
Families and businesses in the “Blue States” in the Northeast already
pay the highest electricity prices in the United States – twice that of
some other states. The changes the EPA and this administration are
pushing could double those rates – and the rates in other states.
The thousands of dollars that an average Northeastern family saved on
gasoline and heating oil in 2015, thanks to fracking and drilling on
private land, was truly welcomed as the only “raise” that many families
got in many a year.
However, that too will be a memory, if the EPA’s plans are not blocked
by the courts – or a President Trump. Moreover, if elected president,
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both plan to eliminate fracking, as
well as most conventional oil and gas drilling and production.
With a Hillary Clinton administration and newly Democrat Congress
promising to kill fracking and eliminate, hyper-regulate and/or over-tax
fossil fuels, energy costs per family would increase thousands of
dollars a year. This happened in Europe when the greens took control.
Moreover, soaring energy prices ripple through the entire economy,
affecting the cost of all goods and services – including products and
services provided by factories, hospitals, schools, small businesses and
the shipping of food and other products. Soaring energy prices kill
jobs and depress living standards, as companies and communities find
they must come up with thousands to millions of extra dollars every
year, just to keep the lights, heat and air conditioning on and
machinery humming.
That means more industries will head overseas, where energy costs and
workers’ wages are far lower, while millions of Americans will be
relegated to part-time positions, service jobs at far less than they had
been getting, or welfare and unemployment benefits for the newly and
perhaps permanently jobless.
Meanwhile, the United States will be expected to send billions of
dollars to poor countries and emerging economies, as climate change
“reparation, mitigation and adaptation” payments, under the new Paris
climate treaty. And those now relatively poor nations, including China
and India, will be still burning fossil fuels and taking away our jobs,
to lift their people out of poverty.
All the sacrifices by Americans, Europeans and families in other now-developed, now-rich countries will be for naught.
This is what the so-called “progressives” want and are marching in the streets to get.
The Climate Alarmists’ Real Goals
Former Washington State Democratic governor Dixy Lee Ray saw the second
Treaty of Paris coming many years ago. “The future is to be [One] World
Government with central planning by the United Nations,” she said. “Fear
of environmental crises – whether real or not – is expected to lead to
Last year, UN Climate Chief Christiana Figueres stated bluntly:
"Our aim is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to change
the global economic system…. This is probably the most difficult task
we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the
economic development model, for the first time in human history"
In simpler terms, she intends to replace free enterprise,
entrepreneurial capitalism with UN-controlled, centralized, socialized
One World government and economic control.
In November 2010, IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer presented an additional
reason for UN climate policies. “One has to free oneself from the
illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy,” he
said. It is not. It is actually about how “we redistribute de facto the
world’s wealth.”
In addition to everything else that is wrong, destructive and simply
perverse about energy and climate policies, these are truly scary
developments. And to top it all off, the Obama administration’s Justice
Department is now seriously considering the idea of joining state
attorneys general in prosecuting companies, organizations and
individuals who dare to think independently and refute claims that
human-driven global warming is the greatest danger of all to our future
All of this sounds a lot more like pre-world war two Germany than the
United States of America. It is certainly a trend that we should worry
about far more than any honestly conceivable threat from any nearly
imperceptible human contribution to the climate changes that have always
buffeted humanity and our planet.
Mad Muslim says Islamophobia accelerates global warming
A recent lecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology explored the possible impact of Islamophobia on global warming.
The lecture, titled “Is Islamophobia Accelerating Global Warming?” has
been reported by Fox News and other outlets and mocked on social media.
It took place Monday evening and was presented by the university’s
Ecology and Justice Forum In Global Studies and Languages, according to
an online advertisement.
The event sought to explore “the relation between Islamophobia as the dominant form of racism today and the ecological crisis.”
“It looks at the three common ways in which the two phenomena are seen
to be linked: as an entanglement of two crises, metaphorically related
with one being a source of imagery for the other and both originating in
colonial forms of capitalist accumulation,” the advertisement
“The talk proposes a fourth way of linking the two: an argument that
they are both emanating from a similar mode of being, or enmeshment, in
the world, what is referred to as ‘generalized domestication.’”
The talk was administered by Ghassan Hage, currently a future generation
professor at the University of Melbourne’s School of Philosophy,
Anthropology and Social Inquiry. Hage is currently working on a book of
the same title as the lecture and is known for his 2002 book White
Nation: Fantasies of White Supremacy in a Multicultural Society.
Hage, who was born in Lebanon, openly supports the anti-Israel Boycott,
Divest and Sanctions movement. Hage compared Israelis to “slave owners”
on Twitter in 2013, Fox News highlighted, and also suggested that
Palestinian militants are “freedom fighters” in an essay published in
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
12 May, 2016
Climate Crisis and Political Power
April 22nd was Earth Day and also the day that 175 countries came to the
UN to sign a “climate pact” they hope will limit any rise in global
temperatures to well below two degrees Celsius. Global temperatures, the
Times reports have risen about one degree since the onset of the
Industrial Revolution 250 years ago, in the middle of the 18th century.
This, of course, is all part of the so-called fight against “climate
change.” But is climate change the existential threat such people
as Al Gore and the actor Leonardo DiCaprio, who spoke at Friday’s UN
ceremony, say it is? I’m skeptical, to say the least, for several
1) Sound science produces predictions that come true. The science behind
climate change does not. Indeed, the experts have been proven wrong
time and time again. Around the time of the first Earth Day, scientists
were predicting a coming ice age. Then, as global average temperatures
rose in the 1980’s, global warming became the big threat. Al Gore in
2005 predicted that the polar ice caps would be gone by 2015, leading to
a catastrophic rise in sea levels. But in 2015, the polar ice caps were
not gone. They were, in fact, above the average for the period since
1979. The computer climate models predict steady warming. But the
warming stopped in 1998. If the computer models cannot accurately
predict what is now the past, why should we rely on them to predict the
That’s exactly why the threat of “global warming” suddenly became the
threat of “climate change,” a much more generalized — indeed, fuzzy —
term. The climate on Earth, after all, has been changing since the
planet formed 4.5 billion years ago, ranging from periods of tropical
warmth as far as the poles to “snowball earth,” when the entire globe
was covered in ice. In the early 14th Century, the world grew suddenly
and sharply colder. The “Little Ice Age,” as it was dubbed in recent
years, lasted until the last half of the 19th Century. Those climate
shifts could not have been anthropogenic.
2) Science is always skeptical. But when it comes to climate, we are
constantly being told that “the science is settled,” which
translates into the immortal words of Ring Lardner, “’shut up,’ he
explained.” The most forceful advocates of a climate change crisis are
exactly the people trying most vigorously to shut down the argument.
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island wants to use RICO to go after
skeptics. Twenty state attorneys general are trying to go after Exxon
for financially backing studies that cast doubt on climate change.
People with the facts on their side don’t need to shut down the
3) Sound science needs sound data. But climate data is often
“adjusted.” If a weather station located, say, in Nassau County,
New York, was put there in 1925 and is still yielding data today, that
data has to reflect changing conditions at that site. In 1925 it might
have been in the middle of a potato field. In 2016, while standing on
the exact same spot, it’s now behind a suburban strip mall, surrounded
by tarmac and twenty feet from the kitchen exhaust fan of a Chinese
restaurant. The opportunities to manipulate data rather than adjust it
(not to mention the guesswork involved in even honest adjustment) are
legion. And climate scientists have been caught red-handed manipulating
it and otherwise trying to affect the public perception by dishonest
means. People with the facts on their side don’t need to fudge them.
4) Who benefits? When a body is discovered in the library, à la Agatha
Christie, the first thing the police want to know is who benefits from
that person’s death? So, let’s assume for a moment that anthropogenic
climate change is indeed a grave and present threat to civilization. Who
benefits from that realization? The answer primarily is two groups. The
first group is made up of politicians. Such a crisis could only be
handled by government at the highest levels, greatly increasing the
power of government over the lives of citizens. And, as James Madison
explained, “Men love power.” For politicians, that goes double. That’s
why Democrats, such as Senator Whitehouse and the twenty state attorneys
general, love the idea of climate change. Democrats are the party of
government. They favor anything that increases the power of government.
The second group is made up of climate scientists. If politicians need
to cope with a crisis, they’ll need expert advice. And getting to
whisper in the ears of the powerful is itself a potent form of power.
Also, of course, government agencies such as the EPA fund most climate
research and it is in the self-interest of EPA bureaucrats to advance
the idea of climate change. Studies that might do so are thus favored.
So the scientists have a powerful self-interest in aligning with the
government in order to obtain research grants.
5) Chicken Little doesn’t act like he believes the sky is falling. When
the UN held a climate conference in Bali in 2007, attendees flew in on
so many private jets that many had to be parked at an airport on
next-door Java. These conferences, by the way, never take place in, say,
Cleveland. They are always in out-of-the-way places, such as Bali, that
anyone would be happy to visit on someone else’s nickel. Al Gore a few
years ago was embarrassed to have it publically revealed that his
monthly electric bill was routinely over $1,000 (and in Nashville,
Tennessee, which enjoys very low rates, thanks to TVA). Leonardo
DiCaprio usually flies by private jet. I imagine that that is how he
arrived in New York last Friday in order to tell the masses of the
sacrifices they must make in their life styles in order to save the
planet. He was recently seen frolicking in Brazil on a 470-foot yacht.
As Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit says, “I’ll believe there’s a climate
crisis when the people who tell me there’s a climate crisis start acting
like there’s a climate crisis.” Until then, I’ll believe that “climate
change” has little to do with science and much to do with aggrandizing
political power.
United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Testimony of Major General (Retired) Robert Scales April 13, 2016
Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for inviting me to testify
before the Committee on the relationship between climate change and war.
The Administration’s passion to connect climate change to war is an
example of faulty theories that rely for relevance on politically
correct imaginings rather than established historical precedent or a
learned understanding of war.
The theories linking climate change to war come from a larger body of
political thought that ascribes human conflict to “Global Trends”.
Advocates of the Global Trends theory argue that environmental scourges
such as diminishing water supplies, urbanization and the AIDS/HIV
epidemic shape the course of human conflict.
Lately, thanks to legitimacy provided by the Obama Administration,
climate change has become the most prominent of all the global trends
that seek to link global misfortunes to war. President Obama codified
his embrace of this particular global trend during his graduation
address at the Coast Guard Academy in 2015: “So I’m here today to say
that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an
immediate risk to our national security.”
It’s interesting to note the hypocrisy within the scientific communities
that argue for a connection between climate change and national
security. Scientists generally agree on the long-term consequences of
global warming. Radical environmentalists delight in excoriating the
so-called “junk science” espoused by climate change deniers.
But they are less than enthusiastic in questioning the “junk social
science” that environmentalists and their Beltway fellow travellers use
to connect climate change to war.
Of course not all theories from Global Trends activists are off the
mark. They have a legitimate argument when they warn of the consequences
of pandemics on the course of warfare. The Greek historian Thucydides
recounts that the great Athens plague of 430 BCE resulted in the retreat
of the Athenian army and navy as well as the death of the great Greek
military leader Pericles. The Byzantium emperor Justinian’s ambition to
expand his empire to the West was shattered by the horrific Plague of
540 AD. A small band of Spanish conquistadors conquered all of central
and south America in just few short decades because their conquests were
preceded by Western diseases they carried with them from Europe.
However, no historical evidence exists that makes a “cause and
effect” argument linking war to rising global temperatures. Where does
the Administration get their facts about climate change and war? First,
they contend that a warming planet causes drought, which leads to mass
migration away from areas of creeping desertification.
To be sure rising temperatures combined with over grazing in places like
central Africa have caused displacement of peoples. But the misery of
these peoples leads to, well, misery, not war. Tribes striving to exist
in these often horrific environmental conditions have little energy left
over to declare war against a tribal neighbor.
The nations of Central Africa are in the grip of conflicts started by
Boko Haram in Nigeria and al Shabaab in Somalia. But these transnational
terrorists are motivated to kill by the factors that have always caused
nations (or entities masquerading as nations) to start wars. These
factors are timeless and immutable. First of course is hatred induced by
fear of alien cultures, religions, ideologies, as well as social and
racial differences.
The common spark for all wars is jealousy and greed amplified by
centuries-long animosities and political ambitions. The catalyst for war
is the ignorance of leaders that leads them to misjudge. Humans start
wars believing they will be profitable, short, glorious and bloodless.
These truths never change.
None are affected in the least by air temperature. But the myth of
climate change as an inducement to war continues to curry favor among
Washington elites.
One source for connecting war to temperature comes from the political
closeness between environmentalists and the anti war movement. Their
logic goes like this: “global warming is bad. Wars are bad. Therefore
they must be connected.”
Remember, prior to the 1991 Gulf War, environmentalists warned of a
decade of global cooling that would come from burning Kuwaiti oil
fields. More recently environmental radicals argued against bombing ISIS
oil trucks fearing the environmental consequences. Sadly those in the
Administration who lobbied against striking a legitimate military target
because of imagined environmental damage caused by these strikes may,
in all likelihood, have sustained ISIS by refusing to interdict their
richest source of income.
The point is that in today’s wars politically correct theories when
inserted into a battle plan might well extend wars needlessly and get
soldiers killed.
Conservative groups target ozone law in push for rule's rollback
A coalition of 60 conservative groups is asking lawmakers to overturn
the Obama administration’s new ozone pollution rule and change the law
under which it was written.
The bill the groups endorse, the Ozone Standards Implementation Act,
would for the first time require the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) to consider the costs of tightening the ozone standards when it
proposes such restrictions.
It would also push back deadlines for new standards and have the EPA
consider new ozone rules every 10 years instead of every 5 years.
“The ozone regulation places a tremendous burden on communities across
America,” the groups wrote to the heads of the House and Senate
committees with jurisdiction over the EPA.
“The result of a nonattainment designation can be disastrous and bring
economic activity to a halt. Local governments risk losing federal
highway funds. Oil and gas operations, with the royalty and tax revenue
they bring, may cease. Manufacturers may be forced to relocate or shut
down, destroying jobs in the process,” they wrote.
The coalition includes some big names such as Americans for Prosperity
and FreedomWorks, along with state and local groups and others with
smaller footprints.
Last year’s ozone regulation is extremely unpopular among conservatives,
Republicans, the fossil fuel industry and many business interests.
It lowered the allowable ambient ozone concentration to 70 parts per
billion from the previous 75 parts per billion. Businesses fear that
complying with the standard could lead states to restrict manufacturing,
power generation and other activities that generate pollutants that
create ozone.
The EPA and its allies in the environmental and public health
communities counter that the public health benefits, including better
respiratory health resulting from reduced pollution, greatly outweigh
the $1.4 billion in projected costs.
How Washington Politicians Wasted Billions Trying to ‘Invest in Our Future’
The federal government has wasted billions on energy projects promising to usher in a new energy future.
All Washington can do is play favorites when picking energy options (think Solyndra).
It does this through providing grants, loans, loan guarantees, mandates
(like the use of biofuels), and tax subsidies to specific energy
technologies—to only name of a few.
Another way in which the government intervenes in the energy market is
the annual budget of the Department of Energy. Programs within the
Department of Energy supposedly recognize that there’s great potential
for wind, solar, fusion, geothermal, biofuels, carbon capturing
technology for coal, and much more. These energy sources and
technologies themselves may very well be worthy of investment, but
that’s not the point. The problem is the government meddling in what is
clearly not its role.
The mantra from proponents of government spending on energy is generally
the same. To borrow from President Barack Obama, “Rather than subsidize
the past, we should invest in the future.”
Half of that statement is correct. Taxpayers shouldn’t subsidize the
past. Nor should they “invest” (read: subsidize) in the future. In fact,
that’s why the market has investors: to take chances, using their own
money, on promising new endeavors. From basic research to full-scale
commercialization for any energy technology, every step of the way
should be driven by the private sector.
Free enterprise will spur the next energy revolution, just as it has the
latest oil and gas revolution that’s lowering the cost of living for
Americans. Competition will provide incremental improvements in energy,
for conventional natural resources and for renewable technologies.
As energy prices rise and fall, markets respond accordingly. Higher
prices at the pump, for instance, incentivize companies to extract more
oil and invest in technologies to produce the oil more cheaply and
efficiently. Higher prices encourage exploration into alternative power
sources for vehicles, whether it is biofuels, batteries, natural gas, or
something entirely different.
Markets shift to more efficient and cost-competitive technologies when
they make economic sense and meet consumer preferences. In the 1800s,
wood was the dominant energy source for families because it was abundant
and convenient. Over time, coal replaced wood because it provided more
heat per pound and was easier to store and to transport.
Furthermore, the evolution of rail power from steam to diesel occurred
even faster because the transition significantly reduced costs and
increased productivity. Though legislation encouraged the use of diesel
locomotives on a small scale, the dramatic shift mostly happened because
of market forces. The cost-effectiveness and increased productivity of
diesel-powered trains largely eradicated the use of steam locomotives in
just over two decades.
The reality is that Washington isn’t needed to drive energy innovation,
which is a difficult pill to swallow for some politicians and special
interests. Because those are the folks who want to keep the money
flowing to their preferred energy sources because they stand to benefit.
It’s more difficult for politicians to take credit for the successes
guided by the invisible hand. But the free market will actually trigger
successful investments and reward disruptive technologies, providing
more choice and better options for families.
On the surface, their reasons for government funding energy projects may
sound appealing to the public. For years, policymakers stressed the
need to develop alternative energy sources to reduce dependence on
foreign energy sources. Lately, the justification for Department of
Energy spending is that America needs to combat global warming, reduce
greenhouse gas emission, and be a leader in green tech.
But intentions and results are two very different things. Decades of the
federal government trying to commercialize specific energy technologies
have left Americans with nothing more than empty promises and
squandered money.
Instead of continuing to fund energy programs almost without hesitation,
policymakers should trust that the market will determine the true value
of potentially innovative technologies. We know what works and what
doesn’t. It’s time for Congress to stop dumping money into failed
programs and expecting different results. Instead, they should live by
this mantra:
A penny saved is a penny earned and a taxpayer dollar spent on energy is a taxpayer dollar wasted.
Dept. of Energy Spends $90M Towards 3 Commercial Biofuels Plants
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced it’s spending $90
million in taxpayer dollars to advance their goal of producing at least
three biofuel commercial plants over the next dozen years.
“The production of biofuels from sustainable, non-food, domestic biomass
resources is an important strategy to meet the Administration’s goals
to reduce carbon emissions and our dependence on imported oil,” a DOE
release says.
“Today’s funding opportunity announcement will advance the Department’s
goal of producing at least three total pioneer commercial plants over
the next twelve years.”
Lynn Orr, DOE’s Undersecretary of Science and Energy says, “This funding
opportunity will support companies that are working to advance current
technologies and help them overcome existing challenges in bioenergy so
the industry can meet its full potential.”
The $90 million is meant to assist in the construction of bioenergy
infrastructure to integrate pretreatment, process, and convergence
Biorefineries convert plant and algal materials used to derive fuel.
The DOE press release states that the U.S. could produce 1 billion tons
of biomass that could, “be used to fuel vehicles, heat homes and replace
everyday materials such as plastic — all while potentially displacing
over 25 percent of U.S. petroleum use and reducing greenhouse gas
emissions by 550 million tons.”
Australia had larger extreme weather events in the distant past
More flooding and longer droughts. Pesky for the Warmists as CO2 was LOWER at that time (the last 1,000 years)
Australia is systematically underestimating its drought and flood risk
because weather records do not capture the full extent of rainfall
variability, according to our new research.
Our study, published today in the journal Hydrology and Earth System
Sciences, uses Antarctic ice core data to reconstruct rainfall for the
past 1,000 years for catchments in eastern Australia.
The results show that instrumental rainfall records – available for the
past 100 years at best, depending on location – do not represent the
full range of abnormally wet and dry periods that have occurred over the
In other words, significantly longer and more frequent wet and dry
periods were experienced in the pre-instrumental period (that is, before
the 20th century) compared with the period over which records have been
Reconstructing prehistoric rainfall
There is no direct indicator of rainfall patterns for Australia before
weather observations began. But, strange as it may sound, there is a
link between eastern Australian rainfall and the summer deposition of
sea salt in Antarctic ice. This allowed us to deduce rainfall levels by
studying ice cores drilled from Law Dome, a small coastal ice cap in
East Antarctica.
It might sound strange, but there’s a direct link between Antarctic ice and Australia’s rainfall patterns.
How can sea salt deposits in an Antarctic ice core possibly be related
to rainfall thousands of kilometres away in Australia? It is because the
processes associated with rainfall variability in eastern Australia –
such as the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), as well as other ocean
cycles like the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO) and the Southern
Annular Mode (SAM) – are also responsible for variations in the wind and
circulation patterns that cause sea salt to be deposited in East
Antarctica (as outlined in our previous research).
By studying an ice record spanning 1,013 years, our results reveal a
clear story of wetter wet periods and drier dry periods than is evident
in Australia’s much shorter instrumental weather record.
For example, in the Williams River catchment, which provides water for
the Newcastle region of New South Wales, our results showed that the
longest dry periods lasted up to 12 years. In contrast, the longest dry
spell since 1900 lasted just eight years.
Among wet periods, the difference was even more pronounced. The longest
unusually wet spell in our ice record lasted 39 years – almost five
times longer than the post-1900 maximum of eight years.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
11 May, 2016
Arctic ice area: safely higher in 2016 than in 2007
Lubos Motl
The ongoing El Niño is rapidly weakening and may be replaced by a La
Niña in the second half of the year. However, it's been the strongest El
Niño on the record – slightly beating the 1997-1998 El Niño that used
to be known as the "El Niño of the century".
This fact has some correlation with the temperatures that were elevated.
Although it's always about hundredths of a Celsius degree, January,
February, and March were the warmest months with those names on the RSS
AMSU satellite record. However, April 2016 was already cooler than April
1998 again.
What about the Arctic ice? Left-wing "science" media such as The
Guardian and The Pig were impressing us with the claim that the Arctic
ice has been at record lows for several months.
However, this isn't the case at all. Take The Pig's favorite Arctic
graph page. You will see several graphs where 2016 looks like the
"lowest sea ice" year. However, it's only the lowest one in comparison
with several recent years.
If you look at any of the graphs that goes back at least to 2007, you
will see that 2007 – the year when Al Gore's global warming influence
could be peaking – saw a significantly lower Arctic sea ice area than
2016 so far. The difference is not "significant" to the extent that a
sane person would care about it – the differences are tiny in any
"absolute" sense. But these 2007-2016 differences are larger than the
differences between 2016 and many recent years.
Up to the early April, you may simply see very clearly that 2007 saw
less ice than 2016. There is at least one other graph on the Pig's page
where you can go back at least a decade and see that 2007 had less ice
than 2016. 2007 was really about "3 standard deviations" below the the
average; 2016 is only about "2 standard deviations" below the average.
It's a different league. You may also find a not really famous Japanese
JAXA where a different definition of the sea ice area is used and 2015,
2016 are record holders – but the difference from years such as 2007 is
much smaller than in the datasets where 2007 had the record low sea ice
You may remember that there were pretty cool years such as 2008 and 2009
when many climate skeptics loved to talk about the weather. ;-) So they
were logically following after some warmer years. 2005 was warm and
2006, 2007 were cooler but the ice tends (and ice losses tend) to
accumulate which is why the minima in 2007 were natural.
So the claims about the new records of Arctic sea ice in early 2016 are
simply falsehoods. Incidentally, the Antarctic sea ice is near the
normal levels – the values are a very good approximation of the average –
so the alarmists don't talk about the Antarctica at all. You could have
predicted it – they don't have the integrity to talk about any data
fairly. But in the case of the Arctic ice, they were simply lying to our
The Pig has also talked about the insufferable heat in the Arctic and
the polar bears that are melting away. The Inuit tribes live there, know
what's going on, and they say that the polar bears are doing very well –
which is why the Inuit feel really good when they hunt for them.
But can you appreciate the incredible absurdity of this guy's talking
about the insufferable heat in the Arctic? This guy lives in New Mexico,
basically a desert. Look at the climate data for Las Cruces, New
Mexico, where he lives (the second largest town in NM). The record highs
for the 12 months of the year are 26, 30, 32, 36, 40 (May), 43, 43, 41,
39, 35, 31, and 26 degrees Celsius. He not only lives in that hot hell
but happily floods the Internet with garbage. And he has the guts to say
that the Arctic has become insufferably hot. What doesn't this piece of
pork evaporate if he lives in conditions that are some 30 °C warmer
than the "insufferable heat"?
The idiocy of this global warming propaganda is just absolutely incredible.
Crook Cook's Identity Fraud
This is from last year but is relevant to my recent posts about the crook Cook
Cartoonist and professional scrawler UNSkeptical UNScience - SS's John Cook has been fraudulently using Luboš Motl's identity.
Luboš Motl is a Czech theoretical physicist by training who was an
assistant Professor at Harvard University from 2004 to 2007. His
scientific publications are focused on string theory.
Luboš writes a blog called The Reference Frame (TRF).
On TRF, Luboš writes of John Cook:
"John Cook is the founder of one of the world's most famous "Sky Is
Falling" websites about global warming, SkepticalScience.COM. The name
of the web wants to express the point that the climate skeptics
shouldn't even be allowed to use the term "skeptics".
They only deserve expletives while the "true skeptics" are the champions
of panic such as Cook himself. He is a typical example of the alarmist
"grassroots movement" who has no relevant education (his top academic
achievement is to have been a "former student" – in other words, a
dropout) and no significant intelligence but whose persistent activism –
in combination with the pathologically corrupt atmosphere in many
institutions that favor "a certain kind of views" – has allowed him to
become something like an "honorary scientist" and to have earned a huge
amount of money, too"
Anthony Watts writes:
"If it wasn’t enough that John Cook dresses himself up as a Nazi in his
SkS uniform on his forum, now we have him caught in what looks to be
identity theft of a well known scientist.
This isn’t a brush away issue that he can ignore, as Dr. Lubos Motl
found out yesterday, John Cook has been using the name of Dr. Lubos Motl
to post comments that Dr. Motl has NOT written"
Even some of his partners in crime object to his use of Luboš' identity:
Tim Curtis: would you please stop posting as Lubos Motl. There is reason
to doubt his sanity, so I don’t like seeing his name. Further, it is
his name, and therefore one you are not entitled to use. …
Rob Honeycutt: John… You freak me out every time Lubos Motl’s name pops up! …
John Cook: Sorry about the Lubos thing. Was posting some Lubos comments
for the UWA experiment and forgot to log back in as John Cook.
Cook admits that he has used another scientist's identity commenting on the University of Western Australia. (UWA)
Anthony Watts continues:
What sort of “experiment” was John Cook running by stealing the identity
of Dr. Lubos Motl, and writing comments under his name?
Cook is a man who has co-authored two papers about how climate skeptics
are not to be trusted because in essence, “they are crazy conspiracy
theorists”. Yet, John Cook, now of the University of Queensland after
leaving his connections at UWA, has so little moral integrity that he’ll
post comments on his own website (the SkS forum, see below) as a
skeptical scientist, such as Dr. Lubos Motl?
Who else has John Cook impersonated? Has he encouraged his team to do this? These are valid questions that need answers.
How long can the University of Queensland (UQ) continue to employ this sham scientist?
Ontario serves as a good lesson for penalties of forsaking coal
I would like to offer my American friends a cautionary tale of what will
happen if environmentalists succeed in shutting down your coal-fired
power plants.
Ontario was once an industrial powerhouse and the home of thousands upon
thousands of well-paid manufacturing jobs. But the province lost at
least 300,000 manufacturing jobs in the last 15 years when companies
either went bankrupt or left Ontario.
This happened largely because our electricity prices have increased 318
percent since 2002, now giving us the highest rates in North America. A
major reason for this staggering rise is that, in the name of “stopping
climate change,” we shut down all of our inexpensive coal plants, which,
in 2002, provided about 25 percent of our electricity.
Things will be even worse for the U.S. if Hillary Clinton becomes
president and continues President Obama’s climate policies. After all,
the U.S. gets 37 percent of its power from coal (69 percent in Ohio).
Were it known to be true that our carbon dioxide emissions are causing
serious climate problems, then perhaps it could be argued that such a
sacrifice would be worthwhile. But the Nongovernmental International
Panel on Climate Change lists thousands of peer-reviewed science papers
that show that much of what we thought we knew about climate is wrong or
highly debatable.
University of Western Ontario applied mathematician Dr. Chris Essex, an
expert in the mathematical models that are the basis of the climate
scare, explains, “Climate is one of the most challenging open problems
in modern science. Some knowledgeable scientists believe that the
climate problem can never be solved.”
Ontarians were too frightened of climate activists to oppose the plan to
end coal-fired power generation. As a consequence, we are now dependent
on the charity of more wealthy Canadian provinces to survive. Who will
bail out the U.S. if you follow our tragic example?
Al Gore: TV News on Extreme Weather ‘Like a Nature Hike Through Book of Revelation’
Or like a hike through his imagination. EVERYTHING is caused by Global Warming, it appears
Former Vice President Al Gore said on Thursday that the news reports of
extreme weather, which he believes is caused by climate change, is like
the end days described in the Bible’s New Testament’s Book of
“The climate-related extreme weather events – and I won’t go through all
of them – but every night on the television news now is like a nature
hike through the Book of Revelation,” Gore said at the Climate Action
2016 summit in Washington, D.C.
Gore was interviewed by Audrey Choi, CEO of the Morgan Stanley Institute
for Sustainable Investing, who also worked with Gore in the Clinton
administration and now works with the Obama administration as a member
of the U.S. Community Development Advisory Board.
Choi said that the people evacuated in the Houston, Texas, area recently
because of flood waters were the “first climate refugees domestically.”
“We just relocated our first climate refugees, yes, in Houston, Texas
two weeks ago,” Gore said, adding that the rainfall in that state
equaled “3 ½ days of full flow of Niagara Falls.
Whether the people in Texas were the first of what environmental
activists call “climate refugees” may be debatable based on news
In an article posted on Friday on the RT Network website, a Native
American tribe living on an island off the coast of Louisiana are the
nation’s “first climate refugees.”
The L.A. Times reported in January that Alaskans living in the remote
village of Newtok “are among our country’s first climate refugees.”
Gore also referenced the evacuation of people in Alberta, Canada,
because of wildfires as victims of extreme weather and then credited
something other than climate change for causing this and other similar
‘Mother Nature turns out to be more persuasive than any of us,” Gore said. “The laws of physics are a little bit hard to deny.”
In the summit’s program, Gore’s slot was entitled: “Climate Change; A Convenient Truth.”
OMB Director on Climate Change: ‘When Surging Seas Storm Onto Wall Street That Stifles Commerce'
Should a fantasist be in charge of the OMB?
Shaun Donovan, the director of the Office of Management and Budget under
President Barack Obama, said on Friday that the world’s commerce will
be harmed when climate change causes the nation’s financial center to be
flooded and transportation to come to a halt.
“When the surging seas storm onto Wall Street that stifles commerce
globally,” Donovan said at the Climate Action 2016 summit in Washington,
“When infrastructure buckles, U.S. airports or seaports shut down, we all get stuck,” Donovan said.
Donovan also said that crop damage from a heat wave in Russia in 2010
threatened global “food security” and that climate change is responsible
for “political unrest,” including in Syria.
“In Syria, drought contributed to mass migration and urban unrest,” he said.
Donovan said he is “proud” the Obama administration has committed $3
billion to the Green Climate Fund, which is part of the United Nation’s
According to its website, the fund “was established with a mission to
advance the goal of keeping the temperature increase on our home planet
below 2 degrees Celsius.”
As reported earlier, Republican lawmakers are strongly
opposed to using taxpayer funds to pay for climate change programs
abroad. Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) called the fund a “handout to
foreign bureaucrats” that has not been approved by Congress.
“It appears to be the latest example of the administration going around
Congress because the American people don’t really support what the
president is doing with this initiative,” Barrasso said at a Senate
Foreign Relations Committee meeting in March.
Navy, Air Force share concerns about wind turbines
The Naval Air Station at Corpus Christi, Texas, is faced with the same
dilemma that the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station (NFARS) confronts:
What impact will at least 70 proposed 620-foot-high industrial wind
turbines have on military flight operations?
“I do feel like one day we’re going to wake up surrounded by wind farms
in South Texas significantly impacting the mission [of the Naval Air
Station] in a negative way,” Capt. Christopher Misner, commanding
officer of Naval Air Station Kingsville, said during a Texas Senate
Committee on Veteran Affairs and Military Installations hearing in
Rear Admiral Dell D. Bull, chief of naval air training, is quoted as
saying he’s unsure if naval air operations can safely coexist with
industrial wind turbines, “and I don’t know how anyone can say
Similar concerns have been raised about plans by Apex Clean Energy to
construct massive industrial wind turbines in the Town of Somerset in
Niagara County and the Town of Yates in Orleans County.
Three former high-ranking Air Force officers who served at NFARS
recently wrote to Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and other state officials. They
said that the presence of the massive structures “will inject a major
encroachment into the military operating area around the air base,
resulting in a major threat to NFARS when the next Base Realignment and
Closure (BRAC) recommendations are made, possibly as soon as 2017.”
The Cuomo administration is no doubt examining this “green energy”
project very closely. The last thing we need to do is to give the next
BRAC any reason to consider base closure in Niagara Falls, putting 3,200
jobs at risk. Apex says its project will lead to only 10 permanent
In Texas, the Navy is now preparing a study to determine the impact
industrial wind turbines will have on flight training. With so many
towering structures located in Navy operational areas, pilots will have
few options for emergency landings and experts said the turbines will
negatively impact radar to the point that air traffic controllers will
lose the location of aircraft.
Sen. Donna Campbell, a Texas state senator and the committee’s
chairwoman, said she won’t hesitate to take action if military flight
training is jeopardized by the wind turbines.
We certainly don’t want that in Somerset and Yates, either.
New York State can’t allow the installation of these wind turbines to
threaten Air Force pilot safety, and Cuomo can’t run the risk of giving
the base closing commission any reason to shut down NFARS. Lives are at
risk; jobs are at risk; the future of the air base is at risk.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
10 May, 2016
Extreme weather events have NOT become more frequent in recent times
Warmists never tire of claiming that global warming is causing more
extreme weather events, particularly of the windy variety.
Skeptics in turn point to statistics showing (for instance) that
hurricane landfalls on the USA have in fact been much reduced in the
last 10 or so years.
The authors below however rightly
argue that if you are going to detect trends, you need as long a time
series as possible. What has happened over the last 10 or 20 years
may not be typical. So they go back to 1872 to get their data for
analysis. And they devise methods of statistical analysis that take
account of the relative rarity of such events.
So they
divide their data into two halves, an early half and a later half.
And they find that there has been no change in the frequency of extreme
events between the first half and the second half. From 1872 to
2011, there was no change in the frequency of extreme weather
The prophecy that global warming would bring on more
extreme weather events was always on fairly shaky theoretical
ground anyway.
The opening clause in their Abstract below would have been needed to get their article published
Need for Caution in Interpreting Extreme Weather Statistics
Prashant D. Sardeshmukh and Gilbert P. Compo
Given the reality of anthropogenic global warming, it is tempting to
seek an anthropogenic component in any recent change in the statistics
of extreme weather. This paper cautions that such efforts may, however,
lead to wrong conclusions if the distinctively skewed and heavy-tailed
aspects of the probability distributions of daily weather anomalies are
ignored or misrepresented. Departures of several standard deviations
from the mean, although rare, are far more common in such a
distinctively non-Gaussian world than they are in a Gaussian world. This
further complicates the problem of detecting changes in tail
probabilities from historical records of limited length and accuracy.
A possible solution is to exploit the fact that the salient non-Gaussian
features of the observed distributions are captured by so-called
stochastically generated skewed (SGS) distributions that include
Gaussian distributions as special cases. SGS distributions are
associated with damped linear Markov processes perturbed by asymmetric
stochastic noise and as such represent the simplest physically based
prototypes of the observed distributions. The tails of SGS distributions
can also be directly linked to generalized extreme value (GEV) and
generalized Pareto (GP) distributions. The Markov process model can be
used to provide rigorous confidence intervals and to investigate
temporal persistence statistics. The procedure is illustrated for
assessing changes in the observed distributions of daily wintertime
indices of large-scale atmospheric variability in the North Atlantic and
North Pacific sectors over the period 1872–2011. No significant changes
in these indices are found from the first to the second half of the
An Inconvenient Truth: Liberal Climate Inquisition Can’t Explain Past Temperature Changes
In the week prior to the administration signing what should constitute
an international climate treaty, one think tank, the Competitive
Enterprise Institute, was subpoenaed for casting doubt on the
agreement’s associated science of climate catastrophe.
As disturbing as such thuggery from state attorneys general would be in
any case, the premise of the subpoena is faulty. The Competitive
Enterprise Institute did not cast doubt on the dubious climate science.
The actual data cast the doubt. The think tank and others have simply
pointed out what the data show.
It looks like thoughtcrime has now moved from George Orwell’s novel
“1984” to the twisted reality of our judicial system. Pointing out facts
should never be a real crime.
The Heritage Foundation’s new Paris-bubble-popping science summary is
also a case of letting the numbers tell a story. A story many never hear
in the media-hyped spectacle that is international climate
For instance, the chart above shows reconstructed average world
temperature data for the past 500,000 years. Depending on the
magnification and size of your monitor, each pencil dot would span
something on the order of 1,000 years. The myriad 10-degree Celsius
temperature flips all happened before man-made carbon dioxide could have
had any impact—the final temperature spike started at the end of the
last ice age.
Now see if you can follow this: The “science thought police” insist that
even though none of the temperature variations for the first 499,950
years had anything to do with human activity, virtually none of the
temperature increases of the past 50 years had anything to do with
nature. Got it?
A question some overzealous attorneys general might be asking right now
is, “Where did this ‘denier’ data come from?” The answer is: the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Climatic Data
Center website (to be very clear, it is part of the federal
If those who merely point to data that are inconsistent with an imminent
climate crisis are thought criminals, how much more subpoena worthy
would be those who actually created the data? This expands the
thoughtcrime conspiracy to an entirely new set of perps.
Should the hyperventilating attorneys general subpoena the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in its entirety or just the
researchers? If donors to think tanks are subpoenaed simply because the
think tanks pointed to this data, should not the U.S. Treasury be
subpoenaed for actually funding these doubt-creating data?
In any event, it seems disingenuous to wave off huge past temperature
changes as entirely natural while branding as science-denying fraudsters
those who assert that natural forces are likely still to be playing a
significant role. This is a problem for the U.N. Climate Agreement and
its signers.
If natural forces have played a significant role in the moderate and
unsteady temperature increases of the past 60 years, then what’s the
climate hysteria about? If there is no need for hysteria, there is no
need for the Paris climate agreement.
A Few Facts For Climate Alarmists Waging War Against Astrophysicist Willie Soon
Dr. Willie Soon is an astrophysicist in the Solar, Stellar and Planetary
Sciences Division of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. He began as a post-doctoral fellow in 1991
and took his scientist position in 1997. His subsequent career is a
textbook example of speaking truth to power and bravely facing the
Dr. Soon produced an important series of astrophysics papers on the
sun-climate connection beginning in 1994 and received positive
discussion in the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change’s second and third assessment reports (1996 and 2001). In that
era, the IPCC still admitted uncertainties about human influence,
despite green NGO pressure and U.S. State Department insistence on
finding a “smoking gun” in weak data.
Even Bert Bolin, co-creator and first chairman of the IPCC (1988-1997),
deplored the denial of uncertainty he saw rising. In his 2007 History of
the Science and Politics of Climate Change (page 112), Bolin wrote, “It
was non-governmental groups of environmentalists, supported by the mass
media who were the ones exaggerating the conclusions that had been
carefully formulated by the IPCC.” In 1997 Bolin went so far as to tell
the Associated Press, “Global warming is not something you can ‘prove.’
You try to collect evidence and thereby a picture emerges.”
Dr. Soon’s study of solar influence on climate behavior made him a
target for alarmists, but he had defenders. In 2013, the Boston Globe
acknowledged his guts and sound science with a quote from iconic science
leader, Freeman Dyson: “The whole point of science is to question
accepted dogmas. For that reason, I respect Willie Soon as a good
scientist and a courageous citizen.”
In February of 2015, Greenpeace agent Kert Davies, a vocal critic since
1997, falsely accused Dr. Soon of wrongfully taking fossil-fuel company
grants by failing to disclose “conflicts of interest” to an academic
journal. The journal’s editors and the Smithsonian Institution found no
violation of their disclosure or conflict of interest rules. However,
the Greenpeace accusation caused a clamor around the world as lazy
liberal reporters repeated it for major media with no fact-checking for
The Greenpeace ruckus brought high-level Obama administration pressure
on the Harvard-Smithsonian Center to silence climate skeptics – Vice
President Joe Biden is a member of Smithsonian’s Board of Regents. The
Institution responded with an elaborate new Directive on Standards of
Conduct that forced its employees to wade through bureaucratic rules
replete with an Ethics Counselor and a “Loyalty to the Smithsonian”
clause of a sort not seen since the McCarthy Red Scare.
The Institution announced an Inspector General investigation of Soon,
combing his emails and announcing that he had broken no rules. That
seriously stung the NGO-Media-Politician coalition, which launched more
Ten days apart in the Spring of 2016, two outlets published stories
scurrilously demonizing Dr. Soon. Both articles were long on bias and
bogus claims but short on facts. The two activist/writers, David
Hasemyer of the controversial Rockefeller-funded InsideClimateNews and
Paul Basken of the for-profit Delaware corporation, The Chronicle of
Higher Education, seem to have forgotten journalistic ethics and the
Basken’s March 25 item, “A Year After a Climate-Change Controversy,
Smithsonian and Journals Still Seek Balance on Disclosure Rules,”
bemoans the fact that last year’s load of Greenpeace false accusations
hadn’t caused the Institution to impose harsh enough rules to get rid of
all scientists with climate skeptic views. Any fact checking didn’t
Hasemyer’s April 5, 2016 piece, “Smithsonian Gives Nod to More ‘Dark
Money’ Funding for Willie Soon,” bewails the fact that Soon’s employer
didn’t follow their playbook but approved a $65,000 grant from the
non-profit Donors Trust, which is despised by greens because it uses
anonymous “donor-advised-funds.” Such “dark money” grants are an
IRS-approved shield pioneered decades ago by the far-left Tides
Foundation for its $1.1 billion worth of grants to radicals, much of it
“dark,” which Hasemyer didn’t seem to recall.
Hasemyer also neglected to note that even if Donors Trust’s “dark” grant
came from ExxonMobil Foundation, the fossil-fuel philanthropy also gave
universities $64,674,989; museums $2,771,150; the Red Cross $2,549,434;
the Conservation Fund, Nature Conservancy and similar groups
$1,210,000; Habitat for Humanity $798,000, Ducks Unlimited, $402,000 and
many more from 1998 to 2014 according to IRS records. Will they be
demonized as shills too?
Neither Hasemyer nor Basken displayed any familiarity with what
scientists have to go through in order to do science in the
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics or how it works, which is
the bedrock of sound, ethical journalism on the topic.
The Center combines the Harvard College Observatory and the Smithsonian
Astrophysical Observatory under a single director to pursue studies of
the universe. It is comprised of six divisions, and Dr. Soon is listed
in the Solar, Stellar, and Planetary Sciences (SSP) Division.
About one-third of the Center’s scientists, including Willie Soon, are
employed in what are called “Smithsonian Trust positions.” These
positions are held mostly by PhD specialists, unlike Federal civil
service. According to the Smithsonian Employee Handbook, Federal
position paychecks are paid from the Smithsonian’s annual Federal
appropriation and Trust position paychecks are paid from the
Smithsonian’s Trust Fund. Scientists in Trust positions are paid by the
hour with a Smithsonian paycheck.
Scientists in Trust positions must find donors who will give the
Smithsonian grants that pay for the science. An employee information
document states, “Obtaining competitive funding is an important part of
the scientists’ jobs and a measure of their career success.” The grants
always go directly to the Smithsonian for the science project with a 30
to 40 percent cut off the top for the Institution’s management and
overhead, but never go directly to the scientist. Media attacks on Dr.
Soon misrepresenting his success at this duty as nefarious are either
ignorant or disingenuous.
Scientists in Trust positions must follow exacting procedures in order
to obtain grants for their science according to the rules in the
elaborate Contract and Grant Administration document.
The prescribed steps most relevant to Dr. Soon’s position are: First,
the scientists must prepare a draft of their proposed scientific project
or work. The draft then goes for pre-approval to the Director’s Office,
held since 2004 by distinguished astronomer Charles Alcock. The
scientists must give the Director suggestions for potential funders, but
all decisions are the Director’s.
If the Director approves the draft proposal, he signs it and gives it to
the Grant Office, which prepares the presentation package, including a
budget, the approved proposal, and a cover letter formally requesting a
grant. The Director signs the cover letter and the grant officer sends
it to the potential donor.
The donor replies to the Director saying yes or no. If yes, the reply
may contain a pledge to be paid when invoiced by the Center or direct
payment to Smithsonian, which handles all of the Center’s money. The
scientist who performs the project may not know and has no need to know
who gave the grant.
When scientists perform an “off the clock” (unpaid) study to be
published in a peer-reviewed journal and pays for it out of personal
funds, as Willie Soon has on numerous occasions over the years, all
Smithsonian approvals and checkpoints must still be passed. Claims that
Dr. Soon has pocketed any off-the-clock grant money have all been shown
Writers who accuse Dr. Soon of wrongdoing despite firm evidence to the
contrary are violating the Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional
Journalists, which states, among many other points: “Ethical journalism
should be accurate and fair. Journalists should examine the ways their
values and experiences may shape their reporting. Journalists should
support the open and civil exchange of views, even views they find
The hostile coverage attacking Dr. Soon could hardly be considered
ethical journalism by these professional standards. The writers and
publishers of such unethical journalism should be brought to account.
Feds Offer $25 Million in Grants for Solar Energy Projects; Solar Has Increased ‘23-Fold’ Under Obama
The U.S. Department of Energy announced on Monday that $25 million in
grant funding is available for solar power projects through the
“Enabling Extreme Real-Time Grid Integration of Solar Energy (ENERGISE)
The money will be awarded to software developers, solar companies and
utilities to “accelerate the integration of solar energy into the grid.”
“Since President Obama took office, the amount of solar power installed
in the U.S. has increased 23-fold—from 1.2 gigawatts in 2008 to an
estimated 27.4 gigawatts in 2015, with one million systems now in
operation,” the announcement said.
DOE acknowledged the challenge of “balancing” solar with “traditional
utility generation,” but said this funding “will help support companies
working to meet that challenge,” although the way in which this will be
done is not explained.
“Our ongoing grid modernization work will help accelerate the widespread
adoption of the clean energy resources that will define our low-carbon
future,” Lynn Orr, Energy Department under secretary for science and
energy, said in a statement. “This funding will help that mission by
supporting industry partners working to integrate, store, and deploy
solar energy throughout our electric grid.
“In doing so, we hope to drive down costs and encourage even more
American homeowners and businesses to install solar systems,” Orr said.
The funding announcement is part of the Obama administration’s ongoing
effort to promote solar energy while at the same time putting more
regulations in place for other traditional energy resources, despite the
federal Energy Information Administration statistics that show only 10
percent of energy was generated by renewable sources like solar in the
U.S. in 2014, while petroleum (35 percent), natural gas (28 percent) and
coal (18 percent) supply the most energy in the United States.
“The SunShot Initiative, which is managed by DOE’s Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), will oversee the projects
associated with this funding opportunity,” the announcement said, noting
that SunShot is a collaborative national effort launched in 2011 that
“aggressively drives innovation to make solar energy cost competitive –
without subsidies – with traditional energy sources before the end of
the decade.”
The funding description stated that SunShot “expects to make between 10
and 15 awards ranging between $500,000 and $4,000,000” for near-term
projects and “between $500,000 and $2,000,000” for long–term challenge
The Grid Modernization Initiative (GMI), announced in March 2015,
represents “a comprehensive effort to help shape the future of our
nation’s grid and solve the challenges of integrating conventional and
renewable sources with energy storage and smart buildings, while
ensuring that the grid is resilient and secure to withstand growing
cybersecurity and climate challenges.”
Hillary Clinton Will Continue Obama’s War on Coal
Following Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s
comments about the decline of the coal industry in the United States,
FreedomWorks CEO Adam Brandon responded:
“The reason the coal industry is suffering in this country is because of
the policies of the Obama administration. When he first ran for
president, Barack Obama made it clear that he intended to bankrupt the
coal industry. When he couldn’t get his destructive cap-and-trade plan
through Congress, he used the EPA to promulgate regulations on the coal
industry that will cost our economy between $29 billion and $39 billion
“If Hillary Clinton was serious about helping the economies of coal
states, she would pledge to reverse the regulatory onslaught of the
Obama administration. Unfortunately, she has already indicated that she
plans to continue waging the war on coal and double down on radical
environmental policies that are devastating coal states and destroying
FreedomWorks aims to educate, build, and mobilize the largest network of
activists advocating the principles of smaller government, lower taxes,
free markets, personal liberty and the rule of law.
"Green" subsidies kill off a coal-fired electricity generator in South Australia
The coal furnaces at Alinta Energy's Port Augusta power station in South
Australia's north will go cold today as it goes offline.
Less than a year ago, Alinta Energy announced the station — which is the
city's bigger employer — would close after the company struggled to
compete with government-backed renewable energy.
The company closed its coal mine at Leigh Creek, which fuelled its
Playford A power station late last year, but trainloads of coal have
been making the journey to the power station several times a week until
only recently. The mine had employed more than 250 people.
Alinta chief executive Jeff Dimery said the closure was sad for workers
but inevitable. "The reality is, the technology we are using here is
old, the cost structures are high and there's no longer a place for us
in the market," Mr Dimery said. "It was inevitable. It is inevitable
that more coal-fired power stations will close into the future."
He said some families had three generations who worked in energy
production at the site, which started with the State Electricity
Port Augusta's mayor Sam Johnson said the power station helped diversify
the city's economy when it was a rail hub in the 1940s and 50s. "It
gave a significant economic injection into Port Augusta both then and
over its 62-year history," he said.
"[It's] a bit of a mixed feeling in Port Augusta at the moment and we've
all known this now for the last 11 months that it is coming to an end.
"It will have a big impact on Port August, big impact on the region and a
big impact on the state."
Decommissioning to take up to two years
Mr Johnson said people had already left the area to find work elsewhere,
but some had kept their houses with the intention to "return home".
About 140 employees at the site will leave over the next fortnight, but
some will stay on for decommissioning.
The decommissioning process could take about 18 months to two years to
complete. The Playford B power station was mothballed in 2012.
Alinta Energy worker Gary Rowbottom said the mood at the station had
been "fairly sombre". "I think everyone's feeling that sadness and
wondering what comes next for them," Mr Rowbottom said.
SA Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis said the old coal-fired generator "was
past its day". "The truth is, the reason it is closing is it couldn't
make money in this market. The reason it can't make money in this market
is even though it does pour in relatively cheap power into the grid,
renewable energy is cheaper [due to subsidies]".
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
9 May, 2016
The crook Cook again
John Cook is a bald-faced liar and I would be delighted if he sues me
for saying so. He trots out below the old 97% myth when his own
research showed that two thirds (66.4%) of climate scientists TOOK NO
POSITION on global warming, which is what any skeptic would do in the
present climate of censuring and censoring dissent. The only 97%
consensus was among the one third who DID take a position.
Check it for yourself. The abstract of his paper
says: "We find that 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on
AGW". Anybody who can read can see what a crook Cook is -- just
from his own writings
Cook does however make an interesting
admission below. He says that discussing the climate facts is
unlikely to persuade people of global warming, which is right.
There are NO scientific facts which unambiguously support global
warming. It's only a focus on that bogus 97% that might win people
I live only about 15 minutes drive away from where John
Cook works so I challenged him to meet me and discuss global warming in
person. He agreed. But when I asked if he minded me
recording our conversation, I heard no more from him. He knows that his
claims cannot stand the light of uncensored publicity
Communicating climate change is hard. Debunking climate myths is even harder.
Take it from me, I’ve spent the last decade researching climate
communication and the psychology of misinformation. So let me express my
expert opinion on a Jimmy Kimmel comedy segment on climate change.
It’s one of the better pieces of climate communication I’ve encountered.
Not everyone agrees. Scientist/filmmaker Randy Olsen has criticised
Kimmel for giving free attention to climate denialist Marc Morano. Olsen
does have a point. Morano scores a win by getting mainstream TV
attention. But there’s a bigger picture here. The main winner on the
night is public perception of scientific consensus.
The average person has no idea just how strong the scientific agreement
on climate change is. Multiple studies have found 97% agreement among
climate scientists that humans are causing global warming. In contrast,
only 12% of Americans are aware that the consensus is over 90%.
Why the huge gap between public perception of consensus and the 97%
reality? Part of the answer goes back nearly two decades. In the late
1990s, a Republican pollster Frank Luntz wrote a now infamous memo,
advising Republicans to maintain doubt about the level of scientific
agreement on climate change. Luntz’s market research had identified that
what people thought about expert opinion affected other views on
climate change.
It turns out Luntz was ahead of his time in identifying the
psychological importance of perceived consensus. Scientific studies from
2011, 2013 and 2015 have identified perceived consensus as a “gateway
belief”, influencing a range of attitudes about climate change including
support for climate policy.
As a result, social scientists have urged climate scientists to set the
record straight on scientific consensus. As far as climate communication
messages go, this one is relatively straightforward. You don’t need to
explain the mechanism of the greenhouse effect or the nuances of the
carbon cycle (although those are good to explain if you get the
opportunity). To effectively communicate the reality of climate change,
you just need to mention that 97% of climate scientists agree that
humans are causing global warming.
So Kimmel nails it. His approach is entirely consistent with the advice
of communication experts. My guess is this is probably due to his
instincts as a professional comedian rather than a thorough familiarity
with the psychological literature on consensus messaging.
Either way, along with President Obama, John Oliver, U.K. Prime Minister
David Cameron and Bernie Sanders, Kimmel has provided another valuable
contribution to closing the consensus gap.
The world's children are already suffering from Climate Change
This crap hardly needs a reply but here goes: COLD days are a
much bigger killer than hot ones so a warmer world should be healthier
for young and old. Some harm can be done by heat but that is more
than balanced out by the effects of cold
People urging more aggressive action on climate change often use
children in their rhetoric: “we need to leave a better planet for our
children,” “we owe it to the next generation to act,” etc. Earlier this
year, two dozen children went so far as to sue the U.S. government for
failing to act. “This is an intergenerational issue,” said James Hansen,
a former NASA scientist supporting the lawsuit. “Our actions will
affect our grandchildren and their children.”
The latest issue of the journal The Future of Children, a joint
publication of Brookings and Princeton University, goes beyond the usual
rhetoric and provides a detailed analysis of the impact of climate
change on children’s wellbeing.
Extreme heat is associated with a rise in infant deaths, physical birth
defects, delayed brain development, and nervous system problems, suggest
Joshua Graff Zivin and Jeffrey Shrader in their contribution to the new
volume. Excess heat can also reduce human capital development by
damaging learning.
The direct effects of heat are just one way climate change can have an
impact on children. Contributors to the volume examine a range of risks,
"the effect of extreme weather on political conflict and violence
greater pollution leading to increased asthma rates
the effects of more powerful and more frequent natural disasters on children’s nutrition and physical health
greater pollution—specifically fine particulates—affecting academic test scores
The priority for public policy should be to slow temperature rises by curbing greenhouse gas emissions.
Some big effects of NATURAL climate change
You won’t find it in history textbooks, but the Roman Empire’s rise to
dominance in Egypt and the Middle East may have been influenced by a
series of volcanic eruptions that reduced rainfall.
These eruptions could have contributed to the sabotage and destruction
of the Ptolemaic Kingdom on the Nile, paving the way for the rise of
Cleopatra and the Roman Empire – and, ultimately, the modern Western
The Ptolemaic Kingdom ruled Egypt and North Africa in the final three
centuries BC, known as the Hellenistic period. Now, teamwork between
volcanologists and historians has revealed a close match in timing
between volcanic eruptions and domestic unrest, revolts and uprisings
that led to the kingdom’s downfall.
“So far, Hellenistic history has never had any climate component,” says
Joseph Manning, a historian at Yale University. Bringing in the impact
of climate shocks on the unfolding of history is important, he says.
“There were revolts and social unrest from 245 BC onwards, down to the
mid-first century BC,” Manning told the meeting of the European
Geosciences Union in Vienna, Austria, last week. “One involved the
entire river valley along the Nile for 20 years.”
At the heart of the unrest were starvation and famine in the Ptolemaic
Kingdom, where grain harvests were critically dependent on annual
flooding of fertile plains by the East African monsoon.
Rain drops
Fallout from major eruptions that affected global climate would have cut
the annual rains in the highlands of Ethiopia that drained into the
Blue Nile and ultimately irrigated the kingdom’s crops.
“Aerosols from volcanoes reduce evaporation and cool the temperature,
leading to fewer clouds,” says Francis Ludlow of Trinity College Dublin
in Ireland, and the team’s climate historian.
Volcanic fallout is known from more recent times to interfere with an
equatorial belt of air called the Intertropical Convergence Zone that
seasonally shifts up and down around the world, bringing monsoon rains
either north or south depending on the time of year.
“You must have rain in the Ethiopian highlands to irrigate the Nile
valley, so if monsoon rains are disrupted, the usual floods would have
been lost,” says Ludlow.
Matching times
Ludlow, Manning and their colleagues have now found almost exact matches
between the timing of uprisings in the kingdom and new eruptions they
identified. The latter were deduced from spikes in sulphate
contamination in ice cores taken from Greenland and Antarctica, while
dating of the uprisings came from historical accounts.
The researchers found that eight out of nine documented revolts against
the Ptolemaic rulers began within two years of eruption dates.
Further historical investigations showed that the revolts severely
disrupted attempts by Ptolemaic armies to seize new territory in
Mesopotamia through at least nine major wars with their main rivals, the
Seleucid Empire that straddled parts of the Middle East and Central
Asia, between 274 and 96 BC.
Manning has now tied previously unexplained retreats from battle by the
Ptolemaic rulers to the need to deal with insurrections on home
territory. Unable to retain new territory on the battlefield, the
kingdom eventually shrank, giving way to rivals.
The misery caused by eruptions was also linked to significant decrees
issued by Ptolemaic rulers. For instance, the priests’ decree of Canopus
in 238 BC reports moves by Egypt to import grain in huge amounts from
overseas, underscoring the severity of the domestic famine.
“Now, we can see it’s all lining up,” says Manning. “The last four
centuries BC were very active volcanically and as a result saw this
incredible instability, which ultimately paved the way for the kingdom
to fall and for the rise of the Roman Empire.
Modern origins
In the grand scheme of things, Manning says, the weakening of the
Ptolemaic Kingdom led to the forces of Cleopatra and Antony being
defeated by Octavian’s Roman army. And without Rome as we know it,
Europe would have looked very different, too.
“This is the beginning of the modern world, around the second century
BC,” he says, and had the Ptolemaic kingdom not fallen, the world could
have looked very different.
“I find it to be a very intriguing study,” says Matthew Toohey, of the
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany. He cites
more recent eruptions, particularly those of Laki, Iceland, in 1783 and
Novarupta, Alaska, in 1912, that we know affected the levels of the Nile
“There is an emerging understanding of the physical mechanisms behind
changes in the monsoons and tropical rainfall after such eruptions,”
says Toohey. “It’s not hard to imagine that eruptions of the more
distant past had similar effects on the Nile.”
The authors have presented “fascinating” correlations between well-dated
records of climate change, Nile-flood reduction and societal unrest,
says Brian Dermody, who studies the impact of climate on the Roman
Empire at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. “The coincidence in
dating indicates that there is likely a link between these environmental
changes and societal unrest within the Ptolemaic Kingdom.”
However, he says that Nile floods were highly variable throughout
history – so it would be interesting to explore why some societies, such
as those of the Ptolemaic period, seemingly had lower resilience to
fluctuations in Nile floods than those at other times.
Climate fraud in Canada
“Eco-freaks” wrong about Fort Mac wildfires. Here’s what DID cause them
Fort McMurray is devastated by wildfires, tens of thousands of people
have been evacuated and have lost their homes and possessions but that
didn’t stop people from blaming climate change for the catastrophe.
The eco-crazies were out in full force on social media, rejoicing as the
town went up in flames -- even Elizabeth May stopped just short of
blaming Alberta for bringing the catastrophe on. And who could forget
the tweet from former NDP candidate Tom Moffat, who called the fires
“karmic” and used the hash tag “Feel the Bern” to mock the town.
I know this is going to come as a shock but wildfires like the Miramichi
fire that happened in New Brunswick and the Peshtigo fire in 1871 have
occurred throughout history.
Scientists that specialize in climate say global average temperatures
have risen only one degree and that if human activity is the culprit in
rising temperatures, it would have only been significant starting from
1960. A degree in temperature increase is not “catastrophic” and the
argument that climate change causes wildfires is flawed simply based on
the fact that there have been more catastrophic events throughout time.
So, what did cause the fires?
It all started with El Nino, the appearance of unusually warm water off
of Peru and Ecuador that causes complex changes in climate. It meant
winter ended a month earlier in Alberta, causing higher than average
temperatures. This in turn caused dry conditions that have provided
ample fuel in the form of tinder dry forest fires.
A report released in 2012 also found that our forests are aging and much
drier than 50 years ago. For Fort McMurray, it was one of those times
where the elements for a wildfire were present – dry fuel, low humidity
and high winds.
El Nino and aging forests aren’t a result of climate change, or human
activity, so when are the politicians and eco-freaks going to stop
misleading people and just have some compassion for the people of Fort
Al Gore: Solving ‘Climate Crisis’ Will ‘Save the Future of Civilization’
A man with VISION!
Former Vice President Al Gore said on Thursday that solving what he
called the “climate crisis” would not only help the U.S. and global
economy but could save civilization itself.
Speaking at the Climate Action 2016 summit in Washington, D.C., Gore
said the “Number One threat to the global economy is the climate
crisis,” which also threatens the U.S. economy, and that turning that
around requires investment in the right kind of infrastructure here and
In the United States, Gore called for “physical stimulus in a
coordinated way aimed at infrastructure that the country needs, which
means de-carbonization, renewable energy, batteries, energy storage,
sustainable forestry, sustainable agriculture.”
“This is the opportunity to save the economy and a side benefit would be to save the future of civilization,” Gore said.
Judith Rodin, president of the Rockefeller Foundation, also spoke at the event and called climate change an “urgent issue.”
She said leaders should look to communities that are tackling climate
change, such as New Orleans, which is losing “a football field” of land
on an hourly basis.
“So often we find the best solutions, the truly breakthrough – kind of
groundbreaking innovations – are already at work in some communities
somewhere in the world,” Rodin said.
“For example, the city of New Orleans is working to restore their
bayous, their wetlands triangle, which are very vulnerable by rebuilding
critical areas of the coast that are subject to coastal erosion and
reducing economic activity, as well as the well-being of their
population,” Rodin said.
“This is an urgent issue,” she said. “Think about this.”
Al Gore's Inconvenient Reality
May 24 will mark 10 years since Al Gore’s climate horror flick “An
Inconvenient Truth” made its debut. The fact we’re able to write about
it now is good news, because obviously the world, contrary to the film’s
prognostications, hasn’t imploded (not in regards to the climate,
anyway). But scientists and wannabe political superstars rarely grade
their own work. Thankfully, third-party investigators do, and reporter
Michael Bastasch re-watched the film to vet the claims Gore made in his
farcical Nobel Prize-winning project. A decade later, here’s the
“Kilimanjaro Still Has Snow”
“Gore Left Out The 15-Year ‘Hiatus’ In Warming”
“The Weather Hasn’t Gotten Worse”
“The North Pole Still Has Ice”
“A ‘Day After Tomorrow’-Style Ice Age Is Still A Day Away”
You can rummage the thorough details here. Complimenting Bastasch’s
work, Steven Hayward adds, “Gore made much of Greenland’s ice sheet
melting so rapidly you’d think the continent was a grilled cheese
sandwich in a pizza oven. Science magazine reports this week that the
interior of Greenland’s enormous ice mass appears to be … completely
stable.” On Wednesday, a headline posted by the University of Illinois
read, “Study finds ice isn’t being lost from Greenland’s interior.” This
is Al Gore’s genuine inconvenient reality.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
8 May, 2016
New analyses reveal that a doubling of atmospheric CO2 would have only a tiny effect on temperatureWill Coal save Japan and the World?
Kyoji Kimoto
central dogma is critically evaluated in the anthropogenic global
warming (AGW) theory of the IPCC, claiming the Planck response is 1.2K
when CO2 is doubled. The first basis of it is one dimensional model
studies with the fixed lapse rate assumption of 6.5K/km. It is failed
from the lack of the parameter sensitivity analysis of the lapse rate
for CO2 doubling. The second basis is the Planck response calculation by
Cess in 1976 having a mathematical error. Therefore, the AGW theory is
collapsed along with the canonical climate sensitivity of 3 K utilizing
the radiative forcing of 3.7W/m2 for CO2 doubling. The surface climate
sensitivity is 0.14–0.17K in this study with the surface radiative
forcing of l.lW/m2. Since the CO2 issue is removed, coal will be the
energy for the future of many nations in terms of the amount of resource
and production cost.
SOURCE Global warming is pushing high altitude clouds towards the poles, Nasa study findsThe
article below is a combination of fact and theory. The factual
finding is that high altitude clouds have moved polewards over the last
30 years -- something that would help explain why Arctic temperatures
are so erratic and often out of step with the rest of the world.
But WHY the clouds have moved poleward nobody knows. They
speculate, predictably, that it is due to global warming -- but
since we have had so little warming for most of the period concerned,
that is just a statement of faith. Models don't you tell you
anything about the world. All they tell you about is the
assumptions of the modeller. I like the model below a lot

And I don't even know her nameA
new Nasa analysis of 30-years of satellite data has revealed high
altitude clouds shifting toward the poles are being moved by the
expansion of the tropics.
The changes could dramatically affect the planet's climate, expert warn.
clouds are absent, darker surfaces like the ocean or vegetated land
absorb heat, but where clouds occur their white tops reflect incoming
sunlight away, which can cause a cooling effect on Earth's surface.
the underlying causes of cloud migration will allow researchers to
better predict how they may affect Earth's climate in the future, the
researchers say.
They say the changes are driven by the tropics effectively becoming larger as the planet warms.
Tselioudis, a climate scientist at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space
Studies and Columbia University in New York City, was interested in
which air currents were shifting clouds at high altitude - between about
three and a half and six miles high - toward the poles.
previous suggested reason was that climate change was shifting storms
and the powerful air currents known as the jet streams - including the
one that traverses the United States - toward the poles, which in turn
were driving the movement of the clouds.
Researchers analysed the
International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project data set, which
combines cloud data from operational weather satellites, including those
run by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, to provide a
30-year record of detailed cloud observations.
They combined the
cloud data with a computer re-creation of Earth's air currents for the
same period driven by multiple surface observations and satellite data
What they discovered was that the poleward shift of the
clouds, which occurs in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres,
connected more strongly with the expansion of the tropics, defined by
the general circulation Hadley cell, than with the movement of the jets.
'What we find, and other people have found it as well, is that
the sinking branch of the Hadley cell, as the climate warms, tends to be
moving poleward,' said Tselioudis.
'It's like you're making the tropical region bigger.'
That expansion causes the tropical air currents to blow into the high altitude clouds, pushing them toward the poles, he said.
The results were published in Geophysical Research Letters, a journal of the American Geophysical Union.
Scientists are working to understand exactly why the tropics are expanding, which they believe is related to a warming climate.
poleward shift of high altitude clouds affects how much sunlight
reaches Earth's surface because when they move, they reveal what's
'It's like pulling a curtain,' said Tselioudis. And what
tends to be revealed depends on location - which in turn affects whether
the surface below warms or not.
'Sometimes when that curtain is
pulled, as in the case over the North Atlantic ocean in the winter
months, this reduces the overall cloud cover' in the lower
mid-latitudes, the temperate regions outside of the tropics, Tselioudis
The high altitude clouds clear to reveal dark ocean below - which absorbs incoming sunlight and causes a warming effect.
in the Southern Ocean around Antarctica, the high altitude clouds
usually clear out of the way to reveal lower altitude clouds below -
which continue to reflect sunlight from their white tops, causing little
effect on the solar radiation reaching the surface.
information is a new insight that will likely be used by the climate
modeling community, including the scientists who contribute modeling
expertise to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said Lazaros
Oreopoulos, a cloud and radiation budget researcher at NASA's Goddard
Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, who was not involved in the
SOURCE We don’t need billion$ to prevent ZikaControlling mosquitoes and preventing diseases requires smarter policies, not more billionsPaul Driessen and Robert Novak
Zika virus is increasingly linked to serious neurological complications
for pregnant women and microcephaly in newborns: smaller than normal
heads and brains. It also affects areas of fetal brains that control
basic muscular, motor, speech and other functions, leading to severe
debilities that require expensive care throughout a person’s life.
disease is becoming a crisis in Brazil, site of this year’s Summer
Olympic Games. But cases continue to be reported in the United States,
primarily among women who have traveled abroad, and Zika is reaching
serious levels in Puerto Rico, other US territories, and many parts of
Central and South America.
Stopping its spread is an urgent
public health matter. President Obama has asked Congress for $1.9
billion in new funding, to find better diagnostic tests to detect Zika,
develop a vaccine against the virus, and control the mosquitoes that are
the primary vector for the vicious virus.
Not surprisingly, the
request has spawned new budget battles in Washington. The White House
and congressional Democrats want to spend new money, while Republicans
insist there is already plenty of money in the budget, plenty wasted
that could be better allocated, and plenty being spent on climate change
and other programs that have a far lower priority than this public
health menace.
Other observers say Zika is being used as another
opportunity for government agencies to expand their budgets, personnel
and empires. Certain agencies, they note, are blaming “mosquitoes” in
general and even climate change, or promoting high-tech “solutions” that
may never work and will take years to develop, test and employ on
national or global scales.
Meanwhile, much can be done right now,
to reduce mosquito populations and slash the incidence and spread of
this disease, for far less than $2 billion. It requires smarter
policies, more focused efforts.
Zika is not spread by generic
“mosquitoes.” Its primary carrier is a very particular blood-sucker with
unusual habits and habitats. Aedes aegypti is known as the yellow fever
mosquito, because it is the principal avenue for spreading that nasty
disease, which causes fevers, chills, nausea, muscle pains, and liver
and kidney damage. A vaccine exists, but yellow fever still kills up to
30,000 people annually.
Ae. aegypti also spread dengue fever,
another painful, debilitating disease that can recur for years; there is
no vaccine, and it sickens nearly 100 million people a year, killing
some 25,000. The flying killers also infect people with chikungunya,
which often causes severe fever, headaches, muscle and joint pain,
rashes and other non-lethal problems.
These mosquitoes were
nearly eradicated, especially in Brazil, during the 1960s.
Unfortunately, control bred complacency, and Ae. aegypti is again a
dangerous scourge in Brazil, other South and Central American countries,
Puerto Rico, Caribbean islands, Africa and Asia.
Their potential
range includes the southeastern United States and southern Europe, they
are actually found in some of these southern US states and Hawaii, and
some do carry Zika and other diseases. All these diseases can infect
blood supplies, making transfusions risky and necessitating that blood
be imported from safe locales that may not have sufficient supplies
Summer Olympics fans and athletes could get infected
and carry these diseases from Brazil back to their home countries.
Thousands of other travelers could also spread all these diseases. The
prospect has health officials worried. However, Ae. aegypti’s
habits offer opportunities for controlling them.
They live close
to houses, rarely fly more than 80 feet from where they hatch, bite
during the day, and hatch from eggs laid in tires, cans, jars, flower
pots, vases, bromeliads, holes in trees, and almost any other containers
that hold water, indoors and outdoors, in backyards and junkyards.
means national and international health ministries, neighborhoods and
individual families can undertake simple, low-cost actions that will
bring rapid, significant returns with limited time, money and resources –
by eliminating mosquitoes and keeping them away from people. They
should start now.
1) Educate politicians, local leaders,
teachers, neighborhood organizations and citizens about the dangers
posed by mosquitoes and the diseases they carry – and about what they
can do to help. Launch and coordinate home and neighborhood programs,
and stress why they must continue well into the future.
Destroy Aedes aegypti reproduction habitats. Remove trash, especially
containers. Punch holes in tires and cans, so they cannot collect water.
Fill in other standing water areas with dirt. Augment these actions
with larvacides and insecticides.
Used properly, today’s larvae
and adult mosquito killing chemicals are safe – especially compared to
the misery, death and long-term care that Ae. aegypti and other
mosquitoes spread. Centers for Disease Control, National Institutes of
Health and other studies have determined that the most commonly used
larvicides (BTI and Temephos, aka Abate) are safe for humans and
mammals, even in drinking water.
3) Prevent mosquito bites, to
break the disease transmission cycle. This is especially important for
people attending the Olympics or vacationing where problems exist. You
don’t want to take diseases home.
Use personal insect repellants,
preferably those containing DEET, even while indoors, and keep skin
covered with clothing. To keep mosquitoes out of homes, make sure doors
and windows have screens. For homes without screens, spatial repellents
like DDT can be sprayed on walls and doorways.
4) Employ cell
phone GPS systems to locate and monitor mosquito populations, and
significant biting and disease outbreaks. Every citizen can help with
this. Tie these efforts into local or national databases – and into
monitoring and surveillance programs that can dispatch rapid response
5) Test people for antibodies, especially pregnant women,
to determine whether they have Zika or other mosquito-transmitted
diseases. The RT-PCR test can find Zika proteins and genetic material in
people, and in the brains and placentas of infants and miscarried
fetuses. It can also rule out dengue, yellow and chikungunya fever
viruses. Developing better, more rapid detection tests will be money
well spent.
This multi-pronged approach is true “integrated vector and disease control.” It will bring rapid returns.
at least two high-tech, non-chemical “solutions” have been proposed.
They involve releasing male mosquitoes that have been sterilized by
radiation, so they cannot mate successfully – or genetically modified so
their progeny die before reaching maturity.
At least one
experimental GMO effort has been field-tested, somewhat successfully,
with gradual but noticeable reductions in mosquito populations in test
areas. Since male mosquitoes don’t bite, releasing them into urban areas
should pose few health risks. The concepts have researchers,
technocrats and bureaucrats salivating over potential budgets and
personnel increases.
However, field tests are just that: tests.
The experimental programs must still survive long US Food and Drug
Administration and Agriculture Department approval processes, budgetary
constraints, anti-biotechnology and anti-radiation activism, and similar
delays at the international level.
Neither approach can help in
the near term, across the sprawling Rio de Janeiro Olympics venues,
urban areas and shantytowns – or across millions of square miles in
Latin America, Africa, Asia and beyond.
We cannot afford to
deemphasize or shortchange the less sexy, but proven, highly effective,
truly integrated vector and disease control programs described above.
These strategies can and must be employed now, to eliminate Aedes
aegypti mosquitoes and the horrible diseases they spread.
They will save lives now – in time for the Olympics, before these bugs and diseases claim more victims.
Via emailDr. Fauci: Brazil Eliminated Zika-Carrying Mosquitoes Historically--Using DDTDr.
Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said on Tuesday that Brazil was able to
eliminate the Zika-virus-carrying Aedes aegypti mosquito when, in the
1950s and 1960s, it made "a very aggressive attempt" to do so that
included "very heavy use of DDT."
He cautioned that the means used to eradicate the mosquito then "might not be acceptable now."
years ago in the fifties and the sixties,” Fauci said, “Brazil itself
made a very aggressive attempt to eliminate the Aedes aegypti mosquito.
They did it successfully but they did it in a way that would be almost
non-feasible today—very heavy use of DDT, very aggressive use going into
homes, essentially, spraying in homes, cleaning up areas, things that I
think the general public would not be amenable to accepting.
“So, it can be done," Fauci said. "But historically it was done in a way that might not be acceptable now."
the mosquito-borne Zika virus is spreading in South America and the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warn that the mosquitoes which carry
Zika will populate much of the United States this summer.
Tuesday’s news conference, Dr. Fauci said, “The mosquito that is the
predominant mosquito that spreads Zika is called Aedes aegypti. Aedes
aegypti is a very difficult mosquito to control and eliminate.”
will require a very aggressive, concerted effort,” Fauci cautioned of
attempts to eliminate the mosquitoes. “Their ability to exist and stay
in places that are difficult to eliminate; mosquitoes, for example, they
like to stay indoors as well as outdoors, which make the spraying, the
outdoor spraying, ineffective for those mosquitoes.”
“What one
would have to do is raise public awareness,” he said, “have cooperation
at the community level to get people as best as they possibly can where
they can to eliminate and diminish standing water of any type, as well
as to push and to try to utilize environmentally friendly larvicides and
“Having said all of that,” he continued, “it’s still going to be very, very difficult to do.”
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released maps of the estimated range
of the Aedes aegypti in the United States last month, as well as the
Aedes albopictus, another mosquito that is capable of transmitting Zika.
The CDC verified to that the map of potential exposure
includes all but 10 states in the United States.
Fauci emphasized
that while Aedes albopictus has a greater estimated range in the United
States than the aegypti mosquito, “overwhelmingly the dominant mosquito
that spreads it is Aedes aegypti and there’s a number of reasons for
“Aedes aegypti is a much different mosquito: it bites in
the day, at night, it goes indoors, outdoors, it’s very difficult to
eliminate, only likes to bite humans,” he explained. “The albopictus and
other mosquitoes they get distracted, they bite animals, they bite a
variety of other species. So when you have Zika and you have Aedes
aegypti and Aedes albopictus, the chances are overwhelming that Aedes
aegypti is going to be the major factor.”
Fauci also stressed
that the real concern over the Zika virus “is the association of Zika
infection in a pregnant woman with congenital abnormalities,
predominantly microcephaly in a variable percentage of babies born of
Zika infected mothers.”
Fauci cited a small cohort study from
Brazil that found that 29 percent of Zika-infected mothers had
abnormalities in sonograms of their unborn children. Fauci also cited a
study that found that 1 percent of Zika-infected mothers had children
with birth defects.
Fauci said another cohort study, “The Zika
in Pregnancy Study,” is underway and will enroll thousands of pregnant
women in South America, predominantly Brazil.
“When we get the
data from that study we’ll be able to answer the question of precisely
what that percentage (of Zika-infected women with birth defects) is,” he
said, “but today in May of 2016 we don’t know the answer.”
SOURCE Another failure of a scientific consensusA
new study has challenged the scientific consensus that replacing
saturated fats with polyunsaturated vegetable oils rich in linoleic acid
(omega-6) reduces the risk of death from coronary heart disease.
five years, the federal government publishes nutritional guidelines
that “reflect the current body of nutrition science” and “serve as the
foundation for vital nutrition policies and programs across the United
The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines’ recommendation to
“limit intake of calories from saturated fats to less than 10 percent
per day is a target based on evidence that replacing saturated fats with
unsaturated fats is associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC),
“diets high in saturated fats, trans fat, and cholesterol have been
linked to heart disease and related conditions, such as
But the study, which was published April 12 in
the British Medical Journal (BMJ), found that “replacement of saturated
fat in the diet with linoleic acid effectively lowers serum cholesterol,
but does not support the hypothesis that this translates to a lower
risk of death from coronary heart disease or all causes.”
expected, the diet enriched with linoleic acid lowered cholesterol
levels, but this did not translate to improved survival,” according to a
BMJ press release. “In fact, participants who had greater reduction in
blood cholesterol had higher, rather than lower, risk of death.”
study was conducted by a team of researchers from the U.S. and
Australia led by Christopher Ramsden, a medical investigator at the
National Institutes of Health, who reexamined raw data and unpublished
autopsy reports from the federally funded Minnesota Coronary Experiment
The MCE was “a randomized controlled trial conducted in
1968-73” of 9,423 individuals between the ages of 20 and 97 who were
living in six state mental hospitals and a nursing home in Minnesota.
participants who were assigned to the control diet for more than a year
had a high intake of saturated fats from milk, cheese and beef.
the diet of the “intervention group” replaced about 50 percent of the
saturated fat in the control diet with a 280 percent increase in
polyunsaturated vegetable fat, mostly in the form of corn oil and corn
oil margarine.
“Though the MCE intervention effectively lowered
serum cholesterol in all pre-specified subgroups, there was no clinical
benefit in any group. Paradoxically, MCE participants who had greater
reduction in serum cholesterol had a higher rather than a lower risk of
death,” the study found.
“In addition, the MCE intervention group did not have less atherosclerosis or fewer infarcts at autopsy.”
results showed that “41% (31/76) of participants in the intervention
group had at least one myocardial infarct, whereas only 22% (16/73) of
participants in the control group did,” according to the research team.
was a robust association between decreasing serum cholesterol and
increased risk of death, and this association did not differ between the
intervention and control group,” the study noted.
“This finding
that greater lowering of serum cholesterol was associated with a higher
rather than a lower risk of death in the MCE does not provide support
for the traditional diet-heart hypothesis,” the researchers concluded.
SOURCE Inspector General Thinks Obama's Coal Program a WasteThe
Department of Energy inspector general leveled criticism against a
program to capture emissions from coal plants that has wasted hundreds
of millions of taxpayer dollars and has yet to materialize. For the
administration, however, the stakes are higher than simply running
another failed program. The Texas Clean Energy Project was needed if
coal plants around the country were going to comply with the Obama
administration’s tough, tough rules on the industry. Without the program
that is attempting to commercialize trapping emissions leaving coal
plants and disposing of them underground, Obama’s regulations mandating
the practice of carbon capture and sequestration would become illegal.
Even though the project was started in 2010, it has not caught the eye
of private investors. Furthermore, it’s still in development, with the
project to go live in 2019. “The Project’s inability to obtain required
commercial debt and equity financing and the adverse effect of changing
energy markets on the demand for coal-based power plants raise serious
doubts about the continuing viability of the Project,” the IG’s report
Existence of the program just proves the lengths to which
the Obama administration will go to institute climate change regulation.
It decreed regulation so strict there was no commercial solution coal
companies could turn to. So it started a program, supposedly, to provide
some farce of a free-market solution. And everyone wonders at the fact
coal companies are going out of business. Remember: Hillary Clinton said
she’d put coal miners and their companies out of business, only
continuing what this administration has started.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
6 May, 2016
More Freudian projection from the WarmistsThere
is no group in this wide world more immune to persuasion by the facts
than the Green/Left. They HAVE to be unaffected by the facts
because their beliefs are so counterfactual. Could anything be
more absurd as statements of fact than classic Leftist slogans such as:
"All men are equal", "Man is naturally good" or "All men are
brothers"? Yet the article below claims that it is conservatives
and climate skreptics who tend to be immune to the facts. Freud
would understand. Seeing your own faults in others is a common
defence mechanism.
And Warmists NEED to believe that there is
something wrong in the heads of their opponents. Realizing that
something which they see as obsessively important is seen as unimportant
by most people creates cognitive dissonance in their heads. How
can so many be so wrong? How can so many not see these obvious
truths? Are Warmists the only sane ones? So to relieve that
dissonance they have to dimiss any possiblity that their opponents might
be right and instead find some defect in their opponents
title of the original article is "Scientists are figuring out the keys
to convincing people about global warming". It was written by
dedicated climate deceiver Dana Nuccitelli and appeared in the Leftist
"Guardian". Just an excerpt below from a whole heap of garbageCan facts convince people about global warming?
scientist Dan Kahan has argued that ideological and cultural identity
can be so strong that scientific evidence, facts, and information can’t
break through it. Kahan thinks that on certain issues like climate
change, ideological biases make many conservatives immune to facts.
fact, conservatives with higher education and general scientific
knowledge are often more wrong about climate change, in what’s been
coined the “smart idiot” effect. This has led Kahan to conclude that on
climate change, facts and knowledge can’t sway people. However, other
research has found that climate-specific knowledge does correlate with
acceptance of climate science.
In the new study led by Jing Shi,
the authors surveyed a total of 2,495 people in Canada, China, Germany,
Switzerland, the UK, and the US. They asked questions to evaluate the
participants’ specific knowledge about the physical characteristics of
climate change and understanding of its causes and consequences.
they found that knowledge about the causes of climate change was
correlated with higher concern about climate change in all countries,
and knowledge about the consequences was linked to higher concern in
most countries.
"respondents from Germany and Switzerland had
significantly higher scores on knowledge about physical aspects of
climate change than participants from Canada and the US. Chinese
respondents knew significantly more about the causes of climate change
than the respondents from the other countries. German and Swiss
respondents were most knowledgeable about the consequences of climate
change. In contrast, participants from the US had the lowest level of
knowledge about climate change among the six countries we surveyed,
independent of the type of knowledge"
In short, as illustrated in
the Yale/George Mason poll numbers, people who realize that humans are
causing global warming are more likely to be concerned about the
In Shi’s survey, the Chinese respondents had the most
knowledge about the causes of global warming, with the German and Swiss
participants most accurately answering the questions about its
consequences. These nationalities also expressed the greatest concern
about climate change. Americans showed the least climate knowledge and
the least concern.
The keys to convincing people on climate change
scientists have identified several key pieces of knowledge that might
convince people – even conservatives – about the need to tackle global
Shi’s team showed that when people realize humans are
causing global warming, they’re more likely to be concerned about the
Social scientists at UC Berkeley have shown that when
people understand how the greenhouse effect works, they’re more likely
to accept human-caused global warming, across the political spectrum.
by teams led by Lewandowsky has shown that when people are aware of the
90–100% expert consensus on human-caused global warming, they’re more
likely to accept that reality, and to support climate policies.
Meanwhile, only 16% of Americans, including just 4% of Republicans,
realize the expert consensus is so high.
This social science
research shows that teaching people about the expert consensus and how
the greenhouse effect works can increase their likelihood of accepting
the reality human-caused global warming and potentially increase their
support of policies to solve the problem.
It may be the case that
ideology acts as a mental block preventing conservative Republicans
from accepting facts like the 90–100% expert consensus on human-caused
global warming. However, while there’s certainly a group who are
unreachable due to ideologically-based science denial, they are a
relatively small and dwindling segment of the population. For the vast
majority of people who underestimate the expert consensus and don’t
understand the mechanics of the greenhouse effect, this knowledge can
make a difference.
As this research shows, if climate
communicators can successfully inform people about how the greenhouse
effect works and that humans are responsible for global warming, more
will come to support climate policies, and it will become even more of a
winning political issue.
SOURCE Book review: “The Fable of a Stable Climate”. Review by By Dr. Hans Labohm (Edited/condensed by P. Gosselin)Gerrit
van der Lingen has recently published a fascinating book, “The Fable of
a Stable Climate, the writings and debates of a climate realist”.
of the public information about the climate comes from scientists who
studied the weather and weather processes and who consider temperature
data of 150 years already a long period. For geologist and
paleoclimatologist van der Lingen this is only a heartbeat in the
geological history, which forms the only correct context for judging the
present climate developments.
Ideology vs pure science
studying climate change in the past van der Lingen realised that the
present belief in man-made catastrophic global warming caused by CO2
emissions is not supported by the science and that it seems the debate
is one between ideology and pure science.
The first chapter of
his book an overview giving a clear overview of the climate debate, with
all its high and low points. It draws attention to important
participants, protagonists as well as antagonists. What really surprises
Gerrit van der Lingen is how it is possible that intelligent people
have been taken in by the AGW hypothesis and seem to have lost all sense
of reality as a consequence.
British science delegation misbehaviour
salient detail in the book pertains to the Russian position in relation
to the Kyoto Protocol. The Russians had a few questions on which they
never received an answer. In 2004, they decided to organise a climate
conference in Moscow, independently of the UN IPCC climate panel, and
with the co-operation of a number of climate sceptics. At the end of
this conference, Andrei Illarionov, then economic advisor of president
Putin, presented his impressions.
Yuri Antonovich and I have
mentioned the fact that this is the first seminar of its kind that we
have managed to arrange and it was accidental. Over almost a year we
have repeatedly asked our foreign partners who advocate the Kyoto
Protocol and who insist that Russia should ratify the Kyoto Protocol,
and we have invited them to meet and discuss these issues, present
arguments and counter-arguments and discuss them jointly. But we have
not received any reply for a year. These people persistently refused to
take part in any discussion.
Nine months ago, at an international
climate change conference in Moscow, ten questions concerning the
essence of the Kyoto Protocol and its underlying theory were submitted
to the IPCC. We were told that the reply would be given within several
days. Nine months have passed since then but there has been no reply,
even though we have repeated our inquiries on these and the growing
number of other related questions.
Instead of getting replies to
our questions, we kept on hearing that replies did not matter. What was
important is that whether or not Russia trusts Britain, the European
Union and the countries that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol and that
have been exerting unprecedented pressure on Russia to ratify it. This
is why it was so important for us to arrange a real meeting and a real
discussion of real problems with the participation of foreign scientists
who have different views in order not to stew in one’s own juice, as
Yuri Antonovich put it, but to hear the arguments not only of our
Russian scientists but also the arguments and counter-arguments from
scientists in other countries.
We did get such an opportunity and
over the past two days we heard more than 20 reports, we held detailed
discussions, and now we can say that a considerable number of the
questions we formulated and raised have been somewhat clarified, just as
some other questions have.”
Andrei Illarionov continued
describing in detail the misbehaviour of the British delegation under
the leadership of Sir David King, then the most important advisor of the
British government, who did his utmost to sabotage the meeting, among
others by requiring that climate sceptics not be allowed to present
their presentations, and by stalking out of the meeting.
Ideology, not science
Illarionov compared the AGW with an ideology:
next point brings us directly to the Kyoto Protocol, or more
specifically, to the ideological and philosophical basis on which it is
built. That ideological base can be juxtaposed and compared … with
man-hating totalitarian ideology with which we had the bad fortune to
deal during the 20th century, such as National Socialism, Marxism,
Eugenics, Lysenkoism and so on. All methods of distorting information
existing in the world have been committed to prove the alleged validity
of these theories. Misinformation, falsification, fabrication,
mythology, propaganda. Because what is offered cannot be qualified in
any other way than myth, nonsense and absurdity.”
The Moscow
climate conference leaves no doubt that the Russian Academy of Sciences
cannot be considered as supporters of the AGW dogma – a thesis that is
part of the standard repertoire of the disinformation by climate
“Rubbish in – gospel out”
The book also looks
at all important themes of the climate debate are discussed in short,
clear analyses, and all allegations of the climate alarmists are tested
against measurements and observations, and are refuted. In the end all
warming hysteria is not based on science, but only on non-validated
computer models. As is often said: Rubbish in – gospel out.
At the end of the book, Gerrit van der Lingen sighs:
future historians will be studying the present global mass hysteria
about alleged catastrophic man-made global warming (MMGW), they will
most likely shake their heads in total disbelief. They may well compare
it with other such historic irrational hysterias, like the tulipomania
in Holland in the 17th century. […]
The belief that human
emissions of carbon dioxide cause, or will cause catastrophic global
warming is a […] totalitarian belief. It does not allow ‘critical
discussion’. Those scientists who try are vilified. Over the years I
collected the following abuses: ‘climate change deniers’, ‘cashamplified
flat-earth pseudo scientists’, ‘the carbon cartel’, ‘villains’,
‘cranks’, ‘refuseniks lobby’, ‘polluters’, ‘a powerful and devious
enemy’, ‘profligates’. The list is endless. […]
By saying that
the science of climate change is ‘settled’ and not open to further
discussion, clearly shows that the belief in man-made global warming is
not based on proper science, but is a neo-Marxist, intolerant ideology.
It is anti-science, anti-capitalist, anti-democracy, anti-growth,
anti-humanity, anti-progress.”
All in all, “The Fable of a Stable
Climate” shows a wide and solid knowledge of the subject. Moreover
Gerrit van der Lingen has the talent to very clearly explain the
complicated problems, which make his writings very accessible for a
broad public. In other words: his book reads like a riveting novel.
book has 418 pages and many illustrations and graphs, as well as
extensive reference lists, and is available in both paperback and
Kindle, can be ordered at
SOURCE Sorry, Environmentalists: Buffalo Were Saved From Extinction by CapitalismThe
North American bison, widely known as the buffalo, will now likely be
recognized as America’s “national mammal”—on par with the bald eagle.
(The bill is heading to the president’s desk.)
It is a fine
tribute to a creature etched into American lore. While praises are
already being made to the efforts of conservationists and modern
environmentalists to save North America’s largest land mammal, the
reality is that the species was saved by capitalism.
describing how bison populations “dwindled from tens of millions to the
brink of extinction,” a Huffington Post contributor wrote that the
animal must be “acknowledged as the first success story of the modern
conservation movement.”
Conservationists did play a role in
saving the buffalo from extinction, but it was in large part the power
of the free market that allowed the once-decimated species to thrive
after nearly being wiped out.
Any description of the Great Plains
in the 19th century usually involves vast herds of the giant, imposing
bison dotting the landscape. The great frontier historian, Francis
Parkman, included numerous, vivid descriptions of buffalo herds and
hunts in his books.
Parkman wrote in “The Oregon Trail,”
face of the country was dotted far and wide with countless hundreds of
buffalo. They trooped along in files and columns, bulls, cows, and
calves … They scrambled away over the hills to the right and left; and
far off, the blue pale swells in the extreme distance were dotted with
innumerable specks"
Native American tribes of the Great Plains
relied on the American bison for food when early American pioneers
encountered them in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Plains Indians had
unique hunting methods that were efficient, yet wasteful.
who has spent time in Wyoming, Montana, or any one of the Plains states
is likely to have encountered giant, seemingly random craters. These are
the remains of what were called “buffalo jumps,” and were the primary
way many tribes cultivated the animal for food.
Frontier explorer
Meriwether Lewis, of the famed Lewis and Clark expedition, described
one of these jumps in an 1805 journal entry:
"Today we passed on
the Stard. side the remains of a vast many mangled carcases of Buffalow
which had been driven over a precipice of 120 feet by the Indians and
perished; the water appeared to have washed away a part of this immence
pile of slaughter and still their remained the fragments of at least a
hundred carcases they created a most horrid stench. in this manner the
Indians of the Missouri distroy vast herds of buffaloe at a stroke.
was a ruthless affair, but it got the job done. Squandering enormous
quantities of meat was simply not a problem for the nomadic people of
the plains. There seemed to be endless amounts of the beasts.
dwindling of the American bison began long before settlers arrived, but
a swelling population of new migrants finally put the species at risk.
And the intentional extermination of the herds to drive out the Plains
Native Americans left the buffalo on the brink of annihilation. At one
point, there were only 300 of them left in the wild.
Saved by a Free Society and Market Economics
the social and economic dynamics of the 19th century came close to
wiping out the American bison, the species survived and began a recovery
in the 20th century. The wild-roaming bison had been hunted mercilessly
to the brink of destruction, but widespread private ownership allowed
them to flourish.
Historian Larry Schweikart wrote about a study
by Andrew C. Isenberg, now a professor at Temple University, which
busted the myth that it was government intervention that saved the
bison. From a small herd clinging to survival in Yellowstone National
Park, the bison began their resurgence. Isenberg’s conclusion “upsets
the entire apple cart of prior assumptions,” according to Schweikart:
remnant herd and other scattered survivors might eventually have
perished as well had it not been for the efforts of a handful of
Americans and Canadians. These advocates of preservation were primarily
Western ranchers who speculated that ownership of the few remaining
bison could be profitable and elite Easterners possessed of a nostalgic
urge to recreate . . . the frontier.
Preservation societies that
aimed to maintain an authentic Western landscape, and travelling shows
like Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, were instrumental in keeping the
tiny bison population alive. They did a much better job of protecting
these valuable assets than the public national parks.
But even
more than as a tourist attraction, the bison became prized for the same
reason Plains Native Americans and settlers hunted them to begin with:
they’re delicious.
Isenberg’s study showed that the number of
bison swelled in the 20th century mostly because they were “preserved
not for their iconic significance in the interest of biological
diversity but simply raised to be slaughtered for their meat.”
like Charles Goodnight, who provided the herd reintroduced into
Yellowstone National Park in 1902, found ways to raise and profit from
the bison. This led to a thriving national industry and ensures the
bison will survive into the 21st century. Today there are around 500,000
buffalo in the United States, and about 90 percent are in private
hands. And for that miracle resurrection, the world has capitalism, not
Congress, to thank.
SOURCE Tale of Two Tribes: 'Climate Refugees' vs. EPA VictimsThe left has concocted a lucrative category of politically correct victims: "climate refugees." It's the new Green racket.
taxpayers will now be forking over untold billions to ease the pain
allegedly inflicted on "carbon's casualties" by industrial activity. By
contrast, those who have suffered as a direct result of government
incompetence by federal environmental bureaucrats continue to get the
Consider the plight of two tribes: the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw in Louisiana and the Navajo Nation in New Mexico.
New York Times splashed a viral story on its pages this week
spotlighting the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's $48
million grant to Native-Americans who live in the flood-ravaged coastal
community of Isle de Jean Charles. About 60 residents, the majority of
whom belong to the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw tribe, will be resettled to
drier land.
That's a whopping $800,000 per "climate refugee!"
mind that the Times' propagandists themselves admit that erosion on the
island began in 1955 as a result of land-use and land-management
factors that had nothing to do with climate change.
"Channels cut
by loggers and oil companies eroded much of the island," the paper
reported, "and decades of flood control efforts have kept once
free-flowing rivers from replenishing the wetlands' sediments."
mind that there are conflicting scientific analyses on the extent to
which man-made greenhouses gases have caused sea levels to rise; whether
the rate is accelerating; and how much, if any, reducing carbon
emissions would actually mitigate purportedly rising sea levels.
mind that enviro-alarmists have conveniently changed their tune from
blaming global warming for causing sea level rises to blaming global
warming for causing sea level drops.
Oh, and never mind that many
of the inhabitants of Isle de Jean Charles — whose forefathers
originally moved there to escape forced government relocation under the
1830 Indian Removal Act — don't even want to leave and have fought
resettlement efforts for decades.
Obama's social engineers are
already plotting how to replicate the climate change relocation program.
"We see this as setting a precedent for the rest of the country, the
rest of the world," declared HUD official Marion McFadden, who is
running the program.
Even worse, the United Nations is looking to
preemptively "address extreme weather displacement" by targeting
refugees even before any apocalyptic event has caused them to seek
Can you spell "manufacturing a crisis"?
these meddling liberals conspire to displace one tribe in the name of
saving the planet, another tribe is still begging for help after Obama's
destructive EPA poisoned their waters.
It's been almost eight
months since an Environmental Protection Agency contractor recklessly
knocked a hole at the long-abandoned Gold King Mine in Colorado's San
Juan Mountains. You should know that Washington has long schemed to
declare it a Superfund site, which would increase its power, budget and
access over the region.
A federally sponsored wrecking crew
poking around in the mine last August triggered a 3 million-ton flood of
bright orange gunk into the Animas River. EPA's blithering idiots
delayed notifying local residents for 24 hours and downplayed the toxic
spill's effects.
Downstream, the muck seeped into the San Juan
River in New Mexico, where the Navajo Nation lives and farms. The impact
on drinking water and livelihoods has been catastrophic. But the Obama
administration refused the tribe's request for disaster relief from FEMA
last fall and yanked emergency water tanks the EPA had supplied for
Navajo livestock.
Navajo Nation chief Russell Begaye blasted the White House at the time for shirking its responsibilities.
EPA caused this entire disaster, they have harmed the people, the water
and the land. ... For years, we have consistently been at the receiving
end of toxic spills and contamination with no adequate relief as the
United States Government and Private Companies became wealthy off of the
natural resources of the Navajo Nation."
Our eco-savior on the Potomac's response to the victims of his man-caused, government-engineered disaster: Never mind.
SOURCE We are having an impact: the government has already begun removing links to its ‘Glacier Park glaciers disappearing’ sitesRoger Roots, J.D., Ph.D.
the fall of 2015 I offered a bet of $5,000 if the glaciers at Glacier
National Park disappear by 2030 (as predicted in all GNP signage,
pamphlets, films and publications). See here. As of yet, no one has
taken me up on my bet.
The Park’s glaciers were melting rapidly
throughout the 1990s, as the catastrophic-manmade-global-warming-by-CO2
movement was riding high. Bills were introduced in Congress for “cap and
trade” programs, carbon taxes and other reforms.
The National
Park Service, and the U.S. Geological Survey published websites showing
photos of the Park’s glaciers taken in prior decades next to more recent
photos of the same glaciers. This ‘repeat photography’ showed massive
decreases in the size of the GNP glaciers.
(I have often pointed
out that the government’s photos from prior decades tended to not
specify calendar dates. Because glaciers tend to build up in winter and
then melt all summer long, the specificity of calendar dates is quite
On January 8 of this year, I posted a prediction that
the government would soon alter its GNP-glaciers-gone-by-2030 claims.
See here. I asked, “What is the government going to do as 2030
approaches and it becomes clear that their preposterous claims are
“I have no doubt,” I wrote then, “that the government
will begin modifying these claims by 2025, if not sooner.” I began
saving screenshots of government websites which make the claim that
manmade-global-warming will melt the GNP glaciers by 2030.
turns out I didn’t need to wait very long at all. Today, on May 4, 2016,
I started looking for the government’s ‘repeat photography’ sites.
when you google “repeat photography” and “Glacier National Park,” you
are redirected to general-info USGS sites with pictures of hikers in the
Fortunately, I have screenshots of the prior government projections.
SOURCE Asbestos-laden building materials slipping into Australia as result of weak regulation, report findsThe
whole asbestos scare is conventionally correct but is utter
nonsense. There has NEVER been any proof of harm from asbestos in
building and other products. The only people harmed by asbestos
were those involved in mining, fabricating and installing it.
There has never been any harm to the general public from products in
their environment that incorporate asbestos. I spent a
significasnt part of my childhood living in a house lined with unpainted
asbestos sheeting ("Fibro"), as did countless other Australians.
It was once a very fashionable building material. And none of us
came to any harm from it. Asbestos is one of the many things that
are harmful only if your are exposed to large amounts of itGlaring
weaknesses in regulations and border protection issues are allowing
building products contaminated with potentially deadly asbestos into
Australia, a Senate committee has warned.
In an interim report
tabled late on Wednesday, the committee raised particular concern about
"the ability of Australia's enforcement agencies to effectively police
borders so that [contaminated products] are detected and prevented from
entering Australia".
"At the moment, this area of enforcement
appears to require substantial strengthening and should be a high
priority for government," it read.
"The importation of banned
materials, such as asbestos, raises very serious concerns about the
capacity of Australian authorities to deal with this issue, particularly
in light of our open and dynamic trade environment."
The report
notes only two importers have been fined over asbestos-laced building
material since tougher penalties were imposed in February 2014.
It said fines of up to $170,000 could be imposed, but only $64,000 in fines, penalties and costs had been issued since 2009.
committee said the role of foreign governments in stopping contaminated
products from leaving their shores should also be considered.
has requested the inquiry be extended for a fourth time, to September
30, 2016, "due to the seriousness of the problem and the disjointed
regulation of the use of building products, both manufactured in
Australia and overseas".
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
5 May, 2016
Global warming is turning the oceans ACIDIC and dissolving parts of the Florida Keys reef, new study findsThis
is a total pack of lies. And not even clever ones. The
ocean is still alkaline, though perhaps a bit less so. And,
anyway, a warmer ocean would outgas CO2 and the carbonic acid that it
forms, so a warmer ocean would be LESS acidic, not more acidic. Do
these guys know any physics at all?Seawater, which is
increasingly acidic due to global warming, is eating away the limestone
framework for the coral reef of the upper Florida Keys, according to a
new study.
Projections, based largely on laboratory studies, led
scientists to predict that ocean pH would not fall low enough to cause
reefs to start dissolving until 2050-2060.
However, a new study has found the process has already begun.
the natural scheme of things in the spring and summer months,
environmental conditions in the ocean, such as water temperature, light
and seagrass growth, are favorable for the growth of coral limestone.
during the fall and winter, low light and temperature conditions along
with the annual decomposition of seagrass, result in a slowing, or
small-scale loss of reef growth.
However, as atmospheric CO2 is absorbed by seawater, ocean pH declines.
result is that the natural summer growth cycle of coral is no longer
large enough to offset the effects of dissolution from ocean
This is one of the first times scientists have
documented long-term effects of ocean acidification on the foundation of
the reefs, said study author Chris Langdon, a biological oceanographer
at the University of Miami.
'This is what I would call a leading
indicator; it's telling us about something happening early on before
it's a crisis,' Langdon said.
'By the time you observe the corals actually crumbling, disappearing, things have pretty much gone to hell by that point.'
northern part of the Florida Keys reef has lost about 12 pounds per
square yard (6.5 kilograms per square meter) of limestone over the past
six years, according to the study published in the journal Global
Biogeochemical Cycles.
Over the length of the reef, that's more than 6 million tons.
The water eats away at the nooks and crannies of the limestone foundation, making them more porous and weaker, Langdon said.
So far the effect is subtle, not noticeable to the eye, and can only be detected by intricate chemical tests.
as ocean acidification increases, scientists expect more reefs to
dissolve and become flatter, and that fish will leave, Langdon said.
increasing acidity eats away at the shells of the shellfish, making
them easier prey for other fish and harder for humans to harvest.
Acidification occurs when oceans absorb more carbon dioxide from the air, altering seawater chemistry.
expected limestone to dissolve, but not until the second half of this
century. It's about 40 years early, Langdon said.
'This is
another one of those cases where we're finding that we're underestimate
the level of damage caused by excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,'
said National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reef watch
coordinator Mark Eakin, who wasn't part of the research.
NOAA's Derek Manzello, a scientist in the ocean acidification program
who studied the same area earlier, said it is difficult to blame the
foundation loss just on ocean acidification, because long-term coral
bleaching and death will also cause the limestone to dissolve.There's a natural cycle of limestone production on reefs.
Limestone generally grows faster in the summer as the water become less acidic and ocean life absorbs carbon from the ocean.
in the winter and fall, life dies off, carbon is released and the water
becomes more acidic naturally, slowing or stopping limestone growth.
But 'to actually see a negative was a big surprise,' Langdon said.
Extra, man-made carbon dioxide is being absorbed by the water and adding to its acidity.
it's worse in the northern parts of the Keys, because the colder the
water, the more carbon dioxide dissolves into it, Langdon said.
provide $2.8 billion a year to the Florida economy, mostly from
tourists who come to dive and fish but also from commercial fishing,
Langdon said.
SOURCE Real World energy and climate“The sky is falling” scare stories have no place in public interest science or policyJohn Coleman
Day 2016 brought extensive consternation about how our Earth will soon
become uninhabitable, as mankind’s activities of civilization trigger
unstoppable global warming and climate change. President Obama used the
occasion to sign the Paris climate treaty and further obligate the
United States to slash its fossil fuel use, carbon dioxide emissions and
economic growth.
I love this little blue planet and do all I can to preserve it for my children and grandchildren.
I thought for even a second that the civilized activities of mankind
are producing a threat to our planet, I would spend the rest of my life
correcting the problems. However, after devoting a decade to carefully
studying mankind’s impact on our climate, I am firmly convinced that the
entire global warming/climate change campaign is based on a failed
scientific theory.
In short, there is no dangerous manmade climate change problem.
cares about your scientific study,” many people respond. “This is about
loving a native environment. This is about escaping from the
horrors of so called civilization.”
That response is
understandable because for fifteen years the Greenpeace-Sierra Club
crowd has been constantly decrying the “ugliness” of civilization: cars,
planes, trains, trucks, factories, power plants and all the rest. It
seems they think things were better in pre-industrial times, or perhaps
the world of Tarzan or modern-day central Africa.
There certainly
has been a steady barrage of “research” that finds everything going
drastically wrong with Planet Earth because of our civilized life. The
media join in, of course, proclaiming “the sky is falling,” and Al
Gore’s book, movie and “climate crisis tipping point” mantra stirred
the media into an even bigger tizzy. Now almost the entire Democrat
Party has climbed aboard.
As a result, billions of dollars in
annual government funding keep the alarmist climate research and
environmental campaigns marching on. Tens of billions more subsidize
wind, solar and biofuel energy that is supposedly more “sustainable” and
“climate friendly.”
Today, a high percentage of Americans accept
climate change as a valid problem, even though the vast majority rate
it at the bottom of their top ten or twenty concerns. Many accept news
reports that tell us the United Nations through the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) has “settled” the science in the last
fifteen years.
In fact, President Obama and others say the
matter is so proven that 97% of scientists agree on climate change. But
this oft-quoted phrase has been totally debunked as fabricated or
bait-and-switch. A group of scientists is asked, “Do you agree that
Earth has warmed in recent years and Earth’s climate is changing?”
every honest, competent scientist would answer “Yes.” But then the
“survey” team changes the question to have them say, “Yes, humans are
causing dangerous climate change.” Since 100% agreement would look
suspicious, they back off a little and make it a “97% consensus.”
leaves a somewhat David and Goliath situation for those of us climate
experts who agree that Earth’s climate is changing, has always changed,
and humans have some effects today – but do not believe that mankind’s
emissions of plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide have replaced the powerful
natural forces that have always driven climate change, or that any
current or future changes must necessarily be dangerous or cataclysmic.
We are frequently insulted and dismissed as Deniers.
Our side is
not as small as the media may have you think. Many notable scientists
totally reject claims of a manmade climate crisis. Over 31,000 have
signed a statement that rejects the manmade global warming scare and
says we see “no convincing evidence” that humans are causing dangerous
climate change. They and other experts have widely discredited the
IPCC and other assertions about the climate.
There is even a
Non-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC). It has published
several impressive 4,000-page books of scientific papers that totally
dismantle IPCC claims. The NIPCC’s Climate Change Reconsidered and other
books are also published on-line.
Even the late, great
author/physician/scientist Michael Crichton (of Jurassic Park fame)
debunked global warming and wrote about it in his novel State of Fear.
fossil fuel, nuclear and hydroelectric powered civilization has made
billions of lives much healthier, longer and more pleasant than in
previous times. Heating and air conditioning, power for lights and
computers and smart phones, and modern hospitals and schools are just a
few of the blessings that bring incalculable value to our lives.
What we enjoy today is the result of hundreds of generations of hard
working men and women, each one moving us forward by inches or miles.
my 80s now, I think about the world into which I was born. Radio was
just beginning. Phones were few and far between and very primitive,
requiring hand cranks and operators. Cars and trucks were slow and
produced awful soot, smoke, carbon monoxide and other pollutants.
Factories, power plants and home furnaces fueled by dirty unprocessed
coal with un-scrubbed smoke billowing from their chimneys, left us all
in smoggy, unhealthy air.
Doctors had few medicines to offer,
and only primitive x-ray devices to peer inside us. Jet airplanes,
computers, televisions, rockets, satellites and so much more had not yet
been invented. Most people died in their late 40s or 50s. In this one
man’s lifetime, civilization has made amazing progress.
Now think
about what life on Earth will be like when you are my age. I
predict the fossil fuel-powered society will have been replaced by
systems only a few geniuses are even thinking about today. A long list
of now fatal diseases will have been conquered, and people will live
healthy life into their late nineties.
I predict our cars and
planes will not need drivers or pilots, and space flight will become
common. Robots will do much of the work, so people can enjoy their lives
much, much more.
And I predict that anyone who looks back on the
threat of climate change/global warming and all the threats to life on
Earth will have a hearty laugh, as mankind will have progressed beyond
accepting any such silliness.
Life is good. Enjoy it. And stop worrying about climate hobgoblins.
email: Weather Channel founder John Coleman is the original
meteorologist on ABC’s Good Morning America. He has been studying
weather and climate for over 60 yearsClinton Faux-Apologizes for Threatening Coal JobsHillary
Clinton has a knack for lying to the faces of the people who have been
hurt by her policies. She did it with the families of the men killed in
Benghazi, and she lied to a man laid off because he worked in the coal
industry, an industry the Left considers not only expendable but
condemnable. On Monday, the former coal miner accosted Clinton at a West
Virginia campaign stop, asking Clinton about her comments in March when
she warned, “We’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies
out of business.” The man wanted to know: How could she say something
like that and then tell voters in places like West Virginia that she’s
their friend?
“What I said was [taken] totally out of context
from what I meant,” Clinton backpedaled. “It was a misstatement, because
what I was saying is that the way things are going now, we will
continue to lose jobs.” But moments after she told the audience in March
that coal jobs would be destroyed, she continued, “Now we’ve got to
move away from coal and all the other fossil fuels.” So her threat was
neither out of context nor a misstatement.
Clinton did apologize
to the coal miner — for the way conservatives interpreted her comments.
“I do feel a little bit sad and sorry that I gave folks the reason or
the excuse to be so upset with me,” Clinton said, “because that is not
what I intended at all.”
The day before this confrontation,
Clinton told the attendees at an NAACP dinner in Detroit, “We cannot let
Barack Obama’s legacy fall into Donald Trump’s hands. We can’t let all
the hard work and progress we have achieved over the last seven and a
half years be torn away.”
What is that legacy? In 2009, Obama
promised the price of electricity “would necessarily skyrocket” thanks
to his policies of pursuing “green” energy at the expense of fossil
fuels. What followed next was the systematic destruction of the coal
industry through regulation. Why do we want four more years of that? Why
give Clinton the chance to make good on Obama’s promise to hamstring
the energy sector of our nation?
SOURCE A Real Bet for the Tough Guy in a Bow TieJoe Bastardi
NEWS: Bill Nye issued a bet more than six years after my initial
challenge to him in 2010 (which he would have lost) and four months into
2016 after reviewing the impact of El Niño on global temperatures. News
flash, Bill: Midway through last year I said 2016 global temperatures
would rise thanks to El Niño. I can forecast this because I don’t
believe CO2 is a major player in determining global temperatures. I
believe the sun, ocean cycles and stochastic events play a much more
significant role.
Just so Bill and the rest of his brainwashed
audience understand, I fully support our nation’s transition to clean
and sustainable energy while using all sources of energy at our disposal
now until a feasible economic transition can be accomplished. If you
were really serious about it, we would be using more nuclear energy
However, I also believe the policies that Bill and the
rest of the global warming political activists are pushing are
detrimental to our economy and, in turn, our national security. How much
money have we shipped to the Middle East because we did not use our own
domestic fossil fuel resources? If not for the recent fossil fuel
energy boom in the U.S., foreign countries would be making billions of
dollars more at the expense of the U.S. consumer. I would argue that our
failure to move more quickly and utilize our domestic fossil fuel
resources has had catastrophic effects on our economy and national
Unlike Bill, I am a rational man, and I understand that
while we must transition to clean energy we must do so in a way that is
smart and economically viable.
Furthermore, we all know that
Bill is not a forecaster. And since I am, I have a bet for the “science
guy.” I believe 2017 will be colder than 2016. The bet is this: For
2017, every increment of .05 degrees Celsius (plus or minus compared to
2016) will be worth $10,000. If 2017 is 0.1 degrees Celsius warmer than
2016, I will pay you $20,000. If 2017 is 0.1 degrees Celsius colder, you
owe me $20,000.
We do it with Dr. Roy Spencer’s satellite measurements.
The satellite data cannot be manipulated as we have seen in a culture among AGW scientists. (Remember “Climategate”?)
since you say global warming is proven science, how about we take all
the money allocated for AGW research and use it to improve veterans
health benefits. We wouldn’t be allocating all that research money to
study whether the earth is flat/round, would we? Or we could stop that
AGW gravy train and use the money allocated to professors around the
world for improving fusion output. Make sense?
One more thing. I
challenge Bill to lead by example and for one year use no fossil fuels,
including products that use fossil fuels to be made. He can be like the
DirecTV commercial in which a settler is settling in a world void of
fossil fuels.
See you Dec. 31, 2017, Bill. One of us will pay up.
SOURCE Kimmel Airs 'F-Bomb' Clip to Mock Climate Skeptic Film He Didn't Even SeeWhen
critics trash a film, they’ve usually actually seen it – but, not ABC’s
Jimmy Kimmel. So, the filmmaker of movie debunking climate hysteria is
challenging Kimmel to attend a private screening.
The “Jimmy
Kimmel Live!” host used seven minutes of his Monday show to mock a
climate skeptic’s film he obviously hadn’t seen – since he repeats the
very alarmist talking points the film debunks.
Kimmel bashed
“Climate Hustle,” a climate skeptic film that aired in 400 theaters
nationwide Monday, by making misleading, unsupportable, and inaccurate
claims, and personally attacking Gov. Sarah Palin for supporting the
He then aired a two-minute climate change advocacy
“message” featuring scientists dropping the “F-Bomb” to insult anyone
skeptical of man-made climate change.
Kimmel’s rant against
“Climate Hustle” displays a complete ignorance of the content of the
film – and deploys the same shopworn deceitful and mean-spirited tactics
the film exposes and addresses.
In “Climate Hustle”:
U.N. Climatologist Roger Pielke, Sr. explains how, since alarmists
can’t debate the facts, they attack the messenger (as Kimmel personally
insults Palin and the scientists drop the F-Bomb on skeptics),
“97% scientific consensus” claim Kimmel cites is revealed to be the
product of slanted methodology – one of which didn’t even poll 97
Kimmel’s “hottest years ever” claim is dismantled and debunked,
Big Money driving climate influence is shown to be on the activist side
– in terms of grants, research funding, alarmist advocacy, etc. – not,
as Kimmel claims, coming from corporate “polluters,” and
dissenting scientists (including a Nobel Laureate and a moon-mission
astronaut) share data and analysis debunking climate hysteria – not the
ignorant, average slobs Kimmel accuses his dissenting viewers of being.
response to Kimmel’s uninformed, agenda-driven rant on national
television, “Climate Hustle” producer, writer and host Marc Morano is
challenging Kimmel to view the film.
Morano tells MRCTV:
is obvious Mr. Kimmel has not seen 'Climate Hustle' or he would have
known better than to recite the same propaganda litany of climate
'facts' which the movie deals with head-on. Using a video of cursing
scientists warning of a tired litany of doom, using terms like
'apocalyptic'; 'catastrophic'; and 'extremely dire' was bland and
predictable and the very reason that ‘Climate Hustle’ was made.
Kimmel thinks failure to believe in man-made global warming fears is
akin to not believing in gravity or yogurt. Odd.
“Mr. Kimmel, I
challenge you to watch 'Climate Hustle' and issue an apology for your
climate pabulum that you spewed to viewers. 'Climate Hustle' was made to
counter the very boilerplate rants that you, Mr. Kimmel, engaged in.
The public needs to view 'Climate Hustle' if, for no other reason, than
to hear Mr. Kimmel's climate talking points dismantled.
“Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.”
Jimmy Kimmel is actually interested in the facts, he’ll step up and
watch the film, instead of continuing to recite inaccurate,
fear-mongering clichés on blind faith,” Morano added.
SOURCE Electric cars good for Australian minersDue
to the unprecedented interest in electric cars and renewable batteries,
lithium miners are developing new projects across the state.
the middle of iron ore country is one of the greatest discoveries of the
sought-after resource, with Pilbara Minerals' Pilgangoora mine set to
go into construction later this year.
It is one of 20 companies working to get lithium mining projects up and running in Western Australia.
"We are in essence going to be the world's number one lithium producer," Ken Brinsden, CEO of Pilbara Minerals, told 9NEWS.
The mine has promised hundreds of new jobs for unemployed FIFO workers.
is) excitement in the mining industry. A commodity in demand and
as result fantastic opportunities for Western Australia," Mr Brinsden
The interest in lithium is being pushed by the sales of
electric cars, which currently account for three percent of the motor
vehicle market and expected to reach 22 percent of the market by 2025.
is leading the charge — in a month it has already pre-sold 400,000 of
the Model 3 electric car, even though it won't be released until 2018.
"Electric vehicles are coming," Kevin Johnson from Argonaut said.
"There is nothing you can do about it."
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
4 May, 2016
Global warming could turn Middle East and Northern Africa into 'dead zones' for humans and force 500 million people to relocateIndeed it could. The guy below could fly too.

stuff below is just another prophecy from the worst prophets in
history. Even Jehovah's Witnesses did better at prophecy. At
least they rightly predicted 1914 as a turning-point year. Every
time Warmists give a specific year for something they goof
hilariously. The stuff below is just more modelling crap. No
new facts at all.
But even if by some miracle their prophecies
are correct, why worry? A big temperature rise would open up
coastal Antarctica, Northern Canada and Siberia -- which could provide
more human living space than ever
The academic journal article is "Strongly increasing heat extremes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in the 21st century"A
new study has warned that rising global temperatures could render large
swathes of the Middle East and North Africa too hot for humans.
Experts say the future of humanity is these areas is 'in jepoardy' and say it could affect up to 500 million people.
Researchers found the number of extremely hot days in the region has doubled since 1970.
the end of the century, midday temperatures on hot days could even
climb to 50 degrees Celsius (approximately 122 degrees Fahrenheit).
finding: Heat waves could occur ten times more often than they do now.
By mid-century, 80 instead of 16 extremely hot days.
'In future,
the climate in large parts of the Middle East and North Africa could
change in such a manner that the very existence of its inhabitants is in
jeopardy,' says Jos Lelieveld, Director at the Max Planck Institute for
Chemistry and Professor at the Cyprus Institute.
Lelieveld and
his team concluded that ven if Earth's temperature were to increase on
average only by two degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial times,
the temperature in summer in these regions will increase more than
By mid-century, during the warmest periods,
temperatures will not fall below 30 degrees at night, and during daytime
they could rise to 46 degrees Celsius (approximately 114 degrees
By the end of the century, midday temperatures on
hot days could even climb to 50 degrees Celsius (approximately 122
degrees Fahrenheit).
Another finding: Heat waves could occur ten
times more often than they do now. By mid-century, 80 instead of 16
extremely hot days
In addition, the duration of heat waves in North Africa and the Middle East will prolong dramatically.
1986 and 2005, it was very hot for an average period of about 16 days,
by mid-century it will be unusually hot for 80 days per year.
At the end of the century, up to 118 days could be unusually hot, even if greenhouse gas emissions decline again after 2040.
mankind continues to release carbon dioxide as it does now, people
living in the Middle East and North Africa will have to expect about 200
unusually hot days, according to the model projections,' says Panos
Hadjinicolaou, Associate Professor at the Cyprus Institute and climate
change expert.
Atmospheric researcher Jos Lelieveld is convinced
that climate change will have a major impact on the environment and the
health of people in these regions. 'Climate change will significantly
worsen the living conditions in the Middle East and in North Africa.
heat waves and desert dust storms can render some regions
uninhabitable, which will surely contribute to the pressure to migrate,'
said Jos Lelieveld.
SOURCE Some welcome doubts about the effects of methaneMethane
has no climate effects at all. All the wavelengths it absorbs are
also absorbed -- and hence masked -- by the much more plentiful water
vapour. Chris Mooney below has not yet got that far, though he is
getting close
I might point out in passing that when Mooney
claims below that CO2 lasts for thousands of years in the atmosphere, he
is being conventional rather than scientific. Both radioactive
and stable carbon isotopes show that the real atmospheric CO2 average
residence time (lifetime) is only about 5 years. The thousand-year
figure was just dreamt up by Warmists to suit their models.
Even sly old John Cook
admits the 5 year residence figure for CO2 but says its effects are
more long-lasting than that because most of the loss of CO2 is due to
dissolution into the oceans and the ocean promptly gives another CO2
molecule back when that happens. But why would it? If the
ocean is absorbing CO2 from the air it is obviously not saturated for
CO2 and would therefore have no impulse to release CO2It’s
perhaps the most contentious issue in U.S. climate change policy right
now: How can we deal with emissions of methane, a powerful if
short-lived greenhouse gas, which has many sources but appears to be
leaking into the air in considerable volumes from U.S. oil and gas
The Obama administration is expected to release new
methane regulations for new sources of emissions soon, and the EPA
recently revised upwards, considerably, its estimates of how much
methane is leaking into the atmosphere from the U.S. energy industry.
And yet at the same time, there remains considerable scientific
uncertainty and debate over just how much methane the U.S. is emitting
and how much that has changed due to the current oil and gas boom — and
over what those emissions even mean.
A new study in Nature
Climate Change, for instance, gets at why understanding the importance
of methane can be such a difficult, confusing affair. In particular, it
takes issue with some of the math that has often been used to compare
the consequences of emitting methane with the impact of the chief,
long-lived global warming gas, carbon dioxide. And it finds that really,
we may not even know how important our methane emissions are in the
first place until we also know how quickly we’re able to get carbon
dioxide under control.
“People are placing too much emphasis on
methane,” says Raymond Pierrehumbert, a climate scientist at the
University of Oxford and one of the paper’s authors. “And really, people
should prove that we can actually get the CO2 emissions down first,
before worrying about whether we are doing enough to get methane
emissions down.”
The study was led by Myles Allen, also of
Oxford, with colleagues from several other UK universities as well as
institutions in Norway and New Zealand.
The key problem addressed
by the study is that greenhouse gases are all different, and yet
nonetheless, policymakers and analysts have a tendency to pool them all
together by using a common metric, “carbon dioxide equivalents.” Thus,
according to the EPA, while in 2014 the U.S. emitted 5.556 billion tons
of carbon dioxide, it emitted 6.871 billion tons of carbon dioxide
equivalents — the number rises because of the inclusion of emissions of
methane, nitrous oxide and other greenhouse gases.
But all of
these gases are different — after a pulse of methane is emitted into the
atmosphere, half of it is no longer there after 8.3 years, and then
only a quarter is left after another 8.3 years, and so on. That’s very
different from the behavior of a pulse emission of carbon dioxide, some
of which remains in the atmosphere for thousands of years.
usual way to convert emissions of methane, black carbon, and other
so-called short lived climate pollutants into carbon dioxide equivalents
involves calculating their “global warming potential” over 100 years —
thus, according to EPA, methane has 28 to 36 times as much warming
impact as the same amount of carbon dioxide over a century. But the new
study in Nature Climate Change finds that because methane has a shorter
atmospheric life than carbon dioxide, the truth is that this gas — along
with black carbon and various hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs — really has
an impact over 20 to 40 years, rather than 100. (The calculation is
actually for all uses of the global warming potential approach, not just
for methane.)
“The appearance of 100 years in the name of the
metric really deceives a lot of people into thinking this is telling us
something about temperature 100 years out, whereas it’s not,” says
All of this may seem technical, but here’s why it
matters. Governments are struggling to keep global temperatures from
rising more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial averages, and
would prefer holding it to 1.5 degrees — which means eventually bringing
carbon dioxide emissions to zero. If the temperature peaks soon, say by
the year 2050, then controlling the warming caused by methane, and
other short-lived climate pollutants like black carbon, would mean a
lower total peak temperature, the new study finds. In that case, these
emissions definitely matter.
But if we don’t get carbon dioxide
under control and peak emissions by 2050, the new study suggests, then
today’s methane emissions become irrelevant. They simply won’t be
causing warming any longer. But a significant amount of the carbon
dioxide we emit today will still be in the atmosphere.
SOURCE Resettling the First American ‘Climate Refugees’ (!)There
is a lachrymose story from the NYT below that is big on "color"
and very light on science. You are supposed to believe that
climate change has drowned the homes of a simple native people and Uncle
Sam has stepped in to lend a hand. But the problem concerned is
nothing to do with climate change. Subsidence is common in parts
of the U.S. East coast and this is just one example of it. It is a
geophysical phenomenon, not a climate phenomenon. No wonder the
article was light on the science of itEach morning at 3:30,
when Joann Bourg leaves the mildewed and rusted house that her parents
built on her grandfather’s property, she worries that the bridge
connecting this spit of waterlogged land to Louisiana’s terra firma will
again be flooded and she will miss another day’s work.
Bourg, a custodian at a sporting goods store on the mainland, lives with
her two sisters, 82-year-old mother, son and niece on land where her
ancestors, members of the Native American tribes of southeastern
Louisiana, have lived for generations. That earth is now dying, drowning
in salt and sinking into the sea, and she is ready to leave.
With a first-of-its-kind “climate resilience” grant to resettle the island’s native residents, Washington is ready to help.
“Yes, this is our grandpa’s land,” Ms. Bourg said. “But it’s going under one way or another.”
January, the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced
grants totaling $1 billion in 13 states to help communities adapt to
climate change, by building stronger levees, dams and drainage systems.
of those grants, $48 million for Isle de Jean Charles, is something
new: the first allocation of federal tax dollars to move an entire
community struggling with the impacts of climate change. The divisions
the effort has exposed and the logistical and moral dilemmas it has
presented point up in microcosm the massive problems the world could
face in the coming decades as it confronts a new category of displaced
people who have become known as climate refugees.
“We’re going to
lose all our heritage, all our culture,” lamented Chief Albert Naquin
of the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw, the tribe to which most Isle de Jean
Charles residents belong. “It’s all going to be history.”
Brunet, 3, on the bridge that leads to her home, which fills with up to a
foot of mud during storms. Her parents, Keith Brunet and Keisha
McGehee, would like to leave the island.
“The changes are
underway and they are very rapid,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell
warned last week in Ottawa. “We will have climate refugees.”
Isle de Jean Charles resettlement plan is one of the first programs of
its kind in the world, a test of how to respond to climate change in the
most dramatic circumstances without tearing communities apart. Under
the terms of the federal grant, the island’s residents are to be
resettled to drier land and a community that as of now does not exist.
All funds have to be spent by 2022.
SOURCE Tiny plankton are big travelers, making them likely to ride out global warmingDrift in ocean currents impacts intergenerational microbial exposure to temperature
Martina A. Doblina and Erik van Sebille
are the foundation of marine ecosystems [Falkowski PG, Fenchel T,
Delong EF (2008) Science 320(5879):1034–1039]. Until now, the analytical
framework for understanding the implications of ocean warming on
microbes has not considered thermal exposure during transport in dynamic
seascapes, implying that our current view of change for these critical
organisms may be inaccurate. Here we show that upper-ocean microbes
experience along-trajectory temperature variability up to 10 °C greater
than seasonal fluctuations estimated in a static frame, and that this
variability depends strongly on location. These findings demonstrate
that drift in ocean currents can increase the thermal exposure of
microbes and suggests that microbial populations with broad thermal
tolerance will survive transport to distant regions of the ocean and
invade new habitats. Our findings also suggest that advection has the
capacity to influence microbial community assemblies, such that regions
with strong currents and large thermal fluctuations select for
communities with greatest plasticity and evolvability, and communities
with narrow thermal performance are found where ocean currents are weak
or along-trajectory temperature variation is low. Given that fluctuating
environments select for individual plasticity in microbial lineages,
and that physiological plasticity of ancestors can predict the magnitude
of evolutionary responses of subsequent generations to environmental
change [Schaum CE, Collins S (2014) Proc Biol Soc 281(1793):20141486],
our findings suggest that microbial populations in the sub-Antarctic
(?40°S), North Pacific, and North Atlantic will have the most capacity
to adapt to contemporary ocean warming.
doi: 10.1073/pnas.1521093113Twilight of the Climate Change MovementThe
UN’s climate summit in Paris at the end of 2015 concluded with a bang.
The world’s governments promised sweeping cuts in carbon emissions. Rich
countries promised to help poor ones with $100 billion per year in
climate assistance. President Obama quickly declared the agreement “the
best chance we have to save the one planet we’ve got.” The consensus
quickly jelled that this was a major, historic achievement.
came the fizzle: The agreement is non-binding. Secretary of State John
Kerry asserted on NBC’s Meet the Press that compliance would be enforced
through the “powerful weapon” of public shaming, apparently implying a
policy of verbal confrontation toward states that fall short.
Danish scientist Bjørn Lomborg, a prominent critic of the top-down
international conference approach to climate change, called the Paris
agreement the “costliest in history” if implemented. According to
Lomborg, the agreement would “reduce temperatures by 2100 by just 0.05
degrees Celsius (0.09 degrees Fahrenheit)…. This is simply cynical
political theater, meant to convince us that our leaders are taking
serious action…a phenomenally expensive but almost empty gesture.”
scientist Jim Hansen, one of the earliest proponents of the idea that
global warming is manmade, slammed the deal as “half-assed and
half-baked,” a “fake,” and a “fraud.”
Hansen’s assessment is
probably close to the mark—and he and his fellow alarmists have only
themselves to blame. While those who flatly deny the possibility of any
global warming can be readily brushed aside, the alarmists have been
much too quick to dismiss legitimate questions about precisely what the
evidence shows. Indeed, they have frequently treated such questions as
heresies to be persecuted, adopting an even more virulently
anti-scientific mindset than the one they accuse others of.
on the policy side, the alarmists’ call for worldwide economic
controls, including caps on fossil fuels, are largely recycled from
previous scientific doomsday fads, such as the oil scarcity scare of the
late 1970s.
Despite the enormous costs these policies would
impose, especially on poor countries, they would do virtually nothing to
stop anthropogenic climate change, let alone protect anyone from
relentless natural climate change that is one of our planet’s most
prominent and inescapable features.
They are also distracting
attention both from investments that would make society less vulnerable
to climate change, and from a more pressing crisis, namely the
extinction of a large fraction of the world’s plant and animal species
due to widespread modification of natural habitat.
Don’t be
fooled by the fanfare in Paris: The climate change movement faces big
trouble ahead. Its principal propositions contain two major fallacies
that can only become more glaring with time. First, in stark contrast to
popular belief and to the public statements of government officials and
many scientists, the science on which the dire predictions of manmade
climate change is based is nowhere near the level of understanding or
certainty that popular discourse commonly ascribes to it.
and relatedly, the movement’s embrace of an absolute form of the
precautionary principle distorts rational cost-benefit analysis, or
throws it out the window altogether.
As the costs of
decarbonization start to hit home, and the public demands greater
certainty about the benefits to be gained, the public—and particularly
those industries that are hardest hit—will invest in scientific
research, in the hopes of achieving a more granular cost-benefit
Something similar is happening to proposed listings
under the Endangered Species Act—where major economic interests are
threatened, they have responded with enormous investments in scientific
research in order to show either that the species in question is not in
danger, or that it can be protected by measures far short of the often
draconian prohibitions imposed pursuant to the Act.
These factors
will almost certainly produce a more nuanced and less messianic view of
the climate problem, with solutions aimed to maximize “bang for the
buck” at the margins, where climate threats are most grave, rather than
reordering human society in order to “save” a planet that, in the grand
scheme of things, is quite indifferent to the state of the climate at
any given time.
All sides of the climate change debate have a
huge incentive to generate more and better climate science: the
alarmists and their more skeptical colleagues all want to prove their
points. As our scientific understanding improves, many of the
propositions we hear today will have to be modified, and many will be
refuted, as has always happened in the history of science.
scientific community may at times be powerfully resistant to revision of
its received wisdoms; it took an entire generation for medical
professionals to accept the germ theory of disease, despite the fact
that the evidence in its favor generated by Pasteur and Koch was clear
from the start. But better science wins out in the end.
greater clarity that better science will bring will open up new
opportunities to solve environmental problems both known and unknown,
and not a moment too soon. The human race faces challenges that cannot
effectively be met at a local or even a national level. These challenges
will not be met by a wholesale reordering of human society from the top
down, as many of the more authoritarian-minded environmentalists wish.
Any attempt to impose command-economy solutions on a global scale will
fall far short or outright fail, as the Paris agreement and its
precursors show.
The right strategy for confronting
environmental challenges will have to be based on rational market
incentives, rational cost-benefit analysis, and a broad-based consensus
about the vital importance of efficient markets. Strategies that distort
rational cost-benefit analysis (or the science on which it is based) to
suit an anti-market agenda will not work and can only maintain the
illusion of legitimacy for so long before they are discredited.
SOURCE Australia: Two carbon taxes in Labor's climate policy suiteAustralia is having an election this year too -- a couple of months before the American oneLabor
will exempt the electricity sector from its broader emissions trading
scheme hoping to limit the hit to the consumer wallet.
the sector will have its own ETS with an internal carbon market which
Labor believes will reduce the impact on power prices.
opposition's climate change policy - which it will take to the next
election - also focuses on a transition away from coal-fired power
Labor wants an orderly, structured phase out of
high-polluting energy generators with a support program to transition
workers into new industries.
Opposition environment spokesman
Mark Butler insists the plan is not a reincarnated carbon tax, while
maintaining it's necessary to get Australia's pollution levels under
"Labor heard a very clear message from the Australian
people about the carbon tax," Mr Butler told reporters in south-west
But Environment Minister Greg Hunt said Labor was
kidding itself that its ETS was not a carbon tax - which the coalition
scrapped upon coming into government.
The policy reaffirms
Labor's commitment to 50 per cent of the nation's power coming from
renewable sources by 2030 and an emissions reduction target of 45 per
cent by the same year.
It focuses on reducing land clearing, while aiming to double energy productivity through measures such as smarter buildings.
The ETS would be implemented in two phases - with the first requiring heavy polluters to offset any emissions above a set cap.
2020, an ongoing scheme will be in place - but the details won't be
sorted until the next term of government, should Labor be elected.
says it wants to get Australia back to the renewable energy superpower
it was in 2013. © AAP Image/Glenn Hunt Labor says it wants to get
Australia back to the renewable energy superpower it was in 2013.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten warned of increased insurance premiums,
inconsistent food supply and a loss of tourism and jobs if nothing is
done to limit climate change.
"Australia is now pretty much the
only advanced economy on earth where pollution is rising rather than
coming down," Mr Shorten told reporters on Wednesday.
Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who supported the introduction of an
emissions trading scheme in 2009 when he was opposition leader, said
Labor's plan would raise energy prices.
However, he conceded the coalition's 26-28 per cent target by 2030 would have to rise over coming decades.
plan has been broadly welcomed by climate groups who believe it could
help Australia reach its international obligations under last year's
United Nations climate agreement.
In December, 196 parties - including China, India and the United States - agreed to limit global warming to two degrees.
market analysts Reputex modelling shows phasing out coal-fired power
stations would have a negligible impact on electricity prices.
the peak mining body says the policy puts at risk Australia's export
competitiveness by eliminating the "cheapest form" of domestic
"The inevitable consequences of these policy choices
will be higher power prices," Minerals Council of Australia chief
executive Brendan Pearson said.
Greens leader Richard Di Natale
questioned why Labor's policy was silent on coal exports, accusing all
major parties of being beholden to the coal industry.
Labor has
also promised to expand the investment mandate of the Clean Energy
Finance Corporation, retain the Climate Change Authority and pump an
extra $200 million into ARENA.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
3 May, 2016
Some amusing Green/Left rageAndrew Lane is a graduate student at Arizona State University. He also has
a business installing solar panels.
So he has reason to be unhappy with those who question global
warming. If skepticism took firmer hold, it would damage his
business. So what does he do about that? Does he carefully examine
the issues and then plan appropriately? No. In a typically
Leftist way, he goes ballistic at Marc Morano, a prominent skeptic.
Morano received the following messages from him. It is clearly
hate speech and a violation of ASU speech codes. He could be in
trouble over that. He sent the abuse from his ASU address:
First comment:Hey Fat Head... Marc "Moran" O...I
just bought "Merchants of Doubt" and saw what threatening nonsense you
wrote real scientists. I thought I would return the favor to
you. Hmmm why is it we keep setting high temperature
records? Hmmm why it is many coastal cities like Miami, Norfolk,
and Cape Canaveral are complaining about rising seas? Why does the
Arctic and Antarctic Land Ice continue to melt away with less left year
after year? I would love to debate your candy ass in front of a
crowd. You are an ignorant sap who revels in his own stupidity.
Maybe it is you who should Fuck Off and Die....Maybe then you could be
composted to become fertilizer for plant life. That may be the
only way you can be productive. Ohhh I can hardly wait to see your
new Un-Documentary "Climate Hustle"...will it be on YouTube the day of
release? There is no way I will ever pay you one damned cent to
see it. Though I would accept payment from you to see it. How
about you pay me $20 to come to a premier near Phoenix? I'll even
come in my Electric Car and maybe I can park out in front of the theater
in case anyone would like to learn how they too can drive 100 miles for
about a dollar in fuel. Hmmmm I still haven't heard of an
Electricity Spill that ruined a Gulf of Mexico, a pristine area of
Alaska or detonated on a sleepy Canadian Town have you?
Morano replied: "Your comments are hurtful. And if you believe Merchants of Doubt is factual about me, you are very gullible"
Reply to Morano from Lane:Right On There Amigo "Moran-O" the Environmental Journalist,
Or should I say an Anti-Environmental Journalist...that would be a much more accurate description of your activities.
your comments in "Merchants of Doubt" to Dr. Katherine Hayhoe, Dr.
Micheal Mann, Dr. James Hansen and others were far more hurtful,
offensive, vulgar, and violent. Or was it messages
from your brainless followers after you posted their email addresses on
your website and encouraged them to do such? If you are so brave why
don't you go to their places of work and recite those phrases and see
how far you get. Ohh I've learned in the School of Sustainability at ASU
now that your brainless followers who think Global Warming is a Hoax
are now down to 10%. Good luck with that Ohhh so large fanbase! Hey if
if you all are so powerful let's see you hold a 400,000 person rally in
NYC. For that matter lets see you hold a 40,000 person rally anywhere
you want in the name of the Fossil Fools.
Yeah I'm the gullible
one when "Merchants of Doubt" has dear Fred Singer speaking the three
talking points of Climate Denial. That there is no Global Warming, then
there is Global Warming but it's not caused by Humans, and then there is
Global Warming but it would wreck the economy if we tried to do
anything about it! Hmmmm which is it there Chum? Your followers are the
gullible ones clinging to a loud mouth like you.
So then mighty
master mind... why is it we keep setting high temperature
records? Why it is many coastal cities like Miami, Norfolk,
and Cape Canaveral are complaining about rising seas? Why does the
Arctic and Antarctic Land Ice continue to melt away with less left year
after year?
You Conservative Clowns who are too Conservative to
Conserve anything would be just plain funny if the consequences weren't
so severe. Say what is your science background and education since you
play one on television so often as you state so smugly.
Boy you
guys are going to get slaughtered come November. I can hardly wait to
see the GOP who can't quite grasp reality of Climate Action get
unelected! Say did you catch how many people blindly laid down
$1,000 each to reserve a car purchase for a car no one has seen, heard,
or touched and won't even be available for a year and a half?
Hmmmm 115,000 folks did before hand. Name one other item, much less a
car, that capitalism has produced that has sold more in such a short
amount of time. Ohhh and now the Reservation Line has grown closer to
400K after Elon Musk unveiled it in California. Again name one item that
that sort of sales record at any point in history or since the
Industrial Revolution.
I've seen your meeting with Dr. Bill Nye
the Science Guy. Why is it again you feel you know more about the
atmosphere and oceans than him? That you can holler louder than him?
Just like Tobacco, one day it will be common knowledge how treacherous
and bad fossil fuels are as well as all excess Green House Gas Emissions
from all their sources. The question is how fast we can get to that
point, and will it be too late? It may be beyond your scope but the
amount of Green House Gasses now frozen under the thawing tundra and
permafrost is quite substantial. Indeed it's about a century of today's
emissions. Hmmm how fast will it escape?
Again try to stay
in your lane and leave the Scientists alone. You might want to change
your Kids last name too....Morano might well become notorious with the
Chief Climate Denier and how many lives it ruined for so long.
various claims he makes have in the past all been dealt with on
this blog and many others. He is in a way a victim. He has
founded his business on a mistaken belief. He has been taken for a
ride by WarmismThe latest Warmist scare: Oxygen deprivationThere
are out at the moment any number of reports saying that the oceans are
running out of oxygen and all the fish are going to die soon. So I
decided to look at the scientific paper the whole scare is based on.
Its abstract is below. Its theoretical underpinnings are fair
enough. Warm water DOES contain less gas than cold water.
that theory doesn't get us far. The warmest waters on earth are
of course in the tropics. So they should contain less
oxygen. So how come tropical waters are teeming with life?
Probably because the very vigorous photosynthesis there is continually
pouring oxygen into the water. In Australian waters, it is the
most Northerly part of the Great Barrier reef (the part closest to the
equator) that has the greatest species diversity, for instance.
much for theory. Let us look at what the paper actually says.
They claim NO global effects so far at all. What they claim,
rather laughably, is a possibility of detection. And they put even
that well ahead in the future: "widespread detection of forced
deoxygenation is possible by 2030–2040". Nothing to give even the
most dedicated Warmist an erection thereFinding forced trends in oceanic oxygen
Matthew C. Long et al.
forced trends in oceanic dissolved oxygen are evaluated in Earth system
models in the context of natural variability. A large ensemble of a
single Earth system model is used to clearly identify the forced
component of change in interior oxygen distributions and to evaluate the
magnitude of this signal relative to noise generated by internal
climate variability. The time of emergence of forced trends is
quantified on the basis of anomalies in oxygen concentrations and
trends. We find that the forced signal should already be evident in the
southern Indian Ocean and parts of the eastern tropical Pacific and
Atlantic basins; widespread detection of forced deoxygenation is
possible by 2030–2040. In addition to considering spatially discrete
metrics of detection, we evaluate the similarity of the spatial
structures associated with natural variability and the forced trend.
Outside of the subtropics, these patterns are not wholly distinct on the
isopycnal surfaces considered, and therefore, this approach does not
provide significantly advanced detection. Our results clearly
demonstrate the strong impact of natural climate variability on interior
oxygen distributions, providing an important context for interpreting
SOURCE North Atlantic Heat Content Plunges… Meteorologist Warns Of “Serious Implications” On US Climate, Sea Ice!Paul
Donan of the excellent weather science site Vencore Weather here brings
us up to date on the latest on one of the most powerful natural cycles
driving our North Atlantic climate: North Atlantic sea surface
temperature (SST) cycles.
In a nutshell the site writes that the
North Atlantic “is now showing signs of a possible long-term shift back
to colder-than-normal sea surface temperatures (SST) and this could have
serious implications on US climate and sea ice areal extent in the
Northern Hemisphere”.
Vencore supplies the following chart of North Atlantic heat content (0 – 700 meters deep):

The next chart Vencore provides below is one of Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) since the 1870s.

Clearly we see that huge climate driver has been cyclic and that the past 20 years have been marked by very warm SSTs.
Little wonder the North Atlantic region has been seen warmer than normal conditions over the past 2 decades.
that warmth appears to be waning as the North Atlantic is now heading
toward its cool phase. That cooling down is confirmed by the Japan
Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC). Note how
the transitions take place quickly, in a matter of just a few years.
writes that the North Atlantic cooling is likely going to have some
“significant impacts on Northern Hemisphere (NH) sea ice areal extent
over the coming decades“, and thus could be a major blow to climate
science forecasts of a melting Arctic. If the North Atlantic cooling
continues, then Vencore warns we should expect Arctic sea ice to return
to 1990s levels, if not even greater.
The cooling North Atlantic
will also have serious ramifications for North America’s climate.
Vencore reports that winters over large parts of North America are much
colder during cool North Atlantic phases, and significantly warmer
during the warm phases. So if these trends should continue, it means
that the days of the global warming scare are numbered, or they will
have to move to the other hemisphere.
SOURCE 'GLOBAL WARMING' TAKES HIT IN 'CLIMATE HUSTLE'New movie characterizes social agenda as con job intended to take control of money, politicsDecades
ago, scientists warned that the Earth’s average temperatures were
rising, polar ice fields were shrinking and the very survival of the
planet was at stake.
Now, it seems that the public hears fewer
references to facts and many more declarations of what people believe
about “climate change.”
As in faith. As in religion.
a one-night nationwide theatrical engagement on Monday, a new movie,
“Climate Hustle,” aims to pull back the veil on a movement that even
some of its supporters concede has taken on religious overtones.
by Marc Morano, a former Republican political aide who founded and runs
the climate-skeptic website, the move exposes “the
history of climate scares including global cooling; debunks outrageous
claims about temperatures, extreme weather, and the so-called
‘consensus;’ exposes the increasingly shrill calls to ‘act immediately
before it’s too late,’ and in perhaps the film’s most important section,
profiles key scientists who used to believe in climate alarm but have
since converted to skepticism.”
Morano said on his website the movie shows “the climate establishment comparing climate skeptics to Holocaust deniers.”
all an attempt to silence the debate, to silence any science and go
right to centralized planning,” he said. “That’s what this is all about.
The U.N. has admitted their goal is wealth redistribution and it
doesn’t have anything to do with environmental policy.”
To learn where the movie is showing near you, and to buy tickets, visit
In an interview with WND, Morano affirmed the end goal of “climate change” activists is money and control.
intent now is not to discuss, investigate or research, but to send “a
chilling message to doubters and skeptics” to be silent.
always the same solution, more centralized government; the bureaucrats,
the intellectual elites in charge, they know best,” he said. “These
storms … they’re going to come and get you.”
But, he said, the solution is at hand, according to the elites: “If you pay up now, put us in charge, we can protect you.”
said the result will be tragic for large populations who are being
denied access to pumped water, power and heat because of climate-change
believers’ antagonism to carbon-based fuels.
“The reason we know
there’s a hustle is their predictions have failed to come true, on a
whole host of issues,” Morano said. “That’s why they now want to stop
the debate, suppress debate.”
Famous predictions
One of
the more famous predictions came from former vice president and current
carbon-credit entrepreneur Al Gore, who told an audience in a 2009
speech that “the entire north polar ice cap during some of the summer
months could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven
His 2006 documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” famously
predicted increasing temperatures would cause earth’s oceans to rise by
20 feet, a claim many scientists say is utterly without rational basis.
came from a 2013 column by Mark Hertsgaard, which was headlined “The
End of the Arctic? Ocean Could be Ice Free by 2015.”
He wrote:
“Say goodbye to polar bears and a whole lot of ice. New research
suggests the Arctic Ocean could be ice-free by 2015, with devastating
consequences for the world. Can it be stopped?”
Taking one more step back in time, the BBC said Arctic summers would be ice-free by 2013.
Sierra Club Canada also said in 2013 that the Arctic sea ice would vanish that year.
Ball, a former University of Winnipeg climatology professor, said
global temperatures have been dropping since the turn of the century,
prompting the change in terminology from “global warming” to “climate
Activists are also spending less time discussing
temperatures and more time pointing to more extreme events such as
tornadoes, droughts, cold snaps and heat waves. Ball said there’s a
shred of truth there, but it’s being badly distorted.
there’s been slightly more extremes,” he said in an interview with WND
and Radio America. “That’s because the jet stream patterns are changing,
because the earth is cooling down.
All the arguments about
sea-level rise, about Arctic ice disappearing, if you recall it’s not
that long ago that our friend Al Gore was saying that there would be no
summer ice in the Arctic. I think the year he set for it was 2014. That
proved to be completely wrong.
SOURCE Good News in Global Warming NASA
announced that the Earth is getting greener. Literally greener. Plant
growth is way up. Why is plant growth way up? Because of all the extra
carbon dioxide in the air.
According to the study, which was
published this week in the scientific journal Nature, the total area of
the planet that’s covered by plants has increased by more than 11
million square miles in the last 33 years. For perspective: North
America, including Greenland, is a little less than nine and a half
million square miles. Of course, not all of this increase is due to CO2
and global warming. But 78 percent of it is. (Says the study.)
is very good news. Plants feed the world. It is not, however,
unexpected news. Wall Street Journal readers may recall a piece
published in May of 2013 called “In Defense of Carbon Dioxide,” by
William Happer, one of Princeton’s top-flight physicists, and Harrison
Schmitt, a geologist, a former Republican senator from New Mexico, and
an Apollo astronaut who walked on the moon.
“Contrary to what
some would have us believe,” wrote Schmitt and Happer, “increased carbon
dioxide will benefit the increasing population on the planet by
increasing agricultural productivity.”
Needless to say, they
were right on the money. And this was no shot in the dark — in fact, the
benefit of carbon dioxide to plant life is not only a well-established
fact, but suffocatingly obvious, when you think about it: The (very
reasonable, entirely correct) trope of conservationists is that we need
more plants, because we breathe oxygen and emit carbon dioxide, whereas
plants breathe carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. It follows that plants
need carbon dioxide in more or less the same way we need oxygen.
is why — point out Schmitt and Happer — commercial greenhouses tend to
grow plants in air that is 150 percent richer in carbon dioxide than the
great outdoors. Schmitt and Happer’s piece also explained that higher
levels of atmospheric CO2 make plants more resistant to drought —
basically, by reducing the number of water-wasting air holes a plant
needs to breathe — which (they say) is why droughts in the age of global
warming don’t look like droughts in the age of the Dust Bowl.
they point out that the current elevated CO2 levels are still much
lower than CO2 levels were in the distant (pre-human) past. They add
that “variations in global temperature correlate much better with solar
activity and complicated cycles of the oceans and atmosphere” than they
do with increased levels of carbon dioxide. And that “there isn’t the
slightest evidence that more carbon dioxide has caused more extreme
Unfortunately, Happer and Schmitt’s good tidings were
not enough to assuage the concerns of environmental opinion-makers. But
the fact that their predictions have been perfectly borne out should
give some ammunition to fighters of the good fight.
And in the
meantime, everyone on every side of the global-warming argument should
take a few moments to appreciate these, our salad days, and — at last —
some good news in global warming.
SOURCE Australia: Eco-Fascists now harassing insurance companiesClimate
activists are targeting the role of insurance companies in the
expansion of fossil fuel production, highlighting the impact of extreme
weather events on their bottom line.
“We’ve already targeted
banks and super funds, so insurance companies are the next frontier,”
said Dan Gocher from the financial activist group Market Forces.
Monday it hijacked the insurer QBE’s branding in Sydney, plastering the
slogan “Made possible by QBE” over images of coalmines and natural
At about 8am on Monday morning the Market Forces team
hung the posters from the QBE headquarters in Sydney’s CBD. Julien
Vincent, executive director of Market Forces said they were removed by
security after about 10 minutes.
“It’s about highlighting their
role in the perpetuation and expansion of the fossil fuel industry,
which is contributing to climate change,” said Gocher, who worked for
QBE until 2015. “Because as their slogan tells you, they make it
The activists’ imagery is very similar to one produced
by QBE a few years ago. In 2012 the its annual report printed “Made
possible by QBE” on the cover, over an image of an operating coalmine.
that report, the company boasted it was “a major insurer of the mining
sector in Australia” and insured “coalminers in the Queensland Bowen
Basin and New South Wales Hunter Valley”.
Finding out exactly how
much insurers were underwriting coal and other fossil fuel projects was
difficult, Vincent said. “The way you learn about it is when there’s
been a disaster,” he said.
When the world’s largest oil leak
occurred in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, it was revealed BP’s Deepwater
Horizon oil extraction was insured by QBE.
Gocher said the group
would target other insurers, but QBE was an obvious place to start
because it had revealed some of its involvement in the sector.
also held large investment portfolios, Gocher said. Australian
insurance companies managed about $200bn worth of stock, $35bn of it
held by QBE.
Some other insurers have begun to move away from
fossil fuels. The French insurer AXA and Germany’s Allianz divested from
thermal coal because of climate change.
Overseas insurers and
reinsurers (companies that insure other insurance companies) have played
a significant role in public discussion of climate change after
recognising they were particularly exposed to the effects of extreme
weather events.
How to free your investment portfolio from fossil fuels
Read more
2015 Munich RE said: “We are convinced that there are particular
regions and hazards where climate change is already having a definite
influence on losses. Significant effects have to be accounted for in
risk management approaches of the insurance industry.”
despite being hit with large payouts, Australian insurers lagged behind
their foreign counterparts, not divesting from fossil fuels and not
playing a role in the public discussion, Gocher said.
reports show QBE paid US$76m for storms that battered the New South
Wales coast in 2014; US$144m for storms Desmond, Eva and Frank in the UK
in 2015; US$108m for cyclone Pam, which hit Vanuatu in March.
Forces has asked Australian insurers to divest from fossil fuel in
their investment portfolios, begin withdrawing from underwriting fossil
fuel companies and play a role in the public conversation about climate
Gocher said withdrawal from underwriting could not be
done overnight, but companies could immediately cease underwriting new
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
2 May, 2016
If the media could interview the earth
Bishop HillInside climate propagandaInsideClimate News excels at propagating environmentalist and Obama thinking and policiesPaul Driessen
you ever wondered how the LA Times, Associated Press, Weather Channel
and your local media always seem to present similar one-sided stories on
climate change, fossil fuels, renewable energy and other environmental
issues? How their assertions become “common knowledge,” like the
"Global temperatures are the hottest ever recorded.
Melting ice caps are raising seas to dangerous levels. Hurricanes,
tornadoes, floods and droughts have never been more frequent or
destructive. Planet Earth is at a tipping point because of carbon
dioxide emissions. Fracking is poisoning our air, water and climate. 97%
of scientists agree. A clean renewable energy future is just around the
It’s as if a chain of command, carefully coordinated
process or alliance of ideological compatriots was operating behind the
scenes to propagate these fables. This time, conspiracy theorists have
gotten it right.
A major player in this process and alliance is
one that most citizens and even businessmen and politicians have never
heard of. InsideClimate News (ICN) has been called “highly influential,”
a “pioneer of nonprofit advocacy journalism,” the recipient of
“prestigious awards” for “high-impact investigative stories” on
important environmental issues.
The Washington Free Beacon,
National Review and Energy in Depth offer detailed and far less
charitable assessments. Less friendly observers, they note, call ICN a
“mouthpiece” for extreme environmentalist groups, because it is run by
and out of a deep-green public relations consultancy (Science First) and
is funded almost exclusively by wealthy foundations that share its and
the PR firm’s anti-fossil fuel, pro-renewable energy, Bigger Government
agenda. ICN was founded by David Sasoon, a true believer in catastrophic
manmade climate change who wants to do all he can “to usher in the
clean energy economy.”
Even praise from its supporters
underscores the dark side of this “influential” force in eco-journalism.
Its approach is “advocacy,” not fairness, accuracy or balance. Its goal
is to drive a monolithic, hard-line, environmentalist narrative and
political agenda, with little suggestion that other perspectives even
Some of its awards come from an organization that has
itself become politicized and too closely allied with Big Green views
and organizations: the Society of Environmental Journalists. They
increasingly operate too much as mutual admiration societies and support
groups, say outside observers.
ICN and its Science First alter
ego received their 2007 startup grant from the Rockefeller Brothers
Fund, where Sasoon once served as a consultant. They now derive the bulk
of their funding from the RBF, NEO Philanthropy (aka, Public Interest
Projects), Marlisa Foundation and Park Foundation. These and other sugar
daddies are covered in a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
staff report, which describes a “Billionaire’s Club” of “left-wing
millionaires and billionaires [which] directs and controls the far-left
[US] environmental movement.”
The same foundations also give
major tax-exempt donations to the Sierra Club, Earthworks, NRDC,
EarthJustice, the climate crisis coalition, and many other
anti-coal, anti-drilling, anti-fracking, anti-Keystone pressure groups
that together form the $10-billion-a-year US environmentalist industry.
has active partnerships with the LA Times, Associated Press, Weather
Channel, Bloomberg News and other media organizations that help
coordinate and disperse stories. The Times promotes the “dangerous
manmade climate change” meme and refuses to print letters that reflect
skeptical views.
The Associated Press has likewise become a
reliable purveyor of manmade climate chaos stories. The Weather Channel
and ICN teamed up in 2014 on a series of “investigative reports” that
claimed hydraulic fracturing was causing serious environmental and human
health problems in Texas.
The partners team up and coordinate to
“have one group write on an issue, another quote them or link to them,
and so on,” Media Research Center VP Dan Gainor explains. “It keeps
going until they create this perception that there’s real concern over
an issue, and it bubbles up to top liberal sites like Huffington Post,
and from there into the traditional media,” which itself is too
predisposed to the green narrative.
The foundations “have
incorporated ostensibly dispassionate news outlets into their
grant-making portfolios,” says the Free Beacon’s Lachlan Markay,
“creating what some describe as self-sustaining environmentalist echo
They make it look like widespread public concern and
spontaneous grassroots action – when in reality it is loud but small
Astroturf activism, orchestrated by the ICN brigade and the foundations
behind it.
InsideClimate News now brags about its involvement in
the extensive collusion among the leftist foundations, environmental
pressure groups and state attorneys general that are devising,
coordinating and advancing AG prosecutions of ExxonMobil, the
Competitive Enterprise Institute and other groups for alleged
“racketeering” and “fraud,” to hold them “legally accountable for
climate change denial.”
The efforts “stretch back at least to
2012,” ICN notes, when a meeting was held in California to develop legal
strategies. In late 2015, letters from several Democrat members of
Congress called for investigating and prosecuting climate skeptics; the
letters cited independent journalism “investigations by the Los Angeles
Times and InsideClimate News” to back up their request.
the intrepid Times and ICN investigators had conducted no investigation.
They simply parroted and amplified “research” from a group of activist
professors and students at the Columbia School of Journalism – without
disclosing who had funded the CSJ studies. Transparency for thee, but
not for me.
It was George Soros’s Open Society Foundations, along
with the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Rockefeller Family Foundation,
Energy Foundation, Lorana Sullivan Foundation and Tellus Mater
Foundation – all of which virulently oppose hydrocarbon production and
actively promote climate change alarmism.
Emails subpoenaed by
the Energy & Environment Legal Institute later revealed that many of
the same environmentalist groups and lawyers met again in January 2016
at a secret meeting in the Rockefeller Family Fund’s Manhattan offices.
Yet another secret meeting was held in March 2016, between climate
activists and state attorneys general – hours before the AGs announced
that they were launching RICO and other prosecutions of “climate
skeptic” companies and think tanks.
The success of this campaign
thus far, says ICN, has persuaded the activists to “step up efforts to
pressure more attorneys general to investigate [more climate crisis
skeptics] and sway public opinion, using op-eds, social media and
rope-line questioning of [Republican] presidential candidates at
campaign stops.”
This collusion among activists, foundations and
attorneys general seeks to silence, bankrupt and defund organizations
that challenge their catechism of climate cataclysm. These conspirators
want to deprive us of our constitutional rights to speak out on the
exaggerated and fabricated science, the coordinated echo- chamber news
stories, and the pressure group-driven policies that impair our
livelihoods, living standards, health, welfare and environmental
quality. We will not be intimidated or silenced.
As CFACT’s new
Climate Hustle film notes, manmade plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide has
not replaced the powerful natural forces that have always driven Earth’s
temperature, climate and weather.
The problem is not climate change. It is policies imposed in the name of preventing climate change.
why Climate Crisis, Inc. wants to silence and jail us. Just imagine how
much more they’ll be foaming at the mouth after throngs go to and buy tickets for its May 2 one-night-only showing
in hundreds of theaters across the United States.
Via emailState Department Announces Plans to Circumvent US Law in Order to Advance Climate AgendaState
Department spokesman John Kirby announced that the Obama administration
plans to circumvent U.S. law in order to advance its climate agenda.
This should come as no surprise, as the president has already
circumvented the Constitution through not submitting what is clearly an
international climate change treaty to the Senate.
U.S. funding
for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
should now be prohibited since the Palestinian Authority has signed on
as a party to the treaty—and the U.S. does not recognize Palestinian
claims of statehood. Under U.S. law, this should trigger a funding
prohibition enacted in 1994:
The United States shall not make any
voluntary or assessed contribution: (1) to any affiliated organization
of the United Nations which grants full membership as a state to any
organization or group that does not have the internationally recognized
attributes of statehood, or (2) to the United Nations, if the United
Nations grants full membership as a state in the United Nations to any
organization or group that does not have the internationally recognized
attributes of statehood, during any period in which such membership is
effective. (Adopted as Public Law 103-236 in 1994.)
Indeed, it is
a long-standing U.S. policy that a unilateral declaration of
Palestinian statehood would undermine internationally accepted
frameworks for peace, including the U.N. Security Council Resolution 242
and other U.N. statements, and that recognition should occur only after
a negotiated peace agreement with Israel. The Palestinian effort
threatens both U.S. and Israeli interests, and the administration is
right to oppose it.
This was Kirby’s defense for the administration’s plan to circumvent the law as quoted in The Hill:
UNFCCC is a treaty, and the Palestinians’ purported accession does not
involve their becoming members of any U.N. specialized agency or,
indeed, any international organization. Further, we do not believe that
it advances U.S. interests to respond to Palestinian efforts by
withholding critical funds that support the implementation of key
international agreements, which could undermine our ability to pursue
important U.S. objectives. Specifically, cutting off funding for the
UNFCCC, would deal a blow to our efforts to promote global action to
address climate change"
It has been apparent for some time that
the Obama administration views America’s relations with Israel as a low
priority, certainly less of a priority than its climate change agenda.
This explains the motivation to evade the law, but the legal angle—that
the UNFCCC is a treaty not an international organization—is so
inconsistent with reality that it is hard to believe that Kirby could
state it with a straight face.
The fact of the matter is that the
UNFCCC is a treaty-based international organization, just like the
United Nations and U.N. specialized agencies and other international
organizations like the Organization of American States, the Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development, and INTERPOL.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the founding
legal document upon which the organization and its structure are based.
The organization has an executive secretary. The UNFCCC employs “around
500 people” according to its website. The Conference of Parties is the
supreme decision-making body, which approves the budget and major
decisions. The UNFCC also has permanent subsidiary bodies, as
illustrated here.
The organization’s 2014-2015 biennial budget
totaled of 54,648,484 euros (not inclusive of the 766,938 euros provided
by the host government) of which the U.S. was assessed 21.45 percent.
this with other treaties that the Palestinians have acceded to, like
the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations or the Convention on the
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, which do not have
such governance structures.
Other treaties, like the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, have minimal
structural elements consisting primarily of their treaty bodies, which
in the case of the ICCPR is comprised of 18 independent experts. There
is no direct supporting secretariat or other permanent bureaucratic
structures. Instead, budgetary and staff support are provided by the
U.N. through the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights. On principle, the U.S. should also withhold its share of
funding from these bodies, but the differences between these treaties
and the treaty-based international organizations like the U.N. and the
UNFCCC are clear.
In short, if the UNFCCC is not an international organization, then the term has no meaning.
addition, the affiliation of the UNFCCC with the United Nations is
clear. As summarized in an April 18 letter from 28 senators to Secretary
of State John Kerry:
"The UNFCCC, through its operating
entities, constitutes an ‘affiliated organization of the United
Nations.’ For example, the UNFCCC secretariat is connected and linked to
the U.N. in many ways, including the following:
The U.N. secretary-general appoints the executive secretary of the UNFCCC secretariat.
the first Conference of the Parties, the UNFCCC decided that its
secretariat ‘shall be institutionally linked to the United Nations.’
According to its website, they remain ‘institutionally linked’ today.
The U.N. serves as Depository for the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol.
The U.N.’s proposed budget for the biennium 2016-2017 supports the UNFCCC.
U.N. Campus in Bonn, Germany houses the UNFCCC secretariat, which the
U.N. lists as one of 18 organizations that represents it and that are
part of the ‘U.N. presence’ in Bonn.
The UNFCCC secretariat is subject to U.N. rules and regulations regarding procurement and other matters.
The UNFCCC secretariat supports what it describes as the “largest annual United Nations conference”
on these facts, it is clear that U.S. funding to the UNFCCC should be
prohibited under current law. Nonetheless, Kirby’s comments indicate
that the Obama administration is determined to provide funding. Congress
should respond by providing no funding for and barring transfer of any
funds to the UNFCCC and its related entities in the future.
SOURCE Navajo Nation President Slams EPA on Response to Gold King Mine Spill ResponseAt
a congressional field hearing in Phoenix, Ariz., on Friday, Navajo
Nation President Russell Begaye said the EPA has not fulfilled its
promise to pay for damages done to Native American lands from the toxic
spill of mine waste into waterways in Colorado, which eventually
polluted water in that state, New Mexico, and Utah, and Navajo Nation
land in New Mexico, Utah and Arizona.
“EPA has not lived up to
its word,” Begaye said in a video posted on the Arizona Republic
website. “ It’s been empty promise after empty promise.”
“We’ve had numerous meetings where promises were made and none of it EPA has lived up to,” Begaye said.
Navajo-Hopi Observer reported on Tuesday that the Navajo Nation has
requested more than $2 million in reimbursements. The EPA has offered
$157,000, which totals less than 8 percent of expenses incurred,
according to Begaye’s office.
The amount was offered as a grant and not recognized as reimbursement, the news outlet reported.
Begaye's written statement from the hearing, he listed eight requests: a
fair and independent assessment of the role the EPA played in events
leading up to the Gold King Mine Spill; resources to conduct the
Nation's own monitoring, testing and assessment of water, soil and
crops; funds dedicated to emergency preparedness for future
environmental disasters; the EPA's full support of listing the Upper
Animas Mining District on the National Priorities List; and resources to
stabilize farming along the San Juan River.
During the hearing,
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
(SCOIA) would continue holding hearings until all questions are answered
and compensation was awarded to the Nation.
"An economic analyst
told the SCOIA that the Navajo Nation lost $982,000 in agriculture
production during the first two weeks of the spill," McCain said, adding
that costs from the disaster could reach upward of $335 million.
Navajo-Hopi Observer also reported that McCain said because of the
EPA's lack of action and forthright involvement, a criminal
investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice is merited and should
SOURCE Having an obnoxious Greenie elitist in charge of London? I don’t think soHaving Zac Goldsmith run London would be like asking a nun to run a brothelIf
you hate cars and supermarkets and junk food and people cramming
together to sell stuff and buy stuff and dispose of stuff, then London
probably isn’t for you. Take it from me, a Londoner from birth, who
never ceases to be amazed by the daily cranking to life of this beast of
steel and concrete and human throngs, the greatest city on Earth, which
is as unnatural a spectacle as you’re ever likely to see. Even Hyde
Park, the great green space we escape to, is manmade, having been shaped
at great cost by landscapers, its Serpentine lake invented through the
damming of a river that once ran through this space in order to create a
waterscape that would be a ‘line of beauty’. Anyone who thinks
‘manmade’ is a term of abuse need only look at London: a sprawling human
invention, housing nearly nine million souls, all enjoying the
liberation from nature provided by manmade city life.
All of
which raises a question: why on earth does Zac Goldsmith want to run
this city? Goldsmith, an eco-Tory from leafy Richmond, wants to be mayor
of London. Which is bizarre given that his deep-green soul, his
profoundly conservative and ecological heart, makes him bristle with
horror at everything big and modern and, well, manmade. Having Goldsmith
run London would be like having a nun run a brothel: this eco-puritan
is just not cut out for the job of overseeing a city of millions, of
trade, of power, of light, of litter, of vice, all things that tend to
freak out deep greens.
All the views held by Goldsmith make it
weird that he wants to run a city, never mind one as colossal as London,
one that puts old Rome to shame with its energy and noise. Virtually
his every utterance speaks to a snooty disdain for modernity. On
supermarkets, ‘I really hate them’, he says. They’re ‘soul-destroying’,
he reckons. That’s if the ignoramuses who shop in supermarkets — you
know, Ordinary People — even have souls capable of being destroyed. ‘You
might as well be a product on a conveyor belt hurtling around the shop
doing what you have been programmed to do by the corporation selling you
crap’, says Goldsmith with superb snobbery of the dumb, robotic hordes
who patronise supermarkets. London throbs with supermarkets, whether the
little Londis ones on your local high street or the sprawling
Morrison’s in your nearest town centre, and these supermarkets throb
with people, who haven’t been ‘programmed’ to try to do their weekly
shop in a nifty 45-minute trolley-dash under one roof — they want to, in
order that they might have more free time for family life, social life,
London life. That a prospective mayor doesn’t get this is weird, and
And Mayor Zac — heaven forbid — should make sure he
never ventures into the West End or Soho on a Saturday night, where he
might see people throwing back beer and burgers or plates of madly
delicious Italian fare. For just as he has a problem with the
junk-minded people who shuffle zombie-like through Tescos, he also has a
problem with junk food. ‘I’m convinced our diet is making us ill’, he
has said. He reckons rubbish food is causing cancer and autism and also
hyperactivity in kids, which is just a pseudo-scientific, eco-ridiculous
update of the idea of the ‘wages of sin’: the wages of your sinful
Nando’s will be mental disease, or death. ‘We don’t know what is in our
food any more’, wails Goldsmith. Yes, we do: dirty sauce (if you’re into
Shoreditch hipster food), loads of lamb (if the Turks of Seven Sisters
are your preferred chefs), lashings of creamy carbonara (if it’s a Soho
Italian you’re after). Goldsmith would be better suited to running one
of those sad health farms for middle-class self-haters than a city of a
trillion calories like London.
He isn’t fond of the idea of
people moving around, either. His Cameron-commissioned ‘Quality of Life’
report in the 2000s proposed slapping stiff taxes on short-haul flights
and highly polluting vehicles in order to discourage people — and
especially plebs, let’s face it, who aren’t flush with money — from
journeying around so much. His idea of ‘quality of life’ is clearly
different to that of the average inhabitant of London, in which there
are 2.6million licensed cars and where millions of people land in planes
every year. Movement, migration, travel: these are the lifeblood of
But then, Goldsmith has made clear throughout his career
as a famed eco-miserabilist and then mumbling MP that he is against
progress in general — even in the Third World, never mind London. People
say that ‘poor countries must be given the right to catch up [with the
West]’, he once said, ‘but they can’t’. Apparently Earth ‘cannot sustain
the process of Third World countries catching up with us. It’s crazy,
it’s mad. It’s just not possible.’ So they’ll have to stay put, these
Third Worlders, living what the likes of Goldsmith consider to be
‘natural lives’ but which is really just grinding poverty. A politician
with such a shrivelled sense of what’s possible — ‘it’s just not
possible’, he says of massive growth in the South — won’t get on well
with a city of possibility like London.
More recently, perhaps
recognising that the mayor of a city has to have some kind of plan for
where citizens will live, Goldsmith has said he would fuel a
‘house-building revolution’ in London. If you think that sounds unlikely
coming from someone who’s against progress and industry and airports
and more, then you’re right. Goldsmith says he’ll build 50,000 new homes
in a year, which is not nearly enough to satisfy demand. And he’ll
mostly build them on publicly owned brownfield land or through doing up
‘dilapidated estates’, all in the name of avoiding building on the Green
Belt. But that is what we need: Green Belt build, the expansion of
London further outwards, as has happened throughout history, so that the
city becomes bigger and the current trend towards densification and
cramming people into small flats and homes can be reversed. Not
surprisingly, for someone who thinks ‘the world [is] under siege’ from
corporations and pollution and other bad things, Goldsmith thinks
interfering with the Green Belt is sacrilege. Once again, preserving
greenery takes precedence over meeting mankind’s needs — the polar
opposite to what a city’s priorities ought to be.
The Goldsmith
worldview is best summed up in The Ecologist, the nutty magazine founded
by his uncle Edward Goldsmith and edited by Zac in the 2000s. To read
that mag — or peruse it, rather; reading it is far too depressing — is
to peer into the fearful, panicked, misanthropic soul of eco-aristocrats
and middle-class miserabilists. It drips with disdain for modern man
and his harmful chemicals and overpopulation and psychologically
disordered climate-change denial. To have the former head of such a mag
agitating to govern London is as strange as it would be for one of those
sneery anti-football-fan Guardian types to go for a job at the top of
the FA. You hate this stuff, why do you want to be in charge of it?
course, Goldsmith is not alone in obsessing over how to make London
more eco-friendly. His Labour rival Sadiq Khan also spouts green
platitudes and has flip-flopped on building on the Green Belt (he was
once in favour, now he’s against). And even Boris Johnson, supposedly
brave questioner of climate-change orthodoxy, transmogrified into a
green mayor when he got the job eight years ago, rushing out doom-laden
reports about future floods and whatnot if we don’t tame London’s
industrial and consumerist appetites. What these people seem not to
understand is that a city, in its very bones, is eco-unfriendly; it
represents a defiance of nature, a pushing against nature, a coming
together of vast numbers of human beings to do things better than
nature: to live in a manmade zone in which we’re safe from nature’s
whims, food is always in supply, and working and getting about are no
longer a great struggle. To be a citizen, to inhabit a city, is to be
liberated from the natural world. It is to be eco-unfriendly. And people
want this, everywhere. More than half of the world’s population — 54% —
now live in urban areas. Because they’re better than natural areas.
a mayor should keep parks up to scratch, give us recreational things to
do, and ensure easy access for Londoners to nearby beautiful landscapes
(by running a better train service, among other manmade things). But he
must also realise that making London ‘green’, in the sense of lowering
its ambitions, restricting its ability to expand, and tut-tutting at its
populace for being greedy and fat and not sufficiently into cycling,
isn’t going to happen. London isn’t green, and it never will be: it’s
something far better than that — grey and silver and blue and all the
other colours of the structures and networks and roads we have built for
millions and millions of Londoners, and even higher numbers of aspiring
SOURCE For a London a hundred miles wideLet’s build on the Green Belt and let the city breatheImagine
a city that stretched from Oxford in the west to Canterbury in the
east. Imagine if its southern tip was Brighton and it stretched up to
Bedford and Cambridge in the north. This is not a vision of the future,
it is already here, if only we would let it breathe.
The London
mayoral candidates have woken up to the need to build more flats and
houses. For decades, London has been strangled by the Green Belt of
protected land that starts in Romford in the east, Enfield in the north,
Hounslow in the west, and Sutton in the south. Because of that
stranglehold over new growth, too few homes are built. And, as a result,
the existing stock costs too much.
If we got rid of the Green
Belt, and built outwards, it would be easy to build more than enough new
homes for people in London. By making London bigger, prices would fall
back to a more realistic £200,000 per home (the UK average). Or less, if
there were a corresponding housebuilding programme countrywide.
far, the mayoral candidates have promised, at most, an additional
50,000 homes (apart from the rogue Polish aristocrat candidate Prince
John Zylinski, who says he will build a million if he is elected).
Fifty-thousand is a start, but it is not enough. More to the point,
there is nowhere to put those new homes, unless you build outwards, on
to the Green Belt.
Better still, if we build out, we can reduce
the densification of London. Too many people are being crammed into too
small a space. The city has to be able to breathe. Instead of squeezing
more and more flats into every space that becomes available – or just
seized – London needs more green space in its centre, and wider streets.
we can see the advantage of more space. The creation of the new
financial district in Canary Wharf has meant the old City of London is
turning back into a residential district.
Just imagine if we
knocked down more of the overcrowded dwellings in the centre to make way
for a properly functioning transport system, which connected the inner
hub to the outer reaches. That feeling you get when you escape the North
Circular, and get on to the Westway, where you can actually drive,
ought to have been expanded with a Northway, an Eastway and a Southway,
but those developments were blocked by the NIMBY brigade.
truth, London is a vast, south-east conurbation.
Eight-and-a-half-million people live in the official Greater London
area, but another five million live in the commuter belt around it. If
the Green Belt was built on, and the city was allowed to grow into those
suburbs, all of us could live grander, freer lives, with green parks
around us, and trains and motorways to carry us into town and out again.
of freeing up more flats by hounding hapless social-housing tenants out
of their estates, or cramming yet another flat on top of a takeaway in
Hackney, or squeezing in yet one more attic bedroom into a bad
extension, we should create a grand new vista of garden suburbs on the
city’s exurbs.
Our mayoral candidates are too preoccupied with
technical issues. Should there be more council houses, or some special
kind of mortgage deal to give anxious first-time buyers a tenuous
foothold on the housing ladder? All of these proposals miss the point.
They are fixed on single cases, not the bigger picture.
To break
the deadlock we need to build many, many more houses. So many, in fact,
that there would be too many, so that people can buy them cheap. If
London is roughly a circle, each 100 metres it grows outwards increases
the overall area by 100 square metres x ?, or 3.14, so 314m2. Just a
modest increase in the city’s area, of 1,000km2, just an eighth of the
metropolitan area, would house another five million people at the level
of existing densities. We could always expand further, say 2,000km2, and
house these people at much lower densities.
I wish I could say
that this proposal was a revolutionary vision for tomorrow. But it is
not. It was first set out more than a century ago. In 1909, Ford Madox
Ford dreamed of a city not of seven million, but 70million. Ford hated
the word ‘suburb’, which he thought was demeaning. Instead he thought
that the suburbs were the vanguard, and that they should be called ‘fore
towns’. He wrote that ‘the fore town of my Great London would be on the
one hand, say, Oxford, and on the other, say, Dover’. Ford continued:
takes in, this circle, Winchester, the delightful country around
Petersfield, Chichester, all the coast to Brighton, Hastings, Dover, all
Essex, and round again by way of Cambridge and Oxford.’
would be no barrier, he said, since ‘Oxford is 60 miles from London,
and in my non-stop monorail express, this should be a matter of
half-an-hour’. This is an ambition that we have not kept pace with,
seeing as it still takes an hour to get to Oxford by train.
there is nothing Utopian about the idea’, wrote Ford, ‘it is coming
about every day. The residential portion of the population is more and
more abandoning the clayey bottoms of the Thames Valley.’ Anticipating
the actual trajectory of the south-east, Ford continued: ‘It is on the
road, this change, it has to come. All south-eastern England is just
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here*****************************************
1 May, 2016
Bill Nye, UN Climate Scientist Warn Moviegoers to Shun Film’s 1-Day Theater Release: ‘Not in Our National Interest’Reviews:
‘Climate Hustle’ is ‘the most dangerous documentary of year’ –
‘Wickedly effective use of slapstick humor’ – ‘Lays waste to Gore’ –
‘Brutal & Extremely Funny’Leading climate activists are
warning moviegoers to shun the May 2nd nationwide one-day theater
screening of “Climate Hustle,” a new film debunking climate alarmism and
its big government solutions.
Bill Nye (not a real “science
guy,” FYI), who entertains the idea of throwing climate skeptics in the
slammer, warned the film’s producer, Climate Depot publisher Marc
Morano, that “Climate Hustle’s” content endangers not just the nation,
but also the world:
“I think it will expose your point of view as
very much in the minority and very much not in our national interest
and the world’s interest."
U.N. Climate Scientist Michael
Oppenheimer has, likewise, condemned the film – without even viewing it -
for daring to dispute climate alarmism. "Marc is a propagandist,” the
U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scientist cautions
“Climate Hustle: Are They Trying to Control the
Climate…or You?” employs data, humor, and everyday language – and
climate alarmists’ own past predictions – to document the holes in
manmade climate doom theory and demonstrate how alarmism is being used
as a pretext to increase government power and limit individual freedoms.
Hustle” will be in theaters for a one-night event on Monday, May 2nd,
and will include an exclusive panel discussion following the film
featuring Gov. Sarah Palin, climatologist Dr. David Legates, Media
Research Center Pres. Brent Bozell, and film host Marc Morano.
SOURCE Flint Residents Pin Blame of Lead-Laden Water on EPADespite
the Environmental Protection Agency’s insistence to the contrary, more
than 500 current and former residents of Flint, Michigan, joined in a
class action lawsuit placing blame on the agency for its hand in the
lead-tainted water in the city. The suit, filed Monday, seeks $220
million in potential damages from the agency for personal injury and
property damage over the EPA’s inaction in Flint. “The EPA heard the
alarm bell loud and clear but chose to ignore the profound environmental
and public health issues brought to its attention in the early stages
of this disaster,” said Michael Pitt, attorney for the plaintiffs. “This
agency attitude of ‘public be damned’ amounts to a cruel and
unspeakable act of environmental injustice for which damages will have
to be paid to the thousands of injured water users.”
In March,
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy complained that it was state officials
who were giving the EPA the runaround, the ones who were hiding the
condition of Flint’s water from the protectors of the environment. It
was much more content to place blame on Michigan’s Republican governor.
And while mistakes were made, at least one party holds blame for putting
bureaucratic incompetence ahead of actually protecting people and the
environment. The EPA regulates lead and copper piping. It oversees
states' drinking water programs. The agency won’t get off the hook
SOURCE Get off my fracking land! Furious British farmer sprays MANURE at GreeniesAn
irate farmer sprayed raw sewage at Oscar winning star Emma Thompson and
her sister Sophie after they flouted a court injunction protecting a
fracking site.
The stars were filming a Great British Bake Off
parody for Greenpeace when the owner of the field they trespassed on
drove his muck spreader in circles around the demonstrators.
group of protesters were hit by the manure but the actresses remained
dry in their tent, complete with Bake Off-inspired bunting.
were also called and also spoke to the actresses, who climbed over a
gate and set up camp on land earmarked for gas exploration in Fylde,
Emma and Sophie, who won Celebrity Masterchef, filmed
a pastiche episode of the Great British Bake Off called Frack Free Bake
Off to voice their opposition to the fracking plans.
But this
afternoon the landowner, who leases the contested patch of land to
fracking company Cuadrilla, drove his muck spreader in circles around
the demonstrating group.
After a couple of circles around the group, who were shouting for him to stop it, the farmer drove off.
are banned from the site, near Preston, after company Cuadrilla applied
for an injunction in 2014. It is not clear if the fracking company will
now take civil action - but it appears unlikely.
The sisters,
who are also Greenpeace supporters, baked a wind turbine cake and a
solar lemon cake in a white marquee complete with vintage utensils and
Soon afterwards at least five police officers arrived -
Lancashire Police said they were there for safety reasons and made no
Explaining the stunt Emma Thompson said: 'My sister has
won Celebrity Masterchef and is viciously competitive. She might have
planned to do away with me while we are doing this.
'I have a feeling she's been up all night practising and I haven't been because I'm lazy.'
added she does not fancy her chances in the competition, saying: 'I'm
not a good baker, I don't have a great deal of skill so I'm fairly sure
it won't go in my favour but we are all winning because we are
protesting these fracking plans.'
She continued: 'I've been
aware of this issue for a while with my work with Greenpeace and it came
to a head for me when David Cameron went to the Paris Climate
Conference and signed on to the protocol and then on the sly at
Christmas, when nobody was looking, gave the nod to 200 fracking sites
in Britain.
'It proved to me our Government is saying one thing and doing the opposite.'
The sisters' efforts will be judged by cake shop owner Kate Styles, from near Blackpool.
local community will be able to taste the cakes at a tea party after
filming and people can cast their votes on Twitter to persuade the judge
to pick their favourite.
Ms Styles said: 'We are angry that we won't get the final say over whether there is fracking in our community or not.
residents and their councillors have played by the rules of our
planning and democratic process in rejecting Cuadrilla's drilling plan.
'The Government didn't like the outcome and appointed itself as the ultimate judge.
doesn't seem right that the only decision we will get to make is which
is the best cake made on the site where Cuadrilla want to frack.
'But we are thrilled that Emma and Sophie Thompson have come here to support us.'
application to drill on the site was rejected by Lancashire County
Council last year amid strong public opposition and was appealed by the
Communities and Local Government Secretary Greg Clark
has announced he will have the final say on the application, with his
decision expected in coming months.
Sophie Thompson said: 'There's nothing like food to bring people together, and nothing like fracking to pull them apart.
'For years, to oppose fracking, this community has played by the rules of our democracy.
'Yet the Government has rigged the competition undemocratically to favour the fracking industry.
'If our Government energy policy were a cake, it would probably be a crossover between a crumble and an Eton mess.'
government backs fracking and developing shale oil and gas in the UK,
claiming it has the potential to: 'provide the UK with greater energy
security, growth and jobs.'
In 2014, Prime Minister David Cameron described fracking - short for hydraulic fracturing' - as 'good for our country'.
In January, a leaked Governmental 10-page plan set out a timeline for the expansion of the shale gas industry in Britain.
could see wells classified as 'nationally significant infrastructures' -
meaning drilling permission is taken away from councils.
Friends of the Earth, which obtained the leaked letter, branded the proposed changes 'an attack on democracy'.
Greenpeace's Hannah Martin said: 'We don't need fracked gas to keep Britain baking.
'We need renewable energy, like wind and solar. We are fighting for this land to remain frack free.'
A police spokesman added: 'We were this morning made aware of a protest on land at Plumpton Hall Farm at Little Plumpton.
'A local neighbourhood patrol attended and spoke to a representative of the protestors to establish their intentions.
was not felt necessary or proportionate to maintain a police presence
at the site but resources are available to attend again if necessary.'
Ken Cronin, chief executive of UK Onshore Oil and Gas, said it was
‘ironic that Sophie Thompson, who uses gas stoves in videos to promote
her own cook books, and her sister, who described Britain as “a
cake-filled misery-laden grey old island”, should want to attempt to
hijack the UK’s love of baking for an ill-conceived publicity stunt’.
SOURCE Here’s How Fracking Bailed Out California’s Global Warming GoalsHydraulic
fracturing, or fracking, for natural gas is responsible for
California’s ability to keep electricity prices relatively low while
meeting its global warming goals, according to statistical analysis
published in Forbes Monday.
The analysis concludes that fracking
“cushioned the blow of shifting to higher cost and more intermittent
sources of renewable energy” and saved the state from an enormous
increase in power prices. Forbes estimates that fracking caused
electricity prices in California to fall by 70 percent since 2005.
Without the fracking boom, Forbes estimates that the price of
electricity would have increased by 26 percent in California since 2005.
has allowed California to keep prices relatively low while meeting
global warming goals, but the state still has some of the most expensive
electricity in the country. The state pays an annual averaged 14.3
cents per kilowatt house, according to the Energy Information
Administration (EIA). The national average is 10.1 cents.
the bailout from fracking and massive amounts of taxpayer cash poured
into wind and solar power, California has been much slower to reduce its
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions than other large states. Texas and
Georgia, for example, turned to natural gas much quicker than the Golden
State, and saw much larger declines in their CO2 emissions as a result.
helps California meet its commitments under the 2006 California Global
Warming Solutions Act, which committed the state to sharp cuts in CO2
emissions. The same year, the state adopted another law that began
effectively phasing out coal-fired power plants. These bills were
supposed to reduce CO2 by the state’s utilities and supporters even
claimed switching over to wind and solar power wouldn’t cost consumers a
At the time, California was deeply dependent on natural
gas and the government had predicted that the state would be forced to
import enormous quantities of foreign natural gas just to keep the
lights on.
Studies show that fracking for natural gas is
responsible for almost 20 percent of falling CO2 emissions nationally,
while the solar power California encouraged is responsible for a mere 1
percent of the decline. For every ton of CO2 cut by solar power,
fracking cut 13 tons.
Natural gas-fired power plants emit far
less CO2 than conventional coal power. The switch from coal to natural
gas caused carbon dioxide emissions to drop sharply in 47 states and
Washington, D.C. according to both Scientific American and the EIA.
of the progressive politicians who originally attempted to decrease the
state’s CO2 emissions remain vehemently opposed to fracking. Forbes
points out that the politicians have already requested another $104
billion to build solar arrays, wind turbines, energy storage and new
power lines to support green energy, which translates to a bill of
roughly $11,000 for the average California family.
SOURCE Critics Say Obama’s Clean Power Plan Would Increase ‘Energy Poverty’ in USCritics
warn that implementing the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA)
Clean Power Plan (CPP) to fulfill President Obama's pledge to reduce
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions under the Paris Agreement on Climate
Change would force many more American households into “energy poverty”.
nations to the non-binding international pact, which Secretary of State
John Kerry signed at the United Nations’ headquarters in New York on
Friday, have agreed to drastic reductions in their use of cheap,
abundant fossil fuels to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
is the centerpiece of President Obama’s pledge to reduce CO2 emissions
in the U.S. between 26 and 28 percent by 2025. In February, the U.S.
Supreme Court voted 5-4 to delay implementation of the CPP while it is
being challenged in court by 27 states.
But opponents warn that
if CPP goes into effect, it will plunge many more Americans into “energy
poverty” – defined as households that are forced to spend 10 percent or
more of their annual income on energy, excluding transportation.
coming. We’re seeing rising electricity prices all across the U.S.,”
Dan Kish, senior vice president for policy at the American Energy
Alliance, told “This is consistent with President Obama’s
promise in 2008 that under his plan, electricity rates ‘would
necessarily skyrocket’.”
“The interesting thing is that electric
rates are going up quite substantially across the board even though the
price of our largest source of electricity – which in the U.S. is now
natural gas – is at an historic low and demand is static,” he said.
pointed out that the EPA’s “war on CO2” has already forced the closure
of hundreds of power plants fueled by natural gas, coal and nuclear
"Even though the cost of fuel, such as natural gas, is
low right now, ratepayers will have to pay for years” to cover the
billions of dollars in construction costs for the new replacement
plants, he told CNSNews.
“The Obama administration has changed
the entire electricity industry from one run by private markets to one
run by government,” Kish said.
“Unfortunately, this means higher electric bills and forcing many more people into energy poverty.”
CPP “would definitely raise the cost of energy,” Marita Noon, executive
director of a non-profit group, Energy Makes America Great, told, pointing to California as an example of what will happen
nationwide if the CPP goes into effect.
“California has
eliminated the least costly source of electricity, coal, and
dramatically increased wind and solar, which are more expensive,” she
Noon added that California’s higher electricity rates
have a disproportionate impact on low-income residents, who are
sometimes faced with the difficult decision to “heat or eat”.
to a July 2015 Manhattan Institute study entitled Less Carbon, Higher
Prices, nearly one million California households (7.4 percent) are
already living in “energy poverty” due to a state requirement that a
third of all electricity generated in the state come from renewable
sources by 2020 – “the most stringent among states without significant
in-state (or close proximity to) hydroelectric generating capacity”.
study noted that due to the higher cost of generating electricity using
wind and solar instead of fossil fuels, the average undiscounted
residential electric rate in California (18 to 21 cents/kilowatt hour)
in 2014 was nearly twice the U.S. average (12 cents/kWh).
retail consumers subsidize electricity supplies at above-market costs,
retail prices inevitably rise, even if the fuel is ‘free’,” the study
“As the Golden State continues its pursuit of a
low-carbon economy, its green-energy policies are driving rising numbers
of Californians into energy poverty.”
SOURCE Australia: Bureau of Meteorology boss Rob Vertessy exits with climate warningThe
report below is carefully worded but it still gives the absurd
impression that global warming will increase drought. It
won't. It would increase floods as warmer seas evaporate off more
water. The drought in the Southern states is part of an iregular
oscillation that sees rain move North and South in turns. It is
the North that is getting the rain at the moment. Where I live in
the North it is raining nearly every day lately, when the normal pattern
is for rain mainly in January, February and March. See here
As I write this, it is raining like Billy-o outside. And we are now in
May. Most unseasonable. We have definitely got the rain that the
Southerners are missing. Don't ask me how or why that happens but
it is a normal feature of the Australian climateAustralia
faces a "perilous" water security future from climate change even as
the Turnbull government eyes budget cuts to water programs and CSIRO
halves climate investment, Rob Vertessy, the outgoing head of the Bureau
of Meteorology, says.
Reservoirs in the Murray-Darling basin are
now close to their lowest levels since the Millennium Drought and
Tasmania is also facing "serious" issues", Dr Vertessy told Fairfax
Media on Friday, his final day as the bureau's chief.
shortage is a problem and climate change is going to be intensifying the
drought and flood cycle," he said, noting that water demand is
increasing. "Australia faces a really perilous water security challenge
in the future."
The bureau now had "the world's best water
information service", including precise stream-flow forecasting, that
boasts a return on investments of between twofold and ninefold, despite
the early stage of many projects, Dr Vertessy, a hydrologist by
training, said. A drop in funding would result in a sharp reduction of
Facing criticism at home and abroad, CSIRO last week
announced that it would instead form a special climate science centre of
40 staff under its Oceans and Atmosphere division. About 45 of the
remaining 100 scientists in two key programs will lose their jobs and
the future of those remaining is uncertain.
The need to boost
global warming research was only going to increase. In Australia's case,
the threats included lengthening and intensifying fire seasons, worse
heatwaves and more intense storms.
"Unless we start slowing down
our [greenhouse gas] emissions and really mitigating them completely in
the next few decades, there's going to be a lot of environmental shocks
to the planet," Dr Vertessy said. Human societies and ecosystems "are
being pushed to the edge of sustainability".
The advance of
technology promises ever more accurate weather prediction. The bureau
will soon begin using a new supercomputer that promises 18 times faster
data processing, and within three years, a 30-fold increase.
resulting higher resolution capability would allow the bureau to scale
forecasts down to 1.5 kilometres from 4 kilometres now, allowing an
improvement in severe weather warnings.
SOURCE ***************************************
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
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-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
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Context for the minute average temperature change recorded: At any
given time surface air temperatures around the world range over about
100°C. Even in the same place they can vary by nearly that much
seasonally and as much as 30°C or more in a day. A minute rise in
average temperature in that context is trivial if it is not meaningless
altogether. Scientists are Warmists for the money it brings in, not
because of the facts
This site is in favour of things that ARE good for the environment. That
the usual Greenie causes are good for the environment is however
disputed. Greenie policies can in fact be actively bad for the
environment -- as with
biofuels, for instance
This Blog by John Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.), writing from Brisbane, Australia.
I am the most complete atheist you can imagine. I don't believe in Karl
Marx, Jesus Christ or global warming. And I also don't believe in the
unhealthiness of salt, sugar and fat. How skeptical can you get? If
sugar is bad we are all dead
And when it comes to "climate change", I know where the skeletons are buried
Antarctica is GAINING mass
Warmists depend heavily on ice cores for their figures about the
atmosphere of the past. But measuring the deep past through ice cores
is a very shaky enterprise, which almost certainly takes insufficient
account of compression effects. The apparently stable CO2 level of
280ppm during the Holocene could in fact be entirely an artifact of
compression at the deeper levels of the ice cores. . Perhaps the gas
content of an ice layer approaches a low asymptote under pressure. Dr
Zbigniew Jaworowski's criticisms of the assumed reliability of ice core
measurements are of course well known. And he studied them for over 30
The world's first "Green" party was the Nazi party -- and Greenies are
just as Fascist today in their endeavours to dictate to us all and in
their attempts to suppress dissent from their claims.
Was Pope Urban VIII the first Warmist? Below we see him refusing to
look through Galileo's telescope. People tend to refuse to consider
evidence— if what they might discover contradicts what they believe.
Warmism is a powerful religion that aims to control most of our lives. It is nearly as powerful as the Catholic Church once was
Believing in global warming has become a sign of virtue. Strange in a skeptical era. There is clearly a need for faith
Some advice from the Buddha that the Green/Left would do well to think
about: "Three things cannot be long hidden: The Sun, The Moon and The
Leftists have faith that warming will come back some day. And they mock
Christians for believing in the second coming of Christ! They
obviously need religion
Global warming has in fact been a religious doctrine for over a century.
Even Charles Taze Russell, the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses,
believed in it
A rosary for the church of global warming (Formerly the Catholic
church): "Hail warming, full of grace, blessed art thou among climates
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb panic"
Pope Francis is to the Catholic church what Obama is to America -- a mistake, a fool and a wrecker
Global warming is the predominant Leftist lie of the 21st century. No
other lie is so influential. The runner up lie is: "Islam is a
religion of peace". Both are rankly absurd.
"When it comes to alarmism, we’re all deniers; when it comes to climate change, none of us are" -- Dick Lindzen
The EPA does everything it can get away with to shaft America and Americans
Cromwell's famous plea: "I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think
it possible you may be mistaken" was ignored by those to whom it was
addressed -- to their great woe. Warmists too will not consider that
they may be wrong ..... "Bowels" was a metaphor for compassion in those
The plight of the bumblebee -- an egregious example of crooked "science"
Inorganic Origin of Petroleum: "The theory of Inorganic Origin of
Petroleum (synonyms: abiogenic, abiotic, abyssal, endogenous, juvenile,
mineral, primordial) states that petroleum and natural gas was formed by
non-biological processes deep in the Earth, crust and mantle. This
contradicts the traditional view that the oil would be a "fossil fuel"
produced by remnants of ancient organisms. Oil is a hydrocarbon mixture
in which a major constituent is methane CH4 (a molecule composed of one
carbon atom bonded to four hydrogen atoms). Occurrence of methane is
common in Earth's interior
and in space. The inorganic
theory contrasts with the ideas that posit exhaustion of oil (Peak Oil),
which assumes that the oil would be formed from biological processes
and thus would occur only in small quantities and sets, tending to
exhaust. Some oil drilling now goes 7 miles down, miles below any fossil
As the Italian chemist Primo Levi reflected in Auschwitz, carbon is ‘the
only element that can bind itself in long stable chains without a great
expense of energy, and for life on Earth (the only one we know so far)
precisely long chains are required. Therefore carbon is the key element
of living substance.’ The chemistry of carbon (2) gives it a unique
versatility, not just in the artificial world, but also, and above all,
in the animal, vegetable and – speak it loud! – human kingdoms.
David Archibald: "The more carbon dioxide we can put into the
atmosphere, the better life on Earth will be for human beings and all
other living things."
"It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how
smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong." --- Richard P. Feynman.
Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough - Michael Crichton
"The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement" -- Karl Popper
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
"The desire to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it" -- H L Mencken
'Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action' -- Goethe
“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.” -- Voltaire
Lord Salisbury:
"No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by
experience of life as that you should never trust experts. If you
believe doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe theologians,
nothing is innocent; if you believe soldiers, nothing is safe."
Calvin Coolidge said,
"If you see 10 troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you." He could have been talking about Warmists.
Some advice from long ago for Warmists:
"If ifs and ans were pots and pans,there'd be no room for tinkers".
It's a nursery rhyme harking back to Middle English times when "an"
could mean "if". Tinkers were semi-skilled itinerant workers who fixed
holes and handles in pots and pans -- which were valuable household
items for most of our history. Warmists are very big on "ifs", mays",
"might" etc. But all sorts of things "may" happen, including global
Bertrand Russell knew about consensus:
"The fact that an opinion has
been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd;
indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a
widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.”
There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a brutal gang of facts. - Duc de La Rochefoucauld, French writer and moralist (1613-1680)
"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate" -- William of Occam
Was Paracelsus a 16th century libertarian? His motto was:
"Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest"
which means "Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself."
He was certainly a rebel in his rejection of authority and his reliance
on observable facts and is as such one of the founders of modern
"In science, refuting an accepted belief is celebrated as an advance in knowledge; in religion it is condemned as heresy". (Bob Parks, Physics, U of Maryland). No prizes for guessing how global warming skepticism is normally responded to.
"Almost all professors of the arts and sciences are egregiously conceited, and derive their happiness from their conceit" -- Erasmus
"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to
acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of
duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin." -- Thomas H. Huxley
Time was, people warning the world "Repent - the end is
nigh!" were snickered at as fruitcakes. Now they own the media and run
the schools.
"One of the sources of the Fascist movement is the desire to avoid a too-rational and too-comfortable world" -- George Orwell, 1943 in
Can Socialists Be Happy?
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics
are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell
“Affordable energy in ample quantities is the lifeblood of
the industrial societies and a prerequisite for the economic development
of the others.” -- John P. Holdren, Science Adviser to President Obama. Published in
Science 9 February 2001
The closer science looks at the real world processes involved in
climate regulation the more absurd the IPCC's computer driven fairy tale
appears. Instead of blithely modeling climate based on hunches and
suppositions, climate scientists would be better off abandoning their
ivory towers and actually measuring what happens in the real world.' --
Doug L Hoffman
Something no Warmist could take on board:
"Knuth once warned a correspondent, "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Prof. Donald Knuth, whom some regard as the world's smartest man
"To be green is to be irrational, misanthropic and morally defective.
They are the barbarians at the gate we have to stand against" -- Rich Kozlovich
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of
global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.“ – Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized
civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that
about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
Leftists generally and Warmists in particular very commonly ascribe
disagreement with their ideas to their opponent being "in the pay" of
someone else, usually "Big Oil", without troubling themselves to provide
any proof of that assertion. They are so certain that they are right
that that seems to be the only reasonable explanation for opposition to
them. They thus reveal themselves as the ultimate bigots -- people with
fixed and rigid ideas.
This is one of TWO skeptical blogs that I update daily. During my
research career as a social scientist, I was appalled at how much
writing in my field was scientifically lacking -- and I often said so in
detail in the many academic journal articles I had published in that
field. I eventually gave up social science research, however, because
no data ever seemed to change the views of its practitioners. I hoped
that such obtuseness was confined to the social scientists but now that I
have shifted my attention to health related science and climate
related science, I find the same impermeability to facts and logic.
Hence this blog and my
blog. I may add that I did not come to either health or environmental
research entirely without credentials. I had several academic papers
published in both fields during my social science research career
Update: After 8 years of confronting the frankly childish standard of
reasoning that pervades the medical journals, I have given up. I have
put the blog into hibernation. In extreme cases I may put up here some
of the more egregious examples of medical "wisdom" that I encounter.
Greenies and food freaks seem to be largely coterminous. My regular
bacon & egg breakfasts would certainly offend both -- if only
because of the resultant methane output
Since my academic background is in the social sciences, it is
reasonable to ask what a social scientist is doing talking about global
warming. My view is that my expertise is the most relevant of all. It
seems clear to me from what you will see on this blog that belief in
global warming is very poorly explained by history, chemistry, physics
or statistics.
Warmism is prophecy, not science. Science cannot foretell the future.
Science can make very accurate predictions based on known regularities
in nature (e.g. predicting the orbits of the inner planets) but Warmism
is the exact opposite of that. It predicts a DEPARTURE from the known
regularities of nature. If we go by the regularities of nature, we are
on the brink of an ice age.
And from a philosophy of science viewpoint, far from being "the
science", Warmism is not even an attempt at a factual statement, let
alone being science. It is not a meaningful statement about the world.
Why? Because it is unfalsifiable -- making it a religious, not a
scientific statement. To be a scientific statement, there would have to
be some conceivable event that disproved it -- but there appears to be
none. ANY event is hailed by Warmists as proving their contentions.
Only if Warmists were able to specify some fact or event that would
disprove their theory would it have any claim to being a scientific
statement. So the explanation for Warmist beliefs has to be primarily a
psychological and political one -- which makes it my field
And, after all, Al Gore's academic qualifications are in social science also -- albeit very pissant qualifications.
A "geriatric" revolt: The scientists who reject Warmism tend to
be OLD! Your present blogger is one of those. There are tremendous
pressures to conformity in academe and the generally Leftist orientation
of academe tends to pressure everyone within it to agree to ideas that
suit the Left. And Warmism is certainly one of those ideas. So old
guys are the only ones who can AFFORD to declare the Warmists to be
unclothed. They either have their careers well-established (with
tenure) or have reached financial independence (retirement) and so can
afford to call it like they see it. In general, seniors in society
today are not remotely as helpful to younger people as they once were.
But their opposition to the Warmist hysteria will one day show that
seniors are not completely irrelevant after all. Experience does count
(we have seen many such hysterias in the past and we have a broader
base of knowledge to call on) and our independence is certainly an
enormous strength. Some of us are already dead. (
Reid Bryson and
John Daly are particularly mourned) and some of us are very senior indeed (e.g.
Bill Gray and
Vince Gray) but the revolt we have fostered is ever growing so we have not labored in vain.
A Warmist backs down:
"No one knows exactly how far rising carbon concentrations affect temperatures" -- Stefan Rahmstorf, a scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
Jimmy Carter Classic Quote from 1977: "Because we are now running out
of gas and oil, we must prepare quickly for a third change, to strict
conservation and to the use of coal and permanent renewable energy
sources, like solar power.
Today’s environmental movement is the current manifestation of the
totalitarian impulse. It is ironic that the same people who condemn the
black or brown shirts of the pre WW2 period are blind to the current
manifestation simply because the shirts are green.
Climate is just the sum of weather. So if you cannot forecast the
weather a month in advance, you will not be able to forecast the climate
50 years in advance. And official meteorologists such as Britain's Met
Office and Australia's BOM, are very poor forecasters of weather. The
Met office has in fact given up on making seasonal forecasts because
they have so often got such forecasts embarrassingly wrong. Their
global-warming-powered "models" just did not deliver
Here's how that "97% consensus" figure was arrived at
97% of scientists want to get another research grant
Hearing a Government Funded Scientist say let me tell you the truth, is
like hearing a Used Car Salesman saying let me tell you the truth.
A strange Green/Left conceit: They seem to think (e.g.
that no-one should spend money opposing them and that conservative
donors must not support the election campaigns of Congressmen they
agree with
David Brower, founder Sierra Club: “Childbearing should be a punishable
crime against society, unless the parents hold a government license"
To Greenies, Genghis Khan was a good guy, believe it or not. They love that he killed so many people.
Greenie antisemitism
After three exceptionally cold winters in the Northern hemisphere, the
Warmists are chanting: "Warming causes cold". Even if we give that a
pass for logic, it still inspires the question: "Well, what are we
worried about"? Cold is not going to melt the icecaps is it?"
It's a central (but unproven) assumption of the Warmist "models" that
clouds cause warming. Odd that it seems to cool the temperature down
when clouds appear overhead!
To make out that the essentially trivial warming of the last 150 years
poses some sort of threat, Warmists postulate positive feedbacks that
might cut in to make the warming accelerate in the near future. Amid
their theories about feedbacks, however, they ignore the one feedback
that is no theory: The reaction of plants to CO2. Plants gobble up CO2
and the more CO2 there is the more plants will flourish and hence
gobble up yet more CO2. And the increasing crop yields of recent years
show that plantlife is already flourishing more. The recent rise in CO2
will therefore soon be gobbled up and will no longer be around to
bother anyone. Plants provide a huge NEGATIVE feedback in response to
increases in atmospheric CO2
Every green plant around us is made out of carbon dioxide that the
plant has grabbed out of the atmosphere. That the plant can get its
carbon from such a trace gas is one of the miracles of life. It
admittedly uses the huge power of the sun to accomplish such a vast
filtrative task but the fact that a dumb plant can harness the power of
the sun so effectively is also a wonder. We live on a rather
improbable planet. If a science fiction writer elsewhere in the
universe described a world like ours he might well be ridiculed for
making up such an implausible tale.
Greenies are the sand in the gears of modern civilization -- and they intend to be.
The Greenie message is entirely emotional and devoid of all
logic. They say that polar ice will melt and cause a big sea-level
rise. Yet 91% of the world's glacial ice is in Antarctica, where the
average temperature is around minus 40 degrees Celsius. The melting
point of ice is zero degrees. So for the ice to melt on any scale the
Antarctic temperature would need to rise by around 40 degrees, which
NOBODY is predicting. The median Greenie prediction is about 4 degrees.
So where is the huge sea level rise going to come from? Mars? And
the North polar area is mostly sea ice and melting sea ice does not
raise the sea level at all. Yet Warmists constantly hail any sign of
Arctic melting. That the melting of floating ice does not raise the
water level is known as Archimedes' principle. Archimedes demonstrated
it around 2,500 years ago. That Warmists have not yet caught up with
that must be just about the most inspissated ignorance imaginable. The
whole Warmist scare defies the most basic physics. Yet at the opening
of 2011 we find the following unashamed lying by
James Hansen:
"We will lose all the ice in the polar ice cap in a couple of
decades". Sadly, what the Vulgate says in John 1:5 is still only very
partially true: "
Lux in tenebris lucet". There is still much darkness in the minds of men.
The repeated refusal of Warmist "scientists" to make their raw
data available to critics is such a breach of scientific protocol that
it amounts to a confession in itself. Note, for instance Phil Jones'
Feb 21, 2005 response to Warwick Hughes' request for his raw climate
data: "We have 25 years or so invested in the work. Why should I make
the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something
wrong with it?" Looking for things that might be wrong with a given
conclusion is of course central to science. But Warmism cannot survive
such scrutiny. So even after "Climategate",
the secrecy goes on.
Most Greenie causes are at best distractions from real
environmental concerns (such as land degradation) and are more
motivated by a hatred of people than by any care for the environment
Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an absurdity
that "liberals" will defend to the death regardless of the evidence
showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real Leftists
‘Global warming’ has become the grand political narrative of
the age, replacing Marxism as a dominant force for controlling liberty
and human choices. -- Prof. P. Stott
Comparing climate alarmist Hansen to Cassandra is WRONG.
Cassandra's (Greek mythology) dire prophecies were never believed but
were always right. Hansen's dire prophecies are usually believed but are
always wrong (Prof. Laurence Gould, U of Hartford, CT)
The modern environmental movement arose out of the wreckage of
the New Left. They call themselves Green because they're too yellow to
admit they're really Reds. So Lenin's birthday was chosen to be the
date of Earth Day. Even a moderate politician like Al Gore has been
clear as to what is needed. In "Earth in the Balance", he wrote that
saving the planet would require a "wrenching transformation of
For centuries there was a scientific consensus which said that
fire was explained by the release of an invisible element called
phlogiston. That theory is universally ridiculed today. Global warming
is the new phlogiston. Though, now that we know how deliberate the
hoax has been, it might be more accurate to call global warming the New
Piltdown Man. The Piltdown hoax took 40 years to unwind. I wonder....
Motives: Many people would like to be kind to others so
Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people
want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing
all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the
real motive is generally to promote themselves as wiser and better
than everyone else, truth regardless.
Policies: The only underlying theme that makes sense of all
Greenie policies is hatred of people. Hatred of other people has been a
Greenie theme from way back. In a report titled "The First Global
Revolution" (1991, p. 104) published by the "Club of Rome", a Greenie
panic outfit, we find the following statement:
"In searching for a
new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the
threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit
the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The
real enemy, then, is humanity itself." See
here for many more examples of prominent Greenies saying how much and how furiously they hate you.
After fighting a 70 year war to destroy red communism we face another
life-or-death struggle in the 21st century against green communism.
The conventional wisdom of the day is often spectacularly wrong. The
most popular and successful opera of all time is undoubtedly "Carmen" by
Georges Bizet. Yet it was much criticized when first performed and the
unfortunate Bizet died believing that it was a flop. Similarly, when
the most iconic piece of 20th century music was first performed in
1913-- Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" -- half the audience walked out.
Those of us who defy the conventional wisdom about climate are actually
better off than that. Unlike Bizet and Stravinsky in 1913, we KNOW that
we will eventually be vindicated -- because all that supports Warmism
is a crumbling edifice of guesswork ("models").
Al Gore won a political prize for an alleged work of science. That rather speaks for itself, doesn't it?
Jim Hansen and his twin
Getting rich and famous through alarmism: Al Gore is well-known but note
also James Hansen. He has for decades been a senior, presumably
well-paid, employee at NASA. In 2001 he was the
recipient of a $250,000 Heinz Award. In 2007
Time magazine
designated him a
Hero of the Environment. That same year he
pocketed one-third of a $1 million Dan David Prize. In 2008, the American Association for the Advancement of Science
presented him with its Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award. In 2010 he
landed a $100,000 Sophie Prize. He pulled in a total of
$1.2 million in 2010. Not bad for a government bureaucrat.
See the original global Warmist in action
here: "The icecaps are melting and all world is drowning to wash away the sin"
I am not a global warming skeptic nor am I a global warming
denier. I am a global warming atheist. I don't believe one bit of it.
That the earth's climate changes is undeniable. Only ignoramuses
believe that climate stability is normal. But I see NO evidence to say
that mankind has had anything to do with any of the changes observed --
and much evidence against that claim.
Seeing that we are all made of carbon, the time will come when
people will look back on the carbon phobia of the early 21st century as
too incredible to be believed
Meanwhile, however, let me venture a tentative prophecy.
Prophecies are almost always wrong but here goes: Given the common
hatred of carbon (Warmists) and salt (Food freaks) and given the fact
that we are all made of carbon, salt, water and calcium (with a few
additives), I am going to prophecy that at some time in the future a
hatred of nitrogen will emerge. Why? Because most of the air that we
breathe is nitrogen. We live at the bottom of a nitrogen sea. Logical
to hate nitrogen? NO. But probable: Maybe. The Green/Left is mad
enough. After all, nitrogen is a CHEMICAL -- and we can't have that!
UPDATE to the above: It seems that
I am a true prophet
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180)
must have foreseen Global Warmism. He said: "The object in life is not
to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the
ranks of the insane."
The Holy Grail for most scientists is not truth but research
grants. And the global warming scare has produced a huge downpour of
money for research. Any mystery why so many scientists claim some
belief in global warming?
For many people, global warming seems to have taken the place of
"The Jews" -- a convenient but false explanation for any disliked
Prof. Brignell has some examples.
Global warming skeptics are real party-poopers. It's so wonderful to believe that you have a mission to save the world.
There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist
instinct") in many people that causes them to delight in going without
material comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such
people -- with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example.
Many Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that
instinct too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious
committments they have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them
to live in an ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them
to press on us all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
The claim that oil is a fossil fuel is another great myth and
folly of the age. They are now finding oil at around seven MILES
beneath the sea bed -- which is incomparably further down than any
known fossil. The abiotic oil theory is not as yet well enough
developed to generate useful predictions but that is also true of fossil
fuel theory
Help keep the planet Green! Maximize your CO2 and CH4 output!
Global Warming=More Life; Global Cooling=More Death.
The inconvenient truth about biological effects of "Ocean Acidification"
Cook the crook who cooks the books
The great and fraudulent scare about lead
Green/Left denial of the facts explained:
"Rejection lies in this,
that when the light came into the world men preferred darkness to light;
preferred it, because their doings were evil. Anyone who acts
shamefully hates the light, will not come into the light, for fear that
his doings will be found out. Whereas the man whose life is true comes
to the light" John 3:19-21 (Knox)
Against the long history of huge temperature variation in the
earth's climate (ice ages etc.), the .6 of one degree average rise
reported by the U.N. "experts" for the entire 20th century (a rise so
small that you would not be able to detect such a difference personally
without instruments) shows, if anything, that the 20th century was a
time of exceptional temperature stability.
Recent NASA figures
tell us that there was NO warming trend in the USA during the 20th
century. If global warming is occurring, how come it forgot the USA?
Warmists say that the revised NASA figures do not matter because
they cover only the USA -- and the rest of the world is warming nicely.
But it is not. There has NEVER been any evidence that the Southern
hemisphere is warming. See
here. So the warming pattern sure is looking moth-eaten.
The latest scare is the possible effect of extra CO2 on the
world’s oceans, because more CO2 lowers the pH of seawater. While it is
claimed that this makes the water more acidic, this is misleading. Since
seawater has a pH around 8.1, it will take an awful lot of CO2 it to
even make the water neutral (pH=7), let alone acidic (pH less than 7).
In fact, ocean acidification is a scientific impossibility.
Henry's Law mandates that warming oceans will outgas CO2 to the
atmosphere (as the UN's own documents predict it will), making the
oceans less acid. Also, more CO2 would increase calcification rates. No
comprehensive, reliable measurement of worldwide oceanic acid/base
balance has ever been carried out: therefore, there is no observational
basis for the computer models' guess that acidification of 0.1 pH units
has occurred in recent decades.
The chaos theory people have told us for years that the air
movement from a single butterfly's wing in Brazil can cause an
unforeseen change in our weather here. Now we are told that climate
experts can "model" the input of zillions of such incalculable variables
over periods of decades to accurately forecast global warming 50 years
hence. Give us all a break!
you doubt the arrogance [of the global warming crowd, you haven't seen
that Newsweek cover story that declared the global warming debate over.
Consider: If Newton's laws of motion could, after 200 years of unfailing
experimental and experiential confirmation, be overthrown, it requires
religious fervor to believe that global warming -- infinitely more
untested, complex and speculative -- is a closed issue
Scientists have politics too -- sometimes extreme politics. Read this:
crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism... I
am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils,
namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by
an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In
such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and
are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts
production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to
be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to
every man, woman, and child." --
Albert Einstein
The "precautionary principle" is a favourite Greenie idea -- but
isn't that what George Bush was doing when he invaded Iraq? Wasn't
a precaution against Saddam getting or having any WMDs? So Greenies all agree with the Iraq intervention? If not, why not?
A classic example of how the sensationalist media distort science to create climate panic is
There is a very readable summary of the "Hockey Stick" fraud
Lockwood & Froehlich paper
was designed to rebut Durkin's "Great Global Warming Swindle" film.
It is a rather confused paper -- acknowledging yet failing to account
fully for the damping effect of the oceans, for instance -- but it is
nonetheless valuable to climate atheists. The concession from a
Greenie source that fluctuations in the output of the sun have driven
climate change for all but the last 20 years (See the first sentence of
the paper) really is invaluable. And the basic fact presented in the
paper -- that solar output has in general been on the downturn in
recent years -- is also amusing to see. Surely even a crazed Greenie
mind must see that the sun's influence has not stopped and that
reduced solar output will soon start COOLING the earth! Unprecedented
July 2007 cold weather throughout the Southern hemisphere might even
have been the first sign that the cooling is happening. And the fact
that warming plateaued in 1998 is also a good sign that we are moving
into a cooling phase. As is so often the case, the Greenies have got
the danger exactly backwards. See
my post of 7.14.07 and very detailed critiques
here and
here and
here for more on the Lockwood paper and its weaknesses.
As the Greenies are now learning, even strong statistical correlations may disappear if a longer time series is used.
A remarkable example from Sociology: "The
modern literature on hate crimes began with a remarkable 1933 book by
Arthur Raper titled The Tragedy of Lynching. Raper assembled data on the
number of lynchings each year in the South and on the price of an
acre’s yield of cotton. He calculated the correlation coefficient
between the two series at –0.532. In other words, when the economy was
doing well, the number of lynchings was lower.... In 2001, Donald Green,
Laurence McFalls, and Jennifer Smith published a paper that demolished
the alleged connection between economic conditions and lynchings in
Raper’s data. Raper had the misfortune of stopping his analysis in
1929. After the Great Depression hit, the price of cotton plummeted and
economic conditions deteriorated, yet lynchings continued to fall. The
correlation disappeared altogether when more years of data were added."
So we must be sure to base our conclusions on ALL the data. In the
Greenie case, the correlation between CO2 rise and global temperature
rise stopped in 1998 -- but that could have been foreseen if
measurements taken in the first half of the 20th century had been
Relying on the popular wisdom can even hurt you personally:
"The scientific consensus of a quarter-century ago turned into the arthritic nightmare of today."
Greenie-approved sources of electricity (windmills and solar
cells) require heavy government subsidies to be competitive with normal
electricity generators so a Dutch word for Greenie power seems graphic
to me: "subsidieslurpers" (subsidy gobblers)
"Tongue Tied"
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"Greenie Watch"
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To be continued ....
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