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31 August, 2015
America's race war hotting up
Once again, a white is killed because he is white
A serial criminal has been arrested in connection with the 'senseless'
and 'cold-blooded' killing of a sheriff's deputy who was shot dead
during a gas station ambush.
Darren Goforth, a 47-year-old father of two, was pumping fuel into his
patrol car at a Chevron station Friday night when a man crept up behind
him and opened fire.
Shannon J Miles, 30, who has a long criminal record which includes
firearms offences, was arrested on Friday night and has been charged
with capital murder. He is being held in Harris County Jail and is
expected to be arraigned on Monday.
After Goforth fell to the ground, the suspect allegedly kept firing
bullets into his body in what colleagues described as a 'cold-blooded
and cowardly' execution.
No definitive motive has been put forward for the killing - but Harris
County sheriff Ron Hickman pointed the finger at the Black Lives Matter
protest group for their 'out of control rhetoric' against law
In a press conference Saturday afternoon, Hickman said that the group
had 'ramped up' public sentiment against officers like Goforth, helping
create the conditions for the attack.
He said: 'We've heard black lives matter, all lives matter - well, cops'
lives matter too. Why don't we just drop the qualifier and say "lives
Anchor Babies: A new big issue for Republicans
America is still a welcoming country for immigrants, but the sentiment
for pulling up the welcome mat is gaining steam. Failure to secure our
borders, lax enforcement of immigration laws by a federal government
that therefore tacitly encourages border crossing and overstay of visas,
the perception that illegal aliens are sponging off the welfare system,
and immigrants' growing lack of assimilation has angered millions of
Enter Donald Trump, who has made immigration a key part of his platform.
His latest vow is to get illegal immigrants “out of there day one … out
so fast your head will spin.” With his corresponding surge in the
political polls, the national conversation on the topic has shifted
focus to the phrase “anchor babies.” It’s the term describing the effect
of birthright citizenship, which itself is based on a faulty
interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment when applied to children born
to those here illegally.
The number of those who have come to the United States to give birth is
increasing. While the Pew Hispanic Center says four out of five children
of illegal aliens were born in this country, it’s now estimated that
one out of 10 American births overall would fall under the description
“anchor babies.” Most are the offspring of illegal immigrants who
understand current deportation policy gives them a “get out of jail
free” card once the child is born — along with a claim to our generous
public treasury. But some anchor babies are born to “birth tourists” who
arrive weeks before birth and do so specifically in order to have an
American passport holder in the family to make securing their own visas
It’s no secret that the Republican Party has factions on both sides of
the immigration debate. Many of the other 16 presidential hopefuls align
more or less with the hardline stance Trump has taken, yet it was
immigration moderate Jeb Bush who became a lightning rod for Democrat
criticism for using the term “anchor baby.”
In typical Jeb fashion, he tried to walk it back, saying, “What I’m
talking about is the specific case of fraud being committed where
there’s organized efforts — frankly, it’s more related to Asian people —
coming into our country, having children in that organized effort,
taking advantage of that noble concept which is birthright citizenship.”
Needless to say, that muddled attempt at clarity didn’t work, and Democrats stuck to their marching orders.
“The ‘anchor baby’ narrative is politics at its worst,” wailed Rep.
Linda Sanchez, chair of the all-Democrat Congressional Hispanic Caucus,
in a Washington Post op-ed. It serves “mostly as a Republican
dog-whistle,” she added, “tapping into an implicit racial sentiment that
suggests children of color are less than fully American or they’re just
a vehicle for gaming the system.”
Bush had no support from Asians, either. Rep. Judy Chu, chair of the
Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, said, “All that is
accomplished through talk of anchor-babies — be they from Latin America,
Asia, Europe, or Africa — is to use xenophobic fears to further isolate
immigrants. It’s time for our country to return to a substantive
discussion on immigration.”
But shouldn’t a “substantive discussion” on immigration include more
than identity politics? Birthright citizenship is a legitimate topic for
consideration, yet Democrats never fail to blow their own dog whistle
by crying “RACIST!” at anyone who broaches the subject. Rule of Law is
essential to a free country, but Democrats (and too many Republicans)
are more interested in craven pandering.
Like him or not, one can’t deny Donald Trump’s impact on the 2016
campaign, which is largely the result of his willingness to raise issues
that establishment Republicans would rather sweep under the rug. At
least some Americans are listening now.
Mark Levin: Federal Government Is ‘Stealing From Unborn Babies’
Popular radio show host Mark Levin says when it comes to out of control
entitlement spending, the federal government is “stealing from unborn
“Future generations don’t vote, they don’t exist yet so they keep
stealing from them,” Levin explains to The Daily Signal. “They keep
robbing from them which means they are going to have limited liberty,
they’re going to have limited opportunity, limited wealth creation and
we’re spending it all today … we are stealing from unborn babies.”
Levin details the problem in his new book, “Plunder and Deceit: Big
Government’s Exploitation of Young People and the Future.” While Levin
has written books before about the woes of a massive federal
bureaucracy, this new venture aims directly at the younger generation
and the impact it will have on them, especially when it comes to federal
spending on entitlements.
“My concern is that your children and my children are going to be left holding the bag and there will be no way out.”
The Daily Signal is the multimedia news organization of The Heritage
Foundation. We’ll respect your inbox and keep you informed.
Levin points out how the two Social Security trust funds used to pay out
benefits essentially have no money in them, filled with a bunch of IOU
“I don’t even think people who receive these benefits know what’s going
on. Many of them don’t know that the money doesn’t exist. All that money
that they paid into the system, there is no system. That money was
taken and it was spent the second it was taken on other government
projects and other government programs.”
Levin says he’s sick and tired of establishment politicians talking
about the need to reform entitlement spending. He says there are always
plenty of proposals out there but President Barack Obama and GOP
leadership don’t want to touch them.
“If we don’t start discussing them then those who claim to defend these
programs, they’re the ones who are going to be responsible for their
The unsinkable "anti-oxidant" religion takes some big hits
Vitamins are good for us. We have grown up with this as a basic fact of
health. That's why it seems like common sense to take supplements and to
use creams with vitamins C and E to keep our skin looking young.
These vitamins have gained renown for working as antioxidants.
Supplement-makers promise that antioxidants protect the cells that make
up our skin and internal organs from being damaged by free radicals -
molecules produced by our bodies as we process oxygen, which can also be
inhaled from polluted air and cigarettes. They claim that this damage
is a significant cause of ageing.
However, disturbing evidence is emerging that shows antioxidant
supplements are not only often unnecessary, they may also do more harm
than good.
New studies reveal that taking supplementary vitamins C and E can switch
off the body's ability to protect itself against disease and damage -
increasing our danger of premature death. These two vitamins may even
prevent us benefiting from exercise.
Vitamins C and E are key to the multi-million-pound anti-ageing beauty
industry, which markets them as a magical 'elixir of youth'. But a new
investigation has reported that they can instead make skin age faster.
It has been thought that free radicals can break down our cells'
protective membranes and damage the DNA inside. This in turn may make
the cells age faster, as well as increasing the risk of cancerous
mutations developing.
However, the California-based Buck Institute for Research on Ageing this
month published work suggesting that free radicals are essential for
skin healing and healthy regeneration in people under 50.
When the scientists bred mice with excess free radicals, they expected
to see their skin wrinkle prematurely. But instead the opposite
happened: their skin quality improved.
Dr Michael Velarde, the study's lead author, says that while scientists
previously believed free radicals to be harmful to skin, it seems that
nature has harnessed their powers to 'optimise skin health' - though the
precise workings of the process are not yet understood.
It is only once we pass the age of 50 that our cells' energy stores get
depleted and wear out, and the free radicals' benefit ebbs away, the
researchers said. So women under 50 who use vitamins C and E to keep
their skin young may actually be making it age faster.
It is just one of the latest studies to show that we should stop treating free radicals as the 'enemy'.
They may pose a challenge to our cell health, but it appears that our
cells need to be challenged in order to remain robust. It's rather like
they need regular workouts in the gym in order to stay buff.
Michael Ristow, a professor of energy metabolism at the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology in Zurich, has found that our bodies create free
radicals when we exercise intensely. This prompts our bodies to mount
better defences against those free radicals, effectively strengthening
our cellular defences and making our mitochondria - the tiny powerhouses
that generate the energy within our cells, which we need to survive -
work harder.
In 2009, Professor Ristow reported in the journal Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences that if we take antioxidant vitamins, the
strengthening system is blocked and fails to work. Meanwhile, in June,
research reported to the American Diabetes Association warned that
giving vitamin C and E supplements to diabetic patients could increase
their risk of dying prematurely.
Kumar Sharma, a professor of medicine at the University of California,
San Diego, who led the study, believes this is because diabetic
patients' mitochondria tend to underperform. Therefore, they suffer
particularly badly if their cells are not stimulated into behaving
energetically by free radicals. In turn, vital organs can become
extremely susceptible to damage.
Professor Sharma adds there is another danger; regular physical exertion
can improve the control of insulin in diabetics, but they fail to get
any benefit from their exercise if they take vitamins C and E.
A further worry is evidence suggesting that antioxidant pills may
actually make our bodies age faster - making vitamins C and E a shortcut
to an early grave.
We should use this information to ask ourselves whether or not we should
continue to eat vitamins and nutritional supplements as if they were
There are also concerns that high doses of vitamin E can significantly
raise the risk of cancer. Last year, researchers at the Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Research Centre in Seattle warned that men should not take high
doses of the vitamin because it increases their risk of developing
prostate cancer by up to a fifth.
Now, evidence is emerging that may help to explain what is going on.
Researchers at McGill University in Canada, writing in the journal Cell,
say that free radicals can make our cells live longer by altering a
mechanism called apoptosis - a process in which damaged cells are
instructed to commit suicide when necessary, for example to avoid
becoming cancerous when their DNA has mutated, or to kill off viruses
that have invaded the cell.
The scientists have found from laboratory tests that free radicals can
stimulate this 'suicide mechanism' to do something completely different
in healthy cells - to bolster their defences and increase their
Importantly, the concerns centre around taking antioxidants in
supplements rather than through diet. Antioxidants are found in foods,
but in much lower amounts than in supplements, and experts agree these
have a protective effect. Foods also provide a variety of antioxidants
that work together in tandem - rather than giving an unnaturally high
dose of one vitamin.
Nevertheless, manufacturers of cosmetics, foods and supplements are
continuing to make grand claims about 'health-enhancing', 'age-defying'
benefits of antioxidant vitamins in man-made products.
But be aware these benefits are far from proven.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
30 August, 2015
Obama's Injustice Dept
They were determined to get convictions against New Orleans Cops --
by fair means AND foul. The convictions they got have now been
voided because of the egregious prosecutorial misbehaviour. There
is no respect for either law or justice in the Obama administration
As we've previously observed, the Obama jihad to fundamentally transform
America's police, spearheaded by the Justice Department's Civil Rights
Division, proceeds from the premise that police departments are corrupt
institutions, beset by a culture of racism and law-breaking. This week,
after a federal appeals court's exposé of a breathtaking prosecutorial
conspiracy to deprive indicted cops of their civil rights, and then
cover it up, it is again time to ask: Which is the corrupt institution
beset by a culture of racism and law-breaking - the nation's police, or
the Justice Department, which presumes to tame them?
To remember how we got here: Under the stewardship of Eric Holder, and
now Loretta Lynch, Justice pounces on every tragedy that Al Sharpton's
shock troops mau-mau into a racial crisis. Inevitably, the racism angle
melts away under the spotlight of investigation, but that does not stop
DOJ. Exploiting the intimidating power of its bottomless budget - out of
which the Republican-controlled Congress has not sliced a thin dime -
Justice extorts municipalities with the threat of prosecutions and
costly civil suits until they say "Uncle," agreeing to adopt
Obama-compliant policing. (Recall that in 1997, when former terrorist
Bill Ayers penned a polemic that likened the American justice system to
South Africa under apartheid, then-state senator Obama blurbed it as ";a
searing and timely account.")
Predictably, the result is police paralysis, a condition Heather Mac
Donald diagnoses as the ";Ferguson effect." It has led to rising crime
across the nation, particularly in municipalities that have signed
consent decrees (i.e., that have surrendered on the Civil Rights
Division's terms). The principal victims are minority communities that
bear the brunt of law enforcement's retreat.
Into this setting drops an explosive ruling by the U.S. Court of appeals
for the Fifth Circuit. It has upheld the reversal of civil-rights
convictions against five New Orleans police officers. The court's
painstaking opinion concludes that, despite the severity of the charges,
the district judge properly threw out the convictions because of
Justice Department corruption so shocking that "words like ‘incredible'
and ‘novel' and ‘unprecedented' were no longer enough" to describe it.
The case arose a decade ago, from what the court describes as "the
anarchy following Hurricane Katrina." After a report of shots being
fired at New Orleans police on the Danziger Bridge, additional cops were
rushed to the scene. In the chaos, police shot and killed two men who
turned out to be unarmed (one, developmentally disabled). Four other
civilians were wounded. All of the victims were black. Though four of
the seven officers eventually charged are black or Hispanic (the other
three are white), Sharpton's "National Action Network" quickly labeled
the incident "a racial tragedy."
The Justice Department took over the case against the police after
Louisiana state prosecutors botched it into a mistrial. In 2010, the
U.S. Attorney's Office in New Orleans (USAO) filed a 25-count indictment
alleging serious civil-rights and firearms felonies. There were also
obstruction-of-justice charges, to which several officers admitted in
guilty pleas.
A tense, racially charged atmosphere enveloped the case, no small thanks
to self-styled community activists who sought to condemn not just the
defendants but the entire New Orleans Police Department (NOPD). This
modus operandi has become all too familiar: When the facts of a case
debunk the libel that racism motivated police action - either because
some of the cops involved are black or because the evidence proves cops
were responding to aggression rather than instigating it - the Left
reverts to its theory that racism is institutionally endemic. Even
unwitting minority cops act on racist assumptions, we are told, because
police culture is to blame.
In New Orleans, this campaign played out in the media, including widely
read blogs. It turned out that a prodigious agitator was Sal Perricone, a
high-ranking prosecutor in the USAO. As the appellate court recounts,
even before the Justice Department filed its indictment, Perricone,
using assumed names, began posting commentary on, the website
of the Times-Picayune, that "castigated the defendants and their lawyers
and repeatedly chastised the NOPD as a fish ‘rotten from the head
This is serious prosecutorial malfeasance. All lawyers who are members
of a court's bar have an obligation to promote the integrity of the
court's proceedings - including to ensure that cases are decided by the
application of law to facts proved in court, not by inflaming juries
with mob passions. Prosecutors, moreover, have a higher ethical
obligation to safeguard the rights of the accused - to ensure that even
those who deserve to be convicted are afforded a fair trial with their
lawful rights respected.
In New Orleans, Perricone's disgraceful conduct was not uncovered until
after the defendants were convicted in July 2011, following a two-week
trial. Naturally, they moved for a new trial, arguing that the assiduous
campaign had poisoned public opinion, and thus the jury pool, against
Initially, Judge Kurt D. Engelhardt, who had presided over the trial and
harshly sentenced the convicted officers, was skeptical of this defense
claim. After all, district U.S. Attorney Jim Letten, flanked by his
first assistant, Jan Mann, had assured him at a post-trial hearing of
the "Gospel truth" that no one else in the USAO knew about, much less
encouraged, their colleague Perricone's smear campaign. Plus, as a show
of good faith, Letten assigned Ms. Mann - who was also chief of the
office's criminal division, the supervisor of all prosecutions - to
conduct a vigorous internal investigation designed to assuage the
court's concerns.
After this probe, Mann solemnly represented to Judge Engelardt that
Perricone was the sole culprit. Except it turned out he wasn't.
Mann's investigation was full of holes and screamingly obvious leads
that were not followed. Judge Engelhardt became increasingly alarmed
that it didn't add up. He asked more questions, and was troubled by the
Justice Department's evasive responses. Finally, there came a grudging,
stunning admission: Mann, too, had been in on the anti-police smear
campaign. Blogging under a pseudonym, she too had posted attacks on the
NOPD, ratcheting up public pressure for guilty verdicts and encouraging
other bloggers to belittle the defense being offered by the cops'
lawyers. It emerged that Mann's husband, Jim, another supervisory
prosecutor in the USAO, was the best friend of her accomplice,
These revelations left the judge aghast. He persisted, demanding to know
how widespread the anti-cop agitation had been . . . and whether Main
Justice in Washington, which typically has hands-on involvement in
civil-rights prosecutions, had been complicit.
Engelhardt found he was asking the same questions multiple times, while
the Justice Department's answers - when there were answers - seemed ever
dodgier. Finally, one detail became so clear it could be concealed no
longer: Karla Dobinski, a longtime veteran of Holder's Civil Rights
Division in Main Justice, had also posted inflammatory commentary under
an assumed name - or, I should say, at least one assumed name. As the
Fifth Circuit relates, "Dobinski is disturbingly vague . . . about how
many other people in her department were aware of her commenting and
whether ‘Dipsos' was her only moniker.";
What is apparent is that revelation of Dobinski's complicity in the
smear campaign was late coming, owing to the Justice Department's
wagon-circling. What is appalling is that Dobinsky was involved in the
case as part of a DOJ "taint team" - the prosecutors specifically
assigned to protect the civil rights of the indicted defendants. And
what is contemptible is the signature pattern of Obama-administration
lawlessness and obstruction.
The appeals court reports that the government's internal probe "simply
refused to follow up" on indications of press leaks by officials
knowledgeable about the investigation. And you'll be shocked, shocked to
hear that the Obama Justice Department somehow managed to "lose" data
from key Internet portals for the years 2010 and 2011. The Fifth Circuit
found that this purge meant Judge Engelhardt's "attempt to discover
other online prosecutorial misconduct was . . . undermined.";
Despite these defiant impediments, the judge pried enough information to
learn that at least one defendant had been coerced into pleading
guilty, while defense witnesses had been intimidated and threatened with
prosecution - inducing them to refuse to testify on behalf of the
police. Furthermore, the appellate court found that sentences to which
prosecutors agreed in plea deals were "shockingly disparate" from what
they sought for those who went to trial - a telltale sign that the
Justice Department may have abused its charging discretion to camouflage
weaknesses in its case or improprieties in its methods.
In September 2013, in a scathing and meticulous 129-page ruling, Judge
Engelhardt acknowledged that the remedy of vacating convictions over
prosecutorial misconduct is extraordinary and rarely invoked. But it was
a small price to pay in this case, he opined, to safeguard the
criminal-justice system from Justice Department conduct he described
variously as "bizarre," "appalling" and "grotesque." Now, after studying
this shameful episode for nearly two years, the Fifth Circuit has
So what has become of the prosecutors at the center of this sordid
affair - at least the few who have been identified? Perricone resigned
shortly after he was found out. Letten, having indignantly told the
court and the public that the sole culprit was Perricone, later stepped
down. The Fifth Circuit tartly observes that "both Jan Mann and her
husband Jim retired with their panoply of federal benefits intact" -
and, evidently, with no prospect of being prosecuted for obstruction of
And what of "Dipsos" herself, Karla Dobinski, the Justice Department
lawyer at the center of the corrupt scheme to gut the civil rights of
police officers? She is still merrily on the job in the Civil Rights
Division, having received nothing but a lip-service reprimand. She
perseveres in the fundamental transformation mission, schooling
America's cops in the Obama administration's rather different practice
of "law enforcement."
Costly Regulations Will Reduce Your Retirement Options
The Department of Labor is pushing a new regulation that will limit
consumer choice when it comes to retirement savings, and like everything
the government does, it’s going to wind up costing you a lot of money.
The rule would impose greater regulations on brokers of retirement
accounts such as 401ks and IRAs, to whom people turn for investment
advice. Why are stricter rules needed? The proposed rule claims it’s
because people generally cannot “prudently manage retirement assets on
their own” and therefore the government has to come in and do it for
This profoundly condescending attitude is typical of big government
regulators. The common man is too dim-witted to function on his own, so
he must be controlled. It’s the same sort of reasoning that led to the
increased regulations on what kinds of plans insurance companies could
offer under the Affordable Care Act, a fact which led John Berlau of the
Competitive Enterprise Institute to dub the rule, “Obamacare for your
Many managers of retirement accounts receive what are essentially
advertising payments from mutual funds, some of which they then
recommend to their customers. Current law already requires that they
disclose these payments as conflicts of interest, but the proposal
concludes that, “Disclosure alone has proven ineffective” and calls for
stricter regulations. The assumption here is that brokers are
deliberately sacrificing their clients’ interests by recommending
inferior funds. But such a practice would be professional suicide in a
competitive market, when customers who are shortchanged can easily flee
to the competition.
In fact, these payments allow brokers to charge their customers lower
fees, making a service available to Americans who might not otherwise be
able to pay for them. Stopping these payments through regulation would
drive up prices significantly, not to mention the economic harm that
would come from fewer people being able to afford investment advice.
What’s more, a new report from the Financial Services Institute found
that the proposed rule will cost taxpayers $3.9 billion – nearly 20
times the estimate used by the Department of Labor. This cost is only
for initial implementation of the rule, and doesn’t take into account
ongoing compliance costs, or the costs associated with less access to
investment advice.
The most frightening thing about the proposed rule, beyond its effect on
retirement brokers and their clients, is that it has the potential to
lead to direct regulation of retirement plans, preventing certain types
of less conventional investments through 401ks or IRAs. The customer who
wants to put retirement funds into precious metals or real estate may
soon find such investments “unapproved” by the government. This would
make the fund custodians liable for losses resulting from the choices of
their clients. It’s hard to imagine any custodian being eager to offer
such an option, with the knowledge that he will be on the hook if it
goes south.
The kind of paternalism that holds that Americans are too stupid to make
their own investment choices without government approval ultimately
leads to higher costs and fewer options for investors, and a total loss
of wealth across the economy. The administration knows this, which is
why the Department of Labor dramatically understated the cost of the
rule. Having failed to legislate effectively, the Obama administration
is now trying to use regulations to advance its agenda. But you can’t
regulate your way to prosperity. What you can do is get government out
of the way and let people choose how to manage their investments without
interference from paternalists who think they know better.
These Are The Words Used To Describe Hillary Clinton
The top three words voters think of to describe Democrat
presidential candidate Hillary Clinton are "liar," "dishonest," and
"untrustworthy," according to a Quinnipiac University National poll
released Thursday.
Clinton does have some positive word association. The next few words on
the list are "experience" and "strong." But others include "crook,"
"untruthful," "criminal" and "deceitful."
Clinton continues to struggle on the issue of trust given the ongoing
scandal involving her use of personal email, and her decision to erase
thousands of emails that she insists were private and personal, and not
According to the poll, 61 percent of voters say Clinton is not
trustworthy, while 54 percent of voters say the same of Republican
presidential front-runner Donald Trump.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
28 August, 2015
This has got to stop
The story below surely shows once and for all how disastrous is the
race rhetoric of Democrats and black race hustlers like Sharpton and
Obama. The rhetoric has created a great upsurge of hate among
blacks towards whites -- by telling blacks that every bad thing any
black suffers is the result of white racism.
whites as a class are in danger, regardless of anything they may
have done as individuals. We are constantly told that all Muslims
are not to blame for the actions of a Muslim minority but blacks
have absorbed the opposite lesson about whites.
But I don't
suppose that the Left will readily let go of all that delicious
hate. It may need blacks to kill a few of the Leftist elite
to get some caution out of them
Mr Obama could help by announcing
emphatically that black disadvantage is NOT due to white racism.
He could also point out that black deaths at the hands of whites are a
rarity compared with the other way around. But he won't. To
renounce the white racism story would go against one of his own basic
So what is he doing instead? Blaming guns: As brainless and as irresponsible as ever.
A man who was fired from his job as a television reporter two years ago
took revenge against the small-town Virginia news station by executing
two of his former coworkers on live television, and then posting
disturbing first-person video of the attack on social media.
Viewers of WDBJ, a CBS affiliate in Moneta, Virginia, watched in horror
this morning as Vester Lee Flanagan II, 41, shot dead 24-year-old
reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward, 27, on live TV as the
two were filming a light-hearted segment at 6:45am.
After carrying out the shocking on-air execution, Ward fled and posted
video of the attack on social media while also writing about his grudges
against the two young journalists in a Twitter rant.
He also faxed a 23-page manifesto-cum-suicide note to a national news
station outlining his motives for the attack, saying he bought the
handgun he used following the Charleston Church killings, adding: 'my
hollow point bullets have the victims’ initials on them'.
Five hours later, police cornered Flanagan a three hours drive northeast
in Fauquier County, Virginia where he shot himself in an attempt to
commit suicide. Flanagan initially survived the gunshot wound, but died
not long after at approximately 1:30pm
How Nazism Explains ‘Moderate’ and ‘Radical’ Islam
If Islamic doctrines are inherently violent, why isn't every single
Muslim in the world-that is, approximately 1.5 billion people-violent?
This question represents one of Islam's most popular apologias: because
not all Muslims are violent, intolerant, or sponsor terrorism-a true
statement-Islam itself must be innocent.
Let's briefly consider this logic.
First, there are, in fact, many people who identify themselves as
Muslims but who do not necessarily adhere to or support Islam's more
supremacist and intolerant doctrines. If you have lived in a
Muslim majority nation, you would know this to be true.
The all-important question is, what do such Muslims represent? Are
they following a legitimate, "moderate," version of Islam-one more
authentic than the terrorist variety? That's what the media,
politicians, and academics would have us believe.
The best way to answer this question is by analogy:
German Nazism is a widely condemned ideology, due to its ("Aryan/white")
supremacist element . But the fact is, many Germans who were
members or supporters of the Nazi party were "good" people. They
did not believe in persecuting Jews and other "non-Aryans," and some
even helped such "undesirables" escape, at no small risk to themselves.
Consider Oskar Schindler. An ethnic German and formal member of
the Nazi party, he went to great lengths to save Jews from slaughter.
How do we reconcile his good deed with his bad creed?
Was Schindler practicing a legitimate, "moderate," form of
Nazism? Or is it more reasonable to say that he subscribed to some
tenets of National Socialism, but when it came to killing fellow humans
in the name of racial supremacy, his humanity rose above his allegiance
to Nazism?
Indeed, many Germans joined or supported the National Socialist Party
more because it was the "winning" party, one that offered hope, and less
because of its racial theories.
That said, other Germans joined the Nazi party precisely because of its
racial supremacist theories and were only too happy to see "sub-humans"
Now consider how this analogy applies to Islam and Muslims: first,
unlike most Germans who chose to join or support the Nazi party, the
overwhelming majority of Muslims around the world were simply born into
Islam; they had no choice. Many of these Muslims know the bare
minimum about Islam-the Five Pillars-and are ignorant of Islam's
supremacist theories.
Add Islam's apostasy law to the mix-leaving Islam can earn the death
penalty-and it becomes clear that there are many nominal "Muslims" who
seek not to rock the boat.
That said, there are also a great many Muslims who know exactly what
Islam teaches-including violence, plunder, and enslavement of the kafir,
or infidel-and who happily follow it precisely because of its
In both Nazism and Islam, we have a supremacist ideology on the one
hand, and people who find themselves associated with this ideology for a
number of reasons on the other hand: from those born into it, to those
who join it for its temporal boons, to those who are sincere and ardent
The all-important difference is this: when it comes to Nazism, the world
is agreed that it is a supremacist ideology. Those who followed
it to the core were "bad guys"-such as Adolf Hitler. As for the
"good Nazis," who helped shelter persecuted Jews and performed other
altruistic deeds, the world acknowledges that they were not following a
"moderate" form of Nazism, but that their commitment to Nazism was
nonchalant at best.
This is the correct paradigm to view Islam and Muslims with: Islam does
contain violent and supremacist doctrines. This is a simple
fact. Those who follow it to the core were and are "bad guys"-for
example, Osama bin Laden. Still, there are "good Muslims."
Yet they are good not because they follow a good, or "moderate," Islam,
but because they are not thoroughly committed to Islam in the first
Put differently, was Schindler's altruism a product of "moderate Nazism"
or was it done in spite of Nazism altogether? Clearly the
latter. In the same manner, if a Muslim treats a non-Muslim with
dignity and equality, is he doing so because he follows a legitimate
brand of "moderate Islam," or is he doing so in spite of Islam, because
his own sense of decency compels him?
Considering that Islamic law is unequivocally clear that non-Muslims are
to be subjugated and live as third-class "citizens"-the Islamic State's
many human rights abuses vis-à-vis non-Muslims are a direct byproduct
of these teachings-clearly any Muslim who treats "infidels" with
equality is behaving against Islam.
So why is the West unable to apply the Nazi paradigm to the question of
Islam and Muslims? Why is it unable to acknowledge that Islamic
teachings are inherently supremacist, though obviously not all Muslims
are literally following these teachings-just like not all members of any
religion are literally following the teachings of their faith?
This question becomes more pressing when one realizes that, for over a
millennium, the West deemed Islam an inherently violent and intolerant
cult. Peruse the writings of non-Muslims from the dawn of Islam up
until recently-from Theophanes the Confessor (d. 818) to Winston
Churchill (d. 1965)-and witness how they all depicted Islam as a violent
creed that thrives on conquering, plundering, and subjugating the
"other." (Here are Marco Polo's thoughts).
The problem today is that the politically correct
establishment-academia, mainstream media, politicians, and all other
talking heads-not ones to be bothered with reality or history, have made
it an established "fact" that Islam is "one of the world's great
religions." Therefore, the religion itself-not just some of its
practitioners -is inviolable to criticism.
The point here is that identifying the negative elements of an ideology
and condemning it accordingly is not so difficult. We have already
done so, with Nazism and other ideologies and cults. And we know
the difference between those who follow such supremacist ideologies
("bad" people), and those who find themselves as casual, uncommitted
members (good or neutral people).
In saner times when common sense could vent and breathe, this analogy
would have been deemed superfluous. In our times, however, where
lots of nonsensical noise is disseminated far and wide by the media-and
tragically treated as serious "analysis"-common sense must be
methodically spelled out: Yes, an ideology/religion can be accepted as
violent or even evil, and no, many of its adherents need not be violent
or evil-they can even be good-for the reasons discussed above.
This is the most objective way to understand the relationship between
Islam as a body of teachings and Muslims as individual people.
It's also the best way to respond to the apologia that, if Islam is
inherently supremacist and violent, why isn't every single Muslim so.
The Struggle for Economic Liberty
By Walter E. Williams
Here's my taxi question. If a person is law-abiding, has a driver's
license, has a car or van that has passed safety inspection, and has
adequate liability insurance, is there any consumer-oriented reason he
should not be able to become a taxicab owner/operator? Put another way:
If you wish to hire the services of such a person, what right does a
third party have to prevent that exchange?
Many cities have granted monopoly power to taxi companies — the right to
prevent entry by others. Sometimes this monopoly takes the form of
exclusive government-granted rights to particular individuals to provide
taxi services. In other cases, the number of licenses is fixed, and a
prospective taxi owner must purchase a license from an existing owner.
In New York City, such a license is called a taxi medallion. Individual
medallions have sold for as high as $700,000 and corporate medallions as
high as $1 million. In other cities — such as Miami, Philadelphia,
Chicago and Boston — taxi licenses have sold for anywhere between
$300,000 and $700,000. These are prices for a license to own and operate
a single vehicle as a taxi.
Where public utility commissions decide who will have the right to go
into the taxi business, a prospective entrant must apply for a
"certificate of public convenience and necessity." Lawyers for the
incumbent taxi owners, most often corporate owners or owner
associations, appear at the hearing to argue that there is no necessity
or public convenience that would be served by permitting a new entrant.
Where medallions are sold, the person must have cash or the credit
standing to be able to get a loan from a lender, such as the Medallion
Financial Corp., that specializes in taxi medallion purchases. Medallion
Financial Corp. has held as much as $520 million in loans for taxi
So what are the effects of taxi regulation? When a person must make the
case for his entry before a public utility commission, who is likelier
to win, a single individual with limited resources or incumbent taxi
companies with corporate lawyers representing them? I'd put my money on
the incumbent taxi companies being able to use the public utility
commission to keep the wannabes out.
Who is handicapped in the cases in which one has to purchase a $700,000
medallion in order to own and operate a taxi? If you answered "a person
who doesn't have $700,000 lying around or doesn't have the credit to get
a loan for $700,000," go to the head of the class.
A natural question is: Who are the people least likely to be able to
compete with corporate lawyers or have $700,000 lying around or have
good enough credit to get such a loan? They are low- and moderate-income
people and minorities. Many own cars and have the means to get into the
taxi business and earn between $40,000 and $50,000 annually, but they
can't overcome the regulatory hurdle.
Enter Uber and Lyft, two ride-hailing services. Both companies use
freelance contractors who provide rides with their own cars. The
companies operate mobile applications that allow customers with
smartphones to submit trip requests, which are then routed to Uber or
Lyft drivers, who provide taxi-like services with their own cars. The
legality of these companies has been challenged by taxi companies and
politicians who do the bidding of established taxi companies. They
allege that the use of drivers who are not licensed to drive taxicabs is
unsafe and illegal.
Uber and Lyft drivers like the idea of working when they want to. Some
have full-time jobs. Picking up passengers is an easy way to earn extra
money. Everyone is happy about the arrangement except existing taxi
companies and government officials who do their bidding.
Taxi companies retain much of their monopoly because Uber and Lyft are
prohibited from cruising. They are also prohibited from picking up
passengers at most train stations and airports. But that monopoly may
not last much longer. Let's hope not.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
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27 August, 2015
Trump update
Any hope the Republican Party might have had that Donald Trump might
soften his stance on illegal immigrants evaporated in the opening
minutes of a press conference in Iowa on Tuesday night.
One of America's most prominent Mexican-Americans, Jorge Ramos, the
leading news anchor for the nation's largest Spanish-language
broadcaster, Univision, stood to ask him about his plan to deport
undocumented Mexican and Central American immigrants.
"Excuse me," said Mr Trump, who is leading polls of contenders vying to
be the party's presidential candidate. "Sit down. You weren't called.
Sit down."
Ramos ploughed on. "I'm a reporter, an immigrant, a senior citizen," he said. "I have the right to ask a question."
Mr Trump responded with the bluntness that has marked his campaign. "Go
back to Univision," he said, signalling to one of his security guards
who then removed Ramos from the room.
Later Mr Trump allowed Ramos to return to his seat and the exchange
continued, with Ramos telling Mr Trump that his policy was unworkable.
As far at the Republican establishment was concerned, this was not the way primary campaign was supposed to unfold.
After losing the last election in part due to overwhelming support for
Democrats among minorities, the GOP had expected supporters to fall in
behind Jeb Bush, who has the backing of much of the the party's
traditional donors class and who is well known and well regarded by
American Hispanics.
Instead, the GOP is confronting what has become known as "the summer of Trump".
Earlier in the day a new poll found that Mr Trump was now leading the
field in New Hampshire – a state in which moderate Republicans normally
fare well – with support three times higher than that of his closest
According to the research by Public Policy Polling, Mr Trump is leading
the polling with an overwhelming 35 per cent of the vote in that crucial
state, followed by Ohio governor John Kasich, who comes in second at 11
per cent.
Mr Bush languishes in third on 7 per cent in equal place with Wisconsin governor Scott Walker.
And on Monday night Mr Trump had launched another attack on the
high-profile Fox News host Megyn Kelly, who had angered him during the
first Republican debate by asking him about his history of making
apparently misogynist comments.
"Was afraid to confront Dr Cornel West. No clue on immigration!" he
tweeted on Monday night, following up with another dig, "I liked The
Kelly File much better without ?@megynkelly. Perhaps she could take
another eleven day unscheduled vacation!"
Mr Trump had earlier suggested that Kelly pursued her aggressive line of questioning against him because she was menstruating.
These new tweets prompted Roger Ailes?, the Fox News chairman and one of
the most powerful conservatives in the country, to come out in defence
of his reporter.
"Donald Trump's surprise and unprovoked attack on Megyn Kelly during her
show last night is as unacceptable as it is disturbing," Mr Ailes said
on Tuesday afternoon. "Donald Trump rarely apologises, although in
this case, he should."
Mr Trump responded immediately. "I don't care about Megyn
Kelly," he said during a news conference. "She should probably apologise
to me, but I just don't care."
The ongoing focus on Mr Trump has served not only to throw the
Republican primary into confusion, but to distract from controversy
surrounding the leading Democratic contender, Hillary Clinton.
Is Trumpism the New Nationalism?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
Since China devalued its currency 3 percent, global markets have gone
into a tailspin. Why should this be? After all, 3 percent devaluation in
China could be countered by a U.S. tariff of 3 percent on all goods
made in China, and the tariff revenue used to cut U.S. corporate taxes.
The crisis in world markets seems related not only to a sinking Chinese
economy, but also to what Beijing is saying to the world; i.e., China
will save herself first even if it means throwing others out of the life
Disbelievers in New World Order mythology have long recognized that this
new China is fiercely nationalistic. Indeed, with Marxism-Leninism
dead, nationalism is the Communist Party's fallback faith.
China has thus kept her currency cheap to hold down imports and keep
exports surging. She has run $300 billion trade surpluses at the expense
of the Americans. She has demanded technology transfers from firms
investing in China and engaged in technology theft.
And the stronger China has grown economically, the more bellicose she
has become with her neighbors from Japan to Vietnam to the Philippines.
Lately, China has laid claim to virtually the entire South China Sea and
all its islands and reefs as national territory.
In short, China is becoming a mortal threat to the rules-based global
economy Americans have been erecting since the end of the Cold War, even
as the U.S. system of alliances erected by Cold War and post-Cold War
presidents seems to be unraveling.
Germany, the economic powerhouse of the European Union, was divided
until recently on whether Greece should be thrown out of the eurozone.
German nationalists have had enough of Club Med.
On issues from mass migrations from the Third World, to deeper political
integration of Europe, to the EU's paltry contributions to a U.S.-led
NATO that defends the continent, nationalistic resistance is rising.
Enter the Donald. If there is a single theme behind his message, it
would seem to be a call for a New Nationalism or New Patriotism. He is
going to "make America great again." He is going to build a wall on the
border that will make us proud, and Mexico will pay for it.
He will send all illegal aliens home and restore the traditional value
of U.S. citizenship by putting an end to the scandal of "anchor babies."
One never hears Trump discuss the architecture of our rules-based global
economy. Rather, he speaks of Mexico, China and Japan as tough
rivals, not "trade partners," smart antagonists who need to face tough
American negotiators who will kick their butts.
They took our jobs and factories; now we are going to take them back.
And if that Ford plant stays in Mexico, then Ford will have to climb a
35-percent tariff wall to get its trucks and cars back into the USA.
To Trump, the world is not Davos; it is the NFL. He is appalled at those
mammoth container ships in West Coat ports bringing in Hondas and
Toyotas. Those ships should be carrying American cars to Asia.
Asked by adviser Dick Allen for a summation of U.S. policy toward the Soviets, Ronald Reagan said: "We win; they lose."
That it is not an unfair summation of what Trump is saying about Mexico, Japan and China.
While the economic nationalism here is transparent, Trump also seems to
be saying that foreign regimes are freeloading off the U.S. defense
budget and U.S. military.
He asks why rich Germans aren't in the vanguard in the Ukraine crisis.
Why do South Koreans, with an economy 40 times that of the North and a
population twice as large, need U.S. troops on the DMZ? "What's in
it for us?" he seems ever to be asking.
He has called Vladimir Putin a Russian patriot and nationalist with whom
he can talk. He has not joined the Republican herd that says it will
cancel the Iran nuclear deal the day they take office, re-impose U.S.
sanctions and renegotiate the deal.
Trump says he would insure that Iran lives up to the terms.
While his foreign policy positions seem unformed, his natural reflex
appears nonideological and almost wholly results-oriented. He looks on
foreign trade much as did 19th-century Republicans.
They saw America as the emerging world power and Britain as the nation
to beat, as China sees us today. Those Americans used tariffs, both to
force foreigners to pay to build our country, and to keep British
imports at a price disadvantage in the USA.
Whatever becomes of Trump the candidate, Trumpism, i.e., economic and foreign policy nationalism, appears ascendant.
GOP Should Worry Less About Trump and More About Itself
By David Limbaugh
Commentators and political consultants are working overtime to divine
why Donald Trump's candidacy is explosively successful despite his
breaking all the established rules. They're outthinking themselves.
They say he is a flash in the pan, the darling of disaffected
independents, the tea party's dream, a Clinton plant or the right wing's
narcissistic alternative to Barack Obama.
Folks, it's not that difficult. For many Americans — who knows what
percentage? — the Republican Party is not an antidote to President
Obama's seven-year wrecking ball.
They look at the GOP and occasionally see strong rhetoric but mostly
observe a lack of inspiration, energy and any sense of urgency about the
current state of affairs. They recall that when Republicans didn't have
control of Congress, they asked for patience until they recaptured the
House. In the meantime, we were not supposed to rock the boat and
jeopardize the upcoming elections.
Since winning back Congress, they've offered a similarly tired excuse:
We don't have control of the presidency. Just wait until 2016, and we'll
really turn things around. But for now, let's be calm. Calm? What
is there to be calm about?
Those living outside the Beltway wonder why there isn't universal horror
over the $18 trillion debt and $100 trillion of unfunded liabilities
threatening our kids' future, the gutting of our military, the
government's destruction of the world's best health care system, the
assault on American businesses and the energy industry, Obama's runaway
Environmental Protection Agency, his managed invasion of our borders,
his war on Christians' religious liberty, his mistreatment of Israel,
the Iran deal, and the government's funding a notorious abortion
It's true; Republicans don't have control of the executive branch. But
that doesn't mean they have no power. They have the power of the purse.
They didn't have to forfeit their constitutional power on the nuclear
arms deal with Iran.
Obama hasn't had the power to do many of the things he's done, either —
from granting selective exemptions on Obamacare to granting amnesty to
"Dreamers" — but nothing has stopped him.
Likewise, the same-sex marriage lobby didn't have anywhere close to a
majority when it started bullying its way toward societal and legal
legitimacy, but it proceeded fearlessly. And it got results.
Even if you believe that Republicans have no power, is that any excuse
for their always having their tail between their legs? Some see little
evidence that the Republican Party believes in its own ideas anymore.
But that's not the case with Donald Trump. Even if he isn't a Reagan
conservative, at least he's got the courage to take on the status quo —
the outrages of the Obama administration, the complacency of
establishment Republicans and the tyranny of political correctness.
Trump is standing up, shaking his fist at the Beltway elite and saying
he is tired of the intentionally managed decline of America and the
impotence and apparent indifference of Republicans. In contrast with
much of the GOP ruling class, he is high-energy, is in your face, has no
tolerance for excuses and is vigorously proud of America. He refuses to
take no for an answer, unlike most Republicans, with a few notable
exceptions, who seem to lust after any excuse for inaction and avoid
confrontation at all costs. Trump may get more slack because he's an
outsider, but it's time that our risk-averse people took some chances
Trump is filling a void, which he couldn't do if one didn't exist. Like
him or not, he is shaking things up, sounding an alarm and showing other
candidates what appeals to voters.
Some look at establishment Republicans and see those comfortable with
Obamacare lite. They pretend to favor full repeal but in the end will
only tweak it. They say they're fierce free-marketers, but they'll
barely reform the tax code. They acknowledge that entitlements are
bankrupting us, but they don't have the guts to make the case for
restructuring them. They promise to cut government spending, but they
think that means shaving pennies off the rate of increase. They say
they'll protect the borders, but they spend half their time trying to
prove they're not xenophobes.
When Ronald Reagan was vying for the Republican nomination, he didn't
muzzle himself for fear of scaring off moderates. He said what he
believed. Leadership is presenting ideas you believe in and selling them
even to a minority. It is not keeping your powder dry until the next
election. Do you ever see the wildly successful left doing that?
Trump is showing leadership, whether or not you like him or believe in
his authenticity or his ideas. Before you complain too much about him,
you should ask yourself what his success says about the establishment's
prescription of sitting on our hands and biding our time.
Trump is hardly my first choice, but he is doing a lot of good right
now, including showing the value of confidently presenting your ideas
and how "making America great again" is a message that still strongly
resonates with voters.
Let's quit spending so much time worrying about Trump and focus on
regaining confidence in our own ideas and presenting them to the
American people.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
26 August, 2015
The Quiet Revolution: How the New Left Took Over the Democratic Party
The decay of faith has cleared the way for a Godless religion
By Scott Powell
Frustration with division and gridlock in Washington lead many Americans
to impugn both political parties for the current broken and ineffective
state of government. There is plenty of blame to go around, but below
the surface there has been a quiet revolution going on in only one of
the two parties — the Democratic Party — which is the main source of
today’s irreconcilable division and moral confusion.
What’s remarkable is how the political and cultural center of American
values has collapsed in the last two and a half decades with the
Democratic Party having moved dramatically to the left. Recently,
Democratic National Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz could not explain the
difference between the modern Democratic Party platform and that of
socialism, while at the same time gushing over the prospect of Socialist
Bernie Sanders having a prominent place at the 2016 Democratic Party
If people today could somehow be transported back to the time of Harry
Truman and Jack Kennedy, they would swear those standard bearers were
Republicans with little in common with today’s Democratic Party.
America’s two major political parties have always been fundamentally
different. The Republican Party has been rooted in the moral principles
and transcendent values expressed in the Declaration of Independence and
the Constitution. The Democratic Party acknowledges that the starting
point of the country may have been the Declaration and the Constitution,
but since Woodrow Wilson many Democratic Party leaders have contended
that progress requires constant adaptation, changing morals, and liberal
interpretations of law and history.
The progressive philosophy that the Democratic Party has come to embrace
now has its roots less in the values of life, liberty, and the pursuit
of individual happiness and more in the tenets of race and class
identity, equal outcomes, and an expanding welfare state. Since
individuals vary in talent, ability, and motivation and the free market
system produces unequal outcomes of success, a core principle of the
Democratic Party is now redressing this disparity through the
redistribution of wealth.
The strongest critique of early industrial capitalism came from the
German philosopher Karl Marx, who believed that the contradictory forces
of labor and capital inevitably bring about class struggle. This in
turn, he argued, causes the working class proletariat to rise up and
overthrow the capitalist order, seize the means of production, eliminate
private property and create a new order that would equitably distribute
resources from each according to his ability, and to each according to
his need. The notion of conflict of interest between labor and capital,
class warfare, and the need for redistribution of wealth, which has made
its way into the Democratic Party, has its roots in Marx.
The proletariat never did revolt successfully en masse in any advanced
industrialized state. Instead, Marx’s political and economic revolution
was first staged in the largely agrarian nation of Russia, carried out
by Marxist revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin. Lenin made major
contributions to Marx’s theories, so much so that Marxism-Leninism
became the dominant theoretical paradigm for advancing national
liberation movements, communism, and socialism wherever in the world
radical revolutionary movements arose.
Among Lenin’s contributions was the theory of the vanguard. Since it was
apparent that the proletariat masses were unlikely to rise up, Lenin
argued that it was necessary for a relatively small number of vanguard
leaders — professional revolutionaries — to advance the revolutionary
cause by working themselves into positions of influence. By taking over
the commanding heights of labor unions, the press, the universities, and
professional and religious organizations, a relatively small number of
revolutionaries could multiply their influence and exercise political
leverage over their unwitting constituents and society at large.
It was Lenin who introduced the concept of the “popular front” and
coined the phrase “useful idiots” in describing the masses who could be
manipulated into mob action of marches and protests for an ostensibly
narrow cause of the popular front, which the communist vanguard was
using as a means for a greater revolutionary political end.
As Lenin was consolidating power in Russia, Antonio Gramsci was emerging
as a leading Marxist theoretician in Italy and would found the Italian
Communist Party in 1921. After being imprisoned by Mussolini, the
Fascist prime minister of Italy, Gramsci authored what came to be called
the Prison Notebooks, partially published in 1947 and in complete form
in 1975, a legacy that made him one of the most important Marxist
thinkers of the 20th century. Gramsci argued that communists' route to
taking power in developed, industrialized societies such as Europe and
the United States would be best achieved through a “long march through
the institutions.” This would be a gradual process of radicalization of
the cultural institutions — “the superstructure” — of bourgeois society,
a process that would in turn transform the values and morals of
society. Gramsci believed that as society’s morals were softened, its
political and economic foundation would be more easily smashed and
Cultural Marxism was also in vogue at the Institute of Social Research
at Frankfurt University in Germany — that is until 1933 when the Nazis
came to power. Many members of the “Frankfurt School,” such as Herbert
Marcuse, Eric Fromm, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkeimer, and Wilhelm Reich
fled to the United States, where they ultimately found their way into
professorships at various elite universities such as Berkeley, Columbia,
and Princeton. In the context of American culture, “the long march
through the institutions” meant, in the words of Herbert Marcuse,
“working against the established institutions while working in them.”
While the Frankfurt School was neo-Marxist, many of its adherents were
less interested in economics and redistribution of wealth than in
remaking and transforming society through attitudinal and cultural
change. They incorporated Marxist class theory into sociology and
psychology while also assimilating Freud’s theories on sexuality. Thus,
Marx’s theory of the dialectic of perpetual conflict was joined together
with Freud’s neurotic ideas, creating a sort of Freudian-Marxism. Their
stated goal was a total transformation of society by breaking down
traditional norms and institutions such as monogamous relations and the
traditional family. This was to be accomplished by promoting and
legitimizing unhinged sexual permissiveness with no cultural or
religious restraint.
The countercultural influence of radicals like Marcuse and Gramsci has
been advanced more by insinuation and infiltration than by
confrontation. Their “quiet” revolution to remake society was intended
to be diffused throughout the culture gradually over a period of time.
Gramsci argued that alliances with non-communist leftist groups would be
essential to the collapse of the capitalist bourgeois order. Marcuse
believed that radical intellectuals needed to ally themselves with the
socially marginalized substratum of the outcasts and outsiders, the
exploited and persecuted of other races and ethnicities, the unemployed
and the unemployable.
While the influence of Marcuse and the Frankfurt School and Marxists
like Gramsci was greatest in intellectual circles in a strategic sense,
Saul Alinsky arrived on the scene in Chicago in the 1930s with the
tactical tools for the foot-soldiers of social and political revolution —
the community organizers and non-academic labor and single-issue
Alinsky had a certain charm and appeal to wealthy funders, and had no
trouble raising considerable sums to establish the Industrial Areas
Foundation in Chicago from department store mogul Marshall Field and
Sears Roebuck heiress Adele Rosenwald Levy, as well as Gardiner Howland
Shaw, an assistant secretary of state in Franklin Roosevelt’s
Alinsky also had other benefactors in Washington and Wall Street. Eugene
Meyer, a former chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1930 to 1933,
bought the Washington Post at a bankruptcy sale in 1933 for $825,000.
During the difficult years of the Depression that followed, the Post
carried stories that legitimized Saul Alinsky and his ideas.
In keeping with Lenin’s famous quote that “capitalists will sell us the
rope with which we will hang them,” Alinsky once boasted, “I feel
confident that I could persuade a millionaire on a Friday to subsidize a
revolution for Saturday out of which he would make a huge profit on
Sunday even though he was certain to be executed on Monday.”
Alinsky’s tactics had more in common with Gramsci and Marcuse than the
revolutionary and violent approaches of Russian Marxists Lenin and
Stalin. Alinsky, too, believed in gradualism and subversion of the
system through infiltration rather than confrontation and revolution.
Alinsky believed that politics was war by other means, stating
specifically that “in war the end justifies almost any means.” But he
was more than a nihilistic progressive revolutionary. Alinsky’s
handbook, Rules for Radicals, first published in 1971, included an
admiration for the prince of darkness, Lucifer, noting that he was “the
first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and
did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom…”
By the 1960s Marcuse and Alinsky were recognized as two of the most
influential leaders of the New Left, which gained strength and numbers
by taking a leading role in the anti-Vietnam War movement. However,
Alinsky and Marcuse were critical of the violent and confrontational
tactics of many of the anti-war radicals, such as Bill Ayers and the
Weathermen, preferring instead that radicals work behind the scenes and
bore into the establishment. This was seen later in the 1960s with
Alinskyites positioned to take advantage of President Johnson’s “War on
Poverty” programs, to direct federal money into various Alinksy
Alinksy succeeded in what would be a crowning achievement: the
recruitment of young idealistic radicals — Hillary Clinton and Barack
Obama — who would go on to climb to the top of political power in the
Democratic Party. Hillary wrote her senior thesis at Wellesley College
in 1969 on Alinsky’s methods and remained a friend of Alinsky until his
death in 1972. A decade later, Barack Obama was trained in the methods
and Rules for Radicals in the Alinsky-founded Industrial Areas
Foundation in Chicago.
Camouflage and deception are key to Alinsky-style organizing. When
Barack Obama was organizing black churches in Chicago and was criticized
for not attending church himself, he pivoted and became a regular
church attendee, ultimately becoming a member at Jeremiah Wright’s
radical Trinity United Church of Christ.
The New Left did not simply fade away when the troops came home from
Southeast Asia. It went mainstream, with many of the 60s radicals
deciding to follow Alinsky’s counsel to clean up their image, put on
suits and infiltrate the system. They would become professional
revolutionaries who landed jobs in the knowledge industry: the
universities, foundations, and the media and special interest activist
By winning “cultural hegemony,” the acolytes of Gramsci, Alinsky,
Marcuse, and the Frankfurt School believed that the wellsprings of human
thought could be largely controlled by mass psychology and propaganda.
One of Alinsky’s unique contributions, explained as the seventh Rule for
Radicals, was the tactic to avoid debate on the issues by
systematically silencing, ridiculing and marginalizing people of
opposing views. At the same time, allies in the media provided cover and
a framework of acceptance for radical issues and leaders. Traditional
values of morality, family, the work ethic and free market institutions
were made to appear outdated — even reactionary, unnecessary, and
culturally unfashionable. Ultimately this evolved into what has become
known as political correctness, which now envelops the culture.
By 1980, the counter-cultural alliances would include radical feminist
groups, civil rights and ethnic minority advocates, extremist
environmental organizations, and advocates of liberation theology,
anti-military peace groups, union leaders, radical legal activist
organizations like the ACLU, human rights watch-dog organizations,
community organizers of the Alinsky model, national and world church
council bureaucracies, anti-corporate activists, and various
internationalist-minded groups. Working separately and together, these
groups could count on a sympathetic media and favorable coverage, which
facilitated building bridges to the Democratic Party and becoming vocal
constituencies deserving attention and legislative action.
The New Left in America realized that it was neither necessary nor
desirable to own the means of production as originally envisioned by
Marx. Redistribution could be accomplished through progressive taxation
that was enshrined by an enlightened Democratic Party. Corporate
priorities could be redirected through sensational and biased media
exposure, proxy contests, mass demonstrations, boycotts, activist
lawsuits and regulatory actions. No need to be responsible for the means
of production, when you could advance Marx’s anti-capitalist agenda
from the sidelines by indicting individual corporations and the system
of capitalism itself.
By the early to mid-1980s a third of the Democrats in the U.S. House of
Representatives supported the budgetary priorities and the foreign
policy advocated by the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), the leading
revolutionary Marxist think tank in the United States, located
Washington, D.C. Robert Borosage, the director of IPS, was succeeding in
one of his stated goals to “move the Democratic Party’s debate
internally to the left by creating an invisible presence in the party.”
The particular genius of Borosage and IPS was their strategy to spawn a
myriad of spinoffs and coalitions, a force multiplier that took
propaganda and the Leninist popular front strategy to a level never seen
before in America.
Fast forward to 2008, and we find the long march through the
institutions resulting in the New Left being embedded in constituencies
that provided a base of support and policy positions for the Obama
presidential campaign. And while Barack Obama had a very unconventional
background of lengthy associations with Marxists and anti-American
radicals throughout his formative years and early adulthood, a nearly
twenty-year membership in Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s “hate America” church,
and an extreme left-wing voting record, the major media–now enveloped
with the blinders of political correctness–made little effort to report
on his background or examine his substantive qualifications. Barack
Obama was both the culturally cool and articulate black candidate who
provided a means for national redemption for a racist past, while also
being the one candidate who provided a blank slate upon which people
could project their own desires for hope and change.
Upon assuming office, President Obama had no problem bypassing the
Constitutional advise-and-consent role of Congress in his appointment of
a record number of czars, many of whom were so radical they would have
failed to pass Senate confirmation. One of the offshoots of former IPS
director Robert Borosage was the Apollo Alliance, an organization that
he co-founded in 2001. Apollo saw its political clout increase
dramatically with the election of Barack Obama. Van Jones, a
self-described communist and an Apollo Alliance activist, was appointed
Green Jobs czar by President Obama. A month after inauguration, a
centerpiece of Apollo’s policy agenda was packaged right into the $787
billion stimulus bill, which directed $110 billion to green jobs
programs. At the time of the passage of that bill — what came to be
known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act — Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid said, “The Apollo Alliance has been an important
factor in helping us develop and execute the strategy…”
In a free society, extreme and derivative ideologies from the
destructive legacy of Marx, Lenin, and the Frankfurt School can find
some appeal to the alienated and disaffected. A constitutional republic
like the United States should have sufficient strength to withstand most
contradictions and absurdities held by a relatively small minority.
The problem today is threefold: the Left’s wholesale domination of much
of the knowledge industry, a growing uninformed and disengaged
electorate, and a failing two-party system. The normal process of checks
and balances, which is made possible when compromise can be
accomplished between the parties, simply no longer works. With the long
march through the institutions having resulted in one of those parties
no longer sharing much in the way of common ground — in terms of a
philosophical heritage and values of liberty, private property, and
limited government — compromise has become nearly impossible. The
radicalization of the Democratic Party has so affected Congress and the
current president as to render bipartisan solutions and reconciliation
all but impossible.
In the end, what is important for Americans to realize is that the
experiment with a left-wing president, like Barack Obama, is less an
aberration than the logical outcome of the transformation of both the
Democratic Party and the American culture. And the election of Hillary
Clinton, a student of Alinsky and well-schooled and practiced in his
teachings of deceit and camouflage would take the United States further
along its trajectory of decline. Hillary’s election would effectively
constitute an Obama third term.
The big question is whether the nation can survive and prosper if the
culture remains fractured with a majority adrift from the heritage,
morality and values of liberty and personal responsibility that are at
the heart of the Declaration and the Constitution.
Edward Gibbon, the renowned historian, published his first of
six-volumes of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, in 1776, the
year Thomas Jefferson penned the Declaration of Independence. Gibbon
described six attributes that Rome embodied at its end: first, an
overwhelming love of show and luxury; second, a widening gap between the
rich and the poor; third, an obsession with sports and a freakishness
in the arts, masquerading as creativity and originality; fourth, a
decline in morals, increase in divorce and decline in the institution of
the family; fifth, economic deterioration resulting from debasement of
the currency, inflation, excessive taxation, and overregulation; and
sixth, an increased desire by the citizenry to live off the state.
One might hope that awareness of factors associated with Rome’s fall
would prompt an awakening in America. But so many are now disengaged and
relatively few people read books, let alone possess the capacity to
reflect deeply about causality and historical parallels.
Reestablishing the ascendency and authority of first principles that are
at the heart of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution is
a monumental task. Accomplishing it would no doubt unleash an enormous
amount of energy, leading to a more vibrant and bountiful economy that
would in turn go a long way in securing other vital national needs, from
restoring fiscal solvency to rebuilding the military and securing
lasting peace.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
25 August, 2015
The Tragic and Complete Collapse of Racial Relations in America
Polls show that racial relations have gotten much worse under Barack Obama. Why has that happened?
by Victor Davis Hanson
Why do polls show that racial relations have gotten much worse under
Barack Obama, who won the White House with over 95% of the black — and
45% of the white — vote?
A recent New York Times/CBS News poll just revealed that about 60% of
Americans feel race relations are not good. Some 40% think that they
will become even worse. Yet when Obama was elected, 66% of those polled
felt race relations were generally OK. All racial groups, according to
recent polling, believe that Obama’s handling of racial relations has
made things worse since 2009. Another recent Pew poll confirms these
tensions, and suggests whites are now about as pessimistic as blacks.
What has happened to racial relations?
Crime. A small cohort of urban African-American males under fifty — no
more than 3-4% of the general population — is responsible for about 50%
of many of the violent crimes committed. Blacks are 5-8 times more
likely to commit rather suffer an interracial crime, which makes up less
than 10% of most violent crime. Both the analysis and solution have
become taboo subjects. Writing the above is a near thought crime.
The non-African-American community of all races largely feels that if
blacks were committing crimes commensurate to their percentages in the
general population, the police would come into contact with young black
males with much less frequency, diminishing the opportunities for jaded
police-community flare-ups. In turn, would crime decline in the inner
city if there was more emphasis on curbing illegitimacy, drug use, and
single-mother families, while privileging study and academic excellence
over sports and the cult of machismo?
Black leaders counter that racism is still the engine that drives a
sense of despair, which insidiously is at the root of all pathology.
Equality-of-result federal programs are ultimately seen as the answer
that will catapult the disadvantaged into the middle class. The legacy
of slavery and Jim Crow is said to trump the horrors that other
immigrant and minority groups experienced — the Irish who were declared
to be inhuman by mid-nineteenth-century essayists, the Asian
exclusionary laws and the Japanese internment, the Holocaust and the
deliberate polices of the State Department and War Department to refuse
entry of Jews fleeing the gas chambers, the Native Americans who lost
their tribal landscapes, and on and on.
One can see why this back-and-forth argument about cause and effect has
no solution by reading a typical story about black crime in any online
mainstream newspaper or wire-service report. The journalistic narrative
is embedded within politically correct tip-toeing around the race of the
perpetrator, with interviews of family members attesting to complete
astonishment that a son, brother, or friend, with a previous arrest or
criminal record, would ever do such a heinous thing. Police overreaction
is thematic. Crimes such as assault are downplayed. Little concern is
accorded to a victim who was robbed, murdered, or raped. The news
accounts of black crime are the written versions of the edited George
Zimmerman 911 tape, his photoshopped picture, and his new identity as a
“white Hispanic.”
But read what follows these daily crime stories in the online comments
section. (Do the usually censorious PC editors encourage uncensored
commentary in their news websites, in the sense of bread-and-circuses
entertainment or efforts to gin up sagging readership?) The readers’
editorialization could come right out of the Old Confederacy. If elites
doctor our news to massage racial themes, the mass displays a furor at
the political-correctness and lying. And in their wrath, online
commentators ironically end up confirming stereotypes that many whites
are getting angry to the point of becoming racists.
Obama never seriously raised the topic of inordinate black crime other
than a few ephemeral pre-election throat-clearings about personal
responsibility. We were left instead with his administration’s cheap
editorializing on Trayvon, Ferguson, “nation of cowards,” and “punish
our enemies.” Few see resolution of the half-century-old argument,
except that much of non-white America (Asians, East Asians, Arabs,
Latinos, etc.) does not yet see racism as the cause of a lack of parity;
e.g., so far there is not a Korean Al Sharpton, a Latino Jesse Jackson,
or a Punjabi Louis Farrakhan.
As the country moves beyond the old 90/10% white/black binary, race
becomes more complex, and the charge of racism less effective as an
exegesis for pathology. We fear the familiar script of 2014-5 will play
out for the rest of our lives: a young Michael Brown-like inner-city
African-American, with a past record of felonies and often unarmed, will
be manhandled or perhaps even shot during a police encounter, usually
as a result of either resisting arrest or attacking the officer. He will
be immediately lionized as “gentle” or “on his way to college,” and
become emblematic of reckless government violence in a way hundreds of
murders each month of blacks by blacks are not indicative of inner-city
pathologies. Mention of rap sheets will remain taboo.
The media insists that more numerous examples of police shooting whites
(who comprise a larger population, but are far less likely on a
percentage basis to be arrested for suspicion of committing a felony)
are irrelevant; so are black-on-white instances of crime, or black
officers killing those of other races. Police will react by pulling back
from the inner city in fear their careers will be ruined should they
use greater force to counter initial force. Black community leaders will
fire back that derelict racist officers are not protecting the
community. Police will reenter the inner city in proactive fashion.
Another Freddie Gray or Michael Brown case will follow, with demands
that police leave the community alone.
The cases quickly become iconic and mythographic: Obama evokes
“Ferguson” as an example of racism, without any context that Michael
Brown resisted arrest, was under the influence and walking down the
middle of the street — after recently committing a felony. If the
president’s own attorney general can exonerate Officer Darren Wilson and
the president can still persist in referencing Ferguson, racial
relations, as the polls suggest, are going to get even worse.
So far we have read only in the elite media about black furor over white
privilege. Yet the white elite that most certainly has Ivy League
pedigrees, Washington/New York insider leverage, and corporate/Wall
Street Clintonian-like help seems to encourage black anger as a sort of
personal penance. Yet the elite has no clue of the growing anger of the
white middle class and underclass that has no white privilege, and is
tired of hearing that it does and being smeared as Neanderthal racists.
When those who have no privilege hear “white privilege” from those who
most certainly enjoy it, their reaction is similar to Denzel
Washington’s in Man on Fire, who tires of hearing ad nauseam only “I’m
just a professional.”
Jobs. A second problem is the static pyramidal Obama economy that has
made labor participation historically low. Overregulating and overtaxing
are fine for elites, who have enough money to either pay or find ways
to avoid higher taxes. They don’t care much if their power, gas, or
health costs go up — at least if they are led to believe that is the
proper green atonement to pay for cooling the planet, putting a bait
fish back into a delta, or shutting down a coal plant. Obama in
recompense for favoring the aristocratic elite feels that by expanding
food stamps, disability insurance, housing, legal, and education
subsidies, etc., the lower classes will be satisfied in lieu of a
high-paying job on a fracking rig, in construction, or welding on the
Keystone pipeline.
Yet in such a fossilized European system, the subsidized lower classes
still see little chance of getting all the stuff they see advertised on
television and computers, or the opportunities of the middle classes,
and don’t wish to accept that their smart phones, Kias and air
conditioning make them princes compared to the wealthy of 1970.
Throughout history, the absence of parity, not the lack of means, has
been the criterion for revolution. I’d go further: the more affluent the
consumer underclass becomes due to Chinese-made goods, inexpensive
high-tech appurtenances, and federal and state largess, the angrier it
become that others have even more. Looters focus on sneakers and
electronic goods, not flour and vegetables.
Should Obama cut taxes, lift regulations, become pro-energy and
pro-growth, and reform entitlements and the tax code to expand the
economy at 5-6% growth per annum, would not all sorts of new
opportunities open up for African-Americans?
If 1 million illegal aliens a year were not pouring across the border,
would not employers vie for labor rather than seek to import it cheaply?
Instead, the Democratic Party is mostly about an elite on top that, as
penance for its privilege, supports subsidies for the mass below that
remains distant and out of sight and mind. By that cheap fillip, I mean
the Obama daughters don’t walk into the inner city any more than Chelsea
Clinton lives in Jamaica Queens or Barbara Boxer has a granddaughter in
the Madera city schools.
The Implicit Bargain. African-American elites envision the urban
underclass the same way that some La Raza third-generation Latinos view
impoverished illegal immigrants from Oaxaca. Social disparities among
the poor become arguments for affirmative-action leverage for elites, as
if Barack Obama getting into Harvard Law or Lisa Jackson serving as EPA
administrator will lower the crime rate in Baltimore or help change
attitudes about illegitimacy in Oakland.
Until we confess class is a greater barometer of privilege than race, I
see no solution to the escalating tensions. How odd that upscale,
one-percent African-Americans at NPR, the New York Times, and MSNBC
monotonously blast white privilege, as if their own lives are always far
more hurtful than those in Appalachia or rural Oklahoma.
Progress is Impossible? Ta-Nehisi Coates writes that he has no affinity
with the firemen and police who were incinerated on 911, given his
grievances over endemic racism and the inability of blacks to gain
parity with the majority due to systematic exclusion, formerly overt,
today insidious.
Currently, blacks make up about 12% of the population. The president of
the United States, the present (and former) attorney general of the
United States, the secretary of Transportation, the secretary of
Homeland Security, the former head of the Environmental Protection
Agency, and the head of NASA are African American. Twenty-one percent of
the Postal Service employees are African-American; seventeen percent of
the entire federal work force is black. Seventy-eight percent of the
NBA are African-American. Sixty-seven percent of NFL players are black.
Sixteen percent of the teams have African-American head coaches;
twenty-four percent of the teams have black general managers.
Has the definition of diversity become that overrepresentation in some
areas (the Left’s word, not mine) of African-Americans, based on
percentages in the general population, is still diversity, while
underrepresentation of blacks in the physics department at Caltech is
proof of endemic racism? Or does a physics professor enjoy more
perks and money than a NFL general manager?
We are asked to believe that Mr. Coates encounters crippling racism more
so than my quite dark, quite accented, and quite turbaned Punjabi
neighbor, who lives in a sea of non-Punjabis. We are asked to believe
that an entire generation of lower middle-class white and mixed-race
Americans who came of age not during Jim Crow and the civil rights
movement, but during the half-century of affirmative action and
diversity set-asides are guaranteed winning slots in American because of
their “white privilege.”
When I see the local, broke, and white tire-changer, somehow I don’t
think his coming of age in the 1980s was easier than that of Jeh Johnson
or Eric Holder. When I see a video in which a privileged young white
elite at $65,000-per-year Wellesley or Amherst confesses to “white
privilege,” I wonder how many hours he has welded in Tulare or she has
done data entry in a carrel in San Jose.
Many of our problems derive from black elites feeding off the guilt of
compatriot white elites of a like class in a similar landscape, who
claim to speak for all whites, as if they shared something when in fact
they share nothing much at all. I suspect that more white males feel an
affinity, a stronger one based on shared ideas, with Ben Carson than any
affinity on the basis of race with Hillary Clinton or John Kerry.
Because of our dishonesty on matters of race and the elite’s use of it
for their own privilege, we will see not only little progress, but also
much retrogression. Look at the world abroad: anytime a man or woman
identifies by race, violence mounts and chaos follows. The times they
are a changing — for the worse.
Restoring the Sovereignty of the States
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively,
or to the people". - The Tenth Amendment
Restoring the Sovereignty of the States
America’s Founders feared the arbitrary and coercive powers of
government, and constructed our Constitution to limit and disperse those
coercive powers, which are often referred to as the checks and balances
of our governmental system. The Tenth Amendment is one of the most
important checks and balances and is otherwise known as our Bill of
Rights. Essentially, the powers not delegated to the United States
Federal government by the Constitution are reserved to the States
respectively...or to the people.
Unfortunately, our Federal government has coerced (actually bribed the
States) to enact legislation that is properly the States' domain.
President Obama has accelerated the coercion and bribes within our
government, and has recently mandated every state to reduce CO2
emissions from their power plants. Knowing our Constitution does not
give him the authority to force States to comply, our President bribed
the States with money. Of course, Obama’s bribery monies are the taxes
paid by every Federal taxpayer. So, how does our President intend to
coerce compliance?
Well, first, our President announced, “Over the next few years each
state will have the chance to put together their plans to cut carbon
pollution. And we’ll reward the states that take action sooner rather
than later.” The message sounds innocuous, but isn’t. However, every
governor knows their state will receive a boatload of money from the
Federal government if they comply with the President’s demand. If a
state refuses to comply with the President’s command, their citizens
will lose a boatload of money. Thus, the bribe forces compliance.
Harmfully, this coercion tactic was used in ObamaCare. Obama, Reid,
Pelosi and other Democrats ordained that states must expand Medicaid
(healthcare for the poor) or the States would lose all of their Federal
Medicaid funding. Federal Medicaid transfer payments are a major
component of every state’s budget, which would have been forfeited if
the States did not meet the expansion ordained in Obamacare. The Supreme
Court which abhors overruling government edicts said this was too
coercive, and violated sovereignty of the States.
Very harmful, this Federal bribery and coercion over the states has
existed forever, and is how the Federal government has mandated
unemployment insurance, obliterated Parens Patriae in juvenile law,
expanded Medicaid, sold Common Core, set highway speed limits, and the
list goes on.
To counter the CO2 coercion, several states have filed or are about to
file lawsuits contesting the mandates, and many governors are
contemplating not complying and rejecting the bribe.
What's most important is our need to restore our Constitution, the Rule
of Law and stop government by edict. Counter-vailing the force against
the corrupt usurpation of power in the States, which requires citizens
to appreciate and respect our Constitution and the separation of our
powers. It requires governors and State legislators to reject any and
all coercion.
Needless-to-say this will be a big and expensive fight, but it is
absolutely essential to restore the sovereignty of our States and is
critically important to our Republican-form of government as well as our
personal freedom. Fortunately, a political initiative exists that will
unite our States in order to counter our arrogant, Federal government.
The Compact for a Balanced Budget is our ticket to forming a better
State-system, and I further explain it's importance in my next blog.
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
24 August, 2015
A traitor President
Every time you think it can’t get any worse, another gaping hole appears
in the world powers’ dismal Swiss cheese of a deal on Iran’s rogue
nuclear program.
From the get-go, it seemed intolerable that the negotiations with Iran
did not require, as early conditions, that the regime acknowledge its
previous illegal efforts toward producing a nuclear weapon. But the sad
fact is Iran was not required to come clean.
From the get-go, it seemed intolerable that the negotiations did not
require the Iranian leadership to halt its relentless incitement for the
destruction of the United States and Israel. Yes, one has to negotiate
with one’s enemies. But apart from being demeaning and lacking in all
self-respect, it is also inefficient to negotiate with enemies who
continue to seek your demise. And yet, even as the talks proceeded, and
since they were concluded, the poisonous rhetoric — rhetoric with
inevitable violent consequence — has continued unabated.
From the get-go, it seemed intolerable that the negotiations did not
also require that Iran cease its encouragement, training and arming of
terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah. But Iran makes
plain every day that its ongoing support for the “resistance” — as in,
those who resist the notion of Israel continuing to exist — is not
limited by the accord and will not cease.
As the deal itself took shape, it seemed intolerable that the US-led
P5+1 powers had shifted from the imperative to neutralize and dismantle
Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities and instead opted to content
themselves with freezing and inspecting the Iranian program. But shift
they did.
Even the Iranians plainly didn’t think they’d get away with a deal this
ridiculous. It’s akin to having Bernie Madoff scrutinize his own
business practices, or Tour de France cyclists conduct their own doping
tests… except it has global life-and-death implications
As elements of the deal became public, it seemed intolerable and
unthinkable that the regime would be allowed to continue its R&D on
ever-faster centrifuges. Criticisms of this and other clauses were
haughtily dismissed by senior Obama Administration officials as being
premature and/or inaccurate. But the complaints and concerns proved all
too justified.
When the deal was finalized, it seemed unthinkable that the negotiators
had abandoned the demand for “anytime, anywhere” inspections of suspect
facilities. But abandon that vital demand they most certainly did.
Trying to understand the deliberately convoluted clauses of the accord
that relate to inspections, one can only conclude that they empower the
regime to maintain whatever secrecy it deems necessary at the military
sites where it has pursued and will pursue work towards a nuclear
After the deal became public, it seemed unthinkable that the flawed
inspection clauses would be rendered still more problematic by related
side deals that further neutralize effective inspection. But so it is
proving. First, Iran indicated — and the US grudgingly acknowledged —
that no American inspectors would be allowed into Iran. Then Iran
asserted — and no denial has been forthcoming from the P5+1 — that it
retains the right to veto any inspectors it doesn’t like the look of.
Such assertions underline what has now become a depressingly familiar
feature of the negotiation process: Iran’s descriptions of what has been
agreed on have proven accurate; Western assurances, markedly less so.
Satellite image of the Parchin facility in April (photo credit: Institute for Science and International Security/AP)
Satellite image of the Parchin facility, April 2012. (AP/Institute for Science and International Security)
Which brings us to Wednesday’s Associated Press report that one of the
side deals reached between Iran and the UN’s International Atomic Energy
Agency provides for Iran to carry out its own inspection work at the
Parchin military facility where the IAEA has long alleged it
experimented with high-explosive detonators for nuclear arms. The
Iranians have been strenuously attempting to sanitize the site for years
— which is bitterly amusing, since they evidently need not have
bothered. Even the Iranians plainly didn’t think they’d get away with a
deal this ridiculous. It’s akin to having Bernie Madoff scrutinize his
own business practices, or Tour de France cyclists conduct their own
doping tests… except it has global life-and-death implications.
And, again, the Obama administration would seem to have misrepresented
what was agreed. It had indicated that the IAEA-Iran side deals were
technical, unremarkable documents. While IAEA chief Yukiya Amano
insisted Thursday that “the arrangements are technically sound and
consistent with our long-established practices,” Olli Heinonen, who was
in charge of the Iran probe as deputy IAEA director general from 2005 to
2010, told the AP on Wednesday he could recall no previous instance
where a country being probed for nuclear wrongdoing was allowed to
conduct its own investigation.
On both sides of the aisle, the current conventional wisdom is that
opponents of this abysmally negotiated, dangerous accord have the votes
to reject it next month but not to overcome a presidential veto.
What has hamstrung key anguished Democrats thus far has been the “what
if?” question — as in, what if we do defy our own president and vote
with the Republicans to override the veto? Yes, it’s a lousy, lousy deal
— which cements a vicious regime in power, gives it vast funding to
foster terrorism and regional chaos, and paves its path to the bomb with
a mixture of inadequate oversight, absurdly legitimized ongoing nuclear
work and sunset clauses. But what happens if we strike it down? Does
the rest of the world just ignore us and proceed with it anyhow? Would
it constitute a pointless act of protest that could doom our careers?
Would Iran get its sanctions relief anyway? Is there any prospect of a
more competent deal being negotiated?
Good questions, not all easy to answer.
But one question can be answered with increasing confidence: Is this, as President Obama claims, the best possible deal?
Yes, indeed, it is. The best possible deal for the Iranians.
They continue enriching. They maintain their R&D to enable a
speedier breakout to the bomb when they so choose. They can keep the
inspectors at bay. They never have to come clean on past nuclear weapons
work. They can continue missile development. They get their sanctions
relief. Their coffers are swelled. The prospect of the regime being
ousted by domestic reformers, already small, is reduced still further;
they can now throw money at any domestic problems. They can merrily
orchestrate terrorism and intimidate regional foes.
Truly, it is the best deal Iran could possibly have imagined — to an
extent that becomes clearer to the rest of us with each passing day. You
don’t have to be a war-monger or a lobbyist to see that. You just have
to read the small print, to listen to the leadership in Tehran, and to
watch developments in our bloody region. And don’t forget, there’s a
second IAEA-Iran side deal whose details have yet to come to light.
That “what if” question is a tough one, indeed. What if we vote against? What if we defy the president?
But there’s another side to that question, which those anguished,
responsible Democratic legislators must also ask themselves: What if we
let this bad joke of a deal go through?
The war on Donald Trump is not a policy war
It's a culture war, where no rational argument is entered into
There are plenty of good reasons to take issue with Donald Trump’s
politics. On immigration, he’s restrictive and anti-freedom. On the
unravelling of the Middle East, he’s gun-totingly interventionist. If
this is how the real-estate-magnate-turned-reality-TV-star, and now
Republican presidential candidate, promises to ‘make America great
again’, he deserves a political rebuttal.
But no political rebuttal has been forthcoming. There have been
ripostes, of course, and hair-referencing takedowns and wives-citing
putdowns. But nothing that has tackled Trump’s views as political views.
And that’s because this is public debate at a time when personality
politics trumps political argument, an era in which the Culture Wars
have supplanted anything approaching a battle of ideas. As a result,
what’s being attacked in Trump’s case, what’s being debated, are not his
political views, but his cultural attitudes. So it’s not a question of
what Trump would do about immigration; it’s a question of how he feels
about migrants. It’s not a question of Trump’s abortion policy; it’s a
question of how he views women. It’s not a question of his energy
policies; it’s a question of his sceptical attitude towards manmade
global warming. And so on and so on. Today, a politician’s views remain
significant, not because of what they reveal about his or her political,
public intent, but because of what they say about him or her as a
person. Treated as cultural attitudes, a politician’s views are a marker
of his or her virtue, a test of his or her eligibility for public life.
This is politics as culture war, a campaign waged by virtue-signalling,
sin-seeking politicos. So, as Trump steams ahead of his rivals in the
race for the Republican nomination – he’s more than 10 per cent ahead of
Ben Carson, his nearest challenger – opponents beyond the GOP have
attempted to label-and-shame him out of existence. He’s a bigot, we’re
told. And a racist, a sexist, and a homophobe. Whatever progress is,
Trump is on the wrong side of it. He is the walking, talking,
combed-over embodiment of the wrong sort of person, the sort of person
with the sort of attitudes who shouldn’t be allowed to speak so loudly
and so frequently in public. And this is where it gets darker: his views
are treated not as ideas to be debated, but as an index of his bad
character, of his inappropriateness for political life, an indication
that he ought to be shunned. Which is exactly what has happened as a
raft of businesses and broadcasters has severed ties with Trump.
It’s almost as if Trump is failing the political and media elite’s
personality test. To his every public utterance, his myriad antagonists
respond with an open-mouthed ‘I can’t believe you think that’. There was
his opening anti-immigration gambit in June, when he said that Mexico
was ‘sending people [over the border] that have lots of problems…
They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And
some, I assume, are good people.’ To this, one commentator shouted ‘hate
crime’, and another retorted that ‘this whole business with Trump being
a flaming bigot won’t just go away. He’s Donald Trump – he doesn’t stop
talking.’ And, of course, there was his flip tweet that Fox News
commentator Megyn Kelly’s menstrual cycle was responsible for what he
perceived as her tough questioning during the first GOP presidential
debate. To this, countless critics denounced his chauvinism, his
bigotry, his ‘gross history of misogyny’. ‘Trump lacks the emotional or
intellectual character to be our nation’s next leader’, concluded one
such commentary.
It’s a chilling move. Trump is being deemed unfit for public life
because he holds the wrong sort of attitudes. That is how Trump appears
to the other side in the Culture Wars, the liberal,
climate-change-aware, gay-marriage-supporting side, the side that, as
its dominant political and cultural position shows, is winning the
Culture Wars. To them, Trump appears wrong, and not just wrong, but
incomprehensibly, automatically wrong. His attitudes are on the PC
equivalent of the
Index Librorum Prohibitorum - their wrongness
is clear for the right-thinking congregation to see. Hence the
proliferation of listicles that don’t even bother making an argument
against Trump, preferring instead just to regurgitate what he said as if
his wrongness is self-evident (which to his culture-war opponents, it
is): ‘The most egregious statements made by Donald Trump’; ‘Eight of the
sleaziest things Donald Trump has said’; ‘Trump confidently says more
colossally stupid things’; ‘Here’s all the sexist things that Donald
Trump has ever said’. No wonder one columnist concluded that ‘by being
on the opposite side of [Trump] you win the argument by default’.
But what makes the carnival of anti-Trump smugness even more destructive
to public debate is the way Trump’s wrongness is conjured up as a way
of dismissing and shunning those who support him. They are racist
bigots, with a penchant for casual misogyny, too. They don’t have
political views; they have backward attitudes. They don’t have ideas;
they have prejudices. One columnist wrote of a pick-up driver displaying
the confederate flag (‘a symbol of hate and racism’) on his truck: ‘I
didn’t ask who he supported in the primary, but I wouldn’t be surprised
if he favoured Donald Trump, based on his recent surge in the polls and
outspoken bigotry.’ Another concluded that support for Trump ‘is about
the Republican Party and its very dark soul when it comes to
immigration… [Trump supporters] see [a champion] in Trump, a Mussolini
with a comb-over, who is now as much admired for the enemies he’s making
as for his inflammatory statements on immigration.’ The UK-based
Economist simply called Trump ‘a poor-man’s idea of a rich man’.
These aren’t political arguments; they’re cultural judgements. They’re
judgements on the type of person Trump is, on his attitudes, complete
with the obligatory epithets ‘racist’, ‘sexist’ and ‘homophobic’. And,
deeper still, they’re judgements on the type of person who supports
Trump, the supposedly racist, sexist and homophobic.
This personalised form of politics, this culture war against those with
unspeakable attitudes, impoverishes political debate. It suggests that
only the right sort of people ought to be allowed to participate, those,
that is, who have passed the cultural litmus test, those who support
gay marriage, who profess their feminism, who pity migrants’ plight. And
in doing so, it not only narrows debate, it spurs on those excluded,
those who fail the litmus test, to embrace outrage. The Donald, then, is
as much a product of the stifling climate of political conformity as he
is its brash opponent.
Poor Pebbles
Pebbles Hooper (@PebblesHooper) is another victim of the culture
wars. She is a fashionable young New Zealand woman who unwisely
but quite insightfully made
an unsympathetic comment
about some stupid behaviour by a Maori family. She lost her job
as a columnist at a NZ newspaper over it. On her Twitter site she
now lists herself as follows: "Contributing fashion editor at Remix
Magazine. Illustrator. Satan"
Good to see she has not lost her sense of humor. She is herself a quarter Chinese. Her Facebook site is
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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here (Personal)
23 August, 2015
Left-Right Differences on right and wrong
Dennis Prager is right below but seems only dimly aware of the
philosophical difficulties in the idea of moral truth. The basic
problem is: "How do we check it?" Where is the information
that confirms what we think? If I think that a dog has four legs,
that is easy to check. I just look. But where do we look if we
think abortion is wrong? Under a rock somewhere? A statement
"X is wrong" sounds like "grass is green" but is clearly very
different. There is no obvious way to check it. That it is
just an opinion is the obvious conclusion. And that is where Leftists
get their claim that "There is no such thing as right and wrong".
of course have no such difficulties. The Ten Commandments say:
"Thou shalt not kill" so abortion is clearly wrong.
But many
conservatives (particularly in Australia) are not religious. Even
if they believe in God, the idea that the churches know any more about
him than anyone else just seems implausible. So what do they do
about morality?
They view morality as having evolved. Moral
standards are what have enabled us to survive as social
creatures. They are what has been found to work in building a
civilized society. If we abandon them we embark on a voyage
without a compass and without a map. And the sorry results of abandoning
them are often seen. When, for instance, standards of restraint,
moderation and self-discipline are abandoned in favor of "me, me, me" we
often find people descending into drug abuse and early, miserable
death. Most people would wish not to end that way.
The only
really interesting question concerns the very long time humans have had
to acquire ideas about what has survival value and what has not.
As far back as history takes us, we know that formal moral codes have
changed little over the last 4 or 5 thousand years. The code of
Hammurabi (who died around 2000 BC) has a lot in common with the book of
Leviticus. So the ideas of right behavior that have guided us to where
we are today are pretty clear. Successive generations and
successive societies have come to pretty similar conclusions about what
aids survival and the good life. There are differences of detail
but the basics alter little.
But does the encoding of those ideas
go back even further? It does. It goes back a very long way
indeed. Chimpanzees have been observed to have behaviour customs
that assist the survival of their troop. And it seems that some of
the behaviours concerned are learned -- but not all. Chimps
still behave in chimp-like ways even if brought up in isolation from
other chimps. So some instincts of right behaviour have apparently
become genetically coded and transmitted among chimps. How much
more so should that have happened in us?
And it has.
We very often have an instinctive response that something is "Just
wrong" (harming babies, for instance). The "authority" for the
rightness or wrongness of something is within us, not anywhere outside
of us. We cannot find it under a rock or anywhere else. It is a large
part of what is called our "conscience". It is our evolutionary
wisdom. It is a set of responses that comes from deep within the
past of our (human) race. Morality really is in our genes. The history
of our species is encoded in us.
It is of course not a perfect
guide to adaptive behaviour any more than any law is. There are
always situations that a law does not fit well, and our instincts of
rightness can be swamped by powerful external influences -- such as a
belief in Islam. That explains why Muslim parents can rejoice in
their children blowing themselves up as suicide bombers. All
normal parental instincts are swamped by mental conclusions about what
has value.
So there will always be debate about what is
right and wrong. For non-psychopathic individuals, however, moral
instincts will be our best guide, particularly when supported and
supplemented by verbal traditions such as the Ten Commandments. We
abandon our past at our peril.
There are, of course, no
unchallengeable answers in philosophy. A moral rejectionist might,
for instance, say: "What's all this bit about survival?
That doesn't bother me. I just want to enjoy myself while I am
here. Live fast, die young and have a good-looking corpse!"
There is no good answer to that if it is a sincerely held view but it
rarely is. I could, for instance, reply: "Then you will not object
if I put a bullet through your brain right now". That will
normally induce some hesitancy.
We see something similar when
Leftists say that "There is no such thing as right and wrong".
They will very often follow that immediately by a claim that racism,
inequality or something else is wrong. Racism is something
that does not exist?? Moral rejectionists have their own very
large philosophical problems -- which is why they need Freudian neurotic
strategies such as denial and compartmentalization to remain
(marginally) sane
How can we determine what is morally right? The answer to this question —
the most important question human beings need to answer — is a major
difference between Left and Right.
For conservatives, the answer is, and has always been, that there are
moral truths — objective moral standards — to which every person is
accountable. In America, this has meant accountability to the Creator,
the God of the Bible, and to Judeo-Christian values.
For the Left, the answer has always been — meaning since Karl Marx, the
father of Leftism — that there is no transcendent source of morality. On
the contrary, as Marx wrote, “Man is God,” and therefore each human
being is the author of his or her own moral standards.
There are, of course, both religious leftists and secular conservatives,
but the secular-religious difference explains many of the fundamental
differences between Right and Left.
As a rule, leftists fear and have contempt for people who base their
values on a transcendent source such as religion and the Bible. Such
people, in the Left’s view, “can’t think for themselves — they need a
God and a religion to tell them what’s right and wrong.” Leftists
contrast these conservatives with themselves, people who think issues
through and do not need God or religion.
This ideal of thinking everything through for oneself sounds admirable.
And to a certain extent it is. People should think things through. And
too often, religious people can sound like they haven’t done so.
But if there is no God and religion, there are no moral truths, only
moral opinions. Without God and religion, good and evil, right and
wrong, don’t objectively exist. They are subjective terms that just mean
“I like” or “I don’t like.”
Therefore, no matter how much one thinks things through, without God and
religion — specifically, the God of and the religions based on the
Bible — the individual’s conclusions about what is right or wrong can
only be opinions about what is right or wrong. Without God and religion,
morally speaking, there is no fixed North or fixed South. The needle
points wherever the owner of the compass thinks it ought to point.
You don’t have to take my word for it. Recently, in The New York Times, a
professor of philosophy wrote about this complete absence of moral
truth among younger Americans:
“What would you say if you found out that our public schools were
teaching children that it is not true that it’s wrong to kill people for
fun or cheat on tests? Would you be surprised? I was.
"The overwhelming majority of college freshmen in their classrooms view
moral claims as mere opinions that are not true or are true only
relative to a culture.
"Our public schools teach … there are no moral facts. And if there are no moral facts, then there are no moral truths.
"It should not be a surprise that there is rampant cheating on college
campuses: If we’ve taught our students for 12 years that there is no
fact of the matter as to whether cheating is wrong, we can’t very well
blame them for doing so later on.”
So, then, if there is no moral truth, how do most secular people arrive
at moral decisions? According to how they feel. On the Left,
personal feelings usually supplant objective standards.
Many liberal parents and teachers do not tell their children what is
right and wrong. Rather, they ask their children and students, “How do
you feel about it?”
In fact, feelings often supplant reason, not just moral truths. On the
Left, feelings for the poor, for selected minorities, for the
downtrodden, gays, women, Muslims and others are frequently all that is
necessary to formulate policy.
For the conservative, as important as feelings may be, feelings are just
not as important as standards in making social policy. But for the
contemporary liberal, feeling — or “compassion,” as the Left puts it —
is determinative.
As much as one may — and should — feel about historic injustices
committed against black Americans, the conservative will not eliminate
standards. Therefore, conservatives oppose lowering admissions standards
at academic institutions for black students; liberal compassion is for
Conservatives generally oppose changing the marital standard of one
man-one woman; liberals' compassion for gays supports it. Indeed, given
the supplanting of standards with feelings, liberals will find it
difficult to oppose polygamy. If love between people is the criterion
for marriage, two people who love a third person should not be denied
the right to marry that person.
Conservatives oppose abolishing the biological standard of gender
identity and therefore oppose allowing men who identify as women to play
on women’s sports teams; liberals have compassion for the transgendered
and therefore drop the athletic standard.
Conservatives' commitment to a standard of true and false means
identifying terrorists as Islamic; liberals feel for the many good
Muslims in the world and therefore often refuse to identify Islamic
terror by name.
In his Farewell Address, President George Washington’s most famous
speech, the first president perfectly expressed the conservative view on
the need for God and religion for moral standards and for societal
standards generally:
“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,
religion and morality are indispensable supports … these firmest props
of the duties of Man and citizens.”
Your toddler's vocabulary at age TWO can predict their success in later life
Early speech acquisition and large vocabulary are strongly correlated
with high IQ so these results are another confirmation of the
wide-ranging effects of IQ, and its status as just one feature of
biological good functioning
Your child's vocabulary at age two could reveal their future success, researchers have claimed.
They found children with better academic and behavioural functioning
when they started kindergarten often had better educational and societal
opportunities as they grew up.
They say children entering kindergarten with higher reading and math
achievements are more likely to go to college, own homes, be married,
and live in higher-income neighbourhoods as adults.
Gaps in oral vocabulary were evident between specific groups of children as young as age 2.
The study was conducted by researchers at the Pennsylvania State
University, the University of California, Irvine, and Columbia
University, who analysed nationally representative data for 8,650
children in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth Cohort, and
appears in the journal Child Development.
Two-year-olds' vocabularies were measured via a parent survey, and their
academic achievement in kindergarten was gauged via individually
administered measures of reading and math.
Kindergarten teachers independently rated the children's behavioural
self-regulation and frequency of acting out or anxious behaviour.
Researchers took into account a wide range of background characteristics
(such as sociodemographics) and experiences (such as parenting quality)
to more fully isolate the role of vocabulary growth.
They looked at whether 2-year-olds with larger oral vocabularies
achieved more academically and functioned at more optimal levels
behaviourally when they later entered kindergarten.
Gaps in oral vocabulary were evident between specific groups of children
as young as age 2, with children from higher-income families, females,
and those experiencing higher-quality parenting having larger oral
vocabularies than their peers.
Children born with very low birthweight or from households where the mother had health problems had smaller oral vocabularies.
When the researchers examined the children three years later, they found
that children who had a larger oral vocabulary at age 2 were better
prepared academically and behaviourally for kindergarten, with greater
reading and maths achievement, better behavioural self-regulation, and
fewer acting out or anxiety-related problem behaviours.
This oral vocabulary advantage could not be explained by many other
factors, including the children's own general cognitive and behavioural
functioning and the families' socioeconomic resources.
'Our findings provide compelling evidence for oral vocabulary's
theorized importance as a multifaceted contributor to children's early
development,' said Paul Morgan, associate professor of education at the
Pennsylvania State University, who led the study.
Adds George Farkas, professor of education at the University of
California, Irvine, who coauthored the study: 'These oral vocabulary
gaps emerge as early as 2 years. 'Early interventions that effectively
increase the size of children's oral vocabulary may help at-risk
2-year-olds subsequently enter kindergarten classrooms better prepared
academically and behaviourally. 'Interventions may need to be targeted
to 2-year-olds being raised in disadvantaged home environments.'
Farkas is an opinionated idiot. These differences are inborn so
no "intervention" is likely to have any lasting effect -- as has
repeatedly been shown. Note the abject failure of "Head Start",
for instance. Farkas neither presents any evidence for his
assertions nor is interested in any -- JR
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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21 August, 2015
Will American Fascism ever be defeated?
Here's a statement that few Americans will recognize as true:
"America started out as a Communist society but declined into a Fascist
society. And like all Fascist societies it spilt a lot of blood getting
power into the hands of its elite"
A bizarre statement? It's certainly unorthodox but very solidly
based in history. We all know that the Founding Fathers were
devout religious communists with all land owned in common until a third
of them died of starvation. Only then did they reinstate private
property. Communists don't relinquish control easily.
But what's this decline into Fascism? That is clearly set out in
America's most famous document. Most Americans have clearly not read the
Declaration of Independence. They know the few grand statements
at the beginning of it but that is all. So before I say anything
more, I ask readers to read it. It is
What's all that stuff in the middle of it about laws? Just some
old stuff that is no longer relevant? To the contrary, that is the
nitty gritty of the document. What it says is that the colonial
legislators were busily making laws to tell their citizens what they
must and must not do. And that pesky libertarian King kept
over-ruling them! The King stood in the way of the colonial elite
having power over the people.
And regulating everything is what Fascists do. Fascists believe in
strong central power -- for the "good" of the people, of course.
Mussolini prophesied that Fascism would rule the 20th century -- and he
was right. All countries are now Fascist. They now all have
governments that try to regulate all sorts of minutiae in peoples'
lives. They in fact try to regulate more than the 20th century Fascist
regimes ever did -- diet, for instance.
And the marginalization and prosecution of dissent is very
Fascist. And that is well underway -- with Christians in
particular losing their jobs and being fined for articulating and
standing by their Biblical beliefs.
And Fascist bloodshed? We have seen that the War of Independence
was really a war for the power of the colonial legislators and Abraham
Lincoln himself, in his famous letter to Horace Greeley, admitted
that he waged his war not for the slaves but only for "the union" --
i.e. control of the whole territory of the USA by the central
And Fascist wars? How about Bill Clinton waging war on the
Christian Serbs in defence of Muslim Kosovars? And what good did the
Iraq intervention do? And don't get me started about FDR and Pearl
Harbor. The Afghanistan involvement was a response to attack from
there so that war was advisable. But it was still a vast loss of
fine American lives for no gain. Just dropping a big one on
Kandahar was all that was needed. An indiscriminate attack in response
to an indiscriminate attack would simply be to answer the adversary in a
language that it would understand.
Libertarians are vocal opponents of government power but are too few to limit it. I am of course one of those
One can only hope that conservative legislators come to realize the
company they are in when they support or fail to oppose regulation
of various kinds -- and ask themselves what right they have to
tell others what to do. They have no right. All they have is
might. And Leftists, of course, deny that there is anything such
as right and wrong at all. They are nihilists whose only motive is
destruction. And laws can be very destructive.
High IQ people better looking
This is actually an old finding but it again shows how pervasive the influence of IQ is.
Our strongest personality traits can be deduced simply from our facial
features, scientists believe. Research shows those with higher IQs
are usually good-looking, while those with wider faces are usually
perceived as being more powerful and successful.
There is even evidence that sexual deviancy can be picked up from facial
features, with paedophiles more likely to have minor facial flaws.
The new evidence means the judgments we make when we meet strangers -
which is usually concluded in less than a tenth of a second - are often
Mark Fetscherin, professor of international business at Rollins College,
Florida, has recently found a link between company profits and the
shape of its chief executive's face.
In his new book, CEO Branding, Mr Fetscherin describes how the executive tended to have wider faces than the average male.
A wider face means that the person is viewed as dominant and successful,
Mr Fetscherin said. He also found a positive link between that shape
face and the profits of the company.
He told The Sunday Times: 'Facial width-to-height ratio correlates with
real world measures of aggressive and ambitious behavior and is
associated with a psychological sense of power.'
Elsewhere, scientists also believe people can decipher negative
attributes from a person's face. At Cornell University, scientists
showed subjects mugshots of those who were guilty and innocent and found
the majority could tell them apart.
Researchers have also found that those with a high IQ tend to be better
looking. An example is Kate Beckinsale, who won poetry awards as a
teenager, then studied Russian literature and English at Oxford.
Actress Natalie Portman also graduated with a psychology degree from Havard in 2003.
Leslie Zebrowitz, professor of social relations at Brandeis University,
near Boston, said the trend was due to the high quality of DNA, with few
mutations, that those people have inherited.
[Zeb gets it -- JR]
Why the establishment fears Trump
By Robert Romano
establishment puzzled by trumpCritics of a Donald Trump presidential
candidacy have made two separate, contradictory claims regarding his
electability in the 2016 general election.
First, that if he is nominated by the Republican Party, he would repel
too many Independents, and lose handily in a general election. Second,
that if he is not nominated, and instead runs as an Independent, he
would siphon off too many Independents, costing the Republican candidate
the election.
How can both be true? Either, Trump has broad appeal to Independents, which could fuel a third party run, or he does not.
Let us assume the latter conventional wisdom, that if Trump were to run
as an Independent, it would splinter the vote, dramatically increasing
the odds that the Democrat nominee would win. For this to be true, he
would have to attract enough Independents to his campaign to steal votes
from one or both of the major parties.
Ross Perot did that in 1992, garnering 19.7 million votes in the general
election. Let’s leave aside the question of whether this actually cost
George H. W. Bush the election, a debatable topic. Roughly half of Perot
supporters were voters who otherwise might not have voted in the
election. How do we know that?
Voter turnout exploded in 1992 by nearly 13 million to 104.4 million, a
12.27 percent increase from 1988. All that while the growth of the
voting age population was slowing down — it had only increased 6.7
million that cycle.
In addition to Perot’s 19.7 million votes, Democrats increased their
1988 vote total by 3.1 million to 44.9 million, while Republicans lost
9.7 million supporters down to 39.1 million.
Meaning, Perot’s presence in the race may have brought as many as 5 to
10 million voters to the polls who would have stayed home if he were not
in the race. He expanded the voter universe.
Besides the dramatic growth of the national debt, Ross Perot’s big issue
in 1992 was being against the pending North American Free Trade
Agreement. Trump’s big issue besides illegal immigration is trade, as he
led the opposition to granting trade authority to President Barack
Obama to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Both are economic
Only two other times in modern electoral history has there been such a
marked increase in voter turnout exceeding the growth rate of the voting
age population at a time when the population growth rate was slowing.
In 1984 and 2008, when Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama, respectively,
increased their party’s voting bases and, thus, overall voter turnout
In 2000 and 2004, the growth of voter turnout also exceeded the growth
rate of the voting age population, but that occurred at times when the
voting age population was surging. That said, the George W. Bush
campaigns were highly successful at increasing the number of
Republicans. In fact, Republican voter identification peaked in 2004 at
39 percent, according to Gallup.
The trouble for Republicans is that it has sunk ever since, down to 23
percent in July. Independents, on the other hand, have risen markedly to
near an all-time high at 46 percent of voters.
What emerges is a Republican Party that is — or should be — desperate to
increase its numbers with unaffiliated voters after getting drubbed in
2008 and 2012. In fact, Republicans still have not been able to surpass
George W. Bush’s 62 million vote total in 2004.
The question with Trump — and every other GOP candidate — is if that
person will build the voter base of the party, without which Republicans
cannot hope to win in 2016. A key question may be whether they bring
the Ross Perot voters home.
A hint could come in a recent Rasmussen poll, which found a full 36
percent of Republicans, 33 percent of Independents and 19 percent of
Democrats say they would support Trump — even if he ran third party. His
threat to run as an Independent notwithstanding, that is not a bad
place to start.
Perhaps what the party’s establishment fears the most, then, is that
either as a Republican or an Independent, Trump could actually win. And
they can’t control him.
How US Sugar Policies Just Helped America Lose 600 Jobs
The manufacturer of Oreo cookies recently announced plans to move
production of Oreos from Chicago to Mexico, resulting in a loss of 600
U.S. jobs.
This should be a wake-up call to defenders of the U.S. sugar program and other job-destroying trade barriers.
The leading ingredient in Oreos is sugar, and U.S. trade barriers
currently require Americans to pay twice the average world prices for
Sugar-using industries now have a big incentive to relocate from the
United States to countries where access to their primary ingredient is
not restricted.
If the government wants people making Oreo cookies and similar products
to keep their jobs, a logical starting point would be to eliminate the
U.S. sugar program, including barriers to imported sugar.
This obvious connection between the lost jobs and sugar quotas was
missed by many observers. According to one online commenter: “This is
why tariff[s] on products coming to U.S must be raised.”
That’s backwards. When protectionist policies like the U.S. sugar
program lead to offshoring, the response shouldn’t be to pass new laws
to discourage such offshoring or to raise tariffs even higher. The
response should be to eliminate government policies that encourage
offshoring in the first place.
The loss of Oreo cookie jobs should reinforce a lesson on the job-destroying aspect of protectionist trade policies.
According to a 2006 report from the government’s International Trade
Administration: “Chicago, one of the largest U.S. cities for
confectionery manufacturing, has lost nearly one-third of its SCP
manufacturing jobs over the last 13 years. These losses are attributed,
in part, to high U.S. sugar prices.”
That lesson appears to be lost on unions that are supposed to represent the workers losing their jobs in Chicago.
For example, The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain
Millers Union consistently has opposed free trade agreements with
sugar-producing countries like Australia, Brazil, and Mexico —the kind
of trade deals that just might protect their members’ jobs.
So that’s how the cookie crumbles.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
20 August, 2015
Fast moving bad news builds prosperity
Free markets automatically create and transmit negative information, while socialism hides it
Nassim Nicholas Taleb recently tweeted: "The free-market system lets you
notice the flaws and hides its benefits. All other systems hide the
flaws and show the benefits.”
This drew a response: "The most valuable property of the price mechanism
is as a reliable mechanism for delivering bad news." These two
statements explain a lot about why socialist systems fail pretty much
everywhere but get pretty good press, while capitalism has delivered
truly astounding results but is constantly besieged by detractors.
It is simple really: When the "Great Leader" builds a new stadium,
everyone sees the construction. Nobody sees the more worthwhile projects
that didn’t get done instead because the capital was diverted, through
taxation, from less visible but possibly more worthwhile ventures — a
thousand tailor shops, bakeries or physician offices.
At the same time, markets deliver the bad news whether you want to hear
it or not, but delivering the bad news is not a sign of failure, it is a
characteristic of systems that work. When you stub your toe, the
neurons in between your foot and your head don’t try to figure out ways
not to send the news to your brain. If they did, you’d trip a lot more
often. Likewise, in a market, bad decisions show up pretty rapidly:
Build a car that nobody wants, and you’re stuck with a bunch of
expensive unsold cars; invest in new technologies that don’t work, and
you lose a lot of money and have nothing to show for it. These painful
consequences mean that people are pretty careful in their investments,
at least so long as they’re investing their own money.
Bureaucrats in government do the opposite, trying to keep their bosses from discovering their mistakes.
Likewise, the pricing system tells people things that they can’t know
directly. In a command economy, where bureaucrats set production
targets, if someone uses more pig iron than expected, there’s a
shortage. In a market, prices for pig iron go up, which sends two
signals: To pig iron producers, the signal is produce more pig iron. To
pig iron consumers, the signal is don’t use more pig iron than you have
to. Both ways, the prices tell people things that they need to know,
without any direct communication required. This is why market economies
do better than command economies, as historical examples ranging from
the old Soviet Union to today’s Venezuela demonstrate over and over
Why is there so much support for government controls? What’s wrong with markets? In short: insufficient opportunities for graft.
In a command economy, the bureaucrats who set production quotas and
allocate supplies have a lot of power. So do their political bosses.
When supplies get short, people wheedle (i.e., bribe) them to get more.
The market can’t be wheedled.
And, of course, intellectuals, as Whole Foods co-CEO John Mackey observes, "have always disdained commerce.”
Why? As Mackey says, “It’s sort of where people stand in the
social hierarchy, and if you live in a more business-oriented society,
like the United States has been, then you have these business people,
(whom the intellectuals) don’t judge to be very intelligent or
well-educated, having lots of money, and they begin to buy political
power with it, and they rise in the social hierarchy.
Whereas the really intelligent people, the intellectuals, are less
important. And I don’t think they like that. And I think that’s one of
the main reasons why the intellectuals have usually disdained commerce.
They haven’t seen it, the dynamic, creative force, because they measure
themselves against these people, and they think they’re superior, and
yet in the social hierarchy they’re not seen as more important. And I
think that drives them crazy.”
As Megan McArdle has observed, journalists particularly suffer from this
problem: “Everyone you write about makes more than you. Most of the
people you know make more than you. ... Your house is small, your
furniture is shabby and you can't even really afford to shop at Whole
Foods. Yet you're at the top of your field, working for one of the
world's top media outlets. This can't be so.” Suddenly, systems that
reward people through political influence look better.
Markets make people better off, but they don’t provide sufficient
opportunities for politicians to extract bribes and intellectuals to
feel better about themselves. This explains why they’re unpopular with
politicians and intellectuals. The real question is why anyone else
listens to the self-interested claims of politicians and intellectuals.
Maybe because the subject of what works and what doesn't in economics is
mostly written by journalists?
Trump's Immigration Plan Is Exactly Why He's So Appealing
Trump is economically unsophisticated but his errors are unlikely to do much harm -- JR
As news broke over the weekend of yet another illegal alien accused of a
triple homicide in Florida, the overwhelming sense for conservatives is
that something has to be done about illegal immigration. While most
Republican presidential candidates appear equivocal on the issue, as do
Republican congressional “leaders,” Donald Trump is clear on his
objections, and that resonates with a lot of Americans.
Trump has been the go-to candidate on the issue since his June 16
announcement speech, when he opined, “When Mexico sends its people,
they’re not sending their best; they’re not sending you. They’re sending
people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems
with [them]. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re
rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Trump has now released the details of his plan, and it’s a master stroke to answer voter frustration.
He begins with three solid principles, the first of which is a direct quote from Ronald Reagan.
* A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.
* A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with
our Constitutional system of government must be enforced.
* A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation. Any
immigration plan must improve jobs, wages and security for all
That such principles are so controversial is a mark of how dire our
predicament really is, and the weakness of other GOP candidates in
espousing them has left an opening for Trump.
Those principles are followed by several planks. “Make Mexico pay for
the wall” is the first. How would he accomplish that? Increase the fees
for legal immigration, which seems counterintuitive.
“Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States
will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from
illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican
CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all
border crossing cards — of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican
nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on
all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays);
and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico
[Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options].”
If that idea (and the generally unhelpful antagonism toward Mexico)
isn’t quite satisfactory, his other points are appealing — tripling the
number of ICE officers, nationwide e-verify, mandatory deportation of
criminal aliens, detention instead of catch-and-release, cut off federal
funds for sanctuary cities, penalizing visa overstays, and, perhaps
most important, end birthright citizenship.
As we have noted before, any debate about immigration is useless unless
it begins with a commitment to securing our borders first. Trump appears
to be seriously, if imperfectly, addressing this need.
We have also argued that birthright citizenship is a gross
misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment, and Trump is right to target
it. Such a move will, of course, be litigated all the way to the Supreme
Court, but it’s a worthy fight.
[Congress can exclude SCOTUS from considering it]
In June, Trump said, “Give [illegal immigrants] a path [to citizenship].
You have to make it possible for them to succeed.” His plan now calls
for allowing “the good ones” to come back once they’ve been deported. “I
would get people out,” he said, “and I would have an expedited way of
getting them back into the country so they can be legal.”
While Trump’s plan is solid on Rule of Law and heavy on enforcement,
where he comes up short is emphasizing that Liberty is colorblind. It’s
not a “white thing.” Minorities could be forgiven for thinking Trump’s
plan translates more closely to, “We don’t want any Mexicans here.” That
may resonate with some in the GOP base, but it’s not going to expand
that base.
Because Liberty transcends all racial, ethnic, gender and class
distinctions, it will appeal to all freedom-loving people when properly
presented. That said, it’s going to be awfully hard for any other GOP
candidate to trump The Donald’s plan in the eyes of primary voters. The
question of why it’s taken the rest of them so long to even try to
address the issue is a baffling one.
Democrats Panic in Response to Donald Trump’s Immigration Plan
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is panicking in response to
billionaire and 2016 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s immigration reform
plan, which is designed to get Americans back to work instead of putting
foreigners and special interests ahead of Americans as so many
politicians do.
The DNC was so freaked out at Trump’s plan, they rushed out a statement
from Pablo Manriquez—their “Director of Hispanic Media”—filled with
grammatical errors. The statement, which is nothing more than typical
Democratic Party talking points in favor of illegal aliens, accidentally
doesn’t capitalize “Trump” in one instance and does the same thing when
talking about “Democrats.”
“Trump has reignited the GOP’s longstanding obsession with mass
deportation,” Manriquez said. “Like his fellow GOP candidates Jeb Bush,
Scott Walker, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and others, GOP front runner
trump [sic] dismisses a full and equal pathway to citizenship for
hardworking immigrants. The GOP should quit treating these families as
second class citizens and join democrats [sic] who support immigrant
families and want to keep them together.”
Trump’s immigration plan is something that used to be bipartisan. Even
Senate Democratic leader Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) back in the early 1990s,
supported the major tenets of the plan—putting American workers first
when it comes to immigration. Now the entire Democratic Party and most
of the Republican Party has abandoned American workers in favor of
special interests seeking cheap foreign labor and political interests
seeking a different and more liberal voting base.
There are a handful of leaders left in Congress still fighting for
Americans when it comes to immigration, though, and chief among them is
Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) the chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee’s subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest. Trump
consulted Sessions while writing his immigration policy plan.
Missing Clinton emails magically found
State Department officials have uncovered 17,855 emails sent between a
former Hillary Clinton spokesman and reporters that the agency long
claimed did not exist.
The trove was among more than 80,000 emails belonging to Philippe
Reines, a Clinton aide, that were discovered on his State Department
account, officials said in court filings Aug. 13.
In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by Gawker
Media in 2013, the State Department said it had no responsive records.
Gawker was seeking official correspondence between Reines and reporters
from 33 news outlets.
But State officials responded Thursday with the news that they had
inexplicably found 81,159 emails on Reines' ".gov" email account despite
asserting two years ago that none existed. Twenty-two percent, or
17,855, of the emails were likely related to Gawker's request.
Hildabeest dodging and weaving
While speaking with Fox News host Bill Hemmer on Wednesday, Rep. Trey
Gowdy, chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, accused
former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of purposefully trying “to
control access to the public record” so as to evade facing justice.
“This was not about cooperation. And, Bill, frankly, it’s not about convenience,” Gowdy said. “It’s about control.”
Gowdy pointed to the way in which Clinton repeatedly refused “to turn
over her server to a neutral, detached third party for independent
forensic examination.”
Instead Clinton convinced the State Department to allow her to decide for herself which emails should be made public.
According to Clinton, she set up this “unusual email arrangement” (as
Gowdy referred to it) for her “convenience,” in that she did not want
anybody else reading her personal emails about yoga, bridesmaid dresses
and whatever.
But why should anybody believe her, especially given that she lied in
March when she said, “I did not email any classified material to anyone
on my email.”
“She almost got away with it, but she didn’t,” Gowdy pointed out.
He added, “If she were interested in cooperation, she would not have
done any of the things she has done to date.”
Clinton is a conniving liar who is trying to weasel her way out of
trouble. She apparently believes, and always has, that Lady Justice
should hold her to a different set of standards than everybody else
We’re sorry to break it to you, Madame Secretary, but if you did the
crime, you will do the time, regardless of who you are and how hard you
try to evade justice.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
19 August, 2015
U.S. Acquiescence To A Bad Iran Deal Was No Mistake
By Capt Joseph R. John
In the below listed Op Ed, Admiral James L. Lyons, former
Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet, highlights a whole range of
Obama policies that have intentionally weakened the Republic militarily
and economically over the last 6 ½ years, with little opposition from
members of the US Congress. Obama’s dangerous intent to “Change”
the very nature of the United States from a Republic to a Socialist
State has also been free from exposure because the left of center
liberal media establishment has been in league with Obama.
Admiral Lyons exposes the Iranian initiative which Obama and Valerie
Jarrett initiated in 2008 to change alliances in the Middle East in
favor of Iran. It didn’t matter that Iran, the largest state
sponsor of terrorism in the world, had been killing and maiming
thousands of members of the US Armed Forces for the past 35 years
and continues in that policy today in Afghanistan—any agreement that
didn’t simply demand that Iran stop killing members of the US Armed
Forces in Afghanistan is a bad agreement on the face of it.
Iran’s ultimate goal is to destroy the state of Israel, then attack the
United States with nuclear weapons atop intercontinental ballistic
missiles. It has taken Obama nearly 7 years, but now it appears
Obama and the Democratic side of the isle in Congress are well on their
way to facilitating an international agreement to allow Iran to become a
nuclear power, while giving them $150 billion to continue their
international terrorism. The agreement permits Iran to be within a
danger thrust away from the hearts of the United States’ traditional
Sunni allies in the Middle East, who are now developing their own
nuclear weapons in self-defense.
In the 2016 election, the American voters must go to the polls and
remove members of Congress who continue to repeatedly make false
promises to the voters in their Congressional Districts and states, but
have no intention to protect and defend the US Constitution following
their elections, especially those members in Congress who are supporting
Obama’s dangerous Iranian International Nuclear Weapons Treaty, called
an Agreement because of the failure by the Republican leaders in
Congress. The Obama administration will promote voter fraud
once again, as they have in the last two presidential elections, and we
will watch to see if the Republican establishment will finally get off
dead center and spend some of the millions of dollars they raise to do
anything about it, instead of just feathering their nests.
The leaders in Congress have not safeguarded the US Constitution on
International Treaties with both this Iranian International Nuclear
Weapons Treaty and the unconstitutional TPA International Trade Treaty
that permits Obama to negotiate the Fast Track Trade Promotional (TPP)
in Secret with 11 other Pacific Rim countries (which no American has
been ever permitted to view since it was signed into law in June
2015). That International Treaty will eliminate US sovereignty in
favor of International Tribunals and effectively destroy the US
Immigration system by allowing million Illegal Immigrants to enter the
US from 50 countries, and be issued Work Permits, including allowing a
new crop of millions of Illegal Mexican workers; those millions of
Illegal Immigrants with work permits will unfairly compete at lower
wages with 104 million unemployed Americans and undermine The Free
Enterprise System.
We encourage you to read Admiral Lyons below listed riveting article and
provide support for the endorsed and elected Combat Veterans For
Congress listed on the Endorsements page of our Web site, and for a new
slate of endorsed Combat Veterans For Congress who we will be endorsing
leading up to the 2016 election. Those we endorse are Combat
Veterans who previously repeated put their lives on the line to protect
their fellow comrades, and to also protect and defend the US
Constitution and our way of life; they will work tirelessly to continue
to protect and defend the US Constitution.
Copyright 2015, Capt. Joseph R. John. All Rights Reserved. This material
can only be posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet
by giving full credit to the author. It may not be published,
broadcast, or rewritten without permission from the author.
U.S. acquiescence to a bad Iran deal was no mistake
By James A. Lyons
There is no shortage of critics of the recently concluded nuclear
agreement that President Obama has reached with the evil Iranian
theocracy. All the "known concessions" by the Obama administration
should come as no surprise. Make no mistake — these concessions were not
due to incompetence nor the inability to negotiate. They are part of
the president's planned agenda to fundamentally transform America by
diminishing our stature and credibility. It is another example of his
misguided view that America must be humbled for the many "problems" we
have caused throughout the world.
Mr. Obama's game plan on how to negotiate with the Ayatollah Ali
Khamenei had its genesis in the summer of 2008. According to scholar and
author Michael Ledeen, around the time when candidate Barack Obama
received the Democratic Party's nomination, he opened a secret
communication channel with the Iranian theocracy. The go-between was
Ambassador William G. Miller, the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, who
spoke fluent Farsi from his previous tours of duty in Tehran.
The message was, "Don't sign an agreement with the Bush administration.
Wait until I am president — you will get a much better deal! You will
like my policies. I am your friend." Here is a country that has cost
thousands of American lives. Furthermore, all Americans should never
forget that it was Iran that provided the key material and training
support to the September 11 hijackers. Without that support the attack
could not have been carried out, and some 3,000 innocent Americans who
were doing nothing more than going to work would be alive today. Yet our
president told this regime that he was their friend.
This borders on treason and most certainly violated the Logan Act, which
forbids private citizens from interfering in government diplomacy.
The endless Kabuki dance that went on in Geneva and Vienna was not only
an embarrassment for all Americans, but more importantly, it "conceded
America's honor," an honor that has stood on bedrock principles which
hundreds of thousands of Americans have paid the ultimate price to
protect. Our nation was humiliated. This treaty must be rejected.
While being challenged throughout the world, the Obama administration
continues with its senseless unilateral disarmament of our military
forces, thereby jeopardizing our national security. As if disarmament
were not enough, our military is being forced to train the military
forces of our potential enemies. Specifically, Chinese infantry troops
are being trained in the United States. Moreover, the Chinese navy was
invited to participate in the 2014 Rim of the Pacific fleet exercise and
has been invited again to participate in the 2016 fleet exercise to be
held off the coast of Hawaii, alongside all of our major Pacific allies.
We clearly are compromising our tactics, techniques and operations.
Compounding the problem is the use of our military as a social
engineering laboratory to advance Mr. Obama's political and social
agenda. With regard to the promotion of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender lifestyle, my late friend M. Stanton Evans in his monumental
1994 book "The Theme is Freedom" had it right when he called it a
return to the "pagan ethic."
Clearly, the Obama administration is attacking the American way of life
from all aspects. Our open border policy makes absolutely no sense. We
have anywhere from 11 million to possibly as many as 30 million illegal
immigrants within our borders. Sanctuary cities are also in clear
violation of immigration laws. The welcome mat has been put out by the
administration so that the more recent illegal immigrants are able to
draw upon a wide range of taxpayer benefits, including food stamps,
health care and earned income tax credit for three years, all at the
American taxpayers' expense. However, the overwhelming majority of
immigrants come here as the result of our visa policies. The U.S. issues
the treasured "green card" to approximately 1 million immigrants per
year, most of whom are unskilled. They are immediately entitled to
numerous benefits at taxpayers' expense. Congress must act to limit the
number of green cards issued.
Releasing illegal immigrants from jail with criminal records is a
deliberate affront to all Americans. Seeding throughout the country
Muslim immigrants who have no intent to assimilate is another affront
and tears at the fabric of our society.
Compounding the immigration crisis, is the Obama administration's
inclination to divide Americans by race and class. This is
unconscionable. You are either an American entitled to all the benefits
that being an American conveys, or you are not. Those are the only two
classes. The first one is sacred.
The corruption of our government agencies, fostered by the Obama
administration, should not be overlooked. The selective enforcement of
our laws and traditions has lowered Americans' respect and trust of
those agencies. However, taken in the aggregate, the fundamental
transformation of America is taking place with no objections from
Congress and the Supreme Court, which are supposed to prevent illegal
and unconstitutional acts by an out-of-control president. Congress and
the high court, and for that matter, our military leadership, are
complicit in these illegal actions by not faithfully executing their
oaths of office. This cannot stand. As Thomas Paine stated, "These are
the times that try men's souls." With our corrupt leadership, it is now
time to take back America.
No more costly mandatory minimum sentences
Recent rulings at the U.S. Supreme Court on gay marriage and Obamacare
are high-profile reminders that there is not much the left and right
agrees on in this country. But yet another new bipartisan criminal
justice reform bill, introduced recently by Reps. Jim Sensenbrenner
(R-Wis.) and Bobby Scott (D-Va.) with the support of almost two dozen
other Republicans and Democrats, shows that one thing we do agree on is
that this country locks too many people up for too long at too high a
The bill, the SAFE Justice Act (H.R. 2944), has a little bit of
something for everyone, from mandatory minimum sentencing reform to
getting a handle on the proliferation of federal crimes and regulations
that can snare even the most well-intentioned citizens.
The increase in overly broad and vague criminal laws has enabled
overzealous prosecutors to bring charges against Americans who
inadvertently violate one of them. More often, however, government
lawyers have aggressively pursued those acting in the gray areas between
“business as usual” and unlawful activity.
White-collar suspects have become especially popular targets for
prosecutors due to populist anger at Wall Street. Netting high-profile,
corporate whales is a time-tested method for ambitious prosecutors to
boost their political careers.
Independent federal judges are often the only hope white-collar
defendants have to resist groundless charges when they are innocent and
to avoid excessive punishment when found guilty. Last December, for
example, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals stopped cold the
government’s effort to jail two hedge fund managers who had received
information on the financial outlook for two computer companies from
personal friends who worked there that the court found they had no
reason to know was not public information.
Judges have also sought to restore some common sense and greater justice
to white-collar sentencing. The U.S. Sentencing Commission, when
drafting the first sentencing guidelines for judges, determined that
corporate wrongdoers should be sentenced to short but definite prison
terms. Economic crime offenders are less likely to reoffend than drug
dealers and other street criminals, but the Commission thought prison
time would deter others.
Beginning in the early 2000s, the U.S. Sentencing Commission and
Congress reacted to high-profile frauds by launching an arms race that
has more than doubled prison sentences for individuals convicted of
economic crimes. The Sentencing Commission began the bidding by enacting
several changes to the federal sentencing guidelines that, among other
things, called for higher sentences based on the dollar amount involved.
A couple of years later, fueled by the collapse of Enron and WorldCom,
Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which raised the maximum
statutory penalty for fraud from five years to twenty and forced the
Commission to further increase its recommended prison terms for economic
The result: economic crime guidelines are nearly useless for judges
whose job is to impose fair sentences based on the total circumstances
of an offense (not simply the loss amount) and the characteristics of
the defendant.
Judges have been unusually vocal in pointing out the guideline’s
shortcomings, labeling it “a black stain on common sense” and “patently
absurd on their face.” The guideline frequently contains terrible
guidance. Why, for example, should a scheme that resulted in a $100 loss
to 250 victims warrant a sentence more than three times as high as a
fraud that caused a $25,000 loss to a single victim? It makes no sense.
Congress and the Sentencing Commission need to rethink their zeal to
ratchet up prison terms for everyone who runs afoul of Congress’s vague
criminal laws and better distinguish among those who intentionally
defrauded others from those who were simply negligent or could have been
more conscientious in managing money.
While those who steal from others or defraud the market should be
punished, imposing new mandatory minimum sentences for these crimes
would be a mistake. Our existing mandatory sentencing laws –aimed
largely at drug offenders - already force us to spend billions of
dollars on prisons overflowing with nonviolent offenders who pose little
risk to public safety. They have devastated countless families
and communities and have diverted resources from more important law
enforcement priorities. Mandatory minimum sentences replace a
system of individualized justice delivered locally by independent judges
with a one-size-fits-all, politicians-know-best sentencing scheme.
It is bad enough that Congress has surrounded the American people with
an increasingly complex maze of laws and regulations that are almost
impossible to avoid violating. Lawmakers should not add insult to injury
by subjecting every misstep to a mandatory and lengthy prison term.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
18 August, 2015
My Alternative Wikipedia
Over the years I have on various occasions attempted to make
contributions to Wikipedia. Whatever I put up there, however, gets
wiped. Wikipedia editors are clearly Left-leaning so I can
understand that they wipe anything written from my
libertarian/conservative viewpoint. But even stuff with no obvious
political slant disappears.
From what I can see, Wikipedia editors in fact spend most of their
day deleting what others have put up. So there is clearly an
informally-specified Wikipedia culture that you have to conform to
if you wish your writings to appear there. It also seems likely
that, once you have been identified as a bad egg, you are just totally
black-banned, no matter how good what you want to post may be.
That is something of a pity as some of the information I try to put up
is not found anywhere else in English. My major recreational interest
these days is Austro/Hungarian operetta. I spend a couple of hours
nightly watching it. Rather frivolous, I guess, but I have the
privilege of reading and writing serious stuff all day so light relief
has its place.
So I have come to know rather a lot about it. Being the academic
type, I also research the shows as well as watching them. I look
at who is singing, who the artistic director is and other details.
I try to accumulate biographical information about the singers, about
the historical background, and information about particular notable
Operetta does have a worldwide audience but it is almost all sung and
written in German and the information about it, including libretti, is
also mostly in German. So if English Wikipedia does have any
information at all about (say) a particular singer, it will mostly be
pretty bare-bones. Wikipedia in German, and sometimes in Italian,
will have much more information. And German Wikipedia is only a
start. There are many music-oriented German-language sites that include
operetta information.
Since I can read German and Italian (the latter with difficulty) I can
however usually find out quite a lot more about a singer than most
people in the English-speaking world would be able to. And I am inclined
to pass on that information in English. But Wikipedia won't let
So I have set up
My Alternative Wikipedia
to draw together my posts on matters that I think have reference
interest. It's not all operetta but mostly so. And that may
be a useful approach. Most of the performers in operetta are from
Europe and have European names -- such as Ingeborg Hallstein or Dagmar
Schellenberger -- that would rarely be encountered in English-language
sources. So a Google search on those names should lead quickly to
my site.
And having an operetta database can lead you to the unexpected. If, for
instance, you Google the very popular "Ivan Rebroff", you will find a
multitude of well-deserved references to him as a jolly Russian bass
singer of both popular and operatic works. But without a comprehensive
reference to operetta, you may not realize that he was also a brilliant
comic actor. His performance of red-faced rage at the rejection of
his "daughter" in a 1970s performance of
Zigeunerbaron is
far and away the best I have seen. His whole life was an act, in
fact. He was a German, not a Russian. And he died a
Greek. As all conservatives know, reality is complicated.
First, however, we have to get Google to index my site. They
do not so far appear to have done so. So I would be much obliged
if anybody reading this would put up a link to my new site on any site
that they may run. The more links there are to it, the more likely it
will appear in Google searches.
And I should perhaps note that Austro/Hungarian operetta is very
politically incorrect these days. It was written around 100 years
ago so reflects a more natural set of values. Membership of the
military is, for instance, treated with great respect, and even is to
some extent glorified. No modern Leftist would applaud that.
But, as a former Sergeant in the Australian army, I do myself have
every respect for the military.
And we also see monarchist sentiments at times -- but only inhabitants of a monarchy -- and I am one -- will understand that.
Minnesota Considers Scrapping Health Insurance Exchange
In King v. Burwell, the Court did not just ignore plain meaning of the
words “established by the State,” but opened up a whole new can of worms
as well.
After the King decision, states can now get rid of their health
exchanges and move their citizens to the federal exchange without
forcing them to give up their subsidies. Since insurance exchanges are
costly and often more trouble for politicians than they are worth,
states may now decide it is better just to shut down their own exchange.
Minnesota is considering just this move.
Minnesota’s state exchange, MNsure, has faced billing problems and low
enrollment numbers. After the King decision, Representative Matt Dean
(R), calls MNsure an “unnecessary problem.”
It was recently announced that a software problem with MNsure forced
180,000 Minnesotans to have their MinnesotaCare and Medical Assistance
renewals delayed. This created a dilemma for politicians: deny coverage
to people in need, or contribute to the insurance of some ineligible
people, typically 5 to 10 percent of enrollees. Not surprisingly, the
politicians choose the second route.
Another problem with MNsure is that 24,000 Minnesotans did not even
receive a bill for a full half-year. This has created two problems.
First, there is uncertainty over how much each individual should be
required to pay. Second, many individuals that had to budget for each
month’s premium will now be required to come up with a half-year’s worth
of premiums.
MNsure is scheduled to cost $229.6 million through June 2017. However,
most of this will be covered by the federal government, Minnesota will
only pay $16.5 million. For this price, the state has received software
that cannot update basic life changes such as marriage or birth of a
Minnesota has created a new 33-person task force, the MNsure Advisory
Task Force, that will begin meeting this month to discuss the future on
MNsure and MinnesotaCare. The task force is to make recommendations to
make the health insurance exchange more efficient and sustainable, which
are due January 15.
Republicans have been actively calling for the end of MNsure and a
switch to the federal exchange. “We’ve had three years of failures, of
failures with MNsure and sometimes in life you just have to admit it
failed. It didn’t work,” stated Representative Greg Davids (R). He
continued, “[w]e should get over to the federal exchange and stop
wasting Minnesotans’ money.”
Members of the DFL have also acknowledged problems with the state
exchange but are in less of a hurry to switch to the federal exchange.
“To just say outright, ‘ok we’re going to the federal exchange’ is kind
of premature. But [we] certainly wouldn’t take it off the table,” said
Representative Tina Liebling (DFL). “Obviously it’s not working for the
people it’s supposed to be working for and that’s really frustrating for
It is not just Minnesota that is considering getting rid of their state
health insurance exchange. Arkansas has already scrapped their
partnership exchange in favor of dumping its citizens on the federal
exchange. In addition, Vermont and Rhode Island are considering dropping
their state exchanges in a post-King world.
The King decision was not only poor legal reasoning, it opened up the
door for states to scrap their exchanges and move their citizens to the
federal exchange. This is just another step towards a single-payer
health care system.
Juvenile justice reforms would save money and spare nonviolent youths
In the 2013 documentary Kids for Cash, director Robert May told the
stories of several young offenders from Pennsylvania whose lives were
up-ended by the dysfunctional juvenile-justice system.
Presented in the young offenders’ own words, their stories are compelling. They will also make your blood boil.
Judges, seemingly without much thought of the lifelong consequences,
unnecessarily exposed these children to the system as adolescents,
putting them at risk of being trapped in an endless cycle of crime.
Among the young offenders profiled in the documentary is Justin Bodnar.
In December 2001, when he was 12-years-old, Bodnar got into trouble when
he hurled obscenities at the mother of another student.
Despite his colorful language, which his mother tried hard to curb
before this particular incident, Bodnar is an intelligent and talented
young man. His mother consented to having him arrested in hopes that it
would put a stop to his frequent profane speech and prevent any future
embarrassing incidents.
To her surprise, Justin was charged with making “terroristic threats”
and sentenced to a juvenile-detention facility. Over the next seven
years, Bodnar would spend time inside the juvenile system, where he
tried marijuana and heroin for the first time.
These are experiences he might have avoided had he not been exposed to the system at such an early age.
“[What] you see first is fences — 20-foot tall fences with rows of razor
wire, like I’m a convicted criminal, like I’m a murderer. And that’s
what it feels like. You feel like I’m now one of those people you see in
the movies,” Bodnar said, recalling his first trip to a
juvenile-detention facility.
“I woke up in a nice bed with my family, and I went to sleep with
cockroaches and criminals. Every time you went into a room, you had to
do a roach look, like to make sure there are no roaches anywhere. It’s
dirty, and there are stains on the walls.”
Bodnar, who is struggling to put his life on the right track, and many
of the other young people in the documentary were “status offenders” —
adolescents charged with a crime that would not otherwise be a crime if
they were adults.
Too often, judges, in closed-door hearings deemed necessary to protect
the young offender, take tough stances in a purported attempt to scare
them straight.
The good news is that the number of crimes committed by juveniles is at
record lows. In 2012, about 1.3 million young people were arrested, down
40 percent from 2006.
For those who do make mistakes, however, any exposure to the justice
system, including arrest, can actually increase the likelihood of a
young person becoming a repeat offender. Residential placement is
ineffective, and out-of-home placement is expensive and fails to produce
better outcomes than alternatives.
The question policymakers should be asking is this: How can they
effectively treat and rehabilitate young offenders and put them on a
path to productive lives while cutting costs?
The answer can be found in different states.
Functional Family Therapy, an evidence-based, family-centered
intervention program, has proven to be an effective alternative to
placement in juvenile-detention facilities. At a cost of up to $4,000
per youth, this approach can reduce the chance of a young person from
becoming a repeat offender by one-third.
States that have used evidence-based approaches have seen their
juvenile-detention populations fall. Texas and Ohio, for instance,
experienced declines of 80 percent and 70 percent, respectively, since
2006. Both states saw repeat-offender rates fall even while commitments
to state facilities dwindled.
The savings from this innovative approach to juvenile justice allow
states to focus on rehabilitation for higher-risk young people who
remain in detention facilities.
Congress can also step up to protect young people who are unnecessarily
caught up in the juvenile-justice system. Senate Judiciary Committee
Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.)
have already introduced legislation to reauthorize the Juvenile Justice
and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 with a series of long-overdue
reforms, including phasing out remaining situations in which a status
offender can be detained.
Other efforts, such the Redeem Act, which would allow a young person to
have their record expunged if they stay out of trouble, is an idea that
lawmakers should explore as they seek to give offenders the opportunity
to prosper in their adult lives.
The “scared straight” approach may’ve been attractive at one time, but
it has proven to be a costly failure and one that deprives young people
of opportunity, because it exposes them to the justice system before
they’ve fully mentally developed.
With the approach to corrections changing for nonviolent offenders,
there is a tremendous opportunity to put young lives on the right path,
ending the cycle of crime before it starts.
Burt Prelutsky on "Cecil"
Finally, there’s no way that a Minnesota dentist is going to kill an
African lion without my commenting on it. I’m not as outraged as most
people seem to be. After all, it was a lion, even if someone decided to
name it Cecil. It wasn’t someone’s pet. It wasn’t our dog Angel. It was a
lion, for heaven’s sake, and five minutes before the dentist hired a
couple of schmucks to lure it off a reserve so he could hit it with a
spotlight and shoot it with an arrow, it was probably gnawing on Bambi.
Still, there is something comforting in the fact that a guy can blow
$50,000 killing an animal in the most pathetic way imaginable and wind
up, not with a lion’s head on his wall, but with his own dumb mug on the
front page.
There is an old saying that doctors should cure themselves. In the case
of this dentist, it seems that before packing for this safari, Walter
Palmer should have paused to fill the cavity between his ears.
I understand that a lot of you are hunters, and regard yourselves as
sportsmen and would never do the chickenshit stuff the dentist did, but,
assuming you’re not hunting in order to feed your families, I confess I
don’t grasp the appeal of getting the best of dumb animals. I admit
that I don’t shy away from matching wits with liberals, but at least I
don’t leave their bloody carcasses lying around to frighten their wives
and children.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
17 August, 2015
Hitler's Leftism and Jewish Leftism
Hitler called his political party, "The National Socialist German
Worker's Party", Nazi for short. And all Socialist Worker's Parties that
I know of are to at least some degree Trotskyist, meaning far Leftist.
Even the Soviet Union was not socialist enough for Trotsky. He called it
"Bonapartist", which is an enormous insult in Marxist circles.
Bonapartism was an early form of Fascism. So Hitler placed himself very
firmly in the socialist camp.
But those who know something about it sometimes say that Hitler was more
of a nationalist than a socialist and there is truth in that. Nazism
was actually a fairly coherent doctrine and in it socialism actually
sprang from its nationalism. And Hitler was quite explicit about that.
He saw Germans as a family and family members look after one-another.
Have a look at the 1939 Nazi propaganda placard below (a "Wochenspruch"
for the Gau Weser/Ems). The placard promotes one of Hitler's sayings.
The saying is, "Es gibt keinen Sozialismus, der nicht aufgeht im eigenen
Volk" -- which I translate as "There is no socialism except what arises
within its own people".
Like Bismarck before him, Hitler was a pan-German nationalist. He saw
all Germans as one family ("Volk") that was sadly disunited and wanted
to re-unite them as one big happy family. He was not as wise as
Bismarck, however. He didn't quit while he was ahead. Bismarck waged a
short sharp and very successful war (the Franco-Prussian war of 1870)
and then spent the rest of his days avoiding war -- ushering in what
came to be known as the "Belle Epoque", a time of general European peace
which produced a great flowering of the arts, a period that lasted
until 1914.
So by the time Hitler came along, Germany was largely united into a
single legal entity. Bismarck had accomplished that. But it was a very
fragile unity. The
Laender (states) that were formed out of the
old German kingdoms and principalities still retained the prime loyalty
of most Germans. They thought of themselves (for instance) as Bavarians
first and citizens of the
Deutsches Reich second. And, even worse, there were still some German speaking lands that were outside the
Deutsches Reich, Austria in particular. And Hitler was an Austrian.
But far worse than those elements of disunity were the class enmities
and struggles of his day. Even before WWI, there was a lot of unrest in
Vienna. And that intensified in the wake of the WWI defeat, when
Germany was in turmoil. The Marxists exploited that turmoil. There were
even minor revolutions on some occasions. And the central element of
Marxist thinking is of course social class and class war was their
explicit aim.
That filled Hitler with horror. To have Germans making war on one
another was the very antithesis of what he wanted. The Marxists wanted
bloody revolution while Hitler wanted one big happy family.
Fascism is now dead but the Marxist-inspired Leftism of Hitler's day is
still with us. It is what we recognize as Leftism today. Nobody preaches
"one big happy family" Leftism today but a diluted form of class-war is
still very much with us. Modern-day Leftists too want to rip down the
customs and arrangements of our society and replace that with some
incoherently conceived utopia. Democracy restrains them but they
introduce as many destructive policies as they can get away with.
So if you don't like the sound of modern Leftism, you might have some
understanding of how the version of that in Hitler's day sounded to
Hitler. It sounded demonic. But it was clearly threatening to all he
stood for so he studied it.
And before he came from his home in Linz to "the big smoke" (Vienna) he
says he had no particular thoughts about Jews, regarding them as just
another religion.
But let Hitler speak for himself about his years in prewar Vienna (From Chap. 2 of
Mein Kampf).
First we read of his horror at the nihilism of the Austrian Social
Democrats, at that time a heavily Marxist party but with some rather
startling parallels to modern-day mainstream Leftism. Then we read what
he found about the leading lights in that party. Key excerpts :
My first encounter with the Social Democrats occurred during my
employment as a building worker. These men rejected everything: the
nation as an invention of the 'capitalistic' (how often was I forced to
hear this single word!) classes; the fatherland as an instrument of the
bourgeoisie for the exploitation of the working class; the authority of
law as a means for oppressing the proletariat; the school as an
institution for breeding slaves and slaveholders; religion as a means
for stultifying the people and making them easier to exploit; morality
as a symptom of stupid, sheeplike patience, etc. There was absolutely
nothing which was not drawn through the mud of a terrifying depths
More than any theoretical literature, my daily reading of the Social
Democratic press enabled me to study the inner nature of these
The greater insight I gathered into the external character of Social
Democracy, the greater became my longing to comprehend the inner core of
this doctrine.
The official party literature was not much use for this purpose. In so
far as it deals with economic questions, its assertions and proofs are
false; in so far as it treats of political aims, it lies. Moreover, I
was inwardly repelled by the newfangled pettifogging phraseology and the
style in which it was written. With an enormous expenditure of words,
unclear in content or incomprehensible as to meaning, they stammer an
endless hodgepodge of phrases purportedly as witty as in reality they
are meaningless. Only our decadent metropolitan bohemians can feel at
home in this maze of reasoning and cull an 'inner experience' from this
dung-heap of literary dadaism.
However, by balancing the theoretical untruth and nonsense of this
doctrine with the reality of the phenomenon, I gradually obtained a
clear picture of its intrinsic will.
At such times I was overcome by gloomy foreboding and malignant fear.
Then I saw before me a doctrine, comprised of egotism and hate, which
can lead to victory pursuant to mathematical laws, but in so doing must
put an end to humanity.
I gradually became aware that the Social Democratic press was directed
predominantly by Jews; yet I did not attribute any special significance
to this circumstance, since conditions were exactly the same in the
other papers. Yet one fact seemed conspicuous: there was not one paper
with Jews working on it which could have been regarded as truly national
according to my education and way of thinking.
I swallowed my disgust and tried to read this type of Marxist press
production, but my revulsion became so unlimited in so doing that I
endeavoured to become more closely acquainted with the men who
manufactured these compendiums of knavery. From the publisher down, they
were all Jews.
I took all the Social Democratic pamphlets I could lay hands on and
sought the names of their authors: Jews. I noted the names of the
leaders; by far the greatest part were likewise members of the 'chosen
people,' whether they were representatives in the Reichsrat or
trade-union secretaries, the heads of organizations or street agitators.
It was always the same gruesome picture. The names of the Austerlitzes,
Davids, Adlers, Ellenbogens, etc., will remain forever graven in my
memory. One thing had grown clear to me: the party with whose petty
representatives I had been carrying on the most violent struggle for
months was, as to leadership, almost exclusively in the hands of a
foreign people
And once the Marxist Jews of prewar Vienna had fired him up, Hitler
began to see a malign influence of Jews everywhere, as later chapters of
Mein Kampf reveal and as
at least some historians document and as was common in Germany anyway.
Apologies for the long quote but I wanted to let Hitler speak for
himself before putting his thinking into my words. And much of what he
said does have resonance today. It is surely fascinating that much of
what he says about the Social Democrats (the mainstream Leftists of his
day) could equally be said of modern-day Leftists. When he
described Leftist theoretical writing as gibberish, he could well be
talking about much of what is taught in American universities today.
And that similarity should give Leftist Jews pause for thought. By
embracing hostility to existing German society in the inter-war years,
they eventually brought down on their heads a terrible vengeance from a
charismatic patriot. They found that hate sometimes hurts the hater most
of all. Is it not possible to learn from that? American Jews are still
overwhelmingly Leftist and hence hostile to the society that has given
them a safe place. Would it not be more appropriate and decent to
support rather than contest the arrangements that have been so
beneficial to them?
Hitler arose in one of the most civilized and enlightened countries on
earth. And no-one foresaw his advent. So how can we be sure that another
charismatic patriot will not arise in America? Donald Trump is no
Hitler but he does show that a charismatic and angry patriot can come
out of nowhere and win a totally unexpected level of support.
And note that the frontrunner for leadership of Britain's major Leftist party at the moment is
a neo-Marxist antisemite and open supporter of jihadists. His popularity has surprised everyone. Reassuring?
If the steady pace of destruction that Obama has been inflicting on
America continues long enough, there could be an anti-Left rebellion
that sheds much blood. Conservatives have the guns, after all. And
the military is deeply conservative. And America has had two
civil wars already. And I think that the Left are more dangerous
to American welfare and prosperity than either the British or the
Southerners ever were. And any rebellion that had Leftists in its sights
ipso facto have many Jews in its sights. Jews always lose
in any upheaval. It is in their interests to prevent an upheaval, rather
than encouraging it.
I just hope that what I have said is not prophetic. Just over 70 years
ago, the many haters among them set Jewry up for the most ghastly
retaliatory blow. Has nothing been learned? Will the hate ever
stop? I regret to say that I am not optimistic.
More evidence of IQ as just one aspect of physical good functioning
IQ has a large range of physical correlates. Odd for something that Leftists say does not exist
New research reveals a distinct association between male intelligence in
early adulthood and their subsequent midlife physical performance. The
higher intelligence score, the better physical performance, a study
Researchers at the Center for Healthy Aging and the Department of Public
Health at the University of Copenhagen have studied the association
between male intelligence in early adulthood and their subsequent
physical performance, aged 48-56. The study comprised 2,848 Danish males
born in 1953 and in 1959-61, and the results have just been published
in the scientific Journal of Aging and Health.
"Our study clearly shows that the higher intelligence score in early
adulthood, the stronger the participants' back, legs and hands are in
midlife. Their balance is also better. Former studies have taught us
that the better the results of these midlife tests, the greater the
chance of avoiding a decrease in physical performance in old age", says
PhD student Rikke Hodal Meincke from the Center for Healthy Aging
With a 10-point increase in intelligence score, the results revealed a
0,5 kg increase in lower back force, 1 cm increase in jumping height -
an expression of leg muscle power, 0.7 kg increase in hand-grip
strength, 3.7% improved balance, and 1.1 more chair-rises in 30 seconds.
States should copy winning policies for economic growth
Instead of doubling down on outdated policy ideas such as raising taxes
and increasing government spending, state governments facing budget
crises should look to successful states for ideas on how to jumpstart
their own economies and reverse population declines. Fortunately, there
are resources they can use to make the case for innovation in
This year’s edition of the American Legislative Exchange Council’s
(ALEC) Rich States, Poor States report shows the economic outlooks of
states such as Illinois and Kentucky improved significantly since the
release of ALEC’s 2014 report, as their respective leaders learned from
the examples of other states.
The report measures and ranks states’ relative economic performance
using three criteria: the state’s gross domestic product output, the net
number of people domestically relocating to or from the state, and the
state’s nonfarm payroll employment numbers. State policies strongly
affect these three factors, the report explains.
The report also details 15 “policy variables” that impact how and why
capital—not only money, but people—moves from one state to another.
These variables include marginal corporate and personal income tax
rates, the progressivity of personal income tax structures, and the
ratio of government employees to total population.
“Generally speaking, states that spend less—especially on income
transfer programs, and states that tax less—particularly on productive
activities such as working or investing—experience higher growth rates
than states that tax and spend more,” the report says.
Those observations really shouldn’t surprise anyone, but too few states
embody them in their taxing and spending policies. In addition, the
numbers do have some instructive details.
For example, Kentucky’s economic output was lower than that of 29
states, reflecting past fiscal sins, but the state’s migration numbers,
which react directly to current conditions, were better than almost
two-thirds of the states.
Also on a positive note, Kentucky’s property tax burdens are among the
lowest in the nation, as Kentucky homeowners were charged an average of
$20.29 in property taxes per $1,000 of personal income. The state’s
relatively low sales taxes and personal income tax structures helped
boost the state’s economic ranking.
On the other end of the scale, Illinois, led by incoming Republican Gov.
Bruce Rauner, is an example of how states can learn from other states’
examples to bring success home.
In 2014, Illinois was near the bottom of the pack, ranking 48th out of
50. In 2015, Illinois climbed eight spots thanks to recently legislated
tax reforms. One of those changes was a decision to allow income tax
hikes enacted in 2011 to expire.
Speaking of Illinois’ jump in the rankings, ALEC’s Tax and Fiscal Policy
Task Force Director Jonathan Williams told, “Sometimes you
have to celebrate those small victories,” referring to how the state
got it “less wrong” than in past years.
As Rich States, Poor States proves, attracting new residents and new
businesses—and in turn new tax revenue—is not rocket science.
By keeping tax burdens low and government small, states can encourage
businesses and residents of other states to relocate, bringing their
capital with them. Kentucky is on the road to prosperity, Illinois is
improving, and states following in their footsteps will prosper as well.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
16 August, 2015
Your genes WON'T make you wealthy: Becoming rich is more about nurture than nature, study finds (?)
I add some skeptical comments at the foot of the report below.
The usual finding is that high IQ people tend disproportionately to be
high income earners. And IQ is of course highly hereditary
If your parents are rich, then you’re more likely to be wealthy too.
Scientists have long debated whether this is down to genetics or the
culture in which children are raised. Now, a new study claims to
have finally settled the debate; nurture, it says, is far more important
that nature when it comes to amassing wealth.
‘Innate biology is only a small factor in wealth’, Kaveh Majlesi, a
professor of economics at Lund University in Sweden and co-author of the
study told
Previous studies have attempting to find a ‘rich gene’ which might
explain how genetic characteristics that cause people to be wealthy are
passed down.
The latest research, however, found that the wealth of an adopted child –
before receiving an inheritance – is similar to that of their adoptive
parents, rather than their biological ones.
The study included data from 2,519 Swedish children who were adopted between 1950 and 1970.
The researchers then compared this to data on adults’ overall wealth in
Sweden between 1999 and 2007. This allowed scientists to compare the
wealth of the adult adoptees to the wealth of potential biological and
adoptive parents.
The biological parents were tended to be younger, poorer and less-educated than the adoptive parents.
Researchers found the adoptive parents had 1.7 to 2.4 times more of an
effect than the biological parents did on the adopted child’s adult
I hate to rubbish a very carefully and laboriously done study but it
is important to note that this is a study of WEALTH, not income. It is
derived from data collected by the Swedish government for the purposes
of its wealth tax.
I have read the whole original study
("Poor Little Rich Kids? The Determinants of the Intergenerational
Transmission of Wealth") and note that it showed great statistical
It does not show much knowledge of people
however. It covers gifts in the form of bequests but otherwise
omits the issue of gifts altogether. The authors seem quite
unaware that well-off people tend to give their kids money on various
occasions and for various reasons. My son, for instance, does well
every birthday.
And since the adoptive parents in the study
above were richer than the natural parents, it is almost certain that
the adopted kids got more gifts -- thus accounting entirely for the
finding that those kids had more wealth. The study therefore tells
us nothing about any biological effect -- including the influence of
I might add the general point that wealth taxes of any
kind are quite like other taxes in that they provoke avoidance
(legal) and evasion (illegal). And the standard way of
avoiding wealth taxes is to transfer funds to later generations in the
form of gifts. Gift taxes hinder but do not prevent that. So the
fact that the data originate from official Swedish wealth tax statistics
is rather unfortunate for this study. It guarantees that a LOT of
intergenerational giving did go on. So the findings in this study
would seem to be largely an artifact of Swedish law.
The data of
the study is therefore not capable of supporting the conclusions of the
study. I can't say I am surprised by social scientists who know
nothing about people. I had a lot of fun pointing out the follies
of my fellow social scientists during my own 20-year research
career. But I guess I shouldn't laugh!
The Extreme Party
During last Thursday night's inaugural 2016 Republican presidential
debate, Fox News' Megyn Kelly got into a spat with Donald Trump over his
history of vulgar comments about women. Trump followed up that tiff by
dropping a thinly veiled reference to Kelly's menstruation in the media.
Those comments prompted Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton to
praise Kelly — a woman with whom she would never deign to do an
interview — bash Trump, and then lash out at Senator Marco Rubio,
R-Fla., whom she perceives as the most serious threat to her
presidential aspirations.
"Yes, I know [Trump] makes great TV," said Clinton. "I think the guy
went way overboard - offensive, outrageous, pick your adjective. But
what Marco Rubio said has as much of an impact in terms of where the
Republican Party is today as anybody else on that stage."
What, pray tell, was Rubio's great sin? He said that he believed the
Constitution protects the unborn: "What I have advocated is that we pass
law in this country that says all human life at every stage of
development is worthy of protection. In fact, I think that law already
exists. It is called the Constitution of the United States."
According to Clinton and her allies in the media, this makes Rubio — and
any Republican who agrees with him — too extreme for the general
public. And it's not just abortion. Polls show that 52 percent of
Americans say that the Republican Party is more "extreme" in its
positions than the Democratic Party; just 35 percent say the reverse.
But is that true?
On abortion, for example, the Republican Party platform states that the
Constitution warrants protections for the unborn; the Democratic Party
position states that taxpayers should foot the bill for the killing of
unborn children at every stage of pregnancy, including partial-birth
abortion, a gruesome procedure in which children are pulled feet-first
out of their mother's wombs, their skulls pried open and brains sucked
out. Then the Democrats want to fund Planned Parenthood to carve up
those babies for organ sale.
Which position is more extreme?
On same-sex marriage, the Republican Party wants to pass a
Constitutional amendment to enshrine traditional marriage as the only
governmentally rewarded form of marriage; until such time, Republicans
acknowledge that same-sex marriage is legally a state's rights issue.
The Democratic Party wants to force religious Americans to participate
in homosexual weddings without recourse to the Constitution. Which is
more extreme?
On health care, Republicans want Americans to be able to choose the
healthcare they receive and pay for; Democrats want to force Americans
to pay into a system from which they receive less than they would if
they expended their dollars privately. Extremism, anyone?
The list goes on and on. Democrats want no major changes to the
educational system, except for spending more money on corrupt teachers'
unions; they also want to use taxpayer dollars to subsidize students
majoring in useless subjects at second-tier colleges. Republicans want
to allow Americans to keep more of their own money, and they want
American parents to be able to spend that money as they see fit on the
education of their children. Democrats want to dramatically increase
taxes; Republicans want to decrease them. Democrats want no meaningful
enforcement of America's immigration system; supposedly, Republicans
want to enforce immigration laws.
Yet the media portray Republicans as the extremists. That rhetorical
trick has its desired effect: Republicans are seen as nasty and
unpleasant, even while Democrats move so far to the left that an open
socialist is now their second leading contender for the presidency.
Republicans counter by insisting that they are kind and generous,
wonderfully moderate. This strategy is destined to fail. But Republicans
have no idea how to fight extremists, even as the left portrays them
consistently as America's most extreme political party.
The F35 debacle
The F35 is a political compromise. Different services wanted
different things in a new jet. To keep them all happy, the F35 was
designed to do everything -- resulting in it doing nothing well.
reliance on stealth is truly tragic. Stealth has basically had its
day. Both China and Russia have demonstrated stealth nullification
via radar improvements and other means. They've had a long time
to work on it and they have succeeded.
The only
consolation is that Russia won't have many T-50s. But they may not
need many against the F35. And what if Russia sells the T-50 to China
and China devotes its huge industrial base to building them?
predict that if ever the F35 flies into a real combat situation, the
airforce will soon realize the uselessness of its stealth attempts and
will abandon them. That will free the planes armorers to equip it
with a full external weapons load -- which would certainly make
the plane more survivable and may even enable it to do some damage to
the enemy
CAN the F35 beat this? Possibly not. Video footage of Russia’s new T-50
stealth fighter shows the extreme manoeuvrability the F-35 is up
against. Earlier this year a damning report from an F-35 test
pilot revealed the troubled $400 billion dollar single-seat stealth
fighter was easily outmanoeuvred by a two-seat 1980s vintage F-16D
combat jet.
As recently as last week, the success of modern Russian designs appear
to have won some vindication when Indian Russian-made Su-30 combat jets
went toe-to-toe with British Typhoon fighters in a competitive training
exercise: It was a 12-0 clean-sweep victory, in favour of the Indians.
The T-50 is the latest incarnation of Russian combat jet doctrine.
It purports to blend stealth with extreme manoeuvrability, and an
extensive suite of sensors and weapons. Russian President Vladimir Putin
hopes to have the jets operational by 2020, though an initial order for
50 of the aircraft has since been cut back to just 12.
The Tu-50 is just one of several new fighter types the F-35 Lightning may eventually face.
Despite its advanced sensors and avionics, the fighter’s single engine
simply isn’t powerful enough to push the bulky and overweight airframe
through the air all that fast — or accelerate it away from danger.
The F-35’s supporters argued that dogfighting was not what the
next-generation stealth fighter was built for: “The F-35’s
technology is designed to engage, shoot and kill its enemy from long
distances, not necessarily in visual ‘dogfighting’ situations,” a
Lockheed Martin statement reads.
“The challenge, chivalry and thrill of ‘guns-only’ dogfighting is clearly of a bygone era,” a 2007 US Air Force article reads.
Detractors, however, point out we’ve heard that argument before — with near disastrous results.
US Navy jets went into Vietnam without cannons, such was the confidence
they had in their ultra-advanced new missiles. Every jet designed and
built since then has had them included due to the lessons learnt at the
hands of the Russian-built jets the US came up against.
Detractors also argue F-35s long-range, stealth fighting style is also suspect.
To survive against a T-50, the F-35 must be stealthy. To be stealthy,
the F-35 cannot carry any weapons or fuel under its wings. This reduces
its capabilities and flexibility considerably.
Even if the F-35 is able to evade new visual and heat-seeking sensors
developed specifically in the past decade to find it, it is totally
reliant upon the success of its two air-to-air missiles. These must find
— and then hit — targets which are capable of both hiding through
stealth and countermeasures while using extreme manoeuvrability to
Once those two missiles are fired, the comparatively slow and sluggish
F-35 is entirely dependent on its stealth capability to slink away from
the battlefield to refuel and rearm.
And it’s not all that stealthy from behind. If it’s spotted, the questions remain: Can it run? Can it turn? Can it fight?
Court Strikes Down the FDA's Speech Regulations
The FDA is preventing you from learning about medical treatments that could save your life
They say that knowledge is power, that knowing is half the battle; and
the explosion of knowledge that has emerged in the information age has
undoubtedly made the world and its citizens far, far richer. Knowledge
saves lives and elevates people from rags to riches. You would think
that government would then be interested in promoting the spread of
knowledge to as many people as possible, to maximize well-being among
its citizens. You would think wrong.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) exercises strict controls over
what information drug companies are allowed to publicize, and in many
cases, these limitations result in needless deaths.
This was the issue in a recent court case in which a New York district
judge ruled that some of these limitations violate the right to freedom
of speech. The restrictions in question limit what is known as “off
label marketing.” What this means is that a drug company can only market
its products for uses approved by the FDA, even if it turns out that
the drugs have other benefits as well.
For example, suppose a company had gone through the rigorous approval
process to get the FDA to sign off on a new drug for, let’s say,
insomnia. The FDA agrees that the pill helps people sleep, and allows
the company to market it for that purpose. Suppose then that further
research emerges showing that the sleeping pill can shrink cancerous
tumors as well. Current law forbids drug companies from publicizing this
information to consumers, to doctors, or to anyone else who might find
it useful. Cancer treatment is an “off label” use for the drug, and
therefore forbidden.
The problem with these laws is obvious. There may exist many effective
treatments for life threatening diseases, but we would have no way of
knowing it, since that fact is not allowed to be advertised. It’s
impossible to estimate the number of needless deaths resulting from such
suppression of knowledge, but it is sure to be significant.
The court’s decision is an important victory, not only for our
constitutional rights, but also as a first step in removing some of the
regulatory barriers that are making health care less available and more
expensive. The FDA’s regulations have consistently held back innovation
and kept prices higher than they need to be. If we really care about
improving health care in America, permitting more freedom in the market
would be a good place to start.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
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14 August, 2015
An extreme Leftist nut in Britain
Jeremy Corbyn is the leading contender as new leader of the British
Labour Party, Britain's main party of the Left. The Conservatives
are hoping that he gets the job. Corbyn likes pigeons a lot better than
Runaway Labour leadership frontrunner Jeremy Corbyn once backed a House
of Commons motion welcoming the 'inevitable' end of human life on earth
in an asteroid strike, it emerged today.
The veteran socialist signed the controversial motion, attacking people
as 'obscene, perverted, cruel, uncivilised and lethal', after it emerged
MI5 were planning to use pigeons as flying bombs in combat.
Mr Corbyn is a long-term campaigner against 'pigeon prejudice' – and has
insisted the birds are 'intelligent and gentle creatures' which are
cleaner than cats and dogs.
In 1996, his love of the birds moved him to attack plans to try to
remove them from city centres. The Islington MP criticised plans
to force them out of Trafalgar Square and urged people to see the birds
as 'friends rather than enemies'.
The rebellious backbencher, whose has never been a minister or held a
shadow ministerial role, has backed a host of left-field causes
including a ban on 'war toys' for boys, homeopathy in the NHS and a ban
on working in hot weather.
In 2003 Mr Corbyn signed a motion attacking the 'lack of gratitude' for carrier pigeons during the Second World War.
In 1991 he campaigned for British Rail staff to be allowed to keep
'calming' beards after new rules proposed banning facial hair. Mr Corbyn
joined with 14 MPs to call for the rules to be scrapped. He said: 'This
House further believes that beards are healthy and create the
sympathetic image necessary for staff dealing with deeply distressed
In 1995 he called for a ban on adverts for 'war toys' for boys - like
Action Man figures - where there is 'a connection between such toys and
male violence'.
He has also called for the legalisation of the possession of cannabis
and dismissed the Serbian massacres in Kosovo as a 'genocide that never
Mr Corbyn also backed a motion welcoming England's success in the 1996
European Championships but criticised the 'jingoism and nationalism in
the pages of sections of the tabloid press'. It added it was
'reminiscent of Hitler's use of sport to enhance his evil regime in the
This year Mr Corbyn launched a bid to ban work in temperatures above 30C – or just 27C for physical jobs like on building sites.
Mr Corbyn has previously attracted criticism for describing the leaders of militant groups Hamas and Hezbollah as his 'friends'.
And he was embroiled in a new controversy earlier this week, as it
emerged he had defended controversial Anglican vicar Stephen Sizer, who
was disciplined by the church for posting a Facebook link to an article
suggesting Israel was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
It emerged that Mr Corbyn wrote a letter during the furore earlier this
year, defending Reverend Sizer and claiming he was 'under attack'
because he had 'dared to speak out against Zionism'.
A shock poll suggested Mr Corbyn had doubled his lead in the Labour
leadership race and was on course for a 'knockout victory'.
The YouGov poll of those eligible to vote in the contest gives Mr Corbyn
53 per cent of the first preference votes – enough to win a majority in
round one.
Conservatives Vs. 'The Real World'
As she runs to hold on to her base against an openly declared socialist
in the Democratic primaries, Hillary Clinton is declaring she intends to
go even further than President Obama and his radical executive amnesty
efforts. She continues to defend Planned Parenthood even after those
horrific videos documented the ghastly sale of baby body parts for
profit. She is wrapping herself in a gay agenda, viciously attacking
religious freedom.
But it's the Republicans that are the extremists.
Check out The Washington Post. On the front of the August 8 Post came
the headline "For GOP candidates, a rush to the right." Reporter Sean
Sullivan harped on abortion and immigration as issues where it could
"cause the eventual nominee problems with a more moderate electorate."
Sullivan claimed on social issues like abortion and gay marriage, "much
of the Republican field has now taken positions that are at odds with
mainstream American opinion. For example, three out of four Americans
say a woman should be able to obtain a legal abortion if she becomes
pregnant as a result of rape."
The problem for the Post? The Republican candidates and the Republican
platform haven't really changed on abortion since the last campaign.
What's changed on the Abortion Extremism Meter is liberals demanding
Democrats like Clinton defend Planned Parenthood removing "intact fetal
cadavers" for sale to the highest bidder. Avoiding this ugliness is
where the Post's yellow-dog Democrat bias comes through.
In Sunday's paper, here was another headline: "A platform for
conservative views: RedState Gathering gives nine GOP presidential
candidates - without Trump — room to expand on hard-right positions from
Thursday's debate." Reporter David Weigel also used that "hard right"
lingo in the news story.
As an example, Weigel cited Mike Huckabee deriding "paid transgender
surgery for members of the military." It is somehow extremist for
Huckabee to warn of the next step of left-wing extremism. Obama's
Pentagon is surging toward the radicals intent on shredding the "gender
binary," the military rank and file are furious — but to even discuss it
is "hard right."
Doom for the GOP is all over the Post's pages. Above Weigel's story in
the Post was a story headlined "A look at Donald Trump's history of
flippant misogyny." On the next page was the headline "Trump's behavior
may imperil GOP chance at White House."
In the world of the liberal media, everything is always "imperiling GOP chances."
Saturday's top editorial in the Post really underlined the media
tendency to exile conservatives in their own minds. The headline on the
Web was "Only a handful of GOP candidates are living in the real world."
After the first debate, the party was divided by the "electable ones" —
Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Chris Christie and Lindsey Graham — and everyone
else on the "GOP fringe," those who are "frighteningly out-of-touch."
So the tendentious Post classifies every conservative as incapable of
"living in the real world." But in the real world, Ronald Reagan in 1980
was certainly considered "hard right" and outside the left-tilting
political spectrum of the 1970s, and yet he won in a landslide ...
How the Posties must recoil at the NBC poll over the weekend. The top
five: Trump, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson, Carla Fiorina and Marco Rubio. Who,
exactly, is "frighteningly out of touch" here?
Jindal puts the emphasis on assimilation
by Jeff Jacoby
BOBBY JINDAL'S presidential quest may not take him all the way to the
White House. But if his time on the campaign trail helps put
assimilation back at the heart of the nation's immigration debate, he
will have rendered his country a valuable service.
The 44-year-old governor of Louisiana was born and raised in Baton
Rouge. His parents had immigrated to the United States from Punjab in
northern India, and Jindal's election in 2007 made him the first Indian
American chief executive of any state in US history.
But Jindal didn't run for governor as an Indian American, and he isn't
running for president as an Indian American, either. Throughout his
career he has championed the value and virtue of what used to be called
"Americanization" — the patriotic integration of immigrants and their
descendants into the American nation, so that they become Americans not
just legally, but culturally and socially as well.
"We must insist on assimilation," Jindal said in the closing moments of
the Republican "undercard" debate in Cleveland last week. "Immigration
without assimilation is an invasion." A TV commercial aired in Iowa by
Believe Again, a super PAC promoting Jindal for president, highlights
the governor's emphasis on making immigrants into Americans.
"I am tired of hyphenated Americans," Jindal says in the ad, which
features clips of a recent speech. "We're not Indian-Americans or
African-Americans or Asian-Americans. We're all Americans." Instead of
obsessing, as so many Republican candidates do, on the legal status of
those who cross the border, Jindal emphasizes the importance of
embracing the norms and mores of their new homeland. Immigrants, he
declares, "should adopt our values, they should learn English, and they
should roll up their sleeves and get to work."
For most of American history, the belief that immigration should go
hand-in-hand with assimilation was all but universally shared. There
were debates aplenty about the most effective means of Americanizing the
foreign-born, and there have always been restrictionists who argued
that immigrants from certain countries were incapable of blending into
the mainstream. When the Supreme Court upheld the Chinese Exclusion Act
in 1889, it accepted the government's claim that immigrants from China
had "remained strangers in the land, residing apart by themselves," and
that they were unlikely "to assimilate with our own people or to make
any change in their habits."
Whatever one's views on the ideal number or nationality of immigrants,
however, it was taken for granted until very recently that those who
came to America should want to be American. What the conservative Jindal
says on the subject in the 21st century is hardly different from what
the liberal Louis Brandeis was saying a century ago. In a speech at
Faneuil Hall in Boston in 1915, Brandeis argued that "the immigrant is
not Americanized unless his interests and affections have become deeply
rooted here" — until he comes to "possess the national consciousness of
an American."
In its 1912 platform, Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party explicitly
included immigrants in promising workers "a larger share of American
opportunity," even as it pledged "to promote their assimilation,
education, and advancement." Americanization activities were taken up by
public schools and private corporations, by nonprofit organizations and
chambers of commerce. Not all assimilation programs were successful.
Some relied too much on conformist pressure rather than on affectionate
encouragement. But on the whole, Americans thought it only natural that
immigrants should strive to become American, and immigrants of all
backgrounds could feel that they were part of a single national family.
The rise of militant multiculturalism undermined this consensus. Today's
"progressives" tend to regard the old ideal of patriotic assimilation
as a form of cultural suppression. Instead of celebrating a common
American culture, they pursue "diversity," and elevate racial, sexual,
and ethnic identities over national identity. E pluribus unum has been
turned on its head.
Because Jindal rejects the tribal politics that the left expects
minorities to uphold, he has been attacked as an Indian Uncle Tom and
mocked in a Twitter campaign linked by the hashtag
#BobbyJindalIsSoWhite. "There's not much Indian left in Bobby Jindal," a
University of Louisiana professor sneered to The Washington Post.
That might be a grievous shortcoming, were Jindal running for office in
India. But he is running in his own country, which he makes no apology
for loving. "My dad and mom told my brother and me that we came to
America to be Americans," Jindal says. "If we wanted to be Indians, we
would have stayed in India."
Tide Turns in Favor of Greece’s Shipping Industry
An article in WSJ highlighted the Greek shipping industry, which it says
has "emerged largely unscathed" from the nation's recent financial
The reports say that shipping companies in Greece are buying vessels
from cash-strapped competitors and German banks, and are poised to grab
even more market share - but bailout-related tax hikes could lead
shipowners to seek cheaper waters.
Greek owners, who operate almost a fifth of the global fleet of merchant
ships, are paying rock-bottom prices for competitors' vessels. Shipping
employs more than 200,000 people in Greece and contributes around 7.5%
of Greece's gross domestic product. The industry is dominated by a small
circle of family-run companies that control almost a fifth of the
world's shipping fleet-long a source of national pride.
According to Basil Karatzas, a New York-based maritime adviser, as the
global financial crisis took hold and the freight market gradually
collapsed, the Greeks stayed above water as they were not overly
leveraged and stood on cash generated during the boom years before 2008.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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13 August, 2015
Another meltdown of official wisdom
People who eat lots of butter or cream are no more likely to have an early death than anyone else, a study suggests.
Researchers trawled through the health records of hundreds of thousands
of patients and found no statistical link between eating saturated fat
and falling ill with heart disease, strokes or type 2 diabetes.
The findings, published in the British Medical Journal, raise further
doubts about 32-year-old guidelines that warn people to avoid butter,
full-fat milk and other meat and dairy products with high levels of
saturated fats.
Britons were advised in 1983 to cut their fat intake to 30 per cent of
their total energy, and saturated fat intake to 10 per cent, while
increasing the amount of carbohydrates they ate.
But the latest evidence suggests that saturated fats may not be bad for you after all.
What Does It Mean to Be a Democrat?
On ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Matthew Dowd identified
four factions that make up the Republican Party: the Tea Party,
libertarians, social conservatives and establishment Republicans. Note
that three of these groups are identified almost exclusively by how they
think. Arguably the fourth is as well. The Republican Party definitely
attracts people who take ideas seriously.
What about the Democratic Party? It’s tempting to say that Democrats are
liberal. But did you know that the base of the party — those that are
the most reliable supporters of Democratic candidates — are not
particularly liberal at all?
According to Pew research, among self-identified Democrats the most
liberal are the ones with high incomes and post graduate degrees — a
tiny minority. But among blacks, among people who have no more than a
high school education and among those who make less than $30,000 a year,
a majority consider themselves neither “liberal” nor “mostly liberal.”
Among Hispanics it’s about fifty-fifty. And remember: this was a poll of
people who call themselves Democrats.
Matt Vespa, writing at Townhall, quotes New York Times analyst Nate Cohn as saying:
"The majority of Democrats and Democratic primary voters are
self-described moderates or even conservatives, according to an Upshot
analysis of Pew survey data from 2014 and exit polls from the 2008
Democratic primary.
Some of these self-described moderates hold fairly liberal views. But
the “mostly liberal” Democrats barely outnumber Democrats with “mixed”
or conservative policy views, according to the Pew data, which
classified respondents based on how consistently they agreed with
Democratic policy positions. Only about a quarter of Democratic-leaners
hold the consistently liberal views that would potentially put them to
the left of Mrs. Clinton."
Well if liberalism isn’t what unites Democrats, could it be something
else, like concern for the least fortunate? You might think so if you
are a regular reader of the columns of New York Times columnist Paul
Krugman. But the facts don’t bear that out either. A study by American
Enterprise Institute president Arthur Brooks finds that conservatives
are consistently more charitable than liberals. As one reviewer put it:
"Brooks finds that households with a conservative at the helm gave an
average of 30 percent more money to charity in 2000 than liberal
households (a difference of $1,600 to $1,227). The difference isn’t
explained by income differential — in fact, liberal households make
about 6 percent more per year. Poor, rich, and middle class
conservatives all gave more than their liberal counterparts.
And it wasn’t just money. The conservatives gave more time, more blood, etc.
These findings are consistent with my own anecdotal experience. For many
years I was an attentive viewer of C-Span’s morning show — where
callers could call in on a “Democratic” or “Republican” line. Sometimes
lines were labeled “liberal” or “conservative.” What I found striking
was how rarely anyone on the Democratic or liberal line advocated a
position I regarded as unambiguously liberal. I don’t recall a single
caller saying we should all (including the caller) pay higher taxes so
that we could have universal pre-school or universal long term care or
so we could pay for some other government spending project.
Instead, I heard teachers arguing for more pay for teachers, seniors
wanting more out of Social Security and Medicare, union members wanting
trade protection, blacks wanting more for blacks, etc. In other words,
what I heard a lot of was selfishness. The Democratic line attracted a
lot of people who want government to intervene for their benefit at
everyone else’s expense.
Is it possible that raw economic self-interest is what attracts voters
to the Democratic Party? Certainly that is one way to view the Franklin
Roosevelt political coalition. At Roosevelt’s behest, Congress passed
the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA), which attempted to regulate
the entire economy, based on the Italian fascist model. In each
industry, management and labor were allowed to collude to set prices,
wages, output, etc. Every industry or trade was ordered to conspire to
pursue its own interests at the expense of the public. The Supreme Court
put an end to the NIRA, but it didn’t put an end to the ideas behind
If economic selfishness is what unites Democrats, could that model be in
danger of falling apart? Trade unions, occupational licensing, and
other attempts to monopolize trades and professions are very much in the
Roosevelt tradition. But none of this attracts high income, highly
educated liberals who back charter schools in their fight against the
teachers' unions and who back Uber in its fight against the taxi cab
Even more stunning is the recent Obama administration broadside against
occupational licensing. It points out that one of every four jobs in the
country requires a government license and reflects the concern of
economists that these laws protect the producers, not consumers, and
that their effects are eerily similar to medieval guilds.
At the state and local level, Republicans appear to have been as bad as
Democrats in yielding to these special interest pressures. For
Republicans, this is inconsistent with their free market rhetoric.
However, for Democrats, it’s consistent with the Roosevelt model.
There is a potential rupture within the Democratic Party that has been largely ignored by the pundits.
Christian Refugees Get the Cold Shoulder
One of the great traditions of American foreign policy has been to
protect the oppressed against those who would do them harm. Yet
throughout Barack Obama’s presidency, we have seen time and again how
that policy has been abandoned for the sake of politics and The One’s
own personal aggrandizement.
The most recent example is the revelation that 28 Chaldean Christians
have been sitting in a San Diego immigration detention facility while
bureaucrats decide whether to let them seek asylum in America or be
returned to Iraq, where Christians are facing widespread persecution
under the Islamic State and an indifferent and corrupt Iraqi regime.
The Chaldean Christians hail from one of the oldest Christian
communities in the world, and the more than two dozen people who now sit
in a barbed wire compound in San Diego faced a perilous trek to avoid
being jailed and murdered at the hand of barbarians who seek nothing
less than their conversion to Islam or their death. Twelve have already
been given deportation orders, though their final destination and fate
remains unknown.
While illegal immigrants with horrendous criminal records run rampant on
American streets committing heinous crimes that the administration and
the Leftmedia try to downplay, Christians who want nothing more than the
freedom to practice their faith are being detained.
“In Iraq, they only had three choices: convert to Islam, death by the
sword or leave the country,” Mark Arabo, head of the Minority
Humanitarian Foundation, told Fox News. “They’ve refused to convert,
escaped slavery and death — only to be imprisoned by our broken
immigration system.”
Arabo, whose parents came from Iraq to the U.S. in 1979, went on to note
a sad truth under the Obama administration: “The disheartening thing is
it seems that our border is open to anyone unless you’re a Christian
fleeing genocide.”
Since Obama abandoned Iraq in 2009, leaving that country to the wolves
and spitting on the graves of the 4,000 American soldiers who gave their
lives to secure that country, more than a million Iraqi Christians have
been exiled. Some 300,000 still remain, and they live in constant fear
of displacement, rape, murder and a number of other brutalities at the
hands of the Islamic State, which has made significant military gains in
the absence of an American military presence.
John Sununu, former New Hampshire governor and chief of staff to George
H.W. Bush, recently noted, “There seems to be an indifference in
Washington to what is happening here.”
Sununu is being too kind. Former Rep. Frank Wolf of Virginia was
more accurate, saying, “This administration is fundamentally
Obama is not just indifferent to the plight of Iraqi Christians or the
Christians in Syria and Egypt and many other nations around the world
who are being persecuted and murdered in record numbers by jihadis. We
think his sustained record of inaction and turning a blind eye to the
massacres taking place across the globe belies an underlying disdain for
the Christian faith.
Consider Obama’s words since taking office. From his inaugural “apology”
tour in 2009 to mandating Christians pay for abortive drugs through
health insurance to his open browbeating of Christians over the Crusades
during the National Prayer Breakfast in February to his support for the
Rainbow Mafia’s persecution of Christians over marriage, he has
demonstrated not only ignorance of history but contempt for the
Christian religion and its place in the world.
At every turn, Obama has chosen to play down the horrific actions of the
Islamic State as it burns people alive, decapitates nonbelievers en
masse, and drives people of other faiths from the homes their families
have lived in for generations. Instead, he callously dishes out
revisionist history of atrocities committed by Christians hundreds of
years ago in an attempt to lay out some twisted morally equivalent
worldview that is logically and morally bankrupt.
As Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said in February, “It was nice of the
President to give us a history lesson… Today, however, the issue right
in front of his nose, in the here and now, is the terrorism of Radical
Islam, the assassination of journalists, the beheading and burning alive
of captives… The Medieval Christian threat is under control, Mr.
President. Please deal with the Radical Islamic threat today.”
But that is not Obama’s M.O. He is acting on a lifelong contempt for
Western values that was instilled in him by his mentors of hate. He sees
the threats that face America as some sort of punishment for a
perceived injustice that our nation has perpetrated on the world.
It cannot be denied that some Christians acted poorly in the past (and
sometimes the present), nor can it be denied that America has awful
scars in its history. But our country learns from its mistakes, and it
remains as always the single brightest beacon of freedom and hope for
people around the world who want to practice their faith in peace and
with dignity. Obama’s twisted worldview has done America no favors, and
it has rolled back the march toward universal freedom. Who can say how
long it will take to undo the damage he has wrought?
Minimum wage Restaurants Suffer Worse Job Loss Since The Great Recession
According to a report released Sunday by the American Enterprise
Institute (AEI), the $15 minimum wage has caused Seattle restaurants to
lose 1,000 jobs — the worst decline since the 2009 Great Recession.
“The loss of 1,000 restaurant jobs in May following the minimum wage
increase in April was the largest one month job decline since a 1,300
drop in January 2009, again during the Great Recession,” AEI Scholar
Mark J. Perry noted in the report.
The citywide minimum wage increase was passed in June of last year. The
measure is designed to increase the city minimum wage gradually to $15
an hour by 2017. The first increase under the plan was to $11 an hour in
April. According to the report, Seattle restaurants have already faced
severe consequences as a result. In contrast, in the six years since the
2009 financial crisis, the industry has been recovering in areas
without the $15 minimum wage.
“Restaurant employment nationally increased by 130,700 jobs (and by
1.2%) during that same period,” the report also noted. “Restaurant
employment in Washington increased 3.2% and by 2,800 jobs.”
Supporters of the $15 minimum wage often argue it will help the poor and
stimulate economic activity. Opponents, however, argue such policies
will actually hurt the poor by limiting job opportunities. How little or
how much of either outcome usually depends on the study. Nevertheless,
even the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) agrees at least
some job loss is expected.
Studies also show that industries with low profit margins, like
restaurants, are more likely to be hit the hardest. A June report from
the investor rating service Moody’s claims the minimum wage doesn’t even
have to go up to $15 an hour for negative effects to occur.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
12 August, 2015
The recent large pivot Leftward of the Democratic party
But why did they move that way? Because they can. The
American electorate was once economically conservative, so the Democrats
matched that to stay in office. In recent years, however, the
rusted-on vote of the minorities gives them a freer hand.
Mitt Romney was a lackluster candidate yet won an amazing 59 percent of
the white vote. It was monolithic minority votes that handed the
Presidency to Obama. So they can now do much more of what they
basically want: Control.
“We Democrats believe that our economy can and must grow at an average
rate of 5% annually, almost twice as fast as our average annual rate
since 1953....We shall bring in added Federal tax revenues by expanding
the economy itself.” -- 1960 Democratic Party Platform
“We will continue to use tax policy to maintain steady economic growth
by helping through tax reduction to stimulate the economy when it is
sluggish.” – 1968 Democratic Party Platform
“We reject ..the big government theory that says we and spend
our way to prosperity..We honor business as a noble endeavor.” -- 1992
Democratic Party Platform
“Today's Democratic Party knows that the era of big government is over.
Big bureaucracies and Washington solutions are not the real answers to
today's challenges. We need a smaller government.” – 1996 Democratic
Party Platform
“We have ended the era of big government; it’s time to end the era of
old government…Democrats believe in supporting the startups, the small
businesses, and the entrepreneurs that are making the New Economy go.”
-- 2000 Democratic Party Platform
“We promise to cut taxes for 98% of Americans…We believe the private
sector, not government, is the engine of economic growth and job
creation.” -- 2004 Democratic Party Platform
Up until 2000, Democrats routinely used buzzwords like “tax cuts,”
“smaller government,” and “growth” in their platforms,” beginning in the
John F. Kennedy era, even through Al Gore’s “reinventing, downsize the
government” campaign. Though Democrats kept the caveat that it would
resort to higher taxes, as it did in 1960, if the “unfolding demands of
the new decade” necessitated them, President John F. Kennedy still cut
taxes and famously declared that “a rising tide lifts all boats.”
But since 2008, the Democrats have lost their ideological bearings. The
Obama Administration and now Democrat presidential contender Hillary
Clinton are pursuing a course the polar opposite of the modus operandi
of prior Democratic Administrations, when tax cuts were about igniting
growth first, redistribution later. But both Hillary Clinton and
President Barack Obama continue to put redistribution and big government
first at the expense of growth, and end up getting neither.
Both are about raising taxes when the government routinely fails to
deliver a budget. For the first time in six years, both houses of
Congress last May adopted concurrent budget resolutions, notes FOX News
Channel’s information specialist Stephen Scarola, as the federal
government continues to mistake emergency stabilization plans to handle
the housing crash as growth plans.
And now, Hillary Clinton proposes a mind-boggling capital gains tax plan
that involves a half-dozen rates, a plan which nearly doubles the rate
for investments held less than six years.
A flip flop from when Mrs. Clinton said of the capital gains tax rate in
the 2008 Democrat presidential debates: “I wouldn’t raise it above the
20% if I raised it at all. I would not raise it above what it was during
the Clinton Administration.”
We’ve got a U.S. tax code undermining the economy that sits at 77,000
pages, with all the statutes and regulations factored in, at seven times
the length of Tolstoy’s “War and Peace.” Americans spend 6.1 billion
hours every year attempting to comply with the revenue code, at an all
in monetary cost of about $168 billion, estimates the Tax Foundation,
about the size of Vietnam's GDP.
It’s a tax code written in an incomprehensible tongue and neurotically
fiddled with by politicians doing the paid bidding of rent seekers
seeking privileges their competitors don’t get. Entire, multi-billion
dollar, unproductive industries are built, and wasted, on either
complying with the code, or chasing elected officials who dole out tax
“We will protect the rights of all taxpayers against oppressive
procedures, harassment and invasions of privacy by the Internal Revenue
Service,” reads the 1976 Democratic Party platform. “At present, many
federal government tax and expenditure programs have a profound but
unintended and undesirable impact on jobs and on where people and
business locate. Tax policies and other indirect subsidies have promoted
deterioration of cities and regions. These policies should be
However, now both President Obama and Hillary Clinton are about bigger
government, even though the economy grew at less than 2% since 2008 and
just 1.5% in the first half of 2015, a virtual standstill.
That first half performance is less than half the average growth the
U.S. economy experienced, at just over 3%, from World War II to 2007.
This isn’t just the worst growth rate since World War II. It’s the worst
rate of growth since the modern concept of GDP was first developed in
1934. When about half the time from 1950 to 2000, 4% growth was the
norm. Most every recession since World War II saw higher economic
growth, including the cataclysmic 1981 recession that saw a severe
banking collapse when big money center banks, including Citibank (C),
faced insolvency due to Latin American debt crisis.
That 3% growth rate would toss off another $600 billion in annual
economic growth, estimates show, which would mean more jobs and higher
Today we’ve got a federal government whose spending annually equates to
about 24% of GDP, up from the 19% average from 1950 to 2000. That’s a
lot of capital sucked out of the private markets away from job-creating
entrepreneurs who could develop the next, hot technology or medical
cures, capital for the politicians to use instead to pick and choose how
it’s deployed.
Taxpayers continue to pay for federal waste, anywhere from $125 billion
to $200 billion, due to duplicative spending, even after the Government
Accountability Office, Congress‘ official watchdog, made 440
recommendations since 2009 for cut backs in 180 areas. Less than a
third, 29%, of the GAO’s recommendations were fully addressed.
This, as the 2008 Democratic platform said the party would be all about
“eliminating waste in existing government programs” and “pay as you go
budgeting rules.”
Support the re-election of Canada's PM HARPER
A group of Canadians living in Israel has launched a crowdfunding
campaign to help Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper win re-election
this October.
“As Canadians, we believe Harper is good for Canada, he is good for the
Jewish community, he is good for Israel, and he is good for the world.
We want to help him stay in office,” said the leader of the campaign,
Dan Illouz, a strategic consultant and CEO of Di Consulting.
The crowdfunding campaign hopes to raise $20,000. The group plans to use
the funds to send 10 people to Canada just prior to the election to get
out the vote for Harper Canadian Jewish communities.
“One of the greatest Jewish values is to know how to say ‘thank you’
when someone does something good for you. This campaign is here to say
thank you to Prime Minister Harper. People all around the world have the
opportunity to participate and donate and to help us say thank you,”
Illouz said.
Under Harper’s leadership, Canada has been an outspoken supporter of
Israel in international bodies such as the United Nations. Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in June that Israelis believe the
Jewish state has “no better friend than Canada.”
Harper, who leads the Conservative Party, faces a tough re-election
campaign against Tom Muclair’s New Democratic Party and Justin Trudeau’s
Liberal Party. The election comes Oct. 19.
Why Socialist Bernie Sanders Is Wrong about Health Care Being a Human Right
People who make up human rights run a risk. Someone else might
follow on by making up a human right to (say) kill all socialists.
Socialists have repeatedly shown that they think they have a right to
kill anyone they want to
"Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality.
But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty,
socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude." ~Alexis de
Last week, National Nurses United (NNU) hosted a rally to celebrate the
anniversary of Medicare. During the rally, NNU took the opportunity to
host Independent-Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders, who is seeking the
Democratic nomination for president. Sander's speech to the crowd shed
further light on his socialist views on the future of healthcare in the
United States.
In his speech, Sander's stated that “healthcare is a right, not a
privilege of all Americans", which is far from the truth. The debate
over whether or not the right to life correlates with the right to
health care has been an issue since the late 1800's. The truth of the
matter is that while you do have the right to your life (meaning no one
has the right to murder you, force you into slavery, dictate the terms
of your existence through coercion or forced aggression), this right is
what is known to philosophers as a negative right; while the right to
purchase and receive health care is a positive right. First, we must
define what is a right, before we go any further.
According to the Markkula Institute for Applied Ethics:
" What is a right? A right is a justified claim on others. For example,
if I have a right to freedom, then I have a justified claim to be left
alone by others. Turned around, I can say that others have a duty or
responsibility to leave me alone. If I have a right to an education,
then I have a justified claim to be provided with an education by
Based on that definition, a negative right is a claim against being
interfered with; while a positive right is a claim that requires
positive action on the part of someone else. The American system is
based on the idea that we have negative rights to life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness, but not positive claims on others. For example,
you have the right to worship as you please without interference (a
negative right) but you don't have the right to force someone else to
use their labor or money to accommodate you in your worship (a positive
right). Philosophy expert Leonard Piekoff, PH.D touched on this issue by
showing a more exaggerated example of what people feel they have the
right to:
"...the American viewpoint continues, are the rights to life, liberty,
property, and the pursuit of happiness. That's all. According to the
Founding Fathers, we are not born with a right to a trip to Disneyland,
or a meal at Mcdonald's, or a kidney dialysis (nor with the 18th-century
equivalent of these things). We have certain specific rights [mentioned
in the Bill of Rights]—and only these."
Thus the pretense of Sanders' statement is entirely incorrect, since no
one owes you luxury cars, food, clothes, or health care. For the sake of
driving this point home even further, voters in the upcoming election
must realize that it is fundamentally wrong to keep anything that you
have not created that others need to survive. Socialized health care is
not "compulsory charity" as Democrats and Socialists (if there is any
difference between the two anymore) would guilt you into believing. Its
taking the financial resources of individuals to give to someone else,
and in turn giving many people a poor product they didn't want to have
in the first place.
An important concept to consider is that, if Americans are so focused on
patient access and protection through medical coverage, who will look
out for the best interest of the doctors, nurses, and other health care
professionals? After all, medicine is something that many students
throughout the nation spend incredibly large amounts of money and many
hours committing themselves to getting their degrees and becoming
medical services professionals. So the greater question should be
whether or not you have a right to dictate the uses of their skills and
talents. Medical practices are like any other commodity or service, they
come with a very real costs since doctors become doctors not simply
because they just want to help people, but because they want to make a
profit and a living in the process of doing so. If there isn't a way to
make a living and earn a humble profit, doctors and other medical
professionals would be going against their own rational self-interest by
entering the profession. A looming issue with the expansion of
ObamaCare is the drastic shortage in doctors the US is facing. According
to a recent report covering this disturbing fact:
"... The analysis finds that exchange plan networks include 42 percent
fewer oncology and cardiology specialists; 32 percent fewer mental
health and primary care providers; and 24 percent fewer hospitals.
Importantly, care provided by out-of-network providers does not count
toward the out-of-pocket limits put in place by the ACA."
What this shows is that people are as obligated to give you health care
as much as they are obligated to give you their efforts and labor as a
form of economic indentured servitude. A free market approach to health
care reform is the best way to allocate services and products to
patients, but also looks out for health care providers so that they can
work to satisfy customers while satisfying their bottom line.
In conclusion, if we all have the right to health care, then using that
logic we should all have the right to drive and own a Mercedes.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
11 August, 2015
An analysis of the Left from the Left
James Bloodworth, a British Trotskyist, unleashes below a broadside
at "Comrade" Jeremy Corbyn, the current hero of the British Left. He
rightly excoriates Corbyn for his antisemitism and sympathy for tyrants.
Bloodworth's major point is that too much Leftist thinking is
simplistic, something that is undeniably true.
It is
simplistic to the point of sheer ignorance a lot of the time. For
instance, anybody who says that rent control is a good way of providing
housing for the poor clearly hasn't got a blind clue about housing
provision. It is in fact a good way of HALTING new housing provision.
major form of simplistic thinking that Bloodworth identifies is the
Leftist view that "capitalism" is the source of all the world's ills and
that America is the home of capitalism. So America is
public enemy no. 1.
That the government grab for the health
system and the ever-more onerous regulations of the EPA have made
America under Obama very little different from most European countries
has escaped their notice.
Extremely simplistic thinking does have
a lot of appeal. The vast bulk of the population is very poorly
informed politically so simple answers can easily appear right to
them. Simplistic thinking is a good vote winner. It will
probably grab the majority of votes from welfare dependants and people
in humble occupations. And there are a lot of those. So
Corbyn and the Left generally are probably not as obtuse as they
seem. Their motto is "keep it simple and say it often". It's like a
Coca Cola advertisement. And, like Coca Cola, it sells.
however, appears to be more principled and less cynical. He
actually believes that there are some groups of people that need
protection and help -- and thinks that helping them is what Leftism is
all about. Like all Leftists, he thinks that taking money off "rich"
people is how you do the helping but he does not lose sight of the
I actually think Bloodworth is too optimistic. I
think the Left have a bigger problem than simplistic thinking.
Bloodworth seems unaware of how deeply angry many of his fellow Leftists
are. They relish destruction of the world they hate. Their
"caring" is just camouflage for their hate. So people who
really do destroy capitalism around them -- such as Fidel Castro and
Hugo Chavez -- do genuinely seem like good guys to many Leftists, such
as Corbyn. Bloodworth underestimates Corbyn's hate
motivation. Bloodworth has the handicap of being a genuine and
principled Leftist rather than being just a hater.
Until mid-2011 I was a member of a small London-based Trotskyist group.
Early in that same year, as part of my propaganda efforts on behalf of
the group I ended up at a meeting of the Labour Representation
Committee, a left-wing faction of the Labour party, where I listened to
Jeremy Corbyn deliver a rousing speech on the then raging war in Libya.
From memory, the speech was not so much anti-war, which would have been
perfectly reasonable considering talk at the time of Nato intervention,
as pro that country's dictator, Colonel Gaddafi. I do not remember the
exact contents of the speech – it took place when Corbyn was an obscure
backbencher – only that audible groans filled enlightened corners of the
hall, including my own, when the left-winger began to reel off what he
considered the "achievements" of the Gaddafi regime.
You might call my experience of that day the beginning of my education
in the left-wing case against Jeremy Corbyn, who since then has risen
from obscure backbencher to likely next leader of the Labour party.
No, Corbyn is striking a chord with Labour activists because in many
respects he is correct: a Britain built on finance capitalism and
property speculation will never work in the interests of the majority.
That isn't Bolshevism; it's the ABC of social democracy. The problem
with Labour's so-called modernisers, or Blairites, or whatever you want
to call them, is that they appear to have forgotten much of this.
The best case against Corbyn is not that he is a wild-eyed socialist,
but instead goes back to my initial reminiscence: he is remarkably good
at proffering apologetics for dictatorship and tyranny. As well as
Gaddafi, Corbyn has in recent years championed/made excuses for
Venezuelan autocrat Hugo Chavez, Russian gay-basher Vladimir Putin, the
butcher of Bosnian Muslims Slobodan Milosevic and the Cuban dictator
Fidel Castro.
He has also worked for Iranian state broadcaster Press TV (home of
Holocaust deniers and other cranks) and has referred to fascistic
terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah as his "friends".
It is this, rather than any desire to make the British economy more like
that of Germany – the horror! – which ought to prevent Labour members
from voting for Corbyn in the upcoming Labour leadership election. A
person cannot conceivably be anti-establishment when they are so willing
to line up behind some of the most atrocious "establishments" in the
This matters perhaps more today than it did in the past. Large swathes
of the world are currently convulsed by war and/or under the boot of
dictatorship. The world urgently requires a vocal and internationally
minded left – a left which, while recognising imperialist follies such
as the war in Iraq, never grovels to religious fascists and whose
instinctive reaction to tyranny is one of revulsion rather than
reverential talk about the "achievements" of this or that thuggish
dictatorship – however "left" the posture of the regime in question
Unfortunately, Corbyn's indulgence of tyranny is invariably where
politics takes you if you accept the increasingly fashionable view that
the US is the world's most malevolent power. In building up the US as
public enemy number one, the left must invent disagreements with it –
and by extension Britain – to prop up an increasingly tortuous
ideological house of cards.
Thus because the US is the beating heart of capitalism, it must always
and everywhere be the "root cause" (you will hear that phrase a lot) of
the world's problems; and by deduction, any movement that points a gun
in its direction must invariably have something going for it.
To agree with David Cameron [British PM] about, say, the threat from
Islamic State (Isis) is to admit there are nastier forces in the world
than George Osborne [British treasurer] and the Daily Mail
[popular conservative newspaper]. And if this turns out to be true, the
main enemy might not be capitalism after all – and thus the illusions
begin to melt away.
It may be accurate that, as his supporters like to point out, Corbyn
"actually believes in something". And yes, ideology can at times inspire
tremendous good.
But it can also make a person believe that a goldfish is a racehorse
This is how Comrade Corbyn, a nice man who loathes tyranny and
anti-Semitism, ends up on platforms lavishing praise on tyrants and
anti-Semites. And it is how some of the very best now find themselves
willing on a man who consistently gives succour to some of the very
The truth is that, however much a Corbyn-led Labour party might claim to
be standing up for the most vulnerable, it will always and everywhere
be willing to sacrifice the very people it ought to stick up for – the
world's democrats, secularists, Jews, gays and women – on the
ideological alter of anti-Americanism. This, as I will never tire of
pointing out, ought to make Corbyn persona non grata for any principled
person of the left.
China's illegals
In a tribute to capitalism, China is now a destination for illegal
immigrants. China's capitalism is far from perfect, even less
perfect than U.S. capitalism, but even some capitalism has dramatic
effects. Who would ever have thought that "low wage" China would
become so remunerative that people from nearby countries break Chinese
law to get there?
On a quiet river bend on the China-Vietnam border, a group of people
clambered up a muddy bank. They had just glided across the river from
the Vietnamese side in a longboat, guided by men on both banks signaling
with flashlights.
The passengers scurried over to a group of men standing by their
motorcycles, climbed aboard the bikes and disappeared into the night.
Two Chinese police officers in uniform, stationed at a small post near
the crossing point in the border town of Dongxing, watched impassively
as they rode past.
"We come every night," said one young biker with spiky hair before he
rode off. "Sometimes we carry (smuggled) goods into town. Sometimes we
carry Vietnamese workers."
The bikers’ illicit cargo on that late summer night last year was
illegal laborers. They were headed on a 700-kilometre (440 miles)
journey to the economic powerhouse of Guangdong. The province, filled
with factories making goods for export, has been dubbed “the workshop of
the world.”
The smuggling of illegal workers from Vietnam across the 1,400-km
(840-mile) border into China is growing. Labor brokers estimate that
tens of thousands work at factories in the Pearl River Delta, which
abuts Hong Kong. Workers from other Southeast Asian nations are joining
Visits by Reuters to a half-dozen factory towns in southern China
revealed the employment of illegal workers from Vietnam is widespread,
and authorities often turn a blind eye to their presence. Workers from
Myanmar and Laos were also discovered to be working in these areas.
Reuters found that employers supply these illegal workers with fake
identity cards and sometimes confine them to factory compounds to keep
them out of sight of the authorities. Chinese human smuggling
syndicates, known as “snakeheads", work with Vietnamese gangs to control
the lucrative trade, workers and labor brokers in China said. The
syndicates take a cut of the workers' monthly wages - up to 500 yuan
($80) a month in some cases, according to one broker - and charge
factory owners a fee.
Baltimore Homicide Spike Is the Harvest of Leftism
Chicago rightfully gets headlines for being America’s most prolific
murder city, but three months after Baltimore erupted in flames
following the death of criminal suspect Freddie Gray, the city’s total
number of homicides has set an all-time city record for a three-month
timeframe. The 116 homicides recorded in Baltimore from May through July
included last month’s total of 43, which was its highest monthly toll
since 1972.
Baltimore mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has already ousted her police
chief and called in federal help to combat a thriving drug trade, but
the city is still feeling the effects of April’s unrest — not to mention
half a century of Democrat rule.
As one beleaguered city resident put it, “The ones doing the violence,
the shootings — they’re eating Percocet like candy and they’re not
thinking about consequences. They have no discipline, they have no
respect. They think this is a game. How many can I put down on the East
side? How many can I put down on the West side?”
In practically every Baltimore case, though, it was black-on-black crime
that inflated the murder rate. “Black Lives Matter” has been a handy
slogan for the race-baiters who descended on Baltimore, Ferguson and New
York and shouted down a former mayor of Baltimore whose delusions of
grandeur make him believe he’s presidential material. But one has to ask
if those lives matter enough to people in the city who refuse to
relinquish their status as victims.
The answer would seem to be “no.” Black lives seem to matter only when
the race-baiters can make a show of things, not when blacks kill other
blacks, or otherwise destroy their own neighborhoods.
There doesn’t seem to be an appreciation of life in the minds of those
who feel the need to deal with their pain through overuse of narcotics —
a supply bolstered by the stock taken from the 32 pharmacies looted in
April. Nor is it among those who willingly mow down their drug-dealing
competition in turf wars that occasionally snare an innocent victim.
These are the tragedies that matter.
A few days after the riots, we observed, “For Baltimore to change, its
people must change.” It’s folly to expect all the needed change can
occur in three months' time, but by the same token it’s discouraging to
see the city going in the opposite direction. Just getting back to
normal would be fine for most situations, but the city of Baltimore
cannot long function if citizens only return to the status quo that led
to a city on fire.
The solution is really not difficult to grasp — better schools, more job
opportunities and in-tact homes. Residents must turn away from a “thug”
culture to one that values the stability of a two-parent family and
works to cut down on the illegitimate birth rate. After all, seven of
every 10 black lives start out from an unmarried mother and absentee
father. That’s if the black lives even make it out of the womb. Without
this shift in culture, Baltimore (and other Democrat-run inner cities
like it) will continue to murder its future at a rate of more than one
per day. It’s a grim toll, and America — the land of Liberty — can do
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
10 August, 2015
Hate-filled do-gooders
Twitter and other social media outlets seem to have a disinhibiting
effect on what people say. Writers there reveal sides of
themselves that we would not normally see. The comment from
Australia below is therefore interesting for showing how often
do-gooders reveal on social media that they are also great haters who
lash out in all directions. Their belief in their own
righteousness seems to unshackel them from all tolerance and decency --
and replace that with a frighteninmg savagery.
What we are seeing
there, of course, is Leftism in the wild, Leftism red in tooth and
claw, Leftism with the gloves off, Leftism with the mask off.
Leftists too are great do-gooders. Do-gooding is their stock in
trade. Presenting themselves as "compassionate" is what they do.
in power they too are great haters and destroyers. Mrs Obama
liked nothing about America until her husband became president. And
Obama's pastor ranted about "AmeriKKKa". Obama himself is too wily
to let his hatred be seen -- though we can readily infer
it. In countries where their power and influence can cease at the
next election, Leftists in a democracy have to be cautious like that.
where they have untrammelled power we see what Leftists really
are. It took the loudly do-gooding Leftist Hugo Chavez to reduce
oil-rich Venezuela to poverty -- where no amount of money can buy
many basics, such as toilet paper, and where most cars have to be bought
secondhand at exorbitant prices. And forget freedom of the press
in Venezuela of course. The more influence Leftism has, the more
its hates are impoverishing and destructive.
And that regime most
beloved of America's Left, Cuba, is another case in point. Under
Fulgencio Batista, Cuba was a middle-income country, on a par with
Belgium. Now, of course it is a poor country, with the basics
strictly rationed and in short supply. And Castro himself lives
more opulently than Batista ever did.
I grew up in a region of
Australia that produces large amounts of sugar for export. There
were three sugar mills in the town where I was born. And Cuba too was
once a big sugar exporter. So when Fidel Castro took over and was
so destructive in his hates as to reduce Cuban sugar production to a
trickle, there were many people in my town who had a kind word for
him. By noticeably reducing the world supply of sugar, he bumped
up prices for it. A lot of Australian sugar farmers were able to
pay off their debts at that time.
So the association between
do-gooding and aggressive hate has long been with us. It has
always been visible on the political scene for anyone with eyes to
see. Only now has it become so visible on the individual
level. We will see more of it
WHAT is it about goodwill that makes people go feral? “Give, but
give until it hurts,” the always well-meaning Mother Teresa taught us.
But in a couple of perplexing examples just this week, that touching
sentiment seems to have been somehow misinterpreted as: “Give ... until
you’re inspired to hurt someone”.
Just this week, a do-gooding current affairs program inspired thousands
of Australians to reach out to a suffering family, but also — probably
unwittingly — inspired a bit of corporate hate.
Sharon Chan’s ordeal is tragic. The story of the pregnant Sydney mum —
whose husband died suddenly of a heart attack last week, leaving her to
raise two sons, one with Down syndrome and leukaemia, and another child
due any day — touched so many viewers that the Rotary page set up to
take donations for the family repeatedly crashed.
But the charity site wasn’t the only online victim of this injustice.
Well-meaning Australians, filled with rage at Ms Chan’s situation, took
to the Facebook pages of major supermarkets and other television shows
as, it seemed, they felt the need to direct their frustration towards
The Man.
“Give to Sharon and her boys from the ACA current affair program,” one
post to Coles’ Facebook page read. “Give free groceries for her and her
boys ... petrol, money, something ... show people you are not a
heartless company out for profits.”
And there were others demanding the corporate giant mirror their
goodwill. "Everyone in Australia is on board and you should be too. Show
people you are not just about profit ... deliver free groceries for a
year, or give free petrol ... you decide.”
Conservationists, also with good intentions, have been pushed to the
point of being abusive this week. Glamorous American game hunter
Sabrina Corgatelli was accused of rubbing salt in the wound as animal
lovers reeled from the killing of Cecil the lion.
Their protests at her posing with a dead giraffe and sharing the image
online were valid — some people don’t want to see innocent and protected
animals hunted for sport.
But how does Photoshopping the woman’s head onto the slain animal’s
lifeless body help the cause? And then there were the shocking death
threats over her proposed visit to New Zealand: “We should all book on
these (hunting tours) and then when we go don’t hunt the animal hunt the
**** Sabrina!!!”, “We’ll have a hunting party ready and waiting for
YOU. Evil b****”, and “I will personally cut your head off and mount the
**** on my wall”.
The logic here appears to be that threatening to hunt and murder a
woman, and make a trophy of her genitalia, makes up for the hunting of a
It’s charity driving us to hypocrisy and it’s all a bit weird.
More forgotten history: The atomic bombing of Japan was just another act of bloodthirsty Leftism
It is uncontroversial that the Democrats under FDR and his successor
were far-Leftists in economic policies, but it is equally true that, in
Truman, they produced a great Leftist murderer in foreign
policy. I have been arguing for years that the blockade alone had
already made Japan harmless by the time the bombs were dropped but the
detail below from sources from the time reveals just how unneccessary
the bombing was. A quarter of a million people -– mostly children,
women, and old men – needlessly suffered horrible deaths in the blasts
and firestorms. Truman didn't get as many as Hitler or Stalin but it was
still mass-murder on a gigantic scale
As we approach the 70th anniversary of the atomic age, inaugurated in a
radioactive blast at Hiroshima, know that the information below, which
will prove shocking to some, has previously been collected, developed,
verified in both newspapers and research tomes. It has been reported by
time-tested journalists and noted historians. It has been confirmed and
declared by top military figures and world famous political leaders. It
is information that belongs to the American people, but it is
information that is virtually lost to us, "disappeared" from what is
well-described as our "court history," written not to shed light on
events but to burnish the ideologies that be. Yes, more American
Today's subject, then, is not only the two atomic bombs that the US
dropped first on Hiroshima and then on Nagasaki, but also the fairy
tales we tell each other about them.
To be honest, I used to believe and tell these fairy tales, too. I used
to believe that the decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan was a display
of heroic presidential strength -- a gruelingly difficult but also
moral and strategically empowering decision that ended the war in the
Pacific against Imperial Japan as quickly as possible, and, most
important, saved one million American men from becoming casualties in a
dreaded military invasion of the Japanese main island.
If the choice is between dropping the A-bomb or losing one million
Americans, there is no choice. That is, drop the Bomb and save American
lives -- and countless Japanese lives which would also have been lost in
any such major military onslaught. But what if there were other ways,
less harmful ways, to get the Japanese to sign that surrender?
Our customary focus on the up-down decision by Truman -- see, for
example, the WSJ's Bret Stephens' "Thank God for the Atomic Bomb:
Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't merely horrific, war-ending events. They
were life-savers" -- has had the effect of blinding us to the
timeline preceding Hiroshima that is marked by Japanese peace bids (in
itself a shocking concept), and, post-Hiroshima, suprisingly high-level
military objections to the notion that the Bomb ended the war in the
first place.
Japanese peace overtures included a set of surrender terms laid out in a
document sent by Gen. Douglas MacArthur to FDR in January 1945, two
days before the president set off for the disastrous Yalta conference
(where FDR and Churchill would, among other things, bless Stalin's
seizure of territories in China and elsewhere in exchange for five days
of war-fighting against Japan). FDR turned down the January 1945
surrender terms. They are, however, virtually identical to those
accepted by President Truman in August 1945. In between, of course,
there was more to the Pacific war than the two atomic bombs on Japanese
cities. In between came the epically costly American assaults on Iwo
Jima, Okinawa, and the liberation of the Philipines.
A terrible question forms: Was this bloody final phase of Allied and
Japanese carnage actually necessary to bring World War II in the Pacific
to an end? The answer that the record-less-traveled strongly suggests
is, No, probably not.
It was the Chicago Tribune's Walter Trohan, who, just after the Japanese
surrender in August 1945, first broke the January 1945 Japanese peace
bid story. His source, later revealed, was impeccable: Fleet Admiral
William D. Leahy, FDR's chief of staff. In 1965, Trohan wrote again
about this January 1945 surrender bid, which was re-confirmed by
MacArthur in 1953 (American Betrayal readers will relate to Trohan's
discovery that the original MacArthur document had disappeared from
defense department archives). His article also includes highlights from
the pre-Hiroshima Japanese attempted-surrender saga that had emerged
The Trohan story headline on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the
Japanese surrender reads: "Ignored Japanese Peace Bids Plague U.S.,
West, with What Might Have Been."
And what might have been?
Trohan reports on a November 1944 peace bid conveyed by Swedish
ambassdor to Tokyo Widar Bagge. He notes also that in 1948, Rear Adm.
Ellis M. Zacharias, wartime director of the office of naval
intelligence, revealed that Japan had made five secret peace bids
through the Vatican and the Kremlin.
In 1947, Trohan writes, " the Japanes disclosed in Tokyo that Premier
Kuniaki Koiso proposed to discuss peace with Britain and the United
States in 1944 and 1945. After the Koiso government fell, it was
replaced by the government of Adm. Kantaro Suzuki, who undertook the
negotiations for peace through Russia."
A disastrous idea, Trohan succinctly explains:
Russia stalled the [peace] negotiations in her determination to secure a dominant position in the Orient.
Aha. As discussed in American Betrayal, Stalin, unlike his British and
American allies, was not fighting only to destroy Nazi Germany and
Imperial Japan (further, he was not fighting Imperial Japan at all, not
until the last five days the Pacific war). Stalin was fighting to
supplant them. This is a big difference, but it is seldom pondered. It
means that as far as Stalin was concerned, war could easily have ended
too soon -- before the Red Army had fought its way *safely* outside
Soviet borders; before Communist allies were ascendant; in the case of
Japan, before Stalin could enter the Pacific war under favorable
conditions and, more important, seize the territories promised him at
Yalta. This is something to keep in mind when trying to assess Stalin's
actions, also those of his agents and assets covertly embedded in Allied
(also Axis) governments, regarding the strategy, pace and scope of the
Allied fight.
And what about the role the Bomb is supposed to have played in ending the war in August 1945?
Today's Gospel-shorthand tells us it was the A-Bomb, and only the
A-Bomb, that forced Japan to surrender, but that is not at all what many
leading military and political lights of the day believed.
The following quotations come from Herbert Hoover's history of WWII, Freedom Betrayed:
On August 19, 1945, the AP reported:
Secretary of State ... Byrnes challenged today Japan's argument that the atomic bomb had knocked her out of the war.
He cited what he called Russian proof that the Japanese knew that they
were beaten before the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.
Foreign Commissar Vyacheslaff M. Molotoff informed the Americans and
British at the Berlin [Potsdam] Conference, Mr, Byrnes said, that the
Japanese had asked to send a delegation to Moscow to seek Russian
mediation for the end of the war -- an act that Mr. Byrnes said
interpreted as proof of the enemy's recognition of defeat.
On September 20, 1945, Major General Curtis LeMay, who directed the air attacks on Japan, stated to the Associated Press:
The atomic bomb had nothing to do with the end of the war ... The war
would have been over in two weeks without the Russians coming in and
without the atomic bomb.
Hoover adds: "There were present at this interview two American Generals
who were engaged in action against Japan -- General Barney Giles and
Brigadier General Emmett O'Donnell -- both of whom agreed with General
On October 5, 1945, Admiral Chester Nimitz told the Associated Press "he
was convinced that the end of the war would have been the same without
the atomic bomb or the entry of the Russians into the war:" On the same
day Nimitz told Congress:
The atomic bomb did not end the war against Japan. The Japanese had, in
fact, already sued for peace before the atomic age was announced to the
world with the destruction of Hiroshima and before the Russian entry
into the war. ...
Hoover quotes the memoirs of White House chief of staff Admiral Leahy, who wrote:
It is my opinion that the use of this barbarous weapon against Hiroshima
and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan.
The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender because of the
effective sea blockade and the successful bombing with conventional
It was my reaction that the scientists and others want to make this test
because of the vast sums that had been spent on the project ...
Here is one final quotation from Admiral Zacharias from How the Far East
Was Lostby historian Anthony Kubeck. In a 1950 Look magazine article
called "How We Bungled the Japanese Surrender," Zacharias wrote:
The Potsdam declaration, in short, wrecked everything we had been
working for to prevent further bloodshed and insure our postwar
strategic position. Just when the Japanese were ready to capitulate, we
went ahead and introduced to the world the most devastating weapon it
had ever seen and, in effect, gave the go-ahead to Russia to swarm over
Eastern Asia. ... I contend that the A-bombing of Japan is now known to
have been a mistake ... It was wrong on strategic grounds. And it was
wrong on humanitarian grounds. ...
I could go on, but I think the cracks in the consensus are clear. Bomb-love is blind to the historical record.
SOURCE. Another commentary on the matter
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
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9 August, 2015
The Donald and an excerpt from a Left/anarchist conspiracy theory
It's clear that
democratic politics has to be centrist.
It's the only way for a politician to maximize his vote. It's the
uncommitted voter who decides who wins an election. And by the
very virtue of being uncommitted, such voters are mostly pretty
centrist. So no politician wants to rock many boats.
That process can go too far, however, so that the options at election
time often seem to have a great sameness and stand for nothing
distinctive. Both options seem boring and uninspiring. Mitt
Romney was arguably one of those last time round. Like many
conservatives, I certainly could not get enthused by him. And
politics in both Britain and the USA at the moment are seen by many as
very bland. Similar trends in the two countries are not uncommon
-- perhaps because of their common demographic origins. Britain has just
got a Conservative Party government with full control of both the
administration and the parliament so that is a good augury for America
in 2016.
And for the bored voter right now there is Donald Trump in America and
the unapologetic socialist Jeremy Corbyn in Britain. Both have seen huge
popularity surges. Jeremy Corbyn will almost certainly get
nowhere but Trump does clearly have prospects. Both men are seen
as believing in something and saying what they mean. Ronald Reagan
is the last successful American politician with a forthright and
"incorrect" personal style so that can sometimes be a big winner.
Trump is no Reagan but he could win for similar reasons.
A bland facade does not of course mean that the actions of a politician,
once elected, will be bland. Barack Obama is the past-master of
presenting a bland, commonsense facade but his actions have undoubtedly
been very impoverishing for Americans. Despite continuing
technological progress, it is a long time since general living standards
rose in America. And that is largely because of the way Obama and his
congressional allies have obstructed and destroyed job creation. A far
smaller proportion of the population are in employment these days than
has been the case for a long time. Finding a job has become so difficult
that many people have simply given up looking for one. Obama's
statisticians count that as a policy success and remove such people from
the unemployment statistics! See:
Record 93,770,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Matches 38-Year Low
Even some informed political commentators fail to understand all that,
however. Norman Pollack (writing below) is from the anarchist Left and
what he sees is deliberate conspiracy. He is right to see that
there is what some call an
Overton window
of what is possible politically but simply abuses it rather than trying
to understand it. Conspiracy theories are the recourse of people
who don't really understand what is going on. They are a
substitute for real enquiry. So Leftists have always been big
propagators of them. This guy sounds off his head. He
absolutely oozes hate. He hates everybody, Democrats and
Republicans alike
Republicans have had a bad rap, Democrats being equally if not more
responsible for unleashing the structure, planning, and energies of
militarized capitalism. Obama is the perfect embodiment of the American
comprador [intermediary], a black president, an added convenience to
liberals in sanctioning policies of intervention, conquest, and at home
corporate consolidation (all of which he has exemplified as well if not
better than any president in memory), his compradorean stature earned as
the intermediary for the American war machine, foreign policy
establishment, and as the mock-regulator of the business system, the
seemingly benign, because of race, representative of America’s ruling
class—yes, despite liberals’ denials, a ruling class to which some are
members and others gladly serve.
Liberalism here is political psychopathology carried to Everest-heights,
an utter sham, unworthy of even the possessive individualism Macpherson
so well described emanating from a Lockean philosophic base. Our
liberalism is warmed-over market imperialism zipped up militarily to
stabilize a world order in which counterrevolution becomes the modus
operandi to stave off decline—the more gargantuan the military forces
the more safety we feel. Every push for democratization, incremental or
large, is perceived as a mortal threat.
The problem is, the world can’t wait on our neuroses, actually,
psychoses, after seventy years of stirred-up anticommunism which has
taken its toll of shifting the political-ideological spectrum rightward.
Greetings, 2016: a leadership choice so pitiful, reactionary,
confrontational as to provide a macabre shadow over the land. Pity the
Republicans, they do not enjoy a monopoly on war-preparation and
feelings, a subservience to wealth, despisement of the environment, etc.
Democrats will do in a pinch, if not already crowding them out.
Best of the First Republican Confab
By Mark Alexander
OK, the "debates" Thursday were endurance exercises, given the number of
candidates on both the early and then prime-time stage. We heard from a
lot of great Republicans, most of whom are conservatives and connect
well with grassroots Patriots across the nation. Because, in both
instances, they were answering different questions, there is not an easy
"apples to apples" comparison but, as promised, I have compiled a
handful of remarks from candidates on the prime-time stage that best
represent their platforms.
I commend Bret Baier, Megyn Kelly and Chris Wallace for asking many good
and tough questions — which you would not have heard from CNN
moderators if only Democrats were on stage. I note there were some
fratricidal bait questions, but most of the candidates avoided attacking
each other, and focused on the serious issues threatening Liberty — the
result of Barack Obama's failed domestic policies, and the abysmal
failure of Obama/Clinton foreign policies.
I have only one observation about the debate between the second-tier
candidates. In my assessment there was one candidate who absolutely
shined above all others, and that would be Carly Fiorina, who has earned
her way into the first tier. Among other things, she is the "corporate"
alternative to Don Trump.
So in order of their poll rankings entering the first debate, here are
just a few remarks that say something significant about each candidate,
followed by my own brief assessment of who gained ground on the main
stage. (You can read a full annotated transcript of the debate is posted
at The Washington Post.)
Donald Trump: "I think the big problem this country has is being
politically correct. ... We don’t have time for tone. We have to go out
and get the job done. ... We need to build a wall, and it has to be
built quickly. And I don’t mind having a big, beautiful door in that
wall so that people to come into this country legally. ... [A
single-payer health care system] works in Canada, it works incredibly
well in Scotland. ... I gave to many people, before this, before two
months ago, I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I
give. And do you know what? When I need something from them two years
later, three years later, I call them, they are there for me. I’ll tell
you what, with Hillary Clinton, I said, 'Be at my wedding,' and she came
to my wedding. You know why? She didn’t have a choice because I gave."
Note: I chose these remarks because Trump's popularity is based almost
solely on his indifference to "PC" and "tone." However, the most telling
thing about Trump was not in his answers, but in this question from
Kelly: "Mr. Trump, in 1999, you said you were, quote, 'very pro-choice,'
even supporting partial-birth abortion. You favored an assault weapons
ban as well. In 2004, you said in most cases you identified as a
Democrat. Even in this campaign, your critics say you often sound more
like a Democrat than a Republican, calling several of your opponents on
the stage things like clowns and puppets. When did you actually become a
Republican?" In response, Trump said, "As far as being a Republican is
concerned, I come from a place, New York City, which is virtually, I
mean, it is almost exclusively Democrat. And I have really started to
see some of the negatives."
Jeb Bush: "I’m going to have to earn this. Maybe the barrier — the bar’s
even higher for me. That’s fine. I’ve got a record in Florida. I’m
proud of my dad, and I’m certainly proud of my brother... I am my own
man. I governed as a conservative, and I governed effectively. And the
net effect was, during my eight years, 1.3 million jobs were created. We
left the state better off because I applied conservative principles in a
purple state the right way, and people rose up. ... The new normal of
2% [GDP] that the Left is saying you can’t do anything about is so
dangerous for our country. There’s six million people living in poverty
today, more than when Barack Obama got elected. 6.5 million people are
working part-time, most of whom want to work full-time. We’ve created
rules and taxes on top of every aspiration of people, and the net result
is we’re not growing fast, income is not growing. A 4% growth strategy
means you fix a convoluted tax code. You get in and you change every
aspect of regulations that are job killers. You get rid of ObamaCare and
replace it with something that doesn’t suppress wages and kill jobs."
Scott Walker: "Let’s be clear, we should be talking about Hillary
Clinton ... because everywhere in the world that Hillary Clinton touched
is more messed up today than before she and the president [came to
power]. ... It’s sad to think right now, but probably the Russian and
Chinese government know more about Hillary Clinton’s email server than
do the members of the United States Congress. ... This is not just bad
with Iran, this is bad with ISIS. It is tied together, and once and for
all, we need a leader who’s going to stand up and do something about
Mike Huckabee: "It seems like this election has been a whole lot about a
person who’s very high in the polls, that doesn’t have a clue about how
to govern. A person who has been filled with scandals, and who could
not lead. Of course, I’m talking about Hillary Clinton. ... The problem
is we have a Wall Street-to-Washington access of power that has
controlled the political climate. The donor class feeds the political
class who does the dance that the donor class wants. And the result is
the federal government keeps getting bigger. Every person on this stage
who has been a governor will tell that you the biggest fight they had
was not the other party. Wasn’t even the legislature. It was the federal
government, who continually put mandates on the states that we had to
suck up and pay for. And the fact is there are a lot of things happening
at the federal level that are absolutely beyond the jurisdiction of the
Ben Carson: "America became a great nation early on not because it was
flooded with politicians, but because it was flooded with people who
understood the value of personal responsibility, hard work, creativity,
innovation. And that’s what will get us on the right track now, as well.
... If I was trying to destroy this country, what I would do is find a
way to drive wedges between all the people, drive the debt to an
unsustainable level, and then step off the stage as a world leader and
let our enemies increase while we decreased our [military capability]."
Ted Cruz: "I believe the American people are looking for someone to
speak the truth. If you’re looking for someone to go to Washington, to
go along to get along, to agree with the career politicians in both
parties who get in bed with the lobbyists and special interests, then I
ain’t your guy. ... We see lots of 'campaign conservatives.' But if
we’re going to win in 2016, we need a consistent conservative, someone
who has been a fiscal conservative, a social conservative, a national
security conservative. ... We need a commander in chief that speaks the
truth. We will not defeat radical Islamic terrorism so long as we have a
president unwilling the utter the words 'radical Islamic terrorism.'"
Marco Rubio: "This election cannot be a résumé competition. It’s
important to be qualified, but if this election is a résumé competition,
then Hillary Clinton’s going to be the next president because she’s
been in office and in government longer than anybody else running here
tonight. ... Here’s what this election better be about: This election
better be about the future, not the past. It better be about the issues
our nation and the world is facing today, not simply the issues we once
faced. ... God has blessed us. He has blessed the Republican Party with
some very good candidates. The Democrats can’t even find one. ... What I
have advocated is that we pass law in this country that says all human
life at every stage of its development is worthy of protection. In fact,
I think that law already exists. It is called the Constitution of the
United States. Future generations will look back at this history of our
country and call us barbarians for murdering millions of babies who we
never gave the chance to live. ... I run for president because I believe
that we can’t just save the American dream; we can expand it to reach
more people and change more lives than ever before."
Rand Paul: "This is what’s wrong. [Mr. Trump] buys and sells politicians
of all stripes... He’s already hedging his bet on the Clintons. He’s
already hedging his bets because he’s used to buying politicians. ...
The Fourth Amendment was what we fought the Revolution over! John Adams
said it was the spark that led to our war for independence, and I’m
proud of standing for the Bill of Rights, and I will continue to stand
for the Bill of Rights. ... I don’t want my marriage or my guns
registered in Washington."
Chris Christie: "I’m the only person on this stage who’s actually filed
applications under the Patriot Act, who has gone before the ... Foreign
Intelligence Service court, who has prosecuted and investigated and
jailed terrorists in this country after September 11th. ... This is not
theoretical to me. I went to the funerals. We lost friends of ours in
the Trade Center that day. ... I will make no apologies, ever, for
protecting the lives and the safety of the American people. We have to
give more tools to our folks to be able to do that, not fewer, and then
trust those people and oversee them to do it the right way. ... If we
don’t deal with [entitlement reform], it will bankrupt our country or
lead to massive tax increases — neither one that we want in this
John Kasich: "The court has ruled [on same-sex marriage], and I said
we’ll accept it. And guess what, I just went to a wedding of a friend of
mine who happens to be gay. Because somebody doesn’t think the way I
do, doesn’t mean that I can’t care about them or can’t love them."
Trump: ‘I Would’ Shut Down the Gov’t to Defund Planned Parenthood and Obamacare
Donald Trump said he would support congressional action to defund
Planned Parenthood even if it involved shutting down the federal
government, and added that he supported doing the same to cut off
funding for the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare.
Because there were not enough votes to move the Planned Parenthood
defunding bill forward in the Senate, some lawmakers have called for
tying the defunding to the spending legislation needed to fund the
government past Sept. 30, whether through an appropriations bill or a
continuing resolution.
While such a legislative arrangement potentially could pass in the
GOP-dominant House and Senate, the White House has stated it would veto
legislation that defunds Planned Parenthood. That scenario could lead to
a government shutdown.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
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7 August, 2015
IQ as a symptom of general biological fitness again
People with poor thinking skills may be at higher risk of heart attack
or stroke, a study has shown. Scientists made the discovery after
monitoring the progress of almost 4,000 individuals with an average age
of 75 for three years.
At the start of the study, participants had their high-level thinking skills evaluated by tests and were graded accordingly.
Those in the lowest test score group were 85% more likely to have a
heart attack and 51% more likely to have a stroke than members of the
highest group.
Lead researcher Dr Behnam Sabayan, from Leiden University Medical Centre
in the Netherlands, said: 'These results show that heart and brain
function are more closely related than appearances would suggest.
'While these results might not have immediate clinical translation, they
emphasise that assessment of cognitive function should be part of the
evaluation of future cardiovascular risk.'
Dr Sabayan added: 'Performance on tests of thinking and memory are a
measure of brain health. Lower scores on thinking tests indicate worse
brain functioning.
'Worse brain functioning in particular in executive function could
reflect disease of the brain vascular supply, which in turn would
predict, as it did, a higher likelihood of stroke.
'And, since blood vessel disease in the brain is closely related to
blood vessel disease in the heart, that's why low test scores also
predicted a greater risk of heart attacks.
Hero who defied Stalin's 'useful idiots' (who still exist on the British Left) to expose true horrors of Communism
Not long after the collapse of Communism — an event he had long
predicted — historian Robert Conquest was preparing a new edition of his
masterpiece The Great Terror, which charted the horror of life under
Soviet dictator Stalin.
When his publishers asked him for a new title, Conquest’s friend, the
novelist Kingsley Amis, had the perfect answer. ‘How about I Told You
So, You F****** Fools?’ he suggested.
Those words would make a fine epitaph for a man whose intellectual
honesty and moral courage placed him among the greatest writers of the
last century. And while very few historians can genuinely claim to have
changed the world,
Robert Conquest, who has died at the age of 98, did.
In 1968, when Worcestershire-born Conquest first published his
ground-breaking account of Stalin’s atrocities, the world was a very
different place. Back then, the Soviet Union appeared in rude
health and the old men in Moscow ruled an empire based on fear.
It is easy now to forget just how terrifying the Cold War seemed. Across
the Western world, many doubted Communism could be defeated without
unleashing nuclear Armageddon.
What is more, many Western intellectuals — from Marxists such as
Communist historian Eric Hobsbawm and his friend Ralph Miliband (father
of Ed and David, a political theorist at the London School of Economics,
a devout follower of Marx and an unswerving believer in revolutionary
socialism) to woolly, well-meaning Lefties in universities across the
country — were quick to defend the regime whenever it was criticised.
Lenin and Stalin, these ‘useful idiots’ claimed, had been much misunderstood.
It was Conquest, more than any other writer of his generation, who did most to expose this deceitful drivel.
At a time when intellectual fashion was on the Left, he had the guts to
lay out, in devastating detail, the truth about the blood-soaked Soviet
On Stalin’s orders, secret police had ripped millions of men and women
from their homes, locked them in dank cells without light, food or
water, tore out their fingernails, beat them black and blue, and finally
dispatched them with a bullet in the back of the head.
At the peak of the Great Terror in the late Thirties, they were
murdering 300,000 people a year — all for the crime of not being true
Stalinist believers.
In one mass grave in Butovo, Moscow, Stalin’s secret police buried the
bodies of 20,000 murdered political prisoners in less than 12 months.
Another in Bykivnia, Ukraine, holds the bodies of an estimated 200,000
people, victims not merely of Stalin’s paranoia, but of a crazed
ideological cult that sacrificed men, women and children in the name of
‘Who’s going to remember all this riff-raff in ten or 20 years time?’
Stalin once remarked, gazing at a list of people to be shot. ‘No
one.’ But he was wrong. Robert Conquest did. And he knew what he
was talking about as he had once been a man of the Left.
Born in Great Malvern to an American father and British mother in 1917,
he had been a Communist at Oxford University in the Thirties, when many
bright young men were seduced by Stalin’s false utopia.
But unlike some contemporaries, such as the so-called Cambridge Spies,
Conquest saw Communism for what it was. As a British intelligence
officer in Bulgaria during World War II, he was horrified by the
cold-blooded ruthlessness with which the local Soviet-backed Communists
seized power.
Working for the Foreign Office in the Fifties, Conquest poured out a
stream of papers telling the truth about the horrors in Eastern Europe.
When an American liberal academic accused him of ‘black propaganda’,
Conquest simply asked him to identify a single distortion. There were
It was Conquest’s close attention to detail that made his expose of
Communism so devastating. The Great Terror was based on hundreds of
accounts by Soviet dissidents and work camp inmates. He showed that life
under Stalin’s regime had been even worse than outsiders suspected.
After assuming supreme power in the late Twenties, the pockmarked
Georgian dictator unleashed a reign of terror that almost defied belief.
From the state-sponsored famine in Ukraine in the early Thirties to the
execution of huge numbers of ordinary people later, Conquest showed
Stalin’s regime was built on the deaths of at least 20 million.
But even that does not include the tortured men, the raped women, the
brutalised children, the broken minds, the hopes and happiness
sacrificed to the demented cult of Marxist-Leninism.
In Ukraine, the enforced collectivisation of farms left millions
starving. While Stalin’s torturers ate lavish meals, desperate peasants
lived on grass, frogs, dogs and cats. Some parents, on the brink of
death, threw their children onto passing trains in the hope that
strangers might adopt and feed them. Others, almost incredibly, were
driven to kill and eat their own children to survive.
Even decades later, the Soviet state sent dissidents to toil in Siberian
work camps in sub-zero temperatures. Writers and artists who questioned
the Communist system were proclaimed mad and thrown into lunatic
In the camps, thousands froze to death overnight. Women were regularly
gang-raped; one inmate recalled that at her camp in the Kolyma region,
the guards would line up, 12 to each woman.
‘When it was over, the dead women were dragged away by their feet; the
survivors were doused with water from buckets and revived,’ she wrote. ‘
Then the lines formed again.’
Reading all this, Left-wing critics, not surprisingly, were outraged.
Many simply refused to believe it. But Conquest stuck to his guns, and
among the wider public, his book was a sensation.
Even today, The Great Terror is a chilling read and an unforgettable
record of the bloody consequences of ideological utopianism. It is hard
to read about the starving children in Ukraine or about the ordinary men
and women frozen and tortured in the Siberian camps without a shudder
of horror.
Some of Conquest’s critics on the Left insisted Stalin had been an
aberration, and that his predecessor, Lenin, had really been much
cuddlier. But Conquest showed this was nonsense.
Lenin, he argued, was the real father of the Stalinist genocide. It was
he who had called for the extermination of the middle classes, who had
first unleashed the Red Terror and who had first turned vast swathes of
Europe and Asia into blood-soaked killing grounds.
Conquest composed a limerick that encapsulated his point: ‘There was a
great Marxist called Lenin/ Who did two or three million men in./ That’s
a lot to have done in,/ But where he did one in,/ That grand Marxist
Stalin did ten in.’
The Right treated Conquest as a hero, and Margaret Thatcher rewarded him with champagne for helping with her speeches.
To many British Leftists in the Sixties and Seventies, though, his name was mud.
But as his friend Kingsley Amis had so pithily observed, he was right and they were wrong.
In 1990, with the Communist regime collapsing in chaos, Conquest was
asked to Moscow for a conference and Russian academics lined up to shake
his hand.
The KGB even invited him to inspect their chilling headquarters, the
Lubyanka, while the newly opened Soviet archives showed that far from
exaggerating the Communist death toll, he had, if anything,
underestimated it.
‘It was extraordinarily nice to have lived to see it all, to have been vindicated completely,’ Conquest said wryly.
Many of his
critics, however, never really abandoned their discredited views.
Indeed, the tradition of blaming the West for the world’s ills, and
bending over backwards to appease dictators, extremists and terrorists,
has never gone away.
More than any other writer of his generation, Robert Conquest drew the
line between freedom and repression, good and evil. And although the man
himself has been taken from us, his qualities of intellectual honesty
and moral candour are more precious today than ever.
Levin: Obama ‘Seeks to Cut the Connection from One Generation to the Next’
Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin, while discussing
his new book, Plunder and Deceit, on his July 31 broadcast, said that
President Obama “seeks to cut the connection from one generation to the
“That’s why Obama will talk endlessly about the Confederate flag and not
say one word about the harvesting of human parts,” said Mark Levin.
Here’s a transcript of what Levin said:
“This is the civil society that I’m defining. A harmony of virtuous
interests, informed by tried and true traditions, customs, values, and
institutions, cultivated within families and the larger community,
preserves and improves the human condition, one individual at a time,
one generation to the next. It’s true.
“So when you hear Barack Obama say, in essence, anything that’s older
than 50 years, of course, except for Marxism -- except, apparently, for
the Crusades -- anything that’s older than 50 years isn’t to be paid
attention to, he means it.
“He seeks to cut the connection from one generation to the next, from
one age to the next! Everything that we’ve learned, everything that
we’ve experienced, everything that we’ve created is in turmoil, is in
doubt, is in question, to empower him and his surrogates, so these
despotic ideologues can advance their agenda -- having wiped America
clean of its heritage.
“That’s why Obama will talk endlessly about the Confederate flag and not
say one word about the harvesting of human parts. It’s not in his
political interests to say anything about the harvesting about human
Another ethically deficient Leftist: The President of the University of Oklahoma
Grabbing other people's property comes naturally to Leftists
Democrats may face another Confederate flag-like problem in the state of
Oklahoma as former governor David Boren (D) continues to fight to keep
stolen Nazi artwork from the family that is acknowledged to have had it
stolen by Hitler’s thugs.
The Fred Jones, Jr. Museum of Art at the University of Oklahoma doesn’t
deny that they possess and exhibit a donated painting that was stolen
from the Jewish claimants. Instead, Boren’s representatives play a legal
game of arguing that the victims did not claim the art in time, and
besides it was given in good faith to the University’s museum anyway.
Will he, as President of the University, continue paying lawyers in a
fight to keep the piece which the school received for free?
Will he, as President of the University, set a good example for the
student body by doing the right thing, or will he cling to loopholes and
deny a Holocaust survivor her property?
It’s time for Democrats to walk the walk, and for David Boren that means
returning his stolen Nazi art back to its rightful owner.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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here (Personal)
6 August, 2015
Arrogant, Incompetent, Criminal Government
In last week's column defending Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) Establishment
Republican takedown, I further explained Americans were also disgusted
with a status quo in Washington, DC, that has given us de facto one
party government. It is that status quo, along with an equal amount of
public contempt directed at a corrupt media — so elitist and
out-of-touch they don’t realize every time they bash Trump they add
another fan to his side — that promises to make the 2016 presidential
campaign anything but ordinary.
It’s time to throw another log on that populist fire. Because if there’s
something about government that enrages people more than the
insufferable arrogance of that ruling class, it would be the gargantuan
level of incompetence accompanying that arrogance that infests virtually
every government department at every level. And if there is one primary
culprit fueling that arrogant incompetence, unaccountability goes right
to the top of the list.
In short, we have a unionized, federal workforce chock full of no-account hacks.
The poster child for such unaccountability is the Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA). A report provided to the Huffington Post by Scott Davis, a
program specialist at the VA’s Health Eligibility Center in Atlanta,
and a past whistleblower who had previously testified before the House
Veterans Affairs Committee, reveals that such unaccountability has
produced deadly results. As of April 2015, there were 847,822 veterans
listed as waiting to be enrolled in VA health care. While they were
waiting, 238,657 of those veterans died before being enrolled.
The VA’s fallback excuses? The number may represent people who had died
years ago (which the VA has no way of knowing because it has no
mechanism to purge the list of dead applicants), some vets may have
never completed the application but remain listed anyway, and because
the data are “decades old,” vets may have found other insurance,
insisted VA spokeswoman Walinda West.
Or not. Davis disputed West on every point.
Remember when Congress was “outraged” by this scandal? Remember when we
were promised they would do something about it, as in cleaning house,
when this kind of nonsense was first bought to the public’s attention?
Anyone still remember the devastating report produced by former Sen. Tom
Coburn (R-OK) detailing “waiting list cover-ups and uneven care
reflective of a much larger culture within the VA, where administrators
manipulate both data and employees to give an appearance that all is
well?” A report that was released more than a year ago?
So, how’s that “house cleaning” going? In February, current VA Secretary
Robert McDonald, who replaced Eric Shinseki following his
“resignation,” told NBC he had fired 900 people since he took the job,
including 60 “who have manipulated wait times.” Unfortunately for
McDonald, in late April New York Times reporter Dave Phillips revealed
that a VA internal document shows the number of terminated employees is a
tad lower — as in three.
It gets worse. “The documents given this month to the House Committee on
Veterans Affairs, which provided them to The New York Times, show that
the department punished a total of eight of its 280,000 employees for
involvement in the scandal,” Phillips wrote. “One was fired, one retired
in lieu of termination, one’s termination is pending, and five were
reprimanded or suspended for up to two months.” And the one person who
was unambiguously axed was Sharon Helman, director of VA facility in
Phoenix, the location that first brought this scandal to the nation’s
attention. Removed for manipulating the wait times? Nope. Terminated for
receiving “inappropriate gifts,” according to the department.
Seriously now, do you feel like you’re one of the “bosses” of government employees?
I don’t know about you, but every boss I worked for made more money than
his employees. What about “our” employees? A 2012 Congressional Budget
Office (CBO) study revealed federal employees earned an average of 16
percent more in total compensation, meaning pay and benefits, than
workers in private sector companies. And a Heritage Foundation study
reveals they work three hours less per week and approximately one month
less per year than private sector workers.
But they work really hard, right? At the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), a top level employee was discovered by investigators to have
watched porn two to six hours a day while at work — since 2010. And
despite the reality those investigators found 7,000 porno files on his
computer — and even caught him in the act of watching it — he was still
on the payroll as of March 2015. That’s because government workers have a
civil service protection system known as the Merit System Protection
Board (MSPB) that ostensibly prevents them from getting fired for
political reasons, and gives employees the right to appeal any
That appeal process can take as long as two years.
Remember the General Services Administration (GSA) scandal in 2012,
involving $822,000 of taxpayer funds spent on a lavish blowout in Vegas
that included high-end meals and plenty of entertainment? The two
managers fired for that abuse got their jobs back when the MSPB reversed
the decision. The appeals board was nice enough to admit that
extravagance has “no place in government,” but insisted the GSA failed
to prove the two managers “knew or had reason to know of these
ill-advised planning and purchasing decisions.” Not only were they
ordered to be reinstated, they were given back pay plus interest. The
organizer of the event? Allowed to retire, presumably with his pension
and benefits intact.
Just before they left for summer recess, the House passed the VA
Accountability Act of 2015 (H.R. 1994), a bill that would give the VA
the ability to fire or demote an employee based on misconduct or
performance, and greatly compress the appeals process timeline. Obama
promised to veto it, if it reached his desk. The Senior Executives
Association (SEA), a “tax exempt, non-profit corporation representing
the interests of career federal executives and committed to effective,
efficient and productive leadership in government” (read protectionism),
was equally aghast. “HR 1994 represents a series of unnecessary
legislative ‘fixes’ to a system that already provides the VA and every
other federal agency the power to fully address performance and conduct
problems in its workforce,” it said in a statement. “The system that
exists today is fair and reasonable, but may not be used to its greatest
potential. Congress should not pass another mean spirited piece of
legislation designed to promote more anti-public worker sentiment and
further demoralize the federal workforce.”
No one is more demoralized about the state of our federal workforce than the American public.
Beth Moten, the legislative and political director of the American
Federation of Government Employees, added insult to injury. “Under H.R.
1994, every whistleblower, along with every other VA employee, would
become at-will employees,” Moten wrote. “Without due process rights no
VA employee who wishes to keep his or her job will ever feel safe
blowing the whistle in the workplace or at the Congressional witness
The bet is here is the overwhelming majority of Americans would like
nothing better than a government chock full of “at will” employees — as
in people who could be held directly responsible for their behavior.
Instead we have a system chock full of protectionism that breeds
incompetence. It also breeds unabashed lying. Remember when the Office
of Personnel Management (OPM) computer hacks were first revealed? We
were initially told that 4.2 million Americans had their Social Security
numbers and other sensitive information stolen. That’s because Obama
administration officials avoided disclosing the true severity of the
breach by defining it as two separate breaches — and revealing only the
smaller one. The two breaches combined? We now know that 25 million
Americans data were hacked.
Incompetence and lying also breeds potentially criminal arrogance.
Remember when the IRS told us Lois Lerner’s emails were irretrievably
destroyed? We now know that even the backup tapes were destroyed by the
“Media Management Midnight Unit” located in Martinsburg, W. VA. And they
were destroyed after an agency-wide preservation order and a
congressional subpoena were issued. We also know Lerner’s hard drive was
physically damaged. Moreover, both the IRS commissioner and Department
of Justice of attorneys have been threatened with contempt of court
charges by U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan, who characterized
the excuses for their refusal to turnover ordered documentation as
"indefensible, ridiculous, and absurd.“
And then there’s the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), an agency so
intent on facilitating Obama’s illegal amnesty agenda, its name is
rapidly becoming an oxymoron. U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen was
incensed that DHS officials continued to implement that agenda after he
ordered a halt to it.
I could go on (and on and on) but you get the picture. From the lowest
workers on the unionized civil service food chain, to the highest
echelons of political appointees, a deep-rooted culture of incompetence
and corruption has made it virtually impossible for government to
function fairly and efficiently. And because most government employees
are shielded by layers of protection, they couldn’t care less. Never
before in the history of this nation has there been a greater divide
between a self-serving federal leviathan and millions of Americans who
are closer to feeling like slaves than the "bosses”.
“Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the
problem,” Ronald Reagan reminded us during his inaugural address in
1981. Nothing’s changed since then, with one exception: It’s gotten far
Creating a Case for Conservatism
Being conservative in a politically correct culture has never been easy.
Whether you’re a politician trying to explain a controversial
sound-bite, or a voter attempting to defend your stance on a hot-button
issue to co-workers, you either grow a thick skin — or learn to keep
Sadly, you get used to having your motives impugned by people who assume
that no one could possibly believe what you believe. You must have some
ulterior motive, right? Say, for example, we need less regulation, and
you’ll be accused of shilling for some corporation. Call for more
defense spending, and you’re a warmonger.
It’s an old trick, clearly designed to save the accuser from having to
marshal any actual evidence for his position. But it usually works.
Everyone retreats to their corners, leaving us with poorly thought-out
policies that wind up helping no one.
Small wonder, then, that the phrase “compassionate conservative” entered
the political lexicon at one point. The defensive character of that
label is understandable, but think about it: It only resonates if you
assume that conservatives lack compassion in the first place.
Yes, some of them do (you find flawed human beings on both sides of the
aisle), but only the most superficial analysis could conclude that
conservatism attracts only those who don’t care about their fellow
citizens. In fact — irony alert — conservative solutions often spring
from a genuine desire to help people.
Take welfare reform. If you criticize a huge government program that
hands out checks with virtually no strings attached, opponents say you
must hate the poor. On the contrary: If you care about your fellow man,
you know that turning him into a passive welfare recipient robs him of
his dignity and often dooms his children to a soul-deadening cycle of
poverty. Making sure that welfare is a true hand-up and not a hand-out
is, in fact, the true compassionate stance.
The problem is that many conservatives fail to frame the issues this
way. As American Enterprise Institute President Arthur Brooks points out
in his new book, “The Conservative Heart,” we need a new approach.
“The only way to set things right is for conservatives to show we care
and offer a new vision for the country,” he writes. “This new vision
must be guided by the optimism of opportunity. It must declare peace on a
prudent, reliable safety net for those who truly need it. It must
harness the tools of private entrepreneurship, acknowledge the profound
value of hard work, and echo the moral clarity of the Good Samaritan.”
Mr. Brooks introduces us to people who illustrate all too well what
happens when government policies run amok. Take Jestina Clayton. When
she moved to Utah from Sierra Leone, she decided to pursue her piece of
the American Dream by starting an African hair-braiding business for
children adopted from her native land.
Jestina had been braiding hair since she was five, and the business was
soon providing a steady paycheck. Then someone told her that it was
illegal to do such work without a cosmetology license which would take
2,000 hours of classes and cost $16,000. And all for something she
already knew how to do.
It took a lot of work and a successful lawsuit for Jestina to get her
happy ending. (A federal judge ruled that such a requirement, which far
exceeded the ones for many other professions, was unreasonable.) But as
Mr. Brooks notes, she’s one of the lucky ones.
“Millions of Americans without her drive, grit — and the help of a law
firm — have little hope to rise in America,” he writes. “Currently, all
they are offered are promises that the government will stick it more to
the rich through higher taxes and greater redistribution. But this will
never help a poor American climb out of poverty, find a better job, and
get a good education — let alone start a business.”
As conservatives, we know that our policies help provide opportunity for
all. But we can never assume others know that. It’s time to take
“heart” — and make sure they do.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
5 August, 2015
Taking vitamin D supplements is useless
It is going to upset a lot of people but that is the latest finding -- below
How Much Vitamin D Is Enough?
Deborah Grady, MD, MPH
There is ongoing controversy regarding the definition of vitamin D
insufficiency and the optimal treatment goal: should treatment aim to
maintain a serum vitamin D level above 20 ng/mL or above 30 ng/mL? We
found the randomized clinical trial by Hansen et al1 informative because
it enrolled women with low vitamin D levels and tested both a
lower-dose treatment to maintain vitamin D levels greater than 20 ng/mL
and a higher-dose treatment to maintain levels greater than 30 ng/mL.
After 1 year of treatment, randomization to a higher dose of
cholecalciferol resulted in slightly better fractional excretion of
calcium compared with low-dose cholecalciferol or placebo, but these
differences are not clinically meaningful. Of more clinical importance,
neither dose of cholecalciferol improved bone density, strength, muscle
mass, functional status, or fall rate. It is possible that treatment
beyond 1 year would result in better outcomes, but these data provide no
support for use of higher-dose cholecalciferol replacement therapy or
indeed any dose of cholecalciferol compared with placebo.
JAMA Intern Med. Published online August 03, 2015
Why Obama and Hillary Must Stop Donald Trump at All Costs
(Including even more vote-rigging than usual?)
By Wayne Allyn Root
Someone is getting very nervous. Obama. Valerie Jarrett. Eric Holder.
Hillary Clinton. Jon Corzine…to name just a few. And I know why.
I wrote a book entitled, “The Murder of the Middle Class” about the
unholy conspiracy between big government, big business and big media.
They all benefit by the billions from this partnership and it’s in all
of their interests to protect one another. It’s one for all, and all for
It’s a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich.
Everyone except the American people. We get ripped off. We’re the
But for once, the powerful socialist cabal and the corrupt crony
capitalists are scared. I’ve never seen them this outraged…this
vicious…this motivated…this coordinated. NEVER in all my years in
politics, have I seen anything like the way the mad dogs of hell have
been unleashed on Donald Trump.
When white extremist David Dukes ran for Governor of Louisiana even he
wasn’t treated with this kind of outrage, vitriol and disrespect. When a
known fraud, scam artist and tax cheat like Al Sharpton ran for
President, I never saw anything remotely close to this. The over-the-top
reaction to Trump by politicians of both parties, the media and the
biggest corporations of America has been so swift and insanely angry
that it suggests they are all threatened and frightened like never
Why? Because David Duke was never going to win. Al Sharpton was never
going to win. Ron Paul was never going to win. Ross Perot was never
going to win as a third party candidate. None of those candidates had
the billion dollars it takes to win the presidency. But Donald Trump can
self fund that amount tomorrow…and still have another billion left over
to pour into the last two week stretch run before election day.
No matter how much they say to the contrary, the media, business and
political elite understand that Donald Trump is no joke and could
actually win and upset their nice cozy apple cart.
It’s no coincidence that everyone has gotten together to destroy Donald.
No this is a coordinated conspiracy led by President Barack Obama
himself. Obama himself is making the phone calls and giving the orders-
the ultimate intimidator who plays by the rules of Chicago thug
Why is this so important to Obama? Because most of the other politicians
are part of the “old boys club.” They talk big, but in the end they
won’t change a thing. Why? Because they are all beholden to big money
donors. They are all owned by lobbyists, unions, lawyers, gigantic
environmental organizations, multi-national corporations like Big Pharma
or Big Oil. Or they are owned lock stock and barrel by foreigners- like
George Soros owns Obama, or foreign governments own Hillary with their
Clinton Foundation donations.
These run-of-the-mill establishment politicians are all puppets owned by
big money. But one man- and only one man- isn’t beholden to anyone. One
man doesn’t need foreigners, or foreign governments, or George Soros,
or the United Autoworkers, or the Teachers Union, or the SEIU, or the
Bar Association to fund his campaign.
Billionaire tycoon and maverick Donald Trump doesn’t need anyone’s help.
That means he doesn’t care what the media says. He doesn’t care what
the corporate elites think. That makes him very dangerous to the
entrenched interests. That makes Trump a huge threat. Trump can ruin
everything for the bribed politicians and their spoiled slavemasters.
Don’t you ever wonder why the GOP has never tried to impeach Obama?
Don’t you wonder why Boehner and McConnell talk a big game, but never
actually try to stop Obama? Don’t you wonder why Congress holds the
purse strings, yet they’ve never tried to defund Obamacare or Obama’s
clearly illegal Executive Action on amnesty for illegal aliens? Bizarre,
right? It defies logic, right?
Well first, I’d guess many key Republicans are being bribed. Secondly, I
believe many key Republicans are being blackmailed. Whether they are
having affairs…or secretly gay…or stealing taxpayer money…the NSA knows
Ask former House Speaker Dennis Hastert about that. The government even
knew he was withdrawing large sums of his own money, from his own bank
account. Trust me- the NSA, SEC, IRS and all the other 3-letter
government agencies are watching every Republican political leader. They
know everything.
Thirdly, many Republicans are petrified of being called “racists.” So
they are scared to ever criticize Obama, or call out his crimes, let
alone demand his impeachment.
Fourth, why rock the boat? After defeat or retirement, if you’re a “good
boy” you’ve got a $5 million dollar per year lobbying job waiting.
The big money interests have the system gamed. Win or lose…they
win. But Donald Trump doesn’t play by any of these rules. Trump
breaks up this nice cozy relationship between big government, big media
and big business. All the rules are out the window if Donald wins the
presidency. The other politicians will protect Obama and his aides. But
not Donald.
Remember Trump is the guy who publicly questioned Obama’s birth
certificate. He questioned Obama’s college records and how a mediocre
student got into an Ivy League university.
Now he’s doing something no Republican has the chutzpah to do- question
our relationship with Mexico …question why the border is wide
open…questioning why no wall has been built across the
border…questioning if allowing millions of illegal aliens into America
is in our best interests…questioning why so many illegal aliens commit
violent crimes yet are not deported…questioning why our trade deals with
Mexico, Russia and China are so bad.
Donald Trump has the audacity to ask out loud why American workers always get the short end of the stick? Good question.
I’m certain Trump will question what happened to the almost billion
dollars given in a rigged no-bid contract to college friends of Michele
Obama at foreign companies to build the defective Obamacare web sites.
By the way that tab is now up to $5 billion.
Trump will ask if Obamacare’s architects can be charged with fraud for
selling it by lying. He will ask if Obama himself committed fraud when
he said, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it.”
Trump will investigate Obama’s widespread IRS conspiracy, not to mention Obama’s college records.
Trump will prosecute Hillary Clinton and Obama for fraud committed to cover-up Benghazi before the election.
How about the fraud committed by employees of the Labor Department when
they made up dramatic job numbers in the last jobs report before the
2012 election.
Obama, the multi-national corporations and the media need to stop this.
They recognize this could get out of control. If left unchecked telling
the raw truth and asking questions everyone else is afraid to ask,
Donald could wake a sleeping giant.
Trump’s election would be a nightmare. Obama has committed many crimes.
No one else but Donald would dare to prosecute. Donald Trump will not
hesitate. Once Donald gets in and gets a look at “the cooked books” and
Obama’s records, the game is over. The gig is up. The goose is cooked.
Eric Holder could wind up in prison. Valerie Jarrett could wind up in
prison. Obama bundler Jon Corzine could wind up in prison for losing
$1.5 billion of customer money.
Hillary Clinton could wind up in jail for deleting 32,000 emails …or
accepting bribes from foreign governments while Secretary of State …or
for “misplacing” $6 billion as head of State Department …or for lying
about Benghazi.
The entire upper level management of the IRS could wind up in prison.
Obamacare will be defunded and dismantled. The Obama Crime Family will
be prosecuted for crimes against the American people. And Obama himself
could wind up ruined, his legacy in tatters.
Trump will investigate. Trump will prosecute. Trump will go after
everyone involved…just for fun. That will all happen on Trump’s first
day in the White House.
Who knows what Donald will do on day #2?
That’s why the dogs of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump. That’s
why we must all support Donald. This may be our only shot at saving
America, uncovering the crimes committed against our nation and
prosecuting all of those involved.
The Left Should Listen to Camille Paglia
Paglia is a self-described “dissident feminist,” after all — a creature
of the Left who has found a niche criticizing her own side.
“Liberals think of themselves as very open-minded, but that’s simply not
true!” Paglia told Salon in a three-part interview. “Liberalism has
sadly become a knee-jerk ideology, with people barricaded in their
comfortable little cells. They think that their views are the only
rational ones, and everyone else is not only evil but financed by the
Koch brothers. It’s so simplistic!”
Here are a few issues where Paglia punches a hole in the Left’s ideology.
When it comes to feminism, Paglia predicts that Hillary Clinton faces an
old problem: Monica Lewinsky. The former first lady was complicit in
her husband’s actions, going so far as to attack the people criticizing
her playboy husband. That will not bode well with 20-something
“Monica got nothing out of it. Bill Clinton used her. Hillary was away
or inattentive, and he used Monica in the White House — and in the suite
of the Oval Office, of all places. … Hillary has a lot to answer for,
because she took an antagonistic and demeaning position toward her
husband’s accusers. So it’s hard for me to understand how the generation
of Lena Dunham would or could tolerate the actual facts of Hillary’s
Furthermore, she said: “The horrible truth is that the feminist
establishment in the U.S. … did in fact apply a double standard to Bill
Clinton’s behavior because he was a Democrat. The Democratic president
and administration supported abortion rights, and therefore it didn’t
matter what his personal behavior was.”
Paglia is pro-abortion. She supports Planned Parenthood, but she was
disgusted by the Leftmedia’s groupthink silence on the story. “It
was a huge and disturbing story, but there was total silence in the
liberal media. That kind of censorship was shockingly unprofessional.
The liberal major media were trying to bury the story by ignoring it.
Now I am a former member of Planned Parenthood and a strong supporter of
unconstrained reproductive rights. But I was horrified and disgusted by
those videos and immediately felt there were serious breaches of
medical ethics in the conduct of Planned Parenthood officials.”
As for the Left’s aversion to religion, simply worshiping skepticism and
treating most religions as cartoons of what they really are, the Left’s
monoculture doesn’t hold a candle to the beliefs that have developed
over thousands of years of human experience.
“I’m speaking here as an atheist. I don’t believe there is a God, but I
respect every religion deeply. All the great world religions contain a
complex system of beliefs regarding the nature of the universe and human
life that is far more profound than anything that liberalism has
produced. We have a whole generation of young people who are clinging to
politics and to politicized visions of sexuality for their belief
system. They see nothing but politics, but politics is tiny. Politics
applies only to society.”
What would become of the Democrat Party if its members took Paglia’s
thoughts to heart? The current Democrat Party, with its arguments
against the exercise of religion when it comes to same-sex marriage, or
its arguments against the First Amendment when the issue of super PACs
arises, is no friend of Liberty of any kind.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
4 August, 2015
Salt: killer or scapegoat?
"New Scientist" is fighting a rearguard action to reduce salt in our
diet, despite a lot of evidence that salt does no harm. I
reproduce the key passages below. I will add my comments following
In 2009, cardiologist Francesco Cappuccio of the University of Warwick,
UK, pooled all the data and found a strong relationship between a salty
diet and cardiovascular disease (BMJ, vol 339, p b4567).
Another way is to intervene directly in people's diets - take two
groups of people, get one of them to eat less salt for a while and see
what the outcome is. These trials take more work than observational
studies but several have been done. The biggest managed to get thousands
of people to cut down on salt by about 2 grams a day for up to four
years and saw a 25 per cent fall in cardiovascular disease (BMJ, vol
334, p 885).
Or you can look at whole countries, taking the before-and-after
approach. Fifty years ago northern Japan had one of the world's biggest
appetites for salt - an average of 18 grams a day per person - and
shockingly high numbers of strokes. The government implemented a salt
reduction programme and by the late 1960s average salt consumption had
fallen by 4 grams a day and stroke deaths were down by 80 per
cent. Finland, another salt-guzzling nation, achieved similar
gains in the 1970s.
However, the evidence is not always so clear. In July the Salt Institute
was presented with its biggest PR coup for years when the Cochrane
Collaboration, an internationally renowned body dedicated to assessing
medical evidence, published a long-awaited study on salt and
cardiovascular disease. As is usual for Cochrane, the study was a
"meta-analysis", pooling the results of all the best-designed randomised
controlled trials that have been done, the highest standard of proof in
Seven trials met the quality criteria, with over 6000 subjects in total.
The analysis did show that people who cut back on salt have slightly
lower blood pressure and are less likely to die from heart attacks and
strokes. But, crucially, the effect on deaths wasn't big enough to be
statistically significant. The Cochrane team could not rule out the
possibility that the reductions had happened by chance.
The research was published simultaneously by Cochrane and the American
Journal of Hypertension (vol 24, p 843), whose editor-in-chief Michael
Alderman is a long-time critic of salt reduction. In an accompanying
editorial (vol 24, p 854), Alderman, who was once a paid consultant for
the Salt Institute, repeated his oft-stated claims that there is not
enough evidence for salt reduction. Sensing a story, many newspapers ran
with his line.
Is Alderman correct? Not surprisingly, MacGregor thinks not. For
one thing, he claims the Cochrane study is flawed. When he reanalysed
the same data in a slightly different way, he found a reduction that was
statistically significant (The Lancet, vol 378, p 380). Alderman
criticises this as "salami epidemiology", but even in the original
analysis the link between salt and death rates only just slipped below
statistical significance. Far from casting doubt on salt reduction, some
argued that the findings supported it.
The Cochrane report wasn't the end of it. Last month Alderman's journal
published a further meta-analysis purporting to show that salt reduction
could actually be harmful (doi:10.1038/ajh.2011.210). It concluded that
while cutting salt lowered blood pressure, blood levels of certain
hormones and lipids were increased, which could theoretically raise
cardiovascular risk.
But many of the studies included in the analysis lasted just a few days
and involved big salt reductions. MacGregor accepts that sudden and
steep salt reduction can lead to counterproductive hormonal changes, but
says that modest reductions, say from 8 to 6 grams, do not. "There's no
evidence whatsoever that a modest reduction does any harm," he says.
Even the chief author of the Cochrane study, statistician Rod
Taylor at the Peninsula Medical School in Exeter, UK, agrees with
MacGregor that the findings lend further support to salt reduction. "Our
results do not mean that asking people to reduce their intake of salt
is not a good thing," he says. "We have much stronger evidence for salt
than we do for fat, for the benefits of eating fruit and vegetables or
losing weight," argues MacGregor.
Most of the studies that found harm from salt were epidemiological
and what such studies show is always contestable. Let me
illustrate: The authors above use Japan to argue for salt
reduction. I can use Japan in exactly the opposite way. Even
after the various anti-salt campaigns, the Japanese are still huge salt
consumers. If ever you have tasted Japan's favourite sauce -- soy
sauce -- you will know why. It's almost solid salt. Yet
Japan is renowned for it multitude of centenarians and long life
generally. So, on that evidence, heavy salt consumption is clearly
not harmful and may be beneficial.
So in that context the Cochrane study is all-important. It
filtered out the most contestable findings and zeroed in on the findings
that are least contestable. And that study showed no
statistically sigificant harm from salt ingestion.
"New Scientist" acknowledges that but argues that a different analysis
of the Cochrane data DOES produce statistical significance. But to
argue that way fails to understand what statistical significance
does. It compares a given result with what would happen by chance
alone. And if a result is on the borderline of conventional
significance -- whether a bit above or a bit below -- hardly matters for
policy decisions. In any case, the effect is tiny.
If there were any kind of robust effect going on, statistical
significance would hardly be worth calculating. So the key
thing that Cochrane showed was not the statistical significance or
otherwise of the result but rather that any effect from salt
consumption was TINY -- and hence not worth bothering with.
And since anecdotes tend to be more persuasive than statistics, let me
report that I have always put PLENTY of salt on my food -- and yet
my blood pressure is within the accepted safe range. My blood
pressure was up a bit once but I started doing a walk around the block
most evenings and that fixed my blood pressure. If you are worried
about your blood pressure do some light exercise. Exercise
matters far more to your blood pressure than any trivial effect of
salt. UPDATE: There's an article
here which confirms the significant benefit of light exercise.
A final comment: I liked the last sentence in the excerpts above:
"We have much stronger evidence for salt than we do for fat, for the
benefits of eating fruit and vegetables or losing weight," argues
That rightly shows that all the other food fads are even more poorly founded. LOL.
Further reading: A big European study showed that LOW salt in your
blood is most likely to lead to heart attacks. See
JAMA. 2011;305(17):1777-1785. More
here and
here and
here for similar findings. Salt is harmless but a deficiency of it is not. We need it. See also
FOIA reveals unions assisted Labor Dept. with absurd regulations
By Richard McCarty
For decades, companions who sit with the elderly and infirm have been
exempt from overtime and the minimum wage under the Fair Labor Standards
Act. In 2013, Obama’s Department of Labor issued new regulations
determining which companions would continue to be exempt from the
minimum wage and overtime. These new regulations exceeded what Congress
had intended when it passed the legislation, and the regulations were so
complex that young and healthy people would have struggled to determine
who was exempt, much less the elderly and infirm.
Just how bad were the new regulations? Companions would have been
limited in how many times they could help an elderly person change their
clothes. Companions would have been unable to use a vacuum cleaner if
an infirm person were to create a safety hazard by spilling food on the
floor. Companions would have been unable to prepare food for anyone
other than the elderly person they were caring for, and any food that
they did prepare would have had to have been consumed in their presence.
If these rules weren’t exactly followed, then the new regulations would
have required the companion to be paid more.
Because Medicare and Medicaid pay for the vast majority of the care
provided by companions, it could be expected that the costs for those
programs — which are already increasing rapidly — would rise even more
quickly. Furthermore, it’s quite likely that some elderly or infirm
people would be unable to pay their portion of costs for companion care.
And it’s quite likely that some sick people would have had to suffer
alone or with a reduction in needed care. Perhaps they would have had to
remain in soiled clothes for hours or have missed a meal thanks to
these regulations.
And who helped the Labor Department with planning for these absurd
rules? Unions — the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the
Association of Federal, State, County, and Municipal Employees
In response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by
Americans for Limited Government, the U.S. Department of Labor turned
over a stack of documents showing how these unions are colluding with
the Department on this subject.
On January 9, 2014, a senior SEIU staffer emailed a 60-page memo on
large home care programs likely to be affected by the new companionship
regulation to a list of senior Department of Labor officials and other
union officials from SEIU and AFSCME. Also included was a 10-page chart
summarizing the memo.
Carol Golubock (SEIU’s Policy Director) addressed this email to Laura
McClintock (Associate Deputy Secretary of Labor), Michael Artz (AFSCME’s
Associate General Counsel), Sally Tyler (AFSCME’s Senior Health Policy
Analyst), Mary Beth Maxwell (then-Deputy Chief of Staff at the Labor
Department), Patricia Smith (Solicitor for the Department of Labor),
Malvina Ford (sic) (Senior Policy Advisor for the Administrator of the
Wage and Hour Division), Jennifer Brand (Associate Solicitor for Fair
Labor Standards), Ryan Griffin (an attorney with James & Hoffman,
who was working on an FLSA case against McDonalds around this time
period), Laura Fortman (Deputy Administrator of the Wage and Hour
Division), and Elizabeth Royal (SEIU’s Senior Policy Coordinator).
It appears that this information had been requested by one or more of
the recipients: SEIU’s Golubock wrote, “I didn’t imagine it would take
us this long to get you this mapping of large home care programs likely
to be impacted by the new companionship rule, but gathering and checking
the information took much longer than we had anticipated… Thank you all
for your patience and hope this proves to be helpful.”
Shortly before guidance on the new companionship regulation was issued,
Golubock set up a meeting to discuss the issue with an employee in the
Office of the Secretary of Labor. On March 5, 2014, Golubock emailed the
following to Mary Beth Maxwell (who took over as Principal Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Policy that month): “Are we on for Friday? To
discuss companionship rule?” Maxwell responded, “Yes!” less than a
half-hour later.
So complex were the regulations that the Obama Administration announced
that it wouldn’t bother to enforce them for the first six months after
they were to take effect. Fortunately, the U.S District Court for the
District of Columbia blocked the regulations. However, the case is now
on appeal, and final resolution of the issue will not happen for some
Donald Trump and the Fed-Up Crowd
Watching Trump’s rise, America’s middle class “fed-up crowd” is
enjoying the comeuppance of an elite that never pays for the
ramifications of its own ideology
by Victor Davis Hanson
Donald Trump — a former liberal and benefactor of Democrats — is still
surging. But his loud New York lingo, popular put-downs of obnoxious
reporters and trashing of the D.C. establishment are symptoms, not the
catalyst, of the growing popular outrage of lots of angry Americans who
are fed up.
The fed-up crowd likes the payback of watching blood sport in an arena
where niceties just don’t apply anymore. At least for a while longer,
they enjoy the smug getting their comeuppance, as an uncouth, bullheaded
Trump charges about, snorting and spearing liberal pieties and more
sober and judicious Republicans at random.
Perhaps they don’t see the abjectly crude Trump as any more crude that
Barack Obama calmly in academic tones assuring Americans that they all
could keep their doctors and health plans when he knew that was simply
untrue or announcing to the nation that his own grandmother was a
“typical white person” or advising supporters to “get in their
face.” They see Trump as no more vindictive that Harry Reid lying
about Mitt Romney’s tax returns (and then bragging that such a lie
helped defeat him), or a Sen. Barbara Boxer publicly attacking the
single, non-parental status of then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
And they certainly don’t see Trump as uncouth as an Al Sharpton —
former presidential candidate, chief advisor on matters of race to
Barack Obama, and current TV news show host. Trump’s crass bombast is
enjoyed by the fed-up crowd as the proper antidote to the even greater
bombast of the Left, who created Trump’s latest manifestations.
The conservative base is tired of illegal immigration. Their furor
peaked with the horrific killing of Kate Steinle by a seven-time
convicted felon and five-time deported illegal alien. They are
baffled that one apparently exempt and privileged ethnic group can
arbitrarily decide to ignore federal law. They are irate that they are
lectured about their supposed racism from an open-borders movement
predicated on La Raza-like ethnic chauvinism. They do not want to hear
about nativism from a lobby that so often at rallies waves the flag of
the country that none of the protestors seems to wish to return to, a
country whose authoritarianism is romanticized as much as their host
country is faulted for its magnanimity. Call this what you will, but
emotion over neglecting federal law is much less worrisome than cool
calculation over violating it.
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
3 August, 2015
What social and medical science has to say about Obama's push to "desegregate" white suburbs
In their constant determination to go against the grain of what they see
in the society around them, Leftists have long argued that
contact between people of different races is a good thing.
They started that ball rolling not long after WWII, when it emerged that
black/white contact in the American military during WWII had fostered
some inter-racial friendships, even though the forces were at that time
largely segregated racially. That the military is not much like
society at large and that war is not peace were "overlooked".
So the "contact hypothesis" was born and thrived for many years in
social science writing. As early as 1974, however, I was arguing
in the academic literature that the converse is true: The more you see
of other races, the less you like them. Nothing I wrote in the
research literature on the subject had any influence, however. It
Robert Putnam to blow the nonsense out of the water.
Putnam was a well-credentialled Leftist whose early illustrations of
declining "social capital" in the USA had attracted a lot of
interest. In that work he showed how social interactions
outside the home had shrivelled up since the '60s. People
were "hunkering down" and "bowling alone". People were increasing
less trustful of their environment and reluctant to set foot outside
their own front door.
He proposed several reasons for this effect but omitted the obvious
one: The "liberation" of blacks accomplished by the Civil Rights
Act and the destruction of racial segregation that took place in the
'60s. Whatever else it did, Jim Crow kept blacks significantly
subdued and, in particular, not dangerous to whites. A black man
getting "uppity" could in some cases end up hanging from a tree in those
days. The incidence of violence among groups of sub-Saharan
Africans is uniformly high at all times and in all nations so there was
still a high level of crime among blacks in the Jim Crow era but it was
almost entirely black-on-black, as, indeed, it still largely is.
I am not of course defending Jim Crow or advocating a return to
it. I am simply being a good social scientist and noting that,
after it abolition, life became more dangerous for whites. And it
was because the world outside was more dangerous that white Americans,
in particular, became more hesitant about setting foot outside their
front door, particularly at night. They watched TV instead.
Eventually, however, Putnam felt he had to address the racial facts that
kept bobbing up in his data. After years of hesitation, he
dropped his bombshell: The more ethnic diversity there was in a
community, the less was the social interaction and co-operation.
It was when you had black neighbors that you stayed at home as much as
you could. So much for the contact hypothesis!
So "diversity" brings on social isolation. But social isolation is
a very bad thing. Ever since the work of sociologist Durkheim in
the late 19th century, researchers have known that alienation from those
around you has serious psychiatric consequences. It is, for
instance, a major cause of suicide.
And if social isolation is troublesome to us in advanced societies, it
is even more troublesome in less sophisticated societies.
Australian Aborigines are, for instance, compulsively social. They
have a strong need for the physical company of others of their kind.
Put one in isolation in jail and he will do his level best to kill
himself. An erring Aboriginal can be "sung" to death by his
tribe. The singing consists of the men of the tribe sitting down
together and chanting disapproval of the person for hours on end.
The target of such chanting will simply die.
So from the literature of both anthropology and sociology, we know that
social isolation is bad for your health -- bad to the point of
being fatal. I was pleased therefore to see the article from the
medical literature below which confirms how fatal social isolation can
be. It's no wonder so many Americans avoid "diversity" by "white
flight" and it's very threatening that Obama is trying to "diversify"
existing white suburbs.
So an obscure article in a medical journal has great relevance to a
current "hot" political issue. Under the new Affirmatively
Furthering Fair Housing Rule (AFFH), announced by Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) recently, Obama wants to plop down "affordable"
housing in the middle of better-off communities. In conjunction with
Putnam's findings, the article below would suggest that more white
suicides will result if he succeeds. Leftism can be fatal in all sorts
of ways -- large and small.
Association Between Social Integration and Suicide Among Women in the United States
By Alexander C. Tsai, MD et al.
Importance: Suicide is one of the top 10 leading causes of
mortality among middle-aged women. Most work in the field emphasizes the
psychiatric, psychological, or biological determinants of suicide.
Objective: To estimate the association between social integration and suicide.
Design, Setting, and Participants: We used data from the Nurses’
Health Study, an ongoing nationwide prospective cohort study of nurses
in the United States. Beginning in 1992, a population-based sample of
72?607 nurses 46 to 71 years of age were surveyed about their social
relationships. The vital status of study participants was ascertained
through June 1, 2010.
Exposures: Social integration was measured with a 7-item index
that included marital status, social network size, frequency of contact
with social ties, and participation in religious or other social groups.
Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary outcome of interest was
suicide, defined as deaths classified using the codes E950 to E959 from
the International Classification of Diseases, Eighth Revision.
Results: During more than 1.2 million person-years of follow-up
(1992-2010), there were 43 suicide events. The incidence of suicide
decreased with increasing social integration. In a multivariable Cox
proportional hazards regression model, the relative hazard of suicide
was lowest among participants in the highest category of social
integration (adjusted hazard ratio, 0.23 [95% CI, 0.09-0.58]) and
second-highest category of social integration (adjusted hazard ratio,
0.26 [95% CI, 0.09-0.74]). Increasing or consistently high levels of
social integration were associated with a lower risk of suicide. These
findings were robust to sensitivity analyses that accounted for poor
mental health and serious physical illness.
Conclusions and Relevance: Women who were socially well integrated
had a more than 3-fold lower risk for suicide over 18 years of
The IRS Is Still Targeting Conservatives!
The political targeting of Americans violates our most basic rights.
In a stunning abuse of power, the IRS has been targeting the donors to
conservative political organizations for audits, according to a report
by the Washington Free Beacon. The documents released via a Freedom of
Information Act request as part of an investigation by Judicial Watch
show that the agency specifically singled out individuals who gave to
groups with words and phrases like "tea party" in their name for audits.
This is a continuation of the scandal that began in 2013, in which the
agency targeted the groups themselves. At that time, Lois Lerner took
most of the heat for the targeting, with officials claiming it was an
isolated incident that didn't go any higher up. Clearly, that was not
the case.
The fact that this sort of thing goes on in our government is an
outrageous assault on our most basic liberties. America was founded on
the idea that we should be free to express our political opinions
without the government punishing us for them. This was an important
distinction to draw from previous autocracies, where dissent from the
ruling class could land you an indefinite stay in cold, dark cell. It
has not yet gotten that bad in America, but the idea of using government
power to to intimidate, bully, and harass those of us who think that
the government has grown too large and oppressive, apart from proving
our point, should offend any American who values the freedom of
expression guaranteed by our Constitution.
This scandal has been brewing for two years now, and still nothing
meaningful has been done. Lois Lerner no longer works at the IRS, true,
but a low level official falling on her sword to protect her superiors
is no longer an acceptable solution. We have to send a message that this
sort of corruption will no longer be tolerated in the land of the free.
The IRS has spent much of the last two years attacking conservative
non-profit groups. Apart from the continuing targeting scandal, there
was also a proposed regulation that would have effectively destroyed the
ability of non-profits to conduct political organizing. The IRS is
supposed to do one thing - collect revenue, not serve as an attack dog
for the Democrats against any and all political opposition.
The IRS continues to justify its status as the most hated of all government agencies.
Mayor de Blasio Calls off Uber Cap Bill
“Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.” -Milton Friedman
New York City, NYC- Capitalists and customers throughout the country are
celebrating a major free market victory as news that progressive NYC
Mayor Bill de Blasio has announced that he will not continue to push a
city council bill that would have placed a cap on the number of Uber
drivers allowed to operate in the city. The news coming from the Mayor's
office came in several days after Uber general manager, Josh Mohrer,
publicly announced that he wanted to hold a live streaming debate
between himself and de Blasio in order to discuss the bill for the
public at large to witness; in addition to Mohrer's challenge, New York
Gov. Andrew Cuomo who recently called Uber “one of the great inventions
of this new economy”, which struck a more political blow to de Blasio,
seeing how Cuomo has always supported the populist progressive mayor in
the past. There are four key points to understand about this whole
Lessons from de Blasio's war on Uber:
1) If de Blasio, the unions, and the NYC city council had their way,
Uber would have in fact had a monopoly on the entire app based
ridesharing industry in the city. As mentioned in an episode of the
Young Voices podcast with contributors Jared Meyer and Daniel Pryor,
they pointed out how Uber (which already holds a 90% market share in the
app based ridesharing market in NYC) would essentially come out of this
battle as the ultimate winner in terms of consumer accessibility, since
other ridesharing app businesses such as Lyft have not moved into the
city. By continuing to fight the bill like they did, Uber sent a loud
and clear message to the Taxi unions (who pushed for the driver cap
bill) by stating that free and open competition for the betterment of
both businesses and consumers, was more important than crony capitalism
trying to use the heavy hand of regulation to erase competitors from the
2) The progressive war on the "sharing economy" should at this point
begin to bring awareness to the young voting population of millennial
voters who are typically swayed by Democrats. As I mentioned in a
previous article regarding progressive 2016 presidential candidate
Hillary Clinton's recent economics speech:
"An all-out political assault on these services is a strange move for
the Democrat; according to Breitbart writer Joel Pollak, this decision
in her platform may in fact "surprise millennial consumers, whose
loyalty to the Democratic Party has largely been blind, and who have
presumed that the party of government shared their love for technology."
A look overseas gives us all a glimpse into the state's negative
intervention into the "sharing economy"; the French government in June
declared an all out ban on Uber operations in the country. BBC picked up
on the initial story and reported that:
"French taxi drivers have blocked the roads to Paris airports and the
main ring road around the city in a protest against Uber, a US taxi app.
The drivers set up blockades and burned tires as part of a nationwide
strike. Some cars were overturned and others had their windows smashed
with bats."
3) Technological innovation, job opportunities, and consumer happiness,
are finally becoming talking points for many Americans across the land,
as this whole Uber debacle has shown many politically apathetic citizens
what can happen in markets that are not bogged down by red tape,
regulation and corporate interests. As FreedomWorks research analyst
Logan Albright points out simply, yet strongly:
"Mobile apps are providing services that benefit consumers, workers, and
communities. Don’t let regulators drive them out of business in order
to protect favored monopolies."
4) Last but not least, free market advocates must be listening in for
buzzwords that indicate hidden motives for new regulation. In de
Blasio's op-ed in the New York Daily News discussing his stance on the
city council Uber driver cap bill, he continually tried to use
environmental issues in order to mask the real issue at play:
"We need to find a way to manage the huge increase in new vehicles to
keep our streets moving, protect air quality and make sure our buses and
other vehicles can also get around…”
"The city is focused on making our transportation more sustainable by
improving access to ride-sharing, investing in low-carbon and
multi-modal options like walking and biking, and reducing dependency on
private fossil fuel vehicles."
When hearing politicians talk about the green agenda , people should
always ask, are they using real science, or just trying to push their
own bias? since the green policies pushed by Democrats in the past
several decades have been used over and over again to kill jobs and
economic growth .
All in all, this whole situation wasn't simply about Uber, its about the
constant struggle between free, individual enterprise, and government
control forced by the influence of special interests
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten. I also put up occasional updates on my
Personal blog and each day I gather together my most substantial current writings on
List of backup or "mirror" sites
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2 August, 2015
Avoiding that pesky evolutionary thinking
The Left are deeply uncomfortable with evolutionary thinking.
It explains too much for their liking. That men and women have
evolved to have inborn differences that reflect their role vis a vis
children flies in the face their feminist creed that there are no
differences between men and women -- for instance.
So the
blindness to evolution that we see below is no accident. "New
Scientist" has always been Left-leaning and their fervour for global
warming shows that to be still undimmed. The claim that the high
mortality rate seen during the Black Death in the 14th century may have
been the result of poor general health rather than the strength of the
bacterium is plausible at first sight but neglects the obvious.
And the plausibilty fades fast when you look at ALL the evidence --
something Leftists chronically avoid. See the last sentence in the
article below.
So what is the obvious factor that the writer
below is blind to? That those who were infected in subsequent
plagues were almost all the descendants of those who did not die
the first time around. Those who did not die the first time around
had some factor or factors in their makeup that made them resistant to
yersinia pestis -- and it is they who survived to reproduce and pass on
their resistance. Pure natural selection at work. Fewer
people died the second and third times around because they had inherited
resistance. They survived because they were the descendants of
survivors. Obvious to anyone but a Leftist. Leftist thinking
rots your brain
The secret of plague’s death toll is out. The high mortality rate seen
during the Black Death in the 14th century may have been the result of
poor general health rather than the strength of the bacterium.
The Black Death killed about 60 per cent of Europe’s population. That’s
surprising as recent plague outbreaks weren’t as devastating.
“There is a huge difference in mortality rates,” says Sharon DeWitte at
the University of South Carolina, even though 14th century and 20th
century plagues were caused by the same bacterium, Yersinia pestis, and
its genetics were similar in both outbreaks.
DeWitte believes that the high mortality rate in the 14th century may
have been the result of a general decline in health. She examined
skeletons in London cemeteries from the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries
and found that more adults under the age of 35 were buried in the 13th
This suggests that people were dying younger before the Black Death
arrived – probably because of famine and an increase in disease burden
from other pathogens.
“Together with historical data, the picture that emerges is that the population was not doing well,” says DeWitte.
But Samuel Cohn, a historian from the University of Glasgow, UK, is not convinced.
“The wealthy were also dying in great numbers during the first outbreak
of the Black Death [1347-51],” he says, noting that it is unlikely that
they were in poor health.
Could Trump Win?
By Patrick J. Buchanan
The American political class has failed the country, and should be
fired. That is the clearest message from the summer surge of Bernie
Sanders and the remarkable rise of Donald Trump.
Sanders' candidacy can trace it roots back to the 19th-century populist party of Mary Elizabeth Lease who declaimed:
"Wall Street owns the country. It is no longer a government of the
people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of Wall
Street, by Wall Street, and for Wall Street. The great common people of
this country are slaves, and monopoly is the master."
"Raise less corn and more hell!" Mary admonished the farmers of Kansas.
William Jennings Bryan captured the Democratic nomination in 1896 by
denouncing the gold standard beloved of the hard money men of his day:
"You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns,
you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold."
Sanders is in that tradition, if not in that league as an orator. His
followers, largely white, $50,000-a-year folks with college degrees,
call to mind more the followers of George McGovern than Jennings Bryan.
Yet the stagnation of workers' wages as the billionaire boys club admits
new members, and the hemorrhaging of U.S. jobs under trade deals done
for the Davos-Doha crowd, has created a blazing issue of economic
inequality that propels the Sanders campaign.
Between his issues and Trump's there is overlap. Both denounce the trade
deals that deindustrialized America and shipped millions of jobs off to
Mexico, Asia and China. But Trump has connected to an even more
powerful current.
That is the issue of uncontrolled and illegal immigration, the sense
America's borders are undefended, that untold millions of lawbreakers
are in our country, and more are coming. While most come to work, they
are taking American jobs and consuming tax dollars, and too many come to
rob, rape, murder and make a living selling drugs.
Moreover, the politicians who have talked about this for decades are a
pack of phonies who have done little to secure the border.
Trump boasts that he will get the job done, as he gets done all other
jobs he has undertaken. And his poll ratings are one measure of how far
out of touch the Republican establishment is with the Republican
When Trump ridicules his rivals as Lilliputians and mocks the celebrity media, the Republican base cheers and laughs with him.
He is boastful, brash, defiant, unapologetic, loves campaigning, and is
putting on a great show with his Trump planes and 100-foot-long stretch
limos. "Every man a king but no man wears a crown," said Huey Long. "I'm
gonna make America great again," says Donald.
Compared to Trump, all the other candidates, including Hillary Clinton
and Jeb Bush, are boring. He makes politics entertaining, fun.
Trump also benefits from the perception that his rivals and the press
want him out of the race and are desperately seizing upon any gaffe to
drive him out. The piling on, the abandonment of Trump by the corporate
elite, may have cost him a lot of money. But it also brought him support
he would not otherwise have had.
For no group of Americans has been called more names than the base of
the GOP. The attacks that caused the establishment to wash its hands of
Trump as an embarrassment brought the base to his defense.
But can Trump win?
If his poll numbers hold, Trump will be there six months from now when
the Sweet 16 is cut to the Final Four, and he will likely be in the
finals. For if Trump is running at 18 or 20 percent nationally then,
among Republicans, it is hard to see how two rivals beat him.
For Trump not to be in the hunt as the New Hampshire primary opens, his
campaign will have to implode, as Gary Hart's did in 1987, and Bill
Clinton's almost did in 1992.
Thus, in the next six months, Trump will have to commit some truly
egregious blunder that costs him his present following. Or the dirt
divers of the media and "oppo research" arms of the other campaigns will
have to come up with some high-yield IEDs.
Presidential primaries are minefields for the incautious, and Trump is
not a cautious man. And it is difficult to see how, in a two-man race
against the favorite of the Republican establishment, he could win
enough primaries, caucuses and delegates to capture 50 percent of the
convention votes.
For almost all of the candidates who will have dropped out by then will
have endorsed the last man standing against Trump. And should Trump be
nominated, his candidacy would make Barry Goldwater look like the great
uniter of the GOP.
Still, who expected Donald Trump to be in the catbird seat in the GOP
nomination run before the first presidential debate? And even his TV
antagonists cannot deny he has been great for ratings.
Pantsuit on Fire — Hillary’s Busted, but Is She Caught?
Could it be? Could the downfall of the Clinton Crime Family, a political
machine that makes Boss Tweed’s Tammany Hall corruption of the late
19th century look like a middle school 4-H club, finally be near?
“I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email,” Hillary
Clinton said of her secret servers in March. “There is no classified
material. So I’m certainly well aware of the classification requirements
and did not send classified material.”
But last week, I. Charles McCullough, inspector general of the
intelligence community, contacted the FBI about a “potential compromise
of classified information” through Clinton’s email. The IG found four
instances where Clinton handled information labeled “secret” —
classified information that he noted should “never have been transmitted
via an unclassified personal system.” And that was out of a sample size
of just 40 emails. Imagine what he’ll find in the rest of the 30,000
emails she didn’t already destroy.
In March, the nation discovered that Clinton used a personally owned
email server housed in her New York residence to conduct official
business on behalf of the State Department. At long last, after five
months of curtailed information and growing controversy, it appears
Hillary and Bill’s habits of disregarding the law might catch up with
them. At least we hope so.
As The Wall Street Journal notes, “Other senior officials have faced
criminal charges for misusing classified information. Former CIA
Director David Petraeus pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor this year for
disclosing classified information to his mistress, while Clinton-era
National Security Adviser Sandy Berger copped a misdemeanor plea in 2005
for walking off with classified documents from the National Archives.”
Or how about the sailor facing prison for taking photos of a U.S.
Could the same be in store for Hillary? Following the sputtering start
of her campaign, investigatory hearings, and enough versions of events
surrounding her email use to rival Baskin Robbins' 31 flavors, have the
Clintons finally been exposed as the corrupt, self-serving political
hacks they are?
Throughout months of investigations, serving up whoppers seems like standard operations for Team Hillary:
The notion that the NY home-based server was to eliminate redundancy has been proven false.
Hillary’s assertion to have “fully complied” with the strenuous
requirements of the State Department and intelligence community is
embarrassingly laughable.
Her claim to have “turned over all” of her emails is a lie.
She also possessed multiple email addresses linked to the server, not
just one singular account as originally stated — another lie.
This latest revelation may prove impossible for the American public and
the loyal media presstitutes to ignore. But the lie followed the
Clintons' standard buffet-style approach to the truth: Pick and choose
what you like; omit the rest. The inspector general announced some of
the emails “were classified when they were sent and are classified now.”
Hillary has been proven a liar. But in addition to her dishonesty, she
also stands as a manipulative tyrant with incredibly poor judgment, one
who believes in distinct Rules and Laws for Thee but Not for Me. And now
the voting public, tired of the swill served out of DC, is rejecting
her toxic brew.
Peter A. Brown, assistant director of a Quinnipiac University Poll
conducted in June to survey Hillary’s trustworthiness, revealed that
“Clinton’s numbers have dropped among voters in the key swing states of
Colorado, Iowa, and Virginia. She has lost ground in the horserace and
on key questions about her honesty and leadership.”
Tim Malloy, another assistant director of the Quinnipiac Poll, put it
more succinctly: “Hillary Clinton’s numbers on honesty and trust may
border on abysmal.”
Not only that, but she trails three GOP candidates in three key swing states. It’s early, so take that for what you will.
These negative polling numbers, with up to 62% of respondents
questioning Clinton’s honesty, came several weeks prior to the newest
twist in her email scandal. If only we had a Department of Justice
rather than a nest of political legal activism, these wrongdoings would
result in criminal charges and not just falling poll numbers.
Hillary dismissed the whole story, saying, “[T]here have been a lot of
inaccuracies” in the news. You don’t say. She then suggested, “Maybe the
heat is getting to everybody.” Let’s hope she does feel the heat.
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Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
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Postings from Brisbane, Australia by John J. Ray
(M.A.; Ph.D.) -- former member of the Australia-Soviet Friendship
Society, former anarcho-capitalist and former member of the British
Conservative party.
A favorite Leftist saying sums up the whole of Leftism: "To make an
omelette, you've got to break eggs". They want to change some state of
affairs and don't care who or what they destroy or damage in the
process. They think their good intentions are sufficient to absolve
them from all blame for even the most evil deeds
Leftists are the "we know best" people, meaning that they are
intrinsically arrogant. Matthew chapter 6 would not be for them. And
arrogance leads directly into authoritarianism
Leftism is fundamentally authoritarian. Whether by revolution or by
legislation, Leftists aim to change what people can and must do. When
in 2008 Obama said that he wanted to "fundamentally transform" America,
he was not talking about America's geography or topography but rather
about American people. He wanted them to stop doing things that they
wanted to do and make them do things that they did not want to do. Can
you get a better definition of authoritarianism than that?
And note that an American President is elected to administer the law, not make it. That seems to have escaped Mr Obama
That Leftism is intrinsically authoritarian is not a new insight. It
was well understood by none other than Friedrich Engels (Yes. THAT
Engels). His excellent short essay On authority
was written as a reproof to the dreamy Anarchist Left of his day. It
concludes: "A revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there
is; it is the act whereby one part of the population imposes its will
upon the other part by means of rifles, bayonets and cannon —
authoritarian means"
Many people in literary and academic circles today who once supported
Stalin and his heirs are generally held blameless and may even still be
admired whereas anybody who gave the slightest hint of support for the
similarly brutal Hitler regime is an utter polecat and pariah. Why?
Because Hitler's enemies were "only" the Jews whereas Stalin's enemies
were those the modern day Left still hates -- people who are doing well
for themselves materially. Modern day Leftists understand and excuse
Stalin and his supporters because Stalin's hates are their hates.
Leftists believe only what they want to believe. So presenting evidence
contradicting their beliefs simply enrages them. They do not learn
from it
Psychological defence mechanisms such as projection play a large part in
Leftist thinking and discourse. So their frantic search for evil in the
words and deeds of others is easily understandable. The evil is in
Leftists who think that they can conjure up paradise out of their own
limited brains are simply fools -- arrogant and dangerous fools. They
essentially know nothing. Conservatives learn from the thousands of
years of human brains that have preceded us -- including the Bible, the
ancient Greeks and much else. The death of Socrates is, for instance, an
amazing prefiguration of the intolerant 21st century. Ask any
conservative stranded in academe about his freedom of speech
Conservatives adapt to the world they live in. Leftists want to change the world to suit themselves
Given their dislike of the world they live in, it would be a surprise if
Leftists were patriotic and loved their own people. Prominent English
Leftist politician Jack Straw probably said it best: "The English as a
race are not worth saving"
Why do conservatives respect tradition and rely on the past in many
ways? Because they want to know what works and the past is the chief
source of evidence on that. Leftists are more faith-based. They cling
to their theories (e.g. global warming) with religious fervour, even
though theories are often wrong
"The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley"[go oft astray] is a well known line from a famous poem by the great Scottish poet, Robert Burns. But the next line is even wiser: "And leave us nought but grief and pain for promised joy". Burns was a Leftist of sorts so he knew how often theories fail badly.
Thinking that you "know best" is an intrinsically precarious and foolish
stance -- because nobody does. Reality is so complex and
unpredictable that it can rarely be predicted far ahead. Conservatives
can see that and that is why conservatives always want change to be done
gradually, in a step by step way. So the Leftist often finds the
things he "knows" to be out of step with reality, which challenges him
and his ego. Sadly, rather than abandoning the things he "knows", he
usually resorts to psychological defence mechanisms such as denial and
projection. He is largely impervious to argument because he has to be.
He can't afford to let reality in.
A prize example of the Leftist tendency to projection (seeing your own
faults in others) is the absurd Robert "Bob" Altemeyer, an acclaimed
psychologist and father of a prominent Canadian Leftist politician.
Altemeyer claims that there is no such thing as Leftist
authoritarianism and that it is conservatives who are "Enemies of
Freedom". That Leftists (e.g. Mrs Obama) are such enemies of freedom
that they even want to dictate what people eat has apparently passed
Altemeyer by. Even Stalin did not go that far. And there is the little
fact that all the great authoritarian regimes of the 20th century
(Stalin, Hitler and Mao) were socialist. Freud saw reliance on defence
mechanisms such as projection as being maladjusted. It is difficult to
dispute that. Altemeyer is too illiterate to realize it but he is
actually a good Hegelian. Hegel thought that "true" freedom was
marching in step with a Left-led herd.
What libertarian said this? “The bureaucracy is a parasite on the body
of society, a parasite which ‘chokes’ all its vital pores…The state is a
parasitic organism”. It was VI Lenin,
in August 1917, before he set up his own vastly bureaucratic state. He
could see the problem but had no clue about how to solve it.
It was Democrat John F Kennedy who cut taxes and declared that “a rising tide lifts all boats"
Leftist stupidity is a special class of stupidity. The people concerned
are mostly not stupid in general but they have a character defect
(mostly arrogance) that makes them impatient with complexity and
unwilling to study it. So in their policies they repeatedly shoot
themselves in the foot; They fail to attain their objectives. The
world IS complex so a simplistic approach to it CANNOT work.
"A man who is not a socialist at age 20 has no heart; A man who is still
a socialist at age 30 has no head". Who said that? Most people
attribute it to Winston but as far as I can tell it was first said by
Georges Clemenceau, French Premier in WWI -- whose own career
approximated the transition concerned. And he in turn was probably
updating an earlier saying about monarchy versus Republicanism by
Guizot. Other attributions here. There is in fact a normal drift from Left to Right as people get older. Both Reagan and Churchill started out as liberals
MESSAGE to Leftists: Even if you killed all conservatives tomorrow, you
would just end up in another Soviet Union. Conservatives are all that
stand between you and that dismal fate. And you may not even survive at
all. Stalin killed off all the old Bolsheviks.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism
of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very
word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)
Just the name of Hitler's political party should be sufficient to reject
the claim that Hitler was "Right wing" but Leftists sometimes retort
that the name "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is not
informative, in that it is the name of a dismal Stalinist tyranny. But
"People's Republic" is a normal name for a Communist country whereas I
know of no conservative political party that calls itself a "Socialist
Worker's Party". Such parties are in fact usually of the extreme Left
(Trotskyite etc.)
Most people find the viciousness of the Nazis to be incomprehensible --
for instance what they did in their concentration camps. But you just
have to read a little of the vileness that pours out from modern-day
"liberals" in their Twitter and blog comments to understand it all very
well. Leftists haven't changed. They are still boiling with hate
Hatred as a motivating force for political strategy leads to misguided
decisions. “Hatred is blind,” as Alexandre Dumas warned, “rage carries
you away; and he who pours out vengeance runs the risk of tasting a
bitter draught.”
Who said this in 1968? "I am not, and never have been, a man of the right. My position was on the Left and is now in the centre of politics". It was Sir Oswald Mosley, founder and leader of the British Union of Fascists
The term "Fascism" is mostly used by the Left as a brainless term of
abuse. But when they do make a serious attempt to define it, they
produce very complex and elaborate definitions -- e.g. here and here.
In fact, Fascism is simply extreme socialism plus nationalism. But
great gyrations are needed to avoid mentioning the first part of that
recipe, of course.
Two examples of Leftist racism below (much more here and here):
Beatrice Webb, a founder of the London School of Economics and
the Fabian Society, and married to a Labour MP, mused in 1922 on whether
when English children were "dying from lack of milk", one should extend
"the charitable impulse" to Russian and Chinese children who, if saved
this year, might anyway die next. Besides, she continued, there was "the
larger question of whether those races are desirable inhabitants" and
"obviously" one wouldn't "spend one's available income" on "a Central
African negro".
Hugh Dalton, offered the Colonial Office during Attlee's 1945-51 Labour
government, turned it down because "I had a horrid vision of
pullulating, poverty stricken, diseased nigger communities, for whom one
can do nothing in the short run and who, the more one tries to help
them, are querulous and ungrateful."
The Zimmerman case is an excellent proof that the Left is deep-down racist
Defensible and indefensible usages of the term "racism"
The book, The authoritarian personality, authored by T.W. Adorno
et al. in 1950, has been massively popular among psychologists. It
claims that a set of ideas that were popular in the
"Progressive"-dominated America of the prewar era were "authoritarian".
Leftist regimes always are authoritarian so that claim was not a big
problem. What was quite amazing however is that Adorno et al.
identified such ideas as "conservative". They were in fact simply
popular ideas of the day but ones that had been most heavily promoted by
the Left right up until the then-recent WWII. See here for details of prewar "Progressive" thinking.
Leftist psychologists have an amusingly simplistic conception of
military organizations and military men. They seem to base it on
occasions they have seen troops marching together on parade rather than
any real knowledge of military men and the military life. They think
that military men are "rigid" -- automatons who are unable to adjust to
new challenges or think for themselves. What is incomprehensible to
them is that being kadaver gehorsam (to use the extreme Prussian
term for following orders) actually requires great flexibility -- enough
flexibility to put your own ideas and wishes aside and do something
very difficult. Ask any soldier if all commands are easy to obey.
It would be very easy for me to say that I am too much of an individual
for the army but I did in fact join the army and enjoy it greatly, as
most men do. In my observation, ALL army men are individuals. It is
just that they accept discipline in order to be militarily efficient --
which is the whole point of the exercise. But that's too complex for
simplistic Leftist thinking, of course
R.I.P. Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet deposed a law-defying Marxist
President at the express and desperate invitation of the Chilean
parliament. Allende had just burnt the electoral rolls so it wasn't
hard to see what was coming. Pinochet pioneered the free-market reforms
which Reagan and Thatcher later unleashed to world-changing effect.
That he used far-Leftist methods to suppress far-Leftist violence is
reasonable if not ideal. The Leftist view that they should have a
monopoly of violence and that others should follow the law is a total
absurdity which shows only that their hate overcomes their reason
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a war criminal. Both British and American
codebreakers had cracked the Japanese naval code so FDR knew what was
coming at Pearl Harbor. But for his own political reasons he warned
no-one there. So responsibility for the civilian and military deaths at
Pearl Harbor lies with FDR as well as with the Japanese. The huge
firepower available at Pearl Harbor, both aboard ship and on land, could
have largely neutered the attack. Can you imagine 8 battleships and
various lesser craft firing all their AA batteries as the Japanese came
in? The Japanese naval airforce would have been annihilated and the
war would have been over before it began.
FDR prolonged the Depression. He certainly didn't cure it.
WWII did NOT end the Great Depression. It just concealed it. It in fact made living standards worse
FDR appointed a known KKK member, Hugo Black, to the Supreme Court
Joe McCarthy was eventually proved right after the fall of the Soviet Union. To accuse anyone of McCarthyism is to accuse them of accuracy!
The KKK was intimately associated with the Democratic party. They ATTACKED Republicans!
People who mention differences in black vs. white IQ are these days
almost universally howled down and subjected to the most extreme abuse.
I am a psychometrician, however, so I feel obliged to defend the
scientific truth of the matter: The average African adult has about the
same IQ as an average white 11-year-old and African Americans (who are
partly white in ancestry) average out at a mental age of 14. The
American Psychological Association is generally Left-leaning but it is
the world's most prestigious body of academic psychologists. And even
they have had to concede
that sort of gap (one SD) in black vs. white average IQ. 11-year olds
can do a lot of things but they also have their limits and there are
times when such limits need to be allowed for.
The association between high IQ and long life is overwhelmingly genetic: "In the combined sample the genetic contribution to the covariance was 95%"
The Dark Ages were not dark
Judged by his deeds, Abraham Lincoln was one of the bloodiest villains ever to walk the Earth. See here. And: America's uncivil war was caused by trade protectionism. The slavery issue was just camouflage, as Abraham Lincoln himself admitted. See also here
Was slavery already washed up by the tides of history before Lincoln
took it on? Eric Williams in his book "Capitalism and Slavery" tells
us: “The commercial capitalism of the eighteenth century developed the
wealth of Europe by means of slavery and monopoly. But in so doing it
helped to create the industrial capitalism of the nineteenth century,
which turned round and destroyed the power of commercial capitalism,
slavery, and all its works. Without a grasp of these economic changes
the history of the period is meaningless.”
Did William Zantzinger kill poor Hattie Carroll?
Did Bismarck predict where WWI would start or was it just a "free" translation by Churchill?
Conrad Black on the Declaration of Independence
Malcolm Gladwell: "There is more of reality and wisdom in a Chinese fortune cookie than can be found anywhere in Gladwell’s pages"
Some people are born bad -- confirmed by genetics research
The 10 "cannots" (By William J. H. Boetcker) that Leftist politicians ignore:
*You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
* You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
* You cannot help little men by tearing down big men.
* You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
* You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
* You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money.
* You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
* You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than you earn.
* You cannot build character and courage by destroying men's initiative and independence.
* And you cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves.
A good short definition of conservative: "One who wants you to keep your hand out of his pocket."
Beware of good intentions. They mostly lead to coercion
A gargantuan case of hubris, coupled with stunning level of ignorance
about how the real world works, is the essence of progressivism.
The U.S. Constitution is neither "living" nor dead. It is fixed until
it is amended. But amending it is the privilege of the people, not of
politicians or judges
It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making
decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay
no price for being wrong - Thomas Sowell
Leftists think that utopia can be coerced into existence -- so no
dishonesty or brutality is beyond them in pursuit of that "noble" goal
"England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are
ashamed of their own nationality. In left-wing circles it is always felt
that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman and
that it is a duty to snigger at every English institution" -- George Orwell
Was 16th century science pioneer Paracelsus a libertarian? His motto was "Alterius non sit qui suus esse potest" which means "Let no man belong to another who can belong to himself."
"When using today's model of society as a rule, most of history will be
found to be full of oppression, bias, and bigotry." What today's
arrogant judges of history fail to realize is that they, too, will be
judged. What will Americans of 100 years from now make of, say, speech
codes, political correctness, and zero tolerance - to name only three?
Assuming, of course, there will still be an America that we, today,
would recognize. Given the rogue Federal government spy apparatus, I am
not at all sure of that. -- Paul Havemann
Economist Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973): "The champions of socialism
call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is
characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to
every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are
intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they
yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they
want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of
the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic
post office."
It's the shared hatred of the rest of us that unites Islamists and the Left.
American liberals don't love America. They despise it. All they love is
their own fantasy of what America could become. They are false patriots.
The Democratic Party: Con-men elected by the ignorant and the arrogant
The Democratic Party is a strange amalgam of elites, would-be elites and
minorities. No wonder their policies are so confused and irrational
Why are conservatives more at ease with religion? Because it is basic
to conservatism that some things are unknowable, and religious people
have to accept that too. Leftists think that they know it all and feel
threatened by any exceptions to that. Thinking that you know it all is
however the pride that comes before a fall.
The characteristic emotion of the Leftist is not envy. It's rage
Leftists are committed to grievance, not truth
The British Left poured out a torrent of hate for Margaret Thatcher on
the occasion of her death. She rescued Britain from chaos and restored
Britain's prosperity. What's not to hate about that?
Something you didn't know about Margaret Thatcher
The world's dumbest investor? Without doubt it is Uncle Sam. Nobody
anywhere could rival the scale of the losses on "investments" made under
the Obama administration
"Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a
ruthless drive for placing themselves (the elites) at the top of a new
hierarchy of power" -- Murray Rothbard - Egalitarianism and the Elites (1995)
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which
debt he proposes to pay off with your money. -- G. Gordon Liddy
"World socialism as a whole, and all the figures associated with it,
are shrouded in legend; its contradictions are forgotten or concealed;
it does not respond to arguments but continually ignores them--all this
stems from the mist of irrationality that surrounds socialism and from
its instinctive aversion to scientific analysis... The doctrines of
socialism seethe with contradictions, its theories are at constant odds
with its practice, yet due to a powerful instinct these contradictions
do not in the least hinder the unending propaganda of socialism. Indeed,
no precise, distinct socialism even exists; instead there is only a
vague, rosy notion of something noble and good, of equality, communal
ownership, and justice: the advent of these things will bring instant
euphoria and a social order beyond reproach." -- Solzhenitsyn
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. -- Thomas Jefferson
"Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power" -- Bertrand Russell
Evan Sayet:
The Left sides "...invariably with evil over good, wrong over right,
and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success."
(t=5:35+ on video)
The Republicans are the gracious side of American politics. It is the Democrats who are the nasty party, the haters
Wanting to stay out of the quarrels of other nations is conservative --
but conservatives will fight if attacked or seriously endangered.
Anglo/Irish statesman Lord Castlereagh
(1769-1822), who led the political coalition that defeated Napoleon,
was an isolationist, as were traditional American conservatives.
Some useful definitions:
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal is a
vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a
conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his
situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A liberal
non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless
it's a foreign religion, of course!)
If a conservative decides he
needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job
that provides it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
There is better evidence for creation than there is for the Leftist
claim that “gender” is a “social construct”. Most Leftist claims seem
to be faith-based rather than founded on the facts
Leftists are classic weak characters. They dish out abuse by the bucketload but cannot take it when they get it back. Witness the Loughner hysteria.
Death taxes:
You would expect a conscientious person, of whatever degree of
intelligence, to reflect on the strange contradiction involved in
denying people the right to unearned wealth, while supporting programs
that give people unearned wealth.
America is no longer the land of the free. It is now the land of the regulated -- though it is not alone in that, of course
The Leftist motto: "I love humanity. It's just people I can't stand"
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Envy is a strong and widespread human emotion so there has alway been
widespread support for policies of economic "levelling". Both the USA
and the modern-day State of Israel were founded by communists but
reality taught both societies that respect for the individual gave much
better outcomes than levelling ideas. Sadly, there are many people in
both societies in whom hatred for others is so strong that they are
incapable of respect for the individual. The destructiveness of what
they support causes them to call themselves many names in different
times and places but they are the backbone of the political Left
Gore Vidal: "Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little". Vidal was of course a Leftist
The large number of rich Leftists suggests that, for them, envy is
secondary. They are directly driven by hatred and scorn for many of the
other people that they see about them. Hatred of others can be rooted
in many things, not only in envy. But the haters come together as the
Left. Some evidence here showing that envy is not what defines the Left
Leftists hate the world around them and want to change it: the people in
it most particularly. Conservatives just want to be left alone to make
their own decisions and follow their own values.
The failure of the Soviet experiment has definitely made the American
Left more vicious and hate-filled than they were. The plain failure of
what passed for ideas among them has enraged rather than humbled them.
Ronald Reagan famously observed that the status quo is Latin for “the
mess we’re in.” So much for the vacant Leftist claim that conservatives
are simply defenders of the status quo. They think that conservatives
are as lacking in principles as they are.
Was Confucius a conservative? The following saying would seem to
reflect good conservative caution: "The superior man, when resting in
safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of
security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is
orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is
not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved."
The shallow thinkers of the Left sometimes claim that conservatives want
to impose their own will on others in the matter of abortion. To make
that claim is however to confuse religion with politics. Conservatives
are in fact divided about their response to abortion. The REAL
opposition to abortion is religious rather than political. And the
church which has historically tended to support the LEFT -- the Roman
Catholic church -- is the most fervent in the anti-abortion cause.
Conservatives are indeed the one side of politics to have moral qualms
on the issue but they tend to seek a middle road in dealing with it.
Taking the issue to the point of legal prohibitions is a religious
doctrine rather than a conservative one -- and the religion concerned
may or may not be characteristically conservative. More on that here
Some Leftist hatred arises from the fact that they blame "society" for their own personal problems and inadequacies
The Leftist hunger for change to the society that they hate leads to a
hunger for control over other people. And they will do and say anything
to get that control: "Power at any price". Leftist politicians are
mostly self-aggrandizing crooks who gain power by deceiving the
uninformed with snake-oil promises -- power which they invariably use
to destroy. Destruction is all that they are good at. Destruction is
what haters do.
Leftists are consistent only in their hate. They don't have principles.
How can they when "there is no such thing as right and wrong"? All
they have is postures, pretend-principles that can be changed as easily
as one changes one's shirt
A Leftist assumption: Making money doesn't entitle you to it, but wanting money does.
"Politicians never accuse you of 'greed' for wanting other people's
money -- only for wanting to keep your own money." --columnist Joe
Sobran (1946-2010)
Leftist policies are candy-coated rat poison that may appear appealing at first, but inevitably do a lot of damage to everyone impacted by them.
A tribute and thanks to Mary Jo Kopechne. Her death was reprehensible
but she probably did more by her death that she ever would have in life:
She spared the world a President Ted Kennedy. That the heap of
corruption that was Ted Kennedy died peacefully in his bed is one of the
clearest demonstrations that we do not live in a just world. Even Joe
Stalin seems to have been smothered to death by Nikita Khrushchev
I often wonder why Leftists refer to conservatives as "wingnuts". A
wingnut is a very useful device that adds versatility wherever it is
used. Clearly, Leftists are not even good at abuse. Once they have
accused their opponents of racism and Nazism, their cupboard is bare.
Similarly, Leftists seem to think it is a devastating critique to refer
to "Worldnet Daily" as "Worldnut Daily". The poverty of their
argumentation is truly pitiful
The Leftist assertion that there is no such thing as right and wrong has
a distinguished history. It was Pontius Pilate who said "What is
truth?" (John 18:38). From a Christian viewpoint, the assertion is
undoubtedly the Devil's gospel
Even in the Old Testament they knew about "Postmodernism": "Woe unto
them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light,
and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for
bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20 (KJV)
Was Solomon the first conservative? "The hearts of men are full of evil
and madness is in their hearts" -- Ecclesiastes: 9:3 (RSV). He could
almost have been talking about Global Warming.
Leftist hatred of Christianity goes back as far as the massacre of the
Carmelite nuns during the French revolution. Yancey has written a whole
book tabulating modern Leftist hatred of Christians. It is a rival
religion to Leftism.
"If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral
weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of
government action." - Ludwig von Mises
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
Because of their need to be different from the mainstream, Leftists are very good at pretending that sow's ears are silk purses
Among intelligent people, Leftism is a character defect. Leftists HATE
success in others -- which is why notably successful societies such as
the USA and Israel are hated and failures such as the Palestinians can
do no wrong.
A Leftist's beliefs are all designed to pander to his ego. So when you
have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing the
facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
Because of the fragility of a Leftist's ego, anything that threatens it
is intolerable and provokes rage. So most Leftist blogs can be
summarized in one sentence: "How DARE anybody question what I
believe!". Rage and abuse substitute for an appeal to facts and reason.
Because their beliefs serve their ego rather than reality, Leftists just KNOW what is good for us. Conservatives need evidence.
Absolute certainty is the privilege of uneducated men and fanatics. -- C.J. Keyser
Hell is paved with good intentions" -- Boswell's Life of Johnson of 1775
"Almost all professors of the arts and sciences are egregiously conceited, and derive their happiness from their conceit" -- Erasmus
"Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him" (Proverbs 26: 12). I think that sums up Leftists pretty well.
Eminent British astrophysicist Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington is often
quoted as saying: "Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it
is stranger than we can imagine." It was probably in fact said by his
contemporary, J.B.S. Haldane. But regardless of authorship, it could
well be a conservative credo not only about the cosmos but also about
human beings and human society. Mankind is too complex to be summed
up by simple rules and even complex rules are only approximations with
many exceptions.
Politics is the only thing Leftists know about. They know nothing of
economics, history or business. Their only expertise is in promoting
feelings of grievance
Socialism makes the individual the slave of the state -- capitalism frees them.
Many readers here will have noticed that what I say about Leftists
sometimes sounds reminiscent of what Leftists say about conservatives.
There is an excellent reason for that. Leftists are great "projectors"
(people who see their own faults in others). So a good first step in
finding out what is true of Leftists is to look at what they say about
conservatives! They even accuse conservatives of projection (of
The research
shows clearly that one's Left/Right stance is strongly genetically
inherited but nobody knows just what specifically is inherited. What
is inherited that makes people Leftist or Rightist? There is any amount
of evidence that personality traits are strongly genetically inherited
so my proposal is that hard-core Leftists are people who tend to let
their emotions (including hatred and envy) run away with them and who
are much more in need of seeing themselves as better than others -- two
attributes that are probably related to one another. Such Leftists may
be an evolutionary leftover from a more primitive past.
Leftists seem to believe that if someone like Al Gore says it, it must
be right. They obviously have a strong need for an authority figure.
The fact that the two most authoritarian regimes of the 20th century
(Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia) were socialist is thus no surprise.
Leftists often accuse conservatives of being "authoritarian" but that is
just part of their usual "projective" strategy -- seeing in others
what is really true of themselves.
"With their infernal racial set-asides, racial quotas, and race norming,
liberals share many of the Klan's premises. The Klan sees the world in
terms of race and ethnicity. So do liberals! Indeed, liberals and white
supremacists are the only people left in America who are neurotically
obsessed with race. Conservatives champion a color-blind society" -- Ann
Politicians are in general only a little above average in intelligence
so the idea that they can make better decisions for us that we can
make ourselves is laughable
A quote from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers: "You cannot legislate the
poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one
person receives without working for, another person must work for
without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that
the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the
people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other
half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the
idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get
what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
The Supreme Court of the United States is now and always has been a
judicial abomination. Its guiding principles have always been
political rather than judicial. It is not as political as Stalin's
courts but its respect for the constitution is little better. Some
recent abuses: The "equal treatment" provision of the 14th amendment
was specifically written to outlaw racial discrimination yet the court
has allowed various forms of "affirmative action" for decades -- when
all such policies should have been completely stuck down immediately.
The 2nd. amendment says that the right to bear arms shall not be
infringed yet gun control laws infringe it in every State in the union.
The 1st amendment provides that speech shall be freely exercised yet
the court has upheld various restrictions on the financing and display
of political advertising. The court has found a right to abortion in
the constitution when the word abortion is not even mentioned there.
The court invents rights that do not exist and denies rights that do.
"Some action that is unconstitutional has much to recommend it" -- Elena Kagan, nominated to SCOTUS by Obama
Frank Sulloway, the anti-scientist
The basic aim of all bureaucrats is to maximize their funding and minimize their workload
A lesson in Australian: When an Australian calls someone a "big-noter",
he is saying that the person is a chronic and rather pathetic seeker of
admiration -- as in someone who often pulls out "big notes" (e.g.
$100.00 bills) to pay for things, thus endeavouring to create the
impression that he is rich. The term describes the mentality rather
than the actual behavior with money and it aptly describes many
Leftists. When they purport to show "compassion" by advocating things
that cost themselves nothing (e.g. advocating more taxes on "the rich"
to help "the poor"), an Australian might say that the Leftist is
"big-noting himself". There is an example of the usage here. The term conveys contempt. There is a wise description of Australians generally here
Some ancient wisdom for Leftists: "Be not righteous overmuch; neither make thyself over wise: Why shouldest thou die before thy time?" -- Ecclesiastes 7:16
Jesse Jackson:
"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to
walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery
-- then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved." There
ARE important racial differences.
Some Jimmy Carter wisdom: "I think it's inevitable that there will be a lower standard of living than what everybody had always anticipated," he told advisers in 1979. "there's going to be a downward turning."
The "steamroller" above who got steamrollered by his own hubris.
Spitzer is a warning of how self-destructive a vast ego can be -- and
also of how destructive of others it can be.
Heritage is what survives death: Very rare and hence very valuable
Big business is not your friend. As Adam Smith said: "People of the
same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but
the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some
contrivance to raise prices. It is impossible indeed to prevent such
meetings, by any law which either could be executed, or would be
consistent with liberty or justice. But though the law cannot hinder
people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to
do nothing to facilitate such assemblies; much less to render them
How can I accept the Communist doctrine, which sets up as its bible,
above and beyond criticism, an obsolete textbook which I know not only
to be scientifically erroneous but without interest or application to
the modern world? How can I adopt a creed which, preferring the mud to
the fish, exalts the boorish proletariat above the bourgeoisie and the
intelligentsia, who with all their faults, are the quality of life and
surely carry the seeds of all human achievement? Even if we need a
religion, how can we find it in the turbid rubbish of the red bookshop?
It is hard for an educated, decent, intelligent son of Western Europe to
find his ideals here, unless he has first suffered some strange and
horrid process of conversion which has changed all his values. -- John Maynard Keynes
Some wisdom from "Bron" Waugh: "The purpose of politics is to help
them [politicians] overcome these feelings of inferiority and compensate
for their personal inadequacies in the pursuit of power"
"There are countless horrible things happening all over the country, and
horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our
equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy
them whenever possible"
The urge to pass new laws must be seen as an illness, not much different
from the urge to bite old women. Anyone suspected of suffering from it
should either be treated with the appropriate pills or, if it is too
late for that, elected to Parliament [or Congress, as the case may be]
and paid a huge salary with endless holidays, to do nothing whatever"
"It is my settled opinion, after some years as a political
correspondent, that no one is attracted to a political career in the
first place unless he is socially or emotionally crippled"
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with
them is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were. Freedom needs a soldier
If any of the short observations above about Leftism seem wrong, note
that they do not stand alone. The evidence for them is set out at great
length in my MONOGRAPH on Leftism.
3 memoirs of "Supermac", a 20th century Disraeli (Aristocratic British
Conservative Prime Minister -- 1957 to 1963 -- Harold Macmillan):
"It breaks my heart to see (I can't interfere or do anything at my
age) what is happening in our country today - this terrible strike of
the best men in the world, who beat the Kaiser's army and beat Hitler's
army, and never gave in. Pointless, endless. We can't afford that kind
of thing. And then this growing division which the noble Lord who has
just spoken mentioned, of a comparatively prosperous south, and an
ailing north and midlands. That can't go on." -- Mac on the British
working class: "the best men in the world" (From his Maiden speech in
the House of Lords, 13 November 1984)
"As a Conservative, I am naturally in favour of returning into private
ownership and private management all those means of production and
distribution which are now controlled by state capitalism"
During Macmillan's time as prime minister, average living standards
steadily rose while numerous social reforms were carried out
The Bible is an Israeli book
To me, hostility to the Jews is a terrible tragedy. I weep for them at
times. And I do literally put my money where my mouth is. I do at
times send money to Israeli charities
My (Gentile) opinion of antisemitism: The Jews are the best we've got so killing them is killing us.
"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" -- Genesis 12:3
"O pray for the peace of Jerusalem: They shall prosper that love thee" Psalm 122:6.
If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May
my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I
do not consider Jerusalem my highest joy -- Psalm 137 (NIV)
Israel, like the Jews throughout history, is hated not for her vices
but her virtues. Israel is hated, as the United States is hated, because
Israel is successful, because Israel is free, and because Israel is
good. As Maxim Gorky put it: “Whatever nonsense the anti-Semites may
talk, they dislike the Jew only because he is obviously better, more
adroit, and more willing and capable of work than they are.” Whether
driven by culture or genes—or like most behavior, an inextricable
mix—the fact of Jewish genius is demonstrable." -- George Gilder
To Leftist haters, all the basic rules of liberal society — rejection of
hate speech, commitment to academic freedom, rooting out racism, the
absolute commitment to human dignity — go out the window when the
subject is Israel.
I have always liked the story of Gideon (See Judges chapters 6 to 8) and
it is surely no surprise that in the present age Israel is the Gideon
of nations: Few in numbers but big in power and impact.
Is the Israel Defence Force the most effective military force per capita
since Genghis Khan? They probably are but they are also the most
ethically advanced military force that the world has ever seen
If I were not an atheist, I would believe that God had a sense of
humour. He gave his chosen people (the Jews) enormous advantages --
high intelligence and high drive -- but to keep it fair he deprived
them of something hugely important too: Political sense. So Jews to
this day tend very strongly to be Leftist -- even though the chief
source of antisemitism for roughly the last 200 years has been the
political Left!
And the other side of the coin is that Jews tend to despise
conservatives and Christians. Yet American fundamentalist Christians
are the bedrock of the vital American support for Israel, the ultimate
bolthole for all Jews. So Jewish political irrationality seems to be a
rather good example of the saying that "The LORD giveth and the LORD
taketh away". There are many other examples of such perversity (or
"balance"). The sometimes severe side-effects of most pharmaceutical
drugs is an obvious one but there is another ethnic example too, a
rather amusing one. Chinese people are in general smart and patient
people but their rate of traffic accidents in China is about 10 times
higher than what prevails in Western societies. They are brilliant
mathematicians and fearless business entrepreneurs but at the same time
bad drivers!
Conservatives, on the other hand, could be antisemitic on entirely
rational grounds: Namely, the overwhelming Leftism of the Diaspora
Jewish population as a whole. Because they judge the individual,
however, only a tiny minority of conservative-oriented people make such
general judgments. The longer Jews continue on their "stiff-necked"
course, however, the more that is in danger of changing. The children
of Israel have been a stiff necked people since the days of Moses,
however, so they will no doubt continue to vote with their emotions
rather than their reason.
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.
Fortunately for America, though, liberal Jews there are rapidly dying out through intermarriage and failure to reproduce. And the quite poisonous liberal Jews of Israel are not much better off. Judaism is slowly returning to Orthodoxy and the Orthodox tend to be conservative.
The above is good testimony to the accuracy of the basic conservative
insight that almost anything in human life is too complex to be reduced
to any simple rule and too complex to be reduced to any rule at all
without allowance for important exceptions to the rule concerned
Amid their many virtues, one virtue is often lacking among Jews in
general and Israelis in particular: Humility. And that's an
antisemitic comment only if Hashem is antisemitic. From Moses on, the
Hebrew prophets repeatedy accused the Israelites of being "stiff-necked"
and urged them to repent. So it's no wonder that the greatest Jewish
prophet of all -- Jesus -- not only urged humility but exemplified it
in his life and death
"Why should the German be interested in the liberation of the Jew,
if the Jew is not interested in the liberation of the German?... We
recognize in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the
present time... In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is
the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.... Indeed, in North America,
the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has
achieved as its unambiguous and normal expression that the preaching of
the Gospel itself and the Christian ministry have become articles of
trade... Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other
god may exist". Who said that? Hitler? No. It was Karl Marx. See also here and here and here.
For roughly two centuries now, antisemitism has, throughout the
Western world, been principally associated with Leftism (including the
socialist Hitler) -- as it is to this day. See here.
Karl Marx hated just about everyone. Even his father, the kindly Heinrich Marx, thought Karl was not much of a human being
Leftists call their hatred of Israel "Anti-Zionism" but Zionists are only a small minority in Israel
Some of the Leftist hatred of Israel is motivated by old-fashioned
antisemitism (beliefs in Jewish "control" etc.) but most of it is just
the regular Leftist hatred of success in others. And because the
societies they inhabit do not give them the vast amount of recognition
that their large but weak egos need, some of the most virulent haters
of Israel and America live in those countries. So the hatred is the
product of pathologically high self-esteem.
Their threatened egos sometimes drive Leftists into quite desperate
flights from reality. For instance, they often call Israel an
"Apartheid state" -- when it is in fact the Arab states that practice
Apartheid -- witness the severe restrictions on Christians in Saudi
Arabia. There are no such restrictions in Israel.
If the Palestinians put down their weapons, there'd be peace. If the Israelis put down their weapons, there'd be genocide.

Alfred Dreyfus, a reminder of French antisemitism still relevant today
Eugenio Pacelli, a righteous Gentile, a true man of God and a brilliant Pope
Many people hunger and thirst after righteousness. Some find it in the
hatreds of the Left. Others find it in the love of Christ. I don't
hunger and thirst after righteousness at all. I hunger and thirst after
truth. How old-fashioned can you get?
The kneejerk response of the Green/Left to people who challenge them is
to say that the challenger is in the pay of "Big Oil", "Big Business",
"Big Pharma", "Exxon-Mobil", "The Pioneer Fund" or some other entity
that they see, in their childish way, as a boogeyman. So I think it
might be useful for me to point out that I have NEVER received one cent
from anybody by way of support for what I write. As a retired person, I
live entirely on my own investments. I do not work for anybody and I
am not beholden to anybody. And I have NO investments in oil companies,
mining companies or "Big Pharma"
UPDATE: Despite my (statistical) aversion to mining stocks, I have
recently bought a few shares in BHP -- the world's biggest miner, I
gather. I run the grave risk of becoming a speaker of famous last words
for saying this but I suspect that BHP is now so big as to be largely
immune from the risks that plague most mining companies. I also know of
no issue affecting BHP where my writings would have any relevance. The
Left seem to have a visceral hatred of miners. I have never quite
figured out why.
I imagine that few of my readers will understand it, but I am an
unabashed monarchist. And, as someone who was born and bred in a
monarchy and who still lives there (i.e. Australia), that gives me no
conflicts at all. In theory, one's respect for the monarchy does not
depend on who wears the crown but the impeccable behaviour of the
present Queen does of course help perpetuate that respect. Aside from
my huge respect for the Queen, however, my favourite member of the Royal
family is the redheaded Prince Harry. The Royal family is of course a
military family and Prince Harry is a great example of that. As one of
the world's most privileged people, he could well be an idle layabout
but instead he loves his life in the army. When his girlfriend Chelsy
ditched him because he was so often away, Prince Harry said: "I love
Chelsy but the army comes first". A perfect military man! I doubt that
many women would understand or approve of his attitude but perhaps my
own small army background powers my approval of that attitude.
I imagine that most Americans might find this rather mad -- but I
believe that a constitutional Monarchy is the best form of government
presently available. Can a libertarian be a Monarchist? I think so
-- and prominent British libertarian Sean Gabb seems to think so too! Long live the Queen! (And note that Australia ranks well above the USA on the Index of Economic freedom. Heh!)
Throughout Europe there is an association between monarchism and
conservatism. It is a little sad that American conservatives do not
have access to that satisfaction. So even though Australia is much more
distant from Europe (geographically) than the USA is, Australia is in
some ways more of an outpost of Europe than America is! Mind you:
Australia is not very atypical of its region. Australia lies just South
of Asia -- and both Japan and Thailand have greatly respected
monarchies. And the demise of the Cambodian monarchy was disastrous for
Throughout the world today, possession of a U.S. or U.K. passport is
greatly valued. I once shared that view. Developments in recent years
have however made me profoundly grateful that I am a 5th generation
Australian. My Australian passport is a door into a much less
oppressive and much less messed-up place than either the USA or Britain
Following the Sotomayor precedent, I would hope that a wise older white
man such as myself with the richness of that experience would more
often than not reach a better conclusion than someone who hasn’t lived
that life.
IQ and ideology: Most academics are Left-leaning. Why? Because very
bright people who have balls go into business, while very bright people
with no balls go into academe. I did both with considerable success,
which makes me a considerable rarity. Although I am a born academic, I
have always been good with money too. My share portfolio even survived
the GFC in good shape. The academics hate it that bright people with
balls make more money than them.
I have no hesitation in saying that the single book which has influenced me most is the New Testament. And my Scripture blog
will show that I know whereof I speak. Some might conclude that I must
therefore be a very confused sort of atheist but I can assure everyone
that I do not feel the least bit confused. The New Testament is a
lighthouse that has illumined the thinking of all sorts of men and women
and I am deeply grateful that it has shone on me.
I am rather pleased to report that I am a lifelong conservative. Out of
intellectual curiosity, I did in my youth join organizations from right
across the political spectrum so I am certainly not closed-minded and
am very familiar with the full spectrum of political thinking.
Nonetheless, I did not have to undergo the lurch from Left to Right that
so many people undergo. At age 13 I used my pocket-money to subscribe
to the "Reader's Digest" -- the main conservative organ available in
small town Australia of the 1950s. I have learnt much since but am
pleased and amused to note that history has since confirmed most of what
I thought at that early age. Conservatism is in touch with reality.
Leftism is not.
I imagine that the RD are still sending mailouts to my 1950s address
Most teenagers have sporting and movie posters on their bedroom walls. At age 14 I had a map of Taiwan on my wall.
"Remind me never to get this guy mad at me" -- Instapundit
It seems to be a common view that you cannot talk informatively about a
country unless you have been there. I completely reject that view but
it is nonetheless likely that some Leftist dimbulb will at some stage
aver that any comments I make about politics and events in the USA
should not be heeded because I am an Australian who has lived almost all
his life in Australia. I am reluctant to pander to such ignorance in
the era of the "global village" but for the sake of the argument I might
mention that I have visited the USA 3 times -- spending enough time in
Los Angeles and NYC to get to know a fair bit about those places at
least. I did however get outside those places enough to realize that
they are NOT America.
"Intellectual" = Leftist dreamer. I have more publications in the
academic journals than almost all "public intellectuals" but I am never
called an intellectual and nor would I want to be. Call me a scholar or
an academic, however, and I will accept either as a just and earned
My academic background
My full name is Dr. John Joseph RAY. I am a former university teacher
aged 65 at the time of writing in 2009. I was born of Australian
pioneer stock in 1943 at Innisfail in the State of Queensland in
Australia. I trace my ancestry wholly to the British Isles. After an
early education at Innisfail State Rural School and Cairns State High
School, I taught myself for matriculation. I took my B.A. in Psychology
from the University of Queensland in Brisbane. I then moved to Sydney
(in New South Wales, Australia) and took my M.A. in psychology from the
University of Sydney in 1969 and my Ph.D. from the School of
Behavioural Sciences at Macquarie University in 1974. I first tutored
in psychology at Macquarie University and then taught sociology at the
University of NSW. My doctorate is in psychology but I taught mainly
sociology in my 14 years as a university teacher. In High Schools I
taught economics. I have taught in both traditional and "progressive"
(low discipline) High Schools. Fuller biographical notes here
I completed the work for my Ph.D. at the end of 1970 but the degree was
not awarded until 1974 -- due to some academic nastiness from Seymour
Martin Lipset and Fred Emery. A conservative or libertarian who makes
it through the academic maze has to be at least twice as good as the
average conformist Leftist. Fortunately, I am a born academic.
Despite my great sympathy and respect for Christianity, I am the most
complete atheist you could find. I don't even believe that the word
"God" is meaningful. I am not at all original in that view, of course.
Such views are particularly associated with the noted German
philosopher Rudolf Carnap. Unlike Carnap, however, none of my wives
have committed suicide
Very occasionally in my writings I make reference to the greats of
analytical philosophy such as Carnap and Wittgenstein. As philosophy is
a heavily Leftist discipline however, I have long awaited an attack
from some philosopher accusing me of making coat-trailing references not
backed by any real philosophical erudition. I suppose it is
encouraging that no such attacks have eventuated but I thought that I
should perhaps forestall them anyway -- by pointing out that in my
younger days I did complete three full-year courses in analytical
philosophy (at 3 different universities!) and that I have had papers on
mainstream analytical philosophy topics published in academic journals
As well as being an academic, I am an army man and I am pleased and
proud to say that I have worn my country's uniform. Although my service
in the Australian army was chiefly noted for its un-notability, I DID
join voluntarily in the Vietnam era, I DID reach the rank of Sergeant,
and I DID volunteer for a posting in Vietnam. So I think I may be
forgiven for saying something that most army men think but which most
don't say because they think it is too obvious: The profession of arms
is the noblest profession of all because it is the only profession where
you offer to lay down your life in performing your duties. Our men
fought so that people could say and think what they like but I myself
always treat military men with great respect -- respect which in my
view is simply their due.
A real army story here
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day and there is JUST ONE saying
of Hitler's that I rather like. It may not even be original to him but
it is found in chapter 2 of Mein Kampf (published in 1925):
"Widerstaende sind nicht da, dass man vor ihnen kapituliert, sondern
dass man sie bricht". The equivalent English saying is "Difficulties
exist to be overcome" and that traces back at least to the 1920s -- with
attributions to Montessori and others. Hitler's metaphor is however
one of smashing barriers rather than of politely hopping over them and I
am myself certainly more outspoken than polite. Hitler's colloquial
Southern German is notoriously difficult to translate but I think I can
manage a reasonable translation of that saying: "Resistance is there
not for us to capitulate to but for us to break". I am quite sure that I
don't have anything like that degree of determination in my own life
but it seems to me to be a good attitude in general anyway
I have used many sites to post my writings over the years and many have
gone bad on me for various reasons. So if you click on a link here to
my other writings you may get a "page not found" response if the link
was put up some time before the present. All is not lost, however. All
my writings have been reposted elsewhere. If you do strike a failed
link, just take the filename (the last part of the link) and add it to
the address of any of my current home pages and -- Voila! -- you should
find the article concerned.
COMMENTS: I have gradually added comments facilities to all my blogs.
The comments I get are interesting. They are mostly from Leftists and
most consist either of abuse or mere assertions. Reasoned arguments
backed up by references to supporting evidence are almost unheard of
from Leftists. Needless to say, I just delete such useless comments.
You can email me here
(Hotmail address). In emailing me, you can address me as "John", "Jon",
"Dr. Ray" or "JR" and that will be fine -- but my preference is for
"JR" -- and that preference has NOTHING to do with an American soap
opera that featured a character who was referred to in that way
Index page for this site
"Tongue Tied"
"Dissecting Leftism" (Backup here)
"Australian Politics"
"Education Watch International"
"Political Correctness Watch"
"Greenie Watch"
Western Heart
"Marx & Engels in their own words"
"A scripture blog"
"Some memoirs"
To be continued ....
Coral reef compendium.
Queensland Police
Australian Police News
Paralipomena (3)
Of Interest
Dagmar Schellenberger
"Food & Health Skeptic"
"Eye on Britain"
"Immigration Watch International".
"Leftists as Elitists"
Socialized Medicine
QANTAS -- A dying octopus
BRIAN LEITER (Ladderman)
Obama Watch
Obama Watch (2)
Dissecting Leftism -- Large font site
Michael Darby
Paralipomena (2)
AGL -- A bumbling monster
Telstra/Bigpond follies
Optus bungling
Vodafrauds (vodafone)
Bank of Queensland blues
There are also two blogspot blogs which record what I think are my main recent articles here and here. Similar content can be more conveniently accessed via my subject-indexed list of short articles here or here (I rarely write long articles these days)
Main academic menu
Menu of recent writings
basic home page
Pictorial Home Page
Selected pictures from blogs (Backup here)
Another picture page (Best with broadband. Rarely updated)
Note: If the link to one of my articles is not working, the
article concerned can generally be viewed by prefixing to the filename
the following: