There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist instinct") in
many people that causes them to delight in going without material
comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such people --
with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example. Many
Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that instinct
too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious committments they
have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them to live in an
ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them to press on us
all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
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31 December, 2014
Looking back
CO2 data shows nobody's dead from a little carbon dioxide
A lady with a CO2 meter has some interesting information
What I’m about to say isn’t a spoof. It’s the result of research and
discussions with scientists working in the field. For all of you who
need the data, I’ll give them in summary, but you go look up the
mountain of references, do some research for yourself, even get a meter
if you like. You’ll believe the numbers below better if you discover
them on your own. And you won’t need to believe me when I say “I told
you so.”
The following summarizes levels of CO2 under various conditions:
40,000 ppm: The exhaled breath of normal, healthy people.
8,000 ppm: CO2 standard for submarines
2,500 ppm: CO2 level in a small hot crowded bar in the city
2,000 ppm: The point at which my CO2 meter squawks by playing Fur Elise
1,000 to 2,000 ppm: Historical norms for the earth’s atmosphere over the past 550 million years
1,000 to 2,000 ppm: The level of CO2 at which plant growers like to keep their greenhouses
1,000 ppm: Average level in a lecture hall filled with students
600 ppm: CO2 level in my office with me and my husband in it
490 ppm: CO2 level in my office working alone
390 ppm: Current average outdoor level of CO2 in the air
280 ppm: Pre-industrial levels in the air, on the edge of "CO2 famine" for plants
150 ppm: The point below which most plants die of CO2 starvation
(all of these data vary a little with size of the space, ventilation, wind, and the like)
What does it mean?
There’s a lot more data out there, but this simple list says it all.
Carbon dioxide is present in our outside air at about 390 ppm.
A little less than that and our plants start to suffer.
A little more and there’s little effect on people while plants proliferate.
A lot more and there’s still not much effect on people.
Nowhere in the list of numbers do people get dead. Well, except for those submarines that never surface. You get the point.
Above average is a good thing
Above ambient levels of 390 ppm is where plants start to thrive.
Remember your science: it says plants take in CO2 and output O2; people
take in O2 and output CO2. We’ve got a good thing going with the plants,
not to mention that they grow into what we eat. Having more to eat is a
good thing in my book…and in the book of the world where so many people
still don’t have enough food.
What happens with less?
But the powers that be—namely Gov. Schwarzenegger and the AB32 crew—want
to lower the levels of CO2 in the air. If those regulations succeed, we
will have targeted the plants for destruction. Then what will we eat?
Each other?
Leave nature alone
Left on its own, nature has seen much higher levels of CO2 in times when
human beings weren’t exhaling in numbers or driving cars. How about we
leave well enough alone and let nature and people do their own thing. If
that means a little more CO2, we can take it and take it well.
Glacier scientist: Global warming is good, not bad
For Terry Hughes of Fort Pierre, now a professor emeritus of earth
sciences and climate change at the University of Maine, the way to
answer the question of whether human activity is driving climate change
isn’t with a “yes” or “no.” He prefers to answer: “It doesn’t
It doesn’t matter, Hughes said, because global warming is good – far preferable than global cooling.
As a glaciologist, or one who studies glaciers, Hughes didn’t need to be
convinced that climate change is real. “I never doubted it for an
instant. The Earth has not always been like this,” Hughes said.
Hughes even agrees that human activity probably have something to do
with it. “It may have given it a nudge,” Hughes said. “But there are so
many natural events that swamp that out, for example, the eruption of
Vesuvius, or Krakatoa. The industrial revolution was more gradual, over
As recently as the 1970s, Hughes recalls, his colleagues feared for another ice age.
Hughes says a number of his colleagues at places such as NASA and the
University of Maine “have urged me to march in lockstep with Albert
Gore, the drum major in the parade denouncing global warming as an
unmitigated disaster.”
But Hughes – who returned a few years ago to live in Fort Pierre now
that he has retired – has demurred. “It’s human nature for them to
pound the panic drum,” said Hughes, but added he isn’t convinced global
warming won’t be as bad as feared. “In fact, it’s going to be a big
plus, in the balance.”
Eight reasons why. Here’s why Hughes thinks that way.
* Assuming that global warming is caused by CO2 – which has greatly
increased in the past 18 years with no corresponding global warming,
Hughes contends – more atmospheric CO2 would greatly increase
agricultural production.
* Global warming would thaw permafrost, opening lands in the arctic and
subarctic to a boom in economic development in Alaska, Canada and
Russia. For example, Hughes said, 18 to 24 hours of summer sunshine
would deliver two agricultural harvests per year.
* Thawing permafrost would increase by one-seventh Earth’s landmass open
to extensive human habitation. That would be a new frontier in the same
way the New World was, and on a similar scale. At the same time, the
portion of Earth open to two annual harvests would increase by
two-sevenths, Hughes calculates.
* Melting sea ice would open the Northwest Passage and the Northeast
Passage to year-round shipping. The cost and time to travel between the
West and the Orient would be cut in half. New cities and seaports would
spring up to service the sea traffic.
* Melting sea ice and the rising sea level, if the Greenland and
Antarctic ice sheets melt, would open new fishing grounds that could
join in the boom in ag production to feed the planet.
* If the sea level did rise, there would be a global economic boom. Jobs
would be needed worldwide to relocate coastal cities and re-design port
facilities. Examples might be floating port facilities like those along
the Amazon.
* Science, technology and engineering would undergo a massive revolution as humans worked to meet the new challenges.
* Changes in climate and sea level would encourage more cooperation
between countries to handle the redistribution of population,
manufacturing and commerce.
Hughes, in an as-yet-unpublished academic paper, argues that the other
frightening alternative to global warming is global cooling.
“We know that endgame: A sheet of ice thousands of feet thick from south
of the Great Lakes across the North Pole almost to the Mediterranean
Sea, the situation only 18,000 years ago,” Hughes wrote. “Why is that
scenario never stated? Would reductions in atmospheric carbon dioxide
trigger that calamity?”
Pope Francis Foolish to Link Church To Green Movement
Pope Francis' recent leftist statements should trouble Catholics and
non-Catholics alike, but even more disturbing are the pope's latest
declarations on the dramatic action needed to fight climate change.
The Vatican apparently now has been infiltrated by followers of a
radical green movement that is, at its core, anti-Christian,
anti-people, anti-poor and anti-development. The basic tenets of
Catholicism — the sanctity of human life and the value of all souls —
are detested by the modern pagan environmentalists who worship the
created, but not the creator.
At its core, Big Green believes that too many human beings are the basic
global problem. People, according to this view, are resource
destroyers. Climate change, they say, is due to the overpopulation of
Mother Earth.
The head of the Catholic Church should denounce — not praise — such
anti-human thinking. It violates Pope John Paul II's famous letter
reminding us that creative human beings are a resource, not a curse.
Instead, the pope unwittingly has linked arms with the people who have
provided finance, intellectual credibility and applause for radical and
immoral population-control policies including eugenics, millions of
forced abortions and sterilizations, and one-child policies, all in the
name of "saving the planet."
Francis is reportedly preparing a lengthy encyclical message for early
2015 to the world's 1.2 billion Catholics on the need for decisive
action on climate change. He may even be preparing a U.N. speech on the
Earlier this year, he said: "The monopolizing of lands, deforestation,
the appropriation of water, inadequate agro-toxics are some of the evils
that tear man from the land of his birth. Climate change, the loss of
biodiversity and deforestation are already showing their devastating
effects in the great cataclysms we witness."
The science behind this is bunk. As we've documented repeatedly, there
is no scientific basis for the claims that the planet has been hit with
more severe weather events over the last decade or that we are
witnessing "great cataclysms" above the historical norm.
The number of hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts, typhoons, monsoons,
earthquakes, floods, freezes and so on is not on the rise, according to
the best scientific evidence available. Not only are natural disasters
no more prevalent today than 100 years ago, but deaths and damage to
communities from catastrophic weather events have dropped greatly as
wealth and incomes have risen.
The church has missed the vital connection between increased economic
development — thanks to human ingenuity and free-market capitalism — and
humanity's ability to overcome the sometimes random and ravaging
effects of nature.
Death rates, especially for children in the poorest areas of Africa,
South America and Asia, fall because people can leave "the land of
(their) birth," thanks to higher incomes and transportation.
What climate-change action will the Vatican endorse? Almost all the
leading anti-climate-change initiatives endorsed by the Green Movement —
cap and trade, carbon taxes, regulations against using abundant fossil
fuels — are merely regressive taxes that hurt the poor the most.
What is the ethical and moral basis for going to poor villages and
telling those living at subsistence levels that they have an obligation
to save the planet by staying poor and using less energy? Cheap and
affordable electric power is the best antidote for extreme poverty,
disease, malnutrition and human deprivation. It should be celebrated.
Ironically, the pope in separate declarations has spoken out about the
immorality of "income and wealth inequality" and "trickle-down
economics." The radical climate change agenda he has made peace with
would make the poor poorer and income inequality worse.
We'd like to hear the pope say this: The science on global cooling,
global warming, climate change — or whatever the left calls it these
days — is unsettled at best.
But if climate change is a threat, the best response is not to empower
heavy-handed and incompetent command-and-control governments to fight
it, but let free people use their wealth, technology, ingenuity and
creativity to solve it. If the corrupt U.N. or Greenpeace is our
salvation, we're all doomed.
Francis recently declared we should be wary of putting a "crude and
naïve trust in those wielding economic power," a clear slap at
capitalism. But surely it's more true of those "wielding economic power"
in government.
We would remind Francis that the greatest acts of barbarism and the most
villainous violations of basic human rights in history — slavery, the
Holocaust, China's one-child policy, Stalinism, Pol Pot's killing
fields, Mao's starvation of millions, and on and on —have been
perpetrated by the statists.
Most of these acts of death and destruction were defended in the name of some greater and grandiose planetary cause — Marxism.
The Church's mission is to save souls. Free people and free enterprise should be left to fix what ails the planet.
No evidence California homes use less electricity today than homes built before building energy codes
The National Bureau of Economic Research has some bad news for CA Greenies. See summary below.
How Much Energy Do Building Energy Codes Really Save? Evidence from California
Arik Levinson
Construction codes that regulate the energy efficiency of new buildings
have been a centerpiece of US environmental policy for 40 years.
California enacted the nation’s first energy building codes in 1978, and
they were projected to reduce residential energy use—and associated
pollution—by 80 percent. How effective have the building codes been? I
take three approaches to answering that question. First, I compare
current electricity use by California homes of different vintages
constructed under different standards, controlling for home size, local
weather, and tenant characteristics. Second, I examine how electricity
in California homes varies with outdoor temperatures for buildings of
different vintages. And third, I compare electricity use for buildings
of different vintages in California, which has stringent building energy
codes, to electricity use for buildings of different vintages in other
states. All three approaches yield the same answer: there is no evidence
that homes constructed since California instituted its building energy
codes use less electricity today than homes built before the codes came
into effect.
If You Lose Weight, You’re Destroying the Planet
In 2011, a study claimed that losing weight could help save the planet from the Flying Global Warming Monster.
"Being overweight is bad for the environment as well as your health, according to a study released today.
Researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine found
that overweight people were likely to be more responsible for carbon
emissions than slim people because they consume more food and fuel.
We estimated that a 10 kg weight loss of all obese and overweight people
would result in a decrease of 49.560 Mt of CO(2) per year, which would
equal to 0.2% of the CO(2) emitted globally in 2007. This reduction
could help meet the CO(2) emission reduction targets and unquestionably
would be of a great benefit to the global health."
Science spoke. And only a bunch of ignorant mouth-breathing troglodytes
who don’t follow Neil deGrasse Tyson on Twitter would dare to disagree.
But no wait. Apparently losing weight DOES cause Global Warming.
"Despite a worldwide obsession with diets and fitness regimes, many
health professionals cannot correctly answer the question of where body
fat goes when people lose weight, a new study shows. The most common
misconception among doctors, dieticians and personal trainers is that
the missing mass has been converted into energy or heat. The correct
answer is that most of the mass is breathed out as carbon dioxide and
goes into thin air."
But wait. Obesity also causes Global Warming.
"Expanding waistlines are not just tipping scales but may also push the
mercury higher around the world, according to a new study.
As humanity becomes more rotund, more resources are needed to cool,
nourish and transport the extra weight, a trend that can contribute to
climate change by requiring the consumption of more fossil fuels and
resulting in more greenhouse gas emissions."
Whether or not you lose weight, you’re destroying the planet… because
you’ve alive. But let’s hear from other leading experts, like Hillary
Speaking to State Department staff on Earth Day, Mrs Clinton said more
must be done to reduce the department’s environmental footprint and
conceded this was a big challenge, much like one of her personal
“Often times when you face such an overwhelming challenge as global
climate change, it can be somewhat daunting – it’s kind of like trying
to lose weight, which I know something about,” she said to laughter.
But wait, Latino Fox News says Italian mountain goat-antelopes are
losing weight because of Global Warming. So it’s all right then.
Obama’s green economic policies hit blacks hardest
Following the lead of the Rev. Al Sharpton, thousands of protesters have
taken to the streets to protest grand jury decisions regarding the
shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and physical
restraint death of Eric Garner in New York, by white police officers.
With chants of “Black lives matter” and “No justice, no peace,”
demonstrators are expressing their frustration with what they regard as a
system gamed against black Americans. Underlying the social unrest is a
weak economic recovery that has left blacks behind. Blacks have the
highest unemployment rate, the lowest average income and the lowest rate
of homeownership.
Objective analysis would conclude that President Obama’s progressive
policies have failed blacks, leaving them frustrated and vulnerable to
the social agitation by Mr. Sharpton.
The sad truth is Mr. Obama’s agenda includes policies that
preferentially harm blacks. In particular, Mr. Obama’s climate change
policy, in effect, serves as a 21st-century version of Jim Crow laws
owing to its economic impact on black households. A study from the
Pacific Research Institute on the impact of the Environmental Protection
Agency’s proposed regulations on existing power plants demonstrates the
harm Mr. Obama’s climate change regulations could cause black families
in Ohio.
The EPA’s Clean Power Plan establishes state-specific targets for carbon
dioxide emissions from power plants to be 30 percent lower than 2005
levels by 2030. Because Ohio uses coal to generate the vast majority of
its electricity, the state will experience a significant rise in power
costs from the EPA’s proposed rule that targets coal-fired power plants
that emit carbon dioxide.
The impact of rising electricity costs are not divided equally among
Ohio households. As the study shows, wealthy households would be
minimally affected, but low-income households would pay a significantly
higher proportion for electricity.
The lower the income, the greater the economic burden.
Under the EPA’s proposed regulations, the average yearly cost for
electricity would rise from 2.9 percent to 3.8 percent of the average
Ohio household’s income. For the average black household, however, the
yearly spending on electricity would rise from 4.5 percent to 5.8
For lower-income blacks, the yearly cost for electricity would be as much as 26 percent of household income, or possibly higher.
Conversely, high-income households are minimally affected. Some Clermont
County households would spend only 1.1 percent of their income on
electricity under the EPA’s rule, from today’s baseline of 0.8 percent.
The social impact of Mr. Obama’s climate change plan is devastating to
the black community, the group that suffers the most because of lower
average incomes.
These households will have less money to spend on food, housing, health care and other basic needs.
Higher energy costs will drive more black families to government
dependency, including assistance to help pay for soaring utility bills.
Mr. Obama is fully aware of the electricity price increases resulting from his climate change agenda.
During a 2008 interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, before he was
president, Mr. Obama discussed the consequences of his plan to reduce
carbon dioxide emissions. Candidate Obama acknowledged that “electricity
rates would necessarily skyrocket” and compliance costs would be passed
“on to consumers.”
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
30 December, 2014
This seems amusing indeed
The report below seems to be about conversations rather than any
written report so it is a bit hard to zero in on what exactly is being
claimed. But it seems that the central England temperature record is
being referred to -- which goes back about 400 years. And if this
year will be only a tenth of a degree hotter out of 400 years of
readings, that is surely a huge affirmation of temperature
STABILITY. There were indeed some big peaks in that record about
1830 and 1920 so it seems likely that this year will be little different
from those years
It may be cold now, but 2014 is set to be the warmest year EVER.
With snow blanketing swathes of the country and icy conditions on their
way, balmy summer temperatures seem a distant memory. But while the
wintry weather grips the North, forecasters reveal that 2014 has in fact
been the warmest year in history.
Records dating back to the 17th century show that Britain has been a
tenth of a degree hotter this year than in any other for more than 400
hundred years.
The same can be seen in other parts of the world, with the change attributed to global warming.
While official confirmation can't be given until the end of the year,
Met Office scientist Mike Kendon told the Times: 'We have seen
continuous warmth throughout the year.'
In 2013, winter months were stormy but warm, with the average temperature 1.5C above what is normal.
Spring was 1.3C hotter, while autumn saw a 1.4C increase in temperatures too.
It surpasses 1998 and 2010, two of the hottest years on record, experts
said, with almost all of the warmest years belonging to the 21st
While no one month has seen a record temperature, a slight increase on average throughout the year has contributed to the data.
Earlier this month the Met Office predicted it would be the warmest year
on record, but urged caution when dealing with figures.
Colin Morice, a climate monitoring scientist at the Met Office, said:
'Record or near-record years are interesting, but the ranking of
individual years should be treated with some caution because the
uncertainties in the data are larger than the differences between the
top ranked years.
'We can say this year will add to the set of near-record temperatures we have seen over the last decade.'
Google goes off the climate change deep end
Chairman Eric Schmidt should heed his own advice – and base energy policies on facts
Paul Driessen and Chris Skates
In a recent interview with National Public Radio host Diane Rehm, Google
Chairman Eric Schmidt said his company “has a very strong view that we
should make decisions in politics based on facts. And the facts of
climate change are not in question anymore. Everyone understands climate
change is occurring, and the people who oppose it are really hurting
our children and our grandchildren and making the world a much worse
place. We should not be aligned with such people. They’re just literally
While he didn’t vilify us by name, Mr. Schmidt was certainly targeting
us, the climate scientists who collect and summarize thousands of
articles for the NIPCC’s Climate Change Reconsidered reports, the
hundreds who participate in Heartland Institute climate conferences, and
the 31,487 US scientists who have signed the Oregon Petition, attesting
that there is no convincing scientific evidence that humans are causing
catastrophic warming or climate disruption.
All of us are firm skeptics of claims that humans are causing
catastrophic global warming and climate change. We are not climate
change “deniers.” We know Earth’s climate and weather are constantly in
flux, undergoing recurrent fluctuations that range from flood and
drought cycles to periods of low or intense hurricane and tornado
activity, to the Medieval Warm Period (950-1250 AD) and Little Ice Age
(1350-1850) – and even to Pleistocene glaciers that repeatedly buried
continents under a mile of ice.
What we deny is the notion that humans can prevent these fluctuations,
by ending fossil fuel use and emissions of plant-fertilizing carbon
dioxide, which plays only an insignificant role in climate change.
The real deniers are people who think our climate was and should remain
static and unchanging, such as 1900-1970, supposedly – during which time
Earth actually warmed and then cooled, endured the Dust Bowl, and
experienced periods of devastating hurricanes and tornadoes.
The real deniers refuse to recognize that natural forces dictate weather
and climate events. They deny that computer model predictions are
completely at odds with real world events, that there has been no
warming since 1995, and that several recent winters have been among the
coldest in centuries in the United Kingdom and continental Europe,
despite steadily rising CO2 levels. They refuse to acknowledge that, as
of December 25, it’s been 3,347 days since a Category 3-5 hurricane hit
the US mainland; this is by far the longest such stretch since
record-keeping began in 1900, if not since the American Civil War.
Worst of all, they deny that their “solutions” hurt our children and
grandchildren, by driving up energy prices, threatening electricity
reliability, thwarting job creation, and limiting economic growth in
poor nations to what can be sustained via expensive wind, solar, biofuel
and geothermal energy. Google’s corporate motto is “Don’t be evil.”
From our perspective, perpetuating poverty, misery, disease and
premature death in poor African and Asian countries – in the name or
preventing climate change – is evil.
It is truly disturbing that Mr. Schmidt could make a statement so
thoroughly flawed in its basic premise. He runs a multi-billion dollar
company that uses vast quantities of electricity to disseminate
information throughout the world. Perhaps he should speak out on issues
he actually understands. Perhaps he would be willing to debate us or Roy
Spencer, David Legates, Pat Michaels and other climate experts.
Setting aside the irrational loyalty of alarmists like Schmidt to a
failed “dangerous manmade climate change” hypothesis, equally disturbing
is the money wasted because of it. Consider an article written for the
Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers’ summit website by Google
engineers Ross Koningstein and David Fork, who worked on Google’s
“RE~C” renewable energy initiative.
Beginning in 2007, they say, “Google committed significant resources to
tackle the world’s climate and energy problems. A few of these efforts
proved very successful: Google deployed some of the most energy
efficient data centers in the world, purchased large amounts of
renewable energy, and offset what remained of its carbon footprint.”
It’s wonderful that Google improved the energy efficiency of its
power-hungry data centers. But the project spent countless dollars and
man hours. To what other actual benefits? To address precisely what
climate and energy problems? And how exactly did Google offset its
carbon footprint? By buying “carbon credits” from outfits like the New
Forests Company, which drove impoverished Ugandan villagers out of their
homes, set fire to their houses and burned a young boy to death?
What if, as skeptics like us posit and actual evidence reflects,
man-made climate change is not in fact occurring? That would mean there
is no threat to humans or our planet, and lowering Google’s CO2
footprint would bring no benefits. In fact, it would keep poor nations
poverty stricken and deprived of modern technologies – and thus unable
to adapt to climate change. Imagine what Google could have accomplished
if its resources had been channeled to solving actual problems with
actual solutions!
In 2011, the company decided its RE~C project would not meet its goals.
Google shut it down. In their article, Koningstein and Fork admit that
the real result of all of their costly research was to reach the
following conclusion: “green energy is simply not economically, viable
and resources that we as a society waste in trying to make it so would
be better used to improve the efficiencies in established energy
technologies like coal.”
Skeptics like us reached that conclusion long ago. It is the primary
reason for our impassioned pleas that that the United States and other
developed nations stop making energy policy decisions based on the
flawed climate change hypothesis. However, the article’s most
breathtaking statement was this:
“Climate scientists have definitively shown that the buildup of carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere poses a looming danger.... A 2008 paper
by James Hansen, former director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space
Studies… showed the true gravity of the situation. In it, Hansen set out
to determine what level of atmospheric CO2 society should aim for ‘if
humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which
civilization developed and to which life on Earth is adapted.’ His
climate models showed that exceeding 350 parts per million CO2 in the
atmosphere would likely have catastrophic effects. We’ve already blown
past that limit. Right now, environmental monitoring shows
concentrations around 400 ppm.…”
We would never presume to question the sincerity, intellect, dedication
or talent of these two authors. However, this statement presents a
stunning failure in applying Aristotelian logic. Even a quick reading
would make the following logical conclusions instantly obvious:
1. Hansen theorized that 350 ppm of atmospheric CO2 would have catastrophic results.
2. CO2 did indeed reach this level, and then exceeded it by a significant amount.
3. There were no consequences, much less catastrophic results, as our earlier points make clear.
4. Therefore, real-world evidence clearly demonstrates that Hansen’s hypothesis is wrong.
This kind of reasoning (the scientific method) has served progress and
civilization well since the Seventeenth Century. But the Google team has
failed to apply it; instead it repeats the “slash fossil fuel use or
Earth and humanity are doomed” tautology, without regard for logic or
facts – while questioning CAGW skeptics intelligence, character and
ethics. Such an approach would be disastrous in business.
We enthusiastically support Eric Schmidt’s admonition that our nation
base its policy decisions on facts, even when those facts do not support
an apocalyptic environmental worldview. We also support President
Obama’s advice that people should not “engage in self-censorship,”
because of bullying or “because they don’t want to offend the
sensibilities of someone whose sensibilities probably need to be
In fact, we will keep speaking out, regardless of what Messsrs. Schmidt, Hansen and Obama might say.
Via email
Five current articles below
More pressure on banks over global warming
There is an amusing perversity here. Warmists are trying
to convince banks that lending money to coal and oil companies is
risky -- on the grounds that coal and oil are old hat and will soon be
replaced by windmills and solar power. The fact that even the
hi-tech "Ivanpah" project in the California desert actually depends for
much of the time on "fossil" fuels is not acknowledged. So the
chance that demand for coal and oil will vanish is vanishingly small.
the other hand, the ever-tightening net of Greenie restrictions is a
real hazard to the oil and gas industry. It bumps up their costs
and hence the prices for their product -- leading to a fall in demand
and a probable winnowing out of the less efficient producers. So
lending to conventional energy producers does have some risk but not
because of global warming or "sustainable" energy. It is risky
because Greenies attack businesses in that field
One of the country's biggest investors, Australian Super, has asked the
chairmen of the nation's biggest banks how they are responding to carbon
exposure risk, as lenders face growing pressure over their response to
climate change.
Australian Super's investment manager for governance, Andrew Gray, said
banks needed to give investors comfort that they were "assessing and
managing" the risks appropriately.
"We've actually engaged with the boards of the banks and have been asking them about this issue themselves," he said.
Mr Gray said the discussion had occurred over the past year or so and had been "constructive".
"Companies that actually have fossil fuel assets – they would have
direct exposure – but banks as financiers of those companies therefore
also potentially have exposure," he said.
"We would say it's a plausible issue to be examining for the banks, and so we are certainly doing that."
Former Coalition opposition leader John Hewson, who chairs the Asset
Owners Disclosure Project, said that carbon didn't rate a single mention
in the financial system inquiry by David Murray, who had previously
doubted the severity of climate change.
"I was fascinated that the Murray Review, which is focused heavily on
bank capital and the need to increase bank capital, doesn't focus on the
climate risk," Dr Hewson said.
Until recently, views such as Dr Hewson's were on the fringe in the
finance community, even though environmental groups have been airing
them for years.
But noise is being made everywhere. In December, the Bank of England
reportedly launched an inquiry into a potential "carbon bubble" in the
world economy.
Earlier in the year, former United States secretary to the Treasury and
Goldman Sachs chief Hank Paulson likened the growing financial risks
created by climate change to the US housing credit bubble that was
allowed to inflate until 2008.
Domestically, while there has been investor debate about carbon risk, it
has focused on large emitters, such as coalminers, manufacturers, or
Now the spotlight is on the big four banks - Commonwealth Bank, Westpac, NAB and ANZ.
ANZ and CBA shareholders this year faced resolutions from the
Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility that would have
required banks to disclose their "financed emissions".
Even though these were firmly rejected by shareholders, Mr Gray said it
would be wrong to assume this means the issue was being ignored by
long-term investors such as super funds.
"Irrespective of the ACCR resolution, that's a conversation that we were
having anyway from the perspective of saying, 'Well we're a big
investor in the banks, we want to understand what the risk of that looks
like and how banks are managing any potential risks from this as an
investment theme'," Mr Gray said.
All of the major banks now disclose more information about their lending
to big carbon emitters, which is partly a response to the investor and
activist pressure.
Company chairmen also told investors they consider risks such as these
in detail before extending credit to customers. They say these checks
are built into banks' environmental, social and governance policies,
which are applied to all of big corporate clients.
ANZ chairman David Gonski faced repeated questions on carbon at its AGM
in December, and argued the bank carefully considered any extra risks
that big carbon emitters would face.
"We will continue to look to balance things, so that we can see that we
are assisting the world in its living standards, but also at the same
time moving towards renewables in a positive way," Mr Gonski said.
Despite assurances such as these, research by Tim Buckley from the
Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis - a group pushing
for action on climate change by investors - paints a less comforting
picture about lenders' response to carbon risks.
Mr Buckley, a former head of equity research at Citi and fund manager,
said the big four banks may have already funded "stranded assets" that
were already feeling financial pain due to their carbon exposure.
He described the $3 billion Wiggins Island coal export facility as
"potentially one of the first stranded assets in Australia" for banks
and the associated coalmining company investors.
ANZ arranged the syndicate of local and global banks lending to the
project, which has since been hit by a plunge in coal prices. Mr Buckley
said this plunge in the coal price was partly the result of carbon
risks materialising.
The banks' loans to the Wiggins Island project are protected in this
case by take-or-pay contract rules that will in effect mean coalminers
guarantee the port's cash flow.
Nonetheless, lending behaviour such as this undermines bank claims about
carefully considering carbon risks – though Mr Buckley said this was
now starting to change quite quickly.
He said three years ago if you were to ask senior finance executives if
they understood the magnitude of their carbon risk in their loan books,
infrastructure funds or equity portfolios, they would admit they had "no
Now this is changing, after a collapse in coal company share prices linked to the coal price.
"I think they do have an idea today," he said. "Would they have known a year ago? No."
It had changed significantly in the past six months, he said, in part
due to pressure from shareholders and signs that countries including the
United States, China, Japan and Germany are acting to address their
carbon emissions.
"Through the board election campaign of Ian Dunlop with BHP, the banks
have gone through a bit of a baptism of fire and in the last six
months," he said. "They are thinking about the associated financial
risks a lot more. It wasn't even on their radar a year ago."
Despite these changes, many still remain sceptical that banks are taking carbon risk seriously.
Dr Hewson said: "I doubt if they've had serious board consideration of
these sort of issues and gone through their portfolio loan by loan…
whether they've actually done that sort of work, and if they have, why
wouldn't they be prepared to tell the market what sort of risks they're
The Asset Owners Disclosure Project, which Dr Hewson chairs, is
considering "naming and shaming" how the world's 1000 biggest banks are
responding to carbon risk, something it already does for pension funds.
He said the issue was not whether banks should avoiding fossil fuels, but that investors needed to be aware of the risks.
Similarly, Mr Buckley prefers to describe the risks in the language of finance, rather than environmentalism or politics.
"I actually never talk about climate change, I talk about the financial risk of stranded assets," he said.
Whatever happens to the politics of climate change, the issue is now
clearly on the table as a financial risk. And as Australian Super's Mr
Gray said, it was likely to remain there, especially as big super funds
become more active in raising this and other social or environmental
issues with boards.
More unscientific science
It's Warmist "science" so we know what to expect -- and are not
disappointed. The author is jubilant that, in the second year of
Australia's now-abolished carbon tax, emissions of CO2 dropped more than
they did in the first year. He is clearly unaware of one of the
first principles of statistics: Correlation is not
causation. And a correlation based on a sample of two (years) is
in any case indistinguishable from random noise.
To have
have shown, with any plausibility at all, that the tax CAUSED the drop
in emissions, he would at least have presented data about other
influences on CO2 emissions and shown that those sources were static
over the years concerned. He does not even attempt that.
Hutchens is an industrious writer who pops up frequently in
Left-leaning publications but he is a twit. He has the
self-serving tram-track thinking that is typical of the Left
Gareth Hutchens
This week the Environment Minister Greg Hunt published data on the
quiet, two days before Christmas, that showed the second year of
operation of Australia's carbon price was more successful at reducing
emissions than the first.
The carbon price began operation on July 1, 2012 and ended on July 1
this year after the government fulfilled an election pledge by
abolishing it.
The new data from Australia's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory,
published this week, showed emissions produced during the second and
final year.
And guess what? Carbon emissions declined across Australia by 1.4 per
cent in the second year, compared with a decline of 0.8 per cent in the
first year.
Economists had predicted that that would happen. It takes a while for new markets to begin working properly.
The data showed the electricity (minus 4 per cent), agriculture (minus
2.6 per cent), industrial processes (minus 1.3 per cent) and transport
sectors (minus 0.4 per cent) all experienced declines in emissions this
year, and that those declines were partially offset by a rise in
fugitive emissions (5.1 per cent) and emissions from stationary energy
(0.9 per cent).
It is worth emphasising that a nationwide decline in emissions of 1.4 per cent is much bigger than 0.8 per cent.
I say that because Mr Hunt has spent a lot of time criticising the fact
that carbon emissions declined by less than 1 per cent in the first
His office did so again this week when I asked them what their thoughts were on the latest data.
They chose not to comment on the fall in emissions in the second year of the carbon price – the larger fall of 1.4 per cent.
"We have put in a place a policy which will start its first emissions
reductions from March this year and we are confident that it will see
Australia meet its 5 per cent reduction by 2020," a spokesman said.
"In its first year, the carbon tax was a $7.6 billion hit on the economy
but reduced emissions by less than 1 per cent. There is a better way
through the Emissions Reduction Fund."
Mr Hunt will have lots of time next year to challenge the cause of the
bigger fall in emissions in the second year of the carbon price.
But he will have to acknowledge that the decline has occurred.
And instead of patting himself on the back for getting rid of a
mechanism that was reducing emissions by less than 1 per cent a year, he
may even have to explain why he got rid of a scheme that was showing
signs of achieving exactly what it was designed to achieve.
Greenie misconceptions about the Great Barrier Reef
VISITORS to north Queensland who come to see the reef and rainforest are
often perplexed to gaze from their hotel balconies out on to a
wind-ruffled, muddy grey to brown-coloured sea.
What happened to the sparkling blue waters, they ponder. Fuelled by dim
memories of media misreports, they usually jump to the conclusion that
human pollution must be the cause.
Those who live along the Queensland coast, as opposed to those who
preach about it from the concrete and glass metropolitan jungle, know
that muddy coastal water is an intrinsic part of the natural tropical
system, generated by the resuspension of seabed mud by constantly
blowing southeast trade winds.
Indeed, special types of coral reef — turbid-water reefs — have evolved
to live happily in just these muddy near-shore waters. The Great Barrier
Reef itself — growing luxuriantly in pellucid blue, oceanic waters far
offshore — is recognised in textbooks as one part of a larger mixed
carbonate-terrigenous complex of both muddy (inshore) and bluewater
(offshore) reefs with a long, robust geological history.
Along the Queensland coast, the shoreline is made up of sandy beaches
and adjacent sandy-mud coastal lagoons and estuaries, punctuated by
spaced rocky headlands. The nearby inner shelf seabed is almost flat and
covered by a blanket of sandy mud and mud up to several metres thick
that has accumulated during the past few thousand years.
This coastal-inner shelf system has been built, and is still nurtured,
by sand and mud delivered to the coast from the Queensland hinterland at
times of riverine flood — mostly after cyclones.
Dilute muddy water from even the greatest cyclonic floods only reaches
from the coast to the offshore bluewater reefs about once every 10
years. It persists there just briefly before being dispersed by waves
and currents, and in being dispersed introduces rare nutrients into a
nutrient-starved locale.
The coastal wetlands are important ecosystems for mangrove growth and
provide a nurturing environment for fish and invertebrate larvae. Also,
shallow embayments with sandy low tide and subtidal beach flats provide
the conditions for seagrass growth — an essential habitat for dugongs.
Prior to European settlement, this system existed in precarious but
dynamic “balance”, with major cyclones causing immediate coastline
erosion, followed months to years later by fairweather shoreline
accretion and restoration, fed by sediment contributed by the same and
earlier cyclones. It is possible that historical tree-clearing and
grazing inland has increased the amount of sand and mud delivered to the
coast in post-European time, with one computer model estimate of a two
to four -fold increase.
If true, such sediment enhancement is no bad thing. First, the
pre-European shoreline was, and remains, deficient of enough sediment to
maintain its position without continuing sand nourishment, especially
at locations away from river mouths. Second, more sediment nurtures not
just the shoreline beaches but feeds nutrient into the ecologically
vital coastal wetlands.
Ports and their access channels have been dredged along the Queensland
coast since the late 19th century, and the spoil dumped at sea. Over a
period of months to years, this spoil is redistributed across a wide
area and merges insensibly into the sandy mud, inner shelf substrate.
The briefly enhanced turbidity caused by dredging and dumping activity
represents but a small, localised disturbance within a dynamic
oceanographic background that sees constantly varying rates of mud
resuspension caused by wind, and by the regular interchange of shelf
waters within a few days to weeks by tidal and other marine currents.
Not surprisingly, therefore, despite expensive nutrient and water
quality analysis in the past 30 years, no measured evidence exists for
changes in water quality on the near-shore GBR shelf in post-European
Furthermore, the historical dredging and spoil dumping on the shelf has
had no other known significantly adverse effects either, especially not
on the bluewater reefs in the distant offshore.
Spoil has sometimes been dumped at the shoreline to reclaim areas for
port development — the Brisbane and Townsville ports are prime examples.
Given the value of the land created, this is an entirely sensible
procedure when undertaken (as it has been) as an environmentally
efficacious and cost-effective commercial venture.
It is simply fallacious for conservationists to trumpet that the GBR is
threatened by near-shore dredging, and it is risible and disgraceful
that an international agency (UNESCO) is involved in unscientific
grandstanding on the matter as well.
Caving in to activists, the federal government has rejected the two best
environmental options for the spoil — either seabed dispersal or land
reclamation. Instead, Environment Minister Greg Hunt has opted for the
worst and possibly the most expensive environmental option — that spoil
dredged from near Abbot Point will be dumped on land.
A more perfect combination of scientific ignorance and environmental stupidity would be hard to find.
Australian City Takes Moderate Approach to Sea-Level Rise
Councilors of the Australian coastal city of Shoalhaven have taken a
moderate approach to planning for sea level rise. Shoalhaven’s future
planning decisions and real estate notices will be made in anticipation
of sea levels rising by nine inches by 2050. Nine inches was a mid-range
estimate, more than an inch below the level recommended by consultants
Shoalhaven hired to help develop its planning response to rising sea
In addition, Shoalhaven’s planning levels were the first public
rejection of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organization’s (CSIRO) recommendation to plan for up to 31 inches of sea
level rise. CISRO is the Australian national science agency. Other
coastal towns planning for rising sea levels have adopted CSIRO’s
Evidence, Not Models
The councilors noted research shows sea-level projections are very
imprecise, and the further out you go, the less precise they become. In
addition, the higher the level of sea level rise planned for, the more
properties affected and higher the costs for property owners trying to
insure or sell their coastal properties.
The councilors also built a relief valve into their coastal impact
planning, something other councils had not done. Every seven years the
town will compare projected sea levels to the actual measurements. If
sea level rise has slowed or risen, adjustments can be made to coastal
impact plans.
In response to Shoalhaven’s planning decision, Tom Harris, executive
director of the International Climate Science Coalition, said, "The rate
of change of average global sea level is immaterial to coastal
planning. It is only the rate of local change that matters to cities,
towns, and other settlements. It is very perceptive of Shoalhaven city
planners to actually measure local sea level rise on a periodic basis
and make their future plans based on what they actually observe.”
The carbon tax figures are in: Australians paid $14b to reduce global emissions by 0.004%!
We can finally assess (sort of) the carbon tax in Australia. It ran for
two years from July 2012 to July 2014 and cost Australians nearly $14
billion. The National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Office released
Australian emissions statistics for the June Quarter of 2014. The
headlines hitting the press this week are saying we reduced our
emissions by 1.4%.
The Greens are excited, but neither the journalists or the Greens have
looked at the numbers. Not only is this reduction pathetically
small on a global scale, but it’s smaller than the “noise” in the
adjustments. Like most official statistics the emissions data gets
adjusted year after year, and often by 1 – 2%. We won’t really know what
our emissions were, or what the fall was, for years to come… (if ever).
Spot the effect of the Australian carbon tax in the graph of emissions
by sector below. It operated for the last two years. The falls in
electricity emissions started long before the carbon tax (and probably
have more to do with the global financial crisis, a government
unfriendly to small business, and the wild subsidies offered for solar
Did Australian industry “reduce” their emissions a year ahead of the
carbon tax? Maybe. In anticipation of the pointless expense and
increased sovereign risk, they may have shut down or moved overseas.
Should we celebrate?
The cost-benefits of using a tax to change the weather
During the carbon tax period we “saved” something like 17Mt of CO2.
That’s how much less we theoretically emitted compared to what we would
have been produced if our emissions had stayed at the annual level they
were at in June 2012 (subject to adjustment).
Australia’s emissions are 1.5% of total human emissions, which are 4% of
global emissions*. Those global emissions from all sources during the
two years of the tax were roughly 416 Gt. Thus the carbon tax may have
reduced global CO2 emissions by 0.004% and global temperatures by less.
The carbon tax is often framed as “revenue” or money raised, as if the
government created some wealth. It should always be called a cost. And
it’s not money from “polluters” — it’s money from Australians.
The carbon tax cost Australians $6.6 billion in 2012-2013 and cost
$7.2 billion (projected) in 2013-14. Over the two year period, that’s
$13.8b for an average reduction of 0.004%. The carbon tax was projected
to cost $7.6 billion in 2014-15 if it had not been repealed.
The story of shifting data
Despite the headlines of “record falls” in Australian emissions, the
data keeps changing, and the fall was about the same size as the
adjustments. Each quarter, the numbers may be revised by up to 2%. In
four of the last six years the annual emissions were announced and then
were later raised. In two years the original estimate was similar to the
In other words, any 1% change is mere noise (in so many ways). Some of
the time the headlines will have announced a fall in emissions that
later vanished with data revision.
According to the most recent Excel data statistics I can find (subject
to change), over the two years of the carbon tax our emissions started
at 555Mt, fell to 550Mt and fell again to 542 Mt. As you can see by
reading across the rows, the emissions may be adjusted for years after
the fact. Who knows what Australia’s emissions of 2014 will be listed as
10 years from now.
HERE (See the original for links & graphics)
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
29 December, 2014
Social psychologists attack the "denier" accusation
Almost any Leftist writing with a pretense at scholarship is
conspicuously marred by its one-sidedness. Only "facts" that
support Leftist prejudices will be considered. This of course can
only be considered as propaganda and will do little to persuade anybody
with some knowledge of the field concerned. Jonathan Haidt and a
few others have come to realize that such writing is largely
pointless. It will only persuade those who are already believers.
in an effort to upgrade the standards of scholarship in the social
sciences, Haidt has spoken the unspeakable. He believes that
conservative viewpoints should be included in social science debates. He
is swimming against the huge tide of suppressing conservative thought
that pervades Leftist discourse. The huge efforts at censorship
emanating from the Left are not for him.
I actually feel rather
sorry for Haidt and his lieutenants. Haidt has not considered WHY
Leftist discourse is so selective in its consideration of the
facts. Leftists are selective because they HAVE to be.
Reality is so at variance with central Leftist assertions that it just
cannot be confronted in full. The historic Leftist assertion about
the malleability of human nature, for instance, flies in the face of
the whole discipline of genetics. And, as time goes by, the
findings in genetics move ever more strongly towards showing an
overwhelming influence of genetics on human behaviour. Human beings are
NOT a "blank slate".
But Leftists need to say that people are
blank slates in order to justify their authoritarianism. Leftists
want to CHANGE people (can you get more authoritarian than that?).
They even once dreamed of creating a "New Soviet Man". But if
they are up against genetic fixity in people, attempts at change will be
futile. They may say that it is not people but "the system" that
they want to change but "the system" consists of what people do --
so that is a detour that leads nowhere.
So as he lets
fact-based conservative ideas into his head, I think Haidt will himself
become a conservative. And that will ditch his career!
any event, I reproduce below a journal abstract of an excellent paper by
Haidt and his associates that puts the case for intellectual diversity
in science. I also reproduce one example from the body of the
paper about Leftist bias rendering research unable to show what it
purports to show. The example concerns the common Warmist
accusation that climate skeptics are "deniers"
Political Diversity Will Improve Social Psychological Science
Jos L. Duarte et al
Psychologists have demonstrated the value of diversity - particularly
diversity of viewpoints - for enhancing creativity, discovery, and
problem solving. But one key type of viewpoint diver sity is lacking in
academic psychology in general and social psychology in particular:
political diversity. This article reviews the available evidence and
finds support for four claims: 1) Academic psychology once had
considerable political diversity, but has lost nearly all of it in the
last 50 years; 2) This lack of political diversity can undermine the
validity of social psychological science via mechanisms such as the
embedding of liberal values into research questions and methods,
steering researchers away from important but politically unpalatable
research topics, and producing conclusions that mischaracterize liberals
and conservatives alike; 3) Increased political diversity would improve
social psychological science by reducing the impact of bias m echanisms
such as confirmation bias, and by empowering dissenting minorities to
improve the quality of the majority's thinking; and 4) The
underrepresentation of non - liberals in social psychology is most
likely due to a combination of self - selection, hosti le climate, and
discrimination. We close with recommendations for increasing political
diversity in social psychology.
One closely reasoned example of bias from the paper
Denial of environmental realities: Feygina, Jost and Goldsmith (2010)
sought to explain the "denial of environmental realities" using system
justification theory (Jost & Banaji, 1994). In operationalizing such
denial, the author s assessed the four constructs listed below, with
example items in parentheses:
Construct 1: Denial of the possibility of an ecolog ical crisis ("If
things continue on their present course, we will soon experience a major
environmental catastrophe," reverse scored).
Construct 2: Denial of limits to growth ("The earth has plenty of natural resources if we just learn how to develop them. ")
Construct 3: Denial of the need to abide by the constraints of nature
("Humans will eventually learn enough about how nature works to be able
to control it.")
Construct 4: Denial of the danger of disrupting balance in nature ("The
balance of nature is s trong enough to cope with the impacts of modern
industrial nations.")
The core problem with this research is that it misrepresents those who
merely disagree with environmentalist values and slogans as being in
"denial." Indeed, the papers Feygina et al (2010) cited in support of
their "denial" questions never used the terms "deny" or denial" to
describe these measures. Clark, Kotchen, and Moore (2003) referred to
the items as assessing "attitudes" and Dunlap, Van Liere, Mertig, and
Jones (2000) characte rized the items as tapping "primitive beliefs" (p.
439) about the environment.
The term "denial" implies that 1) the claim being denied is a "reality" -
that is, a descriptive fact, and that 2) anyone who fails to endorse
the pro - environmental side of these claims is engaged in a
psychological process of denial. We next describe why both claims
are false, and why the measures, however good they are at assessing
attitudes or primitive beliefs, fail to assess denial.
Construct 1 refers to a "possibility" so that denial would be belief
that an ecological crisis was impossible . This was not assessed and the
measure that supposedly tapped this construct refers to no descriptive
fact. Without defining "soon" or "major" or "crisis," it is impossible
for this to be a fact. Without being a statement of an actual fact,
disagreeing with the statement does not, indeed cannot, represent
Similar problems plague Construct 2 and its measurement. Denial of the
limits of growth could be measured by agreement with an alternative
statement , such as "The Earth's natural resources are infinite."
Agreement could be considered a form of denial of the limits of growth.
However, this was not assessed. Absent a definition of "plenty ," it is
not clear how this item could be refuted or confirmed. If it cannot be
refuted or confirmed, it cannot be a descriptive fact. If it is not a
fact, it can be agreed or disagreed with, but there is no "denial."
Even strongly agreeing with this statement does not necessarily imply
denying that there are limits to growth. "Plenty " does not imply
"unlimited." Moreover, the supposed reality being denied is, in fact,
heavily disputed by scholars, and affirming the Earth's resources as
plentiful for human needs, given human ingenuity, was a winning strategy
in a famous scientific bet (Sabin, 2013) .
Construct 3 is an injunction that we need to abide by the constraints of
nature. Again "constraints of nature" is a vague and undefined term.
Further, the construct is not a descriptive fact - it is a
philosophical/ideological prescription , and the item is a prophecy
about the future, which can never be a fact. Thus, this construct might
capture some attitude towards environmentalism, but it does not capture
denial of anything. It would be just as unjustified to label those who
disagree with the item as being in denial about human creativity,
innovation, and intelligence
Construct 4 is similarly problematic. "Balance in nature" is another
vague term, and the item assessing this construct is another vague
prediction. One can agree or disagree with the item. And such
differences may indeed by psychologically important. Disagreement,
however, is not the same construct as denial.
Whether some people deny actual environmental realities, and if so, why,
remains an interesting and potentially scientifically tractable
question. For example, one might assess "environmental denial" by
showing people a time - lapse video taken over several years showing
ocean levels rising over an island, and asking people if sea levels were
rising. There would be a prima facie case for identifying those who
answered "no" to such a question as "denying environmental realities."
However, Feygina et al. (2010) did not perform such studies . Instead,
they simply measured support for primitive environmentalist beliefs and
values, called low levels of such support denial, and regressed it on
the system justification scores and other measures (a third,
experimental study, did not assess denial ).
None of Feygina et al's (2010) measures refer to environmental
realities. Thus, the studies were not capable of producing scientific
evidence of denial of environmental realities. Vague environmentalist
philosophical slogans and values are unjustifiably converted to
scientific truths even though no data could ever tell us whether humans
should "abide by the constraints of nature."
It is not just that people have different environmental attitudes; the
problem is the presumption that one set of attitudes is right and those
who disagree are in denial. This conversion of a widely shared political
ideology into "reality," and its concomitant treatment of dissent as
denial, testifies to the power of embedded values to distort science
within a cohesive moral community
Much more
NOAA Demonstrates How To Defraud Taxpayers At Christmas
The Arctic and its future are looking dimmer every year, a new federal report says.
Spring snow cover in Eurasia reached a record low in April. Arctic
summer sea ice, while not setting a new record, continued a long-term,
steady decline. And Greenland set a record in August for the least
amount of sunlight reflected in that month, said the peer-reviewed
report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and
other agencies.
The fine scientists at NOAA are defrauding taxpayers with omissions of
key information. Why did they refer only to April snow cover? Autumn
snow cover just set an all-time record maximum.
Since CO2 hit 350 PPM, autumn/winter snow cover is increasing much faster than the decline in spring/summer snow cover.
Arctic sea ice extent is at a 10 year maximum, and has been for the past two months.
Greenland has gained nearly 300 billion tons of ice since the end of
August, and surface melt area has been generally below normal this year.
NOAA forgot to mention these things.
NOAA’s intent was clearly to disinform, rather than to inform. So the
question is, why does climate science peer-review allow such blatant
propaganda through?
SOURCE (See the original for links and graphics)
Why are Warmists so dogmatic?
The left needs science to serve as a metaphysical validation for their worldview—even if they have to kill it to capture it
Robert Tracinski
The recent Neil deGrasse Tyson kerfuffle and the dogmatic defense of the
global warming consensus raises the question: what’s the impetus? Why
do people feel the need to proclaim themselves so loudly as the
pro-science side of the debate and to write off all opponents as
anti-science? What makes scientists so susceptible to a cultural vogue
like global warming and so willing to be dismissive of evidence that
contradicts their theory?
The least satisfying explanation is that it’s easy to make a name for
yourself and get funding and research grants if you back the global
warming consensus. That’s true, but it doesn’t seem quite sufficient.
There are lots of way to get rich and famous and get invited to the
right cocktail parties. Why choose this one? Nor is it enough to say
that people are looking for an excuse to feel smugly superior, because
there are also lots of ways to do that. I’ve even had Evangelical
Christians do it to me, and truth be told, I’ve probably been a little
smug once or twice myself.
All of these are just extra inducements added on to a deeper motive.
Given the size, breadth, and intensity of the global warming vogue and
the pro-science pose of its supporters, it must answer some profound
need, some crisis of the soul.
It is needed because the left is fundamentally reactionary.
The modern left formed as a reaction against capitalism and the
Industrial Revolution. I think this reaction was driven by a deeply
ingrained attitude toward morality. Practically every moral philosophy
has warned against the evils of greed and self-interest—and here was an
economic system that encourages and rewards those motives. You could
look at this and decide that it’s necessary to re-evaluate the moral
issues and come to terms with self-interest in some way. Most factions
of the modern right have done so, whether they accept self-interest as a
necessary evil or to make a virtue of selfishness.
But if you’re not willing to make such an accommodation, you’re going to
look around, see all this heedless profit-seeking, and conclude that it
must be evil in some way and it must be leading to evil consequences.
So you will lend an eager ear to anyone who claims to validate your
moral suspicions about capitalism.
In the first go-around, these anti-capitalists tried to capture the
science of economics, forming theories about how capitalism is a system
of exploitation that will impoverish the common man, while scientific
central planning would provide abundance for all.
Let’s just say that this didn’t work out. When it turned out that
central planning impoverishes the common man and capitalism provides
abundance for all, they had to switch to a fallback position. Which is:
to heck with prosperity—too many material goods are the problem. Our
greed for more is destroying the planet by causing environmental
catastrophes. This shift became official some time in the 1960s with the
rise of the New Left.
Some of the catastrophes didn’t pan out (overpopulation, global cooling)
and others proved too small to be anything more than a speed bump in
the path of capitalism (banning CFCs and DDT). But then along comes
global warming—and it’s just too good not to be true. It tells us that
capitalism is not just exploiting the workers or causing inequality or
deadening our souls with crass materialism. It’s destroying the very
planet itself.
The global warming theory tells us that the free market is a doomsday
machine bringing about the end of the world. It turns capitalism into a
metaphysical evil.
And there is no halfway solution to the problem, no practical fix or
technological patch. Carbon dioxide emissions are an unavoidable
byproduct of the burning of fossil fuels, and the entire system of
industrial capitalism runs on fossil fuels. So the only way to avoid
catastrophe is to shut it all down.
You can see how this brings order and balance back to the left’s
universe. Their visceral reaction against capitalism is validated on the
deepest, most profound level.
You can see how this would be almost like a drug or like an article of
religious faith. How can you allow people to question and undermine the
very thing that gives meaning to your life? Hence the visceral reaction
to global warming skeptics.
Then there is a second dilemma faced by the left. Their own history—and
indeed their present—hasn’t always been so liberal and enlightened and
progressive. The hard-core advocates of central planning had embraced or
excused Soviet totalitarianism, with its party lines and Lysenkoism,
and the central planners and “pro-science” types of a previous era had
embraced eugenics. Today, there are still those who want to shut down
opposing opinions, and every couple of years somebody floats a proposal
to imprison global warming skeptics. Or maybe they just try to sue them
and shut them down in the courts.
What to do? Construct an alternative narrative in which the political
right is the modern-day successor to the Inquisition and the political
left is the inheritor of a tradition of bold free-thinking that goes all
the way back to Giordano Bruno. Even if you have to fudge a few facts
to make it work.
Now put these two together: the left’s imperative to think of itself as a
tradition of free-thinkers opposed to religious dogma, and their need
for a scientific theory that validates their prejudice against
capitalism—and you get the impetus for the whole mentality of what the
blogger Ace of Spades calls the “I Love Science Sexually” crowd (a play
on the name of a popular Facebook page). And you can also understand
their adulation of popularizers like Neil deGrasse Tyson who repeat this
conventional wisdom back to them and give it the official imprimatur of
science. Once the narrative is established, it becomes a bandwagon and
others jump onto it because being “pro-science” sounds like (and is) a
good thing, and because they don’t know enough to question the story
they’re being told.
You can also see why they would be more concerned with having the image
of being “pro-science” than they are with actually being scientific. The
first allows you to hold fast to the specific conclusions that are
comforting to you; the second means that you have to be willing to
challenge them.
In short, this is an attempt to capture science as a metaphysical
validation for the worldview of the left—even if they have to kill it to
capture it.
Fred Singer discusses Lima,Peru results
The just concluded confab in Lima, Peru, didn’t really conclude anything
— certainly no binding Protocol to limit emissions of carbon dioxide
(CO2) — but “kicked the can down the road” to the next (21st annual)
international gabfest in Paris, scheduled for December 2015.
Recall, however, that in July 1997, the US Senate passed the Byrd-Hagel
Climate Resolution by unanimous vote. Robert Byrd (D-WV) wanted to
protect West Virginia coal mining; Chuck Hagel (R-NE) wanted to protect
the United States from unfair competition. A direct consequence of this
bi-partisan Resolution was that Clinton-Gore never submitted the
infamous Kyoto Protocol to the Senate for ratification. [Kyoto was
designed to put teeth into the UN-FCCC (Framework Convention on Climate
Change), popularly known as the Rio (1990) Global Climate Treaty].
Kyoto expired in Dec 2012 after wasting literally hundreds of billions
in 15 years — without accomplishing its main goal of reducing global
emissions of the much-maligned greenhouse gas CO2. On the contrary,
emissions rose — mainly from greatly increased industrial growth in
China, which was fueled primarily by coal-fired power plants. At the
same time of course, global agriculture benefited from these higher
levels of CO2, which is a natural plant fertilizer.
China Accord: a bad deal
In Nov 2014, president Obama and Chinese president Xi inked an agreement
that Obama thinks might lead to another Kyoto; it was hailed as an
“important breakthrough.” However, while the US would have to cut CO2
emissions drastically over the next decade, China merely promised to
peak its emissions by 2030 — maybe — but would be free to continue its
industrial development, at our expense. It’s a bad deal for the US;
energy would become super-expensive, stifling economic growth, forcing
industry to flee, and killing productive jobs — all of the calamities
that Hagel, back in 1997, feared might happen.
Obama’s war on coal is indeed making electricity prices “sky-rocket” —
just as he promised in 2008, when he ran for president. Voters were
beguiled by the vision of “slowing the rise of the oceans” and of
“saving the climate.” Little did they realize that they were being fed
nonsensical science and that high energy prices would instead lead to
growth of poverty. Had they had the good sense to look at the European
experience, they might have rejected Obama’s siren song. Blame, if you
will, the main-stream media, TV, Hollywood, Greenpeace, Sierra Club,
etc. George W. Bush could have saved the situation but he didn’t.
Hagel to the rescue?
Here is a great opportunity for Chuck Hagel to save the US economy. Who
else can boast of early opposition to Kyoto? He is no longer bound to
silence as a member of Obama’s Cabinet. Free to speak out, he has much
going for him:
**a Congress anxious to take on a lame-duck president on Constitutional issues
**courts skeptical of executive over-reach
**public anger towards a hated EPA, IRS, and Dept of Justice
**foreign-policy disasters, like Benghazi, and the threat of terrorism within the US
**a clear majority of states with like-minded governors, attorneys-general, and legislatures.
More specifically, on the climate/energy issue Hagel can point to:
**Nature rules the climate — and always has — not human activities
**the disastrous record of Kyoto and scandalous waste of resources and human efforts
**how “saving the climate” detracts from solving genuine world problems
**the sad experience of European energy-cost rise, industry flight, and job losses
**the shoddy science of the UN-IPCC, exposed by independent NIPCC reports
**the 18-year “pause” in global warming and the failure of IPCC climate models to reproduce it
**the conspiracies of “Climategate” and the subsequent whitewash efforts
**how destructive energy regulations are based on non-validated science
**how Obama got snookered by China and sold out the US for personal glory.
And that is why we must strongly oppose creating a second Kyoto in Paris in 2015
— with the active assistance of India, Japan, Australia, and Canada.
This ban is a fracking outrage
New York’s ban on fracking is an act of pure green elitism
Governor Andrew Cuomo’s administration announced that it will ban
fracking - the practice of hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas
from shale-rock formation - in the state of New York. With this
decision, New York becomes the first state with significant
gas-production potential to ban fracking. While greens and celebrity
campaigners are jumping for joy, the masses in upstate New York are
reeling from the blow the decision represents, as they are in desperate
need of the kind of economic development that fracking would have
This has been a class battle. New York state is geographically enormous,
but its politics is dominated by the ‘downstate’ area in and around New
York City. Cuomo and the Democrats reflect the interests of the urban
elites who push an anti-industrial, green agenda. On the other side are
the people of upstate New York. The areas of New York with the most
potential for fracking, such as those in the ‘southern tier’, are also
among the most economically depressed regions in the entire United
Many people in upstate New York were hopeful that fracking would give
their economy a welcome boost. It may have appeared likely given how
tremendously successful fracking has been nationally, in areas such as
Texas, North Dakota and Ohio. Fracking has added about 2.1million jobs
and contributed an extra $473 billion to the US economy. It has lowered
energy prices and reduced carbon dioxide emissions.
Upstate New Yorkers would only have had to cross the border into
Pennsylvania to see the potential. Jobs in Pennsylvania’s energy sector
have more than doubled, to about 28,000, between 2010 to 2014, with
average salaries at $93,000, compared to the state average of $40,000.
And the benefits have been spread across communities. Energy companies
have generated more than $2.1 billion in tax revenues in Pennsylvania,
funding social improvements such as road and bridges, water and sewer
projects, local housing and parks.
The New York Department of Health report found ‘significant
uncertainties about the kinds of adverse health outcomes that may be
associated with’ fracking that ‘could adversely affect public health’.
‘The science’, according to the report, ‘provides insufficient
information to determine the level of risk to public health.’ Health
commissioner Howard Zucker added: ‘The potential risks are too great. In
fact, they are not even fully known.’
What the review did not find is any evidence that fracking is unsafe.
Instead, New York’s administrators are effectively saying that, because
of inconclusive information, uncertainties and unknown risks, we are
going to ban fracking. There could not be a clearer example of the
so-called precautionary principle, which states that, if there is any
risk whatsoever, we should not act.
It is noteworthy that the review searched for evidence in academic ‘what
if?’ studies, rather than studying the existing practices of fracking
operations around the country. If they had done the latter, they would
have to admit that there has been no evidence of harm. As Lisa Jackson,
former head of the Environmental Protection Agency, has noted, there is
no example of fracking leading to the contamination of a water supply.
The logic of the report – which is the logic of the green opponents of
fracking – is that if development entails any risk, we must not permit
it. But by this logic, we would never have had any industrial progress.
Imagine if we were discussing the introduction of air flight today.
Opponents would ask: ‘Will airplanes lead to a single death? Will they
cause any pollution, produce any carbon emissions? We can’t allow that.’
This approach is truly reactionary, and betrays no appreciation of how
we as a society advance. We learn by doing. With air flight, we learned
to make it one of the safest forms of travel by learning from crashes;
the truth is, without those unfortunate accidents and deaths, there
would have been no progress.
That’s how we should approach fracking. It’s not that fracking entails
no risks — but we should do what we can to minimise the risks and learn
from our mistakes in the pursuit of progress. And that’s what has been
happening in practice in the US: as the process of fracking has become
more widespread, it has become safer. That is how appropriate oversight
and regulations are supposed to work.
It is also noteworthy that New York’s health review found that fracking
would bring ‘interference with quality of life (eg, noise, odours),
overburdened transportation and health infrastructure’. But you could
say that about any industrial development. Yes, more people moving into
town, more people going out shopping and dining, that will all bring
more noise and traffic. We can’t have that, say the greens, who would
prefer the silence of the ghost town. Comments about noise and traffic
in the report show that the notion of ‘public health’ has been expanded
well beyond its brief. They also reveal that the opposition to fracking
is a rant against industrialism and change itself, masquerading as
debate over chemicals in the water.
In announcing the decision to ban fracking in his state, Governor Cuomo
wouldn’t even take responsibility for it. ‘I don’t think I even have a
role here’, he said, claiming the ban was down to his administrative
officials. Elsewhere he said he was deferring to the scientists,
averring ‘I’m not a scientist’. The idea that public policy is a
question of science is wrong and a copout. ‘The science’ has nothing to
say about assessing the value of jobs and prosperity. Cuomo’s attempt to
hide behind science is cowardly.
So what is Cuomo’s big idea for jobs in upstate New York, the economic
development alternative to fracking? Casinos. It is a sick joke. Of
course, casinos will bring no new wealth creation to the region; they
will just provide an alternative way for people to spend their dwindling
incomes. And as many have pointed out, relying on casinos is
yesterday’s big idea (scam), now that many resort casinos in the
northeast are realising big losses.
The southern tier is the area of upstate NY that was a prime candidate
for fracking. To add insult to injury, a few hours after the fracking
ban was announced, Cuomo’s administration broke the news that the
southern tier had lost their bid to have one of the new casinos. The
frontpage headline of the region newspaper, the Press & Sun
Bulletin, screamed ‘NO!’ in red type. ‘The casinos went down, fracking
went down – come on; this place is dead in the water now’, said a
Binghamton resident, quoted in the New York Times: ‘This whole area was
thumbed at, snubbed, like it was nothing.’
The question of moving forward with fracking, as with other forms of
industrial development, is not simply a technical, scientific one.
People’s livelihoods and prosperity are at stake, and the science
doesn’t tell us what value we should place on lifting people out of
poverty. The decision to ban fracking in upstate New York is based on
flimsy ‘it’s possible something bad could happen’ grounds, at a time
when such drilling is being deployed successfully and safely elsewhere.
The decision was made in the context of grinding poverty and over the
heads of the local people who want it. It was promoted by a green elite
that cares more about supposed threats to the Earth than about the
masses who need jobs and lower energy prices. For these reasons, the
fracking ban should be seen for what it is: an obscene and immoral
Global warming will be bad for Christmas trees!
The presents are unwrapped. The children's shrieks of delight are just a
memory. Now it's time for another Yuletide tradition: cleaning up the
needles that are falling off your Christmas tree.
"I'm not particularly worried about it ... I'll just sweep it up," said
Lisa Smith-Hansford of New York, who bought a small tree at a Manhattan
sidewalk stand early this week. She likes the smell of a real tree, she
said, comparing it to comfort food.
But others do mind. Consumers consistently cite messiness as one of the
most common reasons they don't have a real tree, says the National
Christmas Tree Association.
Some kinds of trees, like the noble fir or Fraser fir, are better than
others at maintaining moisture and keeping their needles once they're in
your house, says Gary Chastagner of Washington State University. But
even within a given species, some trees are better than others, he said.
Needle retention is an inherited trait: if a tree does well, so will
the offspring that grow from the seeds in its cones.
Trees that experience warm autumns tend to have more needle loss later,
Chastagner said. So if global warming leads to warmer falls in the
future, it could be bad news for Christmas trees, he said. But since his
studies focus on tree branches harvested before cold autumn weather
sets in, they may identify trees that will do well in a warming world,
he said.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
28 December, 2014
How solar power and electric cars could make suburban living awesome again
Chris Mooney is at it again. He's a science popularizer without
one of the most important things in science: A critical
mind. Regurgitating hokum is his thing. This time he is
living in a fantasy world where everyone drives electric cars.
Good luck with that! Didn't the Chevy Volt teach anyone
The suburbs have had it rough in the last few years. The 2008-2009
economic collapse led to waves of foreclosures in suburbia, as home
prices plummeted. More recently, census data suggest that Americans are
actually shifting back closer to city centers, often giving up on the
dream of a big home in suburbs (much less the far-flung "exurbs").
It doesn't help that suburbia has long been the poster child for
unsustainable living. You have to drive farther to work, so you use a
lot of gas. Meanwhile, while having a bigger home may be a plus, that
home is also costlier to heat and cool. It all adds up -- not just in
electricity bills, but in overall greenhouse gas emissions. That's why
suburbanites, in general, tend to have bigger carbon footprints than
city dwellers.
You can see as much in this amazing map from researchers at the
University of California, Berkeley, showing how carbon footprints go up
sharply along the east coast as you move away from city centers:
But now, a new National Bureau of Economic Research working paper by
Magali A. Delmas and two colleagues from the UCLA Institute of the
Environment suggests that recent technologies may help to eradicate this
suburban energy use problem. The paper contemplates the possibility
that suburbanites -- including politically conservative ones -- may
increasingly become "accidental environmentalists," simply because of
the growing consumer appeal of two green products that are even greener
together: electric vehicles and solar panels.
"There’s kind of hope for the suburbs, basically," says Delmas -- even
though suburbia "has always been described as the worst model for
footprint per capita, but also the attitude towards the environment."
Here's why that could someday change. Installing solar panels on the
roof of your suburban home means that you're generating your own
electricity — and paying a lot less (or maybe nothing at all) to a
utility company as a result. At the same time, if you are able to
someday generate enough energy from solar and that energy is also used
to power your electric car, well then you might also be able to knock
out your gasoline bill. The car would, in effect, run “on sunshine,” as
GreenTechMedia puts it.
A trend of bundling together solar and "EVs," as they're called, is
already apparent in California. And if it continues, notes the paper,
then the "suburban carbon curve would bend such that the differential in
carbon production between city center residents and suburban residents
would shrink."
The reason is that, especially as technologies continue to improve, the
solar-EV combo may just be too good for suburbanites to pass up — no
matter their political ideology. Strikingly, the new paper estimates
that for a household that buys an electric vehicle and also owns a solar
panel system generating enough power for both the home and the electric
car, the monthly cost might be just $89 per month — compared with $255
per month for a household driving a regular car without any solar
This dramatic savings becomes possible to contemplate, notes the study,
due to the growing prevalence of $0 down payment options both for
installing solar panels, and for buying electric vehicles.
Via government subsidies. Subsidizing everyone might even stretch Uncle Sam -- JR
Polar Ice Caps More Stable Than Predicted, New Observations Show
A global warming expert has said the poles are not melting. In
fact, the poles are "much more stable" than climate scientists once
predicted and could even be much thicker than previously thought.
For years, scientists have suggested that both poles are melting at an
alarming rate because of warming temperatures - dangerously raising the
Earth's sea levels while threatening the homes of Arctic and Antarctic
But the uncertainty surrounding climate change and the polar ice caps
reached a new level this month when research suggested the ice in the
Antarctic is actually growing.
And there could even be evidence to suggest the polar bear population is not under threat.
Ted Maksym, an oceanographer at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
in Massachusetts, conducted a study in which he sent an underwater
robot into the depths of the Antarctic sea to measure the ice.
His results contradicted previous assumptions made by scientists and
showed that the ice is actually much thicker than has been predicted
over the last 20 years.
Dr Benny Peiser, from the Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF), said this
latest research adds further proof to the unpredictability of the
supposed effects of global warming.
He said: "The Antarctic is actually growing and all the evidence in the
last few months suggests many assumptions about the poles was wrong.
"Global sea ice is at a record high, another key indicator that
something is working in the opposite direction of what was predicted."
He added: "Most people think the poles are melting... they're not. This
is a huge inconvenience that reality is now catching up with climate
alarmists, who were predicting that the poles would be melting fairly
Separate satellite data released this month showed evidence that at the
other end of the globe, the ice in the Arctic sea is also holding up
against climate change better than expected.
The data from the European Space Agency CryoSat-2 satellite suggests
that Arctic sea ice volumes in the autumn of 2014 were above the average
set over the last five years, and sharply up on the lows recorded in
2011 and 2012.
According to this research, Arctic sea ice volumes in October and November this year averaged at 10,200 cubic kilometres.
This figure is only slightly down on the 2013 average of 10,900 cubic
kilometres, yet massively up on the 2011 low of 4,275 cubic kilometres
and the 6,000 cubic kilometres recorded in 2012.
Dr Peiser, who believes the threat of global warming has been overstated
by climate scientists, described this occurrence as "some kind of
rebound" adding that no-one knows what will continue to happen to the
He added: "This depends on whether or not we have further warming to
come... and this is not certain. "We do not know what the climate
will be in 10, 20 years."
As well as melting ice, scientists have also been concerned about the population of the polar bears is rapidly decreasing.
But a previous report this summer by Dr Susan Crockford, an evolution
biologist at the University of Victoria in Canada, suggested that the
polars bears are actually a "conservation success story".
She told the GWPF that the current polar bear population is "well above"
the official estimate of 20,000 to 25,000, and could be as high as
27,000 to 32,000.
Dr Peiser said: "People said the poles are melting, so therefore the
polar bears will become extinct. They are actually doing very well."
Federal regulators say “Bah, Humbug!” to Christmas lights
Christmas lights have become so affordable that even the humblest of
homes often are lit like the Star of Bethlehem. Federal bureaucrats are
working to end this. They claim it will make us safer, but the facts
don’t back them up.
It’s not uncommon to find strings of mini-lights priced at $1 for a
hundred lights, sometimes even less. To cure this excessive
affordability, the feds are rushing to save Americans from mass holiday
displays. They seem to believe we all are like Clark Griswold, the
bumbling father figure in National Lampoon’s “Christmas Vacation”
(played by Chevy Chase), who nearly electrocutes himself, starts fires,
falls off the roof and short-circuits power in his whole neighborhood as
he tries to create a home display that would outdo Rockefeller Center.
The Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) has created an example of
regulate first and explain why later. In October they proposed new
regulations to outlaw strings of bulbs, lighted lawn figures and similar
items that would be declared as hazardous. The red tape deals with
certifying wire sizes, fuses, and tensile strength of all “seasonal
decorative lighting products.”
This includes Christmas tree lights, lighted wreaths, menorahs, outdoor
strands, lawn figures of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, or Santa or Rudolph or
Frosty the Snowman. Yes, Kwanzaa, too. CPSC is an equal opportunity
Scrooge. The agency estimates that their proposed regulations will
impact 100 million items per year with a market value of $500 million.
Of course, those items already are covered by safety regulations and
also by industry standards and oversight. CPSC admits that 3.6-million
unsafe lights were recalled under existing safeguards in place since
So what is CPSC’s justification for adding red tape to the red, green,
blue, yellow, white and other colored displays? They report 250 deaths
from fires or electrocutions by Christmas lights. That’s not 250 deaths
per year; it’s 250 deaths since 1980. They had to add together 33 years
of statistics to misportray danger.
That averages seven deaths per year in our country of about 320 million
people. The worst single year, CPSC reports, had 13 deaths. But most (80
percent) of those deaths were back in the 1980s and 1990s. Since then,
deaths have declined annually. In 2013, there was one single death
attributed to fire or shock from Christmas lights. One. That also was
the average from 2008 through 2013: One death per year. That compares
with an average of 13 per year from 1980 through 1993. The number has
been declining ever since, without needing burdensome new federal
CPSC attributes the decline to improved industry standards, as issued
through Underwriters Laboratory, and to more fire-resistant
home-building techniques.
CPSC is testing the bounds of the often-heard claim that “If it saves
only one life, it’s worth it.” Do they believe that regulating 100
million holiday items, adding to their $500 million cost, will save one
life per year? Or is the true problem not defective products but
defective human behavior? No regulation can counteract stupidity; we all
do dumb things at times. But fortunately, Clark Griswolds are rare.
Promoting common-sense in using lights and extension cords is a better
approach than more regulations, but that would be counter to the Big
Brother, control-everything, build-the-bureaucracy tendencies of
federal agencies. Indeed, CPSC publishes safety guides not only for
Christmas lights but also for all other household use of electricity. An
abundance of safety guides are available from numerous organizations.
CPSC would never admit it, but we’re free to speculate on the true
motive: That this is part of the Obama administration’s effort to reduce
our use of electricity, lest global warming set the Earth on fire.
Holiday lights are major users of electricity.
CPSC’s comment period closes on Dec. 30th and its proposed regulations
could become effective a month later. So enjoy everybody’s Christmas
lights this holiday season, while you can.
Gasoline Brings Families Together This Holiday Season
The holiday season is one of the most traveled times of the year in the
United States, and this year, “more Americans will join with friends and
family to celebrate the holidays and ring in the New Year than ever
before” states Marshall L. Doney of the American Automobile Association
These happy reunions are made possible by vehicles that quickly, safety
and inexpensively transport us across vast distances undeterred by
inclement weather; vehicles powered by abundant and low-cost petroleum
products such as jet fuel, diesel-distillate, and gasoline.
Some highlights from AAA’s 2014/2015 Year-End Travel Forecast:
Holiday travel is expected to total 98.6 million, an increase of four percent from the 94.8 million who traveled last year.
Travel volume for the year-end holidays will reach the highest peak recorded by AAA (since 2001).
Nearly 91 percent of all travelers (89.5 million) will celebrate the
holidays with a road trip, an increase of 4.2 percent from 2013.
Air travel is forecast to grow one percent from 2013, with 5.7 million travelers taking to the skies.
Contrary to the claims of environmentalists that petroleum is an
obsolete fuel that can and should be replaced by “green” energy, the
fact that millions of Americans choose to fuel their vehicles with
fossil fuels in order to visit loved ones suggests otherwise.
As we enter the holiday and make the choice to use petroleum to increase
our happiness, let’s make an additional choice to honestly acknowledge
and celebrate the fuel and the industry that makes this possible.
Still no global warming in Europe
Meteorologists Warn Of Blizzard Conditions, 30°C Temperature Plunge
So far it’s been a very mild winter across Central Europe. Just days
ago, with temperatures in the double-digit Celsius range, meteorologists
and media wrote off the possibility of a white Christmas. Gradually all
the snow being a “thing of the past” talk was starting up.
Wrong again. So unpredictable can chaotic systems like weather and
climate be. Now Central Europeans are being told to brace for
blizzard conditions, forecast to arrive this weekend. here reports that on Europe’s 2nd Christmas Day (December 26)
snow will spread from the Alps and across southern Germany, and make
its way through the east with temperatures dropping into the minus
zones. By Saturday night readings will drop to as low as -6°C and snow
will spread over the northwestern flatlands to the North Sea coast.
30°C temperature drop writes that significant snowfall is expected for Saturday
with a thick blanket over many regions. “Winter will be setting an
exclamation mark!” warns of blowing and “massive drifting
snow” and of chaotic traffic conditions.
Temperatures will plummet to as low as -11°C, thanks to a low positioned
over Italy pumping cold air from the East. By Tuesday, according to, readings will fall to as low as -18°C in East Germany, some
30°C below values measured just days ago.
In Fulda the temperature may drop to as low as -20°C on New Year’s Eve.
How long will the cold linger? Forecasts are showing it to persist into
early January. This year the North Atlantic has been especially
tempestuous and forecasts have been difficult to pinpoint more than 3
days out.
Long-range forecasts by the NCEP have been pointing to normal winter
conditions for the January to March period. But judging by what Central
Europe has seen so far, everything from spring-like to Arctic conditions
are likely this winter. Once again, the North Atlantic dominates
Europe’s weather.
Three current articles below
A Christmas malediction to the wind industry
The wind industry is finding it harder than ever to put its case –
principally because – apart from fleecing power consumers – it doesn’t
have one.
In its effort to keep the Large-Scale Renewable Energy Target (LRET)
alive and the massive wind industry subsidies flowing unchecked, the
Clean Energy Council (CEC) has been pumping out a dozen press releases a
day, which have become so shrill, incoherent and internally
inconsistent as to be nothing short of ridiculous.
2GB’s Alan Jones has been solidly belting the wind industry since the
National Rally in June 2103 – reaching around 2 million Australian
voters every week-day through 77 stations around the Country.
Plenty of mainstream journos have picked up on the debacle that is
Australian energy policy today: joining the growing National and
International backlash against the greatest economic and environmental
fraud ever committed.
2014 has been a turning point in the battle to bring the great wind power fraud to a screaming halt.
European governments have run-out of patience with the eternal promises
that the wind industry will grow-up soon, and no longer need a massive
pile of taxpayer/power consumer subsidies. The tap has been turned off
in Spain, the Brits are putting a lid on the subsidies for new projects
and the Germans have chopped “welfare-for-wind” by 25% – all in the name
of trying to cut spiralling power costs and keep their struggling
economies afloat.
The wind industry’s subsidy fuelled mission to cover every last corner of Australia in giant fans is in melt down.
There are a handful still being speared into a couple of spots around
the Country (Bald Hills and Cape Bridgewater in Victoria; Boco Rock,
NSW), but the hucksters and frauds that are seeking to pocket $50
billion in REC Tax/Subsidies at power consumers’ expense are watching
their plans for fans crumble before their beady, greedy little eyes.
Power retailers haven’t signed any power purchase agreements (PPAs) with
wind power outfits for over 2 years – without which wind power outfits
will never get the finance to plant another turbine: FULL STOP.
STT hears from insiders that – whatever happens to the LRET during the
life of this Federal government – retailers are not going to enter PPAs;
the banks are not going to lend for any new projects; and the banks
that have lent, are all looking to call in their loans as and when the
terms of their current lending facilities expire (the bulk of them
expire in 2015/2016).
After which, wind power outfits will need to refinance on terms
reflecting the very real RISK that the LRET will either be scaled back,
scrapped, or inevitably collapse, at some point in the near future – as
the completely unsustainable economic debacle that it is. That means
either substantially higher rates or no-finance at all.
This will hopefully be the last Christmas celebrated by our favourite
whipping boys at the near-bankrupt wind power outfit Infigen (aka
Babcock and Brown): its losses continue to pile up, it’s bleeding cash,
its share price is rocketing South and its mountain of debt is
fast-becoming insurmountable. In a strange way, we’ll be sorry to see
them go. But – rest assured – we’ll be amongst the first to let you know
when they do.
Millions wiped out in "clean" energy failure
ONE of Australia’s highest profile clean energy companies has been
placed in liquidation, wiping out at least $10 million in public grants
and tax breaks and exposing its intellectual property to an offshore
Wave energy developer Oceanlinx went into liquidation last week after a
marine accident off the South Australian coast in March torpedoed plans
for a wave energy generator designed to power 1000 houses.
The cost to investors after the demise of the clean energy company could be much more than $80 million.
Company chairman Tibor Vertes yesterday slammed liquidator Deloitte
Australia, accusing it of failing to properly assess his bid to keep the
Oceanlinx name afloat by protecting the intellectual property
underpinning it.
Mr Vertes will take action in the Federal Court next month to pursue
Deloitte and others in an attempt to protect intellectual property, but
he believes a rival bid values that intellectual property at vastly
less, and expects that the technology will be lost to Australia.
“It’s money out of the country,’’ Mr Vertes said . “It’s finished, it’s over.’’
Oceanlinx had built several prototypes of wave energy units, including
three off the NSW coast and had planned to expand to substantially
bigger markets in the US, Europe and Asia. At its peak, the firm had
been listed by the UN as one of the top 10 clean-energy stocks in the
The latest reinforced concrete prototype weighed about 3000 tonnes and
was designed to sit on the sea floor, transferring the electricity via
cable to the electricity grid.
The company went pear-shaped when plans for a groundbreaking generator
failed after it sank off South Australia while being transported.
Mr Vertes has accused the then administrators of failing to maximise the
chances of Oceanlinx remaining alive, claiming that too little time had
been granted to enable his interests to bid successfully for the
remnants of Oceanlinx.
The preferred bidder is a company known as Wave Energy Renewable.
Mr Vertes’s lawyers argue that officials should ensure all bids are properly considered. Deloitte did not respond yesterday.
Earlier this month, however, lawyer Dominic Calabria defended the
handling of the administration. “Our clients ... have advertised the
sale of the assets of the company, fielded countless expressions of
interest and conducted negotiations with a number of parties over an
extended period of time,’’ Mr Calabria wrote.
South Australia: Payments slashed for solar homes that feed electricity into grid
THE once-generous payments householders received for their solar power
will be scaled back to a 5.3c per kilowatt hour from the start of next
year. This equates to a return of about $540 per year from a 6kW
system which is large enough to power most homes.
But if you installed the same sized system before October 2011 you would
potentially be pulling in $4836 per year. Those payments will
continue until June 30, 2028.
The retailer feed-in tariff, which must be paid by your energy provider,
was set at 7.6c/kWh last year but fell to 6c once the carbon price was
The Essential Services Commission of South Australia has further reduced
it to 5.3c/kWh because it “reflects the forecast wholesale market value
of photovoltaic (solar) electricity in the coming year’’.
“The proposed value is lower than the 2014 retailer feed-in tariff of
6.0 cents/kWh, due to the lower forecast wholesale market price of
electricity,’’ ESCOSA says.
Individual energy retailers can elect to pay householders more for their power.
The original 44c/kWh feed-in tariff was taken up by more than 100,000
householders before it was closed by the Government in September 2011,
and reduced to 16c/kWh. Householders who receive these payments are also
eligible for the 5.3c payment which is paid by energy retailers.
Those who signed up before the cut-off receive the higher tariff until
the scheme expires in 2028, costing an estimated $1.425 billion — an
amount recovered through fees charged to all electricity customers.
The initially generous scheme was designed to foster the growth of the solar industry.
Solar panel prices have plummeted since then, with larger systems much more affordable now.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
26 December, 2014
Legal Opinion That ‘EPA’s Clean Power Plan Is Unconstitutional’ Means More Than You Think
It’s a dead certainty that the Left will denounce Harvard constitutional
law professor Lawrence Tribe for accepting a retainer from coal giant
Peabody Energy to write an analysis concluding that “the EPA acts as
though it has the legislative authority to re-engineer the nation’s
electric generating system and power grid. It does not.”
It’s more certain that Tribe had concluded that before Peabody came
knocking at his door with buckets of money. It’s even more certain that
the EPA was not the primary target of Tribe’s wrath, but that it was
aimed directly at his 1989 research assistant at Harvard Law School,
Barack Obama.
That won’t make sense unless you know the back-story, and only a handful
do. Among the hundreds of in-depth profiles I’ve done to expose the
Left, Laurence Tribe is my favorite, but one I decided not to make
public. And then Heartland Institute’s Joe Bast told me aboutTribe’s
op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. It’s time.
Barack Obama got into Harvard Law School mostly because he was a
“legacy,” the offspring of an alumnus: his father Barack Obama Sr.,
earned a master’s degree in economics from Harvard University. Harvard
accepts 40 percent of all legacies that apply, but only 11 percent of
all applicants.
In the spring of his first year at law school, Obama stopped by the
office of Professor Laurence Tribe – recognized as the nation’s foremost
liberal constitutional law scholar – about becoming a research
assistant. Tribe rarely hired first-year students. An L1 – first year
law student – doesn’t get a constitutional law class. But Tribe recalls
“being struck by Obama’s unusual combination of intelligence, curiosity
and maturity.”
He was so impressed in fact, that he hired Obama on the spot – and wrote
his name and phone number on his calendar that day – March 31, 1989 –
“for posterity.” (And no, he didn’t really know that posterity might be
Laurence Henry Tribe is not easily impressed. He literally wrote the
book on constitutional law: he’s the author of American Constitutional
Law, the most frequently cited treatise in that field, has argued before
the U.S. Supreme Court at least 34 times, and is noted for his
extensive support of liberal legal causes including environmental law.
Obama must have impressed Tribe with something more than his weird
history of being born in Hawaii with an African father, his childhood in
Jakarta with an Indonesian stepfather, and being raised by white
grandparents who sent him to elite Punahou prep school in Honolulu and
helped him through Occidental and Columbia universities.
Tribe had his own weird history. He was born in Shanghai, China, to
Jewish immigrants from Europe. His father was Polish and had lived in
the United States when very young, long enough to become a naturalized
citizen in his early 20’s. Tribe’s mother was Russian, and considerably
younger than his father. They met and married in her hometown in Soviet
Russia in 1940.
Then Stalin’s massive 1941 deportation of ethnic groups including Jews
forced them to Shanghai – luckily avoiding Siberia – where Laurance was
born in October, just before Pearl Harbor and the Japanese occupation of
Shanghai. The father, who was proud of being an American, irritated the
Japanese, who put him in a concentration camp as a noncombatant enemy
alien, leaving his infant son trapped in Shanghai’s French Quarter with
his mother, stateless persons.
Young Laurance and mother were allowed only two visits with the father
during all of World War II. After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Tribe’s father
was released and reunited with his wife and child. As an American
citizen, the father obtained transport to San Francisco. The three
Tribes left Shanghai in March, 1947 on the steamship SS General Gordon.
Laurance spoke only Russian when he arrived in America a little before
turning six – back in Shanghai, he had been a bratty kid who refused to
learn English in kindergarten – but once in San Francisco, he refused to
speak Russian any more, and quickly learned English. He later went to
Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco, became a naturalized
United States citizen, graduated from Harvard College (1962,
mathematics, summa cum laude), and earned his J.D. from Harvard Law
School in 1966, magna cum laude, then worked for a while at the National
Academy of Sciences, and finally became an assistant professor at
Harvard Law School (1968), receiving tenure in 1972.
That beats Obama for weird by light years. And it proves anybody can
become one of America’s preeminent constitutional legal scholars.
Tribe hired Obama for exactly the reasons he said: intelligence,
curiosity, and maturity; because this icon of left-wing legal theories
was preparing to write a fantastic paper that would require a diligent,
observant, and daring researcher open to serendipity, the happy quality
of finding more than you were looking for. Tribe was about to go out on a
limb and wanted researchers who would go with him.
The paper would be titled The Curvature of Constitutional Space: What
Lawyers Can Learn From Modern Physics – which is the zaniest title
you’ll find anywhere in the pages of the Harvard Law Review. It would
argue that strict constructionist interpretations of the U.S.
Constitution were obsolete, being based on the rigid old Newtonian
world-view, and needed to be replaced by more modern relativistic
notions of curved space and quantum physics concepts of indeterminacy,
which would release judges from the original intent of the Founders.
The paper compared Einstein’s theory that space is curved by large
masses (such as the sun) to Tribe’s theory that courts shape the
cultural “space” of institutions with “massive” rulings (such as
segregation). The point was that major court rulings build social
institutions, change perceptions of morality, and unjustly displace some
people in the process, just as the sun makes starlight curve around its
mass and displaces it from what Newtonian physics expected. Therefore,
old wrongs done by courts, government, and the Constitution itself –
such as allowing slavery – should be repaired by new broad
constructionist interpretations of the U.S. Constitution.
The paper also emphasized quantum theory’s discovery that the process of
studying an object changes its behavior in unpredictable ways, and
compared that to a court reaching into society with powerful rulings and
creating unpredictable consequences – like post-Civil War Jim Crow laws
that led to a century of black struggle for civil rights, replete with
murders, riots, revolutionary movements, bombings, and assassinations.
These, Tribe asserted, should be repaired by broad constructionist
interpretations of the U.S. Constitution.
When the article appeared in the November 1989 Harvard Law Review,
Tribe’s mix of his mathematical expertise with his legal intellect was
recognized by the cognoscenti as not so far-fetched as it seemed, but
cleverly breathing new life into old liberal arguments – and it did:
nearly 200 law reviews and periodicals subsequently cited the article,
and four courts have cited it.
In Tribe’s acknowledgments stood the name of Barack Obama for “analytic
and research assistance.” It guaranteed that Obama would graduate
magna cum laude and got him selected in his first year at law school as
an editor of the prestigious Harvard Law Review, of which he later
became president.
The politically immature Obama learned more about the Constitution by
helping Tribe research this sprawling 39-page, densely argued treatise –
with its references to Supreme Court cases, court influences on
society, the role of cultural anthropology, and the findings of
physicists Stephen Hawking and Werner Heisenberg – than he would learn
in his actual constitutional law class the next year.
He got to watch the mind of a brilliant left-wing legal icon at the
height of his powers construct a sophisticated constitutional frame of
reference that could be applied to government and achieve a Leftist
revolution in the real world by legal means. The problem was that, when
Obama gained the power to apply this knowledge, he didn’t use it to
curve constitutional space, but to destroy the document in the fire of
his dictatorial power lust. That, I assert, is something Laurence Tribe
could not allow.
I cannot see Tribe’s reproachful headline as saying anything but this:
“President Barack Obama, my prized student, acts now as though he has
the legislative authority to re-engineer the nation’s electric
generating system and power grid. He does not. Obama’s stolen authority –
all of it – is unconstitutional.”
Perhaps I take Professor Tribe’s meaning too far. Perhaps he will
enlighten us about my presumptions. But until and unless he does, I
stand by my story.
Poor deluded Warmist is afraid to get on an aircraft
The more cynical Warmists will be laughing up their sleeves at
her -- as they fly hither and yon in aircraft as often as
they like
Humans are causing climate change. Contrary to what some politicians
head-scratchingly argue, this is a matter of fact. And the onus of
putting the brakes on what has become a runaway train of carbon
emissions lies squarely on governments and major corporations. But the
single biggest change that I can make, as just one individual human, is
to cut down on the amount of times I get on a plane. Upon realizing
that, the extent to which all the people I love are scattered across the
country has never been more apparent.
All the while I was growing up in Pittsburgh, the narrative of what it
meant to be successful always seemed to include going far away. Leave
the state for college (I did). Travel internationally (I did). Find a
job in a bigger, more “exciting” city (I did – twice). “Maybe don’t put
2-3 time zones in between you and the people you love” was never really a
part of that. When my best friends and I were in middle school and high
school, we would talk about how excited we were to grow up and live far
away from home. Now, we talk about how we can’t wait to live somewhere
where we can walk to see each other instead of boarding a 747.
It is very, very strange to be in a position now — and I don’t think I’m
alone — where I find myself weighing seeing the people I love against
my own complicity in the global climate crisis. I don’t know if this
particular point of tension has ever existed before in our cultural
consciousness: Never before has our economy been so effortlessly
globalized that jobs pull people back and forth across countries and
oceans, and never before have we had so much evidence that the systems
and habits we’ve created to actually live in that economy are quite
literally destroying the planet.
I chose not to go home for the holidays. How absurd and hypocritical
would it be of me, I thought, to spend so much time writing about saving
the climate and making green choices and then take two cross-country
flights to the same place in one month? Especially, while we’re playing
the real talk game, after flying to Bali this summer for a summit on
climate change?
Instead, after staring at a blank Word document literally all day long, I
am writing this at my dining room table at 11:30 p.m. on December 23 in
an empty house as it pours rain outside, because this is Seattle. In
the time that I should have spent writing this, I’ve talked with my dad,
my mom, my sister, my brother, and my ex-boyfriend over a litany of
forms of long-distance communication.
Am I pleased with my decision to remove one flight from some arbitrary
yearly allotment? Do I feel that this gesture to reduce my carbon
footprint for 2014 was worth it? What do you think?
In one of the half-dozen conversations I had tonight with people I very
much wish I were seeing face-to-face, I said, half-jokingly, to my dad,
“Being an adult is hard.”
“Yes, honey,” he agreed, emphatically. “It really just means doing a lot of things that you don’t want to do!”
I suppose that responsibility and happiness have always, throughout
human history, tended to be at odds with each other — but god damn, it
sucks when that hits home. Or, as the case may be, keeps you from
getting home when you most want to be there.
Rooftop Solar Panels Facing the Wrong Way
“Oops. I think we put those solar panels on the wrong way.”
That isn’t something most Americans want to hear when their friendly
neighborhood solar technician climbs down the ladder after installing a
rooftop solar system that may take twenty or thirty years to pay-off.
But it turns out that most rooftop solar systems may be “on the wrong
way,” even if they’ve been perfectly and professionally installed, if
they face south rather than west, which an estimated nine out of ten do.
The recent rush to pave-over every American rooftop with solar panels
has one major flaw, according to emerging new thinking in the field.
Most of these systems face south, when pointing them west makes much
more sense. It’s a case of misdirection, literally, that’s all too
typical of the fly-by-night way this industry is evolving.
South-facing panels may generate more electricity throughout the day
(assuming the sun’s shining), but demand for any surplus power they
generate also slumps during those midday hours, since many of us are off
at work, at school, or just aren’t using as much juice as we do in the
morning and evening.
Typical residential energy use surges in the morning, when we all get
up, but levels out or dips in the midday hours when a lot of Americans
aren’t home. Another upward surge comes later in the day, usually around
5:00 pm, when the sun is heading for the Western horizon. That’s the
time of day when people return home, make dinner, turn-on lights, use
their devices and appliances, etc.
It’s during this late afternoon surge in use and demand that the grid
needs all the extra electrons it can get. Problem is, south-facing
panels at that time of day can do the hungry grid little good, since a
setting sun isn’t packing the punch it did earlier in the day, when
those extra electrons weren’t as needed or helpful.
Here’s the takeaway: Most residential solar panels are producing surplus
power at times when that power is least useful to customers or the
There’s a major misalignment between residential solar energy producers
and the grid into which they feed surplus power, due to a lack of
foresight and an all-too-typical indifference to how the grid actually
works. If rooftop solar is generating too much surplus power when it
isn’t needed, but too little surplus power when it is, aren’t we greatly
undermining the point of the exercise?
It’s clear that homeowners would be doing themselves and the grid much
more good by pointing panels west, rather than south. But only 9 percent
of today’s rooftop arrays face west, while 91 percent face south. South
isn’t necessarily the wrong direction; but it isn’t really the best
direction to face panels if we want to get the most bang for our solar
power buck.
This disconnect isn’t just a problem for the grid. It’s also potentially
hurting residential solar users, depending on the contracts they have
with their solar system providers and utility companies. If these folks
had west-facing panels (which most don’t) and a plan that pays them a
fluctuating, demand-based rate for their surplus power (which most
don’t), they could be selling their late-day power at higher prices,
since that’s when demand is up. Unfortunately for many, however, they’re
stuck with flat rate plans that are completely disconnected from market
or grid dynamics.
Some residential solar users probably couldn’t care less about such
technicalities. As long as the meter is running backward at some point
in the day, they’re happy campers. They just want to make themselves
feel better about their energy choices and maybe “save the planet” along
the way. And why would companies rushing to cash-in on the solar craze
care? They just want to sell equipment and sign-up people for lucrative
long-term contracts and loans.
But the rest of us should care about it, since we’re often subsidizing
the solar fad with diverted tax or ratepayer dollars, on the premise
that this is doing something significant to alter the energy landscape.
If solar power is delivering less bang for the buck than promised, as
this situation suggests, the rest of us are getting ripped-off and taken
for a ride.
Ross Gelbspan: Up to His Old Tricks, Spreading Myths About Global Warming Skeptics
Ross Gelbspan is not a name most readers know. You should. Gelbspan is
the grandfather of the media hysteria over man-caused, catastrophic
global warming. He’s most famous for falsely ascribing all skepticism of
anthropogenic global warming (AGW) to a conspiracy hatched by the
fossil fuel industry.
What’s that you say? All skeptics really are in the employ of fossil
fuel companies to defeat Al Gore and increase their profits? While that
narrative may sound familiar, that narrative is false. There’s no money
in skepticism, but a lot of grants and prestige in perpetuating AGW
alarmism. (Watch this vid for an explanation of this truth.)
If you really want to rake in the dough, you hook up with Big Green and
come up with an “alternative energy” scheme into which politicians will
throw billions of your money. Even after all the waste, there are still
millions left over for your crony-capitalist plutocrat buddies to line
their pockets with … just before the inevitable collapse. Russell
Cook outlines the truth about this dynamic — or, more to the point,
debunks the reverse — at his site, The Gelbspan Files. Start with “Who
is Ross Gelbspan,” and work through the site from there.
Gelbspan this week posted on his Facebook page a slur against the
Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC). The
Heartland Institute has published — count ‘em — one, two, three, four,
five (and soon to be six) volumes of the panel’s work. These volumes
amount to thousands of pages that cite the scientific peer-reviewed
literature, standing as a check on the politicized and alarmist reports
of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Read the work linked above, or just browse around at the NIPCC site, and
you will recognize Gelbspan’s Facebook post for the
uninterested-in-actual-science hackery it is:
"The “NIPCC” — an arm of the Koch-funded Heartland Institute, declared
climate change has proved to be “nothing but a lie”, a British tabloid
reports. The “NIPCC” is a creation of longtime skeptic Fred Singer who,
in 2001, declared he had not received any oil industry funding for 20
years. We then published the fact that in 1998, Singer received $75,000
in funding from ExxonMobil. (The grant was listed on ExxonMobil’s
website). So much for the “NIPCC”."
Russell Cook takes down a lot of this below, but first: (1) Heartland is
as “Koch-funded” as Gelbspan is funded by anyone who picked up his
lunch tab after a discussion about health care three years ago; and (2)
he’s relying on a “British tabloid” for his good information? Egads!
As Cook related about Gelbspan’s screed in an email to Heartland this week:
"Ross Gelbspan – the epicenter of the smear of skeptic climate
scientists, from which Oreskes gets her material – said the following
about Dr Singer this morning on his Facebook page:
The “NIPCC” — an arm of the Koch-funded Heartland Institute, declared
climate change has proved to be “nothing but a lie”, a British tabloid
reports. The “NIPCC” is a creation of longtime skeptic Fred Singer who,
in 2001, declared he had not received any oil industry funding for 20
years. We then published the fact that in 1998, Singer received $75,000
in funding from ExxonMobil. (The grant was listed on ExxonMobil’s
website). So much for the “NIPCC”.
[Heartland Institute President] Joe Bast can tell you all exactly how
much funding the Kochs do of Heartland. The $75,000 figure that Gelbspan
refers to consists of the long-ago $10,000 strings-free Exxon grant
that Exxon gave to SEPP which Dr Singer fully disclosed at his site in
the 1990s, and the extra $65,000 is actually an item having nothing to
do directly with Exxon, but is instead a reference to a donation to the
Atlas Economic Research Foundation — which Gelbspan at least describes a
bit more accurately in his HeatIsOnline link, identically seen in the
4th paragraph of his 2001 The Nation article.
Atlas itself donated office space to SEPP, a fact I had confirmed to me
by Atlas’ Brad Lips in a 2011 email inquiry about that matter. For
Gelbspan to call that the whole amount a direct donation from Exxon is,
at the very least, disingenuous misinformation. The question is, did he
say what he said today on Facebook with malicious intent knowing it was
wrong, or did he give himself an ‘out’ by linking to his old article
where he splits the dollar figure?
Russell Cook, unlike Gelbspan and the MSM, actually researches such
things. The truth is out there, but Gelbspan and the MSM are obviously
not interested in the truth. They have an agenda, and that agenda rules
all their actions.
Fracking is Fundamental
by Alan Caruba
“It is a sad day when a state chooses to listen to the fear,
uncertainty, and doubts spread by anti-fossil fuel agitators rather than
making a decision for economic strength that would benefit schools,
communities, and many of its poorest citizens—especially when the
vilified technology, hydraulic fracturing, has been used safely and
successfully for more than 60 years and has brought prosperity to other
formerly struggling regions.” -- Marita Noon -- Executive Director,
Citizens Alliance for Responsible Energy & Policy Advisor, The
Heartland Institute
Responding to the announcement by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo that
the state would ban fracking, Ms. Noon joined others, bringing their
expertise to bear on a topic that remains a concern only because
environmentalist enemies of energy in America continue to lie about it
every chance they get.
In his book, “The Fracking Truth–America’s Energy Revolution: The
Inside, Untold Story”. Chris Faulkner wrote “Furthermore, it’s been
commonplace for decades. Worldwide, it’s estimated that more than 2.5
million wells have been fracked and the U.S. accounted for about half of
those. Today, about 35,000 wells are fracked each year in all types of
wells. And it’s impact on industry? It’s been estimated that 80% of
production from unconventional sources such as shales would not be
feasible without it.”
The Governor’s decision has everything to do with wooing the support of
environmentalists in New York and nothing to do with the jobs and
billions in tax revenue that fracking would have represented.
New York’s acting health commissioner, Howard Zucker, justified the
decision saying that “cumulative concerns” about fracking “give me
reason to pause.” Are we truly expected to believe that five years of
study since the initial 2009 memorandum about fracking any provided
reason to ban it? If the use of fracking technology dates back to
1947 without a single incident of pollution traced to it, what would it
take to create “cumulative concerns” except ignorance or prejudice
against the facts?
Even the Environmental Protection Agency has never found evidence of the
chemicals used in fracking entering the nation’s groundwater. Moreover,
fracking fluid is 99.5% water and sand. The rest is a mixture of
chemicals similar to household products that could be found under the
kitchen sink.
As Dr. Jay Lehr, Science Director of The Heartland Institute, a free
market think tank, points out, “Today we only fracture wells that are
drilled horizontally and that requires 1,500 feet of vertical depth for
the well” and thus “all such wells are way below local water wells.”
How idiotic, then, is it to seal off some twelve million acres of the
Marcellus Shale, an underground rock formation with natural gas reserves
that have helped create energy production booms in North Dakota,
Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Colorado, and Ohio?
A December 19 Wall Street Journal editorial noted that just across New
York’s border with neighboring Pennsylvania, “A 2011 Manhattan Institute
study estimated that each Marcellus Shale well in Pennsylvania
generates $5 million in economic benefits and $2 million in tax
revenue.” Companies there have generated more than $2.1 billion in state
and local taxes since the fracking boom began. As one observer noted,
“The ban ignores New York’s “6% unemployment rate, a depressed upstate
region, and the fourth highest electricity prices in the nation.”
I don’t know how long it will take for the vast majority of the U.S.
population to conclude that everything the environmentalists and their
propagandists in the nation’s schools and media have to say about energy
is as vast a hoax as the now discredited “global warming”, since
renamed “climate change.”
Energy is the master resource, the lifeblood of ours and the world’s
economy, the basis for electricity, for the ability to travel vast
distances, for machines that enable vast harvests of crops by barely 2%
of the U.S. population, to power all manufacturing, and to heat or cool
our living and workplaces.
Fracking is yet another technological miracle and, of course, the environmentalists oppose it.
Hot Stuff, Cold Logic
Economist RICHARD TOL assumes that global warming is happening but then shows how irrational is Warmist policy still
Politically correct climate change orthodoxy has completely destroyed our ability to think rationally about the environment.
Climate change is sometimes called humanity’s biggest problem. Ban
Ki-moon, Christine Lagarde, and John Kerry have all said as much
recently. The mainstream Western media often discuss climate change in
catastrophic, or even apocalyptic, terms. Indeed, if you take newspaper
headlines seriously, the Fifth Assessment Report of Working Group II of
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change came accompanied by the
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; predictions of famine, pestilence, war,
and death proliferated hither and yon. Conversely, when, on November
11, 2014, the United States and China inked an agreement on climate
whose actual consequences are at best liable to be indistinct, banner
headlines broke out, as though messianic times were nigh.
Assuming it falls somewhat short of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,
how serious will the impact of climate change be really? How much do we
know about these impacts? What are the implications for policy?
It’s helpful to recall here that climate change means a lot more than
just different temperatures. It means more or less rain, snow, wind, and
clouds in various places. It means different outcomes for plants,
whether direct or, since plants compete for resources, indirect. It
means changes for the animals that eat those plants. And this includes
changes for everything that hitches a ride on those plants and animals,
and hence changes for all sorts of pathogens. Nature, agriculture,
forestry, and health will all be different in the future. The seas will
rise as water expands and glacial ice melts, affecting coastlines and
everyone and everything that resides there. Water supplies will be
affected by changing rainfall patterns, but water demand will also be
altered by changing temperatures. Energy demands will change, too; there
may be less need to heat houses in winter and perhaps greater need to
cool them in summer. Traffic, transport, building, recreation, and
tourism, too, will all feel the impact of a changing climate.
For some, the mere fact of these impacts is reason enough for
governments, businesses, and individuals to exert themselves to reduce
greenhouse gases to minimize the change. That is strange logic, however.
Change, after all, can be for the better or the worse, and at any rate
it is inevitable; there has never been a lengthy period of climate
Just as there is no logical or scientific basis for thinking that
climate change is new, there is no self-evident reason to assume that
the climate of the past is “better” than the climate of the future. With
just as little logic, we might assume that women’s rights, health care,
or education were necessarily better in the past. Any such judgment
also contradicts Hume’s Law and, perhaps worse, is grounded in a
fallacious appeal to nature understood in a very slanted way. There is
no prima facie reason to assume that any given past climate was better
than the prospective one.There is no prima facie reason to assume that
any given past climate was better than the prospective one. The climate
of the 21st century may well be unprecedented in the history of human
civilization; the number of people living in countries with free and
fair elections is unprecedented, too. So what? “Unprecedented” is not a
synonym for “bad.”
Others argue that the impacts of climate change are largely unknown but
may be catastrophic. The precautionary principle thus enjoins that we
should work hard, if not do our utmost, to avoid even the slim
possibility of catastrophe. This logic works fine for one-sided risks:
We ban carcinogenic material in toys because we do not want our kids to
get cancer. Safe materials are only slightly more expensive, and there
is no likely or even imaginable “upside” to children having cancer.
Climate policy, on the other hand, is about balancing risks, and there
are risks to climate policies as well as risks caused by climate change.
Sharp increases in energy prices have caused devastating economic
recessions in the past, for example. Cheap energy fueled the industrial
revolution, and lack of access to reliable energy is one factor holding
back economic growth in most developing countries. In the short run, we
rely on fossil fuels to keep us warm and keep the lights on, to grow our
food, and to purify our drinking water. So there is a cost to human
well-being in constraining fossil fuel use.
What this means is that, instead of assuming the worst, we should study
the impacts of climate change and seek to balance them against the
negative effects of climate policy. This is what climatologists and
economists actually have done for years, but their efforts have been
overshadowed by the hysteria of the Greens and the Left, and the more
subtle lobbying of companies yearning for renewables subsidies and other
government hand-outs. It is especially important to maintain an
objective attitude toward the tradeoff between possible dangers and the
costs of policy, because estimating the impacts of climate change has
proven to be remarkably hard. Past climate change is not much of a
guide. The climate supposedly changed much less over the previous
century than it is projected to do over the current one, but global mean
surface air temperature has barely moved over the past two decades—and
this is the period with the best data, in which almost all climate
change impact studies have been done.
Besides, the faint signal of past climate change is drowned out by all
the other things that have changed. If one tries to study the impacts of
climate change on crops, for example, one must factor in the impact of
new seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and a host of other confounding
variables such as air pollution and atmospheric deposition of nutrients.
If one is interested in commercial agriculture, one needs to consider
subsidies and international trade. If one studies the impacts of climate
change on health, one needs to control for progress in medical
technology, different diets, changes in work and leisure, aging,
migration, and so on and so forth. If one studies the impacts of
sea-level rise, one needs to cope with subsidence and tectonic
movements, changing land use, shifting priorities in coastal zone
management, eutrophication, and more besides. The same is true for all
past climate change impacts: Many things are changing, often much faster
than the climate, and in ways that confound all unifactoral
explanations potentially relevant to policy.
The same is true for the impacts of future climate change. The
confounding factors will not go away. In academic papers, we typically
do the scientifically respectable thing and change one variable at a
time. Controlled experiments make great science—even if done in
silico—and since we cannot observe the future, experiments with computer
models are the only option available to study the impacts of climate
change. Controlled experiments make for poor predictions, however. The
future is not ceteris paribus. It’s ceteris imparibus. Change happens,
pretty much all the time.
We know a lot about some of the impacts of climate change, such as those
on agriculture, human health, and coastal zones. Other impacts are not
as well understood even to the point of opacity, such as those on
transport, production, and water resources. This partly reflects the
differences in the complexity of the impact. Projections of future
sea-level rise agree on the direction of the change and its order of
magnitude. Projections of future rainfall, however, are all over the
place. But our differential knowledge also reflects variations in
attention. Academic incentives do not help. It is much easier to publish
a paper in a good journal if it improves on a previous one. It is much
easier to get funding if you have a track record on a particular
subject. Papers or proposals that are genuinely new are often
ill-regarded. This implies that some impacts of climate change have been
extensively studied whereas other impacts have been largely ignored.
Impacts of climate change are so many and so diverse, varying over
space, over time, between impacts, and across scenarios, that it makes
no sense to speak of “the” impact of climate change. People have tended
to produce two solutions for this problem. Some just write about their
favorite impact (or perhaps about the impact that supports their
political position), pretending that this impact is somehow
representative of all other impacts. Others add up impacts. This
exercise is just as fraught as adding up all those proverbial apples and
oranges, but it at least reflects the sum total of our knowledge, and
the inescapably subjective elements in aggregation are well understood.
(Below I use human welfare to add up impacts.)
Understanding what the science of climate does and does not enable us to
do readily in a policy vein is hard enough for some people. If one adds
to that a requirement to know some basic economics, a good number of
deeply concerned people appear to be rendered completely incapable of
anything we should wish to bless with the term “thought.” And indeed,
many an otherwise intelligent economist has lost his marbles when
confronted with global warming.
In a barter economy, one needs to know the price of everything relative
to everything else. How many eggs for a liter of milk? How many slices
of bread for a liter of beer? How many iPads for a yacht? In a monetary
economy, however, one needs to know the price of everything in money
only. In a barter economy, there are n2-2n prices (with n being the
number of goods and services for sale). In a monetary economy, there are
only n prices. That is why, at some time in the deep past, many human
civilizations of diverse origins independently invented money.
If one knows the prices of the things one wishes to buy, and one knows
one’s own budget, informed trade-offs become possible. Most of us have
to make choices. We cannot go on expensive holidays, send our kids to
posh schools, drive fancy cars, and quit work all at the same time. In
our daily life, we constantly choose among things that are otherwise
incomparable. We may choose to pay more for a product because it says on
the tin that it is good for the environment. We may opt to buy products
that we think are good for our health. The same is true in the public
domain. We vote for politicians who promise to do more (or less) for
environmental protection and health care. From this, we can deduce our
willingness to pay for a better environment or a healthier life. We can
then apply these “prices” to the impacts of climate change.
Studies, assessed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in
its latest report, that have used such methods find that the initial,
net impacts of climate change are small (about 1 percent of income) and
may even be positive. Many people, including supposedly objective
academics, find it hard to admit that climate change can have positive
impacts. But, as already noted, warmer winters mean less money spent on
heating. They also mean fewer people dying prematurely of cold. Carbon
dioxide makes plants grow, and makes them more drought-tolerant, a boon
particularly to poorer countries. In the short run, these positive
impacts may well be larger than the negative impacts.
In the long run, however, negative impacts may surge ahead of positive
ones. The positive impacts saturate quickly; one cannot save more on
winter heating than one spends. The negative impacts do not saturate
quickly; air conditioning bills will keep rising as summers get hotter.
The long-run impacts are what matter most for policy. The climate
responds only slowly to changes in emissions, and emissions respond only
slowly to changes in policy. The climate of the next few decades is
therefore largely beyond our control. It is only in the longer term that
our choices affect climate change, and by then its impacts are likely
to be negative on net. This implies that climate change is an economic
problem, and that if economics could be rid of politics, greenhouse gas
emissions should be taxed.
The economic case for emission reduction is thus remarkably simple and
robust. We only need to argue that in the long run unabated climate
change will do more harm than good. If so, we need to start moving away
from using fossil fuels. The question is therefore not whether there is
an economic case for climate policy; it’s how much emission reduction
can be justified at given losses to social welfare. To answer that
question, we need to understand the size of the impacts of climate
change. The current evidence, weak and incomplete as it may be, as
summarized by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, suggests
that moderate warming—say, what we might expect around the year
2075—would make the average person feel as if she had lost 0.2 to 2.0
percent of her income. In other words, a century worth of climate change
is about as bad as losing a year of economic growth. In other words, a
century worth of climate change is about as bad as losing a year of
economic growth.
Larger climate change would have more profound impacts. Negative
surprises are more likely than positive surprises. But even if we take
this into account, a century of climate change is not worse than losing a
decade of growth. So if, as Bjørn Lomborg has been at pains to point
out, we “spend” the equivalent of a decade of growth or more trying to
mitigate climate change, we will not have spent wisely.
Climate change is a problem, but at least as an economics problem, it is
certainly not the biggest problem humankind faces. The euro crisis
knocked off a third of the income of the people in Greece in five years’
time. Climate change does not even come close. And the people of Syria
wish their problems were as trivial as those of the Greeks. Climate
change is not even that large compared to other environmental problems.
Urban air pollution kills millions of people per year in Asia. Indoor
air pollution kills millions of people per year in Africa. The health
problems related to climate change are unlikely to cause similar carnage
before the end of the century.
The estimates of the total impact of climate change call for a modest
tax on greenhouse gas emissions—or perhaps a cap-and-trade system with a
generous allocation of emission permits. The best course of action is
to slowly but surely move away from fossil fuels, and in that, as usual,
both markets and the parameters governments invariably set for markets
to function have roles to play.
Many disagree with this plan of action, of course, calling for a rapid
retirement of fossil fuel use. Economically, their justification rests
on assuming that we should care more about the future than we do in
contexts other than climate change, that we should care more about small
risks than we do, or that we should care more about poor people than we
do. These justifications rest in politics or raw moral logic, not
economics. Each of these arguments would affect not just climate policy
but other areas, too. If one argues we should care more about the
future, one argues not just for increased investment in greenhouse
gas-emission reduction, but also, logically, in pensions, in education,
in health care, and so on. If one argues we should be more wary of risk,
one argues not only for increased investment in greenhouse gas-emission
reduction, but also in road safety, in food safety, in meteorite
detection, and whatnot. Ditto for concern about the poor.
Speaking of the poor: Poorer countries are notably more vulnerable to
climate change than richer ones. They tend to have a larger share of
their economic activity in areas that are directly exposed to the
weather, particularly agriculture. Poorer countries often lack access to
modern technology and institutions that can protect against the
weather; for example, air conditioning, malaria medicine, crop
insurance. Poorer countries may lack the ability, and sometimes the
political will, to mobilize the resources for large-scale
infrastructure—irrigation and coastal protection, for example.
Bangladesh and the Netherlands are two densely populated, low-lying
countries at risk from flooding by river and sea. Bangladesh is
generally seen to be very vulnerable to climate change, whereas most
think that the Netherlands will be able to cope; the Netherlands is
famous for thriving below sea level, after all. The Netherlands started
its modern, large-scale dike building program only in 1850. Before that,
dike building was local, primitive, and not very effective: The country
was regularly plagued by devastating floods. In 1850, the Netherlands
was only slightly richer than Bangladesh is now, but Bangladesh now of
course has access to much better technology than the Netherlands did
However, the main difference between the Netherlands in 1850 and
Bangladesh in 2014 is political. In response to the European Spring of
1848, the Netherlands adopted a new constitution in 1849 that introduced
a powerful central government broadly representative of the population
(or rather, the male Protestant part of the population). The new Dutch
government promptly went after public enemy number one: floods.
Bangladesh is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and its
political elite is more interested in partisan fights and
self-enrichment than in the well-being of its citizens. Floods primarily
hurt the poor, who live near the river and the coastal flats where land
is cheap. There is no political reason to protect them; after all,
floods are thought to be an act of Allah rather than a consequence of
decisions made or not made by incompetent and indifferent politicians.
As long as this is the case, Bangladesh will be vulnerable to climate
The disproportionate exposure to climate change of those most vulnerable
is a good reason to be cautious about greenhouse gas emissions. The
case has been exaggerated, however. It is peculiar to express great
concern about the plight of the poor when it comes to climate but not in
other policy domains.It is peculiar to express great concern about the
plight of the poor when it comes to climate but not in other policy
domains. Levels of charitable giving and official development aid
suggest that we are actually not that bothered. Our trade and migration
policies would even suggest that we like to see them suffer. More
importantly, there are two ways to mitigate the excessive impact of
climate change on the poor: Reduce climate change, and reduce poverty.
In the worst projections, climate change could cut crop yields in Africa
by half. At present, subsistence farmers often get no more from their
land than one-tenth of what is achieved at model farms working the same
soil in the same climate. The immediate reason for the so-called yield
gap is a lack of access to high-quality seeds, pesticides, fertilizers,
tools, and things like that. The underlying causes include a lack of
access to capital and product markets due to poor roads and insecure
land tenure. Closing the yield gap would do more good sooner than
climate change would do harm later. If one really wants to spend money
to help farmers in Africa, one should invest in the land registry rather
than in solar power.
Indeed, modernizing agriculture in Africa would also make it less
vulnerable to climate change. African farming is particularly
vulnerable, because isolated, undercapitalized farmers struggle to cope
with any change, climatic or otherwise. Infectious diseases illustrate
the same point. There were outbreaks of malaria in Murmansk until the
1920s. Sweden suffered malaria epidemics in the 1870s, and the disease
was endemic in Stockholm. George Washington did not want the new capital
to be built in the estuary of the Potomac because of the malaria risk.
Nowadays, malaria only occasionally returns to these places by plane,
and it rarely kills.
Largely as a consequence, malaria has become a tropical disease. Many
fear that climate change would spread malaria because the parasite is
more vigorous in hot weather and mosquitoes thrive in hotter and wetter
places. However, in the rich world, habitat reduction, mosquito control,
and medicine long ago tamed malaria. Mosquitoes need warm,
still-standing water to breed. As we roofed houses, paved roads, and
drained wetlands, their habitats disappeared. Clouds of DDT helped bring
about the demise of the mosquito as well. Malaria medicine stops one
from getting (seriously) ill, and from infecting others.
These things cost money. A dose of malaria medicine costs $100—small
change in the United States but a fortune in South Sudan. Therefore,
malaria is first and foremost a disease of poverty. We can spend our
money on combatting greenhouse gas emissions, reducing malaria risks for
future generations. We can also spend our money on insecticides and bed
nets, reducing malaria risks today. We can also invest in medical
research. A malaria vaccine holds the prospect of a world free of this
awful disease, regardless of climate. If our resources were unlimited,
we could do all things worthwhile. With a limited budget, we should
focus on those investments with the greatest return.
These three examples—of coastal protection, agriculture, and
malaria—show that development and vulnerability to climate change are
closely intertwined. Slowing economic growth to reduce climate change
may therefore do more harm than good. Concentrating the reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions in rich countries will not solve the climate
problem. And slower growth in rich countries means less export from and
investment in poor countries.
There is an even more direct link between climate policy and
development. Cheap and abundant energy fueled the industrial revolution.
Sudden increases in the price of oil caused many of the economic
recessions since World War II. Lack of (reliable) electricity retards
growth in poor countries, not just today through its effect on
production, but also in the future, as electric light allows kids to do
their homework after sunset.
A fifth of official development aid is now diverted to climate policy.
Money that used to be spent on strengthening the rule of law, better
education for girls, and improved health care, for instance, is now used
to plug methane leaks and destroy hydrofluorocarbons. Some donors no
longer support the use of coal, by far the cheapest way to generate
electricity. Instead, poor people are offered intermittent wind power
and biomass energy, which drives up the price of food. But the
self-satisfaction environmentalists derive from these programs does not
put food on poor peoples’ tables.
In sum, while climate change is a problem that must be tackled, we
should not lose our sense of proportion or advocate solutions that would
do more harm than good. Unfortunately, common sense is sometimes hard
to find in the climate debate. Desmond Tutu recently compared climate
change to apartheid.1 Climate experts Michael Mann and Daniel Kammen
compared it to the “gathering storm” of Nazism in Europe before World
War II.2 That sort of nonsense just gets in the way of a rational
discussion about what climate policy we should pursue, and how
vigorously we should pursue it.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
25 December, 2014
Ocean acidity is a snark -- but a snark supported by threats
The Feely-Sabine ocean acidification claim ignores 80 years of real-world data that show NO acidification trend
The Feely fraud himself
“Ocean acidification” (OA) is receiving growing attention. While someone
who doesn’t follow climate change science might think OA is a stomach
condition resulting from eating bad seafood, OA is claimed to be a
phenomenon that will destroy ocean life—all due to mankind’s use of
fossil fuels. It is a foundational theory upon which the global
warming/climate change narrative is built.
The science and engineering website Quest recently posted: “Since the
Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s, we have been mining and burning
coal, oil, and natural gas for energy and transportation. These
processes release carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. It is well
established that the rising level of CO2 in our atmosphere is a major
cause of global warming. However, the increase in CO2 is also causing
changes to the chemistry of the ocean. The ocean absorbs some of the
excess atmospheric CO2, which causes what scientists call ocean
acidification. And ocean acidification could have major impacts on
marine life.”
Within the Quest text is a link to a chart by Dr. Richard A. Feely, who
is a senior scientist with the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
(PMEL)—which is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA). Feely’s climate-crisis views are widely used to
support the narrative.
Feely’s four-page report: “Carbon Dioxide and Our Ocean Legacy,” offered
on the NOAA website, contains a similar chart. This chart, titled
“Historical & Projected pH & Dissolved Co2,” begins at 1850.
Feely testified before Congress in 2010—using the same data that show a
decline in seawater pH (making it more acidic) that appears to coincide
with increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide.
In 2010, Feely received the $100,000 cash prize from the Heinz Family
Foundation awards (established by Teresa Heinz, wife of Secretary of
State John Kerry). The Heinz award site touts Feely’s work: “Ocean
acidity is now considered global warming’s ‘evil twin,’ thanks in large
measure to Dr. Feely’s seminal research on the changing ocean chemistry
and its impact on marine ecosystems.”
The December edition of the scientific journal Nature Climate Change
features commentary titled: “Lessons learned from ocean acidification
However, an inquisitive graduate student presented me with a very different “lesson” on OA research.
Mike Wallace is a hydrologist with nearly 30 years’ experience, who is
now working on his Ph.D. in nanogeosciences at the University of New
Mexico. In the course of his studies, he uncovered a startling data
omission that, he told me, “eclipses even the so-called climategate
Feely’s work is based on computer models that don’t line up with
real-world data —which Feely acknowledged in e-mail communications with
Wallace (which I have read). And, as Wallace determined, there are real
world data. Feely and his coauthor Dr. Christopher L. Sabine, PMEL
Director, omitted 80 years of data, which incorporate more than 2
million records of ocean pH levels.
Feely’s chart, first mentioned, begins in 1988—which is surprising, as
instrumental ocean pH data have been measured for more than 100 years —
since the invention of the glass electrode pH (GEPH) meter. As a
hydrologist, Wallace was aware of GEPH’s history and found it odd that
the Feely/Sabine work omitted it. He went to the source. The NOAA paper
with the chart beginning in 1850 lists Dave Bard, with Pew Charitable
Trust, as the contact.
Wallace sent Bard an e-mail: “I’m looking in fact for the source
references for the red curve in their plot which was labeled ‘Historical
& Projected pH & Dissolved Co2.’ This plot is at the top of the
second page. It covers the period of my interest.” Bard responded and
suggested that Wallace communicate with Feely and Sabine—which he did
over a period of several months. Wallace asked again for the “time
series data (NOT MODELING) of ocean pH for 20th Century.”
responded by saying that it was inappropriate for Wallace to question
their “motives or quality of our science,” adding that if he continued
in this manner, “you will not last long in your career.” He
then included a few links to websites that Wallace, after spending
hours reviewing them, called “blind alleys.” Sabine concludes the
e-mail with: “I hope you will refrain from contacting me again.”
Interestingly, in this same general timeframe, NOAA reissued its World
Ocean Database. Wallace was then able to extract the instrumental
records he sought and turned the GEPH data into a meaningful time series
chart, which reveals that the oceans are not acidifying.
“In whose professional world,” Wallace asks, “is it acceptable to omit
the majority of the data and also to not disclose the omission to any
other soul or Congressional body?”
Imbecile John Holdren says the global goal is to have world-wide carbon dioxide emissions “close to zero by 2100.”
"I can't breathe" would become a reality for all of us in that case. All animals emit CO2 in their breath
As part of the White House “Open For Questions” video posted last week,
Holdren was asked: “Do you know the rate of reduction in carbon
emissions the world would have to achieve in order to prevent an
unstoppable process of methane release from the Arctic areas?”
“No one knows for sure how much warming would be enough to produce this
result, but it's thought to be considerably less likely to happen if the
ultimate warming is less than 2 degrees Celsius, that is 3.6 degrees
Fahrenheit above the pre-industrial value, than if the ultimate warming
is greater than that,” Holdren responded.
“That was one of the reasons why the nations that are party to the
United Nations framework convention on climate change have embraced a
global goal of keeping the increase below the 2 degrees Celsius.”
“To have a better than even chance of meeting that goal would require
global emissions of carbon dioxide to be about 50% below their 2005
value by 2050 and close to zero by 2100. That will not be easy, but with
appropriate leadership from the United States, China and the other big
emitters it can be done,” Holdren continued.
According to the Earth Policy Institute, in 2005 carbon emissions from
fossil fuel burning reached 7.9 billion tons. It was approximately 4
billion tons in 1969 and was at 3 million tons in 1751, before the
“Arctic permafrost contains huge quantities of stored carbon, some of
which would be released to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and methane
if the permafrost thawed as a result of global warming,” Holdren said.
“Similarly, there are large stores of methane frozen into ice crystals
under the Arctic Ocean, some which could also be released if enough
warming occurred. Release of any significant fraction of these carbon
stocks would speed up the pace of global warming.”
Hands off the human footprint!
Brendan O’Neill
We should expand our eco-footprint
The Lima climate deal agreed this week, committing the nations of the
world to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, has upset
green-leaning observers and campaigners. They think it doesn’t go far
enough. They want the world’s leaders to make a greater effort to shrink
humanity’s so-called eco-footprint on the planet. spiked disagrees. We
think the human footprint should be expanded, not wiped away. Read our
climate manifesto with a difference, first published in 2009:
[Hands off the human footprint]
From Genesis to the Enlightenment, mankind was seen as the master of the
planet. We have ‘dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of
the air, and every other living thing that moves on the Earth’, said the
Bible. Let’s put ‘nature on the rack’ and ‘extract her secrets’, said
Enlightenment thinkers. Now we’re described as a malignant tumour, a
‘serious planetary malady’, in the words of one leading green, and our
achievements – industry, cities, skyscrapers – are disparaged as the
‘human footprint’. The goal of environmentalism is to shrink this
‘footprint’, speaking to a view of humans as ultimately destructive and
of our breakthroughs as gigantic follies that must be decommissioned. No
way. We have not poisoned the planet; we have humanised it. And far
from being shrunk, our ‘footprint’ – our 5,000-year project of taming
and transforming this wild ball of gas and water – must be expanded
[Ditch the carbon calculators]
Every human activity is now judged according to how much carbon it
emits. Flying, working, eating, development and even reproducing –
people’s decision to create new human life – are measured in ‘tonnes of
CO2 emitted’. A baby is another 10 tonnes of carbon a year, we’re told;
more fridges in China will add too much CO2 to the atmosphere, it is
claimed. But human activity is not reducible to the number of toxins it
allegedly creates. The carbon judgment on our daily activities has
replaced God’s judgement – except where the God squad at least
distinguished between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ activities, under the
morality-lite, toxins-obsessed tyranny of original carbon sin,
everything is potentially harmful. Stop carbon-calculating our lives,
and let us celebrate people’s activities in human terms, recognising
them as good, creative, explorative, industrious, or simply as making
people happy.
[Demand more economic growth]
Creating plenty – plenty of food, homes and things – was the overarching
aim of most human societies. From the toiling Israelites’ vision of a
‘land of milk and honey’ to Socialists such as Sylvia Pankhurst’s dream
of ‘a great production that will supply more than all the people can
consume’, we recognised that plenty would make us more comfortable and
more free, allowing us to spend less time toiling and more time talking,
thinking, experimenting, living. Yet in the eco-era, thinkers demonise
‘plenty’ and celebrate ‘enoughism’, to use one green writer’s word: but
whose idea of ‘enough’? Economic growth is denounced as polluting, and
people’s desire for wealth is redefined as a mental illness:
‘affluenza’. The sin of gluttony has been rehabilitated in
pseudo-scientific terms. We should insist that ‘growth is good’ – in
fact, it’s essential if we are to satisfy people’s needs, and liberate
their time and their minds so that they can realise their desires.
[Dont sustain sustainable development]
The only kind of development bigged up today is ‘sustainable
development’. It sounds nice: development is a good thing, and who wants
to do things in an unsustainable fashion? Yet the cult of
sustainability, of pursuing only small-scale projects that can be
sustained into the distant future without too much eco-stress, speaks to
a lack of human daring. The idea is that we should only build and
create things that can be held together or remade without much effort,
and that we should never, ever think of overhauling society, of making
industrious leaps forward, of discarding the homes, towns and vehicles
we have now in favour of better versions. The demand to do only That
Which Can Be Sustained is really a warning against rethinking,
reimagining and remaking our world. It’s an intellectual straitjacket
for progress. We should wriggle free from it.
[No limits on population growth]
Progressives once argued that unemployment, poverty and hunger were
social problems susceptible to social solutions. Today the orthodoxy is
that they are natural or demographic problems springing from humanity’s
failure to respect Mother Nature’s limits. Nowhere is this clearer than
in the rise of eco-Malthusianism and the notion that the planet is
overpopulated by ‘too many mouths to feed’. Society’s failure to create a
world fit for people, a world of plenty, is redefined as individuals’
failure to control their reckless fecundity and limit the number of new
‘resource-users’ (formerly known as ‘bundles of joy’). When problems
were understood in social terms, the solution was seen as more debate
and more progress; when problems are understood in natural terms, the
solution is seen as curbs on people’s nature-transgressing behaviour and
the use of eco-blackmail to curtail fecundity. Population growth is not
the problem – the lack of social imagination is.
[Stop demonising deniers]
Serious debate about humanity and its future is continually curtailed.
Anyone who questions the science or politics of global warming is
written off as a ‘Flat Earther’, a phrase used by Gordon Brown, among
others. Some label ‘climate change denial’ as a psychological disorder
and claim these ‘evil words’ will literally bring about death and
destruction. From Torquemada on, censors have always painted their
enemies not only as wrong but as morally warped, and their utterances as
a threat to the social fabric. The idea of ‘denial’, meanwhile,
suggests there is an already established Truth that we must either
Accept or Deny – no challenge to it can be tolerated. We should defend
scepticism, not because climate sceptics always have something
interesting to say, but because every breakthrough in history has sprung
from at least a willingness to ask awkward, agitating questions about
accepted truths.
[No to eco-protectionism]
In the past even Marxists sang the praises of capitalism’s tendency to
internationalise production and trade. The ‘rapid improvement of all
instruments of production, [and] the immensely facilitated means of
communication, draws all, even the most barbarian, nations into
civilisation’, wrote Marx and Engels in 1848. Today we have ‘locavores’ –
people who only eat food produced within 100 miles of where they live –
and green lobby groups deploying the pseudo-science of ‘food miles’ to
argue against the CO2-emitting import of foreign foodstuffs.
Eco-miserabilists have even invented the category of ‘love miles’ to
measure the pollution caused by importing Valentine’s Day flowers from
Kenya. This is the resurrection of protectionism in green language, and
is causing people in the Third World to lose their jobs and homes. We
need more, and more meaningful, links between the North and the South,
not fewer.
[Make energy the solution]
Whether we’re digging for coal or extracting uranium, man’s use of the
Earth’s resources to create energy is frowned upon. We’re ‘destroying
the planet’, apparently, by draining its fuels. Such panic over
allegedly dwindling resources is not based on hard evidence that this
stuff is running out, but on a conviction that we shouldn’t really be
using it in the first place. Even our use of water is now problematised:
green charities talk about our ‘water footprint’ and tell us to live
‘water-neutral lives’. This speaks to a new view of people as merely
consumers rather than producers, destroyers rather than creators. The
Earth has been relabelled a ‘warehouse of resources’ and our role is
apparently to tiptoe through it and borrow only what we really, really
need. We should see the creation of energy not as the problem but as the
solution, allowing us to power industry, light up whole cities, and
improve human existence. All kinds of energy can be explored – even wind
and waves – just so long as the principle of expanding energy to meet
our needs is accepted first.
[Address the democratic deficit]
Our leaders hold international climate summits in the hope of finding
that sense of historic momentum that is sorely lacking in everyday
politics. Unable to inspire voters with anything like a grand vision of a
future Good Life, they instead play at ‘making history’, depicting
themselves as the defenders of basic existence from the coming
eco-Armageddon. Yet rather than resolving the crisis of political
vision, such summits expose it: on one side our leaders express
disappointment with we the public’s lack of ‘urgency and drive and
animation’ about climate change, and on the other side everyday people
sensibly switch off, seeing such summits as a waste of time and telling
pollsters that they don’t think climate change is the biggest problem
facing the world. Today’s democratic deficit, the gulf between the
rulers and the ruled, will not be fixed by the displacement activity of
pseudo-historic international conferences – we need openness, honesty
and debate.
[Humans before polar bears]
In the past many thought there was a white, hairy being in the clouds
who was judging our behaviour. Today many believe that another white,
hairy being – the polar bear – is a barometer of human hubris.
Everything we do is measured according to its alleged impact on the ice
floes, polar-bear habitats, and other natural phenomena. This represents
the creation of a new, backward morality, one which seeks to control
human behaviour and lower humanity’s horizons through mythical tales of
our eco-destructiveness; the idea of limits, harm and polar-bear
vulnerability are used to hector and cow the public. We need to
rediscover a sense of human morality, of judging our behaviour in its
own terms rather than the terms set by miserabilist misanthropes and
cynically externalised as Concern For Polar Bears. When it comes to
political decision-making, progress and development, only one question
should ever be asked: will it or will it not benefit humankind?
Congress Talks GMO Labeling, Actually Makes Sense
The early results of this bipartisan effort, it may surprise you to learn, aren’t half bad.
Recently, the FDA, courts, and voters in several states have had their say on a variety of food-labeling issues.
The FDA’s menu-labeling rules dropped last month. Lawsuits on a variety
of food-labeling issues continue to bubble. Examples include lawsuits
over labels appearing on foods from mayonnaise to booty to skim milk.
Now Congress is having its say. And the early results of this bipartisan effort, it may surprise you to learn, aren’t half bad.
The issue Congress chose to tackle, in a hearing this week, is that of
mandatory GMO labeling. While several states are agitating for such
labels—and Vermont voters even approved such a measure—there have also
been calls for Congress and the FDA to implement some sort of mandatory
federal labeling scheme.
Last week, for example, a group of celebrity chefs traveled to
Washington to push Congress to label GMO foods. But that move may have
“In a press conference before the meeting, about half a dozen of the
chefs admitted to reporters they do not have GMO labeling on their
menus,” reported Politico.
As if that news wasn’t bad enough for the activist chefs, this week’s
hearing on Capitol Hill shows that Congress appears to have little
stomach for either state or federal GMO labeling regulations.
“If the labeling could result in higher food costs, then maybe that’s
not a risk we want to take,” said Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ).
“I’m concerned that mandatory [GMO] labeling could be inherently
misleading,” said Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) in an opening statement
during Wednesday’s energy and commerce committee’s health subcommittee
Waxman said FDA-mandated GMO labels could serve to mislead consumers by
implying GMO foods aren’t as safe as conventional ones. FDA officials
claim GMO foods are just as safe as any others.
The lack of fervor for more regulations surprised some. Waxman in
particular, reports Politico, is one of “a handful of key lawmakers from
the Democratic party with a reputation for being proactive on food
regulation [and who] surprisingly expressed concern over the recent push
for GMO labeling requirements.”
The concerns of Democrats like Pallone and Waxman were echoed by their Republican colleagues.
“Food labeling is a matter of interstate commerce, and is therefore
clearly a federal issue that rightfully resides with Congress and the
FDA,” said subcommittee Chairman Joseph R. Pitts (R-PA) in his opening
remarks. “I am concerned that a patchwork of fifty separate state
labeling schemes would be impractical and unworkable.”
Opposition in Congress both to a federal labeling scheme and to state
efforts to demonize GMO foods has helped give rise to a bipartisan bill
that would crack down on the latter.
Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) is pushing the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling
Act. The bill, co-sponsored by Rep. G. K. Butterfield (D-NC), would
preempt state labeling laws like that in Vermont and, Pompeo says,
“protect consumers by eliminating confusion and advancing food safety.”
Effectively, the sensible bill would tell states and cities that they
cannot do what the Constitution forbids them already from doing:
require, for example, local approval for labels of foods moving in
interstate commerce. The bill would reserve for producers the option to
label foods that do or do not contain GMO ingredients.
One group supporting the Pompeo/Butterfield bill is the Grocery
Manufacturers Association. In a GMA press release earlier this year, one
partner called the bill “an important first step to restoring sanity to
America’s food labeling laws.”
GMA should know about such steps. They filed suit in federal court
earlier this year challenging Vermont’s unconstitutional GMO-labeling
law, which mandates that the label of a food product containing
genetically engineered ingredients must display an affirmative
declaration of the presence of such ingredients if the product is to be
sold in the state. That suit is ongoing. Meanwhile, a separate lawsuit
filed this week by supporters of an Oregon ballot initiative that would
have mandated GMO labeling in the state—which lost at the ballot box—has
already been rescinded.
Efforts to force labeling in Vermont, Oregon, and many other states is
clear evidence of the need for action. I'd prefer the Supreme Court
weigh in on the Vermont lawsuit and side with GMA, effectively settling
the issue. The next-best thing would be for Congress to act. If this
week is any indication, Congress might beat the high court to the punch.
EPA attacks wood fires
"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire..." But WAIT! Stop the music -- What
is the moisture content of those logs? Before burning the logs, did you
knock them together to see if they sounded hollow?
You really should go dashing through the snow to your local hardware
store in search of a "moisture meter," the perfect gift for that
environmentally paranoid person on your Christmas list. Those people are
so hard to please, aren't they?
And be sure to check your local air quality forecast on before lighting a fire.
Alas, the Environmental Protection Agency recognizes that, "Across the
country this holiday season, families and friends will gather around
wood stoves or fireplaces."
But it also warns that "how you build that fire -- and what your burn --
can have a significant impact on air quality and health, both inside
your home and out."
For instance, where there's smoke, there's a problem, says EPA: "Whether
you’re using a wood stove, pellet stove, or your fireplace, seeing
smoke from your chimney means your fire isn’t burning efficiently or
cleanly as it could."
The agency that uses pollution controls to influence many aspects of
human behavior wants you to know that wood smoke contains fine particles
(also called particle pollution or PM2.5 -- no kidding!) which can harm
the lungs, blood vessels and heart.
EPA offers the following tips for clean wood burning:
-- Burn only dry, seasoned wood that makes a hollow sound when thumped.
-- Buy a wood moisture meter. (Hey, what's another $20?)
-- Start a small fire with dry kindling, then add a few pieces of wood, keeping spaces in between for better, cleaner burning.
-- Never burn household garbage, cardboard, painted or treated wood. (Don't chop up the chifferobe, in other words.)
Finally, the EPA recommends using an EPA-certified wood stove to put less smoke into the air.
Oh, and happy new year! The EPA is updating its requirements for newly
manufactured wood stoves, outdoor wood boilers and other wood heaters to
make them cleaner in the future. EPA says it anticipates issuing final
regulations by Feb. 3, 2015.
New EPA Regs Issued Under Obama Are 43 Times as Long as Bible
Since President Barack Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued 3,120 new final
regulations, equaling 27,854 pages in the Federal Register, totaling
approximately 27,854,000 words.
Using the website and data from the Federal Register, found 3,120 final rules published by the EPA since January
2009 covering greenhouse gases, air quality, emissions, and
hazardous substances, to name a few. The Federal Register publishes
documents, including proposed rules, notices, interim rules,
corrections, drafts of final rules and final rules but the
tabulation included only the final rules from the EPA.
For comparison with those final rules, the Gutenberg Bible is 1,282
pages long and contains 646,128 words.This means that the new EPA
regulations issued by the Obama Administration now contain 21 times as
many pages as the Bible and 43 times as many words.
Also, the EPA regulations have 25 times as many words as the entire
Harry Potter series, which includes seven books with 1,084,170 words.
To get an approximate word count for each EPA rule in the Federal
Register, evaluated a few random rules from the 3,120 EPA
regulations published since Obama took office, and calculated an
approximate average of 1,000 words per page. From this,
calculated that the 3,120 final EPA rules that have been published in
the Federal Register so far take up 27,854,000 words.
This is only an approximation because some pages in the Federal Register
carry more words than others, and some regulations end in the beginning
or middle of a page. For example, one of the regulations was five-pages
long and totaled 5,586 words, an average of 1,117 words per page.
Another regulation was three-pages long and 3,150 words, which averaged
to 1,050 words per page. Another rule was four-pages long and 4,426
words, or an average 1,106 words per page.
“The broader question of whether the Obama Administration’s EPA is
‘overreaching’ in its regulatory effects has not gone away. Critics both
in Congress and outside of it regularly accuse the agency of overkill,”
states a Congressional Research Service (CRS) report, EPA Regulations:
Too Much, Too Little, or On Track?
“EPA’s actions, both individually and in sum, have generated
controversy,” the CRS report states. “Both Democrats and Republicans in
Congress have expressed concerns, through bipartisan letters commenting
on proposed regulations and through introduced legislation that would
delay, limit, or prevent certain EPA actions.”
Yet, EPA proponents are fighting for more rules. “Environmental groups
and other supporters of the agency disagree that EPA has overreached,”
said CRS. “Many of them believe that the agency is, in fact, moving in
the right direction, including taking action on significant issues that
had been long delayed or ignored in the past. In several cases,
environmental advocates would like the regulatory actions to be
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
24 December, 2014
Climate change will leave a sour taste in our mouths - literally:
Study shows ocean acidification affects the flavour of shellfish
This is a study of deliberately altered water in a tank, not of
actual shellfish in the ocean. Anything it tells us about the
future is therefore entirely speculative.
Furthermore the
entire prediction that acidity will increase in the oceans is
deliberately dishonest. If, as Warmists predict, the world will
warm, that will make the oceans warmer too. And as water warms it
OUTGASES CO2, as every drinker of coca cola can observe. Those
bubbles in your coke are outgassed bubbles of CO2, outgassed as the
drink warms. And less CO2 means less carbonic acid. So a
warming ocean will become more ALKALINE.
The Warmists try to
have it both ways, saying the oceans will be both warmer and more
acidic. But that flies in the face of basic and easily
demonstrable physics. But they are only pretend scientists so I
guess that is OK
It is a popular appetiser at this time of year, but Marie Rose could soon be a lot less paletable, according to a new study.
Marine biologists have found that shellfish take on a sour flavour if they are reared in slightly acidified sea water.
They warn that as the planet's oceans grow more acidic, due to rising
carbon dioxide levels, many of our favourite seafoods could become less
Climate change experts predict that over the next century, the acidity
levels of the world's oceans could drop from pH8 to pH7.5.
Many have warned this could lead to shrimps and prawns struggling to build the shells and skeletons they need to survive.
Now, in the first study to test how ocean acidification could impact on
the taste of seafood, researchers at the University of Gothenberg and
Plymouth University, found it will also affect their taste.
Dr Sam Dupont, a marine biologist at the University of Gothenberg who
led the study, said: 'Understanding how seafood will be influenced by
coming environmental changes such as ocean acidification is a research
'One major gap in knowledge relates to the fact that many experiments
are not considering relevant end points related directly to production
and product quality that can have important repercussions for consumers
and the seafood market.
'These results help to prove the concept that ocean acidification can modulate sensory quality of the northern shrimp.'
The researchers, whose work is published in the Journal of Shellfish
Research, put hundreds of northern shrimp Pandalus borealis into two
tanks of water for three weeks.
They were either placed in sea water with a pH of 8 - about the same
acidity levels as seen in oceans currently - or in a more acidic tank
with a pH of 7.5, which is what experts predict could be the acidity of
the world's oceans by 2100.
Both tanks were kept at 11°C (51°F) before they were then assessed by in
a taste test by a sensory panel of 30 connoisseurs, who rated them for
appearance, texture and taste.
Decreased pH reduced the score significantly for appearance and taste, but not for texture.
Shrimp raised in the waters with the lower pH were 2.6 times more likely
to be rated as the worst tasting, while those reared in the less acidic
water were 3.4 times more likely to be judged the tastiest.
Also the 63 per cent of the shrimp from the acidic water died during the three weeks.
The results could have profound implications for the seafood industry as
it suggests shellfish will become harder as their numbers dwindle, but
also demand could decrease as people lose their taste for them.
Dr Dupont added: 'More research is now needed to evaluate impacts on
other seafood species, socioeconomic consequences, and potential
The world's oceans are thought to absorb approximately half of the carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere by dissolving it.
However, when carbon dioxide dissolves in sea water, it forms carbonic acid, causing the pH of the oceans to decrease.
At the moment the oceans are a weak alkaline, so ocean acidification actually refers to making the world's seas less alkaline.
The impacts of ocean acidification were largely overlooked until the
Royal Society published a report in 2005 and in its recent report, the
UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said that the acidity of
the world's oceans has already dropped by 0.1 pH unit since
preindustrial periods. It predicts that this will continue to fall
by a further 0.4pH units by 2100.
This acidification leads to lower levels of calcium carbonate in sea water, making it harder for shellfish to form their shells.
Popular seafood like crabs, prawns, mussels, lobsters, clams and oysters
all rely upon this chemical as the main building block for their
As many of these species are at the lower end of the marine food web,
they provide vital sources of food for fish and other animals.
As their numbers dwindle, larger fish and marine mammals will also struggle to find the nutrients they need.
Professor Kevin Flynn, from the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research
at Swansea University, told MailOnline: ‘Ocean acidification has the
potential to significantly alter ocean life, including fisheries.
‘However, we know very little just now except pieces of the jigsaw.
Outputs from research gives contrasting opinions; some indicate little
change while others indicate potential for significant change.
‘Changes in taste of seafood could be the least of our problems...the species may not be there to harvest in the first place.
‘Under ocean acidification the food chain as we know it may change, and
with it our tastes in seafood will have to change as well.'
ALL "97% Consensus" Studies Refuted by Peer-Review?
After showing how 97 articles thoroughly refuted the most prominent
"consensus" study, Cook et al. (2013), consensus proponents inevitably
moved the goal posts and fell back on other "97% consensus" studies:
Doran & Zimmerman (2009), Anderegg et al. (2010) and Oreskes (2004)
(which is really a 100% consensus study). However, these have all been
refuted in the scholarly literature and the following are the
peer-reviewed refutations of them.
Federal Bureaucrats Threaten U.S. Energy Boom
Everyone nowadays seems to either love or hate “fracking” for oil and natural gas in U.S. shale formations.
But fracking enjoys an enviable safety record. After all, a large
fraction of it is done a mile underground. Not much, if any, evidence of
groundwater contamination has been found at fracking sites.
Following the lame-duck Senate’s defeat of a bill that would have
authorized construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, attention has
shifted to concerns about transporting crude oil from North Dakota’s
Bakken shale and oil sands in Alberta to U.S. refineries, many of which
are located on the Texas and Louisiana coast.
Refineries located on the East Coast and in California would also obtain
feedstock were it not for the bottleneck created by the Jones Act
(passed in 1920), which prohibits shipments of cargoes (including crude
oil) from one U.S. port to another unless on an American-flagged vessel
crewed largely by American sailors.
With the severe constraint on ocean-going oil tankers and limited
pipeline capacity, shipping oil via railroad tanker cars is the only
viable option. No longer relics of the past, freight railroads are
carrying about two-thirds of North Dakota’s Bakken oil. Overall, more
than 10 percent of the nation’s total oil production travels by rail. In
the last quarter of 2013, some 71 million barrels of crude oil were
shipped by rail, more than 10 times the volume of oil shipped that way
in 2008.
The growing volume of railroad traffic raises safety concerns. Several
oil trains derailed in the past two years, including one in Quebec that
cost the lives of 47 people in the town of Lac- Mégantic. But bad press
is more effective than government regulators in correcting the safety
problems that led to that horrible accident. The railroads responded
immediately to reduce train speeds, particularly when oil trains are
moving through populous areas, and they have lent their support to
efforts to replace or upgrade thousands of older rail cars known as
Interestingly, ever since the heyday of John D. Rockefeller Sr., it is
the major oil companies that own the tanker cars, which they then lease
back to the railroads for use in transporting oil from the gathering
fields to the refineries.
Railroads move hazardous materials—crude oil and chemicals, among other
flammable cargoes—without mishap more than 99 percent of the time.
Nevertheless, railroads in 2012 pumped a record $25.5 billion into
upgrading and maintaining the freight railroad system’s infrastructure.
And, since then, billions more have been invested in making the system
more efficient and safer. The same attention to safety is true of the
pipeline system, which carries some of the nation’s oil and most of its
natural gas.
Even so, the U.S. Department of Transportation wants the existing fleet
of rail cars to be replaced or upgraded in two years. Such a rapid
phase-out, however, could restrict the production of oil and gas,
costing consumers as much as $45 billion, according to a study done by
ICF International Inc. Lengthening the replacement period to four years
would help hold down that cost. So, too, would repealing the outmoded
Jones Act and allowing U.S. crude oil to be exported to the rest of the
Without oil trains, oil production in the United States would not be
booming, and the United States would not be on the verge of becoming the
world’s biggest oil producer, surpassing even Saudi Arabia. Thanks to
the shale revolution, the nation’s economy is gaining strength,
manufacturing is making a comeback, and tens of thousands of jobs have
been created, along with billions in new tax revenue.
The concern over the safety of oil trains and pipelines perhaps reflects
the fact that we have reached a point in our economic history where we
can afford to worry about very small risks.
Eliminating near-zero safety risks uses resources that could be spent to
reduce much larger—and thoroughly proven—risks. Real dangers to our
health and safety demand attention. Shipping crude oil by rail and
pipeline is not among them.
Germany’s ‘energy transformation,’ unsustainable subsidies and an unstable system
Perhaps when Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel was a child, she
attended a party and was the only one who came without a present, or she
was wearing inappropriate attire—and the embarrassment she felt haunts
her to this day. That’s how psychodynamic psychology (Freud) might
explain her December 3 decision to spend more money on Germany’s failing
energy experiment to avoid, as Reuters puts it: “the embarrassment of
missing her government’s goal of a 40 percent reduction of emissions by
As Europe’s biggest economy, Germany has also embraced the biggest
carbon dioxide reductions through a program known as “Energiewende” —or,
in English called energy change, shift, or transformation. Energiewende
was launched in 2000 under Merkel’s predecessor, who offered subsidies
for any company that produced Green energy.
While the European Union (EU) has committed to carbon dioxide cuts of 40
percent by 2030, Germany’s national goal aims to get there a decade
sooner—which may have seemed achievable early in the program. After the
1990 reunification of Germany, the modernization of East Germany brought
rapidly reduced emissions. However, the program’s overall result has
raised costs and the emissions the expensive programs were designed to
A few months ago, Bloomberg reported that, due to increased coal
consumption: “Germany’s emissions rose even as its production of
intermittent wind and solar power climbed fivefold in the past
decade”—hence Merkel’s potential embarrassment on the global stage where
she’s put herself in the spotlight as a leader in reducing emissions.
On December 3, while 190 governments were meeting for two weeks of
climate change talks in Lima, Peru (which, after 30 hours of overtime,
produced a compromise deal that environmental groups see “went from weak
to weaker to weakest”), Merkel’s cabinet agreed to a package that
continues Germany’s optimistic—though unrealistic—goal and increases
subsidies for measures designed to cut emissions. Regarding Germany’s
“climate protection package”, Barbara Hendricks, Environment Minister,
admitted: “if no additional steps were taken, Germany … would miss its
targets by between five to eight percentage points.”
The results of the German agreement will require operators of
coal-fueled power plants to reduce emissions by at least 22 million
tons—the equivalent of closing eight of them. The Financial Times (FT)
believes the plan will “lead to brownouts in German homes.”
With the goal of generating 80 percent of its energy from renewable
sources by 2050, Germany has aggressively pursued a Green dream with
unsustainable subsidies that have produced an unstable system described
by FT, on November 25, as: “a lesson in doing too much too quickly on
energy policy.”
So, what are the lessons? What should the U.S., and other countries,
learn from Germany’s generous subsidy programs and rapid, large-scale
deployment and integration of renewable energy into the power system?
These are the questions U.S. legislators should be asking themselves as
they argue over a tax extender package that includes a retroactive
extension for the now-expired Production Tax Credit for wind energy.
Fortunately, the answers are easy to determine. Finadvice, a Switzerland
based advisor to the utility and renewable industry, did an exhaustive
study: “Development and Integration of Renewable Energy—Lessons Learned
from Germany.” The introductory comments of the resulting report,
includes the following statement: “The authors of this white paper would
like to state that they fully support renewables as a part of the power
portfolio. …a couple [of the authors] have direct equity
interests in renewable projects.” The author’s viewpoint is an important
consideration, especially in light of their findings. They wanted
Germany’s experiment to work, yet they begin the Executive Summary with
these words:
“Over the last decade, well-intentioned policymakers in Germany and
other European countries created renewable energy policies with generous
subsidies that have slowly revealed themselves to be unsustainable,
resulting in profound, unintended consequences for all industry
stakeholders. While these policies have created an impressive roll-out
of renewable energy resources, they have also clearly generated
disequilibrium in the power markets, resulting in significant increases
in energy prices to most users, as well as value destruction for all
stakeholders: consumers, renewable companies, electric utilities,
financial institutions, and investors.”
After reading the entire 80-page white paper, I was struck with three
distinct observations. The German experiment has been has raised energy
costs to households and business, the subsidies are unsustainable, and,
as a result, without intervention, the energy supply is unstable.
We, in the U.S., are constantly being told that renewable energy is
close to cost parity with traditional power sources such as coal and
natural gas. Yet, the study clearly points out the German experiment has
resulted in “significant increases in energy prices to most
users”—which will “ultimately be passed on to electricity consumers.”
Germany’s cost increases, as much as 50 percent, are manmade, not
market-made—due to regulation rather than the trust costs. The high
prices disproportionately hurt the poor giving birth to the new phrase:
“energy poverty.”
The higher costs hurt—and not just in the pocket book. The authors cite
an International Energy Agency report: “The European Union is expected
to lose one-third of its global market share of energy intensive exports
over the next two decades due to high energy prices.”
Subsidies and instability are big factors in Germany’s high prices.
To meet Germany’s Green goals, feed-in tariffs (FIT) were introduced as a
mechanism that allows for the “fostering of a technology that has not
yet reached commercial viability.” FITs are “incentives to increase
production of renewable energy.” About the FITs, the report states:
“This subsidy is socialized and financed mainly by residential
customers.” And: “Because of their generosity, FITs proved capable of
quickly increasing the share of renewable power.”
Germany’s original FITs “had no limit to the quantity of renewables to
be built” and “led to unsustainable growth of renewables.” As a result,
Germany, and other EU.countries have “had to modify, and eventually
phase out, their program because of the very high costs of their
renewable support mechanisms.”
Germany has also begun to introduce “self-generation fees” for
households and businesses that generate their own electricity—typically
through rooftop solar, “to ensure that the costs of maintaining the grid
are paid for by all consumers, not just those without rooftop PVs.”
These fees remove some of the cost-saving incentive for expensive solar
Section four of the report, “Unintended Consequences of Germany’s
Renewable Policies,” concludes: “Budgetary constraints, oversupply and
distortion of power prices, transaction-specific operational
performance, market economics (i.e., Germany proposing to cut all
support for biogas), debt structures, and backlash of consumers paying
higher prices were all factors contributing to regulatory intervention.
Projecting past 2014, these factors are expected to continue over the
next several years.”
Hopefully, by now, most people—especially my readers—understand that the
intermittent and unreliable nature of wind and solar energy means that
in order for us to have the lights go on every time we flip the switch
(stability) every kilowatt of electric capacity must be backed up for
times when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow. But, what
most of us don’t think about, that the report spotlights, is that
because the favored renewables benefit from “priority dispatch”—which
means that if a renewable source is generating power, the utility
company must buy and use it rather than the coal, natural gas or nuclear
power it has available—the traditional power plants operate
inefficiently and uneconomically. “Baseload thermal plants were designed
to operate on a continuous base. …they were built to operate at their
highest efficiencies when running 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”
Now, due to renewables, these plants operate only a fraction of the
time—though the cost to build and maintain them is constant. “The effect
of fewer operational hours needs to be compensated by higher prices in
these hours.”
Prior to the large integration of renewables, power plants earned the
most when demand is high—in the middle of the day (which is also when
the most solar power is generated). The result impacts cost recovery.
“There are fewer hours in which the conventional power plants earn more
than the marginal cost since they run fewer hours than originally
planned and, in many cases, provide back-up power only.”
This translates into financial difficulties for the utilities that have
resulted in lower stock prices and credit ratings. (Note: utility stocks
often make up a large share of retirement portfolios.) Many plants are
closed prematurely—which means the initial investment has not been
Because the reduced use prevents the power plants from covering their
full costs—yet they must be available 24/7, power station operators in
Germany are now seeking subsidies in the form of “capacity payments.”
The report explains that a plant threatened to close because of
“economic problems.” However, due to its importance in “maintaining
system stability” the plant was “kept online per decree” and the
operator’s fixed costs are compensated.
Anyone who reads “Development and Integration of Renewable Energy” will
conclude that there is far more to providing energy that is efficient,
effective and economical than the renewable fairytale storytellers want
consumers to believe. Putting a solar panel on your roof is more
involved than just installation. The German experiment proves that
butterflies, rainbows, and pixie dust won’t power the world after
all—coal, natural gas, and nuclear power are all important parts of the
power portfolio.
Why, then, did Merkel continue Germany’s commitment to an energy and
economic suicide? It is all part of the global shaming that takes place
at the climate change meetings like the one that just concluded in Lima,
If only U.S. legislators would read “Development and Integration of
Renewable Energy” before they vote for more subsidies for renewable
energy, but, heck, they don’t even read the bill—which is why calls from
educated constituents are so important. I am optimistic. Maybe we could
learn from Germany’s experience what they haven’t yet learned
The Great Lima Climate Change Shakedown
The global warming brigades from around the world gathered last week at a
United Nations climate change conference in Lima to save the planet.
The nations from across the planet were supposed to link hands and all
would agree to slash their green house gas emissions.
Instead the conference was a complete dud.
That might be putting it charitably. The BBC described the final
agreement as “a weak and ineffectual compromise” while green groups
complain that it actually “weakens international climate rules.” It
turns out most of the nations of the world see the climate change issue
as merely a shake down opportunity to leverage more aid money from
American taxpayers.
That’s especially true of the planet’s fastest growing greenhouse gas
emitters – China and India. They made it abundantly clear they aren’t
much interested in reducing their reliance on cheap and abundant fossil
fuels and they fiercely resisted any enforceable targets to do so. What
they do want is the U.S. And European nations to write them a $100
billion check.
China and India’s political leaders were sounding last week like Cuba Gooding, in “Jerry McGuire”: “Show me the money.”
The big “breakthrough” was that Europe and the U.S. agreed to provide
China, India, South America and Africa with a “loss and damage” slush
fund to compensate them for any property losses from rising ocean waters
and temperatures. Evidently, it’s all America’s fault for using so much
In less than one month, Barack Obama’s “epic deal” with China president
Xi Jinping to reduce greenhouse gas emission standards has been exposed
as a sham. It was always a self-delusion to believe that China would do
anything to slow down its economic development plans – which rely
heavily on cheap and abundant fossil fuels.
Su Wei, China’s lead climate negotiator admitted in Lima: “we do not
have any clear road map of meeting [emissions] target for 2020.”
Well, isn’t that reassuring.
China and India spent the entire week demanding that the U.S. pony up a
promised $100 billion to pay poor nations to reduce their emissions.
When the U.S. offered $10 billion, U.N. Climate change spokesman,
Christiana Figueres, dismissed this as “a very, very small sum.” She
says it will take trillions of dollars of commitments to decarbonize the
planet. And guess who she has in mind to pay that price tag?
The lesson of Lima is that the rest of the world is not going to cut its
carbon emissions. Period. China and India, with two billion people,
have nearly doubled their carbon emissions over the last decade with no
end in sight and this has negated any progress in the U.S. And Europe.
See chart.
Mr. Obama has agreed to an historic climate change deal with… himself.
America will give up jobs and money (eventually trillions) and pay
higher energy prices and in exchange the rest of the world will do
In the climate change racket, we are being played for fools.
BOOK REVIEW: Hughes Exposes the Truth About Environmental Scares
Reviewed by Jay Lehr
Popular Deceptions: What they haven’t told us and how much it’s going to cost By Randall L. Hughes. $12.75 on Amazon
For thirty years, energy engineer Randall Hughes has been frustrated by
widespread misinformation on the subject of energy, chemical use, and
other targets of environmentalists’ wrath. His frustration has resulted
in a book that tackles major public deceptions, written for a layman. It
can be enjoyed by anyone with a desire to forego technical jargon and
get to the bottom of these issues.
He has succeeded so well I do not know quite where to start in praising
the book. I encourage you to make it a Christmas present for the
open-minded on your gift list.
Many Subjects
To set up his observations about popular deceptions, Hughes surfs across
subjects known to many of us, including autism, DDT, asthma, ozone,
golden rice, and prairie chickens. He explains the evolution of lies and
the reasons some individuals and groups have little problem playing the
deception game to achieve their hidden agendas. The table of contents
includes more than 120 items, making it easy to navigate the book for
quick reference.
Hughes shows so many of today’s headlines use nothing more than
cherry-picked statistics, and demonstrates most green initiative are
more about someone’s financial gain than saving the earth. Randall
supports his argument with 311 footnotes.
His cost data is exceptional. For example, he writes, “The costs and
actions required to comply with the new ozone standard alone is
projected to destroy 7.3 million jobs and cost the nation one trillion
dollars by 2020. These aren’t the numbers we’ll hear from the mainstream
media and certainly not the message we’ll hear from the environmental
Hughes does a nice job explaining the unconscionable battles against
phalates, BPA, and even chlorine chemicals, and documents how our
children are being brought up on cartoons aimed at sowing fear and
mistrust of the free market and industry.
EPA: Job Killer
Among the book’s 22 chapters, Hughes spends the most time on the EPA,
referring to it as the Employment Prevention Agency. Most of our readers
know EPA has become a travesty, but few understand the details he
conveys so simply.
Hughes’ chapters on global warming provide an excellent review for the
general reader. Of particular interest is Hughes’ exposure of 150 years
of New York Times fear-mongering headlines concerning weather that put
the lie to the paper’s absurd opinions of man’s impact on today’s
climate. Consider these:
Jan. 2 1870—Ice Melts Suddenly on the Hudson River
June 23, 1890—Winters Are Not So Cold Anymore
Dec 16, 1934—Colder Winters Than in Grandfather’s Day
Jan 30, 1961—Experts Agree Climate Is Getting Colder
July 18, 1970—US and Russia Researching Why World Is Getting Colder
Feb 5, 1972—Greenland Ice Cores Show Catastrophic Change 89,500 Years Ago from Warm to Very Cold
Among the many refreshing insights in the book is a report Hughes
uncovered from a PR firm for environmental activists which promotes
scuzzy talking points such as, “the argument is already won,” the
“skeptics are paid experts,” “talk about human values not science,”
“avoid discussing costs,” and “alarmism can be a good thing.”
Hughes is at his best when explaining how the world works, such as why
the mainstream media strive so diligently against the truth:
“The news media is not in business to deliver facts. They’re in business
to sell advertising. The more they increase subscription rates or
increase viewers and listeners, the more they can charge for airing
commercials. The news itself may be a public service, but the bottom
line for the news media is the same as it is for any major corporation,
making a profit. The news is designed to shock, surprise and
entertain—all in an attempt to increase audience size and increase
profits. That’s why catastrophe, scandal, corruption and environmental
wrong doing gets top billing."
And that’s why you need to read this book and provide copies to your family and friends.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
23 December, 2014
Santa thinks the British parliament might need this
An oil conspiracy?
Conspiracy theories are resorted to by people who don't understand
what is going on. Hence the absurdity below. Oil is cheap
now because increased American production from shale has broken the back
of the OPEC cartel. But I guess that is a rather complex truth,
too complex for a local politician
Just as global warming gains international traction with treaties,
targets and timetables the price of oil miraculously drops. A
coincidence? I think not.
Just as solar, wind, biofuel and electric technologies become more
competitive with high-priced oil and gain wider adoption worldwide the
price of oil miraculously drops. A coincidence? I think not.
Big Energy, the oil and gas industry, has had its foot on the neck of
the developed world for a very long time, and it knows all the
ins-and-outs of making barrels of money. That oil prices suddenly drop
to mid-$50-a-barrel while investment, supply and production increase
shows Big Energy knows how to use the powerful weapon in its hands. As
oil prices decline the value of alternative energy companies begin to
collapse, their product no longer as competitive therm-for-therm. Some
very innovative and brilliant young companies are going to be picked up
by Big Energy at rock-bottom prices in the year or two to come.
As for the economies of countries dependent upon high oil prices, like
Venezuela? They too will become vassals to the Big Energy syndicate.
Facing economic failure, some political regimes hostile to Big Energy
will be replaced with new and favorable regimes, which will enjoy the
financial largesse Big Energy capital and projects provide. The global
political order will hew to the common-denominator – energy prices – and
the Big Energy masters of the world will demonstrate the hardball
practice of power.
There are those who will say “market forces” are simply at work; supply
has increased beyond demand, and thus the price has dropped. The problem
with this naïve line of logic, however, is that Big Energy controls
both the market and the forces. Americans are not going to complain
about lower gas prices; to the contrary, most people are not obsessively
thinking about Big Energy’s global squeeze-play as they fill their
tanks for under $2.80/gallon.
A year or two of lowered profits at Big Energy is no big deal when
compared with the chance to squeeze their competition out of the market
for what might be another 25 years or more. We are talking about a
TRILLION dollar industry here, not some five-and-dime operation with
empty pockets. Big Energy knows their shareholders will hang in there
for the ride, bumpy as it may appear to the uninitiated. Once the
squeeze-out period has passed and Big Energy has consolidated the new
technologies into its food-chain, it can feed or starve any alternative
energy source at its whim.
Oil price declines from the near-monopoly-like-syndicate of Big Energy
forces consumer complicity in the application of naked power. Public
opinion, in our democracy now measured by the consumer price index and
GNP, takes on the appearance of popular support, adding backbone to
national politicians who otherwise, supported by Big Energy money,
collude with it to block carbon-regulating legislation and provide new
tax breaks.
When it’s all over, the well-established hegemony of Big Energy will be
renewed. Innovation and energy competition will have been savaged,
restive national economies brought to their knees, global corporations
and politicians rewarded for their loyalty, the myth of supply and
demand reified, and attention to global warming pushed aside by fears of
deflation. All it will cost Big Energy is a few trillion and what’s
that among friends?
More Warmist fraud
Caught red-handed: Geomar omits crucial 1960s Arctic sea ice melt phase in press release
By Fritz Vahrenholt and Sebastian Lüning
The most well-known historical Arctic region melting period took place
1000 years ago when the Vikings sailed through the Arctic Ocean, which
had little sea ice. Eventually they colonized Greenland and Iceland.
Today no one wants to hear it because it doesn’t fit with the climate
catastrophe storyline.
In 1887 the topic was less important. Back then the planet was emerging
from the Little Ice Age and people were glad about the warming. Warm was
good. There was no IPCC back then. For example in the New Zealand daily
The Press on 8 November 1887 there was a story about the Viking
journeys and a sharply reduced sea ice extent – something that would be
unimaginable today
But one does not need to go back so far into history. Also between 1920
and 1940 there was a strong phase of melting in the north polar sea.
Former Max-Planck director Lennart Bengtsson summarized the knowledge of
the warm phase in the Journal of Climate in 2004. Already back then he
saw a relationship with ocean cycles that influenced the climate with a
60-year period.
What follows is the abstract of that paper:
The Early Twentieth-Century Warming in the Arctic —A Possible Mechanism
The huge warming of the Arctic that started in the early 1920s and
lasted for almost two decades is one of the most spectacular climate
events of the twentieth century. During the peak period 1930–40, the
annually averaged temperature anomaly for the area 60°–90°N amounted to
some 1.7°C. Whether this event is an example of an internal climate mode
or is externally forced, such as by enhanced solar effects, is
presently under debate. This study suggests that natural variability is a
likely cause, with reduced sea ice cover being crucial for the warming.
A robust sea ice–air temperature relationship was demonstrated by a set
of four simulations with the atmospheric ECHAM model forced with
observed SST and sea ice concentrations. An analysis of the spatial
characteristics of the observed early twentieth-century surface air
temperature anomaly revealed that it was associated with similar sea ice
variations. Further investigation of the variability of Arctic surface
temperature and sea ice cover was performed by analyzing data from a
coupled ocean–atmosphere model. By analyzing climate anomalies in the
model that are similar to those that occurred in the early twentieth
century, it was found that the simulated temperature increase in the
Arctic was related to enhanced wind-driven oceanic inflow into the
Barents Sea with an associated sea ice retreat. The magnitude of the
inflow is linked to the strength of westerlies into the Barents Sea.
This study proposes a mechanism sustaining the enhanced westerly winds
by a cyclonic atmospheric circulation in the Barents Sea region created
by a strong surface heat flux over the ice-free areas. Observational
data suggest a similar series of events during the early
twentieth-century Arctic warming, including increasing westerly winds
between Spitsbergen and Norway, reduced sea ice, and enhanced cyclonic
circulation over the Barents Sea. At the same time, the North Atlantic
Oscillation was weakening.”
Today in the press one hardly hears any mention of this melting phase.
IPCC scientists would have us believe there has been only one single
trend over the last 150 years, namely the steady death of Arctic sea
In December 2013 in the journal PNAS a reconstruction of Arctic sea ice
cover appeared for the past 650 years using algae as a proxy. The study
was carried out by Jochen Halfar of the University of Toronto. Also
involved in the study was Steffen Hetzinger of the Geomar Institute in
Kiel, Germany. On November 19, 2013 a Geomar press release announced:
"Since the end of the Little Ice Age around 1850, the archives of the
red algae show a continuous decrease of the ice, a trend which continues
through today. This decrease is stronger than anything we previously
observed in the 650 year long history of the red algae record.“
The Austrian national daily Standard sounded the climate alarms, informing its readers:
"For the first time a team of international scientists traced the
development of sea ice in the Arctic all the way back to the Middle
Ages. Here the scientists of the University of Groningen and others
found out that the ice sheet has been melting continuously since the
middle of the 19th century. They were helped by red algae which
conserved the climate history of the last centuries. So far the data on
the Arctic from satellites have gone back only to the late 1970s.”
The use of the word “continuously” leads us to understand that the ice
is melting steadily, without any larger phases of ice growth in between.
Only a very few readers have taken the time and effort to read the
original paper. In press releases, authors certainly only tell the truth
and nothing but the truth, right?
One look at the publication, however, delivers a bitter disappointment.
Figure 2b of the study shows the development of the sea ice curve for
Newfoundland for the past 150 years in detail (Figure 1). The result: In
the 1960s, in the pre-satellite era, sea ice had shrunk to levels seen
today. However in the press release, that inconvenient condition never
got mentioned.
Figure 1: The blue curve depicts the development of sea ice near
Newfoundland for the past 150 years. High peaks indicate shrinking, low
peaks depict growth. Source: Halfar et al 2013.
In the paper itself the authors correctly attribute the development to the impact of Atlantic ocean cycles:
"Modeling studies have shown that the NAO exerts an influence on the
spatial distribution of winter sea ice via wind-driven anomalies of
sea-ice velocity, surface vertical heat flux, and possibly horizontal
oceanic heat flux (7). There is strong observational evidence connecting
Arctic sea-ice distribution with the positive NAO trend from the 1960s
to the early 1990s.”
Conscious deception of the public
In the GEOMAR press release there is also not a word about the cyclic
nature of sea ice. This is a conscious deception of the public. The ice
is neither “shrinking continuously” nor is CO2 playing the only role as
some scientists would like us to believe.
Does Steffen Hetzinger know what he is doing? He is a young man who
probably is in search of a permanent position and thus has to play along
with the climate panic game. Did the GEOMAR force him to write such a
press release or what it his own idea to score big points with climate
alarmism? One thing is clear: this has nothing to do with reputable
science. Hardly a good way to begin a career.
German government deception: Satellite data from the 60s not
mentioned. Why? Because the gaps in the ice were LARGER then
than now. Compared to the '60s, the ice is "healing up". We
live in a era of Arctic COOLING
What would the sea ice discussion be like today if systematic satellite-based measurement had begun already in 1960?
Measurements first began in 1979. The first IPCC report of 1990 was
naively honest and openly revealed that shortly before satellite
measurements began, there had been significantly less Arctic sea ice
than there was during the measurement period beginning in 1979. In the
subsequent IPCC reports, they truncated the inconvenient start of the
chart, thus taking it out of the readers’ view.
Looking at the melt phase of the 1960s and 1970s shown in the above
chart, one really has to wonder that the German Ministry of Environment
is using a dubious IPCC chart which fails to show the melting of the
The discovery of old Nimbus satellite images must have been very awkward
for the Federal Ministry of Environment. The images document huge holes
in the Arctic sea ice. Spiegel Online reported on November 4, 2014:
‘Nimbus': Nasa releases old satellite images
They were forgotten in NASA archives: Scientists discovered satellite
images from the 1960s. A huge hole in the Arctic sea ice, large masses
of snow, intact lakes – the images offer some surprises.”
Already on October 21, 2014, Mashable had reported on the unexpected gaping holes in the north polar sea ice:
The Nimbus data provides the earliest known view of Antarctica’s sea
ice, which has made headlines recently for setting a record for the
largest ice extent, and spotted large breaks in Arctic sea ice where
none were thought to have occurred. The modern satellite record of sea
ice in the Arctic and Antarctic starts in 1979, so the added data gives
scientists a longer-term view that informs their understanding of
present-day events. […]
Sea ice extents in the Arctic were much larger in the 1960s than they
are now, Gallaher said, which is consistent with the global
warming-induced decline in Arctic sea ice. Still, even in years with
higher volume’s of sea ice, the satellite spotted ice-free areas near
the North Pole that were 200 to 300 miles across. “We found holes in ice
at North Pole that we didn’t expect to find,” he said. “It’s a big
hole,” said Garrett Campbell, who also works on the Nimbus project from
the NSIDC.”
Obama’s Keystone Confusion
In his appearance last week on The Colbert Report, President Obama
restated his approach to the Keystone XL pipeline decision, a mindset
that can only be described as confused.
The president summarized his strange dilemma as follows: “[Keystone]
could create a couple of thousand potential jobs in the initial
construction of the pipeline, but we’ve got to measure that against
whether or not it is going to contribute to an overall warming of the
planet that could be disastrous.”
But this thinking hinges on three key — and false — assumptions.
First, that whatever carbon dioxide or pollution (note that I did not
say “or other pollution” since CO2 is plant food, not pollution) would
be generated in the building or operation of Keystone will not be
generated in whatever other method ends up being used to transport oil
from Canada through the United States.
Second, the usual climate alarmist assumptions, namely that humans are
having a substantial impact on the climate and that a warming of the
planet is likely to be harmful.
Third, and most important, the implicit assumption that climate change —
even if you believe the alarmists’ claims — is the only risk worth
Regarding ignoring the theoretical climate impacts of alternatives to
Keystone: Opponents of Keystone (or more precisely of the section of
Keystone that connects Alberta, Canada, to Nebraska) seem to believe
that if we don’t allow a way to transport Canadian oil here, our
neighbors to the north will then just leave it in the ground. This is,
of course, preposterous. Since every potential alternative form of
transportation, whether via truck, ship, train, or any combination
likely creates more pollution than a pipeline, particularly if
transported by people other than Americans or Canadians, and since any
pipeline built by American and Canadian companies is likely to be
constructed more environmentally sensitively than pipelines built
overseas, a concern over carbon or pollution argues strongly for, not
against, building Keystone XL.
As far as climate change overall: In short, depending on which data set
you look at, planetary warming has either been much less than predicted
or completely non-existent for at least the last 18 years. Since global
carbon dioxide concentrations have increased steadily over the time
period (even as U.S. CO2emissions slowed temporarily during the
recession), it demonstrates that CO2 simply does not have the
climate-controlling power that the alarmist industry wants us to
believe. Additionally, climate fears are based on an unjustifiable
assumption that a modest global warming would be a negative for humanity
when it fact the opposite is true.
And then there is Obama’s implicit assumption that the overriding risk
to be considered is the climate. Environmentalists who claim to care
deeply about the planet should be far more concerned about real,
demonstrable risk than about the unproven (and increasingly disproven)
hypothesis of human-caused climate change. One such demonstrable risk is
that of oil spills and terrible accidents within other forms of oil
transportation, particularly the trucks and trains that will continue,
in the absence of Keystone XL, to carry the oil through the United
Even the Obama administration’s State Department recognizes this: “The
increased number of unit trains… would affect communities through
elevated air emissions and noise from the trains, and increased risk of
spills and collisions.”
This is not to say that one form of transportation is utterly unsafe
while another is utterly safe: Spill statistics are a close call:
pipelines spill at lower frequencies but higher volumes than rail
transportation of oil. Similarly, trains have more accidents but fewer
fires and explosions. (There are similar comparisons made for
transporting the oil by ship: very few incidents but potentially many
barrels may spill in an incident.)
One of the most important statistics should be rates of injury and
death, and on this score pipelines fare very well compared to trains:
Overall, State concludes that transporting the Canadian oil by rail
would add 49 injuries and 6 fatalities each year as compared to one
injury and no deaths if the oil goes through Keystone XL.
In fact, State says that “Annual baseline injuries and fatalities
without an increase in transport volume from rail transport or pipeline
are projected to be approximately 712 injuries and 94 fatalities
compared to three injuries and two fatalities for petroleum pipeline.”
This argues not only for using Keystone to transport the new Canadian
oil production but also to use it, and other new pipelines, to
substitute for current rail transportation of oil.
A final point: Some argue against Keystone because they say the oil will
make its way to the Gulf Coast to be refined and then exported rather
than being used in the United States. Radical environmentalists go so
far as to conclude that Keystone is therefore a “scam being played on
the American people.”
Exporting American oil would require Congress or the president to lift
the current export ban. I expect the upcoming Republican-controlled
Congress to send such a measure to the president’s desk in short order.
Former Obama chief economic adviser Larry Summerssupports lifting the
ban but one of the president’s closest current counselors, John Podesta,
has not made clear his position. Podesta’s prior job was running the
Center for American Progress whose energy “expert,” Dan Weiss (a
card-carrying member of the Cult of Algore and a man who seems proud of
his comprehensive economic ignorance), is against lifting the ban.
Not surprisingly, socialist senators and their friends in the
environmental fear-mongering industry don’t understand even basic
economics. Oil is traded worldwide with the two major benchmarks being
the U.S.’s West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Europe’s Brent Crude. The
prices track each other closely, though in recent years American oil has
been less expensive because of large supply in the Midwest.
If we export Canada’s increased oil production to the rest of the world,
we will lower oil prices in the aggregate, including here in the United
States. Yes, there may be regional effects of pipelines and yes, it is
possible that Midwestern oil and gas prices would lose their current
discount relative to the rest of the United States, but overall the
United States would have lower energy prices. And that’s what matters.
Domestically, the more we lower oil prices, the lower Americans’ cost of
living is and the more money we have to spend on things we want to buy
rather than things we have to buy, such as gasoline and heating oil.
Internationally, the more we can lower world oil prices, the more we
prevent our enemies like Vladimir Putin and the radicals running
Venezuela from being able to fund adventurist, militaristic, and
anti-Western foreign policies, and the more we prevent our so-called
friends in the Middle East from being able to use American, European,
and Chinese money to support Wahhabism, Hamas, ISIS, and CAIR, and
others who want us dead or destroyed as a free society.
Given all these factors, President Obama’s suggested calculus —
balancing “a couple thousand jobs” versus what he perceives as the risks
involved in building and operating the Keystone XL pipeline — is
preposterous: The jobs it creates are a nice bonus (and are what the
many labor unions who support the project care about), but they are not
the most important benefit of the project.
Keystone XL won’t increase pollution but it will save American lives and
hurt our enemies. Those who oppose it should be forced to justify their
opposition in that context.
The Paris Climate Negotiations Next Year Will Be a Fiasco
Why there will not be a global climate change treaty in 2015
Ronald Bailey
Next December, the nations of the world are supposed adopt a "protocol,
another legal instrument or agreed outcome with legal force" in Paris to
comprehensively address the problem of man-made climate change. That's
not going to happen.
Consider what happened earlier this month at the 20th Conference of the
Parties (COP-20) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) in Lima, Peru. The rich countries, including the United
States, sought to get an agreement that focused chiefly on persuading
all nations to make firm commitments about how they planned to handle
their greenhouse gas emissions in the coming decades. The developed
world wanted every country to submit their "intended nationally
determined contributions" (INDCs) by the end of March 2015.
From the rich nations' point of view, the INDCs should aim at achieving
the 1992 UNFCCC's goal of stabilizing "greenhouse gas concentrations in
the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic
interference with the climate system." This means that INDCs should be
primarily about reducing emissions—in climate-negotiators' parlance, at
The developed world also wanted to set up a formal process in which all
INDCs would report roughly comparable information: baseline dates, the
current sources and amounts of emissions, the projected trajectories of
future emissions, and so on. They further proposed that every country's
INDC be rigorously assessed by next June to see whether, when combined,
they would be adequate to keep the global average temperature from
increasing more than the 2 degree Celsius temperature limit set at the
Cancun climate change conference in 2010.
When a draft version of the Lima Call for Climate Action reflecting this
agenda was issued toward the end of the negotiating session, the poor
countries rebelled. They were particularly vociferous in arguing that
the draft agreement violated the principle of "common but differentiated
responsibilities" enshrined in the UNFCCC. Without going into
legalistic detail, the developing countries—including China—interpret
that principle as requiring only the countries that were rich and
developed in 1992 to cut their emissions. Nations that were then poor,
they argue, are not obliged to do so. In addition, the poorer states
want to be paid for the damage the wealthier countries did to the
atmosphere by burning fossil fuels as they got rich.
In the face of a threatened walkout by the poor countries, the Lima Call
for Climate Action was substantially modified. The draft document had
contained no promises with regard to financing or technology transfers
from rich to poor countries. The new version, instead of focusing on
emissions cuts, now states that the Paris agreement "shall address in a
balanced manner, inter alia, mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology
development and transfer, and capacity-building, and transparency of
action and support." In addition, the mandate detailing the information
that that all countries, rich and poor, were supposed to provide in
their INDCs was scrapped and replaced with provisions that allow
countries to present information "as appropriate." Basically,
governments can decide for themselves if they even want to cut their
emissions and what information they want to provide.
From the poor countries' point of view, the Paris agreement next
December must include provisions requiring rich countries to provide
them with climate financing to aid their adaptation to a warming world,
plus funds to pay for the loss and damage that they suffer from climate
change. Notionally, financing for adaptation is supposed to cushion poor
countries against future climate change, whereas loss and damage
payments compensate countries and communities for climate change damage
to which they cannot adapt. The poor states are demanding $100 billion
in climate aid by 2020. After that, climate aid payments might exceed $1
trillion annually.
Attached to the Lima Call for Climate Action is a preliminary draft
document outlining various options for a Paris agreement. It is a
Chinese menu of provisions that highlights just how much discord there
is over global climate policy. For example, the draft offers several
options with regard to setting a firm goal for greenhouse gas emissions
cuts. Countries might agree to cut emissions to 40 to 70 percent below
their 2010 levels by 2050; or cut them by 50 percent below their 1990s
levels with a continued decline thereafter; or go for full
decarbonization by 2050. Or rich countries could agree that their
emissions will peak in 2015 and then aim for zero net emissions by 2050.
The section on the financial resources to be provided to poor countries
suggests an annual floor of $100 billion; or, alternately, the agreement
might not specify any amount of climate aid at all. Under the proposed
provisions dealing with sources of finance, Option 1 states that climate
aid should primarily come from the rich countries' government budgets.
Under Option 2, private funds would play a greater role. Also undecided
is whether countries will have the right to assess and challenge data
issued by other countries with regard to their treaty commitments. They
also need to figure out whether the parties will have to update their
INDCs every five years or every 10 years.
According to the Lima Call for Climate Action, climate negotiation
sessions this coming spring are supposed to reduce these options and
produce a slimmer "negotiating text" before May.
The interests of the rich and poor countries just don't converge on this
issue. The poor nations are not going to forego using cheap fossil
fuels to energize their economic growth unless the rich states agree to
fork over huge sums to them annually. And the rich countries aren't
about to give hundreds of billions to corrupt governments in the
developing world, particularly when many of the latter are declining to
make any commitments until they see the money—and are refusing to let
anyone monitor and assess whatever commitments they do make.
So there will be a big flop in Paris this time next year. And then the
climate-crisis circus will roll urgently on to still more venues in the
years after that.
Warmer Is Better... Especially at this Time of Year
Climate alarmists assume global warming will restart in the coming
years. Based on that assumption and model projections, they warn of a
coming catastrophe for humans and the planet.
But global warming, whether natural or human-caused, is more likely to
result in benefits than harms. Climate alarmists ignore the possible
benefits from a warmer world because to do otherwise would undermine
their efforts to control humankind’s use of fossil fuel energy.
In late November, the U.K. Office of National Statistics published its
latest figures on “excess winter deaths” – a figure that acknowledges
more people die in the winter months (December, January, and February)
than in the summer months (June, July, and August). There were 18,200
more deaths in the U.K. between December 2013 and February 2014 than
there were between June and August 2013. While that sounds like a lot of
excess winter deaths, it’s actually the lowest recorded figure in 65
years. During the 2012–13 winter, for example, there were more than
31,280 excess winter deaths.
Why so many fewer excess winter deaths in 2013–14 than in the previous
year? Because December 2013 and January 2014 average temperatures winter
were 2° Celsius above the long-term average.
Fewer excess winter deaths isn’t the only benefit of a warming world
routinely ignored by climate alarmists. They don’t like to talk about
the increased water availability that warming would bring about for some
parts of the world, or the increase in farmable acreage and crop yields
that would result from warming temperatures and increased atmospheric
carbon dioxide.
The alarmists also refuse to acknowledge the very real harms their
anti-energy policies cause in the here and now, not some
climate-model-predicted future. As just one example, their preference
for expensive solar and wind energy and restrictions on the use of
less-expensive fossil fuels have caused energy prices to rise, making it
difficult for the poor and those on fixed incomes to pay their electric
bills. At least some of those who can’t pay their bills save money by
keeping the air conditioning off in the summer and the heat off in the
winter. They may scrimp even further by not paying for needed medicines
or food.
The climate alarmists’ policies are putting people into poverty – energy
poverty. If they continue to get their way, we can expect many more
“excess deaths” in the winter, the summer, and year ‘round.
The Greens: Australia's party of "social justice"
If it really were justice, it would not need the adjective "social"
No sooner had he won the Greens first seat in the House of
Representatives, than Adam Bandt -- now Deputy Leader of the Greens --
was explaining to ABC radio that "social justice concerns have
our DNA since the Greens started". Social justice is a nebulous policy
term. Everyone supports social justice because no one would consciously
promote social injustice. But what does social justice mean to the
Apparently social justice involves increasing taxpayer funded Paid
Parental Leave (PPL) payments from $11,539 to 26 weeks of parent's
replacement wages. Social justice requires taxpayers to fork out $50,000
to parents earning above $100,000, in addition to any PPL workplace
entitlements they might have, while those earning less than the
(full-time) minimum wage get $16,667. Stay-at-home parents get nothing.
This is an interesting policy position for a party that purports to
believe "...the social problems we have today...could be dramatically
improved if we focus on eliminating extreme inequality in Australia...".
It would seem using taxpayer's money to entrench certain types of
inequality is ok provided it benefits your professional inner-city
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
22 December, 2014
Exposed: The Merchants of Smear, Climate Edition
by Russell Cook (Not John Cook)
A low probability scientific speculation has become "settled science"
For about two decades we’ve been told the science behind human-caused
global warming is settled, and to ignore skeptic scientists because
they’ve been paid by industry to manufacture doubt about the issue. The
truth, however, has every appearance of being exactly the opposite: A
clumsy effort to manufacture doubt about the credibility of skeptical
climate scientists arose in 1991 with roots in Al Gore’s Senate office.
The Merchants of Smear, such as Al Gore, gained effectiveness and media
traction after Ozone Action took over the effort and drew attention to
the “reposition global warming as theory rather than fact” memo phrase
(which they never showed in its full context). The effort achieved its
highest success after being heavily promoted by the “Pulitzer-winning
investigative reporter” Ross Gelbspan, who never won a Pulitzer, never
displayed any investigative prowess in this matter, and never proved
that any skeptic climate scientist had ever knowingly lied as a result
of being paid illicit money.
These efforts to portray skeptic scientists as corrupt are swamped with
additional credibility problems, far more than can be described in this
Policy Brief. Plain presentations of science studies contradicting
reports from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change have no chance of vindicating skeptic scientists in the face of
such viral anti-skeptic rhetoric, as long as the mainstream media and
majority of Internet sites remain gatekeepers preventing the release of
accurate science information.
This gatekeeping indicates a much larger problem concerning the issue:
The evidence presented in this Policy Brief is something any
unqualified, disinterested bystander could find and ask about. Indeed,
believers in the theory of human-caused global warming could have
explored the problems presented in my brief with each other in order to
find out whether their accusation about industry corruption of skeptics
survives serious scrutiny.
Instead, this accusation has been unquestioningly accepted since 1991 by
the mainstream news media and by officials who want to implement
greenhouse gas mitigation regulations. During this time, skeptic
scientists and other well-informed experts have revealed devastating
problems with IPCC climate assessments. It has been shown time and again
that the corruption accusation was riddled with obvious holes from the
start. No matter.
The main pillar of support for the notion that humans are causing a
dangerous warming of the climate has been the notion of “settled
science.” That notion has long been questioned by skeptic scientists.
The secondary pillar of support for the alarmist global warming theory
has been the notion that industry-corrupted skeptics are unworthy of
public consideration. This accusation could easily have been
investigated and refuted long ago. That never happened, because of the
third pillar: Journalists should not give equal time to skeptic
We are overdue for the biggest ideology collapse in history, begging for
an investigation into why the mainstream media and influential
politicians apparently never checked the veracity of claims about
“settled science” and “corrupt skeptics.”
Lima climate talks: it's all about the process
Annual holidays in luxury for self-important people
The twentieth Conference of the Parties (COP20) climate talks in Lima,
which finished well into extra time last weekend, produced a deal which
has been dismissed by green NGOs and climate activists as utterly
inadequate. Sam Smith, chief of climate policy for the World Wide Fund
for Nature (WWF), said: ‘The text went from weak to weaker to weakest
and it’s very weak indeed.’
Pretty much all the big issues have been kicked down the road to the
climate talks in Paris next year, when a new, binding global deal is
supposed to be finalised. However, the outcome in Paris is likely to be,
essentially, a list of countries with voluntary promises to reduce
emissions and a fund for climate-change adaptation in the developing
world which falls far below the demands of poorer countries. As one
environment reporter, the Guardian‘s John Vidal, concluded: ‘Countries
may technically still be on track to negotiate a final agreement in
Paris next year, but the gaps between them are growing rather than
closing and the stakes are getting higher every month.’
But greens should actually be quite pleased about the deal. That’s
because the narrative of catastrophic climate change, and the general
agreement that a global agreement is needed to tackle it, has survived.
The politics of climate change provides a way of allowing Western
leaders to display their moral credentials on the world stage - a much
needed sense of purpose at a time when politicians are held in low
regard back home.
Given the uncertainties in the science, the economic problems in the
developed world and the fundamental difference in material interests
between the developed world (which can afford to push for emissions
reductions) and fast-developing countries like China and India (which
need to expand their energy use to drag their people out of poverty),
keeping the show on the road has become more important than cutting a
single tonne of CO2.
Barring a complete failure of diplomacy, a deal will be struck in Paris
next year. It will almost certainly be a fairly meaningless one, even
more practically useless than the Kyoto Protocol, which did little or
nothing to reduce emissions, let alone temperatures. A new deadline will
be agreed, more summits will be held, and the bandwagon will just keep
rolling on. Genuine agreement is irrelevant – the process is everything.
Hot 2014 Doesn’t Prove Manmade Global Warming Hysteria Right
The data may show Earth experienced its hottest year on record in 2014,
but that would not be proof humans are causing global warming. It
wouldn’t even prove the year was the hottest on record, or even
particularly hot.
As early as September, global warming alarmists were claiming 2014 would set the record for highest average global temperature.
While cities and regions in the United States have been breaking record
after record for cold temperatures and snowfall, most of the rest of the
globe, including the oceans that make up most of Earth’s surface, has
been warmer than average. Looking only at the badly flawed land-based
temperature measurements, 2014 may be the “hottest year on record.”
But it may not be, since much more accurate satellite temperature
measurements indicate 2014 will be a year with only slightly above
average temperatures at best.
Assuming for the sake of argument the satellite measurements are wrong,
record high temperatures in 2014 would be consistent with climate
models, but any good scientist will point out a single record-setting
year, just as a single climate catastrophe like a bad hurricane or an
anomalous drought, cannot be definitively linked to human activities.
Indeed, when climate realists like myself point out the fact that Earth
experienced below-average temperatures during the 1940s through the
1970s, alarmists regularly respond, “two or three decades is too short a
time to make general claims about climate.” If three decades of records
is too short a time period to leap to conclusions about human-caused
climate change, a single year, even a record-setting year, provides far
too little data to come to any firm conclusions.
To believe humans are causing global warming, one must blindly embrace
admittedly incomplete climate models to the exclusion of all evidence to
the contrary.
Climate model temperature projections have consistently been much higher
than actual temperatures, and each year the gap between model
temperature predictions and actual measured temperatures grows. In
addition, whereas climate models have projected steadily rising
temperatures over the past two decades, global temperatures have in fact
stagnated for 18 years despite a significant increase in greenhouse
Some climate scientists, citing the models, claim we should be
experiencing more severe hurricanes, but only one of the top ten
deadliest hurricanes in U.S. history has occurred since 1957, with eight
of the ten deadliest hurricanes having hit the United States before
1935. In fact, although greenhouse gas levels have risen dramatically
since the 1950s, the average number of hurricanes and the number of
strong hurricanes have declined substantially.
Biologists have predicted species will go extinct due to human-induced
global warming, yet they can’t point to a single species that has. The
iconic polar bear, the poster child for species endangered by a warming
planet, is thriving. At more than 25,000 bears, the polar bear
population increased substantially during the warming of the past
half-century. In fact, polar bears numbers are growing in regions of
their habitat experiencing higher-than-normal temperatures and
lower-than-average sea ice thickness and extent.
Speaking of sea ice, the Arctic experienced dramatic declines in sea ice
over the past decade, declines projected by climate models. In the past
couple of years, however, Arctic ice has recovered to its average
levels for the past decade; the decline has frozen (pardon the pun), as
have global temperatures.
In addition, contrary to model projections, Antarctic sea ice has been
growing to record levels year after year, setting new records multiple
times in 2014 alone. Even climate modelers admit they can’t explain why
Antarctica has been growing. Once again, the facts confound the models.
Climate models indicate global warming should be causing more and
more-prolonged droughts and increased episodes of extreme rainfall, yet
studies show recent droughts fall well within the historical average for
frequency, length, and severity, and frequency of flooding events has
not increased.
Despite the reported recent warming, deaths related to temperatures or
extreme weather events have declined dramatically during the past
century, a trend that shows no indication of abating.
The real bugaboo raised by environmental radicals is that sea levels are
rising and will rise even more dramatically if global warming is not
halted or at least slowed. Sea levels are rising, as they always do
between ice ages, but the current rate of rise is well below the average
for the past 18,000 years. The rate of rise has not increased over the
past two centuries, and a recent study found the rate of sea-level rise
has slowed 31 percent since 2002, and by 44 percent since 2004. At this
pace, scientists expect sea-level rise of less than seven inches per
Whereas none of the climate disaster scenarios spun out by environmental
alarmists and faithfully publicized by the mainstream media is being
borne out in reality, one significant climate benefit is proving true.
Globally, Earth is greening, as increased CO2 levels have proved to be a
powerful steroid enhancing plant growth. Farmland and farm yields are
both increasing.
How would climate alarmists have world leaders respond to all this good news? By killing fossil fuels.
As author Alex Epstein argues, instead of taking a safe climate and
making it dangerous through the use of fossil fuels, we have been
transforming a dangerous climate into a safer, more manageable one for
human flourishing. This has particular benefits for people in developing
countries, for whom additional fossil fuel energy is an economic
Humans have long fought a war with climate, and to the extent we’ve won,
it has been through the use of technology, most recently including
fossil fuels. I say let’s keep taking the battle to the climate on
behalf of the millions of people still living in poverty.
Things to remember in January
The Lima Climate Change Conference hosted by the power-hungry United
Nations came to a close Sunday, but not before burning through a
whopping 50,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide, the organization’s
dirtiest carbon footprint to date. The dismissal capped a two-week
ordeal that laid the groundwork for a pivotal meeting in Paris late next
year, where delegates from across the globe will attempt to hash out a
universal blockbuster deal targeting fossil fuels. That event, dubbed
COP21, will mark the 21st anniversary of the Conference of the Parties –
ironically a few short years older than the global warming hiatus that
alarmists have swept under the rug.
The UN assembly preceded what is expected to be a major announcement
next month by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA). Should current trends continue, that announcement will
effectively crank up the alarm dial right when ecofascists need it most.
What is this big news, you ask? Pending the outcome of December’s
temperature anomaly, alarmists are drooling over the likelihood of 2014
going down as the world’s “hottest” year yet, providing a nice garnish
to policymakers' narrative going into next year’s symposium.
According to NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, “The first 11 months
of 2014 was the warmest such period on record, with a combined global
land and ocean average surface temperature of 1.22°F (0.68°C) above the
20th century average of 57.0°F (13.9°C), surpassing the previous record
set in 2010 by 0.02°F (0.01°C). The margin of error is ±0.18°F (0.10°C).
2014 is currently on track to be the warmest year on record if the
December global temperature is at least 0.76°F (0.42°C) above its 20th
century average.”
Aside from the obvious disclaimer – the sample size is puny given our
relatively brief history of record keeping – there are two important
questions that arise. First, is NOAA’s assertion correct? Second, if so,
doesn’t that stand in stark contrast to some of the other claims
floating around the conservative world?
To answer the first question, we must first determine what methods NOAA
uses to compile data. The agency uses two tools: The Global Historical
Climatology Network (GHCN-Monthly), defined as a “data base [that]
contains historical temperature, precipitation, and pressure data for
thousands of land stations worldwide,” and The Extended Reconstructed
Sea Surface Temperature (ERSST), “a global monthly sea surface
temperature analysis derived from the International Comprehensive
Ocean-Atmosphere Dataset with missing data filled in by statistical
Simply stated, the government’s standard heavily relies on land-based
instruments that are vulnerable to discrepancies, the most axiomatic of
which is the heat island effect among metroplexes. Consequently, those
measurements are skewed. And even if they weren’t, NOAA’s report cannot
be considered complete. Case in point: The year-to-date temperature
departure graph included in the research depicts globs of red ink (heat)
intermingled with considerably less blue (cold), but there’s another
color that takes up a lot of real estate – gray – which represents the
areas that did not have data and were therefore excluded. That would
include all of Antarctica and a large portion of the North Pole.
Apparently, publishing a report that omits data from the coldest places
on earth – and, importantly, areas where ice is rapidly expanding and
rebounding – doesn’t warrant a giant asterisk.
Back to the original question, determining if NOAA is right depends on
how you construe data – or, in this case, refuse to consider it. And
obfuscating your findings is generally not a good way to build trust.
Moreover, this malfeasance extends to the manipulation of pre-satellite
records to fit the narrative. WeatherBell Analytics meteorologist Joe
Bastardi wrote in an email to The Patriot Post, “The current methods
[used by NOAA] involve ‘normalizing’ temperatures in the pre-satellite
era, in many cases cooling previous warm periods, making today look
And here we thought science was “settled.”
The government does not use one method considered superior by many, and
it tells a different story. Remote System Satellite (RSS) measurements
reveal that this year doesn’t even rank among the top five warmest. The
Daily Caller’s Michael Bastasch says, “2014 is nowhere near the warmest
year on record, so far only ranking as the seventh warmest on record.”
That’s important because WeatherBell’s Bastardi considers satellite
measurements the most objective way to accurately record global
temperatures. Added Bastardi: “[W]hat we can know is what we see today –
and that is the leveling off and eventual downturn in global
temperatures as measured objectively. This eliminates any of the ‘fox
guarding the henhouse’ arguments, as many people on my side of the
argument believe is going on here.”
As for the global warming pause, that was also discovered via RSS. No
wonder policymakers discard it too – objectivity has no place among
ideologically driven political leaders. Is it really any wonder what the
United Nations would have to say about RSS measurements if its findings
happened to fit the narrative?
During the Lima Climate Change Conference, Bolivian President Evo
Morales delivered an accurate description of the UN’s core motivating
philosophy. “The deep causes of global warming,” he complained, “are not
being dealt with here. The origin of global warming lies in capitalism.
If we could end capitalism then we would have a solution.” His honesty
is somewhat refreshing, if disconcerting all the same.
This war that’s being orchestrated by alarmists is not against
fossil-fuel-emitting power plants, the greenhouse gas effect or rising
sea levels; it’s against the free-market enterprise that springs from
the foundation of Liberty. The ones who declare the debate over because
Science™ says so are the same ones trashing other reputable scientific
findings for their own political gain. Remember that in January when
they claim, falsely, that 2014 was “the hottest year ever.”
Forget your gas cooker – we’re headed for 'zero carbon’ Britain
How many people realise what the government is up to with its energy policy, asks Christopher Booker
As we look back over the past 12 months and forward to the next, I
regret that there is one story I reported two months ago to which I
didn’t begin to do justice. It’s one that, when the penny finally drops,
will be blazoned in shocked headlines across every newspaper in the
land. How many people realise that, within a few years, our government
is planning to phase out all use of gas for cooking or heating our
We shall be forced to rely for this and much else, including powering
our cars, on a vastly expanded electricity supply, generated almost
entirely by tens of thousands of hopelessly inefficient windmills; by
new nuclear power stations we are unlikely to see built; and by power
stations fitted with a technology that does not yet exist, and is
unlikely ever to work.
Forget last week’s reports that, by 2020, our energy bills are likely to
rise by another £250 a year. The far bigger story is hidden away in a
244-page report in which the Department of Energy and Climate Change
(Decc) sets out how it hopes to meet our legal commitment under the
Climate Change Act to cut Britain’s emissions of CO2 by four fifths
within 35 years.
Decc’s “2050 Pathways Analysis” envisages a future in which, within five
years, we shall be embarking on a wholesale switch away from gas and
other fossil fuels to electricity. Out will go all cooking and heating
by gas, and using petrol or diesel to power our transport. Instead Decc
hopes that, by the 2040s, we will have more than doubled our electricity
supply, by building up to 40,000 offshore and up to 20,000 land-based
wind turbines; having a new fleet of “zero carbon” nuclear reactors; and
only allowing gas or coal-fired power stations if they are fitted with
“carbon capture and storage” (CCS), to bury their CO2 in holes in the
As a telling passage in Decc’s report frankly puts it: “Demand for
electricity would double by 2050, as a result of electrification of much
of industry, heating and transport. Decarbonisation would mean that all
of the UK’s electricity would come from low-carbon sources by the
2040s, making significant use of the UK’s wind resource”. It further
assumes that we can build a “new nuclear plant at a rate of 1.2
gigawatts a year”, and that CCS can be “rolled out at a rate of 1.5GW a
year after 2030”.
Apart from the prospect that millions of us will have to ditch our gas
cookers and central-heating systems and buy electric cars, none of these
idle dreams can be successfully realised. When we have so far only
built 5,500 giant wind turbines, there is no way we can build another
55,000 by 2040, at an estimated cost of more than £500 billion.
When we are unlikely to get even one new nuclear plant within 10 years,
to produce just 3.2 GW of incredibly costly power at a cost of £24
billion, there is no chance we could build 20 or 30 more by 2040. It is
equally unthinkable that we could all be forced to switch to inefficient
and ludicrously expensive electric vehicles, or that CCS is any more
than another fantasy, when, even if it could be made to work on a
commercial scale, it would more than double the cost of its electricity.
Yet this is the nearest thing the Government has yet given us as to how
it hopes to meet our statutory target under the Climate Change Act. The
only real question is when people will cotton on to this, provoking such
disbelieving national outrage that the Act will have to be repealed –
and whether this happens before it does our country such damage that we
will be rapidly heading to join the Third World.
Will 2015 be the year when we finally wake up to the scale of the insanity that has possessed all those who rule over us?
Crooks & Corruption Rule: What is it with the Wind Industry?
Some comments from Australia
The wind industry seems to attract a particular class of bloke, in much
the same way that the Prohibition era drew lots of heavy-set Italians to
the Mob.
Maybe that seemingly endless stream of massive subsidies filched from
taxpayers and power consumers generates the same allure as festering
dung does for swarms of flies?
Whatever it is, the whiff that surrounds the wind industry has attracted
(and continues to attract) a class that has no hesitation lying,
cheating, stealing and even bonking their way to the easy loot on offer.
The Italian Mob were in on the wind power fraud from the get-go:
applying their considerable (and perfectly applicable) skills – leading
the European wind power fraud, with what economists call
“first-mover-advantage” (see our post here).
We’ve reported on just how rotten the wind industry is – from top to
bottom – and whether it’s bribery and fraud; vote rigging scandals; tax
fraud; investor fraud or REC fraud – wind weasels set a uniform standard
that would make most businessman blush.
The crooks involved – and the corruption, lies thuggery and deceit that follow them – are uniform across the globe.
Wind power outfits in Taiwan – faced with a pesky community backlash –
sent the muscle in and beat the protesters to a bloody pulp (see our
posts here and here).
The Thais aren’t much better.
In Australia, Thai outfit RATCH has been lying to, bullying and
threatening communities far and wide for years (see our posts here and
here and here).
In previous posts we’ve looked at how the goons that work for RATCH
didn’t hesitate to invent a character – Frank Bestic – in a half-cunning
attempt to infiltrate their opponents at Collector and elsewhere – see
our posts here and here and here.
RATCH also teamed up with one of Queensland’s “white-shoe-brigade“, John
Morris – in a joint plan to destroy the Atherton Tablelands by spearing
60 odd turbines into a patch of pristine wilderness on top of Mt
Emerald – a move, quite rightly, opposed by 92% of locals (see our post
Morris – a five-star resort owner who has generously wined, dined and
otherwise accommodated his mate, LNP pollie, David Kempton (who holds a
rabid interest in the project getting approved, despite the fact that
his own electorate is miles away) – has pulled out all stops to smooth
the way to development approval (see our post here).
Faced with the inevitable community backlash to yet another pointless
economic, environmental and public health disaster, the Queensland
Planning Minister, Jeff Seeney has called “time-out”; declining to
approve the project, as demanded by RATCH and Morris.
Morris – facing the uncharacteristic prospect of defeat – has turned to
bullying and threatening the Planning Minister to ensure a speedy
decision in his and RATCH’s favour: demanding that the Planning Minister
make a decision no later than tomorrow (ie 19 December 2014) (see this
RATCH and Morris have shown all the care and restraint we’ve come to
expect from the wind industry and its parasites: an “industry” that has
absolutely no interest in producing meaningful power or “saving” the
planet. Take away the promise of $50 billion in subsidies from the REC
Tax on power consumers (see our post here) and this lot would will
disappear in a heartbeat (see our post here).
RATCH shares its Thai roots with another Thai wind power outfit that
owes its existence to the Thai Military Junta – “Wind Energy Holdings”.
Wind Energy Holdings has hit the news recently, as its hitherto-hot-shot
head, Nopporn Suppipat has been caught with his fingers in the till.
Having been caught – he’s acted with all the honour we’ve come to expect
from wind weasels, wherever they ply their trade: he’s bolted!
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
21 December, 2014
Climate skepticism is racist
The hysterical Naomi Klein says so. Too silly to be worth
fisking. A mountain of argument built entirely on false
premises. Some background on the brainless braying bimbo here. Her dream is to become a revolutionary leader ("Fuehrer" in German) and her rhetoric matches that
The annual United Nations climate summit is wrapping up in in Lima,
Peru, and on its penultimate day, something historic happened. No, not
the empty promises from powerful governments to finally get serious
about climate action—starting in 2020 or 2030 or any time other than
right now. The historic event was the decision of the climate-justice
movement to symbolically join the increasingly global #BlackLivesMatter
uprising, staging a “die-in” outside the convention center much like the
ones that have brought shopping malls and busy intersections to a
standstill, from the US to the UK.
“For us it is either death or climate justice,” said Gerry Arances,
national coordinator for the Philippine Movement for Climate Justice.
What does #BlackLivesMatter, and the unshakable moral principle that it
represents, have to do with climate change? Everything. Because we can
be quite sure that if wealthy white Americans had been the ones left
without food and water for days in a giant sports stadium after
Hurricane Katrina, even George W. Bush would have gotten serious about
climate change. Similarly, if Australia were at risk of disappearing,
and not large parts of Bangladesh, Prime Minister Tony Abbott would be a
lot less likely to publicly celebrate the burning of coal as “good for
humanity,” as he did on the occasion of the opening of a vast new coal
mine. And if my own city of Toronto were being battered, year after
year, by historic typhoons demanding mass evacuations, and not Tacloban
in the Philippines, we can also be sure that Canada would not have made
building tar sands pipelines the centerpiece of its foreign policy.
The reality of an economic order built on white supremacy is the
whispered subtext of our entire response to the climate crisis, and it
badly needs to be dragged into the light. I recently had occasion to
meet a leading Belgian meteorologist who makes a point of speaking about
climate change in her weather reports. But, she told me, her viewers
remain unmoved. “People here think that with global warming, the weather
in Brussels will be more like Bordeaux—and they are happy about that.”
On one level, that’s understandable, particularly as temperatures drop
in northern countries. But global warming won’t just make Brussels more
like Bordeaux, it will make Haiti more like Hades. And it’s not possible
to be cheerful about the former without, at the very least, being
actively indifferent to the latter.
The grossly unequal distribution of climate impacts is not some
little-understood consequence of the failure to control carbon
emissions. It is the result of a series of policy decisions the
governments of wealthy countries have made—and continue to make—with
full knowledge of the facts and in the face of strenuous objections.
I vividly remember the moment when the racism barely under the surface
of international climate talks burst onto the world stage. It was
exactly five years ago this week, on the second day of the now-infamous
United Nations climate summit in Copenhagen. Up until that point, the
conference had been a stultifying affair, with the fates of nations
discussed in the bloodless jargon of climate “adaptation and
mitigation.” All of that changed when a document was leaked showing that
governments were on the verge of setting a target that would cap the
global temperature rise at 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit,
more than double the amount of warming experienced so far). This was
defined as a strategy for averting “dangerous” levels of warming.
But the temperature target—pushed by wealthy nations in Europe and North
America—would likely not be enough to save some low-lying small island
states from annihilation. And in Africa, where drought linked to climate
change was at that time menacing many lives in the eastern part of the
continent, the target would translate into a full-scale humanitarian
disaster. Clearly the definition of “dangerous” climate change had more
than a little to do with the wildly unequal ways in which human lives
are counted.
But African delegates weren’t standing for it. When the text was leaked,
the dull UN bureaucracy suddenly fell away and the sterile hallways of
the conference centre came alive with shouts of, “We Will Not Die
Quietly” and “2 Degrees is Suicide.” The paltry sums rich countries had
pledged for climate financing were angrily dismissed as “not enough to
buy us coffins.” Black lives matter, these delegates were saying—even if
this corrupted forum was behaving as if that was far from the case.
The highly racialized discounting of certain lives does not just play
out between countries but also, unfailingly, within them—perhaps most
dramatically within the United States. I was reminded of this while
reading about Akai Gurley, the unarmed 28-year-old black man who was
“accidentally” shot and killed last month in the dark stairwell of a
Brooklyn housing project. Like the dilapidated elevator, the lighting
system in the building had been left unrepaired, despite complaints. And
when that neglect of a public institution that disproportionately
serves African-Americans intersected with armed fear of black men, the
result was lethal.
More twaddle
Hotter days in US mean less cold cash
The main data behind this assertion is that the American South is
poorer than the North. Attributing that to the warmer Southern
climate is brainless. Has anybody ever heard of history and the
attack on the South both during and after the uncivil war? There
are many reasons why the South today might be poorer than the
North. Attributing it to climate is pure dogmatism
Hotter days mean less cold cash for Americans, according to a new study matching 40 years of temperatures to economics.
Days that averaged about 77 degrees ended up reducing people's income by
about $5 a day when compared with days that were about 20 degrees
cooler. A county's average economic productivity decreases by nearly 1
percent for every degree Fahrenheit that the average daily temperature
is above 59, says a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper
released Monday.
And, the study's authors predict, if the world continues on its current
path of greenhouse gas emissions, even warmer temperatures later this
century will squeeze the U.S. economy by tens of billions of dollars
each year.
This is not from storms, drought or other weather disasters - just the sweat of daily heat.
The paper by a pair of economists at the University of Illinois and
University of California, Berkeley, has not yet been peer-reviewed but
is part of work done for the nonpartisan economics research center that
is widely cited for determining when the country is in and out of
recessions. In comments from other researchers, the new study was
criticized for its methods and conclusions by some economists and policy
experts but praised by others as groundbreaking.
The study tries to find common ground between the hard physical science
of meteorology and the softer science of economics. In doing so, the
researchers used new complex statistical techniques crunching more than
76,000 data points, including daily temperatures and yearly economic
data in counties across America, said co-author Solomon Hsiang of the
University of California, Berkeley.
The numbers were clear, the researchers said.
"Hot temperatures are very bad for the economy," said study co-author
Tatyana Deryugina, a professor of finance at the University of Illinois.
This has been seen in other studies in hotter, less developed areas such
as India. But scientists and economists often assumed it wouldn't be
the case for richer countries with air conditioning, like the United
States, said Hsiang, who teaches public policy. But America's economy
doesn't adapt as experts thought, said Hsiang, who examined all U.S.
counties' daily temperature and yearly economic data going back to 1970.
Hsiang said the "sweet spot" where productivity is maximized - a daily
average temperature between 54 and 59 degrees - at first seemed cooler
than expected, but that's an average 24-hour temperature. Daily highs
can be 11 degrees warmer and lows 11 degrees cooler. So these are days
when the afternoon is around 70.
While most people work indoors in climate-controlled settings they still
go outside a lot, and hot weather elevates body temperature for a
while, affecting how people work, Hsiang said.
"These are little things that add up," Hsiang said. "It's not like a
hurricane. ... This is more like a story of deaths by a thousand cuts."
Carnegie Institute scientist Chris Field, who heads a United Nations
climate change science panel that looks at the effects of global
warming, praised the study as "creative and powerful."
"It may take some time for the community to reflect on the methods to
decide if they are as effective as they seem, but my first impression is
that this study provides unique insights into the big-picture
consequences of temperature variation for income," Field said.
University of Sussex economist Richard Tol criticized the study, saying
that people tend to work harder and make up productivity losses in
following days. He said not taking this into account makes the authors
overestimate the heat effects.
But if the losses were made up within days, the way the economic data is
annualized, the study authors wouldn't have noticed any difference
because they would have equaled out, Hsiang said. Further, he said, more
analysis showed that there was a "make up" effect but it was in the
year after a hot year and only accounted for half the losses.
Doug Handler, chief North American economist of IHS Economics, said it
is hard enough to measure economic productivity accurately on annual
basis, let alone come up with precise daily numbers that correlate to
temperatures. He said, "the margin of error in the published statistics
is too great to allow for a believable micro-assessment of this type."
John Sterman, a management professor at Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, and John Reilly, an energy economist who heads MIT's Joint
Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, both said the
paper's analysis made sense to them. Reilly said other economists will
want to test and evaluate the data themselves.
The study uses 44 climate computer simulations to project temperatures
near the end of the century rising by about 9 degrees on average. That,
it says, will reduce the nation's economic growth by 0.12 percentage
points a year. Reilly said that may sound small, but it is trillions of
dollars over a century.
97 Articles Refuting The "97% Consensus"
The 97% "consensus" study, Cook et al. (2013) has been thoroughly
refuted in scholarly peer-reviewed journals, by major news media, public
policy organizations and think tanks, highly credentialed scientists
and extensively in the climate blogosphere. The shoddy methodology of
Cook's study has been shown to be so fatally flawed that well known
climate scientists have publicly spoken out against it,
"The '97% consensus' article is poorly conceived,
poorly designed and poorly executed. It obscures the complexities of the
climate issue and it is a sign of the desperately poor level of public
and policy debate in this country [UK] that the energy minister should
cite it."
- Mike Hulme, Ph.D. Professor of Climate Change, University of East Anglia (UEA)
The following is a list of 97 articles that refute Cook's (poorly
conceived, poorly designed and poorly executed) 97% "consensus" study.
The fact that anyone continues to bring up such soundly debunked
nonsense like Cook's study is an embarrassment to science.
[ Journal Coverage ]
Energy Policy - Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the literature: A re-analysis (October 2014)
Energy Policy - Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the literature: Rejoinder (October 2014)
Science & Education - Climate Consensus and 'Misinformation': A
Rejoinder to Agnotology, Scientific Consensus, and the Teaching and
Learning of Climate Change (August 2013)
[ Media Coverage ]
American Thinker - Climate Consensus Con Game (February 17, 2014)
Breitbart - Obama's '97 Percent' Climate Consensus: Debunked, Demolished, Staked through the heart (September 8, 2014)
Canada Free Press - Sorry, global warmists: The '97 percent consensus' is complete fiction (May 27, 2014)
Financial Post - Meaningless consensus on climate change (September 19, 2013)
Financial Post - The 97%: No you don't have a climate consensus (September 25, 2013)
Forbes - Global Warming Alarmists Caught Doctoring '97-Percent Consensus' Claims (May 30, 2013)
Fox News - Balance is not bias -- Fox News critics mislead public on climate change (October 16, 2013)
Herald Sun - That 97 per cent claim: four problems with Cook and Obama (May 22, 2013)
Power Line - Breaking: The "97 Percent Climate Consensus" Canard (May 18, 2014)
Spiked - Global warming: the 97% fallacy (May 28, 2014)
The Daily Caller - Where Did '97 Percent' Global Warming Consensus Figure Come From? (May 16, 2014)
The Daily Telegraph - 97 per cent of climate activists in the pay of Big Oil shock! (July 23, 2013)
The Guardian - The claim of a 97% consensus on global warming does not stand up (June 6, 2014)
The New American - Global Warming "Consensus": Cooking the Books (May 21, 2013)
The New American - Cooking Climate Consensus Data: "97% of Scientists Affirm AGW" Debunked (June 5, 2013)
The New American - Climategate 3.0: Blogger Threatened for Exposing 97% "Consensus" Fraud (May 20, 2014)
The Patriot Post - The 97% Consensus -- A Lie of Epic Proportions (May 17, 2013)
The Patriot Post - Debunking the '97% Consensus' & Why Global Cooling May Loom (August 7, 2014)
The Press-Enterprise - Don't be swayed by climate change ‘consensus' (September 10, 2013)
The Tampa Tribune - About that '97 percent': It ain’t necessarily so (May 19, 2014)
The Wall Street Journal - The Myth of the Climate Change '97%' (May 26, 2014)
Troy Media - Bandwagon psychology root of 97 per cent climate change "consensus" (February 18, 2014)
WND - Black Jesus' Climate Consensus Fantasy (June 25, 2013)
Much more
HERE (See the original for links)
Sierra Club’s most deceptive videos ever made on Fracking
The Sierra Club was founded in the hope that preserving the natural
environment could coexist with the responsible development of the
natural resources our society relies on everyday. However, despite the
intentions of the groups founders, the Sierra Club has turned into an
environmental activist group that is less concerned with conservation
efforts than they are with promoting their agenda. This fact is made
readily apparent by the recent video “Fracking 101? released by the
organization, which by many accounts is one of the most deceptive videos
ever made on the topic.
Heartland Institute Research Fellow Isaac Orr and Jessica Sena debunk
the claims made by this video in a 30 minute podcast. Among the
inaccurate claims debunked are: the world is running out of fossil
fuels, fracking is more dangerous than traditional oil and natural gas
production, hydraulic fracturing creates more greenhouse gasses than
other forms of energy, fracking will contaminate our water, and that the
world could be powered on 100 percent renewable energy.
Community Defenders Drop MET Mast to stop windmill building
The MET masts used by developers to gauge wind speeds are the vanguard
for every wind farm disaster: no MET mast data, no wind farm. As soon as
they go up, the locals circle their wagons, marshal their forces and
declare war on the developer. No surprises there.
With the wind industry on the ropes in Australia, developers are quietly
pulling down their MET masts at places like Robertstown in South
Australia – much to the delight of locals (see our post here).
Wherever MET masts get the chop, the locals breathe a sigh of relief as
it signals the developer’s defeat and a victory for a community under
But there are a growing number of cases where locals haven’t been
prepared to wait for the developer to remove their masts on the grounds
of defeat.
In a “we’ll never surrender” move, farmers from Maine have joined
efforts elsewhere to hit wind power outfits where it hurts – grabbing
their weapons of choice (a selection of spanners) in order to help a
local MET mast rest safely on the ground.
Here’s a story from Bangor, Maine of a community taking its future out
of the hands of a bent planning system that decided to change the rules
in favour of a lying, cheating wind farm developer – AFTER a court
scotched the development.
CLIFTON, Maine — Paul Fuller of Bangor and his business partner Mike
Smith went to Pisgah Mountain on Sunday to cut down Christmas trees to
decorate their homes for the holidays and discovered a meteorological
tower on the hilltop Fuller owns had collapsed.
“The nuts and bolts from one [support] cable had been removed on one
side and dropped it,” Fuller said Monday, after filing a report with
Maine State Police Trooper Tucker Bonnevie.
“It’s a $30,000 piece of equipment that is destroyed,” said Fuller, who
believes the slender 196-foot tall metal structure was downed as an act
of vandalism.
Bonnevie said Tuesday that the tower had fallen, but “there’s no evidence at this time that any crime was committed.”
“We don’t know for sure that it’s vandalism,” Bonnevie said. “We don’t
know if [the bolts] just gave way or somebody actually loosened them.”
Just one of around a dozen wires securing the tower came down, the trooper said.
Fuller and his wife in 2009 purchased 270 acres on Pisgah Mountain,
which is located just south of Rebel Hill Road, and shortly thereafter
approached the Clifton Planning Board about placing the meteorological
tower on the hilltop to collect data about wind currents.
Fuller said the tower’s data demonstrated that there is plenty of wind
to operate a wind farm, and in 2010 he submitted a five-turbine plan
with the town.
The $25 million wind farm project was originally permitted in Oct. 2011,
but local farmers Peter and Julie Beckford appealed the project’s
permit and in December 2013 a Superior Court judge said the land use
code was not followed.
The Pisgah Mountain developers filed an appeal in January to the state’s highest court to overturn the judge’s decision.
International Emissions Idiocy
By Alan Caruba
Most of the people of the world have concluded that the decades of
warnings about “global warming” and its successor, “climate change”, is
just idiotic nonsense. Few believe that humans ever had or ever will
have any role in what the weather will be tomorrow or a thousand years
from now. They are right.
One of the most distinguishing factors about the Anthropogenic Global
Warming theory has been the way its advocates have always predicted
major changes decades into the future. When the future arrived, as it
has since the first doomsday predictions were made in the late 1980s,
they simply push off the next arrival date for another couple of
decades. A classic example is the prediction that that Arctic and
Antarctic sea ice would have all melted by now. Instead the global cold
weather have been making new records of late.
Delegates from two hundred nations attended the 20th session of the
Conference of the Parties and the 10th session of the Conference of the
Parties to the Kyoto Protocol which took place from December 1 through
12. COP 20/CMP 10 was hosted by the Government of Peru in Lima. The
event is part of the United Nations agenda that began with the creation
of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988.
The Kyoto Protocol dates back to 1997 and sets limits on how much
“greenhouse gas” emissions, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), nations
could permit. The theory, now long since debunked, that CO2 was rising
and would cause the Earth to warm too much was right in only one
respect. There is more CO2, but the Earth has been in a cooling cycle
for some 19 years at this point. The U.S. did not ratify, i.e. sign onto
the Protocol. The Senate unanimously rejected it. Canada later withdrew
from it. China and India were both exempted from it!
So what we have been witnessing have been a bunch of international
officials wrangling over something that did not happen and will not
The hard core “Warmists” wanted the climate change agreement to be
legally binding under international law. They were led by those from the
European Union. They and others wanted more money to be spent on
renewable energy, wind and solar, and money given to poor countries to
help them deal with climate change.
The COP20 conference was not about the climate. It was about funding
wind and solar energy projects that have proven globally to be huge,
expensive failures, and about providing money to poor countries that, as
often as not, are poor because they are poorly governed. It’s a scheme
based on totally false “science.”
As to the “science” proclaiming a warming Earth and that “greenhouse gas
emissions” are responsible, the easiest and most entertaining way to
learn the real science is to read Anthony Bright-Paul’s new book,
“Climate for the Layman.”
Bright applies the known knowledge of the universe in which we live with
the kind of logic you are not likely to hear from the likes of Al Gore
or Bill Nye the “science guy.” Add to them the blissfully ignorant
legions of “leaders” of various nations who have signed off on “global
warming” without a lick of knowledge with which to refute the lies and
you get idiotic conferences and demands to end the beneficial use of
fossil fuels which improved our lives long before and since the IPCC was
“So how does one measure the temperature of something that has a
multiplicity of temperatures and is constantly on the move?” asks
Bright. “It is clearly impossible.” How difficult is that to
“In my dictionary,” says Bright, “’Global’ is defined as ‘worldwide’. So
let us ask ourselves the question—has there been a worldwide warming of
0.07 degrees Celsius? Has there been a uniform increase in temperatures
worldwide? The answer is simple. It is utterly impossible to make such
declaration”, adding that “It is completely impossible to measure the
temperature of the atmosphere which is 100 kilometers high and which has
a huge range of temperatures in a continuous state of flux.”
If it cannot be measured then years from now the climate cannot be
predicted. The weather—what is happening where you live—can only be
predicted in general terms for the next few days and that is largely
thanks to modern satellites. Moreover, the weather is never exactly the
same from day to day. Meteorologists focus on what’s happening now, but
climatologists measure the climate in units of decades, the smallest of
which is thirty years. The largest take in millions of years.
Carbon dioxide is such a minor “trace” gas—0.04% of the Earth’s
atmosphere--that most people are astonished to learn that it is Nitrogen
and Oxygen that make up 99% of the atmosphere. Both are transparent to
incoming and outgoing radiation. It is the Earth that acts as a
conductor of heat, affected as always by solar radiation. It is the Sun
along with the actions of the oceans and volcanic activity that
determines the weather and, long term, the climate.
Virtually everything you have heard or been told about “greenhouse gas emissions” is pure bunkum.
The Earth is not a greenhouse closed in by heat trapping gases. It is
the mass of the Earth that absorbs the Sun’s radiation and reflects it
into the atmosphere. The process is so dynamic that there is no way to
accurately predict what the temperature anywhere on any day.
The IPCC and its idiotic “climate change” conference wants you to
believe it can predict the climate of the entire world! And control it.
Not a single dime of U.S. taxpayer’s money should be devoted to either
the U.N. or any bogus “global warming” claims. We could begin by
defunding the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations to limit
“greenhouse gas emissions”, the reason they give for closing coal-fired
plants to produce electricity.
We should laugh Secretary of State John Kerry off the stage every time
in claims that climate change is the greatest threat to life on Earth.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
19 December, 2014
More unsettled science: It's squirrels and beavers who are causing global warming
Strange that there hasn't been any for a long time, though
Rodents such as squirrels and beavers are contributing far more to
global warming than previously thought, forcing climate scientists to
alter the models they use to chart how the world is warming up.
Arctic ground squirrels churn up and warm soil in the Tundra, releasing
carbon dioxide, while methane released by beavers contributes 200 times
more methane than they did 100 years ago, according to scientists from
the American Geophysical Union.
Faeces and urine produced by rodents are speeding up the release of
carbon from the permafrost, the vast store of greenhouses spanning the
Arctic Circle, researchers found.
Dr Sue Natali, from the AGU, said "We know wildlife impacts vegetation, and we know vegetation impacts thaw and soil carbon.
"It certainly has a bigger impact than we've considered and it's
something we will be considering more and more going into the future."
Dr Natali added: "Carbon has been accumulating in permafrost for tens of
thousands of years. The temperature is very cold, the soils are
saturated, so that when plants and animals die, rather than decompose,
the carbon has been slowly, slowly building up.
"Right now the carbon storage is about 1,500 billion tonnes. To put that
in perspective, that's about twice as much as is contained in the
As part of the Polaris Project, Dr Natali, from Woods Hole Research
Center in Massachusetts, and Nigel Golden, from the University of
Wisconsin travelled to Siberia to study the underground burrows of
arctic squirrels.
The team found that this activity meant that the burrows were warmer
than the surrounding ground, while nitrogen that the squirrels were
adding to the ground through their waste was also having an impact.
Beavers, meanwhile, have dammed up more than 16,200 square miles of
ponds. A separate paper, published in the journal AMBIO, found that
beavers are responsible for releasing around 881,000 tons of methane
into the atmosphere each year, much more than cud-chewing animals such
as deer or antelope.
It means scientists will in the future have to alter their theories
around anthropogenic, or man-made, climate change to take account of
'rodentopogenic' influences, scientists told Mail Online.
Leftist hack Dana Milbank finally deigns to listen to some skeptics
He wrote the following in the Washington Post:
For years, the fossil-fuel industries have been telling us that global warming is a hoax based on junk science.
But now these industries are floating an intriguing new argument:
They’re admitting that human use of coal, oil and gas is causing carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere to rise — but they’re saying this is a good
thing. We need more CO2 in our lives, not less.
“CO2 is basically plant food, and the more CO2 in the environment the
better plants do,” proclaimed Roger Bezdek, a consultant to energy
companies, at an event hosted Monday by the United States Energy
Association, an industry trade group.
The session, at the Ronald Reagan Building in downtown Washington, was
devoted to demonstrating that “CO2 benefits clearly outweigh any
hypothesized costs.” And though Bezdek is an economist, not a scientist,
he played one on Monday — showing a PowerPoint presentation that
documented a tree growing faster when exposed to more carbon dioxide.
“CO2 increases over the past several decades have increased global
greening by about 11 percent,” the consultant said. Higher carbon levels
in the atmosphere will boost worldwide agricultural productivity by $10
trillion over the next 35 years, he added.
And this doesn’t include the indirect benefits of good-ol’ CO2. “Over
the past two centuries, global life expectancy has more than doubled,
population has increased eightfold, incomes have increased 11-fold. At
the same time, CO2 concentrations increased from 320 ppm to about 400
ppm,” Bezdek said, using the abbreviation for parts per million. The
benefits of CO2, he said, exceed its costs by ratios of between 100-1
and 900-1. A chart helpfully illustrated this “Close Link Between CO2
& GDP.”
I’m neither a scientist nor an economist, but I’ve heard that
correlation is not the same as causation. I pointed out to Bezdek that
increasing energy use fueled the economic growth, and CO2 was just a
byproduct. So wouldn’t it make more sense to use cleaner energy?
“Fossil fuels will continue to provide 75, 80, 85 percent of the world’s
energy for at least the next four or five decades,” he asserted. And
even if we could reduce CO2, we shouldn’t. “If these benefits are real —
and there have been five decades and thousands of studies and major
conferences that pretty much have proven they are — then maybe we
shouldn’t be too eager to get rid of CO2 in the atmosphere.”
This was some creative thinking, and it took a page from the gun lobby,
which argues that the way to curb firearm violence is for more people to
be armed.
Another questioner at the event asked Bezdek if he had considered ocean
acidification, the release of methane gases, pollution and other side
effects of rising CO2. This did not trouble him. “As you develop and you
become wealthier,” he explained, “you have the wealth to clean up the
mess.” He went on to point out that “35,000 people every year in the
United States die in automobile accidents, but the solution is not to
ban automobiles. You try to make them safer.”
And the solution to climate change is not to ban energy but to make it cleaner.
The U.S. Energy Association membership comes from various sectors but
includes big petroleum companies and utilities. Bezdek seemed to have a
special place in his heart for coal, “the major world energy source of
the past, present and future .?.?. lifting hundreds of millions of
people out of poverty.”
The presentation began as a standard recitation of the climate-change
denial position, that “there’s been no global warming for almost two
decades” and that forecasts are “based on flawed science.”
But then Bezdek pivoted into a robust defense of carbon dioxide’s
benefits. “These days, CO2 seems to be blamed for everything,” he
lamented, but the much-maligned gas is what’s keeping the world from an
economic collapse so deep “you’d look upon North Korea as an economic
consumer’s paradise, literally.” He mocked European efforts to use
renewable fuels (“You can’t check your e-mail today because the wind
isn’t blowing”) and he said that in the United States, “inability to pay
utility bills is the second-leading cause of homelessness.”
Clearly, more CO2 would make us all breathe easier. “Controlled studies
indicated that twice today’s levels would be very good for agriculture,”
he said, “and below certain levels .?.?. plants wouldn’t grow and we
wouldn’t live.”
Luckily, we need not worry about that, because Bezdek is confident
fossil fuels will continue to prevail. In “2070 will we have a new and
different energy source?” he asked. “Maybe, but I wouldn’t hold my
Definitely don’t hold your breath, sir. We need all the CO2 we can get.
Craig Idso comments:
"It is a shame how these people operate. We all know they are the
real deniers, denying observations, the scientific method and truth as
they cling to their apocalyptic dogma. We need more stories and
visuals of the benefits of CO2 so the world can see for themselves in
simple terms the stupidity of people like Dana Milbank who suggest
fossil fuels/rising CO2 concentrations do not provide biospheric and
human benefits. Let's all promote the positives of CO2 and fossil
fuels more, especially since it riles them so much!"
Will Happer sent the following note to Roger Bezdek
"Dear Roger,
I am delighted that the Washington Post has finally run a story on the
benefits of CO2. Congratulations. For years Craig Idso and his
father Sherwood, and others have been pointing out that the benefits of
CO2 far outweigh any harm, but they have been unable to get coverage in
the Washington Post, the New York Times, etc. You
have. And by the standards of the global warming cult, you were
treated very sympathetically.
Remember comment by Shopenhauer: "All truth passes through three
states, first it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and
thirdly it is accepted as self-evident." The Washington Post article is
part of stage one. You should get ready for stage two, which will
include death threats. We are facing a really vicious and
powerful cult that will stop at nothing to protect its influence.
Sooner or later we will reach stage three."
Even Before Long Winter Begins, Energy Bills Send Shivers in New England
Courtesy of the Greenies
SALEM, N.H. — John York, who owns a small printing business here, nearly
fell out of his chair the other day when he opened his electric bill.
For October, he had paid $376. For November, with virtually no change in
his volume of work and without having turned up the thermostat in his
two-room shop, his bill came to $788, a staggering increase of 110
percent. “This is insane,” he said, shaking his head. “We can’t go on
like this.”
For months, utility companies across New England have been warning
customers to expect sharp price increases, for which the companies blame
the continuing shortage of pipeline capacity to bring natural gas to
the region.
Now that the higher bills are starting to arrive, many stunned customers
are finding the sticker shock much worse than they imagined. Mr. York
said he would have to reduce his hours, avoid hiring any new employees,
cut other expenses and ultimately pass the cost on to his customers.
Like turning back the clocks and putting on snow tires, bracing for high
energy bills has become an annual rite of the season in New England.
Because the region’s six states — Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont — have an integrated electrical
grid, they all share the misery.
These latest increases are salt in the wound. New England already pays
the highest electricity rates of any region in the 48 contiguous states
because it has no fossil fuels of its own and has to import all of its
oil, gas and coal. In September, residential customers in New England
paid an average retail price of 17.67 cents per kilowatt-hour; the
national average was 12.94 cents.
Beyond that, the increases confound common sense, given that global oil
prices have dropped to their lowest levels in years, and natural gas is
cheap and plentiful from the vast underground shale reserves in nearby
But the benefits are not being felt here. Connecticut’s rate of 19.74
cents per kilowatt-hour for September was the highest in the continental
United States and twice that of energy-rich states like West Virginia
and Louisiana. The lowest rate, 8.95 cents, was in Washington State,
where the Columbia River is the nation’s largest producer of hydropower.
For the coming winter, National Grid, the largest utility in
Massachusetts, expects prices to rise to 24.24 cents, a record high. The
average customer will pay $121.20 a month, a 37 percent increase from
$88.25 last winter.
The utilities argue that they are hamstrung unless they can increase the
pipeline capacity for natural gas, which powers more than half of New
England. That would not only lower costs for consumers, they say, but
also create thousands of construction jobs and millions of dollars in
tax revenue.
The region has five pipeline systems now. Seven new projects have been
proposed. But several of them — including a major gas pipeline through
western Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire, and a transmission
line in New Hampshire carrying hydropower from Quebec — have stalled
because of ferocious opposition.
The concerns go beyond fears about blighting the countryside and losing
property to eminent domain. Environmentalists say it makes no sense to
perpetuate the region’s dependence on fossil fuels while it is trying to
mitigate the effects of climate change, and many do not want to support
the gas-extraction process known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking,
that has made the cheap gas from Pennsylvania available.
Consumers have been left in the middle, as baffled as they are angry.
Utilities across the region are holding workshops and town meetings to
try to address their concerns and offer tips on energy conservation.
About 100 people showed up this month for a meeting at Salem High School
here that included a presentation by Liberty Utilities, the largest
natural gas distributor in New Hampshire.
John Shore, a company spokesman, told the audience that in times of peak
demand, the available natural gas went first to residential and
business customers. Some power plants that normally rely on gas then
turn to more expensive fuels like oil, although not all plants have the
ability to switch fuels. In some cases, electric generating plants go
offline, and more expensive generators are used to make up the capacity.
A year ago, the governors of the six New England states agreed to pursue
a coordinated regional strategy, including more pipelines and at least
one major transmission line for hydropower. The plan called for
electricity customers in all six states to subsidize the projects, on
the theory that they would make up that money in lower utility bills.
But in August, the Massachusetts Legislature rejected the plan, saying
in part that cheap energy would flood the market and thwart attempts to
advance wind and solar projects. That halted the whole effort.
Dangerously rising sea levels in Florida?
Florida’s vulnerability to the effects of climate change doesn’t seem at first blush to be a Canadian issue.
But every year, some 3.5 million Canadians travel to the sunshine state.
What’s more, about half a million Canadians own property in Florida,
much of it at risk from rising sea levels.
A lot of that property, particularly if it’s situated along one of the
coveted stretches of Miami’s fabled beaches, could well be worthless and
literally underwater in a few decades, says Harold Wanless, the chair
of the department of Geological Sciences at the University of Miami.
His word for the future of Miami and much south Florida? Doomed.
The “monster” in climate change, as Wanless sees it, is a warming ocean.
Sea levels will rise because water expands as it gets warmer, and
oceans are taking up vast amounts of heat produced by global warming.
Warmer water is also driving the accelerated melting of the vast ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica.
Wanless says a two-metre rise in sea level by 2100 is likely, but says
it’s also plausible it could be as much as five metres by the end of the
century, and it will continue rising for centuries after that.
And the facts?
Sea levels around Florida have been rising at a rate of 2.01mm/year
since 1897, but this rate has been slowing down in recent years, rising
by just 1.3mm/year in the last 30 years.
Meanwhile, 50-year trends show that the fastest rate of rise occurred between 1910 and 1960.
Finally, it should be pointed out that, according to Church & White,
the Florida coast is sinking at the rate of 0.27mm/year, thus
accounting for a fifth of the recent rate of rise.
Two metres by the end of the century? And he is supposed to be a scientist?
HERE (See the original for links, graphics etc.)
New York state to ban fracking over health fears
New York state is looking to ban fracking, citing unresolved health
issues and dubious economic benefits of the widely used gas-drilling
Environmental Commissioner Joe Martens said he is recommending a ban.
Governor Andrew Cuomo said he is deferring to Mr Martens and Acting
Health Commissioner Howard Zucker in making the decision.
"I cannot support high-volume hydraulic fracturing in the great state of
New York," Mr Zucker said, adding that the "cumulative concerns" about
fracking "give me reason to pause".
Mr Zucker and Mr Martens summarised the findings of their environmental
and health reviews. They concluded that shale gas development using
high-volume hydraulic fracturing carried unacceptable risks that haven't
been sufficiently studied.
Mr Martens says the Department of Environmental Conservation will put
out a final environmental impact statement early next year, and after
that he'll issue an order prohibiting fracking.
Fracking, which involves injecting water into rock to release gas, has
sparked controversy in the UK and US, and New York has had a ban on
shale gas development since the environmental review began in 2008.
"Mounting scientific evidence points to serious health risks from
fracking operations," said Kate Sinding, deputy director of the New York
programme at the Natural Resources Defense Council.
"With this announcement, the governor has listened, ... demonstrating
both courage and national leadership on this critical issue."
McConnell: 'First Item' in Next Senate Will Be Keystone XL Pipeline
"We'll be starting next year with a job-creating bill that enjoys
significant bipartisan support," Sen. Mitch McConnell, the next majority
leader, told reporters on Tuesday, the last day of the current
"The first item up in the new Senate will be the Keystone XL Pipeline,
the Hoeven bill. It will be open for amendment. We'll hope that senators
on both sides will offer energy-related amendments, but there'll be no
effort to try to micromanage the amendment process. And we'll move
forward and hopefully be able to pass a very important, job-creating
bill early in the session."
McConnell noted that permission to bring a new segment of the Keystone
Pipeline across the U.S.-Canada border has been delayed for six years.
"The notion that building another pipeline is somehow threatening to the
environment is belied by the fact that we already have 19 pipelines,
I'm told, by (Sen.) Lisa Murkowski, that cross either the Mexican border
or the Canadian border. Multiple studies, over and over again, showing
no measurable harm to the environment. People want jobs. And this
project will create well-paying, high wage jobs for our people.
"It certainly does enjoy a lot of bipartisan support. You saw that on
the vote that was held a couple of weeks ago. And we're optimistic we
can pass it and put it on the president's desk."
McConnell said the Senate will take up a bill introduced by Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.).
The Hoeven legislation authorizes TransCanada to construct and operate
the Keystone XL pipeline from Alberta, Canada, to the U.S. Gulf Coast,
transporting an additional 830,000 barrels of oil a day to U.S.
The State Department's final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS),
released in January, concluded that construction of the Keystone XL
pipeline would have no significant impact on the environment. Hoeven
said if Congress passes legislation authorizing construction of the
project, a presidential permit would no longer be needed.
Last month, a Senate attempt to advance Keystone legislation fell one
vote short of the 60 votes needed. Shortly before that mid-November
vote, White House spokesman Josh Earnest was asked if President Obama
would veto the bill.
Earnest said the president considers the State Department, not Congress,
to be "the proper venue for reaching this determination."
"So I think we'll probably wait and see what happens in the Senate, and
see whether or not the president -- this comes to the president's desk
before we sort of make decisions about the next steps."
With a new Republican majority in both the Senate and the House, the
Keystone bill is likely to pass in 2015. But it would need 67 votes in
the Senate to override a veto.
With that in mind, Hoeven has said he may roll the pipeline bill into a
"broader energy package or appropriations bill that the president will
not want to veto."
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
18 December, 2014
Some woolly Green/Left thinking in CA
What would it affect if Californian entities "divested" from coal
shares? Very little. Not a kilo less of coal would be
produced and used. All that would happened is a slight depression
of the value of shares in coal companies -- making them cheaper for
investors and particularly attractive to investors looking for
And after California aiming to subject gasoline
sellers to the extra cost burden of cap & trade laws, Steyer blames
oil companies for putting up gas prices! Does he seriously not see
the connection between increasing taxes on something and prices
of that something going up?
With Republicans threatening to shove climate change to the back seat as
they take control of the U.S. Senate, state officials including Gov.
Jerry Brown huddled with one of the nation’s leading Democratic donors
Monday to talk up ways to keep it on California’s agenda — including
legislation that could send a shiver through the coal industry.
The state Senate’s top leader said at an Oakland forum organized by
billionaire environmental activist Tom Steyer that he’s planning to
introduce a measure next year to require the state’s public-employee
pension funds to sell their coal-related investments.
“Climate change is the top priority of the California state Senate,”
said Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León, D-Los Angeles. He said his
legislation would require that the California Public Employees
Retirement System, which manages public employees’ pensions and health
benefits, and the California State Teachers Retirement System divest
millions of dollars in coal-related investments.
“Coal is a dirty fossil fuel, and we generate very little electricity in
California from coal,” de León said. “And I think our values should
shift in California.”
But not oil and gas
De León, who just returned from an international climate-change summit
in Peru, said he hadn’t worked out the specifics of his bill but that it
would be limited to coal investments. He said it would not extend to
all fossil-fuel holdings such as those in oil and gas production.
“We’re working out all the (divestment) details,” he said. “We’re
talking about a way that’s smart and intelligent, not a way that hurts
investment strategies.”
Climate-change activists have been pushing large investors to shed their
holdings in coal, a major contributor to greenhouse gases. CalPERS, the
nation’s largest public pension fund with $300 billion in investments,
would be the environmental movement’s biggest prize should de León be
able to push his legislation into law.
The biggest name at the California Climate Leadership forum was Brown,
who said the state would face strong opposition from “very powerful
people” as it continues its aggressive approach to climate change.
Those efforts include bringing gasoline sellers and distributors under
the state’s landmark cap-and-trade climate law as of Jan. 1, requiring
them to purchase credits to emit greenhouse gas pollutants. It’s been
targeted as a “hidden gas tax” by the Western States Petroleum
Association, which is lobbying to delay its implementation.
On the national front, Republicans who take control of the Senate next
month have targeted several Obama administration initiatives aimed at
reducing global warming. In particular, incoming Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has vowed to strip funding from the
Environmental Protection Agency’s proposal to restrict carbon dioxide
emissions from power plants.
“We can do things in California,” Brown said, “but if others don’t follow, it will be futile.”
Fighting Darth Vaders
For his part, the 57-year-old Steyer depicted environmentalists as the
good guys in a “Star Wars”-like battle for the planet’s health — with
oil companies cast as a collection of Darth Vaders who are fully capable
of raising gas prices “in order to punish us.”
Green on the Outside, Red in the Middle
Bolivian President Evo Morales is a socialist, and, unlike American
Democrats, doesn’t need to hide his true colors. Speaking at the United
Nations' Lima Climate Change Conference – the one with the biggest
carbon footprint yet – Morales said, “The deep causes of global warming
are not being dealt with here. The origin of global warming lies in
capitalism. If we could end capitalism then we would have a solution.”
We’ll admit his honesty is somewhat refreshing, if disconcerting all the
same. Morales continued, “After 30 years of negotiations, global
warming is still going on. So many people and countries do not act
responsibly. They are only thinking about profits, luxuries and markets.
They are not thinking about life, but only of money and how to
accumulate more capital.”
That capital has lifted millions out of poverty, lengthened life spans
and provided technology and comforts. But socialists like him would
rather spread the poverty and explain it away as saving the planet.
More unsettled science
Your all-electric car may not be so green: Researchers say
electricity generated by coal plants can cause MORE pollution than
simply using gasoline
People who own all-electric cars where coal generates the power may
think they are helping the environment. But a new study finds their
vehicles actually make the air dirtier, worsening global warming.
The controversial study raises major questions over the future of 'green' cars.
The authors looked at liquid biofuels, diesel, compressed natural gas,
and electricity from a range of conventional and renewable sources.
Their analysis included not only the pollution from vehicles, but also
emissions generated during production of the fuels or electricity that
power them.
With ethanol, for example, air pollution is released from tractors on
farms, from soils after fertilizers are applied, and to supply the
energy for fermenting and distilling corn into ethanol.
'Unfortunately, when a wire is connected to an electric vehicle at one
end and a coal-fired power plant at the other end, the environmental
consequences are worse than driving a normal gasoline-powered car,' said
Ken Caldeira of the Carnegie Institution for Science, who wasn't part
of the study but praised it.
Driving vehicles that use electricity from renewable energy instead of
gasoline could reduce the resulting deaths due to air pollution by 70
percent, it concluded.
Ethanol isn't so green, either, the researchers claimed.
'It's kind of hard to beat gasoline' for public and environmental
health, said study co-author Julian Marshall, an engineering professor
at the University of Minnesota.
'A lot of the technologies that we think of as being clean ... are not better than gasoline.'
The key is where the source of the electricity all-electric cars.
If it comes from coal, the electric cars produce 3.6 times more soot and
smog deaths than gas, because of the pollution made in generating the
electricity, according to the study that is published Monday by the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
They also are significantly worse at heat-trapping carbon dioxide that worsens global warming, it found.
The study examines environmental costs for cars' entire life cycle,
including where power comes from and the environmental effects of
building batteries.
The states with the highest percentage of electricity coming from coal,
according to the Department of Energy, are West Virginia, Wyoming, Ohio,
North Dakota, and Illinois.
Still, there's something to be said for the idea of helping foster a
cleaner technology that will be better once it is connected to a cleaner
grid, said study co-author Jason Hill, another University of Minnesota
engineering professor.
The study finds all-electric vehicles cause 86 percent more deaths from air pollution than do cars powered by regular gasoline.
Hybrids and diesel engines are cleaner than gas, causing fewer air pollution deaths and spewing less heat-trapping gas.
But ethanol isn't, with 80 percent more air pollution mortality, according to the study.
'If we're using ethanol for environmental benefits, for air quality and
climate change, we're going down the wrong path,' Hill said.
Peru Plans to Charge Greenpeace Activists for Damage to Nazca Lines
President Ollanta Humala of Peru criticized the environmental group
Greenpeace on Saturday for not respecting his country’s archaeological
heritage as authorities said they intended to seek criminal charges
against several activists who damaged the fragile desert around the
Nazca Lines.
Greenpeace stirred up a storm of controversy in Peru last week after a
group of about 12 activists on Monday entered a protected area around
the famous lines to place a sign promoting renewable energy on the
ground. The sign was meant to attract the attention of world leaders who
were in Lima for a United Nations summit meeting on climate change.
Officials said that the activists walking over the fragile desert ground
left marks that cannot be removed. The Nazca Lines were created over
1,000 years ago, and include enormous figures of birds, mammals and
geometric shapes etched into the earth.
Mr. Humala said Greenpeace had “simply come to trample on” the country’s
heritage. “We must simply spread the word, alert the world,” Mr. Humala
said. “Watch out at the Taj Mahal, watch out at the pyramids in Egypt,
because we all face the threat that Greenpeace could attack any of
humanity’s historical heritage.”
He said that he hoped that prosecutors and the courts would take action against the activists.
In a strange twist, a judge on Saturday rejected a request by
prosecutors to detain the activists or keep them from leaving the
country, saying that prosecutors had failed to provide their addresses.
But the request by prosecutors appeared to be too late anyway, since
Greenpeace had said a day earlier that the activists had already left
Peru. Luis Jaime Castillo, the vice minister for cultural heritage, said
in a telephone interview that the authorities still intended to pursue
criminal charges against the activists.
He said that he had met with several Greenpeace members in Lima on
Thursday. The group included one of the activists who took part in the
incident at the Nazca Lines. He identified the activist as Mauro
Fernández, who appeared in a video taken during the stunt and posted
later online.
Mr. Castillo said that he asked for the names of the other activists who
participated in the stunt, and that Mr. Fernández told him that he
could not remember their names.
That appeared to fly in the face of pledges by Greenpeace to cooperate
with the authorities. Mr. Castillo said officials suspected that some
members of the group had visited the site on a previous occasion to
prepare for the stunt.
Greenpeace has issued a statement apologizing for the incident. A
Greenpeace spokesman could not be reached for comment on Saturday.
The ground around the lines consists of white sand topped by a layer of
darker rocks. When the activists entered the area they disturbed the top
layer, exposing the sand below.
No fast track authority, roll back EPA regs instead
“[R]ecent trade deals, like the World Trade Organization trade deal, had no labor or environmental standards.”
That was the AFL-CIO, objecting to fast track trade authority for the
Obama administration to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership and
other trade agreements expected to come up in Congress next year.
Labor groups object to free trade agreements because other nations
refuse to adopt the same high regulatory standards on the environment
and labor costs that the U.S. has — leaving American workers at a
AFL-CIO actually has an interesting point — but for the opposite reason.
Nobody expects any foreign country to sign a trade agreement requiring
it to adopt the same onerous environmental and labor restrictions we
have. Why would they? It willfully puts themselves at a competitive
disadvantage globally, tantamount to an economic suicide pact.
In a similar vein, nobody should expect the U.S. to agree to new trade
deals while burdensome Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations
remain in place.
Because of these regulatory imbalances, the U.S. economy has an
artificially higher cost of doing business compared to countries like
Vietnam or Malaysia.
If President Barack Obama wants these trade agreements, Republican
majorities in the House and Senate next year should not give him carte
blanche via fast track.
Instead, there needs to be a consensus about how to make U.S.
competitive globally again. Necessarily, that must include a look at the
EPA’s 2009 carbon endangerment finding, which ruled that carbon
dioxide, a biological gas necessary for the very existence of life, is a
“harmful pollutant” under the terms of the Clean Air Act.
This has opened up the door for additional regulations, including the
regional haze rule, carbon restrictions on new and existing coal power
plants, the new ozone rule, and the “National Emission Standards
for Hazardous Air Pollutants” that restricts mercury emissions from
Sue-and-settle arrangements the agency enters with organizations are a
problem, too. This is where a group sues demanding that the EPA enforce
the law in a new, expanded way and the agency enters into a consent
decree with the party, which is signed by a judge — leaving the agency
with new powers under the Clean Air and Water Acts.
These rules all make it more expensive to do business here, hurting our position globally.
What, those items aren’t on the table? Then, why is there a push for new
trade deals that will favor foreign, lower cost producers over American
workers? The AFL-CIO is right. Under the existing regulatory framework,
this will not be a good deal for the U.S. economy.
Without significant efforts to roll back the regulatory, administrative
state in the U.S., these trade deals should not even be in the
conversation. Let alone fast track authority, which establishes a
process that allows no amendments and limits debate in the Senate.
Why would Republicans in Congress agree to a process that surrenders
their constitutional prerogative to use trade agreements as leverage to
achieve other changes to U.S. regulatory policy that might get our
economy moving again? It makes no sense. What’s in it for the American
Australia Federal government still trying to cut back on "renewable" energy target
ENVIRONMENT Minister Greg Hunt will meet rogue senator Jacqui Lambie in
Hobart today as he begins courting the crossbench over the renewable
energy target.
Mr Hunt is ramping up talks with the crossbench senators while Labor
refuses to re-engage in negotiations. The opposition acknowledges the
scheme needs bipartisan support, but has said it will not negotiate
unless the government shifts on its “cut of 40 per cent to the RET”.
Senator Lambie, who will drive from Burnie to Hobart to meet Mr Hunt,
said she was “encouraged” by a letter from the minister yesterday.
In the letter, obtained by The Australian, Mr Hunt says he appreciates
“the pressures faced by businesses around the country, including in
Tasmania” and looks “forward to constructive discussions with the
A spokeswoman for Mr Hunt said he was travelling to Tasmania “for a
range of meetings relating to his portfolio”. The government was
“hopeful” Labor would return to the table and was “willing to hear the
suggestions and proposals from the crossbench and will negotiate with
the crossbench should Labor refuse to re-engage”.
Senator Lambie urged the government and opposition to restart RET talks,
saying renewable energy providers “deserve some certainty”.
Liberal Democrat senator David Leyonhjelm, meanwhile, said he was
“confident” at least six of the crossbench senators supported his
controversial plan to bring existing hydro into the target. Senator
Leyonhjelm, who met with Mr Hunt last week, said the minister was also
“interested”. The Australian could only confirm Family First senator Bob
Day and independent senator John Madigan as supportive.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
17 December, 2014
Weather Records Keep Falling: Cold, Snow and Ice
Record setting cold and snow, not global warming, became the norm in
November 2014. According to Ice Age Now: Four Thousand eight hundred
fifty six locations in the U.S. set daily record low-high temperatures
in November and another 4,121 saw record lows at least one day in
November. For the month as a whole, 94 locations set a new monthly
record low and 1435 locations set an average record low-high temperature
for the month as a whole. Indeed, for the year-to-date, nearly 28,000
locations saw record lows during 2014, and another 19,500, locations set
record low-daily-highs.
The Weather Channel reported cities across the U.S. experiencing record
daily low temperatures for November, including: Casper, Wyoming: -27
(Nov. 12) and -26 (Nov. 13); Redmond, Oregon: 17 (Nov. 15) and -19 (Nov.
16) each was colder than previous record of -14 (Nov. 15, 1955);
Joplin, Missouri: 6 (Nov. 18) bested
previous record of 7 (Nov. 29, 1976) Chicago great lakes frozen
And some cities had record low November streaks: Dallas/Ft. Worth: Six
straight days of highs of 45 degrees or colder (Nov. 12-17); and
Chicago: 180 straight hours below freezing (late on Nov. 11 until late
morning Nov. 19)
The record cold brought with it record breaking ice and snow for many
locations in the U.S. For instance, ice brought the earliest end to
navigation on the Upper Mississippi River near the Twin Cities according
to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Blairsville, Georgia received its earliest snow on record on Nov. 1; 0.5
to 2 inches. The previous earliest snow was Nov. 10, 1968 and St.
Cloud, Minnesota, received its record heaviest November calendar day
snow (13.2 inches on Nov. 10). Gile, Wisconsin got hit with 50.1 inches
of snow over a four-day period from Nov. 10-14. This awaits
certification as a Wisconsin state snowstorm record.
Areas along the great lakes were especially hard hit by snow with
Buffalo Niagara International Airport reporting 88 inches of snow (over 7
feet) from Nov. 17-21. Cities chalking up their snowiest Novembers on
record in 2014 include: Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan: 65.4 inches (old
record was 46.8 inches in 1989); Rhinelander, Wisconsin: 32.4 inches
(old record was 21.5 inches in 1957) and Bangor, Maine: 25.9 inches (old
record was 24.6 inches in 1962)
For the U.S. as a whole, Rutgers University Global Snow Lab reports,
North America snow cover reached a record extent for mid-November (15.35
million square kilometers), crushing the old record from 1985 by over 2
million square kilometers.
How Obama and his environmental base are planning to eradicate the oil and gas industry
By Ron Arnold
Why does the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulatory war against
hydraulic fracturing look like the Natural Resources Defense Council’s
2007 agenda for eliminating domestic oil and natural gas development?
Because it is.
The NRDC’s unjustifiable access to such anti-fracking regulatory
power—and the diversion of $8.4 million in taxpayer dollars to its
coffers—is highlighted in an October report from the Senate Environment
and Public Works Committee minority staff titled, “Setting the Record
Straight: Hydraulic Fracturing and America’s Energy Revolution.”
The 111-page committee report opens by citing the enormously positive
impacts of America’s oil and natural gas renaissance, which has:
Created and sustained millions of jobs and revitalized our manufacturing sector;
Provided greater energy security and geopolitical strength while reducing our trade deficit;
Lowered domestic energy prices both in our homes and at the gasoline pump.
But the emphasis is on those who would obliterate that renaissance. The
message to the public is a warning: President Obama is coordinating with
far-left environmental activists such as the aggressive NRDC and the
Sierra Club, along with their millionaire board members, their Hollywood
celebrity boosters and their “philanthropic” funders, such as the
rabidly anti-fracking Park Foundation, to wage an all-out assault to
shut down domestic production of American oil and natural gas.
The report notes that “the price of energy is no object to them; they
can afford to pay their energy bills at virtually any price.” They can
dump hundreds of millions of dollars into a coordinated campaign against
affordable energy, decrease the standard of living for middle-class
America and devastate the poor without a qualm.
Specifically, NRDC and other groups are “initiating legal challenges to
force regulatory action with sue-and-settle arrangements”—the Sierra
Club has received more than $19 million and the NRDC $252,004 in
EPA-friendly settlements.
An anti-fracking agenda
The most insidious attack is “blurring the scientific literature with spurious studies.”
The foremost example is a 2011 Cornell University report by two
biologists and an engineer who “falsely concluded that the life-cycle
emissions from natural gas development emit more greenhouse gases than
coal,” which was touted by The New York Times as “settled science”
useful to silence defenders of fracking. But it was, in fact, science
made for hire.
Lead author Robert W. Howarth “was approached by the Park Foundation in
2010 and asked to write an academic article that would make a case that
shale gas was a dangerous, polluting fuel. That same year, the Park
Foundation gave Cornell University $135,000 for Howarth’s study,” the
report said.
Howarth’s “outdated and manipulated data” were so wrong that his study
was refuted by his own Cornell colleagues, state regulators, some
environmental groups, and even Obama’s White House.
The Park Foundation’s IRS Form 990PF reports from recent years reveal
anti-fracking grants totaling more than $3 million to media outlets,
including the American Prospect, Earth Talk, Grist, Mother Jones, The
Nation, and Yes! Magazine, along with activist groups including
Earthworks, Food and Water Watch, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace,
Media Matters for America, and a network of about 50 others.
“This strategically organized alliance,” says the report, “has gone to
great lengths to misconstrue facts, falsify science, and manufacture
risks in order to vilify hydraulic fracturing” while ignoring the
numerous failed “green” stimulus projects, including Solyndra.
Government regulation
The committee report was particularly concerned about Obama’s rhetoric
that masks his intent, citing remarks that he gave to Northwestern
University in October. According to the report, Obama bragged that “our
100-year supply of natural gas is a big factor in drawing jobs back to
our shores. Many are in manufacturing, which produce the quintessential
middle-class job.”
But at the same time, the report said, “over one dozen federal agencies
[are] attempting to justify the federal usurpation of states’ rights to
regulate hydraulic fracturing.”
Since 1997, EPA regulation of oil and natural gas extraction grew by
more than 145%, and 13 federal agencies are trying to regulate fracking
out of existence.
The overall picture of the President’s allies is one of heirs,
investorsm, and entrepreneurs who became vastly rich in the capitalist
system and thus envision themselves as the best directors of everybody
else’s life. They became a new ruling class, crony capitalists out to
mold the public destiny by destroying all competing visions, using power
purchased from politicians, activists, and media shills.
The committee report connects some crony capitalist dots: John Bryson
was a co-founder of NRDC in 1970 and later became the chairman and CEO
of Edison International, “which obtained exclusive power purchase
agreements for four solar projects that received [Department of Energy
In May 2011, Bryson was appointed to be Obama’s Secretary of Commerce
and resigned in 2012 for health reasons. NRDC has numerous doorways to
the corridors of power.
Conservatives puzzle over the socialist direction of Big Green’s crony
capitalists. Anti-fracking activist Bill McKibben’s bluntly
positioned itself as socialist when director Naomi Klein published her
2014 book, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, which
sets the anti-fracking, anti-fossil fuel task as, “shredding free market
capitalism.” Does her gang mean to shred America’s private enterprise
by nationalization?
Crony capitalism
Why bother? If your crony capitalist money can buy the government
regulations you want and reroute the federal treasury into your
anti-fossil fuel agenda, you get to keep your taxpayer-fed crony
capitalism and anybody who survives gets the socialist shreds.
We all owe a debt of thanks to Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana, top
Republican on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, for
having the courage and diligence to spearhead such investigations as
this fracking report documents.
Looking beyond the waning days of the lame-duck session, he told The
Daily Signal, “With a Republican majority in the Senate, committee
reports—which are based on honest research—will have a more significant
presence in terms of creating awareness and setting policy.
“These reports are crucial to understanding how aggressive the EPA and
the Obama Administration are in broadening the scope of their authority
to issue regulations that affect small businesses and individual
families across the country. Plus, they could lead to oversight hearings
and perhaps legislative reforms.”
Harmful Consequences of EU Climate Policy
The European Union’s (EU) unilateral efforts to tackle climate change
have been a disaster for the economy and the region’s people.
In 2002, the EU approved the Kyoto Protocol and committed to cutting its
collective greenhouse gas emissions to 8 percent below 1990 levels by
2008–12. As a result of the restrictive and prescriptive energy policies
imposed to meet the target, today the economies of most EU member
states are stagnating or in decline. The Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development warned in late November the crisis-ridden EU
poses a major threat to the world’s economy.
Europe’s climate strategy was based on two key assumptions: first,
global warming was an urgent threat needing to be addressed immediately
regardless of the costs; second, the world was running out of fossil
fuels, so as oil and gas became ever more expensive, renewable energy
would become competitive. Neither assumption proved correct.
Europe’s assumption about the urgency of the global warming problem has
run up against the now-18-year-long pause in global temperature rises.
That pause was not predicted by climate models and at the very least
indicates either a misunderstanding of the factors affecting temperature
or a consistent overestimation of climate sensitivity.
In addition, while Europe adopted legally binding emission reductions
and domestic policies to meet them, the world did not follow suit.
EU countries have substantially reduced carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions
domestically, but only at the expense of the region’s economic
viability. Europe’s energy-intensive and heavy industries moved abroad
to locations with no CO2 emission limits and less expensive energy and
labor costs. Those countries are now growing much faster than the EU.
EU member states spent about $882 billion on renewable energy projects
between 2005 and 2013. In Germany alone, the green energy transition
could cost more than $1 trillion by 2030 if the country’s climate
targets and renewable energy goals are not modified.
Energy prices have risen sharply in Europe, where electricity price are
now more than double those of the United States. In 2012 alone, lower
gas and electricity prices in the United States relative to Europe meant
estimated savings of close to $130 billion for U.S. manufacturing.
Last year, Antonio Tajani, the EU’s outgoing industry commissioner,
warned Europe’s unilateral climate policies were pushing electricity
costs to uncompetitive levels: “We face a systemic industrial massacre.
We need a new energy policy. We have to stop pretending, because we
can’t sacrifice Europe’s industry for climate goals that are not
realistic, and are not being enforced worldwide.”
The costs of Europe’s climate policies have sparked the editors of The
Washington Post to acknowledge Europe “has become a green-energy basket
case. Instead of a model for the world to emulate, Europe has become a
model of what not to do.”
Recognizing the seriousness of this problem, the EU has responded in its
latest climate policy agreement by making its terms conditional on a
binding international climate treaty. On October 23, EU leaders agreed
to a conditional CO2 reduction target of 40 percent by 2030 ? provided
there is a legally binding UN climate treaty. A special “flexibility
clause” was added to the final text, allowing the council to reassess
its conditional target after the UN summit.
There is no more “go-at-it-alone” or “Europe-leads” European plan. If
the U.S., China, and others don’t adopt binding limits, Europe, learning
from its previous climate policies, is prepared to look towards its
best industrial interest first for a change.
Still more politicized pseudo-science?
The neonics and honeybees saga takes interesting, potentially fraudulent turn
Paul Driessen
Widening efforts to blame neonicotinoid pesticides for honeybee “colony
collapse disorder” and other “beepocalypse” problems have taken a
fascinating turn.
Insisting that scientific evidence shows a clear link between neonics
and honeybee population declines, EU anti-insecticide campaigners
persuaded the European Union to impose a two-year ban on using the
chemicals. Farm organizations and the Union’s Environment, Food and
Rural Affairs Department unsuccessfully opposed the ban, arguing that
evidence for a link is not persuasive, and actual field studies in
Canada and elsewhere have found little risk to bees from the pesticides.
Then this year’s canola (rapeseed) crop suffered serious losses of 30-50
percent, due to rampaging flea beetles. Over 44,000 acres (18,000
hectares) were declared a total loss. Euro farmers blamed the ban.
Now it appears that the campaign against these newer, safer pesticides –
and the scientific papers that supposedly justify the ban – were all
part of a rigged, carefully orchestrated environmentalist strategy.
A recently leaked memorandum, dated June 14, 2010, summarizes a
discussion earlier that month among four European scientists who wanted
to block neonic use. The memo says the four agreed to find prominent
authors who could write scientific papers and coordinate their
publication in respected journals, so as to “obtain the necessary policy
change to have these pesticides banned.”
“If we are successful in getting these two papers published,” the memo
continues, “there will be enormous impact, and a campaign led by WWF etc
could be launched right away. It will be much harder for politicians to
ignore a research paper and a policy forum paper” in a major scientific
journal. Initial papers would demonstrate that neonics adversely affect
bees, other insects, birds and other species; they would be written by a
carefully selected primary author and a team of scientists from around
the world. Additional papers would be posted online to support these
documents – and a separate paper would simultaneously call for a ban on
the sale and use of neonicotinoids.
(The WWF is the activist group World Wildlife Fund or World Wide Fund for Nature.)
One meeting attendee was Piet Wit, chairman of the ecosystems management
commission of the environmentalist organization International Union for
Conservation of Nature. Another was Maarten Bijleveld van Lexmond, who
became chairman of the IUCN’s Task Force on Systemic Pesticides, which
was inaugurated in March 2011, just after the European Union agreed to
finance the Task Force to the tune of €431,337 ($540,000). Vouching for
the Task Force as an “independent and unbiased” scientific “advisory”
group was the same Dr. Maarten Bijleveld, who is also a founding member
of the WWF’s Netherlands branch and an executive officer of the IUCN’s
environmental committee.
Further underscoring the “independent” nature of these organizations,
the EU awarded the IUCN €24,014,125 ($30,000,000) between 2007 and 2013.
Moreover, IUCN task force membership is by invitation only – making it
easier to implement the Systemic Pesticides Task Force’s stated purpose:
to “bring together the scientific evidence needed to underpin action on
neonicotinoid pesticides.”
The entire operation is odorously reminiscent of ClimateGate
orchestration of alarmist research and banning of studies questioning
“dangerous manmade climate change” assertions, and the Environmental
Protection Agency’s 1972 DDT ban, regarding which then-EPA Administrator
William Ruckelshaus later admitted that he had not attended a single
minute of his own task force’s lengthy hearings or read a single page of
its findings, which concluded that the insecticide was not dangerous to
humans or most wildlife.
The IUCN/WWF campaign also recalls the equally well coordinated effort
by Fenton Communications, CBS “60 Minutes” and the Natural Resources
Defense Council to ban Alar (a chemical used to keep apples ripening
longer on trees), in a way that would channel millions of dollars to the
NRDC. It reminds me of former Environmental Defense Fund senior
scientist Charles Wurster’s assertion that, “If the environmentalists
win on DDT, they will achieve a level of authority they never had
Never mind that the Alar scam sent many family apple orchards into
bankruptcy – or that millions of African and Asian parents and children
have died from malaria because radical greens have made DDT largely
unavailable even for disease control. For them, humanitarian concerns
rarely enter the discussion.
As science writer Hank Campbell observes, all these campaigns reflect
proven strategies “to manipulate science to achieve a political goal.”
They follow the Saul Alinsky/Big Green script summarized by Madeleine
Cosman: Select and vilify a target. Devise a “scientific study” that
predicts a public health disaster. Release it to the media, before
legitimate scientists can analyze and criticize it. Generate emotional
headlines and public reactions. Develop a government “solution,” and
intimidate legislatures or government regulators to impose it. Coerce
manufacturers to stop making and selling the product.
Environmental pressure groups have repeatedly and successfully employed these steps.
In a recent speech, Harvard School of Public Health Professor Chensheng
Lu claimed that his “Harvard Study” clearly demonstrated that neonics
“are highly likely to be responsible for triggering Colony Collapse
Disorder.” However, pesticide expert and professional pest exterminator
Rich Kozlovich says the vast majority of scientists who study bees for a
living vigorously disagree. They cite multiple problems, including the
fact that small bee populations were fed “astronomical” levels of
insecticide-laced corn syrup, and the colonies examined for Lu’s paper
did not even exhibit CCD symptoms.
President Obama has nevertheless relied heavily on all this
pseudo-science, to support his June 2014 memorandum instructing relevant
U.S. agencies “to develop a plan for protecting pollinators such as
honey bees …in response to mounting concerns about [their] dwindling
populations on American crops.” The “serious” problem, Mr. Obama
insists, “requires immediate attention.”
He is playing his role in the Big Green script but, as my previous
articles have noted (here, here and here), nothing in honest, actual
science supports his call for yet another Executive Branch end-run
around the Legislative Branch and a proper vetting of what we do know
about neonics and honeybee problems.
Neonics are vital for numerous crops: canola, soybeans, wheat, winter squash, citrus groves and others.
Derived from a synthetic form of nicotine and often applied to seeds,
“neonicotinoids” are incorporated into plants to defend them against
pests. This allows growers to be much more targeted in killing
crop-threatening insects: only those that actually feed on the plants
are affected. This approach (or spraying) also means growers can
successfully grow crops with far fewer large-scale insecticide
applications, and dramatically reduce reliance on more toxic pesticides
that do harm wildlife, including bees. Real-world field studies have
shown that bees collecting pollen from plants treated with neonics are
not harmed.
Other research has identified serious problems that truly are afflicting
bees in Canada, the United States, Europe and elsewhere. Varroa mites
carry at least 19 bee viruses and diseases – and parasitic phorid flies,
Nosema intestinal fungi and the tobacco ringspot virus also cause
significant colony losses. Beekeepers have accidentally killed entire
hives, while trying to address such problems.
Colony Collapse Disorder has shown up from time to time for centuries. A
hundred years ago it was called the “disappearing disease.” It now
seems to be ebbing, and bee and beehive numbers are climbing.
We need to let real science do its job, and stop jumping to conclusions
or short-circuiting the process with politicized papers, anti-neonic
campaigns and presidential memorandums. We need answers, not scapegoats.
Otherwise, bee mortality problems are likely to spread, go untreated
and get even worse, while neonic bans cause widespread crop failures and
huge financial losses for farmers.
Via email
Australia: Greenies harassing banks over carbon
ANZ Bank's lending to big carbon emitters is set to come into focus at
this week's annual meeting of shareholders, after other banks have
boosted their disclosure of climate-change risks.
Investors will on Thursday vote on a proposal to change the constitution
to force ANZ to publish the amount of greenhouse gas emissions the
company is financing via loans and investments.
It comes as banks globally face growing pressure to consider the
financial risks they may face from lending to companies with large
carbon footprints.
Proxy advisers are recommending shareholders vote against the
resolution, which was also put to CBA investors and rejected by a large
Nonetheless, ANZ's rivals have also taken steps to disclose more information about their carbon exposure.
NAB, which also has its annual general meeting on Thursday, was facing
the same resolution, from the Australasian Centre for Corporate
Responsibility, but it was withdrawn after the bank agreed to publish
more detail on its exposure to climate-change risks in 2015.
CBA also agreed to provide more detail on how much of its loan book is
exposed to fossil fuels. At its annual general meeting last month, 3.2
per cent of shareholders voted in favour of the resolution.
In a note to investors, CGI Glass Lewis says ANZ could face some risk
through its financed emissions but it may not be practical or even
possible to collect all the information required by the resolution. It
is advising shareholders to vote against the proposal.
"Given the trend in increased regulation and a heightened sense of
awareness among some regulators concerning ensuring the mitigation of
the effects of climate change, it is likely that part of the company's
loan book could be affected," the note said.
"However, we are not convinced that adoption of this proposal is in the
company or its shareholders' best interests at this time."
The lobby group behind the proposal argues that of the big four banks,
ANZ is the most exposed to climate-change risks because of its
role as a big lender to the resources sector.
The debate is occurring amid a growing focus on banks' exposure to borrowers who would be affected by climate change policies.
The Bank of England this month reportedly commenced an inquiry into the
risk of a "carbon bubble" – a financial shock caused by efforts to
mitigate climate change.
Westpac did not face the resolution because ACCR research has found it
was the least carbon-exposed to climate risks of the big four. All the
same, a significant share of the questions put to chairman Lindsay
Maxsted at the bank's AGM on Friday focused on how the bank was
responding to climate change in its lending decisions.
Aside from carbon, ANZ investors will also have a non-binding vote on
chief executive Mike Smith's remuneration, which rose 3.7 per cent to
$10.7 million.
NAB cut the pay of its its former boss Cameron Clyne by more than $1
million to $6 million after disappointing financial results for the
100 reasons why climate change is natural
HERE are the 100 reasons, released in a dossier issued by the European
Foundation, why climate change is natural and not man-made:
1) There is “no real scientific proof” that the current warming is caused by the rise of greenhouse gases from man’s activity.
2) Man-made carbon dioxide emissions throughout human history constitute
less than 0.00022 percent of the total naturally emitted from the
mantle of the earth during geological history.
3) Warmer periods of the Earth’s history came around 800 years before rises in CO2 levels.
4) After World War II, there was a huge surge in recorded CO2 emissions
but global temperatures fell for four decades after 1940.
5) Throughout the Earth’s history, temperatures have often been warmer
than now and CO2 levels have often been higher – more than ten times as
6) Significant changes in climate have continually occurred throughout geologic time.
7) The 0.7C increase in the average global temperature over the last
hundred years is entirely consistent with well-established, long-term,
natural climate trends.
8) The IPCC theory is driven by just 60 scientists and favourable reviewers not the 4,000 usually cited.
9) Leaked e-mails from British climate scientists – in a scandal known
as “Climate-gate” - suggest that that has been manipulated to exaggerate
global warming
10) A large body of scientific research suggests that the sun is
responsible for the greater share of climate change during the past
hundred years.
11) Politicians and activiists claim rising sea levels are a direct
cause of global warming but sea levels rates have been increasing
steadily since the last ice age 10,000 ago
12) Philip Stott, Emeritus Professor of Biogeography at the School of
Oriental and African Studies in London says climate change is too
complicated to be caused by just one factor, whether CO2 or clouds
13) Peter Lilley MP said last month that “fewer people in Britain than
in any other country believe in the importance of global warming. That
is despite the fact that our Government and our political
class—predominantly—are more committed to it than their counterparts in
any other country in the world”.
14) In pursuit of the global warming rhetoric, wind farms will do very little to nothing to reduce CO2 emissions
15) Professor Plimer, Professor of Geology and Earth Sciences at the
University of Adelaide, stated that the idea of taking a single trace
gas in the atmosphere, accusing it and finding it guilty of total
responsibility for climate change, is an “absurdity”
16) A Harvard University astrophysicist and geophysicist, Willie Soon,
said he is “embarrassed and puzzled” by the shallow science in papers
that support the proposition that the earth faces a climate crisis
caused by global warming.
17) The science of what determines the earth’s temperature is in fact far from settled or understood.
18) Despite activist concerns over CO2 levels, CO2 is a minor greenhouse
gas, unlike water vapour which is tied to climate concerns, and which
we can’t even pretend to control
19) A petition by scientists trying to tell the world that the political
and media portrayal of global warming is false was put forward in the
Heidelberg Appeal in 1992. Today, more than 4,000 signatories, including
72 Nobel Prize winners, from 106 countries have signed it.
20) It is claimed the average global temperature increased at a
dangerously fast rate in the 20th century but the recent rate of average
global temperature rise has been between 1 and 2 degrees C per century -
within natural rates
21) Professor Zbigniew Jaworowski, Chairman of the Scientific Council of
the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection in Warsaw, Poland
says the earth’s temperature has more to do with cloud cover and water
vapor than CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
22) There is strong evidence from solar studies which suggests that the
Earth’s current temperature stasis will be followed by climatic cooling
over the next few decades
23) It is myth that receding glaciers are proof of global warming as
glaciers have been receding and growing cyclically for many centuries
24) It is a falsehood that the earth’s poles are warming because that is
natural variation and while the western Arctic may be getting somewhat
warmer we also see that the Eastern Arctic and Greenland are getting
25) The IPCC claims climate driven “impacts on biodiversity are
significant and of key relevance” but those claims are simply not
supported by scientific research
26) The IPCC threat of climate change to the world’s species does not
make sense as wild species are at least one million years old, which
means they have all been through hundreds of climate cycles
27) Research goes strongly against claims that CO2-induced global
warming would cause catastrophic disintegration of the Greenland and
Antarctic Ice Sheets.
28) Despite activist concerns over CO2 levels, rising CO2 levels are our
best hope of raising crop yields to feed an ever-growing population
29) The biggest climate change ever experienced on earth took place around 700 million years ago
30) The slight increase in temperature which has been observed since
1900 is entirely consistent with well-established, long-term natural
climate cycles
31) Despite activist concerns over CO2 levels, rising CO2 levels of some
so-called “greenhouse gases” may be contributing to higher oxygen
levels and global cooling, not warming
32) Accurate satellite, balloon and mountain top observations made over
the last three decades have not shown any significant change in the long
term rate of increase in global temperatures
33) Today’s CO2 concentration of around 385 ppm is very low compared to
most of the earth’s history – we actually live in a carbon-deficient
34) It is a myth that CO2 is the most common greenhouse gas because
greenhouse gases form about 3% of the atmosphere by volume, and CO2
constitutes about 0.037% of the atmosphere
35) It is a myth that computer models verify that CO2 increases will
cause significant global warming because computer models can be made to
“verify” anything
36) There is no scientific or statistical evidence whatsoever that
global warming will cause more storms and other weather extremes
37) One statement deleted from a UN report in 1996 stated that “none of
the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute
the observed climate changes to increases in greenhouse gases”
38) The world “warmed” by 0.07 +/- 0.07 degrees C from 1999 to 2008, not the 0.20 degrees C expected by the IPCC
39) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says “it is likely
that future tropical cyclones (typhoons and hurricanes) will become more
intense” but there has been no increase in the intensity or frequency
of tropical cyclones globally
40) Rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere can be shown not only to have a
negligible effect on the Earth’s many ecosystems, but in some cases to
be a positive help to many organisms
41) Researchers who compare and contrast climate change impact on
civilizations found warm periods are beneficial to mankind and cold
periods harmful
42) The Met Office asserts we are in the hottest decade since records
began but this is precisely what the world should expect if the climate
is cyclical
43) Rising CO2 levels increase plant growth and make plants more resistant to drought and pests
44) The historical increase in the air’s CO2 content has improved human
nutrition by raising crop yields during the past 150 years
45) The increase of the air’s CO2 content has probably helped lengthen
human lifespans since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution
46) The IPCC alleges that “climate change currently contributes to the
global burden of disease and premature deaths” but the evidence shows
that higher temperatures and rising CO2 levels has helped global
47) In May of 2004, the Russian Academy of Sciences published a report
concluding that the Kyoto Protocol has no scientific grounding at all.
48) The “Climate-gate” scandal pointed to a expensive public campaign of
disinformation and the denigration of scientists who opposed the belief
that CO2 emissions were causing climate change
49) The head of Britain’s climate change watchdog has predicted
households will need to spend up to £15,000 on a full energy efficiency
makeover if the Government is to meet its ambitious targets for cutting
carbon emissions.
50) Wind power is unlikely to be the answer to our energy needs. The
wind power industry argues that there are “no direct subsidies” but it
involves a total subsidy of as much as £60 per MWh which falls directly
on electricity consumers. This burden will grow in line with attempts to
achieve Wind power targets, according to a recent OFGEM report.
51) Wind farms are not an efficient way to produce energy. The British
Wind Energy Association (BWEA) accepts a figure of 75 per cent back-up
power is required.
52) Global temperatures are below the low end of IPCC predictions not at “at the top end of IPCC estimates”
53) Climate alarmists have raised the concern over acidification of the
oceans but Tom Segalstad from Oslo University in Norway , and others,
have noted that the composition of ocean water – including CO2, calcium,
and water – can act as a buffering agent in the acidification of the
54) The UN’s IPCC computer models of human-caused global warming predict
the emergence of a “hotspot” in the upper troposphere over the
tropics. Former researcher in the Australian Department of Climate
Change, David Evans, said there is no evidence of such a hotspot
55) The argument that climate change is a of result of global warming
caused by human activity is the argument of flat Earthers.
56) The manner in which US President Barack Obama sidestepped Congress
to order emission cuts shows how undemocratic and irrational the entire
international decision-making process has become with regards to
emission-target setting.
57) William Kininmonth, a former head of the National Climate Centre and
a consultant to the World Meteorological Organisation, wrote “the
likely extent of global temperature rise from a doubling of CO2 is less
than 1C. Such warming is well within the envelope of variation
experienced during the past 10,000 years and insignificant in the
context of glacial cycles during the past million years, when Earth has
been predominantly very cold and covered by extensive ice sheets.”
58) Canada has shown the world targets derived from the existing Kyoto
commitments were always unrealistic and did not work for the country.
59) In the lead up to the Copenhagen summit, David Davis MP said of
previous climate summits, at Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and Kyoto in 1997
that many had promised greater cuts, but “neither happened”, but we are
continuing along the same lines
60) The UK ’s environmental policy has a long-term price tag of about
£55 billion, before taking into account the impact on its economic
61) The UN’s panel on climate change warned that Himalayan glaciers
could melt to a fifth of current levels by 2035. J. Graham Cogley a
professor at Ontario Trent University, claims this inaccurate stating
the UN authors got the date from an earlier report wrong by more than
300 years.
62) Under existing Kyoto obligations the EU has attempted to claim
success, while actually increasing emissions by 13 per cent, according
to Lord Lawson. In addition the EU has pursued this scheme by purchasing
“offsets” from countries such as China paying them billions of dollars
to destroy atmospheric pollutants, such as CFC-23, which were
manufactured purely in order to be destroyed.
63) It is claimed that the average global temperature was relatively
unchanging in pre-industrial times but sky-rocketed since 1900, and will
increase by several degrees more over the next 100 years according to
Penn State University researcher Michael Mann. There is no convincing
empirical evidence that past climate was unchanging, nor that 20th
century changes in average global temperature were unusual or unnatural.
64) Michael Mann of Penn State University has actually shown that the
Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age did in fact exist, which
contrasts with his earlier work which produced the “hockey stick graph”
which showed a constant temperature over the past thousand years or so
followed by a recent dramatic upturn.
65) The globe’s current approach to climate change in which major
industrialised countries agree to nonsensical targets for their CO2
emissions by a given date, as it has been under the Kyoto system, is
very expensive.
66) The “Climate-gate” scandal revealed that a scientific team had
emailed one another about using a “trick” for the sake of concealing a
“decline” in temperatures when looking at the history of the Earth’s
67) Global temperatures have not risen in any statistically-significant
sense for 15 years and have actually been falling for nine years. The
“Climate-gate” scandal revealed a scientific team had expressed dismay
at the fact global warming was contrary to their predictions and
admitted their inability to explain it was “a travesty”.
68) The IPCC predicts that a warmer planet will lead to more extreme
weather, including drought, flooding, storms, snow, and wildfires. But
over the last century, during which the IPCC claims the world
experienced more rapid warming than any time in the past two millennia,
the world did not experience significantly greater trends in any of
these extreme weather events.
69) In explaining the average temperature standstill we are currently
experiencing, the Met Office Hadley Centre ran a series of computer
climate predictions and found in many of the computer runs there were
decade-long standstills but none for 15 years – so it expects global
warming to resume swiftly.
70) Richard Lindzen, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, wrote: “The notion of a static, unchanging
climate is foreign to the history of the Earth or any other planet with a
fluid envelope. Such hysteria (over global warming) simply
represents the scientific illiteracy of much of the public, the
susceptibility of the public to the substitution of repetition for
71) Despite the 1997 Kyoto Protocol’s status as the flagship of the fight against climate change it has been a failure.
72) The first phase of the EU’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which
ran from 2005 to 2007 was a failure. Huge over-allocation of permits to
pollute led to a collapse in the price of carbon from €33 to just €0.20
per tonne meaning the system did not reduce emissions at all.
73) The EU trading scheme, to manage carbon emissions has completely
failed and actually allows European businesses to duck out of making
their emissions reductions at home by offsetting, which means paying for
cuts to be made overseas instead.
74) To date “cap and trade” carbon markets have done almost nothing to reduce emissions.
75) In the United States , the cap-and-trade is an approach designed to
control carbon emissions and will impose huge costs upon American
citizens via a carbon tax on all goods and services produced in the
United States. The average family of four can expect to pay an
additional $1700, or £1,043, more each year. It is predicted that the
United States will lose more than 2 million jobs as the result of
cap-and-trade schemes.
76) Dr Roy Spencer, a principal research scientist at the University of
Alabama in Huntsville, has indicated that out of the 21 climate models
tracked by the IPCC the differences in warming exhibited by those models
is mostly the result of different strengths of positive cloud feedback –
and that increasing CO2 is insufficient to explain global-average
warming in the last 50 to 100 years.
77) Why should politicians devote our scarce resources in a globally
competitive world to a false and ill-defined problem, while ignoring the
real problems the entire planet faces, such as: poverty, hunger,
disease or terrorism.
78) A proper analysis of ice core records from the past 650,000 years
demonstrates that temperature increases have come before, and not
resulted from, increases in CO2 by hundreds of years.
79) Since the cause of global warming is mostly natural, then there is
in actual fact very little we can do about it. (We are still not able to
control the sun).
80) A substantial number of the panel of 2,500 climate scientists on the
United Nation’s International Panel on Climate Change, which created a
statement on scientific unanimity on climate change and man-made global
warming, were found to have serious concerns.
81) The UK’s Met Office has been forced this year to re-examine 160
years of temperature data after admitting that public confidence in the
science on man-made global warming has been shattered by revelations
about the data.
82) Politicians and activists push for renewable energy sources
such as wind turbines under the rhetoric of climate change, but it is
essentially about money – under the system of Renewable Obligations.
Much of the money is paid for by consumers in electricity bills. It
amounts to £1 billion a year.
83) The “Climate-gate” scandal revealed that a scientific team had
tampered with their own data so as to conceal inconsistencies and
84) The “Climate-gate” scandal revealed that a scientific team had
campaigned for the removal of a learned journal’s editor, solely because
he did not share their willingness to debase science for political
85) Ice-core data clearly show that temperatures change centuries before
concentrations of atmospheric CO2 change. Thus, there appears to be
little evidence for insisting that changes in concentrations of CO2 are
the cause of past temperature and climate change.
86) There are no experimentally verified processes explaining how CO2
concentrations can fall in a few centuries without falling temperatures –
in fact it is changing temperatures which cause changes in CO2
concentrations, which is consistent with experiments that show CO2 is
the atmospheric gas most readily absorbed by water.
87) The Government’s Renewable Energy Strategy contains a massive
increase in electricity generation by wind power costing around £4
billion a year over the next twenty years. The benefits will be only £4
to £5 billion overall (not per annum). So costs will outnumber benefits
by a range of between eleven and seventeen times.
88) Whilst CO2 levels have indeed changed for various reasons, human and
otherwise, just as they have throughout history, the CO2 content of the
atmosphere has increased since the beginning of the industrial
revolution, and the growth rate has now been constant for the past 25
89) It is a myth that CO2 is a pollutant, because nitrogen forms 80% of
our atmosphere and human beings could not live in 100% nitrogen either:
CO2 is no more a pollutant than nitrogen is and CO2 is essential to
90) Politicians and climate activists make claims to rising sea levels
but certain members in the IPCC chose an area to measure in Hong Kong
that is subsiding. They used the record reading of 2.3 mm per year rise
of sea level.
91) The accepted global average temperature statistics used by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change show that no ground-based
warming has occurred since 1998.
92) If one factors in non-greenhouse influences such as El Nino events
and large volcanic eruptions, lower atmosphere satellite-based
temperature measurements show little, if any, global warming since 1979,
a period over which atmospheric CO2 has increased by 55 ppm (17 per
93) US President Barack Obama pledged to cut emissions by 2050 to equal
those of 1910 when there were 92 million Americans. In 2050, there will
be 420 million Americans, so Obama’s promise means that emissions per
head will be approximately what they were in 1875. It simply will not
94) The European Union has already agreed to cut emissions by 20 percent
to 2020, compared with 1990 levels, and is willing to increase the
target to 30 percent. However, these are unachievable and the EU has
already massively failed with its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), as EU
emissions actually rose by 0.8 percent from 2005 to 2006 and are known
to be well above the Kyoto goal.
95) Australia has stated it wants to slash greenhouse emissions by up to
25 percent below 2000 levels by 2020, but the pledges were so unpopular
that the country’s Senate has voted against the carbon trading Bill,
and the Opposition’s Party leader has now been ousted by a climate
change sceptic.
96) Canada plans to reduce emissions by 20 percent compared with 2006
levels by 2020, representing approximately a 3 percent cut from 1990
levels but it simultaneously defends its Alberta tar sands emissions and
its record as one of the world’s highest per-capita emissions setters.
97) India plans to reduce the ratio of emissions to production by 20-25
percent compared with 2005 levels by 2020, but all Government officials
insist that since India has to grow for its development and poverty
alleviation, it has to emit, because the economy is driven by carbon.
98) The Leipzig Declaration in 1996, was signed by 110 scientists who
said: “We – along with many of our fellow citizens – are apprehensive
about the climate treaty conference scheduled for Kyoto, Japan, in
December 1997” and “based on all the evidence available to us, we cannot
subscribe to the politically inspired world view that envisages climate
catastrophes and calls for hasty actions.”
99) A US Oregon Petition Project stated “We urge the United States
government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in
Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The
proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder
the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare
of mankind. There is no convincing scientific evidence that human
release of CO2, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will,
in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s
atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”
100) A report by the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate
Change concluded “We find no support for the IPCC’s claim that climate
observations during the twentieth century are either unprecedented or
provide evidence of an anthropogenic effect on climate.”
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
16 December, 2014
The Lima junket: Do as I say, not as I do
John Kerry, the US Secretary of State delivered an impassioned plea to
the summit on Thursday. “It was in Rio, as far back as 1992, when I
heard the secretary-general declare, 'Every bit of evidence I’ve seen
persuades me that we are on a course leading to tragedy,’ he said. 'This
is 2014, 22 years later, and we’re still on a course leading to
Ironically, the conference has remained overtly reliant on fossil fuels,
in the form of diesel generators. The talks are taking place in a vast
temporary village constructed on the site of the Peruvian military
Organisers rejected powering the village with solar panels on the
grounds they were too unreliable, while efforts to hook the site up to
the national grid – which is half-fed by renewable energy – failed due
to technical problems.
Experts say the Lima talks will have the biggest carbon footprint of any
UN conference to date at more than 50,000 tons of carbon dioxide.
As well as the diesel generators, the footprint has been enlarged by the
jet fuel burned by the estimated 11,000 people who flew in from abroad
to attend – including roughly 4,000 from non-governmental organisations –
as well as the emissions from the fleet of coaches that crawl through
Lima’s gridlocked streets to shuttle delegates to and from the venue.
Lima: 'weak' UN deal reached that could let countries dodge green pledges
UN climate change talks have been saved from the brink of collapse by a
“weak” agreement that could let countries dodge setting clear targets to
cut their emissions.
Negotiations in the Peruvian capital Lima dragged on to the early hours
of Sunday morning – a day and a half after their scheduled close - amid
deep disagreements between rich and poor nations over the steps they
should take to tackle global warming.
The divisions had threatened to derail the talks altogether but
eventually resulted in a “bare minimum” deal, thrashed out by delegates
who had barely slept in three days, that left many key disputes
The Lima deal is intended to make countries issue national pledges next
year outlining the action they will take to cut their carbon emissions.
The pledges are then supposed to form the basis of a binding deal at
talks in Paris next year to avert dangerous levels of global warming.
Rich nations including the USA and EU members had pushed for all
countries to be bound by strict rules to ensure that their pledges gave
clear and measurable data – akin to the UK’s Climate Change Act.
But after objections from developing nations the eventual text was
watered down so the rules are voluntary. “It’s totally up to you now
whether you provide that information or not,” Alden Meyer of the Union
of Concerned Scientists said. “It’s the bare minimum we needed to come
out of here with; it’s not what we hoped for.”
Samantha Smith, of environmental group WWF, said the rules had gone from "weak to weaker to weakest".
Ed Davey, the energy and climate change secretary, insisted he was
“completely relaxed” about the watered down rules, claiming that
countries would have to provide the information anyway due to “political
pressure”. He denied that the UK would be left going green further and
faster than its neighbours, arguing some other European nations had
already gone further.
But even if detailed pledges are forthcoming Mr Davey acknowledged they
would fall well short of the level necessary to avert dangerous levels
of global warming, of 2C above pre-industrial levels.
There would be “a gap between what the world is offering and what the science says we need to do,” he said.
Experts warned that the scale of divisions laid bare at Lima did not
bode well for the chances of securing a strong and binding global deal
in Paris.
Jonathan Grant, sustainability and climate change director at PwC, said
the “trench warfare” mentality between different factions seen in Lima
could result in the talks “falling off the cliff in Paris”.
A long list of fundamental issues remain to be resolved over the next
year, including the legal status of any Paris deal and demands from poor
countries for more cash from rich nations to help them to help poorer
nations cut emissions and cope with the effects of global warming.
Rich countries have previously promised a vague goal of “mobilising”
$100bn of “climate finance” a year for poor nations by 2020 but the
concepts are ill-defined, leading to wrangling as poor countries say
their wealthier neighbours have not done enough.
“The biggest thing that is really, really unresolved is the money,” said
Michael Jacobs, visiting professor at the LSE’s Grantham climate
research institute.
“The developed countries have got to find some way of showing they can
provide the $100bn they promised, and at least some financial
contribution post-2020. This is hard: this is a core demand of the
developing countries but the hardest things for the developed countries,
both because they don’t feel they have got so much money but also
because it’s hard to budget ahead.”
Mr Davey admitted that the talks in Paris were likely to be "even more
difficult than Lima" but said he remained confident of a deal. “I’m very
excited by the prospects for a deal next year. It will be tough but for
the first time, I think ever, the world can contemplate a global deal
applicable to all.”
Greenpeace again offends indigenous people
Radical global warming campaigners trespass on treasured Inca cultural sites
By Craig Rucker
Greenpeace likes to pretend it’s on the side of local people, especially
indigenous peoples. But time and again they demonstrate a shocking
degree of cultural boorishness.
Now Greenpeace activists have Peruvians up in arms, after trespassing
all over treasured Incan cultural sites at Machu Picchu and Nazca, while
doing ridiculous publicity stunts to highlight their claim that tiny
amounts of plant-fertilizing carbon dioxide are causing “dangerous”
planet-wide climate change.
The Times of London’s Ben Webster says a Peruvian prosecutor
investigating the incident was angry that the activists had caused
“irreparable damage” to a large area of the “Nazca lines,” an ancient
monument that UNESCO lists as a World Heritage Site. The “lines” are a
series of ancient glyphs in the country’s southern desert region.
Hundreds of figures include stylized fish, hummingbirds, lizards,
monkeys and spiders. Archeologists believe they were created by the
Nacza culture 1360-1615 years ago.
The damage affects some 1,600 square meters (0.4 acres) next to a
hummingbird etched into the desert soil. A spokeswoman for the
prosecutor said that, under Peruvian law, damaging the historic site
could be punishable by a prison sentence of three to six years. The
Peruvian cultural ministry is also considering suing Greenpeace for
damages, Webster said.
I challenged the inconsiderate Rainbow Warriors inside the UN climate
confab, during their press conference. You can watch the exchange here. A
year ago, Russia jailed another band of Greenpeaceniks for trespassing
on one of its oil rigs. It will be interesting to see how Peruvian
authorities punish these thoughtless desecrators of Incan cultural
sites. Stay tuned to our website.
Big Green and other Leftist ideologues are blind to the harm their
actions cause. As blind as so many people in Southeast Asia will
be if Greenpeace propaganda succeeds in denying them access to the GMO
“Golden Rice” that their diets need to ensure good visual health.
Eco activists cry a river for plants or bugs, but think nothing about
parents and children dying from malaria, because of their opposition to
insecticides and the powerful spatial repellant DDT; going blind from
Vitamin A deficiency, because of Golden Rice boycotts; or getting sick
and dying from lung and intestinal diseases, because these radical
greens also oppose large-scale electrical generating plants.
The huge letters the Greenpeace gang used to desecrate this sensitive
cultural site are plastic! Which is made from petroleum! Which
Greenpeace denounces as evil and planet-destroying! The “go solar”
slogan on the mountains above Machu Picchu was projected using equipment
that was powered by hydrocarbons. What hypocrites these campaigners be!
CFACT representatives had an opportunity to speak with some Inca people
at their sacred places, and with local Peruvian leaders in Lima. We
visited with respect and forged friendships. That's what happens when
you care about people.
Many politicians and business people are afraid to stand up to Big Green
bully groups. CFACT is unafraid. We have challenged Greenpeace and Big
Green at every opportunity, such as here, here, here and here. We are
committed to working for people, as well as nature.
Greenpeace has hundreds of millions of dollars a year at its disposal
for its fight against human freedom, health and prosperity. We have a
tiny fraction of that. But we make it count – not just on educational
efforts, but for programs that directly support and assist poor
indigenous villages and people.
Via email
UK: Green policies to add up to 40pc to cost of household electricity
Official figures — initially withheld by ministers — show an alarming
increase in the price of electricity caused by generous subsidies to
wind farms as well as other policies.
An average household is expected to pay as much as £250 more for
electricity – mainly through consumer subsidies – to pay for the
Government’s green energy schemes, while an electrically heated house
could be as much as £440 a year worse off.
And by 2030, when thousands of planned offshore wind turbines are
finally operating, the burden will be even greater, the numbers show.
The average household could be paying an extra 60 per cent for
electricity – equivalent to £350 more a year.
Medium-sized businesses will be hit very hard, according to the new
data. On average such companies will see electricity bills rise by more
than £500,000 a year – a cost likely to be passed on to consumers.
The figures were made public last week by the Department of Energy and
Climate Change (DECC) following a Freedom of Information request by
campaigners. The information was initially prepared for an official DECC
report – released at the beginning of November – which claimed that the
average household fuel bill had fallen by £90 thanks to the “impact of
DECC policies”.
But the tables showing the actual cost of green policies on future
electricity prices for households and businesses in 2020 and 2030 were
kept secret because they were “thought to be confusing”.
Their release now will embarrass ministers, who are accused of presiding over an expensive consumer subsidy system.
The Government’s climate change policies include complex consumer
subsidies for wind and solar farms, as well as grants for energy
efficiency measures such as loft and wall insulation, available to
certain households.
The introduction of smart meters, which it is hoped will encourage lower
consumption, also helped contribute to rising electricity prices.
Dr John Constable, director of Renewable Energy Foundation, the think
tank whose Freedom of Information request was responsible for forcing
DECC to release the price impact tables, said: “The striking scale and
increasing trend of the climate policy energy price impacts are bad
enough in themselves, but DECC’s attempt to conceal these vitally
important figures is breathtaking.”
Dr Constable said he had been told by informed sources that pressure had been put on DECC to withhold the tables.
“This is a very unsatisfactory situation," he said, "Energy price impact
data is so intrinsically important, and policy transparency so crucial
to public trust in government, that very firm intervention is needed to
clear the air and ensure that it will not happen again. This sounds like
a job for the Prime Minister.”
DECC’s initial 88-page report was published on Nov 6, but the raw data on which the findings were based were omitted.
The Renewable Energy Foundation requested the figures and this week they were finally made available.
The supplementary tables show the “average impact of energy and climate
change policies on households’ energy prices” will see the cost of
electricity rise by as much as 42 per cent by 2020 from £131 per
megawatt hour (MWh) to £186.
An average household uses about 4.5 MWh, meaning a rise of as much as
£250 in the cost of electricity. By 2030, the price of a megwatt hour
will increase by 60 per cent to £206.
Medium-sized businesses, according to DECC’s own figures, will pay as
much as 77 per cent more for electricity in 2020 and 114 per cent more
in 2030.
Such business on average consume 11,000 MWh – adding as much as £560,000
a year to the electricity bill. A typical bill could rise from £760,000
a year to £1.3?million.
DECC has claimed overall bills will fall because its green policies will
lead to a reduction in household energy consumption with measures such
as improved insulation and increased efficiency of electrical appliances
leading to an overall drop in bills, it says.
A DECC spokesman said a decision had been taken to withhold the tables because it was “thought to be confusing”.
She said: “We always said we would publish the data anyway. It is not
written anywhere but that is what we were quite clear about.”
She added: “Without the Government’s policies bills would still be higher.”
Ohio Joins Global Effort to Slam the Door on Big Wind
Wherever wind farms have appeared – or have been threatened – big
numbers of locals take a set against the monsters being speared into
their previously peaceful – and often idyllic – rural communities. Their
anger extends to the goons that lied their way to development approval –
and the bent officials that rubber-stamped their applications and who,
thereafter, help the operators ride roughshod over locals’ rights to
live in and enjoy the peace and comfort of their own homes and
Australians are in there fighting hard – with the numbers solidly
against wind power outfits that cause nothing more than community
division and open hostility where ever they go
The Irish have already hit the streets to bring an end to the fraud:
some 10,000 stormed Dublin back in April. The sense of anger in Ireland –
as elsewhere – is palpable (see our post here).
Rural Ontario is seething, with locals taking the law into their own
hands – sabotaging turbines and construction equipment in order to
defend their (once) peaceful and prosperous communities
And the Scots have joined in – tearing down MET masts in order to
prevent wind power outfits from gaining a foothold and, thereafter,
violating their right to live free from turbine terror
The back-lash against wind power outfits has been mirrored in the US –
with communities rallying to shut down projects before they begin; and a
raft of litigation launched by neighbours
In the US, even turbine hosts – who we’re repeatedly told by the wind
industry’s pseudo-scientist advocates NEVER complain about turbine noise
impacts on their homes and health – have issued civil actions against
the companies that pay them handsomely to let them plant their giant
fans in the top paddock.
In Texas, 23 of them are suing 2 wind power outfits for damages caused
by excessive noise – which has led to health problems and homes being
abandoned – true to form, the companies involved had lied to the farmers
concerned about the noise their turbines would generate from the very
beginning (see our post here).
Now, farmers in Ohio have taken up the battle to defend their homes, properties and families from turbine tyranny.
Australia: Just another morning of the ABC’s pet warming activists
The ABC is Australia's main public broadcaster
Of course the ABC is not biased.
True, ABC Melbourne 774 got its update on the Lima global warming talks
this morning from Erwin Jackson of the alarmist Climate Institute,
sponsored by green carpetbaggers, and treated him like a dispassionate
Sure ABC Radio National today interviewed Tim Flannery, head of the
alarmist Climate Council, as if he, too, were a dispassionate expert,
not even asking that he declare his own vested interests or explain any
of his countless dud predictions. Heck, the interviewer didn’t even
laugh at the irony of Flannery denouncing “scaremongers”, and ended by
noting what a “privilege” it was to talk to the old scaremonger himself.
No, the ABC isn’t biased at all. I mean, isn’t everyone a Greens voting,
Abbott-hating, Billy Bragg-playing global warming alarmist?
When will the ABC be forced to live up to its statutory duty to offer balance and a range of voices?
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
15 December, 2014
Obama’s Possible Paris Climate Agreement End Run Around the Senate
Foreign negotiators, activists, and journalists are very worried about Senate Republicans
Lima, Peru – The United States Senate approved the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by a rare division vote
with two-thirds concurring on October 7, 1993 and President Bill Clinton
ratified the treaty by signing it on October 13, 1993. By agreeing to
that treaty the United States committed to the "stabilization of
greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would
prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system."
In 1997, on behalf of the United States, Vice-President Al Gore signed
the Kyoto Protocol which was the follow-on treaty to the UNFCCC. That
treaty would have obligated the United States reduce its greenhouse gas
emissions 7 percent below their 1990 levels by 2012. However, in July,
1997 the Byrd-Hagel sense of the Senate resolution had passed 95 to 0
specifically stating that the U.S. should not be a signatory to any
agreement pursuant to the UNFCCC that the exempted developing countries
from taking on obligations to reduce their greenhouse gas
In addition, the resolution declared that any such agreement would
require the advice and consent of the Senate to ratification.
Consequently, President Clinton never submitted the Kyoto Protocol to
the Senate for a vote. In March, 2001, President George W. Bush sent a
letter to members of the Senate explaining why he opposed the Kyoto
Protocol and he, too, never submitted it to the Senate for a vote.
Among the tents at the Lima venue for the 20th Conference of the Parties
(COP-20) of the UNFCCC, it is clear that negotiators from other
countries, activists and journalists are very worried about how any new
U.N. climate agreement reached next year in Paris would fare if it had
to be submitted for consideration by a Senate soon to be dominated by
Republicans. But there are hints that members of the Obama
administration believe that that unpleasantness perhaps can be avoided.
Next year's Paris agreement could be interpreted by the Obama
administration as not being an actual treaty requiring the Senate's
advice and consent before ratification. It may instead simply be
construed as an elaboration of our already existing obligations to
stabilize greenhouse gases under the UNFCCC. If the Paris agreement were
more procedural in form, perhaps it could be taken as being merely an
extension of the UNFCCC, speculated former Clinton White House
environmental aide Elliot Diringer in response to a question during a
session at the U.S. Center at the Lima COP-20. In such a case, President
Obama might argue that he could implement such a Paris climate
agreement as an executive agreement.
In response to an anxious question at a press conference on Monday, U.S.
Special Envoy on Climate Change Todd Stern explained that whether or
not the Paris agreement would need to be submitted to the Senate for
consideration "will depend entirely on how the agreement is written." In
a somewhat circular manner, Stern noted, "We will submit any kind of
agreement that requires that kind of submission." Stern did observe that
neither the Copenhagen Accord under which the Obama administration set
the goal of reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions 17 percent below
their 2005 levels by 2020 nor the Cancun Agreements that set out
procedures for making emissions reduction pledges have been submitted to
Congress for consideration. Why not? Because adherence to both is
entirely voluntary.
A 2010 Congressional Research Service (CRS) legal analysis of climate
agreements put it bluntly, "The United States is not legally bound by
the Copenhagen Accord." The CRS analysis added, "The Copenhagen Accord
cannot be used as an independent basis for agency regulations imposing
emissions restrictions on industry." The CRS analysis also observes that
nothing prevents the president from attempting to fulfill the voluntary
Copenhagen Accord pledges by seeking domestic climate change
legislation or promulgating regulations pursuant to existing statutes
such as the Clean Air Act and the Energy Independence and Security Act.
In fact, this is what President Obama has done by increasing corporate
average fuel economy standards and seeking to reduce electric power
plant emissions of carbon dioxide by 30 percent.
Another journalist asked Stern if a Paris agreement with some kind of
legally binding greenhouse gas reduction targets would have to be
submitted to Congress. Stern diplomatically replied, "We are very
mindful that agreements could be structured in such a way that some
would need to go to the Congress and some would not." So what kind of
climate agreement reached in Paris next year might need Congressional
The 2010 CRS legal memorandum speaks to that question directly. It notes
that a 1992 Senate Committee on Foreign Relations report dealing with
the ratification of the UNFCCC flatly stated that a "decision by the
Conference of the Parties to adopt targets and timetables would have to
be submitted to the Senate for its advice and consent before the United
States could deposit its instruments of ratification for such an
agreement." The 1992 Senate report also explicitly added that any
presidential attempt "to reinterpret the Convention to apply legally
binding targets and timetables for reducing emissions of greenhouse
gases to the United States" would also require the Senate's prior advice
and consent.
The State Department's own Foreign Affairs Manual notes that presidents
may conclude executive agreements in three cases, e.g., pursuant to a
treaty already authorized by the Senate; on the basis of existing
legislation; and pursuant to his authority as Chief Executive when such
an agreement is not inconsistent with legislation enacted by the
Congress. Consequently, President Obama might assert that he has the
authority to bind the U.S. to take on international obligations under
the Paris climate agreement because it is pursuant to the already
authorized UNFCCC and is consistent with existing federal environmental
On the other, the Manual offers guidance for deciding when a treaty or
when an executive agreement is appropriate. Relevant considerations
include (1) the extent to which the agreement involves commitments or
risks affecting the nation as a whole, (2) whether the agreement is
intended to affect State laws, and (3) the preference of the Congress as
to a particular type of agreement. Clearly any international agreement
that purports to impose legal limits on the emissions of greenhouse
gases would involve risks to the nation as a whole and affect state
laws. And, as noted earlier, the Senate has plainly stated that setting
any greenhouse gas reduction targets and timetables under the UNFCCC
would require its advice and consent.
So if the Paris agreement contains, as the European Union apparently
wants, some kind of legally binding greenhouse gas reduction targets or
timetables, President Obama could have a tough time asserting that he
can obligate the U.S. to it by means of an executive agreement. Of
course, that doesn't mean that the president won't try to do it.
Debunking John Kerry's Claim That Climate Change Is a Great Investment Opportunity
If renewable, new nuclear, or even fusion energy is actually becoming
cheaper than conventional fossil fuels, why would the world need an
international treaty at all?
Lima, Peru – Secretary of State John Kerry jetted down today for the
20th Conference of the Parties (COP-20) of the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). His entourage invaded the press
conference room and spent an inordinate amount of time adjusting the
lectern, fiddling with the microphones, and minutely tweaking and
cleaning the teleprompters not once, not twice, but three times before
Kerry showed up. Does our diplomatic service demand obsequiousness?
At the beginning of his climate change pep talk, Kerry singled out his
"special guest" Al Gore who was installed in the front row. Kerry noted
that Gore was "the leader with all of us on this issue, but the first
among equals, believe me, in his passion and commitment to this." I
suspect that the Nobel Peace prize winner might think himself a bit more
than merely a first among equals in the ranks of climate change
Kerry recalled that he was at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro at
which the UNFCCC was negotiated and had participated in numerous
subsequent COPs. (I, too, was there, John.) After 22 years of
negotiations, Kerry asserted, "The science of climate change is science,
and it is screaming at us, warning us, compelling us—hopefully—to act."
Because the international community has failed adequately to heed the
science, "We are still on a course leading to tragedy."
The blame for two decades of failed international climate policy rests
with both rich and poor nations. "If you are a big developed nation and
you are not helping to lead, then you are part of the problem," Kerry
declared. But he added that since "more than half of all greenhouse gas
emissions are now from developing countries. It is imperative that they
act, too."
Kerry noted that the U.S. is on track to meet President Obama's
commitment that the country would cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 17
percent below their 2005 levels by 2020. He hailed the joint
announcement on climate change with China last month as an example of
progress toward reining in climate change. But is it really? In the
announcement the U.S. intends by 2025 to cut its emissions by as much as
28 percent below their 2005 levels and China intends to peak its
emissions by 2030. The announcement creates no obligations of any sort
on either nation.
Kerry concluded by arguing that solving climate change is a vast
investment opportunity. "The solution to climate change is energy
policy," he asserted. Kerry claimed that the trillion dollar infotech
boom of 1990s will pale in comparison with the six trillion dollar
cleantech boom that an ambitious climate agreement In Paris would spark.
In his talk, the Secretary of State somehow overlooked the fact that no
vast international treaty specifying quotas, mandates, and taxes was
needed to force the creation of infotech markets, innovation and
prosperity. If renewable, new nuclear, or even fusion energy is actually
becoming cheaper than conventional fossil fuels, why would the world
need an international climate change treaty at all?
In any case, will the negotiations here at COP-20 in Lima really set the
stage of an ambitious climate agreement in Paris next year?
Interestingly, the optimistic atmosphere among the conference tents has
dissipated. The old familiar divide between the rich and poor countries
has cracked opened again.
On one side, the rich countries, including the U.S., want an agreement
in which all countries put forth intended nationally determined
contributions (INDCs in diplo-speak) during the first three months of
next year. The developed countries largely want to limit INDCs to
quantifiable pledges to cut or manage the future emissions of greenhouse
gases, e.g. so many millions of tons of carbon dioxide per year. They
also want to adopt a set of transparent reporting standards so that it
will be easy to compare and evaluate each country's INDC pledges.
Additionally, the European Union wants to incorporate a formal process
in the Paris agreement for evaluating the adequacy of INDCs, while the
U.S. doesn't think that it's absolutely necessary for the new treaty.
The EU is also arguing that INDCs should be legally binding for all
countries. The U.S. opposes this because that means that Paris agreement
would have to gain the assent of the Senate, which is unlikely.
For their part, most poor countries don't want to limit INDCs in the
Paris agreement to just efforts aimed at cutting and controlling
greenhouse gas emissions. They want to include provisions dealing with
climate finance, efforts at adaptation, and so forth. Such INDCs would
specifically obligate rich countries to provide funds to developing
countries to help them reduce their emissions.
The U.S. and the E.U. respond that the atmosphere is warming because of
the accumulation of greenhouse gases and that that should be the chief
way to measure success in the effort to reduce future warming. Including
finance and adaptation would make it harder to compare INDCs to see how
much they are furthering the goal of slowing global warming. Some poor
countries are still insisting on the UNFCCC principle of "common but
differentiated responsibilities" which they interpret as imposing
legally binding targets on developed countries while exempting poor
countries from such a requirement. Both China and India argue that a
formal process for evaluating INDCs would violate their national
The conference is supposed to wrap up by this evening. The current
negotiating text is a Chinese menu list of options indicating that no
hard decisions have been agreed to at this point. In a press statement,
the charity Oxfam warned, "Unless the text improves, whatever options
negotiators choose over the next day will leave many very difficult
issues unresolved and keep the world headed down a treacherous road
towards extreme warming." Evidently, the climate negotiators here in
Lima are treating Kerry's hectoring as so much hot air.
While Kerry Backs Global Green Fund in Peru, House GOP Says No to $3B US Pledge
Secretary of State John Kerry lent his weight to U.N. climate talks in
Peru Thursday and lauded the achievement of an initial $10 billion
target in pledges for a global fund designed to help poorer countries
cope with climate change.
Back in Washington, however, congressional Republicans are taking aim at
the U.S. contribution to the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which accounts
for almost one third of the total amount pledged to date.
A provision in the omnibus spending bill currently before the House of
Representatives states that “no funds may be made available for the
Green Climate Fund, for which no funds were requested in fiscal year
President Obama last month pledged $3 billion for the GCF, by far the
largest contribution promised from the more than 20 governments that
have done so. Total pledges passed the $10 billion mark this week.
“I understand we now have enough pledges from the international
community to meet and exceed the initial Climate Green Fund target of 10
billion,” Kerry told the climate conference in the Peruvian capital,
Lima, on Thursday. “And the United States is very proud to be
contributing three billion.”
He reiterated his well-known positions on climate change:
--that “97 percent” of peer-reviewed climate studies have confirmed that climate change is happening and humans are responsible.
--that the science “is screaming at us, warning us, compelling us – hopefully – to act.”
--that climate change is at least as serious as other major global
threats, including “terrorism, extremism, epidemics, poverty, nuclear
Kerry also targeted those who challenge global warming dogma.
“What happens if the climate skeptics are wrong? Catastrophe. And we
have a responsibility to put in place the precautionary principle when
you’re given certain evidence and you’re a public official.”
He urged those listening in Lima and around the world “to demand resolve
from your leaders. Speak out. Make climate change an issue that no
public official can ignore for even one more day, let alone for one more
With Kerry at the forefront, Obama’s second-term administration is
seeking to exert world leadership on climate change ahead of the next
U.N. climate megaconference, in Paris in a year’s time, when negotiators
hope to produce a new global agreement on reducing emissions of carbon
dioxide and other “greenhouse gases” blamed for climate change.
In Copenhagen five years ago, President Obama joined other leaders in
agreeing to set up the GCF. The ambitious aim: to raise $100 billion a
year from public and private sources by 2020, to help developing
countries’ efforts to combat climate change by providing grants and
concessional funding. Now fully up and running, the fund sought initial
pledges of $10 billion this year.
After Obama last month offered $3 billion, Republicans heading for
leadership positions in the new Senate quickly signaled he could run
into trouble.
“President Obama’s pledge to give unelected bureaucrats at the U.N. $3
billion for climate change initiatives is an unfortunate decision to not
listen to voters in this most recent election cycle,” said Sen. Jim
Inhofe (R-Okla.), a climate change skeptic who from January will return
to the helm of the Environment and Public Works Committee.
“The president’s climate change agenda has only siphoned precious
taxpayer dollars away from the real problems facing the American
people,” he said. “In a new Congress, I will be working with my
colleagues to reset the misguided priorities of Washington in the past
six years.”
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who will chair the Senate Appropriations
subcommittee on State and foreign operations next year, was quoted by
Politico as predicting the authorization for the GCF would be difficult
“given what’s going on in the world right now.”
A Congressional Research Service report published shortly after Obama
made the pledge summarized some of the challenges ahead for the
“Members of Congress hold mixed views about the value of international
financial assistance to address climate change,” it said. “While
some Members are convinced that human-induced climate change is a
high-priority risk that must be addressed through federal actions and
international cooperation, others are not as convinced.”
“Some are wary, as well, of international processes that could impose
costs on the United States, redirect funds from domestic budget
priorities, undermine national sovereignty, or lead to competitive
advantages for other countries,” the CRS report said.
Although – as the omnibus spending bill states – the administration has
not requested funding for the GCF in the current fiscal year, it has
requested funds elsewhere to help poorer countries deal with climate
The State Department’s FY2015 request includes $401 million for
international organizations working on climate change and renewable
energy programs in developing nations, a six percent increase from
FY2014 levels.
The department further asks for $316.9 million in bilateral assistance in the climate change field.
“Global climate change threatens the livelihoods of millions in
developing countries, and, if not addressed, will stall or even reverse
the gains of many development efforts,” the administration said in its
budget justification.
To 'Beat' Climate Change, the U.S. Will Pick Up the World's Tab
U.S. Pushes Voluntary Climate Standards Abroad, Strict Mandates at Home
Representatives from the U.S. and 195 other countries are meeting in
Lima, Peru for the 20th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change, hoping to lay the foundation for
a major treaty to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. But evidence
shows this is the wrong approach to address climate change and
negotiators would be better off focusing on market competition and
innovation, which have proven able to reduce emissions intensity and
promote economic growth.
The U.S. is seeking an agreement based on voluntary reductions in carbon
dioxide emissions by each nation. In an attempt to kick start that
process, it recently announced a bilateral agreement with China in which
the U.S pledged to slash its own greenhouse gas emissions by more than
25 percent by 2025 (compared with 2005 levels). China is under no
obligation to cut emissions until 2030.
While the U.S. is promoting voluntarism internationally, at home it is
foisting new, heavy-handed regulations on business sectors to meet its
stated commitments. But these regulations are probably not necessary and
they are almost certain to drive up costs.
U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide emissions have declined in five of
the past eight years, led by emissions reductions in the electric power
sector. In 2013, carbon dioxide emissions in that sector were 15 percent
below the 2005 level, despite increased electricity consumption. The
reduction is mainly the result of greater efficiency and increasing use
of natural gas-changes which have been driven by competition. That trend
will likely continue, absent new regulations, because of market driven
innovations like hydraulic fracturing for natural gas development and
efficiency improvements. Market success and innovation coincide.
Efficiency improvements improve companies' bottom lines while reducing
emissions. At the same time, energy efficiency tools like light emitting
diodes (LED) lamps are reducing consumer energy use. Smart motors
reduce the amount of consumption in industry and homes, further reducing
emissions. Voluntary programs like "green pricing" allow consumers to
pay a premium for renewable generation.
According to the Energy Information Administration, while U.S. total
carbon dioxide emissions are the second highest in the world behind
China, U.S. emissions intensity (emissions per unit of production) ranks
better than most other countries, especially some of the large
industrializing countries, including India and China. The Energy
Information Administration estimates U.S businesses use a fraction of
the energy that companies in other countries use when producing a
dollar's worth of goods. For example, American companies use just 40
percent of the energy used by Indian businesses and less than 30 percent
of the energy used by Chinese businesses to produce a dollar of goods.
If the U.S. proceeds with its planned domestic emissions
restrictions-which include regulation of emissions at power plants-it
will drive up the costs of production in the U.S. by driving up energy
costs. Since most countries, with the exception of some in the European
Union, are unlikely to impose similar restrictions in the short-term,
more energy-intensive U.S. businesses may relocate to countries where
energy costs are lower but emission intensities higher. Thus, despite
emissions reductions in the U.S., the net result could be an increase in
global emissions as domestic reductions are offset by increases
elsewhere. Similarly troubling, reduced U.S. economic growth would have
globally negative effects, reducing the ability of people and societies
to adapt to whatever climate they face.
A far better approach would be for negotiators in Lima, and ultimately
next year in Paris, to embrace voluntarism more fully-all the way to the
individual level. That means opening markets such as natural resource
development and electricity generation and introducing competition in
global markets. These are the forces that have been demonstrated to
increase efficiency, enhance growth and reduce emissions intensity in
electric power generation, agriculture and transportation in the United
States. It makes more sense to pursue such a tried and tested win-win
approach than it does to attempt to impose a centrally-planned energy
diet on American businesses that could produce adverse consequences for
nearly everyone.
Cheap gas is akin to a $60 billion tax cut
Mainly due to fracking
Americans are getting quite the gift this year: Cheap gas. A gallon of
regular now costs $2.64 on average, according to AAA. In some places,
it's fallen below $2 a gallon.
The dramatic drop in the price at the pump is giving a big boost to the
U.S. economy. It's akin to a tax cut or stimulus program, economists
Every penny that gas prices decline puts about a billion dollars into
Americans' pockets, according to Stephen Stanley, Chief Economist of
Amherst Pierpont.
Gas prices were 62 cents higher this time last year, so the U.S. is
basically getting a $62 billion stimulus injection. To put it another
way, each household is saving roughly $500. That's money people can use
to buy other things or to save.
Retailers are rejoicing. In recent earnings reports, Walmart (WMT) and
other stores specifically singled out low gas prices as a likely driver
of sales this year. "This is obviously a critical time for them,
and any extra money households have to spend is in their mind money that
will flow to their register," said Stanley.
Overall, he estimates that depressed gas prices will add about half a percent to annual GDP.
The American shale energy boom, which has been a huge driver of the
economy since the recession, is expected to take a breather as a result.
On Monday, ConocoPhillips (COP) revealed that it is slashing spending
for 2015. BP (BP) made a similar announcement Wednesday. Thousands of
employees are expected to lose their jobs. The pain will be especially
harsh for smaller energy firms that have taken on heavy debt to finance
their operations.
Steven Wieting, Global Chief Investment Strategist at Citi Private Bank,
thinks the impact of oil's slump on the economy is being
underestimated, since people who work to service the oil sector in such
areas as marketing, sales, and finance will also be affected, even
though they're not always counted as part of the energy field.
"There is a big growing energy industry that's going to see investment and employment slow sharply," he said.
Still, Wieting believes the benefits of low gas prices for the consumer
outweigh the costs of a shale deceleration. "This is a double
edged sword," he noted. "You'll see stress in the energy industry, but
you'll also get a consumer windfall."
How low is too low? There's some fear out there among investors that
should oil fall too far, it could signal that the global economy is in
dire shape.
If oil tanks to $40 per barrel, "something is very wrong with the
world," claimed DoubleLine's Jeffrey Gundlach in a webcast Tuesday (It's
currently trading around $61).
But Wieting disputes the notion that overly weak demand is sending oil
tumbling. Rather, he points to the dramatic increase in supply in
recent years, mainly coming from the U.S.
And if history is any guide, plummeting oil prices won't lead to a
recession, he said. He mentioned that oil fell 60% over the course of a
year in 1986, and the economy still chugged along just fine.
Ultimately, the benefit to consumers wins out. "Even people who
work in the energy industry don't get free gasoline," he quipped.
Five current articles below
Greens hunt academic ‘witches’
A dragon: South Australian Greens senator Penny Wright. She
wants to know: "Are you now or have you ever been a member of a
free-market organization?"
THE notorious US anti-communism campaigner Joe McCarthy would be proud —
the Australian Senate has adopted his tactics in pursuit of independent
think tanks.
[NOTE: The "Are you now ..." question was actually asked in the HUAC hearings, not by Joe McCarthy. McCarthy was a Senator so had nothing to do with HUAC. HUAC was a Democrat outfit]
Instead of “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist
Party of the United States?”, a Senate estimates committee is asking
whether particular academics and specialists are “connected” with the
Institute of Public Affairs or the Centre for Independent Studies.
The federal Education Department has emailed a dozen or more subject
specialists who contributed to the national curriculum review.
The correspondence begins: “The department has received a number of
questions from Senate estimates. The specific question is: ‘If any of
the reviewers who were appointed are connected with the Institute of
Public Affairs or the Centre for Independent Studies?’ ”
It says it “would be appreciated if you could respond to this question”
by Monday. Some of the recipients and both organisations have lashed out
at what they see as an insulting intrusion.
“This is outright McCarthyism,” IPA deputy director James Paterson said.
“It is pretty much ‘Are you now or have you even been a member of the
IPA?’ ”
University of Wollongong historian Greg Melleuish said he was happy to answer the question because he had “nothing to hide”.
The issue was the “motives of the people asking the questions” rather
than the department following up. The person who asked the question was
South Australian Greens senator Penny Wright, who raised it at an
October hearing.
“I am interested to know if any of the reviewers who were appointed are
connected with the Institute of Public Affairs or the Centre for
Independent Studies?” she asked.
The Weekend Australian contacted the senator’s office yesterday seeking
comment on why the organisations were singled out and whether she was
investigating connections to any other organisations.
Senator Wright’s adviser said the senator was too busy to respond,
having “back-to-back meetings” and “two human rights events” to attend.
Associate Professor Melleuish said he was selected for the review
because of his extensive curriculum work for Liberal and Labor
“It is an attempt to taint people by association,” he said. “There is a
strange idea around, especially online, that the IPA somehow has a
pernicious effect on the government.”
Other academics confirmed they had received the request and decided not to respond.
They found the questions insulting, seemingly suggesting that publishing
with these highly regarded organisations devalued their expertise.
CIS executive director Greg Lindsay said: “We are an organisation of the
highest standards that publishes Nobel laureates, leading academics
from Australia and around the world, as well as high-level politicians
from all major parties. I’ve never heard of Senator Wright — who is
Both the IPA and CIS support free markets, individual liberty and limited government.
Mr Paterson said Senator Wright’s question was a “classic example” of
playing the man rather than the ball. “It is deeply revealing about the
Greens’ attitude to political disagreement,” he said. “Are the Greens
senators hunting down the political affiliation of all those who
contributed towards developing the national curriculum, or just those
they disagree with?”
The lead author of the original history curriculum was Melbourne
University historian Stuart Macintyre. His connections were not pursued
by the Greens. Professor Macintyre was once a member of the Communist
Wind Power Really Is Setting the World on FIRE:
As the Australian countryside turns to the golden hues of summer, the
attentions of its farming and rural communities also turn: hundreds of
eager eyes become fixed on the horizon for tell-tale signs of the smoke
that heralds the bushfires that cast fear amongst those that live and
work in the bush.
Rules are set to avoid bushfires on high fire danger days – when a Total Fire Ban is called:
You cannot light, maintain or use a fire in the open, or to carry out
any activity in the open that causes, or is likely to cause, a fire. No
general purpose hot works such as using tractors, slashers and/or
welding, grinding or gas cutting can be done in the open either, and
this includes incinerators and barbecues which burn solid fuel, eg. wood
or charcoal.
Farmers engaged in crop harvesting operations think twice about
operating harvesters when the northerly winds pick up and send
temperatures into the 40s – the safety conscious leave their headers
parked in the shed or the corner of the paddock and spend the day in
front of the A/C enjoying the cricket on TV – ready to respond in a
heartbeat to the call if a fire does break out. Better to miss a day’s
reaping than set the country ablaze.
But such is the seriousness with which country people take the
ever-present threat of a bushfire, that can turn a swathe of country
black; destroy homes, sheds, equipment, livestock, fences, generations
of hard work; and, most savage of all – lives.
The approach taken to the threat of the savagery of an Australian
bushfire is about the common sense management of RISK – and, wherever
possible, taking steps to minimise or prevent that risk altogether.
But one massive – and utterly unjustified – RISK is the one created by
the roll-out of hundreds of giant fans across WA, SA, NSW, Tasmania and
Victoria – all in areas highly prone to bushfires.
Turbines represent the perfect bushfire incendiary: around the world,
hundreds have blown up in balls of flame – in the process – each one
raining molten metal and hundreds of litres of flaming hydraulic oil and
burning plastic earthwards.
Wind turbine fires are ten times more common than the wind industry and
its parasites claim (see our post here and check out this website:
The Australian Labor Party’s energy policy nothing but wind
GEORGE Orwell once said that political language was designed to “give an appearance of solidity to pure wind”.
Step forward exhibit A and the Labor Party’s explanation for refusing to
fix the mess that is Australian renewable energy policy. Mark Butler
says that Labor will not “stand by and watch” billions of dollars in
investment in renewables head overseas.
Back on planet reality there is no investment in renewable energy now because we already have too much of it.
This year the legislated Large-Scale Renewable Energy Target required
Australia to produce 16,100 gigawatt hours of renewable energy.
What this effectively means is that businesses have to surrender an
equivalent amount of renewable energy certificates or pay a penalty. But
Australia has an enormous oversupply of renewable energy certificates.
This has nothing to do with the change of government a year ago and
everything to do with the overly generous solar subsidies provided by
various state and federal governments until recently. These subsidies
have correctly been removed but the overhang remains.
Where there is a surplus of a product its price falls and this is what
has happened to the price of renewable energy. Renewable energy
certificates have been stuck at about $30 a megawatt hour, too low to
bridge the gap between cheap fossil fuels and renewables.
Labor’s refusal to even consider reform is condemning the renewable
energy industry to greater uncertainty and simply defers a reckoning.
The reckoning will come when it becomes apparent that we cannot, by
2020, increase our renewable energy production to 41,000GWh as set by
law. To meet that target we need an additional 26,000GWh of renewables.
The most efficient renewable energy wind turbines are capable of
producing about 3MW while running. Because there are 8670 hours in a
year, each wind turbine has the potential to produce about 26GWh a year.
But turbines don’t run at full capacity because the wind doesn’t always
blow. Across Australia the average real output of wind turbines is about
one-third of their rated capacity.
That means each wind turbine could produce about 8GW of energy every
year. To produce another 26,000GWh we would need an extra 3000-plus wind
turbines — more than doubling the population of wind turbines in
Australia today. Each of these wind turbines would take up about 1sq km
of land — considering the space needed between turbines. That means we
would need an area larger than the size of the ACT to produce all this
additional wind energy.
Now we technically could blanket the ACT with wind turbines — and some
may suggest that would be a more productive use of that land — but that
is not going to happen in five years. There is too short a time to build
so many wind turbines so fast.
What will actually happen is that we won’t reach the target, but the
dirty secret is that those that have already invested in renewables
don’t really mind.
In about three years the target will grow to be above the renewable
energy we are producing. Under the law that will mean the price of
renewable energy certificates will increase to a shortfall charge of
about $93 a megawatt hour in post-tax dollars increasing the burden of
the RET threefold.
The producers of renewable energy will once again have their pockets
lined thanks to the largesse of the families and businesses that consume
energy. Irrigators will pay more to water their crops and we will
become even less competitive in steel production. Jobs will be lost.
The RET costs the average family about $50 a year now; in a few years
that will probably rise to $150 a year, or half a carbon tax but without
the compensation. Every time you open the fridge, the little white
light will come on to remind that you are paying for rich investors to
make money in renewable energy stocks.
Australia’s renewable energy policies could simply be titled “Robin Hood
visits Bizarro World” — they steal from the poor and give to the rich.
For all the Labor Party’s fine words in the cause of social justice and
redistribution, when the lights go on those words are shown to be about
as robust as a bunch of dead leaves blown along by the wind.
Less talk, more action on reef: Greens
The federal government has been accused of bullying other countries instead of taking action to protect the Great Barrier Reef.
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop will use climate change talks in Peru to
argue the reef is not under threat. She also plans to lobby
members of UNESCO's World Heritage Committee not to list the reef as a
site in danger and will argue the organisation is at risk of being duped
by activists.
Greens senator Larissa Waters says the government is failing to take
action and choosing instead to "lobby and bully" other countries.
"Even though the World Heritage Committee recommended a moratorium on
damaging developments, the pace of approvals has continued unabated,"
she said, adding that a long-term plan for the reef failed to address
the impacts of climate change.
Senator Waters highlighted approvals given to build mines in the Galilee
Basin and the expansion of the controversial Abbot Point coal port near
WWF-Australia chief executive Dermot O'Gorman says the reef should not
be used as a political football. "The government's own experts
have clearly stated that current management arrangements are not enough
to even halt the decline of the reef, let alone reverse the reef's
decline," he said.
Queensland opposition environment spokeswoman Jackie Trad says Ms Bishop
should put her energy into pressuring Premier Campbell Newman to do
more to protect the reef.
Ms Bishop is expected to tell UNESCO an in-danger listing could set a
dangerous precedent that could result in World Heritage assets being
blacklisted in the countries of committee members.
She will argue Australia has addressed environmental threats to the
reef, including those raised by UNESCO such as the dumping of dredge
spoil and cutting agricultural runoff.
The World Heritage Committee will meet in June to decide whether to formally declare the reef as an asset in danger.
Greenie academic soft on sharks
Greenies and sharks have a similar regard for morality. And Greenies hate people anyway
A paper published in the Australian Journal of Political Science has
described the West Australian government's response to shark attacks as
relying on "movie myths" and having "striking similarities" to the 1975
movie Jaws.
The research describes what the author calls the "Jaws Effect", which he
describes as "a political device based on three themes from the film:
the intentionality of sharks, the perception that all human-shark
interactions are fatal and the idea that killing a shark is the only
The author of the research, Dr Christopher Neff is a lecturer in public
policy at the University of Sydney's Department of Government and
International Relations and has previously been critical of the WA
government's approach to sharks.
The paper went on to say "This fiction serves an important political
purpose because films allow politicians to rely on familiar narratives
following shark bites to blame individual sharks in order to make the
events governable and to trump evidence-based science".
When discussing the situation in WA, where eight fatal attacks have
occurred since 2000, Dr Neff wrote: "I suggest that politicians used
movie myths to support their policies in order to use intent-based
narratives that are well known and blame sharks in order to lower
thresholds for policy action and favour quick policy solutions."
He said this happened in WA following four shark bite incidents in 2000,
2003, 2011 and 2014, when action was taken in an attempt to kill sharks
following encounters with humans.
In regard to his findings Dr Neff said "politicians do not have a right
to their own set of scientific facts about sharks, no matter how popular
the movie".
In the past Premier Colin Barnett has repeatedly cited "public safety" as the reason for killing sharks.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
14 December, 2014
'Climate Change’ Ranks Dead Last in United Nations' Own Survey
Delegates from 190 nations attending the United Nations’ summit
in Lima, Peru this week are pushing for “net zero emissions” and “full decarbonization by 2050” to battle climate change.
But more than seven million people who responded to a recent U.N. global
survey ranked climate concerns at the very bottom of their priorities.
“A good education” topped the 16-item priority list in all demographic
and geographic categories, followed by “better healthcare,” “better job
opportunities,” and “an honest and responsive government.”
Most survey respondents put “action taken on climate change” in last
place, indicating widespread skepticism of the U.N.’s claims that the
Earth faces irreversible and catastrophic damage from rising
temperatures if carbon dioxide emissions are not completely eliminated
over the next three and a half decades.
That skepticism can be traced in part to satellite and weather balloon
data showing no global warming for the past 18 years, as well as the
obvious disconnect between global warming alarmists’ rhetoric and their
For example, U.N. delegates who flew to Lima in jet-fueled airliners are
calling for the total elimination of fossil fuels, but the vast
majority of them would not ride a bicycle less than six miles to the
conference venue to reduce their own carbon footprints.
“Peruvian Environment Minister [Manuel] Pulgar-Vidal asked for a bicycle
parking lot. He got it, but only about 40 people use it daily,”
according to the Associated Press. Instead, most of the 11,000 delegates
rely on cars and buses to get to sessions of the 20th Conference of
Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
And despite its stated goal to eliminate all carbon dioxide emissions by
2050 by ending the use of fossil fuels, the Lima conference is
“expected to have the biggest carbon footprint of any U.N. climate
meeting measured to date,” adding more than 50,000 metric tons of CO2 to
the Earth’s atmosphere, the AP reports.
But that won’t stop U.N. delegates from trying to impose expensive and
draconian carbon reductions on everybody else, warned Chris Dawson, CEO
of the Lord Monckton Foundation.
“The UN bureaucrats and fellow travelers are afraid that the actual lack
of global warming for 18 years and the ‘hottest year ever’
contradiction can’t hold out until Paris” next year, he said. That's
when the UN is expected to replace the expired 1997 Kyoto Protocol with a
binding treaty on climate change that incorporates any draft agreements
made in Lima.
Dawson predicts that the Lima conference will come up with some sort of
hybrid agreement that will enable President Obama, who has already made a
$3 billion pledge to the U.N.’s Green Climate Fund, to “side-step [the]
U.S. Congress.” Under the Constitution, Congress must ratify any
treaties signed by the president.
“This Agreement will reflect the terms of his US China Climate Agreement
and all countries, including Australia, will be under huge pressure to
sign, perhaps even as early as now, in Lima,” Dawson warns.
In July, Australia became “the world’s first developed nation to repeal
carbon tax laws that put a price on greenhouse-gas emissions,” the Wall
Street Journal reported. Prime Minister Tony Abbott won a landslide
victory after giving Australian voters his “pledge in blood” to repeal
the carbon tax, which he called “a $9 billion handbrake” on the world’s
12th largest economy.
Although Abbott originally said his government would not contribute to
the Green Energy Fund, he reversed his stance. On Monday, Foreign
Minister Julie Bishop announced that Australia would kick in $200
million to the fund over the next four years.
At the U.N.’s 2009 climate conference in Copenhagen, industrialized
countries like the U.S., which are already spending $25 billion a year
on climate change, committed to spending another $100 billion per year
by 2020 to help poorer, undeveloped nations adapt to climate change.
Bangladeshi climate scientist Saleemul Huq characterized the fund as
“reparations from polluters”.
However, only about a tenth of the $100 billion, which U.N. chief
spokeswoman Christiana Figueres called “a very, very small sum,” has
been actually pledged so far.
And that $100 billion figure, which was developed by the World Bank, is
“a significant underestimate,” said Achim Steiner, director of the
U.N.’s Environment Programme (UNEP). The revised figure is now $250
billion to $500 billion per year by 2050.
Climate Catastrophe
By John Stossel
People argue about whether the “consensus” of scientists is that we face
disaster because of global warming. Instead of debating whether man’s
greenhouse gasses will raise temperatures, we should argue about how we
gauge disasters.
If you take most environmentalists and climate scientists at their word,
the Earth heated up about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit over the past century,
not much more than it heated up the century before that. Warming may
increase, but no one can be certain of that.
Let’s agree for the sake of argument that this recent warming was partly
caused by humanity. Let’s also agree that there are some negative
effects, including more frequent coastal flooding or longer droughts.
If we agree that those are costs, shouldn’t we also look at the
benefits? Much of modern civilization owes its existence to our use of
the fossil fuels that produce the greenhouse gasses.
I don’t see that civilization as misfortune. I wish climate alarmists
would weigh its accomplishments against the relatively small downsides
of climate change. One of industry’s biggest accomplishments is creating
a world where far fewer of us are likely to die because of weather.
Alex Epstein’s book “The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels” documents the
rapidly shrinking number of human beings killed by storms, floods and
other climate events thanks largely to ever-growing industry, fueled
mainly by oil, natural gas and coal.
On my show this week, he argues that if we compare conditions a century
ago to conditions last year, we shouldn’t obsess about how much carbon
dioxide is in the air – or whether earth is warming – we should look at
how much safer life became.
In 2013, “Climate-related deaths were at a record low – in supposedly
the worst climate in history – under 30,000,” says Epstein. In 1931, bad
weather killed 3 million people.
You can argue that we get some things wrong as a civilization, but
thanks to our use of fossil fuels, we get something very right.
Epstein points out that humanity owes its current ability to survive
harsh winters, arid deserts and other naturally dangerous environments
to the same fuels that activists now condemn: “We have the luxury of
being able to absorb a certain amount of climate-related damage so we
can live in all of these cool places.”
His argument is unusual because environmentalists spread the idea that, without human interference, the planet is perfect.
But by what standard?
“If you went to someone 300 years ago and asked them, do you have a
perfect climate?” they would think you were crazy, says Epstein. “They
were terrified of climate, because climate doesn’t give you the
resources that you need. It doesn’t give you water when you need it. It
doesn’t give you the temperature when you need it.”
It was once common to say that humans change their environment. That
shouldn’t offend people today, says Epstein. We should be thrilled that
humans “create technology to master climate. … That’s why so few people
today die from climate.”
Epstein correctly says that instead of talking about “climate change” –
of which there will always be some, with or without human influence – we
should focus on “climate catastrophe,” weather that actually kills
people. Those catastrophes, measured in lost lives, are getting rarer.
Most of the changes humans make to our environment are desirable changes
that help us live longer and more comfortably. “The dogma that man is
ruining the planet rather than improving it is a religion, a source of
prestige and a career for too many people.”
If we regard nature as pristine and think it must never be altered, we
will have big problems. We will die young and lead miserable, difficult
I think of industry as something that is mostly very good for us, with a
few minor side effects that aren’t. Fossil fuels are a little like
antibiotics, says Epstein. It’s good to draw attention to minor side
effects, but it would be crazy to abandon all treatment because of them.
Fossil fuels are no catastrophe. They contribute to health and a better life.
Welcome to the O-zone, where economic development is a zero-sum game
Late in the day on Thanksgiving eve, when no one was paying attention,
the Obama administration released its Unified Agenda — a regulatory
roadmap of thousands of regulations being finalized in 2015. Within the
bundle of more than 3000 regulations is a rule on ozone that President
Obama himself, in 2011, “put on ice” in an effort to reduce “regulatory
burdens and regulatory uncertainty, particularly as our economy
continues to recover.” Regarding the 2011 decision that shocked
environmental groups, the New York Times (NYT) recently stated: “At the
time, Mr. Obama said the regulation would impose too severe a burden on
industry and local governments at a time of economic distress.”
So, why has the rule that the National Association of Manufacturers
(NAM) calls: “the most expensive ever imposed on industry in America,”
come back? First, Obama isn’t facing an election — which, while the
White House denied it, most believe to be the reason for the 2011
about-face. More importantly, however, is the fact that following the
2011 decision that struck down the proposed ozone rule, environmental
groups sued the Obama administration. The resulting court order required
the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to release the proposed rule
by December 1, with finalization by October 2015.
Once again, environmental groups — who, on September 21, came out of the
closet and revealed that their true intention is system change
(“capitalism is the disease, socialism is the cure”) — are in charge of
America’s energy, and, therefore, economic policy. They have
systematically chipped away America’s sources of economic strength:
cost-effective energy. And we’ve let them.
What they are doing is reminiscent of the classic poem, attributed to
pastor Martin Niemöller, which is quoted at the United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum:
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
First, they came after coal. It was at a time when natural gas was cheap
and touted as the “bridge fuel” to the future. No one much spoke out.
Some in the natural gas business even encouraged the war on coal, as it
benefitted them. When I first heard that then-Chesapeake Energy CEO
Aubrey McLendon gave the Sierra Club $25 million to fight coal (it is
reported that the Sierra Club turned down an additional $30 million), I
remember yelling at the TV. “You fool!” I shouted. “You will be next!”
Within months, the Sierra Club launched its “Beyond Natural Gas”
campaign that claims: “Increasing reliance on natural gas displaces the
market for clean energy and harms human health and the environment in
places where production occurs.” A headline on the Beyond Natural Gas
webpage states that natural gas is: “Dirty, dangerous, and run amok.”
Shortly thereafter, McLendon “agreed to retire.”
The oil industry didn’t make much noise about the Sierra Club campaign —
after all natural gas prices were low and oil, high. While
environmental groups generally oppose all fossil fuels, the oil industry
has been hurt the least. Jobs in the oil sector of the energy industry
have continued as the lone bright spot in the economy and increased U.S.
production has cut our reliance on Middle Eastern crude to the lowest
levels in three decades. Even as recently as November 5, President Obama
bragged about decreased dependence on imported oil.
While the Obama administration hasn’t been vocally anti-oil, it has not
made development easy. The permitting process for a new well on federal
lands takes twice as long as it did previously. Environmental groups,
with whom Obama is philosophically aligned, have continued to push for
tighter regulations on hydraulic fracturing — even an outright ban
(which would virtually shut down America’s new energy abundance). The
Democrat-controlled New York state has already acquiesced to
environmentalists’ demands.
Now, they are coming for oil-and-gas development and manufacturing
through the just-announced 626-page ozone regulation, which will require
states to dramatically reduce ozone emissions from the current 75 parts
per billion (ppb) to a range of 65 to 70ppb—though environmental groups
want a 60ppb standard which may be the final rule. While a 5-15ppb
reduction doesn’t sound like much, it is important to realize that many
areas of the U.S. are already out of compliance — including most of
California — with the 75ppb level. The new regulations will mean that,
depending on the final rule, 76-96 percent of the country — including
some national parks where the natural background levels are 65-67ppb —
will be out of compliance.
According to Howard Feldman, the American Petroleum Institute’s director
of regulatory and scientific affairs, “earlier EPA analyses acknowledge
the technology needed to achieve more stringent standards doesn’t
exist.” Likewise, a NAM report, titled “Potential Economic Impacts of a
Stricter Ozone Standard,” states that a majority of new reductions would
have to come from “unknown controls.”
Ozone is an odorless gas that is not directly emitted into the air but
is created by chemical reactions between nitrogen oxides (NOx) and
volatile organic compounds (VOC) — which occur naturally but are also
produced from the burning of fossil fuels and are released in the
process of drilling for oil and natural gas. For example, even before
the new proposed levels were announced, Colorado’s Front Range region is
out of compliance with the current rules, “driven largely by emissions
from fossil fuel processing.” A report in the Colorado Independent
states: “The increase in ozone violations is primarily due to emissions
from oil and gas drilling.” Electric utilities and chemical solvents are
also sources of NOx and VOC.
“To meet the new standards,” the National Journal says: “states will
have to form plans that will limit emissions of ozone-forming pollutants
from two major sources: stationary sources such as power plants and
factories, and transportation” — which will reduce energy intensive
economic activity. The NYT reports: “The ozone rules are expected to
force the owners of power plants and factories to install expensive
technology to clean pollutants from their smoke stacks” — which will
raise costs to families and business. Under the current rule, ozone
levels, according to the EPA, have fallen in the U.S. 33 percent since
1980 and 18 percent since 2000.
The American Legislative Exchange Council explains the impact of the new
ozone proposal this way: “Virtually every state’s ability to develop
industry would be seriously jeopardized because emissions from each new
stationary source would have to be ‘offset’ with emissions reductions
elsewhere in the nonattainment area. In practice, this means that
industrial development becomes a zero-sum game, whereby every new
business requires the closure of existing business.”
No wonder NAM’s response is antagonistic: “Manufacturing in the United
States is making a comeback,” Jay Timmons, CEO and President, said in a
press release. “We’re reducing emissions at the same time, but
tightening the current ozone standard to near unachievable levels would
serve as a self-inflicted wound to the U.S. economy at the worst
possible time. This rule would undermine our work to expand
manufacturing in the United States, making it almost impossible to
increase operations, create new jobs or keep pace internationally.”
Despite the negative economic impact of the expensive rule — with
figures ranging from $19 billion to $270 billion — environmental groups
believe Obama will follow through this time because, as National Journal
states: “the rule fits with the rest of Obama’s climate change agenda
and they’d expect it to move forward even on the tighter end.” The
Sierra Club’s Washington representative on smog pollution, Terry
McGuire, believes: “The administration is emboldened to do that.”
While environmental groups and the Obama administration maybe feel
“emboldened,” more regulation — especially that which “would impose too
severe a burden on industry and local governments” — is not what the
American people want or need.
“The president said his policies were on the ballot, and the American
people spoke up against them,” said incoming Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell (R-KY). “It’s time for more listening, and less
job-destroying red tape. Easing the burden already created by EPA
regulations will continue to be a priority for me in the new Congress.”
“Republicans,” according to National Journal, “have vowed to target the ozone standard as a part of their early energy agenda.”
Current Minority Leader of the Senate Environment and Public Works
Committee, Senator Vitter (R-LA) and incoming Chairman, Senator Inhofe
(R-OK) called the rule: “one of the most devastating regulations in a
series of over-reaching regulatory actions.” In response to the November
26 announcement, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy promised: “The
House will conduct aggressive oversight and use the proper legislative
approach to continue to promote cleaning the air we breathe while
ensuring our communities are not burdened with unrealistic regulations.”
With the Obama administration willing to sacrifice jobs and economic
development for some perceived environmental legacy, it is time for
unions to abandon the historic allegiance to the Democrat Party and
realize that it is the Republicans who advocate for policies that
protect the jobs in construction, manufacturing, mining, and energy —
all well-paying positions that are often filled by union members.
It is time for capitalist, free-marketers to speak out.
It is time for trade unionists to speak out.
It is time for families, workers, and businesses to speak out.
It is time for the all of the energy producers — coal, natural gas, and oil — to speak out with one voice.
Because, if we don’t, there will be no one left to speak for us.
Superbug threat to human race ‘more certain’ than climate change – inquiry chief
Economist investigating threat of return to medical ‘dark ages’ predicts 10 million a year could die within a generation
The threat to the human race from deadly new disease strains resistant
to drugs is “more certain” than that from climate change, the head of a
new review set up by David Cameron into the crisis has insisted.
Up to 10 million people a year could die as a result of superbugs and
drug resistant strains of diseases such as malaria within a generation
unless urgent action is taken, according to projections calculated by a
team led by Jim O’Neill, the City economist.
Yet despite widespread agreement among scientists about the scale of the threat the public is largely unaware, he warned.
The inquiry was set up earlier this year to search urgently for
solutions to a problem Mr Cameron said threatened to cast the world
"back into the dark ages of medicine".
In an initial assessment Mr O’Neill set out a Doomsday scenario, warning
that without concerted global action to find new treatments and
dramatically reduce overprescribing 300 million people could die in the
next 35 years from currently treatable conditions.
According to projections, using modelling designed by economists at KPMG
and RAND, by 2050 so-called Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) could claim a
similar number of lives every year as cancer, cholera, diabetes,
measles, tetanus, diarrheal conditions and all the road traffic
accidents in the world combined.
The massive loss of life could wipe out around £64 trillion of global
productivity in the next 35 years – the equivalent of the entire GDP of
the UK every year for a generation, it found.
But Mr O’Neill insisted that the estimates are likely to be conservative
and the financial impact could be twice as much when the cost of new,
more complicated procedures for routine operations such as hip
replacements and caesarean sections are taken into account
Mr O’Neill said he had consulted closely with Lord Stern, the President
of the Royal Academy who carried out a landmark investigation into the
threat from climate change for Tony Blair, about parallels between the
two threats and possible responses.
But he added that, despite the vastly higher public profile of climate
change in comparison with drug resistance, there is greater consensus
about the danger to humanity from the latter.
“It feels to me, from the scientific knowledge, that there is more certainty about this being a problem,” he said.
“Now I’m somebody that is very sympathetic to the climate change case …
but, with the kind of debate that goes on and data, it feels to me that
there is more certainty about this becoming a problem over a reasonably
short time period.
He added: “In some ways to try and solve is a little bit like climate
change, because we are talking about the problem getting a lot bigger in
the future than it is today and what we are presuming … that the cost
of stopping the problem is significantly lower than the cost of not
stopping it.
Over the next year and a half the inquiry will assess possible solutions
to the situation as the basis for a future international agreement.
Lord Stern said: “Wise policy looks ahead and tries to manage risks, particularly the big ones.
“There can be no doubt now that Antimicrobial Resistance is one of the biggest we – all of us – face.”
The inquiry’s initial estimates suggest that while the crisis will
affect rich and poor countries alike the developing world will bear the
It estimates that in India alone two million people a year could die as a
result of drug resistance by 2050 and another million in China. That in
turn would have a dramatic impact on the world economy.
In Nigeria, one in four of all deaths by 2050 could be a result of AMR,
according to the projections while in Indonesia 300,000 could die,
primarily from new resistant strains of malaria.
UK: Ministers accused of trying to ‘buy off’ local discontent on wind farms
Landscape campaigners have described the latest Government moves to help
communities obtain financial benefits from wind farms as a guide to
The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) has set out new
standards for wind energy schemes to work with local communities.
The guidance, written by the industry body Regen South West, focuses on
how communities can best obtain and use cash funds of up to £5,000 per
megawatt (MW).
Opponents of turbines say windfalls under the new rules – worth £1.1
million over the life cycle of a large project up for decision in
Cornwall later this month – are simply designed to “buy off” local
Campaign group Cornwall Protect said the only way the Government can
achieve its renewable energy targets is to “extend the gravy train
beyond developers and landowners to communities”.
Spokesman Danny Mageean said there was a danger that so-called community
leaders may be keen to win “brownie points” even if they live “at the
other end of the village”.
“I live five hundred metres from a 77-metre turbine so I know the
problems, and I don’t think giving our parish council a few thousand
would compensate for the devaluing of our property and the noise,” he
Ministers unveiled a raft of measures last year in response to growing
anger in the rural Conservative heartlands at turbines and solar farms.
The new guidance was billed as giving more protection to the landscape
and a stronger voice to locals who opposed unpopular renewable energy
In addition, the recommended community benefit package in England was
increased fivefold from £1,000 per MW of installed capacity to £5,000
per MW.
DECC has published the guidance on how wind schemes should work with communities, calling for partnerships between the two.
It gives examples of different ways in which funds and other investments
by developers have been used by local groups, from the provision of
care services to mountain bike trails.
The guidance is expected to be followed shortly be a community “right to
invest” in new renewable energy projects that will also apply to solar
Jodie Giles, communities project manager at Regen South West, authors of
the document, said “We are delighted that more communities are getting
involved with sustainable energy, and in particular onshore wind
projects – one of the most efficient and cost effective renewables
technologies available.”
Examples of how benefits have been used will soon be recorded on DECC’s new community benefits register for England.
This month, a decision will be made on plans for one of the biggest wind
farms in the region – 11 turbines producing 25MW at Week St Mary in
Developers Good Energy are proposing a fund of £2,000 per MW, totalling
more than £44,000 a year for the life of the project, available to
people living within three miles of the plant.
A local electricity tariff scheme is also proposed, offering discount
for locals living within the three-mile radius who sign up to receive
electricity from the scheme.
The firm is also exploring the possibility of the community owning one of the turbines.
Bob Barfoot, a member of the CPRE in Devon and a planning expert who has
helped prepare a report from the group Communities Against Rural
Exploitation (CARE) for the planning meeting on October 23, said
community benefits cannot be taken into account by councillors.
He says this point has been made by a number of planning inspectors in
recent appeals, including a decision this June to uphold the refusal of a
77-metre turbine at Ladock.
In dismissing the appeal, planning inspector Paul Jackson said plans to
generate about a third of the parish’s annual electricity demand were “a
laudable aim”
“However, as planning permission for the scheme was refused on landscape
and visual amenity grounds, which remain the main concerns, it is
unclear how the intended community benefits could make it acceptable,”
he added.
Environment campaigner Jeremy Varcoe, of North Cornwall, said it was
wrong to lavish cash on the girl guides rather than affected locals.
“What’s so unfair is the money goes to people not affected – rather than
those whose lives are blighted by the turbines – it is little more than
a bribe to the local parish or town council,” he added.
“It is a dishonest device to buy off the increasing resentment among
people who are against these developments. Strictly speaking community
benefits are not a material planning consideration but there is no doubt
that the promise of large amounts of money has affected the decision of
committees and council case officers.”
Tide turns on sea-level alarmists in Australia
AUSTRALIA is lucky to possess the high-quality, 128-year-long tide gauge
record from Fort Denison (Sydney Harbour), which since 1886 indicates a
long-term rate of sea-level rise of 0.65mm a year, or 6.5cm [2.5
inches] a century.
Lucky, because 60-year-long oceanographic atmospheric oscillations mean a
true long-term measurement of sea-level rise can be made only when such
a record is available.
Similarly low rates of local sea-level rise have been measured at other
tide gauges along the east coast. National Tidal Centre records reveal
variations between about 5cm and 16cm/century in rates of relative rise.
The differences between individual tide gauges mostly represent
slightly differing rates of subsidence of the land at each site, and
differing time periods.
For example, measurements at Sydney between 2005 and 2014 show the tide
gauge site is sinking at a rate of 0.49mm/yr, leaving just 0.16mm/yr of
the overall relative rise as representing global sea-level change.
Indeed, the rate of rise at Fort Denison, and globally, has been
decreasing for the past 50 years.
Despite this high-quality and unalarming data, it is surprising that
some east coast councils have implemented coastal planning regulations
based on the computer projections of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change. For instance, a recent consultancy report for the
Shoalhaven and Eurobodalla shire councils, informed by IPCC computer
model projections, advised those councils to plan using a rate of rise
of 3.3mm/yr, four times the rate at Fort Denison.
The numbers were in part based on experimental estimates of sea-level
change provided by satellite altimetry measurements. NASA’s Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, which launches the satellite platforms, says
these estimates contain errors larger than the sea-level signal claimed
and proposes spending more than $US100 million on launching a new GRASP
satellite to rectify the matter.
Mindful of these facts, on October 28, Shoalhaven Shire Council rejected
advice to use the IPCC’s most extreme emissions Scenario 8.5, applying
the still highly precautionary Scenario 6.0, and using their nearest
long tide gauge record (Fort Denison) to set future planning policy. The
council specifically ruled out the future use of satellite or
model-generated sea-level estimates until their accuracy is guaranteed.
In mid-2010, the Eurobodalla council, south of Shoalhaven, introduced a
unique interim sea level rise policy that shackled more than a quarter
of all properties in the shire to restrictive development controls.
Predictably, there was an immediate shire-wide decline in property
Figures from RP Data property information specialists show that between
2011 and 2014, Eurobodalla property values suffered a 5.3 per cent loss
in value compared with increases of 4.9 per cent and 7.3 per cent for
neighbouring coastal shires that didn’t have equivalent restrictive
sea-level policies. In the worst cases, individual properties have lost
up to 52 per cent of their market value.
In three years, individual Eurobodalla properties lost about $40,000 in
value. With 22,000 properties in the shire, this represents a capital
loss of $880m at a rate of $293m a year. This steady loss of rateable
value means householders will face higher rate increases.
If similar policies were implemented along the entire east coast there
would be annual property capital losses of billions of dollars.
So it is not surprising that NSW and Queensland governments are reconsidering their coastal management policies.
Queensland Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney recently notified Moreton Bay
Regional Council of his intention to direct it to amend its draft
planning scheme “to remove any assumption about a theoretical projected
sea level rise due to climate change from all and any provisions of the
scheme”. Seeney said his intention was to use a statewide coastal
mapping scheme “that will remove the ‘one size fits all’ approach that
incorporates a mandatory 0.8m addition to historical data”.
At last, a responsible government has recognised that global average
sea-level change is no more relevant to coastal management than average
global temperatures are to the design of residential heating and cooling
systems — local weather and local sea-level change is what matters.
Satellite measurements and computer model projections are not accurate
enough for shire planning. As the NSW Chief Scientist has said, coastal
policy needs to be informed by the best available factual measurements.
And as Seeney said: “All mandatory elements of the (planning) scheme
must reflect only proven historical data when dealing with coastal
hazards such as storm tide inundation and erosion control areas.”
Similar policies need to be espoused by all state governments and
Sea-level alarmism has passed high tide and is at last declining. With luck, empirical sanity will soon prevail over modelling.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
12 December, 2014
Reindeer Populations On The Decline Due To Climate Change, Study Says
An old trick: Choosing start and end points without looking at
the in-between. Chinese reindeer populations may indeed have dropped
over 25 percent since "the 1970s". But if, as alleged, that was
due to global warming, the population drop must now have ceased and the
population must now be stable. Why? Because the warming
stopped rising 18 years ago. The temperature is stable to within
hundredths of a degree.
We also read that the reindeer population
in the Taymyr peninsula of Russia, "has declined from about 1 million
reindeer in 2000 to 700,000 in 2013". Sad, no doubt, but
warming was not the culprit -- because there wasn't any warming over
that period
Reindeer populations across the world are plummeting, thanks to a
combination of factors including climate change and human interference, a
new study has found. This decrease could actually have lasting effects
on climate change, even outside of the Arctic.
The study, which focused on reindeer native to China, found that the
populations have seen large declines. In China, reindeer populations
have dropped over 25 percent since the 1970s. Mount Daxinganling is the
main habitat for reindeer in China. It has been negatively impacted by
climate change, causing to soil degradation and higher temperatures,
which have hurt reindeer. Human interference, such as poaching for
antlers which are used in traditional Chinese medicine, the selling of
reindeer to tourists, and reindeer being killed by cars, also have hurt
the populations in China.
While the study focuses solely on reindeer populations in China, the
trend is not limited to that country. A 2013 report by the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration found that major reindeer herds
in Alaska, Canada, and Russia have all seen declines in population. The
largest herd, located in the Taymyr peninsula of Russia, has declined
from about 1 million reindeer in 2000 to 700,000 in 2013. The report
also found that many reindeer herd’s ranges are smaller than they have
been in the past. In 2012, the International Fund of Wildlife’s Jeff
Flocken said there has been roughly a 60 percent decline from historical
high levels, and that the decline was caused by climate change.
Loss of reindeer populations could actually exacerbate climate change.
Researchers in Finland have found that grazing by reindeer can help
prevent solar heat absorption which can lead to climate change. In their
study, they found that areas where reindeer did not graze had higher
levels of heat radiation, thanks to higher levels of shrubs and trees
that absorbed heat. A Swedish study has found that reindeer can also
prevent the climate-change-caused spread of invasive species in the
Arctic tundra.
Warmist scientists go too far with their lies
They can fiddle their temperature record all they like but they can't
make the polar ice go away. An allegedly "hot" area is in fact
completely covered by ice!
I’ve been suspicious about sea surface temperatures since the bizarro
Unisys incident a few weeks ago, when they suddenly replaced cold North
Atlantic temperatures with warm ones, based on a completely incoherent
The claims of record 2014 heat are based on sea surface temperatures,
which don’t make any sense. Look at the strip between Greenland and
Iceland – they show sea surface temperatures about 6C above normal
Now look at the sea ice map. Ice extends all the way from Greenland to Iceland – far above normal.
It is simply not credible that the seas between Greenland and Iceland
are 6C above normal, and have excess ice. The excess ice indicates that
sea surface temperatures there are below normal. Something is seriously
Lima update:
Comment from Australia
As Julie Bishop and Andrew Robb prepare to arrive in Lima to represent
Australia at the annual United Nations climate negotiations, deep
divisions are emerging over whether a deal to be reached in Paris next
year will include legally binding targets.
The US says national targets should be voluntary – a position that has
won the support of leading Australian economist Ross Garnaut.
But the European Union has claimed that voluntary targets will not
provide the necessary long-term certainty to make the cuts in carbon
dioxide emissions needed to prevent dangerous climate change. Foreign
Minister Julie Bishop has now made a similar argument, saying a deal
without legally binding commitments would be nothing more than
The debate came amid a new stoush over climate finance to be provided by
wealthy countries to those still developing. The Abbott government has
made it clear that it believes the bulk of money should be paid by
industry. That contrasts with its position at home, where it has set up a
$2.5 billion fund of taxpayers' money to pay industry to cut emissions.
The two-week Lima conference started positively last week, but began to
get bogged down by week's end. The US wants a Paris deal to focus on
emissions reduction pledges, but developing countries want to see a
greater focus on measures to help the most vulnerable adapt and a
stronger link between climate finance paid by the wealthy and the target
of limiting the temperature rise by 2 degrees.
Australia has faced criticism from China over its refusal to give any
money to the Green Climate Fund. The fund has received $9.7 billion,
including pledges from the US, France, Germany, Japan and Canada.
In an interview with Associated Press, Ms Bishop said Australia
would continue to directly pay for climate-change adaptation in
vulnerable South Pacific island nations through its aid budget rather
than donate to a UN fund designed for the same purpose.
"The Green Climate Fund is about supporting developing countries build
resilience to climate change. Australia is already doing that through
our aid program," she said.
Ms Bishop said her message to the conference would be "that the new
agreement should establish a common playing field for all countries to
take climate action from 2020" and to call for commitments from all
major economies to cut emissions.
She said any deal in Paris needed to be legally binding, and that
Australia wanted to see the detail of a US-China emissions deal struck
ahead of the Peru conference.
"China has already said that it will continue business as usual until
2030. We want to know whether there's some sort of binding commitment,"
she said.
A report by US and Chinese academics last year found that for China's
emissions to peak and start reducing by 2030, as it plans, it would
require significantly more action than business as usual practice.
The legal status of national targets that countries will offer up as
part of a new comprehensive agreement in Paris was left deliberately
vague in the so-called Durban Platform agreed to in 2011. It said the
talks would lead to a "protocol, another legal instrument or an agreed
outcome with legal force".
But EU lead negotiator Elina Bardram said in Lima last week that legally
binding targets were needed to provide confidence for investors.
"The EU is of the mind that legally binding mitigation targets are the
only way to provide the necessary long term signal," The Guardian quoted
Ms Bardram as saying.
"We're not convinced that an alternative approach could provide the same
signals that would be sufficient to deliver the global momentum."
US lead climate negotiator Todd Stern said previous approaches that involved legally binding commitments did not work.
"You could assign every country a particular reduction that on paper
looks like a perfect result and then you can't get an agreement on it.
This [a deal with voluntary commitments] is a way to get everyone in.
It's not going to be perfect, but it's a strong start that would get
better and better," he said.
Professor Garnaut told Fairfax Media that while countries can make
"serious domestic political commitments", it would be counter-productive
to demand they enter into a binding legal commitment. Countries would
be more likely to be more ambitious if the targets they set were
voluntary, as occurred at a 2010 UN meeting in Cancun.
"We shouldn't be aiming for a legally binding agreement," Professor
Garnaut said. "We now know that even if we couldn't recognise it at the
time, that at this stage of history that is neither feasible not
"The ambition of the concerted unilateral commitments at Cancun were
much greater than the notionally legally binding commitments at Kyoto
[in 1997]. There is good reason for that; when negotiators think they
are binding their countries, they are more cautious than when countries
are honestly thinking they can do, but there is less sense of the
catastrophic consequences if they don't."
Climate finance has so far dominated conference talks. The US pushed to
delete words in a negotiating paper stating that financial commitments
should be "new and additional", predictable and adequate. The US was
supported by Switzerland,which said that unless a call for new
commitments of finance post-2020 was left out of the final text, there
would be no agreement in Lima.
A new report by the United Nations Environment Programme has found that
even if global greenhouse gas emissions are cut to the level required to
keep the global temperature rise below 2 degrees this century, the cost
of adapting to climate change in developing countries is likely to
reach two to three times the previous estimates of $70-100 billion per
year by 2050. Adaptation costs for Africa alone could reach
approximately $350 billion annually by 2070.
Record Global Temperature —Conflicting Reports, Contrasting Implications
Patrick J. Michaels and Paul C. “Chip” Knappenberger write very
carefully and informatively below. I am however a little bemused
that that they think temperature variations as tiny as hundredths
of a degree are worth discussing
Despite what you may think if you reside in the eastern United States,
the world as a whole in 2014 has been fairly warm. For the past few
months, several temperature-tracking agencies have been hinting that
this year may turn out to be the “warmest ever recorded”—for whatever
that is worth (keep reading for our evaluation). The hints have been
turned up a notch with the latest United Nations climate confab taking
place in Lima, Peru through December 12. The mainstream media is
happy to popularize these claims (as are government-money-seeking
science lobbying groups).
But a closer look shows two things: first, whether or not 2014 will
prove to be the record warmest year depends on whom you ask; and second,
no matter where the final number for the year ranks in the
observations, it will rank among the greatest “busts” of climate model
predictions (which collectively expected it to be a lot warmer). The
implication of the first is just nothing more than a jostling for press
coverage. The implication of the latter is that future climate change
appears to be less of a menace than assumed by the president and his pen
and phone.
Let’s examine at the various temperature records.
First, a little background. Several different groups compile the global
average temperature in near-real time. Each uses slightly different
data-handling techniques (such as how to account for missing data) and
so each gets a slightly different (but nevertheless very similar)
values. Several groups compute the surface temperature, while others
calculate the global average temperature in the lower atmosphere (a bit
freer from confounding factors like urbanization). All, thus far, only
have data for 2014 compiled through October, so the final ranking for
2014, at this point in time, is only a speculation (although a pretty
well-founded one).
The three major groups calculating the average surface temperature of
the earth (land and ocean combined) all are currently indicating that
2014 will likely nudge out 2010 (by a couple hundredths of a degree
Celsius) to become the warmest year in each dataset (which begin in
mid-to-late 1800s). This is almost certainly true in the datasets
maintained by the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) and the UK Met Office Hadley Centre. In the record
compiled by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the 2014
year-to-date value is in a virtual dead heat with the annual value for
2010, so the final ranking will depend heavily on the how the data come
in for November and December. (The other major data compilation, the one
developed by the Berkeley Earth group is not updated in real time).
There is one other compilation of the earth’s surface temperature
history that has recently been developed by researchers Kevin Cowtan and
Robert Way of the University of York. This dataset rose to prominence a
year ago, when it showed that if improved (?) methods were used to fill
in data-sparse regions of the earth (primarily in the Arctic), the
global warming “hiatus” was more of a global warming “slowdown.” In
other words, a more informed guess indicated that the Arctic had been
warming at a greater rate than was being expressed by the other
datasets. This instantly made the Cowtan and Way dataset the darling of
folks who wanted to show that global warming was alive and well and not,
in fact, in a coma (a careful analysis of the implications of Cowtan
and Way’s findings however proved the data not up to that task). So what
are the prospects of 2014 being a record warm year in the Cowtan and
Way dataset? Slim. 2014 currently trails 2010 by a couple hundredths of a
degree Celsius—an amount that will be difficult to make up without an
exceptionally warm November and December. Consquently, the briefly
favored dataset is now being largely ignored.
It is worth pointing out, that as a result of data and computational
uncertainty, none of the surface compilations will 2014 be
statistically different from 2010—in other words, it is impossible to
say with statistical certainty, that 2014 was (or was not) the all-time
warmest year ever recorded.
It is a different story in the lower atmosphere.
There, the two groups compiling the average temperature show that 2014
is nowhere near the warmest (in data which starts in 1979), trailing
1998 by several tenths of a degree Celsius. This difference is so great
that it statistically clear that 2014 will not be a record year (it’ll
probably fall in the lower half of the top five warmest years in both
the Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) and the University of
Alabama-Huntsville (UAH) datasets). The variability of temperatures in
the lower atmosphere is more sensitive to the occurrence of El Niño
conditions and thus the super El Niño of 1998 set a high temperature
mark that will likely stand for many years to come, or at least until
another huge El Niño occurs.
Basically, what all this means, is that if you want 2014 to be the
“warmest year ever recorded” you can find data to back you up, and if
you prefer it not be, well, you can find data to back up that position
as well.
In all cases, the former will make headlines.
But these headlines will be misplaced. The real news is that climate
models continue to perform incredibly poorly by grossly overestimating
the degree to which the earth is warming.
Let’s examine climate model projections for 2014 against the
observations from the dataset which has the greatest chance of 2014 as
the warmest year—the NOAA dataset.
Figure 1 shows the average of 108 different climate model projections of
the annual surface temperature of the earth from 1980 through 2014
along with the annual temperature as compiled by NOAA.
Figure 1. Global annual surface temperature anomalies from 1980 to
2014. The average of 108 climate models (red) and observations from NOAA
(blue) are anomalies from the 20th century average. In the case of the
NOAA observations, the 2014 value is the average of January-October.
For the past 16 straight years, climate models have collectively projected more warming than has been observed.
Over the period 1980-2014, climate models projected the global
temperature to rise at a rate of 0.24°C/decade while NOAA observations
pegged the rise at 0.14°C/decade, about 40 percent less. Over the last
16 years, the observed rise is nearly 66 percent less than climate model
projections. The situation is getting worse, not better. This is the
real news, because it means that prospects for overly disruptive climate
change are growing slimmer, as are justifications for drastic
We don’t expect many stories to look any further than their “2014 is the warmest year ever” headlines.
As to the rest of the picture, and the part which holds the deeper and
more important implications, well, you’ll have to keep checking back
with us here—we’re happy to fill you in!
The New Congress Must Save the USA from the EPA
By Alan Caruba
When the Republican Party takes over majority control of Congress in
January, it will face a number of battles that must be fought with the
Obama administration ranging from its amnesty intentions to the repeal
of ObamaCare, but high among the battles is the need to rein in the
metastasizing power of the Environmental Protection Agency.
In many ways, it is the most essential battle because it involves the
provision of sufficient electrical energy to the nation to keep its
lights on. EPA “interpretations” of the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts
have become an outrageous usurpation of power that the Constitution says
belongs exclusively to the Congress.
As a policy advisor to The Heartland Institute, a free market think
tank, I recall how in 2012 its president, Joe Bast, submitted 16,000
signed petitions to Congress calling on it to “rein in the EPA.” At the
time he noted that “Today’s EPA spends billions of dollars
(approximately $9 billion in 2012) imposing senseless regulations.
Compliance with its unnecessary rules costs hundreds of billions of
dollars more.”
Heartland’s Science Director, Dr. Jay Lehr, said “EPA’s budget could
safely be cut by 80 percent or more without endangering the environment
or human health. Most of what EPA does today could be done better by
state government agencies, many of which didn’t exist or had much less
expertise back in 1970 when EPA was created.”
The EPA has declared virtually everything a pollutant including the
carbon dioxide (CO2) that 320 million Americans exhale with every
breath. It has pursued President Obama’s “war on coal” for six years
with a disastrous effect on coal miners, those who work for coal-fired
plants that produce electricity, and on consumers who are seeing their
energy bills soar.
As Edwin D. Hill, the president of the International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers, noted in August, “The EPA’s plan, according to its
own estimates, will require closing coal-fired plants over the next five
years that generate between 41 and 49 gigawatts (49,000 megawatts) of
electricity” and its plan would “result in the loss of some 52,000
permanent direct jobs in utilities, mining and rail, and at least
another 100,000 jobs in related industries. High skill, middle-class
jobs would be lost, falling heavily in rural communities that have few
comparable employment opportunities.”
“The United States cannot lose more than 100 gigawatts of power in five
years without severely compromising the reliability and safety of the
electrical grid,” warned Hill.
In October the Institute for Energy Research criticized the EPA’s war on
coal based on its Mercury and Air Toxics Rule and its Cross State Air
Pollution Rule, noting that 72.7 gigawatts of electrical generating
capacity have already, or are scheduled to retire. “That’s enough to
reliably power 44.7 million homes, or every home in every state west of
the Mississippi river, excluding Texas.” How widespread are the
closures? There are now 37 states with projected power plant closures,
up from 30 in 2011. The five hardest hit states are Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Indiana, Kentucky, and Georgia.
If a foreign nation had attacked the U.S. in this fashion, we would be at war with it.
The EPA is engaged in a full-scale war on the U.S. economy as it
ruthlessly forces coal-fired plants out of operation. This form of
electricity production has been around since the industry began to serve
the public in 1882 when Edison installed the world’s first generating
plants on Pearl Street in New York City’s financial district. Moreover,
the U.S. has huge reserves of coal making it an extremely affordable
source of energy, available for centuries to come.
The EPA’s actions have been criticized by one of the nation’s leading
liberal attorneys, Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe, who has joined
with Peabody Energy, the world’s largest private coal company, to
criticize the “executive overreach” of the EPA’s proposed rule to
regulate carbon emissions from existing power plants. He accused the
agency of abusing statutory law, violating the Constitution’s Article I,
Article II, the separations of powers, the Tenth and Fifth Amendments,
and the agency’s general contempt for the law.
It is this contempt that can be found in virtually all of its efforts to
exert power over every aspect of life in America from the air we
breathe, the water we use, property rights, all forms of manufacturing,
and, in general, everything that contributes to the economic security
and strength of the nation.
That contempt is also revealed in the way the EPA spends its taxpayer
funding. Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) released a report, “The Science of
Splurging”, on December 2 in which he pointed to the $1,100,000 spent to
pay the salaries of eight employees who were not working due to being
placed on administrative leave, the $3,500,000 spent to fund “Planning
for Economic and Fiscal Health” workshops around the nation, $1,500,000
annually to store out-of-date and unwanted publicans at an Ohio
warehouse, and $700,000 to attempt to reduce methane emitted from pig
flatulence in Thailand! “After years of handing out blank checks
in the form of omnibus appropriations bills and continuing resolutions,”
said Sen. Flake, “it’s time for Congress to return to regular order and
restore accountability at the EPA.”
Whether it is its alleged protection of the air or water, the only
limits that have been placed on the EPA have been by the courts. Time
and again the EPA has been admonished for over-stating or deliberately
falsifying its justification to control every aspect of life in the
nation, often in league with the Army Corps of Engineers.
If the Republican controlled Congress does not launch legislative action
to control the EPA the consequences for Americans will continue to
mount, putting them at risk of losing electricity, being deprived of
implicit property rights, and driving up the cost of transportation by
demanding auto manufacturers increase miles-per-gallon requirements at a
time when there is now a worldwide glut of oil and the price of
gasoline is dropping.
The United States has plenty of enemies in the world that want it to fail. It is insane that we harbor one as a federal agency.
Peru to press charges over Greenpeace Nazca lines stunt
Activists allegedly damaged the millenia-old Nazca lines during a protest to draw attention to climate talks
Peru has vowed to prosecute Greenpeace activists after they allegedly
damaged the world-famous Nazca lines during an environmental publicity
Activists from the group unfurled cloth letters spelling out a green
energy slogan at the millennia-old site on Monday, adjacent to where the
figure of a hummingbird is etched into the ground.
Peru has said the activists damaged the ground by leaving footprints, which could last for thousands of years.
“It’s a true slap in the face at everything Peruvians consider sacred,” Luis Jaime Castillo, the deputy culture minister, said.
In a statement, the Peruvian culture ministry said: "After the illegal,
premeditated action by environmental defense group Greenpeace, the zone
has been seriously affected.”
It described the stunt as an “attack on the cultural heritage of all Peruvians and all humanity".
Best seen from the sky, the ancient lines are enormous drawings etched
in the earth by pre-Inca Nazca civilizations sometime between 500BC and
AD 500.
They span some 200 square miles of the desert and have long intrigued
archaeologists with the mystery of their size, their meticulously drawn
figures and their abundance.
Some of the drawings depict living creatures, others stylised plants or
fantastical beings, others geometric figures that stretch for miles.
Visitors to the Unesco World Heritage Site in southern Peru are normally
banned from entering the area where the activists staged their stunt.
Even ministers and presidents have to seek special permission and wear special footwear to access the grounds.
Mr Castillo said: “[The lines] are absolutely fragile. They are black
rocks on a white background. You walk there and the footprint is going
to last hundreds or thousands of years. And the line that they have
destroyed is the most visible and most recognised of all.”
Mr Castillo said the Peruvian government was seeking to prevent those
responsible from leaving the country and was asking prosecutors to file
charges of attacking archaeological monuments, a crime punishable by up
to six years in prison.
The activists laid big yellow cloth letters reading: “Time for Change! The Future is Renewable. Greenpeace.”
The message was timed to coincide with climate change talks taking place in the Peruvian capital Lima.
Mr Castillo said: “Peru has nothing against the message of Greenpeace.
We are all concerned about climate change. But the means doesn’t justify
the ends.”
Greenpeace said it was "deeply concerned about any offense" it may have
caused and said its activism was always waged with respect for "the
peoples of the world and their cultural heritage”.
Tina Loeffelbein, spokeswoman for Greenpeace, said the activists were
“absolutely careful to protect the Nazca lines” and that the group was
taking the case seriously and investigating. It said on its Facebook
page the letters it used were simply cloth spread across the ground, and
that its activists had taken care to cause "absolutely no damage" to
the site.
But the Peruvian government "did not accept the apology" because Greenpeace "has not accepted the damage caused”.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
11 December, 2014
A physicist who ignores physics
A very complacent-looking Isaac Tamblyn
The amusing article
below is written by Isaac Tamblyn, an assistant professor of physics at
the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. So what is his
argument for doing something about alleged global warming? Is it
anything from physics? No. The authorities he quotes are
public opinion polls. Public opinion poll physics must be a new
low in physics
I do not believe that climate change deniers exist. I have heard the
statistics and have seen the graphs, but I am not convinced. So I do
what the supposed deniers do – I ignore them and move on.
A couple of weeks ago we saw the release of an annual poll on Canadian
opinions about climate change and the science around it. Again this
year, the numbers reveal that more than half of Canadians think climate
change is happening, and is primarily caused by human activity. This has
been the majority opinion since tracking began seven years ago.
If the idea of human-driven climate change were running for office, it
would win by a landslide. The last time a federal party won more than 50
per cent of the popular vote in this country was 1984. The time before
that was 1958. At 63 per cent, the science of climate change has been
given a strong mandate by the Canadian public.
Despite this, too many discussions about climate change policy in this
country still focus on the existence of the denier camp. There is a
misconception that in order to fix climate change, we must first
convince everyone that it is happening, and was caused by humans.
Canada is a democracy. In a democracy, decisions are not always made by
achieving consensus. Everyone need not agree on an issue in order to
take action.
New paper finds strong evidence the Sun has controlled climate over the past 11,000 years, not CO2
A paper published today in
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
finds a "strong and stable correlation" between the millennial
variations in sunspots and the temperature in Antarctica over the past
11,000 years. In stark contrast, the authors find no strong or stable
correlation between temperature and CO2 over that same period.
The authors correlated reconstructed CO2 levels, sunspots, and temperatures from ice-core data from Vostok Antarctica and find:
"We find that the variations of SSN [sunspot number] and T
[temperature] have some common periodicities, such as the 208 year (yr),
521 yr, and ~1000 yr cycles. The correlations between SSN and T are
strong for some intermittent periodicities.
However, the wavelet analysis demonstrates that the relative phase
relations between them usually do not hold stable except for the
millennium-cycle component. The millennial variation of SSN leads that
of T by 30–40 years, and the anti-phase relation between them keeps
stable nearly over the whole 11,000 years of the past. As a contrast,
the correlations between CO2 and T are neither strong nor stable."
Thus, the well known ~1000 year climate cycle responsible for the
Holocene Climate Optimum 6000 to 4000 years ago, the Egyptian warm
period ~4000 years ago, the Minoan warm period ~3000 years ago, the
Roman warm period ~2000 years ago, the Medieval warm period ~1000 years
ago, and the current warm period at present all roughly fall in this
same 1000 year sequence of increased solar activity associated with warm
The authors find temperature changes lag solar activity changes by ~40
years, which is likely due to the huge heat capacity and inertia of the
oceans. Warming proponents attempt to dismiss the Sun's role in climate
change by claiming 20th century solar activity peaked at around 1960 and
somewhat declined from 1960 levels to the end of the 20th century (and
have continued to decline in the 21st century right along with the 18+
year "pause" of global warming).
Correlation between solar activity and the local temperature of Antarctica during the past 11,000 years
By X.H. Zhao & X.S. Feng
"The solar impact on the Earth's climate change is a long topic with
intense debates. Based on the reconstructed data of solar sunspot number
(SSN), the local temperature in Vostok (T), and the atmospheric CO2
concentration data of Dome Concordia, we investigate the periodicities
of solar activity, the atmospheric CO2 and local temperature in the
inland Antarctica as well as their correlations during the past 11,000
years before AD 1895. We find that the variations of SSN and T have some
common periodicities, such as the 208 year (yr), 521 yr, and ~1000 yr
cycles. The correlations between SSN and T are strong for some
intermittent periodicities. However, the wavelet analysis demonstrates
that the relative phase relations between them usually do not hold
stable except for the millennium-cycle component. The millennial
variation of SSN leads that of T by 30–40 years, and the anti-phase
relation between them keeps stable nearly over the whole 11,000 years of
the past. As a contrast, the correlations between CO2 and T are neither
strong nor stable. These results indicate that solar activity might
have potential influences on the long-term change of Vostok's local
climate during the past 11,000 years before modern industry."
Firstly, the assumption that solar activity peaked in 1960 and declined
since is false, since it is necessary to determine the accumulated solar
energy over multiple solar cycles, which is the accumulated departure
from the average number of sunspots over the entire period, which I call
the "sunspot integral." The sunspot integral is plotted in blue and
shows remarkable correction with global temperatures plotted in red
Correlating sunspot and temperature data with and without CO2, we find
the sunspot integral explains 95% of temperature change over the past
400 years, and that CO2 had no significant influence
Secondly, this paper finds strong evidence of a 30-40 year lag between
solar activity and temperature response. So what happened ~40 years
after the 1960 peak in sunspot activity? Why that just so happens to be
when satellite measurements of global temperature peaked with the 1998
El Nino [which is also driven by solar activity], followed by the
"pause" and cooling since.
We have thus shown:
Strong correlation between solar activity and climate over the past 11,000 years of the Holocene
Strong lack of correlation between CO2 and climate over the past 11,000 years of the Holocene
Solar activity explains all 6 well-known warming
periods that have occurred during the Holocene, including the current
warm period
The 20th century peak in sunspot activity is associated with a 40 year lag in the peak global temperature
What more proof do you need that it's the Sun!
Latest IPCC Findings Undermine Climate Change Claims
Working Group 2 of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
recently released the final version of its contribution to the IPCC
Fifth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and
Vulnerability. The WG2 report contains 1,731 pages of text, figures,
boxes, footnotes and references, the first 832 of which list every
negative impact climate change is having or could conceivably have on
the Earth, its physical state, its ecosystems and the people who
populate it. I doubt that anyone has ever read it from beginning to end.
I certainly haven’t.
But the report’s mind-numbing length hasn’t stopped people from
interpreting it the way they think it should be interpreted. And because
no one bothered to read the fine print everyone thinks the IPCC is
saying that the adverse impacts of human-caused climate change are
already being felt
But that isn’t what the IPCC is saying. A single sentence on page 4 of
the Summary for Policymakers puts the IPCC’s conclusions in a different
"Attribution of observed impacts in the WGII AR5 generally links
responses of natural and human systems to observed climate change,
regardless of its cause."
That’s right. Regardless of its cause. Working Group 2 isn’t claiming
that these observed impacts are necessarily a result of human
activities. They could equally well be the result of natural climate
change – the IPCC makes no distinction. And if they are, then President
Obama, the New York Times, the Guardian and all the others who believe
that the adverse impacts of human-caused climate change are already
being felt have got it wrong.
The key question here is clearly what fraction of the observed impacts
of climate change that the IPCC identifies is human-caused and how much
natural. Let’s see if we can put some probabilities on this.
The Working Group 2 report highlights nine specific claims regarding the
physical impacts of climate change in Section A-1 of the Summary for
Policymakers (I increased the number to ten by dividing one claim into
two.) Three are non-specific, irrelevant or unintelligible and are not
Claim 1: Glaciers continue to shrink almost worldwide due to climate change.
Evaluation: The world’s glaciers are unquestionably shrinking overall
because of climate change. But is the climate change anthropogenic? One
way of checking is to compare glacier behavior with an anthropogenic
climate change metric to see whether the two coincide, which they should
if one caused the other. Such a comparison is shown on the graphic
below, which plots the Oerlemans estimates of global glacier length
change since 1700 with the GISS estimates of net anthropogenic radiative
forcings since 1880 (earlier values can be assumed to be close to zero
if not exactly zero):
Oerlemans glacier shrinkage vs. GISS anthropogenic forcings
And the timing doesn’t match. According to Oerlemans the world’s
glaciers began to shrink in the early 1800s but according to GISS
anthropogenic forcings didn’t become significant until after 1950 (the
~0.2 watts/sq m of forcing in 1950 would have generated only about 0.1C
of warming). Oerlemans’ results also show no sign of acceleration in the
shrinkage rate after 1960.
These results imply that something other than human interference
initiated the glacier shrinkage and that human interference didn’t make
any detectable difference when it finally did become significant.
(Glaciologists acknowledge that human activities are not the only
contributor to glacier shrinkage, as the following quote from Nature
attests: “The widespread idea that glacier retreat is the sole
consequence of increased air temperature is overly simplistic.
Glaciologists have known for more than 50 years that glaciers are
sensitive to a variety of climate variables, not all of which can be
attributed to global warming.”)
Conclusion: There is good evidence to suggest that much if not
substantially all of the glacier shrinkage over the last 200 years was a
result of natural climate change.
Much more
Why climate change is good for the world
Matt Ridley
Don't panic! The scientific consensus is that warmer temperatures do more good than harm
Climate change has done more good than harm so far and is likely to
continue doing so for most of this century. This is not some barmy,
right-wing fantasy; it is the consensus of expert opinion. Yet almost
nobody seems to know this. Whenever I make the point in public, I am
told by those who are paid to insult anybody who departs from climate
alarm that I have got it embarrassingly wrong, don’t know what I am
talking about, must be referring to Britain only, rather than the world
as a whole, and so forth.
At first, I thought this was just their usual bluster. But then I
realised that they are genuinely unaware. Good news is no news, which is
why the mainstream media largely ignores all studies showing net
benefits of climate change. And academics have not exactly been keen to
push such analysis forward. So here follows, for possibly the first time
in history, an entire article in the national press on the net benefits
of climate change.
There are many likely effects of climate change: positive and negative,
economic and ecological, humanitarian and financial. And if you
aggregate them all, the overall effect is positive today — and likely to
stay positive until around 2080. That was the conclusion of Professor
Richard Tol of Sussex University after he reviewed 14 different studies
of the effects of future climate trends.
To be precise, Prof Tol calculated that climate change would be
beneficial up to 2.2?C of warming from 2009 (when he wrote his paper).
This means approximately 3?C from pre-industrial levels, since about
0.8?C of warming has happened in the last 150 years. The latest
estimates of climate sensitivity suggest that such temperatures may not
be reached till the end of the century — if at all. The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, whose reports define the
consensis, is sticking to older assumptions, however, which would mean
net benefits till about 2080. Either way, it’s a long way off.
Now Prof Tol has a new paper, published as a chapter in a new book,
called How Much have Global Problems Cost the World?, which is edited by
Bjorn Lomborg, director of the Copenhagen Consensus Centre, and was
reviewed by a group of leading economists. In this paper he casts his
gaze backwards to the last century. He concludes that climate change did
indeed raise human and planetary welfare during the 20th century.
You can choose not to believe the studies Prof Tol has collated. Or you
can say the net benefit is small (which it is), you can argue that the
benefits have accrued more to rich countries than poor countries (which
is true) or you can emphasise that after 2080 climate change would
probably do net harm to the world (which may also be true). You can even
say you do not trust the models involved (though they have proved more
reliable than the temperature models). But what you cannot do is deny
that this is the current consensus. If you wish to accept the consensus
on temperature models, then you should accept the consensus on economic
Overall, Prof Tol finds that climate change in the past century improved
human welfare. By how much? He calculates by 1.4 per cent of global
economic output, rising to 1.5 per cent by 2025. For some people, this
means the difference between survival and starvation.
It will still be 1.2 per cent around 2050 and will not turn negative
until around 2080. In short, my children will be very old before global
warming stops benefiting the world. Note that if the world continues to
grow at 3 per cent a year, then the average person will be about nine
times as rich in 2080 as she is today. So low-lying Bangladesh will be
able to afford the same kind of flood defences that the Dutch have
The chief benefits of global warming include: fewer winter deaths; lower
energy costs; better agricultural yields; probably fewer droughts;
maybe richer biodiversity. It is a little-known fact that winter deaths
exceed summer deaths — not just in countries like Britain but also those
with very warm summers, including Greece. Both Britain and Greece see
mortality rates rise by 18 per cent each winter. Especially cold winters
cause a rise in heart failures far greater than the rise in deaths
during heatwaves.
Cold, not the heat, is the biggest killer. For the last decade, Brits
have been dying from the cold at the average rate of 29,000 excess
deaths each winter. Compare this to the heatwave ten years ago, which
claimed 15,000 lives in France and just 2,000 in Britain. In the ten
years since, there has been no summer death spike at all. Excess winter
deaths hit the poor harder than the rich for the obvious reason: they
cannot afford heating. And it is not just those at risk who benefit from
moderate warming. Global warming has so far cut heating bills more than
it has raised cooling bills. If it resumes after its current 17-year
hiatus, and if the energy efficiency of our homes improves, then at some
point the cost of cooling probably will exceed the cost of heating —
probably from about 2035, Prof Tol estimates.
The greatest benefit from climate change comes not from temperature
change but from carbon dioxide itself. It is not pollution, but the raw
material from which plants make carbohydrates and thence proteins and
fats. As it is an extremely rare trace gas in the air — less than 0.04
per cent of the air on average — plants struggle to absorb enough of it.
On a windless, sunny day, a field of corn can suck half the carbon
dioxide out of the air. Commercial greenhouse operators therefore pump
carbon dioxide into their greenhouses to raise plant growth rates.
The increase in average carbon dioxide levels over the past century,
from 0.03 per cent to 0.04 per cent of the air, has had a measurable
impact on plant growth rates. It is responsible for a startling change
in the amount of greenery on the planet. As Dr Ranga Myneni of Boston
University has documented, using three decades of satellite data, 31 per
cent of the global vegetated area of the planet has become greener and
just 3 per cent has become less green. This translates into a 14 per
cent increase in productivity of ecosystems and has been observed in all
vegetation types.
Dr Randall Donohue and colleagues of the CSIRO Land and Water department
in Australia also analysed satellite data and found greening to be
clearly attributable in part to the carbon dioxide fertilisation effect.
Greening is especially pronounced in dry areas like the Sahel region of
Africa, where satellites show a big increase in green vegetation since
the 1970s.
It is often argued that global warming will hurt the world’s poorest
hardest. What is seldom heard is that the decline of famines in the
Sahel in recent years is partly due to more rainfall caused by moderate
warming and partly due to more carbon dioxide itself: more greenery for
goats to eat means more greenery left over for gazelles, so entire
ecosystems have benefited.
Even polar bears are thriving so far, though this is mainly because of
the cessation of hunting. None the less, it’s worth noting that the
three years with the lowest polar bear cub survival in the western
Hudson Bay (1974, 1984 and 1992) were the years when the sea ice was too
thick for ringed seals to appear in good numbers in spring. Bears need
broken ice.
Well yes, you may argue, but what about all the weather disasters caused
by climate change? Entirely mythical — so far. The latest IPCC report
is admirably frank about this, reporting ‘no significant observed trends
in global tropical cyclone frequency over the past century … lack of
evidence and thus low confidence regarding the sign of trend in the
magnitude and/or frequency offloads on a global scale … low confidence
in observed trends in small-scale severe weather phenomena such as hail
and thunderstorms’.
In fact, the death rate from droughts, floods and storms has dropped by
98 per cent since the 1920s, according to a careful study by the
independent scholar Indur Goklany. Not because weather has become less
dangerous but because people have gained better protection as they got
richer: witness the remarkable success of cyclone warnings in India last
week. That’s the thing about climate change — we will probably pocket
the benefits and mitigate at least some of the harm by adapting. For
example, experts now agree that malaria will continue its rapid
worldwide decline whatever the climate does.
Yet cherry-picking the bad news remains rife. A remarkable example of
this was the IPCC’s last report in 2007, which said that global warming
would cause ‘hundreds of millions of people [to be] exposed to increased
water stress’ under four different scenarios of future warming. It
cited a study, which had also counted numbers of people at reduced risk
of water stress — and in each case that number was higher. The IPCC
simply omitted the positive numbers.
Why does this matter? Even if climate change does produce slightly more
welfare for the next 70 years, why take the risk that it will do great
harm thereafter? There is one obvious reason: climate policy is already
doing harm. Building wind turbines, growing biofuels and substituting
wood for coal in power stations — all policies designed explicitly to
fight climate change — have had negligible effects on carbon dioxide
emissions. But they have driven people into fuel poverty, made
industries uncompetitive, driven up food prices, accelerated the
destruction of forests, killed rare birds of prey, and divided
communities. To name just some of the effects. Mr Goklany estimates that
globally nearly 200,000 people are dying every year, because we are
turning 5 per cent of the world’s grain crop into motor fuel instead of
food: that pushes people into malnutrition and death. In this country,
65 people a day are dying because they cannot afford to heat their homes
properly, according to Christine Liddell of the University of Ulster,
yet the government is planning to double the cost of electricity to
consumers by 2030.
As Bjorn Lomborg has pointed out, the European Union will pay £165
billion for its current climate policies each and every year for the
next 87 years. Britain’s climate policies — subsidising windmills,
wood-burners, anaerobic digesters, electric vehicles and all the rest —
is due to cost us £1.8 trillion over the course of this century. In
exchange for that Brobdingnagian sum, we hope to lower the air
temperature by about 0.005?C — which will be undetectable by normal
thermometers. The accepted consensus among economists is that every £100
spent fighting climate change brings £3 of benefit.
So we are doing real harm now to impede a change that will produce net
benefits for 70 years. That’s like having radiotherapy because you are
feeling too well. I just don’t share the certainty of so many in the
green establishment that it’s worth it. It may be, but it may not.
Cost of Adapting to Climate Change May Climb to $500B, Says U.N. Environmental Agency
As Secretary of State John Kerry and other ministers prepare to
join global climate talks in Peru, the U.N.’s environmental agency is
claiming that the cost for the planet to “adapt” to global warming could
be up to five times higher than previously estimated – a whopping $500
billion a year by mid-century.
A new report by the U.N. Environmental Program (UNEP) states that the
cost of helping developing nations adapt to rising temperatures “could
climb as high as $150 billion by 2025/2030 and $250-500 billion per year
by 2050.”
It says those figures could be needed even if greenhouse gas (GHG)
emission cuts succeed in restricting temperature rise to two degrees
Celsius (3.6°F) above the pre-industrial period average – the goal which
world leaders several years ago agreed was necessary to avoid
potentially catastrophic effects on the planet.
And if that two degrees Celsius target isn’t achieved, UNEP says, a
business-as-usual scenario could see adaptation costs “hit double the
worst-case figures.”
Five years ago in Copenhagen, the U.S. and other developed nations
agreed on setting up a global fund to help developing countries curb GHG
emissions and cope with occurrences attributed to climate change, from
drought and floods to rising sea levels.
The subsequently-established Green Climate Fund (GCF) aims to raise $100
billion a year from public and private sources by 2020, an annual
commitment already viewed as unrealistic by some critics.
Now UNEP says the actual amount needed could be much higher than that,
and that earlier figures – based on 2010 World Bank data – were
significantly underestimated.
“The report provides a powerful reminder that the potential cost of
inaction carries a real price tag,” UNEP executive director Achim
Steiner said on Friday. “Debating the economics of our response to
climate change must become more honest. We owe it to ourselves but also
to the next generation, as it is they who will have to foot the bill.”
Steiner called on governments and the international community to “take
the necessary steps to ensure the funding, technology and knowledge gaps
are addressed in future planning and budgeting.”
To date, industrialized countries that are expected to take the lead in
providing the money have pledged a total of $9.9 billion for the GCF,
less than ten percent of the amount the U.N. says will be needed every
year from 2020 onwards. U.S. taxpayers will account for $3 billion of
that $9.9 billion total so far.
China’s delegate at the talks in the Peruvian capital Lima complained
last week that the amount pledged for the fund to date was “far from
China, the world’s biggest GHG emitter and now the world’s largest economy, has pledged nothing.
At the U.N. climate talks in Lima – the 20th round since the first
conference in Berlin in 1995 – ministers from almost 200 countries are
due to hold a high-level meeting on climate finance on Tuesday
Kerry, who is due to join the proceedings, said last week that President
Obama’s pledge of $3 billion for the GCF made it clear “that the Obama
administration and the United States are all-in on this issue and
committed to try to take steps that are long overdue.”
“We intend to continue to try to build momentum moving into next year,” he told reporters in Brussels.
“We believe that not only is there obviously the practical advantage of
responding to the events – to the transformation taking place in the
climate that is contributing to very severe weather events, to major
flooding, major fires, major drought, to shifts in agriculture and other
impacts that have huge cost – but we believe it is becoming more and
more evident that it is cheaper to invest in the new technologies and
move to the clean energy economy,” Kerry said. “And we are going to
continue to work for that.”
Australia: Green and Defenceless
As Australia’s industrial capacity declines, Australia is becoming
green and defenceless. Australia should give support to industrial
diversity, not windmills etc.
History holds lessons. Back in Dec 1941, Japan suddenly attacked
the huge US Naval base at Pearl Harbour. Three days later, two
“invincible” British warships, “Repulse” and “Prince of Wales” were sunk
by Japanese planes off Malaya. Soon Japanese armies were rampaging
through Asia towards Australia. By Feb 1942, the British fortress of
Singapore surrendered and Japanese bombs were falling on Darwin. By Sept
1942 the Japanese army had slashed their way down the Kokoda Track and
could see the lights of Port Moresby. They were looking across Torres
Strait to Australia. At that time, most of our trained soldiers were
fighting Rommel in North Africa or in Japanese prison camps.
Suddenly Australia was on its own and needed to defend itself with what we had here.
Armies need soldiers, weapons, bullets, vehicles, fuel, food, alcohol (and cigarettes).
Soldiers volunteered and were conscripted. Australian conscripts formed
part of the force that met the Japanese on the Kokoda Track.
Enfield Rifles, Bren Guns and Vickers Machine Guns were produced in
large numbers at the Small Arms Factory at Lithgow supported by feeder
factories in the area. Britain lost so many weapons at Dunkirk that
Australian factories were sending guns to them. We could not do that
Motor oil was produced in limited quantities from oil shale at Glen
Davis, but petrol was in serious short supply, and had been rationed
since 1940. With the fall of Singapore, this shortage became severe, and
charcoal burners suddenly appeared to keep cars and trucks moving.
Kerosene was scarce so carbide lights were widely used. The demand for
charcoal was so great that firewood became scarce so it was also
To conserve supplies for soldiers, rationing was introduced for tea,
clothing, butter, sugar, meat and cigarettes. Hotels were only allowed
to serve alcohol twice a day for one hour at a time of their choosing.
An immediate critical shortage was copper for cartridge cases and
communications – Australia had mines producing lead, zinc, silver, gold
and iron, but there was a critical shortage of copper.
Fortuitously, just before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, an
exploration drill hole at Mount Isa had struck rich copper ore.
Mount Isa was called on to avert a calamitous shortage of copper in
Australia. With government encouragement, Mount Isa Mines made the brave
decision to suspend the profitable silver/lead/zinc operations and
convert all mining and treatment facilities to extracting copper.
The lead concentrator could be converted to treat copper ore, but the
biggest problem was how to smelt the copper concentrates. Luckily the
company had skilled engineers and metallurgists in the lead smelter. In a
miracle of improvisation, scrap steel and spare parts were purchased
and scavenged from old mines and smelters from Cloncurry, Mt Elliott, Mt
Cuthbert and Kuridala and cobbled into a workable copper smelter.
In 1943 the first Mount Isa blister copper was produced. Production
continued after the war when Mount Isa returned to extracting the then
more profitable silver/lead/zinc. Later new plant was built enabling
both lead and copper metal to be produced from this fabulous mine.
This story of the importance of self-reliance has lessons for today.
The war on carbon energy, the carbon tax, the renewable energy targets,
escalating electricity costs and the voices in Parliament calling for
Emissions Trading Schemes have all unnerved our big users of carbon
fuels and electricity. Smelting and refining have become threatened
industries in Australia, and closure of the Mount Isa copper smelter and
the Townsville copper refinery has been foreshadowed.
Already six major metal smelting/refining operations have closed in
Australia this century and more are likely. The closures have affected
copper, lead, zinc, steel and aluminium – the sinews of modern industry.
And the car industry, with all its skills and tools, is closing.
More and more land and offshore waters are totally closed to exploration
and mining. Offshore exploration for oil is very limited, except in the
north-west. On land, there is no exploration in green no-go areas and
the “lock-the-gate” rent-a-crowd are trying to prevent gas explorers
from drilling even on their own exploration tenements.
Local production and refining of oil is also declining, and it was
estimated recently that by next year, half of Australia’s oil refining
capacity will have closed. In the event of a disruption to tanker
routes, Australia has just 12 days of diesel supplies before city fuel
and food supplies start to dry up. Will we see charcoal burners on cars
and trucks once again?
Heavy industry is scorned, and is migrating to Asia. We are losing the
resources, skills and machinery needed for our own security, while we
fritter away precious resources on green energy, direct action, carbon
capture and storage and other pointless anti-carbon chimeras.
Our foolish green energy policies and the suicidal war on carbon fuels
are killing real industry leaving us unskilled and defenceless – like a
fat toothless walrus basking on a sunny beach.
Wake up Australia.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
10 December, 2014
Message from Lima
The China Climate Accord: A Bad Deal for the US
By S. Fred Singer
The world is fascinated by the November 12 climate agreement between
President Obama and Chinese President Xi. Has China finally decided to
"fight climate change"? My personal opinion is that China is taking
advantage of White House science ignorance and anxiety about future
climate change, hoping thereby to gain commercial and strategic
advantages against the United States.
The bilateral US-China Climate Agreement, inked in Beijing on Nov 12,
makes virtually no demands on the Chinese. It simply states that at or
about the year 2030, they will start to reduce their emissions of CO2;
in the meantime, they can emit as much as they want. So they have 15
more years to add more coal-fired power plants to any extent they wish.
It is very likely that by 2030, China's population will have stopped
growing and a large part will be living in urban apartment blocks,
having bought all of the gadgets they need: TVs, refrigerators,
computers, etc.-and that their demand for electric power will have
On the other hand, the US commitment is rather severe: an actual
reduction of 26-28% in CO2 emissions by 2025, just 10 years away. This
goal can only be achieved by the substitution of natural gas for
coal-fired power plants, and the eventual replacement of much of natural
gas with unreliable and uneconomic "renewables," such as wind and
solar. As Obama promised in 2008, electricity costs will "sky-rocket."
Indeed, this seems to be the US plan-as spelled out by the EPA, under
the direction of the White House. All the China agreement really does is
to make Obama look good to his Green constituency, besides providing a
convenient "club" to use for his "war on coal." The expected effect on
the global climate is zero, zilch, nada.
From the Chinese point of view, this is an ideal arrangement, and has
both commercial and strategic benefits. It makes energy more expensive
in the United States and Europe; it cripples the industrial base of the
Western World. And hand-in-hand with economic strength goes military
Climate Science is Still Unsettled
In 1988, the United Nations set up the IPCC (Inter-governmental Panel on
Climate Change) to supply the scientific rationale for a global climate
treaty, agreed-to at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. The IPCC
is supposed to survey published scientific results impartially, but
instead it has ignored research papers that contradict the conclusions
of its five Assessment Reports-of 1990, 1996, 2001, 2007, and 2013-14.
For evidence of human influence on climate, the IPCC relies on a
supposed agreement between climate models and observations. In fact, the
models cannot reproduce the observations and therefore fail to support
the IPCC conclusion. This disagreement has now become apparent to many
scientists around the world, who have set up a competing, largely
self-supported study group called NIPCC (Non-governmental International
Panel on Climate Change), independent of the UN and of any government.
Contrary to the IPCC, NIPCC finds that natural influences rule the
climate and human influences are relatively insignificant. One can give
many examples where models and observations disagree. For instance, IPCC
admits that there has been no warming observed in the last 15-18 years,
but fails to point out that this result disagrees with the results of
every climate model.
IPCC is also dismissive of scientific research that cosmic rays from
outer space can and do change the climate. The full story is that the
cosmic-ray intensity is modulated by solar activity. Ultimately
therefore, solar activity affects cosmic rays, which in turn change the
earth's cloud cover and thereby affect climate.
One could cite many other examples of credible scientific work ignored
by the IPCC. It has been the aim of the NIPCC to restore the balance of
evidence necessary to permit informed decisions on policy. Every IPCC
report's Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) is approved line-by-line by the
nearly 200 participating national delegations. But these delegates are
not scientists; they are working with a draft SPM carefully compiled by a
handful of politically oriented scientists who "cherry-pick" factoids
from the IPCC Report itself and ignore contrary evidence. Unlike the
full Report, this draft SPM does not acknowledge the existence of
scientific uncertainties. It is on the basis of such an SPM that
politicians agreed to adopt the costly, ineffective 1997 Kyoto Protocol
(which expired in 2012) and other policies that affect energy use-and
therefore have tremendous economic consequences.
Right now, China is beginning to experiment with "cap-and-trade" schemes
within three urban areas. The US Congress in 2009 refused to approve
such a C&T policy; yet President Obama will attempt to achieve a
similar result through regulation-without the Congress. Europeans have
tried it, but it has been an economic disaster. Australia had instituted
a carbon tax as an alternative, but has now abandoned it. Only the
State of California is proceeding with such a scheme, but is using it
primarily to raise revenues, like a tax; it will have no detectible
effect on global climate.
A cap and trade scheme in China may have some value in improving energy
efficiency-in reducing the amount of energy required to produce
electricity. That could be a useful objective. But it should not be
considered as climate policy.
The Inscrutable Chinese
I can't quite figure out whether or not the Chinese government really
believes in anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming (AGW); it may
all be pretense-just a cynical charade, hoping to mislead the West into
adopting drastic reductions of CO2 emissions. There seems to be internal
debate among scientists within the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Going
along with IPCC climate fears can be quite beneficial for individual
scientists: International conferences in Bali, Cancun, Lima, and next
year in Paris just sound very intriguing; plus more money and perks at
home. Further, some may actually become convinced that their work is
"saving the planet" from the imagined ravages of a slightly warmer
On the other hand, the Chinese Academy has translated some of the
volumes of the NIPCC, and organized a workshop in Beijing in June 2013
to discuss the NIPCC conclusions, which are very critical of the UN-IPCC
claims of AGW.
The latest NIPCC effort is a two-volume publication, called Climate
Change Reconsidered-II, Physical Science (2013) and Biological Impacts
(2014)-which disagrees strongly with the corresponding IPCC Assessment
Reports (2013 and 2014). There is no doubt that there is a constituency
within the China science establishment (and perhaps also within their
government) that supports NIPCC. An indication is a (hard-bound) volume
(in Chinese), co-authored by two Chinese members of the Academy, a
member of the French Academy, and myself. Its title is: "Nature-not
human activity-rules the climate."
Will We Get Another Kyoto Protocol?
Many in the White House think the agreement with China is an important
step in reaching a global treaty at the forthcoming (Dec 2015) Paris
meeting. I wouldn't be so sure. A treaty would have to be confirmed by
two-thirds of the US Senate, and there is little chance of that. Even
back in July 1997, during the Clinton-Gore White House, the Senate voted
unanimously for the bi-partisan Byrd-Hagel Resolution against a global
protocol to control CO2 emissions. Indeed, Clinton-Gore never submitted
Kyoto to the Senate for ratification.
Obama will likely try to achieve his CO2 goal by executive orders and
administrative measures. He will find a way, as he has put it, to "skin
the cat." Whether his war on coal will succeed in circumventing a
hostile Congress is another question. The courts will also have a lot to
say on this, including the Supreme Court. When it comes to a global
agreement, many nations may vote against any Kyoto-like protocol,
including India, Australia, and likely also Canada and Japan.
The next few months are going to be very interesting.
A Quick Word about Carbon Dioxide
CO2 is an odorless, non-toxic, natural constituent of the Earth's
atmosphere. As the basic food for all plants, it is absolutely essential
for maintaining life on our planet. CO2 should not be called a
"pollutant." In the geological past, its level has been ten times higher
or more than its present value; in fact, our major food crops developed
when CO2 levels were about five times higher. China is now the world's
largest emitter of CO2 and thereby making an important contribution to
increasing agricultural yields-at a time when much of the global
population is still hungry. The world should be grateful to China.
Conservative Coalition Urges State Officials to `Fiercely Resist' EPA Rule
A coalition of 35 conservative and free market groups is urging state
officials to "fiercely resist" the Environmental Protection Agency's
(EPA) attempt to force them to implement "ruinous" new greenhouse gas
emission rules that could double the current price of electricity or
face harsh regulatory repercussions if they refuse.
"You should send a clear message to the federal government that if it
insists on pursuing the regulatory equivalent of punitive energy taxes,
it must promulgate and implement that policy itself -- and be held
solely accountable for the disastrous consequences that will follow,"
the coalition said a letter sent to governors, state attorneys general
and state legislators earlier this week.
The coalition warned state officials that EPA's Clean Power Plan will
"destroy thousands of jobs and break the household budgets of millions
of American families struggling to make ends meet -- even if states
undertake their best efforts to blunt their impacts."
"This is the so-called carbon pollution plan offered under the existing
source performance standards for greenhouse gases under Section 111(d)
of the Clean Air Act.
"And what the administration did with these rules is essentially,
they're trying to coerce and draft the states into implementing policies
that the EPA does not have the authority to implement themselves," Phil
Kerpen, president of American Commitment, which spearheaded the
anti-EPA effort, explained to, which asked him what states
can do to resist.
"Well, there are a number of things of active things that states can do
to resist. But the most important thing is simply say `No. We will not
do this. If you intend to destroy the electric power sector of our
state, you'll need to do it yourselves. We're not going to do it for
"I think that act of defiance is the most important thing, because EPA
really has neither the policy tools nor the logistical capabilities to
actually implement their desired policy, which is why they are trying to
coerce states into doing it for them in the first place," he said.
"It's clear that the sorts of big-government, anti-energy policies are
extremely unpopular with the public, and for that reason there's no
reason any state-level elected official should want to associate with
them by complying with what EPA is asking for. I think the political
environment and the [midterm] election confirmed what a bad idea it is
to do this."
"In general, we want states to make it very clear that they're going to
fight these rules every step of the way," Kerpen added. "The whole EPA
strategy is premised on their threat being credible, and that
legislators will be scared that something worse will happen if they
don't go along.
"We're trying to show them you don't have to play that game, and there
are a lot of conservatives out there who will have your back."
The EPA's Clean Power Plan is based on decades-old studies that have
never been publicly released or subjected to independent verification
and the work of a former EPA official who is now in federal prison,
Kerpen pointed out.
"One interesting feature of this so-called Clean Power Plan is they
claim $90 billion of benefits from this rule. Only about $30 billion of
that comes from global warming. Of course, the real global warming
benefit is zero because even if they reach their emissions targets, the
rest of the world would make up for it in no time, so you're not going
to actually reduce global warming through any U.S. unilateral action. So
those claims are specious.
"But the other $60 billion they claim is even more specious. They claim
health benefits for reductions in small particulate matter. And it's all
based on two studies from the 1970s that they've cited over and over
and over again, and the monetized value of the benefits from these two
studies keeps going up and up in every single rule.
"And they've never disclosed any of the data underlying those studies.
It's total secret science, and in fact the first time they used this
strategy of PM 2.5 benefits was on an ozone standard back in 1997.
"And the guy who came up with that strategy, a fellow named John Beale,
who you might be aware is now in jail for fraud at Cumberland
Correctional Facility because he decided a few years ago that he was
going to start flying around the world pretending to be a CIA spy while
he stole [close to] a million dollars."
Kerpen compared the current battle to the previous fight over the Obamacare insurance exchanges.
"One of the examples we give in the letter is the similar dynamics of
the health care fight from a couple of years ago. A lot of advocates of
state health insurance exchanges kept telling state legislators: `Go
ahead and pass a state exchange law because you can do it better than
the feds.'
"And I don't think there's a single state that decided not to pass a
health insurance exchange that regretted that decision. But a lot of the
ones that did ended up putting their own fingerprints all over the
Obamacare disaster, and a lot of people ruined their political careers
doing that."
The new EPA rule amounts to a "backdoor cap-and-trade" program, because
any "inclusion in the state plans render those measures federally
enforceable," according to language EPA published in the Federal
"The president himself, of course, famously described this cap-and-
trade policy as a way to make electricity prices `necessarily
skyrocket,' so that's the ultimate objective here. It's not just 10, or
15, or 20 percent price increases but 50, or 100, or 200 percent. And it
would really force people to use much less energy," Kerpen told
"That's part of what makes this so objectionable," Kerpen added. "One of
the president's signature pieces of legislation barely got through the
House back when Nancy Pelosi had a huge majority. And the Senate never
even took it up because they were scared of the politics of spiking
everyone's electric bill.
"Now we've got a situation where the same Obama administration that
couldn't even get a 60 member Democratic Senate majority led by Harry
Reid to take up this bill wants to coerce states into adopting
cap-and-trade legislation. But no good comes from doing the EPA's dirty
work for them on the state level," he added.
Kerpen pointed out that state resistance was not futile when the Obama
administration was trying to get the states to set up their own health
care exchanges.
"When the sort of parallel fight occurred over health care, nobody
expected 35 states would end up saying `No thank you' to implementing
Obamacare and force the feds to do it. And that had a very powerful
impact on the whole health care debate because the federal government
was totally ill-equipped to do it, as we saw in that disastrous rollout.
"EPA can't do cap-and-trade themselves," he told "The
actual policy tools at their disposal are considerably more limited than
what they're trying to tell the states to do."
Kerpen added that it's "stunning" that "this whole regulatory push runs
counter to the biggest positive story in the U.S. economy for the last
several years, which is the boom in fossil fuel production. The whole
regulatory program of the EPA is designed to shut down energy production
and use in this country at the same time we have Saudi Arabia trying to
do exactly the same thing" because they fear the U.S. will become a
major exporter of oil and gas.
"So the biggest enemies of fossil fuel energy right now are Saudi Arabia
and the Obama administration's Environmental Protection Agency."
India says won't sacrifice growth at climate talks
India will not sign any deal to cut greenhouse gas emissions at UN
climate talks in Lima that threatens its growth or undermines its fight
against poverty, the environment minister said Friday.
Speaking ahead of his departure to a key round of talks in the Peruvian
capital, Prakash Javadekar said he was heading into the negotiations
with "an open mind" but warned the Indian delegation would not "shy
away" from tough debate.
"Any agreement... will be by consensus," Javadekar told reporters in New Delhi. "Our growth cannot be compromised."
The minister branded poverty as the worst kind of environmental disaster
which "needs to be eradicated immediately", adding that no one should
dispute the right of the poorest members of society to have access to
"Poor people have aspirations we must fulfill them, we must give them energy access," he said.
Negotiators from 195 countries are gathering in Lima for talks which end
on Dec 12, hoping to agree on a draft agreement to address climate
change that will be adopted in Paris next December.
Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) have
already set an outside target of limiting global warming to 2 deg C over
pre-industrial levels.
China, the United States and Europe have also unveiled emissions pledges.
Energy-starved India is seen as one of the major obstacles to a deal as
it is heavily dependent on coal-fired power plants and millions suffer
regular power cuts.
Alarming levels of pollution in the Indian capital over the last few
weeks have raised fresh questions about the new right-wing government's
commitment to battle climate change.
But Javadekar said "climate change is a subject that concerns all of us"
and that India had already set itself targets to increase its use of
solar power.
"We will tell the world in Lima with confidence about the steps we have
already taken" to combat global warming, the minister added.
Warmist deceit in Scotland
Reading the words of Niall Stuart, chief executive of Scottish
Renewables (Friends of The Scotsman, 20 November), reminded us all that
Christmas was surely not too far off. There were the usual fairy
stories, requests for further financial support for its members and
pledges of the impossible. We have already had to stomach the fanfare
and trumpeting of the wind lobby telling us wind contributed to 25 per
cent of our energy needs on one particular date this year.
On closer inspection it appears there was a moment on 19 October when wind supplied 25 per cent of our electricity.
However, demand was not particularly high when it happened at around
5:30am. What an outcry there would be if conventional power stations
reported that, as an unusual occurrence, coal, gas or nuclear managed to
scrape together a quarter of our energy needs for the briefest moment
of time when most of us were asleep.
The wind supporters never hold their hands up when wind is performing at
way below the expected and the promised levels - which is more often
than not. The begging bowl is out and without the merest mention of fuel
poverty and how the renewables subsidies are funded by the poorest in
our society, an already highly subsidised sector is saying: "Please sir,
can I have some more."
Warmist elitism decried
There is cloud hanging over climate science, but one Cornell University
expert on communication and environmental issues says he knows how to
help clear the air.
In the December issue of
Nature Climate Change, Jonathon Schuldt, assistant professor of communication, argues that only by creating a "science of
climate diversity" can climate science and the larger
climate change movement overcome a crippling lack of ethnic and racial diversity.
"There is an invisible, but very real barrier to climate engagement,"
Schuldt said. "We need to engage with all kinds of diverse folks if
we're going to face this challenge. It will be a problem if the
perception, and the reality, is that it's a bunch of white male
scientists at the table."
The commentary, "Facing the diversity crisis on climate science," was
born when Schuldt and co-author Adam Pearson, an assistant professor of
psychology at Pomona College, began talking about University of Michigan
Professor Dorceta Taylor report, "The State of Diversity in
Environmental Organizations." In the report, Taylor examined
non-profits, government agencies and grant-making foundations and found
that non-white minorities comprised no more than 16 percent of staff in
these institutions, in spite of constituting 29 percent of the U.S.
science and engineering workforce and 38 percent of the American
population. The report found that this "white Green Insiders club"
narrows research and limits public engagement.
Schuldt agrees, but thinks more than just institutional changes are
needed. "What is missing is science-based solutions that focus on
the fundamentally social nature of this problem," the authors state.
"Research from social psychology offers insight into factors that can
powerfully influence participation."
Schuldt and Pearson argue that early successes in diversifying other
STEM research fields, and expanding the role women play in the
environmental movement, point to three immediate and essential steps for
climate research and outreach organizations.
First, boosting racial and
ethnic diversity in
climate research
and outreach leadership can have an instant impact - provided this
leadership is represented in how institutions present themselves. Put
simply, Schuldt said, climate science "needs to present a more diverse
Next, the authors urge all
those who communicate around climate science to confront lingering
stereotypes about environmentalism and minority engagement. Schuldt said
one of the most pernicious fallacies needs to quickly be dismantled:
that concern for
climate issues
is lacking in America's non-white population. He notes recent work by
social science researchers has shown this "underrepresentation by
choice" idea to be false, and said climate leaders need to highlight the
reality of deep minority community concern.
Lastly, the authors insist organizational messages can help bridge this
gap. Among the most destructive ideas that needs to be abandoned,
Schuldt said, is that communication around climate science should be
"color blind."
"Color-blind communications are, paradoxically, ineffective," Schuldt
said. "What it implies to minority individuals is that their unique
perspectives and experiences don't matter."
Instead, Schuldt suggested, messages that highlight diversity while
pointing toward a common goal are key: "We are all different, but we're
all in this together."
The long-range goal, Schuldt and Pearson state, needs to be the creation
of a new science of climate diversity. Climate scientists must
collaborate with psychology and the social sciences, and these research
partnerships need to be supported by academic, public and private
institutions alike.
Once that is done and a "new nexus of research" begins to form around how
climate science
and the climate change movement can increase racial and ethnic
diversity, those fact-based findings can be used to guide public climate
advocacy and policy reform efforts. That, Schuldt said, is the only way
a problem as complex and far-reaching as climate change can
effectively, and equitably, be addressed.
"Diverse teams are better at solving complex problems, and there's every
reason to believe this is the same, if not more important, when facing
climate change," Schuldt said.
Yippee! Australia ranked worst-performing developed nation on climate policy
And Canada is not far behind
Australia is the worst-performing developed nation when it comes to
climate-change action, with the Abbott government's scrapping of the
carbon price cementing its lowly ranking, a survey by European
non-government organisations shows.
Australia ranked 57 out of 58 nations reviewed by the survey, which has
been done each year since 2005 by Climate Action Network Europe and
Germanwatch. Only Saudi Arabia fared worse.
The ranking is based on indicators ranging from carbon dioxide emissions
per capita to share of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Australians emitted about 16.7 tonnes of CO2 per person in 2012.
"While the developed world is going in one direction, Australia is going
in the opposite," said Guy Ragen, a climate change campaigner for the
Australian Conservation Foundation, which helped compile the findings.
Mr Ragen, who was formally an adviser to Labor's Climate Change Minister
Greg Combet, said Australia's relatively modest emissions reduction
goals and high per capita pollution made the country a poor performer
even before the carbon price was scrapped in July.
That move caused Australia's policy rating to slump 21 places in the latest survey.
The government has also been attempting to win Senate support to cut the
Renewable Energy Target, set at 41 tarawhata-hours a year by 2020.
"You'll have to assume [the policy rating] will get worse," Mr Ragen said.
The introduction of the carbon price had led to a reduction of emissions
from the power sector, a process being reversed now. Pitt & Sherry,
an energy consultancy, estimated last week the rise in emissions from
the electricity industry since the end of the carbon prices would lift
the nation's CO2 pollution level by 1.4 per cent if the increase was to
continue for a year.
The report's release comes as key talks take place in Lima, Peru, on
getting a climate treaty finalised by late next year. Australia
will be represented during this week's high-level section of the talks
by Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Trade Minister Andrew Robb.
Fairfax Media sought comment from Environment Minister Greg Hunt, who was not sent to the Lima talks.
Because emission indicators account for about 80 per cent of the
evaluation, Australia has tended to be among the laggards on the survey.
The introduction of the carbon tax in 2012 only resulted in Australia's
ranking improve to 50th among the nations.
Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom are the top-ranked nations
in the survey. Australia and Saudi Arabia share the bottom four slots
with Canada and Kazakhstan.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
9 December, 2014
Billions won’t satisfy Warmists
By Christopher Booker in Britain
Led by the BBC, the usual media suspects were quick to trumpet last
week’s claims by the Met Office and the World Meteorological
Organisation that 2014 is set to be “the hottest year ever”. It’s funny
that the rest of us hadn’t noticed; least of all those citizens of North
America and Russia whose lives were lately disrupted by record
It is true that the temperature records compiled by the avid warmists of
the Met Office and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (the one
formerly run by climate activist James Hansen) have managed to show this
year squeaking just ahead of 2010 as “the hottest year since records
began”. But the much more comprehensive and reliable satellite records
agree that 2014 is way down the list, with six of the past 16 years
ahead of it.
The reason for this excitement just now, even before the final 2014 data
are in, is that it is timed to coincide with yet another two-week UN
climate conference in Lima, where thousands of officials and activists
are gathered to whip up support for next year’s planned “universal
climate treaty” in Paris.
What worries them more than anything is the unavoidable evidence that
global temperatures have shown no significant rise for 18 years, making
ever more nonsense of all those scary computer model predictions relied
on by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. But so carried
away are they by their quasi-religious belief system that, when it was
again proposed in Lima that richer nations should pay poor countries
$100 billion a year to protect them from runaway global warming, the
UN’s chief spokesman, Christiana Figueres, dismissed this as “a very,
very small sum”. What is needed to decarbonise the global economy, she
said, is “$90 trillion over the next 15 years”. It makes the £1.3
trillion we Brits are committed by the Climate Change Act to pay to halt
global warming within 36 years look like chicken feed.
American Energy to the Rescue
Americans want a robust economy with upper mobility. Increasingly, they
realize the policies and the arrogance of Obama, Pelosi, and Reid have
severely retarded our economic growth.
Obama, Pelosi and Reid used their enormous power to build their legacies
– ObamaCare, redistribution of wealth, pristine environmental practices
and the war on carbon. All would be achieved by a bigger and coercive
federal government. Initially, they tried a Keynesian stimulus, which
was sold as shovel ready and failed. Then, there was the “Cash for
Clunkers,” which was another redistribution failure.
And now, it's full steam ahead for historic, legacy building. ObamaCare
was intended to cover every American and reduce the cost of health care.
Instead, health care prices are rising and employers are not hiring. As
a result, millions of Americans are unemployed and many other Americans
are working part-time in an effort to avoid the rules and regulations
of ObamaCare.
Next, there was the clean energy plan where Obama, Pelosi, Reid and
environmental czars spent billions of dollars on windmills, solar panels
and anything else that was deemed clean and renewable. Solyndra went
bankrupt, and so did Obama, Pelosi and Reid’s environmental legacy.
Still seeking a legacy, they waged war on coal and stopped the Keystone
XL Pipeline as well as thwarted fracking and drilling for oil on federal
Fortunately for Americans, Obama, Pelosi and Reid do not have total
czarist’s powers, and private, entrepreneurs made America into an energy
giant. Larry Kudlow exalts the technology revolution,which helped
reduce the cost of energy. The drop in the price of oil, gas and natural
gas is the equivalent to a tax cut – giving all Americans more money to
spend on other goods and services making the economy robust, increasing
the standard of living, and employing more Americans. Kudlow:
And here in the U.S., the oil-price drop is a huge tax cut that will
primarily help the middle class. … We just had a free-market tax cut
that will boost middle-class incomes and just about everything else.
The American energy revolution, combined with the market forces of
supply and demand, is delivering something on the order of a $125
billion tax cut. Not only have wholesale oil prices dropped from about
$100 a barrel to $66, but gasoline prices have fallen from nearly $4 a
gallon to $2.78 at the week’s close.
Now...that’s a tax cut; with no big-government spending hikes.
America’s technology revolution has transferred spending on energy to
consumer goods and services. Everyone wins! Well, not the legacy-seeking
elites – Obama, Pelosi and Reid. Beware, Obama is still seeking his
environmental legacy by contorting the clean air act of the 1970s. The
EPA has proposed rules that will further restrict coal, drilling and
fracking. Again, Kudlow:
Of course, the far-left Democratic enviros aren’t sitting still. The EPA
is now taking aim at the entire U.S. energy industry with its newly
proposed smog rules -- probably the most expensive regulations in U.S.
history -- even though the fracking revolution is producing much cleaner
energy than ever before.
So, what we have is a clean-energy revolution, and it’s lighting a
much-needed fire under our economy. Fortunately, our recent, election
results indicate that Americans are seeking a vibrant economy and do not
care about the legacies of Obama, Pelosi and Reid.
If Erica Grow Didn’t Rip Up our Global Warming Flier, Maybe She’d Understand the Science Better
Television weather presenter Erica Grow deserves a hearty Thank You for
advertising The Heartland Institute’s new pamphlet, “Global Warming:
Crisis or Delusion.” Grow also perfectly illustrated how global warming
alarmists can expand their knowledge with assistance from the new
Two weeks ago, Grow on her Twitter account posted a photo on her ripping
the pamphlet in half and calling the pamphlet “propaganda” and “BS.”
Grow’s followers apparently flooded her inbox with dissatisfaction about
her Tweet, prompting her to write a column on the WUSA website
explaining her actions.
“As you can imagine, a bunch of people got pretty ticked off,” Grow acknowledged.
Grow explained that she called the pamphlet propaganda because the
pamphlet concluded by stating, “Public policies should aim at fostering
economic growth to adapt to natural climate change.” According to Grow,
“The final bullet point is especially egregious because it contains the
word ‘should’.” Grow added, “A fact statement cannot contain a
persuasive word.”
Curiously, Grow did not call out the United Nations Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for similarly advocating for a
particular course of action. Just two weeks before Grow’s Twitter
tantrum, BBC News published an article titled, “Fossil fuels should be
phased out by 2100 says IPCC.” As BBC News pointed out, “The
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says in a stark report that
most of the world’s electricity can – and must – be produced from
low-carbon sources by 2050.”
So when Grow’s alarmist friends at a United Nations bureaucracy employ
stark, strong language in an attempt to dictate energy policy to the
United States, Grow considers that science rather than propaganda. By
contrast, when climate realists propose policies favoring climate
adaptation instead, Grow considers that propaganda rather than science.
Later in her column, Grow revealed her fundamental lack of understanding
about the global warming debate. Grow argued the pamphlet is misleading
because “it’s well-documented that the majority of the scientific
community agrees with the hypothesis that climate change is at least
partially caused by human activity.” However, few skeptics claim global
warming is not “at least partially caused by human activity.”
The key issues dividing alarmists and skeptics are the degree of human
causation, the pace of recent warming, the proper context of recent
warming, the current and likely impacts of global warming, and the
desirability of alarmists’ prescribed solutions. By closing her mind to
all of these issues merely because she erroneously believes most
skeptics dispute any human role in recent warming, Grow has allowed her
preexisting lack of knowledge to preclude any future gains in knowledge.
Simply put, objective scientific evidence and an open mind are the best
means of discovering scientific truths and implementing beneficial
public policy. Grow’s theatrical destruction of a climate science
pamphlet that contradicts her own limited knowledge of the topic is a
disservice to open and honest scientific discourse. The ironic silver
lining, however, is Grow’s actions merely directed more people to the
scientific summary.
Presidential Pollinator Protection: Myths, Facts and Hyperbole
Rich Kozlovich says the bees are doing OK -- without Presidental
protection. Excerpts from a very comprehensive article below
In June of 2014 President Obama sent out an executive order to all
Cabinet secretaries and agency heads requiring; “the federal
government to develop a plan for protecting pollinators such as honey
bees, butterflies, birds and bats in response to mounting concerns about
the impact of dwindling populations on American crops.”….. “the problem
is serious and requires immediate attention to ensure the
sustainability of our food production systems, avoid additional economic
impact on the agricultural sector, and protect the health of the
The President’s order requires the government to establish a new task
force to develop a “coordinated research action plan” in order to
understand the pollinator problem and prevent their loss by “developing
plans to enhance habitats for pollinating species on federal lands. And
agencies will partner with local governments, farmers, and the business
community in a bid to increase the quality and availability of available
habitats for the species.”
President Obama further states; "given the breadth, severity, and
persistence of pollinator losses, it is critical to expand federal
efforts and take new steps to reverse pollinator losses and help restore
populations to healthy levels”.
Now here’s the part that should be of even more
concern. The President says; "these steps should include the
development of new public-private partnerships and increased citizen
This issue of pollinator protection concerns started with a demise of
many honey bees in 2006 with something called Colony Collapse Disorder
(CCD) involving European honey bees. So let’s start our inquiry
There is a wide view that all this started in Fortune: "As bees go
missing, a $9.3B crisis lurks", By David Stipp, August 28 2007. [i]
Although this became a public issue in 2007, it’s now 2014 and this
current CCD issue was already going on for some time before
2007. At least seven years have passed since CCD appeared on
the public’s radar and yet the planet’s seven billion people are still
alive. It would appear these claims of agriculture disasters
called “beepocalypse” [ii] [iii]is clearly premature. NPR
proclaimed we were at “a crisis point for crops.” [iv] But is this
reality or is this being promoted by scaremongers and scientific
At the beginning there was a great deal of speculation, but no
consistent or verifiable scientific explanation for
this. What was causing honey bees to simply start
dying or disappearing from their colonies? First of all we have to
understand that CCD isn’t anything new or unusual. We have had
regular occurrences of this forever, with major occurrence seeming to
occur about every ten years, and bee keepers have always recovered from
this in the past. Similar die-offs were described as far back as
1898. More recently, in 1995-96, Pennsylvania beekeepers lost 53
percent of their colonies without a specific identifiable cause.
Over the years it’s interesting to see the reasons given to explain
these collapses. Let’s review
In 1903, in the Cache Valley in Utah, 2000 colonies were lost to an
unknown "disappearing disease" after a "hard winter and a cold spring."
No specific cause was found. Synthetic organic insecticides
were blamed in the 1960’s, Africanized honey bee genes were blamed in
the 1970’s and in the late 1970s we had another scare similar to this
they also called the “disappearing disease”.
Pesticides are always the favorite target of activists, and while I
don’t think it reasonable to say they have no impact since they do kill
insects, we do need to ask; are we doing anything differently that we
have done for those decades when there wasn’t any CCD? Of course
there are claims that modern pesticides, such as neonicotinoids, weren’t
used in decades past are these are responsible for this crisis.
The questions we need to explore is whether this is a cause of this
inordinate collapse, and is there really a crisis at all?
This whole issue of neonicotinoids being the cause of CCD is fraught
with misinformation, misrepresentation of the facts, manipulation of the
facts and hyperbole my the media that is only interested in promoting a
false anti-pesticide narrative, when in fact it turns out neonics may
actually improve the health of honey bees.
The fact is honey bee colonies worldwide are increasing, not
decreasing. Countries such as Canada and Australia use neonics
extensively but aren’t having problems with reduced honey bee
colonies. (See Jon Entine's two part series on this for
charts and an extended and well researched commentary. Part I and
Part II)
This bring us to pathogens and parasites. The wild bee population was
suffering as badly as the domestic populations from Varroa mites and
tracheal mites. As for pathogens; it was reported “that analysis of
honeybee samples collected between 2002 to 2007 showed that the virus,
Israeli acute paralysis virus, had been circulating in the US for at
least five years.” And in fact one researcher found two kinds of viruses
that transformed the shape of wings or caused a disease only affecting
queen bee larvae.
“First, it is not true that there has been a mysterious worldwide
collapse in honey bee populations. In fact managed hives (which contain
the bees which do the vast majority of our pollinating) have increased
by a remarkable 45 per cent over the last five years. Lawrence D. Harder
from the department of biology at the University of Calgary and Marcelo
Aizen from Buenos Aires set about pinning down a couple of myths…….The
bee disaster scenario is dependent upon data which is far too regional
to take seriously and ‘not representative of global trends’. The truth
is that there are more bees in the world than ever. They go on to say;
‘It is a myth that humanity would starve without bees.’ While some 70
per cent of our most productive crops are animal-pollinated (by bees,
hoverflies and the like), very few indeed rely on animal pollination
completely. Furthermore, most staple foods — wheat, rice and corn — do
not depend on animal pollination at all. They are wind-pollinated, or
self-pollinating. If all the bees in the world dropped dead tomorrow
afternoon, it would reduce our food production by only between 4 and 6
per cent..... ‘Overall we must conclude that claims of a global crisis
in agricultural production are untrue.’
It appears that in spite of the fact that bees have probably been to
most intensely studied insect in the history of mankind someone just
happened to notice that a phorid fly, Apocephalus borealis, was
parasitizing bees, causing them to become disoriented and abandon the
hives, a primary symptom of CCD. There is an extensive
discussion here, “A New Threat to Honey Bees, the Parasitic Phorid Fly
Apocephalus borealis”. [xiii]
It turns out John Hafernik, a biology professor at San Francisco State
University, had collected some belly-up bees from the ground underneath
lights around the University’s biology building. He was looking around
for something to feed a praying mantis. He noted in a prepared
statement, “I left them in a vial on my desk and forgot about them.” He
soon got a shock. “The next time I looked at the vial, there were all
these fly pupae surrounding the bees,” he said. A fly (Apocephalus
borealis) had inserted its eggs into the bees, using their bodies as a
home for its developing larvae. And the invaders had somehow led the
bees from their hives to their deaths.”
Remember once again - this was all in spite of the fact that bees have
probably been the most intensely studied insect in the history of
mankind without someone noticing for all these decades and possibly
centuries. Apocephalus borealis, was parasitizing bees causing
them to become disoriented and abandon the hives - a primary symptom of
CCD. Another fact we need to understand. Pesticide
poisonings and CCD are two different things and it's important that we
don't conflate one with the other. These are two distinctly
different issues with two different causes requiring two distinctly
separate approaches in dealing with
This fly places its eggs into the bee’s abdomen. Later as the larvae
grow inside the bees and they begin to lose control of their ability to
“think and walk….. exhibiting zombie-like behavior by walking around in
circles with no apparent sense of direction. Bees will leave “the hive
at night flying blindly toward light…..It eventually dies and the fly
larvae emerge.”
One research team [xiv] "found evidence of the fly in 77 percent of the
hives they sampled in the Bay Area of California, as well as in some
hives in the state’s agricultural Central Valley and in South Dakota”.
It's clear that CCD has been going of forever. It is clear that
pesticides can kill some bees, but that number is insignificant and
cannot possibly explain the symptoms displayed by honey bee colonies
suffering from this disorder. It is clear that fungi and disease are
playing a major role. It is now clear that parasites are the number one
major component in their demise, and they exacerbate the disease
In conclusion it is clear that most of the scare tactics used are
meaningless; we won’t starve; pesticides are our friend; the bees will
return; the cause is most assuredly ‘all natural’ and the scaremongers
will look for another reason to condemn humanity. I just hope we will
have the good sense to ignore them.
Under the order to protect pollinators the President requires the
formation of a “new task force” with the goal of developing a
coordinated research action plan in order to better understand and
prevent the loss of pollinators. IN order to do this
government agencies will work to develop “plans to enhance habitats for
pollinating species on federal lands. And agencies will partner with
local governments, farmers, and the business community in a bid to
increase the quality and availability of available habitats for the
This will be just another excuse for huge land grabs by the federal
government, as if under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) the use of
“suitable habitat” rulings aren’t bad enough already. Given the
federal government’s penchant for abusing the ESA, the Clear Water Act,
the Clean Air Act to overturn Constitutional safeguards and gain control
over private property and the economy, this sentence; agencies will
partner with local governments, farmers, and the business community in a
bid to increase the quality and availability of available habitats for
the species”, should be cause for concern for everyone.
In Conclusion - There is no pollinator crisis with birds, bees, bats or
butterflies that have anything to do with pesticides, genetically
modified organisms or any of the other things activists attack
industry. However, this pollinator protection initiative by the
President and government agencies could clearly be used as another
excuse for huge land grabs by the federal government, as if under the
Endangered Species Act “suitable habitat” rulings aren’t bad enough
already. The fact is the claims and scare tactics being used are
meaningless; we won’t starve; pesticides are our friend; the bees have
returned and will continue to thrive, and the cause of CCD is most
assuredly ‘all natural’; there is no bird, bat or butterfly crisis and
the scaremongers will look for another reason to condemn humanity.
I just hope we will have the good sense to ignore them.
Much more
Australia: Alan Jones interviews David Leyonhjelm on the Senate’s
Inquiry Into the Great Wind Power Fraud & Cross-Bench renewable
energy Plan
The wind industry in Australia is in full-scale panic because the
Senate’s cross-benchers (who hold the balance of power in the Upper
House) have won Coalition support for their Inquiry into the great wind
power fraud: which will turn a (long-overdue) blowtorch on the biggest
rort in Australian history.
Adding to the wind industry’s mounting woes is the fact that the
cross-benchers have also put together a plan that will put the wind
industry out of its misery, by elevating the place of “old” hydro power
and small-scale solar – especially “stand alone solar” in remote
locations – under the Large-Scale Renewable Energy Target (LRET): both
“old” hydro and small-scale solar are perversely excluded from the LRET.
The vast bulk of hydro capacity was built pre-1998 and is, therefore,
ineligible to participate – a matter that has Tasmanian Senator, Jacqui
Lambie seeing red.
STT hears that the cross-bench plan is with Tony Abbott’s office and has already won the PM’s tick of approval.
The Inquiry and the plan has been pushed along by cross-bench Senator,
David Leyonhelm, who appears in this recent interview with Alan Jones on
Alan has a little radio show that more than just a few Australians tune
into each morning. Syndicated through over 77 Stations and with close to
2 million listeners Countrywide – AJ as he’s known – is one of those
people that leads the political charge on many issues that really affect
ordinary Australians and which the rest of the press ignore.
A couple of weeks ago I interviewed Dr Jay Tibbetts – you might recall
is an American. A medicical adviser to the Brown County Health
Department in Wisconsin. He attacked the Australian Medical Association,
who quite disgracefully, but not surprisingly given that the leadership
of that mob now is hopelessly of the left. And the AMA virtually
arguing that there was no problem with this sub-audible infra-sound
emitted by wind turbines. And Doctor Tibbetts cited endless
international evidence in relation to the health risks posed by the
low-frequency noise that wind turbines generate.
Well that interview lead to an email that I received this week from
eastern Europe. Amazingly they had heard my interview, on the
Internet with Doctor Tibbetts in relation to what I call the lunacy of
wind farms and the sleep deprivation that they cause and my email
correspondent said “I just wanted to tell you how much we appreciated
your excellent interview and your courage to do it. I know how risky
this is. My emailer said he posted the interview on his website
and it went ballistic. And I’m told, he says it’s spreading from Austria
to Germany, and Finland and Ireland and Poland and many other
countries. My emailer said ‘I can guarantee you that all people in
Europe, especially in Germany were like crazy and spread your interview
like crazy when they got it on my Facebook page.
Well people are waking up to the lies and deceit peddled by governments
and renewable energy companies all over the world. There is a report
this week by AGL energy of all outfits who found that non-solar
households are paying hidden subsidies and more than $200 million a
year, here in Australia to households who have solar roofing
panels. Now we know that this wind power-solar power are driving
up the cost of what you pay for electricity and what business pays. And
the AGL Chief economist Paul Simshauser, said the problem of wealth
transfers to renewable energy sources was increasing. In other words to
prop up renewable energy, you the taxpayer have money taken out of your
pocket and that, in billions of dollars, goes to renewable energy
companies. Most of them foreign companies.
Now people increasingly can’t hack this. We’re told 650 electricity
customers are complaining to their retailer every day about electricity
prices. The Australian Energy Regulator’s annual report found
disconnections have surged and more than 237,000 New South Wales
households, one in seven customers, has complained to their provider
about pricing in the financial year ended 30 June this year.
Now we are spending billions of dollars on wind energy. It accounts for
less than 2% of power generation in China, 3% in America. And this whole
renewable energy thing is completely out of control. Wind power costs
up to $214 per megawatt hour, coal $78 to $91. If the renewable energy
mob want a set of rules that would be simple – then go ahead with your
wind farm but don’t ask for taxpayers’ money. How can wind turbine
companies buy off a farmer for $10,000 a turbine and then that same
company be subsidised by the taxpayers? Who are you.
I have spoken to so many people, but one of them is Andrew Gardiner in
Napthine’s electorate. He’s running for election this Saturday, the
Premier of Victoria. Next to 140 turbines, 150 metres high, 56m blades –
the biggest monsters in the southern hemisphere, some are 90 m from his
property. Eight of them, 1.7 km from his home. And he’s been bullied
and intimidated by AGL. I repeat – coal-fired power $78-91 a megawatt
hour wind power, up to $214 per megawatt hour and solar power, over $400
a megawatt hour.
And here you’ve got this Gullen Range wind farm near Goulburn, which
breaks nearly every rule that governed its application to operate. But
don’t worry, it’s foreign owned. Would you believe Canberra, were meant
to be spending 17,000 million dollars (17 billion), erecting between
7000 and 10,000 of these wind turbines.
Yet Germany are pushing ahead with new coal-fired electricity plants
because political and public concern there is increasing over the cost
of energy. China is building a new coal fired power station every 10
days every year. And remember when I spoke to Angus Taylor, the new
member for Hume, turbines in his electorate enjoys subsidies to
$500,000,000 to a $billion a year.
Well David Leyonhjelm is a New South Wales Senator, representing the
Liberal Democrats and along with Senators Madigan, Day, Xenophon and
Back, David Leyonhjelm succeeded in establishing, has succeeded in
establishing – and this will put a few noses out of joint – a Senate
inquiry into wind turbines. This will blow the whole show open.
It was a narrow vote. Because you see people like Mcfarlane, the Energy
Minister, they’re in bed with wind companies. 33 to 32. The inquiry will
be known as The Select Committee on Wind Turbines. It will investigate
regulatory governance, or lack of it, over wind turbines, their economic
impact, which can only be negative. It will examine on household power
prices of wind power, we know that. The implementation of planning
processes which as you can see with Gullen Range, are ignored. The
integrity of national wind farm guidelines – they have none. The impact
of wind turbines on firefighting – that’s another story altogether – and
crop management.
And the committee will have the power to send for and examine people and
documents. And it will report its proceedings from time to time and
make interim recommendations and it will report by June 24 next year.
This is a very pioneering and important initiative and not before time.
Australia: Greenie land-grab contested
THE long-running Federal Court case of southern NSW farmer Peter Spencer
strikes at the heart of land ownership in Australia, Queensland federal
MP Bob Katter says.
MR Katter has flown to Sydney to support Mr Spencer's legal case against
the Commonwealth and the NSW government over land-clearing laws.
He argues restrictions imposed on the clearing of vegetation on his farm constitutes an acquisition of his property.
Speaking outside the court on Thursday, Mr Katter told reporters that
the case, which was launched in 2007, was one of the most important in
Australia's history.
"Today the question is: who owns the land, the crown or the
people? "If we don't own our own land and a bunch of half-witted
politicians own our land, than God help us all. "This is why I
have tracked across Australia to support Peter."
It comes more than four years after Mr Spencer staged a 52-day hunger
strike in 2009 and 2010 on a suspended platform on his former property
at Shannons Flat, near Cooma.
The leader of Katter's Australian Party said "millions of dollars worth
of timber and timber rights" had been taken off Mr Spencer without
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
8 December, 2014
Fall snow cover in Northern Hemisphere was most extensive on record, all due to warming, of course
You can explain anything if you want to. In science it is
called an "ad hoc" explanation -- known to the layman as being wise
after the event. And the Warmist writer below does that. He
offers various explanations for why the observed cold is actually due to
warming somewhere.
But he actually has nothing to explain.
He has drunk the NOAA Kool-Aid about current record high
temperatures. He hasn't noticed the carefully unpublicized fact
that temperatures in the 21st century are higher than one-another only
by a few hundredths of one degree. So all we are seeing are
natural fluctuations within a generally stable temperature environment.
weather embarrasses him only because Warmists routinely chortle
whenever we have an unusually hot spell. He can see that, by the
same token, cold spells ought to have us chortling about cooling.
That the Warmist chortling about occasional hot weather is desperate,
disreputable and unscientific has escaped him
In 49 years of records, more snow covered the Northern Hemisphere this
fall than any other time. It is a very surprising result, especially
when you consider temperatures have tracked warmest on record over the
same period.
Data from Rutgers University Global Snow Lab show the fall Northern
Hemisphere snow cover extent exceeded 22 million square kilometers,
exceeding the previous greatest fall extent recorded in 1976.
New Jersey state climatologist David Robinson, who runs the snow lab, shared these additional snow cover statistics:
North America had its most extensive snow cover on record
The Lower 48 had its most extensive snow cover on record (which is not
surprising given the Arctic blast and snow events in the final two
The sprawling snows may seem counter-intuitive considering recent
reports that September and October were the warmest months on record for
the globe according to NOAA (and November the second warmest on record,
according to satellite analysis from the University of
Global temperature departure from normal for the period of January
through October 2014. This year is on track to be the warmest on record,
according to NOAA.
However, the amount of snow does not necessarily correlate with
temperature. It simply needs to be near or below freezing for snow
to fall. Temperatures that average 1-2 degrees F above normal
over the globe can still support snow in many places.
Furthermore, slightly warmer than normal temperatures increase
atmospheric moisture content, elevating potential snow amounts where
they occur.
A recent modeling study showed high latitude extreme snows could
increase 10 percent by the end of the century under global warming
A British Lawyer and a Conservative Party "wet" (cf. RINO) sets us straight
Barrister Rupert Myers writes under the heading: "The Right
needs to wake up - climate change is real, and we're causing it".
what evidence does he muster to support his view that "climate change
is real, and we're causing it"? None. He mentions not a
single climate statistic: Just the current Warmist prophecy that 2014
will be the warmest year ever. Other than that, it's all just
assertion and a warm feeling that all good chaps agree on this. I hope
he argues his cases in court more convincingly
His talk about a
"significant loss of landmass" is amusing. Where? Even
Bangladesh is GAINING landmass. Is he aware that the latest
modelling shows that sea level rise will take thousands of years to
happen? See here and here
He also acknowledges the problem that China is still building coal-fired generators but gives no answer to it.
also says that we should stick to the "core conservative principle of
doing what works and looking at the available evidence" -- without
giving any evidence. He may think that his handwaving allusions to
things like strawberry crops in November count as evidence but, if so,
he has no idea of what constitutes evidence in science.
I could go on but I think there is no cure for credulity. See it in full flight below
Whenever I head to the north Norfolk coast and see the wind farm
offshore, visible from the Cromer pier, my heart sinks. The blinking red
lights at night and the white spinning blades during the day spoil the
historic view of the channel from the Victorian seafront. It was a view
witnessed by a holidaying Winston Churchill at a place recommended by
Austen; the clunking towers have written it off. I have not learned to
love or to even silently accept the wind farms, and I cannot understand
those claim that they are beautiful or elegant.
But I am persuaded that we need them. On the day that the Met Office has
recognised that 2014, the warmest year on record, is attributable to
man-made climate change, it’s time to put these eyesores into
perspective. The results are in, and everyone from NASA to the UN agrees
that there is an urgent need to change the way we behave, to prevent
widespread destruction of our environment. From melting ice to
strawberry crops in november, we are starting to see the early stages of
a chain of events which - if not addressed adequately - will
drastically alter the planet and the lives of generations to come.
There are enclaves of scientific denial on the Right, like tiny pacific
islands on which old Japanese men still believe they are engaged in
World War Two. The odd bloody scalp, the odd skirmish does not prove
that the war is ongoing. Nick Griffin, who called man made global
warming ‘a hoax’ has expressed his support for UKIP, a party which has
vowed to bin the Climate Change Act, and which clearly wants to attract
those who think that the war is still to be fought.
Yet you don’t have to be a pro-EU fixie-cycling ethical barista of no
fixed gender identity with a piercing through your nose to wake up and
smell the coffee. Indeed, you should enjoy the smell of coffee whilst
you can, since climate change is having a dramatic impact on the bean
crop yields. Bemoaning the ban on filament lightbulbs needs to be seen
in the context of widespread food shortages and significant loss of
landmass. The cost of renewables to the UK needs to be set against the
likely cost of famine, drought, and the expense of keeping an
overpopulating planet even remotely peaceful as its food and its land
diminish. It will not improve the views from the East Anglian coastline
if the coastline itself is eroded.
The deniers argue that any globally coordinated response to this problem
will involve ‘socialism’ and EU control, calling many exponents of
green policies ‘watermelons’ for being green on the outside and red on
the inside. Yet the same people will often argue that unilateral action
on climate change would be an expensive waste of time whilst China is
still building coal power plants. We can’t work together because it will
interfere with freedom – but we can’t act alone because it’s pointless.
Even more confusingly, there are too many on the Right who then have a
go at private companies for getting into renewable energy. When the
socialist-finder generals aren’t calling people watermelons, they are
calling out the corporate greed of making a profit from involvement in
green energy solutions. Governments are bashed for taking a statist
approach to climate change, and corporations for a capitalist one.
There are many dreadful side effects to man-made climate change, though
most of them will only be apparent – experts warn – once it is too late
to counter them. In trying to act to prevent the worst of it, we are
having to tear up parts of our countryside and even get our heads around
splitting our rubbish into different forms of recycling. But one of the
most irritating and immediate consequences has been from the deniers,
particularly on the Right, who, while understandably mistrustful of
ideology and consensus, have abandoned the core conservative principle
of doing what works and looking at the available evidence. The same
populist movements which would abolish the ‘elites’ in politics have
decided that an international scientific consensus about complex,
long-term changes is no match for their lived experience of yesterday's
weather. Despite the best efforts of our Prime Minister in opposition,
many on the right are abandoning a commitment to environmentalism as a
costly and unproven expenditure.
It’s time for the doubters to surrender, and accept that there is
nothing Right-wing about denying the global consensus of a scientific
community. At this point too many of us on the Right echo the farcical
warning of Stephen Colbert that “reality has a well-known liberal bias.”
After all, it isn’t Blofeld’s SPECTRE warning us about climate change -
it’s the British boffins in our own Met Office.
No Record Temperatures According To Satellites
Unsurprisingly, the BBC put up a deliberately apocalyptic picture while
telling us the world is on course for the warmest year on record.
What they failed to tell us was that the more accurate satellites, which
monitor atmospheric temperatures over nearly all of the globe, say no
such thing.
Figures from UAH are out for November, and these show a drop from
the October anomaly of 0.37C to 0.33C. This means that at the end
of November, this year is only in a tie for 3rd with 2005, and well
below the record year of 1998, and 2010.
Moreover, despite El Nino conditions for most of this year, this year is
only running a modest 0.03C [three hundredths of one degree] warmer
than last year.
RSS data for November is still awaited, but is unlikely to alter the
October YTD position, which ranked 2014 as only 7th warmest.
What the BBC also failed to tell us was that there are large
uncertainties in the surface datasets, which they are reporting on.
Colin Morice of the Met Office warns:
"Record or near-record years are interesting, but the ranking of
individual years should be treated with some caution because the
uncertainties in the data are larger than the differences between the
top ranked years. We can say this year will add to the set of
near-record temperatures we have seen over the last decade."
Bulletin from Lima
They are, according to energy secretary Ed Davey, “the most complex
negotiations the world has ever undertaken”: representatives from 190
countries attempting to draft an unprecedented worldwide deal to tackle
global warming.
But the near-9,000 delegates attending the UN’s climate change summit in
Peru have found they also have a more local warming problem to contend
with: the venue is too hot.
Sweltering temperatures inside the meeting halls have prompted many
delegates to complain that the temporary buildings are generating their
own “greenhouse effect” – with one Zimbabwean representative at Monday’s
opening plenary reportedly even suggesting it was “too hot to work”.
With temperatures in the mid-seventies outside, the mercury has hit more
than 86F in some of the halls, which have been specially-constructed on
the site of the Peruvian military headquarters in Lima.
“3 days in & it’s still crazy hot. How can they expect any smart
decisions to be made in these conditions?,” Yong Ly, a delegate
observing the talks for the P3 Foundation anti-poverty group, wrote on
“Plenary hall at #COP 20 hot like [politician and former Miss World]
Lisa Hanna in the Sahara,” Gerald Lindo, a Jamaican government official,
tweeted. “They must be trying to remind us of global warming.”
The complaints appeared to be given short shrift by the Peruvian hosts,
who responded by posting a picture of a hand-held fan on their official
Twitter account. “Using air conditioning affects the planet,” they
wrote. “And the heat? As simple as using a fan. Share the idea.”
However a spokesman for UN organisers the UNFCCC insisted there was no
environmental restriction on the use of the venue’s air conditioning and
said it was simply that “the conditions here are a little challenging
for the air con system”.
While most delegates appeared in good spirits despite the heat, there
remain numerous areas of disagreement over the shape of a global climate
deal – which is being drafted in Lima and due to be officially agreed
at next year’s summit in Paris. The aim is to come up with an agreement
that will cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to limit global warming
to 2C above pre-industrial levels, beyond which scientists say the
effects will be far more dangerous.
How much rich countries should pay to help poorer countries tackle and
adapt to climate change is among the most contentious issues. Developed
nations have so far pledged almost $10bn (£6.4bn) of public funds –
including £720m from the UK – to a new UN “Green Climate Fund” (GCF) to
help developing nations.
China, which aligns itself with many of the poorest countries, has
complained the total so far falls far short of a 2009 pledge by
developed nations to mobilise $100bn-a-year of “climate finance” by
2020. “$10 billion is just one 10th of that objective,” Su Wei, China’s
lead negotiator said, Bloomberg reported.
But Elina Bardram, head of the EU’s delegation dismissed the claim,
insisting the $100bn was always intended to be mixture of public and
private finance. The GCF was “by no means the only vehicle for
delivering the $100bn,” she told reporters on Friday.
Countries also disagree about whether their individual pledges to tackle
climate change should solely cover cutting emissions or should also
bind rich nations to give cash to poorer countries to help them adapt.
Pledges are due in the first quarter of next year. Mr Davey, who will
attend the second week of the talks, told the Telegraph he hoped Lima at
least would result in agreement on what information countries must give
about their planned emissions reductions so the world could “compare
apples with apples”. But he said: “No one is under any illusions that by
the time most countries have put forward their initial pledges ... we
will be well short of where we need to be.”
The UK hopes initial pledges will then be scrutinised and bettered,
enabling “a deal in Paris that keeps the 2C limit within reach”, he
More than 40 UK Government officials are believed to be flying to attend
the Lima conference, with an estimated footprint of more than 1,600kg
of carbon dioxide each.
Flights and hotels for the entire 9,000 delegates will generate almost
29,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, according to an estimate by The Project
Developer Forum, a group campaigning on behalf of green energy
developers. That is roughly equivalent to the emissions produced by the
entire Pacific island state of Kiribati in six months.
Benny Peiser, of the climate-sceptic Global Warming Policy Foundation
described the summit as the “green blob's annual ritual” and “an
expensive form of mass tourism, never mind the carbon footprint”.
“More importantly, the ritual gathering isn't going to overcome the underlying deadlock,” he said.
“The developing world will ask for a high price which will sink the deal
in the US.” He said he believed any deal would not be legally-binding
and that this would lead the EU to renege on its own carbon-cutting
pledges. “In short, the deal that is now in the making won't slow CO2
emissions and won't bind any nation. But it will be sold as a
breakthrough – as all agreements have been sold in the past,” he said.
Hot air from the wind power lobby in Canada
On Oct. 30 we published a Fraser Institute study entitled “What Goes Up…
Ontario’s Soaring Electricity Prices and How to Get Them Down.” We
analyzed the factors driving the rise in Ontario’s electricity prices,
focusing on the so-called Global Adjustment (GA), which is a non-market
surcharge set by the province to fund payments to electricity producers
for above-market revenue guarantees.
Our econometric analysis allowed us to track not only the impact of
direct payments to power generating firms but also indirect effects
arising when one distorted production decision subsequently distorts the
incentives of others, boosting overall provincial liabilities. Among
other things we found that adding wind power to the grid increases costs
by about three times the amount of the direct payments to wind turbine
operators, with the interaction effects making up the difference.
On November 3, The Canadian Wind Energy Association issued a response to
our study prepared by the consulting firm Power Advisory LLC.
CanWEA’s press release acknowledges that electricity prices are increasing but claims that these changes benefit Ontarians.
While it is certainly true that rising prices — up 52% since 2004 in
inflation-adjusted terms — have been enormously beneficial to CanWEA and
its members, they are harmful to Ontario consumers and firms. It is
important to understand the real factors behind price trends, and not
simply to take at face value the claims of an industry group with an
obvious conflict of interest in the matter.
CanWEA claims that our “study fails to acknowledge several key drivers
of electricity price increases, including the costs of upgrading and
renewing aging electricity infrastructure (such as transmission lines
and smart meters), and charges such as the Debt Retirement Charge
associated with Ontario’s past investments in nuclear power.”
This is untrue. Our study examined the impacts of all the power bill
components including transmission and distribution costs, which includes
smart meters. Our analysis of power bill components relies exclusively
on official Ontario government sources. As shown in our Appendix A,
particularly Table A1, it is clear that the Debt Reduction Charge has
applied no upward pressure on rates since 2004, and transmission and
distribution costs have increased 14%, while overall commodity costs
increased by 68%. We focused on the rising commodity cost because it is
by far the largest driver for rising rates.
The Power Advisory group complains that our study focuses only on the
GA, rather than the complete wholesale cost of power (namely the GA plus
the hourly market price). This is also untrue. We showed in our Figure 1
that the hourly market price has not been increasing; in fact it has
fallen by more than 50% over the period of analysis. We focused on the
GA because that is the component that has been driving the commodity
cost increases.
Another of Power Advisory’s complaints is that our regression analysis
failed to include a time trend. A time trend would be spurious in this
We provided a detailed explanation of the formula that determines the GA
(pp. 7—10) and there is nothing in it that says it has to go up each
year. In other words, it is not a trending variable. Power Advisory
presents a chart showing the GA with a linear trend to support its
assertion that the mere passage of time is the cause of the increase in
the GA. But there is no necessary relationship between time and rising
electricity costs, as evidenced by the fact that power prices outside
Ontario have been falling over time. The reality is that their time
trend variable is merely a proxy for the real cost drivers, particularly
the policy-driven increases in wind, solar, and incremental
hydro-electric generation capacity.
Power Advisory’s commentary claims (without supporting evidence) that “there is no secondary impact” of wind and solar.
This is simply not credible, given the fickle nature of renewables and
Ontario’s storage-constrained grid. Many common operating conditions for
wind power drive costs to consumers beyond those directly caused by
payments to wind generators. For example, high wind output during low
demand periods is clearly associated with Bruce nuclear generation
curtailments and spilling of hydro-electric generation by Ontario Power
Generation. The Power Advisory analysis assumes away these types of
interactions, whereas our analysis captures them.
Finally, Power Advisory relies on the trite observation that
“correlation is not causation.” Our statistical analysis provides clear
supporting evidence for conclusions that also emerge from our analysis
of the institutional structure of the Ontario power system, and it
allows us to quantify the relative impacts of different components. It
also allows us to test, and reject, the claim that increased renewables
capacity are unrelated to rising Ontario electricity prices.
We stand by the findings of our study, and we reaffirm the conclusion
that renewable power generation, particularly wind and solar power, are
key drivers behind Ontario’s surging electricity prices.
European scientists ‘fixed evidence’ to ban pesticides, note reveals
RESEARCH blaming pesticides for the decline in honeybees has been
called into question by a leaked note suggesting scientists had decided
in advance to seek evidence supporting a ban on the chemicals.
The private note records a discussion in 2010 between four scientists
about how to persuade regulators to ban neonicotinoid pesticides.
The EU imposed a temporary ban last year after the European Food Safety Authority identified risks to bees.
Many farmers have blamed the ban for high levels of damage to this winter’s oilseed rape crop from flea beetle.
The leaked note says the scientists agreed to select authors to produce
four papers and co-ordinate their publication to “obtain the necessary
policy change, to have these pesticides banned”.
A paper by a “carefully selected first author” would set out the impact
of the pesticides on insects and birds “as convincingly as possible”. A
second “policy forum” paper would draw on the first to call for a ban.
The note, which records that the meeting took place in Switzerland on
June 14, 2010, says: “If we are successful in getting these two papers
published, there will be enormous impact, and a campaign led by WWF etc.
It will be much harder for politicians to ignore a research paper and a
policy forum paper in (a major scientific journal).”
The scientists at the meeting included Maarten Bijleveld van Lexmond,
chairman of the Task Force on Systemic Pesticides, and Piet Wit,
chairman of the ecosystems management commission of the International
Union for Conservation of Nature, an influential network of scientists
and environmental groups.
The task force, a group of scientists who advise the IUCN, published a
report in June stating that neonicotinoids were “causing significant
damage to a wide range of beneficial invertebrate species and are a key
factor in the decline of bees”.
The task force used the report to call on regulators to “start planning
for a global phase-out” of neonicotinoids. The present two-year EU ban,
which began last December, is due to be reviewed next year using
evidence from field trials.
Nick von Westenholz, chief executive of the Crop Protection Association,
which represents Bayer and Syngenta, manufacturers of neonicotinoids,
said: “From reading this document it looks to me that this group decided
on its conclusions first and then embarked on the research to back them
“That clearly flies in the face of claims that the IUCN study represents independent and rigorous science.”
Mr Wit said the leaked note was accurate but he denied the scientists
had decided the conclusions of the research in advance. Dr Bijleveld van
Lexmond, a founding member of WWF in the Netherlands, said the task
force was independent and unbiased.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
7 December, 2014
Warmist Rahmstorf is now rubbishing statistical significance -- and
he thinks a few THOUSANDTHS of one degree Celsius are important
Stefan Rahmstorf is a German oceanographer and big-time Warmist
who got his doctorate in New Zealand! He writes very well and often in
English and has been richly rewarded for it. He is definitely a
man who knows on which side his bread is buttered.
His oceanographic background does however make him
of the usual but absurd Warmist claim that the deep oceans suddenly
started storing "missing" heat 18 years ago. So he has to
deny that the heat is missing. Hence his latest article:
Recent global warming trends: significant or paused or what?". In other words, he challenges the now generally accepted warming "pause". Consensus can be wrong, apparently.
I am not going to reproduce any of it as it is graphics intensive but,
if you look, you can see that at the top of his figure 1 he gives the
trend as 0.175 degrees Celsius per decade. The "5" in that figure is
five thousandths of one degree. I have long ridiculed Warmist use
of hundredths of a degree and think that I asked rhetorically once
whether they would get around to using thousandths eventually.
That day has come. As Oscar Wilde often said, nature imitates art.
But his main point is that although there has been no significant
warming in the 21st century, there HAS been warming. It's just
that the warming is not significant statistically. That is a
defensible statement. There's a limit to what statistical
significance tells us. But he skates around WHY the warming is not
statistically significant. It is because the warming is
TRIVIAL. When you can show years differing only by hundredths and
thousandths of one degree in temperature, you are showing warming that
is for all practical purposes non-existent. The statistical
significance is, in other words, telling us something important.
We do well to heed it.
Nice try, though. Warmism is one unending attempt to deceive -- JR.
More lying with statistics
I taught statistics for a number of years at a major Australian
university and one of the major reasons for studying statistics is to
help you to detect improper use of them. And one of the classic
deceptive techniques which enables you to prove almost anything with
statistics can be seen in full bloom below: Careful choice of your
beginning and endpoints.
A dead giveaway is that for
anything they describe they choose different beginning and
endpoints. And the timespans examined are quite short. Why not
just start with the begining of the 20th century for all the phenomena
they describe? The available statistics do go back that far.
can think of one reason. As Steve Goddard has repeatedly
documented, there were some huge adverse weather events around the
beginning of the 20th century -- events that put anything recent
into the shade.
And why is their commentary on temperature so
short? One would have thought that that was the BIG issue.
Answer: They are embarrassed by the fact that global temperature
has plateaued for 18 years now. There was some slight warming in the
late 20th century but that has long ceased. It is probably true
that this year will be warmer than 1992 but so are all the years of the
21st century. And the different years of the 21st century differ
from one-another only in hundredths of one degree Celsius, which is
vanishingly trivial.
And once you know that, all the other recent
changes they claim become irrelevant. The recent changes
concerned may be due to many things but they CANNOT be due to global
warming -- because there hasn't been any
Twenty years ago world leaders met for the first ever climate change
summit but new figures show that since then the globe has become hotter
and weather has become more weird.
Numbers show that carbon dioxide emissions are up, the global
temperature has increased, sea levels are rising along with the earth's
The statistics come as more than 190 nations opened talks on Monday at a United Nations global warming conference in Lima, Peru.
It is hoped the summit will pave the way for an international treaty on
climate change, which would follow on from the first ever Earth Summit
in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, where leaders pledged to try and tackle
climate change.
Now data since 1983 has been analysed to show how the global climate is changing.
And Professor of geosciences and international affairs at Princeton
University Michael Oppenheimer said: 'Simply put, we are rapidly
remaking the planet and beginning to suffer the consequences.'
The first figures show that since 1992, there have been more than 6,600
major climate, weather and water disasters worldwide, causing more than
$1.6 trillion in damage and killing more than 600,000 people, according
to the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters in Belgium,
which tracks the world's catastrophes.
While climate-related, not all can be blamed on man-made warming or climate change.
But, extreme weather has noticeably increased over the years, says Debby Sapir, who runs the centre and its database.
From 1983 to 1992 the world averaged 147 climate, water and weather
disasters each year. Over the past 10 years, that number has jumped to
an average 306 a year.
In the United States, an index of climate extremes — hot and cold, wet
and dry — kept by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
has jumped 30 percent from 1992 to 2013, not counting hurricanes, based
on 10-year averages.
Worldwide, the 10-year average for weather-related losses adjusted for
inflation was $30 billion a year from 1983-92, according to insurance
giant Swiss Re.
From 2004 to 2013, the cost was more than three times that on average, or $131 billion a year.
Ms Sapir and others say it would be wrong to pin all, or even most, of these increases on climate change alone.
But they note a trend of growing extremes and more disasters, and that
fits with what scientists have long said about global warming.
In terms of temperature, 2014 is set to be the warmest in record, with
the globe breaking six monthly heat records in 2014 and 47 since 1992.
The last monthly cold record set was in 1916.
The average annual temperature for 2014 is on track to be 14.6 degrees Celsius, compared with 14.1 degrees Celsius in 1992.
More guff
Obama To Subsidize ‘Green’ Trains In Mexico
Not content with subsidizing green technology domestically, the Obama
administration is now spending U.S. tax dollars to upgrade Mexican
freight trains.
In September, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) approved a
grant worth nearly $600,000 for the Asociación Mexicana de Ferrocarriles
(AMF), a trade association for the Mexican rail industry, “to speed the
adoption of green power technologies throughout Mexico’s freight rail
locomotive fleet,” according to a press release.
“USTDA is pleased to partner again with Mexico’s national railroad
association to support freight rail modernization efforts, this time
focusing on cleaner and more efficient locomotives,” USTDA Regional
Director Nathan Younge said at the time.
AMF officially opened the bidding process this month, asking “interested
U.S. firms that are qualified on the basis of experience and capability
to develop a Technical Assistance for the Green Locomotive Technologies
Project in Mexico.” (RELATED: Up to 50 Obama-Backed Green Energy
Companies Bankrupt or Troubled)
Mexico’s freight railway system is owned by the national government, but
operated by private companies under government charters who coordinate
their activities through the auspices of the AMF.
The technical assistance will focus on applying new technologies to
diesel locomotives that will reduce emissions while improving fuel
efficiency, such as “advanced auxiliary power units to retrofit older
freight locomotives, emissions control systems, [and] idle reduction
According to the solicitation, “only U.S. firms and individuals may bid
on this USTDA-financed activity,” and “all goods and services to be
provided by the selected firm shall have their nationality, source, and
origin in the U.S. or host country.”
The program will also “examine the potential development of federal- and
state-level government incentive programs in Mexico,” indicating that
additional subsidies could be awarded in the future.
Even without direct government grants, planning documents leave open the
possibility that Mexico could seek additional financing through
entities such as the Export-Import Bank. Both Ex-Im and the USTDA have
been accused in the past of engaging in crony capitalism, with opponents
claiming they use government money to pick winners and losers.
“At a time when this Administration plans regulations on railcars that
will create crippling cost increases for U.S. railroads, it is absurd
that they are spending taxpayer dollars to retrofit and upgrade Mexican
rail capacity,” Rick Manning, Vice President of Public Policy and
Communications at Americans for Limited Government, told The Daily
Caller News Foundation.
“Once again, Obama’s policies harm U.S. productivity and jobs, while benefiting industry in other countries,” Manning added.
The project is included in the Major Infrastructure Projects in Mexico
resource guide, which was developed “in order to support the country’s
ambitious reform efforts and position U.S. firms for success
implementing critical infrastructure projects,” which are expected to
exceed $600 billion over the next four years.
“We believe this guide will serve as a key resource for U.S. firms
interested in supporting priority projects associated with Mexico’s new
National Infrastructure Program,” said USTDA Director Leocadia Zak.
The USTDA did not respond to requests for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Obama Wants Kids to Learn About Global Warming
Perhaps unable to convince older Americans of the severity of global
warming, President Barack Obama is hoping to have better luck with the
next generation by turning to the classroom.
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy on Wednesday
announced it will launch a new initiative aimed at climate education and
literacy that will distribute science-based information – in line with
the administration's position on the issue – to students, teachers and
the broader public.
Educators, government officials, philanthropic leaders and those from
the private sector will participate in a roundtable discussion at the
White House Wednesday. The participants will focus on how to spread more
resources to teachers and increase professional development and
training related to climate change for educators, federal employees and
informal educators, such as those working in national parks, museums,
aquariums or botanic gardens.
"If you believe, like I do, that something has to be done on this, then
you're going to have to speak out," Obama said in June at the University
of California–Irvine commencement ceremony. "You've got to educate your
classmates, and colleagues, and family members and fellow citizens, and
tell them what's at stake."
With many states transitioning to the Next Generation Science Standards,
opposition to issues such as climate change and evolution has
resurfaced with a new intensity. At least 12 states and the District of
Columbia have adopted the standards, which place an increased emphasis
on the controversial topics and were developed by a group of national
science and education organizations – including one also involved in
developing the Common Core State Standards.
A Gallup analysis in April showed that 1 in 4 Americans are global
warming skeptics and are not worried much or at all about it. All of
those deemed skeptics said the rise in the Earth's temperature is due to
natural changes in the environment, rather than pollution, and that
global warming will not pose a serious threat in the future.
Meanwhile, a separate survey from Yale and George Mason universities
found just more than half of Americans – 55 percent – said they were at
least somewhat worried about global warming, while only 11 percent said
they were very worried about it. The same poll found 66 percent of
Americans think global warming is happening, and that half of Americans
think global warming – if it is occurring – is largely human-caused.
The White House initiative pulls together more than two dozen advocacy
and education groups from more than 30 states that responded to a call
for increased leadership in climate education made by the administration
in October. Some of the groups include the Chicago Botanic Garden, the
American Meteorological Society, the Alliance for Climate Education, the
Los Angeles Unified School District, the Philadelphia School and the
Green Schools Alliance.
The groups will provide fellowship programs, teacher training
opportunities and increased attention to public education on climate
change through museums, aquariums, botanic gardens and zoos. The
combined efforts are expected to reach millions of students, teachers,
federal employees and visitors to national parks and public nature
The National Park Service, for example, will develop a plan by the end
of 2015 that will help employees create and deliver "effective climate
change messages in the programs and exhibits" in national parks,
according to a fact sheet from the White House. Each year, more than 270
million people visit the 401 national parks.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, along with other
science agencies, will create digital game prototypes that teachers and
students can use to learn more about climate change. And the Alliance
for Climate Education plans to bring more than 150,000 high school
students to a program on climate science education, and will train 80
students as "climate leaders" through its Action Fellowship.
"Under President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, important steps have
already been taken to cut carbon pollution, prepare for the impacts of
climate change and lead international efforts to fight this global
challenge," the White House fact sheet says. "Continued progress into
the future will depend on ensuring a climate-smart citizenry and a
next-generation American workforce of city planners, community leaders,
engineers and entrepreneurs who understand the urgent climate change
challenge and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and training to
seek and implement solutions."
Ecopop lost, but its miserabilism lives on
Switzerland rejected green immigration proposals - now it needs to reject green principles
By Andrea Seaman, a school student in Switzerland
In a national referendum last weekend, the Swiss decisively rejected
Ecopop, a proposal to cut net annual immigration to a maximum of 0.2 per
cent of Switzerland’s population. If it had been successful, it would
have limited the number of permitted immigrants to about 16,000 per
year. To put this into perspective, 144,000 migrants entered Switzerland
in 2012.
Advocates of Ecopop – a 40-year-old movement that links ecological
betterment to population control – claimed that Switzerland’s ‘natural
basis for living’ was being destroyed by too many humans. Hence they
wanted to limit the number of people living in Switzerland, as well as
providing free family planning, particularly in Africa, at the Swiss
taxpayers’ behest.
In a video on the Ecopop website, poverty is blamed on there being too
many people. So, according to the Ecopop logic, poverty can only be
tackled by reducing the number of people living in it. Especially in
It was unsurprising, then, that throughout the campaign, Ecopop was
accused of being racist. But its supporters vehemently rejected the
charge, stating that, if the Earth is to be protected, its population
needs reducing. Racism, they said, has nothing to do with it. And up to a
point, I believe them. They find the whole of humanity appalling, not
just Africans.
On Ecopop’s website, the politician Thomas Minder urged readers to ‘Say
yes to nature’, and asked rhetorically: ‘40,000 new apartments, 50,000
additional cars and 410 square metres for every new immigrant, every
year?’ Rather than seeing such things as causes for celebration, he
laments them. Minder claims he is motivated by worries over our
children’s futures. He argued that we have to stop what he calls the
concreting over of nature in the present. And he talked about the
‘egotistical unfairness of taking away the chance of our descendants to
grow by growing all we can grow now’.
But Minder does not really care about posterity. What he really wants to
do is to avoid being part of the generation that uses up the last
available resources. That dubious honour can then fall to a generation
yet to be born. That’s generational fairness for you.
Another advocate of the Ecopop initiative, the ex-director of both the
Swiss federal office of the environment and WWF Switzerland, Philippe
Roch, accused the Swiss government of ‘clinging blindly to limitless
growth in economics, population and housebuilding’. Nothing could be
further from the truth. Our government has accepted the green dogma of
limits. It is using Roch-type assumptions to limit economic growth; it
has closed borders; and it cleaves to tough planning laws that inhibit
mass housebuilding.
That 74 per cent voted against Ecopop was not a surprise, however. Its
opponents span the political spectrum. Even the Green Party distanced
itself from the Ecopop initiative. It was simply too radical a proposal
to be accepted by our existing parties. The main establishment parties
warned Swiss voters about the dangers of saying yes to Ecopop. They
rightly said that our bilateral agreements with Europe on trade,
immigration, education and culture would be impossible to maintain. They
correctly noted that our economy would be weakened by a reduction in
immigration because we depend on foreigners to do most of the work Swiss
people deem too menial to do themselves.
Yet, Ecopop’s opponents frequently used ecological arguments against it.
They said it makes no difference in the fight against climate change
whether a person emits CO2 in France or in Switzerland. Urs
Leugger-Eggiman of Pro Natura, yet another organisation committed to
saving nature from humanity, argued that Ecopop is picking up on an
important problem in society called ‘growth compulsion’, before adding
that reducing immigration is the wrong answer. The real solution, says
Leugger-Eggiman, must involve tackling humanity itself. No amount of
immigration-cutting is going to change man’s addiction to growth.
This is why Ecopop’s defeat is only half worth cheering. It seems that
even Ecopop’s critics share its basic premise: that man is a problem and
that economic growth and development need constraining. Ecopop’s
advocates and its critics differ only on the best way to deal with the
problem of humanity and its addiction to growth. Many renounced Ecopop
while embracing its principles.
The referendum was a fight to replace one radical eco-policy with
another more moderate one. As Tom Paine might say: A casual
discontinuance of the practice of misanthropy is not a discontinuation
of its principles.
China Pledges $0 to U.N. Climate Fund, Then Complains About Amount Allotted to Fund
The Chinese representative at the U.N. climate conference in Peru
scolded developed countries Thursday for not pouring enough money into a
global climate fund intended to help poorer countries cope with climate
change – but China has pledged nothing.
China today boasts the world’s biggest economy, having overtaken the
United States according to new International Monetary Fund (IMF)
figures. China is also the world’s biggest emitter of “greenhouse gases”
blamed for climate change.
At the talks in Lima, China’s negotiator Su Wei singled out Australia,
whose conservative government – labeled a “pariah” by climate activists –
said last month that instead of contributing to the Green Climate Fund
(GCF), it will prioritize climate-related assistance to developing
countries through its own development programs.
Despite its fast-growing and now world-leading economy, China is
classified a developing country, and as a result has dodged “greenhouse
gas” (GHG) emission-reduction targets set for developed nations under
the Kyoto Protocol and other international climate agreements. It was
just last month that China agreed, for the first time, to work on
reducing emissions.
Launched in 2011, the GCF is designed to help developing countries curb
GHH emissions and cope with occurrences blamed on climate change, such
as rising sea levels. The aim is to raise $100 billion a year from
public and private sources, by 2020.
At a pledging conference in Berlin last month, more than 20 governments
committed a total of $9.3 billion for the fund. Far in the lead was the
United States, with a $3 billion pledge, followed by Japan with $1.5
Su told reporters in Lima Thursday that the total pledge of $9.3 billion
was “far from adequate,” noting the large gap between that amount and
the 2020 goal of $100 billion a year. “We don’t have any clear roadmap
or clear picture of meeting that target.”
He said the Australian decision not to give to the fund was “not good news.”
Su also complained that GHG emission cuts planned by developed countries
before 2020 were not big enough, pointing to Australia, Japan and
Canada in particular. China’s own recent announcement sets a 2030 goal
for emissions to peak, but does not specify reduction percentage targets
for the years leading up to that date. Su said Thursday China was still
researching the issue of an absolute cap on emissions.
(By contrast President Obama on the same day as the Chinese announcement
said the new U.S. goal was to reduce emissions by 26-28 percent by
2025, compared with 2005 levels.)
Despite Su’s criticism of wealthy countries’ commitments to the GCF,
China has not itself pledged any money to the fund. (At a U.N. climate
meeting in New York last September China did offer to support
“south-south” cooperation on climate change.)
Among countries that did make pledges to the GCF in Berlin last month
were some whose economies are dwarfed by China’s. Luxembourg, for
instance, pledged $6 million, Panama $1 million and Mongolia $50,000.
According to new IMF data which for the first time saw China’s economy
overtake that of the United States, China’s 2014 national economic
output (GDP in purchasing-power parity terms) is $17.6 trillion.
By comparison, Luxembourg’s is $50.6 billion, Panama’s is $64.5 billion and Mongolia’s is $29.7 billion.
Even developed countries that made significantly larger GCF pledges have
modest economies compared to China’s: Finland, with a GDP of $221
billion, pledged $100 million to the fund, and Denmark, with a GDP of
$248.6 billion, pledged $70 million.
Apart from China, other countries with large economies that have made no
pledge to the GCF include Russia, with a GDP of $3.5 trillion, and
Brazil, with a GDP of $3.07 trillion.
The GCF announced this week it will be ready to start accepting proposals for financing projects by 2015.
The talks underway in the Peruvian capital from December 1-12 aim to
pave the way for a global pact on climate change, meant to be adopted at
a major U.N. gathering in Paris late next year.
Secretary of State John Kerry, an enthusiastic proponent of
international action on climate change, plans to join the more than
12,000 negotiators from almost 200 countries in Lima next week.
Speaking in Brussels on Wednesday, Kerry described the Peru conference
as “the lead-in to a year of important focus on climate change and high
hopes for success in Paris next December.”
“With the ongoing meetings in Peru and what will follow over the course
of the next year and the U.S. president, President Obama’s, pledge of a
contribution of $3 billion to the Green Climate Fund and the E.U.’s
early commitments, we believe that we are making clear that the Obama
administration and the United States are all-in on this issue and
committed to try to take steps that are long overdue,” he said.
The total amount pledged to the GCF so far is $9.3 billion. The
contributors are: the United States $3 billion, Japan $1.5 billion,
Britain $1.1 billion, Germany $1 billion, France $1 billion, Sweden $500
million, Italy $300 million, Canada $264 million, Spain $150 million,
the Netherlands $100 million, Finland $100 million, Switzerland $100
million, South Korea $100 million, Denmark $70 million, Mexico $10
million, Czech Republic $6 million, Luxembourg $6 million, New Zealand
$3 million, Norway $1.3 million, Panama $1 million, Monaco $300,000,
Indonesia $250,000 and Mongolia $50,000.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
5 December, 2014
Google’s Top Engineers say: “Renewable Energy Simply Won’t Work”
Two highly qualified Google engineers who have spent years studying and
trying to improve renewable energy technology have stated quite bluntly
that renewables will never permit the human race to cut CO2 emissions to
the levels demanded by climate activists. Whatever the future holds, it
is not a renewables-powered civilisation: such a thing is impossible.
Both men are Stanford PhDs, Ross Koningstein having trained in aerospace
engineering and David Fork in applied physics. These aren’t guys who
fiddle about with websites or data analytics or “technology” of that
sort: they are real engineers who understand difficult maths and
physics, and top-bracket even among that distinguished company. The duo
were employed at Google on the RE~C project, which sought to enhance
renewable technology to the point where it could produce energy more
cheaply than coal.
RE~C was a failure, and Google closed it down after four years. Now,
Koningstein and Fork have explained the conclusions they came to after a
lengthy period of applying their considerable technological expertise
to renewables, in an article posted at IEEE Spectrum.
The two men write:
"At the start of RE~C, we had shared the attitude of
many stalwart environmentalists: We felt that with steady improvements
to today’s renewable energy technologies, our society could stave off
catastrophic climate change. We now know that to be a false hope …
Renewable energy technologies simply won’t work; we need a
fundamentally different approach."
One should note that RE~C didn’t restrict itself to conventional
renewable ideas like solar PV, windfarms, tidal, hydro etc. It also
looked extensively into more radical notions such as solar-thermal,
geothermal, “self-assembling” wind towers and so on and so forth.
There’s no get-out clause for renewables believers here.
Koningstein and Fork aren’t alone. Whenever somebody with a decent grasp
of maths and physics looks into the idea of a fully renewables-powered
civilised future for the human race with a reasonably open mind, they
normally come to the conclusion that it simply isn’t feasible. Merely
generating the relatively small proportion of our energy that we consume
today in the form of electricity is already an insuperably difficult
task for renewables: generating huge amounts more on top to carry out
the tasks we do today using fossil-fuelled heat isn’t even vaguely
Even if one were to electrify all of transport, industry, heating and so
on, so much renewable generation and balancing/storage equipment would
be needed to power it that astronomical new requirements for steel,
concrete, copper, glass, carbon fibre, neodymium, shipping and haulage
etc etc would appear. All these things are made using mammoth amounts of
energy: far from achieving massive energy savings, which most plans for
a renewables future rely on implicitly, we would wind up needing far
more energy, which would mean even more vast renewables farms – and even
more materials and energy to make and maintain them and so on. The
scale of the building would be like nothing ever attempted by the human
In reality, well before any such stage was reached, energy would become
horrifyingly expensive – which means that everything would become
horrifyingly expensive (even the present well-under-one-per-cent
renewables level in the UK has pushed up utility bills very
considerably). This in turn means that everyone would become miserably
poor and economic growth would cease (the more honest hardline greens
admit this openly). That, however, means that such expensive luxuries as
welfare states and pensioners, proper healthcare (watch out for that
pandemic), reasonable public services, affordable manufactured goods and
transport, decent personal hygiene, space programmes (watch out for the
meteor!) etc etc would all have to go – none of those things are
sustainable without economic growth.
So nobody’s up for that. And yet, stalwart environmentalists like
Koningstein and Fork – and many others – remain convinced that the
dangers of carbon-driven warming are real and massive. Indeed the pair
reference the famous NASA boffin Dr James Hansen, who is more or less
the daddy of modern global warming fears, and say like him that we must
move rapidly not just to lessened but to zero carbon emissions (and on
top of that, suck a whole lot of CO2 out of the air by such means as
planting forests).
So, how is this to be done?
Koningstein and Fork say that humanity’s only hope is a new method of
energy generation which can provide power – ideally “dispatchable” (can
be turned on and off) and/or “distributed” (produced near where it’s
wanted) – at costs well below those of coal or gas. They write:
"What’s needed are zero-carbon energy sources so
cheap that the operators of power plants and industrial facilities alike
have an economic rationale for switching over within the next 40
years... Incremental improvements to
existing technologies aren’t enough; we need something truly
Unfortunately the two men don’t know what that is, or if they do they
aren’t saying. James Hansen does, though: it’s nuclear power.
As applied at the moment, of course, nuclear power isn’t cheap enough to
provide a strong economic rationale. That’s because its costs have been
forced enormously higher than they would otherwise be by the imposition
of cripplingly high health and safety standards (in its three
“disasters” so far – Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima – the
scientifically verified death tolls from all causes have been and will
be zero, 56 and zero: a record which other power industries including
renewables can only envy*).
Nuclear costs have also been artificially driven up by the non-issue of
“waste”. In the UK for instance, all “higher activity nuclear waste”
must be kept expensively stored in a secure specialist facility and can
only ever – perhaps – be finally disposed of in a wildly expensive
geological vault. No less than 99.7 per cent of this “waste” is actually
intermediate-level, meaning that it basically isn’t radioactive at all:
you could theoretically make half a tonne of ordinary dirt into such
“intermediate level nuclear waste” by burying a completely legal
luminous wristwatch in it. (If you did that inside the boundaries of a
licensed nuclear facility, the dirt really would then become
ridiculously costly “waste”.)
The remaining 0.003 of “nuclear waste” actually is dangerous, but it can
almost all be reprocessed into fuel and used again. So waste really
doesn’t need to be an issue at all.
There can’t be any doubt that if nuclear power had been allowed to be as
dangerous per unit of energy generated as, say, the gas industry* – let
alone the terribly dangerous coal business – it truly would be too
cheap to meter and Messrs Koningstein and Fork’s problem would have been
solved for them decades ago: by now, nobody with access to uranium
would be bothering with fossil fuels except for specialist purposes –
and there’s no reason why nations “of concern” couldn’t be kept safely
supplied. Would we run out of uranium? Not until the year 5000AD.
Cheap power solves a lot more problems than just carbon emissions, too.
If power is cheap, so is fresh water (the fact is we’re really at that
point already, though a lot of people refuse to admit it and prefer to
treat fresh water as some sort of scarce and finite resource). If fresh
water is cheap, an awful lot more of the planet is habitable and/or
arable than is the case if it’s expensive: and that is truly
game-changing stuff for the human race.
And as a side benefit we’d by now have actual useful spacecraft which
could actually go to places in reasonable amounts of time carrying
reasonable amounts of stuff at reasonable costs. We’d be able to
establish viable bases on other planets – for instance to mine uranium
there, should we ever find ourselves running low.
Even if you aren’t terribly convinced about the looming menace of
carbon-driven warming, the fact that we have decided of our own free
will not to have cheap, abundant energy and all the miracles it would
bring with it … that’s a terrible human tragedy. Nobody knows how much
misery might result from climate change in the future, but one can say
with certainty that a lot of misery has been caused by the absence of
cheap energy, water, food and decent places to live over the last
sixty-plus years.
Anyway the truth is that the disruptive new technology which Koningstein
and Fork are dreaming of already exists: but it’s been stolen from us
by our foolish fears, inflated in many cases by dishonest activists.
Even if someone could come up with some other way of making terrifically
cheap energy, there’s no guarantee that the ignorant fearmongers of the
world wouldn’t manage to suppress that too. There would almost
certainly be a powerful application in weapons, just as there is in
nuclear; this is, after all, energy we’re talking about.
Koningstein and Fork believe that the answer to the carbon menace is a
reallocation of R&D spending, to seek out high-risk disruptive
technologies. But the fact is it would probably make more sense to spend
money on making sure that people don’t reach voting age without
understanding basic mathematics and facts about risk and energy.
You wouldn’t need to take that money from R&D. You could instead
repurpose some of the huge and growing amounts of money that are
currently being diverted into the purchase of tiny amounts of
ridiculously expensive renewable energy.
After all, no matter the wider issues, we now have it on the best and
unimpeachably environmentalist of authorities that renewable energy
can’t achieve its stated purpose. So – no matter what – there can’t be
any point in continuing with it.
None of this is new, of course. These realities have been wilfully
ignored by the British governing class and others for many years. But
the British/American governing classes, so fatally committed to
renewables, often seem willing to listen to Google even if they won’t
listen to anyone else. So, just maybe, this time the message will
have some impact.
*The Piper Alpha gas rig explosion of 1988 on its own caused three times
as many deaths as the nuclear power industry has in its entire history.
Bizarrely though, no nations ceased using gas.
European Government Support for Wind Power Collapses
Lured by subsidies, the power companies went green. But to keep the lights on they have to burn coal
Sixty miles northeast of Düsseldorf, outside the town of Hamm in
northwest Germany, workers are giving a final tune-up to a glittering
new power station.
Germany is the biggest proponent of the green electricity revolution,
but this plant won’t be powered by the sun, wind or woodchips — it will
burn dirty old coal.
Built by German energy giant RWE at a cost of €2bn (£1.6bn), the plant
is no aberration. This year the company, which owns Npower in Britain,
and its rivals have poured billions of euros into a fleet of new
coal-fired plants, the most polluting form of power generation. When
finished they will be capable of supplying more than 8m households.
The boom runs entirely counter to the European Union’s mission, led by
Germany and Britain, to replace the old fossil fuel-based energy system
with a cleaner alternative. Indeed, the Germans source a quarter of
their power from solar, wind and other renewables. Yet last year, carbon
dioxide emissions actually rose 1.2%, partly due to the resurgence of
This is just one of the surprising and unintended consequences of
Europe’s troubled effort to lead the world into the low-carbon era. And
the fallout is set to become even more extreme.
Governments from Berlin to Madrid — and London — are dramatically
scaling back the huge subsidy programmes introduced over the past decade
to underwrite the revolution.
All are struggling to come to grips with an industry transformed by America’s shale gas boom.
In July, Germany — Europe’s biggest power market — passed a new
renewable energy act that slashed taxpayer support by a quarter for
solar and wind energy.
The reduction is partly a reaction to plummeting costs. Ben Warren, head
of environmental finance at the consultants EY, said: “Policymakers
underestimated how quickly costs would fall. Five years ago it cost €6m
to install a megawatt of solar. That same megawatt today could cost as
little as €700,000.”
That drop is what led the Department of Energy and Climate Change to
slash subsidies for solar generators in Britain two years ago. A less
dramatic drop in costs has meant cuts to aid for wind farms, both
onshore and at sea.
In Germany, however, the trend has been much more dramatic. Since 2004
the share of energy generated from renewable sources has jumped sixfold
to 27% — nearly double the ratio in Britain.
The boom was much bigger than Berlin bargained for, which means the country is now saddled with a huge supply surplus.
One might reasonably expect a big drop in household bills to follow.
That hasn’t happened. Over the decade when renewables exploded onto the
scene, Germany’s annual household bills increased by nearly two-thirds
to €1,020 (£815).
Indeed, even though the wholesale power price has fallen by nearly 40%
in the past five years, German consumer rates have risen steadily. Why?
Because more than half the bill is now made up of taxes and ever-rising
green charges.
Peter Crampton of the investment bank Macquarie said: “As renewables in
Germany are remunerated under regulated tariffs, with the requirement
for network operators to preferentially feed-in this power over other
generation sources under the Renewable Energy Act, other more expensive
power plants are crowded out, thereby depressing power prices.”
Paradoxically, the plunging coal price has made matters worse for some
utilities — and not just in Germany. In 2012, RWE commissioned a new
gas-fired plant in Maastricht, Holland. This summer it mothballed the
€1.1bn facility.
The explanation can be traced back to the desiccated plains of Texas.
Since 2011, the coal price has almost halved to $70 (£45) a ton. The
fall is a direct consequence of the “fracking” revolution in America’s
south and east, which has unleashed the wave of cheap gas now being fed
into US power stations — leaving plenty of coal left over for export.
Angela Merkel’s snap decision in 2011 to ban new nuclear power stations
shifted even more of the burden for Germany’s round-the-clock “baseload”
power to its coal fleet. Yet the drop in the commodity’s price and the
pressure of the renewables oversupply have led to a huge dip in the
wholesale electricity price. Even new plants, such as at Hamm, struggle
to make money.
So they export their power to their neighbours’ grids in the Netherlands
and Czech Republic. The influx has wreaked havoc, rendering the
Maastricht plant and others like it uneconomic.
Germany isn’t the only country on the Continent grappling with the
legacy of policies that were conceived before the recession and, with
the benefit of hindsight, were clearly poorly understood.
Spain’s energy industry is on the cusp of a shake-up akin to the one its
banking industry went through after the financial crisis.
According to Warren of EY, banks injected more than €50bn over the past
decade into project financing for Spain’s burgeoning renewables
industry. As in Britain and Germany, the surge was a response to the
promise of decades of subsidies.
This summer, just as Germany was haggling over its new renewable energy
scheme, Madrid went one better. It slashed support not only for future
projects, but pledged to claw back returns retroactively through new
The move turned many of the associated bonds from sure-fire bets to
giant liabilities. Already under pressure to clean up their balance
sheets, the banks are now looking for ways out.
This summer the Wall Street giant Blackstone hired a restructuring team
from rival Rothschild and opened a Madrid office. So-called vulture
investment funds have begun running the rule over deals where banks are
desperate to move the problem loans off their books.
Many of the most prominent renewable energy developers have already
written down their equity investments in these projects to zero. Warren
said: “Now it is the banks’ turn to take some of the medicine.”
Tony Ward, head of power and utilities at EY, said: “This just
highlights that the policies under which many of these long-term
investment decisions are made often end up getting changed much quicker
than promised, and it is very destructive. Governments need to be
Britain’s energy policy is not that different. The government has
enticed developers to build a new generation of clean energy sources
underwritten by decades of inflated rates. It is working: the share of
renewables is on the rise and coal plants are shutting down.
But it is far from perfect. Next month the energy department will hold
an auction at which it will offer a guaranteed annual income for
gas-fired power stations it needs to back up the growing army of wind
farms. Even if one of these plants doesn’t fire up all year, its owner
will get paid a handsome fee.
The German parliament is looking at implementing a similar system.
It’s time for tough love on tax credits for the mature wind industry
Is the lame duck Congress oblivious to the message voters sent to
Washington last month? Or, are they intentionally ignoring it in favor
of special interests? A pending vote on a tax-extenders package — that
would have a slim chance of passage in the new Congress — will reveal
whether or not they learned anything from the 2014 midterms.
Throughout 2014, since the Production Tax Credit (PTC) for the wind
energy industry expired on December 31, 2013, lobbyists from the
American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) have pushed Congress to vote to
retroactively revive the PTC. So far, sound fiscal thinking has
prevailed. The lame duck session provides their last opportunity to hand
over hard-earned American tax dollars to big business, and pile
national debt on future generations.
The PTC provides one of the best examples of the worst kind of taxpayer
waste being considered in a tax-extenders deal. The largest benefactors
of the credit (underwritten by U.S. taxpayers) are wind energy turbine
manufacturers like General Electric (which purchased Enron’s wind
turbine business in 2002), and investors like Warren Buffet, who,
without apology, recently admitted: “We get a tax credit if we build a
lot of wind farms. That’s the only reason to build them. They don’t make
sense without the tax credit.”
The U.S. wind energy business started as a gleam in Enron’s eye, enjoyed
an entitled childhood at taxpayer expense, and, by now, should have
blossomed into an adult. Instead, now, at the tail end of this
Congressional session, the industry — by way of AWEA lobbyists — has its
hand out for a ninth round of “free” taxpayer money. These dollars,
which get transferred from hard-working taxpayers to big corporations
and billionaires, are borrowed from our children, with the paper being
sold overseas in what is known as “national debt.”
For this lame duck Congress, AWEA’s panhandling should be as welcome as
grown children returning home for financial support — “just one more
time.” Like parents, possessing the kind of wisdom that often only
crystalizes in our fifties, Congress must now realize the
inevitable: sometimes seeing our dependents grow up to be
independent requires tough love and a line in the sand. Though it is
hard, most parents know saying “no” is part of the process of having
children that grow into mature, responsible adults.
When the PTC was conceived in 1992, America’s energy paradigm differed
totally from today. At that time Americans had a constant concern:
growing imports of foreign oil from the Middle East left us vulnerable
to global market forces that were driving prices higher at work, at the
pump, and at home. We inherently knew then, as now, low-cost abundant
energy is essential to America’s leadership on the global stage. Wind
was touted as one of the answers. Despite the fact that wind produces
electricity (albeit inefficiently, ineffectively, uneconomically), and
electricity has nothing to do with foreign oil, Washington, throwing
caution to the wind, embraced it.
The Energy Policy Act (H.R.775.ENR, or “EPACT92”) was signed into law
and quickly set the wind industry up across countless countrysides, with
offensive turbines towering above tens of thousands of homes.
Washington declared victory and left it at that, hoping our money, given
to the wind industry, had been well spent, would lead to a mature wind
industry that found its footing, and that it would pay handsome
dividends to taxpayers down the road. Unfortunately, EPACT92 was long on
hope, but short on encouraging the habits necessary for
self-sufficiency. No one should be surprised that the industry’s
immaturity has persisted for more than twenty years.
The wind PTC has been the industry’s biggest single source — though
unearned — of support. Each new wind energy complex earns the tax
credits for a full ten years. The machines only last an estimated twenty
years — though the White House has authorized thirty-year bird-kill
permits that allow, without punishment, protected bald and golden eagles
to be chopped up mid-flight. The two-point-three-cent-per kWh bonus has
a pre-tax value as high as three-and-a-half cents — which creates a big
benefit to billionaires like Buffett.
The largest U.S. grid market’s wholesale energy clearing price averaged
just $0.038 last year, according to industry sources. As a result, wind
projects can bid their energy into electricity auctions far below its
costs — and beneath the bids of conventional sources. We, taxpayers,
make up the loss for them each April 15. In exchange, the grid receives
the fickle wind-fueled electricity only when the weather cooperates.
Indispensible and dependable coal- and gas-fueled power plants pay the
price — as do consumers through higher electricity rates. Traditional
power sources produce less electricity but have to work harder and for
less pay. (Sounds like our conventional power plants need to form a
labor union.)
Wholesale market revenues and the wind PTC make up only about 2/3 of
total proceeds flowing to wind development owners. The other third comes
from the value of additional federal subsidies combined with the
financial incentives inherent in state-level tax breaks and mandates. In
the end, wind investor proceeds depend on roughly 1/3 sales revenue and
2/3 handouts.
No wonder they take another round of free money for granted. We’ve taught them well: “Ask and you shall receive.”
While the wind industry has been promising to grow up for years, many
elected officials, intent on protecting the taxpayers’ dime, have felt
voter pushback. Some legislators have openly questioned wind energy’s
value. Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett wrote a scathing review in a 2011
newsletter, recognizing that big business was benefitting at tax and
ratepayer expense, while claiming the support was needed for an “infant
wind industry.” A year earlier, Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) penned an
astute paper comparing grid-scale wind energy to the notion that
“sailboats” should power our military naval fleet.
AWEA continues to carefully navigate its message, always claiming its
costs are falling and “almost competitive,” but fails to answer the most
important question: competitive with what? Last week a New York Times
(NYT) headline proclaimed: “Solar and Wind Energy Start to Win on Price
vs. Conventional Fuels,” yet, within the text, the article states:
“Those prices were made possible by generous subsidies that could soon
diminish or expire.” Just days before the NYT piece was published, two
of America’s brightest minds admitted, that after four years of trying
to prove that it was possible “to produce a gigawatt of renewable power
more cheaply than a coal-fired plant,” renewable energy simply “won’t
The wind PR machine never brings up dependability and responsiveness to
demand — attributes its fuel cannot, by definition, ever deliver.
Without the ability to convert wind currents into electricity at all the
right times, wind energy facilities cannot replace the existing
dependable power plants that keep our lights on. Wind’s fuel may be
free, but having to build and maintain two sets of power plants instead
of one costs far more than wind’s fuel-cost advantage can save.
In its own way, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is also
helping fill the sails of the wind industry. It has proposed “renewable
sources” as one of four “building blocks” available to states for
complying with its proposed carbon dioxide emissions rules. Like the
National Academies of Science, the EPA knows that even if atmospheric
CO2 imposed a proven danger, using wind energy to reduce it, at over
$200 per ton avoided, is roughly four times as expensive as other
practical methods. EPA doesn’t even consider the lowest-cost long-term
zero-CO2-emitting option: new emissions-free and dependable nuclear
power stations.
A month ago voters sent a message to Washington. Were they listening?
While negotiations are underway in Washington on the last minute
tax-break “deal,” it isn’t clear which is more important to our elected
representatives: voters or corporate cronies and lobbyists. A
tax-extenders bill that incorporates pork for special interests would be
the equivalent of Congress thumbing its nose at voters, while coddling
industries that refuse to become self-sufficient — all the while piling
more national debt service and repayment obligations on our children and
Hopefully, with twenty-plus years of history, our leaders recognize
their poor parenting practices that best prepared their “offspring” to
persuasively argue for perpetual access to money they didn’t earn.
Voters should ask: can this lame duck Congress find the courage to
finally stop enabling the wind industry and force it to grow up?
Congress must say to them: “We’ve been supporting you for 22 years.
Enough is enough!”
In the face of intense, last-ditch lobbying by AWEA, Congress needs help
breaking its bad habits. But tough love is hard. To do the right thing,
Congress needs support in the form of encouragement from voters. Pick
up the phone today and tell your representatives: “Our nation’s
affordable electricity should not be used by Congress as a bargaining
chip in a tax-extenders package for special interests. After 22 years of
government support, it is time for the wind industry to grow up. The
now-expired wind PTC needs to be buried once and for all.”
Oil Price Plunge Benefits U.S. at Home and Abroad
The UK Telegraph describes the result of America’s increased oil
production as “one of the most extraordinary turnarounds in modern
economic history.” The Washington Post declares its effect on the world
to be the “most important economic story of 2014.” And you can see this
story played out at the gas pump in your hometown.
Gone are the days when gas was four or five dollars per gallon.
According to the American Automobile Association, the average price for a
gallon of regular gas on Dec. 2 is $2.76. Here in East Tennessee, the
price of gas is expected to drop below $2 a gallon, just like in
Alabama, Louisiana, Oklahoma Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina and
Thanks to fracking and a boom in the oil production from shale deposits,
the price of a barrel of crude oil is $66.88. Increased oil production
in the United States hobbles hostile countries abroad while giving the
wallets of the middle and lower class a boost. Did we also mention it’s
good for education? Educating liberals in the effects of free markets,
that is.
For years, America was tied to foreign oil, OPEC controlled the lion’s
share of oil, and no matter what the feds tried, none of their schemes
could break the dependence of foreign fuels. In 2005, a record 60.3% of
the petroleum products consumed in America came from outside the states.
The demand for oil – felt by price spikes at the pump – led to new
technology for harvesting oil and that led to a boom in American oil
Today, if Texas were counted as a separate country, it would be the
seventh largest oil producer in the world. According to Mark Perry, an
economic scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, Texas produced
3.17 million barrels of oil per day in July. During the same time, Iran
produced 3.23 million barrels – the sixth largest oil producer. But
let’s not forget the American contributions of offshore drilling, the
Alaskan oil fields and North Dakota.
This was a result of pure American entrepreneurship, the free markets
acting on their own. Obama never created an energy policy guiding the
energy now pouring out of the shale deposits around the nation. The EPA?
It was too busy chasing coal companies and rubbing shoulders with
environmentalists that break out in hives when they catch a whiff of
As Perry writes:
“It happened not as a result of government mandates, regulatory pressure
or taxpayer subsidies. Rather, it came about primarily due to
innovation, entrepreneurial problem-solving and the marketplace, with
some early government assistance in developing the technology for
fracking and horizontal drilling.
"Lo and behold, the shale revolution is not only driving economic growth
and putting millions of Americans to work but also providing elegant
and efficient solutions to problems like foreign-oil dependence that
policymakers couldn’t solve.”
The result is a price cut that can be felt by anyone with an automobile.
Americans can spend more money on clothes and food instead of sinking
green into the gas tank. As The Washington Post reports, “Every day,
American motorists are saving $630 million on gasoline compared with
what they paid at June prices, and they would get a $230 billion
windfall if prices were to stay this low for a year.” Obama probably
read about this one in the paper. How much did he say ObamaCare was
projected to save taxpayers again?
On the world stage, America’s oil production pulls this nation’s economy
ahead while stalling countries hostile to America. Last week, OPEC
decided it was not going to cut oil production in response to the
plummeting cost of a barrel of oil.
That was a mistake, writes the Telegraph: “Opec has misjudged the
threat. As late as last year, it was dismissing US shale as a flash in
the pan. Abdalla El-Badri, the group’s secretary-general, still insists
that half of all US shale output is vulnerable below $85.”
Currently, the world’s oil producers are in a game of chicken with their
economies. If the price of oil drops too low, the competing countries
will have to stop production because the cost would not be worth it. At
the moment, their cost of producing oil is much higher than that of the
United States.
The Telegraph again: “The fiscal break-even cost is $161 for Venezuela,
$160 for Yemen, $132 for Algeria, $131 for Iran, $126 for Nigeria, and
$125 for Bahrain, $111 for Iraq, and $105 for Russia, and even $98 for
Saudi Arabia itself, according to Citigroup.”
And how far does the price of oil have to drop before it starts to hurt the U.S. shale fields? $50, according to CNBC.
This sets the U.S. in the strategic position to win in the economic
struggle for oil domination against hostile nations. For example, Russia
is now facing serious economic challenges, and as a result will
possibly slow exploration for oil and gas in its Arctic seas. According
to the Brookings Institute, the Great Bear estimated the global price of
oil would be at $97 dollars as it set its 2014 budget. Once the price
of oil slid below $80, however, it headed for economic trouble because
oil accounts for 14.5% of Russia’s GDP. If oil prices remain low, how
will Vladimir Putin fund his shadow war in Ukraine?
It’s a story the late economist Milton Freidman would love: A whole
industry rises up under a regulation-happy government and sets the stage
for economic security here and abroad. Our analysis? Drill, baby,
The World's Climate Change Mafia Meet in Peru
By Alan Caruba
To understand all the talk of “climate change” you must understand that
everything and everyone involved—except for those of us who debunk the
lies—are engaged in a criminal enterprise to transfer billions from
industrialized nations to those who have failed to provide a thriving
economy, often because they are run by dictators or corrupt governments
who skim the money for themselves.
The lies being inflicted on Americans include Obama’s “war on coal” that
is shutting down coal-fired plants that affordably and efficiently
produce the electricity the nation needs, along with the six-year delay
of the Keystone XL pipeline. Add in the thousands of Environmental
Protection Agency regulations affecting our manufacturing, business and
agricultural sectors and the price we are paying is huge.
At its heart, environmentalism hates capitalism.
One of the worst parts of this scam to take from the rich and give to
the poor—otherwise known as “redistribution”—is the way the world’s
media have played along since 1992 when the first Earth Summit was held
in Rio. The perpetrators are headquartered in the United Nations, home
to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that sets the
While the 20th session of the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change’s Conference of Parties meets in Lima, Peru this week,
perhaps the most egregious and outrageous example of journalism was the
December 2nd Associated Press article, “Hotter, Weirder: How Climate
Change and Changed the Earth.” It is not attributed to a specific
reporter; perhaps because it is filled with lies from start to finish.
It starts with the biggest lie of all: “WASHINGTON (AP) -- In the
more than two decades since world leaders first got together to try to
solve global warming, life on Earth has changed, not just the climate.
It's gotten hotter, more polluted with heat-trapping gases, more crowded
and just downright wilder.”
The Earth is in the 19th year of a natural cooling cycle, the result of a
comparable cycle on the Sun which is producing less radiation to warm
the planet. What astounds anyone who knows this is the article’s
assertion that “It's almost a sure thing that 2014 will go down as the
hottest year in 135 years of record keeping, meteorologists at NOAA's
National Climatic Data Center say. If so, this will be the sixth time
since 1992 that the world set or tied a new annual record for the
warmest year.”
Would government agencies that are beholden to the existing
administration for their budgets lie to the public? Yes, they would.
While all fifty states experienced freezing weather within the past
month, we are still being told that 2014 set new records for warmth. To
borrow a phrase from Jonathan Gruber, the architect of ObamaCare, the
government can tell “stupid” voters and others anything it wants in
order to achieve its goals.
For the record, in 2013 and much of 2014, there have been record low
numbers of tornadoes and hurricanes. There was a record gain in Arctic
and Antarctic ice. There was no change in the rate of sea level rise;
something measured in millimeters. The weather is the weather and
that includes dramatic events such as blizzards or droughts, but it is
hardly uniform. Depending on where you live on planet Earth, you will
experience it differently on any given day.
As representatives of 190 climate mafia meet in Peru, you will be given
data about carbon dioxide (CO2). The AP article cites increases of
“60 percent.” If that were true, it would be good news. All vegetation
on Earth depends on CO2, just as humans and other living creatures
depend on oxygen. More CO2 means healthier forests and greater crop
yields, an agricultural bonus in a world that needs to feed seven
billion people. But it’s not true. Nor is the claim that the mere 0.04%
of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere traps so much heat we’re all going to
die. It doesn’t and most of us will die of old age.
As Amy Ridenour of the National Center for Public Policy Research
reported in June, “The U.S. already leads the world in CO2 reductions
and is a great role model. U.S. energy-related CO2 emissions fell 12.6
percent between 2005 and 2012, thanks to technology and conservation.
Worldwide, CO2 emissions increased by 17.7 percent during the same
period.” That’s a far cry from the AP claim of 60 percent.
The Peru conference is another effort to impose a global tax on “carbon”
and to increase the UN’s “Climate Fund” to which some nations have
pledged $9.3 billion. To put this in perspective, the United States just
set a new record of $18 TRILLION in debt and cannot afford to be
pledging money to that fund or any other fund.
Most of that debt has been incurred during the one and a half terms of
Barack Obama who just happens to be telling everyone that “climate
change” is the greatest threat to all life on Earth.
“Climate change” is what the 4.5 billion-year-old Earth has been doing
during all that time and will continue to do. Humans experience it as
the “weather” which is measured in days and weeks while climate is
measured in units not less than thirty years and more often in
centuries. Today’s weather prediction is good for, at best, five days
and is subject to change at any time.
As for all those claims about “global warming” it’s worth keeping in
mind that not one of the computer models cited to prove it has been
accurate. There isn’t a model or a computer big enough to take in all
the many elements that compose the weather anywhere and everywhere on
Earth. The weather is always in a state of flux and change, just as the
temperatures during any hour of the day are in a stage of change.
Here’s a bit of advice. Do not believe anything that comes out of the UN
conference because, scientifically speaking, it will be a lie. And
don’t believe anything the Associated Press reports on “climate change”
because that too must automatically be regarded as a lie as well.
Whatever Barack Obama has to say about “climate change” (formerly known
as “global warming”) is a lie. It would be nice to have a President and a
government we could trust.
Australia to Slash Funding for U.N. Environment Program
Already reviled by green groups for repealing its predecessor’s carbon
tax, Australia’s center-right government is stoking fresh controversy
with plans to slash funding to the U.N.’s top environmental body.
Coming at a time when a U.N. climate conference in Peru is firing up
activists, the decision by Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s government to
cut funding to the U.N. Environment Program (UNEP) by more than 80
percent has drawn sharp condemnation.
Critics already view Australia as a “global pariah,” going against the tide of progress in the drive to tackle climate change.
Cutting funding to UNEP also comes amid a growing international campaign
to upgrade UNEP from its current status as a U.N. “program” to a more
powerful and better-funded “specialized agency.” Some activists even
want it empowered to impose sanctions on countries that don’t implement
environmental agreements.
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported Tuesday that the
government will cut A$4 million ($3.4 million) in funding for UNEP over
the next four years, reducing this year’s contribution from A$1.2 ($1.01
million) to just A$200,000 ($169,000).
It quoted Environment Minister Greg Hunt as saying UNEP was not a budget
priority for the government, and defending the decision by pointing to
greater funding being directed at environmental challenges in the
“I would imagine that most Australians would think that putting [A]$12
million into coral reef protection within our region, and combating
illegal logging of the rainforests of the Asia Pacific would be a pretty
good investment, rather than [A]$4 million for bureaucratic support
within the U.N. system,” he said.
Set up in 1972, the Nairobi, Kenya-based UNEP describes itself as “the
voice for the environment within the United Nations system.”
Since it is a U.N. program and not a specialized agency, UNEP has relied
on voluntary donations from member-states rather than “assessed
contributions” (the formula that sees the U.S. liable for 22 percent of
the budget of agencies like the Worod Health Organization.)
UNEP executive director Achim Steiner told ABC he was disappointed at
the decision, as member-states contributions enable the organization “to
fulfil its mandate and be of service to the global community.”
Big contributors to UNEP include European countries and the United
States. The State Department’s fiscal year 2015 request for UNEP is
$7.55 million, although the actual amount U.S. taxpayers will likely
account for is higher, as the State Department is only one of several
agencies through which funding is channeled.
Abbott’s decision to reduce funding to this body drew sharp condemnation from political opponents.
“This is a program that helps developing countries develop in a way that
is environmentally sustainable,” Tanya Plibersek, the Labor Party’s
foreign affairs spokesman, told reporters, calling the cuts “petty” and
accusing the prime minister of “taking Australia backwards on climate
“Tony Abbott has made Australia an international laughing stock with his
backward policies on climate change and the environment,” said Labor’s
environment spokesman, Mark Butler.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
4 December, 2014
More unsettled science
A rather amusing bit of research below. It contradicts previous
Warmist claims that the effect of CO2 buildup will take decades --
saying that the effects (unquantified) will instead take only 10 years
to emerge. The fact that they haven't emerrged in the last 18
years seems to be rather overlooked. But they have good news for
us plebs too: Sea level rise will take thousands of years to
happen! Where are you Al Gore? But it's all just computer
modelling so needs no serious consideration other than to note that you
can get all sorts of funny stuff out of models
Many scientists believe it takes several decades for the effects of global warming to be felt on Earth.
But in fact, it takes just 10 years for a single emission of carbon
dioxide (CO2) to have its maximum warming effects on the planet.
This is according to Washington-based researchers who claim to have
dispelled a common misconception that the damaging effects from a CO2
emission will only be felt by future generations.
The results suggest that warming can persist for more than a century and
that the benefits from emission reductions will be felt by those who
have worked to curb the emissions.
Some of these benefits would be the avoidance of extreme weather events,
such as droughts, heatwaves and flooding, according to scientists at
the Carnegie Institute for Science.
However, some of the bigger climate impacts from warming, such as
sea-level rise, melting ice sheets and long-lasting damage to
ecosystems, may not occur for hundreds or thousands of years later, they
'Amazingly, despite many decades of climate science, there has never
been a study focused on how long it takes to feel the warming from a
particular emission of carbon dioxide, taking carbon-climate
uncertainties into consideration,' said lead author of the study Dr
Katharine Ricke.
'A lot of climate scientists may have an intuition about how long it
takes to feel the warming from a particular emission of CO2, but that
intuition might be a little bit out of sync with our best estimates from
today's climate and carbon cycle models.'
To calculate this timeframe, researchers combined information about the
Earth's carbon cycle with information about the Earth's climate system
taken from a group of climate models used in the latest IPCC report.
The results showed that the average time between a single CO2 emission
and maximum warming was 10.1 years, and reaffirmed that most of the
warming persists for more than a century.
The reason for this time lag is because the upper layers of the oceans
take longer to heat up than the atmosphere, the scientists say.
As the oceans take up more and more heat which causes the overall
climate to warm up, the warming effects of CO2 emissions actually begin
to diminish as CO2 is eventually removed from the atmosphere.
It takes around 10 years for these two competing factors to cancel each other out and for warming to be at a maximum.
'Our results show that people alive today are very likely to benefit
from emissions avoided today and that these will not accrue solely to
impact future generations,' Dr Ricke said.
'Our findings should dislodge previous misconceptions about this
timeframe that have played a key part in the failure to reach policy
In the two decades since world leaders first got together to try to
solve global warming, the world has become more polluted with
heat-trapping gases, more crowded and just downright wilder.
NYT: Unidentified “Scientists” Predict “Human Extinction” Absent Climate Treaty
Yesterday, the top right fold of the Grey Lady was given to ongoing
efforts by jet-setting (and, therefore, carbon spewing) diplomats to
craft a global climate change mitigation treaty. According to the Times,
“scientists” agree that the doomsday clock is ticking, as is imparted
in the article excerpts below:
“Without a deal, they [“scientists”] say, the world could eventually become uninhabitable for humans.”
“While a breach of the 3.6 degree threshold appears inevitable,
scientists say that United Nations negotiators should not give up on
their efforts to cut emissions. At stake now, they say, is the
difference between a newly unpleasant world and an uninhabitable one.”
Remarkably, the Times failed to identify the “scientists” who’ve warned
of global warming- induced “human extinction,” absent a legally binding
treaty to control global greenhouse gas emissions. The only scientist
interviewed in the article was Michael Oppenheimer, a Princeton
professor of geosciences and international affairs, and who previously
spent two decades working for the green advocacy group Environmental
Defense Fund. Below, I’ve reposted his full reported comments.
“I was encouraged by the U.S.-China agreement. [However] What’s already
baked in are substantial changes to ecosystems, large scale
transformations. [Still, absent a deal] Things could get a lot worse.
[Beyond the 3.6 degree threshold, the aggregate cost] to the global
economy—rich countries as well as poor countries—rises rapidly.”
Professor Oppenheimer’s reported comments make no mention of human
extinction. Moreover, he’s the sole scientist identified in the piece,
which would seem to contradict the plural use of “scientists” who
supposedly agree that human extinction is likely absent a climate change
mitigation treaty.
So who are these “scientists”? Undoubtedly, alarmism is the “newsiest”
element of the story; that’s why its title reads: “Optimism Faces Grim
Realities as Climate Talks.” As such, one would think that identifying
the “scientists” warning of climate-caused “human extinction” would
qualify as being among “all the news that’s fit to print.” In any case,
if these unidentified pessimists are indeed correct, then buckle your
seat belts for the apocalypse, because the anarchic nature of the
international system precludes the possibility of a climate treaty, as I
explain here.
French backflip on diesel
They may like a little va va voom but French cars will no longer be
powered by diesel if the country's prime minister gets his way.
As part of a wider environmental effort to be launched next year, Manuel
Valls said France was overly reliant on the fuel and pledged to wean
the country off it.
'In France, we have long favored the diesel engine,' he said. 'This was a
mistake, and we will progressively undo that, intelligently and
More than 30 million cars currently run on diesel in France today,
according to the latest figures from the World Bank - approximately 80
percent of the total on the road.
While French car ownership fell by almost 25 percent between 2007 and
2013, 86 percent of all French households still own a car.
Unlike Britain where diesel prices are higher, the fuel is less
expensive than petrol in France where the current tax system makes the
fuel about 15 percent cheaper.
Most European countries have similar policies because diesel cars are typically more efficient than their petrol counterparts.
With the focus shifting from economy to air pollution, as of next year
all French cars will be subject to a pollution rating which will
facilitate the banning of the dirtiest cars from towns and cities.
At present diesel costs around 1.25 euro, or 99p a liter, but as of next
year the tax on diesel will also rise by around a penny, generating
around £1.2 billion in revenue for the government.
This will add around 50p to the price of a full tank for medium car owners and 70p for large car owners.
However, drivers who trade their gas guzzlers for electric cars could get up to £8,600 in incentives for making the switch.
EPA Announces Holiday Sale on Expensive Regulations
Just before the Thanksgiving holiday, the Obama administration announced
it will seek tighter restrictions to curb industrial emissions to lower
ozone pollution. It’s the first of many new rules the EPA will be
rolling out in the next few months – all sure to do more harm to the
economy than good for the environment.
Rules to reduce methane emissions are expected soon. Methane, a potent
greenhouse gas said to trap heat 25 times more than carbon dioxide, is a
byproduct of hydraulic fracturing, a.k.a. fracking – the technique
often used to extract oil or natural gas from the earth.
Environmentalists claim methane leaks have the potential to cancel out
the benefits of natural gas production. Of course, years before the
natural gas boom, these same environmentalists heralded natural gas as
the solution to America’s energy problems. It’s cleaner than oil, it’s
plentiful and it’s easy to reach. Now that we are actually harvesting
more energy, however, the environmental lobby wants to shut it down.
It’s a common pattern – constantly moving the goal post to make anything
good for the economy seem bad for the environment.
Coal ash is another target for the EPA. The agency may not label this
byproduct of burned coal in electricity generation a hazardous waste,
but the new rules for how it is stored and handled will hit the
embattled coal industry with significant new costs. It’s yet another
salvo in Obama’s ongoing war to shut down coal production in America.
The EPA temporarily tabled its new fuel-blending requirements for the
Renewable Fuel Standard. But the welcome news of this delay is more than
offset by coming government restrictions on fracking on federal lands
and offshore drilling in the Arctic.
Industry and private citizens are paying a hefty price for these
regulations. The agency maintains we’ll save $67 billion on energy. But
they arrive at this phony conclusion by using a complex model
illustrating the supposed damage done to the environment by unchecked
carbon emissions and tallying the costs to be incurred by cleaning it
up. Yet if rabid environmentalists have taught us anything over the last
several years, it’s not to trust their predictions. Whether they’re
wrong because of faulty analysis or outright lying, the end result is
the same.
Energy Ventures Analysis, a private industry consultancy, estimates the
EPA carbon rules will add $284 billion in energy costs over the next
five years. Between 2012 and 2020, the average annual household gas bill
will increase by $680, while electricity bills could increase by $340.
The industrial sector could see a 92% hike in electricity and natural
gas bills by 2020, costs that will assuredly be passed on to consumers
in higher prices for goods and services.
The Supreme Court recently agreed to take on the question of whether the
EPA should have considered costs in determining the regulation of
hazardous air pollutants. The question is central to three separate
suits against the EPA that the Court consolidated into one. There’s no
reason to believe, however, that this case will curb the EPA’s overreach
into the economic sector. The Supreme Court has a sad history of
validating the agency’s broad use of power. In 2007, the Court ruled
that the EPA had the power to regulate gases it associates with “climate
change.” This year, it affirmed the EPA’s plan to regulate greenhouse
gases at large industrial plants.
There really is only one way to check the imperial overstretch of the
so-called Environmental Protection Agency: Elect a president in 2016 who
knows the real difference between creating environmental regulations
that make sense and issuing edicts for the sake of attaining power.
Bank of England investigating risk of carbon bubble
As climate talks begin in Peru, danger that companies have fossil fuel assets they cannot use
The Bank of England is conducting an investigation into the risk of an
economic crash if fossil fuel companies were prevented from using their
coal, oil and gas assets because of climate change considerations.
On the same day that a new round of global climate change negotiations
begins in Lima, Peru, the U.K. Central bank told its Parliament of its
plan to investigate the “carbon bubble.”
What would burst the carbon bubble in Alberta's oil patch?
UN climate change report offers stark warnings, hope
Last year, Bank of England governor Mark Carney warned that fossil fuel
companies cannot burn all of their reserves if the world is to avoid
catastrophic climate change.
If the world comes to a binding agreement a year from now in Paris to
limit global warming to 2C by cutting carbon emissions, many fossil fuel
companies will be left with assets they cannot use, so-called “stranded
Concern over economic collapse
The Bank of England has been concerned about the economic impact of this
scenario, and will be working with Britain’s financial policy committee
to study whether a carbon bubble will lead to economic collapse.
“In light of these discussions, we will be deepening and widening our
enquiry into the topic,” Carney said in a letter to the U.K.
Environmental Audit Committee.
Among the concerns raised by the central bank is the impact of proven
oil, gas and coal reserves considered unburnable because they would push
the world past the 2C goal for carbon emissions. It also will
study the insurance risk and costs of global warming.
Major financial firms such as Citibank, HSBC and Moody’s have also begun
to study the impact of a carbon bubble and stranded assets. Thinktank
Carbon Tracker helps financial companies and fossil fuel companies get
the risk in hand.
“Fossil fuel companies should be disclosing how many carbon emissions
are locked up in their reserves,” Carbon Tracker CEO Anthoy Hobley said.
“At the moment there is no consistency in reporting so it’s difficult
for investors to make informed decisions.”
Exxon, Shell say assets not stranded
ExxonMobil agreed earlier this year to publish a “Carbon Asset Risk”
report describing how it assesses its financial risks from climate
change, but its report downplayed the risk of a carbon bubble saying it
doesn’t believe its assets will be stranded. Shell also has denied it is
a carbon risk.
In today’s environment of falling oil prices, many companies are already
hesitating to invest in new oil and gas projects, especially if they
are unconventional developments which can be more expensive.
And any progress toward a climate change agreement in 2015 could also discourage investment.
Pledges from the world’s top carbon polluters — China, the U.S. and the
European Union — to limit their emissions in the next 10-15 years
promise some progress ahead of the Paris talks in 2015.
“This sends an important signal for the rest of the world to come
forward as early as possible with their own contributions,” EU
negotiator Elina Bardram said Sunday in Lima. “We have 12 months and the
clock is ticking.”
The previous emissions treaty, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, covered only
industrialized countries, but emissions today are rising mainly in the
developing world and there is pressure on countries to strike
agreements ahead of time so the pact is truly global.
Three current articles below
Australian Green car funding was just lemon aid
IN so far as the $500 million Green Car Innovation Fund was supposed to
prevent carbon dioxide leaching from Australian-made cars, it looks like
being an outstanding success.
Vehicles manufactured in Australia after 2018 will produce zero
emissions, not least because Australia will be producing zero cars.
We did get the green cars, however. Well, greenish ones anyway, produced by Ford, Holden and Toyota with taxpayer subsidies.
About $14m was given to Ford to produce the Falcon Ecoboost, which
retails for about $35,000, thanks to an $8000 contribution from the
According to motoring writers it’s a pretty good Falcon, almost as powerful as a real one.
“Brilliant!” Bill McKinnon wrote on the Top Gear website. “But also irrational and, in the end, irrelevant.
“The four-cylinder Falcon. Why is this car here? Now? Has anyone been screaming for it?”
The Ecoboost Falcon may produce enough torque to tow a semi-trailer of
live pigs across the Nullarbor, but it is not what the market wants. A
Falcon for tree-huggers is a contradiction in terms.
Joshua Dowling broke the bad news in News Corp Australia’s CarsGuide
last week: “Confidential figures reveal just 1800 Ecoboost four-cylinder
Falcons have been sold since it went on sale in April 2012 — less than
half as many as Ford originally planned.”
Dowling uses the word “sold” loosely, since about 600 Ecoboosts were
bought by Ford itself. So if you spot an Ecoboost on the road, there’s a
one-in-three chance the driver is a Ford employee.
Will it help us reach our Kyoto target? Let us run through the maths.
Carbon emissions from full-strength Falcon: 226g/km. Carbon emissions
from a Falcon Lite: 192g/km. Carbon saved: 34g/km. Carbon saved over
100,000km: 3.4 tonnes. Cost saving per tonne: $2300. Cost of a tonne of
carbon abatement on the European market: $12.
It would be wrong to say there have been no winners. Holden Cruze
purchasers, for example, scored a $1500 subsidy. Buyers of the Camry
Hybrid have benefited to the tune of $1100.
The question, however, is why? When Kevin Rudd announced the green cars
scheme in 2008 he claimed that “R&D, particularly those related to
clean, green technologies, constitute a public good”. Yet the Ecoboost
engine was already in existence. Ford’s Australian engineers merely
turned it 90 degrees to run a rear-wheel drivetrain. Paradigm changing
it was not.
When government takes a risk the private sector is unwilling to
shoulder, the justification boils down to this: that society will better
off for having a good thing.
Yet the private sector is cautious for good reason. Rushed technology
driven by government funding comes at a high cost and is innately
inefficient. The postwar aircraft industry is a shining example. If
congress had been willing to pay half the cost of developing the jet
airliner in the US, as the Labour government did in Britain, the US
could have been the first to introduce jet travel.
As it was, Britain nobly led the way in 1952 with de Havilland Comet.
Three of them broke up in mid-air within a year of entering service. As
Richard R. Nelson pondered dryly in The Moon and the Ghetto, “How much
would it have aided the reputation of the American commercial aircraft
industry had it, and not the British, been the one to discover the
catastrophic effects on pressurised aircraft of metal fatigue?”
Private risk is an effective regulator against ineffective and
inefficient investment. Once R&D becomes an autonomous activity,
separated from the pressures of the market, it runs rampant. It creates
its own class of rent-seeker, driven by a thirst for subsidies rather
than honest profit.
This, scarily, may be the condition of the windmill industry, a power
source of questionable reliability and enormous cost that no private
investor would look twice at were it not for boondoggles like the
renewable energy target. Perhaps the technocrats are right; perhaps in
time the industry will make technological leaps that will wean it off
History suggests otherwise. The notion that government investment in
technology will turn Australia into a clever country and generate the
jobs of the future has been proven wrong repeatedly.
Now that all three remaining car manufacturers have announced plans to
pull out of Australia, the green car fiasco looks like an expensive
Yet at the time plenty of people were prepared to egg Rudd on. Labor’s
John Brumby, then Victorian premier, declared: “This is a green-letter
day. It is a fantastic day for the auto industry.”
Kim Carr, the innovation, industry, science and research minister,
boasted “the primary objective here is to ensure we have high skilled,
high-wage jobs for Australian workers”.
The ABC’s Rachel Carbonell editorialised: “The hybrid car deal is a
starting point for a greater range of local green transport in
The Productivity Commission begged to disagree, warning: “It is unlikely
that overall sales of green vehicles would increase markedly … policies
that target use of particular abatement technologies become redundant,
and will only impose additional, unnecessary costs.”
Australian Manufacturing Workers Union spokesman Ian Jones responded:
“We have grown to expect this sort of rubbish from them, they have
historically been anti-manufacturing industry.”
Six years later, with the folly of auto welfare laid bare and the budget
deficit mounting, the Green Car Innovation Fund’s critics have been
vindicated, and the naked self-interest of the unions, car manufacturers
and Labor governments in Victoria and South Australia are plain for all
to see.
It may not have been Labor’s most expensive folly but it is money that
Joe Hockey would dearly love to get back. He could do so by re-indexing
excise on petrol, making it a little more expensive at the pump, but
Labor and the Greens — the green motoring champions — are determined to
block that.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott says has no objection to nuclear energy and would be 'fine' with a proposal for it
Interesting that subsidies are fine for windmills and solar farms but not for nuclear
Prime Minister Tony Abbott says he would be "fine" with someone putting
forward a nuclear energy proposal and described the Fukushima meltdown
as a "problem".
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop earlier told Fairfax Media nuclear energy was an "obvious" way to reduce carbon emissions.
Mr Abbott agreed that nuclear technology was worth considering. "I
don't have any theological objection to nuclear energy," Mr Abbott
"Nuclear energy is a very important part of the energy mix of many
countries - Japan, and it's coming back in Japan after the Fukushima
Mr Abbott has said there is no need for Australia to pursue nuclear energy due to the nation's large coal and gas reserves.
But he said nuclear energy would help cut carbon pollution.
"If we are to dramatically reduce emissions we have to remember that the
one absolutely proven way of generating emissions-free baseload power
is through nuclear," he said.
Mr Abbott warned the Government was not interested in providing
financial incentives to private operators to build nuclear-power
facilities in Australia.
"If someone wants to put a proposal for nuclear energy generation here in Australia - fine," Mr Abbott said.
"But don't expect a Government subsidy. "If it's going to happen,
it's going to happen because it's economically feasible, not because the
Government runs around offering a subsidy."
Opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman Tanya Plibersek dismissed nuclear power as an alternative.
There is no nuclear power generated in Australia.
Far North Queensland Council Puts People & Environment Before Proposed Wind Farm Disaster
THE Tablelands Regional Council has been accused of being “openly
hostile” towards a controversial wind farm project and trying everything
to impede its progress.
It comes as the Senate launches an inquiry into the effectiveness of
wind turbines, scrutinising their regulatory governance and economic
The $380 million project to be built near Walkamin is to include up to
75 turbines. It is a joint venture by property developers Port
Bajool and power producers Ratch Australia.
Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney called in the development application in
June, taking responsibility to assess it away from the Mareeba Shire
Council, which de-amalgamated from the Tablelands Regional Council.
Mr Seeney has promised not to make a decision over the Mt Emerald Wind
Farm until he meets with residents at this weekend’s Community Cabinet
in Mareeba.
In an email obtained by The Cairns Post, Cook MP David Kempton responded
to claims his government had ignored residents’ concerns about the wind
farm, assuring there had been a full and proper investigation of the
“The Tablelands Regional Council has been openly hostile to this project
from the outset,’’ he said. “I have given full personal support
to this project as I believe the regional benefits will far out-weight
the perceived and in many cases, misguided information.
“I can also assure you I have received many delegations from the opponents over the time since this project was mooted.”
When questioned about the email by The Cairns Post, Mr Kempton only
offered the following statement: “The (wind farm) is being
determined by the Deputy Premier and I have confidence there will be
proper and rigorous process around the determination,” he said.
Tableland Division 6 Councillor Marjorie Pagani said the council had
legitimately raised a number of concerns about the development when the
application first came to the council, and there had been no vote taken
on it.
“What he is interpreting as open hostility was in fact a series of
requisition questions sent by our planning department to the developer,
which were never answered,’’ he said.
“There were pages and pages of very significant and important questions
relating to planning, roads, noise, environmental/ecological issues, and
even size of turbines, for example.
“They hadn’t even put the size of their proposed development, or the size of each turbine.”
Tableland Mayor Rosa Lee Long, in a statement, said since the Mareeba
Shire Council had taken over the application after de-amalgamation, TRC
continued to have concerns, including the potential impact of heavy
vehicles on local roads during the construction process.
Meanwhile, the Senate has launched an inquiry into the regulatory
governance and economic impact of wind turbines. The inquiry, a
first in Australia, will examine issues such as impact on household
electricity prices, the role of the Clean Energy Regulator, effect on
fauna, planning processes, and whole-of-life CO2 inputs and outputs.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
3 December, 2014
NOAA is trying to tell Americans that 2014 is shaping up as hottest year on record
Steve Goddard comments: "It was obvious to me since about April
that NOAA had decided that 2014 was going to be the hottest year ever.
The White House needed this for their political objectives"
going to be a tough sell considering the unusual cold weather Americans
have been experiencing -- but the main point never mentioned is that
this year is projected to be hotter than other 21st century years
only by hundredths of a degree Celsius. It will indeed be hotter by some
tenths of a degree than the 20th century average because the 20th
century did have some periods cooler than the present. But that
tells us nothing about the present century. NOAA is judging a
portion of this year against the 20th century average without mentioning
that ALL the years of the 21st century average higher than the 20th
century -- meaning that nothing different is happening this year.
the crucial statistics are in hundredths of a degree and errors of
measurement are in tenths of a degree NOAA's claims are in fact
meaningless. The 21st century temperature variations they parade
are so small that they exist only as statistical artifacts. They
cannot be shown to be real. So NOAA's own figures show that there
is nothing significant about temperatures this year. The global
temperature is still on a plateau -- where it has been for all of this
century, and then some
The claims below are just an exercise in
lying with statistics -- a Warmist specialty. They have to
lie. If Warmists stuck to telling the truth, the whole truth and
nothing but the truth they would have nothing of interest to say.
The whole truth is that we live in a time of exceptional temperature
The first ten months of 2014 have been the hottest since record keeping
began more than 130 years ago, according to data from the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
That may be hard to believe for people in places like Buffalo, New York, which saw a record early snowfall this year.
But NOAA says, despite the early bitter cold across parts of the United
States in recent weeks, it’s been a hot year so far for the Earth.
With two months left on the calendar, 2014 is shaping up to be the
hottest year on record. The average global temperature between
January and October has been 0.68 degrees Celsius (1.22 degrees
Fahrenheit) higher than the 20th century’s average global temperature of
14.1 C (57.4 F).
NOAA’s analysis is an important “health gauge” indicating an ominous
trend for the planet, says CNN meteorologist Derek Van Dam. “It’s
becoming increasingly more difficult to be a skeptic of the causes of
our warming planet,” he says.
Hottest October
This October was the hottest October on record globally, NOAA data
showed. The mercury climbed more than one degree Fahrenheit above the
20th century average of 57.1 F. It was the fourth warmest October
on record for the United States, NOAA said.
[Not the warmest?]
“The record high October temperature was driven by warmth across the
globe over both the land and ocean surfaces and was fairly evenly
distributed between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres,” the agency
That’s significant, says Van Dam. “Most notably, this record
warmth is not contained to any specific part of the world. Meaning, we
are all in this together,” he says. “So far this year, record-breaking
warmth has been observed in at least every continent and major ocean
basin of our planet. This is something we cannot ignore.”
Important benchmark
NOAA’s analysis breaks down global temperatures into two categories —
land and ocean — then an average that includes both. The record high
temperatures in October were recorded across both land and sea.
The surface temperature on land approached an important scientific
benchmark. It was almost 2 degrees Celsius higher than the 20th century
average for October of 9.3 C (48.7 F).
[Cherry-picking one month is useless. I could pick another month to show something entirely different]
Scientists have long predicted that a change in global average
temperature of just 2 to 3 degrees higher could spell disaster for the
planet, contributing to catastrophic storms, sea level rise, dangerous
storm surges and melting polar ice.
According to the non-binding international agreement on climate change —
the Copenhagen Accord, reached in 2009 — any temperature increase above
the 2 degree Celsius mark is “dangerous.”
NOAA said the ocean temperatures were also the warmest on record in
October with an increase of 1.12 F over the 20th century average of 60.6
Hot spots
“Record warmth for the year-to-date was particularly notable across much
of northern and western Europe, parts of Far East Russia, and large
areas of the northeastern and western equatorial Pacific Ocean, ” NOAA
said. “It is also notable that record warmth was observed in at least
some areas of every continent and major ocean basin around the world,”
the agency added.
Of particular note, several countries have already seen an average
temperature increase of more than 2 degrees Celsius in October 2014
compared to 20th century averages, including Australia, Germany, France,
Switzerland, and Sweden.
[Cherry-picking one month in a few places tells us nothing. What about all the other places?]
There was also one notable cold spot on the map. The average
temperature this year in the midsection of the United States, which saw a
severe winter, has been below the 20th century average.
[So the place for which we have the best records was cooler!]
Enjoy Seafood While You Can: Commercial Fisheries Likely to Collapse by 2048 (?)
There is no doubt that overfishing can reduce wild fish stocks to the
point where fishing becomes generally unproductive -- but where is that
happening? Mostly in Asia, as far as I know. The EU has
rigid quotas on fish catch in European waters and most of the vast
Australian continental shelf is closed off from fishing. So what
we have below are vast, sweeping and brainless generalizations that take
no account of the different situations in different parts of the
world. Also overlooked is that fact that somewhere near 50% of the
developed world's fish consumption is supplied by fish farms, not wild
fisheries -- and there is no reason why fish farming cannot continue
indefinitely. It is in fact on an expanding trajectory. Boris
really is a worm
Dr. Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada warns that the
oceans are quickly losing biodiversity and that nearly 30 percent of
seafood species that humans consume are already too small to harvest. If
the long-term trend continues, there will be little or no seafood
available for a sustainable harvest by 2048.
Dr. Worm’s study was recently published in the journal Science and is an
update of a study that was published in 2006. Importantly, the study is
of the collapse of commercial catches, not species extinction. Catch
collapse means that fish are caught at 10 percent or less of the rate
they had been caught historically. Several media outlets have
incorrectly stated that the study warns that all seafood will be gone
from the ocean. CBS News, for example, reported that “the apocalypse has
a new date: 2048? and that the oceans would be empty of fish at that
time. To our knowledge, the television network has not issued a
“We never said that,” says Dr. Worm. “We never talked about extinction. We talked about the collapse of the commercial catches.”
Still, Worm and his international team of scientists and economists say
that catch collapses still paint a grim picture for the ocean and for
human health. The accelerated loss of biodiversity, they say, is
imperiled by overfishing, pollution, habitat loss and climate change.
Saltwater ecosystems, including human populations that depend on them
for survival, can be adversely affected by dwindling populations.
Harmful algae blooms, coastal flooding and poor water quality can be the
results of reduced fish populations.
“Biodiversity is a finite resource, and we are going to end up with nothing left … if nothing changes,” says Worm.
The updated study points out that it’s not too late to change, however.
Areas can be managed for improved biodiversity and recovery is possible,
says the study. In areas of the world where action has been taken to
protect marine species, there have been notably positive results.
The problem is already affecting the U.S. seafood industry. Scientists
are urging a moratorium on cold water shrimp harvesting in the Gulf of
Maine as rising ocean temperatures are threatening populations of the
tiny crustacean. This is the second straight season that researchers
have urged that the netting of northern shrimp be halted.
The northern shrimp catch in Maine has been falling in recent years, as
it has in neighboring New Hampshire and Massachusetts. However, it is
estimated that some 85-90 percent of the northern shrimp caught in the
Gulf of Maine are brought in by Maine boats. In 2010, more than 12
million pounds were caught by them, but it has declined by a factor of
14; less than 600,000 pounds were caught last year, according to the
state of Maine.
The shrimp harvest averaged some 25 million pounds a year from 1969 to
1972 before falling below one million pounds in 1977. Those involved in
the regional fishing industry are noticing a sharp decline in the
population and are worried. Glen Libby, a shrimp processor and former
fisherman, told the Portland Press Herald that the 2013 season was a
bust and fishermen are finding few shrimp in their nets over the summer.
He said it “probably is a good idea to give the fishery time to
Only 50% Of Scientists Blame Mankind for Climate Change In New Study
Rather than claiming 97 percent of scientists believe in man-made global
warming, hopefully now some media outlets will revise that number
closer to 50 percent.
Contrary to the repeated insistence of both climate alarmists and the
media, scientists do not all agree on the standard climate alarmism
talking points. A Purdue University scholar, surveying scientists
in the agricultural sector including climatologists, found surprising
disagreement on humanity’s role in climate change. These findings,
though contrary to popular narrative on climate change, are unsurprising
to anyone familiar with the prevalence of dissent in the scientific
Linda Prokopy, a Professor of Natural Resource Social Science at Purdue
University, surveyed more than six thousand farmers and scientists and
found widespread disagreement on human contributions to climate change.
While 90 percent of scientists and climatologists surveyed thought the
climate was changing, only about 50.4 percent contended that humans were
the primary cause of these changes.
More shocking was that just 53 percent of climatologists surveyed
thought “Climate change is occurring, and it is caused mostly by human
activities.” While that number of climatologists was small, the result
is still significant.
This evidence is inconvenient to the many media outlets that have
endlessly repeated that 97 percent of scientists endorse the global
warming hypothesis. Prominent outlets like NBC and The New York Times,
as well as countless others, have effectively shut down debate by
asserting there is no scientific debate.
Of course, many skeptics will not find this newsworthy, because they
have known for a long time that there is dissent amongst the scientific
In fact, many studies cast doubt on climate alarmism and many scientists
have differing views from the so-called "consensus." In 2010, Marc
Morano released a collection of more than 1000 scientists who
“challenged man-made global warming claims.” Similarly the
Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change aggregated
“thousands of peer-reviewed scientific journal articles that do not
support” man-made climate change.
Interestingly, a third of farmers surveyed claimed they had not noticed
any significant effects of global warming. This is an inconvenient
realization for the many alarmists that believe climate change is
already disrupting weather. In fact, many alarmists, including those in
the media, have argued that wildfires and droughts are increasing with
climate change, but certainly many of these farmers disagree from their
personal experience.
California Punishes the Working Poor with new carbon tax on gasoline
Gasoline prices are running at their lowest level in years, a great
boost for embattled consumers with the holiday season approaching.
Unfortunately, the ruling class isn’t about to let that continue. The
ruling class operates on the superstition that the world is getting
hotter, that this is entirely due to human activity, and that regulatory
zealotry in a single state is capable of stopping it. That comes
through measures such as “cap and trade,” which supposedly burden only
the captains of industry, but which as Dale Kasler shows in the
Sacramento Bee, really means a punishing new tax on everybody who
California’s two-year-old regulatory mechanism “puts a price on carbon
spewed into the atmosphere,” and “the result will be higher gasoline and
diesel prices.” California Air Resources Board (CARB) boss Mary Nichols
explains that “the increase is likely to be less than 10 cents a
gallon,” and consumers will probably barely notice the difference.” She
says “the amount is small,” and “It does get hidden in the noise, in the
other changes that are constantly taking place in the pricing of
gasoline.” Nichols said “gasoline is cheap relative to other things you
can buy and relative to overall inflation in the economy.” This
bureaucratic boilerplate deserves a translation.
The increase is going to be not small, but significant, and everybody
will notice, particularly those Californians who drive to work, such as
the working poor. The increase does not “get hidden.” Rather, an axis of
legislators and unelected regulatory zealots chose to delay the
imposition on drivers, hoping to blunt the punishment, in the style of
Obamacare, also sold with lies.
Jon Costantino, a former CARB climate-change planner, told the Bee that
“the cost of the carbon allowance has to get passed through. That’s the
whole point. The consumer feels the impact.” So listen up all drivers,
especially those making a 60-plus-mile round trip to earn minimum wage.
Politicians and unelected, highly paid regulatory zealots like Mary
Nichols want you to feel the pain. But the problems do not stop there.
Mary Nichols also kept on CARB staff Hien Tran, who bought his
statistics PhD in a New York City diploma mill and fudged air pollution
figures. Trofim Lysenko truly lives on in the Golden State.
EPA in the crosshairs of new Republican majority
Over the first five years of the Obama Administration, the federal
government has issued 157 major regulations, costing the American people
and businesses around $73 billion per year, a recent estimate by the
Heritage Foundation found.
In response, the American people spoke with an unwavering, unified voice
on November 4 and the message to Congressional Republicans was clear:
stop Barack Obama’s radical executive overreach and the Democrat Party
that has enabled it.
And that’s exactly what they intend to do.
The front lines of the Administration’s alarmist war on coal literally
hits home for the new incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
(R-Ky.), who during this year’s campaign identified the his top priority
in January’s new Congress to “do whatever I can to get the EPA reined
Anti-coal regulations from the EPA has virtually eliminated the
financial feasibility of establishing new coal-fired power plants in the
United States and new regulations threaten the industry altogether, all
the while the livelihoods of thousands of energy workers hang in the
balance, hundreds of years of inexpensive, efficient potential energy
won’t be used to power the next century of American development, and
needy American families, whom are already suffering from rising energy
costs directly caused by sweeping overregulation, will bear the brunt of
the cost.
There are, however, several means for the McConnell-led Senate to accomplish rolling back Obama’s radical EPA.
All regulations from federal agencies such as the EPA are under the
direct funding and oversight of Congress. With that power, Congress can
utilize the appropriations process and Congressional oversight to
confine the EPA with funding restraints, for example, against the carbon
endangerment finding or new rules for coal power plants set to take
effect in June.
Congressional members and staffers from both the House and Senate have
stated openly that no EPA regulation is off the negotiating table on
budget talks with the White House.
The wind production tax credit faces renewal in January and, as a tool
of Obama’s anti-coal agenda, it is an obvious target for a crony
capitalist-averse Congress to eliminate.
And perhaps most importantly, different legislative options make the
EPA’s job-killing regulations — especially the most onerous and
unpopular power plant rules — vulnerable targets for the Republican
majority. Barack Obama enters his lame duck session already facing close
to the lowest approval numbers his Administration has seen and
Republicans are showing zero willingness to spare the President
difficult decisions between passing popular, common sense bills while
not vetoing the same bill due to equally popular portions that would
rein in the EPA.
Of course, it won’t be a fast or an easy undertaking by any means. Most
likely, it won’t be until a Republican occupies the Oval Office before
true reform to collapse Obama’s radical regulatory environment can take
full shape. But understanding this, there is no time to waste.
There are over 120 remaining major regulations (or regulations that will
cost the private sector at least $100 million annually) that Obama’s
radical regulatory state is working on as this is written, leaving an
unknown amount of jobs and future productivity in peril.
The final levee between the full damaging power of the final wave of
regulations from a lame duck (free bird?) Obama Administration no longer
facing electoral consequences is the people’s newly elected Republican
majority with a clear mandate to hold back the flood as much as
Given Senator McConnell’s profound commitment to stopping the EPA’s
overreach, this should be a battle worth watching during the upcoming
lame duck session of Congress.
Green rules slap £50 on a family ferry fare from Britain to France: EU fuel diktat will force prices up in weeks
Families taking a ferry across the Channel in the New Year face a 30 per
cent hike in ticket prices as the EU brings in tough new green rules.
Britain’s biggest ferry operator, P&O Cruises, said a return ticket
for a family of four from Dover to Calais will jump from £160 to £210.
The UK Chamber of Shipping says the move could be the death knell for
the ferry industry, adding: ‘Routes teetering on the edge of economic
viability will be pushed off the edge.’
Experts say it will cost the industry £300million a year – much of which will be absorbed into ticket prices. File picture
The new EU rules – which force shipping firms to buy expensive low-
emission fuel – will push traffic on to the roads, drive up the cost of
diesel for cars and result in the loss of 2,000 jobs, it was predicted
last night.
And a European committee has warned that the fuel switch could lead to
engine breakdowns and fires, leaving boats floating dangerously without
power in busy shipping lanes.
Brussels has ordered that all ships in the English Channel, North Sea
and Baltic Sea act to reduce sulphur emissions from January 1.
Firms will have to switch to expensive low-sulphur fuel or install
filtering equipment at the cost of millions of pounds. Experts say it
will cost the industry £300million a year – much of which will be
absorbed into ticket prices.
Independent consultants Amec say ferry companies will have to cut routes
and slash jobs. Freight traffic to Europe will be forced on to the
roads and through the Channel Tunnel – resulting in more pollution.
And increased demand for low-sulphur shipping fuel could lead to higher
prices on forecourts. The price at the diesel pump could rise by 2.8p a
litre, Amec said, because there is not enough capacity in refineries to
cope with the demand for both vehicle and shipping fuel.
A route from Harwich to Esbjerg in Denmark was scrapped in September because of the expected rise in fuel costs.
Most operators are expected to switch from heavy fuel to lighter marine gas-oil – which is 60 per cent more expensive.
A spokesman for P&O Ferries, which runs 15 ships in the Channel and
North Sea, told the Daily Mail: ‘Consumers will be picking up the bill
for this because shipping companies cannot bear this cost alone.
'Marine gas-oil is considerably more expensive than the fuel we use
today, so we can predict price increases for both freight and tourist
‘All shipping companies will be affected – but our biggest rival, the
Channel Tunnel, will not be affected. Peak-time sailings might cost 30
per cent more than people paid last year.’
Jonathan Roberts, of the UK Chamber of Shipping, said: ‘There is no
doubt that the additional cost has to go somewhere – it will have to put
up ticket prices. This will be the final straw for some routes.’
The decision to reduce sulphur emissions was agreed by the International
Maritime Organisation (IMO) in 2008. But Mr Roberts said the EU has
insisted on a ‘gold-plated’ version of the agreement.
He said: ‘The IMO said implementation of the regulations could be done by 2020 – but the EU has insisted on 2015.
‘The IMO said there should have a degree of flexibility, to allow
companies to transition into the new era without damaging their
business. The European Commission removed this flexibility and
pragmatism – and jobs will be lost as a result.’
The EU Sulphur Directive requires all commercial ships to use 0.1 per
cent sulphur fuel by midnight on January 1, or install sulphur filters
known as ‘scrubbers’ – which usually will cost more than the ship
The policy could also have grave safety consequences.
A report to be presented to the European Commission on Thursday warns
that smaller shipping firms are not ready for the switch. When a similar
policy was implemented off the Californian coast in 2012, the US
Coastguard said the number of power failures doubled.
The European Sustainable Shipping Forum says breakdowns – including
engine fires – in the much-busier English Channel could have dangerous
A European Commission spokesman said: ‘Sulphur dioxide emissions result
in acid rain and fine dust that causes respiratory and cardiovascular
'They are a direct health hazard in particular near major ports – like Dover.
‘The savings on healthcare and the environmental benefits will far
exceed the costs of implementing the agreed International Maritime
Organisation measures.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
2 December, 2014
More on the Ivanpah boondoggle
Overlooked: Deserts have lots of sand
Dr Klaus L.E. Kaiser
In California’s sunny south is the Ivanpah Solar Power Facility (ISPF).
It’s a massive structure in the Mojave Desert that was supposed to
deliver an energy output of approximately 1.7 million MWh
(megawatt-hours) of electric energy annually. ivanpah The ISPF uses
173,500 heliostats (adjustable mirrors to follow the sun) that reflect
the sunshine onto boilers located on centralized power towers.
The facility covers 4,000 acres (1,600 ha) of public land and received
$1,600 million in government-backed loan guarantees. Another $600
million came from private investors with nearly one third of that from
This super-duper solar power plant was to be THE solar power plant, not
just in the USA but in the entire world. (Source of photo) As it turns
out though, the grand hopes for “alternative energy” were premature.
There ought to be at least one lesson from this project: the desert
environment is simply not quite as benign and suitable to solar power
generation systems as many people hope.
Undesirable Effects
To begin with, ten square kilometers of room-size individual mirrors do
not all reflect the sunshine to one point, even with the best intentions
and computer control of the mirrors’ angles. There are always some
parts of the associated machinery that do not function due to grit in
the gears and on the mirrors. As a result, sunlight is reflected into
many directions causing birds flying across the field to become
disoriented. Others that get into the main path of light have their
feathers singed or they get fried. Even airline pilots high above the
ground have complained about glare from the mirrors.
Low Power Output
However, the power facility has another even bigger problem: its power
output is nowhere near the design value and that’s not because of a lack
of sunshine since the facility began operating in December 2013.
Obviously, the power output of the plant varies with the seasons and
number of daylight hours at the site. In the eight-month period of
January-August, 2014, it produced only 250,000 MWh of energy, roughly
one quarter of the expected output. Even in the high irradiance and
long-day four-month period of May-August, 2014, it delivered less than
200,000 MWh of electric energy – less than one half of the design value.
As there was no particular lack of sunshine that underperformance could
not possibly be blamed on unusual natural conditions.
One can only speculate as to the reason for the lower than expected
power output at this time but there is at least one obvious cause—namely
sand and dust. A decade or so ago the Siemens company installed solar
(photovoltaic) power panels in the Mexican sierra that got sand-blasted
into oblivion in short order. In any event, in order to salvage the
plant the ISPF owners decided on a two-pronged approach: borrow more
money and use more natural gas.
Borrow More
The first approach of borrowing more funds is still under consideration.
It’s commonly known as the rob-Peter-to-pay-Paul principle and is
frequently to be found in government circles.
Pete Danko of Breaking Energy reports that the Platts trade newsletter
Megawatt Dailydiscussed Ivanpah’s status. It noted that the trio of
Ivanpah owners had sought extensions on repaying their current loans as
they waited to receive a hoped-for cash grant from the U.S. Treasury
worth 30 percent of the Ivanpah plant’s total cost of $2.2 billion to
repay the current part of the (California) loan guarantee.
Use More Natural Gas
The second approach to ISPF’s problems is even more insidious in terms of the underlying idea of “green” power generation.
In March of this year the ISPF’s owners decided to apply to the
California Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission for
permission to “upgrade” the system by doubling the amount of natural gas
usage permitted for “preheating” of the solar towers. This request was
approved in August 2014 and the ISPF can now use up to 525 million
standard cubic feet of natural gas per year for that purpose. It is
important to put that amount of natural gas into perspective vis-à-vis
the overall energy generation by the facility.
Fudging the Numbers
To investigate the real contribution of natural gas to the plant’s
output, one has to ask how much electric energy a regular power plant
delivers with the consumption of 525 MCFT of NG. Using a heat-energy to
electric-energy conversion rate of 60%, or 0.2 kWh/cft of NG, that
amount of NG alone produces roughly 100 million MWh of electricity.
In terms of ISPF’s design output, these 100 million MWh of NG-sourced
energy appear small; however, it really ought to be compared the amount
of true “solar” energy produced.
To do that one also has to deduct the energy amount of the already used
NG of roughly 30 million KWh (up to end of August 2014). That would
leave then only in the order of 250 million MWh for the entire January
to September period or somewhere in the neighborhood of 50% of the
entire ISPF output. Therefore, doubling the amount of natural gas use
will make the total “solar” energy output appear to be yet larger than
it really is. It will be easy to fall for such claims – unless you know
how numbers can be fudged.
Look for the Spin
Undoubtedly the solar power industry, many politicians and, I guess,
most certainly all anti-carbon activists will try to spin this
anticipated increase of the ISPF power output as a great success story
of solar power generation in general and the Ivanpah plant in
particular. In the end though, I surmise it will all be in vain and
Ivanpah will eventually become another giant “green energy” boondoggle.
UK: The real culprits behind the fly-tip one mile long... it's the
green fanatics and meddling EU who have made going to the dump an
expensive nightmare
The scene is like the aftermath of a tsunami: splintered timber,
shattered glass, broken sofas, scattered clothes, plastic bags, smashed
furniture, fridges and TV sets, all piled up as though tossed ashore by
some mighty wave and strewn for over a mile along the water’s edge.
But this ugly photograph doesn’t show any far-flung tropical disaster zone and the cause of the mayhem certainly isn’t natural.
It was taken this week at Cory’s Wharf in Purfleet, Essex, on a stretch
of council-owned land by the Thames and now ruined by the modern curse
of fly-tipping.
Once, this would have been a pleasant enough spot to walk your dog, with
views across the river and scrubland, dotted with bushes and ponds, to
explore. Not any more.
Today, it looks as if a bomb has hit the area, and walkers have been
warned to stay away in case the waste is toxic or contains used
syringes, or — as happened recently — a dog’s foot is cut by broken
Some say the rubbish appeared ‘overnight’, others that it was dumped
over a period of months, mostly by an encampment of travellers who have
had to be evicted from the area on three occasions since July.
Two things are certain: the clean-up operation will be expensive (as
much as £1 million, according to some reports), and the problem is by no
means confined to Essex.
A report commissioned by the Countryside Alliance found that every day
across Britain there were an average 75 incidents of illegal
rubbish-dumping, known as fly-tipping, which cost the hapless landowners
obliged by law to clear up the mess about £66,000 a day.
And that was three years ago. Since then, as the mile-long waste dump at
Purfleet would seem to confirm, the problem has got a lot worse.
According to a more recent report, from the Local Government
Association, there are now as many as 711,000 fly-tipping incidents each
year, which cost a whopping £36 million to clean up.
You’d think that with a problem so widespread, so expensive and so
upsetting to so many of us, more would be done to stop it. But that
would be to reckon without the bureaucracy and institutionalised chaos
that have done so much to make it possible.
Yes, of course some travellers are partly to blame. So, too, are the
organised criminal gangs that now find fly-tipping almost as profitable
as drug dealing. But the real problem is the system itself. On closer
scrutiny, this epidemic of illegal waste-disposal is not happening
despite our stringent environmental laws. It’s happening because of
The main culprit, you could argue — at least as bad as any crime lord —
was Labour’s former Environment Secretary David Miliband. It was he who
negotiated and implemented in Britain the 2008 EU Waste Framework
Directive, with its stringent rules demanding more recycling, more
incineration and a dramatic reduction in the use of landfill.
Community disposal sites where small businesses could conveniently and
cheaply dump their rubbish were closed. A plethora of new bin collection
days and recycling bags of different colours were introduced, too. This
was when fly-tipping really took off in Britain.
But the Conservatives must bear their share of blame, too, notably Tory
peer and green activist Lord Deben. Eighteen years ago, Secretary of
State for the Environment John Gummer (as he then was) set the ball
rolling by introducing Britain’s first eco tax: the 1996 Landfill Tax,
which brought us into line with an earlier, less rigorous EU directive
on waste.
Like so many disastrous green policies, the tax was devised with the
noblest of intentions. Its purpose was to make Britain dispose of its
rubbish in a more eco-friendly way. Traditionally, we had been able to
get rid of it cheaply by burying it in old quarries or gravel pits.
The tax was designed to discourage this practice by making it
progressively more expensive. In this way, we would be persuaded to
recycle more of our rubbish (as many of our greener Continental
neighbours already did) and put less waste in the ground, where it might
rot and produce methane, possibly contributing to ‘global warming’.
That, at any rate, was the official purpose of the EU directive behind
the tax. The unofficial one was to satisfy the grumbles of EU states
such as Denmark and the Netherlands, which for geographical reasons had
less landfill space than Britain, and which successfully lobbied
Brussels to level the playing field so we no longer enjoyed the
competitive advantage of cheaper rubbish disposal.
It all sounds very involved and dull. It was involved and dull. But the
impact these waste disposal laws had on our lives was enormous.
Think how much time you now have to spend each week painstakingly
separating your rubbish into as many as half a dozen coloured bags,
boxes and bins. Think how complicated it has become to take household
waste to the local dump.
In the old days, you’ll remember, it was easy. Now it’s like trying to
get into Fort Knox. My municipal dump in Northamptonshire, for example,
reminds me of a reverse version of The Great Escape. First, you have to
join the queue — often a long one at weekends — to get inside the wire.
Then you are interrogated by the council operative whose job is to
ascertain a) whether you are local (some councils require ID); b) you
are not a professional builder (in which case entrance is verboten: it’s
for domestic users only); and c) the precise nature of the materials
you wish to chuck away.
Friendly enough though these council workers are, you have to suck up to
them mightily because they know, and you know, that they have the power
to turn you away at the drop of a hat. It takes you back to the dark
days of the Seventies when, if you weren’t nice to the unionised
installation engineer, you wouldn’t get your telephone for another three
This, unfortunately and inevitably, is what happens when a fairly simple
free-market system is replaced by a state bureaucracy: everything
becomes harder, more complicated, less efficient. And much more
Even to dispose of simple builder’s rubble now usually costs £15 to £20 a
ton — plus a journey of perhaps 30 miles, often through heavy traffic
to the outskirts of town, to the nearest commercial waste dump, which
you can’t enter without a permit.
This can rise to as much as £600 a ton if the waste is deemed hazardous.
So we should hardly be surprised that some people are tempted to bend
the rules, save money and dispose of their rubbish illegally instead.
For some groups, fly-tipping is a matter of convenience. Some travellers
do it because of the transient nature of their lifestyle (which means
they don’t use residential waste disposal services) and because their
traditional trades (tarmac, building, scrap) involve large amounts of
For others, it’s about saving money: why pay a legitimate company £200
for a skip when you can pay a dodgy operator half that price, cash in
hand, for an illegal one?
For others still, it’s a question of outrageous profit.
Even ten years ago, according to an Environment Department report,
organised gangs were making as much as £1 million a year from illegal
waste disposal. As one local authority officer told the London Assembly
Environment Committee at the time: ‘Drug barons are moving out of drugs
and into fly-tipping. There’s more money in it and less risk.’
Certainly, the penalties if you’re caught are much smaller. Deal cocaine
and you risk a life sentence and the confiscation of all your assets.
The very worst you’ll face for fly-tipping — and only then if you’re
convicted in a Crown Court — is an unlimited fine and five years’
imprisonment. But even that is highly unlikely because councils so
rarely prosecute.
Sometimes this is the result of inefficiency, shortage of money or
understaffing. But even those councils eager to act — such as
Stoke-on-Trent, which fields 400 fly-tipping complaints a month, or
Derby City Council, which has set up a special night ‘enforcement team’ —
find themselves hamstrung by the legal system.
Fly-tipping is notoriously hard to prove, with only one case in 50
leading to a successful prosecution. And even when a council wins, it
can prove a Pyrrhic victory. As the Local Government Authority noted
this year, too often the courts award only partial costs, which leaves
the council out of pocket.
Meanwhile, the Environment Agency has its own £17 million task force,
which has brought several hundred prosecutions against illegal waste
operators. But the penalties are so puny, it’s no wonder so many
criminals are moving into the business.
One Lancashire gang operating six illegal waste sites — which, according
to one report, involved ‘chemical drums filled with acids,
pharmaceutical vials, oil sludge, waste inks and crushed tablets, as
well as 1,000-litre containers marked ‘carcinogenic contents’, plus
another marked ‘explosive on contact with water’ and stored under a
leaking roof — ended up with jail terms of just 18 months.
At this point, you may be wondering what spectacular benefits to the
environment we will gain as compensation for all the criminality,
damage, expense, inconvenience and wasted man-hours that have resulted
from the Landfill Tax and the EU’s waste directives.
Will the planet be significantly less likely to fry as a result of
global warming? Will countless acres of green and pleasant land be
spared the ruination caused by landfill? Will recycling save the world?
If only. The facts, unfortunately, suggest otherwise. Take all that
sorting and recycling we have to do, on pain of a fine from our local
It turns out this is just an exercise in EU-compliant box-ticking.
Often, once our carefully sifted rubbish has been collected — and duly
noted as ‘recycled’ under the EU’s definitions — it ends up either being
buried like ordinary landfill or shipped to places like China.
As for the green argument that landfill leads to methane and methane is a
greenhouse gas that increases global warming, well, perhaps this made
sense at the height of the scare in the Nineties, but it seems less
convincing now there has been no recorded global warming since 1998.
In any case, the technology is now available for methane from landfill
to be harvested and used as renewable energy, so you would have thought
the greenies ought to be in favour, not agin.
Finally, we come to the most threadbare case against landfill: that
there simply isn’t enough space to accommodate all the waste we produce.
This isn’t true, as Richard North of the Eureferendum blog notes.
Every year Britain produces about 70 million cubic metres of municipal
waste, while it has more than 819 million cubic metres available for
landfill — a figure that increases by 114 million cubic metres a year as
more quarries and gravel pits are dug.
By far the most attractive and safe option would be to have these gaping
holes filled with rubbish and covered over or reclaimed, so the
landscape looks almost as it did before.
This would have knock-on benefits for the aggregates industry, which
could offset its costs — as it did in the old days — with waste
It would release local councils from layer upon layer of regulatory
bureaucracy. No longer would we have to waste time pointlessly sifting
our rubbish. And it would, of course, bring an almost immediate end to
This, after all, was the system that worked perfectly well for us before
our politicians and the EU stuck their oars in. If only we had the will
and the courage of our convictions, it could work just as well for us
Wind Industry 101: #1 ALWAYS Lie About “Unhelpful” FACTS: #2 (if #1 Fails) SUPPRESS the FACTS
Wind Industry 101: Rule #1 – ALWAYS Lie about the “unhelpful” stuff.
Lies, treachery and deceit are all in a day’s work for wind power
outfits, their parasites and spruikers (see posts here and here and
But lies about “unhelpful” facts tend to lose their shine as the facts
in question keep bobbing up from credible observers – in much the same
way piles of dead birds and bats keep accumulating at the bases of giant
fans all over the world – and in their millions.
A few “unhelpful” facts on the ground.
The tactic – straight from “Wind Industry 101” – is simply to lie about
any “unhelpful” facts and – when that fails – go all out to cover up
those facts by either launching a vitriolic personal attack on those
presenting the facts – or trundling off to court to prevent the facts
from ever seeing the light of day
And, so it is, with the known and obvious adverse health impacts from
incessant turbine generated low-frequency noise and infrasound that have
led many families to simply walk away from perfectly good (but now
uninhabitable) homes
Wherever wind power outfits have had to concede such impacts to their
victims they quietly buy out their properties, bulldoze them and
make damn sure they stitch up the unfortunate (homeless) family with
bullet proof gag clauses – that their lawyers enforce with the
zeal and vigour of the Old GDR’s Stasi
But the “game” gets harder by the day.
Health Canada and Wind Turbines: Too little too late?
Industrial wind turbines (IWTs) are being erected at rapid pace around
the world. Coinciding with the introduction of IWTs, some individuals
living in proximity to IWTs report adverse health effects including
annoyance, sleep disturbance, stress-related health impacts and reduced
quality of life.
[i],[ii],[iii],[iv],[v],[vi],[vii],[viii],[ix],[x],[xi],[xii] In some
cases Canadian families reporting adverse health effects have abandoned
their homes, been billeted away from their homes or hired legal counsel
to successfully reach a financial agreement with the wind energy
To help address public concern over these health effects Health Canada
(HC) announced the Health Canada Wind Turbine Noise and Health Study (HC
Study) 2 years ago and brought forth preliminary results November 6,
Here we briefly comment on the HC Study results and provide some historical context.
Acknowledgement of IWT adverse health effects is not new. The term
“annoyance” frequently appears when discussing IWT health effects.
In a 2009 letter the Honourable Rona Ambrose, disclosed:
“Health Canada provides advice on the health effect of noise and
low-frequency electric and magnetic fields from proposed wind turbine
projects…To date, their examination of the scientific literature on wind
turbine noise is that the only health effect conclusively demonstrated
from exposure to wind turbine noise is an increase of self-reported
general annoyance and complaints (i.e., headaches, nausea, tinnitus,
vertigo).” [xiv]
In 2009, the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) sponsored a
literature review which acknowledges the reported symptoms such as
headaches, nausea, tinnitus, vertigo and state they “… are not new and
have been published previously in the context of “annoyance”…” and are
the “… well-known stress effects of exposure to noise …”[xv]
In 2011, a health survey of people exposed to IWTs in Ontario reported
altered quality of life, sleep disturbance, excessive tiredness,
headaches, stress and distress. [xvi]
In the same year, CanWEA posted a media release which advised those
impacted by wind turbine annoyance stating “The association has always
acknowledged that a small percentage of people can be annoyed by wind
turbines in their vicinity. … When annoyance has a significant impact on
an individual’s quality of life, it is important that they consult
their doctor.”[xvii]
It turns out it’s not a small percentage of people annoyed by wind
turbines. An Ontario Government report concluded a non-trivial
percentage of persons are expected to be highly annoyed.
The December 2011 report prepared by a member of CanWEA for the Ontario Ministry of Environment states in the conclusions:
“The audible sound from wind turbines, at the levels experienced at
typical receptor distances in Ontario, is nonetheless expected to result
in a non-trivial percentage of persons being highly annoyed. As with
sounds from many sources, research has shown that annoyance associated
with sound from wind turbines can be expected to contribute to stress
related health impacts in some persons.”[xviii]
The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledges noise induced annoyance
to be a health effect [xix] and the results of WHO research
“…confirmed, on an epidemiological level, an increased health risk from
chronic noise annoyance…”[xx]
HC also acknowledges noise induced annoyance to be an adverse health
effect. [xxi],[xxii] The Principal Investigator of the recent HC Study
also states “noise-induced annoyance is an adverse health effect”.
Canadian Government sponsored research has found statistically significant relationships from IWT noise exposure.
A 2014 review article in the Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine reports:
“In 2013, research funded by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment
indicated a statistically significant relation between residents’
distance from the turbine and the symptoms of disturbed sleep, vertigo
and tinnitus, and recommended that future research focus on the effects
of wind turbine noise on sleep disturbance and symptoms of inner ear
problems.” [xxiv]
Recently on November 6, 2014, HC posted on its website preliminary
results of its HC Study[xxv]. Wind turbine noise “…. annoyance was found
to be statistically related to several self-reporting health effects
including, but not limited to, blood pressure, migraines, tinnitus,
dizziness, scores on the PSQI, and perceived stress” as well as related
to “measured hair cortisol, systolic and diastolic blood pressure.”
These troubling results come as no surprise. Since at least 2007 HC
employees including the Principal Investigator of the HC Study
recommended wind turbine noise criteria which they predict will result
in adverse health effects. (i.e. result in an increase percentage highly
Then turbines were built and HC spent 2.1 million dollars to find out it
appears to have under predicted the impact of IWT noise. HC’s IWT noise
criteria does not use a dose response based on IWT noise but rather
road noise. But of course IWTs are not cars and peer-reviewed studies
consistently document that IWTs produce sound that is perceived to be
more annoying than transportation or industrial noise at comparable
sound pressure levels. [xxix],[xxx]
IWT noise annoyance starts at dBA sound pressure levels in the low 30s
and rises sharply at 35 dBA as compared to road noise which starts at 55
dBA. These findings are further supported by the HC Study’s preliminary
results. [xxxi]
IWT noise characteristics that are identified as plausible causes for
reported health effects include amplitude modulation, audible low-
frequency noise (LFN), infrasound, tonal noise, impulse noise and
night-time noise. [xxxii]
Take Your Pick of Lies About Ozone, Methane or Mercury
By Alan Caruba
Is it surprising that the Environmental Protection Agency continues to
tell big fat lies about anything it wants to ban, but is reluctant to
show the “science” on which the bans are based?
There is currently a piece of legislation under consideration by
Congress, the Secret Science Reform Act, to force the EPA to disclose
its scientific and technical information before proposing or finalizing
any regulation.
This is what Nicolas Loris of The Heritage Foundation had to say
regarding the mercury air and toxics rule that the EPA claims would
produce $53 billion to $140 billion in annual health and environmental
benefits. “The two studies that represent the scientific foundation for
1997 ozone and PM2.5 National Ambient Air Quality Standards are highly
questionable and the data concealed, even though the studies were paid
for by federal taxpayers and thus should be public property.”
In addition to claims about carbon dioxide as a dreaded “greenhouse”
gas, methane is also getting the attention of those opposed to
“fracking”, a technique that has provided access to both natural gas and
oil. James M. Taylor, a Senior Fellow with The Heartland Institute, a
free market think tank, noted in January that “Natural gas has high
methane content, but the methane is converted to energy when natural gas
is burnt.” Citing U.S. Energy Information Administration data, Taylor
noted “The ongoing decline in methane emissions supplements ongoing
declines in U.S. carbon dioxide emissions.” Since 2000 both are down
between 6% AND 9%.
The EPA is forever claiming billions in "health benefits" that result
from their regulations. The public never gets to see the data on which
such claims are based. The regulations, however, cost billions.
The day before Thanksgiving, the EPA announced that it intends to
propose an updated national standard for ground-level ozone, otherwise
known as smog, based in part on the enforcement of rules concerning
mercury. The previous day, the Supreme Court said it would review the
agency’s standards requiring reductions of mercury emissions and other
elements the EPA regards as toxic air pollution.
To put all this in perspective, in August CNS News’ Penny Starr reported
on a study by the National Association of Manufacturers regarding the
EPA’s proposed regulation of ozone. It found that “it could be the
costliest federal rule by reducing the Gross National Product by $270
billion per year and $3.4 trillion from 2017 to 2040, and adds $3.3
trillion in compliance costs for the same period.” NAM president,
Jay Timmons, said “The regulation has the capacity to stop the
manufacturing comeback in its tracks.”
Concurrently with NAM, the American Petroleum Institute released an
analysis of the NAM study that said “The nation’s air quality has
improved over the past several years, and ozone emissions will continue
to decline without new regulations.” NAM’s vice president of energy and
resources policy, Ross Eisenberg, said, “We are rapidly approaching a
point where we are requiring manufacturers to do the impossible.”
That, however, is exactly what the ozone regulation is intended to do.
This has nothing to do with health and everything to do with destroying
the nation’s power producers and manufacturers, reducing vital
electrical energy, and forcing factories of every description to close.
At the upper levels of the atmosphere, the stratosphere, ozone is
essential to the survival of life on Earth because ozone filters harmful
ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight. Otherwise the radiation would
damage both plant and animal life. The reason you get sunburned is that
too much UV radiation has caused it. Like everything else in nature,
too much or too little determines the harm or benefit it provides, but
that too is largely determined by nature.
Ozone is a form of elemental oxygen, but it’s not something you want to
breathe. As Wikipedia notes, “It is not emitted directly by car engines
or by industrial operations, but formed by the reaction of sunlight on
air containing hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides that react to form ozone
directly at the source of the pollution or many kilometers down wind.”
The initial mandate of the EPA to clean the air and water has been
achieved. That is why smog is relatively rare nationwide. Further
regulation is regressive.
As for mercury, in 2011 the EPA issued 946 pages of new rules requiring
U.S. power plants to sharply reduce their emissions of mercury even
though they were already quite low. As with the proposed ozone rules,
the EPA claimed that they would cost $10.9 billion annually to
implement, but would save 17,000 lives while generating $140 billion in
health benefits. This is all just hogwash. Such figures are just plucked
out of the air or, worse, based on “science” the public paid for but is
not allowed to see!
Does anybody find it bizarre that, while the EPA is trying to remove the
tiniest amounts of mercury in the environment, in 2011 Congress passed a
law eliminate the incandescent light bulb and required their
replacement by fluorescent lights that contain mercury?
As Willie Soon and Paul Driessen wrote in a 2011 Wall Street Journal
commentary, “Mercury has always existed naturally in Earth’s
environment. Mercury is found in air, water, rocks, soil and trees,
which absorb it from the environment.” They noted that “Since our power
plants account for less than 0.5% of all the mercury in the air we
breathe, eliminating every milligram of it will do nothing about the
other 99.5% in our atmosphere.”
The fundamental EPA lies about ozone and mercury involve the issue of
toxicity. Since both are a natural part of the Earth, and since the
Earth is 4.5 billion years old, and since life expectancy has been
increasing dramatically in recent decades, the likelihood that either
represents a threat requiring the expenditure of billions to reduce tiny
amounts of their emissions is based on environmental ideology, not on
Even if it was based on alleged science we would, as noted, not be
allowed to see the data. If this reminds you of the way ObamaCare was
foisted on “the stupid voters”, you’re right. The EPA hopes you are
stupid enough not to realize that it is engaged in the destruction of
the economy.
Australia: Radioactive meltdown over gas recovery is a total beat-up
More Greenie crookedness
THE anti-coal seam gas lobby has jumped the shark with its phoney scare
campaign against drilling in NSW and Queensland. While there are
legitimate arguments about access to good farming land and discussions
about artesian water to be had, the Lock the Gate Alliance and its media
promoters at the ABC and in the Fairfax press are promoting utterly
nonsensical claims to feed the inherent biases of their green-left
anti-development followers.
Last Monday, in its rapidly shrinking editions, The Sydney Morning
Herald warned that “radioactive material is being used at some coal seam
gas drilling sites in NSW, raising concerns about potential health and
environmental impacts”.
Here’s some news for The Herald’s small band of readers — radioactive
material is also being used at most leading hospitals in Australia, and
it’s being used in almost exactly the same manner for the same reasons
that it’s being used by those hoping to unlock domestic reliable clean
energy sources.
In hospitals, the isotopes (some produced at Lucas Heights — which the
deep greens want to shut down, denying patients their lifesaving
medications) are introduced into our bodies in therapies such as
brachytherapy. The radioactive isotope is commonly contained in a liquid
which patients drink, or in a pill which they swallow, and is used in
the treatment of breast, prostate, cervical and skin cancers.
The caesium-137 (CS137) used by gas drillers is also about the size of a
pill. Unlike the doses used in medicine it never comes into contact
with any person. It is used for measuring rock and fluid densities in a
gas deposit.
The isotope is sealed inside a container and never comes into contact with earth, gas or fracking fluid.
It is not used for drilling or for fracking, but for making scientific
measurements in a situation where no other measuring device will do the
job effectively.
Publicly available information, on the Australian Radiation Protection
and Nuclear Safety Agency website, states the radioisotopes used in
medicine (ingested therapies) are more dangerous than in densitometers.
Caesium 137 used in the treatment of tumours is up to 1500 times more
intense than that used in well-logging (oil/gas). The CS137 used in
brachytherapy emits energy in the range 3-12 curies. It is deemed
category 2 — “very dangerous” — by the International Atomic Energy
The CS137 used in well-logging is in the range 1-2 curies. It is deemed
“dangerous” by the IAEA, which says exposure to this level of radiation
is “extremely unlikely” to permanently injure or be life-threatening.
There would be “little or no risk of immediate health risks for any
person beyond a few metres”.
Why this would raise concern with anyone is a mystery but, hey, the SMH
and ABC have a distinguished record of presenting humbug to prop up the
prejudices of their inner urban audiences.
The SMH used all the scare tactics at its command to induce panic among
the basket-weaving luvvies, noting that the CS137 is “produced in
nuclear reactors, the material is potentially deadly and among the main
radiation concerns at failed power stations at Chernobyl and Fukushima”.
Know what? The forecourt of the federal parliament building is
radioactive. Lock the Gate Alliance protesters shouldn’t linger there
too long or they may set their Geiger counters clicking.
For that matter, bananas are also radioactive.
Watch out for those spooky figures in pyjamas — and eating 20 million bananas would give you a fatal dose of radioactivity.
That’s as likely to occur as anyone being affected by the CS137 being
used to measure liquid density in the Pilliga — but the SMH won’t tell
you that because it would destroy its dishonest campaign.
The SMH scarily says CS137 is “used for drilling”, which implies a
digging purpose. A more accurate description is that the enclosed
isotope is used in tandem with a detection device — after the well has
been drilled — as a tool for confirming underground rock and fluid
This enclosed isotope and detection apparatus is called a densitometer.
And, as per usual, the SMH uses unsubstantiated claims by activists to support the thrust of its story.
“Environmental groups say the use of radioactive material is not
disclosed in the CSG projects’ review of environmental factors ...” the
Herald’s article says.
If the SMH had bothered checking properly, it would have found the inclusion of the CS137 at Appendix A of the REF.
An anti-gas campaigner is quoted saying the use of CS137 is “downplayed”
(implying that it actually is mentioned) and that the inclusion of
household ingredients is “played up”.
Hmmm, perhaps the reason CS137 is not “played up” is because it is NOT
included in the fracking fluids, to which the household products
reference is directed — and it is a fact that most of the chemicals used
in fracking can be found in the average house — kitchen or laundry.
All of these chemicals are disclosed by the gas companies (including the
CS137, although this has nothing to do with the fracking fluid, which
the activists continually and inaccurately claim contains toxic
The SMH reports Lock The Gate spokeswoman Vicki Perrin saying she is
disturbed “there are exposure standards for workers but no exposure
standards for the community”.
Of greater concern is the SMH’s embrace of her false claim as the
regulations are explicitly drafted to protect the community and the
environment, including the workers. So let’s review the facts that the
SMH wilfully ignored in its report.
The use of the isotope is commonplace in many industries, including medicine.
Its use in gas drilling is approved under licence, including explicit handling regulations.
The encased isotopes so terrifyingly represented by the SMH pose no threat to people or environment.
Its use is disclosed in the environmental factors report approved by the
government regulatory authorities and is publicised by the gas
companies mentioned in the article.
It’s to be presumed that members of the SMH staff and Lock the Gate and
other protest groups will henceforth refuse any treatment involving
nuclear medicines. It would be supreme hypocrisy not to.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
1 December, 2014
Energy Market Impacts of Recent Federal Regulations on the Electric Power Sector
Executive Summary
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued several new
regulations on the electric power sector in recent years, the vast
majority of which target power plant emissions under the authority of
the Clean Air Act (CAA).
These regulations include, but are not limited to: new National Ambient
Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ozone and particulate matter; the
CrossState Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) to address interstate transport of
air pollution; Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) under CAA
Section 112; and regional haze regulations intended to improve
visibility in public parks.
Most recently, in June 2014, under the authority of CAA section 111(d),
the EPA proposed guidelines to cut carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from
existing fossil-fueled power generating units in the electric power
sector. The proposed rule is referred to as the Clean Power Plan (CPP),
and the EPA believes it would achieve CO2 emission reductions from the
power sector of approximately 30% by 2030 versus 2005 levels.
Each of these regulations has imposed new costs on the electric power sector, and, by extension, consumers.
A great deal of research has been put forward to assess the impact of
the CPP on the U.S. economy. Most has focused on the incremental costs
of the CPP relative to a particular baseline.
The purpose of this study by Energy Ventures Analysis (EVA) is to better
understand the cumulative impact the proposed CPP, recent air
regulations and other market forces will have on both the U.S. economy
as a whole and on average U.S. households. The study analyzes the
increases in electricity and gas costs from 2012 (the base year of EPA’s
CPP proposal) to 2020, the first year of EPA’s interim CO2 targets.
The cost comparisons are presented in both nominal and real dollars.
However, because income growth is being outpaced by inflation for many
Americans (the lower earning half of U.S. households experienced a 25%
decline in real income from 2001-2014), the authors of this report
believe that it is more appropriate to focus on the results in nominal
Cost Impacts
EVA’s evaluation identified potential oversights in the EPA’s
assumptions and analyses across multiple regulations, the combination of
which has resulted in the EPA underestimating the actual cost of
compliance with these regulations and their impact on energy markets.
Additionally, baseline electricity and natural gas prices are expected
to rise over the next 10 years. EVA’s study estimated the combined
impact of these market factors, recent final regulations, and the
proposed CPP and found:
* Annual power and gas costs for residential, commercial and
industrial customers in America would be $284 billion higher ($173
billion in real terms4) in 2020 compared to 2012—a 60% (37%) increase. ±
Electricity cost increases represent $177 billion ($98 billion) and
natural gas increases represent $107 billion ($75 billion) of the $284
billion ($173 billion) cost increase from 2012 to 2020.
* In 2020, annual residential power and gas costs would be
$102 billion ($87 billion) higher and would continue to escalate in
subsequent years.
Average annual household gas and power bills would increase by $680 ($293) or 35% (15%) from 2012 to 2020.
± Annual average electricity bills would increase approximately $340
($102) or 27% (8%) from 2012 to 2020. ± Annual average home gas heating
bills would increase approximately $340 ($190) or 50% (28%) from 2012 to
* The cost of electricity and natural gas will be impacted in
large part due to an almost 135% increase in the wholesale price of
natural gas (100% in real dollars), from $2.82/mmbtu in 2012 to
approximately $6.60/mmbtu ($5.63) in 2020. These increases are due to
baseline market and policy impacts between 2012 and 2020 as well as
significantly increased pressure on gas prices resulting from recent EPA
regulations on the power sector and the proposed CPP.5
* On a percentage basis, the U.S. industrial sector would be
affected most severely, as its total cost of electricity and natural gas
would approach $200 billion ($170 billion) in 2020, a 92% (64%)
increase from 2012. ± Increased operational costs in the industrial
sector are of particular concern for energy intensive industries in the
U.S. such as aluminum, steel and chemicals manufacturing, which require
low energy prices to compete. ± Industrial power consumers would be
expected to pass energy cost increases on to their customers, affecting
the costs of goods purchased by American consumers over and above
increased monthly utility bills.
* The five states that would bear the greatest increases in annual
residential power bills are Texas, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, Maryland
and Rhode Island. Families in these states would experience average
electricity increases of more than $660 ($566) annually beginning in
2020 compared with 2012. ± In order to comply with the combined impact
of recent power sector regulations and the proposed CPP, these states
would face the choice of significantly increasing gas generation and/or
significantly increasing wind and solar generation. The reduced
operation of coal-fueled generation would render the surviving
coal-fired power plants less efficient, producing more CO2 per megawatt
hour (MWh) than if they operated at full output.
* With regard to gas bills, colder weather states in the Northeast
and Upper Midwest that use the most natural gas per household would
bear the greatest impacts.
* The states that would incur the largest total cost increases on a
percentage basis are Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana and North Dakota,
averaging more than 115% increase in annual electricity and natural gas
bills from 2012 to 2020
Much more
In my view, industrialisation has added to the greenhouse gases of the
world and thus to global warming (1). Moreover, CO2 is the most
significant manmade greenhouse gas. So we should move to a low-carbon or
zero-carbon world, right?
Not so fast. This simplistic, black-and-white view of carbon is far too
prevalent. About 18 per cent of the human body is carbon. Trees and
plants, which form a sink for CO2 and turn it, through photosynthesis,
into oxygen, are made of carbon. Coal- and gas-fired power stations that
emit CO2 are not ‘dirty’, and nor is it right, when referring to CO2
emissions, to contrast ‘dirty’ coal with ‘cleaner’ gas. It’s time to
rescue carbon from its pariah status.
There is widespread hatred for the stuff. In America, the National
Resources Defense Council wants to ‘stamp out’ humanity’s carbon
footprint, even though no two calculators of one’s personal footprint
have been known to agree. Not content with inveighing against ‘dirty’
energy, Canadian radical Naomi Klein’s new book, This Changes
Everything, uses the phrase ‘carbon-spewing’ five times – about roads,
container ships, jumbo jets, holidays and China’s Pearl River Delta.
Away from the vomit, environmentalists want zero-carbon homes, cities
and resorts. And there are the websites: here, for example, or here.
It’s all very one-sided. As the Italian chemist Primo Levi reflected in
Auschwitz, carbon is ‘the only element that can bind itself in long
stable chains without a great expense of energy, and for life on Earth
(the only one we know so far) precisely long chains are required.
Therefore carbon is the key element of living substance.’ The chemistry
of carbon (2) gives it a unique versatility, not just in the artificial
world, but also, and above all, in the animal, vegetable and – speak it
loud! – human kingdoms. Not for nothing was the EU’s recent Rosetta
space mission to one of our solar system’s comets dedicated to – and
successful at – finding carbon, the source of life on Earth.
Carbon apps in materials, electronics, solar power – and materials again
The applications of carbon in the world of materials alone show how
wonderful it is. As it happens, Rosetta’s lander module, Philae, had a
frame, antenna and landing legs made of carbon fibre. Back on Earth,
America’s Food and Drug Administration last year approved our old
carbon-based friend, plastics, for cranial implants. Connecticut’s
Oxford Performance Materials uses polyetherketoneketone, which is a
high-performance thermoplastic, for the job.
In electronics, one kind of carbon – carbon nanotubes, or CNTs – is now
working with another, one-carbon-molecule-thick graphene. The result is
applications that promise to be impressive once they move out of the
lab. Carefully aligned single-walled CNTs, when mixed with
nitrogen-doped sheets of reduced graphene oxide, can make fibres that
can be woven into clothing to act as long-life micro-supercapacitors, so
powering wearable medical devices with as much clout as conventional
lithium-ion batteries. Again in flexible electronics, strong,
fast-working CNT circuits can now be doped by another carbon-based
material, DMBI, so they can handle fluctuations in power just as well as
rigid silicon chips, and can beat bendy but specially formulated
plastic electronics on strength and performance.
CNTs show the myriad roles that carbon can perform. When bonded to
graphene, they could make powerful solar cells. There is also the
extraordinary news that, at modest temperatures and pressures and with
no hairy chemicals, pushing controlled, alternating voltage pulses
across single-walled networks of CNTs can enlarge their diameter, give
them multiple walls, or turn them into multi-layered nanoribbons of
graphene: good for high-conductivity electronics, as well as for
reinforcing composites in transport and sports equipment.
Apart from its physics and chemistry, the biology bound up with carbon
confirms its technological prowess. From wood and fibre crops, the EU’s
Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) aims to develop pulped cellulose –
(C6H10O5)n – into textiles, films and thermoplastics. It wants to
improve the fermentation of crops to make biosurfactants for cleaning,
and specialty carbohydrates with applications cheaper than those that
already exist in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals.
Other BIC projects may create, from new techniques of processing forest
products, materials for packaging, papers, fibres and glues, as well as
components in construction and cars. Through similar strategies with
beet pulp, potato pulp and brewers’ spent grain, the BIC also hopes for
new paints and coatings, too (3).
Making use of CO2
The miracles of carbon, whether in nanotubes, layers of graphene, or
long-chain molecules, give the lie to environmentalism’s absolutist
disgust for it. But what verdict should be made about CO2, the gas? Once
again, it isn’t an unalloyed evil.
In the US, three companies – Skyonic, Joule and Novomer – are worth
tracking over the next few years. Skyonic combines salt, water and
electricity with the emissions from power plants to produce baking soda,
hydrochloric acid and bleach.
Joule? Deploying genetically engineered bacterial catalysts, it uses
modular, scalable converter ponds to turn concentrated industrial waste
CO2, non-potable water and sunlight directly into different fuels,
including a species of diesel which it claims is free of sulphur and
aromatic chemicals. Joule believes this process is superior to that
which generates fuels from algae.
Last, Novomer has developed metallic catalysts, such as beta-diiminate
zinc acetate, that can quickly polymerise CO2 by bonding it, in
pressurised reactors that operate with low temperatures and energy
inputs, to small organic molecules called epoxides. The outcome:
relatively inexpensive and biodegradable plastics (polycarbonates,
polyurethanes) that are up to 50 per cent composed of CO2.
Much more tricky than these kinds of processes is the retrieval of CO2
from the atmosphere, rather than from industry. Such a process has both
advocates and detractors. But we shouldn’t yet rush to dismiss ‘air
capture’ as eternally difficult and uneconomical or, to paraphrase
Klein, as a falsely comforting distraction from the need to change our
lifestyles. Global warming has still left us plenty of years in which to
make the technology a viable proposition (4).
Toward a new carbon infrastructure
Richard Branson’s Virgin Earth Challenge is a competition for air
capturers of CO2 that offers just $25million in prize money. Yet as
Klein notes, Branson is on record as saying: ‘Carbon is the enemy. Let’s
attack it in any possible way we can, or many people will die just like
in any war.’ Clearly, hyperbole and alarmism characterise even the
can-do camp among those who make global warming their Alpha and their
The industrial-scale recycling of CO2, and the harnessing of carbon in
all branches of industry, exposes how a messianic – indeed, Manichean –
hostility to carbon is a one-sided fraud. In the third paragraph of
Capital, Karl Marx observed that to discover the various uses of things
‘is the work of history’. On the whole, then, the world is still in a
prehistoric period in relation to carbon. It has yet fully to realise
the potential of this most remarkable of atoms.
We will never enter a New Carbon Economy – that phrase, too, would be
hyperbolic, just like the Internet Economy, the Biotech Century and all
the rest. But the world could really do with a new carbon infrastructure
(5), in which the properties of the element are used on a truly
ambitious scale.
Some greens like ‘organic’ farming; yet that irrational cause does not
prevent even them from castigating carbon in all its other forms. It’s
time to get things straight. Even CO2 need not always be a problem. So
let’s hear it for carbon!
How the Government’s Decision to Declare This Species Threatened May Hurt Its Survival
No good deed goes unpunished. Or at least, such was the case earlier
this month when the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the Gunnison
sage grouse as a “threatened” species.
Threats to the bird resulting from drought, disease, and habitat moved
the states and particularly Gunnison County, Colo., to find creative
solutions to protect and re-establish the bird.
Over the past 20 years, Utah’s and Colorado’s ranchers, conservationists
and state and local leaders have worked to protect the Gunnison sage
grouse. Utah, Colorado and the citizens of Gunnison County have spent
more than $50 million during the past 20 years to conserve the Gunnison
sage grouse.
Their mistake? They thought that a stable population in the Gunnison Valley would prevent the bird from being federally listed.
Yet the Fish and Wildlife Service did exactly that.
Despite Coloradans’ efforts, the Wild Earth Guardians—an environmental
extremist lobbying organization—pressured the Fish and Wildlife Service
to list the bird as endangered under the Endangered Species Act by Nov.
12 in an out-of-court settlement. The Fish and Wildlife Service
announced its decision to list the bird as “threatened” and to designate
more than 1.4 million acres of potential habitat.
The decision has been met with bipartisan displeasure.
House Natural Resources Chairman Doc Hastings, R-Wash., said it was
“further evidence that the administration is more interested in meeting
arbitrary settlement deadlines than basing decisions on actual science
and data.”
Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat, responded that “this sends a
discouraging message to communities willing to take significant actions
to protect species and complicates our good-faith efforts to work with
local stakeholders on locally driven approaches.”
Utah Gov. Gary Herbert, a Republican, called the decision a step backward for conservation and the economy.
Obama repeatedly has said we don’t need to choose between the
environment and stewarding our natural resources, but the
administration’s decision dangerously assumes the exact opposite.
The Endangered Species Act, under which the Fish and Wildlife Service
acted, perversely incentivizes the endangerment of vulnerable species by
pitting landowners—the bird’s most immediate and natural
caretakers—against vulnerable species by inviting heavy-handed federal
intervention that often completely devalues property.
Property owners wanting to take action to protect a threatened species on their property invite federal intervention.
Given the way the Endangered Species Act works now, federal bureaucrats
too often attempt to solve the problem by simply stopping development.
For many, that risk is too costly and, as a result, these species
suffer. For example, in the 1980s, one North Carolina landowner was
arrested for cutting down pine trees on his property because the trees
were a potential habitat for endangered red-cockaded woodpeckers.
Or consider this example from 2012. The Friends of Animals and WildEarth
Guardians filed suit against the Fish and Wildlife Service to require
Texas game ranchers to get a “take permit” from the federal government
before hunting animals raised on their own private property. The addax,
Dama gazelle and scimitar-horned oryx (affectionately known as the
“three amigos”) are endangered in their native Africa, but Texas game
ranches had begun raising and building up herds. They funded their
efforts by offering select hunts.
Before the “environmentalists” won their lawsuit, ranchers pre-emptively
offered inexpensive hunts to capitalize on their investment before
regulations were finalized and devalued the hunts. As a result, the
Exotic Wildlife Association estimated that the “three amigos” numbers in
Texas are now at one-half to one-third of their 2010 levels.
The Fish and Wildlife Service’s Gunnison sage grouse decision also may
have a similar chilling effect on existing efforts to conserve the
species. Of course this doesn’t matter to some extremists groups already
promising to sue Fish and Wildlife Service for anything short of an
“endangered” listing for the grouse.
Listing the Gunnison sage grouse disempowers and alienates rural
landowners and ignores the concerted efforts of states and communities
to protect the grouse. Species conservation efforts should be conducted
on a situation-specific basis where the respect of private property and
personal liberty are recognized as some of the most important tools to
protecting America’s threatened species.
EPA Proposes Extreme Air Quality Standards
The Environmental Protection Agency just released its proposed new standard on ground-level ozone, which is a component of smog.
Every five years, the EPA is required by law to review and, if appropriate, revise these standards.
In 2008, the EPA issued an ozone standard of 75 parts per billion (ppb).
The new standard proposed by the EPA would decrease that level to 65–70
ppb, though the EPA is still openly considering an even lower standard
of 60 ppb.
The EPA will use every reason under the sun to explain why this new
standard is necessary for public health and safety. But here are a few
things to keep in mind as the nation begins to discuss what such a
standard could mean:
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy expects you to take
her word for it. Announcing the proposal, McCarthy wrote: “Critics play a
dangerous game when they denounce the science and law EPA has used to
defend clean air for more than 40 years. The American people should know
better.” This kind of bullying sets up a false choice for the American
people where any disagreement with the EPA’s conclusions is equivalent
to being anti-science and pro-filthy air. It shows that the EPA is not
interested in open debate or disagreement with the proposed rule. In
essence, she is asking Americans to suspend their reason and accept the
rule “because she said so.
The quality of our air has vastly improved. We’re not
living in the days of the Industrial Revolution or even the days of
rivers catching fire. Concentration levels of every major pollutant
regulated under the Clean Air Act have decreased since the EPA started
measuring in 1980 (and were decreasing before then, too). Ozone levels
have decreased by 33 percent, nitrogen dioxide levels by 60 percent,
sulfur dioxide by 81 percent, carbon monoxide by 84 percent and lead by a
whopping 92 percent. High ozone days in one of the nation’s worst
counties, Los Angeles, have decreased 83 percent and average high ozone
days around the nation have decreased 75 percent. (Figures are from the
EPA’s database.)
The rule is premature. States are still implementing
the current standard of 75 ppb. We don’t even know what kind of impact,
positive or negative, this last standard will have, and yet the EPA has
proposed that states should already get moving on a new standard.
The standards proposed would throw most counties out
of compliance. There are 698 counties in the U.S. monitored for ozone
(using 2010–2012 EPA data). Thirty-one percent of the 698 counties with
ozone monitors would fail to meet the current 75 ppb ozone standard. If
the EPA went forward with a 70 ppb standard, more than half of those
counties would be in violation. If the EPA went forward with a 60 ppb
standard, 647 of those counties, or 93 percent, would be in violation of
the standard. Furthermore, a 60 ppb standard may be impossible to meet
because background levels in some areas of the country have been found
to regularly exceed 60 ppb.
McCarthy and others continue to trivialize the costs
of the proposed ozone rule. McCarthy writes that America does not have
“to choose between a healthy economy and a healthy environment.” The
truth is, we still don’t have a healthy economy and this rule, if
Congress sits by and allows it to go through, is certainly going to
The National Association of Manufacturers has said a 60 ppb standard
would be the costliest regulation in U.S. history. According to a NERA
Economic Consulting study conducted for NAM, a 60 ppb standard would:
Reduce gross domestic product by $270 billion per year on average over the period from 2017 through 2040;
Result in an average annual loss of 2.9 million
job-equivalents (a measurement of lost jobs, fewer hours, and lower
wages) through 2040;
Impose $2.2 trillion in compliance costs from 2017 through 2040; and
Decrease average household income by $1,570 per year.
Congress should not fund the implementation of any new ozone standard
and should review the air quality process to protect the health and
well-being of Americans.
Congress, not this unelected and unaccountable agency, needs to make the
decision regarding standards that could have such a devastating impact
on the economy.
Big Wind is pressing Congress for yet another bailout
Mary Kay Barton
Taxpayers beware! While you were sleeping, enjoying your family and eating turkey, Congress has been busy.
Congressional Republicans are negotiating with Senate Democrats to
extend the infamous wind energy Production Tax Credit through to 2017,
after which it will supposedly be phased out, just as was supposed to
happen in the past. This sneaky, dark-of-night “lame duck” session
tactic should be flatly rejected.
While you’ve been busy just trying to make ends meet, wondering why the
cost of everything is going up, and agonizing over how your children and
grandchildren will ever pay the mounting $18 TRILLION dollar national
debt – the wind industry lobbyists’ group, the American Wind Energy
Association (AWEA), just sent Congress a letter seeking to extend the
federal, taxpayer-funded wind Production Tax Credit (PTC).
The list of signers to AWEA’s letter include rent-seeking industries and
“green” groups who’ve all benefitted by tapping into taxpayers’ wallets
via the Big Wind PTC (aka: Pork-To-Cronies). It certainly isn’t hard to
figure out why these corporations pay many millions of dollars to hire
lobbyists and run national TV advertising campaigns geared at convincing
crony-politicians to vote to continue these TAXES and higher energy
prices on American citizens.
AWEA’a letter is typical of wind industry propaganda. It makes
specious claims about creating jobs and reducing pollution, without
providing a shred of evidence to PROVE any of their claims. AWEA
apparently hopes Congressional officials are “too stupid” to understand
what energy-literate citizens nationwide know: Industrial wind can
NEVER provide reliable power. It raises electricity costs, even after
subsidies are factored in. It kills more jobs than it creates. It
defiles wildlife habitats and kills eagles, hawks, other birds and bats –
with no penalties to Big Wind operators.
Here’s the reality: After 22+ years of picking U.S. taxpayers’ and
ratepayers’ pockets, industrial wind has NOT significantly reduced
carbon dioxide emissions. It has not replaced any conventional power
plants, anywhere. However, the $Trillions spent on these “green”
boondoggles to date have significantly added to the $18+ TRILLION dollar
debt that our children and grandchildren will have to bear.
AWEA’s own statements from years and decades past can be used
against them. To cite just one example, 31 years ago, a study coauthored
by the AWEA stated:
The private sector can be expected to develop improved solar and wind
technologies which will begin to become competitive and self-supporting
on a national level by the end of the decade if assisted by tax credits
and augmented by federally sponsored R&D.
[American Wind Energy Association, et al. Quoted in Renewable Energy
Industry, Joint Hearing before the Subcommittees of the Committee on
Energy and Commerce et al., House of Representatives, 98th Cong., 1st
sess. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1983, p. 52.]
In other words, the PTC should have ended 20 years ago, because wind
energy would be self-sustaining by then. It wasn’t. It still isn’t. It
never will be. We need to pull the PTC plug now!
Here are some details about the bill that is currently being negotiated
during the lame duck session –before the newly elected, Republican
majority Senate takes office and can do much about it.
In 2016, wind developers would be eligible for 80% percent of the PTC's
value. They could also claim 60% of its value through the first nine
months of 2017, after which it would supposedly expire.
The proposed congressional deal also seems to continue basing PTC
eligibility on when project construction project begins. That opens huge
doors for abuse.
The last time Congress extended the PTC, as part of its “fiscal cliff”
deal in 2013, it said “eligibility” for taxpayer largesse covered
projects “under construction,” rather than requiring that they be
“placed in service” by a certain date. In practice, this means just a
shovelful of dirt has to be moved by that date.
Remember too that the Production Tax Credit supposedly expired last
year. But this clever language has allowed construction and expansion in
the meantime. Meanwhile, Lois Lerner’s Internal Revenue Service has
helpfully said projects that were started or “safe-harbored” prior to
the PTC’s most recent pseudo-expiration can claim tax credits if they
are in service by 2015. And then they can claim the $23-per-MWh credit
for ten more years!
What a wonderful holiday gift for Big Wind and its political sponsors – at your expense.
Our government should NOT be in the business of picking and choosing the
winners and losers in the energy marketplace – while assaulting and
harming the very citizens they are forcing to pay for this “green”
energy scam. It’s time for government to get out of the way and let the
markets work!
The best solutions will rise to the top of their own accord because they
will provide modern power at the best prices – thereby maintaining the
reliable, affordable power that has made America great.
Citizens nation-wide have awakened to this massive “green” energy scam.
Many have sent letters to Congress like the one below. You can join the
fight by contacting your representatives and urging them to do the right
thing: Protect American consumers, taxpayers and ratepayers. END Wind
Welfare (#EndWindWelfare)!
Via email
Shale and cheap oil make America the new lucky country
We normally think of Australia as the “lucky country” but that label is surely better applied to the US today.
You could hardly envisage a more benign backdrop for its economy and
stock market than the current environment of tumbling energy prices, low
inflation, narrowing deficits, competitive industry, a popular currency
and consequently lower-for-longer interest rates.
The frantic shuttle diplomacy in the run up to last week’s Opec summit
in Vienna illustrated the pain being felt by the world’s less favoured
nations – those like Venezuela and Russia which simply can’t balance the
books at a $75 oil price. The meeting showed how difficult it can be to
persuade individual countries, even members of a supposedly
co-operative cartel like Opec, to work together if doing so runs counter
to their own self-interest.
It may be beneficial to Opec as a whole to curb production in the face
of surging US shale oil output and flagging global energy demand, but
individual countries may quite rationally decide it is better to keep
the oil flowing to protect their market share.
If you have built up enough foreign currency reserves in the good years
(as Saudi Arabia has) and you want to make life tough for your new
rivals in the marginal oilfields of North Dakota, you might feel a
couple of years of cheap crude is a price worth paying.
The excess supply created by America’s shale revolution has been
disguised in recent years by capacity reductions in war-torn countries
such as Libya. But the producers’ luck has run out this year as supply
has picked up around the world even as China’s slowdown and stagnation
in Europe and Japan has reduced demand.
The jockeying for position by Saudi Arabia and others might sound like a
game, but it really matters. With world oil exports amounting to around
40m barrels a day, the $40 drop in the oil price since June represents a
transfer from oil exporters to oil consumers of more than $400bn a
US consumers have an extra $70bn in their pockets, money they used to
spend on fuel and can direct towards eating out, buying electronic
gizmos or going on holiday.
Even with the usual lag before consumers see the benefit of falling
petrol prices, we are starting to feel the impact. Last week’s revision
to third quarter US GDP, from 3.5pc to 3.9pc, was in part a reflection
of more confident consumers with higher disposable incomes.
Americans’ increased purchasing power could hardly have come at a better
time, as the annual Black Friday and Cyber Monday consumption splurge
gets under way.
With consumption accounting for two thirds of the US economy, this is
one key benefit of the oil price slide. But it is not the only one.
Cheap energy is rapidly replacing cheap labour as the key differentiator
between countries competing for investment in a global marketplace. As
emerging markets’ wage bills rise, America’s energy advantage becomes
ever more significant.
Europe, which missed out on the first big shift, looks like being
squeezed as badly by the second. No wonder companies like BASF are
choosing to build any new chemical capacity on the shores of the Gulf of
Mexico and not the banks of the Rhine.
The third key benefit of cheap oil for the developed world, and America
in particular, is the downward pressure it applies to an inflation rate
that might otherwise have started to pick up on the back of a recovering
housing market and falling unemployment.
Low inflation is providing the cover needed by central banks such as the
Fed to keep monetary policy much looser for longer. Even when rates do
start to rise, probably in the middle of next year in America and later
still in the UK, the trajectory will be shallower and the end point
lower in a world of cheap energy.
The falling oil price is not unqualified good news. For every consumer
business looking at a Thanksgiving bonanza this weekend there is an
over-borrowed oil drilling company that took advantage of super-cheap
debt in the junk bond market and is now wondering how it will pay the
Energy companies represent 16pc of the US high-yield bond market,
compared with 4pc a decade ago. Junk bonds can be the canary in the
mineshaft for the stock market.
But that is a problem for another day. In the short-term, the US
market’s string of new highs is a logical response to the emergence of
the new lucky country.
the graphics: Most graphics on this site are hotlinked from
elsewhere. But hotlinked graphics sometimes have only a short life
-- as little as a week in some cases. After that they no longer
come up. From January 2011 on, therefore, I have posted a monthly
copy of everything on this blog to a separate site where I can host text
and graphics together -- which should make the graphics available even
if they are no longer coming up on this site. See here or here
This site is in favour of things that ARE good for the environment. That
the usual Greenie causes are good for the environment is however
Context for the minute average temperature change recorded: At any
given time surface air temperatures around the world range over about
100°C. Even in the same place they can vary by nearly that much
seasonally and as much as 30°C or more in a day. A minute rise in
average temperature in that context is trivial if it is not meaningless
altogether. Warmism is a money-grubbing racket, not science.
By John Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.), writing from Brisbane, Australia.

"The growth of knowledge depends entirely on disagreement" -- Karl Popper
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
"The desire to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it" -- H L Mencken
'Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action' -- Goethe
“Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.” -- Voltaire
Lord Salisbury: "No lesson seems to be so deeply inculcated by
experience of life as that you should never trust experts. If you
believe doctors, nothing is wholesome; if you believe theologians,
nothing is innocent; if you believe soldiers, nothing is safe."
Calvin Coolidge said, "If you see 10 troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you." He could have been talking about Warmists.
Some advice from long ago for Warmists: "If ifs and ans were pots and pans,there'd be no room for tinkers".
It's a nursery rhyme harking back to Middle English times when "an"
could mean "if". Tinkers were semi-skilled itinerant workers who fixed
holes and handles in pots and pans -- which were valuable household
items for most of our history. Warmists are very big on "ifs", mays",
"might" etc. But all sorts of things "may" happen, including global
Bertrand Russell knew about consensus: "The fact that an opinion has
been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd;
indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a
widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible.”
There goes another beautiful theory about to be murdered by a brutal gang of facts. - Duc de La Rochefoucauld, French writer and moralist (1613-1680)
"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate" -- William of Occam
"In science, refuting an accepted belief is celebrated as an advance in knowledge; in religion it is condemned as heresy". (Bob Parks, Physics, U of Maryland). No prizes for guessing how global warming skepticism is normally responded to.
"Almost all professors of the arts and sciences are egregiously conceited, and derive their happiness from their conceit" -- Erasmus
"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to
acknowledge authority, as such. For him, scepticism is the highest of
duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin." -- Thomas H. Huxley
Time was, people warning the world "Repent - the end is
nigh!" were snickered at as fruitcakes. Now they own the media and run
the schools.
"One of the sources of the Fascist movement is the desire to avoid a too-rational and too-comfortable world" -- George Orwell, 1943 in Can Socialists Be Happy?
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics
are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts -- Bertrand Russell
“Affordable energy in ample quantities is the lifeblood of
the industrial societies and a prerequisite for the economic development
of the others.” -- John P. Holdren, Science Adviser to President Obama. Published in Science 9 February 2001
The closer science looks at the real world processes involved in
climate regulation the more absurd the IPCC's computer driven fairy tale
appears. Instead of blithely modeling climate based on hunches and
suppositions, climate scientists would be better off abandoning their
ivory towers and actually measuring what happens in the real world.' -- Doug L Hoffman
Something no Warmist could take on board: "Knuth once warned a correspondent, "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it." -- Prof. Donald Knuth, whom some regard as the world's smartest man
"To be green is to be irrational, misanthropic and morally defective.
They are the barbarians at the gate we have to stand against" -- Rich Kozlovich
This is one of TWO skeptical blogs that I update daily. During my
research career as a social scientist, I was appalled at how much
writing in my field was scientifically lacking -- and I often said so in
detail in the many academic journal articles I had published in that
field. I eventually gave up social science research, however, because
no data ever seemed to change the views of its practitioners. I hoped
that such obtuseness was confined to the social scientists but now that I
have shifted my attention to health related science and climate
related science, I find the same impermeability to facts and logic.
Hence this blog and my FOOD & HEALTH SKEPTIC
blog. I may add that I did not come to either health or environmental
research entirely without credentials. I had several academic papers
published in both fields during my social science research career
Update: After 8 years of confronting the frankly childish standard of
reasoning that pervades the medical journals, I have given up. I have
put the blog into hibernation. In extreme cases I may put up here some
of the more egregious examples of medical "wisdom" that I encounter.
Greenies and food freaks seem to be largely coterminous. My regular
bacon & egg breakfasts would certainly offend both -- if only
because of the resultant methane output
Since my academic background is in the social sciences, it is
reasonable to ask what a social scientist is doing talking about global
warming. My view is that my expertise is the most relevant of all. It
seems clear to me from what you will see on this blog that belief in
global warming is very poorly explained by history, chemistry, physics
or statistics.
Warmism is prophecy, not science. Science cannot foretell the future.
Science can make very accurate predictions based on known regularities
in nature (e.g. predicting the orbits of the inner planets) but Warmism
is the exact opposite of that. It predicts a DEPARTURE from the known
regularities of nature. If we go by the regularities of nature, we are
on the brink of an ice age.
And from a philosophy of science viewpoint, far from being "the
science", Warmism is not even an attempt at a factual statement, let
alone being science. It is not a meaningful statement about the world.
Why? Because it is unfalsifiable -- making it a religious, not a
scientific statement. To be a scientific statement, there would have to
be some conceivable event that disproved it -- but there appears to be
none. ANY event is hailed by Warmists as proving their contentions.
Only if Warmists were able to specify some fact or event that would
disprove their theory would it have any claim to being a scientific
statement. So the explanation for Warmist beliefs has to be primarily a
psychological and political one -- which makes it my field
And, after all, Al Gore's academic qualifications are in social science also -- albeit very pissant qualifications.
A "geriatric" revolt: The scientists who reject Warmism tend to
be OLD! Your present blogger is one of those. There are tremendous
pressures to conformity in academe and the generally Leftist orientation
of academe tends to pressure everyone within it to agree to ideas that
suit the Left. And Warmism is certainly one of those ideas. So old
guys are the only ones who can AFFORD to declare the Warmists to be
unclothed. They either have their careers well-established (with
tenure) or have reached financial independence (retirement) and so can
afford to call it like they see it. In general, seniors in society
today are not remotely as helpful to younger people as they once were.
But their opposition to the Warmist hysteria will one day show that
seniors are not completely irrelevant after all. Experience does count
(we have seen many such hysterias in the past and we have a broader
base of knowledge to call on) and our independence is certainly an
enormous strength. Some of us are already dead. (Reid Bryson and John Daly are particularly mourned) and some of us are very senior indeed (e.g. Bill Gray and Vince Gray) but the revolt we have fostered is ever growing so we have not labored in vain.
Climate is just the sum of weather. So if you cannot forecast the
weather a month in advance, you will not be able to forecast the climate
50 years in advance. And official meteorologists such as Britain's Met
Office and Australia's BOM, are very poor forecasters of weather. The
Met office has in fact given up on making seasonal forecasts because
they have so often got such forecasts embarrassingly wrong. Their
global-warming-powered "models" just did not deliver
Here's how that "97% consensus" figure was arrived at
A strange Green/Left conceit: They seem to think (e.g. here)
that no-one should spend money opposing them and that conservative
donors must not support the election campaigns of Congressmen they
agree with
To Greenies, Genghis Khan was a good guy, believe it or not. They love that he killed so many people.
Greenie antisemitism
After three exceptionally cold winters in the Northern hemisphere, the
Warmists are chanting: "Warming causes cold". Even if we give that a
pass for logic, it still inspires the question: "Well, what are we
worried about"? Cold is not going to melt the icecaps is it?"
It's a central (but unproven) assumption of the Warmist "models" that
clouds cause warming. Odd that it seems to cool the temperature down
when clouds appear overhead!
To make out that the essentially trivial warming of the last 150 years
poses some sort of threat, Warmists postulate positive feedbacks that
might cut in to make the warming accelerate in the near future. Amid
their theories about feedbacks, however, they ignore the one feedback
that is no theory: The reaction of plants to CO2. Plants gobble up CO2
and the more CO2 there is the more plants will flourish and hence
gobble up yet more CO2. And the increasing crop yields of recent years
show that plantlife is already flourishing more. The recent rise in CO2
will therefore soon be gobbled up and will no longer be around to
bother anyone. Plants provide a huge NEGATIVE feedback in response to
increases in atmospheric CO2
Every green plant around us is made out of carbon dioxide that the
plant has grabbed out of the atmosphere. That the plant can get its
carbon from such a trace gas is one of the miracles of life. It
admittedly uses the huge power of the sun to accomplish such a vast
filtrative task but the fact that a dumb plant can harness the power of
the sun so effectively is also a wonder. We live on a rather
improbable planet. If a science fiction writer elsewhere in the
universe described a world like ours he might well be ridiculed for
making up such an implausible tale.
warmer by contact with something warmer or by infrared radiation
shining on it or by adiabatic (pressure) effects but it cannot trap
anything. Air is a gas. Try trapping something with it!
Greenies are the sand in the gears of modern civilization -- and they intend to be.
The Greenie message is entirely emotional and devoid of all
logic. They say that polar ice will melt and cause a big sea-level
rise. Yet 91% of the world's glacial ice is in Antarctica, where the
average temperature is around minus 40 degrees Celsius. The melting
point of ice is zero degrees. So for the ice to melt on any scale the
Antarctic temperature would need to rise by around 40 degrees, which
NOBODY is predicting. The median Greenie prediction is about 4 degrees.
So where is the huge sea level rise going to come from? Mars? And
the North polar area is mostly sea ice and melting sea ice does not
raise the sea level at all. Yet Warmists constantly hail any sign of
Arctic melting. That the melting of floating ice does not raise the
water level is known as Archimedes' principle. Archimedes demonstrated
it around 2,500 years ago. That Warmists have not yet caught up with
that must be just about the most inspissated ignorance imaginable. The
whole Warmist scare defies the most basic physics. Yet at the opening
of 2011 we find the following unashamed lying by James Hansen:
"We will lose all the ice in the polar ice cap in a couple of
decades". Sadly, what the Vulgate says in John 1:5 is still only very
partially true: "Lux in tenebris lucet". There is still much darkness in the minds of men.
The repeated refusal of Warmist "scientists" to make their raw
data available to critics is such a breach of scientific protocol that
it amounts to a confession in itself. Note, for instance Phil Jones'
Feb 21, 2005 response to Warwick Hughes' request for his raw climate
data: "We have 25 years or so invested in the work. Why should I make
the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something
wrong with it?" Looking for things that might be wrong with a given
conclusion is of course central to science. But Warmism cannot survive
such scrutiny. So even after "Climategate", the secrecy goes on.
Most Greenie causes are at best distractions from real
environmental concerns (such as land degradation) and are more
motivated by a hatred of people than by any care for the environment
Global warming has taken the place of Communism as an absurdity
that "liberals" will defend to the death regardless of the evidence
showing its folly. Evidence never has mattered to real Leftists
‘Global warming’ has become the grand political narrative of
the age, replacing Marxism as a dominant force for controlling liberty
and human choices. -- Prof. P. Stott
Comparing climate alarmist Hansen to Cassandra is WRONG.
Cassandra's (Greek mythology) dire prophecies were never believed but
were always right. Hansen's dire prophecies are usually believed but are
always wrong (Prof. Laurence Gould, U of Hartford, CT)
The modern environmental movement arose out of the wreckage of
the New Left. They call themselves Green because they're too yellow to
admit they're really Reds. So Lenin's birthday was chosen to be the
date of Earth Day. Even a moderate politician like Al Gore has been
clear as to what is needed. In "Earth in the Balance", he wrote that
saving the planet would require a "wrenching transformation of
For centuries there was a scientific consensus which said that
fire was explained by the release of an invisible element called
phlogiston. That theory is universally ridiculed today. Global warming
is the new phlogiston. Though, now that we know how deliberate the
hoax has been, it might be more accurate to call global warming the New Piltdown Man. The Piltdown hoax took 40 years to unwind. I wonder....
Motives: Many people would like to be kind to others so
Leftists exploit that with their nonsense about equality. Most people
want a clean, green environment so Greenies exploit that by inventing
all sorts of far-fetched threats to the environment. But for both, the
real motive is generally to promote themselves as wiser and better
than everyone else, truth regardless.
Policies: The only underlying theme that makes sense of all
Greenie policies is hatred of people. Hatred of other people has been a
Greenie theme from way back. In a report titled "The First Global
Revolution" (1991, p. 104) published by the "Club of Rome", a Greenie
panic outfit, we find the following statement: "In searching for a
new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the
threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit
the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The
real enemy, then, is humanity itself." See here for many more examples of prominent Greenies saying how much and how furiously they hate you.
The conventional wisdom of the day is often spectacularly wrong.
The most popular and successful opera of all time is undoubtedly
"Carmen" by Georges Bizet. Yet it was much criticized when first
performed and the unfortunate Bizet died believing that it was a flop.
Similarly, when the most iconic piece of 20th century music was first
performed in 1913-- Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring" -- half the audience
walked out. Those of us who defy the conventional wisdom about climate
are actually better off than that. Unlike Bizet and Stravinsky in 1913,
we KNOW that we will eventually be vindicated -- because all that
supports Warmism is a crumbling edifice of guesswork ("models").
Al Gore won a political prize for an alleged work of science. That rather speaks for itself, doesn't it?
Jim Hansen and his twin
Getting rich and famous through alarmism: Al Gore is well-known but note
also James Hansen. He has for decades been a senior, presumably
well-paid, employee at NASA. In 2001 he was the recipient of a $250,000 Heinz Award. In 2007 Time magazine designated him a Hero of the Environment. That same year he pocketed one-third of a $1 million Dan David Prize. In 2008, the American Association for the Advancement of Science presented him with its Scientific Freedom and Responsibility Award. In 2010 he landed a $100,000 Sophie Prize. He pulled in a total of $1.2 million in 2010. Not bad for a government bureaucrat.
See the original global Warmist in action here: "The icecaps are melting and all world is drowning to wash away the sin"
I am not a global warming skeptic nor am I a global warming
denier. I am a global warming atheist. I don't believe one bit of it.
That the earth's climate changes is undeniable. Only ignoramuses
believe that climate stability is normal. But I see NO evidence to say
that mankind has had anything to do with any of the changes observed --
and much evidence against that claim.
Seeing that we are all made of carbon, the time will come when
people will look back on the carbon phobia of the early 21st century as
too incredible to be believed
Meanwhile, however, let me venture a tentative prophecy.
Prophecies are almost always wrong but here goes: Given the common
hatred of carbon (Warmists) and salt (Food freaks) and given the fact
that we are all made of carbon, salt, water and calcium (with a few
additives), I am going to prophecy that at some time in the future a
hatred of nitrogen will emerge. Why? Because most of the air that we
breathe is nitrogen. We live at the bottom of a nitrogen sea. Logical
to hate nitrogen? NO. But probable: Maybe. The Green/Left is mad
enough. After all, nitrogen is a CHEMICAL -- and we can't have that!
UPDATE to the above: It seems that I am a true prophet
The intellectual Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180)
must have foreseen Global Warmism. He said: "The object in life is not
to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the
ranks of the insane."
The Holy Grail for most scientists is not truth but research
grants. And the global warming scare has produced a huge downpour of
money for research. Any mystery why so many scientists claim some
belief in global warming?
For many people, global warming seems to have taken the place of
"The Jews" -- a convenient but false explanation for any disliked
event. Prof. Brignell has some examples.
Global warming skeptics are real party-poopers. It's so wonderful to believe that you have a mission to save the world.
There is an "ascetic instinct" (or perhaps a "survivalist
instinct") in many people that causes them to delight in going without
material comforts. Monasteries and nunneries were once full of such
people -- with the Byzantine stylites perhaps the most striking example.
Many Greenies (other than Al Gore and his Hollywood pals) have that
instinct too but in the absence of strong orthodox religious
committments they have to convince themselves that the world NEEDS them
to live in an ascetic way. So their personal emotional needs lead them
to press on us all a delusional belief that the planet needs "saving".
The claim that oil is a fossil fuel is another great myth and
folly of the age. They are now finding oil at around seven MILES
beneath the sea bed -- which is incomparably further down than any
known fossil. The abiotic oil theory is not as yet well enough
developed to generate useful predictions but that is also true of fossil
fuel theory
Help keep the planet Green! Maximize your CO2 and CH4 output!
Global Warming=More Life; Global Cooling=More Death.
The inconvenient truth about biological effects of "Ocean Acidification"
Cook the crook who cooks the books
The great and fraudulent scare about lead
Green/Left denial of the facts explained: "Rejection lies in this,
that when the light came into the world men preferred darkness to light;
preferred it, because their doings were evil. Anyone who acts
shamefully hates the light, will not come into the light, for fear that
his doings will be found out. Whereas the man whose life is true comes
to the light" John 3:19-21 (Knox)
Against the long history of huge temperature variation in the
earth's climate (ice ages etc.), the .6 of one degree average rise
reported by the U.N. "experts" for the entire 20th century (a rise so
small that you would not be able to detect such a difference personally
without instruments) shows, if anything, that the 20th century was a
time of exceptional temperature stability.
Recent NASA figures
tell us that there was NO warming trend in the USA during the 20th
century. If global warming is occurring, how come it forgot the USA?
Warmists say that the revised NASA figures do not matter because
they cover only the USA -- and the rest of the world is warming nicely.
But it is not. There has NEVER been any evidence that the Southern
hemisphere is warming. See here. So the warming pattern sure is looking moth-eaten.
The latest scare is the possible effect of extra CO2 on the
world’s oceans, because more CO2 lowers the pH of seawater. While it is
claimed that this makes the water more acidic, this is misleading. Since
seawater has a pH around 8.1, it will take an awful lot of CO2 it to
even make the water neutral (pH=7), let alone acidic (pH less than 7).
In fact, ocean acidification is a scientific impossibility.
Henry's Law mandates that warming oceans will outgas CO2 to the
atmosphere (as the UN's own documents predict it will), making the
oceans less acid. Also, more CO2 would increase calcification rates. No
comprehensive, reliable measurement of worldwide oceanic acid/base
balance has ever been carried out: therefore, there is no observational
basis for the computer models' guess that acidification of 0.1 pH units
has occurred in recent decades.
The chaos theory people have told us for years that the air
movement from a single butterfly's wing in Brazil can cause an
unforeseen change in our weather here. Now we are told that climate
experts can "model" the input of zillions of such incalculable variables
over periods of decades to accurately forecast global warming 50 years
hence. Give us all a break!
you doubt the arrogance [of the global warming crowd, you haven't seen
that Newsweek cover story that declared the global warming debate over.
Consider: If Newton's laws of motion could, after 200 years of unfailing
experimental and experiential confirmation, be overthrown, it requires
religious fervor to believe that global warming -- infinitely more
untested, complex and speculative -- is a closed issue
Scientists have politics too -- sometimes extreme politics. Read this: "This
crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism... I
am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils,
namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by
an educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In
such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and
are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts
production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to
be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to
every man, woman, and child." -- Albert Einstein
The "precautionary principle" is a favourite Greenie idea -- but
isn't that what George Bush was doing when he invaded Iraq? Wasn't
that a precaution against Saddam getting or having any WMDs? So Greenies all agree with the Iraq intervention? If not, why not?
A classic example of how the sensationalist media distort science to create climate panic is here.
There is a very readable summary of the "Hockey Stick" fraud here
The Lockwood & Froehlich paper
was designed to rebut Durkin's "Great Global Warming Swindle" film.
It is a rather confused paper -- acknowledging yet failing to account
fully for the damping effect of the oceans, for instance -- but it is
nonetheless valuable to climate atheists. The concession from a
Greenie source that fluctuations in the output of the sun have driven
climate change for all but the last 20 years (See the first sentence of
the paper) really is invaluable. And the basic fact presented in the
paper -- that solar output has in general been on the downturn in
recent years -- is also amusing to see. Surely even a crazed Greenie
mind must see that the sun's influence has not stopped and that
reduced solar output will soon start COOLING the earth! Unprecedented
July 2007 cold weather throughout the Southern hemisphere might even
have been the first sign that the cooling is happening. And the fact
that warming plateaued in 1998 is also a good sign that we are moving
into a cooling phase. As is so often the case, the Greenies have got
the danger exactly backwards. See my post of 7.14.07 and very detailed critiques here and here and here for more on the Lockwood paper and its weaknesses.
As the Greenies are now learning, even strong statistical correlations may disappear if a longer time series is used. A remarkable example from Sociology: "The
modern literature on hate crimes began with a remarkable 1933 book by
Arthur Raper titled The Tragedy of Lynching. Raper assembled data on the
number of lynchings each year in the South and on the price of an
acre’s yield of cotton. He calculated the correlation coefficient
between the two series at –0.532. In other words, when the economy was
doing well, the number of lynchings was lower.... In 2001, Donald Green,
Laurence McFalls, and Jennifer Smith published a paper that demolished
the alleged connection between economic conditions and lynchings in
Raper’s data. Raper had the misfortune of stopping his analysis in
1929. After the Great Depression hit, the price of cotton plummeted and
economic conditions deteriorated, yet lynchings continued to fall. The
correlation disappeared altogether when more years of data were added."
So we must be sure to base our conclusions on ALL the data. In the
Greenie case, the correlation between CO2 rise and global temperature
rise stopped in 1998 -- but that could have been foreseen if
measurements taken in the first half of the 20th century had been
Relying on the popular wisdom can even hurt you personally: "The scientific consensus of a quarter-century ago turned into the arthritic nightmare of today."
Greenie-approved sources of electricity (windmills and solar
cells) require heavy government subsidies to be competitive with normal
electricity generators so a Dutch word for Greenie power seems graphic
to me: "subsidieslurpers" (subsidy gobblers)
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