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30 January, 2015
Fat: A big backflip underway
Up until a couple of years ago, we were all told that being fat was
bad for us. Then we heard that fat could be OK. Now fat is positively
GOOD for you. Could there be any better evidence of government wisdom
being often wrong? In this matter, ignoring government pronouncements
would clearly have been the wisest course
Because many diabetics
are overweight, health crusaders have long argued that obesity causes
diabetes -- ignoring the fact that most overweight people are not
diabetic. But obsessive eating and drinking is a symptom of diabetes so
the most reasonable conclusion is that diabetes causes obesity, not the
other way around. But never expect logic from people with a barrow to
Fat can PROTECT you against obesity and diabetes, improving blood sugar control and metabolism, study finds
It has long been thought to be the enemy of the waistline. But fat can
actually protect people against obesity and developing diabetes,
scientists have today claimed.
Before reaching for a cream cake though, take note - it is 'good' brown
fat that is beneficial to the body, not white fat, which is amassed from
gorging on too many calories.
Adults have a small amount of healthy brown fat, usually found in the
front and back of the neck and upper back, which burns calories in order
to generate heat.
In contrast, white fat is troublesome. It is the result of eating too
many calories and is stored around the stomach, thighs and forms the
dreaded love handle.
Brown fat, usually found in the front and back of the neck and upper
back, can actually protect against obesity and diabetes, a study has
A new study has revealed for the first time, those people with higher
levels of brown fat have better blood sugar control, higher insulin
sensitivity and a better metabolism for burning white fat stores.
The findings suggest the ability of brown fat to better regulate levels
of sugar in the blood, could make it a potential medical weapon against
Employers Who Dump Workers onto Medicaid: The New Corporate Welfare Queens?
There have been a lot of predictions about the future of employer-based
health benefits under Obamacare. Reports suggest that increasing numbers
of small businesses are dropping health benefits and sending their
employees to Obamacare's insurance exchanges, where they are partially
Other businesses have found a bigger cost-shifting approach. BeneStream,
a new benefits advisor, advises employers how to make their workers
dependent on Medicaid, a welfare program fully funded by taxpayers. And
businesses are taking advantage of its advice.
So: Are these employers corporate welfare queens? Well, it depends on
how you look at it. On the one hand, Medicaid is welfare. It is
disturbing to see Medicaid categorized as "health insurance" in the same
way employer-based benefits or individually owned policies are. Nobody
would consider someone in a homeless shelter to be "housed" in the way
that someone paying rent or a mortgage is.
On the other hand, these employers pay corporate income taxes, which
many economists consider double or triple taxation (because both the
employees and investors have also paid income taxes). So, one way to
look at their taking advantage of Medicaid could be to categorize it as a
perverse sort of tax rebate.
Whichever way you look at it, it is not an outcome that the politicians who gave us Obamacare told us to expect.
Study: 2014's Employment Boom Almost Entirely Due to the Expiration of Unemployment Benefits
Those who've listened to President Obama's speeches over the past couple
months have heard him boast that 2014 has seen impressive improvements
in the labor market - the best year in job creation since 1999, he
points out, and he's right. But there's no obvious explanation for why
2014 has been, by a good margin, the best year of a weak jobs recovery.
The president has naturally credited his policies (without any
justification). But what if 2014's jobs boom is mostly thanks to the
expiration of a program that the Obama administration and Democrats
fervently pushed to renew?
That's the finding of a new NBER working paper from three economists -
Marcus Hagedorn, Kurt Mitman, and Iourii Manovskii - who contend that
the ending of federally extended unemployment benefits across the
country at the end of 2013 explains much of the labor-market boom in
About 60 percent of the job creation in 2014, 1.8 million jobs, they
find, can be attributed to the end of the extended-benefits program.
That's a huge amount, and suggests that long-term unemployment benefits,
while there's a good charitable case for them, could have played a big
role in the ongoing lassitude of our labor market. (Indeed, an earlier
working paper from a few of the same authors argued that extended
benefits raised the unemployment rate during the Great Recession by
three percentage points; see a summary of that paper here.)
So what was the program Democrats wanted to renew? States run their own
unemployment-insurance programs, which provide around 26 weeks of
benefits to people who've lost jobs and are looking for new ones. But
during the recent recession, as they have in other downturns, Congress
repeatedly authorized federal extensions that allowed people to draw
benefits for much longer. At the end of 2013, the Senate narrowly passed
a renewal of the program, but the House never took it up and the
extensions, already much longer than any previous recession had seen,
This created something of a "natural experiment." States had
unemployment-insurance programs of widely varying length - they ranged
from 40 weeks up to 73, roughly - but after the end of the federal
extensions at the start of 2014, the duration of benefits in almost all
states went back to around 26 weeks.
The paper uses that shift to examine how expiring benefits might have
affected the labor market, and they find that the expiration of extended
benefits produced a big boost to job creation, labor-force
participation, and hiring. It's a dramatically different result than
what the White House and Democrats were predicting at the end of 2013:
The Obama administration was predicting that the drop-off in stimulative
spending from the expiration would cost 240,000 jobs, while the NBER
paper finds that it created 1.8 million jobs.
The authors don't think this happened the way you think it might: It's
not so much that the cut-off drove individuals on benefits back to work,
but more that less-generous benefits actually spurred job creation on a
macro level, getting employers to hire and drawing into the labor force
people who hadn't been looking for a job. They don't lay out how that
worked, but in their October 2013 paper, argue that extended
unemployment benefits artificially boosts wages - when they expire,
employers then boost job openings and start hiring people.
Of course, the usual caveats apply: This is not a perfect experiment at
all, and the paper, while very rigorous, can't get past the fact that
it's just crunching numbers about macro trends. And there are some
concerns with the authors' county-level data, though they try to make up
for that.
The simplest form of the analysis was just looking at states that had
long benefit terms versus short ones. In 2013, job creation was worse in
more generous states than the national average; in 2014, after those
states dropped their much more generous programs, it was much better
than the national average:
There's a lot more analysis they did, which I won't get into - but to
untangle related effects, they look at neighboring counties in states
with different unemployment regimes, etc.
Now, this is just one paper and it involves some fancy econometrics, but
it answers an unresolved question - why 2014 saw the labor market perk
up (there's also a possible end-of-austerity explanation, but it's the
labor market, not the economy overall, that's really improved
It should prompt passionate supporters of the extended
unemployment-insurance program to consider whether it made as much sense
as they thought. Even conservative economists, such as Michael Strain,
pushed for the extension of long-term benefits. The length and scale of
benefits during the Great Recession was unprecedented, but advocates for
the program argued that this was necessary so long as unemployment, and
especially long-term unemployment, remained historically elevated.
Besides the moral case for supporting the unemployed, the
market-friendly case for extending benefits is that one has to be
searching for a job to get them. Cut the benefits, and you'll see the
long-term unemployed drop out of the labor force for good, the argument
went. (It's extremely hard to tell what did happen with these people
when benefits expired, and the NBER paper here doesn't comment on that.)
Advocates for extended benefits also argued that it was just an
effective form of stimulus for the economy, because recipients spend
their benefits immediately. That was always a pretty lame case, since
the program's value to the economy in spending terms - in the Obama
White House's generous estimation, 240,000 jobs in 2014 - would probably
be outweighed if either side's arguments about the labor-market effects
proved mostly true. Indeed, if the new NBER paper is right, letting
benefits expire produced 7.5 times as many jobs as the White House said
it would cost.
The general economic consensus has always been that unemployment
insurance slightly boosts the unemployment rate. Even liberal economists
accept this, although they lampoon the idea that people might prefer
benefits to working (that isn't the point, Paul - people act at the
margin). But we still have unemployment insurance, of course, because we
want a safety net for people in the event of job loss. That just has to
be balanced against the costs that the program imposes on the labor
market. The new NBER paper doesn't find that those costs in general are
much higher than economists generally assume; rather, it suggests that
the benefits of reining in long-term programs can be quite substantial.
There was always good reason to think this is the case: One of the many
differences between American and European labor markets is that most of
the latter have unemployment benefits systems of effectively unlimited
duration - and much higher levels of structural unemployment.
FDIC Changes Tactics in Response to Operation Choke Point
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. has acknowledged its role in
Operation Choke Point and is taking dramatic steps to reverse its
policies in targeting legal and legitimate industries that are
disfavored by the Obama administration.
"We're very pleased they've acknowledged their wrongdoing and they've
accepted our suggestions to put in place measures to stop this
activity," Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Mo., told The Daily Signal in a
phone call this morning.
Luetkemeyer, a member of the House Financial Services Committee and
leader in the fight to end Operation Choke Point, met with FDIC Chairman
Martin Gruenbery and Vice Chairman Thomas Hoenig earlier today as a
follow-up to concerns voiced last November.
The Justice Department contends that Operation Choke Point combats
unlawful, mass-market consumer fraud by "choking" their access to
banking systems. But a report by the House Oversight Committee found the
program's targets, under direction of the FDIC, included legal
businesses such as short-term lenders, firearms and ammunition
merchants, coin dealers, tobacco sellers and home-based charities.
To address concerned raised about Operation Choke Point, the FDIC will
now require bank examiners to put in writing any recommendation or
requirement for an account termination.
The examiner will also be required to indicate what law or regulation
they believe the bank or the customer of the bank is violating.
The policy shift was announced today in an official Financial
Institution Letter sent to all FDIC supervisory staff. In it, the FDIC
The FDIC is aware that some institutions may be hesitant to provide
certain types of banking services due to concerns that they will be
unable to comply with the associated requirements of the Bank Secrecy
Act (BSA). The FDIC and the other federal banking agencies recognize
that as a practical matter, it is not possible for a financial
institution to detect and report all potentially illicit transactions
that flow through an institution.
The letter reiterates that decisions on accounts need to be made on a
case-by-case basis and stresses they should not be made based on
industry or moral objection.
The Daily Signal has reported multiple cases of legal business owners
being dropped by their banks and payment processors simply because their
industry is considered a "reputational risk."
Last December, a 20-page investigative report by the House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee detailed FDIC officials working closely
with the Justice Department to implement Operation Choke Point.
Emails unearthed by investigators showed employees scheming to influence
banks' decisions on who to do business with by labeling certain
industries "reputational risks," ensuring banks "get the message" about
the businesses the regulators don't like, and pressuring banks to cut
credit or close those accounts, effectively discouraging entire
FDIC officials were also seen inserting their personal and moral opinions into banking decisions.
"The FDIC has allowed a culture within their agency to blossom that they
believe it's OK to impose their personal opinions and value system in a
regulatory way," says Luetkemeyer. "They are not a regulatory
police-their job is to enforce the law."
Luetkemeyer left his meeting this morning pleased that the FDIC has
implemented the majority of his proposed policy changes
administratively, but says he still intends to move forward with a bill
introduced last year that aims at ending Operation Choke Point.
Luetkemeyer says the FDIC also intends to work with the Justice
Department's inspector general to investigate Operation Choke Point and
hold those within the FDIC accountable for any wrongdoings.
"We're pleased that they're working with the [inspector general] so that
they can change the culture of what goes on in their agency," he said.
"But we're not going to take anything off of the table until we get this
program stopped."
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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here (Personal)
29 January, 2015
Leftists are cold bastards
The psychology of politics was my specialty during my research career
and one of the most striking things I noted at that time was the way
Leftist psychologists would spin ANYTHING they found in a way
detrimental to conservatives. So I occasionally showed how you could do
some reverse spinning and pointed out ways in which the findings were
detrimental to liberals. The sort of data collected by political
psychologists tend to be vague enough to make many interpretations
equally feasible. It probably needs to be like that. Straightforward
findings would likely be too uncomfortable to Leftists.
So the
research reported below is rather fun. The authors have definitely had a
challenge in spinning the findings their way. From data with VERY
contestable meaning they claim to have found that conservatives are
"holistic" thinkers and liberals are "analytic" thinkers. And they have
to admit that both styles have their uses.
That amused me
immediately. Who are the great advocates of "holistic" thinking in the
world today? Alternative medicine freaks. Not a notably conservative
group. So I think alternative interpretations of the findings are
clearly called for.
I think a clue lies in the finding that
liberals are extreme outliers in the human population. Conservatives are
more normal. Combine that with the finding that liberals are more
socially isolated and I think you have a far-reaching conclusion:
liberals are emotionally cold. Most of humanity values its relationships
with others highly. So do conservatives. Liberals do not. Family is all
in many human sub-groups but from Marx onwards Leftists have always
despised the family. And conservative Christians always stress the
importance of family.
That liberals are emotionally cold can be
summed up in a famous utterance by Stalin. "One death is a tragedy. A
million deaths is a statistic." That the great socialist murderers --
Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Jong un -- were/are emotionally
cold has great explanatory value. How could they do what they did
An abbreviated account of the study below plus the journal abstract
Political conservatives in the United States are somewhat like East
Asians in the way they think, categorize and perceive. Liberals in the
U.S. could be categorized as extreme Americans in thought,
categorization and perception. That is the gist of a new University of
Virginia cultural psychology study, published recently in
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
"We found in our study that
and conservatives think as if they were from completely different
cultures - almost as different as East and West," said study leader
Thomas Talhelm, a U.Va. doctoral candidate in cultural psychology.
"Liberals and conservatives categorize and perceive things differently,
just as East Asians and Westerners look differently at the world."
According to Talhelm, political conservatives in the United States,
generally, and East Asians, particularly, are intuitive or "holistic"
thinkers, while Westerners, generally, and American liberals, in
particular, are more analytical thinkers.
The so-called "culture war," he said, is an accurate if dramatic way to
state that there are clear cultural differences in the thought processes
of liberals and conservatives.
"On psychological tests, Westerners tend to view scenes, explain
behavior and categorize objects analytically," Talhelm said. "But the
vast majority of people around the world - about 85 percent - more often
think intuitively - what psychologists call holistic thought, and we
found that's how conservative Americans tend to think."
Holistic thought more often uses intention and the perception of whole
objects or situations, rather than breaking them down to their parts -
such as having a general feeling about a situation involving intuition
or tact.
There is value in both ways of thinking, Talhelm said. Intuitive
thinking likely is the "default" style most people are born with, while
analytical thinking generally must be learned, usually through training,
such as in Western-style school systems.
Psychologists test thought styles by giving study participants a short
battery of tests to determine if they are holistic or analytic thinkers.
One such test asks participants to choose two of three items to
categorize together, such as a mitten, a scarf, and a hand. Analytic
thinkers usually match the scarf and mitten because they belong to the
same abstract category - items of winter clothing. Holistic thinkers
usually match the mitten and hand because the hand wears a mitten.
He noted that liberals in the West tend to live in urban or suburban
areas and often have fairly weak social and community ties, move more
often and are less traditionally religious. They are more
individualistic than conservatives and very unlike most people in
Eastern cultures.
Conservatives, on the other hand, tend to be more connected to their
communities and may live in the same areas throughout their lives,
maintaining strong social and familial bonds and commitments, and are
more traditionally religious. This puts them more in line with the
holistic-thinking majority of the world.
Liberals Think More Analytically (More "WEIRD") Than Conservatives
Thomas Talhelm et al.
Henrich, Heine, and Norenzayan summarized cultural differences in
psychology and argued that people from one particular culture are
outliers: people from societies that are Western, educated,
industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD). This study shows that
liberals think WEIRDer than conservatives. In five studies with more
than 5,000 participants, we found that liberals think more analytically
(an element of WEIRD thought) than moderates and conservatives. Study 3
replicates this finding in the very different political culture of
China, although it held only for people in more modernized urban
centers. These results suggest that liberals and conservatives in the
same country think as if they were from different cultures. Studies 4 to
5 show that briefly training people to think analytically causes them
to form more liberal opinions, whereas training them to think
holistically causes shifts to more conservative opinions.
A personal note: I think that some people drawn to Leftist causes are
genuinely compassionate and caring people who are VERY emotional about
suffering they see in the world. They let their feelings swamp their
thought processes. But they are too soft to get far in Leftist politics.
It is the machine men like Joseph Stalin who rise to the top. And
Stalin very smartly killed off all the old Bolsheviks, some of whom
would seem to have genuinely cared about the welfare of the average
So the Leftist population is probably bi-modal --
comprised of two distinct groups: the useful fools and the hard men
lusting for power. But no psychological survey would ever show that. The
hard men know the camouflage they need to wear and will present
themselves as caring every time. In my surveys I routinely found
Leftists emphatically disclaiming many of the motives -- such as
authoritarianism -- that we know to be typical of the Left. The hard men
are skilful liars.
So there is a balance to be sought in
emotionality. If you are too emotional in your reactions you are likely
to be used as a tool by the hard men. What is needed is moderate
emotionality. And that is what conservsatives seem to have. They can get
emotionally upset about things such as abortion (I do) but they don't
allow feelings to ditch their rationality.
I see myself that
way. Abortion horrifies me and triumphs of life (e.g. when the life of a
very ill baby is saved) bring tears of joy from me. But many things
that bother other people (e.g. household accidents) get no emotional
reaction from me at all. I just deal with them. I don't sweat the small stuff. So I am alexithymic
about minor things but also sentimental about other things -- life
particularly. It is a balance that seems to have served me well in
living a contented and trouble-free life -- JR
Michelle Obama meets Saudi Arabia's King Salman but opts not to wear headscarf
What a fuss the Left would put up had she been a Republican! Instead: Crickets
FOR first lady Michelle Obama, just a few hours in Saudi Arabia were
enough to illustrate the stark limitations under which Saudi women live.
Joining President Barack Obama for a condolence visit after the death of
the King Abdullah, Mrs Obama stepped off of Air Force One wearing long
pants and a long, brightly coloured jacket - but no headscarf.
Under the kingdom's strict dress code for women, Saudi females are
required to wear a headscarf and loose, black robes in public. Most
women in Saudi Arabia cover their hair and face with a veil known as the
But covering one's head is not required for foreigners, and some western
women choose to forego the headscarf while in Saudi Arabia.
As a delegation of dozens of Saudi officials - all men - greeted the
Obamas in Riyadh, some shook hands with Mrs. Obama. Others avoided a
handshake but acknowledged the first lady with a nod as they passed by.
Released Illegal Alien Murders Innocent Store Clerk
President Obama has promised that his immigration executive actions
aren't `amnesty.' He claims that his actions are nothing but an attempt
to refocus manpower towards dealing with real criminals. Apparently,
crossing the border illegally isn't a `real crime.'
The President promises to increase enforcement along the border, but all
we've been seeing is more of the same catch-and-release tactics that
get Americans killed.
Don't believe me? I'd like to introduce you to Apolinar Altamirano. This
29 year-old illegal alien has been in and out of police custody for
years. In 2012, he was arrested and CONVICTED of burglary. He was not
deported and was subsequently let out of prison.
He was cited for trespassing at a convenience store on January 9th of
this year and was subsequently served with an injunction for harassment a
few days later.
If the Obama administration did their job and deported this criminal, as the law requires, they might have saved a life.
Instead, Apolinar Altamirano was released on bond. He promptly returned
to the convenience store and allegedly murdered the store clerk over a
box of cigarettes.
We hear about this far too often. How the Obama administration catches
an illegal alien only to release them and allow them to murder, rape, or
assault innocent Americans.
It's become so common that we've been desensitized to it.
The fact of the matter is that our immigration system is designed the
way it is for a reason. Inevitably, illegal aliens are going to slip
through the cracks. They are going to get in this country because
politicians in both parties refuse to actually protect the border.
But eventually, they mess up. Eventually, they get caught speeding,
drunk driving, or are arrested on lesser charges. The law says that they
must be deported. Obama says the opposite.
Instead of using these lesser arrests as an opportunity to deport these
criminal illegal aliens, the administration chooses to release them back
into the population.
They had an illegal alien in custody who was CONVICTED of burglary. He
was caught, arrested, and given a fair trial where a jury of Americans
determined he was guilty.
If an American had committed the crime, they would still be in jail. But in Obama's America, illegal aliens get off.
Enough is enough. Newly elected Senator Joni Ernst put it simply: "We
are legislators, the President is not, and we need to stop that
executive overreach, and that includes executive amnesty."
Obama's executive amnesty has made it open season for illegal alien murderers, rapists, and violent criminals.
Instead of protecting the country and upholding the constitution - which
Obama swore to do - he has opened the floodgates for illegal aliens to
pretty much do whatever they want without fear of deportation.
The threshold for getting deported is now ridiculously high. I mean,
look at this case. Apolinar Altamirano was caught on videotape murdering
a store clerk. He also has a prior conviction.
Yet, Immigration officials are still debating whether he should be
deported or not! This is lunacy! I hardly recognize this country
The liberal media's pro-abortion bias is out there for all to see
The Annual March for Life, which attracted over 200,000 participants
from around the country, marked the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the
Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationally.
The response to this massive event from the big three networks?
ABC: 0 minutes
NBC: 0 minutes
CBS: .25 minutes
If these were a few dozen hipsters protesting corporate profits while
taking selfies with iPhones, the networks would have wall-to-wall
But the media cannot be bothered to cover 200,000 pro-lifers who came to
Washington in the middle of winter to march for the unborn.
It's shameful. If you're throwing Molotov cocktails at police officers,
the media will provide sympathetic coverage to your cause. If you're
standing up for the most vulnerable in our society, the media turn a
deaf ear.
With each passing day, the media continue to hemorrhage their credibility.
In response, twenty two leading pro-life organizations joined the Media
Research Center to sign a statement chastising the networks for their
near blackout of the 2015 March for Life.
Email from MRC
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
28 January, 2015
Will this finally squash the anti-salt crusaders?
The latest research report, appearing in a top journal (Abstract
below), shows that eating a lot of salt does NOT lead to high blood
pressure, heart disease or early death. The bad effect of salt was a
great theory but, like many theories, it was an oversimplification and
wrong. I have previously noted several other recent research reports
that exonerate salt so I hope that this is now the end of the nonsense
Dietary Sodium Content, Mortality, and Risk for Cardiovascular Events in Older Adults
The Health, Aging, and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study
Andreas P. Kalogeropoulos et al.
Additional information is needed about the role of dietary sodium on health outcomes in older adults.
To examine the association between dietary sodium intake and mortality,
incident cardiovascular disease (CVD), and incident heart failure (HF)
in older adults.
Design, Setting, and Participants
We analyzed 10-year follow-up data from 2642 older adults (age range,
71-80 years) participating in a community-based, prospective cohort
study (inception between April 1, 1997, and July 31, 1998).
Dietary sodium intake at baseline was assessed by a food frequency
questionnaire. We examined sodium intake as a continuous variable and as
a categorical variable at the following levels: less than 1500 mg/d
(291 participants [11.0%]), 1500 to 2300 mg/d (779 participants
[29.5%]), and greater than 2300 mg/d (1572 participants [59.5%]).
Main Outcomes and Measures
Adjudicated death, incident CVD, and incident HF during 10 follow-up
years. Analysis of incident CVD was restricted to 1981 participants
without prevalent CVD at baseline.
The mean (SD) age of participants was 73.6 (2.9) years, 51.2% were
female, 61.7% were of white race, and 38.3% were black. After 10 years,
881 participants had died, 572 had developed CVD, and 398 had developed
HF. In adjusted Cox proportional hazards regression models, sodium
intake was not associated with mortality (hazard ratio [HR] per 1 g,
1.03; 95% CI, 0.98-1.09; P?=?.27). Ten-year mortality was
nonsignificantly lower in the group receiving 1500 to 2300 mg/d (30.7%)
than in the group receiving less than 1500 mg/d (33.8%) and the group
receiving greater than 2300 mg/d (35.2%) (P?=?.07). Sodium intake of
greater than 2300 mg/d was associated with nonsignificantly higher
mortality in adjusted models (HR vs 1500-2300 mg/d, 1.15; 95% CI,
0.99-1.35; P?=?.07). Indexing sodium intake for caloric intake and body
mass index did not materially affect the results. Adjusted HRs for
mortality were 1.20 (95% CI, 0.93-1.54; P?=?.16) per milligram per
kilocalorie and 1.11 (95% CI, 0.96-1.28; P?=?.17) per 100 mg/kg/m2 of
daily sodium intake. In adjusted models accounting for the competing
risk for death, sodium intake was not associated with risk for CVD
(subHR per 1 g, 1.03; 95% CI, 0.95-1.11; P?=?.47) or HF (subHR per 1 g,
1.00; 95% CI, 0.92-1.08; P?=?.92). No consistent interactions with sex,
race, or hypertensive status were observed for any outcome.
Conclusions and Relevance
In older adults, food frequency questionnaire-assessed sodium intake was
not associated with 10-year mortality, incident CVD, or incident HF,
and consuming greater than 2300 mg/d of sodium was associated with
nonsignificantly higher mortality in adjusted models.
JAMA Intern Med. Published online January 19, 2015. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.6278
Supreme Court hears Texas case that tests extent of civil rights doctrine
A sharply divided US Supreme Court on Wednesday took up a challenge to
the Fair Housing Act (FHA) in an action that liberal critics say could
gut the major civil rights provision.
At issue in a case from Dallas, Texas, is whether the housing law
authorizes lawsuits over racially neutral measures that nonetheless
disproportionately impact minority residents.
Liberals support the so-called disparate impact theory of civil rights
enforcement, while conservatives warn that such an approach could lead
to racial quotas in housing and other areas.
The case has attracted significant attention, with friend-of-the-court
briefs filed by various civil rights groups, 17 states, and 20 cities
and counties. On the other side, briefs have been filed by a number of
conservative groups and business associations, including insurance
companies, banks, finance companies, and home builders.
The FHA prohibits anyone from refusing to sell, rent, or otherwise make
unavailable a house or apartment to a person because of their race,
religion, or national origin. There is no dispute about this aspect of
the law.
After the FHA was enacted in 1968, federal courts and agencies began
embracing a broader interpretation of the law's scope, concluding that,
in addition to barring intentional discrimination, the statute also
authorizes lawsuits when housing decisions disproportionately harm
minority groups.
The case before the high court involves a lawsuit challenging decisions
by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs in awarding tax
credits for low-income housing in Dallas. The Housing Department sought
to provide new affordable housing in areas where existing housing was
blighted or nonexistent. It sought to do so under race-neutral criteria.
Despite that goal, not everyone was satisfied with the agency's
performance. A Dallas-based group seeking to foster racial integration,
the Inclusive Communities Project, sued the Housing Department because
it said the agency had failed to provide adequate opportunities for
low-income housing in Dallas' more affluent suburbs.
The suit cited a statistical analysis that showed the agency approved
disproportionately more applications for housing in minority
neighborhoods than in more affluent white suburbs.
This selection and allocation of low-income housing units in the Dallas
area was the functional equivalent of intentional racial segregation,
the group charged. Regardless of whether the housing decisions were
based on race-neutral criteria, the end result was a perpetuation of
racial segregation, the ICP said.
The question at the Supreme Court is whether the Fair Housing Act
authorizes such lawsuits based on disparate impacts, or whether the FHA
requires litigants to prove there was an intentional effort to engage in
illegal discrimination.
The hour-long case was presented after an unusual outburst in the
courtroom at the start of the high court session on Wednesday. At least
five protesters shouted out various slogans, including, "One person, one
vote" and "We are the 99 percent." Court security officers restrained
them and quickly ushered them out of the courtroom.
The protests were apparently timed to coincide with the fifth
anniversary of the high court's January 2010 decision in the Citizens
United case. In that case, the court ruled 5 to 4 that corporations and
labor unions have a First Amendment right to spend money on issue
advertisements during election season.
The justices' questions during oral argument in the Texas case suggest
that the court's more liberal members favor the broader interpretation
of the FHA, including allowing disparate impact liability, while the
court's more conservative members are troubled by the implications of
allowing disparate impact claims.
At one point Chief Justice John Roberts asked US Solicitor General
Donald Verrilli which of the actions of a housing authority would be
considered good or bad in terms of a disparate impact on minorities:
revitalizing housing in a low-income area or making low-income housing
available to help integrate more affluent neighborhoods?
Mr. Verrilli acknowledged that there might be difficult questions in
such cases. And he conceded several times that the underlying allegation
in the Texas case might not be a valid disparate-impact claim.
"But which [one] counts [when] you are trying to see if there's a
disparate impact on minorities?" the chief justice asked. One benefits
integration, he said, while the other benefits housing opportunities in
low-income areas.
Verrilli said it is not enough to show a statistical disparity. He said
the plaintiff must also demonstrate that a particular practice is
resulting in a disproportionate impact on minorities.
Chief Justice Roberts persisted. "You say you look at which provision is
having the disparate impact, but I still don't understand which is the
disparate impact."
Verrilli replied that there must an analysis of whether there is a valid justification for the disputed practice.
"You're saying you need the justification, but for what?" Roberts asked.
"Which is the bad thing to do: not promote better housing in the
low-income area or not promote housing integration?"
Verrilli said that either justification might be an acceptable reason to dismiss a lawsuit.
But that response prompted a question from Justice Anthony Kennedy: "Are
you saying that in each case that the chief justice puts, there is
initially a disparate impact?"
"That may be right," Verrilli told Justice Kennedy.
"That seems very odd to me," Kennedy said.
Several justices on the liberal side of the court offered a vigorous defense of the disparate impact approach.
"This has been the law of the United States uniformly . for 35 years,"
Justice Stephen Breyer said. "So why should this court suddenly come in
and reverse an important law which seems to have worked out in a way
that is helpful to many people?"
Texas Solicitor General Scott Keller said that the measure raised stark
equal protection issues that could lead to the functional equivalent of a
quota system in public housing.
In response to the chief justice's questions, Mr. Keller said a state
housing agency could be held liable for disparate impacts under both
"Here the department could have faced disparate impact liability if it
was going to take tax credits and send them to lower-income
neighborhoods or more affluent neighborhoods," he said.
Justice Sonia Sotomayor offered perhaps the most persistent and aggressive defense of the disparate impact approach.
She disputed suggestions by the Texas solicitor general that enforcement
of such claims would inhibit development in blighted areas.
"If I'm right about the theory of disparate impact, and I can tell you
I've studied it very carefully, its intent is to ensure that everyone
who is renting or selling property or making it unavailable is doing so
not on the basis of artificial, arbitrary, or unnecessary hurdles," she
The case is Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project (13-1371).
A decision is expected by late June.
Oxfam, capitalism, and poverty
(Oxfam is a British charity octopus with a heavy Leftist lean)
After Thomas Piketty's "Capital in the 21st Century" told us about
rising inequality, it's perhaps unsurprising that a new report from
Oxfam tells us the global 1% will soon own half of all the world's
wealth. But things are not quite as they seem.
Oxfam's figures look at net wealth, implying that Societe Generale rogue
investment banker Jerome Kerviel is the world's poorest person, and
Michael Jackson was afflicted by the direst poverty before he died.
Ivy League graduates about to start a job as an investment banker at
Goldman Sachs are judged far poorer than rural Indian farmers with the
tiniest amount of capital.
Seven point five per cent of the poorest tenth of the world live in the USA, the figures say, almost as many as live in India.
And the claim that 85 own as much as 3.5bn is even more misleading,
since the bottom 2bn don't have nothing, but negative wealth-something
like $500bn of it.
What's more the global 1% probably contains more Times readers than CEOs
or oil sheikhs-you need own a house worth around œ530,000 to enter it.
All these facts skew Oxfam's figures to make them astonishingly misleading.
Better figures tell a completely different and far more optimistic story.
Global poverty has actually fallen enormously with the rise of global
capitalism. The fraction of the world's population living on less than
$2 a day (measured in constant dollars) has crashed from 69.6 per cent
in 1981 to 43 per cent today.
Even if you take out India and China, where the most spectacular
improvements have been made, and look only at Sub-Saharan Africa, the
worst-off region, there have been improvements. From 1981-2006 8.6
percentage points fewer were living on under $1 a day and 4.9 percentage
points fewer were living on under $2 a day.
In virtually every respect global poverty is falling and poor people are
living longer, better lives. That is less sexy than Oxfam's claims, but
at least it is true.
Tolstoy Exposes the State
Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910) is world-famous for having penned War and Peace,
Anna Karenina, and other novels of nineteenth-century Russia, but the
writer was also well-known in his day for criticizing government power
and championing Christian libertarianism and pacifism. One of the best
examples of his thinking on those topics is his often overlooked
nonfiction book, The Kingdom of God Is Within You (1893), a work
bursting with memorable insights. Although his economic reasoning is
often flawed, Tolstoy has much to offer contemporary political thinkers,
according to Independent Institute Senior Fellow Robert Higgs.
“He even makes an analyst such as [public choice theorist] James
Buchanan, who often complained about people’s ‘romantic’ views of
politics and the state, seem himself utterly romantic,” Higgs writes in
the Winter 2015 issue of The Independent Review.
Here’s one of several quotable passages that Higgs found in the Russian
writer’s unjustly neglected book: “Undisguised criminals and malefactors
do less harm than those who live by legalized violence, disguised by
hypocrisy.” Here’s another: “The good cannot seize power, nor retain it;
to do this men must love power. And love of power is inconsistent with
goodness; but quite consistent with the very opposite qualities—pride,
cunning, cruelty.” More than a century later, Tolstoy’s insights about
government power still sound fresh.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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27 January, 2015
The problem of the "peaceful" Muslims
Given the infernal nuisance that Muslims make of themselves, many of us
would like to send them all back whence they come. Let them murder
one-another -- which they already do with great enthusiasm -- and leave
us alone.
But there is the difficulty -- constantly drummed into us by Leftists --
that the Jihadis mounting terrorist attacks in the Western world are
only the tiniest fraction of the Muslim population. So is it fair to
penalize the many for the deeds of the few? That is the problem I wish
to address.
Muslims are like Catholics. They may regularly go to church/Mosque but
they disobey much that their faith commands. Catholics, for instance,
almost all use contraception and get divorced if in a bad marriage.
And the commandments of Islam are even more onerous than Roman doctrine.
The slightest reading of the Koran -- and I read all of it in my teens
-- will tell you that it is a supremacist religion. White supremacism is
way out of fashion now but religious supremacism is alive and well in
the Koran. And there are many Mullahs who energetically remind Muslims
of their obligations in that direction. They preach Jihad against
non-Muslims with perfect Koranic justification. And the Jihadis are in
fact the obedient Muslims. They do what the Koran commands.
But 99% of Muslims have enough brains to see that any hope of
subjugating Western civilization is totally hopeless -- so do nothing
towards subjugating anyone outside their own families. But most DO
harbour disrespect for Western ways. They think that they, as Muslims
are superior by way of having the true faith even if they are careful
about how they behave. But they do on occasions push their luck. They
wave placards and shout their silly slogans. But once they start pushing
or attacking people around them the police usually suppress them in
some way.
Australia's main Muslim problem is with Lebanese Muslims. Many Lebanese
Muslim young men make their feelings of superiority obvious in minor
ways. They make themselves obnoxious by pushing past peple without
apology, harassing women etc. And some of them of course join criminal
gangs. The Sydney police have a "Middle Eastern Crime Squad" devoted to
The point to note, however, is that the hostility to the rest of us is
there among Muslims generally even if they rarely have the guts to do
anything about it.
And that is what justfies restraining action against the Muslim
community in general. They cannot be blamed for the deeds of the few but
they can be blamed for providing the sea in which the jihadis swim.
They provide community support and encouragement to the jihadis. The
problem is the religion.
So a Western national leader might well address his Muslim residents as follows:
"Would you like to have a person hostile to you living with you in your
own house? Obviously not. And we in this country don't like to have
living among us a class of people who are hostile to us. And it is sadly
clear that many Muslim people in this country are hostile to the rest
of us and our ways. Many Muslims living in this country came to us as
refugees or in search of a better life and we have always been glad to
give a safe place to refugees and support opportunity for all. But we
expect gratitude for what we have done for such people, rather than
hostility. And we normally get that -- but not from Muslims on many
occasions. So I say to you now: Either go back to a place and people you
like better or abandon your hostility to us. If you stay here we expect
you to become one of us. We expect you to adapt to us rather than us
adapting to you.
And we all know that your feelings of superiority and hostility to us
originate in your religion. What you do reflects the teachings of the
Koran and what your Mullahs tell you. So if you wish to remain among us
you must change your religion. You have six months to either depart
these shores or instead develop a new religious affiliation.
To encourage that I am going to legislate that the restrictions which
presently apply to Christians in Saudi Arabia apply immediately to
Muslims in this country. That means no mosques and no Muslim activities
of any sort. As soon as the necessary legislation is passed, all mosques
will become government property and will thenceforth be used for
welfare housing only."
I apologize to those Muslims who do not feel hostile towards us but many
of you ARE hostile towards us and the government does not have
mind-reading machines that could tell us who is hostile and who is not.
So to the only way to rid ourselves of hostile Muslims is to rid
ourselves of all Muslims. I wish you well as you return to your
ancestral countries
The prohibition of Muslim practice would not of course pass
constitutional muster in America under the freedom to practice your
religion provisions of the First Amendment (or in Australia under
Section 116 of the Constitution) but the command to depart almost
certainly would. The First Amendment and its Australian equivalent
protects religious practice for people living in the USA or Australia
but it says nothing about who is permitted to live there.
I suspect that most Muslims born and bred in Western countries would
take the option of changing their religion rather than lose the life
they have become used to. Any Muslims who failed to leave would of
course have to be deported but all the Anglospheric countries have had
plenty of practice at deporting illegal immigrants so deporting a few
Muslims as well should not require much more in the way of resources in
those countries. France and Germany would have bigger problems.
Untrue Truisms in the War on Terror
V.D. Hanson
In the current tensions with the Islamic World, pundits bandy about
received wisdom that in fact is often ignorance. Here are a few
1) The solution of radical Islam must come from within Islam.
Perhaps it could. It would be nice to see the advice of General Sisi of
Egypt take root among the Islamic street. It would have been nice had
the Arab Spring resulted in constitutional republics from North Africa
to Syria. It would be nice if an all-Muslim force took on and defeated
the Islamic State. It would be nice if Iran suddenly stopped stonings
and Saudi Arabia ceased public whippings. It would be nice if Muslims
dropped the death penalty for apostates.
Unfortunately, there is no reason to believe that any of these scenarios
is soon likely. Nor is there much historical support for autocracies
and totalitarian belief systems collapsing entirely from within. Hitler
was popular enough among Germans until the disaster of Stalingrad. The
Soviet Union only imploded under the pressures of the Cold War.
Mussolini was a popular dictator — until Italy’s losses in World War II
eroded his support. The Japanese emperor only was willing to end the
rule of his militarists when Tokyo went up in flames and the U.S.
threatened more Hiroshimas. Only the collapse of the Soviet Union and
its bloc pulled the plug on the global terrorism of the 1980s.
Until Muslims themselves begin to sense unpleasantness from the crimes
of radical Islam, there is little likelihood of Islamism eroding. Were
France to deny visas to any citizens of a country it deemed a terrorist
sponsor, or to deport French residents that support terrorism, while
weeding out terrorist cells, then gradually Muslims in France would wish
to disassociate themselves from the terrorists in their midst. If the
U.S. adopted a policy that it would have no formal relations with
countries that behead or stone, Islamists might take note.
2) The vast majority of Muslims renounce terror.
True, current polls attest that grassroots support for Islamic terror is
eroding among Muslim nations, largely because of the violence in Libya,
Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere that is making life miserable for Muslims
But if even only 10% of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims favor radical
Islamists, the resulting 160-million core of supporters is quite large
enough to offer needed support. Again, by 1945 most Germans would have
polled their opposition to Hitler. But that fact was largely meaningless
given the absence of action against the Nazi hierarchy.
In truth, the majority of Muslims may oppose Muslim-inspired violence in
their homelands, but will do so abroad only if radical Islam diminishes
the influence and prestige of Muslims. If terrorism does not, and
instead another charismatic bin Laden wins the sort of fear abroad and
popularity at home (cf. his popularity ratings in some Muslim countries
circa 2002), then it matters little that most Muslims themselves are not
actual terrorists — any more than the fact that most Russians were not
members of the Communist Party or Germans members of the Nazi Party.
Likewise, the idea that Muslims are the greatest victims of
Muslim-inspired terrorism is not ipso facto necessarily significant.
Stalin killed far more Russians than did Hitler. That Germans suffered
firsthand from the evils of National Socialism was no guarantee that
they might act to stop it. Mao was the greatest killer of Chinese in
history; but that fact hardly meant that Chinese would rise up against
3) There is no military solution to radical Islam.
Yes and no. The truth is that military action is neutral: valuable when
successful, and counter-productive when not. In 2003, there were few
terrorists in Iraq. In 2006, there were lots. Then in 2011, there were
few. Then, in 2014, there were lots again. The common denominator is not
the presence or absence of U.S. troops, but the fact that in 2003 and
2011 the U.S. military enjoyed success and had either killed, routed, or
awed Islamists; in 2006 and 2014 the U.S. military was considered
either impotent or irrelevant. U.S. military force is counter-productive
when used to little purpose and ineffectively. It is invaluable when it
is focused and used successfully. If the U.S. bombing campaign against
the Islamic State were overwhelming and devastating Islamic state
territories, it would matter. Leaving a Western country to join the
jihad in Syria would be considered synonymous with being vaporized, and
the U.S. would find itself with far fewer enemies and far more allies.
Otherwise, sort of bombing, sort of not will have little positive
effects, and may do more harm than good.
4) Reaching out to Islam reduces terrorism.
It can. No one wants to gratuitously incite Muslims. But the fact that
Mediterranean food and Korans were available in Guantanamo did not mean
that released terrorists were appreciative of that fact or that the
world no longer considered the facility objectionable. Obama’s name,
paternal lineage, apologies and euphemisms have neither raised U.S.
popularity in the Middle East nor undermined the Islamic State.
The 2009 Obama Cairo speech went nowhere. Blaming the filmmaker Nakoula
Nakoula for Benghazi did not make the Tsarnaev brothers reconsider their
attack at the Boston Marathon. The use of “workplace violence” and
declarations that the Muslim Brotherhood is secular or that jihad is a
legitimate religious tenet has not reduced Islamic anger at the U.S.
The Kouachi brothers did not care much that under Obama Muslim outreach
has become a promised top agenda at NASA. Backing off from a red line in
Syria did not reassure the Middle East that the United States was not
trigger-happy. Had Obama defiantly told the UN that Nakoula Nakoula had a
perfect right to be obnoxious while on U.S. soil, or had the Tsarnaev
family long ago been denied entry into the United States, then Islamic
terrorists might at least have had more respect for their intended
victims. Current American euphemisms are considered by terrorists as
proof of weakness and probably as provocative as would be unnecessary
slanderous language.
The best policy is to speak softly and accurately, to carry a large
stick, and to display little interest in what our enemies think of our
own use of language. The lesson of Charlie Hebdo so far is that the
French do not care that radical Islamists were offended and so plan to
show the cartoons any way they please. If they stay the course, there
will eventually be fewer attacks; if they back off, there will be more.
5) We need to listen to Muslim complaints.
No more than we do to any other group’s complaints. Greeks are not
blowing people up over a divided Nicosia. Germans are not producing
terrorists eager to reclaim East Prussia, after the mass ethnic
cleansings of 1945. Muslims are not targeting Turks because Ottoman
colonial rule in the Middle East was particularly brutal. Latin
Americans are not slaughtering Spaniards for the excesses of Spanish
imperial colonialism.
Christians are not offended that Jesus is Jesus and not referenced as
the Messiah Jesus in the manner of the Prophet Mohammed. The Muslim
community has been constructed in the West as a special entity deserving
of politically correct sensitivity, in the manner of privileged groups
on campus that continuously suffer from psychodramatic
“micro-aggressions.” That Muslims abroad and in the West practice gender
separation at religious services or are intolerant of homosexuals wins
greater exemption from the Left than a Tea Party rally. If the West were
to treat satire, parody and caricature of Islam in the fashion of other
religions, then eventually the terrorists would learn there is no
advantage in killing those with whom they disagree. Once Westerners
treat Islam as they do any other religion, then the Islamist
provocateurs will be overwhelmed with perceived slights to the point
that they are no longer slights. The Muslim world needs to learn
reciprocity: that building a mosque at Ground Zero or in Florence,
Italy, is no more or no less provocative than building a cathedral in
Istanbul, Riyadh, or Teheran.
Uncovered California
Covered California, the Golden State’s wholly owned subsidiary of
Obamacare, has been cancelling the coverage when people report changes
in their income, changing their eligibility for tax credits. This
problem exposes people to severe tax penalties but Covered California
bosses blame it on their $454 million computer system. On the other
hand, those turning 65 and going on Medicare find it practically
impossible to cancel their Covered California deal. Covered California
bosses blame this on the $454 million computer system, but it is
probably a ruse to inflate the number of people Covered California can
claim are enrolled. This kind of incompetence, waste and abuse are hard
to top but as Emily Bazar of the Center for Health Reporting observes,
Covered California appears to have pulled it off.
Bazar has been receiving notices from an “untold number” of consumers
asking what coverage they qualify for, “if any.” She cites the case of
Los Angeles writer Juniper Ekman, who dutifully applied during the first
enrollment period with her husband and two-year old daughter. They
began getting letters from Covered California, five or eight at time.
Some letters said they did not qualify for tax credits. Then, last
September, “I received 18 notices from Covered California in one day.
Fourteen say we’re covered and four say we’re not. Which one should I
believe?” No clear answer emerged, and Ekman is not alone. As Bazar
notes, one Bay Area consumer received 40 notices in less than a month
and in another case, “four people in the same household received four
different eligibility decisions in the same notice.”
Covered California boss Dana Howard blamed the problem on the computer
system. “This is the same system that has cost nearly half a billion
dollars so far,” writes Bazar. The system may have helped “multitudes”
apply for health insurance but “it also is responsible for countless
glitches and widespread consumer misery.” That misery is inherent in the
Obamacare system. Congress had to pass it for people to find out. If
you don’t like the plan, you have to keep it.
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
26 January, 2015
Thaddeus Russell
A reader has directed my attention to the work of
Thaddeus Russell. He is a very iconoclastic historian who seems to enrage both Leftists and conservatives. A lot of his writings appear in
libertarian sources.
I have not read
his book
and doubt that I will have time to do so -- so if anyone wants to do a
substantial book review of it I will be happy to put it up here.
I was not impressed by
his recent article
showing that it was mostly "progressive" legislators who were
responsible for putting huge numbers of blacks behind bars. I think it
was the extraordinary rate of black crime that put huge numbers of
blacks behind bars.
His main idea seems to be that the underclass has been a major driver of
social change. Underclass refusal to abide by rules laid down by the
elites of the day have forced the elites to back off and allow more
Without reading his book, I don't know how good his evidence is for that
but it does occur to me that the repeal of Prohibition is a good case
in point. The puritanical elite of the early 20th century were so
dominant and powerful that they even got through a constitutional
amendment to make America "dry". Mere legislation was not enough. It had
to be a constitutional requirement
So what kicked that restriction to death? It was the sheer disobedience
of ordinary people -- some middle class but mostly working class. In
their "Speak-easys" they continued drinking. Faced with the reality of
Prohibition, Americans rejected it -- even though it took another
constitutional amendment to do so. Maybe the slowly dawning reality of
Obamacare will have a similar effect.
Typical Democrat hypocrite
Do as I say, not as I do
"Billionaire property investor Jeff Greene recently spoke at the World
Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, saying he believes people in the
United States need to stop aiming so high and start living with less.
'America's lifestyle expectations are far too high and need to be
adjusted so we have less things and a smaller, better existence,'
Greene, who ran for the Democratic Senate nomination in Florida in 2010,
said in an interview. The only issue Americans took with the
60-year-old's opinions was, well, everything, given he owns a $195
million palace in Beverly Hills, which has 23 bathrooms and a rotating
dance floor, as well as four other blue ribbon properties, and is famous
for throwing wild parties on a 145-foot yacht.
Greene, 60, is a billionaire property investor and entrepreneur. He made his money betting against subprime mortgages"
Remembering the Last Lion
By Victor Davis Hanson
Fifty years ago this Saturday, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill died at age 90.
Churchill is remembered for his multiple nonstop careers as a statesman,
cabinet minister, politician, journalist, Nobel laureate historian, and
combat veteran. He began his career serving the British military as a
Victorian-era mounted lancer and ended it as custodian of Britain’s
nuclear deterrent.
But he is most renowned for an astounding five-year-tenure as Britain’s
wartime prime minister from May 10, 1940, to June 26, 1945, when he was
voted out of office not long after the surrender of Nazi Germany.
Churchill took over the day Hitler invaded Western Europe. Within six
weeks, an isolated Great Britain was left alone facing the Third Reich.
What is now the European Union was then either under Nazi occupation,
allied with Germany or ostensibly neutral while favoring Hitler.
The United States was not just neutral. It had no intention of entering
another European war – at least not until after the surprise attack on
Pearl Harbor a year and half later.
From August 1939 to June 1941, the Soviet Union was an accomplice of the
Third Reich. Russian leader Josef Stalin was supplying Hitler with
critical resources to help finish off Great Britain, the last obstacle
in Germany’s path of European domination.
Some of the British elite wished to cut a peace deal with Hitler to save
their empire and keep Britain from being bombed or invaded. They
understandably argued that Britain could hardly hold out when Poland,
Denmark, Norway the Netherlands, Belgium and France all had not. Yet
Churchill voiced defiance and vowed to keep on fighting.
After the fall of France, Churchill readied Britain’s defenses against a
Nazi bombing blitz, and then went on the offensive against Italy in the
As much of London went up in flames, Churchill never flinched, despite the deaths of more than 40,000 British civilians.
By some estimates, the Soviet Red Army eventually killed three out of
four German soldiers who died in World War II. The American economic
colossus built more military ships, aircraft, vehicles and tanks than
did any other country during World War II.
In comparison to such later huge human and material sacrifices, the
original, critical British role in winning World War II is often
forgotten. But Britain was the only major power on either side of the
war to fight continuously the entire six years, from September 3, 1939,
to September 2, 1945. Britain was the only nation of the alliance to
have fought Nazi Germany alone without allies. Churchill’s defiant
wartime rhetoric anchored the entire moral case against the Third Reich.
Unlike the Soviet Union or the United States, Britain entered the war
without being attacked, on the principle of protecting independent
Poland from Hitler. Unlike America, Britain fought Germany from the
first day of the war to its surrender. Unlike Russia, it fought the
Japanese from the moment Japan started the Pacific War to the Japanese
general surrender.
Churchill’s Britain had a far smaller population and economy than either
the Soviet Union or the United States. Its industry and army were
smaller than Germany’s.
Defeat would have meant the end of British civilization. But victory
would ensure the end of the British Empire and a future world dominated
by the victorious and all-powerful United States and Soviet Union.
It was Churchill’s decision that Britain would fight on all fronts of
both the European and Pacific theaters. He ordered strategic bombing
over occupied Europe, a naval war against the German submarine and
surface fleets, and a full-blown land campaign in Burma.
He ensured that the Mediterranean stayed open from Gibraltar to Suez.
Churchill partnered with America from North Africa to Normandy, and he
helped to supply Russia – even as Britain was broke and its manpower
In the mid-1930s, Churchill first – and loudest – had damned appeasement
and warned Europe and the United States about the dangers of an
aggressive Nazi Germany. For that prescience, he was labeled a warmonger
who wished to revisit the horrors of World War I.
After the end of World War II, the lone voice of Churchill cautioned the
West that its former wartime ally, the Soviet Union, was creating an
“Iron Curtain” and was as ruthless as Hitler’s Germany had been. Again,
he was branded a paranoid who unfairly demonized communists.
The wisdom and spirit of Winston Churchill not only saved Britain from
the Third Reich, but Western civilization from a Nazi Dark Ages when
there was no other nation willing to take up that defense.
Churchill was the greatest military, political and spiritual leader of
the 20th century. The United States has never owed more to a foreign
citizen than to Winston Churchill, a monumental presence 50 years after
his death.
More on Churchill
Daniel Mandel
Churchill was guided by a few elementary ideas: that Britain and the
Anglosphere more generally was a force for good; that its division and
vacillation invited destructive forces to fill the vacuum; and that
“democracy is the worst form of government except all those other forms
that have been tried from time to time.” Together, they might even be
called the Churchill Doctrine.
Today the Churchill Doctrine is denigrated or even despised in various
polities, especially in Europe, but also here. Patrick J. Buchanan, for
example, devoted an entire book to arguing that Churchill was largely to
blame for both world wars and managed only to destroy Western
civilization in the process. The late Christopher Hitchens before him
also devoted a whole book to denigrating the Anglo-American relationship
and its Churchillean bedrock –– but then converted to its mercurial
advocate after 9/11 when he belatedly realized it might prove of some
importance to fighting the radical Islam he detested. He even paid
Churchill the tribute, “a lover of war and wine and brandy, genial in
victory and unbowed in defeat.”
Hitchens’ turn is the exception. Those who disliked Churchill before
9/11 continue to do so. Likewise, Cold Warriors such as Reagan and
Thatcher were cordially detested in their day. Britons will remember the
Marxist firebrand unionist Arthur Scargill deriding “President
Ray-Gun.” (Fewer will remember that Scargill also condemned Poland’s
brave anti-communist trade union movement, Solidarity.) Here, the
Democrat éminence grise Clark Clifford denigrated Reagan as an “amiable
Contemporary political passions across a range of policies make
denigration of a Reagan an easy trick. But Churchill cannot die so
easily a death by a thousand cuts. In particular, his astonishing
literary and oratorical attainments make it impossible for opponents of
muscular anti-totalitarianism to level charges of stupidity. This has
presented them with a problem. Diminishing the Churchill Doctrine has
usually demanded more subtle portraiture: a whisky-sodden brooder, an
unrestrained military enthusiast, an imperialist. And there is truth in
all this, although these critics have also been unscrupulous, inasmuch
as they do not acknowledge his corrective high sense of purpose and
overriding desire to avoid still greater bloodbaths, whether in Europe
or India.
Some are less scrupulous still. Michael Lind, writing in the British
Spectator a decade ago, gleefully quotes Churchill from 1919, “I do not
understand the squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in
favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes.” Crows Lind,
“citing Churchill to support Bush’s war to rid Iraq of alleged weapons
of mass destruction was particularly ironic.”
In fact, the full quote reveals that Lind lifted two isolated sentences
from a passage indicating the very opposite: Churchill believed in
upholding the ban on Weapons of Mass Destruction but favored the use of
non-lethal agents. Why? “The moral effect” said Churchill, “should be so
good that the loss of life should be reduced to a minimum.”
More significant than the sleight of hand and the implicit
contradictions in Lind’s demolition job –– either the muscular
anti-totalitarians are untutored militarists, or they wrongly claim
descent for democratic and humane ends from a bloodthirsty imperialist
–– is the clear urge to invalidate the Churchill Doctrine by besmirching
the man as a potential war criminal.
Others have also tried to burrow into the doctrine. Radical British
historian A.J.P. Taylor argued once to the late Churchill biographer,
William Manchester, that Churchill’s Anglosphere “had few merits… he
never considered how far England and America had been associated, which
was very little, and — particularly — how far they could be associated
in the future.” Yet post-war history has vindicated Churchill’s
unfashionable view. Surely Korea, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Iraq suggest
the opposite?
What would Churchill counsel today for America if it had to stand alone?
Here, we do not need to hypothesize. In 1938, at a dinner party, the
American ambassador in London, Joseph Kennedy, an appeaser through and
through, predicted to Churchill that England would go under in a fight.
It drew from Churchill an impromptu oration that included these words:
"It will then be for you, for the Americans, to preserve and maintain
the great heritage of the English-speaking peoples. It will be for you
to think imperially, which means to think always of something higher and
more vast than one's own national interests."
This counsel is risky, hard to execute, and liable to earn unpopularity.
But it remains the indispensable meaning of the Churchill Doctrine
DoJ to recommend no civil rights charges in Ferguson shooting:
"The Justice Department has begun work on a legal memo recommending no
civil rights charges against a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo.,
who killed an unarmed black teenager in August, law enforcement
officials said. That would close the politically charged case in the
shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. The investigation by the
F.B.I., which is complete, found no evidence to support civil rights
charges against the officer, Darren Wilson, the officials said."
CO: Potential jurors want out of theater shooting case:
"Prospective jurors in the Colorado theater shooting trial presented a
judge with a number of excuses on Wednesday for why they shouldn't be on
the panel that decides if defendant James Holmes was insane at the time
of the deadly attack. By the end of the second day of what promises to
be a long slog to picking a jury, Judge Carlos Samour had excused at
least 20 people who had doctors' notes, didn't speak English, or weren't
residents of Arapahoe County, where the 2012 attack occurred. However,
in a sign of how difficult it might be to get excused, a summons for a
woman who reported being 'violently ill' and requested an ambulance was
only delayed but not canceled."
Netanyahu to Address Congress:
"House Speaker John Boehner wasted little time in responding to Barack
Obama’s absurd assertion in the State of the Union that “we’ve halted
the progress of [Iran’s] nuclear program.” To make the point that
Obama’s living in an alternate reality, Boehner invited Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress on
Feb. 11, specifically on “the grave threats radical Islam and Iran pose
to our security and way of life.” Boehner said, “There’s a serious
threat that exists in the world and the president last night kind of
papered over it.” Boehner also added feistily, “[Obama] expects us to
stand idly by and do nothing while he cuts a bad deal with Iran. Two
words: ‘Hell no!’ We’re going to do no such thing.”
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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25 January, 2015
Will feminism produce great works of art?
DVDs are a wonderful thing. I have a DVD recording a performance at the
Mariinsky theater in St Petersburg of the great ballet "Firebird". The
company is the Ballet Russes. I am far from a balletomane but the
wonderful music of Igor Stravinsky gets me in every time. And the
reconstructed choreography of Michel Fokine is of course excellent too.
It is no wonder that Firebird has a prominent place in the classical
ballet repertoire.
And I couldn't help noticing that the chief ballerina (The Firebird) got
thrown around an awful lot by the chief male dancer. It was done with
enormous athleticism and grace but there was no doubt who was the
dominant character in the scenes concerned. And it struck me that
feminists would almost certainly find that repugnant -- with words like
"patriarchy" and "inequality" popping into their addled brains. Perhaps
they think the ballerina should have thrown the larger male dancer
But Firebird is not alone in its representation of male/female roles. A
traditional representation of such roles is virtually universal in opera
and in classical ballet. So, having seen what artistic wonders
traditional thinking can bring forth can we expect such art to emerge
from feminist attitudes? Feminism has been around since the likes of
Emmeline Pankhurst and her girls over a century ago but I know of
nothing notable that has emerged so far. The only possible candidate
appears to be the disgusting Vagina Monologues and they seem to be
notable only for their crudity.
So my proposed answer to the question in my heading is a blunt "No".
Most prominent feminists are radicals and seem quite deranged most of
the time. They seem to have no beauty in their souls. And they don't
care about women anyway. They ignore the terrible plight of most women
in Muslim lands and content themselves with nitpicking criticisms of
everyday speech in their own country.
Fortunately most women are not feminists. They believe in things like
equal pay for equal work but have little in common with the fountains of
rage and hatred who are the radical feminists. So what I have written
above is in no way critical of women generally. I have been married four
times so I clearly think women are pretty good. And plenty of ladies
find my views acceptable -- particularly ladies around my own age.
Slavery via the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB)
I don't take as read the "unrepealability" claims below about the
IPAB. The authors of the legislation have certainly done their best to
make it unrepealable but it is a basic principle of parliamentary
government everywhere that no parliament can bind a later sitting of
that parliament. The only way to bind a future parliament is via a
constititional amendment. And even that can be repealed -- as we saw
with Prohibition.
Given the breathtaking remarks by Gruber and Ezekiel Emanuel, key
architects of Obamacare, it behooves all Americans to be reminded of the
overarching power that Obama has bestowed upon the Independent Payment
Advisory Board or IPAB, a central feature of the ACA or inaptly named
Affordable Care Act.
In June 14, 2012, Diane Cohen and Michael F. Cannon co-authored Policy
Analysis No. 700 highlighting the egregious assault on the Constitution
via IPAB. Entitled "The Independent Payment Advisory Board: PPACA's
Anti-Constitutional and Authoritarian Super-Legislature" it underscores
the absolute dictatorial hold the government now has on all Americans.
The salient features of this report bear constant repetition and the
need for the Republican-dominated Congress to act swiftly to repeal
every single part of this law.
Obamacare gives "unfettered power to unelected government officials."
Actually it "bypasses the constitutionally prescribed manner by which
proposed legislation becomes law" and even more frightening, the ACA
"...attempts to prevent a future Congress from repealing IPAB."
Let's elaborate on this totalitarian and "unprecedented delegation of
legislative, executive, and judicial authority in violation of the
Separation of Powers doctrine." In effect, Obamacare
* automatically funds IPAB in perpetuity.
* does not require the IPAB to be bipartisan.
* has designated that the IPAB be made up of 15 unelected individuals;
in fact, "the board may conduct business whenever half of its appointed
members are present and whenever as few as eight members gather."
Actually, Obamacare would allow a "sole appointed member to constitute a
quorum, conduct official business, and issue proposals."
* authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services to exercise the
board's powers unilaterally. This includes the "ability to appropriate
funds to her own department to administer her own directives."
The stated mission of IPAB is to "prevent Medicare spending from growing
faster than their specified target rate." In other words, they will
ration care and invoke death panels by denying life-saving medicines and
treatments. In effect, the IPAB faces "almost no limitations on its
power to limit, reallocate or regulate health care." Beginning this year
(2015), Obamacare gives IPAB "the power to impose price controls and to
impose taxes and to ration care." It is as simple as that.
Medicare payments to health care providers and private insurers
participating in Medicare will be cut. IPAB has the ability to threaten
states by blackmail, i.e., it will require states to implement federal
laws or enact new state laws in order to receive federal funding.
Those who would argue that the ACA prohibits rationing per se fail to
see through the murky definition of rationing. Thus, in
Alice-in-Wonderland fashion, "When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said in
rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean --
neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."
"The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master - - that's all." -- (Through the Looking Glass, Chapter 6)
Moreover, the IPAB can actually increase taxes and those who would argue
that this is not possible, remember that the "PPACA specifically states
that the Secretary's implementation of IPAB's proposals is not
judicially reviewable."
In effect, Obamacare has nothing to do with enhancing health care; it
has everything to do with controlling every aspect of Americans' lives.
Consequently, Obamacare "creates an unaccountable lawmaking body, and
leaves elected officials with little to stop it."
And it does not stop with Medicare rationing. IPAB "will have the power
to ration or reorganize care even for those who are not enrolled in
government programs." And this power was always "the clear intent of
IPAB's architects." Price controls will surely be a component as the
"board is likely to end up setting prices for all medical services."
And with malicious intent, Obama fought hard for IPAB over strong
opposition from Congress which rightly understood that the IPAB was
"usurping [Congressional] power."
IPAB's decision "will have the force of law." And here is the crux of
the despotic feature of this law. Accordingly, "PPACA's authors included
several provisions designed to prevent future Congresses, presidents,
and courts from blocking IPAB's proposals." Thus, there will be no
accountability to the very people whose lives will be affected.
Obamacare exempts the IPAB from "any rule making requirement that
Congress imposes on other executive-branch agencies." Therefore, no
hearings, testimonies or evidence from the public are required.
Even when he is out of office, Obama will be forever influencing America
since, via the law, any future president's authority will be
restricted. Thus, the "PPACA unconstitutionally attempts to deny [a]
president his constitutional prerogative to use his own discretion as to
what measures he submits to Congress." One may scoff at the
constitutional scholarship of Obama but I submit he knows enough to
trash the Constitution and it is never just a coincidence that all of
his actions are aimed at the total destruction of this country's most
important legal foundation.
And finally, Obamacare limits Congress' ability to make "any changes
that would result in greater Medicare spending." Consequently, Congress
becomes inconsequential. And these are just the initial steps to the
time when congressional interference with this heinous law becomes
completely irrelevant.
Most terrifying though is that without GOP concerted action to repeal
every scintilla of Obamacare, in 2020 Congress will lose all power to
control IPAB. According to the law,
"Congress may amend or reject IPAB proposals, subject to stringent
limitations, but only from 2015 through 2019. If Congress fails to
repeal IPAB in 2017, then after 2019, IPAB may legislate without any
congressional interference.
Moreover, if "Congress fails to repeal IPAB ... then after 2020,
Congress loses the ability even to offer substitutes for IPAB
proposals." Thus, "to constrain IPAB at all after 2020, Congress must
repeal it between January and August in 2017."
Is the GOP listening? Will it act accordingly? Will Americans be
unrelenting in speaking up and demanding action to "resist this arrant
As we have come to expect from the most non-transparent administration
in history, Obama and the Democrats "went to extraordinary,
unconstitutional, . . . lengths to try to protect IPAB from. . . being
repealed by future Congresses." Henceforth, the Act states that Congress
may only repeal IPAB if it follows these precise steps:
* Wait until the year 2017
* Introduce a specifically worded "Joint Resolution" in the House and Senate between January 1 and February 1
* Pass that resolution with a three-fifths vote of all members of each chamber by August 15.
As Cohen and Cannon meticulously point out in their analysis, "the
IPAB's constitutional infirmities are numerous." In fact, "after 2017,
Congress could repeal Medicare, but not the board it created to run
Medicare. Congress (and the states) could repeal the Bill of Rights. But
not IPAB." Astounding!
Is this America? Or China?
Aaron Klein points out that "Obama has also established a
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute with funding of $3.8
billion." While a section of Obamacare states that "the secretary of
health and human services may not use research data ... in a manner that
treats the life of an elderly, disabled, or terminally ill individual
as lower in value than that of an individual who is younger,
non-disabled, or not terminally ill" there is a qualifier which does
allow the health secretary to limit any "alternative treatments ... if
such treatments are not recommended by the new research institute." Thus
the health secretary is given unlimited power to determine treatments
-- think death panels, anyone?
Pundits wonder if we are entering a dictatorship. I maintain we are
already there. The "government's control of America's health care sector
closely tracks the predictions of economist Friedrich Hayek, author of
The Road to Serfdom." In essence, Obamacare, as always intended, is not
"merely unconstitutional--it is anti-constitutional." Until the entire
law is dismantled and the IPAB becomes an acronym in a dustbin, this
country will no longer be the America most of us love and cherish.
Another open letter to President Obama
Dear Mr. Obama:
In last-night’s State of the Union address you said “And to everyone in
this Congress who still refuses to raise the minimum wage, I say this:
If you truly believe you could work full-time and support a family on
less than $15,000 a year, go try it. If not, vote to give millions of
the hardest-working people in America a raise.”
The premise of your plea is mistaken: raises aren’t given by votes, by
you, or by Congress: they’re given only by employers. And employers must
fund these higher payments out of the revenues they earn by competing
successfully in markets. Employers, therefore, can afford to raise their
workers’ pay only if their workers become more productive - an outcome
that is not achieved by a legislature waving its wand over workers’
You are, however, correct in one sense. Because the policy you propose
would price many workers out of jobs, that policy would indeed change
these workers’ incomes: it would drop them to $0. So I say this: If you
truly believe you could be unemployed full-time and support a family on
$0 a year, go try it. If not, vote to give millions of the
hardest-working people in America opportunities to work that they are
now denied. Abolish the minimum wage.
Donald J. Boudreaux
Woman Showcased by Obama in SOTU is a Former Democratic Campaign Staffer
Woman apparently the only economic success story in Obama's America
The woman whose story of economic recovery was showcased by President
Barack Obama in his State of the Union address is a former Democratic
campaign staffer and has been used by Obama for political events in the
Rebekah Erler has been presented by the White House as a woman who was
discovered by the president after she wrote to him last March about her
economic hardships. She was showcased in the speech as proof that middle
class Americans are coming forward to say that Obama’s policies are
Unmentioned in the White House bio of Erler is that she is a former
Democratic campaign operative, working as a field organizer for Sen.
Patty Murray (D., Wash.).
This also wasn’t the first time the White House used the former
Democratic campaign staffer as a political prop. Obama spent a “day in
the life” of Erler in June so that he could have “an opportunity to
communicate directly with the people he’s working for every day.”
Reuters revealed Erler’s Democratic affiliations following that June
event, and the Minnesota Republican Party attacked Obama for being “so
out of touch with reality that he thinks a former Democrat campaign
staffer speaks for every Minnesotan.”
Obama used Erler as an example that the economy is getting better. Her political work goes unmentioned
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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here (Personal)
23 January, 2015
The Prince of Thieves
During his lame-duck term, Barack Obama intends to pursue what he calls
"middle-class economics," i.e., proposals to reduce income inequality
through taxation. Apparently a one-trick pony, Obama is back to raising
taxes on the rich.
In last night's State of the Union Address, Obama explained
"middle-class economics" as "the idea that this country does best when
everyone gets their fair shot, everyone does their fair share, everyone
plays by the same set of rules. We don't just want everyone to share in
America's success, we want everyone to contribute to our success."
Except his policies don't give everyone a fair shot, or set the same
rules for everyone. And only a few at the top "contribute to our
The Hill calls him Robin Hood, taking from the rich and giving to the
poor and middle class. But that's misrepresenting his theft. The idea of
Obama's "giving" anything to the American middle class, for whom his
enmity is all but palpable, is ridiculous, but the notion of his playing
Robin Hood insults our intelligence. During the Obama era, both the
middle class and the poor have lost more ground economically than during
any time in the last four decades, yet suddenly along comes Robin Hood
to right the wrongs of his first six years.
As Rush Limbaugh astutely explained Monday, Robin Hood did not steal
from the rich to give to the poor. According to legend, Robin Hood
reclaimed the excessive taxes extorted by the sheriff of Nottingham from
the commoners in his shire. In modern parlance, Obama is the sheriff,
not the woodsman.
Yet Obama's appeal to those who believe the wealthy steal from the rest
of society has served him well. Rush alluded to exit polls in the 2012
presidential election that showed 81% said they voted for Obama because
he "cares about people like me." For decades, the Left has sweetly
whispered into the ears of the unhappy, the aggrieved and the gullible,
telling them the rich have stolen everyone else's wealth. If only the
playing field could be equalized, if only everyone had an equal share,
all would be peachy.
The socialist utopian dream just will not die because there is always
wealth to be redistributed. Obama claims tax hikes will help balance
wealth distribution, but not a dime will ever reach a single productive
person. Ironically, much of what's not swallowed by the gaping maw of
government will likely go to Obama's buddies in Big Business,
purportedly the Left's most hated foe.
The Left has seized upon a recent study by two neo-socialist economists,
who claim the top 1% (written "0.01" to increase its impact) hold 80%
of the wealth in the United States. But like all lefties in good
standing, they leave out relevant facts. In this case, they ignore the
wealthiest sector of the nation: the United States government.
The federal government forcibly extracted more than $3 trillion from
American citizens in 2014 -- the first time it crossed that threshold.
The study's authors complain about billionaires but say not a word about
the trillionaire in the room. And according to the latest Forbes list
of worldwide billionaires, the aggregate wealth of them all totals only
$6.4 trillion, barely enough to finance the U.S. government for a
year-and-a-half. It's also less than a third of federal debt. Added to
the federal government, the states have their own billionaire club,
particularly California, which has one of the largest economies (and
hence, governments) in the world.
Enhancing its rather extravagant income, the federal government owns
vast swaths of real estate inside our borders (including 87% of the land
in the West), an asset of enormous value. So in comparison, the wealthy
in our country, two-thirds of whom according to Forbes earned their
wealth, could be among the lowest 1% when compared to government.
The authors conclude that the "public will favor more progressive
taxation only if it is convinced that top income gains are detrimental
to the 99%." So keep feeding them class envy.
We don't mean to be apologists for wealthy corporatists, some of whom --
such as George Soros and Tom Steyer -- use their wealth to buy our
political system. (This while leftists hypocritically attack the Koch
brothers or other conservative financiers, whose contributions are
dwarfed by leftists.) Of course, others are admirable people who've made
a fortune by grit and guts. This nation's founding principles guarantee
every person the right to the fruits of his labor. Since the 16th
Amendment passed, however, that principle has been turned on its head by
busybody activists and government officials -- hypocritical officials,
we might add.
Inside the most exclusive club in the world, congressmen and women
"earn" more than several average families combined -- on average, just
one of them surpasses 18 families' incomes. And the Redistributionist in
Chief lives the life of royalty on a scale never before witnessed,
jetting around in the world's most expensive plane with entourages of
hundreds in tow. Where does he -- the laughable "savior" of the 99% --
get off demanding higher taxes from a "10% family" earning 225,000 badly
devalued dollars?
Unfortunately, as long as Democrats can buy votes with taxpayer money,
the class warfare of "middle-class economics" will live on. All Obama
did Tuesday night was preview the central message of the 2016
presidential campaign.
The Legend of Chris Kyle
The late Chris Kyle is an American legend, joining the likes of Jim
Bowie, Daniel Boone and Alvin York. When a solider suffering from PTSD
killed Kyle at a gun range in 2013, Kyle's legacy as one of the great
American snipers, with nearly 160 confirmed kills in Iraq, was already
cemented into the annals of American war. And when "American Sniper,"
the film depicting Kyle's life, blew out the box office this past
weekend, Kyle's reputation was preserved as an American icon.
To put "American Sniper" in perspective, its opening weekend earned the
film $89.5 million. Usually, only superhero movies like "Guardians of
the Galaxy" and "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" do this well. But
Americans wanted to see the biopic of a real hero. It's Kyle's story --
with its focus on the cost of war and the struggle he had balancing duty
to country with duty to family -- that resonated with the American
audience. After all, it's an American story.
The film, starring Bradley Cooper and directed by Clint Eastwood, was
nominated for six Academy Awards, but that didn't stop (or perhaps led
to) some members of Hollywood's leftist elite lambasting the film. Actor
Seth Rogen said, "American Sniper kind of reminds me of the movie
showing in the third act of Inglorious Basterds." Did Rogen just compare
the life of Chris Kyle to a Nazi propaganda film? Rogen is about as
moronic as the character he plays in the assassination-comedy "The
Interview," which is being used as anti-North Korean propaganda.
Anti-gun documentarian Michael Moore mocked Kyle as a coward: "My uncle
killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot
u in the back. Snipers aren't heroes. And invaders r worse." The only
coward here is the one who does his sniping from behind a camera --
using a high-capacity magazine full of made-up "facts," we might add.
Run-of-the-mill liberals also joined in the clamor against "American
Sniper," saying the film is racist because Kyle describes jihadis as
savages in the movie, or that Kyle is a war-drunk killer.
There is a difference between Chris Kyle the man and Chris Kyle the
legend. The Leftmedia could dredge up enough valid dirt on the man, but
they attack the legacy of the fallen sniper because of the American
values Kyle represents. Kyle, like any man, was flawed. For example, he
was perhaps prone to exaggerated braggadocio, likely fabricating some
stories -- including having punched former pro-wrestler and Minnesota
Gov. Jesse Ventura in the face. Ventura won a defamation suit over it,
which is difficult to do.
But Kyle didn't return to Iraq again and again because he was arrogant
or gloried in killing. According to Kyle, he returned to protect his
brothers in arms. "The ideal thing would be if I knew the number of
lives I saved, because that's something I'd love to be known for," Kyle
said in 2012. "But you can't calculate that."
If that isn't an American ideal, what is?
Kyle's widow, Taya Kyle, took to Facebook to express how overwhelmed she
was that "American Sniper," an "honest" depiction of her husband's
life, was so successful in movie theaters.
"Thank you for being willing to watch the hard stuff," she wrote, "and
thank you for hearing, seeing, experiencing the life of our military and
first responders. I put them together because the battlefields may be
different but the experience is the same on many spiritual levels."
If Kyle has become our hero, he shows the values America still holds
dear on and off the battlefield. We laud the man who runs toward the
sound of chaos, who handles a gun with ease, yet is still gentle enough
to hang up the weapons of war to be with wife and children.
Violence comes at a price, as Eastwood explores in his cannon of films,
and that may cost a man his soul or his mind. For thousands of American
soldiers, war is a hell that rages in their minds in the form of PTSD.
Yet as Kyle shows, that is a burden the American hero bears out of love
of country.
Conservatives Rethink Liberty Vs. Order
This week, the Supreme Court made a decision that was somewhat
newsworthy: upholding the right of a prison inmate to do something the
prison authorities prohibit. What made it really unusual is that the
decision was unanimous, with all the conservative justices signing on,
and that the opinion was written by one of the most conservative, Samuel
Alito is not a staunch friend of prison reformers. In a case involving
the treatment of inmates in California, he wrote scornfully, "The
Constitution does not give federal judges the authority to run state
penal systems. Decisions regarding state prisons have profound public
safety and financial implications, and the states are generally free to
make these decisions as they choose." Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
have been no more sympathetic.
Yet here they were, joining the court's liberals to tell the Arkansas
Department of Corrections that it may not force a Muslim convict to
shave his face. That demand, the court said, violates his freedom to
practice his religion.
The case is a reminder of the everlasting tension within conservative
thought between the rights of individuals and the power of the
authorities, particularly in matters of public safety and order.
Many on the right instinctively side with police, intelligence agencies
and corrections officers when their conduct comes under fire. But
another strand of conservative thinking preaches the need to protect
citizens against government overreaching and abuse. It's the
authoritarian school vs. the libertarian school, Rudy Giuliani vs. Rand
Jack Hunter, writing in The American Conservative, says controversies
like those over torture and police abuse show "there is a significant
and perhaps even irreconcilable philosophical contradiction developing
on the right."
But in this case, the conservative members of the Supreme Court sounded
unabashedly libertarian -- forcing the government to accommodate the
inconvenient demands of a violent felon who follows a minority religion
that is distrusted by many Americans.
The inmate, Gregory Holt, is doing a life sentence in a supermax prison
for burglary and domestic battery. The Arkansas Department of
Corrections bans beards (except for medical necessity) because, it says,
they can be used to hide dangerous items like razor blades and needles
and can be grown or removed for purposes of disguise.
Holt argued that under the federal Religious Land Use and
Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), he is entitled to grow whiskers
in accordance with his faith. A federal district court and a federal
appeals court were not persuaded. They insisted on leaving the matter up
to the people charged with running the prisons.
But the Supreme Court disagreed. Alito said the ban on beards violates
that law, which limits the government's right to limit the religious
freedom of prisoners. The justices had no trouble substituting their
judgment for that of corrections officers.
Inmates, the court noted, could also hide weapons in their hair,
clothing or shoes. "Nevertheless," wrote Alito, "the Department does not
require inmates to go about bald, barefoot or naked."
Why did the conservatives on the court side with the criminal? One
reason is RLUIPA, which was partly meant to limit the power of prison
wardens. But part of it is that the rule affected something
conservatives generally care a lot about: religion.
In 1990, the Supreme Court allowed the denial of unemployment benefits
to drug counselors fired for using peyote in a Native American Church
ceremony. The decision, written by Scalia, mocked the idea that
religious conduct should be exempt from certain laws. "Any society
adopting such a system would be courting anarchy," he proclaimed.
But conservatives soon realized that, in a society where Christianity
has lost ground, laws that could burden minority religions could also
burden their own. They got Congress to pass laws to head off that
One of those, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, was crucial in last
year's Hobby Lobby decision by the Supreme Court. It let for-profit
employers who oppose contraceptives on religious grounds exclude them
from health insurance coverage. Without the statute, a forerunner of
RLUIPA, "Hobby Lobby would probably have lost," says Douglas Laycock, a
University of Virginia law professor.
In that case and this one, the conservative justices showed a notable
sensitivity to claims of religious believers. They also showed a new
willingness to place individual liberty and autonomy above security and
They even dared to question whether sacrificing liberty actually
enhances security. The authoritarian element of conservative thought
persists, but it may be getting weaker.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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22 January, 2015
Supreme Court Agrees to Define Marriage
I should perhaps mention the libertarian perspective here.
Conservatives find much libertarian thought congenial and they might
find the libertarian perspective on marriage helpful as well in a legal
environment that is hostile to the traditional view of marriage.
think governments should butt out of involvement with marriages
altogether. Libertarians hold the view (And I know some who have put it
into practice) that marriage is simply an agreement between two people
and that such an agreement or contract may be whatever suits the couple
concerned. The contract could be formalty registered as a contract in
some way and then it would be just another contract under normal
contract law. And two homosexuals could obviously make contracts with
one another.
But people have always wanted heavy social
recognition of such contracts and that is where churches, mosques or
temples have always figured prominently. So a traditional marriage is
basically a religious occasion. And until about a century ago, church
records were the only formal records we had of who had married whom.
Libertarians ask: Can that be so hard to go back to? The traditional
nature of such arrangements should be attractive to conservatives.
churches can of course have different views about who gets their
blessings. Episcopalians would probably marry dogs if asked and
Catholics won't marry divorced people. But that is just part of the rich
texture of society and as long as nothing is forced upon us, let people
go to hell in their own way (As Elizabeth I once said to the King of
So ALL marriage laws should be abolished and replaced by
contracts that can be solemnized in any way that can be agreed on by the
parties concerned.
For Americans who maintain that marriage is between one man and one
woman, gear up for the next battle. On Friday, the Supreme Court
announced it had agreed to hear cases regarding same-sex marriage. Given
the track record of activist judges on the High Court, we are not
overly optimistic the justices will rule in favor of the third pillar of
In October, the Supreme Court declined to hear cases from five states
seeking to preserve their lawful, voter-approved definitions of
marriage. By choosing not to take on those cases, the Supreme Court left
in place lower court rulings overturning laws on same-sex marriage.
And two years ago, the Supreme Court tossed Section 3 of the Defense of
Marriage Act, ruling that the federal government is bound to recognize
same-sex marriages from states in which they are legal. The justices did
not, however, go so far as to declare same-sex marriage a right – yet.
The result of that decision led to most of the lower courts striking down numerous state bans on same-sex marriage.
There was one exception: The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld
traditional marriage laws in Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee.
Judge Jeffrey Sutton said in that ruling it was not the place of the
courts to decide such an important social issue. What a novel concept.
“When the courts do not let the people resolve new social issues like
this one, they perpetuate the idea that the heroes in these change
events are judges and lawyers,” Sutton wrote. “Better in this instance,
we think, to allow change through the customary political processes, in
which the people, gay and straight alike, become the heroes of their own
stories by meeting each other not as adversaries in a court system but
as fellow citizens seeking to resolve a new social issue in a
fair-minded way.”
Given the split among the circuit courts, it was almost certain the Supreme Court would step in to settle the dispute.
It’s worth noting the timing of the Court’s announcement. There is
growing capitulation among Republicans on the issue, and the party’s
candidates offered little debate over marriage during the campaign
season. The GOP’s new congressional majorities are occupied with other
agenda items. Should the Supreme Court rule to redefine marriage (as
many political pundits presume it will), the GOP could be further
divided on this issue leading up to the 2016 presidential election.
Regardless of whether the Supreme Court discovers a constitutional right
to same-sex marriage, any Republican candidate who has or continues to
oppose same-sex marriage will be portrayed as a bigot. But a Court
ruling could move the needle further. There will also be many potential
candidates who would argue that, since the Court ruled, the matter is
On the other hand, there could also be ample opportunity for candidates
to stand firmly on principle. Ramesh Ponnuru of National Review notes,
“If the Supreme Court does issue such a ruling, Republicans in the
presidential primaries will be under a bit more pressure to say that
they back a constitutional amendment reversing the decision and to say
explicitly that they’ll appoint justices who don’t tend to agree with
that sort of decision.”
Aside from the political fallout for the GOP from a Supreme Court
decision that is presumed to side with the homosexual agenda, the
greater impact will be on the people. A majority of voters in a majority
of states have said that marriage is a sacred institution that does not
change at the whim of progressive lobbyists and activist judges. Their
voice will have been rejected.
And don’t think for a moment that a ruling redefining marriage will have
no impact on churches and religious liberty in America. If the Supreme
Court can redefine marriage, then is that same Supreme Court not
powerful enough to impose its will on those who preach, teach and
believe that the only true marriage is that between one man and one
woman? Where does it end? Bakers, florists and photographers are already
under assault – just wait until same-sex marriage is a “constitutional
America had better wake up, because regardless of which way the Court
rules the issue of what constitutes marriage isn’t going away any time
The case against annual health insurance contracts
In Australia, health insurance is bought by individuals dealing
directly with insurance companies, all of which are private businesses.
Having insurance tied to your employer is virtually unknown. And once
you buy a health insurance policy, the policy stays current for as long
as you pay your monthly premiums -- unto death even. So permanent
insurance can be done. And health insurance in Australia is much more
affordable than in the USA.
The new U.S. Congress—and the American public—will be hearing numerous
ideas for improving the healthcare system, including several spelled out
in publications such as Independent Institute Senior Fellow John C.
Goodman’s Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis and Healthcare
Solutions for Post-Obamacare America. But one of the most badly needed
reforms may be so obvious that, paradoxically, we usually overlook it.
That reform, according to Independent Institute Senior Fellow John R.
Graham, is for the United States “to move beyond the ‘Heliocentric
Doctrine’ of health insurance, whereby patients and insures switch dance
partners every January 1.”
“This nonsensical Heliocentric Doctrine is enshrined in employer-based
plans, Obamacare exchange plans, and Medicare plans,” Graham writes in
the Daily Caller. Not only is the practice of tying most insurance plans
to the calendar year completely arbitrary, but it can lead to costly
absurdities. Graham makes this point with a hypothetical example of two
brothers—identical twins—both diagnosed with a genetically caused cancer
in the second half of last year. Their medical histories are exactly
alike in every relevant way except one: one of them incurred medical
expenses stemming from a skiing accident in the first half of the year,
leading him to reach his out-of-pocket limits earlier than the other.
This difference can result in the brothers paying wildly different costs
for their cancer treatments. But it doesn’t have to be this way—not if
we drop the Heliocentric Doctrine of health insurance.
“In other countries where private health insurance dominates, with
Switzerland being the prime example, no one tolerates this absurdity,”
Graham continues. “Instead, patients and insurers have contracts that
last multiple year, and each are rewarded for good behavior during the
long term. This type of health insurance is especially effective for
very sick people with lots of illnesses, who would no longer have to
worry about losing their doctors because of having to choose a new plan
every year.”
Liberals Push Dental Coverage for All, Health Insurance for Illegals--And More
At a time when Republicans are trying to roll back certain provisions of
the Affordable Care Act (if not the entire law), a liberal advocacy
group is looking ahead to the next round of taxpayer-subsidized health
care "reform."
Families USA says the ACA was a good start, but it has now outlined 19
specific proposals "to improve health care for everyone in our nation."
The plan, called Health Reform 2.0, would "improve coverage and extend care."
That means making dental coverage universally available; reducing
cost-sharing, with low-cost, low-deductible plans; expanding Medicaid in
every state; getting rid of fee-for-service care; enabling "public
payers" (the government) to set prescription drug prices; and stopping
hospital mergers and other "uncompetitive" provider consolidations that
can drive up prices.
Health care for illegal immigrants
"One other coverage matter demands attention: the uninsured status of American immigrants," says Health Reform 2.0.
"At a time when Congress refuses to consider pathways to citizenship and
scorns administrative proposals that would enable people to stay in the
country, practical proposals to secure health coverage for immigrants
are elusive.
"However, immigrants -- who often fill key jobs that disproportionately
place them in harm's way -- should be able to obtain necessary health
care. We must ensure that immigrants can receive health coverage so that
they can get the care they need."
Families USA said the Affordable Care Act granted every legal resident
the "right to health coverage," which it calls a "historic achievement."
"However, enacting this unprecedented legal right is not the same as
making it a living reality. We must take additional steps to ensure that
health coverage and care become concrete realities for everyone. In
Health Reform 2.0, we identify the steps necessary to transform
America’s health care system to ensure that all Americans are able to
get the high-quality care they need, when they need it, at an affordable
The nonprofit group says in the years ahead, it will start building support for its radical proposals to speed their adoption:
"The time is right to promote this forward-looking agenda. Since
meaningful social change does not occur overnight and is never easy, we
must lay the groundwork now for the essential goals that lie ahead. It
is in this spirit that we offer our call to action, Health Reform 2.0."
Families USA, aided in 2013 by a $1 million grant from the Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation, collects "personal health care stories" of people
who have benefited from Obamacare, then distributes those stories to the
Controversy builds at U.S. consumer protection bureau
The arrogance of America's mainly Leftist bureaucracy on display
Costly building renovations at the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau are raising more congressional concerns that the agency is out of
A government report pegs the price of the work at $210 million — $120
million more than initial estimates, with off-site leasing costs
“That’s more per square foot than the Bellagio hotel-casino in Las
Vegas,” said John Berlau, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise
And, critics add, CFPB doesn’t even own the building.
The Office of Inspector General for the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve Board found that “approval of funding for the renovation
was not in accordance with the CFPB’s current policies for major
“A sound business case is not available to support the funding of the renovation,” the OIG concluded.
Lawmakers have mocked the project, which includes a glass staircase,
concession kiosk and a ‘water wall’ ending in a splash pool.
CFPB Director Richard Cordray countered: “We don’t own the building, but
the notion we are building some kind of palace is ridiculous.”
Cordray acknowledged, however, that he did not know the square footage
of the office located near the White House. Still, the project lives.
The building battle is an ironic twist for the 4-year-old CFPB, whose
website declares, “We want to help consumers make smarter decisions.”
“They say they need sensitive mortgage and credit card data to do their
job,” said Berlau. “No other agency has this power — they’re rivaling
the National Security Agency.”
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling said the 2010
Dodd-Frank Act, which created the CFPB, made the agency “unaccountable
to taxpayers and to Congress.”
“We’re seeing the results of this dangerous unaccountability today in a
Washington bureaucracy that is running amok, spending as much as it
wants on whatever it wants,” the Texas Republican said.
Hensarling estimated that halting the renovation plans and finding a
cheaper office would save the bureau about $100 million. He recommends
that the government sell the building to the highest bidder.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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21 January, 2015
Obama has no shame: Releasing Illegal Alien Criminals!
Max McGuire
All we ever hear from liberals is that you “can’t deport all the illegal
aliens.” Personally, I think that’s wrong. But one thing that people on
both sides should be willing to admit is that there are illegal aliens
who SHOULD be deported.
And many of them are scheduled to be kicked out of the country. There’s
only one problem: Obama won’t let law enforcement do its job!
Apparently, no sooner had Obama announced his amnesty plan, law
enforcement across the country began receiving orders to stand down and
let captured illegal aliens go.
We’re not talking about little children caught trying to cross the
border. ICE agents were told to stop going after criminal illegal aliens
and to release detained illegals who were scheduled to be deported. In
these cases, a judge had already signed off on deportation.
Immigration enforcement agents have begun calling this the Obama “get out of jail free” card.
Illegal aliens who have pending criminal cases are just being released;
In many cases, local law enforcement drops lesser charges against
illegals under the assumption that they’ll be deported. Obama is letting
those illegals out of prison;
The Federal government is releasing illegal aliens with significant
traffic violations like drunk driving, felony hit-and-run, and even
grand theft auto;
These criminals are being set free without even warning their victims.
This is just so shameful. But not only that… these releases are illegal and unconstitutional.
These aliens have been given deportation orders by federal judges. The
Obama administration does not have the constitutional authority to
simply disregard these court orders.
Congress has to put a stop to this clear executive overreach. No
president has the authority to go against a lawful court order, not even
King Obama.
The White House is clearing out the prisons and sending criminal illegal aliens back into society.
President Obama released thousands of illegal aliens from prison last
year. He’s already released hundreds since announcing his amnesty
executive actions.
Martin Luther King, Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama: From Dream to Nightmare
By Mark Alexander
“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the
true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal.’ … I have a dream that my four children
will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color
of their skin but by the content of their character. … And if America
is to be a great nation this must become true.” –Martin Luther King Jr.,
August 28, 1963
Today, the once-noble Democratic Party of MLK’s era has devolved into a
propaganda machine fueled by hate and division, which has turned the
wisdom of this iconic sovereign’s most quoted remark upside down. It’s
as if King had said, “I have a dream that my children will one day be
judged by the color of their skin, not the content of their character.”
To keep you fully informed, your Patriot team follows Sun Tzu’s maxim
from “The Art of War”: “Know your enemy.” Thus, we review the whole
spectrum of news, policy and opinion, including notable daily dispatches
from organizations like the Communist Party USA and other leftist
groups, in order to better engage the adversaries of Liberty.
To that end, I attended this year’s MLK “Unity Prayer Breakfast,”
ostensibly in honor of Martin Luther King, featuring keynote speaker
Jeremiah “GD America” Wright. My objective was to determine if Wright
was still wrong.
As you recall, Wright was the charismatic “pastor” to Barack Obama, who,
for two decades prior to 2008, indoctrinated his disciple with the
black supremacist doctrines of hate and the Marxist “social gospel.”
Wright married Barack and Michelle, baptized their children and later
was identified by Obama in his biography as his primary “father figure.”
But in 2008, as Obama was seeking to dupe American voters and slide into
the White House, Wright disappeared from the political grid after
videos of his hate-filled “US-KKK-A” racist rhetoric hit YouTube. Who
can forget some of his more colorful protests: “‘God Bless America.’ No,
no, no, G-d d–m America – that’s in the Bible – for killing innocent
people. G-d d–m America for treating our citizens as less than human.
G-d d–m America for as long as she acts like she is god and she is
Shortly after those videos surfaced, Obama tried to distance himself
from decades under Wright’s rhetoric, claiming in 2008, “I am outraged
by the comments that were made. His comments were not only divisive and
destructive; I believe they end up giving comfort to those who prey on
hate… They offend me. They rightly offend all Americans. And they should
be denounced.”
Of course, Obama, himself a master of the “the BIG Lie,” was elected and
re-elected on “divisive and destructive” rhetoric preying on hate – and
indeed, he learned from a master!
Now that Obama has completed his last election – the 2014 midterm in
which his policies were, as he claimed, “on the ballot, every single one
of them,” all of which were resoundingly defeated – Jeremiah Wright has
come out of exile.
Needless to say, Wright’s message was NOT about “unity.”
Front and center at this event was the table of honor reserved for the
“peace-loving” Nation of Islam leaders, and, according to those
introducing Wright, he was selected to “raise holy hell” and “set us
ablaze.” But, we were reminded, “Our speaker has often been misquoted
and misunderstood … as most voices for God are.”
Wright began by ingratiating himself to his audience for a few minutes –
before dragging them down to hell. He declared that we should all be
thankful for Obama’s two inaugurals, saying, “Praise God and Party, but
the race ain’t over yet.” It took him almost five minutes before
singling out conservative white folks as “racist,” suggesting that among
those looking down on black folks today are “the countless bodies of
estranged fruit hung up in the trees and left hanging in a country that
is taught to hate the color of their skin. … Black men, women and
children lynched, watching to see if we understand that the Tea Party
ain’t nothing but a 2.0 upgrade of a lynch mob!”
Sitting next to me at Wright’s hatefest was my colleague, Tennessee Tea
Party principal Mark West, and of course he and I were in the
one-percent minority at this venue. The grassroots Tea Party movement is
about Liberty for all Americans, as was Martin King’s dream, but Wright
would have none of that.
We believe that Liberty is colorblind, but asserting individual rights
and responsibilities is an affront to Wright and other race-baiters,
including Obama’s chief race relations counselor, Al Sharpton, and
Attorney General Eric Holder.
Wright wasted no time heating up Obama’s latest race-bait stew: “Michael
Brown was left rotting in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, in the hot
August sun like road kill … while his murderer walks free because the
prosecutor orchestrated a verdict not to indict. … Eric Garner … choked
to death in front of a video camera while his murderers are set free by
bigoted bozos.”
And so Wright continued – ad nauseum.
In addition to my Tea Party colleague, there were three other people at
our table, black folks, who were genuinely devoted to “unity in Christ”
as clearly distinguishable from Wright’s message of racial disunity. One
of them had an interesting observation: “If one was to examine the
civil rights movement of the Sixties and compare it to the social
justice movements of today, you would find one glaring difference. MLK’s
success was partly due to thousands of college students and young
people actively engaged and empowered by the message and practice of
non-violence. But young people are not as engaged in the ‘social
justice’ movements of the Al Sharptons and the Jeremiah Wrights because
we are several generations removed from the racism and discrimination
that was experienced by blacks prior to the civil rights movement.
The next generation has no actual point of reference for such racism. We
have enjoyed the fruit of King’s labor. Thus, the Baby Boomers of the
civil rights movement endeavor to instill their hate and bitterness into
the current generation by fomenting social unrest over incidents like
Brown and Garner. When those race baiters are dead and gone, then we
might be truly ‘free at last.’”
At Martin King’s funeral, one Bible passage, Matthew 5:9, summed up his
life’s mission: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called
sons of God.”
But Obama and his cadres of race-baiters are anything but peacemakers.
They have betrayed King’s legacy, turning his dream into a nightmare for
millions of black men, women and children now enslaved on urban poverty
plantations by five decades of failed “Great Society” economic and
social policies.
Robert E. Lee
Today we take a moment to remember the birth anniversary of Robert E.
Lee (1807-1870), one of the greatest military commanders in American
history. He was also a great man of faith who gave his all for the cause
of Liberty and states' rights.
There were many honorable men of the Confederate States of America,
whose objective was, first and foremost, the protection of states
rights, and decidedly not the continuation of abhorrent institution of
slavery. For a better understanding on the issues of the day, read this
perspective on Abraham Lincoln, which was not included in your
grade-school civics class. The honor we give these men has its roots in
the founding of this great nation.
Mark Alexander notes in his essay, “Lincoln’s Legacy at 200,” that “the
causal case for states' rights is most aptly demonstrated by the words
and actions of Gen. Lee, who detested slavery and opposed secession. In
1860, however, Gen. Lee declined President Abraham Lincoln’s request
that he take command of the Army of the Potomac, saying that his first
allegiance was to his home state of Virginia: ‘I have, therefore,
resigned my commission in the army, and save in defense of my native
state… I hope I may never be called on to draw my sword.’ He would, soon
thereafter, take command of the Army of Northern Virginia, rallying his
officers with these words: ‘Let each man resolve to be victorious, and
that the right of self-government, liberty, and peace shall find him a
Another stupid new Leftist theory
Martin Hutchinson
In an inevitable development, the proponents of greater government
spending have developed a new theory to encourage it. With Senator
Bernie Sanders (I.-VT)'s appointment of its proponent University of
Missouri-Kansas City professor Stephanie Kelton as minority chief
economist to the Senate Budget Committee, the new Modern Monetary Theory
is about to get a serious airing. Those of us who are hoping against
hope that some day the global economy will return to sound monetary and
fiscal principles should understand this new form of economic sophistry,
and divert some of our fire against it.
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) goes back a fair way; the beginnings of the
theory were propounded in a 1905 work "State Theory of Money" by Georg
Friedrich Knapp (1842-1926), since when others including Wynne Godley
and Hyman Minsky have added to the superstructure. Knapp was the first
to propound that money had no intrinsic value and was simply a
government token; he was unlucky to live long enough for the Weimar
Republic's Rudolf von Havenstein to put this theory to a thorough test
and disprove it pretty decisively.
Under MMT, the central bank printing money and the Treasury running a
budget deficit are regarded as equivalent; both involve the public
sector running a deficit, thereby allowing the private sector to run a
surplus. Hence balanced budgets are regarded as highly restrictive, as
is taxation in general. An MMT government seeking to maximize private
sector output would run permanent large budget deficits, thereby
encouraging the private economy to invest and expand. Cutting budget
deficits curbs private saving, since the saving/investment relationship
is supposed to be fixed.
On the trade side, the last couple of decades have made MMT look
somewhat plausible. MMT theorists consider that the goods are irrelevant
to a trade transaction; it the demand for the importer's currency that
makes it work. Thus imports are beneficial to an economy, because they
provide valuable goods and services, whereas exporters deprive domestic
users of the goods and services exported. Under MMT therefore, the
continual U.S. $500 billion payments deficits for the last decade are
beneficial, the result of sound policy.
Under MMT, while private sector debt is genuinely debt, government debt
is really a benefit to the private sector, since governments can always
fund their own debt by handing out newly printed $100 bills to the
lender. The theory rests on a central fallacy: that governments and
countries can continue increasing their debts ad infinitum, without ever
having to pay them back.
It was indeed the Weimar Republic's von Havenstein, as President of the
money-printing Reichsbank, who provided the clearest disproof of that
theory. By trying to fund the Weimar Republic's excessive deficits
through printing money, he produced hyperinflation and collapse. The
Weimar authorities had found the proto-MMT attractive, because it
appeared to provide them with the collateral benefit of bilking the
Allies of the war reparations they demanded. However even in this
limited objective it failed over any but the shortest timeframe.
However 1923 is not really within living memory, even in Germany, and we
need to examine the implications of MMT to today's economy, in which
inflation appears notably absent. Clearly MMT provides a renewed
rationale for those whose principal wish is to increase government
spending, of whatever kind. If government can either print or borrow
money, without having to increase taxes or suffer any other adverse
consequences for the economy, then government spending is indeed a free
good. Were that true, the left could indeed indulge their hobby of
devising infinite new ways to hand out what, according to MMT, is not
even the taxpayers' money.
There's no doubt that the policies pursued in 2009-11 followed the
prescriptions of MMT pretty closely. The Federal budget deficit was
allowed to soar well over $1 trillion, aided by $800 billion of spending
"stimulus" while interest rates were kept at rock bottom levels and the
Fed engaged in multiple rounds of "quantitative easing" – buying
Treasury bonds rather than printing money directly, thus subsidizing
Wall Street rather than ordinary people.
Since 2012, while the Fed has continued to pursue the dictates of MMT,
the Republican-controlled House of Representatives has reversed course,
allowing taxes to rise at the end of 2012 and then imposing the spending
"sequester" in 2013 and to a lesser extent in 2014-2015. This has
resulted in an acceleration of growth and job-creation, as government's
deadweight on the economy has been forced to decline. Because of the
deficit's decline, banks have been less able to buy government bonds and
borrow short-term, profiting from the interest rate "gap." Thus bank
lending to small and medium sized businesses has increased, by 16.2% in
the year to December 2014 according to Fed figures, reversing the dearth
of 2009-12. Of course, MMT would have predicted the opposite to occur
in both cases.
Via email
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc. He has some good comments on Muslims this time
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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here (Personal)
20 January, 2015
Does Australia have the ideal healthcare system?
You might not think so from the news report below. The report covers
just one episode of inaccessible healthcare but it is typical of what
happens all the time in all states in Australia and in Britain. Both
Australia and Britain have a system of "free" hospitals and local
doctors but also (unlike Canada) allow private health services. And it
is a testimony to how bad the "free" system is that 40% of Australians
have private health insurance, which enables them to take advantage of
Australia's large network of excellent private hospitals at little or no
out-of-pocket cost.
Why would you pay for something if you can
have it for free? The answer of course is that the "free" system is so
bad as to be life threatening on occasions. As the various parts of
Obamacare go live, Americans too will experience that. For many, health
services will be "free" but unavailable.
Private health
insurance is affordable in Australia. Many people on relatively low
incomes have it. I pay $160 a month for mine. It is bought directly by
the person covered rather than through an employer. So it is a
significant budget item for many and the majority would rather spend
their money on beer and cigarettes than on insurance. So they rely on
the taxpayer for "free" health care. They rely on bureaucratic
healthcare provision.
And the ineffectiveness of that gets
steadily worse. Bureaucracies do not die overnight. They are like
cancer, slowly growing but they will kill you eventually. They gradually
choke themselves to death. And what we read below shows that process to
be in an advanced state in Australia -- the State health services all
go back many decades. And the services will get even worse in future.
the present situation is in fact mostly fair. If you put your money
into beer and cigarettes instead of health insurance you deserve only
third-rate care and that is what you get. You are mainly raiding people
who have already paid for their own care and asking them to pay for your
care too.
Can that be improved? Do the improvident public have
to be treated so badly? If you think improvement is needed the way to it
would probably be to get the beer and cigarettes money redirected into
private health insurance -- so that the government system is left to
care for the few who cannot afford even beer and cigarettes. If that
were done, much of the demand would be taken off the government service
and the genuinely poor would get better service.
So if you see
the situation described below as a problem, your rational response would
be to mandate private health insurance for all but the very poor. But
if you don't like the compulsion in that you can console yourself that
the existing system may be rather horrible for many but it is at least
fair for the great majority. Most of those being poorly treated could
have chosen otherwise
I have a fairly average health insurance
policy so my treatment in a recent health emergency is instructive. I
had an attack of kidney stones. So I went straight to the Wesley private
hospital here in Brisbane -- a church-run hospital named after two
great Christians. Within less than two hours of the pain developing, I
was given morphine as pain relief and within 6 hours I was on the
operating table. The ideal is possible and readily available in
Australia. It just isn't free
If America ever gets a rational Congress and President, I think they could learn something from Australia
A Sydney hospital left a patient in its emergency department for almost
six days, prompting condemnation from an expert in emergency medicine.
Details about the incident are scarce. But a hospital source said the
patient was admitted to Blacktown Hospital's emergency department on
Wednesday evening the week before last.
The hospital confirmed the patient had been sitting in a recliner chair
in its emergency department and was discharged at some time on Tuesday
last week.
"This is absolutely extreme," said Clinical Associate Professor Paul
Middleton from Sydney University. "In 25 years working in hospital
emergency departments I've never seen anybody stay for that long.
"The lights are on all the time. It's noisy. There are wailing children,
mental health patients, people pissed off with waiting and shouting;
there's trauma; there's blood and there's vomiting. It's not a place to
spend a long time. Patients don't do well [in emergency]."
The hospital, citing patient confidentiality, declined to provide
details about the patient's illness. It said they had been treated while
in the emergency department and been referred to hospital specialists.
Danny O'Connor, the CEO of the western Sydney local health district,
said the patient was discharged after the hospital was satisfied with
their progress.
Mr O'Connor also said the case "presented many social complexities" and
that the hospital continued to care for patients who were unable to
leave for "family or social reasons".
But Professor Middleton said a ward was the only place for a patient in hospital that long.
"There are also alternatives to staying in hospital [such as refuges]," he added.
The Health Minister, Jillian Skinner, declined to comment.
"Our members are sick of being abused by patients who are facing major
delays," said Judith Kiedja from the nurses' and midwives' union.
The union advocates the government impose a ratio of one nurse for every
three patients to maintain standards of care. Blacktown's emergency
department has often run at twice that ratio of nurses this fortnight.
Tanya Whitehouse, from the Macarthur Domestic and Family Violence Service, said she found the case baffling.
"If the patient was facing domestic violence or homelessness, they
should have seen a social worker and been found a refuge," she said.
A spokesman for the Family and Community Services Minister, Gabrielle
Upton, said over the next three years the government would "invest a
record half billion dollars to tackle homelessness across the state".
This latest case comes after a fortnight of major delays at Blacktown
Hospital, where between 40 and 60 beds have been closed for the
A dozen patients, half aged over 80, were waiting more than two days in emergency two weeks ago.
There were further delays last week. Paramedics waited for 17 hours to hand one patient over to the care of the hospital.
"If they're closing that many beds it's a potential for disaster," Professor Middleton said.
NYC may yank terrorism report to appease mosque ‘spying’ critics
You can be sure that the hate-filled De Blasio will do all he can get away with to facilitate the Muslim haters
In top-secret talks to settle federal lawsuits against the NYPD for
monitoring mosques, the city is weighing a demand that it scrub from its
Web site a report on Islamic terrorists, The Post has learned.
The groundbreaking, 92-page report, titled “Radicalization in the West:
The Homegrown Threat,” angers critics who say it promotes “religious
profiling” and discrimination against Muslims. But law-enforcement
sources say removing the report now would come at the worst time — after
mounting terror attacks by Islamic extremists in Paris, Boston, Sydney
and Ottawa.
“The harm is that it sends the message that the NYPD is going to back
down on its counterterrorism effort in the name of political
correctness,” said a former NYPD official. “Shame on the NYPD if they
Sources familiar with the case confirmed that removal of the NYPD report
is one of the major sticking points in settlement negotiations.
Also on the table are demands that the NYPD halt any ongoing
surveillance in the Muslim community and that records of prior
monitoring be expunged, sources said.
With what seems today like a crystal ball, the 2007 NYPD report
identified an “emerging threat” — al Qaeda-inspired jihadists in the
United States and abroad, hell-bent on attacking their host countries.
“Radicalization is something the NYPD saw happening in Europe,” said the
former NYPD official. “It was prescient in identifying this phenomenon
and predicting it would increase.”
Among the report’s warnings:
“The majority of radical individuals began as ‘unremarkable’ — they had
‘unremarkable’ jobs, had lived ‘unremarkable’ lives and had little, if
any criminal history.”
Most terrorist wannabes are reasonably well-educated male Muslims
between ages 18 and 35, local residents, second- or third-generation
with roots in the Middle East or South Asia, and from middle-class
“The Internet is a driver and enabler for the process of
radicalization” — providing information on extremist beliefs to
practical advice on constructing weapons
Recent converts to Islam can be the most radical. “Their need to prove
their religious convictions to their companions often makes them the
most aggressive.”
Potential jihadists flock to mosques as their religious beliefs deepen,
then withdraw from them when “the individual’s level of extremism
surpasses that of the mosque.”
Once a person is radicalized, an attack can happen very quickly. “While
the other phases of radicalization may take place gradually, over two
to three years, this jihadization component can be a very rapid process,
taking only a few months, or even weeks.”
Under former Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, the report served as a
blueprint for the NYPD’s “demographic unit,” which sent plainclothes
detectives into Muslim cafes, stores and mosques to detect potential
After the initiative was exposed by The Associated Press, Muslim leaders
and groups filed two lawsuits in Brooklyn federal court claiming they
were subjected to unwarranted surveillance.
The suits complain the radicalization report puts virtually all Muslims under suspicion.
Last April, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton disbanded the intelligence-gathering unit.
A spokesman for the city Law Department said, “Discussions are ongoing, and nothing is final.”
Why Orthodox Jewish Women are Happy
Orthodox Jewish women and conservative Muslim women both follow modesty
rules, but Orthodox Jewish women are devout without abandoning their
individuality and civil liberties.
26-year-old Hayat Boumedienneis the suspected accomplice in last week’s
3-day terror attack in Paris, France. Her common law husband, Amedy
Coulibaly, murdered four Jews and a policewoman in a kosher Paris
Boumedienne is now the poster girl for young, insecure Western women who
abandon Western mores for radical Islam. Boumedienne’s close friend
described her to France24 News as an emotional basket case “who often
cries and has little confidence in herself.” After discarding her string
bikini for a niquab and a crossbow, she became violent instead of
loving and merciful. In other words, her radical religious zeal seemed
to make her more dark and vengeful than serene and peaceful.
Orthodox Jewish women in France now feel unsafe practicing their faith
in public. Jewish women are emigrating from France to Israel in
historically high numbers even as scores of young French women are being
recruited by ISIS. It is crucial for you and me to ask whether
political correctness is misleading women.
Orthodox Jewish women who meticulously follow the Torah abide by
“tznius” or modesty laws that direct them to wear stockings, skirts or
dresses that fall below the knees as well as blouses that cover their
elbows and collarbone. But the Orthodox Jewish woman’s face is always
unmasked: her mouth is unrestricted, showing that her religious
community values her voice and opinion; she is a unique individual; she
is equal to men.
A woman who is free to speak her mind would not feel compelled to cover
her mouth with a black cloth. Orthodox Judaism recognizes that all women
have a natural right to free speech, and therefore does not ask women
to hide their mouths.
Orthodox Jewish women who cover their hair with a wig after marriage are
saving some parts of their beauty for their marriage—while retaining
their freedom and distinct personalities. Even after marriage, Orthodox
Jewish women retain their individuality and their femininity:
waistlines, the shape of the lower legs, the slenderness of the ankle
and other curves remain visible.
Certainly there are many Muslims of integrity such as Lassana Bathily, a
store employee at the kosher supermarket in Paris who courageously
helped police gain control over the violence on January 9.
But we also don’t hear repeated stories of Jewish, Christian or atheist
men attacking their wives with acid; stoning alleged adulteresses
without due process; or refusing to let women drive.
As individuals, we must reject political correctness in our elected
representatives and ourselves. Instead of trying to please everyone, let
us strive to live our lives as we see fit while allowing our neighbors
to do the same. This means being tolerant of others’ words, actions and
faith—as long as they do not use their faith to justify violence,
coercion or sexism. Religious freedom, not radical relativism, is the
key to happiness.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
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19 January, 2015
The Committee for Symbol Security has released its tentative redesign of
the American flag to include the previously unrepresented District of
Columbia, which is not part of any of the 50 states. This omission is
now rectified by giving Washington, DC, it's rightful place - a super
star with the 50 states nestled safely between its legs.
The committee initially proposed the D.C. star be on the far left,
before realizing when seen from the reverse side it would be on the far
right. To solve that problem the idea of a one-sided flag was
entertained until it was pointed out, while a one-sided media is
possible, a one-sided flag was a physical impossibility. While the D.C.
star placement issue seems settled, some committee members have not
given up and have appealed to President Obama to issue an executive
order that the wind must always blow from the left.
The White House responded that the red and white stripes should be
dropped because, "It's the twenty-first century, nobody cares what the
original intent of the flag's designers was." The committee announced it
will form a special task force to study the suggestion.
Sorry, liberals, Scandinavian countries aren’t utopias
In the American liberal compass, the needle is always pointing to places
like Denmark. Everything they most fervently hope for here has already
happened there.
So: Why does no one seem particularly interested in visiting Denmark?
(“Honey, on our European trip, I want to see Tuscany, Paris, Berlin and .
. . Jutland!”) Visitors say Danes are joyless to be around. Denmark
suffers from high rates of alcoholism. In its use of antidepressants it
ranks fourth in the world. (Its fellow Nordics the Icelanders are in
front by a wide margin.) Some 5 percent of Danish men have had sex with
an animal. Denmark’s productivity is in decline, its workers put in only
28 hours a week, and everybody you meet seems to have a government job.
Oh, and as The Telegraph put it, it’s “the cancer capital of the
So how happy can these drunk, depressed, lazy, tumor-ridden, pig-bonking bureaucrats really be?
Let’s look a little closer, suggests Michael Booth, a Brit who has lived
in Denmark for many years, in his new book, “The Almost Nearly Perfect
People: Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia” (Picador).
Those sky-high happiness surveys, it turns out, are mostly bunk. Asking
people “Are you happy?” means different things in different cultures. In
Japan, for instance, answering “Yes” seems like boasting, Booth points
out. Whereas in Denmark, it’s considered “shameful to be unhappy,”
newspaper editor Anne Knudsen says in the book.
Moreover, there is a group of people that believes the Danes are lying
when they say they’re the happiest people on the planet. This group is
known as “Danes.”
“Over the years I have asked many Danes about these happiness surveys —
whether they really believe that they are the global happiness champions
— and I have yet to meet a single one of them who seriously believes
it’s true,” Booth writes. “They tend to approach the subject of their
much-vaunted happiness like the victims of a practical joke waiting to
discover who the perpetrator is.”
Danes are well aware of their worldwide reputation for being the
happiest little Legos in the box. Answering “No” would be as unthinkable
as honking in traffic in Copenhagen. When the author tried this (once),
he was scolded by his bewildered Danish passenger: “What if they know
you?” Booth was asked.
That was a big clue: At a party, the author joked, it typically takes
about eight minutes for people to discover someone they know in common.
Denmark is a land of 5.3 million homogeneous people. Everyone talks the
same, everyone looks the same, everyone thinks the same.
This is universally considered a feature — a glorious source of national
pride in the land of humblebrag. Any rebels will be made to conform;
tall poppies will be chopped down to average.
The country’s business leaders are automatically suspect because of the
national obsession with averageness: Shipping tycoon Maersk McKinney
Moller, the richest man in the country before his death in 2012, avoided
the national shame of being a billionaire by being almost absurdly hoi
polloi. He climbed stairs to his office every day, attended meetings
until well into his 90s and brown-bagged his lunch.
An American woman told Booth how, when she excitedly mentioned at a
dinner party that her kid was first in his class at school, she was met
with icy silence.
One of the most country’s most widely known quirks is a satirist’s
crafting of what’s still known as the Jante Law — the Ten Commandments
of Buzzkill. “You shall not believe that you are someone,” goes one.
“You shall not believe that you are as good as we are,” is another.
Others included “You shall not believe that you are going to amount to
anything,” “You shall not believe that you are more important than we
are” and “You shall not laugh at us.”
Richard Wilkinson, an author and professor who published a book arguing
for the superiority of egalitarian cultures, told Booth,
“Hunter-gatherer societies — which are similar to prehistoric societies —
are highly egalitarian. And if someone starts to take on a more
domineering position, they get ridiculed or teased or ostracized. These
are what’s called counter-dominance strategies, and they maintain the
greater equality.”
So Danes operate on caveman principles — if you find it, share it, or be
shunned. Once your date with Daisy the Sheep is over, you’d better make
sure your friends get a turn. (Bestiality has traditionally been legal
in Denmark, though a move to ban it is under way. Until recently,
several “bestiality brothels” advertised their services in newspapers,
generally charging clients $85 to $170 for what can only be termed a
roll in the hay.)
The flip side of the famous “social cohesion” is that outsiders are
unwelcome. Xenophobic remarks are common. At gatherings, the spirit of
“hygge” — loosely translated as cozy — prevails. It’s considered uncouth
to try to steer the conversation toward anything anyone might
conceivably disagree about. This is why even the Danes describe Danes as
In addition to paying enormous taxes — the total bill is 58 percent to
72 percent of income — Danes have to pay more for just about everything.
Books are a luxury item. Their equivalent of the George Washington
Bridge costs $45 to cross. Health care is free — which means you pay in
time instead of money. Services are distributed only after endless stays
in waiting rooms. (The author brought his son to an E.R. complaining of
a foreign substance that had temporarily blinded him in one eye and was
turned away, told he had to make an appointment.) Pharmacies are a
state-run monopoly, which means getting an aspirin is like a trip to the
Other Scandinavian countries (Booth defines the term broadly, to include
Nordic brethren Iceland and Finland in addition to Denmark, Sweden and
Norway) raise other questions about how perfect the nearly perfect
people really are. Iceland’s famous economic boom turned out to be one
of history’s most notorious real estate bubbles. A common saying in
Denmark about Icelanders: They wear shoes that are too big for them, and
they keep tripping over the shoelaces.
The success of the Norwegians — the Beverly Hillbillies of Europe —
can’t be imitated. Previously a peasant nation, the country now has more
wealth than it can spend: Colossal offshore oil deposits spawned a
sovereign wealth fund that pays for everything.
Finland, which tops the charts in many surveys (they’re the least
corrupt people on Earth, its per-capita income is the highest in Western
Europe and Helsinki often tops polls of the best cities), is also a
leader in categories like alcoholism, murder (highest rate in Western
Europe), suicide and antidepressant usage.
Their leading filmmaker, Aki Kaurismaki, makes features so
“unremittingly morose they made [Ingmar] Bergman look like Mr. Bean,”
reports Booth.
Finnish etiquette demands little in the way of conversation (the men,
especially, speak as if being charged by the syllable) but much in the
way of alcohol abuse. It’s considered poor form to leave the party when
there is anything left in a bottle. Although their overall alcohol
consumption is near the European average, they binge-drink more than
almost any other country on the continent. Booze-related disease is the
leading cause of death for Finnish men, and second for women.
The suicide rate is 50 percent higher than in the US and more than
double the UK rate. Party guests, even at upscale gatherings, report
that, around 11:30 at night, things often take a fighty turn.
It turns out that the “warrior gene” — actually the enzyme monoamine
oxidase A, which is linked to impulsive behavior, violence and
alcoholism — is especially prevalent in Finland. “Dark” doesn’t just
describe winter in the Arctic suburbs, it applies to the Finnish
Macho isn’t a problem in Sweden. Dubbed the least masculine country on
Earth by anthropologist Geert Hofstede, it’s the place where male
soldiers are issued hairnets instead of being made to cut their hair.
But Scandinavian cohesion may not work in conjunction with massive
immigration: Almost one-third of the Swedish population was born
elsewhere. Immigration is associated in the Swedish mind with welfare
(housing projects full of people on the dole) and with high crime rates
(these newcomers being more than four times as likely to commit murder).
Islamist gangs control some of the housing projects. Friction between
“ethnic Swedes” and the immigrants is growing.
Welfare states work best among a homogeneous people, and the kind of
diversity and mistrust we have between groups in America means we could
never reach a broad consensus on Nordic levels of social spending.
Anyway, Sweden thought better of liberal economics too: When its welfare
state became unsustainable (something savvy Danes are just starting to
say), it went on a privatization spree and cut government spending from
67 percent of GDP to less than half. In the wake of the global financial
crisis, it chose austerity, eliminating its budget deficit (it now runs
a slight surplus).
As for its supposedly sweet-natured national persona, in a poll in which
Swedes were asked to describe themselves, the adjectives that led the
pack were “envious, stiff, industrious, nature-loving, quiet, honest,
dishonest and xenophobic.” In last place were these words: “masculine,”
“sexy” and “artistic.”
Scandinavia, as a wag in The Economist once put it, is a great place to
be born — but only if you are average. The dead-on satire of
Scandinavian mores “Together” is a 2000 movie by Sweden’s Lukas
Moodysson set in a multi-family commune in 1975, when the groovy Social
Democratic ideal was utterly unquestioned in Sweden.
In the film’s signature scene, a sensitive, apron-wearing man tells his
niece and nephew as he is making breakfast, “You could say that we are
like porridge. First we’re like small oat flakes — small, dry, fragile,
alone. But then we’re cooked with the other oat flakes and become soft.
We join so that one flake can’t be told apart from another. We’re almost
dissolved. Together we become a big porridge that’s warm, tasty, and
nutritious and yes, quite beautiful, too. So we are no longer small and
isolated but we have become warm, soft and joined together. Part of
something bigger than ourselves. Sometimes life feels like an enormous
porridge, don’t you think?”
Then he spoons a great glutinous glob of tasteless starch onto the poor
kids’ plates. That’s Scandinavia for you, folks: Bland, wholesome,
individual-erasing mush. But, hey, at least we’re all united in being
slowly digested by the system.
Another dose of Leftist hypocrisy
There will be an election for the State government in my home State
of Queensland on 31st of this month. And the campaigns reflect much of
what is true elsewhere. This campaign is an excellent example of how
Leftists live in an eternal and unprincipled present. The Left is
attacking the ruling conservatives over the sell-offs of government
property that the conservatives are doing. Yet the last Leftist
government also did big sell-offs, including the government freight railroad.
What is good for the goose is evidently not good for the gander. What
makes a policy right when Leftists do it but wrong when others do it?
A small excerpt from a current news report below:
The first stop in Cairns was Barron Gorge hydro power station — owned by
Stanwell, one of the government-owned corporations slated for
privatisation under the Newman government. And in Townsville, Ms
Palaszczuk will continue her anti-privatisation message, attending a
rally in the north Queensland capital The policy difference is
the key contrast between the ALP and the LNP ahead of the January 31 poll.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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18 January, 2015
Nazi ideology
I have been including in my postings here occasional comments on
history because I believe that you need to know how we got to where we
are today before you can understand what is going on in the world today.
Leftists, of course shrink from knowing anything about history because
of the way it falsifies their claims. In particular it shows that their
"solutions" to the problems of today have already been tried and found
wanting. They are like a dog returning to its vomit (Proverbs 26:11).
offering today is an excerpt from psychohistorian Richard A.
Koenigberg. He shows where collectivism leads and in so doing displays
how alien to conservatism Nazism was. There was NOTHING "Right wing"
about it. It was totally alien to the individual liberty concerns that
have always been basic to conservative thought
Robert J. Lifton's book, The Nazi Doctors (1986) provides evidence that
the fantasy that drove Hitler's thinking drove the thinking of other
Nazis as well. Lifton spent several years interviewing 29 men who had
been significantly involved at high levels with Nazi medicine. Lifton's
reconstruction of the deep-structure of Nazi ideology presented in his
book is based upon these interviews, combined with an analysis of
written accounts, documents, speeches, diaries, and letters.
The central fantasy uncovered by Lifton was that of the German nation as
an organism that could succumb to an illness. Lifton cites Dr. Johann
S. who spoke about being "doctor to the Volkskorper (‘national body’ or
‘people's’ body)." National Socialism, Dr. Johann S. said, is a movement
rather than a party, constantly growing and changing according to the
"health" requirements of the people's body. "Just as a body may succumb
to illness," the doctor declared, so "the Volkskorper could do the
When Lifton asked another doctor, Fritz Klein, how he could reconcile
the concentration camps with his Hippocratic Oath to save lives, he
replied "Of course I am a doctor and I want to preserve life. And out of
respect for human life, I would remove a gangrenous appendix from a
diseased body. The Jew is the gangrenous appendix in the body of
mankind." Lifton mentioned this phrase "gangrenous appendix" to another
Nazi, Dr. B., who quickly answered that his overall feeling and that of
the other Nazi doctors was that "Whether you want to call it an appendix
or not, it must be extirpated (ausgerottet, meaning also
"exterminated," "destroyed," "eradicated").
Goebbels put it this way: "Our task here is surgical; drastic incisions,
or some day Europe will perish of the Jewish disease." Hans Frank,
General Governor of Poland during the Nazi occupation, called Jews "a
lower species of life, a kind of vermin, which upon contact infected the
German people with deadly diseases." When the Jews in the area he ruled
had been killed, he declared that, "Now a sick Europe will become
healthy again."
Finally, on February 22, 1942, Hitler made the following astonishing
statement: "The discovery of the Jewish virus is one of the greatest
revolutions that have taken place in the world. The battle we are
engaged in is of the same sort as the battle waged during the last
century, by Pasteur and Koch."
Ducking Reality: Administration Goes to Rhetorical Extremes on Terror Attacks
Jonah Goldberg
Could this argument be any dumber? The Obama administration has forced
America and much of the world into a debate no one wanted or needed.
Namely, does Islamic terrorism have anything to do with Islam.
This debate is different than the much-coveted "national conversation on
race" that politicians so often call for (usually as a way to duck
having it), because that is a conversation at least some people want.
The White House doesn't want a conversation about Islam and terrorism.
White House spokesman Josh Earnest says, "We have chosen not to use that
label [of radical Islam] because it doesn't seem to accurately describe
what happened."
What happened was the slaughter last week at the satirical French
newspaper Charlie Hebdo. The sound of the terrorists' gunfire was
punctuated by shouts of "Allahu akbar!" and "We have avenged the prophet
Since no one questions the sincerity of these declarations, that alone
should settle the issue of whether Islam had anything to do with the
attack. And for normal people it would.
The problem is that the White House's position is categorical denial. It
is not that the role of Islam in such attacks is exaggerated. Nor is it
that these attacks should not be used to disparage more than a billion
peaceful Muslims around the world. These are mainstream and defensible
But, again, that's not what the White House is saying. It is saying that
one should not associate these attacks with the word "Islamic," no
matter what adjective you hang on it -- radical, extreme, perverted,
etc. -- even when the murderers release videos attesting to their faith
and their association with Islamist terror groups.
By taking this radical and extremist rhetorical approach, the Obama
administration invites people to talk about Islam more, not less.
Think of it this way. A bird waddles into the room. It walks like a
duck, it talks like a duck, it gives off every indication of duckness.
If Josh Earnest says, "That's not a mallard," well, OK. You can have a
reasonable conversation about which species the bird might be. But if
Earnest says, "That is not a duck. It has no relation or similarity to
anatine fowl in any way, shape or form, and any talk of ducks is
Well, now we have a problem. Such rhetorical extremism almost forces
people into an argument about what a duck is. Likewise, by denying the
role of radical Islam, they invite sane people everywhere to focus more,
not less, on Islam.
There are, of course, many problems with this analogy. The most
important one is that ducks cannot talk. They cannot say, “Look, I am a
Terrorists can talk. And they do. They also form organizations with
magazines and websites and Twitter accounts. They issue manifestos. They
recruit in mosques. When we capture them alive, they demand Qurans and
pray five times a day, bowing toward Mecca.
You know who else can talk? Non-extremist Muslims. And millions of them
routinely refer to the bad guys as radical Islamists and the like.
I could go on, but you get the point — if you don’t work at this White House.
The Obama administration seems to believe that the wonder-working power
of their words can get everyone to stop believing their lying eyes and
ears. It’s tempting to ask, “How stupid do they think we are?” But the
more relevant question is, “How stupid do they think the world’s 1.6
billion Muslims are?” Whatever appeal the Islamic State may or may not
have in the larger Muslim world, Barack Obama insisting “it is not
Islamic” surely makes no difference whatsoever. And as for the
jihadists, it’s not like his words speak louder than his drone strikes.
It’s true that the Obama administration has had remarkable success
playing word games. They “created or saved” millions of jobs — as if
that was a real economic metric. (For what it’s worth, I do or save 500
pushups every morning). They decimated “core al-Qaeda,” with the
tautological definition of “core al-Qaeda” being “the parts of al-Qaeda
that we have decimated.”
But this is different. Those distortions were political buzzphrases
intended for domestic consumption and a re-election campaign. This is a
much bigger deal. The threat of Islamic extremism transcends Obama’s
theological hubris and lexicological shenanigans. All that Obama’s
insipid rhetorical gamesmanship does is send the signal to friend and
foe alike that he can’t or won’t see the problem for what it is.
Leftmedia Self-Censors to Appease Violent Islamists
The Leftmedia’s resolve to uphold the freedom of speech buckled this
week as, one by one, television news stations reported on the latest
Charlie Hebdo edition featuring a weeping Muhammad but did not show the
cover. (We haven’t shown the cover for the simple reason that it’s lousy
and even phallic.)
NBC’s “Today” and ABC’s “Good Morning America” told its viewers what to
think of the image that they didn’t show, describing the front page as
“a triumph for free speech.” SkyNews went so far as to reprimand a
writer for Charlie Hebdo when she tried to show the image during a live
interview. As she held up the paper, the station cut away and the anchor
said, “We at SkyNews have chosen not to show that cover, so we’d
appreciate it, Caroline, not showing that.” He continued, “I do
apologize, for any of our viewers who may have been offended by that.”
CNN digressed even further when its religion editor, Daniel Burke,
compared the Muslim communities in France to the community in Ferguson,
Missouri. “There is a prevailing feeling in France among many Muslims
that they are not treated as part of the state at large,” Burke
complained. Pandering to violent extremism is only one sign that our
culture’s moral fortitude has begun to decay.
Don't Get Sick in Canada! Wait Times Grow Even Longer
The Doctor Will See You in 18.2 Weeks
An updated report by a Canadian think tank documents long waits for
necessary medical care in Canada's government-run, single-payer health
care system. Canada’s single-payer health system is frequently touted as
a model for the United States to follow.
According to the report, by Bacchus Barua and Frazier Fathers of the
Fraser Institute, Canadians wait for necessary medical treatments an
average of 18.2 weeks between referral from a general practitioner and
the time the patient receives treatment from a specialist. Barua and
Fathers surveyed specialist physicians across 10 provinces and 12
specialties and found the average wait time is 96 percent longer than in
1993, when it was just 9.3 weeks.
“Canada rations through long waiting times and limited access,” said Dr.
Roger Stark, a health care policy analyst at the Washington Policy
Center and a retired physician. “These long waits would not be
acceptable to Americans who are rightly accustomed to timely health
The Fraser report was the 25th annual report on wait times in Canada.
Variation in Waits
The wait times reported by Barau and Fathers are median waits, meaning
half of the patients are seen in less than the reported time while half
are seen in more than the reported time.
The report found a great deal of variation between provinces in the
total wait times patients face. Ontario has the shortest total wait,
14.1 weeks, followed closely by Saskatchewan with an average wait of
14.2 weeks.
At the other end of the spectrum, patients in New Brunswick have the
longest wait at 37.3 weeks, with Prince Edward Island reporting waits of
35.9 weeks and Nova Scotia patients wait 32.7 weeks.
Wait times also varied by specialties. The longest wait is for
orthopedic surgery, 42.2 weeks, while neurosurgery patients wait an
average of 31.2 weeks. Cancer patients have relatively short waits, only
3.3 weeks for medical oncology and 4.2 weeks for radiation oncology.
Elective cardiovascular surgery patients wait 9.9 weeks.
Barua told Health Care News Canadian taxpayers are funding a very
expensive system that is failing to deliver timely access to health care
for patients in need of medically necessary treatment.
“Wait times have become a defining feature of Canada’s health care
system, and they can have serious consequences,” said Barua. “For
example, they may force some patients to endure months of physical pain
and mental anguish, they may result in lower worker productivity and
forgone wages, they can sometimes result in a potentially treatable
illness being transformed into a debilitating permanent condition, and
in the worst cases they may result in death.”
Wait Lists Growing
According to Dr. Barua, it’s easy to understand what hasn’t caused
waiting times to soar from 9.3 weeks in 1993 to 18.2 weeks in 2014.
“It clear that it is not likely due to insufficient funding, as health
care expenditure per capita increased about 51 percent (after adjusting
for inflation) during the period,” said Barua. “We also currently have
one of the most expensive universal health care systems in the world –
we’re just not receiving commensurate value in return.”
Barua points to the nature of single-payer health care as the cause of
the waits. “The necessity to ration health care through wait times
essentially results from an basic imbalance between demand and supply --
a situation that is a product of the government monopoly on the
financing and delivery of core medical services, the lack of appropriate
incentives for providers, and the absence of means-tested cost-sharing
for patients,” explained Barua.
Dr. John Dale Dunn, an emergency physician and policy advisor to The
Heartland Institute, identifies the bureaucratic nature of Canadian
health care as a source of the problem.
“The reason this happens is that a province gets a global budget which
is arbitrarily set by bureaucrats with no effort made to respond to what
people need,” Dunn said. “The people in control of this money know they
must spend everything, but not go over the budget, so they do this by
restricting access.”
Dunn described how the incentive for bureaucrats is to treat
less-serious cases ahead of patients with more serious medical issues in
order to avoid going over budget.
“Say you need an operation, you are by definition in the Canadian system
defined as an outlier,” explained Dunn. “You are going to have to bang
on the door to get any treatment. So what they do is fill their beds
with people who don't have exotic care and this restricts access,” for
patient with expensive and complex medical needs.
“This is indirect rationing -- it's the kind of thing that is bound to
happen with global budgets,” Dunn said. “Almost 30 years ago, I started
to see doctors leaving Canada because they were disgusted with the
system because it prevented them from treating patients.”
U.S. Single Payer Advocates
Despite the continued problem of long waits for needed medical care, as
well as the recent abandonment of a single-payer health system by
longtime proponent Governor Peter Shumlin of Vermont, there remains some
support in the U.S. for moving towards a completely government-financed
health system.
The New York State Assembly’s health committee will hold a hearing
tomorrow, January 13, on Assembly Member Richard Gottfried’s
(D-Manhattan) legislation to adopt single-payer health care in the state
of New York. Gottfried chairs the health committee.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
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16 January, 2015
Should we all live on beans?
There is a book called “The Blue Zones” which researched areas of the
world that have an unusual concentration of centenarians (people
reaching the age of 100). Let me put up a brief summary of its
conclusions before I comment:
All long-lived people live on a high-carb, low-fat, plant-based diet
All long-lived people eat a lot of vegetables, including greens.
Whenever they can get it, long-lived populations eat a lot of fruit and it seems to contribute to their longevity
When animal products are consumed, it’s occasionally and in small
amounts only. But the 7th Day Adventist study also showed that vegans
live longer than vegetarians or meat eaters, so the ideal is to avoid
all animal products. If you do eat animal products, it shouldn’t be more
than a few times a month (paleo eaters take note).
All long-lived people had periods in their life when a lot less food
was available and they had to survive on a very sparse, limited diet.
For example, the centenarians in the book in Okinawa describe a time
during World War II when they lived on sweet potatoes for three meals a
day. When discussing the centenarians in Italy: “When their family was
young, in the 1950s, they were very poor. They ate what they produced on
their land — mostly bread, cheese and vegetables (zucchini, tomatoes,
potatoes, eggplant, and most significantly, fava beans). Meat was at
best a weekly affair, boiled on Sunday with pasta and roasted during the
festivals.” This reinforces my concept of periodic fasting. Because we
live in a society of such abundance, we have to force ourselves to go
through periods of restrictions with periodic cleanses and fasting.
All long-lived people live in a sunny, warm climate — but not
necessarily tropical. They got plenty of vitamin D from natural
sunshine. The warmer climate probably also contributes to less stress
and a more relaxed lifestyle.
All long-lived people consume beans in some form or another.
Nuts appear to be good for health. The 7th Day Adventists who ate a
small serving of nuts several times a week had about half the risk of
heart disease of those who didn’t.
The typical centenarian diet is very simple. If you analyze all these
diets from long-lived people around the world, they essentially eat the
same simple foods every day. It appears that you do not need a wide
variety of foods in your diet to be healthy. Quality food over variety
is more important. Also, rich foods like meat and cheese are reserved
for special occasions, and eaten at the most a few times a month if at
They did not constantly change their diet or jump on the latest
superfood fad. They ate the same seasonal things every day of the year.
Those conclusions were derived from a study of just 5 populations --
and from a statistician's point of view a sample size of 5 is most
unlikely to support accurate generalizations.
But let us accept
that the generaliations are accurate and ask whether there are other
factors that explain the findings. One such stood out to me as I read
it: Food shortage. Note that the groups above lived on very little. A
sub-demand food intake both increases longevity and reduces stature. It
get you lots of long-lived short people -- as in Japan, where the food
supply was very sparse for most people up until about 1960.
effect of food shortage on stature can be extreme -- as we see in North
Korea today, where the average North Korean army recruit averages out at
around 4'6". And in reverse we see that the young people of Japan today
are much taller than their grandparents. From memory the average has
increased from about 5' to about 5'6"
So my theory that the long
lives in the study groups are attributable to food shortage is thus
easily testable. It follows from my theory that the individuals
concerned will be very short. That should be easily testable if the
authors want to advance their claims. I think there is a fair likelihood
that they won't need to go back with tape-measures, however. I think
they will recollect themselves towering over their study populations.
next question concerns the California Adventists. They presumably had
no food shortages, living in one of the great centers of agricultural
productivity. That may be so but the Adventists could be a special case
for reasons other than their food. They are also members of a very
religious group and it has been observed that very religious people
(also the Mormons, for instance) tend to live long and healthy lives --
presumably because both the religion itself and the community that
usually comes with it de-stresses people.
But, again, let us
assume that both food shortage and religion were irrelevant to the
findings above. We then come to the policy decision: Is it worth it to
live longer on a much less palatable diet than what we are used to? I
think there is not much doubt that the majority answer is a resounding:
"No". I happen to like beans but that is certainly my answer
Revolutions Eat Their Parents
Left-wing revolution is one of history's biggest bait-and-switches. Both
for the intellectuals who hanker for the grapeshot, and for the
marginalized peoples who get concentration camps instead of the
anti-capitalist utopia they were promised.
"Revolutions eat their children." This observation, by a journalist
during the French Revolution, was only partly true. In reality,
revolutions eat their parents. In particular, history’s left-wing
revolutions eat the left-wing intellectuals who made them happen. By
“left-wing” here I mean revolutions that explicitly aim to use
government power to reshuffle society. To remake society so it matches
whatever version of “justice” strikes its promoters as attractive.
Of course, in such reformist revolutions the eggheads are just an
appetizer. History's reformist revolutions move straight on to the main
course: the marginalized and minorities who were often the revolution's
most passionate supporters to begin with.
The left-wing revolutions of the twentieth century have all followed
this pattern: midwifed by utopian intellectuals, power is quickly seized
by political entrepreneurs who play to the basest instincts of the
common people. Even in the most “civilized” places, such as “anything
goes” Weimar Germany or 1950s “playground of the stars” Cuba, these
newly enthroned are happy to see those eggheads and their “perverted”
friends interred, tortured, hung from the nearest lamp post.
The litany is depressing. Especially for any tenured radical drawing
taxpayer money to cheer on the violence. Mao famously boasted of
“burying 46,000 scholars alive” meaning he shipped them wholesale to
concentration camps so they would shut up and die. Pol Pot’s radical
communist movement famously executed intellectuals in the thousands,
extending to anybody who wore glasses. Even the supposedly “cool”
regimes like Fidel Castro set up concentration camps for homosexuals,
while the Soviet Union illegalized homosexuality for over fifty years,
outdoing by a mile that light-weight hater Putin.
Most ironically, given his campus stardom, radical hero Che Guevara
gleefully and personally executed homosexuals, whom he detested, while
helping set up Fidel's network of camps across the county to torture
gays and effeminate men into renouncing their allegedly wicked
perversions that were supposedly the product of morally corrosive
Why do reformist revolutions enjoy executing both left-wing
intellectuals and the very “vulnerable groups” so near to the leftist
heart? Because power has its own logic. Because any government based on
violence has to constantly watch its back. And that means it has to
appeal to the basest instincts of the masses. If the masses hate gays,
or Jews, or the eggheads, then the government will do what it's told,
stuffing the Gulags with gays, Jews, and eggheads. What the basest
people hate, omnipotent government hates.
Why are intellectuals so blind to this horrible pattern? Presumably,
they hope this time is different and that the campus radicals and their
pet politicians will hold on this time. If history is a guide, they will
not. Instead, their revolution will get snatched from them by political
entrepreneurs and turned into their worst nightmare: a revolution that
is anti-intellectual, anti-gay, racist, and anti-Semitic. No matter how
pure the birth of the revolution, history suggests this is what it will
come to.
This gives no pleasure to point out. None of us want radical leftists
hanging from lampposts, or executed in Che's office for his
entertainment. What we do wish is that violence-promoting reformers
would have a bit more respect for the fire they play with. For them to
study a bit more history. To understand why it is, always and
everywhere, so dangerous to ride the tiger of unlimited government.
The left thinks it can control the tiger of the masses unleashed. It
cannot, and indeed it will be the first to hang. And that would be very
sad for us all, left and right.
A Leftist-Islamic Alliance
The twin massacres in Paris were, according to the perpetrators
themselves, payback for blasphemy. In other words, Islamists believe in
the “right not to be offended.” If that sounds familiar, maybe it’s
because the American left believes exactly the same thing.
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education’s (FIRE) latest report
reveals that of the 437 colleges and universities they surveyed, more
than 55 percent maintain what FIRE refers to as “red light” restrictions
on free speech. In 2012, FIRE president Greg Lukianoff offered examples
of those “speech codes,” noting that they may consist of restricting
speech that “feels offensive,” “demeaning,” that which will “discredit
the student body” or any language deemed to be “abusive, indecent,
profane or vulgar.”
And that’s just a small sampling of the official stances taken by
colleges themselves. As revealed by Healther Mac Donald,
"microaggressions,“ a laughably pathetic concept defined as "a form of
unintended discrimination…depicted by the use of known social norms of
behavior and/or expression that, while without conscious choice of the
user, has the same effect as conscious, intended discrimination,” has
become entrenched on college campuses as well. Thus one no longer has to
make a conscious effort to offend. As long as someone else feels
offended, it is more than enough to engender criticism, or as Mac Donald
chronicles, the sacking of a 79-year-old UCLA college professor for
creating “a toxic, unsafe and intellectually stifling environment at its
current worse (sic)” in his classroom – according to a “Day of Action
Statement” written by “Scholars of Color.”
Note that even the most rabid Islamists require some kind of overt
blasphemy to instigate their murderous rampages. At campuses like UCLA,
where the commitment to “social justice” conquers all, the thought
police are out in full force. And they have more “ammo” to work with
than just microaggressions. “White privilege," defined as "a term for
societal privileges that benefit white people in western countries
beyond what is commonly experienced by the non-white people under the
same social, political, or economic circumstances,” is another hammer
designed to induce guilt in the unsuspecting. Such privileges are
defined (I kid you not) by such things as flesh-colored band-aids and
pantyhose, and shampoos that “are in the aisle and section labeled ‘hair
care’ and not in a separate section for ‘ethnic products,’” according
to Jennifer R. Holladay, M.S., author of "White Anti-Racist Activism: A
Personal Roadmap.“
The effort pursued by both the Islamists and the American left is
exactly the same: the deconstruction of Western culture and one of its
bedrock principles, free expression.
Unfortunately, Western culture has demonstrated it is more than willing
to go along for the ride, and nothing speaks to this more forcefully
than open borders, coupled with the notion that we owe something to the
11 million people (or perhaps 20 or 30 million) that have ignored our
immigration laws. Even more incredibly, our leftist-dominated ruling
class continues down this road, even as the price of allowing millions
of people more interested in preserving their own way of life rather
than embracing a host nation’s culture is playing itself out in Europe
at this very moment. And while one sympathizes with the current
tribulations endured by the French, a daunting reality cannot be
They brought these atrocities upon themselves.
And not just with unrestrained immigration. In 2008, the European Union
mandated religious hate-speech laws. France itself has laws against
speech that "insults, defames or incites hatred, discrimination or
violence on the basis of religion, race, ethnicity, nationality,
disability, sex or sexual orientation.” Moreover, the very same Charlie
Hebdo staff characterized as “courageous chroniclers” by French
President Francois Hollande was the staff who had hate speech charges
leveled at them in 2006-2007 by then-president Jacques Chirac. “Anything
that can hurt the convictions of someone else, in particular religious
convictions, should be avoided,” he said at the time. “Freedom of
expression should be exercised in a spirit of responsibility.”
How to reconcile the difference between free expression and the spirit
of responsibility is impossible to know, but it is telling that, on this
side of the Atlantic, the same leftists who embrace campus speech codes
are the ones more than willing to embrace expressions such as
“nativist,” “xenophobic,” bigoted,“ "racist,” “Islamophobic,” and a
number of other equally gratuitous insults all of which are designed –
irony notwithstanding – to suppress the speech of those who would
disagree with the leftist agenda.
It is the same leftist agenda that tossed the melting pot mentality on
the ash heap of history and replaced it with the multicultural-inspired
notion that immigrants should “celebrate their differences,” rather than
assimilate American customs, culture, traditions and language.
That’s exactly what occurred in France last week. Islamists embraced
their jihadist culture, in all suppressive and murderous glory. And even
worse, they were aided and abetted by one “courageous” media outlet
after another, all of whom refused to print the offending cartoons
altogether, or pixilated the insulting parts. And then, adding insult to
injury, they proceeded to warn us about “seething" anti-immigrant
feelings and a rise in Islamophobia, both of which feed the "far-right
nationalist parties.”
In other words, nationalism and the desire to protect the prevailing culture is a bad thing.
And so we will endure the alternative. In France, “law enforcement
officers have been told to erase their social media presence and to
carry their weapons at all times because terror sleeper cells have been
activated over the last 24 hours in the country,” CNN reports. In
America, “Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat and her party’s
ranking member on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, flatly
stated that she believes terrorist cells are hiding in Europe and the
U.S., waiting to be activated and carry out attacks similar to the ones
that claimed 17 lives in France last week," reports the Washington
Those would be terror cells undoubtedly inspired by the ongoing advances
of ISIS and al Qaeda in the Middle East, the Boko Haram in Nigeria, and
a host of other Islamic terrorist entities allowed to fester or
flourish, lest terms like "overseas contingency operation,” “man-caused
disaster,” “militants,” “insurgents,” “extremists,” “workplace
violence,” etc., etc., are revealed for the utterly bankrupt frauds they
truly are. And as long as the West continues to make politically
correct war against this Islamist cancer, it will remain a source of
inspiration for every wannabe jihadist-in-waiting – even as feckless
Western leaders walk on politically correct eggshells to avoid making
the direct connection between the two.
And perhaps no one speaks to that fecklessness better than our own
president, who declined to attend the rally in Paris where more than 40
other heads of state, and 1.5 million people, convened to denounce the
atrocities. Even Obama apologists such as NBC’s Andrea Mitchell noted
the “stunning” nature of the snub, while the reliably leftist Ron
Fournier insisted it was “mistake,” but not a “disgrace.”
More to the point, it was no accident. Obama has made it clear he
disdains American exceptionalism and our nation’s role as the world’s
last remaining superpower. And while apologists like Fournier insist it
isn’t disgraceful that our president decided to watch NFL football
instead of attending the rally, it is quite disgraceful when none of
America’s top leaders, including Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of
State John Kerry or Attorney General Eric Holder – who was in Paris at
the time – were there to represent our nation. Instead ambassador Jane
Hartley, who raised more than $500,000 in campaign funds for Obama, was
our highest ranking official on the scene.
In other words, Clint Eastwood was right on the money when he portrayed
Obama as an empty chair at the Republican National Convention. And it is
that empty chair America must endure for two more years, the one who
will convene a Feb. 18 “Summit on Countering Violent Extremism” that
makes no mention whatsoever of Islamic extremism.
No doubt our president doesn’t want to say anything that might offend someone.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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15 January, 2015
Are better looking women conservatives?
The authors below are careful not to draw that conclusion but it is a
reasonable inference from the findings reported. We read below: "But
the women rated as more physically attractive by their peers were more
likely to endorse values like conformity and tradition rather than
values like self-direction and universalism". That sounds like a pretty
clear Left/Right split to me. The essence of conservatism is caution so
that could well be perceived as being more conforming. Conservatives
tend to be much more acceptant of the status quo than Leftists are and
don't like to rock the boat. The Leftist authors, of course, put quite a
different spin on their results. See particularly what they "suggest"
in the last sentence of their journal abstract below. Being unattracted
by world government is apparently "self-promotion"!
Does being beautiful on the outside make you beautiful on the inside?
Not necessarily, although attractive women are often thought to have
more desirable personality traits in the eyes of strangers, new research
In actuality, beautiful women might be more likely to have some less
attractive values, favoring conformity and self-promotion over
independence and tolerance, the study found.
Researchers from the Open University of Israel and the Hebrew University
of Jerusalem recruited 118 female students to serve as "targets" in the
study. These women completed questionnaires to measure their values
(such as tradition, self-direction, conformity and benevolence) and
personality traits (such as extroversion, agreeableness and
neuroticism). The participants, whose average age was 29, were then
video-recorded for about a minute as they entered a room and read a
weather forecast while looking into the camera.
Another 118 participants served as judges. Forty percent of this group
was male and each watched the video footage of a different target,
chosen randomly, before evaluating that woman's values, traits and
If a target was judged as physically attractive, the researchers found
she was also perceived to be agreeable, open to experience, extroverted,
conscientious and emotionally stable — all socially desirable traits.
The judges were also more likely to believe that more attractive women
valued achievement compared with less attractive women.
"People are warned not to 'judge a book by its cover,' but they often do
exactly that," the researchers wrote in their paper in the journal
Psychological Science.
Meanwhile, the questionnaires that the targets filled out about
themselves showed no correlations between these personality traits and
their perceived attractiveness. But the women rated as more physically
attractive by their peers were more likely to endorse values like
conformity and tradition rather than values like self-direction and
universalism, which is linked to tolerance and a concern for others, the
researchers said.
"Thus, whereas people hold the 'what is beautiful is good' stereotype,
our findings suggest that the beautiful strive for conformity rather
than independence and for self-promotion rather than tolerance," wrote
the authors, led by Lihi Segal-Caspi of the Open University.
Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover, Revisited
Perceived and Reported Traits and Values of Attractive Women
By Lihi Segal-Caspi et al.
Research has documented a robust stereotype regarding personality
attributes related to physical attractiveness (the “what is beautiful is
good” stereotype). But do physically attractive women indeed possess
particularly attractive inner attributes? Studying traits and values, we
investigated two complementary questions: how perceived attractiveness
relates to perceived personality, and how it relates to actual
personality. First, 118 women reported their traits and values and were
videotaped reading the weather forecast. Then, 118 judges rated the
traits, values, and attractiveness of the women. As hypothesized,
attractiveness correlated with attribution of desirable traits, but not
with attribution of values. By contrast, attractiveness correlated with
actual values, but not actual traits: Attractiveness correlated with
tradition and conformity values (which were contrasted with
self-direction values) and with self-enhancement values (which were
contrasted with universalism values). Thus, despite the widely accepted
“what is beautiful is good” stereotype, our findings suggest that the
beautiful strive for conformity rather than independence and for
self-promotion rather than tolerance.
In Denial About the Attack in France
When America was hit on 9/11, the world united around us. France just
had its 9/11, and again the civilized world has come together, all
except the United States. Where were America's leaders as the rest of
the world united?
The reaction to Islamic terrorists killing 17 people in Paris in the
name of their radical creed has been greeted with a very strange
perceived need to deflect or just dismiss it in liberal political and
media circles.
Most journalists tried to downplay or ignore Obama's failure to attend
the huge Sunday "unity" rally in Paris, where 40 world leaders gathered
in a show of support for France. While the New York tabloids mocked
Obama, most national newspapers mentioned "World leaders link arms" and
barely noticed the leader of the free world had stayed home to watch
football games.
Even after the White House spokesman admitted it was an error for top
American officials to skip the event, obviously in reaction to national
and international outrage, still some newspapers buried it inside their
papers like it was no big deal.
There were other distressing signs of liberal deflection. CNN
International anchor Christiane Amanpour called the terrorists mere
"activists" in her reporting on the shootings at the satire magazine
Charlie Hebdo: "On this day, these activists found their targets, and
their targets were journalists."
Amanpour was quoting one of the dead cartoonists, who said, "When
activists need a pretext to justify their violence, they always find
it." Words matter, especially to journalists, and this was the wrong
word. Activists write letters to the editor, join a community
organization or protest, volunteer for a political campaign, man a phone
Men who terrorize by slaughtering innocent men, women and children are terrorists.
Even during an outbreak of terrorism, some leftists deflect, putting
bizarre political spins on the events at hand. Some continue to insist
that the terrorism du jour is caused by Bush's war in Iraq, or any other
response to 9/11, like the prisoners held at Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo.
Or it's those Jews. It was amazing to listen to Jimmy Carter (who simply
refuses to leave the world stage, even decades after the curtain fell)
suggest the Jews and "the Palestinian problem" bore responsibility. BBC
reporter Tim Willcox upbraided a Jewish woman saying Jews are being
targeted in France, insisting to her that "many critics though of
Israel's policy would suggest that the Palestinians suffer hugely at
Jewish hands as well." (He later apologized for a "poorly phrased
question," which it wasn't. It was an inaccurately stated declaration.)
After the terrorist attack, liberal journalists worried about the
"backlash" from the "far right" that opposes rapid immigration or the
spread of aggressive Islam. On MSNBC, for example, Andrea Mitchell
lectured the attacks would be "a challenge for France," a country "where
immigration and the Muslim population has been under fire." The
challenge is not to "react negatively and not to paint people with a
broad brush."
The left also loves to smear Christians and Jews into the conversation
about radical religion. On MSNBC, former Rolling Stone executive editor
Eric Bates compared the mass murder in Paris to Jerry Falwell's lawsuit
against the porno magazine Hustler. "This isn't just Islamic extremism.
If you go back to the '80s, during the Reagan administration, when Jerry
Falwell sued Hustler magazine for portraying him having, I believe it
was drunken incest with his mother in an outhouse." How on Earth can you
compare Falwell filing a lawsuit to the mass murder of 17 people in
The left passionately attempts to inflame the world against such
slow-emerging, life-threatening crises as "catastrophic global warming"
or fast-food menus without calorie counts. But when it comes to Islamic
jihad, they seem oddly incapable of outrage or alarm. They just deflect
or dismiss.
Open Letter To Muslim World
by Abdennour Bidar
"Dear Muslim world: I am one of your estranged sons, who views you from
without and from afar—from France, where so many of your children live
today. I look at you with the harsh eyes of a philosopher, nourished
from infancy on tasawwuf (Sufism) and Western thought. I therefore look
at you from my position of barzakh, from an isthmus between the two seas
of the East and the West.
"And what do I see? What do I see better than others, precisely because I
see you from afar, from a distance? I see you in a state of misery and
suffering that saddens me to no end, but which makes my philosopher's
judgment even harsher, because I see you in the process of birthing a
monster that presumes to call itself the Islamic State, and which some
prefer to call by a demon's name—Da'esh. But worst of all is that I see
that you are losing yourself and your dignity, and wasting your time, in
your refusal to recognize that this monster is born of you: of your
irresoluteness, your contradictions, your being torn between past and
present, and your perpetual inability to find your place in human
"What do you [Muslims] say when faced with this monster? You shout,
'That's not me!' 'That's not Islam!' You reject [the possibility] that
this monster's crimes are committed in your name (#NotInMyName). You
rebel against the monster's hijacking of your identity, and of course
you are right to do so. It is essential that you proclaim to the world,
loud and clear, that Islam condemns barbarity. But this is absolutely
not enough! For you are taking refuge in your self-defense reflex,
without realizing it, and above all without undertaking any
self-criticism. You become indignant and are satisfied with that—but you
are missing an historical opportunity to question yourself. Instead of
taking responsibility for yourself, you accuse others, [saying]: 'You
Westerners, and all you enemies of Islam, stop associating us with this
monster! Terrorism is not Islam! The true Islam, the good Islam, doesn't
mean war, it means peace!'"
"Oh my dear Muslim world, I hear the cry of rebellion rising within you,
and I understand it. Yes, you are right: Like every one of the great
sacred inspirations in the world, Islam has, throughout its history,
created beauty, justice, meaning and good, and it has [been a source of]
powerful enlightenment for humans on the mysterious path of
existence... Here in the West, I fight, in all my books, [to make sure
that] this wisdom of Islam and of all religions is not forgotten or
despised. But because of my distance [from the Muslim world], I can see
what you cannot... and this inspires me to ask: Why has this monster
stolen your face? Why has this despicable monster chosen your face and
not another? The truth is that behind this monster hides a huge problem,
one you do not seem ready to confront. Yet in the end you will have to
find the courage [to do so]...
"Where do the crimes of this so-called 'Islamic State' come from? I'll
tell you, my friend, and it will not make you happy, but it is my duty
as a philosopher [to tell you]. The root of this evil that today steals
your face is within yourself; the monster emerged from within you. And
other monsters, some even worse, will emerge as well, as long as you
refuse to acknowledge your sickness and to finally tackle the root of
this evil!
"Even Western intellectuals have difficulty seeing this. For the most
part they have forgotten the power of religion—for good and for evil,
over life and over death—to the extent that they tell me, 'No, the
problem of the Muslim world is not Islam, not the religion, but rather
politics, history, economics, etc.' They completely forget that religion
may be the core of the reactor of human civilization, and that tomorrow
the future of humanity will depend not only on a resolution to the
financial crisis, but also, and much more essentially, on a resolution
to the unprecedented spiritual crisis that is affecting all of mankind."
"Will we be able to come together, across the world, and face this
fundamental challenge? The spiritual nature of man abhors a vacuum, and
if it finds nothing new with which to fill the vacuum, tomorrow it will
fill it with religions that are less and less adapted to the present,
and which, like Islam today, will [also] begin producing monsters.
"I see in you, oh Muslim world, great forces ready to rise up and
contribute to this global effort to find a spiritual life for the 21st
century. Despite the severity of your sickness, you have within you a
great multitude of men and women who are willing to reform Islam, to
reinvent its genius beyond its historical forms, and to be part of the
total renewal of the relationship that mankind once had with its gods.
It is to all those who dream together of a spiritual revolution, both
Muslims and non-Muslims, that I have addressed my books, and to whom I
offer, with my philosopher's words, confidence in that which their hope
"But these Muslim men and women who look to the future are not yet
sufficiently numerous, nor is their word sufficiently powerful. All of
them, whose clarity and courage I welcome, have plainly seen that it is
the Muslim world's general state of profound sickness that explains the
birth of terrorist monsters with names like Al-Qaeda, Jabhat Al-Nusra,
AQIM, and Islamic State. They understand all too well that these are
only the most visible symptoms of an immense diseased body, whose
chronic maladies include the inability to establish sustainable
democracies that recognize freedom of conscience vis-a-vis religious
dogmas as a moral and political right; chronic difficulties in improving
women's status...; the inability to sufficiently free political power
from its control by religious authority; and the inability to promote
respectful, tolerant and genuine recognition of religious pluralism and
religious minorities."
"Could all this be the fault of the West? How much precious time will
you lose, dear Muslim world, with this stupid accusation that you
yourself no longer believe, and behind which you hide so that you can
continue to lie to yourself?
"Particularly since the eighteenth century—it's past time you
acknowledged it—you have been unable to meet the challenge of the West.
You have childishly and embarrassingly sought refuge in the past, with
the obscurantist Wahhabism regression that continues to wreak havoc
almost everywhere within your borders—the Wahhabism that you spread from
your holy places in Saudi Arabia like a cancer originating from your
very heart. In other ways, you emulated the worst [aspects] of the
West—with nationalism and a modernism that caricatures modernity. I
refer here especially to the technological development, so inconsistent
with the religious archaism, that makes your fabulously wealthy Gulf
'elite' mere willing victims of the global disease— the worship of the
god Money.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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14 January, 2015
An al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula Leader Claims the Paris Attacks on Twitter
By Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi
The data below- a series of tweets by Bakhsaruf al-Danqulah (an AQAP
leader active on Twitter)translated by me- seem to point to a growing
probability of AQAP involvement behind the recent attack on the Charlie
Hebdo offices etc. in Paris.
While the media have reported that one of the attackers supposedly
claimed to be loyal to the Islamic State, that could just be an attempt
to mislead the media with the worst Western nightmare: namely, a
supposed coming together of al-Qa’ida and IS to attack the West.
1. Many followers are asking about the link between al-Qa’ida and those
who carried out the Charlie Hebdo attack. The link is direct and the
operation was supervised by AQAP.
2. The operation was directed by AQAP’s leadership. And they chose these
targets out of desire to avenge the insult to the Holy Prophet.
3. And in France in particular for its undisguised role in the war on Islam and oppressed peoples.
4. The operation is an implementation of the threat of Sheikh Osama bin
Laden in which he warned the West of the consequence in the long run of
affront to the sanctities of Muslims.
5. He said in his message to the West: “If there is no limit to your
freedom of speech, your chests will become broadened targets for our
6. The organization delayed implementation of the operation for security
reasons dependent on the operatives. And the operation has a number of
messages for all Western states.
7. Infringing on Islam’s sanctities and protecting those who mock them
will bear a very heavy price. And the consequence will be severe and
8. The crimes of the Western states- especially America, Britain and France- will be turned on their heads within their abodes.
9. The policy of striking the far enemy which has remained for al-Qa’ida
under Zawahiri’s leadership will continue in the realization of its
aims, until the West falls back on itself.
10. The policy of the mujahideen of al-Qa’ida’s media incitement,
especially Inspire magazine, has produced splendid results in the
defining of its aims and marshalling potential.
11. For one of the authors put his name and photo [i.e. that of the
editor of Charlie Hebdo] as a dead or alive target for the mujahideen,
so the Western states should expect evil consequences and ruins by God’s
He then concludes with a call for people to disseminate and translate his tweets.
How are Things in Kobani?
By Jonathan Spyer
The battle for the Syrian Kurdish city of Kobani just entered its fourth
month. It is now a fight for a heap of ruins. Four months of intense
ground combat, involving tanks, mortars and RPGs as well as small arms,
has reduced the city to rubble.
Nevertheless, Kobani matters. It is where the Syrian Kurds showed that
with the right support, local fighters are capable of turning back the
forces of the Islamic State.
Kobani also matters because as a result of the stand of the Kurdish YPG
organization in the city, a potential reliable ally of the west in
northern Syria has been identified. In the fight between rival successor
entities over the ruins of Syria and Iraq, this is a relationship which
deserves to be nurtured and developed.
I visited Kobani before the IS assault of the autumn. In March of last
year, the enclave was under siege from four directions – the jihadis
from south, east and west, and the Turkish authorities from the north.
The Turks had a strange and ambiguous relationship with the ISIS
jihadis. Sometimes the border gates would be opened to let them exit and
enter. Wounded jihadis were treated in hospitals in Ceylanpinar across
the border, with no questions asked.
Still, the Kurds were holding out. The positions near Tal Abyad to the
east, and Jarabulus to the west, were well defended. In a place called
Haj Ismail, I observed as the YPG responded swiftly and efficiently to
the first signs of an ISIS attack.
Within the enclave, life was close to normal. There wasn’t a great deal
of food. But the schools were operating, the hospitals were open. The
Kurdish enclave had become a place of refuge for Syrian Arabs, too,
seeking to flee the chaos of the fighting further west in Aleppo.
But the uneasy half-cold siege ended in September. The Islamic State,
flush with new weaponry from the garrison in faraway Mosul, descended on
the peaceful enclave. Their intention was to destroy it, so as to clear
the way for their forces to move more easily between Raqqa province and
Aleppo and Idleb.
They nearly succeeded. Despite the dogged defense of the YPG, the
villages surrounding Kobani city began to fall. The civilian population
was evacuated across the border. The YPG fighters prepared for a last
stand within the city. What reversed the situation was the commencement
of U.S. and coalition air attacks on the IS positions after October 6th.
The air campaign evened out the YPG’s inferior weaponry, and the Kurds
began to claw back control of the city.
Earlier this week, I spoke to Perwer Mohammed Ali, one of the Kurdish
activists with whom I had worked back in March. Arrested by the Turks on
leaving Kobani, Perwer made his way back to the enclave. I asked him
about the current situation in the city.
“Right now its calm,” he told me. “The YPG control about 80% of the
city. Daesh is still holding two neighborhoods – Kaniya Kurdan and
Mikteleh. A couple of days ago, they tried to launch a counter attack.
They had a tank with them, but they didn’t succeed.”
And are the coalition airstrikes helping?
“The coalition is good but we’d like them to target the tanks. IS has a bunch of them in Mikteleh.”
The liberation of Kobani seems near. The real task, says Perwer, will
come afterwards. “Kobani is destroyed,” he told me, “so the big problem
will be after the liberation.”
The liberation, nevertheless, seems imminent. When it comes, it will be
testimony to the potency of U.S. air power, of course, but it will also
be the result of the courage and determination of the fighters of the
The Middle East is the most dysfunctional political space on the planet.
As has been amply demonstrated in recent days, ideas emanating from it
and the bloody actions they inspire represent one of the most potent
dangers to free societies anywhere.
The west cannot ignore the Middle East without abandoning it to
anti-western forces. Engaging with the region, supporting allies, facing
down dangers are all essential.
In the darkest days before the commencement of coalition bombing in
Kobani, I sat in London with two leaders of the Kurdish PYD, the party
that controls the Kurdish cantons in Syria. “Our situation,” they told
me at that time, “is desperate.” The absence of even RPGs to deal with
the IS armor seemed to presage doom.
Belatedly, Kobani was saved. The joint action of the U.S. Air Force and
the YPG fighters who protected the town ought to be the start of a
political relationship between the west and the Syrian Kurds. Dialogue
with the PYD has begun. It should lead to a recognition of Kurdish
national rights in both Syria and Iraq. In the ruins of these fragmented
countries, there aren’t many reliable friends. There are some. The
Kurds — in Syria as in Iraq — are chief among them. Their courage and
their moderation deserve to be recognized and this recognition needs to
be reflected in policy.
Fracking, Not Obamacare, Has Helped the Middle Class
Americans of all income levels would benefit from faster economic growth
that raises wages. Unfortunately, wages are being held back by the very
policies supported by those criticizing slow wage growth.
Liberals across the country supported the misnamed Affordable Care Act
(aka Obamacare). The law’s mandates have made health coverage more
expensive for both individuals and businesses.
However, it has not made those businesses any more profitable, or their workers any more productive.
Economic theory predicts that when benefit costs rise, employers cut
wages. Empirical research confirms this prediction. Ironically, some of
the most rigorous evidence for offsetting wage cuts comes from Jonathan
Gruber, the Obamacare architect who boasted the health law takes
advantage of Americans’ “stupidity.”
As of Jan. 1, Obamacare requires employers to pay a stiff penalty for
each full-time worker they do not offer expensive “qualifying” health
coverage to. They owe no penalty for part-time employees without such
coverage. This gives many businesses a strong incentive to cut hours
below 30 a week — cutting their workers’ take home pay in the process.
Fortunately, workers’ living standards have jumped recently — for
reasons most liberals oppose. New “fracking” technology now allows
entrepreneurs to extract oil from previously inaccessible shale
formations. And America has a lot of shale oil. As a result, domestic
energy production has surged. North Dakota alone now produces 1.2
million barrels of oil a day.
Fracking has created tens of thousands of good jobs. It has also reduced
global energy prices. Gas prices have fallen by more than $1.25 a
gallon since July. These lower energy prices will boost household
spending power by $900 a year.
All this has happened over the objections of a lot of those complaining
about low wages. Many liberals want to curtail fracking. Gov. Andrew
Cuomo just banned it in New York state. Major unions have called for
moratoriums on fracking. Yet energy entrepreneurs have done far more to
boost the middle class than the health care overhaul liberals
White House: We "Erred" in Skipping Parisian Rally
As I wrote yesterday, major officials from the United States skipped out
on the massive anti-terrorism unity rally in Paris. Today, the White
House admitted that they "erred" in their decision to not send someone
other than the American ambassador to the country.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest admitted this afternoon that
the United States should have sent someone with a higher profile. Both
President Obama and Vice President Biden both had open schedules on
Sunday, and while Attorney General Holder was in Paris at the time of
the march, he was not present at the event. World leaders from more than
40 different nations were, however, at the march.
The decision to skip out on the rally has been criticized by many, from both the left and the right.
Netanyahu Implores Jews to Leave France, Come to Israel
Four Jews were murdered in Paris last week at a kosher grocery store.
French President Francois Hollande summarily and emphatically declared
it an “anti-Semitic” attack and urged all French citizens to spurn
"racism and anti-Semitism” in all its forms. But Jews who have lived in
France for their whole lives are again (and increasingly) questioning
whether they should stay where they are, or uproot themselves to more
tolerant and safer climates.
Tapping into these concerns, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
explicitly said over the weekend that all Jews in Europe are welcome --
and indeed belong -- in the Jewish State:
"In a statement late on Saturday, Netanyahu said an Israeli
governmental committee would convene in the coming week to find ways to
boost Jewish immigration from France and other European countries "which
are being hit by terrible anti-Semitism".
"To all the Jews of France and to all the Jews of Europe, I wish to
say: the State of Israel is not only the place to which you pray, the
State of Israel is also your home," he said.
In an exclusive interview with the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg, however,
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said if Jews were to emigrate en
masse from France, as is rumored to happen, the nation would “be judged a
The choice was made by the French Revolution in 1789 to recognize Jews
as full citizens,” Valls told me. “To understand what the idea of the
republic is about, you have to understand the central role played by the
emancipation of the Jews. It is a founding principle.”
Valls, a Socialist who is the son of Spanish immigrants, describes the
threat of a Jewish exodus from France this way: “If 100,000 French
people of Spanish origin were to leave, I would never say that France is
not France anymore. But if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be
France. The French Republic will be judged a failure.”
In other words, French Jews aren’t merely a community of people who
happen, by chance, to live in France; they are inherently French and
therefore their exodus would foundationally change the country itself.
Nevertheless, it is expected that as many as 10,000 (if not more) Jews
could leave France for the Jewish State in 2015 alone:
Natan Sharansky, head of the Jewish Agency promoting emigration to
Israel, said his estimate for 2015 was 10,000 French immigrants, after
3,300 in 2013 and 7,000 last year.
"It will probably be much more than 10,000," he told Reuters at a
Jewish Agency meeting for French considering emigration. Israeli Foreign
Minister Avigdor Liebermann, at his side, said about 700 Jews had
attended the session during the day.
That’s nowhere near the 100,000 feared by Prime Minister Valls -- but it’s not insignificant, either.
“If I were 30, I would get out of France,” a middle-aged Jewish
Frenchman named "Laurent S" recently told AFP. He suggested that
anti-Semitism was on the rise and thus Israel would be an ideal place
for him to resettle. But his age, he implied, makes this option
Still, it seems likely others will in time heed his advice, especially
if Jewish families continue to feel unsafe and under threat in Western
democracies throughout Europe.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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13 January, 2015
Why is Charlie Hebdo Assassination 100% Islam
Eric Holder, Other U.S. Leaders, Skip Unity Rally in Paris
More of Mr Obama's pro-Muslim foreign policy
Today, a large "Unity Rally" occurred in Paris to condemn the atrocities
that occurred in the city earlier this week. The rally was attended by
thousands, including French President Francois Hollande, German
Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President
Mahmoud Abbas. Notably absent? Any major official from the United
States, including Attorney General Eric Holder, who was in Paris for a
terrorism summit.
From the New York Daily News:
"The U.S. did send Attorney General Eric Holder to attend a pre-march
terrorism summit convened by French President Francois Hollande.
Holder, 63, joined with Hollande in condemning the recent Paris attacks
in the strongest possible terms and said the U.S. will hold another
terrorism summit in D.C. in February.
But his support apparently stopped there — because he wasn’t seen at the
emotional “Je Suis Charlie” rally afterward that attracted 1.3 million.
Across France, nearly 4 million people turned out in similar
As chanting spectators filled the Place de la Republique, the only U.S.
dignitary present was the U.S. Ambassador to France Jane Hartley.
Both the president and vice president reportedly had open schedules on Sunday."
While I know it isn't the responsibility of the United States to babysit
the entire world, it is quite strange that there was effectively no
U.S. presence at the largest rally in Parisian history. The United
States has been the victim of attacks by Islamic extremists--our
presence would have been entirely appropriate at the rally.
The Sword Is Mightier Than The Pen
The world is being rocked by a rash of “workplace violence,” though what
the Administration believes the Koran has against workplaces remains
unclear. Those who eschew the willful blindness of the cowardly and
foolish see clearly that the Islamofascist freaks are running up the
body count across the globe. The question is what, if anything, are we
going to do about it?
Vigils are nice. People get together, hold candles, talk about
solidarity and hug, and thereby reinforce the view that Western
civilization has lost the intestinal fortitude that kept the jihadi
hordes from overrunning Europe during the Middle Ages and that has kept a
lid on these fanatics ever since. It’s nice to pick up a pen – as we
will see, writing, persuasion and mockery are all vital supporting
efforts in the counter-offensive in what Senator Lindsey Graham
accurately told Hugh Hewitt is “a religious war.” But it’s necessary to
pick up a rifle.
No, it’s not a religious war on our part, but it’s a flat out lie to say
it’s not a religious war on theirs. And it is a war to the death. Given
my druthers, all-in-all, I’d prefer that the jihadis do the dying.
The pen is not mightier than the sword, or more aptly, the M4 carbine,
the 2000-pound JDAM bomb or the Hellfire missile. The way to win a war
is to kill the enemy until he surrenders. That’s it. The Romans’ rules
of engagement were simple: “Wipe them out.” Two thousand years later,
Carthage still isn’t a threat, while a couple years after terrorists
massacred four Americans, Benghazi still is.
All those people talking about “limited deployments” and “red lines” and
“proportional use of force” – how’s their track record been so far?
Iraq went from lost to won to lost again. They simply announced that we
had won in Afghanistan, which was a big surprise to the Taliban. And
today, you can’t even draw a cartoon in a major Western metropolis
without worrying about some degenerate blowing your head off – to be
followed by a gang of primarily leftist cultural kapos asking, “What do
you expect would happen for saying things that offend people?”
The solution is victory. The West needs to choose to defeat them, not
just put off the day when these sociopaths hoist their scuzzy little
banners over our capitals. That means fighting, and fighting to win –
not just fighting to ensure that the collapse of the next country
happens on the next politician’s watch.
War is about killing, and we are not doing enough of it. This is not
rocket science. You look at a map of Iraq and ISIS’s zone of influence
and you see right where to put the infantry/armor divisions to close
them off and wipe them out once and for all. But the West won’t do it.
We want to pretend that a few sorties a day to pick off random gun
trucks is a substitute for an overwhelming, ruthless attack to take
ground and wipe out anyone we find on it who isn’t a friend or
Nicking them at the margins is not enough, and our gutless, feckless
unwillingness to take the fight to the enemy with our heavy firepower is
no secret. They see our weakness. That just makes them stronger.
Hell, if we can’t man up and put our own boots back on the ground, there
is a partial solution. As with most questions, our Constitution
provides an answer. Maybe we should look to Article I, Section 8, and
grant some letters of marque and reprisal. In the olden days, these
fabulous documents allowed private ships the right to sail the high seas
attacking their nation’s enemies. Maybe we should put a bounty on these
ISIS creeps and let private enterprise go to town. Considering it takes
a million bucks or more a year to keep a single U.S. soldier in the
field over there, even at $100,000 a head – attached or otherwise –
taxpayers would be getting a great deal.
Outraged? Offended? So now you’re smarter than James Madison?
Regardless of how we do it, killing vast numbers of jihadis and
destroying everything around them is imperative. It not only decreases
the raw numbers of fighters, but it dramatically decreases the number of
people who want to help them, as doing so will rapidly become
associated with getting killed.
The sword is the main effort, but it is not the only effort. The pen –
the ideological offensive – is a key supporting effort that complements,
but can never replace, the central role of massive, controlled
There is our pen, an intellectual effort by the West to attack
Islamofascism head-on. We need to stand up for our culture, not
apologize for it. We need to mock the foolishness of jihadism and the
delusions of its drooling, sexually inadequate adherents. We need to
call it what it is – a savage, primitive, stupid perversion of Islam.
That leads to the second part of the pen/influencing effort, that of the
Islamic world. While it is a lie to say that the terrorists have
nothing to do with Islam, it is also untrue to say that all Islam
supports the terrorists. All Muslims don’t believe in this jihadi
idiocy. In fact, right now – as they have for years – decent, brave
Muslims are fighting side by side with our troops against jihadi morons.
To ignore that is not only a shameful betrayal of our allies but a
foolish squandering of a valuable weapon against extremism.
And good Muslims are fighting back. We waited for years for reasonable,
rational Muslim voices to make themselves heard, and it has happened.
Egypt’s President al-Sisi – you know, the guy who screwed up President
Obama’s plan to turn the most important country in the Middle East over
to the Muslim Brotherhood – went in front of Islam’s most noted scholars
and chewed them out. He called for a rethink and reexamination of
Islam, pointing out that jihadi foolishness was turning the Muslim world
into a pariah. That’s huge, but few know about it because of both the
focus on the murders in Paris and the general cluelessness of our media.
So the pen remains a vital component of victory. But let’s not fool
ourselves. We aren’t going to talk the jihadi punks who claim to love
death out of their delusions. We need to treat them like Old Yeller –
except when they get put out of our misery, no one’s going to cry.
Obama's $181 billion in executive actions are being passed on to consumers through higher prices
Consumers will pick up the tab for Obama's regulations
Americans already face a $1.8 trillion regulatory burden. These heavy
costs are passed on by businesses to consumers, who spend almost a
quarter of their annual income complying with regulations often approved
executive-level agencies, which have effectively become the fourth
branch of the federal government.
The regulatory burden Americans faced was further exacerbated in 2014,
which President Barack Obama dubbed a "year of action," in which he
would use his "pen and phone" to get around Congress to enact his
agenda. Through executive fiat, the Obama administration proposed and
finalized tens of thousands of new regulations last year, which,
according to an analysis by Sam Batkins of American Action Forum, come
with a $181.5 billion overall price tag.
"In 79,066 pages of regulation, Americans will feel higher energy bills,
more expensive consumer goods, and fewer employment opportunities. The
year was highlighted by EPA’s proposed 'Clean Power Plan” (CPP), which
the administration admitted would raise electricity prices by more than
six percent by 2020, not to mention the $8.8 billion price tag," writes
Batkins. "Amazingly, the CPP was not the most expensive measure in 2014.
EPA’s proposed ozone rule, which could force dozens of state and
national parks into non-attainment, could impose $15 billion in costs."
"In terms of proposed and final net present value costs, regulators
imposed $79 billion in final rule burdens, including deregulatory
measures. For proposals, there were $102.5 billion in net present value
costs; this total for proposed rules likely portends yet another $100
billion year in 2015," he notes. "Since 2010, President Obama’s
regulators have published more than $100 billion in burdens every year."
While the EPA's economically destructive regulations received a lot of
attention last year, the administration also issued new Dodd-Frank rules
that, according to Batkins, "added $16.7 billion in total costs and
more than 4.4 million paperwork burden hours." ObamaCare continues to be
a regulatory nightmare, as well. The FDA's utterly pointless
menu-labeling mandate, which was part of the Affordable Care Act, comes
with a $1.6 billion price tag, though estimates elsewhere predict the
cost will be significantly higher, and 2 million paperwork hours.
The administration published 39 rules that come with an annual cost of
$100 million or more. These are the sort of rules that would require
congressional approval under the Regulations From the Executive in Need
of Scrutiny (REINS) Act. Though this measure, which was supported by
FreedomWorks, passed the House in August 2013, the Senate, then
controlled by Democrats, refused to bring it up for a vote.
It's highly likely that the REINS Act will be reintroduced in the new
Congress, and it should be one of its top priorities. The regulatory
state has long been out of control, regardless of which party controls
the executive branch, and it's high time Congress -- the, you know,
actual lawmaking branch under our Constitution -- reasserts itself.
Still Lying About Hollywood's Communists
Ask anyone under 40 to identify Paul McCartney or "I Want to Hold Your
Hand," and the odds are you'll get a blank look in return. Ask someone
under 30 to describe the Soviet menace and you may well get the same
response. The first one is harmless ignorance, and some might argue the
second one is as well. After all, it's over and we won, right?
What's not harmless is a never-ending effort to glorify communist
conspirators in Hollywood, like the forthcoming movie "Trumbo," starring
"Breaking Bad" star Bryan Cranston as blacklisted screenwriter Dalton
Entertainment Weekly magazine spewed the usual leftist apologist
narrative: "Trumbo — who had been a member of the Communist party during
World War II when the Soviets were a major American ally — was punished
for his principled stand for free speech and the Constitution."
These deluded people never stop shamelessly declaring that communists
were the true libertarians and constitutionalists, no matter how
ludicrous it sounds. That 100 million people died at the hands of the
communists doesn't register.
Luckily, there's a new antidote to this film's message, a book called
"Hollywood Traitors" by longtime Human Events editor Allan Ryskind. His
father, screenwriter Morrie Ryskind, was ruined professionally by the
post-blacklist backlash against industry conservatives. Trumbo, like
many Stalin-era Communist Party members, was an agent of Stalin's
dictatorship, and for several years a mouthpiece for Hitler during the
Hitler-Stalin pact.
Trumbo has been glorified as a member of the "Hollywood Ten" who refused
to tell the truth to the House Un-American Activities Committee about
their Communist Party membership. But here's what Trumbo admitted later
(and you can bet it won't be in the movie). He told author Bruce Cook in
the 1970s that he joined the party in 1943, that some of his "very best
friends" were Communists and that "I might as well have been a
Communist 10 years earlier." He also says about joining the party: "I've
never regretted it. As a matter of fact, it's possible to say I would
have regretted not having done it."
Bruce Cook is a screenwriter on this new movie. Now how can Cook
regurgitate the lame old concept of a Washington "witch hunt" when he's
published Trumbo's own words triumphantly proclaiming he was very
happily a communist?
Ryskind reports Trumbo not only supported Stalin (and Hitler when he was
a Stalin ally), but he also supported North Korean dictator Kim Il Sung
after the Korean War. In an unpublished movie script, he had the
heroine proclaim that North Korea's invasion of the South was perfectly
justifiable, for this is "Korea's fight for independence, just as we had
to fight for our own independence in 1776."
Ryskind adds Trumbo even wrote a poem called "Korean Christmas" which
made Christian Americans the murderers of Korean children: "Hear then,
little had to be/ Poor consolation, yet it had to be/ The
Christian ethic was at stake/ And western culture and the American Way/
And so, in the midst of pure and holy strife/ We had to take your little
eastern life."
Does this sound like a man who was punished for his love of our
constitutional rights? It sounds like a man who exploited our freedom
and mocked the "American way" as murdering little children for Jesus and
"Western culture." But some Hollywood die-hards dearly love that
communist lie, and never stop lying.
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
12 January, 2015
Worldwide, the Left are critical of patriotism. They hate the world they
live in and that includes their own country. Most Americans, however,
are very patriotic. So Democrat politicians are very defensive about
patriotism. Like Leftists everywhere they are not patriotic but in
America they dare not admit it. "Are you questioning my patriotism?"
Democrat politicians sometimes huff. The correct answer to that would
generally be: "Yes". But conservatives are usually too polite to say
In England, patriotism has been under elite attack for around a century
but it still hangs on. Below is a very patriotic hymn from Britain which
is still frequently sung. Note that both the Queen and the
(Conservative) Prime Minister are present at the recent performance
below in the Royal Albert Hall..
The sentiments are definitely of the "my country right or wrong" sort,
which is an uncommon view today. The hymn was written around the time of
WWI. One reason why that view no longer prevails is that such a defence
was disallowed at the Nuremberg war crimes tribunals immediately after
WWII. It was held that German soldiers had a duty to disobey immoral or
unethical orders. Just because the orders came from your country's high
command was not good enough justification for obeying them. That
disobedience to an order in the WWII German armed forces would get you
promptly shot did not seem to be considered.
The Nuremberg rules are not however entirely blue sky. The Israeli
Defence Force has a "black flag" system. If an officer gives a man what
seems an inhumane order, the soldier is duty bound to report that and
not to obey the order. It seems to work -- but only because it is taught
as part of their military law.
So these days loyalty to your country is mostly based on your country
being in the right. And given the chronic feelings of alienation among
the Left, it is mainly a conservative virtue.
Leftists, Leftist psychologists particularly, do of course sometimes try
to equate patriotism with racism but I carried out an extensive and
international research program on exactly that question in the '70s and
80's and found no association between the two attitudes among general
populations samples. I know of no subsequent research that has
contradicted that. See e.g.
here and
here and
Patriotism is of course to be distinguished from nationalism: The
feeling that your country has a right to dominate others. You can love
your own country while also respecting that other people love theirs.
Nationalism seems to have died with Hitler and Tojo's Japan. We do
however have a closely related problem: Religious supremacism from
Muslims. White and Bushido supremacism may be dead but religious
supremacism is very much alive and kicking. It too may eventually need
nuclear weapons aimed at selected targets to kill it.
I myself don't much feel great loyalty to one country. I am delighted to
have been born and bred in the "Lucky country" but I think the
Anglosphere generally has characteristics that I would fight for.
Whether I am in Australia, Britain, New Zealand, Canada or the USA I
feel I am largely among my own people -- people like me in many ways and
whom I readily understand -- and that those people have a good balance
in values and in what they collectively regard as important.
Just a small footnote: The name "Lucky country" for Australia, was
intended as derogatory by Donald Horne, who invented it. He thought
Australia became well-off just out of luck. Australia is however roughly
at the centre of Anglospheric variation so by that criterion the whole
Anglospere is lucky, which would be lucky indeed, considering their
considerable differences in history and geographical location. But that
is nonsense. The Anglospheric countries are certainly good places to
live -- witness the flood of migration toward them -- but they are good
places to live because of the people who live in them -- people who
generally have respect for others, who are substantially honest, who
tolerate diversity, who respect the rule of law and who are generally
peaceful in nature. We make our luck.
10 Outrageous Examples of Government Regulators Invading Our Lives
10. Federal Censorship Commission. The FCC began considering a petition
to revoke the broadcast license of a Washington, D.C., radio station for
using the name of the city’s football team, the Redskins. FCC chairman
Tom Wheeler declared the moniker “offensive” and urged owner Dan Snyder
to change it “voluntarily.” The agency has yet to rule on the petition.
9. April Fool’s Rule. The Volcker Rule prohibits banks from trading
securities on their own accounts. The 1,000-page regulation crafted by
five federal agencies over three years supposedly remedies one of the
causes of the 2008 financial crisis. But there is no evidence to support
that claim. That the rule took effect on April Fool’s Day is thus
entirely appropriate.
8. The Environmental Protection Agency’s power grab. In its quest to
replace cheap and reliable fossil fuels with costly and unreliable
“renewables,” the EPA in June unveiled new restrictions on so-called
greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants. These hugely
expensive regulations are all the more maddening for accomplishing
virtually nothing to affect the climate or protect human health.
7. Uber regulation. The popular ride-sharing service Uber is changing
the way Americans get around town. Its fleet of independent drivers
offers an efficient alternative to traditional taxis. Yet Uber faces
significant hurdles as local regulators try to stop its expansion,
claiming that the service is “unfair” to the excessively regulated cab
drivers. So far, though, Uber and its loyal customers have fought off
those opposing competition, but many hurdles remain.
6. Choking Justice. Woe to any business disfavored by the Department of
Justice. Under “Operation Chokepoint,” federal regulators have been
leaning hard on banks to end ties with enterprises that the government
doesn’t like, including payday lenders, firearms dealers and credit
repair services. These businesses are perfectly legal, but the DOJ’s
efforts to close them down are not.
5. Halting home financing. New regulations on mortgage financing took
effect in January, compliments of Dodd-Frank. Virtually every aspect of
financing a home – including mortgage options, eligibility standards,
and even the structure and schedule of payments – is now governed by the
Consumer Finance Protection Bureau. Alas, critics’ predictions about
the restrictions are proving correct: Mortgage lending is running at its
lowest level in 13 years, and 2014 will be the worst year for mortgage
volume since 2000.
4. Force feeding calorie counts. Knowing the number of calories in
various food products does not change our menu choices, several studies
have shown. But in keeping with government’s insatiable appetite for
control, the Food and Drug Administration in November finalized rules
requiring calorie counts to be posted on restaurant menus, supermarket
deli cases, vending machines and even in movie theater concessions.
Compliance will require tens of millions of hours each year, which is
sure to thin consumers’ wallets.
3. Forgetting free speech. In one of the worst public policy decisions
in European history (and that’s saying a lot), the European Union ruled
in May that links to embarrassing information that is “inadequate,
irrelevant or no longer relevant” must be scrubbed from the Internet.
Thus, Google must take down that 1975 picture of you dancing in a
leisure suit as well as reports on child pornography arrests that
regulators deem “irrelevant.” This “right to be forgotten” is a massive
violation of free expression in Europe. And it could get worse: The EU
is considering applying this gag order worldwide.
2. Polluting the economy. Ozone levels have dropped significantly during
the past three decades, reflecting the overall improvement in air
quality. Nonetheless, the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed
more stringent ozone standards that would cost tens of billions of
dollars, making it perhaps the most costly regulation ever imposed.
(President Obama pulled a 2011 version for threatening the economy –
just as the election neared.)
1. Regulating the Internet. The FCC proposed new rules to require
Internet carriers to deliver all online content in a “neutral” fashion.
Defining such neutrality is, of course, easier said than done, and doing
so without harm to the Internet would be virtually impossible.
President Obama recently upped the ante by urging regulators to impose
1930s-style public utility rules on the net. But the Internet is too
important, and innovative, to be treated like the local water company.
Kill Subsidies to Big Sugar
Taking candy from a baby is easy. Taking sugar from a senator? Not so
much. For decades, economists, free market think tanks, good-government
advocates, newspaper columnists, and even the occasional elected
official have decried the special treatment enjoyed by the American
sugar industry.
Under current policies, U.S. sugarcane and sugar beet farmers receive
minimum price guarantees regardless of market conditions. In addition,
the federal government allots 85 percent of the U.S. sugar market to
domestic producers, and it imposes quotas and tariffs on the 40
countries that are allowed to export sugar to America.
In 1993, the Government Accounting Office (GAO) estimated that such
policies were costing U.S. consumers $1.4 billion a year because they
resulted in "higher prices for domestic sugar." Twenty years later, the
University of Michigan–Flint economist Mark J. Perry estimated that this
annual cost had grown to $3 billion by 2012, and that consumers and
U.S. sugar-using businesses had paid "more than twice the world price of
sugar on average since 1982."
In other words, sugar producers are getting a sweet deal, while consumers are getting screwed.
Alas, it's not just the nation's 3,913 sugar beet farms and 666
sugarcane farms that crave the sugar program's artificially sweetened
revenues. The program also persists because it offers a steady source of
money to elected officials.
In a June 2014 report, Bryan Riley, a senior policy analyst at the
Heritage Foundation, noted that while sugar constitutes just 2 percent
of the total value of U.S. crop production, the nation's sugar farmers
account for 35 percent of the crop industry's total campaign
contributions and 40 percent of its lobbying expenditures.
Over the years, major sugar companies such as American Crystal Sugar and
Florida Crystals have donated millions of dollars to individual
candidates and political action committees. According to, the industry as a whole has donated $41.7 million since
1990. Traditionally it has contributed more to Democrats than
Republicans, but in the 2012 election cycle it split its contributions
The industry's aggressive lobbying gets results. In 2008, for example,
the U.S. sugar trade got somewhat less regulated, when provisions that
were drafted as part of the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement
finally kicked in and gave Mexican producers the ability to import
unlimited amounts of duty-free sugar to the U.S. In March 2014, however,
the U.S. sugar industry accused Mexican producers of dumping their
crops on the U.S. market—i.e., selling it for less than the cost of its
production, or for less than its domestic price—and asked the U.S.
International Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Commerce to
take corrective action.
In October, Commerce announced an agreement between the U.S. and Mexico
that will "prevent imports from being concentrated during certain times
of the year, limit the amount of refined sugar that may enter the U.S.
market, and establish minimum price mechanism to guard against
undercutting or suppression of U.S. prices." So don't expect a price cut
on Snickers bars any time soon.
Perhaps because the extra $3 billion we spend on sugar each year is
amortized over a few hundred billion cans of soda and other sugar-laden
treats, consumers don't seem to mind it much.
Greg BeatoAnd yet if we're truly in the midst of a "libertarian moment,"
when everyday Americans are supposedly fed up with politics as usual
and corporate cronyism, how does sugar protectionism remain as American
as apple pie? If there ever was a cause that might still inspire comity
amongst the highly polarized populous, surely it's sugar.
Indeed, while 11 other countries consume more sugar per capita than the
U.S. does, the average American still enjoys around 75 pounds of sugar a
year. (This figure doesn't include high fructose corn syrup,
zero-calorie artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose, or
zero-calorie naturally derived sweeteners such as stevia.) Our appetite
for the stuff cuts across all demographics: Whether you're a progressive
elitist snapping up $5 Cronuts in Manhattan or a red-state value
shopper buying club packs of Little Debbie Nutty Bars at Costco, you
stand to gain from lower sugar prices.
Naturally, sugar farming lobbyists insist this isn't the case. "Sure,
cheap subsidized foreign sugar might sound great," exclaims an American
Sugar Alliance (ASA) promotional video that alludes to the fact that
sugar farmers in Brazil, Mexico, and other countries benefit from their
own homegrown subsidy programs. "But depending on others for food never
works out as expected."
If we lose our strategic capacity to plant sugar crops, the video
suggests, we'll compromise our food security, putting ourselves at the
mercy of foreign sugar overlords able to increase prices when global
supplies tighten. In October 2013, Tom Giovanetti, president of a
Dallas-based research organization called the Institute for Policy
Innovation, elaborated on this theme in an essay that argues against
unilateral U.S. sugar subsidy disarmament. "Eventually," he concluded,
"foreign producers would take advantage of a decimated U.S. domestic
sugar industry and would raise prices on U.S. consumers."
But could Brazil—"the OPEC of sugar," according to the ASA—really jack
up prices until even those club packs of Little Debbie bars become a
rare delicacy only the 1 percent can afford?
"Why on earth wouldn't another producer come and try to take some market
share if he sees a monopolist raking in the money?" asks Ike Brannon,
formerly chief economist of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and
now a fellow at the George W. Bush Institute, in a May 2014 editorial
that appeared in USA Today.
Indeed, in a U.S. market free of price supports, allotments, tariffs,
and quotas, Brazil wouldn't just be competing with domestic producers
for America's business. It'd be competing with the hundred other
countries where sugar farming occurs. And as the American Sugar Alliance
and various other sugar farming advocates have themselves pointed out,
scores of additional countries are just as willing as Brazil or Mexico
to subsidize their crops. So if one country even started flirting with
the idea of raising prices to non-competitive levels, others would jump
at the opportunity to gain a foothold in the large U.S. market by
offering more attractive prices.
The truth is that America's food security would in no way be jeopardized
by the loss of a domestic sugar industry. Even America's Ding Dongs
security would remain intact. "Sugar is a global commodity, with
hundreds of thousands of producers all over the world," Perry explains.
"This weakens the possibility that one could ever have market power over
the U.S. Also there are close substitutes for sugar, like high fructose
corn syrup and honey, which further weakens the case that the U.S.
could ever be at the mercy of one country, or even a small group of
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
11 January, 2015
More on the decline of Roman civilization
here both an essay by Ludwig von Mises and a reply by Sean Gabb. I agree with Gabb.
In my recent essay on the subject I attributed the decline of Roman
civilization to Mediterranean piracy that arose in response to the
destruction of central authority. Von Mises attributes the decline to
price control.
I think Mises has a point and there is of course no doubt that there
were several sources of decay. Gabb however sees price control as being
at best only a small influence. His reason is that the Roman state was
generally ineffective at central control. It could do major and
important things like fight wars and suppress pirates (
as Caesar did) but detailed social control was beyond it. Price control never really bit, in other words.
Sean Gabb is a libertarian conservative -- as I am -- so is totally
opposed to the destructive folly of government price control. But we
both prioritze facts over theory.
There is one way in which I don't go quite so far as Sean, however. I
doubt that taxes were unimportant. I suspect that they did have
substantial destructive impact. But at this point in time, there is no
possibility of certainty.
But please read both authors. Both are very scholarly. Mises is of
course well known but Gabb is no lightweight. He has even published a
book recently that is partly in Latin. I have a copy -- to my
considerable delectation. Between them, the two authors do round out our
view of one of the most important episodes in human history.
The Real Islamic Threat
Two weeks after terrorists killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stephens
and three other Americans in Benghazi in September 2012, Barack Obama
announced to the UN, "The future must not belong to those who slander
the prophet of Islam."
The Religion of PeaceT took his advice Wednesday in Paris, as jihadis
killed 12 people for daring to "slander the prophet of Islam."
Two of the victims were police officers (one of whom was wounded and
then executed), and 10 were journalists (including the editor-in-chief)
for the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, which was firebombed
in 2011 for printing cartoons of Muhammad. Charlie Hebdo recovered from
that terrorism and published a few more cartoons skewering Muhammad and,
more recently, the Islamic State. ISIL filled the terror vacuum in the
Middle East after Obama claimed victory against al-Qaida ahead of his
2012 re-election bid.
Three masked men perpetrated the well-planned attack with Kalashnikov
rifles and other small arms -- perhaps either a rocket or grenade
launcher. They reportedly knocked on office doors asking by name for
individuals who had created certain offensive cartoons. In a clip aired
on French television, the attackers were recorded shouting, "We have
killed Charlie Hebdo. We have avenged the Prophet Mohammad."
The men told the journalist they forced to let them in the building that
they were from al-Qaida. Meanwhile, ISIL supporters praised the attack.
Not surprisingly, however, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest
initially declined to call it terrorism: "[T]his is an act of violence
that we certainly do condemn. And, you know, if based on this
investigation it turns out to be an act of terrorism then we would
condemn that in the strongest possible terms, too." He also once again
referred to Islam as a "Religion of PeaceT."
And the White House issued a statement condemning the attacks while not mentioning the words Islam, Muslim or jihad.
Former DNC Chief Howard Dean flat out denied Islam's culpability: "I
stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists. They're about as Muslim
as I am. I mean, they have no respect for anybody else's life. That's
not what the Koran says. ... I think ISIS is a cult. Not an Islamic
cult. I think it's a cult."
Meanwhile, numerous media outlets cowered in fear, refusing to show the
Charlie Hebdo cartoons, blurring them out if images were shown at all.
By contrast, the Associated Press and other outlets had no problem
showing the "piss Christ" "art" some years ago.
Not cowering, however, was cartoonist and Charlie Hebdo editor Stephane
Charbonnier, who was killed Wednesday. In 2012, he said, "I prefer to
die standing than living on my knees."
The Obama administration clearly would rather kneel, or at least bow.
Yes, Secretary of State John Kerry declared the murdered French
journalists "martyrs for liberty," and said we "wield something that is
far more powerful" than the weapons the jihadis used. But, again, it was
his boss who said, "The future must not belong to those who slander the
prophet of Islam."
Ironically, in 2012, Obama was condemning an obscure Internet video
defaming Muhammad, which his administration blamed ahead of the 2012
presidential election for the al-Qaida attack on Benghazi. Obama's
campaign was built on having defeated al-Qaida. And not only did he
criticize free speech, U.S. taxpayers footed the bill for ads in
Pakistan condemning the video.
Not only will Obama not stand for such "slander," but he has been
regularly releasing terrorist leaders from Gitmo, who historically just
return to their deadly trade.
While there was much media handwringing about freedom of speech after
North Korea compelled Sony to censor a satirical movie, the real threats
to free speech are Islamist terrorists. For example, instead of firing
off a nasty letter to the editor, the Paris jihadis brutally murdered
Charlie Hebdo employees.
Also noteworthy is that the police who initially responded to the attack
were, incredibly, unarmed and quickly fled. Indeed, given all the
videos that were shot of this attack, it's too bad that Paris is a gun
free zone -- instead of shooting videos, someone could have been
returning fire.
Furthermore, the French have allowed this Islamist menace to fester in
their country for years. In fact, one of the men was a known and
convicted terrorist. Now they are paying the price, and make no mistake,
this menace is also festering in our homeland. Islamists, like Nidal
Malik Hasan, who killed 14 people (including an unborn child) and
wounded 30 others at Fort Hood, will continue to strike with increasing
frequency. See also the attacks in Boston, Australia and Canada.
While the media refers to these deadly assaults as "lone wolf attacks,"
there are no such thing. Nor is there a "homegrown" Western threat. All
these actors are part of an ideological Islamist web that is not
Western. (Anyone for terrorist profiling?)
Mark Steyn: 'A Lot of People Will Retreat Even Further Into Self-Censorship'
Wednesday's terror attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris will make major
Western newspapers even more fearful to say anything about Islam,
conservative pundit Mark Steyn warned on Wednesday.
"I think one consequence of this is that a lot of people will retreat
even further into self-censorship," Steyn told Fox News's Megyn Kelly.
In fact, several major newspapers on Wednesday, in reporting on the
Paris attack, obscured the cartoon images of Mohammed published by
Charlie Hebdo.
"The New York Daily News won't even show -- and it dishonors the dead in
Paris by not even showing properly the cartoons. They pixilated
Mohammed out of it, so it looks like Mohammed is into the witness
protection program, but they left the hook-nose Jew in, and that exactly
gets to the double standard here.
"You can say anything you like about Christianity, you can say anything
you like about Judaism, but these guys -- everybody understand the
message that if you say something about Islam, these guys will kill you.
"And we will be retreating into a lot more self-censorship if the
pansified Western media doesn't man up and decide to disperse the risk.
So they can't just kill one little small French satirical magazine,
they've got to kill all of us."
Steyn noted that Charlie Hebdo was one of the few publications willing
to reprint the Danish Mohammed cartoons in 2006: "I'm proud to have
written for the only Canadian magazine to publish those cartoons," Steyn
"And it's because The New York Times didn't, and Le Monde in Paris
didn't and the London Times didn't, and all the other great newspapers
of the world didn't, that they (Charlie Hebdo) were forced to bear a
burden that should have been more widely dispersed."
The cartoons have become a news story, especially after people have been
killed for them, Steyn said: "But the fact that major newspapers still
didn't have the courage to show these cartoons after they became a news
story, is why these brave men at Charlie Hebdo had to bear the burden
almost single-handed."
7 Offensive Images The New York Times Wasn't Afraid to Publish
Dean Baquet, the executive editor of The New York Times, is defending
his decision not to reprint any Charlie Hebdo cartoons depicting
Mohammad with an argument that might confuse Times readers. Today he
told Politico: "We don't run things that are designed to gratuitously
This dictum is confusing because it's false: On many occasions the paper
of record has printed images that are "designed to gratuitously
offend." Here are 7 examples; there are surely more.
1. The
Times printed this
anti-Semitic cartoon in 2010:
2. This
racist Dr. Seuss drawing in 2011:
3. This
anti-Semitic caricature in 2005:
California Just Started Another Insane Government Project
Talk about a trainwreck. Today, California broke ground on another
disastrous government-funded project: high-speed rail that will
eventually go from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
The project is estimated to cost $68 billion. The plan is that the
private sector will ultimately invest around one-third of the total
cost, but so far, there have been no takers. And it's no wonder. It's
hard to see how this project makes sense.
Backers say the train will be able to make the trip between San
Francisco and Los Angeles in under 2 hours, 40 minutes. However,
according to a 2013 Reason Foundation study, it's likely the trip will
ultimately take around four hours (and sometimes closer to five hours)
for various reasons (for example, the high-speed train will share tracks
with slower trains).
To put that into context, consider this: A flight from San Francisco to
Los Angeles is about 1 hour, 15 minutes. Driving, if there isn't
traffic, takes a little under six hours-more time than the train would
take, but you also have a vehicle at the end of your trip. (Neither San
Francisco nor Los Angeles are cities easy or convenient to navigate via
public transit, although San Francisco certainly has more options than
Los Angeles.)
So in other words, it's a $68 billion project to build a method of
transit that combines the longer time of driving with the lack of
convenience of flying (that is, arriving without a car).
And this is all assuming the full project is completed. Currently, the
state has only $12.6 billion-from federal funding and a voter-approved
bond measure-ready for the project.
The first steps will lead to tracks connecting Fresno and
Bakersfield-two cities that have no public transportation other than
buses. It's hard to see why a big market of people would be looking to
take the high-speed train between these two places, which are already
connected by highways and train.
Furthermore, it's possible that the high-speed rail train, rather than
making a profit or breaking even, will lose even more money when
operating. Remember, that $68 billion is just to build it.
From the 2013 Reason Foundation study:
Even if the system managed to equal European train ridership levels it
would hit just 7.6 million rides a year. Thus, ridership in 2035 is
likely to be 65 percent to 77 percent lower than currently projected.
As a result of these slower travel times, higher ticket costs and low
ridership, California taxpayers should expect to pay an additional $124
million to $373 million a year to cover the train's operating costs and
financial losses.
Heritage Foundation transportation analyst Emily Goff offers yet another
possible snag: "It's typical for big-ticket infrastructure projects
like this train to experience cost escalations-of gargantuan
proportions. Cue Northern Virginia's defunct Arlington Streetcar and
Washington Metro's Silver Line. We'll see any increases in the $68
billion cost reflected in more severe operating losses down the line."
California's struggling enough as is. Building a costly high-speed rail
train with few obvious consumers is a mistake-and one that will likely
cost taxpayers dearly.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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9 January, 2015
Another nail in coffin of the antioxidant religion
Are antioxidants a waste of money? Latest study says eating expensive
'superfoods' or taking supplements WON'T help you live longer. That
dynamo of research in the area, Beatrice Golomb, will not be surprised.
In a recent correspondence with me she said: "Personally, I have never
advocated, to anyone, carotenoids, vitamin C, vitamin E as d-alpha
tocopherol, or folic acid in supplement form". The only pill that she is
favors these days is the recently revived CoEnzyme Q10 -- but see here, here and here for skepticism about that
People who get a lot of antioxidants in their diets, or who take them in
supplement form, don't live any longer than those who just eat well
overall, according to a long term study of retirees in California.
Antioxidants, including vitamins A, C and E, are plentiful in vegetables
and fruits and may help protect against cell or DNA damage. As a
result, they've been touted for cancer prevention, heart disease
prevention and even warding off dementia.
'There is good scientific evidence that eating a diet with lots of
vegetables and fruits is healthful and lowers risks of certain
diseases,' said lead author Annlia Paganini-Hill of the Clinic for Aging
Research and Education at the University of California, Irvine.
'However, it is unclear whether this is because of the antioxidants,
something else in these foods, other foods in people's diet, or other
lifestyle choices,' Paganini-Hill told Reuters Health by email.
Most double-blind randomized clinical trials - the gold standard of
medical evidence - have found that antioxidant supplements do not
prevent disease, she said.
The researchers used mailed surveys from the 1980's in which almost
14,000 older residents of the Leisure World Laguna Hills retirement
community detailed their intake of 56 foods or food groups rich in
vitamins A and C as well as their vitamin supplement intake.
With periodic check-ins and repeated surveys, the researchers followed
the group for the next 32 years, during which time 13,104 residents
When Paganini-Hill's team accounted for smoking, alcohol intake,
caffeine consumption, exercise, body mass index, and histories of
hypertension, angina, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, rheumatoid
arthritis and cancer, there was no association between the amount of
vitamins A or C in the diet or vitamin E supplements and the risk of
Participants in the new study were largely white, educated and well-nourished.
The TSA: A Brief Tale
By Abigail Hall
This Christmas I flew out of town with my fiancé to see his family.
Since we’d be out of town for several days, I checked a bag with the
We arrived to our destination without any fuss and drove to see his
family. As I went to my bag to retrieve some things before bed, I was
greeted by a note from the TSA. The paper stated that my bag had been
searched as a part of necessary “security” precautions.
Aside from looking like a five-year-old had packed my bag, everything
seemed fine (I’m a careful packer—so the fact my folded clothes were
left in wads was particularly irritating). Upon further inspection,
however, I realized some things were missing from my luggage.
Those things were my underwear.
Now, in the “best” case scenario, either these items were taken out of
my bag and accidentally put in someone else’s (that’s awkward) or the
person who searched my bag decided fruit of the loom posed a security
risk (I always thought those characters from the commercial looked
shady). Worst case scenario, some TSA agent stole my underwear.
Apparently, I’m not the only one who has wound up with some missing
items at the hands of the TSA. In fact, some 29 TSA employees were fired
for theft from Miami’s airport between 2002 and 2011. Over the same
period, 27 agents were fired from JFK International. In total, a report
on TSA theft obtained through the Freedom of Information Act found that
the TSA fired over 400 employees for theft between 2002 and 2011.
The agents tasked with “keeping travelers safe” have gotten their hands
on more than passengers’ small trinkets. Former TSA officer Pythias
Brown, for example, was convicted of stealing some very expensive items
from passengers. He admitted to taking some $800,000 worth of cameras
and other items from checked bags.
When discussing his crime, Brown said the TSA had “a culture” of theft.
He stated it was easy for TSA employees to take advantage of passengers’
luggage because of lax oversight and tips from their fellow employees.
“[Stealing from checked bags] became so easy, I got complacent,” Brown
said in an interview.
Brown certainly isn’t the only one. One officer was arrested for
stealing some $5,000 in cash from a passenger’s jacket while another
made off with a $15,000 watch. While the TSA is quick to point out that
the number of thefts by TSA agents represents only a small proportion of
their employees (which is true), it may be more commonplace than
admitted. After all, it’s not exactly difficult to blame lost items on
the general gross incompetence of airlines. The agency also states they
have a “zero tolerance” policy for theft.
In spite of this zero tolerance policy, TSA agents have been arrested
and convicted for stealing items including iPads, laptops, and a $40,000
piece of luggage.
The problem of theft seems simple enough to address. For example, how
about that card put in my suitcase informing me of the “necessary
procedure?” One could easily assign a number to each agent and print
this number on the tickets placed in passenger suitcases. This would
allow complaints to be easily traced to specific agents.
I’ve written elsewhere about problems with the TSA. Not only does the
TSA violate your individual liberties every time you fly, it has also
failed to catch a single terrorist since it was formed in 2001.
Put simply, the TSA faces poor incentives. The bureaucratic structure of
the agency, without having to contend with the profit and loss
mechanisms of for profit firms, means the agency must constantly appeal
to the government for support.
As opposed to increasing revenues through improving its product and
customer service, the TSA obtains more money and personnel by being
worse at its job. Why? Poor performance, theft, and other problems means
the TSA can say to the larger government, “we perform poorly because we
need more resources. We have theft problems, we need more people to
supervise, more training, and more resources.”
The result of these incentives is an ever-growing, dysfunctional
organization. This agency not only fails to “keep you safe,” but might
just steal your underwear.
The Next Detroit
What’s wrong with giving government employees every single dollar they ask for in pensions and benefits?
After having seen the role of out-of-control public employee pensions in
helping drive the city of Detroit into bankruptcy, which the city was
only just able to exit in November 2014 after the city’s public
pensioners finally agreed to cut their overly generous pensions and
benefits to levels that are more affordable for the city’s taxpayers, we
wondered which local government in the U.S. is most like Detroit in the
disconnect it has between the size of its debts and its ability to make
good on those liabilities.
We didn’t have to spend much time researching the topic. America’s next
Detroit is Illinois. At least, according to The Economist, which being
international in scope, directly compares the fiscal state of Illinois
with its most similarly dysfunctional European equivalent: Greece....
Illinois is like Greece in one obvious way: it overpromised and
underdelivered on pensions and has little appetite for dealing with the
problem, says Hal Weitzman of the University of Chicago Booth School of
Business. This large Midwestern state, with a population of 13m (Greece
has 11m, though a far smaller GDP than Illinois), has the most
underfunded retirement system of any state and the largest pension
burden relative to state revenue. It also has the highest number of
public-pension funds close to insolvency, such as the one looking after
Chicago’s police and firemen. According to the Civic Federation, a
budget watchdog, Illinois has piled up a whopping $111 billion in
unfunded pension liabilities (see chart), in addition to $56 billion in
debt for health benefits for pensioners. The state devotes one in four
of its tax dollars to pensions, which is more than it spends on primary
and secondary education.
Mainly as a result of this gargantuan pension debt, Illinois’s bond
rating is the lowest of all the states, which means dramatically higher
borrowing costs. When the state government failed to address pension
underfunding in its budget for 2014, two credit-rating agencies, Fitch
and Moody’s, cut the state’s bond rating, which in Moody’s case put
Illinois on a par with Botswana. (An incensed editorial in the Chicago
Tribune asked what Botswana had done to be so insulted.)
The main reason for the pension debacle is decades of underfunding.
“Everything was always done with a short-term view,” says Laurence
Msall, head of the Civic Federation. “Unique to Illinois is the idea
that you don’t have to pay for pensions and you don’t have to follow
actuarial recommendations.”
Unlike Detroit, however, Illinois has an extra barrier that is
preventing desperately needed reforms for making its public employee
pensions sustainable by reducing promised pension payments and benefits
to affordable levels: the State of Illinois’ Constitution.
Here, the state’s top law prevents lawmakers from even being able to
address its worsening public employee pension crisis by diminishing or
impairing pension benefits to retired government employees at all. The
state’s only way out is a “long shot” attempt to amend its Constitution,
but that would require that the people responsible for creating the
crisis in the first place, public employee unions and the large number
of officials they helped put into power, go against their own greedy
interests in favor of the public’s best interest.
Unfortunately, with such a stacked deck, it’s in their greedy interest
to push Illinois to the very edge of insolvency. And all indications are
that they will fight reform rather than give up their guaranteed gravy
That’s the sort of thing that doesn’t even fly in communist China, which
has implemented real public employee pension reforms to meet the
public’s interest! If only Illinois’ elected officials would show
similar public spirit.
Jonathan Gruber: No Obamacare Subsidies in States That Don't Set Up Exchanges
In this new year, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear another challenge to
the Affordable Care Act. And this time, Obamacare architect Jonathan
Gruber's own words may help the people who are challenging a key
provision of the law.
In petitioning the Supreme Court to take their case, the plaintiffs
quoted Gruber, who said in 2012: "[I]f you're a state and you don’t set
up an Exchange, that means your citizens don’t get their tax credits. … I
hope that’s a blatant enough political reality that states will get
their act together and realize there are billions of dollars at stake
here in setting up these Exchanges, and that they’ll do it.”
The problem arose when only 14 states took federal money to set up their own exchanges.
So the question before the Supreme Court is this: How can people in
states with federally-run exchanges get tax-credit subsidies? The law
says they can't; but the IRS, by regulation, said they can.
In their request for Supreme Court review, the petitioners noted that
the Affordable Care Act authorizes federal tax credit subsidies for
health insurance coverage that is purchased through an “Exchange
established by the State."
“Congress did not expect the states to turn down federal funds and fail
to create and run their own Exchanges,” the petition says. "Accordingly,
for example, Congress did not appropriate any funds in the ACA for HHS
to build Exchanges, even as it appropriated unlimited funds to help
states establish theirs...Indeed, ACA proponents emphasized that '[a]ll
the health insurance exchanges … are run by states,' to rebut charges
that the Act was a federal 'takeover.'"
The petition continues: "Notwithstanding the ACA’s text and purpose, the
IRS in 2011 proposed, and in 2012 promulgated, regulations requiring
the Treasury to grant subsidies for coverage purchases through all
Exchanges -- not only those established by states...but also those
established by HHS."
Gruber's own words, therefore, appear to be central to the petitioners' case.
Repeating what he said in 2012: "[I]f you're a state and you don’t set
up an Exchange, that means your citizens don’t get their tax credits. … I
hope that’s a blatant enough political reality that states will get
their act together and realize there are billions of dollars at stake
here in setting up these Exchanges, and that they’ll do it.”
Under Obamacare, subsidies (or tax credits) are an essential part of
"affordable" health insurance coverage. Without them, most people
wouldn't be able to afford the health insurance they are now required by
law to purchase (or else pay a fine).
On Dec. 30, the Department of Health and Human Services reported that 87
percent of people who selected 2015 plans through the federal exchange in first month of open enrollment were getting subsidies
to lower their monthly premiums. That compares with the 80 percent of
enrollees who purchased plans on the federal exchange in the same period
last year.
According to SCOTUSblog, oral arguments in the case King V. Burwell are scheduled for Mar 4, 2015.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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8 January, 2015
Islam's great gap -- 650 to 800 AD -- and the destruction of Roman
civilization. Was North African piracy the revenge of Carthage?
Thanks to Byzantium we have some idea of what happened in Europe during
the "dark" ages. It is a common misconception that the sacking of Rome
by barbarian tribes ended the Roman empire. It did not. Roman
civilization had become decentralized by then -- which is part of the
reason why Rome was too weak to defend itself effectively. So the other
great cities of the Roman world continued on much as before, as most of
them had already made their peace with the German barbarians. And the
German barbarians in turn had by that time also absorbed a fair amount
of civilization. So the sack of Rome was in some ways just an internal
So Roman civilization did decline but it did not suddenly cease. And
after a couple of centuries the decline was extensive and the times did
really become dark ages in many ways.
So if the sack of Rome did not end Roman civilization, what did?
Mediterranean piracy. The Roman empire was a huge free trade area and
trade has always been the secret of economic prosperity. It's why we
have things as NAFTA and the EU. Free trade brings specialization in
what people and places are good at. In the Roman empire, for instance,
much of Rome's grain was imported from Egypt.
And trade was far too advantageous for something like the fall of Rome
to interrupt it. It carried on as before. But the loss of Roman
authority did have one clear penalty. North African statelets evolved
under no form of Roman control and acknowledging no debt to Rome. For a
time Byzantium had control of North East Africa but North Western Africa
(what we now call Algeria, Morocco etc) was a stretch too far. And it
was from North West African statelets that a substantial pirate menace
emerged. Piracy was a major economic support for the "Barbary" states.
And that piracy continued in fits and starts for a long time -- until
the restored French monarchy sent 500 ships across the water and brought
North West Africa under French control in 1830.
And for a time the piracy killed the goose that laid the golden egg. So
much of money and goods was lost to the pirates that trade became
unprofitable and effectively impossible. And the cessation of trade
pulled the rug out from under Roman prosperity. All the old Roman lands
and cities went into a steep economic decline. Even Byzantium was
affected to a degree though its large areas of control in the Eastern
Mediterranean shielded it from the worst effects. A lot of its trade was
internal and carried overland.
So who were these pirates? Most memory of them traces to the 19th
century and identifies them as Muslim Arabs and Muslim Berbers. Both the
administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the newborn
United States took them on. But were they Muslim in the Middle ages?
Probably not -- for two reasons: Mohammed supposedly appeared in the 7th
century and the Roman world was already in decline by then. More
importantly, however, it seems likely that
the whole Mohammed story is fiction and that the Koran was written in Egypt some time in the 9th century. See also
Shock! Horror! Scholars who are bold enough to mention that probability
do so at considerable risk and I guess I do too. But the matter is
surely too important to be hushed up. The fact of the matter is that the
story of Mohammed is much more poorly documented than the story of
Christ. Not only do Christians have four separate histories of Christ's
life (the Gospels) but there is also an extensive collection of letters
from Paul and others -- all of which are collected into the New
Testament. There is nothing like that for Mohammed. There is only the
Koran, nothing else. There are hadiths but they are clearly later. And
aside from the Koran there is no mention in history of Mohammed and his
followers until about 800 AD. So was it in the 9th century that the
Koran was written?
It seems likely. Egypt was at that time mostly Christian. But it was
Christianity with Egyptian characteristics, to coin a phrase. In
particular it was a hotbed of Gnosticism -- which was apparently much
influenced by the old pagan Egyptian religion of the Pharaohs. And the
Gnostics were prolific producers of false Gospels, accounts that claimed
to tell of Christ's life and words but which were nothing but forgeries
written to boost up a particular theological position or Gnostic
belief. So in that hotbed of debate, the production of another forgery,
the Koran, was nothing new. It would seem that someone thought to get
one-up on his theological opponents by inventing a new account of holy
Raiders from the Arabian peninsula were certainly making a nuisance of
themselves in the 7th and 8th centuries but there is no evidence that
they were Muslims. They were generally called "Saracens" at the time.
And backing up the idea of the Koran as just another Gnostic forgery, is
the fact that the Koran is very Bible-conscious. It borrows heavily
from both the Old and New testaments and accepts much of what Christians
say about Christ.
And by the 9th century, the old Roman word was comprehensively gone. So
the North African pirates who destroyed that world cannot have been
Muslim. They accepted Islam later on.
So if the early pirates were not Muslim, who were they? We know that
lots of marauding German tribes did get to North Africa and settle there
so it is likely that the pirate states originated as just another band
or bands of German raiders -- but raiders with a nautical bent. And if
they were of a nautical bent they probably came from the Baltic area.
And we do know of another group of German raiders of around 500 AD who
sailed from the Baltic area -- the Angles and the Saxons who invaded
Roman Britannia and turned it into England. So seaborne Germans of the
time are no myth.
But the raiding went on for a long time so the pirates would soon be
comprised of some admixture of the Germans with the native people of the
area. The geneticists tell us that the modern-day English are only
around 50% German so that percentage may have been even less in North
Africa, being further way from the German homeland. It is notable,
moreover that some Berbers to this day have light skin and blue eyes.
And the native people would have been substantially descended from
Rome's old adversary, Carthage. Carthaginians were originally
Phoenicians but eventually included a large admixture of the native
North African Berber people. Carthaginian general Hannibal had given the
Romans huge problems -- the destruction of eight Roman legions at
Cannae resounds to this day -- so when Publius Cornelius Scipio finally
defeated Hannibal's Carthaginian army, the game was up for Carthage. And
after further hostilities, Rome laid waste to the city and allegedly
salted its fields. That something as valuable as salt then was, was
wasted in that way makes it unlikely that much salt was used, however.
But the Carthaginians were more than one city and we know that Carthage
had substantially revived only a couple of centuries later -- but
revived under firm Roman control of course.
So there is a certain irony in the destruction of the Roman world by
probable descendants of the great city that Rome had tried to destroy.
How the Laffer Curve Changed America's Economy
It was 40 years ago this month that two of President Gerald Ford’s top
White House advisers, Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld, gathered for a steak
dinner at the Two Continents restaurant in Washington with Wall Street
Journal editorial writer Jude Wanniski and Arthur Laffer, former chief
economist at the Office of Management and Budget. The United States was
in the grip of a gut-wrenching recession, and Laffer lectured to his
dinner companions that the federal government’s 70 percent marginal tax
rates were an economic toll booth slowing growth to a crawl.
To punctuate his point, he grabbed a pen and a cloth cocktail napkin and
drew a chart showing that when tax rates get too high, they penalize
work and investment and can actually lead to revenue losses for the
government. Four years later, that napkin became immortalized as “the
Laffer Curve” in an article Wanniski wrote for the Public Interest
magazine. (Wanniski would later grouse only half-jokingly that he should
have called it the Wanniski Curve.)
This was the first real post-World War II intellectual challenge to the
reigning orthodoxy of Keynesian economics, which preached that when the
economy is growing too slowly, the government should stimulate demand
for products with surges in spending. The Laffer model countered that
the primary problem is rarely demand – after all, poor nations have
plenty of demand – but rather the impediments, in the form of heavy
taxes and regulatory burdens, to producing goods and services.
In the four decades since, the Laffer Curve and its supply-side message
have taken something of a beating. They’ve been ridiculed as “trickle
down” and “voodoo economics” (a phrase coined in 1980 by George H.W.
Bush), and disparaged in mainstream economics texts as theories of
“charlatans and cranks.” Last year, even Pope Francis criticized
supply-side theories, writing that they have “never been confirmed by
the facts” and rely on “a crude and naive trust in the goodness of those
wielding economic power and in the sacralized workings of the
prevailing economic system.” And this year, French economist Thomas
Piketty penned a best-selling back-to-the-future book arguing for a
return to the good old days of 70 percent tax rates on the rich.
But I’d argue – and not just because Laffer has been a longtime friend
and mentor – that his theory has actually held up pretty well these past
40 years. Perhaps its critics should be called Laffer Curve deniers.
Solid supporting evidence came during the Reagan years. President Ronald
Reagan adopted the Laffer Curve message, telling Americans that when 70
to 80 cents of an extra dollar earned goes to the government, it’s
understandable that people wonder: Why keep working? He recalled that as
an actor in Hollywood, he would stop making movies in a given year once
he hit Uncle Sam’s confiscatory tax rates.
When Reagan left the White House in 1989, the highest tax rate had been
slashed from 70 percent in 1981 to 28 percent. (Even liberal senators
such as Ted Kennedy and Howard Metzenbaum voted for those low rates.)
And contrary to the claims of voodoo, the government’s budget numbers
show that tax receipts expanded from $517 billion in 1980 to $909
billion in 1988 – close to a 75 percent change (25 percent after
inflation). Economist Larry Lindsey has documented from IRS data that
tax collections from the rich surged much faster than that.
Reagan’s tax policy, and the slaying of double-digit inflation rates,
helped launch one of the longest and strongest periods of prosperity in
American history. Between 1982 and 2000, the Dow Jones industrial
average would surge to 11,000 from less than 800; the nation’s net worth
would quadruple, to $44 trillion from $11 trillion; and the United
States would produce nearly 40 million new jobs.
Critics such as economist Paul Krugman object that rapid growth during
the Reagan years was driven more by conventional Keynesian deficit
spending than by reductions in tax rates. Except that 30 years later,
President Obama would run deficits as a share of GDP twice as large as
Reagan’s through traditional Keynesian spending programs, and the
economy grew under Obama’s recovery only half as fast.
Supply-side economics was never just about slashing tax rates. As Laffer
told me in a recent interview: “We also emphasized sound money, free
trade and deregulation. It was a package of reforms to clear away the
obstacles to increased economic output.”
I asked Laffer about the economy’s surge, while income tax rates rose,
during the Clinton presidency – which critics cite as repudiation of
supply-side theories. Laffer noted that tax rates on work and investment
fell in the ‘90s. “Under Clinton we had the biggest reduction in
government spending in 30 years, one of the steepest reductions in the
capital gains tax, a big cut in the tax on traded goods thanks to NAFTA,
and welfare reforms which dramatically increased incentives to work. Of
course the economy soared.”
As to the concern that supply-side tax-cutting has exacerbated income
inequality: The real story of the 1980s and '90s was one of upward
economic mobility. After-tax incomes of middle-class families rose by
roughly 30 percent (when taking into account government benefits and
correctly adjusting for inflation) from 1982 to 2005. The middle class
didn’t shrink, it grew richer – though the past decade has seen a big
Perhaps the most powerful vindication of the Laffer Curve comes from the
many nations around the world that have successfully integrated
supply-side economics into their fiscal policies. World Bank statistics
reveal that almost every nation – from China to Ireland to Chile – has
much lower tax rates today than in the 1970s. The average income tax
rate among industrialized nations has fallen from 68 percent to less
than 45 percent. The average corporate tax rate has fallen from nearly
50 percent to closer to 25 percent today. Political leaders learned from
Reagan that in a globally competitive world, jobs, capital and wealth
tend to migrate from high- to low-tax locations.
This vital link between low taxes and jobs has played out within the
United States as well. It helps explain why, from 2002 to 2012, Texas –
with no income tax – gained 1 million people in domestic migration,
while almost 1.5 million more Americans left California, with its 12
percent top tax rate, than moved there.
It’s worth noting that there has been some shift in emphasis among
advocates of supply-side economics. The original Laffer Curve
illustrated that two tax rates lead to zero revenue: a rate of zero and a
rate of 100 percent – because no one will work if all earnings are
taken away. Yes, in some cases tax rates can get so high that cutting
them will raise more revenue, not less. That was clearly true when
capital-gains tax rates were slashed in the 1980s and 1990s, and when in
2004 the federal government enacted a repatriation tax cut on foreign
earnings held captive overseas. Revenue rose in all of these instances.
But today, even the most ardent disciples of the Laffer Curve don’t
argue that cutting tax rates will increase revenue – except in extreme
cases when rates are at the very highest range of the curve.
We do argue, and history is our guide, that lower tax rates are a
private-sector stimulus that in many circumstances will rev up growth
and lead to more jobs. It’s a happy byproduct that this growth will help
generate higher revenue than the government’s “static” estimates always
Alas, the Laffer Curve effect is now working against the United States
on corporate taxation. Our highest-in-the-world corporate tax rate of
nearly 40 percent is chasing iconic U.S. companies such as Burger King
and dozens of others out of the country for lower-tax climates where
rates are half as high.
Even liberals unwittingly acknowledge the Laffer Curve truth when they
support higher tobacco taxes to stop smoking or a new carbon tax to
reduce global warming. If higher carbon taxes reduce CO2 emissions, why
is it so hard to understand that higher taxes on work or investment lead
to less of these?
When I asked Laffer if, 40 years later, there is any point of consensus
in economics on the Laffer Curve, he replied: “I think today everyone
agrees with the premise that when you tax something you get less of it,
and when you tax something less, you get more of it.”
Harvard Profs Angry ObamaCare Made Their Premiums Rise
Liberal academics at Harvard are as incensed as anybody else that their
health care costs for 2015 have headed for the ceiling because of the
“Affordable” Care Act. Harvard professor Richard Thomas said the changes
were “deplorable, deeply regressive, a sign of the corporatization of
the university.” But – get this – these same professors advised the
Obama administration as it crafted this policy.
The New York Times reports, “In Harvard’s health care enrollment guide
for 2015, the university said it ‘must respond to the national trend of
rising health care costs, including some driven by health care reform,’
in the form of the Affordable Care Act.
The guide said that Harvard faced ‘added costs’ because of provisions in
the health care law that extend coverage for children up to age 26,
offer free preventive services like mammograms and colonoscopies and,
starting in 2018, add a tax on high-cost insurance, known as the
Cadillac tax.”
National Review’s Patrick Brennan notes the Leftmedia can’t quite
explain away this argument for free market health care. Maybe Harvard
professors should advise the White House in a new health care policy
given their new real-world experience.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
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7 January, 2015
Once again we find that the Bible is good history
Have archaeologists discovered where Jesus was sentenced to death? Site at Herod's Palace 'matches Gospel of John description'
The exact spot upon which Jesus stood as he was sentenced to death, may have been pinpointed by archaeologists in Jerusalem.
Discovered around 15 years ago, the remains of Herod the Great’s palace
have been carefully examined and a place between a gate and uneven stone
pavement has been identified as fitting the description of the event in
the Gospel of John.
Pilgrims and tourists will be able to visit the Biblical site, because
tours are being offered by the Tower of David Museum, which is located
Archaeologists suspected the site’s religious and historical
significance when they uncovered parts of foundation walls of the palace
and an underground sewage system, when excavating an abandoned prison,
The Washington Post reported.
While historians largely agree that Herod’s palace stood in the west of
Jerusalem’s Old City, whether Jesus was sentenced to death by Pontius
Pilate inside it, is the subject of much debate. This is mainly due to
differing interpretations of the Gospels.
The Gospel of John describes the trial of Jesus taking place near a gate
and uneven pavement, which some archaeologists, including Shimon
Gibson, an archaeology professor at the University of North Carolina at
Charlotte, believe matches evidence at the site.
‘There is, of course, no inscription stating it happened here, but
everything - archaeological, historical and gospel accounts - all falls
into place and makes sense,’ he said.
The Reverend David Pileggi, minister of Christ Church located nearby the
museum, told the newspaper that the discovery confirms ‘what everyone
expected all along, that the trial took place near the Tower of David.’
Thank Gridlock for Economic Turnaround
The Obama Boom is finally here. Gross domestic product grew by a healthy
5 percent in the third quarter, the strongest growth we’ve seen since
2003. Consumer spending looks as if it’s going to be strong in 2015.
Unemployment numbers have looked good. Buying power is up. And the stock
market closed at 18,000 for the first time ever. All good things. So
what happened?
Here’s David Axelrod on Twitter: “Note: The quarter before Obama took
office, the U.S. economy SHRUNK by 8.9 percent, worst since 1930. Last
quarter it GREW by 5 percent, best since 2003.”
Note: Contrasting the most severe quarter of your predecessor’s with the
best one in your six-year presidency – one filled with extravagant and
unmet economic promises – may strike you as a bit hackish. But let’s go
with it.
Axelrod isn’t alone is claiming political credit for economic success,
and the Obama administration certainly isn’t the first to try to take
the glory. But if activist policies really have as big an impact on our
economic fortunes as Washington operatives claim, I only have one
question: What policy did Barack Obama enact to initiate this
astonishing turnaround? We should definitely replicate it.
Because those who’ve been paying attention these past few years may have
noticed that the predominant agenda of Washington has been to do
nothing. It was only when the tinkering and superfluous stimulus
spending wound down that fortunes began to turn around. So it’s
perplexing how the same pundits who cautioned us about gridlock’s
traumatizing effects now ignore its existence.
For instance, Paul Krugman wrote a column titled “The Obama Recovery.”
The problem is that the author failed to justify his headline. It begins
like this:
“Suppose that for some reason you decided to start hitting yourself in
the head, repeatedly, with a baseball bat. You’d feel pretty bad.
Correspondingly, you’d probably feel a lot better if and when you
finally stopped. What would that improvement in your condition tell
Suppose you tell us what the bat represents, because spending in current
dollars has remained steady since 2010, and spending as a percentage of
GDP has gone down. In 2009, 125 bills were enacted into law. In 2010,
258. After that, Congress, year by year, became one of the least
productive in history. And the more unproductive Washington became the
more the economy began to improve.
Krugman argues that the recession lingered because government hadn’t
hired enough people to do taxpayer-funded busywork. The baseball bat.
But then he undercuts this notion by pointing out that there was an
explosion of public-sector hiring under George W. Bush – the man he
claims caused the entire mess in the first place. Krugman also ignores
the stimulus, because it screws up his imaginary “austerity” timeline.
He then spends most of the column debunking austerity’s success in
He does this because, in theory, left-wing economic policies can never
lose. For years, the administration rationalized the crippling
unemployment we experienced by spinning a comforting counter-history:
Things would have been a lot worse. But didn’t the stimulus fail even if
we judged it on its own promises? Well, it should have been bigger.
Wasn’t this the slowest recovery in history? Well, this was the worst
situation since the Great Depression.
The Boston Globe, in an editorial reflecting much of the evidence-free
praise the president has gotten, spins another myth. It points to
policies passed in 2010 as the reason for growth today. But it’s just as
easy – and more plausible, when we consider the history of our strong
emergence from severe recessions – to suggest that the economy could
have been a lot better had the administration alleviated many of its
early regulatory and tax burdens. Or done nothing. Certainly, a person
could just as effortlessly argue that shoehorning huge agenda items
under the guise of spurring growth was more harmful than helpful.
“People often don’t realize that a political system is sometimes
effective when it does not do certain things.” Pietro Nivola, a senior
fellow in governance studies at The Brookings Institution, argued in
2012. “You can’t just measure the things it does, the actions it takes;
you also have to measure the actions it does not take.” Nivola was
impressed by how gridlock has the ability to stop the Republican House
from cutting spending too abruptly for the economy.
And perhaps he’s right. Gridlock has caused an odd but pervasive
stability in Washington. Spending has been static. No jarring reforms
have passed – no cap and trade, which would have artificially spiked
energy prices and undercut the growth we’re now experiencing. The
inadvertent but reigning policy over the past four years has been “do no
On the strength of good economic news, Politico reports that Obama will
use his State of the Union address to roll out an agenda aimed at the
stagnating wages and those Americans left behind to build on the growth.
I’m going to take a wild guess and say that it’s going to incorporate a
lot of happy talk about “infrastructure” and a fairer reallocation of
wealth. We need to grow from the middle out, if you will. No doubt,
politically speaking, Democrats' fortunes are bound to improve somewhat
as economic anxieties ebb. The president will surely see better approval
But let’s hear specifics. As I remember it, the administration hasn’t
done anything in a long time. I know this because an incalculable number
of op-eds have informed me that the president has had to contend with
militant ideologues and has been unable to implement his agenda. I know
this because I’ve had to listen to years of hand-wringing about
politicians' inaction. You can’t have it both ways.
Truth Is, There's No One Behind the Wheel
By Jonah Goldberg
There’s an old joke in the newspaper business, now immortal on the Internet:
“The Wall Street Journal is read by the people who run the country. The
Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country. The
New York Times is read by people who think they should run the country.
USA Today is read by people who think they ought to run the country but
don’t really understand the New York Times. They do, however, like their
statistics shown in pie chart format. … The Boston Globe is read by
people whose parents used to run the country, and they did a far
superior job of it, thank you very much. …”
And so on. The list gets updated from time to time, and it usually
includes, “The National Inquirer is read by people trapped in line at
the grocery store.” You get the point.
But the joke is on us. You see, no one is running the country.
I don’t mean that as a knock on President Obama. No president “runs”
America because the government doesn’t run America – and the president
barely runs the government. He can scarcely tell his own employees what
to do. Civil service laws and union rules make it darn near impossible
to fire even grossly incompetent employees for anything short of
pederasty or murder.
I don’t have the space to rehash the Federalist Papers, but at the
federal level there are three branches of government and each one
monkey-wrenches the other, all the time. Meanwhile, do you know how many
local governments there are in the United States?
Time’s up, and you probably guessed too low. There are, by the Pew
Charitable Trust’s count, just over ninety thousand of them (90,056 to
be exact).
What the joke gets right is that lots of groups think they should be
running the show. But they all resent the fact that they’re not. From
Ivy League eggheads to Wall Street fat cats, everyone talks like a
backseat driver to a driver who isn’t there.
In recent years, I’ve had the good fortune to get to know some famous
.001-percenters. Guess what? Not only do they not run the country, but
they’re often desperate to find out who does.
For instance, listening to the Democratic Party or, say, the editors of
the New York Times (tomayto-tomahto, I know), you’d think the Koch
brothers owned America. Of course, if they did, they wouldn’t be
spending so much money on elections, would they? Also, if the Kochs were
half as evil and powerful as some claim, nobody would be criticizing
Meanwhile, for every rich conservative out there, there’s a rich liberal
cutting checks, too. In other words, the one-percenters who supposedly
run everything aren’t some homogenized class of economic overlords; they
are, in fact, at war with each other. And, trust me, Charles and David
Koch, Sheldon Adelson and Foster Friess no more think they are running
the country than liberal super-donors Michael Bloomberg, George Soros
and Tom Steyer do.
The notion that there’s a class or group of people secretly running
things is ancient. It was old when the Roman consul Lucius Cassius
famously asked, “Cui bono?” (“To whose benefit?”)
The reason is that we seem to be hardwired to assume there are no
accidents, that the world is the way it is because people – hidden
people – want it that way. The more extreme expressions of this
cognitive reflex take many forms, whether anti-Semitic (Who benefits?
The Jews!) or Marxist (Who benefits? The ruling classes!) or comedic
(“Colonel Sanders with his wee beady eyes!”).
Today, on the left, such thinking has become institutionalized. When the
champions of social justice can’t find an actual culprit, the villain
becomes systemic racism or sexism or white privilege. But there is
always evil intentionality lurking somewhere, like a ghost in the
machine. The right has its bugaboos, too. For instance, there are many
who think the mainstream media is biased (it is) and that its bias is
somehow centrally orchestrated like a scheme by some Bond villain (it
I think some people are scared of the idea that nobody is in charge, in
part because they want someone to blame for their problems. Others don’t
like this notion because they have an outsized faith in the power of
human will. If villains aren’t to blame for our ills, then some problems
cease to be problems and simply become facts of life.
Me? I like knowing no one is running things because, for starters, it means I’m free.
Do you or yours feel better? Last week’s GDP Estimate Included a Massive Upward Revision in Health Spending
Massive spending for what benefit?
Last week’s third estimate of 3rd quarter GDP contained a significant
upward revision to the real (inflation-adjusted) increase in GDP, from a
3.9 percent in the second estimate (released in November) to 5.0
percent in the third estimate.
November’s second estimate of 3rd quarter GDP included very tempered
growth in health spending. The third estimate blows that out of the
water. Much of the upward revision to the GDP estimate was due to health
The real dollar change in seasonally adjusted GDP (at annual rates) from
the 2nd quarter to the 3rd quarter was estimated at $153.7 billion in
the second estimate. The third estimate revised this up to $195.2
billion, a change of $41.5 billion (27 percent).
Health spending was revised up from $8.6 billion to $20.7 billion, an
increase of $12.1 billion. That is, the upward revision of health
spending accounted for almost one-third of the entire GDP revision.
Health spending is a component of household consumption of services. The
entire revision to that category was $21.8 billion. So, pretty much the
entire net increase in the estimate for household consumption of
services was accounted for by health spending.
Whether this is good or bad for Americans’ welfare cannot be determined
from these figures. Especially under Obamacare, health spending is so
politically driven that subsidized spending may be increasingly
What is also concerning about these revisions is that figuring out the
impact that Obamacare is having on health spending has been exceedingly
difficult. Let’s hope that we are not back where we were last summer,
when the Bureau of Economic Analysis was struggling to capture health
spending accurately in its GDP estimates.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
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6 January, 2015
Is this the ultimate dumbing down of education? Has educational success now become just a popularity contest?
If "niceness" gets you better grades than intelligence, it seems so.
recent academic paper says personality is more important than IQ to
educational success. And since the criterion of academic success was GPA
I can believe it. GPAs these days are not a strong indicator of
academic ability. They could well be influenced by "niceness". Teachers
tend to give higher marks to students whom they like. And, as we know,
GPAs are not a strong indicator of success in later years. IQ was in the
past by far the best predictor of academic success but most of those
findings go back to an era where education had not yet been "dumbed
Another problem is that high IQ students often find
schoolwork boring so treat it cursorily, which is not a good way to get
high marks, meaning that GPA marks may not adequately represent ability.
have always derided IQ because it is one of those pesky inborn
differences that obstruct their dream of making everybody equal. It
seems that they have now gone beyond derision and are actively making IQ
irrelevant. Below is a popular summary of the paper followed by the
journal abstract.
According to a new review of the link between personality and academic
achievement, personality is a better way to predict success at school
than intelligence as it's usually measured, by traditional standardized
tests. Arthur Poropat, of Griffith University in Australia, compared
measurements of what psychologists call the "big five" personality
traits — openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and
neuroticism — to academic scores, and found that the students who were
rated higher in openness and conscientiousness tended to receive better
"In practical terms, the amount of effort students are prepared to put
in, and where that effort is focused, is at least as important as
whether the students are smart,” Poropat said in the release
accompanying the paper, which was published in Learning and Individual
Differences. "And a student with the most helpful personality will score
a full grade higher than an average student in this regard."
It makes intuitive sense that both conscientiousness and openness would
result in higher grades; it doesn't really matter how smart you are if
you can't manage to turn your homework in on time, for one. And another
word for openness is curiosity, another obviously necessary factor in
learning. Still, it's an interesting way to think about academic
achievement for anyone who grew up believing they did well in school
simply because they were "smart."
Other-rated personality and academic performance: Evidence and implications
By Arthur E. Poropat
Considerable gaps remain in teachers' and students' understanding of
factors contributing to learning and educational outcomes, including
personality. Consequently, current knowledge about personality within
educational settings was reviewed, especially its relationships with
learning activities and academic performance. Personality dimensions
have previously been shown to be related to learning strategies and
activities, and to be reliably correlated with academic performance.
However, personality is typically self-rated, introducing methodological
disadvantages associated with informational and social desirability
biases. A meta-analysis of other-rated personality demonstrated
substantially higher correlations of academic performance with all of
the dimensions of the Five-Factor Model of personality, which were not
accounted for by associations with intelligence. The combined
association of academic performance with all of the Five-Factor Model
dimensions was one of the largest so far reported in education. The
findings have implications for personality measurement. Teachers are
able to assess students' personalities to match educational activities
to student dispositions, while students' development of learning
capacities can be facilitated by feedback on how their personalities are
linked with effective learning.
White racism has all but vanished from US politics...
...says Jeff Jacoby below. But how does he know? Only Leftists are
allowed even to mention race these days. I think Jeff is being a
Pollyanna. I think it is white flight that tells the true story
THE TEMPTATION to play the race card is one that President Obama and his
surrogates have too often found irresistible. Think of Attorney General
Eric Holder's claim last summer that criticism of the Obama
administration is fueled by "racial animus," or Vice President Joe
Biden's warning to a largely nonwhite audience in 2012 that Mitt Romney
was "going to put y'all back in chains" if he won the White House.
Recall Obama himself, predicting that Republicans would demonize him
because "he doesn't look like all those other presidents on the dollar
Yet there are also times when the president heeds the better angels of his nature, and declines to stoke racial resentments.
One such moment came during an interview last week, when NPR's Steve
Inskeep asked Obama if the country is "more racially divided than it was
when you took office six years ago." Without hesitating, the president
answered candidly: "No, I actually think that it's probably in its
day-to-day interactions less racially divided." There may be a
perception to the contrary, he acknowledged, but that has more to do
with the media-driven focus on particular events, "like Ferguson or the
Garner case in New York."
Nor did he take the bait when Inskeep, raising "a couple of data points"
that "suggest a broad gulf" between the races, contrasted Obama's
overwhelming share of the black vote in his two presidential campaigns
with the "rather dramatic" drop in the white Democratic vote. Instead of
endorsing Inskeep's inference that "political division between [the]
races" is widening, Obama responded mildly that data can be spun to
suggest anything. In reality, he noted, "when I was elected in '08, I
actually did better among white voters … than John Kerry did."
In fact, Obama's share of the white electorate in 2008 not only
surpassed Kerry's four years earlier, but Al Gore's in 2000, Bill
Clinton's in 1992, Michael Dukakis's in 1988, Walter Mondale's in 1984,
and Jimmy Carter's in 1980. The nomination of a black presidential
candidate didn't send white voters fleeing from the Democratic Party —
quite the contrary. White racism, once such a powerful force in US
politics, is now almost undetectable when Americans go to the polls.
Good for the president, at least on this occasion, for not encouraging
the myth that blacks don't get a fair shake on Election Day.
Indeed, for all the controversy over voter-ID requirements and other
election-law reforms, black participation in the electoral process is
more robust than ever. Accusations that such laws are motivated by a
desire to suppress minority voting may be cynical or sincere, but if the
proof of the pudding is in the turnout, the black franchise is
perfectly sound.
"Voting rates for blacks were higher in 2012 than in any recent
presidential election, the result of a steady increase in black voting
rates since 1996," reported the US Census Bureau in 2013. What's more,
with 66.2 percent of black voters casting ballots, turnout among blacks
was the highest of any racial group, surpassing the voting rate among
whites by 2.1 percentage points. If this is voter suppression, let's
have more of it.
Black turnout has been rising everywhere, even in states dominated by
Republicans. Jason Riley, author of the new book Please Stop Helping Us,
observes that the trend "was most pronounced in red states like
Alabama, Kentucky, and Mississippi," and that black voter turnout in
2012 surpassed white turnout by statistically significant margins …
[even] in states with the strictest voter-ID laws." When skeptical
researchers at PolitiFact dug into Riley's claim, they rated it True.
There wasn't much joy for Obama or his party in last November's midterm
elections, but the evidence of democratic engagement among African
Americans showed no signs of letup. Overall, black turnout accounted for
a higher share of the vote in 2014 than it had in 2010. Once again, it
was hard to find significant evidence that voter-ID laws stifled voting,
even in GOP strongholds. Looking at seven states below the Mason-Dixon
Line, Bloomberg writer Francis Barry found that "the states with a
voter-ID requirement, including Louisiana and Florida, had the highest
turnout rates; the two states where no ID is required — Maryland and
North Carolina — had the lowest."
Racial tensions obviously haven't vanished entirely from American life,
but for all intents and purposes, racism as a political factor has. As
the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act approaches, Jim Crow is
dead in its grave, while black electoral vitality in America is alive
and well.
Microaggression: desperately seeking discrimination
Have you heard of ‘microaggression’? Apparently it is everywhere.
According to Wikipedia, ‘Microaggression is a form of “unintended
discrimination”... which, without the conscious choice of the user, has
the same effect as conscious, intended discrimination.’ Wikipedia
provides the pronoun ‘he’ as an example of microaggression: this pronoun
apparently makes me, a ‘she’, feel excluded and therefore it is a micro
act of aggression. For other ludicrous examples of this nonsense, visit
the microaggression project’s website. There you will find posts that
read like an embarrassing adolescent diary.
But this is no laughing matter. The idea of microaggression is now
having a real effect. For instance, there was the fiasco at Harvard
earlier this month, when stickers from SodaStream, an Israeli company,
were removed from soda machines because they were seen as an act of
microaggression against students of Palestinian origin. There was the
case of Professor Val Rust at UCLA, who, in 2013, was fired over
spurious allegations of microaggression towards his students. As far as I
can tell, his only crime was to ask his students to use better grammar.
And, judging by their subsequent manifesto and online petition, he was
right to do so.
What is most striking about those waging war on microaggression is the
extent to which they have taken leave of reality. They see
discrimination and oppression everywhere. Of course, there are plenty of
things that need to be challenged in society, and spiked does so on a
daily basis. But long gone are the days when women were kept at home,
when black people weren’t welcome in pubs, and when gay and lesbian
couples had to keep their relationships secret. In education, at work
and at home, the old discrimination simply doesn’t exist anymore.
Unfortunately, that hasn’t stopped some people desperately looking for
discrimination in innocent remarks and actions.
For believers in microaggression, the slightest hint of an insult
becomes discriminatory, an example of oppression. Anything can
potentially be a microaggression, it seems - a comment, an advert, or
just a look. You just have to feel hurt or uncomfortable after reading,
hearing or seeing something for the ‘offending behaviour’ to be labelled
microaggression. It doesn’t matter about the context; it doesn’t matter
what the person actually meant; it doesn’t matter if it was just a bad
joke between friends. Thanks to the idea of microaggression, you can
elevate the most mundane of exchanges into symbols of deep-rooted
The idea of microaggression encourages people to see everyday comments
or behaviour as abusive or discriminatory. And as such, it encourages a
socially corrosive form of victimhood. This is bad. Most of the time,
people are civil and decent – if you give them a chance they can even be
fun, clever and interesting. Yes, bumping into one another has its
risks, but you know what – that’s what makes life worth living.
Contrary to Administration Claims, Only a Tiny Fraction of 'Surge' Border-Jumpers Deported
An investigative report by a Houston television station exposed that
only a tiny fraction of the families and children who crossed in the
border surge of 2012-14 are being returned to their home countries,
despite Obama administration claims that the cases are a priority.
According to immigration court records obtained by the station, only a
few of the illegal family or child arrivals are qualified to stay in the
United States, and the vast majority (91 percent) have simply absconded
from their proceedings after release and joined the resident illegal
population, where they are no longer a priority for enforcement under
the new, expanded "prosecutorial discretion" policies.
The Houston reporters obtained statistics from the immigration courts on
30,467 cases of families and unaccompanied alien children (UACs) who
arrived illegally between July 18 and October 28, 2014. Of these, only
22 percent (6,093) have been completed.
In total, 17,042 people were apprehended as family units; 13,425 were UACs.
On December 19, DHS released its year-end enforcement statistics,
showing a continued steep drop in deportations. The statistics were
accompanied by this statement from DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, which
seems downright laughable in light of the above facts:
"DHS's 2014 year-end enforcement statistics demonstrate that our front
line officers and agents continue to execute their critical mission in a
smart and effective way, focusing our resources on convicted criminals
and those attempting to illegally cross our nation's borders."
It's not clear to me what is smart or effective about a massive and
costly catch-and-release scheme that has resulted in the illegal
resettlement of tens of thousands of illegal aliens, with taxpayers now
picking up the tab for schooling, health care, housing, public safety,
and other expenses, and which has only increased the incentives for more
people to try to enter illegally.
In the context of current catch-and-release policies, a focus on border
apprehensions as a measure of the effectiveness of border security is
meaningless, and deliberately misleading. Apprehensions are not a metric
of enforcement when illegal aliens are apprehended and then routinely
released under the guise of "deportation proceedings", "asylum
applications", or even "budget constraints".
Further, any proposals that claim to want to enhance border security and
enforcement by providing more resources, more personnel, more
technology, and more infrastructure for immigration agencies without
addressing the underlying policies that serve to undercut enforcement
should be viewed with great skepticism.
The imperative now is true immigration and border enforcement: more
deportations, not just apprehensions, of not only criminals, but recent
and not-so-recent arrivals, at the border and in the interior;
provisions to prevent illegal employment and access to welfare benefits;
a more efficient deportation process without unnecessarily protracted
due process; restoration of effective partnerships with local law
enforcement; and use of soft detention as a deterrent. These should be
among the top priorities for the new Congress.
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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5 January, 2015
Saving lives in the Middle East
Faith-based groups race against time, winter cold and Islamist butchers to reduce the slaughter
Paul Driessen
Yazidi and Christian communities trace their Syrian and Iraqi roots back
nearly 2,000 years. Now they are being systematically exterminated. Not
merely driven out. Exterminated – along with Jews, Bahais and even
Muslims insufficiently fundamentalist to suit Islamic State (ISIS)
While they have not yet attained the scale of Nazi and Communist
slaughters, these Islamofascist savages may have surpassed their
Twentieth Century predecessors in depravity. They ask terrified
children, “Who wants to be beheaded first?” then butcher them in front
of the others. They bury people alive. Islamist “soldiers” teach little
boys how to slice the heads off every man in “enemy” Syrian tribes. They
torture and rape girls and women, before selling them into slavery,
prostitution or forced marriage – and demand that surviving women dress
“modestly” in black robes, gloves and veils, and be banned from school
and public life. They sell their victims’ blood and organs, to finance
still more weapons and atrocities.
One of the few safe havens for those who escape is Israel, which
provides security, education, healthcare, jobs and religious freedom.
Another million-plus refugees have fled to camps and streets in Turkey,
whose government and people have become exhausted from trying to feed,
clothe and shelter so many that Turkish military forces are now
preventing Syrians from entering the country. American, European, Middle
Eastern and other promises of weapons and aid have been too little, too
late or simply not kept. Even the UN’s World Food Program has barely
enough money to feed refugees beyond mid-January.
Terrorized multitudes unable to reach safety in Israel or Turkey are
caught between Islamic State hordes and slow, painful deaths from
starvation, disease and freezing winter temperatures. Many escaped with
only the clothes they were wearing. Many precarious lives have been
sustained only because RUN Ministries operates “Community of Hope”
refugee camps and safe houses in the region.
These people have seen their relatives hung, shot, beheaded, crucified
or beaten to death. They have left everything behind and been hunted
down like animals. It they are able to escape, they travel by day and
sleep in fields by night, hoping to reach a safe shelter – and hoping it
has food, water, blankets, medicines and tents to share. By November
2014, Virginia-based RUN (Reaching Unreached Nations) was protecting
26,000 refugees; by the end of December, the number had skyrocketed to
But as president Eric Watt says, it costs some $250,000 to build one
Community of Hope camp and equip it with sufficient supplies to last 30
days for 1,000 men, women and children. Merely providing warm blankets
costs tens of thousands of dollars. Contributions are sorely needed to
save more lives.
In early December, RUN volunteers were forced to ask refugees who had
already been in a camp more than a month to move out, at least for
awhile, so that newly arrived families could be fed and protected. That
would mean going back into the rocky fields, often without even blankets
to keep warm at night.
“Please don’t make us leave,” parents pleaded. “If we leave, we are afraid our children will die.”
Meanwhile, Islamic State patrols periodically swoop into RUN camps, to
kidnap girls, steal food, poison water supplies, and abuse and murder
RUN volunteers and transport drivers.
Mr. Watt recounted the story of Alyssa, a 28-year-old Christian woman
whose family was liquidated by ISIS death squads. “After my family was
killed, I was kidnapped and brought to a terrorist camp, with more than
100 new widows my age,” she said. “We were forced to become ‘wives’ to
these men. If we tried to leave, they would torture us. The other widows
told me to obey everything these men said, if I wanted to live. Every
night, a man would beat and rape me, and during the day we were forced
to cook for the ISIS fighters. Many nights, the men would take turns
with us and do very bad things.”
Eventually, Alyssa escaped – but with no family, income or future without RUN’s help, and our aid.
So far, the vaunted “international community” has done little. It has
been quick to vilify and condemn Israel for “occupying” Palestinian land
and “oppressing” Muslims. But it has done little to stop these Islamic
State butchers from annihilating Christians and any others who resist.
The “coalition of the willing” has been small and futile. It has
provided insufficient aid, only muted outrage, and no calls for
boycotts, divestment and sanctions for countries aiding and abetting
ISIS or ignoring its depredations.
RUN Ministries has built six now-overflowing Community of Hope camps in
Northern Iraq and is raising funds to construct four more. It’s
purchased 5,000 water filters, to protect people against water-borne
diseases, and countless thousands of heavy blankets. It fears that ISIS
will continue murdering Yazidis until their millennia-old community is
wiped out, and the Middle East is completely cleansed of “infidels.”
Until just a few months ago, Halan was a Yazidi elder, responsible for
forty families. When Islamic State neared their village, he led the
families into the mountains, where they built smaller makeshift homes
that they hoped would be hidden and safe. But the butchers found them.
“Their leaders told the terrorists to save bullets,” Halan said. “So
they used big knives to cut men’s heads off and chop their bodies into
pieces.” They murdered all the men, took the women and left him for
“I had nothing left, and my heart was broken,” he wept. But he found a RUN camp, which took him in.
However, the new Holocaust is continuing, and growing. Thankfully, other
private sector organizations have also stepped forward. Gleaning for
the World, likewise based in Virginia, collects food, clothing,
medicine, medical supplies, furniture and many other items; loads them
on pallets; and ships them by air, sea and truck all over the world.
Forbes magazine has rated it “the most efficient charity in America.”
Gleaning president Ron Davidson says accounting records demonstrate that
every dollar in donations is multiplied 212 times when GFTW uses the
money to collect and ship aid internationally.
Gleaning has now teamed up with Glenn Beck’s Mercury One Foundation and
other faith-based organizations, Reverend Davidson notes, to raise money
and send even more supplies to Iraq, Syria and Turkey. ISIS has trapped
some 500,000 desperate people – and is indoctrinating and training
teenage boys to become incredibly vicious terrorists. The stupider ones
become suicide bombers, while others are groomed for export to foreign
countries, to launch coordinated or lone-wolf attacks.
These butchers are an existential threat to families, human rights and
religious communities everywhere – not just in Iraq, Syria or the Middle
East, but in the United States, Europe and throughout the world.
Only intensified allied military campaigns can stop, roll back and
obliterate Islamic State terrorists. However, we private citizens can
play vital roles: raising our voices, demanding action, and supporting
RUN Ministries,
Gleaning for the World, Mercury One and other organizations that are
doing all they can to prevent yet more horrific murders, slavery and
ethnic cleansing.
There are few better ways to step forward … and begin your 2015 giving … than by helping now.
Via email
United Nations Going After the First Amendment!
Joe Otto
We have provided in-depth coverage of how the United Nations has tried
to attack your Second Amendment rights. So, it should be no surprise for
us to tell you that the U.N. is going after your First Amendment rights
as well!
The U.N. is pushing for all member countries to
adopt ‘hate speech legislation.’ They claim it is to protect “human rights.”
Now, I know what you may be thinking: “What’s so wrong about banning
hate speech?” Well, there’s a lot wrong with it! Look at what is
happening in the United Kingdom…
The U.K. is facing some pretty serious problems. For one, radical
Islamists are terrorizing the country’s citizens on what seems like a
daily basis. Sure there are the terrorist threats that pose a real
danger to British society. But there are also the common criminals who
are terrorizing society.
The U.K. also has a problem with immigration. The EU’s open border
policy has led to an influx of unskilled, foreign workers who have
leeched off the country’s entitlement system and made it harder for
British citizens to find work (sound familiar?).
The country’s solution has been to introduce hate speech legislation
banning the use of derogatory language towards ANY group of people!
This is what the U.N. wants for America… They want us to dismantle our
First Amendment and force Americans to bite their tongues and accept
political correctness.
There was a recent story out of England of a 19-year old man who
videotaped himself ripping up a Koran, throwing it in the toilet, and
then lighting it on fire.
Instead of protecting his speech rights, the Police brought charges
against the man for hate speech and creating a public disturbance.
He now faces crippling fines and maybe even jail time… All for speaking his mind.
There’s also the case of Reality TV-star Katie Hopkins. After word broke
that a Scottish nurse had contracted Ebola, Hopkins took to Twitter and
wrote a series of tweets that, according to the police, constitute
“hate speech.”
I realize that this is happening in the United Kingdom, not the United
States. But it is important to paint this backdrop because if the United
Nations had its way, the U.K.’s hate speech laws would be copied
This is what they want in the United States. They want the police to arrest people for saying ‘mean things.’
And I’m not going to sugarcoat it… this is already happening here in the
United States. Countless people have been arrested and harassed by
police for writing disparaging comments about Barack Obama and the
Democrat party.
If criticizing the Democrats were a crime, you’d have to lock me up and throw away the key…
Obviously I say that in jest, but this is actually what some Liberals
want… They want for the government to police what citizens say and
write. They want to stop you from talking about “inflammatory” topics.
They want the ability to fact-check their opponents and take down
Internet posts they deem to be “incorrect.”
I mean, look at the situation in Scotland. Do you know why Scottish
Police are looking into Katie Hopkins’ tweets as hate speech? They
enforced the law because they were inundated with citizens complaining
about the posts.
Not only have these politicians made it illegal to talk bad about
someone, but also they have conditioned the people to run to police the
minute they hear something that offends them. That, to me, is worse.
This is the Left’s end-game. They want this country to become a place
where citizens are terrified of opening their mouths. They are creating a
modern day “1984” where the government monitors all your conversations
and punishes any speech it doesn’t agree with it.
But more importantly, they want to gut the First Amendment and force
citizens to comply with draconian government speech regulations.
This isn’t just hyperbole… Harry Reid tried to change the First
Amendment this past year. He tried to gut the Constitution to stop you
from engaging in political speech.
That failed. Now, the United Nations swoops in to finish the job and
dismantle the First Amendment under the auspices of fighting “hate
I hate racism and bigotry just as much as anyone else. But I am not willing to abolish our Freedom of Speech just to fight it.
Are gun owners mentally unstable?
Asserting that gun owners are mentally unstable would appear to be
the hidden agenda behind the piece of research reported below. What they
found was that mental instability was just as likely in non-gun homes
as in gun homes. How disappointing for them!
Psychiatric Comorbidity, Suicidality, and In-Home Firearm Access Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Adolescents
Joseph A. Simonett et al.
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among US adolescents, and
in-home firearm access is an independent risk factor for suicide. Given
recommendations to limit firearm access by those with mental health risk
factors for suicide, we hypothesized that adolescents with such risk
factors would be less likely to report in-home firearm access.
To estimate the prevalence of self-reported in-home firearm access among
US adolescents, to quantify the lifetime prevalence of mental illness
and suicidality (ie, suicidal ideation, planning, or attempt) among
adolescents living with a firearm in the home, and to compare the
prevalence of in-home firearm access between adolescents with and
without specific mental health risk factors for suicide.
Design, Setting, and Participants
Cross-sectional analysis of data from the National Comorbidity
Survey-Adolescent Supplement, a nationally representative survey of
10?123 US adolescents (age range, 13-18 years) who were interviewed
between February 2001 and January 2004 (response rate 82.9%).
Risk factors for suicide, including a history of any mental health disorder, suicidality, or any combination of the 2.
Main Outcomes and Measures
Self-reported access to a firearm in the home.
One in three respondents (2778 [29.1%]) of the weighted survey sample
reported living in a home with a firearm and responded to a question
about firearm access; 1089 (40.9%) of those adolescents reported easy
access to and the ability to shoot that firearm. Among adolescents with a
firearm in home, those with access were significantly more likely to be
older (15.6 vs 15.1 years), male (70.1% vs 50.9%), of non-Hispanic
white race/ethnicity (86.6% vs 78.3%), and living in high-income
households (40.0% vs 31.8%), and in rural areas (28.1% vs 22.6%)
(P<.05 for all). Adolescents with firearm access also had a higher
lifetime prevalence of alcohol abuse (10.1% vs 3.8%, P<.001) and drug
abuse (11.4% vs 6.9%, P<.01) compared with those without firearm
access. In multivariable analyses, adolescents with a history of mental
illness without a history of suicidality (prevalence ratio [PR], 1.13;
95% CI, 0.98-1.29) and adolescents with a history of suicidality with or
without a history of mental illness (PR, 1.20; 95% CI, 0.96-1.51) were
as likely to report in-home firearm access as those without such
Conclusions and Relevance
Adolescents with risk factors for suicide were just as likely to report
in-home firearm access as those without such risk factors. Given that
firearms are the second most common means of suicide among adolescents,
further attention to developing and implementing evidence-based
strategies to decrease firearm access in this age group is warranted.
JAMA Psychiatry. Published online December 30, 2014. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.1760
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
4 January, 2015
Muslim Brutality versus the Western tradition
I think most of us recoil in horror when we read of the savage practices
in Syria and Iraq by the "Islamic State". You don't have to know much
history, however, to realize that they are "good" Muslims. Their deeds
are well in line with what Muslims have done for centuries.
Take just one example: The Ottoman succession. The Muslim Ottoman Empire
covered most of the territory that was "owned" for nearly a millennium
by the old Byzantine Greek Christian empire -- centered on modern
Turkey. And given Muslim rules about multiple wives, Ottoman emperors
usually had multiple sons. So when an emperor died, which son became the
next emperor? That was always a very competitive race indeed, with
various factions of the court supporting rival sons. So when a new
emperor was finally declared, what was the first thing he did? He killed
off all his brothers! Muslims have always been savages.
So how do we explain that? There have been plenty of times when there
have been rival claims to Western thrones but nothing like the Ottoman
practice has been customary.
No doubt, Leftists would be able to come up with some cultural
explanation for it but I keep some track of the scientific literature on
genetics (e.g.
and you cannot be aware of that literature without being struck at
times by something I once heard Hans Eysenck say: "It's all genetic".
Before I go further down that path, however, let me contrast the
"Western" practice, beginning with the founders of Western civilization,
the ancient Greeks.
And who was the most powerful ancient Greek? Alexander of Macedon,
Alexander the Great. He conquered much of the ancient world, most
notably the great Persian empire. And Greeks had no love of the
Persians. Anyone who knows of the exploits of Pheidippides and of
Leonidas and his Spartans at Thermopylae will have some inkling of that.
So what did Alexander do when he defeated the Persians at Issus? All the
Persian royal family were captured. The Muslim response would of course
have been automatic: Kill them all. But Alexander did no such thing. He
treated the Royal family with all the courtesy that he felt was due to
Royal personages. Enough said, I think.
So let us skip forward to 1870 and the battle of Sedan, a battle that
had nothing to do with motor cars. Sedan is a place in France which is
roughly pronounced as "say dong". Prussian chancellor Bismarck had
deliberately insulted the French emperor, Napoleon III and French ideas
of honor made Napoleon immediately declare war on the Germans. Not wise.
As with Alexander, Bismarck had a victory that was so sweeping that he
captured Napoleon himself. So was it "Off with his head"!? Not at all.
There are to this day photographs of Napoleon seated comfortably and
engaged in friendly conversations both with Bismarck and the Kaiser. And
Napoleon III was eventually released on the condition that he move to
England and stay there, which he did.
So our forebears have always had an instinct of respect for others, which Muslims clearly have not had and still do not have.
But what about Saladin? someone will say. Saladin defended the Holy Land
against the crusaders and was notable for his mercy. So here I come to
what I think is the crux of the matter. Saladin was a remarkable man. He
was a Kurd, a people previously conquered by the Arabs. And yet through
sheer talent, he came to be the leader of the Arab armies. And his
military skills were such that he had great authority. It was very hard
for anyone in his retinue to question his judgment. So he could be
merciful without getting substantial blowback from the Arabs he led.
So my contention is that race matters, infernally incorrect though that
might be. The Kurds are the descendants of the Medes, a quite different
race from the Arabs but with a long history of high civilization. And I
think that Muslim brutality is basically Arab. And it is an inter-Arab
contest at the moment in Syria.
I am not going to make much of the racial identity of the Kurds, though I
do note that they speak an Indo-European language so are probably our
cousins. Certainly, Kurdistan is the only really orderly part of the
failed state that is Iraq today. Kurds are still more civilized than the
The distinction I want to make, however, is between Arabs and non-Arabs.
Arabs are good at only one thing: Self-sacrifice in war. But that one
thing did enable them eventually to conquer most of the Middle East:
Persians, Assyrians, Kurds etc. Though the Christian Greeks of Byzantium
resisted them for 500 years. In the end it was the Venetians under the
remarkable Doge Dandolo who destroyed the Byzantine regime.
And the Middle East is the cradle of civilization. The people conquered
by the Arabs were often highly civilized. And it was their continued
limited functioning under the Arabs which gave the Arab world a veneer
of civilization. You can read
all about that. The claim that the Arab world conserved the wisdom and
culture of the Greeks and Romans during the Dark Ages of the West is
utter tosh. There was no Dark Age in Byzantium and it was the Byzantine
Greeks who brought their treasured books and learning to Italy and thus
sparked the Renaissance.
So I would argue something fairly uncontroversial among geneticists:
That Arabs are genetically different. And looking at the history of
their behaviour, I would extend the claim to it being their genetic
makeup that accounts for Muslim savagery and brutality. And from
Alexander through Saladin to Bismarck we stand outside that.
But (
pace Eysenck) it's not all genetic. Culture does play a
part. And Islam is Arab culture embodied. And after more than 1,000
years of Arab/Muslim domination, Arab attitudes have filtered to varying
degrees into the minds of Muslims everywhere. So in racially very
different people from the Arabs, Pakistanis in particular, we find today
Arab attitudes and behaviour.
And there is nothing more pernicious culturally than a relatively recent
invention called socialism. It was socialism that gave us Hitler and
Stalin. But those excursions did come to an end and normal Western
civilization has returned to both Germany and Russia, though both, of
course, have their own characteristics -- JR
Alan Caruba reminds Americans
Another hysterical Leftist accusation becomes unglued
As you undoubtedly know, liberal politicians and pundits have been
hailing the claim that House Republican Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana
attended a meeting of a white supremacist group in 2002 as the biggest
story since Bridgegate. Scalise himself said that he had no recollection
of addressing such a meeting, but if he did it was an error in judgment
for which he apologizes.
Now it turns out that the alleged incident may never have happened at
all. To back up: the claim is that Scalise addressed a meeting of the
European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO) at the Landmark
Best Western Hotel in Metairie, Louisiana in 2002. EURO was a tiny group
associated with David Duke, who by 2002 was political poison. (He pled
guilty to tax evasion and mail fraud in December 2002 and served time in
prison.) At the time, Scalise was a state legislator and was going
around speaking to various local civic groups about a tax proposal in
Louisiana’s legislature.
The man who arranged Scalise’s appearance at the Metairie Hotel now says
that the report is simply wrong. Scalise didn’t address the EURO
conference, but rather an equally small meeting of the Jefferson Heights
Civic Association that was held in the same hotel conference room,
earlier in the day:
[Kenny] Knight said he rented and paid for the hotel conference room for
the European-American Unity and Rights Organization, a group founded by
Duke. Since he had already paid for the space, Knight said, he decided
to also hold his local civic association meeting at the Metairie hotel.
He stressed that the two gatherings were not connected.
“Steve Scalise did not address a EURO conference. … The conference was two-and-a-half hours later,” Knight said. …
Knight said Scalise, then a state representative, spoke to the civic
association and was probably unaware the EURO conference was being held
in the same room later that day. Knight and Scalise primarily knew each
other as neighbors and not through politics necessarily, Knight said.
“The conference wasn’t going to start until 1 p.m., so I decided to have
the members of the civic association there Saturday morning,” he said,
“My relationship with Steve Scalise was as a neighbor. I don’t know that
Steve Scalise and I ever talked about politics.”
Knight said about 18 members of the civic association showed up for the
meeting, where Scalise spoke on a piece of tax legislation working its
way through the Louisiana Legislature. A few people who arrived early
for the EURO conference were also in the room and may have made the
forum post that White discovered, Knight said. A member of the local Red
Cross also spoke at the local civic association meeting that day,
Knight said.
“There were not (EURO) signs. There were not banners” at the civic association meeting, Knight said.
Knight said he was not a member of EURO and did not arrange for any
speakers at the 2002 conference, he said. He only booked and paid for
the room as a favor to Duke, a personal friend whose campaigns he had
worked on in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
Knight’s then-girlfriend Barbara Noble, who was present at the event,
agrees that Scalise spoke to the Jefferson Heights Civic Association,
not EURO....
UPDATE: EURO put out a press release the day before the “workshop” that
listed scheduled speakers. Scalise was not one of them. It appears that
the Scalise “scandal” is going the way of the University of Virginia
rape story.
Have We Finally Turned the Corner?
As 2014 came to a close, it was all about good economic news. Leading
off the parade: In December, the Dow Jones Industrial Average capped off
a torrid year of 7.5% growth when it reached 18,000 for the first time.
Meanwhile, GDP grew at a 4.6% annual rate in the second quarter and an
even faster 5% in the third – a pace not seen since 2003. And on top of
that, Americans saved $14 billion at the gas pump in 2014, and could
save even more this year. Things are looking a bit brighter for 2015.
With all that good economic news, experts feel the job market will
further strengthen in 2015 so the headline unemployment rate will slide
ever closer to 5%. The labor market may remain a little bit soft as the
long-term unemployed will be the last to find work, but as a whole it’s
no wonder the Left is boasting of the “Obama boom.” Even those on the
Right are admitting this may end the “Age of Suck.”
This general feeling of economic optimism is reflected in increasing
consumer confidence. While some worried about sluggish Black Friday
sales as well as slower than expected last-minute shopping at retailers
as the Christmas season wound down, online purchasing was strong enough
to keep sales right around their predicted growth rate for the 2014
While some try to credit Barack Obama for the rebound, the good news is
rooted in two areas the president has tried his best to obstruct.
One is an overall slowdown in government spending growth, which is
declining as a percentage of GDP. Congress hasn’t done nearly enough to
cut spending given its tendency to govern by continuing resolution
rather than a set budget – meaning the Obama spending bonanza of 2009
and 2010 is the new minimum.
But as columnist David Harsanyi puts it, “After [2010], Congress, year
by year, became one of the least productive in history. And the more
unproductive Washington became, the more the economy began to improve.”
The key date is 2010, when Republicans took over the House. Harsanyi
argues gridlock has created part of this improvement, and there’s a
compelling argument for that point. Imagine what we may have been
saddled with had Republicans not taken over the House in 2010: endless
government “stimulus” programs, cap and trade, and a faster
implementation of ObamaCare for starters – all leading to a national
debt far larger than the already-astronomical one we’re facing now.
Another part of the economic rebound stems from lower oil prices, which
have plummeted by nearly half in the last six months. That steep drop is
now reflected in gas-pump prices, resulting in what Citigroup estimates
as an average $1,150 annual boost to consumers. This boom could have
been amplified still further if not for Obama’s stalling of the Keystone
XL pipeline or his refusal to open up federally controlled land to oil
exploration. An activist EPA also waits in the wings with the potential
for crippling regulations similar to those imposed on the coal industry.
Obama can try his best, but no president has figured out a way to kill
the American free enterprise system. Its resilience has brought us out
of numerous depressions, panics, recessions and economic slumps over the
years as enough people found a way to work through or around the
We will begin to see the effects of a truly divided government, with
Republicans now totally in charge of Congress and Obama threatening to
veto more legislation. “I haven’t used the veto pen very often since
I’ve been in office,” Obama not-so-subtly threatened last month. “Now, I
suspect, there are going to be some times where I’ve got to pull that
pen out.”
While the economy is improving – at least according to the numbers our
government releases, if not necessarily everyone’s personal situation –
it will be up to those respective sides to make the case why things
could be even better if their vision prevails. It’s a battle that will
be joined as contenders for the 2016 presidential election come onto the
scene and spell out their plans to continue the momentum.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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2 January, 2015
New Year's, The 'Especially American Tradition'
President Ronald Reagan called the New Year’s celebration “an especially
American tradition.” It’s a time brimming with the “optimism and hope
we're famous for in our daily lives—an energy and confidence we call the
American spirit.” This spirit is what gives Americans the vigor to
raise their glasses year after year, full of enthusiasm for a better
Tonight, nearly 72 percent of adults will be spending the holiday at
home, according a recent Rasmussen Reports poll. Now, this could be due
to a pinched wallet after the Christmas holiday, or perhaps merely
because they want to spend more time with family.
Regardless, as you make your New Year’s resolutions for 2015, here are
some words of wisdom from the great men who helped found and shape our
nation, and paved the way for its indefatigable spirit.
(1). “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let
every new year find you a better man.” - Benjamin Franklin
(2)."We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from
past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought
experience." - George Washington
(3). “To be good, and to do good, is all we have to do.” - John Adams
(4). "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from
achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong
mental attitude." - Thomas Jefferson
(5). “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” - Abraham Lincoln
Happy New Year!
Liberals: If The Shoe Doesn't Fit, Make Everyone Wear It
Ann Coulter
It is a common practice of the left to stage an incident and then demand enormous legal changes to respond to their hoax.
Griswold v. Connecticut was a scam orchestrated by Yale law professors
to challenge the state's anti-contraception law. The case was a fraud:
The law had never been enforced and never would have been enforced,
until the professors held a press conference announcing they were
breaking the law.
But we still got the new constitutional "privacy right" which, less than
10 years later, transmogrified into a constitutional right to kill an
unborn baby.
The premise of that case, Roe v. Wade, was also a hoax. Norma McCorvey
lied about being raped to get an abortion in Texas, but was denied
because there was no police report. There was also no rape: She had
gotten pregnant for the third time by her mid-20s as a result of a
casual sexual encounter.
After Trayvon Martin was shot by George Zimmerman -- the "white
Hispanic," since upgraded to full "white" by The New York Times --
liberals howled about Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law. The case had
absolutely nothing to do with that law: Zimmerman wasn't standing his
ground; he was lying on the ground having his head bashed in. The jury
accepted Zimmerman's claim of self-defense and acquitted him.
The law of self-defense has been around since William of Orange ascended
to the British throne in 1688. But liberals are still harping about the
Trayvon Martin shooting to demand the repeal of Stand Your Ground laws.
Jamie Leigh Jones made fantastical claims about being fed Rohypnol,
gang-raped and then held at gunpoint while working for KBR, a subsidiary
of Halliburton, in Iraq in 2005. Without considering the likelihood of a
military contractor doing this to an American citizen, knowing she'd
get back to the U.S. someday and be able to tell her story, our
adversary media and well-paid Democratic senators believed every word
out of Jones' mouth.
As always happens when members of a disfavored racial and gender group
-- i.e., white males -- are accused of heinous acts, liberals heard
Jones' claims and concluded: Well, the one thing we know is: There was a
gang-rape. All that's left to do now is to investigate the
military/fraternity/lacrosse rape culture.
Thus, for example, Sen. Patrick Leahy began a hearing on Jones' insane
accusations with this statement of facts: "Jamie Leigh Jones [is] a
young woman from Texas who took a job at Halliburton in Iraq in 2005
when she was 20 years old. In her first week on the job, she was drugged
and then she was gang-raped by co-workers. When she reported this --
remember, 20 years old -- she reported this assault, her employers moved
her to a locked trailer, where she was kept by armed guards and freed
only when the State Department intervened."
Sen. Al Franken raved about "the culture of impunity" among defense
contractors, saying, "Jamie Leigh Jones was gang-raped by KBR
employees." Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse helpfully added, "But as best I can
tell, there is no legitimate intelligence function that involves rape."
And then, after all the grandstanding, it turned out Jones had made the
whole thing up. DNA evidence proved she'd had sex with only one man, and
he said it was consensual. The female doctor who examined Jones the day
after the alleged attack found no traces of Rohypnol in her system.
Both the female doctor, as well as Jones' own plastic surgeon back in
Houston, contradicted Jones' claim that her breast implants had been
ruptured. It also turned out that none of KBR's employees carry guns,
much less machine guns. By the age of 20, even before Jones had left for
Iraq, she was 0-for-2 on rape allegations, having already falsely
accused two other men of raping her.
No grand jury would indict the poor, falsely accused KBR employee who
foolishly had sex with Jones, so she filed a civil suit against that one
man. The jury ruled for him, and the court ordered Jones to pay
$145,000 in legal costs. Jamie Leigh Jones' place in the Crystal Magnum,
Tawana Brawley Hall of Fame was thus secured.
But we still got Sen. Al Franken's pro-trial lawyer amendment to a
Defense Department bill, touted as the "Anti-Rape Amendment,"
prohibiting military contractors from including mandatory arbitration
clauses in their employment contracts. Any Republican brave enough to
oppose this sop to trial lawyers was denounced as "pro-rape" in
mass-phone calls to their offices and by liberal prophet Jon Stewart,
who railed on his show, "How is ANYONE against this?"
Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson's shooting of Michael Brown is
today being used as grounds to demand all sorts of new rules for cops.
Most people had a pretty good sense of the case after seeing
surveillance camera shots of Brown assaulting the manager of a liquor
store he was robbing about 10 minutes before his encounter with Officer
Wilson. By the time the grand jury documents were released, there was no
serious doubt that the shooting was justified.
But again, as a result of a hoax racial incident, Democrats are
demanding race quotas for arrests. To hell with due process. If we can
stop just one thing that never happened from ever happening again, it
will have been worth it.
The only new rule we really need is one to stop these infernal liberal hoaxes.
'Hands Up, Don't Shoot' Activists -- and Historical Ignorance
Larry Elder
What to say about "activists" pushing the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot"
"movement," even as police shootings of blacks are actually down 75
percent over the last 45 years? Some protestors, many old enough to know
better, say ridiculous things about race relations, like "things have
gone backward." Time for perspective.
Booker T. Washington was born a slave. In his autobiography, "Up From
Slavery," written in 1901 -- just a mere 36 years after the Civil War --
Washington wrote:
"As a rule, not only did the members of my race entertain no feelings of
bitterness against the whites before and during the war, but there are
many instances of Negroes tenderly caring for their former masters and
mistresses who for some reason have become poor and dependent since the
war. I know of instances where the former masters of slaves have for
years been supplied with money by their former slaves to keep them from
suffering. ... One sends him a little coffee or sugar, another a little
meat, and so on. Nothing that the colored people possess is too good for
the son of 'old Mars' Tom,' who will perhaps never be permitted to
suffer while any remain on the place who knew directly or indirectly of
'old Mars' Tom.'...
"From some things that I have said one may get the idea that some of the
slaves did not want freedom. This is not true. I have never seen one
who did not want to be free, or one who would return to slavery.
"I pity from the bottom of my heart any nation or body of people that is
so unfortunate as to get entangled in the net of slavery. I have long
since ceased to cherish any spirit of bitterness against the Southern
white people on account of the enslavement of my race. No one section of
our country was wholly responsible for its introduction, and, besides,
it was recognized and protected for years by the General Government.
Having once got its tentacles fastened on to the economic and social
life of the Republic, it was no easy matter for the country to relieve
itself of the institution.
Then, when we rid ourselves of prejudice, or racial feeling, and look
facts in the face, we must acknowledge that, notwithstanding the cruelty
and moral wrong of slavery, the ten million Negroes inhabiting this
country, who themselves or whose ancestors went through the school of
American slavery, are in a stronger and more hopeful condition,
materially, intellectually, morally, and religiously, than is true of an
equal number of black people in any other portion of the globe. ...
"This I say, not to justify slavery -- on the other hand, I condemn it
as an institution, as we all know that in America it was established for
selfish and financial reasons, and not from a missionary motive -- but
to call attention to a fact, and to show how Providence so often uses
men and institutions to accomplish a purpose."
As for the future, Washington said: "When a Negro girl learns to cook,
to wash dishes, to sew, to write a book, or a Negro boy learns to groom
horses, or to grow sweet potatoes, or to produce butter, or to build a
house, or to be able to practice medicine, as well or better than some
one else, they will be rewarded regardless of race or color. In the long
run, the world is going to have the best, and any difference in race,
religion, or previous history will not long keep the world from what it
Nelson Mandela was beaten and imprisoned for almost three decades. When
released at last, some supporters criticized him for showing too much
grace and forgiveness toward his enemies. But Mandela's attitude toward
forgiveness set the tone for the nation. After his death, a South
African wrote:
"History now shows (Mandela) did lead South Africa back from the abyss.
But he did more, and it was this that sealed his reputation forever. He
showed the world and his countrymen -- black, white, rich, poor -- that
revenge is not the answer to years of injustice. Who among us, in coming
out of prison after 27 years, would have had the generosity to turn
away from settling scores? Who among us would have refused to avenge
ourselves on those who had treated us with such cruelty?
"But he did. Nelson Mandela sat down with his enemies and forgave them
and moved on. And in doing so, he rescued his country, and he rescued
each one of us, and gave us hope that there could be a future for our
beautiful, fractured land. And for the greater earth that we all share."
Washington, born a slave, and Mandela, held captive for nearly 28 years,
demonstrate the power of forgiveness -- and of looking ahead. And these
men forgave their actual oppressors.
My mother, born in the Jim Crow South, used to say, "The truth will not
set you free -- if delivered without hope." The "Hands Up, Don't Shoot"
"movement" is neither truthful nor hopeful.
N.Y. Mayor de Blasio Active Supporter of Brutal Communist Regime
No surprise. De Blasio just oozes hate
With Bill de Blasio making headlines for fanning the flames of racial
tension between police and protesters it's worth recalling newsworthy
information about the New York City mayor's dark past; that he was an
active supporter of a brutal communist regime well known as one of the
worst human rights abusers in Latin America.
Judicial Watch uncovered and reported the scandalous details last year.
De Blasio was an active supporter of the communist Sandinista regime in
Nicaragua in the 1980s. He was so enamored with Soviet-backed
revolutionaries that he traveled to the capital city of the war-torn
country, Managua, to aid their cause by participating in a relief
mission. Upon de Blasio's return to the United States, he joined the
Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York (NSN).
The records show de Blasio was an ardent supporter of the communist
revolutionaries in Nicaragua, who raised funds for the Sandinistas and
was a subscriber to the party's newspaper, "Barricada" (The Barricade).
He traveled to Nicaragua in 1988 and became active in the NSN upon his
return to the U.S. New York's mayor has been unapologetic about his
involvement with a foreign Marxist political movement accused of
slaughtering innocent civilians and practicing the "disappearance"
technique of eliminating political foes.
In fact, the Sandinistas were renowned as one of Latin America's worst
human rights violators. During three years of revolution they carried
out thousands of political executions and the disappearance of thousands
more who were considered anti-revolutionary, according to a
Russian-born scholar cited in a news article. By 1983 there were about
20,000 political prisoners held in the Marxist regime's jails, the
highest number of political prisoners of any nation in the hemisphere
with the exception of Fidel Castro's communist Cuba.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
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1 January, 2015
Economy grows in spite of Obama
Economic recovery grows from private sector, not government
It only took six years, but we’re finally starting to see the U.S.
economy kick into gear. This isn’t a story of government-directed
growth, but the opposite — Washington’s role in the economy starting to
shrink after years of Obama administration activism. The private sector
is starting to take over.
Let’s start with the positive news. Economic output soared in the third
quarter at a rate of 5 percent. That comes on top of 4.6 percent growth
in the second quarter. It appears that the U.S. economy has clawed out
of its anemic 2 percent growth rut of the past five years and that we
are now shifted into a higher gear with 3 percent-plus as the new
The growth was propelled by a big rise in business investment, up nearly
9 percent, personal consumption up 3.2 percent and exports up 4.5
percent. Government spending, which is a negative for the economy, grew
by 4.4 percent thanks to a big rise in military spending, but domestic
spending is still restrained. The news was so good that even the threat
that the Federal Reserve will now have an excuse to raise interest rates
couldn’t deter the bulls on Wall Street.
What’s generating the growth? A huge factor has been the fall in energy
costs. As the oil price fell from $105 a barrel this summer to close to
$70 by September, the cost of oil imports tumbled. Imports fell by
nearly 2 percent, and this alone added almost 0.2 percentage points to
gross domestic product growth.
Even that badly understates the economic windfall from cheap energy.
Production costs fall when energy costs do, so the supply of
American-produced, non-oil and non-gas products, such as manufactured
goods, rise when gas is cheap. With prices lower now in this quarter,
the good news story rolls on. Thank you, fracking.
Businesses are clearly feeling less fearful about investing, and some of
the negative, wet-blanket effect of Mr. Obama’s anti-business,
anti-shareholder agenda has dissipated as the Republican Congress repels
his worst ideas — cap and trade, minimum wage hikes, new taxes on the
energy industry, and massive new spending initiatives out of Washington.
Gridlock now looks to be built into the political system for the next
two years, and in many ways that’s reassuring.
One troubling feature of the GDP report was that the largest contributor
to personal consumption growth was health care spending.
This is the Obamacare effect — and the big rise in spending is more
concrete evidence that Obamacare is driving the cost curve up, not down.
Rising health costs is nothing to celebrate. It’s further evidence that
Obamacare is still a giant negative on the real economy, but the
betting is Congress will at the least trim back some of its worst
Despite the boost in military spending in the last quarter, the biggest
story of the U.S. economy over the past three years has been the
retrenchment of government spending. Federal spending has fallen from
above 23 percent of GDP in 2011 to just under 20 percent of GDP in the
last quarter, according to an analysis by Dan Clifton of Strategas, an
economic policy consulting firm. This is creating an anti-Keynesian
boost to growth, because the government is taking fewer private-sector
resources each month.
As I have noted many times in these columns, this recovery from
recession is still nearly $2 trillion behind where it should be if we
had a Reagan-paced boom. This is still one of the most anemic
recoveries, though it is clearly picking up steam. Wages are still flat
for most workers.
Republicans could keep growth in the 3 percent to 4 percent range by
picking off the low-hanging fruit of economic policy proposals. These
include the Keystone XL pipeline, corporate tax reform and slamming the
brakes on the Obama regulatory assault. It would also be helpful for
Congress to pass a law allowing the repatriation of foreign capital back
to the United States at a 5 percent tax rate, to provide even more
Mr. Obama, despite his executive branch power grabs, is mostly a lame
duck, and that’s what have been waiting for. Businesses and investors
now believe that less is more when it comes to Washington. For the most
part, they are probably right. This is a recovery that the private
sector is creating. And, no, Mr. President, you didn’t build that.
Are Facts Obsolete?
Thomas Sowell
Some of us, who are old enough to remember the old television police
series "Dragnet," may remember Sgt. Joe Friday saying, "Just the facts,
ma'am." But that would be completely out of place today. Facts are
becoming obsolete, as recent events have demonstrated.
What matters today is how well you can concoct a story that fits
people's preconceptions and arouses their emotions. Politicians like New
York mayor Bill de Blasio, professional demagogues like Al Sharpton and
innumerable irresponsible people in the media have shown that they have
great talent in promoting a lynch mob atmosphere toward the police.
Grand juries that examine hard facts live in a different world from mobs
who listen to rhetoric and politicians who cater to the mobs.
During the controversy over the death of Trayvon Martin, for example, a
member of the Congressional Black Caucus said that George Zimmerman had
tracked Trayvon Martin down and shot him like a dog. The fact is that
Zimmerman did not have to track down Trayvon Martin, who was sitting
right on top of him, punching him till his face was bloody.
After the death of Michael Brown, members of the Congressional Black
Caucus stood up in Congress, with their hands held up, saying "don't
shoot." Although there were some who claimed that this is what Michael
Brown said and did, there were other witnesses -- all black, by the way
-- who said that Brown was charging toward the policeman when he was
What was decisive was not what either set of witnesses said, but what
the autopsy revealed, an autopsy involving three sets of forensic
experts, including one representing Michael Brown's family. Witnesses
can lie but the physical facts don't lie, even if politicians, mobs and
the media prefer to take lies seriously.
The death of Eric Garner has likewise spawned stories having little
relationship to facts. The story is that Garner died because a chokehold
stopped his breathing. But Garner did not die with a policeman choking
He died later, in an ambulance where his heart stopped. He had a long
medical history of various diseases, as well as a long criminal history.
No doubt the stress of his capture did not do him any good, and he
might well still be alive if he had not resisted arrest. But that was
his choice.
Despite people who say blithely that the police need more "training,"
there is no "kinder and gentler" way to capture a 350-pound man, who is
capable of inflicting grievous harm, and perhaps even death, on any of
his would-be captors. The magic word "unarmed" means nothing in
practice, however much the word may hype emotions.
If you are killed by an unarmed man, you are just as dead as if you had
been annihilated by a nuclear bomb. But you don't even know who is armed
or unarmed until after it is all over, and you can search him.
Incidentally, did you know that, during this same period when riots,
looting and arson have been raging, a black policeman in Alabama shot
and killed an unarmed white teenager -- and was cleared by a grand jury?
Probably not, if you depend on the mainstream media for your news.
The media do not merely ignore facts, they suppress facts. Millions of
people saw the videotape of the beating of Rodney King. But they saw
only a fraction of that tape because the media left out the rest, which
showed Rodney King -- another huge man -- resisting arrest and refusing
to be handcuffed, so that he could be searched.
Television viewers did not get to see the other black men in the same
vehicle that Rodney King was driving recklessly. Those other black men
were not beaten. And the grand jury got to see the whole video, after
which they acquitted the police -- and the media then published the
jurors' home addresses.
Such media retribution against people they don't like is part of a
growing lynch mob mentality. The black witnesses in Missouri, whose
testimony confirmed what the police officer said, expressed fears for
their own safety for telling what the physical evidence showed was the
Is this what we want? Grand juries responding to mobs and the media, instead of to the facts?
How Liberals Use Black People
By Walter E. Williams
Back in the day, when hunting was the major source of food, hunters
often used stalking horses as a means of sneaking up on their quarry.
They would walk on the opposite side of the horse until they were close
enough to place a good shot on whatever they were hunting. A stalking
horse not only concealed them but also, if their target was an armed man
and they were discovered, would take the first shot. That's what blacks
are to liberals and progressives in their efforts to transform America —
stalking horses.
Let's look at some of the ways white liberals use black people. One of
the more obvious ways is for liberals to equate any kind of injustices
suffered by homosexuals and women to the black struggle for civil
rights. But it is just plain nonsense to suggest any kind of equivalency
between the problems of homosexuals and women and the centuries of
slavery followed by Jim Crow, lynching, systematic racial discrimination
and the blood, sweat and tears of the black civil rights movement.
The largest and most powerful labor union in the country is the National
Education Association, with well over 3 million members. Teachers
benefit enormously from their education monopoly. It yields higher pay
and lower accountability. It's a different story for a large percentage
of black people who receive fraudulent education. The NEA's white
liberals — aided by black teachers, politicians and so-called black
leaders — cooperate to ensure that black parents who want their children
to have a better education have few viable choices.
Whenever there has been a serious push for school choice, educational
vouchers, tuition tax credits or even charter schools, the NEA has
fought against it. One of the more callous examples of that disregard
for black education was New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's cutback on
funding for charter schools where black youngsters were succeeding in
getting a better education. That was de Blasio's way of paying back New
York's teachers union for the political support it gave him in his quest
for the mayor's office.
White liberals in the media and academia, along with many blacks, have
been major supporters of the recent marches protesting police conduct. A
man from Mars, knowing nothing about homicide facts, would conclude
that the major problem black Americans have with murder and brutality
results from the behavior of racist policemen. According to the Bureau
of Justice Statistics, there are about 200 police arrest-related deaths
of blacks each year (between 300 and 400 for whites). That number pales
in comparison with the roughly 7,000 annual murders of blacks, 94
percent of which are committed by blacks. The number of blacks being
murdered by other blacks is of little concern to liberals. Their agenda
is to use arrest-related deaths of blacks to undermine established
Liberals often have demeaning attitudes toward blacks. When Secretary of
State John Kerry was a U.S. senator, in a statement about so many
blacks being in prison, he said, "That's unacceptable, but it's not
their fault." Would Kerry also say that white prison inmates are also
faultless? Johns Hopkins University sociologist Andrew Cherlin told us:
"It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly
responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes. ...
(The problem) is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male
income." The liberal vision is that fathers and husbands can be replaced
by a welfare check.
Liberals desperately need blacks. If the Democratic Party lost just 30
percent of the black vote, it would mean the end of the liberal agenda.
That means blacks must be kept in a perpetual state of grievance in
order to keep them as a one-party people in a two-party system. When
black Americans finally realize how much liberals have used them, I'm
betting they will be the nation's most conservative people. Who else has
been harmed as much by liberalism's vision and agenda?
Obamacare's Annus Horribilis
There's no candy coating the truth: Obamacare has had a very terrible,
horrible, crappy, none-too-happy year. What it really means is that the
victims of Obamacare -- taxpayers, health care consumers, health care
providers, employers and employees -- have had a hellish, nightmarish
Let's start with premiums. President Candy Land promised that he'd
"lower premiums by up to $2,500 for a typical family per year." But
premiums for people in the individual market for health insurance have
spiked over the last year. In fact, Forbes health policy journalist Avik
Roy and the Manhattan Institute analyzed 3,137 counties and found that
individual market premiums rose an average of 49 percent.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services itself admitted this
month that average premiums will rise at least five percent for the
lowest-cost plans offered by federal Obamacare health care exchanges.
Democrats' reaction? Obamacare rate shock doesn't matter ... because
government is redistributing the burden and taxpayers are footing the
bill! HHS crowed this week that nearly 90 percent of exchange enrollees
received public subsidies in order to pay their premiums.
"Affordable" doesn't mean what White House truth-warpers says it means
-- just like everything else they've spewed about the doomed federal
takeover of health policy in America.
As the White House tries to hype year-end enrollment numbers and hide
Obamacare-imposed cancellations, just remember that the administration
got caught this fall cooking the books by including 380,000 dental plan
subscribers that have never been counted before. Innocent oopsie? The
"erroneous" inflation just happened to push the Obamacare enrollment
figures over the president's 7 million goal, while fudging the attrition
of more than 1 million enrolled in Obamacare medical insurance plans.
A "mistake was made," HHS 'fessed up after GOP investigators discovered
the Common Core math antics. Lying liars. Caught red-handed.
So, how about: "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?"
Well, not if he or she isn't practicing anymore. After scoffing at
conservative warnings for years that socialized medicine-light would
create doctor shortages, Obamacare cheerleaders can no longer whitewash
the grim reality. The Physicians Foundation found that 81 percent of
doctors believe they are "either overextended or at full capacity."
Another 44 percent said they "planned to cut back on the number of
patients they see, retire, work part-time or close their practice to new
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
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Postings from Brisbane, Australia by John J. Ray
(M.A.; Ph.D.) -- former member of the Australia-Soviet Friendship
Society, former anarcho-capitalist and former member of the British
Conservative party.
Leftists are the "we know best" people, meaning that they are intrinsically arrogant. Matthew chapter 6 would not be for them.
Leftism is fundamentally authoritarian. Whether by revolution or by
legislation, Leftists aim to change what people can and must do. When
in 2008 Obama said that he wanted to "fundamentally transform" America,
he was not talking about America's geography or topography but rather
about American people. He wanted them to stop doing things that they
wanted to do and make them do things that they did not want to do. Can
you get a better definition of authoritarianism than that?
And note that an American President is elected to administer the law, not make it. That seems to have escaped Mr Obama
That Leftism is intrinsically authoritarian is not a new insight. It
was well understood by none other than Friedrich Engels (Yes. THAT
Engels). His excellent short essay On authority
was written as a reproof to the dreamy Anarchist Left of his day. It
concludes: "A revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there
is; it is the act whereby one part of the population imposes its will
upon the other part by means of rifles, bayonets and cannon —
authoritarian means"
Conservatives adapt to the world they live in. Leftists want to change the world to suit themselves
Given their dislike of the world they live in, it would be a surprise if
Leftists were patriotic and loved their own people. Prominent English
Leftist politician Jack Straw probably said it best: "The English as a
race are not worth saving"
Why do conservatives respect tradition and rely on the past in many
ways? Because they want to know what works and the past is the chief
source of evidence on that. Leftists are more faith-based. They cling
to their theories (e.g. global warming) with religious fervour, even
though theories are often wrong
MESSAGE to Leftists: Even if you killed all conservatives tomorrow, you
would just end up in another Soviet Union. Conservatives are all that
stand between you and that dismal fate. And you may not even survive at
all. Stalin killed off all the old Bolsheviks.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism
of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very
word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)
Just the name of Hitler's political party should be sufficient to reject
the claim that Hitler was "Right wing" but Leftists sometimes retort
that the name "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is not
informative, in that it is the name of a dismal Stalinist tyranny. But
"People's Republic" is a normal name for a Communist country whereas I
know of no conservative political party that calls itself a "Socialist
Worker's Party". Such parties are in fact usually of the extreme Left
(Trotskyite etc.)
Most people find the viciousness of the Nazis to be incomprehensible --
for instance what they did in their concentration camps. But you just
have to read a little of the vileness that pours out from modern-day
"liberals" in their Twitter and blog comments to understand it all very
well. Leftists haven't changed. They are still boiling with hate
Who said this in 1968? "I am not, and never have been, a man of the right. My position was on the Left and is now in the centre of politics". It was Sir Oswald Mosley, founder and leader of the British Union of Fascists
The term "Fascism" is mostly used by the Left as a brainless term of
abuse. But when they do make a serious attempt to define it, they
produce very complex and elaborate definitions -- e.g. here and here.
In fact, Fascism is simply extreme socialism plus nationalism. But
great gyrations are needed to avoid mentioning the first part of that
recipe, of course.
Two examples of Leftist racism below (much more here and here):
Beatrice Webb, a founder of the London School of Economics and
the Fabian Society, and married to a Labour MP, mused in 1922 on whether
when English children were "dying from lack of milk", one should extend
"the charitable impulse" to Russian and Chinese children who, if saved
this year, might anyway die next. Besides, she continued, there was "the
larger question of whether those races are desirable inhabitants" and
"obviously" one wouldn't "spend one's available income" on "a Central
African negro".
Hugh Dalton, offered the Colonial Office during Attlee's 1945-51 Labour
government, turned it down because "I had a horrid vision of
pullulating, poverty stricken, diseased nigger communities, for whom one
can do nothing in the short run and who, the more one tries to help
them, are querulous and ungrateful."
The Zimmerman case is an excellent proof that the Left is deep-down racist
Defensible and indefensible usages of the term "racism"
The book, The authoritarian personality, authored by T.W. Adorno
et al. in 1950, has been massively popular among psychologists. It
claims that a set of ideas that were popular in the
"Progressive"-dominated America of the prewar era were "authoritarian".
Leftist regimes always are authoritarian so that claim was not a big
problem. What was quite amazing however is that Adorno et al.
identified such ideas as "conservative". They were in fact simply
popular ideas of the day but ones that had been most heavily promoted by
the Left right up until the then-recent WWII. See here for details of prewar "Progressive" thinking.
Leftist psychologists have an amusingly simplistic conception of
military organizations and military men. They seem to base it on
occasions they have seen troops marching together on parade rather than
any real knowledge of military men and the military life. They think
that military men are "rigid" -- automatons who are unable to adjust to
new challenges or think for themselves. What is incomprehensible to
them is that being kadaver gehorsam (to use the extreme Prussian
term for following orders) actually requires great flexibility -- enough
flexibility to put your own ideas and wishes aside and do something
very difficult. Ask any soldier if all commands are easy to obey.
It would be very easy for me to say that I am too much of an individual
for the army but I did in fact join the army and enjoy it greatly, as
most men do. In my observation, ALL army men are individuals. It is
just that they accept discipline in order to be militarily efficient --
which is the whole point of the exercise. But that's too complex for
simplistic Leftist thinking, of course
R.I.P. Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet deposed a law-defying Marxist
President at the express and desperate invitation of the Chilean
parliament. Allende had just burnt the electoral rolls so it wasn't
hard to see what was coming. Pinochet pioneered the free-market reforms
which Reagan and Thatcher later unleashed to world-changing effect.
That he used far-Leftist methods to suppress far-Leftist violence is
reasonable if not ideal. The Leftist view that they should have a
monopoly of violence and that others should follow the law is a total
absurdity which shows only that their hate overcomes their reason
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a war criminal. Both British and American
codebreakers had cracked the Japanese naval code so FDR knew what was
coming at Pearl Harbor. But for his own political reasons he warned
no-one there. So responsibility for the civilian and military deaths at
Pearl Harbor lies with FDR as well as with the Japanese. The huge
firepower available at Pearl Harbor, both aboard ship and on land, could
have largely neutered the attack. Can you imagine 8 battleships and
various lesser craft firing all their AA batteries as the Japanese came
in? The Japanese naval airforce would have been annihilated and the
war would have been over before it began.
FDR prolonged the Depression. He certainly didn't cure it.
WWII did NOT end the Great Depression. It just concealed it. It in fact made living standards worse
FDR appointed a known KKK member, Hugo Black, to the Supreme Court
Joe McCarthy was eventually proved right after the fall of the Soviet Union. To accuse anyone of McCarthyism is to accuse them of accuracy!
The KKK was intimately associated with the Democratic party. They ATTACKED Republicans!
People who mention differences in black vs. white IQ are these days
almost universally howled down and subjected to the most extreme abuse.
I am a psychometrician, however, so I feel obliged to defend the
scientific truth of the matter: The average African adult has about the
same IQ as an average white 11-year-old and African Americans (who are
partly white in ancestry) average out at a mental age of 14. The
American Psychological Association is generally Left-leaning but it is
the world's most prestigious body of academic psychologists. And even
they have had to concede
that sort of gap (one SD) in black vs. white average IQ. 11-year olds
can do a lot of things but they also have their limits and there are
times when such limits need to be allowed for.
Judged by his deeds, Abraham Lincoln was one of the bloodiest villains ever to walk the Earth. See here. America's uncivil war was caused by trade protectionism. The slavery issue was just camouflage, as Abraham Lincoln himself admitted. See also here
Did William Zantzinger kill poor Hattie Carroll?
Did Bismarck predict where WWI would start or was it just a "free" translation by Churchill?
Conrad Black on the Declaration of Independence
Malcolm Gladwell: "There is more of reality and wisdom in a Chinese fortune cookie than can be found anywhere in Gladwell’s pages"
The 10 "cannots" (By William J. H. Boetcker) that Leftist politicians ignore:
*You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
* You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
* You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
* You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
* You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
* You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
* You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
* You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
* You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.
* And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.
A good short definition of conservative: "One who wants you to keep your hand out of his pocket."
Beware of good intentions. They mostly lead to coercion
A gargantuan case of hubris, coupled with stunning level of ignorance
about how the real world works, is the essence of progressivism.
The U.S. Constitution is neither "living" nor dead. It is fixed until
it is amended. But amending it is the privilege of the people, not of
politicians or judges
It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making
decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay
no price for being wrong - Thomas Sowell
Leftists think that utopia can be coerced into existence -- so no
dishonesty or brutality is beyond them in pursuit of that "noble" goal
"England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are
ashamed of their own nationality. In left-wing circles it is always felt
that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and
that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution" -- George Orwell
Was 16th century science pioneer Paracelsus a libertarian? His motto was "Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest" which means "Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself."
"When using today's model of society as a rule, most of history will be
found to be full of oppression, bias, and bigotry." What today's
arrogant judges of history fail to realize is that they, too, will be
judged. What will Americans of 100 years from now make of, say, speech
codes, political correctness, and zero tolerance - to name only three?
Assuming, of course, there will still be an America that we, today,
would recognize. Given the rogue Federal government spy apparatus, I am
not at all sure of that. -- Paul Havemann
Economist Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973): "The champions of socialism
call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is
characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to
every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are
intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they
yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they
want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of
the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic
post office."
It's the shared hatred of the rest of us that unites Islamists and the Left.
American liberals don't love America. They despise it. All they love is
their own fantasy of what America could become. They are false patriots.
The Democratic Party: Con-men elected by the ignorant and the arrogant
The Democratic Party is a strange amalgam of elites, would-be elites and
minorities. No wonder their policies are so confused and irrational
Why are conservatives more at ease with religion? Because it is basic
to conservatism that some things are unknowable, and religious people
have to accept that too. Leftists think that they know it all and feel
threatened by any exceptions to that. Thinking that you know it all is
however the pride that comes before a fall.
The characteristic emotion of the Leftist is not envy. It's rage
Leftists are committed to grievance, not truth
The British Left poured out a torrent of hate for Margaret Thatcher on
the occasion of her death. She rescued Britain from chaos and restored
Britain's prosperity. What's not to hate about that?
Something you didn't know about Margaret Thatcher
The world's dumbest investor? Without doubt it is Uncle Sam. Nobody
anywhere could rival the scale of the losses on "investments" made under
the Obama administration
"Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a
ruthless drive for placing themselves (the elites) at the top of a new
hierarchy of power" -- Murray Rothbard - Egalitarianism and the Elites (1995)
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which
debt he proposes to pay off with your money. -- G. Gordon Liddy
"World socialism as a whole, and all the figures associated with it,
are shrouded in legend; its contradictions are forgotten or concealed;
it does not respond to arguments but continually ignores them--all this
stems from the mist of irrationality that surrounds socialism and from
its instinctive aversion to scientific analysis... The doctrines of
socialism seethe with contradictions, its theories are at constant odds
with its practice, yet due to a powerful instinct these contradictions
do not in the least hinder the unending propaganda of socialism. Indeed,
no precise, distinct socialism even exists; instead there is only a
vague, rosy notion of something noble and good, of equality, communal
ownership, and justice: the advent of these things will bring instant
euphoria and a social order beyond reproach." -- Solzhenitsyn
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. -- Thomas Jefferson
"Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power" -- Bertrand Russell
Evan Sayet:
The Left sides "...invariably with evil over good, wrong over right,
and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success."
(t=5:35+ on video)
The Republicans are the gracious side of American politics. It is the Democrats who are the nasty party, the haters
Wanting to stay out of the quarrels of other nations is conservative --
but conservatives will fight if attacked or seriously endangered.
Anglo/Irish statesman Lord Castlereagh
(1769-1822), who led the political coalition that defeated Napoleon,
was an isolationist, as were traditional American conservatives.
Some useful definitions:
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal is a
vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a
conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his
situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A liberal
non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless
it's a foreign religion, of course!)
If a conservative decides he
needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job
that provides it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
There is better evidence for creation than there is for the Leftist
claim that “gender” is a “social construct”. Most Leftist claims seem
to be faith-based rather than founded on the facts
Leftists are classic weak characters. They dish out abuse by the bucketload but cannot take it when they get it back. Witness the Loughner hysteria.
Death taxes:
You would expect a conscientious person, of whatever degree of
intelligence, to reflect on the strange contradiction involved in
denying people the right to unearned wealth, while supporting programs
that give people unearned wealth.
America is no longer the land of the free. It is now the land of the regulated -- though it is not alone in that, of course
The Leftist motto: "I love humanity. It's just people I can't stand"
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Envy is a strong and widespread human emotion so there has alway been
widespread support for policies of economic "levelling". Both the USA
and the modern-day State of Israel were founded by communists but
reality taught both societies that respect for the individual gave much
better outcomes than levelling ideas. Sadly, there are many people in
both societies in whom hatred for others is so strong that they are
incapable of respect for the individual. The destructiveness of what
they support causes them to call themselves many names in different
times and places but they are the backbone of the political Left
Gore Vidal: "Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little". Vidal was of course a Leftist
The large number of rich Leftists suggests that, for them, envy is
secondary. They are directly driven by hatred and scorn for many of the
other people that they see about them. Hatred of others can be rooted
in many things, not only in envy. But the haters come together as the
Left. Some evidence here showing that envy is not what defines the Left
Leftists hate the world around them and want to change it: the people in
it most particularly. Conservatives just want to be left alone to make
their own decisions and follow their own values.
The failure of the Soviet experiment has definitely made the American
Left more vicious and hate-filled than they were. The plain failure of
what passed for ideas among them has enraged rather than humbled them.
Ronald Reagan famously observed that the status quo is Latin for “the
mess we’re in.” So much for the vacant Leftist claim that conservatives
are simply defenders of the status quo. They think that conservatives
are as lacking in principles as they are.
Was Confucius a conservative? The following saying would seem to
reflect good conservative caution: "The superior man, when resting in
safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of
security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is
orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is
not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved."
The shallow thinkers of the Left sometimes claim that conservatives want
to impose their own will on others in the matter of abortion. To make
that claim is however to confuse religion with politics. Conservatives
are in fact divided about their response to abortion. The REAL
opposition to abortion is religious rather than political. And the
church which has historically tended to support the LEFT -- the Roman
Catholic church -- is the most fervent in the anti-abortion cause.
Conservatives are indeed the one side of politics to have moral qualms
on the issue but they tend to seek a middle road in dealing with it.
Taking the issue to the point of legal prohibitions is a religious
doctrine rather than a conservative one -- and the religion concerned
may or may not be characteristically conservative. More on that here
Some Leftist hatred arises from the fact that they blame "society" for their own personal problems and inadequacies
The Leftist hunger for change to the society that they hate leads to a
hunger for control over other people. And they will do and say anything
to get that control: "Power at any price". Leftist politicians are
mostly self-aggrandizing crooks who gain power by deceiving the
uninformed with snake-oil promises -- power which they invariably use
to destroy. Destruction is all that they are good at. Destruction is
what haters do.
Leftists are consistent only in their hate. They don't have principles.
How can they when "there is no such thing as right and wrong"? All
they have is postures, pretend-principles that can be changed as easily
as one changes one's shirt
A Leftist assumption: Making money doesn't entitle you to it, but wanting money does.
"Politicians never accuse you of 'greed' for wanting other people's
money -- only for wanting to keep your own money." --columnist Joe
Sobran (1946-2010)
Leftist policies are candy-coated rat poison that may appear appealing at first, but inevitably do a lot of damage to everyone impacted by them.
A tribute and thanks to Mary Jo Kopechne. Her death was reprehensible
but she probably did more by her death that she ever would have in life:
She spared the world a President Ted Kennedy. That the heap of
corruption that was Ted Kennedy died peacefully in his bed is one of the
clearest demonstrations that we do not live in a just world. Even Joe
Stalin seems to have been smothered to death by Nikita Khrushchev
I often wonder why Leftists refer to conservatives as "wingnuts". A
wingnut is a very useful device that adds versatility wherever it is
used. Clearly, Leftists are not even good at abuse. Once they have
accused their opponents of racism and Nazism, their cupboard is bare.
Similarly, Leftists seem to think it is a devastating critique to refer
to "Worldnet Daily" as "Worldnut Daily". The poverty of their
argumentation is truly pitiful
The Leftist assertion that there is no such thing as right and wrong has
a distinguished history. It was Pontius Pilate who said "What is
truth?" (John 18:38). From a Christian viewpoint, the assertion is
undoubtedly the Devil's gospel
Even in the Old Testament they knew about "Postmodernism": "Woe unto
them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light,
and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for
bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20 (KJV)
Was Solomon the first conservative? "The hearts of men are full of evil
and madness is in their hearts" -- Ecclesiastes: 9:3 (RSV). He could
almost have been talking about Global Warming.
"If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral
weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of
government action." - Ludwig von Mises
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
Because of their need to be different from the mainstream, Leftists are very good at pretending that sow's ears are silk purses
Among intelligent people, Leftism is a character defect. Leftists HATE
success in others -- which is why notably successful societies such as
the USA and Israel are hated and failures such as the Palestinians can
do no wrong.
A Leftist's beliefs are all designed to pander to his ego. So when you
have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing the
facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
Because of the fragility of a Leftist's ego, anything that threatens it
is intolerable and provokes rage. So most Leftist blogs can be
summarized in one sentence: "How DARE anybody question what I
believe!". Rage and abuse substitute for an appeal to facts and reason.
Because their beliefs serve their ego rather than reality, Leftists just KNOW what is good for us. Conservatives need evidence.
Absolute certainty is the privilege of uneducated men and fanatics. -- C.J. Keyser
Hell is paved with good intentions" -- Boswell's Life of Johnson of 1775
"Almost all professors of the arts and sciences are egregiously conceited, and derive their happiness from their conceit" -- Erasmus
"Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him" (Proverbs 26: 12). I think that sums up Leftists pretty well.
Eminent British astrophysicist Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington is often
quoted as saying: "Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it
is stranger than we can imagine." It was probably in fact said by his
contemporary, J.B.S. Haldane. But regardless of authorship, it could
well be a conservative credo not only about the cosmos but also about
human beings and human society. Mankind is too complex to be summed
up by simple rules and even complex rules are only approximations with
many exceptions.
Politics is the only thing Leftists know about. They know nothing of
economics, history or business. Their only expertise is in promoting
feelings of grievance
Socialism makes the individual the slave of the state -- capitalism frees them.
Many readers here will have noticed that what I say about Leftists
sometimes sounds reminiscent of what Leftists say about conservatives.
There is an excellent reason for that. Leftists are great "projectors"
(people who see their own faults in others). So a good first step in
finding out what is true of Leftists is to look at what they say about
conservatives! They even accuse conservatives of projection (of
The research
shows clearly that one's Left/Right stance is strongly genetically
inherited but nobody knows just what specifically is inherited. What
is inherited that makes people Leftist or Rightist? There is any amount
of evidence that personality traits are strongly genetically inherited
so my proposal is that hard-core Leftists are people who tend to let
their emotions (including hatred and envy) run away with them and who
are much more in need of seeing themselves as better than others -- two
attributes that are probably related to one another. Such Leftists may
be an evolutionary leftover from a more primitive past.
Leftists seem to believe that if someone like Al Gore says it, it must
be right. They obviously have a strong need for an authority figure.
The fact that the two most authoritarian regimes of the 20th century
(Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia) were socialist is thus no surprise.
Leftists often accuse conservatives of being "authoritarian" but that is
just part of their usual "projective" strategy -- seeing in others
what is really true of themselves.
"With their infernal racial set-asides, racial quotas, and race norming,
liberals share many of the Klan's premises. The Klan sees the world in
terms of race and ethnicity. So do liberals! Indeed, liberals and white
supremacists are the only people left in America who are neurotically
obsessed with race. Conservatives champion a color-blind society" -- Ann
Politicians are in general only a little above average in intelligence
so the idea that they can make better decisions for us that we can
make ourselves is laughable
A quote from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers: "You cannot legislate the
poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one
person receives without working for, another person must work for
without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that
the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the
people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other
half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the
idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get
what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
The Supreme Court of the United States is now and always has been a
judicial abomination. Its guiding principles have always been
political rather than judicial. It is not as political as Stalin's
courts but its respect for the constitution is little better. Some
recent abuses: The "equal treatment" provision of the 14th amendment
was specifically written to outlaw racial discrimination yet the court
has allowed various forms of "affirmative action" for decades -- when
all such policies should have been completely stuck down immediately.
The 2nd. amendment says that the right to bear arms shall not be
infringed yet gun control laws infringe it in every State in the union.
The 1st amendment provides that speech shall be freely exercised yet
the court has upheld various restrictions on the financing and display
of political advertising. The court has found a right to abortion in
the constitution when the word abortion is not even mentioned there.
The court invents rights that do not exist and denies rights that do.
"Some action that is unconstitutional has much to recommend it" -- Elena Kagan, nominated to SCOTUS by Obama
Frank Sulloway, the anti-scientist
The basic aim of all bureaucrats is to maximize their funding and minimize their workload
A lesson in Australian: When an Australian calls someone a "big-noter",
he is saying that the person is a chronic and rather pathetic seeker of
admiration -- as in someone who often pulls out "big notes" (e.g.
$100.00 bills) to pay for things, thus endeavouring to create the
impression that he is rich. The term describes the mentality rather
than the actual behavior with money and it aptly describes many
Leftists. When they purport to show "compassion" by advocating things
that cost themselves nothing (e.g. advocating more taxes on "the rich"
to help "the poor"), an Australian might say that the Leftist is
"big-noting himself". There is an example of the usage here. The term conveys contempt. There is a wise description of Australians generally here
Some ancient wisdom for Leftists: "Be not righteous overmuch; neither make thyself over wise: Why shouldest thou die before thy time?" -- Ecclesiastes 7:16
Jesse Jackson:
"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to
walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery
-- then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved." There
ARE important racial differences.
Some Jimmy Carter wisdom: "I think it's inevitable that there will be a lower standard of living than what everybody had always anticipated," he told advisers in 1979. "there's going to be a downward turning."
The "steamroller" above who got steamrollered by his own hubris.
Spitzer is a warning of how self-destructive a vast ego can be -- and
also of how destructive of others it can be.
Heritage is what survives death: Very rare and hence very valuable
Big business is not your friend. As Adam Smith said: "People of the
same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but
the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some
contrivance to raise prices. It is impossible indeed to prevent such
meetings, by any law which either could be executed, or would be
consistent with liberty or justice. But though the law cannot hinder
people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to
do nothing to facilitate such assemblies; much less to render them
How can I accept the Communist doctrine, which sets up as its bible,
above and beyond criticism, an obsolete textbook which I know not only
to be scientifically erroneous but without interest or application to
the modern world? How can I adopt a creed which, preferring the mud to
the fish, exalts the boorish proletariat above the bourgeoisie and the
intelligentsia, who with all their faults, are the quality of life and
surely carry the seeds of all human achievement? Even if we need a
religion, how can we find it in the turbid rubbish of the red bookshop?
It is hard for an educated, decent, intelligent son of Western Europe to
find his ideals here, unless he has first suffered some strange and
horrid process of conversion which has changed all his values. -- John Maynard Keynes
Some wisdom from "Bron" Waugh: "The purpose of politics is to help
them [politicians] overcome these feelings of inferiority and compensate
for their personal inadequacies in the pursuit of power"
"There are countless horrible things happening all over the country, and
horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our
equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy
them whenever possible"
The urge to pass new laws must be seen as an illness, not much different
from the urge to bite old women. Anyone suspected of suffering from it
should either be treated with the appropriate pills or, if it is too
late for that, elected to Parliament [or Congress, as the case may be]
and paid a huge salary with endless holidays, to do nothing whatever"
"It is my settled opinion, after some years as a political
correspondent, that no one is attracted to a political career in the
first place unless he is socially or emotionally crippled"
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with
them is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were. Freedom needs a soldier
If any of the short observations above about Leftism seem wrong, note
that they do not stand alone. The evidence for them is set out at great
length in my MONOGRAPH on Leftism.
3 memoirs of "Supermac", a 20th century Disraeli (Aristocratic British
Conservative Prime Minister -- 1957 to 1963 -- Harold Macmillan):
"It breaks my heart to see (I can't interfere or do anything at my
age) what is happening in our country today - this terrible strike of
the best men in the world, who beat the Kaiser's army and beat Hitler's
army, and never gave in. Pointless, endless. We can't afford that kind
of thing. And then this growing division which the noble Lord who has
just spoken mentioned, of a comparatively prosperous south, and an
ailing north and midlands. That can't go on." -- Mac on the British
working class: "the best men in the world" (From his Maiden speech in
the House of Lords, 13 November 1984)
"As a Conservative, I am naturally in favour of returning into private
ownership and private management all those means of production and
distribution which are now controlled by state capitalism"
During Macmillan's time as prime minister, average living standards
steadily rose while numerous social reforms were carried out
The Bible is an Israeli book
To me, hostility to the Jews is a terrible tragedy. I weep for them at
times. And I do literally put my money where my mouth is. I do at
times send money to Israeli charities
My (Gentile) opinion of antisemitism: The Jews are the best we've got so killing them is killing us.
"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" -- Genesis 12:3
"O pray for the peace of Jerusalem: They shall prosper that love thee" Psalm 122:6.
If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May
my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I
do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy -- Psalm 137 (NIV)
Israel, like the Jews throughout history, is hated not for her vices
but her virtues. Israel is hated, as the United States is hated, because
Israel is successful, because Israel is free, and because Israel is
good. As Maxim Gorky put it: “Whatever nonsense the anti-Semites may
talk, they dislike the Jew only because he is obviously better, more
adroit, and more willing and capable of work than they are.” Whether
driven by culture or genes—or like most behavior, an inextricable
mix—the fact of Jewish genius is demonstrable." -- George Gilder
To Leftist haters, all the basic rules of liberal society — rejection of
hate speech, commitment to academic freedom, rooting out racism, the
absolute commitment to human dignity — go out the window when the
subject is Israel.
I have always liked the story of Gideon (See Judges chapters 6 to 8) and
it is surely no surprise that in the present age Israel is the Gideon
of nations: Few in numbers but big in power and impact.
If I were not an atheist, I would believe that God had a sense of
humour. He gave his chosen people (the Jews) enormous advantages --
high intelligence and high drive -- but to keep it fair he deprived
them of something hugely important too: Political sense. So Jews to
this day tend very strongly to be Leftist -- even though the chief
source of antisemitism for roughly the last 200 years has been the
political Left!
And the other side of the coin is that Jews tend to despise
conservatives and Christians. Yet American fundamentalist Christians
are the bedrock of the vital American support for Israel, the ultimate
bolthole for all Jews. So Jewish political irrationality seems to be a
rather good example of the saying that "The LORD giveth and the LORD
taketh away". There are many other examples of such perversity (or
"balance"). The sometimes severe side-effects of most pharmaceutical
drugs is an obvious one but there is another ethnic example too, a
rather amusing one. Chinese people are in general smart and patient
people but their rate of traffic accidents in China is about 10 times
higher than what prevails in Western societies. They are brilliant
mathematicians and fearless business entrepreneurs but at the same time
bad drivers!
Conservatives, on the other hand, could be antisemitic on entirely
rational grounds: Namely, the overwhelming Leftism of the Diaspora
Jewish population as a whole. Because they judge the individual,
however, only a tiny minority of conservative-oriented people make such
general judgments. The longer Jews continue on their "stiff-necked"
course, however, the more that is in danger of changing. The children
of Israel have been a stiff necked people since the days of Moses,
however, so they will no doubt continue to vote with their emotions
rather than their reason.
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.
Fortunately for America, though, liberal Jews there are rapidly dying out through intermarriage and failure to reproduce. And the quite poisonous liberal Jews of Israel are not much better off. Judaism is slowly returning to Orthodoxy and the Orthodox tend to be conservative.
The above is good testimony to the accuracy of the basic conservative
insight that almost anything in human life is too complex to be reduced
to any simple rule and too complex to be reduced to any rule at all
without allowance for important exceptions to the rule concerned
Amid their many virtues, one virtue is often lacking among Jews in
general and Israelis in particular: Humility. And that's an
antisemitic comment only if Hashem is antisemitic. From Moses on, the
Hebrew prophets repeatedy accused the Israelites of being "stiff-necked"
and urged them to repent. So it's no wonder that the greatest Jewish
prophet of all -- Jesus -- not only urged humility but exemplified it
in his life and death
"Why should the German be interested in the liberation of the Jew,
if the Jew is not interested in the liberation of the German?... We
recognize in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the
present time... In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is
the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.... Indeed, in North America,
the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has
achieved as its unambiguous and normal expression that the preaching of
the Gospel itself and the Christian ministry have become articles of
trade... Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other
god may exist". Who said that? Hitler? No. It was Karl Marx. See also here and here and here.
For roughly two centuries now, antisemitism has, throughout the
Western world, been principally associated with Leftism (including the
socialist Hitler) -- as it is to this day. See here.
Karl Marx hated just about everyone. Even his father, the kindly Heinrich Marx, thought Karl was not much of a human being
Leftists call their hatred of Israel "Anti-Zionism" but Zionists are only a small minority in Israel
Some of the Leftist hatred of Israel is motivated by old-fashioned
antisemitism (beliefs in Jewish "control" etc.) but most of it is just
the regular Leftist hatred of success in others. And because the
societies they inhabit do not give them the vast amount of recognition
that their large but weak egos need, some of the most virulent haters
of Israel and America live in those countries. So the hatred is the
product of pathologically high self-esteem.
Their threatened egos sometimes drive Leftists into quite desperate
flights from reality. For instance, they often call Israel an
"Apartheid state" -- when it is in fact the Arab states that practice
Apartheid -- witness the severe restrictions on Christians in Saudi
Arabia. There are no such restrictions in Israel.
If the Palestinians put down their weapons, there'd be peace. If the Israelis put down their weapons, there'd be genocide.

Alfred Dreyfus, a reminder of French antisemitism still relevant today
Eugenio Pacelli, a righteous Gentile, a true man of God and a brilliant Pope
Many people hunger and thirst after righteousness. Some find it in the
hatreds of the Left. Others find it in the love of Christ. I don't
hunger and thirst after righteousness at all. I hunger and thirst after
truth. How old-fashioned can you get?
The kneejerk response of the Green/Left to people who challenge them is
to say that the challenger is in the pay of "Big Oil", "Big Business",
"Big Pharma", "Exxon-Mobil", "The Pioneer Fund" or some other entity
that they see, in their childish way, as a boogeyman. So I think it
might be useful for me to point out that I have NEVER received one cent
from anybody by way of support for what I write. As a retired person, I
live entirely on my own investments. I do not work for anybody and I
am not beholden to anybody. And I have NO investments in oil companies,
mining companies or "Big Pharma"
UPDATE: Despite my (statistical) aversion to mining stocks, I have
recently bought a few shares in BHP -- the world's biggest miner, I
gather. I run the grave risk of becoming a speaker of famous last words
for saying this but I suspect that BHP is now so big as to be largely
immune from the risks that plague most mining companies. I also know of
no issue affecting BHP where my writings would have any relevance. The
Left seem to have a visceral hatred of miners. I have never quite
figured out why.
I imagine that few of my readers will understand it, but I am an
unabashed monarchist. And, as someone who was born and bred in a
monarchy and who still lives there (i.e. Australia), that gives me no
conflicts at all. In theory, one's respect for the monarchy does not
depend on who wears the crown but the impeccable behaviour of the
present Queen does of course help perpetuate that respect. Aside from
my huge respect for the Queen, however, my favourite member of the Royal
family is the redheaded Prince Harry. The Royal family is of course a
military family and Prince Harry is a great example of that. As one of
the world's most privileged people, he could well be an idle layabout
but instead he loves his life in the army. When his girlfriend Chelsy
ditched him because he was so often away, Prince Harry said: "I love
Chelsy but the army comes first". A perfect military man! I doubt that
many women would understand or approve of his attitude but perhaps my
own small army background powers my approval of that attitude.
I imagine that most Americans might find this rather mad -- but I
believe that a constitutional Monarchy is the best form of government
presently available. Can a libertarian be a Monarchist? I think so
-- and prominent British libertarian Sean Gabb seems to think so too! Long live the Queen! (And note that Australia ranks well above the USA on the Index of Economic freedom. Heh!)
Throughout Europe there is an association between monarchism and
conservatism. It is a little sad that American conservatives do not
have access to that satisfaction. So even though Australia is much more
distant from Europe (geographically) than the USA is, Australia is in
some ways more of an outpost of Europe than America is! Mind you:
Australia is not very atypical of its region. Australia lies just South
of Asia -- and both Japan and Thailand have greatly respected
monarchies. And the demise of the Cambodian monarchy was disastrous for
Throughout the world today, possession of a U.S. or U.K. passport is
greatly valued. I once shared that view. Developments in recent years
have however made me profoundly grateful that I am a 5th generation
Australian. My Australian passport is a door into a much less
oppressive and much less messed-up place than either the USA or Britain
Following the Sotomayor precedent, I would hope that a wise older white
man such as myself with the richness of that experience would more
often than not reach a better conclusion than someone who hasn’t lived
that life.
IQ and ideology: Most academics are Left-leaning. Why? Because very
bright people who have balls go into business, while very bright people
with no balls go into academe. I did both with considerable success,
which makes me a considerable rarity. Although I am a born academic, I
have always been good with money too. My share portfolio even survived
the GFC in good shape. The academics hate it that bright people with
balls make more money than them.
I have no hesitation in saying that the single book which has influenced me most is the New Testament. And my Scripture blog
will show that I know whereof I speak. Some might conclude that I must
therefore be a very confused sort of atheist but I can assure everyone
that I do not feel the least bit confused. The New Testament is a
lighthouse that has illumined the thinking of all sorts of men and women
and I am deeply grateful that it has shone on me.
I am rather pleased to report that I am a lifelong conservative. Out of
intellectual curiosity, I did in my youth join organizations from right
across the political spectrum so I am certainly not closed-minded and
am very familiar with the full spectrum of political thinking.
Nonetheless, I did not have to undergo the lurch from Left to Right that
so many people undergo. At age 13 I used my pocket-money to subscribe
to the "Reader's Digest" -- the main conservative organ available in
small town Australia of the 1950s. I have learnt much since but am
pleased and amused to note that history has since confirmed most of what
I thought at that early age. Conservatism is in touch with reality.
Leftism is not.
I imagine that the RD are still sending mailouts to my 1950s address
Most teenagers have sporting and movie posters on their bedroom walls. At age 14 I had a map of Taiwan on my wall.
"Remind me never to get this guy mad at me" -- Instapundit
It seems to be a common view that you cannot talk informatively about a
country unless you have been there. I completely reject that view but
it is nonetheless likely that some Leftist dimbulb will at some stage
aver that any comments I make about politics and events in the USA
should not be heeded because I am an Australian who has lived almost all
his life in Australia. I am reluctant to pander to such ignorance in
the era of the "global village" but for the sake of the argument I might
mention that I have visited the USA 3 times -- spending enough time in
Los Angeles and NYC to get to know a fair bit about those places at
least. I did however get outside those places enough to realize that
they are NOT America.
"Intellectual" = Leftist dreamer. I have more publications in the
academic journals than almost all "public intellectuals" but I am never
called an intellectual and nor would I want to be. Call me a scholar or
an academic, however, and I will accept either as a just and earned
My academic background
My full name is Dr. John Joseph RAY. I am a former university teacher
aged 65 at the time of writing in 2009. I was born of Australian
pioneer stock in 1943 at Innisfail in the State of Queensland in
Australia. I trace my ancestry wholly to the British Isles. After an
early education at Innisfail State Rural School and Cairns State High
School, I taught myself for matriculation. I took my B.A. in Psychology
from the University of Queensland in Brisbane. I then moved to Sydney
(in New South Wales, Australia) and took my M.A. in psychology from the
University of Sydney in 1969 and my Ph.D. from the School of
Behavioural Sciences at Macquarie University in 1974. I first tutored
in psychology at Macquarie University and then taught sociology at the
University of NSW. My doctorate is in psychology but I taught mainly
sociology in my 14 years as a university teacher. In High Schools I
taught economics. I have taught in both traditional and "progressive"
(low discipline) High Schools. Fuller biographical notes here
I completed the work for my Ph.D. at the end of 1970 but the degree was
not awarded until 1974 -- due to some academic nastiness from Seymour
Martin Lipset and Fred Emery. A conservative or libertarian who makes
it through the academic maze has to be at least twice as good as the
average conformist Leftist. Fortunately, I am a born academic.
Despite my great sympathy and respect for Christianity, I am the most
complete atheist you could find. I don't even believe that the word
"God" is meaningful. I am not at all original in that view, of course.
Such views are particularly associated with the noted German
philosopher Rudolf Carnap. Unlike Carnap, however, none of my wives
have committed suicide
Very occasionally in my writings I make reference to the greats of
analytical philosophy such as Carnap and Wittgenstein. As philosophy is
a heavily Leftist discipline however, I have long awaited an attack
from some philosopher accusing me of making coat-trailing references not
backed by any real philosophical erudition. I suppose it is
encouraging that no such attacks have eventuated but I thought that I
should perhaps forestall them anyway -- by pointing out that in my
younger days I did complete three full-year courses in analytical
philosophy (at 3 different universities!) and that I have had papers on
mainstream analytical philosophy topics published in academic journals
As well as being an academic, I am an army man and I am pleased and
proud to say that I have worn my country's uniform. Although my service
in the Australian army was chiefly noted for its un-notability, I DID
join voluntarily in the Vietnam era, I DID reach the rank of Sergeant,
and I DID volunteer for a posting in Vietnam. So I think I may be
forgiven for saying something that most army men think but which most
don't say because they think it is too obvious: The profession of arms
is the noblest profession of all because it is the only profession where
you offer to lay down your life in performing your duties. Our men
fought so that people could say and think what they like but I myself
always treat military men with great respect -- respect which in my
view is simply their due.
A real army story here
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day and there is JUST ONE saying
of Hitler's that I rather like. It may not even be original to him but
it is found in chapter 2 of Mein Kampf (published in 1925):
"Widerstaende sind nicht da, dass man vor ihnen kapituliert, sondern
dass man sie bricht". The equivalent English saying is "Difficulties
exist to be overcome" and that traces back at least to the 1920s -- with
attributions to Montessori and others. Hitler's metaphor is however
one of smashing barriers rather than of politely hopping over them and I
am myself certainly more outspoken than polite. Hitler's colloquial
Southern German is notoriously difficult to translate but I think I can
manage a reasonable translation of that saying: "Resistance is there
not for us to capitulate to but for us to break". I am quite sure that I
don't have anything like that degree of determination in my own life
but it seems to me to be a good attitude in general anyway
I have used many sites to post my writings over the years and many have
gone bad on me for various reasons. So if you click on a link here to
my other writings you may get a "page not found" response if the link
was put up some time before the present. All is not lost, however. All
my writings have been reposted elsewhere. If you do strike a failed
link, just take the filename (the last part of the link) and add it to
the address of any of my current home pages and -- Voila! -- you should
find the article concerned.
COMMENTS: I have gradually added comments facilities to all my blogs.
The comments I get are interesting. They are mostly from Leftists and
most consist either of abuse or mere assertions. Reasoned arguments
backed up by references to supporting evidence are almost unheard of
from Leftists. Needless to say, I just delete such useless comments.
You can email me here
(Hotmail address). In emailing me, you can address me as "John", "Jon",
"Dr. Ray" or "JR" and that will be fine -- but my preference is for
"JR" -- and that preference has NOTHING to do with an American soap
opera that featured a character who was referred to in that way
Index page for this site
"Tongue Tied"
"Dissecting Leftism" (Backup
"Australian Politics"
"Education Watch International"
"Political Correctness Watch"
"Greenie Watch"
"Marx & Engels in their own words"
"A scripture blog"
"Some memoirs"
"Paralipomena 3"
Western Heart
To be continued ....
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
Queensland Police -- A barrel with lots of bad apples
Australian Police News
Of Interest
"Food & Health Skeptic"
"Eye on Britain"
"Immigration Watch International" blog.
"Paralipomena 2"
"Leftists as Elitists"
Socialized Medicine
QANTAS -- A dying octopus
BRIAN LEITER (Ladderman)
Obama Watch
Obama Watch (2)
Dissecting Leftism -- Large font site
Michael Darby
AGL -- A bumbling monster
Telstra/Bigpond follies
Optus bungling
Vodafrauds (vodafone)
Bank of Queensland blues
There are also two blogspot blogs which record what I think are my main recent articles
here and
here. Similar content can be more conveniently accessed via my subject-indexed list of short articles
here or
here (I rarely write long articles these days)
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Menu of recent writings
basic home page
Pictorial Home Page (Backup
Selected pictures from blogs (Backup
Another picture page (Best with broadband. Rarely updated)
Note: If the link to one of my articles is not working, the
article concerned can generally be viewed by prefixing to the filename
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