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30 April, 2014
Is the Pope a heretic?
Francis has recently tweeted: "Inequality is the root of social evil".
But the Bible says love of silver (money -- "philarguria" in the original Greek) is the root of all evil (1 Tim. 6:10).
Wanting equality seems to me to be an obsession with wealth -- exactly what Paul counselled Timothy against.
Did Francis get something else wrong?
The latest nostrum from France
Thomas Piketty, a 42-year-old economist from French academe has written a
hot new book: Capital in the Twenty-First Century. The U.S. edition has
been published by Harvard University Press and, remarkably, is leading
the best seller list; the first time that a Harvard book has done so. A
recent review describes Piketty as the man “who exposed capitalism’s
fatal flaw.”
So what is this flaw? Supposedly under capitalism the rich get steadily
richer in relation to everyone else; inequality gets worse and worse. It
is all baked into the cake, unavoidable.
To support this, Piketty offers some dubious and unsupported financial
logic, but also what he calls “a spectacular graph” of historical data.
What does the graph actually show?
The amount of U.S. income controlled by the top 10 percent of earners
starts at about 40 percent in 1910, rises to about 50 percent before the
Crash of 1929, falls thereafter, returns to about 40 percent in 1995,
and thereafter again rises to about 50 percent before falling somewhat
after the Crash of 2008.
Let’s think about what this really means. Relative income of the top 10
percent did not rise inexorably over this period. Instead it peaked at
two times: just before the great crashes of 1929 and 2008. In other
words, inequality rose during the great economic bubble eras and fell
And what caused and characterized these bubble eras? They were
principally caused by the U.S. Federal Reserve and other central banks
creating far too much new money and debt. They were characterized by an
explosion of crony capitalism as some rich people exploited all the new
money, both on Wall Street and through connections with the government
in Washington.
We can learn a great deal about crony capitalism by studying the period
between the end of WWI and the Great Depression and also the last 20
years, but we won’t learn much about capitalism. Crony capitalism is the
opposite of capitalism. It is a perversion of markets, not the result
of free prices and free markets.
One can see why the White House likes Piketty. He supports their
narrative that government is the cure for inequality when in reality
government has been the principal cause of growing inequality.
The White House and IMF also love Piketty’s proposal, not only for high
income taxes, but also for substantial wealth taxes. The IMF in
particular has been beating a drum for wealth taxes as a way to restore
government finances around the world and also reduce economic
Expect to hear more and more about wealth taxes. Expect to hear that
they will be a “one time” event that won’t be repeated, but that will
actually help economic growth by reducing economic inequality.
This is all complete nonsense. Economic growth is produced when a
society saves money and invests the savings wisely. It is not quantity
of investment that matters most, but quality. Government is capable
neither of saving nor investing, much less investing wisely.
Nor should anyone imagine that a wealth tax program would be a “one
time” event. No tax is ever a one time event. Once established, it would
not only persist; it would steadily grow over the years.
Piketty should also ask himself a question. What will happen when
investors have to liquidate their stocks, bonds, real estate, or other
assets in order to pay the wealth tax? How will markets absorb all the
selling? Who will be the buyers? And how will it help economic growth
for markets and asset values to collapse under the selling pressure?
In 1936, a dense, difficult-to-read academic book appeared that seemed
to tell politicians they could do exactly what they wanted to do. This
was Keynes’s General Theory. Piketty’s book serves the same purpose in
2014, and serves the same short-sighted, destructive policies.
If the Obama White House, the IMF, and people like Piketty would just
let the economy alone, it could recover. As it is, they keep inventing
new ways to destroy it.
The Internet and Liberty
We believe that the Internet is perhaps the greatest vehicle for
disseminating the ideas of Liberty ever made available to mankind.
Perhaps we're biased, being an Internet publication, but we don't think
we're overstating things. That's why Internet governance and regulation
is so critical.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is for the third time taking
aim at imposing what are known as "net neutrality" rules, which say
that all Internet traffic should be treated equally. The DC Circuit
Court of Appeals threw out the last round of regulations in January,
saying the FCC had no authority to implement such regulations. In this
latest round, to stay in line with the court's ruling, FCC Chairman Tom
Wheeler is reportedly taking a different tack, rejecting the notion that
regulators should redefine Internet Service Providers (ISPs) as "common
carriers," which then would subject them to FCC regulation.
And, reportedly, the unreleased new proposal isn't pure net neutrality.
One unnamed FCC official explained, "Broadband providers would be
required to offer a baseline level of service to their subscribers,
along with the ability to enter into individual negotiations with
content providers. In all instances, broadband providers would need to
act in a commercially reasonable manner subject to review on a
case-by-case basis." So an ISP such as Comcast can charge a content
provider such as Netflix more money for used bandwidth just as the two
companies recently agreed.
Wheeler dismisses criticism, however, calling reports that the agency is
"gutting the Open Internet rule" "flat out wrong." He maintained,
"[B]ehavior that harms consumers or competition will not be permitted."
However, Reason magazine's Peter Suderman looks at previous and
seemingly continuing policy and says, "[T]he end result was that there
was no real rule at all, just a vague sense that the Internet should be
open which the FCC would enforce at its discretion. In other words, the
FCC would pronounce itself the arbiter of what was and wasn't
reasonable, and then make determinations on a case-by-case basis. ...
What's allowed and what's not won't depend on rules so much as the
regulatory agency's whims." That's a scary thought.
In other Internet news, the administration has been working toward
turning over control of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers (ICANN), the primary domain authority, to the UN in 2015. ICANN
is a U.S.-government-chartered nonprofit corporation established in
1998, and it manages the Internet's domain name system (DNS). DNS is
what causes typing "" into your browser to bring up our
The plan to turn over control has been in the works since the 1990s. But
The Wall Street Journal's L. Gordon Crovitz writes, "Less than a month
after announcing its plan to abandon U.S. protection of the open
Internet in 2015, the White House has stepped back from the abyss.
Following objections by Bill Clinton, a warning letter from 35
Republican senators, and critical congressional hearings, the
administration now says the change won't happen for years, if ever."
(We'd note that Clinton didn't much like the Internet when it was
helping his political opponents.) The administration may extend the
contract for U.S. control for another four years.
Republicans want to know how it serves U.S. interests to cede control or
whether control could be regained once given away. The problem is that
U.S. credibility has been damaged by the NSA's revealed activities, and
other nations already want to exert more control over the Internet.
Maintaining U.S. control over a free and open Internet is important, but
this particular method isn't the only one, or even the most critical,
for doing so. Russia and China already don't need to have any say in
regards to ICANN in order to create Great Firewalls and digital Iron
Curtains. The Internet cannot be centrally controlled -- that's the
What really gets my goat in the discussion of profits
Deborah Orr discusses why the breast cancer treatment she had was just
fine but why a more expensive one that might save the lives of other
women wouldn't be. And while my description of her argument might sound
cruel and her argument itself might sound cruel she is in fact correct.
Resources are limited and a cost benefit analysis has to be applied as
to where and upon what they should be expended. However, there's one
little point she makes that really gripes my goat:
"But Roche seems pretty good at recouping them. It made a profit of
11.4bn Swiss francs (£7.7bn) last year. As its chairman, Franz B Humer,
said in his 2013 letter to shareholders: "In a challenging, increasingly
cost-sensitive environment, our focus on targeted medicines and
diagnostic tests has allowed us to expand our strong market position and
to significantly improve net income. In light of our strong
performance, the board of directors is proposing – for the 27th
consecutive year – an increase in dividend."
It's worth bearing in mind, reading this, that a 2012 report called The
Research and Development Cost of a New Medicine reckoned that, on
average, only about 10% of the overall cost of developing a new drug is
taken up by research and development. Much more is spent on attracting
and servicing investors. Quite a bit is spent on PR.
It's that "attracting and servicing investors" part that so annoys. For
this is exactly the same cost benefit analysis leading to the efficient
deployment of resources that Ms. Orr is so praising. Hoffman La Roche
employs some 80,000 people around the world and has, if I've read their
accounts correctly, some 40 billion Swiss francs in capital to back up
their work. And we do need some system to try and decide how much of the
accumulated wealth of the species is tied up in trying to create cancer
drugs to save the lives of Ms. Orr and other unfortunates who lose that
crap shoot with their health.
Please note that while we do have a mixed capitalist/market based system
doing that allocation for us here the problem doesn't go away if we try
to move to some other system. Perhaps worker based socialism where that
40 billion has to come from the pockets of the workers who work in the
company, perhaps some planned system whereby taxes are raised to provide
that capital.
But however it's done we still need the cost benefit analysis to tell us
that we're allocating that capital optimally. And we still need to pay
the price too: by devoting 40 billion to the treatment of breast cancer
we're not allowing it to be used to create vaccines, or for people to
consume now, or on beer, or space rockets.
In fact, simply and purely the fact that capital is scarce means that we
both have to calculate how best to use it and also pay the price for
withholding it from other uses, whether we have a capitalist/free market
economy or not.
The Ten Commandments Of Liberalism
John Hawkins
1) It doesn't matter whether you're yelling at someone who never knew
you existed five minutes ago, lying about a conservative because you
don't agree with him or even throwing a brick through a store window,
you are always the poor, oppressed victim.
2) By default, liberals can't be racist, sexist, or homophobic by virtue
of being liberal. In other words, if a socialist like Hitler were
around today, not only would he deny he is anti-Semitic, he'd be calling
OTHER PEOPLE anti-Semitic.
3) The only bad, wrong and immoral thing you can do is being judgmental
enough to label an activity bad, wrong, or immoral. That makes you sound
like Rick Santorum and even if you turn out to be right about a lot of
things over the long term, is it worth it if you sound like Rick
4) Women, blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, gays, Jews, Asians -- pretty much
everyone but straight white males -- are weak, hapless, sad victims who
are barely capable of tying their own shoes without a liberal writing a
government policy that does it for them.
5) There is no such thing as the failure of a liberal policy; there are
only well meaning left-wingers doing wonderful things. If they don't
turn out as expected, there must be evil, awful conservative Republicans
causing it somehow -- probably George W. Bush or alternately, if he's
busy planning new wars, Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Cruz or Sarah
6) Liberalism is a jealous god and it will not tolerate anything,
especially Christianity, being put before it. If Jesus wants to be a
significant part of your life, He better call for gay marriage and a
carbon tax first.
7) It's better to bankrupt a city like Detroit, cause the deaths of
millions in Africa by banning DDT, or destroy the American health care
system with Obamacare than to be called "mean" for choosing policies
based on whether they work or not.
8) Not only should you go ahead and covet your neighbor's possessions,
you should encourage other people to do it, too. Then, you should call
for the government to take their possessions and redistribute them.
After they get done, there may not be much of anything left, but then
you'll all be equally poor and miserable and there's a lot to be said
for that.
9) Disagreeing with a black Democrat? Racist. Opposing Affirmative
Action? Racist. Think we pay out too much in welfare and food stamps?
Racist. Don't like the IRS? Racist. Republican? Racist. Wait, what are
we talking about? Racist!
10) Money is no object -- taxpayer money, of course, not your own. Your
money, you want to keep. But, when other people's money is on the line,
it's worth spending any amount, no matter how large, to achieve any
good, no matter how small.
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
29 April, 2014
Sometimes good manners pay off
Lots of businesses try to get free advertising by posting their
advertisements in the Comments facility of blogs. Most bloggers delete
such pseudo comments as soon as they see them. So it is not a good
strategy for the businesses concerned. It is basically an attempt to
steal publicity.
So I was amazed to receive the following email. It was the first time in
my 12 years of blogging I had seen an attempt to get publicity through a
polite request. I am sufficiently impressed by such rare decency that I
am doing as he asked
"I operate a small website that sells conservative/libertarian
posters and t-shirts. I work a 9-5, but run the site on evenings and
weekends. I am struggling with generating traffic and sales. Would you
be willing to link to my shop anywhere on your blog?"
The shop is
Right Posters and
it does have a very comprehensive range of posters available. Go there
and reward the man for his principled approach. "Ask and it shall be
given you" (Matt. 7:7).
UN Elects Iran to Women’s Rights Commission
Will the next Republican president please withdraw America from this
monstrous organization? Just sending no representatives to it should
suffice, though kicking it out of America holus bulus would be desirable
The United Nations elected Iran this week to seats on five subcommittees
of the Economic and Social Council, including one on the Commission on
the Status of Women. That’s right, Iran—“a theocratic state in which
stoning is enshrined in law and lashings are required for women judged
‘immodest,” writes—will now hold a four-year seat on a
commission that is “dedicated exclusively to gender equality and
advancement of women.”
Iran's election comes just a week after one of its senior clerics
declared that women who wear revealing clothing are to blame
forearthquakes, a statement that created an international uproar — but
little affected their bid to become an international arbiter of women's
"Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray,
corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which
(consequently) increases earthquakes," said the respected cleric,
Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi.
As you can imagine, once word got out Iranian women’s rights activists
petitioned the U.N. to ask that member states oppose the election.
“In recent years, the Iranian government has not only refused to join
the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against
Women (CEDAW), but has actively opposed it,” the letter states. “The
Iranian government has earned international condemnation as a gross
violator of women’s rights. Discrimination against women is codified in
its laws, as well as in executive and cultural institutions, and Iran
has consistently sought to preserve gender inequality in all places,
from the family unit to the highest governmental bodies.
“Iran’s discriminatory laws demonstrate that the Islamic Republic does
not believe in gender equality: women lack the ability to choose their
husbands, have no independent right to education after marriage, no
right to divorce, no right to child custody, have no protection from
violent treatment in public spaces, are restricted by quotas for women’s
admission at universities, and are arrested, beaten, and imprisoned for
peacefully seeking change of such laws.”
According to its website, the Commission plays a vital role in promoting
women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives in countries
around the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and
the empowerment of women. The Iranian gender-equality activists
cautioned that, through membership in the CSW, the Iranian government
will use the opportunity to do just the opposite.
Why Do the Poor Demand the Rich Pay More Tax, Rather Than They Pay Less?
A comment from Britain
The answer might seem obvious, that the more the rich pay the less the poor have to pay.
Let’s get one myth out of the way. The one which says that taxing the
rich ever higher amounts leads to greater and greater tax being
collected. When you keep increasing tax on the ‘rich’ your total tax
take falls, because the seriously rich will live in another country or
find another solution to escape the robbery.
The theory behind this surprising set of effects [i.e. lower
tax receipts from taxing the rich too much] is now associated with the
name of US economist Arthur Laffer. The ‘Laffer Curve’ suggests that
when governments initially start to raise tax revenues, they pull in
greater and greater receipts. But as rates continue to climb, receipts
start to level off until, eventually, further tax rises produce falling
receipts. This is because there comes a time when, facing large tax
bills, people simply stop bothering to work, or move into the black
economy, or go abroad, or lie about their income, or employ expensive
accountants to help them avoid the tax.
What the poor and their supposed representatives in, for example, the
Labour Party call for is punitive taxes on those they perceive to be
rich, which would have the effect of increasing the tax burden on the
Consider how much tax the poor actually pay. Those on very low wages and
benefits won’t have to pay income tax, but depending on what they buy,
they could be paying a very high tax rate.
In the days long ago when I was a very heavy drinker on benefits, I paid an enormous tax rate, as do drinkers today.
Both Westminster and Edinburgh governments want to impose a minimum
price per unit for alcohol, citing ‘health’ as the concern. NHS Scotland
states in its defence:
"Research shows that people on a low income or who are living in
deprived areas are more likely to suffer from a long term illness as a
result of drinking too much . People who live in the most deprived areas
of Scotland are six times more likely to die an alcohol-related death
than those in the least deprived areas."
The poor drink more. Or if you weren’t poor to begin with, you will be eventually if you cannot stop drinking.
But to reiterate, the poor are encouraged to complain about the tax
rates of the rich while conveniently being unaware of their own tax
Just picking some of my old favourites and working out the total tax,
these are the results (retail prices correct at time of writing):
Kronenbourg 1664: 20 x 275ml bottles – cheapest price £12.
The total tax on this lager is £7.15, or 59.6% of the retail price.
The poor are most likely to drink to excess and consequently pay huge
amounts of tax, but aren’t encouraged to complain. For a few years, I
probably spent almost my entire benefit money on booze. Other expenses
were supplemented by borrowing a few thousand from my parents while also
making savings, such as practically freezing some winters. Of course,
minimum pricing will plunge problem drinkers into even deeper poverty.
The poor are also more likely to smoke. According to Audit Scotland’s
“Health Inequalities in Scotland” (pdf) report from December 2012,
"Prevalence is around four times higher in the most deprived areas
than in the least deprived areas. Around one in ten people in the least
deprived areas smokes, compared with four in ten people in the most
deprived areas."
Yet the total tax on cigarettes is 77% of the retail price; a figure
which ASH agrees with exactly (pdf). Without tax, cigarettes would cost
around £2.00 for 20.
Then there’s the price of petrol and diesel, "British drivers pay a
higher rate of tax on fuel than any other motorists in the European
Union, according to a new study. For every litre of unleaded petrol
bought in the UK, 61 per cent of the pump price goes to the government
as fuel duty and VAT along with 59 per cent of every litre of diesel".
Yet again, this disproportionately affects the poor. Even people without
cars who rely on buses and taxis pay more because of this. Groceries
cost more due to the high cost of deliveries.
Then there’s council tax, which isn’t related to income and the 20% VAT
on almost everything you buy except for food, but you pay it on
takeaways, so loved by the poor.
So the poor are being hammered left, right and centre with tax, but as
if under hypnosis are oblivious to it, just as they probably don’t
appreciate just how much of everybody’s taxes are frittered away
They’re concentrating on the hypnotist’s watch….despise the
rich….they’re the source of your poverty….carry on paying massive
amounts of tax on your meagre income without noticing…
80% of Americans Pay More in FICA Taxes Than They Do In Income Tax
We have been on a lot of college campuses over the past 4 years. At each stop, I have asked undergrads several questions.
Hardly any of them knew what a FICA tax was. At all.
Of course, we older Americans know that a 'FICA tax' stands for 'Federal
Insurance Contributions (sic) Act'. It is the money we send in every
pay period to pay for Social Security and Medicare benefits of current
retirees (not your own future benefits).
Well, get ready for this then: 80%+ (and growing) Americans pay more for
FICA taxes than they do for federal income taxes today. Many will do so
for their ENTIRE LIVES!
'Just wait til you start your own business and get hit with the
self-employment tax of 15.7% of your income right off the top!' we tell
them. 'Not just the 7.9% or so that is taken out when you work for a
company...but double the rate!'
If you are young and you don't know anything about taxes, you might want
to bone up on where your taxes are going since you are going to be
paying them for the next 45-50 years or so.
Because your taxes are not going where you think they might be going.
The reason why so many people pay more in FICA taxes than income taxes
is because approximately 50% of taxpayers don't pay any income tax at
all every year. 0%. None. The breakpoint for a family of 4 to pay no
income tax in 2013 was about $34,000.
However, everyone pays the FICA or SS/Medicare tax on every dollar
earned starting dollar 1. You can't get away from it; no deductions or
exemptions allowed. It is a de facto 'flat rate tax' that opponents of
the flat rate tax say 'we can never have in America!'
We already have one. It is called 'the payroll tax'.
One of the problems with modern American politics is that it is very
easy to boil down to the core emotion of an issue that motivates people
to vote. One of the favorites is that some program is 'for the children'
and therefore 'critical to the future of this nation!'
Know how much of the US federal budget is actually dedicated to 'children'?
The Brookings Institute says that for every $7 in federal spending on seniors, $1 is spent on children.
We are surprised the ratio is even that low. Social Security and
Medicare are almost 98% dedicated to support of senior citizens. Their
combined budget for 2013 was over $1.3 trillion or about just under 40%
of the entire federal budget of $3.4 trillion.
So whenever you hear some politician plead that 'we must do this for the
children!', check out the budget first. You will see that 'we have
already done it for the seniors!'
Once we lock in that huge amount for the seniors every year, there is
precious little left for the children, notwithstanding environmental
cleanup, road construction, welfare for the poor, welfare for the know, everything else we say we want.
We have done this before as a public service to our nation but we beg
you to take the time soon to read the April 2014 CBO Budget Projections
so you too can become as well-informed as perhaps maybe 100 other people
in this nation about the nuances and details of our enormous federal
Ok, maybe 200. But who is counting?
Our hope is not that you agree with us on everything we have to say
about anything. Our hope is that once you get the facts about our tax
system and federal budget, you will be able to use your own native
intelligence and basic math skills to be more informed about what is
really going on in the federal budget and with your taxes so you will be
able to persuade others to vote for people who can do the same.
Right now, it appears as if we have elected 435 kindergartners to
Congress, 100 1st-graders to the Senate and 1 pre-schooler to the White
House when it comes to fiscal and budgetary discipline.
That is an insult to every kindergartner, 1st-grader and pre-schooler out there who can actually add and subtract basic numbers.
Remember what has been commonly attributed to Winston Churchill when it
comes to emotion in politics (although the Churchill Centre denies he
ever said such a thing):
'If you are young and not a liberal, you don't have a heart. If you are old and not a conservative, you don't have a brain'.
Remember that when you get your first pay stub and start staring at the
FICA box to see where the largest part of your withholdings are going.
You'll stare at it so long you may start the paper on fire as if you
were using a magnifying glass to burn an ant on your sidewalk. That is
your money that you earned. And it is not coming to you.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
28 April, 2014
Review by John Preston
During the early months of 1937, a very strange collection of people descended on a rundown hotel in central Madrid.
On the face of it, they had come to report on the Spanish Civil War in
which General Franco's fascists were trying to topple the democratically
elected Republican government.
But reading Amanda Vaill's riveting and richly atmospheric account of
their time in the Hotel Florida, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that
they had also come to have the mother of all parties.
Among them was the writer Ernest Hemingway. For Hemingway, the war
offered him a chance to revive his career as a novelist. His last few
books had been flops and he was desperate to find a subject that would
re-ignite his imagination.
Other guests included American journalist Martha Gellhorn. She, too, had
come in search of inspiration, but she also wanted to envelop her idol,
Hemingway, in an escape-proof bear hug.
Also there was a young Hungarian and his Polish girlfriend. The
Hungarian had been born Endre Erno Friedmann, but in Spain he and his
girlfriend hatched a brilliant plan.
They decided to re-invent themselves as 'Robert Capa', a rich, famous
and entirely fictitious American photographer. Friedmann would take the
photos while his girlfriend would sell them, asking for three times the
going rate on the grounds that Capa was a reclusive genius.
Other unexpected characters wandering through the Florida's lobby
included the spy Kim Philby, the Hollywood actor Errol Flynn and the
British poet Stephen Spender. All claimed to have come to find the truth
of what was happening in the civil war, but as Vaill reveals - with a
lethally sharp scalpel - most of them were far more at home with
falsehood than they were with truth.
Martha Gellhorn had plenty of form here. She had made her name as a
journalist with a piece about a lynching she’d witnessed in Mississippi.
The piece was full of vivid little touches - the victim 'making a
terrible sound like a dog whimpering' - and various magazines bid
handsomely for the right to publish it.
The trouble was that Gellhorn had never been anywhere near a lynching -
she had pinched a few details from here and there, and made the rest up.
Then disaster struck. Greatly moved by her account, the House of
Representatives invited her to testify at a Senate committee. Faced with
the prospect of lying under oath, Gellhorn was forced to come clean.
Not that this dented her self-regard for long. Soon afterwards she ran
Hemingway to earth in Florida, where she employed the classic vamp's
trick of befriending his wife in order to get to him.
Amid great subterfuge, Hemingway and Gellhorn set off for Spain.
Disturbed by reports of food shortages, Hemingway arrived laden with
tinned ham, prawns and pate to ensure he didn’t go peckish.
Ensconced in the Hotel Florida, he began sending back reports of what
he'd witnessed, or claimed to have witnessed - Hemingway was just as
prone to embellishing stories as Gellhorn.
As for Robert Capa, he hadn't been there long when he took one of the
most famous of all war photographs - of a Spanish soldier at the moment
of death. Except that this, too, was a lie, or very close to one.
One morning, Capa asked a group of Republican soldiers if they would
simulate being hit by gunfire. A man obligingly ran down a hillside with
his rifle in his hand, then dropped to the ground as instructed.
But when Capa asked if he wouldn't mind having another go, the man
stayed where he was. It turned out that he really was dead, shot by a
sniper on the other side of the valley.
This, at least, was Capa's version of events. But 80 years on, there's
still speculation that the soldier wasn't shot at all. Instead, it's
claimed, he simply stood up, dusted himself down and carried on his way.
Whatever the truth, Capa was made.
While Hemingway was in Spain, he wrote the commentary for a documentary
intended to alert the American people to the reality of what was
happening there.
But even this was a con. The footage was cut together with no regard for accuracy, but simply to look as dramatic as possible.
Worried that the roar of real bombs didn't sound scary enough, the
director used a recording of earthquake rumbles that he took from an old
film called San Francisco and ran backwards.
Yet however ludicrous the experience may have been, for Hemingway at least it worked.
He returned to Spain in September 1937 - this time armed with tins of
salmon and ham as well as a poulet roti en gelee - and began work on
what many consider to be his masterpiece, For Whom The Bell Tolls.
'The best book he has written,' declared the New York Times when it was published. 'The fullest, the deepest, the truest.'
How do we solve unemployment?
Written by Tim Worstall
It appears that the correct method to reduce unemployment is to reduce
unemployment benefits, increase in work benefits, abolish the minimum
wage and insist that those unemployed take a job, any job, at any price.
After all, that's what Germany has done and the German unemployment rate
fell dramatically as a result of doing just that. Scott Sumner has the
"So what's the real explanation for the German success? That's pretty
obvious; the Hartz reforms of 2003 sharply reduced the incentive to not
work, and sharply increased the incentive to take low wage jobs. As a
result, today Germany has lots of very low wage jobs of the type that
would be illegal in France or California. ....So the one major success
story among developed countries has achieved its success by doing
essentially the exact opposite of what progressives want. Germany has no
minimum wage, reduced its incentives to live off welfare, and has a
level of wage inequality that is increasing even faster than in the US.
It's no wonder that progressives prefer to focus on things like
"vocational training programs," which were just as common during the
30-year period of steadily rising German unemployment."
That's a fairly forthright explanation of what has been going on. And
the real annoyance of that Progressive stand (what we over here might
call Guardianista), that we must raise the wages of the lowly paid, not
reduce them, that no one should be forced to work to gain benefits, is
that you can derive the Hartz reforms from the work of Richard Layard.
Indeed, even the timid attempts we do have to get people to work, any
job at all at any price, even if the pay must be topped up with
benefits, can be derived from Layard's work. For what he's actually
saying is that long term unemployment puts people on the scrap heap.
Thus there have to be sticks and carrots to drag them, screaming wildly
if need be, back into the labour force.
Sumner is depressed at the way that the American left insists on
counterproductive policies on unemployment. And we are here about the
British left. If the market for low skill labour isn't clearing then
that must mean that the price of low skilled labour is too high for the
market to clear. If you're really worried about getting people into jobs
you've therefore got to accept that wages will fall. If you then want
to top them up with in work benefits then that's intellectually at
least, just fine. But wibbling on about how the minimum wage must rise
because inequality is just condemning ever more people to lives wasted
on the dole.
Inspector General Shock: Homeland Security Watchdog delayed and deleted info embarrassing to Obama Administration
Under Obama the watchdog has become a watchpuppy
The integrity of the government watchdog system has been called into
question by the revelation that the Acting Inspector General of the
Department of Homeland Security bowed to political pressure within the
Obama Administration by delaying and withholding information on three
separate reports.
The Office of the Inspector General is an independent watchdog within
each Department and Agency charged with the responsibility to
investigate allegations of malfeasance and corruption. Recently, the
Inspector General of the IRS uncovered and reported the finding that IRS
employees had been illegally targeting tax exempt applications from
conservative groups. That allegation led to congressional investigations
and the resignation of Lois Lerner, the IRS’ head of exempt
Americans for Limited Government’s Nathan Mehrens warned back in July,
2011 about the danger of not having fully confirmed Inspectors General
in place in every Agency and Department, and unfortunately the DHS
revelations proved him to be prescient.
In a statement released in reaction to a Washington Post report on the
DHS scandal, Mehrens reiterated the need for appointed and confirmed
Inspectors General throughout the government,
“Today’s revelation in the Washington Post that the acting Inspector
General at the Department of Homeland Security delayed and withheld
information that was damaging to the Obama administration confirms our
worst fears that the President’s failure to fill IG positions damages
the integrity of this important public watchdog function. The Inspector
General of a Department is charged with protecting the public from
government corruption, misspending and malfeasance independently of the
political appointees who run the Department or Agency that they oversee.
“The fact that Obama Administration officials even dared to try to
pressure an acting IG to skew his report shows a contempt for the
watchdog process that is unparalleled. Congress needs to immediately
eliminate the salary and pension for the acting IG who violated his
public trust, and learn who in the Administration pressured this
supposedly independent corruption investigator to violate his public
trust. Whoever is involved in this manipulation of three separate IG
reports should be immediately called to testify to learn if they were
directed to do so by other political appointees.
“This report goes to the heart of the public’s right to have an
independent watchdog protecting them from abuse, and is why Americans
for Limited Government has repeatedly called for the appointment of
permanent IGs across the Administration. Currently, there are eight
Inspectors General’s offices that are being led by acting officials who,
as was the case in the Department of Homeland Security, are subject to
the additional pressure of seeking to please those they are overseeing
as they seek appointment to the permanent position. Here is the list: ”
The incredible aspect of the scandal at the Department of Homeland
Security is that the former Acting head of the Inspectors General office
was transferred from that post to another high paying career civil
service job within the Department just days prior to his being scheduled
to testify before a Senate Committee on the allegations of malfeasance.
Upon the transfer, the Democratic Party controlled Senate Committee
cancelled the scheduled hearing.
There is no excuse for political pressure to ever be applied to those
who are charged with exposing waste, fraud and abuse in our federal
government. While the former Acting IG should be held accountable for
his failing to uphold the public trust, it is even more important to
learn who within the Obama Administration directed the politically
motivated delays and cover up.
Those involved in applying this political pressure are the ones who need
to be forced to testify before Congress to determine if there is any
White House involvement in this cover up scheme, or if it was the work
of rogue political appointees.
Failure for Congress to step up and hold those responsible for impugning
the integrity of the Office of Inspector General would create a
permanent stain on the supposed impartiality of the Office’s future
findings. And that would be bad for both those accused, but also those
exonerated of future public corruption charges.
Jodi Arias vs. Kermit Gosnell: You’ve Probably Heard of One, Why Not the Other?
Jodi Arias became a household name during her trial for the murder of
boyfriend Travis Alexander. His death and her conviction turned into a
media circus, even prompting a daily show on HLN.
Filmmaker Phelim McAleer took note of the media coverage and interviewed
people on the streets of Hollywood to find out just how much they knew
about Arias.
In the subsequent video McAleer released, participants were shown a
photo of Arias, and then a photo of another convicted murderer. Everyone
recognized Arias. One of the participants said, “It felt like you
didn’t really have to deliberately look her up to find something about
No one had heard about Kermit Gonsell, however. Even when McAleer
prompted participants with Gosnell’s name, they “never heard it.”
Arias was convicted of first-degree murder on May 8, 2013. Gosnell, a
Philadelphia abortion doctor, was convicted on three counts of
first-degree murder and one count of involuntary manslaughter on May 13,
2013, just five days after Arias. He’s suspected of killing thousands
of babies over his 40 years in the abortion business.
Why had so many of McAleer’s interview subjects heard of Arias but not
Gosnell, whom he calls “the most prolific serial killer in American
It’s the reason why McAleer and co-producers Ann McElhinney and
Magdalena Segieda decided to make a movie. The film, titled “Gosnell,”
has raised more than $1.3 million on Indiegogo. That’s 65 percent of the
$2.1 million goal it must reach by May 12.
At the end of his man-on-the-street video, McAleer informs a person
about Gosnell’s crimes. Her response, “That goes to show you that the
media focuses on the trials they want us to be concerned about.”
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
27 April, 2014
The Exodus and Akhnaten
On several occasions I have suggested that the Israelites who fled
Egypt might have been expelled or escaping devotees of Egypt's
monotheistic Akhnaten religion. There is much that fits but the problem
is that the Exodus story is quite unlike anything we know from Egyptian
history. Below is an account that shows the connection is possible -- JR
The whole subject of the Exodus is embarrassing to archaeologists. The
Exodus is so fundamental to us and our Jewish sources that it is
embarrassing that there is no evidence outside of the Bible to support
it. So we prefer not to talk about it, and hate to be asked about it.
However, there is another way of looking at it, another way of seeking
support for this fundamental experience of our peoplehood.
We do not look for evidence from the biblical text, but we can look to
it for the general context of a sojourn in, and an exodus from, Egypt,
and there are three major elements.
The first is that the Israelites were slave workers in mudbrick. They
had to manufacture the material and they were semi-skilled workers in
laying the bricks. As there were thousands of Israelites, what projects
were they working on? The pyramids and the temples were in stone, the
mudbrick houses of the peasants were built by themselves, so what
project needed hundreds of workers in mudbrick? Secondly, when the
Israelites escaped, it was during a period of turmoil brought on by the
magical plagues, a period when the Egyptians were off their guard and
keen to see the slaves go as they wished into the desert.
When could that have been? And thirdly, the Israelites escaped into the
desert and there built a most luxurious portable shrine to their God, to
accompany them through their long desert trek and to house the Deity
that would lead them and protect them on the way. It was to be made of
fabulous materials, in hardwood and colored cloth with gold and copper
trimmings, as described in detail in 16 chapters of the Torah.
How could all that have been manufactured and assembled in the arid
Sinai wilderness? We should then ask, is there any period in Egyptian
history when the conditions for these three elements could have come
together and thus formed a basis for the context and account of the
Exodus? And the answer here is “yes” – there was one such period.
It was around the death of the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaten, the one who
decreed that all worship should be directed to the single god Aten, the
disc of the sun, and all other gods should be downgraded to secondary
rank. To impose his new religious order, Akhenaten closed the old cultic
centers of Saqqara and Luxor, closed the temples there, disowned their
priests and founded a new city, Akhetaten, called the Horizon of the
Aten, on a prime site well away from the old centers.
TO IMPOSE the new rule, the city had to be built quickly, and it went up
in the incredibly short time of two years, being built throughout in
mudbrick, except for the temple and palace, which were in traditional
How could it have been built so quickly? It was said to have employed
thousands of slaves working under military taskmasters. It was the
largest mudbrick project in Egyptian history and it required thousands
of bricklayers and millions of bricks. It employed the army to supervise
the slave workers and force them to work as fast as the Pharaoh
The new city was at El Amarna, on the east bank of the Nile, where there was plenty of soft mud for the bricks but little straw.
Thanks to slave labor, Akhenaten’s model city was built in record time,
but it did not last long. After only 16 years, Akhenaten died, his
reforms had been deeply unpopular and when he died, his new religion was
abandoned, and so was his city. Akhenaten and his beautiful wife
Nefertiti had had no son, only six daughters, and so it was one of the
sons-inlaw who succeeded him: Tutankhamun, the famous boy king Tut.
He had the onerous task of restoring the old order, the old religion,
the old gods and their priests, and he was under threat if he did not do
so. The restitution stele says that the old gods would punish him if
they were not given back their old rights and positions.
Hapi, the androgynous god of the Nile, would make its waters
undrinkable; Kermit, the goddess of fertility, would release her
frogspawn to swarm over the land; Osiris, the god of corn, would not
prevent the locusts from consuming his cereals, and Ra, the sun god,
would refuse to shine. Sound familiar? The laws of succession had
already been altered, there was no firstborn son to succeed Akhenaten,
only a daughter and son-in-law.
As the new city was abandoned, there was breakdown in law and order and
the Israelite slaves saw their chance to escape. Like the other
departing inhabitants they took with them any treasure they could lay
their hands on. They “despoiled the Egyptians” (Exodus 12:36) and
marched off with precious materials and above all the battle shrine of
Every Pharaoh had a portable battle shrine, to go with him into war, so
he could consult the deity and look to it for guidance on the field.
Tutankhamun did not go to war, as far as we know, but he had to be ready
and he had a war chariot, as one was figured on his furniture, so he
would have had a battle shrine as well, but none was found among the
luxurious treasures of his tomb when it was uncovered by Howard Carter
in 1922.
Where then was his battle shrine ? It had been taken away by the Israelites.
And what was its form? We can assume that it was similar to that of
Ramesses the Great, whose battle shrine is depicted on the walls of his
temple at Abu Simbel. It was a two-chamber movable building set in a
large courtyard; the inner chamber was square and contained the ark of a
deity protected by two winged birds, and the outer room was twice as
large, for the worshipping priests.
That of Tutankhamun was taken by the fleeing Israelites and converted by
artisans Bezalel and Oholiab, as instructed by Moses, to become the
portable Mishkan or Tabernacle, that accompanied them through the
wilderness and landed up at Shiloh, in Canaan. Thus it was made of the
finest material, as was everything else that Tutankhamun left behind,
including furniture with carrying poles and a golden chest surrounded by
cherubim. Sound familiar?
THUS, AT the death of Akhenaten we have a situation in Egypt where the
three major conditions of the Israelite account of the Exodus came
together; the building of a vast mudbrick project; a period of unrest
and turmoil when slaves could escape; and the foundation of the Mishkan
in the shape of a luxury battle shrine. The date of the death of
Akhenaten is placed at about 1330 BCE, and Tutankhamun came to the
throne the same year.
Bundy Ranch Repeat Brewing On The Red River
The Texas – Oklahoma border on the Red River is the latest flashpoint in
the growing property rights war between overreaching federal
bureaucrats and private citizen landowners.
Breitbart’s Bob Price reports that the Bureau of Land Management (the
rogue federal agency that precipitated the Bundy Ranch standoff in
Nevada) is considering seizing 90,000 acres of private land along the
Red River that forms part of the border between Texas and Oklahoma.
The BLM is now contemplating the same strategy it used some 30 years ago
to deprive Texas rancher Tommy Henderson of 140 acres of his property
without paying him one cent to gain control of more land in the Red
River area.
According to Representative Mac Thornberry’s staff, the issue of the
ownership of this land dates back to the Louisiana Purchase of 1803.
When the BLM made the claim on Henderson’s land, their position was that
Texas never had the authority to deed the land to private parties and
therefore it would fall under federal control.
According to Breitbart’s Price, the U.S. Supreme Court attempted to
settle the boundary dispute in Oklahoma v. Texas and declared the
boundary to be defined by wooden stakes set on the river bank. But as
Price observed, that boundary apparently lasted no longer than anyone
could expect wooden stakes to last in the shifting sands of a meandering
river. In 2000, Texas and Oklahoma’s legislatures agreed to a “Red
River Boundary Compact” which defined the border between the states as
the southern vegetation line.
In 2000, Texas and Oklahoma’s legislatures agreed to a “Red River
Boundary Compact” which defined the border between the states as the
southern vegetation line. According to the Constitution, Congress must
ratify agreements of this kind between the states (Article 1, Section
10, Clause 3) which was done when Congressman Thornberry introduced
House Joint Resolution 72 during the 106th Congress which was passed and
signed by the President to become Public Law No: 106-288.
Ostensibly the issue that has once again brought the BLM into the
picture is a state dispute between Texas and Oklahoma, and federal
rights accrued through the 212 year-old Louisiana Purchase, but the real
issue is not whether the land in question is rightly or wrongly in
private hands; it is who controls the public lands in Texas.
Texas is the only western state with no significant federal landholdings
outside of parks and military installations because when the Republic
of Texas came into the Union it claimed title to all the lands not then
in private hands within the state borders.
The Republic of Texas had a policy of attracting settlers and
encouraging them to build wealth through the protection of private
property rights and eventually those Texas lands were deeded to private
In many cases the lands currently eyed by the federal government have
been in Texas families for generations, but were the BLM to pursue its
claim to the Red River lands vast areas of Texas could be open to a
similar challenge and eventual federal control.
The great Texas oil boom of the 20th century, and the vast expansion and
wealth of Texas cities, such as Dallas, Ft. Worth and Houston that
accompanied it, all took place on private property without much federal
interference. Likewise the newer shale plays, such as the Cline shale
are outside of federal control.
The Red River lies between the Barnett shale in Texas and the Woodford
in Oklahoma and some observers are beginning to wonder if controlling
the water and energy potential of the region isn’t behind the sudden
federal interest in the Red River private property.
Citizen outrage continues to rise and were federal bureaucrats attempt
another land grab using the Henderson case as precedent the situation
along the Red River could become another Bundy Ranch-style confrontation
between citizens protecting their private property and overreaching
federal bureaucrats.
Organizers with the Oklahoma Militia, that claims nearly 50,000
volunteers, say they currently have members in Nevada helping to defend
Cliven Bundy’s ranch.
Members say they are taking Bundy’s side and fear the BLM's practices there could spread to the Sooner State.
Scott Shaw told Oklahoma City’s News Channel 4, “Evidently in America we
don’t actually own the property anymore if you ever did.”
Shaw says Oklahoma Militia members are ready to take up arms against the federal government if needed.
He said, “It’s up to the feds. The ball’s in their court! You can do
this legally or if you want to try to do a land grab violently, you can
do that. We’re going to resist you!”
Shaw says the militia has not had to defend Oklahoma from the government yet but members are becoming concerned.
Shaw said, “Just look around the country, they are doing it everywhere.
If they can do it in Nevada, they can do it in Colorado, Texas. I mean,
what’s to stop them from coming to Oklahoma? The only thing to stop them
is ‘We the People’.”
The Plan: Dump Those Plans:
"Another ObamaCare insurance policy casualty may be what's known as
fixed benefit or indemnity insurance. People who hold these policies
receive a fixed sum of money when they use health care services, and
because they're not tied to a network, these policyholders can visit any
doctor they like. And they're less expensive than the typical insurance
policy. Yet new regulations sprouting from ObamaCare would make these
plans illegal because they don't offer the required benefits of the law.
That means -- you guessed it -- another wave of cancellations of plans
that people like. There are hundreds of thousands of people on these
policies, and enrollment in them has increased thanks to ObamaCare's
spiking premium costs. The poor will be hardest hit.
How Many Uninsured?:
"Ostensibly, the purpose of ObamaCare was to insure the uninsured. At
least that's what Barack Obama and his leftist cadres repeatedly told
us. Well, so much for that. The CBO estimates that at the end of this
year, 42 million Americans will still lack insurance. A decade from now,
the number will be 31 million. And the CBO's estimate is likely too
good because it's based on their calculation that of the supposed eight
million enrollees in ObamaCare, six million were previously uninsured.
Other estimates put that number as low as two or three million. But it
gets worse, Fox News reports: “Not only that, but starting in 2018, the
CBO report projected the total getting coverage from the exchange will
hit 25 million, although at the same time 12 million will lose
coverage.” If you like your… oh, never mind.
IRS Awards Its Tax Evaders Bonuses:
"As if you needed yet another reason to despise the IRS, the Associated
Press reports on an inspector general investigation revealing that
between October 2012 and December 2012, tax evaders within the agency
were awarded $1 million in bonuses and $2.8 million overall was given
“to employees with recent disciplinary problems.” The AP notes, “[The]
report said the bonus program doesn't violate federal regulations, but
it's inconsistent with the IRS mission to enforce tax laws.” Those would
be the very tax laws that land ordinary citizens in deep trouble for
evading. But laws are for the little people; breaking the law in the
public sector earns you a reward. The report adds that these bonuses
“create a conflict with the IRS's charge of ensuring the integrity of
the system of tax administration.” Did the agency ever have any
integrity? The targeting of conservative groups should put any such
assertion to rest.
Obama's war on women:
"As of 2012, the most recent year for Census Bureau income data, the
median income of American women was $21,520 in constant 2012 dollars.
That was down $914 dollars—or about 4.1 percent—from 2009. The median
income of American women has not recovered in the current recovery. It
has continued to decline from its pre-recession high. The measure of
“income,” according to the Census Bureau, does not include “noncash
benefits, such as food stamps, health benefits, rent-free housing, and
goods produced and consumed on the farm.” But it does include money a
person takes in from such sources as unemployment compensation, Social
Security payments, Supplemental Security Income, public assistance,
disability benefits, and other cash payments such as rents, royalties,
dividends, and interest."
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
25 April, 2014
Cliven Bundy has a good legal case
The BLM has assumed complete control of a swath of land out West,
forbidding any and all from stepping foot on it without BLM permission.
It sent troops to enforce a court order to Bundy to pay what the BLM
claimed he owed, and also to collect what one can only guess it treated
as collateral, Bundy's cattle. The BLM, along with the Park Service and
the Environmental Protection Agency, had banded together to put 52 other
ranches out of business in that area. Bundy is the "last man standing."
Laron Fred Woods, a resident of Utah, supplied this brief history of the land under dispute:
"When Nevada became a state in 1864, the state had control of its land
because of its sovereignty. The federal government started taking
control back in the 1930's. Until then, the General Land Office managed
public lands. Even though the GLO was a national agency, it was
administered locally. After the Taylor Grazing act of 1934, passed under
Franklin D. Roosevelt, a "U.S. Grazing Service" office was created. The
"U.S. Grazing Service" office was merged with the General Land Office
in 1946 (under Harry S. Truman) and the BLM (Bureau Of Land Management)
was created. They then assumed control of all "public" lands and took
over management from the state. Cliven Bundy's Grandfather purchased
grazing rights from the General Land Office in the 1880's. Note: He
PURCHASED those rights. Not the land, just the grazing rights.
After the BLM took over management, they [the BLM] no longer
recognized as legitimate those actions of purchasing grazing rights.
Right or wrong, they still refuse to recognize the purchased grazing
rights from the Bundy's."
Two BLM sites carry the same official history.
The "roundup" of Bundy's cattle by the feds, given the context in which
Bundy is acting, is simply a naked seizure of his property, under the
guise of protecting the habitat of the desert tortoise. But even that
pretext was exploded when it was learned that the BLM was actually
euthanizing these tortoises.
Of course, if the government needn't recognize the right to property
secured over a century ago, never mind property secured within the last
half century, the last decade, the last year. Private property rights of
any kind, whether prescriptive or outright or common law, have been
drowned in an avalanche of fiat law and legalized theft under the rubric
of the "public" or "common good" or the "public interest."
Freedom Outpost's Ben Swann reveals the cluelessness of the BLM in his
April 16th article, "BLM: We Were Worried Cliven Bundy Might Have
Prescriptive Rights and He Might Use that Defense in Court." He asks:
"Why this year, spend nearly $1,000,000 of taxpayer money to round up
400 cattle that ultimately have to be returned? Why didn't the BLM just
place a lien on the cattle rather than attempting to take them by force
and then auction them off? The Bureau of Land Management has suffered a
huge black eye this week because of their response to the Bundy
situation. Perhaps though, there is a reason the BLM chose force over
the courts."
Swann contacted Montana cattleman Todd Devlin, who is also County
Commissioner in Prairie County, Montana. Devlin made his own enquiries
about the BLM's ham-fisted, Gestapo-like behavior towards Bundy.
"Among the questions Devlin asked of the BLM, "Is it possible that
this guy (Cliven Bundy) has prescriptive rights?" The response from top
officials at the BLM, "We are worried that he might, and he might use
that defense."
So what exactly are prescriptive rights? Prescriptive right to
property is an easement that gives some one the right to use land owned
by someone else for a particular purpose. An example is using a path
through Party A's land to get to your land; a prescriptive easement is
allowed which gives the user the right to get to his land through A's
Swann explained that if no one, even a government agency, challenges a
prescriptive right in five years, then the right is secured and trespass
cannot be legally claimed.
Swann concludes his article:
"Finally, Devlin says instead of allowing the situation with Bundy's
cattle to grow completely out of control, the BLM could have simply
placed a lien on the cattle in the first place. Of course, that lien
might have been rejected in court if Bundy were able to demonstrate
those prescriptive rights. Then again, the courts so far have sided with
the government; therefore, it is even more baffling why the lien wasn't
placed on the livestock.
Days after the BLM has claimed they will stand down, they are now
reportedly considering a lien on the cattle, "I asked why you didn't put
a lien against the cattle?" Devlin asked the BLM. "They hadn't thought
about that, but they are considering it now."
DUH!!!! But then, those with a congenital, larcenous state of mind and
method of doing things, don't usually, as a matter of habit, think
ahead, do they? Their first impulse is to initiate force.
The New Energy News site, which is pro-"renewable," features a map of
where the BLM and the federal government plan to implement solar, wind,
and geothermal power projects. It also has a link to a map of the all
the states with the percentage of federally-owned land in each state,
published by the General Services Administration under the title, "Who
Owns the West?" About 86% of Nevada is federal land.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal article featured an excerpt of the Nevada
Constitution, only partly quoting from it, allowing Harry Reid to slip a
mickey into his two-faced taqiyya.
"Nevada's 1864 Constitution, however, cedes rights to the vast stretches of public land to the federal government.
"The people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare, that they
forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands
lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at
the sole and entire disposition of the United States," the state
Constitution says in the ordinance section. Reid noted many of the
protesters care deeply about the Constitution, both state and federal.
"Nevada's Constitution sets out very clearly the situation," Reid said.
One reader of that article, named Hilda, went to the trouble in her
comments to educate the writer and Nevadans by citing that part of the
Nevada Constitution:
"Reid says, "Nevada's 1864 Constitution, however, cedes rights to the
vast stretches of public land to the federal government." Reid fails to
mention that despite that, the Supreme Court has upheld the right of all
western states to have all the land returned to them under the "equal
footing" doctrine. Also, the US Constitution allows for the federal
government to own property only for "Forts, Magazines, Arsenals,
dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings." No other ownership of land is
permitted by the government for a reason. The Founding Fathers wanted to
ensure limits on the federal government precisely to prevent the abuse
of federal power we are witnessing now."
Federally-owned land was never intended to be space for the government
to experiment with its preferred "energy" projects, with the hands of
corrupt politicians and companies doing the experimenting
Republicans say U.S. headed toward ‘armed revolution'
A survey of Republicans found nearly half agreed that “an armed
revolution in order to protect liberties might be necessary in the next
few years.”
The poll, from Farleigh Dickinson University’s Public Mind, surveyed a
random sampling of 863 registered voters and had a margin of error of
plus-minus 3.4 percentage points.
It found 44 percent of registered Republicans believed an armed
rebellion could come in the next few years. But only 18 percent of
Democrats and 27 percent of independents agreed.
Moreover, only 24 percent of Republicans believed new gun laws were
necessary — compared to 73 percent of Democrats. Bipartisan legislation
on gun control is not likely in the coming days, one political science
professor at Farleigh Dickinson said, in a press release on the poll.
“If there was a bipartisan moment after Sandy Hook to pass gun control
legislation, it’s past,” Dan Cassino said. “Partisan views have strongly
reasserted themselves, and there’s no sign that they’ll get any
The difference in views is due to partisan differences in beliefs about what guns are for, Mr. Cassino said.
“If you truly believe an armed revolution is possible in the near
future, you need weapons, and you’re going to be wary about government
efforts to take them away,” Mr. Cassino said.
Charles Murray on allegations of racism
Since the flap about Paul Ryan’s remarks last week, elements of the
blogosphere, and now Paul Krugman in The New York Times, have stated
that I tried to prove the genetic inferiority of blacks in The Bell
The position that Richard Herrnstein and I took about the role of race,
IQ and genes in The Bell Curve is contained in a single paragraph in an
800-page book. It is found on page 311, and consists in its entirety of
the following text:
If the reader is now convinced that either the genetic or
environmental explanation has won out to the exclusion of the other, we
have not done a sufficiently good job of presenting one side or the
other. It seems highly likely to us that both genes and the environment
have something to do with racial differences. What might the mix be? We
are resolutely agnostic on that issue; as far as we can determine, the
evidence does not justify an estimate.
That’s it. The four pages following that quote argue that the hysteria
about race and genes is misplaced. I think our concluding paragraph
(page 315) is important enough to repeat here:
In sum: If tomorrow you knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that all the
cognitive differences between races were 100 percent genetic in origin,
nothing of any significance should change. The knowledge would give you
no reason to treat individuals differently than if ethnic differences
were 100 percent environmental. By the same token, knowing that the
differences are 100 percent environmental in origin would not suggest a
single program or policy that is not already being tried. It would
justify no optimism about the time it will take to narrow the existing
gaps. It would not even justify confidence that genetically based
differences will not be upon us within a few generations. The impulse to
think that environmental sources of differences are less threatening
than genetic ones is natural but illusory.
Our sin was to openly discuss the issue, not to advocate a position. But for the last 40 years, that’s been sin enough.
I’ll be happy to respond at more length to allegations of racism made by
anyone who can buttress them with a direct quote from anything I’ve
written. I’ll leave you with this thought: in all the critiques of The
Bell Curve in particular and my work more generally, no one ever
accompanies their charges with direct quotes of what I’ve actually said.
There’s a reason for that.
Over 40,000 People Are Registered to Vote in Both Virginia and Maryland
As midterm elections quickly approach, many are starting to think about
voting and potential fraud at the polls. And once again, we find that
there is cause to be worried about voter fraud here in the U.S. It
appears in a new report that 44,000 people are registered to vote in
both Virginia and Maryland.
A vote-integrity group crosschecked the voter rolls in the two states
and found far too many people registered in both states. The group,
known as The Virginia Voters Alliance, is going to expand their research
into surrounding states like Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia,
New York, New Jersey, Delaware, North Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia
and Georgia.
The group found that the number of voters who actually cast ballots in
both states was only 164 in 2012, but that is still far too many. And
the problem of potentially having thousands of people casting multiple
ballots is the real issue.
The Virginia Voters Alliance also worked with the Privileges and
Elections committees of the state House and Senate. They found 31,000
dead voters through the Social Security Administration’s Death Master
File. The president of the organization said that dead voter
registration is a prime target for voter fraud.
A simple solution for this issue is a voter ID law. Not only should
people be required to show ID at the polls, but voter registrations
should be cross checked more frequently. Hiring an outside group to do
this, not only will help with voter fraud, but provides business to a
non-governmental group. These numbers need to be greatly reduced before
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
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24 April, 2014
Bundy update
The battle lines are hardening in Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy's
so-called "range war" against the federal government over his right to
graze cattle on public lands.
Arguments have moved from the Nevada desert to the nation's capital,
where Nevada's two US senators, Republican Dean Heller and Democrat
Harry Reid, recently faced off on a television public affairs show in
Las Vegas.
Heller described Bundy's cadre of armed supporters as "patriots," during
the show, What's the Point. Reid repeated his claim that the so-called
militia men are "domestic terrorists."
Officials from the Bureau of Land Management say Bundy is illegally
running hundreds of head of cattle in the 600,000-acre Gold Butte area,
habitat of the federally protected desert tortoise. Bundy, 68, has
refused to pay BLM grazing fees since 1993, arguing in court filings
that his Mormon ancestors worked the land long before the BLM was
formed, giving him rights that predate federal involvement. For years,
he has threatened to forcefully protect his cattle.
Federal officials moved in to remove the animals, but called off the
round-up nine days ago, saying they wanted to avoid violence, a spectre
presented when dozens of supporters - many armed with rifles and
automatic weapons - gathered at the Bundy ranch 90 miles (144
kilometres) north of Las Vegas.
For now, the standoff has remained a war of words, with Bundy seen as a
modern folk hero among free speech advocates and others who believe that
the federal government has no right to tell a Nevada rancher how to run
his cattle on state land. Environmentalists call Bundy an illegal
In the television interview, Heller called for a Senate hearing on the dispute.
For his part, Reid appeared to get testy when asked on the show to explain his remark. "Just what I said," he responded tersely.
Heller then prompted another face-off, saying: "What Senator Reid may
call domestic terrorists, I call patriots. We have a very different view
on this."
"If they are patriots, we are in trouble," Reid shot back, criticising
the supporters for showing up with assault weapons and boasting about
putting children in the front of the pack.
Heller says the BLM amped up tensions in the long-simmering dispute over
Bundy's cattle by dispatching armed officials to help round up the
animals. "I want to talk about the fact that they have this kind of
authority and the ability to bully and come in with 200 armed men into a
situation like this," he said.
Reid replied that the armed supporters were breaking federal laws:
"These characters walk around with their Constitution in their pocket.
They should read the Nevada Constitution."
Reid refused to speculate on what will happen next. "I don't think it is
going to be tomorrow that something is going to happen, but something
will happen."
The government has said the cattle round-up was a "last resort" to
enforce court orders ruling that Bundy has failed to pay more than $US1
million in fees since 1993 for his cattle to graze on public land.
Forcing him either to pay or to give up his cattle is a matter of
fairness to the 16,000 ranchers who do follow the rules, US officials
On his own blog, Bundy has posted the creed of a national militia
movement that has come to his support. Over the weekend, he also posted
pictures of cattle that had been killed and buried during the BLM
collection earlier this month.
"Digging up 1 of the HUGE holes where they threw the cows that they had
ran to death or shot," reads a website caption under the picture of a
bulldozer removing an animal carcass. "I feel that this NEEDS to be put
out for the public to see."
Bundy says he has as much right to graze his cattle on public lands as
those who hike, camp or even advocate the protection of the threatened
desert tortoise and other wildlife.
For years Bundy has insisted that his cattle aren't going anywhere. He
acknowledges that he keeps firearms at his ranch and has vowed to do
"whatever it takes" to defend his animals from seizure.
"I've got to protect my property," he has told the Los Angeles Times.
"If people come to monkey with what's mine, I'll call the county
sheriff. If that don't work, I'll gather my friends and kids and we'll
try to stop it. I abide by all state laws. But I abide by almost zero
federal laws."
But environmentalists said on Monday that his actions set a bad precedent.
"It's not just about the desert tortoise. The precedent this sets is
dangerous - to let people like Bundy have free rein over public lands,"
said Ken Cole, National Environmental Policy Act coordinator for the
nonprofit Western Watershed Project.
"It's very clear that these public lands are not his. Under a public
trust doctrine, the BLM and National Park Service manage these lands for
the American people."
The High Cost of Liberalism
Thomas Sowell
Liberals advocate many wonderful things. In fact, I suspect that most
conservatives would prefer to live in the kind of world envisioned by
liberals, rather than in the kind of world envisioned by conservatives.
Unfortunately, the only kind of world that any of us can live in is the
world that actually exists. Trying to live in the kind of world that
liberals envision has costs that will not go away just because these
costs are often ignored by liberals.
One of those costs appeared in an announcement of a house for sale in
Palo Alto, the community adjacent to Stanford University, an institution
that is as politically correct as they come.
The house is for sale at $1,498,000. It is a 1,010 square foot bungalow
with two bedrooms, one bath and a garage. Although the announcement does
not mention it, this bungalow is located near a commuter railroad line,
with trains passing regularly throughout the day.
Lest you think this house must be some kind of designer's dream, loaded
with high-tech stuff, it was built in 1942 and, even if it was larger,
no one would mistake it for the Taj Mahal or San Simeon.
This house is not an aberration, and its price is not out of line with
other housing prices in Palo Alto. One couple who had lived in their
1,200 square foot home in Palo Alto for 20 years decided to sell it, and
posted an asking price just under $1.3 million.
Competition for that house forced the selling price up to $1.7 million.
Another Palo Alto house, this one with 1,292 square feet of space, is on the market for $2,285,000. It was built in 1895.
Even a vacant lot in Palo Alto costs more than a spacious middle-class home costs in most of the rest of the country.
How does this tie in with liberalism?
In this part of California, liberalism reigns supreme and "open space"
is virtually a religion. What that lovely phrase means is that there are
vast amounts of empty land where the law forbids anybody from building
Anyone who has taken Economics 1 knows that preventing the supply from
rising to meet the demand means that prices are going to rise. Housing
is no exception.
Yet when my wife wrote in a local Palo Alto newspaper, many years ago,
that preventing the building of housing would cause existing housing to
become far too expensive for most people to afford it, she was deluged
with more outraged letters than I get from readers of a nationally
syndicated column.
What she said was treated as blasphemy against the religion of "open
space" -- and open space is just one of the wonderful things about the
world envisioned by liberals that is ruinously expensive in the mundane
world where the rest of us live.
Much as many liberals like to put guilt trips on other people, they
seldom seek out, much less acknowledge and take responsibility for, the
bad consequences of their own actions.
There are people who claim that astronomical housing prices in places
like Palo Alto and San Francisco are due to a scarcity of land. But
there is enough vacant land ("open space") on the other side of the 280
Freeway that goes past Palo Alto to build another Palo Alto or two --
except for laws and policies that make that impossible.
As in San Francisco and other parts of the country where housing prices
skyrocketed after building homes was prohibited or severely restricted,
this began in Palo Alto in the 1970s.
Housing prices in Palo Alto nearly quadrupled during that decade. This
was not due to expensive new houses being built, because not a single
new house was built in Palo Alto in the 1970s. The same old houses
simply shot up in price.
It was very much the same story in San Francisco, which was a bastion of
liberalism then as now. There too, incredibly high prices are charged
for small houses, often jammed close together. A local newspaper
described a graduate student looking for a place to rent who was
"visiting one exorbitantly priced hovel after another."
That is part of the unacknowledged cost of "open space," and just part of the high cost of liberalism.
The High Cost of Liberalism: Part II
Thomas Sowell
Liberals can be disarming. In fact, they are for disarming anybody who can be disarmed, whether domestically or internationally.
Unfortunately, the people who are the easiest to disarm are the ones who
are the most peaceful -- and disarming them makes them vulnerable to
those who are the least peaceful.
We are currently getting a painful demonstration of that in Ukraine.
When Ukraine became an independent nation, it gave up all the nuclear
missiles that were on its territory from the days when it had been part
of the Soviet Union.
At that time, Ukraine had the third largest arsenal of nuclear weapons
in the world. Do you think Putin would have attacked Ukraine if it still
had those nuclear weapons? Or do you think it is just a coincidence
that nations with nuclear weapons don't get invaded?
Among those who urged Ukraine to reduce even its conventional,
non-nuclear weapons as well, was a new United States Senator named
Barack Obama. He was all for disarmament then, and apparently even now
as President of the United States. He has refused Ukraine's request for
weapons with which to defend itself.
As with so many things that liberals do, the disarmament crusade is
judged by its good intentions, not by its actual consequences.
Indeed, many liberals seem unaware that the consequences could be
anything other than what they hope for. That is why disarmament
advocates are called "the peace movement."
Whether disarmament has in fact led to peace, more often than military
deterrence has, is something that could be argued on the basis of the
facts of history -- but it seldom is.
Liberals almost never talk about disarmament in terms of evidence of its
consequences, whether they are discussing gun control at home or
international disarmament agreements.
International disarmament agreements flourished between the two World
Wars. Just a few years after the end of the First World War there were
the Washington Naval Agreements of 1921-1922 that led to the United
States actually sinking some of its own warships. Then there was the
celebrated Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928, in which nations renounced war,
with France's Foreign Minister Aristide Briand declaring, "Away with
rifles, machine guns, and cannon!" The "international community" loved
In Britain, the Labour Party repeatedly voted against military armaments
during most of the decade of the 1930s. A popular argument of the time
was that Britain should disarm "as an example to others."
Unfortunately, Hitler did not follow that example. He was busy building
the most powerful military machine on the continent of Europe.
Nor did Germany or Japan allow the Washington Naval Agreements to cramp
their style. The fact that Britain and America limited the size of their
battleships simply meant that Germany and Japan had larger battleships
when World War II began.
What is happening in Ukraine today is just a continuation of the old
story about nations that disarm increasing the chances of being attacked
by nations that do not disarm.
Any number of empirical studies about domestic gun control laws tell
much the same story. Gun control advocates seldom, if ever, present hard
evidence that gun crimes in general, or murder rates in particular, go
down after gun control laws are passed or tightened.
That is the crucial question about gun control laws. But liberals settle
that question by assumption. Then they can turn their attention to
denouncing the National Rifle Association.
But neither the National Rifle Association nor the Second Amendment is
the crucial issue. If the hard facts show that gun control laws actually
reduce the murder rate, we can repeal the Second Amendment, as other
Amendments have been repealed.
If in fact tighter gun control laws reduced the murder rate, that would
be the liberals' ace of trumps. Why then do the liberals not play their
ace of trumps, by showing us such hard facts? Because they don't have
any such hard facts. So they give us lofty rhetoric and outraged
indignation instead.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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23 April, 2014
Yes, IQ Really Matters
Critics of the SAT and other standardized testing are disregarding
the data. Leftists hate it because it shows that all men are NOT equal
By David Z. Hambrick and Christopher Chabris writing in "Slate" (!)
The College Board—the standardized testing behemoth that develops and
administers the SAT and other tests—has redesigned its flagship product
again. Beginning in spring 2016, the writing section will be optional,
the reading section will no longer test “obscure” vocabulary words, and
the math section will put more emphasis on solving problems with
real-world relevance. Overall, as the College Board explains on its
website, “The redesigned SAT will more closely reflect the real work of
college and career, where a flexible command of evidence—whether found
in text or graphic [sic]—is more important than ever.”
A number of pressures may be behind this redesign. Perhaps it’s
competition from the ACT, or fear that unless the SAT is made to seem
more relevant, more colleges will go the way of Wake Forest, Brandeis,
and Sarah Lawrence and join the “test optional admissions movement,”
which already boasts several hundred members. Or maybe it’s the wave of
bad press that standardized testing, in general, has received over the
past few years.
Critics of standardized testing are grabbing this opportunity to take
their best shot at the SAT. They make two main arguments. The first is
simply that a person’s SAT score is essentially meaningless—that it says
nothing about whether that person will go on to succeed in college.
Leon Botstein, president of Bard College and longtime standardized
testing critic, wrote in Time that the SAT “needs to be abandoned and
replaced,” and added:
"The blunt fact is that the SAT has never been a good predictor of
academic achievement in college. High school grades adjusted to account
for the curriculum and academic programs in the high school from which a
student graduates are. The essential mechanism of the SAT, the multiple
choice test question, is a bizarre relic of long outdated 20th century
social scientific assumptions and strategies."
Calling use of SAT scores for college admissions a “national scandal,”
Jennifer Finney Boylan, an English professor at Colby College, argued in
the New York Times that:
"The only way to measure students’ potential is to look at the complex
portrait of their lives: what their schools are like; how they’ve done
in their courses; what they’ve chosen to study; what progress they’ve
made over time; how they’ve reacted to adversity.
Along the same lines, Elizabeth Kolbert wrote in The New Yorker that
“the SAT measures those skills—and really only those skills—necessary
for the SATs.”
But this argument is wrong. The SAT does predict success in college—not
perfectly, but relatively well, especially given that it takes just a
few hours to administer. And, unlike a “complex portrait” of a student’s
life, it can be scored in an objective way. (In a recent New York Times
op-ed, the University of New Hampshire psychologist John D. Mayer aptly
described the SAT’s validity as an “astonishing achievement.”)
In a study published in Psychological Science, University of Minnesota
researchers Paul Sackett, Nathan Kuncel, and their colleagues
investigated the relationship between SAT scores and college grades in a
very large sample: nearly 150,000 students from 110 colleges and
universities. SAT scores predicted first-year college GPA about as well
as high school grades did, and the best prediction was achieved by
considering both factors.
Botstein, Boylan, and Kolbert are either unaware of this directly
relevant, easily accessible, and widely disseminated empirical evidence,
or they have decided to ignore it and base their claims on intuition
and anecdote—or perhaps on their beliefs about the way the world should
be rather than the way it is.
Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, it’s not just first-year
college GPA that SAT scores predict. In a four-year study that started
with nearly 3,000 college students, a team of Michigan State University
researchers led by Neal Schmitt found that test score (SAT or
ACT—whichever the student took) correlated strongly with cumulative GPA
at the end of the fourth year. If the students were ranked on both their
test scores and cumulative GPAs, those who had test scores in the top
half (above the 50th percentile, or median) would have had a roughly
two-thirds chance of having a cumulative GPA in the top half. By
contrast, students with bottom-half SAT scores would be only one-third
likely to make it to the top half in GPA.
Test scores also predicted whether the students graduated: A student who
scored in the 95th percentile on the SAT or ACT was about 60 percent
more likely to graduate than a student who scored in the 50th
percentile. Similarly impressive evidence supports the validity of the
SAT’s graduate school counterparts: the Graduate Record Examinations,
the Law School Admissions Test, and the Graduate Management Admission
Test. A 2007 Science article summed up the evidence succinctly:
“Standardized admissions tests have positive and useful relationships
with subsequent student accomplishments.”
SAT scores even predict success beyond the college years. For more than
two decades, Vanderbilt University researchers David Lubinski, Camilla
Benbow, and their colleagues have tracked the accomplishments of people
who, as part of a youth talent search, scored in the top 1 percent on
the SAT by age 13. Remarkably, even within this group of gifted
students, higher scorers were not only more likely to earn advanced
degrees but also more likely to succeed outside of academia. For
example, compared with people who “only” scored in the top 1 percent,
those who scored in the top one-tenth of 1 percent—the extremely
gifted—were more than twice as likely as adults to have an annual income
in the top 5 percent of Americans.
The second popular anti-SAT argument is that, if the test measures
anything at all, it’s not cognitive skill but socioeconomic status. In
other words, some kids do better than others on the SAT not because
they’re smarter, but because their parents are rich. Boylan argued in
her Times article that the SAT “favors the rich, who can afford
preparatory crash courses” like those offered by Kaplan and the
Princeton Review. Leon Botstein claimed in his Time article that “the
only persistent statistical result from the SAT is the correlation
between high income and high test scores.” And according to a Washington
Post Wonkblog infographic (which is really more of a disinfographic)
“your SAT score says more about your parents than about you.”
It’s true that economic background correlates with SAT scores. Kids from
well-off families tend to do better on the SAT. However, the
correlation is far from perfect. In the University of Minnesota study of
nearly 150,000 students, the correlation between socioeconomic status,
or SES, and SAT was not trivial but not huge. (A perfect correlation has
a value of 1; this one was .25.) What this means is that there are
plenty of low-income students who get good scores on the SAT; there are
even likely to be low-income students among those who achieve a perfect
score on the SAT.
Thus, just as it was originally designed to do, the SAT in fact goes a
long way toward leveling the playing field, giving students an
opportunity to distinguish themselves regardless of their background.
Scoring well on the SAT may in fact be the only such opportunity for
students who graduate from public high schools that are regarded by
college admissions offices as academically weak. In a letter to the
editor, a reader of Elizabeth Kolbert’s New Yorker article on the SAT
made this point well:
The SAT may be the bane of upper-middle-class parents trying to launch
their children on a path to success. But sometimes one person’s obstacle
is another person’s springboard. I am the daughter of a single,
immigrant father who never attended college, and a good SAT score was
one of the achievements that catapulted me into my state’s flagship
university and, from there, on to medical school. Flawed though it is,
the SAT afforded me, as it has thousands of others, a way to prove that a
poor, public-school kid who never had any test prep can do just as well
as, if not better than, her better-off peers.
The sort of admissions approach that Botstein advocates—adjusting high
school GPA “to account for the curriculum and academic programs in the
high school from which a student graduates” and abandoning the SAT—would
do the opposite of leveling the playing field. A given high school GPA
would be adjusted down for a poor, public-school kid, and adjusted up
for a rich, private-school kid.
Furthermore, contrary to what Boylan implies in her Times piece,
“preparatory crash courses” don’t change SAT scores much. Research has
consistently shown that prep courses have only a small effect on SAT
scores—and a much smaller effect than test prep companies claim they do.
For example, in one study of a random sample of more than 4,000
students, average improvement in overall score on the “old” SAT, which
had a range from 400 to 1600, was no more than about 30 points.
Finally, it is clear that SES is not what accounts for the fact that SAT
scores predict success in college. In the University of Minnesota
study, the correlation between high school SAT and college GPA was
virtually unchanged after the researchers statistically controlled for
the influence of SES. If SAT scores were just a proxy for privilege,
then putting SES into the mix should have removed, or at least
dramatically decreased, the association between the SAT and college
performance. But it didn’t. This is more evidence that Boylan overlooks
or chooses to ignore.
What this all means is that the SAT measures something—some stable
characteristic of high school students other than their parents’
income—that translates into success in college. And what could that
characteristic be? General intelligence. The content of the SAT is
practically indistinguishable from that of standardized intelligence
tests that social scientists use to study individual differences, and
that psychologists and psychiatrists use to determine whether a person
is intellectually disabled—and even whether a person should be spared
execution in states that have the death penalty. Scores on the SAT
correlate very highly with scores on IQ tests—so highly that the Harvard
education scholar Howard Gardner, known for his theory of multiple
intelligences, once called the SAT and other scholastic measures “thinly
disguised” intelligence tests.
One could of course argue that IQ is also meaningless—and many have. For
example, in his bestseller The Social Animal, David Brooks claimed that
“once you get past some pretty obvious correlations (smart people make
better mathematicians), there is a very loose relationship between IQ
and life outcomes.” And in a recent Huffington Post article,
psychologists Tracy Alloway and Ross Alloway wrote that
IQ won’t help you in the things that really matter: It won’t help you
find happiness, it won’t help you make better decisions, and it won’t
help you manage your kids’ homework and the accounts at the same time.
It isn’t even that useful at its raison d'être: predicting success.
But this argument is wrong, too. Indeed, we know as well as anything we
know in psychology that IQ predicts many different measures of success.
Exhibit A is evidence from research on job performance by the University
of Iowa industrial psychologist Frank Schmidt and his late colleague
John Hunter. Synthesizing evidence from nearly a century of empirical
studies, Schmidt and Hunter established that general mental ability—the
psychological trait that IQ scores reflect—is the single best predictor
of job training success, and that it accounts for differences in job
performance even in workers with more than a decade of experience. It’s
more predictive than interests, personality, reference checks, and
interview performance. Smart people don’t just make better
mathematicians, as Brooks observed—they make better managers, clerks,
salespeople, service workers, vehicle operators, and soldiers.
IQ predicts other things that matter, too, like income, employment,
health, and even longevity. In a 2001 study published in the British
Medical Journal, Scottish researchers Lawrence Whalley and Ian Deary
identified more than 2,000 people who had taken part in the Scottish
Mental Survey of 1932, a nationwide assessment of IQ. Remarkably, people
with high IQs at age 11 were more considerably more likely to survive
to old age than were people with lower IQs. For example, a person with
an IQ of 100 (the average for the general population) was 21 percent
more likely to live to age 76 than a person with an IQ of 85. And the
relationship between IQ and longevity remains statistically significant
even after taking SES into account. Perhaps IQ reflects the mental
resources—the reasoning and problem-solving skills—that people can bring
to bear on maintaining their health and making wise decisions
throughout life. This explanation is supported by evidence that
higher-IQ individuals engage in more positive health behaviors, such as
deciding to quit smoking.
IQ is of course not the only factor that contributes to differences in
outcomes like academic achievement and job performance (and longevity).
Psychologists have known for many decades that certain personality
traits also have an impact. One is conscientiousness, which reflects a
person’s self-control, discipline, and thoroughness. People who are high
in conscientiousness delay gratification to get their work done, finish
tasks that they start, and are careful in their work, whereas people
who are low in conscientiousness are impulsive, undependable, and
careless (compare Lisa and Bart Simpson). The University of Pennsylvania
psychologist Angela Duckworth has proposed a closely related
characteristic that she calls “grit,” which she defines as a person’s
“tendency to sustain interest in and effort toward very long-term
goals,” like building a career or family.
Duckworth has argued that such factors may be even more important as
predictors of success than IQ. In one study, she and UPenn colleague
Martin Seligman found that a measure of self-control collected at the
start of eighth grade correlated more than twice as strongly with
year-end grades than IQ did. However, the results of meta-analyses,
which are more telling than the results of any individual study,
indicate that these factors do not have a larger effect than IQ does on
measures of academic achievement and job performance. So, while it seems
clear that factors like conscientiousness—not to mention social skill,
creativity, interest, and motivation—do influence success, they cannot
take the place of IQ.
None of this is to say that IQ, whether measured with the SAT or a
traditional intelligence test, is an indicator of value or worth. Nobody
should be judged, negatively or positively, on the basis of a test
score. A test score is a prediction, not a prophecy, and doesn’t say
anything specific about what a person will or will not achieve in life. A
high IQ doesn’t guarantee success, and a low IQ doesn’t guarantee
failure. Furthermore, the fact that IQ is at present a powerful
predictor of certain socially relevant outcomes doesn’t mean it always
will be. If there were less variability in income—a smaller gap between
the rich and the poor—then IQ would have a weaker correlation with
income. For the same reason, if everyone received the same quality of
health care, there would be a weaker correlation between IQ and health.
But the bottom line is that there are large, measurable differences
among people in intellectual ability, and these differences have
consequences for people’s lives. Ignoring these facts will only distract
us from discovering and implementing wise policies.
Given everything that social scientists have learned about IQ and its
broad predictive validity, it is reasonable to make it a factor in
decisions such as whom to hire for a particular job or admit to a
particular college or university. In fact, disregarding IQ—by admitting
students to colleges or hiring people for jobs in which they are very
likely to fail—is harmful both to individuals and to society. For
example, in occupations where safety is paramount, employers could be
incentivized to incorporate measures of cognitive ability into the
recruitment process. Above all, the policies of public and private
organizations should be based on evidence rather than ideology or
wishful thinking.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
22 April, 2014
Goldwater lost in a landslide – and won the GOP future
by Jeff Jacoby
TO THE RECENT spate of 50th-anniversary reflections on key political and
cultural milestones — the 1963 March on Washington, the assassination
of John F. Kennedy, the Beatles' appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show —
here's one to add: The presidential campaign of Barry Goldwater, the
most influential also-ran in modern American politics.
Goldwater was nicknamed "Mr. Conservative," but now even liberals adore
him. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. penned an essay a few years back effusive in
its praise for Goldwater, whom he described as an exemplar of civility,
decency, and integrity. Goldwater was "neither mean-spirited nor
racist," wrote Kennedy; he challenged the liberals of his time through
"sensible argument and honest conviction." A 2006 documentary produced
by CC Goldwater, Barry's liberal's granddaughter, is strewn with such
liberal tributes; Hillary Clinton, James Carville, and Walter Cronkite
are among those who attest to the man's statesmanship and charm.
How things have changed.
In 1964, Goldwater appalled the political establishment. Though the
blunt-spoken Arizonan's bestseller, "The Conscience of a Conservative,"
had made him a hero on the right even before his White House run,
liberal commentators seemed shocked to discover that his conservatism
was for real. When he declared, in his acceptance speech at the
Republican convention in San Francisco, that "extremism in the defense
of liberty is no vice, and … moderation in the pursuit of justice is no
virtue," they were aghast.
What followed was one of the most ruthless campaigns of invective in US
political history. Goldwater and his conservative supporters were
repeatedly likened to Nazis, madmen, and warmongers. Jackie Robinson
said he knew "how it felt to be a Jew in Hitler's Germany." Lyndon
Johnson's notorious "daisy" commercial showed a little girl picking
flower petals, until she is overwhelmed by the mushroom cloud of a
nuclear explosion. A month before the election, the cover of Fact
magazine blared: "1,189 Psychiatrists Say Goldwater is Unfit to be
Conventional wisdom said Goldwater didn't have a prayer, and
conventional wisdom was right. On Election Day, the Republican ticket
suffered a crushing defeat. Johnson amassed 61 percent of the popular
vote, the highest percentage in presidential campaign history; Democrats
at every level swept to lopsided majorities reminiscent of the FDR
landslide of 1936. Goldwater — the most ideologically conservative GOP
nominee since Calvin Coolidge — hadn't just lost, he'd been buried.
What that meant, said the nation's most respected political analysts,
was obvious: Conservatism was political poison, and the GOP had just
swallowed a near-fatal dose.
"Barry Goldwater not only lost the presidential election yesterday, but
the conservative cause as well," pronounced James Reston of The New York
Times. "He has wrecked his party for a long time to come." Time
magazine said Republican conservatives had been so completely humiliated
"that they will not have another shot at party domination for some time
to come."
But about that, conventional wisdom was dead wrong. So were the Eastern
liberal Republicans who had long dominated the GOP. They didn't seek to
roll back the vast increase in government programs that Democrats since
the New Deal had embraced; their pitch to voters was that they could
manage those programs with more businesslike efficiency. Many
establishment Republicans were as turned off by Goldwater's ardent
conservatism as Democrats and media liberals were. The chairman of the
New York Republican Party called the Election Day debacle the
"shattering price" the GOP had paid for its "erratic deviation from our
soundly moderate 20th-century course." The voters had spoken, and
conservatism had been "decisively vetoed."
Conservatism was no suicide pill, it was the Republican future. "In your
heart, you know he's right" had been a much-mocked Goldwater campaign
slogan ("In your guts, you know he's nuts" was one rejoinder), but it
became increasingly clear that the heart of the Republican Party did
indeed incline rightward. Goldwater may not have been a very good
presidential candidate, but millions of Americans found his conservative
ideals refreshing and inspiring.
Even as Goldwater was losing 44 states, there were remarkable signs of
grassroots enthusiasm for his political message. Historian Steven
Hayward points out that the Goldwater campaign received more than 1
million contributions, 400,000 of them in amounts under $10. Four years
earlier, Richard Nixon's campaign had received only 40,000
In 1964, the GOP's center of gravity began its decisive shift to the
West and South. Of the 12 presidential elections that followed 1964,
Republicans have won seven, and every GOP ticket since the Goldwater
campaign has included a conservative. Who doubts today that
conservatives constitute the party's base? Until 50 years ago,
Republican presidential hopefuls competed for the imprimatur of the
party's liberal establishment. Now, even the Republican establishment
calls itself conservative — while Goldwater, savaged by Democrats in
1964, is described with affection and admiration by Democrats in 2014.
Goldwater lost a presidential election, but he changed the face of
American politics. All winning candidates appeal to the mainstream. But
only the most influential redirect it.
Homofascism widespread
On the Friday, April 18, All In show, during a discussion of the firing
of former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich for simply donating to a political
campaign opposing same-sex marriage, guest Richard Kim of the far left
The Nation magazine intoned that he found it "disturbing" that gay
activist friends of his have expressed interest in "targeting" more
people who have made similar donations, and who have declared they
should "find out where they live." Kim:
Here's a disturbing thing. I did ask some of my gay activist friends, I
was like, "Look, here's a list; 6,500 people gave the same amount that
he did or more in California. Should we go down the list and sort of
start targeting all these people?" And I asked this facetiously, and
people were like, "Let's do it. Let's find out where those people live.
It's all-" To me, that's a disturbing level of targeting people.
Hayes, who had earlier expressed reservations about Eich's firing,
exclaimed, "Yes," to Kim's view that such talk was "disturbing."
Liberals Announce Plan to ‘Purge’ Christians
They were always deadly serious about criminalizing Christianity and
killing free speech, but now the American left has stopped pretending
otherwise. In a recent column titled, “Why Are They Called
‘Homofascists’? Here’s Why,” I wrote that “progressive,”
“Christian-hating fascists” – but I repeat myself – are “hell-bent on
criminalizing Christianity and pushing to the fringes anyone who
publicly acknowledges natural human sexuality and the age-old, immutable
institution of legitimate marriage as created by God.”
I was referring specifically to the left’s well-organized and highly
disturbing character assassination of former Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich
for his private support of natural marriage. I was also addressing the
larger goal of the American left to completely shut down free speech and
freedom of religion and to severely punish anyone who maintains both
biblically and biologically correct views on human sexuality.
I closed with this: “They smell blood in the water. I’ve often said that
these folks want those who speak biblical truth about human sexuality
and legitimate marriage either 1) dead, 2) imprisoned or, if they can
have neither of these, 3) marginalized to the point where they can’t
even support their families.
“Check No. 3 off the list. I guess they’re working backwards.”
The very next day, and as if right on cue, lefty rag Slate magazine
vomited evidence of my claims. It could not have been better scripted if
I’d written it myself.
In an article titled, “Purge the Bigots,” Slate writer William Saletan
penned these chilling words: “Some of my colleagues are celebrating.
They call Eich a bigot who got what he deserved. I agree. But let’s not
stop here. If we’re serious about enforcing the new standard, thousands
of other employees who donated to the same anti-gay ballot measure must
be punished.
“More than 35,000 people gave money to the campaign for Proposition 8,
the 2008 ballot measure that declared, ‘Only marriage between a man and a
woman is valid or recognized in California,’” he continued. “Why do
these bigots still have jobs? Let’s go get them.”
Now, to be fair, Saletan later claimed that his article was intended as
satire to illustrate the hypocrisy of his own “progressive” movement.
Many, if not most, of his readers seemed to miss the joke,and the
article’s comments section quickly filled with people agreeing that it
was, indeed, time to “purge the bigots” (read: Christians).
The Fox News Channel observed that the piece “may or may not be
tongue-in-cheek.” Satire is traditionally somewhat clever, witty and
fairly easy to recognize as such. Mr. Saletan’s piece was none of these
things. Nevertheless, I will give him the benefit of the doubt.
Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute noted, “The problem with
Saletan’s satirical piece is that, unlike Swift’s ‘A Modest Proposal,’
Saletan’s is not outrageous enough. It should be outrageous enough for a
satire, but unfortunately, homosexual activists and their allies are
tyrannical enough to do just what he’s proposing.
“I know there are many progressives who think such a proposal is
defensible,” she observed. “In fact, eight years ago, a colleague (AMM)
at Deerfield High School told me that she is so sure conservative
beliefs about homosexuality are wrong that they shouldn’t be allowed to
be spoken in public schools – even if kids are studying
homosexuality-affirming resources. And she was not speaking
So here we have Mr. Saletan playing the role of today’s Joseph Goebbels,
Adolf Hitler’s Nazi propaganda minister, in an effort, albeit a clumsy
one, to underscore how utterly out of control his own “progressive”
movement has become and, in the spirit of argumentum ad absurdum, gently
coax his fellow bohemians from madness.
Slate was apparently in on the fun too, pretending, for a day, to be
“Nationalsozialistischen Briefe,” Goebbels’ parallel publication, in an
equally awkward attempt to use the power of metaphor as a scrub brush to
wash away the stench of totalitarianism from an American left bathed in
But as you read the article a frightening reality quickly rises to the
surface. It’s neither funny nor untrue. None of it. The cultural Marxist
American left is 100-percent serious about “purging” Christians from
They’re as serious as Josef Stalin’s heart attack.
Continued Saletan: “To organize the next stage of the purge, I’ve
compiled the financial data into three tables” (he actually did this).
He then listed details from, and linked to, the Proposition 8 hit list
reportedly leaked by the Obama IRS and meticulously assembled and
published by the Los Angeles Times.
This was all by design. It’s what led to Brendan Eich’s career
beheading. But Eich was just the opening act. The list provides the
exact names, employers, places of residence and dollar amounts of every
single person in America who donated even a dime to the Golden State’s
campaign to protect natural marriage (I realize it’s hopelessly
symbolic, but as matter of principle I will not link to the list).
This is a level of voter intimidation and journalistic terrorism on the
part of the Obama administration and the L.A. Times that is
unprecedented in American history.
Joking or not, Herr Saletan then gave the rainbow-shirts their
jackbooted marching orders: “If we’re serious about taking down
corporate officers who supported Proposition 8, and boycotting employers
who promote them, we’d better get cracking on the rest of the list,” he
said, concluding, “otherwise, perhaps we should put down the
You do understand this, right? Obama, the L.A. Times and America’s
larger “progressive” movement are dead serious about purging Christians
and other traditionalists from both the workplace and society at large.
It’s coming. Mozilla was just the opening salvo.
In the very same way Eich’s forced resignation was deliberately
calculated to terrorize any American who might resist the left’s sexual
anarchist agenda, and support some future, legally executed pro-family
ballot initiative, the clear purpose behind releasing the Prop 8 donor
list was to instill terror in the hearts of Christians and other
traditionalists who support natural marriage, family and human
sexuality. It was a not-so-subtle shot over the bow.
It was also a call to arms. It’s fight or flight time, America. I’ve made my choice.
I say that if we once crushed fascism from without … we can sure as hell crush it from within.
Black activist mocks people hurt by Obamacare
On the Sunday, April 20, Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, as host
Harris-Perry chastised Democrats for not bragging about ObamaCare for
the year's midterm elections, she at one point mocked Americans angry
about having their health insurance plans cancelled, which she referred
to as "crappy plans," as she lamented that Democrats are not boasting
about ObamaCare or declaring, "Yeah, you can't keep your crappy plans.
Just deal with that!"
Her mockery of the ObamaCare-induced insurance cancellations came as she
compared Republicans to people who flip houses and brag about doing
only a little work, as she characterized Democrats, by contrast, as
people who do substantial work on houses but fail to boast about it
adequately to potential buyers. Harris-Perry:
You can have some people -- let's call them Republicans -- who will go
into a fallen down blighted house, slap on some granite counter tops,
while ignoring real problems, and declare their work is the best thing
After boasting about Democrats passing ObamaCare, she lamented:
And they're not even owning it. No confidence, no swagger. No, "Yeah, you can't keep your crappy plans. Just deal with that!"
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
21 April, 2014
We Are A Nation Of Narcissists
People have been saying the country is "going to hell in a handbasket"
for decades. It's sort of a rite of passage for every current generation
to look at the next one and think it will screw up things so badly
everything will be ruined. But the handbasket this current generation is
creating may well be the one that sinks us.
Every generation is the product of the previous one - its culture,
morals, priorities, everything. In the 20th century, that meant passing
on a work ethic, the importance of family and the American Dream that
each generation will do better than the last. That optimism hit a wall
with the baby boomers.
Baby boomers, the generation born between 1946 and 1964, are the current
leaders and, as such, set the tone for what comes next. The example
they've set as the "me generation" planted the seeds for what we're
seeing now in the news, and those images do not bode well for the
Baby boomers pioneered the "if it feels good do it" mentality prevalent
in the `60s and `70s - sex, drugs and rock and roll; a lifestyle that
lived for the "now," future be damned. They seemed to lack an
appreciation for consequences; the hangover never sets in if you don't
stop drinking.
But the bills will come due; the piper must be paid.
Baby boomers are the credit card generation, living on money borrowed -
taken, actually - from their children and grandchildren. They're also
the generation that placed emphasis on self-esteem above all.
High schools and colleges across the country have, and are, graduating
little monsters who've never heard the word "no," who've been told
they're never wrong and every choice is equally valid. These kids don't
have parents, they have "best friends."
Parents aren't solely responsible for this, although they are
individually responsible for their own children. The culture they
created, accept and celebrate is the main culprit.
We once celebrated success. Now, we simply elevate being. We once
shunned certain behaviors; now, they are the yellow brick road to the
Andy Warhol famously said "In the future, everyone will be world-famous
for 15 minutes," and he was nearly right. Nearly because "famous" is no
longer a result of actions; it's the goal. Celebrity is heroin, and we
have a generation entering adulthood as addicted as any junkie.
Talent or achievements are no longer required for fame; it's now as easy
as being willing to make an ass of yourself on video and post it
online. Successful people in the working world were once admired and
held up as positive examples; now they are the object of scorn and
ridicule. Unwashed children of privilege "occupy" parks and protest at
their homes while networks cover these actions as if they're
The media is an unindicted co-conspirator in the dumbing down of the
future. It's not just the news media - though it's possible to watch all
three major network newscasts and not learn anything worthwhile - it's
all the media. We are collectively dumber for knowing what a "Snooki," a
"Chrisley," or a "Honey Boo Boo" are. How many brain cells committed
suicide rather than be dedicated to remembering which inflated bimbo the
vacant Juan Pablo hooked up with? Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian
would've been cautionary tales 20 years ago; now they make millions for
existing. The collective IQ of "reality TV stars," musicians and
celebutantes is dwarfed by the number of teeth in the mouth of a newborn
baby, yet these are people admired by tens of millions of people who
will assume the reins of power in the not-too-distant future.
People magazine doesn't outsell every news magazine in print by
accident, it outsells them because it is more interesting than news
magazines. Why drink no-brand cola when Coke is available?
Self is all-encompassing - but it's not the individual, it's the
collective "self." The pursuit of attention, the need to make everything
about "me" is overwhelming people now. If it isn't shared on social
media it didn't happen.
Twitter and Facebook are the Holy Grail of this new narcissism, and
we've all been ensnared in it to one degree or another. Having a good
meal? Post a picture of it or it didn't happen. Have a thought on a news
story? Tweet a link or it doesn't matter. Have a solid bowel movement?
Well, you get the idea.
We are over-sharing like a drunken uncle at the family Christmas dinner
talking about his ex-wife, and there will be consequences.
Recently, the president of the National Organization for Women clumsily
tried to make to make an irrelevant point about how bad employees have
it nowadays. But in the process, she accidentally made a good point. She
told MSNBC employers have an advantage, "They know everything they need
to know about their employees . all they have to do is go on Facebook."
She's right, but who put it there?
If you smoked a joint with Snoop Dogg last weekend, it will make for a
fun story to share with friends. But when you share it with the world,
complete with pictures, it may have consequences when it comes to
getting a job in the future. Stupid moments are fleeting; the Internet
is forever.
When a student went on a stabbing spree in a Pittsburgh-area school, one
of his victims posted a picture of himself in his hospital gown on
Instagram. The "stabbing selfie" brought about a small firestorm of
criticism, but it's what society created.
Reality is being reduced to a series of 140-character tweets and a
"like" button. Get punched in the face by a comedian? Don't defend
yourself, tweet it! A madman shooting up a mall? Forget getting to
safety, the world must know your every thought.
There is nothing not shared on social media anymore - from births to
birthdays, dates to break-ups. Everything is fodder for the attention
monster we're all becoming. Facebook is full of profile pictures
featuring everything from people's most intimate moments to their latest
appearance on cable TV as if they'd cured cancer, Foursquare lets the
world know where you are at any given moment. It's hard to tell if
people truly are upset the NSA is tracking their every move or if
they're simply mad the NSA beat them to the punch. Privacy isn't being
stolen as much as it's being voluntarily traded for a quick fix of
We have become a nation of narcissists - attention junkies measuring our
success by the number of Facebook friends and Twitter followers we have
rather than our accomplishments. None of us are immune - to one degree
or another we've all been affected by this attention seeking. What that
will mean when the next generation assumes power remains to be seen, but
it can't be good. I opine about it regularly on Twitter. Give me a
Continued High LEGAL Immigration Steadily Erodes GOP Prospects
The nation's prolonged flow of legal immigration has changed - and
continues to change - the political landscape. A new Center for
Immigration Studies report, "Immigration's Impact on Republican
Political Prospects, 1980 to 2012", finds that each one percentage-point
increase in the immigrant share of a large county's population reduces
the Republican share of the two-party presidential vote by an average of
nearly 0.6 percentage points.
This shift is relatively uniform throughout the country, from California
to Texas to Florida, regardless of the local party's stance on
immigration. It is due to immigrant communities' lopsided support for
big-government policies, which are more closely aligned with
progressives than with conservatives. As a result, survey data show a
two-to-one party identification with Democrats over Republicans.
Increased immigration also significantly expands the low-income
population, making voters overall more supportive of redistributive
policies championed by Democrats to support disadvantaged populations.
See the report
"As the immigrant population has grown, Republican electoral prospects
have dimmed, even after controlling for alternative explanations of GOP
performance," wrote James Gimpel, author of the report and a professor
of government at the University of Maryland at College Park.
"Republicans are right to want to attract Latino voters," he continued.
"But expanding the flow of low-skilled immigrants into an economy
ill-suited to promote their upward mobility will be counterproductive."
Over one million legal immigrants enter the United States each year. If
this number were drastically increased, as called for by the Gang of
Eight bill (S.744), the decline of the Republican Party would be
accelerated. "The impact of immigration is easily sufficient, by itself,
to decide upcoming presidential elections," Gimpel wrote.
Email from CIS
Leftists undermine campaign finance solution
By Charles Krauthammer
The debate over campaign contributions is never-ending for a simple reason: Both sides of the argument have merit.
On the one hand, of course money is speech. For most citizens,
contributing to politicians or causes is the most effective way to
augment and amplify speech with which they agree. The most disdainful
dismissers of this argument are editorialists and incumbent politicians
who — surprise! — already enjoy access to vast audiences and don’t
particularly like their monopoly being invaded by the unwashed masses or
the self-made plutocrat.
On the other hand, of course money is corrupting. The nation’s jails are
well stocked with mayors, legislators, judges and the occasional
governor who have exchanged favors for cash. However, there are lesser —
and legal — forms of influence-peddling short of the outright quid pro
quo. Campaign contributions are carefully calibrated to approach that
line without crossing it. But money distorts. There is no denying the
unfairness of big contributors buying access unavailable to the everyday
Hence the endless law-writing to restrict political contributions,
invariably followed by multiple fixes to correct the inevitable
loopholes. The result is a baffling mass of legislation administered by
one cadre of experts and dodged by another.
For a long time, a simple finesse offered a rather elegant solution: no limits on giving — but with full disclosure.
Open the floodgates, and let the monies, big and small, check and
balance each other. And let transparency be the safeguard against
corruption. As long as you know who is giving what to whom, you can look
for, find and, if necessary, prosecute corrupt connections between
donor and receiver.
This used to be my position. No longer. I had not foreseen how donor
lists would be used not to ferret out corruption but to pursue and
persecute citizens with contrary views. Which corrupts the very idea of
full disclosure.
It is now an invitation to the creation of enemies lists. Containing,
for example, Brendan Eich, forced to resign as Mozilla CEO when it was
disclosed that six years earlier he’d given $1,000 to support a
referendum banning gay marriage. He was hardly the first. Activists
compiled blacklists of donors to Proposition 8 and went after them.
Indeed, shortly after the referendum passed, both the artistic director
of the California Musical Theatre in Sacramento and the president of the
Los Angeles Film Festival were hounded out of office.
Referendums produce the purest example of transparency misused because
corrupt favoritism is not an issue. There’s no one to corrupt.
Supporting a referendum is a pure expression of one’s beliefs. Full
disclosure in that context becomes a cudgel, an invitation to
Sometimes the state itself does the harassing. The IRS scandal left many
members of political groups exposed to abuse, such as the unlawful
release of confidential data. In another case, the Obama campaign Web
site in 2012 published the names of eight big Romney donors, alleging
them to have “less-than-reputable records.” A glow-in-the-dark target
having been painted on his back, Idaho businessman Frank VanderSloot
(reported the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel) suddenly found
himself subject to multiple audits, including two by the IRS.
In his lone dissent to the disclosure requirement in Citizens United,
Justice Clarence Thomas argued that American citizens should not be
subject “to death threats, ruined careers, damaged or defaced property,
or pre-emptive and threatening warning letters as the price for engaging
in core political speech, the primary object of First Amendment
protection.” (Internal quote marks omitted.)
In fact, wariness of full disclosure goes back to 1958 when the Supreme
Court ruled that the NAACP did not have to release its membership list
to the state, understanding that such disclosure would surely subject
its members to persecution. “This court has recognized the vital
relationship between freedom to associate and privacy in one’s
associations . . . particularly where a group espouses dissident
A different era, a different set of dissidents. But the naming of names,
the listing of lists, goes on. The enforcers are at it again, this time
armed with sortable Internet donor lists.
The ultimate victim here is full disclosure itself. If revealing your
views opens you to the politics of personal destruction, then
transparency, however valuable, must give way to the ultimate core
political good, free expression.
Our collective loss. Coupling unlimited donations and full disclosure
was a reasonable way to reconcile the irreconcilables of campaign
finance. Like so much else in our politics, however, it has been ruined
by zealots. What a pity.
Murderer was ANTI-Republican
Glenn Miller, a KKK extremist and founder of the White Patriot Party,
was arrested and charged for the murder of three Jewish Christians in
Kansas City. The Leftmedia was quick to brand the crime a "hate crime,"
in part because he reportedly yelled "Heil Hitler" upon his arrest, and
authorities will charge him with one.
Of course it's a hate crime -- he murdered three people. Miller has a
checkered political history, running for office as both a Democrat and a
Republican at different times. He also wrote in 2012 that Israel was
trying to "buy the presidential election for the neo-con, war-mongering
republican [sic] establishment."
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
20 April, 2014
Workplace Discrimination Is Everywhere! Bureau of Labor Statistics Proves It!
President Obama and many of his fellow Democrat politicians think they
have identified a terrible injustice in the “gender pay gap.” But with
almost no effort, anyone who can access the Internet can go to the
Bureau of Labor Statistics website and find information showing a far
greater injustice: the pay gap between young people and older workers.
Obama and company are scandalized that women are paid 77 percent of what
men are paid. Yet I have heard them say nothing about BLS numbers
showing 16- to 24-year olds are paid only 54 percent of what workers 25
and older are paid.
Sex discrimination in the workplace? Apparently it’s nothing compared to age discrimination in the workplace!
The BLS informs us: “Median weekly earnings were highest for women age
35 to 64 in 2012, with little difference in the earnings of 35- to
44-year-olds ($747), 45- to 54-year-olds ($746), and 55- to 64-year-olds
($766).” Women 16 to 24 years old were paid only $416 a week, according
to the BLS.
“Among men,” the BLS tells us, “workers who were age 45 to 64 had the
highest earnings, with 45- to 54-year-olds ($994) making about the same
as 55- to 64-year-olds ($1,005).” Men 16 to 24 years old were paid only
$468 a week, according to the BLS.
Outrageous! And the more we delve into the BLS report, the more discrimination we find! For instance:
“Asian women and men earned more than their White, Black, and Hispanic
or Latino counterparts in 2012. Among women, Whites ($710) earned 92
percent as much as Asians ($770), while Blacks ($599) and Hispanics
($521) earned 78 percent and 68 percent as much as Asians, respectively.
In comparison, White men ($879) earned 83 percent as much as Asian men
($1,055); Black men ($665) earned 63 percent as much as Asians; and
Hispanic men ($592), 56 percent.”
It’s clear as crystal: Employers discriminate against Whites, Blacks and
Hispanics of both sexes while favoring Asians of both sexes!
Oh, no. We read a little farther and find this: “Earnings growth has
been largest for White women, outpacing that of their Black and Hispanic
counterparts. Between 1979 and 2012, inflation-adjusted earnings (also
called constant-dollar earnings) rose by 31 percent for White women,
compared with an increase of 20 percent for Black women and 13 percent
for Hispanic women. In contrast, earnings for White and Black men in
2012 showed little or no change from their 1979 constant-dollar levels,
while Hispanic men’s earnings were down by 8 percent after adjusting for
inflation. . . . Asians were not included in this analysis because
comparable data for the group are not available until 2003.”
So, since 1979, in constant-dollar terms, employers have been
discriminating against men, holding down their earnings while giving
White, Black and Hispanic women double-digit increases in their
Oh, and it gets worse!
“At each level of education, women have fared better than men with
respect to earnings growth. Although both women and men without a high
school diploma have experienced declines in inflation-adjusted earnings
since 1979, the drop for women was significantly less than that for men:
a 14-percent decrease for women as opposed to a 32-percent decline for
men. On an inflation-adjusted basis, earnings for women with a college
degree have increased by 28 percent since 1979, while those of male
college graduates have risen by 17 percent.”
So employers have gone more than 30 years discriminating against men regardless of education!
I can’t stand to read any further. Paragraph after paragraph of
discrimination laid out for us by the government’s own Bureau of Labor
Statistics! Read it all yourself, if you have the stomach for it.
President Obama has not been shy about wielding that famous pen of his
to right all sorts of workplace wrongs. Recently he has decreed a
minimum wage of $10.10 an hour for federal government contractors. On
Tuesday he signed an Executive Order prohibiting federal contractors
from retaliating against employees who discuss their compensation. And
he signed a Presidential Memorandum “instructing the Secretary of Labor
to establish new regulations requiring federal contractors to submit to
the Department of Labor summary data on compensation paid to their
employees, including data by sex and race,” according to a White House
press release. “The Department of Labor will use the data to encourage
compliance with equal pay laws and to target enforcement more
effectively by focusing efforts where there are discrepancies and
reducing burdens on other employers.”
Equal pay laws? After reading the BLS report, it appears there is no
such thing as equal pay. Discrimination is the only possible explanation
for all these numbers! The mystery to me is why President Obama and
other Democrat leaders have so narrowly focused their attention on the
gender pay gap when the BLS has highlighted so many other egregious
workplace injustices that scream to be righted.
Three Cheers for Tax Scofflaws (They Keep Us Afloat and Limit Government's Reach)
Today is Tax Day, the day by which Americans' tax returns must be
postmarked or electronically submitted in order to avoid the wrath of
the shakedown artists at the Internal Revenue Service. Mind you, that's
not the same as Tax Freedom Day, the day on which Americans as a whole
have earned enough money to pay the year's total tax bill—that's April
21 in 2014, three days later than last year. But the bill due on Tax Day
isn't high enough for some, nor is Tax Freedom Day late enough in the
year. Jonathan Cohn, of The New Republic, thinks the U.S. government
should follow the example of other regimes that demand a bigger take
from people's labors and that "a bigger April 15 bill would mean a
better society."
What Cohn fails to mention is that tax-happy governments tend to drive
tax-averse people to hide in the shadows, concealing vast shares of the
economy from officials, and severely limiting the reach of the state. If
prople like Cohn really want to emulate other country's tax rates,
he'll have to take their off-the-books economies, too—and the limits
they impose on what the state can actually take.
Cohn writes in praise of all the good things he sees in a high tax tab.
That payroll tax taken out of everybody’s check? It’s buying you
Medicare and Social Security, which means a more secure retirement free
of crippling medical bills. Your federal income tax? Its effects are a
lot more diffuse. But chances are pretty good that you’ve already used
some infrastructure today—whether it was a road or railway you took to
work, or maybe the information technology connections you’re using to
read this article. Federal, state, and local taxes helped pay for that.
Is your water and air clean? Are you safe from threats, domestic and
foreign? Then you’re getting something valuable from the Environment
Protection Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the
Department of Defense. Your tax dollars paid for those, too.
He has a tough sales job ahead of him, though. Seventy-six percent of
respondents to our recent Reason-Rupe poll say that private charity does
as well or better than government in getting mileage from their tax
dollars. That means Americans are unlikely to knuckle down and submit to
a bigger bill without protest. That's no small concern when you
consider that the U.S. has traditionally had the highest income tax
compliance rate in the world, and the smallest shadow economy—that is,
people engaging in otherwise legal economic activity, but out of sight
of the tax man and regulators.
But that's changing.
In recent years, the income tax compliance rate in the United States
dipped to 83.1 percent. That's still high, compared to the United
Kingdom at 77.97 percent or Switzerland at 77.7 percent, but the gap is
The U.S. shadow economy has also traditionally been smaller than that of
other countries. But last year, estimates that it had reached $2
trillion and might account for the country avoiding a return to
recession made headlines.
"You normally see underground economies in places like Brazil or in
southern Europe," said Laura Gonzalez, professor of personal finance at
Fordham University. "But with the job situation and the uncertainty in
the economy, it's not all that surprising to have it growing here in the
United States."
Estimates are that underground activity last year totaled as much as $2
trillion, according to a study by Edgar Feige, an economist at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison.
That's double the amount in 2009, according to a study by Friedrich
Schneider, a professor at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria.
The study said the shadow economy amounts to nearly 8 percent of U.S.
gross domestic product.
Why the sudden growth?
Schneider, the shadow economy expert mentioned in that CNBC story quoted
above, remarks, "In almost all studies it has been found out, that the
tax and social security contribution burdens are one of the main causes
for the existence of the shadow economy." He adds, "The bigger the
difference between the total cost of labor in the official economy and
the after-tax earnings (from work), the greater is the incentive to
avoid this difference and to work in the shadow economy."
Which is to say, if you raise taxes, many people stop paying part or all
of them. They hide their efforts, and their income, from the
government. In fact, a lot of countries have much bigger economies than
official figures suggest, since so much of it happens off the books. If
underground activity is equivalent to 8 percent of the U.S. economy, it
might be 15 percent of Sweden's, and 20 percent of Spain's.
So, that larger government take that Cohn likes so much becomes nominal,
since it's only a share of the official portion of the economy. In
fact, once you adjust for the size of the shadow economy, the
government's share in the U.S., at roughly (my estimates) 39 percent, is
nearly identical to the German state's 40 percent.
Cohn and his friends may not like to hear it, but the tax scofflaws who
flee the high taxes he favors have already been credited with keeping
America out of recession, and Spain functioning at all. Let's hear it
for their scofflaw efforts.
Gold bugs weeping and wailing and garnishing their teeth
Whichever route private investors chose to get exposure to the precious
metal, the past three years have not been an easy rise for gold fans.
Both the bullion price and shares in gold mining companies have fallen
significantly. Those who put their faith in a fund manager who
specialises in both have racked up huge paper losses.
There are seven gold funds available to British investors, and on
average they have lost 68pc over the past three years. An investor who
ploughed £10,000 into one of these funds three years ago will today find
that their investment has shrunk to just £3,200.
Those who bought an exchange-traded fund that aims to track the
performance of the gold price have faired slightly better, but have
still posted a hefty loss. The precious metal was trading at around
$1,547 an ounce in April 2011, but today has slumped to just over
$1,300, a 17pc fall.
Gold is viewed as the Marmite of investment. On one side of the coin
gold bugs argue that the precious metal offers the best insurance
against the risk of inflation and other hazards that could potentially
derail global stock markets.
But bears argue that it is impossible to value gold because it pays no income.
Last year investors slashed their gold positions, but since the turn of
the year sentiment seems to have improved. Index fund provider ETF
Securities said gold had been by far its most popular product over the
past two months, with $858m flooding in
Calls grow for money printing in Sweden
Sweden has become the first country in northern Europe to slide into
serious deflation, prompting a blistering attack on the Riksbank’s
monetary policies by the world’s leading deflation expert.
Swedish consumer prices fell 0.4pc in March from a year earlier,
catching the authorities by surprise and leading to calls for immediate
action to avert a Japanese-style trap.
Lars Svensson, the Riksbank’s former deputy governor, said the slide
into deflation had been caused by a “very dramatic tightening of
monetary policy” over the past four years. He called for rates to be
slashed from 0.75pc to -0.25pc to drive down the krona, and advised the
bank to prepare for quantitative easing on a “large scale”.
Prof Svensson said Sweden was at risk of a “liquidity trap” akin to the
1930s, with deflation causing debt burdens to ratchet up in real terms.
Swedish household debt is 170pc of disposable income, among Europe’s
The former Princeton University professor wrote the world’s most widely
cited works on deflation, his advice being sought by the US Federal
Reserve’s Ben Bernanke during the financial crisis.
Sweden’s Riksbank admitted in its latest monetary report that something
unexpected had gone wrong, perhaps due to a worldwide deflationary
impulse. “Low inflation has not been fully explained by normal
correlations between developments in companies’ prices and costs for
some time now. Companies have found it difficult to pass on their cost
increases to consumers. This could, in turn, be because demand has been
weaker than normal,” it said.
The Riksbank has been trying to “lean against the wind” to curb house
price rises and consumer credit, pioneering a new policy that gives
weight to the dangers of asset bubbles. But this is proving easier said
than done without hurting the productive economy, suggesting that it may
be better to use mortgage curbs or other means to rein in property
It is unusual for the Riksbank – the world’s oldest central bank – to be
accused of being too hawkish. Swedish economists have been among the
most avant-garde for a century. John Maynard Keynes borrowed many of his
boldest ideas from the Stockholm School in the 1920s. Sweden largely
avoided the Great Depression because the Riksbank tore up the rule book
and pursued a reflation strategy very early, with great success.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
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18 April, 2014
Defense Dept Confiscating Apache Helicopters From States, National Guard
by Rick Wells
To most even the most casual observer, the advantage that air power
provides in an armed combat situation was undeniably demonstrated in the
“shock and awe” of the attacks by U.S. forces on Baghdad in the opening
nights of the Iraq War. There are countless other examples, but against
that backdrop alone, it is difficult to make a rational argument
denying the value of air supremacy.
That supremacy can take on many forms, depending upon the situation. In a
civil uprising in response to domestic tyranny, the Apache helicopter
makes for a formidable weapon. 192 of them which currently are in
possession of various state governors across America are about to be
transferred to active duty military. That number represents every Apache
which is currently assigned to National Guard units.
They will be taken out of the hands of local elected officials and
placed into those of the increasingly less representative and more
oppressive federal government.
In exchange for the Apaches, 111 of the UH-60 Blackhawk transport
helicopters will be offered as replacements. Not only are the states
left with a less offensively powerful aircraft, they are also seeing
their number significantly reduced.
The justification for the reassignment is financial. The selection
process of what are the best means through which to achieve meaningful
spending cuts needs recalibrating. Perhaps better recognition of the
growing dissent within the ranks of the American public has something to
do with this decision. Could it be that the federal government is
concerned of possible state rebellions?
The Apache is a four-blade, twin-engine attack helicopter with a tail
wheel-type landing gear arrangement, and a tandem cockpit for a two-man
crew. It features a nose-mounted sensor suite for target acquisition and
night vision systems. It is armed with a 30 mm (1.18 in) M230 Chain Gun
carried between the main landing gear, under the aircraft’s forward
fuselage. It has four hard points mounted on stub-wing pylons, typically
carrying a mixture of AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and Hydra 70 rocket
pods. The AH-64 has a large amount of systems redundancy to improve
combat survivability.
That same source describes the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk as a four-bladed, twin-engine, medium-lift utility helicopter.
The question has to be asked, is the problem that is being created by
budget cuts at a time of record spending in other areas merely a false
premise to replace a helicopter that has offensive capabilities with a
lesser number of transport vehicles?
While funding healthcare and welfare for illegal aliens, as well as the
recruiting and resettling of foreigners of every description within our
nation continues to crush our systems under their own burdensome
requirements, our security measures are being curtailed. The situation
is being set for massive civil disorder. Control of an important piece
of equipment for dealing with unrest or offensive action is being taken
from the local level to the federal in this helicopter shell game.
Bunkerville has shown us that there is no shortage of an appetite for
power and control within those at the federal level as well as some
state officials. Expect an escalation of the frequency of acts of
procurement such as this in the lead up to a federal excuse to use them.
The US is an oligarchy, study concludes
A Leftist analysis that gets it right
The US government does not represent the interests of the majority of
the country's citizens, but is instead ruled by those of the rich and
powerful, a new study from Princeton and Northwestern Universities has
The report, entitled Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites,
Interest Groups, and Average Citizens, used extensive policy data
collected from between the years of 1981 and 2002 to empirically
determine the state of the US political system.
After sifting through nearly 1,800 US policies enacted in that period
and comparing them to the expressed preferences of average Americans
(50th percentile of income), affluent Americans (90th percentile) and
large special interests groups, researchers concluded that the United
States is dominated by its economic elite.
The peer-reviewed study, which will be taught at these universities in
September, says: "The central point that emerges from our research is
that economic elites and organised groups representing business
interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy,
while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no
independent influence."
Researchers concluded that US government policies rarely align with the
the preferences of the majority of Americans, but do favour special
interests and lobbying oragnisations: "When a majority of citizens
disagrees with economic elites and/or with organised interests, they
generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built
into the US political system, even when fairly large majorities of
Americans favour policy change, they generally do not get it."
The positions of powerful interest groups are "not substantially
correlated with the preferences of average citizens", but the politics
of average Americans and affluent Americans sometimes does overlap. This
merely a coincidence, the report says, with the the interests of the
average American being served almost exclusively when it also serves
those of the richest 10 per cent.
The theory of "biased pluralism" that the Princeton and Northwestern
researchers believe the US system fits holds that policy outcomes "tend
to tilt towards the wishes of corporations and business and professional
The study comes in the wake of McCutcheon v. Federal Election
Commission, a controversial piece of legislation passed in The Supreme
Court that abolished campaign contribution limits, and record low
approval ratings for the US congress.
86M Full-Time Private-Sector Workers Sustain 148M Benefit Takers
Buried deep on the website of the U.S. Census Bureau is a number every
American citizen, and especially those entrusted with public office,
should know. It is 86,429,000.
That is the number of Americans who in 2012 got up every morning and
went to work — in the private sector — and did it week after week after
These are the people who built America, and these are the people who can
sustain it as a free country. The liberal media have not made them
famous like the polar bear, but they are truly a threatened species.
It is not a rancher with a few hundred head of cattle that is attacking
their habitat, nor an energy company developing a fossil fuel. It is big
government and its primary weapon — an ever-expanding welfare state.
First, let's look at the basic taxonomy of the full-time, year-round American worker.
In 2012, according to the Census Bureau, approximately 103,087,000
people worked full-time, year-round in the United States. "A full-time,
year-round worker is a person who worked 35 or more hours per week (full
time) and 50 or more weeks during the previous calendar year (year
round)," said the Census Bureau. "For school personnel, summer vacation
is counted as weeks worked if they are scheduled to return to their job
in the fall."
Of the 103,087,000 full-time, year-round workers, 16,606,000 worked for
the government. That included 12,597,000 who worked for state and local
government and 4,009,000 who worked for the federal government.
The 86,429,000 Americans who worked full-time, year-round in the private
sector, included 77,392,000 employed as wage and salary workers for
private-sector enterprises and 9,037,000 who worked for themselves.
(There were also approximately 52,000 who worked full-time, year-round
without pay in a family enterprise.)
At first glance, 86,429,000 might seem like a healthy population of
full-time private-sector workers. But then you need to look at what they
are up against.
The Census Bureau also estimates the size of the benefit-receiving population.
This population, too, falls into two broad categories. The first
includes those who receive benefits for public services they performed
or in exchange for payroll taxes they dutifully paid their entire
working lives. Among these, for example, are those receiving veteran's
benefits, those on unemployment and those getting Medicare and Social
The second category includes those who get "means-tested" government
benefits — or welfare. These include, for example, those who get
Medicaid, food stamps, Supplemental Security Income, public housing,
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and Women, Infants Children.
Let's examine this second category first, which the Census Bureau
reports as "anyone residing in a household in which one or more people
received benefits from the program."
In the last quarter of 2011, according to the Census Bureau,
approximately 82,457,000 people lived in households where one or more
people were on Medicaid. 49,073,000 lived in households were someone got
food stamps. 23,228,000 lived in households where one or more got WIC.
20,223,000 lived in households where one or more got SSI. 13,433,000
lived in public or government-subsidized housing.
Of course, it stands to reason that some people lived in households that
received more than one welfare benefit at a time. To account for this,
the Census Bureau published a neat composite statistic: There were
108,592,000 people in the fourth quarter of 2011 who lived in a
household that included people on "one or more means-tested program."
Those 108,592,000 outnumbered the 86,429,000 full-time private-sector
workers who inhabited the United States in 2012 by almost 1.3 to 1.
This brings us to the first category of benefit receivers. There were
49,901,000 people receiving Social Security in the fourth quarter of
2011, and 46,440,000 receiving Medicare. There were also 5,098,000
getting unemployment compensation.
And there were also, 3,178,000 veterans receiving benefits and 34,000 veterans getting educational assistance.
All told, including both the welfare recipients and the non-welfare
beneficiaries, there were 151,014,000 who "received benefits from one or
more programs" in the fourth quarter of 2011. Subtract the 3,212,000
veterans, who served their country in the most profound way possible,
and that leaves 147,802,000 non-veteran benefit takers.
The 147,802,000 non-veteran benefit takers outnumbered the 86,429,000 full-time private sector workers 1.7 to 1.
How much more can the 86,429,000 endure?
As more baby boomers retire, and as Obamacare comes fully online — with
its expanded Medicaid rolls and federally subsidized health insurance
for anyone earning less than 400 percent of the poverty level — the
number of takers will inevitably expand. And the number of full-time
private-sector workers might also contract.
Eventually, there will be too few carrying too many, and America will break.
He is one of the "old" self-reliant Americans that modern feckless America is squashing
First, it must be admitted that legally, Bundy doesn’t have a leg to
stand on. The Bureau of Land Management has been charging him grazing
fees since the early 1990s, which he has refused to pay. Further, BLM
has issued orders limiting the area on which Bundy’s cows can graze and
the number that can graze, and Bundy has ignored those directives. As a
result, BLM has sued Bundy twice in federal court, and won both cases.
In the second, more recent action, Bundy’s defense is that the federal
government doesn’t own the land in question and therefore has no
authority to regulate grazing. That simply isn’t right; the land, like
most of Nevada, is federally owned. Bundy is representing himself, of
necessity: no lawyer could make that argument.
That being the case, why does Bundy deserve our sympathy? To begin with,
his family has been ranching on the acres at issue since the late 19th
century. They and other settlers were induced to come to Nevada in part
by the federal government’s promise that they would be able to graze
their cattle on adjacent government-owned land. For many years they did
so, with no limitations or fees. The Bundy family was ranching in
southern Nevada long before the BLM came into existence.
Over the last two or three decades, the Bureau has squeezed the ranchers
in southern Nevada by limiting the acres on which their cattle can
graze, reducing the number of cattle that can be on federal land, and
charging grazing fees for the ever-diminishing privilege. The effect of
these restrictions has been to drive the ranchers out of business.
Formerly, there were dozens of ranches in the area where Bundy operates.
Now, his ranch is the only one. When Bundy refused to pay grazing fees
beginning in around 1993, he said something to the effect of, they are
supposed to be charging me a fee for managing the land and all they are
doing is trying to manage me out of business. Why should I pay them for
The bedrock issue here is that the federal government owns more than 80%
of the state of Nevada. This is true across the western states. To an
astonishing degree, those states lack sovereignty over their own
territory. Most of the land is federal. And the federal agencies that
rule over federal lands have agendas. At every opportunity, it seems,
they restrict not only what can be done on federal lands, but on
privately-owned property. They are hostile to traditional industries
like logging, mining and ranching, and if you have a puddle in your back
yard, the EPA will try to regulate it as a navigable waterway.
That is only a slight exaggeration.
So let’s have some sympathy for Cliven Bundy and his family. They don’t
have a chance on the law, because under the Endangered Species Act and
many other federal statutes, the agencies are always in the right. And
their way of life is one that, frankly, is on the outs. They don’t
develop apps. They don’t ask for food stamps. It probably has never
occurred to them to bribe a politician. They don’t subsist by virtue of
government subsidies or regulations that hamstring competitors. They
aren’t illegal immigrants. They have never even gone to law school. So
what possible place is there for the Bundys in the Age of Obama?
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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17 April, 2014
Guess What Your Income Tax Would Have Been in 1862
Five percent— in 1862 any American making more than 10,000 dollars a
year handed only five percent of their income over to the government.
Well, times have changed…a lot. The Tax Foundation gathered a list of
statutory tax rates spanning from more than 150 years ago to today.
In 1862 only two brackets existed:
Today, there are seven tax brackets, with the top income earners handing
almost 40 percent of their annual earnings over to the government:
These rates have fluctuated greatly over the years. The first income tax
dates back to 1861, when Congress passed the Revenue Act to help pay
for the expenses of the Civil War. The tax was repealed a decade later"
Media helping the Democrats Avoid the Victims
For a moment, imagine yourself back in 2006, at the height of liberal
aggression about the "imperial hubris" of George W. Bush in the war on
terror. The left's contempt for this man was rampant. Liberals savaged
him for turning the world against this country. Keith Olbermann
announced "the beginning of the end of America."
Now imagine, in that milieu, if during the Bush administration, we'd
witnessed a mass shooting by an Islamist at Fort Hood. Or a terrorist
bombing at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Or a deadly terrorist
attack on a consulate in Libya. Would liberals have granted Bush a pass
for any of these? Or would he and his policies have been blamed?
You know how the press would have played it. The hard-news coverage
would quickly give way to the analysis, and it would be brutal. Words
like "fiasco" and "failure" would have dotted the news landscape.
So why, when these events occurred during the Obama years, has the press
continuously disassociated the events from President Barack Obama --
except for his laudable efforts as the mourner-in-chief, healing the
country from its pain?
In the Bush years, the media celebrated "Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan
confronting Bush about his horrendous war in Iraq, in which she lost her
son Casey. But when Obama and Hillary Clinton ignore the victims or
relatives of the victims from recent attacks, the media stay silent.
It's not like the media elites fail to notice. See a report from with the headline "White House Denies '09 Fort Hood Victim's
Request for Meeting With Obama."
Staff Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford was shot seven times in November 2009 when
radical Islamist Army psychiatrist Nidal Hasan killed 13 people and
wounded 32 more. Obama's Department of Defense continues to refuse to
classify the shooting as terrorism. It's just "workplace violence."
Survivors have been denied Purple Hearts and combat-related benefits
afforded to victims of other terrorist attacks.
"As you may know, the President and high-ranking members of the military
promised me, my family and the other Fort Hood terror attack survivors
that the federal government would 'make them whole.' After more than
four and one-half years, however, the government has yet to make good on
this promise," Lunsford wrote to Obama's chief of staff, Denis
McDonough, a day before Obama's visit to Fort Hood after a second fatal
shooting. "We believe that if the President could hear, first-hand, our
plight and our mistreatment at the hands of his bureaucracy, that he
would take the steps needed to set things right. Therefore, we ask for
ten minutes of his time."
Lunsford didn't get it. Not only that, but ABC, CBS and NBC stayed
silent on this attempt to get Obama to greet reality on Hasan's
terrorism. There's no risk to Obama dismissing these survivors.
Or take Clinton, just honored for bravery for dodging a shoe at one of
her $250,000-plus-expenses speeches in front of scrap-metal recyclers in
Las Vegas. (It was a "ten-strike," boasted analyst Mark Shields on
PBS.) Her next stop was going to be a speech at the annual Western
Health Care Leadership Academy in San Diego on April 11. But she
canceled her visit in the midst of planned protests, where protesters
would have included Pat Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, who died in
Benghazi. Instead, Clinton appeared via satellite. A "scheduling
conflict" was the excuse.
There was no coverage. The networks had no interest in Mrs. Smith or the
other protesters. If you're a journalist, it's incumbent you protest
Bush and the military-industrial complex at every turn. It's also
imperative you bring aid and comfort to Obama and the international
left. It's what they call "news."
Holder's Race Card
Jonah Goldberg
Last week, the president's lap dog blew his dog whistle. In case you
didn't know, in politics a "dog whistle" is coded language that has a
superficial meaning for everybody, but also a special resonance for
certain constituencies. Using dog whistles lets politicians deny they
meant to say anything nasty, bigoted or controversial.
Speaking to the National Action Network the day after a testy but
racially irrelevant exchange with Republican members of a House panel,
Attorney General Eric Holder said, "The last five years have been
defined ... by lasting reforms even in the face of unprecedented,
unwarranted, ugly and divisive adversity." He continued: "If you don't
believe that, you look at the way -- forget about me, forget about me.
You look at the way the attorney general of the United States was
treated yesterday by a House committee. ... What attorney general has
ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? What president has ever
had to deal with that kind of treatment?"
Now, bear in mind the audience. The National Action Network is Al
Sharpton's plaything, often providing the shock troops Sharpton needs
for rent-a-mob protests, shakedown operations and MSNBC photo ops.
Holder didn't say criticism of him and Obama is racially motivated, but
the notion the audience (or the media) would take it any other way
doesn't pass the laugh test.
Holder's hypocrisy is stunning given that he once famously chastised
Americans as being "cowards" for not talking openly about race. Who's
the coward now?
For the record, there's nothing special about the rough time Holder has
received. Forget Harry Daugherty of Teapot Dome fame or John Mitchell,
who went to prison. Ed Meese's critics had "Meese Is a Pig" posters
printed up. Janet Reno and John Ashcroft never got cake and ice cream
from opponents.
The best recent comparison is probably Alberto Gonzales, George W.
Bush's second attorney general, because like Holder, he was a fairly
incompetent partisan loyalist with a thin skin. Gonzales was treated
brutally by Democrats. Some even tried to impeach him. I don't recall
Gonzales insinuating that such efforts were anti-Latino.
Holder has deserved all he's gotten. He earned his contempt of Congress
citation by refusing to provide documents on the disastrous Fast and
Furious operation that left an American dead from a gun the U.S.
government put on the street. If anything, Holder deserves more grief,
particularly from a media that seem to have forgotten his efforts to
surveil journalists' phone records and name Fox News' James Rosen an
unindicted co-conspirator in an espionage case.
Even inside the White House, Holder is considered too political. "Holder
substitutes his political judgment for his legal judgment, and his
political judgment isn't very good," says an unnamed White House
official, according to the Washington Post's David Ignatius.
Holder's remarks come at a convenient time. In a widely discussed New
York Magazine essay, Jonathan Chait argues that race relations have
gotten worse under Obama. Chait believes that liberals have become
obsessed with conservative racism as the real explanation for everything
Republicans do. Meanwhile, he says conservatives have cocooned
themselves in a kind of righteous victimhood, where racism is a relevant
issue only when conservatives are falsely accused of it. (It's a fair
point that conservatives should be more conspicuously concerned about
It is an at times brave and insightful, if not uniformly persuasive,
essay. The Holder episode casts light on one of his arguments. According
to Chait, Obama has steadfastly refused to make race a national issue,
even as the ugly racial conversation has raged. "In almost every
instance when his blackness has come to the center of public events,
however, [Obama] has refused to impute racism to his critics," Chait
That's largely (though not entirely) true about what the president has
said himself. But it is manifestly untrue about what he has allowed to
be said on his behalf. He didn't mind the racial theater congressional
Democrats put on when black congressmen marched through Tea Party
protests to sign Obamacare. One of those congressmen, civil rights hero
John Lewis, gave a stirring speech at the 2012 Democratic Convention and
suggested that a vote for the GOP amounted to "going back" to Jim Crow.
Republican presidents are routinely expected to denounce outrageous
comments by members of their own party, never mind members of their
Cabinet. Not Obama. His feigned aloofness is his exoneration, even as
racial politics get ever more poisonous, thanks in part to his whistling
lap dog.
The market or big business? A crucial choice for the GOP
Jonah Goldberg
For years, Republicans benefited from economic growth. So did pretty
much everyone else, of course. But I have something specific in mind.
Politically, when the economy is booming -- or merely improving at a
satisfactory clip -- the distinction between being pro-business and
pro-market is blurry. The distinction is also fuzzy when the economy is
shrinking or imploding.
But when the economy is simply limping along -- not good, not disastrous
-- like it is now, the line is easier to see. And GOP politicians
typically don't want to admit they see it.
Just to clarify, the difference between being pro-business and
pro-market is categorical. A politician who is a "friend of business" is
exactly that, a guy who does favors for his friends. A politician who
is pro-market is a referee who will refuse to help protect his friends
(or anyone else) from competition unless the competitors have broken the
rules. The friend of business supports industry-specific or even
business-specific loans, grants, tariffs or tax breaks. The pro-market
referee opposes special treatment for anyone.
Politically, the reason the lines get blurry in good times and bad is
that in a boom, the economic pie is growing fast enough that the friend
and his competitor alike can prosper. In bad times, when politicians are
desperate to get the economy going, no one in Washington wants to seem
like an enemy of the "job creators."
But in a time when people bitterly wonder, "Is this as good as it gets?"
Republicans have to decide whether European-level growth means we
should have European-style policies. In Europe, big corporations are
national institutions where big labor unions collect their dues -- with
help from the state.
Democrats, who often look longingly at the way they do things across the
pond, don't have the same dilemma as Republicans. For a century or
more, progressives have believed in public-private partnerships,
industrial policy, "Swopism," corporatism and other forms of picking
winners and losers. The winners always promise to deliver the "jobs of
tomorrow" in return for help from government today. (Solyndra is running
behind on keeping its end of the deal.)
Many Republicans are rhetorically against this sort of thing, but in
practice, they're for it. (Even Ronald Reagan supported trade
protections for Harley-Davidson.) This is especially true at the state
level, where GOP governors are willing to do anything to seduce
businesses their way. Texas is a good example. Gov. Rick Perry has been
heroic in keeping taxes and regulatory burdens low. But he's also helped
his friends -- a lot. Few on the right in Texas care, because Texas has
been doing so much better than the rest of the country.
GOP politicians can't have it both ways anymore. An economic system that
simply doles out favors to established stakeholders becomes less
dynamic and makes job growth less likely. (Most jobs are created by new
businesses.) Politically, the longer we're in a "new normal" of lousy
growth, the more the focus of politics turns to wealth redistribution.
That's bad for the country and just awful politics for Republicans. In
that environment, being the party of less -- less entitlement spending,
less redistribution -- is a losing proposition.
Also, for the first time in years, there's an organized -- or mostly
organized -- grassroots constituency for the market. Historically, the
advantage of the pro-business crowd is that its members pick up the
phone and call when politicians shaft them. The market, meanwhile, was
like a bad Jewish son; it never called and never wrote. Now, there's an
infrastructure of Tea Party-affiliated and other free-market groups
forcing Republicans to stop fudging.
A big test will be on the Export-Import Bank, which is up for
reauthorization this year. A bank in name only, the taxpayer-backed
agency rewards big businesses in the name of maximizing exports that
often don't need the help (hence its nickname, "Boeing's Bank"). In
2008, even then-Sen. Barack Obama said it was "little more than a fund
for corporate welfare." The bank, however, has thrived on Obama's watch.
It's even subsidizing the sale of private jets. Remember when Obama
hated tax breaks for corporate jets?
Friends of the Ex-Im Bank are screaming bloody murder. That's nothing new. What is new is that the free market is on line two.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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16 April, 2014
Samantha Power: 'Targeting' of Muslims in Central African Republic Is 'Heartbreaking'
More amazing Leftist dishonesty. It is Muslims attacking Christians,
not the other way around. Christians must not give Muslims any of
their own back, of course. And note that this sympathy for Muslims is
unmatched by any sympathy for Christians currently undergoing heavy
persecution in the Middle east. I wonder what percentage of Americans
would find attacks on Muslims heartbreaking? My guess: 0%
Samantha Power, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, on Sunday
called the "targeting" of the Muslim population in the Central African
Republic "heartbreaking."
"You both have the devastating, heartbreaking, systematic targeting now
of the Muslim population. You also have retaliatory attacks against
Christians. That is just so painful to see these people suffer, to see
parents who have had their children literally killed before their very
eyes," Power told ABC's "This Week" with George Stephanopoulos.
The United Nations Security Council last week voted unanimously to send
12,000 peacekeepers to the Christian-majority Central African Republic,
where Muslims and Christians are slaughtering each other, and where the
government and its institutions have broken down.
The religious conflict follows last year's coup by Muslim rebels, who
overthrew the ten-year rule of CAR President Francois Bozize.
According to the BBC, the Muslim rebel leader who replaced Bozize -- a
Soviet-educated man named Michel Djotodia -- "was accused of failing to
prevent his forces from raping, torturing and killing civilians,
particularly among the country's Christian majority."
Statistical Frauds and the "war on women"
Thomas Sowell
The "war on women" political slogan is in fact a war against common
sense. It is a statistical fraud when Barack Obama and other politicians
say that women earn only 77 percent of what men earn -- and that this
is because of discrimination.
It would certainly be discrimination if women were doing the same work
as men, for the same number of hours, with the same amount of training
and experience, as well as other things being the same. But study after
study, over the past several decades, has shown repeatedly that those
things are not the same.
Constantly repeating the "77 percent" statistic does not make them the
same. It simply takes advantage of many people's ignorance -- something
that Barack Obama has been very good at doing on many other issues.
What if you compare women and men who are the same on all the relevant characteristics?
First of all, you can seldom do that, because the statistics you would
need are not always available for the whole range of occupations and the
whole range of differences between women's patterns and men's patterns
in the labor market.
Even where relevant statistics are available, careful judgment is
required to pick samples of women and men who are truly comparable.
For example, some women are mothers and some men are fathers. But does
the fact that they are both parents make them comparable in the labor
market? Actually the biggest disparity in incomes is between fathers and
mothers. Nor is there anything mysterious about this, when you stop and
think about it.
How surprising is it that women with children do not earn as much as
women who do not have children? If you don't think children take up a
mother's time, you just haven't raised any children.
How surprising is it that men with children earn more than men without
children, just the opposite of the situation with women? Is it
surprising that a man who has more mouths to feed is more likely to work
longer hours? Or take on harder or more dangerous jobs, in order to
earn more money?
More than 90 percent of the people who are killed on the job are men.
There is no point pretending that there are no differences between what
women do and what men do in the workplace, or that these differences
don't affect income.
During my research on male-female differences for my book "Economic
Facts and Fallacies," I was amazed to learn that young male doctors
earned much higher incomes than young female doctors. But it wasn't so
amazing after I discovered that young male doctors worked over 500 hours
more per year than young female doctors.
Even when women and men work at jobs that have the same title -- whether
doctors, lawyers, economists or whatever -- people do not get paid for
what their job title is, but for what they actually do.
Women lawyers who are pregnant, or who have young children, may have
good reasons to prefer a 9 to 5 job in a government agency to working 60
hours a week in a high-powered law firm. But there is no point
comparing male lawyers as a group with female lawyers as a group, if you
don't look any deeper than job titles.
Unless, of course, you are not looking for the truth, but for political talking points to excite the gullible.
Even when you compare women and men with the "same" education, as
measured by college or university degrees, the women usually specialize
in a very different mix of subjects, with very different income-earning
Although comparing women and men who are in fact comparable is not easy
to do, when you look at women and men who are similar on multiple
factors, the sex differential in pay shrinks drastically and gets close
to the vanishing point. In some categories, women earn more than men
with the same range of characteristics.
If the 77 percent statistic was for real, employers would be paying 30
percent more than they had to, every time they hired a man to do a job
that a woman could do just as well. Would employers be such fools with
their own money? If you think employers don't care about paying 30
percent more than they have to, just go ask your boss for a 30 percent
The Liberals' Latest False Wedge Issue -- the "war on women"
She gave a dramatic eye-roll in reaction to all of the fuss that
Democrats and the president attempted to create over equal pay for women
last week. A Democrat herself, she said she has carved out a decent,
comfortable life for her family over the years as a waitress at a local
"I am in many ways my own boss," she explained. "It is up to me to get
the order right, treat people well, and use my personal skills to
increase my wages."
And she is "sick and tired of my party treating me like a victim. This is not 1970, and it's insulting."
Then she elbowed the waiter standing beside her, who joked that, despite
being younger, he has to work twice as hard to keep up with her
This woman's frustration with Democrats comes from social and
traditional media flooded with tweets, emails and news reports, and from
the president himself, all pushing the message that he will protect
women from evil Republicans who want to keep her gender from its
rightful earning power.
The president, she said, "is trying to create a wedge issue when there
isn't one. Why can't he focus on things people are really concerned
about, like bringing back lost jobs, a tangible thing that has affected
housing, communities, tax bases and schools?"
Last Tuesday, President Obama signed an executive order encouraging
federal contractors to pay men and women the same amount of money for
the same amount of work.
He claimed that women earn 77 cents to every dollar earned by men - a
very broad statement and, in many ways, false, according to a Labor
Department analysis showing that when you factor in job experience,
education and hours worked, the difference in median wages between men
and women shrinks to 5 to 7 cents on the dollar.
White House officials had no problem using that same Labor Department
analysis to explain away their own 88-cent wage gap between female and
male staffers. But they failed to mention it once in all of their press
releases, or in Obama's speech
Leftist Antisemite Incites Murder of Three Jews
Max Blumenthal, like others on the far-Left, jumped on the July 2011
Norwegian massacre of 77 dead and 319 injured to impugn the
counter-jihadi right. His screed, "Anders Behring Breivik, a perfect
product of the Axis of Islamophobia" included this sentence:
The rhetoric of the characters who inspired Breivik, from Pam Geller to
Robert Spencer to Daniel Pipes, was so eliminationist in its nature that
it was perhaps only a matter of time before someone put words into
In other words, we three were to blame for the massacre. A year later,
Blumenthal returned to the same theme, this time focusing on just me:
To his shame, Pipes earned eighteen citations in the manifesto of
Norwegian terrorist Anders Behring Breivik, the self-proclaimed
"counter-jihadist" standing trial for the murder of seventy-seven
people, mostly teenagers. Drawing heavily on sources like Pipes to
justify his actions, Breivik said he carried out the slaughter to punish
Europe for succumbing to "Islamicization" and multiculturalism.
Never mind the fundamental inaccuracies of these statements - that (1)
Geller, Spencer, or I ever engaged in "eliminationist" rhetoric and (2)
ignoring that Breivik cited leftists about as much as rightists and
Muslims as often as counter-jihadis - what's important is that
Blumenthal exploited Breivik's murderous rampage to score cheap points
against fellow American analysts.
In his glee, however, Blumenthal forgot that he too is vulnerable to
such charges, that two can play the game of gotcha. Ron Radosh notes at
PJ Media that Frazier Glenn Miller, 73, accused of killing three people
yesterday at two Jewish venues near Kansas City, wrote the following at, an antisemitic website:
"Jew journalist Max Blumenthal exposes and explains this attempt by a
foreign government Israel, to buy the presidential election for the
neo-con, war-mongering republican establishment."
Daniel Greenfield suggests that Miller referred here to "a Blumenthal
interview on Putin's propaganda channel RT, which he has since defended,
in which he claimed that Netanyahu was targeting Ron Paul and Obama."
Greenfield further finds that "there are 382 results for [Max
Blumenthal] on the Neo-Nazi VNN forum that the Kansas City killer
patronized." Participatnts at Stormfront, the premier American Neo-Nazi
site, often mention Blumenthal approvingly.
Breivik, it is now clear, intentionally sought to discredit
counter-jihadis like me; but Miller gives every appearance of being a
true believer inspired in part by Blumenthal's ravings.
And so, with due consideration, I wrote the headline of this weblog
entry as "Antisemite Max Blumenthal Incited the Murder of Three in
Kansas." Next is for Blumenthal's fellow leftists to denounce him and
shun him. But will they?
Trapped by the State
Over the past half century, federal spending on social programs has
risen like a bubbling cauldron. In 1964, it amounted to less than
one-quarter of the U.S. budget. Today it accounts for about two-thirds.
What effect has the spending trend had on the American psyche?
Independent Institute Senior Fellow Robert Higgs offers a brilliant
analogy to help us grasp the transformation.
A salmon trap, also called a pound net, is simple but ingenious, Higgs
explains in the Spring 2014 issue of The Independent Review. It’s sort
of like a one-way funnel. The deeper a fish swims into the trap, the
harder it is to escape. It has long been banned in U.S. waters, but its
design lives on, figuratively speaking, in various political schemes
that direct people toward dependence on the state.
“As a salmon’s ‘mind’ tells it not to turn back, so the human mind,
especially when bewitched by government propaganda and statist ideology,
tells a typical person not to turn back,” Higgs writes. “Having lost
the capacity for assuming individual responsibility, people are fearful
of taking on such responsibilities as their forebears did routinely.”
N.C. Sheriff on Lack of Immigration Enforcement: ‘Every Sheriff Will be a Border Sheriff’
Rockingham County, North Carolina Sheriff Sam Page said the continued
lack of enforcement of federal immigration law along the U.S. border
with Mexico is bringing the consequences of an unsecured border to law
enforcement agencies inside the United States.
“If we fail to secure our borders, basically, every sheriff in America
will be a border sheriff because we’ll be fighting the issues that come
through those borders,” Page told at an immigration radio
town hall in Washington, D.C. on Thursday.
Page said that while the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is in
charge of preventing illegal entry at the border, the Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) is tasked with enforcing U.S. immigration law
inside the country.
That enforcement, Page said, has been compromised since ICE’s
then-director John Morton issued the first of ongoing prosecutorial
discretion “guidance” from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
that directs agents to concentrate on apprehending illegal aliens that
are considered a threat to public safety.
“If their hands are so tied where they can’t do their job, and it’s not
getting done, then we have failed because we’re not protecting the
American citizens within the interior U.S.,” Page said.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
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15 April, 2014
Social science findings about conservatism
I monitor the academic literature of climate science and medical science
with some care. I have separate blogs for each topic. I no longer
monitor the social science literature with great care, however. When
bits of nonsense from the social science literature come to my
attention, I comment on them here. And such comments are not infrequent
The latest article appears under the same heading that I have used above
and is written by a historian named "Eric Zuesse". Since "Zuesse" means
"Sweet one" in Yiddish, I will refer to him as "Sweetie". Sweetie's
article is
here. It is in an explictly Leftist outlet.
The article is rather long so I will content myself with making a few
specific points and then go on to what is the central downfall of
Sweetie's thinking.
He opens with the accusation that fundamentalist religion makes you
bigoted. One could believe that of Muslims but is it true of Christians?
The evidence Sweetie summarizes in support of his claim is however
entirely correlational. And the first thing you learn in Statistics 101
is that "Correlation is not causation". To believe otherwise is to
commit a logical fallacy. Yet Sweetie boldly asserts: "Religious
belief, in other words, causes bigotry".
In case it is not clear to Leftists why that is stupid, the correlation
could be caused by a third factor. Both religion and bigotry could be
caused by (say) poverty. So religion and bigotry will be correlated but
the causal factor is poverty. Religion itself will have caused nothing.
It's a pity that I have to give lessons in basic logic but where
Leftists are concerned you often have to do that. Fallacies are their
So that disposes of the first three paragraphs of Sweetie's opus. Or am I
being hasty? Can I really write off all those correlations? I will give
a second reason why I can. The correlations will usually be very weak.
Let me give an example that I have commented on
before. There is an article
which presents evidence that religious people are less "reflective'. I
would have thought that religious people reflect all the time but there
you go.
When you look up the research on which the claim is based, however you
find that the correlation between reflection and religion is only .14
even before controls are applied. In other words, the two variables had
only about 1.5% of their variance in common. There was a correlation
there, all right, but it was so negligible to be of no significance or
importance at all. And such low correlations are common in all the
literature Sweetie surveys. Leftist researchers make mountains out of
pimples. Putting it another way, if there were 100 reflective people you
were surveying, you would find that 49 were religious and 51 were not
religious. What sort of basis is that for predicting who will be
So is there any point in my going on from there? Not really but I will anyway.
Sweetie rather likes an article called "Political Conservatism as
Motivated Social Cognition". I have deconstructed that article
so will not say much here. Suffice it to say that the article is rather
a good example of academic fraud. It purports to be a meta-analysis (a
survey of all the research on its subject) but omits to consider around
half of the articles available on its subject. It leaves out all
articles which have conclusions that did not suit the authors of the
"meta-analysis". It is systematically dishonest, in other words. And
that is another problem with Sweetie's article. He takes the research he
summarizes at face value. If there is any fraud or incompetence in it
he does not want to know.
I am honoured, however, that Sweetie does take note of some of my
research reports. Other research that Sweetie likes is the opus by
Robert Altemeyer and I have commented on that. I have particularly noted
that Altemeyer has not the faintest idea of what conservatism is and
that his scale of "Right-wing Authoritarianism" (RWA) does not correlate
with conservatism of vote. It is a scale of "Rightism" on which
Leftists and conservatives are equally likely to get a high score!
Altemayer admitted that in one of his books and I have often retailed
that fact, apparently to Altemeyer's embarrassment.
Sweetie records Altemeyer's attempt to backtrack on his admission.
Altemeyer says he was only being genial in saying that. But there is
more to it than that. Altemeyer was actually confronting the low
correlation problem I have mentioned above. Even among students the
correlation between the RWA scale and vote was tiny. Pretty strange for a
scale that measured something that was allegedly right wing! Sweetie's
heavy reliance on Altemeyer's work is therefore an edifice built on
After Altemeyer's work, Sweetie goes on to wallow in the Social
Dominance Orientation literature initiated by Pratto and Sidanius.
Sweetie knows of
my demolition of that work
but ploughs on regardless -- even though I record a major climbdown by
one of the original authors (Sidanius) in response to my critique.
Sweetie has the eye of faith. He is a good example of the Leftist
tendency to believe what they want to believe and damn the evidence.
But let me now go on to the basic, fatal, underlying flaw in Sweetie's
thinking. He fails to acknowledge what Leftism is. He makes much of the
common Leftist claim that conservatives are "authoritarian", but what
could be more authoritarian than Leftism? The very essence of Leftism is
a wish to change society. But "society" is people. So what the Leftist
wants to do is prevent people from doing things that they ordinarily
would and make them do things they ordinarily would not. And the Leftist
proposes to do that by various forms of coercion. How authoritarian is
that? It could hardly get more authoritarian. The Leftist claim that
conservatives are the authoritarian ones is thus a huge case of Freudian
denial and projection. LEFTISTS are the authoritarian ones but they
themselves just cannot confront that. They cannot admit what they
basically are. Sweetie is a poor thing. He has got about as much
self-insight as a goldfish
There is much more I could say about Sweetie's meanderings but I think I have already said sufficient.
Why Have One Government Program When 10 Can Do the Same Thing? GAO Report Reveals Duplicated Efforts, Wasted Money.
The report below is serious enough but it overlooks the biggest
duplication of all: The way both Feds and the States have departments
that do the same or similar things. Why, for instance, have both federal
and State Depts. of education? Americans may need government for some things but no American needs two governments for anything
In the movie Multiplicity, we learned that a copy of a copy is sometimes
not as sharp as the original. When it comes to government, the original
isn't usually that sharp to begin with. But officials sometimes insist
on duplicating their efforts anyway, according to the Government
Accountability Office (GAO). The result is about as unimpressive as
you'd expect, when federal agencies persist in stepping on each other's
feet at enormous expense to taxpayers.
In the fourth report in a series that has already identified hundreds of
instances of federal agencies providing the same or similar services to
the same or similar beneficiaries, the GAO "presents new areas in which
we found evidence that fragmentation, overlap, or duplication exists
among federal programs or activities."
Why does this matter?
Because, as the GAO points out, "the federal government faces an
unsustainable fiscal path," and getting out of its own way is one of the
easier means of cutting costs.
Among the problems identified in the latest report is the lack of any
consolidated system at the Department of Defense to contract for health
care professionals. "For example, we identified 24 separate task orders
for contracted medical assistants at the same military treatment
facility." Now, multiply that across the entire military establishment.
And the creeping police state around us may be intrusive and
presumptuous—but it sucks at cooperation. The Departments of Justice,
Homeland Security, and the Treasury are independently modernizing their
wireless communications systems. "As a result, their communications
systems, which represent hundreds of millions of dollars in investment,
may not be interoperable and may not enable the most effective response
to natural disasters, criminal activities, and domestic terrorism."
That's hundreds of millions of dollars just on radios that may not talk to each other.
The federal government is equally efficient about monitoring
double-dipping from disability and unemployment benefits. In 2010 alone,
the GAO found more than $850 million in duplicated payments from the
Disability Insurance and Unemployment Insurance programs. In each case,
"the federal government is replacing a portion of lost earnings not
once, but twice."
Even when it comes to targeted programs and specific communities,
government officials can't resist cloning—badly—their efforts. The GAO
found 10 different agencies and offices in the Department of Health and
Human Services offering overlapping programs with regard to HIV and AIDS
among racial and ethnic minorities.
After taking a grand tour of federal government multiplicity, the GAO
recommends 45 actions for cutting costs. Don't get your hopes too high,
though. Of the 380 reforms previously recommended, only 124 have been
fully addressed.
The ObamaCare Enrollment Trifecta
Remember those 30 million uninsured individuals – or was it 50 million?
Democrats were always moving the goal post – who were going to be
rescued by the dues ex machine called the Affordable Care Act? Well, the
curtain's all but closed on the first enrollment period, and numbers
show it's likely that less than 1% of the population actually went from
uninsured to insured through ObamaCare exchanges.
Since the March 31 deadline, Barack Obama has been touting 7.1 million
sign-ups. That claim is astonishing because for weeks after the October
ObamaCare rollout, the White House couldn't pinpoint any exact
enrollment data, until eureka! At 12:01 am on April 1, that 7.1 million
figure was ready, available, and, most important of all, unquestionably
factual. Yes, most definitely factual.
Or, perhaps not.
According to a RAND study released this week, as of March 28, “3.9
million people are now covered through the state and federal marketplace
– the so-called insurance exchanges.” Also, from September 2013 through
March 2014, Medicaid rolls went up by 5.9 million, and 8.2 million
enrolled in employer-sponsored plans. Granted, the RAND study ended
three days before the enrollment period closed, so the 3.9 million
figure undoubtedly grew. But on March 27, one day before the close of
the study, the Obama administration was already claiming more than six
million sign-ups.
Meanwhile, how many millions lost their policies due to ObamaCare? And
how many more lost policies because they could not afford the cost
increases foisted on them by the Unaffordable No-Care Act?
Given Barack Obama's downright abysmal track record for telling the
truth (just remember, if you like your plan, you can keep it), RAND
seems to have more credibility. Further challenging White House claims
of victory, the RAND study found that only 1.4 million of those who
signed up via ObamaCare exchanges were previously uninsured. And then
there is the all-important and unanswered question of how many of those
who signed up actually paid. Insurers say that number is perhaps 80% of
sign-ups, but, conveniently, the White House doesn't have those numbers.
Of course, ObamaCare requires not just that people sign up but also that
the right people sign up: namely, young and healthy individuals who
will largely foot the bill for everyone else.
Another epic failure.
According to a “first look” analysis conducted by Express Scripts, those
who signed up for insurance in January and February through the
ObamaCare exchanges were actually more likely to use specialty
medications to treat conditions such as pain, HIV, and depression. In
fact, while 0.75% of prescriptions in commercial insurance plans were
for specialty medications, the number was 1.1% for ObamaCare exchange
prescriptions, a difference of 47%. As the study notes, “Increased
volume for higher cost specialty drugs can have a significant impact on
the cost burden for both plan sponsors and patients.”
Since ObamaCare prohibits insurance companies from rejecting applicants
based on pre-existing conditions, and since companies adjust their rates
based on covered populations, this means even higher premiums are
looming for everyone.
Of course, it's possible that a stampede of young, healthy individuals
rushed to enroll for coverage in time for the March 31 deadline, and if
this is the case, then the scenario may change. Possible, but unlikely.
Far more likely is that many young, healthy individuals opted out of
enrolling, or at least put it off, thinking they could enroll at any
Wrong again.
Now that the enrollment period has ended, most people won't be able to
buy insurance until the next open enrollment, which begins Nov. 15,
2014. This is true both inside and outside the exchanges. That's right,
the marketplace – which is anything but – is closed.
This would be particularly ironic if the aim of ObamaCare were to get
more people insured, as the claim went. When we understand, however,
that the goal is and always has been full government control of the
individual, then it makes disturbingly perfect sense.
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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14 April, 2014
Why The Feds Chickened Out On A Nevada Ranch
Let me obliterate a bit of confusion here: the Obama administration
attempted to go to war with a rancher in Nevada. Let me amplify a little
bit of truth: They tucked tail and have returned home. And let me add a
bit of clarity: they had no choice!
As the nation began to become familiar with the plight of the family of
Cliven Bundy, many of us harkened back to another standoff in which the
Federal government attempted to bully it's outcome: Waco, Texas and the
Branch Davidian massacre.
It is telling that in the Nevada case the feds pulled out so quickly,
given all they had indicated they were willing to do to resolve the
matter to their satisfaction. They had set up a perimeter around the
Bundy's family land, ranch, and home. They had brought in extra
artillery, dogs, and snipers. They were beginning the process of
stealing more than 300 head of cattle that did not belong to them.
They did so--or so we were told--for the reason of protecting the desert
tortoise. But then it was revealed that the Bureau of Land Management
had shot far more desert tortoises than the Bundy cattle had even
possibly destroyed. We were told they did it because the Bundys had
broken federal laws by not paying what amounted to retroactive grazing
fees to the federal government. But the Governor of the state of Nevada
told us that Bundy had paid every ounce of state tax, met the state
requirements, and their family had been improving the property more than
100 years previous.
Finally we were allowed to know the connection between a communist
Chinese wind/solar power plant and its connection to that senator named
Harry Reid. Evidently a plan had been hatched to use the Bundy property
for a solar farm and instead of paying the Bundys, someone, somewhere in
the administration believed it was easier to just take what they
That approach is at least consistent with the readily documented abuse
of imminent domain where the government for any number of reasons--few
of them valid--have taken to taking what doesn't belong to them.
Americans then watch as it gets handed over to some multi-national
corporation for the "cause" of the "greater good."
There were a few specific reasons why the feds chickened out in the Nevada desert though.
1. Technology - As the Bundy family members were abused, cameras
captured it. Not television network cameras, but dozens of cell phone
video devices that gave witness to a Bundy aunt being shoved to the
ground, and a Bundy son being tazed. All of this while threatening
protestors with dogs, brandished weapons and vehicles was captured,
uploaded and made viral to the watching world.
2. States' Rights - As the drama unfolded it became clear that the
Governor of Nevada, and the Sheriff of Clark County knew that Cliven
Bundy's family had not only not broken any state law regarding the land,
but that they had gone to the enth degree to insure compliance with
Nevada laws on the property. The Governor and the Sheriff, to their
credit, did not favor the feds as a more powerful party in the conflict.
Though there must have been pressure from Senator Reid's office, the
administration via the Bureau of Land Management, and local officials
who were bought and sold like the Clark County Commissioner who told
those coming to support the Bundys to have "funeral plans in place."
3. Grassroots Response - As other incidents have transpired in the past,
the amount of time it took honest information to reach the grassroots
and thus the response to the action came to slow. In the massacre in
Waco, most of the nation had been sold a single narrative from the
limited media outlets covering the events. Similarly the events
surrounding the abduction of Elian Gonzales from his family in Florida
and deportation to Cuba took place in such a response vacuum that by the
time Americans knew the real story, the damage was done. With the Bundy
ranch, internet outlets by the dozen had competing information with the
limited "official news" being released by the networks, and in most
cases the alternative sources had it correct and usually a full day or
so ahead of the news cycle. By the time afternoon drive hit, when the
network news rooms in New York were preparing their first stories, talk
radio audiences had already been dialing their elected officials in
Washington demanding action.
The majority of Americans saw through the efforts to spin the story in
Nevada. Couple that with the leadership failures that the American
people view the administration responsible for, from Benghazi to the
Affordable Care Act, all it took was the unedited video of federal
agents tazing Bundy's son, followed by his pulling the wires from his
chest and continuing to stand his ground for there to be comparisons
made to the American revolution.
It's also important to note that merely pulling back from the Bundy
property hasn't settled the matter for the American people either.
The feds have stolen 352 head of cattle, and will not confirm or deny if
they euthanized some or all of them. Recompense must be made. And to be
candid, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see if a few ambitious law
firms don't try to convince the Bundy family of the validity of
Fortunately for the American people, the feds were not able to
ultimately bully a simple rancher, not for a tortoise, a solar power
plant, or a dirty Senator and his administration.
We owe the Bundy family a great deal of thanks for standing tall.
For if the federal government is allowed to do it with one, then there will be nothing stopping them from doing it again.
The “Assault Weapon” Rebellion
The triumph of Cliven Bundy might encourage this rebellion too
In the April issue of Townhall Magazine, Bearing Arms editor Bob Owens
asks what would happen if a liberal government passed a new gun law but
nobody obeyed it?
Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) signed what the Hartford Courant
called “the toughest assault weapons legislation in the nation” last
year. It required owners of semi-automatic firearms to register all
firearms designated as “assault weapons” with the state government,
along with any “high capacity” magazines they may own, by December 31,
The Malloy regime expected Connecticut residents to register somewhere
between 372,000-400,000 firearms, and roughly 2 million firearm
magazines that held more than 10 rounds before January 1.
What they got instead was defiance.
Just 50,000 of the estimated 372,000 so-called “assault weapons” in the
state were registered by the deadline, or less than 15 percent. That’s
still far better than the anemic 38,000 “high capacity” magazines that
were reported to authorities, out of 2 million.
Why is compliance so low? We can’t know for sure. After all, the owners
of these firearms and magazines refused to register, so we can’t easily
interview them. But the theory we’ve heard bandied about most frequently
is that the owners of these firearms felt that registration was a
forerunner of confiscation, and that they would rather become felons
under the eyes of a vengeful state than become disarmed subjects.
The development has left the government stunned and unsure of how to
respond, and has driven the editors of the anti-gun Courant into a
sputtering rage.
The newspaper released an unsigned editorial on Valentine’s Day titled
“State Can’t Let Gun Scofflaws Off Hook,” and argued that the state
should use the background check database to hunt down non-compliant
owners, presumably targeting them for police raids and arrests.
We can only assume that the Courant’s newsroom staff skipped American
history in school, or they would know what happened the last time a
group of government forces attempted a series of dramatic gun control
raids in a neighboring state. As I recall, that day, April 19, 1775,
went rather poorly for the British Regulars under Lt. Col. Smith.
Malloy’s staff seems to grasp their terrible predicament a bit better
than the hotheads of the Courant. Sending 1,120 Connecticut State
Troopers on SWAT-style raids against more than 80,000 suspect “assault
weapon” owners could not possibly end well.
To date, Malloy and his allies in the legislature who rammed through
these strict gun control laws largely remain silent on the fact that the
citizenry has simply ignored them. What else can they do?
The government of Connecticut can’t threaten the citizenry with criminal
charges. They’ve already willingly decided to become felons en masse.
The government can’t threaten the citizenry with force. They’re both
grossly outnumbered and outgunned. The government can’t offer an
amnesty. It would only reinforce how little power the government has
over a rebellious citizenry.
The only realistic option is for the government of Connecticut to
pretend that their assault weapon ban never existed. To admit it exists,
and that they can do nothing to enforce it, would reveal that the
emperor and his court have no clothes.
A nearly identical problem is brewing next door in the much larger, more
populous state of New York, thanks to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s
hastily-passed NY SAFE Act. That law demands that New Yorkers register
their semi-automatic “assault rifles” with the government by April 15.
While Connecticut is thought to have something less than 400,000
firearms classified as “assault weapons” under their law, New York is
thought to have as many as 1 million firearms meeting New York’s revised
Cuomo faces an even bigger registration problem in New York than Malloy
did in Connecticut because many of New York’s sheriffs are in near open
revolt against the SAFE Act, and have stated publicly that they will not
enforce it. While they have been less publicly vocal, New York State
Troopers have quietly indicated that they, too, will do as little as
possible to enforce the law.
New York Assemblyman Bill Nojay, a Republican from suburban Rochester,
summed up Cuomo’s problem succinctly. “If you don’t have the troopers
and you don’t have the sheriffs, who have you got? You’ve got Andrew
Cuomo pounding on the table in Albany.”
As a result of the common revolt by New York gun owners and law
enforcement against the SAFE Act, it is quite likely that the law’s
April 15 deadline will reveal an even more spectacular refusal of
citizens to register their arms, well exceeding 90 percent.
What will Cuomo do then? He has the option of following Malloy’s lead and just remaining silent.
Unfortunately for Cuomo, he’s never shown that ability.
An evil old man
A few weeks back, I highlighted Harry Reid's creepy obsession with the
Koch brothers, billionaire businessmen who've donated generously to a
number of right-leaning organizations (not to mention cancer hospitals,
arts centers, and institutions of higher learning). In an unsparing
headline, I referred to Reid as an incoherent, muttering old man.
Allahpundit kicks it up a notch with his headline: "Mentally ill man
can't stop talking about the monsters under his bed."
Labeling Reid a deranged person may seem like a low blow -- until, that
is, you watch this clip assembled by the Washington Free Beacon. You'll
be tempted to stop watching after about ten seconds, assuming you've got
the drift of it. Don't. You really need the full experience. Take it
away, gramps:
That's your Senate Majority Leader, America. Nowhere in any of those
speeches did Reid mention his own multi-bilionaire political sugar
daddy, Tom Steyer, who's pledged $100 million help elect Democrats.
Nope, only conservatives try to "buy our democracy," or something.
Meanwhile, Reid and his deep-pocketed liberal super PAC are being raked
over the coals by fact-checkers for a series of lie-filled ads running
against Republicans. Left-leaning Politifact rates an attack on
vulnerable Sen. Mark Pryor's opponent "false," while the Washington Post
awards Four Pinocchios to a separate spot running to help Sen, Mary
Landrieu in Louisiana:
"This is the third time in a month that the Fact Checker has given Four
Pinocchios to an ad sponsored by Senate Majority PAC. That’s a pretty
dreadful track record, and does little for the organization’s
credibility more than six months before the midterm elections."
Indeed. One fun fact noted by WaPo: Senate Majority PAC has been heavily
funded by..."out of state billionaires." National Journal's Ron
Fournier is disgusted with Reid, and says that the media should be
ashamed of themselves if they let the Nevada Senator get away with his
string of lies:
Leftist hypocrisy in Texas
Truth is optional for the Left. There is a hole in Wendy Davis's head where integrity should be. She is a "whited sepulchre"
Davis is also a miracle of plastic surgery
On National Equal Pay Day, Texas State Senator Wendy Davis’s Twitter
account posted this tweet exposing the gender pay gap in her
conservative opponent Attorney General Greg Abbott’s office:
Missing from that tweet were statistics that reveal Davis paid her own
male staffers significantly more than women for years. The Daily Caller
has the exposé:
According to documents obtained in an open records request, in 44 out of
the 58 months between Jan. 2009, when Davis took office, and Oct. 2013,
the highest earner in Davis’ Senate office was a man.
All told, male staffers employed by Davis earned just over $300,000 more
than female staffers. Salaries paid to men totaled $1,143,357 while
women were paid $837,481 in aggregate, salary records show.
This is just Davis’s latest bout of hypocrisy. In January, The Dallas
Morning News wrote that Davis had exaggerated her rags to riches story.
While campaigning that she overcame hardship living as a divorced
teenage mom in a trailer home, Davis failed to admit this was only for a
few months before moving into an apartment with her daughter. Her
boyfriend then paid for her last two years at Texas Christian
University. I don’t hear feminists bragging about these little details.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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here (Personal)
13 April, 2014
Wonderful! The little people can defeat FedGoons
This man had the guts to stand up against an ever-increasing
bureaucracy. How would you feel if FedGov arbitrarily "reclassified"
YOUR land so you could not use it any more?
A Nevada cattle rancher appears to have won his week-long battle with
the federal government over a controversial cattle roundup that had led
to the arrest of several protesters.
Cliven Bundy went head to head with the Bureau of Land Management over
the removal of hundreds of his cattle from federal land, where the
government said they were grazing illegally.
Bundy claims his herd of roughly 900 cattle have grazed on the land
along the riverbed near Bunkerville, 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas,
since 1870 and threatened a "range war" against the BLM on the Bundy
Ranch website after one of his sons was arrested while protesting the
removal of the cattle.
"I have no contract with the United States government," Bundy said. "I
was paying grazing fees for management and that's what BLM was supposed
to be, land managers and they were managing my ranch out of business, so
I refused to pay."
The federal government had countered that Bundy "owes the American
people in excess of $1 million " in unpaid grazing fees and "refuses to
abide by the law of land, despite many opportunities over the last 20
years to do so."
However, Saturday the BLM said it would not enforce a court order to remove the cattle and was pulling out of the area.
"Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in
consultation with law enforcement, we have made a decision to conclude
the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of
employees and members of the public," BLM Director Neil Kornze said.
"We ask that all parties in the area remain peaceful and law-abiding as
the Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service work to end the
operation in an orderly manner," he said.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports the BLM will also release 100 of
the seized cattle. The BLM did not immediately return calls to The
Associated Press.
Also on Saturday, the Nevada Highway Patrol shut down southbound
Interstate 15 so that law enforcement could respond to protesters who
were gathering along the highway and clogging traffic in their attempt
to free the cattle, the newspaper reported.
U.S. Senator Dean Heller (R-Nev.) issued a statement Saturday urging
protesters and militia groups to return to their homes and allow BLM
officials to gather their equipment and leave.
"We are very close to a calm, peaceful resolution but it only takes the
action of one individual to stir things up again and bring us back to
the brink of violence and no one wants to see that happen," Heller said
in the statement. "I want to offer my deepest thanks to all those who
are urging calm and diligently working to avoid any sort of violent
confrontation at the conclusion of this episode. Again, please return
home and allow the federal officers to collect their equipment and
depart in peace."
The roundup began April 5, following lengthy court proceedings dating
back to 1993, federal officials said. Federal officers began impounding
the first lot of cows last weekend, and Bundy responded by inviting
supporters onto his land to protest the action.
"It's not about cows, it's about freedom," Utah resident Yonna Winget told ABC News affiliate KTNV in Las Vegas.
"People are getting tired of the federal government having unlimited power," Bundy's wife, Carol Bundy told ABC News.
By Sunday, April 6, one of Bundy's sons, Dave Bundy, was taken into
custody for refusing to disperse and resisting arrest, while hundreds of
other protesters, some venturing from interstate, gathered along the
road few miles from Bundy's property in solidarity. Dave Bundy was later
A spokesman for the Bundy encampment told ABC News roughly 300
protesters had assembled for the protest, while a BLM representative
estimated there were around 100 people.
"We want a peaceful protest, but we also want our voices heard," said Cliven Bundy's sister, Chrisie Marshall Bundy.
But clashes between demonstrators and authorities took a violent turn on
Wednesday, with cell phone video showing some being tasered at the
site, including Bundy's son, Ammon Bundy. Two other protesters were
detained, cited and later released on Thursday, according to the BLM.
As the movement grew by the day, and demonstrators rallied together,
bonding by campfires at night, local protest leaders warned people not
to wear camouflage and keep their weapons inside their vehicles.
Both sides said the issue is one of fairness, with the federal
government maintaining that thousands of other cattle ranchers are
abiding by the law by paying their annual grazing fees, while Bundy's
family and supporters say the government's actions are threatening
ranchers' freedoms.
"It's about the freedom of America," said another of Bundy's sisters, Margaret Houston. "We have to stand up and fight."
Corrupt Senator Harry Reid is behind the Bundy ranch land grab. The Bundy ranch is wanted for a solar power installation
Hispanic immigration and Fascism
Ann Coulter
seems to be just about the only prominent conservative voice speaking
up loudly and unapologetically against amnesty for America's 11 million
Hispanic illegals.
And most libertarians have long been scathing about opposition to illegal immigration.
For example:
Let it be noted that Jeb Bush deserves kudos for making sense on the
immigration issue. When he describes coming to the United States
illegally in order to find opportunity as "an act of love, it's an act
of commitment to your family," he displays more compassion and decency
than any of the fence-building border warriors possess in their
shriveled, nativist souls.
So I would like all libertarians to answer me this question:
"Why are you happy to import into the USA millions of Fascists who are
ready to vote for Fascist laws and candidates?" That Latin Americans are
in general Fascist in their inclinations you can see just by looking at
the governments that already govern them. And the Democratic party has
plenty of Fascist legislation ready to go if they can get support for
it. Federal Republicans already do little else but knock back
destructive Fascist legislation from Democrats.
I don't think I have a "shrivelled" soul but I am certain that I have an
anti-Fascist soul. Do libertarians have self-hating souls? It sure
looks that way to me
Yes. I know where the trouble lies. It lies in the doctrinaire
libertarian belief that liberty will solve everything. What that
overlooks is that you don't get liberty just by asking for it. You have
to preserve and extend it by all means possible. And an important part
of that is not letting Fascists get control of your life. When the
Brownshirts come knocking on your door, you are going to feel great that
you made a pure-souled case for liberty, right?
And in case anybody is childish enough to accuse me of being racist, the
authoritarian inclinations of Hispanics could just as easily be
attributed to culture as race. The Catholic church could be seen as
having a large part in that. Even South America's great "liberator",
Simon Bolivar,
was thoroughly Fascist
once he had wrenched control from the feeble hands of the Spanish
monarchy. Bolívar proclaimed himself dictator on 27 August 1828 and the
dictatorships have flowed thick and fast ever since. There is a
semblance of democracy in most of Latin America at the moment but
corruption remains their basic form of government. Does the USA need
any more of that?
Once again: With Hispanics you are not talking about just a few families. You are talking about a major voting bloc.
Undocumented Unworkers Pouring Across Rio Grande
All this Obama as Deporter-in-Chief talk doesn't seem to impress actual
illegal aliens, who are becoming more blatant about border-crossing.
From the NYT:
Lured by Hope of U.S. Asylum, Migrants Strain Border Security [3]
HIDALGO, Tex. — Border Patrol agents in olive uniforms stood in broad
daylight on the banks of the Rio Grande, while on the Mexican side
smugglers pulled up in vans and unloaded illegal migrants.
The agents were clearly visible on that recent afternoon, but the
migrants were undeterred. Mainly women and children, 45 in all, they
crossed the narrow river on the smugglers’ rafts, scrambled up the bluff
and turned themselves in, signaling a growing challenge for the
immigration authorities.
I know you are supposed to notice differences between men and women and
children, and just call them all Undocumented Workers, but when the
illegal aliens were mostly men decades ago, they didn't reproduce anchor
babies as much. Women illegal aliens are anchor baby generating
machines. And then there are their already-born kids who are tax sinks.
After six years of steep declines across the Southwest, illegal
crossings have soared in South Texas while remaining low elsewhere. The
Border Patrol made more than 90,700 apprehensions in the Rio Grande
Valley in the past six months, a 69 percent increase over last year.
The migrants are no longer primarily Mexican laborers. Instead they are
Central Americans, including many families with small children and
youngsters without their parents, who risk a danger-filled journey
across Mexico. Driven out by deepening poverty
Is there evidence that poverty is deepening in Central America? Are they fleeing hunger?
Mexico, Venezuela, Guatemala Among 10 Fattest Countries
increasing numbers of migrants caught here seek asylum, setting off lengthy legal procedures to determine whether they qualify
The new migrant flow, largely from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras,
is straining resources and confounding Obama administration security
strategies that work effectively in other regions. It is further
complicating President Obama’s uphill push on immigration, fueling
Republican arguments for more border security before any overhaul.
With detention facilities, asylum offices and immigration courts
overwhelmed, enough migrants have been released temporarily in the
United States that back home in Central America people have heard that
those who make it to American soil have a good chance of staying.
“Word has gotten out that we’re giving people permission and walking
them out the door,” said Chris Cabrera, a Border Patrol agent who is
vice president of the local of the National Border Patrol Council, the
agents’ union. “So they’re coming across in droves.”
In Mexican border cities like Reynosa, just across the river, migrants
have become easy prey for Mexican drug cartels that have seized control
of the human smuggling business, heightening perils for illegal crossers
and security risks for the United States.
At the Rio Grande that afternoon, the smugglers calculatedly sent the
migrants across at a point where the water is too shallow for Border
Patrol boats that might have turned them back safely at the midriver
boundary between the United States and Mexico.
A Border Patrol chief, Raul Ortiz, watched in frustration from a
helicopter overhead. “Somebody probably told them they’re going to get
released,” he said.
As agents booked them, the migrants waited quietly: a Guatemalan mother
carrying a toddler with a baby bottle, another with an infant wrapped in
Undocumented workers each! Soon they'll be productive members of the work force.
A 9-year-old girl said she was traveling by herself, hoping to rejoin
her mother and two brothers in Louisiana. But she did not know where in
Louisiana they were. After a two-week journey from Honduras, her only
connection to them was one telephone number on a scrap of paper.
A Honduran woman said the group had followed the instructions of the
Mexican smugglers. “They just told us to cross and start walking,” she
But whereas Mexicans can be swiftly returned by the Border Patrol,
migrants from noncontiguous countries must be formally deported and
flown home by other agencies. Even though federal flights are leaving
South Texas every day, Central Americans are often detained longer.
Women with children are detained separately. But because the nearest
facility for “family units” is in Pennsylvania, families apprehended in
the Rio Grande Valley are likely to be released while their cases
proceed, a senior deportations official said.
Minors without parents are turned over to the Department of Health and
Human Services, which holds them in shelters that provide medical care
and schooling and tries to send them to relatives in the United States.
The authorities here are expecting 35,000 unaccompanied minors this
year, triple the number two years ago.
IRS Employees Don't Just Target Political Enemies, They Also Support Friends, Says Federal Watchdog
We already know that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has a long
history of wielding its awesome clout against political opponents of
sitting presidents, powerful members of Congress, and the tax collectors
themselves, but who are IRS employees for? Well, President Obama seems
to tickle their fancy. According to the U.S. Office of Special Counsel,
which enforces the Hatch Act limiting political activity by federal
employees, IRS employees are "alleged to have engaged in partisan
political activity on duty and in the federal workplace."
Under federal law, IRS employees, like most federal workers, are
considered "less restricted employees" who still must mind their actions
lest they be be seen as using the taxpayers' money and resources to
influence who gets to rule over those taxpayers. According to the list
of no-nos, such federal workers "May not engage in political
activity—i.e., activity directed at the success or failure of a
political party, candidate for partisan political office, or partisan
political group— while the employee is on duty, in any federal room or
building, while wearing a uniform or official insignia, or using any
federally owned or leased vehicle."
Nevertheless, in a press release dated April 9, the Office of Special
Counsel reports that not just individual IRS employees but whole offices
are openly rooting for the incumbent president of the United States.
OSC received allegations that employees working in the IRS Taxpayer
Assistance Center in Dallas, Texas, violated the Hatch Act by wearing
pro-Obama political stickers, buttons, and clothing to work and
displaying pro-Obama screensavers on their IRS computers. It could not
be determined whether these materials were displayed prior to the
November 2012 election or only afterwards. However, since the
information OSC received alleged that these items were commonplace
throughout the office, OSC issued cautionary guidance to all IRS
employees in the Dallas Taxpayer Assistance Center that they cannot wear
or display any items advocating for or against a political party,
partisan political group, or partisan candidate in the workplace.
Other IRS employees face discipline for advising taxpayers to vote for President Obama during the course of their duties.
This raises certain concerns given the tax agency's acknowledged ability
to peer into and disrupt the lives of individual taxpayers and
organizations. Just yesterday, the House Ways and Means Committee voted
to refer former IRS official Lois Lerner to the Justice Department over
allegations that she led the targeting of conservative political
Long before the current scandal, presidents of both parties—including
Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Richard M. Nixon—used the IRS as a
bludgeon against political enemies. "My father," Elliott Roosevelt said
of FDR, "may have been the originator of the concept of employing the
IRS as a weapon of political retribution."
Further evidence of politicized tax collectors with distinct partisan
preferences does the IRS no favors—and should scare the hell out of
White House Says Wage Gender Gap Stats Are Misleading...When Applied to the White House
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney doesn't like when you apply the
same logic governing wages in private businesses to his employer's own
payroll. As President Obama prepares to sign an executive order
addressing the gender gap in federal contractors' wages, critics have
pointed out that female White House staffers make an average of 88 cents
for every dollar male staffers earn.
Carney protested that this was misleading, because women and men holding
similar positions at the White House are paid equivalent salaries.
Because women outnumber men at the lowest levels of the employee chain,
however, the average female salary at the White House is lower.
Carney is right: It is misleading to average the salaries of men and
women in widely varying positions and then use this as evidence that
women are being discriminated against. That women disproportionately
make up lower-paid positions may point to some broad, systematic gender
bias, past or present, but it doesn't equal outright sexist behavior on
an employer's part.
It's good that Carney acknowledges this as far as the White House is
concerned, because the Obama administration and many others are quick to
gloss over nuance like this when talking about the wage gap in general.
We frequently hear that American women make only 77 cents for every
dollar men make, but this is based on data that fail to account for
women's work histories and life choices. It aggregates the earnings of
women in all positions and compares this average against the earnings of
all men.
Equal Pay' Fails in Senate
Senate Republicans successfully blocked so-called “equal pay”
legislation that's a key part of Democrats' election strategy of class
and sex warfare. Democrats claim that women are paid less than men (they
may be at the White House, anyway), but as we wrote Wednesday, that's
largely a bogus claim. Naturally, the facts don't stop Democrats from
pushing for a federal “solution” to the “problem.”
Along with their proposed minimum wage hike, Democrats' policies will
only slow economic growth further for everyone. As Minority Leader Mitch
McConnell said, “[W]hen it comes to American women over all, what we've
seen over the past five and a half years is less income and more
poverty. That's the story Senate Democrats don't want to talk about.”
Bad Brew in Florida
Legislators in Florida have identified a serious problem in their state:
Microbreweries who sell directly to customers. Craft beer makers are
understandably outraged at the idea that they should have to first sell
their beer to a distributor and then buy it back before selling to
customers. But new Republican-sponsored legislation does just that. The
beer doesn't even have to leave the brewer's premises; just process the
paperwork and pay the middlemen.
Obviously it's nothing but a payoff for distributors. Evidently “Big
Beer” is sour-faced about the competition they're facing from smaller
(and better in our humble opinion) brewers and lobbied for the
ridiculous law. That's what happens with cronyism – both sides become
drunk on power.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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11 April, 2014
Several Cities Looking at Banning People From Living in Their Cars
That some people HAVE to live in their cars shows the failure of big
government in America generally and particularly under the Obama
administration. A large part of America's great wealth is sucked up by
government and spent on vast bureaucracies
In one of the most liberal states in the country and one of the richest
counties there, many of their poor population are facing troubles. Palo
Alto, one of the richest areas in California, which is part of Silicon
Valley, is looking at punishing the homeless who are forced to live in
their cars.
An ordinance passed by Palo Alto last year would punish people who are
cited for living in a vehicle with as much as a $1,000 fine or 6 months
in jail. Right now the city has delayed the enforcement of this
ordinance because of a challenge to a similar ban in Los Angeles.
Right now the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is considering a
challenge to a very similar law they currently have in Los Angeles. A
decision is expected within a few months and this could then affect laws
in nearby San Jose and Santa Clara. There are at least 70 cities across
America with these types of laws, targeting those who live in their
It seems that all the rich people in Palo Alto became scared of the
people who were living in their cars and washing in the local community
center. They began to call in the authorities to rid them of this
How is it that anyone can tell people where they can live? And what good
does it do to put anyone in jail for doing what might be absolutely
necessary for their survival? And let’s talk about another silly idea,
fining people who are homeless. If they had the money to pay a fine,
wouldn’t you think they would probably use it to pay rent in a home or
This just doesn’t seem like the most effective way to help those impoverished citizens.
Brainwashed black lady
"I've Been Rejected by 96 Doctors So Far"
So writes Danielle Kimberly in Ebony, as she discovers for herself what
conservatives meant when we repeatedly warned that obtaining health
coverage is not the same thing as securing healthcare:
“I’m sorry, we are no longer accepting that kind of insurance. I
apologize for the confusion; Dr. [insert name] is only willing to see
existing patients at this time.” As a proud new beneficiary of the
Affordable Health Care Act, I’d like to report that I am doctorless.
Ninety-six. Ninety-six is the number of soul crushing rejections that
greeted me as I attempted to find one. It’s the number of physicians
whose secretaries feigned empathy while rehearsing the “I’m so sorry”
line before curtly hanging up. You see, when the rush of the formerly
uninsured came knocking, doctors in my New Jersey town began closing
their doors and promptly telling insurance companies that they had no
room for new patients. My shiny, never used Horizon health card is as
effective as a dollar bill during the Great Depression. In fact, an
expert tells CNN, “I think of (Obamacare) as giving everyone an ATM card
in a town where there are no ATM machines.”
If you assumed the author of this piece surely learned a valuable
political lesson from her experience, you'd be mistaken. She goes on to
gush about how "grateful" she is for the "tremendous strides" President
Obama has made on healthcare, praising the government's "valiant
attempts" to address this problem, and implicitly placing most of the
blame for her plight on greedy doctors (I wonder where she got that
The New Inquisition
Victor Davis Hanson
What if you believed that the planet might not have warmed up the last
two decades, even though carbon emissions reached all-time highs?
Or, if the earth did heat up, you thought that it was not caused by human activity?
Or, if global warming were the fault of mankind, you trusted that the slight increases would not make all that much difference?
The Los Angeles Times would not print your letter to the editor to that effect.
The CEO of Apple Inc. might advise that you should "get out of this stock."
Or maybe if you were a skeptical climatologist, you would cease all
research and concede that man-caused global warming needed no further
scientific cross-examination -- as columnist Bill McKibben recently
If you were a drought-stricken California farmer and worried about
diversions of irrigation water to support fish populations, you would be
told by the president of the United States that the real problem is not
a failure to build reservoirs and canals, but is due entirely to global
warming, which is a "fact" and "settled science."
What if you supported equality for all Americans regardless of their
sexual preference, but -- like presidential candidate Barack Obama in
2008 and about half the country today -- opposed making gay marriage
If you were the CEO of Mozilla, Brendan Eich, you would be forced to resign your position.
If you owned a fast-food franchise like Chick-fil-A, boycotts of your business would ensue.
If you were a star of "Duck Dynasty," your show would be threatened with suspension or cancellation.
What if you thought that foreign nationals who broke the law to enter
and reside in the U.S. were aliens residing here illegally?
Three or four years ago, you would have been advised to use only the
politically correct term "illegal immigrant" -- even though not all
arrivals crossed the border to live permanently in the U.S. The more
legally precise noun "alien" was no longer allowable.
Then, about a year ago, you would have been further advised that the adjective "illegal" was suddenly also no longer acceptable.
Yet all the while, entering and residing inside the U.S. without legal
permission stayed a federal crime -- just as it is in every other nation
in the world.
What if you thought that supporters of both the Israelis and Palestinians would wish to air their positions on college campuses?
If you were the Israeli ambassador, you would be shouted down at University of California, Irvine.
If you were a Jewish student organization asking to ensure free speech
at the University of Michigan, you would probably be cursed at with
racial epithets, as happened recently.
If you were a faculty member organizing a scholarly trip to Israel, you would be harassed at Vassar College.
What if you were a professor at Oberlin College or the University of
California, Santa Barbara, who wished to teach literature that sometimes
dealt with class, race, gender and sex?
If the ensuing class discussions did not meet left-wing dogma, you might
soon be asked by student groups to offer "trigger warnings" on your
syllabus -- as if your class were a toxic cigarette or pesticide in need
of warning labels.
We are in a new Inquisition. Self-appointed censors try to stamp out any
idea or word that they don't wish to be aired -- in the pursuit of a
new race, class, gender and environment orthodoxy.
Hounding out people with different views is seen by the Left as a
necessary means to achieve its supposedly noble goals -- just like the
Spanish Inquisitioners who claimed God was on their side as they went
after religiously "incorrect" Jews, Muslims and heretics.
Unfortunately, the Obama administration has been part of the problem,
not part of the solution. Its appointees used the once-impartial IRS
against conservatives. They monitored Associated Press reporters. They
denied that the NSA was eavesdropping on average citizens. They
arbitrarily chose not to enforce laws they didn't like.
The president bragged of using "a pen and phone" to circumvent the
legislative branch, and urged his supporters to "punish our enemies."
The attorney general calls Americans who have different views from his
own on matters of affirmative action "cowards."
All of that them/us rhetoric has given a top-down green light to radical
thought police to harass anyone who is open-minded about man-caused
global warming, or believes that gay marriage needs more debate, or that
supporting Israel is a legitimate cause, or that breaking federal
immigration law is still a crime and therefore "illegal."
Our civil liberties will not be lost to crude fascists in jackboots.
More likely, the death of free speech will be the work of the new
medieval Torquemadas who claim they destroyed freedom of expression for
the sake of "equality" and "fairness" and "saving the planet."
Harry Reid – Corruptocrat
Money causes corruption in politics the way guns cause crime and cake
causes obesity. Money isn’t corrupt, it’s just money; politicians taking
money in exchange for favors is corrupt. Rewarding donors for their
support is corrupt: See Solyndra for an example.
But Democrats, the political party that raised and spent a billion
dollars in the last two presidential elections, want people to think
that two brothers, Charles and David Koch, are attempting to buy
Congress. Sadly, with the media on their side and their voters’ serial
incuriosity on matters of truth, many believe it.
No one has been more vocal of late on the “evils of the un-American Koch
brothers” than Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. But before Reid was
beating a path from his office to the Senate floor to attack private
citizens, he was busy enriching himself through some now legendary
corruption that took him from a man of somewhat modest means to a
multi-millionaire – all while being a “public servant.”
That’s a neat trick for an “honest” man.
Most of Reid’s shadiness has been ignored by the media and Democrats.
But his hypocrisy hasn’t slowed his denunciations against others; it
seems only to have emboldened him.
Remember the Jack Abramoff scandal? Nearly every Republican was “bought
and paid for” by the corrupt lobbyist, according to Democrats and the
media. Starting Jan. 1, 2006, I was press secretary for Sen. Conrad
Burns, R-Mont. Burns, one of the few senators who wasn’t rich, was
knee-deep in the Abramoff scandal since Abramoff represented Indian
tribes and Burns was chairman of a committee that oversaw Indian
But buried in the faux outrage was the fact that as Harry Reid accused
Republicans of selling their souls for money from “Abramoff and his
associates,” he forgot to mention his own pockets were filled by those
same people. Reid, in doublespeak worthy of Orwell, always added “and
his associates” when discussing money that went to Republicans but
mentioned only Abramoff himself when talking about whether Abramoff
money went to Democrats.
Why? Because the “associates” contributed to both Republicans and
Democrats, but Abramoff himself gave only to Republicans. He is, after
all, a Republican. If Reid included money from the associates that went
to Republicans, it built the totals they had received. But if he
discussed only Abramoff’s personal giving, he could say Democrats
received none of that. So, miraculously, once this new unit of measure
was applied, Reid and his fellow Democrats had clean hands. Reid still
did Abramoff’s bidding, but not at his behest, or so they’d like you to
In other words, Republican senators who got a couple thousand dollars
from Abramoff personally were said by Reid to be bought and paid for,
but the $68,000 Reid got from Abramoff’s co-workers and clients had no
influence on him at all. That’s some creative math there.
In the case of my old boss, this lie worked. Burns was defeated, then
after the election was cleared of any wrongdoing. Harry Reid, who did
the same things Burns was accused of, was elevated from minority leader
to majority leader when Democrats took the Senate in the 2006 election
thanks in large part to that different unit of measure he applied to
others but not himself.
This has always been the Reid Way – the rules don’t apply to him.
On his official Senate website he has a page “The Facts About The Koch
Brothers.” Using our tax dollars on his government website, Reid’s first
“point” is that David Koch “called social security ‘The Ultimate
Pyramid Scheme’ and promised to abolish and replace it.” This was from a
1980 campaign. 1980! By the way, he wanted to “abolish and replace it,”
so no one was talking about leaving seniors out to dry.
If we’re going to hop into the Wayback Machine, we need not go back that
far to find something on which a politician seems to have had a change
of heart. In 1994, a U.S. Senator wrote the following:
* Our doors should remain open, but only wide enough to admit those to
whom we can realistically offer opportunity and security. To leave the
door unguarded is to create an environment in which no one can live
securely and peacefully. And so I am sponsoring a bill in the Senate to
reduce immigration – legal and illegal.
* Most politicians agree that illegal immigration should end. My
legislation would double border patrols and accelerate the deportation
process for criminals and illegal entrants.
* Opponents of immigration reform cry racism or point toward our
historic role as a nation of immigrants. Charges of racial bias are
That senator was Harry Reid writing in the Los Angeles Times. He’s
allowed to “evolve” on an issue, but David Koch is to be held to
account, at taxpayer expense, for opinions he held 34 years ago.
Harry Reid illustrates that when you control the unit of measure, you are held to zero standards yourself.
The cherry on top of Reid’s anti-American attacks on two brothers who’ve
created more jobs and employ more people than Reid’s entire caucus is
that he’s gotten donations from Koch lobbyists. Whether Reid then
funneled that money to family members is unknown – it was 2003. But
given his penchant for slipping his granddaughter $31,000 in campaign
cash for junk jewelry, anything is possible.
Harry Reid will go down as one of, if not the, most corrupt people ever
to serve in Congress. He became a millionaire while a “public servant,”
tainted other senators for doing exactly what he was doing and used tax
dollars to attack private citizens. Harry Reid should not be in the
Senate; he should be prison, and he should die there. But he won’t ever
go, he’s protected. Rather than face charges for his corruption, Reid
will remain the leader of the Democrats in the Senate, be they in the
majority or minority. Justice will have to wait, but it eventually comes
for all of us.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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here (Personal)
10 April, 2014
DeMint: ‘Big Business Is No Friend of Conservatism’
Former Sen. Jim DeMint, the president of the Heritage Foundation, writes
in his new book—“Falling in Love With America Again”—about the cozy
relationship between big business and big government.
“Almost all big corporations benefit from, advocate for, and downright like big government,” DeMint writes.
In an interview with, DeMint explained his view that a
corollary to this principle is that big business and conservatism are
not on the same team.
His views on the matter are seasoned by the insights he gleaned from
serving three self-limited terms in the U.S. House of Representatives,
and from being elected twice to the U.S. Senate. asked DeMint about the partnership he discusses in his book
between mega-corporations and the federal government: “How does that
work and why does it work?”
“The large companies have lobbyists and people who work directly with
the regulators, and many of the regulators like to be friendly with the
big companies because the idea is they go to work for the big companies
someday to help them with future legislators,” said DeMint. “And they
make a lot more money as lobbyists or government-relations people,
whatever you call them. But they become very friendly.
“These big companies like to write regulations that make it harder for
the smaller companies to compete with them,” DeMint said. “The large
companies can deal with a regulatory maze much better than the small
companies can. Like the big tobacco companies wanted the FDA to regulate
cigarettes because they knew the smaller companies could not get
approval to ever introduce a new brand.” asked: “So, essentially, there’s this cooperation between
big business and the government to create a regulatory barrier to
entrepreneurs and small business people to compete with the big
“In every category,” said DeMint. “It happens some at the state level
too, licensing different industries and to make it harder for people to
get in once those people have established it. I just want Americans to
be aware of that, and this idea that the big government’s going to take
care of you, it ain’t working.”
Leftist Thought-Gangsters Strike Again
By David Limbaugh
Let me see whether I have this right. Brendan Eich was forced to step
down as CEO of Mozilla because it became public that he opposed same-sex
marriage, the same position that President Barack Obama, darling of the
LGBT community, held prior to his phony conversion.
Why didn't the left demand that President Obama resign as president of
the United States prior to the consummation of his "evolution" on the
issue in favor of same-sex marriage? Was it because liberals knew he was
never actually opposed to same-sex marriage and that his stated
opposition was an opportunistic ruse to make him electable?
It wasn't that long ago when support of traditional marriage was the
majority position in this country. I imagine that it still is in
reality, though fewer and fewer people have the courage to stand up for
their convictions these days, even to the extent of admitting their
honest feelings in response to polling surveys.
This politically correct thought control is getting out of hand. For a
disturbing percentage of people on the left, freedom doesn't matter, nor
do tolerance, inclusiveness and compassion. If you don't have the
correct views — e.g., if you believe that marriage should still be
defined as being between one man and one woman — you are not entitled to
respect or even to the same rights and freedoms as others. The
rationale is that because of your "intolerance" and "hate," you are of a
different class, a subspecies — vermin — and you forfeit the privilege
of being tolerated and deserve to be treated with hate yourself.
But not all these Stalinists on the left are so open about their own
bigotry. To be sure, they support the mistreatment of people like
Brendan Eich, who committed the unpardonable sin of voting for
California's Proposition 8, but they "nuance" their arguments to depict
themselves as less tyrannical.
For example, a New York Times writer opined that it's a mistake to draw
the conclusion that the forced resignation of Eich was "an instance of
political correctness run amok" or that it is "a sign that Silicon
Valley has become militantly (in)tolerant, unwilling to let executives
express their personal viewpoints on issues unrelated to their jobs."
Why? Because "Mozilla is not a normal company. It is an activist
organization" whose "primary mission isn't to make money but to spread
open-source code across the globe in the eventual hope of promoting 'the
development of the Internet as a public resource.'" According to the
writer, many people at Mozilla didn't consider Eich's views on gay
marriage completely irrelevant to his role as chief executive.
Some thought he was too "divisive" to be an effective leader.
How is this not bigotry, you ask? Well, because Mozilla is not an evil
capitalistic company primarily out to make money but one involved in "a
mission." "If his job was to motivate people, and he was instead causing
people to question the community's ethic — well, at the least, you can
say he wasn't doing a good job." Wow.
It's amazing how leftists can shape-shift arguments to rationalize their
own intolerance. But the arguments of Matthew Riley MacPherson, a
developer for Mozilla, are even worse.
According to MacPherson, Eich's fatal mistake wasn't his support of
Proposition 8 several years ago. "Being on the losing side of history
this one time is okay, because I've seen Eich be right about many things
during just my tenure at Mozilla," wrote MacPherson. What made
MacPherson realize Eich "was not ready to lead Mozilla — or any company —
was his damage control (interview) on CNET."
In this interview, Eich did not cower, recant or acknowledge that he is
the worst person in the world other than the Koch brothers. "Eich,"
wrote MacPherson, "was given the clear chance to publicly apologize on
behalf of himself and Mozilla — something called for by many, including
myself. When asked if he could do it all over and do it differently: the
correct answer was 'yes'. But he didn't say he would do it differently.
It was at that exact point in time that he failed as CEO. ... He failed
to execute."
So these thought-gangsters would rather have as their CEO a
mealy-mouthed coward who would disingenuously recant his position to
conform to their demands than they would a leader who stands up for what
he believes at the risk of incurring the left's unmitigated wrath and
losing his job?
I don't know which are worse, the leftists who come right out and admit
they won't tolerate an opposing viewpoint or those who delude themselves
into believing that their own abysmal intolerance is actually just
their sophisticated business judgment.
Both are outrageous and unacceptable.
The overarching issue in this sordid matter is not the propriety or
advisability of same-sex marriage. It is freedom, the selective contempt
many on the left have for it and their willingness to twist themselves
into pretzels justifying the unjustifiable. Everyone should be alarmed
about this.
How to Assist Evil
By Walter E. Williams
"Engineering Evil" is a documentary recently shown on the Military
History channel. It's a story of Nazi Germany's murder campaign before
and during World War II. According to some estimates, 16 million Jews
and other people died at the hands of Nazis
Though the Holocaust ranks high among the great human tragedies, most
people never consider the most important question: How did Adolf Hitler
and the Nazis gain the power that they needed to commit such horror?
Focusing solely on the evil of the Holocaust won't get us very far
toward the goal of the Jewish slogan "Never Again."
When Hitler came to power, he inherited decades of political
consolidation by Otto von Bismarck and later the Weimar Republic that
had weakened the political power of local jurisdictions. Through the
Enabling Act (1933), whose formal name was "A Law to Remedy the Distress
of People and Reich," Hitler gained the power to enact laws with
neither the involvement nor the approval of the Reichstag, Germany's
parliament. The Enabling Act destroyed any remaining local autonomy. The
bottom line is that it was decent Germans who made Hitler's terror
possible — Germans who would have never supported his territorial
designs and atrocities.
The 20th century turned out to be mankind's most barbaric. Roughly 50
million to 60 million people died in international and civil wars. As
tragic as that number is, it pales in comparison with the number of
people who were killed at the hands of their own government. Recently
deceased Rudolph J. Rummel, professor of political science at the
University of Hawaii and author of "Death by Government," estimated that
since the beginning of the 20th century, governments have killed 170
million of their own citizens.
Top government killers were the Soviet Union, which, between 1917 and
1987, killed 62 million of its own citizens, and the People's Republic
of China, which, between 1949 and 1987, was responsible for the deaths
of 35 million to 40 million of its citizens. In a distant third place
were the Nazis, who murdered about 16 million Jews, Slavs, Serbs,
Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians and others deemed misfits, such as homosexuals
and the mentally ill.
We might ask why the 20th century was so barbaric. Surely, there were
barbarians during earlier ages. Part of the answer is that during
earlier times, there wasn't the kind of concentration of power that
emerged during the 20th century. Had Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong and Hitler
been around in earlier times, they could not have engineered the
slaughter of tens of millions of people. They wouldn't have had the
authority. There was considerable dispersion of jealously guarded
political power in the forms of heads of provincial governments and
principalities and nobility and church leaders whose political power
within their spheres was often just as strong as the monarch's.
Professor Rummel explained in the very first sentence of "Death by
Government" that "Power kills; absolute Power kills absolutely. ... The
more power a government has, the more it can act arbitrarily according
to the whims and desires of the elite, and the more it will make war on
others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects." That's the long,
tragic, ugly story of government: the elite's use of government to dupe
and forcibly impose its will on the masses.
The masses are always duped by well-intentioned phrases. After all, what
German could have been against "A Law to Remedy the Distress of People
and Reich"? It's not just Germans who have fallen prey to
well-intentioned phrases. After all, who can be against the "Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act"?
We Americans ought to keep in mind the fact that Hitler, Stalin and Mao
would have had more success in their reign of terror if they had the
kind of control and information about their citizens that agencies such
as the NSA, the IRS and the ATF have about us. You might ask, "What are
you saying, Williams?" Just put it this way: No German who died before
1930 would have believed the Holocaust possible.
Taxing Life Away
John Stossel
It's tax time. I'm too scared to do my taxes. I'm sure I'll get
something wrong and my enemies in government will persecute -- no, I
mean prosecute -- me. So I hired Bob.
Bob's my accountant. I like Bob, but I don't like that I have to have an
accountant. I don't want to spend time keeping records and talking to
Bob about boring things I don't understand, and I really don't want to
pay Bob. But I have to.
What a waste. Once, I calculated what I could do with the money I give
Bob. I could have a fancy dinner out 200 times. I could buy a
motorcycle. I could take a cruise ship all the way from New York to
Venice, Italy, and back.
Better yet, I could do some good for the world. For the same money I
waste on Bob, I could pay four kids' tuition at a Catholic high school.
The tax code is now complex enough that most Americans now hire Bob, or
his equivalent. Instead of inventing things, doing charity work or just
having fun, we waste weeks (and billions of dollars) on tax preparation.
And we change our lives to suit the wishes of politicians.
"What the tax code is doing is trying to choose our values for us,"
complains Yaron Brook from the Ayn Rand Institute. I think I choose my
own values, but it's true that politicians use taxes to manipulate us.
Million-dollar mortgage deductions steer us to buy bigger houses, and
solar tax credits persuaded me to put solar panels on my roof. Brook
objects to every manipulation in the code: "It's telling us charity is
On my TV show, I respond: But charity is good! Brook retorts, "If you
want to give to charity, great, (but) I might invest in a business
that's more important."
That's possible, but since a charity will probably spend the money
better than government will, isn't it good that the code encourages
people to give? Steve Forbes argues that if taxes were flat and simple,
Americans would give more . "Americans don't need to be bribed to give
... In the 1980s, when the top rate got cut from 70 down to 28 percent
... charitable giving went up . When people have more, they give more."
While freedom lovers complain about the byzantine complexity of the tax
code, the politically connected tout their special breaks. The National
Association of Realtors runs TV ads showing Uncle Sam offering
first-time homebuyers an $8,000 tax break, while sleazily winking at the
The tax code oddity that may have the most destructive influence on
America might be the fact that if you buy private health insurance, you
pay more tax than if your employer buys you a plan.
It's why we ended up with a sluggish health care market unresponsive to
individual desires -- leading to the insistence that we need a
government-managed alternative like Obamacare.
The code is incomprehensible. You can get a deduction for feeding feral
cats but not for having a watchdog, for clarinet lessons if your
orthodontist thinks it'll cure your overbite but not for piano lessons a
psychotherapist prescribes for relaxation. It seems so arbitrary.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
9 April, 2014
Uninstall Firefox
Dennis Prager
In 31 years of broadcasting, and 40 years of writing, I have never advocated a boycott of a product.
Quite the opposite, in fact.
During the 2012 presidential campaign, when the left attempted to
destroy Chick-Fil-A for its owner's views on same-sex marriage, I
suggested on my radio show that the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney,
stand in front of a Chick-Fil-A restaurant while enjoying some Ben and
Jerry's ice cream. In that way, I argued, he could show one of the great
moral differences between the right and the left. Though Ben and Jerry
are leftists, we conservatives do not believe that company owners' views
should matter to consumers. We believe that products should speak for
themselves. If the ice cream is good, despite whatever repugnance we
might feel regarding the views of the makers of that ice cream, we will
still purchase it.
The left does not see things that way. The left is out to crush
individuals and companies with whom it differs. This is especially so
today on the issue of same-sex marriage.
Perhaps the most dramatic example of this took place last week. The
governing board of the widely used browser, Firefox, forced the
company's CEO, Brendan Eich, to resign. The Firefox board had learned
that in 2008, Eich donated $1,000 to the Proposition 8 campaign in
California. Proposition 8 amended the California Constitution to define
marriage as the union of one man and one woman. In classic Communist
fashion, gay rights organizations demanded that Eich publicly recant.
When Eich did not, gay rights and other leftist organizations called for
a boycott of Firefox. Firefox immediately forced Eich out.
All these years, the left, after coining the term "McCarthyism" in order
to disparage the right, had fooled most people into believing that it
is the right that suppresses liberty. The truth, of course, has been the
opposite. Worldwide, with the exception of Nazi Germany (which was a
uniquely race-based totalitarianism, neither left nor right -- while it
rejected Marxist class-based struggle, it supported socialism ("Nazism"
was short for National Socialism), every genocidal totalitarian regime
of the 20th century was leftist. And domestically, too, the left has
much less interest in liberty than in forcing people to act in accord
with its values. A totalitarian streak is part of the left's DNA. How
you think matters and what you do away outside of work matters: More
than 20 states prohibit judges from being leaders in the Boy Scouts --
because the left deems the Boy Scouts homophobic.
During the McCarthy era, the left (and not only the left) screamed when
people were falsely charged with supporting Stalin and Communism, one of
the greatest evils in human history. But the left also screamed when
people who really did aid and abet Stalin were dismissed from their
jobs. In other words, for those on the left who celebrate Eich's ouster,
it was evil to deprive a man who supported Stalin of a job, but it is
right to fire a man who supports the man-woman definition of marriage.
Such is the left's moral compass.
It is important to further note that gay employees at Firefox
acknowledge that Eich never discriminated against gays, whether in
employment, benefits or any other way. But that doesn't matter to the
left because a totalitarian streak is part of the left's DNA.
As Princeton Professor of Jurisprudence Robert George warned on my radio
show, today the left fires employees for opposition to same-sex
marriage. Tomorrow it will fire employees who are pro-life
("anti-woman"). And next it will be employees who support Israel (an
"apartheid state").
The reason to boycott Firefox is not that it is run by leftists. Nor is
the reason to support the man-woman definition of marriage. It is solely
in order to preserve liberty in the land of liberty. If Firefox doesn't
recant and rehire Eich as CEO, McCarthyism will have returned far more
pervasively and perniciously than in its first incarnation. The message
the gay left (such as the Orwellian-named Human Rights Campaign) and the
left in general wish to send is that Americans who are in positions of
power at any company should be forced to resign if they hold a position
that the left strongly opposes.
And right now that position is opposition to same-sex marriage.
Think about that. In the United States of America today, the belief that
marriage should remain defined as the union of a man and woman is
portrayed as so vile by the left that anyone who holds it is unfit for
A handful of those on the gay (and straight) left have spoken out
against the forced resignation of Eich. If their words are to mean
anything, they must join in the call to boycott Firefox. Otherwise,
their protestations are meaningless, made solely to preserve their moral
The battle over Firefox is the most important battle in America at this
particular moment. If you use Firefox, uninstall it. Instead use
Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera, Safari, or try Pale Moon for Windows,
which is based on the Firefox engine and will import all of your
bookmarks. For mobile devices, you can try Puffin.
America can have liberty or it can have Firefox. Right now, it cannot have both.
Race-Based Beating
Steven Utash, a 54-year-old Detroit tree trimmer, accidentally hit a boy
with his truck. When he got out to check on the child, who had a broken
leg, a dozen people immediately attacked Utash and beat him unconscious
while robbing him of his wallet and phone. He's now in a medically
induced coma, and his son says, “I am surprised that he is alive.” Utash
is white and, according to witnesses, his attackers were black. Police
haven't yet made any arrests, however. We're waiting on Jesse Jackson
and Al Sharpton to weigh in and for Barack Obama to hold a press
conference to proclaim that, if he had a son, he would look like the
Update: “Two Detroit teenagers were arrested Saturday in an attack on a
suburban man who was brutally beaten by a mob after accidentally
striking a boy with his pickup truck,” Fox News reports.
Krauthammer Nails Jeb Bush
Commentator Charles Krauthammer responded to Jeb Bush's outrageous
assertion that coming to the U.S. illegally in order to provide for
one's family is “an act of love” and shouldn't be punished quite so
much. Krauthammer said, “I grant him the complete sincerity and honesty
of his view, he's always had that kind of approach. But that's leading
with your chin.
After all, I mean there are millions of people around the world equally
compassionate about the future of their children who are waiting
patiently and legally in line and who love their children no less, and
yet there is supposed to be this special compassion for those who jump
the fence and break the law.
Secondly, there's a question if it were just one person … or one family
who jumped the fence, it wouldn't be a national issue, but it's 11
million, and then it becomes a national issue, an issue of sovereignty
and the president has to make a statement that an elementary principle
of sovereignty is we control who comes into the country.” Jeb Bush may
want to think twice about any presidential bid.
Data Proves that Voter Fraud Is Rampant!
I no longer only suspect that Barack Obama stole the election… the more time passes, the more certain I become of it!
The Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program is set up to allow
states to upload their voter rolls and voting records to a separate
system and be able to crosscheck their registered voters with other
states. The goal, obviously, is to find instances where the same
individual is registered in multiple states, or even voted multiple
times across the country.
North Carolina has recently come under lot of criticism for its voter ID
requirement. Critics say that there is no “sizeable” evidence of voter
fraud in North Carolina that could possibly warrant voter ID
requirements. Well, this year’s findings from the Interstate Voter
Registration Crosscheck Program prove that not only is Voter ID a good
idea in North Carolina, but it is absolutely essential to protect the
integrity of our elections!
The crosscheck revealed that in 2012, a whopping 35,750 people with the
same first name, last name, and date of birth, were found to have voted
in North Carolina AND another state. The preliminary findings suggest
that there could be 35,750 cases of people voting twice (once in North
Carolina, once in another state). Additionally, the program found that
81 people in North Carolina had cast ballots after their death.
In all, the Crosscheck Program recognized a total of 155,692 North
Carolina voters whose first and last names, dates of birth and last four
digits of their Social Security number matched those of voters
registered in other states!
In North Carolina alone, not only is voter fraud happening, but the
potential for even more fraud is so much higher! However, currently only
28 states are participating in this Interstate Crosscheck Program. That
leaves another 22 states where we have absolutely no idea how much
voter fraud is taking place. Not surprisingly, not a single Northeast
state participated in the program.
Imagine the fraud and abuse we would find if participation in the
Interstate Crosscheck Program was mandatory, rather than optional as it
is now! Imagine the fraud and abuse we would find if states like
California and New York were forced to actually check their voter rolls!
Congress must mandate participation in this program before illegal
voters are able to steal another election!
I say steal another election because there is no doubt in my mind that
voter fraud contributed to Barack Obama’s wins in 2008 and 2012. This
isn’t some tinfoil hat conspiracy, either…
Barack Obama won North Carolina by only 13,692 votes. That’s what it took to win back in 2008.
What part did voter fraud play in that? We’ll never know for sure. But
what we do know is that four years later, up to 35,750 people illegally
cast ballots in the election. With over 155,000 people registered to
vote in North Carolina AND other states, the potential for fraud is
If you live in Illinois, there are potentially 211,023 registered voters
who are also registered to vote in other states. With 7,292,639
registered voters in the state, that means that 2.8% of all Illinois
registered voters are registered to vote in multiple states.
In Michigan, there are 164,837 potential duplicate voters (2.2% of all registered voters).
In Colorado, the program found 136,542 “residents” who were registered
to vote in other states – a whopping 5.5% of all registered voters!
And in Arizona, where the Obama Administration has fought tooth and nail
to stop the state from protecting the integrity of the vote, there are
potentially 108,077 residents who are registered to vote in multiple
states (3.4% of all registered voters).
This is what happens when 28 out of 50 states work together and compare
their voter rolls to find duplicates. The program is literally finding
hundreds of thousands of potential duplicate voters.
Not surprisingly, organizations on the Left are calling the Crosscheck
Program “racist” because it is finding evidence supporting the need for
voter ID requirements and stricter voter registration requirements.
If this widespread fraud and double voting is happening in traditionally
Red states, what do you think the Crosscheck Program would find if it
started combing through the voter rolls in states like California, New
York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania? The technology is there and most
importantly, it doesn’t cost anything! Congress must force every state
to participate in this program!
The North Carolina findings show that when every single vote counts in
an election, when the difference between liberty and tyranny is
determined by just a few thousand votes, you can rest assured knowing
that there are people voting in multiple states which are tipping the
How many times has this influenced an election? How many times have
candidates been put into office by relying on illegal votes to edge past
their opponent?
We must take every step possible to protect the integrity of the vote!
Yes, that mean forcing registered voters to show photo ID on Election
Day… but it also required us to shore up the voter registration process.
Submitting the voter rolls to the Interstate Voter Registration
Crosscheck Program is a good first step in identifying whether someone
is registered to vote in more than one state. However, almost half the
states still haven’t uploaded their voter rolls and voter records to the
It doesn’t cost anything… these states just don’t want to know what the cross check would find!
Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act in 1993, and one of
the law’s provisions calls for Congress to “ensure that accurate and
current voter registration rolls are maintained.” We are at the point
where the technology makes identifying voter fraud instantaneous, and
yet 22 out of 50 states are allowed to ignore this technology and
pretend that nothing is wrong.
Congress must honor its responsibility and make sure that EVERY state is
checking for voter fraud and duplicate voter registrations. It only
took 13,692 votes for Obama to win North Carolina and there could have
been tens of thousands of people illegally casting North Carolina
ballots! This is happening everywhere!
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
8 April, 2014
The afterlife -- Old Testament versus New
The hope for a life after death among the ancient Hebrews was very down
to earth. There were many religions in the ancient Near East which were
much more fancy -- religions that said we live on as spirit beings after
the death of our bodies. The ancient Hebrews rejected that. Their hope
was for a resurrection of themselves in their original bodies at the
time of the coming of the Messiah -- when the earth would be returned to
its original Edenic condition. They envisaged living in a new Eden.
Their scorn for belief in an immediate life after death is eloquently expressed in Ecclesiastes 9: 5-7, 10.
5 For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any
thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is
6 Also their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished;
neither have they any more a portion for ever in any thing that is done
under the sun.
10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is
no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither
thou goest
That's pretty final. Only a miracle can offer something after that.
Isaiah 45: 18
For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that
formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not
in vain, he formed it to be inhabited
Isaiah 65 17
For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.
Isaiah 65:20ff
21 And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.
22 They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and
another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and
mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.
23 They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they
are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them.
24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.
25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat
straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall
not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord.
So, a pretty terrestrial hope for the future.
And, surprisingly, the New Testament recorded that hope too:
James 4:13-14
For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."
And have you ever thought what you are saying when you pray as Jesus taught:
Thy Kingdom come; thy will be done ON EARTH, as it is in Heaven
Again the hope is for a future Edenic Kingdom on earth, not some airy-fairy life in heaven.
St Paul, however, rather upsets the applecart by preaching a version of
the old Eastern beliefs that he knew well from his pre-conversion life.
1 Corinthians 15: 6
6 After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of
whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen
1 Corinthians 15: 42-44
42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:
43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:
44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
1 Corinthians 15: 50-53
50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the
kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the
trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we
shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
But Paul was still not preaching an immediate spiritual life. As a good
Jew, he looked forward to the day of judgment as the day on which
resurrection takes place. Note in verse 6 he speaks of Christ's
followers who have died as "asleep". They are not enjoying a new life in
What Paul appears to have added is the idea that the Christians of his
day were special. They only would undergo a spiritual transformation on
the last day. And he expected that day imminently. Some early Christians
would need to be resurrected and some would still be alive. So those
alive would be transformed rather than resurrected.
But you still believe that you have got a soul inside you which is
immortal and flits straight off into the spirit realm when your body
dies? That's a pagan doctrine, I am afraid. I could quote text after
text but in both the OT and the NT the soul is quite mortal:
Ezekiel 22:27
27 Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the
prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain.
Matthew 16:26
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and
lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Psalms 146: 3, 4
3 Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.
4 His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish.
As John 3:16 says, eternal life has to be earned (by believing). It is not automatic. The alternative is death pure and simple.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting
See you at the Resurrection?
Francis: No, I am Not a Communist
In the months since Pope Francis released his 2013 apostolic
exhortation, Evangelii Guadium, critics of his pontificate have seized
upon remarks he made regarding trickledown economics. In his view, he
wrote, the successful implementation of such theories “have never been
confirmed by the facts.” Of course, many conservatives scoffed at this
assertion, some of whom accused him outright of being a socialist or a
But what Pope Francis was getting at, I think, is how a “new idolatry of
money” has taken root -- and ahold -- of many of us. This leads
inevitably to what Pope Francis describes as a “throw away” culture.
Individuals too often place material success, wealth, and money above
the needs of human beings in a capitalist system. Such self-centeredness
"deadens us," he argues; we become indifferent and callous to those who
suffer. So while this is a rather sharp criticism of unfettered
capitalism and capitalism in general, it is hardly a clarion call for
Marxist revolution, either.
Earlier in the week Pope Francis gave a meeting with a number of
communications students from Belgium. During the interview he
specifically addressed charges that he was a communist. He said he
wasn’t, of course, explaining instead where his passion for the poor
comes from:
In a March 31 interview with communications students, Pope Francis
responded to previous accusations of being a communist, explaining that
his preference for the poor is in fact based in the Gospel.
“I heard two months ago that a person referred to my preference for
speaking about the poor, saying: 'This Pope is a communist, no?' And no,
this is the banner of the Gospel, not of communism, of the Gospel,” the
Pope explained during the encounter.
Given to three Belgian youth who are studying communications sciences,
the interview was broadcast on the evening of April 3 on the Belgium
website, and was later picked up by Italian news agency
During the interview, one student asked the Pope where his preference
for the poor and most needy comes from, to which the pontiff responded:
“Because this is the heart of the Gospel, and I am a believer, I believe
in God, I believe in Christ, I believe in the Gospel, and the heart of
the Gospel is the poor.”
“And because of this I believe that the poor are the center of the Gospel of Jesus. This is clear if we read it,” he affirmed.
One need not be a communist to care passionately for the poor. In the
same way that one need not be a communist to criticize certain elements
of an economic system that can at times lead to inequities and social
GM corruption and Toyota
Here's another reason government should never own a business.
In February 2010, the Obama administration's transportation secretary,
Ray LaHood, told America, without a shred of evidence, that Toyota
automobiles were dangerous to drive. LaHood offered the remarks in front
of the House subcommittee that was investigating reports of
unintended-acceleration crashes. “My advice is, if anybody owns one of
these vehicles, stop driving it,” he said, sending the company's stock
into a nose dive.
Even at the time, LaHood's comments were reckless at best. Assailing the
competition reeks of political opportunism and cronyism. It also
illustrates one of the unavoidable predicaments of the state's owning a
corporation in a competitive marketplace. And when we put LaHood's
comment into perspective today, it's actually a lot worse. The Obama
administration not only had the power and ideological motive to damage
the largely nonunionized competition but also was busy propping up a
company that was causing preventable deaths.
No one is innocent, of course, but not everyone is bailed out. So
Toyota, after recalling millions of cars and changing parts and floor
mats even before LaHood's outburst – and after years of being hounded by
the administration – recently agreed to pay a steep fine for its role
in the acceleration flap. This, despite the fact that in 2012,
Department of Transportation engineers determined that no mechanical
failure was present that would cause applying the brakes to initiate
acceleration. The DOT conducted tests that determined that the brakes
could maintain a stationary car or bring one to a full stop even with
the engine racing. It looked at 58 vehicles that were supposedly
involved in unintended acceleration and found no evidence of brake
failure or throttle malfunction.
Attorney General Eric Holder kept at it, though, and Toyota finally
agreed to a $1.2 billion settlement (it has about $60 billion in
reserves) to make it go away. Though it looks as if the company doesn't
think the fight is worthwhile, for all I know, it's guilty. I'm certain,
though, that General Motors is. It announced this week that it was
recalling over a million vehicles that had sudden loss of electric power
steering. This, after recalling nearly 3 million vehicles for ignition
switch problems that the company had known about since 2001 and are now
linked to 13 deaths.
GM has apologized. But does anyone believe that the Obama administration
took as hard a look at GM as it did Toyota? As early as 2007, the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration knew that there may be
problems with air bags but never launched a formal investigation. The
NHTSA's acting chief, David Friedman, testified that GM never told the
agency that faulty switches were at the root of the air bag problem.
Fine. Before plowing billions of tax dollars into saving the United
Automobile Workers, did the car czar or any other Obama officials take
extra care to review DOT records to ensure that taxpayers would not be
funding the preventable deaths of American citizens? Would DOT and
Holder exhibit the same zealousness for safety with GM as they did when
it came to Toyota? In the midst of the bailout debate and subsequent
“turnaround,” news of a cover-up and major recall would have been a
political disaster.
So it's difficult to understand why this isn't a huge scandal. If every
obtuse utterance by an obscure Republican congressman gets the media
juices flowing, surely the possibility of this kind of negligence is
worth a look. Can anyone with access to the administration ask some of
these questions? Because if you take credit for “saving” a company
(actually, an “industry,” as no one would have ever driven again if
Obama hadn't saved the day), you also get credit for “saving” the
real-life unscrupulous version of the company. “I placed my bet on the
American worker,” Obama told union workers in 2012. “And I'll make that
bet any day of the week. And now, three years later, that bet is paying
off.” Betting $80 billion of someone else's money to prop up sympathetic
labor unions isn't exactly fraught with political risk. Unless it turns
out that your administration is less concerned about the safety defects
of the company you own than it is about the company you dislike. That
would be corruption.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
7 April, 2014
Amazing! Scientists find that conservatives are more cautious
The findings below can all be summarized as showing conservatives to
be more cautious, which is hardly news. But there is a bit more to it
than that. It shows that conservative caution is inbuilt -- in that
conservatives show quicker and stronger responses to things that require
Thomas Jefferson was a smart dude. And in one of his letters to John
Adams, dated June 27, 1813, Jefferson made an observation about the
nature of politics that science is only now, two centuries later,
beginning to confirm. "The same political parties which now agitate the
United States, have existed through all time," wrote Jefferson. "The
terms of Whig and Tory belong to natural, as well as to civil history,"
he later added. "They denote the temper and constitution of mind of
different individuals."
Tories were the British conservatives of Jefferson's day, and Whigs were
the British liberals. What Jefferson was saying, then, was that whether
you call yourself a Whig or a Tory has as much to do with your
psychology or disposition as it has to do with your ideas. At the same
time, Jefferson was also suggesting that there's something pretty
fundamental and basic about Whigs (liberals) and Tories (conservatives),
such that the two basic political factions seem to appear again and
again in the world, and have for "all time."
Jefferson didn't have access to today's scientific machinery—eye tracker
devices, skin conductance sensors, and so on. Yet these very
technologies are now being used to reaffirm his insight. At the center
of the research are many scholars working at the intersection of
psychology, biology, and politics, but one leader in the field is John
Hibbing, a political scientist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
whose "Political Physiology Laboratory" has been producing some pretty
stunning results.
"We know that liberals and conservatives are really deeply different on a
variety of things," Hibbing explains on the latest episode of the
Inquiring Minds podcast (stream above). "It runs from their tastes, to
their cognitive patterns—how they think about things, what they pay
attention to—to their physical reactions. We can measure their
sympathetic nervous systems, which is the fight-or-flight system. And
liberals and conservatives tend to respond very differently."
This is not fringe science: One of Hibbing's pioneering papers on the
physiology of ideology was published in none other than the top-tier
journal Science in 2008. It found that political partisans on the left
and the right differ significantly in their bodily responses to
threatening stimuli. For example, startle reflexes after hearing a loud
noise were stronger in conservatives. And after being shown a variety of
threatening images ("a very large spider on the face of a frightened
person, a dazed individual with a bloody face, and an open wound with
maggots in it," according to the study), conservatives also exhibited
greater skin conductance—a moistening of the sweat glands that indicates
arousal of the sympathetic nervous system, which manages the body's
fight-or-flight response.
It all adds up, according to Hibbing, to what he calls a "negativity
bias" on the right. Conservatives, Hibbing's research suggests, go
through the world more attentive to negative, threatening, and
disgusting stimuli—and then they adopt tough, defensive, and aversive
ideologies to match that perceived reality.
In a 2012 study, Hibbing and his colleagues showed as much through the
use of eye-tracking devices like the one shown above. Liberals and
conservatives were fitted with devices that tracked their gaze, and were
shown a series of four-image collages containing pictures that were
either "appetitive" (e.g., something happy or positive) or "aversive"
(showing something threatening, scary, or disgusting). The eye-tracking
device allowed the researchers to measure where the research subjects
first fixed their gaze, how long it took them to do so, and then how
long they tended to dwell on different images.
Here's an example of an aversive, disgust-evoking image, one that just
happens to also feature Hibbing himself. He says worms are actually
"quite tasty." (This picture wasn't actually used in the study, but a
very similar one was.)
And you can see an example of a four-image collage used in the study
here. One of the images is adorable, the rest are varying degrees of
disgusting and aversive. Which image does your eye go to first, and how
long did you focus on it?
The results of Hibbing's study were clear: The conservatives tended to
focus their eyes much more rapidly on the negative or aversive images,
and also to dwell on them for a lot longer. The authors therefore
concluded that based on results like these, "those on the political
right and those on the political left may simply experience the world
"Maybe you've had this experience, watching a political debate with
somebody who disagrees with you," says Hibbing. "And you discuss it
afterwards. And it's like, 'Did we watch the same debate?' And in some
respects, you didn't. And I think that's what this research indicates."
One of the biggest differences clearly involves the emotion of disgust.
Hibbing isn't the only one to have found a relationship between
conservatism and stronger disgust sensitivity—this result is also a
mainstay of the very influential research of moral psychologist Jonathan
Haidt, who studies how deep-seated moral emotions divide the left and
the right (see here). In one study, Hibbing and his colleagues showed
that a higher level of disgust sensitivity is predictive not only of
political conservatism but also disapproval of gay marriage. It is
important to underscore that your disgust sensitivity is involuntary; it
is not something under your control. It is a primal, gut emotion.
That word, "primal," helps us begin to understand what Hibbing and his
colleagues now think ideology actually is. They think that humans have
core preferences for how societies ought to be structured: Some of us
are more hierarchical, as opposed to egalitarian; some of us prefer
harsher punishments for rule breakers, whereas some of us would be more
inclined to forgive; some of us find outsiders or out-groups intriguing
and enticing, whereas others find them threatening. Hibbing and his team
have even found that preferences on such matters appear to have a
genetic basis.
Thus, the idea seems to be that our physiology, who we are in our
bodies, may lead us to experience the world in such a way that basic
preferences about how to run society emerge naturally from more basic
dispositions and habits of perception. So, if you have a negativity
bias, and you focus more on the aversive and disgusting, then the world
seems more threatening to you. And thus, policies like supporting a
stronger military, or being tougher on immigration, might feel very
And when you combine Hibbing's research on the physiology of ideology
with waves of other studies showing that liberals and conservatives
appear to differ when it comes to genetics, hormones, moral emotions,
personalities, and even brain structures, the case for politics being
tied to biology seems pretty strong indeed.
So how do we then live with the other side—with those who disagree with
us, for reasons over which they may not have full control? Hibbing
believes that understanding that you don't fully control your political
orientation, any more than you do your sexual orientation or your
left-hand/right-hand orientation, promotes political tolerance. "My dad
was left-handed," says Hibbing, "and he got beat on the hand with a
ruler when he was a kid." Nowadays, Hibbing continues, that would never
happen—we've grown much more tolerant because we recognize that
left-handed is just the way some people are.
So maybe the same can happen for politics. "We have this silly and naive
hope, maybe it's more than that," says Hibbing, "that if we could get
people to see politics in the same light [as left-handedness], then
maybe we would be a little bit more tolerant, and there will be a
greater opportunity for compromise."
France shows what not to do
Tax-and-spend politics has driven Paris to the brink
While commentators remain captivated by the bleak saga of such Eurozone
basket cases as Greece, Portugal, Spain, and Italy, another European
Union member is quietly slipping into economic despair. After years of
fiscal mismanagement, France is in a bad, bad place.
France spends more of its GDP on government-57 percent-than any other
country in the Eurozone. The country's unemployment rate is at a 16-year
high of 11 percent, and a startling number of richer and younger French
people are leaving for more hospitable economic environments abroad.
It has gotten so bad that France's crisis-wracked neighbors might be
catching up: A November 2013 Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development report warned that Paris is "falling behind southern
European countries that have cut labor costs and become leaner and
The data is even more striking when compared to Germany. With an
unemployment rate of 5 percent and a private savings rate of 12.1
percent, Germany has been growing at 1 percent annually while France
sputters along at 0 percent.
It is tempting to blame this on the 2007 recession, but the reality is
that France hasn't been doing well in years. Since the creation of the
Eurozone in 1999, France has only managed a 0.8 percent annual growth
rate. Germany, by contrast, has grown three times faster over those 15
Across all available indexes of national economic freedom, France scores
very poorly for a developed nation. The 2013 Economic Freedom of the
World Index, published by the Fraser Institute and Cato Institute,
aggregates and weighs national data on five broad categories-size of
government, rule of law and property rights protection, sound money,
freedom of international trade, and regulation. How does France rank? An
unimpressive 40th, down from 25th in 1980.
This effect is echoed in a similar but more qualitative survey from The
Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation. Their Index of Economic
Freedom for 2013 ranks France 62nd in the world, right between Thailand
and Rwanda. And the trendlines in both studies are similar: The
country's good or average scores in the areas of rule of law,
regulation, and free trade are dragged down by bloated government and
high taxes. Economic freedom is a good indicator of prosperity, and
France's is sorely lacking.
Unfortunately, the French government's response to anemic growth and
higher unemployment has been to tack toward less economic freedom, not
more. Loyal to his promises on the campaign trail, President Francois
Hollande of the Socialist Party has refused to trim France's
social-welfare spending-the highest of all developed economies-and has
chosen instead to chip away at the country's huge deficit by raising
Hollande's more right-wing predecessor, Nicolas Sarkozy, was only
slightly better on taxes. In fact, data compiled by tax-watchdog groups
and the media in 2012 show that during Sarkozy's rule, from 2007 to
2012, taxpayers were subjected to 205 separate increases, including
excise taxes on televisions, tobacco, and diet sodas, multiple increases
in capital taxation, and a wealth-tax hike. Sarkozy is also responsible
for increasing the top marginal income tax rate from 40 to 41 percent
in 2010, and again to 45 percent in 2012.
Analyzing data from the Ministry of Finance since 2009, the center-left
newspaper Le Monde published a special report in September 2013 showing
that 84 new taxes have been instated under both presidents. The article
also noted that Sarkozy increased tax revenue by €16.2 billion in 2011
and €11.7 billion in 2012, while Hollande added another €7.6 billion
shortly after his election and planned to raise an additional €20
billion in 2013. That's €55.5 billion in new tax revenue in four years,
with more than half of the total collected from businesses.
France's tax haul stands at more than 45 percent of GDP-one of the
highest in the Eurozone. Sarkozy did implement some small but beneficial
pension reforms, which Hollande promptly overturned and replaced with a
measly and insufficient increase in the pension contribution period.
Not only is the new president unconcerned with the sustainability of the
French pension system, but he refuses to follow the example of Europe's
periphery by liberalizing French labor and product markets.
Hollande's commitment to big government hasn't won him any friends. The
French rank him as the least popular president of the Fifth Republic,
and young people are voting with their feet. According to the data from
French consulates in London and Edinburgh, the number of French people
living in London is probably somewhere between 300,000 and 400,000.
That's more than the number of French people living in Bordeaux, Nantes,
or Strasbourg.
In a stunning display of hubris, Hollande responded to this tax flight
not by implementing beneficial reforms but by beefing up the exit tax
that Sarkozy created in 2012. Sarkozy's penalty taxes capital gains at
the rate of 19 percent, plus a 15.5 percent payroll-tax-like penalty,
payable when exiles sell their assets any time within eight years after
leaving the country. Under Hollande, that period is now being expanded
up to 15 years.
For cockeyed optimists, there are still slivers of hope. During his New
Year address, Hollande turned into a rhetorical supply-sider, making the
case for cutting taxes and public spending, improving competitiveness,
and creating a more investor-friendly climate. He also promised French
businesses a "responsibility pact" to cut labor-force restrictions and
thus promote increased hiring.
While free market economists don't believe a word of this, it is worth
noting that France has reformed successfully before. Both the 1980s and
the '90s saw large waves of privatization, marginal tax cuts, and
slighter spending increases. To secure robust prosperity for new French
generations, leaders should extend the lessons of these brief shining
moments by seriously tackling government spending and reining in
destructive tax rates.
Is it possible? Maybe. Many of the countries that have managed to engage
in true reforms were led by left-leaning parties at the time. In
Canada, the Liberal Party reduced the debt-to-GDP ratio from 67 percent
to 29 percent in a few years by cutting spending in absolute terms and
engaging in serious structural reforms. And while it's not exactly the
same, President Bill Clinton kept the size of government in check in a
way Republicans didn't when they were in control. He signed welfare
reform, too.
If we're lucky, Hollande will want to make history by being the
Socialist who turned France around. If not, the next Greece may well
speak French.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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6 April, 2014
Whose Side Is God on Now? Putin?
Pat Buchanan speaks some unpopular truths below, as usual. I must say
I find myself much more at ease with Mr. Putin than with the Western
Left. That could change if some of the dire prophecies about him come
true but so far I see a man who proceeds with great caution. I see
nothing wrong with Russian patriotism. The Russians are a great people
-- JR
In his Kremlin defense of Russia's annexation of Crimea, Vladimir Putin,
even before he began listing the battles where Russian blood had been
shed on Crimean soil, spoke of an older deeper bond.
Crimea, said Putin, "is the location of ancient Khersones, where Prince
Vladimir was baptized. His spiritual feat of adopting Orthodoxy
predetermined the overall basis of the culture, civilization and human
values that unite the peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus."
Russia is a Christian country, Putin was saying.
This speech recalls last December's address where the former KGB chief spoke of Russia as standing against a decadent West:
"Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots,
including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the
same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in
God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation."
Heard any Western leader, say, Barack Obama, talk like that lately?
Indicting the "Bolsheviks" who gave away Crimea to Ukraine, Putin declared, "May God judge them."
What is going on here? With Marxism-Leninism a dead faith, Putin is
saying the new ideological struggle is between a debauched West led by
the United States and a traditionalist world Russia would be proud to
In the new war of beliefs, Putin is saying, it is Russia that is on God's side. The West is Gomorrah.
Western leaders who compare Putin's annexation of Crimea to Hitler's
Anschluss with Austria, who dismiss him as a "KGB thug," who call him
"the alleged thief, liar and murderer who rules Russia," as the Wall
Street Journal's Holman Jenkins did, believe Putin's claim to stand on
higher moral ground is beyond blasphemous.
But Vladimir Putin knows exactly what he is doing, and his new claim has
a venerable lineage. The ex-Communist Whittaker Chambers who exposed
Alger Hiss as a Soviet spy, was, at the time of his death in 1964,
writing a book on "The Third Rome."
The first Rome was the Holy City and seat of Christianity that fell to
Odoacer and his barbarians in 476 A.D. The second Rome was
Constantinople, Byzantium, (today's Istanbul), which fell to the Turks
in 1453. The successor city to Byzantium, the Third Rome, the last Rome
to the old believers, was -- Moscow.
Putin is entering a claim that Moscow is the Godly City of today and
command post of the counter-reformation against the new paganism.
Putin is plugging into some of the modern world's most powerful
currents. Not only in his defiance of what much of the world sees as
America's arrogant drive for global hegemony. Not only in his tribal
defense of lost Russians left behind when the USSR disintegrated.
He is also tapping into the worldwide revulsion of and resistance to the
sewage of a hedonistic secular and social revolution coming out of the
In the culture war for the future of mankind, Putin is planting Russia's
flag firmly on the side of traditional Christianity. His recent
speeches carry echoes of John Paul II whose Evangelium Vitae in 1995
excoriated the West for its embrace of a "culture of death."
What did Pope John Paul mean by moral crimes?
The West's capitulation to a sexual revolution of easy divorce, rampant
promiscuity, pornography, homosexuality, feminism, abortion, same-sex
marriage, euthanasia, assisted suicide -- the displacement of Christian
values by Hollywood values.
Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum writes that she was stunned
when in Tbilisi to hear a Georgian lawyer declare of the former
pro-Western regime of Mikhail Saakashvili, "They were LGBT."
"It was an eye-opening moment," wrote Applebaum. Fear and loathing of
the same-sex-marriage pandemic has gone global. In Paris, a million-man
Moral Majority marched in angry protest.
Author Martha Gessen, who has written a book on Putin, says of his last
two years, "Russia is remaking itself as the leader of the anti-Western
But the war to be waged with the West is not with rockets. It is a
cultural, social, moral war where Russia's role, in Putin's words, is to
"prevent movement backward and downward, into chaotic darkness and a
return to a primitive state."
Would that be the "chaotic darkness" and "primitive state" of mankind, before the Light came into the world?
This writer was startled to read in the Jan-Feb. newsletter from the
social conservative World Council of Families in Rockford, Ill., that,
of the "ten best trends" in the world in 2013, number one was "Russia
Emerges as Pro-Family Leader."
In 2013, the Kremlin imposed a ban on homosexual propaganda, a ban on
abortion advertising, a ban on abortions after 12 weeks and a ban on
sacrilegious insults to religious believers.
"While the other super-powers march to a pagan world-view," writes WCF's
Allan Carlson, "Russia is defending Judeo-Christian values. During the
Soviet era, Western communists flocked to Moscow. This year, World
Congress of Families VII will be held in Moscow, Sept. 10-12."
Will Vladimir Putin give the keynote? In the new ideological Cold War, whose side is God on now?
Noah COULD have floated his boat, say scientists: Ark really could have coped with two of every animal
The story of a man building a giant wooden boat to help his family and
the entire animal kingdom survive a terrifying flood is one of the more
contentious parts of the Bible.
But research by physics students suggests that a structure on the scale
of Noah's ark as described in the ancient text could have been built.
And what's more, they say it would have been buoyant even with two of
every animal on Earth on board.
However, while the ark would have stayed afloat they're not sure if every animal would have fit inside.
In the book of Genesis, Chapter 6:13-22, Noah is commanded to build an ark to survive a flood.
- The dimensions for the ark were provided in cubits in the Bible, an
archaic measure based on the distance between the elbow and the tip of
the middle finger.
- Noah was commanded to make the boat out of ‘gopher wood’ and in order
to calculate the weight of the empty ark they needed to know the density
of the material the boat was constructed out of, but there is no
modern-day equivalent of gopher wood.
- English translations of the Bible refer to cypress wood instead, so this was the material that the students used.
- In order to calculate the overall downward force of the ark, the
students needed to know the mass of the animals on board; previous
research has suggested that the average mass of an animal is
approximately equal to that of one sheep, 23.47kg, which was the figure
- 'Our conclusions were that the ark would support the weight of 2.15
million sheep without sinking and that should be enough to support all
of the species that were around at the time.'
Noah was provided with exact dimensions for the boat which should be 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide and 30 cubits high.
It was built to hold Noah, his family, and at least two of every species of animal for the duration of the flood.
Using these dimensions and suitable approximations, University of
Leicester physics students Oliver Youle, Katie Raymer, Benjamin Jordan
and Thomas Morris tested the instructions and were surprised with their
Student Thomas Morris, 22, from Chelmsford, said: 'You don’t think of
the Bible necessarily as a scientifically accurate source of
information, so I guess we were quite surprised when we discovered it
would work. 'We’re not proving that it’s true, but the concept would
definitely work.'
The students based their calculations on a book by Dr Morris and Dr
Whitbomb called The Genesis Flood, which suggested that Noah would have
needed to save approximately 35,000 species to repopulate Earth.
This enabled the students to conclude that the dimensions given in the
Bible would have allowed Noah to build an ark that would float with all
of the animals on board.
They added that it was a separate matter whether all of the animals
would fit inside an ark of these dimensions – the physics students were
simply calculating the buoyancy of the ark.
We'll Probably End Up Just Dumping Obamacare's Employer Mandate
As you read this, keep in mind that Robert Gibbs isn't some marginal
figure. He is as close to Barack Obama's inner circle as anyone in
America, and served as the administration's official mouthpiece for
years. So when he starts talking about significant changes to Obamacare,
people should sit up and listen. These remarks could reasonably be
considered White House-planted trial balloons:
“I don’t think the employer mandate will go into effect. It’s a small
part of the law. I think it will be one of the first things to go,” he
said to a notably surprised audience. The employer mandate has been
delayed twice, he noted. The vast majority of employers with 100 or more
employees offer health insurance, and there aren’t many employers who
fall into the mandate window, he said. Killing the employer mandate
would be one way to improve the law — and there are a handful of other
“common sense” improvements needed as well, he said...And, most
importantly, Gibbs said “health care has to add an additional layer of
coverage cheaper than the plans already offered.”
A few points: (1) Yes, the employer mandate has already been delayed
twice, tacit admissions that the law is bad for business. Will the
administration keep punting it, or will they simply declare it dead? The
mandate is built into the law. The White House's postponements of this
provision are legally dubious at best; they absolutely do not have the
authority to excise entire sections of the law permanently. Will
Congress act? I'd also imagine that many employers would dispute Gibbs'
characterization of this mandate as "small." (2) How would the demise of
the employer mandate impact the mechanics of the law? Its existence has
been baked into CBO estimates on revenues and coverage. If a portion of
the law designed to ensure coverage for millions, which obviously
impacts revenues, goes away, what then? CBO already projects that 31
million Americans will remain uninsured under Obamacare.
(3) Absent a federal mandate to provide coverage, and facing rising
costs, many businesses could be incentivized to just dump employees into
Obamacare's exchanges. A 2012 Deloitte survey indicated that one in ten
American businesses were already planning to stop providing coverage --
and that was with the mandate fully intact. Such a move would add
countless Americans to the roster of those burned by Democrats' "keep
your plan" lie, and could heap major additional costs onto taxpayers
(who fund the law's subsidies). It would also rapidly expand the
individual healthcare market, which is where the sharpest cost increases
are taking place. And are Democrats prepared to cancel a mandate on
corporations while keeping the individual mandate tax in place for
(4) To that end, Gibbs floats the idea of eventually adding a cheaper
coverage level into the exchange mix, below the "bronze" level -- which
has proven unaffordable for many people. This, like the administration's
expansive "hardship waivers," is a concession that the "Affordable"
Care Act is no such thing for many Americans. It would also re-establish
an group of bare-bones plans that Obamacare defenders have dismissed as
"sub-standard" or "junk" coverage. Healthcare expert Bob Laszewski has
been advocating this change, which he argues must be implemented
immediately, despite the risk of "anti-selection." Significant premium
increases are expected in 2015 and beyond.
Minimum Wedge: "Raising
the minimum wage is a key Democrat election issue this year, and they're
waging class warfare around the nation. They seek to raise the minimum
wage from $7.25 to $10.10 -- a 40% hike that could kill 500,000 jobs.
Democrats are subtly signaling, however, that they'd be willing to
settle for a smaller increase just to pass one. They need all the help
they can get this election year, after all. So naturally, Barack Obama
stepped in to add his conciliatory message. "You would think this would
be a no-brainer," the president said of raising it. But "Republicans in
Congress don't want to vote to raise it all. In fact, some just want to
scrap the minimum wage." That's right, because it destroys jobs. "Next
think you know," he jabbed, "they'll say, 'Get off my lawn.'" And next
thing we know, he'll be quoting taunts from Monty Python.
Numbers Games: "An
unpublished RAND Corporation study on ObamaCare enrollment has been kept
under wraps and it's not hard to see why. While the White House
trumpeted meeting its goal of 7.1 million enrollees this week, RAND says
the number actually enrolled -- having paid their premium -- could be
as few as 858,000. Just 23% of enrollees were previously uninsured. Even
if the true number is somewhere in the middle, Democrats running for
election in November will rue the day 7.1 million was mentioned. And how
did the administration get its numbers so fast anyway? A couple of
months ago Jay Carney stonewalled, saying, "I'm not going to cherry-pick
numbers," meaning, tell you any. Now he says they know to the decimal
point because "our system has gotten a lot better." Color us skeptical.
How did people find out that Mozilla’s CEO donated to support Prop 8?:
"Rumors are floating around Twitter that proof of Brendan Eich’s
donation was illegally leaked by people in government sympathetic to the
cause of gay marriage. Not so. I’d forgotten about it, but friends
reminded me that the LA Times obtained a list of people who gave, for
and against, to the fight over the Prop 8 referendum in 2008. They put
the whole database online and made it searchable. Search it today and,
sure enough, there’s Eich with a $1,000 donation in favor. Under
California law, that disclosure is perfectly legal: The state is
authorized to provide certain personal information about anyone who
donates more than $100 to a ballot measure. Why the state is allowed to
do that, I’m not sure.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
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here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
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4 April, 2014
"Alles muss anders sein"
Everyone I know sees things in the world about them that they would like
to see changed. So the idea that conservatives are opposed to change is
ludicrous. The changes they oppose are the hate-driven changes that the
Left want, not change in general.
And the changes that the Left want are extreme. The depths of Leftist
discontent are to my mind best encapsulated in a saying from prewar
Alles muss anders sein. Hitler used that slogan and so did most of the German Left of the 1920s and 30s
So what does it mean? It is a very simple statement but it needs some
thought to get the full impact of it in English. My translation:
"Everything must be changed". Everything. You can't get more
discontented than that. A Leftist really does have the fires of Hell
burning inside him. No wonder Leftist behaviour is so reckless and
beyond reason.
Obama's wish to "fundamentally transform" America is saying the same thing using more formal words.
British tax cut pays off
The amount of tax paid by the best-off has soared since George Osborne
slashed the top rate of tax from 50p to 45p, according to a new
New figures from HM Revenue & Customs show the total income tax
collected on earnings over £150,000 has shot up from £40 billion last
year to £49 billion this year.
Former Conservative Cabinet minister John Redwood, who produced the
figures, said it appeared the Chancellor’s tax cut was having dramatic
results in what would be a ‘shock to many of the conventional pundits’
who criticised the measure.
‘Total income tax collected from people earning more than £150,000 has surged from £40bn to £49bn this year compared to last.
'It has more than made up for the loss of tax revenue from lower earners
following the big increase in tax thresholds,’ Mr Redwood said.
He said the 50p rate introduced by Labour in its final weeks in power was clearly ‘costly’.
Britain lost high earners overseas, and saw the richest use tax loopholes to declare less income when the rate was high.
‘The rareified group of people earning more than £2m declared income of
£12.2bn in 2012-13, but paid tax on £26bn of income the following year
with the lower rate.
‘This small group of people alone more than paid for the rise in threshold to take many lower earners out of tax altogether.
‘The top one per cent of earners now earn 13 per cent of the income but
pay 28 per cent of the total income tax. The top five per cent earn one
quarter of the income but pay around half the total income tax.
‘This progressive structure works as long as the government does not get
too greedy, setting a higher rate which means the rich pay less because
they either go or they earn and declare less.
‘I wonder how much more revenue the Treasury would enjoy if the top rate
were set at a more competitive rate? 'I suspect that too would see a
further surge in revenue, money the state clearly needs to end the
A Tory spokesman said: ‘The Government is clear that in clearing up
Labour’s economic mess those with broadest shoulders should bear the
biggest burden.’
David Cameron will today hail the Government’s tax changes taking effect this week as the most radical for two decades.
On Tuesday, corporation tax came down to 21 per cent, the tax-free
annual investment allowance for businesses was doubled, business rates
[property taxes] were capped at two per cent and fuel duty was frozen.
From Sunday, over one million businesses will benefit from up to £2,000 ‘cashback’ on their National Insurance contributions.
The personal income tax allowance will be raised this weekend from
£9,440 to £10,000, cutting tax for the typical basic rate taxpayer by
£705 this year.
Millionaires Need Your Help!
Ann Coulter
Last Sunday, The New York Times published a front-page article about the
heartfelt need of California farmers for more illegal aliens.
The first tip-off that heinous public policy ideas were coming was that
the Times introduced farmer Chuck Herrin, owner of a farm-labor
contracting company, as a "lifelong Republican." That's Times-speak for
Herrin admitted that he employs a lot of illegal aliens and bitterly
complained that they lived in fear of "Border Patrol and deportations."
(But, apparently, he doesn't live in fear of admitting he's violating
our immigration laws.)
Sorry that running a country inconveniences you, Chuck.
He said his illegal alien employees deserved amnesty because if "we keep
them here and not do anything for them once they get old, that's really
As the punch line goes, "What's this 'we,' paleface?"
Taxpayers have been subsidizing Chuck Herrin's underpayment of his
illegal labor force for decades, with skyrocketing taxes to pay for
schools, roads, bridges, food stamps, health care and so on. Now Herrin
thinks "we" are supposed to support his illegal employees in their old
age, too.
Here's another idea: How about a federal law mandating that employers of
illegal aliens take responsibility for the people they hire? Why is the
taxpayer on the hook for illegal aliens' food, housing and medical
care, when Chuck Herrin got 100 percent of the profit from their cheap
We don't allow chemical companies to dump pollutants in rivers, walk
away and then say, "If we dump chemicals in rivers and we don't clean
them once the plant is gone, that's really criminal."
No, you dumped the chemicals -- not "we." And you, Chuck Herrin, got the cheap labor -- not "we."
"We" got hospital emergency rooms jammed with illegal aliens when we
came in with heart attacks. "We" got the crime, drunk-driving and drug
trafficking associated with illegal aliens. "We" got the overcrowded
schools filled with kids whose illegal alien parents don't pay property
taxes. "We" got to press "one" for English.
This is even worse than the Wall Street bailouts -- another example of
fat cats pocketing 100 percent of the profits when business is good, but
demanding a taxpayer handout when their investments go south. At least
the Wall Street bailouts didn't alter the country forever by giving the
Democrats 30 million new voters.
According to the California Hospital Association, health care for
illegal aliens is costing state taxpayers well over $1 billion a year..
Eighty-four hospitals across California have already been forced to
close because of unpaid bills by illegal aliens.
Last year alone, California taxpayers paid $32 million for indigents'
health care at hospitals located in Fresno County-- which happens to be
where Chuck Herrin's company is based. How about submitting a portion of
that cost to Herrin?
Not only should employers of illegal aliens be responsible for their
employees' becoming public charges, but they ought to be legally
responsible for any crimes their illegal workers commit, just as parents
can be for the crimes of their minor children, and bars can be for the
behavior of their over-served customers.
Why should employers of illegal aliens be allowed to externalize their costs, while keeping 100 percent of the profits?
The very fact that the American taxpayer is required to subsidize
illegal alien farm labor -- to say nothing of anti-competitive marketing
orders, tariffs and subsidies given to farmers -- proves that we're
propping up an industry the country doesn't need.
If Mexican farm labor is so much cheaper, maybe we should be growing our
fruits and vegetables in Mexico. There's absolutely no reason to import
Mexicans to do something they could do at home and then sell to us. I
believe this is what economists call "competitive advantage."
The Times quotes a report by two pro-amnesty farmers groups, Partnership
for a New American Economy and the Agriculture Coalition for
Immigration Reform, complaining that American consumption of
foreign-grown produce has increased by 80 percent since the late 1990s.
I see why rich farmers are alarmed by that, but why should Americans
care? If food can be grown cheaper in other countries, isn't it the very
essence of libertarian free trade principles to buy it from them?
No. Apparently, we're required to wreck the country by bringing in
millions upon millions more poor people so we can save the buggy whip
We didn't do that with oil. We didn't do it with steel. We must be "Fortress America" only when it comes to asparagus!
Hey! Where's the Cato Institute on this? Busy drafting another philippic against our drug laws?
I care more about my fellow Americans who can't get well-paying jobs
than I do about multimillionaire farmers, demanding that the rest of us
pay to support an industry that claims it can't compete without
taxpayer-subsidized illegal alien labor.
One California for Me, Another for Thee
Victor Davis Hanson
No place on the planet is as beautiful and as naturally rich as California. And few places have become as absurd.
Currently, three California state senators are either under felony indictment or already have been convicted.
State Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) made a political career out of
demanding harsher state gun-control laws. Now he is facing several
felony charges for attempting to facilitate gun-running. One count
alleges that Lee sought to provide banned heavy automatic weapons to
Philippines-based Islamic terrorist groups.
State Sen. Ron Calderon (D-Montebello), who had succeeded one brother,
Thomas, in the state Assembly and was succeeded by another brother,
Charles, now faces felony charges of wire fraud, bribery, money
laundering and falsification of tax returns.
State Sen. Roderick Wright (D-Inglewood), originally entered politics as
a champion of social justice. Not long ago, the Democratic leaders of
the California Senate in secretive fashion paid $120,000 in taxpayer
funds to settle a sexual-harassment suit against Wright. But this time
around, not even his fellow senators could save Wright, who was
convicted earlier this year on eight felony counts of perjury and voter
What is the common denominator with all three California senators --
aside from the fact that they are still receiving their salaries?
One, they are abject hypocrites who campaigned against old-boy insider
influence-peddling so they could get elected to indulge in it.
Two, they assumed that their progressive politics shielded them from the
sort of public scrutiny and consequences that usually deter such
deplorable behavior.
Criminal activity is the extreme manifestation of California's
institutionalized progressive hypocrisy. Milder expressions of double
standards explain why California has become such a bizarre place.
The state suffers from the highest combined taxes in the nation and
nearly the worst roads and schools. It is home to more American
billionaires than any other state, but also more impoverished residents.
California is more naturally endowed with a combination of gas, oil,
timber and minerals than any other state -- with the highest electricity
prices and gas taxes in the nation.
To understand these paradoxes, keep in mind one common principle. To the
degree a Californian is politically influential, wealthy or
well-connected -- and loudly progressive -- the more he is immune from
the downside of his own ideology.
Big money is supposed to be bad for politics. But no money plays a
bigger role in influencing policy than California's progressive cash,
from Hollywood to Silicon Valley. Billionaire hedge-fund operator Tom
Steyer is canonized, but he is on track to rival the oft-demonized Koch
brothers in the amount of money spent on influencing policymakers and
getting his type of politicians elected.
Nowhere are there more Mercedes and BMWs per capita than in California's
tony coastal enclaves. And nowhere will you find more anti-carbon
activism or more restrictive laws against new oil production that ensure
the highest gasoline prices in the continental United States for the
less well off.
California's reserves of natural gas exceed those of nearly every other
state. And in California, electricity prices are the highest in the
nation. The cost falls on those in the interior and Sierra who suffer
either from scorching summertime temperatures or bitterly cold winters.
Those who set energy policies mostly live in the balmy coastal corridor
where there is no need for expensive air conditioning or constant home
In drought-stricken California, building new Sierra Nevada dams and
reservoirs was long ago considered passé, but not the idea of diverting
precious stored water from agricultural use to help out fish.
Yet the waters of the Sierra Nevada Hetch Hetchy reservoir are exempt
from such fish diversions, apparently because they supply 80 percent of
San Francisco's daily water supply. Those who wish to either stop more
dam construction or divert dammed reservoir water from its original
intended use draw the line on restricting their own quite unnatural
water sources.
High-speed rail is billed as the transportation of the future in
California. But its progressive coastal boosters believe that it should
first be tried out on farmers in sparsely settled rural areas rather
than in their own precious high-density Bay Area or Los Angeles.
In California, open borders and non-enforcement of existing immigration
law are also popular progressive causes. But the immediate impact of
illegal immigration on public schools is circumvented for the elite by
the growing number of private prep schools along the coast.
Professing that you are progressive can be wise California politics. It
means you sound too caring ever to do bad things, while the costly
consequences of your ideology usually fall on someone else. And that
someone is usually less hip, less wealthy and less powerful.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
3 April, 2014
ICE engages in catch & release instead of interior enforcement; 68,000 convicted criminal aliens released in one year
Public safety is threatened by the Obama administration's deliberate
suppression of immigration law enforcement through abuse of
prosecutorial discretion. A study released by the Center for Immigration
Studies - based on internal data from Immigration and Customs
Enforcement - reveals that this practice has led to ICE charging only
195,000, or 25 percent, out of 722,000 potentially deportable aliens
they encounter and releasing convicted criminal aliens 68,000 times in
2013. The releases are troubling, as is the revelation that more than
870,000 aliens who have been ordered removed still remain in the country
in defiance of the law.
Just as the president has ordered a review of U.S. deportation practices
with the intent of lowering the number of deportations, this study
highlights the public safety issues that have resulted from the dramatic
downturn in interior enforcement on his watch. ICE targeted 28 percent
fewer aliens for deportation from the interior in 2013 than in 2012,
despite sustained high numbers of encounters in the Criminal Alien and
Secure Communities programs.
"The Obama administration's deliberate obstruction of immigration
enforcement, in which tens of thousands of criminal aliens are released
instead of removed, is threatening the well-being of American
communities," said study author Jessica Vaughan. "It's not a matter of
if, but how many families will suffer harm as a result. Every day, I
read accounts of crimes that could have been prevented if ICE officers
had been allowed to do their jobs. DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson should be
reaching out to these victims and their families to better understand
the impact of his actions. And, Congress should initiate a review of the
public safety implications of the administration's abuse of
prosecutorial discretion."
View the entire report at:
Key findings include:
In 2013, ICE charged only 195,000, or 25 percent, out of 722,000
potentially deportable aliens they en-countered. Most of these aliens
came to ICE's attention after incarceration for a local arrest.
ICE released 68,000 criminal aliens in 2013, or 35 percent of the
criminal aliens encountered by officers. The vast majority of these
releases occurred because of the Obama administration's prosecutorial
discretion policies, not because the aliens were not deportable.
ICE targeted 28 percent fewer aliens for deportation from the interior
in 2013 than in 2012, despite sus-tained high numbers of encounters in
the Criminal Alien and Secure Communities programs.
Every ICE field office but one reported a decline in interior enforcement activity.
ICE reports that there are more than 870,000 aliens on its docket who
have been ordered removed, but who remain in defiance of the law.
Under current policies, an alien's family relationships, political
considerations, attention from advocacy groups, and other factors not
related to public safety can trump even serious criminal convictions and
result in the termination of a deportation case.
Less than 2 percent of ICE's caseload was in detention at the end of
fiscal year 2013. About three-fourths of the aliens ICE detained in 2013
had criminal and/or immigration convictions so serious that the
detention was required by statute.
Email from CIS
Obama is anti-American -- always has been
Thomas Sowell
Japan recently turned over to the United States enough weapons-grade
nuclear material to make dozens of nuclear bombs. This was one of
President Barack Obama's few foreign policy "successes," as part of his
nuclear disarmament initiative. But his foreign policy successes may be
more dangerous than his "failures." Back in 2005, Senator Barack Obama
urged the Ukrainians to drastically reduce their conventional weapons,
including anti-aircraft missiles and tons of ammunition. Ukraine had
already rid itself of nuclear missiles, left over from the days when it
had been part of the Soviet Union.
Would Vladimir Putin have sent Russian troops so boldly into Ukraine if
the Ukrainians still had nuclear missiles? The nuclear disarming of
Japan and Ukraine shows how easy it is to disarm peaceful nations --
making them more vulnerable to those who are not peaceful.
Ukraine's recent appeal to the United States for military supplies, with
which to defend itself as more Russian troops mass on its borders, was
denied by President Obama. He is sending food supplies instead. He might
as well send them white flags, to facilitate surrender.
Critics who say that President Obama is naive and inexperienced in
foreign policy, and blame that for the many setbacks to American
interests during this administration may be right. But it is by no means
certain that they are.
Another and more disturbing possibility is that Barack Obama, in his
citizen-of-the-world conception of himself, thinks that the United
States already has too much power and needs to be deflated. Rush
Limbaugh, Dinesh D'Souza and some other critics have seen Obama's
repeated sacrifices of American national interests as deliberate.
Monstrous as that possibility might seem, it is consistent not only with
many otherwise hard to explain foreign policy setbacks, but also
consistent with Obama's having been raised, literally from childhood,
with anti-American mentors, beginning with his mother. He continued to
seek out such people as an adult.
The ranting Reverend Jeremiah Wright was just one of these anti-American mentors.
President Obama's undermining of stable and unthreatening governments in
Egypt and Libya, opening both to Islamic extremists, while doing
nothing that was likely to keep Iran from going nuclear, seems more
consistent with the views of Rush Limbaugh, Dinesh D'Souza, et al., than
with the views of most other critics.
What is also more consistent with the Limbaugh and D'Souza thesis are
such personal quirks as Obama's gross rudeness to Israeli prime minister
Benjamin Netanyahu in the White House and his otherwise inexplicable
public debasement of himself and the United States by bowing low to
other foreign leaders.
There was nothing to be gained politically by such actions. Nor by such
things as his whispered statement to Russian president Dmitry Medvedev
that he should tell "Vladimir" that he -- Obama -- could follow a more
"flexible" foreign policy after his last election was behind him.
What could be more "flexible" than denying Ukraine the military supplies
needed to deter further Russian aggression? Or leaving Japan without
material needed to create a nuclear deterrent quickly, while an
aggressive China is expanding its military forces and its territorial
demands in the region?
Domestically, the unbroken string of Barack Obama's grievance-mongering
mentors included Professor Derrick Bell at the Harvard Law School,
author of rantings on paper similar to Jeremiah Wright's rantings in his
Professor Bell was a man cast in the role of a scholar at top tier
universities, who chose instead to take on the pathetic role of someone
whose goal was -- in his own words -- to "annoy white people."
Derrick Bell was not a stupid man. He was a man placed where he should
never have been placed, where there was no self-respecting role for him
to play, without going off on some strange tangent. That Barack Obama
literally embraced Professor Bell publicly in law school, and urged
others to listen to him, says much about Obama.
It says much about those who voted for Obama that they paid so little
attention to his life and so much attention to his rhetoric.
Official Policy: Male Federal Workers Can Use Women's Restrooms, Locker Rooms
When an expectant mother visits her doctor for an ultrasound, the doctor
invariably asks: Do you want to know the sex of your child?
The Obama administration, however, does not believe an unborn child has a
sex -- even when a doctor sees indisputable physical evidence.
Obama's Office of Personnel Management has published what it calls
"Guidance Regarding the Employment of Transgender Individuals in the
Workplace." This document speaks of "sex" as something a person has
"assigned" to them only after they make it through the birth canal.
"Transgender individuals are people with a gender identity that is
different from the sex assigned to them at birth," says the guidance.
"Someone who was assigned the male sex at birth but who identifies as
female is a transgender woman. Likewise, a person assigned the female
sex at birth but who identifies as male is a transgender man."
OPM discretely expresses its theory in the passive voice. It does not
blame the mom or the dad for insensitively exclaiming, without any
qualification: It's a boy!
But OPM's guidance does allow qualifications for federal workers. "Some
individuals will find it necessary to transition from living and working
as one gender to another," says OPM.
The guidelines say the last phase in this transition is called "real
life experience." "As the name suggests, the real life experience is
designed to allow the transgender individual to experience living
full-time in the gender role to which he or she is transitioning," say
the guidelines. "Completion of at least one year of the real life
experience is required prior to an individual's being deemed eligible
for gender reassignment surgery."
The guidelines call for the government to take certain steps to accommodate a federal worker going through a transition.
This can involve educating co-workers. "If it would be helpful and
appropriate, employing agencies may have a trainer or presenter meet
with employees to answer general questions regarding gender identity,"
say the guidelines.
It means allowing the person to dress differently. "Once an employee has
informed management that he or she is transitioning," say the
guidelines, "the employee will begin wearing the clothes associated with
the gender to which the person is transitioning."
It means having co-workers use gender-correct terminology. "Managers,
supervisors, and co-workers should use the name and pronouns appropriate
to the employee's new gender," say the guidelines.
Then there is the point in the guidance governing restrooms and locker rooms.
"For a transitioning employee, this means that, once he or she has begun
living and working full-time in the gender that reflects his or her
identity, agencies should allow access to restrooms and (if provided to
other employees) locker room facilities consistent with his or her
gender identity," say the guidelines.
According to the guidance, access to a restroom or locker room should not be conditioned on anatomy.
"While a reasonable temporary compromise may be appropriate in some
circumstances," say the guidance, "transitioning employees should not be
required to have undergone or to provide proof of any particular
medical procedure (including gender reassignment surgery) in order to
have access to facilities designated for use by a particular gender."
On Sept. 4, OPM published a proposed regulation based on the same
prefatory language as its guidance -- i.e. to provide a federal
workplace free from discrimination based on "sex (including gender
identity and pregnancy)."
This regulation would extend federal civil rights laws, insofar as they
protect federal workers, to cover discrimination based on "gender
identity" and "sexual orientation."
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has submitted well-reasoned
comments on the proposed rule. After noting there is no statutory basis
for it, and that some politicians are trying to enact the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act to create a statutory basis for it, the USCCB's
comments deal with the issues of privacy and freedom of speech.
"Employees have, for example, a legitimate expectation of privacy in
workplace restrooms and locker rooms," says the USCCB. "Inclusion of
gender identity in the OPM regulations would violate those reasonable
expectations. In addition, a government prohibition on all differential
treatment based on gender identity would almost certainly be used to
squelch speech in the workplace that is not morally approving of efforts
to 'identify with' the opposite sex or of the purported 'change' of
one's given sex."
But it is in a footnote, quoting the Catholic Catechism, that the
bishops get to the heart of the matter: "'Being man' or 'being woman' is
a reality which is good and willed by God."
"Everyone, man and woman, should acknowledge and accept his sexual
identity," says the USCCB's comment, continuing to quote the Catechism.
"Physical, moral, and spiritual difference and complementarity are
oriented toward the goods of marriage and the flourishing of family
life. The harmony of the couple and of society depends in part on the
way in which the complementarity, needs, and mutual support between the
sexes are lived out."
The people who now run our federal government not only deny the basic
facts of life, they are trying to force the consequences of their denial
on the world that all the innocent little boys and girls born today
must inhabit tomorrow.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
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here (Personal)
2 April, 2014
Judaism, Christianity, Environmentalism
Dennis Prager
As I have often noted, the most dynamic and influential religion of the
past hundred years has not been Christianity, let alone Judaism, the two
religions that created the Western world. Nor has it been Islam. It has
been Leftism.
Leftism has influenced the literary, academic, media, and, therefore,
the political elite far more than any other religion. It has taken over
Western schools from elementary through graduate.
For most of that time, various incarnations of Marxism have been the
dominant expressions -- and motivators -- of Leftism: specifically,
income redistribution, material equality and socialism. They are still
powerful aspects of the left, but with the downfall of most communist
regimes, other left-wing expressions have generated even more passion:
first feminism and then environmentalism.
Nothing comes close to environmentalism in generating left-wing
enthusiasm. It is the religion of our time. For the left, the earth has
supplanted patriotism. This was largely inevitable in Europe, given its
contempt for nationalism since the end of World War I and even more so
since World War II. But it is now true for the elites (almost all of
whose members are on the left) in America as well.
This was most graphically displayed by the infamous Time magazine cover
of April 21, 2008 that altered the most iconic photograph in American
history -- Joe Rosenthal's picture of the marines planting the flag on
Iwo Jima. Instead of the American flag, the Time cover depicted the
marines planting a tree. The caption on the cover read: "How to Win the
War on Global Warming." In other words, just as German and Japanese
fascism was the enemy in World War II, global warming is the enemy
today. And instead of allegiance to the nation's flag, now our
allegiance must be to nature.
This is the antithesis of the Judeo-Christian view of the world that has
dominated Western civilization for all of the West's history. The
Judeo-Christian worldview is that man is at the center of the universe;
nature was therefore created for man. Nature has no intrinsic worth
other than man's appreciation and (moral) use of it.
Worship of nature was the pagan worldview, a worship that the Hebrew
Bible was meant to destroy. The messages of the Creation story in
Genesis were that:
1) God created nature. God is not in nature, and nature is not God.
Nature is nothing more than His handiwork. Therefore it is He, not
nature, that is to be worshipped. The pagan world held nature in esteem;
its gods were gods of nature (not above nature).
2) Nature cannot be worshipped because nature is amoral, whereas God is moral.
3) All of creation had one purpose: the final creation, the human being.
With the demise of the biblical religions that have provided the
American people with their core values since their country's inception,
we are reverting to the pagan worldview. Trees and animals are
venerated, while man is simply one more animal in the ecosystem -- and
largely a hindrance, not an asset.
On February 20, a pit bull attacked a 4-year-old boy, Kevin Vicente,
leaving the boy with a broken eye socket and a broken jaw. Kevin will
have to undergo months, perhaps years, of additional reconstructive
surgeries. A Facebook page was set up to raise funds. But it wasn't set
up for Kevin. It was set up for the dog. The "Save Mickey" page garnered
over 70,000 "likes," and raised more than enough money to provide legal
help to prevent the dog from being euthanized. There were even
candlelight vigils and a YouTube video plea for the dog.
The non-profit legal group defending Mickey is the Lexus Project.
According to CBS News, "the same group fought earlier this year for the
life of a dog that fatally mauled a toddler in Nevada."
This is the trend. Nature over man.
This is why environmentalists oppose the Keystone pipeline. Nature over
man. The pipeline will provide work for thousands of people and it will
enable Canada and the United States to increasingly break away from
dependence on other countries for their energy needs. But to the true
believers who make up much of the environmentalist movement, none of
that matters. Just as they didn't care about the millions of Africans
who died of malaria as a result of those environmentalists' efforts to
ban DDT.
One of the fathers of the green movement is James Lovelock, the
scientist who originated the Gaia hypothesis of the earth as a single
living organism. This past Sunday, the British newspaper, the Guardian,
reported that, "Talking about the environmental movement, Lovelock says:
'It's become a religion, and religions don't worry too much about
He also told the interviewer "that he had been too certain about the
rate of global warming in his past book ... that fracking and nuclear
power should power the UK, not renewable sources such as wind farms."
As G.K. Chesterton prophesied over a hundred years ago: "When people
stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing -- they believe in
Now it's the environment.
How Foreign is Our Policy?
Thomas Sowell
Many people are lamenting the bad consequences of Barack Obama's foreign policy, and some are questioning his competence.
There is much to lament, and much to fear. Multiple setbacks to American
interests have been brought on by Obama's policies in Libya, Egypt,
Syria, Crimea and -- above all -- in what seems almost certain to become
a nuclear Iran in the very near future.
The president's public warning to Syria of dire consequences if the
Assad regime there crossed a "red line" he had drawn seemed to epitomize
an amateurish bluff that was exposed as a bluff when Syria crossed that
red line without suffering any consequences. Drawing red lines in
disappearing ink makes an international mockery of not only this
president's credibility, but also the credibility of future American
presidents' commitments.
When some future President of the United States issues a solemn warning
internationally, and means it, there may be less likelihood that the
warning will be taken seriously. That invites the kind of miscalculation
that has led to wars.
Many who are disappointed with what seem to be multiple fiascoes in
President Obama's foreign policy question his competence and blame his
inexperience.Such critics may be right, but it is by no means certain
that they are.
Like those who are disappointed with Barack Obama's domestic policies,
critics of his foreign policy may be ignoring the fact that you cannot
know whether someone is failing or succeeding without knowing what he is
trying to do.
Whether ObamaCare, for example, is a success or a failure, depends on
whether you think the president's goal is to improve the medical
treatment of Americans or to leave as his permanent legacy a system of
income redistribution, through ObamaCare, and tight government control
of the medical profession.
Much, if not most, of the disappointment with Barack Obama comes from
expectations based on his words, rather than on an examination of what
he has done over his lifetime before reaching the White House.
His words were glowing. He is a master of rhetoric, image and postures.
He was so convincing that many failed to connect the dots of his past
life that pointed in the opposite direction from his words. "Community
organizers," for example, are not uniters but dividers -- and former
community organizer Obama has polarized this country, despite his
rhetoric about uniting us.
Many were so mesmerized by both the man himself and the euphoria
surrounding the idea of "the first black president" that they failed to
notice that there were any dots, much less any need to connect them.
One dot alone -- the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, whose church the Obamas
attended for 20 years -- would have been enough to sink any other
presidential bid by anyone who was not in line to become "the first
black president."
The painful irony is that Jeremiah Wright was just one in a series of
Obama's mentors hostile to America, resentful of successful Americans,
and convinced that America had too much power internationally, and
needed to be brought down a peg.
Anti-Americanism was the rule, not the exception, among Obama's mentors
over the years, beginning in his childhood. When the young Obama and his
mother lived in Indonesia, her Indonesian husband wanted her to
accompany him to social gatherings with American businessmen -- and was
puzzled when she refused.
He reminded her that these were her own people. According to Barack
Obama's own eyewitness account, her voice rose "almost to a shout" when
she replied:
"They are not my people."
Most of Barack Obama's foreign policy decisions since becoming president
are consistent with this mindset. He has acted repeatedly as a citizen
of the world, even though he was elected to be President of the United
Virtually every major move of the Obama administration has reduced the
power, security and influence of America and its allies. Cutbacks in
military spending, while our adversaries have increased their military
buildups, ensure that these changes to our detriment will continue, even
after Barack Obama has left the White House.
Is that failure or success?
Democrats: The REAL Party of the Rich
Democrats, led by the President, have resorted again and again to the
rhetoric of class warfare -- you know, "the party of the rich" and all
That's why it's ironic that Democratic Party is the actual party of the
rich. Democrats represent the richest district in the country -- and the
richest Americans.
In shorthand, they represent the very rich and the very poor . . . those
needing or wanting the benefits procured by a big, active, high-taxing
government, and those who can pay those high taxes without even noticing
(or find creative ways to prevent them from biting). They are also
rich, powerful and connected enough to influence government policy in
their favor, and often stand to benefit from government regulation that
serves to stifle competition.
The GOP has become the party of the strivers, of the middle class, of
small business, and of all those who have aspirations to prosperity. And
sadly, they are the only ones who are serious about protecting what
Paul Ryan has described as "the right to rise" -- what used to be
universally known and embraced as "the American Dream."
New Virginia law protects farmers from meddling local officials
In a hard-fought and stunning victory for family farmers and property
rights throughout the Commonwealth, Gov. Terry McAuliffe on March 5
signed into law legislation solidifying Virginia’s status as a
right-to-farm state by limiting local officials’ ability to interfere
with normal agricultural operations.
The governor’s signature marks the latest chapter in a swirling
controversy that attracted nationwide attention in 2012 when the
Fauquier County Board of Supervisors forced family farmer Martha Boneta
to cease selling produce from her own 64-acre farm. No longer allowed to
sell the vegetables she had harvested, Boneta donated the food to local
charities lest it go to waste.
Fauquier County officials threatened Boneta with $5,000 per-day fines
for hosting a birthday party for eight 10-year-old girls without a
permit, and advertising pumpkin carvings. Seeing the county’s action
against Boneta as a brazen effort to drive her off her land, Virginians
from all walks of life rallied to her defense. Supporters gathered in
Warrenton, the county seat, for a peaceful “pitchfork protest” to vent
their anger over what an out-of-control local government had done to a
law-abiding citizen.
In the 2013 session of the General Assembly, Rep. Scott Lingamfelter,
R-Prince William, spearheaded an effort to undo the injustice inflicted
on Boneta, and to protect other small farmers from similar abuse, by
strengthening Virginia’s Right to Farm Act. What became known as the
“Boneta Bill” passed the House by an overwhelming margin but was killed
in a Senate committee. Undeterred, Boneta and her supporters came back
to the General Assembly in 2014 and won wide bipartisan approval for
legislation protecting the rights of family farmers.
The bill signed by Gov. McAuliffe grew out of legislation developed by
Rep. Bobby Orrick, R-Thornburg, and Rep. Richard Stuart, R-Montross, and
supported by, among others, Sen. Chap Petersen, D-Fairfax. Backed by
the Virginia Farm Bureau, the new law protects customary activities at
agricultural operations from local bans in the absence of substantial
impacts on public welfare. It also prohibits localities from requiring a
special-use permit for a host of farm-related activities that are
specified in the bill. The law takes effect on July 1.
“I want to thank Gov. McAuliffe, the members of the General Assembly,
and all those who have rallied to the defense of family farmers,” Boneta
said. “After all my family and I have been through, it is gratifying to
know that an injustice can be undone, and the rights of farmers as
entrepreneurs can be upheld thanks to the work of so many dedicated
Successful Grassroots Effort
Passage of the Boneta Bill was all the more remarkable, because it was
entirely a grassroots effort. Supporters of the legislation, none of
whom received any compensation for the time and effort they devoted to
the cause, flooded the state capitol in Richmond with emails, phone
calls, and personal visits with lawmakers to ensure enactment of the
By contrast, opponents of the bill, including well-funded environmental
organizations and power-hungry county governments – both determined to
preserve strict land-use controls – reportedly employed lobbyists to
kill the bill. In the end, highly motivated citizens triumphed over
highly paid lobbyists.
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
1 April, 2014
French voters swing Right
French voters dealt a severe blow to the Socialist government in
Sunday's municipal elections, but the party saved face by retaining the
crown jewel, Paris, which got its first female mayor.
The anti-immigration far right, which claims that France's large Muslim
population is "Islamicizing" the nation, made solid advances, fulfilling
National Front promises to begin building a grassroots base.
Socialist leaders conceded defeat in the final round of the voting seen
as a referendum on unpopular President Francois Hollande, who was
expected to reshuffle the Cabinet in an effort to give the government a
boost. Hollande has earned record-low poll ratings for his failure to
cure France's flagging economy or cut into the jobless rate, which
hovers around 10 percent.
Interior Minister Manuel Valls announced deep losses for his Socialist
Party, saying it lost to the mainstream right some 50 cities of more
than 30,000 it had held previously, and about 155 towns and cities of
all sizes. Toulouse, France's fourth-largest city, moved to the right.
The far right may win up to 15 towns in the voting, Valls said before
results were complete. Party leader Marine Le Pen said the performance
amounted to "an incontestably great success" that will give her National
Front more than 1,200 local councilors — surpassing her goal.
"This vote is a defeat for the government and the (Socialist) majority,"
said Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault. "This message is clear ... The
president will draw conclusions, and he will do so in the interest of
France," he added, in a clear reference to a Cabinet reshuffle. It was
unclear when a new government might be announced, or whether Ayrault
would keep his job.
Paris also gets a new look, as Anne Hidalgo defeated conservative right
candidate Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet. Hidalgo, 54, spent 13 years as
deputy to outgoing Mayor Bertrand Delanoe. She was able to profit from
popular programs he initiated such as the Velib bike-sharing and Autolib
auto-sharing services, and the creation of a beachfront each summer on
the banks of the Seine.
"I am the first woman mayor of Paris. I am aware of the challenge," Hidalgo said in a victory speech.
The Socialists also managed to save Lyon, France's third-largest city,
from the conservative right UMP party of former President Nicolas
Sarkozy, as well as large cities like Strasbourg and Montpellier.
Significantly, the Socialists took the southern town of Avignon from the
UMP and prevented a far-right victory in the town known worldwide for
its summer theater festival.
Le Pen's National Front was using the two-round elections to sink local
roots around France in view of national voting, including the 2017
presidential vote and May's European parliamentary elections. The party
won the blighted northern town of Henin-Beaumont in last week's first
The far right took the Cote d'Azur town of Frejus and notably won the
7th district of Marseille, France's second-largest city with a large
percentage of residents of immigrant origin, many from Muslim North
Africa. The district's population is about 150,000 — the party's biggest
However, Marseille stayed in the hands of conservative right Mayor Jean-Claude Gaudin.
Le Pen said her party has ended "bipolarization" of French politics in which the traditional right and left divvy up votes.
"A third political force has been born," she said, adding that the
party, which wants France to withdraw from the European Union, would
begin campaigning immediately for elections for the European Parliament,
where she is a deputy.
The Problem Is Liberalism, Not Racism
Star Parker
When Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif, went off on Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis, for
his remarks that “We have got a tailspin of culture, in our inner cities
in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even
thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work,”
the wrong part what she had to say got all the attention.
The big buzz that Congressional Black Caucus member Lee generated was
her accusation that Ryan’s remarks were a “thinly veiled racial attack.”
But the part of her remarks I found most interesting was “…Mr. Ryan
should step up and produce some legitimate proposals on how to tackle
poverty and racial discrimination in America.”
Paul Ryan has been one of the most creative and courageous policy thinkers in Washington in recent years.
Ryan sat down with me for an interview shortly before he ran for Vice
President in 2012 (the interview is on my organization’s website His thoughtfulness and compassion came through loud
and clear and he zeroed in on the core of a problem I have been talking
and writing about for more than 20 years – government programs that not
only do not solve problems but make problems worse.
I stepped into this whole business of public policy from my own
experience with welfare. I saw that the welfare program, which operated
in this country from the 1960’s until it was reformed in 1996, that
required women to not work, not save, and not get married in order to
qualify for their welfare checks was a most efficient mechanism to
destroy family and perpetuate poverty.
So it should come as no surprise that single parent black households
tripled as a percentage of all black households from the 1960’s to
Where Barbara Lee is right is that this is not about race. What it is about is liberalism.
The racial aspect comes into play in that black political leaders, like
Congresswoman Lee, overwhelmingly embrace liberalism, progressivism,
welfare statism – whatever you want to call it – that has failed and
caused untold damage in the very communities they claim to want to help.
And they refuse to ever learn. Their answer to every problem, despite
prior experience, is more government, more taxpayer’s dollars.
When real reformers like Paul Ryan come along, they get branded racist.
In a column I wrote a couple years ago, I pointed out that the 41 member
Congressional Black Caucus were uniformly Democrats, had a 100%
reelection rates, and the average poverty rate in these Congressional
Black Caucus districts was 20.3% and the average child poverty rate
28.8% - both well above national averages.
Economist Walter Williams has pointed out that, in America’s top 10
poorest cities with populations more than 250,000, “…for decades, all of
them have been run by Democratic and presumably liberal
administrations. Some of them – such as Detroit (now the largest
municipal bankruptcy in the nation’s history), Buffalo, Newark, and
Philadelphia, haven’t elected a Republican mayor for more than half a
century. What’s more is that, in some cases for decades, the mayors of
six of these high-poverty cities have been black Americans.”
Again, the point is not that the mayors of these cities are black. It is
that they are liberals. And black politicians, like Congresswoman
Barbara Lee, overwhelmingly are liberals, and they remain liberals,
despite a long and consistent track record of failure.
When welfare was reformed, liberals like Barbara Lee fought it.
It is pure self-absorption for any interest group to think it is all
about them. America is in real trouble today and we’re all in this
Ms. Lee talks about “code words.” Her code word is “racist”, which means
someone, like Paul Ryan, who wants to make Americans of all backgrounds
better off by giving them more freedom, more choice, more
responsibility, and less government.
Northwestern University football players to receive maternity coverage under Obamacare
Some weekends, the stories just seem to write themselves. You probably
heard by now that the National Labor Relations Board (NRLB), in their
infinite wisdom, put the stamp of approval on college football players
being treated as full time employees with the right to unionize. Well, I
suppose everything comes with a few unintended consequences, as
reported by Rare.
Northwestern University became the first school in the nation to deem
its football players full-time employees, thus making them eligible for
union representation and health insurance benefits including maternity
On Wednesday, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Region 13
director Peter Sung Ohr approved the players as employees of the school
based on four prerequisite clauses. The team will now have the
opportunity to vote on whether they want to unionize and join the
College Athletes Players Association, according to Sports Blog Nation.
The kicker is that under Obamacare, the Evanston, Ill.-based team,
comprised of more than 50 “employees,” is considered a “large employer”
and Northwestern must provide pregnancy-related health care for the
all-male team.
This is just fabulous. Of course, we probably should have anticipated
that things like this would begin cropping up the moment we decided to
take college students and transfer their status to that of employee
because the college might be profiting from their activities. Sally
Jenkins approaches the question from the 10,000 foot level.
Colter and his peers aren’t laborers due compensation; they are highly
privileged scholarship winners who get a lot of valuable stuff for free.
This includes first-rate training in the habits of high achievement,
cool gear, unlimited academic tutoring for gratis and world-class
medical care that no one else has access to. All of which was put into
perspective by Michigan State basketball Coach Tim Izzo when he was
asked about the ruling at the NCAA tournament East Region semifinals in
New York.
“I think sometimes we take rights to a whole new level,” Izzo said. “
. . . I think there’s a process in rights. And you earn that. We always
try to speed the process up. I said to my guys, ‘There’s a reason you
have to be 35 to be president.’ That’s the way I look at it.”
Other questions remain to be answered. If the field hockey team has less
than fifty players, does that make them a small business? If so, they
may already qualify for some sort of exemption or mandate delay from
Barack Obama. (Or, if not, one should be coming along shortly.) But the
field hockey team doesn’t generate any money, so maybe that makes them a
non-profit corporation. In that case, the IRS should be checking into
their status shortly and denying them a needed classification.
And what of the cheerleaders? They’re probably as much a part of the
“team” as anyone else out there, and they are almost entirely women.
Sure, they might be able to use the Obamacare maternity services a bit
more, but now we have to discuss the unpleasant fact that cheerleaders
are making WAY less than 77 cents on the dollar compared to the male
players when they both reach the NFL.
Malfunctioning Asylum System Fosters Fraud
Executive action, agency inaction, and judicial activism at fault
The erosion of checks and balances in the U.S. asylum system, designed
to prevent fraud, has led to the nearly tripling of claims for asylum. A
Center for Immigration Studies report examines the increased
applications as well as the rubberstamping of these applications. The
number of applicants passing the preliminary “credible fear” test nearly
tripled from 2012 to 2013, and has increased nearly 600 percent since
2007. Once the applicant receives asylum, they receive access to all
major welfare programs.
Fraud accounts for much of the increase. According to a DHS internal
report, 70 percent of asylum applications examined were fraudulent or
had strong indicators of fraud. With such a high rate of fraud, it is
alarming that DHS statistics show a positive credible fear finding in
92% of all cases decided on the merits. The CIS report finds that the
Senate comprehensive immigration bill would do much to exacerbate the
existing problem. Among the list of changes would be the allowing of
previous asylum fraudsters to re-apply and allowing asylum to be granted
instantly upon application, before any vetting occurs.
View the entire report
Dan Cadman, author of the report and fellow at the Center, said, “Many
illegal immigrants have learned how to game the system by applying for
asylum as a means of prolonging their time in the United States. If a
claimant can pass the preliminary credible fear test they can buy
themselves months, often years, living and working legally in the United
States. A system designed to stem fraud and abuse has been undone by
executive action, agency inaction, and judicial activism.”
Cadman provides nine recommendations of how Congress and the Department
of Homeland Security can curb abuses, and set the asylum program on
track to function as it was intended. He endorses, for example, a
program of routine audits of both credible fear findings and formal
asylum grants, which would include investigations of cases found to
involve fraud or the withholding of material information.
Press release from CIS
There is a new lot of postings by
Chris Brand just up -- on his usual vastly "incorrect" themes of race, genes, IQ etc
For more blog postings from me, see
Paralipomena (Occasionally updated) and
Coral reef compendium. (Updated as news items come in).
GUN WATCH is now mainly put together by Dean Weingarten.
List of backup or "mirror" sites
here or
here -- for when blogspot is "down" or failing to update. Email me
here (Hotmail address). My Home Pages are
here (Academic) or
here (Pictorial) or
here (Personal)
Postings from Brisbane, Australia by John J. Ray
(M.A.; Ph.D.) -- former member of the Australia-Soviet Friendship
Society, former anarcho-capitalist and former member of the British
Conservative party.
MESSAGE to Leftists: Even if you killed all conservatives tomorrow, you
would just end up in another Soviet Union. Conservatives are all that
stand between you and that dismal fate. And you may not even survive at
all. Stalin killed off all the old Bolsheviks.
The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism
of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very
word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)
Just the name of Hitler's political party should be sufficient to reject
the claim that Hitler was "Right wing" but Leftists sometimes retort
that the name "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is not
informative, in that it is the name of a dismal Stalinist tyranny. But
"People's Republic" is a normal name for a Communist country whereas I
know of no conservative political party that calls itself a "Socialist
Worker's Party". Such parties are in fact usually of the extreme Left
(Trotskyite etc.)
Who said this in 1968? "I am not, and never have been, a man of the right. My position was on the Left and is now in the centre of politics". It was Sir Oswald Mosley, founder and leader of the British Union of Fascists
The term "Fascism" is mostly used by the Left as a brainless term of
abuse. But when they do make a serious attempt to define it, they
produce very complex and elaborate definitions -- e.g. here and here.
In fact, Fascism is simply extreme socialism plus nationalism. But
great gyrations are needed to avoid mentioning the first part of that
recipe, of course.
Two examples of Leftist racism below (much more here and here):
Beatrice Webb, a founder of the London School of Economics and
the Fabian Society, and married to a Labour MP, mused in 1922 on whether
when English children were "dying from lack of milk", one should extend
"the charitable impulse" to Russian and Chinese children who, if saved
this year, might anyway die next. Besides, she continued, there was "the
larger question of whether those races are desirable inhabitants" and
"obviously" one wouldn't "spend one's available income" on "a Central
African negro".
Hugh Dalton, offered the Colonial Office during Attlee's 1945-51 Labour
government, turned it down because "I had a horrid vision of
pullulating, poverty stricken, diseased nigger communities, for whom one
can do nothing in the short run and who, the more one tries to help
them, are querulous and ungrateful."
The Zimmerman case is an excellent proof that the Left is deep-down racist
Defensible and indefensible usages of the term "racism"
The book, The authoritarian personality, authored by T.W. Adorno
et al. in 1950, has been massively popular among psychologists. It
claims that a set of ideas that were popular in the
"Progressive"-dominated America of the prewar era were "authoritarian".
Leftist regimes always are authoritarian so that claim was not a big
problem. What was quite amazing however is that Adorno et al.
identified such ideas as "conservative". They were in fact simply
popular ideas of the day but ones that had been most heavily promoted by
the Left right up until the then-recent WWII. See here for details of prewar "Progressive" thinking.
R.I.P. Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet deposed a law-defying Marxist
President at the express and desperate invitation of the Chilean
parliament. He pioneered the free-market reforms which Reagan and
Thatcher later unleashed to world-changing effect. That he used
far-Leftist methods to suppress far-Leftist violence is reasonable if
not ideal. The Leftist view that they should have a monopoly of violence
and that others should follow the law is a total absurdity which shows
only that their hate overcomes their reason
Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a war criminal. Both British and American
codebreakers had cracked the Japanese naval code so FDR knew what was
coming at Pearl Harbor. But for his own political reasons he warned
no-one there. So responsibility for the civilian and military deaths at
Pearl Harbor lies with FDR as well as with the Japanese. The huge
firepower available at Pearl Harbor, both aboard ship and on land, could
have largely neutered the attack. Can you imagine 8 battleships and
various lesser craft firing all their AA batteries as the Japanese came
in? The Japanese naval airforce would have been annihilated and the
war would have been over before it began.
FDR prolonged the Depression. He certainly didn't cure it.
WWII did NOT end the Great Depression. It just concealed it. It in fact made living standards worse
FDR appointed a known KKK member, Hugo Black, to the Supreme Court
Joe McCarthy was eventually proved right after the fall of the Soviet Union. To accuse anyone of McCarthyism is to accuse them of accuracy!
The KKK was intimately associated with the Democratic party. They ATTACKED Republicans!
People who mention differences in black vs. white IQ are these days
almost universally howled down and subjected to the most extreme abuse.
I am a psychometrician, however, so I feel obliged to defend the
scientific truth of the matter: The average African adult has about the
same IQ as an average white 11-year-old and African Americans (who are
partly white in ancestry) average out at a mental age of 14. The
American Psychological Association is generally Left-leaning but it is
the world's most prestigious body of academic psychologists. And even
they have had to concede
that sort of gap (one SD) in black vs. white average IQ. 11-year olds
can do a lot of things but they also have their limits and there are
times when such limits need to be allowed for.
America's uncivil war was caused by trade protectionism. The slavery issue was just camouflage, as Abraham Lincoln himself admitted. See also here
Did William Zantzinger kill poor Hattie Carroll?
Did Bismarck predict where WWI would start or was it just a "free" translation by Churchill?
Leftist psychologists have an amusingly simplistic conception of
military organizations and military men. They seem to base it on
occasions they have seen troops marching together on parade rather than
any real knowledge of military men and the military life. They think
that military men are "rigid" -- automatons who are unable to adjust to
new challenges or think for themselves. What is incomprehensible to
them is that being kadaver gehorsam (to use the extreme Prussian
term for following orders) actually requires great flexibility -- enough
flexibility to put your own ideas and wishes aside and do something
very difficult. Ask any soldier if all commands are easy to obey.
A good short definition of conservative: "One who wants you to keep your hand out of his pocket."
Beware of good intentions. They mostly lead to coercion
A gargantuan case of hubris, coupled with stunning level of ignorance
about how the real world works, is the essence of progressivism.
The U.S. Constitution is neither "living" nor dead. It is fixed until
it is amended. But amending it is the privilege of the people, not of
politicians or judges
It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making
decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay
no price for being wrong - Thomas Sowell
Leftists think that utopia can be coerced into existence -- so no
dishonesty or brutality is beyond them in pursuit of that "noble" goal
When using today's model of society as a rule, most of history will be
found to be full of oppression, bias, and bigotry." What today's
arrogant judges of history fail to realize is that they, too, will be
judged. What will Americans of 100 years from now make of, say, speech
codes, political correctness, and zero tolerance - to name only three?
Assuming, of course, there will still be an America that we, today,
would recognize. Given the rogue Federal government spy apparatus, I am
not at all sure of that. -- Paul Havemann
Economist Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973): "The champions of socialism
call themselves progressives, but they recommend a system which is
characterized by rigid observance of routine and by a resistance to
every kind of improvement. They call themselves liberals, but they are
intent upon abolishing liberty. They call themselves democrats, but they
yearn for dictatorship. They call themselves revolutionaries, but they
want to make the government omnipotent. They promise the blessings of
the Garden of Eden, but they plan to transform the world into a gigantic
post office."
It's the shared hatred of the rest of us that unites Islamists and the Left.
American liberals don't love America. They despise it. All they love is
their own fantasy of what America could become. They are false patriots.
The Democratic Party: Con-men elected by the ignorant and the arrogant
The Democratic Party is a strange amalgam of elites, would-be elites and
minorities. No wonder their policies are so confused and irrational
Why are conservatives more at ease with religion? Because it is basic
to conservatism that some things are unknowable, and religious people
have to accept that too. Leftists think that they know it all and feel
threatened by any exceptions to that. Thinking that you know it all is
however the pride that comes before a fall.
The characteristic emotion of the Leftist is not envy. It's rage
Leftists are committed to grievance, not truth
The British Left poured out a torrent of hate for Margaret Thatcher on
the occasion of her death. She rescued Britain from chaos and restored
Britain's prosperity. What's not to hate about that?
Something you didn't know about Margaret Thatcher
The world's dumbest investor? Without doubt it is Uncle Sam. Nobody
anywhere could rival the scale of the losses on "investments" made under
the Obama administration
"Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a
ruthless drive for placing themselves (the elites) at the top of a new
hierarchy of power" -- Murray Rothbard - Egalitarianism and the Elites (1995)
A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which
debt he proposes to pay off with your money. -- G. Gordon Liddy
"World socialism as a whole, and all the figures associated with it,
are shrouded in legend; its contradictions are forgotten or concealed;
it does not respond to arguments but continually ignores them--all this
stems from the mist of irrationality that surrounds socialism and from
its instinctive aversion to scientific analysis... The doctrines of
socialism seethe with contradictions, its theories are at constant odds
with its practice, yet due to a powerful instinct these contradictions
do not in the least hinder the unending propaganda of socialism. Indeed,
no precise, distinct socialism even exists; instead there is only a
vague, rosy notion of something noble and good, of equality, communal
ownership, and justice: the advent of these things will bring instant
euphoria and a social order beyond reproach." -- Solzhenitsyn
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. -- Thomas Jefferson
"Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power" -- Bertrand Russell
Evan Sayet:
The Left sides "...invariably with evil over good, wrong over right,
and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success."
(t=5:35+ on video)
The Republicans are the gracious side of American politics. It is the Democrats who are the nasty party, the haters
Wanting to stay out of the quarrels of other nations is conservative --
but conservatives will fight if attacked or seriously endangered.
Anglo/Irish statesman Lord Castlereagh
(1769-1822), who led the political coalition that defeated Napoleon,
was an isolationist, as were traditional American conservatives.
Some useful definitions:
If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal is a
vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone.
If a
conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his
situation. A liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
If a conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down.
a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A liberal
non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. (Unless
it's a foreign religion, of course!)
If a conservative decides he
needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job
that provides it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
There is better evidence for creation than there is for the Leftist
claim that “gender” is a “social construct”. Most Leftist claims seem
to be faith-based rather than founded on the facts
Leftists are classic weak characters. They dish out abuse by the bucketload but cannot take it when they get it back. Witness the Loughner hysteria.
Death taxes:
You would expect a conscientious person, of whatever degree of
intelligence, to reflect on the strange contradiction involved in
denying people the right to unearned wealth, while supporting programs
that give people unearned wealth.
America is no longer the land of the free. It is now the land of the regulated -- though it is not alone in that, of course
The Leftist motto: "I love humanity. It's just people I can't stand"
Why are Leftists always talking about hate? Because it fills their own hearts
Envy is a strong and widespread human emotion so there has alway been
widespread support for policies of economic "levelling". Both the USA
and the modern-day State of Israel were founded by communists but
reality taught both societies that respect for the individual gave much
better outcomes than levelling ideas. Sadly, there are many people in
both societies in whom hatred for others is so strong that they are
incapable of respect for the individual. The destructiveness of what
they support causes them to call themselves many names in different
times and places but they are the backbone of the political Left
Gore Vidal: "Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little". Vidal was of course a Leftist
The large number of rich Leftists suggests that, for them, envy is
secondary. They are directly driven by hatred and scorn for many of the
other people that they see about them. Hatred of others can be rooted
in many things, not only in envy. But the haters come together as the
Left. Some evidence here showing that envy is not what defines the Left
Leftists hate the world around them and want to change it: the people in
it most particularly. Conservatives just want to be left alone to make
their own decisions and follow their own values.
The failure of the Soviet experiment has definitely made the American
Left more vicious and hate-filled than they were. The plain failure of
what passed for ideas among them has enraged rather than humbled them.
Ronald Reagan famously observed that the status quo is Latin for “the
mess we’re in.” So much for the vacant Leftist claim that conservatives
are simply defenders of the status quo. They think that conservatives
are as lacking in principles as they are.
Was Confucius a conservative? The following saying would seem to
reflect good conservative caution: "The superior man, when resting in
safety, does not forget that danger may come. When in a state of
security he does not forget the possibility of ruin. When all is
orderly, he does not forget that disorder may come. Thus his person is
not endangered, and his States and all their clans are preserved."
The shallow thinkers of the Left sometimes claim that conservatives want
to impose their own will on others in the matter of abortion. To make
that claim is however to confuse religion with politics. Conservatives
are in fact divided about their response to abortion. The REAL
opposition to abortion is religious rather than political. And the
church which has historically tended to support the LEFT -- the Roman
Catholic church -- is the most fervent in the anti-abortion cause.
Conservatives are indeed the one side of politics to have moral qualms
on the issue but they tend to seek a middle road in dealing with it.
Taking the issue to the point of legal prohibitions is a religious
doctrine rather than a conservative one -- and the religion concerned
may or may not be characteristically conservative. More on that here
Some Leftist hatred arises from the fact that they blame "society" for their own personal problems and inadequacies
The Leftist hunger for change to the society that they hate leads to a
hunger for control over other people. And they will do and say anything
to get that control: "Power at any price". Leftist politicians are
mostly self-aggrandizing crooks who gain power by deceiving the
uninformed with snake-oil promises -- power which they invariably use
to destroy. Destruction is all that they are good at. Destruction is
what haters do.
Leftists are consistent only in their hate. They don't have principles.
How can they when "there is no such thing as right and wrong"? All
they have is postures, pretend-principles that can be changed as easily
as one changes one's shirt
A Leftist assumption: Making money doesn't entitle you to it, but wanting money does.
"Politicians never accuse you of 'greed' for wanting other people's
money -- only for wanting to keep your own money." --columnist Joe
Sobran (1946-2010)
Leftist policies are candy-coated rat poison that may appear appealing at first, but inevitably do a lot of damage to everyone impacted by them.
A tribute and thanks to Mary Jo Kopechne. Her death was reprehensible
but she probably did more by her death that she ever would have in life:
She spared the world a President Ted Kennedy. That the heap of
corruption that was Ted Kennedy died peacefully in his bed is one of the
clearest demonstrations that we do not live in a just world. Even Joe
Stalin seems to have been smothered to death by Nikita Khrushchev
I often wonder why Leftists refer to conservatives as "wingnuts". A
wingnut is a very useful device that adds versatility wherever it is
used. Clearly, Leftists are not even good at abuse. Once they have
accused their opponents of racism and Nazism, their cupboard is bare.
Similarly, Leftists seem to think it is a devastating critique to refer
to "Worldnet Daily" as "Worldnut Daily". The poverty of their
argumentation is truly pitiful
The Leftist assertion that there is no such thing as right and wrong has
a distinguished history. It was Pontius Pilate who said "What is
truth?" (John 18:38). From a Christian viewpoint, the assertion is
undoubtedly the Devil's gospel
Even in the Old Testament they knew about "Postmodernism": "Woe unto
them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light,
and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for
bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20 (KJV)
Was Solomon the first conservative? "The hearts of men are full of evil
and madness is in their hearts" -- Ecclesiastes: 9:3 (RSV). He could
almost have been talking about Global Warming.
"If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral
weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of
government action." - Ludwig von Mises
naive scholar who searches for a consistent Leftist program will not
find it. What there is consists only in the negation of the present.
Because of their need to be different from the mainstream, Leftists are very good at pretending that sow's ears are silk purses
Among intelligent people, Leftism is a character defect. Leftists HATE
success in others -- which is why notably successful societies such as
the USA and Israel are hated and failures such as the Palestinians can
do no wrong.
A Leftist's beliefs are all designed to pander to his ego. So when you
have an argument with a Leftist, you are not really discussing the
facts. You are threatening his self esteem. Which is why the normal
Leftist response to challenge is mere abuse.
Because of the fragility of a Leftist's ego, anything that threatens it
is intolerable and provokes rage. So most Leftist blogs can be
summarized in one sentence: "How DARE anybody question what I
believe!". Rage and abuse substitute for an appeal to facts and reason.
Because their beliefs serve their ego rather than reality, Leftists just KNOW what is good for us. Conservatives need evidence.
Absolute certainty is the privilege of uneducated men and fanatics. -- C.J. Keyser
Hell is paved with good intentions" -- Boswell's Life of Johnson of 1775
"Almost all professors of the arts and sciences are egregiously conceited, and derive their happiness from their conceit" -- Erasmus
"Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him" (Proverbs 26: 12). I think that sums up Leftists pretty well.
Eminent British astrophysicist Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington is often
quoted as saying: "Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it
is stranger than we can imagine." It was probably in fact said by his
contemporary, J.B.S. Haldane. But regardless of authorship, it could
well be a conservative credo not only about the cosmos but also about
human beings and human society. Mankind is too complex to be summed
up by simple rules and even complex rules are only approximations with
many exceptions.
Politics is the only thing Leftists know about. They know nothing of
economics, history or business. Their only expertise is in promoting
feelings of grievance
Socialism makes the individual the slave of the state -- capitalism frees them.
Many readers here will have noticed that what I say about Leftists
sometimes sounds reminiscent of what Leftists say about conservatives.
There is an excellent reason for that. Leftists are great "projectors"
(people who see their own faults in others). So a good first step in
finding out what is true of Leftists is to look at what they say about
conservatives! They even accuse conservatives of projection (of
The research
shows clearly that one's Left/Right stance is strongly genetically
inherited but nobody knows just what specifically is inherited. What
is inherited that makes people Leftist or Rightist? There is any amount
of evidence that personality traits are strongly genetically inherited
so my proposal is that hard-core Leftists are people who tend to let
their emotions (including hatred and envy) run away with them and who
are much more in need of seeing themselves as better than others -- two
attributes that are probably related to one another. Such Leftists may
be an evolutionary leftover from a more primitive past.
Leftists seem to believe that if someone like Al Gore says it, it must
be right. They obviously have a strong need for an authority figure.
The fact that the two most authoritarian regimes of the 20th century
(Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia) were socialist is thus no surprise.
Leftists often accuse conservatives of being "authoritarian" but that is
just part of their usual "projective" strategy -- seeing in others
what is really true of themselves.
"With their infernal racial set-asides, racial quotas, and race norming,
liberals share many of the Klan's premises. The Klan sees the world in
terms of race and ethnicity. So do liberals! Indeed, liberals and white
supremacists are the only people left in America who are neurotically
obsessed with race. Conservatives champion a color-blind society" -- Ann
Politicians are in general only a little above average in intelligence
so the idea that they can make better decisions for us that we can
make ourselves is laughable
A quote from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers: "You cannot legislate the
poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one
person receives without working for, another person must work for
without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that
the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the
people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other
half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the
idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get
what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.
You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
The Supreme Court of the United States is now and always has been a
judicial abomination. Its guiding principles have always been
political rather than judicial. It is not as political as Stalin's
courts but its respect for the constitution is little better. Some
recent abuses: The "equal treatment" provision of the 14th amendment
was specifically written to outlaw racial discrimination yet the court
has allowed various forms of "affirmative action" for decades -- when
all such policies should have been completely stuck down immediately.
The 2nd. amendment says that the right to bear arms shall not be
infringed yet gun control laws infringe it in every State in the union.
The 1st amendment provides that speech shall be freely exercised yet
the court has upheld various restrictions on the financing and display
of political advertising. The court has found a right to abortion in
the constitution when the word abortion is not even mentioned there.
The court invents rights that do not exist and denies rights that do.
"Some action that is unconstitutional has much to recommend it" -- Elena Kagan, nominated to SCOTUS by Obama
Frank Sulloway, the anti-scientist
The basic aim of all bureaucrats is to maximize their funding and minimize their workload
A lesson in Australian: When an Australian calls someone a "big-noter",
he is saying that the person is a chronic and rather pathetic seeker of
admiration -- as in someone who often pulls out "big notes" (e.g.
$100.00 bills) to pay for things, thus endeavouring to create the
impression that he is rich. The term describes the mentality rather
than the actual behavior with money and it aptly describes many
Leftists. When they purport to show "compassion" by advocating things
that cost themselves nothing (e.g. advocating more taxes on "the rich"
to help "the poor"), an Australian might say that the Leftist is
"big-noting himself". There is an example of the usage here. The term conveys contempt. There is a wise description of Australians generally here
Some ancient wisdom for Leftists: "Be not righteous overmuch; neither make thyself over wise: Why shouldest thou die before thy time?" -- Ecclesiastes 7:16
Jesse Jackson:
"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to
walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery
-- then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved." There
ARE important racial differences.
Some Jimmy Carter wisdom: "I think it's inevitable that there will be a lower standard of living than what everybody had always anticipated," he told advisers in 1979. "there's going to be a downward turning."
The "steamroller" above who got steamrollered by his own hubris.
Spitzer is a warning of how self-destructive a vast ego can be -- and
also of how destructive of others it can be.
Heritage is what survives death: Very rare and hence very valuable
Big business is not your friend. As Adam Smith said: "People of the
same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but
the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some
contrivance to raise prices. It is impossible indeed to prevent such
meetings, by any law which either could be executed, or would be
consistent with liberty or justice. But though the law cannot hinder
people of the same trade from sometimes assembling together, it ought to
do nothing to facilitate such assemblies; much less to render them
How can I accept the Communist doctrine, which sets up as its bible,
above and beyond criticism, an obsolete textbook which I know not only
to be scientifically erroneous but without interest or application to
the modern world? How can I adopt a creed which, preferring the mud to
the fish, exalts the boorish proletariat above the bourgeoisie and the
intelligentsia, who with all their faults, are the quality of life and
surely carry the seeds of all human achievement? Even if we need a
religion, how can we find it in the turbid rubbish of the red bookshop?
It is hard for an educated, decent, intelligent son of Western Europe to
find his ideals here, unless he has first suffered some strange and
horrid process of conversion which has changed all his values. -- John Maynard Keynes
Some wisdom from "Bron" Waugh: "The purpose of politics is to help
them [politicians] overcome these feelings of inferiority and compensate
for their personal inadequacies in the pursuit of power"
"There are countless horrible things happening all over the country, and
horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our
equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy
them whenever possible"
The urge to pass new laws must be seen as an illness, not much different
from the urge to bite old women. Anyone suspected of suffering from it
should either be treated with the appropriate pills or, if it is too
late for that, elected to Parliament [or Congress, as the case may be]
and paid a huge salary with endless holidays, to do nothing whatever"
"It is my settled opinion, after some years as a political
correspondent, that no one is attracted to a political career in the
first place unless he is socially or emotionally crippled"
Two lines below of a famous hymn that would be incomprehensible to
Leftists today ("honor"? "right"? "freedom?" Freedom to agree with
them is the only freedom they believe in)
First to fight for right and freedom,
And to keep our honor clean
It is of course the hymn of the USMC -- still today the relentless warriors that they always were. Freedom needs a soldier
If any of the short observations above about Leftism seem wrong, note
that they do not stand alone. The evidence for them is set out at great
length in my MONOGRAPH on Leftism.
3 memoirs of "Supermac", a 20th century Disraeli (Aristocratic British
Conservative Prime Minister -- 1957 to 1963 -- Harold Macmillan):
"It breaks my heart to see (I can't interfere or do anything at my
age) what is happening in our country today - this terrible strike of
the best men in the world, who beat the Kaiser's army and beat Hitler's
army, and never gave in. Pointless, endless. We can't afford that kind
of thing. And then this growing division which the noble Lord who has
just spoken mentioned, of a comparatively prosperous south, and an
ailing north and midlands. That can't go on." -- Mac on the British
working class: "the best men in the world" (From his Maiden speech in
the House of Lords, 13 November 1984)
"As a Conservative, I am naturally in favour of returning into private
ownership and private management all those means of production and
distribution which are now controlled by state capitalism"
During Macmillan's time as prime minister, average living standards
steadily rose while numerous social reforms were carried out
The Bible is an Israeli book
"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee:
and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" -- Genesis 12:3
If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill. May my
tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you, if I do
not consider Jerusalem my highest joy -- Psalm 137 (NIV)
My (Gentile) opinion of antisemitism: The Jews are the best we've got so killing them is killing us.
I have always liked the story of Gideon (See Judges chapters 6 to 8) and
it is surely no surprise that in the present age Israel is the Gideon
of nations: Few in numbers but big in power and impact.
If I were not an atheist, I would believe that God had a sense of
humour. He gave his chosen people (the Jews) enormous advantages --
high intelligence and high drive -- but to keep it fair he deprived
them of something hugely important too: Political sense. So Jews to
this day tend very strongly to be Leftist -- even though the chief
source of antisemitism for roughly the last 200 years has been the
political Left!
And the other side of the coin is that Jews tend to despise
conservatives and Christians. Yet American fundamentalist Christians
are the bedrock of the vital American support for Israel, the ultimate
bolthole for all Jews. So Jewish political irrationality seems to be a
rather good example of the saying that "The LORD giveth and the LORD
taketh away". There are many other examples of such perversity (or
"balance"). The sometimes severe side-effects of most pharmaceutical
drugs is an obvious one but there is another ethnic example too, a
rather amusing one. Chinese people are in general smart and patient
people but their rate of traffic accidents in China is about 10 times
higher than what prevails in Western societies. They are brilliant
mathematicians and fearless business entrepreneurs but at the same time
bad drivers!
Conservatives, on the other hand, could be antisemitic on entirely
rational grounds: Namely, the overwhelming Leftism of the Diaspora
Jewish population as a whole. Because they judge the individual,
however, only a tiny minority of conservative-oriented people make such
general judgments. The longer Jews continue on their "stiff-necked"
course, however, the more that is in danger of changing. The children
of Israel have been a stiff necked people since the days of Moses,
however, so they will no doubt continue to vote with their emotions
rather than their reason.
I despair of the ADL. Jews have
enough problems already and yet in the ADL one has a prominent Jewish
organization that does its best to make itself offensive to Christians.
Their Leftism is more important to them than the welfare of Jewry --
which is the exact opposite of what they ostensibly stand for! Jewish
cleverness seems to vanish when politics are involved. Fortunately,
Christians are true to their saviour and have loving hearts. Jewish
dissatisfaction with the myopia of the ADL is outlined here. Note that Foxy was too grand to reply to it.
Fortunately for America, though, liberal Jews there are rapidly dying out through intermarriage and failure to reproduce. And the quite poisonous liberal Jews of Israel are not much better off. Judaism is slowly returning to Orthodoxy and the Orthodox tend to be conservative.
The above is good testimony to the accuracy of the basic conservative
insight that almost anything in human life is too complex to be reduced
to any simple rule and too complex to be reduced to any rule at all
without allowance for important exceptions to the rule concerned
"Why should the German be interested in the liberation of the Jew,
if the Jew is not interested in the liberation of the German?... We
recognize in Judaism, therefore, a general anti-social element of the
present time... In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is
the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.... Indeed, in North America,
the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has
achieved as its unambiguous and normal expression that the preaching of
the Gospel itself and the Christian ministry have become articles of
trade... Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other
god may exist". Who said that? Hitler? No. It was Karl Marx. See also here and here and here.
For roughly two centuries now, antisemitism has, throughout the
Western world, been principally associated with Leftism (including the
socialist Hitler) -- as it is to this day. See here.
Leftists call their hatred of Israel "Anti-Zionism" but Zionists are only a small minority in Israel
Some of the Leftist hatred of Israel is motivated by old-fashioned
antisemitism (beliefs in Jewish "control" etc.) but most of it is just
the regular Leftist hatred of success in others. And because the
societies they inhabit do not give them the vast amount of recognition
that their large but weak egos need, some of the most virulent haters
of Israel and America live in those countries. So the hatred is the
product of pathologically high self-esteem.
Their threatened egos sometimes drive Leftists into quite desperate
flights from reality. For instance, they often call Israel an
"Apartheid state" -- when it is in fact the Arab states that practice
Apartheid -- witness the severe restrictions on Christians in Saudi
Arabia. There are no such restrictions in Israel.
If the Palestinians put down their weapons, there'd be peace. If the Israelis put down their weapons, there'd be genocide.

Alfred Dreyfus, a reminder of French antisemitism still relevant today
Eugenio Pacelli, a righteous Gentile, a true man of God and a brilliant Pope
Many people hunger and thirst after righteousness. Some find it in the
hatreds of the Left. Others find it in the love of Christ. I don't
hunger and thirst after righteousness at all. I hunger and thirst after
truth. How old-fashioned can you get?
The kneejerk response of the Green/Left to people who challenge them is
to say that the challenger is in the pay of "Big Oil", "Big Business",
"Big Pharma", "Exxon-Mobil", "The Pioneer Fund" or some other entity
that they see, in their childish way, as a boogeyman. So I think it
might be useful for me to point out that I have NEVER received one cent
from anybody by way of support for what I write. As a retired person, I
live entirely on my own investments. I do not work for anybody and I
am not beholden to anybody. And I have NO investments in oil companies,
mining companies or "Big Pharma"
UPDATE: Despite my (statistical) aversion to mining stocks, I have
recently bought a few shares in BHP -- the world's biggest miner, I
gather. I run the grave risk of becoming a speaker of famous last words
for saying this but I suspect that BHP is now so big as to be largely
immune from the risks that plague most mining companies. I also know of
no issue affecting BHP where my writings would have any relevance. The
Left seem to have a visceral hatred of miners. I have never quite
figured out why.
I imagine that few of my readers will understand it, but I am an
unabashed monarchist. And, as someone who was born and bred in a
monarchy and who still lives there (i.e. Australia), that gives me no
conflicts at all. In theory, one's respect for the monarchy does not
depend on who wears the crown but the impeccable behaviour of the
present Queen does of course help perpetuate that respect. Aside from
my huge respect for the Queen, however, my favourite member of the Royal
family is the redheaded Prince Harry. The Royal family is of course a
military family and Prince Harry is a great example of that. As one of
the world's most privileged people, he could well be an idle layabout
but instead he loves his life in the army. When his girlfriend Chelsy
ditched him because he was so often away, Prince Harry said: "I love
Chelsy but the army comes first". A perfect military man! I doubt that
many women would understand or approve of his attitude but perhaps my
own small army background powers my approval of that attitude.
I imagine that most Americans might find this rather mad -- but I
believe that a constitutional Monarchy is the best form of government
presently available. Can a libertarian be a Monarchist? I think so
-- and prominent British libertarian Sean Gabb seems to think so too! Long live the Queen! (And note that Australia ranks well above the USA on the Index of Economic freedom. Heh!)
Throughout Europe there is an association between monarchism and
conservatism. It is a little sad that American conservatives do not
have access to that satisfaction. So even though Australia is much more
distant from Europe (geographically) than the USA is, Australia is in
some ways more of an outpost of Europe than America is! Mind you:
Australia is not very atypical of its region. Australia lies just South
of Asia -- and both Japan and Thailand have greatly respected
monarchies. And the demise of the Cambodian monarchy was disastrous for
Throughout the world today, possession of a U.S. or U.K. passport is
greatly valued. I once shared that view. Developments in recent years
have however made me profoundly grateful that I am a 5th generation
Australian. My Australian passport is a door into a much less
oppressive and much less messed-up place than either the USA or Britain
Following the Sotomayor precedent, I would hope that a wise older white
man such as myself with the richness of that experience would more
often than not reach a better conclusion than someone who hasn’t lived
that life.
IQ and ideology: Most academics are Left-leaning. Why? Because very
bright people who have balls go into business, while very bright people
with no balls go into academe. I did both with considerable success,
which makes me a considerable rarity. Although I am a born academic, I
have always been good with money too. My share portfolio even survived
the GFC in good shape. The academics hate it that bright people with
balls make more money than them.
I have no hesitation in saying that the single book which has influenced me most is the New Testament. And my Scripture blog
will show that I know whereof I speak. Some might conclude that I must
therefore be a very confused sort of atheist but I can assure everyone
that I do not feel the least bit confused. The New Testament is a
lighthouse that has illumined the thinking of all sorts of men and women
and I am deeply grateful that it has shone on me.
I am rather pleased to report that I am a lifelong conservative. Out of
intellectual curiosity, I did in my youth join organizations from right
across the political spectrum so I am certainly not closed-minded and
am very familiar with the full spectrum of political thinking.
Nonetheless, I did not have to undergo the lurch from Left to Right that
so many people undergo. At age 13 I used my pocket-money to subscribe
to the "Reader's Digest" -- the main conservative organ available in
small town Australia of the 1950s. I have learnt much since but am
pleased and amused to note that history has since confirmed most of what
I thought at that early age. Conservatism is in touch with reality.
Leftism is not.
I imagine that the RD are still sending mailouts to my 1950s address
Most teenagers have sporting and movie posters on their bedroom walls. At age 14 I had a map of Taiwan on my wall.
"Remind me never to get this guy mad at me" -- Instapundit
It seems to be a common view that you cannot talk informatively about a
country unless you have been there. I completely reject that view but
it is nonetheless likely that some Leftist dimbulb will at some stage
aver that any comments I make about politics and events in the USA
should not be heeded because I am an Australian who has lived almost all
his life in Australia. I am reluctant to pander to such ignorance in
the era of the "global village" but for the sake of the argument I might
mention that I have visited the USA 3 times -- spending enough time in
Los Angeles and NYC to get to know a fair bit about those places at
least. I did however get outside those places enough to realize that
they are NOT America.
"Intellectual" = Leftist dreamer. I have more publications in the
academic journals than almost all "public intellectuals" but I am never
called an intellectual and nor would I want to be. Call me a scholar or
an academic, however, and I will accept either as a just and earned
My academic background
My full name is Dr. John Joseph RAY. I am a former university teacher
aged 65 at the time of writing in 2009. I was born of Australian
pioneer stock in 1943 at Innisfail in the State of Queensland in
Australia. I trace my ancestry wholly to the British Isles. After an
early education at Innisfail State Rural School and Cairns State High
School, I taught myself for matriculation. I took my B.A. in Psychology
from the University of Queensland in Brisbane. I then moved to Sydney
(in New South Wales, Australia) and took my M.A. in psychology from the
University of Sydney in 1969 and my Ph.D. from the School of
Behavioural Sciences at Macquarie University in 1974. I first tutored
in psychology at Macquarie University and then taught sociology at the
University of NSW. My doctorate is in psychology but I taught mainly
sociology in my 14 years as a university teacher. In High Schools I
taught economics. I have taught in both traditional and "progressive"
(low discipline) High Schools. Fuller biographical notes here
I completed the work for my Ph.D. at the end of 1970 but the degree was
not awarded until 1974 -- due to some academic nastiness from Seymour
Martin Lipset and Fred Emery. A conservative or libertarian who makes
it through the academic maze has to be at least twice as good as the
average conformist Leftist. Fortunately, I am a born academic.
Despite my great sympathy and respect for Christianity, I am the most
complete atheist you could find. I don't even believe that the word
"God" is meaningful. I am not at all original in that view, of course.
Such views are particularly associated with the noted German
philosopher Rudolf Carnap. Unlike Carnap, however, none of my wives
have committed suicide
Very occasionally in my writings I make reference to the greats of
analytical philosophy such as Carnap and Wittgenstein. As philosophy is
a heavily Leftist discipline however, I have long awaited an attack
from some philosopher accusing me of making coat-trailing references not
backed by any real philosophical erudition. I suppose it is
encouraging that no such attacks have eventuated but I thought that I
should perhaps forestall them anyway -- by pointing out that in my
younger days I did complete three full-year courses in analytical
philosophy (at 3 different universities!) and that I have had papers on
mainstream analytical philosophy topics published in academic journals
As well as being an academic, I am an army man and I am pleased and
proud to say that I have worn my country's uniform. Although my service
in the Australian army was chiefly noted for its un-notability, I DID
join voluntarily in the Vietnam era, I DID reach the rank of Sergeant,
and I DID volunteer for a posting in Vietnam. So I think I may be
forgiven for saying something that most army men think but which most
don't say because they think it is too obvious: The profession of arms
is the noblest profession of all because it is the only profession where
you offer to lay down your life in performing your duties. Our men
fought so that people could say and think what they like but I myself
always treat military men with great respect -- respect which in my
view is simply their due.
A real army story here
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day and there is JUST ONE saying
of Hitler's that I rather like. It may not even be original to him but
it is found in chapter 2 of Mein Kampf (published in 1925):
"Widerstaende sind nicht da, dass man vor ihnen kapituliert, sondern
dass man sie bricht". The equivalent English saying is "Difficulties
exist to be overcome" and that traces back at least to the 1920s -- with
attributions to Montessori and others. Hitler's metaphor is however
one of smashing barriers rather than of politely hopping over them and I
am myself certainly more outspoken than polite. Hitler's colloquial
Southern German is notoriously difficult to translate but I think I can
manage a reasonable translation of that saying: "Resistance is there
not for us to capitulate to but for us to break". I am quite sure that I
don't have anything like that degree of determination in my own life
but it seems to me to be a good attitude in general anyway
I have used many sites to post my writings over the years and many have
gone bad on me for various reasons. So if you click on a link here to
my other writings you may get a "page not found" response if the link
was put up some time before the present. All is not lost, however. All
my writings have been reposted elsewhere. If you do strike a failed
link, just take the filename (the last part of the link) and add it to
the address of any of my current home pages and -- Voila! -- you should
find the article concerned.
COMMENTS: I have gradually added comments facilities to all my blogs.
The comments I get are interesting. They are mostly from Leftists and
most consist either of abuse or mere assertions. Reasoned arguments
backed up by references to supporting evidence are almost unheard of
from Leftists. Needless to say, I just delete such useless comments.
You can email me here
(Hotmail address). In emailing me, you can address me as "John", "Jon",
"Dr. Ray" or "JR" and that will be fine -- but my preference is for
Index page for this site
"Tongue Tied"
"Dissecting Leftism" (Backup here)
"Australian Politics"
"Education Watch International"
"Political Correctness Watch"
"Greenie Watch"
"Food & Health Skeptic"
"Eye on Britain"
"Immigration Watch International" blog.
"Marx & Engels in their own words"
"A scripture blog"
"Some memoirs"
To be continued ....
Queensland Police -- A barrel with lots of bad apples
Australian Police News
Of Interest
"Leftists as Elitists"
Socialized Medicine
Western Heart
QANTAS -- A dying octopus
BRIAN LEITER (Ladderman)
Obama Watch
Obama Watch (2)
Dissecting Leftism -- Large font site
Michael Darby
The Kogarah Madhouse (St George Bank)
AGL -- A bumbling monster
Telstra/Bigpond follies
Optus bungling
Vodafrauds (vodafone)
Bank of Queensland blues
There are also two blogspot blogs which record what I think are my main recent articles here and here. Similar content can be more conveniently accessed via my subject-indexed list of short articles here or here (I rarely write long articles these days)
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