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31 March, 2014
The religious roots of the elite liberal agenda: Today's liberal crusades are yesterday's Christian anxieties
For nearly 80 years, social critics of the Right and far Left have been
trying to understand American liberalism by studying a specific social
class. These critics share a belief that liberal ideas of a certain type
dominate American life, and that they emerge from a social caste
produced by American meritocracy. It's a class that sets the moral tone
and imperatives for our society, that shapes our tastes and
One of the first attempts to dissect this tribe came from former Marxist
turned conservative James Burnham, who theorized about an emerging
"managerial class" that existed between capital and labor, and was made
up of professionals, corporate executives, and executive administration
officials. Like a good historical materialist, Burnham believed that
material ambitions generated ideology. Using this as his guiding light,
he hoped to understand and reveal the character of America's new elite,
as well as determine what would happen to a country ruled by them.
In the 1960s and ’70s, neoconservative thinkers like Daniel Bell wrote
about the "New Class," which was slightly less expansive in scope and
focused mostly on professors and social scientists. A little later, the
populist and left-leaning social historian Christopher Lasch wrote The
Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy, slashing at the
educated classes for abandoning socialist economics in favor of the
politics of cultural revolution.
These theorists were offering a critique of the educated and liberal
classes, with neoconservatives and socialists both lamenting the
betrayal of older liberal ideas about the economy or about America's
role in the world.
All three of these diverse theories have had a deep influence on modern
conservative thinking in America. Many of my peers were influenced by
Bell and Lasch, and I primarily by Burnham. But with the publication of
Joseph Bottum's new collection, An Anxious Age: The Post-Protestant
Ethic and the Spirit of America, I wonder if these earlier thinkers
haven't all been surpassed.
Bottum's thesis is that there really isn't a new American caste. This
"class" that has outsize influence on America's moral and spiritual life
is roughly the same class that has always had it: Mainline Protestants,
only now without the doctrinal Protestantism or the churchgoing.
Of course, on one level, the startling truth about the past 50 years of
American social life is the collapse of Mainline Protestantism. In 1965,
more than 50 percent of Americans belonged to the country's historic
Protestant congregations. Now less than 10 percent do, and that number
continues to drop. But Mainline Protestantism long existed as a column
of American society, able to support the American project and criticize
it prophetically at the same time. It would be even more startling if
the spiritual energies it captained, and the anxieties it defined,
ceased to exist the moment people walked out the door.
In Bottum's revisionist account, Protestant preacher Walter
Rauschenbusch (1861–1918) looms as the figure who most succinctly
defined the spiritual mission of 20th-century Mainline Protestantism and
its heirs. He put "social sins" at the front of the Mainline
imagination. "The six social sins, Rauschenbusch announced, were
bigotry, the arrogance of power, the corruption of justice for personal
ends, the madness of the mob, militarism, and class contempt," Bottum
writes. These six would fittingly describe an enemies list for liberals
today: racists and homophobes, hedge-funders who claim to be victims,
the Koch brothers, the Tea Party, Dick Cheney and the neocons, and the
Koch brothers again.
Not all of Bottum's post-Protestants are directly descended from
Mainline members. Jews, Catholics, and even atheists join this
unofficial spiritual-but-not-religious tribe, just as before many Jews,
Catholics, and nonbelievers joined Mainline churches as a way to signal
their arrival in a new, important social class. For Bottum it isn't
quite right to define these post-Protestants as an elite — many of them
are not at all wealthy, and do not have direct social power. Instead,
they are an "elect" class, so named because they seem to constitute a
churchly class: moralistic, possessed of self-superiority, and drawn
from across economic classes, a mingling of poor artists, middlebrow
activists, and rich benefactors.
For Bottum, what is remarkable is the way the spiritual experience of
Rauschenbusch's "social gospel" is so like the experience of modern
liberalism. According to Rauschenbusch, one opposes these social sins
through direct action, legislative amelioration, and simply recognizing
their effect and sympathizing with their victims. Rauschenbusch wrote,
"An experience of religion through the medium of solidaristic social
feeling is an experience of unusually high ethical quality, akin to that
of the prophets of the Bible."
The post-Protestants Bottum identifies have just that, "a social gospel,
without the gospel. For all of them, the sole proof of redemption is
the holding of a proper sense of social ills. The only available
confidence about their salvation, as something superadded to experience,
is the self-esteem that comes with feeling they oppose the social evils
of bigotry and power and the groupthink of the mob."
With the proper feeling comes a proper sense of guilt, and a
missionary's zeal to correct wrongs. Over a century ago Rauschenbusch
wrote, "If a man has drawn any religious feeling from Christ, his
participation in the systematized oppression of civilization will, at
least at times, seem an intolerable burden and guilt." Bottum deftly
notes that in theological terms this signals "a nearly complete transfer
of Christian fear and Christian assurance into a sensibility of the
need for reform, a mysticism of the social order — the anxiety about
salvation resolved by ecstatic transport into the feeling of social
Can we not hear in the progressive's soul-searching examination of his
own "privilege," as well as his unconscious participation in structural
injustice, an echo of Rauschenbusch's words? Whereas Catholics make an
examination of conscience before confession, and confess their personal
sins before promising to amend their life, today's progressives examine
their place in the social structure of oppression, and then vow to
reform society. That is what it means to have a "social gospel without
the gospel" — to be motivated by religious impulses, but believe it is
entirely secular.
Bottum's theory also makes sense as theological-political genealogy.
Rauschenbusch's main theological opponent was John Gresham Machen, a
champion of Reformed Protestant theology, who founded Westminster
Theological Seminary, one of the most important institutions informing
conservative Evangelical life and thought. It makes sense that nearly 90
years later, conservative Evangelicals along with Catholics are still
providing the lion's share of the moral and philosophical opposition to
the heirs of this Mainline tradition. Then, as now, our political
arguments are fed by a reservoir of religious and spiritual anxiety.
Besides providing an interpretive guide with great explanatory power for
understanding modern American liberalism, Bottum's theory offers
suggestions for further exploration. In an offhand way, Bottum notes
that the more utopian and radically democratic impulses behind Occupy
Wall Street would be recognized by any religiously literate age as those
that lay behind the Radical Reformation. One can speculate that many of
Occupy's members were once more-conventional liberals. Perhaps if the
reformist impulses of our post-Mainline liberals continue to be
frustrated, their spiritual longing for redemption will impel them
toward radicalism as well.
There's Always the Lawless Approach to Immigration
With approximately 12 million illegal aliens living, working and
receiving taxpayer-paid benefits within U.S. borders, immigration reform
has long been the perpetually unfulfilled promise. In 2008, Barack
Obama pledged to make it a “top priority” in the first year of his first
term. Four years later, he promised to tackle it in the first year of
his second term. Perhaps third time's the charm, but no thanks. As Obama
morphed from a candidate who feigns belief in Rule of Law to a
president who openly believes in rule of one man – himself – his
approach to immigration has changed.
In November of last year, for example, he pretended to be constrained by
law in acting on immigration reform. Responding to a request that he
issue an executive order on immigration, Obama said, “If, in fact, I
could solve all these problems without passing this through Congress,
then I would do so. But we're also a nation of laws. That's part of our
tradition.” The irony here is that he had already begun disregarding the
law long before. Indeed, in 2012, he issued an executive dictum
ordering Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to halt certain
Then there was his statement earlier this year, when he basically
announced that Congress could take a long walk off a short pier,
threatening, “Where Congress isn't acting, I'll act on my own.” And of
course his now infamous “I've got a pen” remark. Spoken like a true
Turns out, however, that when it comes to immigration, Obama hasn't used
a pen at all, just an eraser. And through an extra-legal policy of
selective law enforcement, Obama granted de facto amnesty to virtually
every illegal immigrant. According to an analysis issued by Sen. Jeff
Sessions (R-AL), the Obama administration has given a free pass to
millions of illegal aliens – not only those in the United States today
but also those who may be in the United States in the future. The
reports notes that “a review of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's
(ICE) published enforcement statistics for 2013 reveals a shocking
truth: DHS [Department of Homeland Security] has blocked the enforcement
of immigration law for the overwhelming majority of violations – and is
planning to widen that amnesty even further.” Specifically, ICE has
stopped deportations for virtually all illegal aliens except those who
are caught crossing the border, are convicted criminals, or are
fugitives or habitual breakers of immigration law.
What does this mean in real numbers? According to the analysis, in 2013,
ICE recorded 368,000 removals. Of these, 235,000 were border
apprehensions (which are not typically counted as deportations), and
110,000 were removals of convicted criminals. Of the remaining 23,000,
which are termed “interior removals” (as opposed to border removals),
13,000 were “either fugitives or habitual offenders/previous deportees.”
This leaves just 10,000 – or 2% of the 368,000 removals – deported for
breaking immigration law without additional demerits against them.
Placed in context, those deported simply for breaking immigration law –
without having criminal convictions or being habitual immigration law
offenders or previous deportees – comprised a total of 0.08% of the 12
million individuals who are currently in the United States illegally.
By refusing to enforce immigration law, Obama has granted amnesty to
nearly all of the illegal aliens living in the United States today and
granted near carte blanche immunity (and don't forget government
benefits) to the vast majority of those considering entering the U.S.
illegally tomorrow.
Perhaps this is why Republicans have reined in their efforts at
immigration reform. After all, even were it to pass, what good is a law
in the hands of the chief lawbreaker?
Democrats' ObamaCare albatross
IN SEPTEMBER 2010, six months after signing the Affordable Care Act and
just weeks before his party's massive losses in the midterm elections,
President Obama wondered whether the law's unpopularity might be due to a
communication failure on his part. "Sometimes I fault myself," he told
an audience in Virginia, "for not having been able to make the case more
clearly to the country."
There was nothing wrong with the president's communication skills. The
case he made for his sweeping health care overhaul was straightforward
and appealing: It would make health insurance available to every
American, especially the more than 40 million people who were uninsured.
It would significantly reduce insurance premiums for individuals and
families. It would guarantee that Americans who already had a health
plan they liked, or a doctor they liked, would be free to keep them.
The case for ObamaCare was perfectly clear. But those claims rang false
even before the law was passed. Nothing is left of them now — and
another midterm election season is underway.
The Affordable Care Act turned 4 years old this week, as unpopular as
ever. It has been underwater in hundreds of national polls, frequently
by double-digit margins. Despite the elaborate and relentless marketing
campaign the White House and its allies mounted in support of the law,
Americans don't like it any better now than they did back when Democrats
muscled it through Congress over unified Republican opposition.
By its proponents' own empirical benchmarks, ObamaCare has been a
debacle. The rosy promises about no one being forced to change doctors
or health plans have been ditched. So has the enticing prospect of
$2,500 premium reductions for every family. Instead, the "Affordable"
Care Act in most states is driving up underlying premiums, even doubling
them in some parts of the country.
Voters rewarded the GOP for standing fast against the law four years
ago, and there is a growing sense that they're going to do so again this
fall. Obama has been warning Democrats for months that they are likely
to "get clobbered" at the polls this November. It's not just widespread
disapproval of the president's signature legislation that makes his
party so vulnerable — it's the intensity of that disapproval. "The
people who favor ObamaCare, which is a minority, aren't really that
enthusiastic about it even if they favor it," says political analyst
Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia. "But the majority who oppose
ObamaCare are much more charged up, and they're the people who tend to
turn out" for midterm elections.
It had been widely assumed on both sides of the debate that as the
Affordable Care Act was implemented, the law's frontloaded benefits and
subsidies would quickly become such sacred cows that repealing the law
would soon be a political impossibility.
So far it hasn't worked out that way. Most Americans haven't come around
to accepting the massive law and its unprecedented mandates as a
permanent feature on the landscape. Ardent liberals, such as House
Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, have been telling Democrats to run as
unabashed defenders of ObamaCare, insisting "it's a winner" of an issue
for them. But it proved a losing issue for Democrat Alex Sink, who was
beaten in Forida's special congressional election this month by
Republican David Jolly. ObamaCare was a key issue in the race, which
pitted Jolly's "repeal and replace" message against Sink's "don't nix
it, fix it" theme. The pro-repeal candidate won.
A single special election doesn't prove a GOP sweep is coming, but the
outcome in Florida wasn't lost on Scott Brown, who knows better than
most what it's like to win a special election on the strength of an
anti-ObamaCare refrain. "A big political wave is about to break in
America, and the ObamaCare Democrats are on the wrong side of that
wave," Brown told a Republican crowd in Nashua three days after Sink's
defeat. "If we don't like ObamaCare, we can get rid of it. Period."
That was probably overstating it. Politics is the art of the possible,
and even with a slew of midterm pickups, it would be impossible for
opponents of ObamaCare to "get rid of it — period." But there is nothing
impossible about replacing the Democrats' unpopular monstrosity of a
law with alternatives that expand freedom and competition in health
insurance, rather than suppressing them. Four years of ObamaCare have
shown what arrogance, deception, and top-down control can accomplish. No
wonder voters want to see if Republicans can do better.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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here (Personal)
30 March, 2014
There is no doubt that the Bible is one of the most valuable historical
documents that we have. Textual critics date most of the OT to around
the time of the great Athenians -- Plato, Aristotle, Thucydides,
Herodotus, Xenophon etc. But it also seems clear that the assembly of
the OT did include at times much older documents. Just which those are
is of course something that textual scholars continue to debate.
For my money I see Exodus and probably Genesis as very early. And I base
that on the view of the Gods found there. The Greek Gods were generally
very powerful and effective figures. Nobody pushed them around. But
YHWH as described in Exodus is rather pathetic, much more like the only
barely effective Gods of earlier times. He has the Devil of a time (if I
may use that expression) in getting the Pharaoh to do anything and it
is only after YHWH has visited plague after plague on Egypt that the
Pharaoh relents a little
But that is only the start of YHWH's troubles. Now he has to keep the
Israelites in line. And he frequently fails. They go off after other
Gods all the time. So I see Exodus as a true account of a quite
primitive people -- much earlier than the sophisticated Greeks.
And that is valuable. We have no comprehensive account of such a
primitive people from any other source. We have a few scraps of
cunieform but that is it. So how accurate is the OT as history? From
what I see, it always has the last laugh. Things in it that were once
dismissed as myth keep being confirmed as real by archaeological
So what are we to make of the days of Methuselah, when some men lived to
be nearly 1,000 years old? As is usually alleged, it could simply be a
mistranslation. In earliest times there were a variety of number systems
in use and interpreting numbers given in one system as if they were
from another system could give absurd answers. They could be out by a
factor of 10, for instance. That this was the mistake is now well-argued
for, so instead of Methuselah living to 969 years, his age is now given
by some scholars as 96.9 years -- which is very plausible.
I am reluctant however to say that anything as recorded in the Bible is
wrong or mistaken. People who claim that often have to eat their words.
So I have an explanation which makes sense of the literal Bible account.
Most people these days accept it as entirely likely that there is
intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. But they also see it as
quite unlikely that we will ever get vistors from extra-terrestrials.
Why? Because the distance between alternative biospheres is so great.
You would need to travel several lifetimes just to get from one
biosphere to another.
But what is a lifetime? I don't think it stretches credibility too far
to say that there may be some beings somewhere for whom 1,000 years is a
lifetime. And for such a people, interstellar travel may be a more
attractive and plausible idea.
So Genesis chapter 5 could be seen as showing that there is such an
extraterrestrial people and that they did once visit us. And that they
were humanoid is not a stretch too far. As biologists say, form follows
Religious Liberty on Trial Before the Supreme Court/b>
The Affordable Care Act is the law that keeps on giving. Last time it
was before the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts validated the
horror that is ObamaCare when he declared the individual mandate penalty
to be a tax, and thus within the constitutional power of Congress to
create. Tuesday, the Supremes heard another challenge to the law in the
form of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties v.
Sebelius – both cases dealing with mandates and religious liberty.
Hobby Lobby is an arts and crafts chain owned by evangelical Christians.
With more than 13,000 employees, the company faces potential fines of
almost $475 million a year if it fails to comply with ObamaCare's
demands. Conestoga Wood Specialties is a kitchen cabinet manufacturer
owned by Mennonites, and, with almost 1,000 employees, it faces
penalties of $35 million per year for failure to comply. The owners of
both companies contend that complying with ObamaCare's mandate that
employer-provided health insurance cover contraceptives – even more
specifically the mandate that coverage include abortifacients – would
force them to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs. More than
300 plaintiffs in over 90 lawsuits have joined them in the fight.
The suit pits the First Amendment's free exercise of religion and the
Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) against ObamaCare. Under RFRA,
the government may not substantially burden the free exercise of
religion unless it can show that the burden advances a compelling
interest using the least restrictive means of achieving that interest.
(This is the federal law that is mirrored in Arizona, the amendment of
which was the subject of the kerfuffle there last month.)
The Obama administration argues that business owners from the corner dry
cleaner to corporate giants like Exxon give up their constitutional
right to exercise their religion when they establish a business. And in
essence, leftists want the government to stay out of their bedroom, but
they want taxpayers and employers to pay for what happens in it.
The Court's female justices, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader
Ginsburg, dominated the questioning of counsel during the oral
argument, trying to make the issue one of “women's rights” instead of
religious liberty. Sotomayor asked whether corporations objecting on
religious grounds to providing contraception coverage might also object
to vaccinations or blood transfusions. Ginsberg asserted that it “seems
strange” that the RFRA could have generated bipartisan support if
lawmakers thought corporations would use it to enforce their own
religious beliefs.
Kagan claimed that the corporate challengers are taking an
“uncontroversial law” like the RFRA and making it into something that
would upend “the entire U.S. code,” since companies would be able to
object on religious grounds to laws on sex discrimination, minimum wage,
family leave and child labor. She complained that “everything would be
piecemeal and nothing would be uniform.” Forced uniformity is the
leftists' goal, after all. But if employers wanted to claim religious
objections to the minimum wage, why haven't they already?
Sotomayor and Kagan each outrageously suggested that employers who have
moral objections to ObamaCare mandates should drop health care coverage
for their employees in favor of the tax. “But isn't there another choice
nobody talks about, which is paying the tax, which is a lot less than a
penalty and a lot less than the cost of health insurance at all?”
Sotomayor asked.
Justice Anthony Kennedy, often the swing vote, voiced concerns both
about the rights of female employees and the business owners. He asked
what rights women would have if their employers ordered them to wear
burkas, a full-length robe commonly worn by conservative Islamic women.
Later, on the other hand, he seemed troubled by how the logic of the
government's argument would apply to abortions. “A profit corporation
could be forced in principle to pay for abortions,” Kennedy said. The
government's “reasoning would permit it.”
The First Amendment plainly states, “Congress shall make no law
respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free
exercise thereof.” And the Religious Freedom Restoration Act adds
statutory backing to that liberty by protecting people and businesses
against infringement of their liberty. Yet ObamaCare's entire structure
is about forcing people to engage in buying health insurance while
dictating what that insurance covers. In a nation of 300 million people,
this is bound to cause problems beyond basic infringement of liberty.
Tragically, the Court upheld the law as a whole in 2012, but, on the
bright side, it appears the contraception mandate will be struck down,
and the vote against it may even be 6-3. We'll find out this June.
A Costly Failed Experiment
With Sunday marking the fourth anniversary of the Affordable Care Act
being signed into law, it’s worth revisiting the initial purpose of the
president’s signature legislation: Universal coverage was the main goal.
Four years later, not even the White House pretends that this goal will
be realized. Most of those who were uninsured before the law was passed
will remain uninsured, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Democrats also fixated on another goal: protection for people with
pre-existing conditions. One of the first things the new law did was
create federal risk pools so that people who had been denied coverage
for health reasons could purchase insurance for the same premium a
healthy person would pay. Over the next three years, about 107,000
people took advantage of that opportunity.
Think about that. One of the main reasons given for interfering with the
health care of 300 million people was to solve a problem that affected a
tiny sliver of the population.
More recently, the president has had to explain why between four million
and seven million people are losing their health insurance despite his
promise that they would not. The new insurance will be better, he tells
us. No longer will insurers be able to cancel your coverage after you
get sick. What he doesn’t say is that this practice was made illegal at
the federal level by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act of 1996, and was illegal in most states long before that.
While the president and his party struggle to find more convincing
reasons why we need ObamaCare, three huge problems won’t go away.
* An impossible mandate. For the past 40 years real, per capita
health-care spending has been growing at twice the rate of growth of
real, per capita income. That’s not only true in this country; it is
about the average for the whole developed world.
Clearly, this trend cannot go on forever. So what does ObamaCare do
about that? It limits the government’s share of the costs while doing
nothing to protect individuals or their employers.
The law restricts the growth of total Medicare spending, the growth of
Medicaid hospital spending and (after 2018) the growth of federal tax
subsidies in the health-insurance exchanges to no more than the rate of
growth of real GDP per capita plus about one half of 1%. This means that
as health-care costs become more and more of a burden for the average
family, people will get less and less help from government—to pay for
insurance the government requires them to buy!
* Unworkable subsidies. A family of four at 138% of poverty level is
able to enroll in Medicaid in about half the states and obtain insurance
worth about $8,000. Since the coverage is completely free, that’s an
$8,000 gift. If they earn $1 more, they will be entitled to join a
health-insurance exchange and obtain a private plan that costs, say, 50%
more in return for an out-of-pocket premium of about $900. That’s a
gift of more than $11,000.
At the same time, the employees of a hotel who earn pretty much the same
wage as in the two previous cases will be forced to have an expensive
family plan and they and their employer will get no new government help.
The only assistance is the long-standing tax break that exempts
employers’ premium payments from federal income and payroll taxes. Even
so, the ObamaCare mandate amounts to about a $10,000 burden on these
businesses and by extension their employees.
These are only a few of the many ways in which ObamaCare’s treatment of people is arbitrary and unfair.
A bigger problem is the impact these differential subsidies will have on
our economy. As businesses discover that almost everyone who earns less
than the average wage gets a better deal from the federal government in
the exchange or from Medicaid, and that most people who earn more than
the average wage get a better deal if insurance is provided at work,
trends already evident will accelerate. Higher-income workers will tend
to congregate in firms that provide insurance. Lower-income workers will
tend to work for firms that don’t. But efficient production requires
that firm size and composition be determined by economic factors, not
health-insurance subsidies.
* Perverse incentives in the exchanges. Under ObamaCare, insurers are
required to charge the same premium to everyone, regardless of health
status, and they are required to accept anyone who applies. This means
they must overcharge the healthy and undercharge the sick. It also means
they have strong incentives to attract the healthy (on whom they make a
profit) and avoid the sick (on whom they incur losses).
The result has been a race to the bottom in access and quality of care.
To keep premiums as low as possible, the insurers are offering very
narrow networks, often leaving out the best doctors and the best
hospitals. By keeping deductibles high and fees so low that only a
minority of providers will accept them, the insurers are able to lower
their premiums, thus attracting still more healthy individuals at the
expense of overall care.
So four years into this failed experiment, what are the alternatives?
Getting rid of the mandates, letting people choose their own insurance
benefits, and giving everyone the same universal tax credit for health
insurance would be a good start. More easily accessible health savings
accounts for people in high-deductible plans is another good idea.
Every provision in ObamaCare that encourages employers either not to
hire people or to reduce their hours should go. Everything in the law
that prevents employers from providing individually owned health
insurance that travels from job to job should go. And everything that
makes more complicated than eHealth (a 10-year-old
private online exchange) should go.
Biden Claims Illegal Immigrants are "Already American Citizens"
The millions of illegal immigrants in the United States are already
American citizens, in Vice President Joe Biden’s view. At the U.S.
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s 2014 Legislative Summit Thursday Biden
"You know, 11 million people live in the shadows. I believe they're
already American citizens. These people are just waiting, waiting for a
chance to contribute fully. And by that standard, 11 million
undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view.
All they want—they just want a decent life for their kids, a chance to
contribute to a free society, a chance to put down roots and help build
the next great American century. I really believe that. That’s what
they’re fighting for."
Biden referenced former President Theodore Roosevelt's 1894 speech “True
Americanism” to assert that immigrants are precisely the type of
courageous individuals America needs.
However, Biden ignored Roosevelt’s admonition that immigrants must also
embrace the principles of American speech, politics, and principles:
"It is beyond all question the wise thing for the immigrant to become
thoroughly Americanized. Moreover, from our standpoint, we have a right
to demand it. We freely extend the hand of welcome and of
good-fellowship to every man, no matter what his creed or birthplace,
who comes here honestly intent on becoming a good United States citizen
like the rest of us; but we have a right, and it is our duty, to demand
that he shall indeed become so.…"
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
28 March, 2014
Screw You, Mickey Kaus
Ann Coulter
I've been thrown off my health insurance -- THANKS, OBAMACARE! -- and
have spent hours and hours over the past month trying to figure out my
options now that the Democrats have made my old plan, which I liked,
"illegal." (I prefer to think of my plan as "undocumented.")
Whom do I bill for the hours of work Obamacare forced me to perform? How
about you, Mickey? You're the smartest living liberal (faint praise),
and you assured us that Obamacare was going to be fantastic.
By now, Obama has issued "waivers" from Obamacare to about 99 percent of
the country. (Perhaps you've heard, there's a big midterm election this
year.) As one of the few Americans not granted a waiver, I'm here to
tell you: You have no idea what's coming, America.
I thought I had figured out the best plan for me a month ago after
having doctors and hospital administrators look at the packets of
material I was sent by my old insurance company -- the same mailing that
informed me my old plan was "illegal" under Obamacare.
But when I checked online recently, I discovered the premier plan -- the
"platinum," low-deductible, astronomically expensive plan that might be
accepted by an English-speaking doctor who didn't attend medical school
in a Hawaiian shirt and board shorts -- does not include treatment at
any decent hospitals.
That's sort of unfortunate because THAT'S THE ONLY REASON I WANT
INSURANCE! That's the only reason any sane homo sapiens wants health
insurance: to cover health care costs in the event of some catastrophic
illness or accident -- not to pay for Mickey Kaus' allergy appointments.
But my only options under the blue-chip plan were hospitals that also
do shoe repair.
I called Blue Cross directly to ask if its most expensive insurance plan
covered the only hospital I'd ever go to in an emergency. Since that's
all I wanted to know, that's what I asked. (I like to get to the point
that way.)
But -- as happens whenever you try to ascertain the most basic
information about insurance under Obamacare -- the Blue Cross
representative began hammering me with a battery of questions about
First my name. (Does that make a difference to what hospitals its plans
cover?) Then my phone number. By the time he got to my address, I said,
Finally, he admitted that Blue Cross' most expensive individual
insurance plan does not cover treatment at the hospitals I named. Their
doctors are "out of network" (and the person who designed this plan is
"out of his mind").
This was the rest of the conversation, verbatim:
ME: None of your plans cover out-of-network doctors?
ME: Why is it called "Premier Guided Access WITH OUT-OF-NETWORK PLAN"?
BLUE CROSS: Where did you see that?
ME: On Blue Cross' own material describing its plans.
BLUE CROSS: Oh. I don't know why it's called that.
ME: None of your plans cover (the good hospital)?
ME: I don't know who you are, but I have a very specific set of skills
that will help me find you. And when I find you, I am going to kill you.
True conversation. Except the last sentence. That was my fantasy.
I decided to approach it from the opposite direction and called one of
the nation's leading hospitals to ask which plans it accepted. The woman
listed a series of plans, but she couldn't tell me if I was eligible
for any of them. For that, she said, I'd have to go to the Obamacare
Does Obamacare cover suicide?
I went to "" and -- I guess I had heard this, but had
blocked it from my memory like a rape victim unable to remember her
attack -- you can't even peek at the available plans until you've given
the government reams of personal information about yourself.
How about they let me look at the merchandise first?
Inasmuch as the cost of health insurance under Obamacare is so high that
it will generally make more sense just to pay for your own catastrophic
health emergencies, I was not interested in telling Kathleen Sebelius
everything about me in order to have the privilege of glancing at the
government's crappy plans.
But that's the only choice. As the Obamacare website directs:
(1) Create an account. (Name, password.)
(2) Tell us about yourself and your family. (Every single thing.)
(3) Choose a health insurance plan. (That's where you finally get to see the plans.)
I wonder if other consumer-oriented businesses will start demanding
names, addresses, passwords and phone numbers before the customer is
allowed to browse the merchandise. Maybe Williams-Sonoma could pick up a
few sales tricks from Ezekiel Emanuel! Oh, you'd like to see the bronze
muffin tin? Sure, but first I'll need your Social Security number, date
of birth and mother's maiden name. Sign here, here and here.
The main point of the Obamacare website is to encourage people other
than me to get a government subsidy. There's also a section helping you
register to vote. You just can't see the insurance plans. (Guess which
one you need a government ID for?)
With zero help from the Obamacare website, I eventually figured out that
there was one lone insurance plan that would cover treatment at a
reputable hospital. The downside is, no doctors take it.
So my only two health insurance options -- and yours, too, as soon as
the waivers expire, America! -- are: (1) a plan that no doctors take; or
(2) a plan that no hospitals take. You either pay for all your doctor
visits and tests yourself, or you pay for your cancer treatment
yourself. And you pay through the nose in either case.
That's not insurance! It's a huge transfer of wealth from people who
work for a living to those who don't, accomplished by forcing the
workers to buy insurance that's not insurance. Obamacare has made actual
health insurance "illegal."
It's not "insurance" when what I want to insure against isn't covered,
but paying for other people's health care needs -- defined broadly -- is
It's as if you wanted to buy a car, so you paid for a Toyota -- but then
all you got was a 10-speed bike, with the rest of your purchase price
going to buy cars, bikes and helmets for other people.
Or, more precisely, it would be like having the option of car insurance
that covers either collisions or liability, but not both. Your car
insurance premium would be gargantuan, because most of it would go to
buy insurance, gas and air fresheners for other people in the plan.
If you have employer-provided health care, you may not have to make the
400 phone calls I had to, but the result will be the same: You're not
getting what is commonly known as "insurance." You're getting a massive
bill to pay for other people's chiropractors, marriage counselors, birth
control pills, smoking cessation programs, "preventive care"
appointments and pre-existing conditions.
Health insurance has been outlawed, replaced with a welfare program that has been renamed "insurance."
When Matt Drudge decided he'd rather pay for his own health care,
liberals hysterically denounced him for not buying an Obamacare
transfer-the-wealth, fake "insurance" plan. It used to be shameful to be
a public charge. Now it's shameful to pay for yourself.
And it's shameful to work for yourself. The self-employed are currently
the only Americans subjected to Obamacare. (In a way, it's lucky for the
Democrats that there aren't enough of us to hurt them in this year's
midterm elections!)
But we're the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. You may have an
employer-provided plan now, but the waivers can't go on forever. If you
live in America, your health insurance is going to disappear, too.
The government simply cannot force all insurance companies to give
subsidized health care to a third of the country, to ignore the
pre-existing health conditions of its customers, to pay for every little
thing tangentially related to health -- like smoking cessation
programs, marital counseling and pediatric dental care -- and also
expect them to cover your cancer treatment.
It doesn't matter if you've been paying for insurance your whole adult
life. That policy is now "illegal." Put your hands in the air, nice and
easy, and step away from the policy ...
You 99-percenters still unaffected by Obamacare will blithely go to the
polls this November and vote on some teeny-tiny issue, completely
unaware of the total destruction of health insurance in America. The
waivers have worked.
Now we'll have to wait 40 years for a future Mickey Kaus to come along
and expose the disastrous consequences of this horrendous government
program, just like the real Mickey Kaus did with welfare. But for now, I
say: Screw you, Mickey Kaus.
Massaging of Critical Data Undermines Our Society
Victor Davis Hanson
Transparency and truth are the fuels that run sophisticated
civilizations. Without them, the state grinds to a halt. Lack of trust
-- not barbarians on the frontier, global warming or cooling, or even
epidemics -- doomed civilizations of the past, from imperial Rome to the
former Soviet Union.
The United States can withstand the untruth of a particular presidential
administration if the permanent government itself is honest. Dwight
Eisenhower lied about the downed U-2 spy plane inside the Soviet Union.
Almost nothing Richard Nixon said about Watergate was true. Intelligence
reports of vast stockpiles of WMD in Iraq proved as accurate as Bill
Clinton's assertion that he never had sexual relations with Monica
Presidents fib. The nation gets outraged. The independent media digs out the truth. And so the system of trust repairs itself.
What distinguishes democracies from tinhorn dictatorships and
totalitarian monstrosities are our permanent meritocratic government
bureaus that remain nonpartisan and honestly report the truth.
The Benghazi, Associated Press and National Security Agency scandals are
scary, but not as disturbing as growing doubts about the honesty of
permanent government itself.
It is no longer crackpot to doubt the once impeccable and nonpartisan
IRS. When it assured the public that it was not making decisions about
tax-exempt status based on politics, it lied. One of its top
commissioners, Lois Lerner, resigned and invoked the Fifth Amendment.
A system of voluntary tax reporting rests on trust. If the IRS itself is
untruthful, will it be able to expect truthful compliance from
Many doubt the officially reported government unemployment rates. That
statistic is vital in assessing economic growth and is of enormous
political importance in the way citizens vote.
It was reported in November that the Census Bureau may have fabricated
survey results during the 2012 presidential campaign, sending false data
to the Labor Department that could have altered official employment
In the 1990s, the method of assessing the official unemployment rate was
massaged to make it seem lower than it actually was. Rules were changed
to ignore millions who had been out of work longer than 52 weeks. They
were suddenly classified as permanent dropouts and not part of the idled
Does the government release an accurate report on quarterly Gross
Domestic Product growth -- another vital barometer of how the economy is
doing? Maybe not. Last year, the Bureau of Economic Analysis for the
first time factored research and development costs of businesses into
statistics on investment growth.
Suddenly, a cost became proof of business output and thus was added into
the business investment contribution to GDP. That new accounting
gimmick may have added hundreds of billions of dollars into the equation
of figuring GDP growth last year alone. Not surprisingly, the
government reported unexpectedly high 2.8 percent GDP growth after the
Is inflation really as low as the government insists? In recent times
the government has not just counted the increase in the prices of goods,
but also factored into its calculus theories about changing consumer
buying habits when prices increase. The changes have resulted in
officially lowered inflation rates.
No one knows how many Americans have now bought and paid for Affordable
Care Act health insurance policies. There is no accurate information
about how many young people have enrolled -- critical to the success of
Obamacare. Nor do Americans know how many enrollees were previously
uninsured. Nor does the public know how many enrollees simply switched
insurance from Medicaid to the Affordable Care Act. There is no
information about how many actually have paid their premiums.
No one knows how many foreign citizens who entered the U.S. illegally
were apprehended inside the United States and returned to their country
of origin last year -- a figure vital for any compromise on passing
comprehensive immigration reform.
The Obama administration claims near-record numbers of deportations. In
fact, once again government agencies -- in this case the U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) -- have mysteriously changed
the way they compile statistics. The ICE now counts as deportations
those foreign nationals whom the Border Patrol immediately stops or
turns away at the border. Such detentions were not previously counted as
The result is that bureaucrats can report near-record numbers of
deportations, while privately assuring the administration that
immigration enforcement has been greatly relaxed.
There is a pattern here. Changes in data collection seem to have a
predictable result: Inflation and unemployment rates become lower.
Economic growth becomes greater. The IRS focuses on government skeptics.
The Affordable Care Act is not in trouble. Illegal immigration is not
such a problem.
If the people increasingly believe that bureaucrats try to alter reality
to reflect preconceived ideologies or the goals of the particular
regime in power, then America as we know it is finished.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
27 March, 2014
Is monogamy Biblical?
It isn't. in Old Testament times, it was perfectly normal for a man to
have both concubines and several wives. But that was no invitation to
licence. There were strict rules about how multiple wives were to be
treated. All wives had extensive rights. As it says in Exodus 21:10: "If
he takes another wife to himself, he shall not diminish her food, her
clothing, or her marital rights."
It is only in the NT that we see a move towards monogamy and there is is
not any sort of commandment. It is advice. As Paul says in 1 Cor. 7
"But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should
have his own wife and each woman her own husband."
This made made clearer in 1 Timothy 3: "Therefore an overseer must be
above reproach, the husband of one wife, sober-minded, self-controlled,
respectable, hospitable, able to teach". So it was only the officers of
the church to whom the advice applied and the reason for the advice was
that it made the officer look good, not that it was right or wrong.
It may be argued that in Matthew 19 Jesus commanded monogamy. There are
two objections to that. The first is that Jesus was very clearly on that
occasion aiming only to confound the Pharisees and the second is that
Jesus was actually forbidding divorce, not forbidding second marriages:
"What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate." -- JR
Obama "transparency"
The Obama administration has a standard response to all scandals: it
stonewalls. Getting information from the administration is like pulling
teeth, only slower. Document requests and subpoenas go unanswered, or
inadequately answered, for years.
So far Obama’s stonewall strategy has worked quite well. After a year or
two, a scandal is treated as old news, even though the administration
has never produced the information that would allow Congressional
committees, reporters or the public to evaluate it. If the
administration stalls long enough, it wins.
In perfecting the art of the stall, Obama has done something that has
been tried by no previous president: he has put the White House into the
loop when federal agencies respond to subpoenas and Freedom of
Information Act requests. A group called Cause of Action has uncovered
an April 15, 2009 memo by White House Counsel Greg Craig that lays out
the administration’s unprecedented stonewall strategy. Craig’s memo went
to every executive department and federal agency. You can read it here.
The memo says, in part:
This is a reminder that executive agencies should consult with the White
House Counsel’s Office on all document requests that may involve
documents with White House equities. …
This need to consult with the White House arises with respect to all
types of document requests, including Congressional committee requests,
GAO requests, judicial subpoenas, and FOIA requests. And it applies to
all documents and records, whether in oral, paper, or electronic form,
that relate to communications to and from the White House, including
preparations for such communications.
The phrase “White House equities” is undefined. It is not a legal term;
it cannot be found in the Freedom of Information Act. Apparently a
document has “White House equities” if it potentially could embarrass
the Obama administration.
Mark Tapscott reported on Cause of Action’s discovery last week in the Washington Examiner:
The FOIA requires federal agencies to respond within 20 days of
receiving a request, but the White House equities exception can make it
impossible for an agency to meet that deadline.
In one case cited by Cause of Action, the response to a request from a
Los Angeles Times reporter to the Department of the Interior for
“communications between the White House and high-ranking Interior
officials on various politically sensitive topics” was delayed at least
two years by the equities review.
“Cause of Action is still waiting for documents from 16 federal
agencies, with the Department of Treasury having the longest pending
request of 202 business days.
“The Department of Energy is a close second at 169 business days. The
requests to the Department of Defense and Department of Health and Human
Services have been pending for 138 business days,” the report said.
There are two problems with the unprecedented White House review that
the Obama administration has instituted. The first is that it takes
forever. White House lawyers can simply sit on a subpoena until a year
or two have gone by, and the potentially embarrassing issue has been
forgotten. But the second problem is still more diabolical. The White
House is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. This means that
if White House lawyers decide to cover up an Obama scandal by shredding
documents that make the administration look bad, no one–no reporter, no
Congressional committee, no private citizen–can serve a request that
requires the White House to disclose what documents it destroyed. So
adding a layer of White House lawyer review to the production of any
sensitive documents–those with “White House equities”–means that
inconvenient information may sink without a trace. We have no way of
knowing how often this has happened over the last five years.
Which is, of course, exactly the way the least transparent administration in history wants it.
Is Obama Stupid?
By Alan Caruba
No one gets elected President by being stupid, unless of course the
election is stolen in cities controlled by the Democratic Party, but one
must also factor in the intelligence of nearly half of the voters who
pull the Democratic Party lever no matter who the candidate may be.
America is seriously divided between liberals and conservatives, but
there are indications that even those who self-identify as liberals are
having second thoughts as the result of the havoc Obamacare has
inflicted on their lives and the economy. Voters who self-identify as
“independents” are the deciding factor in most elections. They reflect
disenchantment with both parties.
I have been thinking about whether Obama is stupid because he has been
in Europe with the leaders of the nations who are grappling with the
seizure of Crimea by Russia. I keep wondering, given his record at this
point, whether they too think he’s stupid. He has taken the most
powerful and respected nation in the world and reduced it to ridicule
and disdain. When he leaves the room do they shake their head and roll
their eyes?
The question of whether Obama is stupid would seem to be disputed by the
fact that he is a Harvard Law School graduate and one has to have some
degree of intelligence to navigate that. His undergraduate college is
Columbia University, one of the most liberal in the nation. In neither
case do we know how Obama did academically because he took care to have
his records kept from public review.
Indeed, most public records regarding his life, including his birth
certificate have been kept hidden. The one he provided has been deemed a
forgery. There are claims as well that his Social Security number is
So, one could argue that he was not stupid enough to let people know the
truth. What we do know is that he is a complete stranger to the truth,
uttering lies on a daily basis. That is a serious character flaw in
anyone, but in a President it is a threat to the nation.
What we do know is that Obama is so devoted to a Marxist ideology that
it warps his view of the world and that he has devoted his two terms in
office to the “transformation” of America; another way of saying that he
embraces issues, foreign and domestic, that do not reflect the history
or values of the nation.
America has now twice elected a Communist to its highest office and the
result has been a failure, deliberate or the result of his ideology, to
lift the nation out of a recession by lowering taxes, reducing spending,
and other means well known to previous presidents.
The result has had a cataclysmic effect on the lives of millions of
Americans. What growth has occurred has not been due to anything the
White House or Congress has done, but in spite of both.
The overthrow of tyrannical governments in the Middle East and most
recently in Ukraine reflects a desire for democracy and justice in these
nations. Obama sided with the Muslim Brotherhood during the Egyptian
uprising. One has to wonder what the king of Saudi Arabia has to say
about that. His nation and others in the Middle East have banned the
Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. There is no nice way of
describing his action or inaction regarding the Middle East and
The opening of negotiations with Iran and reductions of sanctions
against it simply gave it more time to pursue its intent to create its
own nuclear weapons. This isn’t just stupid, it’s insane. The time
wasted on securing peace from the Palestinians after decades of their
open hatred of Israel is also stupid.
Obama’s failure to work closely with Congress reflects his indifference
to the Constitution and, having lectured on it, it cannot be said that
he is ignorant of its limits on the executive office and its division of
power between the three branches of government He doesn’t seem to care
much what the Constitution says. That’s stupid. The result has been a
very meager legislative record and that is a good thing given his
ideological inclinations.
We all know of men and women in high office or CEOs of major
corporations that offer ample evidence of stupidity, but the latter can
be removed by their board of directors. Americans have no options for
the removal of Obama. Impeachment will not likely occur even if the GOP
gains control of both houses of Congress. Obamacare and the economy have
been his greatest gift for their renewal of political power.
Obama’s “war on coal” and other efforts of his administration to keep
America from tapping huge reserves of energy that would greatly improve
our economy with jobs and exports is both stupidity and ideology. You
have to be stupid to keep talking about “climate change” aka “global
warming” when the only change of the past 17 years has been a planet
that is cooling,
The danger the nation faces is real and present. The reduction of our
military strength has not gone unnoticed by totalitarian and rogue
regimes. Obama’s deliberate withdrawal of the nation from its position
of global leadership is a threat of major proportions.
History hangs on questions of leadership and Obama has shown none, nor
evidence of caring about the results of his failures. That’s a pretty
good definition of stupid.
Why are infrastructure projects so slow these days?
One of the odder aspects of modern life is that it takes forever to
build infrastructure. For example, the 2.7 mile paved walking path
around the beautiful Lake Hollywood reservoir (which is under the famous
Hollywood Sign), was washed out in places during the 2005 rains. The
loop finally reopened in 2013, over eight years later. In contrast, the
sizable Mulholland Dam that created the reservoir in the 1920s was built
in either 1.5 years (according to the bronze plaque on the dam) or 2.5
years (according to Wikipedia). In either case, it took at least five
years less time to build the dam from scratch in the 1920s than to fix
the road around the reservoir in the 2000s and 2010s.
On the other hand, as I was reading up on this dam, I saw that William
Mulholland, Los Angeles's titanic chief water engineer, followed up his
Hollywood dam with his nearly identical St. Francis dam out in the
northern exurbs, which also built in only a couple of years.
Unfortunately, the St. Francis dam collapsed in 1928, killing
approximately 600 people. So, in the 1930s, Los Angeles went back and
pushed a huge amount of dirt in front of the Hollywood version of the
dam to keep from losing Hollywood. I hadn't realized how tall the dam is
under all the dirt until seeing this photo of the safety project from a
1934 Popular Science:
Democrats turn on Nate Silver
Democrats are turning against Nate Silver, the political data guru they
touted in 2012. Two years ago he was described as soothsayer after
repeatedly saying that President Obama would win a second term,
accurately predicting the winner of each state in the 2012 contest.
Conservatives ripped Silver back then for his “flawed model,” with some
claiming Silver was a biased liberal. Democrats loved him then, but now
they’re attacking him.
The difference, of course, is that the Democrats’ political fortunes
have taken a turn for the worse and Silver isn’t optimistic about their
chances in November.
“We think the Republicans are now slight favorites to win at least six
seats and capture the chamber,” Silver wrote, predicting Republicans
could net as many as 11 seats. Silver, who pegs the chances of a GOP
takeover at 60 percent, unveiled his crystal ball Sunday on ABC’s “This
Democrats quickly fired back.
Sen. Michael Bennet (Colo.), who heads the Democratic Senatorial
Campaign Committee (DSCC), told The Hill, “I think he’s got his numbers
wrong, which is unusual for Nate. In this case, I look forward to
talking to him after the election.”
Bennet added, “He ought to go back and check what he said about [Sen.]
Claire McCaskill [(D-Mo.)] and some of the other races in the last
In August of 2012, Silver said the race was “tilting” toward then-Rep.
Todd Akin (R-Mo.), McCaskill’s opponent. McCaskill ended up winning,
though this Silver analysis was written before Akin made a damaging
comment about “legitimate rape,” which changed the race.
Pressed on Silver’s 2014 predictions, Sen. Mark Begich (Alaska), one of
the Senate’s most vulnerable incumbents, said, “It’s very early.”
Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), whom Silver gives only a 30 percent chance of
winning reelection, said, “I don’t agree with that at all.”
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
26 March, 2014
Bizarre Arguments and Behavior
Walter E. Williams
Some statements and arguments are so asinine that you'd have to be an
academic or a leftist to take them seriously. Take the accusation that
Republicans and conservatives are conducting a war on women. Does that
mean they're waging war on their daughters, wives, mothers and other
female members of their families? If so, do they abide by the Geneva
Conventions' bans on torture, or do they engage in enhanced
interrogation and intimidation methods, such as waterboarding, with
female family members? You might say that leftists don't mean actual
war. Then why do they say it?
What would you think of a white conservative mayor's trying to defund
charter schools where blacks are succeeding? While most of New York's
black students could not pass a citywide math proficiency exam, there
was a charter school where 82 percent of its students passed. New York's
left-wing mayor, Bill de Blasio, is trying to shut it down, and so far,
I've heard not one peep from the Big Apple's civil rights hustlers,
including Al Sharpton and Charles Rangel. According to columnist Thomas
Sowell, the attack on successful charter schools is happening in other
cities, too (
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder recently stated that we must revisit
the laws that ban convicted felons from voting. Why? According to a
recent study by two professors, Marc Meredith of the University of
Pennsylvania and Michael Morse of Stanford, published in The Annals of
the American Academy of Political and Social Science
(, three-fourths of America's convicted
murderers, rapists and thieves are Democrats. Many states restrict
felons from voting; however, there's a movement afoot to eliminate any
restriction on their voting. If successful, we might see Democratic
candidates campaigning in prisons, seeking the support of some of
America's worst people.
Decades ago, I warned my fellow Americans that the tobacco zealots'
agenda was not about the supposed health hazards of secondhand smoke. It
was really about control. The fact that tobacco smoke is unpleasant
gained them the support of most Americans. By the way, to reach its
secondhand smoke conclusions, the Environmental Protection Agency
employed statistical techniques that were grossly dishonest. Some years
ago, I had the opportunity to ask a Food and Drug Administration
official whether his agency would accept pharmaceutical companies using
similar statistical techniques in their drug approval procedures. He
just looked at me.
Seeing as Americans are timid and compliant, why not dictate other
aspects of our lives -- such as the size of soda we may buy, as former
Mayor Michael Bloomberg tried in New York? Former U.S. Department of
Agriculture spokesman John Webster said: "Right now, this anti-obesity
campaign is in its infancy. ... We want to turn people around and give
them assistance in eating nutritious foods." The city of Calabasas,
Calif., adopted an ordinance that bans smoking in virtually all outdoor
areas. The stated justification is not the desire to fight against
secondhand smoke but the desire to protect children from bad influences
-- seeing adults smoking. Most Americans don't know that years ago, if
someone tried to stop a person from smoking on a beach or sidewalk or
buying a 16-ounce cup of soda or tried to throw away his kid's homemade
lunch, it might have led to a severe beating. On a very famous radio
talk show, I suggested to an anti-obesity busybody who was calling for
laws to restrict restaurants' serving sizes that he not be a coward and
rely on government. He should just come up, I told him, and take the
food he thought I shouldn't have from my plate.
The late H.L. Mencken's description of health care professionals in his
day is just as appropriate today: "A certain section of medical opinion,
in late years, has succumbed to the messianic delusion. Its spokesmen
are not content to deal with the patients who come to them for advice;
they conceive it to be their duty to force their advice upon everyone,
including especially those who don't want it. That duty is purely
imaginary. It is born of vanity, not of public spirit. The impulse
behind it is not altruism, but a mere yearning to run things."
Wisconsin Success Story
Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker signed into law today a $541
million tax cut returning $406 million to state technical colleges to
reduce their property taxes. Another $98 million will go to low-income
taxpayers, reducing the state's lowest bracket from 4.4% to 4%. Walker
first proposed the rate cuts in January, and the last procedural hurdle
for passage was cleared this past week when the state Assembly passed
the bill 61-35. That was fast.
The bill's passage barely rated 10 lines in The New York Times, which
chose to bury the story deep inside the paper's A-section. Leftmedia
outlets have done all they can to keep the Wisconsin success story out
of the headlines as well. Walker, who survived a truly vicious recall
effort after taking on the state's unions a couple years ago, has been
behind a drive that has improved the state's economy, brought
accountability to the school system, and pushed the unemployment rate
down to 6.1%, its lowest since 2008. A recent poll reports that 95% of
business owners in the state are optimistic about the future of the
economy in Wisconsin.
The story of Wisconsin's recovery is one that Republicans around the
country need to follow. Media outlets that care about reporting the
facts should take heed as well. Walker's success has come despite the
attempts of leftists to block his efforts at every turn with
increasingly despicable methods. From shirking their legislative duties
to preventing a vote on Walker's reforms to bussing in union thugs
during the recall effort so as to shut down the capitol, Democrats have
been merciless in their attempts to prevent the pro-business,
small-government model from succeeding. They are particularly set on
blocking it in the state that birthed the “progressive” movement a
century ago.
Meanwhile, Walker's Democrat opponent, Mary Burke, is using her own
underhanded tactics in an attempt to unseat the governor. She released
an ad claiming that the state's unemployment rate is rising, and when
she was called out on the blatant falsehood, she offered no regrets,
saying in effect that the ends justify the lies. She will have a tough
time convincing voters that Wisconsin is in need of new leadership, so
expect the lies and mischaracterizations to keep on coming. That's the
one tool that leftists know how to wield.
Republicans and Blacks
Thomas Sowell
Recently former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice added her voice to
those who have long been urging the Republican Party to reach out to
black voters. Not only is that long overdue, what is also long overdue
is putting some time -- and, above all, some serious thought -- into how
to go about doing it.
Too many Republicans seem to think that the way to "reach out" is to
offer blacks and other minorities what the Democrats are offering them.
Some have even suggested that the channels to use are organizations like
the NAACP and black "leaders" like Jesse Jackson -- that is, people
tied irrevocably to the Democrats.
Voters who want what the Democrats offer can get it from the Democrats.
Why should they vote for Republicans who act like make-believe
Yet there are issues where Republicans have a big advantage over
Democrats -- if they will use that advantage. But an advantage that you
don't use might as well not exist.
The issue on which Democrats are most vulnerable, and have the least
room to maneuver, is school choice. Democrats are heavily in hock to the
teachers' unions, who see public schools as places to guarantee jobs
for teachers, regardless of what that means for the education of
There are some charter schools and private schools that have low-income
minority youngsters equaling or exceeding national norms, despite the
many ghetto public schools where most students are nowhere close to
meeting those norms. Because teachers' unions oppose charter schools,
most Democrats oppose them, including black Democrats up to and
including President Barack Obama.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's recent cutback on funding for charter
schools, and creating other obstacles for them, showed a calloused
disregard for black youngsters, for whom a decent education is their one
shot at a better life.
But did you hear any Republican say anything about it?
Minimum wage laws are another government-created disaster for minority young people.
Many people today would be surprised to learn that there were once years
when the unemployment rate for black 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds was
under 10 percent. But their unemployment rates have not been under 20
percent in more than half a century. In some years, their unemployment
rate has been over 40 percent.
Why such great differences between earlier and later times? In the late
1940s, inflation had rendered meaningless the minimum wage set in 1938.
Without that encumbrance, black teenagers found it a lot easier to get
jobs than after the series of minimum wage escalations that began in the
Young people need job experience, at least as much as they need a
paycheck. And no neighborhood needs hordes of idle young men hanging
around, getting into mischief, if not into crime.
Republicans have failed to explain why the minimum wage laws that
Democrats support are counterproductive for blacks. Worse yet, during
the 2012 election campaign Mitt Romney advocated indexing the minimum
wage for inflation, which would not only guarantee its bad effects, but
would put an end to discussing those bad effects.
Are issues like these going to switch the black vote as a whole over
into the Republican column at the next election? Of course not. Nor will
embracing the Democrats' racial agenda.
But, if Republicans can reduce the 90 percent of the black vote that
goes to Democrats to 80 percent, that can be enough to swing a couple of
close Congressional elections -- as a start.
Even to achieve that, however, will require targeting those particular
segments of the black population that are not irrevocably committed to
the Democrats. Parents who want their children to get a decent education
are one obvious example. But if Republicans aim a one-size-fits-all
message at all blacks they will fail to connect with the particular
people they have some chance of reaching.
First of all, Republicans will need to know what they are talking about.
There are books like "Race and Economics" by Walter Williams, which
show that many well-meaning government programs have been
counterproductive for minorities. And there are people like Shelby
Steele and the Thernstroms with valuable insights.
But first Republicans have got to want to learn, and to be willing to do some thinking, in order to get their message across.
The Proper Size of Government
Based on a large body of empirical research examining the
relationship between the size of government and economic outcomes, the
United States should scale back
A large body of empirical research has examined the relationship between
the size of government and economic outcomes, and based on that
research, the United States has much room to scale back. In addition,
and close to home, Canada's recent experience with government
retrenchment is an example of a country shrinking government without a
trade-off in economic and social outcomes. In fact, a smaller government
could achieve better outcomes for the American people.
Di Matteo’s analysis confirms other work showing a positive return to
economic growth and social progress when governments focus their
spending on basic, needed services like the protection of property. But
his findings also demonstrate that a tipping point exists at which more
government hinders economic growth and fails to contribute to social
progress in a meaningful way.
The fundamental question is at which point incremental government
spending impedes economic growth and social outcomes, or achieves the
latter only at great marginal cost. Government spending becomes
unproductive when it goes to such things as corporate subsidies,
boondoggles, and overly generous wages and benefits for government
employees. In these cases, regular Americans do not see tangible
benefits from additional spending.
Di Matteo examines international data and finds that, after controlling
for confounding factors, annual per capita GDP growth is maximized when
government spending consumes 26 percent of the economy. Economic growth
rates start to decline when relative government spending exceeds this
level. In other words, there is a hump-shaped relationship between the
size of government and economic growth (this relationship is often
referred to as the Scully Curve, named after the economist Gerald
According to OECD data, the size of government in the United States was
approximately 40 percent of GDP in 2012. While Di Matteo’s estimate of
the tipping point is based on international data, it suggests that
President Obama should reduce government to boost the U.S. economy. This
conclusion is supported by a larger literature (see here, here, here,
and here) that has also found that a smaller size of government than
what currently exists in the United States would translate into higher
annual economic growth.
Canada as Example
For a real-life example of how scaling back government has led to
positive and practical economic benefits, Americans should look north.
For much of the second half of the 20th century, the conventional wisdom
in Canada favored increasing the size of government. This led to
significant growth in government as a share of the economy from 1970 to
1992 (see accompanying chart). Specifically, total government spending
as a share of GDP went from 36 percent in 1970 (just over 2 percentage
points higher than in the United States) to 53 percent when it peaked in
1992 (14 percentage points higher than in the United States).
This massive growth in government spending — along with a corresponding
increase in government debt — led the country down a precarious path
that attracted unwanted international attention. In fact, in a January
12, 1995, editorial, the Wall Street Journal called Canada out on its
debt problem, saying it had “become an honorary member of the Third
World” and warning that it “could hit the debt wall.”
Soon after, the federal and many provincial governments took sweeping
action to cut spending and reform programs. This led to a major
structural change in the government's involvement in the Canadian
economy. The Canadian reforms produced considerable fiscal savings,
reduced the size and scope of government, created room for important tax
reforms, and ultimately helped usher in a period of sustained economic
growth and job creation.
This final point is worth emphasizing: Canada's total government
spending as a share of GDP fell from a peak of 53 percent in 1992 to 39
percent in 2007, and despite this more than one-quarter decline in the
size of government, the economy grew, the job market expanded, and
poverty rates fell dramatically.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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25 March, 2014
A true conservative
A seething discontent with the world you live in is what makes you a
Leftist. And because of that, Leftists want to "fundamentally transform"
the world around them. Rather than adapt themselves to the world around
them, they want to adapt the world to them. WHY the Leftist is
discontented can and does vary but it is discontent that defines him.
Conservatives, on the other hand tend to be contented people. They can
see a lot that they would change if they could but they don't make a
crusade out of it. They mostly just get on with their own life.
And the Leftist hostility is directed at their fellow-man. Changing the
geography or topography of your country won't butter any parsnips. It is
people you have to change, usually by force and coercion. Leftists
actually hate their fellow citizens. So their outbursts of fury at
anyone who obstructs what they want are understandable.
I contrast that with "Supermac", the very aristocratic Prime Minister of
the United Kingdom from 10 January 1957 to 18 October 1963. He was from
the Conservative party. Some time after his service as Prime Minister,
he was elevated to the House of Lords. In his first speech there, in
1984, he said:
"It breaks my heart to see (I can't interfere or do anything at my age)
what is happening in our country today - this terrible strike of the
best men in the world, who beat the Kaiser's army and beat Hitler's
army, and never gave in. Pointless, endless. We can't afford that kind
of thing. And then this growing division which the noble Lord who has
just spoken mentioned, of a comparatively prosperous south, and an
ailing north and midlands. That can't go on."
So the strikers that were causing so many problems and who would never
vote for his party were abused and excoriated as a Leftist would do? Not
at all. He saw quality in them: "strike of the best men in the world".
He was not at war with his fellow man. He admired them. Such a different
attitude from the whiners and abusers of the Left. Conservatives are
the gentlemen. Leftists are the thugs
Public-sector pensions are eating taxpayers alive
by Jeff Jacoby
SOME OF my best friends, to coin a phrase, are lifetime government
employees. When they stop working, their pensions will put them among
the highest-earning retirees in the country. On a personal level, I'm
glad my friends' retirement will be so comfortable. But as a taxpayer, I
know that their good fortune, multiplied by hundreds of thousands of
government workers like them, will only worsen a swelling political and
fiscal crisis.
Around the country governments are facing a tidal wave of pension
obligations that they haven't figured out how to pay for. By some
estimates, the states' long-term unfunded pension liabilities add up to
more than $4 trillion. There is no way to meet such a staggering
financial burden without sacrificing more and more of the basic services
- public safety, education, roads and infrastructure - that governments
are formed to provide. Already some cities - from Vallejo, Calif., to
Detroit, Mich., to Central Falls, R.I. - have been driven into
bankruptcy by the unaffordable retirement benefits they have promised
public-sector workers. And there has been talk in Congress of crafting a
bankruptcy option for states, a proposal that no longer seems as
outlandish as it once did.
Everywhere, the writing is on the wall. In San Jose, reports The
Washington Post, "the roads are pocked with potholes, the libraries are
closed three days a week, and a slew of city recreation centers have
been handed over to nonprofit groups." Taxes have been raised, public
services cut, and the number of city employees drastically reduced. Yet
annual retirement payouts for -public-sector workers continue to climb,
thanks to lavish pensions that enrich municipal retirees with as much as
90 percent of their former salaries - and court decisions barring
pension benefits for public-sector employees from being rolled back.
The result, in San Jose and across the country, is the "startling
injustice" of poor and working-class taxpayers forced to make do with
less and less so that the gold-plated pensions of public-sector
retirees, which already gobble an outsize share of government budgets,
can keep devouring more and more.
Dismay at that injustice is increasingly bipartisan, as it becomes clear
that liberal priorities will die on the vine without pension reform.
San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed, who is pushing a state constitutional
amendment that would empower governments or voters to stem
out-of-control retirement costs, is a Democrat. So is Chicago's Rahm
Emanuel, who says his city is teetering "on the brink of a fiscal cliff
because of our pension liabilities." So is New Bedford's former mayor
Scott Lang, who was warning back in 2009 that public pensions and health
benefits were strangling government's ability to provide basic
services. "It's absolute insanity," he told the Boston Globe. "They're
Now a new study from the American Enterprise Institute strengthens the
case for public-pension reform - especially for progressives troubled by
income inequality and a growing societal wealth gap.
Andrew G. Biggs, a former deputy commissioner of the Social Security
Administration, explodes the claim routinely made by government labor
unions that public pension benefits are actually quite modest. It's easy
to give the impression that average retirement benefits for government
workers are unremarkable, he writes, by including payments to elderly
beneficiaries who left government long ago, or short-term workers who
receive only a minuscule pension for their time in government.
But focus on pension payments made to lifetime government employees
retiring now, and it's clear that public-sector workers, even in
retirement, tend to be quite well paid indeed.
In the average state, an average career government employee receives
combined pension and Social Security income higher than 72 percent of
that state's full-time working employees, Biggs calculates. The figure
is lower in some states, including Massachusetts (45 percent); in
others, such as Pennsylvania (87 percent) or Oregon (90 percent), it's
much higher. Bear in mind that these sums don't include health-care
benefits, which typically boost retirees' income by thousands of
And how much is a full-career public employee pension worth in dollars
and cents? In the average state, those lifetime retirement benefits -
again, not including health coverage - have a present value worth
$768,940. In many states, they're worth even more - $848,735 in
Massachusetts, for example, and more than $1.3 million in Nevada.
For the average career government employee retiring today, pension
benefits will equal 87 percent of their final salary. Those benefits are
eating taxpayers alive, as the pension bomb ticks ever louder.
Yet Another Report on Obamacare Increasing Price of Health Care
If you follow the news, you're familiar with the fact that many
projections are showing that Americans will face much higher health
premiums next year due to Obamacare. A new report from Avalere Health
confirms this:
Avalere Health, a market research and consulting firm, estimates some
consumers will pay half the cost of their specialty drugs under health
overhaul-related plans, while customers in the private market typically
pay no more than a third. Patient advocates worry that insurers may be
trying to discourage chronically ill patients from enrolling by putting
high cost drugs onto specialty tiers.
Under the law, insurers can't charge an individual more than $6,350 in
out-of pocket costs a year and no more than $12,700 for a family
policy. But patients advocates warn those with serious illnesses could
pay their entire out-of-pocket cap before their insurance kicks in any
Insurers say prescription drugs are one of the main reasons health care costs are rising.
One of the goals of health care reform should be to "bend the cost
curve." One of the ways that Obamacare is trying to achieve that is to
force consumers to pay more for prescription drugs.
This comes on the heels of a separate Avalere report this month that,
aside from prescription drugs, premiums overall will skyrocket.
Ukraine Illustrates Hard Truths Liberals Won't Face
It's a safe bet that the next smug liberal dork you hear repeating the
cheesy cliche about how "Reality has a liberal bias" doesn't live in
The key to understanding liberals is realizing that they are immune to
argument. The concept underlying the idea of a debate is that facts and
reasoning can lead one to change his previous conclusions. But liberals
begin with their conclusions; facts and reasoning that may undermine the
preexisting conclusion must be at least ignored, if not actively
attacked. This is why you see liberals shouting about jailing global
warming deniers as blizzards rage outside.
The problem liberals always face is that the world refuses to honor
their preconceived notions. Sometimes we get lucky and the liberal wises
up, at least a little. For instance, Jimmy Carter woke up to the fact
that the Soviet Union was composed of genuine bastards when they invaded
Afghanistan, and in fits and starts he took action. This shocking burst
of foreign policy competence is almost single-handedly responsible for
raising Carter's ranking on the list of America's greatest presidents
all the way up to 39th. Zombie Millard Fillmore was totally bummed.
Now we are in the almost unimaginable position of looking back at Jimmy
Carter as an example of comparatively sure, savvy leadership. The
Russians invaded Afghanistan and Carter armed the rebels. The Russians
invaded Crimea and Barack Obama went on Ellen to hear the hostess gush
about how much America loves Obamacare.
It's no surprise that both Carter and Obama were stunned to find that
their counterparts out there on the Eurasian steppes were evil, violent
thugs determined to maximize their own power by whatever means
necessary. After all, in the liberal universe there are no bad people,
except for conservatives and male college students who fail to obtain a
notarized statement from their drunken dates authorizing them to advance
to second base.
After all, human nature is just a construct. At heart, everyone is just a
metrosexual college student sitting in a gender studies class, eager to
work together with a diverse group of other like-minded individuals to
forge a better tomorrow.
That a guy like Putin might act like a guy like Putin never occurred to
them. But it occurred to conservatives. We understand that human nature
is not a mere construct, that evil is real, and that the uniquely
American understanding of the natural rights of man is the one true hope
for humanity.
Liberals don't want to face the truth that sometimes you can't talk it
out, or make a deal. They don't want to face the fact that they must
sometimes put away childish things - like the ridiculous climate change
scam they push to enhance their own power - and deal with the world not
as they wish it to be but as it is.
They are desperate to change the subject from the invasion of Ukraine
back to their own agenda. The people of Ukraine? Collateral damage in
the cause of pushing the progressive program.
You would think that the invasion of a major European state might alarm
or upset the Western Europeans. And it does. They are angry that they
are expected to rise out of their welfare state stupor and act. They
won't. The Ukrainian people's cries for help get treated like Kitty
Genovese's (at least in the New York Times's false telling). The West
just doesn't want to get involved.
Years ago, the Europeans made a conscious decision to inhabit an
imaginary world where everyone is just as emasculated and effete as
they, where everyone wants to anesthetize themselves from the pain of
responsibility with social spending and moral posturing. But most of the
world didn't get the memo that weak is the new strong.
While Europe slashed its military budgets to pump up subsidies for vast
populations of unemployed, childless university grads and middle-aged
pensioners, the rest of the world stuck with the tried and true
methodology of might making right. China is increasing its military
budget by double digits. Iran is cooking up a hot rock. And Assad's
gleeful slaughter of his own people continues, with thousands
figuratively strung up with surplus red line.
America, sadly, is following the Europeans' path to helplessness. The
richest country in the world is gutting its military just as its enemies
- unlike liberals, conservatives understand that we have enemies - are
building their strength and flexing their muscles. It's not that we are
short of the money we need to fund an adequate military. It's that we
instead choose to spend the money on deadbeats, crony capitalists and
farcical liberal fads du jour.
It's shameful. Our warriors shouldn't get the scraps left over after the
pigs finish feeding at the trough. How about we make the supreme
sacrifice of ending such imperatives as cowboy poetry slams in order to
make sure we have a United States Marine Corps that won't fit
comfortably inside a banquet room at the Rancho Cucamonga Holiday Inn?
If our leaders could accept facts, they would have responded to Putin by
reversing the decimation of the greatest military - and greatest force
for human freedom - in all of history. But they didn't.
If our leaders could accept facts, they would forget their climate
change foolishness. Europe outsourced its natural gas supply to Russia,
letting those Slavs far away do all that dirty drilling and refining.
Our leaders should have eviscerated Putin's economy by cutting the
regulations that prevent the United States from ramping up its natural
gas exports and replacing Russia as Europe's gas station. But they
They heard the trumpet sound, and they turned up their Mumford & Sons MP3 to drown it out.
This isn't just about Putin. This is about every neo-fascist left-wing
dictatorship out there smelling weakness, and what weakness smells like
is blood. This isn't going to just stop. This is only going to get worse
until we stop it.
Liberals won't face that truth, but we conservatives understand that
reality has a conservative bias. And the most important reality right
now is that if you won't stand up with a rifle and a fixed bayonet and
hold your ground, sooner or later you will be someone's slave.
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
24 March, 2014
Check your carnist ideology
Did you realize that you may be a carnist? It sounds rather like a
medieval theological stance but it is not. It simply means that you eat
meat. All sorts of weirdos wash up on the shore of Psychology and strict
vegetarians are among them. So the research below is designed to find
something wrong with "carnists'.
And it succeeded. It found that carnists tend to be conservative! And
there is nothing worse that that to a Leftist. And most psychologists
are Leftists. So from now on lots of Leftists will be sadly eyeing
platters of bacon and eggs as they tuck in to their tofu burgers.
The research is actually rubbish. One of their measures of conservatism
(the RWA scale) does not correlate with voting for conservative
candidates and the other is largely a measure of racism. See here and here. So the conclusions may be correct but the data is insufficient to show it.
Why do right-wing adherents engage in more animal exploitation and meat consumption?
Kristof Dhonta & Gordon Hodson
Despite the well-documented implications of right-wing ideological
dispositions for human intergroup relations, surprisingly little is
understood about the implications for human–animal relations. We
investigate why right-wing ideologies – social dominance orientation
(SDO) and right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) – positively predict
attitudes toward animal exploitation and meat consumption. Two survey
studies conducted in heterogeneous community samples (Study 1, N = 260;
Study 2, N = 489) demonstrated that right-wing ideologies predict
greater acceptance of animal exploitation and more meat consumption
through two explaining mechanisms: (a) perceived threat from
non-exploitive ideologies to the dominant carnist ideology (for both SDO
and RWA) and (b) belief in human superiority over animals (for SDO).
These findings hold after controlling for hedonistic pleasure from
eating meat. Right-wing adherents do not simply consume more animals
because they enjoy the taste of meat, but because doing so supports
dominance ideologies and resistance to cultural change. Psychological
parallels between human intergroup relations and human–animal relations
are considered.
The Arrogance of ObamaCare
ObamaCare hit a milestone Monday, as the Obama administration announced
that five million people have now enrolled for health insurance under
the law. That's approaching the six million that the Congressional
Budget Office projected would enroll by March 31. But there's more than
meets the eye here.
The White House still won't say how many people have paid their premiums
(i.e., actually enrolled). It also won't tell us how many enrollees
were previously insured. Millions of Americans saw their health plans
cancelled because of the law's regulations. The law says plans must
cover all kinds of “comprehensive” things, so when a plan changed
slightly after the law went into effect, it then had to comply with all
of ObamaCare's regulations – hence the cancellations. If new enrollments
are substantially made up of previously covered but subsequently
cancelled people, that's hardly a success. In fact, it's often replacing
a decent plan with a worse one that costs more.
According to one recent survey, one in three uninsured Americans plans
to remain that way. That's in large part thanks to skyrocketing premiums
that will double in some parts of the country. The sticker shock is
deterring many and causing those who do sign up to choose the
bottom-rung “bronze” plans. Folks would rather pay the fine (ahem, the
“tax”) of 1% of adjusted gross income and only sign up when they get
sick. Who can blame them when the administration keeps delaying any
The White House has taken to entertaining, nagging and cajoling the
young people ObamaCare must enroll in large numbers in order for it to
“work.” To subsidize the old and sick, the law depends on 40% of
enrollees being young and healthy. But only about 25% of enrollees are
young and it's a safe bet they're not as healthy on average as their age
suggests, which means they won't balance the additional costs of the
old and sick.
One of the core problems with ObamaCare is the designers' arrogance.
Congressional Democrats thought that in a nation of more than 300
million people only they were smart and benevolent enough to design a
health care law to fit everyone. But it will only work if participation
is mandated. It's hard to think of something more antithetical to the
principles upon which the nation was founded. And it's no wonder it
isn't working.
Vermont Democrats Labeling State's Single-Payer Health Plan a Failure
In 2011, Vermont passed the nation's first single-payer healthcare
system, "Green Mountain Care." While the law was supposed to be fully
enacted by 2017, it has become apparent that there's no solid plan in
place to actually pay for the healthcare of all Vermont residents.
Democratic lawmakers, citing missed deadlines and past failures, have
begun to call for Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin to "shelve" the plan.
“The deadlines for proposing financing have been missed two years in a
row now, so to me that’s very disappointing. It’s becoming clearer and
clearer that there is no financing plan,” Condon told Vermont Watchdog.
The cost of one year of Green Mountain Care is estimated to be anywhere
from 1.6 to 2.2 billion dollars. This is equal to the entire tax revenue
of the state of Vermont.
Sen. Bobby Starr, another Democrat who voted against Act 48, told
Vermont Watchdog in January there’s “no way” single-payer can work
without new taxes. Indeed, no lawmaker has introduced any bill that
would finance single-payer health care without also raising taxes.
It's foolish for Vermont to even entertain the thought of a single-payer
system when its attempt at implementing an Obamacare exchange didn't go
so well. Green Mountain Care is way too expensive for the state, and
raising taxes is going to make an already business-unfriendly state even
They Even Regulate Transparency
According to a report from the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Barack
Obama has far surpassed his predecessors when it comes to regulation.
Under Obama, the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), which is the
“codification of the general and permanent rules published in the
Federal Register,” has expanded by some 17,522 pages – an 11% increase.
That's an average of 3,504 pages every year – and he still has three
long years left in office.
Those regulations have cost the economy billions of dollars, heaping on
additional burdens and making the Obama “recovery” historically
sluggish. The president remains stubbornly determined to use his pen
whenever Congress doesn't conform to his will. It's all part of his
effort to “fundamentally transform” America, and he'll do it regulation
by regulation.
At the same time, Obama and his red tape bandits have for years declared
this White House the “most transparent in history.” We're shocked –
shocked – to report that this claim just isn't true. A new report from
Cause of Action, a watchdog group, says that in 2009, Barack Obama
basically rewrote the Freedom of Information Act, and, oddly enough, he
did so to limit the freedom of information.
As Cause of Action explains in the report, “FOIA is designed to inform
the public on government behavior; White House equities allow the
government to withhold information from the media, and therefore the
public, by having media requests forwarded for review. This not only
politicizes federal agencies, it impairs fundamental First Amendment
With an administration that's cranking out regulations left and further
left, transparency is sometimes the only warning. And the “White House
equities” exemption frees the administration of uncomfortable news
within the 20 days otherwise required by FOIA. Cause of Action notes
that it's “still waiting for documents from 16 federal agencies, with
the Department of Treasury having the longest pending request of 202
business days. The Department of Energy is a close second at 169
business days. The requests to the Department of Defense and Department
of Health and Human Services have been pending for 138 business days.” A
lot of damage can happen in the interim, and the White House can now
take as long as it wants.
Opposing Voter ID Laws in the Name of Race Is Insulting to Minorities
This is a headline we should never see in the United States: "Federal
Judge: Yes, Arizona and Kansas Can Require Voters To Prove Their
The fact that this issue would be disputed at all is astonishing. That
it is legally contested is stunning. That the prime mover in initiating
the legal challenge is our own federal government, which has a
compelling interest in ensuring the integrity of the election process,
is mind-blowing.
Who would have imagined just a few short years ago that in 2014 the
executive branch of the federal government and a good chunk of its
legislative branch would be dominated by radical community organizers
wreaking havoc on the rule of law and our cherished principles of equal
protection under the law and the impartial administration of justice? I
feel like I'm living inside some Red-conspiracy fiction novel that could
never get published because it's too unlikely to survive the
incredulity even of readers with a generous willingness to suspend
Both Kansas and Arizona passed new voter-ID legislation requiring new
voters to provide a birth certificate, a passport or other documentation
to prove their citizenship. But the U.S. Election Assistance Commission
rejected requests from these two states for help in changing federal
election registration forms. The existing federal registration form
doesn't require proof of citizenship, only that new voters sign a
statement declaring their citizenship.
How do you think the Internal Revenue Service would respond if we all
said it would have to take our word for our income and expenses based on
our "declarations" and we were not going to furnish 1099s, W2s or
expense receipts?
What would the NSA say if all airline passengers simply refused to show their driver's licenses at airport security checkpoints?
Is the integrity of our elections so unimportant to President Obama,
Attorney General Holder and the rest of the Democratic cabal that they
refuse to impose the slightest checks against voter fraud?
Well, some horrendously naive people take these leftists at their word
that they believe voter fraud is a "rare" phenomenon, even though 46
states have prosecuted cases of voter fraud since 2000. Do you think
they don't know about the pernicious activities of ACORN, with which
they were joined at the hip?
Some people also take Democrats at their word that they believe
initiatives for voter-ID laws are being driven by "racist" conservatives
who want to suppress minority turnout in elections. This, too, is
maliciously twisted thinking, most likely born of liberal projection.
Democrats need look no further than their own consistent efforts to
suppress the military vote.
I know a lot of conservatives, and I've never met one who thinks this
way. What we want is to make sure the election process is fair, that
only people who are eligible to vote are allowed to vote and vote just
I wish more minorities would vote for Republican candidates, but neither
I nor any other conservative or Republican I've ever met would support
suppressing minority votes just because they vote disproportionately
Guy Benson of Townhall reports that after Georgia implemented its
voter-ID law in 2007, which was upheld in court, the state saw an
increase in minority voter participation in the next two election
How could any intellectually honest person maintain that it is unfair,
unreasonable or unconstitutional to require all voters to provide
documentation to verify that they are who they say they are before being
allowed to vote?
What you need to understand is that with this bunch of Democrats
everything is about politics. For them, the end justifies any means, and
their paramount end is to get Democrats elected, and so they will
pursue it, even at the expense of the integrity of the system. This is
undeniable given their opposition to voter-ID laws.
What other conclusion can we draw from their opposition than they want
to increase Democratic votes with voters who abuse the election process?
Unless you have a very low opinion of minorities, how could you
conceivably argue that it is racist to require that all voters prove
their identity as a condition to voting? If anything racist is involved
here, it is in the suggestion that minorities are too incompetent to
furnish their IDs. How could you disrespect minorities any more that
If people can't muster their ID — I don't care who they are — then they
don't deserve the privilege of voting, and people who want to protect
their right to do so without ID are on their face suspect.
It is a crying shame that our federal government is run by partisan
Democrats who are waging war against the integrity of the election
process, the rule of law and the sovereignty of the several states. I
pray more people wake up to this reality.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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23 March, 2014
Founder of Westboro Baptist Church Fred Phelps dies aged 84Fred
must have been as much hated as Osama bin Laden. America loves its
heroes -- rightly -- and Fred poured scorn on them. But I wonder if any
of those who condemn him have actually listened to any of his sermons?
He was an old-fashioned hellfire preacher who was careful to support
everything he said by reference to Bible texts. He was perhaps the last
remnant of a once-dominant American preacher tradition.
There is
no doubt that he aimed to shock and he certainly achieved that but
theologically he was literally correct. Fred didn't whitewash the Bible.
He preached it. And if you doubt that read Romans chap. 1 to get God's
attitude to homosexuals and Ezekiel 33 for God's expectation of his
representatives. God's representatives had a duty to warn the ungodly
about their sins and any failure to warn was itself a deadly sin. Fred
accepted that duty and discharged it. There was nothing wrong with
Fred's theology.
And if you think Fred was going over the top in
warning that whole nations who defended homosexuality would be destroyed
by God, ponder the fate of the tribe of Benjamin. The homosexuals of
Gibeah set in train a series of events which brought down great wrath
and destruction on their tribe. The tribe of Benjamin was almost wiped
out when it would not disown its homosexuals (Judges chaps. 19 &
20). America now is in a state of decline too. Does it too need a moral
reformation to save it? Was the election of Obama a triumph of the
Devil? Fred was in no doubt about all that.
If you believe in the
Bible (I do not) Fred was right. He was a faithful servant of his Lord.
I sometimes wonder if there are any real Bible students left....................
Phelps, who founded the Westboro Baptist Church known for its anti-gay
sentiments and protests at soldiers' funerals, has died, his son said on
The 84-year-old, who founded the church is 1955, died
of natural causes in Kansas at 11.15pm on Wednesday, according to church
spokesman Steve Drain.
Previously he said that that Phelps was being cared for in a Shawnee County facility.
passing comes just days after another son, Nate Phelps, took to his own
Facebook page to announce that his father was 'on the edge of death' at
Midland Hospice house in Topeka.
Nate Phelps, who left the
extreme Christian sect 37 years ago, said his father was excommunicated
in August 2013 from the church for advocating more kindness toward its
Three of his own children ex-communicated their father, according to WIBW.
not sure how I feel about this,' Nate Phelps wrote on Facebook.
'Terribly ironic that his devotion to his god ends this way. Destroyed
by the monster he made.
'I feel sad for all the hurt he's caused
so many. I feel sad for those who will lose the grandfather and father
they loved. And I'm bitterly angry that my family is blocking the family
members who left from seeing him, and saying their good-byes.'
Obamacare leaves Las Vegas man owing $407,000 in doctor billsIt
looks like in this case that the computer company -- Xerox -- who built
the online exchange are going to be left holding the baby. Their
exchange failed to enroll a man anywhere even though it said it did so
nobody else is liable. So this is going to cost Xerox huge amounts --
and may send them broke. No wonder they are lawyering up. Nobody else is
picking up the tab so Xerox is just delaying the inevitable at the
moment. All other Obamacre contractors must be running scared.The hospital bills are hitting Larry Basich’s mailbox. That would be OK if Basich had health insurance. But he doesn’t.
is, he should be covered. Basich, 62, bought a plan through the state’s
Nevada Health Link insurance exchange in the fall. He’s been paying
monthly premiums since November.
Yet the Las Vegan is stranded in
a no-man’s-land where no carrier claims him, and his tab is mounting:
Basich owes $407,000 for care received in January and February, when his
policy was supposed to be in effect. Instead, he’s covered only for
March and beyond.
Basich has begged for weeks for help from the
exchange and its contractor, Xerox. But Basich’s insurance broker said
Xerox seems more interested in lawyering up and covering its hide than
in working out Basich’s problems. Nor is Basich the only client facing
plan-selection errors through the exchange, she added.
said he began trying to enroll on Oct. 1, the day the exchange website
went live. Like many consumers, he fought technical flaws during
multiple sign-up attempts. In mid-November he finally got through and
chose his plan: UnitedHealthcare’s MyHPNSilver1. “It was like reaching
the third level of Doom,” Basich said of the torturous sign-up process.
paid his first premium on Nov. 21, and within days the exchange
withdrew the $160.77 payment from his money-market savings account.
Because Basich paid a month before the Dec. 23 deadline, his coverage
was to begin Jan. 1.
Weeks ticked by, but Basich received nothing
to confirm he had insurance. Nevada Health Link kept telling him he was
enrolled, but UnitedHealthcare said he wasn’t in their system.
predicament went critical on Dec. 31, when he had a heart attack. His
treatment, which included a triple bypass on Jan. 3, resulted in
$407,000 in medical bills in January and February that no insurer is
Meanwhile, the exchange sent Basich premium invoices for January and February. He paid them both.
has sought help at virtually every level of the system, from the Xerox
customer-service reps who answer the phones at the exchange’s Henderson
call center all the way to Gov. Brian Sandoval and Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid. Both Sandoval’s and Reid’s offices have told him they
want to help, Basich said, but there’s been no resolution so far.
The Government Is a Hitman: Uber, Tesla and Airbnb Are in Its CrosshairsThe
real losers are not just the next generation of innovators but also
customers who lose out on more ways of getting what they need or wantWhat
the Invisible Hand of free-market innovation giveth, the Dead Hand of
politically motivated regulation desperately tries to taketh away.
the only way to describe what’s happening to three wildly innovative
and popular products: the award-winning electric car Tesla,
taxi-replacement service Uber, and hotel-alternative Airbnb. These
companies are not only revolutionizing their industries via cutting-edge
technology and customer-empowering distribution, they’re running afoul
of interest groups that are quick to use political muscle to maintain
market share and the status quo.
The battle between what
historian Burton W. Folsom calls “market entrepreneurs” and “political
entrepreneurs” is an old and ugly one, dating back to the earliest days
of the American experiment. Market entrepreneurs make their money by
offering customers a good or new service at a good or new price.
Political entrepreneurs make their money the old-fashioned way: They use
the government to rig markets and kneecap real and potential
competitors. In his great 1987 book, The Myth of the Robber Barons,
Folsom discusses how the 19th-century steamboat pioneer Robert Fulton
quickly went from a market entrepreneur to a political one by securing a
30-year monopoly from the New York legislature for all steamboat
traffic in the Empire State.
Especially in today’s sluggish
economy, it’s more important than ever that market innovators win out
over crony capitalists. Letting markets work to find new ways of
delivering goods and services isn’t just better for customers in the
short term, it’s the only way to unleash the innovation that ultimately
propels long-term economic growth. After all, no country has ever
regulated its way out of a recession.
Tesla has done the
unthinkable not once but twice: First, it built an electric car that
people actually want to buy despite a price tag north of $70,000 for its
cheapest models. Second, it has the temerity to sell directly to its
wealthy customers, rather than subjecting them to the ritualized hell
that is known as auto dealerships. But because auto dealers account for
as much as 20 percent of state sales taxes, their wishes often become
legislators’ commands. At the top of their wish list? Don’t let
carmakers sell directly to customers. The most glaring example of
protectionism just took place in New Jersey, whose legislature added
even more burdens to rules already banning the direct sales of cars to
customers. Now Teslas effectively can’t be sold in New Jersey, reports
The New York Times, all in the name of consumer safety and protecting
News flash: Anyone who can afford a $70,000 car
doesn’t need much protecting. And if you’re ready to believe car dealers
when they argue that incredibly complicated rules that make it
impossible for new companies to enter their market is about protecting
competition, I’ve got an expensive undercoating package I want to sell
The app-driven car service Uber, which bills itself as
“everyone’s car service” and connects drivers and riders in minutes,
presents a similar threat to traditional taxi and ride services in the
30-plus U.S. cities in which it operates. Rather than fight for
customers by cutting fares, increasing the number of cabs, or improving
services, taxi commissioners and city councils from San Francisco to New
York are instead trying to regulate Uber out of business on the grounds
that it provides unfair and unsafe competition.
Never mind that
Uber riders get to instantly rate their experience in a way no cab
passenger ever does (just as amazingly, drivers get to rate
passengers!). At the state level, California has already instituted a
bevy of regulations on Uber, Lyft, and other new ride-sharing services.
These range from mandatory criminal background checks for drivers,
licensing via public utilities commissions, and driver training
programs. Last year, Washington, D.C. officials unsuccessfully tried to
squeeze out Uber with regulations on the types of cars that could carry
passengers, what sorts of credit-card processing machines could be used,
and how the company’s app operates.
Airbnb, a website that
allows people to rent out everything from vacation homes to spare
couches for short-term stays, works great for everyone but conventional
hoteliers and cities trying to bilk travelers for tourist taxes.
Operating in 192 countries and typically showing hundreds of thousands
of offerings, Airbnb has faced stiff regulations in towns supposedly
famous for their weirdness and openness to lifestyle experimentation,
such as Austin, Texas (which charges hosts an annual licensing fee and
limits the number of participants) and Portland, Oregon (which has
banned the service in residential neighborhoods). In New York,
rent-control advocates are teaming up with hospitality-industry
heavyweights to try and shut down Airbnb and similar services.
mobsters were pulling these sorts of stunts, we’d recognize the attacks
on new ways of doing business for what they are: protection rackets,
with state regulators rather than professional hitmen creating and
enforcing rules to benefit well-connected businessmen. The real losers
are not just the next generation of innovators but also customers who
lose out on more ways of getting what they need or want.
study of political and market entrepreneurs also suggests that
political entrepreneurs are ultimately unsuccessful. Indeed, in 1817,
Fulton claimed that his monopoly meant that no one could ferry
passengers to New York City from neighboring states. A young Corneilius
Vanderbilt was hired by a Jersey businessman to challenge Fulton not in a
court of law but on the Hudson River, ferrying passengers from
Elizabeth, New Jersey and Gotham. Vanderbilt cheekily flew a flag from
his ship that read, “New Jersey must be free.” While evading capture,
Vanderbilt lowered prices and changed the business climate.
turns out that New Jersey must be free again — to sell Teslas. And New
Yorkers should be free to rent out their rooms if they want to. And Uber
to drive you where you want to go. The Invisible Hand of free markets
shouldn’t have to spend so much of its time slapping away the Dead Hand
of political entrepreneurship.
Federal ‘Motor Voter’ Forms In KS, AZ Must Include Proof of CitizenshipA
federal judge ordered the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to
immediately add state-specific instructions requiring documented proof
of citizenship to mail-in federal “Motor Voter” registration forms used
in Kansas and Arizona.
Both states have laws requiring applicants
to prove they are U.S. citizens before they are registered to vote. The
federal form only requires them to swear under penalty of perjury that
they are U.S. citizens.
“Because the Constitution gives the
states exclusive authority to set voter qualifications under the
Qualification Clause, and because no clear congressional enactment
attempts to preempt this authority, the Court finds that the states’
determination that a mere oath is not sufficient is all the states are
required to establish,” U.S. District Court Judge Eric Melgren said in
his March 19th ruling in Wichita. (See EAC - 2014-03-19 US Dist Ct
Decision Kobach v EAC.pdf)
“This is victory not only for Kansas
and Arizona, but for all 50 states,” Kansas Secretary of State Kobach
told “Any one of those 50 states may now choose to follow
our example and require proofs of citizenship when people register to
vote. There are two other states that are doing it already, Alabama and
Georgia, for a total of four states.
“And I would encourage more
states to do so because anytime an alien votes, it effectively cancels
out the vote of a U.S. citizen.
"And you have many cases all
around the country of aliens [voting], usually being manipulated by some
sort of group that wants to steal an election. They’re told falsely
that they are eligible to vote and then they’re coached how to vote, and
it’s happening all across the country. We’re stopping it in Kansas and
HERE ****************************
The TSA at work
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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21 March, 2014
Our Sociopathic Political ClassEDWARD
CLINE below has some good points but is handicapped by his lack of
background in clinical psychology. While the distinction he proposes
between psychopathy and sociopathy is reasonable, it is his own.
Normally, Sociopathy is simply the more modern usage -- meant to stress
that psychopaths are not "mad" in the sense of poor reality contact.
Psychopathy is not a psychosis. Cline seems to think it is. His list of
psychopathic symptoms and suggestions about politicians embodying them
is however pretty right. I have written to that effect myselfIn
his March 10th FrontPage column, "Obama's Appeasement Leads to War,"
about how appeasing tyrants has and will continue to lead to war and
more international strife, Daniel Greenfield wrote:
"On the
shield of the Strategic Air Command a steel mailed fist grips a
lightning bolt and an olive branch. The motto of the organization that
was the nightmarish obsession of every Cold War leftist was "Peace is
our Profession."
To the moviegoers who sat through Dr.
Strangelove, to the earnest leftists who saw the world going up in a
puff of atomic smoke because the military industrial complex was
obsessed with killing people, to the pseudo-idealists who passed on
atomic secrets to Moscow to avoid an American monopoly on the bomb, the
SAC's motto was a demented joke. They knew that the only way to stop war
was to disarm."
Coincidentally, I watched "Dr. Strangelove: Or
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" the previous evening
on Netflix. The last time I saw it in its entirety was the year of its
release in 1964, on Larson Air Force Base, 462nd Bomb Wing, in
Washington State. And I saw it under the most unusual circumstances.
was in the Air Police, charged with guarding the base and its B52
bombers, KC135 tankers, and U2 spy planes. Larson was also an ICBM base,
but the silos had separate security. One evening, after a regular
8-hour shift on the flight line, I was one of about eight other air cops
selected to serve on a backup or reserve team. This meant that we could
sack out in the reserve team's quarters, play cards, read a book, or
indulge, as a group, armed with our carbines and sidearms, in some other
On my first night on the team it was decided to go to
the base movie theater, to which we were admitted free. "Dr.
Strangelove" was playing. As we sat in a back row behind the audience,
the movie thoroughly confused me. My colleagues thought it was
hilarious, especially when the motto, "Peace is Our Profession" was
prominently juxtaposed with the noisy battle scenes between Army troops
and Air Force base policemen.
That was my introduction to how the
Left depicted the country and America. Director Stanley Kubrick, I
learned later, was not so much a "leftist" as disturbed, obsessed with
madness and irony and what he perceived as the ignoble baseness of man.
But, that evening marked the beginning of an intellectual journey to
investigate and report on what was so wrong with the country that its
artists and novelists and filmmakers could so freely paint it in such
disparaging and malicious colors with impunity. Were these people
sociopaths? Or psychopaths? Was there a difference between the
pathologies? Could an ideology inculcate a destructive pathology in a
person, or are the pathologically-inclined inexorably drawn to a
destructive ideology?
That question arose again, with a different
focus, when I read a comment about Andrew Klavan's March 5th review, "A
New Thing on Netflix," of the second season of "House of Cards":
"Pa Deuce: Fred Siegel has a new book out, "The Revolt Against the
Masses: How Liberalism Undermined the Middle Class," that addresses this
very problem. Elitists cannot express their elitism by repeating the
same old things, such as the Constitution of the United States of
America has produced the greatest nation on earth. In order to say
something different and look smart, elitists take a leftward slant on
everything. But the Left has an uninterrupted record of destruction and
death. To cover the discrepancy, the Left lies about how bad the USA is
and how good the noble Marxists are.
Siegel's book tells what
happens when the elitists are in charge. My take is that the Left is
driven by mental disorders and displays the attributes of clinical
psychopaths: irresponsibility, pathological lying, parasitic lifestyle,
grandiose sense of self-worth, etc. Dr. Robert Hare has written
extensively on psychopaths. Now we have a Marxist psychopath in the
White House and he is as inefficient, incompetent, and corrupt as the
Soviet Union."
Why are so many politicians sociopaths? I make the
completely arbitrary distinction between a sociopath and a psychopath
in terms of action: A psychopath is more likely to act out his
obsessions and manias aggressively and destructively. Sociopaths can be
said to be passive-aggressive, acting out their obsessions and manias
vicariously by proxy through government force.
In vain I searched
the Internet for a good article on the pathology of politicians (never
mind of Hollywood directors and producers). I found a few, but while
they made some insightful observations, a religious element in their
analyses and conclusions spoiled them. For example, Patriot Post's
"Pathology of the Left" of February 2006, penned by Mark Alexander,
"Recently, the American Psychological Association
published a study by a few "academicians" from Cal-Berkeley and the
University of Maryland. The study, entitled "Political Conservatism as
Motivated Social Cognition," purported to have identified some
determinants that are common to those holding a "conservative"
The authors received more than 1.2 million of your
hard-earned tax dollars from the National Institutes of Health and the
National Science Foundation in order to, by their own account, "consider
evidence for and against the hypotheses that political conservatism is
significantly associated with (1) mental rigidity and closed-mindedness;
(2) lowered self-esteem; (3) fear, anger, and aggression; (4)
pessimism, disgust, and contempt; (5) loss prevention; (6) fear of
death; (7) threat arising from social and economic deprivation; and (8)
threat to the stability of the social system."
Alexander writes
that these symptoms are more correctly observable and attributable to
liberals and left-wingers than to conservatives. In practice these
symptoms manifest themselves in obvious ways:
"Liberals are
uniformly defined by their hypocrisy and dissociation from reality. For
example, the wealthiest U.S. senators - Democrats - fancy themselves as
defenders of the poor and advocate the redistribution of wealth, but
they hoard enormous wealth for themselves and have never missed a meal.
They have always been far more dedicated to their country clubs than our
Liberals speak of unity, but they seed foment,
appealing to the worst in human nature by dividing Americans into
dependent constituencies. What constitutes these liberal constituencies?
They support freedom of thought, unless your thoughts don't comport
with theirs. They feign tolerance while practicing intolerance. They
resist open discussion and debate of their views, yet seek to silence
dissenters. They insist that they care more about protecting habitat
than those who hunt and fish, and protest for the preservation of
natural order while advocating homosexuality. They denounce capital
punishment for the most heinous of criminals, while ardently supporting
the killing of the most innocent among us - children prior to birth.
[This last "symptom" is where I part with religious conservatives.] They
loathe individual responsibility, and advocate for statism. They eschew
private initiative and enterprise while promoting all manner of
government control and regulation."
Alexander offers an answer for the behavior of politicians and even for many in the news media:
"Medically speaking, there is a diagnosis for Leftist over-achievers
like Bill Clinton, Albert Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama, et al. They
are pathological case studies of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, as
outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -
the standard reference used for psychiatric evaluation.
diagnostic criteria for NPD includes a "pervasive pattern of grandiosity
(in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy,
beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts,"
which manifests as "a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g.,
exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as
superior without commensurate achievements);" "a preoccupation with
fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal
love; and a belief that he or she is 'special' and unique and can only
be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status
people (or institutions)," and the subject "lacks empathy: is unwilling
to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others...shows
arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes."
It was an admirable
attempt in mental diagnosis, but the religious angle sinks it. Two other
sites, Activist Teacher and Fellowship of the Mind address the same
issue but fail for the same reason. The second site does include a
chronological list of instances of political sociopathy in and out of
government, but it should be perused with reservations.
I did
find one (nameless) site that broke down sociopathic and psychotic
symptoms without interjecting superfluous conclusions. Because
liberal/left politicians and news media personnel express their
sociopathy publically but choose to have others do the deeds they deign
not to perform themselves (Hitler and Stalin, for example, were
sociopaths; the men who eagerly and without question carried out their
murderous orders were psychopaths), I think it would be fair to propose a
test to see if readers can identify one or more public figures in or
out of government who match these symptoms:
* Glibness and
Superficial Charm: Barack Obama? Harry Reid? Nancy Pelosi? Hillary
Clinton? Bill Clinton? Any TV news anchor? Anyone else?
Manipulative and Conning: They never recognize the rights of others and
see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be
charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim
as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate
their victims. Barack Obama? Harry Reid? Nancy Pelosi? Hillary Clinton?
Bill Clinton? Any TV news anchor? Jay Carney? Anyone else?
Grandiose Sense of Self: Feels entitled to certain things as "their
right." All of the above, in addition to careerists in the
welfare/dependency class?
* Pathological Lying: Has no problem
lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be
truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a
complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely
convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests. Democrats are
progressively losing their credibility with the electorate, and I don't
think anyone of them is shrewd enough to fool a lie detector test.
Knowing this, they would refuse to submit to one, which would be
tantamount to taking the Fifth.
* Lack of Remorse, Shame or
Guilt: A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their
core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets
and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices
who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let
nothing stand in their way. Obama's book-length catalogue of lies?
Pelosi's? Harry Reid's? Either of the Clintons'? And etc.? Has anyone
ever seen any one of them blush when caught in a lie? No? Ever hear any
one of them stammer in explanation? No? Well, maybe Jay Carney, Obama's
newest press secretary and ventriloquist dummy. How many politicians do
you think really envy Frank Underwood, the chief villain of "House of
Cards," without their having to abide by Constitutional checks and
balances, except when they can manipulate others and the rules to their
favor (and not have to commit homicides)?
Irresponsibility/Unreliability: Not concerned about wrecking others'
lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they
cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for
acts they obviously committed. You can begin with Obama, and work down
your own list of candidates. First on the reader's list should be Barack
Obama for Obamacare, which is wrecking countless lives and promises to
wreck countless more. After all, you can't "transform" a country without
breaking a lot of eggs, spirits, bank accounts - and even heads.
Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle: Tends to move around a
lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic
but exploits others effectively. Remind you of anyone in particular?
Golfing pictures? Flying off to his "main turf," Hawaii? Expensive
holidays in exotic and expensive locales? Of course, except for Hawaii,
these symptoms also are evident in "all of the above," as well. Remember
that the chief motive of a career politician in today's political
environment is to keep reality at bay by faking reality for himself and
for others. And when the faked reality begins to crumble like a dry
cookie, his congenital response is to add another layer of faked reality
over the crumbling one. He can always depend on the
cognitively-arrested and the habitually delusional to buy the new faked
reality and not notice the crumbs at his feet. And in today's political
environment (which arguably could extend back to the early 20th
century), a "realistic life plan" is one contrived to be a professional
parasite, most especially in politics.
Yes, there is a
distinction to be made between sociopathology and psychopathology. There
may even be gradations of functioning amalgams of the two pathologies
which could be explored. But, to return to the questions posed above:
Could an ideology inculcate a destructive pathology in a person, or are
the pathologically-inclined inexorably drawn to a destructive ideology?
hypothesize that they are mutually attracted to each other, and
integrally codependent. The concocters of a destructive ideology, such
as Islam, Communism, Socialism, and Nazism, count on the ideology
attracting the pathologically-inclined in large enough numbers to make
it a viable prospect and over whom to wield power. And the
pathologically-inclined must have some rationalized ethic, no matter how
primitive or complex, that will sanction their basic selflessness and
vitriolic envy of those who are happy and ask only that they be left
alone to live their lives. The pathologically-inclined are drawn to a
destructive ideology because they need someone to tell them what to
think and do. Their faked reality is the faked reality of their leaders
and icons.
Without the pathologically-inclined, a sociopath's
ideology is simply a wish for the unrealistic and unattainable; without a
destructive ideology, the pathologically-inclined become self-aware
flotsam and jetsam in "a world they never made." Many of the latter are
driven by their self-made inner demons to become psychopaths.
Others enter politics and become members of a sociopathic political class.
The leitmotif and core essence of either pathology is a deeply buried and unacknowledged glop of evil.
SOURCE ****************************
ELSEWHERECanceling Cancellations:
"The Obama HHS has yet another “solution” to the woes created by
ObamaCare. This time, a draft regulation says, “We propose that a
modification made solely pursuant to applicable Federal or State law
would be considered a modification of coverage rather than a product
withdrawal.” In other words, HHS is trying to make it easier for a
health insurance policy to be “grandfathered” in under ObamaCare.
Millions of Americans have already lost coverage because slight changes
were made negating grandfather qualification. The new regulation
proposal would loosen those requirements. Anything to ease the burden on
Democrats come November.
Gates: Don't Raise Minimum Wage:
"Billionaire Bill Gates – a liberal but an entrepreneur nonetheless
with a far better understanding of capitalism than most lawmakers, not
to mention our president – spoke with the American Enterprise Institute
and warned against elevating the minimum wage. “When people say we
should raise the minimum wage … I worry about what that does to job
creation,” he said. His critique contradicts most leftist economic
talking points. Why? Because unlike the majority of policy makers on
Capitol Hill, Gates understands the challenges of operating a business;
meanwhile, Barack Obama, a career community organizer, has yet to even
run a lemonade stand much less a company that employs hundreds or
thousands of workers. And while liberals are quick to cite Gates on most
progressive causes, don't expect them to heed his economic concerns.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
20 March, 2014
Mr Putin is a true leader of his peopleRussian
politicians and media were last night demanding Vladimir Putin goes
further by grabbing back more former Soviet regions and states.
nationalistic frenzy whipped up by the return of Crimea - in defiance
of the West - has led to calls on state-run TV for Moscow to take back
oil and gas-rich Kazakhstan and authoritarian Belarus as well as more
slices of a battered Ukraine, already filleted by the Kremlin.
was last night riding the crest of an adulatory wave after righting
what many Russians see as an historical wrong and reintegrating Crimea
and the Black Sea fleet headquarters of Sevastopol back in to Russia
after a gap of 60 years.
Senior politicians openly mocked Western
sanctions and discounted Putin's assertion that he did not seek more of
Ukraine as long as the West stops seeking sway in his backyard.
Russian strongman defiantly told a joint session of the Russian
parliament that he would not accept NATO 'next to our home or on our
historic territories'.
Accusing the West of hypocrisy in pushing
for self-determination for Kosovo but denying Crimea, he said the
peninsula had been 'robbed' from Russia in Soviet times while 'regions
of Russia's historic south' were only now Ukrainian because of a
Bolshevik blunder.
In an emotional and historic address he said:
'In the hearts and minds of people, Crimea has always been and remains
an inseparable part of Russia.'
Putin has succeeded in uniting
many of his foes behind him but last night it also appeared he had
unleashed a tidal wave in favour of more land grabs.
Senior politician Sergei Mironov hailed 'the great day when the gathering of Russian lands began'.
Zheleznyak, deputy chairman of lower house, demanded Russian 'support'
for other Ukrainian regions. 'We cannot feel calm and happy as long as
we realise how our brothers in other regions of Ukraine are suffering,'
he said.
a putz like Obama tells Putin it's illegal for Russia to absorb the
Crimea which is mostly Russian, and then demands that Israel evacuate
300,000 Jews from historically Jewish Judea and Samaria to appease
terrorists, what other reaction can one have but, HUH?!****************************
Was the Crimean vote "rigged"?Contrary
to the reports of 135 international observers from 23 countries, the
Western media in chorus has suggested without a shred of evidence that
the elections were rigged and that Crimea was under Russian military
The observer mission reports which include members of
the European Parliament have been casually ignored by the mainstream
Western media:
Mateus Piskorkski, the leader of the European
observers' mission and Polish MP: "Our observers have not registered any
violations of voting rules."
Ewald Stadler, member of the
European Parliament, dispelled the "referendum at gunpoint" myth: "I
haven't seen anything even resembling pressure. People themselves want
to have their say."
Pavel Chernev: Bulgarian member of
parliament: "Organization and procedures are 100 percent in line with
the European standards," he added.
Serbian observer Milenko
Baborats "People freely expressed their will in the most democratic way,
wherever we were. During the day we didn't see a single serious
violation of legitimacy of the process,"
Srdja Trifkovic,
prominent and observer from Serbia: "The presence of troops on the
streets is virtually non-existent and the only thing resembling any such
thing is the unarmed middle-aged Cossacks who are positioned outside
the parliament building in Simferopol. But if you look at the people
both at the voting stations and in the streets, like on Yalta's sea
front yesterday afternoon, frankly I think you would feel more tense in
south Chicago or in New York's Harlem than anywhere round here," he
The Democrats' Dishonest Koch HabitDemocrats
have escalated their attacks on Charles and David Koch, who donate a
significant amount of their accumulated capital to conservative groups.
The charge is led by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), who now routinely takes to
the Senate floor to angrily denounce these two private citizens. “I'm
not afraid of the Koch brothers,” he thundered. “None of us should be
afraid of the Koch brothers. These two multi-billionaires may spend
hundreds of millions of dollars rigging the political process for their
own benefit. And they may believe that whoever has the most money gets
the most free speech. But I will do whatever it takes to expose their
campaign to rig the American political system to benefit the wealthy at
the expense of the middle class.”
A Democrat ad also recently
demonized the brothers, accusing them of having an agenda to “protect
tax cuts for companies that ship our jobs overseas.” That was too much
even for The Washington Post's “fact checker,” Glenn Kessler, who gave
the charge a full Four Pinocchios. Specifically, Kessler says, “The ad
not only mischaracterizes an ordinary tax deduction as a special 'tax
cut' but then it falsely asserts that 'protecting' this tax break is
part of the Koch agenda. It turns out this claim is based on a tenuous
link to an organization that never even took a position on the
legislation in question.” The truth didn't stop Reid from repeating the
same “tax breaks” lie.
This attack campaign is a clear sign that
Democrats are very worried about November, and they're lashing out at
anyone who's bankrolling the opposition. Americans for Prosperity, a
political group founded with the Kochs' support, has spent $30 million
already hanging ObamaCare around Democrats' necks. The attacks also reek
of hypocrisy coming from a party well funded by leftist billionaires
George Soros and Tom Steyer. And yet the effort is odd all the same
because most people don't even know who the Kochs are, much less how
they earned their money or how they use it. That means shutting them out
of the political process is not very high on the list of the average
American's concerns.
Reid wants to make this a class war,
slamming the Kochs for having the “most money” and, therefore, the “most
speech.” He aims to silence this speech because it endangers his
control of the Senate, and the best way to do that is to follow Saul
Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, Rule 12: “Pick the target, freeze it,
personalize it, and polarize it.” The Kochs are the target, and
polarizing them is intended to mobilize a demoralized leftist base.
we'll let Democrats in on a little secret. The Founders wrote the First
Amendment's bit about “free speech” in order to prevent the government
from trying to dictate what or whose or how much speech is acceptable.
If Harry Reid & Co. have the better argument on substance, let's
hear it. Until then, the Kochs should be free to speak away – like
everyone else.
SOURCE *******************************
A Startlingly Simple Theory About the Missing Malaysia Airlines JetThere
has been a lot of speculation about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.
Terrorism, hijacking, meteors. I cannot believe the analysis on CNN;
it’s almost disturbing. I tend to look for a simpler explanation, and I
find it with the 13,000-foot runway at Pulau Langkawi.
We know
the story of MH370: A loaded Boeing 777 departs at midnight from Kuala
Lampur, headed to Beijing. A hot night. A heavy aircraft. About an hour
out, across the gulf toward Vietnam, the plane goes dark, meaning the
transponder and secondary radar tracking go off. Two days later we hear
reports that Malaysian military radar (which is a primary radar, meaning
the plane is tracked by reflection rather than by transponder
interrogation response) has tracked the plane on a southwesterly course
back across the Malay Peninsula into the Strait of Malacca.
left turn is the key here. Zaharie Ahmad Shah1 was a very experienced
senior captain with 18,000 hours of flight time. We old pilots were
drilled to know what is the closest airport of safe harbor while in
cruise. Airports behind us, airports abeam us, and airports ahead of us.
They’re always in our head. Always. If something happens, you don’t
want to be thinking about what are you going to do–you already know what
you are going to do. When I saw that left turn with a direct heading, I
instinctively knew he was heading for an airport. He was taking a
direct route to Palau Langkawi, a 13,000-foot airstrip with an approach
over water and no obstacles. The captain did not turn back to Kuala
Lampur because he knew he had 8,000-foot ridges to cross. He knew the
terrain was friendlier toward Langkawi, which also was closer.
a look at this airport on Google Earth. The pilot did all the right
things. He was confronted by some major event onboard that made him make
an immediate turn to the closest, safest airport.
For me, the
loss of transponders and communications makes perfect sense in a fire.
And there most likely was an electrical fire. In the case of a fire, the
first response is to pull the main busses and restore circuits one by
one until you have isolated the bad one. If they pulled the busses, the
plane would go silent. It probably was a serious event and the flight
crew was occupied with controlling the plane and trying to fight the
fire. Aviate, navigate, and lastly, communicate is the mantra in such
There are two types of fires. An electrical fire
might not be as fast and furious, and there may or may not be
incapacitating smoke. However there is the possibility, given the
timeline, that there was an overheat on one of the front landing gear
tires, it blew on takeoff and started slowly burning. Yes, this happens
with underinflated tires. Remember: Heavy plane, hot night, sea level,
long-run takeoff. There was a well known accident in Nigeria of a DC8
that had a landing gear fire on takeoff. Once going, a tire fire would
produce horrific, incapacitating smoke. Yes, pilots have access to
oxygen masks, but this is a no-no with fire. Most have access to a smoke
hood with a filter, but this will last only a few minutes depending on
the smoke level. (I used to carry one in my flight bag, and I still
carry one in my briefcase when I fly.)
What I think happened is
the flight crew was overcome by smoke and the plane continued on the
heading, probably on George (autopilot), until it ran out of fuel or the
fire destroyed the control surfaces and it crashed. You will find it
along that route–looking elsewhere is pointless.
Facts and FactionsThomas Sowell
a time when polls show public opinion turning against the Democrats,
some Republicans seem to be turning against each other. Even with the
prospect of being able to win control of the Senate in this fall's
elections, some Republicans are busy manufacturing ammunition for their
own circular firing squad.
A Republican faction's demonization of
their own Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, is a classic
example. If you listen to some of those who consider themselves the only
true conservatives, you would never guess that Senator McConnell
received a lifetime 90 percent ranking by the American Conservative
Union -- and in one recent year had a 100 percent ranking.
Coulter -- whose conservative credentials nobody has ever challenged --
points out in her column that Mitch McConnell has not only led the fight
for conservative principles repeatedly, but has been to the right of
Ted Cruz on immigration issues.
Someone once said that, in a war,
truth is the first casualty. That seems to be the case for some in this
internal war among Republicans. As the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan
said, "You are entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts."
Why should those of us who are not Republicans be concerned about any of this?
or unfortunately, we have a two-party system in this country. And --
very unfortunately -- we are at a crucial point in the history of
America, and perhaps approaching a point of no return.
unfolding disaster of ObamaCare is only the most visible symptom of a
far deeper danger from a lawless administration in Washington that
unilaterally changes laws passed by Congress. President Obama has nearly
three more years to continue doing irreparable damage to the
fundamental basis of American government and Americans' freedom.
Republican control of the Senate can rein in the lawless Obama
administration, which can otherwise load up the federal courts with
lawless judges, who will be dismantling the rule of law and destroying
the rights of the people, for decades after Barack Obama himself is long
gone from the White House.
Once that happens, even a future
Republican majority, led by people with the kind of ideological purity
that the Republican dissidents want, cannot undo the damage.
Senate's power to confirm or not confirm presidential nominees to the
federal courts is the only thing that can prevent Barack Obama from
leaving that kind of toxic legacy in the federal courts, including the
Supreme Court.
Only Republican control of both houses of Congress
can repeal, or even seriously revise, ObamaCare. And only Republican
control of both houses of Congress plus the White House can begin to
reverse the many lawless, reckless and dangerous policies of the Obama
administration, at home and overseas.
This year's elections and
the 2016 presidential election may be among the most important elections
in the history of this country, and can determine what kind of country
this will be for years -- and even generations -- to come.
Republicans who seem ready to jeopardize their own party's chances of
winning these two crucial elections by following a rule-or-ruin fight
against fellow Republicans may claim to be following their ideals. But
headstrong self-righteousness is not idealism, and it is seldom a way to
advance any cause.
Politics, like war, is a question of power.
If you don't have power, you can make fiery speeches or even conduct
attention-getting filibusters, but that does not fundamentally change
anything. And it has accomplished nothing in this case.
No doubt
there can be legitimate differences of opinion about tactics and
strategy on particular issues. But, if you don't have power, these are
just empty clashes over debating points.
Certainly there has been
much for which the Republican leadership has deserved to be criticized
over the years -- and this column has made such criticisms for decades.
But, when the question is whether Mitch McConnell is preferable to Harry
Reid as Majority Leader in the Senate, that is not even a close call.
the rule-or-ruin faction among Republicans ends up giving the Democrats
another Senate majority under Harry Reid, not only the Republican Party
but the entire nation, and generations yet unborn, will end up paying
the price.
SOURCE ******************************
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
19 March, 2014
Russians are Putin's concernAs
I do, Pat Buchanan below argues that Putin is simply a Russian patriot
who aims at least to protect Russians everywhere -- with an ideal
outcome of bringing them all back under Russian rule. And he is doing
that cautiously, simply by supporting unrest among "severed" Russians.
thing that amazes me is the worldwide dismissal of the vote by Crimeans
to rejoin Russia. Can someone tell me just why a democratic vote is
being disregarded in the West? There have been no accusations of voting
irregularities. The vote seems perfectly genuine. The only thing that
might be urged against it is that over 90% of the vote was for reunion. A
degree of agreement that high happens only in an election rigged by a
dictator, some might say.
But that is not at all true. Britain
got even higher percentages of agreement when it asked Gibraltarians and
Falkland Islanders if they wanted to remain in union with Britain. Were
those British-run elections the rigged work of a dictator? The fact is
that "blood is thicker than water", much though the Left would like to
deny it. People tend to become very attached to their ethnicity and want
to preserve it. Russians in Crimea like being Russian just as
Gibraltarians and Falkland Islanders like being British. Why is
democracy OK for Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands but not for Crimea?
It is a sad day when a democratic vote of self-determination is mocked in the crony-capitalist nations of the West.Vladimir
Putin seems to have lost touch with reality, Angela Merkel reportedly
told Barack Obama after speaking with the Russian president. He is "in
another world."
"I agree with what Angela Merkel said ... that he is in another world," said Madeleine Albright, "It doesn't make any sense."
Kerry made his contribution to the bonkers theory by implying that
Putin was channeling Napoleon: "You don't just, in the 21st century,
behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on a
completely trumped-up pretext."
Now that Putin has taken Crimea
without firing a shot, and 95 percent of a Crimean electorate voted
Sunday to reunite with Russia, do his decisions still appear irrational?
it not predictable that Russia, a great power that had just seen its
neighbor yanked out of Russia's orbit by a U.S.-backed coup in Kiev,
would move to protect a strategic position on the Black Sea she has held
for two centuries?
Zbigniew Brzezinski suggests that Putin is
out to recreate the czarist empire. Others say Putin wants to recreate
the Soviet Union and Soviet Empire.
But why would Russia, today
being bled in secessionist wars by Muslim terrorists in the North
Caucasus provinces of Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia, want to invade
and reannex giant Kazakhstan, or any other Muslim republic of the old
USSR, which would ensure jihadist intervention and endless war?
we Americans want out of Afghanistan, why would Putin want to go back
into Uzbekistan? Why would he want to annex Western Ukraine where hatred
of Russia dates back to the forced famine of the Stalin era?
invade and occupy all of Ukraine would mean endless costs in blood and
money for Moscow, the enmity of Europe, and the hostility of the United
States. For what end would Russia, its population shrinking by half a
million every year, want to put Russian soldiers back in Warsaw?
But if Putin is not a Russian imperialist out to re-establish Russian rule over non-Russian peoples, who and what is he?
the estimation of this writer, Vladimir Putin is a blood-and-soil,
altar-and-throne ethnonationalist who sees himself as Protector of
Russia and looks on Russians abroad the way Israelis look upon Jews
abroad, as people whose security is his legitimate concern.
Consider the world Putin saw, from his vantage point, when he took power after the Boris Yeltsin decade.
saw a Mother Russia that had been looted by oligarchs abetted by
Western crony capitalists, including Americans. He saw millions of
ethnic Russians left behind, stranded, from the Baltic states to
He saw a United States that had deceived Russia with
its pledge not to move NATO into Eastern Europe if the Red Army would
move out, and then exploited Russia's withdrawal to bring NATO onto her
front porch.
Had the neocons gotten their way, not only the
Warsaw Pact nations of Central and Eastern Europe, but five of 15
republics of the USSR, including Ukraine and Georgia, would have been
brought into a NATO alliance created to contain and, if need be, fight
What benefits have we derived from having Estonia and
Latvia as NATO allies that justify losing Russia as the friend and
partner Ronald Reagan had made by the end of the Cold War?
We lost Russia, but got Rumania as an ally? Who is irrational here?
we Americans, who, with our Monroe Doctrine, declared the entire
Western Hemisphere off limits to the European empires -- "Stay on your
side of the Atlantic!" -- understand how a Russian nationalist like
Putin might react to U.S. F-16s and ABMs in the eastern Baltic?
1999, we bombed Serbia for 78 days, ignoring the protests of a Russia
that had gone to war for Serbia in 1914. We exploited a Security Council
resolution authorizing us to go to the aid of endangered Libyans in
Benghazi to launch a war and bring down the Libyan regime.
have given military aid to Syrian rebels and called for the ouster of a
Syrian regime that has been Russia's ally for decades.
At the end
of the Cold War, writes ex-ambassador to Moscow Jack Matlock, 80
percent of Russia's people had a favorable opinion of the USA. A decade
later, 80 percent of Russians were anti-American.
That was before
Putin, whose approval is now at 72 percent because he is perceived as
having stood up to the Americans and answered our Kiev coup with his
Crimean counter coup.
America and Russia are on a collision
course today over a matter -- whose flag will fly over what parts of
Ukraine -- no Cold War president, from Truman to Reagan, would have
considered any of our business.
If the people of Eastern Ukraine
wish to formalize their historic, cultural and ethnic ties to Russia,
and the people of Western Ukraine wish to sever all ties to Moscow and
join the European Union, why not settle this politically, diplomatically
and democratically, at a ballot box?
SOURCE ********************************
Putin recognizes Crimean independenceIgnoring
the toughest sanctions against Moscow since the end of the Cold War,
Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula
as an "independent and sovereign country" on Monday, a bold challenge to
Washington that escalates one of Europe's worst security crises in
The brief decree posted on the Kremlin's website came just
hours after the United States and the European Union announced asset
freezes and other sanctions against Russian and Ukrainian officials
involved in the Crimean crisis. President Barack Obama warned that more
would come if Russia didn't stop interfering in Ukraine, and Putin's
move clearly forces his hand.
The West has struggled to find
leverage to force Moscow to back off in the Ukraine turmoil, of which
Crimea is only a part, and analysts saw Monday's sanctions as mostly
Moscow showed no signs of flinching in the dispute
that has roiled Ukraine since Russian troops took effective control of
the strategic Black Sea peninsula last month and supported the Sunday
referendum that overwhelmingly called for annexation by Russia.
Recognizing Crimea as independent would be an interim step in absorbing
the region.
Crimea had been part of Russia since the 18th
century, until Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev transferred it to Ukraine
in 1954 and both Russians and Crimea's majority ethnic Russian
population see annexation as correcting a historic insult.
turmoil — which began in November with a wave of protests against
President Viktor Yanukovych and accelerated after he fled to Russia in
late February — has become Europe's most severe security crisis in
Russia, like Yanukovych himself, characterizes his ouster
as a coup, and alleges the new authorities are fascist-minded and likely
to crack down on Ukraine's ethnic Russian population. Pro-Russia
demonstrations have broken out in several cities in eastern Ukraine near
the Russian border, where the Kremlin has been massing troops.
that Russia is prepared to risk violence to make a land-grab, the West
has consistently spoken out against Russia's actions but has run into a
wall of resistance from Moscow.
Reacting to Monday's sanctions,
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov declared that they were
"a reflection of a pathological unwillingness to acknowledge reality and
a desire to impose on everyone one-sided and unbalanced approaches that
absolutely ignore reality."
"I think the decree of the president
of the United States was written by some joker," Russian Deputy Prime
Minister Dmitry Rogozin, one of the individuals hit by the sanctions,
said on his Twitter account.
The White House imposed asset
freezes on seven Russian officials, including Putin's close ally
Valentina Matvienko, who is speaker of the upper house of parliament,
and Vladislav Surkov, one of Putin's top ideological aides. The Treasury
Department also targeted Yanukovych, Crimean leader Sergei Aksyonov and
two other top figures.
The EU's foreign ministers slapped travel bans and asset freezes against 21 officials from Russia and Ukraine.
need to show solidarity with Ukraine, and therefore Russia leaves us no
choice," Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski told reporters in
Despite Obama's vow of tougher measures, stock markets
in Russia and Europe rose sharply, reflecting relief that trade and
business ties were spared.
"I guess the market view is that
Russia forced their case in Crimea, pushed through the referendum, and
the Western reaction was muted, so that this opens the way for future
Russian intervention in Ukraine," said Tim Ash, an analyst who follows
Ukraine at Standard Bank PLC.
On Monday evening Vice President
Joe Biden was heading to Europe to meet with NATO allies. He was headed
for Warsaw, where he was slated to meet Tuesday with Polish Prime
Minister Donald Tusk and President Bronislaw Komorowski. He was to meet
separately with Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves. In Lithuania,
Biden planned to meet with President Dalia Grybauskaite and Latvia's
President Andris Berzins.
In the Crimean capital of Simferopol,
ethnic Russians applauded Sunday's referendum that overwhelmingly called
for secession and for joining Russia. Masked men in body armor blocked
access for most journalists to the parliament session that declared
independence, but the city otherwise appeared to go about its business
"We came back home to Mother Russia. We came back home,
Russia is our home," said Nikolay Drozdenko, a resident of Sevastopol,
the key Crimean port where Russia leases a naval base from Ukraine.
delegation of Crimean officials was to fly to Moscow on Monday and
Putin was to address both houses of parliament Tuesday on the Crimean
situation, both indications that Russia could move quickly to annex.
In Kiev, acting President Oleksandr Turchynov vowed that Ukraine will not give up Crimea.
are ready for negotiations, but we will never resign ourselves to the
annexation of our land," a somber Turchynov said in a televised address
to the nation. "We will do everything in order to avoid war and the loss
of human lives. We will be doing everything to solve the conflict
through diplomatic means. But the military threat to our state is real."
Crimean parliament declared that all Ukrainian state property on the
peninsula will be nationalized and become the property of the Crimean
Republic. It gave no further details. Lawmakers also asked the United
Nations and other nations to recognize it and began work on setting up a
central bank with $30 million in support from Russia.
SOURCE *******************************
If Obama thinks that sanctioning seven Russians is a sanction, he’s living in a different worldIt
didn’t take long after President Obama announced the implementation of
sanctions against some of Russia’s high-ranking officials for Russia to
not only respond in kind with sanctions against several U.S. senators
but to openly laugh at the suggestion that the measures were any real
skin off of their collective nose:
As Krauthammer puts it, “if he
thinks that sanctioning seven Russians, out of a population of, what,
150 million, is a sanction, he’s living in a different world.” I don’t
know about Dr. K’s suggestion that we could get the Europeans to join in
on real, robust economic sanctions, given their degree of energy
dependence on Russia, but today’s announcement definitely amounts to
little more than weaksauce symbolic gesture:
"He’s being
ridiculed by Russia, especially, because the statement and the policy
are ridiculous. He doesn’t have a lot of cards, but he has some cards,
and if he thinks that sanctioning seven Russians, out of a population
of, what, 150 million, is a sanction, he’s living in a different world.
The one thing that we could do is to respond to the Ukrainian request,
when the president was here last week, they asked the Pentagon for
weapons, and we said no, because somehow, to arm the victim of
aggression is a provocation. … This response of, you know, we are not
going to calibrate, as if Putin is, they’re going to sanction 11
Russians now, so I’ll have to stop where I am, is really preposterous.
Again, if you’re going to do something, do it. Otherwise, say nothing,
but this really is a humiliating response by a president who can’t even
get the Europeans to join him in effective sanctions, which we could do.
SOURCE *****************************
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
18 March, 2014
Russia calls on Ukraine to become a federation of states (Like some other countries I know)
is actually a moderate and compromising stand from Putin. He clearly
wants to avoid any war. His ultimate aim is to reunite all the Russian
speaking people of Eastern Europe under Russian rule and the
Russian-speaking half of Ukraine is the big prize there. But having
Russian Ukraine substantially independent of the rest of Ukraine and
free to develop closer ties with neighboring Russia would be a good
compromiseRussia's foreign ministry is calling on Ukraine to become a federal state and call fresh elections.
a statement posted on Monday the ministry urged Ukraine's parliament to
call a constitutional assembly which could draft a new constitution to
make the country federal, handing more power to its regions.
The foreign ministry said the proposals are part of its efforts to ease the tensions in Ukraine by diplomatic means.
insisted that Ukrainian regions should get broader autonomy and that
the country should adopt a "neutral political and military status."
The attitude of Ukrainian-speakers towards Russia is similar to the
attitude of Canadians to the USA, to the attitude of New Zealanders
towards Australia to the attitude of the Scots towards England and the
attitude of Koreans to Japan: They don't like their big neighbor. In the
Ukrainian case that dislike is much multiplied by Russia's tendency
towards tyranny. The ferocity of that dislike could be seen in the
demonstrations that recently toppled their pro-Russian president. Yet
all of the pairs mentioned have a lot in common -- a clear refutation of
the Leftist "one world" dream. Differences matter, even small ones*******************************
Ukraine's economic problemsStill too Soviet; Still poorThe
dramatic events in Ukraine the past few weeks were ignited when
Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, a Russian ally, said he would
suspend efforts to bring Ukraine closer to the EU and thousands took to
the streets to protest. Clearly, the threat of Russian political
oppression was in the minds of the protesters, but the economic stakes
were enormous as well. Indeed, a look at the data suggests that
Yanukovych’s act was against the economic interests of his own people.
the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, former Soviet and Eastern Bloc
countries chose between two distinct paths. Ten Central and Eastern
European nations (the so-called CEE-10) made integration with the
European Union a top priority. The rest, like Ukraine, moved much more
slowly toward Western standards, and some even settled under a new
Russian umbrella.
Prior to the breakup, Eastern Europe was
underdeveloped relative to the West, mostly because of the failure
created by central planning. When a market economy is unleashed in such a
setting, “convergence” of the standard of living to that of the
developed world can be quite rapid. If the U.S. wants to grow sharply,
it needs to push the very frontier of what is possible farther out. A
former Soviet or Eastern Bloc country, on the other hand, could grow
rapidly simply by copying the developed world. Some did.
A large
academic literature has emerged analyzing the impact of “going west.”
The literature documents that those nations that assimilated into the EU
saw dramatic economic growth. A recent EU study co-authored by Ryszard
Rapacki and Mariusz Prochniak of the Warsaw School of Economics, for
example, concluded that full convergence of the CCE-10 is so far along
that it might be complete in as little as eight years.
countries, like Ukraine, that failed to take that path have stagnated.
The nearby chart documents how radically different their experience has
been. The chart plots real per capita GDP (in 2005 dollars) for former
Soviet and Eastern Bloc countries other than Russia. The purple and dark
blue lines on the top illustrate the findings of the study just
mentioned. Income per capita has grown sharply since the mid 1990s, more
than doubling for the former Soviet countries, and increasing about 50
percent for the Eastern Bloc countries (such as the Czech Republic) that
have joined the EU.

three lines on the bottom of the chart depict what has happened to
those nations that have not joined the EU. Each of these countries has
stagnated, seeing a standard of living that has barely budged since the
fall of the USSR. The experiences have been so different that the
increase in welfare for citizens in former Soviet countries that have
joined the EU is larger than today’s level of welfare for countries that
have not.
Vladimir Putin’s desire to maintain a zone of
influence has had a dramatically negative effect on the economic
well-being of citizens of the affected countries. It is hard to imagine
how anyone could look at such data and not conclude that Putin
supporters outside Russia are traitors, if not to their nations at the
very least to their compatriots’ prospects of economic security and
The Tea Party Isn't Dying – The GOP Establishment IsIf
the conservative insurgency has been crushed, why was Mitch McConnell
walking around onstage at CPAC with a musket? He couldn’t have sucked up
to the right any harder if he wore a tri-corner hat and had the Gadsden
flag tattooed on his rear.
The death of the conservative
revolution, the Tea Party, or whatever you call it, has not merely been
greatly exaggerated. It’s been flat-out lied about.
It isn’t
dead. It just changed, from a shoestring operation to one with real
clout. And it’s well on its way to doing what it set out to do –
arm-twist a flabby, comfortable GOP into fighting for conservative
values instead of just talking about them at election time.
conservatives have two very different opponents, opponents who sometimes
operate in concert. After all, they both want us gone.
The first
opponent is the left. They still call us the “Tea Party,” though we
rarely use that term anymore. It’s fun to hear the liberals say it –
it’s like listening to grandparents trying to sound cool. Yeah, those
hepcats are sure hip with their cool jive, daddy-o.
Every day, the lefty punditry opines about the Tea Party’s death spiral. And every day, the Tea Party refuses to crash and burn.
clowns really believe that we are a racist movement devoted to the
beliefs of the late Democrat icon and KKK kleagle Senator Robert Byrd.
It’s hard to imagine a bigger misunderstanding of one’s opponent.
left is battling not the opponent it is facing but the opponent it
wants to face. It’s so much easier to fight straw men than to address
the fiasco of Obamacare, the zombie economy or the endless war on women
waged by their horny Democrat heroes.
They just don’t get what we
are about or what we want, which they will find is a problem. Take it
from someone with a little bit of military experience – you really
should try to understand your enemy. It helps keep you from being, say,
humiliated in a Florida special election.
And that advice isn’t
coming from some dead white male – Sun Tzu was saying it 2,000 years
ago. So lefties should at least listen for the sake of diversity, but
they won’t. They’re too invested in their unearned smugness. And they’re
obviously racist.
We conservative insurgents have another
opponent, but this opponent recognizes us for exactly what we are – a
dangerous, existential threat. This opponent is the GOP Establishment,
and its members hate and fear us for entirely different reasons.
problem with the GOP Establishment is not its ideology – most of its
members, in the abstract, probably generally agree with our positions.
What they hate is that we intend to utterly upend their world. They have
spent years in the Beltway, climbing the ladder, building careers, all
within the system as it exists today. They are invested in that system
just like the liberals, regardless of superficial differences over mere
policy preferences.
They want to gather power within Washington
then redistribute it after they take their cut. We want to re-wire the
system so that Washington is left off the grid to wither back down to
the miserable backwater it used to be – and should be.
D.C. is
awesomely wealthy, full of fine clothes, sumptuous food, gleaming
restaurants, and much more attractive people than when I interned there
in 1986. The recession missed Washington, a town that produces nothing
except problems for the rest of America yet is better off than anywhere
else in America.
We want to end that. That we want to destroy the
cushy status quo is why the GOP Establishment hates us. That we can
influence elections is why it fears us.
There is a lot of
propaganda about how the Tea Party ruined the GOP’s chances to take the
Senate. There’s never any recognition of how conservatives are solely
responsible for taking back the House. No one ever talks about the
Establishment candidates who failed in places like North Dakota and
If the Establishment had its way, we’d have Senator
Crist instead of Senator Rubio. Hell, if Crist turns back Republican
next week, they’ll probably start backing him for president. That is,
unless surefire winner Jeb Bush decides to run.
You always hear
about a few eccentric Senate candidates the Tea Party gave us, like the
Delaware sorceress and the Indiana gynecology professor, but you don’t
hear about how their loser GOP primary opponents supported the Democrats
in the general. So we should have supported clowns who turned traitor
the moment they didn’t get their way? No thanks. If the Establishment
wants loyalty, let’s see it show some.
We conservatives are
forcing the GOP Establishment to at least start pretending to act
conservative. Mitch McConnell didn’t shake his blunderbuss at CPAC
because he loves mixing with peasants; he did it because he’s scared,
and he should be. The surrender caucus didn’t retreat on guns and
amnesty because they wanted to get slammed by the mainstream media. They
did it because we’ll primary them at the drop of a hat.
And some
of them – not all, but some – should be primaried. If Pat Roberts can’t
deal with the fact that he’s not in Kansas anymore in the primary, he
might lose in the general. If Thad Cochran can’t hold his Mississippi
seat against an upstart after being a senator for a zillion years, then
he doesn’t deserve six more.
Time is on our side. The old GOP is
passing away into history. The energy, intellect and grit is all with us
conservatives – anyone out there ever see a passionate squish? We’re
pushing the party, kicking and screaming, to the right.
surprise, surprise, it looks like we conservatives are going to clean
their pinko clocks in November, just like we conservatives did in 2010.
Not too bad for a movement that’s been crushed.
Government rail at work againThe
multiple folds of irony are all most too much to handle. The nation’s
government-run passenger rail service – which has never once in more
than four decades turned a profit and relies on perpetual taxpayer
handouts - plans to start offering free rides to writers. The idea,
which stemmed from a New York-based writer’s tweet, will launch an
official residency program for writers on its long-distance routes,
coincidentally the least cost-efficient and most heavily subsidized in
the Amtrak system. Amtrak is a perpetual loser, and it’s unlikely that
this writers-ride-free gimmick will have a happy ending.
no government program has embodied bureaucratic waste and inefficiency
quite like passenger rail travel in the United States – a
taxpayer-funded gravy train that has received $40 billion in federal
subsidies, has never once made it out of the red, and entered last year
well over a billion dollars in debt. Worse, the service asked for
another $2.6 billion in federal funding for fiscal year 2014, and yet
has the audacity to offer “free” rides to writers.
“I wish Amtrak
had residencies for writers.” A simple tweet at the agency’s social
media account is all it took for the service to offer the writer a free
trip from New York to Chicago and back. According to CNN, up to 24
writers will be chosen, and all will be offered trips on “undersold
long-distance routes.” The Northeast Corridor is only profitable portion
of Amtrak in the entire country – leaving many options for the writers
in which to get the creative juices flowing.
The service has
resorted to offering free tickets, a bed, desk, outlets, “and a window
to watch the American countryside roll by” to a lucky few, perhaps
hoping to drum up a little positive copy for the increasingly unpopular
and expensive rail service. Each writers package has an estimated at a
retail value of about $900 – not exactly chump change. Needless to say,
the prospect for return on investment is slim – and that shouldn’t be a
surprise to most taxpayers. After all, this is an agency that managed to
lose $834 million on food sales alone in the past decade.
some in Congress have taken notice. Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and
Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) penned an open letter to Amtrak President
Joseph Boardman, questioning the logic behind the move.
“We are
certain that there is considerable demand for free Amtrak tickets in any
number of venues,” the lawmakers wrote. “Unfortunately, given Amtrak’s
prodigious annual taxpayer subsidies, this plan raises multiple red
flags…revenue from ticket sales was insufficient to even cover Amtrak’s
operating expenses.” Hoping for return on investment on thousands of
dollars-worth of free trips to help bridge this gap seems like a dubious
plan, to say the least.
Amtrak offering free rides, with no
metric by which to judge the success of the program, embodies perfectly
the systemic problems with this government-run railroad.
projects like Amtrak have no profit motive, no inclination to increase
efficiency, and every incentive to continue shoveling taxpayer money
into the proverbial firebox. That’s because for more than 40 years,
Amtrak’s funding has been all but guaranteed regardless of performance.
of expanding taxpayer subsidies even further and driving Amtrak even
further off the rails of solvency, policymakers should be looking for
ways to put a stop to what has become a Handout Express to the tune of
$15 billion a year.
Not only should Amtrak begin to live up to
its promise of getting back on stable financial footing by cancelling
the free ride program, Congress should consider not re-authorizing the
service at all – ending Amtrak’s free ride at our expense.
SOURCEThere is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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here (Personal)
17 March, 2014
Putin is more democratic than John KerryFailed
Presidential candidate John Kerry seems to have been left in charge of
American policy in Ukraine by virtue of the black jellyfish in the White
House being afraid to do anything at all. I would argue however that in
this case the jellyfish is right.
After the democratically
elected president of all Ukraine was ousted by Ukrainian thugs, Putin
has stepped in to enable the people of Crimea to democratically divorce
themselves from unstable Ukraine. So who is the democrat here? John
Kerry is supporting the undemocratic Ukraininan thugs and resisting
democracy in Crimea. Putin is the good guy.
And Putin had
previously made no moves to get Crimea back into union with Russia --
even though Crimea had been Russian for hundreds of years. The only
thing that severed Crimea from Russia was a decree from Soviet dictator
Khrushchev. So is Kerry supporting the ideas of a Soviet dictator?
is no doubt that Crimea will vote for a reunion with Russia and it is a
credit to Putin that he waited for Ukraine to become ungovernable
before he put those wheels into motion.
The basic aim of Putin's
policy so far seems to be motivated by Russia's demographic decline.
Russians are dying out and Putin want to bring Russian populations
everywhere back into Russia's embrace and thus protect Russian power. He
accepted some returns of ethnic Russians from the Baltic States for
that reason and he also chipped off Georgia's Russian-speaking regions
for that purpose. Crimea is simply the next obvious step in rejoining
Russians to Russia
Given that basic aim, it seems likely that
Putin will not stop at Crimea. Large areas of Ukraine are Russian
speaking so it seems very likely that Putin will give support for the
partition of Ukraine into East and West. And given the precedent in
Crimea, that will most likely be done democratically. There is no doubt
that the respective populations would support such a partition.
what is wrong with partitioning Ukraine? Britain is at the moment
agonizing over whether Scotland should be partitioned off from England
and no-one is calling that undemocratic --JR.
Henry Thomas SchäferSome
years ago I was given a framed print of a famous painting by Schäfer. I
like it and have it on my wall to this day. And I am not alone in
liking it. Thousands of such prints seem to have been made. Schafer has
been a very popular artist.
So I was surprised that when I
Googled his name, I could find out virtually nothing about his life. I
gather that his art is seen as "chocolate boxy" and hence below the
notice of anybody seriously interested in art. I of course deplore such
elitism so would like to put a decent biography of him online if I can
get more information on him. I reproduce below the only two biographical
notes I could find and hope that there might be a reader of this blog
who can tell me more."Henry Thomas Schafer was born in the
Lake District in England during the mid 19th-century. His exact birth
date is unknown; however, his work was most well known from 1873 - 1915.
Both a painter and an accomplished sculptor, Schafer exhibited his
figurative studies at the Royal Academy in London in 1875, receiving the
prestigious Academia award for excellence. Schafer's signature style
was his study of women dressed in "goddess-like" classical vestments. It
is for these portraits that he is best remembered."
Thomas Schäfer (British, 1854?-1915). Henry Thomas Schäfer is a British
Victorian-era genre painter and sculptor, elected in 1889 to the Royal
Society of British Artists. He exhibited at the Royal Society, the Royal
Academy, the Royal Scottish Academy, and other galleries starting in
1873. Several of his paintings have been widely reproduced and
distributed in the form of posters."
Below is the picture that hangs on my wall

A Time of Roses****************************
Dupes and Hypocrites: Communism’s Fellow-Travellers in the West“Tomorrow
I leave this land of hope and return to our Western countries of
despair,” declared British playwright Bernard Shaw, as he embarked on
his return journey from the Soviet Union in 1931.1 American writer and
critic Edmund Wilson expressed similar sentiments in 1936: “. . . you
feel in the Soviet Union that you are at the moral top of the world
where the light never really goes out . . .”
It is astonishing
that such comments could have been made about Soviet Russia at a time
when Stalin, its bloodiest-ever dictator, was murdering millions of
people in internal repression. But these statements reflected the
mindset of all too many pro-Communist, Western intellectuals of that
period. Referring to Stalin’s multiple purges, British historian George
Watson wrote in 1973, “Between 1933 and 1939 many (and perhaps most)
British intellectuals under the age of fifty, and a good many in other
Western lands, knowingly supported the greatest act of mass murder in
human history.” Other scholars have reached similar judgements about the
culpability of Communism’s “fellow-travellers” in the West. From the
1920s to the 1980s, at least two generations of leftist intellectuals
embraced one oppressive Communist regime after another, whilst remaining
fiercely critical of their own imperfect but free societies.
should be noted, though, that their zeal had its limits when it came to
their personal fortunes. Of this type of tourist, American writer Eugene
Lyons wrote, “They guarded their foreign passports like the apple of
their eye while sizzling with enthusiasm over this ‘new Soviet
civilization.’” It was also reported that “another ardent
fellow-traveller, Lion Feuchtwanger, was once asked why he didn’t move
to the country he praised so regularly [i.e. the Soviet Union]; and the
novelist replied, ‘What do you think I am—a fool?’”
recurring pattern of hypocrisy and double standards first raised its
head in relation to Soviet Russia, but as disillusion with Russian
Communism at last set in during the 1950s, it did not result in leftist
intellectuals’ abandonment of Communism. They merely transferred their
emotional allegiance, and their double standards, to a new set of
Communist countries in the 1960s and 1970s: Red China (“The Maoist
revolution is on the whole the best thing that has happened to the
Chinese people in many centuries . . .”); Cuba (“[T]he first purposeful
society that we have had in the Western hemisphere for many years—it’s
the first society where human beings are treated as human beings, where
men have a certain dignity, and where this is guaranteed to them.”); and
North Vietnam (“[A] humane socialism . . . was evident in the
unembarrassed handclasps among men, the poetry and song at the center of
man-woman relationships, the freedom to weep practiced by everyone…as
the Vietnamese speak of their country.”).
How is it possible that
so many highly intelligent people could be hyper-critical of their own
societies and yet totally wedded to the advancement of totalitarian
socialist revolutions responsible for some of the greatest crimes
against humanity in history? Certainly, their rejection of Christianity
was a major factor, and it manifested itself in several unfortunate
ways: (1) contempt for Western society in general, which is built
largely within a Christian worldview; (2) indifference to God’s law,
which forbids much of what drives and sustains totalitarian
regimes—covetousness, theft, and even murder; and (3) substitution of a
manmade “workers’ paradise” for the kingdom of God, for which their
hearts long, but whose Lord they cannot tolerate. Communism, then,
became their new faith, one fiercely held. As Gustave Le Bon observed as
early as 1899, “Thanks to its promises of regeneration . . . Socialism
is becoming a belief of a religious character.” History, though, has
used Communism to teach once again that when men promise “heaven on
earth,” the result is something more nearly akin to hell.
SOURCE ******************************
Black skin trumps all else?
POLITICO Doesn’t Know Much About ConservatismPOLITICO,
Allbritton Communications’ flagship web, video and print outlet has, in
seven short years, become the preferred media of the DC elite. However,
despite the stellar resumes of POLITICO’s journalists, a recent article
titled “Right-left immigration alliance fraying,” by assistant editor
Seung Min Kim, constituted such an egregious act of journalism
malpractice that it shows the writers at POLITICO don’t really know jack
about conservatism and the conservative movement.
Miss Kim’s
error was to identify the US Chamber of Commerce and other backers of
amnesty for illegal aliens as “conservatives” and to claim that a broad
coalition of such “conservatives” backs amnesty and the outrage the
Senate passed in the Rubio – Obama immigration “reform” bill.
notion that the US Chamber is “conservative” is such a gross
mischaracterization of what it means to be a political conservative
today that it must be seen as wilful ignorance of the history of the
conservative movement and POLITICO’s own reporting about the civil war
in the Republican Party.
What Miss Kim, who has a Masters in
Journalism, apparently missed in all of that education is that the US
Chamber and other members of the Big Business – Big Government axis are
among the interests opposed by the conservative movement, and
particularly by the limited government constitutional conservatives who
are today the movement’s most active grassroots adherents.
the pros from the cons in any of the major Capitol Hill legislative
battles since the Tea Party wave election of 2010 and you will find the
US Chamber on one side and movement conservatives on the other.
Cut, Cap and Balance back in 2009 – conservatives were for it, Big Business was opposed.
Keeping the sequester caps? Conservatives wanted to keep them, Big Business wanted more spending.
fight over defunding Obamacare and spending that shutdown the
government? The US Chamber was and is always opposed when the House acts
to use the power of the purse that the Constitution gives it to rein-in
an overweening executive branch.
Indeed, a couple of years ago
US Chamber President Tom Donohue had the gall to tell conservative
opponents of raising the debt ceiling to raise the debt ceiling or we,
meaning the Chamber, will get rid of you.
As for the idea that
there is a “center-right coalition” led by the Chamber behind the push
for amnesty for illegal aliens that is the central premise of Miss Kim’s
article, we’d like to have a list of organizations that movement
conservatives identify as “conservative” that have signed-on, because we
can’t find any.
Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Forum? Opposed to amnesty.
The Heritage Foundation? Opposed to amnesty.
Richard Viguerie’s Opposed to amnesty.
The major Tea Party movement groups? Opposed to amnesty.
RedState, Human Events, WND? All opposed to amnesty as far as we can tell.
the major media voices on the right, such as Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin,
Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck and Michelle Malkin to name but a few; all
opposed to amnesty.
As for the legislators who Miss Kim cites as
making up the “conservative” supporters of amnesty, such as California
Republican Congressmen David Valadao and Jeff Denham, neither of them
even broke 40% on the Heritage Action for America scorecard, placing
them well behind conservative members of Congress such as their fellow
Californian, and Chamber political target, Tom McClintock’s 96% rating.
But we can’t lay the blame on Miss Kim entirely.
experienced establishment journalists in the top echelons of POLITICO,
such as Jim VandeHei (formerly of The Washington Post) and Rick Berke
(formerly of The New York Times) should know better than to allow a
writer to call the US Chamber "conservative," but apparently they too
missed how conservatism has defined itself over the past fifty years,
nor are they apparently reading their own team's reporting on the
movement conservatives versus Big Business civil war in today’s
Republican Party.
In the days prior to World War II when major
business leaders, such as Henry Ford, advocated a non-interventionist
foreign policy, it might have been credible to argue that the American
“business community” as represented by the US Chamber was
“conservative,” but those days are long gone.
The fault line in
today’s politics isn’t between Democrats and Republicans. It is between
advocates of Big Government in both major parties and conservative
proponents of limited constitutional government. When viewed from that
perspective, the US Chamber isn’t conservative; it is one of the leading
impediments to the conservative governance of America, and the
journalists at POLITICO and other establishment media outlets ought to
be clued-in to conservative politics enough to understand that and
report the news that way.
SOURCE *****************************
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
15 March, 2014
Are conservatives more emotional?That
good ol' projection again. As a pretty good general rule, if you want
to know what is true of liberals, just look at what they say about
conservatives. Seeing your own faults in others is not only good
psychological defence but it's a pretty good political tactic too. If
one side of politics is (say) full of hate, constant accusations from
that side accusing others of hate may well cause uncommitted voters to
say, "A plague on both their houses" and believe that both sides are
equally haters. So the constant accusations from liberals that
conservatives are guilty of hate speech and racism makes good tactics.
if there is one thing we know about liberals it is that they are always
on the boil. They are always outraged about something and are
constantly protesting. They are clearly the more emotional side of
politics. You just have to note the utter rage that pours out from
Leftists in the comments they leave on conservative sites and on Twitter
in replying to conservative tweets. And their use of foul language is also hugely disproportionate. And, as has often been said, bad language is the attempt of a weak mind to express itself forcefully.
the piece of research below is very predictable. On the basis of the
flimsiest evidence, they assert that it is conservatives who are more
Their evidence is that in portraits of themselves most
people show the left side of the face but there is a slight tendency
for conservatives to show that side more often.
I could go on but
such hugely silly "evidence" just doesn't seem to warrant any further
bother. Leftists will clutch at anything to discredit conservatives.Right-Wing Politicians Prefer the Emotional Left
Nicole A. Thomas et al
research suggests that social attitudes, such as political beliefs, may
be partly hard-wired in the brain. Conservatives have heightened
sensitivity for detecting emotional faces and use emotion more
effectively when campaigning. As the left face displays emotion more
prominently, we examined 1538 official photographs of conservative and
liberal politicians from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the
United States for an asymmetry in posing.
Across nations,
conservatives were more likely than liberals to display the left cheek.
In contrast, liberals were more likely to face forward than were
conservatives. Emotion is important in political campaigning and as
portraits influence voting decisions, conservative politicians may
intuitively display the left face to convey emotion to voters.
SOURCEA good summary of the boiling hate continually emanating from the Left is here*********************************
Obamacare's famous "mandate" disappearsA central part of Obamacare abolished by the Obama adminstrationObamaCare's
implementers continue to roam the battlefield and shoot their own
wounded, and the latest casualty is the core of the Affordable Care
Act—the individual mandate. To wit, last week the Administration quietly
excused millions of people from the requirement to purchase health
insurance or else pay a tax penalty.
This latest political
reconstruction has received zero media notice, and the Health and Human
Services Department didn't think the details were worth discussing in a
conference call, press materials or fact sheet. Instead, the mandate
suspension was buried in an unrelated rule that was meant to preserve
some health plans that don't comply with ObamaCare benefit and
redistribution mandates. Our sources only noticed the change this week.
seven-page technical bulletin includes a paragraph and footnote that
casually mention that a rule in a separate December 2013 bulletin would
be extended for two more years, until 2016. Lo and behold, it turns out
this second rule, which was supposed to last for only a year, allows
Americans whose coverage was cancelled to opt out of the mandate
In 2013, HHS decided that ObamaCare's wave of policy
terminations qualified as a "hardship" that entitled people to a special
type of coverage designed for people under age 30 or a mandate
exemption. HHS originally defined and reserved hardship exemptions for
the truly down and out such as battered women, the evicted and
But amid the post-rollout political backlash, last
week the agency created a new category: Now all you need to do is fill
out a form attesting that your plan was cancelled and that you "believe
that the plan options available in the [ObamaCare] Marketplace in your
area are more expensive than your cancelled health insurance policy" or
"you consider other available policies unaffordable."
This lax
standard—no formula or hard test beyond a person's belief—at least
ostensibly requires proof such as an insurer termination notice. But
people can also qualify for hardships for the unspecified nonreason that
"you experienced another hardship in obtaining health insurance," which
only requires "documentation if possible." And yet another waiver is
available to those who say they are merely unable to afford coverage,
regardless of their prior insurance. In a word, these shifting legal
benchmarks offer an exemption to everyone who conceivably wants one.
in mind that the White House argued at the Supreme Court that the
individual mandate to buy insurance was indispensable to the law's
success, and President Obama continues to say he'd veto the
bipartisan bills that would delay or repeal it. So why are ObamaCare
liberals silently gutting their own creation now?
The answers are
the implementation fiasco and politics. HHS revealed Tuesday that only
940,000 people signed up for an ObamaCare plan in February, bringing the
total to about 4.2 million, well below the original 5.7 million
projection. The predicted "surge" of young beneficiaries isn't
materializing even as the end-of-March deadline approaches, and
enrollment decelerated in February.
Meanwhile, a McKinsey &
Company survey reports that a mere 27% of people joining the exchanges
were previously uninsured through February. The survey also found that
about half of people who shopped for a plan but did not enroll said
premiums were too expensive, even though 80% of this group qualify for
subsidies. Some substantial share of the people ObamaCare is supposed to
help say it is a bad financial value. You might even call it a
HHS is also trying to pre-empt the inevitable political
blowback from the nasty 2015 tax surprise of fining the uninsured for
being uninsured, which could help reopen ObamaCare if voters elect a
Republican Senate this November. Keeping its mandate waiver secret for
now is an attempt get past November and in the meantime sign up as many
people as possible for government-subsidized health care. Our sources in
the insurance industry are worried the regulatory loophole sets a
mandate non-enforcement precedent, and they're probably right. The
longer it is not enforced, the less likely any President will enforce
The larger point is that there have been so many unilateral
executive waivers and delays that ObamaCare must be unrecognizable to
its drafters, to the extent they ever knew what the law contained.
SOURCE ***************************
David Horowitz Exposes Why Progressives Must LieIn
his book Disinformation, Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking Soviet
Bloc official ever to defect to the United States, describes the Soviet
intelligence practice called "framing" – changing someone's or
something's past to suit present political needs.
The Soviets
perfected this into a science. Jamie Glazov, editor of,
detailed a personal encounter with this Marxist science when he
described a 1971 document KGB chairman Yuri Andropov wrote about Jamie's
father, Soviet dissident Yuri Glazov:
"Yuri Andropov is
discussing the operation to put the drugs and the documents into the
apartment and then five pages later is discussing my father being a drug
trafficker and a spy. You see, there’s a self-intoxication here. You
create the lie and then somewhere along the process you begin to believe
that lie that you yourself have created, and this is a very fascinating
Jamie's boss, David Horowitz, lived this lie for
many years. He knows that without lies, the ideology of the left would
cease to exist. This is the central truth Horowitz relentlessly
reinforces in Progressives, Volume II of The Black Book of the American
Horowitz wastes no time defining what drives the left. On page 3, he states:
The belief in a perfect future inevitably inspires a passionate (and
otherwise inexplicable) hatred towards the imperfect present. The first
agenda of social redeemers is to dismantle the existing social order,
which means their intellectual and political energies are focused on the
work of destruction.
With a false utopia as their goal, the left
grants itself permission to commit any crime. With this is a free pass
to lie about everything. In their world the victims of Stalin, Ho Chi
Minh, and (today) Hamas are all airbrushed from history; the go-to
source for political knowledge is Noam Chomsky, the "Guru of the
Anti-American Left;" and, most importantly, any deviation is a menace to
be snuffed out with an iron fist.
In one of his most revealing
essays, Horowitz reviews how in one year (1999), three leading icons of
the left were exposed as having crafted fake biographies for themselves:
Menchu – Claimed to have been a landless peasant and an innocent victim
of U.S. Imperialism; was actually from a wealthy landowning family and
an agent of a Soviet-backed armed gang which picked a fight with a
military dictatorship, then blamed the result on America.
Friedan – Claimed to have been an ordinary suburban housewife who
realized she lived in a "comfortable concentration camp" and took action
to liberate women from American home life; was actually a lifelong
Communist and an activist dedicated to overturning capitalism – by
overturning family values (as Marx and Engels prescribed).
Said – Claimed to have been a refugee chased from the Jerusalem house
he grew up in by a famous Jewish scholar after Israel was created; was
actually only born in Jerusalem because his mother was visiting family
there when her water broke and spent his entire childhood in Cairo (as
Justus Reid Weiner wrote of this discovery: "On [Said's] birth
certificate, prepared by the ministry of health of the British Mandate,
his parents specified their permanent address as Cairo, and, indicating
that they maintained no residence in Palestine, left blank the space for
a local address."). Additionally, it was Said's aunt that evicted the
Jewish scholar from the house – where he had been legally living with
his grandchildren as refugees from Nazi Germany – and not the other way
To normal people, living a lie is a sickening existence.
In fact, even somewhat abnormal, melancholy people like Edgar Allan Poe
recognized the trouble one would have living with a Tell-Tale Heart.
However, some people are so morally putrid that they can immerse
themselves in a world of falsehoods and still sleep like babies. At the
same time, those individuals among the left who are unwilling to be
perpetually fake and hypocritical are treated like heretics.
tainting and ostracism of sinners is the secret power of the leftist
faith," wrote Horowitz. "It is what keeps the faithful in line." The
late Christopher Hitchens had longtime left-wing "friends" lining up to
publicly end their friendships with him when he dared to call out the
compulsive lying of Bill Clinton. For all their talk about "comrades",
loyalty to friends, family, and country are secondary and sacrificial to
the fib of the day.
In Andrew Breitbart and Stephen K. Bannon's film Occupy Unmasked, Horowitz explained:
"Communism, which killed 100 million people in its course – in
peacetime, not in war but in peacetime – and bankrupted whole
continents, created unimaginable poverty for a billion people,
artificial mass starvation where millions upon millions of people died
because of government schemes that didn't work, showed that this
Socialist idea is a bankrupt idea; there's nothing there."
SOURCE ****************************
Horowitz at Heritage Foundation: 'The Communist Party Is The Democratic Party'On
Tuesday, former Marxist-turned-conservative icon David Horowitz spoke
at the Heritage Foundation to mark the launch of what will be a
ten-volume compendium of his writings on leftism, The Black Book of the
American Left. In his wide-ranging speech, Horowitz described his
transition from left to right, and discussed the shortcomings of a
conservative movement unwilling to deal with the ugly realities of what
the American left represents.
Horowitz began by distinguishing
the David Horowitz Freedom Center from other think tanks, instead
characterizing it as a “battle tank.” He labeled himself “monomaniacal”
in his focus on the left and its relation to communism. “There are
hedgehogs and foxes. The foxes know many things. And the hedgehogs know
one thing. I am a hedgehog,” he joked.
“My parents called
themselves progressives,” Horowitz explained with regard to his
communist parents. “The agenda was a Soviet America...the slogan of the
communist party in those days was peace, jobs, democracy. Sound
That was the theme of Horowitz’s speech as he
continued: how the communists had taken over the Democratic Party. “The
communist party is the Democratic Party,” Horowitz stated. “In The Great
Gatsby, [F. Scott] Fitzgerald describes the rich as people who break
things and leave them for others to clean up. That is a wonderful
description of the left.” Horowitz, who began as a radical Marxist, said
that the modern left had learned stealth from their failures in the
1960s: “The left have learned from the 1960s...we in the 1960s didn't
want to pretend to be Jeffersonian democrats...That's why we failed in
the 1960s. That's why they've succeeded now.”
But the right,
Horowitz pointed out, has failed to acknowledge that reality. On
Obamacare, for example, Horowitz railed against the language used by the
left: “single-payer.” Instead, he said, “it is communism,” pointing out
that it was state ownership of the means of production. He added, “The
left hate the Constitution because Madison designed it to thwart them.”
then analyzed what he claimed were the four features of the leftist
mentality. First, he said, the left and right are on opposite sides of
the “fundamental divide of the modern age”: the left believes that human
beings are inherently good and infinitely malleable, and so can be
shaped by proper state guidance. Conservatives, by contrast, believe
that human beings are responsible for social problems, and concentrating
power in the hands of humans is dangerous.
Second, Horowitz
said, the left are characterized by the belief that “history is a
forward march.” Obama, Horowitz claimed, is a deep believer in this
concept, all the way down to his carpet in the Oval Office, which
assures those who enter that the moral arc of the universe bends toward
justice. “Leftism is a crypto-religion,” he explained. “They see
themselves as a savior. People who believe that redemption will take
place in this life and I will be a part of it, that's Hitler. That's
Mao...That's the American left.”
Third, Horowitz said that the
left was characterized by “alienation from this country... What weakens
America is actually good.” Horowitz cited the Obama administration’s
eager withdrawal from Iraq as evidence of that proposition: “Obama
betrayed every American who gave their life for the people of Iraq.” He
also slammed the Obama administration with regard to Benghazi: “Benghazi
is the most shameful act in the history of the American presidency.”
said Horowitz, the American left “lie. And it's not like politicians cannot be a leftist without lying about the most basic
strategic facts about who you are.”
Horowitz summed up
pessimistically: “We are within reach of a totalitarian state in this
country…These are very very dark days for this country.” But, Horowitz
held out hope: “there's been an earthquake on the conservative side
since I switched sides...the tea party is the earthquake. The best thing
that Republicans can do is stop the fratricide.”
SOURCE *****************************
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
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14 March, 2014
Hitler and the socialist dreamMany socialists before Hitler advocated genocideGeorge Watson
April 1945, when Adolf Hitler died by his own hand in the rubble of
Berlin, nobody was much interested in what he had once believed. That
was to be expected. War is no time for reflection, and what Hitler had
done was so shattering, and so widely known through images of naked
bodies piled high in mass graves, that little or no attention could
readily be paid to National Socialism as an idea. It was hard to think
of it as an idea at all. Hitler, who had once looked a crank or a clown,
was exposed as the leader of a gang of thugs, and the world was content
to know no more than that.
Half a century on, there is much to
be said. Even thuggery can have its reasons, and the materials that have
newly appeared, though they may not transform judgement, undoubtedly
enrich and deepen it. Confidants of Hitler. such as the late Albert
Speer, have published their reminiscences; his wartime table-talk is a
book; early revelations like Hermann Rauschning's Hitler Speaks of 1939
have been validated by painstaking research, and the notes of dead Nazis
like Otto Wagener have been edited, along with a full text of
Goebbels's diary.
It is now clear beyond all reasonable doubt
that Hitler and his associates believed they were socialists, and that
others, including democratic socialists, thought so too. The title of
National Socialism was not hypocritical.
The evidence before
1945 was more private than public, which is perhaps significant in
itself. In public Hitler was always anti-Marxist, and in an age in which
the Soviet Union was the only socialist state on earth, and with
anti-Bolshevism a large part of his popular appeal, he may have been
understandably reluctant to speak openly of his sources. His
megalomania, in any case, would have prevented him from calling himself
anyone's disciple. That led to an odd and paradoxical alliance between
modern historians and the mind of a dead dictator.
Many recent
analysts have fastidiously refused to study the mind of Hitler; and they
accept, as unquestioningly as many Nazis did in the 1930s, the slogan
"Crusade against Marxism" as a summary of his views. An age in which
fascism has become a term of abuse is unlikely to analyse it profoundly.
private conversations, however, though they do not overturn his
reputation as an anti-Communist, qualify it heavily. Hermann Rauschning,
for example, a Danzig Nazi who knew Hitler before and after his
accession to power in 1933, tells how in private Hitler acknowledged his
profound debt to the Marxian tradition. "I have learned a great deal
from Marxism" he once remarked, "as I do not hesitate to admit". He was
proud of a knowledge of Marxist texts acquired in his student days
before the First World War and later in a Bavarian prison, in 1924,
after the failure of the Munich putsch.
The trouble with Weimar
Republic politicians, he told Otto Wagener at much the same time, was
that "they had never even read Marx", implying that no one who had
failed to read so important an author could even begin to understand the
modern world; in consequence, he went on, they imagined that the
October revolution in 1917 had been "a private Russian affair", whereas
in fact it had changed the whole course of human history!
differences with the communists, he explained, were less ideological
than tactical. German communists he had known before he took power, he
told Rauschning, thought politics meant talking and writing. They were
mere pamphleteers, whereas "I have put into practice what these peddlers
and pen pushers have timidly begun", adding revealingly that "the whole
of National Socialism" was based on Marx.
That is a devastating
remark and it is blunter than anything in his speeches or in Mein
Kampf.; though even in the autobiography he observes that his own
doctrine was fundamentally distinguished from the Marxist by reason that
it recognised the significance of race - implying, perhaps, that it
might otherwise easily look like a derivative. Without race, he went on,
National Socialism "would really do nothing more than compete with
Marxism on its own ground". Marxism was internationalist. The
proletariat, as the famous slogan goes, has no fatherland. Hitler had a
fatherland, and it was everything to him.
Yet privately, and
perhaps even publicly, he conceded that National Socialism was based on
Marx. On reflection, it makes consistent sense. The basis of a dogma is
not the dogma, much as the foundation of a building is not the building,
and in numerous ways National Socialism was based on Marxism. It was a
theory of history and not, like liberalism or social democracy, a mere
agenda of legislative proposals.
And it was a theory of human,
not just of German, history, a heady vision that claimed to understand
the whole past and future of mankind. Hitler's discovery was that
socialism could be national as well as international. There could be a
national socialism.
That is how he reportedly talked to his
fellow Nazi Otto Wagener in the early 1930s. The socialism of the future
would lie in "the community of the Volk", not in internationalism, he
claimed, and his task was to "convert the German volk to socialism
without simply killing off the old individualists", meaning the
entrepreneurial and managerial classes left from the age of liberalism.
They should be used, not destroyed.
The state could control,
after all, without owning, guided by a single party, the economy could
be planned and directed without dispossessing the propertied classes.
realisation was crucial. To dispossess, after all, as the Russian civil
war had recently shown, could only mean Germans fighting Germans, and
Hitler believed there was a quicker and more efficient route. There
could be socialism without civil war.
Now that the age of
individualism had ended, he told Wagener, the task was to "find and
travel the road from individualism to socialism without revolution".
Marx and Lenin had seen the right goal, but chosen the wrong route - a
long and needlessly painful route - and, in destroying the bourgeois and
the kulak, Lenin had turned Russia into a grey mass of undifferentiated
humanity, a vast anonymous horde of the dispossessed; they had
"averaged downwards"; whereas the National Socialist state would raise
living standards higher than capitalism had ever known. It is plain that
Hitler and his associates meant their claim to socialism to be taken
seriously; they took it seriously themselves.
For half a century,
none the less, Hitler has been portrayed, if not as a conservative -
the word is many shades too pale - at least as an extreme instance of
the political right. It is doubtful if he or his friends would have
recognised the description. His own thoughts gave no prominence to left
and right, and he is unlikely to have seen much point in any linear
theory of politics. Since he had solved for all time the enigma of
history, as he imagined, National Socialism was unique. The elements
might be at once diverse and familiar, but the mix was his.
mind, it has often been noticed, was in many ways backward-looking: not
medievalising, on the whole, like Victorian socialists such as Ruskin
and William Morris, but fascinated by a far remoter past of heroic
virtue. It is now widely forgotten that much the same could be said of
Marx and Engels.
It is the issue of race, above all, that for
half a century has prevented National Socialism from being seen as
socialist. The proletariat may have no fatherland, as Lenin said. But
there were still, in Marx's view, races that would have to be
exterminated. That is a view he published in January-February 1849 in an
article by Engels called "The Hungarian Struggle" in Marx's journal the
Neue Rheinische Zeitung, and the point was recalled by socialists down
to the rise of Hitler.
It is now becoming possible to believe
that Auschwitz was socialist-inspired. The Marxist theory of history
required and demanded genocide for reasons implicit in its claim that
feudalism was already giving place to capitalism, which must in its turn
be superseded by socialism. Entire races would be left behind after a
workers' revolution, feudal remnants in a socialist age; and since they
could not advance two steps at a time, they would have to be killed.
They were racial trash, as Engels called them, and fit only for the
dung-heap of history.
That brutal view, which a generation later
was to be fortified by the new pseudo-science of eugenics, was by the
last years of the century a familiar part of the socialist tradition,
though it is understandable that since the liberation of Auschwitz in
January 1945 socialists have been eager to forget it.
But there
is plenty of evidence in the writings of HG Wells, Jack London, Havelock
Ellis, the Webbs and others to the effect that socialist commentators
did not flinch from drastic measures. The idea of ethnic cleansing was
orthodox socialism for a century and more.
So the socialist
intelligentsia of the western world entered the First World War publicly
committed to racial purity and white domination and no less committed
to violence. Socialism offered them a blank cheque, and its licence to
kill included genocide. In 1933, in a preface to On the Rocks, for
example, Bernard Shaw publicly welcomed the exterminatory principle
which the Soviet Union had already adopted. Socialists could now take
pride in a state that had at last found the courage to act, though some
still felt that such action should be kept a secret.
In 1932
Beatrice Webb remarked at a tea-party what "very bad stage management"
it had been to allow a party of British visitors to the Ukraine to see
cattle-trucks full of starving "enemies of the state" at a local
station. "Ridiculous to let you see them", said Webb, already an eminent
admirer of the Soviet system. "The English are always so sentimental"
adding, with assurance: "You cannot make an omelette without breaking
A few years later, in 1935, a Social Democratic
government in Sweden began a eugenic programme for the compulsory
sterilisation of gypsies, the backward and the unfit, and continued it
until after the war.
The claim that Hitler cannot really have
been a socialist because he advocated and practised genocide suggests a
monumental failure, then, in the historical memory. Only socialists in
that age advocated or practised genocide, at least in Europe, and from
the first years of his political career Hitler was proudly aware of the
fact. Addressing his own party, the NSDAP, in Munich in August 1920, he
pledged his faith in socialist-racialism: "If we are socialists, then we
must definitely be anti-semites - and the opposite, in that case, is
Materialism and Mammonism, which we seek to oppose." There was loud
Hitler went on: "How, as a socialist, can you not be
an anti-semite?" The point was widely understood, and it is notable that
no German socialist in the 1930s or earlier ever sought to deny
Hitler's right to call himself a socialist on grounds of racial policy.
In an age when the socialist tradition of genocide was familiar, that
would have sounded merely absurd. The tradition, what is more, was
unique. In the European century that began in the 1840s from Engels's
article of 1849 down to the death of Hitler, everyone who advocated
genocide called himself a socialist, and no exception has been found.
first reactions to National Socialism outside Germany are now largely
forgotten. They were highly confused, for the rise of fascism had caught
the European left by surprise. There was nothing in Marxist scripture
to predict it and must have seemed entirely natural to feel baffled.
Where had it all come from? Harold Nicolson, a democratic socialist, and
after 1935 a Member of the House of Commons, conscientiously studied a
pile of pamphlets in his hotel room in Rome in January 1932 and decided
judiciously that fascism (Italian-style) was a kind of militarised
socialism; though it destroyed liberty, he concluded in his diary, "it
is certainly a socialist experiment in that it destroys individuality".
The Moscow view that fascism was the last phase of capitalism, though
already proposed, was not yet widely heard. Richard remarked in a 1934
BBC talk that many students in Nazi Germany believed they were "digging
the foundations of a new German socialism".
By the outbreak of
civil war in Spain, in 1936, sides had been taken, and by then most
western intellectuals were certain that Stalin was left and Hitler was
right. That sudden shift of view has not been explained, and perhaps
cannot be explained, except on grounds of argumentative convenience.
Single binary oppositions - cops-and-robbers or cowboys-and-indians -
are always satisfying. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact was seen by hardly
anybody as an attempt to restore the unity of socialism. A wit at the
British Foreign Office is said to have remarked that all the "Isms" were
now "Wasms", and the general view was that nothing more than a cynical
marriage of convenience had taken place.
By the outbreak of world
war in 1939 the idea that Hitler was any sort of socialist was almost
wholly dead. One may salute here an odd but eminent exception. Writing
as a committed socialist just after the fall of France in 1940, in The
Lion and the Unicorn, Orwell saw the disaster as a "physical debunking
of capitalism", it showed once and for all that "a planned economy is
stronger than a planless one", though he was in no doubt that Hitler's
victory was a tragedy for France and for mankind. The planned economy
had long stood at the head of socialist demands; and National Socialism,
Orwell argued, had taken from socialism "just such features as will
make it efficient for war purposes".
Hitler had already come
close to socialising Germany. "Internally, Germany has a good deal in
common with a socialist state." These words were written just before
Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union. Orwell believed that Hitler would
go down in history as "the man who made the City of London laugh on the
wrong side of its face" by forcing financiers to see that planning works
and that an economic free-for-all does not.
At its height,
Hitler's appeal transcended party division. Shortly before they fell out
in the summer of 1933, Hitler uttered sentiments in front of Otto
Wagener, which were published after his death in 1971 as a biography by
an unrepentant Nazi. Wagener's Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant, composed
in a British prisoner-of-war camp, did not appear until 1978 in the
original German, and arrived in English, without much acclaim, as
recently as 1985.
Hitler's remembered talk offers a vision of a
future that draws together many of the strands that once made utopian
socialism irresistibly appealing to an age bred out of economic
depression and cataclysmic wars; it mingles, as Victorian socialism had
done before it, an intense economic radicalism with a romantic
enthusiasm for a vanished age before capitalism had degraded heroism
into sordid greed and threatened the traditional institutions of the
family and the tribe.
Socialism, Hitler told Wagener shortly
after he seized power, was not a recent invention of the human spirit,
and when he read the New Testament he was often reminded of socialism in
the words of Jesus. The trouble was that the long ages of Christianity
had failed to act on the Master's teachings. Mary and Mary Magdalen,
Hitler went on in a surprising flight of imagination, had found an empty
tomb, and it would be the task of National Socialism to give body at
long last to the sayings of a great teacher: "We are the first to exhume
these teachings."
The Jew, Hitler told Wagener, was not a
socialist, and the Jesus they crucified was the true creator of
socialist redemption. As for communists, he opposed them because they
created mere herds, Soviet-style, without individual life, and his own
ideal was "the socialism of nations" rather than the international
socialism of Marx and Lenin. The one and only problem of the age, he
told Wagener, was to liberate labour and replace the rule of capital
over labour with the rule of labour over capital.
These are
highly socialist sentiments, and if Wagener reports his master
faithfully they leave no doubt about the conclusion: that Hitler was an
unorthodox Marxist who knew his sources and knew just how unorthodox the
way in which he handled them was. He was a dissident socialist. His
programme was at once nostalgic and radical. It proposed to accomplish
something that Christians had failed to act on and that communists
before him had attempted and bungled. "What Marxism, Leninism and
Stalinism failed to accomplish," he told Wagener, "we shall be in a
position to achieve."
That was the National Socialist vision. It
was seductive, at once traditional and new. Like all socialist views it
was ultimately moral, and its economic and racial policies were seen as
founded on universal moral laws. By the time such conversations saw the
light of print, regrettably, the world had put such matters far behind
it, and it was less than ever ready to listen to the sayings of a crank
or a clown.
That is a pity. The crank, after all, had once
offered a vision of the future that had made a Victorian doctrine of
history look exciting to millions. Now that socialism is a discarded
idea, such excitement is no doubt hard to recapture. To relive it again,
in imagination, one might look at an entry in Goebbels's diaries. On 16
June 1941, five days before Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, Goebbels
exulted, in the privacy of his diary, in the victory over Bolshevism
that he believed would quickly follow. There would be no restoration of
the tsars, he remarked to himself, after Russia had been conquered. But
Jewish Bolshevism would be uprooted in Russia and "real socialism"
planted in its place - "Der echte Sozialismus". Goebbels was a liar, to
be sure, but no one can explain why he would lie to his diaries. And to
the end of his days he believed that socialism was what National
Socialism was about.
Sunday, 22 November 1998 The Independent*****************************
For more blog postings from me, see
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13 March, 2014
Republican Wins Bellwether Special Election in FloridaThis
seat was previously held by a long-serving Republican, but Barack Obama
carried it twice, the Republican nominee was far from flawless, and the
Democratic nominee enjoyed a wide name ID advantage from her
gubernatorial run. Many experts saw this race as Alex Sink's to lose.
She ran on a "fix, don't repeal, Obamacare" platform. She lost.
News' Rick Klein spelled out the stakes of this races earlier today.
Democrats are spinning this loss, but the can't escape certain
Tonight, it’s the Democrats with all the expectations
to meet. That’s because they have more questions to answer this year,
about their ability to message around Obamacare and Social Security, and
make the case against Republicans in a district with divided
tendencies. Democrats won’t have candidates as seasoned or well-funded
as Alex Sink everywhere. And they know privately at least that they’re
looking at a dismal 2014 if they can’t win districts like this one.
showed a tight race with Sink leading Jolly by two points. Jolly took
the race by two points, riding a double-digit election day wave that
overcame Sink's modest early voting edge. This race was a referendum on
Obamacare. In an Obama district. In a swing state. With a well-funded,
seasoned Democratic candidate. Political handicapper Stu Rothenberg
called it a "must win" for Democrats. And now we have Congressman David
Jolly (R-FL). Yes, special elections can be sui generis in nature, and
Democrats won a contested special in 2010 before getting swamped a few
months later. But for Democrats, this result cannot be ignored.
SOURCE *****************************
Explaining Why Obama's Poll Numbers are Close to Zero Among White Voters
you seen Obama’s poll numbers? They are among the lowest in history. As
of last week, Obama’s approval rating is at 38%. That’s just barely
above Richard Nixon. But that's not the big story here.
Keep in
mind that Obama has the support of about 35% to 40% of the population
that will NEVER abandon him, no matter what he does, no matter how bad
the jobs numbers look, no matter how low the economy goes, no matter how
much scandal and corruption is exposed, no matter how strong the facts
are against him. Nothing will ever change their minds. These are the
“low information voters” of the Democratic Party.
In many cases
they love Obama because of the color of his skin- and nothing else. They
will never abandon a black President. Even though black unemployment is
at record levels. Even though black youth unemployment is at record
levels. Even though black poverty is at record levels.
though Obama's exact policies have been in place for over 50 years in
Detroit, a majority black city run by black Democrat politicians…and the
black population has been devastated, destroyed, and discarded. Left
for dead in an abandoned, bankrupt city with very few street lights
operating and the police leaving residents in many areas to fend for
So just think about those poll numbers for a moment.
Let those numbers sink in. If 35% to 40% of the population would support
a Democrat for President if he ran from a prison cell…if 35% to 40%
would support Obama no matter what he does, no matter how far America
sinks under his leadership, even if they have no jobs and their own
lives are in total could Obama’s approval rating be at only
That means that among the rest of America, outside of
loyal, lifelong, Kool-Aid drinking Democrats, Obama's ratings are nil.
Among voters who don't identify as Democrat, he is the lowest-rated
President in history. No numbers like this have ever been recorded, if
you filter out the Kool Aid drinking low information and partisan
Among the white middle class, I’m betting Obama’s ratings are in the single digits. Or lower.
Keep in mind many of the white middle class originally voted for Obama. He could not have been elected without white support.
those that actually own small businesses, pay most of the taxes and
create most of the jobs, I'm betting Obama's ratings are in the vicinity
of ZERO.
Actually if you take the white middle class and
subtract out a few Ivy League intellectuals, Hollywood liberals, and
pathetic Upper West Side of Manhattan Democratic zombies, there are few
Obama supporters left to be found anywhere in America.
that about 47% of Americans get entitlement checks from government.
Obama is PAYING for their support and he still only has 38% approval.
You know you're unpopular when even bribes don't work anymore!
do want to answer my critics whose only response will be…"all of these
white voters who don't support Obama are racists. It's all about race."
of all, the very definition of racism is voting for a black candidate
because...he's black. That's racism. The fact that 92% of black voters
voted for Obama and 96% of black women voted for Obama is nothing but
voting based on race.
As far as white voters abandoning Obama in
droves, I've yet to meet one white voter who bases it on the color of
Obama's skin. We all base it on the color of his policies. The color of
his policies is red- as in communist red. We hate his policies, not the
man and not the color of his skin.
HERE **************************
Citing Liberal Bias, Investigative Reporter Sharyl Attkisson Resigns From CBS NewsCBS
News' Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, known during the
Obama administration for her work on Solyndra, Benghazi and Operation
Fast and Furious, has resigned from her position at the network.
According to POLITICO, the resignation comes as a result of frustration over perceived liberal bias at CBS News.
News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson has reached an
agreement to resign from CBS News ahead of contract, bringing an end to
months of hard-fought negotiations, sources familiar with her departure
told POLITICO on Monday.
Attkisson, who has been with CBS News
for two decades, had grown frustrated with what she saw as the network's
liberal bias, an outsized influence by the network's corporate partners
and a lack of dedication to investigative reporting, several sources
said. She increasingly felt like her work was no longer supported and
that it was a struggle to get her reporting on air.
At the same
time, Attkisson's own reporting on the Obama administration, which some
staffers characterized as agenda-driven, had led network executives to
doubt the impartiality of her reporting. She is currently at work on a
book -- tentatively titled "Stonewalled: One Reporter's Fight for Truth
in Obama's Washington" -- which addresses the challenges of reporting
critically on the Obama administration.
As noted above, Attkisson
has been at CBS for two decades. During her time at the network, she
has heavily scrutinized both Democrat and Republican administrations.
Back in 2008, Attkisson debunked Hillary Clinton's infamous claim that
she dodged sniper fire in Bosnia. During the Bush administration,
Attkisson won an Emmy for her reporting on shady Republican fundraising.
In 2012, she won an Edward R. Murrow award and an Emmy for her
reporting on Operation Fast and Furious. She has been equally critical
of both political parties in Washington D.C.
This is an
incredible loss for CBS and no doubt another network's gain. Hopefully
she'll land at a place where her important work will be aired and
CPAC 2014: Conservatism Inc. Tries To Finesse Amnesty/ Immigration Surge—But Ann Coulter Doesn’t Let ThemThus is the state of “the movement” at the Conservative Political Action Conference 2014 Anno Domini.
was the same as the year before. Once again, ACU organizers did their
best to prevent any dissent against their preferred policy of Amnesty.
Once again, speakers used militant rhetoric on tangential issues. Once
again, there were laughable efforts at minority outreach, greeted with
hooting scorn by an openly hostile Main Stream Media. And once again,
the only person who bluntly told the truth about the dispossession of
the historic American nation was Ann Coulter.
The problem, of
course: the goal posts for “racism” keep being moved. Thus the
collection of clickbait clichés known as Gawker dispatched one Gabrielle
Bluestone who duly kvetched that “on the second day of CPAC, all of the
main speakers are white men.” [A Sea of White: Day Two at CPAC, by
Gabrielle Bluestone, Gawker, March 7, 2013] (Like the demographic that
created the country.)
CPAC did try its usual tactic of presenting
a Great Black Hope—in this case, Dr. Ben Carson, who received a raucous
reception. Conference organizers also tried to head off race-baiting
stories with panels on minority outreach—unfortunately for them, no one
showed up, at least not at the beginning of the panel. Thus, liberal
journalists were able to write triumphalist stories about how CPAC is
neglecting diversity.
The deliberate exclusion of immigration
patriots was intensified this year—as Rosemary Jenks of NumbersUSA put
it, CPAC has become a “kind of the corporate elites playground instead
of [about] conservative principles.
However, there was an odd
defensiveness about the entire conference this year. The organizers
seemed to be just phoning it in. Thus the predictably-stacked
immigration panel was largely a repeat of last year’s and the response
was tepid.
More important than what was said was what was not
said. Last year, Conservatism Inc. was obviously backing Senator Marco
Rubio as its presidential favorite for 2016, even to the point of Al
Cardenas saying ludicrously that he had “literally” tied with Rand Paul
when he finished a close second in the straw poll.
In contrast,
this year there were very few conference attendees promoting Rubio’s run
in 2016. His straw poll showing utterly collapsed, declining seventeen
points and finishing at a dismal 6%, behind the likes of Chris Christie
and Rick Santorum. A clearly cowed Rubio didn’t even mention immigration
during his lengthy CPAC address.
More to the point, though
immigration patriots were cut off, there were no explicit, enthusiastic
appeals for Amnesty from any of the main speakers. Rand Paul, who is
skillfully positioning himself as the 2016 favorite, stuck to safe
territory of bashing eavesdropping by the NSA. Mike Huckabee talked
about God, Rick Santorum talked about appealing to workers, Chris
Christie faked opposition to Barack Obama and Newt Gingrich gave vague
platitudes about big ideas. No one tried to position themselves as the
candidate who could win Hispanic voters.
And it was still taken for granted by other speakers that opposition to Amnesty is a standard part of the conservative platform.
Sarah Palin said, “No Republican lawbreaker can get elected promising… rewarding lawbreakers—Amnesty.”
Michele Bachmann “Was greeted with roaring approval Saturday when she
warned conservatives not to engage with Democrats seeking a bipartisan
immigration plan. ‘The last thing conservatives should do is help the
president pass his number-one goal, and that’s Amnesty,’ she said.”
Donald Trump, given (or buying?) a main stage speaking slot, ripped
Marco Rubio for wanting to “let everyone in” and asserted: “Immigration.
We're either a country or we're not. We either have borders or we
And finally, Ann Coulter launched a devastating attack on
mass immigration that managed to get past the CPAC gatekeepers. After
her performance last year, the ACU made sure that she would be forced
into a debate. Luckily, her liberal interlocutor was Mickey Kaus—which
allowed both panelists to laugh about the stupidity of mass immigration
and how it obviously hurts the GOP.
Budget surplus: So Wisconsin Legislature Passes Walker Tax Cuts PackageWhy, it's almost as if responsible, conservative governance works:
will sell $294.8 million in general-obligation refunding bonds this
week in a negotiated sale as the state projects a budget surplus of
almost $1 billion. Surging tax revenue is driving improved fiscal
performance in Wisconsin, with a population of 5.7 million. The
improvement in the state’s tax collections ranked seventh in the nation
during the 12 months ended in June, according to the Bloomberg Economic
Evaluation of States. The state had originally projected a surplus of
$130 million as of mid-2015.
As we noted in late January, the
state's "surging tax revenue" was decidedly not precipitated by tax
increases. Governor Scott Walker -- who has cut taxes several times over
his first term -- urged passage of an additional tax relief package in
his 2014 state of the state address, arguing that the unexpectedly large
surplus ought to be "returned to taxpayers because it's their money."
Last week, the Republican-held legislature complied with the governor's
request, over the strident and eternally predictable objections of
tax-and-spend Democrats:
Republicans moved closer to making Gov.
Scott Walker's plan to use the state's surplus to cover $504 million in
tax cuts reality Tuesday, pushing the measure through the state Senate
despite Democrats' complaints the proposal is just a token election-year
ploy. The bill now heads to a final vote in the state Assembly. That
chamber has already passed the measure but must agree with changes the
Legislature's budget committee made to win a key senator's
vote...Passage is all but certain. "The hardworking taxpayers of
Wisconsin know how to spend their money better than politicians in
Madison do," Walker said in a statement ...
Walker also
introduced another bill that would use about $35 million from the
surplus to fund new Department of Workforce Development job training
grants, including grants to eliminate technical college waiting lists
for high-demand fields, help high school students get job training for
high-demand jobs and help the disabled find work. The Assembly passed
that bill last week. The Senate followed suit Tuesday, approving it
unanimously. That measure now goes to Walker for his signature.
Final passage is expected one week from today.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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12 March, 2014
Does a low IQ make you right-wing? That depends on how you define left and rightMichael
Hanlon makes some interesting points below but overlooks the obvious:
People with high IQs are very much advantaged in the educational system
and tend to stay in that system longer. And particularly in the later
years of education, the Leftist propaganda gets all but overwhelming. So
all that the research really shows is that an exposure to overwhelming
Leftist propaganda does influence some people's thinking. They adopt
Leftist attitudes where they otherwise might notSo
right-wingers are stupid – it’s official. Psychologists in Canada have
compared IQ scores of several thousand British children, who were born
in 1958 and 1970, with their stated views as adults on things such as
treatment of criminals and openness to working with or living near to
people of other races. They also looked at some US data which compared
IQ scores with homophobic attitudes.
The conclusion: your
intelligence as a child correlates strongly with socially liberal views.
People with low IQs tend to be more in favour of harsh punishments,
more homophobic and more likely to be racist. Interestingly, as these
were IQ scores measured when young this does seem to be a measure of
something innate, not merely exposure to ‘liberal’ views through
The inference is that what we call conservatism is a
symptom of limited intellectual ability, signified by fear of the new
and of outsiders, a retreat into tradition and tribal loyalty, and an
unsophisticated disgust at sexual mores that deviate even slightly from
the norm. Put bluntly stupidity correlates with insecurity, hatred,
pessimism and fear, intelligence with confidence, optimism and trust.
howls of outrage and not just from the right. In fact, left-wingers,
liberals, call them what you will (and as I will argue these terms are
far from interchangeable) have maintained something of an embarrassed
silence about this. Liberals tend to dislike talk of innate intelligence
and are distrustful of IQ tests and any hints of biological
determinism. It might suit them politically to say their opponents are
dim, but (they like to think) they are too polite to say so.
what is going on here? Are conservatives really, statistically and
meaningfully, less intelligent than socialists? Or is the story more
In fact there is nothing new in pointing to a link
between social attitudes and intelligence. In 2010 the evolutionary
psychologist Satochi Kanazawa, who works at the London School of
Economics, analysed data from 20,000 young Americans and found that
average IQ increased steadily from those who described themselves as
‘very conservative’ to those who describe themselves as ‘very liberal’. A
study looking at British children, carried out by Ian Deary, reached a
conclusion neatly summarised by the title of the paper: 'Bright Children
become Enlightened Adults'. Other studies have found correlations
between strong religiosity (a traditional marker of conservatism) and
low intelligence.
Are socialists really more intelligent than conservatives? That depends how you define your terms
case closed? Not really. The problem here is how we define ‘left’ and
‘right’ thinking, what this means socially and politically. A moment’s
thought shows that the faultlines are not only blurred but they are
legion, cris-crossing across traditional political strata and have
changed through time.
As Steven Pinker points out in The Better
Angels of our Nature, his marvellous book about the history of violence,
social liberalism does not equate necessarily with economic socialism.
He points to a study by the economist Bryan Caplan, an economist at
George Mason University in Virginia, who found that smart people tend to
think like economists, being in favour of free trade, globalisation and
free markets and against protectionism and state intervention in
industry. This matches other findings that show that IQ correlates not
with left-wing thinking as such, but with classic Enlightenment
So a smart person (all else being equal) will
probably be in favour of capitalism generally, and free-trade in
particular. He or she will distrust state intervention in the markets,
probably be suspicious of welfarism and deeply dislike protectionism,
union closed-shops and tariffs. The smart person will believe that the
have-nots should be encouraged to become haves by dint of their own
labours and by the levelling of economic playing fields, NOT by taking
money off the haves and giving it to them. In other words, Thatcherism.
Hardly something we equate with the left.
But there is another
side to what the Smarts believe. They are pro-immigration (immigration
being a form of free trade, in this case in human labour). They are
impeccably socially liberal. They do not care what consenting adults get
up to in bed and would legalise gay marriage without a thought. They
are as near as is possible to be colour blind and strongly favour sexual
equality. They are internationalist and despise petty nationalism. And
they are suspicious of the war on drugs and in fact of wars in general
and do not believe the public should in general be allowed to own
firearms. These are the social views, then, of the British metropolitan
Left. So what is it then? Are dim people right or left? Here we meet the
problem of defining liberalism and left-wingery.
A belief in
economic redistribution of wealth does not correlate with social
liberalism. The nations of the Cold War Communist bloc were ferociously
‘Left Wing’ in terms of a belief in statism, nationalised industries,
basic equality and so forth but socially and in other ways they were
far, far to the ‘right’ of any mainstream European or American party.
The Soviet education system was brutally elitist – no wishy-washy
mixed-ability nonsense there. Militarism and conscription were the norm.
Communist states had and had an attachment to capital punishment,
repression of homosexuals and paid only lipservice to sexual equality
(Russian women were free to work, but they had to go back and do the
cleaning and cooking when they had finished).
In today’s world
the most ‘right wing’ attitudes are to be found not in the American
Bible Belt but in sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean and parts of Asia as
well as Russia. Across most of Africa the majority has an
eye-wateringly brutal view of homosexuality (gays face long terms of
imprisonment or worse in many southern and eastern African states). If
you want to see robust attitudes to crime, sexuality, feminism,
immigration and religious freedom go to somewhere like Sudan or
Mauritania, Uganda or even Kenya and Jamaica.
The paradox is that
the political discourse in nations such as these has been dominated by a
leftish post-colonialism. The epitome of this paradox is, or was
(attitudes have relaxed) Communist Cuba where attitudes to gays,
criminals, and people of non-European descent would have softened the
heart of a Mississippi Klansman.
Historical context:
Homosexuality was illegal under Clement Attlee's 'left-wing' Labour
government, but not under Margaret Thatcher's 'right-wing' Conservative
Paradox: In terms of social attitudes, Fidel
Castro's communist Cuba was more 'right-wing' than Margaret Thatcher's
Conservative administration
The correlation between left-wing
views, liberal social attitudes and intelligence probably has a
political significance only in advanced industrial societies where the
values of the liberal enlightenment (a belief in freedom, fairness,
reason, science, free trade, the rule of law, property rights and gentle
commerce) govern society. It is probably true to say that in Britain,
France, the US, Canada and so forth there is a correlation, and an
interesting one, between intelligence and sexual liberalism and openness
to people from a different culture and/or race. But these views can be
held by some pretty stupid people as well (the politically correct
anti-christmas, coffee-with-milk, crazy-islamist-welcoming brigade).
probably need some new words. ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ have become so
tarnished by a century of propaganda and ill-advised alliances that they
have become almost meaningless. We have a notionally ‘right of centre’
government in the UK and yet in its historical and geographical context
the Cameron administration must be one of the most ‘left-wing’
administrations in the history of humanity – a consequence of modernity
as much as anything else (under Clement Attlee gays were imprisoned,
under Thatcher they were not). Increasingly, traditional right-wing
views (blatant racism, sexism and homophobia) are simply seen as beyond
the pale. In the US the current crop of Republican candidates mostly
come across as a bunch of swivel-eyed fruitcakes to us, but none of
them, from Mitt Romney downwards, would express the view that ‘the only
good Indian is a dead Indian’ which is what the historically revered
future ‘liberal’ president, Theodore Roosevelt wrote in 1886.
is a function then not only of intelligence but of modernity.
Illiberal, ‘stupid’ states such as Mauritania and Saudi Arabia are,
quite literally, stuck in the past (even if their citizens are not
individually stupid). Plenty of bright people hold illiberal views
(attitudes to violent crime do not fall into convenient left-right
camps) and a few dim people are impeccably enlightened. Increasingly,
clever people hold a series of views that may be construed as ‘right’ or
‘left’ simultaneously. The challenge for the political parties is to
find a way of reflecting this and representing this voice on the
national level. And that will require some very clever thinking indeed.
SOURCE Note: I have a more extensive comment on the research concerned
The Surge in Ruling-Class Verbal Abuseby K. Lloyd Billingsley
we recently noted, deploying the IRS, NSA, ATF, EPA and now the FCC
against Americans shows that ruling-class abuse has become inclusive.
But some think the abuse is not quite inclusive enough, or severe
enough. Consider, for example, this remark about critics of Obamacare.
“There’s plenty of horror stories being told. All of them are untrue, but they’re being told all over America.”
is not a drunk in some waterfront bar in San Francisco, or an
unemployed carnival worker in Boston. That is Nevada Democrat Harry
Reid, Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate. Reid backtracked a bit, but
one gets his drift. Senator, let this writer assure you that Obamabuse
has no existential problem.
Cut loose from a job after more than
13 years with no warning or severance, in a conference call, this writer
had a hard time finding health insurance. But with some effort he did
find a plan he liked, and he wanted to keep it. Barack Obama, President
of the United States, said he could keep it, but that was a lie.
Obamacare slapped this writer with a 50-percent increase in premiums for
decidedly inferior coverage with ludicrous deductibles.
Screamin’ Jay Hawkins said, “I ain’t lyin.” Neither are millions of
others with Obamacare horror stories, particularly those with serious
medical issues who want to keep their doctor and hospital but now find
they can’t do that. The government health websites remain largely
dysfunctional and insecure, and the worst is yet to come.
charge that this is all untrue, as Senator Reid did, is verbal abuse of
the highest order but it does confirm a couple of things. Some
politicians nurse a grudge against reality. And some politicians recall
why the American and French Revolutions actually happened. The people of
that day had experienced enough ruling-class abuse for one lifetime.
Meanwhile, elimination of Obamacare horror stories is not a difficult matter.
all Americans choose the quality health care they want, instead of
forcing on them the seventh-rate health care the government wants them
to have.
SOURCE ***************************
States Give Criminal Exemptions to Union Goons California and others allow organizers to stalk, harass, and threaten.
organizers and union enforcers are exempt from important criminal laws
in some of the country’s largest states. California, Illinois, and
Wisconsin are among the states that allow union members to stalk,
harass, and threaten victims — so long as they are putatively doing
“legitimate” union business.
As National Review Online recently
reported, one such state, Pennsylvania, is pushing to repeal exemptions
that give union members freedom from prosecution for stalking,
harassing, or even threatening to use a weapon of mass destruction.
Other states have similar laws on the books, but unlike the Keystone State, they’re not even trying to fix this double standard.
for example, has a union carveout for stalking and trespassing. Those
engaged in “collective bargaining, labor relations, or labor disputes”
are also legally free to “willfully [block] the free movement of another
person in a [public-transit] system facility or vehicle.” If an
ordinary Californian did that, he or she would face a $400 fine and 90
days in prison.
The Golden State even exempts those “engaged in
labor union activities” from prosecution for making “a credible threat
to cause bodily injury.”
Illinois also has a stalking exemption
when an individual is involved in an action related to “any controversy
concerning wages, salaries, hours, working conditions, or benefits . . .
the making or maintaining of collective bargaining agreements, and the
terms to be included in those agreements.”
In Wisconsin, it is a
felony to commit sabotage. However, Wisconsin’s penal code explicitly
states that the law barring sabotage shall not be construed “to impair,
curtail, or destroy the rights of employees and their representatives to
self-organize, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to strike,
[or] to bargain collectively through representatives of their own
These are just some of the many state-level labor
exemptions, Glenn Spencer, vice president of the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce’s Workforce Freedom Initiative and author of a report on
special state laws for labor unions, tells National Review Online.
Pennsylvania, California, and the other states in the report “had a
special status and unusual favoritism toward unions,” Spencer says.
his knowledge, the laws above are still on the books and the existence
of such state legislation shows that “while unions may have lost some of
their clout on the federal level, they still have a substantial amount
of influence at the state level.”
Large federal exemptions first
came in the 1932 Norris-LaGuardia Act, which gave union workers and
bosses broad immunity from injunctions.
This was followed by a
loophole in the Hobbs Act of 1946 that exempts those attempting to
achieve a “legitimate union objective” from prosecution for extortionate
violence. Finally, in 1973 the Supreme Court affirmed the union
exemptions of the Hobbs Act in United States v. Enmons.
states subsequently bolstered these exemptions with their own laws,
which have allowed union activists to stalk, harass, and commit
traditionally illicit acts with no punishment.
According to
Spencer, Pennsylvania is the first state he knows of with an active bill
in the legislature to repeal these types of labor exemptions.
Republican state representative Ron Miller’s bill is currently working
its way through the state house.
SOURCE *****************************
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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11 March, 2014
Exposing the “Living Document” LieDespite
all historical evidence to the contrary, it is often claimed that the
Constitution is a “living document” that is easily malleable through
semantics and modern desires for extended federal power.
This is
the view that saturates public schools, the mainstream media, law
schools, and politicians. We are even sometimes told that a primary
benefit of the United States Constitution is that it can be so easily
manipulated at the will of politicians and judges.
However, this
view flies directly against the evidence of history, and disputes the
words of those who supported the document during the ratification
debates. After all, the Constitution only provided the general
government the powers “expressly delegated to it” according to Edmund
Randolph, who had the duty of explaining the Constitution to Virginia’s
Richmond Convention.
Similarly, when naysayers in South Carolina
raised the same concerns of unlimited powers, Charles Pinckney rebuked
their claims strongly by echoing these sentiments and insisting, “we
certainly reserve to ourselves every power and right not mentioned in
the Constitution.”[1] This clarification was not an isolated phenomenon;
the Constitution was described this way in all states by its vigilant
The plain understanding that the Constitution only
gave the general government the powers that were specifically enumerated
was not a “theory” during the Constitution’s writing or adoption by the
states. On the contrary, it was the only understanding reached by the
states, and held until modern reinterpretations of the Constitution took
hold. From the origin of the ratification debates, James Wilson’s
“State House Yard Speech” confirms this to be the case. To the
accusation that the Constitution gave the general government powers
which were not explicitly stated, Wilson responded to such an assertion
by noting that “everything which is not given is reserved.” Wilson said
that power in the Constitution is not granted by “tacit implication, but
from the positive grant expressed in the instrument of the union.”[2]
constitutional model of Britain was considered insufficient in the
states because it did not bring about a restricted centralized authority
that was held down by specified powers. Britain’s constitution is a
series of documents, traditions, and court decisions, which in summation
characterize the “British Constitution.” Thomas Paine wrote in Common
Sense that he found this type of constitutional framework to be “subject
to convulsions.” This was stated categorically. After all, it could not
be denied that the British government (kings such as John, Charles
Stuart, and James II) consistently worked to undermine the liberties
clearly spelled out in The Magna Carta, Petition of Right, and English
Bill of Rights, and other constitutional documents and happenings.
had a legislature (Parliament), an executive (the king), and a
judiciary (the royal courts), so this type of governmental structure can
exist without the necessity of a written constitution. Instead of
giving the government palpable power to do everything, our founders had
the ingenious wherewithal to draft a Constitutional model that is
instead based on powers that are explicitly spelled out, chiefly in
Article I, Section 8.
If the Constitutional model was truly that
of a “living document,” an inquisitive mind may question why the
founders made the document extremely difficult to alter through the
amendment process notated in Article V. The notion that the states will
easily come to the same conclusion on adjusting the Constitution is a
faulty one. Obtaining sanction from 38 states on any topic,
constitutional issues notwithstanding, is no easy feat. This limitation
can be considered as a strong barrier of obstruction that is nearly
impossible to circumvent.
It is irrefutable that founders made
the document difficult to alter for a reason. Those who espouse views to
the contrary do not seek to consider the document “living” because it
can be changed; they strive to misinterpret specific clauses within the
document to justify actions of an almost unlimited variety, using such
content to draw upon a vast reservoir of untapped power. Thomas
Jefferson wrote that by doing so, Congress “is to take possession of a
boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.” The
tendency to do so was considered constitutionally erroneous and invalid.
who advocate the “living document” doctrine typically point to several
clauses within the Constitution’s text to justify these views. These
clauses are sometimes referred to as the “elastic clauses.” Patrick
Henry, a persuasive opponent of the United States Constitution, called
them “sweeping clauses” because he believed they would provide
overwhelming power to the general government and act to eradicate the
power of the states. When it came to Henry and many other voices of
opposition, the antagonists were swiftly rebuked by those who were
responsible for bringing the states to an understanding of what the
Constitution did.
One of the “sweeping clauses” is the Necessary
and Proper Clause, which is sometimes used by government to justify a
variety of “implied” powers. James Wilson, a leading supporter of the
Constitution in Pennsylvania, explained that this prose did no such
thing. Wilson stated: “the concluding clause, with which so much fault
has been found, gives no more, or other powers; nor does it in any
degree go beyond the particular enumeration.”[3] The clause’s text
solidifies this view, and is written in a distinctively clear manner:
“To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into
Execution the foregoing Powers [emphasis mine].” The Necessary and
Proper Clause only gives Congress the ability to perform tasks
incidental to carry out the specified enumerated powers. In Virginia,
Edmund Randolph responded directly to Patrick Henry regarding the
clause. Randolph said: “The gentleman supposes, that complete and
unlimited legislation is vested in the United States. This supposition
is founded on false reasoning…in the general constitution, the powers
are enumerated.”[4]
The General Welfare Clause is another portion
of prose which is used to rationalize the living document model, the
portion of Article I, Section 8 which gives Congress the power to
“provide for the common Defence and general Welfare.” Unfortunately, the
modern understanding of this phraseology is completely divergent from
the clear meaning of the expression at the time. The clear legal meaning
of the phrase, borrowed from the Articles of Confederation, meant a
small subset of duties each individual state considered appropriate to
delegate to a separate authority. The states gave those powers to the
general government out of convenience.
Roger Sherman, who moved
to have the phrase added to the Constitution, is the best and most
persuasive voice of clarification of the often misunderstood clause. The
expression was added on August 25th in Philadelphia, so it could be
connected with the clause for laying taxes and duties.[5] In other
words, he wanted to make it explicit that taxes could only be collected
for the specified powers.
Sherman was recorded as having made the
observation that the “objects of the Union” were “few.”[6] Sherman
listed “defence against foreign danger,” defense “against internal
disputes & a resort to force,” “defence against foreign danger,” and
“regulating foreign commerce & drawing revenue from it” as the
powers of the general government. This is entirely consistent with
Madison’s words from The Federalist and other sources, and was the
conclusive understanding that the other representatives held in the
Philadelphia Convention and the state conventions afterward. Historian
Brion McClanahan writes that the initial proposal for insertion of this
clause was rejected because it was considered to be redundant and
unnecessary, passing only after Sherman’s persistence.[7]
wrote this about the General Welfare Clause’s plain meaning when
objecting to a 1792 bill which called for subsidized fisheries. The
General Welfare Clause was cited as justification to pass such a bill.
Madison responded:
“I, sir, have always conceived – I believe
those who proposed the Constitution conceived, and it is still more
fully known, and more material to observe that those who ratified the
Constitution conceived –that this is not an indefinite Government,
deriving its power from the general terms prefixed to the specified
powers, but a limited Government tied down to the specified powers which
explain and define the general terms.”[8]
In Madison’s
estimation, the phrase simply reiterated that the specified powers were
tied to “general terms.” In corroboration of Madison’s view was the
noteworthy ratification of the Tenth Amendment in 1791, which made clear
that powers not delegated are retained by the states or the people.
is always helpful to revisit the primary sources and happenings of the
state ratification conventions to explain what the Constitution did,
rather than what modern voices claim. If conflicting, the first is
always a more desirable and stronger explanation of truth. When forced
to choose between views of what modern influences say about the
Constitution, and what the founders and framers said about it, we do
ourselves great justice as patriots to choose the latter every single
Eichmann trusted in the State tooThe
scientific study of authoritarian sociopathy really began with the
Milgram Experiment, which found that 65% of otherwise psychologically
healthy people would administer a lethal 450-volt shock to a complete
stranger based upon nothing but the verbal prodding of an authority
figure in a lab coat. What’s seldom pointed out is that Stanley Milgram
designed his experiment in response to the chilling testimony of one
Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi officer convicted in 1961. Adolf Eichmann oversaw
the logistics of kidnapping and forcefully relocating people deemed
enemies of the State to prison camps, and death camps in Nazi Germany.
When people joke that the trains ran on time, they can thank Adolf
Commentators on his trial said that he appeared
“ordinary and sane” and that he displayed “neither guilt nor hate.”
Hannah Arendt’s book on the trial was titled “Eichmann in Jerusalem: A
Report on the Banality of Evil.”During questioning he showed no remorse
for his role in the murder of his passengers, and in his own defense he
flatly repeated an all too familiar phrase:
“I was just following orders.”
Eichman’s view he was acting upon the decisions of the State, which
absolved him of all guilt. He coldly confessed to all his actions, but
never acknowledged any personal responsibility.
interesting about Adolf Eichman, when compared to those convicted in the
Nuremberg Trials 16 years prior, is that this lesser known Adolf never
killed anyone. Now, it’s a matter of historical debate whether or not
Adolf Hitler ever directly killed anyone, other than himself. Historians
dispute whether he killed his wife, Eva Braun, or she killed herself.
In all likelihood Hitler took lives as a corporal in World War I, but
it’s of little concern, because Hitler most certainly ordered the deaths
of millions of people. Adolf Eichman never did that either. In his
trial he was found not guilty of personally killing anyone, but he was
still found guilty of crimes against humanity, and war crimes.
When the judges explained their reasoning during sentencing they repeated a quote in the transcript when he said:
will leap into my grave laughing because the feeling that I have five
million human beings on my conscience is for me a source of
extraordinary satisfaction.”
See, Eichmann’s crime was not simply
obeying unethical orders which lead the death of his passengers. His
crime was willfully and enthusiastically embracing the legitimacy of
those orders. He believed in the rectitude of his actions, which is a
different moral infraction that being forced to drive a train against
his will.
Adolf Eichmann was an authoritarian sociopath, and I
would argue that the Adolf Eichmanns of the world are far more dangerous
than the Adolf Hitlers of the world. When atrocities are committed by
militarized societies the perpetrators are usually a minority of the
population, and the victims are usually also a minority of the
population. It is the witnesses who are the majority, and thereby the
most capable of meaningful intervention. This was perhaps best expressed
by Irish philosopher Edmund Burke who said:
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
that begs the question, are those who do nothing really good? Without
the Eichmanns of the world, the Hitlers have no capacity. When the evils
of German National Socialism came to light, and the world was screaming
“never forget,” and “never again,” only to promptly forget, and recycle
those slogans a generation later, Stanley Milgram was asking the
question, “How many Adolf Eichmanns are out there anyway?” In his final
analysis, published in Psychology Today in 1975, Milgram wrote:
would say, on the basis of having a thousand people in the experiment
and having my own intuition shaped and informed by these experiments,
that if a system of death camps were set up in the United States of the
sort we had seen in Nazi Germany, one would find sufficient personnel
for those camps in any medium-sized American town.”
Statism is a
mental disorder. That is not a euphemism, but a fact. There is a
prevailing view in many societies that this thing, called the State,
wields absolute supreme authority. In its wrath the State can smite
their enemies, and enforce their prejudices. In its mercy it can heal
the sick, and feed the poor. In its power it can turn paper into gold,
and if they supplicate enough it can even change the weather. These
people believe that society is the product of centralized violence, and
not the aggregate of their own decentralized decisions. Those who deeply
internalize “obedience to authority” as a core principle become capable
of the worst forms of murder, and tolerant of the worst forms of abuse.
They even chastise those who resist through horizontal discipline. But
most importantly, they become capable of passively witnessing evil, and
even facilitating it, believing, as Eichmann did, that their god
absolves them of personal responsibility.
SOURCEThere is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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here (Personal)
10 March, 2014
The multiple retreats of an amazingly bad lawThe
Donks had two years and 2,000 pages to get Obamacare right. You would
think that would mean a well-thought out piece of legislation. But it is
so poorly thought out that more and more of it cannot be enforced. Was
it ever intended to be about healthcare or was it just a vehicle for
getting a Leftist wish-list onto the statute books? It is certainly
testimony to how little Leftists understand about the world around them.
Michelle Malkin lists below many of the failed bitsAt the
end of 2013, Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz had some nasty
words for yours truly. Irked that I used my Twitter feed to criticize
her Obamacare propaganda efforts, Wasserman Schultz snarked back at me:
"Thanks for spreading the word! You'll be eating them next year. #GetCovered."
as always. And completely wrong-headed as usual. Less than three months
into 2014, how's dutiful Debbie and her Dear Leader's pet government
takeover program doing? The most recent retreat measures -- call it the
Obamacare Endangered 2014 Midterm Democrats' Rescue Plan -- include:
insurers for two extra years to continue selling plans that otherwise
would have been banned by Obamacare. Last fall, Americans across the
country and from all parts of the political spectrum raised an uproar in
the wake of millions of Obamacare-induced cancellation notices on their
individual market health plans. President Obama trotted out a "keep
your plan" Band-Aid effective through this year. Now, the "transitional
period" will extend through October 2016 and cover policyholders until
the following September, after Obama is safely out of office.
the open enrollment period for 2015 from November 2014 to February
2015, a month longer than originally scheduled. (It will no doubt be
extended again as the midterm elections get closer.)
eligibility requirements for insurers to qualify for financial help
under a three-year program intended to cushion insurers' costs of
complying with Obamacare mandates.
--Exempting labor unions, universities and other self-insured employers from paying a fee that creates the above-noted fund.
addition, the White House last month allowed medium-sized employers an
extra year to comply with the Obamacare mandate to offer insurance to
all full-time workers and reduced the percentage of workers that large
companies are required to cover. These latest regulatory walk-backs by
administrative fiat all come on the heels of dozens of administrative
delays and rollbacks.
While Democrats complain about Republican
Obamacare repeal efforts, we may be nearing a special inflection point
at which the White House will have reneged on more Obamacare regulations
than it's actually enforcing!
Remember: In November 2010, the
White House began issuing thousands of waivers to unions, cronies,
businesses and organizations that offered affordable health insurance or
prescription drug coverage with limited benefits outlawed by Obamacare.
The federalized health care architects had sought to eliminate those
low-cost plans under the guise of controlling insurer spending on
executive salaries and marketing. Despite the waivers, the mandate has
led to untold disruptions in the marketplace and has prompted businesses
to cancel the beneficial plans altogether and/or slash wages and work
In April 2011, Obama signed a bipartisan-backed law
repealing his own onerous $22 billion Obamacare 1099 tax-compliance
mandate that would have destroyed small businesses inundated with
pointless paperwork.
Last March, with the support of several key
Democrats, the Senate voted to repeal the Obamacare medical device tax.
But the vote has not been enforced. Device makers have cut back on
research and development. And according to the medical device
manufacturers industry group AdvaMed, the punitive tax has forced
companies to lay off or avoid hiring at least 33,000 workers over the
past year.
In December and January, when Wasserman Schultz was
busy acting like a 2-year-old in response to Obamacare critics, HHS
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was busy:
--Delaying premium payment deadlines.
--Delaying high-risk insurance pool cancellations.
--Delaying equal coverage mandates that force companies to drop health benefits rewards for top executives.
onerous "meaningful use" mandates on health providers grappling with
Obamacare's disastrous top-down electronic medical records rules.
Wasserman Schultz defiantly claims all Democrats will proudly run on
health care in 2014 and 2016, endangered Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan of
North Carolina was caught on camera just last week literally running
away from a journalist who dared to ask her about the 24 times she
falsely promised that if you liked your plan, you could keep it under
It's not just Hagan; every vulnerable Senate Democrat who
rammed Obamacare down America's throat is now running for the hills.
When the White House now talks about the "Get Covered" campaign, it's
not about ordinary Americans getting health care. It's about covering
the backsides of the Obama water-carriers who may very well lose their
jobs. They're not just eating their words. They're choking on
Obamacare's massive, inevitable, job-killing, life-threatening failures.
like to tell bratty Wasserman Schultz that Obamacare critics will have
the last laugh. But we're too busy weeping at the senseless
government-induced wreckage around us.
Crimea RiverAnn Coulter knows her history:It's
pointless to pay attention to foreign policy when a Democrat is
president, unless you enjoy having your stomach in a knot. As long as a
Democrat sits in the White House, America will be repeatedly humiliated,
the world will become a much more dangerous place – and there's
absolutely nothing anybody can do about it. (Though this information
might come in handy when voting for president, America!)
following stroll down memory lane is but the briefest of summaries. For a
full accounting of Democratic national security disasters, please read
my book, “Treason: Liberal Treachery From the Cold War to the War on
– JFK: John F. Kennedy was in the White House for
less than three years and, if you think he screwed a lot of hookers,
just look what he did to our foreign policy.
Six months after
becoming president, JFK had his calamitous meeting with Nikita
Khrushchev in Vienna – a meeting The New York Times described as “one of
the more self-destructive American actions of the Cold War, and one
that contributed to the most dangerous crisis of the nuclear age.” (The
Times admitted that a half-century later. At the time, the Newspaper of
Record lied about the meeting.)
For two days, Khrushchev batted
Kennedy around, leaving the president's own advisers white-faced and
shaken. Kennedy's Assistant Secretary of Defense Paul Nitze called the
meeting “just a disaster.”
Khrushchev was delighted to discover
that the U.S. president was so “weak.” A Russian aide said the American
president seemed “very inexperienced, even immature.”
Seeing he
was dealing with a naif, Khrushchev promptly sent missiles to Cuba. The
Kennedy Myth Machine has somehow turned JFK's handling of the Cuban
Missile Crisis into a brilliant foreign policy coup. The truth is: (1)
Russia would never have dared move missiles to Cuba had Khrushchev not
realized that JFK was a nincompoop; and (2) it wasn't a victory.
exchange for Russia's laughably empty threats about Cuba, JFK removed
our missiles from Turkey – a major retreat. As Khrushchev put it in his
memoirs: “It would have been ridiculous for us to go to war over Cuba –
for a country 12,000 miles away. For us, war was unthinkable. We ended
up getting exactly what we'd wanted all along, security for Fidel
Castro's regime and American missiles removed from Turkey.”
LBJ: Kennedy's successor, Lyndon Johnson, famously escalated the war in
Vietnam simply to prove that the Democrats could be trusted with
national security.
As historian David Halberstam describes it,
LBJ “would talk to his closest political aides about the McCarthy days,
of how Truman lost China and then the Congress and the White House and
how, by God, Johnson was not going to be the president who lost Vietnam
and then the Congress and the White House.”
LBJ's incompetent
handling of that war allowed liberals to spend the next half-century
denouncing every use of American military force as “another Vietnam.”
CARTER: Jimmy Carter warned Americans about their “inordinate fear of
communism” and claimed to have been attacked by a giant swimming rabbit.
most inspired strategic move was to abandon the Shah of Iran, a loyal
U.S. ally, which gave rise to the global Islamofascist movement we're
still dealing with today. By allowing the Shah to be overthrown by the
Ayatollah Khomeini in February 1979, Carter handed Islamic crazies their
first state.
Before the end of the year, the Islamic lunatics had taken 52 Americans hostage in Tehran, where they remained for 444 days.
hostages were released only minutes after Ronald Reagan's inauguration
for reasons succinctly captured in a Jeff MacNelly cartoon. It shows
Khomeini reading a telegram aloud: “It's from Ronald Reagan. It must be
about one of the Americans in the Den of Spies, but I don't recognize
the name. It says 'Remember Hiroshima.'”
Clinton's masterful handling of foreign policy was such a catastrophe
that he had to deploy his national security adviser, Sandy Berger, to
steal classified documents from the National Archives in 2003 to avoid
their discovery by the 9/11 commission.
Twice, when Clinton was
president, Sudan had offered to turn over bin Laden to the U.S. But,
unfortunately, these offers came in early 1996 when Clinton was busy
ejaculating on White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton rebuffed
Sudan's offers.
According to Michael Scheuer, who ran the bin
Laden unit at the CIA for many years, Clinton was given eight to 10
chances to kill or capture bin Laden but refused to act, despite bin
Laden's having murdered hundreds of Americans in terrorist attacks
around the world. Would that one of those opportunities had arisen on
the day of Clinton's scheduled impeachment! Instead of pointlessly
bombing Iraq, he might have finally taken out bin Laden.
When Obama took office, al Qaida had been routed in Iraq – from
Fallujah, Sadr City and Basra. Muqtada al-Sadr – the Dr. Phil of
Islamofascist radicalism – had waddled off in retreat to Iran. The
Iraqis had a democracy, a miracle on the order of flush toilets in
By Bush's last year in office, monthly casualties in
Iraq were coming in slightly below a weekend with Justin Bieber. In
2008, there were more than three times as many homicides in Chicago as
U.S. troop deaths in the Iraq War. (Chicago: 509; Iraq: 155).
May 30, The Washington Post reported: “CIA Director Michael V. Hayden
now portrays (al-Qaida) as essentially defeated in Iraq and Saudi Arabia
and on the defensive throughout much of the rest of the world …” Even
hysterics at The New York Times admitted that al-Qaida and other
terrorist groups had nearly disappeared from Southeast Asia by 2008.
few short years into Obama's presidency – and al-Qaida is back! For
purely political reasons, as soon as he became president, Obama removed
every last troop from Iraq, despite there being Americans troops
deployed in dozens of countries around the world.
In 2004, nearly
100 soldiers, mostly Marines, died in the battle to take Fallujah from
al-Qaida. Today, al-Qaida's black flag flies above Fallujah.
Bush won the war, and Obama gave it back.
couldn't be bothered with preserving America's victory in Iraq. He was
busy helping to topple a strong American ally in Egypt and a slavish
American minion in Libya – in order to install the Muslim Brotherhood in
those countries instead. (That didn't work out so well for U.S.
Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans murdered in
So now, another Russian leader is playing
cat-and-mouse with an American president – and guess who's the mouse?
Putin has taunted Obama in Iran, in Syria and with Edward Snowden. By
now, Obama has become such an object for Putin's amusement that the
fastest way to get the Russians out of Crimea would be for Obama to call
on Putin to invade Ukraine.
SOURCE ********************************
Backdown? IRS to give up, release all Lerner e-mails, documents
Except for what they have deleted, of course The
powerful House Ways and Means Committee will get everything from
disgraced former IRS official Lois Lerner’s email account since a few
weeks before Barack Obama became president.
And Republican
committee members are hoping they’ll find a smoking gun tying the Obama
administration to the years-long scheme to play political favorites with
nonprofit groups’ tax-exemption applications.
After eight
months of back-and-forth stonewalling, the IRS has agreed to turn over
the complete contents of Lerner’s email account, along with other
documents that two congressional committees have been demanding.
had eight months to sit on all of this data and come up with a battle
plan, circle the wagons and get ready for this. In the bad old days, one
assumes they would just have a vodka soaked party around the burn
barrel and any damning documents could literally go up in smoke. But is
it really that much harder in the digital era?
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
9 March, 2014
Some Recovery: Two Million Fewer Americans Are Employed Than Were a Year AgoThis
is supposed to be the fifth year of an economic “recovery,” but the
jobs numbers continue to badly underperform. In February, U.S. employers
added 175,000 workers to their payrolls, but that’s still below the
200,000 to 250,000 a month we need to bring down the real unemployment
rate and to keep pace with young people entering the workforce.
the employment anemia is still plaguing the U.S. economy. The labor
force participation rate (63 percent) remains stuck at or near its
lowest point since the late 1970s when the Bee Gees were the hottest
music group in America. Amazingly, there are more than 2 million FEWER
Americans in the labor force today than one year ago. Usually recoveries
bring more Americans into the workforce.
Another troubling sign:
weekly hours worked dipped by 0.2 hours in February. How much the record
snow and cold impacted these numbers is yet undetermined.
number of long term unemployed (six months or more) also rose by
203,000. Americans who lose their jobs are having a very hard time
finding new ones.
Since this recovery began, job growth has
maintained an underwhelming pace of half the employment growth of the
average recovery. If the number of jobs had just kept pace with the
growth of food stamps recipients, we would have at least 2 million more
Americans working today. If the economy were where Obama promised it
would be when he signed his stimulus bill, we would have at least 3
million more jobs and an unemployment rate of 5 percent.
time for the White House to get serious about an aggressive jobs agenda.
Right now it isn’t. Its two big ideas, Obamacare and the minimum wage
hike, would erase nearly 3 million more jobs.
A pro-jobs agenda
would mean suspending Obamacare, cutting tax rates on businesses, ending
regulations that choke off jobs – especially in the energy industry –
and bringing down government spending and debt to free up private sector
resources. For the near 20 million Americans unemployed, underemployed,
or out of the labor force, this is no recovery at all.
SOURCE ********************************
Democrats Scuttle Radical Obama NominationSo
much for killing the filibuster. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's
(D-NV) attempt to blow up the chamber's tradition and stack the deck for
Barack Obama's leftist nominees was all for naught yesterday when Debo
Adegbile's nomination to head the Civil Rights Division of the
Department of Justice went down in flames. Eight Democrats joined 44
Republicans in voting against cloture to bring Adegbile's vote to the
floor. Reid voted no as a procedural move to reserve the right to
revisit the matter at a later date, and John Cornyn (R-TX) didn't vote,
making the final tally 47-52. Joe Biden hung around to break any
potential tie, but it wasn't that close.
Obama declared that “the
Senate's failure” to confirm Adegbile “is a travesty. Based on wildly
unfair character attacks against a good and qualified public servant.
Mr. Adegbile's qualifications are impeccable.”
Let's look at
those qualifications. Adegbile was involved in the NAACP's legal defense
of infamous cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal. Abu-Jamal, a member of the
Black Panther Party, had already been rightfully convicted and sentenced
to death (later commuted to life in prison) for the 1981 murder of
Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner when Adegbile became
involved. But he didn't just provide legal representation, he became an
advocate. Adegbile, like so many leftists nationwide and abroad, made
Abu-Jamal a cause célèbre based on the absurd claim that he was the
victim of a racist justice system. In the end, though, he was nothing
more than a cold-blooded killer.
(For background on the case, see Arnold Ahlert's excellent recap in Right Opinion.)
political involvement in the Abu-Jamal case was no secret to Obama when
he was nominated for the Justice post, but it was also seemingly of no
consequence. In fact, Adegbile would have been a perfect fit for the
administration's scheme to politicize the Justice Department, while
remaking voting laws through selective enforcement to tip the scales in
Democrats' favor for years to come. Obama, no doubt assured by Reid,
also thought he had this one in the bag. But most of the Democrats who
voted against cloture are facing tough re-election prospects this year
and didn't want to be seen supporting such a nominee. It's called
self-preservation. Perhaps we're jaded, but it's hard to believe that
they really thought the president went too far.
Reid and Sen.
Dick Durbin (D-IL) immediately took to blaming Republicans, even though
it was actually their fellow Democrats who sunk the nomination. Durbin
even went so far as to claim that Adegbile's involvement in the
Abu-Jamal case “demonstrates his appreciation for the Rule of Law.” This
signifies one of the biggest problems Democrats have – they constantly
confuse politics with law, trying to trade one for the other whenever
it's convenient for their agenda.
SOURCE *************************
Lois Lerner Must be Held in Contempt and JailedLois
Lerner, the Obama bureaucrat at the heart of the IRS targeting program,
has once again refused to testify on her involvement in the scandal!
Even though all the evidence reveals a deliberate attempt to silence the
Conservative movement leading up to the 2012 election, and e-mails
recovered show that Ms. Lerner played an integral role in the scandal,
she still refuses to say a word.
The House Ways and Means
Committee, led by Rep. Darrell Issa, has found that all roads lead to
Ms. Lerner. E-mails obtained by the committee show that Lois Lerner was
absolutely fixated on the Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court ruling.
For a bit of context, in this ruling, the high court ruled that it is
unconstitutional to place monetary caps on how much an organization or
corporation can spend on political or issue advocacy.
United, a conservative lobbying group, wanted originally to air a
Hillary Clinton documentary. However, since it would have aired within
30 days of the 2008 Democrat primaries, the FEC barred the organization
from this type of “electioneering.” The Supreme Court ultimately struck
down the ruling, arguing that since free speech was protected under the
First Amendment, and it costs money (in many cases) to engage in speech,
these political expenditures were protected under the Constitution.
HATE this Supreme Court ruling. They absolutely despise it. No, not
because they oppose the idea of tax exempt organizations contributing to
the political process. If they did, that would mean the end to unions
supporting candidates, since labor unions are also tax exempt groups.
The Democrats despise the Citizens United ruling because it opens the
playing field for conservative organizations to participate in politics
as well!
The evidence is overwhelming
In 2010, Lois Lerner
told a Duke University group that the “Supreme Court dealt a huge blow,
overturning a 100-year-old precedent that basically corporations
couldn’t give directly to political campaigns. Everyone is up in arms
because they don’t like it. The FEC can’t do anything about it. They
want the IRS to fix the problem.”
When asked who wanted the IRS to fix the problem, Ms. Lerner refused to comment.
February 2011, Lois Lerner sent an email saying that the Tea Party
matter was “very dangerous” and “could be the vehicle to go to court on
the issue of whether Citizens United overturning the ban on corporate
spending applies to tax exempt rules.”
When asked what she meant when she said the Tea Party cases were “very dangerous” she pleaded the Fifth.
other correspondences, Ms. Lerner told colleagues that it was important
to make sure the targeting did not appear to be a “per say, political
project” and she ordered that Tea Party cases undergo a multi-tier
review. Rep. Issa also asked Ms. Lerner to clarify whether Barack Obama
was correct to assert that there wasn’t a “smidgen of corruption” in
this IRS targeting scandal.
When asked about all three of these
comments, Lois Lerner responded that she was asserting her Fifth
Amendment right to decline to answer these questions.
The Fifth
Amendment is an absolutely crucial part of the Bill of Rights. It
ensures that no American can ever be individually compelled to
incriminate him or herself.
The problem is that Lois Lerner and the Democrats are trying to have their cake and eat it too.
Barack Obama was right to assert that there wasn’t even a “smidgen of
corruption” in the IRS decision to target Conservative groups, then Lois
Lerner should have no reason to invoke the Fifth. If she did nothing
wrong, as Obama argues, then there is nothing she could possible
incriminate herself for…
But, if Lois Lerner believes that she
could incriminate herself with her testimony, then Barack Hussein Obama
has lied to the American people again!
The Democrats can’t have
it both ways! They can’t say that Lois Lerner committed no crime while
simultaneously saying that she, as a public official, has a right to
avoid self-incrimination! In the end, this is just an obstructionist
tactic used by the Democrats to stonewall the investigation during an
election year.
Luckily, there are ways to compel witness
testimony, and Congress must use every asset at its disposal to force
Lois Lerner to reveal the truth!
Many are suggesting that House
Republicans should offer Lois Lerner immunity. This is absolutely the
wrong way to go. If Lois Lerner has committed a crime and contributed to
stealing the election, she should pay for her actions.
The Obama
Administration has gone into full-scale cover-up mode. Not only has the
IRS refused to obey a lawful subpoena to hand over Ms. Lerner’s e-mail
records, but one has to wonder whether the Administration is involved in
silencing her… Obama’s Justice Department, headed by Eric Holder,
refuses to really investigate the matter. While the Administration
claims the investigation is almost complete, to date the DOJ has yet to
interview a single victim of the IRS targeting!
The House of
Representatives must hold Lois Lerner in Contempt of Congress!
Coincidentally, the last person held in Contempt of Congress was
Attorney General Eric Holder. Congress voted to hold him in contempt for
refusing to hand over documents pertaining to Operation Fast and
Furious. Eric Holder was never arrested, and it is doubtful whether
Congress would have been able to arrest him, but Lois Lerner is a
completely different story.
Congress must vote to hold Lois
Lerner in contempt to compel her testimony. Congress must order the
Sergeant-in-Arms to arrest Ms. Lerner and imprison her in the Capitol
Jail. Yes, there is a Capitol Jail.
In the 1821 case, Anderson v.
Dunn, the Supreme Court affirmed that Congress does have the power to
imprison individuals held in contempt. In 1857, Congress passed a law
making Contempt of Congress a criminal offense.
Lois Lerner must
be thrown in jail until she agrees to testify! We are not talking about a
civilian… we are talking about a former bureaucrat who held a position
of power at the Internal Revenue Service and used her authority to
punish the political opposition and prevent political participation
during an election year!
Whether Lois Lerner likes it or not, she answers to the American people!
American people must let their voices be heard and force Congress to
hold Ms. Lerner in Contempt! We must force Congress to recognize that
there can be no justice for the groups targeted by the IRS without Lois
Lerner’s testimony.
If Barack Obama is right, and there truly
wasn’t any corruption, then Ms. Lerner’s invocation of the Fifth
Amendment is unnecessary. But if she truly does possess damning
information, then Barack Hussein Obama is a liar.
SOURCE *****************************
The Failed 'War on Poverty' at 50House
Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) released a 204-page report
this week that thoroughly examines the federal government's
long-standing welfare programs. “Fifty years ago,” he says, “President
Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty. Since then, Washington has
created dozens of programs and spent trillions of dollars. But few
people have stopped to ask, 'Are they working?'” His report, “The War on
Poverty: 50 Years Later,” seeks to answer that question. It stops short
of making any new policy proposals, but instead is meant, as Ryan said,
to “help start the conversation” on the effectiveness of the
government's welfare efforts. As one might expect, the findings don't
offer much in the way of good news.
There are some 92 programs
that make up the “safety net,” totaling $799 billion in spending in
2012. There is “little to no coordination” among programs, but there is
plenty of costly duplication. The report goes on to note that Medicaid
enrollees are actually in poorer health and use more services than
people who have private health insurance plans, or even no insurance at
all. Additionally, the food stamp program hasn't moved the needle in a
positive direction for poor families, and Head Start is a failure at
preparing low-income kids for school. What we're left with, then, is a
half-century of accumulated debt and untold millions of ruined lives.
But at least we know the government “cares.”
Naturally, Ryan's
report came under swift attack from the Left, which always stands ready
to defend its entitlement cash cows from that two-headed monster
otherwise known as reason and accountability. One media outlet, the
Fiscal Times, was so eager to discredit the report that it accused Ryan
of mischaracterizing the work of one economist – an economist who told
the reporter covering the story that he was fairly represented in the
report. Dr. Jeffrey Brown wrote the reporter to clarify the record, but
we're certain his comments won't be as widely reported as the Fiscal
Times' flat-out falsehood.
Many leftist economists have happily
worked the fields for Big Government for years, using their exalted
status in academia to squelch any attempt at a debate they would surely
lose on the merits. They want to confiscate the money of one group to
comfort another group because they see that as a solution to society's
ills. Ryan, speaking at CPAC yesterday, challenged this notion: “That's
what the Left just doesn't understand. People don't just want a life of
comfort; they want a life of dignity – of self-determination. … The
party that speaks to that desire, that tries to make it concrete and
real, that's the party that will win in November.” Here's hoping his GOP
cohorts hear that message.
SOURCE *****************************
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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7 March, 2014
Budget Baloney
John Stossel
This week, President Barack Obama proposed "a budget that will create
new jobs in manufacturing and energy and innovation and infrastructure,
and we'll pay for every dime of it by cutting unnecessary spending,
closing wasteful tax loopholes!"
What? I must have fallen asleep and woken up in 2008. That could not be
something he'd claim after five years in office -- years after making
similar claims and not delivering on them.
Does he think we have no memory, or that we're just ignorant? Are these
just poll-tested phrases that work because most voters are too busy to
pay attention?
This one smug sentence alone is amazing in its confidence and deceit. Let's break it down:
--"I will ... create new jobs ... "
Politicians always say that, but this president says it especially
often. Do voters not know that government has no money of its own, so
when politicians "create" jobs, they take money from the private sector,
the only group that creates real jobs?
I emphasize "real" because, of course, politicians can create jobs by
funding companies like Solyndra, hiring more staff or paying people to
dig holes and fill them up. But those jobs don't last or create real
wealth. Politicians can't create real employment by taxing people and
giving the money to others.
This post-recession economic recovery is the slowest ever. Usually,
after a recession, the cost of labor drops, and companies rush to hire
so they can profit as the economy improves.
This time, employers looked at a thousand new regulations, unknowable
new rules and taxes coming from Obamacare, the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, the National Labor Relations Board, the Labor
Department and so on. They decided: "I better not try."
May I hire interns to see if I like them before offering them long-term jobs? No. It may not be legal to employ interns anymore.
May I build a pipeline? Maybe. But the Environmental Protection Agency
must approve. And state utilities. And state environmental officials.
And the State Department. And the White House. And ... who knows whom
We might get permission in a year, or three years, or five, or we may
never be allowed to build. Maybe instead I'll invest in a country where
the rules are predictable and understandable.
--The president says he will "create new jobs in manufacturing ... "
Manufacturing? Don't voters know that service jobs are just as real and
good? Creating software, movies and medical innovation is just as
valuable as manufacturing and often more comfortable for workers. Most
parents want their kids to get jobs in offices or medical centers rather
than mines or factories.
--The president also says he will "create new jobs in ... energy ... "
Don't people remember Solar One, Solyndra, Evergreen Solar, etc., and
the billions lost? That the private sector is better at developing new
forms of energy than politicians? That the boom in cleaner, cheaper
natural gas came in spite of politicians, not because of them?
--The president says he will "create jobs in ... infrastructure ... "
Did voters already forget that the last "shovel-ready" jobs didn't materialize? That billions went to politicians' cronies?
--The president will pay for his new spending "by cutting unnecessary spending ... "
Give me a break. The president has had five years, two of which he was
supported by a Democratic Congress, to cut "unnecessary spending."
Even today's proposed shrinking of the size of the military to pre-World
War II levels (which probably won't happen) isn't a cut. Obama's new
budget proposes increasing Pentagon funds by $28 billion.
--The president even backed off from his earlier commitment to use more
realistic cost-of-living adjustments when calculating Social Security
--Most annoying, the president brags that he has "reduced the deficit at the fastest rate in 60 years."
But that's only if compared to his and former President George W. Bush's
blowout stimulus of 2008. Much of the deficit reduction came from
spending cuts (sequestration), which the president himself opposed,
forced by Republicans. And his 2015 budget proposes $56 billion more
spending than he and Congress had agreed to earlier.
Our debt will soon explode because baby boomers are about to retire. On this track, we are doomed.
The Inevitability of Obamacare for Illegal Aliens
By Michelle Malkin
You knew it was coming. I knew it was coming. When government expands
entitlements, illegal aliens always end up with a piece of the pie.
Obamacare promoters relented to GOP pressure to include an illegal alien
ban on eligibility and vowed endlessly that no benefits would go to the
"undocumented." But denial isn't just a river in Egypt. It's the Obama
In Oregon this week, officials confessed that nearly 4,000 illegal
immigrants had been "accidentally" steered from the state's low-income
Medicaid program and instead were enrolled in Obamacare in violation of
the law. Oopsie. The Oregonian newspaper's Nick Budnick reported that
the health bureaucrats "discovered the problem several weeks ago and are
correcting it." Get in line. The beleaguered Cover Oregon health
insurance exchange has been riddled with ongoing problems, errors and
glitches since last October that have yet to be fixed.
Take note: This wasn't a one-time computer meltdown. Because Oregon's
health insurance exchange website has been offline and its software
architects under investigation for possible fraud, the Oregon Obamacare
drones have been processing each and every application manually. That
means nearly 4,000 illegal alien applications with "inaccurate" data
somehow passed through government hands and somehow ended up getting
routed through as new enrollees with Obamacare-approved full-service
health care.
How many Obamacare services did these nearly 4,000 illegal aliens avail themselves of, and at what cost?
Does anyone believe the same incompetent boobs who enrolled them will be
able to track down the nearly 4,000 illegal alien beneficiaries,
"correct" the "errors" and ensure that it doesn't happen again?
What a slap in the face to the millions of law-abiding Americans who
have lost their health care coverage and work hours thanks to
Democratic-sponsored federal health care regulatory burdens and mandate
One Oregon Obamacare manager defended the unlawful illegal alien
enrollment by explaining: "We were just getting people into the
services." And there's the rub. The imperative of these government
social engineers is to herd as many "clients" into taxpayer-subsidized
programs as possible. Just last week, Obama's Homeland Security
Secretary Jeh Johnson publicized an open letter to families with illegal
alien relatives promising that no one would be deported for seeking
Obamacare services.
"No one in America who is eligible should be afraid to apply for health
coverage because they have a family with mixed status," Johnson assured.
And in another sign of how the White House is still planning for mass
illegal alien amnesty, Johnson also made clear: "Enrolling in health
coverage ... will not prevent your loved ones who are undocumented from
getting a green card in the future or who do not yet have a green card
at risk."
As always, California Democrats are at the forefront of busting open
Obamacare for the illegal alien population. Earlier this month,
Democratic state Sen. Ricardo Lara introduced a bill to extend health
benefits and a special online marketplace to one million illegals under
an Obamacare-style program subsidized by state taxpayer dollars.
In case you forgot, President Obama had already paved the path for
illegal alien Obamacare when he signed the massive expansion of the
State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) in 2009. As I've
reported previously, the law loosened eligibility requirements for legal
immigrants and their children by watering down document and evidentiary
standards — making it easy for individuals to use fake Social Security
cards to apply for benefits with little to no chance of getting caught.
In addition, Obama's S-CHIP expansion revoked Medicaid application time
limits that were part of the 1996 welfare reform law.
Open-borders activists saw those provisions as first steps toward
universal health coverage for illegals. They see America as the medical
welcome mat to the world. Over the past year, they've ratcheted up
public protests demanding free organ transplants for illegal alien
patients. In Chicago last fall, they marched on a hospital with caskets
and posters demanding scarce organs. One illegal alien blasted
authorities for putting "paper over our lives." In California, illegal
alien transplant patients count on federal incompetence and lax
enforcement to abet them, because if they notify the state that DHS "is
aware of their presence and does not plan to deport them," they are
eligible for full-blown Medi-Cal coverage, according to the state.
Now, Obamacare peddlers from Oregon to New York and all points in
between are rushing to sign up new "customers" in advance of the March
31 open enrollment deadline. How many more thousands of illegal aliens
will be roped into the system? Remember: In the lexicon of the left,
"accidental" is just another word for inevitable entitlement creep.
Obama's fantasy Middle East
by Jeff Jacoby
IN BARACK OBAMA'S Middle East, the explanation for the persistent lack
of peace between Israel and the Palestinians is clear: It's Bibi
Netanyahu's fault. Things would be so much easier if only the Israeli
prime minister would bite the bullet.
"One of the things my mom always used to tell me … is if there's
something you know you have to do, even if it's difficult or unpleasant,
you might as well just go ahead and do it, because waiting isn't going
to help," Obama said in a Bloomberg interview published just before
Netanyahu's arrival in Washington this week. "This is not a situation
where you wait and the problem goes away," he warned. The Israeli leader
had better "seize the moment" to finalize a peace deal with the
Palestinians, or prepare for a painful global backlash that the United
States will be powerless to stop. Stop building settlements across the
Green Line, give the Palestinians the state they demand, or "our ability
to manage the international fallout is going to be limited."
Sound familiar? Only too. This is the fantasy Middle East, in which
peace is the responsibility of the Israelis alone, and Palestinian
rejectionism is merely an excuse for the Jewish state to drag its feet.
It is part of a larger fantasy world — one in which revanchist Russian
rulers sweetly change their policies at the push of a "reset" button,
and in which a brutal Syrian regime swears off chemical weapons for fear
of crossing an American "red line."
In this wishful environment, there is a robust Palestinian peace camp
eager for a two-state solution: a sovereign state of Palestine
coexisting in harmony beside the Jewish state of Israel. If that lovely
solution hasn't materialized, it can only be due to unlovely
stubbornness on the part of the Israelis and their elected leader. After
all, the Palestinian leader is the peace-loving Mahmoud Abbas, who,
Obama says, is so "sincere about his willingness to recognize Israel and
its right to exist" and "committed to nonviolence and diplomatic
But that is true only in the make-believe Middle East. In the real
Middle East, it is Netanyahu who unilaterally halted settlement
construction for 10 months — an unprecedented goodwill gesture — and
whose Cabinet indicated last month that it would swallow its qualms and
accept John Kerry's framework for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
The real Abbas, on the other hand, spurned Israel's offer of a
Palestinian state in 2008, then refused for years to take part in
US-sponsored talks with Israel, confident that Washington would pressure
Israel into making painful concessions in order to lure the
Palestinians back to the table. Those concessions eventually included
the release of dozens of convicted Palestinian murderers, who were
hailed by Abbas as "heroes" at an event celebrating their release. Yet
instead of negotiating in good faith at last, Abbas demands still more
up-front concessions, a demand he repeated on Monday.
The delusion at the core of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process is
that the lack of Palestinian sovereignty is what keeps the conflict
alive, and that the tension and violence would end if only the Arabs of
Palestine could have a state of their own.
That has never been true. What drives the conflict is not a hunger for
Palestinian statehood, but a deep-rooted rejection of Jewish statehood.
Arab leaders vehemently rejected the "two-state solution" that the
United Nations recommended in 1947, and declared a "war of
extermination" to prevent it from taking effect. Nearly 70 years later,
the Palestinians are still unwilling to acknowledge Israel as the
nation-state of the Jewish people — to recognize that Jews are entitled
to a sovereign state in their national homeland, just as the Irish are
entitled to sovereignty in Ireland, the Italians in Italy, and the
Japanese in Japan.
Yet Palestinian leaders heatedly insist that they will never agree to
any such thing. "This is out of the question," Abbas said last month.
Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat complains: "When you say,
'Accept Israel as a Jewish state,' you are asking me to change my
Just so. That narrative — that Jews are aliens in the Middle East, and
Jewish sovereignty over any territory is intolerable — is precisely what
must change if this conflict is to be resolved. Bashing Netanyahu may
please the anti-Israel set, but it brings a just and lasting peace not
one hour closer.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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6 March, 2014
Have We Allowed the First Amendment to Become an Exercise in Futility?
By Attorney John W. Whitehead of The Rutherford Institute
Including an update of the Brandon Raub case
Living in a representative republic means that each person has the right
to take a stand for what they think is right, whether that means
marching outside the halls of government, wearing clothing with
provocative statements, or simply holding up a sign. That’s what the
First Amendment is supposed to be about.
Unfortunately, as I show in my book "A Government of Wolves: The
Emerging American Police State", through a series of carefully crafted
legislative steps and politically expedient court rulings, government
officials have managed to disembowel this fundamental freedom, rendering
it with little more meaning than the right to file a lawsuit against
government officials. In fact, if the court rulings handed down in the
last week of February 2014 are anything to go by, the First Amendment
has, for all intents and purposes, become an exercise in futility.
On February 26, the U.S. Supreme Court in a 9-0 ruling, held that
anti-nuclear activist John Denis Apel could be prosecuted for staging a
protest on a public road at an Air Force base, free speech claims
notwithstanding, because the public road is technically government
Insisting that it’s not safe to display an American flag in an American
public school, on February 27, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled
that school officials were justified when they ordered three students at
a California public high school to cover up their patriotic apparel
emblazoned with American flags or be sent home on the Mexican holiday
Cinco de Mayo, allegedly out of a concern that it might offend Hispanic
On February 28, a federal court dismissed Marine veteran Brandon Raub’s
case. Despite the fact that Raub was interrogated by Secret Service
agents, handcuffed, arrested, subjected to a kangaroo court, and locked
up in a mental facility for posting song lyrics and statements on
Facebook critical of the government—a clear violation of his free speech
rights—the court ruled that Raub’s concerns about the government were
far-fetched and merited such treatment.
There you have it: three rulings in three days, from three different
levels of the American judicial system, and all of them aimed at
suppressing free speech. Yet what most people fail to understand is that
these cases are not merely about the citizenry’s right to freely
express themselves. Rather, these cases speak to the citizenry’s right
to express their concerns about their government to their government, in
a time, place and manner best suited to ensuring that those concerns
are heard.
The First Amendment gives every American the right to “petition his
government for a redress of grievances.” This amounts to so much more
than filing a lawsuit against the government. It works hand in hand with
free speech to ensure, as Adam Newton and Ronald K.L. Collins report
for the Five Freedoms Project, “that our leaders hear, even if they
don’t listen to, the electorate. Though public officials may be
indifferent, contrary, or silent participants in democratic discourse,
at least the First Amendment commands their audience.”[4]
The challenge we face today, however, is that government officials have
succeeded in insulating themselves from their constituents, making it
increasingly difficult for average Americans to make themselves seen or
heard by those who most need to hear what “we the people” have to say.
Indeed, while lobbyists mill in and out of the White House and the homes
and offices of Congressmen, the American people are kept at a distance
through free speech zones, electronic town hall meetings, and security
barriers. And those who dare to breach the gap—even through silent forms
of protest—are arrested for making their voices heard.
This right to speak freely, assemble, protest and petition one’s
government officials for a redress of grievances is front and center
right now, with the U.S. Supreme Court set to decide five free speech
cases this term, the first of which, U.S. v. Apel, was just handed down.
The case was based upon claims brought by John Denis Apel, an anti-war
activist who holds monthly protests Vandenburg Air Force Base near
Lompoc, California. While the Court did not uphold his conviction for
trespassing on military property, they doubled down on the notion that
the public is subject to the whims of military commanders in matters
relating to use military property, even when it intersects with public
property. The Court refused to rule on Apel’s First Amendment claims.[5]
The Supreme Court is also set to decide McCullen v. Coakley, which will
determine whether or not a Massachusetts law which restricts protests on
public sidewalks near the entrances, exits, and driveways of abortion
clinics in the state is constitutional. The facts of the case indicate
that the law does not abide by a reasonable time, place, and manner
restriction, and places an undue burden on protestors. However, it’s
unclear which way the Court will rule, especially with their refusal to
clarify matters in Apel.
Free speech can certainly not be considered “free” when expressive
activities across the nation are being increasingly limited, restricted
to so-called free speech zones, or altogether blocked, including in
front of the Supreme Court’s own plaza. If citizens cannot stand out in
the open on a public road and voice their disapproval of their
government, its representatives and its policies, without fearing
prosecution, then the First Amendment with all its robust protections
for free speech, assembly and the right to petition one’s government for
a redress of grievances is little more than window-dressing on a store
window—pretty to look at but serving little real purpose.
The case of Harold Hodge is a particularly telling illustration of the
way in which the political elite in America have sheltered themselves
from all correspondence and criticism.
On a snowy morning in January 2011, Harold Hodge quietly and peacefully
stood in the plaza area near the steps leading to the United States
Supreme Court Building, wearing a 3’ X 2’ sign around his neck that
proclaimed: “The U.S. Gov. Allows Police To Illegally Murder And
Brutalize African Americans And Hispanic People.” There weren’t many
passersby, and he wasn’t blocking anyone’s way. However, after a few
minutes, a police officer informed Hodge that he was violating a federal
law that makes it unlawful to display any flag, banner or device
designed to bring into public notice a party, organization, or movement
while on the grounds of the U.S. Supreme Court and issued him three
warnings to leave the plaza. Hodge refused, was handcuffed, placed under
arrest, moved to a holding cell, and then was transported to U.S.
Capitol Police Headquarters where he was booked and given a citation.
According to the federal law Hodge is accused of violating, “It is
unlawful to parade, stand, or move in processions or assemblages in the
Supreme Court Building or grounds, or to display in the Building and
grounds a flag, banner, or device designed or adapted to bring into
public notice a party, organization, or movement.”[6] The penalty for
violating this law is a fine of up to $5,000 and/or up to 60 days in
With the help of The Rutherford Institute, in January 2012, Hodge
challenged the constitutionality of the statute barring silent
expressive activity in front of the Supreme Court. A year later, in a
strongly worded, District Court Judge Beryl L. Howell struck down the
federal law, declaring that the “the absolute prohibition on expressive
activity [on the Supreme Court plaza] in the statute is unreasonable,
substantially overbroad, and irreconcilable with the First Amendment.”
Incredibly, one day later, the marshal for the Supreme Court—with the
approval of Chief Justice John Roberts—issued even more strident
regulations outlawing expressive activity on the grounds of the high
court, including the plaza. Hodge’s case, along with a companion case
challenging the new regulations on behalf of a broad coalition of
protesters, is now making its way through the appeals process.
Ironically, it will be the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court who will
eventually be asked to decide the constitutionality of their own
statute, yet they have already made their views on the subject quite
This desire to insulate government officials from those exercising their
First Amendment rights stems from an elitist mindset which views “we
the people” as different, set apart somehow, from the citizens they have
been appointed to serve and represent. It is nothing new. In fact, the
law under which Harold Hodge was prosecuted was enacted by Congress in
1949. In the decades since, interactions with politicians have become
increasingly manufactured and distant. Press conferences, ticketed
luncheons[7], televised speeches and one-sided town hall meetings held
over the phone[8] now largely take the place of face-to-face interaction
with constituents.[9]
Additionally, there has been an increased use of so-called “free speech
zones,” designated areas for expressive activity used to corral and
block protestors at political events from interacting with public
officials. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have used these
“free speech zones,” some located within chain-link cages[10], at
various conventions to mute any and all criticism of their policies.
Clearly, the government has no interest in hearing what “we the people”
have to say. Yet if Americans are not able to peacefully assemble for
expressive activity outside of the halls of government or on public
roads on which government officials must pass, the First Amendment has
lost all meaning. If we cannot stand silently outside of the Supreme
Court or the Capitol or the White House, our ability to hold the
government accountable for its actions is threatened, and so are the
rights and liberties that we cherish as Americans. And if we cannot
proclaim our feelings about the government, no matter how controversial,
on our clothing, or to passersby, or to the users of the world wide
web, then the First Amendment really has become an exercise in futility.
George Orwell, always relevant to our present age, warned against this intolerance for free speech in 1945. As he noted:
"The point is that the relative freedom which we enjoy depends of public
opinion. The law is no protection. Governments make laws, but whether
they are carried out, and how the police behave, depends on the general
temper in the country. If large numbers of people are interested in
freedom of speech, there will be freedom of speech, even if the law
forbids it; if public opinion is sluggish, inconvenient minorities will
be persecuted, even if laws exist to protect them… The notion that
certain opinions cannot safely be allowed a hearing is growing. It is
given currency by intellectuals who confuse the issue by not
distinguishing between democratic opposition and open rebellion, and it
is reflected in our growing indifference to tyranny and injustice
abroad. And even those who declare themselves to be in favour of freedom
of opinion generally drop their claim when it is their own adversaries
who are being prosecuted."
Private property rights?
On Saturday, March 1, 2014 I attended a RK gun show on Jonesboro Road in
Atlanta I met a retired police officer who now owns a franchise with
Noah's Pantry, a company that manufacturers emergency/survival food. He
lives in Tennessee on 20+ acres, at the end of a long dirt road.
He told me that not long ago, around 10pm, he saw 3 cars coming up his
1/4 mile driveway. The cars stopped about 300 feet from his house. The
occupants turned off their car lights. Through the dark he was able to
make out 4 men silently walking toward his house. With his AR-15 in
hand, he exited the rear of his home, circled around and waited on the
edge of his porch. When the men stepped on the porch he turned on a
bright flashlight and said, "Hands in the air". The 4 men complied. They
were the sheriffs of two Tennessee counties, one deputy and a FEMA
officer. All were armed.
I'll speed things up a bit. The officers came there to confiscate his
food supplies. There had been some sort of emergency in a nearby county
which left about 250 people without food, clean water or electricity.
The guy I spoke with said both sheriffs and the deputy were very polite
but that the FEMA officer was arrogant, demanding and demeaning. The
retired police officer said he would help them, but that they would have
to pay for any food they took.
The FEMA officer said, "I'm the government. I can take whatever I want.
You'll get compensation when the government gets around to it." The FEMA
officer went on to say that E.O.'s signed by Obama and other Presidents
dating back to FDR gives the government authority to take whatever it
wants from any citizen or business during any crisis as determined by
the Federal Government. When asked about the 4th Amendment, the FEMA
officer said, "the Constitution does not apply".
The Constitution does not apply??? This is exactly how things happen in a
Banana Republic -- the Constitution is summarily ignored when it gets
in the way. The Founders are turning over in their graves.
Well, you can imagine how well that conversation went over. The sheriffs
intervened before it came to blows and promised to pay for the food the
very next morning out of the state general fund. They said they would
seek recompense from FEMA.
And that's how it ended. They got their food. But the Take Home Lesson
here, as told to me by this retired officer, is that the Federal
Government can enter your home, by force if necessary, without a warrant
or Due Process and just confiscate your food, your clothing, your guns
and whatever else they want for whatever reason they have determined
defines a crisis.
Google "Can FEMA confiscate your food supplies" to verify that this
scenario can, does and will continue to happen until The People put a
stop to it.
Immigration: Increasing Admissions Before Enforcement, Again
Obama administration expands visa waiver program
DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson announced today that the administration will
expand the controversial Visa Waiver Program to include Chile.
Once again, the administration has moved to ease standards for admitting
foreign visitors before it has shown the public that the Visa Waiver
Program is safe and does not increase illegal immigration. In the past,
Congress has been reluctant to expand the program because DHS has still
not implemented a biometric entry-exit system and has devoted few
resources to tracking down and removing visitors who overstay. In
addition, DHS has been criticized by the Government Accountability
Office for inadequate oversight of the program to reduce security
Jessica Vaughan, Director of Policy Studies at the Center says, “This
move will remind lawmakers and the public that President Obama’s
priority is relaxing immigration controls, not enforcing them.”
This move is especially troubling in light of the administration’s
deliberate suppression of immigration enforcement, which has led to
declines in the number of illegal aliens removed from the interior of
the country. In 2013, ICE arrests declined by 20 percent, as did
interior removals, even though ICE agents encountered just as many
illegal aliens.
Chile becomes the 38th visa waiver-designated country, and its citizens
will now enjoy the privilege of traveling to the United States without
applying for visas for short tourist or business trips. This program has
been a significant driver of illegal immigration; the GAO reported in
July 2013 that, of a very large sample of possible overstays, nearly
half were people who entered under the Visa Waiver Program.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
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5 March, 2014
Fundamentally Devastating America
We are letting him get away with it. No action by the federal government
in our lifetime, maybe ever, caused as much instant disruption,
expense, uncertainty, fear, and threat to real health—while
demonstrating astonishing incompetence and lack of planning—as the
advent of the "Affordable Care Act."
The law was sold on a foundation and core of direct, deliberate lie. Its
architects intended to sever people from their plans and doctors; they
intended to make most pay more so a few could pay less; they designed a
system to herd masses toward the exchanges and Medicaid. Every serious
person knows it. Now, instead of saving average families $2,500, it’s
costing virtually all insured Americans much more. Many Americans are
left struggling to replace their coverage.
Having sawed off the branch of the coverage of millions, it’s not clear
whether the law actually positioned a net to catch their fall. Problems
accessing are a tired joke by now. Less reported is that
many who think they signed up, might as well have played a video game,
having committed their clicks, selections, identities, and personal
information to a façade without a back-end, landing in a dangerously
hackable pile of inconsequence.
Meanwhile, the accounts are piling up of seriously ill Americans who had
good coverage and good treatment who have lost it. Many literally fear
for their lives. The president doesn’t deign to comment on their plight
while his bagman in the Senate implies they’re liars. Operatives
scramble to silence their accounts.
No one knows where this is going; what will happen. This year many
millions more will be swept from employer based plans and find
themselves in the same capsizing boat. Scratch that—not quite this year.
The president dispensed with three branches as he sponsored, passed and
signed an amendment to the law, to kick the employer devastation past
the next election for some employers if they take a vow of loyal silence
against blaming Obamacare for their employment decisions.
That was the latest in a train of abuses. The president has selectively
delayed, distorted, or ignored so much of the law he rammed through by
sham procedures and a party line vote that it’s impossible to say
whether or how the remaining pieces fit together. The only thing that’s
sure is that anything that threatens the president’s party with
political damage will by misrepresented, covered up, or kicked down the
What has happened to the American spirit of independence and vigilance
of government? This administration deliberately disrupted American life
like nothing since WWII. When Congress passed a pharmaceutical plan for
seniors in 1988 that made many pay more, they rose in anger and mobbed a
fleeing Dan Rostenkowski. Congress quickly repealed its mistake. When
LBJ bungled he Vietnam War, his own party rose up and served eviction
notice on one of the most transformative presidents in history.
Yet today, we sleepwalk through an earthquake, discussing pros and cons,
listening to straight face defenses of the president’s initiative,
watching post-modern hacks for total government argue to redefine “keep
your plan” “keep your doctor” and “cancelled plan.” By the account of
these zombies, the president and his backers told the truth and now it’s
his critics who are lying. Anger at what he’s done to our nation is
unenlightened, uncivil, and racist, they intone.
Rubbish, I say. If anything the response has been too docile, too
deferential to lies and the defenders of lies. He goes about his
methodical agenda transforming America by executive order, and barely
reported Department programs, unleashing his enforcers on anyone whose
criticism rises to the national radar, while we’re left picking up the
pieces of what he’s done to jobs, growth, opportunity, and now our
individual physical safety nets. We’re too scared and shell shocked to
rise up and chase his limousine like the spirited seniors just 25 years
America is softening and stumbling. It should be difficult for the Chief
Executive and Chief Architect of this chaos to find an audience
anywhere that doesn’t shout, challenge, question, and resist his
overreach. But we’re either too stunned to move, too afraid of the names
his guard dogs would call us, or maybe we fear a knock on the door from
federal regulators.
May Providence breathe new life into the people of America. If not, Obama gets his transformation.
Hearing Reviews Benefits of Self-Insured Plans
Members raise concerns with possible regulation to discourage participation in self-insured market
The Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions, chaired by
Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN), today held a hearing entitled, “Providing Access
to Affordable, Flexible Health Plans through Self-Insurance.” During the
hearing, members discussed the positive benefits enjoyed by workers and
employers participating in self-insured health plans and expressed
objections to regulatory efforts that would discourage the use of this
important health insurance option.
In his opening remarks, Rep. Roe said, “Employers who manage a
self-insured health plan bear the financial risk of providing health
benefits to workers. Employers will often work with a third-party to
process claims and benefit payments. Many self-insured employers also
purchase a product known as stop-loss insurance, a risk management tool
that protects employers against catastrophic claims and high costs.”
“It is worth noting just how vitally important this health insurance
option has become,” continued Rep. Roe. “Support for self-insurance has
grown because it can be tailored to the needs of the workforce and
offers transparency to ensure the plan is managed in an efficient and
effective way. Just as important, self-insurance helps control health
care costs, which can lead to higher wages for workers and more
resources for employers to invest in job creation.”
Robert Melillo, an executive at USI Insurance Services, echoed the
benefits of self-insurance. “A self-funded program allows a plan sponsor
to customize, measure, evaluate, and manage each and every aspect of
their benefit plan,” said Mr. Melillo. “I believe a plan sponsor’s
choice to self-insure with the use of quality and customizable stop-loss
insurance programs is essential if they have any chance of managing
their future health care spending.”
Subcommittee members listened to the story of one employer who has been
able to offer employees comprehensive, affordable health coverage
through a self-insured policy. Wes Kelley is the executive director of
Columbia Power & Water Systems, a municipal utility for the City of
Columbia and Maury Country in Tennessee.
Speaking from personal experience, Mr. Kelley testified, “Over the past
22 years, our self-funded arrangement has allowed the utility to
maintain above average benefits for our employees, dependents, and
eligible retirees… These benefits are provided without the employees
contributing to the cost of health insurance through their paycheck or
otherwise. Furthermore, eligible early retirees and their dependents
enjoy the same benefits as active employees.”
Maintaining access to a vibrant self-insured marketplace is a priority
for policymakers. Michael Ferguson, president and CEO of the
Self-Insurance Institute of America, warned, “The administration may
make this option more difficult by restricting the availability of
stop-loss insurance. Specifically, it is believed that the federal
agencies may ‘interpret’ the definition of health insurance coverage to
include stop-loss insurance.” These concerns were confirmed earlier by a
2013 New York Times article citing administration officials interested
in discouraging the use of stop-loss insurance.
Chairman Roe urged the administration to abandon such a misguided
effort, stating, “The administration must clarify its plans to
potentially regulate in this area, and explain the legal basis it has to
do so… The employers, workers, unions, and families who rely on these
health plans deserve the truth now. Like every American, they were told
if they liked their current health care plan they could keep it; they
have a right to know whether they too will be on the losing end of the
president’s broken promise.”
Republicans can help to bridge the inequality gap
In his State of the Union address, President Obama spoke passionately
about an issue that concerns all Americans and strikes most as one of
our biggest challenges: what he calls “income inequality.” I have yet to
meet a constituent who is comfortable with the gap between our nation’s
wealthiest and our least fortunate — a gap that has expanded over the
past five years.
How we meet this challenge is a critical debate, because I know my
constituents believe the best way to bridge this gap is to create more
and better-paying jobs. Yet, too many of our unemployed today are not
prepared to fill the 4 million U.S. jobs that are currently open. In my
district, Hartford City has more than 100 positions waiting to be
filled. In Southern Indiana, the mayor of Jasper recently shared that
his city has more than 700 open jobs. Right now, too many employers are
unable to find workers with the skills they require.
The president’s primary proposal to address income inequality —
increasing the minimum wage — sets a floor for future incomes, but it
does nothing to promote upward mobility. Minimum wage should be seen as a
starting point for people just entering the workforce and not a
long-term destination. I’ve also heard from small business owners who
are struggling in a still-recovering economy. If we raise operating
costs, they will be forced to reduce employee hours and maybe even
staffing levels. Ultimately, the president will be hurting the same
employees we are all trying to help.
The U.S. House last year passed several bills that would create jobs and
expand education and job training, including the SKILLS Act, the
Northern Route Approval Act and the Innovation Act. Meanwhile, the U.S.
Senate didn’t pass a single jobs bill.
The bills Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid left sitting on his shelf
would do more to reduce “income inequality” than any executive action
the president could take. Keep in mind, the president promised to use
his executive power to enact policies if Congress didn’t enact his
The SKILLS Act would streamline more than 35 federal workforce
development programs into a single Workforce Investment Fund.
Eliminating red tape will make it easier for our local WorkOne centers
to provide job seekers the industry specific training they need.
I offered an amendment to this bill that would give states the
opportunity to direct their federal job training dollars to programs
with a proven track record of preparing applicants for, and placing them
into, new jobs. For the first time, states would be able to reward
successful programs that work, such as EmployIndy’s PriorITize, which
partners with community leaders like Ivy Tech Community College and
Goodwill’s Excel Center to provide the unemployed and underemployed
computer concepts training and access to externships.
I strongly believe the SKILLS Act will give people the tools they need
to earn the 4 million open jobs we have in this country. I strongly
believe the SKILLS Act will give people earning minimum wage the
opportunity to earn meaningful raises.
Unfortunately, House Republicans only had one meeting, other than the
State of the Union, with the president where he actually showed up and
talked to us.
As you said in your State of the Union Address, Mr. President, “let’s make this a year of action.” I agree, let’s get to work.
UCLA Leftist Has Meltdown After Anti-Israel Resolution Is Defeated
Leftists are spoiled brats who throw tantrums if they don't get their way
Some have requested a transcript. This is the best I could find, courtesy of Moshe Ringler at Youtube:
"I never talk, I’m always like, like I’m always like, like it fucking
sucks (incoherent gibberish) but I’ve never been so fucking disappointed
that the (incoherent gibberish) terrorize them (incoherent gibberish)
so pissed off and I always bite my tongue during these meetings but I’ve
never been so fucking disappointed on anything. People are getting hurt
and we could have stopped it and (incoherent gibberish) we fucking blew
it and I’m sorry (incoherent gibberish) 12 hours and we all did and we
all listened to this and I’m like I went, sorry for blowing up right now
and I’m so disappointed about this (incoherent gibberish) but like I
just wanted to know that like I like know that about it all the time
(incoherent gibberish)…. And it was so terrible, and my sister was like,
“I’m so sorry you have to go through that”, and she saw me and she
asked me, “what’s wrong, why are you crying?” and I was like the whole
world should be crying right now (incoherent gibberish)"
Leftmedia Racism: "CNN's
Don Lemon may have let the cat out of the bag when it comes to the
Leftmedia's cozy relationship with Barack Obama. We know that most in
the media agree ideologically with the president, and that sharing his
goals means carrying his water. But Lemon admitted that race plays a
significant part, too: "As journalists, you know, you weigh whether you
-- how much you should criticize the president, because he's black, what
have you. But then you have to do it, because ultimately you're a
journalist." Except that the criticism is rarely forthcoming, leaving
Obama's race as a trump card. A former president had a phrase for this
sort of thing: "The soft bigotry of low expectations."
Impossible to Cancel Plans:
"A Florida man found out the hard way that he's keeping his insurance
plan -- whether he likes it or not. When Andrew Robinson signed up for
coverage under ObamaCare but then realized he couldn't afford it, he
quickly signed up for a different plan and called Florida Blue to cancel
the first one. WFTV Orlando reports, "But he quickly learned canceling
Obamacare is no easy task. ... More than six weeks later after spending
50 to 60 hours on the phone his policy is still not canceled and he is
still waiting for the payment Florida Blue withdrew from his account to
be refunded." But not to worry; Harry Reid says the horror stories
aren't true.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
4 March, 2014
Toine Manders: Outspoken Dutch libertarian imprisoned without trial
by Dr Sean Gabb
The former chairman of the Dutch Libertarian Party, Toine Manders has
been kidnapped in Cyprus by the FIOD (the Dutch IRS) and is currently
locked away in the Netherlands in complete isolation (aside from his
lawyer), in an undisclosed location. He is being held for an extended
90-day period, the charges for which are unknown.
Toine Manders began his career by giving legal advice, through his
company HJC, to young Dutch men who wanted to avoid military
conscription. He helped roughly 6,000 men avoid being trained as hit-men
for the government. The mainstream media jumped on this, calling them
‘refusal yuppies’, who used legal loopholes to evade their duty to the
After military conscription was suspended in 1996, Toine’s company moved
on to help businesses avoid taxes through strictly legal methods. In
the Netherlands, the combined pressures of income tax, VAT, inheritance
tax, inflation, and other forms of taxation add up to an astounding 80%,
according to calculations by Amsterdam professor Roel Beetsma.
Legal tactics of avoiding taxes are widely used by large corporations
like Starbucks, Apple and Ikea, however, Toine Manders had attracted
special attention from the government by running controversial ads that
stated “Taxation is theft”. The ads went on to say that it was people’s
moral duty to pay as little in taxes as possible, as the government is a
criminal enterprise. Unable to hire teams of accountants to do it for
them, Toine also tried to help smaller business make use of legal tax
avoidance methods.
The first signs of government backlash appeared in 2008 when his radio
commercial ‘taxation is theft’ was banned by the Reclame Code Commissie
(Commercial Ethics Commission) on the basis of being ‘in violation of
decency’, along with a defense of the social contract. For fear of
losing their licenses or imprisonment, the radio stations were quick to
take down the ad.
The next form of government backlash came in 2010 when his company was
declared bankrupt on a claim from the tax office. The government ignored
limited liability law, piercing the corporate veil, to hold Toine
Manders personally responsible for the company’s obligations.
In 2010 the state bestowed further powers upon itself: requiring all
trust offices to have a government license to operate, in the name of
protecting the people of course. It is suspected that this law is what
is now being used to charge Toine, in that he was running a trust office
without their license, though the main office was located in Cyprus and
not in the Netherlands.
Toine Manders has been the Chair of the Dutch Libertarian party since
its founding in 1993 and was the party leader in the 1994 and 2012
elections. He may not have won a seat in parliament, but he has utilized
his campaigns to make strong statements, such as that of using lasers
to project of the word ‘bankrupt’ on the Dutch National Bank and
throwing fake 14 Euro bills from a helicopter above the Vondelpark in
Amsterdam, both of which received a lot of media attention.The
Netherlands has become a country where violent criminals can be free to
go the next day, while others are locked away in a psychiatric ward for a
year (after having already endured a year in jail) for throwing a
tealight holder in frustration at the Queen enroute to a presentation
about how taxes were going to be wasted the following year. It has
become a country in which Toine Manders, who advocates the
non-aggression principle, is at risk of missing the first birthday of
his son because he is held in a cage by a monopoly of violence that saw
their revenue stream threatened.
Toine Manders should not be confused with the EU parliamentarian with
the same name, who has been living off of taxes his whole life.
ObamaCare and My Mother's Cancer Medicine
The news was dumbfounding. She used to have a policy that covered the drug that kept her alive. Now she's on her own.
When my mother was diagnosed with carcinoid cancer in 2005, when she was
49, it came as a lightning shock. Her mother, at 76, had yet to go
gray, and her mother's mother, at 95, was still playing bingo in her
nursing home. My mother had always been, despite her diminutive frame, a
titanic and irrepressible force of vitality and love. She had given
birth to me and my nine younger siblings, and juggled kids, home and my
father's medical practice with humor and grace for three decades. She
swam three times a week in the early mornings, ate healthily and never
And now, cancer? Anyone who's been there knows that a cancer diagnosis
is terrifying. A lot goes through your mind and heart: the deep pang of
possible loss (what would my father and all of us do without her?), and
the anguish and anger at what feels like injustice (after decades of
mothering and managing dad's practice, she was just then going back to
We, as a family, were scared and angry, but from the beginning we knew
we would do all we could to fight this disease. We became involved with
fundraising for research, through the Caring for Carcinoid Foundation in
Boston; we blogged; we did triathlons (my mother's idea) and cherished
our time together as never before.
Carcinoid, a form of neuroendocrine cancer, is a terminal disease but
generally responds well to treatment by Sandostatin, a drug that slows
tumor growth and reduces (but does not eliminate) the symptoms of
fatigue, nausea and gastrointestinal dysfunction. My mother received a
painful shot twice a month and often couldn't sit comfortably for days
As with most cancers, one thing led to another. There have been several
more surgeries, metastases, bone deterioration, a terrible bout of
thyroiditis (an inflammation of the thyroid gland), and much more. But
my mother has kept fighting, determined to make the most of life, no
matter what it brings. She has an indomitable will and is by far the
toughest person I've ever met. But she wouldn't still be here without
that semimonthly Sandostatin shot that slows the onslaught of her
And then in November, along with millions of other Americans, she lost
her health insurance. She'd had a Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan for nearly
20 years. It was expensive, but given that it covered her very
expensive treatment, it was a terrific plan. It gave her access to any
specialist or surgeon, and to the Sandostatin and other medications that
were keeping her alive.
And then, because our lawmakers and president thought they could do
better, she had nothing. Her old plan, now considered illegal under the
new health law, had been canceled.
Because the exchange website in her state (Virginia) was not working,
she went directly to insurers' websites and telephoned them, one by one,
over dozens of hours. As a medical-office manager, she had decades of
experience navigating the enormous problems of even our pre-ObamaCare
system. But nothing could have prepared her for the bureaucratic morass
she now had to traverse.
The repeated and prolonged phone waits were Sisyphean, the competence
and customer service abysmal. When finally she found a plan that looked
like it would cover her Sandostatin and other cancer treatments, she
called the insurer, Humana, HUM +10.57% to confirm that it would do so.
The enrollment agent said that after she met her deductible, all
treatments and medications-including those for her cancer-would be
covered at 100%. Because, however, the enrollment agents did
not-unbelievable though this may seem-have access to the "coverage
formularies" for the plans they were selling, they said the only way to
find out in detail what was in the plan was to buy the plan. (Does that
remind you of anyone?)
With no other options, she bought the plan and was approved on Nov. 22.
Because by January the plan was still not showing up on her online
Humana account, however, she repeatedly called to confirm that it was
active. The agents told her not to worry, she was definitely covered.
Then on Feb. 12, just before going into (yet another) surgery, she was
informed by Humana that it would not, in fact, cover her Sandostatin, or
other cancer-related medications. The cost of the Sandostatin alone,
since Jan. 1, was $14,000, and the company was refusing to pay.
The news was dumbfounding. This is a woman who had an affordable health
plan that covered her condition. Our lawmakers weren't happy with that
because . . . they wanted plans that were affordable and covered her
condition. So they gave her a new one. It doesn't cover her condition
and it's completely unaffordable.
Democrat Liarship: Liars Lie, and then Lie to Cover the Lie
An evocative clip from the HBO series The Newsroom recently caught my
attention. In this scene, actor Jeff Daniels delivers his argument
against the popular notion that America is the greatest nation in the
world. As a patriot, my red blood began to boil as I watched this
diatribe from yet another liberal cutting America down to size. It
seemed at first to blend in well with Barack Obama’s worldview (see
video Here) that the United States is no more “exceptional” than any
other plot of land on the planet.
The awkward scene with Jeff Daniel’s speech grows increasingly prickly,
even disturbing. Then the reversal moment in the plot arrives with the
comparison of our culture today versus just a few decades ago. His
closing line gave me pause, “America is not the greatest country in the
world – anymore.”
Daniel’s character as a news anchor compares interestingly with
real-life Greta Van Susteren, Fox’s most moderate anchor. Susteren made
the astonishingly bold statement on her personal Facebook page Friday
that, “Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - should step aside - or be
pushed out by his fellow Democrats. He is not a leader...he is a bully.”
Damn right.
Congress passed Obamacare in order to see what was in it. Then Justice
John Roberts, conservatives’ hope for an honest broker on the Supreme
Court, decided that he was not going to protect the voters from their
self-destructive decisions. But real people are suffering in very real
ways. While the administration’s Secretary of Health and Human Services,
Kathleen Sebelius, lies by omission in telling the one-sided story of
how 3.5 million have signed up, twice as many have lost their insurance.
For a moment, put yourself in the mind of a wife and mother who has
been walking the frightening tightrope of cost, pain, and survival in
fighting cancer. Then consider that she is forced out of her insurance
plan by the President of the United States.
It wasn’t some pissant ACORN functionary, but no less than the Majority
Leader of the United States Senate who just denounced every struggle
with Obamacare as fallacy. “Those tales turned out to be just that –
tales, stories made up from whole cloth, lies.” (see video Here)
Somehow, the President is able to alter, delay, and ignore provisions of
his own law without involvement by Congress, all toward elections
manipulation. President Obama exempts his friends and financial
supporters from having to adhere to the law while forcing The Little
Sisters of the Poor to comply with the provisions that conflict with
their longstanding religious beliefs. (Here)
The hottest U.S. Senate election race this year includes incumbent Mark
Udall, who is up for re-election in Colorado. Udall has given Obamacare
100% of his senatorial support. With a tough campaign coming up, Udall
pressured the Colorado Division of Insurance to revise the number of
Coloradans whose insurance policies were canceled as a result of
Obamacare. Soon after word of his intimidation got out to the public,
the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies cleared Udall of any
wrong-doing. That would be the highly political, Democratic Party
controlled Department of Regulatory Agencies.
Laws continue to be passed to formally pave the way for vote fraud
(Here). Vice President Biden claims that hatred is the motivation for
asking voters to show a proper form of identification when casting their
ballots. "These guys never go away. Hatred never, never goes away."
Somehow, opposing loose rules like election-day registration
demonstrates hatred rather than integrity.
The United States Supreme Court will soon hear the case of a German
couple who fled to the U.S. to enjoy the liberty of home schooling their
five children. Germany is serious about forcing every student to attend
public schools – no exceptions. Germany has seized custody of children
and imposed fines on parents. The Romeike’s face all of that, plus
possible jail time if they are to return to their homeland. This is
precisely the intent of the Obama Administration. The asylum case of
Romeike v. Holder may be determined this year. Watch for zero media
coverage should the family be escorted to a Lufthansa 747 by Holder’s
thugs. (Here)
America’s political correctness surrounding the matter of sexual
identification has become a national obsession. The social culture has
certainly evolved toward acceptance of people with non-traditional
orientation. But with the prominence of this issue in television,
movies, parades, myriad laws and constitutional pronouncements, you
would think that 49% of the population has just been released from
oppression by the 51%. Hasbro and Discover are now promoting their
transgender superhero in a cartoon series for kids. And every “paranoid
criticism” about gay marriage has turned out to be true, with the courts
being used to force bakeries to make cakes for gay weddings (Here),
religious adoption services forced to serve gay couples (Here) and
churches being forced to host gay weddings in conflict with their
doctrine (Here).
While just a state senator in Illinois, Barack Obama argued against a
proposed “born alive protection” bill. He argued, “The testimony during
the committee indicated that the key concerns was – is that there was a
method of abortion, an induced abortion, where the fetus, or child as
some might describe it, is still temporarily alive outside the womb. And
one of the concerns that came out in the testimony was the fact that
they were not being properly cared for during that brief period of time
that they were still living. … Whenever we define a previable fetus as a
person that is protected by the equal protection clause or the other
elements in the Constitution, what we’re really saying is, in fact, that
they are persons that are entitled to the kinds of protections that
would be provided to a child, a nine-month-old child, that was delivered
to term.”
The Journal of Medical Ethics will see Barack Obama’s bet and raise it
further. They have posted an article with the following abstract:
“Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything
to do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and
newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the
fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3)
adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the
authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a
newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is,
including cases where the newborn is not disabled.”
These are just a sampling of the upheaval that our nation is going
through right now; the kind of crazy stories we might expect from
uncivilized parts of the world. I only have to stop listing them because
of the article deadline. People – this is what happens when we
surrender elected office to liberals. Watch the Jeff Daniels clip and
join my fear. I am feeling the panic of having to accept the criticisms
of my once great home.
HERE (See the original for links)
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
3 March, 2014
Inspectors All Round
I like everything about this British political poster, including the way
the smoke coming out of the chimneys forms tiny question marks. It was
employed in the 1929 election against Ramsay MacDonald’s Labour Party.
The artist is reported as V. Hicks. If only it weren’t still so
Piers Morgan IS the American Left
Ben Shapiro
This week, CNN's Piers Morgan announced that "Piers Morgan Live" would
be coming to an ignominious end sometime in March. His replacement has
not yet been chosen. But his television demise came not a moment too
soon for millions of Americans who had tired of his sneering nastiness.
The New York Times chose not to see it that way. Instead, the Times
insisted, Morgan's problem sprang from his British accent and heritage:
"Old hands in the television news business suggest that there are two
things a presenter cannot have: an accent or a beard ... Mr. Morgan is
clean shaven and handsome enough, but there are tells in his speech —
the way he says the president's name for one thing (Ob-AA-ma) — that
suggest that he is not from around here."
Morgan himself attributed his downfall to his foreignness: "Look, I am a
British guy debating American cultural issues, including guns, which
has been very polarizing, and there is no doubt that there are many in
the audience who are tired of me banging on about it."
No doubt the notion of a British entertainer coming to America, clearing
millions of dollars, and then lecturing Americans on their fundamental
rights galled many. But what truly galled so many Americans was Morgan's
underlying perspective — a perspective shared by the Times, as well as
most of the left. Morgan, unfortunately, believes that Americans are
typically racist, sexist, homophobic bigots clinging to guns without
regard to the safety of children. We, in his world of unearned moral
superiority, are the bad guys.
Which is why Morgan had nothing to say when I appeared on his program in
the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre, handed him a copy
of the Constitution to remind him of the Second Amendment, and then told
him that he was a "bully ...demoniz(ing) people who differ from you
politically by standing on the graves of the children of Sandy Hook."
His only response: "How dare you."
It's why Morgan had nothing to say when I suggested a few months later
that his gushing response to gay basketball player Jason Collins' coming
out sprang from his disdain for the American people: "Why do you hate
America so much that you think it's such a homophobic country, that when
Jason Collins comes out it is the biggest deal in the history of
humanity, and President Obama has to personally congratulate him?"
Again, Morgan had no answer.
As the left has no answer. The left's perspective on the role of
government is inextricably linked to its view that Americans, free of
government strictures, are brutally discriminatory, selfishly violent.
Without the guiding hand of our betters, we would all be Bull Connors (a
government employee), hoses at the ready. Without the sage wisdom of
our leftist superiors, we would all be shooting each other at shopping
The countervailing perspective — that America is a pretty damn great
place filled with pretty damn great people — has little currency for the
left. But when their hate-Americans perspective is repeatedly exposed,
Americans begin to find it tiresome. That's what happened with Morgan.
That's what will happen to the American left if the American right
somehow finds the stomach to call out the left's snobby scorn for
everyday Americans.
A Socialism Spill on Aisle 9
The working class in the United States has no better champion than
Barack Obama. Like most champions of the working class, he has never
actually worked at a real job and instead divided his time between
academia, non-profits and politics which explains his current work ethic
in which he tries to get a speech in between every two vacations..
The progressive law professors, who are currently the only thing
standing between the working class and the abyss, at least according to
other progressive professors, not only haven't worked for a living, but
don't know what working for a living entails and don't even understand
the concept. Other things that they don't understand include personal
responsibility, consequences, elementary arithmetic and human free will.
That last one never fails to throw them for a loop. No sooner do they
pass some comprehensive plan intended to ameliorate a terrible problem
then they discover that the working people have made a hash out of it.
But they never despair because they are certain that there is no
progressive solution that cannot be fixed by an even more comprehensive
progressive solution.
ObamaCare isn't working? Go Single Payer? There are no more doctors?
Outlaw illness. People are still getting sick? Fine them for sabotaging
progressive medicine. Like the island whose colonial overlords tried to
solve their rat problem by dropping snakes only to discover that it now
had a snake problem, progressives always have solutions. The trouble is
that they never understand the problem.
The protectors of the working class, currently presiding over a country
where over 90 million adults are not in the workforce, keep dropping
snakes on the island without ever figuring out why so many people are
dying of snakebites. B.O. or Before Obama, 63 percent of working age
Americans had jobs. Today it's 58 percent. And Obama is trying to see if
he can drop the country below the 50 mark.
The latest snake that Obama is trying to drop on the island is a minimum
wage hike. A minimum wage hike sounds like a great idea to a
progressive professor who, like Marie Antoinette, wonders why the poor
can't just eat cake during a bread shortage. If the poor aren't making
enough money, just raise their salaries. If their salaries go up,
they'll have more money and the government will be able to spend more
money creating jobs that it can then tax using a magic perpetual motion
The first casualty of the minimum wage hike will be some 500,000 jobs.
While just 19 percent of the minimum wage increase will go to those
below the poverty line, the same isn't true of that 500,000. The most
disposable workers also tend to be the poorest in the new economy. They
are the first ones out the door when a small business comes up against
the ObamaCare employer mandate or a minimum wage hike. It doesn't take
much to push them out from full time to part time and from part time to
the unemployment line and from the unemployment line to permanent
Purge six figures worth of workers and suddenly income inequality
becomes an even bigger problem that the Harvard and Yale Friends of the
Working Class can use to run for reelection. It doesn't occur to
progressive professors/community organizers that the living standard of
the poor is not defined by an infographic comparing their income to Bill
Gates' spectacles budget or George Soros' villain lair complete with
lasers and piranhas.
It isn't even defined by their salary, but by the buying power of that salary.
A salary is just a number. It was once possible to buy a meal for a dime
and a politician for a hundred dollars. Today dinner with a politician
will cost you that hundred and the politician may cost you a hundred
The businesses that minimum wage workers depend on are peopled with
other minimum wage workers. Even assuming that the pay hike were
employment neutral, which it most certainly is not, it would rebalance
once the businesses they patronize pass on the pay hike as a price hike.
And then before you know it everyone is making more money that still
buys about the same amount that their old paychecks did.
Income inequality is class warfare, a subject of interest to Marxist
professors and sober news anchors who are deeply concerned about the
words scrolling across their teleprompters, but of very little relevance
to the price of a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk and a pound of ground
beef. The prices of basic staples have risen sharply under the Friend
of the Working Class in Washington. While he dines on faux Wagyu beef at
White House dinners, the working class victims of his class warfare are
standing in Aisle 9 trying to assemble a puzzle that consists of their
upcoming paycheck, a Payday loan and a grocery list.
The woman weighting a can of beans in one hand and her pocketbook in the
other trying to decide what she can afford to take home doesn't need
income equality with a Harvard Law prof. What she needs a living
standard that will allow her to afford what working Americans used to be
able to afford. A minimum wage hike is a blunt instrument that looks
good until it puts her out of a job or until she comes back to Aisle 9
and sees that the price hikes match her new paycheck.
Progressives don't particularly care about the woman in Aisle 9. They
eat up hard luck stories on NPR and CNN the way that their
great-grandparents marveled at hunger in Africa because of the way that
it makes them feel, not because they understand how those people live or
care about them. They use them to feel charitable and to win elections.
Each progressive solution makes life worse in Aisle 9, but they never
visit Aisle 9. If they did, they would outlaw the other half of the
products in it that they haven't already outlawed through various
contrived legalisms.
In the Venezuelan Aisle 9, mobs are fighting over powdered milk in
government stores in a country that has 85 percent of the oil reserves
in the region. Everyone is entitled to powdered milk and other price
controlled staples. But being entitled to something doesn't mean that
you can get it. Not until the government seizes control of the entire
production process of powdered milk and then when that is done, no one
will ever drink powdered milk again.
The path to Venezuela's Aisle 9 is surprisingly similar to America's
Aisle 9. It began with a series of blunt force measures that were meant
to address the standard of living problem in a country with runaway
inflation. Governments can raise wages or lower food prices, but they
can't enforce the availability of food or jobs and they can't control
how the working class will work around the consequences of foodless
government supermarkets and minimum wage jobs that have been priced out
of the marketplace.
Venezuela's Friend of the Working Class, Hugo Chavez, kicked the golden
bucket with an estimated net worth of 2 billion dollars. The Friends of
the Working Class are also doing comfortably well in D.C. where it pays
to be an expert on poverty and an advocate for helping the working class
by adding 12 million illegal aliens to the job market with illegal
alien amnesty, shutting down jobs with environmental regulations and
freeing the people still working from that dreaded "job lock".
For the Washington Friends of the Working Class drifting from one
cocktail party and fundraising dinner to another, the minimum wage hike
is their latest gimmick for winning in 2016. They are as ignorant of the
lives of the waiters who bring them their Wagyu beef and the vagaries
of a working class budget as they are of Ancient Sanskrit or the
geography of the moon.
The working class that they preach about is an unreal abstract to them
that is reducible to their party, their movement and their agenda. Their
legislation is blessed by their empathy. It does not occur to them that
their programs can backfire and that unintended consequences follow
from confusing magical thinking with hard numbers. In Aisle 9, things
are simple and inflexible, but in politics and academia everything is
Weighing a can of food in your hands that you need but cannot afford
wonderfully focuses the mind on the real, but at the cocktail parties of
the Friends of the Working Class, everything is wonderfully unreal.
Life is full of possibilities, vacations, conferences and elections.
There are no hard facts, only ideas and slogans. Everything and everyone
does what you want them to.
Like The Great Gatsby's Tom and Daisy, the progressive law professors
and community organizers inhabit a "vast carelessness" of conferences
and cocktail parties from which they emerge to carelessly smash things
up before retreating back into it with no real awareness of what they
have done and a certainty that the people on Aisle 9 whose lives they
have smashed up ought to be grateful to them.
The Danger of Indulging Liberal "Distractions"
The great George Will recently wrote a column counseling calm when it
comes to the myriad nanny-state intrusions the left has been visiting on
Climate alarmism validates the progressive impulse to micromanage
others' lives - their light bulbs, shower heads, toilets, appliances,
automobiles, etc. Although this is a nuisance, it distracts liberals
from more serious mischief.
All true, as far as it goes. The time liberals spend attending to light
bulbs, toilets and shower heads is time they don't have to . . .
"reform" the health care system.
But there's one nagging problem when the left is able to amuse itself by
imposing petty regulations on everyone else's life. It's the danger
that, constantly buffeted by a never-ending steam of micromanaging
rules, free-born citizens will over time lose their innate resentment of
and resistance to government oversight of their lives.
Once that resistance is worn down over less-consequential matters, it
becomes infinitely easier for tyrants of all stripes to encroach on more
meaningful liberties without occasioning mass resistance.
Freedom is a little like a muscle that must be exercised if it is to
remain strong. If, worn down by a series of inconsequential-seeming
laws, Americans allow the habits of freedom to atrophy, it's that much
more likely that their liberties will be more seriously eroded in the
Just ask the East Germans.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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2 March, 2014
Nazis: Still Socialists
Tim Stanley’s definition excludes basically all real socialists, past and present
By Jonah Goldberg
This feels like old times. Across the pond at the Telegraph, Tim Stanley
and Daniel Hannan are having a friendly disagreement on the question of
whether the Nazis were in fact socialists. I don’t usually wade into
these arguments anymore, but I’ve been writing a lot on related themes
over the last few weeks and I couldn’t resist.
Not surprisingly, I come down on Hannan’s side. I could write a whole
book about why I agree with Dan, except I already did. So I’ll be more
Fair warning, though, I wrote this on a plane trip back from Colorado
and it’s way too long. So if you’re not interested in this stuff, you
might as well wander down the boardwalk and check out some of the other
stalls now.
Stanley makes some fine points here and there, but I don’t think they
add up to anything like corroboration of his thesis. The chief problem
with his argument is that he’s taking doctrinaire or otherwise
convenient definitions of socialism and applying them selectively to
Stanley’s chief tactic is to simply say Nazis shouldn’t be believed when
they called themselves socialists. It was all marketing and spin, even
putting the word in their name. Socialism was popular, so they called
themselves socialists. End of story.
So when Nazi ideologist Gregor Strasser proclaimed:
"We are socialists. We are enemies, deadly enemies, of today’s
capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically
weak, its unfair wage system, its immoral way of judging the worth of
human beings in terms of their wealth and their money, instead of their
responsibility and their performance, and we are determined to destroy
this system whatever happens!"
. . . he was just saying that because, in Stanley’s mind, socialism was “fashionable.”
Obviously there’s some truth to that. Socialism was popular. So was
nationalism. That’s why nationalists embraced socialism and why
socialists quickly embraced nationalism. It wasn’t a big leap for either
because they’re basically the same thing! In purely economic terms,
nationalization and socialization are nothing more than synonyms
(socialized medicine = nationalized health care).
Stanley writes:
"That Hitler wasn’t a socialist became apparent within weeks of becoming
Chancellor of Germany when he started arresting socialists and
communists. He did this, claim some, because they were competing brands
of socialism. But that doesn’t explain why Hitler defined his politics
so absolutely as a war on Bolshevism — a pledge that won him the support
of the middle-classes, industrialists and many foreign conservatives."
There’s a stolen base here. Sure, Hitler’s effort to destroy competing
socialists and Communists “doesn’t explain” all those other things. But
it doesn’t have to. Nor does Stalin’s wholesale slaughter (or Lenin’s
retail slaughter) of competing Communists and socialists explain the
Molotov–Ribbentrop pact or the infield-fly rule. Other considerations —
economic, cultural, diplomatic — come into play. But when people say
Hitler can’t be a socialist because he crushed independent labor unions
and killed socialists, they need to explain why Stalin gets to be a
socialist even though he did likewise.
The fact that many “foreign conservatives” supported Hitler’s hostility
to Bolsheviks is a bit of a red herring. Many conservatives today
support the military in Egypt as a bulwark against the Muslim
Brotherhood. That tells you next to nothing about the content of the
junta’s domestic policies. But, it’s worth noting that some foreign
Communists and liberals, such as W.E.B. Du Bois, actually supported
Hitler’s domestic economic policies (though not the anti-Semitism) in
the mid-1930s.
For what it’s worth, the reason that Hitler declared war on Bolsheviks
is a rich topic. The short answer is that he was a socialist but he was
also a nationalist (hence national-socialism). And the nationalist part
considered Bolshevism an existential threat — which it was!
Stanley goes on:
Dan asserts that Hitler was a socialist with reservations, that:
"Marx’s error, Hitler believed, had been to foster class war instead of
national unity – to set workers against industrialists instead of
conscripting both groups into a corporatist order."
Yet, by this very definition, Hitler wasn’t a socialist. Marxism is
defined by class war, and socialism is accomplished with the total
victory of the Proletariat over the ruling classes.
Ah. So deviating from the definition of Marxism disqualifies one from
being a socialist? Preferring national unity to international class
solidarity will get your socialist membership card revoked?
If that’s true, no one is a socialist in the real world. Stanley’s
standard, if uniformly applied, would expel from the ranks of
socialists: Stalin, Mao, Lenin, Castro, Chavez, Maduro, Ortega, Ho Chi
Minh, Pol Pot, Kim Il Sung (and progeny), Norman Thomas and all of the
American Socialist Party, the Fabians of England, virtually every
social-democratic or avowedly socialist party in the West now or
recently. If none of them are socialists, then why ever again talk about
Simply put, no one talks about uniting the workers of the world anymore.
Every socialist movement or party that comes to power promises national
unity, not international solidarity. Sure, rhetorically a handful of
tin pots may talk about their brothers across some border, but that’s a
foreign-policy thing.
Domestically, economically, culturally, it’s all about nationalism, not
internationalism. In other words, nowhere in the world does being a
nationalist preclude a person or movement from being a socialist.
Rather, it’s a requirement.
As for splitting with Marx, they all did it and continue to do it. Some
admitted it, some simply stumbled on Marx’s shortcomings without saying
so and just tangoed-on, adding hyphens and modifiers: Marxism-Leninism,
Marxism-Stalininism, Marx-Lenin-Stalin-Maoism, socialism with “Chinese
characteristics,” etc. It was like totalitarians from across the globe
kept forming booming law firms and adding names to the shingle. Finding
Marx in error in one way or another isn’t a disqualifier for being a
socialist; it is once again a requirement for being one (outside the
classroom, at least).
Stanley at times seems to hold up Marx as the only acceptable standard
for socialism. It isn’t and never was. I would argue as a matter of
sociology and philosophy, socialism traces back to caveman days. But
simply as a matter of accepted intellectual history it long predates
Marx. Babeuf’s “Conspiracy of the Equals,” for instance, was hatched
long before Marx was even born. [And there were the "levellers" of
Cromwellian England -- JR]
Then Stanley goes on to insist Nazism wasn’t socialist because it was
anti-Semitic and racist. He writes, “Hitler’s goals were, in fact,
totally antithetical to the egalitarianism of socialism.”
This is some weak sauce. Yes, Nazism was the worst of the worst when it
came to organized bigotry and prejudice. But Stanley misses that the
basic idea of Nazism was egalitarianism — egalitarianism for Aryans.
Nazi rhetoric was incredibly populist. Workers were exalted over
everyone. Economic policies were populist too — remember the peoples’
car (a.k.a. Volkswagen)? But it was all aimed at “good Germans.” This
differed from Stalinism’s rhetoric to be sure, but it’s not all that
dissimilar from various forms of African or pan-Arab socialism.
And again, why is only Nazism disqualified from the “honor” of belonging
in the socialist club because of its bigotry? Why is it alone held up
to the theoretical ideals of socialism, rather than compared to other
socialist systems? (And, it’s worth noting, even in theory, socialism
fails Stanley’s test. One need only read what Marx had to say about “the
Jewish question” or blacks to recognize that.)
Stalin was hardly a racial egalitarian (or any other kind of
egalitarian). Before he died, Stalin was planning a major new assault on
the Jews to improve on the impressive work he’d already done. And he
had no problem treating non-Russian Soviet populations as expendable
playthings and puzzle pieces. Even later regimes had preferential
policies for ethnic Russians. But, hey, is North Korea not socialist
because its ideology is racist?
It’s somewhat amusing that Stanley invokes George Bernard Shaw as an
authority on the inauthenticity of Hitler’s socialism. This is the same
George Bernard Shaw who said “the only fundamental and possible
socialism is the socialization of the selective breeding of Man.” Shaw
wanted a “human stud farm” in order to “eliminate the yahoo whose vote
will wreck the commonwealth.” Do such non-egalitarian comments mean that
Shaw wasn’t a socialist either?
Stanley is certainly right that German National Socialist economics
differed from Russian Bolshevik economics. So what? The question was
never, “Were Nazis Bolsheviks?” Nor was it “Were Nazis Marxists?” The
question was “Were Nazis socialists?” Demonstrating that the answer is
no to the first two doesn’t mean the answer to the third question is a
no, too.
I actually agree with Stanley that corporatism is the better term for
Nazi economics. Here’s the problem: that’s also true of most socialist
Yet in these historical debates, the term is only dusted off for Nazis
and Italian fascists. “Oh, the Nazis weren’t socialists, they were
‘corporatists’” is a fine argument to make, if you’re willing to
acknowledge that corporatism is actually a more accurate word for the
socialisms of Sweden, France, South America, etc. In other words, the
“they were corporatists!” line is usually an attempt to absolve
socialism of any association with Nazism and fascism rather than an
attempt to get the terms right.
I’ve come to believe that corporatism (which does not mean “rule by
corporations”) is the natural resting state of pretty much every
political order. Politicians naturally want to lock-in and co-opt
existing “stakeholders” at the expense of innovation. They love talking
about “getting everybody at the table,” which really means getting the
existing insiders to create rules that help themselves.
Stanley says that politics came before economics in the Nazi state.
That’s true. But where is that not true? Certainly not in America or the
U.K. Which is why conservatives, libertarians, and other champions of
free-market economics must constantly put pressure on politicians to
fend off the natural human tendency to fight innovation as a threat to
the status quo and the powers that be.
Across the West there’s a tendency among bureaucrats, politicians,
academics, and other members of the New Class to convince the people to
hand over the major decisions of their lives to the “experts.” These
experts aren’t all in the government, but they all collude with
government to convince people that the experts have all the answers and
that the people need to hand the reins over to them.
They will tell us what to eat, what to drive, what to think. It’s an
approach that puts politics before economics. Because it is an attempt
to politicize peoples’ lives. Or as Hitler put it, “Why need we trouble
to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings.”
Jonah's comments are good but I think we need to say a bit more about
what socialism is: What is central and essential to socialism is
authoritarianism. All socialists want to tell everybody else what to do.
Without that motivation they would not be socialists. What policies
they want to enforce on us may change but forcing some new policiy on us
is what they do.
In the stable democracies, socialists have to be satisfied with
piecemeal "reforms" and ever-tighter regulations but they would be just
as sweeping as Hitler and Stalin if they could. The way Western Leftists
defended the rotten Soviet system to the end and the way that they
still support the rotten Cuban system shows that.
Authoritarianism is at the core of socialism and Hitler was certainly
authoritarian. There are authoritarian people in all walks of life but
as a political ideology it is central to socialism. The belief that you
have the right to tell others what to do is the first condition of
socialism. Sadly, that belief is very widespead these days. Both major
parties are socialistic to a degree. But the degree does matter and
there is no doubt that Hitler was extremely socialistic
Florida City Threatens Woman For Living Off the Grid
By all accounts, Robin Speronis is engaged in a successful experiment in
"living off the grid" in Cape Coral, Florida. The 54-year-old former
real estate agent disconnected from city water and power about a year
and a half ago. Now she relies on solar panels, propane lanterns, and
collected rain water in her duplex and seems quite happy about it. But
the city clearly is not. Officials tried to boot her from her home, and
have now given her until the end of March to reconnect to the grid. A
special magistrate who tossed many of the charges and admits that
reasonableness may not play a role in the rules says she will ultimately
have to comply. Speronis is standing firm.
According to Cristela Guerra of the Cape Coral News Press:
It took several hours to review the litany of alleged code enforcement
violations. It was noted some seemed redundant, while other violations
were not addressed as a result of issues with due process. [Special
Magistrate Harold S.] Eskin had concerns that Speronis had not received
proper notice. He found her not guilty on those issues but said he would
be open to considering new evidence.
He found her guilty of the section which dealt with the water system and
maintenance. Alternative means of power are possible but need to be
approved by city officials, according to Paul Dickson, the city building
official. When it comes to water, the options included installing a
potentially more complicated and expensive system that would filter rain
water through the pipes while maintaining temperatures and pressure.
Speronis also uses the city sewer system for drainage. There are liens
on the home to collect those fees.
Daniel Jennings of Off the Grid News notes that "Speronis has been
fighting the city of Cape Coral since November when a code enforcement
officer tried to evict her from her home for living without utilities.
The city contends that Speronis violated the International Property
Maintenance Code by relying on rain water instead of the city water
system and solar panels instead of the electric grid."
City officials concede the code doesn't require anybody to use the
hook-up to the water system, but they have to connect, just because.
"You may have to hook-up, but you don’t have to use it. Well, what’s the
point?" notes Speronis, who says she'll keep fighting.
Restrictive, mindless, rules like those with which Speronis is
threatened are a menace to both independence and innovation. But that's
how government officials roll.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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Postings from Brisbane, Australia by John J. Ray
(M.A.; Ph.D.) -- former member of the Australia-Soviet Friendship
Society, former anarcho-capitalist and former member of the British
Conservative party.
MESSAGE to Leftists: Even if you killed all conservatives tomorrow, you
would just end up in another Soviet Union. Conservatives are all that
stand between you and that dismal fate. And you may not even survive at
all. Stalin killed off all the old Bolsheviks.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism
of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very
word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)
Just the name of Hitler's political party should be sufficient to reject
the claim that Hitler was "Right wing" but Leftists sometimes retort
that the name "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is not
informative, in that it is the name of a dismal Stalinist tyranny. But
"People's Republic" is a normal name for a Communist country whereas I
know of no conservative political party that calls itself a "Socialist
Worker's Party". Such parties are in fact usually of the extreme Left
(Trotskyite etc.)
Who said this in 1968? "I am not, and never have been, a man of the right. My position was on the Left and is now in the centre of politics". It was Sir Oswald Mosley, founder and leader of the British Union of Fascists
The term "Fascism" is mostly used by the Left as a brainless term of
abuse. But when they do make a serious attempt to define it, they
produce very complex and elaborate definitions -- e.g. here and here.
In fact, Fascism is simply extreme socialism plus nationalism. But
great gyrations are needed to avoid mentioning the first part of that
recipe, of course.
Two examples of Leftist racism below (much more here and here):
Beatrice Webb, a founder of the London School of Economics and
the Fabian Society, and married to a Labour MP, mused in 1922 on whether
when English children were "dying from lack of milk", one should extend
"the charitable impulse" to Russian and Chinese children who, if saved
this year, might anyway die next. Besides, she continued, there was "the
larger question of whether those races are desirable inhabitants" and
"obviously" one wouldn't "spend one's available income" on "a Central
African negro".
Hugh Dalton, offered the Colonial Office during Attlee's 1945-51 Labour
government, turned it down because "I had a horrid vision of
pullulating, poverty stricken, diseased nigger communities, for whom one
can do nothing in the short run and who, the more one tries to help
them, are querulous and ungrateful."
The Zimmerman case is an excellent proof that the Left is deep-down racist
Defensible and indefensible usages of the term "racism"
The book, The authoritarian personality, authored by T.W. Adorno
et al. in 1950, has been massively popular among psychologists. It
claims that a set of ideas that were popular in the
"Progressive"-dominated America of the prewar era were "authoritarian".
Leftist regimes always are authoritarian so that claim was not a big
problem. What was quite amazing however is that Adorno et al.
identified such ideas as "conservative". They were in fact simply
popular ideas of the day but ones that had been most heavily promoted by
the Left right up until the then-recent WWII. See here for details of prewar "Progressive" thinking.
R.I.P. Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet deposed a law-defying Marxist
President at the express and desperate invitation of the Chilean
parliament. He pioneered the free-market reforms which Reagan and
Thatcher later unleashed to world-changing effect. That he used
far-Leftist methods to suppress far-Leftist violence is reasonable if
not ideal. The Leftist view that they should have a monopoly of violence
and that others should follow the law is a total absurdity which shows
only that their hate overcomes their reason
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a war criminal. Both British and American
codebreakers had cracked the Japanese naval code so FDR knew what was
coming at Pearl Harbor. But for his own political reasons he warned
no-one there. So responsibility for the civilian and military deaths at
Pearl Harbor lies with FDR as well as with the Japanese. The huge
firepower available at Pearl Harbor, both aboard ship and on land, could
have largely neutered the attack. Can you imagine 8 battleships and
various lesser craft firing all their AA batteries as the Japanese came
in? The Japanese naval airforce would have been annihilated and the
war would have been over before it began.
FDR prolonged the Depression. He certainly didn't cure it.
WWII did NOT end the Great Depression. It just concealed it. It in fact made living standards worse
FDR appointed a known KKK member, Hugo Black, to the Supreme Court
Joe McCarthy was eventually proved right after the fall of the Soviet Union. To accuse anyone of McCarthyism is to accuse them of accuracy!
The KKK was intimately associated with the Democratic party. They ATTACKED Republicans!
People who mention differences in black vs. white IQ are these days
almost universally howled down and subjected to the most extreme abuse.
I am a psychometrician, however, so I feel obliged to defend the
scientific truth of the matter: The average African adult has about the
same IQ as an average white 11-year-old and African Americans (who are
partly white in ancestry) average out at a mental age of 14. The
American Psychological Association is generally Left-leaning but it is
the world's most prestigious body of academic psychologists. And even
they have had to concede
that sort of gap (one SD) in black vs. white average IQ. 11-year olds
can do a lot of things but they also have their limits and there are
times when such limits need to be allowed for.
America's uncivil war was caused by trade protectionism. The slavery issue was just camouflage, as Abraham Lincoln himself admitted. See also here
Did William Zantzinger kill poor Hattie Carroll?
Did Bismarck predict where WWI would start or was it just a "free" translation by Churchill?
Leftist psychologists have an amusingly simplistic conception of
military organizations and military men. They seem to base it on
occasions they have seen troops marching together on parade rather than
any real knowledge of military men and the military life. They think
that military men are "rigid" -- automatons who are unable to adjust to
new challenges or think for themselves. What is incomprehensible to
them is that being kadaver gehorsam (to use the extreme Prussian
term for following orders) actually requires great flexibility -- enough
flexibility to put your own ideas and wishes aside and do something
very difficult. Ask any soldier if all commands are easy to obey.
A good short definition of conservative: "One who wants you to keep your hand out of his pocket."
Beware of good intentions. They mostly lead to coercion
A gargantuan case of hubris, coupled with stunning level of ignorance
about how the real world works, is the essence of progressivism.
The U.S. Constitution is neither "living" nor dead. It is fixed until
it is amended. But amending it is the privilege of the people, not of
politicians or judges
It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making
decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay
no price for being wrong - Thomas Sowell
Leftists think that utopia can be coerced into existence -- so no
dishonesty or brutality is beyond them in pursuit of that "noble" goal
When using today's model of society as a rule, most of history will be
found to be full of oppression, bias, and bigotry." What today's
arrogant judges of history fail to realize is that they, too, will be
judged. What will Americans of 100 years from now make of, say, speech
codes, political correctness, and zero tolerance - to name only three?
Assuming, of course, there will still be an America that we, today,
would recognize. Given the rogue Federal government spy apparatus, I am
not at all sure of that. -- Paul Havemann
Economist Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973): "The champions of socialism
call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is
characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to
every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are
intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they
yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they
want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of
the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic
post office."
It's the shared hatred of the rest of us that unites Islamists and the Left.
American liberals don't love America. They despise it. All they love is
their own fantasy of what America could become. They are false patriots.
The Democratic Party: Con-men elected by the ignorant and the arrogant
The Democratic Party is a strange amalgam of elites, would-be elites and
minorities. No wonder their policies are so confused and irrational
Why are conservatives more at ease with religion? Because it is basic
to conservatism that some things are unknowable, and religious people
have to accept that too. Leftists think that they know it all and feel
threatened by any exceptions to that. Thinking that you know it all is
however the pride that comes before a fall.
The characteristic emotion of the Leftist is not envy. It's rage
Leftists are committed to grievance, not truth
The British Left poured out a torrent of hate for Margaret Thatcher on
the occasion of her death. She rescued Britain from chaos and restored
Britain's prosperity. What's not to hate about that?
Something you didn't know about Margaret Thatcher
The world's dumbest investor? Without doubt it is Uncle Sam. Nobody
anywhere could rival the scale of the losses on "investments" made under
the Obama administration
"Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a
ruthless drive for placing themselves (the elites) at the top of a new
hierarchy of power" -- Murray Rothbard - Egalitarianism and the Elites (1995)
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which
debt he proposes to pay off with your money. -- G. Gordon Liddy
"World socialism as a whole, and all the figures associated with it,
are shrouded in legend; its contradictions are forgotten or concealed;
it does not respond to arguments but continually ignores them--all this
stems from the mist of irrationality that surrounds socialism and from
its instinctive aversion to scientific analysis... The doctrines of
socialism seethe with contradictions, its theories are at constant odds
with its practice, yet due to a powerful instinct these contradictions
do not in the least hinder the unending propaganda of socialism. Indeed,
no precise, distinct socialism even exists; instead there is only a
vague, rosy notion of something noble and good, of equality, communal
ownership, and justice: the advent of these things will bring instant
euphoria and a social order beyond reproach." -- Solzhenitsyn
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. -- Thomas Jefferson
"Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power" -- Bertrand Russell
Evan Sayet:
The Left sides "...invariably with evil over good, wrong over right,
and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success."
(t=5:35+ on video)
The Republicans are the gracious side of American politics. It is the Democrats who are the nasty party, the haters
Wanting to stay out of the quarrels of other nations is conservative --
but conservatives will fight if attacked or seriously endangered.
Anglo/Irish statesman Lord Castlereagh
(1769-1822), who led the political coalition that defeated Napoleon,
was an isolationist, as were traditional American conservatives.
Some useful definitions:
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal is a
vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a
conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his
situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A liberal
non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless
it's a foreign religion, of course!)
If a conservative decides he
needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job
that provides it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
There is better evidence for creation than there is for the Leftist
claim that “gender” is a “social construct”. Most Leftist claims seem
to be faith-based rather than founded on the facts
Leftists are classic weak characters. They dish out abuse by the bucketload but cannot take it when they get it back. Witness the Loughner hysteria.
Death taxes:
You would expect a conscientious person, of whatever degree of
intelligence, to reflect on the strange contradiction involved in
denying people the right to unearned wealth, while supporting programs
that give people unearned wealth.
America is no longer the land of the free. It is now the land of the regulated -- though it is not alone in that, of course
The Leftist motto: "I love humanity. It's just people I can't stand"
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Envy is a strong and widespread human emotion so there has alway been
widespread support for policies of economic "levelling". Both the USA
and the modern-day State of Israel were founded by communists but
reality taught both societies that respect for the individual gave much
better outcomes than levelling ideas. Sadly, there are many people in
both societies in whom hatred for others is so strong that they are
incapable of respect for the individual. The destructiveness of what
they support causes them to call themselves many names in different
times and places but they are the backbone of the political Left
Gore Vidal: "Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little". Vidal was of course a Leftist
The large number of rich Leftists suggests that, for them, envy is
secondary. They are directly driven by hatred and scorn for many of the
other people that they see about them. Hatred of others can be rooted
in many things, not only in envy. But the haters come together as the
Left. Some evidence here showing that envy is not what defines the Left
Leftists hate the world around them and want to change it: the people in
it most particularly. Conservatives just want to be left alone to make
their own decisions and follow their own values.
The failure of the Soviet experiment has definitely made the American
Left more vicious and hate-filled than they were. The plain failure of
what passed for ideas among them has enraged rather than humbled them.
Ronald Reagan famously observed that the status quo is Latin for “the
mess we’re in.” So much for the vacant Leftist claim that conservatives
are simply defenders of the status quo. They think that conservatives
are as lacking in principles as they are.
Was Confucius a conservative? The following saying would seem to
reflect good conservative caution: "The superior man, when resting in
safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of
security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is
orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is
not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved."
The shallow thinkers of the Left sometimes claim that conservatives want
to impose their own will on others in the matter of abortion. To make
that claim is however to confuse religion with politics. Conservatives
are in fact divided about their response to abortion. The REAL
opposition to abortion is religious rather than political. And the
church which has historically tended to support the LEFT -- the Roman
Catholic church -- is the most fervent in the anti-abortion cause.
Conservatives are indeed the one side of politics to have moral qualms
on the issue but they tend to seek a middle road in dealing with it.
Taking the issue to the point of legal prohibitions is a religious
doctrine rather than a conservative one -- and the religion concerned
may or may not be characteristically conservative. More on that here
Some Leftist hatred arises from the fact that they blame "society" for their own personal problems and inadequacies
The Leftist hunger for change to the society that they hate leads to a
hunger for control over other people. And they will do and say anything
to get that control: "Power at any price". Leftist politicians are
mostly self-aggrandizing crooks who gain power by deceiving the
uninformed with snake-oil promises -- power which they invariably use
to destroy. Destruction is all that they are good at. Destruction is
what haters do.
Leftists are consistent only in their hate. They don't have principles.
How can they when "there is no such thing as right and wrong"? All
they have is postures, pretend-principles that can be changed as easily
as one changes one's shirt
A Leftist assumption: Making money doesn't entitle you to it, but wanting money does.
"Politicians never accuse you of 'greed' for wanting other people's
money -- only for wanting to keep your own money." --columnist Joe
Sobran (1946-2010)
Leftist policies are candy-coated rat poison that may appear appealing at first, but inevitably do a lot of damage to everyone impacted by them.
A tribute and thanks to Mary Jo Kopechne. Her death was reprehensible
but she probably did more by her death that she ever would have in life:
She spared the world a President Ted Kennedy. That the heap of
corruption that was Ted Kennedy died peacefully in his bed is one of the
clearest demonstrations that we do not live in a just world. Even Joe
Stalin seems to have been smothered to death by Nikita Khrushchev
I often wonder why Leftists refer to conservatives as "wingnuts". A
wingnut is a very useful device that adds versatility wherever it is
used. Clearly, Leftists are not even good at abuse. Once they have
accused their opponents of racism and Nazism, their cupboard is bare.
Similarly, Leftists seem to think it is a devastating critique to refer
to "Worldnet Daily" as "Worldnut Daily". The poverty of their
argumentation is truly pitiful
The Leftist assertion that there is no such thing as right and wrong has
a distinguished history. It was Pontius Pilate who said "What is
truth?" (John 18:38). From a Christian viewpoint, the assertion is
undoubtedly the Devil's gospel
Even in the Old Testament they knew about "Postmodernism": "Woe unto
them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light,
and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for
bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20 (KJV)
Was Solomon the first conservative? "The hearts of men are full of evil
and madness is in their hearts" -- Ecclesiastes: 9:3 (RSV). He could
almost have been talking about Global Warming.
"If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral
weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of
government action." - Ludwig von Mises
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
Because of their need to be different from the mainstream, Leftists are very good at pretending that sow's ears are silk purses
Among intelligent people, Leftism is a character defect. Leftists HATE
success in others -- which is why notably successful societies such as
the USA and Israel are hated and failures such as the Palestinians can
do no wrong.
A Leftist's beliefs are all designed to pander to his ego. So when you
have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing the
facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
Because of the fragility of a Leftist's ego, anything that threatens it
is intolerable and provokes rage. So most Leftist blogs can be
summarized in one sentence: "How DARE anybody question what I
believe!". Rage and abuse substitute for an appeal to facts and reason.
Because their beliefs serve their ego rather than reality, Leftists just KNOW what is good for us. Conservatives need evidence.
Absolute certainty is the privilege of uneducated men and fanatics. -- C.J. Keyser
Hell is paved with good intentions" -- Boswell's Life of Johnson of 1775
"Almost all professors of the arts and sciences are egregiously conceited, and derive their happiness from their conceit" -- Erasmus
"Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him" (Proverbs 26: 12). I think that sums up Leftists pretty well.
Eminent British astrophysicist Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington is often
quoted as saying: "Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it
is stranger than we can imagine." It was probably in fact said by his
contemporary, J.B.S. Haldane. But regardless of authorship, it could
well be a conservative credo not only about the cosmos but also about
human beings and human society. Mankind is too complex to be summed
up by simple rules and even complex rules are only approximations with
many exceptions.
Politics is the only thing Leftists know about. They know nothing of
economics, history or business. Their only expertise is in promoting
feelings of grievance
Socialism makes the individual the slave of the state -- capitalism frees them.
Many readers here will have noticed that what I say about Leftists
sometimes sounds reminiscent of what Leftists say about conservatives.
There is an excellent reason for that. Leftists are great "projectors"
(people who see their own faults in others). So a good first step in
finding out what is true of Leftists is to look at what they say about
conservatives! They even accuse conservatives of projection (of
The research
shows clearly that one's Left/Right stance is strongly genetically
inherited but nobody knows just what specifically is inherited. What
is inherited that makes people Leftist or Rightist? There is any amount
of evidence that personality traits are strongly genetically inherited
so my proposal is that hard-core Leftists are people who tend to let
their emotions (including hatred and envy) run away with them and who
are much more in need of seeing themselves as better than others -- two
attributes that are probably related to one another. Such Leftists may
be an evolutionary leftover from a more primitive past.
Leftists seem to believe that if someone like Al Gore says it, it must
be right. They obviously have a strong need for an authority figure.
The fact that the two most authoritarian regimes of the 20th century
(Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia) were socialist is thus no surprise.
Leftists often accuse conservatives of being "authoritarian" but that is
just part of their usual "projective" strategy -- seeing in others
what is really true of themselves.
"With their infernal racial set-asides, racial quotas, and race norming,
liberals share many of the Klan's premises. The Klan sees the world in
terms of race and ethnicity. So do liberals! Indeed, liberals and white
supremacists are the only people left in America who are neurotically
obsessed with race. Conservatives champion a color-blind society" -- Ann
Politicians are in general only a little above average in intelligence
so the idea that they can make better decisions for us that we can
make ourselves is laughable
A quote from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers: "You cannot legislate the
poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one
person receives without working for, another person must work for
without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that
the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the
people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other
half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the
idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get
what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
The Supreme Court of the United States is now and always has been a
judicial abomination. Its guiding principles have always been
political rather than judicial. It is not as political as Stalin's
courts but its respect for the constitution is little better. Some
recent abuses: The "equal treatment" provision of the 14th amendment
was specifically written to outlaw racial discrimination yet the court
has allowed various forms of "affirmative action" for decades -- when
all such policies should have been completely stuck down immediately.
The 2nd. amendment says that the right to bear arms shall not be
infringed yet gun control laws infringe it in every State in the union.
The 1st amendment provides that speech shall be freely exercised yet
the court has upheld various restrictions on the financing and display
of political advertising. The court has found a right to abortion in
the constitution when the word abortion is not even mentioned there.
The court invents rights that do not exist and denies rights that do.
"Some action that is unconstitutional has much to recommend it" -- Elena Kagan, nominated to SCOTUS by Obama
Frank Sulloway, the anti-scientist
The basic aim of all bureaucrats is to maximize their funding and minimize their workload
A lesson in Australian: When an Australian calls someone a "big-noter",
he is saying that the person is a chronic and rather pathetic seeker of
admiration -- as in someone who often pulls out "big notes" (e.g.
$100.00 bills) to pay for things, thus endeavouring to create the
impression that he is rich. The term describes the mentality rather
than the actual behavior with money and it aptly describes many
Leftists. When they purport to show "compassion" by advocating things
that cost themselves nothing (e.g. advocating more taxes on "the rich"
to help "the poor"), an Australian might say that the Leftist is
"big-noting himself". There is an example of the usage here. The term conveys contempt. There is a wise description of Australians generally here
Some ancient wisdom for Leftists: "Be not righteous overmuch; neither make thyself over wise: Why shouldest thou die before thy time?" -- Ecclesiastes 7:16
Jesse Jackson:
"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to
walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery
-- then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved." There
ARE important racial differences.
Some Jimmy Carter wisdom: "I think it's inevitable that there will be a lower standard of living than what everybody had always anticipated," he told advisers in 1979. "there's going to be a downward turning."
The "steamroller" above who got steamrollered by his own hubris.
Spitzer is a warning of how self-destructive a vast ego can be -- and
also of how destructive of others it can be.
Heritage is what survives death: Very rare and hence very valuable
Big business is not your friend. As Adam Smith said: "People of the
same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but
the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some
contrivance to raise prices. It is impossible indeed to prevent such
meetings, by any law which either could be executed, or would be
consistent with liberty or justice. But though the law cannot hinder
people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to
do nothing to facilitate such assemblies; much less to render them
How can I accept the Communist doctrine, which sets up as its bible,
above and beyond criticism, an obsolete textbook which I know not only
to be scientifically erroneous but without interest or application to
the modern world? How can I adopt a creed which, preferring the mud to
the fish, exalts the boorish proletariat above the bourgeoisie and the
intelligentsia, who with all their faults, are the quality of life and
surely carry the seeds of all human achievement? Even if we need a
religion, how can we find it in the turbid rubbish of the red bookshop?
It is hard for an educated, decent, intelligent son of Western Europe to
find his ideals here, unless he has first suffered some strange and
horrid process of conversion which has changed all his values. -- John Maynard Keynes
Some wisdom from "Bron" Waugh: "The purpose of politics is to help
them [politicians] overcome these feelings of inferiority and compensate
for their personal inadequacies in the pursuit of power"
"There are countless horrible things happening all over the country, and
horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our
equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy
them whenever possible"
The urge to pass new laws must be seen as an illness, not much different
from the urge to bite old women. Anyone suspected of suffering from it
should either be treated with the appropriate pills or, if it is too
late for that, elected to Parliament [or Congress, as the case may be]
and paid a huge salary with endless holidays, to do nothing whatever"
"It is my settled opinion, after some years as a political
correspondent, that no one is attracted to a political career in the
first place unless he is socially or emotionally crippled"
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with
them is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were. Freedom needs a soldier
If any of the short observations above about Leftism seem wrong, note
that they do not stand alone. The evidence for them is set out at great
length in my MONOGRAPH on Leftism.
3 memoirs of "Supermac", a 20th century Disraeli (Aristocratic British
Conservative Prime Minister -- 1957 to 1963 -- Harold Macmillan):
"It breaks my heart to see (I can't interfere or do anything at my
age) what is happening in our country today - this terrible strike of
the best men in the world, who beat the Kaiser's army and beat Hitler's
army, and never gave in. Pointless, endless. We can't afford that kind
of thing. And then this growing division which the noble Lord who has
just spoken mentioned, of a comparatively prosperous south, and an
ailing north and midlands. That can't go on." -- Mac on the British
working class: "the best men in the world" (From his Maiden speech in
the House of Lords, 13 November 1984)
"As a Conservative, I am naturally in favour of returning into private
ownership and private management all those means of production and
distribution which are now controlled by state capitalism"
During Macmillan's time as prime minister, average living standards
steadily rose while numerous social reforms were carried out
The Bible is an Israeli book
"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee:
and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" -- Genesis 12:3
If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my
tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do
not consider Jerusalem my highest joy -- Psalm 137 (NIV)
My (Gentile) opinion of antisemitism: The Jews are the best we've got so killing them is killing us.
I have always liked the story of Gideon (See Judges chapters 6 to 8) and
it is surely no surprise that in the present age Israel is the Gideon
of nations: Few in numbers but big in power and impact.
If I were not an atheist, I would believe that God had a sense of
humour. He gave his chosen people (the Jews) enormous advantages --
high intelligence and high drive -- but to keep it fair he deprived
them of something hugely important too: Political sense. So Jews to
this day tend very strongly to be Leftist -- even though the chief
source of antisemitism for roughly the last 200 years has been the
political Left!
And the other side of the coin is that Jews tend to despise
conservatives and Christians. Yet American fundamentalist Christians
are the bedrock of the vital American support for Israel, the ultimate
bolthole for all Jews. So Jewish political irrationality seems to be a
rather good example of the saying that "The LORD giveth and the LORD
taketh away". There are many other examples of such perversity (or
"balance"). The sometimes severe side-effects of most pharmaceutical
drugs is an obvious one but there is another ethnic example too, a
rather amusing one. Chinese people are in general smart and patient
people but their rate of traffic accidents in China is about 10 times
higher than what prevails in Western societies. They are brilliant
mathematicians and fearless business entrepreneurs but at the same time
bad drivers!
Conservatives, on the other hand, could be antisemitic on entirely
rational grounds: Namely, the overwhelming Leftism of the Diaspora
Jewish population as a whole. Because they judge the individual,
however, only a tiny minority of conservative-oriented people make such
general judgments. The longer Jews continue on their "stiff-necked"
course, however, the more that is in danger of changing. The children
of Israel have been a stiff necked people since the days of Moses,
however, so they will no doubt continue to vote with their emotions
rather than their reason.
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.
Fortunately for America, though, liberal Jews there are rapidly dying out through intermarriage and failure to reproduce. And the quite poisonous liberal Jews of Israel are not much better off. Judaism is slowly returning to Orthodoxy and the Orthodox tend to be conservative.
The above is good testimony to the accuracy of the basic conservative
insight that almost anything in human life is too complex to be reduced
to any simple rule and too complex to be reduced to any rule at all
without allowance for important exceptions to the rule concerned
"Why should the German be interested in the liberation of the Jew,
if the Jew is not interested in the liberation of the German?... We
recognize in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the
present time... In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is
the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.... Indeed, in North America,
the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has
achieved as its unambiguous and normal expression that the preaching of
the Gospel itself and the Christian ministry have become articles of
trade... Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other
god may exist". Who said that? Hitler? No. It was Karl Marx. See also here and here and here.
For roughly two centuries now, antisemitism has, throughout the
Western world, been principally associated with Leftism (including the
socialist Hitler) -- as it is to this day. See here.
Leftists call their hatred of Israel "Anti-Zionism" but Zionists are only a small minority in Israel
Some of the Leftist hatred of Israel is motivated by old-fashioned
antisemitism (beliefs in Jewish "control" etc.) but most of it is just
the regular Leftist hatred of success in others. And because the
societies they inhabit do not give them the vast amount of recognition
that their large but weak egos need, some of the most virulent haters
of Israel and America live in those countries. So the hatred is the
product of pathologically high self-esteem.
Their threatened egos sometimes drive Leftists into quite desperate
flights from reality. For instance, they often call Israel an
"Apartheid state" -- when it is in fact the Arab states that practice
Apartheid -- witness the severe restrictions on Christians in Saudi
Arabia. There are no such restrictions in Israel.
If the Palestinians put down their weapons, there'd be peace. If the Israelis put down their weapons, there'd be genocide.

Alfred Dreyfus, a reminder of French antisemitism still relevant today
Eugenio Pacelli, a righteous Gentile, a true man of God and a brilliant Pope
Many people hunger and thirst after righteousness. Some find it in the
hatreds of the Left. Others find it in the love of Christ. I don't
hunger and thirst after righteousness at all. I hunger and thirst after
truth. How old-fashioned can you get?
The kneejerk response of the Green/Left to people who challenge them is
to say that the challenger is in the pay of "Big Oil", "Big Business",
"Big Pharma", "Exxon-Mobil", "The Pioneer Fund" or some other entity
that they see, in their childish way, as a boogeyman. So I think it
might be useful for me to point out that I have NEVER received one cent
from anybody by way of support for what I write. As a retired person, I
live entirely on my own investments. I do not work for anybody and I
am not beholden to anybody. And I have NO investments in oil companies,
mining companies or "Big Pharma"
UPDATE: Despite my (statistical) aversion to mining stocks, I have
recently bought a few shares in BHP -- the world's biggest miner, I
gather. I run the grave risk of becoming a speaker of famous last words
for saying this but I suspect that BHP is now so big as to be largely
immune from the risks that plague most mining companies. I also know of
no issue affecting BHP where my writings would have any relevance. The
Left seem to have a visceral hatred of miners. I have never quite
figured out why.
I imagine that few of my readers will understand it, but I am an
unabashed monarchist. And, as someone who was born and bred in a
monarchy and who still lives there (i.e. Australia), that gives me no
conflicts at all. In theory, one's respect for the monarchy does not
depend on who wears the crown but the impeccable behaviour of the
present Queen does of course help perpetuate that respect. Aside from
my huge respect for the Queen, however, my favourite member of the Royal
family is the redheaded Prince Harry. The Royal family is of course a
military family and Prince Harry is a great example of that. As one of
the world's most privileged people, he could well be an idle layabout
but instead he loves his life in the army. When his girlfriend Chelsy
ditched him because he was so often away, Prince Harry said: "I love
Chelsy but the army comes first". A perfect military man! I doubt that
many women would understand or approve of his attitude but perhaps my
own small army background powers my approval of that attitude.
I imagine that most Americans might find this rather mad -- but I
believe that a constitutional Monarchy is the best form of government
presently available. Can a libertarian be a Monarchist? I think so
-- and prominent British libertarian Sean Gabb seems to think so too! Long live the Queen! (And note that Australia ranks well above the USA on the Index of Economic freedom. Heh!)
Throughout Europe there is an association between monarchism and
conservatism. It is a little sad that American conservatives do not
have access to that satisfaction. So even though Australia is much more
distant from Europe (geographically) than the USA is, Australia is in
some ways more of an outpost of Europe than America is! Mind you:
Australia is not very atypical of its region. Australia lies just South
of Asia -- and both Japan and Thailand have greatly respected
monarchies. And the demise of the Cambodian monarchy was disastrous for
Throughout the world today, possession of a U.S. or U.K. passport is
greatly valued. I once shared that view. Developments in recent years
have however made me profoundly grateful that I am a 5th generation
Australian. My Australian passport is a door into a much less
oppressive and much less messed-up place than either the USA or Britain
Following the Sotomayor precedent, I would hope that a wise older white
man such as myself with the richness of that experience would more
often than not reach a better conclusion than someone who hasn’t lived
that life.
IQ and ideology: Most academics are Left-leaning. Why? Because very
bright people who have balls go into business, while very bright people
with no balls go into academe. I did both with considerable success,
which makes me a considerable rarity. Although I am a born academic, I
have always been good with money too. My share portfolio even survived
the GFC in good shape. The academics hate it that bright people with
balls make more money than them.
I have no hesitation in saying that the single book which has influenced me most is the New Testament. And my Scripture blog
will show that I know whereof I speak. Some might conclude that I must
therefore be a very confused sort of atheist but I can assure everyone
that I do not feel the least bit confused. The New Testament is a
lighthouse that has illumined the thinking of all sorts of men and women
and I am deeply grateful that it has shone on me.
I am rather pleased to report that I am a lifelong conservative. Out of
intellectual curiosity, I did in my youth join organizations from right
across the political spectrum so I am certainly not closed-minded and
am very familiar with the full spectrum of political thinking.
Nonetheless, I did not have to undergo the lurch from Left to Right that
so many people undergo. At age 13 I used my pocket-money to subscribe
to the "Reader's Digest" -- the main conservative organ available in
small town Australia of the 1950s. I have learnt much since but am
pleased and amused to note that history has since confirmed most of what
I thought at that early age. Conservatism is in touch with reality.
Leftism is not.
I imagine that the RD are still sending mailouts to my 1950s address
Most teenagers have sporting and movie posters on their bedroom walls. At age 14 I had a map of Taiwan on my wall.
"Remind me never to get this guy mad at me" -- Instapundit
It seems to be a common view that you cannot talk informatively about a
country unless you have been there. I completely reject that view but
it is nonetheless likely that some Leftist dimbulb will at some stage
aver that any comments I make about politics and events in the USA
should not be heeded because I am an Australian who has lived almost all
his life in Australia. I am reluctant to pander to such ignorance in
the era of the "global village" but for the sake of the argument I might
mention that I have visited the USA 3 times -- spending enough time in
Los Angeles and NYC to get to know a fair bit about those places at
least. I did however get outside those places enough to realize that
they are NOT America.
"Intellectual" = Leftist dreamer. I have more publications in the
academic journals than almost all "public intellectuals" but I am never
called an intellectual and nor would I want to be. Call me a scholar or
an academic, however, and I will accept either as a just and earned
My academic background
My full name is Dr. John Joseph RAY. I am a former university teacher
aged 65 at the time of writing in 2009. I was born of Australian
pioneer stock in 1943 at Innisfail in the State of Queensland in
Australia. I trace my ancestry wholly to the British Isles. After an
early education at Innisfail State Rural School and Cairns State High
School, I taught myself for matriculation. I took my B.A. in Psychology
from the University of Queensland in Brisbane. I then moved to Sydney
(in New South Wales, Australia) and took my M.A. in psychology from the
University of Sydney in 1969 and my Ph.D. from the School of
Behavioural Sciences at Macquarie University in 1974. I first tutored
in psychology at Macquarie University and then taught sociology at the
University of NSW. My doctorate is in psychology but I taught mainly
sociology in my 14 years as a university teacher. In High Schools I
taught economics. I have taught in both traditional and "progressive"
(low discipline) High Schools. Fuller biographical notes here
I completed the work for my Ph.D. at the end of 1970 but the degree was
not awarded until 1974 -- due to some academic nastiness from Seymour
Martin Lipset and Fred Emery. A conservative or libertarian who makes
it through the academic maze has to be at least twice as good as the
average conformist Leftist. Fortunately, I am a born academic.
Despite my great sympathy and respect for Christianity, I am the most
complete atheist you could find. I don't even believe that the word
"God" is meaningful. I am not at all original in that view, of course.
Such views are particularly associated with the noted German
philosopher Rudolf Carnap. Unlike Carnap, however, none of my wives
have committed suicide
Very occasionally in my writings I make reference to the greats of
analytical philosophy such as Carnap and Wittgenstein. As philosophy is
a heavily Leftist discipline however, I have long awaited an attack
from some philosopher accusing me of making coat-trailing references not
backed by any real philosophical erudition. I suppose it is
encouraging that no such attacks have eventuated but I thought that I
should perhaps forestall them anyway -- by pointing out that in my
younger days I did complete three full-year courses in analytical
philosophy (at 3 different universities!) and that I have had papers on
mainstream analytical philosophy topics published in academic journals
As well as being an academic, I am an army man and I am pleased and
proud to say that I have worn my country's uniform. Although my service
in the Australian army was chiefly noted for its un-notability, I DID
join voluntarily in the Vietnam era, I DID reach the rank of Sergeant,
and I DID volunteer for a posting in Vietnam. So I think I may be
forgiven for saying something that most army men think but which most
don't say because they think it is too obvious: The profession of arms
is the noblest profession of all because it is the only profession where
you offer to lay down your life in performing your duties. Our men
fought so that people could say and think what they like but I myself
always treat military men with great respect -- respect which in my
view is simply their due.
A real army story here
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day and there is JUST ONE saying
of Hitler's that I rather like. It may not even be original to him but
it is found in chapter 2 of Mein Kampf (published in 1925):
"Widerstaende sind nicht da, dass man vor ihnen kapituliert, sondern
dass man sie bricht". The equivalent English saying is "Difficulties
exist to be overcome" and that traces back at least to the 1920s -- with
attributions to Montessori and others. Hitler's metaphor is however
one of smashing barriers rather than of politely hopping over them and I
am myself certainly more outspoken than polite. Hitler's colloquial
Southern German is notoriously difficult to translate but I think I can
manage a reasonable translation of that saying: "Resistance is there
not for us to capitulate to but for us to break". I am quite sure that I
don't have anything like that degree of determination in my own life
but it seems to me to be a good attitude in general anyway
I have used many sites to post my writings over the years and many have
gone bad on me for various reasons. So if you click on a link here to
my other writings you may get a "page not found" response if the link
was put up some time before the present. All is not lost, however. All
my writings have been reposted elsewhere. If you do strike a failed
link, just take the filename (the last part of the link) and add it to
the address of any of my current home pages and -- Voila! -- you should
find the article concerned.
COMMENTS: I have gradually added comments facilities to all my blogs.
The comments I get are interesting. They are mostly from Leftists and
most consist either of abuse or mere assertions. Reasoned arguments
backed up by references to supporting evidence are almost unheard of
from Leftists. Needless to say, I just delete such useless comments.
You can email me here
(Hotmail address). In emailing me, you can address me as "John", "Jon",
"Dr. Ray" or "JR" and that will be fine -- but my preference is for
Index page for this site
"Tongue Tied"
"Dissecting Leftism" (Backup here)
"Australian Politics"
"Education Watch International"
"Political Correctness Watch"
"Greenie Watch"
"Food & Health Skeptic"
"Eye on Britain"
"Immigration Watch International" blog.
"Marx & Engels in their own words"
"A scripture blog"
"Some memoirs"
To be continued ....
Queensland Police -- A barrel with lots of bad apples
Australian Police News
Of Interest
"Leftists as Elitists"
Socialized Medicine
Western Heart
QANTAS -- A dying octopus
BRIAN LEITER (Ladderman)
Obama Watch
Obama Watch (2)
Dissecting Leftism -- Large font site
Michael Darby
The Kogarah Madhouse (St George Bank)
AGL -- A bumbling monster
Telstra/Bigpond follies
Optus bungling
Vodafrauds (vodafone)
Bank of Queensland blues
There are also two blogspot blogs which record what I think are my main recent articles here and here. Similar content can be more conveniently accessed via my subject-indexed list of short articles here or here (I rarely write long articles these days)
Main academic menu
Menu of recent writings
basic home page
Pictorial Home Page (Backup here).
Selected pictures from blogs (Backup here)
Another picture page (Best with broadband. Rarely updated)
Note: If the link to one of my articles is not working, the
article concerned can generally be viewed by prefixing to the filename
the following: